Minnesota Outdoorsman

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: snow1 on February 02/26/20, 01:55:21 PM

Title: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on February 02/26/20, 01:55:21 PM
So what's your take guyz? 34 countries infected,1000's have died with no cure,some say its a conspirency to dump trump(china) as said virus is proven lab born not animal,last night the CDC is laying ground work telling folks here we're gonna get hit hard as well as we keep letting traveler's from infected area's in to our country  the DOW  took a hit two days now big time,demorats are blaming trump already and to make things worse "chelsy clinton" is heading up a healthcare team,wtf is that about?    clinton/soro's....hmmmm
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on February 02/26/20, 02:41:02 PM
Who know's how this is going to all play out.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/26/20, 03:00:29 PM
I think most likely it crossed over from animals to people, like SARS and MERS to which it is related.   It is possible it escaped from a facility where it was being studied because of its relationship to those other diseases.   

It seems to be pretty contagious.  Not Measles contagious or NoroVirus contagious but flu or cold contagious.   

What percent of the people who catch it will wind up with serious complications or dead remains to be seen.   

It's been a while since random "travelers" from infected areas have been allowed in to roam freely.     

Democrats are going to blame Trump for everything they possibly can.   If this ends up serious they will say he didn't do enough to stop it.    It it doesnt, they will criticize him for over reacting. It's politics.   

AS for Chelsea Clinton, haven't heard that although I am sure she is on the foundation payroll in some sort of highly paid, make work position.  It could be the health initiative.   

Will it infect half the population (5 billion cases) and kill 10s of millions, like some experts say it could?   Will it fizzle out?    Will it turn into a chronic problem like Flu?    Will modern technology come up with a vaccine relatively soon?   

Tune in next time for the next chapter of this exciting story...  And that's my take.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on February 02/26/20, 03:01:41 PM
Sounds like some conspiracy theorists are hard at work to make the weak minded panic.
I got a sneaky suspicion that the D's and the media will get the blame tonight for the stock market adjustment.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on February 02/26/20, 04:10:14 PM
I agree with Del's post.  I heard today that a vaccine could be available by July.  That's really on a fast track for vaccine's.  This of course needs money and it will be provided.  Now the stuffed shirts in DC are arguing about how much.  Nobody knows how much they just want to throw out a big figure.  Trump says for the first phase 2 billion.  Even the people who are going to provide a vaccine say's they need 150 million for the first phase and Trump is giving them 1 billion for the vaccine at this point because more will be needed.  I think the administration did a good job on day one by stopping flights from certain countries.  This is why at this time we are not experiencing what other country's are.  Should we be concerned , of course.  Some doctors have said by April this virus will slowly go away due to the nature of this virus and others that are similar.  I'm not in a panic mode like some folks are.  The media makes it worse by speculating rather than waiting for facts to appear and then report facts instead of speculation.  In the end this will pass and the stock market will fly back up.  Cheaper stocks with eager buyers with the money.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on February 02/26/20, 04:14:19 PM
Yup the media jackals will do or say anything to get attention.  No way am I going overseas.  I heard today some talk about the seasons having an influence on this new virus too??  So maybe it will just wear out.  I feel safe here in rural MN.  Knock on wood!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/26/20, 05:52:50 PM
Yup the media jackals will do or say anything to get attention.  No way am I going overseas.  I heard today some talk about the seasons having an influence on this new virus too??  So maybe it will just wear out.  I feel safe here in rural MN.  Knock on wood!!

Typically virus things like the flu  fade away in spring and summer.   They don't know about this one but they are hoping.   

As for the vaccine, they might have some to test by July.   First animals, then human safety, then effectiveness, then mass production.   Shortest time I have heard is well over a year total.    And that is really fast as this stuff goes.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/26/20, 06:16:22 PM
Are you taking more precautions being on the west coast del or is it just another day ?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on February 02/26/20, 06:20:13 PM
The problem with this virus, is that it can live up to 9 days on a surface ...compared to the flu of 3 days on a surface.

so, wash yur hands and watch what you touch!  :puke:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on February 02/26/20, 06:56:35 PM
Will do and I do.  AND do not touch a flat surface such as a table in a cafe and then touch your face.. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/26/20, 11:12:48 PM
Are you taking more precautions being on the west coast del or is it just another day ?

Maybe wash my hands a little more often but other than that business as usual.  not seeing masks or anything around.   Nearest cases are at some base up by LA.    Feds want to put a bunch of people in quarantine at a run down place in Costa Mesa.   which is still like 70 miles from us.   If I worried about that stuff I would worry about UCSD which is like 30% Asian students. 

Plane ride home probably most dangerous part...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/27/20, 08:18:03 AM
Yup the media jackals will do or say anything to get attention.  No way am I going overseas.  I heard today some talk about the seasons having an influence on this new virus too??  So maybe it will just wear out.  I feel safe here in rural MN.  Knock on wood!!

Typically virus things like the flu  fade away in spring and summer.   They don't know about this one but they are hoping.   

As for the vaccine, they might have some to test by July.   First animals, then human safety, then effectiveness, then mass production.   Shortest time I have heard is well over a year total.    And that is really fast as this stuff goes.

I have to agree with Del as this is what my brother did for a good share( 10+ years)  of his life, blend vaccines but for companion animals. He sayin that even if they had a possible vaccine right now it would take 2 months of QA testing & then another 2 months of sterility testing before they would be even close to passing government standards for release. He's of the belief that the change of seasons could be of help with this as well. I agree with RH & LPS about the media too.  :bonk:  :banghead:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/27/20, 10:58:40 AM
Looks like there is a candidate vaccine that they are working on getting ready to start testing for safety and then on through a process. 

There are two drugs that are thought to possibly be effective.   One was developed to treat Ebola and the other is a two drug combo used for HIV.  I think both have begun testing already, probably in China where most of the sick people are.   

Take a bunch of people who are sick, give some of them the antiviral and some a fake.   See if it makes any difference in what happens to them.   Make sure nobody knows who got which until after they are done being sick.

If one of the two drugs works then the trick will be to make like millions of doses fairly quickly. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on February 02/27/20, 01:14:21 PM
Well I've decided to live in my wheelhouse until this deal passes,BUT just incase I'll be well armed so the walking dead will be more dead....batteries included. :smoking:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on February 02/27/20, 02:28:57 PM
I think it was Barry who mentioned feeling relatively safe here in rural MN and I'd tend to echo that sentiment at least for now. So far the virus hasn't demonstrated to the best of my knowledge that the transmission is windblown. I'd also echo the notion that things like frequent handwashing, keeping your hands off your face, out of your eyes, ears & nose are good ideas, along with staying away from sick people and staying away from healthy people if you're sick. All should help slow the spread of many viral respiratory diseases. I've been on an almost fanatical handwashing regime for the past couple winters. It certainly hasn't hurt other than my hands are chapped. I go in FF, the grocery store, the feed store or wherever to shop, I wear my gloves. I purposely try to avoid shaking hands. I wash my hands immediately upon my return home and I mean wash them, (lather while singing Happy Birthday 2x+) just as I would before doing any veterinary OB procedures. The summer months tend to get people outside in the fresh air and away from each other more so that usually isn't a bad thing either. Will it work with Covid-19? Guessing we're gonna find out.

 https://www.statnews.com/2020/02/26/coronavirus-vaccines-are-far-off-fda-official-says-but-drugs-to-treat-patients-could-come-sooner/  (https://www.statnews.com/2020/02/26/coronavirus-vaccines-are-far-off-fda-official-says-but-drugs-to-treat-patients-could-come-sooner/)

 https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/02/covid-vaccine/607000/  (https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/02/covid-vaccine/607000/)

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on February 02/27/20, 03:15:28 PM
And they say if you are a hand shaker to just do the fist bump instead of a full blown hand shake.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/27/20, 04:05:57 PM
so your saying I cant pick my nose anymore! :pouty: :scratch: :doah: whats this world coming too!!!!!!! :doofus: :crazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/27/20, 04:20:35 PM
You just keep picking your arse, you'll be fine!!   :mooning: We are planning a road trip to the Pacific northwest this late summer but will just hafta sit back and see what happens.  What's nice bout driving there is no reservations anywhere so if we back out no big deal.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on February 02/27/20, 04:25:18 PM
so your saying I cant pick my nose anymore! :pouty: :scratch: :doah: whats this world coming too!!!!!!! :doofus: :crazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on February 02/27/20, 05:05:27 PM
Good to see Trump get rid of everyone's market jitters anyway!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/27/20, 05:09:47 PM
Maybe all that "lean" and JIT manufacturing stuff wasn't such a good idea after all.    I guess we will see how things work out.   

For those of you who didn't get into the market, this incident represents an opportunity sometime in the near future.   Just don't wait until it becomes clear the world isn't ending.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on February 02/27/20, 05:33:10 PM
Thanks Del.  I think I am going to sell the farm and invest it all.  AND I was thinking, which is sometimes dangerous but I do live on the International Border.  SO I have to trust the Canadians to do their job screening dumbasses that were in China so they don't get to our border.  AND 1 more thing.  I wonder if my malaria meds will save me from Corona Virus.  I put a lime in it like some do with a Corona.   :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/27/20, 06:37:34 PM
Thanks Del.  I think I am going to sell the farm and invest it all.  AND I was thinking, which is sometimes dangerous but I do live on the International Border.  SO I have to trust the Canadians to do their job screening dumbasses that were in China so they don't get to our border.  AND 1 more thing.  I wonder if my malaria meds will save me from Corona Virus.  I put a lime in it like some do with a Corona.   :sleazy: :rotflmao:

Would that be the stuff that you mix with gin?  Like Dotch?   

Probably not too many refugees will be coming across LOW and up the river...   especially if the ice starts getting bad now.   

I did hear that Starbucks had re opened most of their stores in China so that's a good sign.     :happy1: :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on February 02/27/20, 06:45:38 PM
It's quinine Del.  Kind of a miracle thing actually. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on February 02/28/20, 07:19:16 AM
Agreed with Dotch ,semi quaintining myself,idiots at my office are passing snot around,so keeping away from work,wear cloves most often as well,use clorox wipes everyday,keyboard,phone t.v. channel changer etc.just me and the pup holding the fort down,so far so good.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on February 02/28/20, 03:17:20 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/28/20, 03:24:48 PM
 :laughroll: :super smiley: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on February 02/28/20, 05:26:29 PM
Nothing to worry about with the coronavirus, it's just the common cold according to Rush.
"It looks like the coronavirus is being weaponized as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump," Limbaugh said Feb. 24 on his radio show. "Now, I want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus … I’m dead right on this. The coronavirus is the common cold, folks."

I'm sure a segment of our population eats this shat right up.
Equally sure some of them frequently post here.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on February 02/28/20, 05:28:58 PM
 :confused: :confused: :confused: 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: GrandpaTom on February 02/28/20, 09:52:09 PM
And some still blame it on this...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on February 02/29/20, 06:59:06 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on February 02/29/20, 07:21:41 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

so many things to say!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/29/20, 08:13:09 AM
sure wish I had stock in 3M right about now!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on February 02/29/20, 09:44:07 AM
So what is that thing Glenn?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/29/20, 09:54:19 AM
So what is that thing Glenn?
:scratch: :scratch: not sure, you'd have to ask dotch! :scratch: :scratch: think its his bladder leak protection!!!!! :doah: :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/29/20, 10:01:59 AM
Nothing to worry about with the coronavirus, it's just the common cold according to Rush.
"It looks like the coronavirus is being weaponized as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump," Limbaugh said Feb. 24 on his radio show. "Now, I want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus … I’m dead right on this. The coronavirus is the common cold, folks."

I'm sure a segment of our population eats this shat right up.
Equally sure some of them frequently post here.

It certainly is being weaponized against Trump (and Pence).   That much is indisputable.  Just look at the statements by the Democrats and the stories in the Media.   The AP even put out a fact check article that said much of this blather is incorrect.   

As  to the severitiy, wasn't it the media and "experts" not that long ago talking about how the Coronavirus was nothing, the flu kills way more every year blah blah.     We need to wait and see, although I am encouraged by the fact that the death rate as a percent of cases and of recoveries continues to fall.   There is a lot of hysteria about Measles every time there is an outbreak, and it is a serious disease.  I grew up before there was a measles vaccine and survived.   

So, yeah Rush downplayed the seriousness, but was spot on about the politicizing and weaponizing.   
I would prefer that folks keep the political crap  off this site, or at least quarantine it.  It's become a virus of its own, polluting everything.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/29/20, 10:23:29 AM
put it in the saloon under the health issues thread...…….or the political thread???????? it only political if one steers it that way!!!!!!!!!!! otherwise its definelty a health thing or recent news issue!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on February 02/29/20, 12:26:10 PM
I would prefer that folks keep the political crap  off this site, or at least quarantine it.  It's become a virus of its own, polluting everything.   

First place I didn't know Rush was a politician, I thought he was a media personality. Also You might want to take a look at yourself as far as injecting politics where it doesn't belong like blaming Carter for the 55 mph speed limit for example.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/29/20, 02:03:26 PM
And that relates to Covid-19 how?   Take it to politics or even good morning.   
BTW if you guys don't have this link, it takes you to a dashboard that summarizes all the current data, put together by the CSE at Johns Hopkins.   Updated as new data becomes available   Very informative


Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/29/20, 02:16:21 PM
And that relates to Covid-19 how?   Take it to politics or even good morning.   
BTW if you guys don't have this link, it takes you to a dashboard that summarizes all the current data, put together by the CSE at Johns Hopkins.   Updated as new data becomes available   Very informative

why do you keep bringing up politics here if your not liking it. it was mentioned in the very first thread.

and for the record I agree...….but wether we like it or not.....its a fact of life.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/01/20, 06:50:13 PM
Captain Trips is here.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/01/20, 06:53:13 PM
Captain Trips is here.

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/01/20, 07:10:05 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on March 03/03/20, 08:11:40 AM
Well this virus is really starting to kick in here,why our country let folks in from these plagued countries is beyond stupid,its a known fact today that infected folks have zero symtoms for several days w/o knowing infecting 100's of unsuspecting folks,seems screening ain't worth a shet either,airlines wouldn't do the right thing either ,its all about the $$$,now we're dealing with this b.s when we had a chance to nip it...russia took one look two months ago and did the right thing,bad shet,they're folks came back from wuhan,putin closed all of its borders in and out to isolate themselves.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/03/20, 11:22:44 AM
Yup, Captain Trips is definitely here. Following predics exactly like written in the book. Amazing. Went and got groceries early this am; people going absolutely nuts. Lines from pharmacy out into the aisles, stocking up. (And trying to get masks; even though they won't keep you from getting it, just spreading it) All sanitizers sold out. Aisles with disinfectant wipes are totally empty, the boxes were laying on the floor. Soup and canned goods aisles were totally pretty much half empty. Bottled water shelves were empty, people had carts full of it. (Pigs) They need to set a limit on this stuff per person. One lady had four CARTONS of the big tubs of disinfectant wipes, I told her to knock it off and put half back for other people. She told me to go to he**. Told her "back atcha, toots". Wait 'til it really gets cranked up......is it like this anywhere else, or just CAWchester? I wanted to take pics of the aisles, but no camera.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/03/20, 11:35:55 AM
It's even affected the little feed store where I get my bagged feed Rebs. The guy told me yesterday that they can't get dust masks. This is silly because they do nothing to protect you against coronavirus. But people are buying them anyway. In the meantime a lot of people working in these confinement hog buildings and needing them to protect themselves from the dust are going without.  :doah: 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/03/20, 11:37:29 AM
based on the news the other nite its the same up in the cities..........i havent been in a local store so cant tell ya the local response.

personally i think its blown out of porpotion. its definetley affected people with other medical issues........but then so does pnemonia!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/03/20, 11:44:04 AM
Whats gonna happen is gonna happen. Right now, if yer in a long line, or want that corner table at the restaurant that someone just sat down at, Cough. Hack. Sneeze.
You'll get it.   :coffee:
Best bet might be to stock up on ammo, if Capt. Trips follows protocol.
Speaking of protocol, wish I could tell ya what's happening' at Mayo, but I can't.
If ya have hair, it would stand right up on end.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/03/20, 12:01:38 PM
... people going absolutely nuts. Lines from pharmacy out into the aisles, stocking up. ... All sanitizers sold out. Aisles with disinfectant wipes are totally empty, ... Soup and canned goods aisles were totally pretty much half empty. Bottled water shelves were empty, people had carts full of it.

I'm good.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/03/20, 12:18:36 PM
Dang, I forgot 5 layer mexican dip. Hope there ain't a run on it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/03/20, 12:38:10 PM
... people going absolutely nuts. Lines from pharmacy out into the aisles, stocking up. ... All sanitizers sold out. Aisles with disinfectant wipes are totally empty, ... Soup and canned goods aisles were totally pretty much half empty. Bottled water shelves were empty, people had carts full of it.

I'm good.

ifin that was Dotch basement if be all gin. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/03/20, 12:47:04 PM
Like Mikey said, that hog that had all the cases of disinfectant was probaly gonna sell it on E-bay. The scumbags come outta the woodwork at times like this. That's why they need to put a limit on stuff they know is gonna have a run on it....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on March 03/03/20, 01:11:15 PM
lol reb,making friends at the cvs eh? most likely a short fat crab ass that hates her husband,in my small town no issues with a shortage of disinfective wipes or gel,just to be safe I bought a box of surgical gloves,wear em every where plus needed for cleaning my game.

won't touch the gas pumps these days either w/o gloves,atm the same.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/03/20, 01:17:40 PM
... people going absolutely nuts. Lines from pharmacy out into the aisles, stocking up. ... All sanitizers sold out. Aisles with disinfectant wipes are totally empty, ... Soup and canned goods aisles were totally pretty much half empty. Bottled water shelves were empty, people had carts full of it.

I'm good.

ifin that was Dotch basement if be all gin. :rotflmao:

Ya? So what's yer point? Soothes as it disinfects! :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/03/20, 01:31:36 PM
i have no point...like most posts here!!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/03/20, 01:32:30 PM
lol reb,making friends at the cvs eh? most likely a short fat crab ass that hates her husband,in my small town no issues with a shortage of disinfective wipes or gel,just to be safe I bought a box of surgical gloves,wear em every where plus needed for cleaning my game.

won't touch the gas pumps these days either w/o gloves,atm the same.
:scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/03/20, 01:44:04 PM
i have no point...like most posts here!!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:

At least yer an honest union thug... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/03/20, 02:18:15 PM
Like Mikey said, that hog that had all the cases of disinfectant was probaly gonna sell it on E-bay. The scumbags come outta the woodwork at times like this. That's why they need to put a limit on stuff they know is gonna have a run on it....

This is starting to remind me more and more of the Y2K debacle. People had cases of soup, crackers, bottled water, beans, you name it stashed and most of it never got used. I still remember a couple old spinsters being nosey called my friend who lives on the LeSueur River and asked him if his artesian well was still flowing so they could get water. It hadn't flowed for decades but he told them if they needed water to help themselves.  :huh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on March 03/03/20, 03:14:03 PM
One good thing about this virus is that all these folks wiping things off will maybe cut the flu down.  We have over 20,000 cases of the flu now and where is the panic about that??  I talked to the pharmacist today and told him about the panic down where Reb lives.  He just laughed and said people need to stop the panic syndrome.  I just shake my head when I hear all this panic in the news.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/03/20, 03:21:22 PM
I agree, RH. I spent the afternoon puttering around outside and thoroughly enjoying myself. Went and got more LP for the one grill. Sayin' 60's this weekend...I'm grillin'! Saw the news teams at the grocery store filming, must be getting set to hype it up more on the 6:00 news. Already been cranking it up in the local paper.... :reporter;


Dr. Reb says the best thing for all of this is some smomed pigger steaks and a cold longneck on the deck this weekend.  :cool:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/03/20, 03:26:15 PM
I blew by the disinfect isle and went right to the sedative isle, the liquor store shelves are plum full and on sale!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/04/20, 06:54:53 AM
Yep, the fake news is making this way worse than it really is. Like RH said the flu has killed 18,000 people this year and nothing said about that. Actually about a month ago on the national news there were talking about how the flu was more deadly than covid 19. Now all the sudden that is all by the way side. Just the fake news trying to get Trump. All it is.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on March 03/04/20, 07:19:09 AM
Let's hope its a false alarm,but with this virus gotta wonder why the medical teams are all suited up? head gear,goggles,don't see em like this with the cold or flu.

after yesterday's update it looks like this corvid 19 is ramping up,apparently the sceening they do ain't worth a sheet,now they think folks are getting the virus from airlines used to evacuate folks from the plague countries once here its spread not only from person to person but anything they touch,cough or sneeze on like reb said buses,commuter train etc....

So i'm still camping out in my wheel house,might head to devils lake tomorrow less folks up there ,better fishing too or maybe head to missouri to bang some snow geese as they are migrating already.

so many discisions....uffda! :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/04/20, 07:24:33 AM
Airplanes are nothing but germ incubators. The same canned air over and over that is minimally filtered. How often ya think those filters are serviced? Or even effective? I bet ya a thousand bucks my home system is ten times better. When they're all suited up and take precautions like that, it's because they haven't yet come up with a clue of how, why, or where...precautions for the unknown.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/04/20, 11:51:01 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/04/20, 01:46:12 PM
Airplanes are nothing but germ incubators.

Sir?  For you in-flight meal, would you like the e coli or the penicillin spores?

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/04/20, 01:48:33 PM
Airplanes are nothing but germ incubators.

Sir?  For you in-flight meal, would you like the e coli or the penicillin spores?


that's the truth!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/04/20, 02:29:18 PM
Just came from ALDI.....stacked to the gills with everything all the other stores were out of!   :shocked: Had boxes of hand sanitizer, everyone in town is out, I hear...so i bought a little bottle, and 3 cans of fruit! Even one of pineapple! Just in case, got a tube of German braunschweiger too......!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/04/20, 03:56:28 PM
I better go see if Fleet Farm has any more 9mm left.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/04/20, 03:58:43 PM
I keep hearing about people buying cases of bottled water, like a hurricane was coming.   Do they thing the water and electricity is going to go out ? :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/04/20, 04:15:38 PM
I better go see if Fleet Farm has any more 9mm left.

You think my 12 boxes of .40 is enough? Only four boxes 9mm...... :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/04/20, 04:17:07 PM
I keep hearing about people buying cases of bottled water, like a hurricane was coming.   Do they thing the water and electricity is going to go out ? :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Of course. All the people that run the power plant drop dead from Capt Trips.
They haveta make pancakes, waffles, and french toast with all the bread, eggs, and milk too, ya know, before the power goes out.................
It must all have a cumulative laxative effect. They were buying cases of TP too.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/04/20, 05:43:25 PM
I can see stocking up on food and TP because maybe you won't be going out to the store for a couple weeks.   But water comes out of the pipe in the sink... for most people.   And it is chlorinated so no viruses in there. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/04/20, 05:50:40 PM
Ah, but Delwort, my bourgeois bumpkin, most people are fearing Capt Trips as a supernatural antigen-shifting virus, not thinking that mere tap water can exterminate this possible doomsday-spawned devil incarnate.  :coffee:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on March 03/04/20, 06:03:08 PM
Have to say that I have seen no reason to stock up for anything except Vodka and beer.  I'm more afraid of getting the flu  than this media driven virus.  Trump is keeping this thing contained as I see it.  Just use common sense.  Wash your hands and when you go shopping take some wipes with you if the store doesn't have any.  Hey I"m one of those who are at risk for all of this flu included but the media doesn't seem to care about the flu which kills more people that this thing.  Not going to buy those mask's which will do nothing to stop this anyway.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/04/20, 06:28:53 PM
Stocking up is only going to save you a trip to the store, where you MAY get coughed on by someone. I did some research; and the annual death rate for seasonal flu virus is .01 %, and the death rate for the Corona so far, out of all infected......01. The same. They just want you to stock up, empty shelves mean full pockets. (For them) No beer in 'fridge, now THAT's a disaster. So I always thought.  ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/04/20, 07:05:39 PM
(For them) No beer in 'fridge, now THAT's a disaster. So I always thought.  ;)

yes it would be!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/04/20, 07:49:49 PM
(For them) No beer in 'fridge, now THAT's a disaster. So I always thought.  ;)

yes it would be!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

well, it IS called the Corona epidemic.... :rotflmao:   :toast:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/04/20, 11:33:01 PM
Stocking up is only going to save you a trip to the store, where you MAY get coughed on by someone. I did some research; and the annual death rate for seasonal flu virus is .01 %, and the death rate for the Corona so far, out of all infected......01. The same. They just want you to stock up, empty shelves mean full pockets. (For them) No beer in 'fridge, now THAT's a disaster. So I always thought.  ;)

All those people who got it aren't recovered yet so we don't know what happens to them.   And we don't know how many cases that we never knew were Covid. 

Going by the top line numbers 95,000 confirmed cases, 3285 deaths (3%), 53k recovered (6% deaths compared to recovered)

Those numbers are way worse than the flu.   

Here are the latest numbers from https://ncov2019.live/data

Look at the data, do your own arithmetic.     Unless there are a lot of cases that never got confirmed looks like death rate is at least 1% even in developed countries with decent medical systems.   

This is way more serious than flu.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/05/20, 07:35:36 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/05/20, 07:47:13 AM
Dr. Del has spoken.  Since you said tap water kills all viruses, should we hook hoses to the tap and just spray everyone down?     :scratch:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/05/20, 07:58:15 AM
 :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: this corona stuff is getting old listening to it. :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/05/20, 08:05:19 AM
:pouty: :pouty: :pouty: this corona stuff is getting old listening to it. :pouty:

Well then, ................    :doofus:    ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/05/20, 08:07:48 AM
 :pouty: WELL.............. :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:

well ya cant turn a radio or TV and hear that sheet first thing!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/05/20, 08:09:26 AM
 :tut: Business as normal around here. :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/05/20, 08:10:04 AM
:pouty: WELL.............. :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:

well ya cant turn a radio or TV and heat that sheet first thing!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty:

Heat that sheet?! Alright! Sounds like some good ol' SEKS to me!!!  :evil:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Cooperman on March 03/05/20, 08:11:27 AM
My wife sent me these photos from Target yesterday.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/05/20, 08:12:51 AM
lookin good..........no expired or sell by past dates when i need sumfin............ :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/05/20, 08:15:11 AM
My wife sent me these photos from Target yesterday.

Walmart and ALDI was devoid of Tylenol and Advil, too. WTH would ya run out and buy that???!?!  Reminds me of when Hostess went down the tubes some years back, and everyone ran out and bought Twinkies, cupcakes, the fruit pies, etc. Saw them on E-bay for hundreds of dollars!!!  :bonk:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/05/20, 08:27:40 AM
Now, from Rebco, comes the Corona Bubble Suit! Protect yer entire family! (Dog sizes available, too) Clear head bubble keeps any virus from being inhaled, while the slippery metallic ion suit makes germs slide right off! Head bubble also comes with optional Wi-fi antennas.Order now! Only $19.95! But wait, if you call within the next ten minutes..... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/05/20, 08:33:17 AM
:pouty: :pouty: :pouty: this corona stuff is getting old listening to it. :pouty:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/05/20, 08:44:04 AM
I heard ya get a free CD of that in every box of jasmine rice...... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/05/20, 08:58:06 AM
Like the virus it's kind of "catchy".
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/05/20, 09:29:16 AM
"Since you said tap water kills all viruses, should we hook hoses to the tap and just spray everyone down? "

Are you seriously trying to say that a guy could get corona virus from drinking tap water from the faucet?    :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/05/20, 09:46:07 AM
What is it you can't comprehend? YOU said tap water KILLS viruses. I said use it to kill the virus then.  Quit backpedaling and twisting things around.

I can see stocking up on food and TP because maybe you won't be going out to the store for a couple weeks.   But water comes out of the pipe in the sink... for most people.   And it is chlorinated so no viruses in there. 

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/05/20, 10:02:28 AM
If I was you del I would send a memo to the president about your tap water idea, he might buy it and give you a high paying position on his team!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/05/20, 10:23:06 AM
My wife sent me these photos from Target yesterday.

Hey Coop....just figured out why everyone is buying water! Just read an article that was exploiting myths about the virus, apparently there were numerous reports and tons of social site posts that drinking lots of water will keep you from getting the virus, because if yer dehydrated, or your mouth gets dry, it will hit you. They stated that rumor started in China.... :rolleyes:

So, did you stock up on Milk-bones yet?   🐕‍🦺
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/05/20, 10:28:29 AM
If I was you del I would send a memo to the president about your tap water idea, he might buy it and give you a high paying position on his team!
yea he'd get fired too.........who hasnt in his administration.............probably tried to screw them outta there last check too!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/05/20, 10:30:54 AM
Excuse me, but this is the highly informative Corona Pandemic thread... :tut:

Now go drink a big glass of water!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/05/20, 10:46:15 AM
Ruh roh....pooch quarantine!!!!!!  Wash those paws!!    :doah:  :rotflmao:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/05/20, 10:58:25 AM
Excuse me, but this is the highly informative Corona Pandemic thread... :tut:

Now go drink a big glass of water!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

:pouty: :pouty: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/05/20, 11:08:41 AM
What is it you can't comprehend? YOU said tap water KILLS viruses. I said use it to kill the virus then.  Quit backpedaling and twisting things around.

I can see stocking up on food and TP because maybe you won't be going out to the store for a couple weeks.   But water comes out of the pipe in the sink... for most people.   And it is chlorinated so no viruses in there. 

No viruses in treated tap water is what I said.  It is safe to drink. you won't need bottled water.  Nowhere did I say tap water was a disinfectant.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/05/20, 11:25:01 AM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/06/20, 08:44:12 AM
My buddy who works at Home Depot said they put a limit of one pkg per person of face masks....good for them. Now the grocery stores need to do it on everyday things people need like Tylenol, water, etc. Quit letting the pigs wipe out everything. I see there's a ton of masks at outrageous prices on E-bay...the scammer pigs that you knew was gonna happen. Maybe I need to go on pig patrol. 🐷
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/06/20, 08:52:52 AM
I don't care who ya are, this is danged funny!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/06/20, 08:55:04 AM
 :pouty: meh!!!!!!! :azn: :evil: :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/06/20, 08:56:43 AM
Don't you haveta go count geese or duck migrations or something?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/06/20, 09:02:50 AM
Don't you haveta go count geese or duck migrations or something?
:tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: nope.........my sole purpose for waking up today, i was told,..........was to torment you!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/06/20, 09:06:14 AM
Ya knew THIS was coming too...it popped up on the local online news... :doah:


I'm gonna start selling 3 packs of the Reb-o-matic one size fits all mask......
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/06/20, 09:07:41 AM
Don't you haveta go count geese or duck migrations or something?
:tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: nope.........my sole purpose for waking up today, i was told,..........was to torment you!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

That's why I've seriously considered taking up drinking as a hobby again.   :tequila;
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/06/20, 09:10:50 AM
well, i'm pretty sure tomorrow i'll be a candidate for the Michelob golden draft lite virus!!!!! :happy1: :dancinred: :dancinred: :nerd: :drinking: :drinking:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/06/20, 09:29:40 AM
Don't you haveta go count geese or duck migrations or something?
:scratch: Thought it was gooses to him? :confused:                    ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/06/20, 09:32:09 AM
Don't you haveta go count geese or duck migrations or something?
:scratch: Thought it was gooses to him? :confused:                    ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:

Don't get him started again, Gunner! He'll start with the "getting goosed", then it'll turn into  a SEKS thing, followed by beer drinking....debauchery!    :tut:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/06/20, 09:35:50 AM
 :banghead: :bonk: :pouty:                          :crazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/06/20, 09:46:02 AM
Don't you haveta go count geese or duck migrations or something?
:scratch: Thought it was gooses to him? :confused:                    ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:

Don't get him started again, Gunner! He'll start with the "getting goosed", then it'll turn into  a SEKS thing, followed by beer drinking....debauchery!    :tut:
:dancinred: :dancinred: :nerd: :nerd: too late!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/06/20, 10:13:14 AM
I'm gonna start selling 3 packs of the Reb-o-matic one size fits all mask......

Do you want paper or plastic?

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/06/20, 10:17:34 AM
Too much plastic on the planet already. Mine are bio-degradable and reusable.  Great for wrapping those fish guts or dead skwirrels in before mailing. ;)

Besides, I am already marketing one, you were scooped yday.

http://mnoutdoorsman.com/forums/index.php?topic=39452.60    Reply #89.... :rotflmao:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/06/20, 11:29:55 AM
Well, we might be OK after all; just call Dr. Trump! That and a good spray of tap water should do it!  :happy1:
I saw him saying this on the noon news this am while grabbing lunch.

Experts say the death rate is 3.4 percent. Trump says that's 'false.'

The World Health Organization said this week that about 3.4 percent of coronavirus patients have died.

"Globally, about 3.4 percent of reported COVID-19 cases have died," Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director general of the WHO, said at a news conference in Geneva this week.

During an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity on Wednesday night, Trump claimed that the WHO estimate was "false, fake news" citing a "hunch" he had.

"I think the 3.4 percent is really a false number — and this is just my hunch — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this, because a lot of people will have this and it's very mild, they'll get better very rapidly. They don't even see a doctor. They don't even call a doctor. You never hear about those people," Trump said. 

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/06/20, 12:15:54 PM
"I think the 3.4 percent is really a false number — and this is just my hunch — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this, because a lot of people will have this and it's very mild, they'll get better very rapidly. They don't even see a doctor. They don't even call a doctor. You never hear about those people," Trump said.

You know what the sad thing is...?

Trump might be right.

Experts have an estimate of the fatality rate now, but the statistics will probably change as more people contract the virus.  It will go up or down and Trump will claim victory either way because the "experts were wrong again."

A lot of people will get sick.   Most will likely get better.  Perhaps many never will go see a doctor and there is no good way to know how many unreported cases there are.

I just wish everything that came out of his mouth didn't sound like garbage.   :puke:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/06/20, 12:17:55 PM
How many of us have had it already? We'll never know....and yer right on all counts.
If he's proven wrong, it's "Fake news". If he ends up being right, it's "See? I told ya it was fake news".   :bonk:

Girlfriend: "I heard you were cozying up to that little blond last nite".....

Me: "Nope. Fake news"
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/06/20, 03:08:52 PM
Too much plastic on the planet already. Mine are bio-degradable and reusable.  Great for wrapping those fish guts or dead skwirrels in before mailing. ;)

Besides, I am already marketing one, you were scooped yday.

http://mnoutdoorsman.com/forums/index.php?topic=39452.60    Reply #89.... :rotflmao:

You need something over those eye holes.    The virus will ride right in there.    Maybe saran wrap....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/06/20, 05:34:56 PM
First case just reported in Ramsey, MN  Get ready for the craziness!   :thumbs:

Health officials confirm first case of coronavirus in Minnesota
Published 2 hours agoUpdated 8 mins agoCoronavirusFOX 9

(FOX 9) - Minnesota health officials have confirmed the first case of the COVID-19 coronavirus in Minnesota. State health officials said the case is an older adult in Ramsey County who recently was on a cruise ship with another passenger with a known COVID-19 case.

The Minnesota patient began to develop symptoms on February 25 and sought health care on Thursday, March 5. Samples were tested on Friday, March 6 and came back positive but the Minnesota Department of Health is waiting on CDC confirmation.

1st coronavirus case in Minnesota: Gov. Walz, health officials brief media
Gov. Walz and Minnesota health leaders briefed the media on the first confirmed case of coronavirus in Minnesota.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/06/20, 05:45:15 PM
Seriously people?  :confused:

  https://www.aol.com/article/finance/2020/03/06/coronavirus-outbreak-may-have-unleashed-panic-buying-of-hostess-twinkies-and-ding-dongs/23942097/    (https://www.aol.com/article/finance/2020/03/06/coronavirus-outbreak-may-have-unleashed-panic-buying-of-hostess-twinkies-and-ding-dongs/23942097/)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/06/20, 05:55:05 PM
Musta been Deja Vu....... :doofus:

Rebel SS
Master Outdoorsman

Re: corona pandemic~
« Reply #88 on: Yesterday at 08:15:07 AM »
Quote from: Cooperman on Yesterday at 08:11:23 AM
My wife sent me these photos from Target yesterday.

Walmart and ALDI was devoid of Tylenol and Advil, too. WTH would ya run out and buy that???!?!  Reminds me of when Hostess went down the tubes some years back, and everyone ran out and bought Twinkies, cupcakes, the fruit pies, etc. Saw them on E-bay for hundreds of dollars!!!  :bonk:  :rotflmao:
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 08:16:58 AM by Rebel SS »

Everyone check yer Ding-dong!  :rotflmao:

Kraft Mac and cheese will be next! You heard it here first!  :reporter;


Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/06/20, 07:35:46 PM
You just want the NL to play with your ding a ling....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/06/20, 08:19:45 PM
I have to spray her with tap water first...gotta be safe! Wet T-shirt, yanno...

And I loaded the truck with comfort food on Monday. Gonna have a Corona Comfort Food truck and make thousands... mac and cheese, mashed taters and gravy, ice cream, warm waffles, Twinkies, Ho-ho's.........they'll be swarming it. Corona will be the last thing on their minds.    :evil:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/06/20, 09:45:08 PM
I have to spray her with tap water first...gotta be safe! Wet T-shirt, yanno...

And I loaded the truck with comfort food on Monday. Gonna have a Corona Comfort Food truck and make thousands... mac and cheese, mashed taters and gravy, ice cream, warm waffles, Twinkies, Ho-ho's.........they'll be swarming it. Corona will be the last thing on their minds.    :evil:

Corona ok, it's a step up from bud light.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/07/20, 08:34:18 AM
First case just reported in Ramsey, MN  Get ready for the craziness!   :thumbs:

Health officials confirm first case of coronavirus in Minnesota
Published 2 hours agoUpdated 8 mins agoCoronavirusFOX 9

(FOX 9) - Minnesota health officials have confirmed the first case of the COVID-19 coronavirus in Minnesota. State health officials said the case is an older adult in Ramsey County who recently was on a cruise ship with another passenger with a known COVID-19 case.

The Minnesota patient began to develop symptoms on February 25 and sought health care on Thursday, March 5. Samples were tested on Friday, March 6 and came back positive but the Minnesota Department of Health is waiting on CDC confirmation.

1st coronavirus case in Minnesota: Gov. Walz, health officials brief media
Gov. Walz and Minnesota health leaders briefed the media on the first confirmed case of coronavirus in Minnesota.

So he was sick for 2 weeks before he went to a Dr.  Imagine all of the people he has spread that too already.  We have lost the battle here in safe MN.  Get out of the metro area.  That must be close to RH. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/07/20, 08:36:14 AM
All infected people should immediately go to Rochester.  Lots of caring people there that would take you in. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/07/20, 08:43:06 AM
All infected people should immediately go to Rochester.  Lots of caring people there that would take you in. 

You real funny guy!!!  :taz: Don't you have a well you have to drill or something?! Head north! Lotsa ice and cold air there that kills the virus! A few places might even have real tap water up there to spray! You could maybe get a plate of smomed ribs or a smoothie too! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on March 03/07/20, 08:58:01 AM
I'm not worried about it.  Never been on a cruise and never will.  I don't like it when your on a big ship with lot's of people.  I don't like to fly also.  I don't even have a passport.  It's a virus and it will pass like all the other one's.  The next time it show's up they will have a shot ready for it and med's to get rid of it.  I worry more about getting the flu but there is no panic about that.  Thousands die each year from the flu.  Death rate for this is very low.  Wash my hands and live my life.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/07/20, 09:03:58 AM
If people spent a lot more time out in the fresh air, I think that would make a big difference. I hate crowds and such too, RH. Never been to Mall of America, and never will be. Although I love flying, hate places like airports that are crowded with people standing in line. State Fair is insane. That's why I even do my grocery shopping on early weekday mornings, or later at nite.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/07/20, 09:44:45 AM
Come on Reb.  You just like the people you see at Wally's at midnight...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/07/20, 09:48:47 AM
Nope, savin' that for you. Only go there for the very basics anymore when I pick up my prescrip. ALDI and Silver Lake foods get my business. Drove down to S'ville last week for the $2.89 ground chuck and .88 pigger chops at Fareway.  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/07/20, 09:50:50 AM
All infected people should immediately go to Rochester.  Lots of caring people there that would take you in.
you have a very good point there.  :rotflmao: after all it's home to the world's finest health care facility. :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/07/20, 09:56:52 AM
Heck, they're already here...... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/07/20, 10:23:00 AM
The warden is having surgery in Cawchester on Thurs. :confused:  :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/07/20, 10:35:24 AM
I'll be there myself seein' the doc.....get a hold of me Art. You've got the info.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/07/20, 01:24:18 PM
The warden is having surgery in Cawchester on Thurs. :confused:  :pouty:
holy all goes well for the warden Thursday Roony! :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/07/20, 01:45:41 PM
Roony's a great guy, but I don't think he's holy.....well, maybe... :angel:   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/07/20, 04:20:45 PM
Good luck to the Mrs. on Thursday Art.  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/08/20, 08:50:51 AM
What!? No Twinkies or Ding Dongs?!  :doah:

EBay bans sales of masks and hand sanitizer in response to coronavirus price gouging

EBay, trying to crack down on price gougers taking advantage of coronavirus fears, has banned the sales of face masks and hand sanitizer on its site.

The online marketplace told sellers Thursday that it's rejecting listings for N95 and N100 masks, hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes and that it is working to remove listings with inflated prices.

It's also removing listings whose titles or descriptions misuse the terms "coronavirus," "COVID-19" or "2019nCoV."

"EBay is taking significant measures to block or quickly remove items on our marketplace that make false health claims," spokesperson Ashley Settle said in a statement. "We are making every effort to ensure that anyone who sells on our platform follows local laws and EBay policies."

The move came the day after California Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency - a declaration that helps the state prepare for the spread of the coronavirus and includes restrictions on raising prices of consumer goods.

"Californians shouldn't have to worry about being cheated while dealing with the effects of coronavirus," state Atty. Gen. Xavier Becerra said in a consumer alert. "Our state's price gouging law protects people impacted by an emergency from illegal price gouging on medical supplies, food, gas, and other essential supplies."

Before EBay's announcement, a 20-pack of Gerson 1730 face masks was available for as much as $148, while a pack of five 2.5-ounce Germ-X hand sanitizer bottles cost $500, CNBC reported. (By comparison, two 30-ounce bottles of Germ-X were offered online by Walmart for less than $8 on Friday.) The EBay listings have since been removed.

Other companies with online marketplaces such as Amazon and Walmart have also struggled to manage price gouging from third-party sellers as the coronavirus spreads and panic swells.

Newsom called out Amazon in a tweet Tuesday.

"Seriously, @amazon? These prices are absurd," he wrote, attaching a screenshot of a small bottle of Purell hand sanitizer priced at $79.80 and a 24-pack of Purell at $400 offered by third parties on the site.

Amazon said price gouging is a clear violation of its policies, and noted that it is illegal in some areas - including California. A company representative said it had recently blocked or removed tens of thousands of coronavirus-related listings with inflated prices.

"We are disappointed that bad actors are attempting to artificially raise prices on basic need products during a global health crisis," the Amazon representative said.

Newsom gave Amazon credit for swiftly tackling the issue in a news conference Wednesday.

Online sellers have generally struggled to regulate listings by third-party vendors. A bipartisan group of House lawmakers urged Amazon and EBay executives to crack down on third-party vendors selling fake, stolen or unsafe goods more broadly, and on Monday, members of the House Judiciary Committee introduced a bipartisan bill that increases liability exposure for companies that risk consumers' health or safety.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/08/20, 09:50:34 AM
 :happy1: My brother was telling me about this earlier in the week. I couldn't believe the prices he was throwin at me. :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/08/20, 09:55:35 AM
There's a pkg of Twinkies on Ebay right now for $13...... :doah: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/08/20, 07:56:12 PM
I hope the scumbags end up with cases of hand sanitizer and have to give it away for Christmas presents for 20 years since noone would buy it at those prices. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/09/20, 05:42:44 AM
There's a pkg of Twinkies on Ebay right now for $13...... :doah: :rotflmao:
He quoted 1 example of a guy who thought he was buyin 3 boxes of masks for $40 :tut: & it turned out it was only 3 masks for $40. :crazy: :bonk: :doah: It was 1 of those no returns once it was shipped type of deals so once he figured it out he had to get Ebay to step in to get his cash back. :doofus: Pretty  :sad: all those tryin to rip others off over somethin like this. :thumbs: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/09/20, 08:42:09 AM
Think I'll post on social media that the bubbles and alcohol in beer kill the virus, and just sit back and see what happens.  ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/10/20, 09:08:59 AM
guess this corona stuff has hit closer to home then i thought. :doofus: :doah: i'm supposed to go to Hagar City tomorrow. just got off the phone with the plant manager and he said i wasnt allowed in the plant. i though WTF now????? just the way he said it. this particular meeting is a rather important one as they want to go from the current 3 8 hour shifts, to 2 10 hour shifts.

anyway, he said because i go to several faculities, and the fact that there are 2 cases of the corona in prescott there not allowing any corporate travel, outside venders in the plant.

so i guess its a conference call!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/10/20, 09:12:38 AM
They've cancelled some theater shows here in the city of diverse everything becuz of it.
Watch for churches to close up soon....already changed the communion things so you kinda do yer own with the wine and saltines.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/10/20, 09:33:21 AM
Fear not, Glenn's favorite TV channel says there's a cure!  :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/10/20, 09:37:19 AM
Fear not, Glenn's favorite TV channel says there's a cure!  :sleazy:

Boy, his hands gonna get tired.  :doah: 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/10/20, 09:43:15 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on March 03/10/20, 09:45:27 AM
I have yet to see one person with a mask on and I shop every day.  The store manager seen me wiping the shopping cart yesterday and said lot of people doing that now.  I said I have been doing this before this virus was talked about.  Just makes sense.  I told him the media is making people get alarmed over this.  Nobody is  ever alarmed about the flu that happens every year.  I seen some democrat yesterday say that Trump should not have anymore rally's  :rotflmao:. Doesn't apply to gaff artist Biden or crazy Bernie though.  I say just live your life like you always have, don't panic, this virus will go away.  I do believe in the wipping your hands deal though.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/10/20, 09:50:55 AM
The news is just making things worse. Local news was talking about "Blizzard shopping" here, and shelves being totally empty (SOME stores finally put limits on stuff) then they go right into a dialogue about how it's best if you have a months supply of everything built up, and that some places say it should be three months.  :doah:
I haven't stocked up on anything, freezer and cupboards are full, I'm sure I'll be able to find food. I can eat skwirrels and drink tap water if need be.  ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/10/20, 09:51:59 AM
The Mayo called the warden to see if she wanted to reschedule her knee replacement  because of the virus. Jeez! We are keeping things the same.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/10/20, 09:55:46 AM
O wow....that's unheard of, Art! I'm going to lunch with Mayo's head of logistics, ECS and HICS Thursday, should be an interesting lunch. He's already told me a lot of the unreal stuff they've done and put in place...... :shocked:  They're ready for it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/10/20, 02:25:35 PM
just read some 20,000 have died from the flu.  interesting....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/10/20, 03:44:22 PM
I suggest ya just sit back and have a cool one.... :toast:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/10/20, 06:30:23 PM
I see they're talking here about closing some grade schools. Issue seems to be the free breakfasts they serve to some, as then those kids might not have anything to eat.
Things always seems to hit those who can afford it least....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/11/20, 12:26:03 AM
Some good news for a change...

Korea new cases dropping
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/11/20, 04:57:36 AM
Fake Korean news.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/11/20, 06:49:14 AM
Heard in China the new cases were dropping also.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/11/20, 07:00:22 AM
Trump  must be working his magic.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on March 03/11/20, 07:45:26 AM
Quote: have yet to see one person with a mask on and I shop every day. 

From the CDC regarding wearing masks....

should folks stock pile masks? NO

If you have masks should you wear them when you go out "NO"

Even if you have corvid19 in your community no need to wear any type of mask surical,N95'S RESPIRATOR MASkS...NONE...THIS FROM Dr Eli PERENCEVICH md,professor of medicine and epidemiology at the univ of iowa

He states no evidence wearing masks on healthy people will protect them plus folks wear masks incorrectly and are always adjusting masks,touching they're face,not good
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/11/20, 09:20:06 AM
*GASP*   No diversity festival???!! In CAWchester??!! No!!!    :shocked:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/11/20, 10:05:41 AM
Why is nothing postponed because of the flu? From what I have heard and read the flu is just as deadly the the corona virus. Is it just because this is new?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/11/20, 10:07:55 AM
Good question! I'm wondering the same.... :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/11/20, 10:12:08 AM
I have read that we do have some immunities from certain flues and of course we have flu shots that help.  There are none of those immunities in us yet from the Corona virus. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/11/20, 10:12:11 AM
ya might be right Jb, but I too am wondering.....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/11/20, 10:16:46 AM
Why is nothing postponed because of the flu? From what I have heard and read the flu is just as deadly the the corona virus. Is it just because this is new?

Best evidence so far is corona virus is a lot deadlier than the flu, but it is hard to get a handle on either since a lot of people who get sick of either, but especially corona virus, haven't gotten tested.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/11/20, 10:25:08 AM
No go says Mayo!  Except for my buddy on the HICS team, he just said!  :doah:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on March 03/11/20, 10:33:28 AM
Why is nothing postponed because of the flu? From what I have heard and read the flu is just as deadly the the corona virus. Is it just because this is new?

Well from what I read from the CDC they did a comparison flu vs corvid19,now that corvid19 is dug in our country

common flu 1% per 1000 folks will die from it,corvid 19 3.5% per 1000,so the hype about this being just the flu is in accurate ...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/11/20, 11:50:23 AM
Well, it's here in CAWchester..... :undecided:


Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/11/20, 12:01:50 PM
Well, it's here in CAWchester..... :undecided:



Frank Zappa had it down in this song...

"Trouble Every Day"

Well I'm about to get sick
From watchin' my TV
Been checkin' out the news
Until my eyeballs fail to see
I mean to say that every day
Is just another rotten mess
And when it's gonna change, my friend
Is anybody's guess

So I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'
Hopin' for the best
Even think I'll go to prayin'
Every time I hear 'em sayin'
That there's no way to delay
That trouble comin' every day
No way to delay
That trouble comin' every day
And I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'
Hopin' for the best
Even think I'll go to prayin'
Every time I hear 'em sayin'
That there's no way to delay
That trouble comin' every day
No way to delay
That trouble comin' every day

Well, you can cool it,
You can heat it...
'Cause, baby, I don't need it...
Take your TV tube and eat it
'N all that phony stuff on sports
'N all the unconfirmed reports
You know I watched that rotten box
Until my head begin to hurt
From checkin' out the way
The newsman say they get the dirt
Before the guys on channel so-and-so

And further they assert
That any show they'll interrupt
To bring you news if it comes up
They say that if the place blows up
They will be the first to tell,
Because the boys they got downtown
Are workin' hard and doin' swell,
And if anybody gets the news
Before it hits the street,
They say that no one blabs it faster
Their coverage can't be beat

And if another woman driver
Gets machine-gunned from her seat
They'll send some joker with a brownie
And you'll see it all complete

So I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'
Hopin' for the best
Even think I'll go to prayin'
Every time I hear 'em sayin'
That there's no way to delay
That trouble comin' every day
No way to delay
That trouble comin' every day
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/11/20, 12:07:59 PM
So did R.E.M........ :rolleyes:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/11/20, 01:05:24 PM
OK, let's get to the main issue...why's everyone hoarding TP? My cuz just called, and she said that people are STEALING it! What do ya need all that toilet paper for with this pandemic?  :confused:  I think people have gone crackerdog!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/11/20, 01:10:07 PM
Corona is a respiratory thing and these people must think it is a gastro thing.  ???
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/11/20, 01:10:51 PM
Or, it's scaring the crap outta them.... :rotflmao: Hey! We need some humor!

From Mayo conference just now on the person with the Corona: 50's male, had traveled outside the US to area that has virus. Came to Mayo and tested positive when he got symptoms. Mayo sent him home, he's doing fine and recovering nicely...................they don't think there's any transmitting here in CAWchester.

I wonder if they can make a vaccine from him?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/11/20, 02:50:58 PM
Just watched Trump's sec of defense state that it's China's fault for the virus, and the loss of lives and billions of dollars. Said if they would have reported it right away to WHO, etc, instead of thru whistleblowers  who were trying to be stopped, they could have contained it...... :shocked:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/11/20, 03:45:58 PM
Corona is a respiratory thing and these people must think it is a gastro thing.  ???

It's amazing how many people coming thru the office here think that getting a flu shot protects them against stomach flu.  :rolleyes: 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/11/20, 03:50:30 PM
Or they get the stomach flu and talk about how the flu shot doesn't work since they have it.   :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/11/20, 04:44:58 PM
sounds like we are up to 5 in Minn...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/11/20, 04:47:40 PM
And now.....drumroll.............................

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/11/20, 06:21:51 PM
For this study, researchers used a nebulizer device to put samples of the new virus into the air, imitating what might happen if an infected person coughed or made the virus airborne some other way.

They found that viable virus could be detected up to three hours later in the air, up to four hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel.

Well, we know Boar's safe.   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/11/20, 06:30:51 PM
David Muer (nightly news) said it's 10 times more deadly than the flue...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/11/20, 06:32:13 PM
And Mayo's live conference here on TV said it's about 3x as deadly as the flu...

Drive right thru, and get yerself a burger, too!

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/11/20, 06:48:05 PM
If u be locked down for a month or two, last thing you want is to run out of TP.    :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/11/20, 07:02:46 PM
If u be locked down for a month or two, last thing you want is to run out of TP.    :pouty:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/11/20, 09:05:01 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: markn on March 03/12/20, 05:36:34 AM
  Some people are saying they won't shake hands with anyone because of this virus......I may quit because of the TP shortage.  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/12/20, 07:34:02 AM
just heard the NBA suspended their season???
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/12/20, 07:56:00 AM
The confernce Bball tournaments are still goin on today but with nobody in the stands. Lots of talk of 'em canceling the NCAA men's tourney too now. Only the NHL & MLB haven't done anything YET to keep people at home. As of a few minutes ago the PGA was still going about it's business as usual too & they get some huge crowds for some of their events. :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/12/20, 08:17:57 AM
I just read that the NBA played their last game last night until they get a handle on this since a player now has Corona.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/12/20, 08:20:00 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/12/20, 08:24:50 AM
just read that too!!!  we will have to see how this plays out now..... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/12/20, 09:45:01 AM
I'll head home at or shortly after lunchtime to feed bottle lambs and check on a couple ewes to come in yet. Will probably stay home to watch the Gophers-Hawkeye tilt just out of curiosity. With no one in the stands it'll be just like when the Gophers were on probation back in the 70's. We'd go over to a friend's frat right next to The Barn and get blasted. Then we'd go across the street at halftime where they'd let us in for free. As long as we slithered onto the inter-campus bus we avoided sleeping on the floor at the frat. Good times!  :happy1:   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/12/20, 09:52:31 AM
Hey that may be fun Dotch.  Hard to imagine no fans.  Some big NBA player said he doesn't even want to play if no fans are there.  Can't blame him.  SO the big thing here is whether there will be a handle on this before NFL starts.   :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/12/20, 09:57:28 AM
Just heard PA say that a Utah Jazz player has been sloppy with his locker room touching etc and now another player has Corona on the team. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/12/20, 10:02:45 AM
Say...now there's a job for Kaepernoscopy! He can go from locker room to locker room with test kits, testing everyone while kneeling!  :afro:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/12/20, 10:28:12 AM
Hand sanitizer getting scarce.  This is the only stuff I could find...


Think it'll work?   :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/12/20, 10:38:08 AM
At least as good as mine..... :shocked:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/12/20, 10:46:28 AM
Maybe ?!?  :scratch:

Just sayin... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/12/20, 10:58:50 AM
Bats?  :shocked:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/12/20, 11:43:23 AM
Wonder if all those Chinee open buffet things in town are gonna close? Perfect spot for people to sneeze, wheeze, and hack on everything, regardless of the canopied sneeze guard, which they prolly never sanitize....and stick one spoon in one dish then in another...talk about cross-contamination.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/12/20, 12:56:02 PM
man this stuff is hitting closer and closer to home. first yesterday when i wasnt allowed to go to hagar city.

today one of our field reps was saying Xcel energy has put the stop to nonessential visits. any meetings  via conference call. they started a shutdown and maintence job up there and there are rumors of it being shut down.

our dispatcher(s) just worked on filling a big outage out at coal creek out in north dakota, and rumors of putting that on hold.

just seen the NHL just shut down the hockey season.

our secretaries are worried about schools being shut down??????? and no daycare!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/12/20, 01:05:59 PM
Some school lunch programs already shut down...bad for the kids that need a meal.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/12/20, 01:15:53 PM
I see we are up too # 9 now in the state....  not sure where..
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/12/20, 01:18:03 PM
According to the MDH website, the 9 positives are cases in Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Olmsted, Ramsey and Stearns Counties.

Even the Trumpster could get it!

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/12/20, 01:23:57 PM
According to the MDH website, the 9 positives are cases in Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Olmsted, Ramsey and Stearns Counties.

Even the Trumpster could get it!

:scratch: :scratch: stearns county.......... dats me's county of residence?????? :doah: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/12/20, 01:27:08 PM
 :scratch: Hmmm, think I know somebody who spends some time in at least 3, if not 4 of those counties. :whistling: 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/12/20, 01:35:37 PM
:scratch: Hmmm, think I know somebody who spends some time in at least 3, if not 4 of those counties. :whistling:
:scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :doah: yea i tink i know someone dat does too!!!!!!!!!!! :shocked: :shocked: :surrender: :surrender: :surrender: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Cooperman on March 03/12/20, 01:40:30 PM
Has it gotten to this yet?


Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/12/20, 01:48:21 PM
Might at Wally World if she tries to grab my TP from me....... :rotflmao:

Are ya gonna put a mask and hat on that pooch for us to laugh at? *HINT* 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/12/20, 01:56:41 PM
Has it gotten to this yet?


oh my dats funny and sad all at once!!!!   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/12/20, 01:59:04 PM
Well, I ain't goin' ANYWHERE not fully locked and loaded! It's goin' crazy now with the cancellation on the MLB season...the NBA season...rest of the NHL season.....now talking the racing and drag season too!!!!! SH**! Shut down the entire world!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Cooperman on March 03/12/20, 02:16:34 PM
Might at Wally World if she tries to grab my TP from me....... :rotflmao:

Are ya gonna put a mask and hat on that pooch for us to laugh at? *HINT*

No you’ll have to settle for this.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/12/20, 02:17:47 PM
Aw shucks......Lab Ali Buba!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/12/20, 03:00:31 PM
 :shocked:  Test developed!

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/12/20, 03:03:47 PM
so where is the cure???????  just asking......
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/12/20, 03:11:16 PM
:shocked:  Test developed!

your hero's come through again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :rocker; :rocker; :drinking: :super smiley:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/12/20, 03:21:15 PM
Has it gotten to this yet?


oh my dats funny and sad all at once!!!!

Ya how sick is that... BUT I need to watch it again.  LL
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/12/20, 03:34:39 PM
:shocked:  Test developed!

your hero's come through again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :rocker; :rocker; :drinking: :super smiley:

Where's yers? Sousing up a skwirrel?  :scratch:     :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/12/20, 03:47:01 PM
"We have decided, like many others in our industry, to temporarily suspend in-store food and beverage sampling. We have also increased our cleaning measures and, in our coffee shops, we have temporarily suspended the filling of guests’ re-useable cups."

glenn's busy picketing down at the grocery store where they've suspended all the free food samples...  :mad1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/12/20, 03:55:02 PM
"We have decided, like many others in our industry, to temporarily suspend in-store food and beverage sampling. We have also increased our cleaning measures and, in our coffee shops, we have temporarily suspended the filling of guests’ re-useable cups."

glenn's busy picketing down at the grocery store where they've suspended all the free food samples...  :mad1:
:tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on March 03/12/20, 03:56:05 PM
Well the panic has hit Andover.  Yesterday the toilet paper was full and today at Cub one pack is the limit.  Funny how the Charmin was fully stocked.  Must be crapy toilet paper.  I told my wife to go to Amazon and order some.  Did pick up some more 80% ground beef in 3 pound tubes.  I don't know why they cancel the games.  Play the game but with no fans.  At least they get the TV ad money.  I'm not canceling fishing or hunting.  Life goes on.  Market will go up again in a couple of months.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/12/20, 04:02:22 PM
Well the panic has hit Andover.  Yesterday the toilet paper was full and today at Cub one pack is the limit.  Funny how the Charmin was fully stocked.  Must be crapy toilet paper.  I told my wife to go to Amazon and order some.  Did pick up some more 80% ground beef in 3 pound tubes.  I don't know why they cancel the games.  Play the game but with no fans.  At least they get the TV ad money.  I'm not canceling fishing or hunting.  Life goes on.  Market will go up again in a couple of months.  good luck.

well said Rh!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/12/20, 04:05:42 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/12/20, 04:06:53 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/12/20, 04:12:12 PM
I was fortunate to have stocked up recently before hoarding TP became a "thing". I detest running low on @$$wipe so will routinely scour the local ads for the best deals, keeping a couple months worth on hand. I also have an emergency supply stashed here at the office that only a couple other individuals are aware of. The office building owner frequently runs out and given his precarious financial condition, let's just say it's a longer drive than to the ranch than I'd like. And there's always a roll of shop towels in the pickup. One can never be too cautious... :huh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/12/20, 05:41:53 PM
I recently ordered a case of TP before any of this stared.  Did the came thing with paper towels and even got me some shop towels.  It is not cheap neither if you get the good stuff but at least you have lots.  Did the same thing with Kuerig coffee things.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/12/20, 05:47:24 PM
Just came from ALDI and Walmart. NO TP, paper towels, kleenex, or napkins. NONE.
Didn't even bother to look for stuff on my list. Just rolled on out.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/12/20, 06:20:16 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/12/20, 06:23:41 PM
So true..
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/12/20, 06:49:45 PM
Just came from ALDI and Walmart. NO TP, paper towels, kleenex, or napkins. NONE.
Didn't even bother to look for stuff on my list. Just rolled on out.

Maybe costco when i get back.   Or I could front you a few rolls of scotts,  We have extra due to a miscalculation before we left.   
Have you checked box.com?   Got a friend that swears by them.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/12/20, 07:43:32 PM
Just came from BOTH Sly-Vee's.....empty. Totally. Menard's, bare. They do have paper towels, though.Maybe I'll see ya when ya get back, since i don't do Amazon or anything....what are people to do? They were going bonkers because there was none....and I just donated a case to a nursing home a month ago... :banghead:
I'm Ok until then, but.....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/12/20, 08:32:46 PM
:scratch: Hmmm, think I know somebody who spends some time in at least 3, if not 4 of those counties. :whistling:
:scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :doah: yea i tink i know someone dat does too!!!!!!!!!!! :shocked: :shocked: :surrender: :surrender: :surrender: :doah:
:scratch: Yeah, I hope he's payin attention  :happy1: & starts behavin :rolleyes: :angel: so he don't get  :sick:.   :cool:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/13/20, 06:57:42 AM
The wife checked amazon Wednesday evening and you could not get any then at all or wally world online.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/13/20, 07:16:37 AM
Menards had lots of paper towels and napkins last nite.... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/13/20, 07:54:38 AM
now I hear Disneyland is closing...  starting tomorrow til the end of the month???
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/13/20, 09:03:08 AM
The wife checked amazon Wednesday evening and you could not get any then at all or wally world online.

Called Hy-Vee, home of the rip-off, at 7:00 am today. They said truck came in last nite, and they still had some TP on the shelves....I immediately roared on down (Theyre only 6 blokcs away). There were only 4 pkgs left. I grabbed two; wasn't gonna be a pig. As I put them in my cart, a lady grabbed the other two. (They have no limits, the morons)
If I woulda waited one more minute.....anyway, I'm good now!  Freezer full to the brim, cupboards stocked, canned goods, pop, veggies... (Why buy water, it comes outta the tap) :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on March 03/13/20, 09:15:37 AM
I am writing to you from Bergamo, Italy, at the heart of the coronavirus crisis. The news media in the US has not captured the severity of what is happening here. I am writing this post because each of you, today, not the government, not the school district, not the mayor, each individual citizen has the chance, today to take actions that will deter the Italian situation from becoming your own country’s reality. The only way to stop this virus is to limit contagion. And the only way to limit contagion is for millions of people to change their behavior today.

If you are in Europe or the US you are weeks away from where we are today in Italy.

I can hear you now. “It’s just a flu. It only affects old people with preconditions”

There are 2 reasons why Coronavirus has brought Italy to it’s knees. First it is a flu is devastating when people get really sick they need weeks of ICU – and, second, because of how fast and effectively it spreads. There is 2 week incubation period and many who have it never show symptoms.

When Prime Minister Conte announced last night that the entire country, 60 million people, would go on lock down, the line that struck me most was “there is no more time.” Because to be clear, this national lock down, is a hail mary. What he means is that if the numbers of contagion do not start to go down, the system, Italy, will collapse.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on March 03/13/20, 09:22:07 AM
my small town of hugo's festival is all stocked up.well as of last night,picked up a few things like reb tp, paper towels,I did notice the over the counter meds were hit,tylenol,I.B pretty much gone,if things get really bad I'll hold up in the house and god forbid start eating the 50 lbs of snow goose breast I have for summer sauage....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/13/20, 09:24:00 AM
Even up here the Tp is getting hammered. We were down to 2 rolls and luckily were able to get some yesterday. They have put a limit of 2 on it here.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/13/20, 09:31:09 AM
Just reurned from my errands & stopped at the DG store on the way home. They had some TP on the shelf but it wasn't much. Dont really need any as there's close to a years supply up in Austin so I left what they had alone. Did find a few bottles of antibacterial hand soap on the shelf too though & 1 of them came home with me. We have a Dollar Tree in town now too, not sure how their supply is. :scratch: May haveta give it a look.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/13/20, 09:34:48 AM
My skwirrels may demand a premium price yet.  :rotflmao: 

This town best get things going in a hurry...125,000 people and no stores have TP, hand sanitizer, and my buddy hit 4 places last nite looking for Tylenol or aspirin, and had no luck. I saw that here a week ago when I was looking... fortunately found a huge bottle at a store. Last one. IMO, we were ill prepared. 'Course, losing both Shopkos, Kmart, Fareway foods, really put a dent in it all. I called ALDI, both Walmarts, Target, Cub, HY-Vees (theres 3) spent a half hour on phone this am to find out ALL of them currentley  have no paper products, and can't tell ya when they will...that's the second thing I asked. We're gonna be in dire straits here in about a week. Even Amazon is outta TP as I just found out, and Target and Walmart can't order that for you online anymore. Been doing lotsa checkin. Don't know about COSTCO, but I ran into Sams club too, and they have none either....what are people supposed to do? Especially senior citizens that don't do the internet stuff?
Corncobs may take a meteoric rise in price...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/13/20, 09:44:31 AM
It's all Trump's fault Yea know. :smoking: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/13/20, 10:19:33 AM
man this is spreading like wildfire. recieved email info from our international, then from the boss man, no non essential travel, and NO  unneccesary visitors beyond the main door in the hall. we have our monthly meeting next week......thats still a go.......for now!!!!! :doofus: :doah:

crazy sheet............ :pouty: :shocked: :shocked:

i did however suggest to my boss that i should confine myself to a certain little cabin on a certain little lake up in itasca county. i havent heard back yet??? :scratch: :scratch: :doah: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/13/20, 11:09:00 AM
Went to ALDI a while ago for some sale items, they were wiped out yday. Place was overflowing with everything this am! TP everywhere! Fruit! Canned goods! Got another 12 pk of TP and some good sale items! Boy, they sure do restock fast!  :happy1: Not like sh**mart. Always empty.  :thumbs:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/13/20, 11:41:04 AM
Just got back from the grocery store here.  I always say hi to the meat market guys and said I need TP and laughed.  They said there is only on pkg of Scotts left.  The rest is Our Family so I bought it.  Got home with all of my stuff and realized I forgot the TP at the store.  I went back and they had saved it for me so we all got a good laugh.   Good people there and a great store for a small town. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/13/20, 11:50:00 AM
I am writing to you from Bergamo, Italy, at the heart of the coronavirus crisis. The news media in the US has not captured the severity of what is happening here. I am writing this post because each of you, today, not the government, not the school district, not the mayor, each individual citizen has the chance, today to take actions that will deter the Italian situation from becoming your own country’s reality. The only way to stop this virus is to limit contagion. And the only way to limit contagion is for millions of people to change their behavior today.

If you are in Europe or the US you are weeks away from where we are today in Italy.

I can hear you now. “It’s just a flu. It only affects old people with preconditions”

There are 2 reasons why Coronavirus has brought Italy to it’s knees. First it is a flu is devastating when people get really sick they need weeks of ICU – and, second, because of how fast and effectively it spreads. There is 2 week incubation period and many who have it never show symptoms.

When Prime Minister Conte announced last night that the entire country, 60 million people, would go on lock down, the line that struck me most was “there is no more time.” Because to be clear, this national lock down, is a hail mary. What he means is that if the numbers of contagion do not start to go down, the system, Italy, will collapse.

Also, since health care in Italy is funded by the government directly they have fewer resources such as ICU beds than other European countries...Also Italy has a lot of old people.    20% of population is over 65. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/13/20, 11:55:11 AM
 :doah: :doah: :taz: :taz: :taz: now its getting REAL serious..........WWE is threating to shut down wrestlemania......whats happening to this world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :confused: :confused: :angry2: :mad1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/13/20, 12:38:10 PM
oh you poor boy you!!! 

it's up to 14 in Minn. now... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/13/20, 03:32:45 PM
Went to ALDI a while ago for some sale items, they were wiped out yday. Place was overflowing with everything this am! TP everywhere! Fruit! Canned goods! Got another 12 pk of TP and some good sale items! Boy, they sure do restock fast!  :happy1: Not like sh**mart. Always empty.  :thumbs:
Yeah Reb, their cashiers don't stand around waiting to check somebody out like every place else. Nobody to checkout, they've got a cart of freight nearby & they are over there putting in on the shelf. Just 1 reason why they're able to keep their prices low. :happy1: :cool:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/13/20, 03:46:27 PM
Went to ALDI a while ago for some sale items, they were wiped out yday. Place was overflowing with everything this am! TP everywhere! Fruit! Canned goods! Got another 12 pk of TP and some good sale items! Boy, they sure do restock fast!  :happy1: Not like sh**mart. Always empty.  :thumbs:
Yeah Reb, their cashiers don't stand around waiting to check somebody out like every place else. Nobody to checkout, they've got a cart of freight nearby & they are over there putting in on the shelf. Just 1 reason why they're able to keep their prices low. :happy1: :cool:

Exactly! They were scurrying everywhere unloading stuff. Go to Walfart and they stand around with their finger up their azz. About as much help as a blind skwirrel at a nutfest.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/13/20, 04:11:39 PM
i've been trying for 4 years to get available dates for this defensive driving class to save money on my vehicle ins........now they cancelled that too!!!!!!!!!! :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :confused: training-087 training-087 :banghead: :banghead: :taz: :taz: :taz:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/13/20, 04:12:44 PM
  Tell 'em yer a big union man and they can expect yer thugs in their office any day....and DON'T initial anything they give ya!!!   training-087
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/13/20, 04:56:52 PM
i've been trying for 4 years to get available dates for this defensive driving class to save money on my vehicle ins........now they cancelled that too!!!!!!!!!! :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :confused: training-087 training-087 :banghead: :banghead: :taz: :taz: :taz:

Where have you been for the last 10 or 20 years?  You can go to a class or you can do it online.  If it is the 8 hr course it will take 8 hours.  The 4 hr course will take 4 hours.  You cannot click fast and try to speed ahead.  I have tried.  BUT you can start the course and go get a cup of coffee and answer when you come back.  If it is for a few seconds.  You can stop and continue in an hour or tomorrow.  No stress.  AND it is a good refresher course and it feels good to brush up on your driving skills or lack of them. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/13/20, 04:58:43 PM
I wonder how many gin and tonics that would take?  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/13/20, 05:10:08 PM
There is no limit!!!   :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/13/20, 06:06:54 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/13/20, 06:24:21 PM
i've been trying for 4 years to get available dates for this defensive driving class to save money on my vehicle ins........now they cancelled that too!!!!!!!!!! :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :confused: training-087 training-087 :banghead: :banghead: :taz: :taz: :taz:

Where have you been for the last 10 or 20 years?  You can go to a class or you can do it online.  If it is the 8 hr course it will take 8 hours.  The 4 hr course will take 4 hours.  You cannot click fast and try to speed ahead.  I have tried.  BUT you can start the course and go get a cup of coffee and answer when you come back.  If it is for a few seconds.  You can stop and continue in an hour or tomorrow.  No stress.  AND it is a good refresher course and it feels good to brush up on your driving skills or lack of them.
meh...…..not interested in sitting in front of a puter……..besides there might be some hot 55 year olds!!!! I like personal, people contact.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/13/20, 07:04:52 PM
That's why Glenn bought this:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/13/20, 07:44:44 PM
i've been trying for 4 years to get available dates for this defensive driving class to save money on my vehicle ins........now they cancelled that too!!!!!!!!!! :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :confused: training-087 training-087 :banghead: :banghead: :taz: :taz: :taz:

Where have you been for the last 10 or 20 years?  You can go to a class or you can do it online.  If it is the 8 hr course it will take 8 hours.  The 4 hr course will take 4 hours.  You cannot click fast and try to speed ahead.  I have tried.  BUT you can start the course and go get a cup of coffee and answer when you come back.  If it is for a few seconds.  You can stop and continue in an hour or tomorrow.  No stress.  AND it is a good refresher course and it feels good to brush up on your driving skills or lack of them.
meh...…..not interested in sitting in front of a puter……..besides there might be some hot 55 year olds!!!! I like personal, people contact.

That's the nice part of it.  You can make it as hard or as easy as you want to be....   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/13/20, 08:25:24 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/14/20, 08:39:44 AM
I see where it's now starting to affect the NFL too, even if it's in a small way so far. The FA signing period is about to start & a lot of those require a physical exam before they can sign a deal. A lot of the facilities where most of the teams do their exams are now closed so the whole signing of FA's thing is in question now. The draft is coming up soon too & the league has stopped allowing teams to do their pre-draft interviews with the players they're interested in.:crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/14/20, 08:44:24 AM
Guess that'll put the kabosh on door-to-door girl scout cookie sales.... :pouty:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/14/20, 08:52:20 AM
NASCAR has postponed ALL races at Atlanta MS.... :angry2:   :banghead:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/14/20, 09:03:11 AM
and Miami!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/14/20, 09:12:09 AM
They even postponed The Masters. Heard Jack on Sportcenter say he believes it will be cancelled as he doesn't think they  will be able to reschedule it. Huge $'s there.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/14/20, 09:18:38 AM
I'm gonna set up this kiddie water park thingy in my driveway, and spray water with a bit of bleach thru it....Reb's Virus Buster. Just walk thru and kill that nasty Corona!
Only $5 a pop, or get 3 tickets for $10....... ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/14/20, 09:22:50 AM
 :scratch: Might want some special goggles that they can rent for $1-$2 a pop to go with that. ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/14/20, 09:24:57 AM
:scratch: Might want some special goggles that they can rent for $1-$2 a pop to go with that. ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:

Say, now there's an idea!! Side sales!  :happy1: Towels, $3, or blow-dry, (Yard blower) $2.... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: GrandpaTom on March 03/14/20, 10:22:27 AM
Clean out that sock drawer....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/14/20, 10:31:09 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/14/20, 10:35:40 AM
I hope the virus 😷 only lasts for a week, otherwise I'll have to make another beer run.  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/14/20, 10:58:26 AM
Anyone wanna bet that liquor store home deliveries (they do here) and pizza deliveries skyrocket? Booze sales always rise in crisis situations. I'll drink to that.  :toast:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/14/20, 11:47:02 AM
Checked out the grocery store yesterday. TP had been hit pretty hard but there was still some of the higher end brand name stuff on the shelves. All the hamburger in the meat case was gone. Went to the meat market after that. No real sign of coronavirus panic there. 

Had to make quick trip to town this a.m. to pay a bill I forgot yesterday but needed a box of envelopes 1st. Stopped at Dollar General where some clown with a chain drive wallet was two people in front of me. He had two shopping carts overflowing with hoarded stuff and was pretty proud of himself. It took forever for the cash register to digest it all and print a receipt. I wanted to kick him square in the @$$ & tell him to get a life!  :angry: 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/14/20, 12:03:32 PM
Those effing hoarders need to have their asses kicked
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/14/20, 12:04:49 PM
I took pics Thusday am of the north Walfarts TP aisle and paper towel aisle....good thing ALDI's here. They place limits on stuff. Idjitmart doesn't. Saw people pulling two carts full of water, paper towels, etc. Wanted to punch their effin' lights out.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/14/20, 12:09:29 PM
And WHY???  Idjuts. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/14/20, 12:15:48 PM
I couldn't believe the canned food aisle. Pretty much empty, as was the bread aisle, and the same a-holes had half-cases of veggies piled up in their carts. If I do ever see this sh** again, I am going to intervene. What happens, happens. I have a close friend who's family has little money and 2 kids, and they were unable to find their basic items (including food) because of this crap, so the entire family suffers. This town has a hell of a lot to learn. I'll take small town ethics anyday over all this bullsh**.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/14/20, 12:44:29 PM
We ran into town and went to Target this morning. I saw 2 guys buying diapers, they had 2 packs apiece, checking out when we walked in. As we were walking around, I saw them again with 2 packages apiece again....then we finally got to that end of the store (cause my wife likes to look at everything) those same 2 dudes were asking the clerk when they were going to get more....  :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/14/20, 12:50:14 PM
Wow...just got this in an E-mail from my attorney.....read thru some of the workplace stuff.....! :shocked:

Dunlap & Seeger <dunlapseeger@dunlaplaw.com>
12:10 PM (37 minutes ago)
to me

As a follow up to our email yesterday and responsive to the continued questions from our business clients we have compiled two pieces you may find helpful:

·         Coronavirus Business Disruption Checklist

·         Workplace Considerations & Policies under Threat of a COVID-19 Outbreak

Dunlap & Seeger, P.A., 30 3rd Street SE, Suite 400, Rochester, MN  55904



Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/14/20, 01:00:18 PM
I couldn't believe the canned food aisle. Pretty much empty, as was the bread aisle, and the same a-holes had half-cases of veggies piled up in their carts. If I do ever see this sh** again, I am going to intervene. What happens, happens. I have a close friend who's family has little money and 2 kids, and they were unable to find their basic items (including food) because of this crap, so the entire family suffers. This town has a hell of a lot to learn. I'll take small town ethics anyday over all this bullsh**.

What concerns me Reb is the people from the urban areas are figuring out we still have some essential stuff out here in places like Bugtussle. They'll try to swoop in & buy it up. I suspect that's what I saw out at Dollar General earlier today. They usually have part of a whole wall stacked with TP. None to be found there today. I stopped in the grocery store this a.m. afterwards and all the TP was gone. Limits will need to be put in place thanks to these hoarder jerks.  :rolleyes: I did pick up a case of water & a bag of potatoes, both items I'd forgotten yesterday because I was in a hurry to get home to do chores. (& watch Gunsmoke afterwards... :rotflmao:)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/14/20, 01:11:21 PM
You can be sure the scum will hit the small town places. I saw this coming the last 2-3 weeks, and just bought more than normal last couple weeks when I got groceries....but no mass quantities. I always keep the cupboards and freezer as well stocked as I can anyway. Only thing I did grab two of was the TP. The 8 packs. (no 24 roll cases) Already had one 8 pk. I figger if 24 ain't enough, I'll  just have you send me some corncobs. Or wool.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/14/20, 01:14:45 PM
Wow...just got this in an E-mail from my attorney.....read thru some of the workplace stuff.....! :shocked:

Dunlap & Seeger <dunlapseeger@dunlaplaw.com>
12:10 PM (37 minutes ago)
to me

As a follow up to our email yesterday and responsive to the continued questions from our business clients we have compiled two pieces you may find helpful:

·         Coronavirus Business Disruption Checklist

·         Workplace Considerations & Policies under Threat of a COVID-19 Outbreak

Dunlap & Seeger, P.A., 30 3rd Street SE, Suite 400, Rochester, MN  55904


we got all kinds of this stuff yesterday at the hall...….I heard on KQ that they closed the radio station down to visitors also.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/14/20, 01:23:36 PM
That's 2.54% so far...........that tested positive.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/14/20, 01:25:33 PM
You can be sure the scum will hit the small town places. I saw this coming the last 2-3 weeks, and just bought more than normal last couple weeks when I got groceries....but no mass quantities. I always keep the cupboards and freezer as well stocked as I can anyway. Only thing I did grab two of was the TP. The 8 packs. (no 24 roll cases) Already had one 8 pk. I figger if 24 ain't enough, I'll  just have you send me some corncobs. Or wool.

I do the vast majority of the grocery shopping in our household. I'm a sale shopper so I try to do the same. A little lower than I'd like to be on frozen veggies right now but nothing's been on sale locally for a while.

I got lotsa bags of wool, especially the dark colored stuff.  :happy1: I just hope people don't get totally stupid and start stealing livestock. It could turn into the Wild West in a hurry if that happens.  :angry: 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/14/20, 01:45:13 PM
Isn't that wool a bit scratchy when used as tp?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/14/20, 02:02:50 PM
And how would you know that?  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/14/20, 02:07:06 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/14/20, 02:07:45 PM
You can be sure the scum will hit the small town places. I saw this coming the last 2-3 weeks, and just bought more than normal last couple weeks when I got groceries....but no mass quantities. I always keep the cupboards and freezer as well stocked as I can anyway. Only thing I did grab two of was the TP. The 8 packs. (no 24 roll cases) Already had one 8 pk. I figger if 24 ain't enough, I'll  just have you send me some corncobs. Or wool.

I do the vast majority of the grocery shopping in our household. I'm a sale shopper so I try to do the same. A little lower than I'd like to be on frozen veggies right now but nothing's been on sale locally for a while.

I got lotsa bags of wool, especially the dark colored stuff.  :happy1: I just hope people don't get totally stupid and start stealing livestock. It could turn into the Wild West in a hurry if that happens.  :angry:

Already had a grocery store broken into overnite here. Musta been lookin' for TP. Yer gonna see an UPTICK in crime, believe me. They come sneakin' around my house, they're GONNA need TP when they meet my ol'  buddy nose-to-barrel. Already happened once here a few years back. Never knew someone could run like that with their feet not touching the ground.  ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/14/20, 02:19:33 PM
The latest Corona rules:

Do the five:

1 HANDS Wash them often
2 ELBOW Cough into it
3 FACE Don't touch it
4 FEET Stay more than 3ft apart
5 FEEL sick? Stay home

Ok, but #4......I can't get my feet 3' apart........I drop my cane... :rotflmao: :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/14/20, 02:38:15 PM
Isn't that wool a bit scratchy when used as tp?

Could be but it's a lot cheaper than TP right now. Dark wool is worth a nickel per lb.  :bonk:

Not sure how safe it'd be in septic and sewer systems. Wool is pretty slow to break down and doesn't burn very well. Hey, I know, if del's still out at the Hotel California we could drop by his place and flush a few bags worth down the toidy just to see what happens!  :whistling:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/14/20, 03:01:34 PM
Does he have one of those that eats bags of golf balls?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/14/20, 03:02:41 PM
My fishing buddy just e-mailed me he's just stepping on the plane for his trip to Cancun....said it sure is empty!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/14/20, 03:08:38 PM
Yep, the oldest just booked the same flight momma took a few weeks back to Arizona,  but for a mere 200 $ less.. let's just hope they are still up n running in a few weeks.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/14/20, 06:32:37 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/14/20, 06:47:54 PM
I say we all get drunker'n Cooter Brown, (like Sissy said)  throw on some Lynyrd Skynyrd, and bof the nearest hot-looking babe!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: GrandpaTom on March 03/14/20, 06:58:55 PM
And use the pooper scooper
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/14/20, 07:12:45 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/14/20, 07:28:10 PM
That's 2.54% so far...........that tested positive.


Mayo found 0 cases in first batch from their new testing lab...  90 tests, no positives.   So good news.

And Dotch, did you see the news item about the two brothers in Tennessee that drove around hitting the stores in all the little towns and buying up thousands of bottles of hand sanitizer that they were then selling on Amazon?   Then Amazon cracked down and ebay cracked down so they are sitting there with like 17000 bottles and no way to sell them.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/14/20, 07:40:07 PM
Saw that. Hope they're stuck with it. Or wind up donating it to someplace that really needs it. Terds! :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/14/20, 08:23:54 PM
I say we all get drunker'n Cooter Brown, (like Sissy said)  throw on some Lynyrd Skynyrd, and bof the nearest hot-looking babe!
I always thought Debra Winger was a hottie too!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/14/20, 08:34:15 PM
We have 3 appointments in Rochester next week, then we can hunker down. Oh, oh, I just remembered, I'm suppose to go back to work.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/14/20, 09:03:12 PM
You best remember TO CALL, too................... :tut:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/14/20, 09:04:13 PM
I say we all get drunker'n Cooter Brown, (like Sissy said)  throw on some Lynyrd Skynyrd, and bof the nearest hot-looking babe!
I always thought Debra Winger was a hottie too!!!

I was truly in love with her. Saw Urban Cowboy 7 times. Long story.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/14/20, 09:09:44 PM
You best remember TO CALL, too................... :tut:

I'll be back on tuesday. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/14/20, 09:16:13 PM
We have 3 appointments in Rochester next week, then we can hunker down. Oh, oh, I just remembered, I'm suppose to go back to work.

 Work is vastly overrated. Del's not back until Tues. I'll swing by in the Stude with a couple bags of wool.  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/15/20, 07:20:46 AM
We'll all meet here in yer Stude....yes sir, yes sir....3 bags full.  ;)

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/15/20, 07:22:28 AM
You best remember TO CALL, too................... :tut:

I'll be back on tuesday.

Not you, Roony!! He forgot last week, :doah:  Yer supposed to PM. I'll have my shopping bag ready.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/15/20, 07:44:19 AM
Yay! Maybe they'll close the entire store!! If they don't , I might!!  :evil: :dancinred:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/15/20, 09:48:51 AM
I think folks need to get out in the open air and take some walks, drives, etc thru woods, trails, whatever. Clears the head, and it's virus free. My neighbor who moved up to a condo in Mpls, , was telling me how depressed he is, really bad. But, said he hasn't been out of his little condo in 2 weeks becuz of the Corona thing, not supposed too....been holed up watching back to back Netflix movies and eating TV dinners. Told him THAT's why he's depressed, ya gotta get out! "no, we're supposed to avoid all contact"....THAT's why he's so depressed!
Use common sense, and get outside and enjoy! What's gonna happen is gonna happen!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/15/20, 09:53:23 AM
well said Reb, the sun is out!!  enjoy the day!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/15/20, 10:00:01 AM
I'm already planning! Gonna stop and grab some cash, and then put Mr. Sparkles into afterburner mode!!! Roadtrip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!      :cool:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/15/20, 10:04:18 AM
All schools shutting down on Wednesday....now the fun begins!!!! Roaming teeneagers.....kids....best et ready for lockdown!

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/15/20, 10:25:58 AM
Good for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :happy1:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/15/20, 10:47:25 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/15/20, 10:48:23 AM
Shopping never fails to put me in a foul mood.
Since the warden is laid up I had to buy some things today. First stop was Kwik Trip. Gassed up the Impala for tomorrow, got some milk, eggs, bread and butter there, so far so good.
Then came the dreaded grocery store where I saw the hoarders in person for the first time. As I was walking to the entrance I was greeted by a thirty something year old specimen . She was beaming and hollered at me "They got some toilet paper!" Her cart was half full of it
I smiled, secretly wishing I had a soldering iron to stick up her arse. Lots of shelves were bare but I got what I needed and headed home. My faith in humanity has reached an all time low.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/15/20, 10:58:58 AM
You shoulda tipped her cart over and punted the TP 20 yds.  Assmunches.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/15/20, 11:14:54 AM
No frozen pizzas!  :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/15/20, 11:17:53 AM
As you know my Mom and Dad moved into a real nice adult living thing.  They are in lockdown.  Not to leave the facility or have anyone come in.  It is connected to an assisted care facility so Mom likes to walk over there and talk to people who are under more care and talk to them.  So Evelyn who is a belligerent person was walking through the main area with gloves on so they asked why she had gloves on.  She said they can't tell me what to do so I just went to the grocery store.  NOW they closed off the assisted care facility so there is no access to it in case she brought a virus in.  Bummed my Mom out and they are all mad at Evelyn now.  One dumbass wrecks it for all!!!   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/15/20, 11:24:57 AM
That sux Barry. Common sense, decency and courtesy have suddenly gone out the window. I really don't even want to go to the grocery store anymore afters some of the foolishness I've seen and heard about.   :sad:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/15/20, 11:27:53 AM
Gonna be hard for a lot of people. I feel so bad about not being able to see my mom at the care center
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/15/20, 11:33:47 AM
Yup, this all sucks...
My parents sold their house here and went to Arizona for the winter. They will be coming back some time in April, and we will be moving them into senior apartments. They sold their trailer in Arizona, so this will be the last winter for them to travel there. I hope the timing works out well for them, but I get to do all the work of moving their crap around.  :banghead:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/15/20, 02:02:31 PM
I popped in to see Mom using all precautions. Limited it to a 15 mn visit, with no contact. Felt bad about that... but she understand. Her worry was "You take care of YOURSELF, don't worry about me" ...That got me all choked up.   :undecided:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/15/20, 02:08:29 PM
Had to stop in Walfart for some med supplies....and same thing there. People hauling out multiple cases of stuff. No TP, paper towels.....same as before. Not one pizza. Empty boxes in cooler. Decimated canned goods aisle. They bring it on themselves.
Someone needs to boot them as a store square in the azz. They're just making it worse for people that really need stuff. MY buddy in the cities really chewed me out for going out! "You are NOT to be in public gatherings! "You're gonna make it worse and spread it to everyone!" He's holed up for the last 2 weeks watching streaming TV 24/7 and eating microwave dinners. I told him he's gonna die a psychotic emaciated wreck if he don't get outside and get some fresh air, real food, and see people. You just can't hole up like that!
Don't think we'll be talking anytime soon... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/15/20, 02:12:50 PM
Yup Reb, I went to town for some wood duck house bedding at Flea Farm.... it was the same thing there. Long lines and folks had their carts heaped up with crap they don't need....  :banghead:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/15/20, 02:15:44 PM
I just don't understand why these stores don't put LIMITS on stuff! Everyone needs it, for chrissakes, we're all the same, and you know it's gonna sell anyway! That's the stuff that leads to the "Black market" effect and price increase hoarding! As Glenn would say,   :tut:  !!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/15/20, 02:17:57 PM
But I'm out in the woods soaking up the sun....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/15/20, 03:05:55 PM
Yep I just came in, in the sun it isn't bad. Word had it on friday Costco was getting some TP in but the coppers were gonna be on hand. Maybe I mentioned it before but my folks got back from their wintering hole the other day and had a heck of time shopping,  not much of a panic down along the gulf coast they said.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on March 03/15/20, 03:35:35 PM
Sooner or later some folks are going to run out of money or out of room.  I shop every day.  I noticed one thing that's not running out.  Pototoes, fruits, onions and more in produce.  Mashed potatoes sound good and I can eat them on a regular basis.  The past few days folks have not touched the breads much.  Today it was all gone.  Lot's of candy, pop, and sport drinks.  I have a lot of meat saved up.  Hey, Cubs have bonless pork loins for 1.49 lb.  Got a couple today.  Looks like they won't get much or any of chicken or ground beef delivered tonight.  Canned and boxed goods are slim to none.  Rice has been out for two days.  And so it goes.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: birdswacker on March 03/15/20, 04:21:14 PM
I was just a cub to grab a few things and I was shocked.
There was a lady going batcrap crazy because they were out of chicken! The employee nicely told her they had frozen chicken breasts and she wanted nothing to do with that and then said she was gonna go somewhere else. I looked at him and said good luck!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/15/20, 04:36:30 PM
It's gonna start gettin' ugly real soon if they don't start puttin' limits on sh**!

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on March 03/15/20, 04:52:46 PM
It's the people who are creating this shortage.  The suppliers have the products but people are buying more than they need.  Another reason is there are not enough truck drivers.  Prior to this virus thing the drivers they had was good enough.  Nobody knew this thing was coming.  So now you have to hire more drivers.  If you had a buisness you would know how many folks you need to carry out the work needed to get done.  When something like this happens and you are in the food buisness all of the sudden you are looking for more help and this is what is happening now.  Hording is selfish and not needed.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/15/20, 05:17:38 PM
Exactly. You can't eat 20 cases of TP. Buy what yer family should need, not a ton extra to "be prepared". That's wherein the shortages lie. Blizzard/panic shopping. Also, the grocery stores I've seen just do not have the help right now to stock the shelves, becuz very few want an entry-level job like was the norm for you and I. Everyone needs at least $20 per hr job to buy their iPhones and $200 month plans so they can chitty-chat on their social website and post glorious selfies. Very few plan ahead anymore, it's the me-me instant gratification order a "meal-kit" off Amazon for tomorrows dinner. Instant gratification = instant $$$. They're gonna wake up in a real hurry, I'll tell ya.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/15/20, 05:30:53 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/15/20, 05:50:12 PM
I work as a maintenance tech at a grocery distribution center. I called there to see how things are going. I guess it is just nuts. Unprecedented volume, they can't keep up. Guess I picked the right weekend to be a caregiver.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/15/20, 06:05:22 PM
Will you have a trunkfull of TP when ya come down here?  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/15/20, 06:08:11 PM
I went down to the local grocery store to pick up milk and cheese for da fajita's. of course I needed to check out the stores. all sanitary wipes gone, anything with bleach was limit 2. bread was pretty wiped out and most brand name TP  was to.

teals here in town had a limit 2 on a lot of the hoarded items!!!!!! but store was pretty picked over. more then normal for a late sunday afternoon. but I didn't think it was to bad. no idjiots in there when I was.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/15/20, 06:27:01 PM
There was at least one
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/15/20, 06:28:11 PM
Well, I didn't want ya to feel left out. I put up a sign  and arrow: Plenty of 1/2 price TP available in Cold Springs".  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

No, I wouldn't do that. But......might wanna watch yer mail.  ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/15/20, 06:56:22 PM
There was at least one
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/15/20, 06:57:22 PM
Well, I didn't want ya to feel left out. I put up a sign  and arrow: Plenty of 1/2 price TP available in Cold Springs".  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

No, I wouldn't do that. But......might wanna watch yer mail.  ;)
hey I thought you were taking a road trip!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :doah: :doah: we could use the peace and quiet here!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :sleazy: :kiss: :kiss: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/15/20, 06:59:49 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/15/20, 07:01:48 PM
just razzing ya!!!!!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/15/20, 07:03:29 PM
I know.

After seeing Mom, fighting idiots while trying to get my diabetic meds at Walmart, I didn't feel like anything except maybe getting drunk and kicking the sh** outta someone. Or maybe a full choke hold.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/15/20, 08:00:45 PM
Thanks for the warning.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/15/20, 08:01:49 PM
There was at least one
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :rotflmao:
Just couldn't resist
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/16/20, 08:49:39 AM
The better people are about isolating themselves and only going out when they have to the sooner this will be over.  Hopefully this makes a quick recovery. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/16/20, 09:35:15 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/16/20, 09:57:38 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/16/20, 10:13:55 AM
Legal or not he is still a scumbag. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/16/20, 10:19:09 AM


Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/16/20, 10:23:29 AM
Sounds like somebody caught the bug in Waseca. Don't think it's roony cuz it was someone 40-something years old. Art is an old fart like me!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/16/20, 10:50:35 AM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/16/20, 11:02:12 AM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/16/20, 11:35:21 AM


Ijut...  jail inmates are probably safer from the virus than the rest of us.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/16/20, 11:36:51 AM


I clicked on the link and there is a note posted at the top that the cruise has been conceded since the article was first posted.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Cooperman on March 03/16/20, 12:31:12 PM


I clicked on the link and there is a note posted at the top that the cruise has been conceded since the article was first posted.
Ahh darn it, that onboard dance party sounded like fun!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/16/20, 12:34:54 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/16/20, 12:36:40 PM


I clicked on the link and there is a note posted at the top that the cruise has been conceded since the article was first posted.
Ahh darn it, that onboard dance party sounded like fun!

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/16/20, 01:16:22 PM
And, after the dancing.... simply maahvelous movies!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/16/20, 01:24:19 PM
well.........LPS and JB.............looks like no sneeking across da border now!!!!!!!!!!! canada is now closed to foriegners!!!!!!!!!!!! :shocked: :shocked:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/16/20, 01:29:05 PM
I'm applying for assylum. I'm an escapee!  :azn:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/16/20, 02:47:24 PM
well.........LPS and JB.............looks like no sneeking across da border now!!!!!!!!!!! canada is now closed to foriegners!!!!!!!!!!!! :shocked: :shocked:


this is what I read...  so go on over Glenn!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/16/20, 02:51:59 PM
well.........LPS and JB.............looks like no sneeking across da border now!!!!!!!!!!! canada is now closed to foriegners!!!!!!!!!!!! :shocked: :shocked:


this is what I read...  so go on over Glenn!!
naw i'm good. i just read the headline.........i was busy doing union thuggery!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: makes no sense, close the border but with exceptions????? :doofus: :doofus: :doofus: especially since these cooties are here!!!!!!!!! :scratch: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/16/20, 03:00:17 PM
politics Glenn Politics!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/16/20, 03:12:23 PM
politics Glenn Politics!!!
TRUMPS FAULT...... right Lee!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :sleazy: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/16/20, 03:13:40 PM
I heard there was a positive test at Ft. Frances.  Right across from I. Falls.   I heard today that the US is closing the border but Canada is letting people in yet.  Not sure if it is true or not. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/16/20, 03:26:07 PM
Lee I'm afraid to have to tell you, your worm wrangling days are over. I read all Illinois parks are now closed. :tut: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/16/20, 03:45:41 PM


Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/16/20, 05:17:24 PM
Wonder if all those Minnysoda casinos are gonna close? They should.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/16/20, 05:34:04 PM
NORTH BORDER UPDATE:  LOL  I called the Border Patrol, I know a few of them.  Good guys.  Well they have not had any info on closings.  BUT like the above thing from Trudea that was posted, that is the only deal.  AND if you are a Canadian or American citizen you can cross so no big deal.  Probably in the future though. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/16/20, 06:14:30 PM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/16/20, 06:24:07 PM
I click on links on here like I go out to eat, dont happen, I'll be fine.. Sounds like the patrons will be ok as well.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on March 03/16/20, 06:37:21 PM
went to Walmart today and they were bad.  They had a shipment of toilet paper but ran out fast.  Costco had a semi truck full of toilet paper and ran out quick.  Cub actually had better selection than Walmart but still short supply.  I think the stores biggest problem is that they don't have time to stock the stuff.  they need to close down by 9pm and open at 7am.  this will give them time to stock the stuff.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/16/20, 07:20:17 PM
We are only going near people when we have to.  The wife's work is pushing for more phone interviews and less personal contact interviews.  Sure hope she doesn't end up working from home.  Will cramp my style.  LOL   I actually have no style.  No it would be great but I would keep talking to here and that would bother her whilst working.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/16/20, 07:25:09 PM
Ya know a person can wipe their azz with a wet wash rag too.  No big deal if you run out of toilet paper.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/16/20, 08:10:54 PM
Ah, it's just a big farce. It'll all be Okey-dokey for everyone, even the restaurant owners like my friends that are gonna get whammed. Nothing but a sunshine enema! Slide right thru it like a monkey on a banana peel! :party1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/16/20, 08:18:17 PM
I feel for all of these business that are closing down.  It is a good thing to get this under control but there are going to be lots of them that go out of business. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/16/20, 08:24:57 PM
I feel for all of these business that are closing down.  It is a good thing to get this under control but there are going to be lots of them that go out of business.

and I wonder how need less that will be?????????????  just asking..........
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/16/20, 08:32:01 PM
Well, I know It's probably gonna hurt my buddy Charlie and his 4 waitresses if it lasts a month for him. Not to mention the cooks, too....I feel for all of them, because they're my friends. I'll do all I can for them. in the end, I doubt it'll make a difference. Too many other public places to get it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/16/20, 08:34:30 PM
Well, I know It's probably gonna hurt my buddy Charlie and his 4 waitresses if it lasts a month for him. Not to mention the cooks, too....I feel for all of them, because they're my friends. I'll do all I can for them. in the end, I doubt it'll make a difference. Too many other public places to get it.

and that is what I'm asking............
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/16/20, 08:43:02 PM
Then there's  the private sector..I see the punkster next door had FOUR trucks with his buddies and girlfriends pull up again this afternoon with 12 packs and plenty of beer. Almost a daily occurrence over there. He's got a bar and pool table set up in his GARAGE....What if one or two have it? They'll all go to work (if they are) tomorrow, and those ones will pas it to the bunch at work, who then get together with others of his buddies.....how do you control that?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Coffee118 on March 03/16/20, 08:48:25 PM
I lucked out with all of the closures, since I am drive thru only I can stay open for business. I’m sure business will be down but at least I’ll still be able make enough money to pay the bills I hope.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/16/20, 08:49:35 PM
They all need to go drive thru or bring it out to your car type of thing to stay in business.  May actually work well for some of them.  People still need to eat.  Any good food in a drive thru should do well. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/16/20, 09:05:05 PM
I wonder about all the street vendor/food trucks here...I would guess they can stay open. They're inside, yer outside. That's at least 3' away. Transmission distance.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/16/20, 09:15:59 PM
I wonder about all the street vendor/food trucks here...I would guess they can stay open. They're inside, yer outside. That's at least 3' away. Transmission distance.

Still a lot less exposure than sitting in a room full of people close together.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/16/20, 09:32:21 PM
That's what I just said. They best not tell them to close. They don't meet the Infection Control three methods of probable pathogen transmission. In case yer wondering, we had to re-certify in Infection Control every spring and take the test. Along with the radiation training and testing. Want me test yer Coleman silk lantern mantles? They're naturally radioactive. *clickety*click-click* Just thought I'd throw that in there for yer enjoyment and evening entertainment.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: markn on March 03/17/20, 07:17:42 AM
  We all need to be safe and take steps to stem this but......... we need some humor too. :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/17/20, 07:43:49 AM
Darned tootin', Mark..... ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/17/20, 08:33:59 AM
My brother went to Fareway yday not long after they opened, 8:30 ish, & they were standin in line for TP that was still on the truck. :crazy: Our schools went from some just extending Spring Break a week in the morning on Sunday to being closed for another month by early PM too. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/17/20, 12:20:25 PM
Just left fleet farm.  Ammo is flying off the shelves.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/17/20, 12:23:51 PM
Was wondering about that. With all the target practicing I heard on the landscape over the weekend they're probably running low.  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/17/20, 12:59:37 PM
Glad we have been stocking up for awhile.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/17/20, 02:18:22 PM
The govenor came out around 10:30 this mornin & ordered all bars, restuarants, gyms, & theaters down here closed at noon.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/20, 02:35:39 PM
I just drove through st cloud to do a union membership meeting and there are ALOT of empty food establishments with near empty parking lots.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/17/20, 02:37:26 PM
The govenor came out around 10:30 this mornin & ordered all bars, restuarants, gyms, & theaters down here closed at noon.

Bet the polly-ticians are having some "behind closed doors" meetings... :toast:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/17/20, 02:50:24 PM
I just drove through st cloud to do a union membership meeting and there are ALOT of empty food establishments with near empty parking lots.

 the new norm, and DWI's will be down too I'll bet
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/17/20, 03:55:18 PM
Their handing out rubber gloves at work,  sure wish I had a pair while fueling this afternoon. Thought I would top it off, just in case ya know.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/17/20, 03:56:30 PM
Gee. I wonder if they will have to post pone the election if this goes on to long.  ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/17/20, 03:59:39 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/17/20, 04:03:38 PM
Just heard Macys is closing all their stores...  And my bank, Think (formerly known as IBM credit union) is closing their lobby service.  Drive up, on line, and by appointment only. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/17/20, 04:07:17 PM
Gee. I wonder if they will have to post pone the election if this goes on to long.  ;)

Well, people just don't seem to get it. I stopped at my buddy's tire place today to have the lugs retorqued after my rotation a month ago, and there were was a young chinese girl and guy in there engrossed in their life-giving Iphones. She was snorting and sneezin, into the air, and wipin' her nose on her coat...I got up and stood outside by the truck until Matt came out. That's why I think this quarantine may help, but it sure ain't gonna stop nothing' with crap like that happening.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/17/20, 04:09:09 PM
Just heard Macys is closing all their stores...  And my bank, Think (formerly known as IBM credit union) is closing their lobby service.  Drive up, on line, and by appointment only.

Affinity did that last Friday. And the place where Mom is at now said NO VISITORS OR VENDORS IN THE COTTAGES, PERIOD.
Wonder who's gonna stock 'em with food?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/17/20, 04:22:11 PM
All Social Security offices are closed. Post office here closing up today.
Sure glad I did my taxes and got 'em back two weeks ago.  :azn:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/17/20, 04:27:28 PM
My niece works at a bar and she just said if they serve a drink after 5 they will be fined $1,000
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/17/20, 04:29:28 PM
I did the Census in 2010 and applied to do it this year.  Have gotten a number so am in the system.  I wonder how that will all pan out.  Our job is to go to peoples houses and or call them to get them to help do their info. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/17/20, 04:30:20 PM
Thru the window like in prison.   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Cooperman on March 03/17/20, 04:51:00 PM
Pet owners, it’s happening with pet food also. My wife went to Chuck&Don’s and this is the photo she sent me. I told her I would order from Chewy.Com. When I placed the order I received this email.

Things are a little backed up on our end with many pet parents ordering food and supplies. Rest assured, we're working hard to deliver your order as soon as possible, while caring for the health and safety of our team members.
We expect most orders to be delivered within the next 5-8 days. You'll automatically receive a tracking link as soon as your order ships. Nothing to do on your part. We're taking care of it.
Thank you for understanding. We hope all our pet parents and their beloved pets stay safe.

Yours truly,

The Chewy Family
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/17/20, 04:54:15 PM
Ssssoooooo.......we are testing at work.....
They are taking our temperature, if you have a fever of 100.2, you get sent home and cannot return without a doctor's note 😔
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on March 03/17/20, 04:56:00 PM
I was at Fleet Farm yesterday to get Lucy's food and there was plenty but that was yesterday.  If they run out she will eat with us.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/17/20, 04:56:46 PM
How many of you work where you work HD?  Is it a welding shop?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/17/20, 05:20:37 PM
Here's yer cue glenn... :rotflmao:

    https://www.barstoolsports.com/blog/2108988/the-best-solution-for-quarantine-depression-according-to-dr-oz-sex-and-lots-of-it  (https://www.barstoolsports.com/blog/2108988/the-best-solution-for-quarantine-depression-according-to-dr-oz-sex-and-lots-of-it)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/17/20, 05:38:01 PM
If I could give more than two likes I would have.   :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/17/20, 06:23:28 PM
How many of you work where you work HD?  Is it a welding shop?

At our division, we have around 85 employees, corporate wide, we have a few thousand.

I work in the die cast division, which makes some of the clutches, cylinder heads, brake assemblies, crank cases...etc... For most small gas engine, atv, utv on the market.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/20, 06:31:51 PM
How many of you work where you work HD?  Is it a welding shop?

At our division, we have around 85 employees, corporate wide, we have a few thousand.

I work in the die cast division, which makes some of the clutches, cylinder heads, brake assemblies, crank cases...etc... For most small gas engine, atv, utv on the market.
sounds like a good place to union organize!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :sleazy: :smoking: :smoking: :evil: :evil: :evil: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/17/20, 06:46:14 PM
How many of you work where you work HD?  Is it a welding shop?

At our division, we have around 85 employees, corporate wide, we have a few thousand.

I work in the die cast division, which makes some of the clutches, cylinder heads, brake assemblies, crank cases...etc... For most small gas engine, atv, utv on the market.
sounds like a good place to union organize!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :sleazy: :smoking: :smoking: :evil: :evil: :evil: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:

Actually, we had some union organizers wanting to bring the union in....they locked the gates and asked if you wanted to work? If you wanted the union, the gates would stay locked....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/20, 06:48:11 PM
How many of you work where you work HD?  Is it a welding shop?

At our division, we have around 85 employees, corporate wide, we have a few thousand.

I work in the die cast division, which makes some of the clutches, cylinder heads, brake assemblies, crank cases...etc... For most small gas engine, atv, utv on the market.
sounds like a good place to union organize!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :sleazy: :smoking: :smoking: :evil: :evil: :evil: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:

Actually, we had some union organizers wanting to bring the union in....they locked the gates and asked if you wanted to work? If you wanted the union, the gates would stay locked....
and that my friend is illegal as hell...……..what union??ours......we'd be talkin to NLRB!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/17/20, 06:53:49 PM
Nerds liking ruebarb?  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/20, 07:10:30 PM
Nerds liking ruebarb?  :rotflmao:
:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :pouty: :thumbs: :doofus: :doofus: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/18/20, 09:31:07 AM
Saw some interviews with a large group of Spring-breakers in Florida on TWC this am. They're still massing together, said it's not fair closing the bars and restaurants and implementing all these rules. One girl said "this is what we're supposed to on Spring Break; hit all the bars". One guy and chick said the government is "screwed up and just wants to stop Spring break", and that "this virus thing is blown way out of proportion". Incredible. Sounded like a bunch of whiney six year olds.
With this kinda crap, no quarantine is ever going work. The millennial "me me me" instant gratification thing rears it's ugly head.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/18/20, 09:46:43 AM
Target cuts store hours, has special times for older folk....

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/18/20, 11:06:48 AM
CAWChester just suspended most of public bus service......yer on yer own.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/18/20, 11:16:31 AM
Heard 1 nice story out of Des Moines where a guy left a $950 tip at a small restuarant before they had to close. It was enough for ~ $300 per employee & he asked the owner to partial it out so  they didn't get it all at once so it would last them longer. :cool:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/18/20, 02:26:21 PM

For the Love of GOD! 
Can we PLEASE stop with the Running total and only report Active cases or deaths!  No one has recovered yet in MN since Feb 29th?   :mad1:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/18/20, 03:52:09 PM
If it doesn't fit your narrative,  never let the truth get in the way of a good story.  :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/18/20, 03:52:19 PM
I just wanna see funny cartoons!  :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on March 03/18/20, 03:57:47 PM
Was going to quit the job in March.  Well I'm Glad I didn't quit yet.  Will stick around for a couple of more months since I only work 8 days a month.  The good thing is when I'm there I get to pick out and get meat that I want.  Even got a big pack of toilet paper this morning as I walked into work before 5am.  Even then they only had 5 packs on the shelf.  I only took one but they are going to put limits on them which they should.  So this is what is happening as far as I know.  Today for the first time Cubs put eggs on a  one carton per customer limit.  we found out that Costco and Sams were out of eggs.  Ground beef is the tough item to find along with chicken items.  I ground over 400 pounds of ground beef today from trimings from the beef we cut.  It was gone within an hour.  The tube stuff and any other pre- packaged ground beef is hard to get.

Best time to get ground beef is early if they do get tubed or pre-packaged ground beef.  As far as fresh ground beef that's ground at the store it won't come out till cutting of beef is done.  That time depends on the store and how the butchers time their cutting list.  It doesn't last long.  Basicly most meat items go fast.  Lunch meats, smoked sausages ect along with frozen chicken and other products sell fast.  Just can't catch up.  Today was the first time our meat case looked good, well for a few hours anyway. 

Talked to our dairy manager also.  I already told you about the eggs.  But milk should not be a problem.  They are getting stuff in but there are just so many people who stock it.  Grocery is the same thing.  They are trying their best but there are only so many who stock the stuff.  Produce get's hit also and doesn't get filled until the afternoon.  so try not to get angry at the stores or the workers.  They put out what they get in.  Problem is the hording.  If everyone just bought what they needed there would be less shortages.  Hope this helps some.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/18/20, 04:15:43 PM
Good read Rh,  unless these people are sharing , the produce only last so long. The Mrs. was looking for ground beef today and didn't find any but I told her next time if they have chuck roasts get them and I'll grind em up.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/18/20, 04:16:35 PM

"Updated on March 17 at 6:43 p.m. ET:
According to the World Health Organization, the disease is relatively mild in about 80% of cases. "MILD" So it sounds like some have or are on their way to recovery! So, lets offer some hope and not doom and gloom! But, that doesn't make good News!  :bonk: :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/18/20, 04:21:09 PM
We have three here that Mayo says are "recovering well at home". Not youngsters, either. And no one that has it here is critical. That from Mayo. Just a tidbit...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on March 03/18/20, 04:33:06 PM
Bobber chuck roasts are on sale at $4.99 lb at Cubs.  Not the best price because we sell the shop trim at 3.99 lb. but the problem is it sells fast.  You may get a good deal if you ask where you shop what the price is for the whole chuck roll before they cut it in the vac pac it comes in.  They weigh 25 to 35 pound on average.  I do that and cut the chuck eye steaks out, some roasts, and rest for burger.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/18/20, 04:58:21 PM
I just wanna see funny cartoons!  :doofus:

Here ya go!  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/18/20, 04:59:46 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/18/20, 05:11:38 PM
good one...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/18/20, 06:03:40 PM

Anti-Malaria Pill?

MINNEAPOLIS — More than a week ago, David Boulware had a eureka moment. The professor of medicine at the University of Minnesota thought to himself — what if a common, inexpensive, “old school” anti-malaria pill could help prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus?

Virtually overnight, Boulware has assembled a team of 10 U of M medical scientists, statisticians and pharmacologists to test out his theory, which involves feeding a preventative medication that’s been around since 1955 to volunteers for five days. His team will monitor which ones contract the COVID-19 virus and which ones don’t.

“We started yesterday,” said Boulware on Wednesday, March 18. “Our hypothesis is we’re going to reduce the number who get sick by 50 percent, and hopefully more than that.”

The U of M Ethics Board quickly signed off on his national clinical trial, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has sped up its own review. Boulware’s experiment enrolled his first 25 volunteers on Tuesday, about nine days after he organized his team.

This doesn’t happen very often. Experiments testing active drugs on live patients usually take six months to a year just to get up and running.

For Boulware’s team, there’s only one big hurdle remaining: finding up to 1,500 volunteers who have definitely been exposed to the virus. He’s not looking for people with a general concern.

“The inclusion is someone with a known exposure to someone they live with, or a health care worker exposed to a patient,” Boulware said. “Those are the people with the highest risk of transmission. If it works in this highest risk group, it will work in lower risk groups, as well.”

The U of M issued a widespread call Tuesday for volunteers willing to enroll in the trial, which involves feeding half the volunteers the drug and the other half a vitamin placebo. Both groups will be monitored remotely for two weeks to determine who gets a bit ill, who gets really ill and who doesn’t get sick at all.

Boulware, whose major focus is usually HIV-related anti-fungal meningitis trials in Africa, said this test involves hydroxychloroquine, an FDA-approved medicine for the prevention and treatment of malaria. The pills, available since the 1950s, are sold under the brand name Plaquenil(R).

A five-day supply costs about $12.

He said the drug clearly works against what’s known in the lab as the SAS-Covi2 virus, but in a petri dish. Despite some “hints and rumors” leaking out of China, said Boulware, it has not been officially tested on humans.

“The data suggests it works in the lab — in a petri dish, in a subculture — but the hints and rumors that it may be effective for treatment, that hasn’t been confirmed,” he said.

Could a cure for coronavirus around the corner? Boulware cautions that preventing infection in a healthy person who lives with or has been in contact with an infected patient may be a far cry from treating someone who already has advanced symptoms.

“Treating people with severe disease may be different than prevention,” Boulware said. “It’s much easier to treat someone early on. After they get sick, and they have severe symptoms, it’s harder, especially for viral infections, to alter that course.”

Nevertheless, said Boulware, “I think I’m optimistic. I wouldn’t be doing this if I wasn’t optimistic.”

If you think you may be eligible to participate in the clinical trial, email covid19@umn.edu for further instructions.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/18/20, 06:21:51 PM
Good read Rh,  unless these people are sharing , the produce only last so long. The Mrs. was looking for ground beef today and didn't find any but I told her next time if they have chuck roasts get them and I'll grind em up.

Got ground beef at costco yesterday.   They were shoveling it out of there.  About every cart had a pack.   Seem to be recovering from the weekend as time goes by.    I've been getting prescriptions refilled now that we are back.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/18/20, 06:46:20 PM
"Boulware, whose major focus is usually HIV-related anti-fungal meningitis trials in Africa, said this test involves hydroxychloroquine, an FDA-approved medicine for the prevention and treatment of malaria."

How come I suddenly feel like Lee when I make them great big letters? :laugh: Guess what it's derived from? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller? Here I've been self medicating all along and didn't realize it. I read somewhere you'd have to drink >570 G&T's using commercialy available tonic water to get the proper dosage but hey, I'm game! I'd even use my higher % quinine syrup as part of a study so oughtta be a piece of cake!  :rotflmao: 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/18/20, 06:47:05 PM
I wonder what happens to all the meat and produce in the coolers at restaurants....the meat is fresh and so is the produce... hope they find good use for it. :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/18/20, 06:52:53 PM
"Boulware, whose major focus is usually HIV-related anti-fungal meningitis trials in Africa, said this test involves hydroxychloroquine, an FDA-approved medicine for the prevention and treatment of malaria."

How come I suddenly feel like Lee when I make them great big letters? :laugh: Guess what it's derived from? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller? Here I've been self medicating all along and didn't realize it. I read somewhere you'd have to drink >570 G&T's using commercialy available tonic water to get the proper dosage but hey, I'm game! I'd even use my higher % quinine syrup as part of a study so oughtta be a piece of cake!  :rotflmao:

I E-mailed him yer name, said you were an excellent test subject.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/18/20, 07:15:43 PM
I wonder what happens to all the meat and produce in the coolers at restaurants....the meat is fresh and so is the produce... hope they find good use for it. :confused:

I felt bad today that I forgot to eat lunch with everything else going on. A buddy of mine got takeout from the restaurant we frequent and they only had two orders at lunchtime. :sad: :embarrassed: Need to change that tomorrow.  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/18/20, 07:27:22 PM
So you bringing them some of that "select" freezer stalk you speak so highly of. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/18/20, 07:39:11 PM
No, that all went yer direction... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/18/20, 08:38:11 PM
I wondered about our quinine treatments Dotch.  Self prescribed too.  And we aren't looking for any government subsidies.  Well are we??   If it beats malaria it should beat this. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/18/20, 09:01:16 PM
Subsidies? None needed here, just taking one for the team! :drinking:

The worst thing right now is I need a haircut. My haircutter's closed due to state mandate & my sheep shearer hurt his back. Plus I'm gonna look like Billy Gibbons or Dusty Hill if'n I don't shave purty quick.  :rocker;
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/18/20, 10:23:28 PM
Subsidies? None needed here, just taking one for the team! :drinking:

The worst thing right now is I need a haircut. My haircutter's closed due to state mandate & my sheep shearer hurt his back. Plus I'm gonna look like Billy Gibbons or Dusty Hill if'n I don't shave purty quick.  :rocker;
I'll come down a fix ya up!!!👍 :evil: :sleazy: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/19/20, 07:00:59 AM
here's a good read;


sure would be nice if more folks understood this!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/19/20, 07:39:31 AM
Sent my buddy that article about the guy at the U...   He wrote back that he was already taking that drug for Rheumatoid Arthritis....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/19/20, 07:56:35 AM
We have three here that Mayo says are "recovering well at home". Not youngsters, either. And no one that has it here is critical. That from Mayo. Just a tidbit...

