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Author Topic: corona pandemic~  (Read 605683 times)

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Offline Steve-o

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I don't like blanket vaccine mandates in general, but I'd be more willing to listen to those who want them IF this mRNA delivery wasn't still experimental or there were other options.

Sure, it is safe and effective for most people, but there are plenty of stories out there of folks who have had problems after receiving the vaccine.  It would be good to understand which people and which conditions make them most vulnerable to the serious mRNA vaccine side effects - relative to an otherwise healthy individual having a 95+% chance of surviving covid if they take no vaccine.

And what about an "old fashioned" flu shot for Covid that most people used to get without batting an eye?

Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine Less Likely to Cause Side Effects

Of course, whereas the experimental technology got the fast track from the FDA, this traditionally-delivered flu vaccine is taking forever to get approved.

Meanwhile, in other news...

Covid vaccine profits mint 9 new pharma billionaires

Topping the list of new billionaires are Moderna (MRNA) CEO Stéphane Bancel and Ugur Sahin, the CEO of BioNTech (BNTX), which has produced a vaccine with Pfizer (PFE). Both CEOs are now worth around $4 billion

Ya think there are too many new people getting filthy rich off this new vaccine technology for them to want to introduce competition in the market even though the Noravax is reportedly just as effective and probably safer?  :scratch:
« Last Edit: July 07/27/21, 08:05:11 AM by Steve-o »

Offline snow1

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I think Dotch put this up.  :rotflmao: was on the side of a bar in Royalton.

 :scratch: not sure if it is readable, but it says.

Glenn been years since I've been up that way "royalton" we would stop at a nice little resturant called the "Lin Club" is it still open? curious.

Online mike89

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if it was by Cushing Minn, it's closed
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Leech~~

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Aren’t a large majority of the people dying unvaccinated?
It will be very interesting too watch the numbers but we may never know how their accounted for now.
Before the vaccine anyone that died that had Coivd was listed as dying from Covid complications. Even some new Senator that had open heart surgery that died during the operation, was listed as dying from Covid.
Now will they account for deaths as Covid for only those that were unvaccinated.
My problem with the past accounting is a lot of the old folks that died, where dying of something else in the first place, but since they had the virus they just marked it down as dying from Covid. Younger people and childeren still got the virus, but they werent already dying of something else. Or normal aging deaths.
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline Dotch

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I think Dotch put this up.  :rotflmao: was on the side of a bar in Royalton.

 :scratch: not sure if it is readable, but it says.

Glenn been years since I've been up that way "royalton" we would stop at a nice little resturant called the "Lin Club" is it still open? curious.

The Lin Club as I recall was by Lincoln, between Randall & Motley. Would see the signs on Hwy 10 before they redid it. Never went there as we were in a hurry to fish in suburban Zerkel. No signs anymore so suspect it's closed.
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline glenn57

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yea snow i have no idea.......i dont even stop at treasure city....... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :shocked: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: royalton its simply a town along the way to get to the cabin.
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline snow1

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Thanx glenn,guyz the Lin Club was right on a lake fish trap?maybe,no longer hunt in that area so just curious as we always stopped for sunday brunch on the way home but was on hwy10 you most likely travel hwy 371?

BOT geez our gov't sure is pushing this none approved FDA vaccine on us little people while they let 100's of 1000's illegals enter our country not vetted or health screened then dropped all over our country,no wonder we have another spike in this pandemic.Good grief.
« Last Edit: July 07/27/21, 09:29:52 AM by snow1 »

Offline glenn57

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never been near fish trap. i take 10 to little falls, 371 to brainerd, 210 to crosby then 6 the rest of the way, well till i get to talmoon!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online mike89

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as I said a little back in this tread it's closed..  just sayin..   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline snow1

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Oh well,my crew of misfits most likely put them outof business as we cleaned out the sunday buffet after two days of hunting by day drinking by night as in all night,sure put a hurt on the ole Linn Club buffet....

So BOT... thoughts on round two,"another lock down" yes or no? sadly it seems to be in the works again.

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
« Last Edit: July 07/27/21, 01:02:19 PM by Rebel SS »

Offline snow1

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Glimmer of light for folks second guessing these vaccines.

Remember this...Phizer (as in the first covid vaccine to come out) invented "Viagra" to raise the dead and save the that going for ya.

That is all~

Offline Leech~~

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Glimmer of light for folks second guessing these vaccines.

Remember this...Phizer (as in the first covid vaccine to come out) invented "Viagra" to raise the dead and save the that going for ya.

That is all~
Yeah, all that means is they'll have a handle to carry you to the box with! 🤭
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's

Offline LPS

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Glimmer of light for folks second guessing these vaccines.

Remember this...Phizer (as in the first covid vaccine to come out) invented "Viagra" to raise the dead and save the that going for ya.

That is all~
Yeah, all that means is they'll have a handle to carry you to the box with! 🤭

And that's not a bad thing!   :sleazy:

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's

Online Jerkbiat

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Nice of him to spend our tax dollars.  :angry2: And what about all the people that already got the shot. To bad so sad?
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Nice of him to spend our tax dollars.  :angry2: And what about all the people that already got the shot. To bad so sad?

I'm declaring a $100 loss on my state income tax.  :moon:

Offline glenn57

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Nice of him to spend our tax dollars.  :angry2: And what about all the people that already got the shot. To bad so sad?

I'm declaring a $100 loss on my state income tax.  :moon:
hell, i'm still waiting for the gubmnet to send me the taxes they took out of my unemployment!!!!!!!!! :mad1: reckon the $300.00 money to deadbeats that dont wanna work with kids is more important!!!!!!!! :angry2: :confused:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Dotch

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Nice of him to spend our tax dollars.  :angry2: And what about all the people that already got the shot. To bad so sad?

Sorta like what gov. Killjoy had to say about the Canadian forest fires. We just have to get used to it. What a tool... :angry:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline glenn57

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Nice of him to spend our tax dollars.  :angry2: And what about all the people that already got the shot. To bad so sad?

Sorta like what gov. Killjoy had to say about the Canadian forest fires. We just have to get used to it. What a tool... :angry:
yea his time in office cant come to an end soon biggest fear is he has way to many that like his political  :bs:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Dotch

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Sad when the dipstick makes one appreciate gov. Goofy... :confused:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online mike89

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now I see wally world is mandating face masks for their employees in high risk areas...  so I suppose that means nation wide....   egads...
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Dotch

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Another reason to avoid that place. If they're wearing masks, there must be sick people in there!  :coffee:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Another reason to avoid that place. If they're wearing masks, there must be sick people in there!  :coffee:

So, Glenn won't be taking  that greeter job there? :rotflmao:  :bonk:

Offline Dotch

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 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

He'd be a natural otherwise  :happy1:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline glenn57

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Another reason to avoid that place. If they're wearing masks, there must be sick people in there!  :coffee:

So, Glenn won't be taking  that greeter job there? :rotflmao:  :bonk:
not a chance. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline glenn57

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:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

He'd be a natural otherwise  :happy1:
:rotflmao: yep. Welcome to fleet farm!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's

Offline Gunner55

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Another reason to avoid that place. If they're wearing masks, there must be sick people in there!  :coffee:

So, Glenn won't be taking  that greeter job there? :rotflmao:  :bonk:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

He'd be a natural otherwise  :happy1:
:scratch: I think he'd be better yet at Morey's!! ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon