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Author Topic: Good Morning!!!!!!  (Read 6114976 times)

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Offline LPS

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Morning boys.  We have 23 and should see 43 today.  Was nice to not be muddy yesterday.  Not a lot going on today.  Have a good one.

Offline glenn57

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morning fellers......lookin nice outside. man mt body felt messed up yesterday..... :doah: sounds like a day or 2 of observations then wifes daughter should be able to go home........still waiting on maybe another bombshell.

getting ready to put the last of the pickling fish i have in brine this morning........then put my jiffy legend auger away for the summer!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Dotch

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Mornin' fellow gulag comrades! 30 at choretime heading for a high in the upper fitties. Topped out at 44 on the ranch thermometer yesterday. Got the Gator up and running so was able to clean up the white pine debris. Changed another crappy defective LED bulb last nite so I didn't have to put up with all that blinking and flashing when feeding bottle lambs before 10 p.m. Bought a box of what are hopefully better quality ones. They can't be much worse than those Satco bulbs have been. Had a lamb that was ailing this a.m. Looks like it might be enterotoxemia so I jacked it with some antibiotic & revaccinated it just in case. Chances are my efforts will be unrewarding. Of course it's one of the bottle lambs we worked our butts off on and spent extra $ on milk replacer. Typical.
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline mike89

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a classic!!! 

a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Jerkbiat

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Morning boys. 28 here and heading for 39 it says. Also shows us getting some snow this morning around 8ish. Can't say I did much after work last night. Just relaxed to try and get this alien out of my chest. It has been hanging around for 2 weeks now. Lots of lung cookies this morning. Otherwise just getting ready for another day in the salt mines. Have a good one boys.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline markn

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Looking at the weather forecast I should grab a shovel and fix the mistakes I made in the yard after the last snowfall. Too soft for skid loader, still missing parts for it. Pick up some branches laying in the yard too after that burn the beer boxes and other crap that accumulates. Should be about a three beer project. Later.... :happy1: :happy1:

Offline mike89

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mornin all, 32 here and should see the low 60's today..  got a few things I'd like to do today and then who knows!!  want to fire up the smoker this weekend but Sat will be out..   with the weather and winds I'll do it Sunday..  have a good day all!! 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline LPS

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Morning boys.  We have 25 and may see 52. Low tonight of 41 with snow/rain/thundershowers.  Interesting.  We shall see.  No big plans today here neither.  Have a good one.

Offline Gunner55

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Mornin guys, 28 here & we're headed for 54. It says we're getting some snow now too, but I'm not seeing any. It was a little busier in town yday than it was last week. No big projects planned here either, but I will find something to do outside this morning. No more now, hopin your Thursday's a good day.
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline tangle tooth

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      Good morning, campers. At the start of chore time it was 31 sunny (almost) degrees here in paradise. May hit 70 today.
      I need to work on cleaning out the big lean-to and trying to get rid of my OLD Van Brunt seed drill.
      Stay safe, everyone.
I used to be cute and adorable. Then, I had my first birthday. Been downhill ever since.

Offline Dotch

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Mornin' fellow gulag comrades! 36 at choretime, heading for a high in the upper sissties! Took a ride last nite to see how much snow was still on the fence. Most places it was gone but up closer to the buildings was shocked to see drifts a couple feet deep yet. It's charging though so it must not be grounded out. Get thru this weekend weather and then we may turn the brood ewes with lambs out either Sunday or Monday. On my travels I checked in the wetland to see how the pussy willows are coming. They're baaaaaccckk! Should be some at their prime to harvest after this warm weather the next couple days.   

Sad news on the ewe lamb I treated yesterday altho after I made the diagnosis, I'm not surprised. Found her dead this a.m. after watching her go downhill all day yesterday. Nothing I could do. Textbook enterotoxemia & it made sense considering her history. We'd used colostrum substitute on her which works fine except for one thing: It doesn't transfer additional antibodies against clostridium perfringens, the bacterial pathogen that causes enterotoxemia. Ewe's milk does when the ewes are vaccinated annually like we do. This lamb got chilled back in January & lived in the garage kennel for quite some time. It received very little of its' mother's colostrum. We bottle fed her and vaccinated her but in retrospect, we likely should've given her a booster 14 - 21 days later. We have a couple younger bottle lambs in the same boat so we will definitely give them a booster when the time comes. It should keep this from happening again. This lamb was large already, weighing 35 - 40 lbs. It had a pretty good life all things considered. It got fed well & was a big hit with kids when their parents brought them over to bottle feed her. The fortunate thing was she didn't have to suffer a long time.     
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 09:49:25 AM by Dotch »
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online roony

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Sorry about your lamb. Went down to the creek yesterday to see how much damage the current is doing to the beaver dam. Some but not enough. Noticed the tile are running

Offline glenn57

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morning fellers.....done at the phone says near record high for today!!!!!! gonna change oil on da truck.....then me thinks it'll be nap 30!!!! :happy1: :happy1:

getting myself mentally prepared for some  :toast: and a  :campfire: tomorrow!!!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!