Reb.  Do you have a link or something to that report.  I would like to send some good news to a few people who are ready to jump off the clif.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/19/20, 08:03:09 AM
I see now the feds have opened all national parks for free...  interesting..
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/19/20, 08:14:18 AM
i have started to think about taking this crap a bit more serious..........not that i was out trying to get exposed, but when i had my physical tusday and they mentioned that i could be a somewhat "at risk" person. :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/19/20, 08:22:55 AM
The shopping panic is alive & well in Austin too . :crazy: :doofus: We made a quick run out to Hy-Vee to talk to Sis as she was about to get off work for the day & the # of shoppers at 2:30 yday was surprising. Needed a couple things from across the street, Walmart, so we stopped there as well. Quite a few bare shelves there, both in the grocery & pharmacy departments.  :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/19/20, 08:25:41 AM
Yes it is interesting to see what is gone from shelves.  No flour to be had for example.  You'd think folks were going to start baking their own bread.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/19/20, 08:25:51 AM
The shopping panic is alive & well in Austin too . :crazy: :doofus: We made a quick run out to Hy-Vee to talk to Sis as she was about to get off work for the day & the # of shoppers at 2:30 yday was surprising. Needed a couple things from across the street, Walmart, so we stopped there as well. Quite a few bare shelves there, both in the grocery & pharmacy departments.  :pouty:
so you dont even shop and support the place of your sisters employment!!!!!!! :confused: :mad1: :shocked: :doofus: :doofus: :tut: :tut: :tut: :banghead: :banghead: training-087
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/19/20, 08:38:48 AM
 :tut: :mooning:   I didn't say what we bought at Walmart. Besides they're not union, what do you care? :doofus: :pouty: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/19/20, 08:41:36 AM
:tut: :mooning:   I didn't say what we bought at Walmart. Besides they're not union, what do you care? :doofus: :pouty: :doah:
Cause!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :rotflmao: i friggin HATE WALLYWORLD!!!!!!! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/19/20, 09:04:04 AM
Even here in Baudette the flour was gone.  The shelves are always full of flour.  People must be making bread so they don't have to go to the store as much. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/19/20, 09:17:10 AM
:tut: :mooning:   I didn't say what we bought at Walmart. Besides they're not union, what do you care? :doofus: :pouty: :doah:
Cause!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :rotflmao: i friggin HATE WALLYWORLD!!!!!!! 
She's got 40+ years in there & let me tell you Hy-Vee don't treat their workers much better.  :tut: She never has a weekend off as she works Saturday or Sunday every week. She usually has to take vacation to get a holiday off too. :crazy: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/19/20, 09:18:36 AM
:tut: :mooning:   I didn't say what we bought at Walmart. Besides they're not union, what do you care? :doofus: :pouty: :doah:
Cause!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :rotflmao: i friggin HATE WALLYWORLD!!!!!!! 
She's got 40+ years in there & let me tell you Hy-Vee don't treat their workers much better.  :tut: She never has a weekend off as she works Saturday or Sunday every week. She usually has to take vacation to get a holiday off too. :crazy: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/20, 09:46:48 AM
We have three here that Mayo says are "recovering well at home". Not youngsters, either. And no one that has it here is critical. That from Mayo. Just a tidbit...

Reb.  Do you have a link or something to that report.  I would like to send some good news to a few people who are ready to jump off the clif.

Sure Leech. Let me dig around, I'll find it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/20, 09:51:32 AM
Here they are, Leech. Hope this helps them!  :smiley:

First one:

News • 2020
Public Health officials announced Wednesday the first presumptive case of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in an Olmsted County resident.

This marks Minnesota’s fifth confirmed case of what the World Health Organization is now officially calling a pandemic.

➡ Test results came back positive last night through the state public health laboratory. It is the first case of the coronavirus to be reported in southeast Minnesota.

➡ The person is in their 50s with known travel to an area outside of the U.S. with known activity. (Additional details about the individual are not being released to protect the patient's privacy.)

➡ They were seen at Mayo Clinic in Rochester before being discharged. Mayo spokesperson Bob Nellis said all proper precautions were taken ahead of the patient's visit. “We are following all precautions,” said Nellis. “There should be no doubt about that. Our staff is safe, and they have been.”

➡ Like 80 percent of those who contract the virus, the patient has only mild symptoms, similar to the cold or flu. They are now home recovering, and it appears "they are going to be fine," said Olmsted County Public Health Director Graham Briggs.

Number two:

Health officials are reporting that there are two cases of COVID-19 in Olmsted County, and 35 in the state.

The first case in Olmsted County was reported on Wednesday. The individual is in their 50s and is expected to recover. The second individual is also recovering at home. Both are expected to be fine. Health officials said both individuals had traveled to areas with known outbreaks.

Olmsted County Public Health Director Graham Briggs said it is likely there will be community spread. At a news conference on Wednesday, he said he would like to remind residents that 80 percent of cases do not require hospitalization.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/19/20, 10:01:13 AM
I've worked for walmart on the supply chain for about 4 years. I had, still have, my own woodworking business for close to forty years. It just got so I couldn't afford health insurance any more so I started looking for work. The DC in Mankato hired me while others did not. I think because of my age.
After working for myself for so long it was quite an adjustment working for a huge corporation. I started on production and moved to maintenance which was a great advancement. With some exceptions they have treated me great. I have great managers and a great crew to work with.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/20, 10:08:59 AM
One of my car buddies works at Walfart on the overnite crews....after he retired from Mayo. He said he likes it there and has no complaints, and this guy won't take any crap from anyone. Can't be too bad if he likes it. My lifelong friend and fellow shift officer's wife also works at SlyVee, and she said they're bastids to work for. Continually flipping her hours and days around. But they need the income. Mayo hosed him over big-time on his retirement, (Partly his fault) as they did a lot of guys. I squeeked out just barely in the nick of time with all bennies and coverage.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/19/20, 10:10:16 AM
Just saying they aren't quite the evil empire some of you think the are. And no Union dues either.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/19/20, 10:11:44 AM
heard that that about Slyvee 20 plus years ago too,,  employee owned too??  what ever.........
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/20, 10:21:04 AM
Well, when I stopped there on my 3 mile grocery run the other day, just to see if they had dish soap and paper towels, (They didn't) I clearly saw they were taking advantage of folks. I watch the ads really close, and know what stuff costs. Folgers 3 lb tubs of coffee are $7.49 to 7.99 every day everyhwhere. (Did actually get 2 at Walmart later that day for that price) They had a big display out front of it...for $9.29 Tell me they aren't hosing ya on that. I noticed some other prices were insane, too. They've always been like that. Do the loss-leader thing  to drag ya in, then wham ya. People just don't see that, especially now. And that's why they do it.
Had sign for burger in a tube, 80/20....$4 a tube. They had none.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/19/20, 10:44:22 AM
this is getting crazy. just got off the phone with the plant manager up in st cloud. they recieved a letter from Anderson trucking pleading with them to at least let the drivers use the bathrooms. alot of the truck stops are closed, wayside rests so.......he even said some places wont even let them in the gate..unload at the gate and go away!!!!!

i so cant wait till tomorrow to get away. now some employers are pushing the button on asking illegal health questions, forcing people/workers into potential corona areas where its been detected.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/19/20, 10:47:02 AM
this is getting crazy. just got off the phone with the plant manager up in st cloud. they recieved a letter from Anderson trucking pleading with them to at least let the drivers use the bathrooms. alot of the truck stops are closed, wayside rests so.......he even said some places wont even let them in the gate..unload at the gate and go away!!!!!

and it keeps getting worse.................   no common sense to the rescue.... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/20, 10:52:03 AM
I'm staying home, leaving the news off (don't watch it anyway) and catching up on re-reading some of my favorite classics. Puttering around the rec room and garage. You can all yell at me too, becuz I PUT THE SNOWBLOWERS AWAY for the year the other day! Changed oil and plugs, lubed and sprayed. I hadda do something!  :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/19/20, 10:55:01 AM
Agreed. It's gone overboard in some cases. Listening to the monotonous drone of the nattering nabobs of negatvism on TV doesn't cut it. And a guy's gotta do something. Can't go anywhere to eat so I gotta get the wife something for her birthday today. Got some Cabelas points so perhaps a new fishing rod or if I wanna go all out, maybe a .243!  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/20, 12:21:41 PM
Had a thing on two of our news stations concerning the restaurant closings in town. City and the PD and sheriffs dept said they will order all meals in from a different restaurant daily to support them.Wonder who's paying for that? Also, they urged all CAWchester residents to do the same as much as they can, order meals from all the restaurants that are doing take out, a different one every day, to support them. Great idea, but what about the retired, low-income, and folks on disability that can't even get enough food because of the shortages and lack of money right now? They're supposed to sit back and eat peanut butter and soup, if they have it? I fired off a letter to the stations, let's see if I even get a reply. This town just doesn't give a damn unless you've got $$$ in yer pockets.
No two ways about it. Let's do something for the folks that can't do it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/19/20, 12:41:37 PM
Agreed. It's gone overboard in some cases. Listening to the monotonous drone of the nattering nabobs of negatvism on TV doesn't cut it. And a guy's gotta do something. Can't go anywhere to eat so I gotta get the wife something for her birthday today. Got some Cabelas points so perhaps a new fishing rod or if I wanna go all out, maybe a .243!  :happy1:

I think they closed Cabala's down?     :pouty:  It's Bass Pro Shop now!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/19/20, 12:44:09 PM
Just got done reading the local paper.  The County Commissioners had an emergency meeting to deal with the issues now at hand.  One comment they made was that they wish the State would close the walleye season to end all of these people from all over coming up here and spreading the virus.  As a remote community if it got a stronghold here we would be in deep trouble.  I also wish they would keep it closed to prevent the overthrow of the area by fisher people here at ice out on the river. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/19/20, 12:55:40 PM
With a limited number of test available, how is it that the pro athletes can get tested before others?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/19/20, 12:56:51 PM
Do you still see alot of them coming up Barry. I heard they have really slowed down. Rocky is shutting down after Sunday because of how much it has slowed down. And I hope they don't close it early, this is my favorite time of the year to ice fish. I do wish they would close down the river though like you said.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/20, 12:58:00 PM
Seriously...how would they close down the river?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/19/20, 01:00:24 PM
Agreed. It's gone overboard in some cases. Listening to the monotonous drone of the nattering nabobs of negatvism on TV doesn't cut it. And a guy's gotta do something. Can't go anywhere to eat so I gotta get the wife something for her birthday today. Got some Cabelas points so perhaps a new fishing rod or if I wanna go all out, maybe a .243!  :happy1:

I think they closed Cabala's down?     :pouty:  It's Bass Pro Shop now!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Think we're good. If they did it was very recent as the bill I got the other day still says Cabela's on it. And the points are still there.  :cool:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/19/20, 01:02:11 PM
Seriously...how would they close down the river?
Close it down to Walleye fishing the open water when they are spawning. Lots of big girls caught and miss handled.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/19/20, 01:29:07 PM
Agreed. It's gone overboard in some cases. Listening to the monotonous drone of the nattering nabobs of negatvism on TV doesn't cut it. And a guy's gotta do something. Can't go anywhere to eat so I gotta get the wife something for her birthday today. Got some Cabelas points so perhaps a new fishing rod or if I wanna go all out, maybe a .243!  :happy1:

I think they closed Cabala's down?     :pouty:  It's Bass Pro Shop now!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
i just drove by there.......and it aint closed from the amount of cars in the lot!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/20, 01:30:25 PM

                                             :reporter;     ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/19/20, 01:31:05 PM
Just got done reading the local paper.  The County Commissioners had an emergency meeting to deal with the issues now at hand.  One comment they made was that they wish the State would close the walleye season to end all of these people from all over coming up here and spreading the virus.  As a remote community if it got a stronghold here we would be in deep trouble.  I also wish they would keep it closed to prevent the overthrow of the area by fisher people here at ice out on the river.
our county commisioners pretty mush shut down alot of there stuff to.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/19/20, 01:32:00 PM
Seriously...how would they close down the river?
Close it down to Walleye fishing the open water when they are spawning. Lots of big girls caught and miss handled.
yea i'd like to see the tribes abide by this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/20, 01:34:24 PM
And this is why the quarantine isn't going to work. The kiddies.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/19/20, 01:40:12 PM
And this is why the quarantine isn't going to work. The kiddies.

well.....like ole Dotch, they are self medicating!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/20, 03:08:04 PM
$10 toilet paper? Coronavirus gouging complaints surge in US

Updated: March 19, 2020 02:42 PM
Created: March 19, 2020 11:52 AM

One store advertised hand sanitizer at $60 a bottle. Another was accused of hawking it at $1 a squirt. Chain stores offered $26 thermometers and face masks at the "everyday low price" of $39.95 a pair, while a convenience store touted toilet paper at $10 a roll next to a sign reading: "This is not a joke."

Across a country where lines are long, some shelves are empty and patience is thin, authorities are receiving a surge of reports about merchants trying to cash in on the coronavirus crisis with outrageous prices, phony cures and other scams. An Associated Press survey of attorneys general or consumer protection agencies nationwide found reports already exceeded 5,000, with hundreds more arriving daily.

"Greed is a powerful motivator for some people," said Josh Stein, the attorney general of North Carolina, where the number of reports jumped from 72 to 131 one day earlier this week. "It is inexcusable to prey on people in a vulnerable time to make a quick buck."

AP's 50-state survey is the most comprehensive look so far at the emerging problem. In all, 41 states responded with numbers that included both tips and formally filed complaints against mom-and-pop stores and big-box retailers alike.

This combination of March 11, 2020 photos made by investigators with the Michigan Attorney General's Office shows a $4.47 shelf price sticker for a gallon of Clorox bleach and $8.99 on a price scanner for the same item at a Menards store in Jackson, Mich. (Michigan Attorney General's Office via AP)
This combination of March 11, 2020 photos made by investigators with the Michigan Attorney General's Office shows a $4.47 shelf price sticker for a gallon of Clorox bleach and $8.99 on a price scanner for the same item at a Menards store in Jackson, Mich. (Michigan Attorney General's Office via AP)

AP's count is certainly low also because it only includes cases in which someone went online or called to register a grievance. Many others went to the court of social media to vent their outrage.

"STOP SHOPPING HERE!!" one woman blared on Facebook next to cellphone photos of a Southern California grocery charging $6.98 for a gallon of milk and $14.99 for cheddar cheese. "There are families out there who really need groceries and they're overcharging."

Beyond AP's state count, individual cities are carrying out efforts to prevent exploitation. New York City alone has received more than 1,000 complaints, issued 550 violations and imposed $275,000 in fines for price gouging - including one case in which a store was accused of selling bottles of Purell at $79 each. Among the items the city is preventing stores from jacking up the prices on: aloe vera and rubbing alcohol, the ingredients that can be combined to make hand sanitizer.

Some states refused to share how many reports they've received and several rural states said they had none. Those that did are still checking out many of the claims. While some have gone to court against sellers, others have determined cases didn't meet their legal standard for price gouging, which generally involves an increase of more than 10%.

Many states said they try to resolve reports not by pursuing fines or criminal charges but by confronting the retailer, which typically apologizes and lowers the price.

In Maine, investigators had photographic evidence from a shopper showing the $10 rolls of toilet paper. In Tennessee, where state lawyers forced two brothers to stop selling the more than 17,000 bottles of hand sanitizer they had hoarded, investigators checked out a tip that a store was charging $1 for each squirt.

There were reports of overpriced rice in Wisconsin and potatoes in Idaho. In Connecticut, a seller reportedly inflated the cost of medical masks 10 times over the normal value. One couple in Ohio reported that a thermometer they bought for $8 at a national chain store cost $26 two days later.

"This is so wrong at a time of crisis," the wife wrote in her report about the thermometer. "Contact them and tell them they can't do this."

Pennsylvania, which with more than 1,200 reports earlier this week had the most in the nation, created an email address dedicated to complaints. Oregon launched a price-gouging hotline this week. Oklahoma's attorney general is shifting agents to its consumer protection unit.

A small slice of reports involved not high prices but false claims that products or services can detect or even cure the virus, which in most people causes only mild or moderate symptoms but can be deadly for some. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved no treatments or vaccines, and the National Institutes of Health says no scientific evidence exists to suggest alternative remedies help.

That hasn't stopped the likes of televangelist Jim Bakker pushing treatments with tiny silver particles and conspiracy theorist and Infowars host Alex Jones advertising toothpastes, creams and other products on his radio show. Both were targets last week of cease-and-desist letters from New York's attorney general, and the federal government has sent seven warning letters over false claims.

In Michigan, where reports spiked from 363 on Tuesday morning to 572 Wednesday, Attorney General Dana Nessel's office issued cease-and-desist letters instructing businesses and online sellers to correct their pricing or risk further action.

One went to an Ann Arbor cleaning store that used its Twitter account to advertise Purell at prices that soared from $7.50 for one large bottle to $60 in mere days. After customer backlash, the retailer called the tweeted advertisement a "false post" and lowered the prices.

Another warning letter went to the home improvement chain Menards. Some of its stores doubled the price of a gallon of Clorox bleach to $8.99 and offered two types of 3M respirator masks for an "everyday low price" of $39.95 a pair - more than four times what Home Depot advertised.

"I'm very disappointed with Menards' choice of actions during this uneasy time," one man who believed he was overcharged for bleach wrote in an affidavit.

Menards spokesman Jeff Abbott said in a statement that the Wisconsin-based chain considered the Clorox price reasonable because the product had a higher bleach concentration that would last customers twice as long. The statement didn't address the respirator masks.

"We are disappointed and are taking this very seriously," Abbott said.

Authorities in states including Florida were forwarding to the nation's online retail giants - including Amazon, Walmart and eBay - reports that third-party sellers on their sites were overcharging.

In a statement, Walmart spokesman Kevin Gardner said the company is "taking a firm stance" against possible price gouging on its Marketplace site. Walmart's policy calls for removing listings that are unfairly priced.

On Wednesday, a bipartisan group of House lawmakers urged the Justice Department - which has so far focused on false claims rather than high prices - to police price gouging so that people "have access to the items they need to protect themselves, their families, and their communities."

In an AP interview this week, Attorney General William Barr pledged that the Justice Department would "come down hard" on profiteers so they are not "taking advantage to further hurt the American people."
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/19/20, 03:59:49 PM
Another pandemic brewing up here, city owned liquor stores are shutting down. Lord help us if the rest shut down.. :tut:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on March 03/19/20, 04:39:07 PM
I think that's BS.  But if they do you can get booze and beer online.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/20, 05:28:39 PM
If they do that, which I doubt, things'll  get ugly fast. I would hope they realize that.
If they announce that, they just put a run on the booze. Compound the problem.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/19/20, 05:35:29 PM
If they do that, which I doubt, things'll  get ugly fast. I would hope they realize that.
If they announce that, they just put a run on the booze. Compound the problem.

I think that's already started...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/20, 05:39:33 PM
Wanna make a beer run with me? We can get lotsa cases in the truck.... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/19/20, 05:45:59 PM
I don't do a lot of boozing any more but I got a good supply if I decide to restart.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/20, 06:00:47 PM
I wish I could! Had to put my feet up and settle for a frosty mug of A&W last nite!  Works for me! Shoulda put a scoop of ice cream in it! :toast:
I know the booze stores deliver, so it really shouldn't be an issue.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/19/20, 06:12:42 PM
Another pandemic brewing up here, city owned liquor stores are shutting down. Lord help us if the rest shut down.. :tut:
meh, boober if they shut them down we,ll just go down to Dotchs and wait till the bulk tanker truck comes. :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/20/20, 07:37:29 AM
We did like HD last Friday and stocked up on beer. Bought 10 cases. Get 10% off when you do that too.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/20/20, 07:41:22 AM
With no one supposed to be out and about, and all that wood available,  mebbe if ya got a boiler and some copper tubing, and a drip chamber......naaa.   :rotflmao:   :police:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/20/20, 07:43:07 AM
And the latest, at SlyVee..... :doah:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/20/20, 07:51:38 AM
We did like HD last Friday and stocked up on beer. Bought 10 cases. Get 10% off when you do that too.

did the same thing here...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Coffee118 on March 03/20/20, 08:49:33 AM
I saw this article on FB

I talked with a man today, an 80+ year old man.  I asked him if there was anything I can get him while this Coronavirus scare was gripping America.

He simply smiled, looked away and said:

"Let me tell you what I need!  I need to believe, at some point, this country my generation fought for... I need to believe this nation we handed safely to our children and their children...

I need to know this generation will quit being a bunch of sissies...that they respect what they've been given...that they've earned what others sacrificed for."

I wasn't sure where the conversation was going or if it was going anywhere at all.  So, I sat there, quietly observing. 

"You know, I was a little boy during WWII.  Those were scary days.   We didn't know if we were going to be speaking English, German or Japanese at the end of the war.  There was no certainty, no guarantees like Americans enjoy today. 

And no home went without sacrifice or loss.  Every house, up and down every street, had someone in harm's way.  Maybe their Daddy was a soldier, maybe their son was a sailor, maybe it was an uncle.  Sometimes it was the whole damn family...fathers, sons, uncles...

Having someone, you love, sent off to war...it wasn't less frightening than it is today.  It was scary as Hell.  If anything, it was more frightening.  We didn't have battle front news.  We didn't have email or cellphones.  You sent them away and you hoped...you prayed.  You may not hear from them for months, if ever.  Sometimes a mother was getting her son's letters the same day Dad was comforting her over their child's death.

And we sacrificed.  You couldn't buy things.  Everything was rationed.  You were only allowed so much milk per month, only so much bread, toilet paper.  EVERYTHING was restricted for the war effort.  And what you weren't using, what you didn't need, things you threw away, they were saved and sorted for the war effort.  My generation was the original recycling movement in America.

And we had viruses back then...serious viruses.  Things like polio, measles, and such.  It was nothing to walk to school and pass a house or two that was quarantined.  We didn't shut down our schools.  We didn't shut down our cities.  We carried on, without masks, without hand sanitizer.  And do you know what?  We persevered.  We overcame.  We didn't attack our President, we came together.  We rallied around the flag for the war.  Thick or thin, we were in it to win.  And we would lose more boys in an hour of combat than we lose in entire wars today."

He slowly looked away again.  Maybe I saw a small tear in the corner of his eye.  Then he continued:

"Today's kids don't know sacrifice. They think a sacrifice is not having coverage on their phone while they freely drive across the country.  Today's kids are selfish and spoiled.  In my generation, we looked out for our elders.  We helped out with single moms who's husbands were either at war or dead from war.  Today's kids rush the store, buying everything they can...no concern for anyone but themselves.  It's shameful the way Americans behave these days.  None of them deserve the sacrifices their granddads made.

So, no I don't need anything.  I appreciate your offer but, I know I've been through worse things than this virus.  But maybe I should be asking you, what can I do to help you?  Do you have enough pop to get through this, enough steak?  Will you be able to survive with 113 channels on your tv?"

I smiled, fighting back a tear of my own...now humbled by a man in his 80's.  All I could do was thank him for the history lesson, leave my number for emergency and leave with my ego firmly tucked in my rear.

I talked to a man today.  A real man.  An American man from an era long gone and forgotten.  We will never understand the sacrifices.  We will never fully earn their sacrifices.  But we should work harder to learn about them..learn from them...to respect them.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/20/20, 08:56:07 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/20/20, 08:57:09 AM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/20/20, 09:11:47 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: markn on March 03/20/20, 09:28:24 AM
  Thanks coffee. :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/20/20, 09:29:00 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/20/20, 09:33:19 AM
 :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/20/20, 10:59:07 AM
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/20/20, 11:00:55 AM
And now for a little levity...

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/20/20, 11:07:06 AM
 :happy1: :happy1:

I like that!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/20/20, 11:17:53 AM
Now if Barney Fife had used THAT before singing instead of his throat spray... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/20/20, 01:12:08 PM
Just some fun! Someone did a fantastic job of cuttin' and dubbin' these... :happy1:


Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/20/20, 02:35:50 PM
Another Email from my attorney, presenting the new laws/sick leave, etc. Interesting. Hope this helps anyone that has questions/concerns.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/20/20, 03:00:34 PM
any one hearing the state is shutting down more businesses tomorrow??  hear some talk from a friend saying stuff to that effect...  gas stations?  liquor stores??  what next??
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/20/20, 03:23:25 PM
Can't shut down gas stations. Truckers, cops, ambulances, fire trucks, EMS, food delivery, prescip delivery...............plus self serve with ATM. No human interaction.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/20/20, 03:33:20 PM
Not  yet. Gov didn't say anything at the 2 o clock update.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/20/20, 03:35:32 PM
Haven't read anything like that yet but then, I don't get out much. Hell, nobody gets out much!  :huh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/20/20, 03:41:05 PM
that's why I'm wondering if people are putting the cart ahead of the horse, the ol scream wolf thing.....  sad....  and thanks guys!!! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/20/20, 03:53:59 PM
I saw a Miller Beer semi unloading a bit ago!    :rotflmao:  Had to get out and grab some milk and fresh air before I went totally cuckoo!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/20/20, 05:01:42 PM
Not  yet. Gov didn't say anything at the 2 o clock update.
BIL called a little after 1:00 & said Sis had called him, Hy-Vee in Austin was closing their liquor store today. We too thought Walz might be putting the" shelter in place" in effect at his 2:00 press conference but my brother went to Walmart liquor & got a bottle, they knew nothing about any changes for them. :scratch:  :confused:  :crazy: We decided just in case we'd rather be back home, so we pulled in ~ 1/2 hour ago.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/20/20, 05:13:54 PM
Just found out that the Municipal Liquor store is curb service.  Call them and they get what you want and run your card and then bring it out to you I guess.   I kind of like that kind of customer service actually.  Delivery from liquor stores is getting rolling too.   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/20/20, 05:34:09 PM
So howz that work with a massage parlor?   :scratch:   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/20/20, 06:13:18 PM
We're going out in the morning for groceries....wear gloves, wash yur hands before..... don't touch your face..... wash your hands afterwards.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/20/20, 06:20:59 PM
And don't go wee-wee in the men's room.... :tut:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/20/20, 06:26:34 PM
And don't go wee-wee in the men's room.... :tut:

Why? It's my pee.... Hahaha
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/20/20, 06:39:23 PM
Well, keep yer hands off yer weenie! Germs everywhere! No touching!  :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/20/20, 09:05:14 PM
Well, keep yer hands off yer weenie! Germs everywhere! No touching!  :doah:

My momma taught me to not piss on my fingers..
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/21/20, 08:41:44 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/21/20, 08:55:19 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/21/20, 09:32:47 AM
They are saying that we need to home school because of the virus 😷

Hold my beer.....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/21/20, 09:35:47 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/21/20, 09:45:58 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/21/20, 10:06:26 AM
They are saying that we need to home school because of the virus 😷

Hold my beer.....

that is great!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/21/20, 10:11:57 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/21/20, 10:21:53 AM
smart fish!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/21/20, 12:04:42 PM
Mayo Clinic Health System bans visitors at facilities in SE Minnesota

(ABC 6 News) -- Mayo Clinic Health System announced patients will no longer be able to have visitors for the time being.

The new policy is effective at 8 p.m. Friday.

For Mayo Clinic Health System locations, compassionate exceptions may be granted on a case-by-case basis for births, end-of-life care or other specific circumstances. All visitors granted exceptions will be screened prior to entry. No visitors under the age of 18 will be allowed.

Mayo Clinic is also temporarily closing Express Care sites in Albert Lea and Austin.

Mayo Clinic in Rochester is also banning visitors. The policy is effective March 22. Starting Monday, outpatient clinic patients may have one person accompany them with consideration for special exceptions.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/21/20, 07:09:52 PM
From a farmer perspective...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dakids on March 03/21/20, 08:02:01 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/21/20, 08:06:43 PM
excellent!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:

sure made me laugh!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/22/20, 04:55:59 PM
soI've been outta da loop/news since Friday. today I got an email from our apprenticeship coordinator. his wife cleans our hall. he made reference to taking out some of out leftover foods in case our office gets shutdown for a while.

is or has there been any babbling about shutting down all businesses in the state?? my wife said she drove past the Albertville mall early afternoon yesterday and the parking lot was pretty empty????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/22/20, 05:01:49 PM
An article in the Sunday paper sayin that they're gonna start makin hand sanitizer in a Ia prison, like NY, all from donated materials & the state will be giving it away free. It went on to say that Winnebago is donating some of their RV's to the people out in Calif who are on the front lines treating the really sick & have been sleepin in their cars.  :happy1: :cool: Despite their training & protecting gear they are concerned that they'll eventually get the virus so there are afraid to go home & infect their families. :crazy: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/22/20, 05:02:55 PM
An article in the Sunday paper sayin that they're gonna start makin hand sanitizer in a Ia prison, like NY, all from donated materials & the state will be giving it away free. It went on to say that Winnebago is donating some of their RV's to the people out in Calif who are on the front lines treating the really sick & have been sleepin in their cars.  :happy1: :cool: Despite their training & protecting gear they are concerned that they'll eventually get the virus so there are afraid to go home & infect their families. :crazy: :pouty:

The soldiers on the front line always know some are never going home....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/22/20, 05:18:37 PM
Time for more levity...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/23/20, 07:54:48 AM
Harvey Weinstein tests positive for coronavirus, report says

Convicted rapist and disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein tested positive for coronavirus, the head of the New York state corrections officers union told Reuters.

Weinstein, 68, was transferred to Wende Correctional Facility, a maximum-security state prison east of Buffalo, NY, on Wednesday. There, he tested positive for coronavirus, Michael Powers, president of the New York State Correctional Officers and Police Benevolent Association, learned on Sunday and told Reuters.

Weinstein is currently in isolation at the prison, Powers said, and several staff at the facility have also been quarantined.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/23/20, 08:05:56 AM
Another tidbit I heard this morning is that a lot of those Spring Breaker's are testing positive as they returned home. :shocked: :bonk: :banghead: :doah: :sad: That a way, take it back to the campus or your families. :crazy: :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/23/20, 08:17:46 AM
look out , sounds like a SHELTER IN PLACE, will or may be coming soon.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/23/20, 08:26:33 AM
look out , sounds like a SHELTER IN PLACE, will or may be coming soon.
Been hearing that too glenn. Most think Walz will come out sometime early this week with it. Haven't heard any mention of it down here........................yet.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/23/20, 08:36:41 AM
look out , sounds like a SHELTER IN PLACE, will or may be coming soon.
Been hearing that too glenn. Most think Walz will come out sometime early this week with it. Haven't heard any mention of it down here........................yet.

ST. PAUL, Minn. (KTTC)-- On Monday, Gov. Walz and the Minnesota Department of Health, will update the media on their response to COVID-19.

The briefing will be at 2 pm at the Department of Revenue in St. Paul.

Only members of the press will be permitted.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/23/20, 08:41:49 AM
Another pc on the news was about Washington DC, all apple trees are blossoming & way too many tourist who aren't practicing social distancing. The clip I seen had a lot older people in it too. :crazy: They've already set limits & are trying to control how many people in the area at 1 time.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/23/20, 08:47:09 AM
look out , sounds like a SHELTER IN PLACE, will or may be coming soon.

So, Marshal Law!  :undecided:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/23/20, 09:15:06 AM
No, that's MARTIAL law, leech.

THIS  is Marshall law.   ;) :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/23/20, 09:18:06 AM
I better go shopping quick!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/23/20, 09:50:26 AM
Those are all standard now at Walfart, home of the empty shelves and supply hogs.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/23/20, 10:10:59 AM
so i am hearing the state of Wisconsin is also considering this SIP. talking to the boss he is saying at the moment CONSTRUCTION in Minnesota at the moment is considered essential. since we are also a hiring Hall we believe we should be able to work, if that holds true.

not sure if they would define the shops as essential, but they do  construct/build things. one even uilds vessels for the drug industry and food......so .................   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on March 03/23/20, 10:13:26 AM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/23/20, 10:16:42 AM
The wife just read this to me:  If you just got a call saying you tested positive to Covid-19 and you had to list all of the people you have been in contact with and places you have been to in the last 14 days would you feel proud of yourself or embarrassed by your actions? 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/23/20, 10:36:29 AM
well I see not all schools are closed!!!  the Amish schools are going strong!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/23/20, 10:40:10 AM
Some should be required to watch this before heading into the store.  :azn:

  https://t.co/aEiQo14tIu   (https://t.co/aEiQo14tIu)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/23/20, 10:43:10 AM
Some should be required to watch this before heading into the store.  :azn:

  https://t.co/aEiQo14tIu   (https://t.co/aEiQo14tIu)

That and guards posted at all entrances/exits.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/23/20, 10:45:59 AM
No, that's MARTIAL law, leech.

THIS  is Marshall law.   ;) :rotflmao:

Ha, ha Dcik!   :angry:   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/23/20, 11:03:39 AM
No, that's MARTIAL law, leech.

THIS  is Marshall law.   ;) :rotflmao:

Ha, ha Dcik!   :angry:   :rotflmao:

Well!   :mooning:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/23/20, 11:08:58 AM
ta da
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/23/20, 11:11:31 AM
I knew it. Two months to go then my mortgage is paid off. Just my luck.  There goes my extra monthly cash.   :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/23/20, 11:18:02 AM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/23/20, 11:33:45 AM
so i am hearing the state of Wisconsin is also considering this SIP. talking to the boss he is saying at the moment CONSTRUCTION in Minnesota at the moment is considered essential. since we are also a hiring Hall we believe we should be able to work, if that holds true.

not sure if they would define the shops as essential, but they do  construct/build things. one even uilds vessels for the drug industry and food......so .................   
:scratch: Sure hope you can keep workin, glenn.  :rolleyes: For your wife's sake!!  :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:                                                        ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/23/20, 11:39:30 AM
so i am hearing the state of Wisconsin is also considering this SIP. talking to the boss he is saying at the moment CONSTRUCTION in Minnesota at the moment is considered essential. since we are also a hiring Hall we believe we should be able to work, if that holds true.

not sure if they would define the shops as essential, but they do  construct/build things. one even uilds vessels for the drug industry and food......so .................   
:scratch: Sure hope you can keep workin, glenn.  :rolleyes: For your wife's sake!!  :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:                                                        ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
#metoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/23/20, 11:40:06 AM
I knew it. Two months to go then my mortgage is paid off. Just my luck.  There goes my extra monthly cash.   :angry2:
:scratch: :scratch: why???????? makes no sense????????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/23/20, 12:14:24 PM
Why what?  Del said we're gonna die! The end is here!  He said 'bye!    :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/23/20, 12:15:43 PM

[/quote] :scratch: Sure hope you can keep workin, glenn.  :rolleyes: For your wife's sake!!  :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:                                                        ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Oh, he got a new job where he hasta work?!  :rotflmao:  :surrender:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/23/20, 12:27:00 PM
Why what?  Del said we're gonna die! The end is here!  He said 'bye!    :bonk:

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoJdb1TLLJQ   (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoJdb1TLLJQ)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/23/20, 12:27:55 PM
Why what?  Del said we're gonna die! The end is here!  He said 'bye!    :bonk:
why or when you start believing anything Del said?? :scratch: you bump your head?? :doofus: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/23/20, 12:29:29 PM

:scratch: Sure hope you can keep workin, glenn.  :rolleyes: For your wife's sake!!  :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:                                                        ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Oh, he got a new job where he hasta work?!  :rotflmao:  :surrender:
[/quote] :doah: :shocked: WELL.  :confused: :moon:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/23/20, 12:37:43 PM
HI GLENN!   Someone told me to say that!!!    :nerd:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/23/20, 01:03:30 PM
HI GLENN!   Someone told me to say that!!!    :nerd:
:banghead: :banghead: damn Gunner................................... :angry2: :confused: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/23/20, 01:16:00 PM
I knew it. Two months to go then my mortgage is paid off. Just my luck.  There goes my extra monthly cash.   :angry2:
:scratch: :scratch: why???????? makes no sense????????
Why what?  Del said we're gonna die! The end is here!  He said 'bye!    :bonk:
Had me  :scratch: too. :doofus: :doah:                                     ;) :rolleyes: :laugh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/23/20, 01:36:06 PM
You two gettin' to be ding and dong!   :bonk:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/23/20, 02:09:44 PM
A little light reading on Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce. No mention of union thugs. Looks like I still probably gotta do chores tho.  :doah:

 https://www.cisa.gov/publication/guidance-essential-critical-infrastructure-workforce  (https://www.cisa.gov/publication/guidance-essential-critical-infrastructure-workforce)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/23/20, 02:13:49 PM
A little light reading on Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce. No mention of union thugs. Looks like I still probably gotta do chores tho.  :doah:

 https://www.cisa.gov/publication/guidance-essential-critical-infrastructure-workforce  (https://www.cisa.gov/publication/guidance-essential-critical-infrastructure-workforce)
:mooning: :mooning: when they build power poles to bring that electricty to you house, when they build stainless vessels for food and drug companies, when they build bridge girders and structural steel and when they repair mining equipment..........there gonna be essential!!!!!! :tut: :tut: :mooning:

try again PUTZ!!!!!!!!! now mail carriers delivering dead critters..............thta another issue!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/23/20, 02:15:58 PM
Careful what you wish for pal... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/23/20, 02:55:05 PM
Just watched Walz's bcast. No SIP order today; still under consideration down the road......continue to do just what we have. Stay home if possible.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Lee Borgersen on March 03/23/20, 03:24:40 PM
Took my son over ta da hospital yesterday fur some scheduled X Rays. I was worried bout limited parking at dat time a day. Parkin is usually hard ta find. Well, I couldn't believe all da open parkin spots. :doah: We were greated by security :police: a plenty. Had ta show why we were dare. Den show um da x ray order. Next person asked us lots of questions bout our condition and past condition. Next person needed Id and printed us name badges. Der was hardly anyone in da waiting room area.

It was sort-a like a ghost town. I guess folks are stearin away from da hospital as much as day kin! We had no choice and had ta be dare.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/23/20, 03:49:42 PM
Ya don't wanna go to da hospital.... Dere's sick people dere...

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/23/20, 04:15:44 PM
Germ central.  :oscar:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/23/20, 04:26:33 PM
Not sure bout you guys but it's crazy how one can turn into a germaphobe in a short amount of time.  Between work and here anything that gets touched is wiped down daily,  might work might not but it's worth a shot. Cant speak for all but I could go for a few weeks off!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/23/20, 04:35:26 PM
Not sure bout you guys but it's crazy how one can turn into a germaphobe in a short amount of time.  Between work and here anything that gets touched is wiped down daily,  might work might not but it's worth a shot. Cant speak for all but I could go for a few weeks off!!  :happy1:

yes it's very interesting for sure...  too much some times....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/23/20, 04:55:56 PM
I got an email stating that we are deemed critical.....crap.....

I wanted to shelter in place!  :banghead:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on March 03/23/20, 04:57:25 PM
I worked from Sunday and I'm done Wednesday and then off for some time.  I feel sorry most for the cashiers.  The management gave everyone a $2 raise plus instead of time and a half for overtime it's double time.  Fine but the cashiers work part time and it's only the $2 raise which I'm sure they like.  They are two feet from the customer, they have no choice.  They don't get the double overtime like the full timers.  That's wrong.  They should get a $10 dollar raise.  This raise is till April 15 and then everything goes back to normal as far as pay.  You would think the employers who are getting more than double the buisness could afford to give the cashiers a big boost.  Come Wednesday this guy is staying home.  I did not hoard anything.  I could get all the meat every day no problem with no limit [except ground beef] every day.  But I got a big freezer and I have bought sale stuff over time and I'm set.  There is plenty of meat to be had.  We have had ground beef mostly ground at the store for folks.  We limited it to 3 packs per person.  Some limit it to one per person.  It's the hoarders who are the problem.  Stop it. There are family's with more kids than you have.  Think about it.  There are senior people out there who need stuff.  THink about that.  The meat manager orders a lot of stuff every day.  Today he had  three pages of shortages.  I'm sure there are other managers who see the same thing.  Milk, eggs are another short items outside of meats.  Of course there is TP.  I had a guy that went to a gas station and got it but the big stores didn't have it.  Early bird gets the worm.  I see paper towels are more in the shelves.  So anyway hope everyone is doing well.  good luck
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/23/20, 05:15:10 PM
I went to the Cub in Cambridge Saturday morning...6 a.m. and the pickings were slim....

I don't even know what to say.....some shelves were bear, other stuff was stocked.

It's going to effect us all.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/23/20, 06:02:29 PM
Our big mall, Apache Mall, closed down entirely today.........

My cousin said Walfarts shelves are still bare. That doesn't surprise me. Nothing but a bunch of hoarders down here. Asked her why she even bothers going out there anymore... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/23/20, 06:51:13 PM
Wis. Is announcing the SIP tomorrow. All non essential businesses close. The shop in Hagar city is considered essential by the dept of Homeland security.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/23/20, 07:05:33 PM
Wife says hair cutting salons are essential....   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/23/20, 08:13:48 PM
My barbers wife, who is a beautician, makes house calls.......so does he. Might haveta get him over here.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/23/20, 08:21:46 PM
The hoggers are everywhere here.  :angry2:  🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/23/20, 08:32:19 PM
The hoggers are everywhere here.  :angry2:  🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷

yea so  :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :rotflmao: wadda gonna do all the time staying home. embroider!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/24/20, 05:23:08 AM
Ya, maybe! So?  Gonna knit you a muffler!   :mooning:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/24/20, 06:20:54 AM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/24/20, 07:36:28 AM
Good job, kids............... :censored:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/24/20, 08:09:51 AM
Complete dumbasses.  I hope they follow the idiot that was on the news and show us him when he gets the virus. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/24/20, 08:26:20 AM
Complete dumbasses.  I hope they follow the idiot that was on the news and show us him when he gets the virus. 
That kid who had his hat on backwards is now a f'in celebrity.   :doofus::banghead: :bonk: Bet his family really likes that.  :tut: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/24/20, 08:31:07 AM
Complete dumbasses.  I hope they follow the idiot that was on the news and show us him when he gets the virus. 
That kid who had his hat on backwards is now a f'in celebrity.   :doofus::banghead: :bonk: Bet his family really likes that.  :tut: :pouty:

Ya, his Daddy ***** off on in a flowerpot and had a bloomin' idjit. 💐
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/24/20, 08:33:36 AM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/24/20, 09:44:30 AM


Hmmm...the sulfonylurea family of chemistry contains compounds some of which are used for diabetes and some that are used as herbicides. If I was diabetic, don't think I'd swallow any Harmony or Accent Q in an attempt to control diabetes. As one of the guys in the office is fond of saying, the good Lord's way of weeding out the dumb ones.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/24/20, 10:42:34 AM
Went to ALDI this am for some more fake eggs (egg substitute) None. Same at two other places, Guess that's another hot commodity. However, place was overflowing with choice meats...pig chops, pig roasts, pig steaks, stew meat, beef roast, (chuck, round, and tip) steaks, hamburger, chicky thighs, legs, drumsticks, whole chicky's....came home with a couple pigger roasts and some pks of good ol' bone in chops. Tons of bread, rolls, etc. Got a pkg of brioche rolls. Deli was packed...got some cranberry -almond chicky salad for sandwiches, a bag of apple, 'nanners, lettuce., clamshell of cherry 'maters.....only thing they were out of is TP, for the first time. But they have limits of 1 per person.   Shelves full of canned veggies.  Got some canned corn which everyone has been out of, and a couple cans of tuna. Did have lots of paper towels, though. I sure like that store.  :smiley:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/24/20, 10:57:10 AM
My brother was at an Aldi's in either Fergus or DL last week and liked it a lot.  I have yet to go to one. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/24/20, 11:07:30 AM
Well, all that food cost me only $43. Meat is not spendy there like Sly-Vee and other places. Family pk of BIG chicky thighs (12 of 'em) $5.45, Family pk (6) of big pig chops was $5.69; got two. Two bacon-wrapped beef tenderloins, $4.69 Pork shoulder roast,$4.69...........Noticed they all come from a midwest source/processor, and it's GOOD meat!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/24/20, 11:10:23 AM
Never been to an Aldi either. Egg prices doubled here in town and in Barry's town too.  :angry2: 18ct $6.27 now.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/24/20, 11:12:36 AM
Yes, it is interesting to see what is gone from grocery store shelves.  However, the stores are generally doing a good job of getting stuff restocked as soon as possible.

A few days ago there wasn't a stick of dried pasta on the shelves.  Yesterday there were a few cases of Creamettes stocked.  Eggs are miss and hit.  No skim milk.  Some folks are going to have a lot of Campbells soup to eat when this is all over.  Perhaps the silver lining is most of everyone's overstock will eventually to go the food banks.

Also, the shelves were completely wiped out of toilet bowl cleaner.  Go figure.  Who'd a thunk?  This is a respiratory virus, not gastrointestinal.  Suddenly now everyone is worried about how they are going to clean their toilets 4 weeks from now?   :confused:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/24/20, 11:13:23 AM
So here is a bit of fun Covid news.  I just read that people are having Happy Hour chats on line with friends using Skype or something like that.  They are having Quarantini's as they chat.  SO there ya go! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/24/20, 11:26:53 AM
Yes, it is interesting to see what is gone from grocery store shelves.  However, the stores are generally doing a good job of getting stuff restocked as soon as possible.

A few days ago there wasn't a stick of dried pasta on the shelves.  Yesterday there were a few cases of Creamettes stocked.  Eggs are miss and hit.  No skim milk.  Some folks are going to have a lot of Campbells soup to eat when this is all over.  Perhaps the silver lining is most of everyone's overstock will eventually to go the food banks.

Also, the shelves were completely wiped out of toilet bowl cleaner.  Go figure.  Who'd a thunk?  This is a respiratory virus, not gastrointestinal.  Suddenly now everyone is worried about how they are going to clean their toilets 4 weeks from now?   :confused:

Hardly any soups here...those shelves have been bare for weeks here. I don't eat canned soop, anyway, except once in a GREAT while a can of tomato with toasted cheese. That is nowhere to be found.
Eggs and milk are always at Kwik-Trip.....have been here anyway. I even got an E-mail from them since I have a rewards card that they WILL have fresh supplies of milk and eggs daily. Any type of disinfecting sprays, wipes, bowl cleaners are gone. I tried to buy dish washing soap last week,  NOT. Only place that had any was Menards. Not sure what the deal is with bathroom cleaning.....maybe they just don't get it. Even bleach is gone. :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/24/20, 11:29:42 AM
Well, all that food cost me only $43. Meat is not spendy there like Sly-Vee and other places. Family pk of BIG chicky thighs (12 of 'em) $5.45, Family pk (6) of big pig chops was $5.69; got two. Two bacon-wrapped beef tenderloins, $4.69 Pork shoulder roast,$4.69...........Noticed they all come from a midwest source/processor, and it's GOOD meat!

Question for you Reb: Has Aldi's switched away from you bringing your own bags with the coronavirus situation and do they have disposable bags to use? Just curious.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/24/20, 11:31:14 AM
Nope. Haveta bring yer own bag/box/coaster wagon.  Forgot? Paper bags 7 cents. :smiley:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/24/20, 11:31:39 AM
Never been to an Aldi either. Egg prices doubled here in town and in Barry's town too.  :angry2: 18ct $6.27 now.
$1.50/doz for jumbo's here @ Fareway. :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/24/20, 11:32:18 AM
.99 at Kwik-Trip................
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/24/20, 11:34:07 AM
Talk about Big Brother...

For Moscow's quarantined, 100,000 cameras are watching (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/for-moscows-quarantined-100000-cameras-are-watching/ar-BB11BTu0)

A vast and contentious network of facial recognition cameras keeping watch over Moscow is now playing a key role in the battle against the spread of the coronavirus in Russia.

The city rolled out the technology just before the epidemic reached Russia, ignoring protests and legal complaints over sophisticated state surveillance.

Since last month, thousands of Muscovites have been confined to their homes for 14 days of compulsory quarantine after returning from virus-hit countries, being in contact with those infected or diagnosed with mild symptoms.

Police have logged their details and warned them that sneaking out into the city of 16 million residents and daily visitors could lead to a five-year jail term or deportation for foreigners.

"We are constantly checking that this regulation is being observed, including through the use of automated facial recognition systems," Mayor Sergei Sobyanin wrote in his blog in February.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Lee Borgersen on March 03/24/20, 11:34:44 AM
                 Got an e-mail dis mornin from a friend dat works at Motorola.

Hi All,

We are doing well here. Lots of changes taking our temperature everyday when we come in. Sanitizing 2 times a day. I'm glad they are doing the best they can. Hopefully you can stay away from hospitals and Dr offices while this is going on. I pray it's not long term. Take care Love you.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/24/20, 11:40:32 AM
Nope. Haveta bring yer own bag/box/coaster wagon.  Forgot? Paper bags 7 cents. :smiley:
Most have a small assortment of other paper, cloth, & even some have thermal plastic reusable shopping bags for sale cheap at the checkouts too.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/24/20, 11:42:58 AM
Nope. Haveta bring yer own bag/box/coaster wagon.  Forgot? Paper bags 7 cents. :smiley:

A little surpised by that as some places are not allowing people to bring their own bags or containers into the store as a precautionary measure. You can do whatever you like once outside however. Not that I think it makes any difference but that's what's happening in places across the country.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/24/20, 11:59:20 AM
That would be like saying you can't wear those clothes in here.....O wait, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that to you..... :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/24/20, 12:06:44 PM
I'm thinking I should be fishing... :rotflmao:

It is kinda funny tho. I've seen some of the greenie types at the local grocery store using their own cloth bags. Quite honestly I have have feed sacks down in the barn that are cleaner than theirs!  :huh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/24/20, 01:05:54 PM
I have a green cloth bag I use from Fresh Thyme. There's one place I  DID like, until I bought their meats. Most "pre-frozen"....and the friggin' chicky was CHEWY!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/24/20, 01:17:39 PM
SAY WHAT?!?!   Now CAWchester wants to run the state!!! you guys gotta stay in now!


Rochester City Council requests shelter-in-place from Walz, temporarily prohibits parking meter enforcement

March 24, 2020
12:12 pm
KTTC Staff
ROCHESTER, Minn. (KTTC) -- The Rochester City Council has announced new measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to a news release from the City of Rochester, the City Council is requesting Gov. Tim Walz issue an executive order for further restrictions, including:

All persons living in Minnesota stay in their place of residence subject to exceptions.

Prohibit all public and private gatherings outside of a household or living unit.
Closing all non‐essential businesses.

The release said the city administration has also issued a 30-day prohibition of parking meter enforcement effective immediately. The City Council said this is subject to change as necessary "to meet the needs of the community," and that businesses that require parking for take-out services can get a permit from the Public Works Department.

The news release said drivers are asked to only park in metered spaces for short term use. Additionally, last week the City announced an end to season parking requirements. The City also suspended enforcement of residential parking permit zones until the end of the month.

"All other parking ordinances remain in effect including no parking zones (including driveways, fire hydrants, and mailboxes), and overnight parking restrictions. Please observe all posted signs  in the downtown area," the City of Rochester said in the news release.

More information can be found on the City's website.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/24/20, 01:26:22 PM
i just quickly went through and read the 16 page SAFER AT HOME ORDER from wisconsin. IF minnesota goes to something similiar its not like your locked up in our house for the duration.

as i read it, places like fleet farm will still be open because it sells animal feed and food, actually any hardware store would remain open as long as they sell plumbing, heating, electrical and construction materials. also allowed to keep going are CRITICAL trades.......think most unions..........that ar neccesary to maintaining saftey, sanitation, and essentisal operations of residences, essential activities, essential govenmental functions and essential businesses and operations!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/24/20, 01:32:05 PM
AND i only need 3 more of these possibly to read through  :pouty: :pouty: since our jurisdicational area also  covers minnsota and both the dakota's!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/24/20, 01:33:49 PM
That would be like saying you can't wear those clothes in here.....O wait, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that to you..... :doah:
:sleazy: :sleazy: i'd do the corona with her!!!!!!!!!! :smoking: :smoking:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/24/20, 02:05:41 PM
i just quickly went through and read the 16 page SAFER AT HOME ORDER from wisconsin. IF minnesota goes to something similiar its not like your locked up in our house for the duration.

as i read it, places like fleet farm will still be open because it sells animal feed and food, actually any hardware store would remain open as long as they sell plumbing, heating, electrical and construction materials. also allowed to keep going are CRITICAL trades.......think most unions..........that ar neccesary to maintaining saftey, sanitation, and essentisal operations of residences, essential activities, essential govenmental functions and essential businesses and operations!!!!!

I understand that. But this is CAWchester, dear. They think they run the country. Therein lies the prob.....demanding Walz issue the order. They know something they're NOT telling us?  :scratch:

From Rochester's post:

Prohibit all public and private gatherings outside of a household or living unit.
Closing all non‐essential businesses.

Pretty much a basic SIP order...it's just the demands this town makes that fry's my azz. Not to mention my taxes just went up to $2,300 from the $2,000 that was a 31.4 % increase...plus DOUBLING their salaries!  Bunch of damned psychos!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/24/20, 02:12:01 PM
Reb, i wasnt posting that to counterdict what you posted at all. just so happened i posted right after yours........no intentional harm meant.

looks like someone needs to put those smucks in there place!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/24/20, 02:14:13 PM
Oh, I didn't take it that way, Glenn! It's just where does it end with this town?! my taxes have me all riled up....cuz I can't pay that!!!!!   :banghead:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/24/20, 02:23:56 PM
I need some union thugs...... training-087
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/24/20, 02:49:47 PM
Delmar, find a me some fake eggs somewhere! I'm tired of looking! I gotta make omelets!

PS......eggs prices are going *BOING* way up......
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/24/20, 03:02:12 PM
I need some union thugs...... training-087
call the Teamsters.........we are a non-violent group.

oh yea i just told i will be working from home tomorrow...........but i'm begging for an extra day or 2 here at the office to finish the 13 things i got started!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/24/20, 03:10:19 PM
Delmar, find a me some fake eggs somewhere! I'm tired of looking! I gotta make omelets!

PS......eggs prices are going *BOING* way up......

You want the ones that are egg whites, only doctored up right?   Planning on getting some drugs at costco tomorrow after donating blood.  I can check.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/24/20, 03:15:05 PM
Well, the ones that DON'T say "egg whites", still lots of those around....

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/24/20, 03:21:35 PM
Delmar, find a me some fake eggs somewhere! I'm tired of looking! I gotta make omelets!

PS......eggs prices are going *BOING* way up......

Didn't Walz put in an executive order against price gouging?  Just sayin...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/24/20, 03:22:21 PM
Well, the ones that DON'T say "egg whites", still lots of those around....


Yeah those are egg whites with added ingredients.  I'll check at costco.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/24/20, 05:05:38 PM
Perfect! Sounds great!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  I'm just kidding ya Rebs.  I may get some too.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/24/20, 05:20:14 PM
They gotta be the whole eggs thing now, Delmert!!!    :tut:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/24/20, 07:49:41 PM
They gotta be the whole eggs thing now, Delmert!!!    :tut:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/25/20, 06:50:46 AM
Delmar, find a me some fake eggs somewhere! I'm tired of looking! I gotta make omelets!

PS......eggs prices are going *BOING* way up......

Didn't Walz put in an executive order against price gouging?  Just sayin...
Price is going up from the supplier. Supply and demand.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on March 03/25/20, 07:07:04 AM
Went to ALDI this am for some more fake eggs (egg substitute) None. Same at two other places, Guess that's another hot commodity. However, place was overflowing with choice meats...pig chops, pig roasts, pig steaks, stew meat, beef roast, (chuck, round, and tip) steaks, hamburger, chicky thighs, legs, drumsticks, whole chicky's....came home with a couple pigger roasts and some pks of good ol' bone in chops. Tons of bread, rolls, etc. Got a pkg of brioche rolls. Deli was packed...got some cranberry -almond chicky salad for sandwiches, a bag of apple, 'nanners, lettuce., clamshell of cherry 'maters.....only thing they were out of is TP, for the first time. But they have limits of 1 per person.   Shelves full of canned veggies.  Got some canned corn which everyone has been out of, and a couple cans of tuna. Did have lots of paper towels, though. I sure like that store.  :smiley:

hey reb ,nice thing about canned corn once ya eat it when it comes out you can rinse and reuse....just sayin
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 07:09:45 AM
They gotta be the whole eggs thing now, Delmert!!!    :tut:


Now ya sound like yer union buddy! Next time ya poke me about MY boxed rice, guess what I'm gonna say?  Whatever.... :coffee:

And to think I thought about ya yday when I saw Jasmine rice in a jar at ALDI.....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 07:10:59 AM
Well, they passed it.....finally.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 07:18:14 AM
This really sucks.... :undecided:

American Cancer Society closing all 34 of its Hope Lodge locations, including Rochester's

The American Cancer Society is closing the Rochester Hope Lodge amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Residents at the Sandra J. Schulze American Cancer Society Hope Lodge, 411 2nd St. NW, were told late last week to seek new accommodations.

The Hope Lodge offers free housing for cancer patients while they receive treatment at Mayo Clinic.

The American Cancer Society confirmed the closure Tuesday, adding that all 34 of its active locations across the U.S. will be closed.

Officials at the Atlanta-based organization said they had been monitoring the spread of the illness and did not take the decision lightly.

“We’re facing difficult times and difficult decisions,” said Dr. Len Lichtenfeld, deputy chief medical officer at the American Cancer Society. “This is one of many of those decisions we all will have to make.”

As the virus began to circulate via community transmission and with orders to shelter in place issued in multiple states and cities, the nonprofit could no longer guarantee the virus wouldn't spread into one of the lodges, Lichtenfeld said.

Most of the cancer patients staying there have compromised immune systems and are especially susceptible to the virus, he said.

“If the COVID-19 virus came into a Hope Lodge, it would cause immense impact to patients and caregivers immediately,” Lichtenfeld said. “Our guests are a very high-risk group.”

Staff at the Hope Lodges don’t qualify as essential employees where shelter-in-place orders have been issued, he added, making staffing the Hope Lodges difficult in areas where that order is in place, he said.

Sam Stearns and his wife, Geneil, traveled 600 miles from Pope County, Ill., for cancer treatment. They said the opportunity to stay at the lodge has been a relief financially and mentally.

“If we were having to spend our meager savings on lodging, there would be a meter running continuously in the back of my head,” Sam Stearns said.

The couple said they received a good deal at the Centerstone and are relieved lodging won’t be a concern while Sam finishes 21 remaining rounds of treatment over the next few weeks.

He said worrying about finances wouldn't have been conducive to healing. After his remaining treatments, he plans to return to Illinois to continue his retirement career of environmental activism.

The couple packed their car Tuesday afternoon while the remaining guests also departed.

Word came to residents Thursday that they would need to find another place to stay by Tuesday night. About 55 patients were staying at the Hope Lodge when the decision was made, Lichtenfeld said. The Rochester Hope Lodge is one of the busier and consistently occupied of the Hope Lodges operated by the American Cancer Society because of its proximity to Mayo Clinic and the draw it has, he added.

Lichtenfeld said he and other American Cancer Society leaders were watching as the COVID-19 virus began to spread. He said the Hope Lodge staff implemented measures to protect residents, including restricting visitors, limiting vendor visits, and eventually banning guests and asking that they stay in their rooms.

Those measures reassured Don Klontz, of Fargo, who is receiving cancer treatment at Mayo Clinic and was staying at the Hope Lodge. He moved across the street to the Brentwood Inn, where he has stayed before and plans to stay for his remaining nine rounds of treatments for a rare cancer.

“I felt safe there,” he said. “They did a good job.”

Klontz said he feels for the staff who will be laid off due to the closures.

He said staying at public hotels could increase some cancer patients’ exposure to the COVID-19 virus. However, on Tuesday, he noted few visitors at the Brentwood Inn.

“You’ll be glad to have me back,” he said to a clerk there.

Meanwhile, Lichtenfeld said many hospitals and clinics are postponing some procedures and treatments.

“That takes some of the burden off these lodges,” he said, adding that it also means there are other accommodation options for Hope Lodge guests.

Lichtenfeld said he understands the closures will be a burden for some patients and caregivers and not everyone will easily find other accommodations.

“We have other programs and partnerships with hotels,” he said. “But I don’t know if we’ll be able to meet every need … but we hope to meet everyone’s needs.”
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 07:22:23 AM
Delmar, find a me some fake eggs somewhere! I'm tired of looking! I gotta make omelets!

PS......eggs prices are going *BOING* way up......

Didn't Walz put in an executive order against price gouging?  Just sayin...
Price is going up from the supplier. Supply and demand.

The chickens raised the prices??! Why, those foul fowl !     :tut:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 07:28:20 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 07:35:55 AM
Delmar, find a me some fake eggs somewhere! I'm tired of looking! I gotta make omelets!

PS......eggs prices are going *BOING* way up......

Didn't Walz put in an executive order against price gouging?  Just sayin...

Price is going up from the supplier. Supply and demand.

Same thing happened when we had the bird flu thing five or so years ago...eggs skyrocketed.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 07:54:28 AM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/25/20, 08:22:15 AM
That surprises me that they would close the Hope Lodge at a time like this.  Too bad.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: deadeye on March 03/25/20, 08:24:55 AM
Neither my wife or I have been to a store in over two weeks now so I know we are not contribution to the empty shelves.  Our plan is to live as long as we can with what's in the fridge, freezer and pantry.  Ok, I did go to a lake and get some fish the other day so does that count?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 08:27:41 AM
Not unless you share those crappies.  :rotflmao: :fish2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/25/20, 08:29:15 AM
The lack of intelligence of those spring breakers amazes me too!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 08:38:07 AM
CAWchester news that reported yday the city council was implementing a SIP policy and a total parking ban, made a CORRECTION last nite that it people MAY HAVE misunderstood them...they are SUPPORTING a SIP policy if it comes to that, and the "parking ban" is that no parking fines will be given for the next 30 days downtown.
(In other words, let's not admit our hurried screwed-up reporting) HOWEVER, if food businesses want to have people park at meters for take-out, they will now need to apply for and get a special online permit...WTH?!??!  And this town is supposed to be helping people during this time??! Making food businesses get a special permit??!!  :angry:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/25/20, 08:41:20 AM
And I suppose all the people that ordinarily would be at work issuing city permits are sheltering at home.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/25/20, 08:44:20 AM
I just heard that the FDA has approved transfusions from people who have recovered from the virus so they can now give it to those that are getting sick now. That has to help. :happy1: :cool:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/25/20, 08:47:35 AM
I saw "Prince Charles, age 71..." in a headline news feed and my first thought was to wonder if he died.

Then I found a story that said, "Prince Charles has tested positive for the Corona-19 virus."

Enough with the famous people testing positive stories. :mad1:

Many (or I starting to worry that most) people are going to get this virus.  We just hope it isn't everyone all at once so that the most serious cases can be dealt with in hospital.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/25/20, 09:00:47 AM
A new test has been approved as well, 1 where they can have results in hours instead of days.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/25/20, 09:19:32 AM
CAWchester news that reported yday the city council was implementing a SIP policy and a total parking ban, made a CORRECTION last nite that it people MAY HAVE misunderstood them...they are SUPPORTING a SIP policy if it comes to that, and the "parking ban" is that no parking fines will be given for the next 30 days downtown.
(In other words, let's not admit our hurried screwed-up reporting) HOWEVER, if food businesses want to have people park at meters for take-out, they will now need to apply for and get a special online permit...WTH?!??!  And this town is supposed to be helping people during this time??! Making food businesses get a special permit??!!  :angry:

I presumed that  the special permit would provide a "no parking, pickup only" area in contrast to the "park anywhere".   That could be wrong, of course.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 09:23:24 AM
Article in online news today about how the shi**y council is debating it and what to do about fees....

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/25/20, 09:25:31 AM
Well, they passed it.....finally.


Still needs to get thru Pelosi(Da house)yet though.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 09:27:28 AM
Well, that oughtta be fun............ :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/25/20, 09:32:40 AM
Hang on to your britches.  :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 09:46:10 AM
I was thinkin'...... :scratch:  Everyone is focused on TP, bathroom wipes, toilet bowl cleaner (None of that around either) Lysol spray......no one can figger that one out, but shouldn't someone be getting the message out to transfer that to yer KITCHEN area?!
Food prep areas, hands touch food, face, utensils, countertops, 'fridge handles and inside drawers, etc. IMO, that would be the #1 place where it spreads. I wiped off everything I brought home from the store yday, and sprayed the counters down with a mixture of bleach and water I always have in the kitchen, and have for years. Guy at ALDI told me yday, there's also no returns on anything. Found out it's the same now with most stores, so ya better make sure ya got what ya want.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/25/20, 10:15:21 AM
That surprises me that they would close the Hope Lodge at a time like this.  Too bad.
it doesn't surprise me. does it suck...……..YES but cancer patients have some of the most compromised immune systems out there, I can see why.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 10:25:59 AM
And today's funny...........
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/25/20, 10:40:49 AM
I have been giving my dogs the combo injection from the Vet for years.  It is a 4 way vaccine thing I think. One of the things it prevents is corona virus.  Why is it so hard to adapt that to people?  Sounds like it should be easy to me. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 10:43:22 AM
Isn't that an intestinal infection in dogs? Not respiratory?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/25/20, 10:49:52 AM
Just read on it Rebs.  It said it is a different strain but they are seeing a lot of people interested in the dog vaccine now with this going on.  They said it won't help for Covid-19.  They also said if you get it you should isolate your pets from you so you don't get the virus on your pets fur which can then spread to humans that come in contact with them.  I'm thinking if one of us gets it in our household it will be too late and we both will get it.  SO noone else will be petting our dogs but us. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 10:51:17 AM
Holy crap.....spread thru yer pet's fur?!  :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/25/20, 10:53:56 AM
I guess so.  So if you run out of TP don't be looking at the Pomeranian or Chihuahua.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 10:59:10 AM
 :rotflmao:    Uhh....wait a minute....does that go for human hair, too???
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/25/20, 11:09:24 AM
I would think so and I don't even want to know where you are going with that. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 11:12:57 AM
!!!!!!!   OK.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/25/20, 11:14:29 AM
I would think so and I don't even want to know where you are going with that.
reb…………….usually way in the gutter!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 11:18:46 AM
I'd say BITE ME, but then you'd haveta get closer than six feet!    :mooning:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/25/20, 12:08:02 PM
On the noon news Humpty just said he expects Easter services to be packed with people as we should be over this.   :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:  He sure make voting Rep hard to do.  What and idiot...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 12:11:29 PM
Mayo just said this will be around for at least 6 months to A YEAR.....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/25/20, 12:13:31 PM
After he made a fool of himself again a medical professional came on and said he should listen to what they have to say about it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/25/20, 12:31:50 PM
After he made a fool of himself again a medical professional came on and said he should listen to what they have to say about it.
yea one would think he would listen to the professionals in each of the fields that have spent most there life doing.

not that imbosoil!!!!!!!!!!!! :doofus: :doofus: :crazy: :crazy: :banghead: training-087 :banghead:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/25/20, 12:35:05 PM
That surprises me that they would close the Hope Lodge at a time like this.  Too bad.
it doesn't surprise me. does it suck...……..YES but cancer patients have some of the most compromised immune systems out there, I can see why.

So now they are in the motel across the street.... :angry2: :pouty: :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/25/20, 12:35:45 PM
On the noon news Humpty just said he expects Easter services to be packed with people as we should be over this.   :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:  He sure make voting Rep hard to do.  What and idiot...

If their packed it may be people on their knees asking God to save us once again, from this mess we made!  :sad:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 12:39:33 PM
On the noon news Humpty just said he expects Easter services to be packed with people as we should be over this.   :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:  He sure make voting Rep hard to do.  What and idiot...

If their packed it may be people on their knees asking God to save us once again, from this mess we made!  :sad:

Or to please remove Humpty!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/25/20, 01:16:37 PM
My sister just texted me and said the stay in place goes into effect Friday night at midnight.  Please verify it.  Will be in effect for two weeks. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/25/20, 01:20:17 PM
all I'm seeing is he's going to yap again about 2 pm as usuall...   (the Governor)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/25/20, 01:23:31 PM
Will probably be on then. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/25/20, 01:28:13 PM
I just talked to a foreman at our fargo shop...……...the word out there is Walz will be announcing the stay at home order.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 01:28:37 PM

Starts Thursday at midnite.................

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/25/20, 02:03:04 PM
oh my what a surprise!!!! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 02:33:26 PM
Gonna hurt the restaurant/bar/food biz big time...stay closed until MAY 1st....yikes.

 I recorded it....so no mistakes there. Even re-watched it.

Copy/pasted off the video:

The order is expected to slow the spread of COVID-19 and allow the state to continue to prepare for the pandemic. Walz also said the closure of schools and the use of distance learning will be used through May 4.Bars and restaurants are also expected to remain closed through May 1.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/25/20, 02:36:00 PM

Starts Thursday at midnite.................

wrong.....starts Friday nite.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 02:40:03 PM
Don't blame me. That's what the article said.  Blame KAAL.  :mooning:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/25/20, 02:58:48 PM

From the MN health site.
To me there is some good news here but the New agencies just can't say anything hopeful cus it doesn't sell news.  :bs:
Someone good at Math please put some %'s on these numbers. I'm not or I may have a better Job!  :sad:

This is some good NEWS if you ask me.  :happy1:

Out of the 287 positive cases. only 1 has died.
287-1 %?

Out of 287 positive cases. only 35 required hospitalization:
287-35 %?

Out of 35 requiring hospitalization: only 26 still in hospital as of today.
35-26 %?

Out of 287 positive cases 122 Patients who no longer need to be isolated.
287-122 %? 

Situation Update for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Minnesota Case Information

Not all cases of COVID-19 are tested, so it is not a representative of the total number of people in Minnesota who have or had COVID-19. Number of positive cases is the cases that were tested and returned positive. All data are preliminary and may change as cases are investigated.

Updated March 25, 2020

    Positive: 287
    Approximate number of completed tests from the MDH Public Health Lab: 6365
    Approximate number of completed tests from external laboratories: 5110

    Deaths: 1
    Total cases requiring hospitalization: 35
        Hospitalized as of today: 26
    Patients who no longer need to be isolated: 122
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 03:02:00 PM
And over 85% who get it will have cold/flu like symptoms. Many have already had it and don't even know it......! There is hope. Could be worse....look at Italy and China.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/25/20, 03:06:07 PM

From the MN health site.
To me there is some good news here but the New agencies just can't say anything hopeful cus it doesn't sell news.  :bs:
Someone good at Math please put some %'s on these numbers. I'm not or I may have a better Job!  :sad:

This is some good NEWS if you ask me.  :happy1:

Out of the 287 positive cases. only 1 has died.
287-1 %?
Out of 287 positive cases. only 35 required hospitalization:
287-35 %?
12.1 %
Out of 35 requiring hospitalization: only 26 still in hospital as of today.
35-26 %?

Out of 287 positive cases 122 Patients who no longer need to be isolated.
287-122 %? 

Situation Update for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Minnesota Case Information

Not all cases of COVID-19 are tested, so it is not a representative of the total number of people in Minnesota who have or had COVID-19. Number of positive cases is the cases that were tested and returned positive. All data are preliminary and may change as cases are investigated.

Updated March 25, 2020

    Positive: 287
    Approximate number of completed tests from the MDH Public Health Lab: 6365
    Approximate number of completed tests from external laboratories: 5110

    Deaths: 1
    Total cases requiring hospitalization: 35
        Hospitalized as of today: 26
    Patients who no longer need to be isolated: 122

I think about 1% will perish from what we have seen elsewhere, I think he said we are about nine weeks from the worst of it, good luck to everyone.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/25/20, 03:09:19 PM
my personal opinion but he did one hell of a job explaining things in news brief. better then that nit wit we call a prez.

and i'm not in Walz's fan club. :tut: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/25/20, 03:14:11 PM

outdoor TP!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/25/20, 03:15:57 PM

outdoor TP!!
they forgot the posion ivy...……...it comes in packs of 3!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 03:17:13 PM
my personal opinion but he did one hell of a job explaining things in news brief. better then that nit wit we call a prez.

and i'm not in Walz's fan club. :tut: :doah:

Gotta agree with ya there (Gad  :doah:)  I think he did really good.   :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/25/20, 03:17:33 PM

outdoor TP!!
they forgot the posion ivy...……...it comes in packs of 3!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

or oak!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 03:24:45 PM
This TP thing........ :banghead: You CAN go to the store...and it WILL be restocked! Quit hogging it, and buy as usual!  Cripes! What is wrong with people??!??! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/25/20, 03:28:15 PM
I have used Elm leaves before.  Wasn't real pleasant.  Rough as heck. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/25/20, 03:29:38 PM
Yes I agree he did a great job and he actually listened to the people that are experts in the field and used their information.  He didn't even pat himself on the back or blame it on the last administration.  NOW if the Donald would take lessons it would be great!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 03:30:37 PM
I'm gonna put word out COVID-19 is found in fake eggs. Then in a couple days, I can go get some for my omelets.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/25/20, 03:31:07 PM
don't use  fern leaves...….kinda crapty deal!!!!!! :shocked: :shocked: :rolleyes: don't ask how I know!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/25/20, 03:32:42 PM
I thought I would get ahead of the grocery shopping curve and went as soon as the speech was over.  It was already packed in there.  Slathered hand sanitizer on before I even got in my truck and threw my jeans in the laundry as soon as I got in the house.  Of course I knew all kinds of people there so it was hard to not stop and talk. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/25/20, 03:34:02 PM
Getting serious for a minute it seems that about a fourth of those who recover from this end up with permanent lung damage.  :thumbs:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 03:35:02 PM
For those of you that didn't see the bcast....

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/25/20, 03:35:19 PM
Darn it. Nobody want any lung diseases. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 03:36:25 PM
Getting serious for a minute it seems that about a fourth of those who recover from this end up with permanent lung damage.  :thumbs:

Non-COVID Pneumonia does the same thing. Ask me. That's why I have to get a chest CT scan every year. Eight lung nodules. They like to turn cancerous.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/25/20, 03:40:40 PM
Getting serious for a minute it seems that about a fourth of those who recover from this end up with permanent lung damage.  :thumbs:

Well I hope that's a little better then Dead?  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/25/20, 03:42:04 PM
Getting serious for a minute it seems that about a fourth of those who recover from this end up with permanent lung damage.  :thumbs:
first I heard of this?????? state your source roony or its trumps, er fake news!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/25/20, 03:47:33 PM
I heard this too awhile back, not sure where I heard it!!   up 30% lung loss??? 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/25/20, 03:49:02 PM
Getting serious for a minute it seems that about a fourth of those who recover from this end up with permanent lung damage.  :thumbs:
first I heard of this?????? state your source roony or its trumps, er fake news!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Google it herself ya little blue guy. 5 or more sources you don't need a footnote.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/25/20, 03:50:45 PM
And furthermore, catalpa leaves work the bestest.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/25/20, 03:51:20 PM
Getting serious for a minute it seems that about a fourth of those who recover from this end up with permanent lung damage.  :thumbs:
first I heard of this?????? state your source roony or its trumps, er fake news!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Google it herself ya little blue guy. 5 or more sources you don't need a footnote.
:pouty: :pouty: WELL...…..now your sounding like REB!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 03:53:09 PM
What?! Yer lookin' for a good thrashin' there, ya abrasive, pot-stirrin', rabble-rousin', little phart!     :angry2: And here the other morning I stood up for you!!!  :angry:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 03:59:47 PM
And just think...all of this cuz some chinee wanted deep-fried bat on a stick....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/25/20, 04:00:43 PM
I got an Pneumonia shot and booster but I guess it is for bacterial Pneumonia but not viral Pneumonia which is what the Covid is of course. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/25/20, 04:01:56 PM
I for one will never knowingly eat a deep fried bat because of this.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 04:04:27 PM
Right on, Barry. Just be glad 3M and Medtronic is home-based in Minnesota......where all the masks , protective gear is coming from, and the ventilators from Medtronic.
My buddy at Mayo who just got back from Aruba and is that head logistics guy and HICS supervisor says it's an absolute zoo...and he still has to go in every day.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/25/20, 04:09:35 PM
Ya that is unreal and yes they are the heros in this whole thing.  Did you read about the nurse somewhere that was living in her car cuz she didn't want to bring the virus into the house to her family without knowing it.  I think about that a lot.  What a sacrifice to do that.   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 04:18:17 PM
Lotsa good folks out there everywhere. I gave a lady a quarter yday at ALDI 'cuz she didn't have one for her cart....  :smiley:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/25/20, 04:26:25 PM
I for one will never knowingly eat a deep fried bat because of this.
I am done with them myself.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/25/20, 04:29:11 PM
I boiled mine. Think I'm safe... :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/25/20, 04:31:44 PM
what about ding bats!!!!!?????????????   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/25/20, 04:34:21 PM
And over 85% who get it will have cold/flu like symptoms. Many have already had it and don't even know it......! There is hope. Could be worse....look at Italy and China.
Don't need to go that far, Reb. Just look at NYC it's so bad there people have been leaving & more than likely contributing to the spreading of it. :crazy: Hence why Fla has enacted a mandatory 14 day quarantine for anyone comin down there from NY. Not only NY either Cal & Washington State are almost as bad. :sad:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 05:49:13 PM
Speaking of....

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/25/20, 06:07:13 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/25/20, 06:10:06 PM
Speaking of....


Oh the stories they will have to tell their kids.  Yep, Spring Break 2020 what a time. I got Herpes, syphilis and gonorrhea!
But, I didn't die of Corona-19 woooohoo!  :rocker; :drinking: :party3:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/25/20, 06:16:18 PM
Yes, I was wondering about the fishing thing too.

God bless you folks who live on the lake and can just go anytime you like.

I'm not sure if "Its OK to walk your dog, go for a bike ride..." will translate into drive 90 minutes to your favorite fishing hole even if you maintain your social distance.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/25/20, 06:17:55 PM
I got an email stating that we are deemed critical.....crap.....

I wanted to shelter in place!  :banghead:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/25/20, 06:32:20 PM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/20, 07:33:38 PM
Yes, I was wondering about the fishing thing too.

God bless you folks who live on the lake and can just go anytime you like.

I'm not sure if "Its OK to walk your dog, go for a bike ride..." will translate into drive 90 minutes to your favorite fishing hole even if you maintain your social distance.

Of course. It's exercise and getting outside.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/26/20, 06:58:51 AM
Fishing is getting outside. And outside activities are essentail. Saturday we are going to head across the lake to NW angle to go fishing. Ah the fresh air we will get.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/26/20, 07:09:14 AM
I may get out and take a trip to Dotch's. I wanna borrow his chit spreader, so I can give the Shi**y Council peckerwoods a nice coating for Spring. At least a couple passes.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/26/20, 09:15:41 AM
Some of the worst of it now is down around New Orleans, more cases per capita than NYC even! :crazy: Most likely because of Mardi Gras. :tut:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/26/20, 10:30:44 AM
Some of the worst of it now is down around New Orleans, more cases per capita than NYC even! :crazy: Most likely because of Mardi Gras. :tut:

Ya, all those floppin' bare boobies spread germs everywhere!  :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/26/20, 10:31:58 AM
Some of the worst of it now is down around New Orleans, more cases per capita than NYC even! :crazy: Most likely because of Mardi Gras. :tut:

Ya, all those floppin' bare boobies spread germs everywhere!  :bonk:

oh really???  where's the pic's????? 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/26/20, 10:56:37 AM
I gotta say...  I think Walz has been doing a very good job.

He is a very effective communicator in his press conferences -

especially when compared to certain federal officials.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/26/20, 10:57:02 AM
Some of the worst of it now is down around New Orleans, more cases per capita than NYC even! :crazy: Most likely because of Mardi Gras. :tut:

Ya, all those floppin' bare boobies spread germs everywhere!  :bonk:

oh really???  where's the pic's????? 

It's time YOU start postin', Mr. "I can't do it!"   :bonk:

You like bunnies?   ;)  Mike started this.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/26/20, 11:20:12 AM
Another COVID hot commodity: Isopropyl alcohol and alcohol wipes. (For injection)
Picked up my 'scrip at Walfart (Only reason I still go there) and went to grab a box of the alcohol little wipes ya use before injections. None. Figgered I'll just grab a bottle of alcohol and use cotton balls. NOT. Both those all gone. Girl said they just sat a case out 2 hours ago, and it goes *POOF* Another example of PUT LIMITS ON THINGs!!!!  :angry: So, SlyVee is right on the way, ran into their Pharm, same thing. All three gone. But, got to see an older lady just RIPPIN' the SlyVee store manager, and she was DEFCON 1! Hollering at him about why is everything not stocked that's in their ad from yday, if it isn't here, don't advertise it".... He replied that "We can't tell people how much they can buy..." Lady just hollered back in his face "YOU EVER HEARD OF LIMITS?!"  :happy1: Boy, she had him nailed! Best show I've seen!
Ran across street to Walgreen's, same thing. NADA. Asked pharmacy dude if they had ANY alcohol wipes....he said ya, I've got one box left back here you can have"....lucky me. He also said he was keeping bottles of alcohol back there for folks that needed it for injections and such...smart move. At least there's SOME people with common sense left.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/26/20, 11:27:44 AM
I gotta say...  I think Walz has been doing a very good job.

He is a very effective communicator in his press conferences -

especially when compared to certain federal officials.
yea his background as a teacher really showed at his ability to speak to things!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/26/20, 11:29:28 AM
sounds like Minn is up to 346 with a 2nd death in Ramsey county.. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/26/20, 11:38:38 AM
For those wanting to keep score at home:

  https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/situation.html   (https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/situation.html)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/26/20, 11:42:51 AM
For those not wanting to.............. :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/26/20, 11:47:06 AM
Well, I'm set! Got needed meds, more of my favorite tea, AND 2 qts of egg beaters!  :shocked: Found a small supply! Boy, I'm gettin' even better at scrounging! Omelettes galore!  :tongue:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/26/20, 11:52:02 AM
I may get out and take a trip to Dotch's. I wanna borrow his chit spreader, so I can give the Shi**y Council peckerwoods a nice coating for Spring. At least a couple passes.

I'll take the chains off the tractor, grease the spreader, hook 'er up and bring ya load! Be there a little after 4 once I get 'er loaded. There then! On my way!  :happy1:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/26/20, 11:55:21 AM
 :happy1: No gin, but you can have a snort of that iced tea you know I always have!

PS....make sure it's nice and sloppy so it sticks to 'em REAL good. Might as well hit the mayor too, while I'm at it. She's shapin' up to be a real turd.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on March 03/26/20, 11:55:55 AM
OK, so I worked Sunday through yesterday.  Here is what I have seen in just one Cub store as of yesterday.  The last two weeks has been hell in the grocery buisness.  What they have goes out and it was gone.  As far as meat the last two weeks was the meatcutters were cutting like crazy.  We got the meat in and processed it and the next day we come to a empty counter.  I mean empty.  Hard to get was ground beef and chicken, the top two. 

Now as of Sunday things slowed down.  Chicken was easy to get.  The meat counters began to look normal again.  Still some shortages on frozen items like Jimmy Dean sauasage and other product like that with different brands.  Some lunch meat items are still hard to get and rope sausage items like kielbasa or ring bologna for example.  We have been filling the counter with store trim ground beef.  I ground 400 pounds of ground beef Monday am and it was gone by noon.  We had a limit of 3 packs per person.  This was from the trim of the various cuts plus we threw in cut up sirloin tips and bottom rounds and whole pieces of arm roasts.  So chicken, beef cuts, and pork cuts are now in stock except chucks.  Ads are run in advance but I think they should stop running ads for awhile. 

Now for those that are upset at empty grocery shelves,  many customers are at fault, not the stores.  Inventory cost money.  So most suppliers keep maybe 3 months of inventory on products.  Well that 3 months of inventory was gone in 10 days because of the horders.  The media driven panic worked.  They had the items and it would have been on the shelves had people just bought what they needed when they went shopping.  Some stores were at fault also by putting limits on items too late in the game.  Our store did 4 time the buisness in two weeks.  Meat department was up 225% from the same time period from last year.  Also at this time stores are limited to ordering [as far as grocery and dairy] to so many pieces per delivery so all stores can get some stuff.  Some people can't understand that the stores do NOT like empty shelves.  Thats a revenue loss for them. 

I had a "Lady" come up to me and yell at me "why are you hiding the ground beef in the back room from customers".   I'm pretty calm most of the time.  I asked her why we would do that and loose sales.  She didn't care.  I told her that the shop trim today is the same percentage of lean to fat ratio and very fresh daily and at the same price.  Nope,  she wanted that 3 pound tube that's shipped in.  Another woman complained about the empty grocery shelves on some items.  I explained to her what I described above.  I also told her that she will see this in all stores.  Milk has been shorted and eggs are really hard to get.  get in about 1/4 of those items that we normally get.  I think if you go to a Kwik Trip type gas station you would have better luck.  I see milk and eggs there.  Anyway things are  slowing down and more products should be showing up in the stores [except toilet paper still].  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/26/20, 12:00:41 PM
Great post, RH. I agree with ya all the way. Too many buddies in that biz, I know what yer sayin', and I been saying it since day one....that there'd be stuff on the shelves if the hoggers quit  all THE DAMNED HOARDING!!!!!!!! :angry:
Ya, I've said a few things to 'em too......at this point in my life, I could care less.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/26/20, 01:47:44 PM
I may get out and take a trip to Dotch's. I wanna borrow his chit spreader, so I can give the Shi**y Council peckerwoods a nice coating for Spring. At least a couple passes.

I'll take the chains off the tractor, grease the spreader, hook 'er up and bring ya load! Be there a little after 4 once I get 'er loaded. There then! On my way!  :happy1:
If you have any left over I heard dellwood beamer needs his lawn fertilized.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/26/20, 02:06:33 PM
Say, good idea!  :happy1:  Hit two needed spots at the same time!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/26/20, 03:58:15 PM
... if the hoggers quit  all THE DAMNED HOARDING!!!!!!!! :angry:

... then I could find a box of 9mm ammo.  And you can't find any .223 either, but I care less about that because I don't have anything that eats it.

Food hoarders... I can understand that.  People panic.  But ammo?!?  This is NOT the Zombie Apocalypse folks.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/26/20, 04:10:16 PM
Agree with you 100% RH.  Heard a good interview today with a store owner.  He said when you see a totally empty row of shelves that my represent 5 weeks of orders of that product.  It is the same everywhere.  Such as TP.  He said we can't just order enough TP or whatever to fill that whole shelf space in one order.  The warehouses have to just give everyone a pallet of it so it gets to everyone.  He said it also surprised him about the eggs.  Someone starts it and everyone else follows suit and hoards the stuff.  His store also sells house paint and he is seeing a huge increase in paint sales as people are painting the rooms in their houses with the time off they now have. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on March 03/26/20, 05:28:43 PM
I have a friend who rents houses.  He went to buy a stove at Lowe's.  Told the guy what he wanted and the guy said you are the first person who wants something other than a freezer.  He was all out of freezers.  He had two woman fighting over the last one.  He told both of them because of their fighting [verbaly] he would not sell it to both of them. So the stuff in demand it's hard to get.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/26/20, 05:41:56 PM
This is one heck of a human behavioral experiment.  I think the challenges are going to get greater as time goes on for awhile.  BUT it is still a nice day.   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/26/20, 06:24:48 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/26/20, 06:30:13 PM
This is one heck of a human behavioral experiment.  I think the challenges are going to get greater as time goes on for awhile.  BUT it is still a nice day.   :rotflmao:

So, will the birth rate explode in December?  Or have there been a rise (pardon the pun) in condom sales? Will lingerie sales skyrocket? Inquiring minds like yers and mine want to know! :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on March 03/26/20, 06:35:36 PM
I tried the condom thing years ago but they didn't come in extra large so I went natural.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/26/20, 06:55:12 PM
So my wife brought this to my attention. I kinda spaced out we have these. When she went through her MRSA ordeal, they gave us 2 boxes of latex gloves. We'd like to give them to someplace that could use them. Now I can't just walk into the nursing home close by, or city hall so any ideas on how to hand these off?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/26/20, 06:58:51 PM
You may need them to go to the grocery store in the future. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/26/20, 07:09:16 PM
Yea I ain't going that drastic.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on March 03/26/20, 07:22:58 PM
Glen the grocery stores have the plastic gloves for I'm there to see it.  Give them to the hospitals if that's what is what you want.  I went shopping today and I used the wipes and so far so good.  The cashiers had the plastic gloves on and I'm happy about that.  I'm sure the nursing home's would love to have them.  Just give them to the receptionist and they will take care of the rest.  I can't see my mom or my dad but they do accept stuff by the desk.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/26/20, 07:28:05 PM
Cripes, any EMS personnel will take them and put them to good use. Sit them at their door.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/26/20, 08:01:43 PM
Glen the grocery stores have the plastic gloves for I'm there to see it.  Give them to the hospitals if that's what is what you want.  I went shopping today and I used the wipes and so far so good.  The cashiers had the plastic gloves on and I'm happy about that.  I'm sure the nursing home's would love to have them.  Just give them to the receptionist and they will take care of the rest.  I can't see my mom or my dad but they do accept stuff by the desk.  good luck.
nursing home is 3 blocks from me. :happy1: I didn't think they'd even let ya in the front door. That's why I ask. I also know who the people are that need them.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/26/20, 08:39:46 PM
The floral shop the wife works for shut down today. They had lots of flowers & arrangements left so they hauled them to folks in care centers & assisted living. They got lots of calls thanking them as the residents have been unable to have visitors.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/26/20, 08:40:54 PM
Unable to hold funerals or have burials at this time. Far reaching consequences of this right now....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/27/20, 07:04:19 AM
Found out yesterday that we are essential so we will stay working. Just like Glenn said.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Lee Borgersen on March 03/27/20, 08:00:51 AM
Get outdoors, but don’t go far? Visitors face restrictions, closures
Some boat landings close and confusion reigns as COVID-19 travel restrictions threaten outdoor activities away from home.

 :coffee: ......Da full Scoop :doah: :reporter;

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/27/20, 08:14:45 AM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/27/20, 08:21:15 AM
Great articles youse guys.  We can get the Brainerd Dispatch free for awhile per Lee's article.   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/27/20, 08:24:02 AM
Heard this mornig that Fauci has said he expects the "flattening of the curve" by ~ 4/15. Also that Fanatics, the sports apparel company, was converting 2 of their factories that had been shut down to making gowns & masks. Microsoft earlier in the week came out & said that they had 9,000,000 of the N95 masks that they normaly use in production they were going to give to the government. :happy1: :cool: I'm a glass 1/2 full kind of guy so those are the stories I look for.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/27/20, 08:49:49 AM
... if the hoggers quit  all THE DAMNED HOARDING!!!!!!!! :angry:

... then I could find a box of 9mm ammo.  And you can't find any .223 either, but I care less about that because I don't have anything that eats it.

Food hoarders... I can understand that.  People panic.  But ammo?!?  This is NOT the Zombie Apocalypse folks.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/27/20, 09:07:09 AM
The floral shop the wife works for shut down today. They had lots of flowers & arrangements left so they hauled them to folks in care centers & assisted living. They got lots of calls thanking them as the residents have been unable to have visitors.
I just read that garden centers are non essential.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/27/20, 09:09:23 AM
Drew Brees & his wife are donating $5 mil to the effort down there & his charity is partnering with others to put out 10,000 meals a day as well.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/27/20, 09:36:35 AM
The floral shop the wife works for shut down today. They had lots of flowers & arrangements left so they hauled them to folks in care centers & assisted living. They got lots of calls thanking them as the residents have been unable to have visitors.
I just read that garden centers are non essential.
NOW  that will urinate me off!!!!!!!!! :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:

but up here i usually dont plant that stuff till about fishing opener anyway. so if fleet farm is or will be open,they have a garden center...think they'll allow there garden center to be open?????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/27/20, 09:45:42 AM
 :tut: Probably not............................................if they see YOU comin.  :whistling:   ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:                      :oops1: :sorry: I was thinkin of Reb & Dotch!! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/27/20, 12:22:37 PM

If'n they see us headin' their direction they'll high tail it outta there! "Hey, it's those guys in the Studebaker who plug toilets with wool! Run fer yer lives!"

There were still some small funerals being held in these parts as of the other day, primarily family members only for elderly who had very little family left for instance. Otherwise they're having memorial services once an all clear is given. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/27/20, 03:01:24 PM
well I done my good deed today. dropped them latex gloves off at the nursing home. they where happy as hell!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/27/20, 03:15:21 PM
You are a good man Glenn. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/27/20, 03:16:28 PM
Pretty sure I would rather have a GM ventilator than a Ford
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/27/20, 03:18:31 PM
Oh no I never thought of that dilemma.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/27/20, 03:44:05 PM
well I done my good deed today. dropped them latex gloves off at the nursing home. they where happy as hell!!!!!!!!!
  WTH :scratch: we get :evil: & they get :angel:         :doah: :pouty:              ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/27/20, 03:48:00 PM
well I done my good deed today. dropped them latex gloves off at the nursing home. they where happy as hell!!!!!!!!!
  WTH :scratch: we get :evil: & they get :angel:         :doah: :pouty:              ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :happy1: :happy1: ever think you guys deserve it!!!!!!! :tut: :mooning: :mooning:

they wanted to take my name.......i told them i dont need any recognition for it, just glad i could help. besides they were just more crap taking up space!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/27/20, 04:17:28 PM
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/28/20, 08:15:45 AM

Trump orders General Motors to produce ventilators under Defense Production Act

March 27, 2020

DETROIT (AP) -- President Donald Trump has issued an order that seeks to force General Motors to produce ventilators for coronavirus patients under the Defense Production Act.

Trump says negotiations with General Motors had been productive, "but our fight against the virus is too urgent to allow the give-and-take of the union contracting process to continue to run its normal course."

Trump says "GM was wasting time" and says his actions will help ensure the quick production of ventilators that will save American lives.

Donald J. Trump

General Motors MUST immediately open their stupidly abandoned Lordstown plant in Ohio, or some other plant, and START MAKING VENTILATORS, NOW!!!!!!  FORD, GET GOING ON VENTILATORS, FAST!!!!!!  @GeneralMotors  @Ford

10:23 AM - Mar 27, 2020
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on March 03/28/20, 08:33:44 AM
I'm glad he did this.  Must be in full production mode.  GM is getting paid and so are the workers.  It's a win for them and the people of this country who will need them.  I hope they make too many of them.  Good to be prepared for the future.  I heard also among others My Pillow is making masks now also.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/28/20, 08:36:03 AM
Ford's been cranking 'em out for the last two weeks..... :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/28/20, 10:10:49 AM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/28/20, 11:22:32 AM

  :bonk: :banghead: training-087                                  :crazy: :tut: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/28/20, 11:41:02 AM
Delwood better wear his helmet next time.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/28/20, 12:12:56 PM
 :confused: :angry2: :angry2: :pouty: effin technology!!!!!!!! :banghead: :banghead: :taz: :taz:

so yesterday I go to st cloud to get a portable printer to match up with my laptop to print emails and such to work from home. worked on setting it up today. got the ink cartridges all lined up and went to the site that it tells you to be able to get the wireless part going.

comes back error, someone will contact you. little later some guy with a foreign accent calls, but gotta admit he was fairly understandable. long story short he says my laptop is infected.  :angry2: :angry2: :bonk: :banghead: :taz: I THINK IT IS ALL THE PORN DOTCH AND MIKEY SENDS ME!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :shocked: :azn:

anyhow i cant bring it to the puter shop cause i need the laptop, and not even sure there open. so its off to ramsey this afternoon. :doah: :censored: 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/28/20, 12:17:45 PM
You must pay for your sins my son.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/28/20, 12:23:13 PM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/28/20, 01:45:15 PM
Bored at home?  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/28/20, 01:57:56 PM

avg free is pretty good.  also malwarebytes has a free edition.   

You seriously don't have antivirus, smurfy?     I guess I could say something about union guys that is obvious at this point....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/28/20, 02:40:01 PM
Bored at home?  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:


That was really good.  Fun couple.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/28/20, 02:53:24 PM

avg free is pretty good.  also malwarebytes has a free edition.   

You seriously don't have antivirus, smurfy?     I guess I could say something about union guys that is obvious at this point....
lets just say i'll leave that crap to the experts...........and i'll continue to do what i'm paid to do..........and that aint fixin puters!!!!!!!! :banghead: :banghead:

i'll get by.......its not like i CANT  go to the office..................after all we are essential trades!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/28/20, 03:08:30 PM

avg free is pretty good.  also malwarebytes has a free edition.   

You seriously don't have antivirus, smurfy?     I guess I could say something about union guys that is obvious at this point....
lets just say i'll leave that crap to the experts...........and i'll continue to do what i'm paid to do..........and that aint fixin puters!!!!!!!! :banghead: :banghead:

i'll get by.......its not like i CANT  go to the office..................after all we are essential trades!!!!!!!!!!
:scratch: Probably somebody else who's glad you CAN too...........................nearby.   :sleazy:                                                                        ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/28/20, 03:43:26 PM

avg free is pretty good.  also malwarebytes has a free edition.   

You seriously don't have antivirus, smurfy?     I guess I could say something about union guys that is obvious at this point....
lets just say i'll leave that crap to the experts...........and i'll continue to do what i'm paid to do..........and that aint fixin puters!!!!!!!! :banghead: :banghead:

i'll get by.......its not like i CANT  go to the office..................after all we are essential trades!!!!!!!!!!

Expert told you what to do.  Now do it.   Go to the AVG page, download, install, run scan.    Then go to https://www.malwarebytes.com/mwb-download/ and do that too.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/28/20, 03:45:29 PM

avg free is pretty good.  also malwarebytes has a free edition.   

You seriously don't have antivirus, smurfy?     I guess I could say something about union guys that is obvious at this point....
lets just say i'll leave that crap to the experts...........and i'll continue to do what i'm paid to do..........and that aint fixin puters!!!!!!!! :banghead: :banghead:

i'll get by.......its not like i CANT  go to the office..................after all we are essential trades!!!!!!!!!!

Expert told you what to do.  Now do it.   Go to the AVG page, download, install, run scan.    Then go to https://www.malwarebytes.com/mwb-download/ and do that too.

Almost, Delmundo. CC Cleaner FIRST with virus scan. THEN the other stuff.   Just like ya don't put clean clothes on a dirty body. Ya wash first. ;D
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/28/20, 04:02:44 PM
:confused: :angry2: :angry2: :pouty: effin technology!!!!!!!! :banghead: :banghead: :taz: :taz:

so yesterday I go to st cloud to get a portable printer to match up with my laptop to print emails and such to work from home. worked on setting it up today. got the ink cartridges all lined up and went to the site that it tells you to be able to get the wireless part going.

comes back error, someone will contact you. little later some guy with a foreign accent calls, but gotta admit he was fairly understandable. long story short he says my laptop is infected.  :angry2: :angry2: :bonk: :banghead: :taz: I THINK IT IS ALL THE PORN DOTCH AND MIKEY SENDS ME!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :shocked: :azn:

anyhow i cant bring it to the puter shop cause i need the laptop, and not even sure there open. so its off to ramsey this afternoon. :doah: :censored:
Shoulda bought a chrome book...built in virus software
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/28/20, 04:06:09 PM
Or a Mac.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/28/20, 04:30:55 PM
yea whatever...….I know my limitations and aint afraid to admit it. besides this is union hall property.

like I said before...…...i'll let the experts deal with it!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/28/20, 04:32:59 PM
so, went to ramsey and back. downtown cold spring is dead as hell. more traffic on 94 then I expected, but didn't know what to expect. hwy 10 and elk river was pretty quiet.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/28/20, 05:02:44 PM
So, your in lock down...here's something to occupy your mind...hahahaha
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/28/20, 05:23:42 PM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/28/20, 08:03:40 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/28/20, 10:18:24 PM
yea whatever...….I know my limitations and aint afraid to admit it. besides this is union hall property.

like I said before...…...i'll let the experts deal with it!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
:scratch: Maybe you could get them to fix your phone for you too?  :doofus: :doah: :confused:                                                               ;)  :nerd: :nerd:   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/29/20, 11:16:09 AM
ST. PAUL — Practically overnight, some Minnesota distilleries have switched from being whiskey and vodka makers to becoming full-fledged hand sanitizer production sites.

Communities are turning to distilleries for their ability to produce high-content alcohol products at a time when traditional commercial-brand hand sanitizers have been all but wiped out from store shelves as a means to combat the coronavirus.

As a result, local distilleries are making sanitizers to donate to those on the front lines. Some distilleries are also making the sanitizers available to the public.

“Some have switched completely over from a distillery to a hand sanitizer manufacturing facility,” said Mark Schiller, president of the Minnesota Distillers Guild. “You go one day from shutting down your cocktail room to the next day being able to produce a health care substance.”

Schiller said things changed exponentially in the past week after the Federal Drug Administration and Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Federal agencies lifted restrictions to allow distilleries to make sanitizers and offered guidance, including a recommended sanitizer recipe from the World Health Organization with the recommended 70 percent or more alcohol solution.

“Now that we actually have guidance and approval to do this — some places were holding off until we had that — many of us have shifted some or all of our entire production capacity of making spirits to hand sanitizers,” said Schiller, who is also co-founder of Loon Liquor Co. distillery in Northfield. “There are health organizations, first responders, day cares and other organizations in Minnesota that are running extremely low on hand sanitizer. Distilleries have the ability, and are starting to fulfill and help the needs of their communities.”

In Minnesota, at least eight distilleries have started making sanitizers, and that number is expected to grow.

Doing so takes an army.

“Essentially there are quite a few hurdles,” Schiller said.

In addition to high-proof alcohols, there are two other main ingredients — hydrogen peroxide and glycerin — in order to make sanitizers. As a result, distillers have been working with companies such as Triton Chemical out of Lakeville to provide supplies to distilleries.

And with making sanitizers comes costs for supplies, and some distilleries are asking for the public’s help with donations. Donation sites such as GoFundMe pages have been set up.

“Everyone is just trying to make sure that they can sustain their efforts,” Schiller said.

He said other challenges have been running out of containers to put product in, so some distilleries have started asking the public to drop off supplies or bring their own containers.

With so many sanitizer production sites starting up in the past week, distilleries are in talks to coordinate efforts to have a centralized place where the public can find information on how to obtain sanitizers. A website is expected to be up and running soon.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/29/20, 11:51:32 AM
yea whatever...….I know my limitations and aint afraid to admit it. besides this is union hall property.

like I said before...…...i'll let the experts deal with it!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
:scratch: Maybe you could get them to fix your phone for you too?  :doofus: :doah: :confused:                                                               ;)  :nerd: :nerd:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea maybe!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/29/20, 06:08:02 PM
Lost another to Corona................

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/29/20, 06:18:50 PM
he had great music, RIP...............
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/29/20, 08:20:42 PM
Ahh crap.................

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/29/20, 08:39:24 PM
Crap. Hope he pulls thru it.  :sad:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/30/20, 07:48:09 AM

saying 8 strains of the virus are out there.... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/30/20, 08:22:19 AM
So, buy stock in Ventec, or get a free ventilator with yer new Chebby?  :scratch:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/30/20, 08:29:45 AM
So, buy stock in Ventec, or get a free ventilator with yer new Chebby?  :scratch:


Has anyone figured out what GM did to piss off Trump?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/30/20, 07:23:04 PM
So, buy stock in Ventec, or get a free ventilator with yer new Chebby?  :scratch:


Has anyone figured out what GM did to piss off Trump?

Kept trying to get more money for fewer ventilators... with later deliveries.   Typical carp. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/30/20, 07:51:36 PM
Good thing Fiat isn't makin' 'em.   :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/30/20, 08:47:29 PM
So, buy stock in Ventec, or get a free ventilator with yer new Chebby?  :scratch:


Has anyone figured out what GM did to piss off Trump?

Kept trying to get more money for fewer ventilators... with later deliveries.   Typical carp.
Source please
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/30/20, 09:15:27 PM
So, buy stock in Ventec, or get a free ventilator with yer new Chebby?  :scratch:


Has anyone figured out what GM did to piss off Trump?

Kept trying to get more money for fewer ventilators... with later deliveries.   Typical carp.
Source please


That reputable enough? 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/30/20, 09:54:33 PM
Pretty sure that is old news delmonte, the latest I read is that they are making them and Trump is praising their efforts. How many are IBM turning out?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/31/20, 07:34:51 AM
Pretty sure that is old  news delmonte, the latest I read is that they are making them and Trump is praising their efforts. How many are IBM turning out?
It was why defense production act was invoked. Yeah article was 3 days old. 
I have no idea if IBM is doing anything.  Not much manufacturing left there.  They were using a and supercomputers to screen drug candidates, if that counts.

Are you a GM guy or something?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/31/20, 07:39:09 AM
The other day as the wife and I were on a drive along the river both of our cell phones started making a loud air raid siren noise.  Then a message came on saying all Ontario citizens returning to Ontario must go through a 14 day quarantine upon returning to the country. I was just turning around as this happened and wondered what alarm is my truck making?  Hit the brakes thinking I was going to run into something.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/31/20, 07:57:58 AM
Pretty sure that is old  news delmonte, the latest I read is that they are making them and Trump is praising their efforts. How many are IBM turning out?
It was why defense production act was invoked. Yeah article was 3 days old. 
I have no idea if IBM is doing anything.  Not much manufacturing left there.  They were using a and supercomputers to screen drug candidates, if that counts.

Are you a GM guy or something?

Auto manufacturers can't just flip a switch and the lines start turning out ventilators. I think Ford is projecting it will be 100 days. Trump got puzzled at GM because they told him the truth in terms of time and cost.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/31/20, 09:10:52 AM
I hope you don't have any recyclables, yard waste from raking, or need to drop off yer garbage, Delwin. CAWchester closed down the Recycle Center, the grass dump, the garbage drop off, (For folks that don't have a garbage man, like in the country) and the compost pile site. Guess they expect the folks with garbage to let it pile up sky high like in NY during the 70's. Smart move, CAWchester. Like that's a huge social gathering site... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/31/20, 09:46:31 AM

Gun sales soar amid coronavirus outbreak

Spikes in gun sales typically follow mass shootings or the elections of presidents who are Democrats, as gun owners fear government restrictions on future firearms sales.

But first-time gun buyers are fueling a recent surge in Minnesota gun sales. And the coronavirus pandemic is the main reason for their purchases, said John Munson, a gun store owner.

“A lot of new buyers that don’t own firearms are saying, ‘hey, I’ve got to stay at home. I’ve got to plan for two weeks,’” said Munson, owner of Bill’s Gun Shop, which has three stores, including one in Hudson, Wis. “They’re looking at the worst-case scenario, saying, ‘maybe now is the time that I would want to pick up a firearm to defend myself or my family at home.”

Munson said his stores saw “extreme numbers of people coming through the doors” during a recent weekend — 1,300 to 1,400 people per day. He said that’s probably three times the sales he’d normally see at this time of year.

“We’re seeing a lot more home defense shopping now,” said Munson. “A lot of shotguns and small-caliber rifles.”

The higher demand for guns comes at the same time Munson is short-staffed. About a dozen of his 85 employees can’t work because of their vulnerability to the virus or out of concern for their health. And the store employees who remain on the job are also making sure to enforce social distancing protocols in the stores and on the gun ranges.

Munson said he always encourages gun buyers to take in-store safety courses. However, those classes won’t be available for a while.

“We’re putting all classes on hold until May 1,” said Munson. “Simply because we don’t have the resources to operate the shop in its full hours, in its full capacity.”

The National Rifle Association has announced that first-time gun owners who need training during this time can access its YouTube channel promoting “mentor videos” with gun safety basics, maintenance and storage tips.

To buy a pistol or a semi-automatic assault style rifle in Minnesota from a gun store like Bill's Gun Shop, a person has to have either a permit to carry a handgun or obtain a permit to purchase. County sheriffs issue permits to carry. Permits to purchase are available through local police departments — or in smaller communities, sheriff's offices.

Minneapolis police have seen a 35 percent increase in permits sought during the first three months of this year compared to the same period last year.

St. Paul has seen the number of permit applications rise from an average of four or five per day to more than 30 per day.

In Brooklyn Park, there has been a nearly 200 percent increase in purchase applications so far this month compared to all of March 2019.

Brooklyn Park Police Deputy Chief Mark Bruley said the vast majority of those permit applications are being made by people who have not applied for a permit to buy a gun before.

“I think as people struggle with the fear and anxiety of the pandemic and what that means, I think people are dealing with it in different ways,” said Bruley. “I don’t think I totally understand why we’re out of toilet people and why we’re buying that en masse, but I think people are just trying to deal with it in their own way. And for some reason, some people feel the need to have a gun.”

Bruley said residents shouldn’t be afraid that the police department will not be able to help them in a time of need. Right now, he said calls for service are at normal levels.

Bruley said he supports peoples’ Second Amendment rights to own guns. But he wants to make sure people — especially first-time gun buyers — are prepared to take on the responsibility.

“I don’t want them to minimize how important it is to make sure that gun is secured; that they know how to handle it; and that they keep it away from children or people that should not have access to that gun,” said Bruley, who adds that an improperly stored gun is more likely to be stolen than to be used in self-defense.

There are other risks associated with having guns in homes.

A gun in the home is also associated with higher risks of suicide and domestic homicide.

And according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 60 percent of gun deaths are the result of suicide. In Minnesota, 4 out of 5 gun deaths are suicides.

“Access to guns does increase the relationship with suicide,” said Sue Abderholden, executive director of the National Alliance on Mental Illness Minnesota.

Abderholden said she wants people to be extra careful about bringing a gun into the home right now.

“We have more children at home. Kids are not in school right now,” said Abderholden. “We have increased depression and anxiety among our population. So, you want to make sure gun storage and restricting access to lethal means is also happening at the same pace.”

Abderholden recommends to remove the guns from the home entirely if someone in the home is experiencing depression.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/31/20, 11:39:15 AM
Pretty sure that is old  news delmonte, the latest I read is that they are making them and Trump is praising their efforts. How many are IBM turning out?
It was why defense production act was invoked. Yeah article was 3 days old. 
I have no idea if IBM is doing anything.  Not much manufacturing left there.  They were using a and supercomputers to screen drug candidates, if that counts.

Are you a GM guy or something?

Auto manufacturers can't just flip a switch and the lines start turning out ventilators. I think Ford is projecting it will be 100 days. Trump got puzzled at GM because they told him the truth in terms of time and cost.
Or GM over promised some to get the deal. Hard to tell, even reading the big story in wsj today.

Certainly seems as if the government got the wrong idea somehow as to what the time frame and cost would be. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/31/20, 11:49:52 AM
I see deaths now up to 12 in the state.  629 confirmed cases.  Beltrami just south of us is up to 3 now. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/31/20, 12:04:50 PM
I woke up last night cuz Sammy (the yellow lab) must have farted.  Smelled bad.  The fact that I could smell it was a good thing. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/31/20, 12:06:26 PM
Did you try to taste anything?    :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/31/20, 12:29:05 PM
I see deaths now up to 12 in the state.  629 confirmed cases.  Beltrami just south of us is up to 3 now.
I just seen a blurb that the U.S.  death total has reached China's numbers!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/31/20, 01:49:29 PM
Interesting that California, despite massive amounts of travel from China in the period before the pandemic, has many fewer cases and deaths than New York....


Wonder what is really going on....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/31/20, 02:05:55 PM
I wonder if it has anything to do with the warmer weather in California?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/31/20, 02:10:10 PM
That is interesting.  If that is the case maybe spring is getting here in the nick of time.  Hope so.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/31/20, 02:27:43 PM
Maybe the Juncos are heralding it in.  :smiley:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/31/20, 02:37:26 PM
Not sure this is true, but it was said once that viruses and those type of bugs, and they are hoping this COVID stuff reacts the same way that with the Warner more moist air these things done travel as well
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/31/20, 02:53:20 PM
I see where they are going to take everyone's temperature when they come to work at place of employment
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/31/20, 03:34:49 PM
I hope via a forehead scan... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/31/20, 03:43:59 PM
Yeah, I don't know much about it yet but I would think they wouldn't want to be very invasive.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/31/20, 03:44:52 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/31/20, 04:15:23 PM
U of M refund probs....

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/31/20, 04:27:05 PM
I hope via a forehead scan... :rolleyes:

Anally is most accurate.   Bend over.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/31/20, 04:28:01 PM

As in, I am going to go for a drive and see how many Covidiots are up here fishing instead of obeying the Governers stay at home order. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/31/20, 04:28:35 PM
I wonder if it has anything to do with the warmer weather in California?
Possibly although it wasn't that warm in Ca, esp the northern part, in March.   He discusses that in the article.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/31/20, 04:41:24 PM

As in, I am going to go for a drive and see how many Covidiots are up here fishing instead of obeying the Governers stay at home order.

Good idea!  Are you taking the missus and the Covidot sniffing K-9's?  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/31/20, 04:45:41 PM
Wow, gas is down to $1.64 here.....and we can't go anywhere.  :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/31/20, 04:51:23 PM
I see where they are going to take everyone's temperature when they come to work at place of employment
you work weekends right?? Do there gonna check Yea for Saturday night fever?? :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/31/20, 05:04:07 PM
Wow, gas is down to $1.64 here.....and we can't go anywhere.  :doah:

Sure we can! We gotta make another emergency wool drop at Delbert's in the Studebaker!  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/31/20, 05:09:06 PM
$1.77 here today and I see crude is still dropping, something over $20.00 a barrel I think
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/31/20, 05:25:07 PM
Wow, gas is down to $1.64 here.....and we can't go anywhere.  :doah:

Sure we can! We gotta make another emergency wool drop at Delbert's in the Studebaker!  :happy1:

That's right! And guess what? Charlies is doing out-the-door lunches & dinners!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/31/20, 06:14:03 PM
Wow, gas is down to $1.64 here.....and we can't go anywhere.  :doah:

Sure we can! We gotta make another emergency wool drop at Delbert's in the Studebaker!  :happy1:

Well, daughter has a spinning wheel and is sheltering in place....  How about the black stuff?  She is a knitter...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/31/20, 06:29:53 PM
The Black stuff????  Del you do scare me at times.  SO what the heck is black stuff?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/31/20, 06:40:04 PM
He isn't talking Mexican black tar heroin is he??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! :shocked:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/31/20, 06:49:28 PM
He never ceases to amaze me so could be.  He is not as mild as he comes across!! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/31/20, 06:51:27 PM
Black Gold!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/31/20, 07:02:10 PM
He never ceases to amaze me so could be.  He is not as mild as he comes across!!

And look what he said about the takings temps...... :doah:

I hope via a forehead scan... :rolleyes:

Anally is most accurate.   Bend over.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/31/20, 07:04:28 PM
Wow, gas is down to $1.64 here.....and we can't go anywhere.  :doah:

Sure we can! We gotta make another emergency wool drop at Delbert's in the Studebaker!  :happy1:

Well, daughter has a spinning wheel and is sheltering in place....  How about the black stuff?  She is a knitter...

If you're serious Del (& I know I always am... :rotflmao:) I'd be more than happy to give her some. Some of the spinners have really liked the natural colored Cheviot wool. I just really like getting rid of it. It's raw wool, still in the grease as they say. PM me if you'd like and we could see how to arrange "a drop" sometime. Just saw my shearer go by with the wool bagger on behind his truck. Must not be abiding by the social distancing rules. He talked about shearing up at the U. That'd be about the last place I'd go right now.  :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/31/20, 07:10:23 PM
Wow! She could make wool facemasks for COVID!  :shocked:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/31/20, 07:51:50 PM
Somethin' funny goin' on down here.....been seein' a couple different choppers flying in and out today, not Mayo One or North Memorial.  Looks almost like a Gazelle, with enclosed tail rotor, and it's a 4 blade.
Also, saw four or five C-130's winging in....but never saw 'em going out. And, the strangest, an all white single engine fixed-wing that's making oblong circuits all day....looks like a Cessna Skyhawk. Those are favorites of the FBI for surveillance of cities. I'm gonna glass it when it goes over again as it's flying pretty low. No wing ID, I'll haveta try to get a tail # to look up.....(Which come back to fake co's if it's FBI anyway)and see if it's got a camera pod on belly or a dirtbox. Went over four time tonite while I was sitting out front for an hour. Who knows what could be going on?!   :cool:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/01/20, 07:53:30 AM
Wow, gas is down to $1.64 here.....and we can't go anywhere.  :doah:

Sure we can! We gotta make another emergency wool drop at Delbert's in the Studebaker!  :happy1:

Well, daughter has a spinning wheel and is sheltering in place....  How about the black stuff?  She is a knitter...

If you're serious Del (& I know I always am... :rotflmao:) I'd be more than happy to give her some. Some of the spinners have really liked the natural colored Cheviot wool. I just really like getting rid of it. It's raw wool, still in the grease as they say. PM me if you'd like and we could see how to arrange "a drop" sometime. Just saw my shearer go by with the wool bagger on behind his truck. Must not be abiding by the social distancing rules. He talked about shearing up at the U. That'd be about the last place I'd go right now.  :confused:
I haven't asked her yet, so not sure how serious, but it wasn't just a joke.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/01/20, 09:53:04 AM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/01/20, 10:01:29 AM
Well my faith in Humanity is restored.  Just took a drive past Vidas and Frontier landings.  Noone there.  But the barricades are up and they put the dock beside them so noone moves them again.  Went through town and the trucks and boats that were staying here look to be gone.  Wonderful.  Maybe we can avoid catastrophe here.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/01/20, 10:01:37 AM
Somethin' funny goin' on down here.....been seein' a couple different choppers flying in and out today, not Mayo One or North Memorial.  Looks almost like a Gazelle, with enclosed tail rotor, and it's a 4 blade.
Also, saw four or five C-130's winging in....but never saw 'em going out. And, the strangest, an all white single engine fixed-wing that's making oblong circuits all day....looks like a Cessna Skyhawk. Those are favorites of the FBI for surveillance of cities. I'm gonna glass it when it goes over again as it's flying pretty low. No wing ID, I'll haveta try to get a tail # to look up.....(Which come back to fake co's if it's FBI anyway)and see if it's got a camera pod on belly or a dirtbox. Went over four time tonite while I was sitting out front for an hour. Who knows what could be going on?!   :cool:
you ever get around to figuring out your mystery???? it be kinda interesting to know!!!!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/01/20, 10:10:34 AM
No, not yet! That same fixed wing went over this am right before sunrise...no mistaking it. Sure ain't out for a joyride....and it's no student-flying plane, either, not at the crack of dawn. Pretty distinct sounding engine.  Same route, east to west and back. Airport from here is direct south, so most planes run a North-south course, another odd thing.  Hope it ain't ME they're watching... :censored:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/01/20, 10:16:56 AM
AHA!!! I ain't cuckoo! That's the SAME plane...a Skyhawk! Just not all white... :shocked:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/01/20, 10:20:57 AM
 :pouty: :pouty: dirty rotten scrondrels!!!!!!! :censored:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/01/20, 10:28:34 AM
 I wonder :scratch: if it might not have something to do with the Mayo Dr. who was arrested @ the Mpls/St Paul airport recently for helping some terrorists. :confused: Maybe their still worried about having a sleeper cell there. :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/01/20, 10:34:31 AM
Who knows?! Nothing would surprise me around here. I always warned 'em at work that the easiest way for a terrorist to get here here is book thru the Mayo International
Patient Center...had a girlfriend that worked in that dept. As long as they paid the cash up front (required of all international patients) they were in!
I'll keep watchin' them while they're watchin' us...wonder if I can get an Aston Martin?  Or maybe a Walther PPK with a silencer?  :cool:     :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/01/20, 10:42:51 AM
Keep mooning them as they fly over.  Maybe you will become famous...    :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Cooperman on April 04/01/20, 10:45:03 AM
Reb, you better get to the store and pick up enough rolls of tin foil to cover your ceilings, also hanging pop cans from the ceiling will scramble the radio waves.
Good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/01/20, 10:45:23 AM
Keep mooning them as they fly over.  Maybe you will become famous...    :sleazy:

Naa, don't care to see a .30 cal nose out thru a side port.... :doah: I'll hold up Glenn's pic with an arrow pointing north instead.   :rotflmao:  :rotflmao:

Reb, you better get to the store and pick up enough rolls of tin foil to cover your ceilings, also hanging pop cans from the ceiling will block the radio waves.
Good luck.

