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Author Topic: corona pandemic~  (Read 606053 times)

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Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
My point was that the MS media and Obiden say it is all just the unvaccinated. Which is not the reality.

In the COVID ZONE, there is no more reality.

Offline Jerkbiat

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Boy is that the truth Rebs!

Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline snow1

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fishwidow,this will help clear up question's you may have....honest

Bud: ‘You can’t come in here!’
Lou: ‘Why not?’
Bud: ‘Well because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But I’m not sick.’
Bud: ‘It doesn’t matter.’
Lou: ‘Well, why does that guy get to go in?’
Bud: ‘Because he’s vaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But he’s sick!’
Bud: ‘It’s alright. Everyone in here is vaccinated.’
Lou: ‘Wait a minute. Are you saying everyone in there is vaccinated?’
Bud: ‘Yes.’
Lou: ‘So then why can’t I go in there if everyone is vaccinated?’
Bud: ‘Because you’ll make them sick.’
Lou: ‘How will I make them sick if I’m NOT sick and they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘But they can still get sick.’
Lou: ‘So what the heck does the vaccine do?’
Bud: ‘It vaccinates.’
Lou: ‘So vaccinated people can’t spread covid?’
Bud: ‘Oh no. They can spread covid just as easily as an unvaccinated person.’
Lou: ‘I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore. Look. I’m not sick.
Bud: ‘Ok.’
Lou: ‘And the guy you let in IS sick.’
Bud: ‘That’s right.’
Lou: ‘And everybody in there can still get sick even though they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Certainly.’
Lou: ‘So why can’t I go in again?’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘I’m not asking who’s vaccinated or not!’
Bud: ‘I’m just telling you how it is.’
Lou: ‘Nevermind. I’ll just put on my mask.’
Bud: ‘That’s fine.’
Lou: ‘Now I can go in?’
Bud: ‘Absolutely not?’
Lou: ‘But I have a mask!’
Bud: ‘Doesn’t matter.’
Lou: ‘I was able to come in here yesterday with a mask.’
Bud: ‘I know.’
Lou: So why can’t I come in here today with a mask? ….If you say ‘because I’m unvaccinated’ again, I’ll break your arm.’
Bud: ‘Take it easy buddy.’
Lou: ‘So the mask is no good anymore.’
Bud: ‘No, it’s still good.’
Lou: ‘But I can’t come in?’
Bud: ‘Correct.’
Lou: ‘Why not?’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But the mask prevents the germs from getting out.’
Bud: ‘Yes, but people can still catch your germs.’
Lou: ‘But they’re all vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Yes, but they can still get sick.’
Lou: ‘But I’m not sick!!’
Bud: ‘You can still get them sick.’
Lou: ‘So then masks don’t work!’
Bud: ‘Masks work quite well.’
Lou: ‘So how in the heck can I get vaccinated people sick if I’m not sick and masks work?’
Bud: ‘Third base.

Online Gunner55

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My point was that the MS media and Obiden say it is all just the unvaccinated. Which is not the reality.
  :scratch: The news is supposed to be about reality? :doah: It hasn't been for 10 years .................or more  :rolleyes:, it's more about their view of the situation & that's the main reason I don't watch much news anymore.  :sad: :mad1:
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Oh c'mon always watch the weekend news, don'tcha?

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Now things ARE gettin' outta hand. Rochester Public Schools has announced anyone refusing to wear a mask during meetings is in violation and will be issued a trespass warrant and banned from school property for a if ya don't wear a mask, you'll have a legal hit on yer record. Had some folks last nite at school board meeting that wouldn't comply, so they stopped meeting and sent everyone home. F***n incredible. I gotta get outta here. Would they like it when they go stumping door-to-door for school issues, if they're on my steps, I hit 'em with a trespass ticket?! No difference, IMO.
Any of those spots still open up there, Leech?!   :mad1:
« Last Edit: September 09/22/21, 04:50:34 PM by Rebel SS »

Offline Leech~~

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Now things ARE gettin' outta hand. Rochester Public Schools has announced anyone refusing to wear a mask during meetings is in violation and will be issued a trespass warrant and banned from school property for a if ya don't wear a mask, you'll have a legal hit on yer record. Had some folks last nite at school board meeting that wouldn't comply, so they stopped meeting and sent everyone home. F***n incredible. I gotta get outta here. Would they like it when they go stumping door-to-door for school issues, if they're on my steps, I hit 'em with a trespass ticket?! No difference, IMO.
Any of those spots still open up there, Leech?!   :mad1:
Where Mpls?  Their just as bad.   :crazy:
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Now things ARE gettin' outta hand. Rochester Public Schools has announced anyone refusing to wear a mask during meetings is in violation and will be issued a trespass warrant and banned from school property for a if ya don't wear a mask, you'll have a legal hit on yer record. Had some folks last nite at school board meeting that wouldn't comply, so they stopped meeting and sent everyone home. F***n incredible. I gotta get outta here. Would they like it when they go stumping door-to-door for school issues, if they're on my steps, I hit 'em with a trespass ticket?! No difference, IMO.
Any of those spots still open up there, Leech?!   :mad1:
Where Mpls?  Their just as bad.   :crazy:

No, that county you said was safe and quiet!!!!!!

Offline Leech~~

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Now things ARE gettin' outta hand. Rochester Public Schools has announced anyone refusing to wear a mask during meetings is in violation and will be issued a trespass warrant and banned from school property for a if ya don't wear a mask, you'll have a legal hit on yer record. Had some folks last nite at school board meeting that wouldn't comply, so they stopped meeting and sent everyone home. F***n incredible. I gotta get outta here. Would they like it when they go stumping door-to-door for school issues, if they're on my steps, I hit 'em with a trespass ticket?! No difference, IMO.
Any of those spots still open up there, Leech?!   :mad1:
Where Mpls?  Their just as bad.   :crazy:

No, that county you said was safe and quiet!!!!!!
  I don't know I ant got there yet?  :confused:
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Never mind! I found it! You can return to yer bag of mushrooms... :doofus:  ;)

Holy poo...............

Time to move up to Cook county where people stay apart and mind their own damn business!   :happy1:   :rotflmao:

Online Dotch

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"Never mind! I found it! You can return to yer bag of mushrooms... :doofus:  ;) "

...and staring at large breasted women... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline Jerkbiat

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Lake of the Woods county doesn't seem to be to bad. The land of rocks and cows.  ;)
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline snow1

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Reb,so these wanna be dictator's in rawchester have legal grounds to impose such an order with teeth? what a bunch of B.S.Maybe these board meeting's they have ain't are soooo important.
« Last Edit: September 09/23/21, 09:37:43 AM by snow1 »

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
This town always has seemed to do whatever it wants...and makes "laws" as it goes along. Maybe that's why the city has gotten sued so many times. Place is a breeding ground for 1st class Richards.

Lake of the Woods county doesn't seem to be to bad. The land of rocks and cows.  ;)

Man, I could handle that  JB. Rocks don't play rap music, and cows lowing softly puts me to sleep. At least, it always did in the Walmart aisle. 🐄 :rotflmao:
« Last Edit: September 09/23/21, 07:35:47 AM by Rebel SS »

Offline delcecchi

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People who are vaccinated, like me, are much less likely to get bad sick from Covid.   That, to me, is the important part, because when a lot of people are getting bad sick it wrecks things for everyone including me (and my family).     :angry2:

Being vaccinated probably also reduces transmission, but I haven't seen much actual data on that.    Most people seem to have basically no idea where or how they caught it.     

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
I think COVID is pretty much carried by vaccinated just as much as un-vaccinated folk, from what I've read. Kinda like cockleburrs, they just stick to everything going by.

Online Gunner55

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Lake of the Woods county doesn't seem to be to bad. The land of rocks and cows.  ;)
:scratch: Kind of quiet & peaceful here in Itasca County too! :happy1: :cool: Especially when you know who :rolleyes: :evil: isn't around.  ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Lake of the Woods county doesn't seem to be to bad. The land of rocks and cows.  ;)
:scratch: Kind of quiet & peaceful here in Itasca County too! :happy1: :cool: Especially when you know who :rolleyes: :evil: isn't around.  ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Did you mean -DELETED-?    ;)  I bet it is!  :rotflmao:

Offline snow1

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I think COVID is pretty much carried by vaccinated just as much as un-vaccinated folk, from what I've read. Kinda like cockleburrs, they just stick to everything going by.

