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Author Topic: corona pandemic~  (Read 606162 times)

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Online dutchboy

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Maybe if the "dumbing down" of America wasn't such a real thing people would & could make up their own minds. It seems to me that if a person says or does something others don't like they are branded as being ignorant, careless, uncaring boobs. Maybe, just maybe they don't see following the crowd as the way to go when they don't trust the leader of the crowd? That leader could be Fausi, Biden, Harris, Trump, Walz, or even the little fat guy in North Korea. Or maybe it's they don't trust the science or the results of fast-tracking a vaccine that puts billions of dollars into the coffers of big Pharma. Or maybe they think "figures don't lie, if liars don't figure." Maybe they don't trust the numbers associated with this.

Anyway, for every reason people can come up with to take the shot, others can come up with reasons not to take it.

For me.....I'll respect whatever your decision is. Can you respect mine?
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Offline Jerkbiat

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Perfectly said Dutch!!!
Hey look your bobber is up!

Online roony

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My only point is that, in my opinion, those who choose not to get vaccinated are perpetuating the pandemic and causing possible harm and death to others. Otherwise who cares.
Here is an example. A true one that I am familiar with. A staff member at a health care facility chooses not to be vaccinated. Through testing it is found that this person has Covid but it is too late. Soon three residents of the facility have Covid, one of the three dies of it. Do you think the staff member who brought it in bears responsibility? I do.

Online dutchboy

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My only point is that, in my opinion, those who choose not to get vaccinated are perpetuating the pandemic and causing possible harm and death to others. Otherwise who cares.
Here is an example. A true one that I am familiar with. A staff member at a health care facility chooses not to be vaccinated. Through testing it is found that this person has Covid but it is too late. Soon three residents of the facility have Covid, one of the three dies of it. Do you think the staff member who brought it in bears responsibility? I do.

I am not going to pass judgement. My questions (which I don't really care about the answers in this case) would be,

A) Why didn't the health care person believe in the vaccine, why pass if it works in his opinion?

B) Can you have Covid to a degree? In other words are there minor degrees of Covid or are all infections the same strength?

C) Who is to say the person that died...caught it from the healthcare official, died of Covid? If he was already in the hospital what was he in for? Maybe he died of a heart attack complications and the Covid had nothing to do with his death?

I think we have all heard stories that damn near everybody who has died since 2019 has died because of Covid. I have heard of traffic fatalities having Covid listed as a cause of death. Now, the person may have had Covid but it didn't kill him.

As I said earlier......figures don't lie if liars don't figure.  You can make numbers say anything you want them to say.
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Offline mike89

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you can carry covid and not have any symptoms too, just sayin.... 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Jerkbiat

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My question to Roony is was the person in the nursing home that died vaccinated? If so why did the vaccine not protect the person? That is what my point is all along. The older more vulnerable people should be vaccinated. And if the vaccine works like they say and you are vaccinated you should be protected from the virus. The media has turned this into such a chitshow that you can't believe anything that is said anymore. To mandate a vaccine the has a 99.5% survival rate for ages up to 64 is all just about government control. And to not include those people with natural antibodies from having covid is also wrong.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Online roony

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My question to Roony is was the person in the nursing home that died vaccinated? If so why did the vaccine not protect the person? That is what my point is all along. The older more vulnerable people should be vaccinated. And if the vaccine works like they say and you are vaccinated you should be protected from the virus. The media has turned this into such a chitshow that you can't believe anything that is said anymore. To mandate a vaccine the has a 99.5% survival rate for ages up to 64 is all just about government control. And to not include those people with natural antibodies from having covid is also wrong.
I wondered that too but due to hippa laws that was not revealed.

Online roony

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People can spin things any way they want to. Personally I think anyone working in health care should be vaccinated. You are all entitled to your own opinion, this is just mine.

Offline Bobberineyes

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It's funny how stubborn some can be, not directed at anyone here but a fella at work who was so against the flu shot would get sick, the more crap we gave him his heels would dig in. Well he got covid and knocked him on his a$$ for 6 days, never been that sick in his time he says.  He comes back to work and says no way am I getting the shot. Me, I've been a believer of the flu shot it has worked for me, I'll give this shot a one time shot and see..