Hey, now THAT's a good idea, Coop! Reflect right back at 'em! Beat 'em at their own game!  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/01/20, 10:47:05 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/01/20, 10:48:35 AM
Keep mooning them as they fly over.  Maybe you will become famous...    :sleazy:

Ya, The spy who came in from the cold.    :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/01/20, 11:10:47 AM
Border Patrol chopper just went over.  Coincidence?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/01/20, 11:11:28 AM
Keep mooning them as they fly over.  Maybe you will become famous...    :sleazy:

Naa, don't care to see a .30 cal nose out thru a side port.... :doah: I'll hold up Glenn's pic with an arrow pointing north instead.   :rotflmao:  :rotflmao:

Reb, you better get to the store and pick up enough rolls of tin foil to cover your ceilings, also hanging pop cans from the ceiling will block the radio waves.
Good luck.

Hey, now THAT's a good idea, Coop! Reflect right back at 'em! Beat 'em at their own game!  :happy1:
HEY...…..i'm innocent!!!!!! :angel: :angel:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/01/20, 11:18:39 AM
I got a call from our former Business Manager. he taught me everything I know about being a thug!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:

anywho, he's long been retired, and heads to florida for the winter months. he told me they came back a month early because florida is insanely nuts. the gov is doing nothing about the social distancing, they had 600 new cases yesterday alone people are out and about like nothings going on. only places closed are beaches and resturants. gov is saying its all right to go to work...…... :doah: :doah:
he even said the place they stay at the older people  arent  taking this stuff seriously.

and frankly...…in minnesota.......i dont see this stay at home or anything related to this ending after the 2 weeks. :doah: i honestly dont know if this is getting so blown out of porpotion or what??????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/01/20, 11:28:06 AM
Keep mooning them as they fly over.  Maybe you will become famous...    :sleazy:

Naa, don't care to see a .30 cal nose out thru a side port.... :doah: I'll hold up Glenn's pic with an arrow pointing north instead.   :rotflmao:  :rotflmao:

Reb, you better get to the store and pick up enough rolls of tin foil to cover your ceilings, also hanging pop cans from the ceiling will block the radio waves.
Good luck.

Hey, now THAT's a good idea, Coop! Reflect right back at 'em! Beat 'em at their own game!  :happy1:
HEY...…..i'm innocent!!!!!! :angel: :angel:

I'm sure their cams can zoom in and spot illicit alleged winter onions.... :whistling:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/01/20, 11:36:03 AM
No tennis for 1st time since WWII................ :shocked:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/01/20, 11:38:41 AM

With no ICU beds and no ventilators, vacation town residents implore tourists to stay home

BAUDETTE, Minn. — An uproar on Lake of the Woods social media last week highlighted what some call a long-standing rift in local resort towns between vacationers and year-round residents.

“There’s a great divide in this area about what is lake and what is town, who is local and who is not,” said Mike Kinsella, who owns Border View Lodge in Baudette. “It’s kind of unfortunate in the way that it’s, without a doubt, the opposite of 'Minnesota Nice.' ”

The rancor comes after the Lake of the Woods and neighboring Koochiching County commissioners voted Tuesday, March 24, to close county-controlled access points to the Rainy River in an effort to slow the influx of visitors to the area amid COVID-19 concerns. The Lake of the Woods board will revisit the decision at its meeting on April 14.

Baudette Mayor Rick Rone said the backlash on Facebook is not representative of the majority of either permanent residents or visiting anglers, and the vast majority of people are understanding of the board's decision in unprecedented times.

Still, Kinsella, who also sits on the Lake of the Woods Tourism Board, fears there will be long-term impacts on tourism to the area.

“These tourists, these people that are ‘going to kill everybody’s grandma,’ I think their responses are, ‘OK, we’ll remember, and we’ll go to places that want us to be there,' ” he said. “So yeah, there’s going to be a long-term effect.”

Gregg Hennum, owner of Sportsman’s Lodge in Baudette, said the tensions started around the same time the fear started.

As news of more positive COVID-19 cases in Minnesota reached the North Shore in the far northeast part of the state, year-round residents took to social media to tell tourists to go home, expressing fear that visitors from other areas would bring the virus with them to the small vacation towns or buy up items already in short supply at local grocery stores.

Lake of the Woods Tourism Bureau Director Joe Henry said tourists had largely stopped coming to the area. He said, over the past few weeks, resorts have had to give tens of thousands of dollars in refunds for canceled reservations. Kinsella said, on one recent weekend, he had more than 100 bookings, five of which showed up.

In some ways, Henry said, it is fortunate the outbreak happened when it did. As businesses across the state scaled back operations and locked down, only the tail end of a robust winter ice fishing season was impacted, around the time when many resorts would be closing their books on the season anyway.

But Hennum said that healthy winter season, which drew huge numbers of visiting ice fishing enthusiasts, could now be contributing to some of the pushback against tourists.

Anglers logged a record 2 million hours of fishing pressure during the winter of 2018-19 on Lake of the Woods, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Numbers from this winter aren't yet available, but the estimate is expected to be every bit as high, if not higher.

"There's been an invisible wall between the town and the resorts for 40 years," Hennum said. "Nothing major. Just slight disagreements. But as soon as the fear factor started to build, that's when people, I noticed, started to get a little more vocal."

Henry said many walleye anglers consider the first two weeks of April to be the greater loss. He said the first half of April offers some of the best walleye fishing of the year, which in the “Walleye Capital of the World” draws anglers from across the Midwest.

He said that he understands the frustrations on both sides, from the fear of the year-round residents to the loss of a treasured tradition for walleye anglers.

"I mean, we had one person call us and say, 'I just want to verify that those accesses are actually closed. I've been coming up there from Rochester for 50 years, and this will be the first year I haven't fished the river,' " Henry said.

On social media, and especially in community Facebook groups, anglers argued that fishing is inherently an act of social distancing. Year-round residents argued, on the other hand, that anglers still congregate at access points, in gas stations and in grocery stores. Kinsella said, at some of the bitterest points preceding the commissioners’ decision to close access points, he saw some threatening to block access to roadways or commit other acts of violence against visitors.

Lake of the Woods County Sheriff Gary Fish couldn't be reached for comment by this publication's press deadline, but a Koochiching County dispatcher said there have been no reports resulting from threats seen on social media.

Hennum said he's not that active on social media, and so hasn't seen the vitriol he's heard about secondhand. Does he believe those threats will spill over into the offline world?

"Of course not," he said.

Rone emphasized the distinction between social media and real life and said that, while it’s easy to air frustrations from behind a computer screen, at the end of the day, Lake of the Woods residents are just scared of what effect the virus could have on their community with limited access to emergency medical care.

According to Rone, the LakeWood Health Center in Baudette has no ICU beds and no ventilators, and, after the departure of two doctors, the hospital is staffed by a single physician.

Henry said that fact has likely been a driving factor behind much of the online vitriol.

"During times like this when there's a lot of anxiety, you get all sorts of different emotions coming out," he said.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/01/20, 11:53:47 AM
Been doing some research.....and found out there has been a surveillance plane down around this area....and look what I found.....that's the plane, in the pic! Almost positive! I've flown in a lot of small planes; my Mom's husband was a pilot, I flew with him, as he flew a lot. Spent a lot of time around them years back. Was going to go for my pilots license, but too many irons in the fire as it was.  About same height as I saw it, too......I'd guess 1000-1200 ft of air, since 1000 ft is minimum over populated areas.  I'm convinced now.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/01/20, 12:39:53 PM
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that they're not out to get you.   :bonk:


Sounds like that has been going on all over.  I wonder if they are investigating a specific threat or if they are just testing their existing technology and capabilities across a range of cities.   :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/01/20, 12:47:59 PM
I'm gonna go with the COVID/Mayo/ setting place for incoming cases up thing....logistics would be involved determining secure accessible routes that would be blocked off for just that purpose, from my experience. Same as when we did pre-scouting and set-ups for the prez and high-end others. All possible scenarios have to be noted and and dealt with, like overhead mapping of routes....I have an Email into my logistics /HICS buddy right now, I'll let ya know if he gives me any info.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/01/20, 01:02:53 PM
Been doing some research.....and found out there has been a surveillance plane down around this area....and look what I found.....that's the plane, in the pic! Almost positive! I've flown in a lot of small planes; my Mom's husband was a pilot, I flew with him, as he flew a lot. Spent a lot of time around them years back. Was going to go for my pilots license, but too many irons in the fire as it was.  About same height as I saw it, too......I'd guess 1000-1200 ft of air, since 1000 ft is minimum over populated areas.  I'm convinced now.


 :Photography: :Photography:   :rolleyes: :coffee:

By John Reinan and Matt McKinney Star Tribune
June 3, 2015 — 9:38am

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/01/20, 01:17:12 PM
Ya, I know....but ya think they just up and quit when something arises? That they don't continue when "needed"?   You just keep smoking that turkey and don't fall over in yer chair, we'll holler if yer needed.... and wrap me some of that bird up, this is hard work!
By the way, no news from my HICS buddy. (Which, by the way, stands for Hospitals Incident Command System). The big bird. Said they've kept him holed up in a room for 13 hrs a day....ya, it's a big thing alright. Maybe more so than they're even letting on....that was "hinted to me".... :undecided:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Cooperman on April 04/01/20, 01:19:27 PM
Reb, get outside and get some fresh air.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/01/20, 01:23:00 PM
I shall. Gonna go scatch up the yard for today. The Reb Newscast is now off the air for today. You'll have to rely on FOX, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN.......I'm just trying to keep YOU guys informed of the real deal. Good intentions. And my head hurts for it... :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Cooperman on April 04/01/20, 02:41:31 PM
Just teasing ya Reb.  you’re doing good. I’d rather hear it from the REB network.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/01/20, 03:09:25 PM
Ya, I know....but ya think they just up and quit when something arises? That they don't continue when "needed"?   You just keep smoking that turkey and don't fall over in yer chair, we'll holler if yer needed.... and wrap me some of that bird up, this is hard work!
By the way, no news from my HICS buddy. (Which, by the way, stands for Hospitals Incident Command System). The big bird. Said they've kept him holed up in a room for 13 hrs a day....ya, it's a big thing alright. Maybe more so than they're even letting on....that was "hinted to me".... :undecided:

Just sayen.  Up here in B/Center, mn we have a big black guarded fenced in FBI building. Yesterday someone on the city forum posted there were about 30 black un-marked cars parked around the outside of the building with their flashers on right after Gobber Walz's News update. They swore some kind of big Covid-19 shut down thing was ready to roll!  :embarrassed: :undecided:

Turned out-Retirement send off!  :bonk: :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  It's all how you want to believe something.  :huh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/01/20, 03:18:41 PM
Yup. Just remember I was in a different line of work than you were too. Just might be getting some different clues. My take is they're gettin set for a big influx of COVID pts just in case. Takes lots of logistics/prep work to set all that stuff up. I can't tell ya more.  So, as everyone says, "just sayin". Whatever works for ya.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/01/20, 03:20:45 PM
I wonder :scratch: if it might not have something to do with the Mayo Dr. who was arrested @ the Mpls/St Paul airport recently for helping some terrorists. :confused: Maybe their still worried about having a sleeper cell there. :crazy:

To be technical, he wasn't at mayo when he was arrested.   He had been fired/he had quit.... But, yeah.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/01/20, 03:35:18 PM
And the kiddies continue to gather.........I think it's hopeless. I really do. Slow it down, maybe; stop the spread?  No.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/01/20, 06:41:21 PM
It's hopeless. &$$#&% H.  Christ! The NL's parents just came down from Wisconsin with their suitcase, looks like a spread-the-disease week. Now her Buddy from Texas just pulled up with her stuff....!!!!! The kiddie's next door had their buddies pull in with 12 paks of beer, now they've  got a huge fire going in the backyard. (also illegal)..and I'm staying home???!?!  Why??!!  it's friggin' hopeless! There's no stopping the spread.  :angry2:  :banghead:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/01/20, 06:47:35 PM
It's hopeless. &$$#&% H.  Christ! The NL's parents just came down from Wisconsin with their suitcase, looks alike a -the-disease week. Now her Buddy from Texas just pulled up with her stuff....!!!!!and the kiddie's next door had their buddies pull in with 12 paks of beer...and I'm staying home???!?!  it's friggin' hopeless! There's no stopping the spread.  :angry2:  :banghead:

Look on the bright side.  maybe they will all die and stop annoying you.. :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/01/20, 06:52:29 PM
I'm drinking plenty of anti-coronavirus material fer ya Rebs! Ya won't have malaria or scurvy either. Gotta warn ya tho, yer head might hurt in the a.m.!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/01/20, 06:52:59 PM
 I'll just send 'em all to Delmouth's house, and they can ANNOY him. It's must be OK to ignore the Governors mandates, right?
I should take my buddies over there too...but he won't even answer his door......why's that? Is he afraid of getting it?!

The governor also addressed concerns that some Minnesotans are not respecting the stay-at-home and social-distancing orders.

"Minnesotans have done a pretty good job," Walz said, "but we need to do better ... This is not about whether you feel good and want to get out and do this activity. This is about the fact that you may be an asymptomatic carrier and could hurt someone else or their family. You need to just assume you have it, and just assume whoever else out you see out there has it."
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/01/20, 06:57:20 PM
Ignore them and you take care of you. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/01/20, 06:58:03 PM
I'll just send 'em all to Delmouth's house, and they can ANNOY him. It's ok to ignore the Governors mandates, right?
I should take my buddies over there too...but he won't even answer his door......why's that?

I'm social distancing.   Nobody making you go hang out with the Corona Folks.   They'll get  their just desserts... And I don't mean donuts.   Once they are sick and gone no more annoyance.  You just need patience.   Not patients.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/01/20, 07:03:55 PM
Same here Delman.  Haven't even been to the grocery store for appx 10 days.  Not sure.  We are staying away as long as we can.  AND I like going there so that is a bummer.  We have lots of stuff in the freezer so are having fun just making due with what we have.  I do like to have a pineapple or a cantaloupe cut up in a bowl in the frig so will be out of that soon.  Will resort to canned fruit for awhile.  When I do go I will do some fun shopping!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/01/20, 07:56:17 PM
It isn't just the youth that can't seem to understand what Stay at Home means. It isn't that much of a sacrifice to forego some things we are use to in life. You could very well be saving someones life by staying home. This is pretty much nationwide now.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/01/20, 08:33:01 PM
You are so right Roony.  Just stay home!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/02/20, 06:54:14 AM
Yep. Our neighbors are still gathering on the weekends for HH. They come up to the lake for the weekends and just have to get together. We just stay home and keep to ourselves. Crazy thing is we know one of them has COPD and they are are in the 60s and up. Can't tell them farmers what to do though can ya. ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/02/20, 08:41:50 AM
Aside from getting feed once or twice a week, a semi-weekly grocery run, necessary work runs to pay bills, do some banking & get the mail every few days, it's meant lots of time at home. We don't waste time when we go either. Get in & get out. A lot less exposure than we had considering she was working 6-7 days a week and I was to town and back most days twice with work & checking for lambs at noon. I look at this as retirement practice. Ruby is loving it. She took a nap laying against my leg for about an hour yesterday. She's going to have a complex when things get back to normal.  :cry:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/02/20, 09:55:25 AM
Hey Reb.   The Minnesota Stasi has a hotline for anti-social folks like them.

ov. Tim Walz said he supports the hotline number set up to let Minnesotans report on violations of social distancing guidelines, despite complaints that it represents a form of Big Brother with neighbors reporting on neighbors. Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka wrote on Twitter: “Please take this hotline down @GovTimWalz  It’s not necessary and it’s not how Minnesotans want to treat each other. We can all show a bit of kindness to our neighbors as we manage our times and needs differently in the stay at home efforts.”

“We simply want people to be able to call and let folks know and it’s for their own good,” Walz said. The governor compared it to numbers where people can report fires.

“If we see people who might not be as informed on this, it’s an educational piece,” he said. “We’re not gonna take down a telephone number that allows people to try to keep their neighbors safe.” The numbers and email address are: 651-793-3746 or email SAHviolation@state.mn.us.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/02/20, 10:00:31 AM
 :scratch: :scratch: I have no idea why this Gazelka is doing this???? he's been bucking this from the day Walz put the order in place...…….and guess what in my oinion its gonna be extended.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/02/20, 10:57:52 AM
its no secret I visit other sites. well, IDO has been smoking any thread regarding this COVID-19, with the warning don't do it anymore or there will be membership consequences. a little harsh maybe, but then anything that turns even thr slightest bit political does get smoked.........locked.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/02/20, 11:04:23 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/02/20, 11:04:29 AM
Aside from getting feed once or twice a week, a semi-weekly grocery run, necessary work runs to pay bills, do some banking & get the mail every few days, it's meant lots of time at home. We don't waste time when we go either. Get in & get out. A lot less exposure than we had considering she was working 6-7 days a week and I was to town and back most days twice with work & checking for lambs at noon. I look at this as retirement practice. Ruby is loving it. She took a nap laying against my leg for about an hour yesterday. She's going to have a complex when things get back to normal.  :cry:
since this order has been put in place, I went to the Union Hall once and for a drive around the lakes. my wife went to st cloud to do some banking and get grub at cashwise. that is it. she did say they have 6 ft apart markings on floor at checkout and the barricade between the cashier and customer.

I need to go to the Hall again today. other then its a you cant or shouldn't go out and about the mere fact you shouldn't makes this a little tougher, but this really isn't out of the norm of what we do otherwise. we just don't meander out and about a lot.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/02/20, 11:05:07 AM
:scratch: :scratch: I have no idea why this Gazelka is doing this???? he's been bucking this from the day Walz put the order in place...…….and guess what in my oinion its gonna be extended.

They can already call their local police or sheriffs dept. To some it looks like more governmental overreach and gives neighbors who are already having a pi$$ing match for whatever reason one more weapon to use. Where does it stop? Next thing you know the DNR will have a hotline to turn in people harvesting smurfberries out of season... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/02/20, 11:07:49 AM
:scratch: :scratch: I have no idea why this Gazelka is doing this???? he's been bucking this from the day Walz put the order in place...…….and guess what in my oinion its gonna be extended.

They can already call their local police or sheriffs dept. To some it looks like more governmental overreach and gives neighbors who are already having a pi$$ing match for whatever reason one more weapon to use. Where does it stop? Next thing you know the DNR will have a hotline to turn in people harvesting smurfberries out of season... :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: don't you gotta go stick your head in some sheep doo??????? :confused: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: maybe play with your reddi whip!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/02/20, 12:38:26 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

...while heading to the local PO... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/02/20, 09:41:22 PM
The more I read about this, and it's way more than I care to. The more I think they don't have a clue. I'm not saying this is a hoax but now I read some of the projected numbers have people questioning them.

 :surrender: :surrender: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/02/20, 09:42:29 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

...while heading to the local PO... :rotflmao:
you apparently must forget to pay for postage. :sleazy: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/03/20, 07:03:57 AM
The more I read about this, and it's way more than I care to. The more I think they don't have a clue. I'm not saying this is a hoax but now I read some of the projected numbers have people questioning them.

 :surrender: :surrender: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
I have to agree Glenn. Also I think part of the problem is not getting the true info out of China.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/03/20, 08:14:40 AM
I am glad we are taking all of these precautions but it would sure be nice to find out things are improving at a faster rate than we expected.  We can't let up on our precautions though.  It is still a real threat to all of us.  A person in Rainy River, right across the river from us has Covid now.  They did come from the US.  Canada at this time hasn't released any info that could be helpful to all of us.  Such as: was this person hanging out in Baudette for any length of time, or shopping in stores or being around people here? 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/03/20, 08:35:21 AM
The more I read about this, and it's way more than I care to. The more I think they don't have a clue. I'm not saying this is a hoax but now I read some of the projected numbers have people questioning them.

 :surrender: :surrender: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
You can include the our govenor here as she just came out yday keeping our Stay at Home in place until  4/30. She has also come out & said she doesn't believe her own DOH experts who are sayin it'll be a late peak here & could reach 1300 deaths.  :scratch:  I' m with you LPS as these days I lean more to the other line of thinkin where it's better to over do it out front than to wish you had after. :tut: :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/03/20, 08:43:33 AM
On a more up beat note, there's a small auto shop here in town that is making face shields with the help of their 3D printer & they're giving them away! :happy1: :cool: The local 1st responders were some of the 1st to get some. Takes 20 minutes for them to make the frame part that holds the shield in place, they made a few thousand of them so far.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/03/20, 08:45:37 AM
good for them Gunner!!!  I the the SIP will be til the end of the month here too..  just sayin.....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/03/20, 09:03:27 AM
The more I read about this, and it's way more than I care to. The more I think they don't have a clue. I'm not saying this is a hoax but now I read some of the projected numbers have people questioning them.

 :surrender: :surrender: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:

What part do you think they don't have a clue about?   We know the essential part, it is a serious disease that can really f*** you up, especially if you are older and/or not in perfect health, and it is pretty contagious when people are close together, like in a church service or a soccer game or even maybe a crowded store.    And folks are contagious before they get very sick.   

Oh, and most places are not prepared for a whole bunch of people who are really sick all at the same time.   

And there really isn't much we can do about it until the experts find a treatment of sorts, and eventually come up with a vaccine that works and doesn't kill folks.  And that will be a while.   

If it doesn't go away in summer like the flu and colds mostly do, it will be a long year.  And an ugly one.   

So until then we need to stay away from anyone that might have it, far enough away that they can't give it to us.   If you are young and healthy and want to gamble, that would be ok, but then you just make it harder for everyone else once you get it, even if it doesn't make you that sick.   

Meanwhile for some of us, going out and being around people is like playing russian roulette. 

All the rest of the news and information is just noise, although it can be entertaining or interesting noise.   

That's my take. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/03/20, 10:00:53 AM
Del I agree with you..its just now there coming out with people questioning the numbers, so history here says how do you believe anything being said? is it to get people somewhat scared to take it more seriously?

I for one am not taking chances...…...but they also got to concider peoples livelyhoods and scaring the bejesus out of everyone isn't kosher in my book. the good old honest to god truth would be nice.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/03/20, 10:02:47 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/03/20, 10:03:54 AM
I am glad we are taking all of these precautions but it would sure be nice to find out things are improving at a faster rate than we expected.  We can't let up on our precautions though.  It is still a real threat to all of us.  A person in Rainy River, right across the river from us has Covid now.  They did come from the US.  Canada at this time hasn't released any info that could be helpful to all of us.  Such as: was this person hanging out in Baudette for any length of time, or shopping in stores or being around people here?
I was often wondering that also, why aren't they telling us where these cases are?? other then just to the county level. watching the news yesterday there is some controversy regarding public information  and the HIPPA law.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/03/20, 10:07:46 AM
during our conference call we where told that a Business Manager from another part of the country passed away in his sleep over night, thy suspect COVID-19 was an issue. he was 42 years old!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/03/20, 11:09:01 AM
here is my reasoning for bringing this up.

on MSN's homepage..first article is titles...…….experts and WH advisors doubt COVID-10  death numbers!!!!!!!! :doah: :scratch:

and then you have to wonder just what the heck you can believe!!!!!! :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/03/20, 11:23:00 AM
Oh but ya gotta trust the numbers coming out of China, glenn!  ;) :rotflmao:

The numbers themselves even if they're correct don't tell the whole story. At some point reason and critical thinking needs to take over. Have listened to NY Gov. Cuomo's blathering ad nauseum this week. So far he's tried to tell the rest of the country how they should go about managing their own situations, saying the other day that the rest of the country would end up just like New York because there are places in upstate New York where cows outnumber people. Wait a minute, here's a guy who a few months back said they had everything under control. Now he's got a helluva mess on his hands and has spent a lot of time pointing fingers and blaming people, particularly the federal govt. Probably not a guy I want to pay a lot of attention to. I seriously doubt that upstate New York = North Dakota or South Dakota or western MN for that matter in terms of population density. My closest neighbor is half a mile away even here in SC MN.

When I went to town yesterday to keep the business operating, I stopped at the grocery store quick. Saw a few people I knew but our conversations were brief and we all practiced more than proper social distancing. Having dealt with confinement livestock, at home and through work all these years, I'd like to think I have a concept of what can go wrong when animals including people are crowded together. When I read so much of what is on social media news feeds or even to an extent from the TC, it is geared solely towards those in urban settings. If I were to interpret a lot of what they're writing or saying verbatim, I wouldn't even go out of the house to do chores. Should shut down everything, go hide in the basement and the government will save me.  :bs:  :angry:

Received this yesterday from a friend in his newsletter. He has helped develop models for predicting pest outbreaks and as part of developing economic thresholds for treatment decisions. It's for plant insect and disease management mind you but a lot of the same science still applies. Sorta put things in perspective for me.

"Whether waiting out the pandemic confined to our homes or out on the essential service front lines, most folks now ponder the coronavirus and its current and potential effects on our lives and livelihood.

Are the ever-changing estimates of infection rates, mortality predictions, and flattened curves we are bombarded with right… or wrong? At some point, hindsight will tell us. For now, it is important to remember that these numbers are based on mathematical models; models with limited data on actual infection rates, and on the physical, physiological, and pharmaceutical factors moderating the COVID-19 virus and the disease it causes. They are only predictive models and the odds of the currently calculated best/worst case scenarios being correct are low. They will continue to change as new information is generated and incorporated. When this year’s pandemic is over, the models will be pretty good at describing what happened. Model outputs are seldom entirely accurate, being close enough to be useful is often good enough. So for now, be safe and avoid fear - don’t be stupid either." 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/03/20, 12:05:21 PM
At this point arguing about projected death totals is like arguing about how deep the ocean is while the Titanic is sinking.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/03/20, 12:23:16 PM

experts and WH advisors doubt COVID-10  death numbers!!!!!!!! :doah: :scratch:

There's Experts and advisors on a New virus no ones saw before or knows how to stop?  :scratch:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/03/20, 12:49:54 PM
Del I agree with you..its just now there coming out with people questioning the numbers, so history here says how do you believe anything being said? is it to get people somewhat scared to take it more seriously?

I for one am not taking chances...…...but they also got to consider peoples livelyhoods and scaring the bejesus out of everyone isn't kosher in my book. the good old honest to god truth would be nice.

The Truth?  You can't handle the truth..  (sorry just channeling jack nicholson there for a minute).    What numbers are people questioning?   Mostly they think there are a lot more folks sick walking around than testing indicates.   Not much evidence things are being over hyped, except by a few dumb or slimy politicians trying to get some sort of advantage.   If anything, some places were late implementing precautions and scaring people so as not to tank the economy.   

And what the h*** is this crap about "considering people's livelyhoods"?  Like, leave the bars open so people can go cough all over everyone?     :angry2: :tut: :thumbs:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/03/20, 12:52:21 PM
here is my reasoning for bringing this up.

on MSN's homepage..first article is titles...…….experts and WH advisors doubt COVID-10  death numbers!!!!!!!! :doah: :scratch:

and then you have to wonder just what the heck you can believe!!!!!! :pouty:

Yeah, if you read further it is they think the death numbers in many places are really a lot higher than what is being said.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/03/20, 01:37:01 PM

experts and WH advisors doubt COVID-10  death numbers!!!!!!!! :doah: :scratch:

There's Experts and advisors on a New virus no ones saw before or knows how to stop?  :scratch:

They know how to stop it but it is doubtful that people want to experience the kind of economic pain it would take. A lot of people seemingly think not going to bars and restaurants is a real sacrifice.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/03/20, 02:08:30 PM
here is my reasoning for bringing this up.

on MSN's homepage..first article is titles...…….experts and WH advisors doubt COVID-10  death numbers!!!!!!!! :doah: :scratch:

and then you have to wonder just what the heck you can believe!!!!!! :pouty:
I believe they are talking about the numbers coming out of China.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/03/20, 02:13:15 PM
It's all a confusing mess, but I'll do my part best I can.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/03/20, 04:05:11 PM
Have we discussed wearing masks? I have plenty of sterile gloves we've been wearing,  but not masks yet. The little I've been into grocery/ drug stores I've seen a few sporting them but not many. The wife is going to make some out of bandanas and hair ties which I'm totally fine throwing on hitting menardos and fleet farm. You guys?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on April 04/03/20, 04:30:51 PM
I haven't worn gloves or masks.  I do wipe down the cart when shopping and when I'm done shopping I have some purell lotion that I put on before I get into my truck.  Plus wash my hands when I get home.  The mask not yet but I'm thinking about it.  Nothing wrong with wearing a mask,  I think it's a lot better than not wearing one.  I haven't worn a mask of any kind since the Army.  They put you in a room and a guy come's in and sprays tear gas so you know what it's like.  Then after you start coughing and tearing up they give you the mask and let you out.  I was in the military police.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/03/20, 04:55:24 PM
Have we discussed wearing masks? I have plenty of sterile gloves we've been wearing,  but not masks yet. The little I've been into grocery/ drug stores I've seen a few sporting them but not many. The wife is going to make some out of bandanas and hair ties which I'm totally fine throwing on hitting menardos and fleet farm. You guys?

might have to order a couple from ya!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/03/20, 04:56:37 PM
I wasn't a MP but we had to do the tear gas chamber when I was in too... gawd that was tearful time!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/03/20, 05:09:07 PM
I've thought about wearing a mask when I go to the grocery store in a week or so.  I also wondered about disposable gloves too.  Sure hate to ruin the good record of staying safe.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/03/20, 05:19:13 PM

Al Qaida fighting off virus for years!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/03/20, 05:21:45 PM
oh my!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on April 04/03/20, 05:48:32 PM
I have been wearing gloves when I go grocery shopping. I now have masks for the next time I go. It seems to be progressing according to Waltz.... so you can't be to causes.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/03/20, 08:24:48 PM
here is my reasoning for bringing this up.

on MSN's homepage..first article is titles...…….experts and WH advisors doubt COVID-10  death numbers!!!!!!!! :doah: :scratch:

and then you have to wonder just what the heck you can believe!!!!!! :pouty:
I believe they are talking about the numbers coming out of China.

And the belief is that the numbers out of China are low, much lower than reality.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/04/20, 09:04:38 AM
The wife just showed me a post on FB about the Wadena Walmart.  The employees there have been going up behind people and coughing as a joke.  People aren't amused and it is frightening people.  Idjuts. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/04/20, 09:08:32 AM
here is my reasoning for bringing this up.

on MSN's homepage..first article is titles...…….experts and WH advisors doubt COVID-10  death numbers!!!!!!!! :doah: :scratch:

and then you have to wonder just what the heck you can believe!!!!!! :pouty:
I believe they are talking about the numbers coming out of China.

And the belief is that the numbers out of China are low, much lower than reality.
I seen a pc on this on the news this morning so I googled the current #'s. China is only reporting 81,600+ total cases & 3,300+ fatalities.  :bs: It's so bad that the CIA is even involved in trying to get the true #'s & they have been warning the White house since mid - February about the false #'s being reported. :crazy: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/04/20, 09:39:45 AM
The wife just showed me a post on FB about the Wadena Walmart.  The employees there have been going up behind people and coughing as a joke.  People aren't amused and it is frightening people.  Idjuts.

they will out of a job soon................
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/04/20, 09:42:28 AM
The wife just showed me a post on FB about the Wadena Walmart.  The employees there have been going up behind people and coughing as a joke.  People aren't amused and it is frightening people.  Idjuts.

they will out of a job soon................
As they should be!! :angry2: :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/04/20, 03:41:02 PM
was looking at the 511 map and I see the Red Lake Nation has shut down it's access's to all non-essential travel, 3 places where the roads are closed...   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/05/20, 07:50:17 AM
It was on the radio Friday that the red lake res declared Marshall law there. Curfews and all.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/06/20, 08:42:52 AM
so last night watching the news, I missed Walz state of the state, heard thru the news him and trump babble something about these next 2 weeks are going to be tough. were do they get this from?????is this based on what china and Italy went threw??????? dealing with the time frame????????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/06/20, 09:36:58 AM
so last night watching the news, I missed Walz state of the state, heard thru the news him and trump babble something about these next 2 weeks are going to be tough. were do they get this from?????is this based on what china and Italy went threw??????? dealing with the time frame????????

Here is a graph from the MN, Health web site.  The Cumulative line looks really bad but the one that counts is pretty level.  If the daily new cases line at the bottom starts rising it's a different ball game, but right now it's staying pretty flat.  Same with the Death graph.  If they ran these numbers to the total population in MN 5.6 mil it would not be as scary.  Yes it could turn that way. It would be good if they also showed the recovered rates as well.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/06/20, 09:41:36 AM
that's what makes it so confusing, these grafts that show or predict possible outcomes...…..its like charting the possibility of the Vikings winning the superbowl!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

curious to see how these charts would be in comparision to the influenza strains????????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on April 04/06/20, 10:10:53 AM
Looks like the NY death rates are slowly going down some which is good news.  Maybe light at the end of the tunnel.  Stock market went up over a thousand this morning.  So some good news but they said this would be a rough week.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/06/20, 11:37:14 AM
Looks like the NY death rates are slowly going down some which is good news.  Maybe light at the end of the tunnel.  Stock market went up over a thousand this morning.  So some good news but they said this would be a rough week.  good luck.

I think that in places like NYC there are enough people in bad shape that a bunch aren't gonna make it and the death numbers, which lag the infection numbers, are going to be big.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/06/20, 12:16:19 PM
I hate to say it but as bad of shape as NY is in I'm thinking they are going to find people that just stayed at home and died. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/06/20, 03:05:22 PM
the Gov. says he will make a decision midweek on the extension of stay at home deal..  to me he's saying it will be extended...   and I figured he would do that all along... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/06/20, 03:17:57 PM
Yes, it is a tough call to balance crippling the economy and controlling the spread of the virus.

Stay at home is effective, but how long is it sustainable?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/06/20, 03:22:22 PM
Yes, it is a tough call to balance crippling the economy and controlling the spread of the virus.

Stay at home is effective, but how long is it sustainable?
till the end of April  as I see it!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/06/20, 03:25:32 PM
Yup I see end of April. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on April 04/06/20, 04:00:25 PM
I think by the end of the month things will open up to get people back to work but not in every state in my opinion.  Some states right now are still open.  Some need to be open for they feed us all.  I hope we get back to producing medicine products right here in the good old USA so we are not depended on China like we are now.  I see our economy back roaring at the end of the 3rd quarter.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/06/20, 10:54:51 PM
Remdesivir is a drug that possibly could be used to treat covid.   
Gilead ramps up production of experimental Covid-19 treatment amid criticism over access
By ED SILVERMAN @PharmalotAPRIL 5, 2020
Hepatitis Drugs
In response to intensifying demand, Gilead Sciences (GILD) has been ramping up production of its experimental remdesivir treatment that is being tested to combat the novel coronavirus.

The drug maker now has 1.5 million individual dosages that could be used for more than 140,000 patients and is supplying the medicine, which is being made available through clinical trials and special access programs, at no charge.

“Providing our existing supplies at no charge is the right thing to do, to facilitate access to patients as quickly as possible and in recognition of the public emergency posed by this pandemic,” Gilead chief executive officer Daniel O’Day wrote in an open letter released Saturday night. He added the 1.5 million doses will be donated for “broader distribution” following any potential future regulatory approvals.


In coming months, the company expects to increase supplies as raw materials become available and, as a result, has set an “ambitious goal” of producing more than 500,000 treatment courses by October and more than 1 million by the end of this year. Toward that end, Gilead said it is building a “geographically diverse” group of suppliers to expand global capacity for raw materials and production.

Related: As the coronavirus spreads, a drug that once raised the world’s hopes is given a second shot
There is some evidence remdesivir, which previously failed to show benefit in Ebola virus patients, benefits Covid-19 patients, and the company has been working with researchers and several governments to get several clinical trials running. Results are expected this month.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/07/20, 07:42:38 AM
I hope they are onto something.  Most of those viral meds seem to have some serious side effects.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/07/20, 07:45:18 AM
First noble thing I have heard from a drug company in a long time.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/07/20, 07:52:34 AM
Their gesture is an investment.  If they are the first ones in with a successful treatment drug, there will be plenty of money to be made.

I'm sure drug companies want to find a treatment drug that is still under patent protection, not something cheap, generic, and affordable like Hydroxychloroquine.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/07/20, 08:24:41 AM
First noble thing I have heard from a drug company in a long time.
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: don't knock dem drug companies LPS!!!!!! :rotflmao: :tut: :tut: I make a pretty good living building vessels for drug companies!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/07/20, 10:30:20 AM
Heard about this one the other day. If you've treated livestock, dogs for heartworm or had head lice (crabs?) you may be familiar with it. I have a bottle of ivermectin in the medicine cabinet. Used to be expensive but since the patent is off it's dirt cheap. We use it for both internals & externals in the sheep once they're shorn. Used sub Q, injectible stings, makes 'em hop around but it's effective.

  https://www.newsweek.com/ivermectin-head-lice-drug-coronavirus-1496496   (https://www.newsweek.com/ivermectin-head-lice-drug-coronavirus-1496496)

And yes glenn, it does work on crabs!

  https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pubic-lice-crabs/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20350306   (https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pubic-lice-crabs/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20350306)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/07/20, 11:23:15 AM
Heard about this one the other day. If you've treated livestock, dogs for heartworm or had head lice (crabs?) you may be familiar with it. I have a bottle of ivermectin in the medicine cabinet. Used to be expensive but since the patent is off it's dirt cheap. We use it for both internals & externals in the sheep once they're shorn. Used sub Q, injectible stings, makes 'em hop around but it's effective.

  https://www.newsweek.com/ivermectin-head-lice-drug-coronavirus-1496496   (https://www.newsweek.com/ivermectin-head-lice-drug-coronavirus-1496496)

And yes glenn, it does work on crabs!

  https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pubic-lice-crabs/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20350306   (https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pubic-lice-crabs/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20350306)
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: good to know...………………..
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/07/20, 11:25:09 AM
We started using in for heartworms with our dogs.  It is a fraction of the cost of Frontline.  I think we paid $30 for a bottle and it will last 3 years or more to treat our dogs every month.  Doesn't take much.  About .1 or .2 cc's per dog per month orally. Learned about it in the great dog Vet book:  "How to afford Vet care without mortgaging the kids."  Dr. Busby in Bemidji.  The book is on Amazon.  He pissed off a lot of vets cuz he tells it like it is so people can save money on vetcare.  Fun book to read too. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/07/20, 11:58:49 AM
Off the COVID-19 topic but what are you using for fleas & ticks on the dogs Barry? The pour on permethrin we buy for livestock? A gallon costs about $20 - $30 & would last forever when used on a dog or two. It should work for that but just curious. I know too with herding dogs we have to be somewhat careful with ivermectin as it'll kill some within certain breeds if they're not tested first.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/07/20, 01:16:21 PM
First you give your dogs 1cc to see if they react.  Work up to 5 ccs and if they don't react by then you are good.  Can't do it with collies and dogs like that.  We now buy Bravecto.  A flavored tablet.  Haven't had a tick or flea on our dogs in the two years we have used it.  Fantastic stuff.  Ticks don't even like being on them.  And we are outside a lot.  One tablet every 3 months.  We do a half tab after the first three months to get them for another month and a half.  That way we can buy 3 tablets total and they are covered for the summer.  About $50 a tablet.  Have to get it from a Vet.  Our Vet mails it to me.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/07/20, 01:23:18 PM
sure wish there was a human pill like that I could use to deter all these women. getten tired of beatin off with a stick!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rolleyes: :nerd: :nerd: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/07/20, 02:43:59 PM
You beat off with a stick?   Ouchie....  try a fleshlight... :smoking: :sleazy: :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/07/20, 07:08:36 PM
Good one Del.....    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/07/20, 07:14:19 PM
 :doofus: :doofus: :doofus: :doofus: :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/07/20, 08:56:48 PM
John Prine died a little bit ago from COVID-19 complications  :cry:

RIP John

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEhqzOeJnto  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEhqzOeJnto)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/08/20, 07:36:32 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/08/20, 07:48:27 AM
So sad.  He was a great story telling song writer.  Just had a nice piece on him on CBS. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/08/20, 09:43:54 AM
 :scratch: :scratch: i'm not sure what to think of wearing gloves and a mask. I don't have any masks, and all my gloves I gave away to the nursing home.

lately on the news there has been a lot said about the glove issue, if you don't take them off properly, it serves no purpose of wearing them, and even then they say you need to wash your hands because the gloves maybe infected.

I haven't really had to go anyplace yet to decide????????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/08/20, 09:58:33 AM
 :confused: :confused: :banghead: :banghead: :taz: awe for gawds sake!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: NOW the POPE of all people is clammering that this virus is natures way of dealing with the climate crisis!!!!!! training-087 :banghead: :banghead:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/08/20, 09:58:52 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/08/20, 10:30:53 AM
:confused: :confused: :banghead: :banghead: :taz: awe for gawds sake!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: NOW the POPE of all people is clammering that this virus is natures way of dealing with the climate crisis!!!!!! training-087 :banghead: :banghead:

Whether you believe in "Global Warming" or not, the Pope clearly has an agenda in this regard because ecological changes - regardless of their cause - affect those in poverty hardest.

I find I need to read quotes from this Pope carefully, because the media often times draws the wrong inferences.

"We did not respond to the partial catastrophes. Who now speaks of the fires in Australia, or remembers that 18 months ago a boat could cross the North Pole because the glaciers had all melted? Who speaks now of the floods?" the Pope said.  "I don't know if these are the revenge of nature, but they are certainly nature's responses," he added.

When he spoke of "Nature's Responses" to the ecological crisis, he was talking about floods and fires and such, not the virus.  His point relates to how the global community responds to these local, "partial" catastrophes.  Now we are faced with global catastrophe and asks what we are doing to help the poor.

His example sited in the CNN article I read asked why are homeless sheltered in Las Vegas parking lots when the hotels are empty?  There may be a good reason for not doing so, but this Pope is continually calling us to pay attention to the needs of the poor.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/08/20, 10:39:56 AM
A well thought out post Steve-o.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/08/20, 11:30:02 AM
I understand your point Steve-o regarding the homeless. I take issue with religion interfering with politics. I am a firm believer in separation of church and state. and in my opinion the catholic church is the worse. I was brought up catholic but I lost all faith in them years ago.

regarding the hotels in vegas…………..they were closed for a reason. I really don't see the catholic church hitting it out of the ballpark building, financing or stepping up for the homeless.

just my opinion.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/08/20, 11:35:36 AM
You make a darn good point too Glenn.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/08/20, 11:42:54 AM
The virus is just as much part of nature as fire and floods and hurricanes and earthquakes.    Talking about "nature's response" is getting sort of close to anthropomorphizing it in replacement for God, which is a strange way for a pope to talk.   

For that matter, mankind and the poor and homeless are also part of nature.     

As for homeless in Hotels, California is starting to do that although it is quite expensive and not popular with the neighbors.   Somewhere north of $100 per day per room.   And they still have to eat, buy booze, buy drugs,  so they won't exactly be on lockdown.   
(one hotel backed out after local protests)


Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/08/20, 11:45:52 AM
and when this has all settled down and things start to reopen up...…………..whats gonna happen to the homeless??????? :scratch: :scratch: I assure you they wont be staying in these hotels...so back out on the street again they go!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/08/20, 11:46:50 AM
Maybe they will end up with a job at that hotel..
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/08/20, 12:07:12 PM
CAWchester is advising the hotels here to relax restrictions so that folks that may be active with the virus won't affect their families, and can go have a place to stay.... :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/08/20, 12:22:38 PM
CAWchester is advising the hotels here to relax restrictions so that folks that may be active with the virus won't affect their families, and can go have a place to stay.... :scratch:

Sort of a problem...   take a family of 4 living in a normal? house, say one like yours Reb.   One of the adults or even a high school kid gets sick.   Not really any way to isolate them in the house.    I bet all those hotels around town are pretty much empty.   Might not be such a dumb idea for the sick person to go stay in a room in a hotel until they are recovered or have to go to hospital.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/08/20, 12:50:45 PM
and when this has all settled down and things start to reopen up...…………..whats gonna happen to the homeless??????? :scratch: :scratch: I assure you they wont be staying in these hotels...so back out on the street again they go!!!!!!

Jesus Christ was considered a political dissident and was crucified for it. Pope Francis is an advocate for the poor and oppressed people in the world as he should be. I compare those who pick on him for his views to those who crucified Christ.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/08/20, 01:38:27 PM
We knew he was gonna, but it's official...another 2 weeks, guys.  :undecided:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/08/20, 01:51:08 PM
disappointed...……. yes. surprised NO!!!!!!!!!as long as we are at it may as well be on the safe side.

at least my wife hasn't started any gardening projects yet!!!!!! :rolleyes: :shocked: :rotflmao:

gets me to wonder what my work schedule will be like???????????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/08/20, 01:53:24 PM
Three more weeks...I'm already goin' bonkers here. First I been out since last week was when I got tested Monday, and I  was the only one in the drive-thru...just a few cars at the shopping center.  Kinda spooky.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/08/20, 02:03:54 PM
Alex looked like a ghost town to start with today...  We went to 2 grocery stores and that was it... The was Eldens and that was was really quiet!!!  then went to Aldi's...  they did have a fair amount of folks there!!  but at each place everyone was respectful of the others and no issues were seen!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/08/20, 02:10:39 PM
and when this has all settled down and things start to reopen up...…………..whats gonna happen to the homeless??????? :scratch: :scratch: I assure you they wont be staying in these hotels...so back out on the street again they go!!!!!!

Jesus Christ was considered a political dissident and was crucified for it. Pope Francis is an advocate for the poor and oppressed people in the world as he should be. I compare those who pick on him for his views to those who crucified Christ.

No, he was considered a religious heretic.   And that is awful judgy of you, isn't it?   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/08/20, 02:12:10 PM
An update from the scientific press.   Kind of long but quite interesting about vaccine for covid...

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/08/20, 02:19:37 PM
well now it's official, May 4th is the end date.. this time any way...  they will extend it again maybe????   :confused: :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/08/20, 02:25:40 PM
well now it's official, May 4th is the end date.. this time any way...  they will extend it again maybe????   :confused: :confused:

Look at reply #986... ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/08/20, 02:27:16 PM
and when this has all settled down and things start to reopen up...…………..whats gonna happen to the homeless??????? :scratch: :scratch: I assure you they wont be staying in these hotels...so back out on the street again they go!!!!!!

Jesus Christ was considered a political dissident and was crucified for it. Pope Francis is an advocate for the poor and oppressed people in the world as he should be. I compare those who pick on him for his views to those who crucified Christ.

No, he was considered a religious heretic.   And that is awful judgy of you, isn't it?
It was political as much as religious. And my post is no more judgemental than the one illustrating punching Pope Francis for something he didn't even say.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/08/20, 03:11:40 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/08/20, 03:57:15 PM
Ya, wash yer filthy mitts! Speaking of, I noticed the Lysol spray and bathroom cleaners and disinfectants were still all gone at the grocery store today....I was headed to pick up a bottle of bleach for normal use. Doesn't anybody mix a tad of bleach and water in a spray bottle for disinfecting like I do?! :bonk:  I will say this stay-at-home rule really brings out those who can and are capable, and the ones who can't and aren't.....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/08/20, 04:30:20 PM
never looked at the bleach in the store...  I have plenty anyway..  darn good stuff too!!!  if used right that is!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/08/20, 04:31:14 PM
Best disinfectant there is! And cheap! :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on April 04/08/20, 04:49:32 PM
I heard also that as far as your hands, good soap and water does the job also.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/08/20, 05:03:46 PM
When Mayo was making me answer their questionnaire before I got my snoot swabbed Monday, they said that washing yer hands for 20 seconds was better than the hand disinfectant everyone was looking for. By the way, I was negative for COVID and SARS...but still don't know why I've had this sneezing, coughing, wheezing thing for almost a month now. :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/08/20, 05:13:57 PM
When Mayo was making me answer their questionnaire before I got my snoot swabbed Monday, they said that washing yer hands for 20 seconds was better than the hand disinfectant everyone was looking for. By the way, I was negative for COVID and SARS...but still don't know why I've had this sneezing, coughing, wheezing thing for almost a month now. :rolleyes:

I read that when using the hand sanitizer that you need to let it dry and not wipe it off.  As in how I kind of wipe it on my my pants legs.  I also read as RH said that just washing with soap and water is great which reminds me of the thing on the wall at the Dr's office.  FROG  Friction Rubs Out Germs.   Now seriously.  Friction is a big part of warshing hands.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/08/20, 05:21:17 PM
friction can fun too!!!  just sayin!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/08/20, 05:24:25 PM
friction can fun too!!!  just sayin!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

O my!! Mikey!!  Now it's rubbed off yer gettin' to sound like someone else!!  :doah:  Honey works good for....er, never mind!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/08/20, 05:27:51 PM
I wasn't gonna say anything but was curious who was gonna be the first one to comment on that.  Mike you are the winner.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/08/20, 05:29:31 PM
O gawd ...it's spreading.  :rolleyes:  Wait, now THAT will get turned into something.  :banghead:

I best go have some milk and  cookies.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/08/20, 05:34:56 PM
why what did I say!!!?????????     :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/09/20, 12:10:27 PM
CAWchester just cancelled ALL downtown/city outdoor festivities thru July 1st... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/09/20, 01:30:31 PM
Told Reb this yesterday but the Eddie Cochran car and music festival in Albert's Leaf June 11 - 14 is cancelled. I talked to the secretary of our car club yesterday (I am fearless leader) and we decided to postpone our April activities until later. BTT50's was still on as of today's check on their website but won't be surprised if they punt on that one too. 12,000 cars June 19 - 21 and hopefully more than that number of sweaty people crammed into the State Fairgrounds. What could possibly go wrong?  :scratch: They did cash my check however. Haven't seen the packet in the mail that'll get me in the gate yet.  Who knows? Rebs, roony & I might wind up dumping more wool off at Delski's instead!

  https://msrabacktothe50s.com/   (https://msrabacktothe50s.com/)   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/09/20, 02:02:50 PM
They just better NOT cancel my weekly car shows!!
And that boat landing better be open by the middle of May!!!

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/09/20, 03:38:23 PM
Growing pushback & frustration after listening to the latest press conference. Not all softballs being lobbed in Walz's direction by the press today. The numbers from these models being used to make decisions are not adding up & he's being called on it. People are asking for answers & accountability.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/09/20, 03:50:42 PM
Seems like a lot of people would be happier with a higher death count. If the same decisions were made by a Republican governor the same people would be calling him a genius. just sayin....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/09/20, 03:57:21 PM
Blame McDonald's. If they had enough locations in China, that guy in Wuhan wouldn't have had to eat bats on a stick. Besides, they made my kid fat.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/09/20, 03:58:52 PM
So how long can we continue to put everything on hold? The numbers right now stand at 50 deaths in MN. The U of M/MDH model predicts 6000 - 20000 for the 12 - 16 month period. To reach that people will have to start dropping like flies. The U of Washington model predicts 456 thru August. Quite a discrepency.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/09/20, 04:14:00 PM
On the other hand Mark, our low numbers might very well show that what we are doing is working. I would be more inclined to listen to the epidemiologists than the conspiracy theorists in this case.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Lee Borgersen on April 04/09/20, 04:30:46 PM
Seems like a lot of people would be happier with a higher death count. If the same decisions were made by a Republican governor the same people would be calling him a genius. just sayin....

  Bring Me Back! :rotflmao:

 :happy1: I kin fix every ting! :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/09/20, 04:47:06 PM
Tough decisions for all our governors for sure. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't. I will freely admit that I don't have the information to make the call. I think I'll stick to growing tomatoes, something I know a little about.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Lee Borgersen on April 04/09/20, 04:53:29 PM
CAWchester just cancelled ALL downtown/city outdoor festivities thru July 1st... :rolleyes:

Please tell me dat da worm eating contest is not cancelled dis year. :mad1:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/09/20, 06:53:18 PM
So rodeo stock people supply bucking broncs and bulls for their events.  Do you do that with worms Lee?  Practically the same thing.   A stock contractor with the worm contract!
  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/09/20, 06:59:54 PM
I heard that many years ago, he had an old girl friend that gave him worms.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/09/20, 07:06:14 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/09/20, 07:57:45 PM
On the other hand Mark, our low numbers might very well show that what we are doing is working. I would be more inclined to listen to the epidemiologists than the conspiracy theorists in this case.

Well Art, I would certainly hope that the social distancing, shelter in place, business closings, etc., have made some difference given the resulting economic bloodletting. They'd better. Otherwise there'll be lots of 'splainin' to do.  :scratch: Not even gonna go there on epidemiologists. If I believed everything Osterholm said I would've gone off the grid and built a survival shelter 25 years ago.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/09/20, 08:22:15 PM
On the other hand Mark, our low numbers might very well show that what we are doing is working. I would be more inclined to listen to the epidemiologists than the conspiracy theorists in this case.

Well Art, I would certainly hope that the social distancing, shelter in place, business closings, etc., have made some difference given the resulting economic bloodletting. They'd better. Otherwise there'll be lots of 'splainin' to do.  :scratch: Not even gonna go there on epidemiologists. If I believed everything Osterholm said I would've gone off the grid and built a survival shelter 25 years ago.  :rotflmao:

Best idea yet! Its gonna be interesting to see how things pan out at Smithsfield in Sioux Falls
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/09/20, 08:43:41 PM
Odd you bring up Sioux falls. Just talked to and got Sioux falls stay home order. Haven't read it yet but the employer there updated there policy.  New to the policy is if an employee leaves south Dakota for personal reasons they need to self quarantine.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/09/20, 09:11:36 PM
80 tested positive at that packing plant.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/09/20, 10:23:56 PM
80 tested positive at that packing plant.
is that the plant on 115 south of 90??? If so I drive by that place when I head to the shop we got
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/09/20, 10:47:00 PM
80 tested positive at that packing plant.
is that the plant on 115 south of 90??? If so I drive by that place when I head to the shop we got

Don't slow down and inhale.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Lee Borgersen on April 04/09/20, 11:35:01 PM
So rodeo stock people supply bucking broncs and bulls for their events.  Do you do that with worms Lee?  Practically the same thing.   A stock contractor with the worm contract!
  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  :happy1: :happy1:

 :angry2: Jews' guys are just sayin all dat :bs: stuff bout me cuz it's true...... :tut:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/10/20, 06:41:08 AM
On the other hand Mark, our low numbers might very well show that what we are doing is working. I would be more inclined to listen to the epidemiologists than the conspiracy theorists in this case.

Well Art, I would certainly hope that the social distancing, shelter in place, business closings, etc., have made some difference given the resulting economic bloodletting. They'd better. Otherwise there'll be lots of 'splainin' to do.  :scratch: Not even gonna go there on epidemiologists. If I believed everything Osterholm said I would've gone off the grid and built a survival shelter 25 years ago.  :rotflmao:

Looks like feathers are gettin' ruffled. Personally, I don't think it's going to be working well in another three weeks. Basic psych 101 says that people will follow rules/laws for the betterment of society, but when they personally start to get hit hard thru the pocketbook, their home or life, it'll only last so long, before they start rebelling, regardless. Human nature.

Partisan tempers flare over Minnesota’s COVID-19 response[/b]

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Partisan tempers flared over Minnesota’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak Thursday as Republicans expressed frustration with Democratic Gov. Tim Walz for extending his stay-at-home order through May 4 and questioned the modeling behind his decision.

GOP Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka expressed dismay after Walz issued an extension that allowed certain categories of employees to return to work but maintained closures of bars, restaurants and other businesses deemed non-essential. About 80% of Minnesota employees are exempt.

“I do not approve of the Governor’s unilateral decision to continue the order to shelter at home until May 4th. We have to get on with our lives,” tweeted Gazelka, the state’s top elected Republican.

Paul Gazelka

I do not approve of the Governor’s unilateral decision to continue the order to shelter at home until May 4th.  We have to get on with our lives.

1:46 PM - Apr 9, 2020
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In a separate tweet, Gazelka disputed the updated modeling data that Walz used Wednesday as justification for extending his order, suggesting that it’s unduly pessimistic.

“Gov Walz expecting up to 5,000 people in ICU this June,” he tweeted. “New York State has less than 5,000 people in the ICU TODAY! NY has 19.5 million people to our 5.6 million. We have around 3000 beds available. We are ready for the surge now. Why shut MN business down for a NY sized surge?”

Paul Gazelka

Gov Walz expecting up to 5,000 people in ICU this June. New York State has less than 5,000 people in the ICU TODAY! NY has 19.5 million people to our 5.6 million. We have around 3000 beds available.  We are ready for the surge now.  Why shut MN business down for a NY sized surge?

2:11 PM - Apr 9, 2020
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Walz said on his daily conference call with reporters that he’s listening to top experts and using the latest available data.

“I want people back to work as badly as anybody does,” Walz said, citing advice from the Mayo Clinic, the Centers for Disease Control, other health organizations and the example of 42 other states with similar restrictions. “I hope that I am as wrong as I can be on the need for those beds, but all of the data shows me that I cannot risk that at this time.”

The Minnesota Department of Health reported 11 new deaths from COVID-19 on Thursday, the state’s largest one-day increase since the pandemic began, raising the state’s total to 50. The department also reported 88 new confirmed cases Thursday for a total of 1,242.

The department has conducted the modeling with experts at the University of Minnesota. Amid increasing pressure, the department has scheduled a presentation on modeling for reporters Friday.

Walz said the various models the state considers, including a more optimistic model from the University of Washington increasingly cited by Republicans, are not meant to predict deaths, but trends and loads on the health care system.

The top Republican in the Minnesota House, Minority Leader Kurt Daudt, urged “maximum transparency” and called for the full release of all the modeling data and assumptions driving the Walz administration’s decisions.

“Every day legislators are fielding dozens of calls from families and business owners whose lives have been turned upside-down as a result of decisions based on modeling data that has not yet been released to the public,” Daudt said in a statement. “It would be helpful for Minnesotans to see for themselves the data informing the Governor’s executive orders — not just a few summary slides.”

Walz said Republicans have the right to question his decisions but disputed that he’s made them unilaterally.

“I don’t think deliberating in a crisis by tweet is the way to go.” he said.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/10/20, 06:59:48 AM
Odd you bring up Sioux falls. Just talked to and got Sioux falls stay home order. Haven't read it yet but the employer there updated there policy.  New to the policy is if an employee leaves south Dakota for personal reasons they need to self quarantine.
We were just told the same thing last Wednesday at work also that if we travel we need to self quarantine for 14 days.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/10/20, 07:19:10 AM
We get our temp checked at work now and are asked about travel.
On the social side, Easter will be a hard time to stay apart.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/10/20, 08:11:25 AM
Odd you bring up Sioux falls. Just talked to and got Sioux falls stay home order. Haven't read it yet but the employer there updated there policy.  New to the policy is if an employee leaves south Dakota for personal reasons they need to self quarantine.
We were just told the same thing last Wednesday at work also that if we travel we need to self quarantine for 14 days.
what I had a problem with was the personal travel, if you traveled for the employer it was ok. WTF.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/10/20, 08:27:06 AM
Good point Glenn.  If it makes them money it is ok to risk your life.  If it is for your personal satisfaction it is not ok.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/10/20, 08:29:10 AM
The 4" - 8" of snow forecast for Easter here might further enhance social distancing. Looks like a cold, do nothing week for farmers too. Going to be a lot of cranky people to stay away from. Can't go to the bar. Hafta drink at home.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/10/20, 08:30:35 AM
We get our temp checked at work now and are asked about travel.
On the social side, Easter will be a hard time to stay apart.
the shop we have in st cloud is going to start taking temps as soon as they are set up for it. I see next week. If they refuse they get sent home and are not eligible for unemployment
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/10/20, 08:35:36 AM
Odd you bring up Sioux falls. Just talked to and got Sioux falls stay home order. Haven't read it yet but the employer there updated there policy.  New to the policy is if an employee leaves south Dakota for personal reasons they need to self quarantine.
We were just told the same thing last Wednesday at work also that if we travel we need to self quarantine for 14 days.
what I had a problem with was the personal travel, if you traveled for the employer it was ok. WTF.
No travel for work for us either. But something I thought of last night is we have contractors in do construction work and I am sure most of them travel back to Grand Forks or where ever they live on the weekends. I don't see them getting quarantined for 14 days. Need to ask the question on Monday.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/10/20, 08:41:49 AM
The kiddie next door, who works for Daddy's non-essential business, just opened back up again. Said he's not stayin' closed. (so he told someone that knows me) His buddies that work for him, meet him here, and park their cars here all day, then head off with him. They arrived this morning, too. Shop is outside of CAWchester, too, so they're all traveling....whaddya gonna do?  :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/10/20, 09:10:23 AM
What kind of shop Rebs?  So they don't want a lot of vehicles parked by the shop I suppose.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/10/20, 09:44:22 AM
Well, a narrow residential street isn't for his employees to be parking on all day, taking up homeowner's guests spots....he's done this ever since he moved in. Neighbors have already had it out with him over this. Business is a garage door fixit place just south of Rochester, no big place. Park there like any other business does.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/10/20, 10:03:38 AM
Well, wouldn't garage doors be considered a part of construction which is essential according to the Gov. That is why we are still working. Windows are part of construction making us essential. And what I read a few weeks ago, Judge Napalatono said all this is actually unconstitutional but because of the fear people let the government walk all over the rights.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/10/20, 10:10:37 AM
It was deemed non-essential.....not by me. The way I see it, any kinda construction/homeowner type job, whether it be painters, garage door fixers, plumbers, drywallers, electricians, steelworkers, is essential to me. Not much social contact there. Just like my yard guy who is out there right now raking and trimming away. He said they called his biz "Non-essential". But I see the big companies like Tru-green and such are all over the place right now doing yard work. I even think some small restaurants should be allowed to be open. People usually aren't sitting on top of ya in restaurants, so move the tables farther apart. (depending on setup) Non-essential to me are the the bars and breweries that keep popping up all over. Like herds of cattle in 'em. And I agree...when the gubmint starts telling folks what is and isn't an "essential" job, next will be vehicles, guns, etc. In other words, they can kiss my  :moon: But that's another issue.....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/10/20, 10:14:45 AM
As of Wednesday your yard guy can go to work or he wouldn't be there now!!👍
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/10/20, 10:17:11 AM
I haven't followed the news on "when".....I get my news here!  :azn:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/10/20, 10:21:11 AM
A recent development....

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/10/20, 10:24:51 AM
Can't be your house Dotch, it's not big enough of a truck and doesn't have a tandem trailer behind. :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/10/20, 11:00:02 AM
The kiddie next door, who works for Daddy's non-essential business, just opened back up again. Said he's not stayin' closed. (so he told someone that knows me) His buddies that work for him, meet him here, and park their cars here all day, then head off with him. They arrived this morning, too. Shop is outside of CAWchester, too, so they're all traveling....whaddya gonna do?  :confused:

Call the Corona Rat Line....    I thought I posted that already?   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/10/20, 11:35:25 AM
Can't be your house Dotch, it's not big enough of a truck and doesn't have a tandem trailer behind. :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:

Why doncha stop by ya little blue fart? I'll give ya a haircut then ya can get all yer stuff outta my garage!  :rotflmao:

  https://www.dublinlive.ie/news/dublin-news/dubllin-sheep-shear-haircut-18071646   (https://www.dublinlive.ie/news/dublin-news/dubllin-sheep-shear-haircut-18071646)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/10/20, 11:41:34 AM
Hmmmm....just finished up with my yard buddy, whom I've been friends with since '81.
A straight, by-the-book guy. Doesn't even drink! Anywho, I asked him about the non-essential thing.... Said he called the state hotline, and they told him it applies to Landscapers, and not "yard care" workers. Talked to his district rep, who told him he can run his business.....but he waited anyway. We agreed the whole thing is kinda wishy-washy. The local ones here never stopped anyway.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/10/20, 11:51:16 AM
Yup. Talked to the golf course guy the other day when I was at PO mailing glenn more stuff. Guy said they'd been picking away at stuff out at the golf course even after the gov. edict. Thought I'd noticed trees chopped up and other stuff moved around when I'd gone by there.  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/10/20, 12:00:17 PM
Like I mentioned last week....here it starts. Didn't take long. :doah: :censored:


On another note, Mayo is going to start lay-offs. Salaried employees just took a big % cut. I best not say how much. Confidential. Ssssh. Didn't hear that from me.  :whistling:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/10/20, 01:25:28 PM
Can't be your house Dotch, it's not big enough of a truck and doesn't have a tandem trailer behind. :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:

Why doncha stop by ya little blue fart? I'll give ya a haircut then ya can get all yer stuff outta my garage!  :rotflmao:

  https://www.dublinlive.ie/news/dublin-news/dubllin-sheep-shear-haircut-18071646   (https://www.dublinlive.ie/news/dublin-news/dubllin-sheep-shear-haircut-18071646)
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: careful what you wish for. :evil: by the way how far are you from hey 23?? Iffin I ever get to go to Sioux falls SD again
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/10/20, 01:26:51 PM
You haven't been banned there yet?  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/10/20, 01:28:01 PM
 :tut: nope federal law says they can't. :sleazy: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/10/20, 01:37:25 PM
Can't be your house Dotch, it's not big enough of a truck and doesn't have a tandem trailer behind. :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:

Why doncha stop by ya little blue fart? I'll give ya a haircut then ya can get all yer stuff outta my garage!  :rotflmao:

  https://www.dublinlive.ie/news/dublin-news/dubllin-sheep-shear-haircut-18071646   (https://www.dublinlive.ie/news/dublin-news/dubllin-sheep-shear-haircut-18071646)
:scratch: Only trailer he has big enough has his boat on it.  :sleazy: Would you be able to fill that up for him to take home, Dotch? ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/10/20, 01:39:39 PM
Wait, wait....!! I got a pile o' dead skwirrels we ran across this morning... :evil:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/10/20, 02:59:32 PM
Meat prices?  :confused:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/10/20, 03:42:39 PM
Seems like market prices aren't reflected in retail prices unless market prices rise.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/10/20, 04:09:33 PM
Spy stuff......  :cool:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/10/20, 07:00:41 PM
Like I mentioned last week....here it starts. Didn't take long. :doah: :censored:


On another note, Mayo is going to start lay-offs. Salaried employees just took a big % cut. I best not say how much. Confidential. Ssssh. Didn't hear that from me.  :whistling:

Well, if you were a lackey in one of the departments that is more optional, like dermatology or orthopedics, and all  the appointments have been rescheduled until sometime in the sweet bye and bye, no surprise...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/11/20, 10:32:21 AM
My wife talked to a friend of hers. The campground we used to be at told them they were going to open the campground soon. For now, they will not be having weekenders. Permanent sure people are not allowed visitors from outside the campground, and the permy people are not allowed to gather at others campers.

I'm sure the female drunk is running short on beer money.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/11/20, 10:53:19 AM
Meat prices?  :confused:


The COVID-19 had a major impact on both beef and lamb markets. Lamb has tended to be a more seasonal market with Easter/Passover & Christmas leading to an uptick in consumption. The Christmas lamb market was OK but the Easter market disintegrated within a matter of days when things started shutting down. With people out of work or not much $ coming in, they're sure as shootin' not gonna go out and buy lamb at $13/lb. What's in the pipeline is still commanding top dollar but the packers don't want more for a while and they're putting the screws to producers who have fats ready to sell. Can only feed & hang onto it for so long. Guess what? It was tough enough before all this so a lot of producers are gonna throw in the towel. Livestock operators liquidate, supply is lower and the price in the store is only gonna get worse for a while especially once demand picks up again. Bend over and take it.  :surrender:   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/11/20, 11:16:50 AM
Exactly what I was gettin' at..............up go the prices.   $$
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/11/20, 12:13:26 PM
Just heard my neighbor down the road tested positive, hope it's not true.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/11/20, 12:24:47 PM
Just heard my neighbor down the road tested positive, hope it's not true.
ugh. Same here. Stay safe bud!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/11/20, 12:46:51 PM
I found a nice, quiet non-crowded place today...the cemetery. No need to distance there. Actually, folks were strolling around thru there. Stopped and chatted with a guy and his pooch for awhile. Lots of old headstones with DOD 1917-1918, had to wonder if it as was the flu pandemic...some were in their 30's and 20's.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/11/20, 03:45:31 PM
The ones I feel bad for are the 2020 graduating class.....no ceremony, parties, nothing. That's gotta suck. Yer at least entitled to some festivities after 12 years of school.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/11/20, 03:49:23 PM
So what do yea think.  Can we get through this one too?   :confused:

Click-It.  Availability of Weekly Counts of Cases of Reported Diseases from Any U.S. Location, 1888–2011. Each concentric circle represents a decade, starting with 1888 in the center. No single disease was reported weekly throughout the entire period, and for many diseases, the type of reports changed over time, as represented by different colors: red represents mortality reports and black, green, blue, and orange represent reporting of cases for 1, 2, 3, or more than 3 disease subcategories, respectively
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/11/20, 03:51:15 PM
I can't follow it.... :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/11/20, 04:21:28 PM
The ones I feel bad for are the 2020 graduating class.....no ceremony, parties, nothing. That's gotta suck. Yer at least entitled to some festivities after 12 years of school.
Got a nephew grad from Yale.  No, not  yonny yonson. 
No ceremony etc.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/11/20, 08:49:12 PM
I can't follow it.... :scratch:

What?  The point or the graph?  :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/11/20, 08:57:21 PM
Both.  What is that figure supposed to show?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/11/20, 11:06:46 PM
Both.  What is that figure supposed to show?

The number of diseases in the US since 1888. The point is if we got through all the rest, have some faith that we can get through this one as well.  :happy1:

Here is the accompanying statement for the graph.

"Availability of Weekly Counts of Cases of Reported Diseases from Any U.S. Location, 1888–2011. Each concentric circle represents a decade, starting with 1888 in the center. No single disease was reported weekly throughout the entire period, and for many diseases, the type of reports changed over time, as represented by different colors: red represents mortality reports and black, green, blue, and orange represent reporting of cases for 1, 2, 3, or more than 3 disease subcategories, respectively"
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/12/20, 04:31:35 AM
Both.  What is that figure supposed to show?

The number of diseases in the US since 1888. The point is if we got through all the rest, have some faith that we can get through this one as well.  :happy1:

Here is the accompanying statement for the graph.

"Availability of Weekly Counts of Cases of Reported Diseases from Any U.S. Location, 1888–2011. Each concentric circle represents a decade, starting with 1888 in the center. No single disease was reported weekly throughout the entire period, and for many diseases, the type of reports changed over time, as represented by different colors: red represents mortality reports and black, green, blue, and orange represent reporting of cases for 1, 2, 3, or more than 3 disease subcategories, respectively"

Yeah, and we got through the civil war, ww1, ww2, Vietnam, Korea, etc.   One could argue that war is a form of mental pandemic.   

I don't think anyone is arguing we couldn't survive this disease even with a million or two geezers and some additional young folks biting the dust, taking a dirt nap, etc.   We got through Polio and Small Pox etc.  We got through the 1918 flu.   Did some of those things cause significant, even lasting, effects?     

Now we are in the midst of yet another pandemic.   Collectively we are taking actions to minimize deaths and general unpleasantness.   Are we doing the right things?   Are we doing enough?  Too much?   We will really only  know after it is over and things have settled down.  And even then opinions may differ based on personal experience.   

At the moment our best  hope is that some treatments are developed that reduce the severity and fatality of the disease.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/12/20, 05:43:09 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/12/20, 07:55:34 AM

Grocery shopping etiquette amid coronavirus pandemic

ST. PAUL — With the changing landscape of grocery shopping during the pandemic come new shopping protocols and etiquette.

There are a lot of questions out there about what new practices should be followed when grocery shopping. The Minnesota Grocers Association has addressed that in an advisory issued this week.

Here are key tips to keep in mind when grocery shopping:

Practice social distancing. Allow at least 6 feet between yourself and others as recommended by the CDC.
Streamline your trip by making a list and having only one family member do the shopping.
Be patient. Extra cleaning procedures are being put in place at grocery stores, such as at checkout lanes, and team members are diligently working to make customers’ shopping quick and efficient.
Buy smart and don’t overfill your carts. There is no shortage of product. The nation’s food supply is strong. Grocery stores continue to receive deliveries every day. Remain calm and mindful when shopping. Overbuying can prevent your neighbor from providing for their family.
Sorry, no returns. As an added layer of precaution, Minnesota grocers have adjusted their return policies. This is to ensure the well-being of team members and customers.
If you see some new products in your store, give them a try. As an industry, the grocers association is working closely with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to bring new opportunities. The association is building partnerships with local farmers and producers who lost their direct markets to schools, restaurants and bars to keep the state’s economy moving forward.


Also, if you see an aisle Bovine hogging one item, hit their cart and tip it over.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/12/20, 11:03:27 AM
Both.  What is that figure supposed to show?

The number of diseases in the US since 1888. The point is if we got through all the rest, have some faith that we can get through this one as well.  :happy1:

Here is the accompanying statement for the graph.

"Availability of Weekly Counts of Cases of Reported Diseases from Any U.S. Location, 1888–2011. Each concentric circle represents a decade, starting with 1888 in the center. No single disease was reported weekly throughout the entire period, and for many diseases, the type of reports changed over time, as represented by different colors: red represents mortality reports and black, green, blue, and orange represent reporting of cases for 1, 2, 3, or more than 3 disease subcategories, respectively"

Yeah, and we got through the civil war, ww1, ww2, Vietnam, Korea, etc.   One could argue that war is a form of mental pandemic.   

I don't think anyone is arguing we couldn't survive this disease even with a million or two geezers and some additional young folks biting the dust, taking a dirt nap, etc.   We got through Polio and Small Pox etc.  We got through the 1918 flu.   Did some of those things cause significant, even lasting, effects?     

Now we are in the midst of yet another pandemic.   Collectively we are taking actions to minimize deaths and general unpleasantness.   Are we doing the right things?   Are we doing enough?  Too much?   We will really only  know after it is over and things have settled down.  And even then opinions may differ based on personal experience.   

At the moment our best  hope is that some treatments are developed that reduce the severity and fatality of the disease.

Good post del, Happy Easter!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/12/20, 12:10:35 PM
Thanks, Roony.   Happy Easter to you too.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/12/20, 04:53:45 PM
Good thing I got a freezer overflowing with piggers.....🐷

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/12/20, 06:52:07 PM
Good thing I got a freezer overflowing with piggers.....🐷


Wait, which is it?  All from the same news report above.  :scratch: 

"COVID-19 outbreak in Sioux Falls, S.D. The pork processing plant in South Dakota is closing temporarily after more than 80 employees tested positive for the coronavirus. (Erin Bormett/The Argus Leader via AP)

Updated: April 12, 2020 04:46 PM
Created: April 12, 2020 12:31 PM

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) - Virginia-based Smithfield Foods announced Sunday that it is closing its pork processing plant in Sioux Falls until further notice after hundreds of employees tested positive for the coronavirus - a step the head of the company warned could hurt the nation's meat supply.

The announcement came a day after South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem and Sioux Falls Mayor Paul TenHaken wrote to Smithfield and urged the company to suspend operations for 14 days so that its workers could self-isolate and the plant could be disinfected.

The plant, which employs about 3,700 people in the state's largest city, has become a hot spot for infections. Health officials said Sunday that 293 of the 730 people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in South Dakota work at the plant."
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/12/20, 06:57:28 PM
We best send Glenn back over that way to get the REAL story! They start messin' with my pigger supply, there's gonna be trouble!!! This does mean BACON, yanno!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/12/20, 06:58:11 PM
very sad indeed.... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/12/20, 07:18:49 PM
Last week the steward from my shop from our shop 3 miles down the road from there told me they shut down for 3 days for sanitizing.

Yesterday at the request of there governor and Mayer asking they shut down for the 14 day self quarantine time line. The company is also paying the employees for the 2 weeks.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/12/20, 07:28:12 PM
Last week the steward from my shop from our shop 3 miles down the road from there told me they shut down for 3 days for sanitizing.

Yesterday at the request of there governor and Mayer asking they shut down for the 14 day self quarantine time line. The company is also paying the employees for the 2 weeks.

sure hope it stays that way!!! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/12/20, 07:36:10 PM
My son works at a place in Avon that builds trailers they shut it down the last 2 weeks but got paid also. He goes back to work tomorrow.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/12/20, 07:45:30 PM
My son works at a place in Avon that builds trailers they shut it down the last 2 weeks but got paid also. He goes back to work tomorrow.

that place on the north side of the highway???
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/12/20, 07:56:56 PM
My son works at a place in Avon that builds trailers they shut it down the last 2 weeks but got paid also. He goes back to work tomorrow.

that place on the north side of the highway???
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/13/20, 04:56:14 AM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/13/20, 05:16:18 AM
Mayo's 19 story Plummer bldng tower lit in blue for COVID....(Click for close up)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/13/20, 09:54:19 AM
And just another leg of the Corona virus....🐭

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/13/20, 10:58:28 AM
And just another leg of the Corona virus....🐭


Why would they even post such a moronic report! Let the Rats eat their self's who give a crap! Isn't there enough going on to worry about then what some Rat catcher has to say!  :bonk: :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/13/20, 11:00:04 AM
And just another leg of the Corona virus....🐭


Why would they even post such a moronic report! Let the Rats eat their self's who give a crap! Isn't there enough going on to worry about then what some Rat catcher has to say!  :bonk: :confused:
slow news day  :crazy: :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/13/20, 11:39:40 AM
And just another leg of the Corona virus....🐭


Why would they even post such a moronic report! Let the Rats eat their self's who give a crap! Isn't there enough going on to worry about then what some Rat catcher has to say!  :bonk: :confused:

To pump up the volume! Whatever it takes!  Like I been saying, the entire worlds just friggin' crackerdog! Why, it's so bad, saying if yer stuck at home, they're even suggesting to try THIS!  Was right next to the rat article! Maybe ya coulda slow-cook a rat with it....!  :doofus:  :puke:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/13/20, 12:06:51 PM
So there will end up just being one rat left after they all eat each other.  Then Del can sous vide it and we will be done with that dilemma. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/13/20, 12:13:31 PM
Wonder if he'll sear it first?  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/13/20, 12:29:43 PM
or brown it after????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/13/20, 12:59:46 PM
With gravy??
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/13/20, 01:03:51 PM
Well, we're up to May 13th now..................

(ABC 6 News) - Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is extending the peacetime stay-at-home emergency for 30 days.

This extension is effective April 13 through May 13 .
  Gov. Walz will seek the Executive Council's approval of the extension Monday afternoon.

“Our actions have saved lives, but the threat of COVID-19 remains,” said Governor Walz. “The next stages of this pandemic are going to challenge us – an extension of Minnesota’s peacetime emergency will allow us to protect Minnesotans’ health and wellbeing and continue to respond effectively to this rapidly-evolving situation.”

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/13/20, 01:13:41 PM
oh joy..............
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/13/20, 01:14:06 PM
  Ayup......says Gov Goofy.   :moon:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/13/20, 02:58:50 PM
More updates:

CDC says Corona can travel up to 13 feet, and they're recommending doubling the 6' distance...I guess that now means two alligators deer... :deer: :deer:

The researchers also found that small concentrations virus-laden aerosols could remain sble riuspended in the air as far as 13 feet away from the infected person, more than twice the recommended 6 feet away. While it isn't known how contagious the virus is through aerosols, possible risk of an airborne infection led to new CDC guidelines for covering your mouth and nose while in public and try to maintain a distance of 12 feet.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/13/20, 03:06:03 PM
and then it will get extended until June next... or even July!! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/13/20, 04:51:33 PM
and then it will get extended until June next... or even July!!
ef that and the may 13. This is getting to be rediculous. :surrender: :angry2: the state best buy out all the businesses that go belly up. :angry2: :angry2: this order was soley intended to allow the medical professionals to prepare and get the proper equipment and supplies needed when things happen.

This virus isn't going to miraculously disappear for cripes sake.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/13/20, 05:40:24 PM
Well, if ya plan on having any Memorial day ribs, pigger steaks, chops....better get'em NOW. Smithfield just closed in entirety until further notice. Was going to be for 2 wks to disinfect, etc. Now they say it may be longer.....I can see it coming already... $10 lb pig chops....:censored:

Plus, lookee what else I found..  :doah:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/13/20, 05:46:39 PM
one more for the Chinese.....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/13/20, 05:49:43 PM
I'm gonna go on a pigger run tomorrow morning....you can mess with my TP, but not my piggers.   🐷    🏃‍♂️

RH, whaddya think will happen?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/13/20, 05:57:47 PM
Well, if ya plan on having any Memorial day ribs, pigger steaks, chops....better get'em NOW. Smithfield just closed in entirety until further notice. Was going to be for 2 wks to disinfect, etc. Now they say it may be longer.....I can see it coming already... $10 lb pig chops....:censored:

Plus, lookee what else I found..  :doah:


Dang, if they would have given their folks pork to eat instead of Bats, this wouldn't have gone full circle on um!  :doah:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/13/20, 06:16:16 PM

Dang, if they would have given their folks pork to eat instead of Bats, this wouldn't have gone full circle on um!  :doah:


Sure hope they don't try sellin' bats here.... :censored:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/13/20, 06:21:27 PM
Well, we're up to May 13th now..................

(ABC 6 News) - Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is extending the peacetime stay-at-home emergency for 30 days.

This extension is effective April 13 through May 13 .
  Gov. Walz will seek the Executive Council's approval of the extension Monday afternoon.

“Our actions have saved lives, but the threat of COVID-19 remains,” said Governor Walz. “The next stages of this pandemic are going to challenge us – an extension of Minnesota’s peacetime emergency will allow us to protect Minnesotans’ health and wellbeing and continue to respond effectively to this rapidly-evolving situation.”

Local news just said the stay at home expires May 3 now......I don't think anyone knows WTF is going on anymore. If he extended JUST the emergency order, I can understand that, allows him to put any immediate action in place....but the above post is pasted and copied in entirety. I think I'm gonna wear my mask and just do what I haveta do. Can't keep up with this yes no maybe crap.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/13/20, 06:29:49 PM
say what???  something fishy Reb!  not sure what!!! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/13/20, 06:31:54 PM
There sure is....and I think the original article made a mistake....that he just extended the EMERGENCY ORDER. I don't care. I'll read about it tomorrow. No way am I gonna watch the news.

Well, here's the latest...open to self-interpretation.....or whatever ya want.

(ABC 6 News) - Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is extending the peacetime emergency for 30 days.

This extension is effective April 13 through May 13.  Gov. Walz will seek the Executive Council's approval of the extension Monday afternoon.

“Our actions have saved lives, but the threat of COVID-19 remains,” said Governor Walz. “The next stages of this pandemic are going to challenge us – an extension of Minnesota’s peacetime emergency will allow us to protect Minnesotans’ health and wellbeing and continue to respond effectively to this rapidly-evolving situation.”

Last week, Gov. Walz announced he was extending his stay-at-home order until May 4.

According to Walz's office, this extension of the peacetime emergency is necessary to continue many of the steps taken to curb the spread of the virus.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/13/20, 07:08:24 PM
There sure is....and I think the original article made a mistake....that he just extended the EMERGENCY ORDER. I don't care. I'll read about it tomorrow. No way am I gonna watch the news.

Well, here's the latest...open to self-interpretation.....or whatever ya want.

(ABC 6 News) - Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is extending the peacetime emergency for 30 days.

This extension is effective April 13 through May 13.  Gov. Walz will seek the Executive Council's approval of the extension Monday afternoon.

“Our actions have saved lives, but the threat of COVID-19 remains,” said Governor Walz. “The next stages of this pandemic are going to challenge us – an extension of Minnesota’s peacetime emergency will allow us to protect Minnesotans’ health and wellbeing and continue to respond effectively to this rapidly-evolving situation.”

Last week, Gov. Walz announced he was extending his stay-at-home order until May 4.

According to Walz's office, this extension of the peacetime emergency is necessary to continue many of the steps taken to curb the spread of the virus.
so where do you suppose this news you read come from??? :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/13/20, 07:09:38 PM
It was in CAWChesters local paper, put together by wondermous diverse people.
Coulda been beamed down to their little antennas from Pleiades (M45).....

Where do you suppose it came from?   :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/13/20, 07:13:54 PM
It was in CAWChesters local paper, put together by wondermous diverse people.
Coulda been beamed down to their little antennas from Pleiades (M45).....

Where do you suppose it came from?   :scratch:

Also on KAAL from Austin, owned by Hubbard out of twin cities.       I bet some state web site has it too. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/13/20, 07:18:11 PM
Maybe they spin a great big roulette wheel....."survey says!......"    :shocked:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/13/20, 07:57:04 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/13/20, 08:23:42 PM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Auggie on April 04/13/20, 09:34:27 PM
Well, if ya plan on having any Memorial day ribs, pigger steaks, chops....better get'em NOW. Smithfield just closed in entirety until further notice. Was going to be for 2 wks to disinfect, etc. Now they say it may be longer.....I can see it coming already... $10 lb pig chops....:censored:

Plus, lookee what else I found..  :doah:

I have piggies boys! Getting fat and sassy. If ya run outa pork give me a call, they won’t be $10 a lb! Only $9 ;) :rotflmao: J/k same price I’ve had them forever. $1 pound live weight
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/14/20, 08:29:18 AM
Well, if ya plan on having any Memorial day ribs, pigger steaks, chops....better get'em NOW. Smithfield just closed in entirety until further notice. Was going to be for 2 wks to disinfect, etc. Now they say it may be longer.....I can see it coming already... $10 lb pig chops....:censored:

Plus, lookee what else I found..  :doah:

I have piggies boys! Getting fat and sassy. If ya run outa pork give me a call, they won’t be $10 a lb! Only $9 ;) :rotflmao: J/k same price I’ve had them forever. $1 pound live weight

Piggers!   :happy1:
 Hmmmm...but how do I get a live pigger to sit and hold still on my grill?  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/14/20, 08:32:47 AM

Trump claims he has 'total' authority over reopening economy

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Donald Trump and governors from both parties are disputing who has the authority to reopen the economy.

Trump told reporters at a White House briefing Monday that he has “total” authority to decide how and when to roll back tough social distancing guidelines aimed at fighting the new coronavirus. But governors insist that they have the primary constitutional responsibility for ensuring public safety in their states and they will decide when it’s safe to begin a return to normal operations.

Democratic leaders in the Northeast and along the West Coast are forming separate state compacts to coordinate their efforts to scale back stay-at-home orders and reopen businesses.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/14/20, 09:09:06 AM
Well, technically non of them had the authority to do it in the first place if they want to start quoting constitutionality. In my mind all he can do is roll back the national guidelines and the states when roll back theirs when they see fit or finally get enough push back from theirs citizens. Which some of these idiot Governors are going way to far. This is still a free country whether they like it or not.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/14/20, 09:48:33 AM

Walz extends his executive authority; GOP leaders press for transparency in decision-making

ST. PAUL — Gov. Tim Walz on Monday, April 13, issued an order extending his peacetime emergency through May 13 in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

The move pushes out the deadline for the governor's extended executive authority and it ruffled the feathers of Republican lawmakers who said the governor should loop them in to make decisions in responding to the growing number of COVID-19 cases and deaths in Minnesota.

The governor on March 13 declared a state of peacetime emergency due to COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus, and has since issued dozens of orders significantly altering day-to-day life in Minnesota.

In the effort to limit the spread of COVID-19, Walz closed schools, restaurants, bars and areas of public amusement and ordered that Minnesotans stay at home until at least May 4 unless they are performing essential tasks. And on Monday, Walz left the door open to prolonging those deadlines, but he said he hadn't decided yet whether those orders would have to remain intact beyond May 4.

"The virus will lay out the timetable for us," Walz told reporters. "Yes, we all want to open up tomorrow. But people will die if we do that."

Walz said he was working with health officials to determine the safest way to allow idled workers to get back to their jobs without causing a spike in COVID-19 cases that could overwhelm the state's health systems.

Republican legislative leaders on Monday said they hoped to see more businesses open quickly to reduce the burden on the state's economy. And they called for answers about what was guiding Walz's decisions about when to allow Minnesotans to go back to work.

"He clearly understands the emergency caused by COVID-19," Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka, R-East Gull Lake, said. "We need to be assured he also understands the economic emergency caused by his response."

House Minority Leader Kurt Daudt, R-Crown, called on Walz to open up discussions about when restrictions would lift, saying "it should not be up to a few commissioners in St. Paul to be the sole decision-makers for thousands of businesses and millions of employees."

The Legislature on Tuesday could end the peacetime emergency with majority support in each legislative chamber. But given the divided nature of the body, it appeared unlikely that could succeed. A small faction of Republican lawmakers known as the New House Republican Caucus put forth a separate resolution to end the peacetime emergency. That resolution would require two-thirds support in each chamber.

Discussions about when to reopen businesses and begin allowing more Minnesotans to go back to work are ongoing, Walz and economic development officials said. And efforts to slowly reopen areas of the economy could be constrained given a lack of supplies to test workers for the illness and for antibodies that could indicate whether someone has already been sick.

Department of Employment and Economic Development Commissioner Steve Grove on Monday said state officials were having consistent contact with regional chambers of commerce around the state and had been taking suggestions from Minnesotans about ways to get people back to work safely.

The slowed economy also hit the state's coffers, state budget officials said, and general fund receipts in February and March came in 3.8% lower than what they'd expected before the pandemic took hold. Walz and his commissioners would take a 10% salary decrease and the state would freeze hiring for nonessential workers, Minnesota Management and Budget Commissioner Myron Frans said.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/14/20, 09:55:32 AM
Well, technically non of them had the authority to do it in the first place if they want to start quoting constitutionality. In my mind all he can do is roll back the national guidelines and the states when roll back theirs when they see fit or finally get enough push back from theirs citizens. Which some of these idiot Governors are going way to far. This is still a free country whether they like it or not.
yea i'm thinkin there's gonna be some serious head butting over this real soon.

and I briefly read a bit this morning that the orange man has backed off his i'm king and i'll decide if the states can open up or not with, well we will work closely with the states. :doofus: :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/14/20, 10:02:47 AM
 It's worse in Michigan. :shocked:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/14/20, 10:07:48 AM
And Cap'n Trump weighs in.............

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/14/20, 10:27:57 AM
Seems to me Trump is going to lose this one, but I've been wrong before.

IF the states had the authority to shut themselves down, don't they also have the authority to open back up?

Also, the disease is running different courses through different parts of the country - i.e. STATES - and so there IS no one size fits all solution.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/14/20, 10:42:46 AM
wasn't it a week ago or so he said it was up to the states?????? now that things are looking up, he wants to take credit.  :doofus: :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/14/20, 10:54:19 AM
It's worse in Michigan. :shocked:


And in MI, places that are open like a hardware store selling things like garden seeds, you can't purchase them. You can order them online however.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/14/20, 11:48:46 AM
Hmmm....I just got an E-mail from my Ford dealer...we're open! Great deals!  :scratch: 

And Menard's garden center, along with Home Dept's , are open....

In TODAYS news:

A list published by DEED categorizes what industries are considered not essential in more detail. Some examples of businesses currently deemed nonessential at this gtime are nonmetallic mining operations, fabric mills, printing companies, auto dealers, furniture stores, lawn and garden supply stores, shoe stores, jewelry stores, florists and general office administrative or advertising services.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/14/20, 11:49:18 AM
We best pay close attention to how our civil liberties are being infringed upon during all this - because it will be all the more easy for government to impose more of them the next time something else happens.

No, I don't think we are heading towards what happened in Nazi Germany.  What happens to us will be different and unique to our times.  But it IS happening.  The government is exerting more control over our lives.  Media outlets determine which viewpoints get expressed or suppressed and/or censored.  And medical research - both private sector and publicly funded universities - is controlled by drug company funding, which has no interest in finding the best solutions to medical problems - only those solutions that will make them a profit.

When was the last time you heard Fouchi remind us that keeping up with vitamins A, C, and D is integral to keeping your body's own immune system boosted during this pandemic time?   :confused:  Nope.  (Or maybe I missed it.)
 But he sees a vaccine as the best, most desirable solution. 

Yes, I know Corona-19 isn't SARS, but I don't recall ever getting vaccinated against SARS.  We all need more information, but I just wish I had more confidence that the information we are getting is objective.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/14/20, 11:49:53 AM
You don't answer PM's?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/14/20, 11:56:39 AM
CAWchester stated the other day you need to wear a mask out in public...so I contacted (Thru E-mail) 2 of the local news stations, the paper, Mayo, COVID hotline, the same day, to see WTH do I GET a reusable mask?! I don't sew, have no relatives, live alone, told them that, and yet..No ones replied or answered. This ____ town sure can dish it out, but when it comes down to asking for help, you don't always get it.
Thanks to Mikey and Linda, I'm getting it.  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/14/20, 12:02:46 PM
According to Cuomo today: 1600 new cases, 778 new deaths. The new deaths # is consistent with the last 3-4 days. Still a lot of people that can't even plan a funeral. :sad:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: JohnWester on April 04/14/20, 12:09:04 PM
question... do you think this whole shut down, social distancing thing will stop the indians from netting during the spawn on mille lacs this year?
i'll hang up and listen.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/14/20, 12:16:14 PM
Aren't they a nation unto themselves....ie; have their own right to do that? I have no idea...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/14/20, 01:25:25 PM
I just told Ruby that  it was about 45 minutes until Gov. Timmy time. She growled! I about lost it. Obviously not a democrat but I reminded her that at least she could still vote here in MN.  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/14/20, 01:27:13 PM
I just told Ruby that  it was about 45 minutes until Gov. Timmy time. She growled! I about lost it. Obviously not a democrat but I reminded her that at least she could still vote here in MN.  :happy1:
you lose it when you see a strawberry pie!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/14/20, 01:27:37 PM
I just told Ruby that  it was about 45 minutes until Gov. Timmy time. She growled! I about lost it. Obviously not a democrat but I reminded her that at least she could still vote here in MN.  :happy1:

dat's funny!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/14/20, 01:56:45 PM
If yer not careful, she could be elected first female gov!  *WOOF!*
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/14/20, 03:58:21 PM
OK Reb and those others in the area.... It's morning with the mayor.   Get yur questions in.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/14/20, 06:55:49 PM
Well, if you mean CAWchester's Mayor, that sow won't answer any questions unless it's in collusion with her money-stealing council of graft members.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/14/20, 07:01:47 PM
Sent to me by someone who knows his stats pretty well. Food for thought.

  https://medium.com/@yinonweiss/lets-visualize-state-by-state-shutdown-effectiveness-on-covid-19-e13a5cdb50ad    (https://medium.com/@yinonweiss/lets-visualize-state-by-state-shutdown-effectiveness-on-covid-19-e13a5cdb50ad)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/14/20, 07:39:04 PM
Good post. Thought provoking. Way too many gaps and variables to do more than slow it down IMO. Like the kiddies next door. (Buddies and beer tonite again, social transmission) CAWchester has a hair up their ass about get yer food delivered, support the restaurants! Sure, great if ya have a lot of cash, but even worse, so far we know the virus can live on paper/cardboard for 3 hours or more. Door to door virus delivery. UPS, Fed-ex...AHCHOO...there goes that pkg. No masks available anywhere here, air contact of virus. 28,000 working people in the glitterdome crammed into a downtown area. Virus in elevators..railings...hours of living in warm air. Stays on clothing. Clothing to items to doors to counters transmission.....and on and on.  We did better on the measles person quarantine in the 60's. That's my take on it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/14/20, 09:50:14 PM
Sent to me by someone who knows his stats pretty well. Food for thought.

  https://medium.com/@yinonweiss/lets-visualize-state-by-state-shutdown-effectiveness-on-covid-19-e13a5cdb50ad    (https://medium.com/@yinonweiss/lets-visualize-state-by-state-shutdown-effectiveness-on-covid-19-e13a5cdb50ad)

I just wish everyone would stop comparing us for anything to a little piss-ant country like Sweden.  They have like 17 million people to the USA's 327 million people. Their largest city is Stockholm which has 1.2 million people. We have 10 cities with higher population then that with New York alone having 8,601,186 people.

So for the love of God, lets just say they have more blonds with blue eyes then us and be done with it!  :bonk: :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/14/20, 10:21:08 PM
 :happy1: you tell'em leech. :evil:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/15/20, 08:06:00 AM
Compare it to the camel humpers in Somali land. Half live here anyway.

May I present another highly important important graph right now.... ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/15/20, 11:27:58 AM
Lovin' the fact that the Affinty Credit Union log-in has crashed, due to millions checking their accts for a stimulus check, the site says. I can't do any of my online banking or bill-paying... Guess the bills wait. I really don't care. Come get me.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/15/20, 11:48:46 AM
Not just you, mine goes directly to "Service Unavailable".
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on April 04/15/20, 11:58:00 AM
Anyone watching the protests in Michigan.  Peolple are mad at how restrictive the governor is being.  Can buy booze but not paint????  Not Paint if you want to keep your house up.  Cant buy seeds or dirt for your garden???  Cant use motors in any waters??  Worse than any communist nation it's getting there.  The people in  Michigan are told what you can buy and what you can't.  What the hell does it matter what you buy.  None of her buisness.  They also want to get back to work.  Unreal.  This is not what this country stands for.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/15/20, 12:01:55 PM
And lots of the stuff is all in the same store.  But can't buy it cuz it is on her list.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on April 04/15/20, 12:23:50 PM
My wife was telling me that if someone from another state has a second home in Michigan they can come into Michigan but if you live in  Michigan  and you have a second home in another state you can't go there  :crazy: :crazy: good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/15/20, 12:35:26 PM
Anyone watching the protests in Michigan.  Peolple are mad at how restrictive the governor is being.  Can buy booze but not paint????  Not Paint if you want to keep your house up.  Cant buy seeds or dirt for your garden???  Cant use motors in any waters??  Worse than any communist nation it's getting there.  The people in  Michigan are told what you can buy and what you can't.  What the hell does it matter what you buy.  None of her buisness.  They also want to get back to work.  Unreal.  This is not what this country stands for.  good luck.

That's pure bullsh**!! What you BUY has nothing to do with it! At most, they can insist you not "congregate", IMO, they CANNOT tell you what you can and can't buy. Hope they don't try that sh** here. We all know how that'll work with me! Maybe folks need to speak up more.....it's OUR country!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/15/20, 12:56:33 PM
Know some folks in MI. They are pi$$ed off! Dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/15/20, 12:59:23 PM
I think the eggs pretty close to crackin' here, too. Lotsa grumbly PO'd people this am I talked to.  Gov Goofy is on at 2:00 PM with his Tales from the Twilight, we'll see what he has to say....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/15/20, 01:07:53 PM
Not just you, mine goes directly to "Service Unavailabe".

I'm gonna post that in an Email when I get my online bills from now on.  :evil:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/15/20, 01:12:04 PM
Now this is just plain stoopid.......so now I wanna be classified again as "active", even though I'm a retired first responder. Can I get a ham with that mask?   :bonk:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/15/20, 01:36:58 PM
Its changed, Reb.  :rolleyes:  Now it's due to technical diffculties.  :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/15/20, 01:38:25 PM
Ya, mines still fudged too. What a buncha crap. I just wanna pay my bills and check my balance.  :angry:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/15/20, 01:50:25 PM
I went to the new Gubmint stimulus website and entered requested info, got this:

Payment Status

We scheduled your payment to be deposited on April 15, 2020 to the bank account below.

Bank Account Number: ************5355

If you don't see your payment credited to your account, check with your bank to verify they received it. We will mail you a letter with additional information on this payment.
If you need additional help or do not receive your payment, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/15/20, 02:01:01 PM
Good to know Reb! :happy1:

Told Ruby it was almost Timmy Time a few minutes ago. Today she barked! What a goof... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/15/20, 02:05:16 PM
I had checked our accounts last night and our stimulus moola was in there then.  :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/15/20, 02:07:52 PM
Gov Goof, other than saying "uh....ummm" every 5th word, said in a nutshell, "everthing is staying the same for now".....was a wasted bcast, IMO.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/15/20, 02:29:47 PM
Anyone watching the protests in Michigan.  Peolple are mad at how restrictive the governor is being.  Can buy booze but not paint????  Not Paint if you want to keep your house up.  Cant buy seeds or dirt for your garden???  Cant use motors in any waters??  Worse than any communist nation it's getting there.  The people in  Michigan are told what you can buy and what you can't.  What the hell does it matter what you buy.  None of her buisness.  They also want to get back to work.  Unreal.  This is not what this country stands for.  good luck.

That's pure bullsh**!! What you BUY has nothing to do with it! At most, they can insist you not "congregate", IMO, they CANNOT tell you what you can and can't buy. Hope they don't try that sh** here. We all know how that'll work with me! Maybe folks need to speak up more.....it's OUR country!

Michigan/Governor Gretchen Whitmer  Democratic Party  NEXT!   :coffee:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Lee Borgersen on April 04/15/20, 03:09:03 PM
George W. Bush Urged Us to Prepare for Future Pandemics in 2005 :tut:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on April 04/15/20, 03:29:47 PM
I remember that Lee.  It sure was listened to wasn't it.  Typical of stuffed shirts in politics.  They are all reactive instead of being proactive.   Back to the tyrant governor in Michigan.  I was listening to some of the people at the protest.  One said he can't go over his property line.  Have to stay on his own property even though the neighbor said come on over but stay 6 feet away.  Another said how insane is it that I can't buy grass seeds or fertilizer for the lawn.  They have plenty of paint, grass seeds, and fertilizer but the tyrant said you can't buy it.  A small buisness owner said he is not allowed to buy a American flag.  What the hell is wrong with this picture.  Regardless of party, left right in the middle or don't even care about politics,  this has to get you outraged big time.  I think this is just the start.  I think these protests are just the beginning of government overeach that has gone extreem.  I can see the 6 foot thing and the masks and gloves but this is governing as a dictator and it has to stop now.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/15/20, 03:32:33 PM
Lovin' the fact that the Affinty Credit Union log-in has crashed, due to millions checking their accts for a stimulus check, the site says. I can't do any of my online banking or bill-paying... Guess the bills wait. I really don't care. Come get me.

Is that what is going on?   Think bank, formerly the IBM credit union, has been having problems also.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/15/20, 03:36:07 PM
Now this is just plain stoopid.......so now I wanna be classified again as "active", even though I'm a retired first responder. Can I get a ham with that mask?   :bonk:


Nah but I got some sliced ham that I can put strings on and you can wear it as a mask
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/15/20, 07:05:16 PM
Well duh.....WTH did you expect? Afternoon dainties and tea?! :bonk:

ROCHESTER, Minn. (KTTC) - With many staying home and having more free time, alcohol sales are up across the country according to Nielsen market research data. People at home have seen their drinking patterns change.

However, the World Health Organization says drinking is labeled as a very 'unhelpful' coping method.

"It's amazing that something that seems so tame, innocent and in control can become out of control the next moment," said Tom Truszinski, director at Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge.

Some people have no issues with alcohol, but for many it can lead to addiction. Excessive alcohol in your system can also make you more susceptible to viral infections.

"Usually what happens in this time is people self-medicate. They are looking for a way to escape their concerns and struggles," Truszinski said. "Being honest with yourself and another person that can hold you accountable is a huge first step."

Since the cornonavirus spread started, Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge have received more calls than ever about their alcohol rehab programs.

However… he warns that help is only available to those who want it…

"All my other routes of finding relief and freedom haven't worked so I'm ready to try someone else's method," said Truszinski, who has battled alcohol addiction himself. "That's when we find breakthroughs, freedom, trueness of life and transformation."

Before counselors can help find the root of the drinking problem, they say detoxing in the first step.

Alcohol is not always related to mental health issues, but it can be a factor.

"But there is a strong correlation because once again, people are trying to self-medicate a hurt or a pain," said the director. "What is that hurt, pain or challenge that you're trying to escape from?"

And even if you do find an escape...

"You're never going to find true satisfaction and happiness in life in a bottle," said Truszinski. "Drinking isn't going to solve a problem. It's only going to make the problems even greater."

He says that if you are concerned about someone's drinking and they do not want to get help, that you should set boundaries between yourself and this person in order to not allow them to influence or harm you.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/15/20, 07:08:01 PM
 :party3: :toast: :toast: :drinking:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/15/20, 07:17:08 PM
Well, with all this free time, for those not working, no reason for anybody to have a disorganized tackle box, squeaky reel, dull hooks, or old frayed line! Anyone been pourin' lead? (jigs or bullets)  :fishing:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/15/20, 07:33:43 PM
Well, with all this free time, for those not working, no reason for anybody to have a disorganized tackle box, squeaky reel, dull hooks, or old frayed line! Anyone been pourin' lead? (jigs or bullets)  :fishing:

Nope but I got a bunch of wheel weights that I ought to meld down on the camp chef once it warms up.   Need a cheap stainless pan first. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: deadeye on April 04/15/20, 08:14:21 PM
Did the tackle box thing the other day.  Received my NMEA 2000 cables and connectors yesterday.  Couldn't stand just looking at it so I braved the cold and installed the power, drop cables, backbone and terminators.  Connected my Lowrance TI, TI2 and Ghost trolling motor on the network.  I got it so they all see and talk to each other.  Looks like the TI2 will do just about everything with the Ghost.  Now I need some water to check out the sonars. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/16/20, 05:16:33 AM
'I have to walk my teddy bear': Italians come up with unlikely excuses to defy lockdown

An empathic woman out of her house to comfort her friend whose chicken had died. A grief-struck man visiting his grandma at the cemetery while the woman is well and alive at home. A woman walking her tortoise in the park. 

In Italy, where the government has enforced some of the most strict lockdown restrictions in the world to curb the spread of the coronavirus, people have come up with some unlikely excuses to get out of the house.

From the man walking his son’s stuffed animal to the couple candidly admitting that their love couldn’t keep them apart, the stories caught the attention of a Rome-based journalist, Salvatore Dama, who started a daily top-ten list of the most tragicomic reasons Italians found to defy the lockdown.

His daily Facebook lists, based on local news reports, became so popular that he decided to turn them into an e-book, with proceeds going towards a hospital in Bergamo, one of the hardest-hit cities in Italy. 

Will it soon be Dotch with "I had to take my sheep out for a haircut?! 🐏
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/16/20, 05:35:49 AM
Well, if ya plan on having any Memorial day ribs, pigger steaks, chops....better get'em NOW. Smithfield just closed in entirety until further notice. Was going to be for 2 wks to disinfect, etc. Now they say it may be longer.....I can see it coming already... $10 lb pig chops....:censored:

Plus, lookee what else I found..  :doah:

I have piggies boys! Getting fat and sassy. If ya run outa pork give me a call, they won’t be $10 a lb! Only $9 ;) :rotflmao: J/k same price I’ve had them forever. $1 pound live weight

Piggers!   :happy1:
 Hmmmm...but how do I get a live pigger to sit and hold still on my grill?  :rotflmao:

Ruh roh.....more piggy probs....  :cry:

Tyson Foods says 2 dead after virus outbreak at Iowa plant

April 15, 2020

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -- Two employees have died following a coronavirus outbreak that has sickened scores of Tyson Foods workers at a large pork plant in southeastern Iowa.

The deaths of the workers at Tyson plant in Columbus Junction are the first known to be linked to an outbreak at a meatpacking plant in Iowa.

The company said that it was "deeply saddened by the loss of two team members" and that their families were in its thoughts and prayers.

The plant has been idled since April 6, when Tyson announced that more than two dozen workers were infected.

The company said Monday that it would continue the plant's suspension this week after more workers tested positive. No date to re-open has been mentioned at this time.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/16/20, 05:38:25 AM
I thought I'd post this just for Leech.    :smiley:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/16/20, 01:52:42 PM

Evers extends Wisconsin stay-at-home order until May 26

April 16, 2020

MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- Gov. Tony Evers has extended Wisconsin's stay-at-home order for another month.

The extension issued Thursday keeps nonessential businesses closed until May 26 to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Schools will remain closed for the remainder of the academic year. News of the extension comes amid growing criticism from conservatives who are pushing Evers, and governors in other states, to loosen restrictions.

Evers did make some adjustments, including allowing golf courses to reopen. He's also allowing nonessential businesses to make deliveries and have curbside pickup available.

That includes arts and crafts stores making material available to produce face masks and other personal protective equipment.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/16/20, 03:20:36 PM
I see they might open golf courses with rules.  That is a good step.  Pretty easy to distance yourself there.  Like me, I am usually in the trees or brush.   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/16/20, 03:21:37 PM
I see the PGA is planning on a tournament on June 8 with no fans allowed.  Will be on TV. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/16/20, 03:22:33 PM
Well, that sounds exciting. "Oh, the ball went in that hole!!"  :bonk: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/16/20, 03:25:27 PM
Well, that sounds exciting. "Oh, the ball went in that hole!!"  :bonk: :rotflmao:
About as exciting as it usually is.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/16/20, 03:31:46 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/16/20, 03:35:34 PM
I see they might open golf courses with rules.  That is a good step.  Pretty easy to distance yourself there.  Like me, I am usually in the trees or brush.   :rotflmao:

almost as fun as watching paint dry!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:   just givin ya crap buddy!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/16/20, 03:37:57 PM
I did somewhat enjoy watching it when Tiger Woods was playing more.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/16/20, 03:45:25 PM
Ruby snored thru the COVID-19 update today. Gov. Timmy wasn't on it.  :sad:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/16/20, 03:54:28 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/16/20, 04:01:10 PM
Hey good one Roony!  Fun video.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/16/20, 04:09:37 PM
They just said that the Influenza has practically disappeared due to the distancing.  Interesting.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/16/20, 04:12:11 PM
They just said that the Influenza has practically disappeared due to the distancing.  Interesting.

they can say that cause any that happens is related to the virus now days.....  ask them and they will tell you that too....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/16/20, 04:15:06 PM
Think about this whole thing......the US (and other countries) will never be the same again, in many ways. Because of a microbe from a bat. Pretty sobering fact.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/16/20, 04:17:56 PM
 & a "wet market" in Wuhan, China.  :crazy: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/16/20, 04:20:46 PM
Weird that now they are talking that it may have come from a lab again. :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/16/20, 04:21:32 PM
Weird that now they are talking that it may have come from a lab again. :doofus:

heard that today too....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/16/20, 04:29:33 PM
Man I can't wait to find out. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/16/20, 04:34:45 PM
And you guys thought I was cuckoo when I first suggested that it was exactly like Stephen King's novel, "The Stand". Capt Trips.   :crazy:

Watch the movie with Tom Hanks....."Inferno". Then see what ya think. Really.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/16/20, 04:42:00 PM
Ruby snored thru the COVID-19 update today. Gov. Timmy wasn't on it.  :sad:

He tested positive last week, and wasn't on TV yday either.......hmmmmm..........
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/16/20, 04:55:23 PM
Someone had mentioned quite awhile ago that they had read that it was from a biological lab in Wuhan and I wondered about it ever since.  Word will have to leak out to get the truth.  China will cover it up as long as they can.  If it is found out to be a biological thing that got away from them I would say ok our debt with you is erased and you now owe us big bucks. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/16/20, 05:03:27 PM
And North Korea missiles that were test launched , were reportedly of the "payload carrying" type....Hmmmm. Off-site lab in poor area of china, who no ones gonna look at, makes genetic engineered microbe under table in return for money into that poor area.....hmmm...hmmm
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/16/20, 05:35:33 PM

and now we are siding with 5 other states, including Michigan............    oh good lord.........   we will be locked down into June...   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/16/20, 05:38:59 PM
Like hell!  Not this dude, sorry!  And allow the other states that don't have the necessary tools to drag US down?! ..... :banghead:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/16/20, 07:28:02 PM
Ruby snored thru the COVID-19 update today. Gov. Timmy wasn't on it.  :sad:
Can those people not speak a simple declarative sentence?   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/16/20, 07:35:05 PM
Lotsa tap dancing today del. Ya know I woulda been fine if they'd drawn a line in MN along I-35 & everyone to the east could be part of the group hug pact!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/16/20, 08:57:14 PM
Don't do anything with the wack job from Michigan and since when is Kentucky part of the Midwest?  :scratch:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/17/20, 06:35:31 AM
I'm sure this was invented by a certain person on here....... :scratch:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/17/20, 06:59:16 AM
Don't do anything with the wack job from Michigan and since when is Kentucky part of the Midwest?  :scratch:

Since the Prez flunked geography.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/17/20, 07:01:40 AM
Well the longer they try and extend this stuff the bigger the protest are going to become. Rolling us in with that moonbat from Michigan is a bad idea. :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/17/20, 07:04:52 AM
I love that word "moonbat".... :rotflmao: :happy1:

Anywho, now they say here ya CAN'T do groundskeeping.....last week it was you can, they had THAT on the news....read in the article about they admit ya can't get a straight answer. I don't think they have a $%^# clue what is what. It's all gonna blow up in their face pretty danged soon, IMO, anyway.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/17/20, 07:17:44 AM
I see Michigan is now at 28% total unemployment........more than during the great depression of the 30's. And we're now in with their gov on a plan.... :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/17/20, 07:35:30 AM
I see Michigan is now at 28% total unemployment........more than during the great depression of the 30's. And we're now in with their gov on a plan.... :doah:
Right. Things are supposed to get better not worse. :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/17/20, 08:17:50 AM
No reason to not open golf courses.  At least it is one safe thing people can do.  I am sure there are others too.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/17/20, 08:26:49 AM
I see Michigan is now at 28% total unemployment........more than during the great depression of the 30's. And we're now in with their gov on a plan.... :doah:
CNBC's new #'s yday for UE sign ups had another 5.4 million last week, that's > 22 million in the last month nationwide. That's just a shade < 7%. :crazy: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/17/20, 08:52:20 AM
after I heard sconnie extended the safer at home order I sent a text to my brudder telling him it looks like he's grounded from fishing opener. his response was...……...YAH RIGHT!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/17/20, 08:57:28 AM
I see Michigan is now at 28% total unemployment........more than during the great depression of the 30's. And we're now in with their gov on a plan.... :doah:
CNBC's new #'s yday for UE sign ups had another 5.4 million last week, that's > 22 million in the last month nationwide. That's just a shade < 7%. :crazy: :pouty:

Geez, they dropped 7% now.... :bonk: :doofus:

The filings represent about 21 percent of the state’s workforce, which puts Michigan second only to Hawaii in the percentage of its workforce applying for jobless benefits.   

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/17/20, 09:17:29 AM
Lyin' Chinese..............................

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/17/20, 09:20:45 AM
Lyin' Chinese..............................

Shock and Ahh!  :censored:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/17/20, 09:22:24 AM
after I heard sconnie extended the safer at home order I sent a text to my brudder telling him it looks like he's grounded from fishing opener. his response was...……...YAH RIGHT!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
So does this not willing to listening, specially if it's somethin they don't want to hear, run in the whole family or just the guys? :scratch:                                ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/17/20, 09:23:49 AM
So someone leaked the correct info so now China has to backtrack and make their story sound good.  And to say their economy has only dropped 6% is another lie. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/17/20, 09:29:13 AM
 & they're lookin for that person as we speak. He will undoubtely disappear & never be heard from again. :crazy: :tut:  :sad:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/17/20, 09:29:41 AM
So someone leaked the correct info so now China has to backtrack and make their story sound good.  And to say their economy has only dropped 6% is another lie. 

Maybe it's becuz they don't HAVE an economy in Wuhan area....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/17/20, 09:32:10 AM
after I heard sconnie extended the safer at home order I sent a text to my brudder telling him it looks like he's grounded from fishing opener. his response was...……...YAH RIGHT!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
So does this not willing to listening, specially if it's somethin they don't want to hear, run in the whole family or just the guys? :scratch:                                ;) :laugh: :laugh:
well since there are only the 2 of us...…….and where do you think I get it from!!!!!!!! i'm the alter boy in the family!!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/17/20, 09:37:55 AM
Separately, the idea that the virus emerged at an animal market in Wuhan continues to be debated by experts. Dr. Ronald Waldman, a former official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and a public health expert at George Washington University, said the theory has fallen out of favor in some quarters, in part because one of the early infected persons had no connection to the market.


U.S. spy agencies collected raw intel hinting at public health crisis in Wuhan, China, in November
Two laboratories in Wuhan have been conducting research on coronaviruses found in bats.

In November 2017, the research team at the Wuhan Institute of Virology published a a paper identifying the bat population that may have harbored the virus that caused the 2015 SARS epidemic.

U.S. officials have said repeatedly that China has not been transparent in its handling of the virus. The Chinese government has refused to turn over early samples to American researchers, and China has detained people who tried to call attention to the emerging pandemic. Those people can no longer be found.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/17/20, 10:13:34 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/17/20, 10:24:07 AM
was wondering that too.....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/17/20, 10:32:22 AM
personally, I find it hard to believe any stats now. I have seen and read that some of these deaths may or may not also be related to influenza and or pneumonia and there listing COVID just to shore up the numbers to make this stay at home thing more plausible.

just my opinion.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/17/20, 10:51:10 AM
personally, I find it hard to believe any stats now. I have seen and read that some of these deaths may or may not also be related to influenza and or pneumonia and there listing COVID just to shore up the numbers to make this stay at home thing more plausible.

just my opinion.

would not surprise me....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/17/20, 11:16:54 AM

Here ya go! End of discussion!

Gov. Walz announces extension of outdoor recreation

Created: April 17, 2020 11:07 AM

(ABC 6 News) - Gov. Tim Walz issued  Executive Order 20-38 Friday, which expands allowable outdoor recreational activities that include hiking on trails, golfing, fishing, hunting and more.

