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Author Topic: corona pandemic~  (Read 605298 times)

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Offline delcecchi

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Seems to me if a company  wants you to show  you are vaccinated that is up to them.     Mayo never handed out the vaccine cards, so far as I know.   Wife didn't get one either and she was pretty soon after they got started.   VA gave me one.   

WTF is the matter with people that they don't want to get vaccinated?   Who is afraid of Bill Gates.  :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
I could say the same about people that want to take an experimental vaccine that was rushed out. It is called personal choice. You want to be a ginny pig, have at it. Your choice.

I got mine as soon as I could.    Drove to VA in Minneapolis twice to do so.    The vaccine is not experimental.   It got an expedited emergency authorization because the FDA full authorization process takes several years normally.   You will get either infected or vaccinated unless you are extremely lucky and careful.   If you are vaccinated and are unlucky and get infected you don't get very sick if you get sick at all.   

There is an incredible amount of BS floating around for some reason.  Not sure why people believe stuff from some random dude on the net.   And illegals have nothing to do with it.   Yeah they ought to stop them but they aren't.    If you are worrying about them spreading covid, even more reason to get vaccinated.   

Offline Steve-o

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Well, an mRNA-based vaccine is experimental, and everyone who takes the shot is part of the experiment.  Yeah, putting it this way sounds like hyperbole, but it is true.  No one understands the long-term affects of spike protein molecules in our bodies.  I reckon - like all things - we will find out over time that it affects some people more than others. 

I do find it odd that we are 18 months into the pandemic and we don't have a "conventional" flu vaccine to combat Covid-19.  Drug companies used to crank out a new flu formula every year.  Yeah, I know this process has 6 months lead time, but hello...

The Novavax "traditionally produced" flu vaccine is coming, but they are currently having problems with production quality certification from the FDA. 

I really am surprised at how many folks have not gotten vaccinated.  I bet, however, that that number would increase dramatically if drug companies / the gub'ment offered a traditional fly vaccine alternative that HAS been proven to be safe over time as opposed to the mNRA technology - that although promising - is only now being tested.

Offline Rebel SS

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Lockdown again headed to the wunnerful Med city, I was just told they're looking at... :doah: :censored:

Offline snow1

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One would think if this pandemic was/is such a national health issue the CDC  would've demanded this biden administration to seal our southern border 6 months ago,but oh noooo let's allow 100's of 1000's of 3rd world invaders unchecked or jab'd in and shipped all over our country and now another spike,gee really?.mind boggeling,with the dems controlling the hill slim chance we'll see biden impeached...unless we have convention of states then a clean sweep if I understand this correctly,biden,karris,pelosi,schumer,out.hopefully waters as well.

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's

Online glenn57

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Man being away for a week and not listening to this crap. Except for the radio on from cabin to this lake then the next one or to catch the weather on the radio. No TV for a week was awesome. :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Man being away for a week and not listening to this crap. Except for the radio on from cabin to this lake then the next one or to catch the weather on the radio. No TV for a week was awesome. :happy1:

Here; I'll fix that for ya.  ;)

Online glenn57

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Man being away for a week and not listening to this crap. Except for the radio on from cabin to this lake then the next one or to catch the weather on the radio. No TV for a week was awesome. :happy1:

Here; I'll fix that for ya.  ;)
ain't gonna look. :mooning: :rotflmao:. Just read in paper, this area, Stearns,Benton and sherburne counties have the highest infection rate with the delta airlines variant.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Local 5:00 PM news said we're at 45 cases per 100,000. That's purty high.....
But, watcha gonna do?  :confused:

Look at 2nd purple map....
« Last Edit: August 08/11/21, 05:38:27 PM by Rebel SS »

Offline delcecchi

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Astra Zeneca from UK is a more conventional vaccine, as is J and J. 

Offline snow1

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this morning,news had"Reba McEntire" on front-n-center both her and boy toy were jabbed both have the virus now...makes one wonder,does our gov't have a clue at all? the cdc is silent about closing our southern border all while the feds are drop shipping these infected folks all over our country...hell we citizens can't even go vacation in canada these days w/o a vac certificate and a fresh nose swab,think mike said a 7 hour wait to enter canada check points but just walk in to the ole U.S.of A. is this the remake of mail in ballots again?for 2022 mid term?,lot's of question's

Offline Jerkbiat

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Heck the dumbs want to give them all citizenship in the next bill. They basically want 10 million new voters. They could care less how much covid the bring in. All they see in a new voter role for the dumbs.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline Steve-o

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Heck the dumbs want to give them all citizenship in the next bill. They basically want 10 million new voters. They could care less how much covid the bring in. All they see in a new voter role for the dumbs.
And if they succeed in this plan and maintain their majority in the house and senate in the midterm elections, then they will feel empowered to pack the Supreme court with 3 or 5 new justices.

