Minnesota Outdoorsman
Minnesota - Specific Areas => Winnibigoshish- Deer River- Grand Rapids Area Lakes => Topic started by: glenn57 on June 06/06/11, 09:35:32 AM
not much for a fishing report. more like a bug report. talked to 2 guys from the area says the sqeeters are big and lotz of them. just so ya know!
Hey Glenn, you ever heard of or fished a lake called Orange, small little thing?
nope, never heard of it. is it a honey hole?
orange is in the summi hills area I thing off 38 north of rapids. Suppose to be a good bass lake.
i hunted it up on the DNR lake finder. it appeared to be based on the info it gave. not much for anything else.i have fished other lakes near it though. little and big ranier, batson to name a few. thats an awesome area to snowmobile through!
anyone been up that way lately? wondering how bad the bugs are! i will find the fishy's when i get there. :happybounce: :happybounce: :rocker; :woot: :woot: :woot:
headed up to gods country this past weekend. man the flies where bad. weather was near perfect hardly a breeze for 4 days. fished and did good with sunfish and nords!!!
there sure wasnt much for bear hunters either with only one registered at the spring lake store!
just a quick report I got from one of my co-workers that lives on the south end of bowstring. lake conditions have not improved much. still fair amount of slush and only snowmobile travel is advised.
hearing reports things are improving up that way. very little slush and a bit more activity on the lakes!!!!!!
time to head nort for my last ice fishing venture of the year. concerned about a couple of our lakes froze out/winter killed. :fishing: :fishing: :fishing2: :Fish:
appears there is a fair amount of grouse around, didn't chase them to hard. leaves are really starting to drop, mainly the maples and birch. poplar and oaks are still green. with the warm weather lot of boats out and sounded like a good amount of duck hunters.
appears there is a fair amount of grouse around, didn't chase them to hard. leaves are really starting to drop, mainly the maples and birch. poplar and oaks are still green. with the warm weather lot of boats out and sounded like a good amount of duck hunters.
From hearing friends and reading about grouse numbers increasing,It sounds as tho the area you hunt may be pickin up or is comming along slow.Friends in Nemadji SF say not much around,While Detroit lakes to ParkRapids say its pretty good.One from Redwing said more than ever before in the vermilion River valley.
ice is starting to form on the lakes up here. our bay had a good inch, especially around the dock. :banghead: :banghead: the main part of the lake is open due to the wind. if it gets still I am sure with the temps coming it will be iced over completely soon.
finally, will get ice time up there. looks like the weather will cooperate. ice is in great shape and very little to no snow!!!!!
well after today will be headed back nort for the long weekend to work on that fish challenge!!!!!!!! ice should be in great shape but not much snow to bank houses. what a difference from last year.
we got fish but it wasn't fast and furious. that's OK though. was still a good time with friends and refreshments. ice thickened quite a bit in 2 weeks. measured 19 inches.
nothing big but a few 4-5 lbers. some sunfish. I even remembered to grab a picture so sometime here soon a will try to post it.
got 4-5 inched of snow but the wind blew it around. sunday am woke to a balmy 28 below!!!!!!!
Headed back up Feb 20th weekend to close out the spearing weekend. Will be also working in grand rapids the following week. Yep a little premeditated planning. :happy1:
question for you guys. the lake the cabin is on has a public access. my nephew said one of his work friends came over to fish the lake. some lady comes barreling out and tells this Russian guy that's built like a brick outhouse that they are trespassing and that its a private lake. tells them she called the warden and there on there way.
is this the same as hunter harrassement? I drove down it yesterday and no one told me its private. :banghead: :banghead: I woulda had me some fun!!!!! :police:
WELL MY BOSS SAID I DID SUCH A GOOD JOB STICKIN IT TO 2 EMPLOYERS THIS WEEK HE GAVE ME FRIDAY OFF SO I CAN GET SOME QUALITY BEER AND BOAT TIME. so i be headed nort after work and planning on adding some inches to the DFL'ers team totals!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
heading back up tonite...mostly for work during the week. hope to get some lake time in on the weekend. I NEED TO FISH!
headed back up again tomorrow, hopefully first thing in the morning. the boilermakers co-sponsor a fishing contest/tourney along with the lets go fishing group up there to help raise funds for that organization. then sunday is the picnic for the union members!
found out today that I may be taking congressman Rick Nolan out fishing. go figure a DFL'ER out fishing with another DFL'ER!!!!!!!!!!!
Geeeeze , glenns rubbing elbows with politcians. soon we will be forgotten here at MNO, a distant memorie, while Hob knobin Glenn is on the campaign trail slinging mudd with the best of them. i see how it gose.
I guess they wanted a top notch fisherman to show him how!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) ;) :fishing2: :fishing2: :stillfish: :stillfish:
Geeeeze , glenns rubbing elbows with politcians. soon we will be forgotten here at MNO, a distant memorie, while Hob knobin Glenn is on the campaign trail slinging mudd with the best of them. i see how it gose.
and Boar.............how could I ever forget you!!!!!!!!!!! :coffee: :doah: :doah: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :bonk: :bonk: :bow:
thanks buddy..........I think :scratch:
headed nort today. planning on leaving work by 2. not sure I can wait that long. been a long morning. got work in grand rapids tomorrow afternoon then its fishing, and chasing some grouse. ok a few brewski's!!!!!!!
planning on fishing some of the usual lakes but looking forward to hitting bowstring for something different!
How long ya gunna be gone for?
coming home on Monday! gotta go to Sioux falls S.D tuesday to be a thug!!!!!!!!!! don't worry, if I get time tomorrow I will check in!
Got here safley. Work today. Fishing tomorrow. Seen 1 grouse of course no gun with. :doah: most work done. Need to cut wood yet. Lotz of time fer that.
fishing report is as follows. did well with sunfish. did ok with nords nuttin worth pics. went to bowstring caught 1 eye and one little snot rocket for pickling! forgot to take picture of walleye????????? But I got a good reason. when I got up there and unloaded the boat I must of somehow accidently flipped the interior lite on. also it was so calm I used the trolling motor extensively. when it was time to head in not enough juice in either battery to turn over the big motor. insert tears hear.
2 nice fisher people from ILLINIOS, yep Lee there are a few, were kind enough to tow us in. leaves are staring to drop and change colors. seen only 1 grouse but didn't work to hard on them. still a lot of green under brush!!!!!!!
accuweather on my cell I using the S word for up there tonite!!!!!!!!!!!
well glens off to the grat northland for 10-12 days..............mostly work though!
man the deer were out in full force Friday nite driving up. seen 32 deer one the way up.
reports are 5-6 inches of ice on Jessie lake.up to a foot on some of the smaller lakes. 6-7 inches of snow.....enough to run sleds. come on dec 30th!!!!!!!
had 8 1/2 inches of ice. fishing was OK. we got fish but biggest was about 6 lbs. also got some sunfish. maybe 5 inches of snow. seemed like they where starting to go in that mid-winter funk already. some pike weren't interested in the decoy and most the fish we cleaned had nothing in there stomachs.
got a call yesterday from my mother who is currently up at the cabin. seeing my brother backed out, he claims work got in the way but I know better!!!!!!!!!!! he's a corporate type and we all know they cant even spell work much less know how to do any. well anyway his kid is supposed to be coming up tonite. they wanted to put a fishhouse out but encountered a lot of water on the ice. according to her it is as deep as the tire so I will take that as it is about 5 inches of water on top the ice. anyone else hearing things like that???????
our snow removal guy up there told mom that it rained pretty good up there last Friday!!!!!!
totally befuddled by all the water on the small lakes up there!!!!!!!! :doah: :censored: :scratch: :scratch: there isn't that much snow. anyone got any ideas why this is happening????????? I am stumped.
totally befuddled by all the water on the small lakes up there!!!!!!!! :doah: :censored: :scratch: :scratch: there isn't that much snow. anyone got any ideas why this is happening????????? I am stumped.
I'm so bored all I do nowdays is watch the puter!! An weather is a site I watch 5-7 times a day.Its been raining a considerable amount that way and here also. You should know rain melts icetop snow an makes more water than only rain. I never seen so much rain this time of year ever in Mn.!!
I see that BUT that much water???? holy canoly!!!!!!!! :doah: :surrender:
The main reason is that there's not all that much ice is my guess.
Best I've seen on the smaller lakes around the Bagley/Bemidji area is 16 inches and the same lakes with that much still have spots with only 11-12. On average there's only 14. That might be enough to hold a 1/2 ton truck and a 16ft wheelhouse but there's also 6-8 inches of snow on top of that ice. You can drive over it a few times and if it cracks just a little the water will come gushing up. I also saw some idiots drill holes to check the ice about 5 feet from the road on the lake and ruined a 100 ft stretch of the road. Next day there was 6 inches of water in a 50 ft radius around the hole they drilled.
figured i'd best keep this up to date.
headed to the cabin after a work trip to Duluth. tough job ya know. stopped at Gunners and gave him a jar of pickled pike..........which he helped donate to. got to the cabin and lawn needed to be cut in certain areas. went out fishing and made 2 trips around the lake. 1 little snake nord.
nephew came up also to chase ducks............and he wasnt to successful. he did get 1 grouse. I went out grousing to but didn't see any. sat went out fishing as I needed 2 nords for smoking. in 8 casts......not trolling I had my 2. set up for sunfish.........got 10 enough for a meal dat was sat nite supper. nephew went out and got 15 sunfish!!!!! rained sat nite/early sunday headed fer home early!!! still quite a bit of leaves but that area still hasn't had a frost!!!!!
More rain last night & a steady 15-25 mph, gusts maybe to 30, NW wind along with mid 50's for a high. Some leaves comin down the last couple days but not like if we'd had a frost or 2. Thanks again for the fish, 57. ain't tried 'em yet.
no problem gunner!!!! they should be good to go!! I took a taste test last nite!!!!!!!!! always willing to take more! you know...to help the DNR out!!!!!!!!
Figured you would but haven't seen many hammerhandles since the :Fish: started heading deeper. :scratch: We get into some more & I'll keep 'em for ya.
The weather people have a winter weather advisory for up nort tonite. Possible 1-3 inches of snow. Just in time to greet my brudder! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :snow5: :snow5:
my coworker up north of deer river said they didnt get any snow.
we have frost advisories out for around here tonite.
I didn't see any :snow1: in the forcast when we left Wednesday am, just 3 days or so of low to mid 30's overnight & 40's during the day.
heading up to gods country friday nite. need to see what ma nature did to our deer stands since deer season last year. maybe chase around some grouse. cut some wood, drink some beer!!!!!!!!!!! burn some wood!!!!!!!!!
open water fishing is officially over with for me!!!!!!!!!!
Going that way again ourselves, either end of this week or by the start of next. Our dock,lift, & boat are still in the lake but will be pulled before we leave this trip.
looking forward to trampin around the woods this weekend up there!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: chase few tree chickens, check deer stands cut and play with wood!!!!!!!!!!
geeze glenn, this is a family site and yur talking about playing with wood. didnt think thats possible at ur age
geeze glenn, this is a family site and yur talking about playing with wood. didnt think thats possible at ur age
not everyone here has their mind in the gutter either like you do!!!!!!!!! :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:
Is there lots of tramps in the woods by your place Glen?
Found him out in the woods 1 time this summer but I didn't see any tramps around ;D
Did he have a grin on his face??? :rotflmao:
Sure did ;)
:bonk: :bonk: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Found him out in the woods 1 time this summer but I didn't see any tramps around ;D
I had already sent them on there way by then! :happy1: :rotflmao:
man it sure was a nice weekend to be up nort. noone was around and pretty sure it was due to MEA weekend next weekend. it will be nutz up there then. never heard a shot all weekend. that moon coming up sat evening was awesome!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :bow:
deer stands are in good shape. need some chainsaw work on trails going in so i can drag my HUGE BUCK out again. trees are done across them. cleaned up leaves, split hauled and stacked campfire wood.
had a fun weekend with my grandson. glad to see he is getting his life straightened out!!!!!!! didnt see but 1 grouse this weekend and that was coming home, although with my back as it is cant do a whole lot of walking and i refuse to be a road hunter.
so gunner................thinkin the woods was pretty crazy up there this weekend with MEA!!!!!!!! headed back up friday afternoon after i am done in red wing.
I imagine they were as there was quite a few around here. I didn't see any tramps around lookin lost though. ;D A lot boats out on Saturday too.
accuweather is forecasting 3-6 inches of snow friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When was the last time they were right? :bonk:
with all the snow that area got with this storm at least one good thing came of it. we don't have to be asking what it did to the ice on the lakes!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :taz: :dancinred:
~ 14" + around our place, I heard.
Someone posted from the west side of the lake,near Max, & they had 16-17" after it was done.
Just checked the 10 day again(Squaw Lake) & it looks like there's at least 3 or 4 days with a good chance of snow. Goin to be cold enough to be makin ice but the wind is supposed to be 10+ mph most of that time.
It's gonna make ice up there next week based on the 10 day forcast!! :happy1: :bow: :bow:
Hope so. :happy1: Think it was 12/31, last year, when we went back up.
other then the bigger lake reports anyone hearing what some of the smaller lakes got for ice thickness???????????
Just seen a report from the west side of Winnie(FM) & he was talking about 7" of ice & not very many people out. Sounded as though he had even checked a few smaller lakes
Would just like to give everybody who is going up this way a heads up. If you are hungry & near DR stop at Sportsman Cafe on Main St. Large portions, reasonably priced, fast service, & everything is good. You may have to wait for a place to sit but it won't be long
And I'll second that!! :happy1:
I'll be heading that way Friday morning.
Stop in & give them a try. You'll turn into another regular :happy1:
I'll be heading that way Friday morning.
getting close to my turf!!!!!!!!!!!! :doah: there omletes are awesome HD!!!!!
I'll be heading that way Friday morning.
what time you figuring on heading thru???????????????
I'm gonna drive down to Nowthen and catch up with my brother in-law around 5 a.m.
Then head North from there....
Figure 2 hours? 8 ish?
Closer to 3 hours. Might catch ya there if you stop.
Welp, he was talking about stopping for breakfast....so, this sounds like a pretty good option.
Depends on how fast he wants to get on the ice. :fishing:
Keep me posted, I can plan my trip accordingly!
What? Your not going to Red?
Nope to the cabin spearing. Need to get one more spearing trip in before my surgery and that's the only weekend my buddy can go and I got things then I need to do before I go under the knife!
P.M. me yur cell phone #
I don't think I have it :scratch:
PM sent!
:rotflmao: I just checked..... :rotflmao: I did have it...... Labeled under "Muffin Head"...... :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: I just checked..... :rotflmao: I did have it...... Labeled under "Muffin Head"...... :rotflmao:
:bonk: training-087 training-087 :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao:
well got back about noon today! we got fish but pretty dang slow. even the sunfish were lethargic. biggest nord was 4 1/2 5 lbs. dam 4 wheelers wouldn't start. was 32 below Friday when we got there. we never did get the one Yamaha started. even put heet in it. all done ice fishing now!!!!!!! :doah: :doah: :cry: :cry: back surgery set for feb 1!!!!!!
back surgery, hope it's not's a major one. good luck!!
about an hour procedure............the surgeon said " minimally invasive". actually I cant wait this misery has been going on long enough!!!!
that's good!!! My late wife had 3 of them. the 1st was botched in our minds. so the others were repairs, scar tissue and such. 30 years of pain and issues, but she was a trouper!!! :Clap:
Did the usual Sunday paper run & stopped at both the landings on our end of Bowstring. The 1 on Co Rd 35 had 2 trucks in the lot, they had both walked out just to check conditions. When they came in they stopped to talk to a truck that came in behind us, then climbed in their trucks & left when we did along with 1 more who had just came off the ice. We suggested they try Trails End. The PA on that side wasn't much better. Walked out 75-100 yards here after getting back & found a minimum of 2 - 4" of slush with 6-8" in spots. With the forcast for the week, I don't see things getting any better anytime soon. Thursday before we return to somewhat normal temps. Anybody who has plans to come up this way, I suggest they call ahead.
mom, my new step daddy, bro and nephew were up there. said it was COLD! got a few fish. also said there was 2 ft of ice. moms new hubby even drove on the lake............but that public access road is rough!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm going to do at least one more trip but going to Laughlin this weekend so will have to wait till next week. Have to make some money so I can swing the fishing trip.
I'm going to do at least one more trip but going to Laughlin this weekend so will have to wait till next week. Have to make some money so I can swing the fishing trip.
merc 3 posts here?I had to smite you at least once (Glenn made me do it) Soon you may be caught up wit 57.The site down drew you here?? Got 57 to 94 also!!
mom, my new step daddy, bro and nephew were up there. said it was COLD! got a few fish. also said there was 2 ft of ice. moms new hubby even drove on the lake............but that public access road is rough!!!!!!!!!!!!
Step daddy??Did Mom teach him how to change DEPENDS.You ole sissified Phart AH HA Ha ha :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :surrender:
Reb that was a great flic!!
Yes dew I will follow and haunt Glenn where ever he goes. It's just something a person has to do some times.
I like this guy already!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
good luck Glenn!!
Oh boy!! face_plant-2139.gif :bonk: :rotflmao:
Hittin the road for these parts about 2 am. Reports on there way
2am? early bird!!
Hey Gunner, planning on making one last ice excursion week from Friday. Heading out to Laughlin this weekend and have to bowl next Thursday so that's the earliest I can go. Would really appreciate an ice report next week. Thanks and have a safe trip up!!
Reb that was a great flic!!
Huh? Where? You into the fireball again?! :scratch:
ooppps gave you credit for something you did not do! Dew should have gotten the credit. no fireball here, I like beer!!
Yeah mike, we like to hit the Burnsville split by 5 am & it's a good 2 hrs plus for us. Shouldn't be a problem merc, win some $ this time.
makes sense to me dive safe!!
Yes dew I will follow and haunt Glenn where ever he goes. It's just something a person has to do some times.
KOOL merc!! Ya know the ole sayin>"it takes a village to raise a child" An then it takes many peers to keep G oops a fisherman honest!! BUT remember every village has a idoit also!! face_plant-2139.gif face_plant-2139.gif smoking_a_joint-408.gif
You know there are times I sit here and think, poor Glenn I feel so sorry for him that everyone picks on him and then I slap myself and say what was I thinking.
this good!! merc has as many likes as posts!! :rotflmao: :applause: :laughroll: :super smiley:
We made our usual Sunday road trip over to the store today. I made a comment to the person working about the ground must be starting to warm up because some of the secondary roads are looking soft. She said the weight restrictions for them starts the 1st part of next week, so the frost is going out. Stopped at the 2 landings on Bowstring too & the 1 on the north end looked better than I thought it would, that might change by the end of tomorrow though. The 1 closer to us is pretty much out of commission as it looked tough to even get a wheeler out there. The top 5 slabs of concrete were all heaved up anywhere from 1-3' & the pressure ridge that caused it must be 6-7' high on the north side of the ramp.
a lot of snow in the woods yet? I,m really struggling with the idea of heading up there next weekend?????? :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
With the forcast for rain, you should be OK, 57. I did notice in our travels yday that the 3 bridge(Portage, Inger, & Mosomo Pt) nearby have really opened up in the last week. Don't think I seen a wheelhouse on the road either. All the ones who looked to be fishin had wheelers & porties.
Heading up tomorrow for one last ice trip. Then time to get the boat ready!! :happy1:
I watched a couple guys come off the ice about 6 last night, on their wheeler with their pop up behind, over where you usually fish, merc. Don't think we saw a truck out there on Sunday either.
I know Geigers shut their access down to truck traffic but is open for wheelers. Our plan is to go off the North access with a wheeler. Last trip there was a big ice heave there with a truck hung up on it. Hopefully the goose is standing on the ice so we know where the fish are. :happy1:
I watched a couple guys come off the ice about 6 last night, on their wheeler with their pop up behind, over where you usually fish, merc. Don't think we saw a truck out there on Sunday either.
those guys were fishing in hayslips corner??????? :scratch: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
gunner...........i nixed those plans to come up this weekend!!!!! there will be other times with less or no snow. made plans to set up my spear houses and fix up what broke this winter............then need to keep my mom happy with lawnmower stuff!!! thought thats why she got remarried.........so he could fix things for her!!!!! :bonk: :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Hey, tell those guys to get out of my spot!!!
That landing was a lot better than the 1 over here on Sunday. Most of the heave was gone, it was a little mushy but we've had a couple cold days early this week, so it should be good. I didn't see any geese out there though. ;) :rotflmao:
I watched a couple guys come off the ice about 6 last night, on their wheeler with their pop up behind, over where you usually fish, merc. Don't think we saw a truck out there on Sunday either.
then need to keep my mom happy with lawnmower stuff!!! thought thats why she got remarried.........so he could fix things for her!!!!! :bonk: :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
AH HAHaha stepDADDY EH?? go get er done fer MOM :police: Then take stepDADDY a fishin
hey fellers............... how's the snow holding out. i mean in the woods.........like if i wanna walk back to my deer stand way back in the woods.?? :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
Not much left in our yard after the rain yday. Most of it is where we piled it up plowing
No standing water on the ice this am, so I made it out :fishing:. First hole I popped & 1st time down, I managed to catch 1. :happy1: That was it for the day, 2-3 hrs, though. Found 18" of good clear ice everywhere. A little slick out there & gettin off. Cooler overnight & not as much wind they're sayin for tomorrow, so hopin to give it another shot :fish2:
Driving to rapids sure don't see much snow off n the woods. Actually didn't see any till hill city. Thinking weekend after next will require a weekend at the cabin. Shouldn't be any snow by then.
Sitting at Tioga beach there are 5 wheelers out on pokegema! Judging by the ice sitting from the augered holes there can't be a whole lot there?
There were still a couple of trucks on Bow Saturday. Crazy!! There is still a lot of ice there but no way I would have been out there in a truck. The water that was standing on the ice Friday was gone Saturday so the ice is going to go fast now.
There were still a couple of trucks on Bow Saturday. Crazy!! There is still a lot of ice there but no way I would have been out there in a truck. The water that was standing on the ice Friday was gone Saturday so the ice is going to go fast now.
:scratch: :scratch: Hmmm no mention of any fish caught??? pouty-1023.gif :rotflmao:
No mention of the goose either ;) :rotflmao: The shoreline ice on the north end of our lot looks pretty iffy today. :scratch: Not sure I'd put foot on it without givin it a rap with the bar 1st. confused-3316.gif
Went out and the goose must have had the weekend off. Saw him fly over but never stopped so we went where the raven was standing. We figured it was doing the weekend shift but no fish there. You can't trust that fill in help I guess. So we stopped by the banana peel on the ice and managed 15 crappies for two guys. The next day we had five guys and fishing was tough. Did manage a few but very slow. Sunday went to a small lake and got a mess of decent sunfish. Nothing huge but nice eaters. Good trip to end the season. Let the open water come!! :happy1:
Kool merc we got our first meal of open water sunnies an crappie a few days ago.Dock fishin for crappie starts this evening,see if they may be in?
so gunner..............ya tip toe out on the ice yesterday or today????????????? :scratch: :scratch:
Not since Sunday :fishing:, probably start putting it away soon. They could put the nets in over on Cutfoot if they wanted. I'm sure they won't for a while though as a couple years ago they put them in early & then it got cold. They were in for 6 weeks that year. Must've seen 8 boats on the road today goin to town, most were on 46 headed north.
well survived my trip north. even found my hunting knife I somehow lost deer hunting. lake was ice free when I pulled in Friday afternoon which surprised me. loons are back and a lot of ducks and geese. got all my projects done plus all the ones my mom gave me. hauled and split wood but had to quit today...back said I had to much fun yesterday.
fished from shore sat afternoon. caught about 10 sunfish, all went back. they seemed pretty spooky. musta know I was after them!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: watched the eagles working on there nest.....that was fun to watch!!!!!!!
My favorite fishing, sunnies in the shallows. I would think this is really early yet but the fish master can catch them any time I guess. Going up next week to do a little work, might have to throw the rod in and check out a few spots. Glad you had a good weekend!!! :happy1:
fish master, know how come Reb says other wise?
fish master, know how come Reb says other wise?
cause REB don't know better!!!!!!!!!! mooning-448.gif mooning-448.gif :laughroll: :fish2: :fish2:
dontcha know mike ........women love me........... fish fear me!!!!!!!!!!
fish master, know how come Reb says other wise?
cause REB don't know better!!!!!!!!!! mooning-448.gif mooning-448.gif :laughroll: :fish2: :fish2:
dontcha know mike ........women love me........... fish fear me!!!!!!!!!!
I seen a t-shirt like that once, did you make it?? :scratch:
It was invented because of me! :rotflmao:
But the back of glenns shirt says ........... and then I wake up :rotflmao: :rotflmao: sleazy-422.gif
But the back of glenns shirt says ........... and then I wake up :rotflmao: :rotflmao: sleazy-422.gif
:banghead: :banghead: hey now!!!!!!!!!! :bonk: :bonk: tut_tut-3315.gif :censored: :doah: :rotflmao:
But the back of glenns shirt says ........... and then I wake up :rotflmao: :rotflmao: sleazy-422.gif
But the back of glenns shirt says ........... and then I wake up :rotflmao: :rotflmao: sleazy-422.gif
AWE go fix your harley!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :moon: :moon: :moon: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
But the back of glenns shirt says ........... and then I wake up :rotflmao: :rotflmao: sleazy-422.gif
AWE go fix your harley!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :moon: :moon: :moon: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
don't have to, she be ready to go where she sits!!
This is what I dealt with up north sat nite this past weekend!
nice view
holy smokes gunner..........you bailed from up there just in time. winter weather advisory. potential 3 inches of snow, lotz of freezing rain and the talk is issues with power lines and ice on trees!!!!!!!!!!
The Weather Channels forcast for Squaw Lake said snow until about noon maybe 1, more (2-4") over north of the Range. Ice & freezing rain more over on the southern part of the North Shore. confused-3316.gif We'll see.
Checked the webcams nearby about 3:30 yesterday & it looked like it was done snowing. Enough to cover the ground had fallen but that was about it from what I could see.
looks like the 50-60's next week when i'm up there with no moisture for the most part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happybounce: :dancinred: :dancinred: :blues brothers: :rocker;
Don't know if I would bet on that :scratch:, knowing your luck. ;) ;D Just peeked at the 10 day for Squaw Lake & it had a 50% chance for Thursday am, temps in the upper 50's to lower 60's. So you might get lucky, when you heading up? Long weekend?
heading up next wed, the 3rd early. negotiations in rapids thurs friday....mon tues and wed the following week. agreement expires the 10th. hopefully done by then but doubt it. staying up there over the weekend!!!!! need to change oil and filters in the wheelers......do some fishing amongst other things. :toast: :toast: :toast:
I think I'm heading up the first part of the week. Depends on the weather which day I leave. Maybe I'll have to sneak over by you and clean the lake out before you get there. Probably out hiding in the deep water after this weather though. I guess I just might have to do some work then. Or maybe the backup plan :toast:
you go fish'em deep............... i'm hitting my secret spots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: looks like only one soggy day so far!!!!!!!!!
Looks like it's a good time to be down here with both of ya up there. ;) ;D
Looks like it's a good time to be down here with both of ya up there. ;) ;D
burp-402.gif burp-402.gif tut_tut-3315.gif tut_tut-3315.gif face_plant-2139.gif maybe!!!!!!!! looks like my pickled fish is safe then!!!!!! :rotflmao: oops i gotta make some yet!!!!!!!!!! :moon:
Did I hear someone say "pickled fish"? You know I know where you live and I'm not far away. :happybounce:
His are good :happy1:, He just never seems to have enough :fish2: so he can keep some pickled ones around. He gave me a jar to try after I gave him a mess of the ones they are trying to thin out of our lake.
His are good :happy1:, He just never seems to have enough :fish2: so he can keep some pickled ones around. He gave me a jar to try after I gave him a mess of the ones they are trying to thin out of our lake.
well i do have material for 2 small batches or onw biggin left!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: just gotta string 10 days in a row together to cook'em up!!!!!!! always got room for more iffin ya catch dem little snot rockets!!!!!!!
Looks to be nicer, snows gone, up there the next 2 days than down here. Might be more snow for Monday though. :scratch:
well with my work done gonna try and get some serious fishing in. so far the sunfish haven't been very cooperative. lots of dinks hopefully this weather today gets them going. I want a meal of fresh fish!!!!
How's the fire pit doin? ;) :rotflmao: The :deer: told the :Fish: to hide :laughroll: Looks like we'll be headin back up Monday after Opener
obvisiuosly it HAD to get done..so they did it . I have since added some ashes to it!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
talkin about deer.............seen 26 driving to rapids yesterday and 8 today!!!!!! gonna give da fishies heck hopefully this afternoon.
they issued a fire weather warnin for the area. apparently its gonna get windy this afternoon. bummer!!!!!!!
Fire warning? I just got back from there and my land is almost under water. It is really wet there. Wow!!!
Things are still pretty brown yet. Had more to do with tempature low humidity and wind then anything.
Get any :fish2:?
Get any :fish2:?
i actually kept 16 sunfish friday late afternoon after the wind settled down a bit. before that and sat nuttin!!!!!!!!!!!!
sounds to me like you had to many!! should have given some away!! :rotflmao:
To someone on a igauna orange HD right! :laugh: He probably ate them all himself as we all know that just about all the :fish2: he catches are small ;) :rotflmao:
:banghead: :banghead: training-087 :taz: :taz: dont da bot of ya gotta go play in traffic oe somethin!!!!!!!!!!!!! face_plant-2139.gif tut_tut-3315.gif tut_tut-3315.gif :bonk: :bonk: :rotflmao:
sunfish limit is 20. i had me fresh fish for din-din of 6 fish. brought the 10 leftover home fer anudder meal!!!!!!!!!
that would work gunner!! but I do like catching my own fish!!
Yeah, that's a lot more fun. :happy1: & if'n 57 can catch 'em anybody can! ;) :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :laughroll: :stillfish:
fart-421.gif fart-421.gif fart-421.gif mooning-448.gif mooning-448.gif mooning-448.gif mooning-448.gif mooning-448.gif mooning-448.gif mooning-448.gif :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
you guys missed me..............didnt ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1:
like a hemorrhoid!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
like a hemorrhoid!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
you like hemorriods huh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :moon: :moon: :moon: :rotflmao:
yupper, when they are gone!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
It got pretty nice yday afternoon so I decided to take the wheeler for a spin. Figured I would go over to the PA on Bowstring & see what it looked like now. The DNR did a good job of fixing it after the ice pushed the top 5 or 6 slabs of concrete 2-3' in the air. I followed a truck with a smaller( a little over 16') Crestliner over there. While there, I watched them launch & they had to back their truck in the water a long ways. By the time they got the boat off the trailer, using the outboard, only the front tires weren't in the water. There's NO WAY I would try to launch our Crestliner FH 1750 at that access. If I wanted to fish that lake I would go to the Co Rd 35 PA. We could use some of Reb's rain. Probably won't get any until glenn comes back up though. :rolleyes:
we used the 35 access sat last weekend with no issues. got only 1 eye and 3 perch. i did talk to one of our members yesterday, he fished bowstring thursday and did well!!!!!!!! the AIS people where there. nice kid. but holy hannah was that parking lot full sat. rigs parked almost all the way out to the highway!!!!!!
That lake sees a lot of boats, I'm surprised it hasn't affected the fishing more. :scratch: People from other lakes, lots of resorters from all over the county, even the locals fish the snot out of it.It's just about as bad in the winter. Kind of glad they all go over there, means a lot less here. :happy1:
i gotz tomorrow........friday off!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: da boss said when i asked for it...........glenn you work so dang hard........go for it. so look out itasca county and fish!!!!!!!!!!
sounds more like a partner in crime!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :evil:
thinking about heading north next weekend. those weekends after the big holiday weekends are usually pretty quiet up there so I like to plan accordingly. starting to get that itch to head back up so............
warning Gunner???? :rotflmao:
Nope. The fish and women! :mooning:
there ya go, dreamin again!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
We should be OK this time ;) :smiley:, I think he'll stay up on his end of the lake :rotflmao: It will probably rain all weekend anyway, or we'll have a frost :scratch: :doah: :rolleyes:
We should be OK this time ;) :smiley:, I think he'll stay up on his end of the lake :rotflmao: It will probably rain all weekend anyway, or we'll have a frost :scratch: :doah: :rolleyes:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: oh if i come up.........i cold get pretty close...........as the crow flies anyway!!!!!!!!!
Done did decide it's time to head north next weekend!!!
Well I guess I better wait till you get back before I go up. Like I always said, the fish couldn't handle both of us being up at the same time. :happy1:
so i done talked to da boss................he said glenn you work so dang hard you can have friday off!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so its head north thursday nite. not sure if momma is coming or not...she seems to have a daughter issue..............again!!!!!!!!!!! :doofus: :thumbs: :bonk: :bonk:
Well I guess I better wait till you get back before I go up. Like I always said, the fish couldn't handle both of us being up at the same time. :happy1:
yep..........that and they dont need 2 trucks to deliver beer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
man was it quiet up there this weekend, well except for the loons and eagles makin all kinds of racket. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: bugs were bearable, except for them ankle biting monster, annoying little flies in the boat, but 1 is to many as far as i'm concerned. did have a boat or 2 out now and again, but only one was up there over the weekend that has a place on the lake. gotta love it, kinda why i plan these trips the weekend prior to or after these big 3 day weekends!!!!!!!!!
got my fishing fix in, cut split and hauled wood. had a couple fires and just a few :toast: :toast: oh yea set my trap line too!!!!!!!! got 8 mouses!!! less critters to chew up fishhouse canvas and other things. bet i've disposed 20 of them rodents already this year!!!!!!!
Real quiet here too. Not a skier,tuber, jet ski in sight since Saturday. :happy1: Only 3 or 4 places up the road showin any signs of life.
it's always great after the holidays!!!! :happy1:
hey gunner..............i looked at the lake finder on the DNR site. i need some more picklin material!!!!!! :rotflmao: :happy1: but i dont seem much for public accesses on sand. am i missing something on there. i'm not a big fan of the DNR access on little sand and dont really wanna dump the boat in at the resort accross from it. any ideas!
oh and how the bugs up there.....deer flies.........horseflies..............squeeters and them little ankle biting monsters, flies!!!!!!!!
:bump: :doah: :scratch: :mad1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I sure was impressed with the lack of bugs Sunday night at the cabin. :happy1:
stayed indoors????
Nope!! Outside all the time. Don't go up there to sit inside. Putzed around, had a fire and a few :toast:
Our PA is off of Co Rd 155 which is after the curve, :scratch: going south, on Co Rd 36 past the church. Oops,didn't see your post earlier. Water is so low, I'm not sure you could get thru the channel from Little Sand in a very big boat.
yea that was my thoughts were!!!!!!!! :bonk: :bonk: my boat is a 16 ft lund stinger with a 40 horse on it! so no if the water is low i wont get threw..............i'll hunt that one down!!!!!!!!!
thanks gunner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:happy1: We had no problems with the 17' fiberglass of my sister's going in or out here. About a mile or 2 down Co Rd 155 you'll see a bunch of mailboxes for the rest of the people down the road. There'll be a road on the right side going north the winds back in to the landing, should be a PA sign there.
Yea I'm pretty sure I know where it's at.
Wonderin when your headed up? When do you think you might be over here? If'n I'm not doin anything, I might look you up out there & say hi. Might just spy on ya too ;) ;D, & actually watch you to see ya catch a :fish2: :smiley:
Wonderin when your headed up? When do you think you might be over here? If'n I'm not doin anything, I might look you up out there & say hi. Might just spy on ya too ;) ;D, & actually watch you to see ya catch a :fish2: :smiley:
well, right now i'm done working thursday at noon, unless my boss says why even bother coming in. :happy1: :happy1: then i'll head north early thursday morning. should be friday morning sometime, not near as damn early as you get out though!!!!!!! :doah: :doah: :rotflmao:
that landing looks like its in some sort of channel, i gotta wait till i get to the cabin to scope out where or how far i venture. dont wanna get lost ya know!!!!!!!
It's right across the channel from old Empty Bar. Generally there isn't anybody else out there when I go out early. Wadda you mean "GET LOST" :bonk: :rotflmao: You gotta white 16 + ft Lund tiller, right. Any idea where you might try, if you make it over? Goin solo or momma goin too?
nope BLUE.............ok reb have at it :crazy: 16 ft lund stinger yep tiller. no momma isnt going with. think her hip is bothering her and she says there's nothing for her to do. i said whadda mean....you can cook and do dishes..................thats when the fight started!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
as far as trying..............i gotta beleive with them little snot rockets just throw something shiny at them along a weed line. i may pick up some leeches and or minners and try for walleyes too, not sure yet!
I forgot to add that you may run into the county guys with the Decon unit as they sit over there a lot on the weekends, at least thru the holiday. They just want to pressure wash your boat with hot water so you don't bring any Zeebs back to your lake. Only takes 10, maybe 15 minutes.
No leeches at Fred's yday. Your bait guy or River Rat might have some though.
I forgot to add that you may run into the county guys with the Decon unit as they sit over there a lot on the weekends, at least thru the holiday. They just want to pressure wash your boat with hot water so you don't bring any Zeebs back to your lake. Only takes 10, maybe 15 minutes.
hey I'll take a boat cleaning. Will they vacuum it out too!!
Well made it home by noon today. Wanted to beat the traffic. Was already backed up 2 blocks in Crosby about 10 am. Judging by the traffic on 10 I'd bet Royalton was a disaster too. I took the back roads.
Anyway went to gunners lake Friday, how ya can troll for 4 hours and not get any of them little snot rockets is beyond me. But man I took a beating going back to the access. Wowzer it was windy. The AIS guy musta been bored, he sure was talkative. Nice guy, find out he lived in my neck of the woods at one time. Said he works for itasca Co.
Got sunfish on our lake, just didn't get into fishing this weekend. :scratch:
Alit of what we did.
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And some of this!
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nice but no nords???? thats not right!!! yup you are back, here we go!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
"We did". You have company? :scratch: Was it the AIS guy? Rich(tall / lanky), I think it is or was it Brian( short / beard) from Max who leads the Decon unit? I was out on Friday morning until 10, maybe 11 & kind of looked for you on this end of the lake. I didn't see anything blue on the water. :laugh: Thought it was too windy for ya. With that wind direction getting the boat back on the trailer by yourself can be a bit tricky.
it was that Brian from Max!!!!!!!!! i bet between unloading the boat and loading it back up we spent 30-40 minutes :bs:"ing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i mighta only got out about 10?????? up there i dont pay a whole lot of attention to a clock.
Yeah he likes to jaw, so you 2 should've gotten along great. ;) :rotflmao: Bet we've crossed paths 5-6 times & yeah, it's hard to get out there in 10-15 minutes. I always got a watch on & usually can guess pretty close what time it is even if I've been out in the boat for 3-4 hrs. But I can forget what day of the week or month pretty easy. :bonk: :laugh: You didn't answer my question, you have company? Maybe you have a girlfriend down at Inger & trying to keep it on the QT. :scratch: ;) :laughroll:
naw no girlfriend up dere! :tut: :tut:
looks like i'll be headed that way again next weekend. just so happens i gotz a meeting in rapids monday the 18th..................darn!!!!!!!! :dancinred: :taz: :rotflmao:
You still didn't answer my question. :bonk: You said " some of the things WE did" in 1 of your earlier post, did you bring somebody with you or some other family at the cabin with you?
Picky picky! :rotflmao: yea my son and his girlfriend were there.
Picky picky! :rotflmao: yea my son and his girlfriend were there.
oh my there's more little smurfs!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Picky picky! :rotflmao: yea my son and his girlfriend were there.
oh my there's more little smurfs!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:mooning: :moon: yep!
:happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:
You looked at the forcast for the weekend, yet. :scratch: Bemidji weather channel is sayin 60's & wet for most of it.
yea unfortunately i have. so my departure time has yet to be determined. iffin its raining i wont leave till saturday morning, if its rainind then i'll leave later sat. sunday looks ok, and all i wanna accomplish is go check the status of our deer stands!!!!!
With it being so dry, I don't think there'll be many leaves left on the trees by :bambi: season. Especially the way they've been coming down the last 2-3 days, from all the wind.
when i was up over labor day the only trees shedding where the maples. think i'll be heading up sat morning, early.
The birch & ash are shedding here too. They moved today's rain back to tonight & backed off on the chances for tomorrow some. Slight chance for Saturday am as well.
Last night a frost advisory was issued, tonite a freeze warning. That should take care of them #$&(-$_-*:?!' bugs!
where was that, only got down to 50 last night, saying 39 tonight...
spring lake minn, itasca county. north west of grand rapids!!!! by bowstring lake!!!!!!
thought you were at home in Cold Springs??????
well actually at ramsey but i get these alerts on my fancy cell phone. i have all the cities i frequent listed so i can watch the weather especially in the winter. it really bites to drive to fargo, bismarck and sioux falls when its snowin and blowin!!!!!!!!!! :censored: :censored: :doah:
ramsey down by the cities???
ramsey down by the cities???
yep. just south of elk river!!!!!!!!!
what's there, you don't live there?????
our union hall is in ramsey!!!!!!!
OK... thanks, I was wondering....
Its not the bugs I'm worried about it's them damb wolves... Remi has a long fall ahead of him and hate to havta shoot to protect him!! Shhhhh..
I've been going up to that country since 1965 and have only seen 2 wolves.
I've been going up to that country since 1965 and have only seen 2 wolves.
So that means at least 2 packs of them were around. SO maybe 12 - 20 of them were there.....
Could be LPS, but one I seen was 20 miles east of grand rapids and we are 40 Mike's north west of there.
Could be LPS, but one I seen was 20 miles east of grand rapids and we are 40 Mike's north west of there.
Could be LPS, but one I seen was 20 miles east of grand rapids and we are 40 Mike's north west of there.
bigfoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: a wolf you doofus!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
re read your first post you doofus!!!!! 40 what????
40 miles.............sheez!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
heading up friday afternoon to check deer stands, clean out trails. home sunday, then back up tuesday for the rest of the week for work. gotta instigate some union trouble in grand rapids!!!!!!! hopefully i can get a few tree chickens!!!!!!!
my mother informed me that we are going to be building a 40 X 48 shed next summer. oh boy place to store more crap!!!!!
I can donate to the crap to store, I'm not far away. :happy1:
No worries merc between her my brother and myself along with my brothers kid we'll filler up. :rotflmao:
:mad1: :doah: :doah: I now now why I seen 3 state highway trucks with plows on today driving north along with several trucks in rapids with plows on.
There forecasting 3-6 Inches of snow Thursday into Friday up here.
have fun!!
its odd...weather reports out of Duluth have snow. the Bemidji radio station says rain, my phone weather app says rain thurs with a 50% snow showers Friday. my puter has anywhere from 3 to 6 inches of snow possible. :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
now they are saying 1-3 tomorrow night here, that just changed... it's all a guess....
Our Bemidji weather station is talkin 2-5" total, last I seen. Bring your shovel? ;) :smiley:
now they are saying 3-5 tomorrow night now, interesting.....
As of this morning it sounds like the worst is going north of us :happy1:. URL & LOW area, heard up to 7" & 40 mph winds for them. It looks like glenn is going to get his wish for some snow to make deer hunting better. :bonk: ;) :laugh:
The latest on the constant radar channel is now talkin about 10" of snow to the S & SW of LOW. Light rain started here ~ 3
Starting battery needs to come out & a bit more with the shop vac, then the boat is ready to go in the big shed.:happy1 A bit too much snow on the ground for that to be happenin today.
don't blame ya there Gunner!!
there was ice across our whole bay yesterday when we left deer camp. only thing still open was the main/deep part of the lake!!!!!!!
the lake was completely locked up this past weekend.
hey gunner.............. have you heard anything about this R & K Construction out of Marcell????
what about a Joel Olson..............they both do dirt work.
Nope, don't know anything about 'em. I could check with the rest of the people around the lake, if you wanted. It wouldn't take but a few minutes to post something over on the Nextdoor SL site & see if any of them have experience with them. You might sound out merc or snowfighter & see if they can help ya. Are you starting to look into your project at the cabin for next season? Need to pour a slab? I checked the resorts webcam yday & seen a lot of bare ground with a bunch of open water out in the bay
Yea, looking to get a heads up. I haven't heard some good things about the place in Marcel. No slab dirt floor.
I know that a couple people around the lake had trouble getting 1 or 2 of the companies in the area that do that kind of work to even come out & give them a bid on some driveway work. They tried for better than a year & no show. Think that was the 1 on the west side of Mn 6 between Riley's & Hayslips Corner though, T & T excavating(?) :scratch:
I'm only a mile away from B&K but never talked to anyone who had work done by them. Met the owner one time and we was a great guy, had a good time talking to him, but that's about all I know. When I go up fishing I will check with some of my local buddies and get a report. Joel I have heard of but again I will check on him also. Not much help but I will let you know what I find out. :happy1:
Thanks merc!
sounds as though we are staying with this R & K. I got out voted.............again!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty:
Hope you don't have to break out the old " I told you so" :tut: when they take too long or don't build it the way you want. :sad:
Hope you don't have to break out the old " I told you so" :tut: when they take too long or don't build it the way you want. :sad:
he is just doing he dirt work. a high school classmate and also is a friend of my brother is going to build the shed. i tried telling both my mom and brother it wouldnt hurt to keep the guy honest and get a second quote.....but i'm not #1 son!!!!!!!!!! :doofus: :bonk:
I agree, there's some shady characters up there. Ya divvying up the cost? Might be easier, though, to through a little more $ in, than fight with the 2 of them while it's going up. :scratch: Bet you haven't been #1 son for a long time................ if ever ;) :laugh:
So a really good friend informed me that a lake north of us had 9-10 inches of ice!!! :rocker; :blues brothers: :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: got so excited I almost wet myself!!! :confused: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Well ok it wasn't quite that extreme. :happy1:
tglenn we allready know u wet urself....
just heard there are 2 folks missing on URL. 29 year old man and 30 year old woman... not good....
tglenn we allready know u wet urself....
:bonk: :bonk: :censored: :doah: training-087 training-087 :banghead: :banghead: :taz: :taz: :taz: :taz:
Vell gentlemen, you to boar, 1 week from today I'll be sitting in a spearhouse.
And that means you,LL all be in second place in the fishing challenge!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Bring your cleats, what ice they got looks very slippery since they don't have any snow. The 10 day had a 30% chance of some snow showers next Monday am. No fun fallin on your :mooning: on that stuff. :bonk:
Vell gentlemen, you to boar, 1 week from today I'll be sitting in a spearhouse.
Who needs a spearhouse?
Or a spear!
Vell gentlemen, you to boar, 1 week from today I'll be sitting in a spearhouse.
Who needs a spearhouse?
Or a spear!
:scratch: :scratch: how'd ya get that picture of boar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :doah: :censored:
Vell gentlemen, you to boar, 1 week from today I'll be sitting in a spearhouse.
Who needs a spearhouse?
Or a spear!
Or pants :scratch:
Looks like they've doubled the chance of snow on Monday but the temps for the daytime highs is close to 40 until then.
good would really really really really really like some snow on the ice for fishing. not to concerned about ice.......just yet!!!!!!
Just seen a picture of the PA on Sand & there's 20-30' of open water in front of it. They said there's some water visible out on the main lake as well, most around the cracks in the ice from the wind moving it around
hey HD................ when you headed to highbanks???? was looking at there availability? or you just stay on athe lake in someoes permy???????
ya need to get them to list MNO in there "other links". :happy1: :happy1:
It looks like there's some fresh tracks going out from their access on the camera over by me. Wheeler or sled, it looks like to me, can't really tell. Lots of open water in the 1 on Cutfoot.
oh my!!!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: just gotta weather alert for up nort!!!!!!!!!! WINTER STORM WATCH!!!!!! heavy snow possible...accumulations of 5-8 inches with localized amounts up to 10 inches!!!!!!
now I gotta go get ready to party like a rock star!!!!!!!!!! :dancinred: :dancinred: :rocker; :rocker; :rocker; :toast: :toast: :tequila; :drinking:
Yadda yadda yadda..... :coffee:
oh my!!!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: just gotta weather alert for up nort!!!!!!!!!! WINTER STORM WATCH!!!!!! heavy snow possible...accumulations of 5-8 inches with localized amounts up to 10 inches!!!!!!
now I gotta go get ready to party like a rock star!!!!!!!!!! :dancinred: :dancinred: :rocker; :rocker; :rocker; :toast: :toast: :tequila; :drinking:
go with it bud!!!!!
TWC's site is sayin 4-7" of wet heavy snow with 9" in spots for Squaw Lake, big wind as well. We all know how often they get it right.
hey gunner...........you hear anything on the amount of snow they got last nite???????? i sent a text but havent heard back as of yet.
they gotz a dusting of snow up nort i'm being told!!!!!!!!!!!
Checked the webcams & could still see some ground in both. Looked like there was a bit more at WN's than TE"s, still a lot of bare ice on the 1 over by us
heck with the wind our lake opened up some!!!
Not surprised.
:banghead: :banghead: :taz: :taz: training-087 aint this day gonna ever end!!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :doah: :doah: :fish2: :fish2: :fish2: :fishing: :old fisherman: :old fisherman: :surrender: :surrender: :bs:
hang in there little feller, the day will end!!!
well all is organized. little bit of loading and its off to da nort country................look out fish!!!!!!! :Fish: :Fish: :dancinred: :dancinred:
:doah: :scratch: Got somebody whose gonna catch some :fish2: for ya? ;) :laugh:
well made it home in 1 piece. weather was good, 10 inches of good clear ice. not much snow on the lake. had maybe an inch on the ground......got another inch or so during the nite last nite.
i'll post pictures later. best part of the trip is I might of hooked a young lad with the spearing fever!!! a coworkers son came over sunday morning and sat in a spearhouse for the first time armed with a spear. got a few fish too!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Friday catch for 3 guys
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Good job glenn!! I didn't know you can spear bass. :confused: :rotflmao:
Good job glenn!! I didn't know you can spear bass. :confused: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: just to make it VERY.........VERY........clear the bass were not speared but caught with hook and line!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Uh huh, roll it over we want to see the otter side.. :sleazy:
:doah: think the eagles and them black northern Minnesota pheasants ate the evidence.
Thought it looked like a bass :scratch: until mike called it a walleye, over on UMO. Was about to say somethin smart about you & walleyes, but thought I'd be nice..............for a change :laugh:. Just seen another post from Nextdoor/Sandlake with a pic of the PA. It looks like there's ice about 5-10' out from shore but out from that is a gap of 15-20' of open water. :scratch: Couldn't really tell but it looked to me that the open water went all the way from the point just north of the PA & ran all the way to the south along the east shore of the narrows. The person taking the pics is the only 1 in the part of the lake that's there year around & has to plow down to the PA so they can get out. He said in the 22 years he's been on the lake he's never seen it like this before.
well its probably as close to a walleye as i might get!!!! :doah: :doah: figured i'd add a bit of humor to it!!! looks like its below 0 up there so it should freeze up here soon.
i heard that some idiot tried to skip open water with a snowmobile in the crosby area............. and they fished him outta the water!!!! :doofus: :doofus:
just heard that too.. 34 years old
Might keep some of them fancy wheelhouses off the lake, if'n they have to go outta 1 of the resorts. Which wouldn't bother me.
Mille Lacs live cam...isn't it too early for houses on the ice??!?!?!
who gives a rats :moon: about mille lacs.
You sure would think so. The wife's cuz is out on the east side scraping down choppy ice creating roads with a contraption on tracks..
Mille Lacs live cam...isn't it too early for houses on the ice??!?!?!
Besides :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: mille lacs ain't no where near deer river or talmoon. :tut: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Dang it Glenn, we posted at the same time... My only thought is....perch. I'll take a bucket o those!
who gives a rats :moon: about mille lacs.
I just wanted to know!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't live way up there!!!!!
UGH...........i sure hope Reb's wedder morjits turn up the thermostat new years weeekend up nort!!!!!!!!!!!!
Better talk to yer favorite wedder morjit then....Frankie! Fastest Boaranese talker in da north :doofus:
headed up again weekend of the 13th. :happy1: :happy1: :fish2: :fish2: just glad its not tonite...........forecast is for -33 below............ouch. thats even to cold fer a polar bear!!!!!!!!! :doofus: :doah:
oh and Mikey....................ZIP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
WHAT??????!!!!! ME??????!!!!!! BUT WHY??????!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
dang nabit.................keep lookin at the forecast for up there hoping they'd change it with warmer temps..................and it keeps getting colder!!!!!!!!! :confused: :confused: :angry2: :taz: :taz: :taz: :pouty:
cripes its supposed to get down to 23...............24.......and 25 below when we are supposed to be up there............. rethinking my plans!!!!!!!! :angry2: :angry2:
Thursday Night: Mostly clear, with a low around -22. Northwest wind 5 to 13 mph.
Mostly Clear
Low: -22 °F
Friday: Mostly sunny, with a high near -4. Northwest wind around 5 mph.
Mostly Sunny
High: -4 °F
Friday Night: Mostly clear, with a low around -22. West northwest wind around 5 mph.
Mostly Clear
Low: -22 °F
Saturday: Sunny and cold, with a high near -5. West wind around 5 mph.
High: -5 °F
Low: -24 F
but..............but...........but i need my spearchucker fix!!!!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :doah:
Squaw Lake's forcast says from + 5* to -5* for Thurs. - Tues. Not much wind though & we plan on stayin for a while again. Might be a few days before we get out on the ice.
We were planning a trip for next Monday. Cancelled until it warms up. One nice thing about being retired!! ;)
Decided we're going. Besides I need to get my fishing stuff home.
go for it Glenn!! and have fun!!
Ya, go for it, ya wusscake!! :kiss: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Yeesh 26 below Friday nite. :thumbs: but hey it'll only be cold outside right.
Hey gunner what's the weather doing up there. Curious minds gotta know! :happy1: :rotflmao:
We got 3-4" on the ground & according to TWC's site a 10-15 mph NW wind. We have 4* which puts the wind chill ~ -15. It sayin that the snow should slack off here pretty soon but not actually quit until about 11:00 or so
We got 3-4" on the ground & according to TWC's site a 10-15 mph NW wind. We have 4* which puts the wind chill ~ -15. It sayin that the snow should slack off here pretty soon but not actually quit until about 11:00 or so
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1: thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well glenn is pretty much set to hit the pavement tomorrow morning, reb i'll call ya when i leave at 4;30 am!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
from the time i wake up should be gone in 45 minutes top!!!!!!! hee doggy..............a fishin we will go........a fishin we will go!!!!!!!!! :fish2: :fish2: :fish2: :fish2:
good luck!! !!!!!!
good luck!! !!!!!!
thanks!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
well glenn is pretty much set to hit the pavement tomorrow morning, reb i'll call ya when i leave at 4;30 am!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
from the time i wake up should be gone in 45 minutes top!!!!!!! hee doggy..............a fishin we will go........a fishin we will go!!!!!!!!! :fish2: :fish2: :fish2: :fish2:
Oh, I'll be up...I just don't sleep anymore. Not after the other day, anyway. Lets go.
Well made it back. Fishing???? Seen better but didn't get skunked. Was friggin cold, sat our digital outdoor thermometer said 42 below, the other one said 34 below. Had plans to fish crappies but didn't due to the weather. My buddies kid was on bowstring and did well with crappies. There was some snow drifts on the lake but not to bad to get around with wheeler.
The report we got over at the store said the :fishing: over there had been pretty tough. Stopped at the Co Rd 35 PA on way back & could only count ~ a dozen rigs out there, 'bout 1/2 them looked to be down on the south end.
The report we got over at the store said the :fishing: over there had been pretty tough. Stopped at the Co Rd 35 PA on way back & could only count ~ a dozen rigs out there, 'bout 1/2 them looked to be down on the south end.
well i seen pictures???????? not sure what to tell yea...........maybe they were on Sand!!!!!!!!!!!!! :moon: :rotflmao:
Those aren't crappies, those are runts, that's what we call 'em anyway. ;) 1 here = 2 there. Besides he didn't say they weren't bitin :bonk:, just that is was tougher than usual over there. He pretty much blamed it on all the nasty cold weather. You know if they're really goin there'd be 50 outfits out there by 9 am. Finally, as you've proved again & again, even a blind hog................................................... :moon: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
i didn't say i caught them!!!!!! :moon: :moon: besides crappies are other peoples fish!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: oh and there where some nice ones in them pics !
:smiley: :surrender:
Cripes last Friday it was 20 below up there, this Friday there forecasting 39 above and freezing rain. :crazy: :pouty: man did I pick the wrong weekend!! :crazy: :doofus: :thumbs: :pouty:
That's news? :bonk: ;) :laugh: I know, I still haven't even been down to the lake & we've been up here a week today. :scratch: Was wonderin what was it like gettin around on the lakes? Too much snow for your wheeler? How about over on Bowstring? I don't think we seen anything but pickups out there on Sunday. :scratch:
no it was OK getting around with the wheeler. i think the guys over on bowstring drove vehicles out. i'd watch for drifts at this point not to bad, i did notice there was a crust on.the snow. once i got rid of my 2 place snowmobile trailer and switched to a sled behind the wheeler it was way easier.
Thanks :happy1:
Glenn, 39 above? I think I'll wear a short sleeve shirt this weekend up there. This is going to be as much fun fishing as you had last weekend. I better quit rubbing it in. :happy1:
Glenn, 39 above? I think I'll wear a short sleeve shirt this weekend up there. This is going to be as much fun fishing as you had last weekend. I better quit rubbing it in. :happy1:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :doah: :doah: DONT force me to say.............I HOPE YOUR BEER GETS WARM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: have fun dude!!!!!!!!!!!
Leech posted this on that udder site. apparently the hill bar, resturaunt and hotel burnt to the ground this past friday morning. it was in the grand rapids paper.
they had pretty darn good food. havent been there in a while but when we were over in that direction always stopped for a beer or 3 and a burger!!!!!!!!!!
Actually it was on 1/12/18, we went up there often on Tuesdays as it was Cheap Burger Night. Cheeseburger & fries for $3.50. Every other Tuesday there'd be 10-20 others who were part of the lake assoc. up there, it was their busiest day of the week.
yea i stood corrected from my brudder after i posted it. :bonk: :bonk:
The guy who built this place wife runs the place. Good people.
i guess my nephew is up there this weekend. according to my mudder anyway. was 20 below so its not me with the wedder!!!!!!! :moon: :moon: :rotflmao: guss there going to cutfoot for today!!!!!!!!!
Had 3* early, gettin snow now, not supposed to amount to much. We've had snow 3 maybe 4 times, before today, since the week we arrived & only 1 time did we get the wheeler out to plow. Took a peek at the long range forcast yday & it looks like we could have a stretch of normal to above normal temps starting a week from tomorrow. :scratch:
Hey gunner, merc, what's the word on snow up there. My mother is all worried my step dad's Ford won't make it into the cabin. Last I heard since I was up mid Jan there hasn't been much if any snow.
Barely enough to cover the patio block that's out back of our garage. If'n you'd read the good mornin thread, you'd already know that! :bonk: ;) :laugh:
Barely enough to cover the patio block that's out back of our garage. If'n you'd read the good mornin thread, you'd already know that! :bonk: ;) :laugh:
:bonk: :taz: :banghead:yea well we ain't gonna be driving on your deck! :crazy: :mooning: :rotflmao: and I did read it. We be driving thru da woods and on da lake to grandma's house. :rotflmao:
Hey gunner, merc, what's the word on snow up there. My mother is all worried my step dad's Ford won't make it into the cabin. Last I heard since I was up mid Jan there hasn't been much if any snow.
HA! How chebby's really get around in the snow. :evil:
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Was down on the ice yday & that wind Sunday did do some major driftin. It was out of the west, NW so it might've made the drive in to your place at least interesting. I'd bring a shovel ;) :laugh:
Was down on the ice yday & that wind Sunday did do some major driftin. It was out of the west, NW so it might've made the drive in to your place at least interesting. I'd bring a shovel ;) :laugh:
Must be for the chebbies. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Was down on the ice yday & that wind Sunday did do some major driftin. It was out of the west, NW so it might've made the drive in to your place at least interesting. I'd bring a shovel ;) :laugh:
there going up Thursday, me Friday morning. Think they'll be OK.
REB :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :moon: :crazy: :crazy: :rotflmao:
Oooohh! A pre-spring moon! :rotflmao:
Let me walk up there & check it out! :bonk: :crazy: ;) :rotflmao: They drivin a Chevy? :scratch: :rolleyes: :evil: :laugh: Yeah, just pullin your leg, they should be OK. Somebody was just up in the last couple weeks, weren't they? :confused:
Can't call the Spring Lake Store, can you? Might put them a little more at ease. I'd be surprised if they had any trouble.
Hey gunner, merc, what's the word on snow up there. My mother is all worried my step dad's Ford won't make it into the cabin. Last I heard since I was up mid Jan there hasn't been much if any snow.
HA! How chebby's really get around in the snow. :evil:
[/quote. Whatcha don't see is da Ram hooked up to da ford!!!! :mooning: :happy1:
I'd bring a shovel ;) :laugh:
I'd bring a Dodge..... :happy1:
Ah why don't you clowns go play paddy cake!! :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Last trip up we had to pull two fords out of the snow banks. That was a hoot, a chevy pulling fords out. They didn't think is was real funny when I mentioned it to them. Of course I guess I didn't have to rub it in. But!!! :happy1:
Snow overnight, up to 1", they're sayin.
Snow overnight, up to 1", they're sayin.
piece of cake for my chebby, it's the Ford I'm concerned with. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Doesn't look like we got much, if any. A bit windy already ;) :laugh:....................must be practicin for tomorrow :scratch:
Saturdays catch. Also had 3 Friday after setting up. Weather chased us home today.
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dang nice!! and a bass on the spear too!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
sorry had to!! I know better than that!! looks like ya had a good time for sure!!
Atta boy glenn!! Harpoonin was good it looks, or was it dynamite!!! :rotflmao: :mooning: Mikey made me say it!!
Atta boy glenn!! Harpoonin was good it looks, or was it dynamite!!! :rotflmao: :mooning:
dats funny!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
yepper.................fishin was DYN..O....MITE!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
YEA well don't listen to anything Mike says............or Reb...........or gunner..............or..................... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
dang nice!! and a bass on the spear too!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
sorry had to!! I know better than that!! looks like ya had a good time for sure!!
naw grass carp were caught with hook and line. my step dad loves them things!!!!!
your "grass carp" are good eats in the winter!!! :happy1: :happy1:
How was the drive home? :scratch: Couldn't see past the shoreline until almost noon here. It took 45 minutes + to go to Bowstring store & back yday. Figured the weather would send ya packin, got more comin.
How was the drive home? :scratch: Couldn't see past the shoreline until almost noon here. It took 45 minutes + to go to Bowstring store & back yday. Figured the weather would send ya packin, got more comin.
gunner I posted it in the good morning thread.
'Mornin, snowflake!!! :azn:
'Mornin, snowflake!!! :azn:
mornin ZIGGY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
'Mornin, snowflake!!! :azn:
mornin ZIGGY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :confused:
Went down to the lake to clean off the Indy 500 & the otter. Started the sled & decided to take a little ride, Made it as far(50 yds) as the road they plowed this weekend & didn't like what I saw. Took a little stroll to see what it was like to keep goin with the sled. Not good, I turned the sled around & pulled it off the lake using the nearby resorts landing. Put it on the trailer & pulled it home. :sad: With the present forecast, I don't see how anyone is going to get around out there. Here comes the slush, could easily be a mess until the ice goes out. Most seasons that's around the 1st or 2nd week of April here.
UGH!! :doah: :doah: :pouty: :censored:
Did see 1 of the neighbors up the road out there walking, looked like he had snow shoes to me & pullin a small sled, late this afternoon. Then just before it started gettin dark seen a couple sleds come racing in to the resort, didn't look like they were pulling any gear to me. Don't think I'll be trying it again for a while. :sad: :pouty:
Seen another neighbor heading out :fishing: on his sled after we got home yday. He's got his own trail all packed down on the other side(west) of the area where the group from the resort plowed & drilled a bunch of holes last weekend. He's a walleye guy & has a shack out on the main lake though. Might be a pain in :moon: for some in this area gettin their shacks off this season. It looked to me like Geigers had all theirs sitting in front of the lodge already Monday
Most of those by Geigers are private houses that keep them up and pull them out when they come up. He plows a spot by shore for them to park them when they leave. Nice deal but I don't know what he charges. :happy1:
Was wonderin :scratch: why there were 4 sometimes & 9 or 10 others. :cool: Thought that was a lot of $ to have tied up in wheelhouses that were out on the ice but not being rented out.
On the way into GR today there were still 3 smaller wheelhouses & 3 more rigs pullin sleds or wheelers headed north on Hwy 46 about 8:30-9. Found open water on both sides of the Hwy 46/Cutfoot/Mosomo Pt bridge that wasn't there last week. Quite a bit more on both sides of the Pokegama Dam that is west of GR along Hwy 2 as well. Last week there wasn't any on the east side of the dam
Had somebody out on the bay early yday, looked to me like he walked out from the other shore. He came back out after a bit with some others & they were on sleds. They were out until about lunch time & then again about 3:30-4. Looked like there was some activity over on Bowstring too as the wheelhouses out in front of Trails End were on the move. It seems like we've had our snow here melt and/or settle maybe 4-5". We've got some yard showing on the north side of the kitchen, wait until 4 straight days in the 40's that are predicted for the end of this coming. week
sounds like springs coming. gunner they say anything at the bowstring store about getting around on not so much traveled roads????? asking as to see when we might be able to get back into the cabin without havingto have someone plow out!
Nope, but they did mention hearing about a couple sleds goin through the ice on a river or 2 in the area. Seen 1 in drive off Co Rd 35 yday, as we were coming back, that must've had some recent action & it looked to be pretty muddy. Our road & drive is starting to get greasy in a few spots, wait 'till the end of the week. :mad1:
UGH!!!!!!!!!! i'm startin to get the itch to get back up and chase some panfish!!!!
I don't think getting in to your place will be much trouble as we've lost quite a bit of the snow & the ground will be froze for a while. Getting around on the lake is going to be another story though, I think. I pulled our sled off the lake after the last snow of the week we got >2', that was 2/26. The only ones I've seen out on the bay since then are sleds or wheelers with tracks on them.
Heard from a lady from Illinois that has a place over on the NW corner of the boot( off Co Rd 155) & was coming up last Monday. She wanted to know about the snow left too, Because of the storm last weekend she didn't get up here until Wednesday. She said that about the only trouble traveling she had was the 3' of snow at the end of her drive. I think she hadn't been up since December & was only driving a small car. So, I would think you'd be OK with the company car, glenn
Heard from a lady from Illinois hat has a place over on the NW corner of the boot( off Co Rd 155) & was coming up last Monday. She wanted to know about the snow left too, Because of the storm last weekend she didn't get up here until Wednesday. She said that about the only trouble traveling she had was the 3' of snow at the end of her drive. I think she hadn't been up since December & was only driving a small car. So, I would think you'd be OK with the company car, glenn
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Went out :fishing: yday pm, a little sloppy goin out, real sloppy comin in, especially gettin off the ice. No :fish2:, won't be takin the wheeler out there again this season. There was a few others out here, brother said there was 8 rigs over the north access of Bowstring. A big heave too, had the ramp tore up
so gunner..............whats going on up that way???? last 2 days my phone is saying there is a fire weather warning?????? cant be that much snow then????????
HEY Moreys madman,I just burnt Fri.Had to register the permit and then there were no bans>>Anyway heres the burn DNR site map.Looks like a no burn NW Mn
Seen that on WCCO this morning too. Bet we've lost more than 1/2 our snow in the last 2-3 days, & 2/3 to 3/4 of what we had when we came up on 4/3. The puddles of standing water have started disappearing as well, warmer temps & with the wind today things are drying out quickly. With the low water levels from last year it wouldn't take much to look like California does sometimes. Bet we are getting close to 1' of good clear ice out here but Tim over at the store said his boys were over on Bowstring yday & bottomed out their auger in some spots. Thought we seen a small truck out there today on our way to get the paper. The Co Rd 35 access is getting very close to unusable, the 1 over by us was much better. Geiger's has had their plow truck parked on their ramp blocking it for 2 weeks, if not longer.
Thanks gunner!! :happy1: :happy1:
Just got back from the north land. There were two full size trucks drove out on Bowstring Saturday, I had to put my extension on my Ion to reach through the ice. It is starting to come up in chunks so it should start melting down fast now. Fished two smaller lakes and not as much ice but still a lot considering the time of year it is. Fishing was pretty good and I did manage a 10 3/4" and a 10 1/8" sunfish. Also had a few crappies over 12". Had a lot of eater size we kept so a good finish to the ice season. :happy1:
Cripes helk did freeze over... :shocked: :moon: merc caught fish!! :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Nice going!! :happy1: :happy1:
And the best part Glenn was I found a full beer on the lake. It was partially covered with slush from where two guys were fishing the day before. There loss was my gain. It was a good trip, shirtsleeve fishing weather and the fish bit. And free beer. ;)
Looked to us yday that both the PA's on our end are going fast. Brother said there was 1 guy over at the north access that even left his wheeler on shore & walked out. Only 1 truck down at the NW 1 & it looked like he had 5-10' of water along shore & then another 15-20' of some pretty deep slush to deal with when he put in. Wonder :scratch: what it was like coming off the ice.
Looks like the Curse of Glenn is already workin. ;) The forcast now is for a 50% chance of rain tonight, a high of 47* tomorrow & 55* on Saturday. :rolleyes: :thumbs:
Looks like the Curse of Glenn is already workin. ;) The forcast now is for a 50% chance of rain tonight, a high of 47* tomorrow & 55* on Saturday. :rolleyes: :thumbs:
Ooooh!!! Anudder new wedder phenomenon!! :shocked: :rotflmao:
And we're off!!! :happy1: have a good weekend !
It's Denver omelet time!!! :happy1: :happy1: :hubba:
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The Curse of Glenn aka COG is in full effect now, 48*, 15-20 mph NW wind, & rainin now. :bonk: :thumbs: ;) :rotflmao: At least it's not :snow5: :applause: :laughroll:
only he could do that to ya!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Wow! That's even surpassed a Delmar Downdraft ! Cripes!! :shocked: :doah:
Parts of the Arrowhead got 6" of snow, though. :confused:
all of ya.......................... :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
well i'll tell yea what, from what i seen on the drive home the lakes ice took a beating since Friday. Emily lake near Emily had ice rolling up from the wind, there's a lake between Emily and outing near a bar/grill and not far from when GG used to stay that will be ice free by tomorrow. wifey said highbanks posted a picture of there shoreline with the ice going out!!!!
The webcam at Williams Narrows shows ice on both sides of their channel. Bet the open water along our shore has more than doubled(~ 30' now) in the last day or so though. I haven't heard any noises like the ice is movin here yet though.
Had 1 of the neighbors out on the bay in a canoe yday. :scratch: :bonk: Seen him beach the front on the ice in a couple spots, bet 1/2 the bay is open. Could all be gone by the weekend. :happy1: Wouldn't be surprised too see 'em settin up the nets over on Cutfoot when we go by today.
No ice in the bay. :happy1: Some life over at the Cutfoot netting station early on , nothin when we came home. Detoured by Winnie Dam on the way back, looked a little white there.
so i just read in the local newspaper a couple guys from the foley area have court dates in grand rapids in the near future. one of them owns a cabin in the area. apparently these guys where setting snares that were illegal in many forms. the wardens had cameras up and were watching them. they had illegally harvested deer, bear, timberwolves, and cuyotes with these snares. also found a dead beaver with a bullet to the head which is illegal. these snares are supposedly to be checked every day and for one stretch they had not been checked for 11 months.
according to the article this occurred south of northome in the alvwood area, home of da hoot-n-holler!!!!!!!!!
Plans are set... Headed up weekend after da opener!! :bow: :bow:
Perfect, we'll be headin back south middle of the week prior. ;) :laugh:
better let Merc know so he can get his bon fire wood!!!
better let Merc know so he can get his bon fire wood!!!
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
Dock's in, decking on, lift in, all before lunch. :happy1: :cool: No boat or canopy on the lift yet, maybe tomorrow. :scratch:
Dock's in, decking on, lift in, all before lunch. :happy1: :cool: No boat or canopy on the lift yet, maybe tomorrow. :scratch:
yea ya most certainly dont wanna overdue it!!!!!!!!!!! :confused: :doofus: :doofus: :pouty: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
One nice thing about being retired is I can get fire wood during the week when it's quiet up there. :happy1:
Got that right merc, kinda like :fishing: for me, I can go when I want :scratch: to instead of whenever I'm able to get up here & the weather's crappy. Which as we all know, is usually when the union guy's around. :bonk: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Think we made 82* yday, nice enough for a wheeler ride down to the PA by us, was able to see a few very small spots of ice left. Bet it's gone now. Listen you little blue mushroom eater :moon:, when's the last time you put 50' of dock out, bet I spent 3 hours with the waders on & in the water. Not sure what temp the water is now but I was afraid I might start turnin a little blue myself & somebody would mistake me for you. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Got that right merc, kinda like :fishing: for me, I can go when I want :scratch: to instead of whenever I'm able to get up here & the weather's crappy. Which is as we all know, is usually when the union guy's around. :bonk: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Think we made 82* yday, nice enough for a wheeler ride down to the PA by us, was able to see a few very small spots of ice left. Bet it's gone now. Listen you little blue mushroom eater :moon:, when's the last time you put 50' of dock out, bet I spent 3 hours with the waders on & in the water. Not sure what temp the water is now but I was afraid I might start turnin a little blue myself & somebody would mistake me for you. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: well that crappy weather keeps the rif-raf at home!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
off to red wing today!
morning :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:
Mornin 57, I see Geiger's got some of their dock in.
well made it back. Friday went to Winnie got skunked. didn't see many fish caught. talked to some fishermen, said blue jigs and shiners go figure we used fatheads and nite crawlers. later that day went to a little secret lake, caught lot of little nords didn't keep many.
sat......wind was blowing like nutz and some rain........in the afternoon went back to secret lake....spent 6 hours on the lake and 3 keepers.
sunday went to little sand and big sand........kept 18 snot rockets for picklin. put boat in our lake, caught lots of little sunfish. didnt keep none.
also heard a boat capsized out on bowstring sat morning. i couldnt imagine being on a big body of water that day
Hey MERC, I gathered all the sqeeters at Peterson and dropped them off by your driveway!!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: any idea when they put that fence up on little Ranier!!! :confused: :confused:
Hey MERC, I gathered all the sqeeters at Peterson and dropped them off by your driveway!!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: any idea when they put that fence up on little Ranier!!! :confused: :confused:
Dont worry Merc you'll have some skeeters BUT glenn57 will have all the flies follow him back to Petterson or ColdSprings!!!!!!! Thats a win win trade eh? :confused: :mooning:
Anyone got any idea what kind of flower this is. Thought it might be a lady slipper but don't think it is. It was growing in a bog.
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Ran across this feller this weekend. Still growing to. She was laying eggs it appeared.
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Anyone got any idea what kind of flower this is. Thought it might be a lady slipper but don't think it is. It was growing in a bog.
Is it a pitcher plant??
Anyone got any idea what kind of flower this is. Thought it might be a lady slipper but don't think it is. It was growing in a bog.
Is it a pitcher plant??
not sure what you mean???? there had to be 30 of them growing in that bog. we fish that lake and never seen them before.
Sarracenia purpurea - purple pitcher plant.
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Sarracenia purpurea - purple pitcher plant.
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1: tanks bud!!!!!!!!!
Google stemless lady slipper glenn & coffee Think thats it
Pitcher plant eats bugs carnivor an looks likes this link>>https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.sarracenia.com/photos/sarracenia/sarrapurp1002.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.sarracenia.com/faq/faq5538.html&h=500&w=750&tbnid=JU-M4Dr7HEeOEM:&q=Sarracenia+purpurea&tbnh=133&tbnw=200&usg=__d0tPPQNSNegkMNf5u_p1wibMFb4%3D&vet=10ahUKEwjUsf7-69vbAhUC_IMKHdNiD04Q_B0IhQIwEw..i&docid=vDH1ielWPx2e8M&itg=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjUsf7-69vbAhUC_IMKHdNiD04Q_B0IhQIwEw
Google stemless lady slipper glenn & coffee Think thats it
Pitcher plant eats bugs carnivor an looks likes this link>>https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.sarracenia.com/photos/sarracenia/sarrapurp1002.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.sarracenia.com/faq/faq5538.html&h=500&w=750&tbnid=JU-M4Dr7HEeOEM:&q=Sarracenia+purpurea&tbnh=133&tbnw=200&usg=__d0tPPQNSNegkMNf5u_p1wibMFb4%3D&vet=10ahUKEwjUsf7-69vbAhUC_IMKHdNiD04Q_B0IhQIwEw..i&docid=vDH1ielWPx2e8M&itg=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjUsf7-69vbAhUC_IMKHdNiD04Q_B0IhQIwEw
If you look at the base of Glenn's photo it looks like the pitches are just starting to break out of the ground.
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Google stemless lady slipper glenn & coffee Think thats it
Pitcher plant eats bugs carnivor an looks likes this link>>https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.sarracenia.com/photos/sarracenia/sarrapurp1002.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.sarracenia.com/faq/faq5538.html&h=500&w=750&tbnid=JU-M4Dr7HEeOEM:&q=Sarracenia+purpurea&tbnh=133&tbnw=200&usg=__d0tPPQNSNegkMNf5u_p1wibMFb4%3D&vet=10ahUKEwjUsf7-69vbAhUC_IMKHdNiD04Q_B0IhQIwEw..i&docid=vDH1ielWPx2e8M&itg=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjUsf7-69vbAhUC_IMKHdNiD04Q_B0IhQIwEw
If you look at the base of Glenn's photo it looks like the pitches are just starting to break out of the ground.
YEP yer right~
Dew2 I can't figure out how to send you a message. Please write me at Tom72272@gmail.com to get some info on the bunk material you wrote about a short time ago.
Tom, just click on his name, a drop menu will appear, then click send PM
Dew2 I can't figure out how to send you a message. Please write me at Tom72272@gmail.com to get some info on the bunk material you wrote about a short time ago.
Tom I sent a PM.At the top of the page click on MY MESSAGES
Glenn, sorry I missed your post about Lt. Ranier and by the way you can have your skeeters back as I didn't need any more. They put a fence up about three years ago and the township made them take it down as it was next to the road. I heard he was getting a lawyer to fight that and maybe that's why it's back up. I don't understand how he can put a fence up that close to the road and the lake but who knows. I'm going up Monday and I'll check it out and ask around if anyone knows what happened. I fished it a couple of times and all we got were small panfish but I heard there are some nice northern in there. I'll let you know what I find out. Have a great day. :happy1:
thanks.....just curious. the fence is in the water a ways. yea we really had to weed thru the sunfish but man did we get some nice pike spearing it. I seen one that had to go 20 lbs swim thru just beyond my hole and right below the ice.
we didn't know it froze out, an olde guy came and talked to my buddy he said that spring he had 3 pike as long as his walking cane dead on his shore. put them in his garden for fertilizer.
I never heard it froze out lately. When did this happen?
I never heard it froze out lately. When did this happen?
awe man that hadda be 20 years ago or so. it was back when i was younger and hopping from lake to lake every other day and cutting spear holes was easy!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I did a lot of spearing up there when I was young, that was more than 20 years ago. :rotflmao: There were some really good lakes up there back then. Now it's tough to find a lake with any decent size norts.
Holy crap, my mom and her husband are at the cabin. I hope there ok I haven't seen those colors on radar in a long time..
oooh! :shocked: They be gettin' the nasty stuff right now....
I don't ever remember when that little town of spring lake has been listed in the warning but it is now. Been a long time since I seen colors like that to on radar. Now listed as a dangerous T-storm. UGH. I sure hope there ok.
It hit here at 6:30 & I couldn't even see 5' out the basement window. The last weather warning that came across the tv said the storm was moving at 75 mph & had 75 mph winds. When I could finally see out to our shoreline the top of flagpole was rockin back & forth 2-3'. It sounds like the rain has let up some in the last couple minutes. We had a power glitch but it came right back on & the generator never kicked on. Bet it made your new shed project into a mudhole, 57. Haven't seen a storm up here like that in a very long time. We had a little rain yday afternoon, 2:00-3:00, but when we got back from the septic seminar around 8 we had less than .2" in our gauges.
Hope all is well with you guys. Thought crap that bad only happened down here....
Worst was over in about an hour, .8-.9" of rain in that hour, big wind didn't last very long :cool:
mom actually sent me a text back. :shocked: :shocked: she said the samething. all is fine and had an inch of rain. bet fishin wont be to good today!!!!
Another round last night, light show started ~ 2:00, a hard rain started ~ 2:30. It sounded like it let up some around 3:30 but didn't quit until closer to 4, I think. Nowhere near the wind of a night before but we had twice the rain, 1.9" in one of the gauges. Pushin 3" the last 2 nights, so, 57, when you do come up next time make sure you don't forget the bug spray.
I always come prepared for bugs up there!! :smoking: :smoking: :smoking: lakes could use extra water, besides that gives the fishies a fighting chance when I'm pursuing them. :smoking: :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
The only chance the fish need when you pursue them is a hammock to take a nap in.... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
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The only chance the fish need when you pursue them is a hammock to take a nap in.... :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
:happy1: :rotflmao:
Looks like the cabin is going to be a busy place. brother, his kid and mom are going to be there starting thursday this week and most of the following week, i think i will be going up friday the 13th and back home the following monday. AND maybe the shed will be done!!!!!!
if i dont go then it will be mid Aug!!!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :confused:
With another round of rain overnight & later today, along with talk of some tomorrow as well, it gonna be pretty wet. Bugs will love it though. We're pushin 3 1/2" since Friday ~ 6:30. Took a wheeler ride over to the NW PA on Bowstring yday & the DNR's decon unit was sittin there. Got :bs:'in with the young guy & told him I just came over to see if the dock was under water. :scratch: He said that they'd just moved it a bit shallower earlier.
With another round of rain overnight & later today, along with talk of some tomorrow as well, it gonna be pretty wet. Bugs will love it though. We're pushin 3 1/2" since Friday ~ 6:30. Took a wheeler ride over to the NW PA on Bowstring yday & the DNR's decon unit was sittin there. Got :bs:'in with the young guy & told him I just came over to see if the dock was under water. :scratch: He said that they'd just moved it a bit shallower earlier.
so you visited with your pal from Max again~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
its a good thing mom da brudder and his kid are gonna be up there prior to me next week, they can feed and kill dem sqeeters and bugs before i get there!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Nope, you don't read very good does you. ;) :laugh: I said the DNR's decon unit, your buddy Brian was with the county's decon unit. At this rate it might be September before it dries out enough to start finishing puttin up that shed, maybe done by :bambi: season.
I might find out something by Friday. people are headed that way tomorrow!!!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch:
oh and that's selective reading for you!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Brudder just sent me a text of the generator. Must not have power. Been watching, they look like they gave had bad weather all day. And I'm no where close to there!! :mooning: :mooning: :moon: :rotflmao:
Was wonderin if'n you'd heard anything? :doah: No your not any where close but........................................... YOUR THINKIN/WISHIN ABOUT BEING UP HERE & we all know that's good enough. :bonk: :tut: ;) :laugh:
Was wonderin if'n you'd heard anything? :doah: No your not any where close but........................................... YOUR THINKIN/WISHIN ABOUT BEING UP HERE & we all know that's good enough. :bonk: :tut: ;) :laugh:
:tut: :tut: :tut: he said according to the power company, they should have power by sometime tonight.
strangely enough, he sent no fish pictures. :scratch: which points to the fact he cant catch fish either unless i show him how and where!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Glenn, must be a family thing. Your brother goes up and there's bad weather. What's going to happen when your both up there? Gunner, dig a storm shelter quick! :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :rotflmao: ha ha. Only time we usually are up there together is first weekend of deer hunting. We tend to leave each other have there time. Once in a great while during ice season, but then most of the day we are in our own houses or in cabin sleeping.
If we are together to much I have to teach him a thing or two!! training-087 training-087 :laughroll: :laughroll:
:doah: :bonk: ;) :laugh:
I can't hardly believe it ;) but it looks to me like they(Bemidji) took all the rain out of the forecast, now, for your weekend glenn. :scratch: I wouldn't bet on it though, 57, as crazy as our weather's been & knowin what usually happens when your up here. The wind has went to the W/NW this morning so it should feel a little cooler today.
I can't hardly believe it ;) but it looks to me like they(Bemidji) took all the rain out of the forecast, now, for your weekend glenn. :scratch: I wouldn't bet on it though, 57, as crazy as our weather's been & knowin what usually happens when your up here. The wind has went to the W/NW this morning so it should feel a little cooler today.
divine intervention!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
so i get a text from my brother sayng he is getting a bid for electric in the shed!!!!! :angry2: :bonk: :confused: training-087 :banghead: when i brought it up it wasnt gonna be done till down the road!!!!!!! :doofus: :doofus: :doofus: :pouty: :pouty: i've had it with that building and i aintz even seen it yet!!!!!Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Please explain. No understand boaranese. Storage shed? Lights? Ya...... :bonk:
Please explain. No understand boaranese. Storage shed? Lights? Ya...... :bonk:
ders no boaraneze spell in ani of mes post. follow along web...........wead weel slowwwwwwwwwwww! :rotflmao:
against my view the other s decided we neede a big shed up at the cabin. i said why so we can bring more junk up there. well anyway there's a shed. i asked about putting electricity in it, my mom said not now, later. ok so fine, then i asked about putting up a workbench in there to work on things as we really dont have but a picnic table. moms reply was.......well i dont know are we gonna have room. :doofus: :doofus: its a 48 X 42 shed!!!! :crazy: :confused: about then i'm ready to blow the friggin thing up, said i was done with it. i aint paying for it so..........
so then enter this morning, my MOMs favorite, my brother, is up there send me a text that he is getting a qoute for electricity and asked if i had suggestions!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: thge only thing we managed to agree on is that a part of the shed, the rafters are going to be reenforced to hang all my deer, bear and fish from!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
:pouty: thge only thing we managed to agree on is that a part of the shed, the rafters are going to be reenforced to hang all my deer, bear and fish from!!!!!!!
Shouldn't take much reinforcing. :bambi: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: thge only thing we managed to agree on is that a part of the shed, the rafters are going to be reenforced to hang all my deer, bear and fish from!!!!!!!
Shouldn't take much reinforcing. :bambi: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:
:doah: :bonk: That was the 1st thing that popped in to my head too, Reb! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Just heard the weather on the TV, they've now added a chance of rain for Saturday night. I'm just going to call that "The Glenn Effect" ;) :laugh:
Just heard the weather on the TV, they've now added a chance of rain for Saturday night. I'm just going to call that "The Glenn Effect" ;) :laugh:
:scratch: :scratch: my weather says sunday....and a whole whopping 30%, that means theres a 70% it wont.
yepper.....outta here at noon.............look out fishies!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Good luck! And pics are a must......
Fish pics from 57??? Without the Moreys label??? AH HA Ha ha
:happy1: :laugh: ;)
So much for 57's weather app he has on his phone :bonk: :rolleyes: ;), rainin here by 6:30. Learned from Thursday's episode, got off the water before it came this time
well ya knew it was gonna happen!!!
How's this for a picture. 4 stitches to boot.
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looks like a rapala at least!! so why did ya do it.. get out of fishing???
looks like a rapala at least!! so why did ya do it.. get out of fishing???
:tut: :tut: naw I just started on that lake. dat nordski musta been pizzed, it di some serious floppin!!!!!!
been there done that.... :rotflmao: :happy1:
Shed's getting there. Guess there isn't gonna be cement. Mom put the kabosh to it. Guess it was $12,500 for it.
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Looking good. I give it a swollen :happy1:. How's the :happy1: feeling?
Looking good. I give it a swollen :happy1:. How's the :happy1: feeling?
pretty tender. worse part.........i'm left handed.............its the left thumb!!!!!!!!!! :bs: :surrender: :sad:
I won't be meen and crewel and say don't be sticking it up .....no, I can't do that! :rotflmao:
Soak it in yer epsom salts!
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OUCH!!! Well 57 finally caught somethin!!! An posted a pic of it!! :confused: :confused: :smoking:
The poor liddle feller's got a big owie..... :undecided: Those hurt!!!
The poor liddle feller's got a big owie..... :undecided: Those hurt!!!
Maybe you can kiss his widdle owie.......An make it all better...HIS THUMB REB!!!!
Don't you have some Bhut Jolokia peppers you could go sit on nekked? :evil:
The poor liddle feller's got a big owie..... :undecided: Those hurt!!!
dang straight. pretty tender!!!!!!!!!! i'd prefer iffin dem last batch of fishing girls kiss it den reb!!!!!!!! :smoking:
The poor liddle feller's got a big owie..... :undecided: Those hurt!!!
dang straight. pretty tender!!!!!!!!!! i'd prefer iffin dem last batch of fishing girls kiss it den reb!!!!!!!! :smoking:
keep dreamin buddy!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Da Nord Lord EH???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? :crazy:
Da Nord Lord EH???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? :crazy:
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1: YEPPER.............YOU GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Da Nord Lord EH???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? :crazy:
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1: YEPPER.............YOU GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
He doesn't even know what a nord is, Glenn...."oh look, a nord!" :Fish:
Alex I'll take Nord for $200.00
Is that the biggest sucker you've ever caught? ;) : :laughroll: :laughroll: Sorry :scratch: glenn :rolleyes:, Reb made me do it. ;D Bet you had a few choice words afterward. :angry2:
Is that the biggest sucker you've ever caught? ;) : :laughroll: :laughroll: Sorry :scratch: glenn :rolleyes:, Reb made me do it. ;D Bet you had a few choice words afterward. :angry2:
naw...just alot of :toast: :toast: :toast: :rotflmao:
Bet he broke his Snoopy pole, too. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Bet he broke his Snoopy pole, too. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :moon: :moon:
Hey! I've got some Hy-Vee salad I'm saving for ya!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Hey! I've got some Hy-Vee salad I'm saving for ya!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:moon: :moon: and you want my address?????????? :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
so with Merc and Gunner whining about all the rain i bring up nort :doofus: :crazy: :thumbs: :pouty: i noticed when i was up there the lakes didnt seem to go up much??????????
We're up close to 1 ft up since we put the stuff in the lake, pulled the lift shallower twice. First time it was only a foot or 2 but the last was more like 4 or 5'
Gunner, ya gotta put the drain plug back in or you'll drive Glenn crazy. :rotflmao:
Gunner, ya gotta put the drain plug back in or you'll drive Glenn crazy. :rotflmao:
I'm half way there already!! :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :happy1:
I notice no one is arguing this with ya!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :cool:
I notice no one is arguing this with ya!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :cool:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: you ever think you guys are the root of it all!! :mooning: :mooning:
Ahhh...the ol' blame game! It's not me, it's everyone else, said the cuckoo bird! :doofus:
Ahhh...the ol' blame game! It's not me, it's everyone else, said the cuckoo bird! :doofus:
except in this case, where its a fact jack!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
It's not me! Nope! Nope! Nope! Not me! *cuckoo*! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
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Yup, Reb, it's the OLD ............................ all my problems are someone else's fault game. :rolleyes: :bs: :bonk: OK, maybe not quite 1 ' but I had a neighbor tell me that when he put his lift in(1 st part of May, before the Opener) it sat in 28" of water & on the Sunday after the 4th it was more like 38".
:confused: :confused: :tut: :tut: :tut:
:offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic:
well fellers...................be scared...........real scared...................i'll be heading that way friday morning. :happy1: :fish2: :fish2: rumor has it da fish are already getting nervous. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
gonna rain now............. :rotflmao:
Does that mean we might actually SEE a fish picture? :scratch: :surrender:
Does that mean we might actually SEE a fish picture? :scratch: :surrender:
better a fish picture then a hook in my thumb!! :angry2: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I think that nords little brother is waitin for ya this time. ;) :rolleyes: ;D
I think that nords little brother is waitin for ya this time. ;) :rolleyes: ;D
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bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning:
guess i'm going to be bringing up 2 garage door openers for the new shed. to think i was told NO to a simple workbench. :pouty: :pouty: gonna pick them up at menards wed nite. hopefully all the cement work is done, then the juice!!!!!!!!
sure glad you are around home this week.. we are getting rain this morning finally!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
sure glad you are around home this week.. we are getting rain this morning finally!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
sure hope it goes thru cold spring!!!!!!!
so far only north of ya... maybe later today they say..
Not sure I should say this :scratch:, can ya bring some with ya on Friday? :doah: ;) :laugh: I don't think we've had enough to measure in our gauges since Sis & BIL where up last time, that's 3 + weeks.
I'm not sure ya should say that to Glenn either...... :doah:
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gunner it's like that foe us here too!! rain close but not here... 1.7 inches so far....
gunner it's like that foe us here too!! rain close but not here... 1.7 inches so far....
If it ain't rain, what did you get 1.7 inches of?! Grasshoppers?! :scratch:
the past 3 weeks as gunner said in his post!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Hope our trees aren't leanin like that, Reb! :shocked: He'll probably make the ground turn white instead. :doah: :rolleyes: ;) :laugh:
Looks like I'm gonna be sneaking up there tonight in the cover of darkness!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :happy1:
Looks like I'm gonna be sneaking up there tonight in the cover of darkness!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :happy1:
I would certainly hope so. You appearing in broad daylight tends to make some folks nervous. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
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as well it should!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :evil:
:doah: :bonk: :rolleyes: ;D
well made it home ok. WOWZER are the lakes low. :bonk: :bonk: the weeds seemed to have disappeared. fishing was OK, 20 sunfish, 1 nord. also caught 3 crappies but they went back in.
got my little food plot planted around the shed, but was truely disappointed reading Gunners good morning post they didnt get no rain. they really need it up there. :confused: :confused:
the cement work is done, shed electrical wiring is done, the garage door and openers should be in by thursday. the power from the pole, were on the list??????
forgot to mention, the mice were plentiful up there. nailed 12 of them. and actually a first...........got 2 in 1 trap!!!!!!!!
I haven't noticed much change in the water level here. :confused: I raised the dock a little & brought the lift in 4-5' around the 4th of July, haven't touched 'em since. The yard is another matter & we've got some trees droppin their leaves for the last couple weeks or so.
:censored: :mad1: :taz: :taz: :banghead: oh darn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! looks like i gotta spend all next week up nort!!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Bet that'll just overjoy the vacationers! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
he's going mouse hunting!!
he's going mouse hunting!!
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao:
he's going mouse hunting!!
I'll bet!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
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Micky is going to be mad!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Micky is going to be mad!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Haven't you heard the old joke that the reason her and Mickey broke up is because she's plain F**** Goofy? :rotflmao:
many years ago before smurf got into her!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:
many years ago before smurf got into her!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
:happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: ALL WEEK!!! :rolleyes: awe gawd........ I'll havta warn all my friends up on the north end. ;) :laugh: Hope ya bring some rain with ya this time
:happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: ALL WEEK!!! :rolleyes: awe gawd........ I'll havta warn all my friends up on the north end. ;) :laugh: Hope ya bring some rain with ya this time
Gunner, ya just haveta stop sayin' that to him!!! :doah: :rotflmao:
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:happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: ALL WEEK!!! :rolleyes: awe gawd........ I'll havta warn all my friends up on the north end. ;) :laugh: Hope ya bring some rain with ya this time
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao:
so........... :doah: :doah: :doah: NOW your begging me to bring rain!!!!!!!!!!! :scratch: :confused: :tongue: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Hi Glenn! :azn:
Hi Glenn! :azn:
:taz: damn instigator!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: HI!!!!!!!!
No, no, not me! Just wanted yer day to get off to a good start!!! :cheesy:
Just over 1" yday :happy1:
In deer river!!! Yippee!
so, after being in red wing till 5pm last friday, got home and headed nort for 4 days. i got to the deer river areas about midnight, give or take a bit. it rained like a cow pizzin, i mean it poured. at 15 miles an hour i could barely make out hwy 2 going into deer river.
sat am i had a little union work to do. got that done and headed to little turtle, got rained off by 5 pm. trolled around the lake 3 times with nary a strike. i firmly believe the rain thunder and lightning put a damper on fishing. it was long pants and a sweatshirt da
sunday, was hot humid and windy as hell, kinda like some of you guys flapping your jaws. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: we stayed on cabin lake. caught 26 sunfish, trolled around the lake 7-8 times kept a weed carp and let go a bunch of little snot rockets.
monday we went to a maple lake, not far from big turtle. was cold and windy, another sweatshirt day. kept 14 sunfish and 3 nords. back at cabin, cleaned them, started a fire, drank beer and started packing to head out. headed home tuesday am.
No pics?
No pics?
nope!!!!!!!!! nuttin really to brag about and when we got back from the other lake..........i wanted them fish cleaned ASAP!!!!!!
So the wife cleaned them then. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
So the wife cleaned them then. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: yea right............i left her at home!!!!!!!!
drank beer? :happy1:
jeepers glenn, they even give it to you on your birfday. Sounds like fun to me, I like dem sunfish fillets fried up. Norderns aint bad needer.
jeepers glenn, they even give it to you on your birfday. Sounds like fun to me, I like dem sunfish fillets fried up. Norderns aint bad needer.
yea roony..I be the Rodney dangerfield of MNO!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty:
you all be funny and great fun!!! sorry Glenn!!! oooppps I guess not!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
looks like i'll be heading back up the weekend of sept 29th. really odd how that works???? :scratch: :scratch: :angel: I just happen to have 2 meetings in grand rapids that following Monday!!!!!!!!! :dancinred: :dancinred: :super smiley: :super smiley: :rotflmao:
so I plan on heading out to the deer stands to check there conditions and hopefully kill some tree chickens!! no fishing.
GOOD TIMING! ;) :laugh: As we're headed back south next Wednesday, we've got some business back at home & mom's got a couple appts. probably be 10-12 days pendin on how it goes.
GOOD TIMING! ;) :laugh: As we're headed back south next Wednesday, we've got some business back at home 7 mom's got a couple appts. probably be 10-12 days pendin on how it goes.
i'll mow the lawn for ya whilst your gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :super smiley: :super smiley: :smoking: :moon: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
get Merc's too then!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
:doah: :bonk: :happy1: :rotflmao: ;)
Mike, I like the way you think! Instead of him wasting time trying to catch a fish he could be helping people. :happy1:
Mike, I like the way you think! Instead of him wasting time trying to catch a fish he could be helping people. :happy1:
if I were that close I'd do it for ya!!! oh well!!
A couple of my fishing buddies stopped by yesterday and I think we are going up week after next. Doc appt. next Friday, hopefully be able to hobble around after that. Had to give Glenn a little crap. :evil: Maybe take a boat? Hopefully!!! :happy1:
the best part is Glenn likes it too!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1: good luck with Doc appt.!!!!!!!!
the best part is Glenn likes it too!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1: good luck with Doc appt.!!!!!!!!
:pouty: :pouty: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
If you like to give it :bs:................................. ya gotta be able to take it ;) ;D
well countdown is on!!!!!!!! :happy1: headed back north friday nite!!!!! just guns this time. no fishin. gotta see what kind of shape deer stands are in, chase tree chickens, cut wood, burn wood, and after done with guns drink beer. :happy1: of course gotta meeting in rapids that monday.................odd how that happens to work out???? :scratch: :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I see rebs wedder buddies are talking rain and SNOW SHOWERS Friday up nort! Possibly.
Ya, the morons said rain for overnite and all morning...so I filled in a low spot with topsoil and seed late yesterday afernoon. Not a drop yet. Stoopid knobs. :angry2:
Been raining on and off all the way to Sioux falls this morning. :scratch: hope we get some more at home to punch the fall and winter fertilizer I put down Sunday.
spent some time in da woods this weekend. seen 2 grouse is all. still to many leaves, but the 30 degree temp sat am should move things along. couple boats on the lake on and off weed carp fishing, they were dressed like it was cold!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: had some beer, campfires, split hauled and stacked wood. was good to get away, not many people in the area.
got 6 more of those miserable mice. think that totals close to 20 since I started my trap line!!!!!
watching the #4 news last nite sounds like dem boys up nort are gonna wake up to possibly 3 inches of snow friday morning. my brudder is headed that way today so, being the good union guy that i am i made sure to inform his to pack his snow shovel!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
TWC's site is sayin 34* overnight tonight & 40* with rain for tomorrow. No snow in their forecast until a week from Sunday. Probably headed back up too, by Monday at least.
TWC's radar looked like they might've been gettin a little snow up there early (~4) this morning.
i sent my fellow union brudder a text this morning wondering iffin they got any snow. :scratch: :scratch: he just replied........3-4 inches of goop...................... just enough he said to make things poopy!!!!!! :rotflmao:
he lives about 10 miles nort of deer river on hwy 6!!!!! just nort of the otenagen road!!!!!!
Could see just a trace of snow on the ground on WN's camera on Cutfoot today. :happy1:
well, da boss said i did such good work this week, take tomorrow off, da wifey cant wait to get me out da door, so i should be up nort just in time for gunner to cook me breakfast!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I've sent word ahead to have the umbrellas ready. 😁☂
well, da boss said i did such good work this week, take tomorrow off, da wifey cant wait to get me out da door, so i should be up nort just in time for gunner to cook me breakfast!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
poor gunner!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
well, da boss said i did such good work this week, take tomorrow off, da wifey cant wait to get me out da door, so i should be up nort just in time for gunner to cook me breakfast!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
poor gunner!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: on my way!!! :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
have fun!!!
Did ya bring a raincoat? ;) :laugh:
Did ya bring a raincoat? ;) :laugh:
Gunner, pretty sure I just saw him drive by with his umbrella......... ;)
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Reb... :mooning: :rotflmao:
Made it home deerstands in tiptop shape. Leaves are done, chains on 1 wheeler, most of cabin set for winter. Ice was starting to form on small ponds. Be glad to get back to work so I can rest!! :confused: :doah:
Oh and the weather was great!! :happy1:
:scratch: :rolleyes: Funny how he's about the only 1 up here who thought the weather :cold: was nice this weekend. :bonk: :bs: :drinking: Guess he's the only 1 who's used to it being that WINDY. :crazy: :laughroll:
I wanna know what a one-wheeler with chains is...... :confused:
:pouty: :pouty: :doofus: :crazy: you related to boar?? :rotflmao:
Ahh, go on a ride with Mikey! :mooning:
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he couldn't keep up!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
sounds like we will have power to the new shed yet this year. brudder called him, he said he will have it in befre the ground freezes.
but he didnt say how frozen?????????????? :scratch: :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Put up our little section of snow fence that protects the main garage door a couple weeks ago, only 4 posts & the last 1's didn't go in the ground very easy then. :bonk:
Think they use a trencher. Wasn't done yet. Lake is locked up tight. No deer. :pouty:
anyone hearing any ice thickness reports??????
Seen a pic yday, someone on the north end had cut a hole & the tape he had said 3". Sounds like the middle of the main lake was still open until this morning, maybe :scratch:
Seen a pic yday, someone on the north end had cut a hole & the tape he had said 3". Sounds like the middle of the main lake was still open until this morning, maybe :scratch:
you havent by chance heard anything form other area lakes other then from the dead sea!!!!!!!!!!??? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: Nope, only 1's posting are on Sand year 'round. 'Bout the only place most of 'em go anyway as far as I know, so what's goin elsewhere doesn't really matter to them. Another post an hour ago from the west side & they had a big long crack in front of their place. Another from more over by us, couple places east of Portage bridge, posted about a 1/2 hr ago & he said there's still open running water in the boot. That doesn't surprise me as there's a lot more current goin through there.
:tut: Nope, only 1's posting are on Sand year 'round. 'Bout the only place most of 'em go anyway as far as I know, so what's goin elsewhere doesn't really matter to them. Another post an hour ago from the west side & they had a big long crack in front of their place. Another from more over by us, couple places east of Portage bridge, posted about a 1/2 hr ago & he said there's still open running water in the boot. That doesn't surprise me as there's a lot more current goin through there.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: well........ya know i hadda give ya some grief!!!!!! :moon: :rotflmao:
Ya, if you didn't I'd think you were :sick: ;) :laugh:
Ya, if you didn't I'd think you were :sick: ;) :laugh:
he's sick any way!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Ya, if you didn't I'd think you were :sick: ;) :laugh:
he's sick any way!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 :taz: :taz: :banghead: :banghead: listen here bucko!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
you must have had one heck of a weekend!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
In 5 days, by this time I should be looking down my spear hole with a few of these :toast: :toast: can't wait. :dancinred: :blues brothers: :dancinred:
And we want PICS! :Photography:
And we want PICS! :Photography:
maybe!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: be careful what you wish for!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Just try not to fall in your spear hole. :drinking: ;) :laugh:
naw. I don't usually have that much fun!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :rotflmao:
And we want PICS! :Photography:
maybe!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: be careful what you wish for!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
not from the res either!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
And we want PICS! :Photography:
maybe!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: be careful what you wish for!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
not from the res either!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
hey.....go play wit da NL!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: BESIDES that's gunners turf..i'm not allowed!!!!!!! :tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
And we want PICS! :Photography:
maybe!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: be careful what you wish for!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
not from the res either!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
hey.....go play wit da NL!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: BESIDES that's gunners turf..i'm not allowed!!!!!!! :tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
you be the union man that has total access!!! so I heard!! what can we say!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
And we want PICS! :Photography:
maybe!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: be careful what you wish for!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
not from the res either!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
hey.....go play wit da NL!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: BESIDES that's gunners turf..i'm not allowed!!!!!!! :tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Not true, mike! Heard they've got some trailcam pics of some wierd blue thing down there at Inger. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
dem trail cams don't lie either!!!!
:pouty: :pouty: :tut: :tut: :bonk: :rotflmao:
Heard they got a poster of him up at their Community Center, as he's been seen lurkin :evil: around there. :rolleyes: Usually it's after school's out. :sleazy: ;) :rotflmao:
Heard they got a poster of him up at their Community Center, as he's been seen lurkin :evil: around there. :rolleyes: Usually it's after school's out. :sleazy: ;) :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
Heard they got a poster of him up at their Community Center, as he's been seen lurkin :evil: around there. :rolleyes: Usually it's after school's out. :sleazy: ;) :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Heard they got a poster of him up at their Community Center, as he's been seen lurkin :evil: around there. :rolleyes: Usually it's after school's out. :sleazy: ;) :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
:happy1: Perfect time for a.............................................. "you started it." :rolleyes: :mooning: :mooning: :bonk: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
by this time tomorrow i should be in the crosby area. a stop for live spearing minners, fill up da truck wit gas, a stop at the sportsmans for an omlette, then off to :fish2: :fish2: :Fish: :Fish: :drinking: :drinking: :toast: :toast: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Tomorrow's not Friday! :scratch: :confused: ;) ;D Geiger's looks like it's either snowin now or they got a little yday or overnight.
Tomorrow's not Friday! :scratch: :confused: ;) ;D Geiger's looks like it's either snowin now or they got a little yday or overnight.
i know, but its friday for me today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rocker; :rocker; :rocker; :blues brothers: :blues brothers: :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: :Clap: :Clap: ;D
Be safe & have fun, not too much though, so your gettin thrown in the pokey. :tut: :police: ;) :laugh:
today is a holiday leave today!!!
today is a holiday leave today!!!
cant, gotta go to red wing to impose my union thuggery!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Look out :fish2: :fish2: here I come!!! :happy1:
look out up there!!! have fun!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
Probably more of :toast: than :fish2: ;) :smiley:
When you can't outwit them throw a seven tine spear at them. :rotflmao:
he's most likely got a 9 tine!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
he's most likely got a 9 tine!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1: upper one of dem amish jobs......and it don't miss!!!!!!!!!!!
well the conditions were great, 11 inches of ice, maybe 2 inches of snow on the lake, not friggin cold, but cold enough to chill da :toast: :toast: :rocker; :rotflmao:. and fishin was ok gotz on sat was going to put in da contest but figured i'd get one bigger!!!!! :pouty: next time.
new years is da next great adventure. :smoking: :smoking:
'Fraid Boar might beat it :fish2:, aren't ya? :rolleyes: ; :scratch: :confused: ;) ;D
I think the only fish on spear tines he gets are the ones on the fork at Red Lobster. :rotflmao:
I think the only fish on spear tines he gets are the ones on the fork at Red Lobster. :rotflmao:
Must not of been too hot :thumbs: or there'd be some pics & he'd be braggin. :scratch: :tut: ;) :smiley:
Ya, I think we DID specify pics....or it didn't happen.... ;)
he's sleepin in today.... :rotflmao:
I think the only fish on spear tines he gets are the ones on the fork at Red Lobster. :rotflmao:
Must not of been too hot :thumbs: or there'd be some pics & he'd be braggin. :scratch: :tut: ;) :smiley:
sheez........been a little busy when i got back. :confused: :bonk: spent alot of time catching up on work stuff. emails went bonkers when i was gone........yea and some of it was you doofuses!!!!!!! :crazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Yer just so loveable!!!! ;)
Here ya happy :sleazy: one days catch.
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so i post pics.............and nuttin.................. :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :shocked:
I think the only fish on spear tines he gets are the ones on the fork at Red Lobster. :rotflmao:
Must not of been too hot :thumbs: or there'd be some pics & he'd be braggin. :scratch: :tut: ;) :smiley:
sheez........been a little busy when i got back. :confused: :bonk: spent alot of time catching up on work stuff. emails went bonkers when i was gone........yea and some of it was you doofuses!!!!!!! :crazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Well then............................... don't be gone so often & for so long. :tut: :bonk: ;) :laugh:
so i post pics.............and nuttin.................. :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :shocked:
OK OK!!! your wife done good!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
nice batch of fish!!
so i post pics.............and nuttin.................. :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :shocked:
OK OK!!! your wife done good!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
nice batch of fish!!
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:
so i post pics.............and nuttin.................. :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :shocked:
OK OK!!! your wife done good!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
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Nice mess o' fish dere, Glenny! :happy1:
Nice mess o' fish dere, Glenny! :happy1:
I said that too!! in the end!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
Heading north next week. Now I know what lake to hit!! :happy1:
Heading north next week. Now I know what lake to hit!! :happy1:
yea that was on Jessie!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Can't be Jessie Glenn, you always said there aren't any fish in that lake!! :bs: :rotflmao:
Can't be Jessie Glenn, you always said there aren't any fish in that lake!! :bs: :rotflmao:
ok i was fibbing you........it was really on little ranier!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Can't be Jessie Glenn, you always said there aren't any fish in that lake!! :bs: :rotflmao:
ok i was fibbing you........it was really on little ranier!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
If the truth be known, it was probably in aisle 3 of Morey's...... :rotflmao:
If the truth be known, it was probably in aisle 3 of Morey's...... :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
and you know morey's has an isle 3 just how?????????????????? :scratch: :scratch: :doah: :doah: :moon: :moon:
Boar said that's yer favorite aisle..... ;)
I tell you if the :bs: gets any deeper I'll have to get my boots on and grab a shovel. :bonk:
I tell you if the :bs: gets any deeper I'll have to get my boots on and grab a shovel. :bonk:
:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Here; you can use my Bovine Excrement meter. I'll plug it in and you can asess the readings.....
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:happy1: :laugh: :tut:
:happy1: :laugh: :tut:
OK, Glenn. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Nice catch Glenn. Impressive. Morey's is pretty darn fun too.
is christmas over with yet??????????? :pouty: :pouty: 11 more days......den back up :fish2: :fish2: :fish2: :fishing: :fishing: :drinking: :toast: :stillfish: :stillfish: :old fisherman: :old fisherman: :whistling: :whistling: :drinking:
Colder today, but above freezing again the next couple is what TWC's sayin. Hope they get some :cold: weather, the 10 day(Squaw Lake) has :snow5: in it for 4 or 5 days in a row from Wednesday on, for the week I think your talking about going back up.
Lookin' more like Spring than Winter down here in Swampville......
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 41. South wind 9 to 14 mph, with gusts as high as 25 mph.
Mostly Sunny
High: 41 °F
Tuesday Night: Mostly cloudy, with a low around 31. South wind 6 to 9 mph.
Mostly Cloudy
Low: 31 °F
Wednesday: A chance of drizzle or freezing drizzle before 9am, then a chance of drizzle between 9am and noon, then a slight chance of rain after noon. Cloudy, with a high near 38. South wind 6 to 8 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%.
Drizzle then
Slight Chance
High: 38 °F
Wednesday Night: A slight chance of rain and snow before midnight, then a chance of snow between midnight and 3am, then a chance of snow and freezing drizzle after 3am. Cloudy, with a low around 30. Southwest wind 6 to 10 mph becoming northwest after midnight. Chance of precipitation is 30%.
Chance Wintry
Low: 30 °F
Thursday: A slight chance of snow and freezing drizzle before 7am, then a slight chance of freezing drizzle between 7am and noon. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 33. Northwest wind 10 to 13 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%.
Slight Chance
Wintry Mix
then Mostly
High: 33 °F
:scratch: :scratch: i looked on accuweather but didnt see much for snow. but who knows. my concern is also -20 temps. then glenns gonna stay home next to momma!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy:
Lookin' more like Spring than Winter down here in Swampville......
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 41. South wind 9 to 14 mph, with gusts as high as 25 mph.
Mostly Sunny
High: 41 °F
Tuesday Night: Mostly cloudy, with a low around 31. South wind 6 to 9 mph.
Mostly Cloudy
Low: 31 °F
Wednesday: A chance of drizzle or freezing drizzle before 9am, then a chance of drizzle between 9am and noon, then a slight chance of rain after noon. Cloudy, with a high near 38. South wind 6 to 8 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%.
Drizzle then
Slight Chance
High: 38 °F
Wednesday Night: A slight chance of rain and snow before midnight, then a chance of snow between midnight and 3am, then a chance of snow and freezing drizzle after 3am. Cloudy, with a low around 30. Southwest wind 6 to 10 mph becoming northwest after midnight. Chance of precipitation is 30%.
Chance Wintry
Low: 30 °F
Thursday: A slight chance of snow and freezing drizzle before 7am, then a slight chance of freezing drizzle between 7am and noon. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 33. Northwest wind 10 to 13 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%.
Slight Chance
Wintry Mix
then Mostly
High: 33 °F
who gives a sheep sheet down there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :violin: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :nerd: :nerd:
:scratch: :scratch: i looked on accuweather but didnt see much for snow. but who knows. my concern is also -20 temps. then glenns gonna stay home next to momma!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy:
Mostly snow showers & temps from 15-23 during the day.
:scratch: :scratch: i looked on accuweather but didnt see much for snow. but who knows. my concern is also -20 temps. then glenns gonna stay home next to momma!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy:
Mostly snow showers & temps from 15-23 during the day.
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: :rocker; see the nice weather i bring!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning:
Lookin' more like Spring than Winter down here in Swampville......
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 41. South wind 9 to 14 mph, with gusts as high as 25 mph.
Mostly Sunny
High: 41 °F
Tuesday Night: Mostly cloudy, with a low around 31. South wind 6 to 9 mph.
Mostly Cloudy
Low: 31 °F
Wednesday: A chance of drizzle or freezing drizzle before 9am, then a chance of drizzle between 9am and noon, then a slight chance of rain after noon. Cloudy, with a high near 38. South wind 6 to 8 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%.
Drizzle then
Slight Chance
High: 38 °F
Wednesday Night: A slight chance of rain and snow before midnight, then a chance of snow between midnight and 3am, then a chance of snow and freezing drizzle after 3am. Cloudy, with a low around 30. Southwest wind 6 to 10 mph becoming northwest after midnight. Chance of precipitation is 30%.
Chance Wintry
Low: 30 °F
Thursday: A slight chance of snow and freezing drizzle before 7am, then a slight chance of freezing drizzle between 7am and noon. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 33. Northwest wind 10 to 13 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%.
Slight Chance
Wintry Mix
then Mostly
High: 33 °F
who gives a sheep sheet down there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :violin: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :nerd: :nerd:
No one that I know of.
6 more days till I get to head back nort fishing!!!!!!! spear chuckin and gonna chase crappies!!!!!! maybe catch a bass or 2 and sunfish!!!!!!!!
so I've been keeping my eyeballs on the long range weather forecast. last nite on the 6 news I caught the tail end of some storm for wed thru sat next week.. so at 10 I paid real close attention.
long story short, the end result was 3 different out comes cause it was still to far out.
1...…..could miss us altoghter
2....heavy rain
3 heavy snow...……………. :doofus: :doofus: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :confused:
so that's doesn't tell me nuttin!!!!!!!!! :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
soooo all is normal!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Last weather map I seen(this am on TWC) had it movin in Wednesday night, through Thursday, & maybe even into Friday down here. That map had it staying from the metro & south, with us being in the heaviest band of snow, maybe some rain & freezing rain Thursday afternoon depending on the temps. It's a long ways off :scratch: but planning on keepin an eye on it. Radar looked like they got some snow up there today to me
Ya, but remember the source Gunner....da wedder morjits. :rolleyes:
got some here..
Ya I've been watching it as well, then cold for the weekend..
TWC's map today has it going a lot farther north, talkin about some big wind as well. We'll see, hope to be back home Wednesday before it hits.
Snowin here.....snow, sleet, and freezing rain for Christmas. The morjits are cranking their DANGER DANGER sirens faster...
looks to be a white New Year here!!!
my union brother who lives just north of otenagen road said they got a foot of snow and its currently blowing around!!!!!!!
NO! 😲
NO! 😲
yea really!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :sleazy:
my union brother who lives just north of otenagen road said they got a foot of snow and its currently blowing around!!!!!!!
Dat should make it fun out on de ice :bonk:
well I just got an email from the DNR with the weekly CO reports. seems the common word up in the northern part of the state is SLUSH!!!!!!!! on da lakes!!!!!!!! :confused: :confused: :angry2: :angry2:
Tonight there talking -29 up north, Thursday freezing rain :crazy: :crazy: :confused: :surrender:
1* tonite, 40's for Fri-Sat. I'm gonna plant an orange tree..... :rolleyes:
-10 here and what fun baby sitting a furnace that does not want to work!!! it will work out!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
-10 here and what fun baby sitting a furnace that does not want to work!!! it will work out!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Might just as well have Glenn there! ;)
-10 here and what fun baby sitting a furnace that does not want to work!!! it will work out!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Might just as well have Glenn there! ;)
don't need the arctic!!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :taz: :fishing: :taz: :taz: :pouty:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :taz: :fishing: :taz: :taz: :pouty:
go cuddle with the hounds!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
They won't sleep with him either! Smells like katchup! :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :taz: :fishing: :taz: :taz: :pouty:
go cuddle with the hounds!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
I just might! :happy1:
Reb.... :tut: :tut: :tut:
Glenn... :nerd:
Hey! Wanna see a pic of Mikey? :cold: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Glenn... :nerd:
Hey! Wanna see a pic of Mikey? :cold: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
-10 here and what fun baby sitting a furnace that does not want to work!!! it will work out!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Might just as well have Glenn there! ;)
don't need the arctic!!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
:rolleyes: More the opposite if'n you ask me :scratch: ya wouldn't notice if the furnace wasn't workin with all that hot air. ;) :rotflmao: :evil:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
-10 here and what fun baby sitting a furnace that does not want to work!!! it will work out!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Might just as well have Glenn there! ;)
don't need the arctic!!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
:rolleyes: More the opposite if'n you ask me :scratch: ya wouldn't notice if the furnace wasn't workin with all that hot air. ;) :rotflmao: :evil:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:
-10 here and what fun baby sitting a furnace that does not want to work!!! it will work out!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Might just as well have Glenn there! ;)
don't need the arctic!!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
:rolleyes: More the opposite if'n you ask me :scratch: ya wouldn't notice if the furnace wasn't workin with all that hot air. ;) :rotflmao: :evil:
And countin' down the hits on the Reb mornin' show, a song just for Glenn, requested by all his ice buddies out there......"Windy"! by the Association! already climbing up the charts.... :dancinred:
:laugh: Good old song there, Reb! :happy1: Hadn't heard it in a long time so had to give a listen. :smiley:
Still have some of the original vinyl albums of theirs...The Assoc was great. :happy1:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic:
Isn't it great to know we're starting this New Year right on track?! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:happy1: :rotflmao: Take those emoji's off the site & glenn would only have ~ 1/2 as many posts as he does now. ;) :laugh:
yup good song!!
:happy1: :rotflmao: Take those emoji's off the site & glenn would only have ~ 1/2 as many posts as he does now. ;) :laugh:
i thought you had to go somewhere???????????? :confused: :confused: :censored: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic:
Isn't it great to know we're starting this New Year right on track?! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
yea iffin that dont make a guy all warm and fuzzy!!!!!!!!!! :confused: :confused: :mad1: :doah: :censored: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Oh, it do, it do!!!! :azn: 🐏
so............... :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: would i be off my rocker if, ok
shaddup boar
shaddup reb
shaddup gunner
shaddup mikey...................if i drove up saturday just to check things out as far as getting into the cabin and lake conditions????????
i really need to get back up fishing!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:
YES!!! You didn't tell me to shaddup. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
YES!!! You didn't tell me to shaddup. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
yea you tell him Jerkbiat!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
and go for it Glenn, jinx Gunner again!!! :rotflmao: :evil:
YES!!! You didn't tell me to shaddup. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :taz: :taz: :taz: :taz: training-087 training-087 training-087 :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
YES!!! You didn't tell me to shaddup. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
yea you tell him Jerkbiat!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
and go for it Glenn, jinx Gunner again!!! :rotflmao: :evil:
:nerd: :nerd: :snow5: :snow5: :dancinred: :dancinred: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
better get that drive way plowed!!!
better get that drive way plowed!!!
Or bring a good shovel. :scratch: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley: :It's not much fun walking through this snow :thumbs: :crazy:, we stopped 2-3 times & you got farther to go. Got any snowshoes? :scratch:
better get that drive way plowed!!!
Or bring a good shovel. :scratch: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley: :It's not much walking through this snow :thumbs: :crazy:, we stopped 2-3 times & you got farther to go. Got any snowshoes? :scratch:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Yea well I be a lean mean fit specimen!! :happy1: :happy1:
Yea well I get a lean mean fit specimen!! :happy1: :happy1:
get???????? OK.
Yea well I get a lean mean fit specimen!! :happy1: :happy1:
get???????? OK.
dere fixed it friggin phone. :confused:
Yea well I get a lean mean fit specimen!! :happy1: :happy1:
get???????? OK.
dere fixed it friggin phone. :confused:
yup the phone always does it!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Yea well I be a lean mean fit specimen!! :happy1: :happy1:
:happy1: Must have some fat fingers though. :scratch: ;) :laugh:
Yea well I be a lean mean fit specimen!! :happy1: :happy1:
:happy1: Must have some fat fingers though. :scratch: ;) :laugh:
more like friggin auto correct. :confused: :confused: yea some of that too!!!!!!
well da wifey approves of my trip sat!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: actually she said she kinda expected it!!!!!!!!!! :doah: :doah: :scratch:
Yea well I be a lean mean fit specimen!! :happy1: :happy1:
:happy1: Must have some fat fingers though. :scratch: ;) :laugh:
more like friggin auto correct. :confused: :confused: yea some of that too!!!!!!
well da wifey approves of my trip sat!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: actually she said she kinda expected it!!!!!!!!!! :doah: :doah: :scratch:
:scratch: Maybe your drivin her :crazy: & she's just ready to get rid of you for a few days. :rolleyes: ;) :rotflmao: Find some snowshoes?
nope, just a day trip to check things out. lock your door!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
and she's going down to the cities to watch her daughters kids again. better then at our house.
nope, just a day trip to check things out. lock your door!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
and she's going down to the cities to watch her daughters kids again. better then at our house.
Sounds like she's got a full time baby sittin gig goin these days. :scratch: Don't have anything goin on & get bored, stop by. Sure we'll be here.
nope, just a day trip to check things out. lock your door!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
and she's going down to the cities to watch her daughters kids again. better then at our house.
Sounds like she's got a full time baby sittin gig goin these days. :scratch: Don't have anything goin on & get bored, stop by. Sure we'll be here.
yea dont get me started with that one............ :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:
we'll see how things go!!!!!!!
Just :bs:ing ya, figured you have enough to do. Looks like the weather goin to be good, how long a drive is it? Don't have anything planned so...................
Just :bs:ing ya, figured you have enough to do. Looks like the weather goin to be good, how long a drive is it? Don't have anything planned so...................
its 3 1/2 good hours. yea I just plan on going in to check the buildings, especially the smaller ones for snow on the roofs. then go out on the lake to check the slush issue. if its not to bad I may go up the following weekend. if its not 20 below. don't see no reason not to stop so we'll see.
Just :bs:ing ya, figured you have enough to do. Looks like the weather goin to be good, how long a drive is it? Don't have anything planned so...................
its 3 1/2 good hours. yea I just plan on going in to check the buildings, especially the smaller ones for snow on the roofs. then go out on the lake to check the slush issue. if its not to bad I may go up the following weekend. if its not 20 below. don't see no reason not to stop so we'll see.
I friend of mine's kid is up there on bowstring. apparently he talked to him today. said they fished a lake little something or another, he couldn't remember the name!!! :doofus: :doofus:
anyway they were out on bowstring today, got some crappies nice perch and sunfish. the sunfish part I don't believe.
as far as the slush he said some spots have it some don't. he didn't elaborate.
I read a report over on IDO from a guy from grand rapids that said he took a snowmobile out on an area lake rain into frozen slush then would break threw then hit hardpack. it sounded pretty tough out on that particular lake.
Just checked the snow on the cabin roof yday here & it looks like we might have about 1/2 of what we did last year. That was in February & we couldn't find a snow rake anywhere in GR, so he ordered 1 online. We had somebody out front of our place late am-early pm yday in a small 1 man Clam flip over. I didn't see them set up but seen 'em leave & it was 1 of the neighbors. He was on foot & it didn't look like he had any problems getting around.
Wish I could make it up next week but the last trip to Laughlin I left some money there so I'm going back next week to get it. :happy1: Hopefully it will be nice the week after I get back as I need a fishing break!!
Just checked the snow on the cabin roof yday here & it looks like we might have about 1/2 of what we did last year. That was in February & we couldn't find a snow rake anywhere in GR, so he ordered 1 online. We had somebody out front of our place late am-early pm yday in a small 1 man Clam flip over. I didn't see them set up but seen 'em leave & it was 1 of the neighbors. He was on foot & it didn't look like he had any problems getting around.
Ah dang!!!! I have an extra one with the aluminum poles (just like mine) I found when cleaning out my Mom's house, ya coulda had it, Gunner! Just woulda needed to stop by on yer trips....might even been able to see the NL. :rotflmao:
Just checked the snow on the cabin roof yday here & it looks like we might have about 1/2 of what we did last year. That was in February & we couldn't find a snow rake anywhere in GR, so he ordered 1 online. We had somebody out front of our place late am-early pm yday in a small 1 man Clam flip over. I didn't see them set up but seen 'em leave & it was 1 of the neighbors. He was on foot & it didn't look like he had any problems getting around.
Ah dang!!!! I have an extra one with the aluminum poles (just like mine) I found when cleaning out my Mom's house, ya coulda had it, Gunner! Just woulda needed to stop by on yer trips....might even been able to see the NL. :rotflmao:
:happy1: :happybounce: :happybounce: ;) :super smiley: That's nice of ya, Reb, but we needed 1 quicker than that. Would've been a good excuse to get together though. :cool:
No prob, gunner. We coulda had glenn run down then back up, mighta cut down on all his free chatter time. :rotflmao: ;)
ok, so I needed to know what i'd be dealing with if I went fishing up north. I left at 5;45 am. about 10 miles south of remer I ran into freezing drizzle. fun fun. the roads did get better north of deer river and were way improved on the way home. once I got there it took me about 50 minutes to do what I wanted to do. there was 8-10 inches of new snow on the road, and other then to shovel a berm from a plow I wouldn't at this point be afraid to drive in. I shoveled off the cabin deck and headed on the lake.
on the shoreline there was a fair amount of snow but you could get through it with a wheeler. there was a really light thin crust but the rest was soft and fluffy snow. out about 20 yards the snow was maybe 2 inches. I shoveled it away and you could see it was frozen slush. I walked out 300 yards or so just fine, barely any snow and solid.