These guidelines include maintaining 6-foot social distancing, avoiding crowded areas, and staying close to home.
“It’s important for us to stay active and enjoy the outdoors while preventing the spread of COVID-19,” said Governor Walz. “This measure will allow Minnesotans to take advantage of more opportunities to get outside, while still doing their part to keep their neighbors healthy.”
Under Executive Order 20-38, facilities that may reopen or remain open include:
Bait shops for live bait
Outdoor shooting ranges and game farms
Public and private parks and trails
Golf courses and driving ranges
Boating and off-highway vehicle services, including:
Marina services
Dock installation and other lake services
Boat and off-highway vehicle sales and repair, by appointment only

Campgrounds and dispersed camping, outdoor recreational equipment retail stores, recreational equipment rental, charter boats, launches, and guided fishing remain closed.
Minnesotans should continue to take part in outdoor activities close to their primary residence. Staying home helps protect Minnesotans from spreading COVID-19 and limits pressure on rural medical facilities and essential supplies.
These new provisions will go into effect on Saturday, April 18 at 5:00 a.m., and will have the full force and effect of law upon approval by the executive council.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/17/20, 11:37:40 AM
thanks Reb...…..good info. but some ambigious interpretation could be had here??

 all campgrounds closed or just state and or county??? are private campgrounds included.

recreational rentals?? does that mean places like Geyer rental is I need a garden tiller???

 :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/17/20, 11:42:46 AM
I dunno.. just Timmy's latest. I'd take it at face value and run with it.   🏃‍♂️

It says Marina Services are open, but then below it it says Launches are closed...and charters. HTF you get the boat in without using launches? I say screw it. I'm gonna do my own interpretation. They don't like it, try to write me a ticket. Never hold up.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/17/20, 11:44:42 AM
I see now Trump is saying the Gov. of Mn, Mich, and Virginia should loosen up...  all are Dem...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/17/20, 11:48:21 AM
I think ALL of 'em should go jump in the lake. Maintain 6' distance, though.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/17/20, 11:54:40 AM
I see now Trump is saying the Gov. of Mn, Mich, and Virginia should loosen up...  all are Dem...
Of course, he wants less dems
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/17/20, 12:04:24 PM
Some resorts who run boats for guided group trips used call them launches & I think :scratch: that's probably what they are referring to. I know that some on Winnie used to call 'em that. Charter boats makes me think more of the Great Lakes & ocean fishing. Just my $.02
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/17/20, 12:10:59 PM
Well, they can take their launches or landings or boats or docks or however or whatever ya see em as and jam 'em where the sun don't shine, as far as I'm concerned. This mimsy-whimsy back and forth BS just confuses everybody.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/17/20, 12:17:22 PM
think i'm gonna find my THE KNACK CD and play my corona this afternoon. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/17/20, 12:23:19 PM
Don't listen too closely. It was banned when it first came out. Referring to SEKS with under-age girls....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on April 04/17/20, 12:26:27 PM
I just heard they are having demonstrations down in our capitol.  The governor just said that golfing, hiking, biking, and fishing is now allowed.   I've seen folks biking and hiking [running/jogging] for some time.  But I'm glad fishing is wide open now at least what the news said.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/17/20, 12:52:20 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/17/20, 12:58:16 PM
Don't do anything with the wack job from Michigan and since when is Kentucky part of the Midwest?  :scratch:

Since the Prez flunked geography.  :rolleyes:

How do you tie in the Prez to something a bunch of rogue Governors are doing on their own?  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/17/20, 01:01:45 PM
Just to make you wonder..... why do you call them rogue?   :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/17/20, 01:11:02 PM
Timmy Time at Two Today.... :happybounce:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/17/20, 01:31:41 PM
I see now Trump is saying the Gov. of Mn, Mich, and Virginia should loosen up...  all are Dem...
Of course, he wants less dems
Would make things alot better if there were.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/17/20, 01:51:52 PM
I see now Trump is saying the Gov. of Mn, Mich, and Virginia should loosen up...  all are Dem...
Of course, he wants less dems
Would make things alot better if there were.
takes 2 to tango. :sleazy: :rotflmao: :blues brothers: :dancinred: :dancinred: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/17/20, 02:08:00 PM
Would be nice if there were more than 2.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/17/20, 02:25:33 PM
Walz just said there are at least 30 new cases in Worthington.  Partially associated with the pork plant there.  Lots of minorities in Worthington now.  Pretty tight communities.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/17/20, 02:46:36 PM
Walz just said there are at least 30 new cases in Worthington.  Partially associated with the pork plant there.  Lots of minorities in Worthington now.  Pretty tight communities.

that changed from a while ago.  it was like at 18 or something....   and that was my first federal plant o inspect in....  the chicken plant there too...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/17/20, 02:53:29 PM
Would be nice if there were more than 2.
Actually there are. I haven't voted for either of the two major party cabinets for president for years. Just don't like the idea of being led around like a sheepie.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/17/20, 02:57:25 PM
Walz just said there are at least 30 new cases in Worthington.  Partially associated with the pork plant there.  Lots of minorities in Worthington now.  Pretty tight communities.

that changed from a while ago.  it was like at 18 or something....   and that was my first federal plant o inspect in....  the chicken plant there too...

Had a girl friend from there! Her parents lived not far from the turkey plant!  :Turkey:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/17/20, 03:02:40 PM
Walz just said there are at least 30 new cases in Worthington.  Partially associated with the pork plant there.  Lots of minorities in Worthington now.  Pretty tight communities.

that changed from a while ago.  it was like at 18 or something....   and that was my first federal plant o inspect in....  the chicken plant there too...

Had a girl friend from there! Her parents lived not far from the turkey plant!  :Turkey:

so did she fowl out?????    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/17/20, 03:11:30 PM
Walz just said there are at least 30 new cases in Worthington.  Partially associated with the pork plant there.  Lots of minorities in Worthington now.  Pretty tight communities.

that changed from a while ago.  it was like at 18 or something....   and that was my first federal plant o inspect in....  the chicken plant there too...

Had a girl friend from there! Her parents lived not far from the turkey plant!  :Turkey:

so did she fowl out?????    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/17/20, 03:13:14 PM
well, except for the first 5 minutes of Walz's news conference cause I was on the phone with a plant manager  :banghead: :banghead: I thought that was a very good update.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/17/20, 03:20:38 PM
Not sure of you guys but I'd much rather watch anyone else's speech than watch Trump read... not good.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/17/20, 03:50:47 PM
Not sure of you guys but I'd much rather watch anyone else's speech than watch Trump read... not good.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: Yea I think I passed that point in 3rd grade. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/17/20, 03:51:58 PM
personally, I find it hard to believe any stats now. I have seen and read that some of these deaths may or may not also be related to influenza and or pneumonia and there listing COVID just to shore up the numbers to make this stay at home thing more plausible.

just my opinion.

Opinions are like A**holes.   Everyone has one. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/17/20, 04:26:33 PM
Walz just said there are at least 30 new cases in Worthington.  Partially associated with the pork plant there.  Lots of minorities in Worthington now.  Pretty tight communities.

that changed from a while ago.  it was like at 18 or something....   and that was my first federal plant o inspect in....  the chicken plant there too...

Had a girl friend from there! Her parents lived not far from the turkey plant!  :Turkey:

so did she fowl out?????    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

Nope, she got left with the rest of the flock! Sorta got flocked over!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/17/20, 04:32:39 PM
personally, I find it hard to believe any stats now. I have seen and read that some of these deaths may or may not also be related to influenza and or pneumonia and there listing COVID just to shore up the numbers to make this stay at home thing more plausible.

just my opinion.

Opinions are like A**holes.   Everyone has one.
pretty much what I think of all your posts too!!! :moon:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/17/20, 07:12:08 PM
Ruby growled and barked when I told her it was ten minutes to Timmy Time. Timmy tends to get flustered and talks in circles when Tom Hauser grills him. I haven't watched a lot of television news for years. I'm usually in the barn or heading that way. Hauser's fast become my favorite journalist as I haven't figured out which side of this and any other issues he's on, live or on his Twitter feed which I follow. That means he's doing his job as a journalist.  :happy1:

 https://www.aol.com/article/news/2020/04/17/sunlight-destroys-virus-quickly-new-govt-tests-find-but-experts-say-pandemic-could-last-through-summer/24017889/    (https://www.aol.com/article/news/2020/04/17/sunlight-destroys-virus-quickly-new-govt-tests-find-but-experts-say-pandemic-could-last-through-summer/24017889/)

While getting outside won't stop the virus inside it sure as heck isn't going to hurt anything and might help. I plan on being outside as much as possible this weekend after being cooped up much of the week. How 'bout you?  :happy1:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/17/20, 07:26:02 PM
Being outside is great! Bummer that I'll be working
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/17/20, 07:32:39 PM
No Aisle Bovines ® out there.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/17/20, 07:49:23 PM
Oh hell yes I'll be outside. :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/17/20, 08:28:25 PM
I got a hilarious voice mail tonite from of all people my sheep shearer. He sheared for a doctor today and the guy told him that he drinks gin and tonics because he believes it's kept him safe from COVID-19. His wife doesn't like gin but she's been drinking the tonic water as well. Neither of them have been sick. So there! If a doctor says drink gin and tonics, who am I to argue? :confused:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/17/20, 10:22:22 PM
I got a hilarious voice mail tomite from of all people my sheep shearer. He sheared for a doctor today and the guy told him that he drinks gin and tonics because he believes it's kept him safe from COVID-19. His wife doesn't like gin but she's been drinking the tonic water as well. Neither of them have been sick. So there! If a doctor says drink gin and tonics, who am I to argue? :confused:  :rotflmao:
Time for reb to dig out a picture of those old ads with the doctors pushing cigarettes....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/18/20, 06:41:16 AM
See, it's the quinine.   :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/18/20, 08:28:16 AM
I dunno.. just Timmy's latest. I'd take it at face value and run with it.   🏃‍♂️

It says Marina Services are open, but then below it it says Launches are closed...and charters. HTF you get the boat in without using launches? I say screw it. I'm gonna do my own interpretation. They don't like it, try to write me a ticket. Never hold up.
found an answer to 1 of my questions in the local paper this morning...…...both public and private campgrounds are still closed.

rumor has it the campground we used to be at was going to open with some rules...…...they've never been good at even following thereown rules!!!! :confused: :tut: maybe i phone call is in order  :sleazy: :sleazy: :smoking:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/18/20, 08:53:14 AM
I'd like to know what ya do if a great trout stream runs thru a park, like Whitewater state park....can you fish it?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/18/20, 08:55:41 AM
They probably don't know the answer to that either. But I thought the state parks were still open, just not the office or buildings. Luckily we have some camping spots that are not in a campground.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/18/20, 09:02:45 AM
Well, I guess ya can. Went back and re-read my ydays recap post.   :doofus:

Under Executive Order 20-38, facilities that may open or remain open include:

Bait shops for live bait
Outdoor shooting ranges and game farms
Public and private parks and trails

These new provisions will go into effect on Saturday, April 18 at 5:00 a.m., and will have the full force and effect of law upon approval by the executive council.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/18/20, 09:11:09 AM
And out come the guns.... :doah:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/18/20, 10:51:59 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  I told my wife what the paper said about public and private campgrounds are still to remain closed. I think I'm beginning to rub off on her. :smoking: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: not long ago her sister posts on Facebook of all places they were at there home away from home, meaning the campground. :confused:

So my wife posts back how can that be per the governor there supposed to remain closed. :tut: made me proud. :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/18/20, 01:20:32 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:  I told my wife what the paper said about public and private campgrounds are still to remain closed. I think I'm beginning to rub off on her. :smoking: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: not long ago her sister posts on Facebook of all places they were at there home away from home, meaning the campground. :confused:

So my wife posts back how can that be per the governor there supposed to remain closed. :tut: made me proud. :happy1:

HELLO!!!!! Did you read two post up?   THEY'RE OPEN..........................
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/18/20, 01:27:03 PM
The article in the paper made it clear ALL public and private CAMPGROUNDS  are still closed.  Different then a park. And I'm just repeating what I read in the paper. Her other sister had a lot in a campground up by mille lacs, she just talked to her and there closed. Sherwood Forest.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/18/20, 01:39:42 PM

It's Timmy's fault!    :angry:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/18/20, 01:42:56 PM

It's Timmy's fault!    :angry:
:rotflmao: I thought it was Trump's!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/18/20, 01:44:06 PM
Well, we might as well toss him into the mix too!  :rotflmao:    :mooning:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/18/20, 02:09:46 PM
not long ago her sister posts on Facebook of all places they were at there home away from home, meaning the campground. :confused:

Yep Governor Walz making 1000's of Senior citizens homeless!   :sad:

That would be the spin on it if posted on CNN about Trump.  ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/18/20, 02:34:50 PM

Coronavirus 'could be spreading across the globe through farts' claim doctors
Doctors have made the foul discovery that farting could spread the Covid-19 disease – unless infected people wear pants which can protect this from happening

The deadly coronavirus bug could be spreading across the globe through farts, according to doctors.

Tests carried out earlier this year have shown that the virus was present in the faeces of more than half of patients with Covid-19.

And doctors have previously warned farts contain tiny poo particles that can spread bacteria.

They said more research needed to be done to rule out passing the disease on to people through omitting bodily gasses.

TV doctor Xander Van Tulleken, who presented CBBC series Operation Ouch as well as appearing on a string of documentaries, raised the issue on social media.

Doctors say, however, the infected person would have to not be wearing pants for starters (Image: Getty Images)

Vet urgently warns 'don't let anyone pat your dog' amid coronavirus link to pets

Researchers spot worrying new coronavirus symptoms emerging among Covid-19 patients
He highlighted work by Australian doctor Andy Tagg which he called “an enjoyable thread about whether farting can cause coronavirus”.

In his findings Dr Tagg cited tests carried out earlier this year which showed 55% of patients with SARS-CoV-2 had it present in their poo.

He said: “Well, SARS-CoV-2 can be detected in faeces and has been detected in an asymptomatic individual up to 17 days post-exposure.”

The doctor added that previous tests have shown farts have the power to spray talcolm powder long distances.

In 2001 Australian doctor Karl Kruszelnicki and microbiologist Luke Tennent carried out an experiment to see if farts could spread disease.

Dr Tennent asked a colleague to pass wind directly into two Petri dishes from a distance of five centimeters - first while wearing pants, and then without.

He found that the first Petri dish stayed clean, while the second one sprouted bacteria overnight, but added the bacteria found in the test was not harmful.

Earlier this year China’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention announced that pants should be an effective barrier against farts that might carry the novel coronavirus.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/18/20, 02:48:27 PM
stamp out farts now!!!!  SOF!!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/18/20, 03:48:04 PM
Now! From Rebco! For only 19.95...get 4 washable BUTT MASKS!  :shocked:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/18/20, 05:43:37 PM
Just wondering....since most of us aren't  going to the grocery store as often as we would have, and with a shortage of some things, has this changed yer eating habits at all?
Are you eating different things, trying different methods, etc?
I guess I'm eating more canned things, which I usually don't do....canned fruit, different varieties of beans, (limas, pintos) more rice than I normally would....that's about the only difference for me, since I was really stocked up when this thing hit.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/18/20, 06:11:50 PM

As Quoted in the Daily Star.  A world renown Medical Journal!   :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/18/20, 07:12:18 PM
Just wondering....since most of us aren't  going to the grocery store as often as we would have, and with a shortage of some things, has this changed yer eating habits at all?
Are you eating different things, trying different methods, etc?
I guess I'm eating more canned things, which I usually don't do....canned fruit, different varieties of beans, (limas, pintos) more rice than I normally would....that's about the only difference for me, since I was really stocked up when this thing hit.
nope. Actually eating more fresh fruit. We do however try to limit the trips to the store. I always try to blanch and freeze most my garden stuff. I not a big fan of canned veggies if I can avoid it. Meat it depends on what we have a hankering for.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/18/20, 09:46:07 PM
Before all this stuff went down I'd made a request for more fresh fruits in particular. I can't say we're eating much differently otherwise but probably on a more regular basis with both of us home. We still rely on a large evening meal being cooked then living off the leftovers for several meals afterwards while filling in with lighter meals in between. Less eating on the fly and more organized meals overall. The result has been more dirty dishes. The dishwasher needs to be run a couple more times per week.  :huh: 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/19/20, 07:08:44 AM

As Quoted in the Daily Star.  A world renown Medical Journal!   :doofus:

 :sleazy: :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/19/20, 07:11:16 AM
We have salads for our lunches everyday at work so we have to go grocery shopping every week. We went once a week before all this started and Wego once a week now. To be honest nothing has changed for us at all. Other than not be able to get the grandkids next weekend, we are doing what we would normally do.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/19/20, 08:24:52 AM
We were eating more salads and fresh fruit when this all started.  I used to go to the grocery store 3 - 4 times a week.  Got to say hi to everyone and pick up fresh fruit and salad stuff.  Now we go once every 2 weeks so not as much fresh fruit and fresh salad stuff.  We too are having more canned veggies but have lots of frozen veggies now.  We have stocked up good on meat so good there.  I have put on 3 or 4 lbs too.  I need to get moving more to wear it off.  I have been sitting on my azz more since this started. 

SO you are saying that I shouldn't be farting in the store so people will get out of my way anymore?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/19/20, 08:48:14 AM
I have always ate fruits and veggies. its a staple in my lunch bucket. for some reason we are on a fresh pineapple, apple and orange kick lately. when there are grapes in the house, it may make it 3 days.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/19/20, 08:59:59 AM
in this house we way prefer frozen veggies over canned...…...they seem to taste a lot more like right out of the garden. when I cook them I add very little water and more butter. :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/19/20, 09:16:57 AM
Only canned veggies I eat are corn, yams, and beans. Rest is all frozen. Been doing lots of frozen veggies lately...I've even bought the mixed veggies with those....those.....green things in 'em. Experimenting. Mixing frozen young peas with frozen onion bits (couldn't find pearl onions), a dollop of butter, and seasoned salt to make a "sauce" on 'em. Frozen carrots with brown sugar.....melted cheddar on broccoli... and brussel sprouts in butter. Been eating a lot more salads, mater's, peppers, and apples, nanners, peaches......
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/19/20, 09:27:46 AM
Meals really haven't changed here, but with the Mrs and the whipper snapper working from home the 3 weeks or so the garbage and recycling sure have filled the cans fast. My God for empty water bottles,  can't get em to refill otta the tap..
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/19/20, 09:34:51 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/19/20, 09:44:38 AM
I'd say 90% frozen veggies here, very few canned stuff other than bush beans and such...  no bottled water either..  my tap water tastes very good..    and I try to fresh fruits more too..  and even some greek yogurt... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/19/20, 09:48:05 AM
I eat a lot of yogurt....it's .89 most places, saw it at ALDI.......35 cents!!!! So I bought 4 of 'em...they were great! No difference from the big brands!  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/19/20, 09:59:13 AM
I eat a lot of yogurt....it's .89 most places, saw it at ALDI.......35 cents!!!! So I bought 4 of 'em...they were great! No difference from the big brands!  :happy1:

that's where I get mine too Reb...   :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/19/20, 10:13:21 AM
Mix some chopped walnuts in with the cherry..... :kiss:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/19/20, 11:53:28 AM
I think it just dawned on me what the COVID is paving the way for.......no need to be in despair...!

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/19/20, 01:57:56 PM
Sooooo...I was wondering if the next thing is gonna be mosquitoes can transmit COVID from one person to another... :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/19/20, 02:09:13 PM
well Del said farts will... just sayin...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/19/20, 02:12:08 PM
So mosquito's fart?!  :scratch:   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/19/20, 03:24:57 PM
Sooooo...I was wondering if the next thing is gonna be mosquitoes can transmit COVID from one person to another... :scratch:
last week that was on channel 4 as one of there good question segments. They said the CDC that's not likely.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/19/20, 03:34:47 PM
So, I stopped at Sly-Vee, home of the ripoff, 'cuz they are real close and I just wanted some stuff to make coleslaw and to grab some tater salad. Boy, that place is so spendy it's crazy!  :doah:  Anywho, noticed a couple people kinda glared at me as I passed them, wondered what that was all about. Then the overhead speaker goes off, "reminding all of our shoppers to follow the one-way arrows on the floor, (and the corner ones) to prevent passing people in the opposite direction, keeping us all safe"....what they hey??!?!?!? Was then I noticed arrows drawn on floor so you can only go ONE WAY down an aisle, and have to turn in "proper direction" to get to another aisle....and of course, I was going the wrong way.  That's going just a BIT TOO far IMO.  Almost wished I woulda worn my bandanna mask (had regular one on) and I woulda pulled my coat back exposing the .40 cal so someone could see
the bandanna mask and gun..."ROBBER! HE's GOT A GUN!"   :moon:   ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/19/20, 03:46:33 PM
A bit too far is packing heat at slyvee.  :crazy: Been that way for a week or so around here, but the Texacans today that i seen don't bother with rules..
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/19/20, 03:47:17 PM
Hate ta tell bud, but there are all kinds of places doing that same thing.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/19/20, 03:47:44 PM
A bit too far is packing heat at slyvee.  :crazy: Been that way for a week or so around here, but the Texacans today that i seen don't bother with rules..

To each his own, right? Carry isn't a now you do, now you don't thing. The last shooting was in their parking lot.  Maybe we aren't as nicey nice down here as where you live. :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/19/20, 03:50:22 PM
Hate ta tell bud, but there are all kinds of places doing that same thing.

First time I've seen arrows painted on floors. The stockers were going back and forth in the aisles...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/19/20, 03:54:57 PM
Alright,  I got another smite just like that o mighty smiter.. No I'm not afraid to go out in public without a side arm. No need.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/19/20, 03:58:02 PM
Kinda follows the course of me gettin' 'em,eh? I'm happy for ya. I'll keep that in mind.  Kinda depends what you've seen in yer profession, doesn't it? Like I said, to each his own. Doesn't affect me.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/19/20, 04:26:42 PM
Just re read your post, getting crazy in a supermarket packing heat probably isn't a good combo, when you were in the wrong to begin with..
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/19/20, 04:34:22 PM
Who's gonna get crazy? How long ya wanna keep at it? I was in the wrong? But that's  OK Capt. Whatever works for ya. I'm done with this.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/19/20, 04:56:15 PM
Wrong direction for starters, gotta keep up Hass. Packing heat when your unstable,  its all in your post..
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/19/20, 05:00:28 PM
Who's gonna get crazy? How long ya wanna keep at it? I was in the wrong? But that's  OK Capt. Whatever works for ya. I'm done with this.
so you are saying it's ok for you to not abide by rules they expect all customers to follow??
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/19/20, 05:13:34 PM
So now I'm unstable?! Pretty rash assumptions there, bobber. You're way outta line on that BS, FYI. I won't make judgement like that on other members.  And Glenn, quit putting yer words and take in my mouth. I did not NOTICE THEM, (the arrows) and They WERE followed after I did. You seem incapable of following a tongue in cheek satire sentence..... Didn't you learn that in college? But no reason to explain to two tag-teamers. I'm done with yer curbstone lawyer and judgmental tactics. Like I said, to each his own. Believe what you will. Maybe you two could get together and compare notes. That's as nasty as I'll get. End of subject. It has no reasonable outcome. I'm sure we all have better things to do. Believe what you must, but DROP IT and move on. No ones interested anyway.. Enjoy yer nite.  There may not be many left for some of us the way it's going.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/19/20, 08:18:04 PM
Read a story about a small town grocery guy.   His store had like an odd number of aisles or something so if he made them one way you came in the front door, went through the aisles (like the commisary when I was at fort ord)  and ended up in the back of the store in frozen foods.... :crazy:

But yeah when I was at fort ord, the commissary was the grocery store on post run by the government.   Had great prices.   Aisles were all one way and you got one  pass through.   Line out the door.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/19/20, 08:58:15 PM
One way isles?   :scratch:

Everyone knows that when everyone walks in the same direction and someone coughs, the virus falls straight to the floor so the cleaning crew can sanitize it.
 You can't pick up the virus by walking through someone's backwash.   :rotflmao:

When are we going to figure out that if you are anywhere near someone who has the virus, and they aren't wearing a mask, and they haven't washed their hands since the last time the coughed in their hands or licked their fingers, you've got a high probability of getting it.  One way isles aren't going to save you.   :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/20/20, 07:10:43 AM
I am with you Rebs. Any time we travel out and about I am carrying also. I would do it more if I could bring it into work with me but I can't. I would rather have it with me and never need it. then to need it and not have on me!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/20/20, 08:19:04 AM
When we were in the store at I Falls we noticed the arrows on the floor after we were about done shopping.  It was just a quick pick up a few things deal.  Now we know.  Drove the wife to Dollar store yesterday.  She made me stay in the truck which was ok with me.  She wore a mask and got our stuff quick and then out.  I watched as almost noone else did any social distancing or precautions.   :crazy:  Did not hear any gunfire.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/20/20, 08:21:02 AM
Read a story about a small town grocery guy.   His store had like an odd number of aisles or something so if he made them one way you came in the front door, went through the aisles (like the commisary when I was at fort ord)  and ended up in the back of the store in frozen foods.... :crazy:

But yeah when I was at fort ord, the commissary was the grocery store on post run by the government.   Had great prices.   Aisles were all one way and you got one  pass through.   Line out the door.

I can just see that working in MPLS.
Hey lady you can't.......................   
I don't give no dam bout you one way aisle! Why don't you mind you own dam bidness!  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Lee Borgersen on April 04/20/20, 08:52:51 AM
Read a story about a small town grocery guy.   His store had like an odd number of aisles or something so if he made them one way you came in the front door, went through the aisles (like the commisary when I was at fort ord)  and ended up in the back of the store in frozen foods.... :crazy:

But yeah when I was at fort ord, the commissary was the grocery store on post run by the government.   Had great prices.   Aisles were all one way and you got one  pass through.   Line out the door.

I can just see that working in MPLS.
Hey lady you can't.......................   
I don't give no dam bout you one way aisle! Why don't you mind you own dam bidness!  :rolleyes:

 :scratch:......   Wait a minute dare bucko! My wife was never in MPLS :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/20/20, 11:20:54 AM
well the pork plant in Worthington,JBS, has shut down completely now....  the county went from 2 cases to 76 already... 


that is a state map of the counties and numbers..
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/20/20, 11:36:16 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/20/20, 11:39:15 AM
The beef plant in Iowa re-opened today....

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/20/20, 11:43:14 AM
A lot of the hogs from these parts have been going to Worthington
 I mostly feel for the farmers
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/20/20, 11:52:56 AM
There has been a big rift in Worthington for a few years now between the people that grew up there and the new influx of immigrants.  This is going to make it even worse. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/20/20, 11:55:15 AM
Our daily news comference has been being held at 11 everyday & she just finished today's. There's been 3 plants with outbreaks down here. The 1 inTama that Reb mentioned processes beef & the other 2 are Tyson chicken processing plants. One is in Waterloo & the other is Columbus Junction which is a 1/2 hour or so south of Iowa City.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/20/20, 12:08:52 PM
one of the people we knew from out at the campground was a huge pig farmer. we was down by Marshall, over near Balaton. wonder how this affects him. if I remember right he supplied feeder hogs to farmers???? I think. I stopped at his place once. big operation. he did hogs, his mail order wife had there kitchen set up and could bake thousands of buns etc. she did a lot of it this time of year for graduations.....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/20/20, 12:10:14 PM
I think at the moment producers are losing between $40 and $50 per hog if they can sell them.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/20/20, 12:30:53 PM
Lots of corn down there so they have the best tasting beef and pork.  In the 70's I would buy a hog from my buddy now and then for around 29 cents a lb live weight.  Rock County.  They just got their first 3 covid cases in the last week or so.  Exactly halfway between Worthington and Sioux Falls.  About 25 miles each way.  That is where my Mom and Dad live in their new Senior Apt place.  They have been quarantined for a few weeks now.  Their food is even delivered to their apt.  Noone can even mingle inside the buildings.  I worry more now with the outbreaks in each direction. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/20/20, 12:52:22 PM
Suited up and went to costco this morning.   Plenty beef.  No pork.   Adequate chicken.   TP, paper towels, tons of water, no tissues.  No raisin bran crunch.   Plenty other cereal.   Flour good, rice good.    No sweet onions, yellow and white good.   
Got a pineapple for $1.99, and a bag of cara cara oranges to go with it..   
Oh, and wife's prescription
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/20/20, 12:57:21 PM
Popped into ALDI for some lunch meat a bit ago. Plenty of pork. Chops. Roasts. Some huge pigger steaks. Plenty of chicken and fair variety of beef.  Grabbed some beef tenderloins. Aisles were full of TP and paper towels. Picked up some Honeycrisp apples and nanners, too. Plenty of stuff everywhere.....odd, no napkins or paper plates...!  Canned goods still not up to par. But all the different breads and rolls...wow!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/20/20, 01:01:30 PM
Is this a different plant? Just came online in the news....

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/20/20, 01:09:37 PM
Is this a different plant? Just came online in the news....


that's the one I mentioned in Worthington...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/20/20, 01:34:47 PM
Oh, sorry! Hard to keep track! 🐷
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/20/20, 01:46:36 PM
no big deal Rebs!!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on April 04/20/20, 03:34:45 PM
I'm in a couple of groups up north.  One is the North Shore Tribe and the other is a Finland Group.  Someone there just posted that she heard on the local radio station that the bars and resturants can open up May 4.  I see on  the map that Lake and Cook county's haven't had a case yet.  Hope that continues.  We got to get back to work.  Oil barrel's were in the negative today.  Not even one cent per barrel.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Cooperman on April 04/20/20, 04:26:42 PM
Is this a different plant? Just came online in the news....


that's the one I mentioned in Worthington...

I was listing to the radio and they said (I think) that this plant processes 20,000 hogs a day? Could that be accurate?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/20/20, 04:53:20 PM
I know you asked Mike but that is accurate Coop.  Even though I think it said that the plant produces 5% of the pork in the US.  Same with the Smithfield plant in Sioux Falls.  Mike may have more details.

Unreal on the barrel of oil price RH.  That must be a first. 

We in Lake of the Woods still don't have a case neither RH.  Closing these accesses really helped this vulnerable area.  Once fishing season opens there will be people coming up and bringing it here I am afraid.  I am not worried about them cuz they will go home before they are real sick.  If people up here get infected we are going to have to go somewhere else for treatment I think. Then this area will be a hot spot and the people coming up will get affected too and will bring it to where they live. I feel for the resorts too.  Just a tough deal. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/20/20, 05:20:10 PM
That's the big prob....if someone spreads it in a small town, in a more remote area, and if it hits you bad, you have to go to some city to take care of you, as there would not be the equipment to take care of you.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/20/20, 05:27:10 PM
Is this a different plant? Just came online in the news....


that's the one I mentioned in Worthington...

I was listing to the radio and they said (I think) that this plant processes 20,000 hogs a day? Could that be accurate?

yup LPS is right on!!!  when I first started there it was around 5000 a shift... now it's 10,000 per shift...  that one heck of a pile of pork chops!!!! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/20/20, 05:31:43 PM
Or  :spam: :spam:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/20/20, 05:34:38 PM
so that last one makes more since, when the plants wanted to speed up the lines, they had to get more inspectors on the kill lines...  so we had 2 folks at head section, now it's 3.. gut table was 3 now it's 4, etc...  and now ya see how folks could get hurt too if they weren't careful....  and most everyone got hurt some time or another...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/20/20, 05:47:29 PM
Dad always said he was kind of leary workin next to some of the guys that he knew probably stayed at HH too late the night before. Lots of knife work in close quarters when he worked in the kill & again when he was bonin Cure 81 hams. Which is what he did the longest.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/20/20, 05:51:24 PM
I saw a long-time skilled trimmer slip and plunge his knife right in his gut when I was at the butcher shop.... :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/20/20, 06:04:22 PM
I saw a long-time skilled trimmer slip and plunge his knife right in his gut when I was at the butcher shop.... :doah:

Dang, did you till him life's not that bad to commit Hari kari?  :huh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/20/20, 06:06:58 PM
Or  :spam: :spam:  :rotflmao:

hey Glenn that was Hormel!!  I was at swift or JBS now!!!  no spam there!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/20/20, 06:12:39 PM
 :doofus: :pouty: :bonk: :banghead:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/20/20, 06:19:25 PM
I saw a long-time skilled trimmer slip and plunge his knife right in his gut when I was at the butcher shop.... :doah:

Dang, did you till him life's not that bad to commit Hari kari?  :huh:

I did say sayonara!  :rotflmao:  Too busy taking care of him until the ambulance got there! (He came out OK)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/20/20, 06:39:34 PM
That is a sad story Rebs.   But yes I have a couple cans of SPAM in the cupboard.   :sleazy:   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/20/20, 06:44:17 PM
SPAM good. Bfast of champions. *urp*
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/20/20, 06:57:23 PM
yup when done right it's good!!! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/20/20, 07:08:04 PM
Any way is right with SPAM, said Reb-I-am. On bread or fried in the pan, you can even eat it sitting on the can. Or eat it with that fox, while she's wearing just her socks, said Reb-I-am.  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/20/20, 09:08:15 PM
Or  :spam: :spam:  :rotflmao:

hey Glenn that was Hormel!!  I was at swift or JBS now!!!  no spam there!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
who keeps track, pig is pig. :doofus: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/20/20, 09:35:28 PM
I'm in a couple of groups up north.  One is the North Shore Tribe and the other is a Finland Group.  Someone there just posted that she heard on the local radio station that the bars and resturants can open up May 4.  I see on  the map that Lake and Cook county's haven't had a case yet.  Hope that continues.  We got to get back to work.  Oil barrel's were in the negative today.  Not even one cent per barrel.  good luck.

The may futures that expire tomorrow went to -36 bucks a barrel.   A real opportunity if you got someplace to put it. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/21/20, 08:07:36 AM
Depends on the virus spread thru the towers.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/21/20, 08:13:19 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/21/20, 08:16:17 AM
Actor Woody Harrelson is really pushing that, too!   :doofus:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/21/20, 08:26:33 AM
Good lord! Destroying piglets?! We must save the piggers!!! Buy it all up and eat away!!! We'll start a pigger proclamation! A pig in every pot!!! 🐷

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/21/20, 09:17:13 AM
Have some customers still raising Berkshires for a niche market. May be a bunch of these large finishing barns setting idle in the foreseeable future. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/21/20, 09:33:56 AM
Maybe I could get some piglets and pen 'em up on the deck.... :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/21/20, 09:43:48 AM
use the closed parks!!! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/21/20, 09:55:31 AM
Say, now there's a good idea!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/21/20, 10:20:50 AM
man someones gotta find that video and post it here by chris mamm and his my corona version of my sharona!!!!!!!\

its great!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/21/20, 10:24:51 AM
man someones gotta find that video and post it here by chris mamm and his my corona version of my sharona!!!!!!!\

its great!!!!!!!!

so yer asking Reb to help ya!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/21/20, 10:28:52 AM
man someones gotta find that video and post it here by chris mamm and his my corona version of my sharona!!!!!!!\

its great!!!!!!!!

so yer asking Reb to help ya!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:tut: :tut: :tut:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/21/20, 10:46:42 AM
use the closed parks!!!

Always delbert's yard when he heads to Vermillion... :whistling:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/21/20, 11:41:08 AM
use the closed parks!!!

Always delbert's yard when he heads to Vermillion... :whistling:

I was thinking more like his living room....a comfy pigger is a happy pigger.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/21/20, 12:32:39 PM
Actor Woody Harrelson is really pushing that, too!   :doofus:


This is what passes for a news story these days   :confused:

We're doomed.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/21/20, 12:46:01 PM
Do those come with a mask?   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/21/20, 12:53:40 PM
use the closed parks!!!

Always delbert's yard when he heads to Vermillion... :whistling:

That's a great idea.  Maybe 2 or 3 of them so they don't get lonely and try to get out.  Rebs can feed them for US.   :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/21/20, 01:01:10 PM
What am I supposed to feed 'em? Purina Pigger Chow? Dotch must have a load of something to feed 'em... turnips? Radishes? strawberries? He can drop it off on his way to the liquor implement dealer....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/21/20, 02:22:05 PM
Sure just dump a load in Dels driveway.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/21/20, 07:26:35 PM
Depends on the virus spread thru the towers.


I thought the story was that the radiation weakened immune system letting virus attack.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/21/20, 07:31:22 PM
use the closed parks!!!

Always delbert's yard when he heads to Vermillion... :whistling:

I was thinking more like his living room....a comfy pigger is a happy pigger.  :rotflmao:

I got a 22 pistol and a come along.  And I still remember how to do handle pigs from when I would visit my  uncle.    Would need to pick up a meat saw, and skin instead of scald and scrape.   Might have to ask Reinhardt about how to break them down.   Or find a picture on line.   

Or just do whole hog carolina bbq...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/22/20, 08:20:14 AM
I talked to one of our councilmen last night for awhile.  It seems Koochiching County is opening up their accesses on the river.  Wheelers Point is already open here.  SO the hordes of people will be coming with the virus in 2 weeks.  I wish the Governor would hold off on the opener for 30 days so we can get better prepared all over the state for the influx of covid in all of the resort areas.  I know dollars and cents speak louder than lives at times.  So sad.  Bemidji is the designated Covid hospital for this area.  Hospitals like Baudette, Roseau will be non-covid hospitals.  SO people with non-covid issues will be brought up here and the covid cases will be brought to Bemidji if there is space for them.  There are no ventilators here.  The ice rinks here will be the designated covid holding areas here.  There is spaces for dead people to be stored also.  I wonder if the ice making equipment will be used to preserve bodies in the cold there?  I guess Grand Forks ambulances are already overwhelmed so a Baudette Ambulance even had to go there and pick up someone and bring them to Mayo.  Don't know if it was a covid patient but I don't think so.  Obviously common sense is not going to help us anymore cuz every fisherman that comes up here will show us they have none!  Some people just don't care about others as long as they can do what they want to do.  Again so sad!    SO now Stay in Place will be extremely important now with the influx of infection we will now encounter.  We will stock up on food and essentials even more seriously now.  Things will get real serious now!  I hope they really cherish the money they will make due to these decisions!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/22/20, 08:59:13 AM
I am thinking that fall is what we all better be bracing ourselves for.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/22/20, 09:09:28 AM
the longer this goes, the more ya hear and read the more I get confused. only thing I get out of it is we were never prepared for something of this level, partially because every time ya turn around you keep hearing about cutting budgets yet the cost of things nor does the taxes they take go down. and the fact that the government is so corrupt and ya cant tell if there lying or hiding the truth sucks.

I read something somewhere where it showed a chart of every 100 years something like this springs up. where does this end...…..there is a lot of businesses and lives affected by this. how does this rate with anything else that's come along?? HIV, flu, H1N1, why this and shut everything down.

when this came about the stay in place was to buy time for the hospitals, get testing equipment, how friggin long can that take. its not going away...…………………….

I get more confused every day>>>>>>>>> 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/22/20, 09:14:52 AM
Yes, that is the problem with government and suspension of civil liberties.

Once you start exerting control, it is hard to let go of it. 

Yes, the plan was to flatten the curve, build the capacity to treat, and deal with it as it comes.  Problem is no one wants to be responsible for opening the flood gates.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/22/20, 09:31:43 AM
I agree with Glenn and Steve-o. Kind of a bit of doom and gloom there Barry. One thing with the open water fishing we don't get nearly as many people coming up here like we do in the winter with the wheel houses. I think they have had there time to get things ready and flatten the curve. Time for life to move along again. Are there risks? Of course there are risks. There are risks just being alive and going about normal life.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/22/20, 10:11:51 AM
'zactly JB. Getting out of bed exposes you to risk. I agree with roony that the issue may come back to haunt in the later fall when more people are back inside more. I think it'll be manageable though if we use our heads a little. Testing will be critical and Iowa has already launched their program in an organized fashion. The data are indicating it's been the biggest problem in population centers as well as crowded workplaces, large gatherings and care center environments. The high numbers are situational. We're not seeing it just randomly explode out of thin air and the numbers bear that out. Waseca Co. has had just 3 cases total and Steele has been stuck on 9 cases for several weeks. If we focus our efforts rather than repeat the one size fits all approach it should be doable. I can see a lot of the winter meetings I've attended over the years could easily be done via online video hookup. I've always wondered why they didn't do that long ago. I've been coughed on enough at those damn things. That way I could even have a G&T while I was at it!  :happy1:   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/22/20, 11:05:32 AM
There are so many different ways to look at this pandemic. On a personal level, the biggest hardships for me have been not being able to visit my mom at the care center (not even through the window any more as of  last Friday), and not being able to see my kids and grandkids. We make these sacrifices to save people's lives, mostly the elderly.I koow these seniors have made great sacrifices in their lives for our benefit and most of them would do anything for us, so I bare it for their sake.
I am no expert on pandemics and hate being told what to do more than most but in this case I tend to listen to those who know more than I. Hopefully when the next big wave comes we will be more prepared.
The sad truth is that we will be paying for this pandemic for years. Our way of life has changed, all that money the federal, state, and local governments are handing out will have to be paid back. I think this will be the end of a lot of small businesses and family farms.
We will survive though and maybe we will learn what things are most important.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/22/20, 11:52:22 AM
Problem is... everyone keeps ignoring the elephant in the room.

No one has told me anything to make me believe that we ALL aren't going to get this at some point.

Development, testing, and production of an effective vaccine is how many months away?  12 to 18 minimum!

This spreads like wildfire.  Stay at home is not sustainable.  Business closed is not sustainable.  Even social distancing is not sustainable in the economy if gatherings are restricted to fewer than 10 people:  shopping malls, sporting events, summer festivals, churches!

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/22/20, 12:36:43 PM
I am usually an optimistic and happy person but this is finally getting me down and worried.  When I have talked to my Councilman and a local First Responder they both said we are all going to have to Fight the Tiger eventually. BUT I think the longer we can escape or hide from it the better the treatments and vaccinations will be.  Everyday they are coming up with new stuff to help in some way it seems.  I am in pretty good shape but did have a minor heart thing about 18 years ago and I will be 66 in July.  Hard to believe.  Sometimes I still think I am 40 until I look in the mirror when I brush my teeth. LLL I am hanging in there.  Also even though I like being home I haven't had much socializing lately and that may be taking a toll too.  I am a hand shaker and a hugger and I think those days may be over forever.  I guess just have to adapt to the new normal.  Living here which I love has kept us away from this but now when it gets here and invades our world being here may be a big liability.  That is why this fishing thing bothers me.  That is what is going to expose my peaceful existence to something else.  It was going to get here eventually but why invite it in droves?  Only my opinion and this is what I am feeling now.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/22/20, 12:45:09 PM
I wasn't going to watch Timmy today but the noon news on #4 said there expecting a big announcement regarding testing, soooo i'll tune in. after all they have been saying testing or the ability to test is a key factor.

I had to go to a shop today to drop off relevant info regarding this COVID thing...…..I got tested via taking my temp..... they said I was still alive. :happy1: :happy1: I also filed out a form that asked if I had been out of the country or visited any of the hotspots. I also signed the document saying if I came down with the symptoms within the next 14 days I would notify the employer.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/22/20, 12:53:42 PM
I am usually an optimistic and happy person but this is finally getting me down and worried.  When I have talked to my Councilman and a local First Responder they both said we are all going to have to Fight the Tiger eventually. BUT I think the longer we can escape or hide from it the better the treatments and vaccinations will be.  Everyday they are coming up with new stuff to help in some way it seems.  I am in pretty good shape but did have a minor heart thing about 18 years ago and I will be 66 in July.  Hard to believe.  Sometimes I still think I am 40 until I look in the mirror when I brush my teeth. LLL I am hanging in there.  Also even though I like being home I haven't had much socializing lately and that may be taking a toll too.  I am a hand shaker and a hugger and I think those days may be over forever.  I guess just have to adapt to the new normal.  Living here which I love has kept us away from this but now when it gets here and invades our world being here may be a big liability.  That is why this fishing thing bothers me.  That is what is going to expose my peaceful existence to something else.  It was going to get here eventually but why invite it in droves?  Only my opinion and this is what I am feeling now.

I reckon most of us are in the same boat.

The ONE thing that extending stay-at-home does is provide more time to develop effective treatment for the worst cases.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/22/20, 03:10:35 PM
Actor Woody Harrelson is really pushing that, too!   :doofus:


Geee, why is G5 such a big deal?  Was the world set on fire when G1-2-3 or 4 came out?  :bonk: :bonk: :bs:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on April 04/22/20, 03:11:52 PM
I'm 71 and I'm as carefull as can be.  But I will go fishing.  This thing will not stop me.  I hope  people will get out more.  Walk in the park, walk in the woods,  Hike the trails, just get out.  You are no threat to anyone unless you get irresponsible.  Keep your distance from others.  Wait till someone gets their boat out and then your next.  Take wipes along.  Fill the tank and wipe your hands afterwords.  Your protected and so is the next person to use the same pump.  I even wipe the pump before I fill.  No worker in our store has gotten this virus.  They wear plastic gloves and some wear masks.  This is why I think some workers can go back to work in a gradual safe way.  Have workers tested daily and have them wear masks when needed.  This country has to get back to work or this country will be in a depression.  Then what??  There are states that have very little problem with this.  No reason they have to have any shutdown.  People in those states are doing the same thing all the states are doing by using common sense.  I hear the bars and resturants are opening up again May 4th.  Lake and Cook country do not have any cases of this that I know about.  Look how many needed workers are working.  They are carefull and still getting paychecks.  Hospitals are empty and elective surgeries are not taking place.  Dental offices are closed.  Why?  Have the patients temps taken when they come in and have the dentist wear a mask and protect himself and the staff and only allow so many patients in the place so they can wait safely.  Why can't this be done??  So this thing is scary for sure, but Where I go fishing I don't have to be afraid of jamed boat landings.  My goal is not to harm anyone and the other goal is to still have a life.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/22/20, 03:40:39 PM
Actor Woody Harrelson is really pushing that, too!   :doofus:


Geee, why is G5 such a big deal?  Was the world set on fire when G1-2-3 or 4 came out?  :bonk: :bonk: :bs:

I think Woody got some bad weed!  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/22/20, 04:11:32 PM
just got a small part of my freedom back!!!  Just the Harley home, went  for a short shake down ride, 25 to 30 miles, and it felt great!!! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on April 04/22/20, 04:23:35 PM
Waltz is opening up Resorts so they can opperate as normal this year.  Nice to see that.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/22/20, 04:27:45 PM
I talked to one of our councilmen last night for awhile.  It seems Koochiching County is opening up their accesses on the river.  Wheelers Point is already open here.  SO the hordes of people will be coming with the virus in 2 weeks.  I wish the Governor would hold off on the opener for 30 days so we can get better prepared all over the state for the influx of covid in all of the resort areas.  I know dollars and cents speak louder than lives at times.  So sad.  Bemidji is the designated Covid hospital for this area.  Hospitals like Baudette, Roseau will be non-covid hospitals.  SO people with non-covid issues will be brought up here and the covid cases will be brought to Bemidji if there is space for them.  There are no ventilators here.  The ice rinks here will be the designated covid holding areas here.  There is spaces for dead people to be stored also.  I wonder if the ice making equipment will be used to preserve bodies in the cold there?  I guess Grand Forks ambulances are already overwhelmed so a Baudette Ambulance even had to go there and pick up someone and bring them to Mayo.  Don't know if it was a covid patient but I don't think so.  Obviously common sense is not going to help us anymore cuz every fisherman that comes up here will show us they have none!  Some people just don't care about others as long as they can do what they want to do.  Again so sad!    SO now Stay in Place will be extremely important now with the influx of infection we will now encounter.  We will stock up on food and essentials even more seriously now.  Things will get real serious now!  I hope they really cherish the money they will make due to these decisions!

As of today there are about 1400 people who have tested positive and not yet recovered to where they aren't contagious.   

About 250 of those are hospitalized.    of all the cases, 31% are over 65. 

So, maybe a thousand people in the whole state are currently infected.   Out of 5.3 million.   So, assuming randomness and all that, the chance of an infected dude not showing up  among a couple hundred guys at a boat launch is (1-1000/5.3million)**200.  or 96% if I did the math right. 

So, don't be freaking out.   Oh and if you are a heathy person under 65 the chances of dying from this, if you catch it, is like 1 out of 200 or maybe a lot less.   Now it looks like, in my opinion, that most people will get it sooner or later.    So, you pays your money and you takes your chances...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/22/20, 04:31:45 PM
I sure see lots of recklessness out n about tho, some keep their distance and some don't. At work the younger guys don't even give it a thought,  walk right up to you, the older guys all stay back. I try not to follow anyone walking, or criss-cross paths but ya lps its a good thing to over think this virus,  just keep from touching anything you can. I carry gloves in the truck for any purpose,  use my boot to open doors going out you name it. The groceries is my concern,  we'll wipe stuff down at home you just never know how many hands have touched this stuff..
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/22/20, 04:39:08 PM
Leave it sit for a day.. much less work.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/22/20, 04:49:50 PM
I don't know about you guys but I thought today's briefing was pry darn good. :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/22/20, 04:56:09 PM
They only have part of it on here.  You know now I have Fargo for my local.  Sucks.  I would like to see the whole thing.  He is a good and informed speaker. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/22/20, 04:59:29 PM
This one went almost an hour and a half. He had some brass from mayo and the U of M, along with olsterholm. He can be doof at times but is really smart.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/22/20, 05:17:46 PM
just got a small part of my freedom back!!!  Just the Harley home, went  for a short shake down ride, 25 to 30 miles, and it felt great!!!
well the oil market should come back now with all the leaky Harley's back on the road. :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Gunner said so. :sleazy: :mooning:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/22/20, 05:20:46 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:   The last thing I need is a Harley but when he talks about hugging his it makes me think about how cool that would be.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/22/20, 05:22:12 PM
This one went almost an hour and a half. He had some brass from mayo and the U of M, along with olsterholm. He can be doof at times but is really smart.

I wonder if there is a site where I could stream it live? 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/22/20, 07:31:22 PM
 :scratch: :scratch:not sure.i aint to smart onthat streaming stuff!!! :confused: :banghead: :banghead:

not sure if  you could google one of the twin city stations, if they'd have it. abc minnesote or cbs Minnesota?????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/22/20, 08:07:41 PM
I will research it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: fishwidow on April 04/22/20, 08:09:43 PM
You might be able to stream it on bringmethenews.com. I think these press conferences have been at 2:00.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/22/20, 08:27:15 PM
Thanks I will try that tomorrow. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/23/20, 07:43:41 AM
This one went almost an hour and a half. He had some brass from mayo and the U of M, along with olsterholm. He can be doof at times but is really smart.

I wonder if there is a site where I could stream it live?
I just go to KSTP out of the cities and stream it there Barry.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/23/20, 08:32:42 AM
This one went almost an hour and a half. He had some brass from mayo and the U of M, along with olsterholm. He can be doof at times but is really smart.

I wonder if there is a site where I could stream it live?
I just go to KSTP out of the cities and stream it there Barry.
yea that is the ABC channel here in the south part of the state. channel 5 down here. :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/23/20, 09:06:46 AM
Good ideas.  Thanks gentlemen. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/23/20, 09:58:59 AM

So, don't be freaking out.   Oh and if you are a heathy person under 65 the chances of dying from this, if you catch it, is like 1 out of 200 or maybe a lot less.   Now it looks like, in my opinion, that most people will get it sooner or later. So, you pays your money and you takes your chances...

I agree del. Of course out here in the wide open spaces, it's a different planet. The sky is not falling. It's pitter patter, let's get at 'er time. Does that mean be reckless and stupid? Nope. I'm not ridin' around in tractor cabs visiting with farmers like I normally do this time of year. We're still checking corn planting depth and scouting alfalfa for winter survival like we always have but we're relaying the info via text & including photos whenever possible. Or phoning them the info. Distancing when we do talk to the farmer in person even if we're out in the open. It's just an automatic.

I see Steele Co. added another case for a total of 10 as of yesterday. Waseca remained at 3. There have been no deaths recorded in either county from COVID-19. Be smart. Be safe.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/23/20, 10:10:46 AM
Ok a buddy of mine called me up laughing last night and said he is going to talk me off the ledge.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  Glad he called, good to talk to him.  He has huge lung problems so I am hoping he is being safe.  I think he is. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/23/20, 10:16:39 AM

So, don't be freaking out.   Oh and if you are a heathy person under 65 the chances of dying from this, if you catch it, is like 1 out of 200 or maybe a lot less.   Now it looks like, in my opinion, that most people will get it sooner or later. So, you pays your money and you takes your chances...

I agree del. Of course out here in the wide open spaces, it's a different planet. The sky is not falling. It's pitter patter, let's get at 'er time. Does that mean be reckless and stupid? Nope. I'm not ridin' around in tractor cabs visiting with farmers like I normally do this time of year. We're still checking  corn planting depth and scouting alfalfa for winter survival like we always have but we're relaying the info via text & including photos whenever possible. Or phoning them the info. Distancing when we do talk to the farmer in person even if we're out in the open. It's just an automatic.

I see Steele Co. added another case for a total of 10 as of yesterday. Waseca remained at 3. There have been no deaths recorded in either county from COVID-19. Be smart. Be safe.
well, just maybe iffin ya'd let Mrs Cheviot at you with that sheep shears...….those farmers would LET you get closer!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/23/20, 10:19:22 AM
All part of my "plan"... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/23/20, 04:57:11 PM
Once they get cranking with the 15k antibody tests per day we will see who has already had it.  And how many there are.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/23/20, 05:12:46 PM
Sounds like office people may be going back to work Monday with alit of other businesses provided they submit a protocol. I can't just yet, my wife is close to a breakdown with me being home. I need to finish the job. :super smiley: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/23/20, 05:18:53 PM
 :scratch: She's held up better than I thought she would. ;) :rolleyes:  ;D ;D  Any need for you :evil: to hide your knife collection? :scratch:  :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/23/20, 05:21:24 PM
:scratch: She's held up better than I thought she would. ;) :rolleyes:  ;D ;D  Any need for you :evil: need to hide your knife collection? :scratch:  :laugh: :laugh:
been thinking about it. :confused: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/23/20, 06:15:56 PM
Ya, right. We know she's had your number since day 1!  :embarrassed:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/23/20, 06:42:58 PM
 :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/24/20, 11:57:01 AM
Went grocery shopping today, the bleach lysol,  and syringes were flying off the shelves after Trump recommended we shoot up with disinfectants!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/24/20, 12:27:52 PM
Oh no!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/24/20, 12:33:03 PM
oh my!!!   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/24/20, 01:17:47 PM
Well Roony, looks like you are close to a limit.   Hooked two anyway.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/24/20, 01:38:08 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/24/20, 03:15:42 PM
Catch and Release!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/24/20, 03:51:08 PM
Catch and Release!

That's good, gotta preserve the brood stock.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/24/20, 04:04:06 PM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/24/20, 04:14:54 PM
Went grocery shopping today, the bleach lysol,  and syringes were flying off the shelves after Trump recommended we shoot up with disinfectants!

So, were you drinking watching the news or grocery shopping?  Or Both?   :doofus:   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/24/20, 04:20:16 PM
Went grocery shopping today, the bleach lysol,  and syringes were flying off the shelves after Trump recommended we shoot up with disinfectants!

So, were you drinking watching the news or grocery shopping?  Or Both?   :doofus:   :rotflmao:

Having a drink in each hand is the only way I can comply with not touching my face.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/24/20, 05:40:44 PM
Lucky for me that scratching my nutz isn't prohibited.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/24/20, 06:05:28 PM
Lucky for me that scratching my nutz isn't prohibited.

Why, are they on your face?  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on April 04/24/20, 06:10:58 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/26/20, 01:08:46 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/26/20, 01:20:08 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: corny13 on April 04/26/20, 01:50:48 PM
Hey guys I know a lot of you like pork to grill  :happy1:  and I noticed that some have mentioned the prob in packing houses and one mention of the piglets.   It’s true, the piglet farms I’m involved in Nodak, there will be NO isoweiners (piglets)in the near future.. So stockup your freezers and vacupac some Ribs... or You will just be smoking walleye!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/27/20, 08:31:08 AM
That is what I was thinking of doing Corny.  Waiting for todays paper with the weekly specials.  Supposed to be ribs on sale. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/27/20, 08:54:40 AM
I ran this past my wife about ordering a half a hog, she didn't seem to interested?? :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/27/20, 10:05:51 AM
I sure wouldn't mind getting a half a hog but the wife probably isn't game. She gets migraines from the nitrates in cured meats and isn't real keen on pork in general when I buy it. We've got three lambs in the freezer now, one of which we're not sure will get delivered to the Twin Cities (long story). And that's OK. It'll all get used up. We'll make more.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/27/20, 10:17:39 AM
Too bad my mom isn't still home, I'd try to work out a trade for some lamb, she just loves it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/27/20, 12:29:57 PM
Latest casualty

  https://msrabacktothe50s.com/   (https://msrabacktothe50s.com/)

No surprise here. Putting 12,000 collector and modified automobiles June 19th - 21st into the State Fair grounds and more people than that wasn't in the cards this time around. MSRA will be applying our $35 entry fee for this year's event to next year's. Was hoping that was how they'd handle that. In the meantime, nothing saying we can't get 'em out and drive 'em around or there damn well better not be... :cool:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/27/20, 03:32:11 PM
just got an email from our shop in Sioux Falls. They have there first reported case of COVID, and the ones with close contact are now quarentened.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/28/20, 01:53:51 PM

I just got this from another retired food inspector...  the head of the agency that is talking in the artical I know him, that's all I'm sayin too...  the management can hide at home, the on line inspectors can't     
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/28/20, 01:59:09 PM

here's an interesting one I just read..
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/28/20, 02:27:43 PM

here's an interesting one I just read..
Yea I just read that to. Wowzer, courts are going  to be busy wether he says employees are able to sue if not
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/28/20, 02:29:01 PM

I just got this from another retired food inspector...  the head of the agency that is talking in the artical I know him, that's all I'm sayin too...  the management can hide at home, the on line inspectors can't   
so he was a HH buddy! :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/28/20, 02:29:23 PM

here's an interesting one I just read..
If minnesota can indeed do 20k tests per day as claimed (yesterday they did 2.4k) then workers could be tested and if negative go to work.   Temperature screening as a add on might also help. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/28/20, 02:35:28 PM
I've been temp screened 3 times already. Expect it again Thursday when I give blood.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/28/20, 02:57:59 PM

I just got this from another retired food inspector...  the head of the agency that is talking in the artical I know him, that's all I'm sayin too...  the management can hide at home, the on line inspectors can't   
so he was a HH buddy! :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

when he first started we worked side by side on the lines...  then he left that life to go into management..  so yes back in the day we did do HH... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/28/20, 03:34:49 PM
So when did the narrative change from

"we need to slow the rate of spread to build up the capacity to treat those infected"
(flatten the curve)


"we need to keep people from being exposed to save lives"
(if all the stuff we do saves just one life - then everything is worth it).   

Still no easy answers, but it seems to me we aren't heading in the right direction yet.

Yes, we already know it is dangerous to be old and in-firmed in a care facility, but what we really need to know is how safe it is for otherwise healthy people to continue working critical jobs in areas where the virus is actively spreading.

If you are not using your limited testing resources to find out betters answers to this critical question, then - in my opinion - you are not using the limited capacity as wisely as you could.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/28/20, 04:56:27 PM

here's an interesting one I just read..
If minnesota can indeed do 20k tests per day as claimed (yesterday they did 2.4k) then workers could be tested and if negative go to work.   Temperature screening as a add on might also help.

I remember hearing we have a goal of
20K, I don't remember hearing we have that capability now. I wish all health care workers and all first responders could be screened, then workers in the critical supply chain. Like me. It ain't happening anytime soon, if ever. We get temp screened every day before work, workers are sent home if their temp exceeds 100.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/28/20, 05:01:53 PM
They have said all along there only going to test people with symptoms, not everyone will be tested. The temp test is simply to prevent sick people from possible spread.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on April 04/28/20, 05:06:19 PM
President Trump ordered processing plants to remain open.  The plants will be provided all the safety equipment required and guidelines.  That is good news for the American people.  good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/28/20, 05:07:21 PM
However you can spread covid 19 and show no symptoms.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/28/20, 05:10:02 PM
President Trump ordered processing plants to remain open.  The plants will be provided all the safety equipment required and guidelines.  That is good news for the American people.  good luck.
I saw that and I think its necessary. Does this mean they will open the plants like Smithfield that have said they were closed indefinitely?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/28/20, 05:13:09 PM
However you can spread covid 19 and show no symptoms.
you are correct sir!!👍
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Reinhard on April 04/28/20, 07:15:14 PM
So what is your answer??  He is taking care with providing equipment to be safe and feed our country.  If Obama said the same thing some of you would praise him.  The states are opening up.  Why don't you have the same outrage to the other states?  It's all about trump and that's it.  Remember the comment that Trump is a decpicable person?  Just can't do anything right.  He could cure cancer but there would be something about the cure that would be not right.  State's are taking charge, not Trump.  Why not go after them??  They are doing just fine now.  So you just want to stop our food supply??  Just ask our farmers.  No wonder Reb has left this site.  glen it's not all about you.  Why is Reb no longer on here??  Look at yourself.  I'm out of here also.  Seems like the administrators dont see this as well.  Biggest reason was Glenn as i know it.  Lot of good guy's here just like the "other site".  But I no longer will post here.  I'm done.  good luck.  Yes Reb messaged me about his opinion about this as well.  I agree with him.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/28/20, 07:29:20 PM
I don't disagree with those plants being open.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/28/20, 07:31:52 PM
Wow. What brought that rage on. It would be s pretty boring world if no one could have their own opinions.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/28/20, 08:35:52 PM
We all choose to read things differently.  And we choose where to get our information.  SO we are going to have different opinions differing by who we listen to.  AND that is ok. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/28/20, 09:13:40 PM
As it should be. I've always felt we ought to be able to disagree without getting disagreeable about it.

Back on coronavirus, been eavesdropping on several conversations the wife has been having tonite with individuals from all over the country regarding various major livestock shows, including the MN State Fair. In addition she thinks I'm some kind of IT guy and has me printing off stuff for an online meeting where they'll decide the fate of one of them tomorrow. As far as MN State Fair, personal opinion here, it's looking grim. A lot of the earlier county fairs are already toast. Hope I'm wrong but don't bet on it. 

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Coffee118 on April 04/28/20, 10:22:21 PM
So what is your answer??  He is taking care with providing equipment to be safe and feed our country.  If Obama said the same thing some of you would praise him.  The states are opening up.  Why don't you have the same outrage to the other states?  It's all about trump and that's it.  Remember the comment that Trump is a decpicable person?  Just can't do anything right.  He could cure cancer but there would be something about the cure that would be not right.  State's are taking charge, not Trump.  Why not go after them??  They are doing just fine now.  So you just want to stop our food supply??  Just ask our farmers.  No wonder Reb has left this site.  glen it's not all about you.  Why is Reb no longer on here??  Look at yourself.  I'm out of here also.  Seems like the administrators dont see this as well.  Biggest reason was Glenn as i know it.  Lot of good guy's here just like the "other site".  But I no longer will post here.  I'm done.  good luck.  Yes Reb messaged me about his opinion about this as well.  I agree with him.

Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one. Some stink and some smell like roses. You might think someone’s opinion stinks but at the same time somewhere out there someone thinks yours reeks even worse. Never let your panties get twisted over others opinions, it’s not with it. There’s bigger crap going on in this world to get mad over someone’s beliefs, view, feelings OPINIONS  or ball busting. Buckle up buttercups, things are going to get worse before they get any better.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/29/20, 07:07:11 AM
Yah, come on Rebs and Reiny. I get irritated too with some of their comments, but I can disagree with them and still keep coming back here. Still lots of other fun things going on here. Even when we do get side tracked by politics it is still nothing like sillytown is. Besides Rebs and Reiny eventually the others will learn that we are right and they are wrong.  ;) :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/29/20, 07:18:55 AM
it's sad, but I think some one planted bad thoughts in Rh's head to help their case...  we could agree to disagree, but noooo............
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/29/20, 07:45:54 AM
Well, Glenn and I both agreed that Trump did the right thing to keep the packing plants going so it is clear that Rh was looking for some chance to unload. I don't know what went on behind the scen6 and don't need to. Don't need the drama.
 I consider you all my friends even though some of you are kind of
Effed up!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :crazy: :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/29/20, 07:59:19 AM
Yah, come on Rebs and Reiny. I get irritated too with some of their comments, but I can disagree with them and still keep coming back here. Still lots of other fun things going on here. Even when we do get side tracked by politics it is still nothing like sillytown is. Besides Rebs and Reiny eventually the others will learn that we are right and they are wrong.  ;) :rotflmao:
geez JB, I figured you'd eventually come around!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i made it pretty clear i never liked trump way before he became the prez because of his business practices, but i do like some of the things he does just to poke the bear and not politics as usual. and him iritating the hell out of the establishment. :happy1: AND the fact he isnt a career politician.

i feel kinda bad they wanna leave because of me though. :pouty: i never intended anything, like others have said everyone's got an opinion, just stating mine!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/29/20, 08:02:14 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:  Yes we are all characters and none of us know everything even when we think we do.  But friends are like that.  We are here to have fun and to talk to each other. 

SO something that hasn't been mentioned but will soon be addressed is the Annual Take a Kid Fishing event.  Last year was my 10th year and I got a nice jacket that I am very proud to wear.  It is in the middle of June so I am thinking it will be canceled.  We have a great committee and group of volunteers and have over 100 kids every year.  Lot's of kids have their friends and cousins from elsewhere come to attend it.  It is a blast.  The VFW here and Sportsman's Lodge open up their facilities to make it happen.  My original partner Jerry died a few years ago so now Tim is my partner and we don't worry about getting along with the kids anymore.  We just go with the flow and have a good time.  We usually catch fish too as long as the weather cooperates.  Gonna miss it too!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/29/20, 08:06:16 AM
Yah, come on Rebs and Reiny. I get irritated too with some of their comments, but I can disagree with them and still keep coming back here. Still lots of other fun things going on here. Even when we do get side tracked by politics it is still nothing like sillytown is. Besides Rebs and Reiny eventually the others will learn that we are right and they are wrong.  ;) :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/29/20, 08:19:50 AM
I don't know if I wrote this before, but I think things are being handled about as well as possible, with any errors on the side of caution, considering we basically knew nothing about this virus, how to treat it, how likely it was to kill people, or how contagious it is.     

At this time, it looks like most people will get it before a vaccine becomes available, and those who die will mostly be us old farts.  So we need to take extra care to try to avoid it until it goes mostly away naturally or a vaccine comes along.   So people mostly will gradually come out of their holes and some will continue to get sick and then recover.   

All the rest of the rest is just noise and fury signifying nothing.    Or it's politics which is the same.

It will be interesting to see the results of the antibody testing here in Minnesota.   And how they are going to handle doing ten times as many tests as they are now.     
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/29/20, 08:43:36 AM

Saw this hanging at the home my mother was in before she passed away.

It's kind of funny and good advise that as we all get old, sometimes threads like this aren't worth the Oxygen wasted to make them!  :coffee:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/29/20, 08:50:26 AM
Well, Glenn and I both agreed that Trump did the right thing to keep the packing plants going so it is clear that Rh was looking for some chance to unload. I don't know what went on behind the scen6 and don't need to. Don't need the drama.
 I consider you all my friends even though some of you are kind of
Effed up!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :crazy: :crazy:
man, I told that every day!!!!!!! :confused: :taz: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: same here, i consider all you friends and regardless of opinions would sit down with anyone of you and have a beer or case!!!! :toast: :drinking: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/29/20, 09:07:29 AM
Well, Glenn and I both agreed that Trump did the right thing to keep the packing plants going so it is clear that Rh was looking for some chance to unload. I don't know what went on behind the scen6 and don't need to. Don't need the drama.
 I consider you all my friends even though some of you are kind of
Effed up!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :crazy: :crazy:
man, I told that every day!!!!!!! :confused: :taz: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: same here, i consider all you friends and regardless of opinions would sit down with anyone of you and have a beer or case!!!! :toast: :drinking: :happy1: :rotflmao:

Absolutely!  Me too.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Boar on April 04/29/20, 09:12:02 AM
Glenn cant fish.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/29/20, 09:23:45 AM
Glenn cant fish.
And he never will. But I would still drink a beer or 2 with him.  :toast:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Boar on April 04/29/20, 09:25:24 AM
right on, hes like that big brother that will never amount to anything but hes kinda fun to have around as a punchinbag and a beerbitch.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/29/20, 09:26:51 AM
 :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/29/20, 09:32:09 AM
right on, hes like that big brother that will never amount to anything but hes kinda fun to have around as a punchinbag and a beerbitch.
yea well you aint no fun day at the beach either ya hemmroid!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Cooperman on April 04/29/20, 09:39:25 AM
Glenn cant fish.
Ya, I came to that conclusion after Glenn got skunked for 3 Saturday’s in a row this winter, but hey, not everyone can be a true sportsman. But Glenn’s a good guy, I’d have a beer with him. Even an Old Milwaukee light.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/29/20, 09:49:25 AM
 :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: man you guys are brutal. and have selective memory lapses. :doah:

who's the one that kicked butt at the G-T-G ?????????? :scratch: :scratch: yea ME!!!!!!!!! :taz: :taz: :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :evil:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/29/20, 10:05:32 AM
Awwww...group hug everyone!  :rotflmao: Oops! I forgot. Social distancing.  :tut:

Seriously, I'd be more than happy to have an adult beverage with any of you. Maybe even a Boodles G&T if I'm in a good mood, and if I have Boodles I'm in a good mood.  :happy1:

After some good fortune having some naturally born fall lambs and then having enough born January thru March to fill out a full show string for the first time in years, there probably won't be any shows where they can be exhibited. For my own selfish reasons I sincerely hope they can keep these packing plants going. I'm not looking forward to baling, buying, hauling, unloading and stacking enough hay to keep  80 or 90 of these critters alive!  :angry:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Boar on April 04/29/20, 10:15:28 AM
songlenn gose to Guy Turns Girl.events. figires.nonwonder hes pushes peoplenaway, that timenof the month!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/29/20, 03:14:48 PM
songlenn gose to Guy Turns Girl.events. figires.nonwonder hes pushes peoplenaway, that timenof the month!!
:crazy: :confused: :scratch: looks like you got a serious case of da corona. :pouty: :doofus: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/29/20, 03:19:31 PM
songlenn gose to Guy Turns Girl.events. figires.nonwonder hes pushes peoplenaway, that timenof the month!!
Boar you sure do have a way with words.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/29/20, 03:23:24 PM
songlenn gose to Guy Turns Girl.events. figires.nonwonder hes pushes peoplenaway, that timenof the month!!
Boar you sure do have a way with words.
yea its call boaraneze!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/29/20, 04:59:50 PM
 That last one was a challenge.  I actually think I smile a little after I figure some of them out. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/30/20, 03:40:24 PM
anyone hear or listen to JB's pal Walz had to say  :scratch: :rotflmao: :sleazy: :rotflmao:

I was preoccupied and couldn't listen. :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/30/20, 03:46:29 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:. Seems harder to find them to listen too. I have not heard one for awhile.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/30/20, 03:50:08 PM
I just went and check Kare 11 web and the headline is the idiot has extended the stay at home order until May 18th. #@$% idiot!! :crazy: :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/30/20, 03:50:45 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:. Seems harder to find them to listen too. I have not heard one for awhile.
:rotflmao: I figured you'd like that one. :nerd:

I heard rumors that bars and food places will be opening up with limited capacity and spacing. not sure of anything else.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/30/20, 03:51:34 PM
I just went and check Kare 11 web and the headline is the idiot has extended the stay at home order until May 18th. #@$% idiot!! :crazy: :angry2:
yea I agree.....dimwit!!!!!!!!!! :confused: :angry2: :pouty: :pouty:

some small businesses filed a lawsuit.....see where that goes. I seen where the Michigan govnenor won the lawsuit brought against her, so I think that's a telltale sign of other potential lawsuits.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/30/20, 03:59:56 PM
I just went and check Kare 11 web and the headline is the idiot has extended the stay at home order until May 18th. #@$% idiot!!

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/30/20, 05:53:30 PM
Mama p****** that no salon stuff....  No haircuts etc.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/30/20, 06:32:43 PM
I really thought he was going to say until the 25th of May...  so it will be interesting where this goes for us...   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/30/20, 06:44:54 PM
Not a whole lot those businesses can do, but I'd bet people are going to say screw that.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/30/20, 06:46:43 PM
Not a whole lot those businesses can do, but I'd bet people are going to say screw that.

 and the people!! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/30/20, 07:27:11 PM
Not a whole lot those businesses can do, but I'd bet people are going to say screw that.

 and the people!!
I've already seen blatant disregard for the stay at home and social distancing. And I expect it to get worse. I'd bet a pile a money all these people out for walks aren't from the same household, nor are they 6 ft apart.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/30/20, 08:29:18 PM
Bugtussle's own Farm & City Days celebration scheduled for July 10 - 12 is toast. Can't say as I've noticed a lot of blatant disregard for stay at home & social distancing around the local area. Go to Albert's Leaf, Mankato or Owatonna & the big box store parking lots are full. Aside from the local Bugtussle restaurants, most of our businesses are considered essential. Now, where do you suppose your odds of picking up the bug are greater, in a store like that or some little restaurants or stores in Bugtussle or downtown boutique in Albert's Leaf? Some of these places are lucky if they see 20 people a day. This is what's becoming particularly frustrating to those of us who don't live in a metropolitan or more densely populated area. I go to the office, do my necessary paperwork, go to the post office, occasionally to the bank or grocery store and that's about it. I may make a trip to FF over the weekend if I need a lawnmower battery but otherwise aside from going out to eat once in a great while, nothing has really changed.     
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/01/20, 07:05:13 AM
One of the things that POs me the most is the whole elective surgery thing including cancer, heart surgeries or anything that is life threatening being shut down. I'm sorry but stuff like that, there is no reason that they can't be done. The hospitals are not over run and I think the hospitals have the ability to decide for themselves. The one size fits all does not work. Man this makes me  :angry2: :angry2:! As Far as lawsuits go. I think the further they take up the courts, the more the constitution is on their side. Just depends on how far they are willing to push it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/01/20, 07:08:15 AM
they must be doing some surgery, the NL who has some health issues had a surgery just the other day.. not sure where at but it didn't do what it was supposed to do so more surgery in her future I guess...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/01/20, 07:32:05 AM
One of the things that POs me the most is the whole elective surgery thing including cancer, heart surgeries or anything that is life threatening being shut down. I'm sorry but stuff like that, there is no reason that they can't be done. The hospitals are not over run and I think the hospitals have the ability to decide for themselves. The one size fits all does not work. Man this makes me  :angry2: :angry2:! As Far as lawsuits go. I think the further they take up the courts, the more the constitution is on their side. Just depends on how far they are willing to push it.

Mayo is ramping up the "elective" surgery here.   I don't know how much other surgery that they were doing before.   And they are starting to see patients in person as well.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/01/20, 08:03:50 AM
I could see things opening up some more too.  Especially Campgrounds.....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/01/20, 08:21:21 AM
GR is starting to look more normal for this time of year the last couple of times in there. Still not a lot of boats in town or on 2 & 46 yet though. The # of out of state plates is still on the low side too. A little more activity around the bay yday & I expect that to continue even more this weekend & next.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/01/20, 08:31:03 AM
they must be doing some surgery, the NL who has some health issues had a surgery just the other day.. not sure where at but it didn't do what it was supposed to do so more surgery in her future I guess...
hope it all works out in the end for her!!!!! :happy1:

there's a lot of things with this that's beginning to  :confused: :angry2: me!!!!!!! I mean how much time do they need to get the things they said they need. my daughter works at the st cloud hospital...……..she's not getting all the hours she gets scheduled for, gets floated around and empty beds.

this virus isn't going to go away. protect the vulnerable. let places open up, if customers are not comfortable going into these places there plain not going in. and requiring people to wear masks is  :bs: :bs: in my opinion, and i wore masks  for 28 years while working when i needed too.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/01/20, 08:39:43 AM
More people in GR wearin 'em again yday than anywhere else I've seen. :scratch: Not just the older ones either. Thinkin a good share of 'em must be worried about it being brought up here to them.  :rolleyes: But yet they're not so worried that they're willin to stay home. :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/01/20, 09:33:43 AM
they must be doing some surgery, the NL who has some health issues had a surgery just the other day.. not sure where at but it didn't do what it was supposed to do so more surgery in her future I guess...
hope it all works out in the end for her!!!!! :happy1:

there's a lot of things with this that's beginning to  :confused: :angry2: me!!!!!!! I mean how much time do they need to get the things they said they need. my daughter works at the st cloud hospital...……..she's not getting all the hours she gets scheduled for, gets floated around and empty beds.

this virus isn't going to go away. protect the vulnerable. let places open up, if customers are not comfortable going into these places there plain not going in. and requiring people to wear masks is  :bs: :bs: in my opinion, and i wore masks  for 28 years while working when i needed too.

Just  :crazy: That we are agreeing like this Glenn. But I couldn't agree more with what you said!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/01/20, 09:51:31 AM
Look on the bright side: At least your cat or dog can now get a haircut along with still being able to vote!  ;) And, I can still go to a big box store, try on a bunch of shoes with my stinky feet and put them back in the boxes. Yet, when it comes to allowing little Plymouth Shoe Store in Albert Lea to open back up, where they fit babies and people who need orthopedic shoes, no way Jose! No shoes for you! Come back two weeks! The mask thing is a bit of a puzzler too. Even Osterholm is lukewarm at best on wearing masks. I've seen some yarn masks people have made that wouldn't stop anything. And I have some dust masks just like what I've seen some people wearing. They didn't keep hay & grain dust out of my lungs so sincerely doubt they'll protect anyone from anything.  :confused: Gotta love MN, the state where absolutely nothing is allowed. :happy1:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/01/20, 09:54:04 AM
with my job, I've had to keep up, pay attention and follow this more then I care to, but with close to 450 members in the shops I have no choice. I found out yesterday that the sioux falls shop has its 2nd case of the covid. :confused:

I have followed and read piles on piles of information on this, and in my mind a lot of pieces are not beginning to fitting together on this.  just my opinion though. I totally understand this covid crap may spread a lot easier then some things but good gawd, like the other pandemics, this is getting overblown. again just my opinion.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/01/20, 09:57:04 AM
Look on the bright side: At least your cat or dog can now get a haircut along with still being able to vote!  ;) And, I can still go to a big box store, try on a bunch of shoes with my stinky feet and put them back in the boxes. Yet, when it comes to allowing little Plymouth Shoe Store in Albert Lea to open back up, where they fit babies and people who need orthopedic shoes, no way Jose! No shoes for you! Come back two weeks! The mask thing too is a bit of a puzzler too. Even Osterholm is lukewarm at best on wearing masks. I've seen some yarn masks people have made that wouldn't stop anything. And I have some dust masks just like what I've seen some people wearing. They didn't keep grain dust out of my lungs so sincerely doubt they'll protect anyone from anything.  :confused: Gotta love MN, the state where absolutely nothing is allowed. :happy1:
EXACTLY my point, you got the big wallyworlds types that can remain open and sell shoes and clothes and other things but the small stores that have certain products cant open..... that's just plain effed up!!!!! :doofus: :doofus: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Cooperman on May 05/01/20, 10:07:24 AM
More people in GR wearin 'em again yday than anywhere else I've seen. :scratch: Not just the older ones either. Thinkin a good share of 'em must be worried about it being brought up here to them.  :rolleyes: But yet they're not so worried that they're willin to stay home. :crazy:

Costco announced that starting Monday you won’t be allowed in the store without a 😷
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/01/20, 05:50:30 PM
One of the lead stories on the CBS Evening News tonight said that the U of M has just come out & said the current virus situation could last 2 more years or until 60-70%  of the country has immunity to it. :crazy: :pouty: I sure hope they don't know what they're talking about. :scratch: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/01/20, 06:00:15 PM
Wouldn't be any different then the Influenza crap. :surrender: :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/01/20, 06:06:51 PM
Yep people are really taking this seriously. :confused: :doofus: neighbor across the street.  He goes to work every day. She does daycare. I seen 7 kids there one day.

They have 4 kids, one still is at home, rest live elsewhere. Tonight there all at MA an ex poos house. :surrender: :surrender: :scratch:

And this is just an example I see . :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/01/20, 06:19:43 PM
Wouldn't be any different then the Influenza crap. :surrender: :scratch:
:scratch: I don't believe any of the other pandemics has had a mortality rate of around 3 % that this 1 does, H1N1 was more like 2%. :tut:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/01/20, 06:31:37 PM
Yep people are really taking this seriously. :confused: :doofus: neighbor across the street.  He goes to work every day. She does daycare. I seen 7 kids there one day.

They have 4 kids, one still is at home, rest live elsewhere. Tonight there all at MA an ex poos house. :surrender: :surrender: :scratch:

And this is just an example I see . :bonk:
What's that old line? You can't fix stupid! :tut: If 1 of their parents gets it they may wish they'd done things differently. :crazy:  :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/02/20, 07:25:14 AM
Yep people are really taking this seriously. :confused: :doofus: neighbor across the street.  He goes to work every day. She does daycare. I seen 7 kids there one day.

They have 4 kids, one still is at home, rest live elsewhere. Tonight there all at MA an ex poos house. :surrender: :surrender: :scratch:

And this is just an example I see . :bonk:
:scratch: MA an ex poos house? Did they all go over to their ex's to go poo or is that just too much firewater? :confused: Not sure daycares are even 'sposed to operating right now under Timmy's new guidlines. :tut:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/02/20, 07:29:12 AM
I wondered that too.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/02/20, 07:31:08 AM
Actually wasn't there something about it being allowed to have child care for essential employees children? 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/02/20, 08:00:58 AM
Actually wasn't there something about it being allowed to have child care for essential employees children? 
After a little research it looks like you are right as child care workers are classified as Essential Tier 2 Workers.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/02/20, 08:29:02 AM
Yep people are really taking this seriously. :confused: :doofus: neighbor across the street.  He goes to work every day. She does daycare. I seen 7 kids there one day.

They have 4 kids, one still is at home, rest live elsewhere. Tonight there all at MA an ex poos house. :surrender: :surrender: :scratch:

And this is just an example I see . :bonk:
:scratch: MA an ex poos house? Did they all go over to their ex's to go poo or is that just too much firewater? :confused: Not sure daycares are even 'sposed to operating right now under Timmy's new guidlines. :tut:

Dad gummit glenn! Now we're gonna need boar to translate!  :rotflmao:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/02/20, 09:11:52 AM
Stopped at the meat market late yesterday afternoon to pick up grilling material for the weekend. Talked to the owners and they wanted to bring their teenage daughter out to play with the little black bottle lamb. She showed some sheep we had arranged for her last year and was missing them. Her Dad brought her out and she and Mrs. Cheviot had a long talk. Dean and I walked around the yard visiting while looking over the fruit trees and talking old cars. Became pretty clear both of them needed to unwind. The daughter has had her school year uprooted and now there will unlikely be any county fairs or 4-H livestock shows. No big deal to people my age perhaps but put yourself in her shoes at that age. Her Dad has been working his fingers to the bone. The locker is already booked solid into January with no let up in sight. They must've stayed an hour and a half. When they left felt almost like a weight had been lifted from their shoulders. We need to keep people's state of mental health in mind through all of this. It's starting to take a toll the longer this stretches out.     
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/02/20, 09:33:07 AM
One of the lead stories on the CBS Evening News tonight said that the U of M has just come out & said the current virus situation could last 2 more years or until 60-70%  of the country has immunity to it.  I sure hope they don't know what they're talking about.

The way this virus spreads, it won't take 2 years until 60-70% of the people get it - even with social distancing.  The key missing piece is a enough random sample testing - for both virus and antibodies - across the whole country to determine how many people already have and/or had it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/02/20, 10:02:46 AM
Actually wasn't there something about it being allowed to have child care for essential employees children?
yes they could always remain open. Gunner, maybe. :rotflmao: that and typing on a phone. :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/02/20, 10:28:14 AM
Stopped at the meat market late yesterday afternoon to pick up grilling material for the weekend. Talked to the owners and they wanted to bring their teenage daughter out to play with the little black bottle lamb. She showed some sheep we had arranged for her last year and was missing them. Her Dad brought her out and she and Mrs. Cheviot had a long talk. Dean and I walked around the yard visiting while looking over the fruit trees and talking old cars. Became pretty clear both of them needed to unwind. The daughter has had her school year uprooted and now there will unlikely be any county fairs or 4-H livestock shows. No big deal to people my age perhaps but put yourself in her shoes at that age. Her Dad has been working his fingers to the bone. The locker is already booked solid into January with no let up in sight. They must've stayed an hour and a half. When they left felt almost like a weight had been lifted from their shoulders. We need to keep people's state of mental health in mind through all of this. It's starting to take a toll the longer this stretches out.     
Stopped there briefly yesterday myself and talked with the owner a little. Very busy around there. That is both good and bad. Gonna be a long haul I'm afraid
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/02/20, 10:35:52 AM
I agree. Talked to the wife of a friend of mine in the grocery store yesterday. She said it was wierd having both of their boys at home to help on the farm all spring. Got a lot done a lot more quickly. Kinda reminiscent of the days when my Dad grew up. A lot of the young lads went to 6th - 8th grade then quit school to help on the farm. These 2 are in high school now but similar to the good old days. Dean's daughter was helping yesterday at the meat market baking the burger & brat buns. She's getting paid and learning the value of a dollar.  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/02/20, 10:44:01 AM
One of the lead stories on the CBS Evening News tonight said that the U of M has just come out & said the current virus situation could last 2 more years or until 60-70%  of the country has immunity to it.  I sure hope they don't know what they're talking about.

The way this virus spreads, it won't take 2 years until 60-70% of the people get it - even with social distancing.  The key missing piece is a enough random sample testing - for both virus and antibodies - across the whole country to determine how many people already have and/or had it.
That's another thing that sounds  :crazy: to me. The news said early in the week that the U of M & Mayo hoped to be able to process 15-20,000 tests a day within a week or 2. How the he!! they gonna do that :scratch: if the all re-agents needed to do the testing are in very limited supply.  :doah: :bonk: With every country, state, & bio-tech company on the planet bidding against each other to get some certainly of no help either. :sad:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/02/20, 10:48:59 AM
Well, if wishes were fishes Glen would be one happy camper.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/02/20, 11:20:57 AM
Wouldn't be any different then the Influenza crap. :surrender: :scratch:
:scratch: I don't believe any of the other pandemics has had a mortality rate of around 3 % that this 1 does, H1N1 was more like 2%. :tut:

The mortality rate varies dramatically by age.   It has hit Minnesota nursing homes hard.     

80% of deaths were in long term care.    Deaths are much rarer among the under 60 crowd unless they have some bad condition as well like copd, cancer, etc
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/02/20, 11:33:08 AM
As I understand it another thing that affects how sick you get is viral load.
 This is why so many doctors, nurses, and first responders get it so bad. They have more than one source of contamination.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/02/20, 01:45:27 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/02/20, 02:36:29 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on May 05/02/20, 03:00:48 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/02/20, 03:16:53 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/03/20, 09:49:20 AM
yesterday I read an opinion someone posted on IDO regarding the testing that had me really thinking about just really how accurate these numbers are????? :scratch: why the fast sudden spike recently of all the confirmed cases

back when the testing first started it was well known that there wasn't near enough testing supplies to verify samples taken so they where frozen. so now with more testing being able to get done, these numbers are spiking so fast its skewing the present day numbers here in Minnesota, for samples taken 4-6 weeks ago.

one would think they should have identified those recently confirmed cases that were done or taken back then instead of just adding them to present day totals. :scratch: :scratch: :doah:

and of course they made it clear they were only testing the vulnerable areas and not the population as a whole. now with more tests available of course more information is coming out.

thing that chapped me a bit was back when Pence was in rochester, he made a comment why he didnt wear a mask was because he gets tested often????????? how many tests does he get when others arent able to get at least one test???????????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/03/20, 11:33:04 AM
 :scratch: I'm bettin he's NOT the only 1 in DC getting tested a few times a week. :pouty: Wonder :scratch: how often Nancy & Chuck have averaged getting tested the last few weeks.  :rolleyes: :sad: :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/03/20, 11:43:12 AM
and how come all the politicians look like they don't need hair cuts???????   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/03/20, 11:53:15 AM
yesterday I read an opinion someone posted on IDO regarding the testing that had me really thinking about just really how accurate these numbers are????? :scratch: why the fast sudden spike recently of all the confirmed cases

back when the testing first started it was well known that there wasn't near enough testing supplies to verify samples taken so they where frozen. so now with more testing being able to get done, these numbers are spiking so fast its skewing the present day numbers here in Minnesota, for samples taken 4-6 weeks ago.

one would think they should have identified those recently confirmed cases that were done or taken back then instead of just adding them to present day totals. :scratch: :scratch: :doah:

and of course they made it clear they were only testing the vulnerable areas and not the population as a whole. now with more tests available of course more information is coming out.

thing that chapped me a bit was back when Pence was in rochester, he made a comment why he didnt wear a mask was because he gets tested often????????? how many tests does he get when others arent able to get at least one test???????????

Interesting that they are testing old samples, where did you see that?   I figured the jump was that they were testing more at meat packing plants and nursing homes now that they can handle more testing.   

As for Pence, not masking was against Mayo policy, and it isn't clear if he knew or didn't know about the policy.    But he is right in that the purpose of masks is to keep you from giving it to someone, not keep you from getting it.    And if you know for sure you don't have it then there is no actual need to wear a mask.     But the media....

Don't you guys get tired of all the fake stuff, like the 3oz bottles and taking off your shoes at the airport?   Wearing masks to take  a walk?    I sure do.   

BTW, looks like the moose lake prison has a big problem.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/03/20, 12:06:00 PM
One of your Rochester citizens posted this yesterday on IDO. Tom Sawvell, aka, crappie Tom.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: fishwidow on May 05/03/20, 02:56:52 PM
:scratch: I'm bettin he's NOT the only 1 in DC getting tested a few times a week. :pouty: Wonder :scratch: how often Nancy & Chuck have averaged getting tested the last few weeks.  :rolleyes: :sad: :crazy:
[/quote) Don’t know about Schumer.  It I read that Pelosi and McConnell were offered tests and both declined, saying save them for the front line medical people and first responders who were at risk.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/03/20, 04:47:21 PM
All I know is this needs to change. You quarantine the sick, not the healthy for cripes sake. :doofus: :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/03/20, 05:21:53 PM
All I know is this needs to change. You quarantine the sick, not the healthy for cripes sake. :doofus: :doofus:
:tut: Bet I can find more than a couple people who'd say you should be kept in quarantine indefinitely.  :rolleyes: :nerd: :nerd: So, I guess it depends on who determines what the definition of sick really is. :sleazy: :doofus: :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/03/20, 05:51:46 PM
:scratch: I'm bettin he's NOT the only 1 in DC getting tested a few times a week. :pouty: Wonder :scratch: how often Nancy & Chuck have averaged getting tested the last few weeks.  :rolleyes: :sad: :crazy:
[/quote) Don’t know about Schumer.  It I read that Pelosi and McConnell were offered tests and both declined, saying save them for the front line medical people and first responders who were at risk.
 :scratch: They turned down testing for all of Congress at the present time, is what I read.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/03/20, 06:14:33 PM
All I know is this needs to change. You quarantine the sick, not the healthy for cripes sake. :doofus: :doofus:
:tut: Bet I can find more than a couple people who'd say you should be kept in quarantine indefinitely.  :rolleyes: :nerd: :nerd: So, I guess it depends on who determines what the definition of sick really is. :sleazy: :doofus: :confused:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :confused: :banghead: :cheerleader: :cheerleader: :shocked:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/04/20, 08:17:24 AM
We went shopping yesterday as I said earlier.  Of course we wore our masks and more people were than the last time we were there.  I was surprised how some of the shelves were empty.  Not many cans of vegetables were there.  Had lots of chicken, pork and beef though.  The produce doesn't look very good neither.  We didn't get lettuce that we were looking forward to.  Looked old to us.  So we got more frozen veggies. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/20, 08:21:52 AM
st cloud made the news last nite. said it was the #1 covid hotspot in the country now.  more testing available is going to play games with numbers..........guess the chicken plant in cold spring was a big factor. i know the workers were squaking a week or 2 ago.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/04/20, 08:42:47 AM
that and the turkey plant in Melrose too... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/20, 08:57:13 AM
yea fergot about that one............essentially it was stearns county numbers.........again way skewed.............. :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/04/20, 09:01:54 AM
I am afraid that by the time areas get hit hard by this that some will already be tired of taking precautions and that will make things much worse. We try to stay on top of it but it isn't easy. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/04/20, 09:30:16 AM
From what I understand :scratch:, 1 of the major reasons why the #'s are jumping so bad now is that initially they were NOT testing the people in some of the higher risk situations. Mainly nursing homes & meat processing plants were being omitted partially because they didn't have enough tests for the people on the front lines fighting it & now they are.  :rolleyes: :doah:  :sad:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/04/20, 09:44:55 AM
That's one of the things that made me scratch my head when this was first getting going Gunner. They had these roll in testing sites where people were able to get tested randomly. People were scared half $hitless. I know some local hypochondriac types were the first in line there. All that did was burn up a lot of tests unnececcesarily.  :scratch:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/04/20, 09:59:05 AM
A lengthy video I watched over the weekend. Pretty interesting viewpoint.

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAgo5cQFk0U   (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAgo5cQFk0U)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/04/20, 10:20:07 AM
All that did was burn up a lot of tests unnececcesarily.  :scratch:

I don't think it was unnecessary.  Testing serves two primary purposes.

1.  If you have symptoms, it lets you know if they are caused by covid.

2.  Since we know so little about this virus, and since so many people who have it are asymptomatic, random testing is necessary to see where the virus is spreading.

Someone without symptoms can spread as easily as someone with symptoms.  Bottom line is there aren't enough tests - and still won't be for a while.  To really get an accurate picture of where the virus is at and how fast is spreads, everyone is going to have to get tested (or at least statistically significant random samples) - not just symptomatic folks. 

My rant for the morning...

Still saw tons of folks at the home store without masks this past weekend.    :doah:

I get it that you aren't afraid to get the virus - you're young (or middle aged) and healthy and not worried.  But DAMMIT this isn't about YOU.   :angry2:

The three easiest things we can do to slow the spread is wash your hands, wear a mask, and not crowd in close to each other.  Why is this so difficult?   :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/04/20, 10:49:01 AM
That's one of the things that made me scratch my head when this was first getting going Gunner. They had these roll in testing sites where people were able to get tested randomly. People were scared half $hitless. I know some local hypochondriac types were the first in line there. All that did was burn up a lot of tests unnececcesarily.  :scratch:

Yup, it was a shame to use up all ten tests the administration provided at that time!  :mooning: :mooning:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/04/20, 11:04:18 AM
Yer wrong! It was 11!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/20, 01:38:55 PM
talking to the General this past weekend he referenced Menards was now requiring masks to go in the store. i know Costco started today.

in Menards case, he said if you dont have a mask they give ya one and charge you a buck, i think its totally  :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: if there making that requirement to wear one, i believe it is there obligation to provide that mask without charge. PPE if required, is the responsiblity of the employer, or place thats created that policy................
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/04/20, 03:12:06 PM
If stores can enforce no shirts/no shoes policies, I don't have them problem enforcing a mask requirement in these circumstances.

We've been at these executive orders long enough for folks to figure out how to scrounge a mask, make a mask, or use a bandanna, or cut up an old T-shirt.  And if it is really that hard to find masks, I think going to Menards to pick one up for $1 is a great deal!

(However, Menards should supply masks to their employees without cost.)

Its the biggest no-brainer in the history of man.  Wear a mask when you are around other people.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/20, 03:18:31 PM
No no Steve....  :pouty: they, Menards created that mask policy, requirement. Should I choose to go to Menards I wouldn't have issues at all with wearing a mask, BUT when they require it, they need to supply it free of charge. Every place I know that has PPE policies are REQUIRED to supply them at no cost.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/04/20, 03:30:05 PM
Should I send you a dollar Glenn?   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/20, 03:38:44 PM
Should I send you a dollar Glenn?   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:shocked: :shocked: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: all donations are accepted........except for anything dotch sends in the mail!!!!!!! :evil: :rotflmao:

its a matter of principle. :confused: i deal with PPE stuff in our shops.............i wore welding masks and dust masks for 28 years, and the policy writer is required to PROVIDE them!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:

so when should i expect the dollar!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/04/20, 04:25:19 PM
talking to the General this past weekend he referenced Menards was now requiring masks to go in the store. i know Costco started today.

in Menards case, he said if you dont have a mask they give ya one and charge you a buck, i think its totally  :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: if there making that requirement to wear one, i believe it is there obligation to provide that mask without charge. PPE if required, is the responsiblity of the employer, or place thats created that policy................

Perhaps you are confusing customer and employee.   And I think it was your guy Walz that made the policy.   Maybe he will send you a mask.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/04/20, 04:45:11 PM
No no Steve....  :pouty: they, Menards created that mask policy, requirement. Should I choose to go to Menards I wouldn't have issues at all with wearing a mask, BUT when they require it, they need to supply it free of charge. Every place I know that has PPE policies are REQUIRED to supply them at no cost.

Well, I never see anyone handing out shoes and shirts either..................So.  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/04/20, 05:57:56 PM
 :scratch: Wonder if the people watchin the door for Menards will start wearin bulletproof vests tomorrow? :crazy: :sad:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/20, 06:08:32 PM
talking to the General this past weekend he referenced Menards was now requiring masks to go in the store. i know Costco started today.

in Menards case, he said if you dont have a mask they give ya one and charge you a buck, i think its totally  :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: if there making that requirement to wear one, i believe it is there obligation to provide that mask without charge. PPE if required, is the responsiblity of the employer, or place thats created that policy................

Perhaps you are confusing customer and employee.   And I think it was your guy Walz that made the policy.   Maybe he will send you a mask.
first, Willy Walz ain't my guy. :tut: :mooning: second, Walz didn't make or demand yet wearing masks, Menards made that demand, which tells me they need to supply them at no cost. But I suppose when you sit behind a desk you wouldn't have a clue about PPE. :nerd:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/20, 06:33:17 PM
No no Steve....  :pouty: they, Menards created that mask policy, requirement. Should I choose to go to Menards I wouldn't have issues at all with wearing a mask, BUT when they require it, they need to supply it free of charge. Every place I know that has PPE policies are REQUIRED to supply them at no cost.

Well, I never see anyone handing out shoes and shirts either..................So.  :scratch:
Yea so what's your point?? :scratch: has nuttin to do with covid.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/20, 06:54:03 PM
I think you guys are totally missing my point :scratch:. I am not against no shoes no shirt no service. I'm not even against the mask thing. I have issues when they implement a policy or requiring PPE, THAT a customer has to pay for it.

If you work in an office setting, and you go out on a shop type floor that requires saftey glasses you need to wear them and the employer needs to provide them free if cost.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/04/20, 06:58:47 PM
I and most of us do see your point Glenn.  You are just trying to be a pain in the ass and would rather spread disease or at least make it look like you are instead of being on the other group of people that are truly trying to help defeat this terrible virus.  SO you have made your point!  I feel sorry for you.  And you are still my friend.  Noone likes to wear a mask but some of us care....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/20, 07:17:02 PM
I respect your opinion and won't hold it against you. Where still good. :happy1: but you are wrong about me not carrying.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/04/20, 07:25:14 PM
So what are you carrying?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/04/20, 07:27:01 PM
So you are going to carry a firearm into Menards but won't wear a mask???
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/20, 07:31:22 PM
So you are going to carry a firearm into Menards but won't wear a mask???
no. :rotflmao: I don't carry. I mean care. Your mistaken I don't care. Sorry!!👍
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/04/20, 07:34:08 PM
your fat fingers get you in trouble alot!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/04/20, 07:34:27 PM
You are supporting the don't wear a mask crowd with your rambling.  We all have our own feelings and level of support and caring on this issue.  None are completely right or completely wrong. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/04/20, 07:38:23 PM
I think he bends all directions on this!!    just to argue!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/04/20, 07:39:09 PM
Oh ya I know that! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/20, 07:49:42 PM
I think he bends all directions on this!!    just to argue!!!
not arguing, just voicing my opinion like everyone else.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/05/20, 07:37:10 AM
I think he bends all directions on this!!    just to argue!!!
If I don't like the way some place does business :tut:.........................I don't shop there. :bonk: :doah: :rolleyes: :doofus: :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/05/20, 07:40:27 AM
Here is my 2 cents. If the store has a policy that requires me to wear a mask. I will wear a mask. If the store does not have a policy to not wear a mask I will choose not to wear a mask. I still don't know what to believe on the mask thing. At one point they said it did no good. Then some changed their tune and said it may help, but still no agreement on the issue.  :crazy: That is my 2 cents.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/05/20, 07:43:29 AM
as Glenn said yesterday I think it was, they are saying Stearns Cty, St Cloud area, is the next big hot spot...  mostly because of more testing they say too.. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/05/20, 08:02:39 AM
Same here, JB! I didn't realize it until looking into it yday that as of 4/23 there was 6 states & 3 major cities that were requiring masks. The article I read, CNN , said that not all were strictly enforcing it though. I'll bet not every business in those places are furnishing masks for free. It was on the news this week that one of those cities, Miami, opened their beaches back up over this last weekend & so many of the people weren't wearing masks that the locals :police: approached some of them to tell them they need to wear them. The  :police: were met with so much hostility that the city shut the beaches back down. :crazy: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/05/20, 08:07:43 AM
I read this morning that a guard was shot at a family dollar store over him telling some one they had to wear a mask... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/05/20, 08:25:40 AM
I read this morning that a guard was shot at a family dollar store over him telling some one they had to wear a mask... 
Yeah mike, that was in Michgan yday & the reason I posted:   
:scratch: Wonder if the people watchin the door for Menards will start wearin bulletproof vests tomorrow? :crazy: :sad:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/05/20, 08:50:58 AM
got ya, I missed that!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/05/20, 09:08:04 AM
Same here, JB! I didn't realize it until looking into it yday that as of 4/23 there was 6 states & 3 major cities that were requiring masks. The article I read, CNN , said that not all were strictly enforcing it though. I'll bet not every business in those places are furnishing masks for free. It was on the news this week that one of those cities, Miami, opened their beaches back up over this last weekend & so many of the people weren't wearing masks that the locals :police: approached some of them to tell them they need to wear them. The  :police: were met with so much hostility that the city shut the beaches back down. :crazy: :pouty:

You can always trust the News! They post pictures after all!  :bs:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/05/20, 09:17:05 AM
I have no problem with the stores telling me that i need to wear a mask in their stores. Now when the government starts telling me that I need to wear a mask in public outside. Then they can kiss me big white  :moon:. !
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/05/20, 09:33:10 AM
I have no problem with the stores telling me that i need to wear a mask in their stores. Now when the government starts telling me that I need to wear a mask in public outside. Then they can kiss me big white  :moon:. !

Better wear two masks for that...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/05/20, 10:46:38 AM

Last night on the News the MN DNR was suggesting to fish local and Not go up north because of Social Distancing at the boat launches and other places.

First off, my boat is 17' long I'm sure two people have 6' feet to stay away from each other.  :rolleyes:

Second off, I stay in my SUV waiting until the person in the launch plays back and forth for 20mins trying to launch their boat! I don't need to get out and talk to the clown!  :bonk:

Third off, I don't fish 6' feet from another persons boat because I'm afraid of getting hit with a Beer bottle!  :mad1:

I think we're better off at the lake then at Menard's!  :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/05/20, 11:16:36 AM
Illustration of proper use of face masks...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/05/20, 11:21:35 AM
aw there goes Glenn's puter again!!! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/05/20, 11:24:33 AM
I hope he has AAA... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/05/20, 11:25:50 AM
 :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: mums the word here!!!!!!!!!! :tut: :tut:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/05/20, 12:44:01 PM
Suddenly the CDC reverses its guidelines about the reuse of certain masks.  Just sayin...   :embarrassed:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Boar on May 05/05/20, 01:24:44 PM
it isnt about fishing, its about the gas stations, grociery stores, batit shops, restuants, one might spread or pick  the 19 on the way to fishing grounds.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/05/20, 01:34:14 PM
Yes, plenty of mixed messages.

Resort owners in vacation land...  We feel your pain.  Go ahead and open your businesses with these restrictions and precautions...

Fishermen...  Stay close to home so we don't have outbreak hot spots popping up all over the state.

So what...?  Resorts are supposed to open for their clients from Backus and Hackensack?   :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/05/20, 01:54:33 PM

I can see Glenn going on a road trip for this one!!!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/05/20, 02:18:55 PM
What a great marketing strategy. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/05/20, 06:20:38 PM

Last night on the News the MN DNR was suggesting to fish local and Not go up north because of Social Distancing at the boat launches and other places.

First off, my boat is 17' long I'm sure two people have 6' feet to stay away from each other.  :rolleyes:

Second off, I stay in my SUV waiting until the person in the launch plays back and forth for 20mins trying to launch their boat! I don't need to get out and talk to the clown!  :bonk:

Third off, I don't fish 6' feet from another persons boat because I'm afraid of getting hit with a Beer bottle!  :mad1:

I think we're better off at the lake then at Menard's!  :doah:
Yeah, believin everything you see or hear on Fox News, CNN, or even CBS, NBC, or ABC is  :crazy: :tut: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/05/20, 06:40:22 PM
it isnt about fishing, its about the gas stations, grociery stores, batit shops, restuants, one might spread or pick  the 19 on the way to fishing grounds.
Guess we'll find out as GR was cookin today & it's only Tuesday, wait 'til Thursday & Friday. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks that we've been up & we didn't go in to town until Thursday that week, they had 2 cashiers runnin at L & M that day & they had at least 6, maybe 8 today. Wally World, Home Depot, & Aldi's were about the same.  :crazy: The people wearin masks was ~ 1/2 IMO as there was the 1st time we were in town. Out of state plates & boats on the road were rare too.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/05/20, 07:23:26 PM
I launch my boat in my yard. Keep your distance.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: fishwidow on May 05/05/20, 07:50:57 PM

[/quote] Guess we'll find out as GR was cookin today & it's only Tuesday, wait 'til Thursday & Friday. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks that we've been up & we didn't go in to town until Thursday that week, they had 2 cashiers runnin at L & M that day & they had at least 6, maybe 8 today. Wally World, Home Depot, & Aldi's were about the same.  :crazy: The people wearin masks was ~ 1/2 IMO as there was the 1st time we were in town. Out of state plates & boats on the road were rare too.
Having spent time in GR and closer to the cities, it seems to me that the GR people were taking this more seriously. Lots more people in masks at the grocery stores. I was in the cities on Easter Sunday and went to Hy Vee Brooklyn Park— lots of unmasked people blocking aisles and crowding around areas like the meat counter and deli. I’m hoping that the GR people don’t relax too much.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/06/20, 07:01:31 AM

well now we know, the inspectors are going down
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/06/20, 07:39:10 AM
Oh no. Never thought of them.  Sad.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/06/20, 07:54:58 AM
that was my job for 26 years.... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/06/20, 07:59:24 AM
They may call you out of retirement.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/06/20, 07:59:59 AM
FW, I think :scratch: that the majority of people out yday in GR were seasonal & just getting up here. :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/06/20, 08:02:06 AM
Tis the season.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/06/20, 08:07:40 AM
 Forgot :bonk:, I did see another pc on Miami  having to close their beaches again because nobody was wearin masks last night. It was on the CBS Evening news this time.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/06/20, 08:08:11 AM
They may call you out of retirement.

not happening, period!!!!  it's called retired for a reason!!!b   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/06/20, 08:22:10 AM
I talked to a friend that I haven't seen for quite some time on the phone last night.  He read a conspiracy theory that China along with Putin and Trump knew this C-19 was coming and it was created to get rid of the elderly and lots of Boomers to decrease the money going to support them along with all of us on retirement collecting pensions and SS.  They just didn't realize it would take off as it did????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/06/20, 08:55:33 AM
He wasn't watchin CNN was he?  ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/06/20, 09:08:26 AM
LLL  No idea.  I just read how 3 Drs. in Russia who complained about supplies.  2 mysteriously fell out of windows..  The other is in ICU with some mysterious disease. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/06/20, 09:13:30 AM
There are a few conspiracy theories out there. A lot of them make ya go  :scratch:.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Cooperman on May 05/06/20, 09:25:32 AM
Ya, and we flew our own planes into the twin towers and the Pentagon?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/06/20, 10:34:20 AM
I talked to a friend that I haven't seen for quite some time on the phone last night.  He read a conspiracy theory that China along with Putin and Trump knew this C-19 was coming and it was created to get rid of the elderly and lots of Boomers to decrease the money going to support them along with all of us on retirement collecting pensions and SS.  They just didn't realize it would take off as it did????

Well last night was Cinco de mayo.......................So.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/06/20, 10:37:56 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  Sounds like a great night..   :sleazy:   I don't know about the last part though. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/06/20, 11:34:36 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/06/20, 01:09:05 PM
I talked to a friend that I haven't seen for quite some time on the phone last night.  He read a conspiracy theory that China along with Putin and Trump knew this C-19 was coming and it was created to get rid of the elderly and lots of Boomers to decrease the money going to support them along with all of us on retirement collecting pensions and SS.  They just didn't realize it would take off as it did????

Sounds like something the Chinese came up with to make anyone who thinks it was a screwup in safety procedures at a lab in Wuhan be lumped in with these idiot theories. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/06/20, 01:26:33 PM
I talked to a friend that I haven't seen for quite some time on the phone last night.  He read a conspiracy theory that China along with Putin and Trump knew this C-19 was coming and it was created to get rid of the elderly and lots of Boomers to decrease the money going to support them along with all of us on retirement collecting pensions and SS.  They just didn't realize it would take off as it did????

Sounds like something the Chinese came up with to make anyone who thinks it was a screwup in safety procedures at a lab in Wuhan be lumped in with these idiot theories.

Sounds like you just came up with another idiotic conspiracy theory. Best hoard the tinfoil.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/06/20, 05:10:32 PM
So you are all in on the "it came from the wet market bat soup" theory?   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/06/20, 05:28:36 PM
I am glad you asked Del.  Seems to me the lab mys function is very easy to see happening.  No problem at all. Especially in China.  What their intents were is also something to ponder.   To have a person get it from a bat at a farmers market deal sounds even harder to believe to me. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: GrandpaTom on May 05/07/20, 07:34:39 AM
Just to add a little levity to the situation.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/07/20, 07:50:08 AM
 :tut: :doah: I see where they're getting SWAT teams involved in the protest over the state not opening things up down in Texas now. :crazy:  :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/07/20, 08:12:42 AM
:tut: :doah: I see where they're getting SWAT teams involved in the protest over the state not opening things up down in Texas now. :crazy:  :pouty:
is Hondo and his team in on the action?????? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/07/20, 08:13:15 AM
So you are all in on the "it came from the wet market bat soup" theory?
and whats your brilliant theory on where it comes from.....................................
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/07/20, 08:15:59 AM
I talked to a friend that I haven't seen for quite some time on the phone last night.  He read a conspiracy theory that China along with Putin and Trump knew this C-19 was coming and it was created to get rid of the elderly and lots of Boomers to decrease the money going to support them along with all of us on retirement collecting pensions and SS.  They just didn't realize it would take off as it did????

Sounds like something the Chinese came up with to make anyone who thinks it was a screwup in safety procedures at a lab in Wuhan be lumped in with these idiot theories.

Sounds like you just came up with another idiotic conspiracy theory. Best hoard the tinfoil.
Not what I said, your conspiracy theory is that the Chinese are the ones who are starting all the hair brained conspiracy theories, which is just another tin foil theory for the weak minded.
As far as the origin of the virus, I put more weight on the US intelligence services than the tweeters and internet know it alls.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/07/20, 08:20:47 AM
:tut: :doah: I see where they're getting SWAT teams involved in the protest over the state not opening things up down in Texas now. :crazy:  :pouty:
is Hondo and his team in on the action?????? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Way overboard IMO!! Good way to escalate a situation & get somebody shot needlessly. :sad: 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/07/20, 08:24:11 AM
:tut: :doah: I see where they're getting SWAT teams involved in the protest over the state not opening things up down in Texas now. :crazy:  :pouty:
is Hondo and his team in on the action?????? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Way overboard IMO!! Good way to escalate a situation & get somebody shot needlessly. :sad:
i agree..........apparently you dont watch the TV show SWAT....... starring Shemar Moore. glenn tried to make a funny!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/07/20, 08:29:58 AM
 :doofus: :doah: Actually I have been lately as the rest of the nightly line up has been sucking. Not a bad show but think I've seen most of 'em.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/07/20, 08:40:27 AM
Word on the street so don't know if it is true so JB will have to verify for us.  I heard that Sanford is teaming up with Marvins to check for Covid at the plant.  Good idea if it is happening.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/07/20, 08:41:31 AM
Word on the street so don't know if it is true so JB will have to verify for us.  I heard that Sanford is teaming up with Marvins to check for Covid at the plant.  Good idea if it is happening.
  :scratch: Was just thinkin about JB's line of work when we went to town on Tuesday as it was the 2nd time in a row where we didn't see 1 of those big yellow big rigs on Hwy 46 that says Marvins on it. Almost always see 1, maybe even 2. Sometimes it's actually when they're goin through GR but thought it a bit odd.  :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/07/20, 08:58:24 AM
:doofus: :doah: Actually I have been lately as the rest of the nightly line up has been sucking. Not a bad show but think I've seen most of 'em.
most of the shows at this point of year are reruns!!!!! :crazy: :crazy: sure this covid crap dont help.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/07/20, 09:06:12 AM

Not what I said, your conspiracy theory is that the Chinese are the ones who are starting all the hair brained conspiracy theories, which is just another tin foil theory for the weak minded.
As far as the origin of the virus, I put more weight on the US intelligence services than the tweeters and internet know it alls.

So the BB-Plague didn't come from Rats, but some "Top Secret" US or China Lab in 1342?   :happy1: :happy1: :bonk: :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/07/20, 09:46:28 AM

Not what I said, your conspiracy theory is that the Chinese are the ones who are starting all the hair brained conspiracy theories, which is just another tin foil theory for the weak minded.
As far as the origin of the virus, I put more weight on the US intelligence services than the tweeters and internet know it alls.

So the BB-Plague didn't come from Rats, but some "Top Secret" US or China Lab in 1342?   :happy1: :happy1: :bonk: :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I assume you are posting this question for Del, since I more or less agree with you.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/07/20, 09:55:23 AM
so i have a couple questions. st cloud times headlines stated 728 new cases yesterday in the state. so how many tests were administered, which then begs to ask......how many then where negative.

it also said you could get tested by appointment only. so who and how do they determine who gets tested>>> do you have to have a sypmtom of some sort??????? or can any joe schmuck get tested.

and WHERE  are they testing............. numbers can easily be skewed based on where. are they still concentrating on high risk areas? or are these random testing places???????????????????????????????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/07/20, 10:04:16 AM
My understanding is that health providers can offer covid testing to the general public if you are experiencing covid symptoms; you don't have to be health care worker, first responder, etc.  But you do have to have a nurse triage approval to authrorize/order the testing.

However, the fact that they are still only testing "sick" people means the total new cases or percentage positive statistics still do not reflect how widespread the disease might be in the general population.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/07/20, 10:18:24 AM
My understanding is that health providers can offer covid testing to the general public if you are experiencing covid symptoms; you don't have to be health care worker, first responder, etc.  But you do have to have a nurse triage approval to authrorize/order the testing.

However, the fact that they are still only testing "sick" people means the total new cases or percentage positive statistics still do not reflect how widespread the disease might be in the general population.
still doesnt answer the question on how many tests are done on a daily basis which would then tell you how many turned up negative.

if they only did 1000 tests yesterday yea its a high scary percentage, but if they did 5000??????????????????????????????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/07/20, 10:19:52 AM
they have posted a web site as to where to get tested at... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/07/20, 10:23:30 AM
My understanding is that health providers can offer covid testing to the general public if you are experiencing covid symptoms; you don't have to be health care worker, first responder, etc.  But you do have to have a nurse triage approval to authrorize/order the testing.

However, the fact that they are still only testing "sick" people means the total new cases or percentage positive statistics still do not reflect how widespread the disease might be in the general population.
still doesnt answer the question on how many tests are done on a daily basis which would then tell you how many turned up negative.

if they only did 1000 tests yesterday yea its a high scary percentage, but if they did 5000??????????????????????????????
Those mumbers are provided daily by the MDH. Most of the 2 pm briefings will tell you the number of tests for the previous day.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/07/20, 10:29:13 AM
My understanding is that health providers can offer covid testing to the general public if you are experiencing covid symptoms; you don't have to be health care worker, first responder, etc.  But you do have to have a nurse triage approval to authrorize/order the testing.

However, the fact that they are still only testing "sick" people means the total new cases or percentage positive statistics still do not reflect how widespread the disease might be in the general population.
still doesnt answer the question on how many tests are done on a daily basis which would then tell you how many turned up negative.

if they only did 1000 tests yesterday yea its a high scary percentage, but if they did 5000??????????????????????????????

Try here under: Situation Update for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)


Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/07/20, 10:40:37 AM
 :happy1: :happy1: thanks leech......so there are 93,232 tested and 8579 positive tests..........if my math is right thats less then 10% of all tests that are positive? :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/07/20, 10:49:58 AM
but they are saying with 485 deaths, that is where it's worse than the flu...  that percentage...  but they confiuse me too the way they throw the numbers around their way...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/07/20, 10:53:48 AM
but they are saying with 485 deaths, that is where it's worse than the flu...  that percentage...  but they confiuse me too the way they throw the numbers around their way...
potatoes.............tomatoes.................... :evil: :evil:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/07/20, 11:01:50 AM
but they are saying with 485 deaths, that is where it's worse than the flu...  that percentage...  but they confiuse me too the way they throw the numbers around their way...
potatoes.............tomatoes.................... :evil: :evil:

see that's what I'm saying!!!!   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/07/20, 11:46:48 AM

Not what I said, your conspiracy theory is that the Chinese are the ones who are starting all the hair brained conspiracy theories, which is just another tin foil theory for the weak minded.
As far as the origin of the virus, I put more weight on the US intelligence services than the tweeters and internet know it alls.

So the BB-Plague didn't come from Rats, but some "Top Secret" US or China Lab in 1342?   :happy1: :happy1: :bonk: :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

There was no internet back then so we will never know....    :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/07/20, 11:51:44 AM
:happy1: :happy1: thanks leech......so there are 93,232 tested and 8579 positive tests..........if my math is right thats less then 10% of all tests that are positive? :scratch: :scratch:

It is still to hard to draw conclusions because there is not enough random samples.

Testing capacity started to ramp up after April 22 to over 2000 tests per day.  That appears to be trending towards 4-5000, per day now.

April 22-28 had about 10% test positive.  Since then the percent positive has been trending up.

May 4 it was 17% positive on 3300 tests,
May 5 it was 29% positive on 2000 tests,
May 6 it was 14% positive on 5200 tests, and
May 7 it was 18% positive on 4299 tests.

The other story here is that on May 5, anyone with symptoms could be tested - so more sick people got tested - and the percent positive goes up.

But we still have no clue as to how many folks in the general population may test positive without any symptoms.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/07/20, 11:54:49 AM

Not what I said, your conspiracy theory is that the Chinese are the ones who are starting all the hair brained conspiracy theories, which is just another tin foil theory for the weak minded.
As far as the origin of the virus, I put more weight on the US intelligence services than the tweeters and internet know it alls.

So the BB-Plague didn't come from Rats, but some "Top Secret" US or China Lab in 1342?   :happy1: :happy1: :bonk: :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

There was no internet back then so we will never know....    :sleazy:


Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/07/20, 11:56:23 AM

Not what I said, your conspiracy theory is that the Chinese are the ones who are starting all the hair brained conspiracy theories, which is just another tin foil theory for the weak minded.
As far as the origin of the virus, I put more weight on the US intelligence services than the tweeters and internet know it alls.

So the BB-Plague didn't come from Rats, but some "Top Secret" US or China Lab in 1342?   :happy1: :happy1: :bonk: :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

There was no internet back then so we will never know....    :sleazy:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: alot of husbands claim these days they dont need internet either..............the said the wife knows everything!!!!!!! :confused: :scratch: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/07/20, 12:34:49 PM
dats true Glenn!!!   :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/07/20, 12:53:52 PM
 :scratch: Could swear I heard Jason on WCCO say something about 5,000 tests this mornin.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/07/20, 12:54:19 PM
Word on the street so don't know if it is true so JB will have to verify for us.  I heard that Sanford is teaming up with Marvins to check for Covid at the plant.  Good idea if it is happening.

Hmm. Interesting as I have not heard anything about it. Yet. At least not in Warroad. As for the Trucks Gunner. Some are still running. Just way down on deliveries because many places can't take their orders.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/07/20, 12:57:47 PM
 Thanks JB, that's kind of what I figured.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/07/20, 05:40:12 PM
CNN had a segment last night that featured some of my neighbors that have to euthanize over 3000 hogs. This is a catastrophe for many hard working farmers.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/07/20, 07:03:09 PM
CNN had a segment last night that featured some of my neighbors that have to euthanize over 3000 hogs. This is a catastrophe for many hard working farmers.

That suks.  Why can't they sell them somewhere else or give them away to feed the Homeless? 
Or are they going to get Government compensated for them?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/07/20, 07:08:47 PM
There is no where to have them processed, very few have the skills to home butcher these days. To my knowledge there is no government compensation. More family farms will be gone I fear.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/07/20, 07:29:15 PM
There is no where to have them processed, very few have the skills to home butcher these days. To my knowledge there is no government compensation. More family farms will be gone I fear.

Crazy world we have evolved in to. Prices go sky high for some pork and then we throw some in a hole and bury it.  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/07/20, 07:32:31 PM
CNN had a segment last night that featured some of my neighbors that have to euthanize over 3000 hogs. This is a catastrophe for many hard working farmers.

Indeed it is.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/08/20, 07:30:59 AM
There is no where to have them processed, very few have the skills to home butcher these days. To my knowledge there is no government compensation. More family farms will be gone I fear.
Wish we were closer. We would buy some off of them. I feel this is something that the Governors of the states should be doing something to help figure something out. I know plenty of people that can process a deer. The certainly can process a hog too. It is not that hard.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/08/20, 07:34:54 AM
I have friends and friends of friends that have big hog farms in the SW corner of the state.  I thought of going down and getting one but that is a big job and a long ways to go.  I bet the butchers down there are busy as can be.  I will ask a buddy down there about it today. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/08/20, 07:50:43 AM
Unfortunately my freezers are full right now
 My son told me freezers are getting bought up.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/08/20, 07:53:48 AM
When I go down to see my parents or my friends sometimes I call the butcher shop and get a half hog butchered so it is all frozen and ready to go when I get there.  Good meat too. 

It is different now cuz I would have no place to stay when there.  My buddy is in marginal health so is hunkered down so can't stay there or even visit.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/08/20, 08:00:19 AM
My buddy just texted me back that the butchers are real busy.  Cattle too have to get butchered cuz the big plants don't want them after they get too heavy.  Man that all makes me hungry so I am having sausage and eggs for breakfast.  I could get a half hog in my freezer too.  If I got a great deal on one I could mayhaps talk the wife into it.  ????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/08/20, 08:52:46 AM

With all the farmers and Hunters that know how to butcher it's odd no one has started a save the hog for food drive yet?  :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/08/20, 08:54:35 AM
Too much work!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: markn on May 05/08/20, 09:13:10 AM
Just read in the local paper all of the butcher shops around here, Alex, are going wide open and you can't get an animal in for months they're that far booked out. Lucky for me I have a half a hog getting done right now, but it was scheduled to be there six months ago. If I had more freezer space I'd love to get another porker and cut it up myself.  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/08/20, 09:14:30 AM
Too much work!

It would be a lot of big Gold Stars for Hunters, if the Tree huggers and granola folks saw them feeding the poor!   :clap: :Clap: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/08/20, 10:00:42 AM
Sad truth is the government wouldn't allow it because it's not inspected. I will never forget all the venison that was removed from the food shelf because some anti in North Dakota found a piece of lead in a package of meat.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/08/20, 10:09:24 AM
I saw a "religious group" in Alexandria SD is selling hogs.  Skinned gutted and halved or quartered.  $75 a half.  You need to cut it up.  I would take one if they were closer.  Looks like it is about 50 miles west of Sioux Falls.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/08/20, 10:17:39 AM
Heard someone did do a couple hundred hogs with a group effort at Kerkhoven. Trouble was they shot & butchered them in the street, ran the blood & other fluids into the storm sewer and there was no refrigeration. Rumor had it the sheriff's dept. wasn't amused with them discharging firearms in town. They get excited here in town too when there's the odd escapee from the locker plant they have to subdue. Happens.

Locker plant here is booked into January already last I knew. Telling my lamb customers to get their orders in so we can book them or they'll wind up with mutton. Have been hearing new freezers are also in tight supply. Locker plant owner was saying people were telling him they're backordered until July.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/08/20, 11:37:16 AM
Heard someone did do a couple hundred hogs with a group effort at Kerkhoven. Trouble was they shot & butchered them in the street, ran the blood & other fluids into the storm sewer and there was no refrigeration. Rumor had it the sheriff's dept. wasn't amused with them discharging firearms in town. They get excited here in town too when there's the odd escapee from the locker plant they have to subdue. Happens.

Locker plant here is booked into January already last I knew. Telling my lamb customers to get their orders in so we can book them or they'll wind up with mutton. Have been hearing new freezers are also in tight supply. Locker plant owner was saying people were telling him they're backordered until July.

Sounds like a fun town!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/08/20, 02:06:13 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Lee Borgersen on May 05/10/20, 02:33:02 AM
Your Friendly COVID-19 Tracker Is Here!


 :popcorn: Here......
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/10/20, 10:44:09 AM
I just look at the mn dept of Health status.  Updated every day at 11am.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/11/20, 04:10:34 PM
iffin i get da corona i'm suing holiday gas stations. had to get gas on an errand run, one of the few times i even think of using hand sanitizer.......and there's not a drop to be had at the pumps!!!!!! :confused: :pouty: :pouty: :rolleyes: :surrender: :surrender:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/11/20, 04:18:14 PM
It's like Menards. They'll sell you some inisde.  ;)  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/11/20, 05:41:12 PM
iffin i get da corona i'm suing holiday gas stations. had to get gas on an errand run, one of the few times i even think of using hand sanitizer.......and there's not a drop to be had at the pumps!!!!!! :confused: :pouty: :pouty: :rolleyes: :surrender: :surrender:
That'll learn ya fer not wearing gloves at the pump. Funny tho,  we head outta town last weekend trying to keep our stops at a minimum but the two places we had to hit neither had plexiglass up and no one were wearing masks. Come back to town and its a different story..
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/11/20, 05:52:11 PM
It's like Menards. They'll sell you some inisde.  ;)  :rotflmao:
:confused: :tut: :tut: :tut: dont get me started bucko  :tut: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/11/20, 06:16:36 PM
I see the meat processor in glenn's neighborhood was the lead story for WCCO tonight.  :rolleyes: Wonder :scratch: how many different translators are needed at that plant so they know what safety measures need to be followed. If it's anything like the 1 shut down in Iowa there was like a dozen different languages spoken in the workplace but the bulletin on the new safety protocols was only put out on english.  :bonk: :bs: :sad:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/11/20, 06:22:36 PM
As it should be... :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/11/20, 06:25:18 PM
Ha, I seen that commotion when I drove by. Figured it was a protest of some sort.  Shoulda fix some union organizing. :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/12/20, 07:05:02 AM
As it should be... :bonk:
So all the meat processors have to stay shut down because nobody understands what needs to be done to re-open? :scratch: :rolleyes: I have to believe that the workforce at that plant is just like the rest of 'em in this country & 80-90 % of it looks nothing like any of us here.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/12/20, 07:27:39 AM
Hard to believe but the Smithfield plant in Sioux Falls has 40 different languages spoken in their plant and I think English is the only language they used on their signs too. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/12/20, 08:07:12 AM
And here i thought some those people would melt if they touched pork... I was way off.  :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/12/20, 08:08:49 AM
SEEN on the news last nite Wisconsin is allowing small shops to open up!!!!!!!  :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/12/20, 08:17:55 AM
SEEN on the news last nite Wisconsin is allowing small shops to open up!!!!!!!  :happy1: :happy1:

Good.  I get it that bars, restaurants, ballparks and concerts are problem spots for infections contagious disease.  But to the extent that people still need to buy stuff, it never made logical sense to close em down. 

Close down the small shops so everyone could congregate at the large ones?  :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/12/20, 10:15:13 AM
 :scratch: The CS plant is poultry, isn't it?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/12/20, 10:36:29 AM
:scratch: The CS plant is poultry, isn't it?
yep............chicken......its pilgrims now, used to be gold-n-plump!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/12/20, 10:54:47 AM
well next Monday at least 6 bars are opening in Stearns Cty.. all the Shady's (6) there alone...  could be interesting.... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/12/20, 11:03:53 AM
well next Monday at least 6 bars are opening in Stearns Cty.. all the Shady's (6) there alone...  could be interesting....
:rotflmao: Yea go figure they'd be Stearns county bars. :rotflmao: but I heard that a bar down by Alba??? Never closed when this started.

I'm  still cautious about this and I do what I can within reason to help resist tfge possible spread, but I'm beginning to be more of a herd immunity believer.

I also seen in the paper today, that cold springs fire departments big FIREFEST windig was cancelled for this year. More like a Gleuk brewing company thing anyway. :doofus: :thumbs:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/12/20, 11:12:34 AM
I hear ya.... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/13/20, 07:53:58 AM
:scratch: The CS plant is poultry, isn't it?
yep............chicken......its pilgrims now, used to be gold-n-plump!!!!!!!!!
Checked into it a bit, they're owned by JBS. The largest beef & pork processor in the country.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/13/20, 07:55:45 AM
and who owns JBS??  a company out of Brazil.... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/13/20, 10:13:11 AM
I'll be curious to see what Walz decides to change after extending his executive powers for another month. It's time to allow main st. in small town America to open up again under some guidelines. If it doesn't happen pretty soon there will be more and more outright defiance of his orders. That's OK. The ACLU will have enough prisoners cleared out of the jails by then so there'll be room!  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/20, 10:26:10 AM
I'll be curious to see what Walz decides to change after extending his executive powers for another month. It's time to allow main st. in small town America to open up again under some guidelines. If it doesn't happen pretty soon there will be more and more outright defiance of his orders. That's OK. The ACLU will have enough prisoners cleared out of the jails by then so there'll be room!  :scratch:
from what i see there ALREADY is defiance in his SIP.

IF he doesnt open things up more you can kiss 1/3 of these businesses that are currently closed goodbye. pathetic. :pouty: :pouty:

thing is, i dont really feel all that affected by this, yet it bugs the hell out of me. other then maybe wanting to go out to eat or head down to the local pub for a few brews and a burger basket it hasnt put a crimp in my style!!!!! :scratch: :scratch:

now make me have to pay menards a buck fer a mask........... :angry2: :angry2: :taz: :taz: :banghead: training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 :angry2: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/13/20, 10:27:36 AM
I dont understand the essential/nonessential designation. I know our local hardware store has remained open. It seems like it's mainly the bars and restaurants that ate closed here, but then I don't get to town much so I'm not sure.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/13/20, 10:29:33 AM
AMEN.  At some point logic needs to come into play.

If it is OK to buy a book at Target, why can't I buy that same book at Borders?

Shopping at a small business vs a box store does nothing to increase or decrease the likelihood of spreading Covid.  If anything, it decreases the spread because you have a smaller cross-section of the population visiting one location.  Duh.

Still, bars, restaurants, event venues, churches, etc. are problematic, where it is more difficult to social distance.  I'm not sure when to "twist that dial," but dang near everything else should be wide open.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/13/20, 10:40:14 AM
Yup it is a tough deal and of course Walz has to error on the side of caution.  He may not even agree with it personally but that is his job as Governor to keep us safe.  I look forward to the businesses opening too. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/13/20, 11:34:04 AM
One thing I want to find out more about is the candy store in Jordan that was allowed to open. Internet rumor has it that the owner is a personal friend of Walz. Anybody know more about this?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/13/20, 11:36:34 AM
I'd heard that too roony. Not sure if that's the case.

As a couple of you have alluded to it in your posts, those of us in outstate are a little nervous about people coming out here from some of the areas that have been hit the hardest, especially the Twin Cities and those counties surrounding Hennepin county. Our area fishing lakes aren't the big concern because the fish are smaller, more glenn-sized.  :evil: But, we do have some other attractions. The other day someone was talking to the local golf course management and they said the majority of the people playing so far had come down from the Twin Cities. The care center here so far has been COVID free. It'd be nice to keep it that way.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/20, 11:38:54 AM
One thing I want to find out more about is the candy store in Jordan that was allowed to open. Internet rumor has it that the owner is a personal friend of Walz. Anybody know more about this?
funny you bring that up. one of my coworkers lives in shakopee, and drives by there. he said that place was friggin nuts.....lines out the door and a few with masks but absolutley NO  distancing. it even made the #4 news a week ago....yea they were really abiding by the rules  :tut: :doofus: :doofus: :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/13/20, 11:39:08 AM
One thing I want to find out more about is the candy store in Jordan that was allowed to open. Internet rumor has it that the owner is a personal friend of Walz. Anybody know more about this?

"...he got the go-ahead to open as an essential business from Gov. Tim Walz. And that's because candy isn't the only product available to shoppers. The store is also home to numerous vendors who sell their agricultural products, including sausages, fruits, vegetables and more."

I think if I owned a bookstore I'd put some lock-washers next to the register and become an essential business that sells hardware for critical infrastructure repairs.  Just sayin...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/20, 11:40:03 AM
I'd heard that too roony. Not sure if that's the case.

As a couple of you have alluded to in your posts, those of us in outstate are a little nervous about people coming out here from some of the areas that have been hit the hardest, especially the Twin Cities and those counties surrounding Hennepin county. Our area fishing lakes aren't the big concern because the fish are smaller, more glenn-sized.  :evil: But, we do have some other attractions. The other day someone was talking to the local golf course management and they said the majority of the people playing so far had come down from the Twin Cities. The care center here so far has been COVID free. It'd be nice to keep it that way.
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :taz: :taz: :taz: :rotflmao: PUTZ!!!!!!!!!! :doah: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/13/20, 11:48:04 AM
I'd heard that too roony. Not sure if that's the case.

As a couple of you have alluded to in your posts, those of us in outstate are a little nervous about people coming out here from some of the areas that have been hit the hardest, especially the Twin Cities and those counties surrounding Hennepin county. Our area fishing lakes aren't the big concern because the fish are smaller, more glenn-sized.  :evil: But, we do have some other attractions. The other day someone was talking to the local golf course management and they said the majority of the people playing so far had come down from the Twin Cities. The care center here so far has been COVID free. It'd be nice to keep it that way.
Got off a conference call for my mom's scheduled care conference there. So far so good. No testing yet though, suppose to happen within two weeks. My middle son is a critical care paramedic and has been working with covid patients.of course he hasn't been tested yet.  :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/13/20, 12:01:08 PM
That's something that has me scratching my head too roony. In a daily press briefing I saw last week Jan Malcolm was baffled why we weren't getting 5000 tests a day done. Part of the issue is they only wanted individuals with symptoms to request the tests. Logic would indicate there probably aren't that many people exhibiting or complaining of symptoms on a daily basis. MN has one of the worst track records in the country on COVID-19 care center deaths. I would think they would make it a top priority to get on top of the situation & get testing done in every care center pronto and not be worrying about some silly number of tests based on symptoms. JMO...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/13/20, 12:10:48 PM
I see China is planning on 11 million tests within 10 days in Wuhan because asome cases came to light again.
I did read a bit about the candy store, it does sound like they sell some other products that may qualify them as borderline essential but it still seems somewhat inequitable. I will watch the gov tonight at 6.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/20, 12:33:17 PM
I see China is planning on 11 million tests within 10 days in Wuhan because asome cases came to light again.
I did read a bit about the candy store, it does sound like they sell some other products that may qualify them as borderline essential but it still seems somewhat inequitable. I will watch the gov tonight at 6.
I plan on watching to, but sure hope that doesn't interfere with my wife's 3 hour flipping epesiode o survivor. :confused: :doofus: :pouty: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/13/20, 03:25:21 PM
I see China is planning on 11 million tests within 10 days in Wuhan because asome cases came to light again.

Sounds great but. Selling junk to others for a buck but not approved for their own folks.  :doah:

 Economy /  China Economy
Coronavirus: China ramps up Covid-19 test kit exports amid global shortage, as domestic demand dries up

 More than 100 Chinese companies are selling coronavirus testing kits to Europe, but most are not licensed to sell in China
 A global shortage of kits has sparked a scramble for resources, but the specialist nature of the production process provides limitations

U.K. Paid $20 Million for New Coronavirus Tests. They Didn’t Work.

Facing a global scramble for materials, British officials bought millions of unproven kits from China in a gamble that became an embarrassment.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/13/20, 04:04:47 PM
That's something that has me scratching my head too roony. In a daily press briefing I saw last week Jan Malcolm was baffled why we weren't getting 5000 tests a day done. Part of the issue is they only wanted individuals with symptoms to request the tests. Logic would indicate there probably aren't that many people exhibiting or complaining of symptoms on a daily basis. MN has one of the worst track records in the country on COVID-19 care center deaths. I would think they would make it a top priority to get on top of the situation & get testing done in every care center pronto and not be worrying about some silly number of tests based on symptoms. JMO...

Olmsted county has about 160 active cases (tested positive - no longer need isolation)    Minnesota has about 4000 as near as I can recall.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/13/20, 04:24:20 PM
A young fella at work came down with a fever over the weekend,  but they won't test him since that's all he has. The company won't let him come back to work until he is tested.  Not sure how this will play out..
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/13/20, 04:33:13 PM
A young fella at work came down with a fever over the weekend,  but they won't test him since that's all he has. The company won't let him come back to work until he is tested.  Not sure how this will play out..
No wonder walz is having trouble getting to his 20k tests per day...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/13/20, 05:12:11 PM
Last week hy vee had 85% ground beef for $3.99. Today it is $7.99. Faraway foods had 80% for $5.99, that is too fatty for me. I bought chicken breasts, lol.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/13/20, 05:24:49 PM
Oh Oh looks like a shopping trip then.  Need to stock up and I like meat shopping. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on May 05/13/20, 05:26:02 PM
This will be me when I go to the bar after lockdown.....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/13/20, 06:01:10 PM
sounds like I was wrong, he is letting things loosen up it sounds like, except bars and restaurants....  could be interesting..... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/20, 06:01:25 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/20, 06:03:27 PM
I just heard on the news Wisconsin supreme court just told the governor to stick his safer at home policy where the sun don't shine. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/20, 06:04:30 PM
sounds like I was wrong, he is letting things loosen up it sounds like, except bars and restaurants....  could be interesting.....
:scratch: where you hearing this, he's just on now and is still flapping his jaws.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/13/20, 06:05:32 PM
it's on "bring me the news" site...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/13/20, 06:11:44 PM
sounds like I was wrong, he is letting things loosen up it sounds like, except bars and restaurants....  could be interesting.....
:scratch: where you hearing this, he's just on now and is still flapping his jaws.

Pot meet Kettle.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/13/20, 06:12:25 PM

this is the report
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/13/20, 06:13:43 PM
sounds like I was wrong, he is letting things loosen up it sounds like, except bars and restaurants....  could be interesting.....
:scratch: where you hearing this, he's just on now and is still flapping his jaws.

Pot meet Kettle.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/20, 06:16:24 PM

this is the report
how can this come out prior to his conference??? He just got done.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/13/20, 06:18:19 PM
I have no idea, just posted what was there.....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/20, 06:18:25 PM
Stay in place ends Monday, bars and restaurants open June 1 as I heard it with the possibility of him maybe in the future closing them again.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/13/20, 06:20:13 PM
so 2 more weeks for them... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/13/20, 06:22:11 PM
what about barbers and such???? 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/20, 06:40:16 PM
what about barbers and such????
sounded to me like 2 more weeks too. Just thii what Dotch's avatar is gonna look like by then. :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/13/20, 06:40:53 PM
 :scratch: :scratch:
I'll be curious to see what Walz decides to change after extending his executive powers for another month. It's time to allow main st. in small town America to open up again under some guidelines. If it doesn't happen pretty soon there will be more and more outright defiance of his orders. That's OK. The ACLU will have enough prisoners cleared out of the jails by then so there'll be room!  :scratch:
from what i see there ALREADY is defiance in his SIP.

IF he doesnt open things up more you can kiss 1/3 of these businesses that are currently closed goodbye. pathetic. :pouty: :pouty:

thing is, i dont really feel all that affected by this, yet it bugs the hell out of me. other then maybe wanting to go out to eat or head down to the local pub for a few brews and a burger basket it hasnt put a crimp in my style!!!!! :scratch: :scratch:

now make me have to pay menards a buck fer a mask........... :angry2: :angry2: :taz: :taz: :banghead: training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 :angry2: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
:scratch: Just had an idea :rolleyes:, keep your $ & go to Home Depot. :doah: :evil: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/20, 06:43:08 PM
:scratch: :scratch:
I'll be curious to see what Walz decides to change after extending his executive powers for another month. It's time to allow main st. in small town America to open up again under some guidelines. If it doesn't happen pretty soon there will be more and more outright defiance of his orders. That's OK. The ACLU will have enough prisoners cleared out of the jails by then so there'll be room!  :scratch:
from what i see there ALREADY is defiance in his SIP.

IF he doesnt open things up more you can kiss 1/3 of these businesses that are currently closed goodbye. pathetic. :pouty: :pouty:

thing is, i dont really feel all that affected by this, yet it bugs the hell out of me. other then maybe wanting to go out to eat or head down to the local pub for a few brews and a burger basket it hasnt put a crimp in my style!!!!! :scratch: :scratch:

now make me have to pay menards a buck fer a mask........... :angry2: :angry2: :taz: :taz: :banghead: training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 :angry2: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
:scratch: Just had an idea :rolleyes:, keep your $ & go to Home Depot. :doah: :evil: :nerd: :nerd:
:tut: :tut: :mooning: there are other places.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/13/20, 06:48:55 PM
so now we will see who does what next Monday...  I mean bars and such....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/20, 06:50:07 PM
I will have to admit he went way further than I expected.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/13/20, 06:50:41 PM
:scratch: :scratch:
I'll be curious to see what Walz decides to change after extending his executive powers for another month. It's time to allow main st. in small town America to open up again under some guidelines. If it doesn't happen pretty soon there will be more and more outright defiance of his orders. That's OK. The ACLU will have enough prisoners cleared out of the jails by then so there'll be room!  :scratch:
from what i see there ALREADY is defiance in his SIP.

IF he doesnt open things up more you can kiss 1/3 of these businesses that are currently closed goodbye. pathetic. :pouty: :pouty:

thing is, i dont really feel all that affected by this, yet it bugs the hell out of me. other then maybe wanting to go out to eat or head down to the local pub for a few brews and a burger basket it hasnt put a crimp in my style!!!!! :scratch: :scratch:

now make me have to pay menards a buck fer a mask........... :angry2: :angry2: :taz: :taz: :banghead: training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 :angry2: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
:scratch: Just had an idea :rolleyes:, keep your $ & go to Home Depot. :doah: :evil: :nerd: :nerd:
:tut: :tut: :mooning: there are other places.
:rolleyes: Coudn't help myself :bonk:, we're more alike :sleazy: than either 1 of us cares to admit. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/13/20, 06:54:09 PM
:rolleyes: Coudn't help myself :bonk:, we're more alike :sleazy: than either 1 of us cares to admit. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

what you and the Waltz???    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:  sorry Glenn said it to me!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/13/20, 06:58:07 PM
I will have to admit he went way further than I expected.

I agree with you about Walz's capitulation. 

Models are funny.  I don't believe we will hit peak by mid-June.  To me peak means many-to-most of us will have or have had it.  That is a lot of new cases between now and then.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/13/20, 07:14:10 PM
:rolleyes: Coudn't help myself :bonk:, we're more alike :sleazy: than either 1 of us cares to admit. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

what you and the Waltz???    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:  sorry Glenn said it to me!!!
:tut: Who you waltzin with, mike? :scratch: Glenn? :doah: Your posts are even startin to look & sound like his :evil:. You guys been hangin out? You using his phone for postin? ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/13/20, 07:27:21 PM
I was kind of surprised he caved.i sure hope for all our sales that things work out as best as possible.i dont think a vaccine will be available before winter.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/13/20, 07:43:25 PM
I will have to admit he went way further than I expected.

I agree with you about Walz's capitulation. 

Models are funny.  I don't believe we will hit peak by mid-June.  To me peak means many-to-most of us will have or have had it.  That is a lot of new cases between now and then.

Peak means enough folks have had it that it becomes harder for it to spread.   

I can't figure out the new model from the U that says by like June we will need a couple thousand ICU beds...  As of today we are using 200 and it it going up very slowly.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/13/20, 08:39:27 PM
I took it to mean peak is when the highest number of people are infected at one time, possibly overwhelming health care systems if it is too high.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/13/20, 09:37:23 PM
From a Canadian source: Borders will remain closed until June 21st. Wonder if we can get assylum?  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/20, 09:57:58 PM
From a Canadian source: Borders will remain closed until June 21st. Wonder if we can get assylum?  :scratch:
in other words, the Canucks are safe from you till then!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/13/20, 10:01:59 PM
 :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:...putz!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/20, 10:11:58 PM
 :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/14/20, 07:12:58 AM
I will have to admit he went way further than I expected.
Yes I was rather surprised myself too. I still think they should have been using that time to have a plan for the bars, restaurants and barbers to open on the 18th. Shouldn't have needed another 2 weeks to figure that out. And still no camping except for remote and dispersed camping will be allowed now.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/20, 08:11:56 AM
I will have to admit he went way further than I expected.
Yes I was rather surprised myself too. I still think they should have been using that time to have a plan for the bars, restaurants and barbers to open on the 18th. Shouldn't have needed another 2 weeks to figure that out. And still no camping except for remote and dispersed camping will be allowed now.
i was in the same boat JB!!!!! i cant understand why you where allowed to  have 100's of people in wallyworld, menards, home depot, fleet farm and not  be allowed in a bar or resturant.

that was until this morning listening to the radio. they had an attorney, Mike Bryant call in. he is a regular sort of on the show and an adverstiser, according to him Walz has talked to restruarant owners, according to the owners it would take at least a week to get there ducks in a row anyway......... :scratch:

even so, it sounds like when they are allowed to open, i still question the 50% capacity, when essentially there is no limit to wallyworld????????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/14/20, 08:19:04 AM
Actually Walmart limits the number of shoppers to a safe level. Did you happen to see the scenes in the bars in Wisconsin last night? Sad part is those people probably aren't the ones that will croak, it's the people they infect and their families that will suffer.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/14/20, 08:22:12 AM
That is the first thing I thought too Roony.  I don't see that as an intelligent choice.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/20, 08:22:39 AM
Actually Walmart limits the number of shoppers to a safe level. Did you happen to see the scenes in the bars in Wisconsin last night? Sad part is those people probably aren't the ones that will croak, it's the people they infect and their families that will suffer.
didnt know that, i dont even drive through there parking lot. thats gonna happen hear to!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/14/20, 08:26:12 AM
I took a drive up to the lake yesterday to see how much activity was there.  Wheeler's access was only half full.  There were a few trucks at the resorts but not a lot of them.  People are being careful it seems. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/14/20, 08:27:43 AM
Actually Walmart limits the number of shoppers to a safe level. Did you happen to see the scenes in the bars in Wisconsin last night? Sad part is those people probably aren't the ones that will croak, it's the people they infect and their families that will suffer.
didnt know that, i dont even drive through there parking lot. thats gonna happen hear to!!!!!!
Then maybe if you don't know you shouldn't assume things. just sayin'
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/20, 08:35:59 AM
Actually Walmart limits the number of shoppers to a safe level. Did you happen to see the scenes in the bars in Wisconsin last night? Sad part is those people probably aren't the ones that will croak, it's the people they infect and their families that will suffer.
didnt know that, i dont even drive through there parking lot. thats gonna happen hear to!!!!!!
Then maybe if you don't know you shouldn't assume things. just sayin'
my assumption would be even if wallyworld has a limited amount of people allowed its still alot more then a bar or resturant even at full capicity is all.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/14/20, 09:04:29 AM
Yes, but in a larger area. At the checkouts and at the entrance there are 6 foot Mark's to maintain distance. But they are non union soooooo.........
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/14/20, 09:23:34 AM
I will have to admit he went way further than I expected.
Yes I was rather surprised myself too. I still think they should have been using that time to have a plan for the bars, restaurants and barbers to open on the 18th. Shouldn't have needed another 2 weeks to figure that out. And still no camping except for remote and dispersed camping will be allowed now.
i was in the same boat JB!!!!! i cant understand why you where allowed to  have 100's of people in wallyworld, menards, home depot, fleet farm and not  be allowed in a bar or resturant.

that was until this morning listening to the radio. they had an attorney, Mike Bryant call in. he is a regular sort of on the show and an adverstiser, according to him Walz has talked to restruarant owners, according to the owners it would take at least a week to get there ducks in a row anyway......... :scratch:

even so, it sounds like when they are allowed to open, i still question the 50% capacity, when essentially there is no limit to wallyworld????????
That is kind of my point. There has been 4 weeks. You would think during that time they could have been coming up with a plan with the state to open on the 18th.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/14/20, 10:30:15 AM
I wasn't moved by anything Walz said last nite. He tossed us a small bone by letting the stay at home order expire while extending his emergency powers another month. There are no guarantees on businesses opening, only tentative dates such as June 1 if businesses have a state approved plan in place. He was very defensive answering the one size fits all statewide policy question last nite. I think he's becoming more aware that people are getting seriously fed up in outstate. If he hadn't tossed us a bone and ordered us to stay home another two weeks or more, the wheels would've come off this thing real fast.         
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/20, 10:32:49 AM
I wasn't moved by anything Walz said last nite. He tossed us a small bone by letting the stay at home order expire while extending his emergency powers another month. There are no guarantees on businesses opening, only tentative dates such as June 1 if businesses have a state approved plan in place. He was very defensive answering the one size fits all statewide policy question last nite. I think he's becoming more aware that people are getting seriously fed up in outstate. If he hadn't tossed us a bone and ordered us to stay home another two weeks or more, the wheels would've come off this thing real fast.       
:doofus: :tut: :pouty: :pouty: :confused: Walz could send you a semi truck full of Gin and you'd still bitch about him!!!!!!!! :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning: :evil: :evil: :super smiley: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :nerd:

morning buddy!!!!!!!! :smoking: :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/14/20, 10:40:34 AM
Speakin' of that, my Trump Bucks arrived yesterday as did coincidentally, a delivery from the gin fairy! At least The Donald still loves me!  :happy1:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/14/20, 10:51:19 AM
How much is a semi load of gin these days?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/20, 10:57:36 AM
Speakin' of that, my Trump Bucks arrived yesterday as did coincidentally, a delivery from the gin fairy! At least The Donald still loves me!  :happy1:  :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Hmmm........i didnt get mine yet, but mine is coming by mail.

i did send donny wonny a text to just send my stimulas check right to the Biden campaign though!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :sleazy: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/14/20, 11:17:20 AM
Biden will forget to cash it & be in a care center by then, replaced by you know who & her new running mate... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/20, 11:23:08 AM
Biden will forget to cash it & be in a care center by then, replaced by you know who & her new running mate... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:confused: UGH......better stop payment!!!!!!! :pouty: :doah: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/14/20, 11:34:17 AM
Biden will forget to cash it & be in a care center by then, replaced by you know who & her new running mate... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Better not be a care center in Minnesota.   The dept of health website makes it look like they are very dangerous, with 80%  of the covid deaths in MN being residents of care centers.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/14/20, 12:23:27 PM
Something else pushing Walz in this latitude...

IOWA CITY, Iowa — Restaurants, salons, barber shops and gyms in Iowa will be allowed to reopen Friday under new restrictions intended to slow the coronavirus, the governor announced.

Gov. Kim Reynolds said Wednesday that she would lift an order closing restaurants in 22 counties, including the state’s largest metropolitan areas. Reynolds said she would also allow fitness centers, salons, barber shops, tattoo parlors and massage therapists to reopen in all 99 counties.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/14/20, 12:34:49 PM
Speakin' of that, my Trump Bucks arrived yesterday as did coincidentally, a delivery from the gin fairy! At least The Donald still loves me!  :happy1:  :rotflmao:
Mine came too. :happy1: :cool: IRS said they mailed it 4/24 & it was in Waverly in 3 days. Took another 17 days to get up here. :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/14/20, 01:05:04 PM
Speakin' of that, my Trump Bucks arrived yesterday as did coincidentally, a delivery from the gin fairy! At least The Donald still loves me!  :happy1:  :rotflmao:
Mine came too. :happy1: :cool: IRS said they mailed it 4/24 & it was in Waverly in 3 days. Took another 17 days to get up here. :crazy:

that's real snail mail then coming out of Iowa!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/14/20, 05:06:47 PM
I used to enjoy hitting FF , Menards and what  not in the early afternoons after work before... Doesn't anybody work anymore?? Lol . These places are packed like a Sunday after the adds come out now a days.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/15/20, 11:31:45 AM
well................i just got word from the boss man this crap will effect my employment status!!!!!!!! each rep will be laid off/furloughed  for 1 week coming up. dont know exactly when, but...................i'll get in on that $600.00 guberment money!!!!

time to stock up on beer, ice, and boat gas!!!!!!!!!!!!! itasca county  look out here i come!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: :blues brothers: :blues brothers: :blues brothers: :rocker; :rocker; :rocker; :rocker; :rocker; :fishing: :fishing: :fishing: :happybounce: :happybounce: :happybounce:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/15/20, 11:32:53 AM
Note to self: Stay the hell away from Itasco Co.!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/15/20, 11:42:17 AM
Note to self: Stay the hell away from Itasco Co.!  :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:damn straight!!!!!!! :moon: with any luck i'll chase gunner back to iowa too!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/15/20, 11:50:24 AM
ya know.........i havent been unemployed since like 1981 0r 1982?????????? :scratch: :scratch: and that was for like 6 weeks!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/15/20, 12:03:32 PM
I was never unemployed..  went one job to another and only had 2 jobs after getting out of the service....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/15/20, 12:16:38 PM
Note to self: Stay the hell away from Itasco Co.!  :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:damn straight!!!!!!! :moon: with any luck i'll chase gunner back to iowa too!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: Already was planning heading back 'bout the end of the month. :mooning:  :scratch: Have you told your girlfriends down at Inger that your on your way yet? ;) :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/15/20, 12:25:09 PM
Note to self: Stay the hell away from Itasco Co.!  :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:damn straight!!!!!!! :moon: with any luck i'll chase gunner back to iowa too!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: Already was planning heading back 'bout the end of the month. :mooning:  :scratch: Have you told your girlfriends down at Inger that your on your way yet? ;) :nerd: :nerd:
:tut: :tut: that's your turf.... Ain't touching that!!🤪🤪
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/15/20, 12:41:33 PM
Off work for one measly week and you get unemployment????????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/15/20, 12:44:41 PM
Off work for one measly week and you get unemployment????????
I didn't make the rules, I just abide by them!!👍 This week off is complement of the corona.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/15/20, 01:35:02 PM
Yep. Getting mine next week with another 1 or 2 coming in June and July.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/15/20, 01:47:16 PM
the more i think about this.....the more i'm gonna ask fer another one!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: for the financial good of the Local Union Hall!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/15/20, 01:47:40 PM
There is a sign of hope. Hope it is true.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/15/20, 01:48:41 PM
the more i think about this.....the more i'm gonna ask fer another one!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: for the financial good of the Local Union Hall!!!!!!!!
That is why we are required to do it. For the financial good of the company.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/15/20, 02:19:25 PM
the more i think about this.....the more i'm gonna ask fer another one!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: for the financial good of the Local Union Hall!!!!!!!!
That is why we are required to do it. For the financial good of the company.
JB, what if anything are the people like the CEO, or the CCF doing?? I don't mind doing my part but I've read and seen to many stockholders and then sorts not doing anything.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/15/20, 02:23:50 PM
So does everyone getting furloughed get the $600 a week?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/15/20, 02:49:33 PM
So does everyone getting furloughed get the $600 a week?
YES............ and i just got the schedule........we all here get 4 weeks that are scattered  through the end of july!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/15/20, 03:38:50 PM
No wonder the country is going broke. LOL
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/15/20, 06:33:48 PM
Man is that creative bookeeping!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/15/20, 06:35:59 PM
No wonder the country is going broke. LOL
yea that Trump might not be such a bad guy after all  :doofus: :doofus: :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/15/20, 09:34:41 PM
Does anyone know if recycling centers are able to open Monday?? I gotta get rid of all my wife's beer cans. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/15/20, 10:08:58 PM
Stearns county made the 10 on #4 news tonight. As close as 5 miles a down the road in Rockville. Stoneys bar and a bunch more are opening Monday. So is a drive in movie theater in Litchfield.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/16/20, 06:12:36 AM
Glenn, the CEO is not taking a salary for this year. Also our raises come in April and only the hourly people got raises. The salaried people did not. The company was going review that in July for them. Eventually they will get something. And your right Trump isn't such a bad guy.😉
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/16/20, 07:55:53 AM
the more i think about this.....the more i'm gonna ask fer another one!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: for the financial good of the Local Union Hall!!!!!!!!
  :huh: Bet that wouldn't hurt the ladies at the Hall feelings either. :scratch: Even if they have to work, it'd be like a vacation! ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/16/20, 08:27:02 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/16/20, 09:22:40 AM
 :confused: :confused: :taz: :taz: :taz: :taz: :banghead: training-087 training-087they like ney, I bring in pickled fish and other treats  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/16/20, 09:24:40 AM
Glenn, the CEO is not taking a salary for this year. Also our raises come in April and only the hourly people got raises. The salaried people did not. The company was going review that in July for them. Eventually they will get something. And your right Trump isn't such a bad guy.😉
don't hear to many CEO's doing that or the stockholders.

By the way JB I had my fingers crossed when I posted that.  :nerd: :snow5: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/16/20, 09:57:24 AM
:confused: :confused: :taz: :taz: :taz: :taz: :banghead: training-087 training-087they like ney, I bring in pickled fish and other treats  :happy1:

Boar can you help translate here? :scratch:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: fishwidow on May 05/16/20, 10:05:11 AM
Does anyone know if recycling centers are able to open Monday?? I gotta get rid of all my wife's beer cans. :rotflmao:
Recycling centers are considered essential services since they recover and process raw materials for essential manufacturing. They’re also connected to trash collection, and that’s considered essential. Your center may not be open, but that would be their decision.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/16/20, 12:01:53 PM
Does anyone know if recycling centers are able to open Monday?? I gotta get rid of all my wife's beer cans. :rotflmao:
:scratch: :doah: The transfer station just north of Cohasset where we take our recyclables was open on Wednesday. Busy too.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/16/20, 12:22:25 PM
When I went to check my asparagus couple weeks ago, the one I go to said closed till further notice. :scratch: I know they take alot if stuff.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/16/20, 12:27:01 PM
Interesting article in today's local paper about some bars opening up on Monday. Sounds like the law people are sending out half azz threats about fines and losing there licenses. Yet they give the impression there not going to do anything unless someone calls and complains. And you can bet done whiny nosey people will that probably never go into them anyway. :pouty:

Let them open, still my choice to go in or not. :surrender:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/16/20, 01:13:27 PM
No wonder the country is going broke. LOL
yea that Trump might not be such a bad guy after all  :doofus: :doofus: :evil: :rotflmao:
Funny how getting paid for sitting in a boat fishing can turn around a guys thinking
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/16/20, 01:21:19 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: I know, and here I thought there's no way I could get bought!; :pouty: :scratch: :doah: :evil:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/16/20, 01:22:28 PM
Interesting article in today's local paper about some bars opening up on Monday. Sounds like the law people are sending out half azz threats about fines and losing there licenses. Yet they give the impression there not going to do anything unless someone calls and complains. And you can bet done whiny nosey people will that probably never go into them anyway. :pouty:

Let them open, still my choice to go in or not. :surrender:

'zactly. Fun places to stop for a libation & food when yer on the way thru to wherever sometimes. Didn't hang out in local bars before this, don't know why I'd start now. Spendy places to drink, even spendier if you get a shine on and get rolled.  :embarrassed:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/16/20, 01:24:28 PM
let life re-begin!!!!   :happy1: 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/16/20, 01:49:07 PM
What makes me anxious about the bars re-opening is that all it takes is one staff member of a long term health care facility to let their guard down and frequent the bars and get sick to bring it to the facility where it will spread like wildfire. Selfish of me I know because it involves my wife and mother.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/16/20, 01:54:24 PM
What makes me anxious about the bars re-opening is that all it takes is one staff member of a long term health care facility to let their guard down and frequent the bars and get sick to bring it to the facility where it will spread like wildfire. Selfish of me I know because it involves my wife and mother.

you are just being honest and that is good... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/16/20, 05:05:12 PM
Made my trip to fleet farm. There isn't any social distancing there. That place was busier then the weeks before Christmas. :crazy: :crazy:

About 1/8 of the people wore masks.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/16/20, 06:20:03 PM
I understand roony. Had it been my own Mom, might have similar feelings. FF in Owatonna was a zoo. Maybe a quarter of the people wearing masks. People were pretty good about staying out of each others way. That store is getting worse from a stocking standpoint. Product sorta shoved in here and there. No prices or discounts posted clearly on things. Sale items nonexistent. Someone needs their retail @ss kicked.  :angry:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/16/20, 07:31:12 PM
I heard the big M in Alex yesterday was the same..
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/17/20, 10:05:01 AM
st cloud paper had an article today that Geyer rental is closing there doors in both there locations due to the COVID thing and not being allowed to open. sad...…..and there are goin to be a whole lot more.

seen on the news last night a resturaunt in the cities that has 2 locations, think its called Bonfires is closing after being in business for 20 years.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/17/20, 10:18:24 AM
are the bars still going to oprn tomorrow down that way??  I heard the state is saying huge fines if they do!!! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/17/20, 10:26:57 AM
are the bars still going to oprn tomorrow down that way??  I heard the state is saying huge fines if they do!!!
sounds like it. one bar owner, the one in Rockville anyway said if I/m going down, i'll go down trying. not getting a paycheck in 2 months hurts.

and as I read that article, law enforcement seems to me isn't going to do anything unless they get some douchebag that complains. sounds like then they will go to the business, ask them to voluntarily close, if they do nuttin, if they don't they will file a report and send it up the ladder. yea there threating to pull the license and hefty fines...……..but what else are they gonna say to try and derail this. law enforcement said they cant condone eople violating Walz's order??????????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/17/20, 10:30:20 AM
that's what I'm hearing too..  education first the law was saying...  but yer right some douche bag will complain I suppose...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: merc on May 05/17/20, 10:32:05 AM
Saw on facebook last night the bars are not going to open tomorrow. Max fines of $25,000 per day and loss of license spooked them for now. They are trying to raise money to take it to court like Wisconsin did.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/17/20, 10:33:57 AM
Saw on facebook last night the bars are not going to open tomorrow. Max fines of $25,000 per day all loss of license spooked them for now. They are trying to raise money to take it to court like Wisconsin did.

I heard some thing like that but I don't have face book..  thanks Merc!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/17/20, 10:36:45 AM
Saw on facebook last night the bars are not going to open tomorrow. Max fines of $25,000 per day all loss of license spooked them for now. They are trying to raise money to take it to court like Wisconsin did.
pretty sure I seen where some group already has started a lawsuit?????? on the premise they sell the same stuff places like wallyworld sells, there oen and the small businesses cant be open.

merc………..I haven't seen or heard that but could be true. not sure how this works, Wisconsin has basically the same order as Minnesota and look what the court did over there>>>>>>>>>>

oh by the way...…...I had heard Rileys was open??????????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/17/20, 10:37:25 AM
Saw on facebook last night the bars are not going to open tomorrow. Max fines of $25,000 per day all loss of license spooked them for now. They are trying to raise money to take it to court like Wisconsin did.

I heard some thing like that but I don't have face book..  thanks Merc!!!
me either...…….this is my facebook!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: merc on May 05/17/20, 10:52:37 AM
I just watched the video again from the guy from Albany that owns six different bars in the area. He said they need $100,000 to take it to the supreme court and try to get this overturned. He has started a go fund me page. He said it took nine days in Wisconsin to get that done. Yesterday he got a call from the Attorney Generals office and was told if he opens they will get the max fine for every complaint issued against them. All I can say is good luck to him.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/17/20, 10:56:55 AM
just talked to a gal, she's a bartender in Sauk Centre...  they are not going to open and Shadys won't be opening either the way it sounds... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/17/20, 11:10:23 AM
I just watched the video again from the guy from Albany that owns six different bars in the area. He said they need $100,000 to take it to the supreme court and try to get this overturned. He has started a go fund me page. He said it took nine days in Wisconsin to get that done. Yesterday he got a call from the Attorney Generals office and was told if he opens they will get the max fine for every complaint issued against them. All I can say is good luck to him.
I am far from a lawyer but it is my understanding that Wisconsin law is different from ours in respect to Emergency Powers.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/17/20, 11:20:28 AM
I just watched the video again from the guy from Albany that owns six different bars in the area. He said they need $100,000 to take it to the supreme court and try to get this overturned. He has started a go fund me page. He said it took nine days in Wisconsin to get that done. Yesterday he got a call from the Attorney Generals office and was told if he opens they will get the max fine for every complaint issued against them. All I can say is good luck to him.
yea I wouldn't open then either...…...one more week...…….. shouldn't hurt. :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: merc on May 05/17/20, 11:32:26 AM
Just saw the go fund me is up to $101,535.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/18/20, 06:59:23 AM
heard it's up too $175,000.   they are also opening one of the Shady's bars today, Albany one...  could be interesting .... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/18/20, 07:02:14 AM

and it begins... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/18/20, 08:11:06 AM

and it begins...
if i heard it right on the radio this morning, i think i heard shady's have also filed a lawsuit!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:

my question is, will the state refund or reduce or pro rate the license fees etc because they were forced to close..........the should IMO!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/18/20, 08:12:13 AM
They just talked about it on TV too. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/18/20, 11:48:13 AM
thinking out loud here................i dont know why but somehow with all the  :scratch: :scratch: not sure the right words, but hostility, the feedback we see and hear about bars etc not allowed to open till june 1................does anyone else get the feeling it mat happen sooner?????????????? :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:

i mean missing out on potential business was bad enough fishing opener........but man memorial weekend too............ UFFDA!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/18/20, 12:16:43 PM
sounds like Crow Wing Cty is going to help the bars open so to speak...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/18/20, 12:19:49 PM
I don't see why the forced closing of a business isn't a taking, requiring compensation as specified in the Constitution.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/18/20, 01:40:34 PM
The heat's only going to increase on the Gov. & his policies especially in outstate. Some folks in here this a.m. who had been to bar & grill  establishments in IA over the weekend. WI friends were out in full force over there. My black market haircut is about half an hour away. I doubt Keith Ellison will be able to send the SS (Salon & Stylist) troops out here in time to stop it. :afro:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/18/20, 02:18:28 PM
The heat's only going to increase on the Gov. & his policies especially in outstate. Some folks in here this a.m. who had been to bar & grill  establishments in IA over the weekend. WI friends were out in full force over there. My black market haircut is about half an hour away. I doubt Keith Ellison will be able to send the SS (Salon & Stylist) troops out here in time to stop it. :afro:

Half an hour?   That's not too far from here ....   If he doesn't come through on june 1, given that his hair is nicely trimmed, he will lose even my wife's support.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/18/20, 02:50:59 PM
sounds like the state stopped the bar from opening..... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/18/20, 02:58:47 PM
I wondered how that was going to play out. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/18/20, 03:17:35 PM
sounds like the state stopped the bar from opening.....
that and legal advice from Shady's attorney.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/18/20, 03:19:34 PM
sounds like the state stopped the bar from opening.....
that and legal advice from Shady's attorney.

tell us more....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/18/20, 03:21:46 PM
Just that Shady's attorney advised them not to open.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/18/20, 03:29:03 PM
He is getting slammed by the public for being dangerous and wasting time on public officials with his stunt.  Especially with that county at such high numbers of covid. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/18/20, 03:42:50 PM
He is getting slammed by the public for being dangerous and wasting time on public officials with his stunt.  Especially with that county at such high numbers of covid.

haven't seen any of that, at least where I was reading about it....   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/18/20, 07:34:39 PM
I feel for the guy too.  Tough decision to make.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/18/20, 07:38:38 PM
all I have seen from some reports are folks out front supporting him and wanting in.   I'm in no rush to go to the bar, but I can understand the freedom of the decision they want... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/18/20, 07:46:49 PM
Part of the reason everyone is down on him is noone in the pics have on masks and no social distancing.  Worry about what it will be inside the bar.  I am neutral. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/18/20, 07:54:32 PM
Part of the reason everyone is down on him is noone in the pics have on masks and no social distancing.  Worry about what it will be inside the bar.  I am neutral.

I understand that, but I just cant't find anything saying that... it is what it is I'm thinking for them...  I just hope things work out on the cure side of this....    just sayin.....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/18/20, 08:11:33 PM
Star Tribune.  Lots of pictures.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/19/20, 07:31:53 AM
Part of the reason everyone is down on him is noone in the pics have on masks and no social distancing.  Worry about what it will be inside the bar.  I am neutral. 
:scratch: Anybody see the videos of all the places that opened up over in Wisconsin last week? Looked like business as usual over there, people were elbow to elbow. :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/19/20, 07:47:30 AM
Have kind of thought I would like to get it and get it over with but now the guys on that ship the Roosevelt are getting the covid for the 2nd time.  Like 13 of them so far.  SO getting it doesn't mean you won't get it again it seems. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/19/20, 07:58:03 AM
We might have our grandson over the Mem weekend.  We were going to call it off but his parents think it is just fine so will continue the tradition.  He is 9.  I am a little apprehensive about it.  Actually they are more worried about us than him.  There are no covid scares in their county neither. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/19/20, 11:15:15 AM
Have kind of thought I would like to get it and get it over with but now the guys on that ship the Roosevelt are getting the covid for the 2nd time.  Like 13 of them so far.  SO getting it doesn't mean you won't get it again it seems. 
Just seen some expert on TV talk about this & she said the same thing, having the antibodies doesn't mean you have immunity. :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/19/20, 11:31:43 AM
So what is the new plan then?  Just go with the flow?  I feel hypocritical for having the Grandson come up but I only know one person that has the covid.  And he lives 400 miles away from here.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/19/20, 11:35:26 AM
So what is the new plan then?  Just go with the flow?  I feel hypocritical for having the Grandson come up but I only know one person that has the covid.  And he lives 400 miles away from here.
my opinion for what its worth LPS.............. you need to do what you feel comfortable with. i dont know of anyone thats had it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/19/20, 11:41:46 AM
So what is the new plan then?  Just go with the flow?  I feel hypocritical for having the Grandson come up but I only know one person that has the covid.  And he lives 400 miles away from here.
my opinion for what its worth LPS.............. you need to do what you feel comfortable with. i dont know of anyone thats had it.

I agree, and life does go on...  we can't live in a bubble forever...   or at least I can't....  I take things more cautiously but I'm not stopping...  and no I don't know anyone who has it, yet...  I'm sure we all will know someone sooner or later... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/19/20, 12:08:57 PM
Seems likely that most of us will get it eventually. Being in the "high risk" group I'd  like to put it off until the health care system has more knowledge and tools to deal with it. We just had another case come to light at work. Not really afraid of dying but dont know what the warden would do without me... Too much to do around here.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/19/20, 12:12:18 PM
Yupper. Gotta do what seems right to/for you Barry. I plan on contunuing my therapeutic treatments again tonite!  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/19/20, 12:16:01 PM
Yupper. Gotta do what seems right to/for you Barry. I plan on contunuing my therapeutic treatments again tonite!  :happy1:
If some is good more is better!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/19/20, 12:22:22 PM
Have kind of thought I would like to get it and get it over with but now the guys on that ship the Roosevelt are getting the covid for the 2nd time.  Like 13 of them so far.  SO getting it doesn't mean you won't get it again it seems.

From what I have been seeing, not sure they got it again or are having some symptoms like a relapse even though they had tested negative.   But not sure I want to go to a bar bad enough to get it  even if I were young, which I'm not. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/19/20, 01:04:46 PM
Ya we will just be here at the river the whole time anyways.  Was fun to go shopping with him but we won't do that.  He will be our first visitor since all of this started.  We need it. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/19/20, 01:08:53 PM
Have fun with your grandson!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/19/20, 01:13:16 PM
2nd roony
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/19/20, 01:13:54 PM
Thanks.  The wife is just giddy about it.  Love seeing that.   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/19/20, 01:23:11 PM
Ya we will just be here at the river the whole time anyways.  Was fun to go shopping with him but we won't do that.  He will be our first visitor since all of this started.  We need it.
so you told BOAR to stay the hell away!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/19/20, 02:55:50 PM
Oh ya!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on May 05/19/20, 03:27:37 PM
This is a quote from a diary on the pandemic in 1665....  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/19/20, 03:35:23 PM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on May 05/19/20, 03:42:58 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/19/20, 03:52:13 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/19/20, 04:40:24 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  That is a good one.  They really liked them pointy back then didn't they?  And lots of lipstick.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/19/20, 08:48:58 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:  That is a good one.  They really liked them pointy back then didn't they?  And lots of lipstick.

What you mean "back then"?  Speak for yourself...  At least they were real 'back then"
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/19/20, 08:53:58 PM
You'll put your eye out del!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/19/20, 08:54:15 PM
Yea Del, speak for yourself, I'm not old enough to remember "back then". :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/19/20, 09:32:17 PM
You'll put your eye out del!
I wear glasses.  And I'll take my chances
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/20/20, 06:54:23 AM
Have kind of thought I would like to get it and get it over with but now the guys on that ship the Roosevelt are getting the covid for the 2nd time.  Like 13 of them so far.  SO getting it doesn't mean you won't get it again it seems. 
Just seen some expert on TV talk about this & she said the same thing, having the antibodies doesn't mean you have immunity. :scratch:
They just said on NBC nightly news last night that once you get it you do have immunity once you have the antibodies and that you can't spread it either. Also said on the radio this morning that they are contributing people getting it a 2nd time to bad test results.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/20/20, 07:11:17 AM
I wondered about the testing issue. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/20/20, 08:36:27 AM
I wondered about the testing issue.
#metoo........ :confused: :confused:

the more this drags on the more frustrating and iritating this gets. ya cant go camping, ya just started to get to go to the BWCA, ya cant go to a bar or resturant............but you can go into walmart, fleet farm or menards. places that are swarming with people!!! :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/20/20, 08:49:37 AM
As I mentioned in the Morning thread we are heading to the Dentist this morning.  It is our regular scheduled appt.  Just got lucky with the timing of it.  We just got a text that we must wear a mask when we arrive.  I am curious to see how they clean my teeth with a mask on!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/20/20, 08:52:52 AM
As I mentioned in the Morning thread we are heading to the Dentist this morning.  It is our regular scheduled appt.  Just got lucky with the timing of it.  We just got a text that we must wear a mask when we arrive.  I am curious to see how they clean my teeth with a mask on!
yea no kidding  :doofus: :doofus: :crazy: :crazy:

maybe it'll have a hole in it like Monica Lewinski's mask!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/20/20, 08:53:52 AM
Ya that was real funny Glenn...     :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/20/20, 08:55:02 AM
Had dental work done a week ago, nothing was different from normal
 Monica wasn't present.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/20/20, 08:57:09 AM
Minnesota has exceeded Trump's guidelines on reopening. Still painful for many.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/20/20, 09:02:31 AM
i'm still having a real small glimmer of hope these bars and restrurants will be able to open for the 3 day weekend!!!!!!! :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/20/20, 11:37:45 AM
went to 3 store this morning, things were picked over good!!   meat prices are going up...  customers were very rude at one store, acting as if they were the only person there and they would run you over!!!  gas is up too $1.79 in Alex too... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/20/20, 11:55:56 AM
Locker plant is now one full year out on butchering. Good thing I got as much done when I did. Place is busy beyond belief. Was almost out the door on Saturday. He's had to hire more help. Grocery store is maintaining well. Supplies are maintaining right down to the @sswipe. Prices on many things including that are higher.

It hasn't been so bad in Bugtussle here mike but when I've been to larger municipalities I've experienced more of the rude behavior and a general sense of animosity between shoppers trying to maintain their distancing. From the mask wearers who are in the minority, I've got the stinkeye and heard occasional comments about not wearing one. Rather than get into it with them & start quoting Dr. Michael Osterholm I just ignore it.     
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/20/20, 12:15:27 PM
Dentist visit went well.  Took my mask off for the procedure.  I grew up in Luverne.  Lots of big hog barns down there.  I had mentioned getting a hog for next to nothing and my buddy down there said all of the small town lockers are full up until March next year. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/20/20, 12:26:15 PM
I agree Dotch!! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/20/20, 12:40:14 PM
Locker plant is now one full year out on butchering. Good thing I got as much done when I did. Place is busy beyond belief. Was almost out the door on Saturday. He's had to hire more help. Grocery store is maintaining well. Supplies are maintaining right down to the @sswipe. Prices on many things including that are higher.

It hasn't been so bad in Bugtussle here mike but when I've been to larger municipalities I've experienced more of the rude behavior and a general sense of animosity between shoppers trying to maintain their distancing. From the mask wearers who are in the minority, I've got the stinkeye and heard occasional comments about not wearing one. Rather than get into it with them & start quoting Dr. Michael Osterholm I just ignore it.   
idda told them to mind there own effin business  training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/20/20, 01:02:02 PM
 :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: just today alone.......i've read on MSN's homepage 2 businesses permenantly shutting there doors. one been in business 49 years the other 29, this just down in the cities. shoulda started keeping track. this is  :bs: :bs:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/20/20, 01:23:09 PM
Ya that was real funny Glenn...     :rotflmao:
Actually it was.  Very creative. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/20/20, 01:26:09 PM
Ya I know it actually was.   :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/20/20, 01:32:12 PM
Locker plant is now one full year out on butchering. Good thing I got as much done when I did. Place is busy beyond belief. Was almost out the door on Saturday. He's had to hire more help. Grocery store is maintaining well. Supplies are maintaining right down to the @sswipe. Prices on many things including that are higher.

It hasn't been so bad in Bugtussle here mike but when I've been to larger municipalities I've experienced more of the rude behavior and a general sense of animosity between shoppers trying to maintain their distancing. From the mask wearers who are in the minority, I've got the stinkeye and heard occasional comments about not wearing one. Rather than get into it with them & start quoting Dr. Michael Osterholm I just ignore it.   

Maybe you should put a copy of your test that read negative recently around your neck so folks would know  that you are clean and can shop bareback. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/20/20, 01:38:55 PM
Ya I know it actually was.   :happy1:
:nerd: :nerd:

there is actually a meme.seen it somewhere with Bill and Monica pictured together........Bill had a fully enclosed face mask........Monicas had a perfectly placed hole cut out around the mouth!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/20/20, 01:45:24 PM
Went to get my driver's license renewed today. Not many people but it still was a long wait. Started with a line outside because they only allowed two people in at a time. Start to finish two hours. :doofus: :thumbs:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/20/20, 02:03:43 PM
Feb 27th is when I get my real Id drivers licence applied for...  still have not gotten it yet....  almost 3 months!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/20/20, 02:05:19 PM
Went to get my driver's license renewed today. Not many people but it still was a long wait. Started with a line outside because they only allowed two people in at a time. Start to finish two hours. :doofus: :thumbs:

This was at Waseca I presume?  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Cooperman on May 05/20/20, 02:06:07 PM
Have kind of thought I would like to get it and get it over with but now the guys on that ship the Roosevelt are getting the covid for the 2nd time.  Like 13 of them so far.  SO getting it doesn't mean you won't get it again it seems. 
Just seen some expert on TV talk about this & she said the same thing, having the antibodies doesn't mean you have immunity. :scratch:
They just said on NBC nightly news last night that once you get it you do have immunity once you have the antibodies and that you can't spread it either. Also said on the radio this morning that they are contributing people getting it a 2nd time to bad test results.

When I heard about the Roosevelt crew getting sick for the second time, the first thing that came to mind was, they must have gotten a hold of some Chinese test kits?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/20/20, 02:06:29 PM
I just renewed my passport do I still need a Real ID?  I suppose.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/20/20, 02:25:30 PM
I don't think so, it's one or the other ya need I think...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/20/20, 02:42:17 PM
I just renewed my passport do I still need a Real ID?  I suppose.

No.  A passport will totally do the job.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/20/20, 03:13:43 PM
 :confused: :confused: :angry2: :angry2:

i'm officially changing my address to
cold spring russiasota!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/20/20, 03:36:59 PM
Went to get my driver's license renewed today. Not many people but it still was a long wait. Started with a line outside because they only allowed two people in at a time. Start to finish two hours. :doofus: :thumbs:

This was at Waseca I presume?  :scratch:
Yes, I'm not blaming the girls, they were working hard and were pleasant. just the way it is. Enhanced ID made it take a while to process mine. They wouldn't let me wear a mask for the photo.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/20/20, 03:48:43 PM
Went to get my driver's license renewed today. Not many people but it still was a long wait. Started with a line outside because they only allowed two people in at a time. Start to finish two hours. :doofus: :thumbs:

This was at Waseca I presume?  :scratch:
Yes, I'm not blaming the girls, they were working hard and were pleasant. just the way it is. Enhanced ID made it take a while to process mine. They wouldn't let me wear a mask for the photo.

what no mask in your photo!!!!????   oh No!!!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/21/20, 06:57:25 AM
Yep, last week da gov surprised me when he let the stay at home expire. Now he surprised me on how stupid his plan is for opening bars and restaurants  :crazy: :crazy:. Outside seating only. Salons only 25% capacity and gyms still can't open. Ha just can't let go of control. May have to start calling him governor Putin. I seen on the news the other day where a casino is reopening and they had plexiglass dividers between each bar stool and between slot machine. Ya think the dimwit could follow their example. But it does sound like campgrounds may be able to open. Can't remember if I heard that right or not.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/21/20, 08:22:36 AM
Catholic and Lutheran Churches are going to re-open with their own restrictions and protocols in defiance of the governor's order to limit public gatherings to 10 or less.

"We believe that those circumstances have changed, as confirmed by the Governor’s decision to end the Stay-at-Home order and allow more commerce. It is now permissible for an unspecified number of people to go to shopping malls and enter stores, so long as no more than 50 percent of the occupancy capacity is reached. Big-box stores have hundreds of people inside at any one time, and the number of goods that are being handled and distributed in one store by many people—stock staff, customers, cashiers—is astounding. Workers are present for many hours per day, often in close proximity. There is no state mandate that customers wear masks in those malls or stores, wash their hands consistently, or follow any specific cleaning protocol.

An order that sweeps so broadly that it prohibits, for example, a gathering of 11 people in a Cathedral with a seating capacity of several thousand defies reason. Therefore, we have chosen to move forward in the absence of any specific timeline laid out by Governor Walz and his Administration. We cannot allow an indefinite suspension of the public celebration of the Mass."
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/21/20, 08:31:35 AM
i agree with JB.......yesterdays announcement is an effin joke!!!!!!! :confused: :confused: :confused: :mad1: :mad1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/21/20, 08:40:51 AM
And good too see that with all these businesses shut down and massive unemployment that the gov decided state employees will be getting a raise.  :angry2: But God for bid you go to a bar or church. What a bunch of  :bs:!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/21/20, 08:48:09 AM
And good too see that with all these businesses shut down and massive unemployment that the gov decided state employees will be getting a raise.  :angry2: But God for bid you go to a bar or church. What a bunch of  :bs:!

amen!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/21/20, 09:09:09 AM
And good too see that with all these businesses shut down and massive unemployment that the gov decided state employees will be getting a raise.  :angry2: But God for bid you go to a bar or church. What a bunch of  :bs:!
not to start a arguement here, BUT............ those pay raises are part of a contract that was negotiated in good faith. yes they could, both sides agree on some alternative deal. the way the politicians piss money away they need to honor that contract.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/21/20, 09:24:54 AM
Went to get my driver's license renewed today. Not many people but it still was a long wait. Started with a line outside because they only allowed two people in at a time. Start to finish two hours. :doofus: :thumbs:

This was at Waseca I presume?  :scratch:
Yes, I'm not blaming the girls, they were working hard and were pleasant. just the way it is. Enhanced ID made it take a while to process mine. They wouldn't let me wear a mask for the photo.

Good thing I got a shave & a haircut or I could've been mistaken for some fugitive! Yes, they're always on the stick & nice to deal with. Doesn't hurt to know some of them. Good to know they're open again. My license expired too so imagine I need to get in there one of these days. I have my passport & it's good for a few years yet so think I'll probably go the regular route for now.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/21/20, 02:34:18 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: just an article on MSN homepage about how screwed up covid testing is in the united states by Mike Olsterholm from the U of M!!!!!!!!!!!!!

all i'm going to say is based on this article.............there isnt any information or stats i now will ever believe about this. what a friggin crock!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/22/20, 06:58:05 AM
And good too see that with all these businesses shut down and massive unemployment that the gov decided state employees will be getting a raise.  :angry2: But God for bid you go to a bar or church. What a bunch of  :bs:!
not to start a arguement here, BUT............ those pay raises are part of a contract that was negotiated in good faith. yes they could, both sides agree on some alternative deal. the way the politicians piss money away they need to honor that contract.
You just had to go and start an argument didn't ya.  ;) JK, that is a part of the story that they didn't say on the radio. Would have been better if they didn't announce it at all.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/22/20, 10:29:24 AM
Sounds like the State Fair hangs in the balance today. Some subtle hints it's not gonna happen. No emails to livestock exhibitors concerning the IRS dipping diesel tanks on pickups or contracts for camper parking being distributed yet. No go ahead for livestock superintendents to hire help for their shows. Hope they make a decision, the sooner the better. Have animals we're feeding just in case that might as well be on pasture. Pretty sure SD will still have their fair but it's a pretty scaled down version of the great MN get together. It's a shame. We had a pretty nice group this year, especially out of a new ram we paid some good coin for. Not all for naught. This year's lambs can still compete as yearlings and gives us the element of surprise after laying in the weeds for a year.

More bad news: 

  https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/mayo-clinic-doctors-find-covid-19-antibody-tests/story?id=70803740&id=70803740&cid=social_twitter_abcn&__twitter_impression=true   (https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/mayo-clinic-doctors-find-covid-19-antibody-tests/story?id=70803740&id=70803740&cid=social_twitter_abcn&__twitter_impression=true) 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/22/20, 10:51:15 AM
yea this is an effin sheetshow!!!!!!!!! who dont think the border bars arent gonna be full of minn residents. or restrurants for that matter............ doesnt make sense you have the surrounding 4 states open for business and we got this crap........and getting more stringent in my opinion. minneapolis is requiring masks out in public starting next tuesday...........where was this 2 months ago?????? why now????????

i wonder how this reilion standoff is going to go.........is that nimwit Ellision going to sue them like he did the Shady's owner??????

one of our members stopped by this morning, he's working by rochester.....he said resturaunts are open there.

OK i'll get of my high horse............. maybe i'll just go to wallyworld!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :doofus: :doofus: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/22/20, 11:05:38 AM
take a selfie while in Wally world!!!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/22/20, 11:09:01 AM
State Fair cancelled. Not a big surprise I guess. Thank goodness we can still go to Walmart
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/22/20, 11:22:55 AM
and the big M as long as you wear a mask!!!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/22/20, 11:26:07 AM
and the big M as long as you wear a mask!!!   :rotflmao:
:mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/22/20, 11:44:25 AM
Some lady slapped a Menards employee in Mankato for telling her she had to wear a mask.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/22/20, 11:48:44 AM
Some lady slapped a Menards employee in Mankato for telling her she had to wear a mask.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: not really funny  but it is. could be considered assault!???

IF i went to menards... i'd abide by there mask policy...........but i aint paying then no friggin dollar for it.........sure hope dotches masks get to me soon!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/22/20, 11:56:41 AM
I hope so too! We want pictures... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/22/20, 12:36:39 PM
yea I want to see that too Glenn!!!! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/22/20, 12:39:25 PM
unfortunetly at this time i dont know how to post pictures!!!!!! :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/22/20, 02:46:03 PM
ya can forward it to Dotch and he can post it!!!! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/22/20, 03:41:12 PM
Some lady slapped a Menards employee in Mankato for telling her she had to wear a mask.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: not really funny  but it is. could be considered assault!???

IF i went to menards... i'd abide by there mask policy...........but i aint paying then no friggin dollar for it.........sure hope dotches masks get to me soon!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Just tie a bandanna over your face like a cowboy.   They probably would accept that.   Go to mayo, they will give you a mask if you don't have one...  then stop at menards on way home... :mooning:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/23/20, 04:33:21 PM
so WTF...….. with this deal Walz made with the churches.  :angry2: :angry2:
6 ft social distance between households
occupancy up to 25% of what the fire marshall would typically allow with a max of 250 people indoors or outside.
and they have to develop and implement a COVID19  response plan.

 :tut: :tut: :angry2: :angry2: :confused: :banghead: :banghead: :taz: :taz: training-087 training-087

so how are they any more priveleged or special then a food place or bar. what a bunch of crap!!!!!!
and the Shady's guy had to go to court...………... :doofus: :doofus: :doofus: :doofus: :doofus: :doofus: :doofus: :doofus: :doofus: :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/23/20, 05:14:12 PM
It's a joke & a bad one at that. ~12 pages of garbage in the order. I agree about the bar & restaurant situation. Not everyone is set up for outdoor dining either. And for places that are, could you imagine dining outside with the waves of showers & thunderstorms that went through here today? Or just as bad, trying to manage employees under those same circumstances?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/23/20, 05:36:05 PM
ta heck wit it...…..i'm gonna mix me some cocktails!!!!!! :drinking: :drinking: :tequila;

momma left me again fer the nite!!!!!! :dancinred: :blues brothers: :rocker; er I mean  :doah: :cry: :cry:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/23/20, 10:18:29 PM
ta heck wit it...…..i'm gonna mix me some cocktails!!!!!! :drinking: :drinking: :tequila;

momma left me again fer the nite!!!!!! :dancinred: :blues brothers: :rocker; er I mean  :doah: :cry: :cry:
Grumpy as you are I don't blame her....    Yeah Walz did exactly like I expected... The absolute minimum he could get away with.   With the churches, and the constitution and all that, the Catholics and one flavor of Lutherans called his bluff.   What with letting MOA and Macys etc open up he knew he didn't have a viable position.    He stabbed the restaurants in the back with the outdoors only thing.   Not many restaurants have enough outdoor seating to be viable at whatever percent he gave them, even not counting the weather issues.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/24/20, 08:32:24 AM
 :rotflmao: ha Del...…...i'm not always grumpy!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: we get along just fine. or we wouldn't of lasted 31 years together! :happy1:

I did read however, iffin I read between the lines correctly, Walz maybe is leaving a sliver of an opening to the bars and retaurants to lighten up on his stupid rules!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Boar on May 05/24/20, 10:02:53 AM
more whining...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/24/20, 10:06:26 AM
more whining...
:pouty: :pouty: awe....go play intraffic!!!!!!! :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/24/20, 10:40:22 AM
:rotflmao: ha Del...…...i'm not always grumpy!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: we get along just fine. or we wouldn't of lasted 31 years together! :happy1:

I did read however, iffin I read between the lines correctly, Walz maybe is leaving a sliver of an opening to the bars and retaurants to lighten up on his stupid rules!!!!!
Congrats! I didn't know you and del had been together that long.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/24/20, 10:59:54 AM
:rotflmao: ha Del...…...i'm not always grumpy!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: we get along just fine. or we wouldn't of lasted 31 years together! :happy1:

I did read however, iffin I read between the lines correctly, Walz maybe is leaving a sliver of an opening to the bars and retaurants to lighten up on his stupid rules!!!!!
Congrats! I didn't know you and del had been together that long.

now dats funny!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/24/20, 12:03:36 PM
 :taz: :taz: :banghead: :banghead: my wife silly!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/24/20, 12:59:09 PM
And what a nice couple they are!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/25/20, 05:57:37 PM
ta heck wit it...…..i'm gonna mix me some cocktails!!!!!! :drinking: :drinking: :tequila;

momma left me again fer the nite!!!!!! :dancinred: :blues brothers: :rocker; er I mean  :doah: :cry: :cry:
Grumpy as you are I don't blame her....    Yeah Walz did exactly like I expected... The absolute minimum he could get away with.   With the churches, and the constitution and all that, the Catholics and one flavor of Lutherans called his bluff.   What with letting MOA and Macys etc open up he knew he didn't have a viable position.    He stabbed the restaurants in the back with the outdoors only thing.   Not many restaurants have enough outdoor seating to be viable at whatever percent he gave them, even not counting the weather issues.

Restaurants have a tough enough time making a go of it at 100% capacity.  I don't care if he allows 35%, 30% or 50%, it ain't enough to keep them going.  Outdoor only.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/25/20, 06:58:12 PM
 :happy1: :happy1: your finally coming around Steveo! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/25/20, 07:06:12 PM
I changed to no comment.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/25/20, 07:25:49 PM
ta heck wit it...…..i'm gonna mix me some cocktails!!!!!! :drinking: :drinking: :tequila;

momma left me again fer the nite!!!!!! :dancinred: :blues brothers: :rocker; er I mean  :doah: :cry: :cry:
Grumpy as you are I don't blame her....    Yeah Walz did exactly like I expected... The absolute minimum he could get away with.   With the churches, and the constitution and all that, the Catholics and one flavor of Lutherans called his bluff.   What with letting MOA and Macys etc open up he knew he didn't have a viable position.    He stabbed the restaurants in the back with the outdoors only thing.   Not many restaurants have enough outdoor seating to be viable at whatever percent he gave them, even not counting the weather issues.

Restaurants have a tough enough time making a go of it at 100% capacity.  I don't care if he allows 35%, 30% or 50%, it ain't enough to keep them going.  Outdoor only.


Hope you union dudes remember this when he is up for re-election... :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Lee Borgersen on May 05/27/20, 08:19:08 AM

 :angry2: Just plain stupid............. :bonk: :banghead: :party1:

I think the releasing of prisoners is one of the most idiotic consequences of the whole coronavirus

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/27/20, 11:46:45 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/27/20, 12:21:55 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/27/20, 12:36:25 PM

True data, unfortunately they are both holding the cards right now
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on June 06/05/20, 08:36:05 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on June 06/10/20, 01:43:10 PM
here's a good one for ya Glenn!!

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on June 06/10/20, 03:10:48 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  I bet his wife has already been making him do that.   :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/10/20, 04:46:57 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  I bet his wife has already been making him do that.   :sleazy:
brown paper bags don't count
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/10/20, 05:20:36 PM
 :pouty: :pouty: :tut: :tut: along with my charming personality, my drop dead good looks is what was her fatal attraction. :sleazy: :sleazy: well that and..... Well this IS a family site!! :hubba: :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on June 06/10/20, 05:30:09 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on June 06/10/20, 05:49:55 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/12/20, 11:10:53 AM
Man this crap is getting old. All you hear on the news, COVID, George Floyd, rioting and now pushing over statues. :angry2: :confused:

Same with the local newspaper. :confused: no sports to write about, local events are tiny articles. :pouty: almost not worth the paper it's written on. Good thing for the TV guide and the comics. Can't believe the weather forecast. :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on June 06/12/20, 11:18:35 AM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on June 06/12/20, 02:06:26 PM
I watch the news until they get on that stuff and then I turn on the Sportsman or Outdoor channel or a food show.  I am getting tired of the social distancing thing too.  BUT my wife still is pretty serious about it so I do honor her feelings and am being careful about it.  It wouldn't be fair for me to bring it home to her cuz I didn't try. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/12/20, 02:26:17 PM
I watch the news until they get on that stuff and then I turn on the Sportsman or Outdoor channel or a food show.  I am getting tired of the social distancing thing too.  BUT my wife still is pretty serious about it so I do honor her feelings and am being careful about it.  It wouldn't be fair for me to bring it home to her cuz I didn't try.

Just chill out and watch dukes of hazzard on Amazon Prime..... Oh, wait...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on June 06/12/20, 03:15:12 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on June 06/15/20, 04:33:04 PM
I saw on the noon news that states on the coasts including the Gulf Coast have the most increases in Covid now.  Partly from having get togethers I think.  AND there are a lot of people there so one little slip and they all get it.  Well I just read that the Cowboys and the Texans have players that have tested positive to the Crud.  Ezekiel Elliot is one of them.   

PS:  So far the Canadian Coast in Central MN is in good shape!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/15/20, 04:52:28 PM
Cases in MN continue to drop, in spite of the riots the last few weeks..  Another of life's little mysteries. :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on June 06/15/20, 05:21:14 PM
I don't know if they are dropping Del, we are up over 30,000 confirmed cases....if you look at the graphics, we plane off a little, they remove some restrictions, we go up...plane off a little, they remove some more restrictions, we go up, then start to plane off....

These are just my observations since we have been deemed essential, and I have been one of those idjets that have been taking temps and wearing a mask  :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on June 06/15/20, 05:43:11 PM
Very interesting HD.  So the numbers are actually doing just what we all knew they would.  The more activity the higher the transmission rate.  Hope it doesn't go crazy.  A little uptick is not such a bad thing as that does include the more testing program too so numbers will go up with more testing.  But hopefully the Covid people are getting aren't real aggresive cases. 

A friend of mine just called me today and his son who is 21 years old, a perfect example of health, good athlete so eats good, takes care of his body etc.  He has Covid!  The last person you would expect to get it.  Has had flu symptoms, headache,,tired.  He got tested and he has the Crud!  He did admit that he went to a 3 or 4 day resort thing somewhere with some other college buddies.  About a week ago.  SO he could have gotten it there.  Will be interesting to see if anyone else there gets it.  OR could have gotten it at any store or gas station.  Countless options.  Hopefully it is just a flu feeling thing and then hopefully he is over it. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/15/20, 06:40:41 PM
I have been looking at the MN depth of health covid situation update, updated every day at 11am.   New cases have been going down, hospitalizations and icu going down, deaths going down.  St Louis county hasn't had a new case for several days.

It is an interesting site.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on June 06/15/20, 07:02:30 PM
We've been using the coronavirus update though the search engine "Bing" updated every time you click on it.

I'm not sure which is more accurate  :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/15/20, 08:51:41 PM
I don't know if they are dropping Del, we are up over 30,000 confirmed cases....if you look at the graphics, we plane off a little, they remove some restrictions, we go up...plane off a little, they remove some more restrictions, we go up, then start to plane off....

These are just my observations since we have been deemed essential, and I have been one of those idjets that have been taking temps and wearing a mask  :doah:
and how many of those 30,000 are over it of needed hospitals?? Scewed data.granted some get nasty.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/16/20, 06:51:17 AM
I don't know if they are dropping Del, we are up over 30,000 confirmed cases....if you look at the graphics, we plane off a little, they remove some restrictions, we go up...plane off a little, they remove some more restrictions, we go up, then start to plane off....

These are just my observations since we have been deemed essential, and I have been one of those idjets that have been taking temps and wearing a mask  :doah:
and how many of those 30,000 are over it of needed hospitals?? Scewed data.granted some get nasty.
As of the report yesterday, there have been 30,693 confirmed cases, and 1304 deaths.   422,922 tests have been done.   

Of the 1304 deaths, 1034 have been in care facilities.   

26,609 cases have recovered and "no longer need isolation"   

353 cases are in the hospital, of which 186 are in ICU.   

They don't tell how many total have been in the hospital, but at the moment we have about 3000 active cases and 350 in the hospital so 12%.   If the proportions remain similar that would be 3500 people ended up hospitalized.   

Best I can do with the numbers available.   The state updates them every day, and recently new cases and hospitalizations have been declining.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/16/20, 02:18:18 PM
Not sure what to make of the numbers.

1,313 total deaths.  1,041 in long term care facilities (79%).  272 not in long term care (21%).

They do not (or no longer) report cumulative deaths as a function of age, but for the 9 new deaths yesterday, 2 vicims were in their 60s and and 7 were in their 80s and 90s.  I think we all suspect most victims are in the 70s, 80s, and beyond.

There are now 30,882 cumulative cases. 

Hennepin County alone = 10,323 Cases (33%); 724 Deaths (55%)

All 5 Twin Cities Metro Counties with Hennepin = 18,686 Cases (60.5%); 1,117 Deaths (85%)

Greater Minnesota = 12,196 Cases (39.5%); 196 Deaths (15%)

One-size-fits-all state-wide executive orders to manage the crisis?  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on June 06/17/20, 09:54:39 AM
Agree Steve-O. And one more thing the data doesn't show is the breakdown within the counties themselves. For instance, in the rural counties there is nothing to tell you where those cases were from in the county itself and whether they were transmitted as a result of the workplace environment, LTC, occurred in a municipality or what. That's especially true in the counties where meat packing plants exist and where outbreaks occurred in LTC scenarios. The care centers are named but numbers are not quantified. My neighbor got tested for COVID prior to his kidney stone surgery so will be interesting to see how he comes out.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/17/20, 12:51:38 PM
at lunchtime, reading the stat and tribune i seen a half page ad. looks like the ole moondance jam is still happenin up in walker july 16-18th.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on June 06/17/20, 12:57:34 PM
at lunchtime, reading the stat and tribune i seen a half page ad. looks like the ole moondance jam is still happenin up in walker july 16-18th.

I don't thunk so, I read it was canceled...  look it up for us!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/17/20, 01:03:43 PM
at lunchtime, reading the stat and tribune i seen a half page ad. looks like the ole moondance jam is still happenin up in walker july 16-18th.

I don't thunk so, I read it was canceled...  look it up for us!!!
:shocked: :undecided: :pouty: :pouty: your retired you do it!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: i just looked at the ad again......its todays paper, nothing in the ad says its canceled, matter oh fact it even said plenty of room to distance.

you prove me wrong!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :evil: your turn!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on June 06/17/20, 01:11:07 PM
ok here ya are!!!  and ya asked for it!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/17/20, 01:16:51 PM
ok here ya are!!!  and ya asked for it!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

yea that sya its canceled..............why put an ad in the paper where it doesnt state that. well baffle me silly!!!!!!!! :crazy: :crazy: :doofus: :doofus: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on June 06/17/20, 01:23:28 PM
the ad was most likely already paid for.... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on June 06/17/20, 02:05:26 PM
ok here ya are!!!  and ya asked for it!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

  :happy1: Good thing he doesn't get everything he asks for/deserves!! ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on June 06/17/20, 04:30:10 PM
For some reason....Lee sent me this to post....What a perv.....

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Lee Borgersen on June 06/17/20, 05:02:09 PM
For some reason....Lee sent me this to post....What a perv.....


   :angry2: Everyone knows me better den dat! :blues brothers:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on June 06/17/20, 05:23:23 PM
I would let her continue shopping!   :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on June 06/17/20, 05:27:02 PM
For some reason....Lee sent me this to post....What a perv.....


   :angry2: Everyone knows me better den dat! :blues brothers:

I have the email time line on file.... do you want me to post it for proof, or are you going to own up?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Lee Borgersen on June 06/17/20, 05:33:12 PM
I would let her continue shopping!   :sleazy:

We know all about you and yer tricks! :tut:

I kin see it now :doah:  LPS drops his change at her feet....Den proceeds ta Kneel down ta pick up his change. Now ya know da rest a-da story! :wowza:

      Peek-A Boo! :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on June 06/17/20, 05:55:35 PM
sounds like a good plan to me!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/17/20, 06:41:01 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: I believe HD's version. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Lee Borgersen on June 06/18/20, 06:53:46 AM
For some reason....Lee sent me this to post....What a perv.....


   :angry2: Everyone knows me better den dat! :blues brothers:

I have the email time line on file.... do you want me to post it for proof, or are you going to own up?

 :oops1: :sorry: you are correct :doah: I just checked my sent messages and I did send it to you. :surrender: :bow:

I ment ta send it ta yer son!  :bonk: :rotflmao: I hope ya didn't get no chest pains while you were viewing da video! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

          "When I'm wrong....I'm seldome seldom :bonk: right!" :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on June 06/18/20, 07:55:54 AM
I think I will watch it again. Good employee training. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Lee Borgersen on June 06/18/20, 08:13:56 AM
I think I will watch it again. Good employee training.

Dat's a fine idea bro :happy1: But, I recomend dat ya stop practicin trowin yer change on da floor fur practice! On da udder hand :scratch: if it brings ya extra pleasure den.....Go Fur It!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on June 06/18/20, 08:20:26 AM
The key word here being "fur"!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :hubba:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on June 06/22/20, 09:19:47 AM
While we were in Austin over the weekend they had a mass testing site at the fairgrounds because the county has been designated a Covid 19 hotspot. I've now heard that they tested 2,000 people but have yet to here 1 news report mention WHY they think it's a hot spot.  :bonk: Because Hormel doesn't want it on the news is why but yet Tyson & JBS were all over the news down here.  :crazy: :tut: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on June 06/22/20, 04:00:14 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/22/20, 09:06:37 PM
While we were in Austin over the weekend they had a mass testing site at the fairgrounds because the county has been designated a Covid 19 hotspot. I've now heard that they tested 2,000 people but have yet to here 1 news report mention WHY they think it's a hot spot.  :bonk: Because Hormel doesn't want it on the news is why but yet Tyson & JBS were all over the news down here.  :crazy: :tut: :pouty:
Austin doesn't seem too bad yet.  Lots of cases but few deaths.  You can get the data straight from the state at

Might take a day or two for the weekend tests to show up.    802 so far. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/03/20, 07:34:17 AM
It was announced at a news conference on Wednesday that because of a 70% increase in CV-19 cases in the last 2 weeks Cerro Gordo County & the city of Mason City will now be requiring masks at all public buildings. This is just the beginning, I'm afraid. :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/03/20, 08:22:46 AM
It was announced at a news conference on Wednesday that because of a 70% increase in CV-19 cases in the last 2 weeks Cerro Gordo County & the city of Mason City will now be requiring masks at all public buildings. This is just the beginning, Im afraid. :pouty:
time to head to the land of skeeters and deer flies!! :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/03/20, 08:32:09 AM
Exactly!! That's why we went up the end of April & didn't come back until the start of June.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/04/20, 08:15:46 AM
I am sure it is just matter of time before dumb dumb gov does is one size fits all for us too. Gee what a shock there are more positive cases when you are testing like crazy. Just simple math. They were already there, just now they actually no about them.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/04/20, 09:07:01 AM
JB, give dum dum gov a bit of a break. :rotflmao: if it was up to his health department people we'd all be required to wear masks out in public soon. He is pushing back at the moment. :happy1: :rotflmao:

And your so right about more cases cause of more testing but from what I see, read and hear the amount of people required to be in a hospital isn't increasing as much as the new positive tests increase.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on July 07/04/20, 10:03:04 AM
We sure are  blessed to have you guys on here that know so much more than the scientists that have devoted their lives studying pandemics. After all science doesn't matter any more! I know this is the first place I'll turn to when I need medical advice. :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on July 07/04/20, 10:36:55 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/04/20, 10:38:44 AM
We sure are  blessed to have you guys on here that know so much more than the scientists that have devoted their lives studying pandemics. After all science doesn't matter any more! I know this is the first place I'll turn to when I need medical advice. :confused:
so Roony, just for the sake of a discussion, what do you suggest? I believe what the sceintist say. I have a hard time with the transfer of information.

I know the health department is going to error on the side of caution. Fact is this isn't going away.  Personally I do watch my step in helping avoid the spread.

Just yesterday I read an article somewhere where this drug company that makes this  med that helps recovery is playing games with where and who makes it and the ability to make a generic version just based on the country, or people's ability to pay.

That ain't right in this pandemic.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/04/20, 10:41:48 AM
We sure are  blessed to have you guys on here that know so much more than the scientists that have devoted their lives studying pandemics. After all science doesn't matter any more! I know this is the first place I'll turn to when I need medical advice. :confused:
on a lighter note, so your saying Dotch's remidy of gin and quinine isn't the right cure?? :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on July 07/04/20, 10:44:50 AM
To start with masks, social distancing and stay the heck out of bars and restaurants. I also think if a facility has a few cases. Everyone should be tested and self quarantined if they have it. I've been wanting to take the warden out for our anniversary for a month now bit no way will I do it. Maybe we can go twice next year.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on July 07/04/20, 10:50:12 AM
The gin seems to work wonders for Dotch...I might be due for a good wormin'.  :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on July 07/04/20, 11:02:33 AM
Pretty much the same way here Roony.  We are pretty careful.  I did run into the hardware store the other day and got some nuts and bolts without a mask on.  But I did put it on when in the grocery store.  More people in and out of there.  I would just as soon wait as long as possible before I get it so the meds are hopefully better.  That is if I get the bad version. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on July 07/04/20, 11:15:49 AM
This heat is not going to help matters and as several have started to realize, is part of the reason for the increase in spread along with the increased testing. It puts people indoors where the odds of infection are at least 20 times greater depending on which study you read. The masks aren't going to matter much if people keep crowding into bars & restaurants. Osterholm (aka "Chicken Little" as other state employees once nicknamed him) & other experts have said the same thing. It doesn't take an epidemiologist to figure that out. It's basic animal husbandry. That's why I put the fans on in the barn. I didn't need to call a vet or an epidemiologist for that. Just as I don't need one to know that the virus will survive only a matter of minutes in bright summer sunshine. This is part of the reason we see less transmission of diseases such as OPP (a lentavirus) in the sheep. It hangs out & is spread most easily inside buildings especially where animals are crowded.

If I had an underlying condition, I might feel as you do Art. As it is, I limit my exposure and will continue to do so until I feel comfortable doing otherwise. I have very little risk of contracting or spreading the virus in corn and soybean fields. The restaurants in Bugtussle have been following the rules about as well as anywhere I know. Require reservations, not crowded, can eat outside if you want, people space themselves well & we hang with the same people we see daily who are also limiting exposure. I even did takeout again the other day because I had a webinar to watch at noon. They require masks and I fear that'll be all she wrote for those restaurants that hung on. Takeout barely kept them alive.

As far as the gin, I see there are still some ongoing studies on hydroxychlorquine as far as it having a preventative effect on COVID-19. I will continue my own ongoing research with quinine water. So far so good.  :happy1: If you need a good wormin', I just got a new bottle of Valbazen. It even takes tapeworms! On second thought, might want to stick with with ivermectin. In addition to intestinal parasites, it kills ticks & lice (think crabs) but keeps those tapeworms alive!  :rotflmao: 

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on July 07/04/20, 02:44:40 PM
interesting, they usually release the new covid numbers about 11 am daily...  haven't any updates today...    so is every thing good???  yes right...   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: fishwidow on July 07/04/20, 04:18:11 PM
They said on the morning news report that they would not have an update today because of the holiday.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/04/20, 05:42:17 PM
Checked the state DPH site earlier & it said the same.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on July 07/04/20, 06:08:06 PM
Another reason I try to be extra careful is because my wife works at a nursing home and I sure as heck wouldn't want to be indirectly responsible for an outbreak there.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on July 07/04/20, 06:16:31 PM
It all matters.  A little effort can go a long way.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/04/20, 07:11:18 PM
We sure are  blessed to have you guys on here that know so much more than the scientists that have devoted their lives studying pandemics. After all science doesn't matter any more! I know this is the first place I'll turn to when I need medical advice. :confused:

Which scientists?  The ones that told us in Feb that it wasn't a problem.  The ones that told us masks don't prevent infections in March?     The ones that predicted two million deaths in US?   The ones that didn't tell Cuomo to stop sending covid patients to nursing homes?     The ones that said hydroxychloroquine worked?  Or the ones that said it doesn't?   The ones that said to wash hands very frequently and disinfect your canned goods from the grocery?   

The truth is that the scientists knew next to nothing about this virus or how it actually spreads, or how to treat those who get it.   They seem to be making some progress but knowledge is very tenuous at this point.   They don't even know how long you are safe after you recover. 

So I avoid being around strangers as much as possible, and wear a mask even though it probably doesn't do much for me.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/05/20, 06:32:53 AM
Del pretty much hit the nail on the head there.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/05/20, 08:17:20 AM
Del pretty much hit the nail on the head there.
Thanks.  And I am praying for all those folks trying to make a vaccine and develop better ways of caring for those who do catch it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on July 07/05/20, 11:34:22 AM
We sure are  blessed to have you guys on here that know so much more than the scientists that have devoted their lives studying pandemics. After all science doesn't matter any more! I know this is the first place I'll turn to when I need medical advice. :confused:

Which scientists?  The ones that told us in Feb that it wasn't a problem.  The ones that told us masks don't prevent infections in March?     The ones that predicted two million deaths in US?   The ones that didn't tell Cuomo to stop sending covid patients to nursing homes?     The ones that said hydroxychloroquine worked?  Or the ones that said it doesn't?   The ones that said to wash hands very frequently and disinfect your canned goods from the grocery?   

The truth is that the scientists knew next to nothing about this virus or how it actually spreads, or how to treat those who get it.   They seem to be making some progress but knowledge is very tenuous at this point.   They don't even know how long you are safe after you recover. 

So I avoid being around strangers as much as possible, and wear a mask even though it probably doesn't do much for me.
Exactly, that's why I come here for all my guidance! Maybe Trump will see the light and appoint dellwood beamer to the Corona task force so the whole country can be safer. Meanwhile I will sleep better knowing I have access to your genius right here.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on July 07/05/20, 11:37:30 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  I too feel safer. 

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on July 07/05/20, 03:44:44 PM
Here's another COVID-19 pointer:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/05/20, 04:10:49 PM
We sure are  blessed to have you guys on here that know so much more than the scientists that have devoted their lives studying pandemics. After all science doesn't matter any more! I know this is the first place I'll turn to when I need medical advice. :confused:

Which scientists?  The ones that told us in Feb that it wasn't a problem.  The ones that told us masks don't prevent infections in March?     The ones that predicted two million deaths in US?   The ones that didn't tell Cuomo to stop sending covid patients to nursing homes?     The ones that said hydroxychloroquine worked?  Or the ones that said it doesn't?   The ones that said to wash hands very frequently and disinfect your canned goods from the grocery?   

The truth is that the scientists knew next to nothing about this virus or how it actually spreads, or how to treat those who get it.   They seem to be making some progress but knowledge is very tenuous at this point.   They don't even know how long you are safe after you recover. 

So I avoid being around strangers as much as possible, and wear a mask even though it probably doesn't do much for me.
Exactly, that's why I come here for all my guidance! Maybe Trump will see the light and appoint dellwood beamer to the Corona task force so the whole country can be safer. Meanwhile I will sleep better knowing I have access to your genius right here.

You seem to be angry about what I wrote.   Which parts offended you?  What do you disagree with? What did I say that is untrue?   Have you been following the scientific literature?   

Tell you what.. Tell me how much exposure, or dose of virus, is necessary to get infected.   

And it is well known that the type of masks people are being told to wear don't do much to protect the person wearing them.  They have a larger effect on preventing a contagious person wearing one from transmitting the disease.   

So, come on Roony.  You want to trade facts and evidence?    Or just make sarcastic cracks?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on July 07/05/20, 08:16:32 PM
Absolutely the masks protect others, do you think that is bad. Do you think things like stop signs and speed limits are only to protect the driver?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/05/20, 08:21:10 PM
Absolutely the masks protect others, do you think that is bad. Do you think things like stop signs and speed limits are only to protect the driver?

Where did I say masks are bad?  I wear a mask in public.   I did call out the inconsistent messaging in the past by the "scientists". 
But stop signs  and speed limits protect me from others as well as others from me.  Very poor analogy.   Care to elaborate about the stuff I actually talked about?   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on July 07/05/20, 08:46:42 PM
My take on the masks is that they were originally discouraged because they didn't want people hoarding them like the idiots did with toilet paper and like you said they dont protect the wearer. A lot of the other things are due to this being a novel virus and everything about it is not known like with viruses that have been around for a long time.
Yes, there have been mistakes but I still value the opinions of those who have expertise in the subject than the armchair quarterbacks on here and other forums.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on July 07/07/20, 08:16:05 PM
I sure hope they're wearing masks.... :rolleyes:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/07/20, 10:13:15 PM
I sure hope they're wearing masks.... :rolleyes:

Sounds painful..... I hope they don't get any in their .........................eyes.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on July 07/07/20, 10:19:18 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:   Good one Del. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/08/20, 12:29:26 PM
So, ad I posted in the good morning thread, had lunch at the bluffs. My observation was this. Of the dozen or so people that came and went, noone had a mask.

As far as the food... Still really good. :happy1: there was nothing on the tables, napkin holders or salt and pepper shakers. They came in as well as the KATCHUP in these little plastic containers you would get ranch dressing or extra sauces in. Plastic forks and food came in a basket not on a plate.

The gal said things are not back to normal and it's circulating in alot of bars. From people she had talked to symptoms range from little to nothing to getting hit in the chest with a bat.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/08/20, 12:56:23 PM
At the Ia governor's news conference yday the talk was about scaling back on the re-opening with the major objective being not overwhelming the hospitals & getting the kids back to the classroom this fall. No action was takin but nothing was said to be off the table either.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/13/20, 03:42:46 PM
well i see where JB's buddy...........walz has extended the peacetime emergency again!!!!!!! training-087 :banghead: :banghead: :crazy: :doofus: :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/13/20, 03:45:20 PM
Well of course he did. I am just shocked. :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/13/20, 09:04:55 PM
 :scratch: Guess the Mason City mask deal is only mandatory for city buildings :bonk:, unlike Cawchester's. ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on July 07/14/20, 08:42:24 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/14/20, 08:59:52 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/15/20, 09:11:26 AM
so........driving into work this morning listening to the morning show on KQRS, boobers favorite DJ  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: tommy barnard and Brian Zepp where talking about the COVID/mask thing and brought up these points i thought where spot on.

senator John Marty, a D is introducing a bill to make masks mandatory in all public places.  :doah: :tut: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

why is this mask thing so political by party...the D's wear masks and push this and the R's dont.  :shocked: :scratch: :doah: :doah: :confused:

why arent there mandated masks requirements for the influenza strains???????

40,000 people die a year from second hand smoke, other then the gubberment gets a ton of money from tobbacco tax  why dont they do something about that?? :doofus: and why isnt smoking in a car with kids in it not considered child abuse or neglect???

supposedly 300,000 people die each year of obesity related health issues.......... why arent they doing something about that?????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/15/20, 09:22:19 AM
They are separate problems, Smurfy.   Second hand smoke, they banned smoking in most places..

Raised price of cigs to like 10 bucks.

But seems like the fact is that wearing masks while inside places like stores would significantly reduce transmission of the virus.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/15/20, 09:25:31 AM
They are separate problems, Smurfy.   Second hand smoke, they banned smoking in most places..

Raised price of cigs to like 10 bucks.

But seems like the fact is that wearing masks while inside places like stores would significantly reduce transmission of the virus.
yep.......seperate problems.................same rational........makes no sense on there decision making!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/15/20, 09:33:15 AM
They are separate problems, Smurfy.   Second hand smoke, they banned smoking in most places..

Raised price of cigs to like 10 bucks.

But seems like the fact is that wearing masks while inside places like stores would significantly reduce transmission of the virus.
yep.......seperate problems.................same rational........makes no sense on there decision making!!!
So we shouldn't wear masks against a communicable disease because people are fat?   :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/15/20, 10:10:55 AM
 :pouty: :pouty:  its not my opinion. just what they talked about on one of the top morning radio shows in the country...........

quit making a big issue out this............ :doah: :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on July 07/15/20, 11:14:10 AM
Dont blame Del, you brought it up. :mooning: :mooning:
The main one making it a political issue is the POTUS
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/15/20, 11:29:03 AM
Dont blame Del, you brought it up. :mooning: :mooning:
The main one making it a political issue is the POTUS
hey i'm simply spreading my wealth of knowledge!!!!!! :sleazy: :mooning: OK.......what i heard on the radio that kinda fix my fancy!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

and relavant!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on July 07/15/20, 01:47:43 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on July 07/15/20, 03:22:58 PM
I think there's truth in that too!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/15/20, 05:41:24 PM
:confused: :pouty: there's always a smartass in the bunch. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/15/20, 07:05:05 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on July 07/15/20, 07:08:59 PM

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/15/20, 07:13:40 PM
:pouty: :pouty:  its not my opinion. just what they talked about on one of the top morning radio shows in the country...........

quit making a big issue out this............ :doah: :confused:
Top morning show my  :moon:  That'll learn ya from tuning into that garbage.. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on July 07/15/20, 07:20:22 PM
:pouty: :pouty:  its not my opinion. just what they talked about on one of the top morning radio shows in the country...........

quit making a big issue out this............ :doah: :confused:
Top morning show my  :moon:  That'll learn ya from tuning into that garbage.. :rotflmao:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/15/20, 07:26:11 PM
:pouty: :pouty:  its not my opinion. just what they talked about on one of the top morning radio shows in the country...........

quit making a big issue out this............ :doah: :confused:
Top morning show my  :moon:  That'll learn ya from tuning into that garbage.. :rotflmao:
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: your a sheet house KQ morning show listener, just fess up. :smoking: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/16/20, 06:55:58 AM
Dont blame Del, you brought it up. :mooning: :mooning:
The main one making it a political issue is the POTUS
They are all making it political.It is not just the POTUS.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/16/20, 06:58:01 AM
My nephew's friend had his parents die in a car accident from covid. Maybe if they were wearing a mask they would have survived.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/16/20, 08:02:32 AM
Dont blame Del, you brought it up. :mooning: :mooning:
The main one making it a political issue is the POTUS
They are all making it political.It is not just the POTUS.
man aint that the friggin truth!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/16/20, 08:14:29 AM
just seen where the state of Georgia just ruled that counties, cities and municipalites cannot require or mandate wearing masks!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/16/20, 08:49:09 AM
Seen that to. Let the business decide what they want to require.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/16/20, 08:59:49 AM
:confused: :pouty: there's always a smartass in the bunch. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
  :tut: :scratch: :rolleyes: :doah: Yeah & we all know who that is here 95% of the time, don't we. :evil:                                                                             :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on July 07/16/20, 09:11:19 AM
had to go to the big M store in Alex yesterday, everyone was wearing a mask.. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/16/20, 09:16:41 AM
Big M on their website says they require it. But I have been in a couple of them where people were not wearing masks.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on July 07/16/20, 09:30:56 AM
had to go to the big M store in Alex yesterday, everyone was wearing a mask..

Was glenn in there or was he panhandling outside for a dollar so he could buy a mask? Oh that's right you mailed him some masks! My bad... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/16/20, 09:33:06 AM
i knew  da big M required it. st cloud city council is looking at make masks a requirement in public places. also heard wallyworld started requiring it today. costco has required it for a while . there was another big chain store was going to require it also , but gotz me a brain fart  :tongue: and dont remember what one!!! :doofus: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/16/20, 09:33:47 AM
had to go to the big M store in Alex yesterday, everyone was wearing a mask..

Was glenn in there or was he panhandling outside for a dollar so he could buy a mask? Oh that's right you mailed him some masks! My bad... :rotflmao:
:taz: :taz: :banghead: :banghead: training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 :confused: :pouty: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on July 07/16/20, 01:38:19 PM
Bet you could find some in the trash Glenn, they won't hurt ya none since the virus is such a hoax anywat.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/16/20, 02:01:29 PM
I don't ever recall calling this a hoax, and I do believe it is real. My problem is they told us they put these steps in place to allow the medical field to garner enough supplies when and if they needed it. They have since gone well above that.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on July 07/16/20, 02:51:46 PM
And there is still a shortage of critical supplies done to failures of primarily the federal g and government.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on July 07/16/20, 03:08:31 PM
target is another requiring masks
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/16/20, 03:46:17 PM
 :evil: but do these places supply masks free of charge  :surrender: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/16/20, 04:35:31 PM
:evil: but do these places supply masks free of charge  :surrender: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

No, but they have free parking... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/16/20, 05:17:21 PM
so..........i read this article on MSN's homepage from some top dog at the HHS, DEPT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. he basiclly said that shut down all indoor bars and require masks and capacity at any place should only be 25% of capacity.

so i through this out as a discussion. WHAT IF............. You shut everything down and i mean everything except hospitals and places that sell food for 2 weeks. and if you leave your yard for anything you must wear a mask????????

would that in your opinion completely stop this covid crap??????????  for one i would do it.......it would really suck, but.....if it put this virus to bed....... :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/16/20, 05:38:05 PM
I will say that in Rochester, bars seem to have been the source of several outbreaks.   I guess drunk dudes aren't into social distancing... :mooning: :angry2: :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/16/20, 07:02:31 PM
so..........i read this article on MSN's homepage from some top dog at the HHS, DEPT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. he basiclly said that shut down all indoor bars and require masks and capacity at any place should only be 25% of capacity.

so i through this out as a discussion. WHAT IF............. You shut everything down and i mean everything except hospitals and places that sell food for 2 weeks. and if you leave your yard for anything you must wear a mask????????

would that in your opinion completely stop this covid crap??????????  for one i would do it.......it would really suck, but.....if it put this virus to bed....... :scratch: :scratch:
Seen an  "expert" on the news yday say that if EVERYBODY would wear a mask for the next 4-8 weeks wherever they went we would put this CV-19 to bed, in his opinion. :rolleyes: :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on July 07/16/20, 07:04:00 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/17/20, 12:16:21 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/20/20, 09:04:52 PM
so..........i read this article on MSN's homepage from some top dog at the HHS, DEPT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. he basiclly said that shut down all indoor bars and require masks and capacity at any place should only be 25% of capacity.

so i through this out as a discussion. WHAT IF............. You shut everything down and i mean everything except hospitals and places that sell food for 2 weeks. and if you leave your yard for anything you must wear a mask????????

would that in your opinion completely stop this covid crap??????????  for one i would do it.......it would really suck, but.....if it put this virus to bed....... :scratch: :scratch:
Seen an  "expert" on the news yday say that if EVERYBODY would wear a mask for the next 4-8 weeks wherever they went we would put this CV-19 to bed, in his opinion. :rolleyes: :confused:
:confused: :scratch: why 4-8 weeks???? If you need to quarantine it's 14 days. So why not just the 14 days. :scratch: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/21/20, 08:11:35 AM
 :scratch: Ask him!! ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Will you be going to St. Cloud today? :smoking: If you do better take that present mikey sent ya. :evil:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on July 07/21/20, 08:52:46 AM
Save big money at Menards!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/21/20, 09:24:55 AM
Because with masks, there is still some transmission of infections, just not enough for the numbers to go up.  Like, if with no masks a sick person could infect two people and those two people go on to infect four people... pretty soon you have a whole bunch of people.   But if there are 8 sick people and they wear masks so there is only a 50 50 chance they infect someone else, then there will only be 4 new cases, then 2 then 1 and then maybe another one or none at all.   

Whether that would really work, and whether folks in places where there aren't many cases would go along with that is hard to know.   There is a lot of "It can't happen here" going on.   I see it every day.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on July 07/22/20, 09:24:06 PM
 : ;)

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/23/20, 06:52:57 AM
The wife got a text from her sister last night that a couple of gubmit people decided that the North Star Stampede Rodeo in Effie will be done with no spectators. The whole thing is outside.  :crazy: I think they are getting a little over board with their control.  :bs:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on July 07/23/20, 07:44:17 AM
They must not want those cowboys and cowgals aspirating all over you.   :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on July 07/23/20, 08:37:02 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/23/20, 09:27:57 AM
Just like the 2 I heard of that got killed in a car accident by covid.  :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/23/20, 09:36:16 AM
The wife got a text from her sister last night that a couple of gubmit people decided that the North Star Stampede Rodeo in Effie will be done with no spectators. The whole thing is outside.  :crazy: I think they are getting a little over board with their control.  :bs:
man aint that the truth!!!!!!!! :confused: :angry2: :doofus: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/30/20, 08:26:14 AM
ya know i think i might start to kinda like this Trump feller.  :doofus: :crazy: :rotflmao:

just read an article on MSN's home page, he wants to give out a stimulus check bigger then the last one!!!!!!!!! :azn: :evil: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/30/20, 09:08:26 AM
also betting there are alot of nervous parents and teachers today awiating what our gov timmy putin has to say about the upcoming school year!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:

its amazing how split the teachers are. my cousin is a teacher down in the big city, Blaine i believe and she is pretty adamant kids need to get back to the classroom. she thinks the kids didnt do any of the work or very little, she cant see if they are doing any of the school work, had no way to test if they did but she was expected to give grades...........and of course passing grades.

our sources are telling us WALZ is simply listening to the nurses and teachers in his guidance through this.

and i wont even get into it about the Minneapolis mayor!!!!!!!! :crazy: :crazy: :doofus: :doofus: :confused: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on July 07/30/20, 09:19:50 AM
Most of the teachers I know have said the same thing, that the kids need the classroom environment. Easier for the teachers to monitor the kid's progress or lack thereof & get it corrected. About the only ones I know against going back are the staunch teachers union types. Some of those were a problem before COVID ever reared its ugly head anyway.  :confused: Yes glenn, your buddy the boy mayor has seen fit to put his foot down on Mpls. bar owners. This oughta be fun. I hope they don't make him cry again.  :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/30/20, 11:53:16 AM
We have both been out since getting back home & no masks mandate down here. Brother went to get groceries & they were giving mask away in the entrance if you wanted 1. I went to the bank & they did have a sign up asking everyone entering to wear 1 so I put mine on. I didn't see any customers in there who weren't wearing 1, all the employess were behind plexiglass barriers & some of them had masks on too.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/30/20, 11:57:31 AM
we had a guy come in the hall......as far as they are allowed, he was wearing one of them knitted kinda winter/ ski masks on. i question its usefullness the way they are made. :doah: :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/30/20, 12:22:10 PM
 :doah: Kind of like the bandana/handkerchief type ones that they say are only ~ 10% effective. :tut:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on July 07/30/20, 12:30:52 PM
:doah: Kind of like the bandana/handkerchief type ones that they say are only ~ 10% effective. :tut:

I have been using one of my bandannas and I think it's as good as many of the home made one's for sure...  I hate that elastic behind my ears...  most people were wearing them today too..   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/30/20, 12:42:44 PM
 :scratch: Some news program I was watching said they're ~ 13-15% effective so :confused:........................yeah getting 1 with elastic that fits right, not too loose or too tight, can be a pain.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/30/20, 12:51:07 PM
also betting there are alot of nervous parents and teachers today awiating what our gov timmy putin has to say about the upcoming school year!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:

its amazing how split the teachers are. my cousin is a teacher down in the big city, Blaine i believe and she is pretty adamant kids need to get back to the classroom. she thinks the kids didnt do any of the work or very little, she cant see if they are doing any of the school work, had no way to test if they did but she was expected to give grades...........and of course passing grades.

our sources are telling us WALZ is simply listening to the nurses and teachers in his guidance through this.

and i wont even get into it about the Minneapolis mayor!!!!!!!! :crazy: :crazy: :doofus: :doofus: :confused: :banghead::banghead: :banghead:

Supposedly Walz is going to punt back to the districts.   I'm sure they are thrilled.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on July 07/30/20, 01:47:30 PM
:scratch: Some news program I was watching said they're ~ 13-15% effective so :confused:........................yeah getting 1 with elastic that fits right, not too loose or too tight, can be a pain.

Then there's the glasses factor. I'm used to wearing a dust mask going into corn fields this time of year if they're pollinating. I'm always damn glad to get the thing off once I'm out of there too. Fog up my glasses and if your face wasn't sweating before you went in, it is by the time you come back out. Not only do these blue surgical masks everyone is wearing fog your glasses, they get snarled up with the bows when trying to get the mask off. Now I see Fauci is advising wearing face shields or goggles. Enough is too much.  :bonk:   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on July 07/30/20, 01:52:49 PM
also betting there are alot of nervous parents and teachers today awiating what our gov timmy putin has to say about the upcoming school year!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:

its amazing how split the teachers are. my cousin is a teacher down in the big city, Blaine i believe and she is pretty adamant kids need to get back to the classroom. she thinks the kids didnt do any of the work or very little, she cant see if they are doing any of the school work, had no way to test if they did but she was expected to give grades...........and of course passing grades.

our sources are telling us WALZ is simply listening to the nurses and teachers in his guidance through this.

and i wont even get into it about the Minneapolis mayor!!!!!!!! :crazy: :crazy: :doofus: :doofus: :confused: :banghead::banghead: :banghead:

Supposedly Walz is going to punt back to the districts.   I'm sure they are thrilled.
Well it actually makes more sense to leave it to the districts. He has been accused of adopting one size fits all rules when he makes mandates for the whole state. Perhaps some of the districts in outstate MN have different factors to consider than in districts with higher covid rates.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/30/20, 01:52:59 PM
:scratch: Some news program I was watching said they're ~ 13-15% effective so :confused:........................yeah getting 1 with elastic that fits right, not too loose or too tight, can be a pain.

Then there's the glasses factor. I'm used to wearing a dust mask going into corn fields this time of year if they're pollinating. I'm always damn glad to get the thing off once I'm out of there too. Fog up my glasses and if your face wasn't sweating before you went in, it is by the time you come back out. Not only do these blue surgical masks everyone is wearing fog your glasses, they get snarled up with the bows when trying to get the mask off. Now I see Fauci is advising wearing face shields or goggles. Enough is too much.  :bonk:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i love your new avator dotch!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1: that guy was a hoot!!!!!! reminds me of some management material!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on July 07/30/20, 02:30:58 PM
You are right on the money roony. For starters our internet capabilities alone lag significantly vs. the urban areas here in much of outstate & vary within the areas themselves. This district is no exception. Parents are very much in favor of local control. Besides, for the kids it's  lots more fun to ride 4 wheeler or a quad outside than listen to Mr. or Ms. Yakkety Yak drone on in the house...:rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Lee Borgersen on July 07/30/20, 03:31:43 PM
  :reporter;  Breaking News.... Herman Cain, dies at 74   

  Herman Cain, Former Presidential Candidate, Dies at 74

Herman Cain, who rose from poverty in the segregated South to become chief executive of a successful pizza chain and then thrust himself into the national spotlight by seeking the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, has died at 74.

His death was announced on Thursday on his website and in social media accounts. No other details were provided. He had been hospitalized this month in the Atlanta area with the novel coronavirus after testing positive for it on June 29.

 :coffee: .......
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/31/20, 07:19:20 AM
also betting there are alot of nervous parents and teachers today awiating what our gov timmy putin has to say about the upcoming school year!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:

its amazing how split the teachers are. my cousin is a teacher down in the big city, Blaine i believe and she is pretty adamant kids need to get back to the classroom. she thinks the kids didnt do any of the work or very little, she cant see if they are doing any of the school work, had no way to test if they did but she was expected to give grades...........and of course passing grades.

our sources are telling us WALZ is simply listening to the nurses and teachers in his guidance through this.

and i wont even get into it about the Minneapolis mayor!!!!!!!! :crazy: :crazy: :doofus: :doofus: :confused: :banghead::banghead: :banghead:

Supposedly Walz is going to punt back to the districts.   I'm sure they are thrilled.
Well it actually makes more sense to leave it to the districts. He has been accused of adopting one size fits all rules when he makes mandates for the whole state. Perhaps some of the districts in outstate MN have different factors to consider than in districts with higher covid rates.
You are a 100% right Roony. He did it the way it should be. Because one size does not fit all.  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/31/20, 08:06:20 AM
also betting there are alot of nervous parents and teachers today awiating what our gov timmy putin has to say about the upcoming school year!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:

its amazing how split the teachers are. my cousin is a teacher down in the big city, Blaine i believe and she is pretty adamant kids need to get back to the classroom. she thinks the kids didnt do any of the work or very little, she cant see if they are doing any of the school work, had no way to test if they did but she was expected to give grades...........and of course passing grades.

our sources are telling us WALZ is simply listening to the nurses and teachers in his guidance through this.

and i wont even get into it about the Minneapolis mayor!!!!!!!! :crazy: :crazy: :doofus: :doofus: :confused: :banghead::banghead: :banghead:

Supposedly Walz is going to punt back to the districts.   I'm sure they are thrilled.
Well it actually makes more sense to leave it to the districts. He has been accused of adopting one size fits all rules when he makes mandates for the whole state. Perhaps some of the districts in outstate MN have different factors to consider than in districts with higher covid rates.
You are a 100% right Roony. He did it the way it should be. Because one size does not fit all.  :happy1:
:scratch: :scratch: :scratch: you agreed to something Walz did???????????? :scratch: :scratch: :doah: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on July 07/31/20, 08:28:19 AM
Did he/they say anything about charter schools?  What are the rules for those?

Are they tied to any particular district and do charters have to do what the district does, or are they completely independent?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on July 07/31/20, 08:38:57 AM
Did he/they say anything about charter schools?  What are the rules for those?

Are they tied to any particular district and do charters have to do what the district does, or are they completely independent?

we were wondering that yesterday too....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/31/20, 08:39:28 AM
Did he/they say anything about charter schools?  What are the rules for those?

Are they tied to any particular district and do charters have to do what the district does, or are they completely independent?
from the news last night............is a charter school considered private???????????? i dont know??? but he said private schools are NOT bound by this order. how stupid is that. its still a friggin school.

i see also where da gov of wisconsin issued a mask mandate till sept 30th.  :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/31/20, 09:20:44 AM
also betting there are alot of nervous parents and teachers today awiating what our gov timmy putin has to say about the upcoming school year!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:

its amazing how split the teachers are. my cousin is a teacher down in the big city, Blaine i believe and she is pretty adamant kids need to get back to the classroom. she thinks the kids didnt do any of the work or very little, she cant see if they are doing any of the school work, had no way to test if they did but she was expected to give grades...........and of course passing grades.

our sources are telling us WALZ is simply listening to the nurses and teachers in his guidance through this.

and i wont even get into it about the Minneapolis mayor!!!!!!!! :crazy: :crazy: :doofus: :doofus: :confused: :banghead::banghead: :banghead:

Supposedly Walz is going to punt back to the districts.   I'm sure they are thrilled.
Well it actually makes more sense to leave it to the districts. He has been accused of adopting one size fits all rules when he makes mandates for the whole state. Perhaps some of the districts in outstate MN have different factors to consider than in districts with higher covid rates.
You are a 100% right Roony. He did it the way it should be. Because one size does not fit all.  :happy1:
:scratch: :scratch: :scratch: you agreed to something Walz did???????????? :scratch: :scratch: :doah: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Yah. Scary as hell isn't it.  :doofus: :crazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on July 07/31/20, 10:26:31 AM
I agree the local control thing is fine. But all the rules and stipulations by the state don't make it as rosy as it looks at face value. For instance, schools in those counties with the meat packing plant debacles are going to be restricted even though they may be far from the area where the problems occurred. Still some "one size fits all" to it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/31/20, 11:48:31 AM
Oh, so in the end it is stil just  :bs: :bs:.  :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on July 07/31/20, 12:21:49 PM
They arrived!!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: savage270 on July 07/31/20, 12:55:03 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/31/20, 02:24:09 PM
toady i had to do a bank run for the hall. one bank is in minneapolis down on central ave. i take university or 47 down to it. its crazy how little activity is down there. there is a popular resturaunt called Jax and another before it, not sure the name but they looked like there closed.  there is a smaller building the housed the minneapolis police union, that sucker is all boarded up.

there was a boobie bar, from the signs on the building, i never went in  :tut: :tut: just off 94 and broadway st, that parking lot is fenced off and closed, all signs off the building.  many other buildings look vacant.

i drive past a Graco 3/4 of the parking lot is empty.  i didnt go around the war zone and have no desire to see it either.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on July 07/31/20, 03:15:13 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/31/20, 03:17:08 PM
They arrived!!!  :happy1:
dis guy looks like a big ol swamp buck in full rut!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/01/20, 08:44:44 AM
Did he/they say anything about charter schools?  What are the rules for those?

Are they tied to any particular district and do charters have to do what the district does, or are they completely independent?

we were wondering that yesterday too....
I think probably they are considered public since they get public money.   They just are exempted from some stuff. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on August 08/01/20, 03:03:40 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/01/20, 03:25:05 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on August 08/02/20, 05:49:38 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/02/20, 06:29:12 PM
 :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/02/20, 06:47:10 PM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/03/20, 07:24:34 AM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/03/20, 04:55:46 PM
So as I'm out and about watching all these different families come and pick up there kids at the daycare across the street, why are they not required to wear masks?? :scratch: :scratch:

These different families have to be in touch with alot of different people and work environment.

This mask thing is set up to fail from the get go. :pouty: :crazy: :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/03/20, 08:12:11 PM
No mandate here but yet almost 50/50 wearin 'em in Waterloo today. We used ours everywhere but Culver's & it was just me besides they weren't very busy at ~1:00. :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/03/20, 08:24:37 PM
No mandate here but yet almost 50/50 wearin 'em in Waterloo today. We used ours everywhere but Culver's & it was just me besides they weren't very busy at ~1:00. :scratch:
going to rec wing tomorrow. Was going to hit red Savoy's pizza, googled them and looks like the corona shut them down for good. :confused: :angry2:

So your Culver's doesn't sound like a bad option either!!! Had it once and liked it
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/03/20, 08:29:45 PM
I had their Rueben, we both like it. You might too! :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on August 08/03/20, 09:51:04 PM
That's what I had on the cruise to Clear Lake IA yesterday at The OP Gunner. & their mozzarella sticks. OMG were they ever good! Very few wearing masks there except a few of the indoor waitresses. Even though we had talked with them earlier (they don't take reservations) we had no idea how many were coming. They were very accommodating & opened up their outdoor garage-type seating area for us as we had 25 people just drop out of the sky on them. I would've guessed about a dozen based on earlier cruises. I hope everyone tipped them well. They really hustled and worked hard to keep us happy.  :happy1:     
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/04/20, 06:33:40 PM
i checked into a motel in red wing a bit ago. between going in and coming out i seen 8 people no masks!!!!!!!

i was the only one to wear a mask in the motel. :doah:

also i wanted to hit up red savoys for a bite to eat......there permanently closed in red wing. so it was off to Liberty's for the seasoned sausage sammich and fries. OMG is that good stuff maynerd!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on August 08/04/20, 06:54:37 PM
Don't let the non-believers weaken you Glenn.  Wear the mask! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/04/20, 06:54:42 PM
i checked into a motel in red wing a bit ago. between going in and coming out i seen 8 people no masks!!!!!!!

i was the only one to wear a mask in the motel. :doah:

also i wanted to hit up red savoys for a bite to eat......there permanently closed in red wing. so it was off to Liberty's for the seasoned sausage sammich and fries. OMG is that good stuff maynerd!!!!!

who's maynerd???????????    :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/04/20, 06:57:53 PM
i checked into a motel in red wing a bit ago. between going in and coming out i seen 8 people no masks!!!!!!!

i was the only one to wear a mask in the motel. :doah:

also i wanted to hit up red savoys for a bite to eat......there permanently closed in red wing. so it was off to Liberty's for the seasoned sausage sammich and fries. OMG is that good stuff maynerd!!!!!

who's maynerd???????????    :confused:
hank kimballs twin brother!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/04/20, 06:59:39 PM
you are a lost child for sure!!!!!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on August 08/09/20, 07:29:34 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/09/20, 07:50:03 AM
Wow!!  :happy1: :happy1: :hubba: I like here mask too!  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on August 08/09/20, 07:52:52 AM
Nicest mask I have seen in a long time.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on August 08/09/20, 09:22:34 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/09/20, 09:41:41 AM
 :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/09/20, 09:54:16 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on August 08/09/20, 10:27:43 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/10/20, 08:59:36 AM
so, i'll admit. i've been out of the loop pretty much since wed nite. i listened to the radio on the way home yesterday and the news at 10 last nite.

by the way i watches KSTP, #5 last nite, there weather lady, WREN is really a cutie!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: oh yea,  :pouty: was saying i though ti heard wisconsin set a new high for new cases, and i dont see Minnesota's case go down........................so is this dumbass mask mandate even working??????????????????????????????????????

maybe it'll take another week or so but...............me no think so............ also heard on the radio this morning this COVID stufff is gone in china???????? anyone else hear this????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Boar on August 08/10/20, 08:11:58 PM
thebway i see it. the virus escaped a level 4 bio lab, so why should these little cloth masks stop it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/11/20, 07:01:10 AM
thebway i see it. the virus escaped a level 4 bio lab, so why should these little cloth masks stop it.
Nailed it! :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on August 08/11/20, 07:54:42 AM
I see we are up to 4 now here in LOW County.  Probably go up faster now. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/11/20, 09:19:43 AM
Probably. Heard that some workers at Sportsman's have it so they shut down temporarily.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on August 08/11/20, 11:49:40 AM
One was a launch driver.  Nice guy too.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/11/20, 12:26:56 PM
thebway i see it. the virus escaped a level 4 bio lab, so why should these little cloth masks stop it.

Does it count as an escape if they dismissed all the guards, turned off the security cameras, imprisoned or executed all the witnesses, destroyed all the records, refused to disclose the event, and sent infected travelers all over the world?

Just sayin...   :mad1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on August 08/12/20, 09:00:06 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/22/20, 09:05:45 AM
just maybe i should let this thread die and go away but, i just dont believe this mask mandate is working. :confused: i wear a mask to follow the rules going into stores, etc. even at our membership meeting thursday nite it was conducted with everyone wearing a mask.

BUT...... quiet frankly asi have been following the number of new cases are not going down, they are remaining stable and just an article in todays paper says the state and even in stearns county the number is going up???

so what am i missing here??????????????????? :doah: :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on August 08/22/20, 10:40:01 AM
With the latest blurb coming out of the WHO saying those who are asymptomatic aren't transmitting it and amazingly enough how quickly the press has buried that info, it becomes somewhat of a mystery as to why we're dicking around with masks. Interesting to see how the various states handled it on our recent Pro Farmer Crop Tour.

Starting in OH, they were pricks about it, even requiring masks be worn outside. Total BS. Indiana was cool about it. No one jumped your chit if you didn't remember to put it on. IL was the same as OH, snotty about it. Iowa, anything goes and no one gets worked up if you wear one or not. The last night of the Tour was in Rochester MN. People were by far the most nasty about it and most vocal if someone wasn't following protocol exactly. Someone went so far as to call corporate La Quinta and report some of our group who was gathered outside not wearing masks in a group having a few beers. Luckily the local management handled it well and didn't hassle anyone. They probably decided messing with some of those big dudes might not end well. It also might put La Quinta on a list of places we won't stay when we come back next year.

After I got home yesterday I found out that someone had squealed on Morgan's meat market because the employees in the back weren't wearing masks. Some of them wear glasses. Oh well, if their glasses fog up and they cut their fingers off at least they didn't get or spread COVID... :coffee:   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/22/20, 10:46:20 AM
Here is what I don't understand. :scratch: :scratch: your feeling like crap, sick enough to go to the doctor. They tell you that you have an infection. You get meds to fight the infection

They tell you that you have a virus. Your told that the virus needs to run its course. You may get meds to reduce of lesson the affects if said virus.

And this Covid is a virus???? :scratch: :pouty:

And from there stories Reb has told, Rochester is full of nuts and fruitcakes anyway. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/22/20, 10:58:05 AM
And from there stories Reb has told, Rochester is full of nuts and fruitcakes anyway. :rotflmao:

and it's not just Cawchester either, they are everywhere!!  the nut cases are getting bolder... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on August 08/22/20, 02:25:14 PM
Dotch, that is the second local business I know that has gotten turned in.
Snitches are Bitches that end up in Ditches.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on August 08/22/20, 02:35:47 PM
Someone ratted on the Ellendale Casey's on I 35 a few weeks ago too. The employees at the one in NR just snarl at customers for not wearing masks. Another good reason for me stay out of that place. There's already a long list.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/22/20, 03:00:22 PM
Dotch, I don't believe a thing the WHO says.   

As for masks, just got back from up nort. where I came close to the first bar fight in my long life after I said something to the barmaid about not wearing a mask and some drunk guy started spouting stats at me.... 

I was just picking up a pizza so left peaceably after wishing the drunk guy a long and lingering death from pneumonia... :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/22/20, 03:07:55 PM
Dotch, I don't believe a thing the WHO says.   

As for masks, just got back from up nort. where I came close to the first bar fight in my long life after I said something to the barmaid about not wearing a mask and some drunk guy started spouting stats at me.... 

I was just picking up a pizza so left peaceably after wishing the drunk guy a long and lingering death from pneumonia... :angry2:
  the better question is how and what ya said.........   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on August 08/22/20, 04:10:56 PM
And from there stories Reb has told, Rochester is full of nuts and fruitcakes anyway. :rotflmao:

and it's not just Cawchester either, they are everywhere!!  the nut cases are getting bolder...

I rest my case... :bonk: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/22/20, 04:47:51 PM
I'd pay good money to see Del in a bar fight. It be like the super bowl of bar fights. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on August 08/22/20, 05:03:51 PM
I'm thinking that wearing a mask is like wearing a condom to the baby shower.... little to late.....?  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on August 08/22/20, 06:27:52 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on August 08/28/20, 01:05:24 PM
The word around town is that another resort has been compromised with Covid.  A couple of people had tested positive in their home towns so they came up here to quarantine!  They did it in the bar and eating area of the resort for a few days.  What part of quarantine don't they understand.  Intelligence must be in short supply where they come from.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/28/20, 01:44:24 PM
Common sense :huh: :rolleyes:....................................................not so common anymore!!  :banghead: :bonk:                     
      :doofus: :tut: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/28/20, 02:02:14 PM
Common sense :huh: :rolleyes:....................................................not so common anymore!!  :banghead: :bonk:                     
      :doofus: :tut: :pouty:

and they let those suckers breed too!! :tut:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/28/20, 09:42:54 PM
That is flat out stupid if that is true.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/29/20, 08:04:28 AM
People must be getting tired of all this stuff.  :confused: this past spring the wife and I signed up for the defensive driving course and then this crap hit and it was cancelled. The area high school has a community education organization that sends out a flyer advertising all kinds of different classes, defensive driving is ones of many.

Yesterday we got a new flyer with the class in it so hopefully we can get in. There not till December but.... 10% discount on ins to boot.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on August 08/29/20, 11:12:07 AM
The nursing home my wife works at is in the midst of an outbreak. Several residents and staff have it, two deaths. So far she has tested negative but it has become very real here.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/29/20, 11:17:49 AM
it's like that here too... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/29/20, 02:14:53 PM
Sorry to hear that, roony. Take care & hope the wife stays safe.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on August 08/29/20, 02:17:07 PM
That is scary.  I find it so hard to believe that some people just don't care.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/29/20, 03:51:24 PM
No kidding,  hope all is well roony.  I posted before but tge young guys at work didn't care, sat on top of each either almost, some of them still don't mask up but sure like to play the " I think I was around someone that was positive " card over the weekend,  they'll ride this excuse for a long time not to work.. pukes.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/29/20, 06:21:12 PM
No kidding,  hope all is well roony.  I posted before but tge young guys at work didn't care, sat on top of each either almost, some of them still don't mask up but sure like to play the " I think I was around someone that was positive " card over the weekend,  they'll ride this excuse for a long time not to work.. pukes.
:tut: :mooning: :pouty: Until it gets REAL for them & they take it home to their families. :doofus: :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/29/20, 06:54:33 PM
I have kept quiet here but what I have not said is Linda works in health care too at the Sauk Center hospital and she/we see that too...  we were our masks but it sure seems the younger one's flaunt it...  makes me wonder for sure... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/29/20, 08:31:02 PM
Ok do I'm going to play devil's advocate here. I may have posted this in another thread.  So you go to a doctor and they tell you that you have an infection, they give you antibiotics to treat it. They tell you that you have a virus, so what do they say, it's got to run its course. :moon: and this is a virus. Now they may give you meds to help with some of the effects.

 So my eye doc says she has talked to docs at the St cloud hospital and they say that regardless if how careful you are 70 % of the population will get this in and that is doctors that gave dealt with this.

Now with that being said, I will conform with the rules in place to the best of my ability but there is so much  :bs: out there about this I can't believe anything. :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/29/20, 08:38:56 PM
Not sure how many people others know who know people that have had it. But I deal with a lot of people. The closest to someone I know is my daughter has a friend who has a friend who was told she had it. No symptoms, and get boyfriend whom she lives with and tested several times never had it

Then there's all these tests you can't believe.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on August 08/30/20, 12:47:10 AM
Well I probably don't know near as many people as you Glenn but I personally know two that have died from it and maybe a dozen or so that have it or have had it. Just by chance I suppose.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/30/20, 12:34:32 PM
Our daughter knows a family that all got it from kid going to camp in black hills.

Rich hasn't had many cases in the facilities cuz they are really locked down likesupermax
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/30/20, 01:22:48 PM
Well I probably don't know near as many people as you Glenn but I personally know two that have died from it and maybe a dozen or so that have it or have had it. Just by chance I suppose.
Roony, I don't deny this Covid isn't real and it kills people. From what I have read and heard it really affects people with weakened immune systems.

It's hard for me to grasp and take seriously with all the skewed information, false testing, death certificates as covid when there are other underlying issues, back and forth contradictory does and donts.

Now there is information out that kids can be super spreaders,. Those that aren't required to wear masks. We are what, a month it's this mask mandate. Cases are not going down and in some cases they go up. How can someone reasonably believe the masks work??

Deal with the problem areas.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on August 08/30/20, 04:32:42 PM
I know that masks don't work unless everyone wears them and they don't. A lot of people seem to think its too much of a sacrifice for them to make.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/30/20, 07:32:08 PM
Corona Virus was a problem since it was brand new and nobody knew very much about it, and the Chinese that did weren't saying anything.   

So "experts"  said a lot of stuff that they really had no idea was true, or in a few cases (caugh fauci) basically lied due to expediency. 

And even today a lot of "experts" are basically spouting off with stuff they really don't know. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/31/20, 07:59:48 AM
Not sure how many people others know who know people that have had it. But I deal with a lot of people. The closest to someone I know is my daughter has a friend who has a friend who was told she had it. No symptoms, and get boyfriend whom she lives with and tested several times never had it

Then there's all these tests you can't believe.

I know about 4-5 people that have had it. One of the first ones was a direct coworker who is 55 and spent about a month and half in the hospital. He got it bad. The others that have had it in their 50s also and the rest said they have had colds worse than the covid. Starting to see more cases popping up here at work too and we have been wearing masks at work for a long time. I am sure they get it outside side of work. One thing with the mask and why I don't believe they work is because people are constantly touching the mask\face adjusting the mask after touching other things. Like Glenn said cases  have gone up even after having to wear a mask.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on August 08/31/20, 08:06:57 AM
Most masks do not protect you from others unless you have surgical masks. The main point of masks is to protect others from you. Combined with hand washing and sanitizing they will keep the infection rate to a manageable level. I wish people would pull together instead of having a tug of war.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/31/20, 08:40:35 AM
Hmm, What to make of this.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on August 08/31/20, 08:44:34 AM
What percentage of the general population have underlying conditions? I know I do. I'm an overweight male over 65 with high blood pressure.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: deadeye on August 08/31/20, 08:59:45 AM

Here's another option.  My wife and I both took the course online.  I checked first with my insurance company and they accept the certificate from the AARP online course.  Also, as a side benefit, I think the online course was much better and more informative than the last two in person courses we took.  You do not have to be an AARP member to take this course however, additional discounts apply. I believe it cost me $16 bucks for the course. 


Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/31/20, 09:24:22 AM
Hmm, What to make of this.


I think this is just the pendulum swinging back and forth while society tries to figure out the real science of this disease.  Meanwhile, the politicians are fixated on using any information to discredit their opposition.

Of course most covid-death patients had underlying medical conditions.  Same with folks that die from the seasonal flu every year, except covid seems to be much more contagious and seems to hit many folks harder than the "ordinary" flu. 

The understanding that underlying medical conditions play a significant role in covid fatalities doesn't mean the covid pandemic is any less deadly.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/31/20, 11:43:18 AM

Here's another option.  My wife and I both took the course online.  I checked first with my insurance company and they accept the certificate from the AARP online course.  Also, as a side benefit, I think the online course was much better and more informative than the last two in person courses we took.  You do not have to be an AARP member to take this course however, additional discounts apply. I believe it cost me $16 bucks for the course. 

:happy1: :happy1:THANKS deadeye.........my wife suggested it. question...its an 8 hour course, do you sit in front of the  puter for 8 hours???? i understand you can hope in and out as your schedule fits.

yea we also need to check with the Ins company. i tend to be moe leaning to the in person simply so i get it done and not drag my feet.....but i will definitely look at the on line!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/31/20, 11:44:08 AM
Hmm, What to make of this.

heard that this morning on the radio............
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/31/20, 11:50:29 AM
Hmm, What to make of this.


I think this is just the pendulum swinging back and forth while society tries to figure out the real science of this disease.  Meanwhile, the politicians are fixated on using any information to discredit their opposition.

Of course most covid-death patients had underlying medical conditions.  Same with folks that die from the seasonal flu every year, except covid seems to be much more contagious and seems to hit many folks harder than the "ordinary" flu. 

The understanding that underlying medical conditions play a significant role in covid fatalities doesn't mean the covid pandemic is any less deadly.
pendulum swinging.............more like  :bs: information to fit certain motives to me. just my opinion though. i'll still play by the rules!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: deadeye on August 08/31/20, 11:58:02 AM
They have both the first timers 8 hour course and the refresher 4 hour course.  Yes, you do have to sit at your computer for the full course although as you stated you can stop and pickup where you left off as often as you want.  Note: The course is designed in such a way that you must remain at and read/view virtually all of the course material.  Numerous short segments (videos or other displays) and all require some sort of interaction. Usually you need to click on topics to play or read them or answer questions.  Very interactive I would say.  Also, most segments are short like 30 seconds to a couple minuets.  Once on a longer one I walked away for a while.  Not sure how long I was gone but when I return, the program had reset to prior to when I left so you can't cheat and not watch or listen.   :rotflmao:
As a heads up, you cannot take the course together and both get a certificate of completion. (yes we did and then I had to do it again).  Very well planned program I'd say.  Just do it on a cold rainy day and have a few while doing it. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on August 08/31/20, 12:02:09 PM
You can stretch it out for days if you want Glenn.  It is a good course.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/31/20, 12:26:52 PM
 :happy1: :happy1: great information guys..........really appreciate it. :happy1: not like some of them clowns hear........no i wont mention dotch, gunner boar or mikey!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on August 08/31/20, 01:10:22 PM
Any suspicious packages arrive lately, little blue man?  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/31/20, 01:25:21 PM
 :scratch: Glenn taking this DD course online,  :laughroll: only way IMO  :tut: is if he's sittin in his chair in his office at the hall 'cause that's when he spends the most time on his laptop & that's just because he's always stirrin the pot here.  :pouty:                                                                                                 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/31/20, 06:06:24 PM
:scratch: Glenn taking this DD course online,  :laughroll: only way IMO  :tut: is if he's sittin in his chair in his office at the hall 'cause that's when he spends the most time on his laptop & that's just because he's always stirrin the pot here.  :pouty:                                                                                               
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/31/20, 06:08:26 PM
Any suspicious packages arrive lately, little blue man?  :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :super smiley: not lately. :happy1: and I'm leaving tomorrow before the mailman comes tomorrow.... Until Monday. :mooning:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/31/20, 06:43:32 PM
oh things will settle down here then??   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

have fun!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/31/20, 07:18:04 PM
oh things will settle down here then??   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

have fun!!
you'll all miss me. :evil: :sleazy: :mooning: and my ears will be ringing because y'all will be taking pit shots at me in my absence. :pouty: :doah: :confused: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/31/20, 07:32:04 PM
oh things will settle down here then??   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

have fun!!
you'll all miss me. :evil: :sleazy: :mooning: and my ears will be ringing because y'all will be taking pit shots at me in my absence. :pouty: :doah: :confused: :rotflmao:

I don't know about pit shots but we will do some pot shots!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/31/20, 07:41:57 PM
Pot shots, put shots, bad mouth, digs.... All da same thing!!! :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on September 09/01/20, 07:49:37 AM

and I'll bet there are folks that would try this!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on September 09/01/20, 12:40:48 PM
They officially upped our total to 10 now.  There are only 3,900 people living here and that includes the NW angle.  Sure hoping it doesn't go wild here.  This may be from the 2 idiots that came up here knowing they were positive and hung at the bar at a popular resort for a few days.  I suppose they will be listed in their own counties of residence. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on September 09/01/20, 12:53:41 PM
They officially upped our total to 10 now.  There are only 3,900 people living here and that includes the NW angle.  Sure hoping it doesn't go wild here.  This may be from the 2 idiots that came up here knowing they were positive and hung at the bar at a popular resort for a few days.  I suppose they will be listed in their own counties of residence.
Hoping it doesn't get much worse there buddy. I'm hoping my wife doesn't get it at work, things are bad there.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on September 09/01/20, 04:14:40 PM
Are you near Rebs country?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on September 09/01/20, 06:53:38 PM
About 55 miles east of Rochester.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on September 09/01/20, 06:55:55 PM
About 55 miles east of Rochester.

thought you were west of Cawchester???    closer to Kato?? 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on September 09/01/20, 07:55:37 PM
Think that's a typo unless he moved on us... :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on September 09/01/20, 09:10:53 PM
He doesn't want us to know.  So we can't all just show up unexpected.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  Can't blame him.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/01/20, 09:40:17 PM
What percentage of the general population have underlying conditions? I know I do. I'm an overweight male over 65 with high blood pressure.

Good chance you toast if you get it...   so be careful.    ;)

Look at the mn dept of health situation update.   Lots of good information in the tables and in the pdf of the weekly summary report.   In minnesota about 3/4 of the people who died were old enough and frail enough for various reasons that they were living in nursing homes.     I would be willing to bet many of the remaining deaths were people with serious conditions.   Cancer with radiation or chemo therapy.   COPD.   Autoimmune diseases, congestive heart failure, etc.     

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on September 09/02/20, 07:20:46 AM
A while back they said if you smoke or if you have smoked within the last two weeks before you got the Covid it greatly affected your chances.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on September 09/02/20, 07:51:15 AM
About 55 miles east of Rochester.
Oops, I meant the other East, I must have been looking South.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on September 09/02/20, 07:55:54 AM
 :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on September 09/03/20, 11:42:49 AM
so I see Gov. goofy is have a press conference today..  I suppose he's going to say how bad we are doing and need more control over our lives...   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on September 09/03/20, 12:29:25 PM
We are up to 13 cases up here and 1 death.  One of the guides that drove launches for a resort here. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/08/20, 11:56:03 AM
so i listened to an interesting conversation on the radio this morning. yes. it was on boobers favorite radio station!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

so the conversation was regarding why places like target, wallyworld and all these huge businesses that thousands of employees and customers going through there buildings daily and no severe outbreaks of this virus yet small businesses remain closed or very limited, think resturants etc have to follow strict rules and closing and filing bankruptcy?????

with the eating places approaching winter they are starting to run out of time for the outdoor seating, then what, and see above.

and then the cold and flu season coming......how they going to deal with that?????

then there's this mask thing.............numbers are staying level or even rising........where is the math that says masks are working?????

they were not arguing or agreeing to anything just a healthy discussion with no real answers!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on September 09/08/20, 12:22:38 PM
My wife is practically beside herself with the outbreak at the long term health care facility she works at. Over 10 percent of the residents have perished so far and roughly half the staff and residents have tested positive. Some people, including some of the elderly have little or no symptoms, others are fighting for their lives. One of the nurses is having a pretty hard time of it. They are testing the staff twice a week now. So far my wife's tests have come back negative. I'm pretty sure she is getting tested again today.
The federal prison in town is the home of an outbreak as well. I have heard that they moved 45 inmates there that have the virus.
Hoping we don't get it here at home but in all likelihood we will. If we do we'll deal with it as best we can
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/08/20, 12:59:30 PM
Roony.........i truly understand your concerns with her working in that field.

i DID NOT post that to stir the pot, just the conversation i heard this morning on the radio and some made alot of sense, especially with the difference in businesses being able to continue as is and others not so much.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on September 09/08/20, 01:17:47 PM
Roony.........i truly understand your concerns with her working in that field.

i DID NOT post that to stir the pot, just the conversation i heard this morning on the radio and some made alot of sense, especially with the difference in businesses being able to continue as is and others not so much.
I know. I just shared our situation which is a bit stressful at the moment. The good part is that Merrilee and I have been healthy so far. I pray that continues. Also found out a staff member tested positive at the care center my mother is at, hope they can nip it in the bud there.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/08/20, 01:24:39 PM
Roony.........i truly understand your concerns with her working in that field.

i DID NOT post that to stir the pot, just the conversation i heard this morning on the radio and some made alot of sense, especially with the difference in businesses being able to continue as is and others not so much.
I know. I just shared our situation which is a bit stressful at the moment. The good part is that Merrilee and I have been healthy so far. I pray that continues. Also found out a staff member tested positive at the care center my mother is at, hope they can nip it in the bud there.
:happy1: :happy1: yea i bet that can be stressful for you and the warden!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/08/20, 01:39:33 PM
I think when all is said and done, we are going to find out that this virus is absolutely devastating to the elderly and only slightly more deadly than the regular flu on others.

If we knew that going in, we could have managed the crisis differently.  But now the lines are drawn, statements have been made, no one wants to admit they were wrong before an election, and the latest medical findings are immediately politicized.

And the media isn't helping because they have their own agendas.  For example, it has been forever since I've heard how other countries are coping with the pandemic.  They mostly cover and spin covid-related stories to make the "other guy's" policies and ideas (Dem or Repub) look bad.

How is it we seem to know the names of every person who got covid at Sturgis or a college frat party, but there was no - and is no - reported uptick in corona virus cases due to BLM protests and riots?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on September 09/08/20, 01:54:44 PM
Roony.........i truly understand your concerns with her working in that field.

i DID NOT post that to stir the pot, just the conversation i heard this morning on the radio and some made alot of sense, especially with the difference in businesses being able to continue as is and others not so much.
I know. I just shared our situation which is a bit stressful at the moment. The good part is that Merrilee and I have been healthy so far. I pray that continues. Also found out a staff member tested positive at the care center my mother is at, hope they can nip it in the bud there.

I heard about all this and couldn't help but think how it was affecting you and your family Art. I know with the influx of prisoners coming in with it, it suddenly shifted the local school's operation from in school to at least partial home learning, again. Hopefully they can keep it under control in the Care Center here where your Mom is. 

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/08/20, 03:49:18 PM
I think when all is said and done, we are going to find out that this virus is absolutely devastating to the elderly and only slightly more deadly than the regular flu on others.

If we knew that going in, we could have managed the crisis differently.  But now the lines are drawn, statements have been made, no one wants to admit they were wrong before an election, and the latest medical findings are immediately politicized.

And the media isn't helping because they have their own agendas.  For example, it has been forever since I've heard how other countries are coping with the pandemic.  They mostly cover and spin covid-related stories to make the "other guy's" policies and ideas (Dem or Repub) look bad.

How is it we seem to know the names of every person who got covid at Sturgis or a college frat party, but there was no - and is no - reported uptick in corona virus cases due to BLM protests and riots?

Here is a story about Sweden.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/08/20, 04:05:42 PM
so i listened to an interesting conversation on the radio this morning. yes. it was on boobers favorite radio station!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

so the conversation was regarding why places like target, wallyworld and all these huge businesses that thousands of employees and customers going through there buildings daily and no severe outbreaks of this virus yet small businesses remain closed or very limited, think resturants etc have to follow strict rules and closing and filing bankruptcy?????

with the eating places approaching winter they are starting to run out of time for the outdoor seating, then what, and see above.

and then the cold and flu season coming......how they going to deal with that?????

then there's this mask thing.............numbers are staying level or even rising........where is the math that says masks are working?????

they were not arguing or agreeing to anything just a healthy discussion with no real answers!!!!!!
Pretty good points tho, they must have swiped that bit from another station im thinking.  :thumbs:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on September 09/08/20, 04:21:45 PM
I think when all is said and done, we are going to find out that this virus is absolutely devastating to the elderly and only slightly more deadly than the regular flu on others.

If we knew that going in, we could have managed the crisis differently.  But now the lines are drawn, statements have been made, no one wants to admit they were wrong before an election, and the latest medical findings are immediately politicized.

And the media isn't helping because they have their own agendas.  For example, it has been forever since I've heard how other countries are coping with the pandemic.  They mostly cover and spin covid-related stories to make the "other guy's" policies and ideas (Dem or Repub) look bad.

How is it we seem to know the names of every person who got covid at Sturgis or a college frat party, but there was no - and is no - reported uptick in corona virus cases due to BLM protests and riots?

Here is a story about Sweden.

To be truthful.  Sweden only has about 17 mil people.  The USA has about 325 mil.  Lot's more bugs to share!  :sick:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/08/20, 04:44:46 PM
I think when all is said and done, we are going to find out that this virus is absolutely devastating to the elderly and only slightly more deadly than the regular flu on others.

If we knew that going in, we could have managed the crisis differently.  But now the lines are drawn, statements have been made, no one wants to admit they were wrong before an election, and the latest medical findings are immediately politicized.

And the media isn't helping because they have their own agendas.  For example, it has been forever since I've heard how other countries are coping with the pandemic.  They mostly cover and spin covid-related stories to make the "other guy's" policies and ideas (Dem or Repub) look bad.

How is it we seem to know the names of every person who got covid at Sturgis or a college frat party, but there was no - and is no - reported uptick in corona virus cases due to BLM protests and riots?

Here is a story about Sweden.

To be truthful.  Sweden only has about 17 mil people.  The USA has about 325 mil.  Lot's more bugs to share!  :sick:

And the gist seems to be that Sweden didn't have masks and is getting thru it.  But when I look at the comparison to Norway and Denmark in the graph they provided...

Yes, Sweden's infection rate is finally trending down.  And while the infection rate for Norway and Denmark is recently trending up slightly, neither of those countries endured an infection rate spike that Sweden did.

It is still WAY to early for Sweden to claim victory or that they have arrived at "herd immunity" nirvana.

I do wish there was someone putting all this data together to figure out what work and what doesn't.  And we all know there are these people working on this.   And I'll bet they are just as frustrated as everyone else that they can't get the data they need to answer the questions that are being asked.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/08/20, 05:01:07 PM
About the BLM and covid.   They did a lot of testing of people who attended the demonstrations.   For some reason not many people got it.  Might be cuz a lot of people were wearing masks, or maybe because it was outside and people were moving around, or maybe the flames killed the virus.   

They really don't know.    As for Sturgis there don't seem to have been many infections from there either, although all those guys who were inside bars at concerts and stuff might have just really got lucky.   

I am beginning to think that catching the virus takes more exposure than just walking by someone in Walmart or picking up a box of cereal that someone else touched.    It may also be that a big dose makes you a lot sicker than a little dose.   

But at my age, best to stay safe.   No bars or indoor restaurants for me..   as few trips to stores as is feasable.   Wear a mask.     Take zinc and vitamin D.     

Been watching the actual science stuff about it.    They are getting better at treating people who get it.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on September 09/08/20, 07:57:43 PM
Sweden has it a lot worse than those reports show. I have also read articles about how no matter how sick some people who were at Sturgis and got Covid are not reporting it and just trying to get better on their own. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/09/20, 06:58:07 AM
There was also the big Rodeo in Effie that one person came there with covid and no one else got it. But the Great Ellison is still has a lawsuit against them. I guess the point with Sweden is they are managing to get thru it without having to shut done. They just protected the most vulnerable and are making it thru.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/09/20, 07:10:47 AM
There was also the big Rodeo in Effie that one person came there with covid and no one else got it. But the Great Ellison is still has a lawsuit against them. I guess the point with Sweden is they are managing to get thru it without having to shut done. They just protected the most vulnerable and are making it thru.

Too bad Walz and the state of Minnesota hasn't been able to protect the most vulnerable.    The places in Rochester seem to have done it by solitary confinement or protective custody.      From what I hear it has been pretty grim living in places like Charter House due to the rules.   But they aren't dying. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on September 09/09/20, 07:35:02 AM
We are up to 16 here now!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/09/20, 07:38:07 AM
Yep, heard that this morning. More cases popping up in the big yellow building here to.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on September 09/09/20, 07:41:56 AM
I wondered about that Chris.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/09/20, 08:28:58 AM
so, this morning on boobers favorite radio station there discussion was geared toward the numbers. they asked why there are no reported numbers from all the riots etc and the experts are  babbling about how bad it could be with the sturgis rally. 

so how and why do they concentrate on certain things and not others..............and with the numbers from the way they explained it with sturgis how bad it will get using the very worst case scenerio, like everyone going to the hospital. and how inflated these numbers there throwing out there arent real.

again they and i are only throwing out there what was discussed, not an opinion.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/09/20, 09:23:26 AM
Well, It all depends if it is a red thing or a blue thing. Blue is all ok by them, but any red thing is all bad and going to end the world.  :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/09/20, 09:30:11 AM
Well, It all depends if it is a red thing or a blue thing. Blue is all ok by them, but any red thing is all bad and going to end the world.  :angry2:
JB i think your wrong.........sounds like its a BLM thing!!!!!!!, well maybe your right the blue seems to side with BLM.

seen something on the web last night playing on my phone..........why isnt BLM outraged all the black babies being killed.............. by blacks?????????????????? :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/09/20, 11:58:54 AM
Double standard?   :confused:

MN Attorney General taking action against Effie rodeo (https://www.grandrapidsmn.com/covid-19/mn-attorney-general-taking-action-against-effie-rodeo/article_9aa39bec-d68f-11ea-92c8-9bc55aef88b1.html)

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison announced July 30 that his office has brought an enforcement action against North Star Ranch, LLC, of Effie, Minn., that allowed large crowds to attend its annual three-day North Star Stampede rodeo without taking required safety precautions against the spread of COVID-19.

“Stopping the spread of COVID-19 is everyone’s responsibility. It’s in all Minnesotans’ interest for businesses and events to comply with the law and the Governor’s executive orders so that we can protect ourselves, our loved ones, our communities, and our livelihoods,” Attorney General Ellison reported.

St. Paul Pioneer Press:  Did George Floyd memorial service violate Minnesota’s coronavirus order? (https://www.twincities.com/2020/06/05/did-george-floyd-memorial-service-violate-minnesotas-coronavirus-order/)

There were too many people seated too closely to comply with the order; and the order has “strong” recommendations to not have congregational singing, which Thursday’s service did. The order also calls for no more than 250 people to attend such an event; some 500 were in attendance Thursday, the Associated Press reported.

CNN:  Thousands of mourners visit George Floyd's casket in Houston to pay respects (https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/08/us/george-floyd-houston-visitation/index.html#:~:text=Texas%20Gov.,spokeswoman%20for%20the%20funeral%20home.)

(CNN) Thousands of mourners gathered at The Fountain of Praise church in Houston on Monday to pay their respects to George Floyd, whose death in Minneapolis police custody has sparked protests around the United States and across the world.

(Funny, no mention of Covid at all in the CNN article.   :scratch:)

Do I think it was wrong that all those people were allowed to attend George Floyd's memorial services.  No, the people who attended needed to gather and grieve.  But a lot of people died during the lock-down and were not allowed to hold funerals.  What about them?

I guess it all depends on whether or not government officials really take their own covid quarantine mandates seriously.  Apparently they do not.  To my mind, government quarantine mandates lost ALL credibility when they did nothing about BLM gatherings in excess of stated limits.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/09/20, 12:24:55 PM
Exactly, depends on what group you are. And damn right it's a double standard.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/09/20, 03:30:01 PM
Exactly, depends on what group you are. And damn right it's a double standard.
That was my point.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on September 09/10/20, 03:47:34 PM
Just got a text from one of my best buds at work. He felt lousy on Tuesday, got tested, and just found out he has it. I'm getting hit from all directions but feeling fine so far
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on September 09/10/20, 06:12:18 PM
Darn that is too bad Roony.  I hope he turns out ok.  I sure as heck don't want it so hope people being safe helps to slow it down. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on September 09/10/20, 06:51:55 PM
Darn that is too bad Roony.  I hope he turns out ok.  I sure as heck don't want it so hope people being safe helps to slow it down.

2nd that roony.. stay good...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on September 09/10/20, 08:05:21 PM
'zactly roony. Doing my part. Having some quinine water tonite.  :happy1:

Correct me if I'm wrong roony, but the rumbling floating thru here is that one of the people working in the Nils Hasselmo-Roger Moe Memorial Prison where they recently transferred 31 prisoners testing positive for COVID, was also working in one of the care centers that now has COVID.

And Steve-O, the wife informed me that a friend who is one of the organizers of Farming of Yesteryear at Kiester asked if she'd put up a sign at the flower shop a few days ago to promote it. It's primarily an outdoor celebration with threshing and old time farm operations that are part of the heritage of this area. Her friend came back recently and asked her to take  the sign down. Seems our illustrious Attorney General got wind of it and threatened the organizers with lawsuits if they didn't shut it down. Sound familiar? I told her if they'd burn some cars and buildings along with looting some ag businesses, then it would be deemed a mostly peaceful protest & have the AG's approval.    :rolleyes:   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/11/20, 07:21:18 AM
Hope you stay away from the rona Roony!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on September 09/11/20, 08:11:24 AM
Hadn't heard that someone worked at the prison and the nursing home both Dotch. More cases at the nursing home as of yesterday.
My friend at work is already doing a lot better, so that's good.
I see in the news that Waseca County is the hot spot in the state. This too will pass.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on September 09/11/20, 10:10:14 AM
Glad to hear your friend is doing better & that you haven't contracted it Art. I hope they get it under control soon. The head of the local district school bus drivers was in this a.m. The COVID outbreak in Waseca has everything messed up as far as distance learning on what days & delivering who where & when. Need a spreadsheet to keep track of it. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/13/20, 04:21:46 PM
Hadn't heard that someone worked at the prison and the nursing home both Dotch. More cases at the nursing home as of yesterday.
My friend at work is already doing a lot better, so that's good.
I see in the news that Waseca County is the hot spot in the state. This too will pass.

Today's situation report has one new case in Waseca county....   and two geezers bit the dust.    one in the 85-89 year, and one 95-99 years.    Cumulative 392 cases and 8 deaths.

Went to dept of health to look at numbers.    School starting could be a factor.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on September 09/14/20, 12:46:42 AM
Hadn't heard that someone worked at the prison and the nursing home both Dotch. More cases at the nursing home as of yesterday.
My friend at work is already doing a lot better, so that's good.
I see in the news that Waseca County is the hot spot in the state. This too will pass.

Today's situation report has one new case in Waseca county....   and two geezers bit the dust.    one in the 85-89 year, and one 95-99 years.    Cumulative 392 cases and 8 deaths.

Went to dept of health to look at numbers.    School starting could be a factor.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on September 09/14/20, 12:49:56 AM
I saw that, 28 yesterday only 1 today. Many of the cases and deaths have  been at my wife's place of employment.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on September 09/14/20, 08:46:11 AM
That is too close Roony.  Scary.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on September 09/20/20, 11:36:05 AM
Holy balls! 98 more cases reported in Waseca County. I wonder how many of them were at the prison.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/20/20, 07:21:56 PM
Holy balls! 98 more cases reported in Waseca County. I wonder how many of them were at the prison.

Wow, missed that today.   Normally I just check Olmsted and St Louis but have been watching waseca lately.   That's sort of ugly.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on September 09/20/20, 08:51:12 PM
I heard a lot of it is delayed reporting from the prison.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/02/20, 11:28:49 AM
so i read the Trumpster and his wife tested positive????????? :doah: :doah: now what?????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on October 10/02/20, 11:38:15 AM
We are doomed forever without his knowledge of everything.  LOL
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on October 10/02/20, 12:17:30 PM
so i read the Trumpster and his wife tested positive????????? :doah: :doah: now what?????

I reckon that we'll have to wait and see how sick he gets.  Some folks test positive and don't feel a thing, some folks get sick and are back on their feet in a couple of days, some folks have a tougher time.

Ol' Joe has got to be pretty conflicted at this point.

On one hand he's fighting mad that 200,000 people died because Trump lied about covid back in February.  But what if it turns out that Trump contracted covid because Trump lied about covid back in February.  Just sayin...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/02/20, 12:20:34 PM
The article said they were having mild symptoms. Means he has to quareteene for 2 weeks. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: his poor wife. :evil:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on October 10/02/20, 12:50:19 PM
and did he get in Minn??
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/02/20, 03:10:58 PM
so i read the Trumpster and his wife tested positive????????? :doah: :doah: now what?????

Just heard Kamala Harris has it too...   Sleepy Joe next?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on October 10/02/20, 03:15:53 PM
Oh oh.  Not a good thing for Joe to get it.  Trumps aid, an attractive brunette had it and was on the campaign trail with Trump and it appears that is where it came from.  Hope Hicks is her name.  Others got it at the same time I believe. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on October 10/02/20, 03:22:06 PM
I see the Chairwoman of the Republican Party now has it too. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/02/20, 03:23:25 PM
No word that Joe has it yet.   But if Harris has it and who knows whoever else...     

Might be time to check the results of the vaccine trials and start setting up...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on October 10/02/20, 03:52:17 PM
Sounds like Kamala tested negative del so she's all yours.  :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on October 10/02/20, 04:11:17 PM
Oh boy.  That sounds interesting.  Take pics Del.  Hold it, NO DON'T!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on October 10/02/20, 04:28:54 PM
Just said on the radio.  Trump is on his way to the hospital.  Walter Reed I believe they said. I had read earlier that they gave him an experimental drug cocktail expected to help.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/02/20, 06:22:29 PM
Sounds like Kamala tested negative del so she's all yours.  :sleazy:
I'd hit that. :smoking: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on October 10/03/20, 02:12:43 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/04/20, 08:19:05 AM
Sounds like Kamala tested negative del so she's all yours.  :sleazy:
I'd hit that. :smoking: :rotflmao:

Go for it.    Worked for Willie Brown. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/06/20, 06:40:05 PM
So I just heard on the news that starting Thursday Wisconsin will be limiting bars and restaurants to 25% capacity. This doesn't include things like churches and political rallies. :angry2: :angry2:

How effin friggin stupid is that. :crazy: :doofus: :angry2: training-087 :banghead: :banghead:

If your going to limit capacities it should be everything. Sheez! :pouty: :bs: :censored:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on October 10/06/20, 07:02:15 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on October 10/06/20, 08:29:50 PM
The numbers are rising everywhere. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/06/20, 08:35:18 PM
The numbers are rising everywhere.
I get that, but please explain to me why limiting capacity in smaller venues like bars and restaurants but not in larger venues like political rallies and churches that hold a whole hell of of a lot more people solves anything.

And if the numbers are rising are masks really working. :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on October 10/06/20, 08:48:48 PM
Not going to get into it with you Glenn.  We all have our own theories on it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: fishwidow on October 10/06/20, 09:33:10 PM
Here’s my second hand info on Wisconsin. I do a lot of business with customers and suppliers in Wisconsin. I’ve had people tell me that lots of the small town bars are doing a big business with football season on. The tradition, which I have participated in, is “it’s Sunday, let’s all go to the bar and watch the Packers.”  One customer told me they went to a local bar to pick up curbside food and saw a sign on the door that said “if you don’t have a mask on we assume you have a medical condition and are not required to wear one. We cannot ask you about that, so come on in.”
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on October 10/07/20, 06:37:38 AM
 “if you don’t have a mask on we assume you have a medical condition and are not required to wear one. We cannot ask you about that, so come on in.”

seen that in here in Minn too.. just sayin
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on October 10/07/20, 06:56:20 AM
Yep. They can not ask a person why they are not wearing a mask. I have the same question as Glenn though. With the cases rising are the mask really doing any good. I think it just makes people touch their face even more. Constantly fidgeting with them. I personally thing we are way beyond lock downs and limiting things. Time to just move in with life. Can't keep living in fear. And I have been saying that all summer long. It is going to be magic how things start to open back up in November. :evil:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/07/20, 08:22:51 AM
Not going to get into it with you Glenn.  We all have our own theories on it.
LPS, i'm no way trying to start anything...if you think i am, for that i apolgize. in my own mind some of this stuff there doing makes no sense to me and only me.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on October 10/07/20, 08:50:05 AM
So how much worse would it be without masks?  Ask Trump and his cronies.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on October 10/07/20, 11:19:06 AM
Don't seem to be no worse. They appear to be doing fine. What Glenn and I are questioning is if the mask are really helping when the number of cases are going up. It was supposed to make the cases go down by wearing masks according to all the experts.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/07/20, 11:47:39 AM
Don't seem to be no worse. They appear to be doing fine. What Glenn and I are questioning is if the mask are really helping when the number of cases are going up. It was supposed to make the cases go down by wearing masks according to all the experts.
exactly. :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/07/20, 04:43:28 PM
So I just heard on the news that starting Thursday Wisconsin will be limiting bars and restaurants to 25% capacity. This doesn't include things like churches and political rallies. :angry2: :angry2:

How effin friggin stupid is that. :crazy: :doofus: :angry2: training-087 :banghead: :banghead:

If your going to limit capacities it should be everything. Sheez! :pouty: :bs: :censored:

Yeah that pesky constitution sucks.     :doofus: :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on October 10/07/20, 08:01:23 PM
I see that Wisconsin now has the third highest Covid rate in the country.  I think SD is right up there too.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/17/20, 10:25:20 AM
had to hunt this thread down, but maybe not a bad thing either. i got a call from my wife this past sunday while i was up north. she said she wasnt feeling good with symptoms similar to the covid and a cold flu. she went in to get tested in st cloud on sunday afternoon in one of those drive through jobs.

i drilled her with questions, the only time she'd been out and about, 2 different stores, she wore a mask and only her granddaughter stopped over and she masked up. the more i questioned her activities i am convinced since it is also the cold and flu season that she has a cold.

what i dont understand is why it will take 3 to 7 days to get results???? :doofus: :doofus: :doofus: with all this testing and hearing you can get results faster i dont get it. she had a procedure for her eye scheduled for monday she had to cancel.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Boar on November 11/17/20, 10:43:03 AM
well that was the only successful hunt yubhad.
butbi hopebthings fairwell forbsue.  mybwife being a caregive get results back same day
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/17/20, 10:49:01 AM
Probably because those tests with quicker results cost more so County Public Health Dept can't afford to hand them out. Besides they're in short supply & that drives up the cost even more because all the doctors, nurses, & rightfully so, are getting tested using the best tests almost everyday. But all the politicians as well as all the pro athletes are using those same tests as well.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/17/20, 10:51:24 AM
 I see Boar beat me to it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/17/20, 11:22:23 AM
Sue said she is feeling a lot better today. Liking that. :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/17/20, 11:26:20 AM
well that was the only successful hunt yubhad.
butbi hopebthings fairwell forbsue.  mybwife being a caregive get results back same day
:mooning: :mooning:

Yea guess that makes sense. The medical professionals should get top priority.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/17/20, 11:55:25 AM
well that was the only successful hunt yubhad.
butbi hopebthings fairwell forbsue.  mybwife being a caregive get results back same day
:mooning: :mooning:

Yea guess that makes sense. The medical professionals should get top priority.
  :tut: So stop your :violin: :violin: :violin: :cry: :cry: :cry:                        :pouty: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/17/20, 01:10:21 PM
New regs down here starting today, much the same as what Walz implemented the last time,
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on November 11/17/20, 01:30:40 PM
and it sounds like we have more coming at us here...  again...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/17/20, 01:43:07 PM
well that was the only successful hunt yubhad.
butbi hopebthings fairwell forbsue.  mybwife being a caregive get results back same day
:mooning: :mooning:

Yea guess that makes sense. The medical professionals should get top priority.
  :tut: So stop your :violin: :violin: :violin: :cry: :cry: :cry:                        :pouty: :nerd: :nerd:
:mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/17/20, 01:44:16 PM
and it sounds like we have more coming at us here...  again...
yea i seen that too!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: last i heard they want to limit 3 per household for turkey day. :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Boar on November 11/17/20, 01:47:31 PM
f*** that!!

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/17/20, 01:53:20 PM
i hear ya bud.......we made plans and sticking with them, if someone doesnt want to come thats there choice.

Sue and i did have a conversation about christmas and we will discuss it with the kids thanksgiving day. plan is to see how things shake out between turkey day and then. hope to have a decission by 2nd week in december.........

i still plan on quarenteening up north on a few frozen lakes though!!!!! :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on November 11/17/20, 02:39:29 PM
still staying with the plan here too..  for turkey day..  then from there we will see too.... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on November 11/17/20, 03:08:18 PM
and it sounds like we have more coming at us here...  again...
yea i seen that too!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: last i heard they want to limit 3 per household for turkey day. :doah:

But, but Hitl…. Biden isn't President yet!!  :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/17/20, 03:43:19 PM
and it sounds like we have more coming at us here...  again...
yea i seen that too!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: last i heard they want to limit 3 per household for turkey day. :doah:

But, but Hitl…. Biden isn't President yet!!  :confused:
that isnt Kamala's doing........YET. thats that guy DOTCH like so well......gov Timmy Jung Walz!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on November 11/17/20, 03:53:20 PM
f*** that!!


Exactly my thoughts too!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on November 11/17/20, 04:23:49 PM
Quote from: glenn57 yea i seen that too!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: last i heard they want to limit 3 per household for turkey day. :doah:
So half the Asian families are going to have most the family eating in the garage?  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on November 11/17/20, 04:29:02 PM
and it sounds like we have more coming at us here...  again...
yea i seen that too!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: last i heard they want to limit 3 per household for turkey day. :doah:

But, but Hitl…. Biden isn't President yet!!  :confused:
that isnt Kamala's doing........YET. thats that guy DOTCH like so well......gov Timmy Jung Walz!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

You guys are saying mean things about Joe & Ho as well as comrade Walz. Dey haff vays uff delink viss zhu trobblemakerz... :shocked:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/17/20, 04:34:24 PM
and it sounds like we have more coming at us here...  again...
yea i seen that too!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: last i heard they want to limit 3 per household for turkey day. :doah:

But, but Hitl…. Biden isn't President yet!!  :confused:
that isnt Kamala's doing........YET. thats that guy DOTCH like so well......gov Timmy Jung Walz!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

You guys are saying mean things about Joe & Ho as well as comrade Walz. Dey haff vays uff delink viss zhu trobblemakerz... :shocked:
you speak boaraneze now??? :scratch: :doah: how's dutchboy supposed to follow along ya putz!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on November 11/17/20, 04:42:19 PM
That's OK. We'll get out the chalkboard... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/17/20, 07:27:03 PM
Well looks like Walz is going to shut down high school sports.

Hey Dotch mail me one of your recall Walz yard signs. :confused: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on November 11/17/20, 08:06:21 PM
I think when he yaks at 6pm tomorrow there will more than that we are going to hear..... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on November 11/17/20, 09:31:55 PM
Well looks like Walz is going to shut down high school sports.

Hey Dotch mail me one of your recall Walz yard signs. :confused: :happy1:

Sounds like yer pal gov. Killjoy will set out to finish the job he started back in March on restaurants & bars too while he's at it. Was in the local restaurant yesterday. No seats at the bar anymore of course. Absolutely ludicrous. The main reason we sat at the bar was to make it easier on the waitress. Many days she's running her @ss off between the bar and restaurant side since they can't afford to hire more help due to the 50% capacity rule as it applies to COVID. Your odds of a face to face full on blast from someone sitting 3' straight across from you at a table are far greater than someone properly distanced sitting 6' to your side. People making some of these ridiculous rules are apparently academics who for their entire adult lives have made a living feeding at the public trough having never run a small business, especially one in the hospitality sector.  :angry: 

So, you want that sign with or without bullet holes glenn?  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/17/20, 09:42:37 PM
 :rotflmao: either one. :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on November 11/18/20, 07:15:34 AM
Walz is a disgrace,same league as witmore in mich....I thought dayton was a bad gov holy hanna walz is a joke.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on November 11/18/20, 07:44:14 AM
I wish there was actually a way to recall his  :moon:!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: deadeye on November 11/18/20, 07:46:35 AM
I admit the closing of theses businesses is concerning for many.  I must also admit that it has had no real impact on me.  I have not set foot in a bar, restaurant, church, hair salon, gym, school, or convention center since early March.  Do I like it, hell no.  Do I think it's worth it, yes I do. For now it's the only known effective way to slow the spread of the virus.  Anyone who still thinks its a joke or political ploy, simply needs to visit a covid ward in a hospital and I am sure they will come away with a different attitude.  Ok, nuff said, now back to hunting and fishing.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on November 11/18/20, 09:17:55 AM
I don't like any of this neither DE.  The wife and I have done everything we can to help stop this virus also.  I agree with everything you just said. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on November 11/18/20, 09:24:57 AM
The wife and I have done everything we can to stay safe from this. But this locking things down an shutting businesses down is just flat wrong. It should be your personal choice to go into a bar or restaurant. These places are not going to survive. And as for the whole mask thing I am not buying that they help. Since according to all the dome and gloom cases are worse now then before we were wearing masks. And now I hear that some idiots Governors are going to and start mandating that people wear them in there own house. They can kiss  :mooning:!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/18/20, 09:32:18 AM
The wife and I have done everything we can to stay safe from this. But this locking things down an shutting businesses down is just flat wrong. It should be your personal choice to go into a bar or restaurant. These places are not going to survive. And as for the whole mask thing I am not buying that they help. Since according to all the dome and gloom cases are worse now then before we were wearing masks. And now I hear that some idiots Governors are going to and start mandating that people wear them in there own house. They can kiss  :mooning:!
yea JB iread that yesterday and believe it was the state of pennselvannia!!

i also just read to expect walz to shut down all high school sports, AND bars and resturaunts will only be open for take out. i feel for these establishments........and i also agree with you JB it should be peoples choices.

read in the paper that Costco is now requiring a mask in a store or they wont let you in, if you claim medical... you will be required to have a face shield!!!!! i still wear a mask when i go to stores........
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on November 11/18/20, 09:59:16 AM
Ever notice that Minnesota managed to keep its infection rate lower than the states surrounding us? Now, while Minnesota is close to maximum capacity, we are taking patients from those states that have ignored the seriousness of this pandemic. Recently patients from South Dakota have been quoted as saying "This can't be happening because the virus isn't real." These statements made on their deathbeds.
It is obvious that Walz isn't making these decisions because they help him politically. He would be more popular if he ignored science and did nothing to prevent our hospitals from being overwhelmed.
As far as sports go, I have always felt that the most valuable lesson of High School sports is how to work as a team. Maybe these young athletes will learn this lesson through some of the sacrifices they are making. It seems it is too late for many adults.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on November 11/18/20, 10:30:45 AM
The wife and I have done everything we can to stay safe from this. But this locking things down an shutting businesses down is just flat wrong. It should be your personal choice to go into a bar or restaurant. These places are not going to survive. And as for the whole mask thing I am not buying that they help. Since according to all the dome and gloom cases are worse now then before we were wearing masks. And now I hear that some idiots Governors are going to and start mandating that people wear them in there own house. They can kiss  :mooning:!
yea JB iread that yesterday and believe it was the state of pennselvannia!!

i also just read to expect walz to shut down all high school sports, AND bars and resturaunts will only be open for take out. i feel for these establishments........and i also agree with you JB it should be peoples choices.

read in the paper that Costco is now requiring a mask in a store or they wont let you in, if you claim medical... you will be required to have a face shield!!!!! i still wear a mask when i go to stores........

I am a firm believer that a busy has the right to Require people to wear mask. Their business, their choice. We as customers can make the choice to go in or not. I am wondering when at some point someone is going to bring a law suit against his shutting things down. But if we go and loot, riot and burns things down for BLM we would be OK to do it. :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/18/20, 07:30:33 PM
Sue, my wife got her test results back this afternoon. A big fat NEGATIVE!!👍👍
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on November 11/18/20, 07:37:46 PM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on November 11/18/20, 08:42:20 PM
Super glenn! Now if she can just figure out how to house break you she'll really be tickled!  :doah:

Well, it's started. The bar in Bugtussle was packed already at 4 p.m. when I came thru town after soil sampling. I rarely go in there other than to get a case of beer or an emergency bottle of Tanqueray from the off sale. The grocery store parking lot was full as well. Damn lucky Mrs. Cheviot bought most of our Thanksgiving stuff last week. I got our turkey bought on sale Monday. Hoarding was already evident in Albert's Leaf today the Mrs. reported. Also one of the restaurants she usually decorates for Christmas informed her this afternoon that given the anticipated announcement, they are done. Out of business. Finished. Kaput. Gee. Imagine that... :scratch: 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/18/20, 08:52:04 PM
Man that sucks to hear Dotch. :confused:

We are going Friday to hoard and get our turkey day goodies. AND just because we're going to the house of pizza for lunch. :mooning: :moon:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on November 11/19/20, 07:12:19 AM
 Yep, sad day in communist Mn. Killing some more businesses that are already struggling.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on November 11/19/20, 07:51:28 AM
Walz is fond of showing his graphs where the virus has spiked over the last month. I would like to see the graph for the number of tests administered in the same period of time. We go from hardly no tests to I believe 75,000 per day. Gee I wonder how they have found more?   :scratch:

You boys start saving your nickles, once they start to calculate sales tax dollars lost and tax dollars spent fighting this thing our taxes are going to SKYROCKET.

And then in the spirit of "lets get this country moving again" the mental giants that run things will want to dump a 20 cent a gallon tax on gas that will just leave people staying home.

Awe hell, not even 8 o'clock and i've ruined my day thinking about this.   :sad:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on November 11/19/20, 07:55:48 AM
Gee. Thanks for ruining my day too. The bright side is I am in a deer stand.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on November 11/19/20, 09:15:15 AM
But wait! There's more! Wait till Joe & Hoe get their 2 cents worth in...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on November 11/19/20, 09:48:36 AM
Good propaganda Dotch but no one ever said higher taxes for those with a net worth over $400,000. What has been proposed is an increase for those with a net income over that amount. You may be there but most of us aren't. At least I'm not.
How do you propose we pay for Trump's deficit without increasing revenue????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on November 11/19/20, 09:53:25 AM
Back to the pandemic, Of course case numbers increase with the number of tests but that doesn't explain the increase in positivity rate, hospitalizations, or deaths. All are increasing at disturbing rates.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/19/20, 10:00:12 AM
so what i find interesting, or troubling is of all the daily, weekly, monthly testing done......WHY arent you hearing or seeing the statistics of the negative tests??? seems like they just want to spread the gloom and doom!!! :scratch: :doah:

my wife would be one of the negative tests............

we here in this house do take this seriously, more so as not to spread it unknownly.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on November 11/19/20, 10:07:29 AM
Well, if your positivity rate is 15 percent then the negativity rate would be 85 percent. Glad I could help. Normally the media doesn't report how many people got through the day without being murdered either.  :crazy: :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/19/20, 10:21:35 AM
 :pouty: 2 completely different subjects roony.......but i get it. murders arent closing businesses for good, people losing there jobs!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on November 11/19/20, 10:27:04 AM
Good propaganda Dotch but no one ever said higher taxes for those with a net worth over $400,000. What has been proposed is an increase for those with a net income over that amount. You may be there but most of us aren't. At least I'm not.
How do you propose we pay for Trump's deficit without increasing revenue????

You tell me pal. Your boy and yer girl will be in charge! I bet the Green Raw Deal will solve it. And ya, everyone knows it's $400,000 net income altho I suppose you could interpret it that way. Don't give them any ideas.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on November 11/19/20, 10:29:16 AM
Ya back to the 'rona issue. What about this mask mandate that was supposed to be the cure all? Didn't do anything one can see on the charts did it?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/19/20, 10:36:14 AM
Ya back to the 'rona issue. What about this mask mandate that was supposed to be the cure all? Didn't do anything one can see on the charts did it?
in all fairness, i listened to walz last night, from what i got out of it was most the spikes came from places like the bars, where noone was wearing a mask. i mean how can you eat and drink with one on???? same with wedding receptions.

i dunno not know..just completely frustrating, and i get roony's concerns since i believe his bride works in a high risk enviroment!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on November 11/19/20, 11:21:24 AM
Should any of us be surprised that we are at this point?  Didn't we all know we were going to get here sooner or later?

I thought the original plan in April was to shut 'er down 'til we built up the auxiliary hospital beds for treating overflow cases.  Looks like now it is time to set them up.

I'm happy and hopeful that a vaccine will provide some relief, but the whole world wants the vaccine and it is going to be a long winter.

We are all relieved that the mortality rate isn't higher than it is, but don't be fooled by this.  You don't want to get Covid if you can avoid it.  Plenty of folks - so called long-haulers - have lingering symptoms after the initial recovery and we don't have a clue as to what the long term, physical damage will be.

I have long since moved out of the camp where folks think:  I'm young enough, I just want to get it and be done with it.

Good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on November 11/19/20, 11:30:43 AM
and with those those thoughts why are they closing hospitals now???  it's still about the money... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/19/20, 03:25:15 PM
Ever notice that Minnesota managed to keep its infection rate lower than the states surrounding us? Now, while Minnesota is close to maximum capacity, we are taking patients from those states that have ignored the seriousness of this pandemic. Recently patients from South Dakota have been quoted as saying "This can't be happening because the virus isn't real." These statements made on their deathbeds.
It is obvious that Walz isn't making these decisions because they help him politically. He would be more popular if he ignored science and did nothing to prevent our hospitals from being overwhelmed.
As far as sports go, I have always felt that the most valuable lesson of High School sports is how to work as a team. Maybe these young athletes will learn this lesson through some of the sacrifices they are making. It seems it is too late for many adults.

These days, the lesson of high school sports seems to be how great it is to be a celebrity.     Or maybe how you can be exploited for the gain of others.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on November 11/19/20, 03:43:50 PM
I wonder if medical examiners went back say 10 years and reviewed the deaths how many would have been attributed to Covid?. Maybe it's been around for decades but we now classify things differently.
I believe it's a real thing, I also believe figures don't lie if liars don't figure. Any accountant worth his or her salt can make numbers read whatever way you want or need them to.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/19/20, 07:39:46 PM
I wonder if medical examiners went back say 10 years and reviewed the deaths how many would have been attributed to Covid?. Maybe it's been around for decades but we now classify things differently.
I believe it's a real thing, I also believe figures don't lie if liars don't figure. Any accountant worth his or her salt can make numbers read whatever way you want or need them to.

Pretty clear this is a new disease.     And pretty hard on us geezers.     Trying to control it is hard when basically it is just an annoyance to those under 40... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on November 11/20/20, 07:38:13 AM
and with those those thoughts why are they closing hospitals now???  it's still about the money...
I hadn't heard they were closing down hospitals?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on November 11/20/20, 07:53:31 AM
one in the cities I heard for sure... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on November 11/20/20, 08:03:45 AM
and with those those thoughts why are they closing hospitals now???  it's still about the money...
I hadn't heard they were closing down hospitals?

Likely would have happened eventually anyway, but the financial strains of pandemic probably hastened the moves.

2 St. Paul hospitals to close, psychiatric beds reduced in Fairview's shakeup (https://www.mprnews.org/story/2020/10/06/two-st-paul-hospitals-to-close-psychiatric-beds-reduced-in-fairviews-shakeup)

"Fairview Health said the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated losses that were already mounting. The system was $163 million in the red for the first half of the year, and is on track to close out 2020 an estimated $250 million in the hole."
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/20/20, 08:40:42 AM
for what hopitals charge i find that hard to believe. :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/20/20, 09:09:06 AM
I don't & I think there'll be more casualties, particularly the smaller rural ones. Even Mayo is down to just outpatient surgeries & that may change soon according to the youngest niece who works in the G/I unit there. Bet that doesn't even come close to payin enough to keep the lights on there but they have the resources to withstand it. On a side note, our govenor has an 11:00 news conference scheduled & expectations are that she'll echo much of what Walz said last.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/20/20, 09:25:46 AM
I don't & I think there'll be more casualties, particularly the smaller rural ones. Even Mayo is down to just outpatient surgeries & that may change soon according to the youngest niece who works in the G/I unit there. Bet that doesn't even come close to payin enough to keep the lights on there but they have the resources to withstand it. On a side note, our govenor has an 11:00 news conference scheduled & expectations are that she'll echo much of what Walz said last.
OK, i can see your point if there only doing out patient stuff. so your saying if someone is in dire need of say bypass surgery, there not doing them???????????

and i was under the impression most if not all the hospitals had different wings, wards set aside for covid. :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/20/20, 09:49:08 AM
Just seen somethin on the news in the last week where Mayo was converting another floor over to a CV-19 ward as all the beds were full in the area they had been using. :crazy: I think if it's emergency surgery or the patient could die that they would still do that, just no electives. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/20/20, 09:57:36 AM
i'll admit since i listened to walz give his new orders, i havent paid much attention to the news since. between reading about this post election  :bs: :bs: and covid in the paper, on the news and on the MSN homepage i've pretty much tuned it all out and ignored it. i flip it to the news about 15 minutes after it starts to catch the weather and sports!!!!!  :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/20/20, 11:46:42 AM
Same here!! Except I've been doing that for quite awhile, the news is usually depressing, hardly ever any feelgood stories on it so :thumbs:. Extra bad these days. :tut: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on November 11/20/20, 02:44:25 PM
Took the warden to Mankato grocery shopping. Toilet paper was all wiped out as a manner of speaking. People are getting in the hoarding mood again.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on November 11/20/20, 03:16:01 PM
heard that on the news last night roony, people are nuts!!!   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/21/20, 12:56:12 PM
Took the warden to Mankato grocery shopping. Toilet paper was all wiped out as a manner of speaking. People are getting in the hoarding mood again.

TP was sure rolling out of Costco this week.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on November 11/21/20, 01:26:34 PM
So why???  Do people think the will quit making it?  The store we shopped at had plenty on the shelves yet. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/21/20, 03:04:34 PM
So why???  Do people think the will quit making it?  The store we shopped at had plenty on the shelves yet.
yea i dont understand that either LPS!!!! :doofus: :doofus: the costco we where at yesterday already had i 1 per limit. i also seen other items that had limits too.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on November 11/21/20, 03:40:45 PM
I almost wonder if the stores don't do some of their own "it may run out" things on Facebook to spur sales.  Otherwise why would toilet paper just run out?  We are still the same amount of people using it. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on November 11/21/20, 05:10:07 PM
they gor the crap scared out of them I guess... :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/21/20, 05:21:37 PM
I almost wonder if the stores don't do some of their own "it may run out" things on Facebook to spur sales.  Otherwise why would toilet paper just run out?  We are still the same amount of people using it.

Yeah, a guy would think that.   Just like the gas shortages...  Everybody suddenly wanting to fill their tank/ stock up on TP wipes out (ha ha ) the inventory.....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: fishwidow on November 11/21/20, 05:31:50 PM
Strangely enough, there are a lot of tissue machines idled right now. The problem is that a major part of tissue demand is for away from home products. With people not traveling and eating at restaurants, bath tissue used at hotels and commercial establishments is not being consumed. With the restaurant trade down, napkin demand is down. People not working and working at home has also cut into the demand for the away from home products and increased demand for at home products. The machines that are idled were dedicated to those markets and it’s not as easy as it seems to convert them to run products for at home use.
The thought of running out of toilet paper caused increased retail sales which in turn led to more demand. A snowball effect.  Kind of like ammo shortages—as people stock up product on the shelves dwindles and the next shoppers see that and stock up, too.
On another Covid note, we found out last night that a former neighbor was diagnosed and transported to a hospital in the cities, and is on a ventilator. He’s in his 80s and has kidney issues, so it’s not sounding good.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/21/20, 05:33:35 PM
At the waite park costco when walking in they had a big billboard up with a listof out of stock and in stock items I thought wax pretty neat. Only 2 things at the time out of stock. Both there and cash wise didn't have any of the lysol type wipes of any brand.

Both the wife and I made a trip to the local grocery store and didn't notice anything out but she said there where limits in place. Me  :doofus: I didn't notice, I was on a mission for just one thing. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/21/20, 05:36:27 PM
Dang fishwidow, hope the best for your old neighbor. :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on November 11/21/20, 05:42:26 PM
my best to your friend fishwidow... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: fishwidow on November 11/21/20, 05:56:36 PM
Thanks, Mike and Glen. Makes you think. I know of a few people who have been exposed, and one that actually tested positive, but this is the only case where I personally know someone hospitalized and on a ventilator. I guess his exposure was at church.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on November 11/21/20, 06:17:03 PM
Yes good luck to your friend.  I have a friend that is trying to get over it and he has other health issues.  I do have a friend that died from it too.  It is not a joke as many still think.  Too bad.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on November 11/21/20, 06:30:44 PM
Yes good luck to your friend.  I have a friend that is trying to get over it and he has other health issues.  I do have a friend that died from it too.  It is not a joke as many still think.  Too bad.

I've heard no one say it's a joke..  I hear more complaining about politics than any thing.....  just my 2 cents...............
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/21/20, 06:32:27 PM
Yes good luck to your friend.  I have a friend that is trying to get over it and he has other health issues.  I do have a friend that died from it too.  It is not a joke as many still think.  Too bad.

I've heard no one say it's a joke..  I hear more complaining about politics than any thing.....  just my 2 cents...............
:happy1: yep pretty much.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on November 11/21/20, 06:49:04 PM
Yup I know what you are saying. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on November 11/21/20, 07:34:55 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/22/20, 08:43:22 AM
Took the warden to Mankato grocery shopping. Toilet paper was all wiped out as a manner of speaking. People are getting in the hoarding mood again.

TP was sure rolling out of Costco this week.   
:scratch: Our little Fareway & Hy Vee's shelves are well stocked down here, there has been a limit on it for ~ a week already though. Could be that there's so many more people full of c#%p up there, especially around St Cloud. :confused:                              ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on November 11/22/20, 08:45:44 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/22/20, 08:45:59 AM
Took the warden to Mankato grocery shopping. Toilet paper was all wiped out as a manner of speaking. People are getting in the hoarding mood again.

TP was sure rolling out of Costco this week.   
:scratch: Our little Fareway & Hy Vee's shelves are well stocked down here, there has been a limit on it for ~ a week already though. Could be that there's so many more people full of c#%p up there, especially around St Cloud. :confused:                              ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on November 11/24/20, 02:47:09 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on November 11/24/20, 03:33:59 PM
 :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on November 11/24/20, 03:48:52 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on November 11/25/20, 06:18:10 PM

Ray Stevens doing it again!!  very good!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on November 11/26/20, 07:14:02 AM
Lol! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/26/20, 12:44:21 PM
this is both confusing and frustrating. on nov 8th my wife went for the covid test. about 5 days later through the my chart process she was notified she was negative.

yesterday in the mail she got a letter from the centracare network. it was dated nov 20th. it basiclly said that she tested negative, BUT the dates are nowheres even close to the actual dates of the events as they occurred. the letter said she was tested on nov 18th.

how is anyone supposed to believe anything regarding this virus!!!!!!! :crazy: :confused: :surrender: :surrender: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on November 11/26/20, 01:21:23 PM
There will be books written for years to come about this. Some will detail the virus and it's results. Others will detail the fraud and other despicable aspects of this fiasco.

This will make the Kennedy conspiracy look like a bedtime story.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/27/20, 05:05:40 PM
so yesterday i found out from  my son my daughter, his twin sister got the rona. she works at the st cloud hospital. the little sheet she is didnt tell anybody. it sounds as though if i understood it right, they may have found it through tracing but not sure. she had lost her smell and tasty and an acky body was it for symptoms.

i guess some guy came to her floor, admitted he had the rona, they were both wearing masks in the conversation. he told her that when he came in to the hospital he said he thought he also had pnemonia and sent him up to her floor she was working. she proceeded to send him elsewhere?????

my ghist her i guess, when she went and talked to the higher ups and why and how she got it, the hospitals explaination was....... it slows the spread but wont stop you from getting the rona!!!!!!! :scratch: :doah: :doofus: :doofus: :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on November 11/27/20, 05:22:13 PM
what a world we live in now Glenn!!  just sayin....  good luck to her!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/27/20, 05:37:23 PM
She must be cleared to work. She told me she had to work yesterday, for double time.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: The General on November 11/27/20, 10:59:22 PM
Best of luck Glenn to you and your family. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/28/20, 06:54:02 AM
I'm worried about the 90 year old lady down the block.   Basically takes no precautions, still goes to in person church, out with her cronies, has family events...   Now her daughter got covid...  So I'm waiting to see what happens.   First in their family.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on November 11/28/20, 07:27:41 AM
That doesn't sound good Del. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on November 11/28/20, 08:16:30 AM
I bet from the point of view from the lady in her 90s is she just wants to live the rest of her life the way she wants to. Almost like living in a free country.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on November 11/28/20, 08:37:05 AM
that's my take to Jb.........
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on November 11/28/20, 08:48:21 AM
A lot of the older farm folks around here are like that JB. They figured out long ago they're not immortal. They're more concerned about the here and now than the hereafter.

Neighbor to the south is under quarantine. A friend of his daughter from school exposed the family so there hasn't been a lot traffic in and out other than feeding cattle down there. I'm more concerned about the grandma who has been feeding them. The guy's wife sits on her butt, doesn't clean the house much & cooks very little. The grandma fed the operation thru harvest. She lost her husband earlier this fall & she is totally selfless. I hope for the grandkids' sake she is careful.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on November 11/28/20, 08:50:50 AM
sounds like the guys wife is a real piece of work Dotch...  sad... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on November 11/28/20, 08:56:05 AM
Yup mike there are some major problems there in the mental health dept. with addictive behavior. My guess is someday it ain't gonna end well. Makes this COVID thing look like a walk in the park.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on November 11/28/20, 10:25:25 AM
For many people the loss of going to church has been the worse thing. For many it's the only time they ever saw anybody.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/29/20, 04:01:41 PM
I bet from the point of view from the lady in her 90s is she just wants to live the rest of her life the way she wants to. Almost like living in a free country.

Yeah, that thought crossed my mind too.    Might be a little of the "this is an overhyped plot"  in there as well.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/30/20, 12:59:52 PM
in todays paper, the covid article said that last week the cases confirmed were down 14%.  :scratch:

listening to the news on the tube is very different????????

we did the turkey day thing with only 3 of the 5 kids, but i'm beginning to rethink the christmas thing??????? :scratch: i'm not afraid of the virus, just not real sure i want to be part of the spread. i havent said anything yet to my wife, i know she's gonna say or think its my way of getting out of christmas, since she knows what i think about it. :confused: guess we shall see how the next couple weeks pan out. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on November 11/30/20, 01:08:56 PM
I reckon it will be a week or more before we see if the infection rate increased because of Thanksgiving (and Black Friday shopping).
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on November 11/30/20, 02:40:15 PM

My prediction is since they played the heck out of the increase. Sometime after Jan 20th they will say it's improved greatly and empty the hospitals so Biden can say "See my Plan worked"   :bonk: :bonk: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on November 11/30/20, 03:21:51 PM
We've sat it out this long, sitting it out a few months more won't kill anybody.
If I got out there and infected anybody (i'm not positive now) and they died I wouldn't be able to live with myself. When we were young and strong this stuff was no big deal. Now that we are older we should be wiser and more importantly be able to set a example.

The politics only matter if you let it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/30/20, 03:44:16 PM
We've sat it out this long, sitting it out a few months more won't kill anybody.
If I got out there and infected anybody (i'm not positive now) and they died I wouldn't be able to live with myself. When we were young and strong this stuff was no big deal. Now that we are older we should be wiser and more importantly be able to set a example.

The politics only matter if you let it.
dutchy, there is no way this is only going to be another couple months........just last week i heard the so called "experts" talking mask mandate quiet possibly till this time at least next year.

and another couple months............how many businesses are going to go tits up by then?????????

oh and i agree with you whole heartly about infecting someone else........kinda why i'm have second thoughts about christmas. my mom is 84...and my brother chewed her and our stepdad out a good one for continuing to go out to eat all the time........there in wisconsin.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on November 11/30/20, 03:53:56 PM
Business is a whole other issue. My opinion it should be left to each owner to decide to open the business or not. However, if they open and a case is traced to them they get locked tight. By the same token it should be up to the individual if or what business they visit. But as we can see, people aren't reasonable enough to think for themselves so the government needs to do it.

Popular thought ? No but it's what we gotta do.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on November 11/30/20, 04:11:56 PM

My prediction is since they played the heck out of the increase. Sometime after Jan 20th they will say it's improved greatly and empty the hospitals so Biden can say "See my Plan worked"   :bonk: :bonk: :rotflmao:

And if it doesn't improve, Biden will say its Trump's fault because he didn't do more sooner.

And if the roles were reversed, where Biden was the outgoing President and Trump was President elect, the story would be the same.   :mad1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on November 11/30/20, 04:59:58 PM

My prediction is since they played the heck out of the increase. Sometime after Jan 20th they will say it's improved greatly and empty the hospitals so Biden can say "See my Plan worked"   :bonk: :bonk: :rotflmao:

And if it doesn't improve, Biden will say its Trump's fault because he didn't do more sooner.

And if the roles were reversed, where Biden was the outgoing President and Trump was President elect, the story would be the same.   :mad1:

And true it is!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/30/20, 08:34:39 PM
So earlier I read on MSN that Los Angeles county, the largest county in the U.S. Issued a stay at home order for the next 3 weeks, expiring dec 20. Exceptions are for religious gatherings and protests  :confused: :pouty: because there constitutionial rights.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but don't people have that same constitutional right to move around the country freely???? :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on November 11/30/20, 10:07:50 PM
So earlier I read on MSN that Los Angeles county, the largest county in the U.S. Issued a stay at home order for the next 3 weeks, expiring dec 20. Exceptions are for religious gatherings and protests  :confused: :pouty: because there constitutionial rights.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but don't people have that same constitutional right to move around the country freely???? :scratch:

Sure but are not going around the country in a tour bus full of people are you?  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/30/20, 10:22:01 PM
No and don't plan to. Answer me this then, under stay at home I can't go to a restaurant or bar but I can go protest.  :confused: WTF is the difference??

Had nuttin to go with a bus tour across the country maybe I don't get it but you can protest or go to church with all kinds of people by you but not in other places  :crazy:.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/30/20, 10:26:58 PM
You also need to understand I am doing everything I can to not get or spread it. Do tea I'm doing my best to follow what is recommended.

Just can't figure out the rationale  :scratch: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on December 12/01/20, 06:48:36 AM
No and don't plan to. Answer me this then, under stay at home I can't go to a restaurant or bar but I can go protest.  :confused: WTF is the difference??

Had nuttin to go with a bus tour across the country maybe I don't get it but you can protest or go to church with all kinds of people by you but not in other places  :crazy:.

Don't like it and not defending anything. They know they can't stop the Protesters anyway, and at least the church folks an't burning nothing down and beating folks while they kill their selves.  :coffee:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on December 12/01/20, 07:18:45 AM
Glenn you've been around long enough to know you can't apply logic to government action.

This thing is mainly with high density area's, thats where the high percentage rates come from. LA would quality as high density i'm sure.

As far as the protesters goes...... Maybe they figure the protesters will spread it among themselves and eventually we run out of protesters?

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/01/20, 07:30:25 AM
there is that Dutch... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/01/20, 08:31:08 AM
It's the same in SF as LA as the 49'ers have been forced out of there stadium & will be using Glendale, Arizona to practice & play their next 3 games.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on December 12/01/20, 08:31:56 AM
So earlier I read on MSN that Los Angeles county, the largest county in the U.S. Issued a stay at home order for the next 3 weeks, expiring dec 20. Exceptions are for religious gatherings and protests  :confused: because there constitutionial rights.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but don't people have that same constitutional right to move around the country freely???? :scratch:

So I guess the good folks on the Left Coast in LA County won't have any problems with me bringing my side arm to said protest... because I have a Constitutional Right to do that as well.

What a bunch of maroons!  :angry:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/01/20, 09:48:33 AM
Glenn you've been around long enough to know you can't apply logic to government action.

This thing is mainly with high density area's, thats where the high percentage rates come from. LA would quality as high density i'm sure.

As far as the protesters goes...... Maybe they figure the protesters will spread it among themselves and eventually we run out of protesters?
yea i should know better, but.......... :banghead: :banghead: maybe i'll just continue to follow like a sheep and do what i can do to the best of my ability to follow the guidelines!!!!!!! :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on December 12/01/20, 05:41:14 PM
So earlier I read on MSN that Los Angeles county, the largest county in the U.S. Issued a stay at home order for the next 3 weeks, expiring dec 20. Exceptions are for religious gatherings and protests  :confused: :pouty: because there constitutionial rights.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but don't people have that same constitutional right to move around the country freely???? :scratch:

Not sure.  Which amendment or article is that in?   And nobody is restricting your right to move around the country anyway.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on December 12/01/20, 05:56:10 PM
Mull this over................

On the radio today Sansavere was interviewing a guy from the hospitality industry. This guy said that the bars & restaurants in the MSP airport and the bars and restaurants in the Casinos are open.  I'm not a Casino guy so I can't verify that. However if true, we gotta run that gutless clown out of the governors chair as quick as we can. This guy will have us bankrupt quicker then quick.   :tut:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on December 12/01/20, 05:59:17 PM
Mull this over................

On the radio today Sansavere was interviewing a guy from the hospitality industry. This guy said that the bars & restaurants in the MSP airport and the bars and restaurants in the Casinos are open.  I'm not a Casino guy so I can't verify that. However if true, we gotta run that gutless clown out of the governors chair as quick as we can. This guy will have us bankrupt quicker then quick.   :tut:

Sovereign Nation?  Duty free zone?  Loopholes.  Exceptions.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on December 12/01/20, 06:02:11 PM
So earlier I read on MSN that Los Angeles county, the largest county in the U.S. Issued a stay at home order for the next 3 weeks, expiring dec 20. Exceptions are for religious gatherings and protests  :confused: :pouty: because there constitutionial rights.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but don't people have that same constitutional right to move around the country freely???? :scratch:

Zoze are not ur church cloze and zis iz NOT Zunday!

Not sure.  Which amendment or article is that in?   And nobody is restricting your right to move around the country anyway.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/01/20, 06:19:15 PM
heard the casinos are open , MSP can't say....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/01/20, 07:00:09 PM
My wife and I have had several discussions regarding Christmas. We have decided we are not going to be doing a Christmas gathering this year.

My mom spent the past week out at my brother's. I called him today to see if she had said anything. He told me they had several conversations. From what he told me sounds like she won't be doing it either.  Kinda glad she chose that route.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/01/20, 07:03:02 PM
Mull this over................

On the radio today Sansavere was interviewing a guy from the hospitality industry. This guy said that the bars & restaurants in the MSP airport and the bars and restaurants in the Casinos are open.  I'm not a Casino guy so I can't verify that. However if true, we gotta run that gutless clown out of the governors chair as quick as we can. This guy will have us bankrupt quicker then quick.   :tut:
I'm with ya dutchy. :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on December 12/02/20, 07:35:18 AM
Me too Dotch!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on December 12/02/20, 08:29:51 AM
Mull this over................

On the radio today Sansavere was interviewing a guy from the hospitality industry. This guy said that the bars and restaurants in the Casinos are open. 

But, but their a Sovereign Nation!  Hope they go to "their own" Hospitals when they get it!  :coffee: :coffee:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on December 12/02/20, 08:53:51 AM
Mull this over...
... we gotta run that gutless clown out of the governors chair as quick as we can. This guy will have us bankrupt quicker then quick.   :tut:

Can someone 'splain this to me?  I saw this on the news last night...

How can our Minnesota State budget go from a $1.5 Billion surplus in Februrary to a $2.4 Billion deficit in May to being a $641 Million surplus now???   :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on December 12/02/20, 09:03:02 AM
Creative book keeping!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/02/20, 09:21:41 AM
Creative book keeping!
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/02/20, 09:24:44 AM
Mull this over...
... we gotta run that gutless clown out of the governors chair as quick as we can. This guy will have us bankrupt quicker then quick.   :tut:

Can someone 'splain this to me?  I saw this on the news last night...

How can our Minnesota State budget go from a $1.5 Billion surplus in Februrary to a $2.4 Billion deficit in May to being a $641 Million surplus now???   :confused:
:pouty: :pouty: :pouty: well you sure didnt listen very closely then Steveo.........  :pouty: they said because consumers are buying alot of electronics, furniture and other home products and the sales tax they pay on those products created the surplus!!!!!!11 :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:

and they want to use some of that cash to help out small businesses that were closed due to the shutdown. :scratch: :doah: :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on December 12/02/20, 09:36:16 AM
Mull this over...
... we gotta run that gutless clown out of the governors chair as quick as we can. This guy will have us bankrupt quicker then quick.   :tut:

Can someone 'splain this to me?  I saw this on the news last night...

How can our Minnesota State budget go from a $1.5 Billion surplus in Februrary to a $2.4 Billion deficit in May to being a $641 Million surplus now???   :confused:
Public Education. They use to teach math. Now only Activism! 🙃 This may splain it. Walz graduated from Butte High School in a class of 25 students, and went on to earn a bachelor of science degree in social science education!  :bow:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on December 12/02/20, 10:34:58 AM
Public Education. They use to teach math. Now only Activism!  This may splain it. Walz graduated from Butte High School in a class of 25 students, and went on to earn a bachelor of science degree in social science education!  :bow:

Any Field That Had the Word “Science” in Its Name Was Guaranteed Thereby Not To Be a Science (https://quoteinvestigator.com/2015/06/26/not-science/)

The misnaming of fields of study is so common as to lead to what might be general systems laws. For example, Frank Harary once suggested the law that any field that had the word “science” in its name was guaranteed thereby not to be a science. He would cite as examples Military Science, Library Science, Political Science, Homemaking Science, Social Science, and Computer Science.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on December 12/02/20, 11:29:37 AM
Mull this over...
... we gotta run that gutless clown out of the governors chair as quick as we can. This guy will have us bankrupt quicker then quick.   :tut:

Can someone 'splain this to me?  I saw this on the news last night...

How can our Minnesota State budget go from a $1.5 Billion surplus in Februrary to a $2.4 Billion deficit in May to being a $641 Million surplus now???   :confused:

The numbers released are all "PROJECTIONS" much like we have all predicted 12 Super Bowl titles for the Vikings. The reality is once these people get elected the first thing they check at the front door of the state capitol is their common sense. Everybody knows the surest way to get into trouble is spend money you don't have (projections) instead of waiting until the actual cash is in the bank.

You had the surplus pre covid, the projected defict caused by the shutdown and the last surplus is what they think the pass opening will provide until this shutdown.

In the rush to grab these millions these fools are completely ignoring the lack of taxes coming in. The state will lose billions in loss tax money and hundreds of millions of future taxes from the businesses that are going belly up. Plus this doesn't take into account the millions they are doling out that we aren't paying attention to.

As a educator Walz is teaching us just how much damage one single man can do to a state when he gets a bit of backing.

Walz will have this state bankrupt before long.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on December 12/03/20, 12:16:33 PM
Speaking of GPS tracking chips...

Has anyone heard an update on how that new COVIDAware MN smart phone tracking app is going?

Here is the interesting thing...

Minnesota's new COVID-19 tracking app will anonymously notify contacts (https://www.startribune.com/minnesota-launches-covid-19-tracking-app-for-your-phone/573167411/)

"While the technology has existed for months on Apple and Google mobile platforms, Minnesota leaders hesitated to use it because of privacy concerns..."

The technology they are talking about is a smartphone's ability to ping the relative strength of nearby smartphone bluetooth signals, which tells them who you are in close proximity to.

So Google and Apple don't know where you are, but they know who you have been with.

No, scratch that, they probably still track where you have been to - despite the fact that you manually set the tracking feature to OFF on your phone.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on December 12/03/20, 01:18:32 PM
You can for now shut off you phone location.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/03/20, 01:45:54 PM
sheez you guys are paranoid!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on December 12/05/20, 11:53:21 AM
Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/05/20, 11:56:14 AM
Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.
:pouty: :doofus: :tut: wwho said I'M paranoid!!!!!! :confused: far from it. only when i read your posts!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

del, dat was a funny!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :happy1:

by the way my granddaughter's rona test came back negative!!!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/05/20, 12:02:08 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

but good to hear about your granddaughter Glenn!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on December 12/08/20, 10:37:01 AM
I found out this morning that my mother has Covid. All I can do is pray and hope for the best. I'm feeling kind of helpless right now.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/08/20, 10:46:55 AM
my prayers and thoughts to all of ya roony... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on December 12/08/20, 10:54:55 AM
Darn Roony  I hope for the best for you and her. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on December 12/08/20, 11:03:54 AM
Amen, brothers.  Its too easy to pontificate, banter, and argue about all the politics that has attached itself to this outbreak, but it is another thing when someone you love, in a high risk group, has to deal with it.  Prayers for you mom, Roony.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/08/20, 11:09:36 AM
Same here, thoughts & prayers comin your way!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/08/20, 11:16:33 AM
Same here, thoughts & prayers comin your way!!
like wise here roony. Hope it works out.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Boar on December 12/08/20, 11:22:31 AM
praying roonie!! im on quaretine right now awaiting my reultz.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on December 12/08/20, 11:25:17 AM
Good luck Jeff!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/08/20, 11:35:58 AM
hope all turns out good for you too Boar!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on December 12/08/20, 11:38:26 AM
Best Wishes Boar.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on December 12/08/20, 11:56:37 AM
Amen, brothers.  Its too easy to pontificate, banter, and argue about all the politics that has attached itself to this outbreak, but it is another thing when someone you love, in a high risk group, has to deal with it.  Prayers for you mom, Roony.

I could not say it any better. So prayers for your mom and family Roony!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on December 12/08/20, 11:57:36 AM
I hope it is a big negatory Boar!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on December 12/08/20, 12:49:49 PM
I found out this morning that my mother has Covid. All I can do is pray and hope for the best. I'm feeling kind of helpless right now.
Prayers for her. My older sister and her husband are both just getting over it. Oddly neither said they had a fever but both tested positive?  :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/08/20, 12:51:23 PM
praying roonie!! im on quaretine right now awaiting my reultz.
I would think you'd hear something today. :scratch: unless the pony express is running behind. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/08/20, 01:23:17 PM
I found out this morning that my mother has Covid. All I can do is pray and hope for the best. I'm feeling kind of helpless right now.
Prayers for her. My older sister and her husband are both just getting over it. Oddly neither said they had a fever but both tested positive?  :confused:
maybe false positives....  who knows..
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on December 12/08/20, 01:38:55 PM
I found out this morning that my mother has Covid. All I can do is pray and hope for the best. I'm feeling kind of helpless right now.
Prayers for her. My older sister and her husband are both just getting over it. Oddly neither said they had a fever but both tested positive?  :confused:
That is the bitch of this thing... some folks barely (if at all) know they got it and for others it is a life or death struggle.

Politicians and social media will continue to blather on about what it means when the rates go up or down, what should be closed or opened, and whose policies worked or failed. 

The promise of an effective vaccine should bring hope to many, but I expect it will be a long winter before the tide really starts to turn.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/08/20, 01:42:02 PM
Hey gov Tim jung Walz is on right now with his cronies telling us all about it. :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on December 12/08/20, 02:16:17 PM
Well as long as you got politicalI will too,  it looks as if you need to live in the metro or on a reservation to have early access to a vaccine. Southern MN does not seem to be much of a priority. Also. It looks like the lion's share of Pfizer's vaccine is going overseas.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/08/20, 03:47:50 PM
Fauci & Gottlieb have both recently said that with the already rising #'s, then Thanksgiving on top of that, & now Christmas coming that neither of them expect the # of new cases to even begin to level off for at least another 4-6 weeks. :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/08/20, 04:16:08 PM
Well as long as you got politicalI will too,  it looks as if you need to live in the metro or on a reservation to have early access to a vaccine. Southern MN does not seem to be much of a priority. Also. It looks like the lion's share of Pfizer's vaccine is going overseas.
I could be wrong here but with Pfizer, it's my understanding the federal government had first crack at a whole lot more of that vacines but decided against it.

I watched the briefing long enough to see the chart for distribution and didn't see much inequities of vacines distribution.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on December 12/08/20, 04:29:52 PM
Well as long as you got politicalI will too,  it looks as if you need to live in the metro or on a reservation to have early access to a vaccine. Southern MN does not seem to be much of a priority. Also. It looks like the lion's share of Pfizer's vaccine is going overseas.
I could be wrong here but with Pfizer, it's my understanding the federal government had first crack at a whole lot more of that vacines but decided against it.

I watched the briefing long enough to see the chart for distribution and didn't see much inequities of vacines distribution.
Yes, the feds decision is what I was referring to. Didn't you see the bar chart that prioritized distribution in Minnesota by region?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on December 12/08/20, 04:42:43 PM
Took a ride to Bemidji today. You would never know anything was going on. Target & Walmart were packed. It would take every other person dropping over dead at the front door to stop people from Christmas shopping.

Hope everybody pulls through OK.

Have a safe & happy holiday season everybody.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Boar on December 12/08/20, 04:59:17 PM
life will go on! take precautions! scard? stay home. go out? respext others and take precautionsons.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: deadeye on December 12/08/20, 05:08:12 PM
life will go on! take precautions! scard? stay home. go out? respext others and take precautionsons.

For me that's exactly the problem.  I'm not exactly scared and on occasion I do go out. It's when I do that I see the total lack of respect people have for others.  I went to FF today and saw people without masks.  Others would roll right up to you, no space what so ever.  I was there for about 10 minutes and left as there didn't seem to be a way to avoid being close to other people.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/08/20, 05:31:52 PM
Well as long as you got politicalI will too,  it looks as if you need to live in the metro or on a reservation to have early access to a vaccine. Southern MN does not seem to be much of a priority. Also. It looks like the lion's share of Pfizer's vaccine is going overseas.
I could be wrong here but with Pfizer, it's my understanding the federal government had first crack at a whole lot more of that vacines but decided against it.

I watched the briefing long enough to see the chart for distribution and didn't see much inequities of vacines distribution.
Yes, the feds decision is what I was referring to. Didn't you see the bar chart that prioritized distribution in Minnesota by region?
Yea I did. There was some fluctuations but from what I saw it wasn't drastic. But I'll admit at about that point I had enough so maybe I didn't pay close attention.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/08/20, 05:38:27 PM
life will go on! take precautions! scard? stay home. go out? respext others and take precautionsons.

For me that's exactly the problem.  I'm not exactly scared and on occasion I do go out. It's when I do that I see the total lack of respect people have for others.  I went to FF today and saw people without masks.  Others would roll right up to you, no space what so ever.  I was there for about 10 minutes and left as there didn't seem to be a way to avoid being close to other people.
hmm I've been out a bit but haven't seen it as bad as dutchy and deadeye just said.

Yea there are some with no masks, but I'd say 9 of 10 had masks on. the 6 ft apart maybe not but they do space some. Just what I've noticed, not that I go everyday though. I know this retired life going early in the day helps.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/08/20, 05:50:32 PM
I know here in LP and Alex for the most part folks are trying..  but yes there are some are who they are..  I'm trying to do my part as best as I can.. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on December 12/08/20, 05:59:20 PM
They just said on the news and I quote: "the vaccine will be FREE to all Americans, however the Doctors may charge a administration fee."   :moon:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on December 12/08/20, 08:45:11 PM
life will go on! take precautions! scard? stay home. go out? respext others and take precautionsons.

For me that's exactly the problem.  I'm not exactly scared and on occasion I do go out. It's when I do that I see the total lack of respect people have for others.  I went to FF today and saw people without masks.  Others would roll right up to you, no space what so ever.  I was there for about 10 minutes and left as there didn't seem to be a way to avoid being close to other people.

  Ya unreal how lacking of responsibility people can be. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on December 12/08/20, 09:55:00 PM
My prayers to your Mom, you and Molly there roony. Also to you Boar. It would be a pity that you would not ever see your namesake, Boar Jr.  ;)

I agree roony. We are pretty much forgotten when it comes to the vaccine here in southern MN. Never mind that with all the food produced here we feed a lot of people. Not in any hurry to get the shot mind you but the axe swings a little closer every day. Good friend has been battling COVID ~ 2 weeks and went to the doc this afternoon. His wife is fine & dropped off a check at the office today. Is she a spreader? Damned if I know. I got chores to do and chit to spread.  :confused: 

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on December 12/09/20, 09:18:10 AM
life will go on! take precautions! scard? stay home. go out? respext others and take precautionsons.

For me that's exactly the problem.  I'm not exactly scared and on occasion I do go out. It's when I do that I see the total lack of respect people have for others.  I went to FF today and saw people without masks.  Others would roll right up to you, no space what so ever.  I was there for about 10 minutes and left as there didn't seem to be a way to avoid being close to other people.

  Ya unreal how lacking of responsibility people can be.

I talk to a growing number of people who view mask wearing as an infringement on their liberty.  Prudence aside, it isn't too soon to start talking about the pandemic end game.

What criteria will governments use to end restrictions and closures?

When will is cease to be a "badge of shame" (for lack of a better term) to not wear a mask in public?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on December 12/09/20, 09:25:51 AM
I'm waiting for walz to drop the other shoe like other demo states and shut down grocery stores.good grief let'sstart another round of panic shopping,just incase I have an ample supply of flour tortillia's for when my aswipe runs out.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on December 12/09/20, 10:19:37 AM
My prayers to your Mom, you and Molly there roony. Also to you Boar. It would be a pity that you would not ever see your namesake, Boar Jr.  ;)
Thanks buddy. The smart money says elected officials will get first dibs on the vaccine.
I agree roony. We are pretty much forgotten when it comes to the vaccine here in southern MN. Never mind that with all the food produced here we feed a lot of people. Not in any hurry to get the shot mind you but the axe swings a little closer every day. Good friend has been battling COVID ~ 2 weeks and went to the doc this afternoon. His wife is fine & dropped off a check at the office today. Is she a spreader? Damned if I know. I got chores to do and chit to spread.  :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/09/20, 11:20:52 AM
only seen a few folks not wearing a mask today..  folks all seemed good about it too today.. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/09/20, 12:51:18 PM
The same down here lately, maybe 1 in 10 not wearing 1, it's gotten better as when we came home a month ago it was probably at least double that. Most of the time it's the < 30 crowd here.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/09/20, 01:23:52 PM
it's all ages I see.. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on December 12/11/20, 07:58:47 AM
So far it seems mom is one of the ones who doesn't get this real bad. Others at the Care Center haven't been as fortunate.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/11/20, 08:05:08 AM
Good to hear your mom is doing OK, roony. Pretty much the same with the 3-4 people down here that I know that've had it. :scratch: They said that the only real way they knew they had it was that they lost their sense of smell & taste with no other noticable symptons. :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/11/20, 08:20:55 AM
good to hear that roony!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on December 12/11/20, 09:14:58 AM
Good to hear Roony. Hoping it stays that way!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/11/20, 09:29:07 AM
like the others said......that good to hear!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:

the thing with these symptoms, especially the loss of taste and smell, that happens everytime i get one of those really bad head colds. if it comes tothat, i'll go get tested though.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on December 12/11/20, 09:40:42 AM
like the others said......that good to hear!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:

the thing with these symptoms, especially the loss of taste and smell, that happens everytime i get one of those really bad head colds. if it comes tothat, i'll go get tested though.

Glenn I keep telling ya, the loss of your taste & smell is that chitty beer you like. Step up and live forever!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/11/20, 09:43:05 AM
like the others said......that good to hear!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:

the thing with these symptoms, especially the loss of taste and smell, that happens everytime i get one of those really bad head colds. if it comes tothat, i'll go get tested though.

Glenn I keep telling ya, the loss of your taste & smell is that chitty beer you like. Step up and live forever!!
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: is not!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on December 12/11/20, 09:50:46 AM
Glad to hear things are going OK so far roony. My friend is doing better too after he went to the dr. He was back out working like a madman in the yard the next day.  :happy1:

mikey told me glenn has a tap in his basement running from the Cold Spring brewery db!  :puke:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/11/20, 09:53:35 AM
Glad to hear things are going OK so far roony. My friend is doing better too after he went to the dr. He was back out working like a madman in the yard the next day.  :happy1:

mikey told me glenn has a tap in his basement running from the Cold Spring brewery db!  :puke:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: then Mikey dont know shnitt!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on December 12/12/20, 05:10:08 PM
I just saw Charley Pride bit it due to Covid at 86.   Sad, I liked his music.   

It sucks that people won't be considerate of who they might pass the virus on to that will have a worse time of it then they do.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/12/20, 06:03:16 PM
he was a great singer...  RIP Charlie..... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/15/20, 08:52:34 AM
I see where the local news this morning did a pc which said 975 doses of Pfizer's vaccine was delivered to OCMC in Rochester yday as well as a 1000 doses arriving in Iowa City at U of Ia Hospitals all of which is going to the healthcare workers dealing with CV-19 daily. It went on to say that Mercy Hospital over in Mason City is scheduled to get a 1000 doses of Moderna's version early next week if it gets approved by the FDA this week. So even here in small town Ia relief is getting closer :happy1: :cool: so stay safe & stay healthy!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: GrandpaTom on December 12/15/20, 12:06:00 PM
So sad news on GT's home front.  My f-i-l up in Brainerd at the nursing home tested positive and my son, his son and girlfriend all test positive yesterday.  What a mess.  GT is a little concerned. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/15/20, 12:36:32 PM
hopeing for the best for all of them GT!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on December 12/15/20, 12:52:16 PM
Me too. Hoping for the best for all of them.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on December 12/15/20, 02:52:46 PM
Prayers sent
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/15/20, 03:02:46 PM
Same here bud. Hope they kick this.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Boar on December 12/15/20, 07:29:27 PM
PrayerS to Yu GT!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: deadeye on December 12/15/20, 08:49:01 PM
Health Care workers should NOT be first in line for the vaccine.  It should be mandatory for all politicians.  The reason is simple. If something goes horribly wrong, we cannot afford to lose any Health Care workers however, politicians is another story all together. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on December 12/15/20, 10:08:50 PM
Health Care workers should NOT be first in line for the vaccine.  It should be mandatory for all politicians.  The reason is simple. If something goes horribly wrong, we cannot afford to lose any Health Care workers however, politicians is another story all together.

Since my daughter-in-law is an RN I thought WTH is wrong with this guy?  :shocked:
But at the end I had to agree!  :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: markn on December 12/16/20, 05:54:01 AM
Thoughts and prayers are with you GT.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/16/20, 08:31:58 AM
More well wishes from south of the border, GT!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: GrandpaTom on December 12/16/20, 09:08:03 AM
Hey gang, thanks for the well wishes for my gang.  We hope to hear some good news soon.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on December 12/16/20, 09:59:43 AM
I'm waiting for glenn to tell us he got poked figured he could be the guinea pig for the vacine and report back to us.

Stay positive GT,survival rate is over 99% lets hope all recover by next week,folks I know that tested positive had mild  symtoms like the flu,back to work within 10 days good as new.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/16/20, 10:38:28 AM
I'm waiting for glenn to tell us he got poked figured he could be the guinea pig for the vacine and report back to us.

Stay positive GT,survival rate is over 99% lets hope all recover by next week,folks I know that tested positive had mild  symtoms like the flu,back to work within 10 days good as new.
glenn ain't getting poked anytime soon. I don't fit the criteria for the first and want to see how others react first
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on December 12/16/20, 10:44:11 AM
Hope things are going as well as can be expected GT. Some of the cocktails available to aid recovery have come a long way since this thing started, along with some showing mild to nearly non-existent symptoms to begin with. Lost one I knew locally altho pretty sure there was an underlying condition involved. 80 years old but there was still some tread left on the tire.  :sad:

I doubt that I need to worry about getting the shot anytime soon. Been careful thus far and try to avoid putting myself at risk any more than necessary.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on December 12/16/20, 11:04:07 AM
I'm waiting for glenn to tell us he got poked figured he could be the guinea pig for the vacine and report back to us.

Stay positive GT,survival rate is over 99% lets hope all recover by next week,folks I know that tested positive had mild  symtoms like the flu,back to work within 10 days good as new.
glenn ain't getting poked anytime soon. I don't fit the criteria for the first and want to see how others react first

I thought you in the over 65 crowd glenn... they're next inline.

Last weekend wilst in sodak hauling a trailer of house hold goods to my new place we went out to dinner sat night,everything is open didn't see one person wearing a mask in town,all systems go,breath of fresh air
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/16/20, 11:30:59 AM
Nope a spry, fit as a fiddle 63 years young  :happy1: :rotflmao:

But thanks for ibuprofen. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/16/20, 11:52:02 AM
I'm waiting for glenn to tell us he got poked figured he could be the guinea pig for the vacine and report back to us.

Stay positive GT,survival rate is over 99% lets hope all recover by next week,folks I know that tested positive had mild  symtoms like the flu,back to work within 10 days good as new.
glenn ain't getting poked anytime soon. I don't fit the criteria for the first and want to see how others react first

I thought you in the over 65 crowd glenn... they're next inline.

Last weekend wilst in sodak hauling a trailer of house hold goods to my new place we went out to dinner sat night,everything is open didn't see one person wearing a mask in town,all systems go,breath of fresh air
:scratch: WE?? :scratch: :hubba: :wowza: :wowza: :kiss:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/16/20, 12:16:41 PM
yesterday I watched the live feed from the VA hospital for the first shot..  kudo's to them for that..  what made me sick was the Gov taking all the credit for getting the vaccine into the state and then how he went to the airport to make sure it was safe guarded and deliveered safely to the VA..  what the heck all the other places that got are chopped liver???  and he wonders why folks don't care for him...  just my thoughts... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/16/20, 12:39:14 PM
 :tut: Mike, don't rip on Dotch's fav gov. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

By now you should know better. :pouty: dem politicians take credit for about anything good and blame others for bad stuff. :rolleyes: :confused: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on December 12/16/20, 12:52:59 PM
The political spin - on both sides - surrounding the pandemic is what has bothered me the most. 

I thought Walz showed some bold leadership in the beginning when we no one really knew what to expect.  Lock things down while we build the capacity to treat many, many patients and then ride it out.  Except the plan changed.  Capacity was planned and built, but things opened up much more slowly making the economic hardships felt by small businesses grow even worse.

Later, as fall turned into winter and infection rates started to climb, Walzie clamped down again.  Wisconsin did not.  If you look at the infection rate profiles for the two states right now, they are very similar.  Its really hard to know what is right and wrong in all this because this disease and the death it brings is real and personal for many. 

However, Walz knows he is going to be held accountable for his decisions and he has to be thinking about how he can spin events to make us believe his choices and policies were the best ones.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/16/20, 01:18:25 PM
well one thing for sure he will keep the face mask mandatory for awhile, that way no one can see his lips move when he does talk...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/16/20, 01:37:42 PM
Listening to him now. What a babbling idiot. :doofus: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Boar on December 12/16/20, 01:41:15 PM
hes yur gov.!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/16/20, 02:23:05 PM

here is one bad reaction to the vaccine... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/16/20, 02:54:41 PM
 The article said that there's been a couple in the UK too, both those people carried Epi-pens because they've both suffered from severe allergic reactions before. Both those have recovered. Now they are warning 'em not to give it to anyone with a known history of  severe allergic reactions.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on December 12/16/20, 03:26:15 PM
Doesn't matter what Walz says or does...........

Paul Wellstone has a better chance to be elected then Walz next election.  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on December 12/16/20, 04:07:37 PM
Doesn't matter what Walz says or does...........

Paul Wellstone has a better chance to be elected then Walz next election.  :happy1:

I wouldn't feel so certain of that. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: GrandpaTom on December 12/16/20, 04:17:27 PM
Hey gang, thanks for the well wishes for my gang.  We hope to hear some good news soon.
Some sort of good news regarding the f-i-l. This is from my s-i-l.
For those of you who are wondering about my f-i-l, I have just spoken with staff and he is doing well.  He has a sore throat but his temp is normal and O2 is good.  He is up and about as usual and eating and drinking well.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/16/20, 04:24:51 PM
sounds great GT!!! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on December 12/16/20, 04:34:17 PM
 :happy1: good news!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on December 12/16/20, 04:52:06 PM
Wear your mask..... 😷
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Boar on December 12/16/20, 05:12:55 PM
lol i know what ya mean...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/16/20, 05:57:53 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: GrandpaTom on December 12/16/20, 06:05:35 PM
Wear your mask..... 😷
Thanks...I stole this one for my face book friends to have a laugh.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/17/20, 08:25:55 AM
Hospitalizations are down nearly 50% from this same time last month according to the IDPH so the governor has lifted the restrictions on bars & restaurants effective today. Back to normal business hours, at least until 1/8. :happy1: :cool:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on December 12/17/20, 10:39:58 AM
Lookie what we got!  :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: GrandpaTom on December 12/17/20, 10:46:23 AM
Just sitting there waiting.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/17/20, 10:50:47 AM
Lookie what we got!  :doah:

for 3 more weeks.... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/17/20, 10:53:40 AM
Lookie what we got!  :doah:

for 3 more weeks....
Yea I ain't buying that either. :confused: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on December 12/17/20, 10:57:37 AM
Meanwhile, a town like Bemidji will have more people go in and out of Target & Walmart in 1 day then people that would eat in a sit down restaurant.

To say Walz's thinking is strange would be a understatement. Why not limit in house seating to 50% or even 25% to give those poor owners a chance.

How would you like to be the guy who on Jan 1 2020 plunked down your life savings, mortgaged your house & talked your wife into buying a bar or restaurant?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/17/20, 11:09:15 AM
the bar in Long Prairie did just that dutch, bought it after the first shut down and I agree with ya...  no one is being forced to go there when they are open.. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/17/20, 11:23:36 AM
We had a bar in cold spring, same way. Young couple bought it then Walz shut it all down.

And I agree, it should be my choice.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on December 12/17/20, 11:30:05 AM
Albert Lea’s The Interchange defies governor’s order, reopens for in-person dining
An Albert Lea business reopened for in-person dining on Wednesday in defiance of state COVID-19 restrictions on bars and restaurants.

Lisa Hanson, owner of The Interchange Wine & Coffee Bistro in downtown Albert Lea, said at the start of the pandemic when the state closed down restaurants, it was supposed to be for two weeks, but that has turned into nine months of either closures or restrictions.

“We’re basically out of money,” said Hanson, who has owned the business for seven years. “It’s either we open up now and maybe survive or we’re going to end up closing our doors permanently because we just can’t survive on being shut down — it doesn’t work.”

Hanson said about 95% of her business comes from customers who dine in at the restaurant. When dining in was restricted for restaurants, she said they did everything they could do to make up the difference — offering delivery, curbside pickup and online ordering — but it wasn’t enough.

“We were losing money on a daily basis,” she said.

She estimated the business has lost about 60 to 90% of its revenue at different periods throughout the year and has had to let go seven to eight employees.

“We have cut every expense, we’ve minimized everywhere we can,” she said. “Even with the loans and the grants. It hasn’t been enough.”

She said the business received $39,000 in loans and grants, including the paycheck protection program loan, a county grant and a state grant. It applied for an additional one but did not qualify for it. Those funds — and more — have been spent.

“We have to be able to do what we do to survive,” she said.

The bistro opened at its typical time at 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, and at about 9 or 10 a.m. she said there were people lined up to the door and beyond. The line didn’t die down until about 3 1/2 or four hours later.

Hanson said a big portion of those customers were sitting down and dining in.

“Everyone that’s come in today has been nothing but support,” she said, noting people have said they are praying for them and hope other businesses follow suit with what she has done. “The support was overwhelming.”

While she does have some fears about reopening, she said she has done her research and gotten information from other groups she belongs to. She knows the risks and simply hopes it can be a launching pad for other businesses that have been shut down.

“This is about more than us,” she said. “It’s about more than The Interchange and the staff here. This is about more than just Albert Lea, Minnesota. It’s about more than Minnesota. … This is about our American liberties and freedoms. It’s time we are allowed as responsible adults, hardworking U.S. citizens, to start making some of our own decisions again as far as our businesses are concerned.”

She said Gov. Tim Walz’s announcement Wednesday to extend the pause on restaurants and bars for in-person dining was confirmation to her that she did the right thing by opening back up.

She encouraged other businesses who have been closed to reopen for in-person dining if they can and to band together and be one voice to let the governor know they need to be open for business.

She said Walz needs to pay attention to the people in the state and remember that he works for the people.

“He needs to hear our voice today and tomorrow and the next day and the next day,” she said.

Hanson said the business will maintain its regular hours from 7:30 to 3 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays. It is looking to also be open one evening a week.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on December 12/17/20, 11:39:17 AM
Yeah, it will be interesting to see how Waltzie responds to this one, with a growing number of bars and restaurants in open defiance. 

He saved himself when he didn't re-impose any restrictions on places of worship.  I'm pretty sure church leaders told him they wouldn't comply and he listened.  Apparently its a bad look for the state's Attorney General to sue churches.

He reversed course on health clubs.  And if he can rationalize that, I don't know why he can't see fit to relax restrictions again for bars and restaurants.  He has chosen to draw battle lines for a fight both sides will lose.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/17/20, 11:42:07 AM
Damn Dotch, nuttin but a bunch of helliants down your way. :pouty: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on December 12/17/20, 11:50:48 AM
Regarding outdoor dining work-around...  I've seen a couple of outdoor dining tents pop up.

Goodness knows most of our policy decisions are NOT based on rational science facts, so...

Who else here feels you might be more likely to catch covid in a cold, closed, outdoor tent than you would be inside of a warm, ventilated building?   :scratch:

Hell, I don't know.  I'm just asking.  :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/17/20, 11:53:29 AM
Damn Dotch, nuttin but a bunch of helliants down your way. :pouty: :rotflmao:
That was on the early Austin news today, it showed customers lined up out the door.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on December 12/17/20, 12:05:00 PM
My wife works in downtown Albert's Leaf. Called over there for takeout yesterday and no answer. Called again & same result so she walked down there to see what was going on. TV trucks, reporters, etc. all over the place.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/17/20, 12:09:59 PM
Yea and that fruitcake Ellison will be filing a lawsuit by 2 on today. :confused: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on December 12/17/20, 12:32:47 PM
Yea and that fruitcake Ellison will be filing a lawsuit by 2 on today. :confused: :rotflmao:

ATTORNEY GENERAL KEITH ELLISON SAYS HE WILL HOLD RESTAURANTS/BARS VIOLATING THE GOVERNORS EXECUTIVE ORDER ACCOUNTABLE (https://www.kroxam.com/2020/12/17/attorney-general-keith-ellison-says-he-will-hold-restaurants-bars-violating-the-governors-executive-order-accountable/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=attorney-general-keith-ellison-says-he-will-hold-restaurants-bars-violating-the-governors-executive-order-accountable#:~:text=Minnesota%20Attorney%20General%20Keith%20Ellison,Walz's%20Executive%20Order%2020%2D99.)

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison announced that his office will hold accountable establishments that are serving food and beverages on premises today in open violation of Governor Tim Walz’s Executive Order 20-99. Attorney General Ellison issued the following statement:

“My job and my duty is to protect Minnesotans. People like to ask, what is the Attorney General going to do? What they should be asking is, what is coronavirus going to do? Coronavirus is deadly and it’s continuing to spread: it doesn’t care who you are or where you live, where you work or where you let off steam. You’re not immune from it and your loved ones aren’t either. No one is."

“... I don’t enjoy using the enforcement tools I have, but I will use them to hold violators accountable and keep Minnesotans safe."

Except in the case where folks were packing churches for George Floyd memorials in violation governor executive orders.
The hypocrisy, double-standards, lack of logic, and common sense exercised by politicians is REALLY getting old.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/17/20, 12:34:51 PM
and there it is... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/17/20, 12:39:23 PM
Yea and that fruitcake Ellison will be filing a lawsuit by 2 on today. :confused: :rotflmao:

ATTORNEY GENERAL KEITH ELLISON SAYS HE WILL HOLD RESTAURANTS/BARS VIOLATING THE GOVERNORS EXECUTIVE ORDER ACCOUNTABLE (https://www.kroxam.com/2020/12/17/attorney-general-keith-ellison-says-he-will-hold-restaurants-bars-violating-the-governors-executive-order-accountable/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=attorney-general-keith-ellison-says-he-will-hold-restaurants-bars-violating-the-governors-executive-order-accountable#:~:text=Minnesota%20Attorney%20General%20Keith%20Ellison,Walz's%20Executive%20Order%2020%2D99.)

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison announced that his office will hold accountable establishments that are serving food and beverages on premises today in open violation of Governor Tim Walz’s Executive Order 20-99. Attorney General Ellison issued the following statement:

“My job and my duty is to protect Minnesotans. People like to ask, what is the Attorney General going to do? What they should be asking is, what is coronavirus going to do? Coronavirus is deadly and it’s continuing to spread: it doesn’t care who you are or where you live, where you work or where you let off steam. You’re not immune from it and your loved ones aren’t either. No one is."

“... I don’t enjoy using the enforcement tools I have, but I will use them to hold violators accountable and keep Minnesotans safe."