Offline snow1

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So this vaccine saga continues to spin outof control,with so many new cases of covid variants most likely coming from all these illegals being placed all over our country unvetted and now afgan refugee's the CDC claimed yesterday we need a "New" updated vaccine to counter these new mutating variants.

I question will china ever be held accountable? what about fauci? :scratch:
« Last Edit: September 09/13/21, 09:34:25 AM by snow1 »

Online dutchboy

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How can you hold China accountable? What you going to do, make them sit in the corner? No, there will be papers written, movies made and thousands of hours condemning them. But there isn't anything anybody can do that would make a difference.

Fauci? He could be fired or promoted depending on your view of the job he has done. He did what he was asked to do, scare the populous into wearing masks, distancing ect. He just couldn't cross the goal line with the vaccine.

Just as the world has lived with the threat of nukes hanging over our heads we will learn to live & adjust to this virus. Some will be lost but most will go on.
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Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Unfortunately, you'll never be able to hold anyone accountable for spreading COVID in any fashion, IMO. If ya could, I'd be first in line to do it to the facility that didn't keep their known active COVID residents sequestered, and killed my Mom by finding an active one sitting in her room, talking to her. She was fine until four days later. When they were called out on it, their actual reply was "We can't tie people down"...honest to God truth.

Online Steve-o

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... is all just about government control.  And to not include those people with natural antibodies from having covid is also wrong.

The Democrats have ALWAYS been about more government control; more government (regulations and taxes) will solve all of YOUR problems, so vote for us!

This notion hasn't gone away because of the pandemic, but now the liberally leaning government administrations are so vested in their solutions - lockdowns and forced vaccinations - that they won't let go.  They can't admit their solutions WON'T solve all of our problems.

Covid is a flu virus.  It mutates.  The new vaccines provide protection for many - but they will NEVER eradicate Covid.

Vaccinated people still get covid.  They generally don't get as stick, but sometimes they require hospitalization, and sometimes - if they are particularly vulnerable - they still die.

Vaccinated people still get covid.  They can spread it, and as they pass the virus onto others, it is very likely that the virus they transmit will be resistant to the antibodies produced as a result of the current vaccines OR NATURAL IMMUNITY from a previous infection.

Me getting vaccinated does nothing to protect you.  You getting vaccinated protects you.

My nurse being vaccinated does nothing to protect me.  Me getting vaccinated protects me.

Me getting vaccinated does nothing to stop covid.

So stop supporting governments and companies that mandate people take experimental vaccines!

Online Steve-o

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Unfortunately, you'll never be able to hold anyone accountable for spreading COVID in any fashion, IMO. If ya could, I'd be first in line to do it to the facility that didn't keep their known active COVID residents sequestered, and killed my Mom by finding an active one sitting in her room, talking to her. She was fine until four days later. When they were called out on it, their actual reply was "We can't tie people down"...honest to God truth.

Very sorry, Reb, to hear the circumstances of your mom's passing.

My wife's aunt (in her 90's) is in a facility.  She had her own apartment and survived over a year of lockdown in solidary confinement.  Who is to say what toll this took on her dementia, but now she is in memory care with a group of people in a shared space with private rooms.  Thank God the vaccines were available before she was forced to move into those conditions.  There are no easy answers for anyone in these circumstances in these times.  In a certain sense, we continue to pray that she has a Happy Death - where she can depart with dignity and in contact with those who love her.

Offline snow1

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Unfortunately, you'll never be able to hold anyone accountable for spreading COVID in any fashion, IMO. If ya could, I'd be first in line to do it to the facility that didn't keep their known active COVID residents sequestered, and killed my Mom by finding an active one sitting in her room, talking to her. She was fine until four days later. When they were called out on it, their actual reply was "We can't tie people down"...honest to God truth.

