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Author Topic: Good Morning!!!!!!  (Read 6181805 times)

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Offline markn

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I need to finish cleaning up after bingo and put stuff away. Also build a step for the skid loader. Thought it was a pain to get in and out of and then I noticed four holes in the front of the arms. I looked at a similar rig online and sure enough there's a step. So since some genius decided to remove the original one I'll have to fab one up. Should keep me out of trouble for a bit. Later...... :happy1: :happy1:

Offline Gunner55

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Morning all, we had 20 on my 1st trip out to the garage & we're headed for 46. Not much for wind today either. :happy1: I've got a couple things to get me outside & moving early today & I'll have to see where that takes me. No more now, have a good day.
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline LPS

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Morning boys.  I am back and we have 18 here now. We are hoping for 45 and cloudy they say.  I hope they are right.  The drive down was a trip.  Got about 10 miles south of here and realized a plow was ahead of us but a mile or two of vehicles were ahead of us and we were going about 30 and down to 20 by the time we got to Kelliher.  There had to be 10-12" of snow in the other lane.  When vehicles came north they were struggling to even stay in their lane.  South of there the roads had been plowed both lanes.  But there was a few inches of slush so still slow going till Deer River.  We left 2 hours early and glad we did.  They took more xrays and have to go back to check my nerve activity going to my sciatica.  ???   Seems like a sharp guy so will just go with his flow.   I put a heat lamp and cushions and blankets in the dog kennel inside and the dogs looked fine when we got home.  Lots of wild hugging and dogs screaming with happiness when we pulled up.  LOLOL  Also have a heated water pail that holds 2 gallons and it only had a couple of inches left so they drank a lot of water. We took 53 up to I Falls on the way home.  Much better roads that way.  Well seems like we were gone for a week. LOL  Good to be home.  Have a great Tuesday. 

Offline LPS

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Glad to hear you are on the mend Scenic.  Does not sound like fun but you seem to be in good spirits. 

Offline Scenic

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One of stuff that needs to be done situations.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Offline Gunner55

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I was wondering how it went for you, LPS, as our weather was nasty about the time you sounded like you were headed out. Good to hear you made it!! :cool:
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online glenn57

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morning fellers.......well todays the day!!!!!!  :happy1: :rotflmao: patio furnuture is coming out, snowblower is getting put away........ snowstorm should be on the way shortly!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:

LPS.......glad to see ya made it.........your dog must be related to mine!!!!!! :scratch: he goes goofy also when i leave him and get back home!!!!!! :rolleyes: i cant even sit in my chair in the evening and he is laying right at the end.  :doah:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Scenic

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I tried that up here and it has yet to work....would even do the rain dance IF I could.  Anything to get some moisture up here.

Offline LPS

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Love them Glenn.  They seem pretty tired today.  LOL  We barely have 2" of snow from the last blast here but still snow from before.

Online Dotch

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Mornin' fellow gulag comrades! 31 at choretime heading for a high around fitty. Partly sunny so that's a plus after a cloudy start. A chance for some showers late afternoon & into the overnite. Copy written, spellchecked & proofed so that's outta the way for another week. On to bigger & better things. Got some pussy willows harvested last nite. The wind raised hob with the nicest ones since my earlier visit. Knocked a bunch of the catkins off but got the nicest ones I could. The warmer temps last week blew a few of them over the dam too so it'll likely be a short harvest window this year. My prices will be up. Trump's fault.  :coffee:   
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)