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Author Topic: corona pandemic~  (Read 606196 times)

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Offline HD

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For some reason....Lee sent me this to post....What a perv.....

Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline Lee Borgersen

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For some reason....Lee sent me this to post....What a perv.....

   :angry2: Everyone knows me better den dat! :blues brothers:

« Last Edit: June 06/17/20, 05:23:14 PM by Lee Borgersen »
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If you help someone when they're in trouble, they will remember you when they're in trouble again

Online LPS

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I would let her continue shopping!   :sleazy:

Offline HD

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For some reason....Lee sent me this to post....What a perv.....

   :angry2: Everyone knows me better den dat! :blues brothers:

I have the email time line on file.... do you want me to post it for proof, or are you going to own up?
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline Lee Borgersen

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I would let her continue shopping!   :sleazy:

We know all about you and yer tricks! :tut:

I kin see it now :doah:  LPS drops his change at her feet....Den proceeds ta Kneel down ta pick up his change. Now ya know da rest a-da story! :wowza:

      Peek-A Boo! :doah:
« Last Edit: June 06/17/20, 05:35:27 PM by Lee Borgersen »
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If you help someone when they're in trouble, they will remember you when they're in trouble again

Offline mike89

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sounds like a good plan to me!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online glenn57

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 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: I believe HD's version. :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Lee Borgersen

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For some reason....Lee sent me this to post....What a perv.....

   :angry2: Everyone knows me better den dat! :blues brothers:

I have the email time line on file.... do you want me to post it for proof, or are you going to own up?

 :oops1: :sorry: you are correct :doah: I just checked my sent messages and I did send it to you. :surrender: :bow:

I ment ta send it ta yer son!  :bonk: :rotflmao: I hope ya didn't get no chest pains while you were viewing da video! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

          "When I'm wrong....I'm seldome seldom :bonk: right!" :pouty:
« Last Edit: June 06/18/20, 07:04:38 AM by Lee Borgersen »
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If you help someone when they're in trouble, they will remember you when they're in trouble again

Online LPS

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I think I will watch it again. Good employee training. 

Offline Lee Borgersen

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I think I will watch it again. Good employee training.

Dat's a fine idea bro :happy1: But, I recomend dat ya stop practicin trowin yer change on da floor fur practice! On da udder hand :scratch: if it brings ya extra pleasure den.....Go Fur It!
« Last Edit: June 06/18/20, 08:15:50 AM by Lee Borgersen »
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If you help someone when they're in trouble, they will remember you when they're in trouble again

Online LPS

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The key word here being "fur"!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :hubba:

Online Gunner55

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While we were in Austin over the weekend they had a mass testing site at the fairgrounds because the county has been designated a Covid 19 hotspot. I've now heard that they tested 2,000 people but have yet to here 1 news report mention WHY they think it's a hot spot.  :bonk: Because Hormel doesn't want it on the news is why but yet Tyson & JBS were all over the news down here.  :crazy: :tut: :pouty:
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline HD

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Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline delcecchi

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While we were in Austin over the weekend they had a mass testing site at the fairgrounds because the county has been designated a Covid 19 hotspot. I've now heard that they tested 2,000 people but have yet to here 1 news report mention WHY they think it's a hot spot.  :bonk: Because Hormel doesn't want it on the news is why but yet Tyson & JBS were all over the news down here.  :crazy: :tut: :pouty:
Austin doesn't seem too bad yet.  Lots of cases but few deaths.  You can get the data straight from the state at

Might take a day or two for the weekend tests to show up.    802 so far. 

Online Gunner55

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It was announced at a news conference on Wednesday that because of a 70% increase in CV-19 cases in the last 2 weeks Cerro Gordo County & the city of Mason City will now be requiring masks at all public buildings. This is just the beginning, I'm afraid. :pouty:
« Last Edit: July 07/03/20, 08:29:59 AM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online glenn57

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It was announced at a news conference on Wednesday that because of a 70% increase in CV-19 cases in the last 2 weeks Cerro Gordo County & the city of Mason City will now be requiring masks at all public buildings. This is just the beginning, Im afraid. :pouty:
time to head to the land of skeeters and deer flies!! :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Gunner55

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Exactly!! That's why we went up the end of April & didn't come back until the start of June.
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline Jerkbiat

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I am sure it is just matter of time before dumb dumb gov does is one size fits all for us too. Gee what a shock there are more positive cases when you are testing like crazy. Just simple math. They were already there, just now they actually no about them.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Online glenn57

