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Author Topic: corona pandemic~  (Read 606019 times)

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Offline dutchboy

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Just wait until they tie your social security check to being fully vaccinated.
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Online glenn57

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Just wait until they tie your social security check to being fully vaccinated.
:shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :doah:

with the bunch of dinks in charge wouldnt surprise me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :doah: :mad1: :confused:
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Online mike89

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2nd that.........
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Rebel SS

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Offline delcecchi

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here's a hum-dinger for ya.

so i just read the CDC might change the defintion of "fully vacinated". :doah: :mad1: :bs: when's this going to end!!!!!!!!!!!!  :pouty: :crazy: :confused: :thumbs: :doofus:

right now if you have both doses from pfizer or moderna or the single J&J Vaccine you are concidered fully vaccinated. BUT soon you may not be unless you have the 3rd shot!!!!!!!!! :bs: :doah: :doah: :surrender: :surrender:

Got my booster.

Online Gunner55

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Just made an appt a bit ago to get our booster on Wednesday, got my flu shot on 10/7 too.
« Last Edit: October 10/24/21, 07:42:19 AM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online glenn57

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So don't you guys find it interesting, or puzzling with all this  :bs:,or crying wolf about this virus that the MLB season is almost over with, the pro and college seasons are in their 7th and maybe 8th weeks of the season, hardly ever see a mask in the stands AND usually full capacity and they have not had a massive outbreak of the Rona.

Something just don't smell right. :confused: :scratch: :scratch:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Steve-o

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Everyone in the stadium is vaccinated, right?
And the vaccine is effective, right?
And when the government forces everyone everyone who works* to get booster shots, it will keep the sky from falling, right?

I'm not anti-vax.  Vaccines seems to provide a decent amount of protection, but it ain't perfect.  Vaxed folks still get Covid and they spread it too.  Like I said all along...  If you want protection, get the shot.  Forcing me - or anyone else - to get the shot does nothing to protect you.  Why is it more complicated than this.   :confused:

At the beginning of this pandemic we were all wondering what our "new normal" was going to look like.  Well, folks...  I think this is it.  Covid ain't going away.  There will continue to be new variants crop up and the seasonal death rate will rise and fall - like it always has done with the regular flu - hitting the elderly especially hard (but this was never newsworthy before).  And most everyone else who gets covid - vaccinate or NOT - will recover.

Its about time we settled into these realities and started figuring out how to get trade goods unloaded from ships and reign in inflationary spending.  And if the current presidential administration can't figure out what to do next, there is no better time to get his attention than mid-term elections. 

*Which seems to conveniently exclude illegal immigrants, welfare recipients, and LAWMAKERS:angry:

Offline Rebel SS

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Staffer calls Mayo Clinic 'communist' for vaccine rule and resigns her job

Jeff Kiger, Post-Bulletin, Rochester, Minn.
Mon, October 25, 2021, 12:17 PM·5 min read

Oct. 25—Mayo Clinic administrative assistant Kalley Newkirk opposes the mandate for all non-exempt employees to receive COVID-19 vaccinations to the point that she resigned from her position and described the clinic's policy as "communist" in an interview on an online conservative talk show.

Newkirk, a 25-year-old pregnant woman who has worked at Mayo Clinic for four years, believes one shot of the Pfzier vaccine in January caused her to not be able to sleep or eat for days and led her to be hospitalized in a locked mood disorder ward in the Generose Building for 10 days. One month after her discharge from the hospital, she had a miscarriage, followed by a second miscarriage a month later.

Her doctors and medical team said there was no medical connection between the vaccine and her disorders or miscarriages, and at least three medical studies seeking a correlation between the vaccines and miscarriages have not established any connection. Newkirk's care team strongly urged her to get the second Pfizer shot, but she fervently believes the vaccine was the source of her problems as she is very sensitive to medicine.

Acknowledging that she has no medical education, Newkirk said her opinion was "based on how I had been in the period from when I left the hospital to when those events (miscarriages) happened... it just all correlated so much. I think you'd have to be there in person to further understand."

She also cites the "research" of Dr. Robert Malone, a virologist who speaks out against the COVID-19 vaccines.

Her unsubstantiated belief that the vaccine caused her health problems caused her distress, especially when Mayo Clinic sent out a message earlier this month that non-exempt employees would be terminated in January if they were not vaccinated.

"I was devastated. I sobbed pretty much the rest of the day," Newkirk said of getting the email on Oct. 13 about the vaccine requirement. "I knew that I needed to think about what I was doing with my career choices and what the next steps of my life were going to be, because of the baby on the way."

She had an interview for a promotion at Mayo Clinic scheduled, but she canceled it because of the vaccination rule.

A few days after she sent her resignation letter, Newkirk sent a longer letter to Mayo Clinic CEO Dr. Gianrico Farrugia and other Mayo Clinic leaders to tell them of her decision.

"I am NOT an anti-vaxxer. I have every other vaccine under the sun! I believe in science, I believe in research, but what I don't believe in: politics getting involved in personal health choices," she wrote. "This institution is falling victim to communism. The Mayo brothers believed that politics was to STAY OUT of Mayo Clinic; we were always told to remain neutral. Now, we are folding to communist executive orders and not standing up with our own voice and research."