Pretty much somes it up Reb ,last summer,the vid was said to be on our clothes,even re-useable grocery bags were prohited for use in our grocery stores,most folks grocery shopping wore exam gloves,me included,until I ran out and counldn't find replacement's,gloves grocery shopping might be a good idea still as so many folk's handle packages as they shop.

Offline Steve-o

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I think COVID is pretty much carried by vaccinated just as much as un-vaccinated folk, from what I've read. Kinda like cockleburrs, they just stick to everything going by.

Pretty much somes it up Reb ,last summer,the vid was said to be on our clothes,even re-useable grocery bags were prohited for use in our grocery stores,most folks grocery shopping wore exam gloves,me included,until I ran out and counldn't find replacement's,gloves grocery shopping might be a good idea still as so many folk's handle packages as they shop.  COVID-19 rarely spreads through surfaces. So why are we still deep cleaning?

...a microbiologist at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School in Newark, decided to take a closer look at the evidence around fomites. What he found was that there was little to support the idea that SARS-CoV-2 passes from one person to another through contaminated surfaces. He wrote a pointed commentary for The Lancet Infectious Diseases in July, arguing that surfaces presented relatively little risk of transmitting the virus2. His conviction has only strengthened since then, and Goldman has long since abandoned the gloves.

Many others reached similar conclusions. In fact, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) clarified its guidance about surface transmission in May, stating that this route is “not thought to be the main way the virus spreads”. It now states that transmission through surfaces is “not thought to be a common way that COVID-19 spreads”.

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Mayo Clinic no longer has any type of magazine, pamphlet, reading material, etc in any of the patient rooms or lobby areas, for that reason. Ya get to sit in a windowless room for 30 mins waiting for doc. Been doing it the last two days. I've seen cheerier holding cells. I was so bored, I took a pic yday! :rolleyes:
(it'll go upright if ya click on it)
« Last Edit: September 09/23/21, 10:33:25 AM by Rebel SS »

Offline snow1

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I'm seeing more folk's in my area wearing  (central mn) masks and going back to face shields,in south dakota everyone is mask less enjoying life,usually someone seen wearing a mask is a tourist and folks avoid these ppl at all costs short of throwing stones at them.

Haven't herd one word about the super spreader event last month in sturgis. :confused:

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's

Offline Jerkbiat

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What a Joke. And last night on the news the said how the MN state fair they could only trace 232 cases of the rona back to the fair out of 1.3 million visitors. It all depends on if it is a blue or red approved event how they make their headline.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline mike89

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I didn't hear any numbers like that for Sturgis...  the way they play with them...
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online Dotch

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'zactly. The reports I've seen on the State Fair include words like "linked", "suspected" & "possible", not "proven" or "caused by". My wife was up there from Aug. 24th thru Sept. 5th. She came back from there healthier than she ever has. Usually she gets the "State Fair Crud", brought on by the crappy air quality in some of the livestock buildings and the dust coming off the shavings in the showring. Livestock numbers were down as was attendance but you don't see that as "linked" to the possibility of any positive outcome such as hers, only presented as a negative by the MSM.  :angry:   
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline Steve-o

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Mayo Clinic no longer has any type of magazine, pamphlet, reading material, etc in any of the patient rooms or lobby areas, for that reason. Ya get to sit in a windowless room for 30 mins waiting for doc. Been doing it the last two days. I've seen cheerier holding cells. I was so bored, I took a pic yday! :rolleyes:
(it'll go upright if ya click on it)

Phew!  Glad to see they didn't have the stirrups set up for you before the exam.   ;)

Online Dotch

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Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Mayo Clinic no longer has any type of magazine, pamphlet, reading material, etc in any of the patient rooms or lobby areas, for that reason. Ya get to sit in a windowless room for 30 mins waiting for doc. Been doing it the last two days. I've seen cheerier holding cells. I was so bored, I took a pic yday! :rolleyes:
(it'll go upright if ya click on it)

Phew!  Glad to see they didn't have the stirrups set up for you before the exam.   ;)

No, those come when ya get the bill.

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