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Author Topic: corona pandemic~  (Read 606037 times)

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Online Dotch

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But wait! There's more! Wait till Joe & Hoe get their 2 cents worth in...
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online roony

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Good propaganda Dotch but no one ever said higher taxes for those with a net worth over $400,000. What has been proposed is an increase for those with a net income over that amount. You may be there but most of us aren't. At least I'm not.
How do you propose we pay for Trump's deficit without increasing revenue????

Online roony

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Back to the pandemic, Of course case numbers increase with the number of tests but that doesn't explain the increase in positivity rate, hospitalizations, or deaths. All are increasing at disturbing rates.

Online glenn57

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so what i find interesting, or troubling is of all the daily, weekly, monthly testing done......WHY arent you hearing or seeing the statistics of the negative tests??? seems like they just want to spread the gloom and doom!!! :scratch: :doah:

my wife would be one of the negative tests............

we here in this house do take this seriously, more so as not to spread it unknownly.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online roony

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Well, if your positivity rate is 15 percent then the negativity rate would be 85 percent. Glad I could help. Normally the media doesn't report how many people got through the day without being murdered either.  :crazy: :crazy:
« Last Edit: November 11/19/20, 10:16:22 AM by roony »

Online glenn57

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 :pouty: 2 completely different subjects roony.......but i get it. murders arent closing businesses for good, people losing there jobs!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Dotch

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Good propaganda Dotch but no one ever said higher taxes for those with a net worth over $400,000. What has been proposed is an increase for those with a net income over that amount. You may be there but most of us aren't. At least I'm not.
How do you propose we pay for Trump's deficit without increasing revenue????

You tell me pal. Your boy and yer girl will be in charge! I bet the Green Raw Deal will solve it. And ya, everyone knows it's $400,000 net income altho I suppose you could interpret it that way. Don't give them any ideas.
« Last Edit: November 11/19/20, 10:33:31 AM by Dotch »
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online Dotch

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Ya back to the 'rona issue. What about this mask mandate that was supposed to be the cure all? Didn't do anything one can see on the charts did it?
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online glenn57

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Ya back to the 'rona issue. What about this mask mandate that was supposed to be the cure all? Didn't do anything one can see on the charts did it?
in all fairness, i listened to walz last night, from what i got out of it was most the spikes came from places like the bars, where noone was wearing a mask. i mean how can you eat and drink with one on???? same with wedding receptions.

i dunno not know..just completely frustrating, and i get roony's concerns since i believe his bride works in a high risk enviroment!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Steve-o

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Should any of us be surprised that we are at this point?  Didn't we all know we were going to get here sooner or later?

I thought the original plan in April was to shut 'er down 'til we built up the auxiliary hospital beds for treating overflow cases.  Looks like now it is time to set them up.

I'm happy and hopeful that a vaccine will provide some relief, but the whole world wants the vaccine and it is going to be a long winter.

We are all relieved that the mortality rate isn't higher than it is, but don't be fooled by this.  You don't want to get Covid if you can avoid it.  Plenty of folks - so called long-haulers - have lingering symptoms after the initial recovery and we don't have a clue as to what the long term, physical damage will be.

I have long since moved out of the camp where folks think:  I'm young enough, I just want to get it and be done with it.

Good luck.

Offline mike89

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and with those those thoughts why are they closing hospitals now???  it's still about the money... 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline delcecchi

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Ever notice that Minnesota managed to keep its infection rate lower than the states surrounding us? Now, while Minnesota is close to maximum capacity, we are taking patients from those states that have ignored the seriousness of this pandemic. Recently patients from South Dakota have been quoted as saying "This can't be happening because the virus isn't real." These statements made on their deathbeds.
It is obvious that Walz isn't making these decisions because they help him politically. He would be more popular if he ignored science and did nothing to prevent our hospitals from being overwhelmed.
As far as sports go, I have always felt that the most valuable lesson of High School sports is how to work as a team. Maybe these young athletes will learn this lesson through some of the sacrifices they are making. It seems it is too late for many adults.

These days, the lesson of high school sports seems to be how great it is to be a celebrity.     Or maybe how you can be exploited for the gain of others.