She cited the Mayo Clinic's references to a federal vaccine mandate from the Biden administration as evidence that the clinic's decision to have employees get the shot is political versus medical.

In addition to supporting the "communist" political agenda, Newkirk also said that Mayo Clinic's true reason to back this is financial.

"They do get money from the government for Medicare and Medicaid. And that I'm sure that is the reason that they did this mandate, honestly. That's what I think... I do believe this whole thing is about money," she said.

In a statement Monday, Mayo said "making COVID-19 vaccination a requirement to work at Mayo Clinic will help ensure we have a healthy workforce and that Mayo Clinic is a safe place to receive care — just as our patients expect. In consideration of the safety of our patients, staff, visitors and communities, Mayo Clinic is transitioning to the next phase of its COVID-19 vaccination program, with vaccination required to continue to work at Mayo Clinic. A review process will be available for staff to seek medical or religious exemptions to vaccination. Staff may participate in social media and advocacy on their own behalf, in accordance with applicable Mayo Clinic policies."

Newkirk posted her letter on her Facebook page and to a private online Mayo Clinic employee group of about 1,100 people who oppose the vaccine rule. The group, which is where Monday's employee protest was organized, enthusiastically supported her statements. (Protestors will be outside the Mayo Building from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday.)

Some of them passed her letter on to online talk show host Stew Peters. Peters, who calls himself "The Bullhorn of the People," asked Newkirk to be on his program.

Peters, who claims that the FDA has not approved any COVID-19 vaccines in the U.S., introduced the interview by commenting on statements Mayo Clinic doctors have made on social media criticising people who oppose vaccinations. He said Mayo Clinic has "annihilated their credibility in their response to this pandemic."

"Not everyone at Mayo Clinic is bad, " he said introducing Newkirk as a brave woman opposing the clinic's mandate.

Newkirk, wearing her Mayo Clinic employee badge, told Peters her story. The interview was posted on Oct. 22. The next day, Newkirk said she was placed on administrative leave by Mayo Clinic.

On Monday, Mayo said she was still employed there.

After writing the letter, appearing in the Peters' show and supporting Monday's protest, what does Newkirk hope Mayo Clinic will do?

She believes Mayo Clinic has the power to stand up to the federal government and defy any vaccine orders, if the leadership would "speak up" and support its employees who don't want to be vaccinated.

And....the big protest going on downtown right now......


Offline Steve-o

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Yes, this is not the first I've heard of miscarriages being tied to the vaccine.  And surprise, surprise, surprise...  "Our studies haven't found any correlation between the vaccine and miscarriages."   :angry2:

And now - more than ever - everything I hear about government covid response policy can best be explained by the phrase "Follow the money."

They no longer care about the science except so they can pick and choose studies to harvest statistics that bolster their arguments and line their pockets.

Online Jerkbiat

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There have been several stories about the vaccine effecting the reproductive system. Of course they try to tell us there is correlation.  :doofus:
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline Rebel SS

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Crowds and protest getting pretty big downtown.....lookout Mayo.  :rolleyes:
« Last Edit: October 10/25/21, 03:22:17 PM by Rebel SS »

Offline Steve-o

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There have been several stories about the vaccine effecting the reproductive system. Of course they try to tell us there is correlation.  :doofus:

And how long did was Roundup on the market before they/we "proved" that Roundup can cause non-Hodgkin's lymphoma?   :confused:  ...that a chemical that kills plants on contact won't have any adverse affects on the human body?!?   :mad1:

So how many unborn babies are going to have to die before "The Establishment" errors on the side of caution with their vaccine recommendations and mandates?  :angry:

Again... They follow the science that best benefits them.  If they concede that the vax "might not be good" for pregnant women, other people might ask if it isn't best for them either.

No, wait...  People are asking those questions, but the Government of "We the People" don't care and aren't listening.   :angry2:

Offline Rebel SS

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Green light! Jump! Jump! Jump! Don't worry about that Agent Orange cloud, it won't hurt you! GO! GO!   


Offline dutchboy

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NOBODY can say money doesn't play a factor. Big pharma isn't producing and distributing the vaccine for free. We only need to find out what a gallon of vaccine costs and then divide the amount of a shot times the cost per shot of that gallon.

The dollar value of this is astronomical.
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Offline Rebel SS

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Cost of vaccine itself is moot. It's the hours and hours of research, equipment, testing, development, payroll, and staff involved that determines what intial cost is.

Just heard thru my sources a couple of fights with pushing and shoving just broke out downtown....wait 'til it gets dark downtown!  :party1:

Click for pics.

Protesters marched from Peace Plaza in Rochester to Mayo St. Mary's mid-day Monday. Those marching are not happy with Mayo Clinic's vaccine mandate.

"Anthony Fauci is a criminal. Stop the mandate," one protester said.

"Just kick the frontline workers to the curb," another protester said.

"Kick the *** out of the dictators" one protestor screamed.

