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Author Topic: 6 believable Bigfoot sightings?  (Read 141928 times)

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Offline HD

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Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline Boar

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Offline LPS

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Ya interesting.  Makes me wonder???  Well I do a lot of wondering????  lol

Offline HD

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This one was caught by a go-pro on a dog...... :rotflmao:

Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline HD

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Here's one of a couple grocery shopping.
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline dew2

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 That grocery one aint believable!
 Unless!!!!!  It's one of two members here on a  sneaky picnic with one of Doc Holidays girlfriend?Companion?, woman in arms > Bignose Kate/Tryin to take advantage of a innocent child :doah: :reporter; :taz: :taz: :taz:
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Offline Boar

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the first one is cool but the second one well we all know that ya don't say "Bigfoots" youd say two bigfoot, so that's debunked.

Offline HD

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Wouldn't it be BigFeet? Like one Goose, is  Goose, 2 would be Geese?  :scratch:

Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline LPS

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They are out there.....    :happy1:

Offline dew2

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Wouldn't it be BigFeet? Like one Goose, is  Goose, 2 would be Geese?  :scratch:

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Offline dew2

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Keeping America clean and beautiful is a one mans job,Mine

Offline dew2

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They are out there.....    :happy1:
OK LPS,any stories?I have 2 one from Mn.
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Offline Boar

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lets hear them I got a storie you first dew. I'm serious, a tru experience in the woods tha creeped me out.

Offline LPS

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I want to hear them.....  I don't have any first hand stories.   But supposedly their has been activity on the islands in Lake of the Woods. 

Offline Bobberineyes

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There's a reason I don't hunt deer in the woods anymore,  I'll take the accidentally kill on the highway after what I encountered.  Just remember when you think  your all alone walking to your stand with that little flashlight that's on the verge of dying....YOUR NOT ALONE.

Offline Coffee118

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There's a reason I don't hunt deer in the woods anymore,  I'll take the accidentally kill on the highway after what I encountered.  Just remember when you think  your all alone walking to your stand with that little flashlight that's on the verge of dying....YOUR NOT ALONE.
Same here bobber. I'm glad I'm not the only one who won't go in the woods at night, I've seen and heard some weird crap
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Offline Boar

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well.... lets hear it, i'l tell my story tonight.. come on guys... this is good stuff, real men don't hide the stories, this is how legends are born!!

Offline glenn57

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well.... lets hear it, i'l tell my story tonight.. come on guys... this is good stuff, real men don't hide the stories, this is how legends are born!!
real men don't believe in bigfoot, ghosts or the boar can actually fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline HD

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There's a reason I don't hunt deer in the woods anymore,  I'll take the accidentally kill on the highway after what I encountered.  Just remember when you think  your all alone walking to your stand with that little flashlight that's on the verge of dying....YOUR NOT ALONE.
Same here bobber. I'm glad I'm not the only one who won't go in the woods at night, I've seen and heard some weird crap

I've always walked out to the deer stand in the dark. No flashlight, just let my eyes adjust to the low light and go. Ran into a few critters on the way, but most are more afraid of you, and get out of the way. My daughtets and son use lights. It's just preference to me I  guess.
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline dew2