I noticed the public access someone half azz plowed it so I wanted to get out further to see if there was any activity in the main part of the lake. there was still a fishhouse out also, I made another 20 steps, and paloosh thru I went. there is a good 6 inches of water and slush. then you would get to solid, make few step and go thru again. you could also see where the person with the fishouse had issues with his heeler and slush...………..so I headed back.
it appears we have 4-5 wolves in the area also. did see 3 grouse! :happy1: so as of now I will be waiting till that crap feezes up. looks like starting Tuesday nite it will have a good start.
and the rest of the story is....its football time with an extended HH with Jose and OJ.!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
went a had a short visit with gunner and his brudder………...only guy he talked bad about was boar!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
ok back to HH and football...……….go CHIEFS!!!!!!!
:happy1: :rolleyes: :bs: HEY!!!!!! :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: Careful or I'll tell 'em what you said about the guy behind the wheel of Mr. Sparkles. :evil: :laugh: ;)
:happy1: :rolleyes: :bs: HEY!!!!!! :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: Careful or I'll tell 'em what you said about the guy behind the wheel of Mr. Sparkles. :evil: :laugh: ;)
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
and he'd probably believe yea too!!!!!!! :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao:
Had a group out in the bay :stillfish: yday, not long after glenn left. Thought is was just 3 on foot :scratch: but after lunch they had 3 more on sleds show up. Around 2 or so they moved over to this side of the bay for a bit. When it looked like they were starting to shut it down the sleds did a loop in front of our place to turn around so they could shuttle some back to where ever they were stayin. It looks like they found a lot of slush as they got closer to our shore. I didn't see any of 'em get stuck but they had their sleds movin pretty good. Was thinking about checking the ice conditions out in the next couple days & tryin to get out :fishing: before the cold snap comes. Now I'm not so sure it's even worth my time :scratch:
I know how much faith Reb has in his weather heros, but just looked at accuweather. starting Tuesday nite and all the way to Feb 2nd...……..there isn't a nite up north that has an above 0 for a low. one would think that should take care of a whole lotta slush!!!!!
Boy, I hate that! Lumpy slush that freezes rock hard ! Try to put yer porty down with the floor in it, and ya can't find a flat spot.... :angry:
When I fished here on the river the other day there was a lot of slush too. I may have to put another row of 2x4's under my house. That snow must have pushed the ice down.
Talking to Chris, they own the place, over at Bowstring Store yday about the amount of snow we found when we came up. She said they had 15" right after Christmas & another 2 or 3" that weekend. Someone was buying minnows so :fishing: got brought up too. She had a pic of her son with a 17# norski he'd speared the day before.
Hey 57, was your decoy hot pink? :scratch: If so, it's still there.
Hey 57, was your decoy hot pink? :scratch: If so, it's still there.
think it was. think it may be there for a while at the price on the sticker. its the bear creek line of decoys i really like!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1:
Another 1 just like it was $20, looked but I didn't see who made it on there anywhere. :confused:
Another 1 just like it was $20, looked but I didn't see who made it on there anywhere. :confused:
all bear creek dekes come in a plastic/cardboard wrap.
Googled 'em & at least $18-$19 online. FF had a red & white pike 1 for $23
i have all the decoys i'll ever need, and with my wife probably never spearing again......i just doubled my supply!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:
So....how do you use the decoys to get 'em? Jig 'em? I've never spear fished. :confused:
:scratch: Me either, Reb. I think they're made with pectoral type fins so they kinda swim in a circle, like a jiggin rap.
So....how do you use the decoys to get 'em? Jig 'em? I've never spear fished. :confused:
I hang a reel above the hole, use a swivel snap with swivel removed on braided line. Drop down the home roughly 1/2 between the bottom of the lake and bottom of the ice. They ate built with fins so they swim in a circle. Wait for fish. Sometimes them pine come in like a freakin torpedo. Fun to watch.
you are both right, the decoy would just hang there other wise. give the string a good tug and they will go in an upward swing into a circle.. depending on the bend in tail fin defines how big or small a circle they swim.. hope this helps ya both...
So, ya just yank the line and they swim by themselves?
yup cause of the weight and the balance of the decoy. you tube spearing northerns and there are lots of videos...
Ok, thanks guys!
Googled 'em & at least $18-$19 online. FF had a red & white pike 1 for $23
Wasn't really sayin ya needed more, just with what they're askin online for 'em the stores price didn't seem that far out of line to me. :scratch: Some of the hand made ones are almost works of art. :cool:
Googled 'em & at least $18-$19 online. FF had a red & white pike 1 for $23
Wasn't really sayin ya needed more, just with what they're askin online for 'em the stores price didn't seem that far out of line to me. :scratch: Some of the hand made ones are almost works of art. :cool:
they are and cost more cause of it.. come to a decoy show and you will see!!!!
Yea there are some dandies there. And Finch you might even hear this big :bs: :bs: :bs:er there!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
From Osakis? ;) :laugh: He's not sittin on a orange Harley is he? :scratch: :rotflmao:
From Osakis? ;) :laugh: He's not sittin on a orange Harley is he? :scratch: :rotflmao:
I hear the new lady friend put her touch on it...... :whistling: :rotflmao:
[attachment deleted by admin]
she's touched it but not changed it!! :rotflmao: yea Gunner what Glenn is saying I usually MC the show.. that's how I found Glenn when he was lost!! I just hollered on the PA system and asked for 57!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Hollering "Katchup" woulda worked too! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Hollering "Katchup" woulda worked too! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
by the truck load!! :rotflmao:
From Osakis? ;) :laugh: He's not sittin on a orange Harley is he? :scratch: :rotflmao:
yep......that's him!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Hollering "Katchup" woulda worked too! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
katchup good on hotdog!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:
You gottum hot dog? Me gettum road-kill hot dog today in mail....allegedly. :rotflmao:
Hollering "Katchup" woulda worked too! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
katchup good on hotdog!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:
Mustard for me usually, not sure why. :confused: Maybe just so they don't call me................................................ :scratch: :rolleyes: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Hollering "Katchup" woulda worked too! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
katchup good on hotdog!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:
Mustard for me usually, not sure why. :confused: Maybe just so they don't call me................................................ :scratch: :rolleyes: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
There hasn't been much activity out on the bay all week. I think :scratch: the neighbor who usually has a skid house out on the main lake went out twice early in the week. He's here year 'round so he marks & maintains his own trail most years. Monday he was on his sled & Tuesday he took his wheeler, seen him doin a little patch work on his trail with his wheeler/blade. Bet he was worried about the slush & cold freezing his house in, bet he blocked it more.
Gunner best grab an extra blankey and cuddle tight with his teddy bear tonight, my phone says a low of -35. Brrr.
:happy1: :smiley: That's up there in the lowlands(56680) we had -23 up here on top of the hill(56636) ;) & no wind. So no WC, really bright :moon: though, makin me think you might be around. ;) :rotflmao: A couple sleds out in front of our place yday pm. Brrrrr! Not me!!
:happy1: :smiley: That's up there in the lowlands(56680) we had -23 up here on top of the hill(56636) ;) & no wind. So no WC, really bright :moon: though, makin me think you might be around. ;) :rotflmao: A couple sleds out in front of our place yday pm. Brrrrr! Not me!!
:angry2: :banghead: :rotflmao: yea well I need that slush crap to freeze up. :pouty:
Next weekend would be good for ya then ;) :smiley:, a high for the weekend of 0 on Saturday. The 10 day has only Monday - Wednesday as the only 1's makin double digits. That 4-8" of fresh snow up there won't help though. :thumbs:
Next weekend would be good for ya then ;) :smiley:, a high for the weekend of 0 on Saturday. The 10 day has only Monday - Wednesday as the only 1's makin double digits. That 4-8" of fresh snow up there won't help though. :thumbs:
:angry2: :angry2: :confused: :confused: training-087 :banghead: yea I've been watching that and getting to the point I may as well accept the facti may be done fishing/spearing up there. really suxs!!!!!!! :pouty: :confused: :confused:
Seen some activity over at Geiger's early, looks to be quite a few out on Cutfoot now. :crazy:
Glenns done. Stick a fork in him. :happy1:
Glenns done. Stick a fork in him. :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Glenns done. Stick a fork in him. :happy1:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
Mom said my nephew wants to go up next weekend and grandma ain't none to happy about it. He thinks he will drive right in. Some lady ran into him last week and they totaled his 4 wheel drive vehicle. So.... The tight as little f@_-& won't pay to get it plowed out but runs up there right after someone else foots the bill.
I gotta believe next week's temps gotta freeze up that slush, that of course depends on how much snow they get with the next storm supposedly coming tomorrow.
:happy1: Must've learned that from his trouble makin uncle? :scratch: ;) :laugh: About 1/2 the houses out front over @ TE looked like they were moved yday. A lot of activity over on Cutfoot, as well, almost all were west & north of the webcams over there. That all appeared to be portable shelters to me. :crazy:
:happy1: Must've learned that from his trouble makin uncle? :scratch: ;) :laugh: About 1/2 the houses out front over @ TE looked like they were moved yday. A lot of activity over on Cutfoot, as well, almost all was west & north of the webcams over there. That all appeared to be portable shelters to me. :crazy:
yea he's gotta a few shady uncle's....... On his mother's side!!;; :mooning: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
:happy1: Must've learned that from his trouble makin uncle? :scratch: ;) :laugh: About 1/2 the houses out front over @ TE looked like they were moved yday. A lot of activity over on Cutfoot, as well, almost all was west & north of the webcams over there. That all appeared to be portable shelters to me. :crazy:
yea he's gotta a few shady uncle's....... On his dad's side!!;; :mooning: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
There I fixed it for ya. :confused: :laugh:
:angry2: :mad1: :bs: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
His grandma!; :happy1: can gotta be!! :rotflmao:
Lookin like the snow should be starting here 'bout any minute. :surrender: Used to think that temps like today's were too cold for it to snow. :confused:
That's an old wive's tale. Talked about that with a wedder fcast morjit at one of our spotter meetings.
Snowflakes here now.
Piffle. It's now suddenly dropped to 30% here. Morjits. :crazy:
I'm hoping they are right on the snow, but wrong on the up coming temps.
I'm hoping they blow the entire pkg. CAWchester'll have a meltdown if we get both. :rolleyes:
Piffle. It's now suddenly dropped to 30% here. Morjits. :crazy:
I've watched the hourly all afternoon says the same thing. I really don't believe that part of the weather. It says 10% now and it's snowing so one would think it would say 100%. :crazy:
Well, first it was 90%.....then a bit ago, bombed down to 30%....NOW this...
This Afternoon: A 50 percent chance of snow. Cloudy, with a high near 7. Wind chill values as low as -9. East wind around 10 mph, with gusts as high as 25 mph. Total daytime snow accumulation of less than a half inch possible.
Chance Snow 50%
Fine by me, though. Just get it right the FIRST frickin' time, ya knobs. :smoking:
Coming down pretty good here right now and blowing around.
same here.. roads are getting bad too... drive safe those that have to tonight and tomorrow!!!
How's you guys doin today? :scratch: ;) Stuck the tape measure in the fresh stuff both in front & back of the garage & it appeared to be < 2" in both spots to me. The warmest ( -1) temp I seen startin out the day in a while too. :happy1: :cool: It looked to me like Reb was getting hammered when WCCO news came on the air. :confused: Biggest total they had early was Faribault with 6.5" & still comin down.
I'm thinking 5 inches here.. hard to say with winds that there too.. got the sidewalk and roof done.. just plowing left for the most part...
Pretty calm here now, forecast says that's goin to change this afternoon. See how far we can get before that. :scratch:
How's you guys doin today? :scratch: ;) Stuck the tape measure in the fresh stuff both in front & back of the garage & it appeared to be < 2" in both spots to me. The warmest ( -1) temp I seen startin out the day in a while too. :happy1: :cool: It looked to me like Reb was getting hammered when WCCO news came on the air. :confused: Biggest total they had early was Faribault with 6.5" & still comin down.
Last night when we were watching the news they said may even be more in SE MN. Poor Rebs I said to the wife. He always gets it.
Danged right I do!!!!! Can't even find my front steps....... :angry2:
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:mad1: :mad1: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic:
Quite a project you have there Rebs. Remember it doesn't all need to get taken care of today!!! OK???
Gonna be a day long affair, I'm afraid. Roof too. :angry: Have a neighbor buddy lives a block away coming up in a bit to help me today. He offered. Nice to have good friends.
better doing it today than tomorrow, because of the outdoor temps and wind...
:mad1: :mad1: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic:
Ahh, all yer posts are :offtopic: :offtopic: :mooning: I gotta go blow the eleventeen inches of snow...
better doing it today than tomorrow, because of the outdoor temps and wind...
Just came back in, must've been ~ 8:45 before I got suited up & on the blower. So a little < than a hour & 1/2 to clean it up good as we didn't touch it after the last little bit we got. It felt like the wind was just beginnin to pick up a little too, so :happy1: it's done.
same here.
Started :snow4: again by ~ 11. :doah: Watchin our usaul channel 3 Duluth (Jeopardy) & they've got a bunch of school closings for the next 2 days scrollin across the screen now. :thumbs:
Uh oh....gonna be windy..SCHOOLS CLOSED! Might rain tomorrow...Better CLOSE SCHOOL! Chance of snow....SCHOOLS CLOSED! Smoke from forest fires.....CLOSE SCHOOL! Icicles on the eaves!!! CLOSE SCHOOL!!!! :rolleyes:
so I heard from my brudder, his kid decided to head to the cabin for the weekend as he always does super bowl weekend. sounds like the plow guy plowed down into the neighbors and left a big bank going down into our place.
he also said the pilot light on the furnace was out and now wont stay lit. wonder iffin that's got something to do with the LP regulator stuff freezing up>???????????
Pretty sure that's what caused our problems. :scratch: The owner over at HH that day said he was going out every 2 hours & pouring warm water on his regulator, that got his to light but wouldn't stay running. Probably because it was still getting colder as it hasn't hit the low for the day yet. Lately here it isn't until an hour or so after sunrise (8-8:30) that it hits the low for the day. Once we took it off auto so it wouldn't need so much LP flow to start & stay runnin ours was OK. We didn't put it back in normal(auto) mode 'till much later in the day, late am-early pm, & it's been fine since. Brother did a little research & found that LP can start freezing up @ -40.
Just make sure ya take your hair dryer along when ya go next time, you can just plug dat in to thaw out da regulator. ;) :laugh: Or ya might be able to get by :confused: if'n you just went over & talked to it for a few minutes. :evil: :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Just make sure ya take your hair dryer along when ya go next time, you can just plug dat in to thaw out da regulator. ;) :laugh: Or ya might be able to get by :confused: if'n you just went over & talked to it for a few minutes. :evil: :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Just make sure ya take your hair dryer along when ya go next time, you can just plug dat in to thaw out da regulator. ;) :laugh: Or ya might be able to get by :confused: if'n you just went over & talked to it for a few minutes. :evil: :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:moon: :moon: :moon: smart azz!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Just make sure ya take your hair dryer along when ya go next time, you can just plug dat in to thaw out da regulator. ;) :laugh: Or ya might be able to get by :confused: if'n you just went over & talked to it for a few minutes. :evil: :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
YOU never mind!!!!!!!! :bonk: :bonk: :pouty: :doofus: :censored: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Maybe build a liddle fire under it for a bit..... don't forget about it, though! :shocked: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
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Just make sure ya take your hair dryer along when ya go next time, you can just plug dat in to thaw out da regulator. ;) :laugh: Or ya might be able to get by :confused: if'n you just went over & talked to it for a few minutes. :evil: :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:moon: :moon: :moon: smart azz!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :super smiley: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
furnace wont get fixed for now. furnace guys vehicles are 2 wheel drives, sooo........ his kid said 6 inches of snow and still snowing.
We had closer to 4" when I checked before breakfast, about 6:30, but we went out afterwards & could've gotten another inch while we were out there. Still flakin a little yet now.
Blowin' like a hound dog here, and started to spew some flakes....temp dropped from 28* to 14* real quick. The streets look shiny..... O great...gotta leave in a bit.
Not much wind here, other than you know who ;) :smiley:, hourly said<10 mph all day. :happy1: Still spittin a little :snow3: though
The usual 25 mph here. :rolleyes:
Not much wind here, other than you know who ;) :smiley:, hourly said<10 mph all day. :happy1: Still spittin a little :snow3: though
I thought merc wasn't going up there for a while!! :scratch: :scratch:
:doah: :bonk: Not much here but lots more :bs: on dis thread :shocked: :laugh:
Not much wind here, other than you know who ;) :smiley:, hourly said<10 mph all day. :happy1: Still spittin a little :snow3: though
I thought merc wasn't going up there for a while!! :scratch: :scraquote] You know I try to be nice and not get into any thing with Glenn and then he has to drag me into this stuff. When will the madness end? I tell you some peoples kids!! :bonk:
:toast: :toast: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
:scratch: :scratch: I don't get it!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: you say you won???? what you win????????? :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
:scratch: :scratch: I don't get it!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: you say you won???? what you win????????? :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
A buddy has a wheel house and when it's cold he'll run an extension cord from the generator to his lp box with a light bulb on the end to add just enough heat to keep the regulator from freezing.
Good idea. I actually did that with my metal trouble light and sump pump outlet, where it goes thru the wall to outside. (I take the 2" hose off during winter and hang a drain tiling hose on the outlet until it's warm in the Spring) Hung the cage right up against it. Had flooding then the temp dropped to around zero for a week.
seen that with water pumps too!!!
:scratch: :scratch: I don't get it!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: you say you won???? what you win????????? :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
:scratch: :scratch: what????????????? :sleazy: :sleazy:
i did!!
just as i expected, listened to my mother for 18 minutes on the phone last nite, not to mention i think she was in da bag a bit, snivel, whine about the furnace and snow and lake conditions and you really shoudlnt go up there and i dont want 6-7 people that dont know what there doing messing with my furnance!!!!!!! :doah: :doah: :embarrassed: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:
:bonk: Maybe you could get the part of the family that she thinks doesn't ever do anything wrong to go fix it for her. :scratch: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
:bonk: Maybe you could get the part of the family that she thinks doesn't ever do anything wrong to go fix for her. :scratch: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
they tried and failed!!!!! :doah:
OH NO!!!! :bonk: :thumbs: :doofus:
sounds like ya better take over Glenn!!! :happy1:
not a chance in hello i'm getting involved after all that went on. i wasnt the last one to use the furnace or next one up there that used the furnace...............i'm washing my hands clean of this fiasco!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
not a chance in hello i'm getting involved after all that went on. i wasnt the last one to use the furnace or next one up there that used the furnace...............i'm washing my hands clean of this fiasco!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
dat sounds like a good plan!!! :happy1:
not a chance in hello i'm getting involved after all that went on. i wasnt the last one to use the furnace or next one up there that used the furnace...............i'm washing my hands clean of this fiasco!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Don't blame you! They'd probably try to say it's all your fault :tut:
:angry2: :angry2: just got an alert on my phone for up there..................winter storm warning. :crazy: :angry2: :angry2: :confused: :confused: 7 to 11 inches of snow possible. :confused: :taz: :taz: :taz: training-087 training-087 :banghead: :banghead:
may as well wait to july to plan on going up next. :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:
Just got 3.5" snow with lots of icing here. Now watches out for another 4-9" with significant freezing rain and ice on top of that. You can take this entire winter and shove it where the f*** sun don't shine.
:angry2: :angry2: just got an alert on my phone for up there..................winter storm warning. :crazy: :angry2: :angry2: :confused: :confused: 7 to 11 inches of snow possible. :confused: :taz: :taz: :taz: training-087 training-087 :banghead: :banghead:
may as well wait to july to plan on going up next. :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:
Well Glenn, if ya really really wanna go up there, I can always pull ya with the douche if ya like!!! :happy1: :mooning:
:angry2: :angry2: just got an alert on my phone for up there..................winter storm warning. :crazy: :angry2: :angry2: :confused: :confused: 7 to 11 inches of snow possible. :confused: :taz: :taz: :taz: training-087 training-087 :banghead: :banghead:
may as well wait to july to plan on going up next. :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:
We had ~1" overnight & it started snowing lightly again about 9, bet we had 2 " by noon. around 3 the :snow4: picked up & is coming down pretty steady now. I see the Bemidji Weather Channel has changed their snowfall totals from 7-8" to 8-17" now :shocked: :thumbs: so if your coming up much before then bring a good shovel. :surrender: Some nasty wind with this 1 they're sayin. :sad: :bonk:
Grand Rapids:
Including the cities of Bigfork, Walker, and Grand Rapids
300 PM CST Wed Feb 6 2019
* WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of 7 to 12
* WHERE...South Itasca, North Cass and North Itasca Counties.
* WHEN...Until 9 PM CST Thursday.
* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be extremely difficult. The
hazardous conditions could impact this evening`s and the
Thursday morning and evening commute.
:bonk: :bonk: :confused: gee thanks buddy!!!!!!!!! :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao:
:snow4: comin down pretty good again now. Not worth messin with it unless it lets up
Still ain't stopped :snow1:, couldn't hardly see 1/2 way across the bay ~ 11. Was about 6" new stuff at 9:00, we get a little wind & I wouldn't want to be going anywhere. :tut: :thumbs: :crazy:
Brother went out this morning for about an hour & got most of the drive cleared, except the plows hadn't went by. I went out after lunch when it quit for a hour or so & spent around a 1/2 hour cleaning up around the cabin. Bet we were close to 8" by then & it's lightly snowing again now. The wind has been picking up since around 2 as well. I'd think the roads aren't very good around here either.
Gunner. I have to apologize. I so sorry. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Wifey said news has deer river at 12 inches of snow.
Gunner. I have to apologize. I so sorry. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Wifey said news has deer river at 12 inches of snow.
Yeah, I bet. :tut: :bs: :bonk: ;) :laugh: Bet we messed with 8 " by 2:00, think it started again by 3. :crazy: Don't usually get this bad when your down there! :confused: Just about fell off my chair about quarter to 7 as I got a a call from our latest football pool weiner. :rotflmao: Made some plans for when they come this way. :cool:
He's prolly pokin' his voodoo snow doll over yer area right now, Gunner. :oscar:
Mom just emailed me. She said she heard deer river got 18.5 inches. :confused: anything to keep me from going up. :confused: :doofus:
She don't know you can get up to the minute reports that are closer to your place & more accurate, huh? :crazy: :rolleyes: :laugh:
He's prolly pokin' his voodoo snow doll over yer area right now, Gunner. :oscar:
Don't think :scratch: they take glenn seriously either :tut:, Reb. ;) :super smiley: :laughroll:
:rotflmao: :bonk:
She don't know you can get up to the minute reports that are closer to your place & more accurate, huh? :crazy: :rolleyes: :laugh:
only when she wants to know something. :bonk: :pouty: :doofus:
Or................................. your willin to tell her what she wants to hear. :tut: :crazy: Bet that's not often though. :scratch: ;) :smiley:
Or................................. your willin to tell her what she wants to hear. :tut: :crazy: Bet that's not often though. :scratch: ;) :smiley:
nope i tell her how it is!!!!!! which usually means she dont like it!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :bonk: :bonk: she never listens to me anyway. i usaully convince my brother on something.......minute he mentions it to mom it gets done.
i got it figured out how that system works!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :happy1:
way ta go!!! :happy1:
"Glenn's pipeline".... ;)
"Glenn's pipeline".... ;)
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
"Glenn's pipeline".... ;)
:happy1: :scratch: this? :mooning: or this? :moon: :doah: :rolleyes: :confused: :super smiley: :laughroll:
Looked to be 2-3 wheelhouses moved yday over on Bowstring. They might be down to only 1 road leaving their staging area though. Nothin moving over at Cutfoot that I could see. :scratch:
My brother keeps pestering me about if I'm still going up spearing the last weekend it's open. I know his ulterior motive is to have me pay to plow the road out. Ain't happening. He wants to go up March 8-9 weekend. I'm having a hard time getting it through his thick skull that without plowed roads lake travel is limited to snowmobile. Hope he has fun.
With what we got last week & there's more in the forecast for today & Tuesday, I'm not even certain a sled won't get stuck :scratch:. It spit a little yday pm & is doin about the same now.
Been snowin' like a 🐄 all morning here. 6" to 9" more on the way. :banghead:
Got my buddies all lined up for Mon-Thursday, going in for a knee procedure tomorrow am.
Just got in a 1/2 hour ago from messin with the last we got, cleaned up what we pulled off the roof too. Raked more down then too, close to ~ 3 hours. :pouty:
Just got in a 1/2 hour ago from messin with the last we got, cleaned up what we pulled off the roof too. Raked more down then too, close to ~ 3 hours. :pouty:
don't push yourself to hard!! don't need two in the hospital!!!
Naaa, thanks though mike! :cool: Lots of breaks, about a 1/2 hour or so 'til I started gettin :cold:, hands & toes mostly. Needed to get out :happy1:, the fever was closin in. ;) :smiley: It wasn't that bad, lots of layers.
that's the way I'm going more so too!! :happy1:
If I don't hear from the neighbor kid I may start my roof tomorrow. Lots of snow...
If I don't hear from the neighbor kid I may start my roof tomorrow. Lots of snow...
didn't you say that 3 weeks ago?? :scratch: :surrender: :rotflmao:
Got my roof half done, on break! Next blow out, and do the other half. Neighbor guy hasn't showed up yet.....can't depend on anybody but yerself anymore!
I'm all done. :happy1:
I've been waiting for this madness to slow up a bit before I head out. Looked at the roof vents cant see em. Tge stacks are visible but there is a good size drift on the south side, soooooooo might just hafta blow the dust off the rake and do some dragging. It's funny though, if I mow, the neighbors mow, if I shovel, they come out and shovel. It will be interesting if I rake, to see if tgey do..
So if you sit on your deck in the buff, does the nieghbor lady too?? :rotflmao:
Hopefully that one wont, but now the one behind us... :happy1:
Well, in Glenn's neighborhood, when he goes out, they all go in.... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Well, in Glenn's neighborhood, when he goes out, they all run in.... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Fixed it for ya, Reb :laugh:
:scratch: I didn't see anything to fix....
I see we have visitors over at the resort again this weekend, 6 pickups & some trailers over there. One sled with a couple guys was out front not long after we were done with bfast. They were packin up by ~ 10:30 & another snowmobile came out to visit at that time. It took 4 guys 20 minutes to get that sled back to the resorts landing( 200-300 yds), they kept getting stuck. I think they finally had to flip the sled on it's side to clean it out between the seat & the track. :doofus:
Started spittin here ~4
:confused: :confused: :censored: i had the perfect plan. friday call in absent........... head to cabin and fish....then off monday to grand rapids..............scheduled meetings :sleazy: :sleazy:.................. then to duluth on tuesday.............till all this snow and lakes that are so messed up for the rest of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:
Still 3 sleds out on the bay late yday, looks like they're staying over at the resort. Might still be some of the group from last weekend. :confused:
HEY GUNNER...…….next time you go to a local HH, make yourself useful. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: sorry, haven't had enough coffee yet!!!!!! anyway what is anyone saying about lakes freezing out??????? haven't heard a lot about it yet. :doah: :doah: :doah:
I can maybe guess the answer...…….lakes are impassible so no one really knows cause they cant get on them. :pouty: :pouty:
:tut: :smiley: 5 local sledders over at The Junction yday watchin the Greenway hockey game & it didn't even sound like they were running on the lakes, too much slush. :thumbs: :scratch: Thought we might've seen 2 or 3 people out on the north end of Bowstring, didn't roll through the PA for a better look though. :confused:
Seen a couple of pop up type shelters over at WN on Cutfoot yday. Just west of the Narrows & not far from shore. Looked like they had a sled or wheeler, couldn't really tell. Very little movement over at TE on Bowstring lately. Tim over at the Bstore told us that Geiger's busted up his brand new plow real bad twice this year. :pouty: :thumbs:
Anywhere from a light mist to a light rain/snow mix all day here, wind picked up late mornin too. Nothing but water on the ice out in front of Geiger's & the webcam on Cutfoot is almost that bad. It looks like nothin but slush & water out 50 yds west of the Narrows to me, there does appear to be somebody out there to the NW though. :crazy: It looks like they have a plow & wheeler(?) :scratch: & trying to get a shack off the ice.
Too far in the distance to tell for sure, but looked more like a small shack & a couple pcs of equipment now. Might've just gave up for the time being. :thumbs: :pouty:
:scratch: They must've came back last night or have been out there early this am :confused: as the shack is gone. :cool: :happy1:
Had some action out on the bay yday, seen 1 :fishing: but they didn't stay long. :scratch: It looked like 3 sleds came in to 1 of the neighbors ~ 4 too. A little later 2 more sleds riding double came in to the resort & 1 of those was pullin an Otter. Thought :confused: it looked like some fresh tracks over at Trails End as well.
:snow1: comin down again now.
Talked to a member of ours. He headed north last weekend. Mainly to clean up snow. Didn't even try to go on the lakes. He said ya do not wanna go out on a snowmobile by yourself our into the boonies. Get stuck, your screwed. He also said he didn't see many deer tracks, thinks there all hearded up somewhere or died.
Seen a couple sleds out here yday & there was a group over at the resort last week that was going out everyday too. :shocked: The surface of the ice turned a lot more gray here yday. Ain't seen many deer 'round here since right before the rain we had. No tracks either but snow probably makin it hard for them to move much.
so, carefully studying the weather forecast the next 2 weeks, i have no reason to believe that enough snow up north will have melted AND the ice will still be in great shape to get a line wet one last time. :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
so, carefully studying the weather forecast the next 2 weeks, i have no reason to believe that enough snow up north will have melted AND the ice will still be in great shape to get a line wet one last time. :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
der yer are dreamin again!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
so, carefully studying the weather forecast the next 2 weeks, i have no reason to believe that enough snow up north will have melted AND the ice will still be in great shape to get a line wet one last time. :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
der yer are dreamin again!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: NO TALK LIKE DAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! :tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
so, carefully studying the weather forecast the next 2 weeks, i have no reason to believe that enough snow up north will have melted AND the ice will still be in great shape to get a line wet one last time. :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
der yer are dreamin again!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Knowin yer luck, I'd keep an eye on it. :tut: The 10 day I just looked at had rain &/or snow in it for every day from 4/2 - 4/8 except 2. About 40% is all but we all know that doesn't mean a lot as far as you're concerned. :doofus: :crazy: :thumbs:
so, carefully studying the weather forecast the next 2 weeks, i have no reason to believe that enough snow up north will have melted AND the ice will still be in great shape to get a line wet one last time. :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
der yer are dreamin again!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Knowin yer luck, I'd keep an eye on it. :tut: The 10 day I just looked at had rain &/or snow in it for every day from 4/2 - 4/8 except 2. About 40% is all but we all know that doesn't mean a lot as far as you're concerned. :doofus: :crazy: :thumbs:
:scratch: :scratch: :scratch: just looked at accuweather month forecast. :scratch: the dates you posted have no rain for spring lake???????? maybe i live a more clean and honest lifestyle!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :moon: :moon: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: TWC's for Spring Lake says 40% for Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, & Monday. :confused: Even has the" S" word in there for Saturday & Sunday, so you better start being good. ;) :laugh: We all know how big a fan of yours Mother Nature is usually. :pouty: :thumbs: :bonk:
I got 2 weeks yet. No worries here.
I got 2 weeks yet. No worries here.
high heat wave going up that way I heard??????????? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
I got 2 weeks yet. No worries here.
high heat wave going up that way I heard??????????? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: you and gunner need to get your :bs: :bs: straight!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I'm talkin the week of 4/1-4/8, 10 day TWC says 40's, 50's tomorrow, & a damp weekend for 56680 :scratch: :confused: Will be hittin the road pretty quick, so I had to have some fun :bs: before leavin. :sleazy: :sleazy: :mooning: :mooning: :nerd: :nerd:
I'm talkin the week of 4/1-4/8, 10 day TWC says 40's, 50's tomorrow, & a damp weekend for 56680 :scratch: :confused: Will be hittin the road pretty quick, so I had to have some fun :bs: before leavin. :sleazy: :sleazy: :mooning: :mooning: :nerd: :nerd:
i found your weather channel................i like mine better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
& if'n you tune in another 1 they'll say somethin different :scratch: :doah: :crazy:............................... might even be BLIZZARD!! :evil: :sleazy: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :nerd: :nerd: 1 of 'em will be right....................maybe?? :rolleyes: :smiley:
Must've been 50 yds of open water at Mosomo Pt/Cutfoot bridge when we went by early yday, a lot of current there though. The big river was open from Cohasett to the dam west of GR too. I think :scratch: the normal time for taking spawn on Little Cutfoot is ~ mid April, probably won't make that but I wouldn't be that surprised to have ice out earlier than the last couple years when it's been the week of opener.
I see where the guys(FM) on del's home waters didn't like what they found on Friday. Bottomed out their wheeler so much slush. :shocked: Looks like it's going to be warm & dry now, that might make it kind of messy. Got some good boots?
chest waders...... :rotflmao:
meh...the fishing gods are gonna take care of business by next Friday!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
I had a long talk with them. but I best bring extra beer just in case. :smoking: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
meh...the fishing gods are gonna take care of business by next Friday!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
I had a long talk with them. but I best bring extra beer just in case. :smoking: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :doah: I think even they know enough :shocked: :confused: to NOT take much of what you say :bs: seriously. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Even the best fishers laugh at Glenn. :rotflmao:
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:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
good one Reb!!!
Even the best fishers laugh at Glenn. :rotflmao:
awe go back to your chitty chitty bang bang thread!!!!!!!!!!! :tut: :doofus: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
WOWZER!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :bonk: :bonk: just got off the phone with the bowstring store, they have no bait and they don't no jack sheet about ice conditions. :crazy: :crazy:
called the Talmoon Spur station, they said people are still going out but they cant get bait. she heard all the ponds froze out and the minnows arent there.
looks like i gotta hunt some up around home!!!!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty:
:cry: :cry: :rolleyes: :smiley: I know where you might be able to get some crawlers. ;) :laugh: L & M started selling bait last year, not sure who they get theirs from but might be worth a call. They open @ 7:30 everyday 'cept Sunday.
My pal George at the bait shop got me covered. Plenty of minnows. He also said only a few accesses are beat up but ice is good. No more 2 layers of ice.
So, this means we will see pics of some whoppers? :fish2:
Depends on how you classify sunfish or crappies as Whoppers. I wouldn't gaurentee Whoppers the lake I'm fishing but hopefully fish.
So, this means we will see pics of some whoppers? :fish2:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: If I want want to keep some :fish2: it's not the big ones. Usually 7-8", maybe a couple almost 9" sunnies & 10 -12", maybe a 13 " crappies for a meal.
My pal George at the bait shop got me covered. Plenty of minnows. He also said only a few accesses are beat up but ice is good. No more 2 layers of ice.
:scratch: What do you need minnows for, I thought all those little sunnies ate was waxies & worms? ;) :rolleyes: :smiley: I didn't think you liked :fishing: for crappies. :confused: Don't forget your raincoat as I see my weatherman has the rain back in the forecast (40% Sat & 60% for Sunday). How long you stayin?
i dont particularly care to eat crappies unless the outta da lake fresh........but like fishing for them. besides i figure it'll take about 1 hour, if i drag it out to catch my sunfish!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
i am bringing my clam, so let it rain. staying till sunday, nope no work R & R and :toast: :drinking: :happy1:. UNLESS that furnace dont work. also plan on taking chains off 4 wheelers, feed da birds, kinda start getting the place ready for summer!!!!
i dont particularly care to eat crappies unless the outta da lake fresh........but like fishing for them. besides i figure it'll take about 1 hour, if i drag it out to catch my sunfish!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
i am bringing my clam, so let it rain. staying till sunday, nope no work R & R and :toast: :drinking: :happy1:. UNLESS that furnace dont work. also plan on taking chains off 4 wheelers, feed da birds, kinda start getting the place ready for summer!!!!
:cool: It's just nice to get back up there! :happy1: We've only been home about a week & I'am already lookin forward to it. Haven't seen any action at all on the webcams I watch :scratch:, bet there's some still going out the CR 35 access on Bowstring though. Unless it's already trashed. :scratch:
my coworker sent me a text this morning. his FIL lives next door. said his FIL tried taking the "woods road" to his house and said there's still 4 ft of snow where its never been disturbed in the woods!!!!!!! :surrender: :bs: UGH. fortunetly our main road was plowed sometims right before super bowl and my nephew was up and into the cabin superbowl weekend.
besides i gotz me a chebby.................i'll get in!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Was wonderin :scratch: 'bout that, got a good shovel? Must have with all the :bs: you shovel out? ;) :smiley: Maybe, if your nice, you could get Reb & Mr. Sparkles to follow ya up? :confused::rolleyes: :rotflmao:
I thought he said he had a CHUBBY... :censored: :doah:
I thought he said he had a CHUBBY... :censored: :doah:
:happy1: Maybe he does............................. :confused: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
I thought he said he had a CHUBBY... :censored: :doah:
:happy1: Maybe he does............................. :confused: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :pouty: :crazy: :confused: :confused: apparently you 2 dingbats didnt take coffees advise in the good morning thread!!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :bonk: :bonk:
:confused: We did TRY not to :scratch:............................... but couldn't resist 'cause it was too easy :rolleyes: :smiley:........................... & waaaaay to much fun. :happy1: :happy1: :laugh: :laugh:
I see where they cut way back on Saturday's rain chances (20%) up there now. Increased Sundays to 100% though. I'd be surprised if the furnace didn't work for ya too & it was just the -40*. It's not that old is it? Upper 40's to low 50's is what I'm seein. :happy1: Be safe, have fun, & leave some :fish2: for seed. :cool: :smiley:
I see where they cut way back on Saturday's rain chances (20%) up there now. Increased Sundays to 100% though. I'd be surprised if the furnace didn't work for ya too & it was just the -40*. It's not that old is it? Upper 40's to low 50's is what I'm seein. :happy1: Be safe, have fun, & leave some :fish2: for seed. :cool: :smiley:
:happy1: :happy1: thanks.....gettin pretty antzy!!!!! other then a quick trip, like go there load a few things and head back home right before new years its been since the 2nd weekend in dec since i spent any time there.
and just think!! just how quiet these sites are going to be the few days!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
and just think!! just how quiet these sites are going to be the few days!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
and just think!! just how quiet these sites are going to be the few days!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
and just think!! just how quiet these sites are going to be the few days!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:happy1: :smiley: Yeah, his 2 best buddies :tut: & :mooning: probably are gonna even get lonely. :pouty: ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao:
his dogs won't even miss him!!!!! they got their couch to sleep on!!!
Couch?! He was yakking they sleep in his bed!!! :doah:
yep da hounds are coming along...............they dont backtalk!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
yep da hounds are coming along...............they dont backtalk!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:happy1: :happy1:
Got any excellent report next door. And of course one party pooper,bright Mikey! :rotflmao: 2 ft of ice and about 6 inches of snow in the woods. Oh boy, oh boy!! :blues brothers: :rocker; :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred:
Got any excellent report next door. And of course one party pooper,bright Mikey! :rotflmao: 2 ft of ice and about 6 inches of snow in the woods. Oh boy, oh boy!! :blues brothers: :rocker; :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred:
have a good time, and don't miss everyone to much!!!
Wonder :scratch: how his drive went as it was FOGGY as he!! here early today. No way I'd have wanted to drive 3 hours in that soup. I see where LPS said it was kinda foggy there too. :confused:
Hope the li'l feller made it OK.
Just checked my webcams up there & it looks kind of foggy there too. :sad: Bet that was a long drive. :doah:
he used his smurf fog horn!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :whereamI: :whereamI:
well that really sucked, furnace wouldn't go. so I came home last night and drowned my sorrows. :violin: :tequila; :drinking: driving in that fog till it got light also sucked.
when I got up there had to shovel a big drift to get in but once past that easy peasy. I walked in the cabin and found a thermo couple and other little parts I assume where thermos couple parts laying on the floor in front of the furnace. there was a screw driver still laying on the propane tank. I spent 2 1/2hours on and off trying to get the pilot to light. no go. l had no idea what he did. so I packed up and headed home. I did get all my stuff i left up there home.
aw ya just missed us all!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
but really that sucks........
Holy crap...that REALLY sucks the big one. Sorry to hear that. You guys need to stay in touch on the cabin better.....just sayin'. Would have saved you all that mess.
it was my bortheres kid that was up there last right after that frigid cold spell. god only knows what he did, i'm washing my hands of it.
it was my bortheres kid that was up there last right after that frigid cold spell. god only knows what he did, i'm washing my hands of it.
don't blame ya..........
well that really sucked, furnace wouldn't go. so I came home last night and drowned my sorrows. :violin: :tequila; :drinking: driving in that fog till it got light also sucked.
when I got up there had to shovel a big drift to get in but once past that easy peasy. I walked in the cabin and found a thermo couple and other little parts I assume where thermos couple parts laying on the floor in front of the furnace. there was a screw driver still laying on the propane tank. I spent 2 1/2hours on and off trying to get the pilot to light. no go. l had no idea what he did. so I packed up and headed home. I did get all my stuff i left up there home.
:bonk: What a bunch of :bs:. :sad: Figured the drive up sucked as we went to Mason City before 8:00 yday & I bet there were a lot of spots where you couldn't see 100' on the Ave of the Sts. Didn't realize he tore the furnace apart. :mad1: Thought he knew how to fix it, huh? :tut: :thumbs: Then leaves it that way & don't tell anyone! :angry2: :pouty: Bet that MGL tasted good last night. :rolleyes:
oh it did...……...and for dessert a couple of vodka OJ's!!!!!!!!!! :happy1:
Attaboy!!! :toast:
Looks like it's about to start up there. Radar showed it closin in but couldn't see anything comin down on the webcams yet.
I have a question for all the smart "up nort" guys. :scratch: Not you Glenn. ;) My buddy asked me if a person can bear hunt and deer hunt at the same time. I would think bear bait would be considered hunting over bait although deer wouldn't be attracted to it.
I have a question for all the smart "up nort" guys. :scratch: Not you Glenn. ;) My buddy asked me if a person can bear hunt and deer hunt at the same time. I would think bear bait would be considered hunting over bait although deer wouldn't be attracted to it.
:tut: :tut: :tut: :moon:
well for starters, the first 15-16 days or so the bear season is open archery season is not. after that not sure????? I don't use a bow to bear hunt. and iffin i'm out looking for bear I have no interest in shooting a deer. besides I think dat deers and bears, oh my, don't really get along?????????
I didn't see anything explicit in the regs about shooting deer over bear bait. However, this is what they say about deer baiting...
• Bait—includes grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, hay, or other food that is
capable of attracting or enticing deer and has been placed by a person.
• Baiting—means placing, exposing, depositing, distributing, or scattering
bait that is capable of attracting or enticing deer.
I would certainly think that anything you legally put out for a bear would fall into the category of what was illegal for deer.
Is my garbage bag full of day-old doughnuts capable of enticing a deer? I don't know, but I'd hate to have to argue with a Conservation Officer that is isn't.
I have a question for all the smart "up nort" guys. :scratch: Not you Glenn. ;) My buddy asked me if a person can bear hunt and deer hunt at the same time. I would think bear bait would be considered hunting over bait although deer wouldn't be attracted to it.
No, It is considered baiting deer hunting over bear bait. That was actually one of the ask a CO questions that Lee put up awhile back.
I missed that question. Thanks for the answer, I thought it would be that way but was not positive :happy1:.
Yup anything that is attracting them with any type of food is illegal bait. I have gotten pics of deer eating my bear baits.
Yup anything that is attracting them with any type of food is illegal bait. I have gotten pics of deer eating my bear baits.
#Me to.
Just checked the webcams & the ground is white over on Cutfoot but it doesn't look like there's much more than that. Still snowing lightly at The Narrows & the 1 on Bowstring isn't working.
Geiger's camera is back up & the ground is completely covered. It doesn't look to be much more than that though, kind of hard to tell. :scratch:
Could see rain drippin off the roof pretty good over at Geiger's already before 7:00 this morning. That should speed up ice out a bit. :happy1: Not as easy to tell how hard it was raining over at the Narrows :scratch:. The ice on the west side is disappearin pretty quick the last few days though.
from what you can see gunner.........how does it look for snow left on the ground???????????
All I see over by us is very little right in front of their deck/porch on the office & out on the ice on the north side of their ramp is kinda white too. The ice the other way(SE) looks a look a lot more gray. The other camera shows maybe an inch or 2 along their north facing shore line.
All I see over by us is very little right in front of their deck/porch on the office & out on the ice on the north side of their ramp is kinda white too. The ice the other way(SE) looks a look a lot more gray. The other camera shows maybe an inch or 2 along their north facing shore line.
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
from what you can see gunner.........how does it look for snow left on the ground???????????
Most of the snow here is whitish and just lays on the ground.................
gunner?????? you hear that annoying noise?????? :scratch: :scratch: :doah: :doah:
gunner?????? you hear that annoying noise?????? :scratch: :scratch: :doah: :doah:
:huh: A little too early for the first mosquito of the year, isn't it? :rolleyes: :smiley:
gunner?????? you hear that annoying noise?????? :scratch: :scratch: :doah: :doah:
It's probably yer lips flappin' in the wind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :moon:
gunner?????? you hear that annoying noise?????? :scratch: :scratch: :doah: :doah:
:huh: A little too early for the first mosquito of the year, isn't it? :rolleyes: :smiley:
think i'd rather deal wit da sqeeters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
BZZZZZZZZ ;) :laugh: :evil: :sleazy:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:doofus: :doofus: :tut: SWAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
COWORKER is down for meeting nite. says the ice is getting sketchy up there.
pretty rough neighborhood up there to the way it sounds. a 15 year old kid stabs some one in a elementry school parking lot and she dies.
kid apparently was selling drugs and she was objecting to it is what i hear.
The news aricle, KBJR, I just read makes it sound like it was an arranged meet & she was looking to buy. She was 20 :crazy: :pouty: :sad: A lot of ice went on Cutfoot yday, but the other isn't working, last I checked.
:scratch: :scratch: not good for business if you stab and kill a customer????????? :doah: :scratch: :scratch:
Must've been some sort of beef? Don't think he's going to need to worry about it, 2 felony charges & it sounds like he'll be tried as an adult. : :thumbs:
A lot more open water to the west at The Narrows this morning, lookin a lot weaker the other way too. Woukdn't be surprised to see some activity where the take the spawn on the other side of 46 by the end of the week. Geiger's camera is down but the 1 over at Bowstring Shores shows ~ 15-20' of open water in front of their ramp today. Should be up there for 1st hand reports by tomorrow. :happy1:
A lot more open water to the west at The Narrows this morning, lookin a lot weaker the other way too. Woukdn't be surprised to see some activity where the take the spawn on the other side of 46 by the end of the week. Geiger's camera is down but the 1 over at Bowstring Shores shows ~ 15-20' of open water in front of their ramp today. Should be up there for 1st hand reports by tomorrow. :happy1:
are the Inger ladies missing you???????? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :mooning: :mooning: :bs: Looks like I don't havta post any up to the minute lake reports here anymore, I guess. :bonk: :pouty: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley: So...................do you want me to tell em to save you a bed :scratch: ;) for that 1st Monday in May :sleazy: or you gonna call the furnace guy & have 'em come fix it? :confused: :rolleyes: :evil: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
naw i'll be good!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
naw i'll be good!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Yeah right, ;) :rolleyes: :smiley: & I still want pictures of that!! :confused: :laugh: :laugh:
that's right, ole Gunner'a headed up to INGER today!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :smoking: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:bs: :bs: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :thumbs: :pouty: Where you stayin next time :scratch:, The Ojibwe Inn? ;) :rolleyes: Get that furnace fixed yet? :evil: :smiley:
:evil: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: nope furnace still Kaput. gonna use da nipco!!!!!!!
and no staying at da cabin. dey said at da ojibwe inn 2 guys from iowa took the last 2 rooms.........for the summer!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Better pick up more fuel for that Nipco, you might be using it more than you think this summer. :scratch: :doah: :rolleyes: :laugh:
Summer?! What's that?! Morjits saying measurable SNOW here Sunday.....you GOTTA be %$#@! me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So what does that mean for up there?! :confused:
Better pick up more fuel for that Nipco, you might be using it more than you think this summer. :scratch: :doah: :rolleyes: :laugh:
:tut: :tut: :tut: nope my mother and her #1 son are on top of it........supposedly!!!!!!!!! :pouty: just after i'm going to head home!!!!!!! :angry2: :angry2:
Better pick up more fuel for that Nipco, you might be using it more than you think this summer. :scratch: :doah: :rolleyes: :laugh:
:tut: :tut: :tut: nope my mother and her #1 son are on top of it........supposedly!!!!!!!!! :pouty: just after i'm going to head home!!!!!!! :angry2: :angry2:
Sounds like they may have been planned it that way. :scratch: :doah: :sleazy: :rolleyes: ;) :smiley:
Summer?! What's that?! Morjits saying measurable SNOW here Sunday.....you GOTTA be %$#@! me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So what does that mean for up there?! :confused:
Just looked & they're sayin 50* with only a 10% chance of precip for us. Better chance 5/1-5/6 but only 40% then too
We had the ice break up some Wednesday afternoon & even more yday. Then the wind of the last couple days has moved it & melted quite a bit. It looks like we lost a lot overnight last night & the bay is close to 1/2 open. :happy1: I'd be surprised :shocked: if the bay isn't completely open before the weekend's over. :cool:
More like 75% open water today & we're up close to 2' since last fall.
More like 75% open water today & we're up close to 2' since last fall.
sweet!! :happy1: especially like hearing the lake levels! :happy1:
There's still some ice out in the channel from just below the PA to the point where you enter our bay & quite a little in the SE corner of the boot yet this afternoon. Our bay is 95% open now :happy1:, looks to me :scratch: like the water level has dropped slightly. Seen a post where the main lake was ~ 1/2 open yday on the west side of the island.
Like a sheet of glass out on the bay today, there was a small pc of ice floating in front of the last place on our side at the end of our road. :happy1:
Finally quit :snow1: now. :happy1: Was out ~ a hour ago & was more rain than snow then, we had 36* at that time.
so, while i was up at the cabin i tried just fishing off the dock a few times. nuttin. tuesday nite i walked down to the dock and i finally noticed what appeared to be small fish hitting the top maybe chasing bugs. i had already loaded my fishing stuff in the car and had no desire to possibly clean fish so i decided another day. so the migration to shallow waters might start soon.
i walked down to the little lake behind us. seen a couple loons across the lake frolicking like love sic teenagers, or reb and the NL!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: along the shoreline i could see 2 trumpeter swans sitting there motionless, almost like they were protecting a nest. :scratch: :scratch: pretty fun to watch!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
There was bunch of minnows at the mouth of the channel by the little bridge by us Tuesday when I was down there, 51* surface temps too. A couple days of decent weather & I would think they'd be using it. Pretty shallow & very clear water so they'd be pretty spooky. Seen a couple different colored ducks, black & white body with a orangish brown head chasin a female around out in front of our place this am too.
So how old are these people Gunner? L. :mooning: Is she hot?
So how old are these people Gunner? L. :mooning: Is she hot?
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: good 1, LPS. Ya got me, so I had to fix it. :bonk: I was hopin 1 of you bird guys could tell me what kind of DUCK they are. Neighbors said that they're called "whistlers" sometimes.
Goldeneyes then. They come up early. Orangeish brown head may be a Redhead. As in duck.
So how old are these people Gunner? L. :mooning: Is she hot?
:scratch: :scratch: all you old retired guys ALWAYS got your mind in the gutter?????????? :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Goldeneyes then. They come up early. Orangeish brown head may be a Redhead. As in duck.
Looks more like they're Goldeneyes to me. :happy1: :cool:
I was hoping some of them would nest in one of my wood duck boxes.
I see why, pretty :cool: lookin birds for a duck. EZ to tell when 1 takes off flyin with that different sound they make. I think the new neighbor, actually the oldest son of the previous couple, put up a wood duck house down by their dock. Him & his boy like to hunt ducks.
I have some wood ducks in my water filled gully but the must have found somewhere else to nest. Maybe a hole in a tree. ??
:scratch: :scratch: BRUDDER must not be having much luck fishing??? or he'd a rubbed it in already texting me pictures!!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch:
:confused: Wonder WHO he learned that from? :rolleyes: ;) :laugh: How long is he stayin? He must not like goin to Bowstring then :scratch: as the PA on CR 35 was packed by 8:30 Sunday. Bet there was 60 rigs there already as they were parked everywhere but on the blacktop. :crazy: Tim over at the store had just finished getting more bait when we got there. He said he talked to a few & a lot of 'em had their limit in an hour, 1 even told him 20 minutes. They were all like your :fish2: though...............................small. ;) :smiley:
i dont ever recall him fishing the Bow during soft water. he likes sand. then he ventures to other lakes.
he didnt learn that from me......more like the other way around as i'm an alter boy compared to him!!!!!! :smoking: :happy1: :rotflmao:
oh and your small fish comment............................. :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
The few times we've been out the last couple days all the boats been movin around a lot.
my brudder sent me a text tonight that really sucked. there is a little lake we fish norderns on, he and his kid between opener week and this past weekend spent roughly 8 hours trolling...…….and nary a strike. :doah: :censored: :cry: :cry: :banghead:
they think it froze out. I went up there first weekend in may, didn't smell dead fish and didn't see dead fish??????? :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
Checked the weather this morning & a Frost Advisory popped up for Spring Lake. :scratch: Not sure but thought it was for last night. :confused: Just looked again & it expires at 8:00 & sayin it's 45* up there already. Plenty of those lakes around, just gonna have to find another 1.
I'm sure a lot of those small lakes took a beating up there this winter. Glenn have you ever gone over to East by you?
my brudder sent me a text tonight that really sucked. there is a little lake we fish norderns on, he and his kid between opener week and this past weekend spent roughly 8 hours trolling...…….and nary a strike. :doah: :censored: :cry: :cry: :banghead:
they think it froze out. I went up there first weekend in may, didn't smell dead fish and didn't see dead fish??????? :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
:scratch: What did it smell like? :confused: Morey's? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
my brudder sent me a text tonight that really sucked. there is a little lake we fish norderns on, he and his kid between opener week and this past weekend spent roughly 8 hours trolling...…….and nary a strike. :doah: :censored: :cry: :cry: :banghead:
they think it froze out. I went up there first weekend in may, didn't smell dead fish and didn't see dead fish??????? :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
:scratch: What did it smell like? :confused: Morey's? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:confused: :party1: training-087 :taz: :taz:
I'm sure a lot of those small lakes took a beating up there this winter. Glenn have you ever gone over to East by you?
merc, thats exactly the lake I speak of. Been great little lake for us for alot of years.
BUT DONT TELL ANYONE!! :confused: :tut: :rolleyes:
I'm sure a lot of those small lakes took a beating up there this winter. Glenn have you ever gone over to East by you?
merc, thats exactly the lake I speak of. Been great little lake for us for alot of years.
BUT DONT TELL ANYONE!! :confused: :tut: :rolleyes:
let it Merc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
I'm sure a lot of those small lakes took a beating up there this winter. Glenn have you ever gone over to East by you?
merc, thats exactly the lake I speak of. Been great little lake for us for alot of years.
BUT DONT TELL ANYONE!! :confused: :tut: :rolleyes:
TOO LATE!! ;) :laugh: Already looked it up, I see why you like it. :happy1: You can almost walk to it.
Yea but unless you have a 12 or 14 ft boat you can throw in the back of a truck you ain't getting on. And after July last year that didn't work either the water was that low.
I'm sure a lot of those small lakes took a beating up there this winter. Glenn have you ever gone over to East by you?
merc, thats exactly the lake I speak of. Been great little lake for us for alot of years.
BUT DONT TELL ANYONE!! :confused: :tut: :rolleyes:
let it Merc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :pouty: :pouty:
Yea but unless you have a 12 or 14 ft boat you can throw in the back of a truck you ain't getting on. And after July last year that didn't work either the water was that low.
A lot more water this year but if no :fish2: I won't be going.
Not even with this high water Gunner!!
That's OK as I've usually got all the water I need just down the steps. We don't usually fish anywhere else very often anyway. URL once in a while or Winnie/Cutfoot at The Gap in the fall is about it.
if you happen to go on a road trip or a tour go check it out someday. its up 29 from our place a mile or so. before you take the corner there is a road to the right, down that.
i happen to be going to grand rapids tomorrow to get signatures on a new agreement, then Duluth. i happen to drive right past he DNR office so i will be stopping in and personally talking to them, if they even know.
i'm sure with my charming personality they'll get right on it!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :smoking: :smoking:
if you happen to go on a road trip or a tour go check it out someday. its up 29 from our place a mile or so. before you take the corner there is a road to the right, down that.
i happen to be going to grand rapids tomorrow to get signatures on a new agreement, then Duluth. i happen to drive right past he DNR office so i will be stopping in and personally talking to them, if they even know.
i'm sure with my charming personality they'll get right on it!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :smoking: :smoking:
:scratch: :doah: :rolleyes: :laugh: :happy1: When I looked(dnr lakefinder) the other day I thought it was just east of you on 4 but now I see it's not, but just north of you. Checked the the 10 day for up there & it looks like it's finally going to warm up with most of the daytime highs in the 70's for the next couple weeks. :happy1: That should help get the bite going. :smiley: Bet it's gonna be a good year for skeets too! :sad:
yea its north of us towards wirt.
I have been to Wirt before... had and Aunt and Uncle that had a place just west of there........
I have been to Wirt before... had and Aunt and Uncle that had a place just west of there........
remember near or what lake???????
we are about 13 miles south of wirt!
it was just west of there.....
It's hard to believe it would have froze out. Maybe your relatives fish like you? :rotflmao:
It's hard to believe it would have froze out. Maybe your relatives fish like you? :rotflmao:
by that you mean we caught them all :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao in all seriousness It really doesn't surprise me. I've expected this sooner or later. From the first years we fished the lake till now the water level has dropped 10 ft. There's no inlet or outlet. No known springs unless it's in the boggy areas and there is plenty of that.
That does stink Glenn, I have a hard time thinking it's not naturally fed by springs or creeks, but if you say it lost that much water you've been on barrowed time for catching fish. We had a real bad bug hatch last Friday , the bro is still out there and the fishing just dropped off. Spose your bro didn't see a bug hatch that away.. By the way do all winter kill fish float to the shore ?? Or do they sink sometimes??
when the lake the cabin froze out you could see dead fish on the bottom, some on shore, dont remember if it smelled............. maybe gunner was close by!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :doah: :sorry: :sorry: :oops1:
when the lake the cabin froze out you could see dead fish on the bottom, some on shore, dont remember if it smelled............. maybe gunner was close by!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :doah: :sorry: :sorry: :oops1:
:bonk: :bs: :tut: :tut: :tut: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :taz: :taz: With the water that low, full of weeds, & all that snow could've killed off all the weeds using up all the oxygen especially with no moving water. Still hard to believe that there wouldn't be some dead fish floating & on shore, if you ask me. As far as if it smelled or not, it probably did but he was extra gassy from all those MGL's the night before :toast: & just couldn't tell. ;) :rotflmao: :nerd:
Yea, so??? :confused: :doah: :rotflmao:
Stopped at the DNR office. They'll call me tomorrow. Then I'll lay on my charming personality! :happy1: or my union thuggery, however they wanna play!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :happy1:
Brother has to go back to the Dr next week again. Hopin they clear him then so we can head back up next weekend. :happy1: :cool:
Brother has to go back to the Dr next week again. Hopin they clear him then so we can head back up next weekend. :happy1: :cool:
no wonder the police scanner was quiet yesterday when i was up there................your still in Iowa!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
NO..................................I forgot to tell 'em :police: you were comin up. ;) :smiley:
NO..................................I forgot to tell 'em :police: you were comin up. ;) :smiley:
:mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
got off the phone with a fisheries guy from the grand rapids office. they had not recieved a freeze out report as of yet. he yapped about it being a partial freeze out :blablabla: :blablabla: :blablabla: and taking a wait and see attitude. it was a good conversation, they are going to be up on whitefish this summer so they will be checking the lake out. he did the creel survey on that lake about 10 years ago he said, so.............they were going to check it out. i got the impression if its not a totall freeze out they were going to let it replenish by itself. i will keep in touch with this guy!!!!!!
Yeah, it's good to know somebody like that. I've had 2 or 3 talks & a few email exchanges with the biologist who manages Sand. He's a good guy, likes what he's doing, & goes out his way to answer any questions people might have :cool:. Like most of them.
well he told me enough information about the lake to know he has actually been there so i tend to believe he nows what he speaks of!!!!! :happy1:
Was it Dave Weitzel? He's the guy I was talking about.
Was it Dave Weitzel? He's the guy I was talking about.
nope, guy named Doyle.
Did a little research & found they only have 7 people listed for that office, thought there'd be more than that. :scratch: Maybe that's only the ones who have an office there? Must've been Doyle Hass who got a hold of you? I see that it's the same phone #(328-8836) for everyone working there. Did he call you on his cell? I got his e-mail address off that offices index web page & it's doyle.hass@state.mn.us. In case you don't already have it & want ot use it some time.
Did a little research & found they only have 7 people listed for that office, thought there'd be more than that. :scratch: Matbe that's only the ones who have an office there? Must've been Doyle Hass who got a hold of you? I see that it's the same phone #(328-8836) for everyone working there. Did he call you on his cell? I got his e-mail address off that offices index web page & it's doyle.hass@state.mn.us. In case you don't already have it & want ot use it some time.
thanks, yea I don't have it but now I do!! :happy1:
Yea he made mention there constantly getting staff cuts due to budget reductions.
mom called me today. guess she was at the cabin wed and Thursday. we actually got an electrician to come out and do something. :dancinred: :dancinred: :happy1: he is a googleye with a Marcell address. we haven't heard if he is done, guess i'll find out the weekend of the 22th. i'm headed that way come hell or high water.
he ran into a lot of rock with his trencher...…… yea no sheet!!!!!!! :bonk: :bonk: so he has to lay the wiring from the cabin to the shed in conduit.
Gunner...……...how bad are the bugs??? one of the stewards wife has a bug reciepe I plan on using.
for 2 gallons of water they add 2 bottles of mouthwash, preferable a mint flavor, add some Epsom salt, apparently it helps mix the mouth wash and sprays it. he claims the flies and skeeters hate it.
why 2 gallons when ya can make one????????????
why 2 gallons when ya can make one????????????
I can and probably adjust that reciepe, but...……...you need to realize the area at the cabin that gets treated!!!!!!
why 2 gallons when ya can make one????????????
I can and probably adjust that reciepe, but...……...you need to realize the area at the cabin that gets treated!!!!!!
and I thought you were going to drink the extra!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
why 2 gallons when ya can make one????????????
I can and probably adjust that reciepe, but...……...you need to realize the area at the cabin that gets treated!!!!!!
and I thought you were going to drink the extra!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:confused: :tut: :tut: :doofus: :pouty: :rotflmao:
mom called me today. guess she was at the cabin wed and Thursday. we actually got an electrician to come out and do something. :dancinred: :dancinred: :happy1: he is a googleye with a Marcell address. we haven't heard if he is done, guess i'll find out the weekend of the 22th. i'm headed that way come hell or high water.
he ran into a lot of rock with his trencher...…… yea no sheet!!!!!!! :bonk: :bonk: so he has to lay the wiring from the cabin to the shed in conduit.
Gunner...……...how bad are the bugs??? one of the stewards wife has a bug reciepe I plan on using.
for 2 gallons of water they add 2 bottles of mouthwash, preferable a mint flavor, add some Epsom salt, apparently it helps mix the mouth wash and sprays it. he claims the flies and skeeters hate it.
Your not going to like it! :thumbs: :pouty: Anywhere where there's long wet grass or out of the wind a little you have to keep moving or they'll try to carry you away. :sad: I'd probably make the 2 gallons to use on 1/2 your lot that way you might kill 1/2 of 'em. :bs: :bonk: :surrender:
Goggleye did my cabin He did a great job but never finished. I paid for what he had done and said he would be back to finish but!!! Good luck. Headed back up tomorrow for my fourth trip. Dang fish have to bite sooner or later. :fish2:
Goggleye did my cabin He did a great job but never finished. I paid for what he had done and said he would be back to finish but!!! Good luck. Headed back up tomorrow for my fourth trip. Dang fish have to bite sooner or later. :fish2:
I warned her about that name...……………...but like everything else they don't listen to me, so...…...i'll let them deal with it!!!!!!! then tell them told ya so.
at least he showed up, were still waiting for that Williams out of squaw lake. :doofus: :doofus: :confused:
mom called me today. guess she was at the cabin wed and Thursday. we actually got an electrician to come out and do something. :dancinred: :dancinred: :happy1: he is a googleye with a Marcell address. we haven't heard if he is done, guess i'll find out the weekend of the 22th. i'm headed that way come hell or high water.
he ran into a lot of rock with his trencher...…… yea no sheet!!!!!!! :bonk: :bonk: so he has to lay the wiring from the cabin to the shed in conduit.
Gunner...……...how bad are the bugs??? one of the stewards wife has a bug reciepe I plan on using.
for 2 gallons of water they add 2 bottles of mouthwash, preferable a mint flavor, add some Epsom salt, apparently it helps mix the mouth wash and sprays it. he claims the flies and skeeters hate it.
Your not going to like it! :thumbs: :pouty: Anywhere where there's long wet grass or out of the wind a little you have to keep moving or they'll try to carry you away. :sad: I'd probably make the 2 gallons to use on 1/2 your lot that way you might kill 1/2 of 'em. :bs: :bonk: :surrender:
:banghead: :banghead:UGH, I was afraid that's what you'd say. well get to killing them, i'll be up june 22nd weekend. maybe some of them will have died off. we don't have a lot of long grass in the yard, but...…………...
Bet with the way your surrounded with woods at your place you'll be able to hear 'em though. :crazy: They'll be sayin come here. I'm hungry! I'm hungry! :rolleyes: :mad1: Dewpoint must be very low today as the grass is soakin wet & no breeze yet so they're super nasty when I was out early. :thumbs: :pouty:
Goggleye did my cabin He did a great job but never finished. I paid for what he had done and said he would be back to finish but!!! Good luck. Headed back up tomorrow for my fourth trip. Dang fish have to bite sooner or later. :fish2:
I warned her about that name...……………...but like everything else they don't listen to me, so...…...i'll let them deal with it!!!!!!! then tell them told ya so.
at least he showed up, were still waiting for that Williams out of squaw lake. :doofus: :doofus: :confused:
That's who we had do our septic here, they were good to us & do great work but are very busy. Last I knew it was just him, his dad, & his kid. Might want to keep in contact with 'em.
Gunner...……...how bad are the bugs??? one of the stewards wife has a bug reciepe I plan on using.
for 2 gallons of water they add 2 bottles of mouthwash, preferable a mint flavor, add some Epsom salt, apparently it helps mix the mouth wash and sprays it. he claims the flies and skeeters hate it.
I'm willing to give it a try, how long does it last Glenn? Dog safe etc.. We have close to two acres but just hit tge high traffic areas might be worth a shot. Did you post the recipe? If not I'd like it if you dont mind..
The guy has dogs so it's safe. He said it last thru rain. He swears by it, I'll be trying in in a couple weeks. I posted it somewhere :scratch:. But here it is.
2 bottles of mouthwash to 2 gallons water.
Couple tablespoon of Epson salt. This has something to do with it diluting the mouth wash in the water.
I'm gonna us a pump sprayer for lawn weeds, eti stopped at the dollar tress in red wing got 2 bottles for 2 bucks. You use the cheap stuff and preferably a mint flavor.
It looks like my next project is to roll the lift out farther as it was all the way down & the boat didn't want to float off this morning. Just eye ballin the space between the dock & the water I would venture to guess the the lake is down at least 6-8", maybe 10" since we put it in ~ a month ago. (5/6(?))
It looks like my next project is to roll the lift out farther as it was all the way down & the boat didn't want to float off this morning. Just eye ballin the space between the dock & the water I would venture to guess the the lake is down at least 6-8", maybe 10" since we put it in ~ a month ago. (5/6(?))
your next project should be mosqito killer!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
well a managed to sweet talk da boss into not having to attend the monthly meeting on the 20th so i'll be headed nort thursday morning instead of friday!!!!! :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: :rocker; :rocker; of course i'll be doing a little official union business............gonna drop off new agreements at the grand rapids faculity. :happy1: :happy1:
Maybe the :fish2: & the weather will get their act together by then. :scratch: Not sure I'd bet on it as I seen the start of a mayfly hatch here yday. :pouty: Plenty of wind most days when it's not rainin. :sad:
Yea looks pretty wet the next week, at least till I get there? :happy1:
:tut: That doesn't usually make it stop. :scratch: :rolleyes: :laugh: :evil: :mooning:
Got back from my fourth trip and we finally got a few walleyes. Got some nice panfish also in 10 feet of water. Best trip so far, had a good fish fry and a coupe of the guys brought some fish home. The skeeters are horrible, especially by the lake. Let me know how your repellent works Glenn. :happy1:
Got back from my fourth trip and we finally got a few walleyes. Got some nice panfish also in 10 feet of water. Best trip so far, had a good fish fry and a coupe of the guys brought some fish home. The skeeters are horrible, especially by the lake. Let me know how your repellent works Glenn. :happy1:
will do, got it mixed up last nite and packed the ingredients for a 2nd batch. i'm going to go check out the lake my brother thinks froze out and them skeeters are vicious over there!!!!!!!!!!!
I talked to my brother yesterday. he said all the electrical work is done. power from cabin to shed, i guess he had to put it in conduit because of all the rock. new yard light on the pole, new outhouse hole dug, and a big hole for ALL MY fish guts!!!!!!! :happy1:
apparently mom and Jerry went up cause the inspection was supposed to be today!!!!
guess i'll decide if its done!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: hope to hell she cut the lawn!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :evil:
I talked to my brother yesterday. he said all the electrical work is done. power from cabin to shed, i guess he had to put it in conduit because of all the rock. new yard light on the pole, new outhouse hole dug, and a big hole for ALL MY fish guts!!!!!!! :happy1:
apparently mom and Jerry went up cause the inspection was supposed to be today!!!!
guess i'll decide if its done!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: hope to hell she cut the lawn!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :evil:
dang you ask for alot!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Got back from my fourth trip and we finally got a few walleyes. Got some nice panfish also in 10 feet of water. Best trip so far, had a good fish fry and a coupe of the guys brought some fish home. The skeeters are horrible, especially by the lake. Let me know how your repellent works Glenn. :happy1:
will do, got it mixed up last nite and packed the ingredients for a 2nd batch. i'm going to go check out the lake my brother thinks froze out and them skeeters are vicious over there!!!!!!!!!!!
So :scratch:...................................... your gonna be skinnier next time I see you? ;) :rotflmao: As often as your grass has been cut up here this Spring I'm bettin your gonna have a bumper crop at the cabin. :thumbs: :pouty: :crazy: :bonk: Bet you won't need very many pairs of shorts unless it says Fruit of the Loom on 'em. :rolleyes: :laugh: When ya leavin, Thursday? :confused:
Got back from my fourth trip and we finally got a few walleyes. Got some nice panfish also in 10 feet of water. Best trip so far, had a good fish fry and a coupe of the guys brought some fish home. The skeeters are horrible, especially by the lake. Let me know how your repellent works Glenn. :happy1:
will do, got it mixed up last nite and packed the ingredients for a 2nd batch. i'm going to go check out the lake my brother thinks froze out and them skeeters are vicious over there!!!!!!!!!!!
So :scratch:...................................... your gonna be skinnier next time I see you? ;) :rotflmao: As often as your grass has been cut up here this Spring I'm bettin your gonna have a bumper crop at the cabin. :thumbs: :pouty: :crazy: :bonk: Bet you won't need very many pairs of shorts unless it says Fruit of the Loom on 'em. :rolleyes: :laugh: When ya leavin, Thursday? :confused:
:tut: :tut: mom has been up there several times...………...I know how she operates...…...and lets just say i'd bet most the lawn will be cut. she struggles with the hill in front of the cabin to the lake. I can deal with that. besides my brother brought up a big ol rider...…...no problem, it has a beer cah holder. :happy1: :happy1:
yea i'll be up thursday. gotta drop off new contracts at ASV in grand rapids first. BUT, YOU MUSTA ordered rain for those days. :confused: :confused: :confused:
mom called tonight. her and Jerry, went up to inspect the electrical work. she was impressed, so it had to be good. FINALLY!!!!!!!!! done with the shed. I guess the new outside light on the shed and yard light lights up half of Itasca county!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Got back from my fourth trip and we finally got a few walleyes. Got some nice panfish also in 10 feet of water. Best trip so far, had a good fish fry and a coupe of the guys brought some fish home. The skeeters are horrible, especially by the lake. Let me know how your repellent works Glenn. :happy1:
will do, got it mixed up last nite and packed the ingredients for a 2nd batch. i'm going to go check out the lake my brother thinks froze out and them skeeters are vicious over there!!!!!!!!!!!
So :scratch:...................................... your gonna be skinnier next time I see you? ;) :rotflmao: As often as your grass has been cut up here this Spring I'm bettin your gonna have a bumper crop at the cabin. :thumbs: :pouty: :crazy: :bonk: Bet you won't need very many pairs of shorts unless it says Fruit of the Loom on 'em. :rolleyes: :laugh: When ya leavin, Thursday? :confused:
:tut: :tut: mom has been up there several times...………...I know how she operates...…...and lets just say i'd bet most the lawn will be cut. she struggles with the hill in front of the cabin to the lake. I can deal with that. besides my brother brought up a big ol rider...…...no problem, it has a beer cah holder. :happy1: :happy1:
yea i'll be up thursday. gotta drop off new contracts at ASV in grand rapids first. BUT, YOU MUSTA ordered rain for those days. :confused: :confused: :confused:
:tut: :tut: :scratch: Think you've got that back @ssward. ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: Seems to me you ALWAYS bring it with you. :thumbs: :pouty: The 10 day says good chance for some Thursday(pm) through Saturday now for 56680. So your gonna get the skeets drunk when your mowin? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
mom called tonight. her and Jerry, went up to inspect the electrical work. she was impressed, so it had to be good. FINALLY!!!!!!!!! done with the shed. I guess the new outside light on the shed and yard light lights up half of Itasca county!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
So while your mowing you should turn that new light on that way it'll draw the skeets to it ;), instead of turnin you into a pin cushion. :nerd: :sleazy: :sleazy: :evil: :smiley: :smiley:
mom called tonight. her and Jerry, went up to inspect the electrical work. she was impressed, so it had to be good. FINALLY!!!!!!!!! done with the shed. I guess the new outside light on the shed and yard light lights up half of Itasca county!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
So while your mowing you should turn that new light on that way it'll draw the skeets to it ;), instead of turnin you into a pin cushion. :nerd: :sleazy: :sleazy: :evil: :smiley: :smiley:
my plan is to seek and destroy dem skeets!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:
You got a 300 gallon sprayer? :scratch: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh:
You got a 300 gallon sprayer? :scratch: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh:
no but i'm bringing an arsenal of bug stuff!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep keep dem lights cranked Glenn, maybe you can pull dem bugs from our place!! :happy1:
Yep keep dem lights cranked Glenn, maybe you can pull dem bugs from our place!! :happy1:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
i have expectations dat dat Iowa guy has them sqeeters under control!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I've heard the best thing you can do is to give your neighbor one of the biggest bug zappers you can buy. Then all of the bugs are over there.
I've heard the best thing you can do is to give your neighbor one of the biggest bug zappers you can buy. Then all of the bugs are over there.
and all I hear is them bug zappers kill more good bugs then bad ones???????? :scratch: :scratch: don't know, never had one. also heard they like to drink the electric!!!!!!!!
I've heard the best thing you can do is to give your neighbor one of the biggest bug zappers you can buy. Then all of the bugs are over there.
and all I hear is them bug zappers kill more good bugs then bad ones???????? :scratch: :scratch: don't know, never had one. also heard they like to drink the electric!!!!!!!!
That's why you give it to your next door neighbor.
Yep keep dem lights cranked Glenn, maybe you can pull dem bugs from our place!! :happy1:
X 2! We're close enough I'm sure he can draw 'em from here. ;) :laugh: Damp with very little wind early out :fishing: then the fog rolled in, skeets were extra nasty when I came in. :thumbs: :pouty: They must be warmin up for the new blood that's comin up. :scratch: ;) :smiley:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: that new blood coming up has a few tricks up his sleeve!!!!! :happy1: if them fail, enough :toast: :drinking: and i wont feel them bite. they get enough fluids from me it'll render there breeding abilities useless!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: that new blood coming up has a few tricks up his sleeve!!!!! :happy1: if them fail, enough :toast: :drinking: and i wont feel them bite. they get enough fluids from me it'll render there breeding abilities useless!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:
:happy1: Kinda figured that would be plan B & that plan B would make more sense than sprayin the whole lake. ;) :rolleyes: :laugh:
Glenns going up today so I guess I will wait until next week to head up again. The area isn't big enough for both of us at the same time. :happy1:
Glenns going up today so I guess I will wait until next week to head up again. The area isn't big enough for both of us at the same time. :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: MAYBE!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i do have to put up with some Iowegians though!!!!!!!! :pouty: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
actually i'm leaving tomorrow morning, i gotta make a WORK stop in grand rapids!!!!!!! :happy1: it just makes sense to do it that way rather then go to cabin tonight then have to drive to rapids thursday morning. saving the members money is a top priorty!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Glenns going up today so I guess I will wait until next week to head up again. The area isn't big enough for both of us at the same time. :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: MAYBE!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i do have to put up with some Iowegians though!!!!!!!! :pouty: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
actually i'm leaving tomorrow morning, i gotta make a WORK stop in grand rapids!!!!!!! :happy1: it just makes sense to do it that way rather then go to cabin tonight then have to drive to rapids thursday morning. saving the members money is a top priorty!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
You know you could find someplace where you can eat lunch for < $20 then too. ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: :crazy: That would save even a little more of that expense account. :tut: :sleazy: :evil: :nerd:
Glenns going up today so I guess I will wait until next week to head up again. The area isn't big enough for both of us at the same time. :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: MAYBE!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i do have to put up with some Iowegians though!!!!!!!! :pouty: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
actually i'm leaving tomorrow morning, i gotta make a WORK stop in grand rapids!!!!!!! :happy1: it just makes sense to do it that way rather then go to cabin tonight then have to drive to rapids thursday morning. saving the members money is a top priorty!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
You know you could find someplace where you can eat lunch for < $20 then too. ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: :crazy: That would save even a little more of that expense account. :tut: :sleazy: :evil: :nerd:
95% of my meals are under 20 bucks!!!!!! :moon: :rotflmao:
well I came back a day earlier then I planned...……….and NO RAIN while I was up there. unfortunately that east lake has had to freeze out or a severe winter kill. trolled around it for 3 hours, not a fish nor a strike. spent 45 minutes all over the lake with my underwater camera and seen absolutely nothing. only sign of life I seen was 2 loons and about 15 minnows where ya throw the boat in.
to make matters worse, fishing the lake the cabin is on, Thursday evening there wasn't a sunfish to be had. did a little trolling and caught sand lake type snakes. went out the next day and brought the camera with. I went to 8 tried and true spots where we have always caught fish and never seen a sunfish. back to trolling a guys fishing off his dock and asks how we are doing, so being the nice pleasant good guy I am I stopped the motor and we talked a bit. he said he was up when the ice went out and he quit counting after he counted over 200 dead fish on the shoreline. he said all kinds of fish and had 2 bass 24 inches.
that's really sucks!!!!!! :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:
on another note that concoction worked pretty darn good for sqeeter control. it lasted till this morning but the humidity went up, so????? i'll do it again, cause if you went away from the treated area any distance they where real bad.
Glenns going up today so I guess I will wait until next week to head up again. The area isn't big enough for both of us at the same time. :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: MAYBE!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i do have to put up with some Iowegians though!!!!!!!! :pouty: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
actually i'm leaving tomorrow morning, i gotta make a WORK stop in grand rapids!!!!!!! :happy1: it just makes sense to do it that way rather then go to cabin tonight then have to drive to rapids thursday morning. saving the members money is a top priorty!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
You know you could find someplace where you can eat lunch for < $20 then too. ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: :crazy: That would save even a little more of that expense account. :tut: :sleazy: :evil: :nerd:
95% of my meals are under 20 bucks!!!!!! :moon: :rotflmao:
Ya, I imagine Happy Meals are!!! :rotflmao:
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Ya, I imagine Happy Meals are!!! :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Thought about sneakin up on ya on Saturday, just to see that new airport spotlight. ;) :smiley: It was early afternoon by that time & was afraid you'd be out TRYIN to catch somethin or up at that other little lake. So decided against it.
we were around but yea we might of been trolling out on peterson.
So you had company? :scratch: Your :fishing: buddy & his son? :confused:
just my friend.......his kid works road construction, so..................
Glenns going up today so I guess I will wait until next week to head up again. The area isn't big enough for both of us at the same time. :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: MAYBE!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i do have to put up with some Iowegians though!!!!!!!! :pouty: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
actually i'm leaving tomorrow morning, i gotta make a WORK stop in grand rapids!!!!!!! :happy1: it just makes sense to do it that way rather then go to cabin tonight then have to drive to rapids thursday morning. saving the members money is a top priorty!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
You know you could find someplace where you can eat lunch for < $20 then too. ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: :crazy: That would save even a little more of that expense account. :tut: :sleazy: :evil: :nerd:
95% of my meals are under 20 bucks!!!!!! :moon: :rotflmao:
So....................... a $15 Rueben & a $16 burger & you don't tip? :tut: :thumbs: :scratch: :rolleyes: ;) :laugh: :laugh: :nerd:
:tut: :tut: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:
[/quote] So....................... a $15 Rueben & a $16 burger & you don't tip? :tut: :thumbs: :scratch: :rolleyes: ;) :laugh: :laugh: :nerd:
No, they put 2 olives and a scoop of cottage cheese on his plate. :rotflmao:
So....................... a $15 Rueben & a $16 burger & you don't tip? :tut: :thumbs: :scratch: :rolleyes: ;) :laugh: :laugh: :nerd:
No, they put 2 olives and a scoop of cottage cheese on his plate. :rotflmao:
[/quote] :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :confused: :angry2: :angry2: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :taz: :taz: :taz: :taz: :taz: :banghead: :banghead: training-087 training-087
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I knew ya missed me. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I knew ya missed me. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
yea like a bleeding hemmoriod!!!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Oh my!!!!!!! :shocked:
I knew ya missed me. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
You were gone?
Man I don't ever remember the last time the lakes up here being this high. Gotta be 20 years since I seen the water level on our lake as high as it is.
Hey Grandpa Tom, our old friend Barb, iambjm is here!! :happy1: she's part of the group let's go fishing up here.
Hey Grandpa Tom, our old friend Barb, iambjm is here!! :happy1: she's part of the group let's go fishing up here.
good to hear she's doing good!!!!
Man I don't ever remember the last time the lakes up here being this high. Gotta be 20 years since I seen the water level on our lake as high as it is.
We were down 1' from ice out when the association had the :fish2: fry, 6/15. Since the 3rd week of June we've had close to 8" of rain & the lake has came back up 6-8". I just pulled our lift back in ~ 2' yday. :crazy:
Hey Grandpa Tom, our old friend Barb, iambjm is here!! :happy1: she's part of the group let's go fishing up here.
Isn't she 1 of the locals that actually take people out :fish2:? :cool: Have to agree with Mike, good to hear she's doin good. :happy1:
Yes she is.
Well gents, I haven't been around much to post and now I'm heading north again for a week. Like the Tom Petty song "well I don't know what I've been told never slow down never grow old". It didn't work out to well for him but hopefully he's right. :happy1:
have fun merc!!!
It looks like the weather is going to cooperate. :happy1: TWC's 10 day's sayin around 80* all week. :cool: Pretty slow here :fish2: :pouty:
I was up earlier this month and the fishing was horrible. Hopefully it gets a little better so we can have a fish fry one night. :happy1:
We went home for a week but came back up Monday & have been over to the NW PA on Bow on our wheeler a couple times this week, nobody around over there.
now i'm even more sure of myself the lake cabin is on had a severe winter kill. over this past weekend i walked down to the lake and slowly on the dock. it be nothing to see a bunch of small sunfish/punkinseeds little bass etc swim around and out under the dock. in the 5-6 maybe 7 times i did this i seen a total of 1 sunfish and 4 punkinseeds. :angry2: :confused:
both friday and sat evening the lake was like glass. in the past you could watch all across the bay and see fish fan the top of the water and/or feeding on the bugs. there was none of that.
how depressing................looks like i'm gonna head gunners way!!!!!!!!!!! if he could only catch fish!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Maybe you'd best just get yerself a fishbowl and fill it fulla goldfish. :rotflmao:
:fish2: :Fish: :fish2:
Maybe you'd best just get yerself a fishbowl and fill it fulla goldfish. :rotflmao:
:fish2: :Fish: :fish2:
:tut: :tut: I'll just be jumping lakes. Just a bit more inconvenient.
Maybe you'd best just get yerself a fishbowl and fill it fulla goldfish. :rotflmao:
:fish2: :Fish: :fish2:
That's 'bout the right size for him ;) :rolleyes:, cause he don't like BIG :fish2: :laugh: :laugh:
now i'm even more sure of myself the lake cabin is on had a severe winter kill. over this past weekend i walked down to the lake and slowly on the dock. it be nothing to see a bunch of small sunfish/punkinseeds little bass etc swim around and out under the dock. in the 5-6 maybe 7 times i did this i seen a total of 1 sunfish and 4 punkinseeds. :angry2: :confused:
both friday and sat evening the lake was like glass. in the past you could watch all across the bay and see fish fan the top of the water and/or feeding on the bugs. there was none of that.
how depressing................looks like i'm gonna head gunners way!!!!!!!!!!! if he could only catch fish!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :police: :police: ;) :laugh: It's still better than workin. :happybounce: :fishing:
anyone that heads north using hwy 210 from brainerd to crosby needs to plan an alternate route. the road will be open to the airport in branierd but is closed till oct!!!!!!!
highway 3 thru merrifield and cross lake is a scenic drive albiet slower.
thinkin i might have to leave like a thursday morning to go up to avoid, not be part of the traffic issues!!!!!!! :sleazy: :mooning: :dancinred: :nerd: :nerd:
:mooning: :mooning: :moon:
anyone that heads north using hwy 210 from brainerd to crosby needs to plan an alternate route. the road will be open to the airport in branierd but is closed till oct!!!!!!!
highway 3 thru merrifield and cross lake is a scenic drive albiet slower.
thinkin i might have to leave like a thursday morning to go up to avoid, not be part of the traffic issues!!!!!!! :sleazy: :mooning: :dancinred: :nerd: :nerd:
:scratch: Nooooooooooo!!! I'll tell Leo. :police: ;) :laugh:
Hey Gunner just found out my brudder, mudder, and nephew will be invading the Northland tomorrow. :sleazy: :sleazy: :mooning:
O whoopee. A Smurf infestation. :rolleyes:
O whoopee. A Smurf infestation. :rolleyes:
At least they're leavin the troublemaker at home. :cool: :happy1: :smiley:
O whoopee. A Smurf infestation. :rolleyes:
At least they're leavin the troublemaker at home. :cool: :happy1: :smiley:
NO.......... mt stepdads going up too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
"Keep the smurfs away, use new smurf-off spray".... *PHOOOOOOSH* :rotflmao:
Not to be confused with a smurf orgy, aka a "Smurf Off". :censored:
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O whoopee. A Smurf infestation. :rolleyes:
At least they're leavin the HEAD troublemaker at home. :cool: :happy1: :smiley:
:tut: :tut: THERE I FIXED IT!! :bonk: :bonk: :rolleyes: :nerd: :nerd:
Busy summer, been gone almost every day for last two weeks now heading to Leech for a week. Then after I get back the next day it's bear baiting so be leaving again. Sure makes the summer go fast. :happy1:
Busy summer, been gone almost every day for last two weeks now heading to Leech for a week. Then after I get back the next day it's bear baiting so be leaving again. Sure makes the summer go fast. :happy1:
got that right!!!!!! :happy1: i'll be up the next 3 weekends!!!!!!!! I might even get close to you merc labor day weekend to fish a secret lake!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy:
Done rainin by 9, I just dumped .25". So ~ .8 this week here. :happy1:
Somebody posted a video yday of a bear walkin through their front yard Sunday night(~8:30). They had trailcam pics last fall too of 1 robbin their bird feeders. The're on the Narrows, last place(same side) South of the PA.
according to Mr. Fairbanks there are alot of bear around and there bigger then 10 years ago.
talked to my brother couple days ago. he said his kid and stepdad went to bowstring for an evening fish..........and did well with eyes and eliminated some snot rockets..........all in the general area of in front of the 35 access!!!!!!!
Been kind of quiet over at the NW PA since we came back up, except 1 day. Over there Saturday & only 2 rigs, looked to be guides to me. Only 1 today. Awful slow for Bowstring at the other PA too the last 2 -3 Sundays we've went through.
Was over to Northern Acres again yday, found 4 rigs there. At least 1 looked to be a guides.
Can you tell by there Riga who the guides are? Be interested in who they are.
Getting kinda pumped to get up there again.
MnFishingPros on 1 truck 'bout a week ago. Just over there again, 4 rigs & 2 of em look to be the same( truck has same dealer decal) as yday. A different 1 with decals all over a back mudflap today. :scratch: Haven't seen any other guide services advertised over there lately but pretty sure Sundin hasn't been one of 'em as I kind of know his outfit.
Tink I not feel good. Doc said I should leave work early today and go north bear baiting. :sleazy: :smoking:
that sounds like something you'd do!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
that sounds like something you'd do!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
oh its happening..............i just hope i can wait till like......................................noon!!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
don't for get your new cock tail glass!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
don't for get your new cock tail glass!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: HUH?????????????????????
what ever!!!!!! :tut:
what ever!!!!!! :tut:
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: need a bigger one for up nort...........not so many refills!!!!!!!! :drinking: :tequila;
have fun up there and enjoy the glass!!! when we found it all I could say is you needed it!!!!
Tink I not feel good. Doc said I should leave work early today and go north bear baiting. :sleazy: :smoking:
You don't look so good either. :doofus: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:................................ :oops1: :sorry:....................................NOT! :super smiley: :laughroll:
what ever!!!!!! :tut:
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: need a bigger one for up nort...........not so many refills!!!!!!!! :drinking: :tequila;
Then you'd just fall in :campfire: :bonk: :rolleyes: :laugh:
that's it i gotta go get my medicine..............SEE YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Better pick up two large bottles. ;)
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our neighbors at the cabin where up so I went over to let them know we where going to shoot the rifles not to jump outta there skin. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
they said they where up when the ice went out on the lake. they went for a canoe ride and made the comment that there where 12 eagles along the north shore feasting on dead fish!!!!!!! :confused: :pouty:
When did you go? :scratch: Early Friday, be my guess, or late Thursday? :confused:
When did you go? :scratch: Early Friday, be my guess, or late Thursday? :confused:
friday afternoon.....got there about 5;30 pm. couldnt you tell......................the weather was awesome!!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :azn:
Yeah, I could tell as that was 'bout the time I heard the 1st drums beatin down at the Pow Wow grounds. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Yeah, I could tell as that was 'bout the time I heard the 1st drums beatin down at the Pow Wow grounds. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:banghead: :banghead: training-087 :taz: :taz: :taz: :taz: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Yeah, I could tell as that was 'bout the time I heard the 1st drums beatin down at the Pow Wow grounds. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Thought I heard somethin'..... :scratch:
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our neighbors at the cabin where up so I went over to let them know we where going to shoot the rifles not to jump outta there skin. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
they said they where up when the ice went out on the lake. they went for a canoe ride and made the comment that there where 12 eagles along the north shore feasting on dead fish!!!!!!! :confused: :pouty: No wonder I saw all the over weight eagles heading west over my cabin this spring.
Were your baits hit?
He might need more bait by the time this rain finishes. :scratch: 'Sposed to keep it up through tomorrow mornin now. Comin down pretty good here for the last 1/2 hour or so.
our neighbors at the cabin where up so I went over to let them know we where going to shoot the rifles not to jump outta there skin. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
they said they where up when the ice went out on the lake. they went for a canoe ride and made the comment that there where 12 eagles along the north shore feasting on dead fish!!!!!!! :confused: :pouty: No wonder I saw all the over weight eagles heading west over my cabin this spring.
Were your baits hit?
yep 4 of 6 were hit...........how's your buddy doing????????
He might need more bait by the time this rain finishes. :scratch: 'Sposed to keep it up through tomorrow mornin now. Comin down pretty good here for the last 1/2 hour or so.
got plenty of bait!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: it rained last weekend after we checked them sunday morning and only one was hit then. those bear know where the baits are now.....rain will only mess it up a bit.....more then likely those baits getting hit were already cleaned out by the time this rain hit.
How many baits you got out?
How many baits you got out?
6. its me and the kid. each hunter can have a max of 3 baits set.
chek out the good news.etc thread by dakids and the hey bear hunters thread!!!!!!!!!!!!! everything ya need to know from me, the expert!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Expert of :bs: :rotflmao:
Expert of :bs: :rotflmao:
yea i learned alot of that reading your guyz posts!!!!!!!!!!! :moon: :doah: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Want to guess what the most important thing I ever learned from your posts is glenn? :scratch: :rolleyes: :sleazy: :evil: ....................................... How quickly I can forget. ;) :super smiley: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :nerd:
Oh Gunner, Everyone in Stearns county, except for me, is full of it. :rotflmao:
Oh Gunner, Everyone in Stearns county, except for me, is full of it. :rotflmao:
:crazy: :rotflmao: Yea OK. And boars can catch fish. :doah: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Heard a few rounds being fired yday afternoon 'bout 3:30-4, wonder :scratch: if it was our little blue buddy? Sounded like it was from that direction to me.
pop gun noise carries that far??????????? :rotflmao:
Heading up there now. I'll check around and see if I hear of any wild bear stories from west of me. My buddy has a license and I'm going fishing. :happy1:
Heading up there now. I'll check around and see if I hear of any wild bear stories from west of me. My buddy has a license and I'm going fishing. :happy1:
good luck merc!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Kind of quiet 'round here. ;) :happy1: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Were you causin trouble while you were up here too, glenn? :evil: :tut: Heard a police report on the radio on the way home from GR today that said they had a report of property damage in Spring Lake. It was on Peterson, you get into it :mad1: with the neighbors. ;) :laugh:
:scratch: Were you causin trouble while you were up here too, glenn? :evil: :tut: Heard a police report on the radio on the way home from GR today that said they had a report of property damage in Spring Lake. It was on Peterson, you get into it :mad1: with the neighbors. ;) :laugh:
:tut: :tut: not me!!!!!! :angel: :angel: :angel: I don't have time to get in trouble up there. any other details?????? for a labor day weekend I thought it was unusually quiet over the whole weekend. what side the lake, any names of the place?
my kid did get check by a CO sunday morning coming out from behind the store. checked his license, and gun. he has it in a hard case and the CO took it out to see if he had a shell chambered.
but when he seen his last name he new he was an honest law abiding citizen. :happy1: :happy1:
didnt get much fishing in, but FINALLY got my boat in a lake. ended up with 2 meals. 12 sunfish, 7 crappies.
:scratch: Were you causin trouble while you were up here too, glenn? :evil: :tut: Heard a police report on the radio on the way home from GR today that said they had a report of property damage in Spring Lake. It was on Peterson, you get into it :mad1: with the neighbors. ;) :laugh:
:tut: :tut: not me!!!!!! :angel: :angel: :angel: I don't have time to get in trouble up there. any other details?????? for a labor day weekend I thought it was unusually quiet over the whole weekend. what side the lake, any names of the place?
my kid did get check by a CO sunday morning coming out from behind the store. checked his license, and gun. he has it in a hard case and the CO took it out to see if he had a shell chambered.
but when he seen his last name he new he was an honest law abiding citizen. :happy1: :happy1:
didnt get much fishing in, but FINALLY got my boat in a lake. ended up with 2 meals, as Morey's was open. Bought 12 sunfish, 7 crappies.
There, I fixed the slight error for ya. :rotflmao:
:scratch: Were you causin trouble while you were up here too, glenn? :evil: :tut: Heard a police report on the radio on the way home from GR today that said they had a report of property damage in Spring Lake. It was on Peterson, you get into it :mad1: with the neighbors. ;) :laugh:
:tut: :tut: not me!!!!!! :angel: :angel: :angel: I don't have time to get in trouble up there. any other details?????? for a labor day weekend I thought it was unusually quiet over the whole weekend. what side the lake, any names of the place?
my kid did get check by a CO sunday morning coming out from behind the store. checked his license, and gun. he has it in a hard case and the CO took it out to see if he had a shell chambered.
but when he seen his last name he new he was an honest law abiding citizen. :happy1: :happy1:
didnt get much fishing in, but FINALLY got my boat in a lake. ended up with 2 meals, as Morey's was open. Bought 12 sunfish, 7 crappies.
There, I fixed the slight error for ya. :rotflmao:
why you !@#$%^&*&^%$%^&*^%$#$%^&! :confused: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: training-087 training-087 :taz: :taz:
:scratch: Were you causin trouble while you were up here too, glenn? :evil: :tut: Heard a police report on the radio on the way home from GR today that said they had a report of property damage in Spring Lake. It was on Peterson, you get into it :mad1: with the neighbors. ;) :laugh:
:tut: :tut: not me!!!!!! :angel: :angel: :angel: I don't have time to get in trouble up there. any other details?????? for a labor day weekend I thought it was unusually quiet over the whole weekend. what side the lake, any names of the place?
my kid did get check by a CO sunday morning coming out from behind the store. checked his license, and gun. he has it in a hard case and the CO took it out to see if he had a shell chambered.
but when he seen his last name he new he was an honest law abiding citizen. :happy1: :happy1:
didnt get much fishing in, but FINALLY got my boat in a lake. ended up with 2 meals, as Morey's was open. Bought 12 sunfish, 7 crappies.
There, I fixed the slight error for ya. :rotflmao:
why you !@#$%^&*&^%$%^&*^%$#$%^&! :confused: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: training-087 training-087 :taz: :taz:
Gunner initially suggested it. :nerd:
Didn't ya just miss us?! :rotflmao:
yea well your both goll darn no good fer nuttin troublemakers!!!!! :confused: :taz: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Were you causin trouble while you were up here too, glenn? :evil: :tut: Heard a police report on the radio on the way home from GR today that said they had a report of property damage in Spring Lake. It was on Peterson, you get into it :mad1: with the neighbors. ;) :laugh:
That's all they had no names or any more on the location. :scratch: :confused:
Hmmmmmm…...gonna have to ask some of my informants!!!!!
So Glenn does get his fish at Moreys. Was wondering how he could get fish to bring home. :rotflmao: Heading back up for four days so my buddy can do some more hunting. Then the 16th one last fishing trip up there. :happy1:
:scratch: Were you causin trouble while you were up here too, glenn? :evil: :tut: Heard a police report on the radio on the way home from GR today that said they had a report of property damage in Spring Lake. It was on Peterson, you get into it :mad1: with the neighbors. ;) :laugh:
:tut: :tut: not me!!!!!! :angel: :angel: :angel: I don't have time to get in trouble up there. any other details?????? for a labor day weekend I thought it was unusually quiet over the whole weekend. what side the lake, any names of the place?
my kid did get check by a CO sunday morning coming out from behind the store. checked his license, and gun. he has it in a hard case and the CO took it out to see if he had a shell chambered.
but when he seen his last name he new he was an honest law abiding citizen. :happy1: :happy1:
didnt get much fishing in, but FINALLY got my boat in a lake. ended up with 2 meals. 12 sunfish, 7 crappies.
He's really not that fussy either :tut: 'cause he does catch & eat crappies. ;) :smiley:
:tut: not if I can help it. My kid wanted them. :pouty:
:scratch: He came along, :scratch: thought was just 2 after Yogi & Boo Boo? :confused:
:scratch: He came along, :scratch: thought was just 2 after Yogi & Boo Boo? :confused:
yea its him and I chasing bears!!!!!!!!!!
:bonk: I thought :scratch: you said it was the brudder & you. :confused: :doofus:
:bonk: I thought :scratch: you said it was the brudder & you. :confused: :doofus:
:tut: :tut: :tut: you let the thinkin to me!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :rotflmao:
my brudder lives in Wisconsin so he don't wanna wait and pay for an out of state bear license. he already buys out of state fishing, spearing, deer, small game, waterfowl licenses.
:bonk: I thought :scratch: you said it was the brudder & you. :confused: :doofus:
:tut: :tut: :tut: you let the thinkin to me!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :rotflmao:
my brudder lives in Wisconsin so he don't wanna wait and pay for an out of state bear license. he already buys out of state fishing, spearing, deer, small game, waterfowl licenses.
:tut: :tut: :tut: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: I would've but your :doofus: not "workin" today. ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: Besides it's Saturday & we all know what that's like for you. ;) :campfire: :campfire: :toast: :toast: :drinking: ;D ;D
:bonk: I thought :scratch: you said it was the brudder & you. :confused: :doofus:
:tut: :tut: :tut: you let the thinkin to me!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :rotflmao:
my brudder lives in Wisconsin so he don't wanna wait and pay for an out of state bear license. he already buys out of state fishing, spearing, deer, small game, waterfowl licenses.
:tut: :tut: :tut: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: I would've but your :doofus: not "workin" today. ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: Besides it's Saturday & we all know what that's like for you. ;) :campfire: :campfire: :toast: :toast: :drinking: ;D ;D
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :smoking: maybe not da fire with the rain coming but the rest!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: matter oh fact i best get more ice on dat :toast: :toast:
:scratch: Don't have a frig in the garage for that? :confused: That ice is expensive & you could buy more canning supplies if you weren't buyin all that ice. :crazy: :doofus: ;) :smiley:
:scratch: Don't have a frig in the garage for that? :confused: That ice is expensive & you could buy more canning supplies if you weren't buyin all that ice. :crazy: :doofus: ;) :smiley:
sure do. 3 frigs to be exact and 3 freezers. beer starts off in the frig, gets put in a cooler and ice on da top.
I haven't bought ice in years. I save the gallon milk jugs fill them with water and stick in the freezer. use hatchet to bust up...…..TAA..DAA!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
most likely a rusty hatchet too!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
I bet he sits the ice on his head and does this... :bonk: :rotflmao:
I bet he sits the ice on his head and does this... :bonk: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :doah: That would explain a lot. :crazy: :doofus: :rolleyes: :laugh:
I bet he sits the ice on his head and does this... :bonk: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :doah: That would explain a lot. :crazy: :doofus: :rolleyes: :laugh:
:taz: :taz: :taz: :banghead: :banghead: training-087 :tut: :tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: maybe!!!!!!!
most likely a rusty hatchet too!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
not after i'm done busting up the ice!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :happy1: :happy1:
well i recieved an email from the grand rapids fisheries people. long story short, they dont give 2 sheets about those little lakes. :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :confused: :banghead: :banghead: training-087 training-087
the lake north of us we fish pike at. they said...........the water level is extremeely low expanding the shallow area used by plants and suseptable to winter kill. the deep basin doesnt have the capacity to maintain stress free oxygen levels throughout the year. he says unfortunelty it doesnt make sense to do an introductory restocking until the water levels rise and conditions become favorable.
on the lake the cabin is on...............he said the lake did not get checked, but while the lake has a history of an occasional winter kill its likeley these kill have been incomplete.apparently someone, not us called and claimed winterkill in 2015 but found fish present.he mentioned several lakes in the area have partial winterkill and are good fishereies,and basiclly said the lake may be "resetting :doofus: itself cause pike and sunfish tend to be density dependent. he did say if we dont catch anything next year to call and they'd do some sampling.
:angry2: :angry2: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
Kind of tough for 9 full time & 9 seasonal people to manage all 1000 lakes not to mention all the river areas. I read somewhere recently where the average CO now covers ~ 600 sq. miles. :thumbs: :pouty: :sad:
Kind of tough for 9 full time & 9 seasonal people to manage all 1000 lakes not to mention all the river areas. I read somewhere recently where the average CO now covers ~ 600 sq. miles. :thumbs: :pouty: :sad:
:doah: :doah: figure 4-4 1/2 months of summer, 1000 lakes that about 8 lakes a day. whats the problem????????????? :scratch: :scratch: :doah: :doah:
besides they don't hit each lake every year and some rarely.
Wowser, you best clear off all the snow this winter to keep the weeds oxygenateing the lake from here on out.. seriously tho, lakes go thru cycles but it all comes back..
lets just say that little pike honey hole north of us looked pretty extreme. he thinks the water is low this year...….he shoulda seen it the past 2 years. the water level is way up compared.
The more of those little pike you catch the more you are helping the fishery. I love eating those little pike. Not hard to get the Y bones out neither.
Kind of tough for 9 full time & 9 seasonal people to manage all 1000 lakes not to mention all the river areas. I read somewhere recently where the average CO now covers ~ 600 sq. miles. :thumbs: :pouty: :sad:
:doah: :doah: figure 4-4 1/2 months of summer, 1000 lakes that about 8 lakes a day. whats the problem????????????? :scratch: :scratch: :doah: :doah:
besides they don't hit each lake every year and some rarely.
:scratch: Sure sounds EZ. :tut: :pouty: 'Spose you'd have them ignore the ones that get all the traffic & bring all the people 'round spendin lots of $. :scratch: So fewer people :fishing:, fewer licenses sold, less $ for DNR, so even fewer full time employees. Personally I think the DNR wastes way too much $ on the fat cats in St. Paul, who do very little to help most of us or even goin to court to fight over the name of a lake :thumbs: :bonk:
Well that sucks, long range forecast for next Friday and sat a 49% and 50% chance of storms. :angry2: :angry2:
Well that sucks, long range forecast for next Friday and sat a 49% and 50% chance of storms. :angry2: :angry2:
:violin: :violin: :violin: :cry: :cry: :cry: Maybe more :angel: & less :evil:........................................................... can't hurt, might even help. :whistling: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Me??? :angel: :angel: I'm a saint. :rolleyes:
Me??? :angel: :angel: I'm a saint. :rolleyes:
:happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Dreamin again? :scratch: :doah: I see the Bemidji Weather Channel was only 40% for Friday but 65% for Saturday. A little better on TWC's site for Saturday
Me??? :angel: :angel: I'm a saint. :rolleyes:
:happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Dreamin again? :scratch: :doah: I see the Bemidji Weather Channel was only 40% for Friday but 65% for Saturday. A little better on TWC's site for Saturday
rain!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry2: :angry2: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! :taz: :taz: :taz: :banghead: :banghead:
Well that sucks, long range forecast for next Friday and sat a 49% and 50% chance of storms. :angry2: :angry2:
:violin: :violin: :violin: :cry: :cry: :cry: Maybe more :angel: & less :evil:........................................................... can't hurt, might even help. :whistling: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Me??? :angel: :angel: I'm a saint. :rolleyes:
:happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Dreamin again? :scratch: :doah: I see the Bemidji Weather Channel was only 40% for Friday but 65% for Saturday. A little better on TWC's site for Saturday
rain!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry2: :angry2: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! :taz: :taz: :taz: :banghead: :banghead:
Bad karma? :scratch: :tut: :pouty: :sleazy: :nerd:
Still comin down here, ~ 1/4". They're sayin more tonight.
Still comin down here, ~ 1/4". They're sayin more tonight.
good!!!!! rain itself out before thursday!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
:scratch: Not sure I'd bet much on that. :tut:
It quit 'bout 1, still only 1/4" in the gauge.
Just a shade over 1.1" in the gauge this morning, so that's .8-.9" overnight.
I talked to 1 of the neighbors yday PM & he said he had a little over 1" on both Tuesday & Wednesday mornings. So did the guy across the road. All the water I found in the ditch when I was pickin up the garbage along the road yday tends to get me thinkin their totals are closer than ours. :confused: The last I seen they've backed off the rain for tomorrow but increased it for Saturday.
So say I thought I'd need some extra beer, drove to Marcel and picked some up. On my way back to the cabin I stopped at Merc place. He tells me to stop anytime but he wasn't there. :pouty: :pouty: wax going to leave him a beer but didn't think I could spare an extra 6 PAC! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
You stopped? I was almost there as I'm going up tomorrow to cut grass and look at leaves. Sure it was the right place? Sometimes people stop at the neighbors. Sign on the cabin with my last name? Just making sure so if you ever go by again you are at the right place. Dang, wish I would have been there. :happy1:
Was your place established in 1965. Place green? Fire number 40265??! That I'm guessing off the top of my head.
Yes it is. If you ever go by again and see any vehicles stop. I have real beer there!! :rotflmao:
looking at the future weather forecast up there..................... Merc and Gunner must be going back up soon.........the "S" word is mentioned in the forecast for later in the week next week!!!! :doofus: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :pouty: The forecast I looked at said the nasty stuff was gonna hold off until the 9th or 10th of October. :scratch: :confused: :mooning: :mooning: ;D ;D
:tut: :tut: :pouty: The forecast I looked at said the nasty stuff was gonna hold off until the 9th or 10th of October. :scratch: :confused: :mooning: :mooning: ;D ;D
:mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: what can you believe from an iowegian wedder person!!!!!!!! :confused: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: It was 1 of Reb's buddies. ;) :rolleyes: :laugh:
:tut: It was 1 of Reb's buddies. ;) :rolleyes: :laugh:
well all they do is forecast rain and snow anyway, so...………………………………. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: It was 1 of Reb's buddies. ;) :rolleyes: :laugh:
HEY!!!!!!!!!! :tut:
:nerd: :nerd:
Glenn, who drives a red car at your cabin? I was at Spring Lake so thought I would swing by and see where your at. Drove in and garage was open, ATVs were out and a red car was there. I didn't see anyone around or moving inside the cabin so I left. Nobody shot at me so they must be friendly. :happy1:
I have no idea. My budder had sconnie plates. My kid was up but he has a blue car. Da brudder had a high school buddy up and his kid and a friend. Might of been them. My brother kid wax also there but he don't have any red vehicle. Was there a boat around? Nights been fishing of out hunting.
Maybe it was Christie......? :scratch: ;)
Maybe it was Christie......? :scratch: ;)
Naw she wax wore out from when I was up there with her!! :sleazy:
Maybe it was Christie......? :scratch: ;)
Naw she wax wore out from when I was up there with her!! :sleazy:
say what?????????????
Maybe it was Christie......? :scratch: ;)
Naw she wax wore out from when I was up there with her!! :sleazy:
say what?????????????
Fat fingers on a cell phone and not in a thinking mode for some reason.
I'm with ya friend ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Maybe it was Christie......? :scratch: ;)
Naw she was wore out from when I was up there learning to fish!! :sleazy:
You made her paint the shed???!!
I fixed yer post too. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Hey Glenn I know exactly what you are saying. I would wax the heck out of her too. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Didn't see a boat. I drove behind the store there looking for a guy I know that has a place back in a ways. Didn't know they were logging. It was a muddy mess and met two logging trucks so I never did get back where I wanted to go. You are a ways off the road. How the heck do you make it in winter? My buddy didn't get a bear this year so we gave it one more try but no luck. He did have a shot earlier in the season but messed that up. Oh well we do have three doe permits so maybe that will be better!!
My kids bear bait stand he's hunting is behind the store. Way back. Opposite of the road that goes to goose lake.
Man I am really surprised how high the lakes are. I dumped 4 inches of rain out of the rain gauge before I put it away for the winter. I haven't seen the cabin lake this high in 30 years.
But man are the trails soupy. :confused: :doofus:
I didn't get down to the lake 'til Monday last week when the sun finally came back out. :sad: It was EZ to tell as the boat came off the lift that the lake was up 3-4" or more from where it was when we left. Water's so high & with our bank we're going to have to jack up the lake side of the lift again when we pull it just to get it out of the water. Hope it drops some yet before we get ice as ice out got a bit hairy last Spring.
We had a few flurries here during the day on Thursday but not enough to even tint the ground white. Now Friday night & early Saturday was a different story as the ground was white early on. It didn't stay long though as it turned to rain on & off later. I saw where the lady who is the WCCO Weather Watcher for Inger reported 2" on Saturday morning. She lives on the south shore of the main lake over by where the river comes in. Nowhere near the 4" you said you had up there though.
i found out yesterday that my pal, George at the deer river bait store passed away earlier this past week. :doah:
story around town is his kids are probably gonna shut the doors.
Sorry to hear about your buddy, glenn. :sad: Just glanced at his place yday on our way back from GR & thought somethin looked different. Messed around with the lift this AM & brought it in to just about the rip rap. It's still sittin in enough water that I could put the boat on it. :crazy: I put some rope on it when we had the last nice weather & the lake has came up another 2-3" since that time. I can only remember 1 time when it was higher. Dad had a little 2 stall boathouse, galvanized pipe for posts along with a galvanized roof, down there & we had to lay some planks along the shore to get to it. Had to be late 70's-early 80's.
is that Freds bait shop???
is that Freds bait shop???
NO :tut: on the east end of town. why would i call him George iffin it was fred!!!!!!!!!! :crazy: :crazy: :doofus: :doofus: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: was called the bait shop!!!!!!
Becuz yer................ :lipsrsealed:
Becuz yer................ :lipsrsealed:
I do not know how many bait shops are there ya clown!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
is that Freds bait shop???
NO :tut: on the east end of town. why would i call him George iffin it was fred!!!!!!!!!! :crazy: :crazy: :doofus: :doofus: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: was called the bait shop!!!!!!
:tut: Der ain't no Fred at Fred's bait :bonk: :doofus:..........................................no more. ;) :laugh: :laugh: Don't think there ever was either :scratch:. Bill Powell owns it now, his dad & grandpa started it in the early 60's
is that Freds bait shop???
NO :tut: on the east end of town. why would i call him George iffin it was fred!!!!!!!!!! :crazy: :crazy: :doofus: :doofus: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: was called the bait shop!!!!!!
:tut: Der ain't no Fred at Fred's bait :bonk: :doofus:..........................................no more. ;) :laugh: :laugh: Don't think there ever was either :scratch:. Bill Powell owns it now, his dad & grandpa started it in the early 60's
:pouty: :pouty: how would i know....they got bankers hours and are usually closed when i go thru. i know the kid that worked there this summer though!!!!!! His name was Sam.
:scratch: Still opening at 6, at least that's what there sign said yday & open more than the rest IMO. Their hours change next month 'til 'bout 1st ice though. Sportsman's don't open much before that, 5 or 5:30
gunner I did not know that either ya clown!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:scratch: Still opening at 6, at least that's what there sign said yday & open more than the rest IMO. Their hours change next month 'til 'bout 1st ice though. Sportsman's don't open much before that, 5 or 5:30
Well 6 am don't do me jack when I usually come through by 8 or 9 pm. Some of us still have jobs. :confused: :pouty: :doofus: :rotflmao:
Well!! :shocked: They've only been in business 50+ years so I'm sure they know when it pays to be open. :tut: Good luck findin another 1 that's open then, bet 90% or more are closed at that time. :doah: Maybe :scratch: you should buy that business, DR, with some of those big bucks your makin & pay somebody to run it so they can be open when you go through. :rolleyes: ;) :laugh: :nerd: Just checked the hours on the 1 that was in Cohassett & moved to GR, 1000 Lakes, even they close at 6:00 every night, Young people, 30 ish :scratch:, runnin that 1 too. Might have buy a good aerated insulated bucket & start bringing it with you.
Well!! :shocked: They've only been in business 50+ years so I'm sure they know when it pays to be open. :tut: Good luck findin another 1 that's open then, bet 90% or more are closed at that time. :doah: Maybe :scratch: you should buy that business, DR, with some of those big bucks your makin & pay somebody to run it so they can be open when you go through. :rolleyes: ;) :laugh: :nerd: Just checked the hours on the 1 that was in Cohassett & moved to GR, 1000 Lakes, even they close at 6:00 every night, Young people, 30 ish :scratch:, runnin that 1 too. Might have buy a good aerated insulated bucket & start bringing it with you.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: naw i'll just take an extra day of and go up early or leave early!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: i can always plan a meeting in grand rapids!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Well!! :shocked: They've only been in business 50+ years so I'm sure they know when it pays to be open. :tut: Good luck findin another 1 that's open then, bet 90% or more are closed at that time. :doah: Maybe :scratch: you should buy that business, DR, with some of those big bucks your makin & pay somebody to run it so they can be open when you go through. :rolleyes: ;) :laugh: :nerd: Just checked the hours on the 1 that was in Cohassett & moved to GR, 1000 Lakes, even they close at 6:00 every night, Young people, 30 ish :scratch:, runnin that 1 too. Might have buy a good aerated insulated bucket & start bringing it with you.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: naw i'll just take an extra day of and go up early or leave early!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: i can always plan a meeting in grand rapids!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Why all the :violin: :violin: :violin: :cry: :cry: :cry: then. :tut: :tut: :mooning: :mooning: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: no whining.....just stating a fact. besides what business wouldnt be open on nights when fishermen and hunters are traveling through!!!!!!!! especially employeed ones!!!!!!! :doah: :scratch: :scratch:
:swords: :swords:
:swords: :swords:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: no whining.....just stating a fact. besides what business wouldnt be open on nights when fishermen and hunters are traveling through!!!!!!!! especially employeed ones!!!!!!! :doah: :scratch: :scratch:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: Cause they only come in a few times a year instead of a few times a month. :bonk: :rolleyes: :pouty:
After messin with the lift a bit yday we decided that with the water so high we weren't going to be able to put it where we usually do as only the front wheels were barely going to be out the water. Last season at ice out the water level had come up so much from all the snow & the strong NW wind pushed the ice against our shore, movin the lift sideways 2-3'. Not wanting a repeat of that we called the GR guy who runs a barge service that many others on the lake use at this time of year & in the Spring. Got the answerin machine when we called but he called back within 5-10 minutes & it turns out he has 10-15 other jobs out here coming up in the next week or so, depending on the weather. He's gonna move it 30-40' north where the bank is cut away a bit & put it up completely on shore for us for only $75. :happy1: It was a big relief for us so we had to check out HH. ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: Not that busy over there at 1st but by the time(5:30-6)we left it was full, a lot of food too. Heard a rumor while we were there that the place had been sold, but not even the help seemed to know much about it. :scratch:
interesting on yer watering hole.. the one I went to that closed is reopening again under new management.. leashing it.. and for only 6 months.. sooo it will interesting how that goes.. mid 20's is how old they are with no money???? who knows...
Maybe Glenn bought it? Man $75. What a bargain. Sounds like the new annual program to me. :happy1: :happy1:
Is that Riley's Gunner?
Mike, what place is that?? Richie's?
Thunder lodge on the south side of Long Prairie..
Is that Riley's Gunner?
Mike, what place is that?? Richie's?
Yup. :happy1:
Maybe Glenn bought it? Man $75. What a bargain. Sounds like the new annual program to me. :happy1: :happy1:
Kinda what we thought too, LPS. Within 20-30 minutes of talkin to the guy we both agreed for that $ we may want to use him in the Spring & Fall every year. :happybounce: :cool: We knew he did a lot of others on the lake, docks too, but figured he'd get $200-300 a pop.
Will he haul Smurfs away for that?
Maybe Glenn bought it? Man $75. What a bargain. Sounds like the new annual program to me. :happy1: :happy1:
Kinda what we thought too, LPS. Within 20-30 minutes of talkin to the guy we both agreed for that $ we may want to use him in the Spring & Fall every year. :happybounce: :cool: We knew he did a lot of others on the lake, docks too, but figured he'd get $200-300 a pop.
that's what I learned a few years ago... hire help it's worth it!!! just my dock and lift out of the lake less than a hour ago.. good feeling too.. I help with my wheeler and rope... now I have hired a friends kids and they are awesome!!!
Darned right! My front lawn is getting mown as we speak! :happy1:
:happy1: :happy1: I even got the snow blower all put together so it's ready too!!!
Maybe Glenn bought it? Man $75. What a bargain. Sounds like the new annual program to me. :happy1: :happy1:
Kinda what we thought too, LPS. Within 20-30 minutes of talkin to the guy we both agreed for that $ we may want to use him in the Spring & Fall every year. :happybounce: :cool: We knew he did a lot of others on the lake, docks too, but figured he'd get $200-300 a pop.
that's what I learned a few years ago... hire help it's worth it!!! just my dock and lift out of the lake less than a hour ago.. good feeling too.. I help with my wheeler and rope... now I have hired a friends kids and they are awesome!!!
There's a young guy on our bay that hires out helpin people with their gear Spring & Fall too :cool: Very reasonable from what I hear too but no barge.
Will he haul Smurfs away for that?
:happy1: :scratch: Doubt it, I wouldn't. ;) :rolleyes: I'd want at least double that. :laugh: :laugh:
Will he haul Smurfs away for that?
:happy1: :scratch: Doubt it, I wouldn't. ;) :rolleyes: I'd want at least double that. :laugh: :laugh:
:tut: :tut: :confused: :pouty:
:sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
my brother sent me a text last nite that pizzez me off totally, :confused: :confused: him and his mother decided to use the cabin the second weekend of dec to go up fishing. i've had that weekend for at least 15 years and all of a sudden they think its the first weekend i go up.
neither one are considerate enough nor smart enough to ask me first which weekend i usually go. i sure hope he gets time to put chains on the wheelers cause i sure as hell aint friggin doing it now. :angry2: :angry2:
my brother sent me a text last nite that pizzez me off totally, :confused: :confused: him and his mother decided to use the cabin the second weekend of dec to go up fishing. i've had that weekend for at least 15 years and all of a sudden they think its the first weekend i go up.
neither one are considerate enough nor smart enough to ask me first which weekend i usually go. i sure hope he gets time to put chains on the wheelers cause i sure as hell aint friggin doing it now. :angry2: :angry2:
:bonk: :tut: Or that's what's best for him/them & they didn't give a rats :moon:. :thumbs: :mad1: :pouty:
my brother sent me a text last nite that pizzez me off totally, :confused: :confused: him and his mother decided to use the cabin the second weekend of dec to go up fishing. i've had that weekend for at least 15 years and all of a sudden they think its the first weekend i go up.
neither one are considerate enough nor smart enough to ask me first which weekend i usually go. i sure hope he gets time to put chains on the wheelers cause i sure as hell aint friggin doing it now. :angry2: :angry2:
:bonk: :tut: Or that's what's best for him/them & they didn't give a rats :moon:. :thumbs: :mad1: :pouty:
naw its more of absent minded, not smart enough to ask first. :doah: :censored: :doofus: :doofus: :confused:
its OK there are other weekends.......... but yea he heard about it and naturally passed it off on me to deal with mom. mommy's favorite ya know. dont wanna make mommy made!
:scratch: So your thinkin it was most likely his moms ;) idea? :confused:
:scratch: So your thinkin it was most likely his moms ;) idea? :confused:
yep!!!!!!! but i've noticed she seems to forget things lately or dont remember, she is like 84. or she does it on purpose. her filter is going wacko to , some of the things she says, she doesnt need to say at times. :confused: :confused: :pouty:
that's sad Glenn....
Most people call that old age. :scratch: Mom's 88 & we get that sometimes too. :rolleyes: :pouty: Just have to realize whats happening with them & not take it to heart. :surrender:
Most people call that old age. :scratch: Mom's 88 & we get that sometimes too. :rolleyes: :pouty: Just have to realize whats happening with them & not take it to heart. :surrender:
i get that but to mess with my first weekend of spear chuckin..................... :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :confused: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :bonk: Some days I bet it seems like the WHOLE world is out to mess :bs: with glenn, doesn't it? :sleazy: :crazy: :pouty: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :bonk: Some days I bet it seems like the WHOLE world is out to mess :bs: with glenn, doesn't it? :sleazy: :crazy: :pouty: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: yea somedays..........but i get even sooner or later!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :rolleyes: :cool:
Most people call that old age. :scratch: Mom's 88 & we get that sometimes too. :rolleyes: :pouty: Just have to realize whats happening with them & not take it to heart. :surrender:
i get that but to mess with my first weekend of spear chuckin..................... :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :confused: :rotflmao:
Oh, poor liddle fella. :violin: Maybe it's that stoopid wagglin' finger.......... :oscar:
Most people call that old age. :scratch: Mom's 88 & we get that sometimes too. :rolleyes: :pouty: Just have to realize whats happening with them & not take it to heart. :surrender:
i get that but to mess with my first weekend of spear chuckin..................... :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :confused: :rotflmao:
Oh, poor liddle fella. :violin: Maybe it's that stoopid wagglin' finger.......... :oscar:
:pouty: :pouty: :pouty: awe go take your rubby ducky and play in the street and in da rain!!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning:
and just for you............... :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
morning REB!!!!!!! :cool: :dancinred: :dancinred: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
Wonder how long it will be before we hear of ice fishing reports up there. :scratch: :scratch:
There are a lot of posts on Nextdoor about it icing up. Some drone shots from the weekend showed a big area of open water in front of the PA & a ways north up the narrows as well as another big area from shore to shore just south of the islands on Sand. The cold temps last week helped I'm sure but the wind of Sunday/Monday probably took care of some of that. Just peeked at Modis yday as it was the 1st clear day in a while. Didn't look real close but Leech & Winnie/Cutfoot looked pretty close to being locked up.
Is that mud puddle your talking about considered a real lake?? :scratch: :scratch: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :mooning:
:tut: :tut: :tut: Don't think :scratch: there's EVER been much winter kill let alone froze out like some of the mud puddles in the area. :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :evil:
I agree. :rotflmao: but it sure was good getting a good poke first thing in the morning. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao: when you headed back up?? :scratch:
I agree. :rotflmao: but it sure was good getting a good poke first thing in the morning. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao: when you headed back up?? :scratch:
:swords: ;) :laugh: Got a 2nd roll off dumpster filled last weekend in Austin so got good start on the house. We'll probably go back up there for at least a couple days yet this week. Brother has a bunch of appts early next week(eye clinic, dr, & dentist), Sis's for Turkey Day but we might fly up next Friday, just for a short stay. Probably come back Monday or Tuesday.
just got a weather alert for up north. looks pretty crappy............one would think Gunner's up there!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
sure is gonna be fun pokin da bear when he's not around to defend himself or shoot back!!!!!!!!!!! :smoking: :sleazy: :dancinred: :dancinred: :nerd: :nerd: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Hmmm...that from the guy that
whines grouses about when he's gone that we.....O, never mind! :nerd:
Hmmm...that from the guy that whines grouses about when he's gone that we.....O, never mind! :nerd:
yea but........dats different!!!!!!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
just got a weather alert for up north. looks pretty crappy............one would think Gunner's up there!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
sure is gonna be fun pokin da bear when he's not around to defend himself or shoot back!!!!!!!!!!! :smoking: :sleazy: :dancinred: :dancinred: :nerd: :nerd: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
:shocked: :bonk: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: : :pouty: :pouty: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :taz: :taz: :taz: :taz: :taz: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
:super smiley: :super smiley: :super smiley: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Anybody hear from our Marcell buddy lately? :scratch:
Anybody hear from our Marcell buddy lately? :scratch:
I've seen him checking in now and then.
:cool: Thanks!
Ahhh, a NICE QUIET weekend, 'bout time. ;) :whistling: ;D ;D
Gophers at 11 ya know. I wonder who will QB? Would be nice if Morgan can play. He has a concussion but not sure how bad.
Yeah, I"ll be watchin. I couldn't find anything :scratch: that said Morgan was cleared/going to play. Only that the 2 freshmen qb's they have would be in there if Morgan can't go.
Heard from the neighbors across the road & they had 7" Wed/Thurs up there. Our road didn't get plowed 'til yday.
it was weird driving up, north of Emily you could tell they had freezing rain. north of remer that and some snow. cty rd 11, or the deer river shortcut was snow packed as usual. hwy 6 north of deer river about the otenagen road was absolutely horrid.
yea they appeared to be a little slow with road plowing.
Ahhh, a NICE QUIET weekend, 'bout time. ;) :whistling: ;D ;D
:mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning:
I'M BAACCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :dancinred: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
GUNNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get OUT THE SQUEEK SPRAY!!!!!! :doah:
WElll............................... :confused: Where da turdy point buck?
GUNNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get OUT THE SQUEEK SPRAY!!!!!! :doah:
WElll............................... :confused: Where da turdy point buck?
apparently gonna be a turdy four pointer next year. they went full nocturnal...and were taunting me...……. we walked out last nite……..dey walk all over in our foot prints...….. :confused: :confused: :confused:
Too bad...not even a one in sight?
we could only shoot a buck...………..so no.
GUNNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get OUT THE SQUEEK SPRAY!!!!!! :doah:
WElll............................... :confused: Where da turdy point buck?
