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Author Topic: Good Morning!!!!!!  (Read 6114982 times)

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Offline Bobberineyes

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Dang Dotch,  get better soon pal. Your a marked man no matter what you do, ( chores, grilling) always needing to look over the shoulder.  :bow: Aks Glenn nicely he might just send some Inger gals down to check on you.... ;)

Offline Dotch

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You got that right boober! glenn claims those Inger babes will eat just about anything including hay and corn screenings. They should flip over the Newco lamb feed with all that molasses. 😋
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline glenn57

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Dang Dotch,  get better soon pal. Your a marked man no matter what you do, ( chores, grilling) always needing to look over the shoulder.  :bow: Aks Gunner nicely he might just send some Inger gals down to check on you.... ;)
fixed it fer ya!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline mike89

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a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Gunner55

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 :tut: Well, we all know who was up there last  :whistling:................& probably sweet talkin 'em  :kiss:.................. cuz there weren't no deer.  :sleazy: :nerd:        ;) :laugh: :laugh:                     
« Last Edit: December 12/02/24, 09:07:48 PM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline Jerkbiat

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Morning boys. 8 here and heading for 22 today with a chance at some more snow. I couldn't see any open water on the lake when I got home last night. But the daylight was fading. Going to be super windy tomorrow. So we shall see what happens there. Loaded up the woodshed last night. Good for another week. Otherwise just getting ready for another day in the salt mines. Have a good one boys.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline mike89

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mornin all 10 here and could see 21 today and it sure sounds like the wind is going to kick up here too later today and tomorrow too..   got a few things to do today but overall nothing big..  have a good day all!!! 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline LPS

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Morning boys.  We are looking at 12 here and may get to 23 later on.  Possible skiff of snow too.  Got my running around done yesterday so no big plans for the day. That's ok too. Will keep things going here on the home front. Had a nice pork tenderloin for supper last night and it was great.  Well have a good one.

Offline Gunner55

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Mornin gents, 13 here & we're headed for 26, they're sayin. Well, the Avenue of the Saints was not in the best shape as 1 of the lanes was kind of slushy most of the way over to Mason City yday. But we took off right after dropping my car off, ~ 8, & took it kind of easy but we still had plenty of time. No big plans for today again, so back to my routine. No more now, have a great day.
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline markn

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Picked up 33 hides yesterday. 31 of them were as hard as manhole covers and are resting on the garage floor right now in 50 degree heat. I'll have to see if I can get them stretched and salted today. Should look at cleaning some firearms today since I put it off last week.
LPS and Rooney; It's my shoulder that gives me issues and the Dr. is beating me up pretty good twice a week. I do believe going to her does help. I couldn't turn my head to the left last week.
 Have a great day everyone, later...... :happy1: :happy1:

Offline LPS

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HER????   Is she hot?  Just wondered.  LOL 

Offline glenn57

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morning fellers...........Mark does she massage.... :sleazy: er.....awe...never mind!!!!!! :pouty:

gotta do a few things outside yet........think I'll wait till it warms up a tad this afternoon. start snowblower, that hasnt been started all last year.  fill and fire up the auger. spear is nice and sharp......boober!!!!! ;) :rotflmao: plus a few other things. maybe run some piss and vinegar outta shadow!!!!!! :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Dotch

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Mornin' fellow gulag comrades! 10 at choretime, heading for a high in the upper 20's. Won't know how to behave at that temperature. This a.m., sorta stumbled my way thru unloading the last of the crap out of my pickup from Sunday's pasture expedition. Knee's still plenty stiff & sore but the swelling is down as is the pain. No massage or happy ending either one from the Mrs. Gotta finish a column, spell check & proof it, then it'll probably be time to go home & let Poppy out. Should rattle the cage on the tractor tire guy too. Be nice to get that process over with so I can get on to bigger and better things like hauling chit before Old Man Winter gets carried away. Living on borrowed time otherwise.   
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline LPS

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SO you still haven't gotten a hired man or woman to help yet???

