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Author Topic: Good Morning!!!!!!  (Read 6092151 times)

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Offline Scenic

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Good morning All.   -4 here this morning heading to 14 they say.  I does look like the wind will be under control today.   Have a great day!!

Online glenn57

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morning fellers.......busy day today. gonna take a road trip out to new london area to give some of my world famous smoked fish and pickled fish to a couple friends. 1 of them said he would actually buy it from me..... not happenin!!!

drop off the venny trimmings i got in the freezer at plantenbergs to make hot dogs and bulk breakfast sausage and a couple other stops.

still saying 3-6 inches of snow but sounds mostly in the overnight hours??  :scratch: whatever...........
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline LPS

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Morning boys.  It is another cold day here.  It will warm up some day.  I have to run to town and get some things and that is about it for me.  Gonna lay low and read a good book today. Man it is bright out.  Almost need sunglasses in the house.  Better close some shades.  You all have a good one. The trailer looks great Mark.  Lenny too.

Online Dotch

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Mornin' fellow gulag comrades! 8 at choretime heading for a high in the upper 20's. No, since snowmageddon appears to be heading north, I didn't put the chains on yet roony. Hoping neighbor Jon gets my skidsteer done so that's ready for the nooks and crannies in front of the garage. Even with only a few inches of snow sometimes it swirls around & makes a mess there. Hard to get at it with the tractor & blower or the bucket. Shoveling is vastly overrated. That's what toys are made for. I probably should hook onto the blower tho just to get the roller chains & knuckles lubed up then run it. Didn't use it at all last year. No newbies yesterday so that was a bonus. I squeezed in a dandy 1/2 hr. glenn nap before Judge Judy. Then Poppy & I made some popcorn when she was done chasing squirrels. The alien is still with me altho I'm gaining ground on it. Reminds me, I need to restock my VSOP supply. Running on fumes there... :sad:

Nice work markn!  :happy1: 
« Last Edit: February 02/07/25, 10:43:27 AM by Dotch »
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online glenn57

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mission accomplished...... :sleazy: :happy1:done with my list.....mahaps a nap???????/ :scratch: :scratch: :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Dotch

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Nap? Another one?  :scratch: I figgered you probably pulled over at several rest areas & DQ's already! 😴
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online glenn57

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Nap? Another one?  :scratch: I figgered you probably pulled over at several rest areas & DQ's already! 😴
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline LPS

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Do you have some blinders I call them to put over your eyes yet?  That is kind of mandatory retirement gear.   Get the curved looking ones so they don't tickle your eyelids like the flat ones do.  Nice thick ones.  We got 3 for about $19 on you know where.

Offline LPS

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Here is a shot of Bucko coming to the barn for grain.  That's my burn pile that we will torch whilst there is still snow on the ground some nice day.  Some bigger stuff than we have ever had so will be a two dayer I am sure.

Offline Bobberineyes

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Do you have some blinders I call them to put over your eyes yet?  That is kind of mandatory retirement gear.   Get the curved looking ones so they don't tickle your eyelids like the flat ones do.  Nice thick ones.  We got 3 for about $19 on you know where.
I havnt gotten to that point yet, if I jump in the recliner I'll throw on my shades for a fast snooze..

Offline LPS

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That works too.  :happy1:

Online Dotch

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Good to know. Sometimes I do the seed corn hat trick. Put it over my face & point my beak out the hole in the back.

Bucko sure looks like he's in good rig Barry.  :happy1: Sure is weird to see all that snow after seeing dirt & brown grass here all winter.

Had to laugh the other day when I went by the fire chief's place. Sometime recently his yard got torched off. Come to find out, he was burning some garbage & the fire got away into some long grass. He didn't think it would keep going & burn the grass off in the lawn but it did. He had to call the fire department to come & put it out! Embarrassed the crap out of him. :doah:
« Last Edit: February 02/07/25, 04:49:39 PM by Dotch »
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online roony

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Did he call it in to the Sherrif's office before burning???

Online glenn57

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Do you have some blinders I call them to put over your eyes yet?  That is kind of mandatory retirement gear.   Get the curved looking ones so they don't tickle your eyelids like the flat ones do.  Nice thick ones.  We got 3 for about $19 on you know where.
nope, don't need to assistance napping   :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline LPS

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That would be embarrassing.  We did that about 15 years ago.  Started the fire early and we did have a permit.  It was getting away from us and then it was about 6 pm and slowed right down.  That is why they say don't start till 6.   Who can wait that long though.  LOL

Online Dotch

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Did he call it in to the Sherrif's office before burning???

Being the fire chief, odds are he didn't. The biggest potential issue was burning his neighbor's house down. Granted, it would've done the neighborhood a favor with all the junk surrounding it, the house in disrepair & drugs being sold there... :whistling:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline markn

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BIL took his trailer home yesterday. I did get the new lights hung above the drill press and welding table. Sure are bright, love it. Cut the 90 degree angles off a 12ga stainless steel panel to make a 18" x 52" cover for one of the work benches with the plasma cutter. Worked very well on that. True happiness is turning any metal into an orange liquid. Later..... :happy1: :happy1:

Offline mike89

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mornin all, not sure how much snow we got overnight but it seems like a few inches so that will be the main thing clean up..   13 now could go up to 16 today..  a bit of wind today too but not like the other day..   have a good day all!! 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online roony

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Good Morning! 25 glorious degrees here in God's country. Nary a flake of snow here yet. Have a good one!

Offline Gunner55

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Mornin gang, it's 2 here & we're headed for 17. The early radar looked like GR & maybe DR might've gotten a little snow overnight, but I don't think we got any here. I'll give that a closer look here in a bit. No more now, have a good day.
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online glenn57

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morning first clance we probably have 4 inches on the ground.......and thats all i got on the list today...clean up snow. on of  these days i need to clean guns......gonna be a bit cold next week.......bee a good time to do it!!! :happy1:

the Tanzanian coffee i get from the coffee man sure is tasty this morning!!!!! :coffee: :coffee:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline LPS

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Morning boys. We have -3 and should get up to 12 today.  Hardly a breeze now. That's ok, I hope it stays calm all day.  We are going to do some shopping today.  Need dog food and some other things. May stop at Hardees for lunch.  I'm thinking mushroom swiss burger.  We bring a wet wash cloth in a baggie and a towel so we can clean up after the feast.  I hate a sticky steering wheel.  Other than that just keep warm and wait for spring.  Enjoy the day!

Online Dotch

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Mornin' fellow gulag comrades! 22 at choretime heading for a high in the mid-20's. Snow is winding down on the radar. Was .6" worth at 8 a.m., melting out to .05" of liquid equivalent precip at the ranch. Looks like we've accumulated another 1/2" or so. Will measure after coffee & a sweet roll. Had another ewe that lambed last nite. Must've done it right after we went in after evening chores. Lamb was born outside but was all dried off by 10 p.m. Inn is full so need to move some small pens after vaxxing, tagging & docking tails.
« Last Edit: February 02/08/25, 10:15:42 AM by Dotch »
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline Jerkbiat

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Morning boys. 4 above here currently and supposed to make 8 today. Been out fishing since just after 7 this morning. The bite is terrible slow this morning. But I did manage to get an upgrade for the contest. Popped a 22-1/4" Walter. Debating whether to move the house again. Otherwise the wind is not bad. Kinda nice outside even for single digits. Have a good one boys.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline LPS

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Dang it.  Dotch sent me the alien.  Since I got up I am feeling more down by the minute.  Upset stomach which I have had for a few days.  Now I am tired and may go back to bed. 

Online Dotch

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Lotsa bugs about. This alien hasn't included stomach upset but I could certainly use Cannon's 'CCO cough button. Hacking up lotsa lung oysters this a.m. Hope it doesn't get too ugly for ya Barry. I'm sure glenn will be up to help you shovel snow anytime if yer ailing.  :happy1:

Snow has slowed significantly but still coming down lightly. Numerous BB games on today. Am sure Dutchy is tuned in.  :coffee:
« Last Edit: February 02/08/25, 11:10:44 AM by Dotch »
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online glenn57

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Dang it.  Dotch sent me the alien.  Since I got up I am feeling more down by the minute.  Upset stomach which I have had for a few days.  Now I am tired and may go back to bed.
yea they were yapping on the newslast night this flu thing going around is as bad as its been in a long time.

hell, there's a little girl in the hospital now in pretty tough shape.............and she had  the flu shot!!!!!!! :shocked: :confused:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online glenn57

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Lotsa bugs about. This alien hasn't included stomach upset but I could certainly use Cannon's 'CCO cough button. Hacking up lotsa lung oysters this a.m. Hope it doesn't get too ugly for ya Barry. I'm sure glenn will be up to help you shovel snow anytime if yer ailing.  :happy1:

Snow has slowed significantly but still coming down lightly. Numerous BB games on today. Am sure Dutchy is tuned in.  :coffee:
:scratch: why.........smoke and mirrors coaching BB now!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online glenn57

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Dang it.  Dotch sent me the alien.   Now I am tired and may go back to bed.
thats typically called a Dotch nap LPS............ :rolleyes: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Dotch

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Don't you have Barry's snow to shovel? You don't even have the eggs picked here yet! Kids these days... :coffee:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)