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Author Topic: Opener is coming!  (Read 30185 times)

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Offline Glenn_S

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Who is going to have a hard time concentrating at work this week?

I head out for Deer Camp on Thursday afternoon. Daughter coming up Friday morning and Son on Friday at about dark. This is our first Deer Camp on the new property and I'm looking forward to it.

This week will drag on...
"I hope we have once again reminded people, that man is not free unless government is limited. There's a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: as government expands, liberty contracts." ~Ronald Reagan

Offline glenn57

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Who is going to have a hard time concentrating at work this week?

I head out for Deer Camp on Thursday afternoon. Daughter coming up Friday morning and Son on Friday at about dark. This is our first Deer Camp on the new property and I'm looking forward to it.

This week will drag on...
this Glenn is retired!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :smoking: :mooning: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Jerkbiat

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There will be lots of deer talk at work this week. I head to camp Thursday night.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline Steve-o

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Y'er telling me!  This was from my Saturday morning bow hunt in 172.   :deer:

Why are there no candy bars in this picture?   :confused:

I was standing on the top step of my setup with my lineman's belt with my stand and bow on the ground below me when he came in.   :bonk:

He walked off and wasn't spooked.  When he was out of sight I put a strap around the tree to hang my stand.  No sooner had I done this when he came back.  Again he didn't catch wind of me and walked slowly off.  I left my stand there and will go back after him this Friday.

Since I can't post video, here are links:

Video: Deer comes in...

Video: Deer comes back...

Offline mike89

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good luck!!   a very nice buck!! 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline glenn57

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 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea its amazing how dumb they can be.......and yet be so smart at the most inopportune time!!!! :pouty:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Steve-o

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No doubt the reason he came in - straight in to my tree, and then back again straight into my tree - was because he heard me rustling around in the leaves when I was getting ready to put my stand up. 

It wasn't like the woods were crawling with deer that walked past other trees besides mine.  I didn't see any other deer.  He was looking for a doe, which is why he was sniffing the ground.

I hope he isn't locked up on one next week - because if he is, he won't be so inquisitive.  In fact, I'm hoping he's downright desperate by Friday.  :laugh:

Offline Leech~~

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Y'er telling me!  This was from my Saturday morning bow hunt in 172.   :deer:

Good luck on opener up there.  I have bow hunted 172 for about 20 years and rifle hunted about the last 8 or so.  The area we hunt used to be very good, but I have not seen a Deer in there for the last 3 seasons and we only got one doe out of 5 guys last year.  Wolve tracks all over, how ever.   :surrender:
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline Steve-o

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That and the CWD zones are expanding up there:  684 to the NW, 679 to the NE and 604 to the south.  I wonder if wolves can get CWD from eating infected deer.  :scratch:

When I first started hunting 172, those were lean years.  If you even saw a deer, you were lucky.  Then the hunting got better for a few years.  And now it is sparse again.  The woods used to be full of hunters, but not so much any more.  Folks finally figure out to hunt elsewhere when there ain't any deer.  That was the first buck I saw there in more years than I can count.  Saw absolutely nothing the 3 years prior.

Wake up DNR!!!  But I know their hands are tied.  :angry:  The only thing I haven't figure out is if the deer management officials actually enjoy being tied up.   :bonk:

Offline glenn57

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 :scratch: 679 ??? Think that's the zone in grand rapids and goes east to hwy 6 and talmoon .

My brother checked that area out for the better part of the day last year the day before opener.  He found more stands with corn nearby than he could believe and got the he'll out of there.

Just because it's an either sex zone, doent mean more deer! :crazy: :doofus:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Leech~~

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That and the CWD zones are expanding up there:  684 to the NW, 679 to the NE and 604 to the south.  I wonder if wolves can get CWD from eating infected deer.  :scratch:

When I first started hunting 172, those were lean years.  If you even saw a deer, you were lucky.  Then the hunting got better for a few years.  And now it is sparse again.  The woods used to be full of hunters, but not so much any more.  Folks finally figure out to hunt elsewhere when there ain't any deer.  That was the first buck I saw there in more years than I can count.  Saw absolutely nothing the 3 years prior.

Wake up DNR!!!  But I know their hands are tied.  :angry:  The only thing I haven't figure out is if the deer management officials actually enjoy being tied up.   :bonk:
I'm out in the woods a lot of the year in many areas of the state either hunting, dualsport trail riding, or snowmobiling.  It's amazing how many dead forests we have in this state now.  I rode 80 miles a day in the arrow head snowmobiling without seeing a deer or moose.  Last weekend my son and I spent a few days and walked about 8 miles on 4-5 logging roads through the Solana state forest grouse hunting. We did see 9 grouse but got no shots. Nothing, not a deer single track, droppings, trail, rub or scrap, not one sign of deer anywhere we found on any of the roads, but we did find Wolve scat all up and down them.  :surrender:  We met two guys on 4 wheelers scouting, and they said they have not gotten a deer in the last 5 years up there, but they have a cabin up there.  It's so sad to be in such beautiful woods with nothing in them.   :pouty:
« Last Edit: November 11/04/24, 03:13:42 PM by Leech~~ »
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline Steve-o

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:scratch: 679 ??? Think that's the zone in grand rapids and goes east to hwy 6 and talmoon .

Yep.  Grand Rapids sits right in the middle of 679.  It has been a CWD zone since 2022.

In 2020, 2223 deer were harvested, in Zone 179 when it was an antlerless lottery zone with 3000 permits, one deer limit.
In 2021, 2387 deer were harvested when it was an antlerless lottery zone with 2500 permits, one deer limit.
In 2022, 3157 deer were taken - the first year as a CWD management zone 679, when there was a 2 deer limit.
In 2023, 2046 deer were taken - still a CWD management zone, but with a 1 deer limit, either sex.

Compare that to zone 172 where the count has not been skewed by CWD management harvesting.

In 2020, 2489 deer were harvested in Zone 172 when it was hunter's choice, one deer limit.
In 2021, 2018 deer were harvested, when it was an antlerless lottery zone with 2500 permits, one deer limit.
In 2022, 1772 deer were harvested when it was an antlerless lottery zone with 2000 permits, one deer limit.
In 2023, 1257 deer were harvested when it was an antlerless lottery zone with 500 permits, one deer limit.
And in 2024, zone 172 only has 250 antlerless permits.  Zone 679 has a 2 deer limit this year.

Offline deadeye

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I've been out with the bow quite a few times this year. Things had been very slow with little movement until just after sunset. Only a few small bucks were out. That was until Sunday morning when all hell broke out. In the morning sit, I saw 7 bucks, one doe and an unknown. Several of the bucks were trotting around with nose to the ground. One made a 50-yard circle around me, not sure what he was looking for. A doe led a pretty receptible buck right to me (He is easily identified by a second main beam on his right side). I have some trail pictures of him. She got down wind and bolted he followed. Then amid all the activity, Mr big showed up. He's a big 10 point with a very symmetrical rack. He was standing 70 yards away. Due to all the bucks running around, I had my bow in hand but managed to get a few grunts in. He started towards me but stopped at 60 yards. I wouldn't have a problem shooting a deer at this range, but it would have been a standing offhand shot, so I waited to see if he would come looking for the bucks that grunted. Instead, he stepped into some brush and never gave me another shot opportunity. It was a magnificent sight for sure.
One picture is of the buck with a second main beam on the right side. This buck was 20 feet from me as he followed a doe past me.
The other is a picture of the big 10 point that stood at 60 yards last Sunday morning but I didn't feel good about the shot so he's still out and about.
***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Offline Pulleye16

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Sooo excited. Absolutely my favorite time of year. Was bow hunting all week in WI and next rifle MN in 171.

I’ll always get super jacked, then reality sets in when I see more wolf sign than deer sign. I’ve actually shrunk the amount of days I hunt in MN because of it. Over COVID in 2020 I had the entire A season off, hunted every single day (16 days?), and saw 4 does…and I’m pretty sure it was the same set of two.
2023 Boar's Big Deer Contest Winner

Offline Gunner55

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I spooked a nice doe just walking down to my firepit Saturday morning. It was about 1/2 way down our driveway, and it couldn't have been more than 10 yds from me. I never seen it until it bolted out of the empty lot between us & the neighbor to the north. When we have snow there is a normally a trail going across our drive from the neighbor to the south over to the empty lot. I think they must bed down over there a lot.
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline Leech~~

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I spooked a nice doe just walking down to my firepit Saturday morning. It was about 1/2 way down our driveway, and it couldn't have been more than 10 yds from me. I never seen it until it bolted out of the empty lot between us & the neighbor to the north. When we have snow there is a normally a trail going across our drive from the neighbor to the south over to the empty lot. I think they must bed down over there a lot.
So I saw one in the back yard last night when I got up to take a piss!  :coffee:  :rotflmao:  :rotflmao: 
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline Steve-o

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Question for ya'll...

Who uses bleat can calls? 
Have you ever seen them work during the gun opener?

Offline glenn57

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Question for ya'll...

Who uses bleat can calls? 
Have you ever seen them work during the gun opener?
:happy1: yep i do....and yes they biggest buck that i have mounted came in hot to trot after i used it. i'm a believer. i've had other bucks come in also!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Jerkbiat

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I use them also. And they do work. I use them for bow hunting also right before gun season.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline Pulleye16

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Question for ya'll...

Who uses bleat can calls? 
Have you ever seen them work during the gun opener?

I've tried using them for quite a while and like all things...they work sometimes.

I've only had two deer, on all my attempts, come in...but both were really nice mature bucks. 

I keep "the can" in my arsenal but it would be my first call to get tossed if I had to get rid of one.  I'll take Rattles and grunt tubes all day over bleats!
2023 Boar's Big Deer Contest Winner

Offline Steve-o

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Anyone else?

The only time it has ever worked for me was on does.  I was hunting the edge of a 5 acre pond and blew a bleat into the bottom hole of the can mid-afternoon.  (You can do that instead of tipping it over.)  I saw two doe stand up from their hidden beds on the other side of the pond and walk around straight to my tree. 

There was action earlier in the day that caused a group of 4 does to split up.  My guess is that the 2 does who came to me were looking to join up with their friends from the morning.

Rattling has never worked for me in the big north woods, but it has worked when I have hunted places where there is a high ratio of mature bucks.  I have also seen early season rattling attract curious does.

And I agree, Pulleye, that grunts have been most effective for me up north in the big woods.

Offline HD

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Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline Jerkbiat

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 :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Good one HD!!!
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline glenn57

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2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline mike89

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a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Boar

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Gleens deer has trasition to a trans-ungulate

Offline glenn57

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 :scratch: man has it been quiet today. There hasn't been any shooting remotely close to us. Seen 1 bird and a red skurrel.  :coffee:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Bobberineyes

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Might have to rely on not sitting Glenn.. :bonk:

Offline glenn57

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 :rotflmao: :surrender: I had 2 chances this morning driving out. Friggin wet out here  :confused:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Boar

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Want some cries with that waa waa burger