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Author Topic: corona pandemic~  (Read 606081 times)

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Online glenn57

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2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline delcecchi

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Word is Delmar requested a snoopy band-aid and grape tootsie-pop.. ;)

Nope, just a boring brown fabric band aid.    And we stopped at Chic-fil-a for lunch.   Even went in and sat in the dining room.     Was feeling pretty good, then about midnight some reaction kicked in, chills, fever, etc.   Finally got up and took a couple advils and in like 30 min was much better.     

Online Dotch

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Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online glenn57

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2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Word is Delmar requested a snoopy band-aid and grape tootsie-pop.. ;)

Nope, just a boring brown fabric band aid.    And we stopped at Chic-fil-a for lunch.   Even went in and sat in the dining room.     Was feeling pretty good, then about midnight some reaction kicked in, chills, fever, etc.   Finally got up and took a couple advils and in like 30 min was much better.   

It wasn't the chicken rot-gut fugue, was it???

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's

Online glenn57

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I did the first round of vaccines, but they can go pack sand from here on out. The political propaganda is clearly all  :bs: :bs:.

No businesses are demanding masks and with the amount of festivities with crowds now I think people are plain fed up with it

Just my take.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline dutchboy

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I was on another forum and a guy wondered why people wouldn't get a vaccine that was proven to be 100% effective with no known side effects. I asked if he was referring to the Mumps vaccine. Needless to say that set everyone off.

I've said before I believe it's personal if you believe what you hear. Now if you deal daily with large numbers of people in a cramped space then I can see employers putting on restrictions. But, it's still your choice whether to comply or walk.
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Online mike89

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I did the first round of vaccines, but they can go pack sand from here on out. The political propaganda is clearly all  :bs: :bs:.

No businesses are demanding masks and with the amount of festivities with crowds now I think people are plain fed up with it

Just my take.
they were just saying on the news this morning that some places have closed again to indoor dining and many more are requiring proof of your vaccination or neg test..  I add as a disclamer that this is only in the cities!!!  I can't say for us cows and rocks what's going on in outstate Minn. 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
The whole COVID thing.......
« Last Edit: October 10/01/21, 12:51:02 PM by Rebel SS »

Offline dutchboy

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You might not want to watch this if you are forced vaccine.
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Offline delcecchi

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I was on another forum and a guy wondered why people wouldn't get a vaccine that was proven to be 100% effective with no known side effects. I asked if he was referring to the Mumps vaccine. Needless to say that set everyone off.

I've said before I believe it's personal if you believe what you hear. Now if you deal daily with large numbers of people in a cramped space then I can see employers putting on restrictions. But, it's still your choice whether to comply or walk.

I am pretty sure I never got the MMR vaccines.... Got the diseases before they were available.      :thumbs:

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
That didn't come out until 1971, when most of us were chasing girls in High school. We'd already done the chipmunk cheek thing in the 60's.

Online mike89

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a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's

Online glenn57

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So I
 had a little discussion with my doctor about the Rona. Basically wanted to know if the blood work I have done shows any Rona antibodies. He said not that he knows and didn't think it would show the vaccine. That's just in the blood work he wants done on me. He did say he was going to look into it though

He is a big vaccine supporter and said he is always first in line for shots. His choice I guess. He said to me he thinks it's a bio weapon released in China. :confused: :doah:

I'm getting emails again to donate blood, so I must be up again. I'll have a discussion with the nurses at the red cross when I go
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline dutchboy

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Apparently a Doc or nurse can just look at you and know you don't have Covid. Recently heard of a guy (late 30's) who wasn't feeling good, breathing issue, went in and they never tested him at all for Covid. Turns out to be Broncidus (sp) gave him antibiotics and sent him home.

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Online glenn57

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He was also saying when they do x-rays, scans whatever to check patients with COVID there seeing something, he named whatever it was, sorry can't think of the names, but these things are known to cause blocking of artaries that cause heart attacks.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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Ayup. Things gettin' a bit dicey here over the mask/no mask trespassing rule.... :coffee:
« Last Edit: October 10/06/21, 07:13:57 AM by Rebel SS »

Offline snow1

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Yeah Reb,cawchester made national news with all the mandates imposed throughout the city.

gettin close tp mid terms...I sense another lock down to allow mail in votes  :confused:

Glenn,your  doc is spot on,infact back in december 2019 when hong kong was in a major anti ccp protest...enter covid,not one word since regarding the anti ccp protest 1000's died from the virus but china lied at the time,then this virus started moving west,Israel declared this virus a ccp bio weapon,Trump shut down travel from china to the shergrin of the lefties in january 2020, our country/Trump allowed American citizens in china for the chinese new years celibration to come back to the states but only to a couple secluded airports where folks departing could be screened if I remember right,fruitless effort,I/we all watched as this virus started spreading from the west coast,double digit cases going up on a daily basis moving east.

Online glenn57

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my post wasnt intented to get or ne politicial, i was merely trying to explain what my doctor said or how he answered my questions regarding my bloodwork. and he added his thoughts coming from a medical proffesional!!!!!!! i have no opinions, well OK i do, but the jury is still out to me on some of  this crap!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Steve-o

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We all know what my opinion is worth...  yep, zippo.

And we commentators have no way of knowing if the Chinese intentionally released Covid as a bio-weapon or not, but I do know this...

It happened and they learned a lot.  And just like having the capability to make nuclear bombs, now the blue prints exist for making highly communicable, deadly viruses and mRNA vaccines to protect the people who would release them.

Online Dotch

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Gotta wear a mask!  :rolleyes:

Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline Leech~~

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my post wasnt intented to get or ne politicial, i was merely trying to explain what my doctor said or how he answered my questions regarding my bloodwork. and he added his thoughts coming from a medical proffesional!!!!!!! i have no opinions, well OK i do, but the jury is still out to me on some of  this crap!!!!!

Yeah well, we all ant got no blue!   :doah: :doah:   :rotflmao:
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline Steve-o

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You can't make this stuff up...

"Squad" member Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., was caught on camera saying she was only wearing a mask because she was being tailed by a "Republican tracker."

The Michigan congresswoman made the admission while speaking to a maskless attendee at an event in Detroit featuring Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Marcia Fudge.

Tlaib told the attendee that she only had the mask on because of the tracker, who was filming the exchange, after the person mistakenly thought Tlaib was scolding him for going maskless.

"Oh, no, oh, not you!" Tlaib said in the video. "No, no, no – I'm just wearing it because I've got a Republican tracker here."

"I'm just wearing it because I've got a Republican tracker here"
« Last Edit: October 10/07/21, 09:43:52 AM by Steve-o »

Offline Jerkbiat

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H & F is all they are!!
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline snow1

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You can't make this stuff up...

"Squad" member Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., was caught on camera saying she was only wearing a mask because she was being tailed by a "Republican tracker."

The Michigan congresswoman made the admission while speaking to a maskless attendee at an event in Detroit featuring Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Marcia Fudge.

This tliab yanker...this entire squat squad is an embarrassment to our country,so anti American,yet some how voted in to hold a seat in our government. :crazy:

Tlaib told the attendee that she only had the mask on because of the tracker, who was filming the exchange, after the person mistakenly thought Tlaib was scolding him for going maskless.

"Oh, no, oh, not you!" Tlaib said in the video. "No, no, no – I'm just wearing it because I've got a Republican tracker here."

"I'm just wearing it because I've got a Republican tracker here"

Online glenn57

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here's a hum-dinger for ya.

so i just read the CDC might change the defintion of "fully vacinated". :doah: :mad1: :bs: when's this going to end!!!!!!!!!!!!  :pouty: :crazy: :confused: :thumbs: :doofus:

right now if you have both doses from pfizer or moderna or the single J&J Vaccine you are concidered fully vaccinated. BUT soon you may not be unless you have the 3rd shot!!!!!!!!! :bs: :doah: :doah: :surrender: :surrender:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!