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Author Topic: corona pandemic~  (Read 606307 times)

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Offline mike89

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haven't seen any mask shaming but I have heard of it..  I wear it most of the time but see many folks who don't....  and yes I'm leaning toward the shot too... 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline delcecchi

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Yes, some states, like Minnesota and NY appear to have been only administering shots during weekday business hours as if they were the post office or a bank.   

Since they vaccinations were all rushed to market, is being slow a bad thing?
You bet your butt it is.   People will die because of it.   I could be one of them, being in the demographic, age and medical wise, where the death rate is right up there.     If they want to slow roll it for people like you, ok. Give to me and wife instead.      No excuse for all those doses sitting around.   

Just so I understand. Are you being told you don't qualify for the shot yet or there isn't enough vaccine on hand yet? Are they refusing you the shot for a specific reason?

You don't get to choose, the powers that be will let you know when you are eligible.   They have to work their way through phase 1a to get to folks like me and my wife in phase 1b, or maybe it is phase 1c.   Not there yet cuz they taking their own sweet time getting through those ahead of me in line.   

Offline dutchboy

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Eventually it will be treated like the "No guns allowed" signs. Some will pay attention, some won't.
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Online Dotch

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Yes, some states, like Minnesota and NY appear to have been only administering shots during weekday business hours as if they were the post office or a bank.   

I just hope they don't use the "essential employee/food producer" nonsense as a criteria in which case I'd probably qualify. If they did, would gladly give up my dose to you del. I'm younger, type O & healthy even though I've been around lots of people who've had it. Suspect I may have had it already too, possibly over a year ago. Several friends have tested positive after the fact even though their symptoms were extremely light. 

Since they vaccinations were all rushed to market, is being slow a bad thing?
You bet your butt it is.   People will die because of it.   I could be one of them, being in the demographic, age and medical wise, where the death rate is right up there.     If they want to slow roll it for people like you, ok. Give to me and wife instead.      No excuse for all those doses sitting around.   

Just so I understand. Are you being told you don't qualify for the shot yet or there isn't enough vaccine on hand yet? Are they refusing you the shot for a specific reason?

You don't get to choose, the powers that be will let you know when you are eligible.   They have to work their way through phase 1a to get to folks like me and my wife in phase 1b, or maybe it is phase 1c.   Not there yet cuz they taking their own sweet time getting through those ahead of me in line.
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online Gunner55

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Maybe your excuses for Walz are right, but I am disappointed by the lack of urgency I perceive in Minnesota's approach to getting folks vaccinated.   We will see in the next couple weeks how Minnesota handles getting folks vaccinated.   

The lackadaisical approach to using the vaccine we have in Minnesota is discouraging at least to me.
ya know Del, i actually agree with you on this.  :happy1: for the way the state of Minnesota tooted there horn about being one of the top states in the nation with this covid and vaccine crap......its pretty pathetic how its not getting in people faster, although i did hear one maybe logical reason  :scratch: was because of the holidays.

but if in fact that they areonly doing vacines during business type hours thats total  :bs: weather what side thefence you are on getting the vacine.

i'm not convinced in this state this mask thing is going away any time soon based on history of whats taken place so far, but from no way to getting the shot, to maybe to now if i can do my part to be a statistic to get to the herd immunity.......i'm leaning to do the shot!!!!!

i know scary aint tit!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
  :scratch: :shocked:  :doah:                      OMG!!                       :crazy: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
« Last Edit: January 01/06/21, 08:13:20 AM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline Boar

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wife got the first one yesterday!

Offline LPS

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Offline mike89

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good for her!!   :happy1:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline glenn57

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wife got the first one yesterday!
does she still like you!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: if she does the vacine aint working!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :moon: :evil:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline glenn57

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i just read on MSN in the twin cities section the outline of dotches buddies new rona rules. a bit of what i expected but needing a reservation to go to a bar  :doah: :scratch: :scratch: :doofus: :doofus: :doofus: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

not that i'm heading to one first thing monday morning. :smoking: :sleazy:

think i'll go to st cloud about 2!!!!!! 
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Boar

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anyone one know the qualifications on the stimulous payment?

Offline Steve-o

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i just read on MSN in the twin cities section the outline of dotches buddies new rona rules

Once Good King Walz starts making rules, its hard for him (or anyone else) to stop.  :censored:

MPR News: Indoor dining to resume next week; theaters and museums can also reopen

"It will allow bars and restaurants to operate at 50 percent capacity, with no more than six people to a table or parties of two at the bar. Reservations are required and dine-in service must end by 10 p.m.

Entertainment venues like movie theaters, museums and bowling alleys may reopen at 25 percent capacity. Masks will be required and food service must also end by 10 p.m.

Gyms remain capped at 25 percent, with a 150-person limit, and class sizes can increase to 25 people. The order also says people must maintain 9 feet of distance, with masks required. Pools, which reopened earlier this week, must also operate at 25 percent capacity.

Small weddings receptions and other private parties may resume, with limits. If food and drinks are served, parties must be kept to two households or 10 people indoors; that rises to three households or 15 people if the events are held outdoors.

Churches will remain at 50 percent capacity, but the new order will no longer limit the overall number of worshippers.

