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Author Topic: Good Morning!!!!!!  (Read 6110046 times)

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Offline markn

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I did get a couple of firearms cleaned yesterday and two bags of junk thrown out of the basement. It's a start. Also got some Christmas gifts wrapped for the Mrs. and myself from Santa. Don't tell Glenn and Mike there's no Santa. Santa brought her an ice maker for the camper and me a can cooler with a Bluetooth radio in it. Beer and tunes, gotta love it. Need to get that IBC tote with deer heads and legs in the garage so they thaw out and then can go to the dump. Tomorrow project. Later........ :happy1: :happy1:

Offline Gunner55

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Mornin gents, got 3 here & we're headed for 21. Went out & got my lab work done 1st thing today. Got a WWA in effect from midnight tonight until 6 PM Saturday down here. It's calling for up to 1" of snow & .2" of ice accumulations. :rolleyes: Scenic, our battery packs suggest charging them every couple months, even if you don't use them. 'Bout it here, have a good day.
« Last Edit: December 12/13/24, 03:35:56 PM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline Gunner55

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I had to go find my password book and sign in today.  ??
Me too!! :scratch:
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online glenn57

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Dang warmed up 7 degrees already! :happy1: it's 0 now. Heatwave   about ready to boogie to the northland.  :sleazy:

Shadows been a pain in my azz this morning.  :confused: :rotflmao: always in the way.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online glenn57

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I had to go find my password book and sign in today.  ??
Me too!! :scratch:
:scratch: mayhaps  HD is telling ya something   :mooning: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Jerkbiat

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Morning boys. Had -15 this morning, supposed to make it to 14 above today. Headed in to the salt mines early today so I can sneak out a little early and go take the smoke pole out. Cut some firewood last night and loaded in the woodshed. I will top off the shed this weekend when it is warmer. Have a good one boys.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline Gunner55

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Dang warmed up 7 degrees already! :happy1: it's 0 now. Heatwave   about ready to boogie to the northland.  :sleazy:

Shadows been a pain in my azz this morning.  :confused: :rotflmao: always in the way.
:pouty:   :violin: :violin: :violin: :cry: :cry: :cry:  :tut:         :nerd:        :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
« Last Edit: December 12/13/24, 08:52:05 AM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline Bobberineyes

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Mornin peoples gots the day off from bustinazzville,  gonna run some errands after a bit then just lay low I'm thinking fer the afternoon. Been running the psi in the pick em up just above where the sensors are set, sure enough with the cold the rears were flashing yesterday afternoon,  soo looks like I'll hafta pump em up to 80 to get em to shut up, then I'll back em off a smidge.  Best run...See ya!!

Online LPS

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Online Dotch

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Mornin' fellow gulag comrades! Bottomed out around -6, was 0 at choretime, heading for a high in the upper teens. Winter weather advisory here for tonite & tomorrow. Will be playing it by ear for my brother heading this way in the a.m. I might need to grab his feed order for him as his trip could be delayed. Parts of our tractor surgery could be delayed as well if my bolts don't show up. At very least we should still be able to get the weights on. More time to scheme that way. Better make sure the liquor cabinet is well stocked in the meantime... :whistling:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online roony

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Little nippy in the wind. I took my grandson out to shoot a bb gun for him first time. He is starting to get the hang of it. Trying to stress how important it is to control where the muzzle is pointed between shots.

Online Dotch

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Good deal. Don't want him putting someone's eye out as my Mom would always say... :coffee:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online roony

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I know I spent more time with Emmett today than I did with my three boys combined. Seems I have more time and more patience as an old fat guy. My boys never had a grandpa that they can remember.
« Last Edit: December 12/13/24, 04:39:31 PM by roony »

Online LPS

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That is great Roony.  With Grandpa.  Cool as heck!  I almost shot the bottom of the passenger door on my Dad's car when I first got my new single shot .410.   That woke me up.  Noone said a word.  I learned my lesson.

Online mike89

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mornin all, 16 here and could see 24 here...  no snow so far but they are still yapping about freezing rain/mist towards the cities..  thinking a fun drive to Monticello this afternoon..  oh well just take it as it comes..  have a good day all!!   

mn511 is sure showing some color in the southern 1/3 part of the state.. 
« Last Edit: December 12/14/24, 06:54:12 AM by mike89 »
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Jerkbiat

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Morning boys. 15 here and heading for 26 it says. Safe travels today Mike. Changed my mind on hunting this morning. Stomach is not letting me get to far from da hopper. So I will just relax for awhile. Maybe get an earlier start on the projects. First one will be to try and get on the roof of the woodshed to get a look down the chimney of the boiler to see if it is plugged. It is having a tuff time burning. Burns great when the door is open, but has a tuff time when it is closed. Tells me air flow is a problem. Steel roof makes it tuff when full of snow though. Then start rearranging the garage to get the snowmobile out so I can start thinking about ice fishing. About it here. Have a good one boys.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Online glenn57

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Morning fellers  13 on the good side of 0. :happy1: waiting for it to get lighter out. Gonna check out a lake couple miles down the road that frozen out same time cabin lake did. It's been bugging me the lasy few years to see how it's coming back. Good time as any
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Gunner55

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Mornin guys, 25 here now & we should see 32, they're sayin. :scratch: It says we're having a snow shower & the radar has turned awfully blue. But I was just out & I could feel some very light precip but I didn't see any snow. Checked 511ia & it's pink from about Waterloo down to the Missouri border between I 35 over to the Mississippi right now. A stalled vehicle & a crash down that way already too. We'll probably just sit tight & ride this 1 out today. Have a good day.
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline Gunner55

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It's snowing pretty good now, big flakes too. It won't take long to get an inch if it keeps that up.
« Last Edit: December 12/14/24, 08:24:09 AM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline markn

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TV guy here yesterday, found a splitter outside of the house was full of water and a couple of cable fittings were bad. Got tv now, wife happy and that's all that counts. Buddy stopped by and we went through the list of firearms for our upcoming gun bingo in March. Some pretty nice firearms on it. Thinking when I bring in my deer head and leg tote today I might as well drag the Harly golf cart in the garage too. Might as well see if it's worth saving or junk. Also keep me out of trouble and a good excuse to drink a few beers. Later....... :happy1: :happy1:

Online LPS

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Morning boys.  14 at the moment. Oh ya it is winter out.  LOL  It is so white here.  The trees are full of snow and are hanging down so that branches are touching the ground.  Had a couple more elms break off and fall down.  More firewood.  The boxelders are more flexible and are bent over so much I wonder if they will stand back up when they are not snow covered?  Otherwise, more firewood.  I am thinking haircut today.  Then whatever the wife tells me..  Kind of miss the Gophers playing football today.

Online tangle tooth

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      Good morning campers. Drizzle, misty, foggy, damp. Pretty slippery at 24° when I let the feathered girls out. Started singing that old Paul Simon song, "Slip Sliding Away". I think my singing scared the hens. Glad we don't have to go anywhere this morning.
      Stay safe everyone.
I used to be cute and adorable. Then, I had my first birthday. Been downhill ever since.

Online Dotch

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Mornin' fellow gulag comrades! 20 for a low, 25 at choretime, up to 30 presently & should top out there. Been an occasional wintry mix & appears it'll get heavier as the afternoon wears on. .02" of liquid equivalent precip so far at the ranch. Did chores, made my feed run & then Poppy helped me fill the birdfeeders. Brother called. He's punting on the trip north today. He has enough feed to get by until next weekend so think we'll just hunker down for today. I can work on the wheel clamps tomorrow when it's warmer & not so icky out. He can help me with the weights then. I can do what I need to for now w/o them. Watching the Bunnies from SDSU in their playoff game. Can remember when the Bunnies were terrible. How times have changed... :coffee:   
« Last Edit: December 12/14/24, 11:57:17 AM by Dotch »
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online glenn57

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Morning fellers. 28 above this morning.  Had to go out to whiz during the night and felt like a mist falling.

Heading to the same lake today. Probably pull the house this afternoon and set up on cabin lake tomorrow. 

Weather terrorists  say possible rain tonight,  glad I'll have the fishhouse in the shed. Wet collapsible fishhouses suck.

511 looks like a clusterf/÷++ too. :confused:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Gunner55

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Mornin all, 32 here & we might see 36. Got a Dense Fog Advisory out 'til 11 too. Quite a bit of blue on 511ia for most of the northern part of the state, the worse is in the NE. Haven't poked my head out yet to see what we got here, but I don't think it was as bad as they were predicting. Probably not going anywhere anyhow. Have a good day.
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online roony

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Foggy here with everything covered with ice and graupel. 31 balmy degrees. Going to town pretty soon to watch grandsons in Christmas program.

Online Dotch

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Mornin' fellow gulag comrades! Foggy & 33 at choretime, heading for a high in the mid-30's. Still melting out the varying types of precip collected in the gauge. Snow plow just went by slinging a slushy mix. Hopefully there's enough salt in it to stunt the growth of the grass in the road ditch for a while. Chores done, monkeyed with a hay feeder or two afterwards, now it's time to et. Poppy's already been on squirrel chasing duty. Will prolly putz until ~ 10:30 then go out & hit 'er hard. Safe travels glenn. Looking forward to the peace & quiet... :coffee:
« Last Edit: December 12/15/24, 08:04:06 AM by Dotch »
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline markn

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Got golf cart in the garage, looks pretty sketchy. Should have a fire today to get the fire-ring out of the frozen ground. I like to plow snow through that spot. Other than that I thinks it will be a slow Sunday. Later....... :happy1: :happy1:

Online LPS

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Morning boys.  We have 31 and could hit 37 today.  We are still in a low pressure but haven't really had any moisture.   We do have a good south breeze now too.  First a haircut and a shower and then football is the name of the game today.  May make the wife some nice scrambled eggs with onions and cheese for breakfast.  The wife may give me lessons on making peanut butter cookies too.  That would be a good hobby for me.  Then root on the teams that will help us in the playoffs.  SO that does sound like a big day.  LOL  I took a walkabout yesterday afternoon and found a solid 10-11" of snow on the ground all over the place.  Well you all enjoy the day.

Offline Jerkbiat

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Morning boys. 30 and heading for 33 today. A light drizzle here this morning. Well I dug out the extension ladder and laid it on the roof of the woodshed so I could check the chimney. All clear there. So then I cleaned out under all the grates and that was packed in there since I didn't clean it out this fall. Thought mystery solved. Nope still struggles to burn with the door closed. Oh well, the wood is no different than usual. Been burning fine up until now. So since I had to move some stuff to get the ladder I just kept going and rearranged the garage and skipped hunting. Thinking I will sneak out this evening for the final hurrah if my plans fall into place. Have a good one boys.
Hey look your bobber is up!