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 Wished we were sittin around a campfire for my stories! I will shorten em up LOTS cause I aint a typer.
 1973 I lived in Colo.North of Idaho springs at the base of St.Marys glaceir.I lived on silver lake at 10,500 ft elevation. (Go to BING MAPS and type in St.Marys glacier in Colo.) At that time I was the only person in 6 miles living there,6 miles down the FallRiver road was a neighbor A dentist in IdahoSprings,Robert Hickum still talk to him at times.
 Anyway I used to hear and see in June an July people, few at that, that come up to play on the glacier a dangerous place with ice cliffs of 30-50 ft dropping off to boulder fields on its end and west side.
 In Sept & Oct NO one came up SNOW was to deep but friends hunting came,WE saw through weak binocks some one?? or something traveling the glaciers top.I saw that 3-4 times in the 3 1/2 years I lived there. 1973 elk hunting I scored, we walked the 2-3 miles down hill back to the cabin an my chev blazer 4 wheel drive to drive back up to get the 5X6 bull elk.
 Had to drive maybe 12 miles around the peaks to get near the site.
 Now I had seen what was spose to be extinct in Colo a few times wolverine and once a lion. Once we got to 2-300 yards of the kill site we set off on foot to 1/4 the elk and drag 1/4s back to the chev on tarps.
 WE got there and the elk was broke in half front half laid there rear half was destroyed and found 200 300 ft. both hind 1/4s were void of meat just the back 1/2 of each leg. we looked at tracks just like HUGE human tracks going off into the pines at the tree level.The elk probably weighed 4-500 lbs dressed so whatever made those tracks carried off 200 to 250 lbs>>Wasnt drug carried! 2-300 yds then striped of meat.
 I used to travel those mountains with a 22 rifle shootin Ptarmigan an Pikas on a HarlyDavidson SX 250 dirtbike. Had a scabbard for the 22 went and bought another for the 30-30 and never went up there again without  a heavier rifle.
 Next story is Mn river valley and I shined a ape like creature at 3 AM catfishin. Me the ole girl an little dog Left our gear there and left till light!! we split and didnt care about nothin cept gettin outta there!!
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Offline Boar

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Offline dew2

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well.... lets hear it, i'l tell my story tonight.. come on guys... this is good stuff, real men don't hide the stories, this is how legends are born!!
OK boar I did one where is yers?? Anyone else got any stories.Have to admit I traveled lots and lived in out of the way places BUT you guys must have some stories? specially the guys who say wont go in the woods after dark!! Lets hear em!
Keeping America clean and beautiful is a one mans job,Mine

Offline dew2

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There's a reason I don't hunt deer in the woods anymore,  I'll take the accidentally kill on the highway after what I encountered.  Just remember when you think  your all alone walking to your stand with that little flashlight that's on the verge of dying....YOUR NOT ALONE.
Same here bobber. I'm glad I'm not the only one who won't go in the woods at night, I've seen and heard some weird crap

I've always walked out to the deer stand in the dark. No flashlight, just let my eyes adjust to the low light and go. Ran into a few critters on the way, but most are more afraid of you, and get out of the way. My daughtets and son use lights. It's just preference to me I  guess.
YEP HD i was always the same, no lights just let my eyes adjust to low light.Never had a bear,cat,any animal do anything but run, NEVER! Those reality shows spook the city folk and instill fear then wit the net that false fear spreads so fast!!!!!!
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Offline HD

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Walking out one time before sunrise, I did have a bear on the same trail that reared up on it's back legs. At first glance in low light,  could have been Bigfoot.....but, nope....I yelled back at it, it dropped to all fours and ran away. Was a little unnerving.  But, that was the only time.
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline Coffee118

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One night at the exwifes camp there was a bunch of us sitting by the fire and across the river something started yelping like a dog being tortured within a couple of seconds something started making the same noise about 100 yards down river then the screeching starred on our side of the river behind us in the woods. We all looked at each other and without saying anything we all went inside for the night. Another time On a cool fall night at camp we had the porch light on, as I went to get something to eat I thought I saw someone standing on the porch by the door with a brown coat on. When I took a second glance I noticed that it wasn't on the porch but standing on the ground. The porch deck is about 3 feet off the ground which would've made whatever was standing next to the porch about 8 to 9 feet tall. As I was walking over to the corner of the living room where I kept the rifle it kept stepping back against the building so I couldn't get a good look at it, almost if it was hiding from me.  Even though I had a loaded rifle I never went outside to check on it (too chicken). The next day I was telling the neighbor what I saw and he asked me about what time of the night and I said about 11:00 11:30. He said atound that time the dogs were laying by the door growling but every time he tried putting them out they would just lay there and growl never wanting to go out
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Offline dew2