Offline Jerkbiat

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Morning boys. 17 here and falling from there throughout the day. Wind is already cranking up to. The wood stove is fed already this morning. It will be hungry by the time we get home too I'm sure. Real windy days do make it use more wood. Otherwise just getting ready for another day in the salt mines. Have a good one boys.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline mike89

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mornin all. 33 here and might go up 2 more degrees..  then drop it says and the wind is really cranking already..  got to take the car in and get the tire pressure sensors replaced..  none are working it seems..  then get a few groceries..  have a good day all!!
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Gunner55

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Mornin guys, 32 here & we might see 36. There's a Wind Advisory here too, WNW winds 30-35 mph with gusts as high as 55 according to TWC's site. Back to the dentist's office again early today for me, as they found a cavity that needs to be taken care of. The rest of my day will probably hinge on how I feel after that. Have a good day.
« Last Edit: December 12/04/24, 07:09:07 AM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online roony

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Right at 32 here too. The wind  and cold are on the way they say. Have a great day all.

Offline LPS

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Morning boys, it is dark as can be here. Will have sustained winds of about 24 mph today and gusts higher than that.  It is 14 now and that is the high for the day.  Could see another 1-3" of snow today too.  Looks like we already got s skiff of snow last night.  What a forecast huh?  I may need to run to town to pay some bills today but other than that take it easy.  You all stay safe on the roads today. 

Offline markn

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Got my hides done yesterday, not much after that. Back to the bone cracker this morning, most of the pain is gone and I can move again. Bonus. I'm sure she will tell to take a nap this afternoon, thinks I can handle it. Lenny and Ringo are wrestling under the Christmas tree right now, could be trouble. Got to go, later....... :happy1: :happy1:

Offline glenn57

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morning fellers........yep windy as all get out!!!!!!1 i trip to st cloud is in order for today. need some backwoods seasoning to make for 5 lb batches of venny jerky!!!!!!

guess i'll check what its like outside a couple things to do yet!!!!!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Dotch

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Mornin' fellow gulag comrades! 32 at choretime, with temps climbing to 34 and falling to the mid-teens by late afternoon. Freezing rain changing to snow with winds gusting up to 45 mph according to the NWS. Will probably head home around noon and hunker down. Knee is less worse today after being really swollen again by bedtime. Iced it down, kept it elevated & better again this a.m. Less pain, wider range of motion. Ya Barry, I've tried to think of someone locally who could help on a routine basis. A good friend of mine a few years younger than I am retired but still crop farms some. He's helped me from time to time but I hate to impose. He claims he likes the exercise & it's guaranteed you'll get a workout. He & his wife bought a starter flock of sheep from us back in the day. Their kids showed sheep locally & at the MN State Fair. He gets it. Likes lamb too so can usually compensate him that way.       
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline glenn57

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Mornin' fellow gulag comrades! 32 at choretime, with temps climbing to 34 and falling to the mid-teens by late afternoon. Freezing rain changing to snow with winds gusting up to 45 mph according to the NWS. Will probably head home around noon and hunker down. Knee is less worse today after being really swollen again by bedtime. Iced it down, kept it elevated & better again this a.m. Less pain, wider range of motion. Ya Barry, I've tried to think of someone locally who could help on a routine basis. A good friend of mine a few years younger than I am retired but still crop farms some. He's helped me from time to time but I hate to impose. He claims he likes the exercise & it's guaranteed you'll get a workout. He & his wife bought a starter flock of sheep from us back in the day. Their kids showed sheep locally & at the MN State Fair. He gets it. Likes lamb too so can usually compensate him that way.     
:scratch: do you pay Union thug scale?????? free libations???? a spare bed????  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Dotch

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Just like on Gunsmoke. Three squares and you sleep in the barn, cowboy... :coffee:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online fishwidow

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Hide the sheep.

Offline glenn57

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2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline mike89

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a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online roony

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I don't understand.

Offline LPS

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Constant supervision.

Offline Bobberineyes

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Afternoon peoples,  was 28 when I left fer bustinazzville this morning figured I'd leave the long John's in my locker, sure regretted that decision by 10, so just faught it for the next 4 hrs. Might hafta put a bounty on some squirrels in these parts, the outside pre lit candy canes took a hit, 2 otta the 8 are out, sure enough a wire got chewed.. :angry2:  Anywho no grilling for this cat tonight,  taco's are getting the nod.....See ya!!