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Author Topic: What's on the stove, oven, or crockpot today?  (Read 1854742 times)

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Online LPS

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Remember a few days ago I said I bought a can of Spam?  My annual craving.  Well I had a sandwich with it and thought well that's all I can take.  The next day I had a couple of slices with eggs.  That was it.  Well the next day I had a chunk plain.  The wife wouldn't eat any of it.  We both commented on how white Spam is now.  (less meat and more fat?)  Well on our way down here I had to stop 5 times to hit the can.  Seriously. That is all of the details I will lay on you.  I used generic Preparation H. that night and the next day.  The wife laughs and says "see why I didn't eat any of that SPAM?"   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:   I told her that since we are doing fairly well that I may buy REAL Prep H for future incidents.  She said "well don't buy anymore SPAM"!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  Ya she is right again.....

Online glenn57

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Remember a few days ago I said I bought a can of Spam?  My annual craving.  Well I had a sandwich with it and thought well that's all I can take.  The next day I had a couple of slices with eggs.  That was it.  Well the next day I had a chunk plain.  The wife wouldn't eat any of it.  We both commented on how white Spam is now.  (less meat and more fat?)  Well on our way down here I had to stop 5 times to hit the can.  Seriously. That is all of the details I will lay on you.  I used generic Preparation H. that night and the next day.  The wife laughs and says "see why I didn't eat any of that SPAM?"   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:   I told her that since we are doing fairly well that I may buy REAL Prep H for future incidents.  She said "well don't buy anymore SPAM"!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  Ya she is right again.....
:rotflmao: :sorry:LPS............. but dats TMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Dotch

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Remember a few days ago I said I bought a can of Spam?  My annual craving.  Well I had a sandwich with it and thought well that's all I can take.  The next day I had a couple of slices with eggs.  That was it.  Well the next day I had a chunk plain.  The wife wouldn't eat any of it.  We both commented on how white Spam is now.  (less meat and more fat?)  Well on our way down here I had to stop 5 times to hit the can.  Seriously. That is all of the details I will lay on you.  I used generic Preparation H. that night and the next day.  The wife laughs and says "see why I didn't eat any of that SPAM?"   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:   I told her that since we are doing fairly well that I may buy REAL Prep H for future incidents.  She said "well don't buy anymore SPAM"!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  Ya she is right again.....

You didn't get into some of mikey's Tide pods beforehand did you? I've heard they really clean you out!  :rotflmao:

Haven't had Spam for a long time. Frying the snot out of it with eggs & taters used to make it semi tolerable. Might have to buy a can just to check out the color thing yer talking about. Sounds like I might want to make sure the septic system is pumped 1st...  :doah:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online LPS

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Just remember that if you have a hard time throwing food out and like me you try to eat it all, get yourself some Prep H.  They should even have that on the SPAM can.  Prep H may even own stock in SPAM. 

Offline Rebel SS

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Whaddya think all that white stuff in SPAM is? It's already prepped!!!  :rotflmao:

Online Cooperman

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You don’t hear about the Koreans or the Hawaiians getting the $hits?
Maybe it’s the uncooked, steamed eggs yolks you had the other day.

Online LPS

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The wife also mentioned the way I like my eggs Coop. 

Online mike89

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I too like spam about once a year, but I found that grilling it was better..  at least to me!!!!  also never had the LPS situation with it!!!!  I love the way your wife rips ya Barry!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
The wife also mentioned the way I like my eggs Coop.

Don't bother me....that's how I eat mine! No worse than stuff all soused up..... :evil:
« Last Edit: October 10/04/18, 01:15:39 PM by Rebel SS »

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
'Tater and sausage soup tonite with onion rolls, salami, and havarti slices.  Too pooped and achin' way too much to stand and cook.  :tongue:

Online roony

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Beer and Brats nite in Waseca for the warden and I.

Online glenn57

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Beer and Brats nite in Waseca for the warden and I.
apparently you gotta cook tonight, huh!!! :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Beer and Brats nite in Waseca for the warden and I.
apparently you gotta cook tonight, huh!!! :rotflmao:

Ya, he's gonna try Delmar's soused up method!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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« Last Edit: October 10/04/18, 04:07:20 PM by Rebel SS »

Online glenn57

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2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Bobberineyes

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Dang lps, bad timing for sure, it's one thing to be able to  chit thru a screen door, but on a road trip.. no boyno.  Mamma has a big o roast gurgling in da crack pot, loaded with taters and all the stuff... I'm in charge of rolls she says. Gots to go!!

Offline delcecchi

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The wife also mentioned the way I like my eggs Coop.

Don't bother me....that's how I eat mine! No worse than stuff all soused up..... :evil:

You must be soused the p*ss poor job of trolling you do...

Offline Rebel SS

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Trolling? Trolling?!  :confused: No, I haven't been fishing for a couple weeks. Prefer still fishing anyway, I catch lots that way.  :fish2:  Sousing is pi$$ poor, though, Delmond. And it CAN make ya sick. Don't even haveta be fishing or trolling.  Can do it right at home! Gotta be careful wid that stuff, yanno!   :puke:
« Last Edit: October 10/04/18, 05:25:18 PM by Rebel SS »

Online Bobberineyes

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                              :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
I just et my soup and rolls, and I'm still hungry!!!  Now what?!  :angry:

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
It was the bayou witches! Paganism! Santaria, I tell ya!  Any chicken heads mixed in? Chickens in a trance doin' the boogaloo! Beware! Don't drink the water! *BAAGAAAWK!*

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Online glenn57

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2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
click on me!

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Online glenn57

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 :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao:

Darn, forgot to take a picture, but had venny steak smothered in onions on the stove, squished taters and corn.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online LPS

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Weiner tubes.  Those are cool as heck Del.   :rotflmao:

Offline Rebel SS

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:nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao:

Darn, forgot to take a picture, but had venny steak smothered in onions on the stove, squished taters and corn.

Sounds great, but.....Don't you have plates?  ;)

Online glenn57

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:nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao:

Darn, forgot to take a picture, but had venny steak smothered in onions on the stove, squished taters and corn.

Sounds great, but.....Don't you have plates?  ;)
:pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online LPS

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I have burger thawing and got some tater tots for some extra creamy tater tot hot dish with cheese sprinkled on top.

Online mike89

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that sounds good Barry!!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
I too, have burger thawing for Reb's Portable Hotdish. :azn:
« Last Edit: October 10/05/18, 10:16:17 AM by Rebel SS »