 Agreed Reb,sad for your's never easy losing a loved one,it seems the CCP fired the first shot of WW3 by releasing this virus,remember this all started back in early 2019 when Hong Kong was uprising  against the CCP,and since 1000's have died in hong kong not to mention over  million's world wide,china is just itching for a fight,lot's of lip service these days from xi man,it's gonna get real very soon.

This is from an older article but some interesting information.

The count is based on vaccination numbers, not vaccinated people. They count only vials. I've said for some time now that the estimation may be true but only because they don't even count who is double/triple/quad vaxxed into the pool. It's very likely the number of those individuals is in the millions.

The important part to this scenario is that multivaxxers do not consult with doctors or the technicians before taking the jab. The idea is that if the jab were taken too soon after a previous one, it would result in increased viral load. It is my belief there are hundreds of thousands of people who get their self prescribed jab days or hours after another one, this is how breakthrough infections are occurring, the viral load from multiple vials of the virus introduced to the body are both detectable by testing and transmissible because of viral load. This also explains why reports are indicating that the vaccinated have fewer symptoms when they do get sick, because they've been overloaded, not infected. I honestly don't understand how people even on this site are having trouble understanding this. To make it clearer I'll explain it this way, there are certain people who are overvaxxing, it is very possible there are crazies out there who are omnivaxxers, meaning they've taken every jab available, they've been jabbed 6 times. (2Pfizer, 1 of each of the others)

Got to read this article of the extremely paranoid
« Last Edit: September 09/13/21, 11:27:07 AM by snow1 »

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Unfortunately, you'll never be able to hold anyone accountable for spreading COVID in any fashion, IMO. If ya could, I'd be first in line to do it to the facility that didn't keep their known active COVID residents sequestered, and killed my Mom by finding an active one sitting in her room, talking to her. She was fine until four days later. When they were called out on it, their actual reply was "We can't tie people down"...honest to God truth.

What pi**es me off is she missed the shot by about 2 months. Wa
Very sorry, Reb, to hear the circumstances of your mom's passing.

My wife's aunt (in her 90's) is in a facility.  She had her own apartment and survived over a year of lockdown in solidary confinement.  Who is to say what toll this took on her dementia, but now she is in memory care with a group of people in a shared space with private rooms.  Thank God the vaccines were available before she was forced to move into those conditions.  There are no easy answers for anyone in these circumstances in these times.  In a certain sense, we continue to pray that she has a Happy Death - where she can depart with dignity and in contact with those who love her.

Hope it goes well for her Steve-o.  What pi**es me off is...The shot came out 2 months after Mom died. If she could have made it to then.....but  the "If onlys" are a bad slope to get on. Life sure is never fair, is it?

Offline snow1

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Well will we ever know the truth's?

85% are vaccinated in Israel.
Sure looks like things go to hell after the booster.
Sweden promoting natural immunity not so much.
I lost an cousin in june to the vaccine. 65 and ready to go on vacation so they got it, the next morning while having coffee he died from a massive blood clot. couple had been together since the 7th grade.
Just this week my fishing partners son inlaw got the shot last Friday due to pressure at work to get vaccinated. Healthy in his 30s, wife and two little kids.
He is now fighting for his life with blood issues they have no answers for. Had he gotten covid there was an almost 100% chance he'd have gotten through it just fine at his age. Terrible.
« Last Edit: September 09/13/21, 11:25:32 AM by snow1 »

Online Steve-o

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Unfortunately, you'll never be able to hold anyone accountable for spreading COVID in any fashion, IMO. If ya could, I'd be first in line to do it to the facility that didn't keep their known active COVID residents sequestered, and killed my Mom by finding an active one sitting in her room, talking to her. She was fine until four days later. When they were called out on it, their actual reply was "We can't tie people down"...honest to God truth.

What pi**es me off is she missed the shot by about 2 months. Wa
Very sorry, Reb, to hear the circumstances of your mom's passing.

My wife's aunt (in her 90's) is in a facility.  She had her own apartment and survived over a year of lockdown in solidary confinement.  Who is to say what toll this took on her dementia, but now she is in memory care with a group of people in a shared space with private rooms.  Thank God the vaccines were available before she was forced to move into those conditions.  There are no easy answers for anyone in these circumstances in these times.  In a certain sense, we continue to pray that she has a Happy Death - where she can depart with dignity and in contact with those who love her.

Hope it goes well for her Steve-o.  What pi**es me off is...The shot came out 2 months after Mom died. If she could have made it to then.....but  the "If onlys" are a bad slope to get on. Life sure is never fair, is it?

Thanks, Reb, and thanks be to God, it is going as well as it can.  She has good days and bad.  As time goes by the bad ones outnumber the good.  That's just the way things go.  She has frequent enough visitors to see what is going on and keep the staff honest.  We understand their challenges and we work with them to continue compassionate caregiving.  On her good days we help her to live her best live, but the day is not so far off that passing will be a mercy.  We are so thankful for our faith.

Online Steve-o

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Well will we ever know the truth's?

85% are vaccinated in Israel.
Sure looks like things go to hell after the booster.
Sweden promoting natural immunity not so much.
I lost an cousin in june to the vaccine. 65 and ready to go on vacation so they got it, the next morning while having coffee he died from a massive blood clot. couple had been together since the 7th grade.
Just this week my fishing partners son inlaw got the shot last Friday due to pressure at work to get vaccinated. Healthy in his 30s, wife and two little kids.
He is now fighting for his life with blood issues they have no answers for. Had he gotten covid there was an almost 100% chance he'd have gotten through it just fine at his age. Terrible.

I do not personally know anyone who died from covid.
I do not personally know anyone who died from a vaccine.

I do have friends and acquaintances who know both, so my anecdotal evidence is completely second hand.

Of those people, I have heard of more people who died immediately after receiving the shot than people who have died from the virus itself.

I can't claim that those people died from the shot, but dammit, where there's smoke, there's fire - and the medical community at large, in league with government and mainstream media seems to be ignoring this.  They are afraid to start pulling on the thread because of what they might discover.

And before you light me up for this opinion, consider this.  If they had genuine concern, there would be open and frank discussions everyday about what the real complications are for the vaccines.  But they refuse to conduct these discussions because the conversation might dissuade people from vaccinations.

They don't want to understand the whole truth, they only want to be correct.

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Unfortunately, you'll never be able to hold anyone accountable for spreading COVID in any fashion, IMO. If ya could, I'd be first in line to do it to the facility that didn't keep their known active COVID residents sequestered, and killed my Mom by finding an active one sitting in her room, talking to her. She was fine until four days later. When they were called out on it, their actual reply was "We can't tie people down"...honest to God truth.

What pi**es me off is she missed the shot by about 2 months. Wa
Very sorry, Reb, to hear the circumstances of your mom's passing.

My wife's aunt (in her 90's) is in a facility.  She had her own apartment and survived over a year of lockdown in solidary confinement.  Who is to say what toll this took on her dementia, but now she is in memory care with a group of people in a shared space with private rooms.  Thank God the vaccines were available before she was forced to move into those conditions.  There are no easy answers for anyone in these circumstances in these times.  In a certain sense, we continue to pray that she has a Happy Death - where she can depart with dignity and in contact with those who love her.

Hope it goes well for her Steve-o.  What pi**es me off is...The shot came out 2 months after Mom died. If she could have made it to then.....but  the "If onlys" are a bad slope to get on. Life sure is never fair, is it?

Thanks, Reb, and thanks be to God, it is going as well as it can.  She has good days and bad.  As time goes by the bad ones outnumber the good.  That's just the way things go.  She has frequent enough visitors to see what is going on and keep the staff honest.  We understand their challenges and we work with them to continue compassionate caregiving.  On her good days we help her to live her best live, but the day is not so far off that passing will be a mercy.  We are so thankful for our faith.

That sounds exactly like my Mom's circumstances. Every time I went to see her, thought to myself "this may be the last time", and treated it as such. I enjoyed all I could with her, our "happy hour" with Pepsi's in the early afternoon..or the goodies I always picked up every time on my way to see her, just being there with her was enough to make her crack a big smile when I walked in. That made it bearable right there.

