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Author Topic: corona pandemic~  (Read 606308 times)

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Offline LPS

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Ya terrible way for it to end up. 

Offline markn

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I don't know what to think. I did both shots in Feb. with no effects I can see or think of, but if you guys remember we all got measles and mumps shots no questions asked when we were kids in the sixties. So with that said I don't have a problem with someone not getting their covid shots, they'll have to wear a mask when in public. Just my thoughts.

Reb, sorry to hear about your mother. Prayer sent your way. M.

Offline Rebel SS

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Thanks guys. Didn't mean to bring that up again. Trying to move past it.

But I'll sure bring this up....didn't take 'em long! Told ya! Anyone wanna bet when we hit the restaurants again?  :angry:
« Last Edit: August 08/04/21, 09:32:39 AM by Rebel SS »

Offline Jerkbiat

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Yep, the  :bs: is getting deeper again. Get the fear mongering going full speed ahead. Didn't Europe go thru the Delta variant a month or 2 ago and after 3-4 weeks it was pretty gone? But hey, it makes for better TV fear mongering.  :crazy:
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline snow1

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So now this in canada...

Lot's of conspiracy's going on,
« Last Edit: August 08/04/21, 11:05:18 AM by snow1 »

Offline Rebel SS

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Offline snow1

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markn,not sure if we had "FDA" ratings back then but I remember forced polio and chicken pocks vaccines,never got polio but chicken pocks twice,spread like wildfire throughout our school as did measels.,never had a shut down either.Old age brought on shingles,now I see they have a vaccine for shingles if one is over 50yo,more shete to pump in to our bodies.might as well invest in a hazmad suit.

Offline Rebel SS

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Hey!!!!! That's my patented Rebco Virus suit!    :tut:  :rotflmao:
« Last Edit: August 08/04/21, 01:46:47 PM by Rebel SS »

Online Gunner55

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markn,not sure if we had "FDA" ratings back then but I remember forced polio and chicken pocks vaccines,never got polio but chicken pocks twice,spread like wildfire throughout our school as did measels.,never had a shut down either.Old age brought on shingles,now I see they have a vaccine for shingles if one is over 50yo,more shete to pump in to our bodies.might as well invest in a hazmad suit.
   :scratch:  Danger, danger............................Will Robinson!! :whistling:           ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
« Last Edit: August 08/05/21, 02:43:09 AM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline KEN W

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  • "Conservative on some things...Liberal on others."
Shingles can be really bad. My mother and brother had it. They came right out and said get vaccinated. Why take a good chance of getting it when you don't have to?
Conservative on some things.....Liberal on others.....Sane most of the time.

Only the best Packers get to be Vikings.

Offline Rebel SS

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« Last Edit: August 08/05/21, 06:51:00 AM by Rebel SS »

Offline LPS

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A friend of mine had shingles and it was painful as heck.  I got the shot as soon as I could get it. 

Offline Jerkbiat

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A buddy of mine had shingles on the bottom of his feet a few years back. He was in his late 30s at the time. Never missed a day of work either. Hobbled around on the side of his feet.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline Rebel SS

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Had both of my shingle shots. (Two, 6 months apart) Don't want shingles!
« Last Edit: August 08/05/21, 07:04:24 AM by Rebel SS »

Online Gunner55

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Had both of my shingle shots. (Two, 6 months apart) Don't want shingles!
Got mine too after Sis had it.  :scratch: Mine were only 2 months apart & got the last 1 in February.
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline Rebel SS

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Had both of my shingle shots. (Two, 6 months apart) Don't want shingles!
Got mine too after Sis had it.  :scratch: Mine were only 2 months apart & got the last 1 in February.

That's 'cuz I forgot about #2, and just slid in under the wire.  :laugh:

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Now they're hooting about our local fairs spreading COVID...first it was OK, (even the State Fair), now it's not for the counties......... :banghead:
« Last Edit: August 08/05/21, 08:29:53 AM by Rebel SS »

Online Leech~~

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 Crow Wing county Fair going on this weekend in Brainerd.  Come on by and spread the fun!  :happy1:
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline snow1

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Shingles,very painful,I had the blister's running down my left leg,thought I had poisen oak or sumac at 1st,took special care of my neither region with duct tape to my right inner thigh as I thought it would help from spreading like posin ivy etc...note to self,see a doctor,stop self medicating yourself....

finally I became over whelmed in pain,visit to the ER saved the day,doc knew right away"shingles",gave me a shot and a pocket full of pills and was good to go the following day and never looked back,today folks tell me they've had shingles more than once,considering the vaccine,kinda.

Offline Rebel SS

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Crow Wing county Fair going on this weekend in Brainerd.  Come on by and spread the fun!  :happy1:

I'd like to hit BIR again during the 18-22nd to see the NHRA Nationals....... :happy1:

Offline delcecchi

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Sorry to hear about your Mom Reb. I've been on the fence over the shot since the beginning.  We as a family had rona back in April ( which was a bad head cold basically) , but nonetheless had to stay home for 10 days. My issue is getting forced to get the shot, ya I've been getting the flu shot for years, but was never pressured to get it, it did help tho. As far as masks so be it, around work or out in small towns in greater MN, nobody follows it anyway, from what I see..
As far as having the rona and the vaccine. You already have the antibodies after having the rona. If you are skeptical on the vaccine you don't need it. The Clevend clinic did a study on it showing that the antibodies are still present. Even a year later.

Not sure why, but the experts recommend one dose even if you had it.   Two for the rest. 

Can't understand the reluctance, personally.   I'm a big vaccine fan, having grown up before everything but smallpox vaccine.    Was glad my kids didn't have to get all that carp I did, Mumps, Measles, etc.   Recently I got Shingrix and Hep A and Hep B shots.   

Online Leech~~

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Crow Wing county Fair going on this weekend in Brainerd.  Come on by and spread the fun!  :happy1:

I'd like to hit BIR again during the 18-22nd to see the NHRA Nationals....... :happy1:

I've done that, In-laws drag race.  And if it's not 90 degrees out it can be fun.  If it is, your like a hot dog at the gas station on those metal bleachers!   :doah: :doah:
« Last Edit: August 08/05/21, 10:51:56 AM by Leech~~ »
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline Rebel SS

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Plus the 135* track temps, trying to pedal the break frees, and not leaning out that nitro for a blower blow-up to finish that 1/4 mile are always fun, too.  More than one way to broil yer weenie.  :rotflmao:
« Last Edit: August 08/05/21, 10:59:11 AM by Rebel SS »

Offline Jerkbiat

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Sorry to hear about your Mom Reb. I've been on the fence over the shot since the beginning.  We as a family had rona back in April ( which was a bad head cold basically) , but nonetheless had to stay home for 10 days. My issue is getting forced to get the shot, ya I've been getting the flu shot for years, but was never pressured to get it, it did help tho. As far as masks so be it, around work or out in small towns in greater MN, nobody follows it anyway, from what I see..
As far as having the rona and the vaccine. You already have the antibodies after having the rona. If you are skeptical on the vaccine you don't need it. The Clevend clinic did a study on it showing that the antibodies are still present. Even a year later.

Not sure why, but the experts recommend one dose even if you had it.   Two for the rest. 

Can't understand the reluctance, personally.   I'm a big vaccine fan, having grown up before everything but smallpox vaccine.    Was glad my kids didn't have to get all that carp I did, Mumps, Measles, etc.   Recently I got Shingrix and Hep A and Hep B shots.   
You are a fan of vaccines. I am not. That is my reluctance. Especially an experimental vaccine. My body, my choice.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline snow1

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Quote;Not sure why, but the experts recommend one dose even if you had it.   Two for the rest.

Can't understand the reluctance, personally.   I'm a big vaccine fan, having grown up before everything but smallpox vaccine.    Was glad my kids didn't have to get all that carp I did, Mumps, Measles, etc.   Recently I got Shingrix and Hep A and Hep B shots.   

Del,my take, things / illnesses are alot different from our old days not to mention our vaccines were proven way back,today our so called experts are so wishy washy about these unapproved vaccines,wearing masks etc,the way our gov't is pushing everyone to get the jab...folks like me are very skeptical,this push on us sheep all while 100's of 1000's are invading our country unchecked/sick not jabbed,we really don't know the long term effects on these current vaccines or if they really work as reported many folks compliant have gotten the the mean time our current administration is shipping these un vaccinated folks all over our country....the media won't talk about why we have an uptick today with this variant "delta" which originated in brazil or so some say.

Hat's off to governor Santis(florida) for head butting biden last night,pretty much put biden on the bench regarding his state mandates
« Last Edit: August 08/06/21, 06:54:42 AM by snow1 »

Offline Rebel SS

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Offline Rebel SS

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I knew it! Masks now mandated inside ALL buildings, AND outside! Also including restaurants in CAWchester. I guess now I've had enough. I followed all the rules, got my COVID shot, did the quarantine, etc. Time to say kiss my  :moon:.
Try to force me  or toss me out. It's gonna go down real fast. I've had enough of people telling me what to do and when and where to $hit in this town, and who I have to like and cowtow to. Now the tables just turned. Enough of this self-appointed governmental  garbage!
Sorry about the rant, but this totalitarian town has just pushed everything too damned far for me.
That's it on this one for me.
« Last Edit: August 08/06/21, 07:37:23 AM by Rebel SS »

Offline Jerkbiat

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Isn't that the truth Rebs. The Feds are doing the same $hit too. making up laws that are illegal. Now they have the CDC making laws that is completely illegal right are the SCOTUS just told them they couldn't do it.  :crazy: Just a bunch of  :bs:. Where is the incentive to even bother getting the shot if you still have no freedoms. I am with you. Go ahead and try and force me to wear a mask. The only place I concede is at work. Here my paycheck is incentive to wear a mask. All aboard. This crazy train is going off the rails!
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline snow1

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Agreed Reb,total this morning,southern border released 1200 illegals they knew were infected in texas towns yesterday alone,but let's jack "we the people around" force them to obey.

So how does this work (mask enforcement) establishment's forced to make folks comply or face severe cash penalties? does the city send out spotters to check compliance?

Last summer during our shut down,my local sports bar had Karens making a scene because resturant tables were to close together during 50% occupancy,one Karen even reported this to state officals who came in to survey the complaint JHC... some folks should just stay home with they're masks on.

Offline Jerkbiat

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Hey look your bobber is up!