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Author Topic: Good Morning!!!!!!  (Read 6234081 times)

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Offline LPS

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7 stops.  That is like a 2 day mission.

Online glenn57

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7 stops.  That is like a 2 day mission.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: ya he feed his face so it was 8........i'd be done at 4!!!!!! :doah:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online mike89

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7 stops.  That is like a 2 day mission.

I'm the kind get in and get it done...   so several went fast, 10 or 15 minutes top..  get er done!!!   :happy1: ;)
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline LPS

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Good man.   :happy1:

Offline Scenic

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Scenic I bought my Sport Angler there in 2020.  Love it.  Mike was the guy there then.  And Brandon.  Good guys.  If I was in the area I would stop by.  Have fun.

Good bunch of people in there.  Mike is still there selling boats.  They are also selling Skeeter this year.

Offline Jerkbiat

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Morning boys. TGIF! 29 and strong wind off of the lake this morning coming out of the least. Supposed to make 34 today. Radar is showing snow, but nothing here yet. Short day at work today. Typical Friday. If the weather isn't to miserable I will go set up the fish house again for the weekend. Otherwise just getting ready for another day in the salt mines. Have a good one boys.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Online mike89

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mornin all, 38 here and could see the low 50's again...  got plenty of things done yesterday and got a few things to do today too..  saying some good amounts of snow here saturday night now..  only time will tell..  have a good day all!! 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Scenic

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Good morning.  34 and windy here this morning heading for mid 40s.  That is same as they called for yesterday but we seen the highs of low 50s.  So its a wait and see what you ya get today.  As of right now we MIGHT see some rain and possible winter mix tonight.   Appointment in town today and lunch at Rays Marine open house.  Then see from there.    Have a good day all.

Offline LPS

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Morning boys.  We have 32 and sleet here.  The deck is white from it. Could see 36 for the high so should be wet as the crud comes down.  Gonna make the breakfast sausage today so will have to sample that.  Other than that just try to stay out of trouble.  May not even leave the ranch today.  TGIF Have a fun one.

Online Gunner55

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Mornin gents, 34 here & we're headed for 39. The hourly is showing almost all rain here, beginning about noon or 1 & lasting 'til ~ 8. A normal trip to GR for us is usually 5 or 6 stops. We usually hit L&M right about the same time that Aldi's across the street is opening up, which is 9:00. By the time we get something to eat it's usually close to noon when we leave town, unless we go to Sportsman's for chow. 'Bout it here, have a good day.
« Last Edit: March 03/28/25, 07:36:54 AM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline LPS

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Went right past Sportsmans on our way to Duluth and was thinking of you Gunner.  Still haven't stopped there but want to.  Looks like a good ol down home cooking type of place.   :happy1:

Online Gunner55

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:happy1: The service is right on par with the food, so even if it looks packed don't think twice about stopping in. There's 2 big tables up front, 1 in each corner, & they're rarely full. So, if no table is open, it's not uncommon to see people walking in sit down with people they've might not have ever met to eat. :cool:
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online glenn57

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morning fellers.......39 when i looked.........iffin the weather behaves itself its gonna be a  :campfire: and  :toast: afternoon/evening.

seems the weather terrorists are all over the board for around here........whatever......lakes need the fluids!!!!!'ll never be disappointed in the food or service at the sportsmans.......ya wont leave hungry and if my  wife is along there's usually a treat for shadow!  :rotflmao: the gal that owns it lives about 2 miles down the road from the cabin!!! i got my mind set on stopping next time north when i switch the cabin from winter to summer mode!!!!! :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline markn

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Not sure what is going to happen today. I do have to meet with our treasurer and do our banquet report for MDHA today and wait for a call if they have a cutting edge or not. If not then it's time for some fancy work with the torch and make that one that doesn't work, work. Could be "cold beer Friday" too, later...... :happy1: :happy1:

Online Dotch

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Mornin' fellow gulag comrades! 45 at choretime heading for a high in the low 80's. Made sissty tree yesserday. .01" of rain at the ranch & a trace this a.m. in Bugtussle. Gots me a round bale plopped in the lot last nite, composted a dead lamb before it started to stink then put a black cutworm trap out just before dark. Had 4 yearling ewes in the wrong place this a.m. Don't know if the thunderstorm spooked them or what. Pi$$ed me off. They easily could've ended up in the locker plant before putting them back in. Mebbe gets some stuff from the meat market to grill then see about watching some BB again tonite. Could really give a crap about watching any more NCAA hockey after last nite.   
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline Jerkbiat

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80 down there and snowing and freezing rain up here. Lol. The sad part is I like the snow better than the 80. lol.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Online Dotch

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I really don't care for temps in the 80's in March either. Past experience is nothing good usually comes of that including things like tornadoes & hail.  :coffee:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online mike89

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mornin all, 32 here and they say the high will only be 35 today..  saying rain and snow thru tomorrow morning..  not sure what I have going on today so I like that..  nothing pressing..  have a good day all!! 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Jerkbiat

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Morning boys. 26 here and supposed to make 36 today. Cloudy day and NE wind. Getting ready to head out fishing. My buddy Joe is on his way to join me. Hoping the fish bite. But with a north least wind. I'm not to confident. Have a good one boys.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Online Gunner55

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Mornin guys, 28 here & they're sayin we'll see 42. I don't think we made yday's forecasted high though which was 39. :scratch: I'm glad we stayed above freezing until most of the rain had cleared out. There is a light glaze on the lids of recycling cans this am again & the radar looks like we had a little more go through overnight. Got a few clothes I can do but I haven't looked much further than that. No more now, have a good day!!
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online glenn57

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morning fellers.........33 at the moment kinda misty outdoors. enjoyed the evening last night.....was kinda windy at times.

momma is leaving me for today and overnight!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :rolleyes: not sure what i got planned yet????? we have a great-grandson thats 2 today and they got some hotel room near the big city with a water park i guess.......have fun. thinking i may go garage stereo shopping???
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Scenic

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Good morning.  Like others highs 20s, bit breezy and just looks like a gray day.   Think I'm going to try and put new bunk carpet on some trailer bunk today.   Also going to work on a portable battery pack with a 7 pin plug so we don't have hook up a truck to be sure lights are working.  About it for me today

Online glenn57

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Good morning.  Like others highs 20s, bit breezy and just looks like a gray day.   Think I'm going to try and put new bunk carpet on some trailer bunk today.   Also going to work on a portable battery pack with a 7 pin plug so we don't have hook up a truck to be sure lights are working.  About it for me today
:happy1: :happy1: i take it your slowly but surly recovering!!!!!!! :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline LPS

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Morning boys.  We have 28 now and may see 39.  Good luck fishing with Joe JB.  We may go shopping but not sure yet.  We could hold out for another week pretty easily too.  May just relax and take it easy today.  We shall see.  Lots of birds in the feeder this morning.  Will have to restock it today. It is white from the fresh snow last night added to what remains on the ground.  Lot more brown showing up each day. Time for more java.  Have a good one.

Offline markn

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Going to weld up the pin pockets on my bucket in hopes of tightening them up. Took a spin in the woods yesterday, now there's 4" deep ruts all over. Might dig the enclosed trailer out and get the JD mower out of it. Should figure out why it turns sharper in one direction and not the other. I a good idea why, later...... :happy1: :happy1:

Online Dotch

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Mornin' fellow gulag comrades! 37 at choretime heading for a high in the mid-40's. Just got in from seeding some garden. Kind of a rude awakening after being 84 degrees here yesterday. While it's on the radar, have yet to see any rain yet. Need to make a feed run but that's about it for the "absolutely must get done" list. Dampish and chilly with the NE wind. Could be a good afternoon to watch hoops and have some popcorn with Poppy.  :popcorn:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online Bobberineyes

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Afternoon peoples 39 and the temp really hasn't changed much all day, go figure just started pissing out when one wants to throw 3 Cornish game hens on the smoker. Kinda hit the ground a runnin this morning, after coffee and the outdoor news read ran a few errands. Went to Ma and Pa's fir a good visit,  grocery shopping afterwards, followed by a well deserved union nap ( aka Glenn) .  The oldest and his pooch are coming over for a feast tonight other than that,  I believe it's time to mix one up and get this afternoon started  :toast:....See ya!!!

Online Dotch

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Got my feed, unloaded it & made some vittles. Raining here & just woke up from a glenn nap! Must be contagious... :scratch:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online mike89

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mornin all, 28 here and going to push towards 40 today..  no snow here, just freezing rain..  I did get a few things done yesterday and even managed to grill up some bacon wrapped pork tenderloins for supper..  today I have nothing planned so I can just go for it kind of day..  have a good day all!! 

careful walking out there this morning!! 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Scenic

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Good morning.  28 here as well.  We got nothing except clouds here.  I see the wind is still blowing this morning as well.  Looks like a pretty good flock of geese sitting on the ice out front.  Don't know if they are thinking if they sit there long enough it will melt or what.  You would think a  field would be a warmer place to sit.    Not a lot planned for today. 

[/quote] :happy1: :happy1: i take it your slowly but surly recovering!!!!!!! :happy1:

SLOWLY but yes a bit better thanks.   Just can't sit any longer and need to find stuff I can do. This sit around stuff is driving me nuts!!!