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
All I can say is, I thought I WAS gonna die after I had my flu shot gods. Ask me if I was worried getting the COVID  J & J after had allergist test me BEFORE for a possible reaction to it. (Got smart for once, but like pulling hen's teeth to get appt for it) Did react instantly to the base solution used in the Moderna and Pfizer vacc.  :censored:

Online Steve-o

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WOW!!!  There's yer problem!  (One of them anyway.)

This is the first I've heard of anyone in the medical community testing to see if someone is allergic to the vaccine BEFORE giving it.

And what was the good medical advice we were getting from Doctor Walz earlier this summer to the question of which vaccine we should take?

Take whatever vaccine is available, he said.  Here's $100 buck of taxpayer's money; go get the shot.

Again, who would take the vaccine if they knew their body was alergic to it?   :confused:  We can't have people knowing the truth up front.

What do they say in all those disclaimers for drug ads you see on TV?

"Do not take ELIQUIS if you currently have certain types of abnormal bleeding or have had a
serious allergic reaction to ELIQUIS."

Don't see any disclaimers for Moderna, Pfizer, or J&J.  How come?  :angry:
« Last Edit: September 09/13/21, 12:28:00 PM by Steve-o »

Online Steve-o

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All I can say is, I thought I WAS gonna die after I had my flu shot gods. Ask me if I was worried getting the COVID  J & J after had allergist test me BEFORE for a possible reaction to it. (Got smart for once, but like pulling hen's teeth to get appt for it) Did react instantly to the base solution used in the Moderna and Pfizer vacc.  :censored:

And for the record, the base solutions for Moderna and Pfizer are different from each other too.

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Mayhap I've set a new medical precedent.... maybe they'll now give the "Reb allergy test"...? :scratch: I figgered that since you can test for allergies to just about anything (and I've had most of them...have a lot of $#@! allergies) why not test for reaction to a vaccine? The Allergist said Moderna and Pfizer use the same base solution in their "cocktail", J & J uses a different one. Common base solution, he said. I tested negative to that. Still was worried when they sunk that needle in.....

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
All I can say is, I thought I WAS gonna die after I had my flu shot gods. Ask me if I was worried getting the COVID  J & J after had allergist test me BEFORE for a possible reaction to it. (Got smart for once, but like pulling hen's teeth to get appt for it) Did react instantly to the base solution used in the Moderna and Pfizer vacc.  :censored:

And for the record, the base solutions for Moderna and Pfizer are different from each other too.

Doc said they were the same base....that's why I had to get the J & J.

Online Steve-o

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All I can say is, I thought I WAS gonna die after I had my flu shot gods. Ask me if I was worried getting the COVID  J & J after had allergist test me BEFORE for a possible reaction to it. (Got smart for once, but like pulling hen's teeth to get appt for it) Did react instantly to the base solution used in the Moderna and Pfizer vacc.  :censored:

And for the record, the base solutions for Moderna and Pfizer are different from each other too.

Doc said they were the same base....that's why I had to get the J & J.

I can accept that.  I know people who tried to research what is in each vaccine.  The ingredients for all were different:  vehicles, stabilizers, active ingredients, etc.  But perhaps there are enough similarities between Moderna and Pfizer that the fit into a common class of vaccine, i.e. they need to be transported and stored at -80 degrees, etc., but there are also some differences in their formulations.

What are the implications of different formulations?  Who knows?  No one wants to talk about that.  All people want to know is how effective it is.  What is the the highest percentage in all the short term studies you've conducted so far?  Gimme that one.

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Only thing I noticed is I now have a penchant for Chinese food.  :rotflmao:

 (I actually JUST finished making a batch of pork fried rice!)  :tongue:

Online LPS

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Offline mike89

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Only thing I noticed is I now have a penchant for Chinese food.  :rotflmao:

 (I actually JUST finished making a batch of pork fried rice!)  :tongue:

cat drop soup will be next!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!