Except in the case where folks were packing churches for George Floyd memorials in violation governor executive orders.
The hypocrisy, double-standards, lack of logic, and common sense exercised by politicians is REALLY getting old.

and there is these restaurant and bar owners defense argument  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on December 12/17/20, 12:44:48 PM
Good read DOTCH good for this gal and her business she is spot on.

As far as the wife beater ellison goes,what do you expect from a radical muslim pos and his racist blm low life son who spews B.S because he feels entitled and relevant because of his no good father.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/17/20, 12:53:00 PM
went over to my local watering hole got one of their specialty burgers and 1/2 rack of ribs, for a couple meals..  at least I can do that... was  thinking about a food truck but this crap doesn't affect them so went to the bar instead..  darn good burger for lunch!!!  ribs tomorrow!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on December 12/17/20, 01:10:34 PM
Yea and that fruitcake Ellison will be filing a lawsuit by 2 on today. :confused: :rotflmao:

ATTORNEY GENERAL KEITH ELLISON SAYS HE WILL HOLD RESTAURANTS/BARS VIOLATING THE GOVERNORS EXECUTIVE ORDER ACCOUNTABLE (https://www.kroxam.com/2020/12/17/attorney-general-keith-ellison-says-he-will-hold-restaurants-bars-violating-the-governors-executive-order-accountable/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=attorney-general-keith-ellison-says-he-will-hold-restaurants-bars-violating-the-governors-executive-order-accountable#:~:text=Minnesota%20Attorney%20General%20Keith%20Ellison,Walz's%20Executive%20Order%2020%2D99.)

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison announced that his office will hold accountable establishments that are serving food and beverages on premises today in open violation of Governor Tim Walz’s Executive Order 20-99. Attorney General Ellison issued the following statement:

“My job and my duty is to protect Minnesotans. People like to ask, what is the Attorney General going to do? What they should be asking is, what is coronavirus going to do? Coronavirus is deadly and it’s continuing to spread: it doesn’t care who you are or where you live, where you work or where you let off steam. You’re not immune from it and your loved ones aren’t either. No one is."

“... I don’t enjoy using the enforcement tools I have, but I will use them to hold violators accountable and keep Minnesotans safe."

Except in the case where folks were packing churches for George Floyd memorials in violation governor executive orders.
The hypocrisy, double-standards, lack of logic, and common sense exercised by politicians is REALLY getting old.

Amen Steve-O. These two clowns keep this crap up and they'll see protests out here hopefully of a less destructive nature and more to the point than in Mpls. Watch their double standard play out then. Outside dining? Keeping elementary schools open in exchange for keeping bars and restaurants shut down? Good grief! Talked to a restaurant proprietor yesterday and he said that in order to qualify for this latest state aid program, you had to be in good standing with the IRS and the MN Dept. of Revenue. Said he'd filed the sales tax reports but due to the shutdown, had been unable to pay them. A lot of restaurants in the same boat. What then?    :doah:  :angry:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on December 12/17/20, 01:14:36 PM
Damn Dotch, nuttin but a bunch of helliants down your way. :pouty: :rotflmao:

We learned from the very best union thugs. Remember P-9?  ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/17/20, 01:46:56 PM
Damn Dotch, nuttin but a bunch of helliants down your way. :pouty: :rotflmao:

We learned from the very best union thugs. Remember P-9?  ;)
yes I do remember them... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on December 12/17/20, 01:49:27 PM
All Walz had to do was say....." While we will allow restaurants to open on a very limited basis we urge all Minnesotans to observe mask and distancing policies."

Simple, direct. Makes it each individuals choice. But along with that they need to stop the flow of cash. If you aren't collecting taxes from the business you killed how do you expect to finance these programs?

Last week the state committed $216 million dollars.
Currently the feds are pondering a 9 BILLION dollar bail out bill. That's on top of what's already been spent.

Contrary to popular beliefs the money will at some point run out.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on December 12/17/20, 02:00:57 PM
I'm thinking the fed bailout is like 900 billion, not 9 billion.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on December 12/17/20, 02:03:36 PM
Contrary to popular beliefs the money will at some point run out.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/17/20, 02:05:56 PM
I'm thinking the fed bailout is like 900 billion, not 9 billion.
well l better get some of that!! :confused: I'm on a fixed income nowadays, and there'd be hell to pay iffin I gotta resort to buying grain belt beer. training-087 :banghead: :confused: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on December 12/17/20, 02:08:57 PM
I'm thinking the fed bailout is like 900 billion, not 9 billion.
well l better get some of that!! :confused: I'm on a fixed income nowadays, and there'd be hell to pay iffin I gotta resort to buying grain belt beer. training-087 :banghead: :confused: :rotflmao:
Glenn takes his turn in the Covid Bailout Booth...  :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on December 12/17/20, 06:48:22 PM
Suck it, Timmy & Keithy... :angry2:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/17/20, 06:51:04 PM
wonder how that is going to go.................
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on December 12/17/20, 09:11:03 PM
Suck it, Timmy & Keithy... :angry2:


Keep Voting Blue.  Their the best at telling you how to live, um guiding you through life!  :bonk: :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on December 12/18/20, 06:57:52 AM
Suck it, Timmy & Keithy... :angry2:


Keep Voting Blue.  Their the best at telling you how to live, um guiding you through life!  :bonk: :bonk:
And then just the opposite of what they tell you to do.  :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on December 12/18/20, 06:59:46 AM
I think they all need to band together open up and see them in court all the way to the SCOTUS. Enough of them ripping our liberties and freedoms from everyone!  :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/18/20, 08:05:38 AM
HH at our favorite local watering hole was pretty busy yday, 1 side was elbow to elbow with 15-20 people & hardly a mask in sight. :crazy: :scratch: :doah: :bonk: The other had 5, maybe 10, people that were following the guidelines so..................................... :confused: this re-opening may be a short affair. :pouty:  We'll see I guess :rolleyes:, sure hope not!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on December 12/18/20, 08:42:33 AM
I think they all need to band together open up and see them in court all the way to the SCOTUS. Enough of them ripping our liberties and freedoms from everyone!  :angry2:

Ideally you are correct. However these guys have been under reduced income here in Minnesota since March. Where does the money come from to fight with? The government also holds the license over their heads.

No, their only hope is public opinion. A well published march on the capitol covered by the national media would help. But it's easier to be keyboard cowboys (the general public) and complain then to actually get off the coach and do something.

Sad to say but Walz will win this one also.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on December 12/18/20, 09:18:19 AM
Sad but true.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on December 12/18/20, 10:24:48 AM
Such B.S., here in chamberlain south dakota every resturant bar,bank etc is open,infact nothing is shut down no masks either,seems only the demo states and cities are the culprits of lock down its killing minnesota's businesses/lives are up ended.

walz is a low life tool,ellison is a  muslim racist pos,didn't see ellison shut down the mosques during prayer last time I was in the cities just christian churches.good grief!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on December 12/18/20, 10:44:00 AM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/18/20, 10:55:40 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on December 12/18/20, 11:20:21 AM
Such B.S., here in chamberlain south dakota every resturant bar,bank etc is open,infact nothing is shut down no masks either,seems only the demo states and cities are the culprits of lock down its killing minnesota's businesses/lives are up ended.

walz is a low life tool,ellison is a  muslim racist pos,didn't see ellison shut down the mosques during prayer last time I was in the cities just christian churches.good grief!

South Dakota is lucky to have you.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on December 12/18/20, 11:40:37 AM
Yeah well when I come back to mn I'm perpared....just for the idiots in charge.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on December 12/18/20, 11:56:05 AM
Come on, Strippers have to eat too!  :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on December 12/18/20, 12:48:44 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on December 12/18/20, 01:23:55 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/23/20, 11:56:04 AM
so someone needs to help me understand this!!! :doofus: :doofus: :doofus: at the beginning it was my understanding that goal was a vacine............now that its here........its not

what gives?????? am i missing something. :doah: :scratch: :embarrassed:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on December 12/23/20, 12:36:20 PM

They will stop saying all is bad and life sucks. Right after Biden's sworn in.  Wait for it!  ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/23/20, 12:43:29 PM

They will stop saying all is bad and life sucks. Right after Biden's sworn in.  Wait for it!  ;)
but even biden is saying it. And as I understand it he's going to push this mask thing harder. :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/23/20, 12:49:36 PM
who knows??   :scratch:  :crazy: :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on December 12/23/20, 02:34:20 PM
They are getting us ready for the big reset.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/23/20, 02:37:35 PM
Seen on the news this morning that Pfizer signed another deal with the WH for another 100,000,000 doses. To be delivered after the 1st 100,000,000 are finished being delivered in March. Now with Moderna's being approved & Astrazeneca as well as Johnson & Johnson both expected to have 1 soon, they were talkin 300-400,000.000 doses available by June or July. Lot's of decisions to be made on who gets what & when not to mention the logistics of moving it all where & when they want. An early hurdle for Pfizer was they couldn't get enough vials, caps, & seals to keep up with their production.  :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on December 12/23/20, 07:03:55 PM

They will stop saying all is bad and life sucks. Right after Biden's sworn in.  Wait for it!  ;)

No doubt it will be a huge improvement!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/29/20, 09:51:41 AM
oh man am i glad i'm retired. this covid vacine is going to be a pain in the azz for employees and employers.  :doah:

just read an article in the paper that the EEOC has declared employers can fire employees who refuse to get the covid shot. only exceptions are for disabilities and religious beliefs. if they dont do the shot the employer is required to try and find a reasonable accomodation which gets messy at times. if they cant reasonably find that accomodation, and the employer can prove none exists, the employee can lose his job. in the shop enviroment i'm accustomed to you cant work from home so this is going to be a nightmare.

this retired life is lookin better every day!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/29/20, 10:03:34 AM
There's been a LOT of talk about this on CNBC in the mornings ever since Pfizer's vaccine was getting ready to be approved & I was wondering how the courts would view this issue. I was thinking that this could get real messy right from the beginning.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/29/20, 10:22:17 AM
There's been a LOT of talk about this on CNBC in the mornings ever since Pfizer's vaccine was getting ready to be approved & I was wondering how the courts would view this issue. I was thinking that this could get real messy right from the beginning.
oh yea it will.........especially knowing the employees i represent........and knowing what the contracts have for work rules......UFFDA!!!! the employers have a right and responsibilty to provide a safe work environment.
that covers alot of areas!!!!! and workers arent going to win this one.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on December 12/29/20, 10:30:22 AM
My view.....employers can require it just like hard toe work shoes. Employees can decline and go elsewhere to work.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/29/20, 10:51:17 AM
My view.....employers can require it just like hard toe work shoes. Employees can decline and go elsewhere to work.
they can't require a flu shot??? No difference in my opinion. It's why unions are there.
Although this is not my belief, if the EEOC says there required I'd have to tell members to get the shot and risk termination.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/29/20, 10:56:07 AM
The right thing to do would be to have employers have the shots brought in and administered right in the workplace like most do with the flu shot.

Since the government is picking up the tab anyway.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/29/20, 11:13:56 AM
  :doah: I could see where they might want the employer to pick up some of the tab for at least the cost of them to come to the manufacturing facility to give the shot. Like at least traveling costs &/or part of their wages.  :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/29/20, 11:17:31 AM
  :doah: I could see where they might want the employer to pick up some of the tab for at least the cost of them to come to the manufacturing facility to give the shot. Like at least traveling costs &/or part of their wages.  :confused:
they do that with the flu shot  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/29/20, 11:28:56 AM
My view.....employers can require it just like hard toe work shoes. Employees can decline and go elsewhere to work.
they can't require a flu shot??? No difference in my opinion. It's why unions are there.
Although this is not my belief, if the EEOC says there required I'd have to tell members to get the shot OR risk termination.
   :doofus: Had to change it for ya!! :doah:           :pouty: :nerd: :nerd:              ;) :laugh: :laugh:                       
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on December 12/29/20, 02:32:21 PM
Help me out Glenn. What is the EEOC? And I think I can see this ending up in the SCOTUS. But in the end I think you are right, the employee is not going to win this one.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/29/20, 02:41:48 PM
Help me out Glenn. What is the EEOC? And I think I can see this ending up in the SCOTUS. But in the end I think you are right, the employee is not going to win this one.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. It's a pretty powerful employment enforcement division.
.I've called and emailed them before for a clarification or advice.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on December 12/29/20, 02:49:30 PM
To clarify:

1) Do you want the employer to require everybody has a vaccination to work there?

2) Do you want the employer to foot the bill for vaccinations?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/29/20, 02:59:19 PM
To clarify:

1) Do you want the employer to require everybody has a vaccination to work there?

2) Do you want the employer to foot the bill for vaccinations?
1) not my decision. I believe based on the contracts I've dealt with, yes the employer can require it. Like I said in an earlier post most contracts state the employer is required to provide a safe work environment, as well the work rules have language for discipline should employees act in unsafe manners.

2) it's my understanding that right now the government is footing the bill for the vacines.  But down the road, YES, If an employer is requiring this as a safety measure, like ear plugs, dust masks etc they are required to foot the bill

Let me add further.. IF I was still working on the shop floor or for that matter at the union hall and my employer required me to take the shot/vacines,  or risk losing my job, yes I would take the shot. Ad the old saying goes, obey the instructions you where told to go, grieve later.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on December 12/29/20, 03:20:33 PM
Ah, you & delbert in lockstep. Gotta love it!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/29/20, 03:30:29 PM
Ah, you & delbert in lockstep. Gotta love it!  :rotflmao:
you talking to dutch boy??!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on December 12/29/20, 05:49:12 PM
Yes I suppose if it isn't deemed a safe environment for a business or corporation or any work place to allow people unvaccinated for a number of things it could be an issue.  I could be perceived as an unsafe work environment.

Here the County like most businesses has nurses show up and employees can go get the flu shot free if they want it.  Don't know how the C-19 thing will pan out. 

It may even be required to get a Covid shot to absolve the business of any future liabilites if it is proven to spread at their facility. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on December 12/30/20, 07:08:13 AM
I think it is a bunch of  :bs: if businesses force employees to get it. Let the people that are worried about it get the shot and leave the rest of us alone. Just like the flu shot. Me not getting a shot is not going to affect the people that are worried about it and get the shots. If anything make us sign a waiver.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/30/20, 09:15:07 AM
I think it is a bunch of  :bs: if businesses force employees to get it. Let the people that are worried about it get the shot and leave the rest of us alone. Just like the flu shot. Me not getting a shot is not going to affect the people that are worried about it and get the shots. If anything make us sign a waiver.
oh i get where your coming from JB, but ........
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/30/20, 09:33:51 AM
A lot of the chatter this morning was about the new vaccine being approved over in the UK. It doesn't need to be stored at as cold of temps so it'll be easier to distribute & supposedly is quite a bit easier to make. They are going to wait 12 weeks between doses too in an effort to get the immunity that the 1st round provides to more people faster as well. Quite a bit was made of the fact that the vaccines are getting out to the states but the states are struggling with an effective method to get it in peoples arms. :sad: CVS & Walgreens were mentioned as doing a good job with it but the feds caught most of the blame for the states poor showing mostly because they didn't provide enough money to do what is needed. :tut: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on December 12/30/20, 09:54:24 AM
Fortunately, in the meantime here in the midwest...

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/30/20, 10:10:37 AM
UK is already doing the 2nd round and I don't think it's been 12 weeks??
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on December 12/30/20, 10:12:46 AM
I'm sure we are going to start seeing a lot of "ours is better" don't take theirs from all the companies coming out with vaccines. All looking to cash in on the billions the best one will make!  :coffee:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/30/20, 12:48:46 PM
UK is already doing the 2nd round and I don't think it's been 12 weeks??
The 12 weeks is just gonna be for the one just approved, AstraZeneca's, that hasn't even been distributed yet, let alone any vaccinations been done with. The 1st one out was Pfizer's & they planned on giving the booster after 3 weeks with that 1 when it was rolled out.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/30/20, 12:59:34 PM
I'm sure we are going to start seeing a lot of "ours is better" don't take theirs from all the companies coming out with vaccines. All looking to cash in on the billions the best one will make!  :coffee:
Astrazeneca has already said that they're going to sell theirs at cost so all the underdeveloped countries can afford it. That should keep costs down besides I think  :scratch: Pfizer did something similar when theirs came out too. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/30/20, 01:05:12 PM
oh i'm certain the government is paying plenty!!!!!! :crazy: :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/30/20, 01:09:10 PM
 :tut: Just looked it up, the 1st 100,000,000 doses of Pfizer's that the feds contracted for it's 19.50 a dose. Moderna's will be ~ $32-37 a dose, Johnson & Johnson's has a contract for the 1st 100,000,000 doses @ $10/ea with our government after theirs is approved. That being said ALL these companies received huge grants, around $1B, from their governments in order to help speed up the development of these vaccines
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/30/20, 03:20:48 PM
Pfizer's cost them $15/dose just to put it in a bottle, then they have distribution costs. So that's $2-3 a dose,10-15% maybe, & that is chicken feed for these big pharma companies. They ALL have quite a few OTC products that they sell that they probably make 5-10 times  that on that we all use just about every day like Pfizer's Chapstick.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on December 12/31/20, 10:10:29 PM
Pretty freaking sad when South Dakota and West Virginia are doing a way better job of getting the vaccine administered to people than Minnesota.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/01/21, 12:22:49 AM
Pretty freaking sad when South Dakota and West Virginia are doing a way better job of getting the vaccine administered to people than Minnesota.   

Go to bed Del, you must be tired.  May be it will make sense next year?   :bonk: :rotflmao:

WV=1.792 mil
MN=5.642 mil

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/01/21, 08:23:13 AM
Seen a shot of the bars down in New Zealand last night on the news this morning & they were wall to wall people. :crazy: Hadn't heard it before but the news pc said that NZ was way ahead of eveybody else because they'd done the best job of any at containing the virus.  :scratch: Wonder what they did different than everybody else? :confused: https://news.yahoo.com/see-images-zealand-where-covid-184347316.html
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/01/21, 08:54:48 AM
Seen a shot of the bars down in New Zealand last night on the news this morning & they were wall to wall people. :crazy: Hadn't heard it before but the news pc said that NZ was way ahead of eveybody else because they'd done the best job of any at containing the virus.  :scratch: Wonder what they did different than everybody else? :confused: https://news.yahoo.com/see-images-zealand-where-covid-184347316.html

Shut down the country. Didn't let anybody in or out.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/01/21, 09:06:40 AM
Seen a shot of the bars down in New Zealand last night on the news this morning & they were wall to wall people. :crazy: Hadn't heard it before but the news pc said that NZ was way ahead of eveybody else because they'd done the best job of any at containing the virus.  :scratch: Wonder what they did different than everybody else? :confused: https://news.yahoo.com/see-images-zealand-where-covid-184347316.html

Lied!     :coffee:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: deadeye on January 01/01/21, 09:45:22 AM
Boy the government is really getting fast at sending out free money.  They already deposited this round in my account.  Now, if they could only be that fast to when you attempt to renew a license.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/01/21, 09:55:29 AM
Seen a shot of the bars down in New Zealand last night on the news this morning & they were wall to wall people. :crazy: Hadn't heard it before but the news pc said that NZ was way ahead of eveybody else because they'd done the best job of any at containing the virus.  :scratch: Wonder what they did different than everybody else? :confused: https://news.yahoo.com/see-images-zealand-where-covid-184347316.html

Shut down the country. Didn't let anybody in or out.
Not quite but pretty close. A lot easier gettin out.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/01/21, 05:36:10 PM
Pretty freaking sad when South Dakota and West Virginia are doing a way better job of getting the vaccine administered to people than Minnesota.   

Go to bed Del, you must be tired.  May be it will make sense next year?   :bonk: :rotflmao:

WV=1.792 mil
MN=5.642 mil

So that is why we have adminstered 15% of our doses while WV has adminstered 42%?   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/01/21, 06:12:41 PM
Pretty freaking sad when South Dakota and West Virginia are doing a way better job of getting the vaccine administered to people than Minnesota.   

Go to bed Del, you must be tired.  May be it will make sense next year?   :bonk: :rotflmao:

WV=1.792 mil
MN=5.642 mil

So that is why we have adminstered 15% of our doses while WV has adminstered 42%?   

Percents of each states Population. Yes.  :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/03/21, 09:25:01 AM
Doses were apportioned to states based on population.   I don't know if MN is just having issues with the reporting or actually is doing that poorly, but West Virginia had, at the time of my comment, gotten 42 percent of the doses they were allocated and shipped actually injected.  Minnesota had only gotten 15% of our doses actually injected into people.   

I don't know what the problem is in getting the vaccine actually into people here but one would sure like to think that our wonderful state could do a better job than they have.      I guess they have to get the plan past the social justice warriors before actually doing anything.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/03/21, 10:21:35 AM
We have to take the people administrating the vaccine and put them in the field looking for those sneaky bar & restaurant owners trying to survive.

Or maybe Walz is on vacation in California and he left nobody in charge.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/03/21, 04:14:28 PM
Doses were apportioned to states based on population.   I don't know if MN is just having issues with the reporting or actually is doing that poorly, but West Virginia had, at the time of my comment, gotten 42 percent of the doses they were allocated and shipped actually injected.  Minnesota had only gotten 15% of our doses actually injected into people.   

I don't know what the problem is in getting the vaccine actually into people here but one would sure like to think that our wonderful state could do a better job than they have.      I guess they have to get the plan past the social justice warriors before actually doing anything.
Del, even when WV is at 100% We still have 3,850 Mil more arms to get it in. We have almost 4.5 times more folks to give shots too. How do you think that's not going to take longer.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/03/21, 04:45:55 PM
Maybe your excuses for Walz are right, but I am disappointed by the lack of urgency I perceive in Minnesota's approach to getting folks vaccinated.   We will see in the next couple weeks how Minnesota handles getting folks vaccinated.   

The lackadaisical approach to using the vaccine we have in Minnesota is discouraging at least to me.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/04/21, 08:25:09 AM
 A couple things from the early news that I heard today. There's been 13,000,000 doses distributed to the states & 4,200,000 have actually seen a needle. Fauci wants to wait a couple weeks to see if the #'s don't get better as he thinks the holidays played at least some role in the low # of vaccinations. Gottlieb is of the mindset of getting it to the people who want it most(65 & up) & enlisting the big retail pharmacies like CVS, Walgreens, & Walmart to help dispense it. Just thought I'd share it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/05/21, 07:48:07 AM
Yes, some states, like Minnesota and NY appear to have been only administering shots during weekday business hours as if they were the post office or a bank.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/05/21, 08:08:41 AM
Yes, some states, like Minnesota and NY appear to have been only administering shots during weekday business hours as if they were the post office or a bank.   

Since they vaccinations were all rushed to market, is being slow a bad thing?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/05/21, 08:26:59 AM
Yes, some states, like Minnesota and NY appear to have been only administering shots during weekday business hours as if they were the post office or a bank.   

Since they vaccinations were all rushed to market, is being slow a bad thing?
You bet your butt it is.   People will die because of it.   I could be one of them, being in the demographic, age and medical wise, where the death rate is right up there.     If they want to slow roll it for people like you, ok. Give to me and wife instead.      No excuse for all those doses sitting around.     
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/05/21, 08:29:02 AM
 :scratch: I don't know, might want ask California where they've started telling EMT's that if they believe that their patient isn't going to survive to NOT EVEN bring them to the hospital. :sad: I seen 1 interview today with a dept lead out there who said they were running at 300% of normal. :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/05/21, 08:40:11 AM
Yes, some states, like Minnesota and NY appear to have been only administering shots during weekday business hours as if they were the post office or a bank.   

Since they vaccinations were all rushed to market, is being slow a bad thing?
You bet your butt it is.   People will die because of it.   I could be one of them, being in the demographic, age and medical wise, where the death rate is right up there.     If they want to slow roll it for people like you, ok. Give to me and wife instead.      No excuse for all those doses sitting around.   

Just so I understand. Are you being told you don't qualify for the shot yet or there isn't enough vaccine on hand yet? Are they refusing you the shot for a specific reason?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/05/21, 11:16:34 AM
well there is rumor floating around Gov tim jung walz is going to remove some restrictions. noone is saying what yet but looks like restuarants might be able to open. he best let bars open to. not that i'm going to break the speed limit to go to one, but.......

i'm seriously thinking about getting a recall walz lawn sign and signing that petition. :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/05/21, 11:29:47 AM
I hear ya...  seen a big sign by an outdoor volley ball pit with picnic tables covered in snow..  they have a reserved sigh there for Tim and Elllingson...   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/05/21, 11:35:01 AM
Another issue I've been hearing about is that both Pfizer's & Moderna's have more than 1 dose in a vial so when they open 1 it all needs to be used within a certain time period. That's not always happening for several reasons so there is some being thrown away :sad: which there's no excuse for IMO. Pfizer's is particularly vunerable to this because of the way it needs to be stored. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/05/21, 01:14:49 PM
well there is rumor floating around Gov tim jung walz is going to remove some restrictions. noone is saying what yet but looks like restuarants might be able to open. he best let bars open to. not that i'm going to break the speed limit to go to one, but.......

i'm seriously thinking about getting a recall walz lawn sign and signing that petition. :rolleyes:
Where is the petition? I will sign it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/05/21, 01:21:52 PM
well there is rumor floating around Gov tim jung walz is going to remove some restrictions. noone is saying what yet but looks like restuarants might be able to open. he best let bars open to. not that i'm going to break the speed limit to go to one, but.......

i'm seriously thinking about getting a recall walz lawn sign and signing that petition. :rolleyes:
Where is the petition? I will sign it.
my money is on googling recall walz!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: just for shhets and giggles i googled it.....you wont have a problem.............and i'm going back to sign it!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/05/21, 01:26:35 PM
post the web site...........
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/05/21, 01:28:48 PM
post the web site...........
:pouty: :pouty: :crazy: just google recall walz!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/05/21, 01:34:35 PM
Recall Good King Walz?!?

In this state?!?

Home of Herbert H. Humphry, Walter Mondale, Paul Wellstone, Mark Dayton, and Amy Klobuchar.  Oops.  I forgot Ilhan Omar.

Get real.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/05/21, 01:42:32 PM
Recall Good King Walz?!?

In this state?!?

Home of Herbert H. Humphry, Walter Mondale, Paul Wellstone, Mark Dayton, and Amy Klobuchar.  Oops.  I forgot Ilhan Omar.

Get real.
hey i'm in for the cause.............. i've been part of enough petitions.i know how well they work. :confused: :crazy: but i exercised my 1rst amendemet rights!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/05/21, 01:55:02 PM
post the web site...........
just sent you the email!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/05/21, 02:19:00 PM
Guess we will have to wait till tomorrow to find out. I think the current restrictions end on the 11th. So they will have a few days to get there stuff in order for the following weekend. :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/05/21, 02:21:36 PM
Guess we will have to wait till tomorrow to find out. I think the current restrictions end on the 11th. So they will have a few days to get there stuff in order for the following weekend. :scratch:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/05/21, 02:41:26 PM
Guess we will have to wait till tomorrow to find out. I think the current restrictions end on the 11th. So they will have a few days to get there stuff in order for the following weekend. :scratch:

they end on the 10th they can reopen, if the Timmy lets them, on the 11th... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/05/21, 02:46:25 PM
Maybe your excuses for Walz are right, but I am disappointed by the lack of urgency I perceive in Minnesota's approach to getting folks vaccinated.   We will see in the next couple weeks how Minnesota handles getting folks vaccinated.   

The lackadaisical approach to using the vaccine we have in Minnesota is discouraging at least to me.
ya know Del, i actually agree with you on this.  :happy1: for the way the state of Minnesota tooted there horn about being one of the top states in the nation with this covid and vaccine crap......its pretty pathetic how its not getting in people faster, although i did hear one maybe logical reason  :scratch: was because of the holidays.

but if in fact that they areonly doing vacines during business type hours thats total  :bs: weather what side thefence you are on getting the vacine.

i'm not convinced in this state this mask thing is going away any time soon based on history of whats taken place so far, but from no way to getting the shot, to maybe to now if i can do my part to be a statistic to get to the herd immunity.......i'm leaning to do the shot!!!!!

i know scary aint tit!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/05/21, 02:47:44 PM
Guess we will have to wait till tomorrow to find out. I think the current restrictions end on the 11th. So they will have a few days to get there stuff in order for the following weekend. :scratch:

they end on the 10th they can reopen, if the Timmy lets them, on the 11th...
that it a sunday i believe, 11th is a monday so effectively unless people do anything weekdays/workdays its still another week away!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/05/21, 02:51:11 PM
yes it is a Sunday, they expire at midnight on the 10th 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/05/21, 03:57:25 PM
Maybe your excuses for Walz are right, but I am disappointed by the lack of urgency I perceive in Minnesota's approach to getting folks vaccinated.   We will see in the next couple weeks how Minnesota handles getting folks vaccinated.   

The lackadaisical approach to using the vaccine we have in Minnesota is discouraging at least to me.
ya know Del, i actually agree with you on this.  :happy1: for the way the state of Minnesota tooted there horn about being one of the top states in the nation with this covid and vaccine crap......its pretty pathetic how its not getting in people faster, although i did hear one maybe logical reason  :scratch: was because of the holidays.

but if in fact that they areonly doing vacines during business type hours thats total  :bs: weather what side thefence you are on getting the vacine.

i'm not convinced in this state this mask thing is going away any time soon based on history of whats taken place so far, but from no way to getting the shot, to maybe to now if i can do my part to be a statistic to get to the herd immunity.......i'm leaning to do the shot!!!!!

i know scary aint tit!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Regarding vaccine distribution...  I think another part of the problem is that after health care workers and nursing home residents, no one knows for sure who is next and where to the go and when do they get there and how do you make sure you get the second dose shot on time.  So if there are extra doses laying around now, no one seems to know what to do with them.   :doah:

Regarding masks...  I asked this a while back.  How long do you think it will take before you are not considered a social pariah if you don't wear a mask to the Mendards?  I reckon by now businesses see it as a necessity to have the "Masks required" sign on the front door.  Maybe they view it as a liability if they don't.  Maybe they don't want to offend customers who prefer to wear masks.  Mask Shaming will go on long past the worst part of the pandemic.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/05/21, 04:03:32 PM
haven't seen any mask shaming but I have heard of it..  I wear it most of the time but see many folks who don't....  and yes I'm leaning toward the shot too... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/05/21, 04:13:25 PM
Yes, some states, like Minnesota and NY appear to have been only administering shots during weekday business hours as if they were the post office or a bank.   

Since they vaccinations were all rushed to market, is being slow a bad thing?
You bet your butt it is.   People will die because of it.   I could be one of them, being in the demographic, age and medical wise, where the death rate is right up there.     If they want to slow roll it for people like you, ok. Give to me and wife instead.      No excuse for all those doses sitting around.   

Just so I understand. Are you being told you don't qualify for the shot yet or there isn't enough vaccine on hand yet? Are they refusing you the shot for a specific reason?

You don't get to choose, the powers that be will let you know when you are eligible.   They have to work their way through phase 1a to get to folks like me and my wife in phase 1b, or maybe it is phase 1c.   Not there yet cuz they taking their own sweet time getting through those ahead of me in line.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/05/21, 04:20:07 PM
Eventually it will be treated like the "No guns allowed" signs. Some will pay attention, some won't.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/05/21, 09:47:16 PM
Yes, some states, like Minnesota and NY appear to have been only administering shots during weekday business hours as if they were the post office or a bank.   

I just hope they don't use the "essential employee/food producer" nonsense as a criteria in which case I'd probably qualify. If they did, would gladly give up my dose to you del. I'm younger, type O & healthy even though I've been around lots of people who've had it. Suspect I may have had it already too, possibly over a year ago. Several friends have tested positive after the fact even though their symptoms were extremely light. 

Since they vaccinations were all rushed to market, is being slow a bad thing?
You bet your butt it is.   People will die because of it.   I could be one of them, being in the demographic, age and medical wise, where the death rate is right up there.     If they want to slow roll it for people like you, ok. Give to me and wife instead.      No excuse for all those doses sitting around.   

Just so I understand. Are you being told you don't qualify for the shot yet or there isn't enough vaccine on hand yet? Are they refusing you the shot for a specific reason?

You don't get to choose, the powers that be will let you know when you are eligible.   They have to work their way through phase 1a to get to folks like me and my wife in phase 1b, or maybe it is phase 1c.   Not there yet cuz they taking their own sweet time getting through those ahead of me in line.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/06/21, 07:28:08 AM
Maybe your excuses for Walz are right, but I am disappointed by the lack of urgency I perceive in Minnesota's approach to getting folks vaccinated.   We will see in the next couple weeks how Minnesota handles getting folks vaccinated.   

The lackadaisical approach to using the vaccine we have in Minnesota is discouraging at least to me.
ya know Del, i actually agree with you on this.  :happy1: for the way the state of Minnesota tooted there horn about being one of the top states in the nation with this covid and vaccine crap......its pretty pathetic how its not getting in people faster, although i did hear one maybe logical reason  :scratch: was because of the holidays.

but if in fact that they areonly doing vacines during business type hours thats total  :bs: weather what side thefence you are on getting the vacine.

i'm not convinced in this state this mask thing is going away any time soon based on history of whats taken place so far, but from no way to getting the shot, to maybe to now if i can do my part to be a statistic to get to the herd immunity.......i'm leaning to do the shot!!!!!

i know scary aint tit!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
  :scratch: :shocked:  :doah:                      OMG!!                       :crazy: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Boar on January 01/06/21, 10:44:56 AM
wife got the first one yesterday!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on January 01/06/21, 10:51:31 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/06/21, 11:18:24 AM
good for her!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/06/21, 11:38:42 AM
wife got the first one yesterday!
does she still like you!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: if she does the vacine aint working!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :moon: :evil:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/06/21, 12:16:01 PM
i just read on MSN in the twin cities section the outline of dotches buddies new rona rules. a bit of what i expected but needing a reservation to go to a bar  :doah: :scratch: :scratch: :doofus: :doofus: :doofus: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

not that i'm heading to one first thing monday morning. :smoking: :sleazy:

think i'll go to st cloud about 2!!!!!! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Boar on January 01/06/21, 12:21:40 PM
anyone one know the qualifications on the stimulous payment?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/06/21, 12:26:00 PM
i just read on MSN in the twin cities section the outline of dotches buddies new rona rules

Once Good King Walz starts making rules, its hard for him (or anyone else) to stop.  :censored:

MPR News: Indoor dining to resume next week; theaters and museums can also reopen (https://www.mprnews.org/story/2021/01/05/walz-to-ease-restrictions-on-indoor-dining)

"It will allow bars and restaurants to operate at 50 percent capacity, with no more than six people to a table or parties of two at the bar. Reservations are required and dine-in service must end by 10 p.m.

Entertainment venues like movie theaters, museums and bowling alleys may reopen at 25 percent capacity. Masks will be required and food service must also end by 10 p.m.

Gyms remain capped at 25 percent, with a 150-person limit, and class sizes can increase to 25 people. The order also says people must maintain 9 feet of distance, with masks required. Pools, which reopened earlier this week, must also operate at 25 percent capacity.

Small weddings receptions and other private parties may resume, with limits. If food and drinks are served, parties must be kept to two households or 10 people indoors; that rises to three households or 15 people if the events are held outdoors.

Churches will remain at 50 percent capacity, but the new order will no longer limit the overall number of worshippers.

Youth sports resumed practices earlier this week, but games will not resume until Jan. 14 with limits on total spectators."
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on January 01/06/21, 12:27:35 PM
If you as a couple earn under $75,000 you get the $600 ea. is what I think.  Otherwise it is reduced. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/06/21, 12:32:19 PM
my guess the reservation would be for eating, not just stopping for a drink... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on January 01/06/21, 12:35:56 PM
I'm seeing it as you walk in the door and say I want a reservation for right now.  They say ok you can sit over at that table.   :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/06/21, 12:42:03 PM
my guess the reservation would be for eating, not just stopping for a drink...

"...with no more than six people to a table or parties of two at the bar."   :confused:

Yeah, like if my party of two is sitting next to a different party of two at the bar, our risk of covid is less than if I was sitting with a party of four?   :scratch:

Officer:  You know that guy two stools down?
Me:  Never saw him before in my life.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/06/21, 12:55:54 PM
I'm seeing it as you walk in the door and say I want a reservation for right now.  They say ok you can sit over at that table.   :happy1:
:happy1: We did just that after the 1st shutdown, early May or June(?), with our barber in GR. We were the only people in his shop but he wouldn't let us sit down until he had a name & #. He led us to believe it was more about contact tracing than anything else. He did tell us that 1 of his barber friends in the metro had his license pulled & had to pay a hefty fine for not following the rules. :crazy: :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/06/21, 01:10:34 PM
i just read on MSN in the twin cities section the outline of dotches buddies new rona rules

Once Good King Walz starts making rules, its hard for him (or anyone else) to stop.  :censored:

MPR News: Indoor dining to resume next week; theaters and museums can also reopen (https://www.mprnews.org/story/2021/01/05/walz-to-ease-restrictions-on-indoor-dining)

"It will allow bars and restaurants to operate at 50 percent capacity, with no more than six people to a table or parties of two at the bar. Reservations are required and dine-in service must end by 10 p.m.

Entertainment venues like movie theaters, museums and bowling alleys may reopen at 25 percent capacity. Masks will be required and food service must also end by 10 p.m.

Gyms remain capped at 25 percent, with a 150-person limit, and class sizes can increase to 25 people. The order also says people must maintain 9 feet of distance, with masks required. Pools, which reopened earlier this week, must also operate at 25 percent capacity.

Small weddings receptions and other private parties may resume, with limits. If food and drinks are served, parties must be kept to two households or 10 people indoors; that rises to three households or 15 people if the events are held outdoors.

Churches will remain at 50 percent capacity, but the new order will no longer limit the overall number of worshippers.

Youth sports resumed practices earlier this week, but games will not resume until Jan. 14 with limits on total spectators."

Yep getting closer to Biden taking his bow so time to loosen everything back up.   :bs:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/06/21, 01:12:48 PM
It's a state by state thing, not the feds leech  :tut:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/06/21, 01:22:16 PM
Lots of conspiracy theorists 'round here & just about everywhere else lately! :crazy: ;) :rolleyes:  :whistling: Must be somethin in the water!! :pouty: :scratch: :doah: :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/06/21, 01:26:53 PM
Yep getting closer to Biden taking his bow so time to loosen everything back up.   :bs:

Four years of Trump and four years of Biden has proven to be and will continue to be nothing but a Punch and Judy clown show.  And the Federal Government response to the covid pandemic is the stick the Dems and Repubs use to beat each other.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/06/21, 01:29:48 PM
some truth there!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/06/21, 01:35:44 PM
If you as a couple earn under $75,000 you get the $600 ea. is what I think.  Otherwise it is reduced.
It is $75,000 per person or $150,000 per house hold. If you qualified for the previous stimulus you should qualify for this one also.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/06/21, 01:42:04 PM
sounds like the US capitol just went into lock down cause of the protesters... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/06/21, 01:52:41 PM
anyone one know the qualifications on the stimulous payment?

Yeah, don't be too rich.   Just got mine a couple days ago
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/06/21, 02:15:17 PM
It's a state by state thing, not the feds leech  :tut:
Yep, starting there. Just saying. Wait until first part of Feb. Kids will go back to school and thing will be wonderful again. Wait for It! 😉
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/06/21, 02:42:22 PM
anyone one know the qualifications on the stimulous payment?

Yeah, don't be too rich.   Just got mine a couple days ago

Arrived in the account the other day. Will be able to keep Ruby in dog biscuits another few months. Actually, they're not bad. Keep yer teeth clean too!  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/06/21, 02:56:58 PM
It's a state by state thing, not the feds leech  :tut:
Yep, starting there. Just saying. Wait until first part of Feb. Kids will go back to school and thing will be wonderful again. Wait for It! 😉
can't wait!! :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/06/21, 03:22:10 PM

Indoor dining at bars and restaurants can open at 50 percent capacity, with a maximum of 150 people. Parties of no more than six people must remain six feet from other parties; bar seating is open to parties of two; reservations are required; and establishments must close dine-in service by 10 p.m.

this was from his talk and this one says nothing about reservations?? 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/06/21, 03:51:14 PM
You ever wonder if Good King Walz realizes that he might have gone too far with some of his edicts and orders - that they often don't make logical sense - but won't reverse them on a point of principle, like a baseball umpire who refuses to change an obviously erroneous call.   :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/06/21, 03:55:06 PM

Indoor dining at bars and restaurants can open at 50 percent capacity, with a maximum of 150 people. Parties of no more than six people must remain six feet from other parties; bar seating is open to parties of two; reservations are required; and establishments must close dine-in service by 10 p.m.

this was from his talk and this one says nothing about reservations??
you need to read that again Mike,bright after parties of 2, what are the next 3 words?? :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/06/21, 04:04:25 PM
You ever wonder if Good King Walz realizes that he might have gone too far with some of his edicts and orders - that they often don't make logical sense - but won't reverse them on a point of principle, like a baseball umpire who refuses to change an obviously erroneous call.   :scratch:

First he would have to care what the peons in his kingdom think.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/06/21, 04:48:27 PM

Indoor dining at bars and restaurants can open at 50 percent capacity, with a maximum of 150 people. Parties of no more than six people must remain six feet from other parties; bar seating is open to parties of two; reservations are required; and establishments must close dine-in service by 10 p.m.

this was from his talk and this one says nothing about reservations??
you need to read that again Mike,bright after parties of 2, what are the next 3 words?? :scratch:

I did, but what I posted other wise is another page...  from msn
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/06/21, 04:51:26 PM

Indoor dining at bars and restaurants can open at 50 percent capacity, with a maximum of 150 people. Parties of no more than six people must remain six feet from other parties; bar seating is open to parties of two; reservations are required; and establishments must close dine-in service by 10 p.m.

this was from his talk and this one says nothing about reservations??
you need to read that again Mike,bright after parties of 2, what are the next 3 words?? :scratch:

I did, but what I posted other wise is another page...  from msn
thats kinda my point!!!  :scratch: :scratch: so where do you need reservations, at a resturant or bar or both???????????????????????????????? :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/06/21, 04:58:03 PM
as i said before I think it will for eating...  just guessing til I read something..  sorry I can't do better, when I find it I'll post it unless someone else finds out..  not trying to confuse ya Glenn
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/06/21, 05:07:12 PM

this is from Ch 11 and it's saying Glenn's buddy hasn't talked yet cause of the crap out east...  sad state this country is in... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/07/21, 08:12:20 AM
They had a short pc about the vaccines on the local news channel early today. It said that Cerro Gordo County, Mason City, had successfully distrubuted almost all of the 1st round of doses they got just last week. Granted it didn't say that it all was in peoples arms yet & that seems to be the hardest part of the program. It did go on to say that Ia was doin a much better job(~50%) of getting it in needles than Mn (~30%). :scratch: :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/07/21, 08:18:12 AM
They had a short pc about the vaccines on the local news channel early today. It said that Cerro Gordo County, Mason City, had successfully distrubuted almost all of the 1st round of doses they got just last week. Granted it didn't say that it all was in peoples arms yet & that seems to be the hardest part of the program. It did go on to say that Ia was doin a much better job(~50%) of getting it in needles than Mn (~30%). :scratch: :rolleyes:

But again, Size matters. Cerro Gordo County’s population is about 46,400.  Lets just do um, Rochester, MN 113,913    :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/07/21, 08:36:32 AM
That's true & I think the #'s on total vaccinations for each state was something like almost 60,000 down here to just over 90,000 up there. :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/07/21, 08:57:46 AM
I think he needs to pay more attention to getting people vaccinated and less to this other stuff.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/07/21, 09:06:50 AM
I think he needs to pay more attention to getting people vaccinated and less to this other stuff.
dam this will be twice n the same week i've agreed with Del!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:

what i'm reading is that they are putting it in the hands of pharmacies like walgreens and CVS and they dont have enough people to give the shots. now there trying to get small local pharmacies on board,

why doesnt this Malcolm and Ehrsmann get out and help!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/07/21, 09:10:10 AM
just read Cub pharmacy's will now give the shots when they get them... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/07/21, 09:26:43 AM
Gottlieb has been in favor the bigger retail pharmacies like Walgreens, CVS, & Walmart having a hand in it since before Pfizer's even came out. They already have a large part of what should be needed working so it would be a much smoother process getting the vaccines out. Why not give it a try, it can't hurt & may even go better than expected. Even they would most likely need to hire extra help though.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/07/21, 12:02:22 PM
Curious, has anyone heard why there is such a huge difference in the way these vacines have to be stored?? I mean from storing from near 80 below to room temperature. :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/07/21, 12:14:40 PM
Curious, has anyone heard why there is such a huge difference in the way these vacines have to be stored?? I mean from storing from near 80 below to room temperature. :scratch: :scratch:
Brother says it's because of the different adjuvants the vaccines are blended with, different temps are required to keep it stable. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/concerns/adjuvants.html
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/07/21, 12:20:36 PM
Curious, has anyone heard why there is such a huge difference in the way these vacines have to be stored?? I mean from storing from near 80 below to room temperature. :scratch: :scratch:
Brother says it's because of the different adjuvants the vaccines are blended with, different temps are required to keep it stable. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/concerns/adjuvants.html
:happy1: makes sense!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/07/21, 02:17:26 PM

our Gov. trying to leave a legacy behind?? 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/07/21, 03:09:54 PM

our Gov. trying to leave a legacy behind??

They keep pounding the drum of getting the kids back in schools as some big goal. Kids schooling is being handled with a process that is in place and the safest place for them right now. Lets worry a bit more about people losing their jobs and all they have, and businesses closing first how about!  :surrender: :surrender:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/07/21, 04:12:04 PM
and walz sure likes them masks...... :doofus: :doofus: :doofus: thinkin if he has is way that'll be in place for the rest of his term. :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/07/21, 04:38:52 PM
and walz sure likes them masks...... :doofus: :doofus: :doofus: thinkin if he has is way that'll be in place for the rest of his term. :pouty:

The upside is it's going to be a single term. We can't get this guy outa office quick enough.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/07/21, 07:28:03 PM
Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/08/21, 08:15:32 AM
and walz sure likes them masks...... :doofus: :doofus: :doofus: thinkin if he has is way that'll be in place for the rest of his term. :pouty:

The upside is it's going to be a single term. We can't get this guy outa office quick enough.

No, I think it will be a long time before the Burgermeisters will go out of fashion in MN.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/08/21, 08:29:44 AM
and walz sure likes them masks...... :doofus: :doofus: :doofus: thinkin if he has is way that'll be in place for the rest of his term. :pouty:

The upside is it's going to be a single term. We can't get this guy outa office quick enough.
and i'm gonna help!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/08/21, 09:54:46 AM
#Me too!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/08/21, 10:25:12 AM
#metoo. We've been raped enough!  :surrender:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/08/21, 11:11:47 AM
#metoo. We've been raped enough!  :surrender:

We're just getting started...

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/08/21, 11:15:42 AM
and walz sure likes them masks...... :doofus: :doofus: :doofus: thinkin if he has is way that'll be in place for the rest of his term. :pouty:

The upside is it's going to be a single term. We can't get this guy outa office quick enough.
and i'm gonna help!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
same here...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/09/21, 05:35:50 AM
 Wife told me yesterday that Tim jung sale wants to make his mandates law now.  :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/09/21, 07:05:12 AM

our Gov. trying to leave a legacy behind??

here it is Jb.. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/09/21, 07:54:02 AM
#metoo. We've been raped enough!  :surrender:

We're just getting started...


As much as I would like to care about what is happening nationally watching Minnesota is depressing enough. We are watching a slow motion train wreck here. He is spending hundreds of millions on Covid, closing businesses that pay hundreds of millions in taxes, plans to spend hundreds of millions in recovery. In administrations past it was just little paper cuts of spending, this guy is amputating whole limbs. It's a bloodbath of lost & spent tax money that will have a HUGE effect on how this state operates. In addition we still have the Floyd upcoming riots we will need to recover & and pay for coming.

No, the clown about to be elected will only replace the clown presently in office. The only real disconnect is both have moved the needle further away from the people.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/09/21, 08:37:22 AM
i hear ya dutchy but just like always, regardless of who the prez or gov is, somehow we always manage to survive threw it all!!!!! i would say it be easier in DC if everything wasnt controlled by the same party.  :doah: few more checks and balances!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/09/21, 09:29:10 AM
Agree with you both even if glenn tears around his yard with frozen terds!  :confused:  :rotflmao:

Walz continues to alienate himself by patting himself on the back in releases like the one below. Allowing Ellison to send his goons out to enforce ridiculous rules and regulations in the outstate isn't helping matters. However, we're outnumbered. As has been said, if Walz crapped on the sidewalk in the Twin $hitties & the local media told people to eat it, most of them would.  :scratch: 

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/09/21, 09:39:23 AM
When Walz starts wanting to raise taxes he will go after the Fortune 500 companies in the state. He will have to go after them because.......

A) He killed small business.
B) There aren't as many tax payers in this state as there are people sucking the money up.

When that happens he is toast. Money talks, always has always will.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/09/21, 09:42:45 AM
When Walz starts wanting to raise taxes he will go after the Fortune 500 companies in the state. He will have to go after them because.......

A) He killed small business.
B) There aren't as many tax payers in this state as there are people sucking the money up.

When that happens he is toast. Money talks, always has always will.
yep........ its crazy how many small businesses around here closed shop. some of our retires meet up once a month at a buffet in sartell and there's a notice on the local's website said they closed for good!!!!!1 its total  :bs: :bs: :bs: 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/09/21, 09:50:47 AM
You mean like California & NY have already done & now some of those states biggest employers are leaving for Texas & Florida were the tax laws are much more favorable. :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/09/21, 10:14:49 AM
And now it is reported Biden wants to use the doses that were being reserved for second shots to give more people first shots, in hopes the vaccine for the second shots will appear on time.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/09/21, 10:22:03 AM
Gottlieb came out in favor of that several weeks ago, he added that the amount of immunity supplied by the 1st dose would outweigh the possibility of the 2nd dose not being available when it's needed in his opinion.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/09/21, 10:29:47 AM
and the Gov. has already said he will shut us down again  if he doesn't like the numbers he see's in the next few weeks or less...   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/09/21, 10:38:09 AM
and the Gov. has already said he will shut us down again  if he doesn't like the numbers he see's in the next few weeks or less...
me thinks if that happens its time for a revolution.......every business owner should tell him to stick it. no way can him and ellision go after every place in the state.

its bad enough we wants to supposedly compromise with the republicians but his first demand is masks..........

hey isnt walz from Dotch's part of the state!!!!!!! :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/09/21, 11:07:53 AM
and the Gov. has already said he will shut us down again  if he doesn't like the numbers he see's in the next few weeks or less...
me thinks if that happens its time for a revolution.......every business owner should tell him to stick it. no way can him and ellision go after every place in the state.

its bad enough we wants to supposedly compromise with the republicians but his first demand is masks..........

hey isnt walz from Dotch's part of the state!!!!!!! :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Actually him & Ellison could enforce it. Walz commands the National Guard. He could order them to stand post over every business in Minnesota. It would never come to that but in theory he could do it. I was just reading in yesterdays Star Tribune that the judge found in Walz's favor VS the Alibi Bar which opened in defiance of his order. He has the hammer in this case.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/09/21, 11:14:24 AM
Yea I know dutchy,  :confused: :pouty: just wishful thinking. :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/09/21, 11:36:59 AM
and the Gov. has already said he will shut us down again  if he doesn't like the numbers he see's in the next few weeks or less...
me thinks if that happens its time for a revolution.......every business owner should tell him to stick it. no way can him and ellision go after every place in the state.

its bad enough we wants to supposedly compromise with the republicians but his first demand is masks..........

hey isnt walz from Dotch's part of the state!!!!!!! :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

You are wrong, dog terd breath! He's from Nebraska and made MN his residence in ~1996. He's spent most of the time since then trying to convince people "he's one of us". He's no more Minnesotan than I am Canadian. Hell, I've lived where I do over 35 years and a lot of people around here still don't consider me a local!  :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/09/21, 11:53:35 AM
and the Gov. has already said he will shut us down again  if he doesn't like the numbers he see's in the next few weeks or less...
me thinks if that happens its time for a revolution.......every business owner should tell him to stick it. no way can him and ellision go after every place in the state.

its bad enough we wants to supposedly compromise with the republicians but his first demand is masks..........

hey isnt walz from Dotch's part of the state!!!!!!! :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

You are wrong, dog terd breath! He's from Nebraska and made MN his residence in ~1996. He's spent most of the time since then trying to convince people "he's one of us". He's no more Minnesotan than I am Canadian. Hell, I've lived where I do over 35 years and a lot of people around here still don't consider me a local!  :doah:
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/10/21, 10:09:03 AM
i see where the minneapolis mayor is playing dictator like walz.  :scratch: :doah: he wont allow bar service.

thinking he's a one and done mayor!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/10/21, 03:41:15 PM
Probably not. They are called citiodits for a reason. :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/11/21, 10:26:12 AM
The early news had a pc on the easing of the restrictions for Mn bars & restaurants today  & nowhere did I see anything about reservations even mentioned. :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/11/21, 10:29:00 AM
reservations are still in there but I'm still thinking it's for the eating out part... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/11/21, 10:42:06 AM

Still saying a few weeks into February Biden, Walz along with all the other Dem state Gov's will Heal-Us!  Wait-for-it!  :bow: :bow:

Exclusive: Biden will release nearly all available vaccine doses in break from Trump administration policy of holding back stock for second dose

By Sara Murray, CNN
Updated 11:05 PM ET, Fri January 8, 2021
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/11/21, 10:43:12 AM
reservations are still in there but I'm still thinking it's for the eating out part... 
https://www.minnpost.com/glean/2021/01/minnesota-bars-restaurants-can-reopen-with-restrictions-monday/ nothing mentioned here either! :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/11/21, 10:50:02 AM
 :oops1:  :bonk: This 1 does say reservations required https://www.mprnews.org/story/2021/01/07/minnesotas-whipsawed-restaurants-prepare-for-reopening-again
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/11/21, 10:55:20 AM
No Gunner I have seen the same thing..  some have it written in and others omit it..  Minn for ya...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/11/21, 10:57:55 AM
 That's the thing. There isn't any real clarity with the definition of reservations. :confused: where you do and don't need them. :doofus: :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/11/21, 11:07:24 AM

Still saying a few weeks into February Biden, Walz along with all the other Dem state Gov's will Heal-Us!  Wait-for-it!  :bow: :bow:

Exclusive: Biden will release nearly all available vaccine doses in break from Trump administration policy of holding back stock for second dose

By Sara Murray, CNN
Updated 11:05 PM ET, Fri January 8, 2021

This is a distinction without much of a difference.

Basically Trump was saying, if you get the first shot, they are going to keep you second dose in the freezer it is time to give it to you.

Biden asks, why keep your second dose in the freezer?  Lets give it to someone else as a first dose, and then assume your second dose will be delivered on time.

On the surface, Biden's approach sounds good (like many ideas), but if there are supply chain interruptions, you won't get your second dose on time, which will muck with the immunity performance.

And even if there are never any supply chain or production hick-ups, it really isn't speeding things up that much.  It adds risk to the roll-out and at best can only accelerate the inoculation rate by 3 weeks - assuming they are giving out shots as fast as the vaccine is shipping.

I love the headline...

In a Break from the Trump Administration Policy...

Go figure.  There are two approaches:  one conservative and one more risky.  Guess who chooses what.   :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/11/21, 11:16:37 AM
  And yet it's still incumbent upon the individuals who got the first shot to followup with the 2nd???

I read a piece about New York and people giving the shots saying a good amount is going to waste do the gov opened it up to a more wide range of individuals able to get it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/11/21, 11:17:17 AM
That's the thing. There isn't any real clarity with the definition of reservations. :confused: where you do and don't need them. :doofus: :crazy:

This is the kind of ambiguous language you get when they over legislate/mandate. 

It is pretty clear to see what they are tying to avoid.  Basically, they don't want a lobby full of people, or folks 3 deep at the bar waiting for a table at Applebees, so they say that reservations are required.

So, if I go to Applebees without reservations, they will either have an available table to give me, or not.  And if they don't, I will be able to make a reservation for later, or not.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/11/21, 11:20:37 AM
 :sleazy:this is just the rebellious me but I'm not certain to many places are going to turn you away if you don't have a reservation.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/11/21, 11:25:15 AM
  And yet it's still incumbent upon the individuals who got the first shot to followup with the 2nd???

Sure, and if you were motivated enough to get the first, you'll likely want to get the second.  I don't want to be a nay-saying, nay-bob of negativity, but it will be curious to see if there are any stories of folks who show up at the clinic for their second shot and find out that they ran out of vaccine yesterday.

Still, I'm resisting the urge to over-politicize this.  I have to believe that the real gating factor for throttling the doses will be clinics giving out the shots.  Biden might say "RELEASE ALL THE VACCINE!" but that doesn't mean that clinics will be imprudent in the way they distribute it.  I want to believe that if they foresee any issues in getting the second dose to their patients on time, they will reduce the number of first doses they are giving out on their own - despite what the NEW, IMPROVED, BETTER THAN TRUMP policy says.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/11/21, 11:28:05 AM
:sleazy:this is just the rebellious me but I'm not certain to many places are going to turn you away if you don't have a reservation.
true, but I still think it's for eating out..  if it's for going for a drink, WOW that's nuts!! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/11/21, 11:31:50 AM
:sleazy:this is just the rebellious me but I'm not certain to many places are going to turn you away if you don't have a reservation.
true, but I still think it's for eating out..  if it's for going for a drink, WOW that's nuts!!
Yea my thoughts to but with Walz who knows.. HEY DOTCH, what he tell you last night at suppertime. :smoking: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/11/21, 11:40:40 AM
They'll write your name & # down when you walk in the door then tell you take that table over there, please. It's more about DPH standards for contact tracing IMO. Not gonna work for the bars. :crazy: :tut:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/11/21, 11:42:04 AM
I don't think we need to over-think this.

If you don't want to make a reservation, go to the bar and walk in.  You don't think that they will let you in if they have the space for you?   :confused:

Its simply over-legislation!  I recently walked into a sales office.  They said, "Technically, you are supposed to have a reservation."  I scowled. :angry:  And before I could get all huffy and make statements about where I would and wouldn't spend my money they said, "...But you just made one."

I reckon a bar will direct anyone to an open bar stool and they won't even have to scowl.   :tequila;
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/11/21, 12:19:30 PM
that's the way I see it too..  and my reaction would be like yours too... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/11/21, 12:35:09 PM
Biden soon will announce they will hand out $100 for every vaccination you get. Need to reward the voters ya know.   :doah:   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/11/21, 12:38:12 PM
I don't think we need to over-think this.

If you don't want to make a reservation, go to the bar and walk in.  You don't think that they will let you in if they have the space for you?   :confused:

Its simply over-legislation!  I recently walked into a sales office.  They said, "Technically, you are supposed to have a reservation."  I scowled. :angry:  And before I could get all huffy and make statements about where I would and wouldn't spend my money they said, "...But you just made one."

I reckon a bar will direct anyone to an open bar stool and they won't even have to scowl.   :tequila;
well momma and me are gonna investigate Friday night. Decided to go to da pub fer a burger and  :toast: :drinking:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/11/21, 12:48:08 PM
I'm thinking this afternoon for HH... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/11/21, 01:02:55 PM
I don't think we need to over-think this.

If you don't want to make a reservation, go to the bar and walk in.  You don't think that they will let you in if they have the space for you?   :confused:

Its simply over-legislation!  I recently walked into a sales office.  They said, "Technically, you are supposed to have a reservation."  I scowled. :angry:  And before I could get all huffy and make statements about where I would and wouldn't spend my money they said, "...But you just made one."

I reckon a bar will direct anyone to an open bar stool and they won't even have to scowl.   :tequila;
well momma and me are gonna investigate Friday night. Decided to go to da pub fer a burger and  :toast: :drinking:

Might want to go tonight Glenn, Walz may shut it down again before Friday..........just cuz he can.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/11/21, 01:04:41 PM
Biden soon will announce they will hand out $100 for every vaccination you get. Need to reward the voters ya know.   :doah:

In that case, I'll take one in each arm and one in each cheek.   :moon:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/11/21, 01:23:44 PM
Just got off the MN Covid Page...

Data and Statistics on COVID-19 in Minnesota (https://mn.gov/covid19/data/index.jsp)


Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/11/21, 01:34:34 PM
you could be so right dutchboy!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/11/21, 01:51:40 PM
Yes, I was looking on the MN Covid page to see if they were still posting the daily infection rate (spike) chart.  It took me a long time to find it, but I eventually did.

Rates haven't started to increase after Christmas/New Years, but it will be interesting to watch that graph over the next month.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/11/21, 02:53:56 PM

here's one I look at Steve-o
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/11/21, 03:01:29 PM

here's one I look at Steve-o

Time to build a little cabin and go off grid in Cook County it looks like.  Could make Youtube videos for income! 
"Hey Guys, welcome back to Leech's off grid cabin. Today were chopping wood and making Lake Trout!"   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/11/21, 03:05:53 PM
They were blabbering about minnesota spiking 46.7% over the holidays. :scratch: :scratch: but with all the inconsistent  :bs: I don't pay much attention anymore. :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/11/21, 03:29:35 PM
they make the numbers look the way they want..
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on January 01/11/21, 06:07:56 PM

here's one I look at Steve-o

Time to build a little cabin and go off grid in Cook County it looks like.  Could make Youtube videos for income! 
"Hey Guys, welcome back to Leech's off grid cabin. Today were chopping wood and making Lake Trout!"   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Bring a hot babe and you would succeed!   More pics of her of course.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/11/21, 06:36:25 PM

here's one I look at Steve-o

Time to build a little cabin and go off grid in Cook County it looks like.  Could make Youtube videos for income! 
"Hey Guys, welcome back to Leech's off grid cabin. Today were chopping wood and making Lake Trout!"   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Bring a hot babe and you would succeed!   More pics of her of course.
Um, only if she got Tested first!  :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on January 01/11/21, 06:38:35 PM
Ya right, like that would matter...    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/11/21, 06:46:13 PM

here's one I look at Steve-o

Time to build a little cabin and go off grid in Cook County it looks like.  Could make Youtube videos for income! 
"Hey Guys, welcome back to Leech's off grid cabin. Today were chopping wood and making Lake Trout!"   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Bring a hot babe and you would succeed!   More pics of her of course.
Um, only if she got Tested first!  :bonk:
tested for what??? :evil: :scratch: never know nowadays  :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/12/21, 02:21:31 PM
Yes, I was looking on the MN Covid page to see if they were still posting the daily infection rate (spike) chart.  It took me a long time to find it, but I eventually did.

Rates haven't started to increase after Christmas/New Years, but it will be interesting to watch that graph over the next month.

I watch the numbers carefully.   There was no Thanksgiving spike, there was no 4th of July spike, no Sturgis spike, and now no Christmas spike.   I don't know what made the spike in october, school?   cold spell?     

Now if Walz would get the stick out of his behind and use the vaccine the state already has we might be getting somewhere.   State has only used about 35% of doses received.     
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/12/21, 02:33:48 PM
That's because he's to busy worrying about screwing businesses and making sure masks wearing never goes away. DOORKNOB.!! :confused: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/12/21, 02:37:08 PM
read that to Del..  but remember Waltz is in charge..  I also heard last night there is Gov. residence at Camp Ripley...  didn't realize that before...  so that must be where he's hiding.. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on January 01/12/21, 02:44:27 PM
Getting shots in peoples' arms is a nationwide problem. I think they are going to open things up and offer shots soon to people over 65. A lot of people who were suppose to get the first wave of shots refused the. I think they need to go to the end of the line if they change their minds. In three weeks I'll get my second shot. I'm hopeful it will work.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/12/21, 02:50:17 PM
 Roony, did you have any of the side effects they talk about?? Sore arm???
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on January 01/12/21, 02:58:04 PM
Glenn, I didn't have any of that. According to what I've read, you are more likely to have side effects after the second shot.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/12/21, 03:21:34 PM
Getting shots in peoples' arms is a nationwide problem. I think they are going to open things up and offer shots soon to people over 65. A lot of people who were suppose to get the first wave of shots refused the. I think they need to go to the end of the line if they change their minds. In three weeks I'll get my second shot. I'm hopeful it will work.

So why you get one before the rest of us shmoses? You Teacher or sumthing?  :shocked:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on January 01/12/21, 03:25:07 PM
Nope, not a teacher.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/12/21, 03:28:27 PM
If roony wanted the shot and got it. I'm glad for him  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on January 01/12/21, 03:30:45 PM
I can't be a teacher, I got no class. Thanks Glenn.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/13/21, 10:15:32 PM
 So got a question. Anyone heard anything about Walz going to Florida over Thanksgiving?? Or going to Wisconsin?? I seen pictures she had on facebook that looks like Walz in a restaurant eating and another place shopping without a mask. I was also told he owns a cabin in wisconsin????

I mean that person looked exactly like him. I can't believe this didn't get out in the news???

Now DO NOT take to this out of context but that's what I seen on her Facebook.

One other thing she said, she works at the hospital and the infectious desease doc there said no way he's taking the vaccine. Something about it's to soon????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/14/21, 06:37:11 AM
Who is this "she" from facebook?

And hard to trust pictures these days, but wouldn't surprise me.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/14/21, 06:45:37 AM
I know they were staying at Camp Ripley for awhile and from what I heard they were not very nice to clean up after... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/14/21, 06:49:35 AM
Del, my daughter. She is the one that showed me the pictures from her Facebook. And a 100% agree about believing anything in Facebook. That's why I asked.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on January 01/14/21, 07:39:23 AM
Ya who is she?  You sure are a pot stirrer Glenn.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/14/21, 07:46:28 AM
 :pouty: I'm not stirring nothing. And SHE is my daughter. UGH. :banghead:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on January 01/14/21, 07:56:02 AM
That's what she said.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/14/21, 09:36:02 AM
A lot of talk about Johnson & Johnson's vaccine in the news today, must be close to getting approved.  :scratch: Theirs is a 1 shot dose.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: markn on January 01/14/21, 01:57:31 PM
Just received a text message from my clinic that I’m on their list for a Covid shot in the near future.  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/14/21, 02:02:20 PM
I just got a text also from Sanford that they will contact me to schedule an appointment.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/14/21, 02:16:23 PM
Hmmm, thunk with my bypass and blood sugar supposed issues they'd have me on there radar?? :scratch:

Oh well I can wait my turn. With that being said the rex cross wants my blood again  :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/14/21, 02:20:52 PM
VA is saying soon here too
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/14/21, 03:19:29 PM
You can have mine Glenn.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/14/21, 03:39:56 PM
You can have mine Glenn.
is your employer requiring you to get the shot.?!

I'll wait my turn but am going to inquire when I get my laptop back through MyChart.

I'm leaning towards getting it do I can be considered a statistic towards there goal of % of people vacinated do this goes away. But I'm pretty sure that will never be good enough for people that keep moving the goal posts. :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/14/21, 04:01:35 PM
Employer has not said anything about it yet. Time will tell.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/15/21, 01:13:21 PM
here's another covid they are talking about and check the number

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/15/21, 01:25:55 PM
 :sleazy: Yea the world is going to end  :blablabla: :blablabla: :blablabla: :oops1: :sorry: :rotflmao:

Can't believe anything about it. And I see the rona is second fiddle to protecting the capital now.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on January 01/15/21, 01:42:45 PM
My #2 son is a paramedic. He got his second shot on Monday and had side effects this time. He had to miss work which isn't something he ever does. Called him last night and he's doing much better.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/15/21, 01:44:29 PM
My #2 son is a paramedic. He got his second shot on Monday and had side effects this time. He had to miss work which isn't something he ever does. Called him last night and he's doing much better.
I have heard that about the second shot. Knocks ya for a day then your good to go.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on January 01/15/21, 02:34:55 PM
We know we don't have it cuz this puppy farts like there is no tomorrow.  Almost brings tears you your eyes too.  Good thing we don't smoke cigs anymore.. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/15/21, 02:47:58 PM
We know we don't have it cuz this puppy farts like there is no tomorrow.  Almost brings tears you your eyes too.  Good thing we don't smoke cigs anymore..
  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: you got the good one then LPS!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/15/21, 05:51:50 PM
  :shocked: Like father :evil:, like son!!  :tut: :mooning: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/16/21, 10:58:21 AM
A lot of talk about Johnson & Johnson's vaccine in the news today, must be close to getting approved.  :scratch: Theirs is a 1 shot dose.
:happy1: :bonk: Heard they are only in phase 2 of testing on this 1 which should be finished by the end of the month. Early March before it's available, last I heard.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/16/21, 02:44:47 PM
Nope they are in phase 3, and analyzing the data so they could possibly be doing the application to the FDA as soon as next week. Then it would take several weeks to get approved.    So maybe March or late Feb, if all goes well.   

They also have another trial  using two doses as a backup, but that is a little later.     
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: GrandpaTom on January 01/16/21, 06:15:25 PM
Getting ready for summer, or on the beaches in Florida.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/17/21, 10:02:57 AM
well it has started, i knew this was going to come.

read in the paper today that a long care faculity in wisconsin somewhere is mandating the covid shot or get laid off. some females are worried about what the vacine will do for pregneancies or fertility, and other side affects, some say its goers against there choice to choose??????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/17/21, 10:30:57 AM
I seem to recall certain shots were required before a kid could attend public school. I'm sure this is just a extension of that only with adults who actually have a choice.  ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/17/21, 11:26:06 AM
I seem to recall certain shots were required before a kid could attend public school. I'm sure this is just a extension of that only with adults who actually have a choice.  ;)
oh i can see maybe lawsuits over this, but,,,,,,,,,,,,i dont really think they have a choice if they want to remain employed with that particular employer.

like i posted a few weeks ago, the EEOC, Equal Employment Opportunity Commision, has already said the employers can mandate it. I have talked to employees from 2 of the shops i used to represent and both said at this point the employer hasnt said anything. not arguing anyones point, its just from my experience, the EEOC carries alot of clout.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/18/21, 12:02:05 PM
i sent a message via mychart sat regarding when i'd possibly get a shot/vacine if i was interested.

based on there response........they are only aware that the front line workers etc are getting the shots and dont have any idea even when the 65 and older or high risk will be able to get the vacine.  :crazy: :confused: this is from my clinic...

so some of the information out there leading us to believe there in a second phase is  :bs:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/18/21, 12:27:58 PM
Glenn check again, you are only 64 years old so you are fine.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/18/21, 01:12:22 PM
Glenn check again, you are only 64 years old so you are fine.
dont push it buddy!!!!!! :tut: i'm 63!!!!! :happy1: but i have had a quadruple heart bypass, and considered a diabetic with high blood pressure. yea i'm not in any real hurry. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/18/21, 01:28:58 PM
Just wear yer mask. You'll be fine... :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/18/21, 01:35:51 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/18/21, 02:11:20 PM
Just wear yer mask. You'll be fine... :bonk:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/18/21, 07:18:03 PM
So reading MSN headlines it says a popular doctor died of covid-19 he may have got from a patient doing some Kind of lip job.

BUT if you read the article it said he died of a Brian anyurissm but he tested positive from rona. WTF... NO wonder ya can't believe crap.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/18/21, 07:26:02 PM
and that's how it's being done!!  so wrong report the truth, for once.... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Aiden2002Master on January 01/18/21, 09:33:45 PM
So reading MSN headlines it says a popular doctor died of covid-19 he may have got from a patient doing some Kind of lip job.

BUT if you read the article it said he died of a Brian anyurissm but he tested positive from rona. WTF... NO wonder ya can't believe crap.
Most likely the aneurysm was caused by covid.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/18/21, 10:25:36 PM
Yea ok!! :pouty: :confused: :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/18/21, 10:30:54 PM
On the news tonight they said they opened up vacines to 65 and over. :happy1: but don't hold your breath. ... It'll be 4 1/2 months before you could get it. :doofus: :doofus: :thumbs:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/19/21, 06:59:34 AM
So reading MSN headlines it says a popular doctor died of covid-19 he may have got from a patient doing some Kind of lip job.

BUT if you read the article it said he died of a Brian anyurissm but he tested positive from rona. WTF... NO wonder ya can't believe crap.
Just like my nephew's buddy whose parents died from covid in a car accident.  :crazy: Both his parents were killed in a car accident and when he got the death certificate the cause of death was covid. He called the hospital and told them that they had it wrong and they in turn told him that they get more money for covid. There was also a doctor back in the beginning from Fargo on TV that said they were told to report all deaths as covid no matter what they actually died from.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/19/21, 07:01:52 AM
have heard that too Jb...  sad deal.........
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: savage270 on January 01/19/21, 07:57:00 AM
I also heard about the tragic story of the Louisiana couple who died of covid when their meth lab exploded.  Its truly amazing any of us are left to post on this forum.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/19/21, 08:18:36 AM
I missed the answer to the question...

What about prioritizing vaccine for those in their 75 and over - the folks most susceptible to a bad outcome?

What did Good King Walz and his court minions have to say about why they aren't doing that?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/19/21, 08:21:20 AM
I missed the answer to the question...

What about prioritizing vaccine for those in their 75 and over - the folks most susceptible to a bad outcome?

What did Good King Walz and his court minions have to say about why they aren't doing that?

The Libber "Death squads" deemed them expendable and nonproductive part of society.  :coffee:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/19/21, 08:29:22 AM
I missed the answer to the question...

What about prioritizing vaccine for those in their 75 and over - the folks most susceptible to a bad outcome?

What did Good King Walz and his court minions have to say about why they aren't doing that?

Needs to give half of the small amount allocated for the prototype centers to teachers as part of some deal with the union that we haven't heard about yet.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/19/21, 08:51:17 AM
yea i'm not sure the union has anything to do witrh giving out vacines Del, but then again Walz only listens to the teachers and nurses anyway!!!!!! :doah: :doofus:

on the news last night they talked about the elk river school district........... only had 75 vacines available!!!!!!!!! :doofus: :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/19/21, 09:41:45 AM
That's like the Mpls public schools that have about 6000 employees. 86 shots were given. And if you need 2 shots of it. That's 43 folks. 🤪
But, never fear. Biden is going to flood the system in just a few days! 🤣

Hope we don't all get dizzy from the hyped up media spin of his failures coming up.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/19/21, 09:52:27 AM
That's like the Mpls public schools that have about 6000 employees. 86 shots were given. And if you need 2 shots of it. That's 43 folks. 🤪
But, never fear. Biden is going to flood the system in just a few days! 🤣

Hope we don't all get dizzy from the hyped up media spin of his failures coming up.

According to the Biden plan, it would be 86 folks and hope the 2nd doses get delivered on time to be administered in 3 to 4 weeks.

100 million people in 100 days.  Good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: GrandpaTom on January 01/20/21, 03:22:13 PM
Has anyone found a clinic that gives them??
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/21/21, 09:06:53 AM
A tidbit from the early news today was that NYC has had to cancel 23,000 appts for the vaccinations because they have no vaccine but right across the river, NJ, they have 100,000 doses sitting on the shelves because they're unable to get it to the nursing homes there. :crazy: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/21/21, 09:10:03 AM
A tidbit from the early news today was that NYC has had to cancel 23,000 appts for the vaccinations because they have no vaccine but right across the river, NJ, they have 100,000 doses sitting on the shelves because they're unable to get it to the nursing homes there. :crazy: :pouty:
This is Trumps fault, Biden will get a pass for a month or year or so. 😉
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/21/21, 09:19:19 AM
Has anyone found a clinic that gives them??
mine doesnt!!!!!!! according to them they dont have any for even the 65 and older or the ones with issues.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/21/21, 09:20:28 AM
A tidbit from the early news today was that NYC has had to cancel 23,000 appts for the vaccinations because they have no vaccine but right across the river, NJ, they have 100,000 doses sitting on the shelves because they're unable to get it to the nursing homes there. :crazy: :pouty:
:doah: :pouty: :confused: how the ef cant they get them to the nursing homes. :crazy: :confused: :doofus: put them in a car, truck and drive them there.  :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/21/21, 12:54:13 PM
A tidbit from the early news today was that NYC has had to cancel 23,000 appts for the vaccinations because they have no vaccine but right across the river, NJ, they have 100,000 doses sitting on the shelves because they're unable to get it to the nursing homes there. :crazy: :pouty:
:doah: :pouty: :confused: how the ef cant they get them to the nursing homes. :crazy: :confused: :doofus: put them in a car, truck and drive them there.  :doah:
  :scratch: I don't believe that's really the issue as that's just logistics. I didn't mean that literally, the real issue is what is now is sometimes called "the last mile" & that means that they don't have a system in place in order to get it in the residents arms. :crazy: :pouty: :banghead: :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/21/21, 02:37:45 PM
Right.  Each state gets to decide where their vaccine allotment goes first - which is AGAIN - a very political process.

It makes sense that first doses go to front line health care providers.  Easy call.

And let's vaccinate workers and residents in nursing homes.  Amen. 

And then it gets tricky.  Teachers?  Maybe... OK, sure.  Fireman?  Maybe not so much.  What makes anyone think a fireman's exposure risk to COVID is any higher than a grocery store clerks.  Hmmmm.  Probably not, in my humble opinion, but what do I know?

And there is no MN state prioritization of 80-year-olds over 65-year-olds despite what the death rates show?   :scratch:  Isn't that why we shut down the economy all this time...  To protect the, the old folks who actually die from covid?!?   :doah:

So those poor 80-somethings, who can't get onto the internet website to schedule their shot are screwed until someone figures out where they are?   :confused:

And I heard a rumor - and just a rumor - that Health Partners had ALL of their employees classified as front-line health care workers to get them priority preference.  You in accounting...  You get the shot.  I'd really like to know if this is true or not.  I'd hate to spread Fake News.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/21/21, 06:56:23 PM
They're gonna get FEMA involved in building the mass vaccination sites as of today. Not sure it'll help but pretty sure it won't hurt anything.  :scratch: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/22/21, 08:24:47 AM
They're gonna get FEMA involved in building the mass vaccination sites as of today. Not sure it'll help but pretty sure it won't hurt anything.  :scratch: :doah:
  :scratch: :scratch: the 10 pm news didnt say anything about FEMA last nite............your right cant hurt. but from everything i hear not enough vacines to vacines getting spoiled....its about as far out there as there fabricated death numbers!!!!!! :confused: :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/22/21, 08:28:36 AM
Amazon offers to help Biden administration with COVID-19 vaccine distribution (https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2021/01/21/amazon-letter-president-biden-offers-help-covid-vaccines/4242571001/)
Put that in your pipe and smoke it next time you want to order something from Amazon. :mad1:

Where was that offer 3 months ago, i.e. before the election?

I thought the goal was saving lives here?!?   :bs:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/22/21, 08:46:58 AM
The Walz administration set up a vaccination facility at Willow Creek Middle School, while refusing to allow Mayo to vaccinate patients, and delaying their existing weekly vaccine deliveries by a day.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/22/21, 08:50:20 AM
Walz is an idiot..............with this covid crap.....refusing to do anything is wrong.

as far as Amazon.........think Trump went after them so Amazon wasnt gonna help him. not saying its right, just what i heard or read.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/22/21, 08:53:53 AM
Walz is an idiot..............with this covid crap.....refusing to do anything is wrong.

as far as Amazon.........think Trump went after them so Amazon wasnt gonna help him. not saying its right, just what i heard or read.

Yep, that is the problem with petty politics.  No one has the balls to rise above it and do the right thing.  :angry:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/22/21, 08:58:24 AM
Walz is an idiot..............with this covid crap.....refusing to do anything is wrong.

as far as Amazon.........think Trump went after them so Amazon wasnt gonna help him. not saying its right, just what i heard or read.
Yeah, Bezos & Trump were anything but buddies. :scratch: Think it had a lot to do with the fact that Bezos also owns The Washington Post & they rarely had anything to say that Trump liked.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/22/21, 01:04:54 PM
And if the roles were reversed... the Lib Media would be all over any pro-Trump company that dragged its feet to provide service to the American public. 

Oh yeah, and let's not think these companies are pitching in only because of the goodness of their little corporate hearts...  They'll get paid by the government for every deep freezer they have to buy and every vial of vaccine they ship.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/22/21, 01:14:57 PM
It's not like Amazon is offering it for free.

Amazon is offering its help to President Joe Biden with the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, while seeking to get its employees inoculated "at the earliest appropriate time."

In a letter written to Biden and dated Wednesday, Amazon Worldwide Consumer CEO Dave Clark said the e-commerce giant is prepared to leverage its operations to help vaccinate 100 million Americans in the first 100 days of the president's administration.

"Our scale allows us to make a meaningful impact immediately in the fight against COVID-19, and we stand ready to assist you in this effort," wrote Clark.

The letter also calls for vaccinating Amazon employees, many of whom are essential workers, as soon as possible.

"The essential employees working at Amazon fulfillment centers, AWS data centers, and Whole Foods Market stores across the country who cannot work from home should receive the COVID-19 vaccine at the earliest appropriate time," writes Clark.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/25/21, 08:31:41 PM
Just found out tonight that my mom and stepdad have appts for the rona vacines this Thursday at in new richmond wi and follow up 28 days  later.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on January 01/25/21, 08:51:15 PM
One of my best friends is 76 years old.  He has diabetes and has controlled it with diet pretty good.  He is a twice cancer survivor.  He goes to Sanford in Sioux Falls for his doctoring and they do a great job with him.  His Dr. said make sure you don't get Covid.  He is very careful and has been waiting for a call from them to come and get his Covid shot.  A buddy of ours who was in the service sort of went and got his in SD the other day.  He went awol twice and kind of got kicked out of the military.  My friend called Sanford and talked to his Drs. Nurse.  They said he has to get his shot in MN. even though Sanford has shots available.  They told him to call our Dept of Health and bug the heck out of them.   How screwed up is that?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/25/21, 08:53:20 PM
From what I gather minnesota is really effed up. :confused: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/25/21, 09:14:56 PM
Turns out VA is doing vaccinations
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/26/21, 05:46:11 AM
In "waiting room" to sign up wife for state lottery.  I guess I will put my name in  too and see if i save a drive to Fort Snelling
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/26/21, 06:56:05 AM
From what I gather minnesota is really effed up. :confused: :pouty:
Oh what a shock that is.  :doofus: :pouty: :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on January 01/26/21, 07:30:16 AM
The wife came home with a number I could call in our area to get a shot if you are over 65.  They are going to call back.  ????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/26/21, 07:57:09 AM
and now there is a new strain from Brazil here in Mn..  someone from here traveled there and came back here with it.. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/26/21, 07:57:22 AM
Might just be the state lottery for shots.   Can also do it at

Any time today, you can sign up and then they will pick names from the bucket of walz contributors or at random, whichever you choose to believe.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: GrandpaTom on January 01/26/21, 07:58:24 AM
Might just be the state lottery for shots.   Can also do it at

Any time today, you can sign up and then they will pick names from the bucket of walz contributors or at random, whichever you choose to believe.
I just saw that all the slots are full.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/26/21, 08:26:31 AM
I checked into Iowa's program just a bit earlier today & they won't be starting to vaccinate the new expanded group, 65 & older, until they believe they have enough vaccine on hand that they'll need. That was according to The Des Moines Register.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/26/21, 08:29:35 AM
It's going to get crazy and we're going to keep hearing.
Come on Biden's only been a week!  A month, 4 months 12 months.................................................. :bs: 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/26/21, 08:39:03 AM
It's going to get crazy and we're going to keep hearing.
Come on Biden's only been a week!  A month, 4 months 12 months.................................................. :bs:
yea well your guy trump had like 9-10 months........... :rolleyes: :evil:....just sayin!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/26/21, 09:14:25 AM
It's going to get crazy and we're going to keep hearing.
Come on Biden's only been a week!  A month, 4 months 12 months.................................................. :bs: 7
yea well your guy trump had like 9-10 months........... :rolleyes: :evil:....just sayin!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
IKR. Now its Bidens turn! 🤭
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/26/21, 09:21:09 AM
It's going to get crazy and we're going to keep hearing.
Come on Biden's only been a week!  A month, 4 months 12 months.................................................. :bs: 7
yea well your guy trump had like 9-10 months........... :rolleyes: :evil:....just sayin!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
IKR. Now its Bidens turn! 🤭
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea i'm sure he's gonna get'r done. :crazy: :pouty: kinda like king walz!!!! :crazy: :crazy: why my 84 year old mom with a pacemaker and other things has to go to wisconsin. :confused: :scratch: :doah: she stopped yesterday at her pharmacy where she gets her meds........all they got right now is taking name and phone number. told her they dont know when they'll get the vacine!!!! :doofus:

and this lottery thing........what happened to the elders with prexisitng conditions!!!! :doah: :embarrassed:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: GrandpaTom on January 01/26/21, 11:35:26 AM
A little humor with what is going on.  Some ingenuity.

These neighbors adjusted their fence so they could enjoy a beer together with social distance

But, I don't think they are in MN or WI.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/26/21, 11:45:44 AM
Best Thing and Worst Thing About Wearing a Mask

Best thing... Wearing a mask when you walk outside in freezing temperatures.  I have to admit...  It's kinda nice.  :happy1:

Worst thing... Wearing a mask into a public restroom where someone is taking a dump.   :moon::puke:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on January 01/26/21, 02:44:50 PM
Does it absorb the smell?  LOL  Well I got a call from our local hospital/clinic today.  I am on their list to get a covid shot when they get some in along with lots of other people I am sure.  Over 65 was their criteria too.  I asked do you have any idea when that will be?  She said no idea.  When they send us vaccine we will call you. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: deadeye on January 01/26/21, 03:46:40 PM
Well there you go, check's in the mail.  I got a letter from the VA indicating the same thing "we will let you know".  Doesn't help much but it's nice to know they are thinking about you. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/26/21, 03:58:38 PM
Pops got his first round shot at the VA on Saturday,  him and Ma are both late 70's but since he's not 50% disabled she has to wait. In my mind 49% should qualify..
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/26/21, 04:17:05 PM
Pops got his first round shot at the VA on Saturday,  him and Ma are both late 70's but since he's not 50% disabled she has to wait. In my mind 49% should qualify..
I agree boober, at that age disabled it not she should get the shot.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on January 01/26/21, 04:25:29 PM
Especially living in the same home and being his wife.  Come on, get with it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/26/21, 06:54:19 PM
got the letter from the VA too..  just going to sit and wait for the call..  heck it's been how many months already...   just sayin................
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/27/21, 08:10:56 AM
 :oops1: Wrong thread!! :doofus: :doah: :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/27/21, 09:26:17 AM
Well, that 81 year old buddy of mine should get his COVID shot now. Come to find out Monday he had a spell, fell off his exercise bike and broke his arm when it landed on top of him. Took him to Owatonna where they routed him on to Rochester and decided to put in a pacemaker. This is the same guy who had a spell about a year ago at our car club Christmas party. Damn exercise bikes are dangerous!  :shocked:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/27/21, 09:31:38 AM
on the news last nite talking about the shots, they said AFTER  the 2nd shot you need to wait 10-14 days before it is the most effective. think it was the good question segment where they where asking when it was safe to go see and hug loved ones.

the pessamistic side of me pretty much decided the gubment dont want this to ever end. i'm so effin sick of this political  :bs: :bs: :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/27/21, 11:45:13 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/27/21, 11:58:13 AM
on the news last nite talking about the shots, they said AFTER  the 2nd shot you need to wait 10-14 days before it is the most effective. think it was the good question segment where they where asking when it was safe to go see and hug loved ones.

the pessamistic side of me pretty much decided the gubment dont want this to ever end. i'm so effin sick of this political  :bs: :bs: :angry2:

Yeah, study data doesn't come fast enough.  In the early effectivity testing, they didn't look to gather data to answer all the questions we now have.

If I get the shot, can I take off my mask?  Hug grandma?  No, you still might be able to get it and be a carrier.

How long does the immunization last?  Don't know.

When you going to find out?  (* crickets *)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/27/21, 08:13:13 PM
Might just be the state lottery for shots.   Can also do it at

Any time today, you can sign up and then they will pick names from the bucket of walz contributors or at random, whichever you choose to believe.
I just saw that all the slots are full.

Yeah they say that and everyone went on waiting list then they picked at random, supposedly, from the waiting list.  Not me or wife.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/28/21, 08:04:10 AM
 :scratch: Just heard on the news that the Chinese now believe the virus can survive longer in a person's GI tract & are now starting to test for that using anal swabs! :doah:                             
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/28/21, 08:18:23 AM
:scratch: Just heard on the news that the Chinese now believe the virus can survive longer in a person's GI tract & are now starting to test for that using anal swabs! :doah:                           

Ok I'm ready to go in for a test now!!  :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/28/21, 08:25:19 AM
 :scratch: :doah: It's GOOD to dream, Leech~~!!  :sleazy: More likely to be Nurse Ratched's twin sister. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/28/21, 08:41:48 AM
:scratch: :doah: It's GOOD to dream, Leech~~!!  :sleazy: More likely to be Nurse Ratched's twin sister. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Stay out of my dang dreams!!  :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/28/21, 12:06:58 PM
Looks like Wisconsin is going to tell Ewers to stick his mask mandate where the sun don't shine. :shocked: :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/28/21, 12:12:49 PM
Looks like Wisconsin is going to tell Ewers to stick his mask mandate where the sun don't shine. :shocked: :scratch:

Good idea!  Then they can pull it back out and test it for COVID.   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/28/21, 12:36:42 PM
well they are saying in China that this thing can live in intestines, so they are going to do anal swabs!!!  I'll bet they will be lining up for that!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on January 01/28/21, 03:34:05 PM
Ya right.  The line forms in the rear.  LOL
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/28/21, 03:36:46 PM
Ya right.  The line forms in the rear.  LOL
there ya LPS you have it figured out!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/28/21, 10:05:00 PM
Speaking of the line....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/29/21, 08:08:24 AM
They have just announced that J & J's vaccine has tested to be 72% effective here in the US but only 57% in South Africa against the new variant there. They plan on applying for FDA approval as soon as next week. J & J's is a 1 shot dose. So, assuming availability is the same for all 3 vaccines, if given a choice which would you rather have? :scratch: :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/29/21, 08:10:05 AM
Easy choice for me. None of them.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/29/21, 09:04:33 AM
They have just announced that J & J's vaccine has tested to be 72% effective here in the US but only 57% in South Africa against the new variant there. They plan on applying for FDA approval as soon as next week. J & J's is a 1 shot dose. So, assuming availability is the same for all 3 vaccines, if given a choice which would you rather have? :scratch: :confused:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on January 01/29/21, 09:17:25 AM
I want the good one even if it means I need 2 shots.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on January 01/29/21, 10:45:40 AM
I doubt many will have a choice other than choosing not to be vaccinated. I got the Modern and will get my second dose next Wednesday. I was feeling good about it but now, with all the variants, I don't know. Things don't seem to be getting a whole lot better. At least my Gamestop did well....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on January 01/29/21, 11:06:47 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/29/21, 12:40:38 PM
I doubt many will have a choice other than choosing not to be vaccinated. I got the Modern and will get my second dose next Wednesday. I was feeling good about it but now, with all the variants, I don't know. Things don't seem to be getting a whole lot better. At least my Gamestop did well....

I'm pretty sure down the road most employers will make their employees get the shot or not work.  Wait for it!  :undecided:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/29/21, 02:10:36 PM
I doubt many will have a choice other than choosing not to be vaccinated. I got the Modern and will get my second dose next Wednesday. I was feeling good about it but now, with all the variants, I don't know. Things don't seem to be getting a whole lot better. At least my Gamestop did well....

I'm pretty sure down the road most employers will make their employees get the shot or not work.  Wait for it!  :undecided:
That is what I am afraid.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/29/21, 02:12:32 PM
they will say "it's to keep America safe".................
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/29/21, 02:18:41 PM

That is what I am afraid.

Why are you afraid?     
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/29/21, 02:47:49 PM
he prefers not to have if if you read back some
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/29/21, 03:17:30 PM
Fortunate that I call my own shots (no pun intended) but if it gets me back into Canada sooner eventually, I'm down with getting the vaccination. As far as for around here, not so sure it's necessary especially if it's discovered I've already had it. Unfortunately as I'm told, the antigen tests aren't super reliable and likely more than one is needed to feel confident if you've had it. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/29/21, 03:24:43 PM
Yah the Canada thing is another issue. Btu I have not been there in over 10 years so I guess that is not the end of the world. And Del, I do not want to get the shot. I am concerned the with the speed of it. Who is to say that 5-10 years down the road all kinds of people start getting cancer or some other disease from it. Not a fan of flu shots either.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/30/21, 07:26:43 AM
Guess it is up to you.   I am not aware of any vaccine that caused long term problems, but I guess it is possible.    There have been false alarms like swine flu vaccine, and some that didn't work very well like the lyme disease vaccine.   

But I grew up in the era when there was only the smallpox vaccine.    Fortunately I didn't get polio before the vaccine but I know guys that did.    I did get mumps, chickenpox, several kinds of measles, and so on. 

In the case of Covid, if you get it and aren't old you probably won't die, but there is a chance it will cause permanent damage, and that chance is bigger than some hypothetical long term issue with vaccine, from what I can tell.     

There is a lot of bovine excrement flying around the internet and the TV.      I don't believe most of it, myself.   Remember a lot of it was during the campaign, when the pandemic and stuff was a big political issue.    I personally think the FDA stalled until after the election. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/30/21, 08:18:28 AM
I want the good one even if it means I need 2 shots.
More about timing for me especially with all the new strains now so it'll be whatever's available 1st for me.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/30/21, 12:40:18 PM
There have been some adverse reactions to the vaccine. Some elderly with underlying conditions in care centers reputedly were given the vaccine and died a short time later. It worked tho. At least they didn't get COVID!  :bonk:

I got chicken pox & mumps but have been vaccinated for measles, tetanus, yellow fever, typhoid, smallpox & polio. Probably accidentally for types B&C clostrdium perfringens & ovine ecthyma while I was it!  :happy1:

If you want the vaccine and are eligible I'd say by all means get it. At this point, I find playing the kill grandma card or belittling those who don't want it as part of the problem. Personally, if it comes available and I'm eligible I'll probably do it as travel outside the country is very much a possibility.  At this point though, I'm not going to do like some who are stomping their feet and having a tantrum even though they're not at great risk. In my case there are so many more people who should be ahead of me I can be patient and keep doing what I have to avoid exposure.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on January 01/30/21, 02:25:33 PM
I know some have wondered how it is that I got the vaccine. I jumped through some hoops to be considered an "essential caregiver" so I could visit my mom at the care center. It turned out that they got more doses than they could use for residents and staff. Rather than destroy the extra doses they offered myself and a few others the chance to get the shot. The call came out of the blue and I had to head right over there. Fortunate I guess. But I would prefer to have mom be her old self and not to have this opportunity.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/30/21, 03:04:14 PM
never wondered roony, and good for you!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/30/21, 03:50:19 PM
Back from VA with an arm full of Pfizer.     Shoot the juice to me bruce.   Put a gallon in me allen...   

Fortunately the weather apocalypse didn't happen at least not yet.     
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/30/21, 04:06:50 PM
I know several people who have run into the extra doses scenario roony & wound up being vaccinated. Better the shots were given than dumped. If you need a sore mouth & over eating disease booster, I'm yer guy!  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/30/21, 06:08:47 PM
Over eating disease?   Is that a thing?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/30/21, 08:16:34 PM
Would I pull someone's leg on here?  :scratch:

It's a thing if yer a sheep or a goat del.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/30/21, 09:10:59 PM
So it is caused by overeating or eating badly.    I thought maybe the symptom was overeating and some of us might have caught it....   And you had a cure. :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/30/21, 09:32:44 PM
Heavy carb/grain load usually triggers it. Vaccine needs to be updated annually or you & the animals wish it had been. Alas, the vaccine is of no help for humans.  :sad:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/01/21, 08:03:52 AM
Heard this mornin that Moderna now wants the FDA to allow them to put 5 more doses in their vials which already contain enough for 10.  :scratch: Sounds like a no brainer to me!  :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: KEN W on February 02/02/21, 11:57:33 AM
My Wife and I got the vaccine 10 days ago. No reactions from it. Not even a sore arm. Getting the second one on the 13th.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/02/21, 01:42:45 PM
My Wife and I got the vaccine 10 days ago. No reactions from it. Not even a sore arm. Getting the second one on the 13th.
:happy1: :happy1: good to hear!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/02/21, 06:25:22 PM
Rumor had it a few politicians down in St Paul now want to make jung Walz mask order a state law.

Dumbazzes. :confused: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on February 02/02/21, 06:34:25 PM
 :tut: :puke:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/02/21, 06:36:39 PM
:tut: :puke:
I hear ya especially when all Dotch buddy ever when we get a vacines..... :confused: :doofus:

Ok maybe I misunderstood Dotch a bit. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/03/21, 08:04:12 AM
Seen where the fed's are finally goin to start following 1 of Gottlieb's earliest recommendations & start sending the vaccines out to some of the retail pharmacies next week. 'Sposed to be 1,000,000 doses going to ~ 6,500 pharmacies, doin the math that is roughly 150 doses per pharmacy. I would think none of the bigger ones would have any problem getting that in someone's arm.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on February 02/03/21, 08:23:18 AM
The problem is going to be lines and tracking - making sure you get your appointment 4 weeks later and that they have a shot to give you then.  Seems like a tough problem to solve.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/03/21, 08:51:57 PM
 :scratch: What lines? IMO the lines at the state run mass vaccination sites will be much worse.  :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: deadeye on February 02/03/21, 09:40:19 PM
I just won the vaccine lottery.  At 7:15 I got an email from the lottery gods indicating I have been selected to sign up for a shot.  I got on the PC to follow the process.  Lots of things to do and set up including photos?.  Once you get your account in "Vault" set up you can pick one of two locations (this replaces the 9 used during the first two weeks).  After location is chosen you now can pick a day and time.  Only thing is they don't give you any idea of what is available so it took a loooooong time to find an available date and time.  I started with Thursday 7 AM and kept choosing times and submitting only to be told they were sorry but no appointments are available for the time selected.  I worked my way through Friday with the same results.  When I selected Saturday I hit paydirt at 3:30 PM.  It would have been much simpler to have a grid that indicated what slots were available than making me select, submit, get denied, go back, select, submit, get denied over and over.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/03/21, 10:15:07 PM
Wife got notice from Mayo she is eligible.   We were on that like a duck on a junebug.  They had a grid to make appointment.   Next week.

Got my shot from VA.   Heard they had the juice so I called.   Made the round trip last saturday.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on February 02/04/21, 07:00:24 AM
We got an email here at work yesterday from the company talking about the vaccine. In the Q&A section one of the questions is will the company make it mandatory and the answer was "NO". They feel that is personal choice and they respect that. On a sad note one of my friends here was talking to me yesterday afternoon and he got a text from is mom that his grandma wasn't going to make it. She had gotten here 2nd vaccine shot on Tuesday and it took her down. That is all he told me. Then he had to go call his mom. I am thinking that his grandma is in her late 80s. I have not got any more details than that.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on February 02/04/21, 07:34:35 AM
Seen where the fed's are finally goin to start following 1 of Gottlieb's earliest recommendations & start sending the vaccines out to some of the retail pharmacies next week. 'Sposed to be 1,000,000 doses going to ~ 6,500 pharmacies, doin the math that is roughly 150 doses per pharmacy. I would think none of the bigger ones would have any problem getting that in someone's arm.

A few things.
The Government wants us to think they are our Savior.
The Government doesn't think anyone else can do things as well as them.
The Government does not want to be shown up by the Private sector.
We all know the Government can turn a wet dream into a nightmare of red tape.

The Pharmacies have been doing the Flu and other shots for years without much problem.
Let them,  and stick to doing what you do best!  Making TV Drama shows! :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/04/21, 08:21:32 AM
The retail pharmacy chosen in Rochester was a small "community" pharmacy.    They got crushed by phone calls and now have thousand or more people on their list....     

I had to go look them up on google since I had never heard of them.     
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/04/21, 08:49:24 AM
The retail pharmacy chosen in Rochester was a small "community" pharmacy.    They got crushed by phone calls and now have thousand or more people on their list....     

I had to go look them up on google since I had never heard of them.     
That's  :crazy: del!! :tut: :bonk: :banghead: Why they wouldn't enlist CVS, Walgreens, even Walmart makes absolutely no sense to me.  :thumbs: :pouty:   :doofus: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on February 02/04/21, 08:51:28 AM
The retail pharmacy chosen in Rochester was a small "community" pharmacy.    They got crushed by phone calls and now have thousand or more people on their list....     

I had to go look them up on google since I had never heard of them.   
You got no Walgreen's or CVS down there?  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/04/21, 09:13:35 AM
Yeah, there is 2 Walgreens, 2 CVS's, & 2 Walmart's in Rochester!! :confused: How efin stupid is that!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on February 02/04/21, 09:53:19 AM
Yeah, there is 2 Walgreens, 2 CVS's, & 2 Walmart's in Rochester!! :confused: How efin stupid is that!!

They don't want to use the Evil Corporations.   :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/04/21, 09:59:00 AM
We got an email here at work yesterday from the company talking about the vaccine. In the Q&A section one of the questions is will the company make it mandatory and the answer was "NO". They feel that is personal choice and they respect that. On a sad note one of my friends here was talking to me yesterday afternoon and he got a text from is mom that his grandma wasn't going to make it. She had gotten here 2nd vaccine shot on Tuesday and it took her down. That is all he told me. Then he had to go call his mom. I am thinking that his grandma is in her late 80s. I have not got any more details than that.
thats scary JB, but they new that might happen.  :pouty:

thats great to hear your companies stand on the shot!!!!!!! :happy1:

every day that passes and the more i read and hear about this sh!tshow, the more frustrated i get with this. LEECH pretty much nailed it. and now in Minnesota some friggin lawmakers want to make the mask mandate a law............... :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: where's the 2 weeks to slow the curve??? wait till the vacine is here........

weather you believe in the vacines or not, the games these politicians are playing messing with peoples lives and businesses is insane, IMO!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on February 02/04/21, 10:56:27 AM
We got an email here at work yesterday from the company talking about the vaccine. In the Q&A section one of the questions is will the company make it mandatory and the answer was "NO". They feel that is personal choice and they respect that. On a sad note one of my friends here was talking to me yesterday afternoon and he got a text from is mom that his grandma wasn't going to make it. She had gotten here 2nd vaccine shot on Tuesday and it took her down. That is all he told me. Then he had to go call his mom. I am thinking that his grandma is in her late 80s. I have not got any more details than that.
thats scary JB, but they new that might happen.  :pouty:

thats great to hear your companies stand on the shot!!!!!!! :happy1:

every day that passes and the more i read and hear about this sh!tshow, the more frustrated i get with this. LEECH pretty much nailed it. and now in Minnesota some friggin lawmakers want to make the mask mandate a law............... :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: where's the 2 weeks to slow the curve??? wait till the vacine is here........

weather you believe in the vacines or not, the games these politicians are playing messing with peoples lives and businesses is insane, IMO!!!!!
Agree a hundo % Glenn. They are just getting us all ready for the big reset.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/04/21, 11:00:31 AM
ever since i signed that impeach walz petition i get an email about once a week telling me whats going on and who is the big push behoind some of this.

this Jake guy, no not Jake from state farm,  :rotflmao: i'll admit is a bit out there but its pretty scary info sometimes. :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on February 02/04/21, 11:30:09 AM
every day that passes and the more i read and hear about this sh!tshow, the more frustrated i get with this. LEECH pretty much nailed it. and now in Minnesota some friggin lawmakers want to make the mask mandate a law............... :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: where's the 2 weeks to slow the curve??? wait till the vacine is here........

weather you believe in the vacines or not, the games these politicians are playing messing with peoples lives and businesses is insane, IMO!!!!!

I guess its time for me to post this meme again...

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on February 02/04/21, 11:47:22 AM
you must be lucky Glenn, I don't get any of them emails!!!! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on February 02/04/21, 11:57:05 AM
ever since i signed that impeach walz petition i get an email about once a week telling me whats going on and who is the big push behoind some of this.

this Jake guy, no not Jake from state farm,  :rotflmao: i'll admit is a bit out there but its pretty scary info sometimes. :doah:

Go get 'em glenn!  :happy1:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on February 02/04/21, 01:03:00 PM
I got my second vaccination early yesterday afternoon.
So far the only thing I've noticed is I'm a little more light headed than normal and I had quite a few annoying floaters in my vision when I was moving snow. Pretty sure I'm gonna make it for a nudder day anyway.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on February 02/04/21, 02:25:00 PM
That coon thing is funny.  He is not even close to making it.  LOL
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/04/21, 02:32:04 PM
That coon thing is funny.  He is not even close to making it.  LOL
honestly, it's pretty much how I feel about any petition. Never seen one succeed yet but I wanted to rebel that day. :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: fishwidow on February 02/04/21, 02:37:14 PM
Must not be related to the one that climbed the Minnesota Public Radio building a few years ago
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/05/21, 08:33:44 AM
It was all about  J & J's EUA application to the FDA this morning. Earliest date I heard was 2/26 for approval & hopes were that by mid to late March they would be able to be shipping some. Theirs is a single dose & the 1st that's NOT mRNA.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/05/21, 08:35:50 AM
It was all about  J & J's EUA application to the FDA this morning. Earliest date I heard was 2/26 for approval & hopes were that by mid to late March they would be able to be shipping some. Theirs is a single dose & the 1st that's NOT mRNA.
seen that one the news last night......said it was only like 65% effective.....but hey..its better then nuttin.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on February 02/05/21, 08:40:20 AM
that more effective than the flu shot... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on February 02/05/21, 08:43:54 AM
So now 3 doc's related to the CDC claim we don't need the vacine,who do we believe? they claim as long as we social distance and mask up we're good.so much spinning in the media these days.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/05/21, 08:45:09 AM
 It's much easier to store too, normal refrigerator temps of 35-46* F so distribution should be much simpler.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/05/21, 08:55:32 AM
So now 3 doc's related to the CDC claim we don't need the vacine,who do we believe? they claim as long as we social distance and mask up we're good.so much spinning in the media these days.
:confused: so we have to wear a mask and social distance the rest of our life........ef that!!!!!!!! :angry2:

my daughter works at the st cloud hospital, the lone infectious disease doctor there says he aint doing the shot...... even at the CDC they arent on the same page. :doah: you got Fauci saying ya need both shots, and Osterholm, who is part of the CDC now saying it be better to get that first shot to as many as possible and hope the second shot is available when needed, or its ok to wait longer to get the second shot.......
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on February 02/05/21, 09:10:10 AM
Just glad I'm finally rid of them floaters after almost two days.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/05/21, 09:12:57 AM
Just glad I'm finally rid of them floaters after almost two days.
when you refer to floaters, what do you mean???? blurry vision, spots???????

just read an article where Fouci said if you have some side affect it means the vacine is working??????? :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on February 02/05/21, 09:28:35 AM
I had little black flecks in my field of vision especially when out in the bright snow. They were more like tiny lines than dots. Didn't see a doctor, just them floaters
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on February 02/05/21, 09:49:10 AM
I had little black flecks in my field of vision especially when out in the bright snow. They were more like tiny lines than dots. Didn't see a doctor, just them floaters

Floaters are blood spots in the eye that can be removed. See a Doctor.  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/05/21, 11:13:41 AM
Yeah, there is 2 Walgreens, 2 CVS's, & 2 Walmart's in Rochester!! :confused: How efin stupid is that!!

They don't want to use the Evil Corporations.   :doah:
And a Costco...   

Apparently it was chosen because it was "small" (and probably because it is diverse in its ownership)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on February 02/05/21, 11:23:26 AM
Fauci also said back in March masks weren't necessary and now we should be wearing the whole box. Osterholm is more of a pandemic of the month guy. :scratch: Floaters are also a sign of old age roony! :embarrassed: I've had some minor floaters in my left eye for a while. Last February developed one in my right eye that's more annoying. Seems to be worse in bright sun & not so much in low light or when I'm wearing shades. Had my last eye exam just prior to all the COVID crap hitting the fan. I was told too if it bothered too much it's not that difficult to get rid of them.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/05/21, 11:50:13 AM
Fauci also said back in March masks weren't necessary and now we should be wearing the whole box. Osterholm is more of a pandemic of the month guy. :scratch: Floaters are also a sign of old age roony! :embarrassed: I've had some minor floaters in my left eye for a while. Last February developed one in my right eye that's more annoying. Seems to be worse in bright sun & not so much in low light or when I'm wearing shades. Had my last eye exam just prior to all the COVID crap hitting the fan. I was told too if it bothered too much it's not that difficult to get rid of them.
Yea and maybe you guys think looking at less porn might help. I don't have those issues. :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on February 02/05/21, 11:54:37 AM
Fauci also said back in March masks weren't necessary and now we should be wearing the whole box. Osterholm is more of a pandemic of the month guy. :scratch: Floaters are also a sign of old age roony! :embarrassed: I've had some minor floaters in my left eye for a while. Last February developed one in my right eye that's more annoying. Seems to be worse in bright sun & not so much in low light or when I'm wearing shades. Had my last eye exam just prior to all the COVID crap hitting the fan. I was told too if it bothered too much it's not that difficult to get rid of them.
Yea and maybe you guys think looking at less porn might help. I don't have those issues. :mooning: :rotflmao:

That's where the red eye spots come from Del!  :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on February 02/05/21, 11:55:46 AM
[quote Port.
r=glenn57 link=topic=39452.msg368808#msg368808 date=1612547413]
Fauci also said back in March masks weren't necessary and now we should be wearing the whole box. Osterholm is more of a pandemic of the month guy. :scratch: Floaters are also a sign of old age roony! :embarrassed: I've had some minor floaters in my left eye for a while. Last February developed one in my right eye that's more annoying. Seems to be worse in bright sun & not so much in low light or when I'm wearing shades. Had my last eye exam just prior to all the COVID crap hitting the fan. I was told too if it bothered too much it's not that difficult to get rid of them.
Yea and maybe you guys think looking at less porn might help. I don't have those issues. :mooning: :rotflmao:
Define Porn.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on February 02/05/21, 12:30:22 PM
[quote Port.
r=glenn57 link=topic=39452.msg368808#msg368808 date=1612547413]
Fauci also said back in March masks weren't necessary and now we should be wearing the whole box. Osterholm is more of a pandemic of the month guy. :scratch: Floaters are also a sign of old age roony! :embarrassed: I've had some minor floaters in my left eye for a while. Last February developed one in my right eye that's more annoying. Seems to be worse in bright sun & not so much in low light or when I'm wearing shades. Had my last eye exam just prior to all the COVID crap hitting the fan. I was told too if it bothered too much it's not that difficult to get rid of them.
Yea and maybe you guys think looking at less porn might help. I don't have those issues. :mooning: :rotflmao:
Define Porn.


Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/05/21, 12:35:07 PM
[quote Port.
r=glenn57 link=topic=39452.msg368808#msg368808 date=1612547413]
Fauci also said back in March masks weren't necessary and now we should be wearing the whole box. Osterholm is more of a pandemic of the month guy. :scratch: Floaters are also a sign of old age roony! :embarrassed: I've had some minor floaters in my left eye for a while. Last February developed one in my right eye that's more annoying. Seems to be worse in bright sun & not so much in low light or when I'm wearing shades. Had my last eye exam just prior to all the COVID crap hitting the fan. I was told too if it bothered too much it's not that difficult to get rid of them.
Yea and maybe you guys think looking at less porn might help. I don't have those issues. :mooning: :rotflmao:
Define Porn.
[/quote] :rotflmao: NAUGHTY NEKKED GIRL PICTURES............and activities!!! :sleazy: just what i read in the dictionary anyway!!!!!! :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/05/21, 12:38:00 PM
Fauci also said back in March masks weren't necessary and now we should be wearing the whole box. Osterholm is more of a pandemic of the month guy. :scratch: Floaters are also a sign of old age roony! :embarrassed: I've had some minor floaters in my left eye for a while. Last February developed one in my right eye that's more annoying. Seems to be worse in bright sun & not so much in low light or when I'm wearing shades. Had my last eye exam just prior to all the COVID crap hitting the fan. I was told too if it bothered too much it's not that difficult to get rid of them.
Yea and maybe you guys think looking at less porn might help. I don't have those issues. :mooning: :rotflmao:

That's where the red eye spots come from Del!  :sleazy:

You talking to me?    How did I get drug into this? :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on February 02/05/21, 12:52:37 PM
Fauci also said back in March masks weren't necessary and now we should be wearing the whole box. Osterholm is more of a pandemic of the month guy. :scratch: Floaters are also a sign of old age roony! :embarrassed: I've had some minor floaters in my left eye for a while. Last February developed one in my right eye that's more annoying. Seems to be worse in bright sun & not so much in low light or when I'm wearing shades. Had my last eye exam just prior to all the COVID crap hitting the fan. I was told too if it bothered too much it's not that difficult to get rid of them.
Yea and maybe you guys think looking at less porn might help. I don't have those issues. :mooning: :rotflmao:

That's where the red eye spots come from Del!  :sleazy:

You talking to me?    How did I get drug into this? :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :angry2:
Nope, just in general. 🙃
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: deadeye on February 02/05/21, 06:27:36 PM
If you are over 65 and want to get the covid shot as soon as possible you will have to take some aggressive action.  Being I am retired and have some computer and verbal skills I took the challenge and started contacting locations to see if I could schedule a shot.  Basically not for me because like I mentioned before I won the lottery drawing and was able to schedule a shot at the Convention Center but for my wife who wasn't so lucky.  I say lucky because we wanted to get the shop as soon as possible.  At any rate yesterday I contacted a clinic that had vaccines and would schedule a time for my wife. I ask about me and they said no problem.  They had vaccine not used by hospital and clinic staff.  We both got scheduled for this afternoon.  Short drive and it was in and out in short order probable less than half hour.  They had a great system set up to move people through smoothly and quickly.  I don't know how many total doses they had but there were 5 intake stations and 5 shot stations.  Cool Beans. We also were able to schedule time for the second dose.  I cancelled my lottery appointment so it can be used by someone else.     Now we will see about side effects.  I would recommend anyone who wand to get a shot or has elderly parents who want to get the shot to go look for it and not wait for someone to call you.  Maybe I was just lucky but it worked.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on February 02/10/21, 12:18:34 PM
We were anxious about my mom getting signed up too.  She didn't win the lottery.

That internet/iphone doesn't work out so well.  She gets by for someone who never used a computer, but that is not her primary means of communication and she certainly isn't savvy to follow all the right links in all the right sequence to book online.  (Thanks, Good King Walz.) 

Long story short, she finally did find a phone number, stayed on hold for an hour and a half, and got scheduled for the first shot next Monday.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/10/21, 03:10:17 PM
They're havin their version of the Super Bowl over in Melbourne, Australia only it goes 2 weeks & they are playing tennis. About 50 % capacity each day & not very many are wearing masks, check out what they did to get this to happen though: https://www.npr.org/2020/10/28/928793228/none-of-this-has-been-easy-melbourne-australia-ends-its-111-day-lockdown
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/11/21, 08:35:22 AM
I just heard of this today so I went to check it out. Seemed to be user friendly & I thought it looked like it might be helpful to some here so here's the link: https://www.nbcnews.com/specials/plan-your-vaccine/?language=english&state=IA#1-1
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/12/21, 08:10:09 AM
They're havin their version of the Super Bowl over in Melbourne, Australia only it goes 2 weeks & they are playing tennis. About 50 % capacity each day & not very many are wearing masks, check out what they did to get this to happen though: https://www.npr.org/2020/10/28/928793228/none-of-this-has-been-easy-melbourne-australia-ends-its-111-day-lockdown
Well the party has been put on hold over there as there has been a CV-19 outbreak at 1 of the hotels the players used to quarantine. As of 7am today our time Melbourne, a city with roughly the same population as Mn(5.1M/5.6M) is on lockdown again. It's for 5 days this time & they can only go out for an hour at a time, for either groceries or to exercise. :scratch: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on February 02/12/21, 09:35:35 AM
That is quite a deal. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/12/21, 09:39:56 AM
so doing some reading......no gunner not comic  books!!!!!!  :tut: :tut: :rotflmao:now someone is saying this could last 10 years.......i knew this was coming. bunch of  :bs: :bs: :surrender:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on February 02/12/21, 09:51:53 AM
BS because ya don't like it or BS because you don't think those half million dead people are really dead? Last night I called a friend who was really, very sick with covid. Young guy in his mid 40s, very fit and active. He uses to think it was all BS, not so much now.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/12/21, 09:59:58 AM
BS because ya don't like it or BS because you don't think those half million dead people are really dead?
nope neither.....i believe its real.....total  :bs: because there is to much politics involved.....like moving the goalpost. manipulating the data, when a person dies if there infected its classified rona, regardless of what that individual actully died from, for monetery reasons. changing the rules....Walz playing dictator. ruining businesses. i think i'm capable of deciding if its safe enough to go into a bar or resturuant if i soley choose. not have big brother decide for me.

we didnt do christmas because of it, way scaled back thanksgiving and since this started we've gone to a bar 1 time, mainly to get out of the house for a while.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on February 02/12/21, 10:20:02 AM
Just for the record i am sick of all the restrictions too. I just don't think the data is "rigged". I'm sure there are isolated cases where it is not accurately categorized but I also know a lot of people who have had it and choose not to get tested, skewing data the other way.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/12/21, 10:50:07 AM
Just for the record i am sick of all the restrictions too. I just don't think the data is "rigged". I'm sure there are isolated cases where it is not accurately categorized but I also know a lot of people who have had it and choose not to get tested, skewing data the other way.
for the sake of discussion, how can you say you know they had it when they were not tested???

I get the 2 main symptoms when I get a bad head cold. No taste or smell??

I will be donating blood Tuesday next week, they'll test again if I got antibodies.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on February 02/12/21, 11:07:57 AM
Because they were directly exposed by family members or others they were close to but I suppose we can all believe otherwise. Pretty obvious t me if one family member tests for it and then the other 5 come down with similar symptoms the chances are pretty good that they got it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on February 02/12/21, 11:18:58 AM
I just don't think the data is "rigged".

Well, it kinda is... now.

I don't know what to tell you about all the death statistics.  If someone died of heart failure while infected by Covid, did Covid kill them?  I don't want to argue those points all over again.

Here is my point.  The World Health Organization is changing the rules.

WHO Information Notice for IVD Users 2020/05 - Nucleic acid testing (NAT) technologies that use polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for detection of SARS-CoV-2 (https://www.who.int/news/item/20-01-2021-who-information-notice-for-ivd-users-2020-05)

They are changing the protocol for PCR testing midstream in the pandemic.

Why is this bad?

Because the changes they implemented will reduce positive detections.  Some will claim that this was done to reduces false positives, but from a science perspective, it ruins the data.

We can no longer tell if the improvements to infection rates or deaths has anything to do with policies and regulations implemented or the effectivity of vaccines or simply because they changed the test.

'Course, what this does do - if you weren't paying attention to the timing of this change - it will do two things.

1) It will allow the Biden administration to claim that the numbers started improving after he took office.
2) It will allow the drug companies to take more credit than they deserve for the effectivity of their vaccine.

