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Author Topic: home page  (Read 83826 times)

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Online Steve-o

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what a huge bass on the home page!!!  congrats to the gal who caught it!!!
:scratch: :scratch: so a cougar  :sleazy: :smoking: :rotflmao: caught a bass........huh!!!!!!!!1 :happy1: :rotflmao:
Cougar?  :confused:

More like a Mom I'd Like to F... ish with.  ;) :happy1:

Online Bobberineyes

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Nice fish,  but using a live scope to help find it was a turnoff for me.....cheaters.

Offline mike89

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Nice fish,  but using a live scope to help find it was a turnoff for me.....cheaters.

2nd that
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online glenn57

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Nice fish,  but using a live scope to help find it was a turnoff for me.....cheaters.
Yea they shoulda speared it. :sleazy: :sleazy: :smoking: :rotflmao: :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Scenic

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Nice fish,  but using a live scope to help find it was a turnoff for me.....cheaters.

Just another tool.   Like anything it will help you see them but don’t mean they will bite.

Offline mike89

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Nice fish,  but using a live scope to help find it was a turnoff for me.....cheaters.
Yea they shoulda speared it. :sleazy: :sleazy: :smoking: :rotflmao: :happy1:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline mike89

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the sunfish article on the home page is very good...   forgot to mention it earlier...    :happy1:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online glenn57

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the sunfish article on the home page is very good...   forgot to mention it earlier...    :happy1:
:happy1: yea sir it is!!!!!!! :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline mike89

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the venison on the home page looks real tasty!!!! 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online Steve-o

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American Hunter website had posted a recipe that kinda puts me in the mood...

Recipe: Korean Barbecue Venison Loin

Online Jerkbiat

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the venison on the home page looks real tasty!!!!
Yes it does.  :happy1:
Hey look your bobber is up!

Online Dotch

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Does look yummy! The "cowboy steak" method conjures up images of what my brother in IA did a few years back. He told someone he'd grill two whole lambs for their wedding reception. We took the lambs to the locker where they processed them whole. He had to go to Cabela's once he got up here to purchase two body-sized coolers. Iced the lambs down and hauled them back to IA. Borrowed someone's barbecue grill used for hogs, loaded the thing full of way more charcoal than he should have, stuck the lambs on the rotisserie, had way too many libations & forgot about it for a few hours. Came back, opened the lid and most of the lamb had fallen off the rotisserie into the coals, turning it into cinders. They only managed to salvage about 10 lbs. Oops!  :doah:     
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline mike89

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Does look yummy! The "cowboy steak" method conjures up images of what my brother in IA did a few years back. He told someone he'd grill two whole lambs for their wedding reception. We took the lambs to the locker where they processed them whole. He had to go to Cabela's once he got up here to purchase two body-sized coolers. Iced the lambs down and hauled them back to IA. Borrowed someone's barbecue grill used for hogs, loaded the thing full of way more charcoal than he should have, stuck the lambs on the rotisserie, had way too many libations & forgot about it for a few hours. Came back, opened the lid and most of the lamb had fallen off the rotisserie into the coals, turning it into cinders. They only managed to salvage about 10 lbs. Oops!  :doah:     

a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online LPS

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Oh man fun gets one in trouble sometimes.

Online Bobberineyes

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Dang does that look good Steve-o,  I don't hunt deer but if I ever get one with the pick em up.... Sheez Dotch,  all that prep work.. gone.

Offline mike89

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the bass on the home page is interesting...   rough fish there and coveted else where.... 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online Steve-o

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From this week...

