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Author Topic: corona pandemic~  (Read 606020 times)

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Online Gunner55

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:scratch: I'm bettin he's NOT the only 1 in DC getting tested a few times a week. :pouty: Wonder :scratch: how often Nancy & Chuck have averaged getting tested the last few weeks.  :rolleyes: :sad: :crazy:
[/quote) Don’t know about Schumer.  It I read that Pelosi and McConnell were offered tests and both declined, saying save them for the front line medical people and first responders who were at risk.
 :scratch: They turned down testing for all of Congress at the present time, is what I read.
« Last Edit: May 05/03/20, 05:54:39 PM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online glenn57

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All I know is this needs to change. You quarantine the sick, not the healthy for cripes sake. :doofus: :doofus:
:tut: Bet I can find more than a couple people who'd say you should be kept in quarantine indefinitely.  :rolleyes: :nerd: :nerd: So, I guess it depends on who determines what the definition of sick really is. :sleazy: :doofus: :confused:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :confused: :banghead: :cheerleader: :cheerleader: :shocked:
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Online LPS

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We went shopping yesterday as I said earlier.  Of course we wore our masks and more people were than the last time we were there.  I was surprised how some of the shelves were empty.  Not many cans of vegetables were there.  Had lots of chicken, pork and beef though.  The produce doesn't look very good neither.  We didn't get lettuce that we were looking forward to.  Looked old to us.  So we got more frozen veggies. 

Online glenn57

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st cloud made the news last nite. said it was the #1 covid hotspot in the country now.  more testing available is going to play games with numbers..........guess the chicken plant in cold spring was a big factor. i know the workers were squaking a week or 2 ago.
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Online mike89

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that and the turkey plant in Melrose too... 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online glenn57

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yea fergot about that one............essentially it was stearns county numbers.........again way skewed.............. :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
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Online LPS

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I am afraid that by the time areas get hit hard by this that some will already be tired of taking precautions and that will make things much worse. We try to stay on top of it but it isn't easy. 

Online Gunner55

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From what I understand :scratch:, 1 of the major reasons why the #'s are jumping so bad now is that initially they were NOT testing the people in some of the higher risk situations. Mainly nursing homes & meat processing plants were being omitted partially because they didn't have enough tests for the people on the front lines fighting it & now they are.  :rolleyes: :doah:  :sad:
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online Dotch

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That's one of the things that made me scratch my head when this was first getting going Gunner. They had these roll in testing sites where people were able to get tested randomly. People were scared half $hitless. I know some local hypochondriac types were the first in line there. All that did was burn up a lot of tests unnececcesarily.  :scratch:

Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online Dotch

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A lengthy video I watched over the weekend. Pretty interesting viewpoint.

Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline Steve-o

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All that did was burn up a lot of tests unnececcesarily.  :scratch:

I don't think it was unnecessary.  Testing serves two primary purposes.

1.  If you have symptoms, it lets you know if they are caused by covid.

2.  Since we know so little about this virus, and since so many people who have it are asymptomatic, random testing is necessary to see where the virus is spreading.

Someone without symptoms can spread as easily as someone with symptoms.  Bottom line is there aren't enough tests - and still won't be for a while.  To really get an accurate picture of where the virus is at and how fast is spreads, everyone is going to have to get tested (or at least statistically significant random samples) - not just symptomatic folks. 

My rant for the morning...

Still saw tons of folks at the home store without masks this past weekend.    :doah:

I get it that you aren't afraid to get the virus - you're young (or middle aged) and healthy and not worried.  But DAMMIT this isn't about YOU.   :angry2:

The three easiest things we can do to slow the spread is wash your hands, wear a mask, and not crowd in close to each other.  Why is this so difficult?   :confused:

Online roony

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That's one of the things that made me scratch my head when this was first getting going Gunner. They had these roll in testing sites where people were able to get tested randomly. People were scared half $hitless. I know some local hypochondriac types were the first in line there. All that did was burn up a lot of tests unnececcesarily.  :scratch:

Yup, it was a shame to use up all ten tests the administration provided at that time!  :mooning: :mooning:

Online Dotch

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Yer wrong! It was 11!  :rotflmao:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online glenn57

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talking to the General this past weekend he referenced Menards was now requiring masks to go in the store. i know Costco started today.

in Menards case, he said if you dont have a mask they give ya one and charge you a buck, i think its totally  :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: if there making that requirement to wear one, i believe it is there obligation to provide that mask without charge. PPE if required, is the responsiblity of the employer, or place thats created that policy................
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Steve-o

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If stores can enforce no shirts/no shoes policies, I don't have them problem enforcing a mask requirement in these circumstances.

We've been at these executive orders long enough for folks to figure out how to scrounge a mask, make a mask, or use a bandanna, or cut up an old T-shirt.  And if it is really that hard to find masks, I think going to Menards to pick one up for $1 is a great deal!

(However, Menards should supply masks to their employees without cost.)

Its the biggest no-brainer in the history of man.  Wear a mask when you are around other people.

Online glenn57

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No no Steve....  :pouty: they, Menards created that mask policy, requirement. Should I choose to go to Menards I wouldn't have issues at all with wearing a mask, BUT when they require it, they need to supply it free of charge. Every place I know that has PPE policies are REQUIRED to supply them at no cost.
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Online LPS

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Should I send you a dollar Glenn?   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
« Last Edit: May 05/04/20, 03:31:18 PM by LPS »

Online glenn57

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Should I send you a dollar Glenn?   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:shocked: :shocked: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: all donations are accepted........except for anything dotch sends in the mail!!!!!!! :evil: :rotflmao:

its a matter of principle. :confused: i deal with PPE stuff in our shops.............i wore welding masks and dust masks for 28 years, and the policy writer is required to PROVIDE them!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:

so when should i expect the dollar!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
« Last Edit: May 05/04/20, 03:55:45 PM by glenn57 »
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Offline delcecchi

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talking to the General this past weekend he referenced Menards was now requiring masks to go in the store. i know Costco started today.

in Menards case, he said if you dont have a mask they give ya one and charge you a buck, i think its totally  :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: if there making that requirement to wear one, i believe it is there obligation to provide that mask without charge. PPE if required, is the responsiblity of the employer, or place thats created that policy................

Perhaps you are confusing customer and employee.   And I think it was your guy Walz that made the policy.   Maybe he will send you a mask.

Offline Leech~~

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No no Steve....  :pouty: they, Menards created that mask policy, requirement. Should I choose to go to Menards I wouldn't have issues at all with wearing a mask, BUT when they require it, they need to supply it free of charge. Every place I know that has PPE policies are REQUIRED to supply them at no cost.

Well, I never see anyone handing out shoes and shirts either..................So.  :scratch:
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Online Gunner55

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 :scratch: Wonder if the people watchin the door for Menards will start wearin bulletproof vests tomorrow? :crazy: :sad:
« Last Edit: May 05/04/20, 06:00:38 PM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online glenn57

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talking to the General this past weekend he referenced Menards was now requiring masks to go in the store. i know Costco started today.

in Menards case, he said if you dont have a mask they give ya one and charge you a buck, i think its totally  :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: if there making that requirement to wear one, i believe it is there obligation to provide that mask without charge. PPE if required, is the responsiblity of the employer, or place thats created that policy................

Perhaps you are confusing customer and employee.   And I think it was your guy Walz that made the policy.   Maybe he will send you a mask.
first, Willy Walz ain't my guy. :tut: :mooning: second, Walz didn't make or demand yet wearing masks, Menards made that demand, which tells me they need to supply them at no cost. But I suppose when you sit behind a desk you wouldn't have a clue about PPE. :nerd:
« Last Edit: May 05/04/20, 06:11:40 PM by glenn57 »
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Online glenn57

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No no Steve....  :pouty: they, Menards created that mask policy, requirement. Should I choose to go to Menards I wouldn't have issues at all with wearing a mask, BUT when they require it, they need to supply it free of charge. Every place I know that has PPE policies are REQUIRED to supply them at no cost.

Well, I never see anyone handing out shoes and shirts either..................So.  :scratch:
Yea so what's your point?? :scratch: has nuttin to do with covid.
« Last Edit: May 05/04/20, 06:49:14 PM by glenn57 »
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Online glenn57

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I think you guys are totally missing my point :scratch:. I am not against no shoes no shirt no service. I'm not even against the mask thing. I have issues when they implement a policy or requiring PPE, THAT a customer has to pay for it.

If you work in an office setting, and you go out on a shop type floor that requires saftey glasses you need to wear them and the employer needs to provide them free if cost.
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Online LPS

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I and most of us do see your point Glenn.  You are just trying to be a pain in the ass and would rather spread disease or at least make it look like you are instead of being on the other group of people that are truly trying to help defeat this terrible virus.  SO you have made your point!  I feel sorry for you.  And you are still my friend.  Noone likes to wear a mask but some of us care....
« Last Edit: May 05/04/20, 07:00:45 PM by LPS »

Online glenn57

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I respect your opinion and won't hold it against you. Where still good. :happy1: but you are wrong about me not carrying.
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Online LPS

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So what are you carrying?

Online LPS

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So you are going to carry a firearm into Menards but won't wear a mask???

Online glenn57

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So you are going to carry a firearm into Menards but won't wear a mask???
no. :rotflmao: I don't carry. I mean care. Your mistaken I don't care. Sorry!!👍
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online mike89

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your fat fingers get you in trouble alot!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!