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JB, give dum dum gov a bit of a break. :rotflmao: if it was up to his health department people we'd all be required to wear masks out in public soon. He is pushing back at the moment. :happy1: :rotflmao:

And your so right about more cases cause of more testing but from what I see, read and hear the amount of people required to be in a hospital isn't increasing as much as the new positive tests increase.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online roony

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We sure are  blessed to have you guys on here that know so much more than the scientists that have devoted their lives studying pandemics. After all science doesn't matter any more! I know this is the first place I'll turn to when I need medical advice. :confused:

Online LPS

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Online glenn57

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We sure are  blessed to have you guys on here that know so much more than the scientists that have devoted their lives studying pandemics. After all science doesn't matter any more! I know this is the first place I'll turn to when I need medical advice. :confused:
so Roony, just for the sake of a discussion, what do you suggest? I believe what the sceintist say. I have a hard time with the transfer of information.

I know the health department is going to error on the side of caution. Fact is this isn't going away.  Personally I do watch my step in helping avoid the spread.

Just yesterday I read an article somewhere where this drug company that makes this  med that helps recovery is playing games with where and who makes it and the ability to make a generic version just based on the country, or people's ability to pay.

That ain't right in this pandemic.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online glenn57

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We sure are  blessed to have you guys on here that know so much more than the scientists that have devoted their lives studying pandemics. After all science doesn't matter any more! I know this is the first place I'll turn to when I need medical advice. :confused:
on a lighter note, so your saying Dotch's remidy of gin and quinine isn't the right cure?? :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online roony

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To start with masks, social distancing and stay the heck out of bars and restaurants. I also think if a facility has a few cases. Everyone should be tested and self quarantined if they have it. I've been wanting to take the warden out for our anniversary for a month now bit no way will I do it. Maybe we can go twice next year.

Online roony

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The gin seems to work wonders for Dotch...I might be due for a good wormin'.  :sleazy:

Online LPS

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Pretty much the same way here Roony.  We are pretty careful.  I did run into the hardware store the other day and got some nuts and bolts without a mask on.  But I did put it on when in the grocery store.  More people in and out of there.  I would just as soon wait as long as possible before I get it so the meds are hopefully better.  That is if I get the bad version. 

Online Dotch

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This heat is not going to help matters and as several have started to realize, is part of the reason for the increase in spread along with the increased testing. It puts people indoors where the odds of infection are at least 20 times greater depending on which study you read. The masks aren't going to matter much if people keep crowding into bars & restaurants. Osterholm (aka "Chicken Little" as other state employees once nicknamed him) & other experts have said the same thing. It doesn't take an epidemiologist to figure that out. It's basic animal husbandry. That's why I put the fans on in the barn. I didn't need to call a vet or an epidemiologist for that. Just as I don't need one to know that the virus will survive only a matter of minutes in bright summer sunshine. This is part of the reason we see less transmission of diseases such as OPP (a lentavirus) in the sheep. It hangs out & is spread most easily inside buildings especially where animals are crowded.

If I had an underlying condition, I might feel as you do Art. As it is, I limit my exposure and will continue to do so until I feel comfortable doing otherwise. I have very little risk of contracting or spreading the virus in corn and soybean fields. The restaurants in Bugtussle have been following the rules about as well as anywhere I know. Require reservations, not crowded, can eat outside if you want, people space themselves well & we hang with the same people we see daily who are also limiting exposure. I even did takeout again the other day because I had a webinar to watch at noon. They require masks and I fear that'll be all she wrote for those restaurants that hung on. Takeout barely kept them alive.

As far as the gin, I see there are still some ongoing studies on hydroxychlorquine as far as it having a preventative effect on COVID-19. I will continue my own ongoing research with quinine water. So far so good.  :happy1: If you need a good wormin', I just got a new bottle of Valbazen. It even takes tapeworms! On second thought, might want to stick with with ivermectin. In addition to intestinal parasites, it kills ticks & lice (think crabs) but keeps those tapeworms alive!  :rotflmao: 

« Last Edit: July 07/04/20, 01:07:58 PM by Dotch »
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline mike89

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interesting, they usually release the new covid numbers about 11 am daily...  haven't any updates today...    so is every thing good???  yes right...   
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online fishwidow

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They said on the morning news report that they would not have an update today because of the holiday.

Online Gunner55

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Checked the state DPH site earlier & it said the same.
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon