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Author Topic: What's on the stove, oven, or crockpot today?  (Read 1865255 times)

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Offline LPS

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Beef is in the pot.  Can't stop munching on the pastrami.  I'm gonna have to make some more jerky.

Online Rookie

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Yes, Juneberries are also called Service Berries. In Canada they are called Saskatoons. I have FIVE  6 foot bushes in back. BUT, when they turn red the robins will eat every one of them. You have to put netting over them or you won't get any.

I have to do the same with my blueberry bushes and rows of strawberries.
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 01:35:38 PM by Rookie »

Online mike89

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a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline glenn57

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no irish food today here......well maybe a bit....having kielbasa sausage homemade kraut and squished taters tonight!!!!! :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Bobberineyes

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no irish food today here......well maybe a bit....having kielbasa sausage homemade kraut and squished taters tonight!!!!! :happy1:
Nope non here also, if anything might just be a green haze in the morning from Taco's!! :doah:

Offline LPS

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This had to be one of the best corned beefs we ever had.  Could be the beef could be my technique.  Have a nice hunk left that will be more than we can eat with reubens tomorrow night.  SO reubens for two nights.   :happy1: :happy1:  Did the beef for about 6 hours and then it felt nice and soft so took it out.  Was a little early yet.  Threw the carrots in and turned it up to high.  Then after half hour cut the cabbage into small qtrs and threw them in.  Half hour or so later was perfect.  Nice when that happens now and then.