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Author Topic: Good Morning!!!!!!  (Read 6237993 times)

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Offline glenn57

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 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:suppose you got that on speed dail with the neighbor lady.

Some know already but for those that don't REB's got this neighbor lady ya see, and ah.... Well I think most can figure it out!!! :happy1: :super smiley: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :whistling: :whistling: :whistling: :whistling: :popcorn:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Well, ya been wettin' yer pants, just waiting to get that in, weren't ya??! I have a neighbor lady that looks like the "How not to dress" poster child. She's also Gossip Gertie of the entire neighborhood. Smurfy has this fantasy that me and her hook up. The only way I'd hook HER up is to a one-ton tow truck headed thataway >>>>>.   ;)

Offline The General

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Well, ya been wettin' yer pants, just waiting to get that in, weren't ya??! I have a neighbor lady that looks like the "How not to dress" poster child. She's also Gossip Gertie of the entire neighborhood. Smurfy has this fantasy that me and her hook up. The only way I'd hook HER up is to a one-ton tow truck headed thataway >>>>>.   ;)

Sounds like love at first sight to me :happy1:  I'm sure Glenn is waiting for you to tag him in when you get tired
Eastwood v. Wayne Challenge Winner 2011

The Boogie Man may check his closet for John Wayne but John Wayne checks under his bed for Clint Eastwood

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
She'd be floppin' him around like a Chuckie doll. :rotflmao:

Offline glenn57

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Well, ya been wettin' yer pants, just waiting to get that in, weren't ya??! I have a neighbor lady that looks like the "How not to dress" poster child. She's also Gossip Gertie of the entire neighborhood. Smurfy has this fantasy that me and her hook up. The only way I'd hook HER up is to a one-ton tow truck headed thataway >>>>>.   ;)
naw I give ya a couple days to settle in
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline LPS

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Ya I had this buddy in high school and for some reason he just did not like this girl his age.  I mean he would even talk about how he just didn't like her.  Kind of like Rebs.   AND yup they ended up married.   :rotflmao: :rocker; AND played beautiful music together. 

I am a little queezy today.  I am thinking it may be due to eating lots of sauerkraut with homemade ring bologna and onions, along with Bush's beans.  Of course I had to eat it all.  Then to top it off I was unsupervised by the wife the other day in the grocery store so I bought some coffee flavored ice cream.  Never had it before.  Pretty darn good.  She laughed when she saw it too.  And yes she liked it too.

Well there is just starting to be a little haze in the sky from the fires in Canada.  It is supposed to be in the 80's here today.  That is going to be brutal.  The haze may make it a little cooler.  The "haze".  That used to be much more common in my younger days, and I mean long long ago.  Thankfully.....   :happy1:

See ya later guys, gotta go and make the world a better place.  Well maybe just the county.

Offline HD

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No haze here yet, sitting in the blind again this morning watching a hen across the field. LPS, I  got yur banner up last night. Enjoy the morning boys, you only get so many!
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline Boar

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morni g, off to.tjhe feds.angain.vneutifuyl get jhome for.motor scoot ride withh thhe wife
hhave a.geeat dayu!

Offline Coffee118

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Good morning all, it's an all day rain here. Coffee has been flying out the window since 5am. We slipped a little this year I got the silver medal for best coffee shop for our tri city area, last year we got the gold medal beating Starbucks, dunkin dounuts, dounut connection and several independent shops, this year we lost to Dunkin dounuts.  :moon: well hope you all have a good day
if you kick me when I'm down you better pray I don't get up.

Offline leechlake

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Morning.  Dream last night again.  It's this one I've had numerous times about fishing on Leech Lake and it involved a secret spot I fish that in real life doesn't even exist on Leech.  I think I've "melded" a part of LOTW in Canada into Leech for my dream.  Kind of a dream about if two lakes could mate what their offspring lake would be like. 

Epic cell phone controversy around here.  My sons phone acted up two nights ago and you'd think the world was coming to an end.  Frankly I didn't think he was that dependent on it.  We have two upgrades available on our plan so we're good though.  Funny thing is I dropped my phone two months ago and have been using it with a cracked screen and with pride.  It's like looking down at some of the dings on a duck hunting gun and remembering all the good times you've had with it.  My wife said since we had two upgrades maybe she'd get a new phone?  While I have fun with my cracked screen it's also literally missing pieces of glass and the camera looks like it's ready to fall out.  Hopefully the wife likes her new phone!

I also had a dream I was in the military charging a mountain and I looked around and the ten guys with me had bailed out...well all but one.  One dream story a day though.  Help an old person out today.
Two Buck Chuck 2016.

Offline The General

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Good morning everyone!  I didn't get to thatching the yard yesterday so that will have to be on the agenda.  Last night when the boy and I went to check the gopher traps we forgot where 2 of them were at so that needs to be taken care of tonight.  However with the temps how they are I might skip all that and hit the golf course. ;). Work is over rated.
Eastwood v. Wayne Challenge Winner 2011

The Boogie Man may check his closet for John Wayne but John Wayne checks under his bed for Clint Eastwood

Offline Bobberineyes

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Morning amigos,  just wrapping lunch, leftover spaghetti and a couple pcs of garlic bread. The rest of the family is heading to the lake tonight so I'll be unsupervised , I'm guessing a few cold ones might be emptied.  I'll head out tomorrow after work, hopefully the sunnies and crappies will cooperate....see ya.

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Thought you were going To Taco Juans for CINCO DE MAYO???   !

Online Dotch

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Bobber unsupervised? Now there's a scary thought!  :tequila;

Bom dia! Good morning in Brazilian Portuguese. Am practicing for future reference. Morning chores done, cutworm trap checked (1 moth) and no precip, temp 41. Off to Mankato area again today to check on crusting (soil) to see if rotary hoeing is required. Hasn't been an issue so far but worrying gives farmers something to do in their spare time. Anyway, makes for a road trip and lots of loading and unloading. By the end of the work day, I'm shot. Then I come home and do chores for an hour and and mow lawn until after dark. That way I have all kinds of excuses when Mrs. Cheviot gives me that "come hither" look. I'm usually asleep behind the newspaper by then anyway.

Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline Moon Lake Refuge

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Hola all!  Ready for the big salsa cook off at work in which my only role is to stuff my face and give my professionally unwanted and unneeded opinion!  Its a good place to be, we even have a guy that always makes homemade chips that he brings in in big greasy brown paper bags.  Looks a little questionable but they always taste great, and the company has started just letting him stay home the morning of so they are still warm when they show up!

Offline Bobberineyes

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Thought you were going To Taco Juans for CINCO DE MAYO???   !
       Thought about it, juanita's sounds moochos better... :happy1:   You have a very good point dotch.

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Barney Fife's girl? Juanita? At the Blue Moon Diner??! O wait, that's where Smurfy goes, my bad.  ;)

Offline LPS

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Good afternoon.  So General and HD is that you guys in that G3 at the top of the page?  I may be looking for something like that in the future.  Maybe a dual console or a tiller still not sure.  So I can catch some fish to have with eggs for breakfast.  My favorite.  See I made it a food thing.  :surrender:

Offline The General

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No that is not us.  That hat is way to tame for the things HD wears.  However we do know the guys in the picture.  That picture was taken on our yearly trip to Canada.  I like eggs for breakfast  :rotflmao:
Eastwood v. Wayne Challenge Winner 2011

The Boogie Man may check his closet for John Wayne but John Wayne checks under his bed for Clint Eastwood

Offline HD

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Morn'in fellers!  Coffee in hand and back out to the blind. I hope yur day is great! Gonna be hot...90 degrees
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline Easy

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« Last Edit: February 02/26/17, 04:53:47 PM by Easy »

Offline Boar

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LOL, thought that was slop the hogs. good morning. tough morning. I hav a 27 yr old that graduates BSU today. Her mom and I are extremly proud of her, but her and her mom are fighting bad withing the last 3 days, very long story. ive been thru this crap with them more times than i can remeber. Im tired, and cant doit amymore. she dosent want us to come. well were going. we will get thru this somehow, we allway seem to. have a great day gentleman

Online Dotch

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Here we slop the cows and milk the pigs in the morning! No wonder chores take so long! Gonna be a warm one, 85 for a high. Dr. appt. athe 9 so need to run here. Gotta catch the pigs!
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Morning guys!!! Clear and 60* already!!  Looks like a roasty-toasty one out there today...yeehaw! Finally! Bacon cheeseburgers on the grill later  today...bbq tops...radishes....summers here!! Boar, hope things work out for you, do what you have to do, and hang in there. It'll work itself out. Ooop, cawfee's done...have a good day, guys. :happy1:

Offline leechlake

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today would be a great day to uninvent the cell phone and take a real/old school vacation day with zero bothers.  Frankly, I've thought Friday's should be a non work day and added as a weekend for years.  In 4 days of work you should be able to get everything accomplished including all the things most people already don't accomplish in 5 days!  Maybe M-F until you turn 40 would be a good plan. 

I was making a move on the wife early this morning and suddenly these small head of a tiny black lab was right there in the mix.  Ruined the whole thing and I'm pretty sure the wife's disappointment level was below zero.  Those small black labs are sneaky devils and at one year old seemingly always getting in trouble...that describes me also.

Two Buck Chuck 2016.

Offline The General

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I hear you Leech on the Friday's  :happy1:.  I have no idea what's on the menu tonight as the wife will be cooking.  However I do know my son will be wanting to check the traps and move some to new destinations.  I can also guarantee a few cold ones this evening.
Eastwood v. Wayne Challenge Winner 2011

The Boogie Man may check his closet for John Wayne but John Wayne checks under his bed for Clint Eastwood

Offline glenn57

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morning fellers!!!! ready for snow with these temps!!!!!! ish!!!

and here I thought LL was always on a weekend!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline McGurk

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Morning, boys. 87 degrees in May?  Wonder if Al Gore will chime in today.  I'm looking forward to it after having a few margaritas for CdM yesterday, and I have some mix leftover for tonight!

 Asked the wife what she wanted for dinner Sunday night, and she wants steaks.  Have to make a trip to Greg's Meats in Hampton for our quarterly 50 lb ground beef pickup, so I guess I'll have to peruse the steaks, too!  Love the smell walking into a true meat market!
Good Luck! McGurk

"I'm not talkin' 'bout pleasure boatin' or day sailin'. I'm talkin' 'bout workin' for a livin'. I'm talkin' 'bout sharkin'!"

Offline leechlake

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I've led a wonderful last ten years plus.  Done business on the phone while literally setting the hook on walleyes and sitting in a deer stand.  Usually golfing I waited til the turn to be on the phone.  The run might have a little glitch in it so maybe that's why I'm lobbying for the adapted work week!    I was lucky and M-Th was usually like most peoples Fridays and F-Sunday was the weekend ta boot.  I knew it at the time it wouldn't last forever but ten plus years is a nice little run.
Two Buck Chuck 2016.

Offline Coffee118

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Good morning all, busy day here today but only 2 more hours left. Then it's cut grass and then get in nine holes before the rain starts. Got my tickets in the mail today for this years U.S open, only one more month. Oakmont golf course is only about 10 - 15 minutes from my house so I might walk to avoid traffic. They already have a lot of the tents and grandstands up which is always a welcoming sight because that means it's almost time. Still going to try ribs this weekend. All have a good day
if you kick me when I'm down you better pray I don't get up.