Too smart for 'em. :doofus: Even when they :bambi: weren't payin attention they'd hear this really annoyin sound & run. ;) :laugh: :laugh:
it was weird driving up, north of Emily you could tell they had freezing rain. north of remer that and some snow. cty rd 11, or the deer river shortcut was snow packed as usual. hwy 6 north of deer river about the otenagen road was absolutely horrid.
yea they appeared to be a little slow with road plowing.
Not surprised 1 bit, the neighbor tells us that if there's no school a lot of the secondary roads don't get plowed. We found that to be true when we're up there this time of year so we go the other way. More traffic that way & the roads are usually much better.
I hear ya about the snow plowing up there. Highway 286 by me has to be the last state road to get plowed in the entire state. Oh by the way i'm finally around again after two and a half months of going up hunting. First my buddy had a bear license, then he bought a cross bow so that and then rifle hunting. Time to get the ice gear ready and hopefully it won't be another slush filled winter like last year. :happy1:
Heard some slushy reports already from up Vermilion way. Neighbor said we had 7" last Wed/Thurs that's enough to make it messy. Was wonderin :scratch: what was up with you as the latest post I could find was early September. Haven't seen much activity over at Geiger's yet & their camera looks like they didn't get near that much snow. Somebody posted a pic of 7" of ice in front of their place on the west shore of the main lake the other day on Sand.
I know Rapids had about an inch and Geigers doesn't look like a whole lot plus the lake looked like it all blew off. See what happens with the next to fronts coming in this week.
No storm warning in TWC's forecast for up there for Tuesday/Wednesday that I could see. Snow showers for Wednesday AM though plus Friday & Saturday both said 1-3" .
Winter Storm Warning
National Weather Service La Crosse WI
257 PM CST Mon Nov 25 2019
...Hazardous Travel Expected Tuesday Night into Wednesday...
.A winter storm will result in hazardous driving conditions
Tuesday night into Wednesday with significant snowfall for much
of the area. A band of 6 to locally 10 inches of accumulation is
expected across portions of north-central Iowa, southeast
Minnesota, and west-central into north-central Wisconsin. In
addition, gusty winds will result in some blowing snow and poor
visibility. As precipitation tapers off Wednesday morning, some
areas could see a period of freezing drizzle which will
result in a light glaze of ice.
WHEEEEEE! :party1:
Winter Storm Warning
National Weather Service La Crosse WI
257 PM CST Mon Nov 25 2019
...Hazardous Travel Expected Tuesday Night into Wednesday...
.A winter storm will result in hazardous driving conditions
Tuesday night into Wednesday with significant snowfall for much
of the area. A band of 6 to locally 10 inches of accumulation is
expected across portions of north-central Iowa, southeast
Minnesota, and west-central into north-central Wisconsin. In
addition, gusty winds will result in some blowing snow and poor
visibility. As precipitation tapers off Wednesday morning, some
areas could see a period of freezing drizzle which will
result in a light glaze of ice.
WHEEEEEE! :party1:
:doofus: :doofus: :tut: :tut: :tut: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic:
Winter Storm Warning
National Weather Service La Crosse WI
257 PM CST Mon Nov 25 2019
...Hazardous Travel Expected Tuesday Night into Wednesday...
.A winter storm will result in hazardous driving conditions
Tuesday night into Wednesday with significant snowfall for much
of the area. A band of 6 to locally 10 inches of accumulation is
expected across portions of north-central Iowa, southeast
Minnesota, and west-central into north-central Wisconsin. In
addition, gusty winds will result in some blowing snow and poor
visibility. As precipitation tapers off Wednesday morning, some
areas could see a period of freezing drizzle which will
result in a light glaze of ice.
WHEEEEEE! :party1:
:doofus: :doofus: :tut: :tut: :tut: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic:
Does all that sign language mean wrong thread Glenn?
He's doesn't know what it means. Gotta get the chance to wave that finger at me.
Well, I like to return waves..... :mooning:
Winter Storm Warning
National Weather Service La Crosse WI
257 PM CST Mon Nov 25 2019
...Hazardous Travel Expected Tuesday Night into Wednesday...
.A winter storm will result in hazardous driving conditions
Tuesday night into Wednesday with significant snowfall for much
of the area. A band of 6 to locally 10 inches of accumulation is
expected across portions of north-central Iowa, southeast
Minnesota, and west-central into north-central Wisconsin. In
addition, gusty winds will result in some blowing snow and poor
visibility. As precipitation tapers off Wednesday morning, some
areas could see a period of freezing drizzle which will
result in a light glaze of ice.
WHEEEEEE! :party1:
:doofus: :doofus: :tut: :tut: :tut: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic:
Does all that sign language mean wrong thread Glenn?
Yea he posted a weather warning for lacrosse wi. A long way from talmoon. :doofus:
It's along way from Tipperary, too, buffoon. Sorry ultra-maroon. :bow:
It's along way from Tipperary, too, buffoon. Sorry ultra-maroon. :bow:
my my a little testy are we? :scratch: :scratch: :tut: :tut:
Nope! Not a bit! And quit waggling that stoopid finger!
Now they(TWC) have a WWA for N Itasca Co for 9 tonight 'til noon Wednesday sayin 2-6". :scratch:
Nope! Not a bit! And quit waggling that stoopid finger!
:bonk: You tell 'em Reb!! ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Nope! Not a bit! And quit waggling that stoopid finger!
:bonk: You tell 'em Reb!! ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Geiger's camera been showing snow since ~ noon. TWC's WSW for up there is saying 5-11" by noon tomorrow for DR :pouty:, 9-15" over around the big lake where Reiny goes.
Five inches would be all right but we don't need more than that or the lakes will end up like last year. :mad1:
Five inches would be all right but we don't need more than that or the lakes will end up like last year. :mad1:
that depends on what they got Thursday/ Friday. :scratch:
Checked out TE's camera early, 'bout sunrise( 7 ish) & swore I seen some lights out on the lake to the east of them. Could've easily been out front of the PA on 35 & it was headlights so I'm thinkin it was a couple 4 wheelers. Can't see 'em out there now but lookin at the snow on their deck now it looks like they got plenty. I've been in contact with our neighbor up there recently & they said the Wed/Thurs of the week before Thanksgiving we had 7" over there. Geiger's didn't look like they got anywhere near that much then, looks to me like they have more today than they had before turkey day. :doah: :sad: :thumbs: :pouty:
:pouty: :pouty: not good for the lakes. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
wonder how my mom and brother are going to fair in 2 weeks...…….now i'm glad I wont be the first one up there!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: suckas!!!!!! :smoking:
Really sucks. Last year I paid $600 in plowing and never fished until all the snow melted so I was hoping this year would be a year to make up for that. Doesn't look like that so far. :angry:
I spent from right after New Years 'til the end of March up there the last 2 seasons & think :scratch: I only got out once, not at all last year. :thumbs: :pouty: :bonk: :banghead: :taz: :sad:
I don't even think we got plowed out last year. it was great the second weekend of December last year. planned to go new years but that got shut down, I did go up before that new years blizzard just to get all my stuff back home. I did go check the lake after it mostly melted but broke thru the top layer into 6 inches of water....no thanks.
my nephew went up super bowl weekend and he spent 4 hours just to get out on the lake to fish.....idiot. and of course if someone didn't pay to get it plowed out, he wasn't. :confused: :confused:
yep looking like another one of those years. :angry2: :angry2:
:scratch: Wasn't he the 1 who started the Great Furnace Caper up there? Never did hear how that ended &/or what the real issue was? :confused:
yepper……..I don't really remember either...…….I washed my hands of it. :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :surrender: :surrender:
I just sent a text to my coworker...….informant up there...……..see what he says!!!!!!
He says get up and fish early ice, now is the time.. :crazy:
..I don't really remember either...
.I washed my hands of it. :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :surrender: :surrender:
I'm bettin :scratch: they didn't want you to find out what needed to be done either. :tut:
Naw I usually get the quilt trip. How much it cost :blablabla: :blablabla: :blablabla:
Naw I usually get the quilt trip. How much it cost :blablabla: :blablabla: :blablabla:
Bet the rest probably don't help support the place much, if at all. :sad:
My informant just got back to me. They had 6 inches of snow this round but hasn't heard an ice report yet. So not sure how much snow they had before???
Just what they had when you went up the last time is all I know of. With the wind they've had the ice over at Geiger's looked like most of that had blown off.
Looks like there's some 4 wheeler tracks goin out of Geiger's today.
Saw that Gunner, we were going to go up next week but now the temps are supposed to be cold. Only a high of -2 on Wednesday. I think I will wait till the week before Xmas. :happy1:
Saw that Gunner, we were going to go up next week but now the temps are supposed to be cold. Only a high of -2 on Wednesday. I think I will wait till the week before Xmas. :happy1:
your gonna let a little cold stop you?? :pouty: :pouty: you retired guys getting soft. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
Yes young man that's what's nice about retirement. Fish when it's nice and stay home and relax when it's cold. :happy1:
:rotflmao: I hear ya. Usually back where we are if it's predicting -2 it's usually -15 actual temp. I know where your coming from. :happy1:
Saw that Gunner, we were going to go up next week but now the temps are supposed to be cold. Only a high of -2 on Wednesday. I think I will wait till the week before Xmas. :happy1:
your gonna let a little cold stop you?? :pouty: :pouty: you retired guys getting soft. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
:tut: :tut: :mooning: :mooning: :pouty: :pouty: Reb wanted me too! ;) :rolleyes: :nerd: :nerd:
Looks like they made 1 pass at the top of their ramp with the plow in the last couple days.
Saw that Gunner, we were going to go up next week but now the temps are supposed to be cold. Only a high of -2 on Wednesday. I think I will wait till the week before Xmas. :happy1:
your gonna let a little cold stop you?? :pouty: :pouty: you retired guys getting soft. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
:tut: :tut: :mooning: :mooning: :pouty: :pouty: Reb wanted me too! ;) :rolleyes: :nerd: :nerd:
Gunner, Bowstring Shores said they had 9" of ice in front of their resort on Dec. first. They also have new owners over there which I just saw. :happy1:
So I can't keep those resorts on bowstring straight. :doofus: :doofus: is bowstring shores one of the resorts along 35 or the one out on the point to the left as you look out on the lake from the 36 access?? The resort with the big dock system before it goes into that bay???
:scratch: :confused: It's not on 35 & 36 only goes around Sand to my knowledge. It's SE of PA on 35 kinda down by the airport. I don't check their camera much but it did look like they had quite the set up of docks & lifts, last I looked.
That's the one Glenn. A lot of dock and they have a camera facing the lake so I can check both sides between then and Geigers. Doesn't mean much but at least I can see if anybody is fishing out from them.
so I talked to my fellow coworker, he said over thanksgiving they got about 6 inches of snow and there really isn't a lot of snow on the lakes. with this cold weather coming ice should be pretty good next weekend. to bad I got screwed out of my normal weekend. :confused: :confused:
oh well, lets hope things stay decent for new years!!!!!!!
Oh no, not this :violin: :violin: :violin: :cry: :cry: :cry: again! ;) ;D ;D I just checked the 10 day for up there & it had -3/-4 for the highs on Tuesday-Wednesday. It did mention AM snow showers for Friday & Saturday though, only amount for that was < 1" on Saturday.
Oh no, not this :violin: :violin: :violin: :cry: :cry: :cry: again! ;) ;D ;D I just checked the 10 day for up there & it had -3/-4 for the highs on Tuesday-Wednesday. It did mention AM snow showers for Friday & Saturday though, only amount for that was < 1" on Saturday.
WHY YOU...…………@#$%^&*(*&^%$#$%^&*()_+_(&%#$%^&*!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: well it does pizz me off. I just responded to an email from her this morning. I could go up but i'm boycotting!!!!!!! there take that!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:nerd: :nerd: :evil: :sleazy: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
My trip is back on for a week from tomorrow. Make ice this week and fish next week. :happy1:
My trip is back on for a week from tomorrow. Make ice this week and fish next week. :happy1:
now...….if you could only get past hayslips!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I make sure I get up there before 11:00 so they aren't open, if it's later well you have to support the local economy!! :smiley:
Looks like at least a couple more inches today at Geiger's, can't really tell :scratch: if it's still comin down.
The camera over at The Narrows shows that it's still spittin a little over there.
whoops...wrong thread.
Gunner..........Merc.............i know you guys probably told me already but i have alot of important stuff to remember. so how or where do you go on the interweb to get to these up nort cameras????????????????? :scratch: :scratch:
Geigers Trail End Resort and Williams narrows cam. On Williams you go to the bottom and choose which camera you want to look at. Gunner might have some other ones.
Gunner..........Merc.............i know you guys probably told me already but i have alot of important stuff to remember. so how or where do you go on the interweb to get to these up nort cameras????????????????? :scratch: :scratch:
:rolleyes: :pouty: Nope that's the 2 I have bookmarked/ saved in my favorites ;) :laugh:
Geigers Trail End Resort and Williams narrows cam. On Williams you go to the bottom and choose which camera you want to look at. Gunner might have some other ones.
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: thanks Merc!!!!!!!!!
Lakewood Lodge by us used to have 1 too glenn but it doesn't seem to be working much anymore. I think a lot of them have went to just making them available on their Facebook page & I don't do FB
Lakewood Lodge by us used to have 1 too glenn but it doesn't seem to be working much anymore. I think some of them have went to just making them available on their
Facebook page & I don't do FB.
well next time up there go jack them up..get it rolling. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Bowstring Shores has one but they are redoing their web page so it is down right now but you can get it through face book. Should be back on soon from what they are saying as new owners took over and are making some changes.
Checked the weather up there REAL early & they had -16 & a WC of -28 then. I can almost hear the ice moanin & groanin from down here. Looks like they've upped the chance of snow for Friday to 60-70% but are still only talkin 1-3", but you know how that goes sometimes. :rolleyes:
Checked the weather up there REAL early & they had -16 & a WC of -28 then. I can almost hear the ice moanin & groanin from down here. Looks like they've upped the chance of snow for Friday to 60-70% but are still only talkin 1-3", but you know how that goes sometimes. :rolleyes:
Gunner, that was just glenn when they said he had to get up and do some work.... :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Checked the weather up there REAL early & they had -16 & a WC of -28 then. I can almost hear the ice moanin & groanin from down here. Looks like they've upped the chance of snow for Friday to 60-70% but are still only talkin 1-3", but you know how that goes sometimes. :rolleyes:
Gunner, that was just glenn when they said he had to get up and do some work.... :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:cheerleader: :banghead: :banghead: training-087 :tut: :tut: :tut: :rotflmao:
Checked the weather up there REAL early & they had -16 & a WC of -28 then. I can almost hear the ice moanin & groanin from down here. Looks like they've upped the chance of snow for Friday to 60-70% but are still only talkin 1-3", but you know how that goes sometimes. :rolleyes:
Gunner, that was just glenn when they said he had to get up and do some work.... :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Even when he calls 4-5 posts per hour W O R K? :shocked: :doah: :rolleyes: :nerd: :nerd: :tut:
Checked the weather up there REAL early & they had -16 & a WC of -28 then. I can almost hear the ice moanin & groanin from down here. Looks like they've upped the chance of snow for Friday to 60-70% but are still only talkin 1-3", but you know how that goes sometimes. :rolleyes:
Gunner, that was just glenn when they said he had to get up and do some work.... :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Even when he calls 4-5 posts per hour W O R K? :shocked: :doah: :rolleyes: :nerd: :nerd: :tut:
:confused: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
those 2 cams out on bowstring and williams narrows are cool to look at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
HEY MERC and GUNNER...………...what are your informants telling you guys about lake conditions up there????
in looking at them lake cams I don't really see that much snow on the lake or ground. :scratch: :scratch: I talked to my kid tonight, he seems to think my mom went back to Wisconsin to my stepdads place and didn't go up north because of all the snow???????? but doesn't know for sure. of course she didn't tell me nothing?????????? :doah: :scratch:
and other reports are scattered and sketchy at best.
Geez Glenn... :confused:
hey Glenn just get up and go up there who cares!! :happy1:
hey Glenn just get up and go up there who cares!! :happy1:
NEW YEARS...……..depending on the weather. but i'm not fighting slush...……………..
Glenn, I don't know a whole lot but I know Bow has 10" of ice with 6 to 8 inches of snow on the ice according to Bowstring Shores. Smaller lakes sound like some slush but don't know how much. I'm supposed to go up Monday but with the highs in the single digits not sure. Will find out tomorrow what my buddy wants to do. I will let you know if we go and what we find.
If merc's info is right along with what Sundin says in the new fishing reports thread that the small lakes have more snow on them because the wind didn't blow it off. More snow = more slush, at least right now. Of the people we know up there now hardly any ice fish, but if I was a gamblin man I'd say if Bow has 6-8 " of snow your little lake has at least 2", to maybe 4" more. Maybe Kettle will post about what he finds this weekend over on FM, it seems like he fishes mostly the smaller lakes in our area.
thanks guys!!!!!! all i can say based on what i seen the 3rd weekend of deer hunting there was maybe 6 inches, but no more then that, of snow on land and the lake didnt have any snow on it. what happened after that....well its mixed reports.
so, according to the DNR website snow cover up there is right around 12-15 inches of snow. :scratch: :scratch:
What I seen of the radar early this AM, they got some more today. No idea how much. :scratch:
I got a couple people I am going to call when it gets closer. iffin I gotta pay it myself to get plowed out so be it. i'll pay him again to put all the snow back in the road.
there take that!!!!!!!!!!! :moon: :moon: :bs: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Well, we decided to go up Monday so being the super nice guy I am I will give you a report when we get back. The things I do in life to be nice to Glenn I will never figure out. :rotflmao:
Well, we decided to go up Monday so being the super nice guy I am I will give you a report when we get back. The things I do in life to be nice to Glenn I will never figure out. :rotflmao:
now dats funny!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Well, we decided to go up Monday so being the super nice guy I am I will give you a report when we get back. The things I do in life to be nice to Glenn I will never figure out. :rotflmao:
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
hurry back!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Well, we decided to go up Monday so being the super nice guy I am I will give you a report when we get back. The things I do in life to be nice to Glenn I will never figure out. :rotflmao:
now dats funny!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
awe go to bed...... :pouty: :tut: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :evil:
Well, we decided to go up Monday so being the super nice guy I am I will give you a report when we get back. The things I do in life to be nice to Glenn I will never figure out. :rotflmao:
now dats funny!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
awe go to bed...... :pouty: :tut: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :evil:
I did and slept good too!!! thanks!!!
I've been really studyin those webcams up there, yea there's snow but it really doesn't look like its undoable??????????? :scratch: :scratch:
MERC, I'd suggest reading kettle's post. :bs: :surrender: wasn't good. It made up my mind I'm not going up new year's. :confused: :angry2: :angry:
there sure isn't a lot of activity out of Geiger's per there webcam?????????
Rain nor sleet nor snow will keep me away. Now my buddy, that may be different. I guess I will leave it up to him as he is going to drive. :undecided:
Rain nor sleet nor snow will keep me away. Now my buddy, that may be different. I guess I will leave it up to him as he is going to drive. :undecided:
well iffin ya cant get passed Hayslips………. weather is always good in there!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Holy crap, just looked at the weather forecast for up there. :doofus: -33 below tonight. :doofus: :confused:
Rain nor sleet nor snow will keep me away. Now my buddy, that may be different. I guess I will leave it up to him as he is going to drive. :undecided:
well iffin ya cant get passed Hayslips………. weather is always good in there!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Bet they're already warmin up his barstool. :laugh:;)
You know all the years I've driven by that place I always told my fishing buddies, we should stop in there once and see what it's like. Maybe my next trip!! Think anyone will believe this story? :scratch:
You know all the years I've driven by that place I always told my fishing buddies, we should stop in there once and see what it's like. Maybe my next trip!! Think anyone will believe this story? :scratch:
:laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: NOPE. not a chance. :tut: :rotflmao:
You know all the years I've driven by that place I always told my fishing buddies, we should stop in there once and see what it's like. Maybe my next trip!! Think anyone will believe this story? :scratch:
:doah: :bonk: :tut: :tut: :crazy: NO!!!! ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
A guy can't get away with anything on here. :rotflmao:
It looks like somebody :scratch: had ideas of maybe walkin out at Geiger's but thought better of it after only getting 5-10' out there. :bonk: Some different lookin tracks on the other cam too, 2 of 'em look like they might go right through the Narrows. :bonk: That's :crazy: as nobody usually ever goes through there, way too much current. Not sure where they get on but all the traffic over there always comes from the west side on that 1.
yea most those tracks werent there yesterday evening, so that all had to happen today!!!!!!!
Looks like fresh Otter sled tracks out of Geiger's now. :scratch:
the first 2 cams on the williams narrows cams didnt have those tracks this morning...............AND they look awefully wet. :pouty: :confused: :confused:
I only looked at the West facing 1 & it was hard to tell what made them. :scratch: Kind of looked like it might've been cross country ski's to me. :confused:
the Geiger cam looks like there's been some foot traffic along shore, looks also like that path out on the lake got filled with snow, but i still dont see anything for shelters out farther.
Can you post that cam link?
Can you post that cam link?
i just oogled.....Geigers trails end
williams narrows and found it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well post it!!! :bonk: Isn't that what this site is for? ;) :rotflmao:
Bobbers Outdoor Cams??!??!???! Now what?!
Well post it!!! :bonk: Isn't that what this site is for? ;) :rotflmao:
Bobbers Outdoor Cams??!??!???! Now what?!
:scratch: Bottom right..................... LIVE Webcams is the link I have saved, your link is Outdoor Cams/Still
good gawd, gunner wanna go up there and hold his hand to help him!!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Up there? I'm down here, ya knockwurst! :bonk:
:scratch: No! :rolleyes: :tut: Besides sometimes he kinda reminds me of another guy 'round here that I know. :pouty: :laugh: :laugh:
Up there? I'm down here, ya knockwurst! :bonk:
well bubble butt......gunner's in iowa...............so iffin he goes to rochester.......thats going up there. :confused: :pouty: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Bubble butt?!??! Well! That REALLY frosts the cake!!!! :mooning:
Bubble butt?!??! Well! That REALLY frosts the cake!!!! :mooning:
:happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: anything for you bud!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :mooning:
man them webcams sure are slow. the first cam on the narrows............sure looks like some real wet snow!!!!!!!!
man them webcams sure are slow. the first cam on the narrows............sure looks like some real wet snow!!!!!!!!
Yeah, the 1 at the Narrows is really slow to boot. I'll even refresh it or switch to 1 of the other cameras sometimes to see if that helps. Seems like it might :scratch:, once in a while.
Looks like that shack on the west side of WN is back out there now.
Looks like that shack on the west side of WN is back out there now.
yea i seen that. watched him set it up for a short period. that area just a short distance away seems to look like it gets more wet every day!!!!!!!
i still dont see merc out on bowstring!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: musta fell over in the deep snow!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
i'm not real sure but that 3rd cam on williams narrows from bobbers bar, i've seen way more then my share of slush in a snowmobile track..........and it looks like alot!!!!!!!!!!
Usually just the West 1 for me as that usually shows the most activitly. I'll check the East cam now & then as there will be a few along that north shoreline sometimes. Don't look at any of the others much at all.
Haven't been able to get the east cam & bobbers to work lately :scratch:, might just be the internet hook up we have down here. Austin & at the lake are both higher speed so got to check that out. I did see somebody set up, yday PM, to the west of where the shack was the other day though. Couldn't tell what type of shelter they had. Pretty gray/slushie lookin the last couple days on that side closer to the narrows & the warmer temps comin won't help.
Haven't been able to get the east cam & bobbers to work lately :scratch:, might just be the internet hook up we have down here. Austin & at the lake are both higher speed so got to check that out. I did see somebody set up, yday PM, to the west of where the shack was the other day though. Couldn't tell what type of shelter they had. Pretty gray/slushie lookin the last couple days on that side closer to the narrows & the warmer temps comin won't help.
just looked......yea thats alot of slop the way that looks. seems to get worse by the day!!!!
Yeah, I just peeked & that's way worse than yday. :tut:
Looks like some fresh tracks out of Geiger's today & somebody is way to the west at the 1 over on Cutfoot. Wonder :scratch: what happened to merc? Get stuck at Hayslips? ;) :laugh: Hope he didn't fall in. :confused:
Looks like some fresh tracks out of Geiger's today & somebody is way to the west at the 1 over on Cutfoot. Wonder :scratch: what happened to merc? Get stuck at Hayslips? ;) :laugh: Hope he didn't fall in. :confused:
maybe he wandered over to inger?????????? :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
man that west cam on Williams narrows just gets worse looking everyday. what a mess.
Just watched on Geiger's cam a truck with a plow on the ice working his road close to shore. Man did that bring water up on the ice.
Had a busy week, didn't even try fishing. Slush everywhere we went. Going back in a couple of weeks, if we can't get out around the cabin may try Winnie or Red. Not much else to say except the beer was cold at Hayslips. :happy1:
I see my post from yesterday vanished so I'll tell you again that I seen(east cam) somebody thinkin about walking around that fishing platform they have at The Narrows on Saturday morning. He started on the east side & got 'bout 1/2 way around before changin his mind. He thought about givin the other side a shot too until he looked underneath it before callin it off. There was a couple shacks out on the bobber's outdoor cam west of the narrows that day too. They looked to be quite a bit west of where that closest 1 had set up earlier to me.
seen all that too gunner.............what a mess. and i most certainly never seen slush at hayslips!!!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: In merc's beer, maybe? ;) :laugh: :laugh:
when the beer is really cold it can have some slush in it. Better to have slush in your beer than standing in it on the lake. :happy1:
when the beer is really cold it can have some slush in it. Better to have slush in your beer than standing in it on the lake. :happy1:
:happy1:i can agree with that. maybe if you'd switch from that schmidt beer to a good one it wouldnt slush up!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
The last time I had a Schmidt was on the lake your on. We were fishing and a guy yells at us to come on up and have a beer. It was Schmidt, man that had some kick to it. Many years ago I drank it but no more. Busch Light for me now!! I need a beer with a little alcohol in it, not MGD. :happy1:
The last time I had a Schmidt was on the lake your on. We were fishing and a guy yells at us to come on up and have a beer. It was Schmidt, man that had some kick to it. Many years ago I drank it but no more. Busch Light for me now!! I need a beer with a little alcohol in it, not MGD. :happy1:
MGD??? MILLER beer?? :rotflmao:
Miller? You better read the can. :rotflmao:
Me thinks Miller has a MGD??
Your right, wrong letters. I guess I had too many Busch Lights when I typed. :sad:
:happy1: ;) MGL = glenn :campfire: :drinking:
Looks like 2-3 people set up quite a bit north on the west side this AM at WN
:happy1: ;) MGL = glenn :campfire: :drinking:
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Looks like 2-3 people set up quite a bit north on the west side this AM at WN
seen that too, but man it just looks like the slush/water on the ice keeps getting worse.
the closer the new years weekend gets, the more i'm kinda glad i'm not gonna go and fight that crap!!!!!!
Ah, c'mon! :shocked: I was lookin forward to hearin some of your :violin: :violin: :violin: :cry: :cry: :cry: stories. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: :rolleyes: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Ah, c'mon! :shocked: I was lookin forward to hearin some of your :violin: :violin: :violin: :cry: :cry: :cry: stories. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: :rolleyes: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :nerd: :nerd:
lookin at the cams, they had some snow up there overnite, all that brown stained water/ice on geigers is a pretty white now!!!!!!
Just checked 'em too & it doesn't look like there's much fresh snow on the other 1. It does look like the west side of the narrows is a lot worse & could open back up anytime. The east camera isn't much better as 3/4 of it is grey/slushie lookin now.
Just checked 'em too & it doesn't look like there's much fresh snow on the other 1. It does look like the west side of the narrows is a lot worse & could open back up anytime. The east camera isn't much better as 3/4 of it is grey/slushie lookin now.
morning!!!!!!!! HH kick ya yesterday???? :scratch: :scratch: :doah: littl late this morning!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
UGH............ just looked at accuweather.......... there talked 8-12 inches of snow up there this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!THAT will take care of any fishing plans that way for me. uffda!!!!!!
:doah: I probably was movin long, ~5, before you were. :tut: :tut: :mooning: :mooning: :pouty: That's OK too as I don't need a much beauty sleep as you do. :nerd: :nerd: :sleazy:
:doah: I probably was movin long, ~5, before you were. :tut: :tut: :mooning: :mooning: :pouty: That's OK too as I don't need a much beauty sleep as you do. :nerd: :nerd: :sleazy:
getting up to take your dose of geritol dont count!!!!!!!!! :moon: :moon: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
well the NOAA just upped the snow probability totals now to 12 to 18 inches of snow!!!!!!!!!! :snow2: :snow2: :snow4: :snow4: :snow5: :snow5: :snow3: :snow3: :snow3:
National Weather Service Duluth MN
233 PM CST Thu Dec 26 2019
Deer River Area..
* WHAT...Heavy mixed precipitation expected. Total snow
accumulations of 5 to 10 inches and ice accumulations of up to
one eigth of an inch possible. Heavier snow accumulations of 6
to 12 inches will be possible from the Brainerd Lakes area north
through the central Borderland. Winds could gust as high as 40
* WHERE...Portions of east central, north central and northeast
* WHEN...From Saturday morning through early Monday morning.
Should be exciting. Glad I have all day to plow the driveway.
National Weather Service Duluth MN
233 PM CST Thu Dec 26 2019
Deer River Area..
* WHAT...Heavy mixed precipitation expected. Total snow
accumulations of 5 to 10 inches and ice accumulations of up to
one eigth of an inch possible. Heavier snow accumulations of 6
to 12 inches will be possible from the Brainerd Lakes area north
through the central Borderland. Winds could gust as high as 40
* WHERE...Portions of east central, north central and northeast
* WHEN...From Saturday morning through early Monday morning.
Yea well the forecast I saw was 12 to 18 inches.
TWC's site has the same as Reb's NWS for SL Twp but goin from 9 AM Sat-6 AM Mon :scratch:
TWC's site has the same as Reb's NWS for SL Twp but goin from 9 AM Sat-6 AM Mon :scratch:
Yea I seen that to after I posted. Who really knows anyway. That's still to much for lake conditions. :pouty:
Yeah, I have to believe your right. :bonk: OUCH!! That hurt. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Anywhere near those amounts of snow will put the kabosh on most, if not all, the travel on the area lakes. :pouty: Especially the way the ice has looked to be deteriorating over at WN this week. Wasn't surprised at all to see your post about the wheeler & trailer down by you goin through. :tut: A well known trouble spot, all the warm weather & they still gotta test it. :doofus: :banghead: No :fish2: worth that IMO. :crazy:
Deer River
* WHAT...Heavy mixed precipitation expected. Total snow
accumulations of 20 to 30 inches and ice accumulations of up to
an inch is possible. Heavier snow accumulations of 10
to 12 inches will be possible from the Brainerd Lakes area north
through the central Borderland. Winds could gust as high as 40
*Be prepared for no travel
There; feel better?
20-30 inches? :scratch: TWC's site still has the 5-10", .1" of ice WSW up for us & DR.
20-30 inches? :scratch: TWC's site still has the 5-10", .1" of ice WSW up for us & DR.
I "fixed" it just for him, Gunner, so he'd quit snappin' at me. ;)
:pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:
i just went to the accuweather site I have and it still says 12-18 for spring lake mn!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :mooning:
looks like there has been some activity out of geigers today already.....................
ya know, this really friggin suxs!!!!!!!!! this is the second new years in a row the weather has shut me down from being on a lake up north cause of the weather. :angry2: :angry2: i should be on the lake by now sitting in my spear shack, if not really close to it.
this will probably also be the first year since i needed to have a spear chuckin license that i wont get one due to the weather and ice conditions. :confused: :confused:
and likely the 3rd or 4th new years in like 15 years that there is rain for new years. :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:
there............i'm done whining..............for now!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :moon: :doah: :censored:
There'll be more :violin: :violin: :violin: :cry: :cry: :cry: & it won't be very long. :doah: :banghead: :tut: :nerd: :nerd:
There'll be more :violin: :violin: :violin: :cry: :cry: :cry: & it won't be very long. :doah: :banghead: :tut: :nerd: :nerd:
yea.............maybe!!!!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :confused:
Glenn, your spear lakes froze out so quit your whining. :rotflmao: I know a couple small ones that are dynamite. For a small fee I could share. :happy1:
Glenn, your spear lakes froze out so quit your whining. :rotflmao: I know a couple small ones that are dynamite. For a small fee I could share. :happy1:
I might have an old can of Schmidt somewhere in a closet!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: we still have some nords in our lake.
Glenn, your spear lakes froze out so quit your whining. :rotflmao: I know a couple small ones that are dynamite. For a small fee I could share. :happy1:
I might have an old can of Schmidt somewhere in a closet!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: we still have some nords in our lake.
Knowin merc he'd probably rather have that than that stuff :puke: you like. ;) :laugh:
i just went to the accuweather site I have and it still says 12-18 for spring lake mn!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :mooning:
:tut: When I just clicked on the WSW at the top of the page on your weather site it's now sayin 4-8" for 56680. Seen the same late yday too. :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :pouty: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:confused: :confused: I don't know there forecasts are all over the map......….l looked again to this morning and one has 1-2 ft of snow yet???????? who knows...……. it is what it is.....all I know is its goingto be a long winter not being able to get on the lake up there. need to think about around here but the ice conditions suck here too!!!!!!!!
appears to be a group of people on the live cam of Williams narrows out by that point. not snowing up there yet either by the looks of things.
The 1 closest to shore has been there almost every day since last weekend. Must be catchin some :scratch: as he's got a lot of company today.
my coworker just sent me a text. his kid went up to long up on hwy 6 north of talmoon. he said the lake had 4 inches of frozen slush and then 8 inches of good ice. he also said he don't know what it'll be after another pile of snow...…………….
and from what i'm reading the mille lacs area is getting dumped on snow!!!!!!!
just checked the cams...…..its snowing there...…… the narrows cams 2 are pretty foggy.
just checked the cams...…..its snowing there...…… the narrows cams 2 are pretty foggy.
:scratch: Sure that ain't a little MGL after glow? ;) :laugh:
just checked the cams...…..its snowing there...…… the narrows cams 2 are pretty foggy.
:scratch: Sure that ain't a little MGL after glow? ;) :laugh:
:tut: :tut: :tut: nope bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning. gotta be on the up and up. mommas on her way home. :angel: :angel: :cool:
The west side of the Narrows looks nasty out at least 50 yds, maybe more. You wouldn't catch me out there :thumbs: :tut:, gettin around on the lake might be 'bout done for this season up there. :sad:
just checked the cams...…..its snowing there...…… the narrows cams 2 are pretty foggy.
:scratch: Sure that ain't a little MGL after glow? ;) :laugh:
:tut: :tut: :tut: nope bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning. gotta be on the up and up. mommas on her way home. :angel: :angel: :cool:
:scratch: :laughroll: :laughroll: She knows what you were up too last night, your not foolin her. :rolleyes: Besides all she has to do is check the evidence. :tut: :doah:
crushed and in the recycling bin already....evidence destroyed!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: and she knows i'm a good boy...…….. :angel: :angel:
:rolleyes: :pouty:
narrows cam showing the docks, last one, appears to have some wet snow now!!!!!!!!!
Looks like ~ 4" or so :scratch: over at Geiger's to me & it's still spittin a little over on Cutfoot.
Looks like ~ 4" or so :scratch: over at Geiger's to me & it's still spittin a little over on Cutfoot.
next door a guy posted they had 12 inches of wet heavy snow. said he's 20 miles northwest of rapids.
doesnt that about put him in Merc's yard!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: he thought the lakes are totally screwedd for a while?????????
That's how far we are from GR. :scratch: Didn't think they'd let you on Nextdoor. :confused:
That's how far we are from GR. :scratch: Didn't think they'd let you on Nextdoor. :confused:
i gave up on that nextdoor thing a while back. it appeared i needed to start it up for my area and noone joined, or more like lt i had no clue.......... :pouty: :doah: i asked him where he was exactly but he didnt respond back!!!!!!!!! yet!
Looks like ~ 4" or so :scratch: over at Geiger's to me & it's still spittin a little over on Cutfoot.
next door a guy posted they had 12 inches of wet heavy snow. said he's 20 miles northwest of rapids.
doesnt that about put him in Merc's yard!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: he thought the lakes are totally screwedd for a while?????????
So what next door you talkin about Willis? :doofus: :confused: :rolleyes: :laugh:
:scratch: :doah: I see, you meant Kettle over there. :bonk: :banghead: So when you goin up, next week? :doofus: :nerd: ;) :laugh:
:scratch: :doah: I see, you meant Kettle over there. :bonk: :banghead: So when you goin up, next week? :doofus: :nerd: ;) :laugh:
well him and there's a fishwidow1 also! he's the one that said he's 20 miles from rapids~!
:scratch: :doah: I see, you meant Kettle over there. :bonk: :banghead: So when you goin up, next week? :doofus: :nerd: ;) :laugh:
well him and there's a fishwidow1 also! he's the one that said he's 20 miles from rapids~!
who say's thats a he???? could be a she!!!! just sayin!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :doah: I see, you meant Kettle over there. :bonk: :banghead: So when you goin up, next week? :doofus: :nerd: ;) :laugh:
well him and there's a fishwidow1 also! he's the one that said he's 20 miles from rapids~!
who say's thats a he???? could be a she!!!! just sayin!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :pouty: :pouty: yea ok........awe never mind.dont wanna start a war!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :doah: I see, you meant Kettle over there. :bonk: :banghead: So when you goin up, next week? :doofus: :nerd: ;) :laugh:
well him and there's a fishwidow1 also! he's the one that said he's 20 miles from rapids~!
who say's thats a he???? could be a she!!!! just sayin!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :pouty: :pouty: yea ok........awe never mind.dont wanna start a war!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
From what I've been reading looks like we might just have to fish local this year, not even sure our annual big pond run will happen. Not a flake was on the lakes here until today..
i've already got some serious concern about our lake and another severe winter kill, or any other lake for that matter thats subject to winter kill!!!!!!!!!
:scratch: :doah: I see, you meant Kettle over there. :bonk: :banghead: So when you goin up, next week? :doofus: :nerd: ;) :laugh:
well him and there's a fishwidow1 also! he's the one that said he's 20 miles from rapids~!
who say's thats a he???? could be a she!!!! just sayin!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :pouty: :pouty: yea ok........awe never mind.dont wanna start a war!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
You :sick:? :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Ok, fishwidow/fishwidow1 here. 100% male. The username came from my wife responding to a for sale item on HSO. I responded to an ad later and just kept the name since I am not a frequent poster. The guy that I responded to was also confused, since I told him I would buy his portable, but when he called and I answered, he was obviously expecting a woman. He asked to speak to fishwidow and I said I am fishwidow, he paused and said “Oh”. I told him I was headed out of town and would pick up the house on Monday, he said, “That’s ok. I’ll sell it to someone else.” I don’t have much luck trying to buy stuff for sale on outdoor websites.
Anyway, Glen, I’m not northwest of Grand Rapids, I’m a few miles east of 38. A couple inches of snow today, but it’s colder and the snow today is dry and lighter.
:scratch: Sure hope you have a lot of time & patience if your going to try & help us straighten glenn out. ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Some of us have been tryin for years. :bonk: :pouty: :crazy:
:scratch: Sure hope you have a lot of time & patience if your going to try & help us straighten glenn out. ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Some of us have been tryin for years. :bonk: :pouty: :crazy:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: never gonna happen!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Ok, fishwidow/fishwidow1 here. 100% male. The username came from my wife responding to a for sale item on HSO. I responded to an ad later and just kept the name since I am not a frequent poster. The guy that I responded to was also confused, since I told him I would buy his portable, but when he called and I answered, he was obviously expecting a woman. He asked to speak to fishwidow and I said I am fishwidow, he paused and said “Oh”. I told him I was headed out of town and would pick up the house on Monday, he said, “That’s ok. I’ll sell it to someone else.” I don’t have much luck trying to buy stuff for sale on outdoor websites.
Anyway, Glen, I’m not northwest of Grand Rapids, I’m a few miles east of 38. A couple inches of snow today, but it’s colder and the snow today is dry and lighter.
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: sweet....I make it to rapids once in a while. I visit the ASV/TEREX faculity in rapids.
Yeah FW, we're up there at least 8-9 months a year now. Grandparents bought a place a over by Inger & not far from Lakewood Lodge back in the fall of '63. Glenn is only 8-10 miles NE of us up by Spring Lake. We usually make 1 trip a week to GR for supplies, nice town. Been going back up just after New Years the last few years but probably won't be this year.
Just got back from Laughlin for five days. Was cold and windy out there too. I checked Bowstring Shores cam and it is solid slush out front. Looks like fishing is done until the big thaw in spring. Sucks, two years in a row of having my yard plowed and can't fish. :angry:
I cant get there cam to come up...………... :confused: :confused:
It's on their facebook page for now.
It's on their facebook page for now.
:thumbs: :thumbs: :pouty: :bonk: :bonk: :surrender: :surrender:
Just looked at the 1 at WN & those 2 skidhouses along with a porty on Bobber's cam over there. There's 2 close to shore on that point a ways north on the west cam over there too.
Just got back from Laughlin for five days. Was cold and windy out there too. I checked Bowstring Shores cam and it is solid slush out front. Looks like fishing is done until the big thaw in spring. Sucks, two years in a row of having my yard plowed and can't fish. :angry:
so Merc, your snow plow guy just automatically plow out when it snows or you gotta call him?! We call our guy, but it didn't happen last year, and highly doubtful it will happen this year also.
We went to Laughlin a couple of years ago and want to go back.
I go to Laughlin too much but it breaks up the winters. I like it, really laid back as most of the people down there are older snow birds. Glenn, I have him keep my yard open all winter. I can't find anyone that wants to do it when the snow gets too deep. To hard on there equipment is the reason. It's really hard to find someone to plow so I just keep him and pay and pay. Usually it's not a problem as I go up a lot but the last two winters now sucks. :sad:
I go to Laughlin too much but it breaks up the winters. I like it, really laid back as most of the people down there are older snow birds. Glenn, I have him keep my yard open all winter. I can't find anyone that wants to do it when the snow gets too deep. To hard on there equipment is the reason. It's really hard to find someone to plow so I just keep him and pay and pay. Usually it's not a problem as I go up a lot but the last two winters now sucks. :sad:
h i know the feeling!!!!!!!!!!! i might actually have to figure out the chain and other lakes around home!!!!!!!!
I go to Laughlin too much but it breaks up the winters. I like it, really laid back as most of the people down there are older snow birds. Glenn, I have him keep my yard open all winter. I can't find anyone that wants to do it when the snow gets too deep. To hard on there equipment is the reason. It's really hard to find someone to plow so I just keep him and pay and pay. Usually it's not a problem as I go up a lot but the last two winters now sucks. :sad:
hey Merc, where do you fly out of??? St. Cloud??
Mike, most of my trips are out of either St. Cloud or Brainerd. I have flown out of a half of dozen other locations just for something different but in winter I don't want to drive too far anymore. :happy1:
thanks I might have to look into that!!
Mike, most of my trips are out of either St. Cloud or Brainerd. I have flown out of a half of dozen other locations just for something different but in winter I don't want to drive too far anymore. :happy1:
you got some "sweetie" on the hook down there??????? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
thanks I might have to look into that!!
secret honeymoon!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :smoking: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
thanks I might have to look into that!!
secret honeymoon!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :smoking: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
nope just me to to do some thing different maybe!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Buy a picnic ham? :rotflmao:
Buy a picnic ham? :rotflmao:
not seeing that happening!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:scratch: Looks like some fresh tracks goin out Geiger's, could be yday's. Thought I seen some lights over in front of Co Rd 35 access too. :confused:
just looked to..........UFFDA it looks pretty soggy out on front geigers!!!!!!!!! :confused:
how can you see the cty 35 access from geigers!!!!!!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch:
:bonk: Can't really :doofus:, I just seen some lights a little north & quite a bit east of their(TE's) landing. I've seen some activty in that area before quite often & I'm just guessing that it's the area straight out from the other access that gets a lot of action this time of year. There's been a few houses over there in the past & usually a bunch of porties, 'specially weekends.
we did really good one year straight out from the 35 access. we lined up a blue greenish boat house and found 26 ft of water and got some dandy crappies......and walleyes........... but had to put them back as that was after season closed. :pouty: :pouty:
i had my camera down...........seen a monster pike!!!!!!!!!!!
looks like a feller standing by one of the fishouses on the view from bobbers bar view!!!!!!
Seen that yday mornin to. Looks like a portable way off in the distance today on the west cam over there.
A monster pike in Bow? Must have been too much Mich Golden. :rotflmao:
A monster pike in Bow? Must have been too much Mich Golden. :rotflmao:
hey.all dem little snot rockets gotta come from somewhere!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :rotflmao:
and maybe!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :toast: :toast:
Looks like some fresh wheeler tracks on the Bobber's cam today. Must've gotten more snow too as the plow truck was sittin on TE's ramp next to the steps over there.
I got 2 foggy pictures on the bobbers cams. :pouty: also looking like the new snow is getting water logged again.
Looks like some fresh wheeler tracks on the Bobber's cam today. Must've gotten more snow too as the plow truck was sittin on TE's ramp next to the steps over there.
so what is up with that plow truck on the ramp??? his way of saying stay off. :scratch: :scratch: with the looks of the slush in those tracks on the lake...…..it work for me!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
That'd be my guess. :scratch: People goin out of there while there not around maybe. :confused: Yeah I'm with you, just lookin at how deep & slushy those tracks look would get me to turn around. :bonk:
i talked to my coworker from up there today. he said he was up on long lake.....the one up north of talmoon on 6. he found 4 inches of good ice 8 inches of frozen slush ice, and after the hole was cut water/slush on top. this was looking at a spear hole. he didnt say how he did though.
he thought maybe snowmobile travel might be ok but not ATV!!!!!!!!!
SOUNDS like i'll be in rapids on the 15th of Jan!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :smoking: :smoking: :happy1: :rotflmao:
The plow truck has been moved & the ramp is plowed at Geiger's today.
It doesn't look like there's been any activity out of Geiger's recently but there appeared to be at least a couple sets of lights out there last night & again this AM early, looked to be out in front of the Co Rd 35 access again to me. I see there's a report from TE over on FM, 14" of ice along with 6" of slush with ~ 12" of snow on top of that. :crazy: :thumbs:
It doesn't look like there's been any activity out of Geiger's recently but there appeared to be at least a couple sets of lights out there last night & again this AM early, looked to be out in front of the Co Rd 35 access again to me. I see there's a report from TE over on FM, 14" of ice along with 6" of slush with ~ 12" of snow on top of that. :crazy: :thumbs:
seen that too!!!!! not a good cozy feeling to run right up there.!!!! :pouty:
looks like some activity on the narrows cams!!!!!!!!!!!
Tired of these winters up there. Slush just ends everything. Oh well, look at all the fish there will be come spring!! :happy1:
Tired of these winters up there. Slush just ends everything. Oh well, look at all the fish there will be come spring!! :happy1:
don't you know it Merc. I need to start learning these lakes in my back yard. :pouty: and the weather next weekend looks like crap!!!!! :pouty:
looks like some activity on the narrows cams!!!!!!!!!!!
Those porties weren't there when I looked last, ~ 10 or so. :scratch:
More snow overnight up there so you might want to take a shovel along if'n your stayin the night. :sleazy: :confused: ;) :laugh:
More snow overnight up there so you might want to take a shovel along if'n your stayin the night. :sleazy: :confused: ;) :laugh:
nope, headed back home............ unless it gets real bad, then i'll stay at the country inn in rapids.
Quite a little more snow on the railing over at Geiger's & it's still comin down. Pretty sure :scratch: I seen a small spot of open water on west lookin cam on the other 1 yday. :shocked:
Well made it to the Northland. Went to check out the cabin. Holy moly Rocky they got snowbanks drove in about half way where the road splits and there's a 7 ft snowbank someone piled snow right in the road and only way to get to the cabin. :angry2: :angry2: I'll be looking into this. :confused: :angry2: in rapids now. Started snowing about 8 and still coming down. Should be a fun drive home. :crazy: :crazy: :pouty:
Got closer to the cabin and noticed a lot of deer activity along the edges of the woods but nothing was crossing the road. Pretty good size banks for them to try and navigate.
Well off to do some union thuggery. :nerd: :nerd:
NO! Snowbanks?! Up north?! Gee whillikers! :rotflmao:
NO! Snowbanks?! Up north?! Gee whillikers! :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: oh I've seen big snowbanks up here before just not this early. Last year was close but this year has it beat no problem. The main road going in, you'd be hard pressed without backing up if you met another vehicle. Yea a one lane road.
Well made it to the Northland. Went to check out the cabin. Holy moly Rocky they got snowbanks drove in about half way where the road splits and there's a 7 ft snowbank someone piled snow right in the road and only way to get to the cabin. :angry2: :angry2: I'll be looking into this. :confused: :angry2: in rapids now. Started snowing about 8 and still coming down. Should be a fun drive home. :crazy: :crazy: :pouty:
Got closer to the cabin and noticed a lot of deer activity along the edges of the woods but nothing was crossing the road. Pretty good size banks for them to try and navigate.
Well off to do some union thuggery. :nerd: :nerd:
someone else wants to keep you away huh!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: fish fear me, women love me!!! :sleazy: :happy1:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: fish fear me, women love me!!! :sleazy: :happy1:
Well made it to the Northland. Went to check out the cabin. Holy moly Rocky they got snowbanks drove in about half way where the road splits and there's a 7 ft snowbank someone piled snow right in the road and only way to get to the cabin. :angry2: :angry2: I'll be looking into this. :confused: :angry2: in rapids now. Started snowing about 8 and still coming down. Should be a fun drive home. :crazy: :crazy:
Got closer to the cabin and noticed a lot of deer activity along the edges of the woods but nothing was crossing the road. Pretty good size banks for them to try and navigate.
Well off to do some union thuggery. :nerd: :nerd:
someone else wants to keep you away huh!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Bet it's NOT the 1 neighbor who'll talk to him! :bonk: ;) :laugh: Should be a real short investigation. :doofus: :sleazy: :nerd:
:pouty: :pouty: :tut:
:pouty: :pouty: :tut:
:sorry: I had to ;) :sleazy:.............................mikey wanted me to.......................so did Reb..........................& Dotch.......................& :scratch: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Ya, so? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: i dont get this much abuse doing negotiations!!!!!!!!!!! :bonk: :pouty: :pouty: :angry: :confused: :rotflmao:
:doah: :violin: :violin: :cry: :cry: ...............................;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :surrender:
Looks like 4 or 5 fresh sets of tracks goin out of Geiger's this afternoon :scratch: The 1 headed a little south looks like it could be a wheeler to me :confused:, the rest look like sled tracks to me. None were there this mornin when I looked.
when i looked this morning all i seen was COLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Somethin kind of big off in the distance in the middle of the west facing shot. Hard to tell if it's tent or what? :scratch: There's 4 flipovers in the shot from Bobbers now. No action, that I can see on the other 1.
A couple more porties on Bobber's cam this am & like before no sign of any wheelers or sleds so they must be on foot. :scratch:
looks like a whiteout up there...…... :doah: I hate living vicariously up in the northland by these webcams..... :confused: :censored: and seeing our driveway this past Wednesday doesn't help matters.
one of our field members lives over by Naswhauk, he has frozen water issues. said when he was back there around new years he figured the had about 3 ft of snow by then. he's working down in iowa somewhere on a damn and said he wont be back up there till spring with the way things are.
and you can tell by all the reports there aren't many venturing out on the lakes up there...……..
Geigers said if they get any more snow they are shutting down the resort for the winter and no roads will be plowed. Bowstring Shores has a small road with three rental houses out in front of there resort. They said the slush is firming up and snowmobiles can go any where on the lake but there will be no truck traffic this winter. Not real good news as far as getting out up there. :sad:
well now i'm really pissed. :angry2: :angry2: just talked to my mom. I sent here the 2 pictures I took of the snowbanks up north. she is the only family member I sent them to. she apparenlty sent them to my brother, she told me he called Itasca county sheriffs dept whining about it.
I did NOT want to get any enforcement agency involved as I wanted to talk to the 2 possible individuals personally, man to man, respectfully asking him nicely to not do that anymore.
I get real tired of him sticking his nose in stuff that doesn't concern him. :angry2: :angry2: its not like he's going up there anytime soon, living down by wausau wi. id like to training-087 training-087 in the face. and of course #1 can do nothing wrong with mom. I told her I didn't want to go this route, but you can imagine how that went. gawd i'm pissed. :mad1: :mad1: :angry2: :angry2:
Geigers said if they get any more snow they are shutting down the resort for the winter and no roads will be plowed. Bowstring Shores has a small road with three rental houses out in front of there resort. They said the slush is firming up and snowmobiles can go any where on the lake but there will be no truck traffic this winter. Not real good news as far as getting out up there. :sad:
rapids had about 3-4 inches wed and I read on IDO a resident of rapids posted they had 10 inches with this latest round.....I can see that happening pretty easy. there still talking snowmobile only travel on Winnie.
it's you're own fault for sending her the pic's!!!!!
it's you're own fault for sending her the pic's!!!!!
last time that's happening. try and communicate with mom to keep her informed is all...…... :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:
HH my start earlier then expected!!!!! :pouty:
HH is getting closer here too!!!
it's you're own fault for sending her the pic's!!!!!
:happy1: :bonk: I gotta agree with mike & HH is startin any minute here.
:scratch: :scratch: :doah: so, if mom owns the place, pays most the bills related to the place, and for the most part my brother and I do 99% of any work needed to be done...……….why wouldn't you send her pictures like that???????????????? :confused:
Just wouldn't, because no good is probably going to come of it. Probably just worry about it until we got it fixed anyway or over react & make things worse. That's how our place was set up too until Dad passed then our names went on the title. When we re-built the bank said her name had to come off it & even then she was still paying the North Itasca Electric bill when she passed away.
:scratch: :scratch: :doah: so, if mom owns the place, pays most the bills related to the place, and for the most part my brother and I do 99% of any work needed to be done...……….why wouldn't you send her pictures like that???????????????? :confused:
Because you already probably know the outcome. Just like me trying to deal with my POS step-brother when Mom and her husband ended up going to separate nursing homes.....and then he has me get a hold of him thru my attorney ("I couldn't find yer number") right before Christmas to tell me Mom's husband (his Dad) died....
a WEEK BEFORE. THAT was REAL fun telling my Mom.
What you don't need to tell Mom, don't. You know how to deal with people. Just sayin', not meant smart like.
:scratch: :scratch: :doah: so, if mom owns the place, pays most the bills related to the place, and for the most part my brother and I do 99% of any work needed to be done...……….why wouldn't you send her pictures like that???????????????? :confused:
you can I'm just saying save the head ache!!! we all do what we have to...... so who's right and who's wrong??? :confused:
:scratch: :scratch: :doah: so, if mom owns the place, pays most the bills related to the place, and for the most part my brother and I do 99% of any work needed to be done...……….why wouldn't you send her pictures like that???????????????? :confused:
you can I'm just saying save the head ache!!! we all do what we have to...... so who's right and who's wrong??? :confused:
i'm right and my brothers an idiot...…...er wrong. :nerd: :nerd: lets just say.....i've learned my lesson. they wanna know whats up.they can go up and find out themselves. :moon: :moon:
See how we all look out for ya!?! And we didn't even say bite me! :bonk: :rotflmao:
See how we all look out for ya!?! And we didn't even say bite me! :bonk: :rotflmao:
look out for me???????? :scratch: :scratch: loks to me like pokin da bear...……. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
what ever!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
what ever!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:pouty: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
See how we all look out for ya!?! And we didn't even say bite me! :bonk: :rotflmao:
look out for me???????? :scratch: :scratch: loks to me like pokin da bear...……. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Better re-read some of the posts...
See how we all look out for ya!?! And we didn't even say bite me! :bonk: :rotflmao:
look out for me???????? :scratch: :scratch: loks to me like pokin da bear...……. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Ya so! ;) :laugh: :laugh: Just givin what we're gettin. ;) :angel: :nerd: :nerd:
Forgot :doofus: that when Mom's brother got sick(early 90's) & had no or very little health insurance the state came after our place up there. In order to stop them Dad put a mechanic's lien on it & they eventually bought him out. That's when our names went on the title.
Geigers said if they get any more snow they are shutting down the resort for the winter and no roads will be plowed. Bowstring Shores has a small road with three rental houses out in front of there resort. They said the slush is firming up and snowmobiles can go any where on the lake but there will be no truck traffic this winter. Not real good news as far as getting out up there. :sad:
:scratch: Bet the lights I've spotted out there a few times,weekends mostly, are from the houses BShores has out there. Looked to be 2-3 houses to me each time.
Geigers said if they get any more snow they are shutting down the resort for the winter and no roads will be plowed. Bowstring Shores has a small road with three rental houses out in front of there resort. They said the slush is firming up and snowmobiles can go any where on the lake but there will be no truck traffic this winter. Not real good news as far as getting out up there. :sad:
:scratch: Bet the lights I've spotted out there a few times,weekends mostly, are from the houses BShores has out there. Looked to be 2-3 houses to me each time.
anudder mystery solved!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
kinda hard to see on geigers cam but kinda looks like some type of tracks heading out to the left of geigers.
pretty quiet on the narrows cams.
Sasquatch, don't follow them. It is a trick.
Sasquatch, don't follow them. It is a trick.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: probably the only thing that go out on the lakes up there now.
Geiger's has 2-3 sets of fresh tracks on their cam, don't think they were there yday when I looked. :confused: Can't tell what's goin on on the other 1 as the west shot is very dirty/dark & Bobber's won't boot for me again. :pouty:
The Narrows cam is better now but still blurry. :tut: ;) :rotflmao:
The Narrows cam is better now but still blurry. :tut: ;) :rotflmao:
you sure it isnt after affects of yesterdays HH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Expected that! :swords: :mooning: :pouty:
Looked to me like BShores might've :scratch: had some guests again last night as the lights were on late out there.
Just talked to my coworker up there. He says it's a disaster now. They had another foot of snow. He also said he seen on Facebook someone went out of trails end on bowstring, spent more time trying to get unstuck on the lake then fishing.
Just talked to my coworker up there. He says it's a disaster now. They had another foot of snow. He also said he seen on Facebook someone went out of trails end on bowstring, spent more time trying to get unstuck on the lake then fishing.
:doofus: :tut: :crazy: Stupid is as stupid does. :doah: :bonk:
Geiger's has 2-3 sets of fresh tracks on their cam, don't think they were there yday when I looked. :confused: Can't tell what's goin on on the other 1 as the west shot is very dirty/dark & Bobber's won't boot for me again. :pouty:
The set of those tracks from yday or later on Sunday that went a bit south looked like it might've :scratch: been a wheeler to me, the others looked like sleds to me.
Four of us are heading up Sunday to check out Hayslips, I mean the cabin. I have to see for myself what Hayslips, I mean the lakes look like up there. :happy1:
Four of us are heading up Sunday to check out Hayslips, I mean the cabin. I have to see for myself what Hayslips, I mean the lakes look like up there. :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: have fun!!!!!!!!!! are you calling ahead so hayslips has enough beer???????
All the years of going there they always have beer, now heat is another issue sometimes. :rotflmao:
All the years of going there they always have beer, now heat is another issue sometimes. :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: maybe waiting till noon to go there so someone has time to refire up the wood boiler might help!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
just sayin................... :cool: :nerd: :nerd:
looks pretty quiet up nort this morning.
someone warn them Merc's headed that way? :scratch: :scratch: told the locals to hide the women and children!!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
The children are safe but those women better hide. I am irresistible to those high class women up there. :rotflmao:
The children are safe but those women better hide. I am irresistible to those high class women up there. :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: ya you won't have to fight off Gunner over in Inger either. :smoking: :rotflmao: the children you'd just scare!! :tut: :evil: :rotflmao:
Glenn, I don't cross hwy. 6 just for Gunner and you. Those Inger women are all yours. :rotflmao:
Glenn, I don't cross hwy. 6 just for Gunner and you. Those Inger women are all yours. :rotflmao:
piffle...……...you fish bowstring..you cross 6. and I bet you miss the access and hit inger every time!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I have been over there a few times. :hubba:
There's 1 portie just west of the skidhouses on Bobbers cam over there, can't see where there's been any action over at TE.
yea it sure looks really quiet up that way.....that'll change sunday when Merc heads up!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: well at hayslips anyway!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Only 1 house on Bobber's cam this mornin, looks like the farthest east 1 is gone.
just caught the weather on the #4. a lady reported that deer river already has almost 10 inches of snow more now then all of last winter. think the numbers where 45.8 last year and already 56.6 inches this year.
Looks like the big fans me and Gunner set out worked!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
That's a lot of snow.
Looks like the big fans me and Gunner set out worked!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
:huh: Thought I had mine aimed more at St. Cloud. :scratch: ;) :laugh:
Be careful, if it mixes with that hot air from Cold Springs, ya might have a new kinda vortex. ;)
Be careful, if it mixes with that hot air from Cold Springs, ya might have a new kinda vortex. ;)
:tut: :tut: :tut: :doah: :pouty:
oh and BITE ME!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
Looks like the big fans me and Gunner set out worked!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
:huh: Thought I had mine aimed more at St. Cloud. :scratch: ;) :laugh:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
well we do have a freezing rain advisory today!!!!!!
Looks like there's some new tracks going out to where the 1st house was on Bobber's cam. No life on Geiger's, thinkin they might've gave up for the season.
Made it back and man is there snow everywhere up there. Raked the roofs off some, went and checked out Hayslips roof. The roof was fine and it was nice and cozy inside. Heading to Laughlin tomorrow. Can't stand being home too long. :happy1:
Made it back and man is there snow everywhere up there. Raked the roofs off some, went and checked out Hayslips roof. The roof was fine and it was nice and cozy inside. Heading to Laughlin tomorrow. Can't stand being home too long. :happy1:
sure am glad hayslips is ok. :happy1: :rotflmao: have fun in laughlin...........you must have a nice little bungaloo down there!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
It looks like somebody had ideas of walking out but thought better of it after gettin on the lake at Geiger's. Nobody around over at WN.
Yea I think it's pretty tough going up there this winter. Nothing but back news coming from up there.
Heard from a relative this week who lives down here & he usually goes up to Nodaks the last weekend of walleye season. He wanted to know if I knew of any places they could go as Nodaks has been closed all winter. He had looked at LOW but said they were almost double what they usually paid. Gave him a few places to check out.
hey gunner, you look at the geigers cam lately???? looks like a mess out in front :scratch: maybe with the melting and wind might of had something to do with. kinda hard to tell?????? :doah: :doah: :scratch:
It looks like somebody had ideas of walking out but thought better of it after gettin on the lake at Geiger's. Nobody around over at WN.
:rolleyes: :happy1: :doah: ya so :doofus: :bonk: ;) :laugh: :laugh: Looked yday & it didn't seem any worse than Saturday to me. :scratch: B Shores must've had some guests again last night again though as the lights were on.
Yup, just looked again. Not much change since Saturday IMO. I noticed all the footprints on their ramp 1st then but the shoreline was like that too.
sure is quiet up that way. but i'm gonna change that!!!! :happy1: :sleazy: gotta spend a few days in grand rapids starting feb 26. :happy1: :rotflmao:
i just got off the phone with a feller from deer river.........he said the air temp was -44!!!!!! UFFDA!!!!!!! :doofus:
Some tracks goin out of Geiger's this morning, don't think :scratch: they were there yday. Knd of look like snowmobile to me. :confused:
yeppers. sled tracks for sure. i'll be headed that way wed morning. :happy1: :happy1: but fer work.
:scratch: W O R K? :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :evil:
:scratch: W O R K? :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :evil:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :doah: :pouty:
BITE ME!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:
:offtopic: :offtopic: :banghead: training-087 :taz: :moon: :whistling::laugh: :laugh:
looks like a nice sunshine filled day up on those cams. looks like recent snowmobile activity heading out on the lakes too!!!!!
iffin i could only get into the cabin, i'd think about taking a swing at some crappies and perch on bowstring. :pouty: :pouty:
maybe even see if there are any fish alive in the cabin lake yet!!!!!!! :bonk: :pouty:
I was in that area today. When I went by Ball Club I could see ONE group of people fishing on the NE side. They were on sleds. Few out on Winnie and a few in those back in the woods lakes. NOTHING compared to what it would be like normal this time of the year. The river by Ball Club was already opening up and dang is it high.
:scratch: Big Ball Club? Been over GDP lately? Just wondering how it looks at Winnie Dam?
looks like a nice sunshine filled day up on those cams. looks like recent snowmobile activity heading out on the lakes too!!!!!
iffin i could only get into the cabin, i'd think about taking a swing at some crappies and perch on bowstring. :pouty: :pouty:
maybe even see if there are any fish alive in the cabin lake yet!!!!!!! :bonk: :pouty:
:tut: :pouty: :violin: :violin: :violin: :cry: :cry: :cry: ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :whistling:
Hey Merc, Gunner have you heard anything about bowstring starting to have low oxigen levels??? My coworker that lives on hwy 6 just north of otenagen road had heard rumors to that affect. :scratch:
Oh yes Gunner... BITE ME!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Big Ball Club? Been over GDP lately? Just wondering how it looks at Winnie Dam?
Yes, Big Ball Club. I have not been by GDP or the damn. Based on how much water is on the river going under the high way I would say there is some serious current coming out of the lake. Or are you looking for above the dam ?
Yeah, I was wonderin :scratch: what it looked like right above the dam. Ice turnin dark yet? I wouldn't be :shocked: to learn that they have the gates open quite bit more than usual with all the :snow5: they've had. :crazy:
Hey Merc, Gunner have you heard anything about bowstring starting to have low oxigen levels??? My coworker that lives on hwy 6 just north of otenagen road had heard rumors to that affect. :scratch:
Oh yes Gunner... BITE ME!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:oops1: :sorry: :scratch: :doah: :bonk: :super smiley: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Hey Merc, Gunner have you heard anything about bowstring starting to have low oxigen levels??? My coworker that lives on hwy 6 just north of otenagen road had heard rumors to that affect. :scratch:
Oh yes Gunner... BITE ME!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
No, I haven't heard anything to that effect glenn. Wouldn't be totally shocked to hear there's somethin to it though as it not real deep. I believe 30-35' is the deepest, isn't it? :scratch: Not sure how much current runs through it either, going out to Sand I'd think would be OK but the feeders comin in on the SE aren't very big, are they? :confused:
Gonna see a lot of that this spring, I would think, with the heavy snowpack cutting out all light....
None of the resorts are saying anything on there facebook pages but even if it was true I'm sure they would not admit it. It's really hard to believe but I guess anything is possible. Heading up next week so I will do my investigating work. :happy1:
None of the resorts are saying anything on there facebook pages but even if it was true I'm sure they would not admit it. It's really hard to believe but I guess anything is possible. Heading up next week so I will do my investigating work. :happy1:
yea...……..i'm sure someone at hayslips might know!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
If you ever need an answer to any question the people at Hayslips always have it. The smartest people I know. :rotflmao: :happy1:
If you ever need an answer to any question the people at Hayslips always have it. The smartest people I know. :rotflmao: :happy1:
:scratch: Even glenn? :shocked: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :crazy:
No, no not Glenn. He always has questions but never has any answers. :happy1:
:scratch: Figured they'd see him :evil: comin & lock the door. :sleazy: :rolleyes: ;D ;D
No, no not Glenn. He always has questions but never has any answers. :happy1:
:tut: :tut: :tut:
so I left for rapids this morning early enough the plan on going to check out the cabin. on my way up I noticed only 1 fishhouse on serpant lake in Crosby. there where about 1o out on rabbit, but not as many as the last time through. between outing and remer I seen 10 deer out in a swamp wondering around. I seen some in the same swamp last time up, but not sure why there in there, I cant imagine food, but they didn't seem to be in deep snow.
well got to the cabin road and I expected to see the same crap. but WOOZER was I surprised. that big bank was gone. I drove the car all the way into the cabin. someone did one bang up job plowing out all the way to the cabin, they also plowed down to the neighbors place. but holy Hannah are there snowbanks..
now the odd part, I don't know if I should care or be pissed. someone was at the cabin after he plowed out. so I was with my mom and brother all day yesterday. I intentionally brought the cabin up a few times and was basically ignored. expect my stepdad asked if I was going over there. I said maybe??? and left it.
so how do I know someone was there????? glad you asked!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: there was a path shoveled to the outhouse, the deck to the cabin door was shoveled off and 2 shovels where stuck in the snow. when i left there was 1 on the deck. the curtains in the cabin where left open, orders are to shut them. a path was shoveled to the outhouse, the bank was shoveled to get a 4 wheeler outta the shed and they shoveled a path to get to the lake...…and wheeler tracks out on the lake.
so i went over and talked to the new guy on the block. nice kid. found out he had temporarily piled that snow there and after he had time plowed us out. we had a great talk, said he hasnt been on the lake all winter because of the conditions. we :bs: more. he belongs to the 49ers union and is around all winter but gone most of the summer. told me if i needed anything to let him know. so we will be trading contact info soon!!!!!!!
oh yea he said he hasn't seen any activity on the lake all year.
I did see one deer going back to deer river...……..there's way enough snow up there that there sticking to paths they've made.
went I went through talmoon I think it was even to early for Merc to be at hayslips too!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Got a name? Which place is his? :confused: Sounds like I should have a talk with this guy & see if I can't straighten him out on you. :evil: :sleazy: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Ha. Lips are sealed. And he already has the impression I'm an outstanding person, since he's also a union guy!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
:police: :reporter; :scratch: Might have to check into this. :nerd: :nerd:
Ha. Lips are sealed. And he already has the impression I'm an outstanding person, since he's also a union guy!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
:scratch: So he's 'sposed to like you just 'cause your a union guy? :rolleyes: :doah: :bonk: :crazy: :tut: :pouty:
Ha. Lips are sealed. And he already has the impression I'm an outstanding person, since he's also a union guy!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
:scratch: So he's 'sposed to like you just 'cause your a union guy? :rolleyes: :doah: :bonk: :crazy: :tut: :pouty:
well yeah!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning:
and of course my charming personality!!!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
Ha. Lips are sealed. And he already has the impression I'm an outstanding person, since he's also a union guy!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
:scratch: So he's 'sposed to like you just 'cause your a union guy? :rolleyes: :doah: :bonk: :crazy: :tut: :pouty:
well yeah!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning:
and of course my charming personality!!!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
:scratch: :doah: Just like you & another union brother, the 1 who wears a purple jersey with # 8 on it? :huh: :bonk: :banghead: :rolleyes: :nerd: :nerd:
:scratch: :scratch: Greg Coleman :scratch:
Looks like there's been some traffic at Geiger's in the last few days, more around the remaining shack on Bobber's cam too.
last night when I went up to see Mom, I brought up the cabin and the road being plowed out. I got the well yea look. not sure what to think, my brother said yea he called our guy Steve and had it plowed out. my nephew went up super bowl weekend.
the kid I talked to gave me the impression he plowed us out, but apparently that wasn't the case as our plow guy said that big azz bank was still there and as hard as a rock. took 6 hours to clean out the road. both those guys apparently have so issues between the 2, so I don't know whatto think of the new guy!!!!! :doah:
anyway i as told they didnt get far out on the cabin lake because of all the water on the ice. tried the little lake behind us, got 3 crappies then nothing. and they tried taking the wheeler over there and had one hellofa time getting it back!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
knowing that i may try and get up there later in march to check out the lake situation!!!!
Was kinda wonderin if the furnace specialist ;) wasn't back up there on SB weekend. Probably didn't cost your nephew or brother anything :scratch: as I'll bet they got Mom to pay for it. :doah: Probably been a different story if it would've been you goin up though. :bs: Sounds like they might've been glad to get back home. ;) :laugh: :laugh: :cool:
actually the way it sounded HE had to pay it. per my brother his kid paid 150 and the neighbor paid a 150!!!!!!!!!!
and NA he don't know no better ………...YET......but from what my brother said.....he could be learning!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
that fishhouse is gone on the narrows cam. a bit of traffic, sure looks like there's been some activity at geigers the past weekend!!!!!!!!
Yeah, there was a lot of tracks around that shack on Friday when I looked. Geiger's looked to me like it had only 1 set of tracks then so the rest of that is since Friday.
thinkin them shacks might of been spearchuckers??????????
Could've been :scratch:, the front 1 has been gone for a good 3 weeks or more before the other.
Looks to be some fresh snow on both cams this am.
Looks that way...........you hear anything from up that way about lake conditions?? since we are plowed out now.....thinking about going up. doesnt look like that FM cool cats thing is going to happen next weekend and thinkin i may not go to the decoy show the 21rst if i hear some favorable lake conditions.
Nope, nothin on Nextdoor lately.
Nope, nothin on Nextdoor lately.
:bonk: :bonk: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
Only 1 on the bay that fishes much this time of year & he don't post much. He usually puts his skidhouse up around the NE corner of the big island. I wouldn't bet much that he even got it on the lake this season. :crazy: :pouty: There's 3-4 more out on the main lake that will put their shacks out in front of their place too & they usually post quite a bit more but nothin from them either. :confused: So I'm bettin conditions are still not good or that they've already given up for this year. :sad:
Nothin else try the BStore @ (218)832-3123 someday, like today :shocked:, when you don't have much to do.............................................at work. :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Tim & Chris are good people they'll give you the lowdown.
Nothin else try the BStore @ (218)832-3123 someday, like today :shocked:, when you don't have much to do.............................................at work. :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Tim & Chris are good people they'll give you the lowdown.
:confused: :confused: :confused: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :doah:
i already got there number................ :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: they like me!!!!!!
and your right...i'm freakin bored. i am waiting for a phone call from out attorney in Kansas city..........then i gotz nuttin. might be an early out!!!!!!!!! :cool: :cool: :happy1: :evil:
Seems like most of yer days are "early outs".... :mooning:
Seems like most of yer days are "early outs".... :mooning:
i dont need to stay all day......iffin management behaves themselves!!!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
Lake conditions were pretty good up there. We had my snowmobiles but there were some 4-wheelers getting around on Bow. No slush on any of the lakes we were on. Got some nice crappies but we couldn't find the perch. Should have went a little shallower. Never tried for sunnies but we will next trip.
Lake conditions were pretty good up there. We had my snowmobiles but there were some 4-wheelers getting around on Bow. No slush on any of the lakes we were on. Got some nice crappies but we couldn't find the perch. Should have went a little shallower. Never tried for sunnies but we will next trip.
:dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: i think i'm getting the case of i aint going to work next friday!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
I was on a couple lakes in that area and they are in pretty good shape. We only found a couple of slush pockets on the sleds. Nothing serious.
:scratch: Don't forget your shovel! :tut: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: ;D ;D
:scratch: Don't forget your shovel! :tut: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: ;D ;D
:pouty: :tut: no need.
Locator charging.... Check! :happy1:
Under water camera charging... Check! :happy1:
Beer supply good ... Check.... :happy1:
Fishing gear loaded... Check.... :happy1:
:scratch: Don't forget your shovel! :tut: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: ;D ;D
:pouty: :tut: no need.
:scratch: The 10 day I seen yday had some precip in the fcast for next weekend & still does for Saturday. :tut: PM :snow5: showers, only 30% but I don't trust those guys. :rolleyes: Besides it's better to have it & not need it than......................... :whistling:, at least in my book. 'Sposed to be 50* up there today.
It's March in Minnysoda. Could be 20" snow. :coffee:
The fcast can change real fast this time of year too. :crazy:
:pouty: :pouty: I got one already in the truck...….and we have like 5 of them up there. pretty sure I can manage!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
seen a report this morning Roosevelt by outing still has 30 inches of solid ice...……..
Not Deer River, but the ice is danged near off the river at Red Wing/Lake Pepin....
The barge season should be open real soon! :happy1:
This weeks report...
I just looked at the webcams up there...……..looks like Geigers plowed there access shut!!!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
Yeah it does, it wasn't like that the last time I peeked at it which might've been Saturday. :scratch: Can only think of a couple reasons they'd do that & 1 is that they're leavin for a few days as I know some in their business like to do right about this time or the conditions have deteriorated so much they want to discourage anyone from goin out their access. :confused: Eyeguy might know what's up.
:pouty: :pouty: I got one already in the truck...
.and we have like 5 of them up there. pretty sure I can manage!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
seen a report this morning Roosevelt by outing still has 30 inches of solid ice...
Just don't want to hear :violin: :violin: :cry: :cry: if you'd happen to get stuck up there. ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:
well the way i feel this morning, this trip definetely now a wait and see.................... :pouty: :pouty:
:shocked: A late reaction from too much fun on Saturday? :rolleyes: Or over doin it in the nice weather yday? :tut: :confused: Sure hope you didn't get to close to that Covid19 case in Ramsey County that was in the news. :thumbs: :doah:
:shocked: A late reaction from too much fun on Saturday? :rolleyes: Or over doin it in the nice weather yday? :tut: :confused: Sure hope you didn't get to close to that Covid19 case in Ramsey County that was in the news. :thumbs: :doah:
from being around a sick wife the last 10 days. :confused: :pouty:
More likely his overall lifestyle. ;)
More likely his overall lifestyle. ;)
:scratch: Think he'd know enough to NOT be pawin at her & smooching on her when she's :sick:! :doah: :tut: :pouty: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
looking at those cams up nort, its hard to make out but sure looks like a big ice ridge out of geigers :scratch: :scratch:
also that second still picture on the narrows looks like there is a spot thats close to opening up? :scratch: :scratch:
More likely his overall lifestyle. ;)
:scratch: Think he'd know enough to NOT be pawin at her & smooching on her when she's :sick:! :doah: :tut: :pouty: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
naw....its from me beatin her off me.............. :pouty: :pouty: :sleazy: once in a while ya just gotta play hard to get!!!!!! :happy1:
From her......O MY GAWD! NOT EVEN going there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :censored: :shocked:
looking at those cams up nort, its hard to make out but sure looks like a big ice ridge out of geigers :scratch: :scratch:
also that second still picture on the narrows looks like there is a spot thats close to opening up? :scratch: :scratch:
On a couple lakes today and found huge areas that had flooded and refroze. Grab your cleats
looking at those cams up nort, its hard to make out but sure looks like a big ice ridge out of geigers :scratch: :scratch:
also that second still picture on the narrows looks like there is a spot thats close to opening up? :scratch: :scratch:
The little PA just south of them by Northern Acres, Bowstring's NW access, that I ride down to on the wheeler when the weather's decent usually starts havin a pretty nasty pressure ridge on the north side of it ,bout this time of year makin it kinda tough to get out of. Yeah, on The Narrows cam that north part on the west side must have quite a bit more current 'cause it's almost always darker looki.
More likely his overall lifestyle. ;)
:scratch: Think he'd know enough to NOT be pawin at her & smooching on her when she's :sick:! :doah: :tut: :pouty: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
naw....its from me beatin her off me.............. :pouty: :pouty: :sleazy: once in a while ya just gotta play hard to get!!!!!! :happy1:
:doah: :scratch: :laughroll: :laughroll:
looks like i'm not going up this weekend. just dont feel up to it. so i'm moving it out a week............so Mike...... I WONT BE HITTING THE DECOY SHOW this year!!!!!
my step dad wants to bring the boat of his up there home and they must be scared of the conditions so they want someone there. his master plan is to sell the current boat, sell the motor on another boat he has, its a lund and buy a 4 stroke 15 horse and bring that one up to the cabin.
this boat thats up there has a drain plug on the floor. really dumb place if you ask me.
Isn't that so you can drain it while on the lake? :bonk:
not where that plug is!!!!!!!!!! not my boat so dont care.........he's replacing it with a lund and new 4 stroke!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: win win!!!!!!!!
cant see much on the cams up there ...........pretty foggy!!!!!!!! :doah:
looks like i'm not going up this weekend. just dont feel up to it. so i'm moving it out a week............so Mike...... I WONT BE HITTING THE DECOY SHOW this year!!!!!
my step dad wants to bring the boat of his up there home and they must be scared of the conditions so they want someone there. his master plan is to sell the current boat, sell the motor on another boat he has, its a lund and buy a 4 stroke 15 horse and bring that one up to the cabin.
this boat thats up there has a drain plug on the floor. really dumb place if you ask me.
I hear ya!! just the same as me missing the game feed.. it's all good... let me know if ya want any thing.. I still plan on going, even with this dang thing hanging off me...
cant see much on the cams up there ...........pretty foggy!!!!!!!! :doah:
Yeah, I looked today too & couldn't see much on Bobber's cam either. Thought I seen a couple snowflakes on the TE's cam, sure looked to me like the pile of snow blocking their access got bigger too. :scratch:
now it looks like Geigers opened up there access to the lake?????????? :scratch: :scratch:
I thought so too yday but now I'm not so sure. :scratch: Today it kind of looks like they pushed that pile of snow that was across the ramp down to the shoreline. Can't tell for sure, take a peek & see what you think? :confused:
yea it does kinda look like they pushed some of that pile down on the lake???????
pretty quiet up that way!!!!!!!!
Nobody around on either cam since the last shack came off the ice at the Narrows, that I've seen. That grey slushie lookin area on the NW side over there sure seems like it's gettin bigger everyday to me. Even with the colder temps this week.
Geigers posted that there have been a few trucks on the lake but urged that the ice is not safe. Mostly just frozen slush. I will agree from what I saw when I was out there. Some people don't use much common sense. :shocked:
There looks like there's a little fresh snow on the deck over at Trails End.
There looks like there's a little fresh snow on the deck over at Trails End.
sure does.
also just looked at the forecast for next weekend...........doesnt look exactly like t shirt weather!!!!!!!! :confused: :pouty: :pouty:
My 10 day for up there says 1-3" on Thursday, in the 20's for Friday & Saturday. :rolleyes: 'Sposed to start Wednesday down here with some pretty heavy rain on Thursday.
the lows are a bit chilly, seen a couple like -2 but manageable!!!!!!!!!!! little snow aint scaring me!!!!! :fish2: :fish2:
'Sposed to be a pretty strong N wind for Thursday & Friday too. :scratch:
'Sposed to be a pretty strong N wind for Thursday & Friday too. :scratch:
don't care much about Thursday, but Friday...I got some spots to keep me outta da wind!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy:
I just may have to alter my schedule a bit.
:scratch: :tut: The wind :bs: follows you!! ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:scratch: :tut: The wind :bs: follows you!! ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:mooning: :mooning: :pouty: :pouty: :tut: :tut: :tut: don't you gotta go get some TP er somefin!!!!!!!! :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: Gonna have company? Thought I heard somethin about the step dad's boat once. :confused: Somebody was tryin to tell me you were givin up fishin & drinkin too. :crazy: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Who's Gary?
Gary is my brother. And he's coming around. I knew he'd see the light sooner or later.
And the step dad and mom went up and got the boat this past Friday. Even his Ford hot in. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
And the day I quit fishing and drinking is the same day my obituary will be in the paper. :mooning: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Figured so, but with you..................... :scratch:! ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
A little snow on the Narrows cam today.
I just got word from my friend up north. His kid was on bowstring yesterday. 2 and a half to 3 ft of ice and can drive a truck just about anywhere on the lake. :snow3: :clap: :dancinred: I should be good on the lakes I'm hitting.
Good luck and have fun ya thug. Mg
I just got word from my friend up north. His kid was on bowstring yesterday. 2 and a half to 3 ft of ice and can drive a truck just about anywhere on the lake. :snow3: :clap: :dancinred: I should be good on the lakes I'm hitting.
Other than a few spots on the landings the lakes are in good shape. Probably best they have been in all winter. Some still have a few slush pockets but most are drivable.
There is no way I would drive a truck on Bow. I saw the ice first hand and it is not all solid ice and it is not three feet thick either. :happy1:
There's something on the ice in front of Geiger's access today, it was there yday too. Looks like a wheeler with a blade to me. :scratch:
No clue what that is. I'm looking at it on there facebook page which has a bigger angle and what ever it is it is weird looking.
The guy on FM that's a friend of theirs is saying it could be Ben's :scratch:, must be their kid, wheeler that was stuck out there for most of the season. It has a broken axle & he doesn't think they've been able to get it off the ice yet. :crazy:
Not a wheeler. I watched them pull it off the lake. Looked like a riding lawnmower with the hand controls but it had tracks on the back. It had roll bars and they had the tracks in plastic sleds to pull it off. It was strange.
:scratch: :confused:
Snowin pretty good up there since about 10. :crazy: Hope the little blue guy takes it easy comin home. :scratch:
well I made it home. it snowed about 4 this morning but when I started rolling at 6 it quit. seems like there was some freezing rain first. the roads sucked till Crosby, or a bit north of there. did a little freezing rain on the way home to.
well my biggest fear is now a dark reality. got out on the cabin lake about 1 pm. I drilled holes in 4 different spots ranging from 7 ft to 14 feet of water. had my underwater camera down and nothing bot DEAD FISH all over the bottom wherever I looked.
towards evening I thought what the hay...…..I set out to the crappie hole. for 3 1/2 hours I never marked a fish. only thing I seen was about an inch and a half bullhead come up my hole gasping for air. i'm sure that's dead to by now.
so just for entertainment purposes I drove by the holes I previously drilled to see if any fish came up looking for air...…...NOPE...…….NADDA!!!!!!
THE LITTLE LAKE behind us didn't produce either, but could be early for that. there is about 2-2 1/2 feet of ice, but the first half is all the slush ice. time to put the ice stuff away.
That's really sad, that was one of my favorite lakes since the 70s. Pulled a lot of nice fish out of there and have the pictures to prove it. On a side note. How much snow is on the lakes? Thanks!!
That's really sad, that was one of my favorite lakes since the 70s. Pulled a lot of nice fish out of there and have the pictures to prove it. On a side note. How much snow is on the lakes? Thanks!!
before this snow, today...…..maybe 2 inches at most.
thse to fisheriey guys are getting an email first thing tomorrow...…………..I aint going down without a fight.
They will have to I would think. They did after the 96 freeze out. If they didn't it would make every ones property on the lake worthless as far as resale value. If you need more input from people as far as contacting the DNR I would be glad to help.
They will have to I would think. They did after the 96 freeze out. If they didn't it would make every ones property on the lake worthless as far as resale value. If you need more input from people as far as contacting the DNR I would be glad to help.
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1: I don't have the emails here at home, I,ll send the mto you tomorrow. PM me your email addy!!!!!!!!!!
:thumbs: :pouty: Sad to hear about the lakes by you glenn. There's a lot of those smaller/not very deep lakes in Itasca county so it will be a big problem up there. :sad: The way St Paul has slashed their budget over the last few years I'm afraid it could easily be a fight to get enough $ to do much good. :mad1: :bonk: :banghead: The contact info your after is also @ dnr.state.mn.us/area/fisheries/grandrapids/index & there'll be a box at the bottom of the page. Top right of the box it'll say"area staff" click on that, all their phone #'s & email addresses are listed.
there email addy's are in my contact list...…….they aint getting by that easy!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Yeah, I know we've talked 'bout this before. It was more for merc's or anybody else that might be like minded benefit. Maybe even for future refernce.
Yeah, I know we've talked 'bout this before. It was more for merc's or anybody else that might be like minded benefit. Maybe even for future refernce.
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Thanks guys, Glenn I will contact them for sure but I might wait until the ice is off so I can state my case better.
Thanks guys, Glenn I will contact them for sure but I might wait until the ice is off so I can state my case better.
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Wow that sucks. I’m sure there is lots of these lakes this year. I know a couple not far from me are froze out too
Wow that sucks. I’m sure there is lots of these lakes this year. I know a couple not far from me are froze out too
yea it sure does. we've had the place since 1965 and that lake has been very, very good to us through the years. :pouty: well making a list of differnet lakes to check out now!!!!!!! some i havent been on in years, some since i was a kid!!!!!!
If this COVID-19 stuff doesn't turn the corner in the next month or so it could be a really tough year for any of the businesses up there who rely on the fishermen. :crazy: Wonder if they've ever called off Opening Day? :scratch: I've never heard of it, if they have. :confused: Might this year. :pouty:
yea not sure........i've heard agruements about shelter being a neceseccity so resorts and motels would be aloud to stay open. thats the arguement anyway :scratch:
i see no gain in not allowing outdoor activities. all i know it sure was weird driving by the sportsmans cafe this weekend in deer river with no cars parked there. the sign said they were open for takeouts....... kinda takes the idea of eating there away.
i stopped at the bowstring store for minnows, kinda a cutie working there, :smoking: :sleazy: but seen a poster that also said Rileys was still open to takeouts...................
Would they stay open even if there's no customers? :scratch: Many will probably be too scared & the rest will be too broke? :sad: Bet 3/4 of the families live paycheck to paycheck these days & that's with both parents working. So what happens when they're both gettin UE? :crazy:
i sent an email to the fisheries people right after lunch about the lake, i got a reply back from them a bit ago. :confused: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:
when i ever cool down.................i aint finished yet. dem sumbiteeches are getting an earfull. sams babble effin :bs: :bs: i heard last yeat and they aint even checked the lake.
what i should do is copy off that email.........make a bunch of copies and go around the lake and put this in every cabins doorway so they all see what is going on.
Merc, Gunner............check your emails!!!!!!!!
:rotflmao: my brother just sent me a reply to the DNR response. He said...
Translation.... Do whatever you have to do to restock the lake!!!👍👍👍 :rotflmao:
:scratch: Pretty much what I thought they'd say. :confused: Knew they wouldn't tell you what you were hopin to hear. :doah: :rolleyes: :crazy:
Glenn, well according to them if any fish would happen to be alive they are going to get big. What an answer. Or buy your own fish and put them in there if you want fish. At least you would think they would say that come spring they will check it out but the money goes to walleye stocking and that lake doesn't fit into that class. I will contact them come ice out. Good luck,it is a cool lake.
Glenn, well according to them if any fish would happen to be alive they are going to get big. What an answer. Or buy your own fish and put them in there if you want fish. At least you would think they would say that come spring they will check it out but the money goes to walleye stocking and that lake doesn't fit into that class. I will contact them come ice out. Good luck,it is a cool lake.
thanks Merc. :happy1:
With the current economic situation I wouldn't be surprised if some of these people(GR) are worried about their jobs. Let alone how much of a budget they are allowed by the big wigs in St Paul. Bet none of them in St. Paul get laid off or have their budget slashed. :thumbs: :pouty:
Hope I'm wrong & they surprise me. :happy1: :cool:
well I have a plan in place. :sleazy: :sleazy: :sleazy: :sleazy: I always head up sometime a week or 2 before opener to cut wood, clean up, just do stuff to get ready for the summer.
i'm making copies of them emails and I WILL be sticking them in each cabin/residence door asking them to contact these people. i'm gonna wait a dy or 2 then respond to that email he sent. agaianst my moms wishes! :sleazy: :sleazy: :evil: :evil:
:scratch: How well do they know you? ;) :rolleyes: :laugh:
:scratch: How well do they know you? ;) :rolleyes: :laugh:
as an outstanding citizen and world class fishermen!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:doah: So NOT very well!! :doah: :nerd: :nerd: They MIGHT :scratch: do what you :evil: ask then. ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: How well do they know you? ;) :rolleyes: :laugh:
as an outstanding citizen and world class fishermen!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Do they know you :smoking: a lot? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Looks like there's a tent way to the west on the Narrows cam right now. :scratch:
looks like a lot of water on those cams up there. some more then others. looks like a couple are out fishing in front of bobbers place.
Yeah it does. There was a tent way off to the west earlier(~ 9-10) today too. It looked like it was almost in the birdhouse on the other cam.
2 porties way over west today, might be the same ones as them on Bobber's cam yday. :scratch: That north side of the west Narrows is lookin like could open up 'bout anytime today to me.
looks like they didn't get the mess we got up there!!!!! they don't need more snow. looks like some open water maybe on the cam on the narrows out in front of that dock!!!!!!!!!
There's some bare ground along side their ramp & on the shoreline to the north of the little shack at Geiger's too.
Defintely a spot of open water just off the left corner of the fishing pier on the Narrows cam today
seen that...…...don't believe that was like that yesterday, last i looked.
No, don't think it was either. The worst spot I seen there yday was out a little farther & a little to the right.
Some more open water there already today.
Hardly ANY snow left on the north side of Geiger's ramp today. The way the Narrows cam looks I wouldn't be surpised to see it open all the way across in front that fishin pier by the end of the day today over there.
dang...….that hole really did open up since yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!
well...…….. :evil: I couldn't just let the DNR response go without a rebuttal………... :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
well...…….. :evil: I couldn't just let the DNR response go without a rebuttal………... :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :mooning: :pouty: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
well...…….. :evil: I couldn't just let the DNR response go without a rebuttal………... :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :mooning: :pouty: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
No snow on the north side of Geiger's ramp today. That spot in front of the dock is really close to being open all the way across this am over there too. Some geese usin that spot on the NW corner already as well.
man that snow and ice is taking a beating up there lately!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Yup, open all the way across at the Narrows now & lookin like the rest of it could go 'bout anytime.
The north & west side of the Narrows is open all the way to that fishing pier today, still some along shore on that side though. It looks like all the east side could be open by the end of the day today too IMO. There's a spot right at the end of Geiger's ramp that is close to opening up as well. It's goin fast :crazy:
that's crazy how fast that's opening up, understanding though its probably moving water. wonder hoe the lake is doing?????????
I may need to check the lakes around here! :sleazy:
Yeah, lots of current there. Not much current over at Geiger's though. But it is the NW corner of the lake & that always opens 1st. I see TWC has a flood warning for the river around you.
if I get flooded out, the city of cold spring is in a world of hurts!!!!!
Same here, a few streets next to river get flooded some years but that's at least 3 blocks from us & we're on a lot higher ground. :scratch: You up on top of the hill............................ :bs:..................... too? ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Same here, a few streets next to river get flooded some years but that's at least 3 blocks from us & we're on a lot higher ground. :scratch: You up on top of the hill............................ :bs:..................... too? ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:happy1: :happy1: yeppers!!!!!!!! and there's close to a mile from me to the river!!!!!!! mayhaps 8 blocks for sure.
A small slice on the east side is all that's left today. Must be havin some weather :scratch: as the west cam is unusable, at the moment.
holy crap, there's a lot of open water on 2 of the narrows cams...…….there is hope for spring up there!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Bettin ice out will be 2 weeks earlier than last, 2 years ago we had a little ice in our bay on Opening day yet.
Bettin ice out will be 2 weeks earlier than last, 2 years ago we had a little ice in our bay on Opening day yet.
there was a lot of ice when I was up last, but yesterday when we did our conference call Bill said the snow was disappearing really fast...……..
'Bout all that's left at Geiger's is where they pushed it into a pile right in front of the lodge. It's got to be a really tough time for those in that business right now. Bet a lot of the early season guests have cancelled. :crazy: :pouty:
'Bout all that's left at Geiger's is where they pushed it into a pile right in front of the lodge. It's got to be a really tough time for those in that business right now. Bet a lot of the early season guests have cancelled. :crazy: :pouty:
:confused: yep might be a tough year up there, especially the smaller resorts on less known lakes!!!!
Opened up big time on the west side of the Narrows yday, that all could be open in a week even with the colder weather comin next week. The spot at the end of Geiger's ramp is 'bout to turn liquid too.
There must be close to 50 yds of open water on the west side of the narrows today. Most of the ice on that side is really dark so it won't be long. That spot on the end of Geiger's ramp looks like it probably opened up a bit to me yday too.
There must be close to 50 yds of open water on the west side of the narrows today. Most of the ice on that side is really dark so it won't be long. That spot on the end of Geiger's ramp looks like it probably opened up a bit to me yday too.
:scratch: :doah: :pouty: I wouldn't know!!!!!!1i haven't had time to look...…….i'm to busy working!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:doah: :bs: :pouty: Hard for me to believe that as everyday now seems to be just like what only Mondays at the hall used to be. :doofus: Have you tried to get 'em to pay you by the post? :scratch: You might get a raise. :confused: :laugh: :laugh:
a raise???????????? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: couple weeks ago there was talk of us reps reducing our paid hours due to this crap!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty:
holy crap...……..that snow has really taking a beating up there!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
giving me bad ideas to head north!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: of course i'll be all by my lonesome!!!!!
a raise???????????? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: couple weeks ago there was talk of us reps reducing our paid hours due to this crap!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty:
Well with what I've been seein lately you sure don't seem to be doin much good 'round here, 'spose it's the same for the union so it wouldn't hurt for you to contribute a little of that EZ money you get to all those construction brothers who aren't working. :nerd: :nerd:
a raise???????????? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: couple weeks ago there was talk of us reps reducing our paid hours due to this crap!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty:
Well with what I've been seein lately you sure don't seem to be doin much good 'round here, 'spose it's the same for the union so it wouldn't hurt for you to contribute a little of that EZ money you get to all those construction brothers who aren't working. :nerd: :nerd:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: I still have 8 shops I have to babysit!!!!!! :pouty:
holy crap...……..that snow has really taking a beating up there!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
giving me bad ideas to head north!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: of course i'll be all by my lonesome!!!!!
Brother has been after me to go up to a few time too. I had to tell 'em go ahead but I'm not going 'til this stuff settles down a little. :tut: :crazy: Might get up there by June, the way it's lookin now. :thumbs: :pouty:
Looks to be ~ 75 yds of open water today @ WN.
Looks like it's starting to open up to east a little more today. Did you figure out your livewell & bilge problems on the boat before you took it in or not? :scratch: Motor wouldn't start or wouldn't even turn over? :confused:
Yep. Got that figured out. Motor got me stumped. It worked like no tomorrow when I took it to the river last fall when I ran stabil threw the system and fogged it. It had to bee that goofy push button starter button.
So what was the issue with the bilge & livewell? :scratch: A bad wire? :confused: Almost sounded like a bad ground at the switch to me, would've been the 1st place I looked to see if they used the same ground.
So what was the issue with the bilge & livewell? :scratch: A bad wire? :confused: Almost sounded like a bad ground at the switch to me, would've been the 1st place I looked to see if they used the same ground.
cleaned up the inline fuse. Cleaned off the connection to the battery better.
So they weren't getting any power. :cool: :doofus: :bonk: ;) ;D
Pretty much, have to admit it's been a while since I have had to do a bit more than just clean up terminals. I never did like that starter button. Seems the springs in it get weak???? Although as long as I've had the boat, should the issue be the button it'll be the second time I have had to do something with it
We put a dab of some dielectric grease on the posts of all our boat batteries. A small tube at l & m is < $3 & it really seems to help stop things from getting corroded. Our TM batteries are in the bow & it gets quite a bit wetter up there. Used it inside inline fuseholders that have gotten damp too. A little tube goes a long way. :scratch: Kind of sounds like a bad design on that switch on your motor with havin to fix it twice.
We put a dab of some dielectric grease on the posts of all our boat batteries. A small tube at l & m is < $3 & it really seems to help stop things from getting corroded. Our TM batteries are in the bow & it get quite a bit wetter up there. Used it insde inline fuseholders that have gotten damp too. A little tube goes a long way. :scratch: Kind of sounds like a bad design on that switch on your motor with havin to fix it twice.
And that's just what you should always do. :happy1:
We put a dab of some dielectric grease on the posts of all our boat batteries. A small tube at l & m is < $3 & it really seems to help stop things from getting corroded. Our TM batteries are in the bow & it get quite a bit wetter up there. Used it insde inline fuseholders that have gotten damp too. A little tube goes a long way. :scratch: Kind of sounds like a bad design on that switch on your motor with havin to fix it twice.
Yea to me it's a real screwed up design.
We put a dab of some dielectric grease on the posts of all our boat batteries. A small tube at l & m is < $3 & it really seems to help stop things from getting corroded. Our TM batteries are in the bow & it gets quite a bit wetter up there. Used it inside inline fuseholders that have gotten damp too. A little tube goes a long way. :scratch: Kind of sounds like a bad design on that switch on your motor with havin to fix it twice.
Yea Everytime I go through this process I think about doing this but never have tgeat stuff at home and say I'll get it and do it later And you know how that goes :confused: :doofus: :thumbs:
I got it on the things to get list now! :happy1:
:shocked: :rolleyes: ;D
The west side of the Narrows hasn't changed much today, it has opened more goin the other way though. There's a pretty decent puddle at the end of Geiger's ramp today.
Much of the west side is lookin pretty dark today, like most of it could go in the next few days. Not a lot of change from yday on the other side.
:pouty: :pouty: :scratch: decisions decisions. :pouty: checked the weather forecast for up there this weekend, looks promising. Or do I chance it and wait another week?? :scratch: :scratch: last thing I wanna do is head up there with rain in the forecast. :pouty: would need more beer then. :pouty:
I gotz letters to deliver. :sleazy: :sleazy:
:happy1: :scratch: Might have to switch to a cheaper beer, like Busch light. ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
That ain't beer; that's bunny piss. Grab a 12 pk and head as far away as ya can. :moon: :rotflmao:
:happy1: :scratch: Might have to switch to a cheaper beer, like Busch light. ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:tut: never ever substitute quantity over quality. :tut: :evil: :rotflmao:
:scratch: The way it's going it could easily be June before many get up there & read any of your letters. :pouty: :doah:
:scratch: The way it's going it could easily be June before many get up there & read any of your letters. :pouty: :doah:
better then then never...……...I,ve done my part...…….stir da pot!!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :sleazy:
:scratch: The way it's going it could easily be June before many get up there & read any of your letters. :pouty: :doah:
better then then never...……...I,ve done my part...…….stir da pot!!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :sleazy:
must not have gotten his puter back yesterday!!
:scratch: The way it's going it could easily be June before many get up there & read any of your letters. :pouty: :doah:
better then then never...……...I,ve done my part...…….stir da pot!!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :sleazy:
must not have gotten his puter back yesterday!!
yea I did, didn't feel like messing with it. still cant get to my emails!!!!!!!! :angry2: :angry2: its why i brought it in!!!!! :banghead: :banghead:
;) :laugh: :happy1: Ever notice how much better his posts/spelling is over on FM, mike? :scratch: :crazy: :tut: :pouty: :bonk: :banghead: :nerd: :nerd:
;) :laugh: :happy1: Ever notice how much better his posts/spelling is over on FM, mike? :scratch: :crazy: :tut: :pouty: :bonk: :banghead: :nerd: :nerd:
:scratch: The way it's going it could easily be June before many get up there & read any of your letters. :pouty: :doah:
better then then never...……...I,ve done my part...…….stir da pot!!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :sleazy:
must not have gotten his puter back yesterday!!
yea I did, didn't feel like messing with it. still cant get to my emails!!!!!!!! :angry2: :angry2: its why i brought it in!!!!! :banghead: :banghead:
and ya had the courage to blame me and Dotch!!!!! dats funny!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
And that, from the engineer on topics of SEKS! All aboard! *WHOO*WHOO*
:scratch: The way it's going it could easily be June before many get up there & read any of your letters. :pouty: :doah:
better then then never...……...I,ve done my part...…….stir da pot!!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :sleazy:
must not have gotten his puter back yesterday!!
yea I did, didn't feel like messing with it. still cant get to my emails!!!!!!!! :angry2: :angry2: its why i brought it in!!!!! :banghead: :banghead:
Better look a little harder for that FRIENDLY 5 year old. ;) :laugh: :laugh:
they open at 10, by 10.01 i'll be on the phone with them!!!!!!!!! :angry2: :angry2:
:scratch: Was wondering if you wouldn't. You did tell 'em that was the issue when you took it in, right? They might be able to walk you through it so it'll work.
:scratch: Was wondering if you wouldn't. You did tell'em that was the issue when you took it in, right? They might be able to walk you through it so it'll work.
done and good to go...…..
ya got yer emails back then???
yeppers………...68 to clean up!!!!!! :crazy: :crazy: :rotflmao: now the printer!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
68 more dollars??
yeppers………...68 to clean up!!!!!! :crazy: :crazy: :rotflmao: now the printer!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
There's lots of Easter candy on sale cheap right now. ;) Half a bag of jelly beans from the sidewalk to the front door could take care of that for you. :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
68 more dollars??
:scratch: :doah: No 68 emails! I think ;) ;D
:doah: :doah: :pouty: :pouty: :doofus: :doofus: :crazy: :crazy: oh man do I ever need to go seclude myself up nort!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :thumbs: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
there is a little more open water in front of bobbers bar from the last time I looked but not a whole lot more changed. ice is looking a bit more sketchy and by what I see there will still be some pretty good size snow banks in the yard yet.....no biggy had no plans to manicure the yard up there anyway. was kinda hoping to be able to throw some fertilizer on the clover I planted around the new big shed. :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
Yeah, not much change the last couple days. Been pretty cold, think that wind might've done more damage though. :scratch:
Called PB today & the lady on the phone was from DR & she said all the snow was gone. The west side of the Narrows looks like iy could be gone by this weekend IMO.
Called PB today & the lady on the phone was from DR & she said all the snow was gone. The west side of the Narrows looks like iy could be gone by this weekend IMO.
:happy1: :happy1: good kinda why I decided to wait another week...…….. but you seen the snowbanks we had in the yard. :doofus: :doofus: :rotflmao:
looks like the hole at geigers got a bit bigger. maybe a bit more open water on the narrows cams.
this PB...… a person of interest in Inger!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :mooning: :pouty: Took you long enough!! :rolleyes: That's why I put it that way to see if you could figure it out for yourself. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :bonk: Guess :scratch: I got my answer. :doofus: :thumbs: :confused: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Been busy. Finally puter and printer work in unison. :evil:
got the kids to get it working????
A pre-school and their teacher went walking by..... ;)
Been busy. Finally puter and printer work in unison. :evil:
:shocked: :party1: :cheerleader: :Clap: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:oops1: Forgot PB's 1st name is Paul, want to guess what his last name was? Hint: he had a buddy named Babe. ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:pouty: :pouty: :cheerleader: :banghead: :banghead:yiuz guyz gotz no faith in me :pouty:
Da step kid stopped over!! :sleazy: :sleazy: I wax pissed at and working on da wrong gadget. :pouty:
:scratch: You haven't started :drinking: that Fireball stuff have you? ;) :nerd: Your post yday kind of reminded me of some of Boar's old ones. :rolleyes: :laugh: So you were pissed at the kid or the gadget? He helped or hindered? :confused:
WN opened up a little more yday, still lookin good for the biggest share of that to be gone by Monday IMO. :cool:
I see no issue interpreting my post...…….you still at HH!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
pissed at gadget and he helped. I rarely drink fireball...….have never bought any yet!!!!!!! :sleazy:
:tut: :mooning: :pouty: Me neither, brother likes it once in a while. Kind of thought that's what you meant but................................ there's a need to clarify with you at times. :shocked: :scratch: :rolleyes: ;) ;D
:tut: :mooning: :pouty: Me neither, brother likes it once in a while. Kind of thought that's what you meant but................................ there's a need to clarify with you at times. :shocked: :scratch: :rolleyes: ;) ;D
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :pouty: :pouty:
Think we're gonna make a run for it early next week too.
:oops1: Forgot PB's 1st name is Paul, want to guess what his last name was? Hint: he had a buddy named Babe. ;) :laugh: :laugh:
TV, phone, & Wi-Fi is all PB up there so when we found out a couple years ago you can call 'em & they'll suspend your service 2-3 times a year for up to 6 months/year total, we do it. Still have a small fee for the cable boxes you have but saves a nice chunk of $, specially this year,
Think we're gonna make a run for it early next week too.
when you headed up?? I'll call the sherrif dept. :sleazy: :rotflmao:
man the ice took a hit yesterday. it real pulled away from the shoreline.
It looks like that south wind did a pretty good # on east side of the narrows & Geiger's yday. The west side doesn't look that much different to me. :scratch: BIL called yday & he said Sis has the last week of the month off so it sounds like they may come up too.
Think we're gonna make a run for it early next week too.
when you headed up?? I'll call the sherrif dept. :sleazy: :rotflmao:
:tut: :mooning: :pouty: Good luck with that!! Not sure if we'll be goin 'round Boober's way or we may go by the hall. Probably be more stuff open, especially when we like to travel, if we go up through Moose Lake.
:rotflmao: I'm talking the end of your driveway up there!! :rotflmao:
:tut: Careful, we do have a couple of chain saws & might have time to put a blockade on a certain part of Dallas Lane. :moon: I'm sure the DNR won't care. ;) :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: have at tit, i'll have a chainsaw in the truck...……...wanna cut some firewood myself when i'm up there and right on the road would be ideal!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:
:scratch: How much you do you need? :sleazy: :evil: ;) ;D ;D
Truck load. Split it to would ya!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Truck load. Split it to would ya!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :doah: :laughroll: I see the there's a critical fire weather warning up there today, so you shouldn't need that much. :confused: A lot more open water on the east side of the narrows today & the west side has started following the shoreline north more too. Bet that opens up in the next 2-3 days. A little more in front Geiger's as well.
that's for today only for now. we have the warning here to. looks like the weather could get interesting later.
Their 10 day has a chance (40%) of snow showers tomorrow & a better chance of rain Thursday pm & then a smaller chance for Friday am again.
:happy1:i'll be leaving Friday morning. I can work outside in between whatever mother nature gives me. besides I got letters to distribute. :sleazy: :sleazy: :rolleyes: :happy1:
:scratch: So, all your neighbors :doofus: can read? ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:scratch: So, all your neighbors :doofus: can read? ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:tut: :tut: :pouty: :pouty: :banghead:
pretty sure there not from Iowa!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :nerd: :nerd:
:bonk: :banghead: I forgot they must be pretty sharp :scratch:, 'cause they know enough to hide when they know your around. ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :nerd: :nerd:
:bonk: :banghead: I forgot they must be pretty sharp :scratch:, 'cause they know enough to hide when they know your around. ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :nerd: :nerd:
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1: AND just the way I like it!!!!!! :evil: :dancinred: :dancinred:
:bonk: :banghead: I forgot they must be pretty sharp :scratch:, 'cause they know enough to hide when they know your around. ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :nerd: :nerd:
ya know, actually there is a group of 3 cabins that are all together. I know of 3 different people who have went there and knocked on the door to talk to them when they know full well there in the cabin and they wont answer there door. :doah:
:scratch: From what I know of that bunch :evil: you have up there I can't say I blame 'em. ;) :rolleyes: ;D ;D The Narrows opened up big time yday with that wind, it all could be open be the end of today.
Looks like they took all the precip out of the fcast for the end of the week up there now.
:scratch: From what I know of that bunch :evil: you have up there I can't say I blame 'em. ;) :rolleyes: ;D ;D The Narrows opened up big time yday with that wind, it all could be open be the end of today.
:tut: :tut: :tut: yea well I assure you it isn't us going over to visit. one was the guy that plowed them out this winter looking for payment, the other was another guy that plowed the used to plow out the main road wanting to chew there :moon: for ripping up the main road with 4 wheelers. so......... :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Looks like they took all the precip out of the fcast for the end of the week up there now.
I seen that yesterday...……….. :happy1: :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: :party1: so you'll need to work on another conspiracy!!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao:
:scratch: From what I know of that bunch :evil: you have up there I can't say I blame 'em. ;) :rolleyes: ;D ;D The Narrows opened up big time yday with that wind, it all could be open be the end of today.
:tut: :tut: :tut: yea well I assure you it isn't us going over to visit. one was the guy that plowed them out this winter looking for payment, the other was another guy that plowed the used to plow out the main road wanting to chew there :moon: for ripping up the main road with 4 wheelers. so......... :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:shocked: :scratch: Sounds like you've been givin 'em :evil: lessons. :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:tut: :tut: naw…..we like to avoid them like the corona!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Open water to the west as far as the eye could see @ the Hwy 46, Mosomo Pt/Cutfoot bridge this AM. To the east it was open in front of the resort, Cutfoot Sioux Inn, right up to the point where it goes back into Little Cutfoot & in a normal year that's where they set the nets to take spawn. Some, ~ 5', open water along our shore. The channel just down road that goes to Portage is clear too.
it will sure be interesting to see what we have for snowbanks left in the yard tomorrow morning!!!!! :scratch: :scratch:
gunner messing around outside did you notice if the frost was out????? with the early snow I cant believe there was much to begin with anyway???????
lot of open water on the narrows cams. it looks like the ice pushed up a little on the geigers cam. from the geigers cam looks like it may take a while for the ice to go away yet :scratch: :scratch:
Had a fence post in the ground to mark a spot where we put a clothesline that we take down in the winter, it came out easy today. It wasn't in very far though, < 1'. We had a little snow on both sides of the garage in a couple spots that don't get much sun. Both gone next day after 10 minutes with a shovel.
Not sure but thought :scratch: I heard some sirens up on you know who's :evil: end of the lake this morning. :tut: :pouty: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:tut: :tut: not I!! :angel: :angel:
well another successful trip to the northland. I got all my go get"em letters out to each cabin/place on the lake. there where eagles all over. wind was coming out of the NW so when I was across the lake I could smell dead fish. lot of dead fish along the shorelines.
lake was mostly still ice covered when I got there Friday at 10 am, just a few open spots, but man it went fast. north wind pushed any ice up against the point by us and was gone sat by noon. kind of odd we spent out honeymoon at the cabin 30 years ago and seen the ice go out then too! :happy1:
split hauled and stacked wood...…i aint as young as i used to be. :banghead: or its from being pretty out of shape from the winter. :pouty: all bearings, tires and batteries up to snuff. had to bring the new Yamaha 4 wheeler home, there is a recall on the fuel pump.
yesterday after noon took a little wheeler ride........... holy hannah did they do some serious logging back where we had a bait station.
Ice must be out on the entire lake as a bigger jon boat just came in at the resort around noon & it said sherriff on it so they must of been out putting the "No wake" bouys out. Our bay was open Sunday by ~ 2 or 3. Thought about runnin over to there & lettin them know that the 1 :evil: causin all the ruckus had went back home, just in case though. ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Ice must be out on the entire lake as a bigger jon boat just came in at the resort around noon & it said sherriff on it so they must of been out putting the "No wake" bouys out. Our bay was open Sunday by ~ 2 or 3. Thought about runnin over to there & lettin them know that the 1 :evil: causin all the ruckus had went back home, just in case though. ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
why was Merc up there too?????????? :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Ice must be out on the entire lake as a bigger jon boat just came in at the resort around noon & it said sherriff on it so they must of been out putting the "No wake" bouys out. Our bay was open Sunday by ~ 2 or 3. Thought about runnin over to there & lettin them know that the 1 :evil: causin all the ruckus had went back home, just in case though. ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
why was Merc up there too?????????? :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rolleyes: :bonk: Not that I know of but I did hear em askin if anybody could see a white chevy :evil: over here though. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: no wonder they never found me, I had the truck. :mooning: :mooning:
I wasn't up there but heading up tomorrow to look around. :happy1:
Hayslips is still closed. :rotflmao:
That's why I have my own stash. I'm always prepared up there. :happy1:
Ice must be out on the entire lake as a bigger jon boat just came in at the resort around noon & it said sherriff on it so they must of been out putting the "No wake" bouys out. Our bay was open Sunday by ~ 2 or 3. Thought about runnin over to there & lettin them know that the 1 :evil: causin all the ruckus had went back home, just in case though. ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
why was Merc up there too?????????? :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:doah: :scratch: Seems to me like he's always out in Laughlin when he knows your gonna be up here. :mooning: Can't say I blame him. :sleazy: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: no wonder they never found me, I had the truck. :mooning: :mooning:
:doah: Figured you did, thought they were both white so you didn't get :confused: as to which 1 was yours. :doofus: :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: no wonder they never found me, I had the truck. :mooning: :mooning:
:doah: Figured you did, thought they were both white so you didn't get :confused: as to which 1 was yours. :doofus: :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :pouty: :confused: :banghead: nope not that far along yet. :crazy: :rotflmao:
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
doesn't look like there is a whole lot of ice left both on the narrows and geigers cams today!!!!!!!
Took the wheeler down to the NW access yday & there was a little along that shore then. From Northen Acres up to ~ Geiger's it looked the same & surely not enough to survive the day IMO.
I suppose since your company has left you 2 have been busy over in Inger!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I suppose since your company has left you 2 have been busy over in Inger!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
you are such a pervert!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:tut: :mooning: :pouty: Sounds a lot like your worried somebody is movin in on your turf. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: Went to DR & got rid of the old(88) Alumacraft so headed on to GR after that.
I suppose since your company has left you 2 have been busy over in Inger!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
you are such a pervert!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:happy1: :scratch: He must've been gettin ready to go nite-nite & he realized Momma wasn't gonna want anything to do with him last night..............................again. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Dreamin of his squaws ALWAYS puts him in his happy place :sleazy:. :nerd: :nerd:
:tut: :mooning: :pouty: Sounds a lot like your worried somebody is movin in on your turf. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: Went to DR & got rid of the old(88) Alumacraft so headed on to GR after that.
:tut: :tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
don't see any ice on the cams. geigers got there docks in and 3 boats parked over on the narrows!!!!!!
Actually there's 4 at the Narrows as there's 1 on the north side of their ramp too, no motor on that 1 so that's probably a resort rental. :scratch: The other 3 look like they are on the south side of their ramp & gas pump. I'm bettin they belong to some of what now are private cabins but were part of the resort at 1 time. Went over to the Bstore this am & Chris was workin, she told us that the new owners of Bowstring Shores were going to open for next weekeend but their guest will be checking out on Friday to allow for the extra cleaning that's required now. She also mentioned that she knew of 1 or 2 that weren't opening until the 1st of June.
There's another boat with a motor on it over at the Narrows today, this 1 is on the north side of the ramp & pump. Heard from 2 different people yday that they had the resort next door sold except for the ink on the bottom line before the C19 hit. They've had it up for sale for at least 2 years now as she has some strange kind of disease & is not doing well. The weather here doesn't help any either, I guess. They have another place out in Las Vegas & that weather is better for her from what I hear. Last I knew they were only askin $2.4 mil for it, so 20% down would only be ~ $1/2 mil. Maybe you should buy it. :scratch: ;) Bet you wouldn't need to drive around the county just to keep from getting bored if you did. :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
There's another boat with a motor on it over at the Narrows today, this 1 is on the north side of the ramp & pump. Heard from 2 different people yday that they had the resort next door sold except for the ink on the bottom line before the C19 hit. They've had it up for sale for at least 2 years now as she has some strange kind of disease & is not doing well. The weather here doesn't help any either, I guess. They have another place out in Las Vegas & that weather is better for her from what I hear. Last I knew they were only askin $2.4 mil for it, so 20% down would only be ~ $1/2 mil. Maybe you should buy it. :scratch: ;) Bet you wouldn't need to drive around the county just to keep from getting bored if you did. :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:tut: :tut: :tut:and have to put up with you guyz!!!!! :tut: :tut: :bs: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
We rarely go over there as they don't encourage the locals comin over & mingling with their guests. Might be a different story :sleazy: :evil: if it was you over there. ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :pouty: :crazy: you crazy...........i'm looking to slow down and retire and goof off like you do!!!!!!!!!! not look for more stuff to do!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :pouty: :crazy: you crazy...........i'm looking to slow down and retire and goof off like you do!!!!!!!!!! not look for more stuff to do!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:shocked: Just tryin to hep you & the wife out ;) so you got somethin to do & aren't drivin her :crazy: 'cause your bored all the time. :bonk: :doah: :rolleyes: :nerd: :nerd:
So nice out & tired of putzin around here yday that I decided to give the crappies a shot down at the Portage bridge. I get to the corner, look down there & there's 3 cars down there, all natives. The younger adult male was at his car when I pulled up on the wheeler & he spoke. Nice guy, very courteous & he said they were just lookin to get the kids outside doing something fun. Fished with 'em for ~ an hour & a 1/2. Seemed like a good group & sounded like Grandpa, Grandma, Mom, Dad, & 4 or 5 kids to me. Thought :scratch: about askin 'em if they knew you ;) but decided against it. :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: No new rigs on the webcams this morning, that I could see.
:tut: :tut: :tut:i keep telling you i dont go into your neighborhood!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: Yeah, but you say a lot of stuff :rolleyes: & a good share of the time it sounds just like our elected officials. :bs: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:
1 boat tied up at Geiger's today & where it's parked I'm wonderin if it's not theirs.
Nothin new over at the Narrows but it looks like they've been busy over at Geiger's. Another dock to the south of ones out front is out there & I'm not sure but it looks like there might be a lift or 2 in at the main dock. :scratch: I don't think they had any lifts in use last year though. :confused:
seen a post on IDO from a guy that said he lives a block from the intersection of 2 and 169. said he didn't notice anything different yesterday then any other normal opening weekend of fishing!!!!
curiosity is getting the best of me...…….I may need to drive by the horseshoe chain.
Quite a few boats fishing in front of Bowstring Shores this morning but the boats are constantly moving which isn't a good sign. It had to be a cool morning on the water but a least the wind stayed down.
Took a chilly wheeler ride down to that NW access ~bout 9:30-10 this mornin & they were parked a 1/4 mile or more up the road. I counted 31 trucks & trailers by the time I got to the ramp. Stopped for a bit to see how many of 'em were :fishing: out front & had to park the wheeler 'cause they were puttin in & takin out so often. Bet 5 maybe 6 rigs in the 15 minutes or so that I was there went up or down the ramp. That many there, I'd say it's a safe bet that there were another 100 rigs at the 1 on 35 & the 1 on the south shore. :crazy:
Quite a few boats fishing in front of Bowstring Shores this morning but the boats are constantly moving which isn't a good sign. It had to be a cool morning on the water but a least the wind stayed down.
When at the access the 1st boat behind me went in but next 1 was a smaller(16') Lund that was beached on the north side when I got there. He was the 2nd boat & comin out as he had his limit already. A lone younger guy from GR, chatted with him a bit & he said 8' with a jig/chub was the ticket for him. One more went in & then somebody got dropped at the dock, they were leavin. Not 1 walleye for them & lots of hammer handles. :crazy: :confused:
Only 5 trucks & 4 empty boat trailers at the resort this AM
Stopped at the North access on our way to the Bstore this mornin ~ 8:15 & it was already almost full. They've put some posts in along the drive in to try to keep 'em from parkin everywhere. Now it's gotta be tough for 'em to get as many rigs as they did unless they park along Co Rd 35.
You ever go out yesterday???
Nope, our gear is not in the water yet. Could've went out with the neighbor though, but pretty chilly. :cold: Maybe mid-week as it's 'sposed to warm up, 60's, by Wednesday or Thursday here.
Brother talked to mom, said they got 28 of them little snot rocket slimers yesterday. 3 guys. Kept 2 walleyes and 2 had to go back to long.
Friday nite I got a call from a cabin owner and tonight an email from one telling me they bent the DNR fisheries ear. :smoking: :smoking: hope a few more do. Looks like my letters are working. :dancinred: :blues brothers: :rocker;
:cool: It can't hurt but that's still the easy part IMO. They would still have to get the project approved, probably by someone in St. Paul & if they do 1 I'm sure there are quite a few more in the area that are in a similar situation. With all the CV19 crap goin on, I'm wonderin what that's done to even their usual routine. :confused:
:sorry: I'm not tryin to rain on your parade just my POV. I can put myself in your shoes & I'd be :banghead: too if it was our lake & thought that they weren't going to be of much :help: turnin things around. :tut: :pouty: :doah: :sad: You must've :scratch: been pretty :angel: to those other property owners :kiss: the way they're reacting to your letter. ;) :rolleyes: :confused: At least a LOT nicer than you :evil: are to most of us here a lot of the time. :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
oh i hear ya. i understand where your coming from as those are thoughts in the back of my mind as well.
i only talked to 2 guys :evil: :rolleyes: when i dropped off those letters. :happy1: and as they saying goes.......if you cant dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with :bs: :bs:!!!!!!!!
and god only knows i learned most of that here!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
the guy that emailed me did say his new neighbor caught a couple small snot rockets off his dock this past weekend so some fish managed to make it. i just cant believe there is a whole lot left after 2 consecutive years of freeze out. i measn how much time and resourses can it take to set some trap nets and just check it out???????????????
I agree they set the nets here in ~ a 1/2 day & I don't think :scratch: it takes more than 3 guys from what I've seen. Not sure why exactly :scratch: but that seems to usually happen August or September on our lake. :confused:
:banghead: :banghead: :taz: :taz: awe Jeez........i was looking at the Itasca county GIS mapping, we gotz an Iowegian property owner on the lake!!!!! :doofus: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
our side of the lake.........up on the north end!!!!!!!!! from Newton iowa??????????
:tut: So that's where all the big :fish2: are goin? :nerd: :nerd:
:tut: So that's where all the big :fish2: are goin? :nerd: :nerd:
yea i kinda noticed there werent as many bullheads left in the lake!!!!!!!!! :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :mooning: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: Just 1 real big 1 & he drives a Silverado. :sleazy: ;) ;D ;D
:tut: Just 1 real big 1 & he drives a Silverado. :sleazy: ;) ;D ;D
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
Nobody left at the resort this morning, both webcams are really quiet too.
It was still a little early for HH yday when we finished with the dock so I jumped on the wheeler. There were 5 or 6 vehicles down at the NW access but 3 of 'em were US Forest Service trucks. One had a big tracked side by side in the back which had a large tank with some pumps on it in the box of the S X S. It looked like 6-8 of the USFS people were standing around talkin. As I was leavin I noticed they were all wearin USFS Fire Squad T-shirts. :scratch: Don't know of any fires around here but with the conditions lately they could've been out gettin ready, just in case. :confused:
Had to look real hard to see if Glen's shop in GR, Terex/ASV, was even open today. :scratch: There was only 2 pickups in the lot & 1 was up front by the office. Maybe they've been shut down or could be it was just today. :confused:
There is a big parking lot on the south end of the building beyond that little front lot. There are ALOT of people out that took a voluntary layoff due to the COVID thing. And there is the main employee parking lot on the east side of the building.
We found out the hard way. :confused: :banghead: :banghead: the first time we did a handbilling there we did the driveway by the office door, only to find out the main employee entrance was on the other side of the building :doofus: so most the handbill lititure we handed out went to office people. :confused: :cheerleader: :banghead: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Yeah, I've noticed quite a few vehicles by that other south entrance before. Isn't it fenced off separately even? I seen only 1 vehicle back there & it was ~ 9 or so today when we were in the area.
I never really went back there. I know the HR lady left an went to Blandin. Don't remember a fence. They do have a building they rent and call it distribution center.
Everybody in GR was pretty busy again yesterday, couldn't even get in the door at Aldi's. They were makin people wait outside until someone came out ~ 11:30. Super 1 foods on Hwy 2 was almost as busy. Still not very many boats in town or on the road so it must've been mostly seasonal & GR residents out shopping.
Got the decking on the dock this morning & now I'm not sure we're deep enough. :bonk: May try goin out another 4'. :pouty: It got pretty nice ~ 1-2 but the clouds & wind made it too cool now. Needed to come in anyhow. ;) :drinking: ;D
Quiet over at Geiger's but just watched someone load up over at the Narrows. Looks like a 1/2 dozen or so boats on the north side of their ramp again. Most of those were there by 4 or 5 yday.
made plans to head up the weekend of June 6th............. look out fishies!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :fish2: :fish2: :evil:
made plans to head up the weekend of June 6th............. look out dumb fishies!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :fish2: :fish2: :evil:
:nerd: :nerd: :scratch: Better put some water in your boat to make sure it only comes out the hole in the back. ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: That way you'll know it still floats 'cause if I remember right it hasn't seen the water in a while.
made plans to head up the weekend of June 6th............. look out dumb fishies!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :fish2: :fish2: :evil:
:nerd: :nerd: :scratch: Better put some water in your boat to make sure it only comes out the hole in the back. ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: That way you'll know it still floats 'cause if I remember right it hasn't seen the water in a while.
:tut: :tut: it floats!!👍 :happy1:
:scratch: You sure? Thought you only put it once last season up here. :confused:
:scratch: You sure? Thought you only put it once last season up here. :confused:
Yea with my bizzare schedule last summer that's it. But it still floated when I took it to the river to fog it and run stabilizer threw it. :happy1:
Found out today motor starter thingy is fixed do I'll pick it up Monday.
Was it the spring in the switch? :scratch: Probably had to put a whole new switch in though, huh? :confused:
Was it the spring in the switch? :scratch: Probably had to put a whole new switch in though, huh? :confused:
not sure but that's my guess. I talked to some gal who simply looked on the puter and told me it's done. Find out Monday.
Heading up tomorrow and going fishing for a few days. Glen, if I end up in jail will you bail me out when you come up. :bow:
Heading up tomorrow and going fishing for a few days. Glen, if I end up in jail will you bail me out when you come up. :bow:
:happy1: :happy1: sure, you betcha. my brother was up for a week if anyone shoulda been thrown in the clink, it shoulda been him!!!!!! :rotflmao: mom returned home from there yesterday.
rumor has it Rileys is open!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
Haven't heard about Riley's but I know they put new siding and windows in.
Haven't heard about Riley's but I know they put new siding and windows in.
my brother has a friend that lives in grand rapids. long story short he called his friend when he got to th cabin and his friend told him he was a Rileys having a beer and burger...….its what mom told mre yesterday! :scratch: :scratch:
Man a good juicy burger and an ice cold beer sounds damn good. We all need to meet up somewhere someday and do that.
Man a good juicy burger and an ice cold beer sounds damn good. We all need to meet up somewhere someday and do that.
I'm in!!!!!
Heading up tomorrow and going fishing for a few days. Glen, if I end up in jail will you bail me out when you come up. :bow:
:happy1: :happy1: sure, you betcha. my brother was up for a week if anyone shoulda been thrown in the clink, it shoulda been him!!!!!! :rotflmao: mom returned home from there yesterday.
rumor has it Rileys is open!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
:tut: Only for take out, so far is what the locals are tellin us. Just like Sportsmans, brother had a lady at Wallyworld tell him this week that they've been almost as busy as what they are normally.
Got some lumber in Marcell yday & the younger guys workin said they order from Riley's quite a bit. Also said they just had 1 of their better days ever :cool: & were surprised for it being just take out. I do know that when we stopped at the north access on Sunday last weekend that Riley's had sign right there were get off 35.
mayhaps he did order take out. as usual some of the finer details got left out! :pouty: what threw me was the beer part...…...didn't think they could take or sell it outside??? :scratch:
Bars can sell up to six beers, I believe, to go. It was passed to help keep them going along with the take out food.
Bars can sell up to six beers, I believe, to go. It was passed to help keep them going along with the take out food.
:happy1: :happy1:
Bars can sell up to six beers, I believe, to go. It was passed to help keep them going along with the take out food.
Brother said when he went to Marcell there was 5 or 6 of Merc's buddies sittin outside at Hayslips on some picnic tables havin a couple. :toast: :scratch: Might've been on the lookout though thinkin it was 'bout time he showed up. ;) :laugh: Bet :police: don't come 'round there very often so they can get away with a little more.
I may have to check it out this week. I know they are open for off sale, so who knows what rules they have. :happy1:
Yeah, a lot of 'em around here have an off sale license. Bet they'll be glad to see ya. :cool:
mayhaps he did order take out. as usual some of the finer details got left out! :pouty: what threw me was the beer part...…...didn't think they could take or sell it outside??? :scratch:
Forgot to mention that Riley's does have a few of the big wooden spools that the utility companies use sitting out in their parking for customers to use as tables if the weather is nice. :cool: Brother said there was a few around 'em yday afternoon.
Good for them!!👍 10 news last night interviewd the manager for the 6 area Shady's. These folks are seriously hurting.
Also got an email from the DNR red flag warning up that way.
I'm not surprised as it's been so dry that there has hardly even been any dew in the mornings. There's only been a day or 2 where I needed to put on my Muck slip ons so my feet didn't get wet. Been pretty windy just about everyday too. Took the wheeler down to the NW access twice this weekend & only 2 rigs both times. Must've slowed down over there or there'd been more locals over there. That or everyone's waitin for next weekend.
Made a quick run to GR today as we needed a few things & tryin to free up some :fishing: time. Maybe even run up to URL, dependin on the weather. :scratch: Leavin there today I noticed the sign at the place on Hwy 2 were you liked their Reubens. It said closed & the VFW comin soon. The old VFW was completely tore down last week so I was wonderin what was goin on.
Made a quick run to GR today as we needed a few things & tryin to free up some :fishing: time. Maybe even run up to URL, dependin on the weather. :scratch: Leavin there today I noticed the sign at the place on Hwy 2 were you liked their Reubens. It said closed & the VFW comin soon. The old VFW was completely tore down last week so I was wonderin what was goin on.
well if that rueben was anything like the rest of there food I can see why it's no longer opening. The food at the pickled loon in st cloud was great. There was a place called Grandma's saloon on hwy 6 north of Emily, that is now a pickled loon, still alot of cars there when I drove by.
got the boat back last nite. the fix it ticket said it was a bad fuse holder to the motor, I looked a bit and never did find it, but i'll take a more in-depth look when I start putting all my stuff back in the boat.
Made a quick run to GR today as we needed a few things & tryin to free up some :fishing: time. Maybe even run up to URL, dependin on the weather. :scratch: Leavin there today I noticed the sign at the place on Hwy 2 were you liked their Reubens. It said closed & the VFW comin soon. The old VFW was completely tore down last week so I was wonderin what was goin on.
well if that rueben was anything like the rest of there food I can see why it's no longer opening. The food at the pickled loon in st cloud was great. There was a place called Grandma's saloon on hwy 6 north of Emily, that is now a pickled loon, still alot of cars there when I drove by.
:scratch: No, no............................I said the 1 on Hwy 2 & that was Toivo's or something like that, wasn't it.? :confused: I thought you liked the Reuben at the place by the Goodwill store. The Pickled Loon in GR is out by Zorbas & the Pokegama bridge isn't it? We don't get out 169 that far very often.
Toivi's is closed???????? NOOOooooooooooooooooo :taz: :taz: :taz: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: training-087 that bites!!!!!!!!
yea I was confused, when yo said Rueben...…….that one at the pickled look still haunts me!!!!!!! :confused: :confused:
but rumor up there was Toivis was up for sale!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: they had a points program I used, spend a hundred bucks, and you got 10 bucks off next bill.
got the boat back last nite. the fix it ticket said it was a bad fuse holder to the motor, I looked a bit and never did find it, but i'll take a more in-depth look when I start putting all my stuff back in the boat.
:scratch: I don't believe there's a in line fuse on our main hot wire going to the starting battery. I know there is 1 on the switch & the rest of the console though. :confused:
Toivi's is closed???????? NOOOooooooooooooooooo :taz: :taz: :taz: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: training-087 that bites!!!!!!!!
yea I was confused, when yo said Rueben...…….that one at the pickled look still haunts me!!!!!!! :confused: :confused:
but rumor up there was Toivis was up for sale!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: they had a points program I used, spend a hundred bucks, and you got 10 bucks off next bill.
Yeah, it said for sale on their sign when we came up, the end of April.
Best talk to your buddy on Oteneagen Rd & see what up with Mn 6 too. Orange signs up all over saying it was closed yday. MnDOT is saying they are resurfacing from just north of him all the way up to just north of Talmoon or Little Too Much Lake where they're replacing a culvert.
Best talk to your buddy on Oteneagen Rd & see what up with Mn 6 too. Orange signs up all over saying it was closed yday. MnDOT is saying they are resurfacing from just north of him all the way up to just north of Talmoon or Little Too Much Lake where they're replacing a culvert.
UFFDA.........yea i'll send him a text...........he's currently being paid by trump!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
oh and he doesnt live in otenagen road.........just north of there, the tarred driveway that goes up the hill before after that big house out in the open. and that house is my good friend the CO!!!!!!! :smoking: :happy1:
my pal got back to me. he said the Toivi's deal is correct. HWY6, he said there is some work in town and the culvert work is by the deer/moose lake road and will be a couple weeks???????
i took a look on the DOT website..........they dont show sheet. :bonk: :bonk: :banghead: :banghead: guess we'll find out soon enough. kid is headed up friday!
if it's a cty road they won't show it on mindot....
if it's a cty road they won't show it on mindot....
HWY 6 is a state hwy though..........all it shows is some color coding and according to the ledger its the speed of the hwy???????? :doofus: :doofus: :doofus:
just looked at it, interesting
just looked at it, interesting
:pouty: :pouty: :doah: :doofus: :taz: :banghead: :banghead: sheez.........i'm not that big of an idiot!!!!!!! :shocked: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
i know really wierd.
just looked at it, interesting
:pouty: :pouty: :doah: :doofus: :taz: :banghead: :banghead: sheez.........i'm not that big of an idiot!!!!!!! :shocked: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
i know really wierd.
didn't say ya were, but if you say you are okay!!! I can run with it.. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
just looked at it, interesting
:pouty: :pouty: :doah: :doofus: :taz: :banghead: :banghead: sheez.........i'm not that big of an idiot!!!!!!! :shocked: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
i know really wierd.
didn't say ya were, but if you say you are okay!!! I can run with it.. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: you would anyway!!!!!!!! :pouty: :rotflmao:
if it's a cty road they won't show it on mindot....
HWY 6 is a state hwy though..........all it shows is some color coding and according to the ledger its the speed of the hwy???????? :doofus: :doofus: :doofus:
It doesn't sound like your at the same spot I go :scratch:. Where I go is MnDOT & has MN State highway projects right below that & has resurface from Talmoon to Itasca CR 136 listed under Hwy6-Talmoon. Next page has the culvert at Little Too Much just north of Talmoon being replaced on it. It also has July - September 2020 for dates on Hwy6-Talmoon page.
copy and paste the address maybe...
Not sure it works with a phone or tablet :scratch: as they are sometimes different because of the difference in memory required to access the site. The URL is dot.state.mn.us/roadwork/index or Google & mndot road construction gets me there.
We've been invaded................................ the skeets are suddenly terrible. We sat outside Wednesday for a little HH,'bout got ate alive yady leavin Big Bog & when we unhooked the boat when we got here.
We've been invaded................................ the skeets are suddenly terrible. We sat outside Wednesday for a little HH,'bout got ate alive yady leavin Big Bog & when we unhooked the boat when we got here.
Glenn must be coming up there soon!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:tut: :tut: :tut:
:bonk: Got my days mixed up :doah: it was Tuesday :confused: that we sat out for a couple :drinking: & barely a skeet to be found. :crazy: Wednesday we went to URL.
:bonk: Got my days mixed up :doah: it was Tuesday :confused: that we sat out for a couple :drinking: & barely a skeet to be found. :crazy: Wednesday we went to URL.
sounds like a little too much HH down in Inger to me!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
talked to my friend up there yesterday..........and my son this morning...........he's already up there. :doofus: didnt know that. they both said that detour sucks. detour takes you to cty rd 44, part tar part gravel and back to tar. with the detour the gravel is really beat up.
i may just take 46 all the way to squaw lake then over??????????????
Had no idea where 44 was had to look it up. Kind of looks like it goes north off 142 & that's the 1st 1 north of the casino where the old burned Bottle Shop building is sittin back in the weeds.
:bonk: Got my days mixed up :doah: it was Tuesday :confused: that we sat out for a couple :drinking: & barely a skeet to be found. :crazy: Wednesday we went to URL.
sounds like a little too much HH down in Inger to me!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
:tut: :mooning: :pouty: It's called turnin 65. :doofus: :confused: ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I took a good serious look at my schedule this week...…..since i'm off and nothing on my schedule me thinks I am headed north about wed afternoon!!!!!!!!! :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: do need to get a few things done around home though first. weather forecast looks respectable toward the end of the week too!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
:bonk: Got my days mixed up :doah: it was Tuesday :confused: that we sat out for a couple :drinking: & barely a skeet to be found. :crazy: Wednesday we went to URL.
sounds like a little too much HH down in Inger to me!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
:tut: :mooning: :pouty: It's called turnin 65. :doofus: :confused: ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
so Gunner ya turned 65 the other day?? if so Happy belated birthday!!! :Clap: :happybday: :party3:
yea happy belated :happybday: :happybday: ya old fart!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
yea happy belated :happybday: :happybday: ya old fart!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: Yeah, but it was in March though. :crazy:
but ya never said that!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
but ya never said that!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
that's cause he probably didn't remember it!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :doofus: :crazy: :evil:
:bonk: :doah: Thought I'd see where you guys ran with that. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
MARCH and you didn't let your buddies know about it???? Well happy Birthday to ya Gunner.
MARCH and you didn't let your buddies know about it???? Well happy Birthday to ya Gunner.
Gotta be a little careful :rolleyes: what I tell you guys sometimes. :tut: :pouty: Well at least 1 :evil:..............................................maybe 2 of ya. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
MARCH and you didn't let your buddies know about it???? Well happy Birthday to ya Gunner.
Gotta be a little careful :rolleyes: what I tell you guys sometimes. :tut: :pouty: Well at least 1 :evil:..............................................maybe 2 of ya. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: Hmmmmmmmm.. wonder who those would be :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
headed up wed morning!!!!!! :smoking: :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred:
Ever hear back from the kid? When is he leavin, today?
Ever hear back from the kid? When is he leavin, today?
no, I didn't hear back. I had sent him a text , think Saturday if he was up by himself and he never responded. his text made it sound like he was by himself. his cousin and new girlfriend where going to come up, but he's as unreliable as they come.
he did say he got some sunfish on the little lake behind the old school!!!!! I might hear from him later today, as I am sure he'll be coming back home today.
Have you seen her yet Glenn? Is she hot???? :sleazy:
Have you seen her yet Glenn? Is she hot???? :sleazy:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: Yea I met her. I wouldn't call her fishing gal hot. :rotflmao: not bad, and definitely not shy.
Still think she's not all there knowing my nephew. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
LOL So not shy??? So what is the story that you are dying to tell us? She was hitting on you wasn't she?
:rotflmao: she was very talkative and afraid of no topic. I like her. I get the feeling I could give her all kinds of crap. :happy1: :rotflmao:
Fun as heck. :happy1:
Got back from GR ~ 12:30 & we had another 1/4", still rainin too. :happy1: L & M & WW were packed, Aldi's was kind of quiet. More boats on the road today the we seen total this trip. Some comin north on our way in but double that headed south on our way home.
:scratch: Well there hasn't been any native drums beating down at the Pow Wow Grounds yet. ;) Haven't heard any sirens either. :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:scratch: Thought I heard some drums beatin yday a couple times. Either they were havin a little party down there or glenn's been causin trouble......................................again. ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
he's been back in CS since Friday....
:scratch: He came home early? :huh: That's not like him, hope everything is OK. Hmmm, no posts either. :confused: Guess I can't blame the native uprising on him then. :doah: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Maybe he is over at his NL's house.
he's been back in CS since Friday....
:tut: :tut: :tut: I got back Saturday about noon. I was very limited to where I could fish as our lake is toast. fished the little lake behind the old school. lot of gunner size sunfish!!!!!! :rotflmao: no nords. wed I went from no shirt to thurs wearing t-shirt long sleeve shirt and a sweatshirt. all fish I caught went back in.
worked my butt off..cut the whole yard...…….with a push mower and cut split and stacked wood.
good news is this wed i'm headed back up with a friend and then its LOOK OUT FISH!!!!!!!! :fish2: :fish2: :fishing: :fishing: :Fish: :stillfish: :stillfish:
:tut: :mooning: :pouty: :scratch: You know what Boar would have to say 'bout that, don't ya? :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:
:tut: :mooning: :pouty: :scratch: You know what Boar would have to say 'bout that, don't ya? :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:
:scratch: so who's this boar you speak of? :scratch: :scratch: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :mooning: :pouty: :scratch: You know what Boar would have to say 'bout that, don't ya? :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:
:scratch: so who's this boar you speak of? :scratch: :scratch: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:shocked: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: Thought you had a rider up here. :confused: What the kid couldn't get the push mower started? ;) :doah:
We do, it's my brother's but it ran like crap so I'm deligating it to someone else. :happy1: :rotflmao:
Glenn, a friend is going up with you? I didn't know there was one around. :rotflmao: Hope after that remark you will answer my question. :bow: Is the detour still going on six or is it done? Thank you. I have friends too and we are going up next week so just curious. :happy1:
Glenn, a friend is going up with you? I didn't know there was one around. :rotflmao: Hope after that remark you will answer my question. :bow: Is the detour still going on six or is it done? Thank you. I have friends too and we are going up next week so just curious. :happy1:
:rotflmao: :confused: :banghead: training-087 Yea but we're are driving separately. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: and yes the detour is alive and well. Thinking I'm gonna take the bowstring/ Inger road wed to see if there is an iowa license plate in Inger. :rotflmao: I went into squaw lake last time.
Looks like Itasca county is getting hit with a thunder storm now.! :confused:
Glenn, a friend is going up with you? I didn't know there was one around. :rotflmao: Hope after that remark you will answer my question. :bow: Is the detour still going on six or is it done? Thank you. I have friends too and we are going up next week so just curious. :happy1:
:rotflmao: :confused: :banghead: training-087 Yea but we're are driving separately. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: and yes the detour is alive and well. Thinking I'm gonna take the bowstring/ Inger road wed to see if there is an iowa license plate in Inger. :rotflmao: I went into squaw lake last time.
:tut: :mooning: :pouty: Back in Ia now, we crossed the border ~ 11:30 yday so. :moon: It's a lot warmer, wetter & quite a bit quieter down here.
Looks like Itasca county is getting hit with a thunder storm now.! :confused:
Some pics on Nextdoor from the west side of the main lake from last night, they have some 2-3" hail in their hand from that storm. They said it hit ~ 9:15, the neighbor across the road from us said they had a few minutes of 1/4" hail. :crazy:
I talked to my pal just up from the otenagen road today...…...he never mentioned getting any hail :scratch: :scratch:
Yeah, he's got to be close to 8, maybe more, miles south of us & the people out on the lake are closer to 3 miles if you go by boat so.......................... :crazy: They are going to have somebody come out to look at their roof, said the boat, lift, & canopy was fine though.
Well fellers I be back!!! :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: we took 18 snot rockets out of gunners lake Thursday. And a few more out of bowstring later that day. Caught alot of small ones to small to keep on both lakes.
Friday we headed to lake Z and scored big time on nice sunfish. I haven't been on the lake since high school. Sat we hit a lake north of talmoon on hwy 6. Caught and released about 20 pike. And only one was over 26 inches.
I fish lake Z a lot and there really are nice sunfish in there. Heading up this week and I'm sure I'll fish it. :rotflmao: Is the detour still on? Thanks!! :happy1:
I fish lake Z a lot and there really are nice sunfish in there. Heading up this week and I'm sure I'll fish it. :rotflmao: Is the detour still on? Thanks!! :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: if your thinking of lake Z that's next to lake Q, yep that's the one!! :super smiley: :nerd: :rotflmao:
Yes the detour is still on. Good luck
So is Z a code name for lake Zucchini? I'm gonna find it......
So is Z a code name for lake Zucchini? I'm gonna find it......
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: nope. Code for zecret lake. :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao:
I fish lake Z a lot and there really are nice sunfish in there. Heading up this week and I'm sure I'll fish it. :rotflmao: Is the detour still on? Thanks!! :happy1:
:scratch: You know merc, it can't be very far from Peterson or 57 wouldn't have been able to find his way home. :drinking: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
I fish lake Z a lot and there really are nice sunfish in there. Heading up this week and I'm sure I'll fish it. :rotflmao: Is the detour still on? Thanks!! :happy1:
:scratch: You know merc, it can't be very far from Peterson or 57 wouldn't have been able to find his way home. :drinking: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :rotflmao: I wasn't driving!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
one of the girls driving!!! from Inger!!
one of the girls driving!!! from Inger!!
:tut: :tut: :tut: stay outta dis. :rolleyes: :tut: :confused: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: I ain't messing in those iowegians turf. :rotflmao:
yea what ever!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
one of the girls driving!!! from Inger!!
:tut: :tut: :tut: stay outta dis. :rolleyes: :tut: :confused: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: I ain't messing in those iowegians turf. :rotflmao:
Here i thought you caught fish fish from gunners turf?? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:happy1: I did......we helped the DNR clean out a bunch...…..our limit of 10 each of them little snot rockets!!
caught the sunfish on another lake!!!!
I hear ya Gunner, but maybe that's why he wasn't driving because he would probably still be trying to find his way back. I have my ideas where he was but he is a man of mystery. :scratch:
:scratch: Bet his wife has another word for it! ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
:happy1: Mikey, Boober, & merc I would've gave ALL your posts a few more "likes" if I could of. :Clap: ;) ;D ;D
:happy1: Mikey, Boober, & merc I would've gave ALL your posts a few more "likes" if I could of. :Clap: ;) ;D ;D
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :doah: :pouty: :pouty:
:scratch: Bet his wife has another word for it! ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
yea...….that big loveable seks machine!!!!!!!!!!! :dancinred: :nerd: :nerd:
:scratch: Bet his wife has another word for it! ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
yea...….that big loveable seks machine!!!!!!!!!!! :dancinred: :nerd: :nerd:
:scratch: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Well fellers I be back!!! :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: we took 18 snot rockets out of gunners lake Thursday. And a few more out of bowstring later that day. Caught alot of small ones to small to keep on both lakes.
Friday we headed to lake Z and scored big time on nice sunfish. I haven't been on the lake since high school. Sat we hit a lake north of talmoon on hwy 6. Caught and released about 20 pike. And only one was over 26 inches.
Come back & take all you want 'cause there was no June lake assoc. meeting this year so there should be plenty. That's the 1st meeting of the year,usually close to a 100 people there & we have a fish fry. So there's 6-8 of us that catch & clean 60-80 of those hammer handles for it every year. I did notice early on that there seemed to be quite a few more of those 10-16" ers than usual this year. :sad:
i found another lake i'm gnna work on too.........but yea i'll be back!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Where'd you put in? :scratch: LS bridge? Normally that's where you :fishing: too, right? Near the channel where it comes into our lake? :confused:
Where'd you put in? :scratch: LS bridge? Normally that's where you :fishing: too, right? Near the channel where it comes into our lake? :confused:
if the water is high enough we put in at the DNR access across from the anchor inn, if its low then at the anchor inn. I've put in on big sand once.
yea we fish little sand mostly. troll that west shore, and there is a point that comes out by that channel we work. we also like to go through the channel and work that shoreline back and forth up to the resort over there.
Back from the north land. Ended up with 20 walleye, didn't try for anything else and really didn't fish that much so it was pretty good fishing. Got the most close to Gunner but not on his lake. Drove over to the access by you Gunner and it was the first time I ever saw jugs of water exchange there for bait. Cool idea the lake association came up with. Other than the wind and skeeters it was a great trip. Lots of people around the area also. :happy1:
Merc did you run into Gunners AIS buddy!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
So you caught a pile of roughfish huh!! :rotflmao: good to hear ya finally found a few fish. Not afraid to admit by it I suck at walleye fishing.
SHUT IP BOAR..... AND ANYONE ELSE. :tut: :tut: :rotflmao:
Merc did you run into Gunners AIS buddy!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
So you caught a pile of roughfish huh!! :rotflmao: good to hear ya finally found a few fish. Not afraid to admit by it I suck at walleye fishing.
SHUT IP BOAR..... AND ANYONE ELSE. :tut: :tut: :rotflmao:
:shocked: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
HEY MERC............... got an update on that little ranier lake and the fence. my coworker is down for our meeting tonight. he said his kid went over there to fish the lake. the gate was open, they put a little john boat in and wasnt even finished parked and some lady came down jumping all over them about tresspassing and not being allowed to go out there. after a back and forth with its this and that and her saying they pay taxes on that, apparently they got to fish. guess they caught a little bit of everything, bass, crappies, sunfish and pike.
i'll call my friend Swill, he is good friends with Fairbanks, the CO in the area, actually there neighbors now, his kid talked to him but not his area. he cant understand why they keep fighting over this as its been going on for a long time. anyway he gave him the name and number of the CO who's area that is. per Fairbanks people should be able to access the lake from that point. could be interesting, i may have to get over there and see if i can wrestle up a little fun!!!!!!!!! :evil: :sleazy: :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
HEY MERC............... got an update on that little ranier lake and the fence. my coworker is down for our meeting tonight. he said his kid went over there to fish the lake. the gate was open, they put a little john boat in and wasnt even finished parked and some lady came down jumping all over them about tresspassing and not being allowed to go out there. after a back and forth with its this and that and her saying they pay taxes on that, apparently they got to fish. guess they caught a little bit of everything, bass, crappies, sunfish and pike.
i'll call my friend Swill, he is good friends with Fairbanks, the CO in the area, actually there neighbors now, his kid talked to him but not his area. he cant understand why they keep fighting over this as its been going on for a long time. anyway he gave him the name and number of the CO who's area that is. per Fairbanks people should be able to access the lake from that point. could be interesting, i may have to get over there and see if i can wrestle up a little fun!!!!!!!!! :evil: :sleazy: :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Hey glenn, which one of them has that newer house up on the hill that sets kind of by itself? There's a nice pretty new glass boat & a RV in the yard a lot too. That Fairbanks or your buddy? :confused:
that is Mr. Fairbanks and his wifes. and he is right across the hwy from the know meth manufacturer/ dealer!!!! :rolleyes: just moved there in the past year or so. my buddy is the next driveway north, the tar driveway that goes up at an angle in the woods with the bronco sitting on top of the hill.
that is Mr. Fairbanks and his wifes. and he is right across the hwy from the know meth manufacturer/ dealer!!!! :rolleyes: just moved there in the past year or so. my buddy is the next driveway north, the tar driveway that goes up at an angle in the woods with the bronco sitting on top of the hill.
:scratch: So, how do you know about the guy across the road? :tut: :rolleyes: :doah: :evil: Just kidding ;), must not be the sharpest dude if everyone knows what's goin on, so he'll end up gettin what he deserves. Been wonderin too if'n you ever hear from that old grouchy dude in Willmar? :scratch:
Nope not a word. A while back he posted on lake state fishing, about it.
My coworker and his wife told me about the guy and I watched law enforcement raid the place once.
Glenn, I talked to one of my buddies up there this winter. He used to be on the township board and he said they have been fighting this for years. He then said the guy gas way more money than brains so he has his lawyer doing all of the work. Fence went down once but back up again. It's irritating but there are much better lakes in the area to fish so I guess he can have his little lake.
Merc, I realize that but it's a lake I want to go to again and noone should limit access. But I can live without going there to I suppose.
Probably why I want to go to it again. Kinda the forbidden fruit thing!!🤪 :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Gunner, where is sand lake lodge from you?? There's a guy from Iowa going to be staying there the same time I'm going to be up the week of the 27th. He Is over on IDO. GOING to try and meet up with him one day.
It's on the south shore of the main lake, kind of close to where the river comes in. :scratch: Sure, some guy you've never met & your gonna get together with him on my lake :bonk: :doah: I'm up there all the time & the only time you come around is when I've got somethin you want. :rolleyes: :banghead: You going over by boat or drivin? It's not the easiest place to get to by car, do you know where Rainbow Rd is?
hey you putz..........i've visited without expecting anything!!!!!! :tut: :pouty: :rotflmao:
gonna drive and i'll bring my nuivi........i'll find it. i googled it so got a good idea..just go down past your place towards 46 watch for signs.
besides.....its your turn to visit!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: but your probably having problems staying away from Inger!!!!!!! :smoking: :sleazy: :nerd: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll:
:rolleyes: :doah: Yeah once but that's 'bout all!! :mooning: :nerd: :nerd: You know the curve there by that place where they usually beat the drums after they've caught you :evil: sneakin around the village at night, turn north there, that's Rainbow Rd. :doofus: It's a ways back there. Besides, ALL the female natives I seen last trip were always smilin, even grandma, after you left the last time :sleazy: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:rolleyes: :doah: Yeah once but that's 'bout all!! :mooning: :nerd: :nerd: You know the curve there by that place where they usually beat the drums after they've caught you :evil: sneakin around the village at night, turn north there, that's Rainbow Rd. :doofus: It's a ways back there. Besides, ALL the female natives I seen last trip were always smilin, even grandma, after you left the last time :sleazy: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :banghead: :banghead:
i take that back......... he is from cleveland ohio. i didnt think he was from iowa.........to nice of a guy to be from iowa~!! :angel: :evil: :dancinred: :happybounce: :nerd: :super smiley: :laughroll: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
CLEVELAND? Noone wants to move to Cleveland! There is nothing there. You better show him a good time. Poor guy deserves it. Bring him to Gunners for a big steak fry.
I'm sure Gunner can get plenty in Inger!! :rotflmao:
I'm sure Gunner can get plenty in Inger!! :rotflmao:
:tut: Not when they are all askin where's that little blue guy? :scratch: :doah: He was FUN last time! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I'm sure Gunner can get plenty in Inger!! :rotflmao:
:tut: Not when they are all askin where's that little blue guy? :scratch: :doah: He was FUN last time! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: thats odd..........there is always a vehicle with iowa plates there when i drive threw!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :bonk: Yeah right, you :doofus: probably have to use your GPS to get to Dallas Ln from Mosomo Pt :scratch: you go that way sooooooo often. :doah: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
well tomorrow morning its off to the northland for 6 days. got some secret lakes i'm planning on heading to. also some projects, right Gunner!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i may add another lake or 2 to check out. gonna look at lakes i havent been on yet!!!!!
decided i am going to throw the boat in the cabin lake, make a few laps trolling to se whats up, check a few sunfish spots. i will be bringing my underwater camera up to take visuals!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
drink a few beers, burn some wood and practice a bit of this retirement thing!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
so what yer sayin this will a quiet and peaceful 6 days for us here!!! Yippee!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
have a good time!!
so what yer sayin this will a quiet and peaceful 6 days for us here!!! Yippee!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
have a good time!!
:tut: :tut: NO............. it will be 6 days of no abuse for me from you clowns!!!!!! :sleazy: :mooning: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
so what yer sayin this will a quiet and peaceful 6 days for us here!!! Yippee!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
have a good time!!
:tut: :tut: NO............. it will be 6 days of no abuse for me from you clowns!!!!!! :sleazy: :mooning: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
aww come we all love ya man!!!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
so what yer sayin this will a quiet and peaceful 6 days for us here!!! Yippee!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
have a good time!!
:tut: :tut: NO............. it will be 6 days of no abuse for me from you clowns!!!!!! :sleazy: :mooning: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:huh: :scratch: What, you think we're gonna change :bs: just 'cause you went :fishing:? :super smiley: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: NO WAY!!!!!!!!! :crazy: :tut: :mooning: :pouty: :sleazy: :evil:
so what yer sayin this will a quiet and peaceful 6 days for us here!!! Yippee!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
have a good time!!
:tut: :tut: NO............. it will be 6 days of no abuse for me from you clowns!!!!!! :sleazy: :mooning: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
aww come we all love ya man!!!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
:banghead: :banghead: :taz: sheez,,,,, i'd hate to see what it be like if ya didnt like me!!!!!!! :pouty: :doah: gawd only knows what i'd get in the mail then!!!!!! :confused: :surrender: :coffee: :scratch: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
so what yer sayin this will a quiet and peaceful 6 days for us here!!! Yippee!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
have a good time!!
:tut: :tut: NO............. it will be 6 days of no abuse for me from you clowns!!!!!! :sleazy: :mooning: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
aww come we all love ya man!!!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
:banghead: :banghead: :taz: sheez,,,,, i'd hate to see what it be like if ya didnt like me!!!!!!! :pouty: :doah: gawd only knows what i'd get in the mail then!!!!!! :confused: :surrender: :coffee: :scratch: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
now yer getting it buddy!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Well, I wonder how our little buddy's doin? :scratch: Is he havin any luck :fishing:? Looks to be a chance( 40%) for some rain up there as well, this afternoon. Pretty warm rest of the week too, startin tomorrow. Thought he said somethin about momma talkin about goin up too. :cool: With him, or later? :confused: This will be a long stay for him as he 's more 3-4 days, usually. Should help his attitude as he needed to get away. ;) :rolleyes: :smiley: :smiley:
his Mother said she might come up there he said... he's most likely mucking with folks there cause he can't here!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Does he have AC up there? The heat may drive him back to civilization.
:scratch: :confused:
his Mother said she might come up there he said... he's most likely mucking with folks there cause he can't here!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:scratch: I thought he meant his wife :doofus:, mike, but I just went back & reread it, he said mom so...…………………. it could be a loooong 6 days. ;) :rolleyes: ;D ;D I'm not sure on the AC either LPS :confused:, been there a couple times & can't remember ever seein a window unit so I'd bet not. He's told me that there's no running water in the cabin either, as he usually has to take water in with him. I'm not sure if they have a pump down at the lake for cleaning fish & stuff like we do.
I don't even want to envision them taking baths in a tub of carried in water....
I don't even want to envision them taking baths in a tub of carried in water....
maybe his Mom will scrub his back!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
I don't even want to envision them taking baths in a tub of carried in water....
:scratch: :huh: :rolleyes:I don't even want to envision them taking baths in a tub of carried in water....
maybe his Mom will scrub his back!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
I don't even want to envision them taking baths in a tub of carried in water....
:scratch: Maybe it's just drinking water he brings in, as I know glenn stayed out there for the better part of a week, more than once, when they started to fight with the shop in GR(Terex). So I'd think they'd have something set up so it was EZ to shower. :confused:
That would help a lot. I bet you are right Gunner. And Mike that is what I was kind of wondering too. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :confused: :angry2: its no damn wonder why my ears where ringing while I was gone!!!!! :banghead: :banghead:
yea I be BAAAACKK!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning:
we need to bring drinking water, we have a pump from the lake to the cabin and fish cleaning shack for running water.
no my mom didn't come up, apparently she is going up when her #1 son will be there.
yes I did well fishing!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning:
no AC just fans it was really humid yesterday otherwise not to bad. only rain we got was very little wed before daylite. skeeters weren't bad, but the deerflies are starting to get damn annoying.
as far as the bath thing...……..i'll leave that to yor imagination. :smoking: :smoking: :sleazy: :sleazy:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: Good to have you back Glenn. And no I am trying not to think about it...
so ya didn't get yer back washed then???????????
so ya didn't get yer back washed then???????????
:tut: i'll never tell. :sleazy: :sleazy: I cant go to inger……….that's reserved fer iowegians!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
thought you were going to be gone for 6 days??? ya owe us 1!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
glad ya had a good time!!!
so ya didn't get yer back washed then???????????
:tut: i'll never tell. :sleazy: :sleazy: I cant go to inger……….that's reserved fer iowegians!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :mooning: :pouty: But Inger can come to you. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :scratch: Well our little vacation sure was NICE, too bad it didn't last a little longer. :thumbs: :pouty: :sad: :evil: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: Good to have you back Glenn. And no I am trying not to think about it...
:scratch: I wonder if the deer flies just couldn't resist his cologne? :sleazy: :doah: :evil:
;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Or the natural odors..... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :pouty: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao:
Sounds like fun Glenn. When ya going back?
Sounds like fun Glenn. When ya going back?
week of july 20th!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :fish2: :fish2: :fishing: :titanic: :old fisherman: :stillfish: :stillfish: :toast: :toast: :drinking: :whistling: :rotflmao:
So you are counting down now. Good for you! All of the freedom does take some getting used to. You will adapt.
So you are counting down now. Good for you! All of the freedom does take some getting used to. You will adapt.
I just hope the weather cooperates a big better. 70 and no humidity. :happy1:
So you are counting down now. Good for you! All of the freedom does take some getting used to. You will adapt.
I just hope the weather cooperates a big better. 70 and no humidity. :happy1:
Good luck!! July & August CAN be pretty toasty even up there. :crazy: :pouty:
So you are counting down now. Good for you! All of the freedom does take some getting used to. You will adapt.
I just hope the weather cooperates a big better. 70 and no humidity. :happy1:
Good luck!! July & August CAN be pretty toasty even up there. :crazy: :pouty:
I know, not to mention horseflies, deerflies and then damn ankle biting flies. :angry2:
:scratch: Might want to try a different cologne next time. :doofus: :rolleyes:
;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Might want to try a different cologne next time. :doofus: :rolleyes:
;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :tut: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: you mean deep woods off isn't the right stuff??? :scratch: :confused: :rotflmao:
It looks like there's some major dock remodeling goin on at Geiger's this morning. All of the dock on the south side of their ramp is now being moved & added to the dock on the north side to about double it's length. Lake level must be going down. Glad I put our lift out 2-3' deeper than it had to be when we left.
Oh yeah, the lake levels really dropped from when I was up there this past week from the time before, about 3 weeks prior. There was even 2 1/2 inches of rain in the rain gauge. I really noticed also how much more green everything looked compared to around here.
:scratch: You never did say if you ever hooked up with the IDO guy who was staying at Sand Lake Lodge. You 2 manage to get to get together or did you get lost? ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:scratch: You never did say if you ever hooked up with the IDO guy who was staying at Sand Lake Lodge. You 2 manage to get to get together or did you get lost? ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
forgot all about it. :confused: :doofus: wax do busy working on projects, fishing and cleaning fish. Ran outta time :confused: :doah: :sad:
:scratch: You never did say if you ever hooked up with the IDO guy who was staying at Sand Lake Lodge. You 2 manage to get to get together or did you get lost? ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: You never did say if you ever hooked up with the IDO guy who was staying at Sand Lake Lodge. You 2 manage to get to get together or did you get lost? ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
forgot all about it. :confused: :doofus: wax do busy working on projects, fishing and cleaning fish. Ran outta time :confused: :doah: :sad:
:doah: Sounds like your ready for that rocking chair already to me. ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Did I read that Glenn was cleaning fish or was I dreaming this? Maybe lake "Z" was good to him again. Still hard to believe he was actually cleaning fish. :happy1:
:scratch: You never did say if you ever hooked up with the IDO guy who was staying at Sand Lake Lodge. You 2 manage to get to get together or did you get lost? ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
forgot all about it. :confused: :doofus: wax do busy working on projects, fishing and cleaning fish. Ran outta time :confused: :doah: :sad:
:doah: Sounds like your ready for that rocking chair already to me. ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: well I am practicing. :happy1:
One other thing. I NEVER get lost, I may not temporarily know where I'm at, but I'm never lost!!! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :mooning:
Did I read that Glenn was cleaning fish or was I dreaming this? Maybe lake "Z" was good to him again. Still hard to believe he was actually cleaning fish. :happy1:
well buddy..............yes you did read that right!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: Lake Z is a sweet honey hole. :sleazy: i can clean fish like a surgeon performing surgery!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
by the way Gunderson up on 6 is kinda fun if your interested in chasing pike..........not many over the 26 yet but a few. and a few between the 22-26 slot.
:scratch: You never did say if you ever hooked up with the IDO guy who was staying at Sand Lake Lodge. You 2 manage to get to get together or did you get lost? ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
forgot all about it. :confused: :doofus: wax do busy working on projects, fishing and cleaning fish. Ran outta time :confused: :doah: :sad:
:doah: Sounds like your ready for that rocking chair already to me. ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: well I am practicing. :happy1:
One other thing. I NEVER get lost, I hardly ever know where I'm at, but I'm never lost!!! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :mooning:
:scratch: That's MORE like it!! :sleazy: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Ok this sounded like it has got to be one of your hangouts. My brother asked me if I had ever heard of Chainsaw Sister Bar! If anyone would know you would be the ones. Have no idea why he asks but I will let you know.
it's up the Ely area is all I know..
Ok we are narrowing it down some now.
Google says it's 18 miles north of Ely on some Echo Trail that's part of the BWCA. I didn't read the entire article but at a quick glance it appeared that there's a fight goin on as to whether it's protected or if somebody can build near there. :confused:
Hey Gunner when you and your brudder thinking of heading back nort??
Early next week, hopefully. :happy1: :cool: Probably for only a week this time again.
well, i'm thinking gunner is looking for a place to hide, and should be getting a tad nervous. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: he should really start trembling tomorrow morning abot 11 am............thats when i expect to be rolling into the area!!!!!!!! :smoking: :smoking: :smoking: :evil:
AND NO it wont be inger....... :tut: :tut: :tut:
Pretty sure the :fish2: won't be nervous :mooning: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
Pretty sure the :fish2: won't be nervous :mooning: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
:tut: :tut: ha!!!!!!!!! think i've proved my fishing prowess in da past!!!!!!! :smoking: :evil: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
well, i'm thinking gunner is looking for a place to hide, and should be getting a tad nervous. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: he should really start trembling tomorrow morning abot 11 am............thats when i expect to be rolling into the area!!!!!!!! :smoking: :smoking: :smoking: :evil:
AND NO it wont be inger....... :tut: :tut: :tut:
:scratch: :confused: They had your welcoming banners up already yday ;) :laugh:, looked like they know how to take pics with their cameras though so you better be careful. :tut: :sleazy: :evil:
Had a feeling it was gonna rain once Glenn went north.. :cheesy:
Had a feeling it was gonna rain once Glenn went north.. :cheesy:
Yeah, that's a pretty safe bet ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: & round 2 tonight. Seems like the weather hardly ever cooperates with his plans for up here. :crazy: :scratch: :doah: The radar showed almost all the yellow/orange/red sliding just south of us last night. I took a quick peek outside already & didn't see much for wind damage with .9" in our gauges.
Started to look like rain again yday about 4 or so but all we got here was a few sprinkles.
Had a feeling it was gonna rain once Glenn went north.. :cheesy:
:pouty: Yea we had an inch. When I got there Friday morning there was 4 and a half inches in the gauge.
Oh yeah ... I'M BAAAACCCK. :sleazy: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :super smiley:
:rolleyes: :whistling:
Friday we hit lake Z. did well on sunfish. kid took them for a fish fry he does. he got a little red so he didn't want to spend much more time on the lake. we trolled around are lake had some strikes and he caught one 25 inches that went back.
I went and got my brothers rider and brought a 4 wheeler over to a guy that lives not far from I deer hunt to look at. got the dock section all put together,
while trolling we had an incident. there was a pontoon pulling a skier or something. he gets all bent and tells us to get further away. I was a good 30 yards from them, veering away and behind him. he told me skiers have the right away. I told him to go have sex with himself amongst other things. so he decides to take a run right at my boat wide open, surved and circled us. he was so close behind me I think the propulsion of the prop affected my daredevil. what an :moon:hole!!!
Yeah what an AH!!! Fishing has the right of way.
I would have done the same and would have gotten his boat numbers to report him maybe...
:crazy: :bonk: :banghead: Man that's :bs: :tut: :thumbs: :pouty: I might think :scratch: hard about what mike said & give Mr Fairbanks a call to see what he thinks of the whole deal. :doofus: Was it 1 of your neighbors?
I wouldn't call him a neighbor, but Yea he is north of us 5 or 6 places down. I thought of it but up there unless it's really bad sometimes it's best to leave it die.
I checked, there from Maple Grove. Now I really don't like to clump all citiots together cause there are good ones, but if you get my drift..... :evil:
I wouldn't report some idiot like that either. Never know what would happen while your gone. We had an incident many years ago up there and lets just say we built a new cabin. :angry:
I wouldn't call him a neighbor, but Yea he is north of us 5 or 6 places down. I thought of it but up there unless it's really bad sometimes it's best to leave it die.
I checked, there from Maple Grove. Now I really don't like to clump all citiots together cause there are good ones, but if you get my drift..... :evil:
Well 1 good thing :rolleyes:, at least it wasn't THE neighbor that you get along with. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I wouldn't call him a neighbor, but Yea he is north of us 5 or 6 places down. I thought of it but up there unless it's really bad sometimes it's best to leave it die.
I checked, there from Maple Grove. Now I really don't like to clump all citiots together cause there are good ones, but if you get my drift..... :evil:
Well 1 good thing :rolleyes:, at least it wasn't THE neighbor that you get along with. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:
didnt know i had a neighbor i get along with!!!!!!!! :moon: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I wouldn't call him a neighbor, but Yea he is north of us 5 or 6 places down. I thought of it but up there unless it's really bad sometimes it's best to leave it die.
I checked, there from Maple Grove. Now I really don't like to clump all citiots together cause there are good ones, but if you get my drift..... :evil:
Well 1 good thing :rolleyes:, at least it wasn't THE neighbor that you get along with. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:
didnt know i had a neighbor i get along with!!!!!!!! :moon: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:
just gotz an email from our highly respected DNR.......... :confused: :doofus: :crazy: zebra mussels have been confirmed in bowstring lake. :pouty: :pouty:
that dam gunner!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :doah:
:tut: :mooning: :pouty: It was only a matter of time, a little surprised :scratch: it took this long actually :huh: as it can't be much more than 2-3 miles on the river between 'em. :confused: Must be gettin close to 8-9, maybe even 10 years since they were 1st discovered in Sand. Seems like there's not been near as many of 'em in our lake the last couple years & that's kinda what the DNR says usually happens. They level off after the 1st 6-7 years to what the lake can support. Is Peterson next? :scratch: :rolleyes: :doah: Hope not!! :thumbs:
there's no fish in peterson to have people come over to fish on it!!!!!!!!!!
:scratch: You caught a BIG ;) nord on it last time up you said, so there's 1. :tut: :nerd: :nerd: So you were :fishing: it. :doah: Looked it up & the zeebs were 1st reported on Sand in the Spring of 2013 on a dock that had come out of the lake the fall before.
:scratch: You caught a BIG ;) nord on it last time up you said, so there's 1. :tut: :nerd: :nerd: So you were :fishing: it. :doah: Looked it up & the zeebs were 1st reported on Sand in the Spring of 2013 on a dock that had come out of the lake the fall before.
:tut: :tut: :tut: :pouty: :pouty: :doah:
i was further assessing the situation!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
I heard some people over at Riley's talkin 1 time & they were sayin that there's 1 REALLY BIG sucker that's been seen up there. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Can't catch 'em though. :rolleyes: :whistling:
I heard some people over at Riley's talkin 1 time & they were sayin that there's 1 REALLY BIG sucker that's been seen up there. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Can't catch 'em though. :rolleyes: :whistling:
yea my brother comes up once in a while then sneaks back to wisconsin!!!!!! :moon: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Speaking of Riley's, we stopped over there on a Tuesday(8/21) & the door to the bar was locked but there was a delivery truck backed up by the door where you go in to eat. Before we could go in & see what was going on a couple of young guys came out & said John, the owner, told them they were closed. My brother rides his bike over that way & sometimes does the loop around the lake, he didn't see anyone there for the next few days but merc's hangout ;) was busy. :scratch: So 1 day he asked Chris at the Bstore & she said that they'd had somebody test positive for the virus so they had to close. :thumbs: :pouty: Luckily it'd been since when Sis/BIL were up last, 2nd week of June, that we'd been over there. :crazy:
Check out the new "birdfeeder cam" at the Narrows sometime, lots of hummingbirds whenever I take a peek. :cool:
managed to get some fishing in whlist i was up there. all catch and released. played a little on our lake, trolled for some gators.......got 1 a foot long!!!! :rotflmao:
talked to a new cabin owner for a while. he is from Milaca. he liked my letter. :rotflmao:
onthe way up wed nite i stopped and visited my friendly CO. he said the fisheries people sent him as an FYI my letter. he chuckled.
hey gunner.......whats with the huge tent at rileys for????????
No idea what's up at Riley's, brother rode his bike over there on Friday & he said there was a few people there so they must be back open. If I was to venture a guess :scratch: I would say the big tent is part of the new protocols they have to follow in order to open again after havin someone test positive when they were open earlier :doofus: We had a BIG ASS storm here last night about supper time & now have 5 trees down in our yard, I'm guessin the winds must've been 50-60+ mph & we had 3/4" of rain in 20-25 minutes. Most of which came in 10-15 minutes. We were the only ones on the bay with power last night when we went to bed. The gennie was still runnin ~ 12:30 when I was up but by 4:30 it had shut off. 1 tree along the shoreline caught a little pc of the SW corner of the cabin. At 1st glance it looks like only minor damage to the gutter in that corner & nothin, can only see 1 shingles that's a little dented, too major. There are 3 trees down out by our boat shed however, 2 of them just uprooted from the wind but 1 got snapped off. The smaller uprooted tree is leaning against the west side of the shed but the other 2 trees are MUCH bigger & layin across the entrance to the shed so we can't get my brother's car out now. Luckily it looks like there's no real bad damage out there either. Gonna be a day to get reacquainted with our chain saws. I have no idea :scratch: how bad the north end of the lake was but..................................................... :confused:
glad all are safe!!
Be careful Gunner! I would give you a hand if I was closer to you.
No idea what's up at Riley's, brother rode his bike over there on Friday & he said there was a few people there so they must be back open. If I was to venture a guess :scratch: I would say the big tent is part of the new protocols they have to follow in order to open again after havin someone test positive when they were open earlier :doofus: We had a BIG ASS storm here last night about supper time & now have 5 trees down in our yard, I'm guessin the winds must've been 50-60+ mph & we had 3/4" of rain in 20-25 minutes. Most of which came in 10-15 minutes. We were the only ones on the bay with power last night when we went to bed. The gennie was still runnin ~ 12:30 when I was up but by 4:30 it had shut off. 1 tree along the shoreline caught a little pc of the SW corner of the cabin. At 1st glance it looks like only minor damage to the gutter in that corner & nothin, can only see 1 shingles that's a little dented, too major. There are 3 trees down out by our boat shed however, 2 of them just uprooted from the wind but 1 got snapped off. The smaller uprooted tree is leaning against the west side of the shed but the other 2 trees are MUCH bigger & layin across the entrance to the shed so we can't get my brother's car out now. Luckily it looks like there's no real bad damage out there either. Gonna be a day to get reacquainted with our chain saws. I have no idea :scratch: how bad the north end of the lake was but..................................................... :confused:
:angry2: :confused: :confused: UGH............ that sucks to hear!!!!!!!!!!! i wont be up again for a while?????????
Went up to Fish Tales to eat & there were a couple spots along 46 that had trees down. 1 spot down by Dixon Lake Road had quite a few bigger pines layin in the ditch. Nothin on Nextdoor from the north end but there was 1 really big pine down across 35 right up the road from us, just this side of the curve. They brought in an excavator with a tree grabber & a couple trucks to deal with that 1. Brother said that the chain saw dept at L & M was pretty busy today too.
Be careful Gunner! I would give you a hand if I was closer to you.
Actually it wasn't too bad yday :happy1: :cool: as we only did as much as was needed & that was just to clear it so we could get in the boat shed. We kind of had to put it in idle until we heard back from insurance company anyway, which was as soon as they opened. Then we just cut those 2 in front of the big shed in 5-6 pcs & put a rope along with the BIL's truck to 'em to drag 'em out of the way, took ~ 2 hours. Needed a few things, so into GR by about noon. We heard from the Adjuster around 5, so we'll have to touch base with him this AM. Might just wait 'til we can get somebody with a skid steer/tractor over here & have them just haul/push them to the woods instead of cut em up a bunch more. Brother just told me it was straight line winds that went all the way to Chicago & some places clocked winds up to 100 mph. :crazy:
gunner...........what kind of trees are they??????? :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: i might know someone who would use the wood if your just gonna push then off into the woods to rot????
they would appreciate them cut and split of course!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: since you 2 have nuttin better to do with your time!!!!!! :shocked: :evil: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: If this guy is just off Co Rd 29, he can have 'em for a $100....................................................... a tree! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:
:tut: If this guy is just off Co Rd 29, he can have 'em for a $100....................................................... a tree! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:
naw this guy is off dallas road and down dallas trail!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: If this guy is just off Co Rd 29, he can have 'em for a $100....................................................... a tree! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:
naw this guy is off dallas road and down dallas trail!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: I think I know this guy :scratch:, I've been by his place a couple times & I thought the sign there says Dallas Lane :confused: ;) :laugh:. That's what google has on the county map too but he probably doesn't even know it 'cause he's totally off his rocker. :crazy: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:
Trust me, I've called that brother worse. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Looks like Gunners in for some more stormy wedder. And I ain't anywhere close. :moon: :sleazy: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Looks like Gunners in for some more stormy wedder. And I ain't anywhere close. :moon: :sleazy: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Your name is still on a sign up there, ain't it? :scratch: :doah: Close enough! :banghead: :bonk: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:dancinred: :dancinred: :blues brothers: :rocker; :campfire: :kingscourt:well I just got an email from resident of the cabin lake. :sleazy: looks like prodding and voicing my opinion did some good !! :bow: the guy said the DNR was out yesterday and today checking the lake. Said there where plenty of nords and crappies if the real little variety, like this year's spawn.
They found no sunfish or bass and where going to check with there boss about putting some in but won't have a plan till this winter.
:USA: :Clap: :Clap: :Clap:
The little nords will eat them like candy. THAT is the big problem with little lakes full of hammer handles.
:scratch: I'm :shocked: glenn didn't badmouth the Mn fisheries people!! :crazy: Next thing we know they'll be on his Christmas list. ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: I'm :shocked: glenn didn't badmouth the Mn fisheries people!! :crazy: Next thing we know they'll be on his Christmas list. ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
there already added to my Christmas card list!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
:scratch: I'm :shocked: glenn didn't badmouth the Mn fisheries people!! :crazy: Next thing we know they'll be on his Christmas list. ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
there already added to my Christmas card list!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :doah: Oh.........................................they're gonna want more than a card!! ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
well the job isnt complete yet, so...................................
i cant believe they havent sent me an email that they did this yet!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :evil: :rotflmao:
:banghead: :bonk: Yeah, I'm sure your at the TOP of their list :tut: ;) :doah: just not the 1 your talkin about. More like :crazy: :mooning: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Hey MERC, Been up there lately??? Just wondering if hwy 6 north of Talmoon is still closed??
http://www.dot.state.mn.us/roadwork/index.html#gsc.tab=0 :doofus: :pouty:
:popcorn: :whistling:
:popcorn: :whistling:
:pouty: :pouty: yea yea.....i been busy all day!!!!!! see its still closed. :confused: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:
I came back Friday after staying a week at Arcadia on Big Turtle and they are working on it but have a stop light set up for one lane traffic. It's rough for about a mile but there are no detours set up. And fishing was not good either but on the bright side we didn't run out of beer. :happy1:
I came back Friday after staying a week at Arcadia on Big Turtle and they are working on it but have a stop light set up for one lane traffic. It's rough for about a mile but there are no detours set up. And fishing was not good either but on the bright side we didn't run out of beer. :happy1:
:happy1: :happy1:
i'm beginning to think that there is a correlation between not running out of beer...........and fishing not good!!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :doah: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I have to agree with you on that one. :happy1:
this morning i sent my friends at the grand rapids fisheries an email thanking them for taking the time to go over and do a survey of the lake.
this afternoon i recieved a very nice and detailed reply. :happy1: :happy1: think we are buds again!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
:doah: :shocked: :happy1: :cool: :scratch: See it doesn't hurt being a nice guy. ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:smoking: :sleazy: well fellers.........i'm back!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: got there tuesday afternoon. did things, cleaned up twigs, feed the birds, drank beer, had a fire.
wed went to Noma lake...got 5 nords i kept, lots of little sunfish.
thurs........to windy to be on a lake by myself, so cut, split hauled and stacked wood most the day. of course had a few beers.
fri.......went to the lake couple miles up the road that froze out. made 3 laps trolling and caught 15 little nords. all from 10 inches to 15 inches. actually quiet surprised. wife and son and granddaughter and her boyfriend got there in the evening
sat.......went to secret sunfish lake.........took a while but i found them and got a nice bunch. had fire.
sun....again to windy to go fishing. granddaughter and her friend went over to the little lake by us got and released 7 7 sunfish before they said it was to windy. then things happeneded!!!! :confused: :confused: granddaughter started the gas grill and it blew a flame. singed her eyebrows but was ok. later after supper, wifey and i went to bed, they decided to go for a 4 wheeler ride. they came back all wound up, my son hit something and over the top he went. and off to the deer river hospital they went. they got back at 3 am. he just stopped and showed me the stitches in his lips. pretty ugly.
OMG Glenn, you guys hit it hard up there. Lip stitches???? That is a new one for me. Must have hit something with his mouth. Must have me Del at a bar. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Thanks for the update. Sounds like fun. Or most of it.
oh my!!! glad all are good!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
OMG Glenn, you guys hit it hard up there. Lip stitches???? That is a new one for me. Must have hit something with his mouth. Must have me Del at a bar. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Thanks for the update. Sounds like fun. Or most of it.
Yea he has sticthes in his upper and lower lip. And down his chin a bit. He also thinks he has a concussion. Says his head hurts like hell.
Guess he had to get a blood test cause he was driving a 4 wheeler.
:scratch: Sounds like they might've been movin a little too fast to me. :tut: :bonk: :doah: Lucky it wasn't worst. :crazy: :pouty:
:scratch: Sounds like they might've been movin a little too fast to me. :tut: :bonk: :doah: Lucky it wasn't worst. :crazy: :pouty:
nope. The 2 with them said they were only going 7-8 miles an hour.
:scratch: :doah: WTH did they hit then, a bridge? :confused: Hey, was Mn 6 open when you came home? :scratch: No barricades at the Cenex intersection yday, so looked like they could be done.
he wasnt sure what he hit. they were back by what we call the old dump road.
it was still closed when i went through on tuesday but could tell it was close to being done. however, from a bit further north of the otenagen road all the way to talmoon they are removing the tar, replacing some culverts and resurfacing the road!!!! its passable, just gotta follow a lead car.
There was a couple pcs of equiptment sitting in the ditch just south of the Bstore on Sunday when we were there. Kind of looked like stuff to finish the shoulders to me. :scratch:
got back home yesterday. with the wind and on and off rain it was tough to plan anything long term, even going out in the woods or on the lake. :confused:
got there sat about noon. lot more leaves down then around home. feed the birds and mulched up a bunch of leaves. had a fire and drank beer!!!!!! :rotflmao: Sunday my nephew and his friend left early. headed out to the deer stands to check them out. need a few boards replaced and a couple trails cleared out so i can get a wheeler back there. just gotta make sure i get that trail wide enough so that rack on that big buck dont get stuck in the brush!!!!!! :smoking: :happy1: decided to go fishing.....got half way around the lake. completely opposite end from the access and got rained on. got my :moon: wet . had caught 6 pike by then, one 28 inches. all swam.
tue and wed was off again on again rain and clearing so i did a little hunting. seen grouse but never got any. i dont hunt ducks but a few out on the lake. seen a few deer. brother showed up wed late afternooon. had fire, a few cocktails.
thursday headed home. it sure was peaceful with noone around. even cleared out a tree on deer hunting trail . be going back up MEA weekend.
Fun Glenn. Nice knowing you have all of the time you want!
Forgot to mention, when I went back to my deerstands I had a WTF moment. Someone had put up a portable type ladder stand 60 yards from my permanent stand. It is one of those one legged stands with the small steps on each side. I'd never climb up in that. :tut:
It wasn't there last year and there could be no way they didn't see my stand already there. :surrender: I think. :pouty: sure hope I have no issues opening morning. Been hunting back there for 30 years.
I was up three trips in Sept. Did some fishing and my buddy was bow hunting, no deer but had a cougar on the camera by my stand. Two trips planned for this month and then the big hunt comes. May take the boat up week after next if the weather is nice. Have a great day. :happy1:
I figured you've been up there, hayslips is still open. :evil: :rotflmao: and don't you know, the DNR says there's no cougars in minnesota. :doofus: :pouty: :rotflmao:
I had heard one of the brothers that own hayslips passed away??? :scratch:
Dave over at Hayslips died about six weeks ago. He had bone cancer and spent the entire winter at the Mayo clinic two years ago. I saw him a couple of weeks before he passed away and looked good, he was trimming grass. Too bad as he was a great guy, plowed my yard out for years. A very hard worker. Hopefully the cougar is gone, probably headed a few miles west from me. :happy1:
Merc, was he the one that did interior trim work?? Think that one also drove school bus?? :scratch: think he also lived just west of Talmoon to abit.
That would be him.
Bummer. :confused:
Almost all loaded up and ready to hit the road in the morning. At least 7 days of doing whatever the hell I want. :rotflmao: :evil: come to think of it, I do that anyway. :sleazy:
Be careful Gunner, one never knows who shows up at your door. :smoking: :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Maybe I'll see if that merc fellers around to. :evil: :sleazy:
have fun and be carefull of Inger!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Gunner won't let me even close to there!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Have a great time Glenn.
I just got back today. Guess I planned that right. Heading back up next week Thursday, by then he'll be back. What timing!! :rotflmao:
Anyone got a Grouse report from up that way?
Didn’t go out myself last weekend. Getting pre winter chores done. But the leaves have come off the trees and brush, and I heard pretty regular shooting.
I didn't hunt but saw quite a few walking around. Seems like a pretty good year for them.
well made it back in one piece!!!!! :happy1: even shot 2 grouse!!!!!did a bunch of stuff tuesday around the cabin. wed it rained all day but had inside stuff to do so got that done. thursday took care of yard work and did a little road hunting. nephew and his crew came up, mainly to take is new girlfriends daughter out for the youth hunt. to cold to fish, sooo.....had some fires and beer. friday got 2 grouse. sat it snowed but fixed deer stands and winterized the cabin.
Pan fried grouse....mmmm,been alot of years since I had a ruff grouse dinner,plenty of sharptail and prarie chickens from out west but they don't compare to ruff grouse table fare.
So glenn,gotta ask,as you don't chime in on shooting threads,did you ground/tree swat the birds or let them take flight? curious minds here.main thing is you nailed two birds,congrats.See any woodcock?
I shoot at them anyway I can. :rotflmao: these 2 happen to be flying/ flushed. I seen 6 more and heard 2 but damn they were flushing way out if shot gun range. And most where way off the beaten trails. Walking was the ticket.
Nope didn't see any woodcock. Usually do a few anyway.
:pouty: :sad: got almost 2 weeks before my next trip north. getting antzy. :doah: :pouty:
just took a peek at the cameras at geigers and williams narrows, no ice yet at geigers, there looks to be ice forming around the docks and boat landing area at the narrows but not in the other spots!
Did you leave a note on the stand. Just saying because the same thing in reverse happened to my friend last fall in the Chippewa forest. A guy built a permanent stand 60 yds from his ladder stand. He was overlooking a small clearing (bedding area) with several heavy trails entering/leaving the area. He saw this bow hunting several weeks before the rifle season and left a note in a baggie that perhaps the hunter didn't notice his stand. He left his name and number indicating he was a local and knew the area well and would help him locate another stand location. Never heard from the guy. Opening of rifle season the stand was empty until 9 AM when a guy comes walking in right down the main deer trail (my friend circled in to avoid this), read the note, and proceeded to knock down the stand. It took a half hour and the guy never acknowledged my friend in blaze orange 60 yds away. Guy gone, no issue but really strange.
deadeye no i did not leave a note. i cant phanton if he sat in his stand that he never seen mine, but who knows. it was still there a week ago but looks largely unused. i did however happen by accident walk right in front of a game camera. hopefully it went to his phone.
i plan on being in my stand extra early on opening morning in hopes of getting there before him. and hope for the best. we shall see how it plays out. my group and another group that hunts further south know where we each hunt and this is the first time this happened in a long while. not sure how i will react if this guy is a richard>>>>>>>>> i do have another stand further back but cant see very far, this snow helps, or i may do this, and not my idea of being a good sportsman, but i may not get a deer but he may not either..................
Glenn, you hunt behind the store? I know some guys that have a place farther back, where the gate is back in further.
Glenn, you hunt behind the store? I know some guys that have a place farther back, where the gate is back in further.
no, i do know where the gate is. we do bear hunt back there and grouse hunt back there. ive gone back there to deer hunt occasionally the 2nd or 3rd weekend. there is a big group that has a place up on top of the hill just west of the store that hunts back there and i think they beat that up pretty good.
we hunt by the sand lake cemetery, and just before the Ames road but on the south side of the road. we go back aways!!!!!!
i've looked at the itasca county GIS mapping, there is some property back there by the big split that has some type of guide????? title to it. he's from foley i guess and it appears to be a one man show, but he has some pretty fancy stands put up in a couple places. there is also a guy thats from monticello that owns property back there.
The guys I know are from Foley. Actually the one I know the best lives in Albany but is from Foley.
The guys I know are from Foley. Actually the one I know the best lives in Albany but is from Foley.
they don't happen to own the place up the hill from the store do they??? I tend to stay away from the fence area, they have it posted pretty good.
If your talking about the place that had junk everywhere and no trespassing signs by his driveway. He said they bought that a few years ago I believe. I drove in there a few years back, scary. Big dogs and signs everywhere. Haven't been back since they got it.
Yea think that's one of the places. I was thinking the one with the big pines. When we'd come in from hunting I would drive by real slow to see how many deer were hanging. Some years the did good others not so much.
Catfish like sunnies and bluegills. Down south where it is legal they even use them for catfish bait. They fit in the catfish's mouths perfect.
just took a peek at the williams narrows and geigers web cams........no snow from what i see!!!!
change of plans.....Glenn's headed north tomorrow after dentist appointment instead of friday morning!!!!! :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: :toast: :fudd: :fudd: :fudd:
so if Glenn is going tomorrow when are you going?? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
You do have permission don't you Glenn? When are you required to be back???
Yep, permission granted. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: no timeline to be back. I like this retirement thing!!!👍
so if Glenn is going tomorrow when are you going?? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:confused: :scratch: :scratch: you been at happy hour already., :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
just took a peek at the williams narrows and geigers web cams........no snow from what i see!!!!
From Hill City north on your side of the road ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: there was a little in the ditch & the edge of the woods. Record highs up here today, GR had 72* & Bemidji was reporting even higher. HH here was out on the driveway. :happybounce: :cool:
so if Glenn is going tomorrow when are you going?? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:confused: :scratch: :scratch: you been at happy hour already., :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
only 2 beers buddy!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
You do have permission don't you Glenn? When are you required to be back???
:scratch: :doah: I'd be willin to bet that this is 1 of her favorite weekends of the year & that she stays home on this weekend just about all the time. :evil: :shocked: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Don't bother me what she does. She's not having issues what I'm doing. :happy1: :happy1:
:pouty: YOUR NO FUN!! :sleazy: :swords: :banghead:
:pouty: YOUR NO FUN!! :sleazy: :swords: :banghead:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning:
The neighbor & his kid were up Friday so I went over to say hi. They said that they'd just seen on FB where the resort had finally been sold. Health concerns for her was the major factor from what I heard.
Sure is nice out in the woods today. :sleazy: not sweatshirt weather like over the weekend but :happy1: :happy1:. Haven't seen Sasquatch yet either. :confused: :rotflmao:
Sure is nice out in the woods today. :sleazy: not sweatshirt weather like over the weekend but :happy1: :happy1:. Haven't seen Sasquatch yet either. :confused: :rotflmao:
:scratch: This nice?: https://mnoutdoorsman.com/forums/index.php?topic=40307.msg361150;topicseen#new :sleazy: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll:
:pouty: :confused: putz!! :rotflmao:
So no deer for the green retired guy eh? see anything glenn? you need to hurry,bang you're buck,get back on mno to protect yourself,the natives are restless. ;)
:scratch: He's used to it snow :doah:, if'n we were all nice to him while he was gone he'd probably think we were all really PO'ed at him. :rolleyes: Besides I've tried that & it doesn't work!! :tut: :pouty: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
hey all you fellers that live up in the northland, have any of youz driven by any smaller lakes lately??? is the ice forming? when i left the cabin last monday morning it looked like the whole lake was iced over except the deep hole across the lake where the creek is. not sure what the temps or wind could of did after i left?? :scratch: :scratch:
i just looked at the geigers and williams narrows cams, there is some ice on the narrows cams and was actually surprised what i saw on the geigers cam, appears there is ice on bowstring as far out as i could see??
The river is pretty much frozen shore to shore. There are still some open spots but they are pretty small now. The bays on the lake are frozen up too I have read.
No chatter on Nextdoor about ice up on Sand yet & it looks like there's a lot of open water to the west at the Narrows but that gets hit by the NW wind pretty good along with the current there it probably freezes up kind of late most seasons, I would think. Geiger's wouldn't work for me the 1st couple times but I finally got it to go & it almost looks :scratch: like there's a good sized spot of open water not far off their shore. Really hard to tell with the angle/glare of the sun this time of day though. :confused:
just checked the cams, looks like they got a dusting of snow up there and there is definetly ice on bowstring. look like the narrows made ice too in areas from yesterday!
by the looks of the cams, it made some ice up nort!!!!!!!!! :happy1:
The lake assoc. has kept track of lock up on Sand since it began & from I remember normal for us is ~ the middle of December. Seems like there were a few years where it was the end of Nov- early Dec but not many, more years where it was a bit later as I recall. I'm sure it's been cold enough up there, now if only the wind & snow leave it alone.
:scratch: :doah: Checked it out on the association's website & according to that the avg ice up since '95 is ~18 or 19th of November.
:scratch: :doah: Checked it out on the association's website & according to that the avg ice up since '95 is ~18 or 19th of November.
i can believe that.........you got some deep water by you. maybe some current too!!!!!!!
'Bout the only current I've noticed when the ice is goin out is wind driven off the Narrows around the points leaving our bay. From what I've seen our bay is earlier than a lot of the lake as there's more current just about everywhere else. That 40' hole isn't much more than 50-60 yds off our dock though.
Made it back from the hunt. My buddy got a 6 pointer and my son got a 9 and a 10. Saw a total of 23 deer for the crew, good year for us. Now getting ready for the ice. Lots of small lakes look like they are almost ready to go up there.
Made it back from the hunt. My buddy got a 6 pointer and my son got a 9 and a 10. Saw a total of 23 deer for the crew, good year for us. Now getting ready for the ice. Lots of small lakes look like they are almost ready to go up there.
:happy1: good to hear!!👍
looking at the cams this morning, appears they got a dusting of snow. weather forecasts, all 3 i look at, shows it will be SLOWLY making ice. dont think i'll be going up the second weekend in dec and wait till the 3rd when the red lake G-T-G happens!!!!!
Forgot to tell ya :bonk: that the people who run the resort by where you put in on Little Sand posted that there was a portable out up there Tuesday.
Forgot to tell ya :bonk: that the people who run the resort by where you put in on Little Sand posted that there was a portable out up there Tuesday.
I can believe that. Bet it wasn't in that channel near the bridge though
Or the channel comin in from Sand either. :tut: :crazy: I'd think :scratch: the other side(east) would be the 1st to have good ice. :confused:
Yea there or between the 2 channels on the west side in that little kinda bay.
Frequent gusts of 35 mph & occasionally up to 40 at the lake today. :crazy: That won't help the ice much. :doah:
ice is getting less here too...
looked at the cams, doesnt appear the wind has affected the ice on bowstring........yet!
looks like it affected it some at the narrows. hardly any snow on the ground......which is a good thing.....for da ice or lack of right now!!!!!!
NW wind won't hit Geiger's at all, I'd bet :scratch: the PA down off Oteneagen Rd looks a lot like it does over at The Narrows.
Geigers posted there is 3 to 4 inches everywhere they checked. There is a heave starting to form also. Might have to go up in a week as a few of the smaller walk on lakes will be fine to fish.
Geigers posted there is 3 to 4 inches everywhere they checked. There is a heave starting to form also. Might have to go up in a week as a few of the smaller walk on lakes will be fine to fish.
make sure you post what you kind of conditions you come across, and GPS cords. :nerd: :nerd:
Oh and I know hayslips cords, so :tut: :rotflmao:
I'm not smart enough to figure out the GPS cords, you should know that by now. :rotflmao:
I'm not smart enough to figure out the GPS cords, you should know that by now. :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: oh so your one of them guys that says..........you line up the birch tree thats leaning with the red maple in one direction, then the green dock with the lone pine tree. :rotflmao: gotcha......me too!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :rotflmao:
I grew up telling people where I got fish that way and always will. I'm really old school and proud of it. And I will never change. Too dang old to change. :happy1:
looked at the cams last night before dark. didnt look like the wind messed with the ice in front of giegers..........yea ok gunner you were right!!!!!!!! :bow: :happy1: oh that hurt bad!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
looked as though the ice took a hit over at the narrows, but man this morning the narrows sure made ice overnight. :happy1:
Geigers posted there is 3 to 4 inches everywhere they checked. There is a heave starting to form also. Might have to go up in a week as a few of the smaller walk on lakes will be fine to fish.
hey Merc, did take a tour of the area?? check out a bunch of smaller lakes??? any open???
have you ever fished big too much?????? that is on the west side of 6......... :smoking: :evil:
thats on my hit list to set up a spear shack but with it being really deep i'm gonna hold off for a while yet!!!!
I was surprised at how The Narrows cam looked this mornin too. Looked to be all locked back up to me. :crazy: Ever try Jessie, glenn. :scratch: I know it's deep & think I heard that there's a spring in there but Chris(Bstore) told me last year(?) that 1 of her boys got a real nice nord out of there spearing.
I was surprised at how The Narrows cam looked this mornin too. Looked to be all locked back up to me. :crazy: Ever try Jessie, glenn. :scratch: I know it's deep & think I heard that there's a spring in there but Chris(Bstore) told me last year(?) that 1 of her boys got a real nice nord out of there spearing.
yea i have but its been years. we got on behind rileys at the access. one time when i was way younger and probably dumber i set up a spear house 50-70 yards from open water. :confused: :confused: :crazy: no more of that.
we had another group of about 6-7 guys hit the lake and set up all over that south end, we got a few but i dont remember anything earth shattering. only vivid memory is i bent a snowmobile ski because some yackoff didnt bust up or pt his spear chunk back in the hole!!!! :angry2:
and that lake kicks my :moon: open water!!!!!!! :pouty:
Have heard it's pretty tough for open water, so clear.
We used to take the kids to that access to swim in there younger days. You can walk out pretty far and not get above there chest. :happy1:
the cams this morning showed more ice then yesterday in the current areas!!!!! :happy1:
things are looking up!!!!! :happy1:
Glenn, only fished Big Too Much once and that was for sunnies. Everywhere we went it was non stop but never got one even close to keeping. I was told there aren't a lot of northerns in there but there are some big ones. Last DNR test netting they only had six in the nets but two over 35". So I guess they were correct on that. I left after deer hunting and the small lakes were all frozen that I checked. We did pretty good on Jessie last summer for walleye but the size was down from other years. Lot of northern in there but not much for size from what I have seen. I have talked to people that said the size is getting better though. Always a bunch of spear houses in front of the access every year. Hopefully I'll get up there next week as those small lakes have to be safe by now I would think. I walked out on one two weeks ago so I'm not worried about that one.
well just talked to my buddy that usually comes up with me. he's coming the 17th.
think i'll leave that monday the 14th as i want to do a little exploring on a few lakes that froze out. nuttin like a spearhole and decoy to see whats really down there!!!! :happy1:
Seen a couple guys out on the ice on the west side of the Narrows a few minutes ago(10-15), went back to see what they up to, they'd moved but were still there. Then the cam updated the shot & all of a sudden they were gone. They couldn't have drilled more than 2 holes.
There's a couple guys out on the west side of The Narrows right now.
:happy1: :happy1: thats a great sign for smaller lakes i'll be hitting!!!!!!!!
Hey merc when you actually heading up and coming back??? :scratch: nobody seems to want to give updates from up that way. :pouty: :confused:
I checked both cameras yday mid afternoon & it looked like there was a bit of melting goin on up there to me. :scratch: :confused:
Big change at the Narrows today, it was just a couple small spots that looked kinds slushy in front of Gieger's landing yday & I can't tell how they are this mornin as there's too much glare.
Big change at the Narrows today, it was just a couple small spots that looked kinds slushy in front of Gieger's landing yday & I can't tell how they are this mornin as there's too much glare.
i would say, looks like it opened up a lot at the narrows.
hey gunner...........would the people at the bowstring store have any good intel on ice thickness on the smaller lakes????? thinking of giving them or the store in talmoon a call???
i am hearing that the small lakes are fishable with adequate ice. :scratch: :scratch:
Sure!! Tim & Chris know a lot of the locals & have a good idea what's goin on up there most all the time. I know 1 of their sons likes to spear & I wouldn't be surprised :scratch: if the other 2 do too. I wouldn't hesitate to give 'em a call if I were you. Good people!!
It's 832-3123 in case you don't have it handy. They actually have a website now, that's news to me. Oh & that's 218, you know. :doofus: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Got there number in my phone. Talked to my union brother, buddy that lives next to my game warden buddy :nerd: :nerd: he doesn't see an issue with ice on the smaller lakes. Him and his kid are going out this weekend and will let me know Monday
I'm not sure when to go up. Thinking Monday but not set in stone. If I go I will give an update when I get back. The guide from Rapids took a drive on the 2nd and saw people on Lt. Ball Club, Bow, Moose and a few smaller lakes he said. The lakes I plan on hitting had ice at deer hunting so I'm not worried about getting on them.
loos pretty foggy up there according to the cams and looks as though they had a dusting of snow.
Heading up tomorrow. I will report when I get back. Thinking Thursday but I'll see. :happy1:
Heading up tomorrow. I will report when I get back. Thinking Thursday but I'll see. :happy1:
:happy1: :happy1: good luck bud!!!!!!!
so, the cabin has been in a trust for a long time with my brother and myself listed. Mom has talked about moving all the bills etc to us for a while. lately the conversation has gotten more serious.
so with my brother back with moms medical issue we have had conversations. looks like this week mom and i are going to the bank to get our names on the cabin checkbook and starting in Jan all the bills will be transferred to us!!!!!!
she was pretty vigaliant in keeping track of expenses so we both know about what it costs to keep the cabin going s that helps. as time goes and ATV'S and boat come due for renewal she will also be transfering titles to us.
as much as i sometimes want to slap my brother upside the head :confused: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i'm thinking this will go pretty smoothly.
good luck!! :happy1:
good luck!! :happy1:
thanks, for several years now we've been kinda taking care of it anyway. think she is having a hard time losing that control!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: many years ago dad instututied a rule if you use the cabin it costs you X amount per day to throw in the kitty, a bit more in the winter. we still plan on doing that. its a hellofa lot cheaper rates then a hotel or renting a cabin. a 4-5 day stay might cost ya 25-30 bucks!!!! us ncluded.
we had a friend that had no problem doing it, then all of a sudden threw a hissy fit, saying who charges for going to someone elses place...........needless to say she's never been invited back. noone else we've had up there has an issue with it.
so, the cabin has been in a trust for a long time with my brother and myself listed. Mom has talked about moving all the bills etc to us for a while. lately the conversation has gotten more serious.
so with my brother back with moms medical issue we have had conversations. looks like this week mom and i are going to the bank to get our names on the cabin checkbook and starting in Jan all the bills will be transferred to us!!!!!!
she was pretty vigaliant in keeping track of expenses so we both know about what it costs to keep the cabin going s that helps. as time goes and ATV'S and boat come due for renewal she will also be transfering titles to us.
as much as i sometimes want to slap my brother upside the head :confused: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i'm thinking this will go pretty smoothly.
:scratch: Wonder how often he felt the same way!! :confused: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Ours was the same until we built new in 2013-2014 then things had to change for the bank. Mom's name had to come off in case she went to a nursing home, we signed over all our shares as collateral on the new financing but are now listed as having a lifetime lease with my brothers name on the deed. Everybody has 1st right to buy the others out if for some reason either or both would want out.
so, the cabin has been in a trust for a long time with my brother and myself listed. Mom has talked about moving all the bills etc to us for a while. lately the conversation has gotten more serious.
so with my brother back with moms medical issue we have had conversations. looks like this week mom and i are going to the bank to get our names on the cabin checkbook and starting in Jan all the bills will be transferred to us!!!!!!
she was pretty vigaliant in keeping track of expenses so we both know about what it costs to keep the cabin going s that helps. as time goes and ATV'S and boat come due for renewal she will also be transfering titles to us.
as much as i sometimes want to slap my brother upside the head :confused: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i'm thinking this will go pretty smoothly.
:scratch: Wonder how often he felt the same way!! :confused: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: Yea but he knows better. :mooning: :rotflmao:
as the date gets closer, i'm getting more antzy........kinda hinted to momma about leaving sunday now.........she said see........ya!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
so who da heck am i to argue!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
:crazy: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :bonk: So.....................you were hopin she'd say she didn't want you to go that early? :sleazy: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Looks like it opened up some at the narrows yday, 'specially to the west.
:crazy: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :bonk: So.....................you were hopin she'd say she didn't want you to go that early? :sleazy: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
nope. :rotflmao: got the exact answer I was looking for. :happy1:
Got a text from my union pal up north. He talked to my CO friend. Said the 3rd river is doing well. Said he seen a wheeler out on gunderson yesterday but doesn't recommend wheelers yet??? :shocked: :scratch:
Pretty convinced he gotta say that. :rolleyes: :coffee:
Getting pretty bored, I'd say there's a 99.5% chance the truck is getting loaded today. :rotflmao:
The Narrows has opened even more again this morning.
I just called the bowstring store as well as the talmoon spur.
Bowstring store.... Said Jessie and bowstring had 8 inches of ice. Little jessie isn't safe yet. The gal I talked to wasn't advising wheelers, but from what see said she wants a foot in dec before she goes out. Said Tim would say ok for wheeler.
Talmoon spur... For them having little turtle out there back door, they didn't know much. She said 5-6 on little turtle and there are wheelers out. Sha also said she heard 4 inches on bowstring. :pouty: :confused:
Chris his wife, maybe? :scratch: Seems like they go to town on Wednesday a lot when we're up there.
Could a been?? :scratch: she didn't sound like a teenager.
They do have 1 local older lady that works for them & she works during the week when they go to town most of the time. I'm thinkin it was probably her.
Do they have a son named Scott?? I heard her ask what I think was Tim, if this Scott said anything about ice thickness???
I don't know what their boys names are but they do have a group of 3-4, maybe even 5, guys who meet there for coffee a lot. They're almost always there on Sunday when we go for a paper & I think 1 them is named Scott.
Wow geiger's must of upgraded there webcam. Really nice picture. No new snow though.
At least 1 portable out NW of The Narrows, might even be 2 or 3, can't tell for sure.
been keeping a real close eye on the weather forecast up there, after today no above freezing temps, and since i wont hit the ice till monday morning i got alot of confidence in being able to hit the lake with a wheeler. :happy1:
It looks a lot worse at the Narrows again this morning, lots of dark ice. Kinda looks like there's a portable out to the north of Geiger's landing early today though.
i just looked too. seen that out of geigers.
yea the narrows ice looks tough, but that is moving water there. there looks to be someone out when you go to the still pictures out from the bar cam, and something, or a few are out from the boat ramp and docks cam??????
looking at the extended weather forecast its gonna make ice. according to that lows at 2 and 4 for sunday and monday nite. i will definetely be careful but not to concerned at his point!! just hitting smaller lakes ive been on early ice in the past!!!!
I was on Lt. Turtle Tuesday, six inches of ice. One house on the lake and a couple of old spear holes in front of the landing, no fish. Went to a small lake Wednesday, eight inches of ice and the hot bite was last week I was told. I'm always late out there. Still a few biting but slow. Talked to a guy that was on Bow, he said they took four wheelers out and had about eight inches. A few lakes looked scary when I went by so I would keep on the smaller lakes. Looks like it will make ice starting today. Might have to make another trip and take the wheeler this time.
I was on Lt. Turtle Tuesday, six inches of ice. One house on the lake and a couple of old spear holes in front of the landing, no fish. Went to a small lake Wednesday, eight inches of ice and the hot bite was last week I was told. I'm always late out there. Still a few biting but slow. Talked to a guy that was on Bow, he said they took four wheelers out and had about eight inches. A few lakes looked scary when I went by so I would keep on the smaller lakes. Looks like it will make ice starting today. Might have to make another trip and take the wheeler this time.
:happy1: :happy1: thanks for the update Merc!!!!! :happy1: i wasnt planning on hitting any big lakes. going to set up the spearhouse on cabin lake, the little lake just north of us that froze out, and on gunderson for a couple days.
gunderson i'm going to set up on the hwy 6 side between the access and the old spot where you used to be able to go on. along that shoreline is a big strecth of cabbage weeds. my favorite weed to target pike. and usually the best area in the summer i've found!
Good luck Glenn. It's been a lot of years since I hit Gunderson. They have a nice access now. Some day I'll have to try it again. May just head up next week. Not sure yet.
Thanks, I've only chased nords out there. Heard there is ok crappies, some bass, and little sunfish. Not sure about walleyes. I was on the lake 4 different times this past summer and had the access to myself. There were other boats but property owners. Never seen more than 2 other boats at one time.
Those 3 portables that were out on the east side of the Narrows are back out there this mornin. There's 1 way off in the distance at Gieger's as well as somebodies gear in a Otter sled right next to their ramp today early too,
yesterday i sent a text to one of the guys i know at ASV asking what he has heard. he said the big lakes had 4-5 inches of ice. he didnt know about the small lakes. kettle over on HSO said he seen some wheeler out on some of the smaller lakes on hwy 38 last week going towards Marcell.
Yeah, I'm sure the little lakes you'll be on will be good to go. No springs or feeder creeks on 'em is there? :scratch: :confused: Just don't fall in!! :tut: :crazy: ;) :laugh: :laugh: Good Luck & be safe!! :happy1: :cool:
Yeah, I'm sure the little lakes you'll be on will be good to go. No springs or feeder creeks on 'em is there? :scratch: :confused: Just don't fall in!! :tut: :crazy: ;) :laugh: :laugh: Good Luck & be safe!! :happy1: :cool:
i wont be anywhere near the creeks on peterson. and the other 2, not that i'm aware of. gunderson i believe has a creek but on the opposite side the lake i'll be on!!!!!!! :happy1:
by noon tomorrow i'll have a pretty good idea of ice thickness when i get lake water for the cabin. wont hit the lake fishing until monday morning after its light out!!!!! :happy1:
just checked the weather/temps..........its making ice!! 26 for a high today!
well.......pretty set to go.......i figure 45 minutes most from the time i get outta bed till i hit da road!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :dancinred:
well.......pretty set to go.......i figure 45 minutes most from the time i get outta bed till i hit da road!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :dancinred:
I'm sure management wished you had that get up and go all them years.. :bonk: ;) Good luck chum!!
well.......pretty set to go.......i figure 45 minutes most from the time i get outta bed till i hit da road!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :dancinred:
I'm sure management wished you had that get up and go all them years.. :bonk: ;) Good luck chum!!
:rotflmao: what management you talkin about?? Pretty sure it wasn't the employer group. :rotflmao:
Thanks can't wait. :happy1:
Just a quick update tonight. There's about 2-3 inches of snow on the ground. And not much on the lakes. The 3 lakes, I was on had 8-9 inches of ice. Keep in mind I didn't go in any deep water not did I venture out far.
Red lake I'd say 12 inches but heard it was not consistent. That ice on red was rough.
so a little recap of my week. got up there sunday nd did the usual chores. fed da birds etc. we needed to replace a dock section on the little lake behind us. i built it this summer. figured it be kinda tough to do, but it only took 1 beer to get in in place and old one out.
monday.....hit a lake with the spear shack thats also froze out , or should i say had a severe winter kill, 2 years in a row. but i did catch a bunch of little nords this past summer. someone already beat me to the lake. there was a spearhole and about 30 holes drilled in the deep water. seen 2 little ones. water was really bog stained and tough to see.
tuesday went to a lake north of talmoon. man i hit the jackpot. went back wed, seen about 15 fish but all lived to see another day. wed was slow thirsay and friday was even worse.
sat was the G-T-G RED trip.............over all the weather was good. below 0 on mon and tues and of course the day we went to red.
:scratch: Looks like they got some snow overnight up there too, not near what JB had this am though, IMO.
:sleazy: spearing
Good job Glenn. Nice batch. Have the wife clean them and go get another batch. I keep trying that but the wife just isn't on board with it.
Good job Glenn. Nice batch. Have the wife clean them and go get another batch. I keep trying that but the wife just isn't on board with it.
headed back after Christmas. Yea I'll clean fish, especially nords. She had helped though.
headed back christmas morning i think. hpope the roads are good after this supposed snowmaggedden the weather terriorist are yappin about.
looked at the up nort cams........looking like more activity on da ice!!!!!!!
tomorrow could be interesting for sure...
Looks like ~ an inch on the birdhouse at the Narrows already, it's movin around pretty good too so it's hard to see much.
looked at the cams up there. looks to me like the snow has started.
looking at the 10 day forecast, i think i might change my plans and wait a few days to head up. because now i can!!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd: there a few nights there saying 7-10 below. based on experience that usually means 10-15 below. :confused: being retired i dont need to deal with that no more.
Didn't have time to look yday but on the weekend there was 4 or 5, maybe even 6 portables off to the WNW @ the Narrows then. Yeah, the 10 day for SLT shows tomorrow, Sunday, Monday, & maybe even Tuesday with highs in the single digits. Pretty chilly overnight(~ -10) too.
gunner, when you looked at geigers, did it look like they have a road plowed out???????
just checked the cams up there, dam it looks cold pretty quiet to!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
gunner, when you looked at geigers, did it look like they have a road plowed out???????
Yeah, you can still see part of it today yet. It's going pretty much straight east off their ramp, they must be getting ready to park the wheelhouses out front on the ice too as they've been plowing that for the last week or so. Actually seen 'em last week 1 day, using a wheeler doin it.
:scratch: :doah: having a hard time trying to figure out when i want to head north this week. looking at the cams doesnt appear to be that much snow on the ground and less out on the ice. pretty sure its all blown up on the shorelined.
the forecast is for snow around here sunday and 3-6 on tuesday nite into wednesday but kinda hard to figure out up there?? and they changes the temps to the warmer side, which is good.
TWC has only 1-3" for our end of the lake on Tuesday with most comin that night. The 10 day mentions :snow5: for Wednesday too but has no totals for that day, only ~ 40% chance for both days according to them. :scratch:
Yea I seen that too. Makes it hard to figure out. Especially going up alone :scratch:
Looks like Wednesday or Thursday I be headed north
Hey Gunner... Make sure you get our road and stuff shoveled out before I get there :sleazy: :rolleyes: :happy1: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :doah: My shovel isn't 400 miles long :bonk: so your gonna have to see if your union shovel's still good for anything but leanin on. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: heck I've worn several out already. :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: heck I've worn several out already. :happy1:
broke the handle leaning on it??? :scratch:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: heck I've worn several out already. :happy1:
broke the handle leaning on it??? :scratch:
:pouty: :pouty: :confused: :banghead: :banghead: :taz: NO. :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: heck I've worn several out already. :happy1:
broke the handle leaning on it??? :scratch:
:scratch: I wasn't sure they still made 'em with handles that short!! :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
This is what I dealt with getting on the lake last Thursday when I got there. Needless to say I used the public access to get on the lake.
Saturday's catch
This is what I dealt with getting on the lake last Thursday when I got there. Needless to say I used the public access to get on the lake.
:scratch: Looks awfull slushy. :thumbs: :pouty: You get stuck or is that your track from the last time up? You got on OK from the PA though? :confused: Why so nasty 1 spot but good from the other?
Saturday's catch
:scratch: Where's the sunnies? :confused:
This is what I dealt with getting on the lake last Thursday when I got there. Needless to say I used the public access to get on the lake.
:scratch: Looks awfull slushy. :thumbs: :pouty: You get stuck or is that your track from the last time up? You got on OK from the PA though? :confused: Why so nasty 1 spot but good from the other?
it was. That's the lake In front of the cabin after I made the tracks with my snowmobile. The access wasn't near as bad. There was some activity at the access so it was more solid. I made that track Thursday morning. And it gets that way every year, just not that bad this early :scratch:
Saturday's catch
:scratch: Where's the sunnies? :confused:
the DNR verified last summer they didn't get any in there test nets I didn't go out there with high expectations. I seen a total of 4 different in pike. No crappies, bass or sunfish in 15 hours in my spear house.
:scratch: So your :fish2: came from the other little lake just up the road from the cabin?
Nord came from peterson. Crappies lake y. :sleazy: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
:tut: :scratch: That must be the 1 over by the Little Turtle Store then. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:
:tut: :scratch: That must be the 1 over by the Little Turtle Store then. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:
yep!?!! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
It looks like somone went through the Narrows in the last day or 2 on skis. :scratch: Thought it was sled tracks at 1st :crazy: 'til I looked closer.
yea that ice sure is unpredictable, when i cut my spearhole i measured 14 inches of good clear ice. the lake i caught the crappies on had close to 4-5 inches less. and water came up on the ice. it didnt on the cabin lake.
just by the amount of slush i'm hearing on lakes and the 6 inches of light fluffy snow tells me the ice isnt to thick yet.
my granddaughter and he boyfriend went to red last week only because they werent letting trucks and wheelhouses out on LOTW's yet. they headed to LOTH's i believe sat and did well!!!!!!!!
It looks like the bottom of Geiger's ramp took a bit of a beating yday to me. The bad spots over at the Narrows look like they've grown some too in the last day or so.
You got the crappies on lake "y", did you try lake "z"? I'm thinking a run up next week. May have to try lake "B". :happy1:
You got the crappies on lake "y", did you try lake "z"? I'm thinking a run up next week. May have to try lake "B". :happy1:
:rotflmao: nope ran out of time!!!!!! thinking my next trip might be week before super bowl weekend.
looks like geigers is doing some ice road maintence this morning.
at the narrows it appears to be pretty active heading out on the ice the past few days!!!!!
i'm already getting the itch to head back up. :scratch: :doah:
It looks like we may be heading up sometime next week now. I talked to the new neighbor yday as he was headed back up today & he said there was a lot of people out on the bay last weekend. A couple of wheelhouses even & close to a dozen portables before the weekend was over.
hopefully you can get through Inger this time!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :smoking: :nerd: :nerd: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
:tut: Bet they're all still smilin, even grandma, from your last trip up. :sleazy: :kiss: :evil:
gunner........you take a look at the cams this morning???? giegers says its lost?????
Yeah, just did & got the same thing. That way yday too for me, ~ 10. :scratch:
geigers cam is back up!!!!!!! :happy1:
Talked to the new neighbor again Thursday as he was headed back up on Friday. He was wondering if we were going to be around & he told me that the new owners at Lakewood have that webcam back working at least part of the time. Tried it this morning though & notta. Wednesday for us probably.
Talked to the new neighbor again Thursday as he was headed back up on Friday. He was wondering if we were going to be around & he told me that the new owners at Lakewood have that webcam back working at least part of the time. Tried it this morning though & notta. Wednesday for us probably.
maybe i'll get the TV there for your arrival!!!!! :smoking: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
seriously though have you heard from anyone up there about the lake conditions with the slush??? some of the webcam pictured dont look purty!!!!!! and i dont think its been cold enough for it to freeze!!!! :pouty:
Him & his boys were up New Years weekend too & he said conditions on the bay were pretty nice then. Just his wheeler & his portable goin out but it was so nice he didn't even use his tent. There's 'sposed to be 6-8 of 'em up there again this weekend too. Probably give him a shout before we head up as he said he was headed back home mid-week for a few days just to fill him in on our plans. See what he says.
I caught him on his way home yday ~3. He said 12" of ice most everywhere with a little slush on top. No problem going anywhere with his wheeler. A lot of people out again last weekend, most are using Lakewood's access.
Gunner is either still in Inger :sleazy: :rotflmao:, in bed or cleaning out our road into the cabin. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Judging by the cams it doesn't look like they got a whole lot of snow. :happy1: but the lakes look awefully wet. :pouty: :doah:
Just got word from my informant up by deer river they had 4 inches of wet snow.
Took the Ranger out on the lake, slush everywhere, must be from all the warm weather?
Took the Ranger out on the lake, slush everywhere, must be from all the warm weather?
whereabouts you at. Don't worry I won't horn in. I know how to find fish. :happy1: :rotflmao:
A little north an east of Park Rapids.
A pile of lakes up that way!!! :happy1: good luck!!
Checked Geiger's lately? Quite a few, 6-8, wheelhouses on the ice out front early Friday & Saturday. There must've been 6-8 maybe even 10 vehicles over at LL this morning when we went for a paper too. Nobody parked in the CR 35 access today, 5 or > out front :fishing: though. As many as 8 out here mid afternoon yday too. Most of them were back out there again by ~ 9:30.
Checked Geiger's lately? Quite a few, 6-8, wheelhouses on the ice out front early Friday & Saturday. There must've been 6-8 maybe even 10 vehicles over at LL this morning when we went for a paper too. Nobody parked in the CR 35 access today, 5 or > out front :fishing: though. As many as 8 out here mid afternoon yday too. Most of them were back out there again by ~ 9:30.
yep this morning I looked.
So what are YOU waiting for :evil: :rotflmao:
Them to leave so I don't show 'em where they're at. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: No hurry anyway 'cause we're not goin home anytime soon, besides I got fish! :tut: :mooning: :pouty:
Hey Gunner, are they driving out from the north access on Bow? Thanks, going up this week. :happy1:
i dont know why but i gotz a hankerin to head to winnie next trip up!!!!!!!!!! :happy1:
Not a bad idea Glenn, it's been years since I fished it. Every year I say "one of these days I will try it again" but it doesn't happen. But one of these days. :laugh:
Yeah, they are merc.
Tim was workin over at the Bstore yday & I ask him if he'd met the new owners over at Lakewood yet. He said not yet & then he added that he hopes they have some $ of their own to start with. He said when BShores sold last season($2.2 mil) the bank wanted $1 mil down so they could afford the payments & I heard they got $ 3 mil for LL. :crazy: Your favorite waterin hole has been sold too merc, according to him.
Tim was workin over at the Bstore yday & I ask him if he'd met the new owners over at Lakewood yet. He said not yet & then he added that he hopes they have some $ of their own to start with. He said when BShores sold last season($2.2 mil) the bank wanted $1 mil down so they could afford the payments & I heard they got $ 3 mil for LL. :crazy: Your favorite waterin hole has been sold too merc, according to him.
NO SHEET.............hayslips is sold!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch:
I'm glad it got sold as I was worried it would close down after Dave passed away. It will be weird going in and having a different person behind the bar after all the years of Rick and Dave being there. I figured he would come down in price until it sold.
Not a bad idea Glenn, it's been years since I fished it. Every year I say "one of these days I will try it again" but it doesn't happen. But one of these days. :laugh:
i just might pass on winnie this time around. i've heard 2 reports today from people that went there....walleyes and perch are running small............i might just activate the GPS on Mercs vehicle to find his spots on bowstring!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
at the moment i dont have really alot of faith in the tires on my truck but it does sound like its pretty easy to get around with a truck in the lakes!!!!!!
You GPS screen will look lake a plate of spaghetti. Lots of spots marked on mine but the fish are never in the same spots. A few years ago I fished it there was an eagle sitting on the ice so just for the heck of it we stopped and had our limit in 30 minutes. Never got a fish there since. Last time up a raven was on the ice and we stopped, nothing. That proves eagles are smarter than ravens. :happy1:
:scratch: Been checking these http://www.jeffsundin.com/Minnesota_Fishing_Reports_and_Outdoor_Links.htm every now & then. Bumped into him a few times over at the NW access.
Yea I might have to stop at that wheezy outdoors and have a talk with them about not posting on the forums. :confused:
Hey Merc, you ever go out of giegers or fish that way?? Can you tell me anything about them??
Pretty much decided somewhere around the weekend of the 26th headed north. Look out my brudders gonna be there to :sleazy: :smoking: :evil:
Pretty much decided somewhere around the weekend of the 26th headed north. Look out my brudders gonna be there to :sleazy: :smoking: :evil:
:scratch: WTH today is 1/20/21 so 1/26/21 is a Tuesday! :doofus: :confused: :bonk:
:doofus: :doofus: :doofus: :doofus: :doofus:
Pretty much decided somewhere around the weekend of the 26th headed north. Look out my brudders gonna be there to :sleazy: :smoking: :evil:
:scratch: WTH today is 1/20/21 so 1/26/21 is a Tuesday! :doofus: :confused: :bonk:
my bad, the 29th 30th in that area. :confused: for some reason this retirement life has my days and dates all mixed up. :rotflmao:
Just peeked at the 10 day & from next Thursday on & the next 7 days looks pretty good. Light winds & 20-25* everyday. Hope they're right!! :happy1: How long you plannin on stayin this time? :confused: We might :scratch: have to get together, maybe even a little :fishing:. :cool:
Just peeked at the 10 day & from next Thursday on & the next 7 days looks pretty good. Light winds & 20-25* everyday. Hope they're right!! :happy1: How long you plannin on stayin this time? :confused: We might :scratch: have to get together, maybe even a little :fishing:. :cool:
think i'm gonna head up the saturday before super bowl weekend........that looks like when the weather will be ok, or nicer. i'll probably head back the friday or sat of super bowl weekend.
my plans at this point is to head over to gunderson for a couple days with the spear shack. try for crappies on peterson, maybe a day or 3/4 of a day on bowstring????
yea i could get into getting together one day. :happy1:
Glenn, I have gone through Geigers a bunch of times. Nice people, they will try to send a person in the right direction. Last year I tried Bowstring Shores, also very nice people. I hear there are some drifts on Bow that are tough to get through. There last report was a few perch and walleye being caught but the crappie fishing is slow. Hopefully next week I will get up. Last two weeks didn't work out. :happy1:
Thanks merc. Not sure why but I like going off the 35 access head to the left and sit out in front of this blueish green house and houseboat. :mad1: try to find about 20 ft of water. We got some nice crappies there once, and if course caught 2 nice out of season eyes. :pouty:
Talked to the new neighbor ~ 10 this morning, he's got an appt next Thursday down there & plans on heading up early that afternoon. Sounds like his youngest is coming up this weekend & planning on checking out Winnie through Highbanks. I told him that Geiger's was letting the big houses & trucks out there too.
The north end has always been best for us over all and that's where I come off of if possible. We normally fish deeper like 26 to 30 feet. Perch we have to be shallower. The last couple years have been tough, got a few but slow.
the one time i did well over there i think i found 25 ft of water??????????
so Merc if you find the fish but an X in the snow!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
A yellow X? ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I took the sled out on the bay for a quick lap yday & came across a couple spots that looked kinda slushy. Never seemed to affect my ride but I didn't stop & check 'em out either. Told Chris that I'd been out here & down to the NW access & that it looked like quite a few where out on Bowstring. She said that's a popular place to go out but went on to mention that there was still issues with slush in some places so travel was limited some.
man iffin the weather channels forecast is anywhere's close..........these next few days should take care of alot of slush!!!
:tut: Wish you'd quit your :violin: :violin: :violin: :cry: :cry: :cry: about the slush so it'd warm up a little! :cold: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: Yeah just checked the 10 day for us & they've got -17 & -10 for tonight & tomorrow night. The chance for some snow on the weekend has increased too, especially on Saturday when it warms back up to the upper 20's.
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Brrrrrr... Just got an alert on my phone for up there. Wind chill advisory. 30 below wind chill expected tonight. Think I'll snuggle up to momma a little closer tonight :sleazy: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Brrrrrr... Just got an alert on my phone for up there. Wind chill advisory. 30 below wind chill expected tonight. Think I'll snuggle up to momma a little closer tonight :sleazy: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
if she lets ya!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Brrrrrr... Just got an alert on my phone for up there. Wind chill advisory. 30 below wind chill expected tonight. Think I'll snuggle up to momma a little closer tonight :sleazy: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Best leave the bean soup & egg salad alone then. :oops1: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:sleazy: get with my good looks and charming personality why wouldn't she!!!👍
:rolleyes: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Hey Gunner, how much snow is in the lakes, and land?? From the cams it doesn't look like all that bad??!
I texted our plow guy last night, giving him the option of he felt it needed to be done but haven't heard back from him yet.
so Gunner what day yea thinking of maybe hooking up to do a little fishing????? i'm going up saturday morning. sunday and monday i'm spearing gunderson, tuesday am i'm gonna probably set up my spearhouse on the little lake behind us. anytime after that i'm game for anything. sand bowstring????????// :happy1:
The neighbor told me we had ~ 10" on the ground/ lake before we came up & I think he was pretty close. We've had 6-6 1/2 " since so we're pushin 15-18" now & it's crusty. Our wheeler/plow won't handle it very well in the areas we don't usually plow since we don't have chains on it. I will be putting chains on it before it goes on the ice or I'll be using the sled. The neighbor's 'sposed to be comin up Thursday & I'm thinkin we'll probably go out here sometime this weekend. See how we do & game plan from there. We should talk Monday or Tuesday sometime. You still got our #? Why don't you PM me yours too?
On sent.
found out the plow guy cleaned out the road in. :happy1: :happy1:
now i just hope i can drive the truck on the lake !!!!!!!!!
We put the chains on the Grizzly this mornin. :happy1: No trucks out here since we've been up, just wheelers & sleds. Neighbor said there were some New Years weekend though.
the lakes by the cabin i,m not worried about, there i'll use the snowmobile or wheeler........i'm concerned about the 2 days i go to gunderson!!!!!!
Went over to Geiger's yday afternoon, 15" of ice & not making a lot of ice due to the snow on the lake is what the owner said. He said it would be safe for the neighbors wheelhouse but he recommended unhooking his truck so there wouldn't be so much water after drilling holes. His plow truck had just broke so he wasn't in the best of moods. Told us to call him if/when we got over there today as he might be back out plowing & he'd tell us where he suggest we set up.
Went over to Geiger's yday afternoon, 15" of ice & not making a lot of ice due to the snow on the lake is what the owner said. He said it would be safe for the neighbors wheelhouse but he recommended unhooking his truck so there wouldn't be so much water after drilling holes. His plow truck had just broke so he wasn't in the best of moods. Told us to call him if/when we got over there today as he might be back out plowing & he'd tell us where he suggest we set up.
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
brother is on his way up now and i'll be headed up tomorrow first thing!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Dress warm...
Dress warm...
:rotflmao: piffle........thats sun bathing weather!!!! :rotflmao: accuweather...i could give a better forecast!!!!!! :confused: :doah: weather channel and NWS says the lowest low is 2 above and lowest high is 22 for the days i intend to be there!!!!!!! :happy1:
His youngest just hooked up to his wheelhouse & headed for Highbanks. It sounded like they plan to stay until at least early Sunday. See how it goes for us today, we may even head that way tomorrow.
His youngest just hooked up to his wheelhouse & headed for Highbanks. It sounded like they plan to stay until at least early Sunday. See how it goes for us today, we may even head that way tomorrow.
most everything I have read about winnie is small perch and walleyes. :scratch: but ya never know.
Dress warm...
:rotflmao: piffle........thats sun bathing weather!!!! :rotflmao: accuweather...i could give a better forecast!!!!!! :confused: :doah: weather channel and NWS says the lowest low is 2 above and lowest high is 22 for the days i intend to be there!!!!!!! :happy1:
Ya, yer always pi$$ing on someone's leg and telling them it's raining! :doofus:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
well..........i'm baaack!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :smoking: :nerd: :nerd:
got there friday, got my stuff done and headedout to the little lake by us. brother was out spearing........i chased crappies/ got 3 brother got a pike.
saturday headed to gunderson...........what a disappointment.....access wasnt plowed and i didnt want to chance going in there all alone with a trailer behind. snow is pretty hard. went back to the cabin and set up on cabin lake........what an effin mess...... :confused: :angry2: slush.......slush........and more slush. i seen 2 places where the snow was sunk down where it looked like water was coming up. seen 2 fish. brother speared a 12 lber and doinked another on the head.
sunday more slush, the little lake didnt have any we came across. took spearhouses off by noon and hit the crappie hole. we ended up with 20 crappies and 2 bass.
Geiger's on Thursday with the neighbor's wheelhouse, didn't want to get any further off their road than needed because of the snow. Didn't see any slush or many fish either. Winnie & Highbanks on Friday, :crazy: busy before noon, more fish but all were small except the pout. Out here yday pm just sittin on buckets, all little ones here too. Bowstring had 16" of pretty good ice, Winnie had 17" of good clear ice where they'd plowed spots, didn't check it here but there was quite a bit of slush. There has been a pickup comin out of the resort the last 3 days though.
damn Gunner............hope ya got alot on long johns with ya.......... :doah: looking at the weather outlook on the weather channel for up there, starting friday nite i only see one day with an above 0 temp......and that is 1 above for a full week.
JB & LPS might have to put on 2 pair!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I am a good ole Norwegian. I don't need no long jons. :nerd:
I am a good ole Norwegian. I don't need no long jons. :nerd:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
They were good enough for ol' Casey Jones...
Valkin' in my vinter undervare!
I have light ones and thicker ones. I put the light ones on in November and wear them until April. I do warsh them now and then.
If it's that cold & I need to be out in it very long I just slip on my ice fishin bibs. Easier than long johns for me.
bibs here too..
You guys ain't :bs:'ing me. When you talk bibs, your talking the bib so you don't dribble on your shirt. :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Sorry Dotch dared me. :pouty:
we have seen your shirts!!! bibs won't help!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
we have seen your shirts!!! bibs won't help!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:mooning: why do you think I don't use them. :mooning: :rotflmao:
Bibs here to when I am outside and it is really cold. To wear long jons here at work would be way to warm inside all day.
Have to agree JB, way too warm inside with long johns on. Besides my bibs are usually on a hook right by the door to the garage this time of year anyway.
Yesterday at 03:36:43 PM Reply #3
Online Gunner55
Posts: 7519
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Re: Super bowl menu
:happy1: Had a little of that yday at their buffet in GR. Hadn't been in there since they remodeled.”
So, Gunner, is their full buffet open like it was pre-COVID times? Every time I drive by, I’ve wondered when that was going start back up. I noticed Country Kitchen has a sign out that they’re open. They flat out shut down for a while without even takeout.
Sammys has done a nice job on the remodel/expansion.
:happy1: :cool: Yeah, looked like business as usual to me other than the seating arrangements. There was a box of the gloves that food prep people often wear in the middle of the buffet by the plates along with a sign urging people to follow the state's directive & wear them when getting their food too.
pretty quiet on the cams this morning for a saturday!!!!! :confused: :rotflmao:
Quite a few people around though, as Riley's was busy for HH yday. A lot of locals but not all, 2-3 groups on sleds, kitchen was busy too including quite a bit of carryout.
There's a black pickup & 2 Eskimo portable shelters out on the bay since ~ noon. :crazy:
There's a black pickup & 2 Eskimo portable shelters out on the bay since ~ noon. :crazy:
Is that not good ? :confused:
Good for them :scratch:, yeah. Sane maybe not! ;) :laugh: It's hard for me to enjoy doing much of anything outdoors when the WC is -40.
sure has been quiet on the cams lately. one thing i've noticed on the narrows cam there hasnt been what i would assume is the spearhouse out in front all year like it was last year?????????? :scratch:
Geigers posted they have 21" of ice now and he has nine miles of roads on the lake. A tad cold to go now. Probably wait till March for my next trip.
Geigers posted they have 21" of ice now and he has nine miles of roads on the lake. A tad cold to go now. Probably wait till March for my next trip.
yea me too. more then likely next time for me is the perch thing on winnie.......unless my wife drives me crazy!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
sure has been quiet on the cams lately. one thing i've noticed on the narrows cam there hasnt been what i would assume is the spearhouse out in front all year like it was last year?????????? :scratch:
It was out there pretty close to it's usual spot early on, then we had a little warm weather & it was gone. The Narrows started lookin pretty iffy then too, don't think :scratch: the shack even made it a week. This was all before we came up on 1/6.
Looks like the silicone on the auger's primer bulb did it's job as there was no leak & it popped right off yday. :happy1: :cool: I'll give it another look :scratch: before we go to town next & even then I'll grab a replacement, if L & M still carries 'em.
A lot quieter @ Riley's yday, did look to be 2-3 vehicles over at the resort by ~ 3 though. No activity out front yet though. :scratch:
Looks like the guests over at the resort out on the bay to me :scratch:, been 4 portables & a couple pickups out there for about an hour now.
i called and talked to my former coworker earlier. he said he has to go out every 15 minutes or so. he has laying chickens....he manages about 2 eggs a day that arent froze solid!!!!!!!!!!! :shocked: :shocked:
A Wind Chill Warning is in effect from 6 tonight until noon tomorrow for Sand Lake TWP. They're talking WC's as low as -60. :crazy: Just an WC Advisory, -35*, from noon tomorrow 'til noon Monday according to TWC. :pouty:
just checked the cams....... a bunch of wheel houses must be out. not many parked by Geigers this morning. but holy moly that landing looks like it took a beating. :confused:
Quite a few on the road between Mosomo Pt & Princeton yday too & that was from ~ 5:30-8:30.
looks like some activity at the narrows this morning!!!!!! still amazed at the amount of bare ground is showing up there. looking at the forecast.....sure hope the ice stays decent for the perchapalooza!!!!!! :confused:
It's starting to look pretty iffy, I just peeked at the extended forecast from TWC & after tomorrow & Monday I didn't see 1 day below 32*. A little more than week of March in the mid 30's but that's all, the rest were 40* or higher. :scratch:
It's starting to look pretty iffy, I just peeked at the extended forecast from TWC & after tomorrow & Monday I didn't see 1 day below 32*. A little more than week of March in the mid 30's but that's all, the rest were 40* or higher. :scratch:
i looked at that too!!!!! :confused: :confused: depends on the low temps and cloud cover. but......aint looking promising!!!! :pouty:
Not 1 house in sight in front of Gieger's this morning early. Been over there on the wheeler a few times & it looked like a few may leave theirs there year around though.
yea that parking spot has been empty since friday evening pretty much. i havent looked yet, more interested if they got any snow???
just looked no snow!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: all right by me!!!! there's a truck out in front of bobbers bar at the narrows.........yesterday there was a group out to the left. there not back so they either didnt get any or they got the limit????????
Nope, doesn't look like it to me. :scratch: Radar I seen showed it staying a little SE of Duluth even. Got CS on my homepage for TWC & it had a big red WWA for you earlier. How much you get?
Nope, doesn't look like it to me. :scratch: Radar I seen showed it staying a little SE of Duluth even. Got CS on my homepage for TWC & it had a big red WWA for you earlier. How much you get?
a good 4-5 inches. still in the driveway too!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
just looked at the cams up there.....doesnt look like the geigers landing took to bad of a beating...........yet.
Overnight temps close to 30* for Saturday-Tuesday see how it is then. :scratch: Cooler after that for a few days though.
landings seem to be holding up.........for now!!!!!!! :happy1:
the closer it gets.......the more i think i wanna leave tuesday.......... :pouty: :pouty: the wifey has an appt in rochester that tuesday, her granddaughter is taking her :dancinred: :dancinred:, but i figured i'd stay home till she got home.......then i got dogs i dont want kenneled up all day either!!!!!! :pouty:
checked the cams, watched a truck come off bowstring at Geigers.......he hesitated a bit but drove off with no issues. looks a little wet on top....but i've seen worse.
Had a couple things change & it's lookin like we might head back up Wednesday night/early Thursday. Some rain fcasted then but 'sposed to stay warm, we'll see. Might :scratch: even be able to make Nodaks then :happy1: :cool:, at least 1 day.
Had a couple things change & it's lookin like we might head back up Wednesday night/early Thursday. Some rain fcasted then but 'sposed to stay warm, we'll see. Might :scratch: even be able to make Nodaks then :happy1: :cool:, at least 1 day.
I knew you couldn't resist seeing and fishing with me. :nerd: :nerd: :super smiley: :super smiley: :laughroll:
Had a couple things change & it's lookin like we might head back up Wednesday night/early Thursday. Some rain fcasted then but 'sposed to stay warm, we'll see. Might :scratch: even be able to make Nodaks then :happy1: :cool:, at least 1 day.
I knew you couldn't resist seeing and fishing with me. :nerd: :nerd: :super smiley: :super smiley: :laughroll:
:rolleyes: :bonk: :banghead: I get my fill of you :doah:, in fact I'm startin to understand why your wife does some of the things she does!! :crazy: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Would be nice to meet the others though. :happy1: :cool:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: might have to make a trip to bowstring......i'm hearing rumors!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :happy1:
Talked to the new neighbor on Tuesday & he was back home. He was up the last weekend of Walleye & took his house home with him. He said Geiger's had on their FB page then that the crappies had started biting. They mentioned something about having something goin on with Lakewood Lodge too, he wasn't sure what they meant with that.
Talked to the new neighbor on Tuesday & he was back home. He was up the last season of Walleye & took his house home with him. He said Geiger's had on their FB page then that the crappies had started biting. They mentioned something about having something goin on with Lakewood Lodge too, he wasn't sure what they meant with that.
I seen that, ran into a guy I worked with, his family has a place north of talmoon. The lakewood thing was big sunfish :happy1:
Been watching the cams, the giegers landing seems to freeze up pretty good overnight. :happy1:
Great just what we need, a crowd comin & cleanin out all the nice sunfish. :bs: :doah: Those 9"+ sunnies are pretty rare most places. :sad: The overnight temps have come down from when I checked 'em last.
Check this out http://www.jeffsundin.com/Minnesota_Fishing_Reports_and_Outdoor_Links.htm
Good updated report. :happy1: I'm way fine with wheeler access less clowns on the lake. :happy1: :nerd:
Got chains on yours? :scratch:
Good read gunner, we'll hafta keep an eye that this week.
Got chains on yours? :scratch:
well Yea!
wifey just showed me a post highbanks had on facebook with perch being caught. also had a picture of there road but not the immediate landing as a pine tree was blocking it. dint look to bad yet considering there on the east side ofthe lake and the sun hits there shoreline pretty good!!!!
Geiger's ramp is pretty wet & a little beat up lookin now.
:happy1: It looks much better this morning & there should be a lot less traffic today. Mid-upper 50's today & tomorrow then the wind is 'sposed to go back to the north with more normal temps of upper 30's to ~ 40* for ~ a week or so.
just looked too.....looks like a glazed doughnut!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Check this out http://www.jeffsundin.com/Minnesota_Fishing_Reports_and_Outdoor_Links.htm
Check the new update from yday, check the map, many have restricted accesses today. Nodaks is closed unless your a guest of theirs.
Check this out http://www.jeffsundin.com/Minnesota_Fishing_Reports_and_Outdoor_Links.htm
Check the new update from yday, check the map, many have restricted accesses today. Nodaks is closed unless your a guest of theirs.
well that sucks........ dakids plan was nodaks.
hey Gunner..........any idea if the crappies on bowstring is an all day type of bite or early morning/evening thing??????
think on my way up and before i get to the cabin i'm gonna swing through Geigers and check things out. i have no intention of driving truck out, will be ATV!!!!!!! that might be a thursday adventure!!!!!!! :happy1:
You check the weather? I seen 1 that says 3-5" Wednesday night :scratch:, so you might not be able to get out. :rolleyes: :laugh: Only did well over there once & it was mid-day almost straight out in front of the CR 35 access. A bunch of people there that day. Might be pretty sloppy & if they're bitin you'll have some company.
Looks like 3-4 houses & a couple trucks sittin out in front of Geiger's already this morning so the :fish2: must be bitin.
You check the weather? I seen 1 that says 3-5" Wednesday night :scratch:, so you might not be able to get out. :rolleyes: :laugh: Only did well over there once & it was mid-day almost straight out in front of the CR 35 access. A bunch of people there that day. Might be pretty sloppy & if they're bitin you'll have some company.
i did well out in from of that access to.....but only once. went out in front of a blue-green boat shed....but then with your version of colors :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
yea i've been looking at the weather..........not to worried.....most say not much. hell last night the 34 said bemidji was going to get 11 inches but the weather guy saifd that aint right.
as far as compnay.........then i'll know where to go!!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd: :happy1:
They found Zeeb's over there now, knew they would eventually make it down the river. Bet the water clarity has changed, maybe even a lot so it wouldn't surprise me if the :fish2: are deeper. Is this what you call blue/green? :scratch: :doah: https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=A0geKed2oEdgU8kAoyZXNyoA;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Nj?p=the+color+black&fr=mcafee :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Was on Bow yesterday, drove the truck out and everywhere I checked ice was 18" to 20". Won't drive out anymore. Ice is very tricky to walk around on, rough and slick. Caught some fish but small, people I talked to said the same. I don't know if I just didn't find them or if it was just a bad day, or wrong time of day. Geigers had pictures of a bucket full this weekend but by the sun it looked later in the day. Did get fish on a smaller lake not far from me so it turned out fine. Good luck on the perch hunt on Winnie. :happy1:
Awe f@#_+_ just got an alert on my phone. 4-6 inches of snow maybe up there wed into Thursday. :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:
That's the reason I'm back. The Duluth stations were saying rain, freezing rain and snow mixed starting tomorrow morning into Thursday morning. I was planning on coming back tomorrow but as I get older I tend to play it on the safe side.
If they're right we may wait a day. :pouty:
That's the reason I'm back. The Duluth stations were saying rain, freezing rain and snow mixed starting tomorrow morning into Thursday morning. I was planning on coming back tomorrow but as I get older I tend to play it on the safe side.
i'm hoping to beat it before it gets there.
Merc, i asked several different locals years back about the weather forecasts........who they watched or listened too. they always told me they usually get what bemidji gets.so thats where i get my weather from up there. :happy1: :happy1:
duluth and the so called iron range gets different weather then we do there.......
Channel 4 has 2.2 inches forecast. Hope there right
Me too!!
Well I'm here and nuttin yet. Bowstring 35 access is good.
Heading there tomorrow.
Hope it stays south for ya. They’re talking 4-8” around Grand Rapids. Of course, we know they are occasionally wrong.
Looks like it could nasty between Garrison & Deer River when we'll be traveling, so we're waiting another day. So I won't make it Friday, hope to see everybody Saturday. Big Winnie Store ~ 7:00 then is my plan.
Hope it stays south for ya. They’re talking 4-8” around Grand Rapids. Of course, we know they are occasionally wrong.
Glenn said he had 3 1/2" & I'd say he was spot on with what we had. We're < 10 miles SW of him. Needed to take the blade off the wheeler for :fishing: Saturday so I made 4-5 passes down the drive 1st. By the end of the day the cabin end of it was back to bare ground. Most of the rest disappeared yday.
Hope it stays south for ya. They’re talking 4-8” around Grand Rapids. Of course, we know they are occasionally wrong.
Glenn said he had 3 1/2" & I'd say he was spot on with what we had. We're < 10 miles SW of him. Needed to take the blade off the wheeler for :fishing: Saturday so I made 4-5 passes down the drive 1st. By the end of the day the cabin end of it was back to bare ground. Most of the rest disappeared yday.
Yep. Now it’s time to start raking and hauling pine needles out to the woods.
I actually have an old metal box spring off a full size bed that I use as a drag which helps a lot with those. Still need to do a little raking but not too much. :happy1:
whatever is left in the cabin yard will be dealt with by the lawnmower!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: already picked up brush!!!!!!
Lawnmower doesn’t work on the pine needles. Also most of them are in flowers and shrubs close to the house, so they get raked out to the horn and into the front end loader on the tractor.
Got some big pines on the north side here & it was like mowing a big pile of dirt all the time. I started hauling some buckets of free compost from GR 3-4 years ago & finally got some grass goin there now. I try to keep those pine needles cleaned up at least every Spring & Fall so it doesn't kill what I do have started while letting the 10-10-10 I put down about then do some good. I will haul some needles to the burn barrel every year too & they don't even burn very good either.
the pine needles here burn darn good!!! had one heck of a good blaze last spring with them!!! :happy1:
I have so many I just stuff the barrel too full :doofus: so they smolder for too long :tut: but when they go it's snap, crackle, pop & stand back or you might regret it. :crazy:
We burn as much as we can, but we have so many big red pines that we can’t do all of them. They pack down in the burn pile, and you have to keep stirring them to let air get at the ones underneath. I’ve been making piles of them out in the woods. They don’t really compost well, but pack down over time. I have had piles that were probably over 10 feet in diameter and 5 feet high.
:happy1: Same here, 3-4 piles around different areas of our lot, not as big as yours though. Your right about them not composting well, some of mine are still a little damp when I throw them in the barrel too.
We burn as much as we can, but we have so many big red pines that we can’t do all of them. They pack down in the burn pile, and you have to keep stirring them to let air get at the ones underneath. I’ve been making piles of them out in the woods. They don’t really compost well, but pack down over time. I have had piles that were probably over 10 feet in diameter and 5 feet high.
thats why i prefer short needle pines!!!!!!! i deal with pine cones up the wazoo here at home.
last fall the garbage man had quit collecting the yard waste and i still had some maple leaves to get rid of so i hauled them to the cabin. over the winter the deer worked over that pile pretty good!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
i see open water on the narrows cams this morning!
That on the west side was there Sunday but it's ~ double now but the stuff in front of the :fishing: pier is new.
Heading up for one last ice trip. Got my little late season lakes to hit. Normally they produce late ice but who knows. Hopefully ice holds out till after the weekend. :happy1:
Had a pickup out here on Saturday, it came out of the resort. Still a few wheelers goin out, think I'll try it this afternoon too.
Made it out yday PM & couldn't reach the bottom of the ice with the handle on my scoop. Shoreline over at the neighbors was still pretty good too. Warmup comin though starting ~ Thursday or Friday from what I hear. Couple little nords & some 4-5" perch was about it.
gunner, when was the last time you went out of your place??
read Jeff Sundins report earlier........looking or sounds like the ice is going south. i may take the hound for a drive this afternoon around the lakes!!!!
Tuesday afternoon, shoreline over at the neighbors was still good when I came off ~ 4:30. Tried to check the ice depth but the tape I had didn't work very well. I couldn't hook the bottom of my hole with the handle on my scoop though & that's about 18". When I cut my holes it didn't act like good clear ice though. Yeah, I seen Sundin's latest report yday.
Went out again yday pm & even left the bay to check my spot across from the PA. Couldn't find the crib up there as I had a different GPS. Had to of been close though. I did find 15" of what looked like almost all good clear ice, it was closer to 14" in our bay. The shoreline between us & the neighbor is starting to go as there's some bulrushes there. Must've been a dozen wheelers :doah: :sad: out on the hotspot broadcast by the new resort owners when I came back in the bay ~3. I won't be real disappointed to see that come to an end, might be today even. Oh yeah, tiny perch & 4-5 maybe picklers.
Went out again yday pm & even left the bay to check my spot across from the PA. Couldn't find the crib up there as I had a different GPS. Had to of been close though. I did find 15" of what looked like almost all good clear ice, it was closer to 14" in our bay. The shoreline between us & the neighbor is starting to go as there's some bulrushes there. Must've been a dozen wheelers :doah: :sad: out on the hotspot broadcast by the new resort owners when I came back in the bay ~3. I won't be real disappointed to see that come to an end, might be today even. Oh yeah, tiny perch & 4-5 maybe picklers.
:confused: yea some things should be kept quiet.
so one thing i dont understand.......if its the DNR'S intent to rid lakes of all these little 22 and under snot rockets.........why dont they keep the season open year round???? its not like a lot of people keep them anyway!!!!!
checked the cams up there.....pretty quiet. but then again i coulda told them there where no fish in bowstring...........or it was Gunner's fault!!!!!! :confused: :smoking: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: Not at Lakewood, neighbor came up yday ~ 5 & he went over to the resort to get some ice last night. He said there were 18 guys in the lodge :drinking: & they had a pile of :fish2:. The neighbor thought they could've even have been over their limit. :scratch: :doah: They've been splitting into groups & fishing different lakes. He was told they'd been :fishing: Bowstring, Third River, Little Cutfoot & here mostly. Only seen 2 go out late afternoon yday here & 3 wheelers went out early today but they came back in ~ 10 after the wind picked up some more.
Wonder how or when they went to the third river?? :doah:
Jeff sundin report yesterday said the forestry service shut down the road dixon's use??
:scratch: Seen that too. Said he'd heard that also. :confused:
Most of the crew stayin at the resort was back out here by ~ 5 yday again. Pretty windy without a portable, hard to tell if you had a bite. Think a lot of 'em were here by late Thursday so they may be headed back home today, we'll see.
Most of the crew stayin at the resort was back out here by ~ 5 yday again. Pretty windy without a portable, hard to tell if you had a bite. Think a lot of 'em were here by late Thursday so they may be headed back home today, we'll see.
the sooner they leave the better, right!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :evil:
starting to get the itch again, :pouty: but would like to wait till the lake is ice free. :doah:
:scratch: No sign of 'em this morning, neighbor said he let the dogs out ~ 7 & they were loadin up then. Sounded like all they really did out here yday was :toast: & pretend they were :fishing:. Did find a couple Wisconsin pickups at the 35 access this AM, they were 25-30 yds out front with an auger. Seen 'em on 35 going east on our way back.
Just looked out across the bay & we have open water on the NW side as there are 3 pelicans swimmin over there right now.
looking at the webcams.......there's getting to be quite the puddle at geigers......lot of open water at the narrows.......and that ice is looking dark.
