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Author Topic: 2024 gardens  (Read 89764 times)

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Online glenn57

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My onions!

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Online roony

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Looking good Glenn. I have to say it drives me nuts to see your nice garden. 140 miles makes a huge difference this year.. There's always next year for me.

Offline KEN W

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My 4 rows of 65 Candy Onions. Just starting to go down. Probably pulling them in a week and hanging in my shop to dry.

 Have to pull out and leave them on the ground overnight to dry the dirt off the roots. Tie in bunches and hang on a nail until Freeze up.

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Conservative on some things.....Liberal on others.....Sane most of the time.

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Online glenn57

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Looking good Glenn. I have to say it drives me nuts to see your nice garden. 140 miles makes a huge difference this year.. There's always next year for me.
thanks, but you wouldnt say that by the looks of some of my tomtaoes!!!!! :confused: :doah:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline LPS

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Nice looking boxes Ken.  Mine I made out of treated wood and had a corner blow out of one this year.  Need to improve my operation.

Offline mike89

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treated wood warps real easy... 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online Dotch

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Looking good Glenn. I have to say it drives me nuts to see your nice garden. 140 miles makes a huge difference this year.. There's always next year for me.

Did your maters ever come around roony? They look pretty decent here now that it stopped raining every other day. I just laugh though when I look at my miserable excuse for peppers right next to them. Cukes are starting to flower. Gal in the car club has none sounds like. They all died on her. If these get cranked up we should have her covered. 2nd planting of string beans have passed the half fast 1st planting in height already. Sweet corn responded well to the N I applied as did the vine crops.   
« Last Edit: July 07/21/24, 02:37:08 PM by Dotch »
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online glenn57

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Nice looking boxes Ken.  Mine I made out of treated wood and had a corner blow out of one this year.  Need to improve my operation.
dont build it during happy hour!!!!!! :shocked: :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
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Offline HD

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I read that treated wood is bad for a garden cause the chemicals?

I built mine out of cedar.
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Online roony

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Dotch, yes the tomatoes have improved. Still not stellar. My Celebrity is the best looking plant by far. The peppers aren't terrible. The bunnies topped off a few of them. I did some tilling by the beans and carrots on Friday. The ground is like concrete. The tiller shook the daylights out of me. The cukes are way behind but don't look too bad right now. Same with all the other Vining plants. I hate to say it but we could use a shot of rain. There is something coming out of the NE now. We'll see what happens.

Online roony

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I read that treated wood is bad for a garden cause the chemicals?

I built mine out of cedar.
Barry don't let little things like poison bother him.

Online Dotch

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With rain appearing imminent, I readjusted my schedule. Figured about the time I got the lawnmower out, it would let loose. Instead I did a 3 hr. deep manual weeding on everything, Round Up Ready sweet corn included. It might be wishful thinking but the peppers seem to be looking slightly improved. Hard for them to look any worse. Dew never completely came off in the long grass & it's sprinkling so that might put an end to any mowing notions I had. Like you said roony, a half inch to an inch wouldn't hurt after the monsoon season ended. Root systems are pretty shallow on a lot of stuff and the concrete soil you mentioned ain't helping matters. 
« Last Edit: July 07/21/24, 03:36:00 PM by Dotch »
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline KEN W

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Well, what I was waiting for finally happened overnight. Bear got into my sweet corn patch at my daughter's house. cobs chewed and stalks pulled out and broken off.

Deer don't do that. So I sprayed repellent around the rows. Hopefully it keeps it away. It worked when a bear did damage 2 years ago. Supposed to mimic coyote urine.
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Offline LPS

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Drink a lot of water so you can pee on the garden.  LOL

Offline KEN W

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Drink a lot of water so you can pee on the garden.  LOL

I will tell my daughter that.  :rotflmao:
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Online glenn57

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Drink a lot of water so you can pee on the garden.  LOL

I will tell my daughter that.  :rotflmao:
don't forget to eat lots of asparagus first! :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Bobberineyes

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I took a few days off and headed west, came back and everything exploded. I didn't grab any peppers while I was  harvesting ( that'll be tomorrow) but ended up with 4 qts of refrigerator pickles,ya some got kinda big. Grandma is coming over for the zookini in the morning.

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Offline HD

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So, is the garlic the same? How do I know when they're done?
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Online glenn57

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So, is the garlic the same? How do I know when they're done?
it's been a while since I grew it, if I remember right you plant it in the fall and harvest about now. I think it should start turning brown on the bottom.  Pull one and take a look.

 If you got alot,  I remember  taking the better ones, pulling them apart and replanting for next year

Maybe someone else can pipe in
« Last Edit: July 07/22/24, 03:04:33 PM by glenn57 »
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Leech~~

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So, is the garlic the same? How do I know when they're done?
We go to the St. Joe's farmers market on Fridays a lot.  There's a few local farmers that bring their stuff. I asked one when the garlic would be coming, he said a few weeks yet. 
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Online glenn57

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has anyone else picked any tomatoes yet??????  I've picked 5. there small, but 4 have had the blossom end rot.  :confused: it hasnt been inconsistent watering with all the rain. Grrrrrrr!!!!
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Online Dotch

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Picked a couple porch tomatoes but the birds and bugs beat me to eating them.  :pouty:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

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I've picked 12 so far.
I have a lot of green ones, so I'm waiting on mother nature to start making salsa...
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Online roony

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It just amazes me how resilient plants are. My Sunsugar made an amazing comeback. I named the plant Lazarus. Now I'm hoping for a late frost.

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Online roony

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Here it is at about its worst

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Online Dotch

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 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

When my peppers improve like that 1st pic I'm having a party. The main thing is they are actually improving.
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline KEN W

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No ripe tomatoes, but I have had blossom end rot on a couple bell peppers. I now have put straw around both my tomatoes and peppers to help stabilize moisture.
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Online glenn57

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Roony...i have a couple mater plants that still look really the point if there isnt drastic improvement when i get back to the cabin they getting pulled. they got small maters on them but no more flowers!!!!

Ken......i have a pretty good mat of maple leaves around all my tomatoes, cukes and peppers. peppers are doing ok but the plants themselves are way smaller then normal. but then again whats normal this year in the garden.  :crazy: :crazy: :scratch: :doah:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline KEN W

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Glenn....Give them some fertilizer. Either 10-10-10 garden fertilizer or Miracle Grow dissolved 1 Tbs per gallon of water.
Conservative on some things.....Liberal on others.....Sane most of the time.

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Online glenn57

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Glenn....Give them some fertilizer. Either 10-10-10 garden fertilizer or Miracle Grow dissolved 1 Tbs per gallon of water.
:happy1: did that before the rain!!!!! :happy1:

when i get back they'll get miracle grow!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!