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Author Topic: Cyrus Resort Ice Report  (Read 1822 times)

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Offline HD

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👍🏼 We got the “go ahead!” — we will be allowing 1/2 ton vehicles and smaller out, hauling portables only.  We have anywhere from 12-15” of ice on our road. Our road is out a total of 2 miles (reaching depths up to 28’). A crack has opened up on our road about 1.4 miles out — we have mats over the crack and it is well marked, please use the resources we have out there when crossing! We ask that you do not go north of our houses, as we have not checked the ice any further.

⚠️ We WILL NOT be allowing any houses out quite yet, but it’s a POSSIBILITY for this weekend (Friday, December 29th). ⚠️

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Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline Jerkbiat

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 :happy1: I didn't make it out this weekend, so I have no report. Thanks HD
Hey look your bobber is up!