Light rain since ~ 5 here, that'll speed up the process. Ice out could easily be 2 weeks ahead of last year IMO. :crazy:
Got back from our last ice trip of the year and it was a very good trip. We fished for crappies the first day and quit at 20 as that is what we wanted between the three of us. Yesterday we fished sunnies and quit at 30 as again that is what we wanted to take back. Caught a lot of fish with a lot of sorting but we were not bored as the bite was pretty much constant. We had 14" on the first lake and 17" on the other one. With the rain forecast this week it should be over but my last two trips were really good fishing wise. Ready for open water. :happy1:
Got back from our last ice trip of the year and it was a very good trip. We fished for crappies the first day and quit at 20 as that is what we wanted between the three of us. Yesterday we fished sunnies and quit at 30 as again that is what we wanted to take back. Caught a lot of fish with a lot of sorting but we were not bored as the bite was pretty much constant. We had 14" on the first lake and 17" on the other one. With the rain forecast this week it should be over but my last two trips were really good fishing wise. Ready for open water. :happy1:
you forgot to mention what lakes. :shocked: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I don't think he forgot..... Just sayin!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
The lakes by my cabin that you don't fish. :fish2:
The lakes by my cabin that you don't fish. :fish2:
I could start. :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: and don't say little turtle. :tut: :tut: :rotflmao:
Not Little Turtle but I don't really want to throw the names out on the web as we had the lakes all to ourselves this trip. But I do share names in private, especially when I have a few beverages in me. :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: Was just rassing you. :happy1: your good, I know lakes too!! :happy1:
Don't look like there's much melting goin on here today except maybe down at the little bridge. Got to be 50-75 yds of open water down there. I'd think the rest should be gone in the next couple days.
:scratch: :scratch: looks like that Jeff Sundin gave up on his reports!!!!!!
A couple wheelers out on the bay ~ 3 today. Another vehicle over at the resort today too so it's probably them.
something tells me the water on geigers cam at there access id no longer just water on the ice anymore?????? :scratch:
Just quit snowing here ~ 10:45, melting as fast as it hit the ground though. Seen 1 fcast that talked about some more early PM too.
Bet we had 2.5-3" before it quit yday. Melted some by late afternoon, what isn't gone today will be tomorrow. Went down to the little bridge on Friday & there was still a good section of that with ice. Back to some cooler temps after tomorrow too until Thursday/Friday next week. Gonna guess :scratch: at least 10-14 days before the lake is ice free. That's still real early for us.
yea watching the cams, doesnt look like it made much progress as far as ice melt. i wont go up till after easter anyway!!!!!! :pouty:
scratch that!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: the following weekend is the wild game feed....aint missing that. probably drive up sunday after the feed!!!!!!!!! hopefully i wont feel to rough!!!!!!! :confused: :doah: :rotflmao:
:doofus: looks like after today it'll be making ice up there for a few days?????? :crazy: :crazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Yeah, looks like only 26* tomorrow & 31* on Wednesday.
looks like that ice took a beating up there today!!!!!
Yeah it did, get the shorelines open so it can move it around a little & it shouldn't take long. :happy1: I'd think that could be early to mid-week next week, even without much wind. :cool:
:scratch: Thought about ridin over to the NW access yday afternoon but that patch that was so rough for the GTG is now a muddy mess. They even had a small barricade & a flag on the other side marking what looked like a big frost boil. Decided it wasn't worth it so I turned around. Swore I seen the county grader headed that way last week 1 day too. :confused:
:scratch: Thought about ridin over to the NW access yday afternoon but that patch that was so rough for the GTG is now a muddy mess. They even had a small barricade & a flag on the other side marking what looked like a big frost boil. Decided it wasn't worth it so I turned around. Swore I seen the county grader headed that way last week 1 day too. :confused:
yea i'll bet that was a goey mess. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
The ice is white again here & even the grass has a little tint to it. :crazy:
Skim ice on our shore today, bunch more open over by the weedy point leavin the bay though. No sign of the DNR over on Little Cutfoot yday either time we went by. There was still a little ice between Mosomo Pt & The Narrows though. Little Ball Club was open on our way home, there a some ice still floating in the SE corner yet. Big patch of open water over in front of Geiger's today too. It might not be tomorrow here but by Saturday or Sunday I'd think the bay should be breaking up.
yea same here, the lake froze over sfter the winds calmed down over night...
on my way to get the rona shot, i noticed the sloughs and puddles were froze over enough to hold up several geese!!!!!!!!
Skim ice on our shore today, bunch more open over by the weedy point leavin the bay though. No sign of the DNR over on Little Cutfoot yday either time we went by. There was still a little ice between Mosomo Pt & The Narrows though. Little Ball Club was open on our way home, there a some ice still floating in the SE corner yet. Big patch of open water over in front of Geiger's today too. It might not be tomorrow here but by Saturday or Sunday I'd think the bay should be breaking up.
just looked at the cams......based on what i seen yesterday, that portion now open looked darn close yesterday!!!!!!!!
Nice clear day so thought I'd check Modis but only yday's was available. Some clouds in that shot so I couldn't tell for sure but it looked to me like quite a few of the smaller lakes nearby were open.
Today's was better this afternoon https://ge.ssec.wisc.edu/modis-today/index.php?satellite=t1&product=true_color&date=2021_04_01_091&overlay_sector=false&overlay_sta Click on MN then zoom in(250M) @ top left.
according to that cabin lake is still iced over...........for now!!!!!
:scratch: A couple small ones up there looked open to me but hard for me to tell if it was yours. So that longer narrower 1 up there must be Peterson? :scratch:
Looked like at least a 1/3, maybe even close to 1/2, of Bowstring was open yday the last time I looked at the satellite.
Looked like at least a 1/3 of Bowstring was open yday the last time I looked at the satellite.
just looked at geigers cam.... pretty good sized area of open water out there. pretty confident the lakes will be ice free by mid next week if not sooner up that way!!!!!!
whatever is left of ice up on those cams this morning looks pretty ugly!!!!!!
Rode over to the PA today, some chunks on the ramp & the only other I could see was in front of Geiger's. Road was good on 1 lane, the maintainer had worked up the other & it still needed to dry some more. About 1/2 the bay open now, a little wind & these temps we should be open by Monday IMO.
hey gunner.........what are the weather terrorist saying for weather next week :scratch: :scratch: weather channel is sayin possibly 1-3 inches of snow possible monday...monday nite :tut: :confused: 50% chance. :tut: :tut:
they better be wrong!!!!!!! :pouty:
figures it would snow for you cause of you being there... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
figures it would snow for you cause of you being there... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :tut: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao: I say bring it. I can handle it, just gotta adapt. It just would be nice not having a wet soggy lawn and woods to deal with.
:scratch: Why, are you surprised? :doofus: I'm not!! :tut: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: I told you earlier to bring your shovel & that they're talkin :snow5: tonight, as well as Monday, & Tuesday. Your weatherman(Accuweather) just said 2-4" from Monday AM to Tuesday AM. Naturally it's little to no accumulation for tonight.
:scratch: Why, are you surprised? :doofus: I'm not!! :tut: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: I told you earlier to bring your shovel & that they're talkin :snow5: tonight, as well as Monday, & Tuesday. Your weatherman(Accuweather) just said 2-4" from Monday AM to Tuesday AM. Naturally it's little to no accumulation for tonight.
cause Glenn's not up there yet!!! :rotflmao:
:confused: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :pouty: :rotflmao:
My union friend north of deer river is saying the creeks and ditches are full of water. Guess it will be a sloppy mess :pouty: oh well. Not gonna deny GUNNER the nice weather I bring with. :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
It's been a another cold wet day here, been rainin steady since ~ noon. Haven't been outside much since I backed the boat in the garage ~ 10:30-11 yday. Must've got another 1/2" today at least, I'd guess 2.25-2.5" at least since it started. A break tomorrow but wet again late Sunday- late Tuesday.
looks like the narrows rolled in a few docks!!!!!!
suppose ole gunner is getting a bit nervous pending my arrival to the north country tomorrow!!!!!!! :evil: :mooning: :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I see your weatherman has backed off a little to 1-3" Monday AM -Tuesday AM now. TWC's site has it staying a little warmer & only mentions snow overnight Monday & early Tuesday. Nothing said about any accumulation there. When you comin up, tomorrow morning? :scratch: Might have something I need to do outside so I'd like to know how much time I have. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :doah: That was pretty close timing!! :crazy:
I see your weatherman has backed off a little to 1-3" Monday AM -Tuesday AM now. TWC's site has it staying a little warmer & only mentions snow overnight Monday & early Tuesday. Nothing said about any accumulation there. When you comin up, tomorrow morning? :scratch: Might have something I need to do outside so I'd like to know how much time I have. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: WELL..........that all depends on how much fun i have this afternoon!!!!!!!!! :evil::doah: :sleazy: as to when i get going in the morning. yes tomorrow morning, on a normal trip i'm usually at the cabin by 10;20 ish!!!1 :happy1:
yea i had a talk with that weather guy!!!!!! :tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: but iknow how that works up there......... :doofus: they say 1-3, usually means 5-6. :confused: :confused:
:confused: :shocked: :pouty: gawd tomorrow morning can't come soon enough. :banghead: :taz: my wife is driving me nuts. :evil: :rotflmao:
:confused: :shocked: :pouty: gawd tomorrow morning can't come soon enough. :banghead: :taz: my wife is driving me nuts. :evil: :rotflmao:
Glenn, she’s probably thinking the same thing.
:rotflmao: Yea she's made that clear several times. :confused: :rotflmao:
and by Tuesday you will be wanting to come home!!! :rotflmao:
:scratch: He can usually count to 4 when he's up here but doesn't get as far a 5 very often. :crazy: :tut: :confused:
Gunner, check your PM's. :sleazy: :rotflmao:
;D grilling chow, having a few :drinking: and enjoying the view. :happy1:
:happy1: Love it when it is a sheet of glass like that.
Looking at the long range forecast, thinking I'll be headed back up that way maybe about Thursday next week. Gotta few things I need to finish up before summer hits. :happy1:
Looking at the long range forecast, thinking I'll be headed back up that way maybe about Thursday next week. Gotta few things I need to finish up before summer hits. :happy1:
:scratch: Summer don't start 'til June 21!! :doofus: Good timing, I was hopin they'd get some rain while we're gone. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Have a good time in Inger. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil:
Looking at the long range forecast, thinking I'll be headed back up that way maybe about Thursday next week. Gotta few things I need to finish up before summer hits. :happy1:
:scratch: Summer don't start 'til June 21!! :doofus: Good timing, I was hopin they'd get some rain while we're gone. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Have a good time in Inger. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :pouty: :pouty:
geigers cam has been AWOL for the past week or so????/ :scratch: :scratch: looking at the narrows cams........ground is a tad white. bowstring shores has a nice cam too!!!!
decided this thursday........on my way back up.............for how long...........who knows!!!!! :scratch: :sleazy: :happy1:
Yeah, I think Geiger's is closer to 2 weeks. MNDOT had some wet slushy roads over north of US 2 in the Hibbing area early today. Even Fred's & the 1 @ GDP had been closing when the weather wasn't very nice for the last week or 2. A lot more activity on Nextdoor in the last week or so though so there must be some seasonals starting to show up.
looking like the weather man is going to cooperate when i'm up there!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happybounce: :dancinred: :dancinred:
:tut: Still a ways off so it can still change!! ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: Seems like it usually does when your up there. :crazy: Starting to look like we will be goin back up the Monday or Tuesday after you go.
Hey GUNNER, got a text from LPS there back at home guess the gate was locked. So tomorrow is not happening. Next time. You can still come and visit. I'll put you to work
:sleazy: :rotflmao:
Thanks for the call, didn't recognize the # or would've picked up. :doofus: W O R K? :scratch: :doah: :moon:
Thanks for the call, didn't recognize the # or would've picked up. :doofus: W O R K? :scratch: :doah: :moon:
Yea see how you Iowgians are. :tut: :pouty: :happy1: :rotflmao:
:pouty: holy smokes it's 77 in the shade. :azn: down to a T- shirt and yellow and brown grundies. :evil: :azn: :rolleyes: :tongue:
Well ok maybe not that far. :sleazy: :happy1:
:pouty: holy smokes it's 77 in the shade. :azn: down to a T- shirt and yellow and brown grundies. :evil: :azn: :rolleyes: :tongue:
Well ok maybe not that far. :sleazy: :happy1:
must be getting dressed up so you can look good while at Inger!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
:pouty: holy smokes it's 77 in the shade. :azn: down to a T- shirt and yellow and brown grundies. :evil: :azn: :rolleyes: :tongue:
Well ok maybe not that far. :sleazy: :happy1:
must be getting dressed up so you can look good while at Inger!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
:tut: :tut: can't Gunner is there :puke:
:pouty: holy smokes it's 77 in the shade. :azn: down to a T- shirt and yellow and brown grundies. :evil: :azn: :rolleyes: :tongue:
Well ok maybe not that far. :sleazy: :happy1:
must be getting dressed up so you can look good while at Inger!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
:tut: :tut: can't Gunner is there :puke:
:thumbs: :pouty: :scratch: Sure was A LOT of hot air comin out of the north here yday. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I was invited to grand rapids today to meet up with my union friends, 1 of the international reps I got to know and work with. ASV's contract is up soon. Might even score a free meal yet on the union. :sleazy: :happy1:
Drove past that Mercs place looked pretty barren. :confused: musta been at hayslips. :pouty: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Make sure it's 1 of those spendy sammy's you liked when you were still gettin paid. :rolleyes: Those ruebens are probably $30 now. :crazy: Oh wait :doah:, that place closed :scratch: & is a VFW now. :whistling: :evil:
:confused: :tut: they weren't 30 bucks :confused: sammy's is worth every penny. I didn't pay, the union did. :mooning: just ate at the chinese buffet in the mall were his office is.
Heading home tomorrow, momma is begging. :sleazy: :happy1:
No they weren't but they were almost $20 for Toivo's Rueben that you liked & that was almost 2 years ago. :doah: So I just figured they'd be more expensive now, with a drink & a tip $25+. :crazy: Oh wait, the Union was buyin then too. :evil: ;) :laugh: :laugh: I agree on Sammy's, we've ate there a couple times this year. We tried the China Buffet last trip too but all they had was takeout yet then. So................................how long before she wants to know when your leavin again, 1 week or you gonna be good. :scratch: :rolleyes:
:rotflmao: that rueben is worth every penny, I'd even fork out my own cash for it. :mooning: we ate at the china buffet last nite, was completely open with buffet. Said it opened April 1.
Oh yea back home, and wax home 45 minutes and she already asked when I was going back up :confused: :pouty: training-087 :banghead: :banghead: :taz: :taz:
so in other words things are all normal back home!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
so in other words things are all normal back home!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: yep, guess so!!!!!!!!!! :crazy: :pouty: :rotflmao:
We stopped twice @ Grand Buffet between 3/11 & 4/14 for lunch & there was a sheet of plywood covering their entrance with a window cut out of it. They were taking & handing out takeout orders through the window & that was it. So there was no dine in at noon then, evening maybe. :confused: The only way I'm ordering a $25 Rueben is if your buying!! :shocked: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: We can get a nice steak or even prime rib for that down home. :crazy:
Noticed Thursday when I made the corner to head to the cabin, hayslips is advertising a Friday nite meat raffle.
Yeah, I think the new owners started that when they took over as we heard of it when we came up after New Years. Sounds like it's been a big draw for them.
Yeah, I think the new owners started that when they took over as we heard of it when we came up after New Years. Sounds like it's been a big draw for them.
:happy1: I might have to check it out sometime. :sleazy:
When I went to grand rapids Sunday, I went up 38, Richie's looks pretty quiet yet??? That place used to be popular, especially during snowmobile season.
Was in there a few times, never that time of year though. They used to be busy around Memorial Day & the 4th of July too. Live music, volleyball/softball tourney's.
Not sure from your posts if you know, but Ritchies hasn’t been open for quite a few years. I heard it was sold a while ago, but don’t know the story on whether it was going to reopen or not. Probably not a hard decision in the last year and a half.
I knew it's been closed for some time but :scratch:.................................................you never can tell about that other guy. ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao:
Not sure from your posts if you know, but Ritchies hasn’t been open for quite a few years. I heard it was sold a while ago, but don’t know the story on whether it was going to reopen or not. Probably not a hard decision in the last year and a half.
yea i know its been closed, and i heard once it was sold. its been a long while since i went by Riches and kinda surprised it looked vacant yet.
man during the winter that was a snowmobile mecca.
I was out of a computer for a while, I crashed it. Got it back up and running. Your right about Richie's being a hotspot during snowmobile season. On weekends there would be 50 plus machines there at times. I knew the owner and all the bartenders there very well. It was sad to see it close. The last I was told is that the new owner is using it for storage. To open it would have to get new septic, electrical, plumbing, roof and a lot of other building repairs. Times change but there is always Hayslips yet plus the T-wolf so I will survive. :happy1:
Been home since a little after 2, the Grand Buffet was open for dine in at noon today. They must be starting to open some of the government campgrounds too :scratch: as the 1 along the Mississippi by the dam just west of GR had 6 trailers in it when we came home today. That place must be really popular as it looks full almost every time we go by from May 'til the end of October. :crazy:
Been home since a little after 2, the Grand Buffet was open for dine in at noon today. They must be starting to open some of the government campgrounds too :scratch: as the 1 along the Mississippi by the dam just west of GR had 6 trailers in it when we came home today. That place must be really popular as it looks full almost every time we go by from May 'til the end of October. :crazy:
:pouty: :pouty: :pouty: what!!!!!! :tut: you thought i was pulling your leg on the china food place?????? :confused: :pouty: :mooning: :mooning:
No!! :mooning: Just because it's dine in at night doesn't mean it's the same at noon. :rolleyes: :doah: Again :pouty:, we were there on the 14th of April & there was no dine in at noon! :tut: They told you they opened back up on 4/1, was it strictly carryout then or was it dine in at night then too? :confused:
Didn't tell me nuttin, just what I seen on the sign they had up
:bonk: Forgot to mention they're working on Mn 6. Detour signs at the shortcut intersection & barricades up at the next 1, seen it on MNDOT before this trip but don't remember :doofus: what they're doin. May want to check it out before you come back up.
Yea I am seen the signs going up and going home. It was supposed to start the day I came home but I went through before they closed the road.
Couldn't quite figure out the detour route though. :scratch:
detour doesn't look to bad and only till about June 18th..
Last time I was in Ritchie was probably seven years ago or so when we were spending some time on Little Bowstring. Bunch of drinkturds in there that day. Turned out I knew a couple of them indirectly. The warden wasn't too impressed. :-)
detour doesn't look to bad and only till about June 18th..
Yea I looked at Mndot. Think I found a detour around the detour. :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Just another year of closures, like you guys I have around six different routes one can take when the orange barrels come out.
:scratch: I thought when I looked at it last it said it would be most of the summer. :doofus: :bonk:
Geiger's webcam was back up last weekend.
Geiger's webcam was back up last weekend.
:happy1: yea i looked at it this morning too!!!!!!! :happy1: sure looks nice up there. maybe i need to come up and change that!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Seen 'em putting a lift on the north side of their dock last night about 6. Sure looks like they are out another 20' or so from last season to me. :scratch: No change for us, yet. Lake is down a bit since I raised our dock just before we went home but we've had no rain to speak of, that I know of, since early April. :pouty:
:pouty: Geigers cam is AWOL again!!!!!!! :confused: checked the narrows and bowstring shores cams.....a few boats out and about. cant really see much on the lake to see how many are out, but the narrows parking lot was pretty full!!!!!
TE's just worked for me & checked The Narrows too, looked like a parade there almost. :crazy:
Geigers cam has worked for me all morning. Must be operator error. :laugh:
Took the wheeler down to the Bowstring access yday after lunch & found only 6 rigs parked on the road goin in. Last year they were parked almost 1/2 way up to Geiger's road. Had 2 units pullin out too, asked 1 if they had their limit already & they said a couple hammerhandles is all they seen. On the other hand the neighbors wife said they were parked on Mn 46 by the bridge over @ Mosomo Pt. I seen a lot of :fish2: out in 18-20 fow with a soft bottom yday myself, most were were suspended betweem 10-18'. :scratch: :confused: Surface temps are pushin 60* already & with the forecast they could be close to 70* by next week. :crazy:
gunner......are you talking the access by geigers or the one on 35???????
My brother's fishing report.
Pretty slow, a few walleyes and bunch of northerns. My guess he was on little sand lake.
Took the wheeler down to the Bowstring access yday after lunch & found only 6 rigs parked on the road goin in. Last year they were parked almost 1/2 way up to Geiger's road. Had 2 units pullin out too, asked 1 if they had their limit already & they said a couple hammerhandles is all they seen. On the other hand the neighbors wife said they were parked on Mn 46 by the bridge over @ Mosomo Pt. I seen a lot of :fish2: out in 18-20 fow with a soft bottom yday myself, most were were suspended betweem 10-18'. :scratch: :confused: Surface temps are pushin 60* already & with the forecast they could be close to 70* by next week. :crazy:
gunner......are you talking the access by geigers or the one on 35???????
:bonk: :doofus: Not enough coffee yet yday or too much :toast: & :campfire: on Friday? ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: Wheeler? Geiger's? :tut: :bonk: :banghead: Talked to the same guy yday ~ 4:30 over there, he actually has a place on the other side of our bay, & they'd been to Winnie yday morning. He said they went all the way over to Third River for 1 walleye & that it was packed. That's a long boat ride from Mosomo Pt for 1. :fish2: :crazy:
Took the wheeler down to the Bowstring access yday after lunch & found only 6 rigs parked on the road goin in. Last year they were parked almost 1/2 way up to Geiger's road. Had 2 units pullin out too, asked 1 if they had their limit already & they said a couple hammerhandles is all they seen. On the other hand the neighbors wife said they were parked on Mn 46 by the bridge over @ Mosomo Pt. I seen a lot of :fish2: out in 18-20 fow with a soft bottom yday myself, most were were suspended betweem 10-18'. :scratch: :confused: Surface temps are pushin 60* already & with the forecast they could be close to 70* by next week. :crazy:
gunner......are you talking the access by geigers or the one on 35???????
:bonk: :doofus: Not enough coffee yet yday or too much :toast: & :campfire: on Friday? ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: Wheeler? Geiger's? :tut: :bonk: :banghead: Talked to the same guy yday ~ 4:30 over there, he actually has a place on the other side of our bay, & they'd been to Winnie yday morning. He said they went all the way over to Third River for 1 walleye & that it was packed. That's a long boat ride from Mosomo Pt for 1. :fish2: :crazy:
:pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :doah: WELL.........how am i supposed to know what you iowegians think!!!!!!! :scratch: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :sleazy: :mooning:
:tut: :bs: I just contribute it to not being able to read from too much MGL ;), or being partially braindead. :rolleyes: :smiley: You've NEVER heard me say I rode the wheeler over to the CR35 access because I don't do it!! :thumbs::mooning: :pouty:
hey gunner...how are the skeeters up there????? i read somewhere they where pretty bad, especially right at dusk??????
They are starting to come out more with the warm weather and humidity. Not really unbearable, but headed there.
Gotta agree with fW. Went to bury some fish guts yday morning, east of our boat shed on the edge of the woods, & they were nasty just after that rain. Out of the breeze on a warm, humid day, you'll be swattin. :scratch: Dusk? :confused: More of a just starting to get light kind of guy. ;) :rolleyes: :laugh:
:happy1: :happy1: your Inger ladies don't clean your fish for you🥴 :scratch: :doah: I'd find new ones. :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: They said they were too busy :rolleyes: as they were getting ready to go to Duluth to the Victoria's Secret store over there. They wanted somethin new to wear for the wild party they're gonna have when their boy toy :scratch: comes back up tomorrow. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: :whistling: :laugh: :laugh:
:tut: They said they were too busy :rolleyes: as they were getting ready to go to Duluth to the Victoria's Secret store over there. They wanted somethin new to wear for the wild party they're gonna have when their boy toy :scratch: comes back up tomorrow. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: :whistling: :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Won't take me long in the morning to hit the road!!! :happy1: gunner should start getting nervous about 10 am. :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Sounds like you guys are in a fun area.
:pouty: when I got to the cabin this damn can coozy was laying in the yard. :confused: musta blown in from Canada! :scratch: can't believe it made it threw all the trees. Figured I'd use it then. :rotflmao:
These 2 swans came to visit this morning.
Nice Glenn.
These 2 swans came to visit this morning.
:scratch: What's that thing on your dock & what's it doing? :confused: Getting ready to leave you a greeting card? ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
These 2 swans came to visit this morning.
:scratch: What's that thing on your dock & what's it doing? :confused: Getting ready to leave you a greeting card? ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:pouty: :pouty: :banghead: :banghead: training-087 thats a fishing machine....well maybe its the guy in it thats the fishing machine!!!!! :sleazy: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :bonk: :banghead: :doah: I said ON YOUR DOCK! :tut: :doofus: Not next to your dock!! :rolleyes: ........................ OH, & WAKE UP, GLENN your obviously dreamin..................again :pouty: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :bonk: :banghead: :doah: I said ON YOUR DOCK! :tut: :doofus: Not next to your dock!! :rolleyes: ........................ OH, & WAKE UP, GLENN your obviously dreamin..................again :pouty: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :doah: oh that.....a blue heron decoy!!!!!!! mom's idea!!!!!!!!! :surrender:
yea not enough caffine yet!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Back from my first trip and heading back up tomorrow with a different crew. Fishing was one of the best we ever had. Caught 30 walleye in 3 1/2 hours. We were throwing 18" fish back and keeping the smaller ones. The panfish were in the shallows and biting as fast as it hit the water. We needed a trip like this after the last couple years. Even with the crappy weather (thanks Glenn) we had a great trip. Hopefully we get into a few for these guys. :happy1:
:happy1: Good for you, merc!! :cool: Ain't heard many reports like that :scratch:, most I'm hearin are just the opposite. :confused:
Yea Gunner it was crazy. This was the 43rd year this crew has been coming up and it was probably our best year for numbers and size. We went off a point coming out in 12 feet and the fish were stacked up. We had a double on three times and I can't even count how many we missed. Hopefully they stick around for a few more days.
Yea Gunner it was crazy. This was the 43rd year this crew has been coming up and it was probably our best year for numbers and size. We went off a point coming out in 12 feet and the fish were stacked up. We had a double on three times and I can't even count how many we missed. Hopefully they stick around for a few more days.
Yea I'll be waiting for a pm on location, location and location!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Yea Gunner it was crazy. This was the 43rd year this crew has been coming up and it was probably our best year for numbers and size. We went off a point coming out in 12 feet and the fish were stacked up. We had a double on three times and I can't even count how many we missed. Hopefully they stick around for a few more days.
Yea I'll be waiting for a pm on location, location and location!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :bonk: :banghead: :doah: IT"S LAKE XXXXX, GLENN!!!!! :doofus: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: :super smiley: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Big cool down & the wind went NW in the last 1/2 hour. Gettin some much need rain at the moment too. :happybounce: :party1: :dancinred:
Yea Gunner it was crazy. This was the 43rd year this crew has been coming up and it was probably our best year for numbers and size. We went off a point coming out in 12 feet and the fish were stacked up. We had a double on three times and I can't even count how many we missed. Hopefully they stick around for a few more days.
Yea I'll be waiting for a pm on location, location and location!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :bonk: :banghead: :doah: IT"S LAKE XXXXX, GLENN!!!!! :doofus: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: :super smiley: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll:
:angry2: :confused: :pouty: :pouty:
You know where I was Glenn, the lake with no fish. Remember? :rotflmao:
You know where I was Glenn, the lake with no fish. Remember? :rotflmao:
oh yea... :rotflmao: that one. :confused: :pouty: :rotflmao:
Yea Gunner it was crazy. This was the 43rd year this crew has been coming up and it was probably our best year for numbers and size. We went off a point coming out in 12 feet and the fish were stacked up. We had a double on three times and I can't even count how many we missed. Hopefully they stick around for a few more days.
Yea I'll be waiting for a pm on location, location and location!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :bonk: :banghead: :doah: IT"S LAKE XXXXX, GLENN!!!!! :doofus: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: :super smiley: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll:
:angry2: :confused: :pouty: :pouty:
:oops1: :sorry: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
well......i just sent the DNR fisheries guy in grand rapids an email asking if they did anything to the lake!!!!!!! :evil: :rolleyes: wait and see what he says!!!!!
i spent about 4 hours on the lake when i was up there. i seen NO spawning beds beds anywhere on the lake. bunch of minnows...... tried for crappies shallow and deeper, figured they could be staging.........nope. did catch a bunch of pike...like 20-25. all except 3 where 10-12 inches long. 2 where about 20 inches and one right at 26.
Seen on Nextdoor where they're giving CV-19 shots up at the Spring Lake Store for 2 hours on Saturday. No appt needed.
Seen on Nextdoor where they're giving CV-19 shots up at the Spring Lake Store for 2 hours on Saturday. No appt needed.
WOW........no kidding. a few trips back i stopped in there, Dee was working she said the vacines where pretty readily available all over. cool to hear!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
so the other day i did in fact get a response from that Wentzel in grand rapids fisheries. in a nutshell here is what he said........
winter kill can be good for a lake. based on the survey last year. crappies are small so other then some adults most wont spawn this year. the pike look good as well as maybe some bigger perch. then.......... they discussed collecting sunfish and bass but no action was taken.
then he goes on to say the last decade staff diminished by half via retirements and vacancies.........
lost several positions that wont be filled........... unexpected staff shortages this spring.......... and not enough staffing resources to collect fish for Peterson.... :confused: :doah: :angry2:
i thought of replying .......but you had enough resources to collect walleye eggs............ but i didnt!! :doofus:
Now Glenn be nice, don't go messing with my walleye fishing. :smiley:
Now Glenn be nice, don't go messing with my walleye fishing. :smiley:
:sleazy: :nerd: :rotflmao:
I've met a lady that works for the DNR who usually helps work the egg collection @ Little Cutfoot. She must live near Squaw Lake cause that's where I've always seen her but she said her regular job is on URL. So they must combine more than 1 area's people for some projects. :scratch: :confused:
I've met a lady that works for the DNR who usually helps work the egg collection @ Little Cutfoot. She must live near Squaw Lake cause that's where I've always seen her but she said her regular job is on URL. So they must combine more than 1 area's people for some projects. :scratch: :confused:
:pouty: :pouty: soooo they can come from all over the state to collect walleye eggs......... but everything else is dog meat!!!!!!!!!! :confused: :sleazy: training-087 :banghead: :taz: :pouty:
:tut: Hardly all over the state, Squaw Lake to the egg collection site is ~ 10 miles! :pouty: I was under the impression that they don't ask her to, she volunteers. :scratch: Think she told me that she usually works out of Kelliher office.
:tut: Hardly all over the state, Squaw Lake to the egg collection site is ~ 10 miles! :pouty: I was under the impression that they don't ask her to, she volunteers. :scratch: Think she told me that she usually works out of Kelliher office.
:tut: :tut: yea and squaw lake to Kelliher is close to an hour drive!!!!!! :mooning: :rotflmao:
besides..ya missed my point!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: dont :tut: bedefending those roughfish??????? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: NO IT"S NOT!! It's 63.6 miles from here to Waskish so :mooning:............................. & I did NOT miss your point, just gettin tired of all the :cry: :cry: :cry: :violin: :violin: :violin: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :confused: :banghead: :banghead: training-087 call it what you may. Our family had a very vested interest. :doah:
The DNR wants you to report stuff like this yet not go jack sh!t about it. :confused: you call it whining,I call it speaking up for what I believe is right.
I used to not have issues with buying licenses and fee increases, but kinda do now! I'll still buy license but if they start talking fee increases I'm going to bitch.... Just not here, sure don't want to be accused of whining. :pouty:
There's two problems with the lake by you when it comes to the DNR. First is the majority of money goes to the lakes with the biggest tourism. People that come from out of state and people who stay at resorts. A lot of these come for the walleye fishing so stocking needs to be done to keep a decent population. And second is the lake by you has a history of having partial freeze outs so they hesitate to put any big amount of time and money into these lakes. With the cuts due to the virus just compounds those issues. I personally love the lake and have been fishing it since the late 60s and would hope they do something but that lake is at the bottom of the priority list for them. It can't hurt to keep bugging them and if they have some fish available they will have the lake on their radar. Good luck!!! :happy1:
There's two problems with the lake by you when it comes to the DNR. First is the majority of money goes to the lakes with the biggest tourism. People that come from out of state and people who stay at resorts. A lot of these come for the walleye fishing so stocking needs to be done to keep a decent population. And second is the lake by you has a history of having partial freeze outs so they hesitate to put any big amount of time and money into these lakes. With the cuts due to the virus just compounds those issues. I personally love the lake and have been fishing it since the late 60s and would hope they do something but that lake is at the bottom of the priority list for them. It can't hurt to keep bugging them and if they have some fish available they will have the lake on their radar. Good luck!!! :happy1:
yea i kinda know that in the back of my mind....... just irritates me to no end. it worked before so i thought i'd give it a whirl.
when i talked to Mr fairbanks a year ago he said he seen my emails to those fisheries guys...........so i thought i best play nice or we could have visitors.......not that we do illegal stuff..............
headed back up tuesday....gonna cross hwy 6 this time.......gonna fish little turtle!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :fish2: :fish2: thinking maybe that maple lake too!!!!!!! one of these trips i'm also gonna take a run at that long lake up 6 from talmoon!!!!!!!
Had the start of a Mayfly hatch here on Friday morning. :pouty: My graph was black with clouds of 'em not yet to the surface as well. Never even checked much of the deep mud where they're usually covering the surface early mornings.
Had the start of a Mayfly hatch here on Friday morning. :pouty: My graph was black with clouds of 'em not yet to the surface as well. Never even checked much of the deep mud where they're usually covering the surface early mornings.
:pouty: well that might suck for fishing..........how long does this last?????????
It seems to vary a bit here :scratch:, anywhere from ~ a week to ~ 3 weeks last year. :doah: Usually it's closer to 2 weeks for us, not really certain why it varies so much but I'm bettin the hot weather has something to do with it. The smaller lakes you hit might be different too or they might not be. :confused:
Headed out the door at the Bstore today I asked Tim if he's heard anything about Mayflies. He said yup, they're hatchin. :rolleyes: :bonk: There was a guy from Bowstring that had just walked in & he said they were all over, over there too. Sounded like Tim had heard a lot of reports of them in the last few days.
I'm in deer river, gunner should be shaken in his bloomers. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :mooning: :pouty:
:sleazy: when I drove into the cabin, this family of geese was lounging on our shoreline.
This loon came within 10 ft of us. :happy1:
okay dokey..........
so got there on tuesday..after getting unloaded and a few things done i took the boat over to the little lake behind us. did the catch and release of about 50 sunfish and 2 little bass. had fire nd drank beer!!!!!!!
wed by buddy shows up about 2 pm. he unloads a few beers later we where off to to little turtle lake by talmoon. we caught and kept 6 nords, no walleyes :pouty: then not only did we ger rained off the lake but it friggin hailed on us and of course we where on the opposite end of the lake of the access. :crazy: :confused: :rotflmao: we got beaned by ping pong sized hail, friggin hurt when it hit yea, especially in the noggin!!
thursday in the AM we hit lake XXX. worked liike hell to get 24 sunfish.not a ripple on the lake and hotter than hell........seriously!!!!
in the afternoon we hit up gunderson up hwy 6 from talmoon.........kept 7 pike. oh yea this was the day the deer flies, horseflies and then friggin ankle biting little flies where horrible. :angry2: otherwise they werent to bad at all.
friday......i've always wanted to fish big to much lake, my buddy was game.....lets just say the structure in that lake was crazy insane, pretty lake but it now is on the do not bother to go back to list!!!! that afternoon we went back to lake XXX......that picture of the sunfish in the panfish thread.......we got them in like 35 minutes, it was none stop and not many little ones.
saturday we went back to little turtle and got 6 more nords and decided we fished enough......had a fire and drank beer and kinda got stuff ready to head home today!!!!!
we also seen agood amount of deer, even a little feller in all kinds of spots!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
I was up this weekend with no boat, cut and trimmed grass and cleaned inside for my next trip on Thursday. Third trip with three different crews, First two trips the walleye were crazy but with the water warming I'm afraid they will be pushed deep and scattered. Two of the guys are diehard walleye guys but the other two in my boat don't really care what we fish so if the walleye don't bite it will be panfish time. The detour in Crosby started today. Back streets, it's a pain in the butt. Little Turtle huh? Your pushing into my turf, that could be a problem. I'll have to get the boys together and start patrolling the area for those West side sixers. :rotflmao:
:sleazy: :rotflmao: :nerd: :laughroll: find me if ya can. :rotflmao:
By the way Merc, we stopped at hayslips, I needed more beer. Not sure if the gal working was an owner, but she was pretty nice. Friendly. She filled up a water jug for me. :happy1:
I stopped Sunday, a blonde lady was working. I didn't have a chance to visit with her as it was busy but she was very nice. I will check it out this week as we leave Thursday. :happy1:
dont think the lady we dealt with was blonde????? but she was kinda cute!!!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Glenn, she was smiling at you not for you.
Glenn, she was smiling at you not for you.
:tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: oh i could tell she liked me :happy1: :happy1:
:doah: :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Gunner, Merc, anyone else . What you guys seeing/ hearing about boat landings. Seeing reports of lakes like split hand it's tough getting boats in and out.
Not sure how hard we are going to fish next weekend,but......
My wife just threatened me with a good time , no not that, :confused: :tut: :pouty: so I might leave Tuesday now :sleazy: :sleazy:
aww come on Glenn make her happy!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
aww come on Glenn make her happy!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:happy1: 99% chance I will be. I'll have All my things done I want done before I leave by tomorrow afternoon :happy1:
Atta boy!! Although I've never been at the cabin without da wife, only chasing birds season. What's it like?? :confused:
Quiet, peaceful, I do what I want when I want. :happy1: don't worry to much about meals. Usually easy peasy stuff.
Don't get me wrong, I'd enjoy the wife along just she don't move as good as she used to. And we don't have 200 channels and a recliner aimed at the Tv. :angry2: :surrender:
She don't have issues with me going, so.... She knows I don't go to bars up there. Can't remember the last time I had a drink in a bar up there.
After thinking about this more, guess maybe what I like, is no agenda, no set time to eat, do this, do that .
Quiet, peaceful, I do what I want when I want. :happy1: don't worry to much about meals. Usually easy peasy stuff.
Don't get me wrong, I'd enjoy the wife along just she don't move as good as she used to. And we don't have 200 channels and a recliner aimed at the Tv. :angry2: :surrender:
She don't have issues with me going, so.... She knows I don't go to bars up there. Can't remember the last time I had a drink in a bar up there.
:scratch: Thought you said you went to Hayslips last time up!! :confused: :whistling:
:pouty: :pouty: I went in bought a case a beer, asked if and got extra drinking water and left. Never had a drink. My buddy bought his wife a tank top.
I was up a week ago and the lakes were really low but most were fine to land except for Big Bow. My buddies went to the north and the west access and could not get their boat in. That was the only lake we went to that was a problem. Walleye fishing was slower but we still managed 18 keepers between two boats so not to bad. Sunfish were biting really good so that made up for the slower walleye bite. :happy1:
:pouty: :pouty: I went in bought a case a beer, asked if and got extra drinking water and left. Never had a drink. My buddy bought his wife a tank top.
:huh: :tut: I NEVER said you were :drinking:.......................did I? :nerd: :rolleyes: :laugh: Just that you DO go to bars up here :scratch: :doah: ............................occasionally, so that's just :bs: :pouty: :pouty:
Just got word a old horseshoe pitching friend passed away up there. Ed (Emil) Erickson. They lived just south of the bowstring store on the east side of hwy 6 right before the river
He was one of the nicest guys you could find. He let me bear hunt his property a few times. Pretty good horseshoe pitcher to, his wife Elsie was even better. I'll go to the wake, 1 pm Friday in Marcel.
Good for you Glenn. RIP Emil.
Sorry to hear about your friend glenn!
yup good luck and RIP
Sorry to here Glenn. RIP
thanks guys, he was 94 1/2 so he has a good run. he was in a nursing home and in deer river so he hated that from what his kids said. was one of the nicest guys you'd wanna meet and threw a pretty mean horseshoe!!!! :happy1:
well didnt do a whole lot of fishing, kid and i kept 16 sunfish for a meal. never even tried to fish snot rockets, to hot and humid the day we thought about it. kid just wanted to relax and get away from his hustle and bustle of his everyday routine. idid do some fishing before he got up there but was all catch and release. and i released some nice sunfish. :happy1: :happy1:
when the kid arrived he surprised the heck out of me. he invested in a portable AC unit. if it hadnt been for that i would of probably came sunday morning.. got the cabin lawn and other things in tip top shape. not sure when i'll be heading back up next????? my brother is heading up end of july sometime....by then lawn should need cutting again....his turn! :rotflmao:
Here is the unit he bought, and since Mom don't pay the bills no more, she can't bitch about the electric bill :happy1:
Gunner or Merc, do you guys get a NIEC newspaper from up there?? Looking for a 10 ft dock section. My brother said he seen dock sections for 30 bucks. If you see anything thing like that PLEASE let me know.
That's sounds mighty cheap glenn, especially with the area's current lake levels. We get the Watts News & the Shopper so I'll keep an eye out. Might be somethin on Nextdoor too. :scratch:
my brother said the guy lived on bowstring :scratch: :scratch: probably gone though??????
The NIEC paper is only quarterly so......................probably a no go there. :scratch: Don't remember seein any when we went for the paper on Sunday, wasn't really lookin though.
HEY Gunner........you and your lady friends over in Inger need to lighten up on the peace pipe some..........been alot of air quality alerts up there!!!!!!! :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
if i understood the news last nite, it sounds like you cant even have a campfire of any kind????????????? :scratch: :scratch:
HEY Gunner........you and your lady friends over in Inger need to lighten up on the peace pipe some..........been alot of air quality alerts up there!!!!!!! :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
if i understood the news last nite, it sounds like you cant even have a campfire of any kind????????????? :scratch: :scratch:
:tut: :mooning: :pouty: :scratch: https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/forestry/fire/firerating_restrictions.html MIGHT be easier for you to understand. :doah: :confused: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
looks like you can have a fire in your fire ring.. no fireworks!!!
yea i wasnt real sure exactly what they had said as i only caught i little piece of that...............musta been busy doing dishes or something!!!!!!! :doah: :rotflmao:
yea i wasnt real sure exactly what they had said as i only caught i little piece of that...............musta been busy doing dishes or something!!!!!!! :doah: :rotflmao:
:rolleyes: :scratch: Busy or dizzy? :confused: There's only 'bout this _ much difference, you know!! :nerd: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
yea i wasnt real sure exactly what they had said as i only caught i little piece of that...............musta been busy doing dishes or something!!!!!!! :doah: :rotflmao:
:rolleyes: :scratch: Busy or dizzy? :confused: There's only 'bout this _ much difference, you know!! :nerd: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :pouty: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
We've been :fishing: right up in the weeds(10-12') for about the last week or so & gettin a few keepers. Quite a few slots too. Neighbor pulled a 22" Smallie out 10' the other night. :happy1: :cool: He made a video of him releasing it, according to a table I found on In-Fisherman it weighed ~ 6.4 lb's. :shocked: I've caught a few around the cribs in the fall but 18-19" is my biggest, a nice fight on UL gear, but I had no idea we had 'em that big in here. :crazy:
I was up last week fishing and the walleye bite slowed way down but we did manage a few. The sunfish bite was hot. We threw back a lot of fish between 9 and 9 3/4 inches. We kept all we wanted under that and did a lot of C and R after we had what we wanted. Great trip again, the fishing this year has been really good for us. Hope the bite keeps up for a few more weeks as we will be at Arcadia for our yearly trip with my sons family and his in laws. Would love to get the grand kids on this bite. :happy1:
Rode over to the NW access yday afternoon & man was the bottom of the ramp green. Must've been a few hundred, maybe even a 1,000 snails floating on the surface too. Could've been some of the AIS variety (Faucet) they have over there, I'm not sure. The lake stunk real bad too!! :crazy: :pouty:
Rode over to the NW access yday afternoon & man was the bottom of the ramp green. Must've been a few hundred, maybe even a 1,000 snails floating on the surface too. Could've been some of the AIS variety (Faucet) they have over there, I'm not sure. The lake stunk real bad too!! :crazy: :pouty:
you gotta be talking bowstring. :scratch: been on there when it was like that in the past. Yea it really reeks. :doah:
Mentioned it when we were over at the store on Sunday & Tim said he was just over to the NW PA. He pulled up just in time to see a rig coming out of the water & he said the pickup looked like it had water coming out of the doors of the cab. :crazy: :doofus: He also said he'd heard some chatter that the county had discussed closing the CR 35 one too because of the low water. So many power loading there as well so the washout hole has become a major PITA too. :thumbs: :pouty:
i just happened to read Jeff Sundins report this morning and he said pretty much the same thing that the north accesses where really tough to get boats in and out. he went in on the south access.
Usually check that too, at least a couple times a week.
Hey gunner, what kind of weather you guys got going on up there?? Sounds like all hell is breaking loose.
Hey gunner, what kind of weather you guys got going on up there?? Sounds like all hell is breaking loose.
oh yea it's Friday nite he's either in Inger or at the meat raffle at hayslips. :rotflmao:
For what it’s worth on the more poverty stricken part of the neighborhood, south snd east of Marcell, lots of thunder and not much rain. Started my generator just in case because of all the warnings but nothing really happened. Everything just to the north. Sounds like better chance of rain snd possibility of severe weather after midnight.
Thanks bud!!
Hey gunner, what kind of weather you guys got going on up there?? Sounds like all hell is breaking loose.
oh yea it's Friday nite he's either in Inger or at the meat raffle at hayslips. :rotflmao:
:tut: :mooning: :pouty: No more than sat down around 6 at the meat raffle & it poured up there. Came home to 3 trees across the drive & no power. Checked the generator & it wouldn't start so we tried to jump it but no go. :scratch: :doah: Neighbor said when he checked his phone it said we had 70 mph winds, he also had 1.2" of rain & it must've came it in a short period the way the road looks. Chainsaws running solid here for close to 24 hrs, especially up the road. A tree on the power pole transformer up ~ 7-8 places yet late afternoon yday. Got a portable generator at L & M yday am & had it hooked up here by ~ 1 -1:30. Power was back on when we got back from Riley's last night around 7. :crazy: Heard your :queen2: friends :sleazy: were without power too, glenn. ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Glad you are ok Gunner. We had warnings here but it all went north and south of us.
wow, thats crazy. glad everything is working out.
ever figure out your generator issue??????????
I wondered that too.
Got it narrowed down to either the solenoid and/or the starter. Been too busy to get really involved. The solenoid doesn't look like it would be that hard to take out & get tested, the starter on the other hand might be a PITA. Kind of thinkin :scratch: that there may have been a spike/surge in power when it went down & while the generator was tryin to start that was the culprit. :confused:
Do you have one of those whole house Generac type Gunner?
Yup, 20kw that starts automatically after a 30 second delay whenever the power goes out & runs on propane. Runs for 20 minutes every Tuesday @ 2:00 on a maintenance cycle too!
Very nice!
Very nice!
yea Gunner has all the good stuff!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :rotflmao:
:scratch: There's no coffins with pockets ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: is what the neighbor always says so you can't take it with you. May as well spend some of it. Brother got a deal on it & it was way cheaper to have it put in when we rebuilt than it would've been after the fact. From what I understand just having the transfer panel/switch put in can run $2-3000 & ours was more like $4500 installed for ours. Not sure of the brand but it's made by Generac or GE, the 2 biggest mfgs.
i hear ya!!!!!!!!! :happy1: after a couple times when the power went out for days at the cabin and hotter then hell when my brother was up there it was decided a generator would be a good investment so mom bought one. had williams from squaw lake come out and do the wiring for it. think its been used 3 times.
Ours is a GE, brother put his good meter on it today. He had 13.5 - 14 volts going directly from the battery to the starter but when he went through the solenoid/relay it was more like 3 or 4 volts. He called a shop over NW of Bemidji & they are going to call us back. We were told by a friend in L & M on Saturday not to bother to call Williams in Squaw Lake as they a booked solid into next year already. :crazy:
Ours is a GE, brother put his good meter on it today. He had 13.5 - 14 volts going directly from the battery to the starter but when he went through the solenoid/relay it was more like 3 or 4 volts. He called a shop over NW of Bemidji & they are going to call us back. We were told by a friend in L & M on Saturday not to bother to call Williams in Squaw Lake as they a booked solid into next year already. :crazy:
yea from what i hear he is always pretty busy. he did the power thing on schedule as he said he would.........but for some reason it took forever and 4-5b phone calls to bill us!!!!!!!! :doofus:
From what I see on radar and the news, gunner is getting hammered right now. 5 alerts, front tornado warning to severe thunderstorms.
From what I see on radar and the news, gunner is getting hammered right now. 5 alerts, front tornado warning to severe thunderstorms.
been watching that too.. hope all is good there...
From what I see on radar and the news, gunner is getting hammered right now. 5 alerts, front tornado warning to severe thunderstorms.
been watching that too.. hope all is good there...
:evil: he's more than likely in a basement over in Inger!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Lots of wind & rain again for ~ 10-15minutes but blue sky by 6:45. Lights went out 3 times again, generator has started twice. The service tech was here by a little after 12 today & we didn't call 'til around 8 this morning. Took him 10-15 minutes to get it running, ended up it was just the battery. :doofus: We tried to jump it 3-4 times too but we didn't have another battery the right size to fit in there so we didn't hook up the wires. :crazy: As long as he was here we had him do some other maintenance on it to. Great guy who specializes in generators & great service :happy1: :cool: we'll be doing business again for any future issues. Clearbrook Electric is the business.
From what I see on radar and the news, gunner is getting hammered right now. 5 alerts, front tornado warning to severe thunderstorms.
been watching that too.. hope all is good there...
:evil: he's more than likely in a basement over in Inger!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :bs: :bs: :bs: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: training-087 training-087 training-087
:sleazy: :sleazy: :rotflmao: :evil:
been talking with my brother via text and email. since mom, my stepdad, myself and brother are all going to be there, my brother suggested we all go out to eat tuesday nite for all the over 80 people there. my stepdads b-day was the 24th of july, moms is aug 7th.
better yet, since my brother is the only one with a job...........he is buying!!!!!! :happy1: works for me. so its off to the Timberwolf in Marcell!!!!!
Timberwolf—good food.
just looked the menu and it sounds like good eats!!! :happy1:
Timberwolf—good food.
only have ate there once before, took my wife there for her b-day. food was good but thought it was a bit spendy. :scratch:
Timberwolf—good food.
only have ate there once before, took my wife there for her b-day. food was good but thought it was a bit spendy. :scratch:
what isn't spendy to you!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I know! I send him free stuff all the time and he grumbles about that... :scratch:
I know! I send him free stuff all the time and he grumbles about that... :scratch:
ain't that the truth!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Timberwolf—good food.
only have ate there once before, took my wife there for her b-day. food was good but thought it was a bit spendy. :scratch:
what isn't spendy to you!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning:
OK you to clowns!!!!!!!! :tut: :tut: :tut: :rotflmao:
well.........17 bucks for a half chicken dinner is spendy to me!!!!!!!!!! :pouty:
Timberwolf—good food.
only have ate there once before, took my wife there for her b-day. food was good but thought it was a bit spendy. :scratch:
what isn't spendy to you!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning:
OK you to clowns!!!!!!!! :tut: :tut: :tut: :rotflmao:
well.........17 bucks for a half chicken dinner is spendy to me!!!!!!!!!! :pouty:
well now that you are retired maybe you can eat off the seniors menu!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Maybe. :sleazy: or the old fogies discount. :happy1: :rotflmao:
Timberwolf—good food.
only have ate there once before, took my wife there for her b-day. food was good but thought it was a bit spendy. :scratch:
what isn't spendy to you!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :doah: Yeah, but he liked $25 Ruebens in GR when he was on the clock!! :crazy: :pouty: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil:
:crazy: :pouty: Yea they weren't #25.00. :confused: :pouty:
OK, maybe $16-17 then add on a drink puts it ~ $20 plus a tip, makes it awful close to $25 in my book. You do tip, don't you glenn? :scratch: :doah: :confused: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
OK, maybe $16-17 then add on a drink puts it ~ $20 plus a tip, makes it awful close to $25 in my book. You do tip, don't you glenn? :scratch: :doah: :confused: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: what tip them on their heads??? :rotflmao:
Why yes I do. Usually its phone number. :sleazy: :smoking: :mooning:
:huh: :rolleyes: :scratch: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
If I had union thug money, I’d eat there more often. And at more expensive places.
P.s. They have good breakfasts
If I had union thug money, I’d eat there more often. And at more expensive places.
P.s. They have good breakfasts
:confused: :doah: :pouty: :pouty: retired union thugs have no money. :pouty:
what ever..... just sayin............ :rotflmao:
I stayed at the Timberwolf for a few nights when I was in Marcell. Fun place and darn good food. Their rooms are really nice too. Would stay there again in a heartbeat!
If I had union thug money, I’d eat there more often. And at more expensive places.
P.s. They have good breakfasts
:confused: :doah: :pouty: :pouty: retired union thugs have no money. :pouty:
You have my sympathy. That’s someplace between sh_t and syphil_s in the dictionary.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: and it ain't either, I looked once. :mooning: :mooning:
Ok, well if I were in the neighborhood on Tuesday I’d buy you a beer. Unfortunately, I got other things to attend to. Have fun.
Ok, well if I were in the neighborhood on Tuesday I’d buy you a beer. Unfortunately, I got other things to attend to. Have fun.
:happy1: thanks for the offer!! :happy1:
If I had union thug money, I’d eat there more often. And at more expensive places.
P.s. They have good breakfasts
:confused: :doah: :pouty: :pouty: retired union thugs have no money. :pouty:
:scratch: Thought you were just :cry: :violin: 'bout havin to pay quarterly taxes. :tut: :mooning: :pouty: That don't happen to poor people!! :rolleyes: :bonk: :doah: :confused: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:confused: why do you thing i'm whining i'm poor!!!!!!! :confused: :confused: pay in so they can give it F*&^%tards that WONT go to work!!!!!!!! :angry2: :angry2: :confused:
:scratch: So evidently they don't think your poor!! :tut: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:scratch: So evidently they don't think your poor!! :tut: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:pouty: :pouty: :pouty:
:scratch: So evidently they don't think your poor!! :tut: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:pouty: :pouty: :pouty:
they know!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:happy1: Just more.............................. :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs:. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Going to try to make it to the meat raffle Friday. Getting up there at 3 so not sure if every thing will be done in time. Hopefully get there for once. :happy1:
I was thinking about hitting that the following Friday when I'm up there?? Chances are I won't though.
Going to try to make it to the meat raffle Friday. Getting up there at 3 so not sure if every thing will be done in time. Hopefully get there for once. :happy1:
:scratch: Not sure we'll make it this week as the we still have some winnings in the fridge from our scores 2 of the last 3 times there. ;D Our company is goin home Saturday so I doubt they'll want to go. Would be kind of :cool: if we could ALL get together up there sometime this season yet though. :happy1:
Going to try to make it to the meat raffle Friday. Getting up there at 3 so not sure if every thing will be done in time. Hopefully get there for once. :happy1:
:scratch: Not sure we'll make it this week as the we still have some winnings in the fridge from our scores 2 of the last 3 times there. ;D Our company is goin home Saturday so I doubt they'll want to go. Would be kind of :cool: if we could ALL get together up there sometime this season yet though. :happy1:
yea it sure would!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Forgot to mention the neighbor said we had .75" of rain & a bunch of pea sized hail here yday while we were in town. So much hail that the ground was white. Then we had another squall go through last night, wind & rain for 15 minutes maybe. Not sure :scratch: what we got that time but I'd guess close to another .25"
my brother should be on his way up there by now. it will be interesting to se what he says about the conditions.......... nobodies been there since i was up 3 weeks ago.
it will be nice to go up and have all the neccesary things done for a change!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
I would like to do the meat raffle thing too one day. I should be back up the weekend of the 20th I believe then probably not till September. Would be great to get together. :happy1:
Forgot to mention the neighbor said we had .75" of rain & a bunch of pea sized hail here yday while we were in town. So much hail that the ground was white. Then we had another squall go through last night, wind & rain for 15 minutes maybe. Not sure :scratch: what we got that time but I'd guess close to another .25"
Neighbor said he had another .5" last night. So that makes 1.25" yday along with the inch we got over the weekend sets us at 2.25" in the last week. :happy1: :cool: While the rain was badly needed the wind & hail we could've done without. :pouty:
Forgot to mention the neighbor said we had .75" of rain & a bunch of pea sized hail here yday while we were in town. So much hail that the ground was white. Then we had another squall go through last night, wind & rain for 15 minutes maybe. Not sure :scratch: what we got that time but I'd guess close to another .25"
Neighbor said he had another .5" last night. So that makes 1.25" yday along with the inch we got over the weekend sets us at 2.25" in the last week. :happy1: :cool: While the rain was badly needed the wind & hail we could've done without. :pouty:
:violin: :violin: :violin: :violin: :tequila; :nerd: :nerd:. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Must be slippin a little in your old age ;) :rolleyes: ;D, it wasn't THAT long ago & it would've only taken a few minutes for you to :swords: back. :pouty: Now it takes a few hours!! :doah: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Must be slippin a little in your old age ;) :rolleyes: ;D, it wasn't THAT long ago & it would've only taken a few minutes for you to :swords: back. :pouty: Now it takes a few hours!! :doah: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
i was a busy beaver yesterday!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
:huh: :shocked: :whistling:
:angry2: :angry2: man this really effin friggin sucks. :angry2: :angry2:
Brother just sent me 2 pictures of a big ass old pine tree that blew over, snapped off. Turns out it's the eagles nest that's been on the point by the cabin that's been there for years. :confused: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
that does suck!! hope the young birds are safe!!
:angry2: :angry2: man this really effin friggin sucks. :angry2: :angry2:
Brother just sent me 2 pictures of a big ass old pine tree that blew over, snapped off. Turns out it's the eagles nest that's been on the point by the cabin that's been there for years. :confused: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
:shocked: :tut: :violin: :violin: :cry: :cry: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:angry2: :angry2: man this really effin friggin sucks. :angry2: :angry2:
Brother just sent me 2 pictures of a big ass old pine tree that blew over, snapped off. Turns out it's the eagles nest that's been on the point by the cabin that's been there for years. :confused: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
:shocked: :tut: :violin: :violin: :cry: :cry: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :pouty: :doah: :tut: :tut: i've had the opportunity to watch alot of baby eagles being raised in that nest over the years. :undecided: :undecided: i sure hope they stick around...there are other prime trees along the lake they could rebuild in. :confused:
:scratch: :doah: That's what 70 mph winds twice in 4 days do, blow down a lot of old trees. :rolleyes: Sometimes it even knocks down some that look healthy. :pouty: Could've been worse & had 1 hit your cabin while your inside like we did last year. :crazy: :tut:
got back about 11;30. brother had the mess cleaned up. had a dead tree somehow fall between a steel bin we have and one of our sheds. not sure how, but there's maybe 6-8 feet between the 2 and didnt touch either one. guess a tree fell on the neighborscabin but no damage. my brother contacted them and they came up to clean it up,,,,he even brought over a 12 pac of grainbelt nordeast.......not sur who's gonna drink the stuff....... :puke: but........
weather was pretty decent most the time. got pretty muggy and warm monday. did cut split and haul some firewood.
fishing was pretty good, sunfish, nords for picklin and a few over the 26 inch mark. even one walleye. fished 4 different lakes. later when i got a bit of time i got some pictures of the eagles nest i'll post. seems they havent left the area yet. i did talk to the CO i know, he was going to ask the non-game people if thye'd put up a platform. sunday afternoon i heard them out on the lake, and monday i seen an adult and another one, think this one was a couple years old fly right over our dock. then later i watched what looked like this years juvenile sitting in the tree the nest was in!!!!!! :happy1: hope they find a new home on the lake!!!!!!
Well,been home 7 hours and my wife already asked when I was leaving again. :confused: :doofus:
Think I'm getting good at this. :sleazy: :sleazy:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Tree the eagles nest was in
Nest from the lake
Nest up close and personal.
yup would be nice if they stayed in the area for sure...
One would think they would rebuild the nest in what is left of the tree. :confused:
Read somewhere :scratch: that a lot of eagles will often have a couple alternate nests in their usual nesting area.
One would think they would rebuild the nest in what is left of the tree. :confused:
i hope so. been really fun watching the nest from the dock with a few beers!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
what really surprise me the most up there was that the bugs werent bad at all. except for monday when it was really humid the skeeters where non exsistent, and even monday they werent bad.
never seen a horsefly, the deer flies where around but not in attack mode like they can be. those pesty flies where the worse....but not to bad.
:scratch: A few of the others here, skeets included, but it's usually the time of day where you haven't even thought about makin coffee yet. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: Most of the time it's the little black ankle bitin SOB's though. :angry2: :banghead: :taz:
:mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Looks like we just got a new crop of MN's other state bird last night. Right about an hour or so before the sun went down we were swarmed by a fresh batch of skeets. :pouty: Thanks a lot, glenn!!!! :doah: :bonk: :banghead: :taz: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Looks like we just got a new crop of MN's other state bird last night. Right about an hour or so before the sun went down we were swarmed by a fresh batch of skeets. :pouty: Thanks a lot, glenn!!!! :doah: :bonk: :banghead: :taz: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: hey....you dont think i know when its time to get out of dodge!!!!!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :scratch: NO, not according to your wife!! ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
yesterday got an email from the DNR regarding burning and more restrictions. so as i read it both at the cabin AND here in cold spring you can still have a campfire as long as it is in a contained fire ring????? of course if its gail force winds i'm smart enough not to burn, but is this how everyone reads the new restrictions???????? :scratch: :scratch:
That is how it sounded on the radio this morning when they were reading it.
yesterday got an email from the DNR regarding burning and more restrictions. so as i read it both at the cabin AND here in cold spring you can still have a campfire as long as it is in a contained fire ring????? of course if its gail force winds i'm smart enough not to burn, but is this how everyone reads the new restrictions???????? :scratch: :scratch:
[/quote] https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/forestry/fire/questions.html :scratch: Can you read a map, glenn? :doofus: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: Looks like campfires are a no no...............'round here anyway.
:scratch: I reread the email again. :confused: :doah: confusing as hell.
But Yea the map is better. Sucks but whaddya gonna do :scratch:
Thanks Gunner!! :happy1: won't be up until labor day, hope things improve. :happy1:
:scratch: The guy at the end of our road must not get those DNR emails, glenn, :doah: as he had a campfire goin when I came in off the lake last night a little after 8. :pouty: :tut:
:scratch: The guy at the end of our road must not get those DNR emails, glenn, :doah: as he had a campfire goin when I came in off the lake last night a little after 8. :pouty: :tut:
always one who knows better....
I thought if it was in a fire ring at a cabin or home you could still have a campfire. :scratch:
I thought if it was in a fire ring at a cabin or home you could still have a campfire. :scratch:
that is exactly how i read the email, but if you click on that map that gunner posted the link to it says no fires of any kind!!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: thats why i said it was confusing as hell!!!!!!!
just hope we/they get some rain before labor day.my kid is coming up also and he likes his fires!!!!!!!!!!
:scratch: The guy at the end of our road must not get those DNR emails, glenn, :doah: as he had a campfire goin when I came in off the lake last night a little after 8. :pouty: :tut:
odd, but you do need to sign up for those emails..........but still a person has to completely not watch the news or listen to a radio to not know about some of the restrictions.
ok, so i went back to that email and reread it 3 more times............it does look like you cannot have a fire even on private land IN a campfire ring, and looks like both here and up at the cabin.
BUT why are the reservations not included?????? :bs: :surrender: pretty sure those fires dont care where the boundries are????? :crazy: :crazy: :doofus:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: training-087 :banghead: :rotflmao: ok so i looked at the map gunner posted.......that map is for burning permits.....to me it looks like maybe i can have a fire at home........ :doah: :doah: :doah:
You are still good at home the way I read it.
No open burning – Campfires restricted
Open burning and some campfires are newly restricted in Clay, Douglas, Grant, Kittson, Marshall, Mille Lacs, Norman, Pennington, Polk, Red Lake, Sherburne and Wright counties and the western portion of Roseau County, excluding tribal trust lands. These same restrictions remain in place for Aitkin, Benton, Carlton, Lake of the Woods, Morrison, Todd, and Stearns counties, the eastern portion of Roseau County, and the southern portion of St. Louis County, excluding tribal trust lands. Under these restrictions:
No campfires are allowed for dispersed, remote, or backcountry camping on all lands.
No campfires – with or without a ring – are allowed on any DNR-managed lands. This applies to all campsites, cabins, picnic and other day-use areas. Camp stoves are permitted.
On non-DNR-managed lands, attended campfires or recreational fires may be allowed in established fire rings associated with an occupied home, cabin, campground, or resort. Check with the site manager for possible additional restrictions.
No fireworks may be ignited on any public or private land outside city limits. Check with the local community for any additional restrictions.
The state will not issue burning permits for brush or yard waste.
No open burning – No campfires
All or part of 14 additional counties are also subject to these same restrictions on fireworks and burn permits, plus all campfires and recreational fires are banned, prescribed burning is prohibited on private lands, and the use of welding devices and other torches is prohibited when in proximity to combustible vegetation. Counties subject to these additional restrictions are: Becker, Beltrami, Cass, Clearwater, Cook, Crow Wing, Hubbard, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Mahnomen, Otter Tail, the northern portion of St. Louis and Wadena counties, excluding tribal trust lands.
In these 14 counties, campers must take note that in the backcountry, and at campsites, only gas or propane camp stoves are allowed. Gas and charcoal grills are allowed at occupied homes, cabins and resorts. Charcoal and gas fires must be in devices designed for grilling.
Recreational fires are also barred on DNR-managed lands in Pope County. This county is not subject to the other restrictions on non-DNR lands listed above.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: training-087 :banghead: :rotflmao: ok so i looked at the map gunner posted.......that map is for burning permits.....to me it looks like maybe i can have a fire at home........ :doah: :doah: :doah:
:scratch: If you REALLY want to know :rolleyes: just stop by or call your local FD. :doofus: :doah:
:sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil:
Glenn, found out yesterday that my brother's property is right next to little bowstring lake south of Marcell. Heading there Saturday.
Had to look it up JB, that's just off Co Rd 38 it appears & is ~ 30 miles SE of us. We usually use MN 46 when we head to GR & DR. We're just ~ 1/2 way between 46 & 6, just off Co Rd 35. Not far(2 miles) from the NW PA on big Bowstring. Would be :cool: to have a little GTG sometime your in the area.
Glenn, found out yesterday that my brother's property is right next to little bowstring lake south of Marcell. Heading there Saturday.
:happy1: never been on that lake but heard if you get fish they are nice. Guess it's a tough lake to fish. Safe travels.
I have also been told to stay on my side of hwy 6. :rotflmao: but I do sneak across it now and then :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao:
Forgot to mention that we have some famous company over at the resort that showed up late Tuesday. He's a guide & has his own TV show. He went out :fishing: Wednesday AM & came in ~ 3 that afternoon. Neighbor seen him wiping down his boat after he pulled it & asked the new owners of the resort what was going on. They said he went over to another lake so he could catch enough :fish2: to make a show. :shocked: Hope they got a discount!!. :crazy: :pouty: :tut: :rolleyes:
:happy1: Heard a drone flying over at the resort ~1 Thursday so the guide's camera crew were probably doing a photo op of the resort then. No sign of their rig by early Friday so they must've had somethin going on back home.
who was this so called famous person????? i wasnt up there!!!!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao:
who was this so called famous person????? i wasnt up there!!!!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :rolleyes: :banghead: training-087 :doah: I believe he took Hwy 2 ~ 260 miles west to get home & has his own :fishing: show these days, if that helps? :rolleyes: :huh: :doofus: :mooning: :smoking:
:pouty: nope.
:pouty: nope.
:scratch: OK then, let try this. :pouty: If you went 4 1/2 hours west on Hwy 2 what state would you be in? ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: His TV shows are usually filmed on or near the big water over there. :doofus:
OK i get it, the guy is probably from bismarck.....but thats all i got. i pay no attention to pro fishermen??????????? i do well enough on my own.... :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Must be JM???
Must be JM???
:happybounce: :party1: :cheerleader:
OK i get it, the guy is probably from bismarck.....but thats all i got. i pay no attention to pro fishermen??????????? i do well enough on my own.... :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :doah: :banghead: That's NOT :tut: what your wife says!! :mooning: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
OK i get it, the guy is probably from bismarck.....but thats all i got. i pay no attention to pro fishermen??????????? i do well enough on my own.... :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: Bismark!! :doah: :confused: Is that on Hwy 2? :pouty: :doofus: :rolleyes: :bonk:
;) :laugh: :laugh:
Glenn must be geographically. He is talking about Devils lake and Jason Mitchell. ;)
I'll bet maybe it's one of the Perch Patrol Pro-team guys...............? Maybe Zippy Dahl.
He's out and about a lot and lake hops. Watched him on the toob.
Glenn must be geographically challenged. He is talking about Devils lake and Jason Mitchell. ;)
Your right but I had to fix it for you, JB. ;) :laugh: :laugh: .................................. :whereamI: glenn? . :scratch:
meh mitchell is a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!! heard he just copies other fishing pro's!!!!!!!
meh mitchell is a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!! heard he just copies other fishing pro's!!!!!!!
:scratch: So, we heard you just copy Boar too ................................. :confused: :tut: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
meh mitchell is a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!! heard he just copies other fishing pro's!!!!!!!
:scratch: So, we heard you just copy Boar too ................................. :confused: :tut: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
haha, not exactly, o actually catch fish :mooning: :mooning:
The recent rains brought out another crop of skeets Monday evening but HH was 'bout done anyway. The little black flies were nasty yday too, :thumbs: so we bailed early again. :sad: Guess it's been in force for a bit but I just found out that GR has put restrictions on people watering their yard too.
good thing i gotz plenty of bUg juice in my arsenal yet!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
them damn flies have been horrible around here lately!!!!!!!!!! SHEEZ!!!!!!!!!!! training-087 training-087
good thing i gotz plenty of big juice in my arsenal yet!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
them damn flies have been horrible around here lately!!!!!!!!!! SHEEZ!!!!!!!!!!! training-087 training-087
big juice??? what you chasing??? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
good thing i gotz plenty of big juice in my arsenal yet!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
them damn flies have been horrible around here lately!!!!!!!!!! SHEEZ!!!!!!!!!!! training-087 training-087
big juice??? what you chasing??? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: BIG BUGS!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :mooning:
hey GUNNER.......where the heck you find that no burning map??????i searched the DNR site and couldnt find it. found the drought map that was updates to 8-24.......
meh i found it.....looked under forestry............. still no campfires up north, that was of 8-17/ :confused: :pouty:
:scratch: Not sure where you went for that :rolleyes: but the link I posted earlier is only back 1 page(96). :doofus: :doah: It now says 8/27 on this 1 https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/forestry/fire/questions.html :pouty:
:scratch: Not sure where you went for that :rolleyes: but the link I posted earlier is only back 1 page(96). :doofus: :doah: It now says 8/27 on this 1 https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/forestry/fire/questions.html :pouty:
went to the DNR SITE.then added forestry and came up with the same map!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
:scratch: They must've updated it today after you checked it, mn burning restrictions got me there!!
if i remember correctly....... it does look like they moved a little north and relaxed a few restrictions from the last map??????????
gunner, any idea how often they update that map????? i just looked and it was updated today.........but there was no change that i could see???? with the rains up there one would think they'd cut loose and let contained campfires on private land soon????????????
gunner, any idea how often they update that map????? i just looked and it was updated today.........but there was no change that i could see???? with the rains up there one would think they'd cut loose and let contained campfires on private land soon????????????
:scratch: Whenever they feel like it!! :doah: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :laugh: :laugh: I have no idea :confused:, they probably just did it again to keep some people :rolleyes: from getting the wrong idea that things were suddenly better so there were no restrictions now. :tut: Seen 1 climatologist on TV recently & he said the southern portion of the state needed 5" to relieve the drought condition while we needed 12" to help the severe drought up here. Just think how much beer $ you'll save. :smiley:
:confused: :tut: :tut: what makes you think that will save on beer money. :pouty:
And what makes you think I'll listen to them anyway??🥴 :mooning: :evil: :rolleyes:
:scratch: :doah: So, why then do you care WTH it says? :pouty: :doofus: :confused: Thought you MIGHT follow the rules, but they must be just for everyone else :tut:, & didn't think :bonk: you could :toast: without :campfire:
:scratch: :doah: So, why then do you care WTH it says? :pouty: :doofus: :confused: Thought you MIGHT follow the rules, but they must be just for everyone else :tut:, & didn't think :bonk: you could :toast: without :campfire:
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :pouty: oh I'll listen. If they still have a no campfire ban I won't. I don't want to be the one responsible for burning things down.
Regarding the beer, I drink beer in da boat, in my fishhouse without a :campfire: :happy1:
:tut: :pouty: oh I'll listen. If they still have a no campfire ban I won't. I don't want to be the one responsible for burning things down.
Regarding the beer, I drink beer in da boat, in my fishhouse without a :campfire: :happy1:
:huh: :shocked:............... :scratch: Think I already know the answer :smiley: but which :fishing: or :campfire: usually causes the most MGL to disappear? :nerd: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :scratch: :embarrassed: they both can be tough on the :toast: supply at times!!!!!!! :confused: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
The people at the end of our road normally have a :campfire: every night even stopped for a week or so. Since the last rain they're back at it when I came in about sundown the last couple times. :tut: :rolleyes: :sad:
so gunner....about how much rain have you had up there this past week????????? i understand why there doing it but if they've had a decent amount of rain one would think they'd allow campfires??????
but then again maybe with the big 3day weekend and all the people up there i can see maybe why not!!!!!!!!! :doah: :scratch:
Pretty close to 4" here since the Friday(8/20) before the lake assoc meeting. :happy1: :cool:
:scratch: Lots of new fuel on the ground too after the 2 storms with the 70 mph winds at the end of July. :crazy: :pouty:
so some details of my trip north.
tues......got up there and basiclly unloaded and did some landscaping. forgot to take a picture!!!! :banghead: :confused:
wed......decided it was fishing day.....hit long lake north of talmoon. deep sucker too. nice lake but its added to my dont bother to got back list. got back and decided to dump the boat in the cabin lake. tried to see if i could find any sunfish....NADA, 2 little perch. trolled for nords....caught about 12......all together weighed maybe a whopping 8 lbs.
thurs...i played with wood most the day....kid showed up in the afternoon, had a fire.
fri...was rainy and wet......relaxed
sat.......went on Merc's side of 6....... :sleazy: 3 pike and one bass that will be hitting the contest thread!!!!!
sun....hit a pike lake up north of talmoon..kept 7 for pickling.......caught alot of small ones. yea i stayed on my side of 6. :rotflmao:
mon.......kid left i putzed and got all my crap together and headed home early today.
overall for a 3 day weekend i was surprised how quiet it was.
Maybe I'm easily amused, but I think this is so cool.
Glenn. I've warned you about crossing six. I don't want to have my boys come over and rough you up. And by your description I know which two lakes you were on. I'm heading up next Monday and I will be on one of those lakes. Nice panfish in there. Limit will go down but that's all right. :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: why do you think I go across, your gang usually aren't there!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Been getting a few crappies & occasionally a nice sunny/bluegill ever since the surface temps got back close to 70*here. :happy1: :cool:
gunner..........have you heard anything if there has been any bites on someone buying the bowstring store?????
wonder why there selling?????????? i talked to the gal there around new years, she seemed to be a bit tired of not finding help!!!!!!!!!
Asked Tim 'bout it & he said that they've been there almost 20 years & are just getting tired of it. A lot like farmin he said in that they have to be there everyday. Besides their boys are old enough now that they have quite a few grandkids they'd like to be able to spend more time with. He does a lot of stuff on the side in order to make some extra $ so it'd be pretty tough to have just the store for income IMO.
Just the 1 older lady who lives nearby & she only works 1 day a week when they go to town for supplies , I think. :scratch: Plus 1 or 2 of the boy's wives fill in here & there.
Asked Tim 'bout it & he said that they've been there almost 20 years & are just getting tired of it. A lot like farmin he said in that they have to be there everyday. Besides their boys are old enough now that they have quite a few grandkids they'd like to be able to spend more time with. He does a lot of stuff on the side in order to make some extra $ so it'd be pretty tough to have just the store for income IMO.
yea pretty much what i was thinking.
just like the turtle lake store. my brother must of talked to the couple that owns it. thye told him they both work away from the store but have someone to basicly run the store. quess after the smoke clears they usually net 20 grand a year!!!!!!
on the other hand, since there are new owners at hayslips, that place seems to be busier then i've seen it in years!!!!!!
Seen a bunch of red on some of the Maples along CR 35 yday on our way back from gettin the paper, they were all on the north side of the road over by all the resorts on Bowstring. Quite a few of our Ash & Birch along the drive have been shedding leaves for most of the last week too. Pretty early!! :crazy:
Seen a bunch of red on some of the Maples along CR 35 yday on our way back from gettin the paper, they were all on the north side of the road over by all the resorts on Bowstring. Quite a few of our Ash & Birch along the drive have been shedding leaves for most of the last week too. Pretty early!! :crazy:
yea a huge lack of rain will do that. :pouty: :pouty:
maybe thats why your able to catch a few more fish..... :sleazy: they have less places to go!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :sleazy: :mooning: :rotflmao:
sorryu......Mikey said i should say that!!!!!!! :smoking: i wouldnt think of it!!!!! :angel: :angel: :rolleyes:
:pouty: :tut: :mooning:
damn....just looked at the long range forecast for up there :shocked: looks like i wont need to pack shorts!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
:scratch: You got THE QUESTION from the wife yet? :rolleyes: :doah: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
damn....just looked at the long range forecast for up there :shocked: looks like i wont need to pack shorts!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
dressing like bigfoot!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: You got THE QUESTION from the wife yet? :rolleyes: :doah: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :doofus: that's a pretty open question. :confused: :rotflmao:
damn....just looked at the long range forecast for up there :shocked: looks like i wont need to pack shorts!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
:scratch: Probably wanna bring some rain gear though!! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
YES BOAR..... I caught these :mooning:
nice fish :happy1:
YES BOAR..... I caught these :mooning:
:scratch: I'd of thrown them back. :pouty: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
First, you'd have to catch one that big!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
Oh nummy!!! :hubba: Perfect eaters!
Oh nummy!!! :hubba: Perfect eaters!
:happy1: :happy1: yeppers..........Y-boned them out. Y-bone is in the pickling batch!!!!!!
had o good time up therewith wifey and friends of ours. we went to a sunfish lake.......only got 22 but i wasnt much interested in more sunfish so i wanted to a seek and search mission.
the pike you see pictured came from a lake i've fished before but havent been on in a lotta years and had the bug to try it again. these fish were nice chunky fish.
then we hit up another lake and got a batch of smoming and picklin nords!!!!!!!! of course we had several :toast: and :campfire: up there!!!!!!
the maple trees where really changing colors and dropping leaves.............not many other trees changing yet.
First, you'd have to catch one that big!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
:scratch: :doah: :moon: Seen 2 > 26" in the last 2 seasons & they're both still swimmin. Easier to find 9-10" gills & 13-15" crappies here. :sleazy: I don't keep many of those either :tut:, I usually keep the little ones just like you. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
First, you'd have to catch one that big!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
:scratch: :doah: :moon: Seen 2 > 26" in the last 2 seasons & they're both still swimmin. Easier to find 9-10" gills & 13-15" crappies here. :sleazy: I don't keep many of those either :tut:, I usually keep the little ones just like you. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
What'd ya catch the nords on? (Lure, funny guy)
:scratch: Must be ALL THE HOT AIR up there! ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: As we have a lot of yellow leaves here, some orange too.
What'd ya catch the nords on? (Lure, funny guy)
PB???? :nerd: :whistling:
What'd ya catch the nords on? (Lure, funny guy)
i had really good luck with a black daredevil with an orange stripe!!!!!!!! it is what i caught them 2 on!!
another good daredevil up there is the hammered orange, but a nord broke on of the trebles!!!!!! :pouty: :confused:
Ya, they like those! I've had really good luck with a green with black stripes old Lazy Dazy from the 60's...got an entire set of those that were my Dad's. Rippin' 'em fast thru the weeds always got a hit. Caught all the ones in avatar pic on that one. Don't use 'em anymore; now a keepsake. Plus, they sell for some pretty good $$ to collectors! :shocked:
Gunner, Merc.........how are the leaves on the underbrush up there???? wondering if that under brush has dropped leaves or not???????
headed up tuesday or wed next week!!!!!
:scratch: :doah: Been too busy with the ones that come off the tall things to care. :nerd:................. ;) :laugh: :laugh: Been messin with those almost daily. Had some light mist when a went for my walk, that turned into a light steady rain by the time I got back here. A little wind & look out.
Forgot to mention in the GM thread that I talked to the old boy from DR that has a place over by the NW access on Bowstring & said that I noticed that they had 1 of their Eskimo augers in their ad. He pointed to a whole display that they had out already & said he had started to set up all the ice fishing stuff. No tents yet, that was all still portable blinds.
Forgot to mention in the GM thread that I talked to the old boy from DR that has a place over by the NW access on Bowstring & said that I noticed that they had 1 of their Eskimo augers in their ad. He pointed to a whole display that they had out already & said he had started to set up all the ice fishing stuff. No tents yet, that was all still portable blinds.
Yea so??? :sleazy: :mooning: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :tut:
Just got back, most of the leaves are off. I could see pretty good walking around the woods, We're heading back up next week to do some brushing in our shooting lanes, they don't look as bad now that the under brush has dropped most of the leaves.
I'm going up Tuesday morning. Good to hear. She many grouse??
Brother is still there. Just text me a couple pictures of fish, some from little sand and some from some lake by tenstrike. Some nice sunfish in that one picture.
Some of the group that set by us at the meat raffle were wearin blaze orange & said they were chasing grouse. Said they'd seen quite a few but hadn't shot many as there was too many leaves on the trees yet. :scratch: :confused: They said that they were stayin at Edgewater Resort up on the N side here.
yea my brother must of not done to well either..or he'd of sent me text pictures..............just to rub it it!!!!!! :doah:
yea my brother must of not done to well either..or he'd of sent me text pictures..............just to rub it it!!!!!! :doah:
:shocked: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: Went to step out of the garage ~ 8:30 & it started rainin again. Some thunder & lightning with this wave too.
yea my brother must of not done to well either..or he'd of sent me text pictures..............just to rub it it!!!!!! :doah:
:shocked: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: Went to step out of the garage ~ 8:30 & it started rainin again. Some thunder & lightning with this wave too.
:happy1: that should send him back to Wisconsin!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: last i heard he was heading back home yesterday, but when i texted him yesterday he said he was still up there. one of his high school buddies must of came up..........
oh..the sun is shining here :mooning: must be you!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :doah: Careful or I'll start hoping for a foot of :snow5: in early December!! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :doah: Careful or I'll start hoping for a foot of :snow5: in early December!! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: training-087 training-087 training-087 :banghead: oh hush!!!!!!!!!!!! :confused: :angry2: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:confused: :confused: :pouty: think my wife wants me outta her hair. :rolleyes: she suggested I head north tomorrow after I'm done helping my mom.
I hate it whenn she's got a good idea. :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
:scratch: Figured she'd be good for at least 1 more day ;) :rolleyes: :smiley: since she was out & about for most of the day Saturday. :whistling:
:confused: :confused: :pouty: think my wife wants me outta her hair. :rolleyes: she suggested I head north tomorrow after I'm done helping my mom.
I hate it whenn she's got a good idea. :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Guessing the weather had your "Dish" out again eh?
:confused: :confused: :pouty: think my wife wants me outta her hair. :rolleyes: she suggested I head north tomorrow after I'm done helping my mom.
I hate it whenn she's got a good idea. :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Guessing the weather had your "Dish" out again eh?
not when it's only 1 channel.
OIC ,your on the economy package with dish eh? j/k figured your dish was out due to weather and you had to pester your wife and she packed your bags....
:sleazy: :sleazy: hey hey hey I can keep an eye on you guys. :evil: gotta be the lack of leaves. Monday evening and Tuesday where great weather wise.
Fishing on Mercs side of 6. :sleazy: :evil: threw all fish back. Seen 4 grouse got 1.
Looks like I might do on the shed projects for a while.
Dang,your back,just when I was about to post another politic thread....j/c. ;)
:tut: nope. Not till Monday maybe.tuesday.
Dang,your back,just when I was about to post another politic thread....j/c. ;)
Do it anyway. Maybe he'll wag that stoopid finger right off. :rotflmao:
Reb.. :mooning: I miss you too. :rotflmao: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
The days of coming up to the cabin for 2-3 days are over. No less than 5-6 days. Unless weather chases me home :confused:
I know you do!!! Mikey told me so! I'd LOVE a week in a cabin... I could drive up there so ya aren't so lonely!! :rotflmao: :bonk:
so gunner.........when you and your brother thinking about heading back south of the border???????
He just put in to stop the mail forwarding the other day & that starts on 11/10. We usually wait a few days after that so we're looking at the week of 11/15.
time to start keeping a closer eye on the webcams ups there..........doesnt look like the snow melted much up there. think i'm making a mistake not going back up to try and shootz a deer.......but i made up my mind!!! :embarrassed:
looks like by the end of next week it should start making some ice. i;ll be headed back dec 8th!!!!!!!! :happy1:
:scratch: Blizzard 12/7? :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:scratch: Blizzard 12/7? :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: no talk like that!!!!!! :tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:sleazy: :nerd:
:scratch: :doah: Giegers webcam seems AWOL again!!!!!! :doah: time to keep an eye on them.........
Yea know, we haven't seen or heard from that Merc guy lately??? He stuck in Inger too??? :rotflmao:
My wife was in his town of holdingford at the legion playing bingo when I was up deer hunting. She took the legion for $99.00 but gave it back in pull tabs :confused: :rotflmao:
I've been north a lot this fall. We got a spike opening morning and three more Sunday morning. Went home Monday, came back the second weekend and got one more so we were filled out. My sons buddy has an open tag so I'm going back up with them this weekend. We saw a lot of deer this year but nothing big but that's OK. Had no doe permits but the yearling bucks were around so a good season. Bingo in the Legion, never went down for that but it's a pretty good crowd normally.
:scratch: So you didn't give up :rolleyes: on getting 1 :deer: when we got a little :snow5: :shocked:
Gunner, we're real hunters not like some people I know. :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:
merc........sounds like you did good. by the way my granddaughter is moving up in your neck of the woods. her and her fiancee bought the house thats for sale on the corner of cty rds 3 and 17 where that old dumpy trailer house used to be!!!
That was a dump there before. Looks really nice now. Good to hear it got sold and hope they like the area. :happy1:
That was a dump there before. Looks really nice now. Good to hear it got sold and hope they like the area. :happy1:
he grew up west of Avon so he is quite familiar with the area. Finken is his last name!!!!!! really good kid!!!!!!!!!! :happy1:
heck I been by that corner a few times too after thinking about it!!!! good for them!! :happy1:
heck I been by that corner a few times too after thinking about it!!!! good for them!! :happy1:
now all I gotta do is find merc's beer frig in holdingford. :sleazy:
I'd tell ya where it is but I can't... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I like that area, we go thru on our way to Upsala a couple times a year but I guess I don't know the corner, good for them!
I like that area, we go thru on our way to Upsala a couple times a year but I guess I don't know the corner, good for them!
what you have going in Upsala?? family?
I know a few Finkens, not real well but I know them. I also know a lot of people from Upsala as I've lived in the area all my life. Hodingford born and raised. I get my venison done in Upsala, they do a great job there. Great living in a small town. :happy1:
By the way Glennn, I have armed guards covering my fridge. :cheesy:
so I've heard.. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
By the way Glennn, I have armed guards covering my fridge. :cheesy:
:confused: :shocked: :shocked:
I know a few Finkens, not real well but I know them. I also know a lot of people from Upsala as I've lived in the area all my life. Hodingford born and raised. I get my venison done in Upsala, they do a great job there. Great living in a small town. :happy1:
I know alot of people from holdingford, when I worked at DCI, since the Konsor brothers basically formed/ started the company.
Yep, DCI started here, I knew Richard very well. He was a great guy.
I like that area, we go thru on our way to Upsala a couple times a year but I guess I don't know the corner, good for them!
what you have going in Upsala?? family?
Bird hunting, had some really good shoots up that way. But the last few years the bird #'s seem down.
that's no more than 30 miles from me... :happy1:
I like that area, we go thru on our way to Upsala a couple times a year but I guess I don't know the corner, good for them!
what you have going in Upsala?? family?
Bird hunting, had some really good shoots up that way. But the last few years the bird #'s seem down.
:scratch: :scratch: i dont recall any being droppedoff at my place!!!!!! :doah: :scratch: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
We were up in your neighborhood at least 6-8 times this season for the meat raffle merc. Even dragged Sis & BIL along once, our new neighbor went with us quite a few times too. Managed to win 3-4 times even, got some nice Ribeyes on the weekend of the :deer: opener. Would be pretty :cool: if'n we could get together over there sometime next season.
looking out at the 10 day forecast.............. :happy1: she gonna make some ice!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Gunner, I've been to a couple of the raffles too. My sons buddy won some rib eyes with chicken wings. Nice package of meat. I won a beer once. We will have to get together there for sure. Nice crowd for those too. :happy1:
Gunner, I've been to a couple of the raffles too. My sons buddy won some rib eyes with chicken wings. Nice package of meat. I won a beer once. We will have to get together there for sure. Nice crowd for those too. :happy1:
maybe sometime a mini GTG??????
hey Merc...thought you were up nort chasing horns????????????
I've been north a lot this fall. We got a spike opening morning and three more Sunday morning. Went home Monday, came back the second weekend and got one more so we were filled out. My sons buddy has an open tag so I'm going back up with them this weekend. We saw a lot of deer this year but nothing big but that's OK. Had no doe permits but the yearling bucks were around so a good season. Bingo in the Legion, never went down for that but it's a pretty good crowd normally.
i might have to start hunting on the east side of 6 pretty soon!!!!!! :rolleyes: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
We went up Thursday and came back Saturday. They saw three and and my son passed on a six pointer Friday just before dark, didn't want to mess with it in the dark plus his buddy had the tag open. Had a good year so we were happy. Crossing six for the meat raffle is acceptable but hunting you may be pushing it a bit. :rotflmao:
just checked the webcams......bowstring shores had ice as far as you could see. the narrows had alot more ice then yesterday!!!!!!! :bow: :happybounce: :party1: :dancinred:
I checked the satelliite, Modis, a few days ago & it looked to me like URL was pretty close to being locked up then. Wouldn't be surprised to start hearin from Cookie again pretty soon.
i looked at it yesterday, thats why i got the idea, along with what the guy from IDO say that lives just south of bowstring, that most small lakes were froze over???????
i figured pokegema wouldnt even be close!!!!!!! thats a big deep lake!!!!!!!
Just looked at the satellite for yday & LOW even has quite a bit of ice. URL looks locked upped as does LRL too. Winnie, Leech, Bowstring & Sand look that way to me too. :scratch: :confused:
there's more ice on the webcams this morning!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
I checked the satelliite, Modis, a few days ago & it looked to me like URL was pretty close to being locked up then. Wouldn't be surprised to start hearin from Cookie again pretty soon.
Gunner, Glenn, can you give me the link to that Modis site you look at for ice cover up north.
I just googled satalite maps. Once I got it to what I wanted I put it in my favorites.
I did that for my place and it's over 1 1/2 years old the pic...
I did that for my place and it's over 1 1/2 years old the pic...
:doah: :scratch: I'll have to look closer tomorrow???
https://ge.ssec.wisc.edu/modis-today/index.php?satellite=t1&product=true_color&date=2019_11_12_316&overlay_sector=false&overlay_state=true&overla Try that! There's a calendar in the top left corner so you can go to a clearer day if needed. If you click on MN it'll zoom in & then you can zoom even further, down to 250m, up in the corner under the date as well.
I did that for my place and it's over 1 1/2 years old the pic...
i couldnt find a date on the one i zoomed in on.........
I thought I had a link to a satellite pic of Mike's place that Reb PMed me saved but I must've deleted it. That 1 was from Google Maps, I believe. Not sure of the date on that 1 either.
I thought I had a link to a satellite pic of Mike's place that Reb PMed me saved but I must've deleted it. That 1 was from Google Maps, I believe. Not sure of the date on that 1 either.
i couldnt get heads or tails from the link you posted either. i got it to yesterdays date but i couldnt get it over minnesota!!!!!!!!'
i'll just follow the webcams up nort!!!!!!!!! :pouty:
:scratch: On your phone or your laptop? Operator error??? :doofus:
https://ge.ssec.wisc.edu/modis-today/index.php?satellite=t1&product=true_color&date=2019_11_12_316&overlay_sector=false&overlay_state=true&overla Try that! There's a calendar in the top left corner so you can go to a clearer day if needed. If you click on MN it'll zoom in & then you can zoom even further, down to 250m, up in the corner under the date as well.
Thanks Gunner, works for me. It been so cloudy lately you have to find a clear day. I could see that URL had some ice forming.
:scratch:On your phone or your laptop? Operator error??? :doofus:
:scratch: :doah: See Coop agrees with me...................................Operator error!! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :doah: See Coop agrees with me...................................Operator error!! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: 8i never said i was a technology genius!!!! :pouty:
i looked at the NWS forecast......i dont see much as far as any temps doing damage to any ice, but it will continue to make ice slowly.......and the lakes on my hit list should be just fine!!!!!! :happy1:
https://ge.ssec.wisc.edu/modis-today/index.php?satellite=t1&product=true_color&date=2019_11_12_316&overlay_sector=false&overlay_state=true&overla Try that! There's a calendar in the top left corner so you can go to a clearer day if needed. If you click on MN it'll zoom in & then you can zoom even further, down to 250m, up in the corner under the date as well.
tried but didn't get to where I wanted.. oh well.. thanks Gunner!!
:scratch: :doah: See Coop agrees with me...................................Operator error!! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: 8i never said i was a technology genius!!!! :pouty:
i looked at the NWS forecast......i dont see much as far as any temps doing damage to any ice, but it will continue to make ice slowly.......and the lakes on my hit list should be just fine!!!!!! :happy1:
My lake was capped, and now this wind is breaking it all up, damn!
mostly open again here...
One of my up north informants told me his son set up tipups out on little Winnie yesterday. :happy1: :happy1:
Awesome sauce!!!
checked the cams again.........guy walking on the ice out of the narrows!!!!!!1
Just looked & didn't see anybody. So he may not of liked what he found. I don't see anywhere for the East facing webcam anymore & couldn't find it last time either. :scratch: :confused:
Just looked & didn't see anybody. So he may not of liked what he found. I don't see anywhere for the East facing webcam anymore & couldn't find it last time either. :scratch: :confused:
yea i watched him a bit....... didnt look like he had any fishing stuff.......and he was walking back to shore.
:scratch: Looks like a little open water over at the Narrows today to me. Maybe a little snow later too, < 1" though.
i've been seeing that spot too!!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch:
Temps have been good up there from what I've seen, must be the wind. :scratch:
Temps have been good up there from what I've seen, must be the wind. :scratch:
thats a pretty small area of open water, not sure the wind would affect it, birds maybe???????? if the wind did affect it i'd think it be a bit more piled up. :scratch:
yea the temps seem like its OK for making ice, not fast and furious. just checked the NWS, the warmest day is wed with 41 and mon thru thurs is supposed to get slightly above freezing but it sure wont hurt the ice.
boar sent me a text the other day showing 9 inches on red!!!!!!!! with the lakes i plan on hitting i feel the ice will be plenty good!!!!!
Yday's satellite of Winnie/Cutfoot shows some open water over there yet. Quite a bit of current over there though. Sand/Bowstring & everything east of 46 looked locked up to me.
my plan is to hit smaller lakes this first trip up. i was going to go up after christmas till around new years, but my brother wants to take his crew up then so i told him to go for it.....i can go up anytime. i'll spear some but want to chase some other species with hook and line!!!!!!!
but then i plan on hitting bowstring for a day!!!!!!
i've been watching Jeff Sundins reports but noone over there has reported ANYTHING since nov 23rd!!!! :confused: :doah:
Probably not many have been out yet & the reports will start when that gets closer.
Not sure if I'm going to make it to the east side of 6 yet. Maybe around new years. :sleazy: :nerd:
You might not know this but I sneak over to the west side some times. :laugh:
You might not know this but I sneak over to the west side some times. :laugh:
:scratch: Near Dallas Ln? :shocked: ;) :smiley: :smiley:
Fished that area many times over the years. :happy1:
A little snow over at the Narrows & the hourly says maybe a little more early afternoon. Looks to be some footprints along the shore too.
I texted a guy I know in grand rapids, he's hearing 3 inches of ice. Also called the little turtle lake store and pretty much said the same thing, but that was Fridays info.
I ain't liking it :confused:
:pouty: :violin: :cry: :tut: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
just checked the webcams............well the ice is still there. looks like some favorable ice making weather coming starting the weekend into next week.
gotta admit i'm a bit nervous about it. bring the shotgun, maybe chase some tree chickens???????
Checked Modis yday & had to go back to the 28th to see much. Still a few clouds but it looked to me like both URL & LRL had opened up a little on the north & west sides. :scratch: :confused: Leech & Winnie looked like they were a bit more open then to me too. TWC's 10 day has good temps for ice makin starting tomorrow up there. Some snow in there though for this weekend with most(1-3") of it fallin Saturday night.
Sundin just posted and said he did a long road trip and did not see one person on the ice anywhere. I'll wait a couple of weeks. Older I get the more chicken I get. :happy1:
Sundin just posted and said he did a long road trip and did not see one person on the ice anywhere. I'll wait a couple of weeks. Older I get the more chicken I get. :happy1:
:happy1: i'm getting the same way Merc........i just read that myself.........he did give a glimmer of hope. i think based on the lakes he did mention, there bigger, deeper lakes then the ones im planning on hitting. those lakes are small, and i wont be going over anything deeper then say 8 ft and not far from shore.
No :fish2: is worth gettin wet over. :crazy:
No :fish2: is worth gettin wet over. :crazy:
for sure when it's this cold too!!!
You fellas let me do the worrying. :happy1: :happy1:
oh I'm not worried about you... ya silly feller...
looked at the cams already. the temps yesterday took care of alot of snow up there. when that refreezes, should make for a layer of cloudy ice. dats good if there is no snow or very little. fish tend to get pretty spooky with clear ice.
starting sunday afternoon should make some good ice. seen on monday a high of 6 and low of -6. hot diggity dog....... :sleazy: :happybounce: the repair guy we use up there said he had heard Dora lake had 5-6 inches of ice........ my little lakes will or should be good to go, wheeloer, my fat arse and all!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
oh I'm not worried about you... ya silly feller...
:scratch: Me either!! :rolleyes: :smiley: So...................your little lakes are gonna have a foot of ice? :confused:
oh I'm not worried about you... ya silly feller...
:scratch: Me either!! :rolleyes: :smiley: So...................your little lakes are gonna have a foot of ice? :confused:
maybe not......but i see 8-9 inches in my near future. :sleazy: i gotz lotz of history to fall back on based on reports from other lakes in the area!!!!!! :happy1:
looked at the cams already. the temps yesterday took care of alot of snow up there. when that refreezes, should make for a layer of cloudy ice. dats good if there is no snow or very little. fish tend to get pretty spooky with clear ice.
starting sunday afternoon should make some good ice. seen on monday a high of 6 and low of -6. hot diggity dog....... :sleazy: :happybounce: the repair guy we use up there said he had heard Dora lake had 5-6 inches of ice........ my little lakes will or should be good to go, wheeloer, my fat arse and all!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
You best be careful glenn,cloudy early ice reduces the ice elasticity ,early clear ice even tho spooky to walk on is the best of the two scenario's,but agreed,easy to spook the fishies under clear ice unless you find a pressure crack to stand on.
This warm weather ,not even thinking icefishing yet,still on pheasants and now the last of the waterfowl migration is hot n heavy in sodak.
that cloudy ice is just a cosmetic layer on top of the good clear ice thats already there!!!!!!!! :happy1:
i learned along time ago, when the ice is clear to find a spot to set the house up where its got a cloudy spot!!!!!
You sure 8-9" is enough for the wheeler, all that gear, & your fat :moon: too? :confused: Wouldn't hurt at all for you to walk out & even lose a few lbs before goin too. :nerd: :evil: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
You sure 8-9" is enough for the wheeler, all that gear, & your fat :moon: too? :confused: Wouldn't hurt at all you to walk out & even lose a few lbs before goin too. :nerd: :evil: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:pouty: :pouty: :confused: :rotflmao:
The Narrows webcam is showing quite a bit of open water today. The birdhouse is rockin in the wind pretty good too.
The Narrows webcam is showing quite a bit of open water today. The birdhouse is rockin in the wind pretty good too.
didn't think it was opened up???? Thought it was just the snow that melted. :scratch: :scratch: don't matter,not going there anyway. :sleazy:
Just checked our weather & now they have a Winter Storm Warning in effect from 6 pm Saturday until 12 am Monday that's sayin 6"+ possible. :scratch: Might want to call your plow guy.:sleazy: :evil:
seen that too!!!!! :pouty: for 6 inches :scratch: piffle!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm more worried about what it will do to the lakes!!!!!!!!! :doah:
Yeah, that much probably wouldn't be good for the ice. It looked like 1 real little spot next to shore to the west a bit open over on Bowstring Shores webcam today to me too. :scratch: :confused:
:scratch: It's 6-10" now according to TWC's site :crazy:, the hourly says it'll be startin ~ midnight & not be done until about 6 or 7 tomorrow night. :confused:
yea unfortunatly i've been watching that to!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: hope there is enough wind to blow it off somewhat. only thing that sucks is no matter what way the wind comes from it always seems to pile up on our shoreline, then its slushville!!!!!!! :doah: :confused: :pouty: :surrender: :bs:
i did notice that they went from a watch to a warning today....and looking at the weather terrorists forecasts......35 mile per hour winds!!! that'll blow it around!!!!!! :surrender:
still not much of a change on the webcams either!!!!!
You guys have nothing to worry about. As of this moment we haven’t got the official warning from Frankie MacDonald
You guys have nothing to worry about. As of this moment we haven’t got the official warning from Frankie MacDonald
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
anyone have a clue as to which direction these 35 mph winds are going to be coming from>>>>>
The hourly for down there where your lady friends live :sleazy: :nerd: says SSE-ESE & it doesn't have anything over 12 mph. :scratch: :confused:
Checked the webcams a 1/2 hour ago & it was really comin down at the Narrows, didn't look as bad on Bowstring to me. :scratch: It's 5-9" now with -20 WC's. :doah:
just looked at the 511 site. hwy 46 up by squaw lake looks pretty rough!!!!!!!!!
checked the cams too......bowstring shores ya cant see far!!!!
Bowstring Shores's was like that @ 9, just looked again & it's 'bout the same except for 2-3" more on those dock frames
just had a text conversation to my friend up north. says it started snowing about 5;30 this morning, got 5-6 inches of snow so far.
i asked about ice..........said his kid was spearing on ling lake up past talmoon and had 5 inches. thats a deep lake, so....... he said ball club had 5 inches and little winnie had 5-6 inches.
The map in Mike's link, GM thread, shows Bemidji havin 14". But Ball Club only had 3", 1 spot in GR only shows 6" but another had 9", & Coleraine has almost 11" for it's total. :crazy: Any of those higher totals will make the ice conditions pretty tough.
The map in Mike's link, GM thread, shows Bemidji havin 14". But Ball Club only had 3", 1 spot in GR only shows 6" but another had 9", & Coleraine has almost 11" for it's total. :crazy: Any of those higher totals will make the ice conditions pretty tough.
i'm confident this wind is blowing it off the lake!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: issue may be getting on the lake itself!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :doah:
My brother got an email from our neighbor early this morning & he's up there. He attached a pic of him plowing his driveway & it looked to be about 6" on the ground to me. I emailed him back so he should get back to me later. I'll see if I have time :rolleyes: to keep you in the loop. ;) :laugh: :laugh:
My brother got an email from our neighbor early this mornig & he's up there. He attached a pic of him plowing his driveway & it looked to be about 6" on the ground to me. I emailed him back so he should get back to me later. I'll see if I have time :rolleyes: to keep you in the loop. ;) :laugh: :laugh:
thanks bud!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: i'll be nice to you for the rest of the day now!!!!!!! :evil: :nerd: :nerd:
does he go check ice thickness too???? i can get a pretty good idea on the lakes i hit by some of the ice reports i hear from the bigger lakes!!!!! :happy1:
:scratch: :scratch: looking at the cams this morning, the narrows doesnt look like they got much more then 6 inches???????
and isnt bowstring shores on the east side if the lake?????? doesnt appear to have much snow piled up on there shoreline?????
I asked him when he went up & if he'd seen anybody out on the bay yet. Yeah, Bowstring Shores is on the east side a bit west of the airport & it looked like they could have quite a bit blown in to their shoreline to me. :scratch: Kind of hard to tell though. :confused: Geiger's was back up yday & looks a lot different but our wind would blow that snow away from their shore.
Geigers posted they had about 10" of snow but the wind blew most of it off the lake. They also said there was 4" of ice on the lake. :happy1:
:scratch: Turns out the neighbor is still in the metro & the pic he sent me was of the one of the new owners of the resort playin around with their new JD Gator & plow setup. They said we had 10" & only 1" of ice. They're newbies so I'm not certain of their ice check but.................... :confused: Thought somethin was screwy as the pic showed an articulated plow & that's not what the neighbor has.
:scratch: Turns out the neighbor is still in the metro & the pic he sent me was of the one of the new owners of the resort playin around with their new JD Gator & plow setup. They said we had 10" & only 1" of ice. They're newbies so I'm not certain of their ice check but.................... :confused: Thought somethin was screwy as the pic showed an articulated plow & that's not what the neighbor has.
:confused: :pouty: oh well.......i'm hearing 5-6 0n the smaller lakes. and i looked depending on what source its currently 7 to 9 below up there right now!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
checked the cams..........looks a bit chilly up there. one site says -6 the other -13. making ice........then a nice bunch of weather coming in!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
TWC says -6 up there now, looks like they've backed off on the snow & moved it to Thursday AM. Lookin like close to 40* Sunday-Wednesday too. Neighbor's goin up tomorrow or Thursday as well, probably just overnight though so he can take his Ice Castle up.
Jeff Sundin just posted a report..........he said dixon lake resort has there road open to the 3rd river flowage and 8 inches of ice!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
i speared that once back in the day when FM has that good spearing thread.......it was fun........new water but wasnt all that impressed with the fishing!!!!1i know they used to get some dandy's out of there!!!!!
just read the DNR CO reports from the DNR email........everyone of the CO's reported checking anglers.....so there are people out on the ice in the grand rapids area!!!!!
Not sure what the 2021 reg's are for mille lcas as of december 1st for walleye fishing,gave up on the pond a few years ago,but early ice on mille lacs was the best for shallow walters...
Heck we had one day of early ice 8"s as we walked out off Big point one december morning years ago,5 hours later we walked off at hunter's point as the lake broke up in a strong wind and we floated all the way to hunter's point from 3 mile reef.
Today checking the mille lacs web cams nary a soul out ....sad deal as the lake is busting at the seems with nice sized walleyes.
Hey snow, mille lacs ain't anywhere near deer river or talmoon :happy1: :mooning: :nerd: :nerd: :snow5: :rotflmao: :happy1: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Mr off topic himself speaks.
Mr off topic himself speaks.
:sorry: :sorry: :nerd: obviously by all the goofy emojis I was just jerking his chain. :pouty:
And I was just jerking yours pal. Cheer Up!
And I was just jerking yours pal. Cheer Up!
I figured so!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Go figure. Snow amounts vary but about 8 inches. Ice was 8 inches where I got lake water for the cabin.
I'm envious
Me too!!
how much slush??
Nice view.
Bummer that you don't know how to fish.
how much slush??
wasn't much for now. There was none out further, I'll know more tomorrow
Bummer that you don't know how to fish.
:pouty: I forgot more about fishing then dakids will ever know. :sick: :snow5: :snow5: :nerd: :nerd: :laughroll: :laughroll:
So this morning I put on 5 miles on the snowmobile packing down the snow on the yard and road in. Also road to the public access for the deer. After I left for rapids looked like they had a party in the yard. :confused: :happy1:
Took the snowmobile out on the lake about 200 yards, no slush and Maybe 3 inches of snow. When I get back fr checking other lakes I'll meander out further on foot.
Well the verdict is in look out fishys. Checked 3 lakes thinnest ice was 6 inches over 14 ft of water. Otherwise it was 7-9 wherever I checked.
go get em!!! :happy1:
Good luck!
Thanks ready to rock and roll. :happy1:
Ice lookin base camp, Glenn.
Is that at your cabin Glenn? Nice.
Is that at your cabin Glenn? Nice.
no, that's the new big shed I didn't want. :happy1: the little building to the left, is the second most important, the outhouse. :happy1: :rotflmao:
I'll try and post a picture of the cabin at some point. Just watched a doe and 2 fawns walk across the lake. :happy1: :happy1:
Have fun Glenn. Nice setup.
Well the verdict is in look out fishys. Checked 3 lakes thinnest ice was 6 inches over 14 ft of water. Otherwise it was 7-9 wherever I checked.
:scratch: Is 6" enough for you & all that gear? :confused: You may want to take a couple minutes & make a quick trip into that little shed to lighten the load a little before you head out on the ice. :nerd: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Cabin looking from the big shed.
Cabin from the lake.
Well the verdict is in look out fishys. Checked 3 lakes thinnest ice was 6 inches over 14 ft of water. Otherwise it was 7-9 wherever I checked.
:scratch: Is 6" enough for you & all that gear? :confused: You may want to take a couple minutes & make a quick trip into that little shed to lighten the load a little before you head out on the ice. :nerd: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :mooning: hell I didn't even have the beer loaded yet!🤭 :mooning:
Nice place Glenn!!
That is nice Glenn. I didn't think it was so modern.
:happy1: yep we like it.
Thanks mom and dad!! :happy1:
So Glenn I keep thinking about you saying the "shed you didn't want" at your cabin spot. I thought sheds were great and that kind of surprised me that you didn't want it.
I really like it now, but when they first where talking about it,my thought was big shed more junk. We did fine for all these years. Oh well it's there now. It's nice to have cover like that to do things when it rains.
Well, buddy his here an set up on a new lake. :happy1:
So Glenn I keep thinking about you saying the "shed you didn't want" at your cabin spot. I thought sheds were great and that kind of surprised me that you didn't want it.
:scratch: :doah: Because he's :crazy: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Nice place! I especially like the shed.
:rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Nice place! I especially like the shed.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: why did I expect that from you :pouty:
For the record I " kinda" like it now too?? :rotflmao: :nerd:
TWC's latest now says 4-6" from midnight to noon & sustained 20 mph winds with gusts to 50 possible. :scratch: Got enough beer? :confused:
It rained from about 8 till somewhere around 1 am then turned to snow maybe an inch. Talking 1-3 possible today.
Nope gotta make a beer run to talmoon today. :sleazy:
thanks guys for all the nice complements on the cabin!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: it does get kinda primitive this time of year though. gotta carry up lake water for dishes, cleaning up etc. we've always brought drinking water. oh and ALL bathroom duties are outside, and that toilet seat gets cold!!!!! :whistling: :rotflmao:
looked at the 3 webcams up on bowstring..kinda surprised there isnt more activity :scratch: :scratch: about the only activity is out from the narrows!!!!!
:scratch: My 10 day says a good chance of snow from Saturday through about Tuesday & anywhere from ~ 3-5", maybe even 6" by then. :confused:
my brother is headed up on saturday, his kid is going up sunday. everything should be cleaned up and packed down by the time i go up the following friday!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
looks like it'll be a bit chilly but not enough for me to stay home!!!!!!! :dancinred: :nerd: looks like i need to ask for time off already!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Looks like somebody had been on the ice with wheeler & plow at BShores lately to me. Somebody out to the north on the Narrows cam too. Peeked at the snowmap mikey gave us the link to & it says a lot of the area got 2-3" in the last 48 hrs as well.
:scratch: Looks like somebody had been on the ice with wheeler & plow at BShores lately to me. Somebody out to the north on the Narrows cam too. Peeked at the snowmap mikey gave us the link to & it says a lot of the area got 2-3" in the last 48 hrs as well.
the bowsrting shores activity wasnt there yesterday when i looked, so yea thats new. seen the guys out on the narrows!!!!
Checked the webcams before it got completely dark. Snowing pretty good now!
:scratch: Lookin like it may get a little nasty up there tomorrow from what I'm seein. TWC has 4-8" with a light glaze & 35 mph winds. The NIEC boys could be busy.
:scratch: Lookin like it may get a little nasty up there tomorrow from what I'm seein. TWC has 4-8" with a light glaze & 35 mph winds. The NIEC boys could be busy.
yea i've been keeping an eye on it!!!!!!! my brother made it up there yesterday. keeping a close eye on the temps as i plan on heading up friday morning. might be cold the first couple days, but i see no sense in shutting the cabin down for a few days then have to warm it back up again, so........... if i feel its that cold to set up i can just fiddle around for a day or so.
i want to venture to a lake i was on the first trip, but its down a minimum maiantence road.......so not sure what thats gonna be like. i guess i could always hit the one right off 6 but they dont clean out that access either!!!!! :pouty:
Nobody plows all the way down to our PA either which doesn't bother me. Harder for the wheelhouses that way. :happy1: :cool: Somebody lives on the end of the other part of that road though & they keep that part open.
Checked the Narrows early & it was really snowing over there just before sunrise, nothing over on Bowstring then but that's changed now.
i lookes at 511 this morning. hwy 2 between rapids and deer river on the plow truck cams didnt look so good!!!!!!
i'm thinking twice of even going up or waiting till sunday?????? i'll check in with my brother maybe tomorrow.
Somebody out front of Geiger's early today. Someone was asking on Nextdoor about the snow totals around the lake yday morning & the guy that answered said he had ~ 4" by 9 am, 6" a couple hours later, & closer to 10" by about 5 last night. He said there's another 3-5" predicted for today. :rolleyes: :doah: I'm pretty sure :scratch: they're the last place on the east side of the mouth of the river, where there was a resort at 1 time.
i'm seeing the same thing on accweather and the NWS forecasts....... thinking i'll head up sunday after that brutal temps kinda go away!!!!!!!!
pretty sure my brother with have our plow guy clean us out!!!!! i'll find out today or tomorrow!!!!!
Somebody out front of Geiger's early today. Someone was asking on Nextdoor about the snow totals around the lake yday morning & the guy that answered said he had ~ 4" by 9 am, 6" a couple hours later, & closer to 10" by about 5 last night. He said there's another 3-5" predicted for today. :rolleyes: :doah: I'm pretty sure :scratch: they're the last place on the east side of the mouth of the river, where there was a resort at 1 time.
Gunner........there was someone out in that area yesterday too when i looked.
same with the narrows in that one spot, they are out there again today, and where there yesterday too!!!!!!
Nobody out at the Narrows when I looked ~8.
Heard from my brother. We are plowed out. He hadn't made a trail on our lake yet so I he is fishing the little lake. Seen pictures of a few nords and some crappies
They plowed the spot where the wheelhouses sit out front at Geiger's today. Quite a bit of snow on the railing of their deck too. Kind of looks like they took a wheeler out on the lake this morning too.
Back out on that spot over there now too.
Back out on that spot over there now too.
maybe your computer screen has some dirt on it!!!!!!! :sleazy: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: they had that plowed out yesterday.
my brother sent me a text this morning about 7;15, the outdoor thermometer showed -22. :shocked: :doah:
and he said they ended up with about 15-16 inches of snow!!!!!
:bonk: I never noticed it when I looked early, so WC's pushing -40. :confused: That much snow probably make it tough to even get around on the ice. :scratch:
they never mentioned issues getting on the lake, pretty sure in between snows they had a trail packed down pretty good. they never went out on the cabin lake at all.....told them i'm going to need a trail out there.....guess i'm on my own. :confused: :doah: oh well thats what the snowmobile is for!!!!!!
looks like the fish are biting in that one area out on the narrows......they've been parked there the last 3 days.
talked to my brother last nite. he figures they got 24 inches of snow since he's been there. he hasnt been on the cabin lake but did see fresh snowmobile tracks on it and didnt see any slush. yet!!!!!!!
he's been fishing the little lake behind us says there is a foot of ice and no slush!!!!!!!
:scratch: Nobody at the Narrows now & there wasn't when I looked earlier (~ 8:30) either. :confused: I'd think the weight of all that snow would've push up some water already.
:scratch: :scratch: i just looked again and if you go to the still shots the 2nd one....there out there???? maybe it was from yesterday.....dont know!!!!!
looking at the fresh tracks on all 3 i dont see any wet snow????? anyway thats what my brother said?????? and he's even a bigger BS'er then you!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
he did say the snow was light and fluffy.........
:doah: No I was just checking the west facing webcam, the east 1 wasn't working for a while at early ice. :bonk: It looks like 3 portables on that point to the north of the resort now to me.
:doah: No I was just checking the west facing webcam, the east 1 wasn't working for a while at early ice. :bonk: It looks like 3 portables on that point to the south of the resort now to me.
yea that one seems to take some time to come up???????? :doah: :scratch: :scratch:
That's what she ssid.
Just watched the 1st wheelhouse get parked in front of Geiger's. Looks like a couple roads plowed over there todat too.
i figured that would happen soon with new years and the cold temps. brother said they had 12 inches on that little lake.....that usually has less ice.seems like alot more traffic on all 3 cams today!!!!!
No life anywhere I looked today & the wheelhouse is gone. Looks like a small trail goin SW on BShores cam to me today too.
No life anywhere I looked today & the wheelhouse is gone. Looks like a small trail goin SW on BShores cam to me today too.
yea i'm betting the -25 up there had something to do with it!!!!!!!! :happy1:
Well wanderer over on FM is up on Winnie, south end and said it was -34 this morning. :cold: :cold:
One of the people that live over on the west shore where there was a resort at 1 time told the woman that was asking about ice thickness recently to not be surprised if they see some flooding when they cut their holes because of all the snow. He said they had 16" in the last 2 storms & about 12" of ice. He didn't say he'd been out & had any flooding though. Somebody posted that they'd found 16" in our bay.
guess i'll find out soon enough. i've been cipherin all day what i was gonna do, trying to figure out how warm it would be depending on when i leave. decoded it to think if i leave by 10-11 i'll get here in daylight and still have plenty of time to do things and get the cabin warm enough to hit the sack.
i have a nipco heater up there just for times like this!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Geigers posted today and said 17" of ice and nine miles of road plowed on the lake so far.
Geigers posted today and said 17" of ice and nine miles of road plowed on the lake so far.
was there any mention of slush?? I didn't see any looking at the webcams.
They didn"t mention any thing about slush.
:sleazy: da truck is loaded and warming up. Take off is soon. :toast: :Fish: :happy1:
You be careful up there. Are you leaving Shadow at home?
best load more brandy and beer!!! have fun!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Made it to deer river. -1 living the dream. A stop at the bowstring store for minners and it's game on starting tomorrow. might even get the houses on the lakes yet today.
Yea shadow is at home wife said he threw a fit when I left and is still whining. :rotflmao:
Oh I got plenty of refreshments. And talmoon is only 7 miles.
Haven't seen any signs of slush on the lakes I drove by. The snowmobiles have been busy
Bet I've seen 125 wheelhouses headed south.
Day 1 in the books. :happy1: looking for smokers, the 22 and under. Had one a good 30 in my spearhole 5 times he's still swimming. :happy1:
:scratch: I don't see any harpoon marks, you catch those or just scare 'em to death? :confused: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:scratch: I don't see any harpoon marks, you catch those or just scare 'em to death? :confused: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
look closer to the top nord.. harpoon marks... :happy1: :happy1:
Good chow! A lot of fun fishing with your friends too!
:scratch: I don't see any harpoon marks, you catch those or just scare 'em to death? :confused: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
da nords got harpoon marks, crappies don't. :sleazy: rope ain't long enough. :rotflmao:
Roony, yep fishing with my friends. :happy1: :rotflmao: beer and brandy. :smoking: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Thought you & crappies was a lot like you & walleyes :confused:............................ you didn't catch ANY because you didn't :fish2: 'em. :rolleyes: Story was they don't taste good :bs: but I think they're just a lot harder for you to catch compared to them nords & sunnies you usually chase. :sleazy: :nerd: :doah: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Meh, never said I didn't like fishing them. :mooning: wild game feed on the horizon. :sleazy:
Why would I fish for species I'm not fond of eating
Don't think we got near the snow they predicted but it sure is windy. Took one house off last night. One more later. Decided I'm done
Heading home tomorrow.
:scratch: Never even thought about the wild game feed, you usually do. :doah: I checked early yday & TWC was saying 3-5" then. Just looked again & they are still sayin another 2" possible by the time their WWA is over at 3. Did wonder if you might not be pullin the plug on this trip though :confused: with what the forecast is for up there. I'm seein 4 out the next 5 days being below 0.
Just peeked at the snow map mikey gave us the link to & it says 3" in Bemidji & 4" in Chisolm in the last 24 hrs. That's as close as I could find.
I got fish. Don't need to fill the truck up.
Yea when I see -20 nowadays I'm outta here, that's tomorrow night. I'd leave today after I get my house off but I'll let them clean up the roads some. Not that it will matter much.
Bemidji radio station just said -25 tomorrow night.
I looked early & MNDOT said Hwy 6 from Cohassett south wasn't in the best shape.
Doesn't surprise me much. Road from here to talmoon and the deer river shortcut usually suck to.
I can't imagine it being much worse than the last time I was here, when it rained first. :confused: :confused:
Well fishhouses are off the lake. :happy1: not bad up here by the cabin in the woods but damn get out in the open on the lake but the wind is whipping.
Oh well it's beer thirty!
:scratch: by the way. At -4 how long will it take for a case of really good beer to get cold enough to drink. :sleazy: :mooning: :rolleyes: :rotflmao:
:scratch: by the way. At -4 how long will it take for a case of really good beer to get cold enough to drink. :sleazy: :mooning: :rolleyes: :rotflmao:
'bout as long as a case of cheap beer. :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:sleazy: da beer is just right. :happy1:
just opened one here too..
Mn DOT says the roads are much better today except for a couple spots down around Brainerd. Safe travels, bud.
Mn DOT says the roads are much better today except for a couple spots down around Brainerd. Safe travels, bud.
well the DOT DONT know Jack!!🥴 :confused: :tut:
Well hoping our new member pipes in tonight. :happy1: lives in sartell, grew up in deer river, married a gal from sand lake area. Know her family!!
i just went to the 511 website....there showing hwy 6 as dry pavement................. :confused: :doofus: :doofus: :crazy: :crazy: yea right!!!!!!!!
Hwy 6 was alot more fun before they straightened and flattened it between Hayslips and 19. Dry or not there was always an ellement of surprise, like TJ Max...never the same place twice!
Hwy 6 was alot more fun before they straightened and flattened it between Hayslips and 19. Dry or not there was always an ellement of surprise, like TJ Max...never the same place twice!
got that right. When we where kids we'd do those hills at a good clip. Tickled the tummy. Did it to my kids to
Welcome aboard sir!!! ::welcome:: ::welcome:: ::welcome:: ::welcome::.
And don't believe half the nonsense these guys tell you about me either!! :rotflmao:
Thanks! Its been a long winter already. There was a day when Id venture out with a spud and Sasquatch sized boots to find fish while walking on paper thin ice, not so much any more. Especially since this old Norwegian cant swim in a 3 ft pool lol :fish2:
Thanks! Its been a long winter already. There was a day when Id venture out with a spud and Sasquatch sized boots to find fish while walking on paper thin ice, not so much any more. Especially since this old Norwegian cant swim in a 3 ft pool lol :fish2:
welcome TH!!! and since you already are acquainted with Glenn you all ready are aware of the where the nonsense from!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Welcome aboard TH!!!
Welcome aboard TH!!!
X 2!! Very fimiliar with the area too as we're just off Co Rd 35 on Sand for most of our year.
Thanks! Its been a long winter already. There was a day when Id venture out with a spud and Sasquatch sized boots to find fish while walking on paper thin ice, not so much any more. Especially since this old Norwegian cant swim in a 3 ft pool lol :fish2:
welcome TH!!! and since you already are acquainted with Glenn you all ready are aware of the where the nonsense from!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:
Welcome aboard TH!!!
X 2!! Very fimiliar with the area too as we're just off Co Rd 35 on Sand for most of our year.
yea gunner is a part time resident of Inger!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Welcome aboard TH!!!
X 2!! Very fimiliar with the area too as we're just off Co Rd 35 on Sand for most of our year.
yea gunner is a part time resident of Inger!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: But it's only glenn's truck that has a reserved parking spot down there. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil:
Im pretty sure my truck said "Uffda" when I started it today! I was going to make the trip north but decided to wait another week. Im going to drive around my local lakes and check on conditions. Stay safe people!
Im pretty sure my truck said "Uffda" when I started it today! I was going to make the trip north but decided to wait another week. Im going to drive around my local lakes and check on conditions. Stay safe people!
nothing wrong with that!!! :happy1:
Im pretty sure my truck said "Uffda" when I started it today! I was going to make the trip north but decided to wait another week. Im going to drive around my local lakes and check on conditions. Stay safe people!
yea i shoulda waited a week to.......so does your bride go with when you go up?????
i didnt start my truck today!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: i took a day off of being retired!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Not in the winter, however she will do day trips on the local lakes near home. My son loves fishing and never complains about being cold so he will generally tag along all year round. He is 16 and taller than me now so he gets the auger duty lol.
well good luck when you do head up!!!!!!!!!! let us know how ya do!!!!!!!!!
took a look at the webcams this morning.....just doesnt look as busy up there as years past, especially out of the narrows???
:scratch: I think there was 1 more parked in front Geiger's late Thursday or early yday than there is now but yeah it's been pretty quiet up there for about the last week or so.
Next week looks great for weather so I might have to get up there and hit Bow. Lots of rigs out from the west access. Don't know if they went through Geigers or from the access. If I go by alone I will pay and play it safe. :happy1:
I looked at Geiger's after your post, merc, & I could see 2 or 3 way out front then. Nothin at the Narrows though.
Narrows? Never seen a narrows in my 40 years of fishing there Gunner. There were a lot of rigs to the right which would be in front of the north west access. :scratch:
:scratch: :doah: What about William's :rolleyes:.................... Narrows? I check theirs too.
Geigers is Bowstring, Williams Narrows is Cutfoot. I was checking out Bow. I'm confusing myself now but that's not hard to do. :laugh:
:scratch: :doah: What about William's :rolleyes:.................... Narrows? I check theirs too.
thats the one i have always assumed where the webcams where????????
isnt there a campground on the so called narrrows?????? i fished there once many moons ago but i'm dont get over there much so dont really know that area very well???????
Yeah, I think they still have a campground there, not sure how big it is anymore. They have quite a few cabins but I believe some of them are now private. That is the 1 we check the cameras at, glenn. Sorry, merc, thought you knew we looked at those too. I just check Geiger's to check the weather & to see how many are getting out as I don't fish it much, so I don't know it. Besides there's too many people most of the time for me. I'd rather just try to get out on our bay.
Yeah, I think they still have a campground there, not sure how big it is anymore. They have quite a few cabins but I believe some of them are now private. That is the 1 we check the cameras at, glenn. Sorry, merc, thought you knew we looked at those too. I just check Geiger's to check the weather & to see how many are getting out as I don't fish it much, so I don't know it. Besides there's too many people most of the time for me. I'd rather just try to get out on our bay.
:happy1: yea as we get older...just nice to head right out on the lake in front of us!!!!!!1
but when the lake has had 2 severe winter kills in a row..kinda forces your hand a bit. always fun checking out different lakes though. more work with ice. and the one thing i really noticed lately........there aint many accesses plowed out. so the lakes i've been on the first trip up are more then likely not happening anymore this ice season.
I do look at Williams Narrows once in a while but mostly have Geigers and Bowstring Shores on as that is where I normally fish in winter when the snow is deep. I'm getting to the point I don't like working too hard to go after fish. Favorite time is just before ice out, nothing better than standing on the ice when it's 50 degrees out. :happy1:
They don't plow our PA & the 2 by us on Bowstring don't get plowed either but there's usually enough traffic at both of those to make it easier most of the time. There has been a few Sunday paper runs when we drove through the 1 on 35 & didn't want to get to far out of the track though.
Bad thing is the north access has a big ice heave by shore most years. Some one usually chops it down but it's still tough most of the time.
Bad thing is the north access has a big ice heave by shore most years. Some one usually chops it down but it's still tough most of the time.
:happy1: yep..........same with the birches landing on winnie just south of highbanks!!!!!
The other 1 can be bad too usually just a little north of that ramp. Think it's buckled the concrete over there 2 of the last 3-4 years & they had to do some major work in the Spring.
