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Author Topic: What's on the stove, oven, or crockpot today?  (Read 1854781 times)

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Offline Reinhard

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Reb I don't know why they are called drunken noodles.  Maybe because they are in sauce but a lot of noodles are.  Mike those were rice noodles that have the carbs.  I have used the Sirachi [sp] noodles before that have 0 carbs.  They were good with good texture.  But they come in a plastic bag with liquid.  You have to rinse them real good and then simmer them for 10 minutes.  They have kind of a oder when you first open the bag and that's why you have to rinse them.  Great for diets.  They come in two forms.  Spaghetti type noodle or the kind like in my pictures above.  good luck.

Offline HD

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Reb I don't know why they are called drunken noodles.  Maybe because they are in sauce but a lot of noodles are.  Mike those were rice noodles that have the carbs.  I have used the Sirachi [sp] noodles before that have 0 carbs.  They were good with good texture.  But they come in a plastic bag with liquid.  You have to rinse them real good and then simmer them for 10 minutes.  They have kind of a oder when you first open the bag and that's why you have to rinse them.  Great for diets.  They come in two forms.  Spaghetti type noodle or the kind like in my pictures above.  good luck.

RH, do you mean these?
We tried them, but had some adverse effects. Hard to digest
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Online mike89

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it's said they are called drunken noodles because the hot seasonings when it's made and thus folks were drinking more to wash that away..  that's what I read anyway....
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Rebel SS

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And here I thought noodles were noodles!  :bonk: Boy, I'm learnin' a lot today, I like that!  :happy1:
« Last Edit: January 01/11/20, 11:19:28 AM by Rebel SS »

Online LPS

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Ya noodles with 0 or few carbs is what I need.  I wish you could buy them dehydrated.  Do they have extra wide egg noodles too?

Offline HD

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Yes, they have wide too.
But, I bought a 6 pack of these. They did not agree with me or the wife. We only made one meal with them and are afraid to try them again.

Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Online LPS

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Did you rinse them HD?   Did you get diahrea? 

Offline HD

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Did you rinse them HD?   Did you get diahrea?

We rinsed them a few times, then added them to spaghetti sauce.
And yes, it was shooting out both ends.
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Offline Rebel SS

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Wonder if was something growing in them? Got the worst case of confirmed food poisoning from a warm lettuce salad once....last place you'd think. Hope ya tossed 'em all.

Online mike89

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Did you rinse them HD?   Did you get diahrea?

We rinsed them a few times, then added them to spaghetti sauce.
And yes, it was shooting out both ends.

sure hope ya got rid of the rest!!!!   I wouldn't eat it a second time!! 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Online LPS

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Did you rinse them HD?   Did you get diahrea?

We rinsed them a few times, then added them to spaghetti sauce.
And yes, it was shooting out both ends.

A person doesn't forget those experiences.  Must have been a bad batch. 

Offline HD

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Wonder if was something growing in them? Got the worst case of confirmed food poisoning from a warm lettuce salad once....last place you'd think. Hope ya tossed 'em all.
Nope, I have 5 more bags.
That's why I was asking RH what his experience was when he tried them.
I didn't simmer them for 30 seconds, like he posted. But, all it says on the bag, is to rinse them well.....
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Offline delcecchi

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Yes, they have wide too.
But, I bought a 6 pack of these. They did not agree with me or the wife. We only made one meal with them and are afraid to try them again.

Thats how a cup of them can have 20 calories...   What goes in comes out.

Online mike89

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most generally every thing we take comes out one way or another...  just sayin..... 
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline HD

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most generally every thing we take comes out one way or another...  just sayin.....

Yeah..... But when it comes out violently, that's when I have a problem.  :rotflmao:
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Online mike89

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most generally every thing we take comes out one way or another...  just sayin.....

Yeah..... But when it comes out violently, that's when I have a problem.  :rotflmao:

and I will 2nd that HD!!!!    :rotflmao: :happy1:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Reinhard

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HD I never had a problem with them.  The key to these is that you have to rinse them well and then simmer them for about 10 minutes.  I think you skipped the simmering part and that did you in.  Just my guess.  I also check the code dates on everything I buy.  But I spend time on the rinsing.  Even after the 10 minutes of simmering I rinse them in cold water again.  I do that with all pasta because I make the pasta ahead before the main ingrediant like a sauce is done.  It keeps the pasta from sticking together.  There is another dry pasta in a box that have less carbs [I forgot the name brand] that they sell at Target.  I'm going to check that out.  I don't think that if you have pasta once in awhile it makes much difference as far as a diet anyway.  Eat pasta every day then yep it does.  When I find the name brand I'll post it.  good luck.

Offline Rebel SS

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I rinse and scrub all produce and fruit, (and that includes melons, BEFORE ya slice into 'em) and am nuts about checking date codes. The last two times I was in Walmart, (I'm an ALDI man now)  their pre-packaged bean dip in the deli was TWO WEEKS past the sell by date! Both times, about a month apart... Yer supposed to be checking that cool area daily! Two weeks??!! Come on!!!  :doah:

Offline HD

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yea...the date codes on the noodles say 4/20/ they should be good?
still nervous...maybe try them on a weekend again. (when I have time to recover)

The directions on the the package say to rinse well and add to favorite sauce.
I'm thinking that we will need to "cook/simmer" whatever is alive, to kill it!

Oh, and learn  :puke:
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Offline Rebel SS

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I just read up on those....cuz I don't know about 'em. Says to either simmer like RH said, or put in a skillet for 10 mns first.
I dunno...if ya gotta do that to be safe, I'd be chicken to eat 'em. Can ya invite Glenn over for a 'sketti dinner?   :rotflmao:

Offline Reinhard

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Reb, they are not that bad really.  But I'm looking for other options like the pasta I spoke about earlier.  Life is too short to worry about this stuff.  I have a neighbor lady also.  Nice lady but boy was she heavy two years ago.  Could have given a Walmart cashier a run for the money.  Last year I was getting my mail and she happened to get hers.  Havent seen her for some time since she works during the day.  I looked at her and could not believe it.  half the size.  I asked her what diet she was on.  She said none.  She said it was portion control.  Ate the same food but less of it.  So that is another option.  good luck.

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Reb, they are not that bad really.  But I'm looking for other options like the pasta I spoke about earlier.  Life is too short to worry about this stuff.  I have a neighbor lady also.  Nice lady but boy was she heavy two years ago.  Could have given a Walmart cashier a run for the money.  Last year I was getting my mail and she happened to get hers.  Havent seen her for some time since she works during the day.  I looked at her and could not believe it.  half the size.  I asked her what diet she was on.  She said none.  She said it was portion control.  Ate the same food but less of it.  So that is another option.  good luck.

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Offline HD

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I been doing about the same thing, portion control, cut down on the bread & potatoes... alcohol? About the same, except I switched from the heavy sugar cocktails to Scotch & water.  :happy1:
Mama always said, If you ain't got noth'in nice to say, don't say noth'in at all!

Online mike89

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good idea HD, my thing with taters is I love the yukon golds..............   been know to have brandy and water, might have to try a scotch some time...  like a crown on the rocks too...
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline delcecchi

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Reb, they are not that bad really.  But I'm looking for other options like the pasta I spoke about earlier.  Life is too short to worry about this stuff.  I have a neighbor lady also.  Nice lady but boy was she heavy two years ago.  Could have given a Walmart cashier a run for the money.  Last year I was getting my mail and she happened to get hers.  Havent seen her for some time since she works during the day.  I looked at her and could not believe it.  half the size.  I asked her what diet she was on.  She said none.  She said it was portion control.  Ate the same food but less of it.  So that is another option.  good luck.

I'd bet a buck she had some sort of bariatric surgery.   

Offline Reinhard

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Nope, she had no surgery.  My sister had surgery for that.  good luck.

Offline delcecchi

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Nope, she had no surgery.  My sister had surgery for that.  good luck.

Wow. Losing a bunch of weight is hard.    Doing it without surgery is really hard.   Keeping it lost is really really hard.

Online LPS

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I think it is all portion control/activity level.  Once you lessen your activity level you need to lessen your portion control.  Too bad that once we are older we can afford what we want to eat but don't burn it off as much. 

Offline Rebel SS

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Cut back, eat sensible, then exercise. Push it, push it, push it. Burn baby, burn. Burn more than you take in and away it goes.

Online LPS

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That sounds pretty easy.  LOL  I wish. But it is the truth.