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Author Topic: Deer Lottery  (Read 4750 times)

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Offline HD

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Deer lottery: apply by Sept. 5
Here’s a reminder for firearm and muzzleloader hunters who want to harvest antlerless deer in a deer permit area designated as antlerless permit lottery this hunting season to purchase their license by Thursday, Sept. 5. Hunters who purchase their license on or before this date are automatically entered into the lottery for the deer permit area or special hunt area they declare.

Successful applicants will receive a postcard in the mail authorizing them to take an antlerless deer using their regular license in that antlerless permit lottery area. No lottery application is needed to take antlerless deer in permit areas with either sex, two-deer limit, three-deer limit or five-deer limit designations. Hunters are reminded that DPAs 235 and 251 went from either-sex to lottery this year. Find all DPA designations and hunting regulations on the Minnesota DNR deer hunting webpage.

Hunters who want to participate in special firearm or muzzleloader deer hunts also need to apply for permits that are issued through a lottery. That application deadline is also Sept. 5.

Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline glenn57

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got mine a couple weeks ago......they even had the printed booklet too!!!!! :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Boar

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Im sure they printed it in CRAYON  and pictures for yu.glenn