5 of the Best Cartridges for Hunting Western Big Game

You gotta go out west to shoot a mule deer next weekend.  :fudd:  Take only one gun (one you got).  :Deer:  What caliber you takin' with you?   :confused:

Offline markn

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My model 99 Savage 308 in 180 gr. Does a fine job on whitetails. Am thinking about buying something with a bolt on it (I'm left-handed and the reason all my 30 calibers are levers) in 6.5 Creedmore, 7mm08 or 30-06. Haven't made any big decisions yet. Great article on these five calibers. :happy1:

Online Steve-o

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A new, scoped, sub-MOA, left-handed bolt 30.06 would probably be more accurate than a Savage 99 in .308, but I'll bet that 99 is a beauty.  Otherwise the ballistics are considered similar with many experts giving the nod to the .308 because of recoil and case size.

I waffled back and forth between the 7mm-08 and the 6.5 CM.  Past a certain point it is splitting hairs between the two.  Which bullet bucks wind better beyond 500 yards, etc.  I went with the 7mm-08 reasoning that it make a bigger hole than the 6.5, and I never shoot past 200 yards anyway.

The thing I've found is that 7mm-08 ammo is more scarce around here than 6.5 CM.  But if you buy premium 6.5 CM bullets for hunting - like Nosler Partitions - you ought not have any problems killing game.

It is the availability of 7mm-08 target ammo that is driving me nuts.  There just ain't any - and there are all sorts of options for 6.5 CM.  Something to think about anyway.  G'luck.
« Last Edit: September 09/06/23, 02:49:34 PM by Steve-o »

Offline HD

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I built a 6.5, I like it a lot. It's a nice flat shooting long distant round.
I wouldn't blink an eye taking a speed goat or a mule'y with it.
But, I also like a .270....ballistics, they are very close.
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Online Steve-o

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Obviously, this guy P.J. REILLY really likes Mathews bows, but since he is also doing field testing for Outdoor Life magazine - he probably needs to retain some objectivity.

Here is one of his quotes from this home page article and one from an article he links to from two years back.

The 2023 Phase 4 33 is the quietest, most stable and accurate Mathews hunting bow I’ve ever shot. SEP 6, 2023

The 2021 Mathews V3X-33 is the nicest shooting compound bow I’ve ever shot. NOV 16, 2021

My take-away is:  Mathews is onto something and if I'm ever in the market for a "flagship" bow (> $1000++), I'm going to give a serious look at Mathews.  And it might just be worth it to stop into an archery shop and see how much better their latest bow is compared to my 2010 Bowtech.  :embarrassed:

Offline mike89

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watched some of the hunting shows lately using tracking dogs for finding deer, interesting to see..   so a good read on the home page I think!
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline mike89

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good story on the home page!!  darn nice buck!!!
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online Steve-o

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If you scroll down to the bottom, there is a Devils Lake video link with a "Fishin' Cougar" holdin' up a big walleye.  When you click on the link you get some dude in a XXL gray sweatshirt sittin on the couch in front of a knotty pine wall talkin the whole time.  I'm callin "bait and switch." 
 :pouty: :doofus: :thumbs:

Offline mike89

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a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online glenn57

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If you scroll down to the bottom, there is a Devils Lake video link with a "Fishin' Cougar" holdin' up a big walleye.  When you click on the link you get some dude in a XXL gray sweatshirt sittin on the couch in front of a knotty pine wall talkin the whole time.  I'm callin "bait and switch." 
 :pouty: :doofus: :thumbs:
meh....same person, the picture has him doing the Raul Paul thing!!!!!!!!!  :nerd: :nerd: :super smiley: :happy1: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline mike89

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I like the home page!!!   who doesn't like a darn good burger!!!!   good one HD!!! 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online Steve-o

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The local grocery store made a ground chicken/swiss patty that I had as a 'burger' for lunch.  It was great.  Between the chicken and cheese cooking on the hot pan, it created a great crunchy sear.  I'm going to eat more of those.   :happy1:

Offline Boar

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Beef makes a great burger. Deer is sausagr meat

Offline Jrasmussen

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Beef makes a great burger. Deer is sausagr meat

While I do agree that beef makes a great burger. I use ground venison and mix in 1/3 or 1/2 beef to make burgers and there awesome.