The other 1 can be bad too usually just a little north of that ramp. Think it's buckled the concrete over there 2 of the last 3 years & they had to do some major work in the Spring.
:scratch: :scratch: what other one??? next place up from the birches to get on winnie is highbanks...that i know of?????
:pouty: :doofus: I'm not talking to you :rolleyes: :doah: I'm talkin to merc & about the 1 over by Northern Acres!!
:pouty: :doofus: I'm not talking to you :rolleyes: :doah: I'm talkin to merc & about the 1 over by Northern Acres!!
:pouty: :pouty: :crazy: WELL!!! EXCCUSE ME!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:sleazy: :nerd: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Yep Gunner that is actually the one I was referring to, I need to be a little more specific with my accesses. That one seems to always have the cement buckle. But two years ago I came on the north access and went off the one by Northern Acres and there was a big ice heave there but said "I can make this" ended up bending my running board. I get older but no smarter. :smiley:
When I think of the North access I think of the 1 on Co Rd 35 as the other says NW Bowstring Access on the little sign. :scratch: That must've been the season when the heave went nearly all the way across the width of the ramp & it was tough for even a wheeler to get around it on the south side towards the end. When they rebuilt it in the Spring they just tore the old cement out & put some prefab slabs in that have to be at least twice as wide as the old ones.
:scratch: Looks like the cameras are down over at the Narrows, not much activity over at Geiger' since the weekend that I've seen either. Think with the nice weather this week there'd been some out :fishing:.
The Narrow's cam is back up now & it looks a little slushy to the right of the birdhouse today to me.
not snowing up in gods country!!!!!!!!! :happy1: i did think however there would be more activity on the lakes being its a friday???// :scratch: :scratch:
:scratch: That slushy spot at the Narrows looks quite a bit bigger today to me & the birdhouse was really rockin when I just looked.
:scratch: That slushy spot at the Narrows looks quite a bit bigger today to me & the birdhouse was really rockin when I just looked.
been watching that too. it also looks like a wet spot between the birdhouse and the cattails???? a spring maybe! :scratch: :scratch:
Just seen 1 come off at Geiger's & another was headin north a ways out on the lake. Looks to be 4-5 smaller groups off in the distance there too.
:scratch: Never noticed that spot on shore before. :confused:
:pouty: i gotta love/hate relationship with bowstring!!!!! :confused: :doah: i enjoy fishing it, but usually kicks my butt. i keep going there to learn more about it, but...........
now jessie lake..........i simply hate that one!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Thought I heard that there's some springs in Big Jessie. :confused: Really deep too, Chris over at the BStore told me 1 of her boys has a shack & spears Big Jessie a lot.
:scratch: Thought I heard that there's some springs in Big Jessie. :confused: Really deep too, Chris over at the BStore told me 1 of her boys has a shack & spears Big Jessie a lot.
i speared it a couple times.....we got fish, just nuttin to write home about. i have read that the pike population is now just starting to get better.........
fished it often for a while in a boat.......looking for dem walleyes and crappies......no luck. yea if i remember correctly lotz of structure!!!
:scratch: Their oldest gets some nice ones out of there every year. :rolleyes: Met him at Riley's a couple times & I think he lives on the lake or really close by.
The best two lakes up there Glenn. You have to know how to fish to get walleye. :happy1:
The best two lakes up there Glenn. You have to know how to fish to get walleye. :happy1:
:rotflmao: :tut: oh I know how to fish. Walleye is way down on the bottom of my favorite fish to eat right above carp. :evil: :rotflmao: so I don't waste much of my valuable time fishing for them. :sleazy:
If you can't catch em you say you don't want to catch em. We're on to your tricks
If you can't catch em you say you don't want to catch em. We're on to your tricks
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: you funny guy Roony. I got me a walleye in the freezer I caught all by myself.
I'm donating it to the wild game feed. :happy1: that crowd eats everything. :happy1:
My buddy always keeps one bigger one and smokes it. I'm not a huge fan of smoked fish but they are darn good. :happy1:
If you can't catch em you say you don't want to catch em. We're on to your tricks
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: you funny guy Roony. I got me a walleye in the freezer I caught all by myself.
I'm donating it to the wild game feed. :happy1: that crowd eats everything. :happy1:
Let's see :scratch:. "a walleye-I'm donating-crowd" How many loaves of bread are you going to split too? :bow: :rotflmao:
If you can't catch em you say you don't want to catch em. We're on to your tricks
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: you funny guy Roony. I got me a walleye in the freezer I caught all by myself.
I'm donating it to the wild game feed. :happy1: that crowd eats everything. :happy1:
Let's see :scratch:. "a walleye-I'm donating-crowd" How many loaves of bread are you going to split too? :bow: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning: i got some crappies i caught as well and deboned pike too!!!!!! putz!!!!! :rotflmao: :mooning:
I really like the area up there and have spent a lot of time, sleding, 4wheeling and hunting. :happy1:
But, with lake names like Little Dick, Big Dick and Jack the horse. You kind of wonder what the heck the folks were up to when they came up with those names? :scratch: :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Ya that is a little suspicious. LOL
Our family use to fish Little Bowstring
I'd like to go back there someday.
Our family use to fish Little Bowstring
I'd like to go back there someday.
it's one of the lakes I've never been on but want to try. Hear tell there are nice fish in it but can be a struggle to find them
I really like the area up there and have spent a lot of time, sleding, 4wheeling and hunting. :happy1:
But, with lake names like Little Dick, Big Dick and Jack the horse. You kind of wonder what the heck the folks were up to when they came up with those names? :scratch: :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
probably the same thing you city slickers where doing when you changed the names some of them down there!!! :evil: :rotflmao:
Our family use to fish Little Bowstring
I'd like to go back there someday.
it's one of the lakes I've never been on but want to try. Hear tell there are nice fish in it but can be a struggle to find them
I managed to catch fish so I shudder to think how many you'd catch! :sleazy:
Our family use to fish Little Bowstring
I'd like to go back there someday.
it's one of the lakes I've never been on but want to try. Hear tell there are nice fish in it but can be a struggle to find them
I managed to catch fish so I shudder to think how many you'd catch! :sleazy:
I stop at my limit!! :mooning: :rotflmao:
But, with lake names like Little Dick, Big Dick and Jack the horse. You kind of wonder what the heck the folks were up to when they came up with those names? :scratch: :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I like to think that one of those lakes was in honor of me.. but—
Jack the Horse was supposedly in honor of a lumberjack, named Jack, who pulled a sled loaded with saw logs to camp by himself after the horse pulling the load died on the way in.
That accounts for two names. Don’t know who little Dick was named after. We also have Big Johnson and Little Johnson in the neighborhood.
:rotflmao: Yea there are alot of lakes up there with names one has to wonder how they came about. Big to much, little to much :scratch: :scratch:
the one spot on the narrows looks like it froze up some, the one on shore looks like it got wetter????? :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
Our family use to fish Little Bowstring
I'd like to go back there someday.
it's one of the lakes I've never been on but want to try. Hear tell there are nice fish in it but can be a struggle to find them
I managed to catch fish so I shudder to think how many you'd catch! :sleazy:
I stop at my limit!! :mooning: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :fish2: OR :toast: :confused: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Seen a couple pop ups on west cam at the Narrows about mid afternoon yday, looks like 1 might be back out there this mornin too.
Our family use to fish Little Bowstring
I'd like to go back there someday.
it's one of the lakes I've never been on but want to try. Hear tell there are nice fish in it but can be a struggle to find them
I managed to catch fish so I shudder to think how many you'd catch! :sleazy:
I stop at my limit!! :mooning: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :fish2: OR :toast: :confused: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: I'll never tell!! :mooning: I haven't had a alcoholic beverage since I was up north. That could change today however. :sleazy:
pretty quiet on the cams so far. looking at the forecast for up there this week, there saying 4-8 inches of snow think tues into wed. think i'll be done going up there for a while!!!!! :confused: especially by myself. i'll wait till after my brother and his kid goes up super bowl weekend. he'll have everything cleaned up and a path on the lake!!!!!!! :smoking: :smoking:
There were 3 or 4 portables off to northwest at the Narrows late yday afternoon again. One wheelhouse just came in over at Geiger's & the rest that were there all week are still out. Looks like quite a few probably over by the other access(35) & some to the south of the nw access now too.
pretty quiet on the cams so far. looking at the forecast for up there this week, there saying 4-8 inches of snow think tues into wed. think i'll be done going up there for a while!!!!! :confused: especially by myself. i'll wait till after my brother and his kid goes up super bowl weekend. he'll have everything cleaned up and a path on the lake!!!!!!! :smoking: :smoking:
:confused: My weather guy is only sayin 1-3" for Tuesday up there. :scratch: Maybe your guy's been :smoking: too. :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Gunner, he has a job so he's making excuses to not go to the cabin. I also saw one to three inches. :rotflmao:
Gunner, he has a job so he's making excuses to not go to the cabin. I also saw one to three inches. :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: Yea not the case. :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:I don't fish lakes with plowed roads either. But I like it that way
:scratch: Pretty sure there isn't any plowed roads over our way, might even have trouble gettin in to the PA unless you have a sled. Even then, not much for a place to unload a trailer either. :happy1: :cool: Seems like most of those who just visit once in a while are slobs anyway. :sad:
It's snowing pretty good over at the Narrows now but is still quiet over at Geiger's.
webcams are pretty quiet this morning.............wonder why.................. :cold: :cold: :cold:
There looked to be quite bit pf activity out on Bowstring last weekend though. Early Saturday until ~ mid afternoon Sunday the units out front of Geiger's were MIA. Could see 6-8, maybe 10, groups in the usual spots off in the distance Saturday afternoon.
yea noticed that too. yesterday there was someone set up out of one of the narrows cam!!!!!!
A couple trucks out by the wheelhouses in front Geiger's when I just looked.
A couple trucks out by the wheelhouses in front Geiger's when I just looked.
:happy1: seen that also.
i've been skeeming, planning my next adventures up north!!!!!! :sleazy: hopefully headed to LOTW'S the weekend of the 12-13, mean while my brother and his kid will be at the cabin. that means everything should be packed down and cleaned up and paths out on one lake at least.!!!!! :evil: :happy1:
spearing closes on the 27th...so if the stare align, meaning not much snow after they leave and the temps are tolerable i'll gonna head up that weekend!!!!!!!
so Gunner...when you guys thinking of heading back up there???????????? :scratch:
My brother has a dentist appt next Tuesday, 2/1, so probably next week after that. Depending on the weather, of course.
:scratch: Looks like a wet spot on the north side of the west webcam at the Narrows today to me. Just watched 1 of the 2 houses at Geiger's come in & unhook too.
i seen that yesterday to gunner, it was a busy place yesterday!!!!! Wanderer from FM is out there somewhere this weekend. siad they got plenty of snot rockets. he did mention going looking for crappies but didnt say he found any.
just checked the cams.......pretty quiet at the narrows seems unusual.
bowstring shores has activity and for the first time seen someone driving out of there but they detoured already..........that road looks really wet!!!!! :shocked: :shocked:
I don't always check that 1, can see someone out not too far. :scratch: Didn't see much for grayish looking wet spots when I just looked though. :confused:
when i go to the site it comes up dark.....click on the arrow or whatever you call it it comes up live. that spot looks like real trouble!!!!!!!
Just watched 2 sleds go out & they stayed to the right with no issues what so ever. I can't see any trouble spots either unless that's 1 at the start of the road on the left. Only time it's ever came up dark for me is when I just tried to post the link. I have no arrow as it's always live as there's a something hangin on the right side of the 1 dock that's usually movin. I go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBqT5y9dRb8 Click on the link & that's what I always get right out of my favorites.
rumor has it bowstring shores shut down there access yesterday due to the slush!!!!!!! :shocked:
gunner must still be in bed with his teddy bear!!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: You get that from the same place that you get your tax filing info from? :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: :doah: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: I'm up by 5 or 6, 9 days out 10 so :moon:, & I got better things to do than listen to your :bs: that early everyday. :pouty: :thumbs: :tut:
:scratch: You get that from the same place that you get your tax filing info from? :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: :doah: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: I'm up by 5 or 6, 9 days out 10 so :moon:, & I got better things to do than listen to your :bs: that early everyday. :pouty: :thumbs: :tut:
my tax filing information is just fine..........thank you............... :mooning: :mooning:
It sure wasn't about e-filing for free!! :mooning: :mooning:
:scratch: You get that from the same place that you get your tax filing info from? :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: :doah: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: I'm up by 5 or 6, 9 days out 10 so :moon:, & I got better things to do than listen to your :bs: that early everyday. :pouty: :thumbs: :tut:
and yet....here you are........replying to my posts!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
Not for long!!
Not for long!!
:doah: :rotflmao: meh its just fun and games!!!!!!!!! :happy1:
Can't see jack at the Narrows early today. We're lookin at Wednesday night/early Thursday to go back up unless there's a problem with his dentist appt today.
Can't see jack at the Narrows early today. We're lookin at Wednesday night/early Thursday to go back up unless there's a problem with his dentist appt today.
safe travels my friend........ :happy1: it might just start warming up about that time!!!!!!
Can't see jack at the Narrows early today. We're lookin at Wednesday night/early Thursday to go back up unless there's a problem with his dentist appt today.
check the weather for winds and below temps too!! drive safe!! :happy1:
Can't see jack at the Narrows early today. We're lookin at Wednesday night/early Thursday to go back up unless there's a problem with his dentist appt today.
man you do you, but if i was in your position, i'd be waiting till fri-sat before i'd go up...........its going to be a cold MF up there wed and thurs!!!!
if you do head up, be careful.........we dont need news of 2 iowegian popsicles found on the road!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Looks like it might make 0 on Thursday with light wind according to TWC so that's not too bad & we hate traveling on weekends. Besides we don't have to plow everything right away as we can park over at the neighbors. We talked to him this morning & he's in the metro but his was plowed this weekend by the new owners of the resort nextdoor. He thought his furnace quit working so he made a emergency run. I turns out it was just a battery issue with his thermostat. It a lot shorter walk through the woods than down our driveway & I'm seein snow/wind in the forecast for up there on Saturday too.
Looks like it might make 0 on Thursday with light wind according to TWC so that's not too bad & we hate traveling on weekends. Besides we don't have to plow everything right away as we can park over at the neighbors. We talked to him this morning & he's in the metro but his was plowed this weekend by the new owners of the resort nextdoor. He thought his furnace quit working so he made a emergency run. I turns out it was just a battery issue with his thermostat. It a lot shorter walk through the woods than down our driveway & I'm seein snow/wind in the forecast for up there on Saturday too.
:happy1: :happy1: well either way safe travels.... your inger gals must be missin ya!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :tut: :mooning: :rolleyes: :bs: :doah:
Can't see jack at the Narrows early today. We're lookin at Wednesday night/early Thursday to go back up unless there's a problem with his dentist appt today.
check the weather for winds and below temps too!! drive safe!! :happy1:
We usually check with MNDOT & TWC just before we go.
gunner.......you look at the narrows cams yet?????? looks like there's actually water standing by that birdhouse?????????
:scratch: On shore? Looks pretty dark to now to me I can't really tell if it's water. Across from the :fishing: platform on the East cam looks kind of gray & slushy & was like that yday too.
Just spent a couple hours working on the snow again. Widen it down at the road where they had it plowed shut with waist high hard crusty snow. Widened the rest of the drive along with around the garage & between the garage/cabin & the little shed. That was all light & fluffy stuff. Still have out by the boat shed to do but that can wait.
Just spent a couple hours working on the snow again. Widen it down at the road where they had it plowed shut with waist high hard crusty snow. Widened the rest of the drive along with around the garage & between the garage/cabin & the little shed. That was all light & fluffy stuff. Still have out by the boat shed to do but that can wait.
have you seen much activity on the lakes you drove by?????? or activity that had been there??????????
It doesn't look like there's more than 6-8, maybe 10 spots where somebody might've drilled some holes out on our bay all season & none of 'em look very fresh. Although there's 1 person out there now sitting on the edge of the weedy point on the north side of our bay. :scratch: :confused:
Heading to the meat raffle tonight?? :sleazy: :rotflmao:
:happy1: Yup, a late arriving packed house. Bet 1/2 the crowd got there after we did, ~ 5:30. We didn't win but you wouldn't of liked it either as what they were giving away the most of you already have enough of :rolleyes:..........................................BALONEY!!!! :sleazy: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:happy1: Yup, a late arriving packed house. Bet 1/2 the crowd got there after we did, ~ 5:30. We didn't win but you wouldn't of liked it either as what they were giving away the most of you already have enough of :rolleyes:..........................................BALONEY!!!! :sleazy: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :rotflmao: any idea where or who supplies the meats gunner???????
and i was actually kinda joking when i asked. figured you guys would be pretty tuckered out after that drive and would hit the sack early!!!!!!!!!! ;) one of these trips.....i need to go check it out!!!!!!!! :scratch:
Was a bit surprised by the # of snowmobiler's last night. There was 4 sleds in the back of the lot when we got there & 6 more came in all suited up. Just before they started a huge toy hauler , must've been almost 30', pulled in the lot. Some people bailed early so we got in on 3 of the last 4 boards. It looked like about 1/2 the bundles were 4 packs of ribeyes from Kocian's to me.
After yday's AM's fun in the snow we both had a Bloody Mary with lunch so the nap after that was a natural. I didn't look at the bundles last night so I'm not certain but last year they got it all from Big Fork. There must be someone who lives nearby that works there as we actually seen somebody deliver it last year 1 time when we were there a bit early. We got some really nice ribeyes last season 1 time. :happy1: :cool:
Was a bit surprised by the # of snowmobiler's last night. There was 4 sleds in the back of the lot when we got there & 6 more came in all suited up. Just before they started a huge toy hauler , must've been almost 30', pulled in the lot. Some people bailed early so we got in on 3 of the last 4 boards. It looked like about 1/2 the bundles were 4 packs of ribeyes from Kocian's to me.
i suppose thats the new starting and ending point for alot of snowmobilers since Richies is shut down now. man Richies lot was always packed with sleds back in the day!!!!! didnt hurt the trail went by there either. from there to bigfork was an awesome snowmobile ride!!!!!! so was the ride from the cabin to get to that trail.........oh the good old days of being young!!!!! :pouty: :rotflmao:
We sat by the guys on the 1st bunch of sleds & another guy came over to talk to 1 of them about the newest sled they had as he had looked at 1 too. I overheard them talking about the trail up to Big Fork.
oh yea, there are great trails out that way, then get back up in the soumi ? hills.........trails out towards squaw lake are awesome to. from the cabin to squaw lake by car is about 20 miles, give or take.....by snowmobile trail its close to 50 miles....weaving around all the lakes. great ride!!!!1
The 1 up at Squaw Lake goes right to Fish Tales now, seen quite a few sleds up there at times too. One time a group had a sled breakdown & I heard them talkin about going all back down 2 to get to 46 after they got the truck & trailer. Think they were stayin around Cass Lake/Bena area. I had to point out the GDP shortcut.
longtime back, my dad had bought a new sled.......mom anddad sue and i went for a ride out that way......we where way out there north of Alvood..? dads sled broke down.......all i re ember is it was a long way back to the cabin to get a truck and trailer........ and they riding 2 on moms sled...them things arent made for 2 on a sled. we pulled it out to some place by i think hwy 71/72????
it seemed like we where closer to canada then the cabin!!!!!!! :confused: :rotflmao:
Check the weather if you're traveling this way on Thursday, TWC's sayin 100% chance & 4" in the next 48 hours now.
Check the weather if you're traveling this way on Thursday, TWC's sayin 100% chance & 4" in the next 48 hours now.
:confused: UGH....seen that!!!!!!!!!! :scratch: :pouty: headed to LOTW's tomorrow!!!!!!! maybe.......i aint the one driving!!!!!!!
so i did a deeper dive into this weather.........looks like it doesnt really start til about 1 pm.......we should be pretty close or on the lake by then. not sure how far of a drive it is but we are leaving Monticello by 6 am!!!!!!! :happy1:
Don't forget your jiggle stick glenn and jug of brandy.... ;)
Don't forget your jiggle stick glenn and jug of brandy.... ;)
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: no brandy this trip!!!!! and my "jiggle sticks" :laugh: :shocked: are already in the truck!!!!!! :happy1:
Don't forget your jiggle stick glenn and jug of brandy.... ;)
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: no brandy this trip!!!!! and my "jiggle sticks" :laugh: :shocked: are already in the truck!!!!!! :happy1:
LOL just trying to help out glenn,hope you spooled new line,and charged your flasher battery,pocket full of bobbers.....We retired guyz need reminding once in awhile.
Where are ya staying? Years back,we stayed at ships wheel resort,young couple ran the place,good folks,they told us to come back mid febuary,bring just one tipup,he said the pike usually are running in mid feb at the mouth of rainy under the ice,two tip ups would be to much work trying to keep up
Just got off the phone with my friend. We are staying on the lake in his wheelhouse.
Sounds like we will be going out of zipple bay resort. I did mention to him what JB said to go as far out as possible, and he seemed game. We shall see.
so i did a deeper dive into this weather.........looks like it doesnt really start til about 1 pm.......we should be pretty close or on the lake by then. not sure how far of a drive it is but we are leaving Monticello by 6 am!!!!!!! :happy1:
Yeah, the TWC's hourly is sayin maybe 11, more like noon for us. Google Maps says it's pretty close to 300 miles & 5 hours to Zipple Bay Resort from Monticello. So, with any luck you should be OK.
Just got off the phone with my friend. We are staying on the lake in his wheelhouse.
Sounds like we will be going out of zipple bay resort. I did mention to him what JB said to go as far out as possible, and he seemed game. We shall see.
Quite the adventure glenn,rule of thumb on LOW icefishing,lake shuts's down fish wise at sunset,then it's game on once the sun rises above the eastern treeline,however you might stick a pout sniffin around in the evening after it get's dark, dark stained water...is why
You hooking up with JB or LP?
Hoping they meander out. :happy1: Yea I've been told about the night bite and I ain't looking to catch boar fish! :tut: :tut: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Too big? ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: They really fight & they'll give you something to do :rolleyes: because every line down usually ends up in a tangled-up mess. :crazy: Might want to take some extra line along. :smiley:
5-1/2 to 6 hours depending on speed and how many stops you make.
We usually need at least 3, 2 for gas & 1 for something to eat.
:scratch: Too big? ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: They really fight & they'll give you something to do :rolleyes: because every line down usually ends up in a tangled-up mess. :crazy: Might want to take some extra line along. :smiley:
:rotflmao: :tut: no fish is too big for me!! :mooning: I've caught enough of them on Winnie no longer interested. Until I actually eat some someone else caught and cooked I'll pass, thank you.
glenn's idea of a wheel house...just sayin...
:scratch: :doah: Yeah, I don't see them gettin any of glenn's $.
:scratch: :doah: Yeah, I don't see them gettin any of glenn's $.
:rotflmao: :happy1: got that right.
Just seen that highbank closed there access due to wind and snow.
The neighbor's youngest boy has been :fishing: there a lot this season. Think he was even leavin his house in their on ice parking lot the last few weeks. He dropped it over here Sunday mornin, said he was catching some over there but nothin he could keep.
The neighbor's youngest boy has been :fishing: there a lot this season. Think he was even leavin his house in their on ice parking lot the last few weeks. He dropped it over here Sunday mornin, said he was catching some over there but nothin he could keep.
Agreed Gunner,ole glenn is a self admitted tight arse....But hey glenn you can hit the igloo for the super bowl and still fish whilst bellied up having a pizza.
I read next door that this MN fish group had earmarked #74,000 for public access restorations in the Chippewa national forest.
Wonder if they'd like my input!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
MnDOT currently has the roads from Bemidji/Squaw Lake on up not in the best of shape & with wind I wouldn't think :scratch: they'd be getting much better. Be careful!!
yup have fun and safe travels!!! :happy1:
MnDOT currently has the roads from Bemidji/Squaw Lake on up not in the best of shape & with wind I wouldn't think :scratch: they'd be getting much better. Be careful!!
:happy1: thanks we'll be careful.
My brother just sent me this picture.
Behind that snow bank and tree there's a pole with 3 bird feeders on it somewhere. :rolleyes:
No bucket used moving it here so ours is only chest high :rolleyes: around the snow fence on the north side.
Snow mentioned the Igloo out of Zipple Bay. You can rent a hole and fish whilst in there for $5. There are some Lindell Ice Rigs there too. :sleazy:
LPS he has them in his wheelhouse too!!!
So he is a real good guy then. :happy1: :happy1:
So he is a real good guy then. :happy1: :happy1:
Yea he rates right up there with boar!!! :confused: :doah: :rotflmao:
So he is a real good guy then. :happy1: :happy1:
Yea he rates right up there with boar!!! :confused: :doah: :rotflmao:
Is that good or bad??? :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
So he is a real good guy then. :happy1: :happy1:
Yea he rates right up there with boar!!! :confused: :doah: :rotflmao:
Is that good or bad??? :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I'll leave that to your imagination. :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Looks like a couple houses are gone at Geiger's early today. :confused:
Sounds like roads in northwest minn,fargo area are shut down this morning.blizzard conditions,50mph winds,yikes.
they are
As far east as Wadena & almost as far as Park Rapids.....................no travel advised. Just spent ~ 45 minutes out making our driveway passable, opened up the neighbors too. Hands & feet started to get cold, close to 4" here.
:scratch: One of the neighbors up the road has been sitting on a bucket out in front of his place since around noon today. :crazy: :doofus:
Y brother is at the cabin. He sent me this a bit ago. From this morning.
We ONLY had -28* :rolleyes: about a 1/2 hour before sunrise here. :scratch:
We ONLY had -28* :rolleyes: about a 1/2 hour before sunrise here. :scratch:
it's always colder by the cabin for some reason. Seems we are in a hole .
Alexa and the 2 phone apps are usually pretty close, but our indoor/outdoor temp gauge runs about 5 degrees warmer, under the soffit on the north side.
:scratch: Usually it's only on the 24/7 Bemidji weather channel do we ever see 10-15* difference & that's usually between Bemidji & DR which are 55 miles apart. :crazy: :confused:
Y brother is at the cabin. He sent me this a bit ago. From this morning.
Those kind of temps & the locals usually have a lot of stories about propane/furnace problems when we talk to 'em. :doah:
talked to my brother last night.....wasnt a good report........looks like i may me done for winter fishing up there.....at east the 2 lakes by the cabin. :confused: he sdaid the little lake....thats behind to old school is a big slush bowl now. said there was big holes you woildnt want to walk over.......basiclly said they were happy to get off the lake.
the cabin lake.he said his kid took my snowmobile out there and made tracks....but strongly suggested not trying it anytime soon. he did say using my snowmobile helped a lot.
fishing......he sent me a picture of 1 pike and crappies did not cooperate whatsoever. so....no its kinda wait and see!!!!!!!
Maybe wait until later season when the snow melts down. Late season is the better fishing anyway.
Hadn't been out for a week so we went over to Riley's yday for a little HH. The owner was working & I mentioned that it'd either been colder than snot or snowing ever since we came up. He kind of :laugh: & said yeah, we're due for break. :rolleyes: Then I asked about getting around out on the lakes & he said it was pretty much limited to plowed roads only. The couple next to us then said that the drifts were big, nasty, & just about everywhere the last time they were out. So, I kind of expected to hear that from your brother.
Maybe wait until later season when the snow melts down. Late season is the better fishing anyway.
spearing closes in a few weeks........i wanted to hit that up one last time for the year!!!!!! :confused: :doah: yea that is my next option!!! :happy1: just gotta figure out where Merc goes!!! :happy1: :evil: :evil: :rotflmao:
i just read the DNR warden reports for several northern mn districts???????? no a one mentioned slush being an issue!!!!
I go to Hayslips! :cheesy:
I go to Hayslips! :cheesy:
:happy1: :cool: We were there the Friday after we came up, 2/4. You should've stopped by. ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
We had a wheeler with tracks out front late yday morning, he fished about an hour & it looked like he was planning on leaving the bay. He never made it, it looked like too much snow to pull his sled/gear. He shoveled it out, unhooked made a track to turn around. Started back this way & had to stop 3-4 times. It looked like he was clearing snow from inside the tracks then mostly to me :scratch: but it took him > than 1/2 hour just to get off the bay. He had company ~ 4, a S x S with tracks, they stopped out front again for a bit but then the wheeler returned to the resort but the other left the bay. The S x S came back in a few minutes but just a bit later I seen the wheeler leaving the bay too. In the afternoon neither of them was pulling a sled full of gear.
any signs of slush gunner????? snow usually doesnt do much to tracks....however, slush is a complete nightmare!!!!!!! :confused: :confused:
Just read one fartbook, with the impending weather highbanks are already closing there road out on the lake Friday.
with the winds coming up Friday I can see why!!
with the winds coming up Friday I can see why!!
yea along with the 2-4 inches of snow thrown in!!! sure hope gunner gets out of inger before it gets to nasty!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
they said it was a bit early to tell but there talking 4-6 around here maybe monday.
with the winds coming up Friday I can see why!!
yea along with the 2-4 inches of snow thrown in!!! sure hope gunner gets out of inger before it gets to nasty!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
they said it was a bit early to tell but there talking 4-6 around here maybe monday.
yea heard 2 to 4.. we will see!!! :happy1:
any signs of slush gunner????? snow usually doesnt do much to tracks....however, slush is a complete nightmare!!!!!!! :confused: :confused:
None............................. unless it counts :scratch: when I put the wrong ice in my glass with my Fireball or bourbon. ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: All I know is it took him almost 45 minutes to go < 100 yds & the only thing I seen flying was snow. :confused:
Oh Gunner fireball, I like fireball!! :happy1:
I see where Sundin is sayin he's all but quit ice fishing because of all the slush he's been finding on his favorite hard water lakes. :scratch:
yea i read that too. i know i'm done up north for a while.....maybe see how things go by mid to end of march!!!!!
Went down to get the mail about 2 so I went up the road to check out the resort. There's at least 5-6 trucks with maybe 4 trailers & a car over there. Looked like they are in 2-3 of their bigger new cabins to me. :scratch: It didn't look like anybody was out on the lake then but we just seen 3 SxS's & 1 smaller wheeler going in or out. The ones just going out were pullin sleds with their gear as you can now see where they have a trail packed down. Couple of the SxS's were big enough to be carrying 4. :confused: The neighbor has been sitting on his pail out there since before 7 AM again today. Out there 'til dark last night too. :crazy:
Went down to get the mail about 2 so I went up the road to check out the resort. There's at least 5-6 trucks with maybe 4 trailers & a car over there. Looked like they are in 2-3 of their bigger new cabins to me. :scratch: It didn't look like anybody was out on the lake then but we just seen 3 SxS's & 1 smaller wheeler going in or out. The ones just going out were pullin sleds with their gear as you can now see where they have a trail packed down. Couple of the SxS's were big enough to be carrying 4. :confused: The neighbor has been sitting on his pail out there since before 7 AM again today. Out there 'til dark last night too. :crazy:
:pouty: we'll get out there and join them. :happy1: :rotflmao: :mooning:
Not in this weather :bonk:, maybe next week or even next month! :rolleyes: :smiley:
Can't you find a bucket? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Can't you find a bucket? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:super smiley: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
:pouty: :tut: :mooning: I need all my buckets for :fish2: so I sit on a folding chair. :sleazy: :nerd: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:pouty: :tut: :mooning: I need all my buckets for :fish2: so I sit on a folding chair. :sleazy: :nerd: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
ha i claim :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs:
I see that Geigers blew the tranny on their plow truck so they borrowed a truck from Lakewood to finish the season. :happy1:
Hey merc, have you been by or drove into the access off 35???
I've been thinking if I go up late March of spending a day out there to see if I can hook a few crappies and perch
Mayhaps that gunner guy could be a nice guy for a change and check it out. :sleazy:
I'm sure if I would ask Gunner he would do it but you? Good luck on that. :rotflmao: I haven't got that way. We were going to go up next week but the -20 temps put our plans on hold.
:scratch: What's it worth to ya? :sleazy: :nerd: :confused: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
:scratch: What's it worth to ya? :sleazy: :nerd: :confused: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
:pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :doah:
OK........................................we pulled in there on our 1st Sunday paper run, 2/6, & took 1 look before we backed out on to Co Rd 35 again & came home. :doah: Only tracks heading to the PA were from sleds & we weren't gonna get stuck in there. :bonk:
OK........................................we pulled in there on our 1st Sunday paper run, 2/6, & took 1 look before we backed out on to Co Rd 35 again & came home. :doah: Only tracks heading to the PA were from sleds & we weren't gonna get stuck in there. :bonk:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: i knew you could do it!!!!!!!! :mooning:
hopefully when i do decide to head up...a good amount of snow will be gone........but if i remember right that landing can be a bit pushed up ??????
the webcams up there look pretty white!!!!!!!!!! :doah: highbanks posted a picture on facebook....cant even see the lake !!!!!!
Both of 'em on this end can have a nasty pressure ridge late in the season. Seems like the Northern Acres 1 is usually worse IMO though.
Gotta a buddy heading to b-string as we speak. You see a white douche pulling a glacier charge him double to get on the lake!!
he might be lucky to get there
he might be lucky to get there
I heard that! Pretty sure he stayed on 6 and didn't take 371..Hopefully.
Just checked a plow camera on 2 between GR & DR, it looked OK to me. North of DR on either 6 or 46 weren't quite as good & a little more west wasn't very good at all. Good luck getting out on the lake in this wind. :crazy:
he might be lucky to get there
I heard that! Pretty sure he stayed on 6 and didn't take 371..Hopefully.
i sure hope he makes it boober........but i got an aweful lot of miles on 6......sometimes it gets butt ugly there too!!!!!!!!! it does have trees to protect it some, but it also is a spot where the snow settles in.
i'm thinking if highbanks shut down for the day......so will geigers??????????/
based on the webcam it dont look bad there.......bowstring shores on the other hand...................... :scratch:
:scratch: :doah: NW wind doesn't hit Geiger's but out on the lake I would think it's drifted bad. 'Sposed to get better after midnight though. Nobody's went out of the resort here all day that I've seen.
The Narrows cam is :moon: ugly too. :crazy: :tut:
Just watched a plow truck go out of Geiger's.
Just watched a plow truck go out of Geiger's.
been kinda watching........the narrows live cam seems to be down, but yesterday it looked like an aweful lot of drifts......could be a bumpy ride out there!!!!!!!
Gunner, did you see the Jason Mitchell show today? He was fishing out of Lakewood with Charlie Worrath catching crappies from last fall I believe. Good show and nice fish. :happy1:
Gunner, did you see the Jason Mitchell show today? He was fishing out of Lakewood with Charlie Worrath catching crappies from last fall I believe. Good show and nice fish. :happy1:
of they we're catct fish they weren't with gunner. :super smiley: :super smiley: :nerd: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Worrath used to make a pretty good fish batter. :happy1: I heard Mitchell is a fraud that copies others, just what I've heard.
No I didn't, but I remember when JM was here last season as I could here their drone & it was more like July or August, if I remember right. The scuttlebutt I got was that he didn't catch jack here so they hired Charlie to help makin the promo for LL that he was gettin paid for. The neighbor seen 'em deconin his boat after the 1st 1/2 day :doah: & rumour is they went to a different lake to make the video. :pouty: :confused:
Gunner, did you see the Jason Mitchell show today? He was fishing out of Lakewood with Charlie Worrath catching crappies from last fall I believe. Good show and nice fish. :happy1:
of they we're catct fish they weren't with gunner. :super smiley: :super smiley: :nerd: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Worrath used to make a pretty good fish batter. :happy1: I heard Mitchell is a fraud that copies others, just what I've heard.
:pouty: :mooning: :tut: I probably C & R more 13-15" crappies in 1 season that glenn has seen .............................................while he's sleepin. :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: Not to mention the 9.5- 10.5 gills too. :banghead: :bonk:
:mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Glenn, I have heard that JM his a Genz wannabe. Gunner, don't know for sure where he caught them but it was a bigger lake from the camera shots. They did have drone footage of the resort and bay. They were nice size fish, much bigger than the pictures I've seen from Glenn. :rotflmao:
Glenn, I have heard that JM his a Genz wannabe. Gunner, don't know for sure where he caught them but it was a bigger lake from the camera shots. They did have drone footage of the resort and bay. They were nice size fish, much bigger than the pictures I've seen from Glenn. :rotflmao:
it's what I've heard to.
Gunner .. :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
The neighbor is good friends with the new owners of LL as he has permission to use their access whenever he wants & since he's usually up here by himself he does a lot. I thought they told him that JM & Worrath went to Big Jessie to catch those fish that day. I do know JM was gone the next morning really early as he had some guide work scheduled back out in ND that day or the next. They can do wonders when they are editing/making a video these days & it wouldn't be too hard to make it look like they caught those fish here.
You got that right gunner. My brodder fished with several back in the day, sometimes Winnie but usually the big pond. He was in the boat during a lure promotion with the white haired and bearded fella ( not gonna mention any names) but fish were caught and re fought on the promotional lure for filming. Think that was the last he fished with him..
Ha that sounds like fella from the brainerd area?? :scratch: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
I used to go to Lake Michigan every year and got to know the charter crew pretty well. They told me that they had one if the well known TV guys and their crew out one year. Action was really slow so they decided to tie a coffee mug on one of the lines. Then They filmed the rod tip bouncing like crazy while they talked about the tremendous fight the fish put up.
:scratch: It looked to be a busy weekend over at the resort to me. All the tracked toys that started showin up on Tuesday/Wednesday were gone by Friday. A couple pickups, 1 with a trailer, & 3 sleds with 4-5 people showed up but they were gone by Saturday. We found 4 pickups but no trailers or even signs of any sleds or wheelers/SxS's over there yday early. Nobody out of there out on the bay Saturday or Sunday that we seen either.
Hey Merc, have you been up that way lately???
Gunner, when at the meat raffle anyone talk about lake conditions??
I'm getting serious cabin withdrawals!! :doah: but pretty much know it be a wasted trip :pouty:
Nope, it was mostly locals except for 3-4 groups on sleds.
Bet there was only about 1/4 the usual # of wheelhouses on the road Wednesday when we went to town too.
We did see 4-5 shacks out on Bowstring today when we went for the paper. They were all west of the PA on 35 though as we never pulled in there. It did look like there has been more traffic in & out of there than before to me.
If the stars align after some of the snow melts a guy from grand rapids is going to take me out on pokegema chasing tullies!!! :happy1:
Then I'll think about hitting bowstring and a few other lakes
:scratch: You're expecting Mother Nature to start likin you now? :crazy: :sleazy: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
We've been planning trips almost every week but the weather keeps making us wait. With basically only Bow to fish we are waiting for the snow to melt down some so we can get out to our lakes we normally hit. It has been tough not getting up there much this winter, especially every month when I get my plowing bill. Problem is when the snow starts melting it is going to be a short spring ice fishing season. All the water going through the ice will take a toll.
We've been planning trips almost every week but the weather keeps making us wait. With basically only Bow to fish we are waiting for the snow to melt down some so we can get out to our lakes we normally hit. It has been tough not getting up there much this winter, especially every month when I get my plowing bill. Problem is when the snow starts melting it is going to be a short spring ice fishing season. All the water going through the ice will take a toll.
i hear ya Merc.......after new years its been brutal up there.
i'll be ready in a days notice when it happens though!!!!!!!!!
talking 6 to 10 inches of snow this Saturday here... way to early to get worked up but it's enough to make one watchful
Mike, I'm looking for some good news not this more snow stuff. :laugh:
Mike, I'm looking for some good news not this more snow stuff. :laugh:
me too!!!!
i hear ya Merc.......after new years its been brutal up there.
i'll be ready in a days notice when it happens though!!!!!!!!!
Whenever we've gotten a chance in the last week or so we've been pullin snow of our roof. We finally got around to north side of the garage this PM. The side opposite the lake(east) on the cabin still has a drift that has to be 3' tall about 1/2 way up. :rolleyes: Bet there hasn't been many more than ~ dozen people on the bay since we got here on 2/3 & 2/3 - 3/4 of those have struggled just to get around out here. TWC now has us getting 4-6" with most of that coming Saturday night. This AM it was 1-3". :confused:
Well they predicted with this last go round we were supposed to get 8-15 inches, we might have got 3.
I wouldn't hold your breath them be accurate.
:scratch: Since you want to come back up we'll probably get 10-12". :pouty:
:scratch: Since you want to come back up we'll probably get 10-12". :pouty:
ouch!! too funny!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:sleazy: :nerd: :evil: Actually, I hope he's right :shocked: :bonk:, as it may be mid-April before we see much green grass up here now anyway. The new forecast today is now saying 1-3" during the day on Saturday & another 3-5" Saturday night, however. :rolleyes: :sad: What we don't need is a bunch of warm rain & have it all melt way too fast. There'd be water everywhere. :doah:
A couple pickups & 1 bigger toy hauler trailer over at the resort by early yday PM. Another there today with a big flatbed type trailer when we come back from GR today. It looked like 2 guys with 1 sled were just settin up a portable out front of our place when we came home, ~1:30. A couple more sleds & 3 people went out to basin area on the other side of the bay around 3 too.
They need to sit on pails if dey wanna catch fish.. ;)
:scratch: There's some advertising on the toy hauler for a lawncare business that says at least some are Cheesheads so................................... :bonk: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:scratch: We were a bit earlier than normal again yday but the busiest place we seen was the gas station.
Called the neighbor today, he just had rotator cuff surgery on Tuesday, & he told me we are 1 of the 50+ lakes with the new sunfish regs. So, I had to look it up & it says there's 5 sunfish limit all the way from the Co Rd 35 bridge up past Rice Lake to Co Rd 145 bridge. That includes Portage, Little Sand, & Birdseye as well. :cool:
You can't catch any anyway so shouldn't bother you. :sleazy: :mooning: :rotflmao:
:scratch: It should keep some of the meat hunters I know away though. :pouty: :tut: :mooning:
:sleazy: :nerd: :evil:
:scratch: It should keep some of the meat hunters I know away though. :pouty: :tut: :mooning:
:sleazy: :nerd: :evil:
if you're referring to me I can leave all them little stunted snot rockets alone in your system 🤭 :mooning: it's the only thing I fish for there!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:scratch: I don't fish for sunfish either :tut: :mooning: & almost all of 'em I do catch accidently go back. I'd rather catch them again instead eating them because they're usually nice fish. There's at least 20-30 Mennonites over at the resort ~ late August or early September every year though & I'm certain they take everything they can. :rolleyes: I wouldn't be really surprised if they change their mind & go somewhere else now with the new regs here. :happy1: :cool:
:scratch: It should keep some of the meat hunters I know away though. :pouty: :tut: :mooning:
:sleazy: :nerd: :evil:
if you're referring to me I can leave all them little stunted snot rockets alone in your system 🤭 :mooning: it's the only thing I fish for there!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Naw, you can take all of them picklers you want outta here. The more, the better. :happy1: In fact, I even take some of the better <22" I get now. We keep a few meals & the BIL likes 'em so I usually give them some to eat too, which is mostly during Lent for them. :cool:
we never made it over there last year for some reason????? i noticed they pretty thin across the back, even compared to the ones on bowstring :scratch: :scratch: they are however perfect pickling material!!!!!!!!
due to proximity......we usually stay in little sand but if that channel is deep enough we will fish along that shoreline too!!!!!!!
its wierd though as many of them little slimers as we've caught over there, we have never got one over 26 and very few in the 22-26 inch slot??????/
The neighbor & I have been getting 1 or 2 over 26" the last couple years. He's had a couple 30-32" that he's kept, in fact. Mine have been more like 28" & have went back. We don't fish that end of the lake much though. The slot fish are just about as rare as the over 26" but not quite.
I see Merc's little honey hole is a 5 fish limit now. Little turtle.
So is pokegema by grand rapids. I've seen sunfish out of there and they are nice!!
:scratch: The way I understand it, the new regs are just a 5 fish daily limit but you can still have the same possession limit of 20 sunfish.
That's my understanding also :happy1:
Yea Glenn Little Turtle is five but I guess I really don't mind a whole lot. I do a lot of fishing during the year so I'm more in to catching than keeping as I get older. As long as we get enough for a fish fry when we are up that is all we really care about. I think it will help in the long run. Other lakes like Grave and Little Bow are also five so just one more on the list. The nice thing is it's so nice and close to the cabin but catch and release is fun. Less time cleaning and more time for cards and beer. :happy1:
i've been fishing little turtle the past 2 years on and off. of the boats i've seen on the lake, i've only ever seen 1 pontoon fishing for sunfish?? i have never tried it for sunfish usally throw a rapala on the end and hope for walleyes and pike. :happy1:
Went down to the NW access this mornin, 1st time for me, & I could still count 7 houses out on the lake. Most were down a bit south of that access but a couple were ~ 100yds north & there was still 1 up near CR 35. Somebody had plowed a bunch, 3-4', of snow down in front of the pressure ridge at the bottom of the ramp but it looked like it wasn't a problem getting around it on the north side, yet
Went down to the NW access this mornin, 1st time for me, & I could still count 7 houses out on the lake. Most were down a bit south of that access but a couple were ~ 100yds north & there was still 1 up near CR 35. Somebody had plowed a bunch, 3-4', of snow down in front of the pressure ridge at the bottom of the ramp but it looked like it wasn't a problem getting around it on the north side, yet
thats the one next to giegers correct????? there north of 200 so they got a couple more weeks before houses gotta be off????
you checked the 35 access lately??????/
Yeah, I went down to the 1 that we went out of when dakids & crew were up here. I pulled in 1 on 35 on Sunday but did a 3 pt at the entrance as I didn't want to get stuck. Probably could've made it but :scratch: According to the 10 day we have a week of 40* starting next Tuesday. Could get pretty sloppy after that.
Yeah, I went down to the 1 that we went out of when dakids & crew were up here. I pulled in 1 on 35 on Sunday but did a 3 pt at the entrance as I didn't want to get stuck. Probably could've made it but :scratch: According to the 10 day we have a week of 40* starting next Tuesday. Could get pretty sloppy after that.
:happy1: :happy1: i'll take sloppy iffin i can get to the cabin!!! :happy1: i wanna head to pokegema to fish tullies!!!!!! and check out a few more lakes!!!
well the DNR just pizzed me off even further. :crazy: :banghead: :banghead:now the paperwork that we did a year ago to transfer ownership of 2 little boats at the cabin isnt good enough now. :confused: :angry2:
they say they, the DNR, is getting more picky!!!!!!! :doofus: :doofus: last time we didnt need a bill of sale.....now we do????? its not getting friggin sold.......its ownership is being transfered to my brother and i and not a single penny is exchanging hands!!!!! oh the :bs: :surrender:
Just need your Mom to write a give to you bill of sale. Can even be on a piece of scratch paper.
Just need your Mom to write a give to you bill of sale. Can even be on a piece of scratch paper.
i got the paperwork from the license plate and had her do her part....but now i have to send it out to my brother in cheeseland....... then go back up there!!!!
:shocked: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
looks like momma nature might be starting to be kind up there next couple weeks. :happy1: best start getting ready now....i gotz one last ice fishing trip in me yet.........and a trip to pokey in rapids for tullies hopefully!!!!!!!!! thinking it'll come up fast!!!!!!
hey gunner......any idea how much snow has piled up since super bowl weekend???? i'm really getting the itch now!!!! :rotflmao:
:scratch: I'd guess 2-3'. :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: I'd guess 2-3'. :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :banghead: :banghead: training-087 :taz:
good thing i got real friends up there i can ask!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Pretty sure I ran the wheeler & blade down the drive at least once a week in February, glenn. We might of had 3-4" a couple of those times but no big totals. Alway the light, fluffy stuff that would drift some up here by our garage. Could be quite different up your way. Looked like they had plenty up at the meat raffle when we've been there, so......................... :confused:
:happy1: thanks.......my brother had it plowed out super bowl weekend...iffin it gets as warm as they say i should get in....i hope.
when i come up all depends on when or if that guy in grand rapids decides if the snow dropped enough!!!! :happy1:
seen on fartbook today highbanks is closing for the winter fishing season on feb 13th!!!!!!!!
seen on fartbook today highbanks is closing for the winter fishing season on feb 13th!!!!!!!!
Almost a month ago?
seen on fartbook today highbanks is closing for the winter fishing season on feb 13th!!!!!!!!
Almost a month ago?
:confused: :happybounce: :banghead: :banghead: oops!!! :rotflmao: march 13th, this coming Monday.
A sled & a SxS with tracks, both had pop up shelters, were out on the bay before noon today. Went into the resort as it was getting dark.
Looks like there going to be 2 of us up there in 2 weeks!!!🤭 :sleazy: :sleazy: :happy1:
Might want to bring your waders by that time. :sleazy: :rotflmao: Or your boat! :rolleyes:
Might want to bring your waders by that time. :sleazy: :rotflmao: Or your boat! :rolleyes:
:happy1: :happy1: whatever it takes!!! :happy1:
its gonna take tht long for all the snow to melt!!!!!!! shouldnt do much damage to the ice!!!!!!! i hope!!!! :rolleyes:
:scratch: Gonna be 40*+ & windy. :sleazy: :evil: :rolleyes: :smiley:
Looks like my tullibee trip is a go :dancinred: :dancinred: :blues brothers: :rocker;
Looks like my tullibee trip is a go :dancinred: :dancinred: :blues brothers: :rocker;
don't forget the pup!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Looks like my tullibee trip is a go :dancinred: :dancinred: :blues brothers: :rocker;
don't forget the pup!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:scratch: that's still up for debate?? :doah: :scratch:
Looks like my tullibee trip is a go :dancinred: :dancinred: :blues brothers: :rocker;
don't forget the pup!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:scratch: that's still up for debate?? :doah: :scratch:
but it's your dog!!!! he wants to be with you!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Looks like my tullibee trip is a go :dancinred: :dancinred: :blues brothers: :rocker;
don't forget the pup!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:scratch: that's still up for debate?? :doah: :scratch:
but it's your dog!!!! he wants to be with you!!! :happy1: :happy1:
:tut: don't push it!! :rotflmao: not sure I want to leave him in the cabin that much. He sure as hell ain't gonna sit still in my pullover shelter!! :doofus: :doofus:
Geigers shut down their access to trucks today.
Geigers shut down their access to trucks today.
oh my!!!!!!
just looked at the webcams........holy crapper did it get soggy up there today!!!!!!!
i seen highbanks are closed for the season also. there latest thing on facebook said there access is open at your own risk.and there is a collection box for road usage!!!!!!!
The Cutfoot bridge on 46 had water on top of the ice for 50 yds in both directions this AM early. I wouldn't be at all surprise if there's moving water there by the weekend or early next week. The Portage bridge doesn't look much different either. Seen 4-5 trucks/trailers parked on 46 by the Little Cutfoot entrance on our way home too. Must be 7-8 trucks/trailers over at the resort as well, double what was there this morning. With our temps, ~ 53*, & that wind we had quite a bit of water on top of the ice out here. Still seen 8-9 out here using 2 SxS & a wheeler by ~4:30-5.
:scratch: There can't be much :snow5: left out on our side of the bay. That W, SW, wind the last 2-3 days has turned the eastern 1/3 of the bay awfully gray.
just looked at the webcams....the landings look pretty wet. :confused: :doah: i'm not real concerned about ice thickenss, i'm way more worried about getting ON the lakes!!!!
geigers webcam just showed w wheelers headed out.............and a fly on there camera lenz!!!!!! :doah: :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: It doesn't look like the group over at Lakewood is having any trouble getting around out here to me but I did see 1 of the rigs headed west on CR 35 early yday. I talked to the husband over there earlier in the week & he said a lot of their guests had been fishing elsewhere this year. Little Cutfoot the most recently but he mentioned Bowstring, Winnie, Round, & Dunbar(?) too. When we got home from GR on Wednesday I wasn't sure I was going to make it in the driveway though as there's a lot of slush down there when you get to the top of that little hill.
yesterday afternoon i looked at geigers cam, there parking area on the lake looked like a big water puddle!!!!!
:scratch: Probably getting close to 2/3 of the bay had some standing water on it by the time the sun poked out here yday afternoon too. Luckily the downspouts weren't running early yday but we could use some cooler nights so it quits melting a little. They did have 1 gate at the dam by the paper mill in GR open & it was running pretty good. The river from there to Cohassett was starting to open up too.
cloudy days sure would help too!!!!!! after the weekend of the 25th-26th.........let'er buck.
The W, SW wind seems to be making a big difference too.
HEY GUNNER........question. you belong to the Sand lake watershed group. what is it they actually do??? other then having beer parties!!!!! :evil: :rotflmao: i guess i'm not really asking what they actually do for you, but ......... whats there purpose???
reason i ask is i got a letter/application in the mail today from the JLWA.jessie lake watershed association requesting i join. its only $15.00, so its not the money. mt dad belonged/joined it when he was alive, and from my memory it was simply a piece of information in newsletters!!!
mom carried it for a few years then decided no more so i carried it for a few years. i dont remember actually how this all went down but i did inquire about something regarding the watershed....the cabin lake is part of it and to say i was totally less than impressed, yea like the DNR FISHERIES! :rolleyes: i quit paying it. i got the distinct impression if you werent on Jessie in it self you were just donating money!!!!!
maybe things have changed since then, and i may give them a shot to convince me, since i'm retired i may go to a few meetings!!!! my thought process is to write this guy a letter asking a few questions.....and telling him his responses will dictate if i join or not.
IF ANYONE else here belongs to a watershed group.......PLEASE pipe in.......i'm truly interested in knowing your thoughts!!!!
Ours is the SLPOA, Sand Lake Property Owners Association, & we go back to '89 so we're 1 of the oldest lake associations in MN that is still in operation. Ours yearly dues are only $15 too but I usually pay it, so I give them $25 or an extra $10. That $10 can be designated to go to a special fund they can use anyway the members say they can, or they have a stocking fund as well & that's what I designate mine to. It's about the best $25 I spend every year IMO as they do a lot of good things for the lake. The SLPOA was instrumental in getting Birdseye turned into an AMA, Aquatic Management Area, in the last 3-4 years so it can't ever be developed back there. That took close to 20 years, the support of the DNR, & matching funds from the richest guy on the lake. There's a lot more but I don't have time now. Here's a look at the latest newsletter http://slpoa1.com/ & if you want to read more of it just click on the green NEWS in the grey box after the new president's introduction.
thanks gunner...looks interesting and your newsletter looks light years ahead of what jessie lakes was!!!!!!!
i'll be putting a pen to paper in the next couple days to find out more info about the Jessie watershed group!!!
We put 1.9 million walleye fry, that's double what the DNR usually does, in the lake in 2018. It was a non-stocking year for the DNR for our lake, they will only do it so often. So we talked to the DNR, we had to get a permit to do it, & they recommended where we could buy some. Then arranged for enough volunteers, & followed the DNR's & vendor's suggestions on how to go about putting them in the lake. I think that cost ~ $20 k, of which the association paid 1/2 & Mr. B paid the rest.
We put 1.9 million walleye fry, that's double what the DNR usually does, in the lake in 2018. It was a non-stocking year for the DNR for our lake, they will only do it so often. So we talked to the DNR, we had to get a permit to do it, & they recommended where we could buy some. Then arranged for enough volunteers, & followed the DNR's & vendor's suggestions on how to go about putting them in the lake. I think that cost ~ $20 k, of which the association paid 1/2 & Mr. B paid the rest.
way to feed and fatten up them snot rockets!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i wonder if the Jessie lake watershed group would fund restocking the cabin lake!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: there's supposedly someone on the lake on that board....... i'm sure he got my info!!!! :evil:
yea my buddy Wentzel told us we could get the permit and pay for stocking........but we don't have a rich guy on the lake!!!!!! :pouty:
:scratch: Rick guy??????? :bonk: :doah: I thought his name was Carl? :nerd: ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Rick guy??????? :bonk: :doah: I thought his name was Carl? :nerd: ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: fat fingers again. :confused: :rotflmao:
Seen a small group out on Bowstring on the north end when we went over to Hayslips yday. Looked like they were on wheelers with popups & flip overs to me. When we got down to the CR 35 access, they were all parked either on the road or just inside the entrance.
We put 1.9 million walleye fry, that's double what the DNR usually does, in the lake in 2018. It was a non-stocking year for the DNR for our lake, they will only do it so often. So we talked to the DNR, we had to get a permit to do it, & they recommended where we could buy some. Then arranged for enough volunteers, & followed the DNR's & vendor's suggestions on how to go about putting them in the lake. I think that cost ~ $20 k, of which the association paid 1/2 & Mr. B paid the rest.
way to feed and fatten up them snot rockets!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i wonder if the Jessie lake watershed group would fund restocking the cabin lake!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: there's supposedly someone on the lake on that board....... i'm sure he got my info!!!! :evil:
yea my buddy Wentzel told us we could get the permit and pay for stocking........but we don't have a rich guy on the lake!!!!!! :pouty:
:scratch: I seen quite a few 10-12" :fish2: last year at times though, so they didn't get 'em all. :happy1:
We get > $10 K in grants every year too. :happy1: :cool: The biggest comes from Micrsoft & is ~ $7 K, last I seen the #'s. Grants like that usually have to be applied for by former employees. There's another from 3M that's ~ $3 K. We also get 1 from Itasca County for AIS monitoring at the PA too, that 1 the SLPOA matches. Some of that goes towards time for a Decon Unit at the PA too. The Decon Unit is usually only here when they expect the PA to be pretty busy though. The people monitoring kind of rotate & are here a lot more, a couple I've talked to are retired DNR guys.
talked a bi t with my brother yesterday afternoon. he had called Geigers!!!!!! the guy there said you can easily get out from there resort and pretty much get anywhere now. he did say they had about 4 inches of water in there parking area!!!!!!
he told my brother he sees 2 trucks out on the lake but had no idea where they went out from!!!!
:scratch: I see TWC's site now has the 1-3" back in their forecast for Tuesday. We had 99.1 on the radio going to get the paper & they said ~ 1", maybe.
:scratch: I see TWC's site now has the 1-3" back in their forecast for Tuesday. We had 99.1 on the radio going to get the paper & they said ~ 1", maybe.
thats what i seen this morning also on a couple weather sites!
I'm heading up Wednesday after a funeral. We were going to go Monday but that got pushed off. Depending how fishing is we may make the meat raffle Friday. :happy1:
I'll have to see what our plans are. I know my brother has his eyes set on bowstring!! I'm hoping to get to pokegema for tullibees one day.
Headed up Tuesday morning!!
:scratch: GTG @ Hayslips next Friday?
:scratch: GTG @ Hayslips next Friday?
could be!!👍 I might need more beer by then anyway!! :confused:
:scratch: GTG @ Hayslips next Friday?
:scratch: You guys think your goin, give a ring.
I would sure like to make the meat raffle but I'm not driving and because of our late start we may end up fishing yet. But maybe Thursday and Friday morning will be good so we will need a break. Also I see 15 to 25 mph winds Friday so that may help our decision. :happy1:
If you see an MNO hoodie & a Lindell Ice Rig hat, that'd be me!!
More than likely I will have a black hoodie with NIKE on it and a gopher cap.
I'll have union thuggery sweatshirt. :sleazy:
I'm sure we are heading to Bow on Thursday and then see after that. Hopefully that will be good then look for sone sunnies and then hit the raffle and a few Busch Lights. :happy1:
Took a gander at the resorts access today when I got our mail & it's not very good. Some pretty deep ruts, 1/2 full of water in at least 3-4 spots. :rolleyes:
After I got minnows at the bowstring store I drove to the 35 access and drive right in. The access looks good now but after tomorrow who knows.
We told Tim over @ the Bstore what we had seen on Friday on the way to Talmoon & he wasn't at all surprised. He even added that he didn't blame them as he'd heard of quite a few getting stuck in there. He said that he'd heard that there was a lot of people out there on Saturday too.
I drove down in there no problem. Not
I much for parking and it's rough. The landing itself looked good.
About 2 inches of wet heavy snow. No sign of rain. I walked out on cabin lake there's junk ice, then water then good ice. The little lake had 6 inches of junk ice the a foot of good ice, no water in between.
Your brother still on his way? :scratch: Don't think I'd be going to far in this. :rolleyes:
Coming up tomorrow.
I drove down in there no problem. Not
I much for parking and it's rough. The landing itself looked good.
About 2 inches of wet heavy snow. No sign of rain. I walked out on cabin lake there's junk ice, then water then good ice. The little lake had 6 inches of junk ice the a foot of good ice, no water in between.
Ice to spooky for the wheeler glenn?
I was thinking of doing my usual lake clean-up this weekend but having second thoughts after this warm weather this past week,usually pull/load my utility trailer for the trash with my wheeler,walking out on white bear lake the other day fishing had large slush holes one can't see or tell until you step in one,kinda like a booby trap when ya find one,popping holes like you said once ya get through the crappy ice she's still 12"s of good clear ice and so far not drilling up ice cudes,it gets scary when your 8" auger drills a 12" hole and ice cubes come up as you drill.
Not up here it's not. The new wet snow here could make it a challenge getting stuck. I used my snowmobile yesterday
Looks like there's still 3 rigs over at the resort that were there last week too. The sleds they brought along have been sitting on a trailer after the 1st couple days. They have tracks on the SxS they've been using every day.
Gunner, I won't be at the meat raffle as we came back today due to the crappy weather and lake conditions. We'll get together there one of these times. :happy1:
Yea my pokegema thing is a bust to. I'll be headed home tomorrow morning so I'm staying put here.
dat suks
You do have beer don't you?
meat raffle :rotflmao: :happy1:
Is this Glenn at the cabin?
I was wondering if you were still up here, merc, & told my brother this morning that there was a good chance glenn was headed back today too. We were thinking about going after seeing glenn was still around but I wasn't real enthused about the drive with the way the weather is. Yeah, some other time. Thanks guys!! :happy1: :cool:
Is this Glenn at the cabin?
:scratch: Nope :rolleyes:,................................ now if that MGL in the can, maybe. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
That is exactly what Glenn looks like at the cabin. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Short on counter space. Nice undies glenn!
Is this Glenn at the cabin?
:confused: :pouty: :banghead: :banghead: :taz: i dont remember someone sneaking in and taking that picture!!!!! :scratch: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
cant be me..most my beer is in cans!!!!! :rotflmao: :mooning:
Somebody on foot :fishing: on the other side of the bay this afternoon. Would be out of the wind a little more over there. :rolleyes: Seen 2 wheelers leaving the bay from over on that side ~ 1:30 too. :crazy:
Short on counter space. Nice undies glenn!
you should see me in my thong undies! :smoking: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Short on counter space. Nice undies glenn!
you should see me in my thing undies! :smoking: :mooning: :rotflmao:
very scary thought I'm thinking!!!! :happy1: :thumbs:
My wife 🥰 doesn't think so!!! :sleazy: :wowza: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I'll ask her the next time I see her!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Short on counter space. Nice undies glenn!
you should see me in my thong undies! :smoking: :mooning: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :doah: Is that how you dress to get the paper? :nerd: :evil: If so, that might be why the neighbor lady moved. :sleazy: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Short on counter space. Nice undies glenn!
you should see me in my thong undies! :smoking: :mooning: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :doah: Is that how you dress to get the paper? :nerd: :evil: If so, that might be why the neighbor lady moved. :sleazy: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: or it could be that she couldnt take looking at that sexy body anymore..ever think of that!!!! :pouty: :doah: :bow: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
on a side note my brother texted me a picture last nite of another fine batch of sunfish they caught. good thing he has me to guide him!!!! :happy1: he's never hadany luck ice fishing sunfish on that lake!!!!!!! :happy1:
:scratch: SEXY BODY???? :doofus: :rolleyes: :bonk: :doah: I take it he was on the little lake? Had a SxS across the bay ~ 5 yday too.
Spaced out I took this picture. This was Tuesday afternoon. That picnic table was free and clear of snow the day before.
had to use the heater in the out house again I'll bet!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
That is why Gunner had that power outage. :rotflmao: :happy1:
had to use the heater in the out house again I'll bet!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:tut: :tut: :tut: never happening again. i let some of my candyazz friends do that once! the sidewalls of that building had 3-4 inches of ice all over it!!!!!!! :pouty: :bs: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:confused: :scratch: i just read Jeff Sundins report from 3-25.........we didnt find the same conditions he did!!!!!!!! :surrender: :doah: :scratch: :scratch:
We actually made it out on Bow but it was a bit of work. Couldn't get to our normal spots so fishing was not great. We are going back the week after next. By then the ice conditions should be fine. :happy1:
We actually made it out on Bow but it was a bit of work. Couldn't get to our normal spots so fishing was not great. We are going back the week after next. By then the ice conditions should be fine. :happy1:
hope so......where and when did you go out there??????????/
:scratch: Warming up again starting Monday & maybe another 1" of snow Wednesday in my 10 day. Mid - 30's to the mid - 40's & pretty windy too is what I'm seeing. Not so sure that will make getting out there much better than it is now. :confused: Even with that wind I'd guess there were ~10 people out on the bay since Friday here though, only 1 was using a snowmobile.
We put 1.9 million walleye fry, that's double what the DNR usually does, in the lake in 2018. It was a non-stocking year for the DNR for our lake, they will only do it so often. So we talked to the DNR, we had to get a permit to do it, & they recommended where we could buy some. Then arranged for enough volunteers, & followed the DNR's & vendor's suggestions on how to go about putting them in the lake. I think that cost ~ $20 k, of which the association paid 1/2 & Mr. B paid the rest.
way to feed and fatten up them snot rockets!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i wonder if the Jessie lake watershed group would fund restocking the cabin lake!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: there's supposedly someone on the lake on that board....... i'm sure he got my info!!!! :evil:
yea my buddy Wentzel told us we could get the permit and pay for stocking........but we don't have a rich guy on the lake!!!!!! :pouty:
bringing this back to the front.............right before i went up to the cabin this last time, i shipped off a letter to the guy that sent me the application to join the Jessie Lake Watershed assoc.
i threw the application away yesterday, today i got an email from a guy that is on the board, has a cabin on Peterson and says he represents the lake. first i'm pleases and surprised i actually got a reply, but..... he said these where the things they have done for the lake.......
hired a trapper to rid of beaver.they got 10.
watch the boats going on the lake for invasive species......... :rolleyes:
watch what people catch for fish and report it to the DNR
and working with the DNR to possibly restock the lake.....yea right........ after what Wentzel told me.not holding my breath!!!!
i'm pretty sure i know who the guy is, he has a 256
area code and he is from Alabama! i'll reply but need to do some research first!!!!
I see they have a stretch of CR 35 that they keep clean too as there's a sign over by Jessie View Resort. We do a 3 mile stretch of CR 4 & 35 twice a year here. I think that's pretty common, at least 1 section, with most lake associations in the state too. It sounds like they're doing much the same stuff as we do. :scratch:
well the guy from Alabama had a good email conversation yesterday!!!!!!!! he said they have a fall meeting scheduled in AUG!!!!1 i'm going to go to that!!!!!
he also told me later in the day that they got word in June sometime the DNR fisheries will be stocking the lake with bluegills, crappies and bass!!!!!! :happybounce: :dancinred: :dancinred: :blues brothers: :rocker; :happy1: with that being said.....i think i'll join the watershed!!!!!! :happy1:
i'd like to think i had a hand in that!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rolleyes:
:rolleyes: :doah: Yeah, probably :scratch:.....................................not as much as you THINK though. :sleazy: :tut: :doofus: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rolleyes: :doah: Yeah, probably :scratch:.....................................not as much as you THINK though. :sleazy: :tut: :doofus: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :pouty: :tut: :tut: :tut: oh pretty sure i started the fire!!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: You weren't even THAT important @ BM647. :rolleyes: :doah: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:pouty: You weren't even THAT important @ BM647. :rolleyes: :doah: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: oh i've been hearing things :tut: :tut: the negotiating i did by myself......there's 3 of them going now!!!!!! besides dont care no more!!!!!!!!!
there's some open water on the narrows cams!!!!!! hoping things are cleared up enough by the last weekend in April.........got things to do up nort!!!!!!!
:scratch: I don't think our ice will be out 'til May here. So we're headed home Wednesday for Easter, probably only be a week or so though. Where does the JLWA hold their meetings.........................Hayslips? ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: Do they have people taking lake samples to send in to the state like here? I imagine they would want to make sure somebodies septic or YOUR outhouse isn't running right in to the lake. :doah: It's 1 of our neighbors who does it here & he does water clarity (secchi disc) too.
:scratch: I don't think our ice will be out 'til May here. So we're headed home Wednesday for Easter, probably only be a week or so though. Where does the JLWA hold their meetings.........................Hayslips? ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: Do they have people taking lake samples to send in to the state like here? I imagine they would want to make sure somebodies septic or YOUR outhouse isn't running right in to the lake. :doah: It's 1 of our neighbors who does it here & he does water clarity (secchi disc) too.
o worries the outhouse is far enough from the lake. When dad added on to the cabin the inspector said it was fine but don't go closer to the lake.
The guy didn't know where the Aug meeting is going to be at. He said the last one was at the Jessie lake town hall I believe west of hayslips. Yea it's a Saturday morning meeting I doubt it'll be at hayslips. :rotflmao:
Water samples???? I know they do on Jessie not sure about the other lakes in the watershed. I know when you look at lake finder there is a sceechi reading.
:scratch: Their website https://minnesotawaters.org/jessielakewatershed/ says they do samples, looked up the Town Hall too & don't remember driving by that before. I don't do that stretch of CR 4 much though.
:scratch: Their website https://minnesotawaters.org/jessielakewatershed/ says they do samples, looked up the Town Hall too & don't remember driving by that before. I don't do that stretch of CR 4 much though.
when your driving from talmoon our way it's on the first curve across the road from the church there!! It's a small building.
:scratch: Must be small, Google Maps just shows a building but doesn't call it the JL townhall.. :rolleyes:
:scratch: There was quite a bit of open water @ the Cutfoot bridge on Friday but it didn't look like it was even close to 1/2 way to The Narrows to me, yet then. In a normal year they're putting the pens in by the resort & Little Cutfoot about now & take spawn in about a week. A lot of current there so it can go fast, especially with some rain, but I think they may be doing it a bit later than usual year.
The neighbor called early today, he'd just got his property taxes for up here :shocked: & he wanted to know what ours looked like. Ours were worse :doah: as it's been in the family so long there's been no new valuation done, they just got theirs from her parents. Seen yours yet?
Ours keeps going up. Not sure what the valuation went up but the taxes went up $146.00 oner last year's tax, pretty sure it has alot to do with the new big shed.
Nothing else has been done to the place in years!
The valuation here went up almost 70%, not sure what the taxes went up. We heard it has more to do with the new jail in GR, plus there's a bond issue. Sounds like there's quite few unhappy people about it around here.
Estimated Market Values have gone up quite a bit. Mine and some of my Itasca County neighbors’ EMV took some significant jumps. Also property I own in Anoka County and my sister’s property in Anoka County went up significantly. I think it’s mostly because of the increases in prices of homes all over. Not sure what the effect will be on the actual taxes due in 2023.
I’m in Hubbard co. I just received my proposed tax statement today. My home increased in market value $100000.00, my farm increased $60000.00. No improvements, Unbelievable!
Just took a peek at Geiger's webcam.... The lake looks like a wet mess and!!🙄
Sprinkles started here ~ 2, had a short snow squall around 5. Lots of really gray slushy lookin spots all over the bay by then too & the weedy point leavin the bay is starting to get kind of dark.
Sprinkles started here ~ 2, had a short snow squall around 5. Lots of really gray slushy lookin spots all over the bay by then too & the weedy point leavin the bay is starting to get kind of dark.
safe travels back today bud!!!!!!!
the ice on the webcams sure look like a sloppy mess........thats gotta do some damage to that ice. i'm ready for open water!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
The 1st open water we seen was were the Rum River ran into the west side of ML yday.
damn.........just read a story on MSN about the guy that owns Mcardles resort in Winnie. apparently he died in an accident out in Idaho fishing. :doah:
sounds like family and friends are helping the wife getting ready for summer business season!!!!!! :happy1:
Good story about him. Was in the Strib too.
Used them a few times for some charter fishing when Dad was in the wheelchair. Looked to be a pretty big family run operation to me, super nice people too. :sad:
just read the story, sad deal but good for them on moving forward!!!
Had someone asking about ice out on Nextdoor in the last day or so & he had 3 people respond. They all said they had 4-6" of new snow on Sunday & that there was still 25-30" of good ice on the lake. :evil: At least 2 of 'em had been on the ice last weekend & 1 said it's quite possible that there will be ice yet on the Opener. :rolleyes: One poster was from up by Max & the other 2 are on the east side of the mouth of the river.
Had someone asking about ice out on Nextdoor in the last day or so & he had 3 people respond. They all said they had 4-6" of new snow on Sunday & that there was still 25-30" of good ice on the lake. :evil: At least 2 of 'em had been on the ice last weekend & 1 said it's quite possible that there will be ice yet on the Opener. :rolleyes: One poster was from up by Max & the other 2 are on the east side of the mouth of the river.
:tut: :confused: well your full of encouraging news this morning!!!!!!!!! :doofus: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:confused: So you may want to turn on the fans & turn up the hot air when you go up next week! :nerd: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
its not cast in stone exactly when i go up!!!!! i really wanted t o take a boat ride to see if i can see any dead fish.ya know to dog the DNR !!!!!! :smoking: :evil: and to put the pump in, wont be the end of the world if i dont get that done, my brother can do that. hoping the close to 70 and rain saturday helps along!!!! i can do alot of other things on my list that doesnt require the ice being off!!!!!
the weather has more of a factor of when i go then the ice on the lake!!!! :rotflmao:
:scratch: Another winterkill & they may change their minds on stocking. :rolleyes: :evil: I'm seein more like 60 for Saturday up there & low 40's - upper 30's on both sides of that. :confused:
it'll help!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
Had someone asking about ice out on Nextdoor in the last day or so & he had 3 people respond. They all said they had 4-6" of new snow on Sunday & that there was still 25-30" of good ice on the lake. :evil: At least 2 of 'em had been on the ice last weekend & 1 said it's quite possible that there will be ice yet on the Opener. :rolleyes: One poster was from up by Max & the other 2 are on the east side of the mouth of the river.
i'm thinking there blowing smoke........unless its all melted since sunday there is a fair amount of ground showing on the webcams this morning!!!! :rotflmao: :mooning:
AND according to the CO'S reports yesterday, there maybe 25 plus inches of ice, the landings are getting iffy!! :nerd: :nerd:
:scratch: :confused: I just thought I should share the good news!! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
hey Gunner....i assume your up at the lake??? :scratch: :scratch: just curious, how much snow is still laying around in the woods up there???
kinda hard to get the big picture by the webcams.......about the only thing i see there is a big sloppy mess!!!!! from what i did see looks like the snow took a big hit!!!!!!!!!!
:scratch: Somewhere between Hill City & GR we started seeing snow. Mainly in the west & north facing ditches but there was quite a bit back in the woods in some of those spots too. We have some snow in the yard yet where we plowed or it's shaded but I suspect a good share of that will disappear today. There was no snow out on the bay but it looks more like a swimmin pool today. The ditches between Aitkin & Hill City were full of water yday too. The dam at the papermill was rollin yday & I don't think I've ever seen much more water below that dam than there was when we went by. No sign of your DNR buddies ;) :rolleyes: :smiley: yet over at Little Cutfoot where they normally take spawn either. There is a small area on the north side of our shoreline & the bullrush bed is thicker that has a little open water.
:scratch: Somewhere between Hill City & GR we started seeing snow. Mainly in the west & north facing ditches but there was quite a bit back in the woods in some of those spots too. We have some snow in the yard yet where we plowed or it's shaded but I suspect a good share of that will disappear today. There was no snow out on the bay but it looks more like a swimmin pool today. The ditches between Aitkin & Hill City were full of water yday too. The dam at the papermill was rollin yday & I don't think I've ever seen much more water below that dam that there was when we went by. No sign of your DNR buddies ;) :rolleyes: :smiley: yet over at Little Cutfoot where they normally take spawn either. There is a small area on the north side of our shoreline & the bullrush bed is thicker that has a little open water.
thanks bud!!!!!!! :happy1: i got a couple downed trees in the woods i'd like to cut up!!!!!! :happy1:
Lots of mud at my place.
Still some standing water here so I'm not sure the frost has gone out yet. :scratch: Probably getting close though as the puddles are getting smaller. Some green grass in the sunny spots starting to show too. It doesn't sound like this week's weather will be a lot of help though. :pouty:
the webcams view of the ice looks pretty dark today!!!!!!!
:scratch: Not much open water down by the little bridge yday or the 1 down by your girlfriends' place on Friday either. :confused: :sleazy: :nerd: :evil: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:scratch: Not much open water down by the little bridge yday or the 1 down by your girlfriends' place on Friday either. :confused: :sleazy: :nerd: :evil: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:mooning: don't matter, I'm going to be coming up tomorrow afternoon one way or da udder!!
:scratch: We're ready!! :snow2: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:scratch: We're ready!! :snow2: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:scratch: Maybe, just a few flurries now. :angel: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning: you aint scaring me!!!! :mooning: :evil: hoping to be there by 6 tonight!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
:sleazy: :nerd: :evil: :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
the webcams are starting to show some pretty crappy ice today!!!!!!!!
inthe mail today i received the Jessie Lake Watershed Assoc......newsletter called the jessie jabber!!!!! although i wasnt specifically named :evil: :rotflmao: they did have discussions on stocking our lake this spring!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Just seen on fartbook that kim and Rick sold highbanks resort and headed to south Dakota! :confused: :doah: :shocked:
Wonder who bought the resort???
We had somebody posting about being out & checking the ice Saturday. They had a lot of slush for 20-25' but it was much better after that. They went out 100' & found 22" of good clear ice yet then. :shocked: Posted a pic too & you could see his tracks getting out there. Looked but I couldn't find anything on the new HB owners. :scratch:
Over on IDO someone posted a shot of the new owners. The guys name is Evan, pretty sure he was working for highbanks and I had heard this was in the works for a while!
The neighbor's youngest usually goes over there quite a bit that way he can leave his house over here & not haul it home all the time. He said they were pretty busy this year.
:scratch: It's ~ 1/2 way open down at the little bridge this morning. If the rest doesn't go out today, it should tomorrow IMO. Seen my 1st Loon down there today too. :cool:
:happy1: the webcams are showing more open water and darker ice every day. :happy1:
Can't be a whole lot of snow left in the woods either???
I see where Sundin has been talkin to your buddy :rolleyes:...........................Weitzel & he told Sundin that it'll be at least this weekend before they start to set up the stripping operation over on Little Cutfoot.
I see where Sundin has been talkin to your buddy :rolleyes:...........................Weitzel & he told Sundin that it'll be at least this weekend before they start to set up the stripping operation over on Little Cutfoot.
i read that too!!!!!!!!
a landowner on Peterson, he's from Alabama is on the board of the Jessie Lake Watershed, he and i have been having email conversations lately. i happen to get there newsletter in the mail and noticed that they are going to try and get him there at the picnic or fall meeting in Aug. since they got he fisheries talked into stocking peterson.i'm going to join the watershed group.......and plan on going to a meeting he is at to meet Mr. Wentzel!!!!! :nerd: :nerd:
I've talked to him a couple times when he came to our meetings & he's a nice guy. It was quite a while ago now though & he was just the regional biologist instead of being the lead guy, like he is now.
Found out that many lakes in the 500 acre variety went ice free today. The ice in front of Geiger sure took a beating. :happy1:
I checked the satellite late Tuesday & some small lakes around Emily still had ice then, so it's going fast. Now only the mid-sized lakes just south of Leech show any ice. There was still a little down in the channel yday ~ 2, but we had 25-30' of open water along our shore by yday PM. The weed bed leaving our bay has gotten real dark in the last couple days too. With some wind & rain in the forecast we should be open by Tuesday, Wednesday at the latest IMO.
looks like the wind pushed the ice sheet around on bowstring!!!!!!
It didn't look like we lost much ice yday IMO but this morning it's pushed everything away from our shore, big time. The weedy point leavin the bay is open all the way across today too, so it will really be movin now. No ice down at the little bridge yday either. Today's wind, rain tomorrow & possibly Monday & a good share of our ice could be gone by Tuesday or Wenesday.
looks like most of the ice is gone out of the narrows cams, the bowstring cams show alot of really black ice!!!!!!
reading Jeff Sundins report, according to my buddy in the rapids fisheries dept!! :sleazy: :evil: Wentzel said they wont be doing the egg collection at cutfoot this year. apparently 2 other collection sites got plenty!!!!!!
Checked our PA on the way home & there's still a little ice in the NW side of our Narrows. A bit in the NW corner of the Boot too, so I'd imagine the north end of the big lake has some as well. Quite a bit of pretty black ice out front of the CR 35 access on Bowstring & on Geiger's webcam this AM too. Wentzel? :doofus: :confused: If your gonna be buddies :rolleyes: you might as well get his name right, & it's Weitzel. :sleazy: :nerd: :evil: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Checked our PA on the way home & there's still a little ice in the NW side of our Narrows. A bit in the NW corner of the Boot too, so I'd imagine the north end of the big lake has some as well. Quite a bit of pretty black ice out front of the CR 35 access on Bowstring & on Geiger's webcam this AM too. Wentzel? :doofus: :confused: If your gonna be buddies :rolleyes: you might as get his name right, & it's Weitzel. :sleazy: :nerd: :evil: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
oh boy!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
:pouty: :pouty: whatever, weasel, wentzel, weitzel, all the same!!! :mooning: :rotflmao: once I get to personally meet him, then I'll decide!!! :happy1:
:scratch: He takes 1 look at you :evil: & he'll RUN the other way :mooning: :rotflmao:.......................... if he's 1/2 as smart as I think he is. :doah:
:scratch: He takes 1 look at you :evil: & he'll RUN the other way :mooning: :rotflmao:.......................... if he's 1/2 as smart as I think he is. :doah:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: ha!!!!!!! i'll dazzle him with :bs: :bs: :happy1: :happy1:
Rumor has it, well I did see a picture taken from a pontoon, the ice is out on Roosevelt in Outing.
And the ice on bowstring took a beating today.
We weren't at the 35 access very long but there was quite a bit (15-20') of open water between shore & the ice. The ice looked like it did here yday too, pretty dark.
Gunner, what's in your mind is the water level at?? My brother likes to dump in on little sand and head up rice to that rice lake! If it's low he can't get there
He won't have any trouble as it's as high as I can ever remember seeing it. In fact, we may need to take a 16' section off our 40' rollout dock. We only had 28' out early 2-3 years ago & that was ~ as high as I remember seeing it since the late 70's. We may be even higher starting this season. :crazy:
he'll be glad to hear it. when he can get up there he does pretty good for walleyes......by the time i get there walleyes are usually back in the main lakes!!!!! :pouty: :confused:
looks like the ice is gone on bowstring. maybe just a tiny bit along geigers shoreline!!!!! :happy1:
It was piled up there pretty good late yday afternoon, so it probably is all gone. Might take the wheeler over to Northern Acres & check it out, later.
I found a little ice at the NW PA on Bowstring yday. Most of it was breaking up & floating except for 2 spots to the north where it was still attached to shore. Maybe 20-25 yds along that shore is all.
just rerad jeff sundins report.......basiclly about minnows for opener. he says spottails will more then likely not be available. and if they are reven more spendy.
also i guess now iffin you arent a native you can no longer trap minnows on any leech lake reservation lake :crazy: apparently winnie and leech lake but out a pile of spottailsl!!!! :scratch:
I'm as native as they are. :confused:
I'm as native as they are. :confused:
oh i hear ya........dont get me started!!!!!!! :angry2: :angry2: :confused: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I read it too, & he also said that there were only a couple "non-native" trappers working the rez to begin with, so the retail customers shouldn't notice too much difference. I did peek at the bait tanks at L&M yday & they were empty, not even a crappie minnow. Same way last season, so then I asked a guy I know & was told they had some comin on Friday. They did have minnows the next week when we were there, but not many shiners left. We had lunch in DR yday & when we left town there was a flatbed truck with at least 6-8 bait tanks on it sitting at Fred's ~ 12:30. I didn't know Fred's had been sold though :scratch:, sounds like the guy that has the 1 by GDP has it now.
Brother told me last night he feels the lake right now is about normal water level. He did think the swamps and creeks are plenty full from the snow and water runoff!
:scratch: We're WAY UP, 2-3' at least. :confused:
So Gunner how busy is the bay this morning??
Not very!! Most of the boats at the resort were still at the dock at 10-10:30. Went over to the NW access too, the parking area by the ramp had maybe a dozen rigs in it. There was another dozen total on the road on both sides combined. Normally, they're parked almost 3/4 of the way down to Geiger's road on the east side & ~ 1/2 way down on the other. Pretty windy, it'd be kind of chilly sittin in a boat IMO. Been a few from the resort come back into the bay today, but not many & they haven't stuck around very long.
Haven't heard any reports from my brother??? I'd send him a text. But then he'd think I actually cared!! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
They were parked on the road at 8 already at the CR 35 access today. Looked like 2-3 more had just put in & were lookin for a place to park when we were on our way home. Tim said all the reports he heard were pretty good. The nicer :fish2: came in the afternoon but that's when the wind was really blowin too.
Gunner, Merc, do you guys get your propane from cenex???
We do and today I got a dear John letter from them saying there not doing the summer propane fill special due to the high demand last winter and the voilate market caused by Russia/ Ukraine!! :confused: :doofus: :pouty:
I have electric heat and the 20 pounders I get filled in Talmoon.
Gunner, Merc, do you guys get your propane from cenex???
We do and today I got a dear John letter from them saying there not doing the summer propane fill special due to the high demand last winter and the voilate market caused by Russia/ Ukraine!! :confused: :doofus: :pouty:
I got a notice from them that I’m not using enough. We have a dual fuel system with electric heat and propane as a backup. We also have an air source heat pump and burn wood. They said they needed to swap out the tank for a smaller one or drop us. We’re going with the smaller tank until we can check other options.
I don't think we've gotten that notice yet as they probably send it to Ia, but I'm sure we will. I'm not at all surprised that they aren't doing the summer fill special with what has been going on in that market since Putin got stupid. It was really cold up here, -20 to -30 a lot, in February too. When we went to town, we rarely seen any of their delivery trucks sitting at their depot by ~ 8:30. I think it was the end of March before we seen more than 1 truck sitting in DR & they have 6 trucks. :crazy:
We're dual fuel as well, our electricity is for in floor heat, basement & garage, with an on-demand boiler & our heat pump. The furnace is propane as is our generator, so we have a 500-gallon tank that we own. We typically only need to fill once a year & that's usually October before we go back to Ia. Because we own our own tank, we can buy propane from whoever we want. The tank does need pressure testing every so often then though, :scratch: ~ every 10 years(?). Is there a fee for them to change your tank, FW? If so, you may want to look into buying 1 yourself IMO.
We own the tank too. I remember not long after my dad died mom got a letter from them saying we had to buy the tank for some stupid reason. Think they said due to the price of steel.
I was making my living working with steel at the time, so I shipped off a letter telling them that tank was already made. Didn't do any good. :confused:
I'll have to see what da brudder says!
We are Cenex up here and we just filled with the summer fill program. Think it was $1.69. ?? We have a 500 and we lease from them but that is free cuz we use enough of it.
Our tank is leased. I tried to buy it from them, but they said no. They are raising the annual payment from $100 to $150 if I remember right. We told them we will go ahead with the 250 gallon tank, which will also have a price increase to $100/year. They will pump the remaining propane into the smaller tank when they change it. I’ll be looking at other options to buy a tank, and use all of the propane in the current one before the next lease payment.
I don't know what tanks sell for now days but get your own!!! I paid $600. years ago, to much but was cornered by Ferrell... after I paid for it I dropped them fast, never looked back... but this year will interesting for gas prices every where.. good luck!!
I don't know what tanks sell for now days but get your own!!! I paid $600. years ago, to much but was cornered by Ferrell... after I paid for it I dropped them fast, never looked back... but this year will interesting for gas prices every where.. good luck!!
if my memeory serves me correctly...think mom cut a check for $500.00!!!!
I owned my own in Heron Lake too, a little hard to bring it up here!!!
My brother sent me a few texts with fish pictures. He fished little Jessie and man did they have some dandy smallmouth bass!!
Did get some eyes on another lake I'm not mentioning!! :sleazy: they where headed to cutfoot today!!
We are Cenex up here and we just filled with the summer fill program. Think it was $1.69. ?? We have a 500 and we lease from them but that is free cuz we use enough of it.
:scratch: My brother said he checked propane prices online not that long ago & found that the average price for Mn was $2.66 then, which is ~ $1 more than what we paid last fall. :rolleyes:
:scratch: Been pretty tough for the people at the resort to even get out that much here with the strong wind & it's direction. :crazy:
About 1/2 of the weekend crew at the resort pulled their boat this morning. They are now empty except for 1 that showed up yday.
Glenn, I know where your brother got the eyes at. Trust me I know. :happy1: ;)
Glenn, I know where your brother got the eyes at. Trust me I know. :happy1: ;)
:rotflmao: no... He wasn't on your side of 6. :rotflmao: I might be. :sleazy:
No. it was the lake you always said doesn't have any fish. Remember? :scratch:
No. it was the lake you always said doesn't have any fish. Remember? :scratch:
:scratch: :scratch: I've added a few to that list lately????
So no I don't??? If it's big Jessie ... Nope. But that's where I'd say I caught them!!!🤣
If he didn't cross six there are only two lakes left. One has a slot so might not be that one. :scratch:
he did text me a picture of the fish they got over on cutfoot. i did not see any walleyes in the bucket but they did get some slimers. perfrct for the smoker!!!!!!
Merc.....he thinks the slot is merely a suggestion!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: but i've fished with him enough he does follow the rules.....at least when i'm there. damn cheeseheads!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
havent decided when i'm headed up yet???? friday or saturday. mom will be there till sunday morning!!!!! we just do things different and she gets funny on those things that shouldnt really matter!!!!!! :scratch: :doah: and i'm bringing the 2 dogs.....whick will make it even worse!!!
My crew is heading up for our 45th annual trip the day after Memorial day and then another crew is coming up the 9th of June. Busy few weeks but lots of fun will be had. :happy1:
My crew is heading up for our 45th annual trip the day after Memorial day and then another crew is coming up the 9th of June. Busy few weeks but lots of fun will be had. :happy1:
:evil: :evil: guess it'll be safe to head east of hwy 6 next week!!! :sleazy: :evil: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Got really dark here ~ 4:30, rain started not long after, then I could hear the wind picking up. Looked outside & could see the straight-line wind coming across the bay. It must've been close to a 60 mph wind. :crazy: :scratch: Got trees down, 1 on the boatshed again & another in the front yard that wasn't quite big enough to reach the cabin, this time. No power either, so the genny is running. Called our tree guys & they said it was the same over in Blackduck, where they live.
Oh no. Well stay safe Gunner.
Lucky for us, it didn't last very long, 5 minutes tops. :doah:
good to hear all safe!!
Good luck, Gunner. I spent Monday afternoon untangling and cutting up a fair sized birch tree that wiped out a couple sections of deck railing last Wednesday night. I’ve got some professionals coming next week to drop a half dozen trees that are close to the house and leaning in the wrong direction that I can’t take down without risk of additional damage. They’ll drop them and I’ll limb the small branches and cut the rest up for firewood. The smaller branches are really a PITA. I’m thinking of cutting them alittkexsmaller and trailering them to the compost site on River Road.
Got power back a bit after 6:30, it was out for ~ 1.5 hours.
Brother sent me some pictures of trees down. Looks like on may have headed to the cabin :angry2: :confused:
got a text from him about noonish he said the tree is down and cut up but never said anything about damage!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
The sky is turning awfully dark again & the radar ain't lookin so pretty right now either. :pouty: Found our tree guy's card in the door when we got home & gave him a call. He's coming back with his heavy equipment next week. The insurance company called ~ 5 too. :cool:
By the way Gunner, :sleazy: :evil: found out yesterday one of my neighbors, no a nice one, will be heading up your way tomorrow morning too!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: so you'll have a few cold spring residents up there. :sleazy: :super smiley: :super smiley:
He and his clan are staying at bowstring shores!!!🤣🤣
:tut: Found out those CS guys aren't as scary as they sound. :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: Brother & I won at the meat raffle last night again. :happy1: Neighbor had a couple nice winners at pull tabs too. :cool:
Well fishing pretty much sucked. Got enough pike for a batch to pickled and one big enough to debone and had that for chow one day. With the weather nice one day and crappy the next was kinda hard to figure out them fish.
Never tried for panfish. Last night I went and opened up the beaver dam, there was a big old snapping turtle looking like it was starting to make it's nest for the eggs. Oh man she was easy Pickens. :sleazy: all I seen was a turtle shell clock and a nummy turtle supper. BUT I let it be so it could do it's thing.... And well can't legally harvest them yet!
the best part of that time i was up there i never turned on the TV and the only radio i listened to was when i drove someplace with the truck.
damn that was nice!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Went over to the NW PA yday PM, found 3 rigs parked & 1 coming out. The guy coming out said he didn't catch anything. Tim over at the Bstore said last weekend that it had really slowed down over there when I told him we only found 5 @ CR 35 access. Heard the resorters here have been getting a few but almost all are slots. Pretty slow the last week or so over at Mosmo Pt as well, lately.
hey gunner, have you had any dealings with the township people. it looks like we are in the sand lake township. i googled that and found 3 of the township people live around Sand lake with spring lake addresses. the names i found where, a Neverburg, Dehn and the clerk Rassmussen. know any of them????????
i figured i made such good friends with the DNR fisheries people :sleazy: :smoking: :rotflmao: i'd try them next!!!!!!! :rotflmao: my brother and i got to talking about the condition the main road to the cabin is in. we are down dallas road and we go off on dallas trail. its been a whole lotta years since they did any road grating or anything to it............says no money?? :confused: :doah: this has been since before dad passed away.....all of 20 years, people that live year round pays someone to snowplow :doah: :crazy: :doofus:
we figured they could at the very least come in once every 2-3 years and grade the dang road in and out once, for the amount of tax money they collect from about the 10 cabins that use that road.
I know the Dehns, they took Sis's old fiberglass beast of a paddle boat off our hands. They live on Eggar Rd & usually sell sweet corn as they have a huge garden on a separate lot. She's usually pretty involved with the kitchen at the SL Community Center too, when there's anything very big going on. Seem like good people to me. :cool:
Like that mess with the Township Council by Mora, if they don't maintain it for 40 years they can abandon it and then it is not their responsibility to maintain it anymore. Don't let them get by with that.
Know Rasmussen a bit too, only because she posts on Nextdoor quite a bit.
Like that mess with the Township Council by Mora, if they don't maintain it for 40 years they can abandon it and then it is not their responsibility to maintain it anymore. Don't let them get by with that.
good thing you brought that up LPS.... :happy1: :happy1: i made the list of the ones with the spring lake addresses. i'm going to stop at the spring lake store and ask some questions before i make any contact with anyone.
:scratch: Play nice....................... :evil: for a change!! ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Play nice....................... :evil: for a change!! ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:sleazy: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: :evil: :angel: :angel: :angel:
Heading up tomorrow till Saturday for our 44th annual trip and then another crew next week Thursday the 9th till Sunday. Hopefully make a meat raffle at least one trip. Fishing, not sure what it will be like but fun will be had. :happy1:
Good luck fishing Merc. :happy1: I'll be in the area on your second trip up!! :sleazy: :happy1:
:scratch: Meat raffle..................6/10? :confused:
That may work. Depends how serious those guys want to fish. :happy1:
Stopped at Sportsmans for lunch today & overheard 'em talkin about 107 mph winds Monday night. Went out MN 6 as to see how much damage there was as most is out there. Post Office, Funeral Home, & the Church just a block off Main had some significant damage too.
I assume then you headed home on Cty 35? How did things look there??
Only a few small trees in the ditch on CR 35, the damage along Mn 6 disappeared as we got north CR 19 & closer to CR 37 too. Heard that there was quite a bit of damage over by Ballclub & again over on a little lake just east of Deer Lake called McAvity Lake.
Got back from our last trip and between the bugs and the wind it was brutal. I have never seen the skeeters that bad, even the wind didn't keep them away by the cabin. Considering the wind we did OK fishing. Got a dozen walleye and picked up enough nice sunfish for a fish fry. We got the sunnies while trolling for walleye but never tried fishing them. Going back Thursday with the next crew. Will try walleye and panfish both this trip. Made it to Hayslips Friday but left before the meat raffle started. :happy1:
I'll be heading up Friday morning, probably before you and gunner get outta bed!!!🤭 :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao:
Back from the north land. Gunner, it was great meeting up with you. Good visit, no meat but I'm used to not winning. We ended up getting our limit of walleye for five guys and the bonus sunfish I told you about. Got three on Bow and the rest on the other two lakes I told you we were fishing. Good trip except for the hoards of skeeters. :happy1:
Dis was Friday on my top secret hot spot. :mooning: we are 8 short of 2 limits.
This was one outing, not sure which lake. We done did well with pike. I got pickling and smoking material now!!! :happy1:
Glenn I used to love catching any northerns. When I get the Y-bones out of them I like them as much as walleye. I may have to get back into that. Sure fun to catch. I trolled with a 14' boat and a Rapala or a Red Eye. On the small lake type thing we were on bobbers along the weed edges worked good too.
We typically use rapalas of all kinds but do best with plain old daredevils!! I bet we caught 60 pike!!
Looks like you guys had fun!! :happy1:
Looks like you guys had fun!! :happy1:
why yes we did!!!! Even burnt some firewood!!
Think a few skeeters where as big as some of the sunfish!!! :rotflmao:
so they ate good off ya!!! good for you guys!!! :happy1:
so they ate good off ya!!! good for you guys!!! :happy1:
if they did not sure what there blood alcohol content would of been!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Back from the north land. Gunner, it was great meeting up with you. Good visit, no meat but I'm used to not winning. We ended up getting our limit of walleye for five guys and the bonus sunfish I told you about. Got three on Bow and the rest on the other two lakes I told you we were fishing. Good trip except for the hoards of skeeters. :happy1:
Good to get together with you too. :cool: Neighbor & I found some hungry fish last night here. I had 3 eyes but 2 went ~ 11 & the other was 17". He had a lot of action too, but only 1 eye that was a shade small (14.5"). Out early today too, had 3 in no time but they were all younguns. :scratch: Maybe, we could meet again over there sometime soon & have time for a couple of cold 1's.
We typically use rapalas of all kinds but do best with plain old daredevils!! I bet we caught 60 pike!!
Plain old red and white daredevil has to to be responsible for more northern catches than any other bait by a wide margin.
Last year I had a black with orange stripe that was deadly. This past weekend it was and orange and white stripe daredevil. :happy1:
and yes sir...red and white is a killer too!!!!!!! :happy1: and other one we've had extremely good success with is a orange and gold hammered daredevil!!!!!!
I know the Dehns, they took Sis's old fiberglass beast of a paddle boat off our hands. They live on Eggar Rd & usually sell sweet corn as they have a huge garden on a separate lot. She's usually pretty involved with the kitchen at the SL Community Center too, when there's anything very big going on. Seem like good people to me. :cool:
so, while i was up there i did some investigating!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: i had the names to the sand lake township board, so i stopped at the spring lake store. she told me we are in Lake Jessie township. she went on to say the reason most the sand lake township people had spring lake addresses is due to the U.S. mail service!!! made sense.
NOW.......... :sleazy: i hunted down the Lake Jessie township board members! :happy1: :happy1: she asked me a question that kinda bothers me though. she asked if out main road going in was a Township road. she said the road she lives on is not and they wont grade it???????????????
Kind of figured that was the deal with the SL TWP people. :scratch: Didn't realize your road was a JL TWP road either & I'm not all that surprised that they don't do much for maintenance on those. :huh:
well it looks like maybe i will be headed to the cabin over amateur weekend! 4th of july. my kid wants to go up and asked if i was going up. i first told him no but thought what the hay........doesnt really matter to me. he needs to see if he can get out of his parttime gig first. i got a couple projects i could use and extra back............ the lakes i intend to hit shouldnt be busy so...........
otherwise it'll be the thursday after the 4th!!!!!!!
Heard there was a LOT of damage over on Little Jessie from Friday's storm when we got the paper today. A lift flipped upside down with a pontoon still on it, quite a few other boats, docks & lifts damaged too. Property damage from all the trees down as well. Knocked out the co-op's substation up by Talmoon too & there's still a bunch without power, Tim said. Word is it was a twister, I know my brother's cell rang just once & really loud just before the weather hit here (~ 11:30). He said it was a Tornado Warning from the Sheriff's dept. Hardly a stick to pick up here!! :crazy:
the other day my brother sent me an email. one of his kids friends that deer hunts with us went up that way to go camping, thiings didnt work out so he asked if he could camp in our yard. we were fine with it.
later on in the day after watching the weather forecast i sent him one back telling him that maybe he should use the cabin cause the weather was sounding nasty.
long story short he was super glad he had that opportunity cause there phones went bazerk too and he said it it was pinpointed right on the cabin area. e did sauy everything was fine at the cabin.
i dont look at the webcamsas much during the summer months, decided to take a peek today.......holy crap th dock at the narrows is almost all under water!!!!!! :doofus:
There's 2 or 3 over here on Portage that are even closer to the water. A decent SE wind & a couple probably have waves over the top, in fact.
One of my major projects this past weekend was putting in that new first dock section. The one it replaced was downright dangerous.
Of course I had all kinds of help!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
what 60 feet to go??
Nope goes all the way to the water edge!!!
Iffin ya mean my help he's probably heading out there for the 10th time!! :rotflmao:
So glad you had help. Much needed!!!
:scratch: I see why you brought beer home. ;) Walkin on some of that looks like it might make me feel like I'd already had a couple too many. :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:scratch: I see why you brought beer home. ;) Walkin on some of that looks like it might make me feel like I'd already had a couple too many. :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: ha........the rest are in tip top shape. we change boards when needed.........and thats the second section i rebuilt........union made too!!!!!! :mooning: :rotflmao:
i also got my red and white clover planted around the big shed. busted my butt to get that done before they said it was going to rain......well that didnt happen. :banghead: :banghead:
This is the new America I guess.
:scratch: I see why you brought beer home. ;) Walkin on some of that looks like it might make me feel like I'd already had a couple too many. :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: ha........the rest are in tip top shape. we change boards when needed.........and thats the second section i rebuilt........union made too!!!!!! :mooning: :rotflmao:
i also got my red and white clover planted around the big shed. busted my butt to get that done before they said it was going to rain......well that didnt happen. :banghead: :banghead:
:scratch: :doah: Yeah, I was shocked too, the weather was awfully nice this trip. :nerd: :confused: :evil:
Woke up one morning to see this in front of our big shed. Think a critter found this turtle nest. By the size of the eggs and hole my guess a snapper.
all the eggs gone, too bad...
Had a big 1 in our yard & driveway 2-3 times last week laying eggs too. Unfortunately, the neighborhood fox knows about our compost pile & usually hits it on his daily rounds. So I think he gets most all of 'em. :sad:
So are those still eggs in the bottom of the hole?
Looks like almost all those are broken & empty too :scratch:, when I zoomed in, JB.
So are those still eggs in the bottom of the hole?
yes.........and they were all destroyed.. unfortunately!!!!!!! :confused: :confused:
Dang. That is to bad.
my brother was telling me last night that last oct when he was up at the cabin he noticed a couple real little snappers crawling around the yard. they did find the nest/hole dug it out and found about 25 little fellers. so they escorted them right down to the lake.
he spends time trapping turtles and seems to be up on them. he said about 1 in 100 eggs that hatch and make it to the water. until they get to the water there survival rate pretty much sucks!!!! :confused: :doah:
That's cool. I knew they had a tuff time getting to the point of being in the water. Friends of ours used to own a resort on Leech and they would cover the nest until they hatched. Most all of those would get to the lake. Always wished we could time it to see them hatch. But never got that lucky.
well i should of stayed home!!!!1 :coffee: :scratch: weather was good for the most part. had a dandy thunder and lightning show early say morning. shut the fish down big time. tried a lake i have fished in 30 plus years, lakefinder says lots of smoker size nords....made 3 laps with different lures......natta!!!!! damn deerflies chewed up my ankles.
sat i fished in Mercs backyard!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: maple lake. got dinky sunfish and to small of nords for what i wanted. :bonk: had the AIS inspector there checking boats going to big turtle and maple. nice guy...........AND i passed with flying colors!!!!! :rotflmao:
so then i decided i'm going to work with shadow getting him in the boat so i dumped it in cabin lake. it took some treat bribery and a leash but he went in. took a spin around the lake and he done good!!!! :happy1: got to shore and he was in and out a bunch!!!!!! :rotflmao:
BUT..........my motor went to hell. i cant get it to shift..........and if it dont shift into nuetral it wont start. so i brought it home to get fixed..........hooe it dont cost me an arm and leg. :pouty:
ouch, but good to hear the pooch likes the boat... figured he would.... :happy1:
Great to hear Shadow is now a boat dog. :happy1:
There are a lot of dink sunnies in there. Last time I tried it I got a nice one the first fish I got and then we must have had 200 that were dinks. All the good lakes around me now are a five fish limit. Heading up to Arcadia Friday for a week with my son and his family and his in laws and a couple of friends. :happy1:
I seem to have better luck there with sunfish in the fall.
There are a lot of dink sunnies in there. Last time I tried it I got a nice one the first fish I got and then we must have had 200 that were dinks. All the good lakes around me now are a five fish limit. Heading up to Arcadia Friday for a week with my son and his family and his in laws and a couple of friends. :happy1:
:happy1: have fun. You ever fish that hatch lake??
Never fished Hatch, I know a guy that has a cabin on it and it's just like Big Turtle,. deep and super clear. Tough lake to fish. He said he has caught a few big walleye off his dock but over all not a good fishing lake. We try Turtle when we are up there but we never get much. A few bass and crappies but nothing to brag about. But we rent a pontoon as it's a beautiful lake to cruise around on. Lots of islands and not a whole lot of cabins. :happy1:
Went down to the NW access on Bowstring yday, not 1 car. Word must be out or there'd been at least a few locals over there, been like that for at least a month to a month & a 1/2 too. Been a lot like that over at Mosomo Point when we go to town lately as well. Surface temps here have been < 72* early in the day lately, when I've been out.
well i'll be coming up next tueday............and i plan on chasing fish around!!!!!!! :sleazy:
:scratch: Rain Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday? :sleazy: :evil: Looks like there's a chance. :nerd:
:mooning: not this coming Tuesday!!
OH!!! :doah: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
man it feels like its been 6 months since ive been to the cabin.......... :doah: all of a sudden its 4 days away!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :happy1:
Been over to NW access on :bs: twice in the last week or so, not 1 rig. Not sure I seen 1 boat out there, either time. Been tough here too, but.................I usually tell people the :fishing: is ALWAYS good, it's just the catching ..................... that's hard. ;) :smiley:
Been over to NW access on :bs: twice in the last week or so, not 1 rig. Not sure I seen 1 boat out there, either time. Been tough here too, but.................I usually tell people the :fishing: is ALWAYS good, it's just the catching that ..................... that's hard. ;) :smiley:
:sleazy: :sleazy: well i aim to change that!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :cheerleader: :happybounce: :nerd: :nerd:
:shocked: :doah: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
Don't forget to bring your raincoat. :nerd: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley: A lot of people here :fishing: panfish for the last month or so, haven't see many catching any though. It's still a little early for the crappies here IMO, surface temps are still ~ 72*.
i've got a couple secret lakes for sunfish!!!!!!!!! :smoking: :rolleyes: sure gonna try. i need more slimers for smokin too!!!!!!! i', gonna give it a whirl anyhow. :happy1:
crappies.......MEH.........you can have them. i need some fish for the contest too!!!!!!!! :confused: :doah:
:scratch: Bet those secret lakes are now some of the 5 :fish2: limit ones too, aren't they? ;) :rolleyes: :smiley: When was the 1st Jessie meeting? Our early 1 is always early June & it's a just a Fish Fry. Sometimes there's a little important business done, but not usually. My 10 day looks pretty good for this week until early Saturday. Chance again Saturday night into Sunday as well. :scratch: :confused:
nope no 5 fish limit on those.....yet. only one i know of is little turtle. the meeting is this saturday at the jessie lake Lutheran church. i remember reading the jabber when i was scoping them out but i wasnt a member back then.
Taking your boat? :scratch: Last I knew the motor was broke................again. :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
Taking your boat? :scratch: Last I knew the motor was broke................again. :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
:mooning: :mooning: nope....still broke......talked to the guy and i'll call him when i get back. he has a day job and does this on the side.....and he's a busy guy.......and damn good!!!!!!!!
i got my stepdads boat...........it floats with a new 15 horse merc on it :happy1: :happy1:
besides i can catch fish in any type of boat!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
I'm waiting for Boar.
I'm waiting for Boar.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
well.......fishing wasnt lights out be ok. so tuesday when i got there it was work day, cut lawn, feed birds pick up brush in the yard. got things organized a bit and ready for fishing.
WED....... so finished putting stuff away, needed to fill a crater in deer hunting road, done.....for now. started raining so i finished organizing and did inside stuff. later inthe afternoon it quit raining so i dumped the boat in cabin lake..........kept for nords. found that the eagles rebuilt there nest on the lake!!!!! :happy1: :happybounce: up on the north east side!!!!!!1
THURS........ went to double secret XYZ lake :sleazy: managed only 9 decent sunfish...........found them in 20-22 ft of water suspended.......man the lakes are high.
FRI.........went to maple lake in Merc's back yard, the lake finder on DNR says lotz of pike and i know there in there put had like 15 strikes but no hookups. i did get one 27 inches. did catch 10 keepable sunfish.
SAT..........was the Jessie Lake Watershed Assoc meeting......glad i went. i've always said you can read meeting minutes but you really dont get the full scoop unless your there. ven met another peterson lake guy there........i've talked to him on the lake several times...a good union guy like me!!!!!!!! :nerd:
no shortage oof rain........i dumped 3 1/4 out when i got there, wed we got another 1 1/4 inches wed and fri when i left dumped another inch. i look this time of year for signs of bear baitin.........but NONE!!!!!!!!
will be headed back the tuesday after labor day!!!!! :happy1: a buddy is coming up.......and one less black lab!!
the one thing i forgot to mention was we have a lake just north of us we used to fish for pike alot.......until it had severe winter kill. the lake doesnt have any inlets or outlets and it has been low for quite a while. lets just say the only boat your going in there with is a kayak, canoe or 12-14 ft boat. and the first 100 yards or so your oaring out because of all the weeds and junk.
for some reason the water level just doesnt come up much?????/ :scratch: :doah: :confused: yea its up more this year........but damn!!!!!
Forgot to also mention the skeeters weren't bad only seen I deer fly, no horseflies but them friggin ankle biting flies were sure annoying.
Well I got the screw you from Jessie lake township regarding grading the road going into the cabin. Kinda expected it but I'm checking into maybe the county commissioner.
How long is the road and when was it last done?
The reason I ask is the last mile in the woods at our place usually homeowners drag the road.
From the highway to cabin about a mile. The part I'd like to see graded is about half mile. It services about 10 cabin owners.
When that was the only road to the public access the graded it. :pouty: now they claim it's a minimum matinence road and don't want to set a precedent.
I talked to the grader guy once, he told me lack of money. So... Essentially we pay taxes for absolutely no services. If there was a fire at Any place on the lake it be burnt to the ground by the time they got there
Interesting. Keep on their good side. You will go much further.
Interesting. Keep on their good side. You will go much further.
I hear but I got a point to make. They need understand o don't give up easy. I put in my letter the court ruling that happened over by Mora . I'm just going to try and talk to the county commissioner.
I've been following the Mora thing too. What a crappy township.
:scratch: According to this https://www.albertleatribune.com/2022/02/ruling-could-decide-whether-towns-must-maintain-roads/ it's all or none. :confused: All I can say is, good luck fighting City Hall.
:scratch: According to this https://www.albertleatribune.com/2022/02/ruling-could-decide-whether-towns-must-maintain-roads/ it's all or none. :confused: All I can say is, good luck fighting City Hall.
I know but I gotta try!!👍
Just leaving the cenex in deer river. :sleazy: LPS's dogs brother is getting pretty worked up. :rotflmao:
Beginning to think he knows the way :rotflmao:
Had a Gordon Setter that would ride in his crate all the way without being able to see much. But somehow the last turn to the lake was always greeted by him with joyful barking. Didn’t matter how many stops we made, what route we took, or if it took three hours or six hours to get there. Somehow he was able to determine that we were on the last mile and would erupt into barking every time.
Went out :fishing: just before 6 & was back at the dock by ~ 7. I could've had my limit, but I didn't keep any of 'em & never left the bay. :happy1: :cool:
Had 5 today, neighbor's been getting some nice gills in that same spot in the evening too. :sleazy: :evil: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
first off the weather was pretty good up there. no deer flies very very few skeeters. kids fly trick seemed to keep them at bay around the cabin for the most part.
first 2 days before my buddy got there i checked deer stands, filled the road more and cut, split hauled and stackeed campfire wood.
fishing was so-so. spent 4 hours looking for sunfish. all kinds of little ones in the 10-12 ft of water, the nicer ones where deeper suspended. and all over the place. ended up with 16. pike fishing well we hit 2 different lakes and caught 3, 1 was in the slot so went back. last lake we fished on saturday we ended up with 15, more smoking and pickling material!!!!!! :happy1:
might be my last fishing up there for the year!!!!
we did sneak across hwy 6 to Mercs side one day!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao:
little road update.........we think one of the guys that lives back there did this but i did notice skid steer tracks on the road and he did fix up the road pretty nice, its what this guy does for a living and a union guy!!!!! :happy1: but i got the screw you letter back from the township. all kinds of reasons, excuses why not doing it.
i talked to a friend of mine up there about the roll of the county commisioners overseeing townships. he said his FIL is on the otenegan township board and has been for 45 years. :happy1: he told me some tricks to deal with that. :happy1: he said go to the annual meeting with more friends then what usually go to these meetings, bring it up and they need to vote on it right there. if we have more friends then they do we get what we want!!!!!
only issue we may have is not being full time residents of the township if we can vote. still checking on that. if it works i got some work to do............but i got lotz of friends. :sleazy:
i forgot to add..........he said if the townships threaten to raise the taxes claim :bs: :bs: he said that each township is allotted so much cash for roads and bridges and only one township up there uses up all there cash and thats Marell township!!!!!!
Was up this week to seal the deck and cut grass. Heading up Monday with my crew to fish. Glenn, you sneak to my side of six so I'm gonna sneak over to your side to take some of those rough fish walley.. Also try the five fish lake for some fish fry fish and try some walleye fishing there. Hopefully the weather stays as the prediction is. :happy1:
Was up this week to seal the deck and cut grass. Heading up Monday with my crew to fish. Glenn, you sneak to my side of six so I'm gonna sneak over to your side to take some of those rough fish walley.. Also try the five fish lake for some fish fry fish and try some walleye fishing there. Hopefully the weather stays as the prediction is. :happy1:
go gettem Merc. That 5 fish limit lake wasn't very good to us, eyes or pike. All year if I recall.
Glenn, hate to say it but your friend has misinformed you about township government and the purpose of annual meetings.
He got the info from his FIL, who has been on a township board for 45 years??? :scratch: :scratch:
I'm rethinking my plan. A guy that lives there also does dirt work and fixed the road up. I'll think he can do it.
Glenn, hate to say it but your friend has misinformed you about township government and the purpose of annual meetings.
so what is your version of how it works?? Not being a Richard, actually seriously would like to know.
Hey Glenn, I'm not trying to be a Richard either buddy. What I know is based on being a township clerk for 33 years. Annual meetings are mostly for setting levies for the next year. Decisions on specific roads are made by the Supervisors at the regular monthly meetings.
I know how frustrated you are with your road. Is it a regular road or a minimum maintenance road?
I suggest you attend a regular meeting. I'm not sure how formal your township is but you may want to call the clerk ahead of time to get on the agenda. Your issues are real and I'd have a hard time believing they wouldn't be taken seriously.
Our township down here is agricultural so we don't have all the people on lakes like you do.
Townhip government is grassroots government providing the necessary services at the lowest possible cost to taxpayers. If the County governments took over all those roads taxes would skyrocket. I wish you the best in getting things worked out
Personally, I think you may be on to something with the guy that fixed the road on his own already. You MIGHT be able to get a few of your neighbors to agree to throw in a little $ to help pay some of his costs & maybe he would volunteer to look after it on his own if he was asked NICELY. :scratch: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley: :confused:
thanks for your input Roony. its appreciated. :happy1: i didnt mean to imply you being a dick as i didnt take it that way.
the main road has an actual forest service road sign, the trail to our place i can see as a minimum Maintenace road but not the main road. i've been down minimum Maintenace roads and noone lives beyond those signs. what jerks my chain the most is the info i recieved was that township doesnt burn up all its road money and this dont want to set a precedence is :bs:
GUNNER..........i know that guy and get along with him so.......no problem there!!!! :happy1: i like that idea but there are 3 places on thelake i dont think you help defray costs, there jerks. if we could get our hands on a skid steer, my buddy ran those at the coal plant for years he said he could fix that road up good and proper.......even ours!!
rent one
rent one
the guy that cleans out our snow inthe winter has one and is only mile and a half away.........i may talk to him!!!!!!
:scratch: I didn't think you'd get everybody to chip in as you've told me about those :moon: neighbors a few times before. I still would talk to both your plow guy & the guy that's on the road too just to see what they have to say.
The :fish2: were hungry today, caught the biggest crappie ( 15") I've seen in quite a while & had a really nice sunny( almost 10") & gill(10"+) too. :happy1: :cool: They're all still swimmin but I did keep a couple smaller fish.
gunner............how deep are you finding them sunfish?????? any of t he nice ones i've caught most the summer are suspended over 15-22 ft of water.
I'm :fishing: the edges of a weedy bar, glenn, & most of the time I'm in 13-16 FOW. Got another 10"er right away today :cool:, 1 small crappie, & 3 or 4 little rock-o's today. Didn't really think they'd be biting like yday after that storm last night but thought I'd check. Everything went back again today.
A little slow today, still had 6-8, 1 was pretty nice but the rest were on the small side for here. There wasn't even a ripple most of the time I was out there though so........................& none hit the live well today either.
Slow again today & I'm starting to think they are now going deeper. Still had 4, all went back.
Pretty certain I'm done fishing up there. Time to play with guns now.
When I get the boat back I'll go out around here to check out the boat and run my winter stuff threw the gas and probably get it ready for winter storage.
We use earmuffs so we can just hook up a hose & run ours without needing to have it in the lake. Use 'em every Spring to make sure it'll start & every Fall after we treat the gas.
We have an Ash tree on this end of the driveway that's been shedding some leaves for most of the last week. A lot of the Ash, Poplar, & Birch trees here are starting to turn so we're beginning to see some yellow leaves. Had a little HH over at the neighbor's yday, he's headed home for a few days, & he even has a maple that has a little red on 1 branch.
I have the muffs also, but this is just an excuse to get one more boat ride, aka, fishing trip in :sleazy: :rotflmao:
I have the muffs also, but this is just an excuse to get one more boat ride, aka, fishing trip in :sleazy: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :tut: :tut: training-087 training-087 :banghead:
Went out early for a bit & only found 2 rock-o's on my spot. :pouty: The weeds I pulled up looked pretty brown so..................I think they're done....................at least at that spot.
i'll decide tomorrow if i head north on monday after i'm done with the store or first thing tuesday morning.
i need a couple new pair of boot liners so gonna call reeds to see if they have them in yet. they said last spring call in the fall, so a slight detour may be in order. just need to decide if they have them in onamia or walker. guess it aint much different from home to the cabin.
I was up this week and the panfish were biting really good. Got the sunfish right in the weeds in 10 to 11 feet. The crappies moved on to a weed hump towards evening and we got them casting right over the top of the weeds. Nice fish, threw the bigger ones back as we caught enough sunfish in the 8 1/2 inch ranch and the crappies were in the 11 to 11 1/2 inch size range. The other boat tried for walleye but had no luck. Had two nice days and one crappy one so we hit Hayslips and played cards that day. Good trip!! :happy1:
Glad you got some fish bud. :happy1: I'll be heading up Monday afternoon with a trip to Walker first to get boot liners! Bringing my fishing rods with but will spend most my time wandering the woods.
Headed north early afternoon. Looks like a couple nites it could freeze. Otherwise weather looks promising!! A little chasing Grouse, check deer stands and even may wet a line!!👍
Put on my cold weather gear and went out yday ~ 8:00. I caught 8 & kept 4. Found 'em quite a bit deeper, ~ 20'.
Well fellers I'm back in cold spring. But man was the weather great.played in the woods Tuesday but man you had just a split second to shoot at a grouse or it was gone. Wednesday and Thursday I fished, threw all back. Thursday it was so windy I made 1 lap around the lake and pulled the boat.
Friday I went back where my brother deer hunts, didn't see any grouse but shadow barked, his hair in his back stood straight up. We kicked up a bear. Kool to see.. sat we fixed deer stands.
Lot of leaves yet and we didn't have a frost. But the leaves sure changed in a week.
This was Thursday sunset.
The boy is looking good Glenn.
It was my brother's birthday on Monday & he's been after me to go up to URL most of the season, so we went yday. Left here a little before 8, got there around 9, & was :fishing: by 10. Had a bit more wind/walleye chop than I expected so it wasn't easy fishing by any means. We started ~ 8' & worked our way shallower & found 'em in just under 4' of water. Had our fish by noon but stayed 'til around 1. Nice fish too, all but 1 was 17" +. :happy1: :cool:
Looks like Gunner's gonna get hot with some weather. Brother is up there now too
Had a 10-minute gully washer at 6:30 & getting a little more now. Quite a bit of thunder & lightning too, wind switched to NNW so it cooled off quickly.
My brother sent me this earlier!!
My brother sent me this earlier!!
most look like they been ded for a spell...
Not more than a week.
Those fish are fine!! :confused:
:scratch: They look like they could be a little smelly to me!! :doah: :sleazy: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:confused: :pouty: fine I won't post pictures no more! :doah: :pouty:
No, keep posting them. Lightens up my day.
No, keep posting them. Lightens up my day.
:happy1: I will, a little grief crap ain't stopping me!! :nerd:
My brother texted me said he hit a deer yesterday coming from rush island back to the cabin between the dump and spring lake. Didn't kill it though.
:scratch: Hope there wasn't much damage to his truck. I haven't seen much of our little group :deer: lately, & when we have it's usually been in the middle of the day too. I usually take the wheeler back there a few times every year, it's a nice ride & a :cool: little lake. Fish it much? How do you do?
I don't remember ever fishing rush island??? All they caught were bass.
If I hunt deer from my stand back farther I can see that lake. Deer opener seems someone duck hunts out there!
1 nord that just touched 22" & 6-8 sunnies yday here. All came from 1 spot, ~22-24', 1 sunny was a beauty as it was 10.75". :happy1: :cool: All went back.
:scratch: We had 37*, a WNW wind of 15 or more, & steady wintery mix here yday from around 10:30 on. We still had 5-6 boats out in the bay until at least 4:30-5:00. :crazy: All but 1 came out of the nearby resort, I believe.
so Gunner........when you guys thinking of heading back south of the border????? if i remember correctly......its usually around deer season or shortly thereafter???
sounds like my brothers kid is going up tonight. guess he's got a new female friend with a few kids........that'll be a rat race. :doah: he's a good kid for the most part but pretty unreliable and always something he doesnt take care of when he leaves. apparently his dad had a long talk with hin not to long ago.....we'll see!!!!! :scratch:
Normally, it's about a week before Thanksgiving & it sounds like it'll be on the 15th this year. Last year it was later as the weather was nicer, so our lake gear came out quite a bit later.
Normally, it's about a week before Thanksgiving & it sounds like it'll be on the 15th this year. Last year it was later as the weather was nicer, so our lake gear came out quite a bit later.
:happy1: :happy1:
so after doing some research into this grading the road into the cabin and there :bs: response......i just fired a rebuttal back!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy:
it might not do any good, but it sure made me feel good!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :happybounce: :nerd: :nerd:
Brother sent me a text today. His kid said the pump is leaking and the valve that send water to the fish cleaning house cracked also.
All because he and his kid where going up over MEA weekend. And brother backed out
Guess who's got work to do next spring, cause I ain't doing it :tut: :tut:
Nope watching Lone Star Law.
Brother sent me a text today. His kid said the pump is leaking and the valve that send water to the fish cleaning house cracked also.
All because he and his kid where going up over MEA weekend. And brother backed out
Guess who's got work to do next spring, cause I ain't doing it :tut: :tut:
We drained our lake pump ~ 2 weeks ago. Good thing too, as we had a few mornings in the mid to upper 20's the end of that week.
Dock was out by 10:30 today. :happy1:
Brother sent me a text today. His kid said the pump is leaking and the valve that send water to the fish cleaning house cracked also.
All because he and his kid where going up over MEA weekend. And brother backed out
Guess who's got work to do next spring, cause I ain't doing it :tut: :tut:
We drained our lake pump ~ 2 weeks ago. Good thing too, as we had a few mornings in the mid to upper 20's the end of that week.
yea he was originally going to take care of it when he was up the 2nd week of oct.......but then his kid went up MES, figured he was going up to but changed his mind.
should of did it anyway. i aint fixing it..him and his kid can. pretty sure he learned something this time!!!
Neighbor is a duck guy & last week 1 day he found ~ 3/8" of ice in the bay where the river comes into the lake.
Those few nights when it got down below 20 there was some slim ice on a few of the water holes along 23 going into st cloud.
about a week ago i sent the township a rebuttal with some pretty decent evidence and reasons why i felt they should grade the road after they told me to they werent going to do it.
today i got i recieved an email back..........LOL.........i don think they like me!!!!!!! :happybounce: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll:
i aint done yet........after the election, i'm finding out who the county commissioner for our area and having a talk with that individual.....then i might let it go.
he pretty much flat out lied when he told me that road has never been maintained. if its the same person i think it is form the smae family.......they lived on the north end of the lake, on a separate road and had a sawmill there!!!!!1
the saga continues!!!!!!! :evil: :sleazy: :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
sic em!!!!
AND if they are using a motor grader it is a few minutes up and back. No big deal. They are worried that if they do that that from then on they are responsible for that road since they paid attention to it.
AND if they are using a motor grader it is a few minutes up and back. No big deal. They are worried that if they do that that from then on they are responsible for that road since they paid attention to it.
yep basically, only asking them to do it every 4-5 years. There more damn worried about setting a precedence and having to do others.
Ain't that there friggin job?? :confused: :angry2:
So that said, if you all on your road contract them to do it when needed they aren't locked in. SORT OF. It may pay to hire them now and then and that in turn may get them involved in and be responsible for it.
So that said, if you all on your road contract them to do it when needed they aren't locked in. SORT OF. It may pay to hire them now and then and that in turn may get them involved in and be responsible for it.
I don't think I'll ever get that to happen. :confused: we got a few pills back there!; :pouty:
AND if they are using a motor grader it is a few minutes up and back. No big deal. They are worried that if they do that that from then on they are responsible for that road since they paid attention to it.
yep basically, only asking them to do it every 4-5 years. There more damn worried about setting a precedence and having to do others.
Ain't that there friggin job?? :confused: :angry2:
:scratch: :doah: Like I said before,.............................. GOOD LUCK! :rolleyes:
just took a look at the webcams up there!!!!!1 wowzer does it look nice. :happy1: bowstring lake is almost like glass!!!!!! same at the narrows....and flies walking across the lens!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Yday too!! A bit warmer today, seen 65*, a little more breeze yday PM. :happy1: :cool:
Temps started dropping by mid-afternoon & we had some light rain move in ~ 4:30-5.
mist was here by 1pm, temps dropping from there here too...
heard some news about Geigers resort on bowstring.
back where i hunt there's another group that hunts the area also...........there a great group i've gotten to know albiet through deer season. anyway talking to them at the end of the day they stay at geigers and got to talking about there webcam and how i watch it all the time during the winter and how they might be the only ones that plow roads out on the lake.
the guy said it doesnt sound like she may do it anymore, doesnt really like doing it and by the way it sounded there closing up for the winter after deer hunting. he said she's a duck from a different breed and she wants to turn it into a bed and breakfast kinda thing???/ :scratch: :doah: not sure how that'll fly up there????
checked the cams this morning. from Geigers cam looks like ice as far as i can see. same with over on the narrows. Bowstring shores cams dont seem to want to cooperate!!!!!!