Youth sports resumed practices earlier this week, but games will not resume until Jan. 14 with limits on total spectators."

Offline LPS

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If you as a couple earn under $75,000 you get the $600 ea. is what I think.  Otherwise it is reduced. 

Offline mike89

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my guess the reservation would be for eating, not just stopping for a drink... 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline LPS

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I'm seeing it as you walk in the door and say I want a reservation for right now.  They say ok you can sit over at that table.   :happy1:

Offline Steve-o

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my guess the reservation would be for eating, not just stopping for a drink...

"...with no more than six people to a table or parties of two at the bar."   :confused:

Yeah, like if my party of two is sitting next to a different party of two at the bar, our risk of covid is less than if I was sitting with a party of four?   :scratch:

Officer:  You know that guy two stools down?
Me:  Never saw him before in my life.

Online Gunner55

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I'm seeing it as you walk in the door and say I want a reservation for right now.  They say ok you can sit over at that table.   :happy1:
:happy1: We did just that after the 1st shutdown, early May or June(?), with our barber in GR. We were the only people in his shop but he wouldn't let us sit down until he had a name & #. He led us to believe it was more about contact tracing than anything else. He did tell us that 1 of his barber friends in the metro had his license pulled & had to pay a hefty fine for not following the rules. :crazy: :doofus:
« Last Edit: January 01/06/21, 01:03:18 PM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online Leech~~

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i just read on MSN in the twin cities section the outline of dotches buddies new rona rules

Once Good King Walz starts making rules, its hard for him (or anyone else) to stop.  :censored:

MPR News: Indoor dining to resume next week; theaters and museums can also reopen

"It will allow bars and restaurants to operate at 50 percent capacity, with no more than six people to a table or parties of two at the bar. Reservations are required and dine-in service must end by 10 p.m.

Entertainment venues like movie theaters, museums and bowling alleys may reopen at 25 percent capacity. Masks will be required and food service must also end by 10 p.m.

Gyms remain capped at 25 percent, with a 150-person limit, and class sizes can increase to 25 people. The order also says people must maintain 9 feet of distance, with masks required. Pools, which reopened earlier this week, must also operate at 25 percent capacity.

Small weddings receptions and other private parties may resume, with limits. If food and drinks are served, parties must be kept to two households or 10 people indoors; that rises to three households or 15 people if the events are held outdoors.

Churches will remain at 50 percent capacity, but the new order will no longer limit the overall number of worshippers.

Youth sports resumed practices earlier this week, but games will not resume until Jan. 14 with limits on total spectators."

Yep getting closer to Biden taking his bow so time to loosen everything back up.   :bs:
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline glenn57

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It's a state by state thing, not the feds leech  :tut:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Gunner55

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Lots of conspiracy theorists 'round here & just about everywhere else lately! :crazy: ;) :rolleyes:  :whistling: Must be somethin in the water!! :pouty: :scratch: :doah: :confused:
« Last Edit: January 01/06/21, 01:50:33 PM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline Steve-o

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Yep getting closer to Biden taking his bow so time to loosen everything back up.   :bs:

Four years of Trump and four years of Biden has proven to be and will continue to be nothing but a Punch and Judy clown show.  And the Federal Government response to the covid pandemic is the stick the Dems and Repubs use to beat each other.

Offline mike89

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some truth there!!
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Jerkbiat

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If you as a couple earn under $75,000 you get the $600 ea. is what I think.  Otherwise it is reduced.
It is $75,000 per person or $150,000 per house hold. If you qualified for the previous stimulus you should qualify for this one also.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline mike89

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sounds like the US capitol just went into lock down cause of the protesters... 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline delcecchi

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anyone one know the qualifications on the stimulous payment?

Yeah, don't be too rich.   Just got mine a couple days ago

Online Leech~~

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It's a state by state thing, not the feds leech  :tut:
Yep, starting there. Just saying. Wait until first part of Feb. Kids will go back to school and thing will be wonderful again. Wait for It! 😉
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Online Dotch

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anyone one know the qualifications on the stimulous payment?

Yeah, don't be too rich.   Just got mine a couple days ago

Arrived in the account the other day. Will be able to keep Ruby in dog biscuits another few months. Actually, they're not bad. Keep yer teeth clean too!  :happy1:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline glenn57

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It's a state by state thing, not the feds leech  :tut:
Yep, starting there. Just saying. Wait until first part of Feb. Kids will go back to school and thing will be wonderful again. Wait for It! 😉
can't wait!! :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline mike89

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Indoor dining at bars and restaurants can open at 50 percent capacity, with a maximum of 150 people. Parties of no more than six people must remain six feet from other parties; bar seating is open to parties of two; reservations are required; and establishments must close dine-in service by 10 p.m.

this was from his talk and this one says nothing about reservations?? 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Steve-o

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You ever wonder if Good King Walz realizes that he might have gone too far with some of his edicts and orders - that they often don't make logical sense - but won't reverse them on a point of principle, like a baseball umpire who refuses to change an obviously erroneous call.   :scratch:
« Last Edit: January 01/06/21, 03:55:26 PM by Steve-o »