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Author Topic: corona pandemic~  (Read 606062 times)

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Online Gunner55

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No kidding,  hope all is well roony.  I posted before but tge young guys at work didn't care, sat on top of each either almost, some of them still don't mask up but sure like to play the " I think I was around someone that was positive " card over the weekend,  they'll ride this excuse for a long time not to work.. pukes.
:tut: :mooning: :pouty: Until it gets REAL for them & they take it home to their families. :doofus: :angry2:
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline mike89

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I have kept quiet here but what I have not said is Linda works in health care too at the Sauk Center hospital and she/we see that too...  we were our masks but it sure seems the younger one's flaunt it...  makes me wonder for sure... 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online glenn57

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Ok do I'm going to play devil's advocate here. I may have posted this in another thread.  So you go to a doctor and they tell you that you have an infection, they give you antibiotics to treat it. They tell you that you have a virus, so what do they say, it's got to run its course. :moon: and this is a virus. Now they may give you meds to help with some of the effects.

 So my eye doc says she has talked to docs at the St cloud hospital and they say that regardless if how careful you are 70 % of the population will get this in and that is doctors that gave dealt with this.

Now with that being said, I will conform with the rules in place to the best of my ability but there is so much  :bs: out there about this I can't believe anything. :pouty:
« Last Edit: August 08/29/20, 08:32:28 PM by glenn57 »
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Online glenn57

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Not sure how many people others know who know people that have had it. But I deal with a lot of people. The closest to someone I know is my daughter has a friend who has a friend who was told she had it. No symptoms, and get boyfriend whom she lives with and tested several times never had it

Then there's all these tests you can't believe.
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Online roony

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Well I probably don't know near as many people as you Glenn but I personally know two that have died from it and maybe a dozen or so that have it or have had it. Just by chance I suppose.

Offline delcecchi

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Our daughter knows a family that all got it from kid going to camp in black hills.

Rich hasn't had many cases in the facilities cuz they are really locked down likesupermax

Online glenn57

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Well I probably don't know near as many people as you Glenn but I personally know two that have died from it and maybe a dozen or so that have it or have had it. Just by chance I suppose.
Roony, I don't deny this Covid isn't real and it kills people. From what I have read and heard it really affects people with weakened immune systems.

It's hard for me to grasp and take seriously with all the skewed information, false testing, death certificates as covid when there are other underlying issues, back and forth contradictory does and donts.

Now there is information out that kids can be super spreaders,. Those that aren't required to wear masks. We are what, a month it's this mask mandate. Cases are not going down and in some cases they go up. How can someone reasonably believe the masks work??

Deal with the problem areas.
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Online roony

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I know that masks don't work unless everyone wears them and they don't. A lot of people seem to think its too much of a sacrifice for them to make.

Offline delcecchi

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Corona Virus was a problem since it was brand new and nobody knew very much about it, and the Chinese that did weren't saying anything.   

So "experts"  said a lot of stuff that they really had no idea was true, or in a few cases (caugh fauci) basically lied due to expediency. 

And even today a lot of "experts" are basically spouting off with stuff they really don't know. 

Offline Jerkbiat

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Not sure how many people others know who know people that have had it. But I deal with a lot of people. The closest to someone I know is my daughter has a friend who has a friend who was told she had it. No symptoms, and get boyfriend whom she lives with and tested several times never had it

Then there's all these tests you can't believe.

I know about 4-5 people that have had it. One of the first ones was a direct coworker who is 55 and spent about a month and half in the hospital. He got it bad. The others that have had it in their 50s also and the rest said they have had colds worse than the covid. Starting to see more cases popping up here at work too and we have been wearing masks at work for a long time. I am sure they get it outside side of work. One thing with the mask and why I don't believe they work is because people are constantly touching the mask\face adjusting the mask after touching other things. Like Glenn said cases  have gone up even after having to wear a mask.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Online roony

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Most masks do not protect you from others unless you have surgical masks. The main point of masks is to protect others from you. Combined with hand washing and sanitizing they will keep the infection rate to a manageable level. I wish people would pull together instead of having a tug of war.

Offline Jerkbiat

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Hey look your bobber is up!

Online roony

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What percentage of the general population have underlying conditions? I know I do. I'm an overweight male over 65 with high blood pressure.
« Last Edit: August 08/31/20, 08:47:56 AM by roony »

Offline deadeye

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Here's another option.  My wife and I both took the course online.  I checked first with my insurance company and they accept the certificate from the AARP online course.  Also, as a side benefit, I think the online course was much better and more informative than the last two in person courses we took.  You do not have to be an AARP member to take this course however, additional discounts apply. I believe it cost me $16 bucks for the course. 