"Shame on Mayo. We will not comply," said another.

Employees who remain unvaccinated without medical or religious exemption by December 3 will be put on unpaid leave. If staff members still are not in compliance with the vaccination requirement on January 3, 2022, they will be terminated.

"We're trying to protest medical coercion. They are threatening to fire us if we do not get the shot. The shot that does not protect against getting the virus. They are firing nurses and doctors who don't comply and remote workers like myself, we're standing up against that," Mayo Clinic employee Adan Vanmuyden said.

The rally started in the morning and went into the afternoon. Someone KTTC spoke with, who was marching, claimed anywhere from 50 to 70 percent of the protesters were Mayo Clinic employees.

"I'm here today to stand up for medical freedom for everybody who would like a choice for vaccine freedom or for people who want the vaccine. They should get a choice," Kalley Newkirk said.

Newkirk says she just resigned from her position at Mayo Clinic.

"I was lucky enough after I signed my resignation to my supervisors, I had six job offers within a day. I did accept a new job in Zumbrota near my home, and I know other people will be able to find jobs as well. They just need to look," Newkirk said.

Leonard Carlson is against those protesting.

"We had measles, we has mumps, we had everything. The only way to get rid of a virus, you take a shot for it. It's just like anything else they can protest. It makes them an idiot, an absolute protesting idiot. They need to get the shot, that's the only way to get rid of a virus," Leonard said.
« Last Edit: October 10/25/21, 04:15:09 PM by Rebel SS »

Offline Rebel SS

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« Last Edit: October 10/26/21, 12:00:17 PM by Rebel SS »

Offline delcecchi

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There have been several stories about the vaccine effecting the reproductive system. Of course they try to tell us there is correlation.  :doofus:

And how long did was Roundup on the market before they/we "proved" that Roundup can cause non-Hodgkin's lymphoma?   :confused:  ...that a chemical that kills plants on contact won't have any adverse affects on the human body?!?   :mad1:

So how many unborn babies are going to have to die before "The Establishment" errors on the side of caution with their vaccine recommendations and mandates?  :angry:

Again... They follow the science that best benefits them.  If they concede that the vax "might not be good" for pregnant women, other people might ask if it isn't best for them either.

No, wait...  People are asking those questions, but the Government of "We the People" don't care and aren't listening.   :angry2:
Actually Glyphosaste the active ingredient was found innocent.   They hung it on one of the "inert" ingredients. so it is only " roundup" not big and tuff or any of the generics.    Kill the lawyers.  Then maybe I will be able to buy a useable gas can again. :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:

Online Jerkbiat

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What Del said. Wish I could like that one a 1000x. Good old fashion gas can would be great to buy again.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline Rebel SS

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Hmmm....and to think I have 2 more of these just sitting empty on a shelf.. :azn:

Online glenn57

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 :scratch: :scratch: i was wondering what all the fuss was about with gas cans, so i googled them, wowzer....been a while since i looked at one in a store. wont be getting rid of mine anytime soon. have to 5 or 6 gallon ones and like 4-5 gallon ones!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Gunner55

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 :scratch: We must have 4 or 5 around here too, only a couple that size however. Those new safety nozzles are nothin but a PITA.  :crazy: :pouty: Got a couple appts for our boosters today.
« Last Edit: October 10/27/21, 07:28:38 AM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline Rebel SS

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I've got two 5 gal jerry cans think I'm gonna get rid of. They're sitting empty too. Heck, maybe I should have a garage sale!  :shocked:

Online glenn57

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:scratch: We must have 4 or 5 around here too, only a couple that size however. Those new safety nozzles are nothin but a PITA.  :crazy: :pouty: Got a couple appts for our boosters today.
see if that booster will get you to be more minnesotan!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :super smiley: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:

yea.......Mikey made me!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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Just got my J & J booster. So far, so good......

Online glenn57

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Just got my J & J booster. So far, so good......
Jameson and jagemeister. :scratch: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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Online Jerkbiat

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Just got my J & J booster. So far, so good......
Jameson and jagemeister. :scratch: :rotflmao:
Now those are shots I would take!  :sleazy:
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline Rebel SS

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Seagrams' VO should be mandatory with each booster.  :azn: Boy, the lines were long at Mayo this am to get thhe shot...I called 'em this time and got real lucky and they actually KNEW for once if they had the J&J booster, and where. She asked if I was a current active Mayo employee, "No, I'm retired'..."Oh! Where did you  work?" "Saint Marys Hospital, Security, ER and psych team, 30 years " "Well, then we can just sneak you in in a half hour, hows that?"  Works for me!   :happy1:

Online Gunner55

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The pharmacy didn't open 'til 9 & I had the 1st appt of the day at 9:20, brother's was 9:40. We both were done by 9:28. :happy1: :cool: Might of went even smoother if I'd caught it :doofus: when "auto-fill" put the wrong bday date in for my brother's appt. Pharmacist thanked us for making the appt online too as they're having a lot of walk-ins. A Moderna 1/2 dose or .25 ml here.
« Last Edit: October 10/27/21, 05:21:37 PM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon