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Author Topic: Good Morning!!!!!!  (Read 6237993 times)

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Offline lovebigbluegills

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Glad you made it TL!!!!

Offline Bobberineyes

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Hi ya fellerinos,  you can run but ya can't hide...oh ya morning.

Offline lovebigbluegills

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Glad to see you Boober!!!!!!!

Offline KEN W

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  • "Conservative on some things...Liberal on others."
I normally only read the meat and taters threads over there. Guess I should pay attention  to the gravy over here.
Conservative on some things.....Liberal on others.....Sane most of the time.

Only the best Packers get to be Vikings.

Offline Reinhard

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Ken it's great to see you here!!!  Looking forward to your input which is great as always.  good luck.

Offline Rebel SS

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Booberski!! Glad to see ya! Whose fish are those?   ;)

Offline Boar

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Hey bobber hey ken, great to see ya guys here. make yourself at home. check out the saloon thread, guesse ya gota ask permission, cause anything pretty mcuh gose, like over 18 stuff, from what ive heard. dont go ther emuch my self cause im not like that ya know :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Offline The General

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Thunderlund glad to have you here.   :happy1:
Eastwood v. Wayne Challenge Winner 2011

The Boogie Man may check his closet for John Wayne but John Wayne checks under his bed for Clint Eastwood

Offline HD

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Only coffee this morning, but the view is amazing!  :coffee:

[attachment deleted by admin]
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline Boar

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morning fellas, up early and running to feilds! busy busy busy. hope ya have a great day. keep the fires burning! trying to find time again to cook, but its preimarily been sandwhiches. yeeeeesh!

Offline LPS

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Ya I get tired of sandwichs too Boar.  This morning I just had to have a change from them.  Although I did have my salami for a few days which was sure good.  Today I am having Cloverdale cheese brats.  I just throw a package and some buns in my lunchbox.  Need to make my own.  I also started putting carrotts and celery chunks in the frig in cold water.  Rinsed a few times of course.  Then I put some in a zip loc for snacks.  I used to do that and worked out great.  I feel healthy..... :bow:  lol 

Need to mow the lawn for the first time yet.  Sort of putting it off since I am busy doing nothing after work and I don't want to get in the way of nothing of course......    Well a boat ride isn't exactly nothing but......   You know.  Maybe tonight.   Later all.   

Offline Reinhard

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Boy that's a brand name I haven't seen in awhile [Cloverdale].  We used to have certain suppliers that delivered them and they sold well.  good luck.

Offline The General

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Good Morning.  Heading to the office to grab some stuff.  Then heading up towards St. Cloud to knock a shovel out from under Glenn.  Then off to a few meetings.  I have been teaching the boy to run the tractor this spring so I'm going to hook up the thatcher behind it and let him run around the yard with it this evening.  Then off to check the gopher traps.  I hope to get a chance to fire up Nagatha 2 this evening and make something.  Have a great day.  Secretly though I wish I was in the same place HD is at. :happy1:
Eastwood v. Wayne Challenge Winner 2011

The Boogie Man may check his closet for John Wayne but John Wayne checks under his bed for Clint Eastwood

Offline Reinhard

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That looks like a shelter he's in [HD],  maybe out for some turkey's?.  good luck.

Offline leechlake

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Days like today lure me into thinking it's Summer already.  Next thing you know I forget I will have wet and frozen fingers two Saturday's from now but stubbornly holding my line with those fingers feeling for a walleye tap.  I've got some moderately major work things the next few days and I'm trying to bring my A game in handling them.  Rarely do I not start those days with some prayers that do me good in some capacity.

It seems one of the three hounds has escaped.  He's six and a wiley veteran that always comes back unless he gets captured by a well meaning individual.  Since he's a golden retriever he is very simple to catch.  Usually he heads to the golf course and the guys call me and sometimes they even bring him home in a golf cart which I think just celebrates his escape to him.  When he starts driving the cart then we'll know it's gone too far.  Go get 'em today fellas, be good to yourself.
Two Buck Chuck 2016.

Offline Bobberineyes

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Morning forum fellas,  thinking back reb I believe my brother was pretty busy netting those for not much on the agenda today other than bustin butt at work til my dentist appointment.  If the receptionist wasn't so dang hot I would leave a chew in  during my appt. :happy1:  have a good one.

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Happy Cinco de Mayo!!! Lovely, sunny, day here. 49* Week of sun ahead, say the wedder morjits.  I see the Smurfs are up already, doing something over at Papa Smurf's. They sure grow some strange looking polka-dotted mushrooms. I was perusing, if the moon and planets have no atmosphere, smoming things should work really great. The smoke will just hang right there, and not drift out and away. I'm excited. I'm gonna start building a launch pad on my deck, after I finish staining it today. I've got some left over rocket parts somewhere, might be my summer project. Have a good day, guys.

Offline lovebigbluegills

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Good morning all!!! Another late night in the tractor again last night, and back to work this morning. Doesn't sound like there will be any field work tonight, so I think I'll go find some morels after work.

Its only the 4th today Reb, so May the fourth be with you all!!!!!

Online Dotch

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Hey! Not sure what side of the timeline Reb might be on but celebrating any day is always in order.  :drinking:

Good morning valued customers! Always liked that line. We have so many new or not so new faces it's tough to keep track of everyone. Suffice to say, welcome one and all! Still licking my wounds from yesterday's field scouting. With some down time due to the wet weekend, farmers have been thinking up things to worry about. An old fart like me was not designed to ride 4 wheeler all afternoon. To make matters worse, I burned the top of my melon.  :scratch: Took several Gt's last night to settle me down and dull the pain.

Got chores done, checked the cutworm trap (2 moths), a trace of rain from some light sprinkles last night temp was 41. Neighbor came up with another round bale so had the ring ready so he could just plop it in the lot. Even paid him so we're square again. Had to hash over some farming issues and wifely issues too of course. Our conclusions: Our wives should be darn glad to have us!  :bow:

More of the same in the office sans the office pest. Vista's noted Swedish astronomer stopped by again today which is unusual. Talked old cars and astronomy stuff. That's usual. Should go out and see what kind of trouble I can get into today out in the fields again after lunch. Will need to put the feed bag on soon and a 10 minute after lunch snooze would be just special.   
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline roony

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When I came in for lunch there was a rose breasted grosbeak eating sunflower seeds. No hummers or orioles yet though. 

Offline HD

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When I came in for lunch there was a rose breasted grosbeak eating sunflower seeds. No hummers or orioles yet though.

I haven't seen either here yet, BUT...we went all winter without seeing a single cardinal...and now I have 4 different pars hitting the feeder!
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline LPS

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Thinking of you coffee and your eating issue with the new teeth.  Years ago i use to live for Jeeping.  Hills mud you name it.  Long before it became popular.  Well we were out in about a foot of snow and a log flipped up from my back tire and hit me in the jaw.  I didn't see it or feel it.  Knocked me out cold.  Well my driving got erratic more that usual and my buddy in the passenger seat saw my eyes were closed and turned the Jeep off.  When I came to it didn't hurt a bit.  I took a swig of schnapps and it drooled down my coat and realized something was wrong.  This was on a Saturday.  My family Dentist was still open so they brought me there.  My Dentist was a great guy but didn't drink or party at all.  Here I am smelling like a peppermint schnapps factory.   He took one look and said you need to go to the hospital your jaws broken.   lol   Well of course I had to have my jaw wired for more than a month.  Broken on one side dislocated on the other.  We lived in Luverne Mn at the time.  Had to go to Sioux Falls to have it set and was in the hospital for a couple of days.  I had malts every day with lots of eggs in them, chocolate, peanut butter you name it.   I love ice cream but it was getting pretty boring not having meat.  Well I had the great idea to put some canned Beefy Mac in the blender.    :happy1::happy1:  I had a wire cutter in case I had to vomit then I was to cut wires so I didn't drown in my own vomit.  lol    Well I did the blender thing and got out a straw and tired like hell to eat the stuff.  Tasted great for a few seconds and then my teeth got filled up like a filter and I couldn't make it work.  SAD deal.   Back to the malts.  I would have a buddy or two ride with me to my checkups and they would always stop at McDonalds for burgers.  Drove me nuts.  Finally I got my wires out and was going to hit McD's with the guys.  Guess what my jaw was still so stiff I still couldn't eat.  Had to have another malt.  I feel for you Coffee.  lol  This got a little long but just had to tell you that I feel for you and know how it sucks to not be able to eat good stuff.   I sure hope the real tender ribs work for you. 

Offline Reinhard

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That had to hurt LPS!!! That had to be very tough, I know it would have been for me.  Hope Coffee get's better soon.  good luck.

Offline leechlake

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nice vomit beefaroni post buddy! I never pondered in life carrying wire cutters around so I didn't choke on puke and I'm sure you didn't either.   I'm working on my new eating plan and was getting a bit hungry but reading that solved any hunger pains, effective tool I will use in the future.  If I get to 170 I will owe you for sure.

Two Buck Chuck 2016.

Offline Coffee118

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Thanks LPS and Reinhard, yes that had to hurt, atleast I was put to sleep before they took out 28 teeth. The only good thing I can say for now is in the month I've lost 18 pounds already. Now if I can loose 7 more and keep it off when I can eat I'll be even happier. Speaking of McDonalds of all the things I'm craving is a quarter pounder w/cheese or two or three.
if you kick me when I'm down you better pray I don't get up.

Offline Boar

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reminds me off a story, my brother as a. yung adult had his wisdome teeth removed. ccouldnt chew nuthing ffor.days. right during the holidays. alls.he ccould muster was mashed potaties and gravey threw a straw. so it was job to taunt him with allllll the xmas.goodies. pay back is......9 shall we say sweet!

Offline glenn57

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If you'd all would of loved a clean lifestyle like me those mishaps wouldn't of happened!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Boar

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I dont think we wanna love like you glenn. dont want to go to that thought buddy...... ;)

Offline glenn57

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  • 2015 deer contest champ!!!
Oops! Had a Boar moment;
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Oops! Had a Boar moment;

I'll call the Medivac chopper in.   :police: