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Author Topic: Birds in the back yard  (Read 429372 times)

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Offline LPS

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Too bad about the vulture HD.  Hate to hear that the bird covid is getting closer to any of us. 

Offline delcecchi

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I've heard about them Willow Creekers.
What are you hearing?  Our kids went to Willow Creek Middle school....

Offline Dotch

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Putting my hummingbird and oriole feeders out tomorrow!! :happy1: I done worked to hard today!!! :confused: I be tuckered out!! :pouty:

Iff'n ya didn't drink all that beer afterwards ya wouldn't be so tuckered!  :rotflmao:

Took down 2 of the 3 suet feeders. Was a little dab of suet left in one so put that in the feeder #3. Put two hummingbird nectar feeders out. Can watch the hummingbirds from the dining room or the oval office that way. Got the oriole feeder out with one dish of peach preserves and one of grape jelly. Will the wrens be far behind? Better put out some houses for them or they'll build a nest in the gas grill again!  :doah:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline roony

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Few years ago when I shot on a traveling pool league we shot the Willow Creek team. Shot them in Vernon Center.

Offline Dotch

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Were they middle school grads?  :scratch:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline roony

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Didn't ask if they graduated. We had more important things to talk about. None of em ever mentioned Del.
« Last Edit: May 05/03/22, 06:05:01 PM by roony »

Offline LPS

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Few years ago when I shot on a traveling pool league we shot the Willow Creek team. Shot them in Vernon Center.

Well what is the rest of the story Roons.  What the heck did you do with them after that???   How many of them were there?   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Offline roony

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Dead men tell no tales.

Offline Dotch

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Saw a brown creeper this a.m. and a catbird was eyeing the jelly feeder. Place is crawling with white-throated sparrows and some Harris's sparrows every once in a while. Haven't noticed any white-crowned sparrows this a.m. Still an occasional junco but they're getting scarcer. Lotsa goldfinches. I see a house sparrow thinks they're going to nest in the birdhouse by the garden. Will evict them so the wrens will have a place to reside. 😄
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline glenn57

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i put out the hummer feeders, oriole feeder and grape jelly feeder yesterday. seen a finch at the jelly feeder....
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline roony

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Gonna get some jelly and nectar out there when I get home from the care center. Thought I saw a female grosbeak this morning.

Offline Jerkbiat

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Lots O juncos up here yet. And the dang grackles.  :angry2:
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline roony

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Catbird sighting in Bugtussle.

Offline Dotch

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Are you down visiting yer Mom today roony?
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline snow1

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noticed the first swallows recently,also local slough is loading up with diver ducks,mostly bluebills and ring bills and a few buffelheads,enjoy watching the migration.

Offline roony

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Are you down visiting yer Mom today roony?
Yes, trying to have someone here.

Offline Dotch

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A few minutes after I posted my initial observations, a couple rooster pheasants made their way across the pasture to the CREP acreage. They stopped to spar occasionally then continued on their way. Their breeding plumage is almost metallic when the sun hits it.
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline Dotch

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Are you down visiting yer Mom today roony?
Yes, trying to have someone here.

Ah, you are the good son.

I have a good friend in there rehabbing after a knee replacement. Planned on stopping in to see him this week before the Chinese flu struck.  :sad: 
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline glenn57

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Just seen my first tree swallow!! We're getting there!!!👍
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline snow1

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Lucky you to have a couple rooster's around that made it thru our nasty winter.

I had one mean old rooster at my place in sodak that stopped by and put a beat down almost everyday on my trucks rear bumper unless my truck was dirty (no reflection) haha.

had a buddy living in the high altitude in colorado,fall rutt he has video of a big horn sheep almost knocking itself out head butting his wife's suv.critters are fun to watch.

Offline Dotch

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They sure are. Got a voice mail the other day from my buddy who has goslings already on the pond across the driveway from his house. As crappy as April was, we were amazed the goose could keep the eggs warm enough to hatch. Bet they won't be so fun to watch once they start eating his beans! 😁 
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline deadeye

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Last week I got a few pictures of a lone crane. I assume the other is on the nest.

***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Offline LPS

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We just had a male and female red wing blackbirds land on our feeder.  The squirrels are eating us out of house and home so not much for them to munch on.  May have to let the dogs put more pressure on those squirrels. 

Offline Dotch

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Saw the 1st oriole of the season eating grape jelly here a little bit ago. Like the rooster pheasants, very wary and camera shy. Thought I heard a hummingbird last nite around dusk when putting out the birdbath. Couldn't see it but sure sounded like one. Ready for them anytime. Needs to be spring.
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline markn

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May have to let the dogs put more pressure on those squirrels. 

 LPS, Try useing some of them "cure all" tubes on them. They're yellow, 2 3/4" long and fit in a 20ga. :sleazy:

Offline roony

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Saw the 1st oriole of the season eating grape jelly here a little bit ago. Like the rooster pheasants, very wary and camera shy. Thought I heard a hummingbird last nite around dusk when putting out the birdbath. Couldn't see it but sure sounded like one. Ready for them anytime. Needs to be spring.
You always get all the early birds.

Offline Dotch

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Wowsirs! Good morning for gawking out the window. Had a wren land on the porch railing & announce it was here. Rooster pheasant has paraded past several times. The crowning touch was a tom with a 7" - 8" beard sauntering thru. Hadn't seen him before. He was huge & absolutely magnificent.
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline snow1

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We just had a male and female red wing blackbirds land on our feeder.  The squirrels are eating us out of house and home so not much for them to munch on.  May have to let the dogs put more pressure on those squirrels.

LP,squrriels like mice if you see one you have dozens...they all look the same excluding red squrriels.

couple years ago layed off as non-essential I spent many afternoons chipping away at my squrriel population as they were going thru 1 lb of bird seed daily.

I figure on the low end over 3 months I took out 70 critters,high end 80 outof 100 shots,my resident owls thanked me for the meals then red tail hawks took over that summer.

Offline LPS

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Other places that I lived there were endless supplies of squirrels.  Up here I was surprised that we only had about 3 of them.  Now we have maybe 5 of them tops.  They are gray squirrels.  One had hardly any hair on his tail and he has white feet.  I wondered it one of the dogs grabbed his tail once. 

Offline mike89

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shoot em and eat em...  good eats!! 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!