Offline dutchboy

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I wonder if medical examiners went back say 10 years and reviewed the deaths how many would have been attributed to Covid?. Maybe it's been around for decades but we now classify things differently.
I believe it's a real thing, I also believe figures don't lie if liars don't figure. Any accountant worth his or her salt can make numbers read whatever way you want or need them to.

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Offline delcecchi

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I wonder if medical examiners went back say 10 years and reviewed the deaths how many would have been attributed to Covid?. Maybe it's been around for decades but we now classify things differently.
I believe it's a real thing, I also believe figures don't lie if liars don't figure. Any accountant worth his or her salt can make numbers read whatever way you want or need them to.

Pretty clear this is a new disease.     And pretty hard on us geezers.     Trying to control it is hard when basically it is just an annoyance to those under 40... 

Online Jerkbiat

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and with those those thoughts why are they closing hospitals now???  it's still about the money...
I hadn't heard they were closing down hospitals?
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline mike89

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one in the cities I heard for sure... 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Steve-o

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and with those those thoughts why are they closing hospitals now???  it's still about the money...
I hadn't heard they were closing down hospitals?

Likely would have happened eventually anyway, but the financial strains of pandemic probably hastened the moves.

2 St. Paul hospitals to close, psychiatric beds reduced in Fairview's shakeup

"Fairview Health said the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated losses that were already mounting. The system was $163 million in the red for the first half of the year, and is on track to close out 2020 an estimated $250 million in the hole."

Online glenn57

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for what hopitals charge i find that hard to believe. :scratch: :scratch:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Gunner55

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I don't & I think there'll be more casualties, particularly the smaller rural ones. Even Mayo is down to just outpatient surgeries & that may change soon according to the youngest niece who works in the G/I unit there. Bet that doesn't even come close to payin enough to keep the lights on there but they have the resources to withstand it. On a side note, our govenor has an 11:00 news conference scheduled & expectations are that she'll echo much of what Walz said last.
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online glenn57

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I don't & I think there'll be more casualties, particularly the smaller rural ones. Even Mayo is down to just outpatient surgeries & that may change soon according to the youngest niece who works in the G/I unit there. Bet that doesn't even come close to payin enough to keep the lights on there but they have the resources to withstand it. On a side note, our govenor has an 11:00 news conference scheduled & expectations are that she'll echo much of what Walz said last.
OK, i can see your point if there only doing out patient stuff. so your saying if someone is in dire need of say bypass surgery, there not doing them???????????

and i was under the impression most if not all the hospitals had different wings, wards set aside for covid. :scratch:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Gunner55

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Just seen somethin on the news in the last week where Mayo was converting another floor over to a CV-19 ward as all the beds were full in the area they had been using. :crazy: I think if it's emergency surgery or the patient could die that they would still do that, just no electives. 
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online glenn57

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i'll admit since i listened to walz give his new orders, i havent paid much attention to the news since. between reading about this post election  :bs: :bs: and covid in the paper, on the news and on the MSN homepage i've pretty much tuned it all out and ignored it. i flip it to the news about 15 minutes after it starts to catch the weather and sports!!!!!  :pouty:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Gunner55

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Same here!! Except I've been doing that for quite awhile, the news is usually depressing, hardly ever any feelgood stories on it so :thumbs:. Extra bad these days. :tut: :pouty:
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online roony

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Took the warden to Mankato grocery shopping. Toilet paper was all wiped out as a manner of speaking. People are getting in the hoarding mood again.

Offline mike89

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heard that on the news last night roony, people are nuts!!!   
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline delcecchi

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Took the warden to Mankato grocery shopping. Toilet paper was all wiped out as a manner of speaking. People are getting in the hoarding mood again.

TP was sure rolling out of Costco this week.   

Online LPS

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So why???  Do people think the will quit making it?  The store we shopped at had plenty on the shelves yet. 

Online glenn57

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So why???  Do people think the will quit making it?  The store we shopped at had plenty on the shelves yet.
yea i dont understand that either LPS!!!! :doofus: :doofus: the costco we where at yesterday already had i 1 per limit. i also seen other items that had limits too.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online LPS

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I almost wonder if the stores don't do some of their own "it may run out" things on Facebook to spur sales.  Otherwise why would toilet paper just run out?  We are still the same amount of people using it. 

Offline mike89

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they gor the crap scared out of them I guess... :doah:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!