***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Offline Steve-o

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Hmm, What to make of this.

I think this is just the pendulum swinging back and forth while society tries to figure out the real science of this disease.  Meanwhile, the politicians are fixated on using any information to discredit their opposition.

Of course most covid-death patients had underlying medical conditions.  Same with folks that die from the seasonal flu every year, except covid seems to be much more contagious and seems to hit many folks harder than the "ordinary" flu. 

The understanding that underlying medical conditions play a significant role in covid fatalities doesn't mean the covid pandemic is any less deadly.
« Last Edit: August 08/31/20, 09:26:59 AM by Steve-o »

Online glenn57

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Here's another option.  My wife and I both took the course online.  I checked first with my insurance company and they accept the certificate from the AARP online course.  Also, as a side benefit, I think the online course was much better and more informative than the last two in person courses we took.  You do not have to be an AARP member to take this course however, additional discounts apply. I believe it cost me $16 bucks for the course. 

:happy1: :happy1:THANKS wife suggested it. question...its an 8 hour course, do you sit in front of the  puter for 8 hours???? i understand you can hope in and out as your schedule fits.

yea we also need to check with the Ins company. i tend to be moe leaning to the in person simply so i get it done and not drag my feet.....but i will definitely look at the on line!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online glenn57

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2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online glenn57

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Hmm, What to make of this.

I think this is just the pendulum swinging back and forth while society tries to figure out the real science of this disease.  Meanwhile, the politicians are fixated on using any information to discredit their opposition.

Of course most covid-death patients had underlying medical conditions.  Same with folks that die from the seasonal flu every year, except covid seems to be much more contagious and seems to hit many folks harder than the "ordinary" flu. 

The understanding that underlying medical conditions play a significant role in covid fatalities doesn't mean the covid pandemic is any less deadly.
pendulum swinging.............more like  :bs: information to fit certain motives to me. just my opinion though. i'll still play by the rules!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline deadeye

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They have both the first timers 8 hour course and the refresher 4 hour course.  Yes, you do have to sit at your computer for the full course although as you stated you can stop and pickup where you left off as often as you want.  Note: The course is designed in such a way that you must remain at and read/view virtually all of the course material.  Numerous short segments (videos or other displays) and all require some sort of interaction. Usually you need to click on topics to play or read them or answer questions.  Very interactive I would say.  Also, most segments are short like 30 seconds to a couple minuets.  Once on a longer one I walked away for a while.  Not sure how long I was gone but when I return, the program had reset to prior to when I left so you can't cheat and not watch or listen.   :rotflmao:
As a heads up, you cannot take the course together and both get a certificate of completion. (yes we did and then I had to do it again).  Very well planned program I'd say.  Just do it on a cold rainy day and have a few while doing it. 
***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Online LPS

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You can stretch it out for days if you want Glenn.  It is a good course.
« Last Edit: August 08/31/20, 06:34:03 PM by LPS »

Online glenn57

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 :happy1: :happy1: great information guys..........really appreciate it. :happy1: not like some of them clowns i wont mention dotch, gunner boar or mikey!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Dotch

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Any suspicious packages arrive lately, little blue man?  :rotflmao:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online Gunner55

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 :scratch: Glenn taking this DD course online,  :laughroll: only way IMO  :tut: is if he's sittin in his chair in his office at the hall 'cause that's when he spends the most time on his laptop & that's just because he's always stirrin the pot here.  :pouty:                                                                                                 
« Last Edit: August 08/31/20, 04:10:55 PM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online glenn57

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:scratch: Glenn taking this DD course online,  :laughroll: only way IMO  :tut: is if he's sittin in his chair in his office at the hall 'cause that's when he spends the most time on his laptop & that's just because he's always stirrin the pot here.  :pouty:                                                                                               
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao:
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Online glenn57

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Any suspicious packages arrive lately, little blue man?  :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :super smiley: not lately. :happy1: and I'm leaving tomorrow before the mailman comes tomorrow.... Until Monday. :mooning:

2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline mike89

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oh things will settle down here then??   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

have fun!!
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online glenn57

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oh things will settle down here then??   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

have fun!!
you'll all miss me. :evil: :sleazy: :mooning: and my ears will be ringing because y'all will be taking pit shots at me in my absence. :pouty: :doah: :confused: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline mike89

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oh things will settle down here then??   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

have fun!!
you'll all miss me. :evil: :sleazy: :mooning: and my ears will be ringing because y'all will be taking pit shots at me in my absence. :pouty: :doah: :confused: :rotflmao:

I don't know about pit shots but we will do some pot shots!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online glenn57

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Pot shots, put shots, bad mouth, digs.... All da same thing!!! :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline mike89

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and I'll bet there are folks that would try this!!
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!