Our bay was ~ 2/3 ice by early Tuesday but the wind opened that back up by late Thursday. Lakewood has been better about keeping theirs up with the new owners too. It's in the drop menu under Blog on the top https://lakewoodlodge.com/
Our bay was ~ 2/3 ice by early Tuesday but the wind opened that back up by late Thursday. Lakewood has been better about keeping theirs up with the new owners too. It's in the drop menu under Blog on the top https://lakewoodlodge.com/
:happy1: thanks Gunner!!!!!! :happy1: added that to my favorites!!!!!!!!1 NOW i can keep an eye on you too!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :evil:........... ;) :rotflmao:
A post on Nextdoor from someone on the south shore by that resort said that they were surprised that all they could see early this morning was snow out on the main lake all the way up to the resorts in the NE corner.
Little Osakis froze over last night....
hey Gunner.......looking at the lodge webcam.......does that view show us the shoreline in front of your place??? trying to get a sense of directions????
That treeline on the left is the south shore of the bay & that weedy point on the right is just south of where the neighbor's lift & dock sit. So the camera is looking WNW.
:happy1: kinda thought that!!👍
Actually, the neighbor's I phone's compass says that is very close to straight west.
:happy1: kinda thought that!!👍
I see they let just about everyone on here eh? 😆
:happy1: kinda thought that!!👍
I see they let just about everyone on here eh? 😆
:rotflmao: :happy1: got that right!!🤣🤣
And welcome aboard kettle!!👍👍👍 Glad to have you!
::welcome:: Kettle & I think I should warn you, he ain't changed much. :rolleyes: :doah: We still have to tune him out, every now & then. ;) :laugh: :laugh:
::welcome:: Kettle & I think I should warn you, he ain't changed much. :rolleyes: :doah: We still have to tune him out, every now & then. ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning:
:scratch: :pouty: ya know kettle now that your here there's things like fishing hunting and ice reports to clue us in on up there, not just giving me crap!!👍🙄 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
:scratch: :pouty: ya know kettle now that your here there's things like fishing hunting and ice reports to clue us in on up there, not just giving me crap!!👍🙄 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
There's definitely been people out on smaller lakes. The lake I live on, probably 500 acers and roughly 70 ft deep froze over Tues. I work pretty steady until Dec 5th then I have some time off, hopefully get out. In all honesty, I ice fish out of winter boredom. Once I can take the snowmobile and otter out, I'll be out 2-3 times a week but by no means do I work super hard besides the occasional bushwacking into some remote lakes
Kettle........are you hearing how much ice these guys are fishing on????????
as it looks now i probably wont be going up until right after christmas........... that is if i can wait that long!!!!!1 ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao:
looking at the webcams most the snow looks to be melted off the ice, but the ice is still hanging tough!!!!!!!! :happy1:
2-5 inches, ice is starting to look dark after the past few days of it warming up
It looked like quite a bit of open water on The Narrows yday PM to me. The west side is better this morning but the east looks about the same to me. Nothing on Nextdoor on ice conditions on our lake yet either.
looking at the 10 day forecast...... ice making should commence shortly!!!!!!!!
Some snow up there this AM the way it looks but it's not 'sposed to amount to much. In front of Geiger's look kind of iffy IMO this morning.
curious if anyone's heard reports of ice thickness. :scratch: i dont care much about bigger lakes.....looking for the small not fished much kinda lakes!!!!!!!
someone took a spin with a 4 wheeler out on bowstring from Geigers!!!!!!!!!
When I looked ~ 8, that bench in the middle of the ramp wasn't there, neither were the tracks out on the lake. There's been nothing on Nextdoor.
When I looked ~ 8, that bench in the middle of the ramp wasn't there, neither were the tracks out on the lake. There's been nothing on Nextdoor.
my guess is the bench says stay off!!!!!!!!!
:scratch: It says that to me just by being there, even if there's no sign on it. :doah:
It looked like there's just a touch of open water on the NW corner of The Narrows today.
seen that..also seen as it looks like there are more tracks out in front of Geigers today too!!!!!!
I looked at Geiger's early again & I didn't see anything different from yday then. Now, it looks like the bench has been moved a little to the south as it's on the other side of the flagpole. Kind of looks like a wheeler with a plow on it might've went down the north side of the ramp to me too.
A little snow overnight up there & it's still spittin at the narrows. Pretty poor visibility up there early too.
Maybe got 2 inches total
there's a couple pullovers out of the narrows this morning!!!!!!!
Still 1off in the distance lookin west, didn't check 'em yday.
Looked like they had their Gator & plow out on the ice at Lakewood yday to me. They cleared a small spot but didn't go very far.
The neighbor called yday ~2 & he was on his way up. Didn't take his Ice Castle but might pull his kid's porty out, said he plans on staying until Wednesday. Probably talk to him before that.
From what I could see, it almost looked like there was water on the ice at Geiger's this morning??
The Narrows doesn't look so hot to the east this AM, either.
Bushwacked about 8 miles off the beaten path to a little lake. Kept 10 under 12.5 inches let go 3 over 14 with 15 being the biggest. Can't get images to upload but decent crappies. Livescope is pretty slick
You mean this crappie kettle!!👍
And these!!👍
Yes!!! Thank you!!!
Yes!!! Thank you!!!
:happy1: you'll get it figured out!!👍
Beautiful crappies.
Very nice crappies!! :happy1:
Nice bunch of Crappies !!
Nice bunch of Crappies !!
well HELLO stranger!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Greetings... Hope you have been good.
Greetings... Hope you have been good.
:happy1: :happy1: i'm always good...........dont believe anything these clowns might say!!!!!!!! :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: Well from reading it sounds like... never mind. I'll take your word for it.
Greetings... Hope you have been good.
:happy1: :happy1: i'm always very good at being a PITA ...........dont believe anything these clowns might say!!!!!!!! :happy1:
There I fixed it for you, glenn!!!!!!! ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Greetings... Hope you have been good.
:happy1: :happy1: i'm always very good at being a PITA ...........dont believe anything these clowns might say!!!!!!!! :happy1:
There I fixed it for you, glenn!!!!!!! ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :pouty: :tut: :tut: :tut: :sleazy:
Here's kettles setup, from his crappie slaying. I just stole them from FM. :sleazy:
Here's kettles setup, from his crappie slaying. I just stole them from FM. :sleazy:
Just like my summer rig being the old red lund from the 70s I blend in, in the winter, blue flip over house and an Indy 500.
Just got off the phone with our neighbor up there. He's went out Friday-Monday, his friends got some small crappies & a couple decent bass. They have 9" of ice & no snow today yet, he said.
Just got off the phone with our neighbor up there. He's went out Friday-Monday, his friends got some small crappies & a couple decent bass. They have 9" of ice & no snow today yet, he said.
based on the webcams there doesnt seem to be much snow on the ground either,,,,,,,,but there talking over a foot with this weather sysytem???????
Just checked the TWC's forecast for Inger & it said 5-7" starting ~ 6 PM. He went to town yday & said the river on the north side of the Inger bridge was open, so he's done going out on this trip. Have you checked the east looking webcam at the narrows lately. It looks like 30-40 yds of open water to me.
Just checked the TWC's forecast for Inger & it said 5-7" starting ~ 6 PM. He went to town yday & said the river on the north side of the Inger bridge was open, so he's done going out on this trip. Have you checked the east looking webcam at the narrows lately. It looks like 30-40 yds of open water to me.
not since early this morning!
I don't always check that 1, just lookin west.
No snow yet, cold east wind picked up this afternoon.
:scratch: Lakewood's dock looks like it almost disappeared overnight & it's still coming down. TWC sayin they could get another 3-5" too. Can't see much at the narrows or geiger's right now.
yea I just peeked too........this may put a end to my spearing plans for the year.................... :confused: :confused: :doah:
:scratch: Was wondering about that, if the forecasts were anywhere close to being right. :rolleyes:
So why does a storm put an end to spearing plans?
(I don't know dittly-squat about spearing.)
So why does a storm put an end to spearing plans?
(I don't know dittly-squat about spearing.)
its more about saftey.........and right now......if they get more snow....its gonna be all about water/slush on top of the ice. i've been down that road more then once......and as i age......i'd like to think i've learned a few things!!!!!!
at this point i will be going up by myself. i put feelers out over a week ago if someone wanted to join me and havent heard anything back!!!!! the 2 lakes i wanted to hit first, one is down a minimum maintenance road, the other is off Hwy 6 but he access isnt plowed............
being christmas week.....i'd suspect some people around.......but not enough if i run into issues!!!!!!!!
About 4 inches of wet snow, expecting About 4 more inches before it's done
About 4 inches of wet snow, expecting About 4 more inches before it's done
:happy1: :happy1: thanks Kettle.......that isnt to bad.......yet!!!!!!! hopefully the next 4 inches is the light fluffy stuff!!!!!!!!!!
It's definitely what I would have called heart attack snow when I was a paramedic just due to the effort it takes to shovel it. I'm not fishing today or tomorrow. Spent a few hours helping a buddy shovel off his garage roof. Definitely see some grey areas on a few lakes, definitely going to be some slush
It's definitely what I would have called heart attack snow when I was a paramedic just due to the effort it takes to shovel it. I'm not fishing today or tomorrow. Spent a few hours helping a buddy shovel off his garage roof. Definitely see some grey areas on a few lakes, definitely going to be some slush
:banghead: :banghead: ugh!!!!!!!!!!!
Good morning. Gee more snow up here. I too am a bit worried about our ice. Out front here I had 8" of good ice before this snow but I am expecting a lot of slush now. I just might be sled fishing for a while.
It's definitely a winter wonderland. Definitely will be fishing the remainder of the season in knee boots
Just checked Lakewood's & Geiger's webcams & it's still comin down pretty good in our area. Quite a bit on the ground from yday too. Inger forecast says another 2-5" possible. :rolleyes:
Getting some :snow5: up there again this mornin, it wasn't comin down very hard though.
Checked a local lake, 10 inches of ice, 5 inches of slush
Ouch for sure. It will be interesting to see what I find out here today.
Checked a local lake, 10 inches of ice, 5 inches of slush
:puke: :puke: ishy!! Thanks for the heads up. I WAS still thinking about going up yet.
Just looked at the forecast looks like some of that slush should harden up!👍
Geaigers posted and said there is 8" of slush on Bowstring. They closed their access until it firms up.
:rotflmao: watching some guy blow off the deck at geigers......but cant see the lake.......a bunch of ice/snow looks to be sliding off da roof!!!!
Just got off the phone with our guy that plows us out. He figures they got 12-14 inches of snow. Said bit was so wet water was running out of rain gutters. And he still wasn't done plowing
yikes!! the lakes will be taking a hit for sure.....
lookingat the webcams this morning, that new snow sure makes it look pretty!!!!!!!! but sure is quite up there.... pretty virgin snow.
wish Geigers would knock that chunk of ice sliding doen there roof off so we could see the lake more!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: Gunner.........get on that would ye!!!!!!!!! :evil: :sleazy:
:mooning: :tut: I thought you were be going up pretty soon :scratch:.......................................so you could see how far you could get before you got stuck. :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh:
As it stands now the Thursday before new years. Already talked to our plow guy!!👍 I just hope I can get on the lake without issues!
:scratch: Better take your TALL boots!! :nerd: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
:scratch: Better take your TALL boots!! :nerd: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
meh I'm actually hearing this cold weather is actually freezing up some of the slush.
I'm certain Kettle will check it out to!!👍👍
Besides it ain't my first rodeo, I got me a plan!!👍
Just checked & there's nothing from Sundin on lake conditions since the 12/15 report on Winnie.
I'll check the ice out tomorrow, it's cold here, glad I have a job where I can have a beard. Too cold to n9t have one
TWC's site sayin another 3-5" up there starting early PM today. :scratch:
TWC's site sayin another 3-5" up there starting early PM today. :scratch:
seen that too, but i heard the winds gonna blow it all over onto sand lake!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :rolleyes: :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: It's not going to be that windy up there..........................can't be :rolleyes:, you're in CS. :tut: :mooning: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Light fluffy snow falling this evening. Yesterday was brutal. Checked a few lakes today, the cold seems to have helped some with slush on smaller lakes, checked one bigger lake, slush was pretty bad. Walked about 200 yards and it was bad
Light fluffy snow falling this evening. Yesterday was brutal. Checked a few lakes today, the cold seems to have helped some with slush on smaller lakes, checked one bigger lake, slush was pretty bad. Walked about 200 yards and it was bad
thanks kettle!!👍
:scratch: Checked the webcams lately? Looks to have been some movement at LL's access, doesn't look like they went very far though. Seeing what I think :scratch: is some slush over at The Narrows again too. :confused:
:scratch: Checked the webcams lately? Looks to have been some movement at LL's access, doesn't look like they went very far though. Seeing what I think :scratch: is some slush again over at The Narrows again too. :confused:
Yea this morning but there was no activity. Gunner when does activity actually start at the LL resort?
Not sure about the slush at the narrows.
We are never up there this time of year, the earliest we ever get back up there is just after New Years normally. Last year it was the last couple days of January as I got stuck on Jury Duty. They had at least 3-4, maybe 5 cabins with people in 'em then. A good share of those were fishin our lake but some were going over to Bowstring, Little Cutfoot, as well as Winnie & URL is what I heard then.
looking at the webcams this morning.....they finally got that overhang down at geigers and can now see the lake. :happy1: loooks like some frozen slush in front of Gunners neighbors resort.
all about the same..........its really quiet and no activity................. :scratch:
kettle......have you been out the last few days???? this slush freezing up??????? i'm headed up Thursday morning..........could be for 6-7 days.....or 1-3......depending on the lakes!
sure isnt any activity up there?????? looking at Lakelands webcam looks like its either wet snow just out front or frozen slush????
got some intel from a feller in grand rapids last night that pokegama was good to go. no water or slush, the wind cleaned off all the snow. oh yea he posted a nice bunch of eyes.
he doesnt know about smaller lakes as he's only been on pokey!!!!!!
i'm getting antzy to get up there but at the same time a bit apprehensive bout how bad the lakes might be!!!!!! :scratch: :doah:
:scratch: Lakeland's? :confused: :doofus: :rolleyes: :smiley: Looks like somebody on foot out in front of Geiger's now. No portable or much for gear though. At least 1, maybe 2, tents over on the east side of the Narrows too.
:pouty:lakeland lakewoods whats the difference!!!!!11 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :evil:
Report from Grigers is 12 to 14 inches of ice with some pockets of slush and 6 inches of snow on the lake. Once there is 15 inches they will start plowing roads. :happy1:
The guy I know from grand rapids, he's on IDO and works at ASV, said he talked to a guy that tried fishing a small lake and said the conditions were horrible!! Deep snow and slush.
:scratch: Nothing from Sundin or the 1's he talks to in 2 weeks either, & that was LOTW & Vermilion then.
Report from Grigers is 12 to 14 inches of ice with some pockets of slush and 6 inches of snow on the lake. Once there is 15 inches they will start plowing roads. :happy1:
merc, will they plow you out a spot so the fish don't bother you!!🤣🤣
They're back out there on Cutfoot early today.
They're back out there on Cutfoot early today.
so is the propane truck!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
someone just went out of Geigers on a snowmobile......trying to look but i'm not seeing much for slush......kinda hard to tell!!!!!!!
I have enough spots where the fish don't bother me, I don't need any more. Hopefully when I finally get up there we can get on the lake somewhere. Last two years I had my yard plowed all winter and we couldn't fish till spring. Would like to hit the snowmobile trails but all my buddies sold theirs. I'm the only old dummy with one yet. :bonk:
I still have mine too. I think it might be the only form of getting on a lake right now. :confused:
Also just got word the cabin is plowed out. $100.00. might have to ask for some OT at the store!!😂😂
:scratch: Looks like the people out on Cutfoot might've went out of the resort as there's a truck with a sled trailer behind it on 1 of their driveway cameras.
Made it to deer river. Roads are good some fog.. a whole lot of snow on the trees yet. Alot of pines down between Remer and deer river.
Some poor fisherman isn't happy today. Coming into deer river there is a nice truck laying on it's side all his fishing stuff dumped out.
Sucks for that guy.
Poor Minnows.
Although I haven't cut a hole in the ice yet I'm golden here!👍 Got a lot of things done including removing snow from roofs I'll be fishing tomorrow!👍
Good luck, Glenn. hope it’s not slushy for you. It is at my place.
Good luck, Glenn. hope it’s not slushy for you. It is at my place.
:scratch: Pretty sure I won't be cutting any holes this year until mid - to late February, if at all. :sad:
Good luck, Glenn. hope it’s not slushy for you. It is at my place.
I took the snowmobile out on 2 lakes, only ran into 1 little pocket of slush. When I walked out there are drifts, it was a bit wet under the drifts waiting for daylight.
They're parking wheelhouses out front of Geiger's this morning.
Damn it feels good to sit in the spear shack again. All kinds of action. So there is a good foot of clear ice and 3-4 Inches of slush ice. And there isn't much for water coming up either.
So, all kinds of action but did you get any fish? :huh:
So, all kinds of action but did you get any fish? :huh:
Nuttin much, 2 little snot rockets and 6 crappie. But damn we fished them crappies before over 45 ft of water usually suspended about 33 ft, these were at 22-25 ft.
Well of to the spear shack.
Holy sheep turds did the lake turn into a sloppy slushy mess. Pulled the spear shack.
:scratch: Ice looked fine on Bowstring yet today where they have all the wheelhouses parked. :confused:
Yea well when i have time when I get home I'll post pictures. :confused: I friggin up here,
:pouty: :tut: I didn't say I didn't believe you, did I? :moon: Just that I think it's pretty weird that conditions are that much different a few miles apart. :confused:
:pouty: :tut: I didn't say I didn't believe you did I? :moon: Just that I think it's pretty weird that conditions are that much different a few miles apart. :confused:
then you should see the little lake by us.... No slush none. Maybe 200 yards apart.
This is what I encountered Sunday morning. That wasn't there Saturday at noon when I left, and about 20 yards from my spear house. And no it's not a test hole I drilled
Same mess same morning. I used tos same track either going to or back from my fishhouse. This is probably 20 - 30 ft from my fishhouse. My foot print s, that was rock hard the day before!
A few reports starting to show up on Sundin's site lately. LOTW & Ely area mostly, 1 from GR area though. http://www.jeffsundin.com/Minnesota_Fishing_Reports_and_Outdoor_Links.htm
Same mess same morning. I used tos same track either going to or back from my fishhouse. This is probably 20 - 30 ft from my fishhouse. My foot print s, that was rock hard the day before!
You flooded it when you made your hole. It will freeze back up.
Glenn have you been by Noma to see if they took the gates out?
Glenn have you been by Noma to see if they took the gates out?
no i havent been up that way since maybe sept!!!! and i usually forget to sneek up that way once i'm close. :embarrassed: :doah: why??? :scratch: looking to go camping there this weekend!!!!!!!1 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rolleyes: :evil: :evil:
Mikey wanted me to ask!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
LOL Funny. I have my camper parked right inside the doors where it is stored like last year. We want to go there early before the flies. That is if they truly did what they said and took out the gates.
Flies really don't show up until end of June if I recall??
Next time I mention heading north remind me to go check it out. I'd like to check those lakes out for winter activity!!
Flies really don't show up until end of June if I recall??
Next time I mention heading north remind me to go check it out. I'd like to check those lakes out for winter activity!!
write it down in your day planner.... just sayin!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Fly terrorist!
LOL also mosquito flies. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Day planner? :confused: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:scratch: Day planner? :confused: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:happy1: :happy1: yea i dont loaf like you do!!!!!!!!!1 :tut: just cause i'm retired doesnt mean i still dont maintain a busy schedule!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :pouty:
:tut: :scratch: & you write it all down in a little book............................... right? :rolleyes::doofus: Besides, I've got most of my stuff done before your coffee cup gets cold. :pouty: :mooning: :mooning:
well yea i write stuff down......appts etc. it so happens i keep track of who goes to the cabin and when!!!!!!!! :mooning:
yea i dont right down my honey doo list in a daily planner :pouty: never mind...............
Yeah, we have an old computer program that still works that we use to keep track of most everything. :surrender: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
Well good for you!! :mooning: :mooning: :rolleyes:
:pouty: Paper doesn't seem to work for me, it just gets lost. :bonk:
:pouty: Paper doesn't seem to work for me, it just gets lost. :bonk:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: that sounds like a personal problem!!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rolleyes:
mayhaps a cell phone would work!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
:tut: :doah: Me & a cell phone probably get along 'bout as good as you & your printer. :sleazy: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh:
Seen 2-3 portables out on Cutfoot yday. Couple were kind close to the resort on the west side then, 2 off in the distance there again today. Looked like there might've been some traffic at LL's access lately yday too. :scratch:
According to Nextdoor, whoever went out of LL's access last week lost 1 of the seats for their portable shack somehow :scratch: & somebody else found it Saturday. LL's new owners tracked the person down & are working on getting it back where it belongs. :cool:
i havent seen anyone out of there access yet by the webcam???? tough to see if there is traffic also.. :scratch:
i did take a look at there website closer...........there lodge looks pretty dang sharp!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
so Gunner.......maybe we discussed this before, but looking at LL's webcam.....on the right looks like a small point that comes out.....are you guys right around the corner there? i know your not far from the resort???
i guess there is a big party going on outta highbanks resort this weekend.........some hardside fishhouse gala. heard over 220 signed up for it!!!!!! sounds like its more of a big old G-T-G then hardcore fishing.........
so Gunner.......maybe we discussed this before, but looking at LL's webcam.....on the right looks like a small point that comes out.....are you guys right around the corner there? i know your not far from the resort???
:pouty: No, that's our neighbor's shoreline.
i guess there is a big party going on outta highbanks resort this weekend.........some hardside fishhouse gala. heard over 220 signed up for it!!!!!! sounds like its more of a big old G-T-G then hardcore fishing.........
Forgot to bring some creamer for my coffee so we went over to the Bstore yday. Gave him a check for plowing for us too. We stopped at Riley's for a couple :toast: & as usual for that time-of-day, John, the owner, was working. I know he has a wheelhouse, so I asked him if he'd been able to get out much. He said he'd been over to Winnie 4 or 5 times & did pretty good 1 time. He was over there for New Year's Eve & said the 1 next to HB was full then too. The last couple seasons he's fished Bowstring most of the time, I believe.
so Gunner.......maybe we discussed this before, but looking at LL's webcam.....on the right looks like a small point that comes out.....are you guys right around the corner there? i know your not far from the resort???
:pouty: No, that's our neighbor's shoreline.
yea but your not far from there right????? just trying to get my bearings lined up!!!!!
Yeah, our lakeshore property line probably starts ~ 50 yds from that weedy point. There was somebody out in an Eskimo hub style portable by 3:30-4 here today, but they must've have walked out from 1 of the places on the west side of our bay. No sled or wheeler, that I could see but they were only 20-30 yds out from the west shore. Only 3 units out front at Geiger's at around 4 today too & there was 5 there on Monday.
Gunner....you planning on wetting a line anytime soon???
talking to my brother yesterday.........we may invade the northland first week of feb!!!!!!!!! :evil: :sleazy: :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
So kettle, you been out fishing lately?? Are the lakes healing up much??
No, probably not as the Otter sled & Auger are in the backend of the pod & there's a bunch of snow in front of the doors too. Never really planned on it anyway, as I wasn't sure we'd even get back up here in between the eye clinic appts. A couple guys on sleds :fishing: out about where the tent was last night.
I see where Sundin has a report from ML on 1/12 that might be of interest to you. :scratch: All 5 wheelhouses were back in front of Geiger's by late afternoon yday too. There looked to be 3 portables off in the distance on the west side of Cutfoot yday as well.
yea i seen that!!!!!!!!! :happy1:
Off the next 7 days so I'll be out. Reports are lakes in good condition. Fair amount of vehicle traffic on local lakes
Off the next 7 days so I'll be out. Reports are lakes in good condition. Fair amount of vehicle traffic on local lakes
thank you sir!!!!!!!!! :Clap: plan is to head up the first week of feb.....weather permitting...........hope it dont change by then!!!!! :doah:
Got out tonight up Talmoon. Lake was rough but solid, used the snowmobile but wheeler would have worked. Kept 5 crappies around 12 inches. Caught about 30 in two hours, let go a nice 14 inch.
Got out tonight up Talmoon. Lake was rough but solid, used the snowmobile but wheeler would have worked. Kept 5 crappies around 12 inches. Caught about 30 in two hours, let go a nice 14 inch.
that covers a lot of area!!🙄 :whistling: :whistling: :whistling:
Was out tonight on bigger water, very little slush. Only one 2 lbs walleye. Saw lots of fish on the livescope but they were skittish
There was a couple rigs over at the resort yday, 1 was a toyhauler & the other looked like a homemade shack on a smaller flatbed trailer. Only 2 units left out front at Geiger's yday too, but it looked like there was a pretty good-sized group quite a bit farther out from lodge.
seen that too!!!!!!!!! must be starting to get around more!!!!!!
Somebody was out there ~ 11:30 & if I hadn't known where to look, I would've never spotted 'em.
i'm pretty certain the ice conditions have alot to do with this........but i dont see near theamount of traffic on the lakes with the webcams as previous years.
thinking this upcoming cold snap should help the lakes!!!!!!!!!
There was quite a bit of gray ice on the south side of the little bridge today. :scratch: Don't think it was like that last week. :confused:
I knew that they're buildings were side by side out in GR's Industrial Park but I wasn't sure they were the same business until I looked into the new expansion plans, they've announced. https://www.grandrapidsmn.com/business/yanmar-to-expand-local-facility-offer-hundreds-of-job-openings/article_7198ded4-9743-11ed-99e1-cbf48e
I knew that they're buildings were side by side out in GR's Industrial Park but I wasn't sure they were the same business until I looked into the new expansion plans, they've announced. https://www.grandrapidsmn.com/business/yanmar-to-expand-local-facility-offer-hundreds-of-job-openings/article_7198ded4-9743-11ed-99e1-cbf48e
its says error......cant , wont show the page............but thats gotta be the former Terex place. yea i heard there busy as hell, and i know they rented a building real close by as a distribution enter!!!!!!
as much as i still kinda wanna be nosey.....i'm trying to ask less questions!!!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
:scratch: How about this? https://www.duluthnewstribune.com/business/grand-rapids-manufacturer-plans-to-expand-hire-100-200-workers
:scratch: I got the error message on the original link now too, looks like it might've worked for LPS though. :confused: Just got the 2nd link to work a couple times for me so.......................... give it a shot. :popcorn:
Yanmar bought Terex/ASV in 2019 according to both articles. The next building N of ASV plant usually has some new units sitting outside whenever we're down to the nearby county compost site.
the last one worked for me too, 1st one nope.. good for them...
Yanmar bought Terex/ASV in 2019 according to both articles. The next building N of ASV plant usually has some new units sitting outside whenever we're down to the nearby county compost site.
if my memory serves me right I think they call that there test track
Back when we where organizing ASV, they tried playing alot of foolish games with moving people, usually union supporters around. That didn't get them anywhere!!👍 :sleazy: :evil:
The have always had issues hiring and/ or keeping people back then I see by the article they are changing around the paint dept, that was are best union supporters!
:scratch: When was it you were there? :confused:
:scratch: When was it you were there? :confused:
:doah: not sure, I was the rep until I retired, we had 2 2 year contracts. I'd say starring about 10 years ago????
:scratch: So, they're probably still working under the last deal you helped negotiate? See where Sundin has a new report out from yday too.
not sure Gunner............at this point the less i know.....the better i like it!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
:scratch: Just curious as I don't give a :moon: either.
the only thing i still really miss is the guys that worked at these places. :happy1: well most of them anyway!!!!!! :rotflmao:
Kettle, any roundabout quests how much snow they've had up there since new years?!
Kettle, any roundabout quests how much snow they've had up there since new years?!
Maybe 6 inches, not a whole lot. Lake travel is easy
Kettle, any roundabout quests how much snow they've had up there since new years?!
Maybe 6 inches, not a whole lot. Lake travel is easy
love hearing that. Temps look promising around super bowl weekend!!👍
Kettle, figured i'd put this in a more appropriate forum........ regading pokegama lake. you ever fish it for tullibee or whitefish, there is a guy from Grand Rapids i got to know thru another site that fishes it alot. we where going to hit it last March but the ice turned bad really quick.......hopefully this winter!!!!!
i used to help when they did a little fishing tournament out of tioga bay for the group that takes elderly and handicapped people out on there pontoon. that lake has such unbelievable structure!!!!
Kettle, figured i'd put this in a more appropriate forum........ regading pokegama lake. you ever fish it for tullibee or whitefish, there is a guy from Grand Rapids i got to know thru another site that fishes it alot. we where going to hit it last March but the ice turned bad really quick.......hopefully this winter!!!!!
i used to help when they did a little fishing tournament out of tioga bay for the group that takes elderly and handicapped people out on there pontoon. that lake has such unbelievable structure!!!!
I've only fished it for walleye, mainly in the winter and some in the summer on the weed lines. If it's windy it's too hard to hold boat position in my little boat
holy hannah..........ugh.....looking at the weather forecast.......thursday nite accuweather says -22, weather channel says -37. UFFDA!!!!!!!
I'm finally going to go up next week and do a little fishing. Every time we planned a trip something would happen. Weather looks good so far so were going no matter what. :happy1:
Merc..when you heading up????? i'm thinking sat maybe sunday!!!!!!!! sounds like my brother may come up also.......his kid and a friend the friday of super bowl weekend!!!!1
Whatcha gonna do, follow him around???? ;) :nerd: boar was wondering.. :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Whatcha gonna do, follow him around???? ;) :nerd: boar was wondering.. :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning:
No I wanna catch fish!!👍 :mooning: :rotflmao:.
Be nice to run into him again. Been 25 years or so when he followed me out on bowstring!; :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Followed you out? This is the rest of the story.I knew you were going to be out there so I told my buddy that was with me, lets go look for Glenn, he should be in area where there are no fish. We saw a house in the middle of no where and guess who was there? And we drove right up to you. And now you know the rest of the story. :rotflmao:
We are going up either Sunday or Monday. Would like to meet up with you again. We will probably only be doing Bow because they have plowed roads. Unless we can find lakes we can drive on. :happy1:
Followed you out? This is the rest of the story.I knew you were going to be out there so I told my buddy that was with me, lets go look for Glenn, he should be in area where there are no fish. We saw a house in the middle of no where and guess who was there? And we drove right up to you. And now you know the rest of the story. :rotflmao:
:surrender: :rotflmao: I don't quite remember it that way! :rotflmao: figured I'd fish were no one else did cause the fish don't like activity. :happy1:
On another note I fish on a lot of lakes where noone else is. :sleazy: :happy1:
We are going up either Sunday or Monday. Would like to meet up with you again. We will probably only be doing Bow because they have plowed roads. Unless we can find lakes we can drive on. :happy1:
I'll send you a pm maybe I'll bring my pullover up and join you one day, evening, morning?!
Glenn, looks like going up Tuesday. Fish Wednesday and Thursday :happy1:
Works for me, you hit bowstring let me know. I wanna know where the fish don't bother me too!!🤣🤣
Lake is hard as a rock 👍 very little snow and no slush. Spear shack is set up and ready to rock in the morning. 21 inches of ice with 6 inches of slush ice on top. Used the snowmobile but can run wheeler to!
Gal at the bowstring store said it was -30 yesterday morning. :shocked:
I hit winne today, was with buddies who wanted to perch fish. I found them for then then they caught a mess load. Ashamed to say this, fished nearby for walleye as I don't perch fish. Got a few suckers and tullibe
You don't know what your missing kettle eating perch.
Yesterday days results.
good eats there!!!
Nice batch of fish Glenn!! :happy1: :happy1:
Cheater!! :rotflmao:
No wonder there ain't any fish left for me when I go fishing.
:confused: well it wasn't so good today. Only 4!
No wonder there ain't any fish left for me when I go fishing.
Roony., We are only helping the DNR achieve there goal?👍
:confused: well it wasn't so good today. Only 4!
:scratch: Well, it looked like you weren't all that far from your limit on Sunday to me anyway. :sleazy: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh:
:scratch: Forgot you said your brother was comin up too. :doah: :rolleyes: :smiley:
:scratch: Forgot you said your brother was comin up too. :doah: :rolleyes: :smiley:
:pouty: :pouty: :rotflmao: and as of now there all smoked but 4 :mooning:
:scratch: Even the sunfish? :nerd: :evil: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:scratch: Even the sunfish? :nerd: :evil: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:confused: :confused: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :nerd:
:scratch: How's the ice? Looks like the NW side over at Cutfoot is a little wet this morning to me.
Was on Winnie last weekend, ice was good in 95% of the lake that I was on. There are some cracks out there where one can find slush but overall could drive just about anywhere with a 4 wheeler
This is a a high current spot at Williams Narrows that it's rare that it doesn't look gray & wet for very long. There's another just west of the Hwy 46 bridge in front of the Mosomo Pt PA too.
Damn it is windy here. :confused: good thing I'm an honest guy. Bother got these on a different lake.
nice!!! :rotflmao:
Cheaters!!!! Especially harpooning bass!! :tut: :rotflmao: ;)
:mooning:Yea that grass carp wasn't speared.
By golly Gee it be happy hour! :happy1:
Nice mug. I was a IUOE 49er for many years.
That's cool Glenn!, and you also lps, 49er ?I'm jealous.
25 plus years in the food inspectors union here... local 488 if I remember right!
but I will say I owned my own business for 13 years too.. so I know and see both sides of the fence, sometimes anyway!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
This was yesterday, Friday's catch :happy1:
And, boober, :tut: no the bass weren't speared. :tut:
And again youz guys are lucky I'm an honest straight up union thug, cause I didn't catch them bass
Dang, you guy's are meat hunters. I havnt cleaned a bass since...nope never.
Dang, you guy's are meat hunters. I havnt cleaned a bass since...nope never.
that's all my brother... He is after all a cheese head now!; And at that point there was 3 of us!!
And face it I know how to fish!; :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
I didn't get pictures today so?? :scratch:
kettle...........did you get any rain up there??? judging by the webcams lakes look way better on the topside then around here!!!!!!
but it sure looks like the snow took a hit. i came home saturday morning. if i remember right it was warmer both sat and sunday then around stearns county.
:scratch: I could see quite a bit of wood on Geiger's deck last Sunday or Monday, glenn. Not now, they've gained another 3-4 wheelhouses out front of their lodge since then too.
Bit of rain. I'll be on the ice this weekend, I'll let you know how things are
Can go anywhere on a snowmobile or a truck. I still opted for the sled. Fished cutfoot, very few crappies, lots of tulibee
sounds like your gonna get 4-7 inches of snow up there soon kettle!!!!!!
:scratch: It looks like there could be a fresh 3-4" on the railing at GTE's porch this AM to me. :confused:
last week when i was up at the cabin, i stopped at one of my former co-workers for a quick visit. he said CO fairbanks dog passed away.
i see in the weekly reports he's back at canine training with a new pup named Fennic!!!!!!!
looking at the webcams.....doesnt look as though they had much snow since i was up last. thinkin maybe it might work out i may get another trip north mid march!!!!!!!! i'd like to go chase some tullies over on pokegema by rapids if things work out!!!!!!! and a few panfish around the cabin!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
We might be headed up on Sunday, got a call a week or so ago & they were thinking about starting on our new shed.
We might be headed up on Sunday, got a call a week or so ago & they were thinking about starting on our new shed.
where are they putting that gunner????? picturing your place did that first building/shed coming into your place get the damage you have been talking about???/
Yeah, had big pines on it twice in the last 3 seasons. Not much damage the 1st time though as it hit a rafter but weren't so lucky this year that day that DR had the tornado.
Yeah, had big pines on it twice in the last 3 seasons. Not much damage the 1st time though as it hit a rafter but weren't so lucky this year that day that DR had the tornado.
:happy1: did you find someone from the area to build it. seems guys like that are hard to round up!!!!!!1 when we put the new shed up, a classmate of mine and friend of my brothers came up to put the structure up as he's worked through the grand rapids lumber yard before. not sure how they went about finding the electrical and cement guys. but those guys did that stuff as side jobs!!!!!!!think they are in cahoostz together doing that kind of thing!
Over the last few days we probably got somewhere between 5-8 inches. I'll probably get out on the ice next week
These guys https://www.northlandbuildings.com/ they advertise in the Manny. The guy we talked to lived in Floodwood, had an office in Superior, & has a place over at Denny's on Winnie. He said they usually have at least 15-20 crews working in 5 states in the upper midwest.
There's a couple of stacks of rafters & timber out where the new shed's going to go so the builders were here last week. We talked to 'em Saturday & they said probably today. With the weather, maybe not, we'll see.
They might charge extra if your there trying to tell them what to do!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: Not my project & the contract was signed last fall. Down payment made then too. :mooning:
How big of shed Gunner? Will you still have your cargo box too? Man cave??? LOL
:scratch: Something like 42 X 34. The entire basement here is my man cave. ;) :smiley:
:scratch: Something like 42 X 34. The entire basement here is my man cave. ;) :smiley:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: that explains everytime i stop in your brother hollers downstairs!!!!!! :surrender: :bonk: and here i thought he didnt like you!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :nerd:
:pouty: :tut: He watches a lot of that channel that your wife makes you watch :mooning:, so I just stay down here. ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
We had some very light mist that I'm sure was making the roads a bit slick early yday. But 2 pickups came down the driveway ~ 9:45. One had a flatbed trailer with a ASV on it & the other had a smaller toy hauler type trailer behind it. Only 2 guys but they got about 1/2, 7, of the poles set before they headed home, DR, a little before 4:30. :happy1: :cool:
It looks like all the posts are in along with some long 2 X 6s tying 'em all together.
just make sure its big enough so you can find more stuff to put it in!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
thats what seems to be happening to are big shed at the cabin!!!!!! :pouty: :doah: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Well, you probably got it 1/2 full of KATCHUP!!!!! ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
Our snow didn't stop 'til almost noon here so the shed crew never made it & I don't blame them. It looks like they have all the posts set, I counted 18 of 'em, so it's probably on to the furring strips next.
We had to ask them to move 1 of their pickups when we came home yday & they wanted to know what happened to all our snow? One guy said he's just 10 miles away, down by Little Ball Club Lake, & he had an easy 6". They didn't come out early as it was too cold, but they did get 3 of the 5 rafters up & tied together before they went home. :cool:
Well... That's pretty easy to explain. With ALL that hot air blowing around that end of Sand lake; :sleazy: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :nerd: :nerd:
So, now your an expert on hot............................. :scratch: oh, wait :bonk:..........................never mind. :doah: :rolleyes: :evil: :laugh: :laugh:
So, now your an expert on hot............................. :scratch: oh, wait :bonk:..........................never mind. :doah: :rolleyes: :evil: :laugh: :laugh:
extrovert ya mean!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
So, now your an expert on hot............................. :scratch: oh, wait :bonk:..........................never mind. :doah: :rolleyes: :evil: :laugh: :laugh:
extrovert ya mean!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:confused: hey!! :tut: training-087 training-087 :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao:
So, now your an expert on hot............................. :scratch: oh, wait :bonk:..........................never mind. :doah: :rolleyes: :evil: :laugh: :laugh:
extrovert ya mean!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:confused: hey!! :tut: training-087 training-087 :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao:
if the shoe fits!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
So, now your an expert on hot............................. :scratch: oh, wait :bonk:..........................never mind. :doah: :rolleyes: :evil: :laugh: :laugh:
extrovert ya mean!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:confused: hey!! :tut: training-087 training-087 :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao:
if the shoe fits!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning:
The new shed was all framed in by the end of the day yday. :happy1: :cool:
weather permitting, borther and i are gonna head up over the weekend of the 17th to raise cane on the fish again. already talked to and got plans to hook up with a friend from rapids from IDO to hit pokegema in rapids to fish tullibees!!!! :rotflmao:
probably my last hoorah ice fishing!!!!!!
no decoy show for you then!!! oh well, it will there next year!! :happy1:
no decoy show for you then!!! oh well, it will there next year!! :happy1:
yep. Last year's tullie fishing didn't pan out :confused: bad ice!😣
yuppers I recall that, go get em!!!!
been watching the webcams up there...doesnt look like they are getting the snow we have. i like it!!!!!!!!
Not much snow left on Geiger's porch today, the west side of the Narrows starting to look a little wet again too.
At least 1 wheelhouse comin off at Geiger's & starting to snow over on Cutfoot already.
just looked at the cams up there, doesnt look to bad at the moment and can still see the majority of Geigers deck. looks like a couple units out in front of lakewoods!!!!!
There were only 4 houses out front of Geigers when I looked the 1st time & 1 of them was going off. Looks like 6-8 out there now.
The MnDOT plow cameras(GR169) up there look pretty crappy, couple of spinouts between Aitkin & Hill City too.
KETTLE.............what did this last round of snow leave for a mess???????? pretty sure i'm headed up thursday or friday morning!!!
looks like Geigers plow truck just went out on the lake!!!!!!
Looks a lot like it did yday at the Narrows yet today.
Yea, fair amount of snow, should not have an issue on the lake with snowmobile, might be an issue with a wheeler
Yea, fair amount of snow, should not have an issue on the lake with snowmobile, might be an issue with a wheeler
UGH!!!!!1 :doah:
Kettle.....was that a wet heavy snow???? Gino thought at this point a snowmobile would be best. not an issue but a wheeler would be better.
last time up was super bowl weekend.......dont think there was alot of snow since then based on the webcams and i see some 40's up there!!!!! i'll know more bythis afternoon, but i think i'm going !!!!! plan is to hit pokegema for tullibees one day, friday or saturday depending on if he has to work Friday!!!
I'm on the road today, back tomorrow, I'll find out more then!
WTF........ :confused: now there looking at watching another potential storm thurs-fri.......UGH!!!
:scratch: Why are you surprised??? I'm not. The same thing happens just about eveytime you want to go north. :doah: Lots of bad karma leftover from your :evil: days spent as a head pot stirrer, maybe? :sleazy: :nerd: Besides, it's been on my 10 day since Saturday & I already told you about it once :pouty: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:scratch: Why are you surprised??? I'm not. The same thing happens just about eveytime you want to go north. :doah: Lots of bad karma leftover from your :evil: days spent as a head pot stirrer, maybe? :sleazy: :nerd: Besides, it's been on my 10 day since Saturday & I already told you about it once :pouty: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:tut: :tut: :rotflmao: yea that never really goes away!!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd: :sleazy:
there's only 2 fishhouses at geigers right now!!!!!
:scratch: Pretty sure they store some of 'em there for their regulars as there's usually 6-8 or so out by the mailbox when I take the wheeler down that way. I didn't look yday but there were at least 6-8 out front on Sunday.
Got a call early today from the guys that'll be putting the doors on the shed. They are located in Moose Lake & were wondering about starting the install. They didn't want to drive 2 hours only to find out our driveway wasn't open, so we called Tim at the BStore. He said it was good to go, so we called 'em back & told 'em we'd see 'em tomorrow. :happy1: :cool:
Got a call early today from the guys that'll be putting the doors on the shed. They are located in Moose Lake & were wondering about starting the install. They didn't want to drive 2 hours only to find out our driveway wasn't open, so we called Tim at the BStore. He said it was good to go, so we called 'em back & told 'em we'd see 'em tomorrow. :happy1: :cool:
i may just have to do an inspection next time up!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
:scratch: kinda looks like there's a truck with wheelhouse stuck by Geigers?????
I was out about an hour ago & thought we had ~ 2" then, but the wind is still blowing enough where I can't see much of the bay. :scratch: Probably got some drifts out there. There's 1 right at the ramp & another back behind it a bit now too. :rolleyes:
Gunner................you need to get over to Geigers and help that one truck get off the lake!!!!!!! :surrender: :rotflmao:
Watched 1 go out ~ 5 yday & he dropped his house right next to red 1 before he went out the rest of the way. It looked like he might've been with somebody on a sled that had already been out fishing to me & they lead him out to the hot spot.
looks to me like a trip north after my wifes surgery may be in order!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy:
looks to me like a trip north after my wifes surgery may be in order!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy:
so is that when the next storm is going to hit?? asking for Sue.....
looks to me like a trip north after my wifes surgery may be in order!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy:
so is that when the next storm is going to hit?? asking for Sue.....
:rotflmao: she hopes not!! :rotflmao:
just read Sundins report from yesterday....... didnt sound like lake travel was very good!!!!!! :confused: most resorts he says are limiting travel to snowmobiles and wheelers. there is lotz of slush under the snow and says resorts are starting to give up on there ice roads........
i still have a glimmer of hope to get up there for 1 more ice fishing adventure....with the main goal hitting pokegema in grand rapids for tullies......hope it works!!!! as it looks now maybe the first part of April!!!!!
:scratch: I watched a wheeler with tracks come out of the resort mid-morning Wednesday. He made a loop over to the point on the end of our road, stopped, got off, checked things out a little, & headed back to the resort. He was about 1/2 way back to the resort when here came his buddy on a sled. The sled never made it 75 yds before he got stuck & the wheeler had to winch him out. They did go out again after lunch though, but I didn't see 'em go out. :confused: I could see the wheeler kicking up quite a bit of slush when he headed back to the resort early on, when the sled got stuck. Had somebody tell me that they found ~ 7" of the new stuff out there.
:doofus: UFFDA! Now I won't feel like in such a hurry wanting to go up :confused:
Not sure what GR got but we're headed back south on Sunday, so I can check it out. Around 40 through about Sunday, then closer to 30 for 3 days, back to mid 30's bay next Thursday. :scratch: Think I'd give the GR buddy a call by about mid-week & see what he thinks, if it was me.
I'll give kettle some time to scope it out.
I also have these medical issues here at home to, so ... :doah: :surrender:
Yeah, kind of forgot about Kettle as we haven't heard from him in a while. :bonk: I know he gets pretty busy sometimes. Was wondering about the hospital visits too. :scratch:
in all the years i've paid attention to those webcams up there, i'm beginning to think that the gals comment about its been a good year for the fish and not so good for the fishermen is pretty darn accurate..........
there sure hasnt been alot of activity on them webcams this year....... especially out of the narrows!!!!!!
i know early season stopped me from 2 lakes i like to hit!!!!!!!
There was 3 trucks with trailers over at the resort early yday, checked the mail ~ 2 & it looked like they hadn't moved all day to me. :scratch:
Lots of snow but the sun and warm Temps helped. Perfect snowball fight snow. I'm taking the sled out to go ride. Don't think I've trail rode in 20+ years. I'll have a better report tomorrow. South facing side hills in ditches were showing some brown but on shade slopes still several feet of snow
Apologies for the slow response was out of town working for 7 days
No worries kettle. :happy1:
Rode probably 20 miles on the sled, did go off trail and go back to where I grew up deer hunting down some old logging trails. I'm about 6' tall and there are plenty areas where snow was above mid thigh. Got the sled absolutely buried. Glad I still workout regularly or I would have been stranded. There are some slush on the lake. Talked to a few buddies out fishing. Plenty of times you drill a hole and 10 mins later you're sitting in water due to the pressure of the snow weight
Glenn will be happy to hear that!!!
Glenn will be happy to hear that!!!
yea no i'm not!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
thanks for the update Kettle!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: pretty much confirms what Jeff Sundin reported last week, and what Scenic told me he heard from guys he knows out fishing.....
hell for the looks of the forecast........its still gonna make ice!!!!!!! :confused: :crazy: :doah: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Had people out on our bay most of the afternoon yday. :confused:
Until the snow is melted and walkable ice is left I won't be fishing. I spent today rigging the new boat. Adjusting the trailer, putting the motor on and wave wackers. Ordering the mount for the two Helixs and the arm for the livescope. Looking forward to open water
Let's see a picture of that new fishing machine!👍
Let's see a picture of that new fishing machine!👍
Once it's all rigged I will! It's nothing crazy but it's my dream boat. 16 ft lund ssv with a 25 hp tiller. Wave wackers, 2 helix units, the livescope, three lithium ion batteries, a 12v 55lbs Thrust minnkota and throwable boat cushions for seats. Way safer than my 14 ft lund wc from last year
All you need;!👍 Besides it ain't the. Boat that catches the fish :rotflmao:
:scratch: Had people out on our bay most of the afternoon yday. :confused:
Yeah, I was surprised to see 'em out there too & never seen 'em set up. I did see them leave ~ 7, however, & it looked like they were both on wheelers to me. :scratch: My brother took the wheeler down to the NW PA on Bowstring that afternoon too. He said there was 2 trucks at the landing & 1 out on the lake with a wheelhouse, which surprised me even more. :shocked: :confused:
1 degrees this morning..... not great for melting ice...
looking at the webcams Giegers looks really quiet.
narrows has people and activity going out on the lake......so does Gunners neighbors at Lakewood!!!!! sure looks purty up there.
if we get that snow there yappin abot up there next week..........i'll be putting my ice fishin stuff away.
Merc, you been up lately?????
The wheelhouses parked out front at GTE came off the ice early in the week. Been watching that forecast too. :doah:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:just checked Geigers cam......had a fly walk across the camera :rotflmao: happened yesterday too!!!!
Supposed to get 10 inches of snow th8s Tues and Wed, I just signed up to work opener. I think a lot of lakes will open that week but don't think fishing will be that great. Leave Easter night for Banff, going to fish the Bow River before melt for trout
That sounds like a great trip. You’ll have to post pictures.
Iwas at the cabin last week but didn't fish. Never saw a person on the ice anywhere. Lots of snow and more in the forecast. Might try to make a quick trip after the snow starts melting but it's going to be a short time period between melt off and being able to get on the lakes. Access will go fast with all the run off. :happy1:
:pouty: i put my stuff away today. :confused: just need to finish taking care of the auger yet!!!!!!!
Snow started about an hour ago, predicting 9 inches then highs in the upper 50s next week
Looks like it's still coming down pretty good at the Narrows, but a little lighter at GTE.
Blowing snow, Temps on the teens this morning. I think I'm going to snowbird sooner than retirement 😆
Blowing snow, Temps on the teens this morning. I think I'm going to snowbird sooner than retirement 😆
yea but........accuweather said VERT HOT for tuesday next week..........at 60 degrees.........i bout peed myself laughing!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
holy hannah........gunners gals in inger are going to be in there itsy bitsy bikinis Wednesday!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: showing 73 degrees up there!!!!!!!!
:scratch: My weatherman says 64, so it could be a bit nipply, & we all know you really like that!! :sleazy: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: My weatherman says 64, so it could be a bit nipply, & we all know you really like that!! :sleazy: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea seen that this morning they dropped the expected high!!!!!!! no worries it'll change about 8 times yet!!!!!! :happy1:
checked the webcams a bit ago.....though there'd be more signs of melting up there? :scratch:
also no signs of life anywhere.......are the lake conditions that bad noone is out chasing fish??????
I'm out of town till Thurs, have buddies out on the ice in the area
Pretty gray at the Narrows today, couple a spots even lookin kind of dark. :scratch:
Weather channel says has a flood advisory till Thursday.
holy crap.....looked at the webcams earlier....and just now............the lakes look really really wet.
Sundin posted a report today...........more of an ice looking report. had some guy email him figuring an Aril 9-10 ice out date in the area????? :scratch: :scratch:
A bit of water on that NW corner at the Narrows today & another small spot by the docks on the east view too. It looks a little wet out front of LL's & GTE's accesses early today too.
Lost a lot of snow at GTE yday, quite a bit more water on top at LL & the Narrows.
Scenic, Kettle.........just curious..........are you guys losing alot of snow?????? alot of snow in the woods yet.
reason i'm asking is i'm thinking of heading up to the cabin maybe the last weekend of April to move stuff around from winter to summer. obviously the amount of snow and weather will play into this......
any info would be appreciated!!!!!!! :happy1:
edit.........i just went to the DNR site and found the snow depth chart for the state. up there says there is still 24 inches on the ground but that was from 4-6-2023!!!
I'm leaving Banff tomorrow, if everything goes right I'll be back in GR around 3pm. I'll let you know
I'm leaving Banff tomorrow, if everything goes right I'll be back in GR around 3pm. I'll let you know
how was fishing??
Lost a lot of snow at GTE yday, quite a bit more water on top at LL & the Narrows.
there is open water at the narrows......some waterfowl in it. think a couple of swans and geese!!!
2/3-3/4 of the Narrows is open today.
Not seeing much for ice pulling away from the shoreline yet. Water on top but nothing looking super dark. I'd still run a wheeler on it but not for much longer if it stays warm
:happy1: what about snow in general in the woods or yards?!
Not directed at me, but the snow in open areas has disappeared in open areas. There’s still snow in the woods and shaded areas. It’s going fast. 20+ miles north of Grand Rapids.
The Narrows should be completely open later today, a lot more water at GTE's access as well. It looks like LL's has lost most of it's snow & the gray/wet area looks to have about doubled since yday IMO too.
Not directed at me, but the snow in open areas has disappeared in open areas. There’s still snow in the woods and shaded areas. It’s going fast. 20+ miles north of Grand Rapids.
:happy1: :happy1: thanks fishwidow.......it was pointed at anyone who could give me an on the ground report from up there. i will me headed that was in the next couple weeks!!!!!! its time to flip the cabin to summer mode!!!!!! :happy1:
:happy1: what about snow in general in the woods or yards?!
:scratch: You can kind of look for yourself at the Narrows, glenn. Just go to 1 of the driveway cams or even the Boat Ramp or Gas Pump webcams at the bottom of the drop menu. :rolleyes:
Some light flurries at GTE now. :crazy:
:happy1: what about snow in general in the woods or yards?!
:scratch: You can kind of look for yourself at the Narrows, glenn. Just go to 1 of the driveway cams or even the Boat Ramp or Gas Pump webcams at the bottom of the drop menu. :rolleyes:
i usally go to the still cams all the time but lately the only ones that come up is the east-west and bobbers bar shots.......#'s 3-4-5 dont come in. :scratch: :doah: i just let it set on there webcams for 1/2 an hour...still nuttin!!!!!!
:scratch: What about now? http://www.williamsnarrows.com/webcam/live/index.asp?cam=2 or http://www.williamsnarrows.com/webcam/live/index.asp?cam=8
:scratch: What about now? http://www.williamsnarrows.com/webcam/live/index.asp?cam=2 or http://www.williamsnarrows.com/webcam/live/index.asp?cam=8
:scratch: :scratch: :happy1: yea when i click on these i get them. i can go below , and select every cam and it comes up..........but not if i go to the siter i have in my favs!!!!
wierd!!!!!!!! :bonk: :surrender: THANKS!!!!! and yea they lost alot of snow!!!!! :happy1:
We have lost most of our snow here. Still some in the yard where it was drifted up and some in the woods where it is shaded. The lake here looks pretty black. I seen a couple of side by sides out fishing yesterday.
:scratch: So, did you put the link I gave you in your favorites & delete the old 1................ yet? :rolleyes: ;) :smiley: :smiley:
not yet...i'm pretty busy!!!!!!
snow was gone here,.........not no more!!!!!!!!!! :bonk: :bonk:
:scratch: :doah: Yeah, spreading your :bs:!!!! :nerd: :rolleyes: :smiley: It takes a whole 4-5 clicks & ~ 15-20 seconds :doofus:
Wet but no snow, except on the ice, at GTE. Some left in the shaded/plow pile areas at the Narrows though. My 10-day says 1-3 tomorrow & again for tomorrow night up there now. Maybe even a little yet early Friday. :sleazy: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh:
:scratch: :doah: Yeah, spreading your :bs:!!!! :nerd: :rolleyes: :smiley: It takes a whole 4-5 clicks & ~ 15-20 seconds :doofus:
by the way.....i got it figured out!!!!!!!! :mooning: :happy1: :rotflmao:
looking at the extended into next week.......... one site has rain one doesnt!!!!!! :pouty: :doofus: not sure yet when i'm going up :scratch: :scratch: :doah:......... but an extended forcast is a crap shoot anyhow!!!!!
:scratch: Did 1 of the grandkids stop over? :nerd: :rolleyes: :rotflmao: I see rain for Tuesday-Thursday too, but it's only ~ a 35 - 40% chance. :confused:
:scratch: Did 1 of the grandkids stop over? :nerd: :rolleyes: :rotflmao: I see rain for Tuesday-Thursday too, but it's only ~ a 35 - 40% chance. :confused:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning: sticking with my plan.....heading up next tuesday morning. :happy1: :happy1:
kettle, Merc, Scenic.........question has any ice been pulling away from shorelines yet that you guys know of???? :scratch: just curious!!!!1
There was a little open water at the bottom of LL's ramp early today but that's about it. I talked to the neighbor on Monday, he was just up, & came home Thursday. I told him that the satellite showed ML totally locked up yet & he said that's the way it looked to him on his way home too. Like that yet yday too, according to Modis.
I seen some video or webcam shot from mille lacs that had open water along the shoreline somewhere.
looking at the webams this morning.........looks like a darn mess up there again!!!!!!!!! :bonk: its got 4 days to clean up its act!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: i'm going !!!!! :sleazy:
Just looked & it's still snowing, but pretty light. Looked before 8 this morning & I thought GTE had ~ 3" then. The 10 day says 37, 41, & 43 for the next 3 days, & if that's right it probably won't melt much. :scratch: Only the East & West ones looking at the water at the Narrows seem to be working right now to me. :confused:
Mikey's snowmap shows 7" about 6 miles south of DR & 7.5" west of DR near Ball Club. Just looking at the railing at GTE they got about another 2" during the day, so I'd guess it was at least 5-6" for them. Looked like they'd plowed some at the Narrows to me. All the webcams were back working when I peeked at 'em.
yea looks like a mess up there again.....i'm leaving tuesday morning come hell or high water........i need to get away. hopefully some of the snow melts before that. thurs through sunday has rain chances.........not big chances but......i got lotz of inside the shed stuff...so......
took a peek at the cams this morning. hard to tell at Geigers if thats actually open water or just water on top of the ice??????
lakewood sure looks like a small strip of open water??????? judging by the color???
This is 1 of 2 loads of wood I gathered with my newly acquired wood permit. And I wonder why I'm friggin sore! :doofus:
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:scratch: So what'd you do in your spare time.......................anything? :nerd: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
You call that a load?????
You call that a load?????
:pouty: :pouty: :bonk: :bonk: :rotflmao: its all my body could manage at the moment.......and it was all split the old fahioned way.........a splitting maul!!!!!!!!
:scratch: So what'd you do in your spare time.......................anything? :nerd: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning: you'd get tired just reading everything else i did!!!!!!! :moon:
you should go outside and let some of that hot air out there........maybe the ice will melt faster!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :sleazy: :smoking: ;) :rolleyes:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
hey gunner.......i got an assignment for ya!!!!! :rolleyes: tomorrow morning when you go get the paper, ask them at the store what there hearing about being able to get minnows?????
i'm hearing minnows are going to be tough to get, leeches also maybe. i'm not much of a minnow guy....prefer leeches!!!!!!
I'll use minnows early & late in the season but that's about it. I seen a pc , WCCO, where Vados Bait said they only got ~ 1/3 of their usual amount of Spottail Shiners last year & they expected it to be the same way this year.
I asked Tim about the bait situation & he said a lot of his bait comes from Coburn Creek over by Blackduck. But he also said his wholesaler said that they're having meetings with the state on what they might be able to do. Good article here..................https://www.startribune.com/fish-bait-minnows-shortage-minnesota-dnr-fishing-opener-live-bait/600267377/
We stopped at the CR 35 PA on our way over to the Bstore, so I asked about ice out there. He laughed & said in 2 weeks as the people out there 2 weeks ago found 36" of good clear ice, yet then.
:happy1: :happy1:i read an article very similar if not the same one not to long ago!!!!!!!
We stopped at the CR 35 PA on our way over to the Bstore, so I asked about ice out there. He laughed & said in 2 weeks as the people out there 2 weeks ago found 36" of good clear ice, yet then.
2 weeks from when :scratch: :scratch: that ice really took a beating since i looked at the webcams this morning!!!!!! whole lot more open water too along the shorelines!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep Gunner is back up there. Windy :mooning: :rotflmao: and they just issued a critical fire warning for the area tomorrow and Tuesday.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:happy1: :happy1:i read an article very similar if not the same one not to long ago!!!!!!!
:scratch: KSTP & MSN both had pcs that said about the same thing, when I googled it. :confused:
We stopped at the CR 35 PA on our way over to the Bstore, so I asked about ice out there. He laughed & said in 2 weeks as the people out there 2 weeks ago found 36" of good clear ice, yet then.
2 weeks from when :scratch: :scratch: that ice really took a beating since i looked at the webcams this morning!!!!!! whole lot more open water too along the shorelines!!!!!!!!!!!!
:scratch: Guess you had to be there :doah:, because it was obvious to me that he was spreading a little of your specialty. :bs: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley: Knowing full well that 2 weeks from yday would raise hell with all the people that like to fish the Opener. :evil:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: so. :scratch: he's as full of :bs: as you are then!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
lookin like you might be able to cast off your dock pretty soon!!!!!!!!
:tut: Probably not for at least a week as the channel down by the bridge was just ice free today. Some open water at the point on the end of our road where we leave the bay though. That is where the bay ice usually breaks up 1st, then it can really start movin around.
that ice sure is taking a beating up there!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Few lakes opened up yesterday, few still pretty covered but all ice is quite black. I won't be out until the Thursday after opner as I don't like the crowds. Buddy of mine is trapping minnows for local stores so I shouldn't have any issues getting shiners
The open water on the point now goes about 2/3 of the way across the bay after that wind yday. With the current forecast the bay could be free of ice by the 1st part of the IMO.
Gunner, Merc, Kettle???? Seen something on Facebook yesterday that gave me the impression that the Timberwolf Inn north of Marcell might be under new ownership??
Any idea if that's true?? Recently it's been getting somewhat negative reviews, food has gone downhill
That’s the rumor. We haven’t been there for probably 5-6 months and we usually hit it every three months or so. Got some friends that we meet for dinner about once a month, and the Wolf is in the regular rotation, so we’re about due. I can let you know my opinion after the next visit
:bonk: :bonk: I keep forgetting your up there! :pouty:
I asked highbanks on Facebook, yes it under new ownership, apparently really good friends of the new highbanks owners. I did mention under previous ownership the food when downhill.
Looks like 3 couples all related.
About 12 years ago I went to training at Marcell of all places to be a Rural Mail Carrier. I stayed at the Wolf Inn place. The room was great! The food was great! It was during the week and was pretty full of real nice people. I brought in some Ice Rigs and they had a raffle with them in the bar. Really a fun time. Always wanted to bring the wife there sometime. Sorry to hear it is going down hill. Hopefully they pick up the pace.
:scratch: Do you go there a lot, glenn :confused: We've never been there. Pretty sure merc has mentioned before that he likes to go there & eat quite a bit though. Have had someone tell me that about their food recently too.
The wind beat the ice up pretty good. All of it came off the lake here yesterday.
It's open from the point all the way across the bay this morning too. So, it shouldn't be more than 2, maybe 3, days & our bay will be open as well. :happy1:
I go to the Wolf a lot but don't eat there too often as of late. I knew the first owner Tim real well, a Stearns county guy. The two that bought it from him had one of them an old Stearns county guy also.. Nice guys and when I did eat there it was very good. Heading up Monday so I'll get to check out the new owners now. I do most of my eating at the Pine Cone for breakfast, very good food there too. I better check out Rileys and Hayslips also as I am an equal participant at visiting the local establishments. :happy1:
hey Merc.......when i was up a week ago they had missing persons poster up all over for you!!!!!!! :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
i haven't ate there in a couple years.......i usually dont go out to eat or bar hop up there.......no time!!!! my kid was there last year...ordered a bacon cheeseburger.......1 slice of bacon and the burger itself wasnt all that good.
highbanks owners are really promoting the place!!!!!! hope too they turn it around!!!!1 :happy1:
Must have been Hayslips putting up the posters. :laugh:
Got just a little ice over in the NW corner of the bay today, so it should be clear by tomorrow. Looked at the satellite & the main lake looked much the same on yday's image. Could be some docks going in the lake here soon.
looking at the webcams, the wind pushed ice up to Geigers, i dont see any ice at williams narrows, yea gunner the cam out of Lakewood.......shows the ice really disappeared yesterday!!!!!!
The wind had the ice moving early yday & by ~ noon I couldn't see any out here. Might've been a bit in the NW corner though. The neighbor went down to the nursery across from GDP around 1 yday & when he came back there was 3 boats out on Little Cutfoot.
for the past several days there's been ice in front of Geigers........looks like it disappeared this morning!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
read on bring me the news the little town of Emily Mn doesnt have a police dept for a while. guess the chief got busted for shoplifting some product that can make you high!!!!!!!!
Fair amount of lakes around Rapids ice free. I'm working opener but there should be plenty of open water for the Gong show.
read on bring me the news the little town of Emily Mn doesnt have a police dept for a while. guess the chief got busted for shoplifting some product that can make you high!!!!!!!!
I read that too. Never heard of the stuff that he took. Was a few hundred bucks worth it said.
well over $900 if I remember right...
The resort got their docks in the same day ours went in. Got the neighbor's in the next day & a couple more places up the road got theirs out yday too. Be a bit surprised if most aren't in by Sunday, now.
so...yesterday i got the Jessie lake watershed Assoc newsletter. they've had issues with filling some vacancies within there board. i joined it last year after i found out they helped get the cabin lake restocked after i hounded the hell out of the DNR in grand rapids!!! :evil: :rotflmao:
i seen in the letter they filled some of the positions now but are now looking for 2 people to be on the board of directors. there's a fella from Arkansas that has a place on the lake that was on the board and moved up to the VP spot. i've met him and talked to him now and then. i sent him an email inquiring about the time it takes up and the commitments these positions take up. the conversation is ongoing!!!!
i'm not sure i want to make to many commitments anymore????? :scratch: :doah: but thinking about one of them board of directors spots. i wasn't sure i'd be welcome after only being a 1 year member but he seems to think i'd be fine!!!!!! anyway something i'm thinking about doing......besides another voice on the board for our little lake wouldnt hurt. I also know another cabin owner on the lake is also a member i talk to frequently is also a member!!
Brudder sent me this earlier. I need to start charging for my fishing expertise. I got a darn good idea where these came from. :scratch:
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:happy1: :happy1:
I bet that was fun.
I bet that was fun.
:happy1: nuttin better then sunfish fishing and even better eating sunfish........gotta be skin on scaled though!!!!! :happy1:
checked the webcams out earlier.a few boats out. didnt see gunner though!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
There was 8 rigs parked on CR 35 @ 8:30, already, when I went to get minnows yday. :rolleyes:
There was 8 rigs parked on CR 35 @ 8:30, already, when I went to get minnows yday. :rolleyes:
:scratch: thats all?????? usually parked out on 35 opener!!!!!!!!
i would assume you got your minners at the bowstring store...........how where the situated for bait?????????
Yeah, I called just to be sure & she told me right away that the few shiners they had were gone early. Got there & she said they'd got more bait late Saturday. Those had a few shiners mixed in, but the trapper didn't sort 'em. I asked for a couple dozen fatheads & got 1 bigger scoop, which was a good count, for $6. Too many slimers here for me to care about shiners anyway. Tim told me once that their bait comes from by Blackduck.
:pouty: well, there goes the neighborhood!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
i decided to take a run at the position of being a Jessie Lake Watershed Association board member. the other officers need to approve of it but sounds like there arent many beating on the door!!!!!
so.........with that being said...............i'm now accepting any and all cash donations for my campaign!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :happy1:
:pouty: well, there goes the neighborhood!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
i decided to take a run at the position of being a Jessie Lake Watershed Association board member. the other officers need to approve of it but sounds like there arent many beating on the door!!!!!
so.........with that being said...............i'm now accepting any and all cash donations for my campaign!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:
I can pay you in pike fillets
I'll contribute too :rolleyes:...................... but all I can afford is my $.02....................daily. :nerd: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :pouty: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao:
Brother texted me this picture a bit ago was in the cabin lake!! :happy1:
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HEY Gunner.......looked at 511 and seen hwy 6 in deer river is closed???? i'm thinking its just a short stretch from hwy 2 north till the edge of town???
in your venture to rapids........what did you see?????/
by the way that snapper was dead.........brother figured it would be a good 25 lbs of meat!!!!! what a waste. i told him he should clean it....be plenty tender!!!!!1 :happy1: :rotflmao:
Another clock???
Another clock???
:scratch: not sure......depends on how bad it stinks and what he did with. he put the dock and and said he was going to measure it, but i havent heard yet.......he's on his way home now!!!!!!!
He sent me a picture of measuring that turtle. From the back of its shell to the tip of his nose was 24 1/2 inches long . It was a monster.
so did save the shell???
Don't know what he did with it, I'll find out Monday morning. If it's already dead, not sure just how "ripe" it is.
sad if lost but oh well... the shell, not the meat... I would wonder about that....
Oh but that meat is yummy!! And if my brother didn't take it chances are it's not any good.
Scavengers! :rotflmao: ;)
HEY Gunner.......looked at 511 and seen hwy 6 in deer river is closed???? i'm thinking its just a short stretch from hwy 2 north till the edge of town???
in your venture to rapids........what did you see?????/
Heard they're working on the bridge by the Deer & Moose Lake turn. The detour is the 1st county blacktop, CR 44/142, going back east on 46. :scratch: Just follow the orange signs, glenn. :nerd: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh:
Oh but that meat is yummy!! And if my brother didn't take it chances are it's not any good.
oh I know but not knowing how long it was dead leaves to much to have issues with the meat...
HEY Gunner.......looked at 511 and seen hwy 6 in deer river is closed???? i'm thinking its just a short stretch from hwy 2 north till the edge of town???
in your venture to rapids........what did you see?????/
Heard they're working on the bridge by the Deer & Moose Lake turn. The detour is the 1st county blacktop, CR 44/142, going back east on 46. :scratch: Just follow the orange signs, glenn. :nerd: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh:
:bonk: :bonk: doah...i know that!!!!!! :rotflmao: i hate detours........ :rotflmao:
Oh but that meat is yummy!! And if my brother didn't take it chances are it's not any good.
oh I know but not knowing how long it was dead leaves to much to have issues with the meat...
pretty much........i'll look see but if it reaks......i aint touching it even for the shell!!!!!! :pouty:
The Mn State Bird must've heard your comin up as they started to come out of the woodwork late yday. Needed a Thermacell to sit on the neighbor's patio for a cocktail after I came in ~ 7:30 last night. :pouty:
The Mn State Bird must've heard your comin up as they started to come out of the woodwork late yday. Needed a Thermacell to sit on the neighbor's patio for a cocktail after I came in ~ 7:30 last night. :pouty:
i aint afriad of no skeeter...........besides i got all da stuff to have a battle with them sucka's!!!!!! :happy1:
i'm tellin ya........a jug of cheap mint mouthwash to a gallon of water and a tblsp of epsom salt does wonders to ward off skeeters.......not all but does a damn fine job for the most part.........put it in a pump sprayer!!!!!!!! i buy 3-4 bottles of the mouthwash every year at the dollar tree for 1.25 each!!!!
The state bird has made their presence up here to yesterday.
Same here. They haven't been spraying around here yet. Mem Day is usually their starting point. We love it. Works great.
The Mn State Bird must've heard your comin up as they started to come out of the woodwork late yday. Needed a Thermacell to sit on the neighbor's patio for a cocktail after I came in ~ 7:30 last night. :pouty:
i aint afriad of no skeeter...........besides i got all da stuff to have a battle with them sucka's!!!!!! :happy1:
i'm tellin ya........a jug of cheap mint mouthwash to a gallon of water and a tblsp of epsom salt does wonders to ward off skeeters.......not all but does a damn fine job for the most part.........put it in a pump sprayer!!!!!!!! i buy 3-4 bottles of the mouthwash every year at the dollar tree for 1.25 each!!!!
:thumbs: Tried it & it don't work here. We use Talstar, the neighbor sprays it for us. It usually lasts about a month.
works just fine at the cabin???????? :scratch: :scratch:
The Mn State Bird must've heard your comin up as they started to come out of the woodwork late yday. Needed a Thermacell to sit on the neighbor's patio for a cocktail after I came in ~ 7:30 last night. :pouty:
i aint afriad of no skeeter...........besides i got all da stuff to have a battle with them sucka's!!!!!! :happy1:
i'm tellin ya........a jug of cheap mint mouthwash to a gallon of water and a tblsp of epsom salt does wonders to ward off skeeters.......not all but does a damn fine job for the most part.........put it in a pump sprayer!!!!!!!! i buy 3-4 bottles of the mouthwash every year at the dollar tree for 1.25 each!!!!
:thumbs: Tried it & it don't work here. We use Talstar, the neighbor sprays it for us. It usually lasts about a month.
Same here. I get the Bifen IT since it is cheaper. The bifenthiren is the main ingredient in Talstar. That stuff does work good.
ok, so where's a guy get that stuff????? i'll try anything!!!!!
I order online. I think the site is Do your own pest control. Or something like that. Also have ordered off eBay too. Stuff works good to for keeping spiders of of buildings like Tempo.
Brother looked it up online for the neighbor, so he ordered a gallon for us too. A bit spendy for a gallon but when he told how much he uses each application I did the #'s in my head quick & it was ~$2.50-$3.00 each time he sprayed. :happy1: :cool: He uses something called Spreader Sticker that helps it bond to what he sprays too. Which my brother said is basically some kind of soap.
I wonder where he gets the sticker from?
It looks like Amazon has it, JB. So does Ebay, Walmart, & your local farm supply store might even carry it too.
Brother looked it up online for the neighbor, so he ordered a gallon for us too. A bit spendy for a gallon but when he told how much he uses each application I did the #'s in my head quick & it was ~$2.50-$3.00 each time he sprayed. :happy1: :cool: He uses something called Spreader Sticker that helps it bond to what he sprays too. Which my brother said is basically some kind of soap.
and here I thought the only spreader you guys had up there was a :bs: spreader!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
It looks like Amazon has it, JB. So does Ebay, Walmart, & your local farm supply store might even carry it too.
Is there a brand or name of it or just called sticker? I know farmers use it alot for spraying.
Brother looked it up online for the neighbor, so he ordered a gallon for us too. A bit spendy for a gallon but when he told how much he uses each application I did the #'s in my head quick & it was ~$2.50-$3.00 each time he sprayed. :happy1: :cool: He uses something called Spreader Sticker that helps it bond to what he sprays too. Which my brother said is basically some kind of soap.
and here I thought the only spreader you guys had up there was a :bs: spreader!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :tut: Why don't you go play with an old stinky, slimy turtle? :sleazy: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Ferti Lome is the brand we use but there's others...................https://www.walmart.com/ip/Hi-Yield-Spreader-Sticker/903094062?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=1609&adid=22222222222000000000
Amazon has it.
The state bird has made their presence up here to yesterday.
Here too. Even during the day they were bad and hungry. Pretty much could not sit on the deck last night even with a smudge fire going. I will be spraying something here shortly.
:confused: guess I'll find out in about 4 hours!
In deer river! :happy1: yep skeeters are out in force. Seen a dead bear in the ditch south of Emily. Don't see that often. Gas stations are crooks up here 3. 54. :confused:
In deer river! :happy1: yep skeeters are out in force. Seen a dead bear in the ditch south of Emily. Don't see that often. Gas stations are crooks up here 3. 54. :confused:
It went down some in the last couple days. It was 3.72 there a couple days ago.
:scratch: DR & Gr have been that for at least 2 weeks. I paid $3.39 in Squaw Lake this afternoon & that's pretty normal. :confused:
GR is almost always really high. I sometimes plan trips to Hibbing for normal restocking of supplies. Distance is slightly more, but gas prices are almost always way lower.
yep skeeters are out in force. Seen a dead bear in the ditch south of Emily. Don't see that often.m
Yep skeeters have been ferocious the last couple weeks. As for the dead bear—I happened on one north of Moose Lake a few years ago. It was on the ditch with both paws and its head missing. I called the DNR. They told me that it’s not uncommon to get reports like this. The paws snd head make for good taxidermy I guess.
Quite a few boats going both ways for a Monday IMO, & the pumps were busy at the Max Mini Store.
Ferti Lome is the brand we use but there's others...................https://www.walmart.com/ip/Hi-Yield-Spreader-Sticker/903094062?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=1609&adid=22222222222000000000
Amazon has it.
Having a little HH with the neighbor yday & he said he doesn't exactly follow the directions with the Spreader Sticker as he doesn't measure it, just pours a little in before he mixes everything the last time. He thinks he gets better results because he uses a little more than what they recommend too.
What a weird year, water Temps already to 70 degrees. Sure hope we don't get water Temps above 80
What a weird year, water Temps already to 70 degrees. Sure hope we don't get water Temps above 80
Yep. Really noticed that putting the dock in about 10 days ago. Got good and wet, but not at all chilled.
:scratch: Yeah, I'm surprised with how fast we've warmed up here too. Official ice-out was 5/7, so it hasn't even been 3 weeks, yet. I haven't been out much in the evenings, but the mid-morning & early afternoon surface temps that I've seen have been from 56-62 here.
It worries me, it also makes fishing a little unpredictable. Going out with shiners, leeches and crawlers in the boat. Should get out 3-4 times over the next 3 days
Nothin but slot fish & little nords here. :pouty:
never fished for panfish, but the pike were crazy. thinking between the 3 different lakes i fished we caught 40 nords. and we didnt try all that hard. yesterday was all catch and release.
man were there rigs with boats at deer river cenex early this morning......went to Remer to put gas in. moving pretty slow but need to keep plugging away!!!
Nothin but slot fish & little nords here. :pouty:
we caught a lot of slot fish too!!!
They fit right into that we could keep them slot!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Finally got 1 for the livewell yday............................on a crawler. :happy1: :cool:
Finally got 1 for the livewell yday............................on a crawler. :happy1: :cool:
the outdoor news lake profile in this latest edition is your Sand Lake.............and the article said this guy from Iowa hasnt caught a fish in years there!!!!!!! :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
must be your first one!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :evil: :evil:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Heading up Tuesday with my group that will be 45 years now We'll be fishing walleye mainly with a little panfish fishing during the day. The week after be back with a different group for the same type of fishing.
Finally got 1 for the livewell yday............................on a crawler. :happy1: :cool:
the outdoor news lake profile in this latest edition is your Sand Lake.............and the article said this guy from Iowa hasnt caught a fish in years there!!!!!!! :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
must be your first one!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :evil: :evil:
:tut: :mooning: :scratch: They must be talkin about the guy from down by Waterloo that's just up the road. :confused:
Naw they said there were 2. :sleazy: :mooning: :rotflmao:
havent seem ole Merc on for a while....hope they let him outta hayslips!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: just wondering if he scoped out the Timberwolf yet????
hey Gunner.......how have the bugs been since you got back?????/
We did the Wolf a few weeks ago. The salad bar is the same. Weren’t impressed with the regular menu, though. Some of the staff are now at Antler. It went through a down period for a few years, and we tried it again about a month ago. It was better than it had been in recent years. Just my opinion.
We did the Wolf a few weeks ago. The salad bar is the same. Weren’t impressed with the regular menu, though. Some of the staff are now at Antler. It went through a down period for a few years, and we tried it again about a month ago. It was better than it had been in recent years. Just my opinion.
:happy1: yea it may take a while to get things going back on track. i dont mind paying a little more if they have good food with fair portions!!!!!
i did google them and mostly favorable reviews.......... but some not so nice!!!!!
Just got back from my second trip in two weeks. Last week we stayed on my side of six and ended up with 16 walleye. This trip we crossed six and got 34 walleye. Ate a bunch and everyone took some home. Not fast and furious but a steady bite. Fourteen feet of water was the key depth. Some were on top the humps and some were when we just started to come off the humps. Bugs were better than last week but still bad. :happy1:
We did ok fishing
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A few more.
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Some good eating there!! :happy1:
Slime samwiches.
Slime samwiches.
meh, minor details.
Just think of your single days Roon y!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Dad got this for mom many moons ago and was at the house. I cleaned it up and working on it. It's going to the cabin when I am done.
:doah: :scratch: not sure why it looks so red in the picture. Used a redwood wood preservative.. gonna put 4-5 coats of clear satin/ polyurethane on it yet.
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That's cool!
The eagle has landed. :happy1: and just so you know, that cooler you see has my bottled water in it!! :happy1: :sleazy:
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Put our sheltie to rest at the cabin Monday when I got there. Hit me pretty hard
She is back in the woods behind the eagle.
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Put our sheltie to rest at the cabin Monday when I got there. Hit me pretty hard
She is back in the woods behind the eagle.
Very nice Glenn
Well done. :cry:
... and just so you know, that cooler you see has my bottled water in it!! :happy1: :sleazy:
We were pretty sure it wasn't full of fish. :rolleyes: :embarrassed:
... and just so you know, that cooler you see has my bottled water in it!! :happy1: :sleazy:
We were pretty sure it wasn't full of fish. :rolleyes: :embarrassed:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning: well no those i keep in the frig or freezer!!!!!!!!! :moon: :happy1:
yes sir well done... :happy1:
Looks good Glenn!
Good job Glenn.
Nice job, bud. :cool:
most of you probably remember my little battle with the Jessie lake township and trying to get them to maybe grade our main road into the cabin with no luck.
well, the other day i think Mikey got me in trouble!!!!!!! :pouty: :rotflmao: wish the hell i could figure out how to pull a picture off and email to post, but cant! :cry: :bonk: anyway he sent me a picture of a sign that said.
bumpy road.
remove dentures
tighten bra straps. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
well, i forwarded that to the 2 clowns i was battling. told them since there to tight to do something for the taxpayers in there township, maybe they could but that sign up!!!!!!!1 :rotflmao: :happy1:
surpisingly i havent heard back from them yet? :scratch: :doah: nor have the cops showed up yet!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:shocked: :tut: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
:shocked: :tut: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
:smoking: :sleazy: :sleazy: :rolleyes:
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atta boy boober!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
atta boy boober!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
2nd that!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Gunner.......how have the flies, skeeters and deer/horseflies been?????? headed up thursday afternoon.
we have our lake assoc meeting on sat at the bowstring town hall. i believe thats right behind the bowstring store????????
Yeah, there's a church right there too, neither are more than a 1/2 block from the Bstore. The bugs have been pretty good actually, since about when you went home the last time. :nerd: :evil: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Yeah, there's a church right there too, neither are more than a 1/2 block from the Bstore. The bugs have been pretty good actually, since about when you went home the last time. :nerd: :evil: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:bonk: :bonk: :banghead: :banghead: training-087 training-087 :pouty: :mooning: :mooning:
bugs werent bad at all......hardly any!!!!!!!! brought a truck load of junk to the dump, it was a pretty good size load, oh i coulda fit more in....he charged $8.00!!!!!!! it woulda cost me 50 around home. but he's a crabby old coot!!!!!! :confused:
then went down to were i deer hunt and loaded the truck with campfire wood. unloaded it and cut more around the cabin. sat am was a bit chilly with the wind coming off the lake.
gas was all over the place, in deer river think it was 3.59, other places 3.49. crosby ironton was cheapest at 3.34 brainerd had 3.43.
anyone else ever see a church up for sale?????? not sure what denomination it is but the one on hwy 6 right before cty rd 11 or the deer river shortcut is!!!!!!! then i seen the bridge tavern right by the sippi river north of crosby is up for sale to. wasnt there when i went up thursday!!!!!!!
:scratch: Did you get either of my PMs 57? Neither 1 showed up in my sent folder. :confused:
:scratch: Did you get either of my PMs 57? Neither 1 showed up in my sent folder. :confused:
yes both of them !!!!!! :rotflmao: i have that issue too. for some reason lately when you type a pot up in the PM's there's a little box on the bottom that says something like save in your outbox......if you dont check thst it wont.............and you have to do it each time!!!!!! :bonk: :surrender:
Hey that's good to know Glenn :happy1: but here I thought you guys met up in Inger to chat anyway.. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
:scratch: Did you get either of my PMs 57? Neither 1 showed up in my sent folder. :confused:
yes both of them !!!!!! :rotflmao: i have that issue too. for some reason lately when you type a pot up in the PM's there's a little box on the bottom that says something like save in your outbox......if you dont check thst it wont.............and you have to do it each time!!!!!! :bonk: :surrender:
:doah: Yeah, I've seen that before..............................but not today. :doofus:
Hey that's good to know Glenn :happy1: but here I thought you guys met up in Inger to chat anyway.. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: Gunner wont let me near his hareem!!!!!!!!!! :surrender: :scratch: :rotflmao:
Hey that's good to know Glenn :happy1: but here I thought you guys met up in Inger to chat anyway.. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
yup didn't know that either!!!
Hey that's good to know Glenn :happy1: but here I thought you guys met up in Inger to chat anyway.. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: Gunner wont let me near his hareem!!!!!!!!!! :surrender: :scratch: :rotflmao:
:tut: But glenn has the only "Reserved Parking" spot in Inger. :scratch: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
You guys are making me want to go to Inger. :sleazy:
You guys are making me want to go to Inger. :sleazy:
It's only about 4 miles from that spot where we met that time LPS, so it should be pretty easy to find. ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao:
I have come to the conclusion that about a month ago when I was at the cabin I got me a case of the chiggers!! :confused: damn does that itch, to the point of scratching till it bled!!
I always thought you got them in the water and I did need to do some work on the pump but a Google search doesn't appear they are in the water but in wet areas in weeds!!
First time I had them, hopefully last. It's getting better now though.
U get swimmers itch in water. Different critter. Similar result.
its weird just around my ankles!!!!!!1
Never had chiggers. My little cousins got them once and I felt sorry for them. Terrible itching like you said Glenn.
Prolly crabs from Inger.
Prolly crabs from Inger.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :tut:
I talked myself into going up tomorrow afternoon!!! :sleazy: :happy1:
Prolly crabs from Inger.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :tut:
I talked myself into going up tomorrow afternoon!!! :sleazy: :happy1:
got the itch again?? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Yep!!! :rotflmao: I'll work the store first.
just checked the weather for up there..........wed the high is 59........... :doofus: i'll take it!!!!!!! :happy1:
60 something here for then... love it.... :happy1:
Prolly crabs from Inger.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :tut:
I talked myself into going up tomorrow afternoon!!! :sleazy: :happy1:
Wish he'd of come back up earlier ;).........................we need the rain!! :nerd: :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
damn.......... :shocked: Gunner you hear anything about a pedestrian getting killed on Hwy 6 bewteen deer river and cty rd 19........its the road that goes towards deer moose lake!!!!
seen it on bring me the news!!!!!!
I heard about it on the early Duluth news on Monday, but they didn't have many details. Sounds like it was at the Golf Course Rd & Hwy 6 intersection. https://www.valleynewslive.com/2023/09/18/pedestrian-found-dead-highway-6-deer-river-mn/ I was out on the bay that morning & it did get pretty foggy but not 'til about 6-6:30.
Gunner........are the leaves still hanging on the trees up there????? guy on FM/HSO from the iron range posted a picture of a trail....... and almost all the leaves where down????????
Not many left on the end of our driveway either. Pretty breezy again today & there's hardly any coming down.
:scratch: The trees along the shoreline seem to be hanging on to theirs yet, though. I haven't been out :fishing: in a few days but the last time I was the surface temps were still 65-66.
My brother sent me this a bit ago. Looks as though it's a tad chilly on the lake.
He told me he caught it right in front of a place that had Iowa tabs on the boat ;!! :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
[attachment deleted by admin]
:pouty: :tut: That shoreline isn't in this bay besides it says MN 2501 JL on our boat!! :nerd: :moon: :rolleyes: :smiley:
Nice fish. Is that Shadow or does he have a yellow lab?
Nice fish. Is that Shadow or does he have a yellow lab?
not shadow, that's his pooch :happy1: about 1500.00 worth and has to feed it special Foo d
There's been 3 boats out here the last 2 days. We had a light mist/rain almost all afternoon Thursday, with that wind & the temps it would've been plenty cold out there. :crazy:
Nice fish. Is that Shadow or does he have a yellow lab?
not shadow, that's his pooch :happy1: about 1500.00 worth and has to feed it special Foo d
We are sure happy with Purina like you.
Nice fish. Is that Shadow or does he have a yellow lab?
not shadow, that's his pooch :happy1: about 1500.00 worth and has to feed it special Foo d
We are sure happy with Purina like you.
:happy1: :happy1: good to hear......its all i've ever fed my dogs!!!!of course i may have a bit of bias.....when in high school i worked at a feed mill that sold purina feeds!!!!!!! :rolleyes: but it works well for me!!!!! :happy1:
My dogs just love it. Like candy to them. Of course Jake is still on Purina Puppy Chow. No more diarrhea neither.
My dogs just love it. Like candy to them. Of course Jake is still on Purina Puppy Chow. No more diarrhea neither.
the no runny stools is the best part!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
kettle.....hows that trip north of the border going?????
:pouty: tomorrow can't come soon enough. :confused: brother texted me a picture of a nice batch of sunfish with a few crappies in the mix.
First project though is to go check to see what kind of shape deerstands are in. That's Oct 28th weekend project.
Years ago when my step kid started hunting I built a stand way further back out of treated wood , I'm tearing that down and going to remodel the one I use now. He doesn't seem to want to work so he ain't hunting with me until he's gainfully employed.
No it won't be boar style deer stand either :rotflmao:
well it was a great 6 days at the cabin.....dropped a couple big trees that were dead and mother nature could of did some serious damage. cut split and stacked a bunch of wood.
tried fishing one day but with whitecaps and me being alone a no go. fished the little lake behind us, was bright sunny day so its usually not good, but i did find some really nice panfish in deep water....all are back for another day!!!!
deer stands are in pretty good shape.....need some saw work on the trails in though.
grouse....seen a good amount.but damn nabit i think my shells didnt have BB's in them!!! :bonk: :bonk: what was odd was all the so called experts said ya gotta hit swamp edges, thick stuff........i seen 99% of them on well used trails and roads.
grouse....seen a good amount.but damn nabit i think my shells didnt have BB's in them!!! :bonk: :bonk: what was odd was all the so called experts said ya gotta hit swamp edges, thick stuff........i seen 99% of them on well used trails and roads.
Maybe cause you spend 99% of y'er time walkin on trails and roads? :scratch:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
grouse....seen a good amount.but damn nabit i think my shells didnt have BB's in them!!! :bonk: :bonk: what was odd was all the so called experts said ya gotta hit swamp edges, thick stuff........i seen 99% of them on well used trails and roads.
Maybe cause you spend 99% of y'er time walkin on trails and roads? :scratch:
training-087 training-087 :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: i put on a good 8 miles hoofing it through less traveled stuff to bucko!!!!!! :mooning: :rotflmao:
I talked to another guy who saw a bunch of grouse on the Superior Hiking Trail. Maybe last year was just really bad and they rebounded this year. :confused:
From what I'm hearing is with the amount of snow we had and not a crusty top layer the grouse had plenty of shelter over winter combined with the dryer that normal spring the hatch survival was way above average.
I know there was a pretty big group over at the resort a week or so ago & a good share of 'em were hunting grouse almost every day. The neighbor talked to 1 of them 1 day & he was told that the group had shot 14 the day before. :scratch: Think they were covering a lot of ground though as there was at least 4 or 5, maybe even 6, SXS's over there for that week or so they were here.
Gunner...........i just was on HSO/FM and Wanderer posted a resort owner reported a zebra mussel on a pontoon on Jessie..................you hear anything about it????????
Yeah, it was in the Fall newsletter, which has been out for just about a month.
Yeah, it was in the Fall newsletter, which has been out for just about a month.
:scratch: that's crazy,as a member of the board and not even being informed. :pouty: :thumbs:
Really starting to wonder this was a good idea. :scratch: :doah:
Yeah, it was in the Fall newsletter, which has been out for just about a month.
:scratch: that's crazy,as a member of the board and not even being informed. :pouty: :thumbs:
Really starting to wonder this was a good idea. :scratch: :doah:
ruh roh...
Yeah, it was in the Fall newsletter, which has been out for just about a month.
:scratch: that's crazy,as a member of the board and not even being informed. :pouty: :thumbs:
Really starting to wonder this was a good idea. :scratch: :doah:
ruh roh...
1).......right after the first meeting i went to in AUG the VP couldnt make it, had to go back to Arkansas, his place is on our lake as well. nice guy when you visit him. i sent him an email with thoughts on the new Prez agenda...........nary a word back.
2) current dues are $15.00....he wants to raise it to $50.00. his math says we'd have more money, even if we lose a few. i told the board when the secretary sent the meeting minutes i'd prefer this be a marathon not a sprint........meaning more members with a modest increase........Nary a word from anybody.
3) new prez claims he knows a guy that put an ariator system in our lake free of charge to so call advertise it with the state.....yea right....
4) regarding our lake freezing out.......the JLWA did convince the DNR to stock fish. it was my understanding they were going to test it this past summer........new prez said he'd get in touch with this Wentzel guy........nary a word!!!!!
:pouty: :tut: That's NOT how the SLPOA works, never has & never will. According to Weitzel we are 1 of the longest running lake associatuons in the state after just celebrating our 30th year. Most are formed over an issue on the lake & often are dissolved within a couple years after a solution is found. :scratch: It might've been Next Door where we heard about Jessie too, as I just looked at the Fall paper & didn't see anyting in it on that. There was a report of Starry Stonewart in Dora Lake in the paper though & that's some nasty stuff. It can make a lake close to unusable.
the Osakis lake association was founded in 1976.. at one time they said the little lake Osakis was a holding pond for the big lake.. we argued about that.. so i never joined it...
Ya Gunner got me wondering about our association also, I remember going to the meetings when I was a kid, free donuts ya know..lol. Anywho I had pops look into it and the association was formed even before Grandpa bought the land in 66.
just looked at the 3 webcams up there, bowstring, sand and the narrows.........ice as far as i can see!!!!!!!! :happybounce: :happybounce: :rocker; :dancinred: :blues brothers:
The 10-day says 36 tomorrow at your girl's place. :sleazy: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley: Above freezing on the weekend & again Wednesday/Thursday next week. :confused: It's dark & spitting snow on The Narrow's cam I get, & it has 10 PM yday on the date stamp. :scratch:
The 10-day says 36 tomorrow at your girl's place. :sleazy: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley: Above freezing on the weekend & again Wednesday/Thursday next week. :confused: It's dark & spitting snow on The Narrow's cam I get, & it has 10 PM yday on the date stamp. :scratch:
yea........and how many hours during the day will it be that high?????? not many so most them hours will be making ice.
Real windy too..........................like CS!!!!!!1 ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
It's a sunny day so I checked the satellite & it doesn't look to me like Sand & Bowstring are quite locked up yet. :scratch: All the smaller lakes in our area look to be though. If you'd like to look for yourself, here's the link.....https://ge.ssec.wisc.edu/modis-today/index.php?satellite=t1&product=true_color&date=2023_11_29_333&overlay_sector=false&overlay_state=true&overlay_coastline=true§or=USA3& You can change the date & zoom in the upper left corner. :surrender: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh:
didn't work for me
:scratch: It didn't for me either :confused:................ but it's #2 here ...............https://search.yahoo.com/search?fr2=p%3ads%2cv%3aomn%2cm%3asa%2cbrws%3achrome%2cpos%3a5&fr=mcafee&type=E210US1289G0&p=modis+satellite
It's a sunny day so I checked the satellite & it doesn't look to me like Sand & Bowstring are quite locked up yet. :scratch: All the smaller lakes in our area look to be though. If you'd like to look for yourself, here's the link.....https://ge.ssec.wisc.edu/modis-today/index.php?satellite=t1&product=true_color&date=2023_11_29_333&overlay_sector=false&overlay_state=true&overlay_coastline=true§or=USA3& You can change the date & zoom in the upper left corner. :surrender: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh:
not fishing them 2 so........... :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
:pouty: A lot of people don't even think that's really fishing!!!!1 :sleazy: :nerd: :evil: :mooning: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
:pouty: A lot of people don't even think that's really fishing!!!!1 :sleazy: :nerd: :evil: :mooning: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
dont care what others think...its legal, soooooooooo................ :mooning: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: and i dont stick everything i see either.
sometimes just watching them is fun...........and often hilarious!!!!!!!!!
:pouty: A lot of people don't even think that's really fishing!!!!1 :sleazy: :nerd: :evil: :mooning: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
dont care what others think...its legal, soooooooooo................ :mooning: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: and i dont stick everything i see either.
sometimes just watching them is fun...........and often hilarious!!!!!!!!!
Well, I know that you normally don't harpoon on Sand & Bowstring too. :moon: :rolleyes: :smiley: :smiley:
I grew up looking down a spear hole. It is fun to see and experience. I think if you are going to be on one of the smaller lakes or bays you should be ok even with this warm weather. With temps at night in the 20s it is still making ice but just SLOW. Even though it takes longer that slow building ice is better ice.
well, unfortunately.......i wont be going. got a report from a feller from Grand Rapids. :doah:
here is what he said. 3-4 inches 50 yards out from the landing on split hand.
4 1/2 inches on shallow medium size lakes around north star and graves. and found 2 1/2 inches over 28 ft of water.
little Winie had 2inches at the landing!!
i dont care how many or how big of any kinds of fish........aint worth getting dead over. :pouty: :confused:
Good decision Glenn!
Few places I’d rather not be than on 2 1/2 inches of ice over 28 feet of water.
Good decision Glenn!
:happy1: yep.....thanks!!!!! now i'll work on my 5 batches of venny jerky!!!!!!
Kinda thin for a fat fella.
Kinda thin for a fat fella.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: you ALMOST hurt my feelings bubba!!!!!! :rotflmao: :mooning: :rolleyes:
First permanent house showed up on the ice today. Shallow part of the lake, probably about 5 feet. I was outside about 5:30 this morning listening to the lake making ice.
Sundin has a new report out yday & he's starting to sound a little nervous about ice conditions this season. https://www.fishrapper.com/ice-fishing-report-minnesota-December-2023.html#sundinFishingReportDecember6
yea a i expected for now........ ice has about 20 days to shape up!!!!! training-087 training-087 :rotflmao:
What we need now is bout 6' of snow!! ;)
What we need now is bout 6' of snow!! ;)
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Ya that will help. But we do need it for insulation over the septic tanks.
What we need now is bout 6' of snow!! ;)
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :banghead: training-087 training-087
looking out at the forecast.......for now not much if any snow and there is some ice making temps coming.
There was a couple tents out front of Geiger's yday ~4:30, with lights on.They're still there too & it looks like they may have some company.
There was a couple tents out front of Geiger's yday ~4:30, with lights on.They're still there too & it looks like they may have some company.
:happy1: :happy1: good to hear. barring 20 below or some blizzard coming in my confidence in going up after christmas day is mounting rapidly!!!!!!! :happy1: :happybounce:
There was a couple tents out front of Geiger's yday ~4:30, with lights on.They're still there too & it looks like they may have some company.
:happy1: :happy1: good to hear. barring 20 below or some blizzard coming in my confidence in going up after christmas day is mounting rapidly!!!!!!! :happy1: :happybounce:
Barring no snow you should be good by then Glenn. Sounds like we might get some ice making weather for a few days.
There was a couple tents out front of Geiger's yday ~4:30, with lights on.They're still there too & it looks like they may have some company.
:happy1: :happy1: good to hear. barring 20 below or some blizzard coming in my confidence in going up after christmas day is mounting rapidly!!!!!!! :happy1: :happybounce:
Barring no snow you should be good by then Glenn. Sounds like we might get some ice making weather for a few days.
:happy1: :happy1: its one of the few things i really look forward too!!!!! that first time each year sitting in my spearhouse. watching life under the ice is soothing and funny at times.
:scratch: The blizzard & -20 stuff doesn't usually happen........................until he's been up there a day or 2. :sleazy: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:scratch: The blizzard & -20 stuff doesn't usually happen........................until he's been up there a day or 2. :sleazy: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Gee hopefully he has his house set up and then just might be to much snow to leave. Hate when you have to spend a couple more days...fishing. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: The blizzard & -20 stuff doesn't usually happen........................until he's been up there a day or 2. :sleazy: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Gee hopefully he has his house set up and then just might be to much snow to leave. Hate when you have to spend a couple more days...fishing. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:happy1: :happy1: yepp hate that when it happens!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
gunner.................... :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
It's on Factbook, so gotta be true. :rotflmao: watched a video of a guy spearing said 8-12 inches of ice. Comments asked where, reply was Itasca county!!! :bow: :happy1: :rocker; :blues brothers: :dancinred: :dancinred:
It's on Factbook, so gotta be true. :rotflmao: watched a video of a guy spearing said 8-12 inches of ice. Comments asked where, reply was Itasca county!!! :bow: :happy1: :rocker; :blues brothers: :dancinred: :dancinred:
Where's the yawn emoji, I don't see one..HD?? :rotflmao: :mooning:
:blablabla: This works for me.....................how about you, bobber? ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:blablabla: This works for me.....................how about you, bobber? ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: south of the border is a good place fer ya!!!! :evil: :rotflmao: :rolleyes:
so i suspect you'll be headed back up that way after the holidays??????? :scratch:
just looked at the webcamseven looks like its making ice!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
so i suspect you'll be headed back up that way after the holidays??????? :scratch:
Not sure as there's another eye appt on 1/19, probably not.
so i suspect you'll be headed back up that way after the holidays??????? :scratch:
Not sure as there's another eye appt on 1/19, probably not.
:happy1: :happy1: yea not sure what i'll do after this trip after Christmas :scratch: lot depends on the weather and ice conditions!!!!!! but dang spear chucking season is 1/3 over already!!!!!! :bs: :surrender: :pouty:
Forgot!! :bonk: Sundin has a couple new reports out but there's almost nothin on local ice conditions in 'em.
Forgot!! :bonk: Sundin has a couple new reports out but there's almost nothin on local ice conditions in 'em.
yea i read his reports yesterday.
so i suspect you'll be headed back up that way after the holidays??????? :scratch:
Not sure as there's another eye appt on 1/19, probably not.
:happy1: :happy1: yea not sure what i'll do after this trip after Christmas :scratch: lot depends on the weather and ice conditions!!!!!! but dang spear chucking season is 1/3 over already!!!!!! :bs: :surrender: :pouty:
:blablabla: :blablabla: :blablabla: :violin: :violin: :violin: :violin: :violin: :violin: :nerd: :laughroll:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning:
i see your working hard!!!!!!!! :pouty: :evil: :rolleyes:
texted a guy i know in grand rapids....he just checked pokegema in rapids and only 2 inches of ice!!!!!! :shocked:
(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2023/12/16/FB_IMG_1702764812968.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/FB-IMG-1702764812968.gAG7)
West Ottertail Lake. Yes, that's a boat
Love that lake.
:pouty: :pouty: :doah: yea i'm getting to be concerned again.........hoping to hear some reports later today!!!! :confused:
:scratch: Kind of looks like there's a shelter in the top left corner on Geiger's webcam. :confused:
curiosity got the best of me. called the Talmoon spur and bowstring store. Talmoon spur guy didnt have much foer ice thicknesses except he heard that little jessie at one time had 6 inches and its down to 4. he did say he works saturdays and sundays and people are buying bait so there going out somewhere.
bowstring store only had info on bowstring and jessie.........bowstring had about 5 1/2 to 6 inches. jessie had 4-5 with 3 in the deeper water.
Soooo i'm thinking i'm going up anyway. if i get the slightest thoughts of not liking the ice i aint going out on it. i gotz some 4 wheeler stuff that needs tending to and rather do it when its in the 30's not 0 outside. i can cut wood to keep occupied, i'm bringing the shotgun to chase grouse too. if them things are as non chalont as they were over deer hunting week........i could just get a few!!!! :fudd:
:Jeff Sundin posted a new report yesterday. pretty bland about ice thickness other then saying the smaller shallower lakes seem to have enough ice to go out on!!!!!
every Tuesday i get a DNR email of CO reports. i always look at them especially in the grand rapids area. just to see what troublemakers they find!!! :scratch: :rotflmao: NO, i'm not in there reports!!!!!1 :mooning:
anyway.......they all seem to be checking ice anglers and spear chuckers.......so people are getting out!!! :happy1:
:scratch: :scratch: kinda looks like theres a few out fishing to the right of geigers webcam?????
That's where they were last weekend too.
curiosity got the best of me. called the Talmoon spur and bowstring store. Talmoon spur guy didnt have much foer ice thicknesses except he heard that little jessie at one time had 6 inches and its down to 4. he did say he works saturdays and sundays and people are buying bait so there going out somewhere.
bowstring store only had info on bowstring and jessie.........bowstring had about 5 1/2 to 6 inches. jessie had 4-5 with 3 in the deeper water.
:scratch: But don't you need 1 1/2-2' to safely get out because of all that hot air that always surrounds you. :sleazy: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
curiosity got the best of me. called the Talmoon spur and bowstring store. Talmoon spur guy didnt have much foer ice thicknesses except he heard that little jessie at one time had 6 inches and its down to 4. he did say he works saturdays and sundays and people are buying bait so there going out somewhere.
bowstring store only had info on bowstring and jessie.........bowstring had about 5 1/2 to 6 inches. jessie had 4-5 with 3 in the deeper water.
:scratch: But don't you need 1 1/2-2' to safely get out because of all that hot air that always surrounds you. :sleazy: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :tut: :tut: :tut:
they must be catching something.......there back out there again this morning??? :scratch:
Pretty sure they spent Saturday night out there as I checked about 6 on Sunday, they had moved a little south though.
Talked to the neighbor at the lake today & he just got home from up there. He went out on the bay & found 9" by shore, 7" out another 50 yds, & 6" another 50 yds out. He turned around after that, it was really loud too. He said his dog wouldn't even go on the ice.
Talked to the neighbor at the lake today & he just got home from up there. He went out on the bay & found 9" by shore, 7" out another 50 yds, & 6" another 50 yds out. He turned around after that, it was really loud too. He said his dog wouldn't even go on the ice.
MEH.......6 inches is enough to hold me, all my stuff plus all the fish i'm gonna pile on the ice!!!!!! :sleazy: :azn: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
The small lakes will have better ice, I'm sure. But it still might be a good idea for you to hit the outhouse before you hit the ice. :nerd: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
The small lakes will have better ice, I'm sure. But it still might be a good idea for you to hit the outhouse before you hit the ice. :nerd: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :mooning:
The small lakes will have better ice, I'm sure. But it still might be a good idea for you to hit the outhouse before you hit the ice. :nerd: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:mooning: :mooning: every morning bubba!!!!!!
hey gunner.......keeping an eye on geigers webcam......those guys seem to be spending alot of time in that one area....seen them yesterday again. :scratch: you know that area way better then me, you think that might be a reflection of someones yard light?????
crazy but there isnt any snow on the ground up there???? but forecast is saying 1-3 inches sunday night!!!
Jessie lake is the outdoor news lake of the week.
I seen that, although they talk primarily of a fish you don't fish fer.... :confused: Spose since it's advertised it'll get hit hard now..
The kiss of death. Just kidding Glenn noone will even notice that lake.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea i suck on that lake!!!! :confused: been on it a bunch of times can never figure it out. surprised what the article said about crappies.
since i was just appointed to the watershed some of the residents on the lake where complaining somewhat about the lack of catching walleyes and did say there wasnt much for pike. i check the access on occasion and never see more then 1 0r 2 rigs there. and really not sure how busy the resorts are?????
Fun that you have a perspective as a board member to help the community.
No, that's a real popular area most of year from what I've seen. It's biggest point between Northern Acres & where the river leaves the lake. Pretty sure those lights are NOT on land. Bowtring is a good crappie lake for #'s but they generally run a little small, 8-10", compared to our lake. It does get a lot more pressure this time of year than we do too.
It's looking pretty wet up there & they were out there early again today. I've never even been on Big or Little Jessie.
:pouty: :pouty: :scratch: :doah: i keep getting this gut feeling i should maybe hold out for a few extra days before i head north?? :confused: :confused:
:scratch: You looked at the Narrows & Lakewood's cameras lately? Looks like water on the ice on both of 'em to me. Even quite a bit at Cutfoot :confused:
:scratch: You looked at the Narrows & Lakewood's cameras lately? Looks like water on the ice on both of 'em to me. Even quite a bit at Cutfoot :confused:
on the ice yea don't mean there ain't ice
:pouty: :pouty: :scratch: :doah: i keep getting this gut feeling i should maybe hold out for a few extra days before i head north?? :confused: :confused:
Heck with it Glenn, grouse still open? I'd bring the pooch and if ya get on da lake that would be a bonus!!
:pouty: :pouty: :scratch: :doah: i keep getting this gut feeling i should maybe hold out for a few extra days before i head north?? :confused: :confused:
Heck with it Glenn, grouse still open? I'd bring the pooch and if ya get on da lake that would be a bonus!!
kinda my thought process. :happy1:
:scratch: S'pose you have to stop in Inger & give them their presents too? :sleazy: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: S'pose you have to stop in Inger & give them their presents too? :sleazy: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :tut: you havent got them to me yet!!!!! :mooning: :mooning:
My union pal up there just told me his neighbor has been taking his wheeler out on bowstring everyday with no issues and7 inches of ice
holy schnit, just checked the 3 webcams up there that ice looks horrible!!!!!!!!! :confused:
Record high and low temps plus rain. Hopefully things will refreeze without a bunch of snow on it.
holy schnit, just checked the 3 webcams up there that ice looks horrible!!!!!!!!! :confused:
The hourly sayin rain all day up there with it turning to snow from 8-12 tonight. :confused:
People fishing off the dock at the Narrows when I just looked. :crazy:
People fishing off the dock at the Narrows when I just looked. :crazy:
musta got there limit....not there now!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
made an executive decision today. work thursday till 10 then head north. if i dont like ice conditions when i ger water for the cabin, i'll chase grouse for a couple days.......if i still dont like the ice...i'll head home. ned to get the warranty work done on the yamaha anyway!!
:confused: plans changed again. I will be going up buy no ice fishing. :surrender:. Got a text from a friend his neighbor and good friend is CO Fairbanks. He has 3 calls oh houses going down.
:scratch: So.....................doesn't that just mean you'll have more time to spend with the village people? :sleazy: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: So.....................doesn't that just mean you'll have more time to spend with the village people? :sleazy: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: awe ....NO!!!!!!!! :mooning:
I am planning on meeting up with an IDO guy though!!!!!!! :happy1:
The ice was pretty dark out front of Geiger's early today. Kind of :crazy: if'n they're gonna go out on that as far as I'm concerned.
The ice was pretty dark out front of Geiger's early today. Kind of :crazy: if'n they're gonna go out on that as far as I'm concerned.
been noticing that also........when my unin friend texted me about what Fairbanks said.......my mind was pretty much made up......not going on any lake at this point!!
Man what an awesome day to be out in the woods. O grouse have been harmed yet! :confused:
It is a really nice day and a pretty one, too. Just right to do some wood splitting. Not too warm and won’t freeze your hands grabbing stuff.
Just watched a guy walk across the lake. :crazy:where he's walking no frigging way I would of thought it hold anyone up.
Plans changed, there yapping 2-5 inches snow through Sat nite, I headed up tomorrow
One more day of spear chuckin!! :happy1: :dancinred: :rocker; :dancinred:
Where's that yawn emoji again???? If ya can't fool em might as well stick em ya say.. :thumbs:
If you can't out smart em, stab em.
meh.....you fellers are just plain jealous!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
and i catch plenty with a hook and line!!!!!! :happy1: :fishing: :stillfish:
Plans changed, there yapping 2-5 inches snow through Sat nite, I headed up tomorrow
One more day of spear chuckin!! :happy1: :dancinred: :rocker; :dancinred:
Light freezing mist in the area, MNDOT has 6 & 46 blue already. Some pink on their map too, not there though. Take it easy driving.
Thanks Gunner , :happy1: will do.
Made it to deer river. Once I hit hwy 10 was smooth sailing. Roads are wet. They are treating them.
Just checked the Cutfoot & Geiger's webcams, it's snowing up there now. Visibility is much worse over on Geiger's. :scratch:
Snowing here to. It comes a little heavy at times, not bad, then lightens up.
Just drilled 5 holes each in the 2 of 3 lakes I'm gonna fish. Every spot had 10 inches of ice even over the deep water. :happy1:
Living the dream baby :happy1:
Snowing here to. It comes a little heavy at times, not bad, then lightens up.
Just drilled 5 holes each in the 2 of 3 lakes I'm gonna fish. Every spot had 10 inches of ice even over the deep water. :happy1:
Living the dream baby :happy1:
Good luck Glenn. Sounds like we might hit Mille Lacs for a while tomorrow.
Catch any Glenn?
Thought so. :fish2:
Catch any Glenn?
Thought so. :fish2:
:rotflmao: :mooning: I'm going g to a different lake in the morning. Just got things organized today. :rotflmao: :mooning: pictures to follow.
Catch any Glenn?
Thought so. :fish2:
:rotflmao: :mooning: I'm going g to a different lake in the morning. Just got things organized today. :rotflmao: :mooning: pictures to follow.
whose pic's??? Boar's??? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Lol. Since I don't have the opportunity to fish right now I have to get my enjoyment by hassling you. Looking forward to seeing the pics.
Lol. Since I don't have the opportunity to fish right now I have to get my enjoyment by hassling you. Looking forward to seeing the pics.
NO problem!! :rotflmao:
Mike... :mooning: :mooning: boars has to go fishing first. Kinda hard to do from a recliner in his living room :rolleyes:
okkkkkkkkkk!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Will those pics be on microfilm?
Will those pics be on microfilm?
:rotflmao: I doubt it.i. just hoping I CAN get them all In one 1 camera! :pouty: :confused: :mooning: :rotflmao:
da fish there are not that big!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Hey, shouldn't you be fishin??? Or didn't that decoy come with headlights???? :rotflmao:
Hey, shouldn't you be fishin??? Or didn't that decoy come with headlights???? :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Hey, shouldn't you be fishin??? Or didn't that decoy come with headlights???? :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :pouty: shouldn't you be making spent missed shotgun shell soup. :sleazy: :mooning: :rotflmao:
(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/01/06/lyk21o1fezh21.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/lyk21o1fezh21.hp0V)
Bring an action figure Glenn to make your fish look impressive
Glenn got a sturgeon. :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Up to 2" more by 6PM today TWC's site says. The webcam on Cutfoot looks like it's quit there but the 1 at the resort by us looks like it's still snowing there. Lots of pink on MnDOT going towards Dutchy & off towards Ely.
10 inches of ice where I'm sitting but water is dark. Never had that on this lake before. :doah: :scratch:
Damn, seems like the fish are in that mid winter funk already. :pouty: only seen 2.
Driving out this morning with the new snow, it was pretty neat seeing all the critter tracks. Had some dog type tracks in the yard and wasn't mine. Ging out looked Iike deer tracks then this dog following it?, :confused: hope wr ain't got a wolfoe around :angry2:
No pics?
No pics?
nope afraid not today.
ya still have time to catch one today!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
:pouty:roony wanted a picture :sleazy:
[attachment deleted by admin]
I did get one, nuttin to write home about. But that thing had more battle wounds then me on prom night :confused: :evil: ;)
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Oh boy, who was your date????
to bad she's not on here. We could get her side of the story.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
The way I heard it she was 5'3" and weighed over 250.
Why, here she is now... :coffee:
[attachment deleted by admin]
Why, here she is now... :coffee:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :surrender: :confused:
Yea so big girls need lovin too! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
So she was a little hard on Glenn. :hubba:
[attachment deleted by admin]
Eat up! :happy1:
Eat up! :happy1:
bet he brings them home to share with his bride!!!! :happy1:
Eat up! :happy1:
bet he brings them home to share with his bride!!!! :happy1:
As proof he didn't spend all his time in the bar... :drinking:
Eat up! :happy1:
bet he brings them home to share with his bride!!!! :happy1:
for da wild game feed. :happy1:
SteveO... I could go to a bar at home fat chance I'd do it here! :happy1:
Eat up! :happy1:
bet he brings them home to share with his bride!!!! :happy1:
for da wild game feed. :happy1:
SteveO... I could go to a bar at home fat chance I'd do it here! :happy1:
I plan on making it there again this year!!! good time!!! :happy1: :happy1:
:scratch: Thought you went to Riley's last time, so that was :bs: too? :doah: I didn't think you fish for crappies, either, only sunnies? :confused: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
:scratch: Thought you went to Riley's last time, so that was :bs: too? :doah: I didn't think you fish for crappies, either, only sunnies? :confused: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
that trip to Rileys was an anomaly. Met someone from IDO there that's not far from you .
I fish crappies occasionally up here during hardware. Jack of all trades.
Well been set up for a good hour. In 8 ft of water with egg shells down and can barely make them out. :angry2: my coffee was lighter then that :confused:
I'll be reevaluating my plans :banghead: training-087
A bit ago I had a fish bump my decoy. Had it not done that I would of never known it was there. And I still couldn't see what direction he was facing :confused: :angry2:
:scratch: Need a little cheese & crackers with that? :pouty: :nerd: :tut: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
Ifn you do throw that harpoon how are you going to identify the target?
Ifn you do throw that harpoon how are you going to identify the target?
exactly why I didn't throw it. First off I wanna make a good hit. I hate it when one gets off the spear
There are NO muskies in this lake, walleye either and bass, well the remote chance of one of them coming up that high to look at the decoy are slim to never.
:scratch: Tough to see your egg shells in 8' :doah:, water must be awfully murky. A lot of run off from the rain? :confused:
:scratch: Tough to see your egg shells in 8' :doah:, water must be awfully murky. A lot of run off from the rain? :confused:
yea it's really bad. You can look at the edge of the ice hole and see just how dirty it is. The lake has always been bog stained but holy crap. :confused:
Another thing I might add. I've been doing this spearing thing a long time, add the years I spent in the spear shack with mu parents I learned a lot. Simply put if I don't have a good clean shot, I don't throw the spear. And I've let alot of fish swim on by.
:confused: got no electricity?
:confused: got no electricity?
I do
That sucks for you. Did you pay your bill? :rotflmao:
Yep :rotflmao: it's paid. If it wasn't there own frigging fault. Not many bills related to the cabin bot on auto pay
I called gave them my union thug voice :sleazy:it'll be back in a couple hours here fixin stuff! :happy1:
do you have Mn power there???
It's called north Itasca electric coop.
:confused: :scratch: :doah: didn't think it was possible :shocked: here I am in a fishhouse, in the afternoon with a jug of water and Gatorade. No beer!! :surrender: but here I am. :rotflmao:
It's called north Itasca electric coop.
:confused: :scratch: :doah: didn't think it was possible :shocked: here I am in a fishhouse, in the afternoon with a jug of water and Gatorade. No beer!! :surrender: but here I am. :rotflmao:
say what!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:rotflmao: I'm feeling like brandy today... not one to like mixing different booze so I be abstaining this afternoon. :sleazy: :happy1:
Bet if you didn't bring the harpoon and a pair of the right way tip ups with you'd a caught em... :mooning: :happy1:.
Maybe. :rotflmao: I bought I supposed spearing decoy on sat. Got gouged 9 bucks for it :confused: wasn't any bigger then a tipup minnow. And I watched that f_<>>/×$ thing swim out of my harness within the hour. :angry2:
The fatheads I bought were 7 bucks and some change for a scoop. :confused: he'll I'm on a fixed income. :doah:
pickle them!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
pickle them!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Yeah......................maybe you can pan them off as some WF sardines at the wild game feed? :scratch: ;) :rolleyes: :laugh:
Fishing crappies now! :pouty: :confused: water on spear chuckin hole didn't get any better overnight
I'll be pulling that layer.
:scratch: Tough to see your egg shells in 8' :doah:, water must be awfully murky. A lot of run off from the rain? :confused:
yea it's really bad. You can look at the edge of the ice hole and see just how dirty it is. The lake has always been bog stained but holy crap. :confused:
Move the outhouse further away from the spearing shack.
:scratch: Tough to see your egg shells in 8' :doah:, water must be awfully murky. A lot of run off from the rain? :confused:
yea it's really bad. You can look at the edge of the ice hole and see just how dirty it is. The lake has always been bog stained but holy crap. :confused:
Move the outhouse further away from the spearing shack.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Since I ate the last batch...
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See, harpooning is overrated... ;) :rotflmao:
See, harpooning is overrated... ;) :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: hardly.
Since I ate the last batch...
all on one minnow too!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Truth is,this how Glenn got those crappy,he showed me last spring
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
and I thought he used dynamite!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Truth is,this how Glenn got those crappy,he showed me last spring
:angry2: you promised never to tell :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Truth is,this how Glenn got those crappy,he showed me last spring
hope he harpoons better than he shoots, I mean fishes, in that video.
checked the webcams this morning.........pretty quiet on the lakes for a saturday!!!!!1 :shocked: :shocked:
checked the webcams this morning.........pretty quiet on the lakes for a saturday!!!!!1 :shocked: :shocked:
Ummm… maybe because it is -7 with a 12-15 mph wind?. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:oops1: Wrong thread. :whereamI: :doofus: :bonk:
checked the webcams this morning.........pretty quiet on the lakes for a saturday!!!!!1 :shocked: :shocked:
Ummm… maybe because it is -7 with a 12-15 mph wind?. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:uyea i bet that has something to do with it....... :shocked: :rolleyes:
looks like theres activity since this morning out of Geigers and lakewood.
They were in that same spot again last weekend on Geiger's webcam.
first time this year i've seen someone out at the narrows!!!!!!
They're getting a little snow now the way it looks. There's been a couple shacks back down along the shore for at least a week but the 1 up closer to the inlet just showed up Thursday or Friday. :scratch:
They're getting a little snow now the way it looks. There's been a couple shacks back down along the shore for at least a week but the 1 up closer to the inlet just showed up Thursday or Friday. :scratch:
there were a couple lights out from Geigers last night when i looked right before dark.
So......since i've been less then impressed with the JLWA lately, i decided to sent an email to my buddy, :rolleyes: :sleazy: and the fisheries in rapiids, Mr. Weiztel trying to get a recent updaye on the cabin lake........ we shall see!!!!! :scratch: :scratch:
:scratch: Think he got a promotion to a Regional Supervisor's job & works out of Bemidji now. He told us he could still be reached by his email address though & if we emailed him & he would get back to us. He was at our annual meeting in August.
:scratch: Think he got a promotion to a Regional Supervisor's job & works out of Bemidji now. He told us he could still be reached by his email address though & if we emailed him, he would get back to us. He was at our annual meeting in August.
:scratch: that could explain why somehow my email was wacko. Hopefully someone replies. :confused:
Geigers posted today, 12 1/2" of ice and they are not letting trucks out yet. Heading up next Monday. Three lakes on my list to fish this trip. :happy1:
They have had it plowed out front for wheelhouses for about a week, but last I looked there wasn't any out there yet.
Sent you a PM, glenn
Sent you a PM, glenn
replied!!!!!! :happy1:
got a reply from him today. didnt say anything important. said he got a new job so he's not in charge of the fishery on our lake. he did tell me who the new acting supervisor is.
basiclly told me he didnt think they had a chance to check the lake due to vacancies in the office..... :rolleyes: :doofus:
crappies sunfish and bass do poorly in winterkill lakes...my opinion not what ive seen in the past. pike and perch do well.
he said the presence of small fish, things will improve in time. yea no sh!t. :doah:
i'm hoping the new guy will tell me what they put in an whats going on. i did CC that feller!!!!
Northern pike are the first to die when the oxygen even drops some.
Northern pike are the first to die when the oxygen even drops some.
LPS... The pike are flourishing in the cabin lake by what we've caught out there the last 2 years . We've caught a bunch.
Clear indication that the oxygen levels are not getting too low then. :happy1:
Just read but don't know how to paste it. From the DNR, panfish and bass first and then most other fish in the middle with bullheads the most tolerant.
Clear indication that the oxygen levels are not getting too low then. :happy1:
the sunfish really took a hard hit. that spring when i went up i had my underwater camera. i drilled 20 holes at least. the dead fish laying on the bottom was heart wrenching.........it was every species in the lake......including bullheads i seen laying on the bottom. :doah: :confused: :angry2: :cry: :cry:
Glenn, just curious— how big is the lake and how deep is it?
Not sure on acreage but 1.2 miles at its narrowest by 1.9 miles long. It's got 55 ft deep hole, 20-30 in the main part. But alit of 12 ft and less and those are very weedy.
Sounds similar in size to the lake I’m on, but we have two really shallow areas. There’s a 50’+ hole and a fair amount of depth in the 15-20’ range. Don’t think I’ve ever seen any real problems with winter kill. Hope you get by without a problem.
fishwidow........i went to lake finder, this is what they have,,,,
162.29 acres
3.15 miles of shoreline
94 littorial acres.......which they define as water 15 ft deep or less.
i'd say there's probably 1/3 to 1/4th of the shoreline thats bog!!!!! its been a great lake for us throughout the years we've had the cabin even though its susceptible to winterkill but with all the shallow weedy areas its good fish habitat to be able to recover.
Hope it stays healthy for ya.
Looking at the forecast next week. Mid 30's for highs, and mid 20's for lows. Friggin awesome. :happy1:
And no mention of Gunner coming up to ruin it! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Glenn did you have a die off of panfish this spring?
Looking at the forecast next week. Mid 30's for highs, and mid 20's for lows. Friggin awesome. :happy1:
And no mention of Gunner coming up to ruin it! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :mooning: Bet it'll be even warmer in Inger!!!!!1 :sleazy: :nerd: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Glenn did you have a die off of panfish this spring?
i didnt notice.........and i was up there when the ice was starting to come off. i've talked t o some of the landowners also, they never mentioned anything.
We have a couple neighbors, they're both residents, that take samples of the lake water & send into a state certified lab every 2 weeks from mid May-mid October. They also take water clarity, secchi disk, readings every week that are then published in the bi-annual newsletter as well as being put on the lake association's website. I actually look at the water clarity info quite a bit as it can vary a lot. For instance, last season we went from 8.5' on 5/22 to 22' just 2 weeks later on 6/4 & then back to 11.5' by 6/22. We've been told (DNR) that the water level, the weather, & the zebra mussels all can have an affect how clear our water is.
at the last JLWA meeting the guy that usually dies that on Jessie wants to give it up, he's up there in age. this Paul the new prez said he'd do it, but if he follows thru like he did with the simple phone call he'd do to Wieztel, i wonder if it gets done. Weitzel never said one way or another is he did or didnt call. :doofus:
lafefinder shows a cheechi dish reading for our lake but not sure how often they actually do it??????
Weitzel told us that the GR DNR office has only about 1/2 the # of people now as it did when he started there. :sad: He blamed it on so many retiring & not being able to hire new people to replace them. Which he kind of hinted was due to a lack of funds because the DNR big wigs in St Paul & the state legislature keep cutting their budget. :mad1:
Figures. Management is usually the down fall of most businesses and organizations.
yea doesnt surprise me in the least!!!!! :confused: :crazy:
pretty much my opinion when i was told to retire or.........
but man looking at the forecast next week gotz me all giddy!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: be like a heat wave up there!!!!!!!! :happybounce: :party1: :cheerleader: :dancinred:
:scratch: You better settle down & take it EZ so you don't :oops1: get hurt :drinking:. ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: You better settle down & take it EZ so you don't :oops1: get hurt :drinking:. ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:to late........ :confused: already hurt my back......pushin the vacum cleaner around!!!!! :rotflmao:
i'll be better by then though!!!!! :sleazy: :mooning: :happy1: :happy1:
A small wheelhouse with a SUV hooked up to it out front of Geiger's yday & again this morning when I looked.
The wheelhouse & the vehicle are gone this morning but it looks like they're back out there on their spot down by Northern Acres again today.
Made it to the cabin about 10:30. Spear chuckin om cabin lake is a no go. Think water clarity got worse. Only way thinking a guys gonna get s ot rockets is with boober ups?, :happy1: did get 4 crappies. But effin friggin wolves got a deer. :angry2: :angry2:
No harpooning, eh? Sounds like an excuse to go to Inger... :scratch:
No harpooning, eh? Sounds like an excuse to go to Inger... :scratch:
I concur Dotch! The spearing should be easy der!! That stinks Glenn, like I tell management sometimes old school is tough to beat..
No harpooning, eh? Sounds like an excuse to go to Inger... :scratch:
I concur Dotch! The spearing should be easy der!! That stinks Glenn, like I tell management sometimes old school is tough to beat..
oh I got me a ideas for da next trip?? Yep tipups and fun dogs :happy1: :rotflmao:
I'd need boobers bankroll to bu minners! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
No harpooning, eh? Sounds like an excuse to go to Inger... :scratch:
:scratch: Kind of figured he had already made plans for for at least 1 rendezvous down at the village. :sleazy: :evil: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
There's 3 houses parked out front of Geiger's today.