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There's a reason I don't hunt deer in the woods anymore,  I'll take the accidentally kill on the highway after what I encountered.  Just remember when you think  your all alone walking to your stand with that little flashlight that's on the verge of dying....YOUR NOT ALONE.
Come on now lets hear it Bobberineyes!! An where is boar who said you go first???
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Offline glenn57

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I know a guy that posted pictures of something weird..........says its a moose but think it was that unmentioned individual taking selfies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Boar

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ok. two seasons ago while bear hunting late season, I was sitting is stand and I heard 3 tree knocks, Bang bang bang. quite aways off, cool I said the about 15 min. late again, three knocks but closer. 15-20 mn again but closer. this whent on for about an hour or so the nothing for quite awhile. the last half hours of shooting light, I heard it again, and it was about 100 yards off, really close, then I started to get nervous, but the thing that in the back of my head kept saying, its to rythum like, to human made, always 3 and always in succession. no irradic pause or mis cue. so I figured it was human and walking thru the woods, doing tree knock, spooking anyone that might out hunting or watching deer.then right at the end of shooting light, I heard the bear I was hunting comethru the brush and and enter an opening on the far side of the bait but couldn't see him but I hear him, just then another series of knock at about 50 yards came again. I didn't hear the bear leave, but I did. I got down and left quickly and quietly as possible. then as I was about 50 yards away I heard the knocks again, and they came from my bait site. I had been hunting that bear hard for two weeks and never seen him again. Ive scared a bear off the pile and he went nocturnal, didn't like the human intrusion and there was a food source so he stuck around but only came in under darkenss. this bear just left. no coons came back either, I didn't go back to get the camera for 5 days, I coudlnt hunt anymore and really almost didn't  when I view the sd card, with in those 5 days the site was completely void of any life. no chip mucnks, no squirles, no coons, which when they find a site, they don't leave it alone, ever, till the food is gone for good. and no bear, which I figured would turn nocturnal. nothing. I was pretty quiet in leaving. but something scared the life out that site. creepy.

Offline Bobberineyes

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Freaky stuff fellas.  Tell you the truth I don't deer hunting, just birds. Well anyhow I got introduced to grouse hunting in the late 80s and had a blast. Fast forward a bunch of years and a buddy I duck and pheasant hunt with we decided to head to the northern part of the state to hunt the area I hunted before. So after looking at the map book I believe I found the the trails we walked. We left Friday afternoon hoping to maybe get some road hunting in looking for that particular trail, we didn't see any birds but I believe we found where we wanted to be. So the next morning having that duck hunter's thought we figured to be the first to the trail let's get there early.  Instead of parking at the beginning we drove down the trail to the end , well it's plenty dark yet, shut off the truck and sipped on coffee. With us is my springer and his weimaraner which his dog is a good bird dog but loves to battle with anything in its way. Well you could feel the truck move from the dogs getting restless but all of a sudden something slammed into the side of my truck....Wth was that.  We couldn't see nothing out the window or mirrors so we got out, I thought maybe a deer hit us , while my buddy went to let his dog out I grabbed the 12ga,  well both dogs after opening the kennel doors wouldn't even come out...probably a good thing.   Whatever hit us hit high on the topper not damaging anything really but you could hear busting sticks going thru the woods. We got the hell otta there!!!

Offline cookie

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Ok Now I have been hunting deer  with a bow for quite a few years. I took a deeer with my compound and decided to try and take a deer with my recurve. About 5 years ago a cougar seemed to move into the area. Several trusted locals had seen it and it totally ruined my hunting as I did not feel safe out there in the woods knowing I could be the one getting hunted. Now you guys have gotten me all riled up with these stories. How am I going to feel safe out there now :doah:
Cookie's on Upper Red Lake