Online glenn57

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First off, I'm 10000% in agreement regarding the south border, BUT I don't know how you guys think the mail in/ absentee ballot is something new??? :confused:

That's been around for a long time.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline snow1

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First off, I'm 10000% in agreement regarding the south border, BUT I don't know how you guys think the mail in/ absentee ballot is something new??? :confused:

That's been around for a long time.

glenn big difference between absentee and mail in votes,thought you knew this as a old demo,absentee like our military folks etc have citizenship proof.mail in ballots is a crap shoot,no voter I.D...

Offline Jerkbiat

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Exactly. That is the problem with the mass mail out of ballots.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Online glenn57

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I dunno, I haven't missed voting in ANY election since I was old enough to vote and never got one???

I have never voted absentee, but don't you mail them to?? Don't they need to be a registered voter to receive a mailed ballot??
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Jerkbiat

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With absentee your have to go and request the ballot yourself. Then you get the ballot and mail it in. When they do the mass mail out like the did last year anybody can get the ballot. People move, people die and someone else gets the ballot. Just makes it easier for people to cheat. Up here in LOTW county they mail out the ballots to us and we mail them back. In a smaller community it is easier to police. But I wish they would actually stop myself. No reason people can't go into the court house to vote. I really wish they would require voter ID. They want to have a vaccine passport, but not voter ID.  :crazy: Makes no sense to me other than voter ID would make it harder for them to cheat.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline Gunner55

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Never went to the courthouse for mine, brother did though & got 1 sent up here for me.  :scratch: We could've mailed them in too but we were headed back home anyway so we took them to the courthouse ourselves. We're both registered voters in our precinct & have been for close to 50 years.
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline Leech~~

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First off, I'm 10000% in agreement regarding the south border, BUT I don't know how you guys think the mail in/ absentee ballot is something new??? :confused:

That's been around for a long time.

Dear senor. 
Please cast my mail in ballot for Mr. Joe Biden 2024, gracias.   :bonk: :bonk:  :rotflmao:

 Sra. Otilia Ramos Perez               
   UriĆ³n 30                               
   Col. Atlatilco                         
   02860 MEXICO, D.F.                   
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's

Offline snow1

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"No, they cannot do that".....The courts.    Ya, right.

JHC....  keep this B.S. in cali....good grief,tyrant Timmy might get idea's.

Offline Jerkbiat

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And I thought NY was the first city to do this  :bs:.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's

Online glenn57

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 :confused: :crazy: seen on the news last night now they are recommending a 3rd vaccine 8 months after you got your last one. JB, your still good!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

that for the pfizer and moderna shots, nothing yet on the J & J shot.

there was some garbly goop about at first a 3rd shot for people with immune issues which represented only 2.7% of the population, then they said.....breaking news.............there recommending the 3rd shot 8 months after.   :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:

yesterday i think it was i read Eupoe is to the point where they realize its there to stay and are gearing up to deal with it!!!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Everyone mask up everywhere for the rest of yer life. Get yer 3 & 4 sooper dooper booster shots and get paid in pull-tabs, beer, or food baskets.

Offline Jerkbiat

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Thanks Glenn. Yep, I am still good.  :happy1:  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: More mask mandates are  :crazy:!!
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline Steve-o

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Why do we (society/government) continue to over complicate this.   :confused:

If you want to protect yourself with a vaccine, take the shot.

If you want to protect yourself with a mask, where the mask.

At this point, I can't figure out why there is any talk of mandates anywhere for any reason.

From this point forward, everything SHOULD be a personal decision.  :angry2:

Offline Jerkbiat

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Why do we (society/government) continue to over complicate this.   :confused:

If you want to protect yourself with a vaccine, take the shot.

If you want to protect yourself with a mask, where the mask.

At this point, I can't figure out why there is any talk of mandates anywhere for any reason.

From this point forward, everything SHOULD be a personal decision.  :angry2:
Unfortunately I can only like this once. Agreed a million %!!!!!! That is what I have been saying.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Online glenn57

  • Master Outdoorsman
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Why do we (society/government) continue to over complicate this.   :confused:

If you want to protect yourself with a vaccine, take the shot.

If you want to protect yourself with a mask, where the mask.

At this point, I can't figure out why there is any talk of mandates anywhere for any reason.

From this point forward, everything SHOULD be a personal decision.  :angry2:
Unfortunately I can only like this once. Agreed a million %!!!!!! That is what I have been saying.
X 2
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!