No harpooning, eh? Sounds like an excuse to go to Inger... :scratch:
I concur Dotch! The spearing should be easy der!! That stinks Glenn, like I tell management sometimes old school is tough to beat..
oh I got me a ideas for da next trip?? Yep tipups and fun dogs :happy1: :rotflmao:
I'd need boobers bankroll to bu minners! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
:tut: Seams to me you just gots a .40 cent raise, minners should come easy :happy1:
Setbup on Mercs side of 6. :sleazy: seen one let it go. Got 1.
At least I can see my drke down 6 ft. :happy1:
:scratch: Looks like the west side of the Narrows could open back up almost any day now to me.
my brother is heading up wed or thursday....hoping to get an ice report then!!!!! :happy1: the #4 showed a snow depth chart the other day...a whole inch of snow cover. and it looks that way on the cams.
i'm thinking about heading up the monday after super bowl when they leave. i got screwed outta my dec fishin!!!!! :confused: :confused: :bonk:
:tut: :violin: :cry: :nerd: :evil: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:tut: :violin: :cry: :nerd: :evil: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
been keeping an eye on the webcams up there...........noticed noone has anything parked out in from of Geigers since yesterday.
the narrows had more people fishing out there yesterday then i seen all season.
lakewood has a pretty good wheeler road headed out of there place. way to foggy to see if anyones out this morning.
:scratch: Last I looked there was still 4 wheelhouses out front of Geiger's but that must've been early yday & there wasn't anybody out at the Narrows then. Actually, I haven't seen anyone out at the Narrows in probably a couple weeks. I did check the Big Bog web cam early yday though & it was the smallest bunch out there that I've seen since they started to let 'em drive out again. :confused:
Very little snow left at the Narrows & Geiger's, 1 house parked out front there now.
Anyone of you guys been up by Noma Lake? I wondered if they did take the gates down like they told me they were going to do at the campgrounds?
Anyone of you guys been up by Noma Lake? I wondered if they did take the gates down like they told me they were going to do at the campgrounds?
I drove up that way back around New years but didn't get that far! Sorry.
I've thought about setting up my spearhouse out there a time or two bur haven't gotten around to it yet.
If you happen to mosey up there take a look. Just curious.
Anyone of you guys been up by Noma Lake? I wondered if they did take the gates down like they told me they were going to do at the campgrounds?
:scratch: Got a couple contacts here, if you'd like to check for yourself.......................https://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/chippewa/recarea/?recid=26624 :confused:
That is still the original info meaning you have to carry your tent in. Not campers. May just not have updated it yet.
:scratch: There's a phone # to call an office in Cass Lake & a link to their FB & Twitter/X page in the bottom left corner too. :confused:
The Narrows is close to 2/3 of the way open on the west side & only a few out on URL, so far. A little fresh snow at Gieger's too.
:sleazy:eat your heart out boober :rotflmao: :mooning:
(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/02/13/1000001066.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/1000001066.yLp4)
That is cool as heck Glenn. Can see it great. See grass on the bottom.
:happy1: :happy1: good luck!
Seen 2 got 2. Smoker material :happy1:
:happy1: little fellers stopped by!! :rotflmao:
(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/02/13/1000001067.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/1000001067.yHcr)
:sleazy:eat your heart out boober :rotflmao: :mooning:
(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/02/13/1000001066.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/1000001066.yLp4)
Once a Cheater always a cheater :mooning: . Maybe we'll get lucky and you'll drop ur phone in the drink.. :doah: :evil: :rotflmao:
:mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :moon: I gotz me insurance on it :scratch:
Slot fish me thinks. Still playing with the decoy. But he swims to see another day! :happy1:
(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/02/14/1000001076.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/1000001076.y5Hg)
Think that fish has a death wish :crazy: :rotflmao: it's been in and out about 8 times already :rotflmao:
Confidence decoy. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Glenn, did you get any of my messages?
Glenn, did you get any of my messages?
just the last one about getting a pm otherwise no. No message showed up in the email notification I got either.
Got your pm. :happy1:
A good solid 16-17 Inches of ice rumor has it an 18 lber was taken about a week ago.
Got your pm. :happy1:
A good solid 16-17 Inches of ice rumor has it an 18 lber was taken about a week ago.
Harpooned??? :thumbs:
Got your pm. :happy1:
A good solid 16-17 Inches of ice rumor has it an 18 lber was taken about a week ago.
Harpooned??? :thumbs:
probably netted! :pouty: :mooning:
Man that wind is nasty. :doah: not enough snow to bankbthe house and the hole keeps icing up.
Np fish came to play yet. Ice is making all kinds of noise too.
It is WINDY and it was 15 when I got up and 8 now....brrrrr. Shop day for me.
Holy crap,it's a cold cruel world under that ice
I've had about a 3/4 INCH LOOK LIKE a small Sunfish or perch swim around my hole several times this morning. Just had 3-4 perch come up chase it and ate it :shocked:
I noticed when cleaning the fish o did get there were either perch or real small Sunfish in the stomach.
Well I'm off the lake. Nordens are safe till may. Seen 2 both still swimming.
By the way... I really liked those back-stabbing photos you posted. :Photography:
Got your pm. :happy1:
A good solid 16-17 Inches of ice rumor has it an 18 lber was taken about a week ago.
I talked to our neighbor up there for the 1st time in a month or so yday & he's been up a couple times with his youngest boy since New Years. He said they found 14" of good clear ice on our lake. They even caught a few crappies & gills but they ran small so they didn't keep any. The boy did get a slot, 19", eye too. :cool:
so...i think that may have been my last ice fishing venture.........guess my brother is going back up weather permitting march 7th.
unless i get a bug up my :moon: OR ice is safe and i hear the tullibees are biting close by!!!!!! :sleazy:
yesterday afternoon the curiosity got the best of me, so me and da dawg took a drive to check out some of the lakes, which will remain anonamous!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: its crazy how little traffic is on the lakes.i checked 7 differnet lakes!
sounds like fun!!!
By the way... I really liked those back-stabbing photos you posted. :Photography:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: you sound alot like boober now!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
By the way... I really liked those back-stabbing photos you posted. :Photography:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: you sound alot like boober now!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
What did I say? :confused:
By the way... I really liked those back-stabbing photos you posted. :Photography:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: you sound alot like boober now!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
What did I say? :confused:
:rotflmao: the backstabbing photos...... i assumed you were one of his kind!!!!!!! :scratch: :doah:
Hmmm, a little on the guilty side a smidge Glenn, musta had a few illegals in the mix.. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
Hmmm, a little on the guilty side a smidge Glenn, musta had a few illegals in the mix.. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: not in the least......i've been told you need to have a conscious to feel guilty! :sleazy: :sleazy: :rolleyes:
and i'll never tell!!!!!!! :cool:
Got a couple vehicles parked out front at Geiger's & there's 3 more down at Lakewood's access early today too.
what i find insanely crazy is i have more snow in my yard then there is up there..... i,ve been fortunate to be going up there since 1965 and have never seen something like this!!!!!! you can literally drive anywhere.....except on the lakes!!!! :surrender: :doah:
:scratch: With the lake levels what they were last fall & no snow this winter I'm starting to think we're probably going to need to put some more dock out this Spring. :rolleyes:
:scratch: With the lake levels what they were last fall & no snow this winter I'm starting to think we're probably going to need to put some more dock out this Spring. :rolleyes:
:doah: :cry: :cry: :violin: :violin: :violin: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Haven’t had the driveway plowed once this year. Usually a half dozen times by now. Started the snowblower once to make paths to the woodshed and the lake. Also have some heat tapes on the roof in a couple valleys. Have not plugged them in.
:scratch: With the lake levels what they were last fall & no snow this winter I'm starting to think we're probably going to need to put some more dock out this Spring. :rolleyes:
You are not the only one thinking this way. I have another 100' of dock that I think we are going to be putting out this year. It is in two sections and I will put out what is needed. I WILL get the boat lift out deep enough this year.
We have 2 docks, the old section is a rollout & 40' long, that's all we had out last season. The new part has composite decking & is in 2-10' sections with no axle. I seen a few boat lifts on our lake taken out of service before the end of the season last year. We've only needed all our dock out 3-4 times since we've been there, 63-64, & it's usually been tough fishing with the lake level that low.
I pull my roll in part that is 28' up on shore. I turn my floating part that is 24' parallel to shore and pull it up close to shore to freeze in. When the river is too low I have to wait for it to come up some to float that part of the dock. A good north wind blows the lake up the river and that helps a lot too.
They're back on their spot south of Geiger's again early this morning. Hardly anyone up at URL today.
A couple portables with wheelers(?) a little ways out front of Geiger's a few minutes ago.
A couple portables with wheelers(?) a little ways out front of Geiger's a few minutes ago.
seen that.... :happy1: wonder iffin there chasing perch????
1 back out in about the same spot early today too.
looks like a few more joined in. also looks like they got a light dusting of snow too!!!!!!!
2 out there again today.
lakes up there look pretty baron this morning, even Red!!!!!!
There was a small group out on URL yday & they're still there.
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ok.... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Ya forget to add
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:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Ya forget to add
don't you got a bottle of jack to tend to! :pouty: :rotflmao:
Yep, and its half empty already.
Gotta pick on ya 57, you make it sooo easy!!
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
darn good one!!! Iowaboy!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Yep, and its half empty already.
Gotta pick on ya 57, you make it sooo easy!!
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: it's OK, I fight back :sleazy: :happy1:
:scratch: my brother texted me yesterday said there 3 more inches of ice then 3 weeks ago on the lake he is on!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
but he's as full of :bs: :bs: as most you guys!!!!!! :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: so don't know if i believe him or not. :doah: :scratch:
Ya, exactly! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
So JB what do you have for ice? Getting anything? Fish I mean. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Say hi to your wife.
I measured 15.5" of ice last night when I moved my house to fresh ice. Little slower this morning. Had 3 this morning. Came in for lunch and working on taxes. :puke: I will go back out for evening and try to catch a couple more for supper.
:happy1: :happy1:
been keeping an eye on the webcams up there several times a day. lakes are void of any fishermen....even red. i know game fish season is closed but there are still crappies, sunfish and perch to chase.
wondering if the ice is getting that bad. :scratch: :scratch: makes me believe the brother of mine was blowing smoke too. i usually get a few fish pictures but hat didnt happen either.
It looked like there was a tent & wheeler out ~ 75 yds or so from 35 PA on Bowstring when we went for a paper today. Big heave in front of the ramp though, so there's a spot 15-20' to the west that looks like is getting used. Probably somebody close by though :scratch: as there wasn't a vehicle in the lot. :confused:
I booked a cabin at Georgenes Haven for the weekend after opener on Bowstring. I really hope the lake is not to low, a couple years ago I had to run all the way down to the south end to launch.
That's not very far from us, 3-4 miles, maybe. :scratch: You coming up just for the weekend or staying all week? Would be fun to get together & have a couple cold ones, 1 day. :cool: Yeah, it's almost like going all the way to Deer River to get down to that south PA. I'm hoping for a wet Spring, but will be prepping an extra 10' of dock for use before we go home this time.
That's not very far from us, 3-4 miles, maybe. :scratch: You coming up just for the weekend or staying all week? Would be fun to get together & have a couple cold ones, 1 day. :cool: Yeah, it's almost like going all the way to Deer River to get down to that south PA. I'm hoping for a wet Spring, but will be prepping an extra 10' of dock for use before we go home this time.
Were coming up Friday and heading back Monday morning. We could certainly meet up and have a couple. Let's keep in touch on it. ;)
:happy1: Absolutely!! :scratch: Think we should tell glenn? ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: He's only ~ 10 miles north of that, not sure if he's planning on being up here then though. He might have to work too. :rolleyes: :smiley:
:happy1: Absolutely!! :scratch: Think we should tell glenn? ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: He's only ~ 10 miles north of that, not sure if he's planning on being up here then though. He might have to work too. :rolleyes: :smiley:
opening weekend........ my brother has the cabin that weekend!!!!!!
the week after opener!!
:happy1: Absolutely!! :scratch: Think we should tell glenn? ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: He's only ~ 10 miles north of that, not sure if he's planning on being up here then though. He might have to work too. :rolleyes: :smiley:
Why not we need somebody to pick on. If you guys want to head over to the cabin I will have enough beer on ice to cover it. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
the week after opener!!
he's usually up there the full week....i'm going to be up that sat-sun or monday. he'll have maters for me!!!! i plan on staying the full week as my kids coming up for memorial weekend..... and he's gonna help me pressure wash the buildings!!! :happy1:
:happy1: Absolutely!! :scratch: Think we should tell glenn? ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: He's only ~ 10 miles north of that, not sure if he's planning on being up here then though. He might have to work too. :rolleyes: :smiley:
opening weekend........ my brother has the cabin that weekend!!!!!!
the week after opener!!
:tut: Actually, the WEEKEND after opener is what John said in his OP. :rolleyes: :smiley:
:happy1: Absolutely!! :scratch: Think we should tell glenn? ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: He's only ~ 10 miles north of that, not sure if he's planning on being up here then though. He might have to work too. :rolleyes: :smiley:
opening weekend........ my brother has the cabin that weekend!!!!!!
the week after opener!!
:tut: Actually, the WEEKEND after opener is what John said in his OP. :rolleyes: :smiley:
:rotflmao: :happy1: well............. :sleazy: :evil: thats a good possibility !!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
holy crap..just seen on bring me the news a young gal from bigfork left home yestersay and hasnt been seen since!!!! :confused:
There was 3 trucks & trailers over at the resort when we came home. Still had 3 wheelers over there yet too & but there also looked to be 2 side by sides & 2 wheelers over on the west side of the bay too.
Don't feel bad Glenn, I ran into a good ol chum today. Catching up he's showing me fishing pics. Turns out he's a stabber also...so I let him have it..lol. just a little, he picks n chooses what throws at also.
Don't feel bad Glenn, I ran into a good ol chum today. Catching up he's showing me fishing pics. Turns out he's a stabber also...so I let him have it..lol. just a little, he picks n chooses what throws at also.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: there are still some good guys out there!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :mooning: :sleazy:
damn.......i checked the webcams up there a bit ago.......boy did that ice take a hit yesterday!!!!!
Left here ~ 8 to go to town & there was 6 trucks with 5 trailers over at the resort, 1 was a good sized toyhauler that could easily fit a couple SXS's. The DNR has a small trailerhouse that they use when they are taking spawn over on Cutfoot & that was on the point where you go back into Little Cutfoot early today too. That's also where they set their nets & have their pens, so in order to keep the pelicans out of their pens they have people stay in that trailer at night, is what I've been told. I didn't notice this morning, but on the way home it looked like Little Cutfoot was close to wide open. :shocked:
:scratch: :scratch: there setting up to milk walleyes already???? i would think with the ice just going out the pike are about ready to spawn first????? :scratch:
:tut: There was still ice between the Mosomo Pt PA & William's Narrows. Looks like there's still plenty on the west side of the Narrows too & with the cold weather coming this weekend it won't be this week, but it could be next. Besides, I didn't see 1 pelican & if the fish were moving through there'd be some around. Just looked about an hour ago & the channel down by us with the Portage bridge is still only ~75% open.
Geigers posted this morning a couple guys went through the ice in front of their place. They had floatable suits and ice picks and got out on there own. They said only three to four inches of water soaked ice. Crazy to even be out there.
:scratch: There must be some decent ice somewhere though, merc. As the group that has been over to the resort, 6 pickups pulling 5 trailers in 3 cabins, is still over there. They were loading up yday morning ~ 8:30 when I went down to the mailbox, so I thought they might've been going home. But they must've been going somewhere to fish as they were gone during the day & they were back again by ~ 5 yday. When we got back from GR Wednesday around 1:30 it looked like they'd just got up & by 4:30-5 they were out on the west side of our bay. :confused:
Geigers posted this morning a couple guys went through the ice in front of their place. They had floatable suits and ice picks and got out on there own. They said only three to four inches of water soaked ice. Crazy to even be out there.
scary........i know i wouldnt be going on ice anymore.....anywhere in the state.
tomorrow supposed to be a Gunner type day, WINDY!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :sleazy: :mooning: be interesting to see what that does to the ice!!!!!!!
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Geigers posted this morning a couple guys went through the ice in front of their place. They had floatable suits and ice picks and got out on there own. They said only three to four inches of water soaked ice. Crazy to even be out there.
scary........i know i wouldnt be going on ice anymore.....anywhere in the state.
tomorrow supposed to be a Gunner type day, WINDY!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :sleazy: :mooning: be interesting to see what that does to the ice!!!!!!!
:scratch: You get started :drinking: :tequila; :drinking: already, glenn? :nerd: :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: nope but count on it tomorrow!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Took a ride over to Cutfoot yday am, no sign of the DNR. Never spotted any big white birds, so the :fish2: haven't started moving upriver yet either.
I helped the DNR for a few years long ago and 50 degrees seemed to be the target temp that attracted the fish. Walleyes that is. Had lots of suckers too.
Took a ride over to Cutfoot yday am, no sign of the DNR. Never spotted any big white birds, so the :fish2: haven't started moving upriver yet either.
mayhaps when they do...the DNR can give ya a few so you have some!!!!! :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :moon: :evil:
I helped the DNR for a few years long ago and 50 degrees seemed to be the target temp that attracted the fish. Walleyes that is. Had lots of suckers too.
It seems like they're usually starting to set up over there within about a week of when the ice goes out. They don't always start stripping eggs right away though as I think they check temps & # of fish moving before they really set the nets & pens up. I think they usually get 700-800 quarts in about 4 days, if it doesn't turn cold on them. Ice out was so late here last year (5/7) that didn't even take any spawn over there last year.
Quite a difference in ice out from last year to this year.
The lake association has been keeping track of it here since 1988 & the earliest ever recorded (2012) was 11 days from today or 3/27. It has been the 1st week of April 3 other times, in 2000, 2010, & 2021. It has been as late as the 1st (3) or 2nd week of May 8 times. :crazy:
Took a ride over to Cutfoot yday am, no sign of the DNR. Never spotted any big white birds, so the :fish2: haven't started moving upriver yet either.
mayhaps when they do...the DNR can give ya a few so you have some!!!!! :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :moon: :evil:
:tut: Don't worry about me :rolleyes:, glenn, I got a few walleyes in the freezer. Quite a few crappies too & maybe even 1 of those slimers you like, so I'll be OK. :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
i just read the last 2 reports Jeff Sundin wrote!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: he makes it sound like the DNR when it comes to mille lacs and red lakes has there head up there :moon: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Kettle said alot of smaller to mid sized lakes has open water as of yesterday.
the ice out of geigers looks like it could go to. 3X as much open water on cutfoot from the last time i checked yesterday!
It needs to open up in front of the last place on our side of the road to all the way across the bay 1st here. Then the ice in the bay can start moving more & it usually doesn't take long. A good pc of the north end of Portage is open & there's just a little spot in the north corner of the channel down there with a little ice left this AM.
It was open all the way across the bay this morning early, so we took a drive over to Cutfoot. Had a little skim ice between the bridge & the PA over there, but that was it. No pelicans or DNR. Went up to our PA to see what the narrows looked like & found no open water there. There's more open on the north end of Portage though & still a little hanging in the corner of that channel.
Geigers has open water in front of there place.
narrrows cams show not a whole lot of ice left.
lakewoods by Gunner......hard to see but looks like ice there yet. but everything is a little behind with him!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rolleyes: :rotflmao:
big bog.........looks like ice but how long???????
:pouty: :tut: Well, here's some more behind :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: for you!!! :nerd: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
We were told yday that the ice was out on Bowstring on Sunday morning by somebody that lives right next to the CR 35 PA. :mooning: There you happy? :doah: :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
A guy fell through the ice on Thursday near the PA on 35, he climbed out ok, it might have been shallow enough to touch bottom. Others were fishing again on Friday, by Sunday noon we couldn't see any ice on the lake.
A guy fell through the ice on Thursday near the PA on 35, he climbed out ok, it might have been shallow enough to touch bottom. Others were fishing again on Friday, by Sunday noon we couldn't see any ice on the lake.
::welcome:: ::welcome:: Olie67, we're not far from the stop sign when you head west of Bowstring on CR 35. Don't be shy! :cool:
A guy fell through the ice on Thursday near the PA on 35, he climbed out ok, it might have been shallow enough to touch bottom. Others were fishing again on Friday, by Sunday noon we couldn't see any ice on the lake.
::welcome:: ::welcome:: Olie67, we're not far from the stop sign when you head west of Bowstring on CR 35. Don't be shy! :cool:
:happy1: :happy1: yea what Gunner said........ ::welcome:: ::welcome:: ::welcome::
cool another feller from up that neck of the woods!!!!!! :happy1: dont be shy bud!!!!!!! mayhaps you can tell fishing lies as good as Gunner!!!!! :rolleyes: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Thank you!! We've had our cabin there for about 7 years, I think we are about 6 cabins NW of the access.
Thank you!! We've had our cabin there for about 7 years, I think we are about 6 cabins NW of the access.
off cty is 35?
Thank you!! We've had our cabin there for about 7 years, I think we are about 6 cabins NW of the access.
there is a guy on IDO that might be your neighbor!!!!!! :rotflmao: pretty sure he said he's just down the road that the public access is on.
or the same guy!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
who knows??!!
or the same guy!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
who knows??!!
:rotflmao: naw, Eric would of told me he's Here :pouty: and he is on the east side.
kind of figured that!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Erik is a good guy, he has been into the shop a couple times.
Erik is a good guy, he has been into the shop a couple times.
:happy1: yes he is!!!!!
looks like there some open water by lakewood
looks like ice floating around in front of Geigers
chunks of ice floating around narrows!
A lot of our ice went yday, if we would've had the winds they predicted it would've been gone by morning. There was quite a bit in Lakewoods little cove when we came home from GR, some in the corner of the bay just north of us, & some on the other side of the bay too. It shouldn't take more than a couple more days for the bay to be completely open.
checked the webcams, rollers are rolling on Geigers and big bog. some ice floating in a few spots at the narrows and lakewood near Gunner's!!!!
snow is about gone.........just right for my arrival on tuesday!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Modis shows some ice in the south end of Leech, Winnie, Bowstring, & Sand yet on Friday. Round up in Squaw Lake looks like it's about 1/2 open on the north end too.
So... only ice on any lakes I seen was some floating around Roosevelt in Outing. Otherwise ice free with the exception of very little along shoreline. Plenty of waterfowl, swans and loons. LPS. Might be right, spring is here! :rotflmao:
Tried sticking a Shepard hook in the ground, 2 inches below there was frost!! But damn are the lakes low :crazy: don't ever recall seeing it that low .
Weather terrorists say chance of rain this afternoon so I am going to go use my wood cutting permit this morning. Got plenty to do in the big shed when it's raining.
:scratch: You can always go visit your girls, if it's rainin too. :sleazy: :nerd: :evil: I'm sure they got their light on by now!! ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Day 2 in the books. Dock is all done. Cut and hauled wood.
Got all the winter air out of 27 tires and put summer air in!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Made a few casts off the dock on 2 different lakes... but nuttin.
Today lawnmower blades get sharpened, reckon I'll play with more firewood.
Be careful. :happy1:
Be careful. :happy1:
:happy1: I always do. Since I am up here by myself most of the time I always try and be extra cautious on how o go about doing stuff. :happy1:
Got all the winter air out of 27 tires and put summer air in!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :happy1:
27 tires summarized, what kind of contraption do you have up there? :scratch:
[attachment deleted by admin]
:rotflmao: nuttin like that.
4 various trailers
4 4 wheelers
Riding lawnmower.
Few spare tires.
:scratch: Winter air and summer air. I think someone is pulling our leg. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Winter air and summer air. I think someone is pulling our leg. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
let him have his dream!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Winter air and summer air. I think someone is pulling our leg. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Toping off the winter flats it sounds like! :coffee:
:scratch: Winter air and summer air. I think someone is pulling our leg. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: & I think he still has plenty of hot air left to do another 27 tires yet too! ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
:scratch: Winter air and summer air. I think someone is pulling our leg. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:nerd: :nerd: :sleazy: I was wondering how long or who would catch that! :surrender: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: I did check air pressure in all the tires though.
Lawnmower blades are sharpened and ready for more twigs! :confused:
:scratch: Winter air and summer air. I think someone is pulling our leg. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Nope it's a real thing. We have a special going on at the shop in case anyone is interested. You don't want to have any issues with the winter air going into summer. Give a shout if anyone needs service. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:scratch: Winter air and summer air. I think someone is pulling our leg. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Nope it's a real thing. We have a special going on at the shop in case anyone is interested. You don't want to have any issues with the winter air going into summer. Give a shout if anyone needs service. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
awe yea John... I expect a commission check for the heads up and subsequent service appointments. :happy1: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Winter air and summer air. I think someone is pulling our leg. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Nope it's a real thing. We have a special going on at the shop in case anyone is interested. You don't want to have any issues with the winter air going into summer. Give a shout if anyone needs service. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
awe yea John... I expect a commission check for the heads up and subsequent service appointments. :happy1: :rotflmao:
:sleazy: Will do Glenn :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Don't forget to switch your battery cables for summer use! :tut:
and lube the muffler bearings...
and lube the muffler bearings...
I would joke about the exhaust fluid like we did when we were kids. But now it is a real thing. :crazy: :thumbs:
Damn I'm sore this morning. :confused: musta had to much fun playing with wood yesterday. Dropped 3 dead trees I marked last year. We'll 1 is hung up! :scratch: :surrender: damn things never fall where ya aim it. :rotflmao: all .y projects are about done. Gonna visit Eric from IDO later, then have a fire, some refreshments and start packing.
Oh yea, replacing that winter air with summer air sure made for a smooth ride on the 4 wheelers! :sleazy: :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I hope you saved that winter air. I always put it back in in the fall so I'm ready. :azn:
I hope you saved that winter air. I always put it back in in the fall so I'm ready. :azn:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
on wed last week i stopped at the spring lake store to get some pepper jack cheese....really good and comes from Bemidji!!!! anyway the gal that was working used to own the store with her hubby, still works there. i've known her for as long as i remember. we got to talking. she was saying this past winter was a pretty tough on the small business owners.
first she said there isnt near as many deer hunters as in the recent past, wonder why?? :scratch: :evil: i know bear hunters in that general area is pretty non-existent too!! she said with the lack of snow and bad ice there wasnt a lot of activity up there. she said the Timberwolf always has people there staying, and there right on the grant in aid snowmobile trail, but they were pretty empty all winter.
I'm sure it was the same for Tim & Chris at the Bstore, & they get a lot more traffic by there. He never mentioned it 'til we asked if he'd plowed our place, cause it looked like somebody had been there.
Pat had a post on Nextdoor yday with some pics of our access being torn up. A couple of slabs had buckled & a couple more in the water had separated. :rolleyes: He called the DNR & they told him that it's like that all over & it's from the water level being so low. They were working on fixing 'em but it might take a bit.
We have them on our access abd they were fine!
Official ice-out here has been adjusted to a week ago today, according to the lake association. It looked like the DNR still had their nets/pens set up over on Lil' Cutfoot to me too. :scratch: I didn't see any people or pelicans over there, however. :confused:
According to Sundins report earlier this week most the walleye weren't really all that ready. He Aldo said by the end of the week they should have there 900 qts
:scratch: Who is Aldo? :confused: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
:scratch: Who is Aldo? :confused: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
he's ALSO's brother!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
:scratch: So where is W.......ALDO???? :nerd: :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
HEY Gunner.........on your trip for the paper......stop and tell Geigers to get there webcam fixed!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: its been down foe 3-4 days!!! :surrender:
:tut: Give 'em a ring, I'm sure they'll get right on it for you. :doah: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: Heard this morning that Snug Harbor has no harbor. Water's too low to go over the outside edge. Neighbor was over talking to Lakewood when he was up. All of their floating dock is sitting on bare ground along the shore over there. The 2 longest sections must be at least 60-80', maybe 100', long. :oops1:
Had a local tell me that the DNR had already been to the Bowstring CR 35 access as well as Big & Little Jessie's. So, with it being so nice yday I took the wheeler down to the Northern Acres 1. Nothin done there & there's 2-3' of mud at the end of the concrete, so it's not usable. My brother rode over to our access it was fixed & the dock was in. It looked like 1 of the barge guys was on the lake, probably JJ & up at Island View, helping put in gear. Might need to run 1 of the new dock sections along the shore to get deep enough this year. It needs a little fabrication before we can use it that way though. We'll be out an extra 14' then, 54' total, with the roll-out.
That is a lot of dock.
Bowstring is so low right now, I can't imagine what it's going to be by mid-summer.
Unless we get some serious rain here I plan to add 100' to mine. I have 2- 50' sections ready to add on. Last year I had 74' out and had to pull the boat in because it got to shallow. The lift never made it in the lake last year. 3 neighbors have their docks in but they have their lifts sitting on shore.
Bowstring is so low right now, I can't imagine what it's going to be by mid-summer.
in all the years that i have been going to that area, since about 1965, i have never seen the lakes that low as they are now!!!!!!! even some of the smaller ponds/puddles on the way up had no water in them.
Bet we had at least 5-6 lifts just on this end of the lake that weren't being used anymore by mid to late August last year. Ours had about 1/2 of it out past the end of our dock by the time we left in November.
That stinks you guys, lack of snow and frost is showing it's ugliest. Our place if the water is to high with big winds the run away bogs are all over. Low water we can't get thru a channel to the fish. Gotta take what the coarse gives ya and make the best of it.
That stinks you guys, lack of snow and frost is showing it's ugliest. Our place if the water is to high with big winds the run away bogs are all over. Low water we can't get thru a channel to the fish. Gotta take what the coarse gives ya and make the best of it.
i know where you catch those elusive sheepies!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :rotflmao: you could always trailer it to the access. :happy1: :happy1: but iffin its like when we fished it a few years ya best get there by 5 am or ya gotta walk a half mile to park!!! :confused:
That stinks you guys, lack of snow and frost is showing it's ugliest. Our place if the water is to high with big winds the run away bogs are all over. Low water we can't get thru a channel to the fish. Gotta take what the coarse gives ya and make the best of it.
i know where you catch those elusive sheepies!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :rotflmao: you could always trailer it to the access. :happy1: :happy1: but iffin its like when we fished it a few years ya best get there by 5 am or ya gotta walk a half mile to park!!! :confused:
Yep had to do that a couple of times, bout 6am the launch is pretty busy.
Gunner.......with the recent rains.........has it impacted the water levels on the lakes????
I see ours has came up a little this morning but a long ways to go yet.
Same here. We could use another month with weather like the last couple weeks.
We're sitting at ~ 3.5" since the neighbor went home on 4/13, so I don't think it's went down. But it's not real noticeable that it's come up much either. Rode over to our PA in the neighbor's new SxS yday & took a good look. I'd guess that there is probably < 2' of water at the end of the concrete :scratch: & there's a big blowout hole from all the big boats power loading at the end of that too. Neighbor wanted to go up to Leino's in Squaw Lake & eat on Saturday, so we did. Had 1 of the locals we know come up & tell us that Georgene's on Bowstring has 300' of dock out but they still only have 18" of water at the end. :doah:
:scratch: :scratch: so whts this Leinos in squaw lake??? never heard of it but i dont get out much up there much lessd that way nowadays! :confused:
after some googlin.........think its the old harbor grill and pub??????
We're sitting at ~ 3.5" since the neighbor went home on 4/13, so I don't think it's went down. But it's not real noticeable that it's come up much either. Rode over to our PA in the neighbor's new SxS yday & took a good look. I'd guess that there is probably < 2' of water at the end of the concrete :scratch: & there's a big blowout hole from all the big boats power loading at the end of that too. Neighbor wanted to go up to Leino's in Squaw Lake & eat on Saturday, so we did. Had 1 of the locals we know come up & tell us that Georgene's on Bowstring has 300' of dock out but they still only have 18" of water at the end. :doah:
That really has me worried about coming up on the 17th. Mine can float in that but how many boats can park there? :scratch: :mad1:
:scratch: :scratch: so whts this Leinos in squaw lake??? never heard of it but i dont get out much up there much lessd that way nowadays! :confused:
after some googlin.........think its the old harbor grill and pub??????
Yeah glenn, it's actually a bit north of where the old Harbor was. The family that has the resort on the west side of that bridge bought that old stucco building right next to the river on that side. They made it into a bar & grill that has really good broasted chicken with a smallish meat raffle on Saturday.
Hey glenn, Hwy 169 is closed north of Aitkin & the detour goes all the way over McGregor so we'll being going down Mn 6. Where is it that you always say you stop for gas, again? :scratch:
Hey glenn, Hwy 169 is closed north of Aitkin & the detour goes all the way over McGregor so we'll being going down Mn 6. Where is it that you always say you stop for gas, again? :scratch:
crosby ironton. i will assume you may turn off before you actually get on 210. but the holiday is about the same price as the quick mart in ironton.
Emily holiday is usually the most expensive..... i wont even stop there to pee!!!!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
:scratch: Think we stopped there the last time we went down Hwy 6.
:scratch: Think we stopped there the last time we went down Hwy 6.
:scratch: in Emily or crosby????? Emily to me is a tourist trap type area with fifty lakes and all the other lakes in the area.
Crosby, but I just found out that they're putting in some new culverts on 169 in Garrison & won't be done until noon tomorrow & we'll be through there before that. So, we're going to go over & hit 65 now, I think.
Gunner, if you’re staying on 65, the gas in Ham Lake was $2.94 to $2.96 yesterday. The BP snd Speedy at Constance and the Holiday at Crosstown.
Gunner, if you’re staying on 65, the gas in Ham Lake was $2.94 to $2.96 yesterday. The BP snd Speedy at Constance and the Holiday at Crosstown.
I run the Victory Auto across the highway from that BP and Speedy your talking about and they most times have the cheapest fuel in the area. If anyone needs propane in the area the BP is super cheap on that too.
:happy1: Thanks guys, but we decided to go over & hit I 35 just north of Hinckley. :cool:
just checked the webcams..........no activity at Geigers?? :scratch: :scratch: nothing at lakewood either???
boats at the narrows and the big bog cam.......not as many as i thought i'd see????
There was 2 boats, besides their pontoon, at Lakewood's dock yday by 3:00. They were there early today too, so they must be out now. :scratch:
There's been a steady stream going through the Narrows the last 5-10 minutes.
Just seen on book of faces that Winnie outpost had posted yesterday the traffic on hwy 2 going into deer river :doofus: :rotflmao: About the area Orty's meats is. Backed up a long ways. :rotflmao:
They were limiting the amount of bait each person could get.
Here's the picture they posted.
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:scratch: I only see ~ 5 boats! :confused:
Here's the picture they posted.
Ugh. Why bother? :confused:
Here's the picture they posted.
Ugh. Why bother? :confused:
pretty much that way every opener on friday afternoon.....somewhat similar to big 3 day weekends...and deer hunting too.....depends on time of day also...........why i go up few days earlier and leave later.
i have a golden rule.........NEVER go up the weekend of..mayhaps deer hunting...... but i find i get the area pretty much to myself the weekend prior or after the big ones!!!
back in the day i was working in the shop.......weelends........especially fridays got filled with people taking vacation days......most employers only allow i limited # of people gone on any given day.......i took mondays off....weather was the best on sunday afternoon and we watched everyone else go home!!!! :happy1: :sleazy:
:happy1: If we travel on Friday, which doesn't happen very often, we're going the other direction & normally south of the metro by 10 or 11. Going up we're usually having breakfast at Sportman's in DR by about 7-7:30 & it's the middle of the week. :cool:
When I worked and took long weekends on hunting and fishing trips I took off early on Fri but I took Monday off too. Otherwise the extra day off Friday was gone right away. With Monday off I could look forward to my extra day all weekend.
Watched the neighbor putting his Ranger in yday ~ 9:15 on Lakewood's web cam, so I called him last night. He said he had a heck of a time getting it off the trailer. Real smokey up there yday too. Close as he could tell, they only had people in 2 cabins over the weekend. Geiger's is sayin on FB that they have 280' of dock out. Looks like there's 7 boats tied up there early today.
That's a hike to the end of that dock.
Sent you a pm, glenn.
HEY..... JOHN........you still headed to Bowstring????? wanting to meet up yet or..........did the wife ground you!!!!! :evil: :shocked: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Yep I'm still heading up Friday morning. Lets keep in touch via text not sure what will be doing. Would be cool if we can make it work to have a cold one. ;)
Yep I'm still heading up Friday morning. Lets keep in touch via text not sure what will be doing. Would be cool if we can make it work to have a cold one. ;)
:happy1: :happy1: will do.......i'll let that gunner feller know too!!!!!!!! :happy1: he's actually closer to you then i will be, but not much.
oh by the way dont let Gunner know if you head to Inger........he gets mad!!!! :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rolleyes: :evil:
I keep hearing about the girls up there. :sleazy: Maybe need to take a trip up there.
Yep I'm still heading up Friday morning. Lets keep in touch via text not sure what will be doing. Would be cool if we can make it work to have a cold one. ;)
:happy1: :happy1: will do.......i'll let that gunner feller know too!!!!!!!! :happy1: he's actually closer to you then i will be, but not much.
oh by the way dont let Gunner know if you head to Inger........he gets mad!!!! :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rolleyes: :evil:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
https://youtu.be/2FgLgDi8-Xg Must have taken that corner too fast.
wonder where thats at??? think there was a grocery store on the corner of 371 coming into town.
pretty sure the first original Teals store originated in Cass lake but think they got rid of that one!!
Ya I thought that was a Teals too. Teals bought out the big grocery store in Luverne too. A friend owned the big store at the time and bought out the other small ones and made a huge store. Great success. That is what Teals bought from him.
Ya I thought that was a Teals too. Teals bought out the big grocery store in Luverne too. A friend owned the big store at the time and bought out the other small ones and made a huge store. Great success. That is what Teals bought from him.
it seems thats what they do.....about a year ago they bought out 2 stores south of red wing somewhere.....and one in WI!!!
I seen this yesterday morning. It looked to me like he turned a bit to fast and the load was not secured down properly. Looked like when the load shifted it took the truck with it.
That used to be Teals but became Leech Lake Market about a year ago.
Got bored, took a little drive to check out landings at different lakes, they,very definitely improved some.
Stopped for a couple things at the spring lake store and ran into a guy I used to pick horseshoes with years ago. He also let us bear hunt his property. First thing he asked if we still hunt them thinking he wanted someone to rid him of a bear that's been trying to get his chickens. But since where he's at and they changed zones we don't go that way.
He said the DNR used to live trap them nuisance bears, but they nixed that.... now guess if you have bear issues.... ya deal with it the other way. .
Drove over to the north access on Bow Tuesday. It came up a lot and with more rain after that I would think it will be usable for our next trip.
Rode the Grizzly down to the Northern Acres access yday ~ 4 & found 3 rigs parked there. They were all roller trailers but 1 looked to be big enough for a 17' Crestliner like ours. The other 2 were for smaller boats.
This fella was 10 ft from the boat.
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had that happen too!!! cool as all heck!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Stopped at the CR 35 access on the way to get the paper yday & found somebody with a 20.5' Skeeter parked in front of the ramp. We kept on going & checked there again on our way home. No rigs in the lot when we came home. We could get a look at the ramp on our way back home though & it looked like there was still 2-3' of sand at the end of the ramp to us. The dock isn't in over there either.
The neighbor & his wife went to town yday & on their way home the eastbound traffic was backed up in DR all the way to the casino at ~ 2:00. :crazy:
hey Gunner....or scenic, even JB or LPS...........just curious......how bad are them skeeters up there???????
HORRID!!!!!!! They came out in full force a couple days ago. B-52s with daggers
HORRID!!!!!!! They came out in full force a couple days ago. B-52s with daggers
:confused: :pouty: oh goodie! :surrender: :bonk:
Back in 84 ,,,not 1984,,just 84 when I started fishing the beltrami area Glen Curtis landed a prototype bomber at the airport and the line guy was a bit crosseyed and mistakenly put 300 gallons of avgas in a skeeter.
Ya ya ya,old joke I know but theres a few young folks aint never heard it before.
Got clouds of them gathered around the windows. Watering flowers on the porch brings them out of hiding like the Luftwaffe.
:scratch: Think I've seen 4 of 'em & I KO'ed 3 of them. I sent the other 1 up to Dallas Lane. ;) :rolleyes: :smiley: Seriously, they haven't been that bad here, but the neighbor gave them a good dose of Talstar on Sunday. :happy1: :cool:
They were terrible until they sprayed on Monday evening. Now they are almost non-existent. That spray really works.
Terrible at our place. I need to spray.
Back in 84 ,,,not 1984,,just 84 when I started fishing the beltrami area Glen Curtis landed a prototype bomber at the airport and the line guy was a bit crosseyed and mistakenly put 300 gallons of avgas in a skeeter.
Ya ya ya,old joke I know but theres a few young folks aint never heard it before.
So what happened them IB? Did they have to drain the tanks? Had he started it? I got an old Ford diesel just for a knock around truck. Big 3/4 ton about amid 80's. Cool as heck driving that diesel. A week after I got it I was at the local station putting "gas" in it and said a big OOPS vividly. Had two tanks so one was good fuel. Put diesel in the other one and drove to the local mechanic shop and had them take care of the situation. :crazy:
:scratch: Think I've seen 4 of 'em & I KO'ed 3 of them. I sent the other 1 up to Dallas Lane. ;) :rolleyes: :smiley: Seriously, they haven't been that bad here, but the neighbor gave them a good dose of Talstar on Sunday. :happy1: :cool:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: that be the nieghbors to the north end of the lake!!!! :rotflmao: :mooning: where on Dallas Trail!!!!!
thats fine i'll deal with them little bastages when i get there!!!!!!!! :Hunter: :fudd: :happy1: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Close enough................they should be able to hear you partying :sleazy: from there. :nerd: :evil: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:scratch: Close enough................they should be able to hear you partying :sleazy: from there. :nerd: :evil: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: oh yea i really whoop it up nowadays!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
They are flat out horrible west of you Glenn! We arrived to see almost 5.5 inches in the gauge and shin high grass. The neighbor came over with his Kubota when I started cutting and we knocked it almost out in a hour, just the lakeside left. He wanted to spray but I was reluctant with the 4 pooches here.
They are flat out horrible west of you Glenn! We arrived to see almost 5.5 inches in the gauge and shin high grass. The neighbor came over with his Kubota when I started cutting and we knocked it almost out in a hour, just the lakeside left. He wanted to spray but I was reluctant with the 4 pooches here.
what was he going to spray it with?????
i expect the same scenario when i get to the cabin. :doah: once i get the lawn cut it'll spray it also but i use a homemade potion that contains water, mint mouthwash and epsom salt........works pretty damn good!!!! down by the fish cleaning house i use the skeeter beater granules. only thing with that stuff....once its wet its worthless!!!! but it works. that skeeter beater works pretty good for flies too!!!!!!!
just a quick report on last weeks fishin adventure. we did pretty good with pike and sunfish. tried a new lake up the road towards Wirt from us. called Whitefish lake.
in my experience its about the same for pike as Sand and little sand...........lots of little ones. great for the picklin jar and smoker!!!!! i'll go back. when i get up there myself i'll be checking it out for other species, as its got a few shallow humps in the lake.........not to mention 50 ft holes!!!
One outing.
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Whitefish lake, different outing.
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Lotsa good eating.
Lotsa good eating.
2nd that!!!
Most definitely some good eats!
so......i did a little DNR Lakefinder research on this whitefish lake.
lotz of pike and way more perch, i mean alot of perch.
very few sunfish....not to bother with ,some crappies,
more punkinseeds then real sunfish.
walleyes seem the be the 3rd most abundant fish in the survey.
so I think i'll stick to helping the DNR on them little snot rockets. :happy1:
I've never seen as much water coming through the dam at the paper mill in GR as there was yday. The gate closest to the building looked to be wide open & the 1 next to it must've been 3/4 of the way open. So, there was a lot of water on the other side of that bridge. :surrender:
Crazy weather you have up here Gunner
looking at the cams up there, looks like Geigers and lakewood added some temporary dock extensions on shore to get to the docks so ya dont get wet feet!!!!!
actually kinda nice to see!!!!! :happy1:
We had a foot of sand in front of our 10-12' of rip rap where the dock sits in late April when the dock went in. Now, more than 1/2 of that rip rap is under water. I think the water has to be up 16-18"in the last 2 months here. :crazy:
We had a foot of sand in front of our 10-12' of rip rap where the dock sits in late April when the dock went in. Now, more than 1/2 of that rip rap is under water. I think the water has to be up 16-18"in the last 2 months here. :crazy:
:confused: :scratch: damn....i can about imagine what our dock may look like. wont be going up till July 8th!!!!!! :doah:
HEY GUNNER...I sent ya a pm yesterday :scratch: You don't like me now. :pouty: :rotflmao:
OK.......so gunner or fishwidow or even kettle if he checks in. . got a question regarding furniture stores. i'll take both your opinions to heart!!!!
i'm seriously contemplating replacing the mattress in the bed i sleep in at the cabin. no way can i haul up a mattress from here at home up there with other things i need to bring, so thinking i'd hook up my trailer and head to rapids. when i did a google search for mattresses in the deer river area, i found these 3'. mt trailer stays at the cabin.
rivertown furniture
lake country furniture, and
lake country furniture outlet.
any opinions on any of them???? pretty sure the mattress is a double. and needs to be somewhat plyable to be able to squirm it in place because of the bunk on top.
any input would be much appreciated.
AND NO!!!!!!!!! I'm not really looking for one thats urine or baby batter stained!!!!! :tut: :happy1: :rotflmao:
I know how you guys are!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :surrender: :bonk:
Inger girls won't care I'm thinking... just saying!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Inger girls won't care I'm thinking... just saying!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :bonk: :rotflmao:
Never bought a mattress from any of them. I have gotten smaller things from both Rivertown and Lake Country.
We have a queen size bed, and years ago I bought a mattress snd box spring from some outfit in St. Paul that claimed their mattresses were all made by major manufacturers and had minor imperfections. The labels were all torn off because the big name makers didn’t want their name associated with a discount merchant. The box spring was one piece. To get the box spring up to the second floor, I had to go underneath the steps and knock out the lower two thirds so the mattress could be tilted almost upright to fit. My wife was upstairs pulling while I pushed from the bottom. Then I had to reassemble the steps so I could get up there. That mattress was the most comfortable thing I ever slept on for about six months and then turned into pure torture as the springs failed. When we decided to cut our losses, I had to take a saw and bolt cutter to the box spring to get it down the stairs.
We ended up buying a good mattress set from a store in Hudson, Wisconsin. They delivered it all the way to the bedroom for $75.00. Money well spent.
sleep number and problem solved....
sleep number and problem solved....
:rotflmao: yea iffin your response to me.....that aint happening.
i need something that bends because of the braces that hold the top bunk in place. just a simple mattress. that one currently on the bed is shot.
HEY GUNNER...I sent ya a pm yesterday :scratch: You don't like me now. :pouty: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :doah: Yeah........................at 9:30 :rolleyes: & I've usually been outside for over an hour by that time, so I didn't see it. Then we were at the bank in DR by 8:45 yday. :pouty: But it looks like there's a Slumberland out behind the Lucky 7 east of L&M's warehouse on 169 too. About all I know is that the oldest niece & her husband bought the mattress they have here in GR & I think they got theirs at the Lake Country Outlet store. That's right there by the light where 2 comes into town. I never see any cars at the 1 on the corner of Pokegama Ave & Hwy 2 & I'm not sure they're even open anymore. That Rivertown 1 is just east of LC Outlet but on the other side of the road. :confused:
thanks guys!!!!!!! :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: I don't what to think of this Jessie lake watershed stuff. :crazy: this morning the gal that has Jessie lake resort turned in her resignation front being secretary due to alot of unplanned events that came up.
This afternoon this Paul the prez sent an email with his resignation due to family issues
:scratch: Glenn for Prez!!! :cheerleader: :sleazy: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Glenn for Prez!!! :cheerleader: :sleazy: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: NADA.
They're dropping like flies once you got onboard!
I used to volunteer and it was great. But as soon as you have any title you are the one that has to fill in when someone doesn't show up. Like for bingo or meat raffles. Great time though.
:scratch: Glenn for Prez!!! :cheerleader: :sleazy: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I'll vote 3 times!!!
:scratch: Glenn for Prez!!! :cheerleader: :sleazy: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
He's all talk!! :mooning: :rotflmao:
They're dropping like flies once you got onboard!
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :tut: i was officially elected in Aug of last year........i have had 1 communication since then. i sent an email to the rest of the board objecting to the idea of raising membership fees from $15.00 to $50.00. since then its total silence.
oh and boober.......... :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: So you are the new guy making waves. Now they are all quitting and leaving it up to you. LOL
:rotflmao: :happy1: maybe. :happy1: but there's like 3 or 4 new people on the board.
I can't help it I'm not afraid to speak my mind! :confused: :pouty:
Maybe they thought by raising the fee they would keep out the riff raff.
Maybe they thought by raising the fee they would keep out the riff raff.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: nope.........his theory was.......raise it to accumulate more money to do things. oh he had some strange ideas, in my mind!!
his math figured it if they raise it to 50 bucks........yea we may lose 3 people but with one new member they gain 5 bucks!!!!! maybe. my explanation to them was, isnt it the goal to gain more members?????? this shouldnt be a track meet......but a marathon.......
and the meeting i went to, not even all the board members where there and i believe there were maybe 4 other people there......so???
they have a little picnic and meeting on july 26th.....i'm kinda interested the turnout for that
We had at least 80-85 for our Fish Fry. :happy1: :cool:
We had at least 80-85 for our Fish Fry. :happy1: :cool:
:happy1: i dont think we have that many members? :scratch: :scratch: hard to tell......on there website.......members list was from 2017!!!!!!!!! :doofus: :doofus: :pouty:
must be quite the sh!tshow up there this weekend!!!!!! :rotflmao:
last night i texted the VP of the JLWA, he's from Arkansas, but spends his summers up there and his place is on the same lake we are on. i appaprently got his and his wifes # mixed up but, i was wondering about the picnic and meeting. itold them i would be up on monday after the weekend circus was over!!!!
her reply.......be glad your missing the circus!!!!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
Took the 8' long pc of old windmill that I use to move the lift & stuck it in the lake pretty close to the spot where the water was when the dock went in at the end of April the other day. Then measure it against the 1' composite sections of the new dock, it was at least 2-4" deeper than 2-1' pcs of that decking. So, the water level here is up at least 26 -28" in the last 9 weeks. :crazy:
WOW.....thats alot of water!!!!! :crazy:
water musta really came up on bowstring as well...........Geigers has a completely new dock design in the lake!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
the VP of the JLWA and i have been emailing and texting now and then since the announcements/resignations.......he wants me to stop by......wonder what he has up his sleeve. :scratch: :scratch:
the picnic is still on for the 26th..........but good grief there isnt anything other then what was put in there bulletin they sent out about a month ago. :scratch: :doah:
:scratch: Maybe, he just has couple ideas he wants to sound you out on 'em before he takes it to the rest of your group. Or.....................maybe he's heard about.................. the Glenn for Prez movement that's getting started. :sleazy: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I wanna hear that debate!
I wanna hear that debate!
:rotflmao: my sparkling negotiation tactics would come in handy :sleazy:
And NO Glenn no run for prez :tut:
I agree gunner, he may want to wing a few things by me, since I'm the only one that's spoken up :doofus:
The standard progression would be he takes over as prez, he may try to convince me to be VP?? Not sure that be a good idea since we are both on the same lake :scratch:
You better bring a bunch of smoked and pickled northerns to the picnic. Bring the wife too and meet your people. LOL
Be kind to the little people Glenn.
You better bring a bunch of smoked and pickled northerns to the picnic. Bring the wife too and meet your people. LOL
thats the plan.......that way a can catch more!!!!!!! :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Be kind to the little people Glenn.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Why not you for VP? Somebody has to do it; it might as well be you. :confused: You're about the only person, besides the present VP, who seems to care enough to put in some time & effort to help take care of the JLWA business.
:scratch: Why not you for VP? Somebody has to do it; it might as well be you. :confused: You're about the only person, besides the present VP, who seems to care enough to put in some time & effort to help take care of the JLWA business.
entertaining the idea. He is supposed to meet with the past prez today to try and make sense of the mess and I'll meet up with him tomorrow maybe. My only concern is having the top 2 officers on the same body of water, maybe being an issue to the rest.
But then again someone else should stup up to the plate
Exactly. I don't see a problem with you two on the same lake. Maybe you can get better service and you should if noone else wants to help their lake's situation.
Made it to the cabin about 3:30. Stopped and visited a union coworker for a bit.
Lawn is cut, but yogi and booboo visited the bird feeders. :confused:
Dis guy is tuckered out.
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:angry2: it appears them f>></ ankle biting blood sucking flies have made there appearance :confused: :angry2:
put clothes on, no more naked!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
put clothes on, no more naked!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
:angry2: it appears them f>></ ankle biting blood sucking flies have made there appearance :confused: :angry2:
:scratch: Give 'em a shot of that special juice of yours. ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
It won't work on them bastages. I already put my special juice down. :confused:
:scratch: They don't seem to be that bad here. Might be because we've sprayed around the cabin but they were kind of bad down at the lake on Tuesday when we moved the dock in 10'. Could just be that you smell better to 'em too. :sleazy: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: They don't seem to be that bad here. Might be because we've sprayed around the cabin but they were kind of bad down at the lake on Tuesday when we moved the dock in 10'. Could just be that you smell better to 'em too. :sleazy: :evil: ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :tut: they weren't near as bad yesterday......not even close. :happy1:
tried moving the dock :crazy: shoulda known better with all the boards on it, snapped the cables on both 4 wheeler wenches.....so repair time next time up.
also was going to use one of the push mowers and that cable snapped to. :pouty:
had a good chat with the VP, now interm prez of the JLWA we got some ideas....... :sleazy: :sleazy:
based on the 2 meetings i attended, i'm of the opinion there needs to be more order at the meetings, i suggested some of the Roberts rules of order...he was pretty keen on that. there needs to be accountability with board members attendence. amongst other things.
Sounds like a great start Glenn.
Effective leaders can be few and far between. G'luck, Glenn. ;)
(You'll do great! :cheerleader: :banghead: )
There are times where all of our board members aren't at the lake when a meeting is scheduled. So, in order to get their business done they'll do it by conference call or on Zoom instead.
Channel 4 has there going to the lake again. :happy1: AJ Hilton and Amelia.. are in deer river within wild rice festival.
Yesterday they were at the Pines resort on Winnie, today on cutfoot, but they ate this morning at the sportsman's in deer river. They were impressed with the stuffed hash browns. Even had pictures on the book of faces. :happy1:
Stopped by the wild rice festival a few hours ago. It was too hot to wait for the pow wow. It would be nice if the beer available on the street was better than the selection they have.
Gunner I had to post this. I know you eat here a lot. https://youtu.be/ZjrPzzWlxn8
yep........its a great place to eat.........never leave the place hungry for sure!!!!!! :happy1:
Will stop the next time we go through and are hungry. :happy1:
Will stop the next time we go through and are hungry. :happy1:
:happy1: :happy1: its really kinda crazy there......i dont care how busy that place is.........it never takes very long to get your food once you order!!!!!
and the prices are very reasonable. one of the owners doesnt live very far from the cabin either,
Order 1 of their daily specials off the dry wipe board & you can be in & out in 30-40 minutes. Even if the place is packed. You can't go wrong with their Hot Beef either & they sell a lot of those, so they always have those ready to go too.
The dam at the paper mill in GR was still letting a lot of water go. A gate by the building had to be wide open & another 1 a little closer to the middle was pretty close IMO too. I don't believe any of the gates were completely closed & I'm not so sure that they didn't have more water being released today than they did back towards the end of June. :crazy:
:sleazy: :smoking: :happy1: :happy1: i guess my conversations with the current VP of the JLWA did some good. there's been more done on there website in the last week then the past year!!!!!!
pretty much updated!!!!!! :happy1:
Good to hear. Curious to see how things pan out. :happy1:
:sleazy: :smoking: :happy1: :happy1: i guess my conversations with the current VP of the JLWA did some good. there's been more done on there website in the last week then the past year!!!!!!
pretty much updated!!!!!! :happy1:
:happy1: :cool:
Gonna have me a new mattress next time up. :happy1:
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Shadow will love it too.. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Shadow will love it too.. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:rotflmao: yea more tham likely!!!!!!! :surrender: :rotflmao:
So were you able to lay on it before buying it?
So were you able to lay on it before buying it?
nope its in the box. but my brother bought one similar......and i slept on it........was damn comfy. my buddy said he bought one similar and likes it.
its a serta.......they have a respectable reputation. AND anything is better then what i'm sleeping on now!!!!!!! :doah:
So were you able to lay on it before buying it?
nope its in the box. but my brother bought one similar......and i slept on it........was damn comfy. my buddy said he bought one similar and likes it.
its a serta.......they have a respectable reputation. AND anything is better then what i'm sleeping on now!!!!!!! :doah:
:scratch: Not so sure that your lady friends will even want to leave now!!! :sleazy: :nerd: :evil: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Went down to the boat 1 day last weekend after we got a little rain & it wasn't very far out of the water. So, I went to raise the boat but it never moved. The post where the motor mounts buckled instead. So, we went to town Monday to look at new lifts & found 1 we liked. We gave 'em 1/2 as a downpayment & it was delivered already yday. :happy1: :cool: We think something broke on the old 1 so it's going to the salvage yard. The old lift is at least 30 y/o so it doesn't owe us anything.
Went down to the boat 1 day last weekend after we got a little rain & it wasn't very far out of the water. So, I went to raise the boat but it never moved. The post where the motor mounts buckled instead. So, we went to town Monday to look at new lifts & found 1 we liked. We gave 'em 1/2 as a downpayment & it was delivered already yday. :happy1: :cool: We think something broke on the old 1 so it's going to the salvage yard. The old lift is at least 30 y/o so it doesn't owe us anything.
may as well spend. :sleazy: :moon: noone else knows were them milk cans of cash is buried!!!!! :rolleyes: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: There's not any pockets in coffins........................is what the neighbor is always telling me. ;) :smiley:
Had this sign made.! Only one so far that knows is my wife. :sleazy: 40 bucks.
Think it looks sweet. :happy1:
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:scratch: That's too far away from the outhouse. :sleazy: :evil: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Had this sign made.! Only one so far that knows is my wife. :sleazy: 40 bucks.
Think it looks sweet. :happy1:
Are you suppose to hang personal signage on a official county fire number post? :tut: :rotflmao:
Had this sign made.! Only one so far that knows is my wife. :sleazy: 40 bucks.
Think it looks sweet. :happy1:
Are you suppose to hang personal signage on a official county fire number post? :tut: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: they can pack sand :sleazy:
It's hard freakin work atvthe cabin :rotflmao:
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:scratch: Looks like he's keeping a close eye on you to me.............................Sue taught him well!!! ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
That's great Glenn. Fewer ticks there too. :happy1: Nice looking pooch. Cooper is a little darker. Would like to get them together again sometime.
It's hard freakin work atvthe cabin :rotflmao:
Suppose you use juice alone with that girl scout match, to start your fires? :scratch: :surrender: :rotflmao:
It's hard freakin work atvthe cabin :rotflmao:
Suppose you use juice alone with that girl scout match, to start your fires? :scratch: :surrender: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :happy1: just like the boy scouts taught me. :sleazy: :happy1:
It's hard freakin work atvthe cabin :rotflmao:
Suppose you use juice alone with that girl scout match, to start your fires? :scratch: :surrender: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :happy1: just like the boy scouts taught me. :sleazy: :happy1:
I use hot charcoals saved and wrapped in a bundle from a lighting striked tree, passed down from my caveman ancestors! Cuz I'm a real man! :taz: :coffee:
was just reading where Bemidji and the that area have some flooding!!! not good...
was just reading where Bemidji and the that area have some flooding!!! not good...
Whoever posted that is should find something different to smoke or drink. Big storm in Bemidji gave us about 20 drops of rain. Wait I might have counted a couple on my hood twice.
Nuttin here
Picnic and meeting went well... AND NOOOO it wasn't in Inger! :tut: :rotflmao:
Nothing here either.
was just reading where Bemidji and the that area have some flooding!!! not good...
Whoever posted that is should find something different to smoke or drink. Big storm in Bemidji gave us about 20 drops of rain. Wait I might have counted a couple on my hood twice.
sherrif reported it... on kstp too
was just reading where Bemidji and the that area have some flooding!!! not good...
Whoever posted that is should find something different to smoke or drink. Big storm in Bemidji gave us about 20 drops of rain. Wait I might have counted a couple on my hood twice.
sherrif reported it... on kstp too
. MAYHAPS the sheriff was sampling someone's stash he confiscated! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
was just reading where Bemidji and the that area have some flooding!!! not good...
:scratch: :confused:
Just saw on the news that some parts of Beltrami County had 6 plus inches of rain.
was just reading where Bemidji and the that area have some flooding!!! not good...
Whoever posted that is should find something different to smoke or drink. Big storm in Bemidji gave us about 20 drops of rain. Wait I might have counted a couple on my hood twice.
sherrif reported it... on kstp too
I wonder where KSTP got that info. I know for a fact there is no flooding in Bemidji. That report from June maybe ? That was about the last time it rained up here.
It was NW of Bemidji. Grygla had serious flooding. Quite a ways from Bemidji.
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right here Scenic
Figured I'd start HH with a bloody Mary or 2 before I lighten up the beer cooler for the trip hone! :happy1:
Oh and I thought I'd so Leech how us professionals start a campfire! :happy1: :rotflmao:
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right here Scenic
Yeah that's about 90 miles from Bemidji. Bemidji itself could use a good rain. It's pretty dry. We got just a trace this morning but I think it evaporated as fast as it came down.
Figured I'd start HH with a bloody Mary or 2 before I lighten up the beer cooler for the trip hone! :happy1:
Oh and I thought I'd so Leech how us professionals start a campfire! :happy1: :rotflmao:
[attachment deleted by admin]
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :laughroll: :laughroll: :super smiley:
Not a table to be had in Sportsmen's when we walked in just before noon yday. I was about to ask the group at the big table to the right of the door if they would mind if we sat with them. But then we see the guys at the table at the end of the counter getting up, so we grabbed that. Still in & out in 30-35 minutes. As usual the hot pork I had & the Philly sandwich my brother had were great. :happy1: :cool:
It doesn't look like a very big place. I always think of you when we drive by. Will have to try it out sometime.
It doesn't look like a very big place. I always think of you when we drive by. Will have to try it out sometime.
you WILL NOT be disappointed!!!!!!! :happy1:
It doesn't look like a very big place. I always think of you when we drive by. Will have to try it out sometime.
you WILL NOT be disappointed!!!!!!! :happy1:
might have to make a road trip!!! :happy1:
We may be making a trip to Duluth in the future so will be going right by it.
Make sure Gunner buys!! :sleazy: :happy1: :happy1:
Good point.
FYI, no plastic accepted at this place only cash or checks. They do have an ATM, however, back by glenn's favorite place to hang out :evil:...................the bathroom. ;) :smiley:
FYI, no plastic accepted at this place only cash or checks. They do have an ATM, however, back by glenn's favorite place to hang out :evil:...................the bathroom. ;) :smiley:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: when ya gotta go...ya gotta go!!!!! :mooning: :mooning:
one of the gals that own the place doesnt live far from the cabin on cty rd 4. and so does one of her daughters. they must be doing Ok there, pretty nice place.....sure her hubby works to somewhere!!!!!!
:scratch: Seems like you ALWAYS gotta go......................or at least should!! :sleazy: :nerd: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
so you fellers that live up that way......how have the deer and horseflies been. i expect some skeeters!!!!1
headed up monday. big JLWA meeting that saturday. i see where bear baiting started today....be interesting to see if there is any baiting activity around. gonna have to take a drive i guess!!!!! :happy1:
think i'm gonna scratch off another lake i havent fished yet. rush island. checked the lake finder and it intrigues me!!!! :sleazy:
Lotsa Bullheads in that Lake huh?? :rotflmao: :happy1: :nerd:
Lotsa Bullheads in that Lake huh?? :rotflmao: :happy1: :nerd:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning:
no sheepheads though!!!!!! :rolleyes: :mooning:
Lots of pickling size northerns?
Glenn, I don’t think the mosquitoes or flies have been too bad, at least not at my place. That can change quickly, but not many deer or horse flies snd a lot fewer mosquitoes than when we had all the rainy weather earlier this summer.
No bait, but I did have a bear run through the yard last Sunday.
Glenn, I don’t think the mosquitoes or flies have been too bad, at least not at my place. That can change quickly, but not many deer or horse flies snd a lot fewer mosquitoes than when we had all the rainy weather earlier this summer.
No bait, but I did have a bear run through the yard last Sunday.
:happy1: thanks fishwidow. good to hear. i'll take a drive out and about when i'm up there. with all that long grass in the trails it wont take much to figure out if someone is going back in the woods this time of year!!!!!!
Roony, thats what i wanna find out. DNR lake finder makes it look promising. i talked to a local up there said it can be a good panfish lake. my brother fished it got pike and eyes. i wouldnt mind a few over 26 either for boneless pike. :happy1:
kinda why i'm going to it......a lake i havent fished before. back in the day when i deer hunted further back then i an now.....at times i could see the lake from my stand!!!!
Sounds like a fun adventure.
Ya it is great that you check out those other lakes. Good for you.
I've always wondered about the otta the way lakes up that way chasing grouse, just quiet and no boats, unlike our place...
Ya it is great that you check out those other lakes. Good for you.
we always have on occasion went to different lakes, especially when we got our own boats. :happy1: and when the cabin lake froze out we didnt really have much choice if we wanted to catch fish. dont get me wrong, i have a list of lakes not to bother going back too!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
yea boober......thats whats great about up there......so many little gems with barely any activity.............even less during the week!!!!! :sleazy: :happy1: :Fish: :Fish:
and that new locator with the map chip............ :happybounce: :happybounce: :Clap:
my great Uncle and Aunt when they lived north of Cass Lake, he took me fishing on a lake he called Little Lost Lake... it was great!!! down in a low spot and had to walk in and down a hill!! great fun!!!
my great Uncle and Aunt when they lived north of Cass Lake, he took me fishing on a lake he called Little Lost Lake... it was great!!! down in a low spot and had to walk in and down a hill!! great fun!!!
:happy1: :happy1: right after high school me and 1 of my high school buddies would load up one of the small aluminum boats and go hit some of those small little lakes that really didnt have an access.......but that was when we were young :scratch:........at least i can say.....i was on that lake!!!! :rotflmao:
Kind of buggy out in the boat yday but I had sweats on so they didn't really bother me. It was a different story though in shorts & a t-shirt when I was trying to mow yday afternoon. Bitin flies!! :angry2: :taz:
Kind of buggy out in the boat yday but I had sweats on so they didn't really bother me. It was a different story though in shorts & a t-shirt when I was trying to mow yday afternoon though. Bitin flies!! :angry2: :taz:
yea them frigign bitin flies.......that skeeter beater granules seem to deter them some. good to know!!!!!! :happy1:
Went to the new to me lake yesterday. Almost in Gunners back yard. :sleazy: :shocked: nice lake. Nice places on it too. Ended up 2 pike 12 sunfish 1 crappie.
Had my camera with, damn petty pike kept chasing them sunfish around. :confused:
Fun to watch though.
Lots of floating weeds here this year & many around our dock lately. So, I put our weed rake back together & gave it 10-12 throws on the south side of the dock. I've done another 6-8 on the other side too but that's where the lift is. After letting the weeds dry a day or 2, I've now hauled 6 big totes of weeds up the steps. Found out the weeds don't dry or burn easy too. :rolleyes:
:scratch: If that lake is the 1 you were talking about before you went up, they have a pretty decent PA back there. Brother rides the Grizzly back there quite a bit, but I haven't been back there myself this season.
Gunner, I noticed that too yesterday.
When we clean the shoreline of weeds, we just haul them off into the woods.
So far I'm pretty darn impressed with the lack of any type of annoying, biting bugs. :happy1: A few but not bad at all.
I did see my first juvenile loon yesterday, so some made it.
:scratch: If that lake is the 1 you were talking about before you went up, they have a pretty decent PA back there. Brother rides the Grizzly back there quite a bit, but I haven't been back there myself this season.
yea it is the lake and your right its a nice acess. No dock or cement pads but easy as can be for loading up the boat.
Watching 4 otters in the lake by the dock. :rotflmao: there funny as all het out to waych.
yes they are fun to watch!! :happy1:
This spring my brother had 2 pike tied to the dock and left them overnight. Next morning he had 1 pike and a head to a pike on the stringer!! :rotflmao: :surrender:
:scratch: Yeah, that's what the neighbor does with his weeds too. Probably end up that way here as well..
For my pal Leech. :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
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well one is in my belly already. Smokers the rest
The lake association provides the food for our annual meetings & today's menu is pulled pork sandwichs. There will be a Itasca County AIS speaker along with a lot of door prizes. We usually have 85-100 people. :cool:
For my pal Leech. :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Wow. :confused:
Did I every say you couldn't catch, one eatable fish? Nice crappy! :happy1: :rotflmao:
The lake association provides the food for our annual meetings & today's menu is pulled pork sandwichs. There will be a Itasca County AIS speaker along with a lot of door prizes. We usually have 85-100 people. :cool:
yea we had maybe 14 people............ :scratch: :doah: :crazy:
For my pal Leech. :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Wow. :confused:
Did I every say you couldn't catch, one eatable fish? Nice crappy! :happy1: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning:
one day i took an extended drive...........NO NOT TO INGER...... :tut: :tut: :tut: to check if anyone was bear baiting.........i seen no activity at all.
i also noticed the acorns are starting to drop..............
I heard 0 & 90 both called for door prizes, so we had at least that many. We were 2 board members short though as the president has Covid & the other guy must've had a wedding or a funeral he had to be at. The neighbor's acorns have been dropping for at least a couple weeks, glenn. We had a few leaves dropping out along the driveway 1 day this week too. :confused:
I heard 0 & 90 both called for door prizes, so we had at least that many. We were 2 board members short though as the president has Covid & the other guy must've had a wedding or a funeral he had to be at. The neighbor's acorns have been dropping for at least a couple weeks, glenn. We had a few leaves dropping out along the driveway 1 day this week too. :confused:
you have any leaves starting to change colors????? i noticed a couple trees and the other side the lake turning red already. yea we have leaves falling too!!!!!
The underbrush is starting here, I'm sure turning up yonder also.
Drove some county roads west of Aitkin today, and saw a few trees showing yellow and orange. They were maybe 5% turned. A lot if ferns in that area were bright yellow.
Just a couple of birches out behind the garage by the septic lift station that are starting to turn a little yellow here, so far.
I see our boxelders are turning some.
Since the weather changed on Tuesday, the bugs haven't been near as bad either. :happy1: :cool:
About 15-20 minutes before sunrise the action picked up. :happy1: Did managed 4 crappies & 3 are pretty nice ones. :cool: Did have 1 smaller bluegill in the livewell too, but the only other 1 I got was a touch over 9" so they both got released.
I've got 60-65' of SS cable leftover from the old lift & I put it on the rollout dock yday. Fastened it to the 2-2.5" post that the axle is on & the other end will be clipped to the bottom of the frame up by shore where it can stay. We've been using a long heavy rope to take it out & put it in forever, but that water is kind of chilly Spring & Fall. This way there should be no more of that. In need of a couple fasteners yet, so I'll be looking to see what L & M has for me today. S'posed to warm back up next week, so it can wait 'til then.
I've got 60-65' of SS cable leftover from the old lift & I put it on the rollout dock yday. Fastened it to the 2-2.5" post that the axle is on & the other end will be clipped to the bottom of the frame up by shore where it can stay. We've been using a long heavy rope to take it out & put it in forever, but that water is kind of chilly Spring & Fall. This way there should be no more of that. In need of a couple fasteners yet, so I'll be looking to see what L & M has for me today. S'posed to warm back up next week, so it can wait 'til then.
yea i reckon them girlyfriends from Inger dont like that when your seeds shrivel up in that cold water!!!!! :sleazy: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: You been lookin at my seeds? :confused: :rolleyes: :tut: :mooning: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
You two are even better buddies than I thought. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
You two are even better buddies than I thought. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
What happens in Inger, stays in Inger... :doah:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
:scratch: You been lookin at my seeds? :confused: :rolleyes: :tut: :mooning: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: not a friggin chance bubba!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Weather terrorists have a frost on da punkins warning out for up there tonight into the morning :shocked:
Seen that, they said 45 here for today too but we had 50. I haven't been out since early Monday, but the surface temps were still pushing 71 yet then. So, it has to still be near 70 & the hourly is saying 40 for a low here. We've consistently been 3- 5 degrees warmer every morning for about the last couple weeks.
I think I had 8 today & the 1st :fish2: was another beauty. :cool: The last 4 were on the small side & went back right away. The 1st one was released at the dock, so I kept 3. I had 67.9 for surface temp.
Water is cooling off then. When I was up last water temp was 72 on the lakes I hit.
:scratch: The weather guy last night was talking about nearly 2 weeks of temps around 80, with no rain. That will probably send the surface temps back up, I would think. :confused: Looks like the water level has dropped a couple inches in the last week or so IMO too.
Had a nice breeze, ~5-6 mph, early & they were hungry. I had 9 nice fat fish all about the same size. :happy1: :cool: Wind went down 20-30 minutes before the sun came up though, still had a couple, but the action slowed down a bunch. None made it to the live well this time & I had 69 for a surface temp.
Eat your heart out chumps. :rotflmao:
:scratch: The 9 I caught yday would've filled that pail too, if I hadn't let 'em all go. :sleazy: :mooning: :evil: ;) :smiley:
Looks good Glenn, although that little bass.... From opener through memorial all fish could get cut up, but from then on I usually don't dirty a knife, they all go free. Just my way of giving back to the lake.
It came from a cold deep lake. Besides I won't eat bass... it's going to the wild game feed. :happy1i needed to add a few inches to my total! :rotflmao:
Had 70.5 for surface temp today, so that's up about 3* in the last week. Had more bites from the skeets than I did from the fish. Still managed 3 & the 1st 1 was another real nice 1. Had 1-9" gill too, but I left everything out there again today.
Had 70.5 for surface temp today, so that's up about 3* in the last week. Had more bites from the skeets than I did from the fish. Still managed 3 & the 1st 1 was another real nice 1. Had a 19" gill too, but I left everything out there again today.
I think I would mount a 19 inch bluegill
Had 70.5 for surface temp today, so that's up about 3* in the last week. Had more bites from the skeets than I did from the fish. Still managed 3 & the 1st 1 was another real nice 1. Had a 19" gill too, but I left everything out there again today.
I think I would mount a 19 inch bluegill
:rotflmao: metoo. I think it was 1-9" inch gill. ;)
:tut: :doah: roony....................... are you tryin to be more like glenn? :confused: ;) :smiley: Better now? :rolleyes:
Eat your heart out chumps. :rotflmao:
It's people like you that are Destroying the planet!!! :angry:
I don't know how, it just seems like the thing to say on the internet now? :confused:
Isn't that everyone's goal?
Eat your heart out chumps. :rotflmao:
It's people like you that are Destroying the planet!!! :angry:
I don't know how, it just seems like the thing to say on the internet now? :confused:
:scratch: huh I ain't seen it said anywhere. How is posting a picture of fish destroying the planet.
Eat your heart out chumps. :rotflmao:
It's people like you that are Destroying the planet!!! :angry:
I don't know how, it just seems like the thing to say on the internet now? :confused:
:scratch: huh I ain't seen it said anywhere. How is posting a picture of fish destroying the planet.
I said "I don't know how, it just seems like the thing to say on the internet now" You need to watch more YouTube. Folks on there are blaming someone else for climate change for everything! :doah:
I've eaten my share of bass over the years. Don't anymore. They were as good as any other fish. Even rock bass. Noone could tell them from any other pan fish.
I think its true of pretty much any fish - it all depends on how you clean it, store it, and prepare it.
Heard the neighbor outside early yday, so I walked over to see if he'd help us move ours as he has 1 just like it, only bigger. Went down to looked at his lift & he said it looked to him like the lake was down 6" since we'd moved his. His has a ruler on 1 of his front posts so he can keep at the right depth easier. Ours went out to the end of our dock yday & the 3 of us were easily able to just push it out there. :happy1: :cool:
That sounds about what it is like here on the river too.
well.back home. fishing was good, weather was great...........bugs behaved themselves. cant ask for more!!!!! kinda a bummer though......brought the boat home!!! :pouty:
HEY BOOBER............heading back up OCT 10th....... :mooning: :mooning: :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
well.back home. fishing was good, weather was great...........bugs behaved themselves. cant ask for more!!!!! kinda a bummer though......brought the boat home!!! :pouty:
HEY BOOBER............heading back up OCT 10th....... :mooning: :mooning: :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: oh I'm sure you'll remind us another 7 times... :mooning: ;)
well.back home. fishing was good, weather was great...........bugs behaved themselves. cant ask for more!!!!! kinda a bummer though......brought the boat home!!! :pouty:
HEY BOOBER............heading back up OCT 10th....... :mooning: :mooning: :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: oh I'm sure you'll remind us another 7 times... :mooning: ;)
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :sleazy: :sleazy: :sleazy:
Although Glenn, you'll hafta let us know what the foilage is doing. Almost thinking chasing grouse on pheasant opener... ;) Scary part is won't be far from you guys..
well.back home. fishing was good, weather was great...........bugs behaved themselves. cant ask for more!!!!! kinda a bummer though......brought the boat home!!! :pouty:
HEY BOOBER............heading back up OCT 10th....... :mooning: :mooning: :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: oh I'm sure you'll remind us another 7 times... :mooning: ;)
:scratch: I'll take the over on that 1. ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Leaves are in the early stages of turning. With the dry conditions lately, they could go in a hurry if we get some wind, which we’ve had pretty much every day. Another sign of fall—the deer are getting darker.
Leaves are in the early stages of turning. With the dry conditions lately, they could go in a hurry if we get some wind, which we’ve had pretty much every day. Another sign of fall—the deer are getting darker.
yea i noticed that as my time up there went by.........they also moved up the fire danger from LOW to Moderate!!!!!
Yep. Really dry.
Lake levels have dropped a lot since mid summer.
The lids of recycling cans were wet as was the lid to the burn barrel, but I didn't find much in our gauges. So, I checked the neighbor's digital 1 & he had .03".
Had 3 :fish2: right away :cool:, then nothin for ~ 20 minutes. Then about 10-15 minutes before sunrise a little WNW breeze picked up for a bit & I got 4 more. Had 7 total when I got back to the dock. The biggest & the 2 smallest went back, so I kept 4. :happy1:
Went out :fishing: a little after 9 & found only a couple others out there. There must've been 8-10 by the time I came back in though. I had some fun with a 19" smallmouth on my 1st pass as he made 4-5 strong runs, good thing I had my drag set pretty light. He went back, then on the next to last pass I caught a 15" walleye. That 1 didn't go back. Sure was nice out there. Need to move the lift again as the lake is down another 3" since we moved it a couple weeks ago. :rolleyes:
Gunner......has the water temp dropped much yet???/
No, I still had a bit over 68 when I came in Thursday AM. Probably has went up from there too, I would guess. :scratch:
judging by the webcams up there, leaves seem pretty green yet??? has any of the underbrush dropped/ thinned out. :scratch:
Starting to turn, but still mostly green. I expect they’ll start to change pretty quickly in the next week or so.
Had 68 for surface temp this morning again too. Quite a few leaves came down along our drive today & Friday too, when there's been some wind. Our maple up by the garage is a little more red every day. There could be a bunch down before the colors really get going IMO.
It looked like it was snowing leaves 5 or 6 times yday, as so many were all coming down at once with that wind. We moved the lift out so only the front 1/2 of it is alongside the last 4' of dock. The wind was SW yet when we finished, ~2:30, but by 3:30 it'd went to the west, & by 5 it'd went NW. The temp had dropped 10 degrees by then too. Just shorts & the top to an old pair of long johns for me when we moved the lift & I didn't think the water was cold at all.
It looked like it was snowing leaves 5 or 6 times yday, as so many were all coming down at once with that wind. We moved the lift out so only the front 1/2 of it is alongside the last 4' of dock. The wind was SW yet when we finished, ~2:30, but by 3:30 it'd went to the west, & by 5 it'd went NW. The temp had dropped 10 degrees by then too. Just shorts & the top to an old pair of long johns for me when we moved the lift & I didn't think the water was cold at all.
Tis the season!
with the fire warnings popping up the last few days, i checked the DNR site.......itasca couthy has a no open burning ban, but campfires are still allowed.
Mike's pal on IDO...........Gimruis...... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: just posted NO campfires are allowed in the bwca!!!!!
yea right our buddy!!!
yea right our buddy!!!
:sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
so........you fellers up nort...........have you been hearing any reports about Yogi and BooBoo being problematic recently??????
i'd sure like to start feeding the birds again!!!!!!! :pouty:
Haven’t heard anything about their activities recently. We had one roaming the neighborhood about a month ago, but he moved on after a couple days. My feeders will stay inside, probably until Thanksgiving, because I’ve had them busted up a few times and i know how good those bears are at finding food. I’m kind of surprised we haven’t noticed more of a problem, because the berry crop wasn’t much this year.
Thanks, I'm thinking maybe deer camp putting them out. :scratch:
Nothing here either.
My brother got a nice brown one by Cass Lake last week.
The neighbor came over on Thursday & said that the water level had dropped another 2 1/2" since Monday when we moved our lift. So, he was getting close to the point where his boat might not come off the lift. Luckily, his 5000# lift was in enough water that all he had to do is lower his. He's got another 6" to go now but if this keeps up our lift might not be usable as quickly as next week. If that happens, we'll be pulling the boat & dock earlier than planned, as I'm not going to put more dock back out now. :doah:
damn Gunner.....wonder what ours looks like. last time up it was still higher then this spring and not even close to being that low!!!!!
We still have ~ 1/4 to 1/3 of our riprap under water & it was all dry this Spring when we put 54' of dock out. I got tired of fighting the high water as I couldn't hardly get the bottom up & out of the water. So, when Sis/BIL were up the 1st time, early to mid-July, we took a 10' section of dock out. That was good 'til about the end of August, but I think the lake must be down close to a 1 1/2' since then. Tim over at the Bstore said last weekend that he'd talked to somebody on Bowstring that'd told him it was down 14" over there but he was still able to use his lift. :crazy:
You sure have a lot of fluctuation in your lake Gunner.
My brother just sent me this picture :confused: :pouty: looks like the 700 Yamaha the newest one.
He hasn't told me what happened yet.
Anyone looking to buy a wheeler. :scratch: :rotflmao:
what picture?
what picture?
its there now!!!!!!!!!
I think rewiring it might be out of the question.. WOW!!
:rotflmao: :surrender: yep. Had the sheriff there and fire dept. Dry a different windy as all get out, fire depth was hosing everything down.
He told me where it happened close to the cabin, not sure how the fire dept got there truck there?? It's a wheeler trail for the most part.
rural FD use 4 wheel drive trucks also, LP has one and I thin Osakis does too...
sure hope he had good insurance too!!!
sure hope he had good insurance too!!!
it's a week thing, we're both on the title.
sure hope he had good insurance too!!!
it's a week thing, we're both on the title.
ok I hope you both have insurance on it...
Had a small group, 8-10 guys/ 4 or 5 boats, over at the resort come in late last week. They've been fishing the bay all week, mostly the 30 & 40' holes. Had more come in this weekend, so they must be almost 1/2 full over there. Looked out on the bay mid-afternoon yday & I counted 11 boats out there in that 20-25 mph wind we gad. :rolleyes:
sure hope he had good insurance too!!!
it's a week thing, we're both on the title.
ok I hope you both have insurance on it...
:happy1:we are insured for about everything up there. i had a brain fart this morning. thats the same machine that had a recall on it. i need to find the paperwork on it and i'm gonna stop back at Bee LIne and ask if they had issues with others and push them to talk to Yamaha for other faults.......just maybe .......maybe we get assistance form them??? :scratch: :scratch:
my brother mentioned something about the machine but dont remember what???? i'm gonna ask though!!!!!
Man that is a big deal Glenn. What year of wheeler is that? Darn lucky that a building didn't go up in fire too.
Man that is a big deal Glenn. What year of wheeler is that? Darn lucky that a building didn't go up in fire too.
2018.......were it started on fire was a good full block away from buildings.......with the wind they were WAYYYYYYYY more worried about the woods starting on fire. fortunately the way the wind was blowing it was headed to the lake!!!!! but still!!!!!!!
:crazy: :scratch: :confused:
Oh I thought it just happened.
Oh I thought it just happened.
happened yesterday morning
:crazy: :scratch: :confused:
As nasty as that looks, I'm thinkin he might be lucky it wasn't worse & that he didn't get hurt in the deal.
Yea it didn't happen far from the cabin. He tried putting water on it, he was by the creek between the 2 lakes by us.
He ran back to the cabin to get fire extinguisher and it blew while he was away from it
One heck of a deal. That could have been much worse. Sorry about the loss of the wheeler.
The morning weather guy said that we're ~50-75 % peak colors today & our maple out by the garage was completely red yday. A lot of leaves hit the ground over weekend too, with all that wind.
looks like leaf mulching time up there!!!!!!!!! :happy1:
We will probably mulch in a week or so. Still quite a few leaves on the trees.
Northern lights activity has been good. Had an impressive show Monday night.
Forgot to mention, we took the fried to a crisp 4 wheeler to the dump Friday afternoon. Almost felt guilty, ALMOST, :sleazy: $4.00 to get rid of it.
It looks like we'll be looking for a new frig for the shed too. The one I got from deadeye, the freezer fan is making all kinds of noise, and it ain't good noise either. No hurry though, we won't need it till spring.
Did DE give you a warranty on it? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Did DE give you a warranty on it? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: yea no. :rotflmao: but I'm ok with that.
:confused: :pouty: well so far I've seen 9 more deer then grouse! :scratch:
So I seen 9 deer! :shocked:
Wait till deer season... You'll have grouse comin' out everywhere.
Well I've concluded da grouse know I'm hear and there hiding! :pouty: :confused:
Oh well it's HH!
Damn habit I'm old and outta shape. :confused: :pouty: ifeel about a 3 ibuprofen coming.
UGH! :doah:
Damn habit I'm old and outta shape. :confused: :pouty: ifeel about a 3 ibuprofen coming.
UGH! :doah:
Maybe I need to come up there and sluice up one of them deer with my bow, before rifle! 🤭
Come on up! :mooning:
Come on up! :mooning:
Don't threaten me, I'll come up and take all your 9 deer like I did your Grouse!! :tut: :rotflmao:
Come on up! :mooning:
Don't threaten me, I'll come up and take all your 9 deer like I did your Grouse!! :tut: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :surrender: it's not a threat. There isn't anyone on this site i wouldn't be afraid to invite up here, although that dotch and roony feller might be iffy! :sleazy: :rotflmao: Just kidding wouldn't mind them either as long as they don't wanna go to Gunners Inger. :tut: :rotflmao:
:happy1: :happy1:
Come on up! :mooning:
Don't threaten me, I'll come up and take all your 9 deer like I did your Grouse!! :tut: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :surrender: it's not a threat. There isn't anyone on this site i wouldn't be afraid to invite up here, although that dotch and roony feller might be iffy! :sleazy: :rotflmao: Just kidding wouldn't mind them either as long as they don't wanna go to Gunners Inger. :tut: :rotflmao:
You hear that roony? He called us iffy! :doah: Fully deranged perhaps, but not iffy! :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: not sure the road in could handle a tanker of boodles! :mooning: :rotflmao: :surrender:
Dang was it 1 awesome evening. Took while but it was so relaxing. Fire warning for tomorrow so gotta get the first drenched. Enough fire crap here for a while.
On our way!
I'd like to come up sometime when Ramone isn't there.
I'd like to come up sometime when Ramone isn't there.
:rotflmao: :confused: :surrender: that won't ever happen. :mooning:
You mean he's ALWAYS there???
You mean he's ALWAYS there???
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
You mean he's ALWAYS there???
:rotflmao: :tut: :tut: he must have a special place in your heart Roony... you seem to always be thinking of him. :rotflmao: :mooning:
Dang, after a slow start yesterday morning it sure turned out to be a dandy day. :happy1:
You mean he's ALWAYS there???
:rotflmao: :tut: :tut: he must have a special place in your heart Roony... you seem to always be thinking of him. :rotflmao: :mooning:
What a lame comeback!
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
You mean he's ALWAYS there???
:rotflmao: :tut: :tut: he must have a special place in your heart Roony... you seem to always be thinking of him. :rotflmao: :mooning:
What a lame comeback!
I agree. It was pretty iffy... :coffee:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :popcorn: :popcorn:
:surrender: :surrender: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: Ramone aint never been nor will he ever be there........... i'm not the one who keeps bringing his name up.....between you to and boar!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch:
so wadda 2 clowns from the hooterville area text him dauly!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
:surrender: :surrender: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: Ramone aint never been nor will he ever be there........... i'm not the one who keeps bringing his name up.....between you to and boar!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch:
so wadda 2 clowns from the hooterville area text him dauly!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
Ok, who or what is Ramone? :scratch:
:surrender: :surrender: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: Ramone aint never been nor will he ever be there........... i'm not the one who keeps bringing his name up.....between you to and boar!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch:
so wadda 2 clowns from the hooterville area text him dauly!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
Ok, who or what is Ramone? :scratch:
apparently a really good friend of roony"s!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
He is Smurfy's boy toy.
I didn't understand. Now I do... :whistling:
He is Smurfy's boy toy.
:angry2: :confused: afraid not!!!!!!!! :moon: i dont roll that way bud!!!!!! :crazy: :crazy:
Sorry bud. I just have this little devil on my shoulder that made me say that.
Sorry bud. I just have this little devil on my shoulder that made me say that.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: have the warden slap that bugger off!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Got on the road about 7:15 yday & was up to URL by a little after 8:30. Then had a problem finding bait. So, we didn't get on the lake 'til about 10. I had 1 on almost right away but it never made it to the boat. :bonk: Did get 1 male that went 19.75" at our last spot though. Still a real nice day to be out there.
:scratch: It looks like there might be close to an inch of :snow5: on the top of the birdhouse over at William's Narrows this morning. 'Bout that on the handrail on the porch at Geiger's as well. Lookin out over the lake it looks like it's probably still snowing at both places too.
Sand was locked up on Sunday, it said on Nextdoor.
Sand was locked up on Sunday, it said on Nextdoor.
:happy1: from what i can see so is bowstring and everything from the narrows!!!!!!!!!! :happy1:
i just got and read the CO reports from the DNR, its from last week of course but there isnt much about ice thickness just yet. about the only thing was be carefull ice is just forming kinda report!!!!
Been checking the sattelite every couple days or so too, but can't get decent look because it's been too cloudy.
ice thickness reports are hard to find? :scratch: :doah: we have out Union retiree holiday party saturday night. hopefully my former coworker up there comes down i can get the scoop from him. he lives next to CO Fairbanks and are good friends!!!!
wish i had Fairbanks #!!!!!! :pouty:
just looked at the webcams..........cant tell if its actually snowing or just the wind blowing the snow around........kinda like a whiteout!!!! :doah:
Just looked at the radar for the cabin & it didn't show any snow. So, it's just probably blowin around what they already have. That's what the narrows webcam kind of looked like to me too.
Snowing now and has been off and on all morning. Periods of gusty wind, but calm right now. We’ve been getting about 1/2”—1” every day the last few days. When this one is through, I think it’ll be time to break the blower out for the first time this year.
with this bizzare wind i checked the webcams..........ice looks good yet!!!!! :happy1: i sure hope it doesnt stir the water up to make it dirty/cloudy!!!!!! :doah:
with this bizzare wind i checked the webcams..........ice looks good yet!!!!! :happy1: i sure hope it doesnt stir the water up to make it dirty/cloudy!!!!!! :doah:
:violin: :violin: Would it matter if you actually fished... ;) :mooning: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
with this bizzare wind i checked the webcams..........ice looks good yet!!!!! :happy1: i sure hope it doesnt stir the water up to make it dirty/cloudy!!!!!! :doah:
:violin: :violin: Would it matter if you actually fished... ;) :mooning: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning:
its a legal form of sport fishing!!!!!!!!!! :bow: :happy1: :happy1:
its a legal form of sport fishing!!!!!!!!!! :bow: :happy1: :happy1:
Fishing techniques include trawling, longlining, jigging, hand-gathering, spearing, netting, angling, shooting and trapping, as well as more destructive and often illegal techniques such as electrocution, blasting and poisoning.
the pines resort on Winnie posted on fartbook the bay had 8-9 ices of good ice, but warned they havent checked out further....
Sundin said he expects people to be out on some of the smaller shallow lakes by this weekend in his report from Monday. He has another later report on his website too, but that just covered JB's & LPS's turf. https://www.jeffsundin.com/Minnesota_Fishing_Reports_and_Outdoor_Links.htm
:scratch: kindaa surprised noones out on the ice on the narrows or geigers????
The TWC's WWA for your girlfriends' place :sleazy: is now saying just 1-3"..........................so that means they'll probably get 6-8" because they're NEVER right. :nerd: :evil: Must gonna be some freezing rain too as it says there will be a light glaze. The hourly has :snow5: from ~ 9 or 10 'til at least 7 & maybe as late as 9 or 10. :smoking:
:scratch: kindaa surprised noones out on the ice on the narrows or geigers????
Ice doesn't look so good out front of Geiger's or Lakewood to me this morning. Might start snowng any minute over at the Narrows the way it looks too.
last i looked at THW supposed to get -11 think wed night........it'll freeze up.
talked to my buddy from up there last night.. he said CO Fairbanks said there were alot of spear shacks on the 3rd river with 6 inches of ice. i'll be good to go where i'm gonna fish.!!! i wont go over 10 ft of water when i'm up there!!
:scratch: So, he drives 2-3 hours down just to go to the Xmas party? I hope he doesn't turn around go right back home after it's done, especially if he's had a few beers. :tut:
:scratch: So, he drives 2-3 hours down just to go to the Xmas party? I hope he doesn't turn around go right back home after it's done, especially if he's had a few beers. :tut:
well.......he is on staff as a rep........so yea he does. he also had something going on in the big city today!!!!!!!!! he usually has someone watch the kids back home and stays at a hotel overnight otherwise. does some christmas shopping as well down here!
its kinda like me............i kinda feel obligated to go too!!!!!!!! they used to schedule it for the 2nd weekend/sat in dec. i told my boss long time ago that's my weekend ice fishing at the cabin.........so they changed it to the 1rst weekend!!!!!
Hey fishwidow, how much snow is iron the ground up that way??
Looks like some good ice building temps the next 3 nights. :bow: 3 nights in a row below 0 and 2 of those double digits below 0. :happy1: bet the ice will be singing! Daytime temps also barely reach double digits till I get there! :happy1:
It was snowing at the Narrows about noon, it was real light though.
looking at the cams......it doesnt look like alot of snow on the ground.......and less on the lakes!!!!!! :happy1:
I’m in the cities right now, but as of late yesterday we had about 4-5 inches. Wet and heavy snowman material. If it had been colder, I’m guessing we would have a good 7-8 inches of fluffy easy-to move stuff.
The lake fully froze just over a week ago, developed cracks mid-week and looked a little slushy on top yesterday. Hopefully the temp coming down will firm it up.
I’m in the cities right now, but as of late yesterday we had about 4-5 inches. Wet and heavy snowman material. If it had been colder, I’m guessing we would have a good 7-8 inches of fluffy easy-to move stuff.
The lake fully froze just over a week ago, developed cracks mid-week and looked a little slushy on top yesterday. Hopefully the temp coming down will firm it up.
:happy1: thanks...what lake are you on???????????
One of the small lakes over north of Wabana.
One of the small lakes over north of Wabana.
I’m in the cities right now, but as of late yesterday we had about 4-5 inches. Wet and heavy snowman material. If it had been colder, I’m guessing we would have a good 7-8 inches of fluffy easy-to move stuff.
The lake fully froze just over a week ago, developed cracks mid-week and looked a little slushy on top yesterday. Hopefully the temp coming down will firm it up.
:happy1: thanks...what lake are you on???????????
Now your learning how to be a sluicer! :happy1: :rotflmao:
I’m in the cities right now, but as of late yesterday we had about 4-5 inches. Wet and heavy snowman material. If it had been colder, I’m guessing we would have a good 7-8 inches of fluffy easy-to move stuff.
The lake fully froze just over a week ago, developed cracks mid-week and looked a little slushy on top yesterday. Hopefully the temp coming down will firm it up.
:happy1: thanks...what lake are you on???????????
Now your learning how to be a sluicer! :happy1: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:wasnt thinkin along those lines. trying to figure out how big of a lake he was on.........and how close he really was to the cabin.......and he aint to far!!!!!!
thinkin itsgonna make some ice the next few days!!!!!!! :happy1:
today high of -4 ......low-17
thurs......high of -2........low -13
fri....high of 12........low 8
:scratch: It looks like there's a little more snow, 1-2", on Lakewoods dock this AM to me.
Seen a post on the book of faces some resort by federal dam measuring 11 inches of ice! :happy1: :azn:
:scratch: But that's almost 30 miles from you!! Nobody out of Geiger's or LL yet the way it looks but you should still be good.
:scratch: But that's almost 30 miles from you!! Nobody out of Geiger's or LL yet the way it looks but you should still be good.
:happy1: i realize that.....but i've watched ice reports around the area for an aweful long time.....and then see what we have on the lakes i hit to judge what i will encounter.......if that makes sense.
when i see reports like that i know i'm going to have good ice!!!!
Evening fellers from downtown spring lake! :happy1: thermometer says 10 on the plus side. Here are my observations for the day. Seen my first fishhouse on ice on the backwater of the sippi off 210 north of bra ied.
Didn't see a plowed driveway till about 10 miles south of deer river. Seems it was a wet snow. Clumpy. Depending on where you measure about 4-6 inches of snow in the yard, not much on the lake. 8 inches of good clear ice as far as I went out.
Oh yea beer good. :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Don't get too cocky. Be careful.
Don't get too cocky. Be careful.
:happy1: nowhere near cocky! :happy1: but thanks for caring. :happy1: being up by myself, I'm super cautious! :happy1:
If you're going to need rescuing make it on Red Lake on the 16th.
If you're going to need rescuing make it on Red Lake on the 16th.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :tut: not gonna happen. No go there. :happy1:
If you're going to need rescuing make it on Red Lake on the 16th.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:mooning: hey boober... eat your heart out :rotflmao:
17's and 18's??? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
17's and 18's??? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:sleazy: all legal!
17's and 18's??? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:sleazy: all legal!
:shocked: ;) :laugh: :laugh: Lots of pink on 511mn up your way today early..................must've got some of the freezing rain? :scratch:
:mooning: hey boober... eat your heart out :rotflmao:
Not reall sporty sporto.. :rotflmao: 17's and 18's??? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:sleazy: all illegal!
Fixed it for ya!!! :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :tut: and i let twice that many more swim! :happy1:
Yea Gunner... been out a few times this morning and a light mist is falling. :confused: good thing it's only 2 miles to da fishhouse.
Pickles for the holidays!
Pickles for the holidays!
nope, not yet, already got some.
1 got y-boned for fine dining. 1 will be for a smoking and the other will be for the grill.
I like the heater in your spear house. Those are the same kind I have in my fish houses. Wish I could still get them.
Why can't you?
just surfed the internet and could not find anything like that heater
just surfed the internet and could not find anything like that heater
i haven't looked for them lately, but I bought 1 at reeds and 1 at FF many moons ago
It's raining here! :doofus: :doofus:
Glenn, i've never speared myself. My oldest son said he went yesterday. He called me, said he had pretty good luck. He said he took the treble hooks off a Dr Spoon and used that as a decoy. He said that really brought them in the best. You ever try anything like that?
Glenn, i've never speared myself. My oldest son said he went yesterday. He called me, said he had pretty good luck. He said he took the treble hooks off a Dr Spoon and used that as a decoy. He said that really brought them in the best. You ever try anything like that?
yes sir. Don't do it everytime out but I do. I believe you are required to take the treble hook off.
It's also a good way if your one of them guys that are constantly playing a decoy, the spoon takes the twists out!
You guys have heard my take on spearing over the yrs. Do I think it's right, no. I get alotta fish are looked at and let go, but thers others that just pluck away, no catch and release going on, and that's what I do with pike in our water's. I did have a fascinating time looking down a spear shack sunny fishin as a kid, watching the under the ice world but if I hung a decoy I'd just sit back with no harpoon and just watch, that's cool as heck. There's just no bragging rights on sticking a fish that's swimming by, might as well get your nets ready come spring...
I totally respect your opinion bud, but it's a legal form of fishing here in this state!
You sound like a muskie inc guy! :rotflmao: :mooning: J/K.
So devils advocate here... you tipup fish. How is that different, letting an unknown size or species of fish swallow that bait till it's buried and no chance of survival.
I'll also add this, most here know I'm not afraid to speak my mind. And have done so regularly with the DNR. Some of the lakes I fish/ spear are on the DNR lakefinder!
With the emails I get from them informing the public they may do research I've given them my opinion on what i see wether Sumner fishing and spearing and they are more then happy to hear from me.
And these lakes aren't the bowstring, Jessie lake types. The lake I set up on the past few days frozen out sane time cabin lake did. My curiosity got the best of me and i had to check. Looking through the spearhouse was a great way to see what was going on. And I was totally supposed by the size and health of them pike. And yes I will be informing the DNR about it.
I totally respect your opinion bud, but it's a legal form of fishing here in this state!
You sound like a muskie inc guy! :rotflmao: :mooning: J/K.
So devils advocate here... you tipup fish. How is that different, letting an unknown size or species of fish swallow that bait till it's buried and no chance of survival.
big difference, I have the option on letting it swim free. And not to mention I don't get a free pass on a oops, that one was in the slot. They can do away with that practice and the lakes should rebound nicely. Too many big fish taken that way.
You missed my point. When a fish has that swallowed down its throat or your ripping the gills out to remove the hook, that fish ain't living .
To your point of to many big fish... I'd like to see your proof. I've bee. In this ice fishing contest forever. When have I won the biggest pike.. seriously.
You missed my point. When a fish has that swallowed down its throat or your ripping the gills out to remove the hook, that fish ain't living .
To your point of to many big fish... I'd like to see your proof. I've bee. In this ice fishing contest forever. When have I won the biggest pike.. seriously.
no i didn't miss it, what's the percentage of deep hooking vs sticking? Proof,look on your wall. I've heard and seen other pics of big bruisers taken with no chance of swimming off. They got that big for a reason.
:rotflmao: yea that one is a whole 15 lbs. In the 50 years we've had this place, the amount of hours spent we've got 2 that size.
The fact is, these small lakes don't produce BIG fish. Proven fact.
:confused: :pouty: buy the way don't you need to go to bed for work tomorrow :mooning: :rotflmao:
2 comes too fast but I'll try to stomach aikman for a spell..
Why can't you?
Cause nobody makes them anymore.
Personally I don't think Glenn is harming the fishery by harpooning those smaller northern. Otherwise I'd be the first to hassle him about it.
:scratch: I wish he'd do more of it ;) :smiley:........................................I kind of like a little peace & quiet........................every now & then!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Personally I don't think Glenn is harming the fishery by harpooning those smaller northern. Otherwise I'd be the first to hassle him about it.
hey......it takes damn good eyeballs, skill to hit them little buggers.......and i get nicer ones too!!!! then yea try and hit them right behind the head so when there cleaned no spear marks!!!!!
yea i missed a few trying to be fancy!!!! :rotflmao:
:scratch: I wish he'd do more of it ;) :smiley:........................................I kind of like a little peace & quiet........................every now & then!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning: with my new phone and AT&T as my provider......i get way better reception now........there's no escaping my wit and wisdom!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
:scratch: :doah: Yeah, it's not nearly as nice now as it used to be!! :pouty: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :doah: Yeah, it's not nearly as nice now as it used to be!! :pouty: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
[/quote :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1: :sleazy:
something i found interesting, and of course my curiosity got the best of me!!!!! :rotflmao: ok call it nosy. :scratch: the lake i speared is a couple miles from the cabin, a very good pike lake, not big, actually very shallow and low water levels. the max depth is 27 ft. the lake froze out/ had winter kill the same 2 years the cabin lake did. i pestered the DNR about it, they did tell me they checked it out after it had the winter kill. they were surprised at how the lake changed and basically said they wouldnt do anything with it till the water level improves.
anyway, there is 1 place on the lake, its been for sale for a while. then the sign is gone. so........while sitting in my fishhouse i had an elderly guy come out and visit. nice guy. we talked. i was fishing maybe 200 yards out from the place on a weedbed. about 3 hours latter i had his daughter come out to visit.....really cute!!! :sleazy: we talked and visited. she was an engineer and now stays home with the kids homeschooling.
when i quit for the day back at the truck i met her hubby coming down the road. California plates on the truck, again really nice guy. so...yesterday when i got home curiosity got the best of me, so i went to the Itasca county GIS mapping to check them out. mainly to get there names!!!!! was kinda surprised the ownership was listed as a Mn lake property LLLC out of minneapolis??? so i googled it there's not much there, 1 thing i did figure out was they said they have been there for 4 years and this particular LLC became in existence 4 years 4 months ago????
they told me there names, first names only, so i think they combined there first names to form this LLC!!! i find it odd a married couple would buy property, live on it and form an LLC???? guess he works form homa also but apparently the company he works for is based out of california and they travel back there now and then. whe nthat happens her dad comes up to take care of the place.
HEY GUNNER........do you know anything or heard of a wind farm put up somewhere north of the area??????
the older gentelen said he duck hunted the lake and was pretty good for duck hunting, yea we knew that, but said after that wind farm was put up it went down hill??
he said someone he knows said there picking up dead ducks all the time around the wind towers??????
:scratch: Heard something about a wind farm but I don't remember where. :confused: We get a monthly paper, The Watts News, from NIEC & it would've most likely been in that. I don't usually read that but he does, so he's probably the 1 that told me about the wind farm. I'll have to ask him. There's quite a few LLCs on our lake too, most those are mainly family owned properties. But they're put in an LLC so that if something happens to 1 of the owners where they rack up a bunch of medical bills they can't go after the property. A Trust will do much the same thing but it's harder to get done & costs more because of the added legal fees, is what I've been told.
:scratch: Heard something about a wind farm but I don't remember where. :confused: We get a monthly paper, The Watts News, from NIEC & it would've most likely been in that. I don't usually read that but he does, so he's probably the 1 that told me about the wind farm. I'll have to ask him. There's quite a few LLCs on our lake too, most those are mainly family owned properties. But they're put in an LLC so that if something happens to 1 owners where they rack up a bunch of medical bills they can't go after the property. A Trust will do much the same thing but it's harder to get done & costs more because of the added legal fees, is what I've been told.
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
:sleazy: :smoking: when I'm up sometime around nee years, pretty sure I'm a gonna sneak over on Merc's side of hwy 6 a couple dsys!! :smoking: :happy1: :rotflmao:
NIEC uses Mid-America wind farms in North Dakota for some of it's power, according to my brother. I googled it & the only wind farm I see up there is way up in the NW corner of Mn. Not far from the ND state line & ~ 50 miles north of Grand Forks. :confused:
I don't understand.
Hey Glenn, I haven't been posting lately but I'm always watching you if you cross the road. I may be up after New Years, not sure what days yet. I'll be watching out the window of Hayslips for any out of area people.
Hey Glenn, I haven't been posting lately but I'm always watching you if you cross the road. I may be up after New Years, not sure what days yet. I'll be watching out the window of Hayslips for any out of area people.
:shocked: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: let me know when you're up there, I may stop by hayslips as long as it ain't noon. :happy1: :rotflmao:
:scratch: How 'bout 12:01? :sleazy: :nerd: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: How 'bout 12:01? :sleazy: :nerd: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :banghead: :banghead:
:scratch: :doah: good grief!!!!!! :surrender: checking the different weather apps........how can they be so different! :confused:
TWC app has some nice weather up north thru new years.....i'm talking highs of mid 30's, lows in the mid to upper teens.
weather bug has highs in the mid teens and lows in the single digits below 0!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch:
:scratch: It looks like somebody went out of Geiger's access today on a sled. Even kind of looks like they might've found a bad spot on 1 trail. :confused:
:scratch: It looks like somebody went out of Geiger's access today on a sled. Even kind of looks like they might've found a bad spot on 1 trail. :confused:
:scratch: just watched them Gunner......looks to me like they just lost stuff on there pull behind sled......2 snowmobiles went straight out.......not looking to concerned about ice thickness either!!
also looking at the narrows, looks like a couple wheelers went out. i dont think they got a whole lotta snow???????????
There's a couple portables set up to the north of the Narrows on the camera lookin east. That point seems to be an early season spot often.
There's a couple portables set up to the north of the Narrows on the camera lookin east. That point seems to be an early season spot often.
:happy1: seen them too!!!!
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: been keeping a close eye on the weather terrorists forecasts up there. they got rain in the forecast, think friday and saturday of this week!!!!! :bonk:
since i've started making this trip over new years an annual thing.......i bet its rained 4-5 times over new years week!!!!! crazy!!!!!
We have rain forecasted for next Sat and Sun. Will be 42 on Fri.
Scenic, what are the roads like up your way?
Snotty in places. I found some black ice and a lot of wet. Tonight I am guessing it will gloss up good. County roads were a skating rink. Most are treated and just cool enough for it to work in some places.
getting that way here too!! the frost blowing off the trees is adding more also..
Snotty in places. I found some black ice and a lot of wet. Tonight I am guessing it will gloss up good. County roads were a skating rink. Most are treated and just cool enough for it to work in some places.
:confused: :embarrassed: UGH.....guess i wont be in to much of a hurry to leave in the morning then take my time. not fishing anyway tomorrow!
thanks bud!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
:scratch: :scratch: but yer 511 shows all green??? :scratch:
511 is like watching the clear radar when it is pouring outside.
An update...it is currently misting with a bit of snow mixed in.
511 is like watching the clear radar when it is pouring outside.
An update...it is currently misting with a bit of snow mixed in.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: gonna load up and make my way north. no hurry so i'll take my time...........road conditions dependant!!! my only goal for today is to get there and have cabin warm by ni-night time!!!!!!
Sounds fun Glenn. :happy1:
Main roads are pretty good. Have fun!
At the cabin :happy1: all roads, even the 2 that usually are not were fine. Not much for new snow since I was here last. Look out fish! :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
From my perspective were i check ice we gained about 3 inches of ice since my last time here. Found some water on the ice too. Very little snow on the lake
Mista been coldet on Mercs side of 6?? Ice bloch is 14 inch3s thick.
:scratch: :doah: I'm not surprised,...................... as I know of a spot where it's mostly nothin but hot air up there that's just north of the Spring Lake Store. :nerd: :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :confused: :bonk: don't you gotta get run over by a treadmill! :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
You get any seals up there yet? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :surrender:Willis! Nope.
darn!! I wanted to see one seal!!
darn!! ZI wanted to see one seal!!
So did Glenn. :bonk: :scratch:
:sleazy: hey Leech buddy. Today is yesterday's tomorrow.. and I be fishin. :shocked: :rotflmao:
:scratch: The Narrows' ice ain't lookin so hot , especially in front of their dock when you look east. Just watched a sled & a wheeler go out of Geiger's, they took a right turn after they got out there about 20-30 yds. ;)
:sleazy: hey Leech buddy. Today is yesterday's tomorrow.. and I be fishin. :shocked: :rotflmao:
Right, did you find that leak in the basement yet? Or is that all beer piss color in the water? :scratch:
:rotflmao: funny guy. That's about as clear as I've seen this lake in 3 years. There is alot of bog stained waters up here bubba. :surrender:
Gumner... same crap here. Sloppy mess. I pulled the pin... headed home in the morning. Seen 3 fish today.. :confused: better days ahead.
safe travels!!
Pretty foggy tonight. Hopefully that’ll disappear before you hit the road.
:sleazy: hey Leech buddy. Today is yesterday's tomorrow.. and I be fishin. :shocked: :rotflmao:
Your doing it all wrong. You need a new outfit! :surrender: :rotflmao:
oh good lord don't let Glenn see this!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:sleazy: hey Leech buddy. Today is yesterday's tomorrow.. and I be fishin. :shocked: :rotflmao:
Your doing it all wrong. You need a new outfit! :surrender: :rotflmao:
If glenn dressed like that :scratch:........................ :doah: he probably wouldn't see 1 :fish2: all day!! ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :hubba: :hubba: :wowza: :wowza: hot diggity dawg........she could ahem........spear in my house anytime!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
damn..........looks like there is open water on the narrows........by the dock picture!!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch:
Yeah, I could see that 1 spot out in the middle off the NW corner of that dock starting to open up already kind of early on Thursday. :rolleyes: There must be more current there than we think? :confused:
:surrender: :pouty: having a hard time deciding to go up or not. looks like theres a short span of days towards the end of next week where the weather will be decent......but doesnt look like alot so snow on the ice, being up there alone, midweek with little of no snow for grip on the ice could lead to issues real fast.
i have cleats.......but still.......
:scratch: I talked our neighbor up north on Monday, he has mostly been at their place in the west metro since about the end of October. He went out on 1 of the local lakes last week with his SxS & his Otter portable. He said he was scared when get out of the SxS's cab as it was so slick. He took 1 look at the portable in the back & decided that if he took it out to set it up that he might not be able to get back in there. So, he didn't even fish, he just pulled the pin & went home. He did have his cleats on too, but he's also had 2 shoulder surgeries in the last 5-6 years from falling in the winter as well. They do have a little more snow up north & it looks like they might get a little more today. But he said he wasn't sure he'd even try to go out up there either with what he thought the conditions looked to be on the webcams. :confused:
Geiger's has 6 or 7 houses parked out front on the ice today.
:scratch: I talked our neighbor up north on Monday, he has mostly been at their place in the west metro since about the end of October. He went out on 1 of the local lakes last week with his SxS & his Otter portable. He said he was scared when get out of the SxS's cab as it was so slick. He took 1 look at the portable in the back & decided that if he took it out to set it up that he might not be able to get back in there. So, he didn't even fish, he just pulled the pin & went home. He did have his cleats on too, but he's also had 2 shoulder surgeries in the last 5-6 years from falling in the winter as well. They do have a little more snow up north & it looks like they might get a little more today. But he said he wasn't sure he'd even try to go out up there either with what he thought the conditions looked to be on the webcams. :confused:
yea pretty much what i'm thinking.....i havent had any broken bones surgeries.......dont really want any either. my big thing is being up there alone......midweek. and there isnt muck activity on our lake to start with.
i seen on the book of faces that Geigers posted they were open for business last week!!!!
THANKS for the report Gunner!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
They're were out shoveling down at the end of Geiger's ramp when I just checked. There looks to be at least 2, maybe 3, shacks set up out on the lake now too. The handrail on their porch looks like it has at least an inch, maybe 2, of fresh snow on it as well..
Hey glenn new slimmer decoy idea. Seems to be working well! :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: got a spare goldfish!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:
There's not much snow on the lake according to a guy on Nextdoor that is across the bay from us. He guessed there was maybe close to 3-4" on the ground though. :confused:
There's not much snow on the lake according to a guy on Nextdoor that is across the bay from us. He guessed there was maybe close to 3-4" on the ground though. :confused:
thats about what was on the ground when i left last time. and by the webcams it doesnt look like much snow on the ice either.
even with the snow that was there around new years.........it was wet snow, the road in i had pretty well packed down solid. when i left it got so soft i broke through the hardpack. i decided things should get better and wait.......
looked at the webcams earlier......there's been a consistent group out of Geigers for a few days........must be at a dropoff!!!!! :scratch:
not much going on at the narrows..........big bog gotz them all over the place.
Gunner........doesnt lakewood have people staying there at any consistency???? really dont see much activity out of there onto Sand??? :scratch:
i seen on the book of faces.........highbanks shut there access down for some reason last night!!!!
The early ice season traffic at Lakewood is usually kind of sparse & the people they do have early usually don't fish Sand very much, if at all. Lakewood normally only keeps 5 or 6 of their biggest cabins open for the winter. They have had a big group pretty much fill the place at late ice the last couple seasons though. A few of those will fish our bay once in a while but that group is normally on Bowstring & Little Cutfoot most of the time, is what we have been told.
There's been 6-8 shacks quite a ways out in front Geiger's for more than a week now & it doesn't look like they're been moving much to me. So they must be catching some fish. My brother had an appt out at the car dealer yday, so we're done with all our stuff here for a while. So, we're planning on heading back up early next week sometime. Not sure exactly when yet though.
i need to check the extended...... but pretty certain i'll be heading up tuesday. i should really leave monday, but being the team player i am!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i'll work the store !!!!!!!
damn.....Geigers did alot of plowing since i looked this morning!!!!!
not alot of activity at the narrows? :scratch:
:pouty: :surrender: i think my wife is looking to get rid of me!!!!!! :doah: :confused: she asked if you get done at the store tomorrow early..why i dont go up after that!!!!!!!! :shocked: :surrender:
might be an idea though!!!!!!
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:scratch: You should see if she'd give you some gas money too? :sleazy: :nerd: :evil: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Maybe make you some cookies to go. LOL
she'd makes treats for the dog not him!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:doah: made some ice since new years. Back then about 14, now 23 1/2. Da fish best find me i ain't moving. Even got a couple hours fishing. Had entertainment but all swim fer andudder day.
That's a big chunk of ice!
Fishing good this morning. Plenty of action. :Fish: :happy1:
Fishing good this morning. Plenty of action. :Fish: :happy1:
Yeah, ok... ;)
I thought you said you were spearing.
Da nord lord is on it. And yea boober i got one wotj da hook and line! :happy1:
Nice mess of fish Glenn. That will give the wife something to do when you get home. After she is done with the hugs and stuff.. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Nice mess of fish Glenn. That will give the wife something to do when you get home. After she is done with the hugs and stuff.. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao:yea right :confused: they,I'll be smoked before I leave.
Pfft, a fella that's using a handicap ( harpoon) calls himself a nord lord... :rotflmao: Didn't we see a vid not to long ago of a chick in a bikini cheating i mean sticking innocent fish?? So easy a caveman can do it... ;) :nerd: :sleazy:
Didn't we see a vid not to long ago of a chick in a bikini cheating i mean sticking innocent fish?? :sleazy:
Where was I when all this was going on? :doah: :embarrassed:
Didn't we see a vid not to long ago of a chick in a bikini cheating i mean sticking innocent fish?? :sleazy:
Where was I when all this was going on? :doah: :embarrassed:
you tube!!
Thought you posted it Mike?
I can catch fish hook and line too! :happy1:
Thought you posted it Mike?
most likely did but I don't keep them.. I'll look tomorrow
:doah: made some ice since new years. Back then about 14, now 23 1/2. Da fish best find me i ain't moving. Even got a couple hours fishing. Had entertainment but all swim fer andudder day.
Yeah, your ice sculptors need a little work before your ready for Winter Carnival! :shocked: :surrender:
Nice batch Glenn. I bet that was fun.
here ya are Steve!!!
:scratch: :scratch: The WC and AccuWeather says anywhere from 1 - 4 inches of snow tomorrow into Sunday. The radio station is listen to out of grand rapids says a trace with no measurable snow totals??
What to believe?? Either way not scaring me. :sleazy:
Anywho.. done spearchuckin, crappies look out. :happy1: :rotflmao:
Kinda odd though, yesterday and today I gotta put beer in a cooler a d throw snow on it. :doofus:
sounds more east of you I think
Done fishing for the day. Not gonna post pictures or boar will wants fish with me all the time, boober too! :rotflmao:
Did ok, 1 batch a nords on da smoker :happy1:
Oh yea sa temp dropped to 7.. above.
Anywho.. done spearchuckin, crappies look out. :happy1: :rotflmao:
[/quote] I would hope so, unless your working on the dogs limit we all counted 10 the otter day.... ;) :police: :rotflmao:
Anywho.. done spearchuckin, crappies look out. :happy1: :rotflmao:
Hey crappies look out! :doofus:
I noticed that too. Deep water??? :confused: Hey my emojis showed up on my laptop again. :happy1: :happy1:
Anywho.. done spearchuckin, crappies look out. :happy1: :rotflmao:
I would hope so, unless your working on the dogs limit we all counted 10 the otter day.... ;) :police: :rotflmao:
[/quote]not sure but think you need glasses, or put them Busch lattes away. There was 8 :rotflmao: :tut:
I noticed that too. Deep water??? :confused: Hey my emojis showed up on my laptop again. :happy1: :happy1:
yep 30 ft over 42 ft of water. Can't throw any back.
Anywho.. done spearchuckin, crappies look out. :happy1: :rotflmao:
I would hope so, unless your working on the dogs limit we all counted 10 the otter day.... ;) :police: :rotflmao:
not sure but think you need glasses, or put them Busch lattes away. There was 8 :rotflmao: :tut:
[/quote] :tut: :rotflmao: Where did you go to school.. :mooning: plus the one with the crappies... :sleazy:
:rotflmao: i thought we was talking da crappies.
I'm within my legal limit!
Shees... :confused: :doah: think I got fishhouse chair back and butt! :evil:
Nuttin 2 or 6 or... Brandy's won't fix! :happy1: :drinking:
Thought you had a boar recliner in there.. :happy1:
Really nice work!
Thought you had a boar recliner in there.. :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea I wish. :pouty: :shocked: taking my liquid meds now! :happy1:
Got 5 trucks over at the resort, the 1st 3 came up late Thursday.................I think. Seen some lights over there that night anyway & they were there early yday. Had 2 sleds from over there leave the bay ~ 8:30, they were pulling an Otter sled with a bigger tent in it. Cleaning up out front around 9:30-10 & I noticed that 2 trucks & 3 smaller tents out on the bay too.
i dont think i'll be up till mid march.....weather permitting......but any talk about auger extensions in the area??????
Gunners neighbor is probably still doing it the right way, sitting on a pail watching a bobber.. tough sombitch.
Gunners neighbor is probably still doing it the right way, sitting on a pail watching a bobber.. tough sombitch.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: i thought i felt a poke in da ribs!!!!!!!!
hey i sit on a pail and watch a bobber too!!!!!!!! :confused: inside a warm fishhouse!!!!!! :happy1: since the day of the jiggle stick is gone......having line freeze up with the reels suck!!!!! i'll sit outdoors iffin the weather is appropriate!!!
Gunners neighbor is probably still doing it the right way, sitting on a pail watching a bobber.. tough sombitch.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: i thought i felt a poke in da ribs!!!!!!!!
hey i sit on a pail and watch a bobber too!!!!!!!! :confused: inside a warm fishhouse!!!!!! :happy1: since the day of the jiggle stick is gone......having line freeze up with the reels suck!!!!! i'll sit outdoors iffin the weather is appropriate!!!
no, no poke i shoulda worded it " old school "
i dont think i'll be up till mid march.....weather permitting......but any talk about auger extensions in the area??????
Ran into a local that usually helps strip walleyes over at Lil Cutfoot last week 1 day & that got brought up. They said there's so much ice that it might not be out much before the Opener again this year. I asked about needing an extension & was told no....................not yet. :rolleyes:
:happy1: :happy1: good!!!!!1 i dont think unless it gets bitterly cold again and with the current ice thickness it's gonna make a lot more ice... hopefully!!!!
I talked with Pat at Denny's Resort and he said that it is advisable to have an extension because the powerheads are right on the ice. Unless we get some real warm or a lot of rain it is going to be a while before this ice is out.
Glenn, I got my old spoon auger that will get you through. I can rent it to you cheap.
Glenn, I got my old spoon auger that will get you through. I can rent it to you cheap.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: i'm good......i got me an extension.....stainless steel......union made!!!!!!!! :happy1:
:happy1: :scratch: How much did that cost..........................CDI? :confused: :sleazy: :evil: ;) :smiley:
:happy1: :scratch: How much did that cost..........................CDI? :confused: :sleazy: :evil: ;) :smiley:
case of beer!!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd: :happy1:
:scratch: I hope it was at least some good beer!! :whistling: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:scratch: I hope it was at least some good beer!! :whistling: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:scratch: Busch Light? ;) :smiley:
:scratch: I hope it was at least some good beer!! :whistling: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:scratch: Busch Light? ;) :smiley:
:tut: :tut: i said good beer!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
:happy1: :scratch: How much did that cost..........................CDI? :confused: :sleazy: :evil: ;) :smiley:
case of beer!!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd: :happy1:
:happy1: :scratch: :confused: :tut: :tut: :nerd: ;) :smiley:
took a peek at the webcams up north....geigers landing is showing bare spots as well as the narrows.
lakewoods cam seems to be AWOL?????? :scratch:
:scratch: I haven't checked Lakewood's site since we've been up here & what I just found looks all new to me. But if you go to where it says "The Lodge" at the top of their new homepage it does say webcam in the drop menu. I used to have to refresh that a time or 2 to actually get it to work but not so this time.
:scratch: I haven't checked Lakewood' site since we've been up here & what I just found looks all new to me. But if you go to where it says "The Lodge" at the top of their new homepage it does say webcam in the drop menu. I used to have to refresh that a time or 2 to actually get it to work but not so this time.
:happy1: :rotflmao: yea I guess you have no need to since your next door now! :rolleyes:
:shocked: highbanks just posted this on fartbook. :surrender:
Access is closed for the ice season
I'd say it's closed!!
Brother was just over to the NW 1 on Bowstring he said that the cement on the access over there is heaved too. Only 1 shack out on the ice
that he could see, except for those parked out front of Geiger's, & it was down by were the river goes out. :crazy: Got a couple pickups out on the bay now here.
Gunner, did he say how bad?? I'm maybe gonna meet up with this Eric from IDO and fish bowstring? He talked about getting on from the access?
Also when you went on your paper run Sunday, did you happen to notice if they had fatheads?,
No & no...................... (218)832-3123, ask 'em about the access too. Besides, it's not that far over to the 1 on 35. :nerd: ;) :smiley:
No & no...................... (218)832-3123, ask 'em about the access too. Besides, it's not that far over to the 1 on 35. :nerd: ;) :smiley:
:doah: :bonk: :pouty: your alot of friggin help........
no worries i've had there number for years!!!!!! :confused:
Shouldn't be much of a heave at Morey's.. :coffee: ;)
:pouty: It was OK last week :doah: .....................but he did say it wasn't that bad when I asked him a little later on. I was just practicing ...................my pot stirring :swords:.................a little. :sleazy: :evil: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Shouldn't be much of a heave at Morey's.. :coffee: ;)
:tut: :tut: :tut: :rotflmao: putz!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: It was OK last week :doah: .....................but he did say it wasn't that bad when I asked him a little later on. I was just practicing ...................my pot stirring :swords:.................a little. :sleazy: :evil: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea you most certainly dont need practice....... :rolleyes: :tut:
where do you think i got it from!!!!! :mooning: :doah: :happy1:
:laughroll: :laughroll: :applause: You sound like you might like a job out in DC. :whistling: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I wish it was closer, been a long time since I have been to Moreys. Horseradish herring or mixed olives and smoked fish are awesome.
I wish it was closer, been a long time since I have been to Moreys. Horseradish herring or mixed olives and smoked fish are awesome.
IMO it is not what it used to be since it was bought out. Last time I was there I was pretty disappointed. The prices have sky rocketed and the quality was not the same. Smoked Salmon was $25/lbs. I bought horseradish and lingonberry herring and that was like $12/lb. Both were very watery.
We can get this at the Super 1's in GR & the 1 in DR too.................https://everettfisheries.com/................., smoked salmon for ~ $15 or $16/lb. Right from Port Wing, Wisconsin which is just on westside of the Bayfield peninsula over on the south shore of the big lake. I buy some every month or 2. :happy1:
I will look for it at I Falls. :happy1:
Theirs's is pretty good. I have had it at a few food shows. For the most part when I run out of Salmon I have caught I buy some and smoke it myself. Pretty easy to do and I enjoy doing it. I am going to attempt smoked salmon snack sticks here shortly.
I wish it was closer, been a long time since I have been to Moreys. Horseradish herring or mixed olives and smoked fish are awesome.
IMO it is not what it used to be since it was bought out. Last time I was there I was pretty disappointed. The prices have sky rocketed and the quality was not the same. Smoked Salmon was $25/lbs. I bought horseradish and lingonberry herring and that was like $12/lb. Both were very watery.
I agree Scenic, the last time I was there what I bought was very disappointing. I asked about the name change and new company. They said all their suppliers have changed.