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Author Topic: Birds in the back yard  (Read 429749 times)

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Offline Steve-o

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We seem to have a lot of grosbeaks this year. And the neighbor lady got a picture of the last one....

What kind of bird is that yellow one HD?

Someone on Fartbook said it was a hooded warbler.
well google says there correct!!!!!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: yea dang cool looking bird...i aint never seen one!!!!!! :pouty:

Well here's why...

The National Audubon Society shows their range to the south and east of us.  Is this more proof of global warming that they are moving our way?   :confused:

Offline fishwidow

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Not exactly a bird, but the hot weather has brought out the first tree frog of the year tonight. They climb the dusk til dawn light usually not until August and have a buffet of bugs attracted to the light.
On the bird side, I have seen kingbirds perching in the backyard.

Offline fishwidow

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Oh, yeah—
I get all the good tree frogs.

Offline Dotch

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Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline glenn57

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Yesterday doing an all around inspection of things after being gone 6 days I noticed a wasp of some sort buzzing around my oriole feeders so I out out a wasp trap today.

I just opened up a new jar of grape jelly Vince that's gone I'll take the oriole feeders down. Them wasps jeep the orioles away  :confused:
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Online roony

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Offline glenn57

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Anyone else notice this. I have never seen robins feed off sunflower feeders like this year. It's a daily occurance here for at least the last month.

Not that I mind, just never seen this before.
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Offline HD

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Anyone else notice this. I have never seen robins feed off sunflower feeders like this year. It's a daily occurance here for at least the last month.

Not that I mind, just never seen this before.

Nope, no robins in the feeders...bird bath, yes...feeder, no..

I've noticed more grackles, black birds and cat birds more than normal this year though....
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline glenn57

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The black birds, starlings left, haven't seen them lately. Had a pair of cow birds but haven't seen in a while.
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Offline snow1

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lots of various finches lately and maybe the 1st hummingbird? tiny fella in one feeder about the size of a golf ball,no color just grayish,young of the year maybe?...two hummer feeders out,colored glass one is orange and the other grape colored,seems the orange feeder gets the most action although I only seen the one little feller in it but refilled it 3 times so far so must be more hummers around when I'm not looking.

Offline Dotch

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The black birds, starlings left, haven't seen them lately. Had a pair of cow birds but haven't seen in a while.

You get all the good birds.. :pouty:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline glenn57

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The black birds, starlings left, haven't seen them lately. Had a pair of cow birds but haven't seen in a while.

You get all the good birds.. :pouty:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: I thought you and roony where fighting over all the good birds  :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
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Offline snow1

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Recent shore birds have shown up,as a kid we called them "shy pokes" however today they are called "green herons" they are attracted to the creek in my back yard but land in my back yard tree's  layering everything underneath in a white mess,guessing they are nesting along the creek but hunt in our yards,seen one fly away with a garder snake the other day,major find.

Offline glenn57

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Recent shore birds have shown up,as a kid we called them "shy pokes" however today they are called "green herons" they are attracted to the creek in my back yard but land in my back yard tree's  layering everything underneath in a white mess,guessing they are nesting along the creek but hunt in our yards,seen one fly away with a garder snake the other day,major find.
there used to be a huge blue heron colony along the sauk river between cold spring and rockville you could see from hwy 23...then all of a sudden they all left!!!! :confused: :scratch: :scratch: was a pretty big deal for a while when they left. they even had a look out  on the hill on the south side of 23.

backyard birds......seeing cardinals at the bird bath, still have orioles around, and a cowbird occasionally on the grape jelly feeder. and of course the usual birds, english sparrows, robins and hummers. seems there feeding in the evenings more though now!!!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Dotch

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Here: Cardinals, chickadees, goldfinches, nuthatches, downies, all sorts of orioles especially young ones, catbirds, blue jays, grackles, robins, a few hummingbirds, & oh yeah, the wild turkey. Dumb@$$ wanders around the yard like he owns the place. Really not afraid of us either. Ambles off into the brush when we come outside. 
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline glenn57

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Here: Cardinals, chickadees, goldfinches, nuthatches, downies, all sorts of orioles especially young ones, catbirds, blue jays, grackles, robins, a few hummingbirds, & oh yeah, the wild turkey. Dumb@$$ wanders around the yard like he owns the place. Really not afraid of us either. Ambles off into the brush when we come outside.
whack that turkey fer thanksgiving............or wont da MIsses let you...... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Dotch

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He starts messin' with her planters and them's fighting words...she'll take him out! :whistling:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline glenn57

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He starts messin' with her planters and them's fighting words...she'll take him out! :whistling:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline HD

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 Got a hen and a bearded hen come in with 13 chicks tonight....
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline glenn57

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Went out earlier to put fresh juice in the hummingbirds and oriole feeders and noticed more ants then I cared for so i picked up this stuff. Hope it works as well as it says it's supposed to. There are 8 of those things in the box for 5 bucks. Put them on the bottom of the Shepard's hooks
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline LPS

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Good idea.  That might work great.

Offline glenn57

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when i went out back this morning to check the rain gauge i took a peek at the hummingbird feeder!!!!! :happy1: so far so good.......not ants!!!!! think i'll bring a few to the cabin for those feeders!!!!!!!
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Offline snow1

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Interesting find glenn....few years back I had issues with black ant's engourging themselves in our hummingbird feeders,little rascals sniffed out the feeders worse than late summer bee's....went to home depot for ant ammo,bought a can of "ant raid",at check out little old lady cashier quizzed me about my ant issue,she told me to use peppermint oil 50/50 with water in a spray bottle,still using the same batch today  works great.

Offline HD

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Went out fishing...and got some video of a loon...

Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline Bobberineyes

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 Sure wish I took a vid of momma loon feeding her little ones a sunnie a couple weeks ago, cool stuff.

Offline mike89

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years ago the wife and I had a VHS tape of some loons like that..  they sure a neat bird!!!!   never get tired of the sounds they make!!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline delcecchi

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Yeah, I really like loons.    They are scary looking when you are swimming and they are close by.   Those big pointy beaks.... 

We have a pair with two chicks out in our little bay here.   

Offline Gunner55

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Usually see at least a couple everytime I go out  :fishing:. DNR told us a while back that most years we have 8 nesting pairs on the lake & that they're a sign a good quality water. :happy1: Sometimes, generally in the Fall, I'll see as many as 6-8  together. Very  :cool: bird!!
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline GrandpaTom

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I found this bird feeder. 

Offline Dotch

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Dual purpose. I like it!  :happy1:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)