Just sayin...  :mad1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/12/21, 11:31:38 AM
Because they were directly exposed by family members or others they were close to but I suppose we can all believe otherwise. Pretty obvious t me if one family member tests for it and then the other 5 come down with similar symptoms the chances are pretty good that they got it.
ok I could buy that. :happy1:why not get tested though??
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on February 02/12/21, 11:40:48 AM
Because they were directly exposed by family members or others they were close to but I suppose we can all believe otherwise. Pretty obvious t me if one family member tests for it and then the other 5 come down with similar symptoms the chances are pretty good that they got it.
ok I could buy that. :happy1:why not get tested though??
This was a lady and her husband and family. I work with the two adults. When they were required to miss work for covid they needed to show positive test results. I asked her if they had the kids tested, she said "Why? We already knew they had it."
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on February 02/12/21, 11:42:57 AM
I just don't think the data is "rigged".

Well, it kinda is... now.

I don't know what to tell you about all the death statistics.  If someone died of heart failure while infected by Covid, did Covid kill them?  I don't want to argue those points all over again.

Here is my point.  The World Health Organization is changing the rules.

WHO Information Notice for IVD Users 2020/05 - Nucleic acid testing (NAT) technologies that use polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for detection of SARS-CoV-2 (https://www.who.int/news/item/20-01-2021-who-information-notice-for-ivd-users-2020-05)

They are changing the protocol for PCR testing midstream in the pandemic.

Why is this bad?

Because the changes they implemented will reduce positive detections.  Some will claim that this was done to reduces false positives, but from a science perspective, it ruins the data.

We can no longer tell if the improvements to infection rates or deaths has anything to do with policies and regulations implemented or the effectivity of vaccines or simply because they changed the test.

'Course, what this does do - if you weren't paying attention to the timing of this change - it will do two things.

1) It will allow the Biden administration to claim that the numbers started improving after he took office.
2) It will allow the drug companies to take more credit than they deserve for the effectivity of their vaccine.

Just sayin...  :mad1:
If that is true how would it explain the corresponding decrease in hospitalizations?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on February 02/12/21, 11:58:57 AM
I just don't think the data is "rigged".

Well, it kinda is... now.

I don't know what to tell you about all the death statistics.  If someone died of heart failure while infected by Covid, did Covid kill them?  I don't want to argue those points all over again.

Here is my point.  The World Health Organization is changing the rules.

WHO Information Notice for IVD Users 2020/05 - Nucleic acid testing (NAT) technologies that use polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for detection of SARS-CoV-2 (https://www.who.int/news/item/20-01-2021-who-information-notice-for-ivd-users-2020-05)

They are changing the protocol for PCR testing midstream in the pandemic.

Why is this bad?

Because the changes they implemented will reduce positive detections.  Some will claim that this was done to reduces false positives, but from a science perspective, it ruins the data.

We can no longer tell if the improvements to infection rates or deaths has anything to do with policies and regulations implemented or the effectivity of vaccines or simply because they changed the test.

'Course, what this does do - if you weren't paying attention to the timing of this change - it will do two things.

1) It will allow the Biden administration to claim that the numbers started improving after he took office.
2) It will allow the drug companies to take more credit than they deserve for the effectivity of their vaccine.

Just sayin...  :mad1:
If that is true how would it explain the corresponding decrease in hospitalizations?

No, you're right.  The methods and motives of the WHO should never be questioned because they ONLY have our best interest at heart.

I keep waiting for science and all we get is political :bs:.

From a science study perspective, they couldn't have picked a worse time throughout this whole pandemic to change the testing protocol threshold, and yet they did.

Why?   :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on February 02/12/21, 12:01:31 PM
The tinfoil flows deep my friend
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on February 02/12/21, 12:08:10 PM
You didn't answer the question.

If you *really* want to know how effective your vaccines are, you don't change the testing protocol to lower the positive test threshold.

You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to recognize that.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on February 02/12/21, 12:26:36 PM
The majority of scientists, doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals are part of a vast conspiracy to keep us out of bars and restaurants. I get it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on February 02/12/21, 12:38:25 PM
Still didn't answer the question...   :tut:

If you *really* want to know how effective the vaccines are, should you change the testing protocol *NOW* to lower the positive test threshold?   :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on February 02/12/21, 12:41:41 PM
Because it's not some kind of science project. New and improved diagnosing and treatment will and should be used when they can benefit people.Do you think the advances in treatment that occurred during Trump's term were just for his benefit? Should we have let more people die so the statistics wouldn't be skewed?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on February 02/12/21, 01:12:53 PM
Again, you miss the point by a mile.  Go ahead and improve the treatments to benefit people.  And yes, having more accurate tests with fewer false positive might seem *nice*, but when you change the diagnosing threshold, you lose the means to use historical data to objectively determine if the treatments/vaccines are truly effective.

And IF you don't make a big fuss about lowering the thresholds (and no one seems to have yet), THEN when numbers look better, everyone can erroneously conclude the vaccines and lock-down policies are a smashing success.

Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get me.
Or am I merely guilty of critical thinking.  :scratch:

And you still didn't answer the question...  :tut:

If you *really* want to know how effective the vaccines are, is it a good idea to lower the positive test threshold *NOW* ?   :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on February 02/12/21, 02:42:20 PM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on February 02/12/21, 03:15:00 PM
Have to agree to disagree Steve. I just don't think all the health care professionals are out to get me.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/12/21, 03:38:14 PM
:rotflmao: that you and Ruby, Dotch. :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on February 02/12/21, 03:42:15 PM
The pandemic has taken its toll you Dotch.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/12/21, 04:32:25 PM
Oh yippee. Walz is letting restaurants stay open till 11 pm and Increasing indoor capacities effective tomorrow. :bow: :bow: all hail Walz. :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/12/21, 04:33:24 PM
Not able to figure out Smurfy's issue, not that that is unusual.    Covid is a real thing, and killing a lot of people, especially us old fartz, but also some middle folks with other issues.     My neighbor at the lake was sort of ignoring it and got really sick.   Fortunately he survived.   

Wife and I got our first shots, so in a few more weeks we will be ready to rock and roll and leave the house.   :wowza:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: deadeye on February 02/12/21, 04:46:34 PM
I'll take a shot at the question.  Lets say the "old" test had a proven plus 10% error rate.  So 100 people tested, 10 were in error so the real number was X-10%.  This is now a known quantity or number of people that's the real nut. So now they come up with a new test that's 100% accurate. (or some number of your choice) Now the number of positives should equal the number tested or X.  Simple math shows it really wouldn't matter if the process was changed to make it less or more accurate. 
As far as Covid deaths go, I believe the "excess" deaths is a pretty good indicator of the impact be cause it filters out what would be considered the "normal" deaths.  Example a selected demographic had 100 deaths in 2017, 102 in 2018 103 in 2019, one would expect 104 deaths in 2020.  Now if there were 108 deaths it's a pretty good chance the "excess" deaths came from something other than what would be "normal" so what changed?? My guess is covid.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on February 02/12/21, 05:24:22 PM
Oh yippee. Walz is letting restaurants stay open till 11 pm and Increasing indoor capacities effective tomorrow. :bow: :bow: all hail Walz. :crazy:
I'm going to have to dig back to all my "Wait for It" posts I made before and right after the election that things were going to loosen up a few weeks into February. Walz, Biden and the Left are healing us!  :bow: :bow: :bs:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/12/21, 05:27:50 PM
Not able to figure out Smurfy's issue, not that that is unusual.    Covid is a real thing, and killing a lot of people, especially us old fartz, but also some middle folks with other issues.     My neighbor at the lake was sort of ignoring it and got really sick.   Fortunately he survived.   

Wife and I got our first shots, so in a few more weeks we will be ready to rock and roll and leave the house.   :wowza:
read my post on the top of this page. Pretty self explanatory in my opinion.

And yes I grant you what he did today is a step in the right direction. :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/12/21, 05:41:45 PM
I'll take a shot at the question.  Lets say the "old" test had a proven plus 10% error rate.  So 100 people tested, 10 were in error so the real number was X-10%.  This is now a known quantity or number of people that's the real nut. So now they come up with a new test that's 100% accurate. (or some number of your choice) Now the number of positives should equal the number tested or X.  Simple math shows it really wouldn't matter if the process was changed to make it less or more accurate. 
As far as Covid deaths go, I believe the "excess" deaths is a pretty good indicator of the impact be cause it filters out what would be considered the "normal" deaths.  Example a selected demographic had 100 deaths in 2017, 102 in 2018 103 in 2019, one would expect 104 deaths in 2020.  Now if there were 108 deaths it's a pretty good chance the "excess" deaths came from something other than what would be "normal" so what changed?? My guess is covid.
I could buy into this philosophy a bit. I never said covid didn't kill people, what pissed me off, someone gets killed in a car accident, they test positive it considered rona related and that's  pure :bs:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on February 02/12/21, 06:59:14 PM
heard that and more from folks in the hospitals
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: KEN W on February 02/13/21, 09:33:01 AM
My  wife and I get our second shots today. Hearing that more people are reacting to the second one. Anyone here have that problem?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: markn on February 02/13/21, 09:42:50 AM
Ken I don't recall which shot the wife had, but after the second one she was sore for a couple of days. She works at one of the retirement homes here. Good luck.  :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on February 02/13/21, 09:47:02 AM
what it means if ya don't feel good after the 2nd shot it's working..  it make our immune system go to work... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on February 02/13/21, 10:04:34 AM
Not able to figure out Smurfy's issue, not that that is unusual.    Covid is a real thing, and killing a lot of people, especially us old fartz, but also some middle folks with other issues.     My neighbor at the lake was sort of ignoring it and got really sick.   Fortunately he survived.   

Wife and I got our first shots, so in a few more weeks we will be ready to rock and roll and leave the house.   :wowza:

Yep it's real alright. Good friend got sick with COVID & got pneumonia as a side effect. They pumped him full of drugs with the newer protocol they're using now and within a week he was back at it. Where is he now? In Mexico! Where am I? Something wrong with this picture... :confused: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/13/21, 10:16:27 AM
Roony had some vision issues he attributed to getting his 2nd shot.  It lasted a couple days. I believe. :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on February 02/13/21, 10:33:10 AM
Honestly I don't know for sure. It happened the day after my second Moderna vaccination. Eye doctor calls it a vitreous tear. Back stringy floaters in my right eye. Annoying little bastiches. I still have them. No one will say for sure if they are or aren't from the shot.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/13/21, 12:48:29 PM
  :oops1: My mistake, I thought you said it had cleared up for you.  :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on February 02/13/21, 12:58:09 PM
Is that eye floater thing going to get better Roony?  They really bothered me about 3 years ago but seem better now.  Maybe I am just used to them.  ???   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/14/21, 07:18:01 AM
As we get older weird stuff happens.  Some years back I ster r ed seeing flashes in my peripheral vision.  They went away eventually.  Something about vitreous humor and retina. Pretty normal.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: KEN W on February 02/14/21, 08:23:46 AM
Had the chills last for awhile......sat with a sweatshirt on and a blanket up to my chin. Gone this morning.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/27/21, 07:08:06 PM
I seen where the Johnson and Johnson vacines cleared all hurdles. Pretty soon we can all start running around in our underwear again. :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on February 02/28/21, 08:30:54 AM
Was at the Eye Dr. on Friday and asked him about floaters.  He said they don't go away but your brain helps you deal with them. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/28/21, 08:41:04 AM
Seen last week where Moderna had gotten the OK to go ahead & fill up the vials they've been using too. Each vial had been containing 10 doses & now will have 15.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on February 02/28/21, 08:45:45 AM
My Buddy's sister is an RN and said some of her colleagues had flu type symptoms for a couple of days after their second shot of Moderna.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/28/21, 10:31:28 AM
Not real sure how accurate this is but I read that in minnesota 47% of bars and restaurants and 30% of hotels are at insolvency stage.  :doah: nice going Walz. :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: fishwidow on February 02/28/21, 11:12:29 AM
Was at the Eye Dr. on Friday and asked him about floaters.  He said they don't go away but your brain helps you deal with them.
I’ve got floaters. Have had them for years. The only time I notice them is in the shower, looking at a white shower wall, or staring at a white ceiling.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on February 02/28/21, 11:45:32 AM
Not real sure how accurate this is but I read that in minnesota 47% of bars and restaurants and 30% of hotels are at insolvency stage.  :doah: nice going Walz. :confused:

He & Cuomo should be cellmates.  :angry:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/28/21, 01:54:44 PM
My mom and stepdad got there second shot this past Thursday. I asked if they had any side effects.  They said they where both a little tired Friday but they both went fishing Friday and Saturday. Pretty good for a couple 84 year olds.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on February 02/28/21, 04:11:58 PM
my friend Jim, got the 2nd shot friday, says he still feels like he has the flu today yet.. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/28/21, 04:14:42 PM
my friend Jim, got the 2nd shot friday, says he still feels like he has the flu today yet..
hmm.....he wasnt with you at HH was he????? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

kinda a bummer though. i'm kinda liking the looks of the J & J vacine.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on February 02/28/21, 04:24:46 PM
my friend Jim, got the 2nd shot friday, says he still feels like he has the flu today yet..
hmm.....he wasnt with you at HH was he????? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

kinda a bummer though. i'm kinda liking the looks of the J & J vacine.
nope and I too have been watching the J & J stuff..
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on February 02/28/21, 05:00:59 PM
As we get older weird stuff happens.  Some years back I ster r ed seeing flashes in my peripheral vision.  They went away eventually.  Something about vitreous humor and retina. Pretty normal.

I think your right Del...
I get little flashes in my peripheral vision that I can't explain.
 I haven't had a Corona shot yet.... And probably won't be eligible for quite some time.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/28/21, 06:54:47 PM
My Buddy's sister is an RN and said some of her colleagues had flu type symptoms for a couple of days after their second shot of Moderna.
My second pfizer put me down for a day and a half.    First dose nothing
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/01/21, 08:46:20 AM
Delivery of J & J's started today,'sposed to be 4,000,000 out the door this week,
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/01/21, 08:54:24 AM
i heard its supposed to hit minnesota tomorrow.......guess we shall see how this turns things around to getting to normal. hey walz said this is life changing........... :doofus:

they'll just move the goal posts????????? :doofus: :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/01/21, 09:51:37 AM
Yup and when asked if he would've done anything differently, yer pal said he would've put the mask mandate on sooner. That's one term Timmy for ya!  :huh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/01/21, 09:59:51 AM
I'll betcha he gets re-elected.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/01/21, 10:12:13 AM
I'll betcha he gets re-elected.
not if I can help it. I'm voting boar all the way. :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/01/21, 10:13:21 AM
Yup and when asked if he would've done anything differently, yer pal said he would've put the mask mandate on sooner. That's one term Timmy for ya!  :huh:
:tut: :tut: ain't my pal, he's from your neck of the woods. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/01/21, 10:21:15 AM
I'll betcha he gets re-elected.

Betcha you're right Steve-O but I sure won't be voting for the jackass if I don't move first. There are too many idiots from the Twin Cities who think he's doing a great job and those who are fed up are leaving in droves. A socialist desert will be all that is left. We are still seriously considering leaving given the current state of affairs. Getting Walz voted out of office would only be a start. Some things have to fundamentally change and I'm not optimistic.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/01/21, 10:52:43 AM
I'll betcha he gets re-elected.

Betcha you're right Steve-O but I sure won't be voting for the jackass if I don't move first. There are too many idiots from the Twin Cities who think he's doing a great job and those who are fed up are leaving in droves. A socialist desert will be all that is left. We are still seriously considering leaving given the current state of affairs. Getting Walz voted out of office would only be a start. Some things have to fundamentally change and I'm not optimistic.
well canada aint letting you in any time soon!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/01/21, 11:24:16 AM
I'll betcha he gets re-elected.

Betcha you're right Steve-O but I sure won't be voting for the jackass if I don't move first. There are too many idiots from the Twin Cities who think he's doing a great job and those who are fed up are leaving in droves. A socialist desert will be all that is left. We are still seriously considering leaving given the current state of affairs. Getting Walz voted out of office would only be a start. Some things have to fundamentally change and I'm not optimistic.
well canada aint letting you in any time soon!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

naw SD, they have a better Gov!!!  both brains and looks!! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/01/21, 11:29:48 AM
And the second highest per capita covid rate in the US, only surpassed by ND!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/01/21, 11:30:01 AM
As we get older weird stuff happens.  Some years back I ster r ed seeing flashes in my peripheral vision.  They went away eventually.  Something about vitreous humor and retina. Pretty normal.

I think your right Del...
I get little flashes in my peripheral vision that I can't explain.
 I haven't had a Corona shot yet.... And probably won't be eligible for quite some time.

If your getting little fuzzy lighting bolt looking things. I get them like once a month was told they were stress related. Mine kind of look like this and go away after about 15mins but then have a head ache.  :sad:

Migraine aura affecting your vision

Ocular migraine sometimes describes a migraine aura that involves your vision. Migraine auras include a variety of sensations that are often visual. Auras may also include other sensations, such as numbness, that precede or accompany a migraine. Aura can sometimes occur without a headache.

A migraine aura that affects your vision is common. Visual symptoms don't last long. A migraine aura involving your vision will affect both eyes, and you may see:

    Flashes of light
    Zigzagging patterns
    Blind spots
    Shimmering spots or stars

These symptoms can temporarily interfere with certain activities, such as reading or driving, but the condition usually isn't considered serious.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/01/21, 11:36:14 AM
That sounds scary as heck to me Leech.  Have you talked to your Dr. about it?  I was told by my eye Dr. that pieces of plaque breaking off in your blood stream in the brain can make you have a shot of light in your eyes.  ???
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/01/21, 11:46:34 AM
That sounds scary as heck to me Leech.  Have you talked to your Dr. about it?  I was told by my eye Dr. that pieces of plaque breaking off in your blood stream in the brain can make you have a shot of light in your eyes.  ???

Yep, that's where this part came in "was told they were stress related"
Blood spots "floaters" are a different thing.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/01/21, 11:47:33 AM
I'll betcha he gets re-elected.

... Some things have to fundamentally change and I'm not optimistic.

We are still 20 months away from the election, and there is surely much that will happen between now and then which will determine the election.

Good luck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/01/21, 11:51:18 AM
And the second highest per capita covid rate in the US, only surpassed by ND!

Cases yes. Death rate no.



Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/01/21, 12:07:26 PM
I'll betcha he gets re-elected.
I guess anything is possible, but he's pissed off alot of people just with the rona, then add in his stance on the wolf season, mining and the pipeline. :confused: and that's just off the top of my noggin.

As far as SD, meh, different state different issues. Been there enough, talked to enough residents, not as rosy as one thinks.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/01/21, 02:06:22 PM
And the second highest per capita covid rate in the US, only surpassed by ND!

Cases yes. Death rate no.


  8th worst state for deaths per capita.
Would be worse if not for Minnesota health care facilities coming to the rescue.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/01/21, 03:42:17 PM
Mine were/still are occasionally, white flashes.    I think it is vitreous detachment.   affects geezers.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/01/21, 03:55:44 PM
And the second highest per capita covid rate in the US, only surpassed by ND!

Cases yes. Death rate no.


  8th worst state for deaths per capita.
Would be worse if not for Minnesota health care facilities coming to the rescue.
Why do you think that is roony. So many Bluers aren't following the leader they Voted for advise?  :bonk: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/01/21, 06:50:39 PM
Now let's do long term care deaths...

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/01/21, 07:02:14 PM
So today I read the CEO of one if the pharma companies expect rona shots every year and people with type O blood are way less likely to get the rona.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/02/21, 07:00:32 AM
The new flu. Covid is like herpes, it's forever now. And I am type O.  :happy1: Hope that is true.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/02/21, 07:36:12 AM
The new flu. Covid is like herpes, it's forever now. And I am type O.  :happy1: Hope that is true.
yea me too!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/02/21, 09:57:52 AM
Same here. And I take my quinine therapy very seriously... :drinking:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Lee Borgersen on March 03/02/21, 10:31:28 AM
:reporter; ...The New York Times Breaking News.....The New York Times Breaking News

Virus Variant in Brazil Infected Many Who Had Already Recovered From Covid-19
Carl Zimmer 1 hr ago

 :coffee: ...

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/02/21, 11:51:16 AM
Is Carl, Andrew Zimmers brother? 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/04/21, 08:52:54 AM
I got an email from my sister on Tuesday that she'd finally got the BIL an appt but it was in Albert Lea at WM. Couldn't get 1 at Hy Vee, Walgreens, or WM in Austin though as she'd been trying for 2 weeks. On a wim, thought I'd check at WM in GR yday & after asking if I was > 65 it looked to me that I had my pick of times for today, if I wanted. So we're gonna wait to do it there.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: fishwidow on March 03/04/21, 10:09:01 AM
Got our first one, Moderna, at Walmart in GR two weeks ago.  No wait except to answer all the questions about age, insurance coverage, Doctors name, etc. because there was no line it went smoothly, except there aren’t many signs, just 8 1/2” x 11” sheets with small print raped to the pharmacy windows. It’s the windows on the left as you face the pharmacy area.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: markn on March 03/04/21, 05:45:29 PM
President Biden didn't care for Texas and Mississippi going mask free.

Biden told reporters it "a big mistake" that some governors are loosening COVID-19 restrictions on Wednesday, adding, "The last thing we need is Neanderthal thinking."

 At least they're not "rocks and cows" (?).    :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/04/21, 05:48:34 PM
President Biden didn't care for Texas and Mississippi going mask free.

Biden told reporters it "a big mistake" that some governors are loosening COVID-19 restrictions on Wednesday, adding, "The last thing we need is Neanderthal thinking."

 At least they're not "rocks and cows" (?).    :confused:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/05/21, 08:46:09 AM
I checked again yday later on & it now asks if I was a teacher or worked in daycare too.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/06/21, 08:50:08 AM
Got our first one, Moderna, at Walmart in GR two weeks ago.  No wait except to answer all the questions about age, insurance coverage, Doctors name, etc. because there was no line it went smoothly, except there aren’t many signs, just 8 1/2” x 11” sheets with small print raped to the pharmacy windows. It’s the windows on the left as you face the pharmacy area.
:scratch: Did you have an appt?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: fishwidow on March 03/06/21, 09:18:57 AM
Yep. We made appointments about a week in advance. We could have gotten in earlier, but had other things on our schedule.
We had looked at other places a couple weeks earlier, but ran into situations where we couldn’t get two appointments close together. The Walmart appointments were 10 minutes apart.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/08/21, 09:29:03 AM
just called the VA in Alex and got my shot lined up for next Monday..  could have gotten it Thursday but that was the madera shot, Monday's will be the J & J shot..  one and done..   :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/08/21, 09:35:26 AM
just called the VA in Alex and got my shot lined up for next Monday..  could have gotten it Thursday but that was the madera shot, Monday's will be the J & J shot..  one and done..   :happy1:
well let us know if you have side affects like turning into a bigfoot, or grow a 3rd arm or leg  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/08/21, 09:54:03 AM
just called the VA in Alex and got my shot lined up for next Monday..  could have gotten it Thursday but that was the madera shot, Monday's will be the J & J shot..  one and done..   :happy1:
well let us know if you have side affects like turning into a bigfoot, or grow a 3rd arm or leg  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :confused:

will do!!  but if I could ask for a side affect I'd ask for the circulation back to normal in my legs!!  oh well!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/08/21, 10:55:54 AM
Good for you mikey!  :happy1: Someone was trying to tell me to sign up for the recent round of shots in Waseca Co. even though I'm several years shy of 65. Kinda pissed me off. I'd feel pretty low if I cut in line only to find out someone 65 or older couldn't get one & then got sick because I was being greedy.  :embarrassed: Like the "one and done" idea. Just hope Canada & the US get their act together and allow travel w/proof of vaccination. Works for livestock & pets.  :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/08/21, 12:16:07 PM
just released by the cdc: 

CDC: Fully vaccinated people can be together indoors without masks, distancing
The CDC on Monday released new guidance for fully vaccinated people.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/08/21, 12:47:27 PM
This is going to get interesting... :popcorn:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/08/21, 12:58:16 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/08/21, 03:56:49 PM
Gottlieb has been talking about this for a week or so. They knew people who have been fully vaccinated were going to go see family members they have not seen in a year or more anyway. So it was useless to make guidelines nobody was goin to follow beside it destroys any trust with the DPH that anyone may still have.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/08/21, 04:10:28 PM
And a new Pandora's box is opened.

As a bar owner, why can't I be open at full capacity, no masks, if people tell me they are vaccinated?  :mad1:

Are we going to have vax and no vax seating? :scratch:

And what about the folks who don't want to get the shot? :doah:

What are they going to be prohibited from doing?  :censored:

And if they don't plan on getting the shot, you think anyone is going to get them to keep wearing the mask when vaccinated people no longer need to do so?  :rotflmao:

How are we going to tell the difference between the two? :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/08/21, 04:21:37 PM
Didn't you get the memo Steveo... You get a free tattoo on your forehead when you get the shot. :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/09/21, 06:54:41 AM
You got that right SteveO. Just the gubmint trying to control all us little people. Hippa Law prevents anyone from asking, so what are they going to do.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/09/21, 09:14:14 AM
Hippa doesn't stop anyone from asking anything.   It prevents your provider from disclosing without your permission.     So you don't have to tell them whether or not you were vaccinated, and they don't have to let you into their place of business.     Sort of like going to Hawaii...  You don't have to tell the results of your recent covid test, and they don't have to let you leave your hotel room. :angry2: :sleazy: :confused:

It's going to be a problem, since there are no plans I am aware of for "vaccine passports" or any official thing like that.     Being as I am one of those people for whom getting covid was fairly likely to be a Very Bad Thing, as is my wife,  I got vaccinated at my first opportunity.   Sure is a relief to be able to go to the store without worrying, even if I still wear the mask.   

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/09/21, 09:19:55 AM
Hippa doesn't stop anyone from asking anything.   It prevents your provider from disclosing without your permission.     So you don't have to tell them whether or not you were vaccinated, and they don't have to let you into their place of business.     Sort of like going to Hawaii...  You don't have to tell the results of your recent covid test, and they don't have to let you leave your hotel room. :angry2: :sleazy: :confused:

It's going to be a problem, since there are no plans I am aware of for "vaccine passports" or any official thing like that.     Being as I am one of those people for whom getting covid was fairly likely to be a Very Bad Thing, as is my wife,  I got vaccinated at my first opportunity.   Sure is a relief to be able to go to the store without worrying, even if I still wear the mask.   
i'm not going to argue over this, but i believe your wrong about HIPPA. or else employers where getting bad advise.

while i was "actively" working....every employer said the CANNOT ask!!!!!!

as far as the vacine itself........i cant believe with the 3 out there........it hasnt stepped up the timeline and there are more then eligible.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/09/21, 09:58:33 AM
And I thought to when a person went into a place of business without a mask it was illegal for them to ask the person. Not sure if that is hipaa or not though.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/09/21, 10:03:52 AM
And I thought to when a person went into a place of business without a mask it was illegal for them to ask the person. Not sure if that is hipaa or not though.
in my opinion it is!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/09/21, 11:21:05 AM
 :scratch: https://www.cdc.gov/phlp/publications/topic/hipaa.html Looks to me that it is mostly about healthcare provider's, insurance companies, clearinghouses doing records/billing, & other businesses associated with that not sharing your medical records without your approval to me.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/09/21, 11:24:05 AM
Hippa doesn't stop anyone from asking anything.   It prevents your provider from disclosing without your permission.     So you don't have to tell them whether or not you were vaccinated, and they don't have to let you into their place of business.     Sort of like going to Hawaii...  You don't have to tell the results of your recent covid test, and they don't have to let you leave your hotel room. :angry2: :sleazy: :confused:

It's going to be a problem, since there are no plans I am aware of for "vaccine passports" or any official thing like that.     Being as I am one of those people for whom getting covid was fairly likely to be a Very Bad Thing, as is my wife,  I got vaccinated at my first opportunity.   Sure is a relief to be able to go to the store without worrying, even if I still wear the mask.   
i'm not going to argue over this, but i believe your wrong about HIPPA. or else employers where getting bad advise.

while i was "actively" working....every employer said the CANNOT ask!!!!!!

as far as the vacine itself........i cant believe with the 3 out there........it hasnt stepped up the timeline and there are more then eligible.
Maybe employers have different rules.   I look at the airlines and states requiring testing...   Must be allowed to ask about results.    Likewise schools and vaccinations...  Can't send kids to school unless you provide proof of certain vaccinations.   

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on March 03/10/21, 06:09:15 PM
I wonder how much ink it takes to print all the checks the Democrats are giving way?   :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/10/21, 06:59:10 PM
I wonder how much ink it takes to print all the checks the Democrats are giving way?   :scratch:
maybe I could afford grain belt if I get one. :smoking: :shocked:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on March 03/10/21, 07:26:44 PM
I wonder how much ink it takes to print all the checks the Democrats are giving way?   :scratch:
maybe I could afford grain belt if I get one. :smoking: :shocked:

I dunno about that but it will help your disposition not having to choke down that swill you drink now. ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: fishwidow on March 03/10/21, 07:45:10 PM
I wonder how much ink it takes to print all the checks the Democrats are giving way?   :scratch:
Might be a little less ink this go-round. I seem Yo remember Trump insisted on his signature being sent out taking credit for that batch.
Not saying that we needed to go more in debt either time. I’m ok with some help for those  that need it, but too many people who don’t need it are getting it on the high side, and too many people who don’t deserve it are getting it on the low side.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/15/21, 02:52:31 PM
While I was north I noticed via email I had a MyChart message. Can't get there with my phone so last night I looked. Apparently I am now eligible for the rona shot, but I needed to make that appointment by March 11 or 12.🥴

So I sent a message last night. I asked if I could get it set up for my appt when my physical was set on march 23. They replied this morning, they don't give those at clinic visits and appears they have a rona specific location.

I also asked is I could get the 1 shot J & J vacines. They informed me they don't have that and don't know when it will become available. :pouty: with ad big as Centracare is in this area I can't believe they can't get that one. :pouty:

So, I'll wait until my appointment and talk to da doc. Or say screw it. If I get the shot or shots they can kiss the mask think up there wazoo. :moon:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/15/21, 06:14:33 PM
 :scratch: Good luck!! Most of the time while we were back home I could've gotten an appt the next day for almost anytime I wanted @ Walmart in GR. Now that they've opened up who's eligible I can't find any pharmacy, hospital, or clinic within 50 miles of us that has any openings for the next week. When another day is added to the vaccination calendar at any of these places it seems as if it's filled almost immediately. I even checked with Itasca County DPH. :crazy: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: fishwidow on March 03/15/21, 06:49:25 PM
Sorry to hear that, Gunner. I thought you had it all set up. We are scheduled for the second one this week. Good luck—you have to keep trying.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/15/21, 07:04:40 PM
Gunner, you mean Wally world fell through for you. :pouty: I told you that place sucks. :rotflmao:

 Seriously stinks though. Sorry to hear.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/15/21, 07:34:29 PM
Thanks guys, not really that surprising as when we were in Iowa the eligibility list was just 65 & over. Now, just 2.5 weeks later there is 18 different groups that are eligible. :doah:  I'll just blame it on Timmy ;) :rolleyes: like most here do.  :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/15/21, 07:39:41 PM
When we got our first one.  Me at Thrifty White and my wife at the Clinic here they did the mandatory line you up with the second shot at the time of your first visit.  We both know we are getting our second shot in an week or so.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/15/21, 08:02:00 PM
When we got our first one.  Me at Thrifty White and my wife at the Clinic here they did the mandatory line you up with the second shot at the time of your first visit.  We both know we are getting our second shot in an week or so.

Back when I got appt at va they made them both at the same time... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/16/21, 08:07:28 AM
When we got our first one.  Me at Thrifty White and my wife at the Clinic here they did the mandatory line you up with the second shot at the time of your first visit.  We both know we are getting our second shot in an week or so.
:scratch: This looks to be the case everywhere I've looked as well. It wasn't totally apparent at Walmart however but Walgreens, Thrifty White, & the others mentioned it when I was looking to make an appt. I see where Walmart in GR added next Monday to their vaccination calendar sometime overnight so I could've got my 1st shot then had I wanted. :happy1: :cool: I haven't talked to my brother yet about it so I'll wait & see if I can't get both of us scheduled for a day when we are going to town anyway. Now that I see how their program is set up I'm hopin it won't be a problem.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/16/21, 01:32:14 PM
27 hours since I got my covid shot..  arm hasn't fallen off :rotflmao: :rotflmao: just a little sore by the injection site is all.. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/16/21, 01:56:35 PM
27 hours since I got my covid shot..  arm hasn't fallen off :rotflmao: :rotflmao: just a little sore by the injection site is all..
Yea but did you grow a 3rx boob, 2nd nose, 3rd ear??? :scratch: :puke: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/16/21, 02:15:26 PM
He might be hoping for a 2nd dingle to take care of the double mint twins in the fishing thread.  :sleazy:  ;)  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/16/21, 02:31:56 PM
27 hours since I got my covid shot..  arm hasn't fallen off :rotflmao: :rotflmao: just a little sore by the injection site is all..
Yea but did you grow a 3rx boob, 2nd nose, 3rd ear??? :scratch: :puke: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
nope all seems good there too!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/17/21, 07:11:42 AM
Finally figured their system out & managed to get an appt to get poked early next week. :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/21, 09:17:09 AM
my clinic told me to call and set up an appt, they'd get me in. i have my yearly physical next tuesday, i'm gonna talk to the doc first then set one up.  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/17/21, 09:37:48 AM
Getting my 4th shot today!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/17/21, 10:36:35 AM
Of Baileys I am thinking..    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/21, 10:44:09 AM
Of Baileys I am thinking..    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: well it apparently works for Dotch. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/17/21, 11:10:15 AM
I'm making green G&T's!  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: fishwidow on March 03/17/21, 11:35:20 AM
Finally figured their system out & managed to get an appt to get poked early next week. :happy1:
I’m glad to hear that. I had mentioned it to my wife when you were having a problem getting an appointment. She told me a few minutes ago that they are wide open for appointments on the 23rd. Sometimes she’s like a bulldog taking care of stuff.  That’s both a blessing and a curse.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/21, 12:58:24 PM
i've been on my wifes butt to call her clinic to see if she is eligible. she goes to a different clinic then i but still under the centracare umbrella.

she called today..and still not eligible. even with 2 hip replacements, 2 knee replacements, the MRSA infection and ultimate replacement of one of those replaced hips, high blood pressure......still not eligable.  :scratch: :scratch:

as a last resort...i told her to tell them that your married to me.  :bow: :surrender:  :pouty: :pouty: that still didnt work!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/17/21, 02:15:26 PM
The whole trick was to check in the middle of the night. :doofus: :bonk: They didn't open the 23rd for appts until after they were done with all of 'em on the 16th & that wasn't available online until 12:01 am today. I know as I started to set mine up at 12:06 am.  :crazy: The day prior all but a few late afternoon times were taken by  8-8:30.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/17/21, 02:40:56 PM
Finally figured their system out & managed to get an appt to get poked early next week. :happy1:
I’m glad to hear that. I had mentioned it to my wife when you were having a problem getting an appointment. She told me a few minutes ago that they are wide open for appointments on the 23rd. Sometimes she’s like a bulldog taking care of stuff.  That’s both a blessing and a curse.
:happy1: I was on a mission too! :taz: Needed to get it done now & up here. We're not usually back in Iowa for a month at a time again now until November. With the weather getting nicer there'll be more seasonal people showing up around here plus more people are eligible for the vaccine as well as a lot of the CV-19 restrictions being eased.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/21, 02:42:34 PM
Finally figured their system out & managed to get an appt to get poked early next week. :happy1:
I’m glad to hear that. I had mentioned it to my wife when you were having a problem getting an appointment. She told me a few minutes ago that they are wide open for appointments on the 23rd. Sometimes she’s like a bulldog taking care of stuff.  That’s both a blessing and a curse.
:happy1: I was on a mission too! :taz: Needed to get it done now & up here. We're not usually back in Iowa for a month at a time again now until November. With the weather getting nicer there'll be more seasonal people showing up around here plus more people are eligible for the vaccine as well as a lot of the CV-19 restrictions being eased.
dont they have a special formula for iowegians though!!!!! :scratch: :doah: :confused: :sleazy: :smoking: :mooning: :evil: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/17/21, 02:48:28 PM
 :tut: :mooning: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/21, 02:49:57 PM
:tut: :mooning: :pouty:
:nerd: :nerd: :super smiley: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:

hey boober told me to say that!  :angel: :angel: :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/23/21, 05:32:20 PM
So...I signed up to get my name on the list for my shots.
I got an email saying that I can get it now. I followed all the prompts to get the shots till the very last screen.... I would have to travel to Burnsville, Rochester, Mankato, St. Paul or St. Cloud to get it.

Would you travel over an hour and a half to get the shots?  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/23/21, 05:58:55 PM
Maybe I would, just to get it done.  When you get there they should be ready to do it so shouldn't be much lag time.  AND this is just my absolutely biased opinion.  Why not get the shot?  I hope everyone I know and that all of their families can get them too!  I get my second one tomorrow and so does the wife and we feel great about it.  Of course we are in the group being real careful.  Haven't eaten out since last March.  Looking forward to eating out.  I miss the Super Buffet in Bemidji.  Asian buffet.  Pretty darn good! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/23/21, 06:10:38 PM
Maybe I would, just to get it done.  When you get there they should be ready to do it so shouldn't be much lag time.  AND this is just my absolutely biased opinion.  Why not get the shot?  I hope everyone I know and that all of their families can get them too!  I get my second one tomorrow and so does the wife and we feel great about it.  Of course we are in the group being real careful.  Haven't eaten out since last March.  Looking forward to eating out.  I miss the Super Buffet in Bemidji.  Asian buffet.  Pretty darn good!
I want the shots, but it's a long way from where I'm at, plus work a full time job.... it's a toss up...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/23/21, 06:20:52 PM
So...I signed up to get my name on the list for my shots.
I got an email saying that I can get it now. I followed all the prompts to get the shots till the very last screen.... I would have to travel to Burnsville, Rochester, Mankato, St. Paul or St. Cloud to get it.

Would you travel over an hour and a half to get the shots?  :scratch:

How far is the Cemetery away?  :scratch:   ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/23/21, 06:22:07 PM
I just scheduled mine, for next Thursday, April 1. I have to drive to the hospital in paynesville. About 30 miles.

HD, don't you work in the big city? Are you able to coordinate around that?? From what I'm reading there doing these shots in centralized areas and not every nook and cranny clinic. :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/23/21, 06:22:59 PM
So...I signed up to get my name on the list for my shots.
I got an email saying that I can get it now. I followed all the prompts to get the shots till the very last screen.... I would have to travel to Burnsville, Rochester, Mankato, St. Paul or St. Cloud to get it.

Would you travel over an hour and a half to get the shots?  :scratch:

How far is the Cemetery away?  :scratch:   ;)
1/2 a mile...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/23/21, 06:26:53 PM
I would not travel that far HD. I should be eligible. I dunno how old you are but I'm probably gonna wait until the shots become more readily available rather than travelling too far. I'd like to do the J&J shot if possible. Diddling around with two shots might be tougher to squeeze in. The exception might be if it coincided with a WMD or other toy purchase. Also if it were suddenly decided that Canada or other venue would require it say for Crop Tour. Sooner might be better than later in those scenarios. Otherwise, we're heading into the time of year my person to person contact is at a minimum. Don't run across a lot of folks out running around corn and soybean fields in spring and summer. I do less eating out as I grill more and spend a lot of time outside whether I want to or not.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/23/21, 06:27:25 PM
So...I signed up to get my name on the list for my shots.
I got an email saying that I can get it now. I followed all the prompts to get the shots till the very last screen.... I would have to travel to Burnsville, Rochester, Mankato, St. Paul or St. Cloud to get it.

Would you travel over an hour and a half to get the shots?  :scratch:

How far is the Cemetery away?  :scratch:   ;)
1/2 a mile...
  Well at least you'll save time and gas there!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/23/21, 06:48:36 PM
 Got my 1st shot today @ Walmart in GR. When I registered the lady I talked to told me that the majority of the people getting the vaccine on Monday were from the TC's. Even from the north metro that's almost a 3 hour drive 1 way. Granted some may be retired & seasonal in this area anyway so they may not do the return trip right away. It does speak however to how much easier it is to get it done up here though. Where's your closest Walmart HD? Check with them for an appt, especially very early in the morning. It looked to me that they add another day to their appt calendar everyday @ 12:01 AM the next day. Just put Covid -19 vaccine registration in the search & follow the prompts.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: deadeye on March 03/23/21, 06:58:26 PM
Yes, I would.  Go for it.  Of course, on your way back they will call from next door to tell you to come in ang get a shot.  :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/23/21, 07:07:33 PM
 :oops1: I did some checking & most of the Walmart pharmacies in your area now say they are out of vaccine.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/23/21, 07:12:35 PM
Alllllllrightttyyyyyyy.....I'm signed up....first shot is March 31st....in St.Cloud  :banghead:

Hour and a half from work...guess It's worth a shot.... :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/23/21, 07:20:39 PM
Alllllllrightttyyyyyyy.....I'm signed up....first shot is March 31st....in St.Cloud  :banghead:

Hour and a half from work...guess It's worth a shot.... :scratch:
hope ya get the J&J one and get it done in one like I lucked out and got.. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/23/21, 07:26:29 PM
I sure hope so Mikey.....I really don't care for this shot crap.... oh well, it is what it is....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/23/21, 08:02:22 PM
So...I signed up to get my name on the list for my shots.
I got an email saying that I can get it now. I followed all the prompts to get the shots till the very last screen.... I would have to travel to Burnsville, Rochester, Mankato, St. Paul or St. Cloud to get it.

Would you travel over an hour and a half to get the shots?  :scratch:

How far is the Cemetery away?  :scratch:   ;)
1/2 a mile...
  Well at least you'll save time and gas there!  :rotflmao:

So? Did you sign up yet Leech?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/23/21, 08:13:43 PM
Alllllllrightttyyyyyyy.....I'm signed up....first shot is March 31st....in St.Cloud  :banghead:

Hour and a half from work...guess It's worth a shot.... :scratch:
let me know when, i can come and hold your hand. :smoking: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: or else you can buy me a beer. :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/23/21, 08:31:49 PM
Good for you HD.  When it is done it won't matter how far you had to drive.  You would drive further for other things so this is just a good thing to get done. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/23/21, 08:54:56 PM
So...I signed up to get my name on the list for my shots.
I got an email saying that I can get it now. I followed all the prompts to get the shots till the very last screen.... I would have to travel to Burnsville, Rochester, Mankato, St. Paul or St. Cloud to get it.

Would you travel over an hour and a half to get the shots?  :scratch:

How far is the Cemetery away?  :scratch:   ;)
1/2 a mile...
  Well at least you'll save time and gas there!  :rotflmao:

So? Did you sign up yet Leech?
I work at a school. So yes I'm privileged.  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/24/21, 06:55:39 AM
Maybe I would, just to get it done.  When you get there they should be ready to do it so shouldn't be much lag time.  AND this is just my absolutely biased opinion.  Why not get the shot?  I hope everyone I know and that all of their families can get them too!  I get my second one tomorrow and so does the wife and we feel great about it.  Of course we are in the group being real careful.  Haven't eaten out since last March.  Looking forward to eating out.  I miss the Super Buffet in Bemidji.  Asian buffet.  Pretty darn good!
We love the Super Buffet too. I don't think we have been to Bemidji to shop in over a year.  :scratch: Can't remember for sure. Guess I am in the minority here. But we are going to go no where near the vaccine. You all can have ours. Like it is said personal preference. And we prefer not too. MY understanding to is this is going to become an annual thing. You are going to need a booster shot every year. Going to be just like the flu shot.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/24/21, 08:29:16 AM
oh how i hear you JB. i'm doing the shot this time for 2 reasons.....to be part of that % to ease up on restrictions......AND to tell them to eff off with masks....... once i hit that 2 week threshold after shot #2.......masks are a thing of the past for me. they give you a card that proves you got the shot..i'll wear that thing out sticking it in peoples faces if i have to!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/24/21, 08:47:36 AM
Actually we got a card yday after the 1st shot & we were told to be sure to bring it along when we get the last one. My thinking too, I just want things to start looking somewhat normal again. Got the flu shot for the 1st time this year too after some encouragement from my PCP. I wanted the Shingles as well but he said the Pneumonia 1 was a good idea too.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/24/21, 08:55:42 AM
i get the  Pneumonia shot and got the shingles shot..........not doing the flu shot and havent in a lot of years.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/24/21, 09:44:11 AM
It should be after you get the vaccine, you shouldn't have to wear a mask. But the nanny states and Fauci say otherwise.  :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/24/21, 10:10:18 AM
It should be after you get the vaccine, you should have to wear a mask. But the nanny states and Fauci say otherwise.  :crazy:
why is that?? Supposedly after the second shot and the 14 days after your supposed to be immune from rona for a while. :scratch:
Not sure your thinking on that???
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/24/21, 11:01:00 AM
What I've read glenn is they're (CDC or whoever) afraid there's a tiny chance you still may be able to transmit COVID after getting the shot. Emphasis on "afraid". I have work to do, bills to pay and a life to live. No effing time to be afraid.  :rolleyes:

Buddy just got his first Moderna shot yesterday. He said word has it that in about 2 weeks there will be vaccine all over the place in this area so that one can pick and choose the preferred type in addition to not driving all over God's creation to get it. I plan on continuing my COVID therapy routine until then. My quinine supply is in good shape altho I need to pick up some more vitamin D today. I haven't had a serious cold or flu (no flu shots) in the 3 winters since I started taking that. It also helps keep the winter doldrums away.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/24/21, 11:07:09 AM
What I've read glenn is they're (CDC or whoever) afraid there's a tiny chance you still may be able to transmit COVID after getting the shot. Emphasis on "afraid". I have work to do, bills to pay and a life to live. No effing time to be afraid.  :rolleyes:

Buddy just got his first Moderna shot yesterday. He said word has it that in about 2 weeks there will be vaccine all over the place in this area so that one can pick and choose the preferred type in addition to not driving all over God's creation to get it. I plan on continuing my COVID therapy routine until then. My quinine supply is in good shape altho I need to pick up some more vitamin D today. I haven't had a serious cold or flu (no flu shots) in the 3 winters since I started taking that. It also helps keep the winter doldrums away.
:happy1: :happy1: Yea there's a chance you can fall and break your neck to  :pouty: flipping dill rods.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/24/21, 11:13:24 AM
Or you could get run over crossing the street too!!  :crazy: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/24/21, 11:15:45 AM
I just about did a few weeks back when my  :censored: mask fogged my glasses up so I couldn't see! They probably would've called it a COVID related death... :bs:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/24/21, 12:55:29 PM
It should be after you get the vaccine, you should have to wear a mask. But the nanny states and Fauci say otherwise.  :crazy:
why is that?? Supposedly after the second shot and the 14 days after your supposed to be immune from rona for a while. :scratch:
Not sure your thinking on that???
Sorry Glenn, That was a fat finger. It was supposed to say shouldn't. I fixed it now.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/24/21, 01:08:07 PM
It should be after you get the vaccine, you should have to wear a mask. But the nanny states and Fauci say otherwise.  :crazy:
why is that?? Supposedly after the second shot and the 14 days after your supposed to be immune from rona for a while. :scratch:
Not sure your thinking on that???
Sorry Glenn, That was a fat finger. It was supposed to say shouldn't. I fixed it now.
:happy1: :happy1: hey i can relate to that!!!!!!!!! only difference is I get beat up here by some unnamed sources!!!!! :confused: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/24/21, 01:56:08 PM
Really? You? On here?!?!? :scratch: :rotflmao:

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPTA8HbdLjw   (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPTA8HbdLjw)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/24/21, 02:12:42 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/24/21, 02:14:15 PM
 :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :confused: :mad1: :taz: :taz: :taz:

at least my dogs love me!!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/24/21, 02:14:34 PM
It should be after you get the vaccine, you should have to wear a mask. But the nanny states and Fauci say otherwise.  :crazy:
why is that?? Supposedly after the second shot and the 14 days after your supposed to be immune from rona for a while. :scratch:
Not sure your thinking on that???
Sorry Glenn, That was a fat finger. It was supposed to say shouldn't. I fixed it now.
That's OK, JB, cause there was 1 of us that figured that out. ;) :rolleyes: ;D
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/24/21, 02:30:16 PM
So...I signed up to get my name on the list for my shots.
I got an email saying that I can get it now. I followed all the prompts to get the shots till the very last screen.... I would have to travel to Burnsville, Rochester, Mankato, St. Paul or St. Cloud to get it.

Would you travel over an hour and a half to get the shots?  :scratch:
i did. Roch to va in Minneapolis. My sil went from st paul to Fergus falls...twice
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/24/21, 03:00:17 PM
It should be after you get the vaccine, you should have to wear a mask. But the nanny states and Fauci say otherwise.  :crazy:
why is that?? Supposedly after the second shot and the 14 days after your supposed to be immune from rona for a while. :scratch:
Not sure your thinking on that???
Sorry Glenn, That was a fat finger. It was supposed to say shouldn't. I fixed it now.
That's OK, JB, cause there was 1 of us that figured that out. ;) :rolleyes: ;D

Punctuation's, can save lives!  :happy1:

Let's eat, Grandma.
Let's eat Grandma.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/24/21, 03:17:06 PM
I've gotten 2 notifications in the last week that Im able to get the shot, just not sure yet.. I probably will tho, I havnt passed up a flu shot for many years.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/24/21, 03:36:37 PM
We keep forgetting that these vaccines are authorized for emergency use only.  The studies are not complete.  Or put another way... everyone who takes the shots IS part of the study.  That is why they make you sign a waiver of liability in case things go south.

I know doctors who are not taking the shot because the studies are not complete.

There is a valid school of thought - which gets ZERO coverage in the news - that says WAIT, or DON'T take the shot at all if you are not in a high risk group for death or complications due to covid.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/24/21, 04:21:04 PM
my daughter works at the st cloud hospital. she has told me the infectious desease doctor wont take the shot because of what you stated SteveO.

but here is how my perspective of it is......... a big majority of this in my mind is it is  :bs: politics. and frankly until we reach this magic goal the CDC, dept of health and king Jung walz had predetermined, some of these things, like masks arent going away. so by getting the shot..and reaching the goal post that keeps moving is about the only way we will get our freedoms back.

i dont see any movement out there to just tell them to take a hike, pizz up a rope and completely not comply with these orders...so its not going to change until these vacine goals are reached.......... and to be honest, i'm not sure there going t o move the goal posts again anyway. :mad1: :bs: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/24/21, 04:24:35 PM
It should be after you get the vaccine, you should have to wear a mask. But the nanny states and Fauci say otherwise.  :crazy:
why is that?? Supposedly after the second shot and the 14 days after your supposed to be immune from rona for a while. :scratch:
Not sure your thinking on that???
Sorry Glenn, That was a fat finger. It was supposed to say shouldn't. I fixed it now.
That's OK, JB, cause there was 1 of us that figured that out. ;) :rolleyes: ;D
:pouty: :pouty: :tut: :tut: :tut: hey............. :banghead: :banghead: i take it as its written. except when YOU tell me what color something is!!!! :sleazy: :mooning: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/24/21, 06:29:12 PM
 :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:                   :tut: :mooning: :mooning: :smoking:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/24/21, 06:58:40 PM
In all reality there are not very many Drs. that are not getting the shot.  It is usually the ones like my friend told me his Dr. or other stories like that.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/25/21, 07:20:46 AM
We keep forgetting that these vaccines are authorized for emergency use only.  The studies are not complete.  Or put another way... everyone who takes the shots IS part of the study.  That is why they make you sign a waiver of liability in case things go south.

I know doctors who are not taking the shot because the studies are not complete.

There is a valid school of thought - which gets ZERO coverage in the news - that says WAIT, or DON'T take the shot at all if you are not in a high risk group for death or complications due to covid.
That is correct Steve O. That is a big part of it for us. My S-I-L is a PA and she says to stay away from it. She refuses to get it and says she would rather lose her job than take the vaccine. She is one smart lady and I trust whet she says long before I trust all theses idiots on TV or in the gubmint telling me otherwise.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/25/21, 08:09:18 AM
We keep forgetting that these vaccines are authorized for emergency use only.  The studies are not complete.  Or put another way... everyone who takes the shots IS part of the study.  That is why they make you sign a waiver of liability in case things go south.

I know doctors who are not taking the shot because the studies are not complete.

There is a valid school of thought - which gets ZERO coverage in the news - that says WAIT, or DON'T take the shot at all if you are not in a high risk group for death or complications due to covid.
That is correct Steve O. That is a big part of it for us. My S-I-L is a PA and she says to stay away from it. She refuses to get it and says she would rather lose her job than take the vaccine. She is one smart lady and I trust whet she says long before I trust all theses idiots on TV or in the gubmint telling me otherwise.
i hear you all the way JB. i'd also be alot more concerned about these vacines if there where or was more reports of really bad reactions or severe illnesses or deaths related to the shots?????/

even with all the current tried and true meds..there is always a possiblity of an allergic reaction. read any labels or the 4 page paperwork you get when you recieve meds. or even pay attention when they adverise meds on the tuube........there is always that blurb at the end about possible side affects. 

fact is with any meds when there getting the testing, approval, if they tested a 1000 people and 2 have a reaction to it it has to be reported!!!!

AND no....... I'M still not promoting the rona shot!!!! :tut: :tut: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/25/21, 08:40:40 AM
Just like "15 days to flatten the curve" and save the hospitals from overcrowding turned into "the country is closed until further notice..." 

So to has "emergency authorization to distribute the vaccine" to those most vulnerable to covid complications without complete testing turned into "When can I get my kids vaccinated?" 

People have lost their ability to think independently and critically.

P.S.  I know there are doctors who are willing to tell their patients one-on-one about their opinions regarding the vaccine, but very few of them are willing to go on the record publicly with their opinion.  Cancel culture is just too strong right now to stick your neck out.  Kinda like the French Revolution.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/25/21, 09:10:22 AM
Got my second shot yesterday.  Pfizer.  Arm didn't get as sore this time.  And those ads on TV are unreal aren't they?   By the time they get done with all of the warnings and bad side effects I have forgotten what the drug is even for!!!   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/25/21, 10:16:17 AM
I am a pretty cynical person but I know I would be dead several times over if it weren't for science and modern medicine. I have a tendency to think the people developing and promoting the covid vaccines are good rather than evil.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: fishwidow on March 03/25/21, 10:52:45 AM
Got my second shot yesterday.  Pfizer.  Arm didn't get as sore this time.  And those ads on TV are unreal aren't they?   By the time they get done with all of the warnings and bad side effects I have forgotten what the drug is even for!!!
I saw Jay Leno as the opening speaker at a convention several years ago. He highlighted all those symptoms and sort of connected them to first dates on an internet dating services. Funny as hell, especially when he brought up explosive diarrhea.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/25/21, 12:00:18 PM
I bet that was a hoot.   :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/30/21, 01:01:39 PM
my wife got her appt for the rona shot april 14th. she called the thrifty white here in cold spring........... a waiting list of 1600 people! :doofus: :doofus: wouldnt even put her on a list and they want you to sign up on line.  :scratch: :doofus:

i get mine this thursday.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/30/21, 01:10:23 PM
which shot??
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/30/21, 01:18:02 PM
we are both getting the pfizer vacine..it seems to be the preffered vacine of centracare. although my daughter who works at the hospital got the J & J one. i asked how, she said perks of working at the hospital??????????

she did say she felt worse the day after the shot then when she actually had the rona!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/30/21, 02:12:35 PM
with the J&J shot the injection site hurt for a couple days and that was it for me... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/30/21, 02:35:57 PM
Before I got our appts at Walmart set up I checked online with Thrifty White too, it said that they were doing the J & J shot along with Moderna's so I put us on their list. Figured out that Walmart opened a new day for appts ~ midnight as long as they had vaccines, so I did that before I heard back from Thrifty White. I did hear back from Thrifty White just before we got our 1st dose but we'd had to drive to ND to get it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/30/21, 04:48:31 PM
Ok, so maybe he didn't have anything to do with increased gas, or wood, or food or other costs that are sky rocketing.
But how is this going for us? Did he spend the $25 billion yet on vaccine production?  Not counting the Trillions in fake relief funding!  :bonk: :bonk:

"Biden has said he'll start working to install "an effective distribution plan" for a potential COVID-19 vaccine on the first day of his presidency. His plan would spend $25 billion on vaccine production and disbursement, and calls for an eventual vaccine to be free for all Americans."   :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/30/21, 04:53:12 PM
Maybe he's still working on it leech. :mooning:

He's been busy getting that ship unstuck ya know. :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Did you send your fake money back??? :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/30/21, 04:54:53 PM
It appears to me that is what he has been doing Leech. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/30/21, 05:57:44 PM

Au, Come on Man. You guys are just giving him a pass cuz us old folks are going to or already have gotten our shots. 
How bout all the young working folks that still have to go out and work to pay the Tax's for all the give away programs.  :doah:

Suppose you bought in to the "We inherited" line for this, the boarder and everything else they are back peddling on!  :bs: :puke:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/30/21, 06:03:21 PM
I've paid taxes since I was 16, and still am in retirement. :doah:
.the border, Yea they need to shut that crap down.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: merc on March 03/30/21, 07:01:10 PM
I had both of my shots at Paynesville hospital which is a Centra Care and I had the Moderna. No side affects at all on either shot. I guess I was lucky on that.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/30/21, 07:06:32 PM
I had both of my shots at Paynesville hospital which is a Centra Care and I had the Moderna. No side affects at all on either shot. I guess I was lucky on that.
that's where I'm going Thursday. My wife has to go to Clearwater road in st cloud. And they told us both it be Pfizer.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/31/21, 06:59:07 AM
we are both getting the pfizer vacine..it seems to be the preffered vacine of centracare. although my daughter who works at the hospital got the J & J one. i asked how, she said perks of working at the hospital??????????

she did say she felt worse the day after the shot then when she actually had the rona!!!!!!
Ok, I have to ask. Why did your daughter get the shot if she already had the rona? Wouldn't she already have the antibodies?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/31/21, 07:31:03 AM
Good question, I thought the same thing??? I'll didn't ask but I will.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/31/21, 07:41:56 AM
My first shot is today in St. Cloud
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/31/21, 07:57:37 AM
OK so i sent a text and here is her response....Cuz i want to get rid of these effing masks and travel. and even though its a HUGE HIPPA violation i think they are going to require or mandate proving that you had it in order to travel.

her words not mine......... with all the talk about having this card saying you are vacinated i guess is what prompted her to get the shot. to understand her........she is pretty damn stubborn and independant and she has this new lifestyle  :doofus: :doofus: part of the reason she got divorced.  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/31/21, 08:56:11 AM
My first shot is today in St. Cloud
HD, where do you need to go in st cloud???? my wife is going there on 4-14, she has to go to like 3001 clearwater road??? same place as you do?????????? :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/31/21, 09:18:17 AM
OK so i sent a text and here is her response....Cuz i want to get rid of these effing masks and travel. and even though its a HUGE HIPPA violation i think they are going to require or mandate proving that you had it in order to travel.

her words not mine......... with all the talk about having this card saying you are vacinated i guess is what prompted her to get the shot. to understand her........she is pretty damn stubborn and independant and she has this new lifestyle  :doofus: :doofus: part of the reason she got divorced.  :scratch:
Thanks Glenn. My wife and I am even more stubborn then her. And she is right about the HIPPA violation.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/31/21, 09:24:12 AM
I wouldn't go that far, these appear to be private businesses that are maybe pushing for the card of vaccination proof. NOT that I agree with it, but it goes along the lines of providing proof your kids where vacinated against certain illnesses to go to school, or like the no shoes no shirt no services policy.

Again I don't necessarily agree with it, but employers do have a obligation and right to set reasonable rules to provide as safe workplace.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/31/21, 10:34:50 AM
My first shot is today in St. Cloud
HD, where do you need to go in st cloud???? my wife is going there on 4-14, she has to go to like 3001 clearwater road??? same place as you do?????????? :scratch:
River's edge convention center
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/31/21, 01:22:45 PM
I wouldn't go that far, these appear to be private businesses that are maybe pushing for the card of vaccination proof. NOT that I agree with it, but it goes along the lines of providing proof your kids where vacinated against certain illnesses to go to school, or like the no shoes no shirt no services policy.

Again I don't necessarily agree with it, but employers do have a obligation and right to set reasonable rules to provide as safe workplace.
Strange if  a business can't legally ask a person why they are not wearing a mask now. Why will it be different to ask if they are vaccinated? Also with the schools and kids. Can they really force kids to get vaccinated. They would force all the muslim antivacers a couple years back when there was the measles out breaks. I think people were brain washed into doing all the shots. I know we all got them when we were kids. But I still think kids are still allowed to go(or were before rona)to school even if they wern't vaccinated. These are more or less what if questions than anything. Mainly because of all the confusing  :bs: Out there.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/31/21, 01:47:35 PM
And from the Great White North:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/31/21, 01:55:13 PM
Looks like a no go.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/31/21, 02:05:18 PM
Looks like you could drive to Alaska thru Canada though.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/31/21, 02:13:07 PM
Sounds like a plan... :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/31/21, 02:17:41 PM
Sounds like a plan... :happy1:
aint you packed your crap yet and left!!!!!!!!! :doah: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/31/21, 02:26:24 PM
And from the Great White North:

No, you can't go to Canada to fish or hunt...  unless you have some side action up there.   :sleazy:

From their website, check if this applies...

You’ve been in an exclusive dating relationship with the person for at least one year, and you’ve spent physical time together (and you’re both over the age of 18)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on March 03/31/21, 04:03:24 PM
And from the Great White North:

No, you can't go to Canada to fish or hunt...  unless you have some side action up there.   :sleazy:

From their website, check if this applies...

You’ve been in an exclusive dating relationship with the person for at least one year, and you’ve spent physical time together (and you’re both over the age of 18)

So, you're telling me there's a chance.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/31/21, 04:12:27 PM
Sounds like a plan... :happy1:
aint you packed your crap yet and left!!!!!!!!! :doah: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Don't make me come up there and fertilize yer onions!  :shocked:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/31/21, 04:53:30 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :evil:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on March 03/31/21, 05:48:19 PM
First shot 💉.... easy peasy!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/31/21, 06:18:24 PM
Sounds like a plan... :happy1:
aint you packed your crap yet and left!!!!!!!!! :doah: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Don't make me come up there and fertilize yer onions!  :shocked:

aw heck Dotch you would never do that... or would you????    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/31/21, 06:34:26 PM
With the stuff he sends me in the mail. I wouldn't put anything past him. :confused: :pouty: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/31/21, 06:43:04 PM
With the stuff he sends me in the mail. I wouldn't put anything past him. :confused: :pouty: :pouty:

sweet!!  it's good to keep ya guessing!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/01/21, 06:50:36 AM
And from the Great White North:

No, you can't go to Canada to fish or hunt...  unless you have some side action up there.   :sleazy:

From their website, check if this applies...

You’ve been in an exclusive dating relationship with the person for at least one year, and you’ve spent physical time together (and you’re both over the age of 18)
Strange, A friend of mine here has had a girlfriend for years that lives just across the border and he can't go up there.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/01/21, 07:56:30 AM
Only 1 guy waitin outside the door where you get the shot @ Walmart yday. I didn't see anyone in the just done seats & only a couple older ladies at the counter lookin like they might be checking in. Much different than when we were there on 3/23. :scratch: Checked it after we got home though & there wasn't any appts available through next Tuesday then.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/01/21, 11:03:21 AM
done with round #1.easy peasy.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/01/21, 06:50:39 PM
so i was done and in my truck ready to head home by 9am. by noon i was feeling kinda woozy, light headed, kinda like a headache coming on. still feel that way, nothing serious. i can tell i got poked in the arm but at the moment wouldnt call it sore.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/01/21, 07:05:24 PM
so i was done and in my truck ready to head home by 9am. by noon i was feeling kinda woozy, light headed, kinda like a headache coming on. still feel that way, nothing serious. i can tell i got poked in the arm but at the moment wouldnt call it sore.
:scratch: So............................ woozier than normal?  ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: :oops1: :sorry: Dotch dared me!! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: Which 1 you get, Pfizer or Moderna? Injection site got a little sore late that night & early the next day for me is all.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/01/21, 07:07:58 PM
so i was done and in my truck ready to head home by 9am. by noon i was feeling kinda woozy, light headed, kinda like a headache coming on. still feel that way, nothing serious. i can tell i got poked in the arm but at the moment wouldnt call it sore.
:scratch: So............................ woozier than normal?  ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: :oops1: :sorry: Dotch dared me!! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil: Which 1 you get, Pfizer or Moderna? Injection site got a little sore late that night & early the next day for me is all.
training-087 training-087 :banghead: damn dotch!!!!!!!!!!! :confused: :rotflmao:

actually i was wondering how long it would take.............and which circus clown would say it!!!!!!!!!! :confused: :pouty: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

i got the pfizer.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/01/21, 07:27:52 PM
done with round #1.easy peasy.

so the peasy is coming out???    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/02/21, 07:02:07 AM
Coworker got his 1st Phizer a couple weeks ago and said the same thing Glenn. He said it lasted about 24 hours.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: KEN W on April 04/02/21, 07:19:12 AM
Just means your immune system is reacting. I had the chills when I got the second one. MY wife had chills and a headache. Goes away during the night.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/02/21, 07:55:04 AM
well its morning and i feel alot better, arm got sore during the night......didnt sleep to good. i can tell i got poked yet but ok now, the headache crap is gone.

yea Ken, i read that the vacines react in different ways to different people. one such scenero stated younger people tend to have  more of a reaction because the immune system  is more active then older people. in older people the article stated, there system will acknowledge the vacine is there and not have near the reaction. not sure how accurate it is but................
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/02/21, 08:22:57 AM
More lockdowns starting in Europe today as France is joining Italy, & Germany as they've had a big rise in CV-19 cases. It's said to be mainly the British variant & because of the poor job they've done of rolling out the vaccines.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/02/21, 09:29:48 AM
I didn't feel anything on my second Phizer shot.  Not even a sore arm. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/02/21, 10:09:37 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/02/21, 10:10:24 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/02/21, 10:41:46 AM
 :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/02/21, 06:22:25 PM
I went to schedule an appt yesterday,  all full in my area. I guess I'll wait to see what happens to you guys first.. :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/03/21, 07:37:18 AM
well i feel honky dory this morning . no sore arm.....nuttin!!!!!!!!! :happy1: no second nose, extra fingers  :happy1: could use more hair on my head though!!!!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/03/21, 07:50:41 AM
Second dose was the one that I had a reaction to.    Pfizer, and that seems to be fairly common for the second dose to produce more reaction than the first.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/03/21, 08:34:10 AM
Second dose was the one that I had a reaction to.    Pfizer, and that seems to be fairly common for the second dose to produce more reaction than the first.
:pouty: :surrender: oh boy......i can hardly wait!!!!!!!! :scratch: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/03/21, 10:05:11 AM
Second dose was the one that I had a reaction to.    Pfizer, and that seems to be fairly common for the second dose to produce more reaction than the first.
:pouty: :surrender: oh boy......i can hardly wait!!!!!!!! :scratch: :doah:
I felt no diffreance after the 2nt, but the whole next day any little thing,  pain, cough and you think your dying from a reaction! 🤒 😄
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/03/21, 03:08:14 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/03/21, 07:25:57 PM
Second dose was the one that I had a reaction to.    Pfizer, and that seems to be fairly common for the second dose to produce more reaction than the first.
:pouty: :surrender: oh boy......i can hardly wait!!!!!!!! :scratch: :doah:
I felt no diffreance after the 2nt, but the whole next day any little thing,  pain, cough and you think your dying from a reaction! 🤒 😄
I sent most of the day in the recliner covered with a blanket dozing while watching so to speak, tv
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on April 04/29/21, 07:38:47 AM
I got my second dose yesterday.....no side effects, not even a sore arm.  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/29/21, 07:42:24 AM
Mine was just a little sore after my 2nd, we'll have full immunity Tuesday. :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/21, 04:53:04 PM
just rerad on the #5 news website, timmy jung walz is going to make an announcement thursday loosing up retrictionns.......... :crazy: :confused: about friggin time.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/04/21, 05:18:13 PM
We don't have to wear our masks in the car now?  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/21, 05:37:52 PM
We don't have to wear our masks in the car now?  :scratch:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: never have, and haven't wore one in 2 weeks.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/05/21, 07:03:02 AM
Or not have to wear a mask outside now. Like I ever have.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/05/21, 07:25:41 AM
yea me either JB..... how dumb!!!!! :doofus: :doofus:

i am even tune in to see what he says???? if i'm not busy.  i wont set myself up for disappointment though!!!!!!1 :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/05/21, 07:28:44 AM
Most everyone around here is pretty relaxed about wearing 1 now too. Still the other way in GR where most are still wearing theirs. I'm still carrying 1 in my coat pocket.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/05/21, 07:32:36 AM
If I didn't have to wear one at work, I wouldn't hardly wear it at all.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/05/21, 07:37:56 AM
 i noticed that to Gunner. even in that Mall. i have heard through the grapevine some of the employers are getting lax on there mask requirements too!!!!

they seem to be lax around home too!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/06/21, 10:22:46 AM
So according to KSTP'S Tom Hauser, who got some inside info, sounds like the mask mandate will still be in place until the end of June. Friggin joke. Guess we shall see. :confused: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/06/21, 10:56:17 AM
Did Gov. Killjoy's daughter call Tom Hauser & tip him off?  :rotflmao:

I have masks scattered from hell to breakfast. I can think of one place in particular I'd like to put all of them!  :angry2:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/06/21, 10:59:19 AM
On the other hand, shouldn't we at least be a little bit happy that we aren't experiencing anything like what's going on in India and other parts of the world?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/06/21, 11:05:34 AM
Guess there is a silver lining there Roony. We could still get rid of the masks though.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/06/21, 11:14:47 AM
I can't see us getting rid of them at work anytime soon. It would be great just to get our water fountains back!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/06/21, 11:17:09 AM

here's what they are saying we will be getting to..  closer to normal... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/06/21, 12:23:52 PM
JB... go get that damn shot. :confused: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/06/21, 12:34:59 PM

here's what they are saying we will be getting to..  closer to normal...
:blablabla: :blablabla: :blablabla: :blablabla: :blablabla: :blablabla: :blablabla: :blablabla: :blablabla: :blablabla:

 :oops1: :oops1: :sorry: :sorry: :super smiley: :super smiley:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: deadeye on May 05/06/21, 05:04:48 PM
Yesterday I had my first VA physical in two years.  Good news is everything is the same as two years ago except I'm older.  I did get the first of a two shot series for shingles. Shindrix is the new shingles shot and is now recommended for everyone over 50. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/06/21, 05:23:32 PM
Just got that to DE, my 2nd was ~ the middle February. :scratch: Mine was Shingrix ;), my insurance didn't cover all of it but still glad I got it. :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/06/21, 05:26:32 PM
Think I got mine 2 years ago. Pretty sure it was the same mixture. :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/06/21, 06:38:22 PM
I got the new stuff too.  My first shot a couple of years ago was the old stuff.  When they finally got the new stuff in stock they upgraded me with that too.  I told them Terry Bradshaw sent me. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/07/21, 07:12:43 AM
I got the shingrix shots a few years ago.   First one hit me pretty hard, second one not so bad.   Also have had the Pneumonia shots, and Hep A and B.     
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/07/21, 07:30:54 AM
JB... go get that damn shot. :confused: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: You funny. How do them left wing, nut job women say it. "My body, my choice."  ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/07/21, 07:35:23 AM
JB... go get that damn shot. :confused: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: You funny. How do them left wing, nut job women say it. "My body, my choice."  ;)
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/07/21, 07:40:44 AM
I wish you would get it too JB.  India and other countries are out of control with it and the variants.  People are still traveling to those places so it is spreading here.  It doesn't hurt that much.  LOL  Especially with your heart issues.  If you get it you may be a goner.  There is a lot to live for. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/07/21, 07:47:25 AM
so......i'm wondering what some places like Menards or some eating places are going to do once the mask mandate goes away??? since merardo's is so ape crap insisted on wearing a mask in the store, or eating places wearing them until your seated??? :doofus: :confused: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/07/21, 07:49:06 AM
I appreciate the concern. I have already been told the thingy with my heart is not something that would play a role with the rona. I just have concerns about getting a vaccine that was pushed out fast and has not been thoroughly tested. We don't know what the long term affects of the vaccines could be. I have more concerns about getting the vaccine then I do the rona. If I were in my 70's it might be a different story. Look at what the vaccine has been doing to women's menstrual cycle. And we thought it was confusing already.  :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/07/21, 07:54:26 AM
I sure hope you don't get pregnant.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/07/21, 07:55:36 AM
so......i'm wondering what some places like Menards or some eating places are going to do once the mask mandate goes away??? since merardo's is so ape crap insisted on wearing a mask in the store, or eating places wearing them until your seated??? :doofus: :confused: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
Good question. What will their competition do is a big part of the question. Places the won't require the mask will get more business I think.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/07/21, 07:59:55 AM
Since I got my shots I haven't been wearing my mask much.  I have told the stores here why I am not wearing it.  They are good with it. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/07/21, 08:49:16 AM
so......i'm wondering what some places like Menards or some eating places are going to do once the mask mandate goes away??? since merardo's is so ape crap insisted on wearing a mask in the store, or eating places wearing them until your seated??? :doofus: :confused: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
There was 4 young guys in the Grand Buffet on Wednesday who looked to me to be working on the new construction on Hwy 2 that weren't wearing masks. They weren't speaking any English either  :huh:, that was the most Spanish I've ever heard in GR. It's a long ways to the border from GR, wonder :scratch: how they got up there doin roadwork? Did the contractor send a bus down & pick 'em up? ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:  See if I can remember :doofus: to look next time & find out who the main contractor is.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/08/21, 09:26:05 AM
I appreciate the concern. I have already been told the thingy with my heart is not something that would play a role with the rona. I just have concerns about getting a vaccine that was pushed out fast and has not been thoroughly tested. We don't know what the long term affects of the vaccines could be. I have more concerns about getting the vaccine then I do the rona. If I were in my 70's it might be a different story. Look at what the vaccine has been doing to women's menstrual cycle. And we thought it was confusing already.  :doofus:

I know a lot of people who have gotten the vaccine.    So far no issues at all.    Even my good friend in California who is pretty far out right politically got it.    Her sons finally convinced her that it wouldn't alter her DNA or make her get phone calls in her head.   

There is really no rational reason to avoid getting it at this point.   And the virus can cause serious complications in some people, even the non-geezers.     
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/08/21, 11:04:01 AM
We lost a car dealer on town with it last week. 57 doesn't seem real old anymore.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/08/21, 04:39:23 PM
We lost a car dealer on town with it last week. 57 doesn't seem real old anymore.

That's one of the young guys.   

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/13/21, 07:26:19 PM
so I hear after tomorrow no more masks.................   I mean for us in Minn...   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/21, 07:26:46 PM
So according to the CDC, If you are fully vaccinated you now won't have to wear a mask in most indoor places

Wonder how long it will take gov killjoy will hold on to his power rage??
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/13/21, 07:32:02 PM
hey Glenn look up one post!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/13/21, 07:32:48 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/13/21, 09:33:34 PM
Funny how everyone was surprised by the CDC announcement, which did not give local municipalities and businesses time to consider the implications.

Personally, I think vaccinated folks are tired of wearing masks and were stopping on their own.  And the CDC granted us this "privilege" now so as to look pro-active, rather that react after everyone quit.

I've heard two main opinions.

First, if the CDC though granting us the privilege of not wearing a mask if you get vaxed might motivate people to take the shot, there are some who think this strategy will backfire.

Second, how are they going to tell between the vaxers and non-vaxers?  This will enforce stratification is our society.

Will businesses have to take their "Must Wear Mask" signs down and replace them with "Please wear a mask if you aren't vaxed" signs?

How will employees feel if their customers can come in without masks with no way to tell if they are vaxed or not?

And who will still be able to enforce a mandate?  Can you employer make you continue wearing a mask - vaxed or not?  Will they be able to see your medical records?

I know we are on the way to this mythical "herd immunity," but the way i see it, if you want to be personally protected, get the shot.  If you consider the risks and rewards and decide not to get it, God bless you too.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/21, 10:29:46 PM
I'm wondering if places that only offer drive thru will now open up to dine in.???

Also wondering how these places like Menards are going to change there policies??? Think it's a crock that employees at food places still have to wear a mask. :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/14/21, 06:37:16 AM
Kroger's, the largest grocery chain in the nation, has come out & said publicly they aren't lifting the mask mandate at their stores right away. Also heard that there's 8 people on the NY Yankees that have been vaccinated with the J & J version who now have tested positive for 1 of the variants :scratch: :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on May 05/14/21, 06:51:31 AM
Steveo-o all very good points.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/14/21, 07:04:03 AM
Steve-O makes some really good points. I quit wearing my mask other than at work a while ago. I have never worn it outside. As for the employer apparently it is an OSHA requirement according to the President of the company. So until OSHA give the approval we will keep wearing them at work. I will just keep a mask on me and if some business that I go into tells me I need a mask I will put it on. I have always felt from the beginning that it is their business and they can do what they want.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on May 05/14/21, 07:14:42 AM
Agreed JB,I never wore a mask outside or in my vehicle,walz is looney.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/14/21, 08:24:07 AM
Gottlieb was just on & said 7 of the 8 Yankees were asymptomatic. He wanted to know which test they were given as he said trace amounts can show up on 1 of them. He also wanted to know what variant it was. The good news was that nobody got very sick. He also is in favor of the CDC opening things up more.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: deadeye on May 05/14/21, 08:54:30 AM
All the deer looked at me funny when they saw me waring a mask in my deer stand.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/21, 09:13:16 AM
Steve-O makes some really good points. I quit wearing my mask other than at work a while ago. I have never worn it outside. As for the employer apparently it is an OSHA requirement according to the President of the company. So until OSHA give the approval we will keep wearing them at work. I will just keep a mask on me and if some business that I go into tells me I need a mask I will put it on. I have always felt from the beginning that it is their business and they can do what they want.
i'm not real sure it was completely OSHA but i know the EEOC said an employer can mandate it, as they are responsible for a safe work environment......thats probably how OSHA comes in to play!!!!!  :scratch: :scratch:

and from what i am hearing some of those employers arent really pushing the masks that hard anymore either.

tpo Steve'os points.........i got an email from this recall Walz brigade........NOW there on the vax passport rant. i expect that may come in play. NO noone will ever get to look at your medical records unless you give them written permission........thats where the passport thing comes in.

as far as cities and businesses..........i believe they still have the legal right to require masks.....but i wonder if there stringent on that how it woild effect there business????? that i'm not sure of. the only  places i know of that demand it is Costco and Menards.......and i did see someone go into menards without one the other day. not sure what happened as i went the other direction he did.

what i think is stupid as hell are eating places requiring you to wear a mask until your seated......not sure what that accomplishes??????????/
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/21, 10:04:04 AM
last night on the news, i see where the 2 goofball mayors of st paul and minneapolis are still mandating masks...... :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/14/21, 10:23:09 AM
last night on the news, i see where the 2 goofball mayors of st paul and minneapolis are still mandating masks...... :scratch: :scratch:

And now the fun begins...  training-087 :taz: :popcorn:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/14/21, 10:27:26 AM
it's up to towns and business's alike to man date if they want too..  good reason to stay away... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/14/21, 11:42:47 AM
It would be nice if they dropped the mask mandate at work but I'm not too hopeful
 We've had quite a few cases lately.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/21, 11:55:09 AM
It would be nice if they dropped the mask mandate at work but I'm not too hopeful
 We've had quite a few cases lately.
c'mon roony, use that charming personality of yours. :happy1: :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/14/21, 12:15:12 PM
The mask "mandate" ain't going anywhere until the vax passport issue gets worked out one way or the other.

If they sign new executive orders requiring vax passports for the "privilege" (privilege, my  :moon:) of entering a building w/o a mask, that will be the law of the land until something else changes.

If they decide compulsory vax passports are in fact Health Information Privacy (HIPAA) violations, there will be no way to enforce privately-imposed mask mandates for non-vaxed citizens. 

Until then, we're all just making it up as we go along again.  Way to lead CDC and Biden!  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/14/21, 01:12:23 PM
 :scratch: I'll be  :shocked: if some sort of proof of getting the shot isn't required to fly internationally though, maybe even into next year. If no vax passport :tut: then 2 weeks of quarantine may be needed upon arrival before you can travel throughout their country. Not many vacationers will be willing to do that IMO.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/14/21, 01:21:26 PM
My wife's employer told them this morning that they no longer need to wear a mask. Lucky duck.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/21, 01:23:43 PM
i have not a care in the world to fly anywhere, much less across a pond..........i could care less. in in fact i need to show my vax card so be it.

BUT........... if there gonna come along and require booster vax in the future  :tut: :tut: gunner..you may as well add that to my bitch and whine list!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

i just got back from downtown cold spring. the 2 businesses i went into, the owners and employees were no longer wearing masks!!!!! :happy1: progress.......some customers where........ there choice. :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/14/21, 01:26:27 PM
I think if they try to do anything with a passport it will end up in court. All the way to the top. This is not nazi Germany. Show me your papers, or else.  :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/21, 01:28:19 PM
I think if they try to do anything with a passport it will end up in court. All the way to the top. This is not nazi Germany. Show me your papers, or else.  :crazy:
unfortunately it will get settled in 6 years from now.....thats if we are lucky!!!!!!! :confused: :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/14/21, 01:30:51 PM
Dats for sure. In the meantime I will just keep going about my day.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/21, 01:36:04 PM
Dats for sure. In the meantime I will just keep going about my day.
speaking of going on about my day.........time to get my  :toast: on ice and that fire ring fired up............then who knows!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/14/21, 01:37:26 PM
See I was just thinking the same thing.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/14/21, 05:06:42 PM
Gonna take off my mask and refry the chicken tacos from last night....   Sunday we leave for up nort.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/21, 05:19:16 PM
Gonna take off my mask and refry the chicken tacos from last night....   Sunday we leave for up nort.
safe travels Del!! :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/14/21, 06:39:05 PM
i have not a care in the world to fly anywhere, much less across a pond..........i could care less. in in fact i need to show my vax card so be it.

BUT........... if there gonna come along and require booster vax in the future  :tut: :tut: gunner..you may as well add that to my bitch and whine list!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

i just got back from downtown cold spring. the 2 businesses i went into, the owners and employees were no longer wearing masks!!!!! :happy1: progress.......some customers where........ there choice. :happy1:
It was the same the weekend we came up at the Bstore. GR not so much, next week maybe. :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/14/21, 06:42:57 PM

Have fun del!  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/14/21, 06:52:50 PM
 :scratch: Long day Dotch? :confused:                      ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/14/21, 07:16:01 PM
You got that right. One of those days when I was just about getting over the hump & someone would toss another roadblock in the way. Just snowballed right out of the chute. Non- customers dumping stuff on my desk for ID, phone ringing constantly along with the usual suspects. They see my pickup & it's game on. Was late getting to the law enforcement center in Waseca to get raffle tickets as a result. And my gin supply is getting low. Lucky for me the gal who I was dealing with was super nice along with being super cute. At least there was that... :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/21, 07:22:24 PM
 :whistling: :spam: :whistling: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :nerd: :rotflmao:

Tomorrow is another day bud!! :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/14/21, 07:29:24 PM
You haven't moved recently I hope... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/16/21, 04:29:09 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/16/21, 07:03:59 PM
I want Cheetos!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/17/21, 06:34:24 AM
 :scratch: Wonder if I can get Bugles?  :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/17/21, 06:59:05 AM
Sweet chili Doritos for me!  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/17/21, 01:11:28 PM
Ooooo...those are good.  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/17/21, 03:22:15 PM
Me neither.  I am curious about the Lays Jalapeno chips too.   :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/17/21, 03:25:08 PM
 :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: i might need like 5-6 chips put in!!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/18/21, 11:23:28 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on May 05/18/21, 11:32:24 AM
last night on the news, i see where the 2 goofball mayors of st paul and minneapolis are still mandating masks...... :scratch: :scratch:

Agreed glenn,goofballs and clueless,frey is a joke.....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on May 05/18/21, 11:41:30 AM
Any of you old timer's remember the polio pandemic?our entire nation had to be vacinnated,no paperwork for proof but we still have the vac scare on our shoulder,that and I remember chicken pocks vac as well even tho I still got the pocks as a kid and then the shingles later in life,result of chicken pocks is what my doc said,shingles sure suck,very painful.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/18/21, 12:05:41 PM
No more masks at work for those of us who are vaccinated. I think they served a purpose but I still hate  having to wear them.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/18/21, 03:41:46 PM
From yesterday morning's news feed from my brother...

Canada eyes opening U.S. border. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government has begun preliminary internal discussions about reopening the border with the U.S., three people familiar with the matter told Bloomberg. One question under consideration is whether to employ a two-track system in which quarantine and testing requirements would be relaxed for vaccinated travelers. Any reopening of the border would be gradual and contingent on declining cases in both countries.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on May 05/19/21, 12:14:28 PM
Yeah dotch yet our country has 100's of 1000's of invaders coming in without paper's or vaccinated,f---up ain't it.No desire to ever travel to oh-canada again even tho I miss the great folks and traquility of fishing up there,gotta think w/o us Americans vacationing up there all last year they're economy must be on the ropes,outfitters and resorts gotta be hurtin for certain.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/19/21, 02:27:49 PM
Pretty sure you're right about their tourism industry hurting snow. There are 38 million of them & almost 332 million of us not including illegal immigrants.  :rolleyes: They are suffering from the same kinds of issues we have here. You have a liberal urban group in power trying to exert their control over the rural conservative areas and in particular the western provinces. Some have even been talking splitting off from the rest of Canada there too. Imagine that.

The COVID situation has been messed up worse than here so that doesn't help. Their data is more piecemeal but it appears they're lagging substantially behind us on full vaccinations. Partial vaccinations are about the same.

Canada was much more fun when I could go there and not worry about cell phone reception because there wasn't any! Now the damn things work just like they do here where we go anyway.  :pouty: 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/19/21, 02:36:48 PM
 :pouty: shut it off, leave it on the kitchen table at home, :doah: :scratch: bury it under the gin bottles!! :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rolleyes:

Oh oh... Mailman just came!! :confused: :shocked: :scratch: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/19/21, 06:55:42 PM
Any of you old timer's remember the polio pandemic?our entire nation had to be vacinnated,no paperwork for proof but we still have the vac scare on our shoulder,that and I remember chicken pocks vac as well even tho I still got the pocks as a kid and then the shingles later in life,result of chicken pocks is what my doc said,shingles sure suck,very painful.
That scar is from smallpox vaccine.  Got shingles vaccines and hep a and b
Even got lyme vac in before it got withdrawn. I have no idea of what I got in basic training.  I am a big vaccine fan
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/19/21, 07:03:00 PM
Any of you old timer's remember the polio pandemic?our entire nation had to be vacinnated,no paperwork for proof but we still have the vac scare on our shoulder,that and I remember chicken pocks vac as well even tho I still got the pocks as a kid and then the shingles later in life,result of chicken pocks is what my doc said,shingles sure suck,very painful.
That scar is from smallpox vaccine.  Got shingles vaccines and hep a and b
Even got lyme vac in before it got withdrawn. I have no idea of what I got in basic training.  I am a big vaccine fan
:happy1: :happy1: way to keep them union stainless steel welders busy Del  :happy1: for I was one!! :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/19/21, 07:21:48 PM
 :angry2: :angry2: I didn't know that my vaccines were contaminated by union thugs.  Probably ground up Jimmy Hoffa  in one of those tanks
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/19/21, 07:28:32 PM
:angry2: :angry2: I didn't know that my vaccines were contaminated by union thugs.  Probably ground up Jimmy Hoffa  in one of those tanks
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: oh you'd be surprised by the amount of things in your daily life that us union thugs have are mitts on!; :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/19/21, 07:44:28 PM
:pouty: shut it off, leave it on the kitchen table at home, :doah: :scratch: bury it under the gin bottles!! :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rolleyes:

Oh oh... Mailman just came!! :confused: :shocked: :scratch: :doah:

Any "goodies"? Inquiring minds want to know!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/19/21, 07:48:46 PM
 :tut: :tut: nope just junk mail. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/19/21, 08:09:16 PM
:pouty: shut it off, leave it on the kitchen table at home, :doah: :scratch: bury it under the gin bottles!! :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rolleyes:

Oh oh... Mailman just came!! :confused: :shocked: :scratch: :doah:

Ya, that's pretty easy for an onion thug to say. Some of us who actually still work to pay for everybody else's free chit feel compelled to keep people from jumping off ledges and doing themselves or others bodily harm if we don't answer their calls on the 2nd ring. Even from Canada on our precious few days off on effing weekends no less. I've done fertilizer recs, chemical recs, & performed psychotherapy from the Canadian wilderness. I figured it out one time, if I took all the days off I was promised when I started, I wouldn't need to work for over two years. Not kidding. I've taken off only a tiny fraction of that & and put up with a lot of after hours bullcrap in the meantime. It's time folks.

Ooooo! Knocked the satellite out again! Gotta love it!  :happy1:   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on May 05/20/21, 10:50:05 AM
Reading all the conspiracy theroies on this covid-19 vaccine,and folks getting the virus after the johnson vac from the varient strain....biggest therory is gates depopulation intention these vaccines will stop the female egg's from attaching to the uterius wall so the egg's cannot be fertilized.the goal they claim is to stop 1 billion new born world wide and these vaccines are still in research mode...who know's WTF  is going on.I'm sitting this one out hoping for the best(health wise) no cure for our politic's we see today.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/20/21, 10:57:29 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/20/21, 11:01:06 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/20/21, 11:17:33 AM
Seriously?   :doofus: :doofus: :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/20/21, 12:47:04 PM
Reading all the conspiracy theroies on this covid-19 vaccine,and folks getting the virus after the johnson vac from the varient strain....biggest therory is gates depopulation intention these vaccines will stop the female egg's from attaching to the uterius wall so the egg's cannot be fertilized.the goal they claim is to stop 1 billion new born world wide and these vaccines are still in research mode...who know's WTF  is going on.I'm sitting this one out hoping for the best(health wise) no cure for our politic's we see today.

Where there is smoke, there's fire...  But today's mainstream media is not willing to look for the fire.

The Gates stuff goes back to a Ted Talks presentation he gave:  Innovating to Zero! (https://www.ted.com/talks/bill_gates_innovating_to_zero/transcript)  In it he is quoted as saying.

"First, we've got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent. But there, we see an increase of about 1.3."

He clearly says that new vaccines and reproductive health services could be used to reduce population growth.  It isn't immediately apparent to me how vaccines could reduce population growth, but perhaps Bill knows something I do not.  Apologists for Bill Gates and unbridled usage of vaccines claim these words are being taken out of context.  You can watch/read the talk and judge for yourself.

So what has Bill done since then?  He's gone to impoverished nations and vaccinated lots of children and no one knows if his programs have done more harm than good.  The Bill Gates Effect: WHO’s DTP Vaccine Killed More Children in Africa Than the Diseases it Targeted (https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/the-bill-gates-effect-whos-dtp-vaccine-kills-more-children-in-africa-than-the-diseases-it-targets/)

Now all this stuff is impossible for schleps like us to vet with any hope of uncovering the truth.  But if you follow the links to studies and stories that have been done, it makes you wish someone was paying a little more attention to what was going on.  And because mainstream media is unwilling to investigate, study, and report on the situation in Africa, that will cause suspicion among many Americans as we conduct our own unbridled vaccination program.

You don't have to be a tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist to desire transparency and seek the truth.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/20/21, 12:48:47 PM
 :pouty: :pouty: maybe Gate's parents shoulda used protection!!!!!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/22/21, 10:23:36 AM
heard on the news this morning that the Minn folks in the NW angle can maybe start freely traveling to the main land again real soon...  
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/22/21, 07:46:12 PM
Ya  read that today.  Just residents can pass through.  Not customers yet.  At least it is a step in the right direction.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on May 05/25/21, 11:47:12 AM
Recently old friend which has health issues had the phizer vaccine double dose last month,friend went to a reunion 3 weeks ago in summer set wisc and contracted the virus along with 5 other folks still in recovery....these vaccines are not FDA approved,here in south dakota we have zero mask mandate all year,few folks got the vaccine shots that owned up to it let alone got the virus,bars resturants 100% open all year,so what gives in minn/wisc folks?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/25/21, 11:59:01 AM
Yes, it's really quite amazing those dang vaccines haven't killed us all here!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on May 05/25/21, 12:12:24 PM
I don't know about vaccine killing folks rooney just pointing out these vaccines are not 100% folks gotta stay strong  maintain good hygiene,apparently not out of the woods just yet south dakota population is spread out not near the people congregation in our small towns like the big cities.But who knows maybe these folks that are sick have the flu? seems just a sniffle or cough they lable folks as covid these days.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/25/21, 12:27:39 PM
They do something called testing, they don't just label folks. Last I heard you couldn't even drive through SD without catching Covid!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on May 05/25/21, 01:20:50 PM
pretty much true roony,must have something to do with a great gov and being a red state,kinda feel bad for folks doing the right thing(so they think) get tested,get the vaccine go on like normal then get the virus ...bad deal.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/25/21, 02:20:02 PM
They do something called testing, they don't just label folks. Last I heard you couldn't even drive through SD without catching Covid!
1 it is called false positives or false negatives. You do hear of it happening quite often. 2 yes they do falsely label covid, at least the deaths anyway. And I think snow's point is that even though he buddy was fully vaccinated and still got covid to still be careful.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on May 05/25/21, 02:28:53 PM
What he said was that they label the flu and the common cold as covid. True that no vaccine is or ever has been 100 percent effective but I will take my chances with modern science over National Enquirer headlines.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/25/21, 03:44:57 PM
I don't know about vaccine killing folks rooney just pointing out these vaccines are not 100% folks gotta stay strong  maintain good hygiene,apparently not out of the woods just yet south dakota population is spread out not near the people congregation in our small towns like the big cities.But who knows maybe these folks that are sick have the flu? seems just a sniffle or cough they lable folks as covid these days.

This is true Snow.  I was at the Clinic yesterday.  They only had 2 cases of influenza total this year since people were more careful by wearing masks and getting the shot.  The same with Strep throat that makes it rounds here every year too, but not this year. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/25/21, 04:57:45 PM
So much misunderstanding about what the vaccine will and won't do.

The vaccine won't keep you from getting covid.  If y'er exposed, y'er prolly gonna get it.  What the vaccine does is jumpstart your immune system to have antibodies pre-made to fight the virus as soon as you get it.  The theory is, if you already have the T-cells pre-made, when you do get it, the symptoms you experience as your immune system fights the virus will be lessened.  Further, because of this jumpstart, the virus will not have a chance to overwhelm the person and cause serious complications or death.

And many people ask the question, if I already had covid and recovered, do I still need to get vaccinated even though I probably already have the T-cells in my body from the real infection?

The President, Governor, and the CDC all seem to say yes, it can't hurt to get vaccinated.  For some reason they seem to think that T-cells created as a result of introducing the mRNA are better than the ones that were created to fight the actual virus.   :confused:  I'm really hoping some study can shed light on this point.

And we keep forgetting that this vaccine is still experimental and approved for emergency use only.

The next question is, if I'm vaccinated, and get covid, can I spread it?

The answer is probably, yes, but they hope that you are less contagious than if you were not vaccinated.

And this sort of makes sense.  If your body has a jumpstart in eliminating covid virus in your body (EITHER through a vaccine OR previous exposure), then you have less virus to be coughing and sneezing up and will be doing so for a shorter duration until your body eliminates all the virus.  But to my knowledge, no one has published a study to know how contagious a person may be after the vaccine or previous exposure.

But folks have jumped to the conclusion and the CDC has surprisingly agreed, that if you have been vaccinated, you don't need your mask anymore.  Again, it sure would be good to see those studies.   :scratch:  They're all just making this up as they go along.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/25/21, 05:12:46 PM
Thank you Steve-O.  Yup nothing is 100% and the scientific world really do do their best to keep us safe.  They know a lot more than the wackos all trying to out do the story the last one told.  Would I trust my life with those people.  Not a chance.  No comparison. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/25/21, 10:06:12 PM
Don't know about all that stuff.   But Olmsted county is down to single digit postive test results.  Maybe just a coincidence.     :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/26/21, 06:54:33 AM
All I know is here at work if you have been vaccinated and get the rona starting june 1st you will still be required to come to come. No quarantine. If you have not been vaccinated and get the rona you will be told to stay home and quarantine. So apparently they think if you are vaccinated that they are not contagious.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/26/21, 07:26:55 AM
okkkkkk   :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/26/21, 07:36:25 AM
Been reading that too JB.  ???
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on May 05/26/21, 09:46:48 AM
steve-o,well said,me thinks alot of misunderstanding out there,me also thinks as you stated folks vaccinated have a false sense of well being thinking "I won't or can't get the virus" such as the case with my friend and his buddies.

hard to follow what this fauci spews,mask no mask 3 masks? all I know I was vaccinated for chicken pocks as a kid got the pocks twice and shingles by 50 years old because I had the pocks,got lucky as a kid with polio vaccine,lived thru it but I remember polio vac was manditory,unclear how polio spread,one kid in our neighborhood got it,he was messed up for life,we youngens that got the chicken pocks our entire school had a out break but never shut down...now this virus,take the vac or not? lot's of folks still on the fence,getting the vac gives some folks a false sense of security they're safe.That's my take.Looking at the numbers,better than a 99% recovery rate iffin ya get the vid,90% vaccine protection but if one has under lying health issues better safe than sorry.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/26/21, 01:19:15 PM
steve-o,well said,me thinks alot of misunderstanding out there,me also thinks as you stated folks vaccinated have a false sense of well being thinking "I won't or can't get the virus" such as the case with my friend and his buddies.

hard to follow what this fauci spews,mask no mask 3 masks? all I know I was vaccinated for chicken pocks as a kid got the pocks twice and shingles by 50 years old because I had the pocks,got lucky as a kid with polio vaccine,lived thru it but I remember polio vac was manditory,unclear how polio spread,one kid in our neighborhood got it,he was messed up for life,we youngens that got the chicken pocks our entire school had a out break but never shut down...now this virus,take the vac or not? lot's of folks still on the fence,getting the vac gives some folks a false sense of security they're safe.That's my take.Looking at the numbers,better than a 99% recovery rate iffin ya get the vid,90% vaccine protection but if one has under lying health issues better safe than sorry.

snow1     It's         ok      to     use          spaces            between          sentences.  It doesn't take up anymore site bandwidth!   :coffee:    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on May 05/27/21, 07:02:38 AM
Thanx for the english lesson leech ,didn't know my meandering was so hard to comprehend for some.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/27/21, 07:10:00 AM
Thanx for the english lesson leech ,didn't know my meandering was so hard to comprehend for some.
Nua, not hard to comprehend. Just a little spaced challenged!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/27/21, 08:17:52 AM
Guess I didn't notice myself.  :confused: Just thought maybe he was a fast talker. ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/27/21, 10:49:58 AM
not quite boaranese,but now you have something to aspire to,snow
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/27/21, 11:19:50 AM
The jab reduces your chances of getting infected by about a factor of 20.  And almost eliminates any chance of serious symptoms.   Current evidence is that it also greatly reduces transmission, so not only don't you get sick but you won't make others sick.   

Yeah, like all that stuff I had as a kid, mostly folks recover after a few weeks of feeling like crap but some folks die or have serious residual effects especially those of us who are chronologically advanced.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/02/21, 11:15:04 AM
I see where Minneapolis dumped the mask mandate yesterday and st Paul is doing it today.

What our government needs to absolutely do immediately is get rid of all the extra benefits for not working because of the rona!! :confused: :angry2: they need to start forcing these lazy bastards to get back to work.

Even the dairy queen on hwy 23 here in Cold Spring closed due to not being able to get people to work. :angry2: :pouty: :doofus: :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on June 06/02/21, 11:25:40 AM
I see where Minneapolis dumped the mask mandate yesterday and st Paul is doing it today.

What our government needs to absolutely do immediately is get rid of all the extra benefits for not working because of the rona!! :confused: :angry2: they need to start forcing these lazy bastards to get back to work.

Even the dairy queen on hwy 23 here in Cold Spring closed due to not being able to get people to work. :angry2: :pouty: :doofus: :doofus:
Damn it! Closing down the Dairy Queen, this is a National emergency!  :taz:  :rotflmao:

But I agree 1000%  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on June 06/02/21, 11:43:42 AM
Maybe you should pitch in and start working for America Glenn!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/02/21, 12:03:52 PM
Maybe you should pitch in and start working for America Glenn!
:pouty: :tut: :confused: :rotflmao: Glenn here is 63 years old. i've been doing my fair share, paying taxes and social security  since i've been 16 years old!! worked many an OT hours besides!!!!!
even now in retirement based on what i've seen with doing my taxes, it appears i'm still "working for America"!!!.  :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on June 06/02/21, 12:07:54 PM
66 plus here, still working to keep America's food supply chain going.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on June 06/02/21, 12:42:27 PM
63+ here. Still growing the food & helping others do same. & glenn's buddy Obama still sucks!  :rotflmao:

But closing a Dairy Queen? That's enough to piss off Batman!  :shocked:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on June 06/02/21, 12:48:52 PM
63+ here. Still growing the food & helping others do same. & glenn's buddy Obama still sucks!  :rotflmao:

But closing a Dairy Queen? That's enough to piss off Batman!  :shocked:
The tipping point was when they couldn't train Glenn to make that little curlycue on top.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on June 06/02/21, 12:58:32 PM
63+ here. Still growing the food & helping others do same. & glenn's buddy Obama still sucks!  :rotflmao:

But closing a Dairy Queen? That's enough to piss off Batman!  :shocked:

Attaway Dotch, not to mention all the farmers you are talking off their little silo platforms. I do have one concern though, Is it true that all the pine trees going into your favorite drink are causing the lumber shortage?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on June 06/02/21, 01:16:19 PM
there are 3 fast food places in Long prairie and DQ is the only not letting folks inside...  drive thru only.....  and they are still busy...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on June 06/02/21, 01:28:26 PM

The tipping point was when they couldn't train Glenn to make that little curlycue on top.

Dang roony, that's a great idea for a young guy like glenn. Make some extra cash and get all the free cones he wants while helping out his community!  :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/02/21, 02:55:42 PM
 :happy1: :rotflmao: what a bunch of comedians. :doofus: :rotflmao:

I was thinking of doing some charity work with unwed mothers.... Like getting them started. :sleazy: :smoking: :rolleyes: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on June 06/02/21, 06:19:50 PM
Problem is, they are paying to good not to work. We can't get anyone to answer our adds for workers. We are working 6-7 days a week because we don't have enough workers. Your going to see many more businesses closing down because of lack of workers.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on June 06/02/21, 06:32:21 PM
and that is the truth..... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/02/21, 06:48:03 PM
Like I said our titless government needs to step in and shut down the free crap.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on June 06/02/21, 07:27:34 PM
We gave Culver's another try last weekend.  It was windy and cool out.  I ordered the beef pot roast dinner.  She said we have to sit outside.  No inside dining until 4 since they can't find anyone to work that shift to clean tables.  SO after a minute or two of being cold outside we went and sat in the truck.  All of the seats, booths etc were completely empty.  They said with noone to bus tables they can't let us sit inside.  ???????  Like I said we thought we would give them another chance.   :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on June 06/02/21, 07:46:23 PM
We gave Culver's another try last weekend.  It was windy and cool out.  I ordered the beef pot roast dinner.  She said we have to sit outside.  No inside dining until 4 since they can't find anyone to work that shift to clean tables.  SO after a minute or two of being cold outside we went and sat in the truck.  All of the seats, booths etc were completely empty.  They said with noone to bus tables they can't let us sit inside.  ???????  Like I said we thought we would give them another chance.   :confused:
Sounds like another opportunity Glenn.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on June 06/02/21, 08:11:18 PM
Ya Glenn could bus tables.  I am sure that would be delightful!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/02/21, 09:04:48 PM
Ya Glenn could bus tables.  I am sure that would be delightful!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: oh yeah, you have no idea!  training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 I'm sure I'd make a killing on tips. :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/13/21, 04:10:20 PM
I think Dotch put this up.  :rotflmao: was on the side of a bar in Royalton.

 :scratch: not sure if it is readable, but it says.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on June 06/13/21, 06:11:36 PM
I think Dotch put this up.  :rotflmao: was on the side of a bar in Royalton.

 :scratch: not sure if it is readable, but it says.
Saw that. We go through Royalton just about every weekend on the way to the campground. 😄
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on June 06/13/21, 10:21:59 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/28/21, 08:09:43 AM
my wife went down to monticello to her friends house on saturday, then went to Blaine days. her friend told her there is a rumor floating around that the cold spring bakery might be shutting down.  :confused: :doah: BECAUSE they cant hire people. i have no clue how true this is but..................

the DQ is open now but the drive thru only. like from 10 t0 4??? :doofus: no food or fancy stuff just ice cream.

if i remember hearing or reading this right i believe this extra unemployment money ends in AUG. it better........time the politicians quit handing out money and get these lazy tards back to work!!!!!!!!! :confused: training-087 training-087 :banghead:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on June 06/28/21, 08:19:32 AM
DQ is drive thru in Long Prairie too, burger king and McD open dining
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on June 06/28/21, 09:24:32 AM
No indoor dining at Culvers in Bemidji till after 4.  No help to bus the tables.  In Bemidji it has been this way long before covid.  Lazy kids.  Mom and Dad are evidently giving them money so they don't have to work. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on June 06/28/21, 09:29:45 AM
and the state....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/28/21, 09:30:05 AM
 :pouty: :confused: :doofus: it's really mind boggling. I know I'm purty near ancient, but back in high school I was throwing 50 and 100 lb feed sacks around at the feed mill for $1.00 an hour. And I thought I had the world by the  :moon: when I got a quarter raise.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on June 06/28/21, 09:58:28 AM
You got that right Glenn.  I was always trying to make money as a kid.  I always wanted to buy something. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on June 06/28/21, 10:18:59 AM
I was 14 when I got my first part time job....  never ever got unemployment...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on June 06/29/21, 06:15:54 AM
I had 2 jobs when I was a junior in HS. Janitor at Red Owl before school & pumped gas at the Clark station after. I started working at my uncles grocery store when I was 11, making $5-$10/week. Did draw quite a bit of UE when I was makin tractors & working on the golf course though.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on June 06/29/21, 10:57:35 AM
I was 14 when I got my first part time job....  never ever got unemployment...

Same here mike.  Paper route at 13, then McDonalds, dishwasher at Bridgeman's on and on until I finally made Mfg Supervisor at two different plants without college by working bottom up. 
I was having a discussion with a black guy about poor black people in the cities.  I told him I was born in the cities and why can't black people work bottom up like I did?  He said, see their you go. Comparing you to others not everyone has what you did!! You mean like showing up to work everyday and doing the job I agreed too?  :scratch:  :bonk: :bonk: 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on July 07/26/21, 03:36:54 PM
I see now the VA system is man dating all it's employee's to get the shot...  the new way...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/26/21, 03:58:52 PM
Oh yippy! it's a slippery slope.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on July 07/26/21, 06:40:13 PM
Oh yippy! it's a slippery slope.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: deadeye on July 07/26/21, 06:57:53 PM
Well, I for one would be happy to go to the VA knowing everyone who will be treating me has been vaccinated.  Maybe it's just me but if the vaccine is 99% effective, why are people still dying of covid.  :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: fishwidow on July 07/26/21, 09:03:01 PM
Aren’t a large majority of the people dying unvaccinated?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/27/21, 06:41:04 AM
So they are saying.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on July 07/27/21, 07:38:59 AM
I don't like blanket vaccine mandates in general, but I'd be more willing to listen to those who want them IF this mRNA delivery wasn't still experimental or there were other options.

Sure, it is safe and effective for most people, but there are plenty of stories out there of folks who have had problems after receiving the vaccine.  It would be good to understand which people and which conditions make them most vulnerable to the serious mRNA vaccine side effects - relative to an otherwise healthy individual having a 95+% chance of surviving covid if they take no vaccine.

And what about an "old fashioned" flu shot for Covid that most people used to get without batting an eye?

Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine Less Likely to Cause Side Effects (https://www.verywellhealth.com/novavax-vaccine-side-effects-5192068)

Of course, whereas the experimental technology got the fast track from the FDA, this traditionally-delivered flu vaccine is taking forever to get approved.

Meanwhile, in other news...

Covid vaccine profits mint 9 new pharma billionaires (https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/21/business/covid-vaccine-billionaires/index.html)

Topping the list of new billionaires are Moderna (MRNA) CEO Stéphane Bancel and Ugur Sahin, the CEO of BioNTech (BNTX), which has produced a vaccine with Pfizer (PFE). Both CEOs are now worth around $4 billion

Ya think there are too many new people getting filthy rich off this new vaccine technology for them to want to introduce competition in the market even though the Noravax is reportedly just as effective and probably safer?  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on July 07/27/21, 08:01:34 AM
I think Dotch put this up.  :rotflmao: was on the side of a bar in Royalton.

 :scratch: not sure if it is readable, but it says.

Glenn been years since I've been up that way "royalton" we would stop at a nice little resturant called the "Lin Club" is it still open? curious.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on July 07/27/21, 08:14:25 AM
if it was by Cushing Minn, it's closed
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on July 07/27/21, 08:19:08 AM
Aren’t a large majority of the people dying unvaccinated?
It will be very interesting too watch the numbers but we may never know how their accounted for now.
Before the vaccine anyone that died that had Coivd was listed as dying from Covid complications. Even some new Senator that had open heart surgery that died during the operation, was listed as dying from Covid.
Now will they account for deaths as Covid for only those that were unvaccinated.
My problem with the past accounting is a lot of the old folks that died, where dying of something else in the first place, but since they had the virus they just marked it down as dying from Covid. Younger people and childeren still got the virus, but they werent already dying of something else. Or normal aging deaths.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on July 07/27/21, 08:58:48 AM
I think Dotch put this up.  :rotflmao: was on the side of a bar in Royalton.

 :scratch: not sure if it is readable, but it says.

Glenn been years since I've been up that way "royalton" we would stop at a nice little resturant called the "Lin Club" is it still open? curious.

The Lin Club as I recall was by Lincoln, between Randall & Motley. Would see the signs on Hwy 10 before they redid it. Never went there as we were in a hurry to fish in suburban Zerkel. No signs anymore so suspect it's closed.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/27/21, 09:00:41 AM
yea snow i have no idea.......i dont even stop at treasure city....... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :shocked: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: royalton its simply a town along the way to get to the cabin.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on July 07/27/21, 09:15:38 AM
Thanx glenn,guyz the Lin Club was right on a lake fish trap?maybe,no longer hunt in that area so just curious as we always stopped for sunday brunch on the way home but was on hwy10 you most likely travel hwy 371?

BOT geez our gov't sure is pushing this none approved FDA vaccine on us little people while they let 100's of 1000's illegals enter our country not vetted or health screened then dropped all over our country,no wonder we have another spike in this pandemic.Good grief.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/27/21, 09:28:10 AM
never been near fish trap. i take 10 to little falls, 371 to brainerd, 210 to crosby then 6 the rest of the way, well till i get to talmoon!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on July 07/27/21, 10:06:54 AM
as I said a little back in this tread it's closed..  just sayin..   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on July 07/27/21, 10:15:03 AM
Oh well,my crew of misfits most likely put them outof business as we cleaned out the sunday buffet after two days of hunting by day drinking by night as in all night,sure put a hurt on the ole Linn Club buffet....

So BOT... thoughts on round two,"another lock down" yes or no? sadly it seems to be in the works again.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/27/21, 11:55:02 AM

The CDC:   Yes...no........ :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on July 07/28/21, 01:11:45 PM
Glimmer of light for folks second guessing these vaccines.

Remember this...Phizer (as in the first covid vaccine to come out) invented "Viagra" to raise the dead and save the living....got that going for ya.

That is all~
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on July 07/28/21, 01:55:53 PM
Glimmer of light for folks second guessing these vaccines.

Remember this...Phizer (as in the first covid vaccine to come out) invented "Viagra" to raise the dead and save the living....got that going for ya.

That is all~
Yeah, all that means is they'll have a handle to carry you to the box with! 🤭
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/28/21, 02:30:35 PM
It's cuz they wanna make more than 9 billionaires..... $$$$$

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on July 07/28/21, 06:04:56 PM
Glimmer of light for folks second guessing these vaccines.

Remember this...Phizer (as in the first covid vaccine to come out) invented "Viagra" to raise the dead and save the living....got that going for ya.

That is all~
Yeah, all that means is they'll have a handle to carry you to the box with! 🤭

And that's not a bad thing!   :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/30/21, 01:18:43 PM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/31/21, 08:40:30 AM
Nice of him to spend our tax dollars.  :angry2: And what about all the people that already got the shot. To bad so sad?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/31/21, 08:42:51 AM
Nice of him to spend our tax dollars.  :angry2: And what about all the people that already got the shot. To bad so sad?

I'm declaring a $100 loss on my state income tax.  :moon:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/31/21, 08:48:54 AM
Nice of him to spend our tax dollars.  :angry2: And what about all the people that already got the shot. To bad so sad?

I'm declaring a $100 loss on my state income tax.  :moon:
hell, i'm still waiting for the gubmnet to send me the taxes they took out of my unemployment!!!!!!!!! :mad1: reckon the $300.00 money to deadbeats that dont wanna work with kids is more important!!!!!!!! :angry2: :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on July 07/31/21, 08:58:31 AM
Nice of him to spend our tax dollars.  :angry2: And what about all the people that already got the shot. To bad so sad?

Sorta like what gov. Killjoy had to say about the Canadian forest fires. We just have to get used to it. What a tool... :angry:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/31/21, 09:02:39 AM
Nice of him to spend our tax dollars.  :angry2: And what about all the people that already got the shot. To bad so sad?

Sorta like what gov. Killjoy had to say about the Canadian forest fires. We just have to get used to it. What a tool... :angry:
yea his time in office cant come to an end soon enough.......my biggest fear is he has way to many that like his political  :bs:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on July 07/31/21, 09:10:40 AM
Sad when the dipstick makes one appreciate gov. Goofy... :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on July 07/31/21, 09:11:21 AM
now I see wally world is mandating face masks for their employees in high risk areas...  so I suppose that means nation wide....   egads...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on July 07/31/21, 09:17:12 AM
Another reason to avoid that place. If they're wearing masks, there must be sick people in there!  :coffee:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/31/21, 11:36:21 AM
Another reason to avoid that place. If they're wearing masks, there must be sick people in there!  :coffee:

So, Glenn won't be taking  that greeter job there? :rotflmao:  :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on July 07/31/21, 11:44:34 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

He'd be a natural otherwise  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/31/21, 11:55:25 AM
Another reason to avoid that place. If they're wearing masks, there must be sick people in there!  :coffee:

So, Glenn won't be taking  that greeter job there? :rotflmao:  :bonk:
not a chance. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/31/21, 11:56:08 AM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

He'd be a natural otherwise  :happy1:
:rotflmao: yep. Welcome to fleet farm!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/31/21, 02:24:18 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/01/21, 08:04:25 AM
Another reason to avoid that place. If they're wearing masks, there must be sick people in there!  :coffee:

So, Glenn won't be taking  that greeter job there? :rotflmao:  :bonk:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

He'd be a natural otherwise  :happy1:
:scratch: I think he'd be better yet at Morey's!! ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on August 08/01/21, 09:00:11 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/01/21, 09:22:38 AM

Isn't that solicitation? Or child bribery? Exchange of money/gifts for a service?  :police:  What's next, free puppies? :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/01/21, 09:56:51 AM
this COVID crap is getting freakin out of hand again.  :confused: :confused: :angry2: ya got Fauci blabbering its gonna get worse and others  :blablabla: :blablabla: :blablabla:.

somehow i new this was going to happen.  :confused: :doah: :censored: I WILL NOT MASK UP AGAIN!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/01/21, 12:24:47 PM
A few more wearing them in GR last week again. I'm afraid some will be talkin about another shut down pretty soon again if it keeps getting worse.  :crazy: That will slam the door on almost all of the little family businesses that got through it the last time. :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/01/21, 12:36:28 PM
A few more wearing them in GR last week again. I'm afraid some will be talkin about another shut down pretty soon again if it keeps getting worse.  :crazy: That will slam the door on almost all of the little family businesses that got through it the last time. :pouty:
:angry2: iffin they shut down these small businesses again, there better be a mutiny  and these businesses should tell them to pack sand. No way killjoy and that idiot we have for AG can fine all of them.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/01/21, 01:35:39 PM
Just seen this: https://torontosun.com/news/world/fauci-says-he-expects-no-new-u-s-lockdowns-despite-surging-delta-case  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/01/21, 02:28:20 PM
Just seen this: https://torontosun.com/news/world/fauci-says-he-expects-no-new-u-s-lockdowns-despite-surging-delta-case  :scratch:

Don't tell Capt. Dingleberry that. He has other plans.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/01/21, 02:29:18 PM
First of all I don't believe a word he says anymore, secondly, if he does recommend one me thinks he'll get hung up by his testicles. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/01/21, 02:54:55 PM
So, I take it you'll be heading up the protest and the nut squad?  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/01/21, 02:56:01 PM
So, I take it you'll be heading up the protest and the nut squad?  :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:. Mayhaps. :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on August 08/01/21, 04:16:32 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on August 08/01/21, 10:08:54 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on August 08/02/21, 06:53:23 AM
Spot on Dotch....nary a word about these 3rd world invaders invading our southern border then transported to a city near you with god knows what dieseases.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/02/21, 11:03:26 AM
I see Walmart now has mask needed signs back up....and Mayo just flipped back today.... when they do that, Captain Walz the Great will start the business crap again.  :doah:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on August 08/02/21, 11:46:25 AM
my local pharmacist had a mask required sign up last week,not sure how another lock down will pan out if...figure it's coming with the mid term election's just around the corner, hopefully the far lefties can't cheat this time.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/02/21, 11:54:56 AM
well dr fuddy duddy has been blowing his horn about masks but didnt think there'd be a shutdown.........one would think them idiots would know better after the last go round. :scratch: :censored: :mad1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on August 08/02/21, 01:04:20 PM
Agreed glenn,mask mandate for us sheep but funnel all these sick 3rd world folks all over our country unchecked or vetted.This current administration...well we all know.

Now this,coming our way?

Covid Live Updates: N.Y.C. to Require Vaccine Proof Indoors at Restaurants, Gyms
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/03/21, 12:58:17 PM
And away we gooooo!! Take away more rights. Wait for the trickle down in selected states effect...

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on August 08/03/21, 02:48:27 PM
well dr fuddy duddy has been blowing his horn about masks but didnt think there'd be a shutdown.........one would think them idiots would know better after the last go round. :scratch: :censored: :mad1:

What would your plan of attack be?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/03/21, 03:00:03 PM
And away we gooooo!! Take away more rights. Wait for the trickle down in selected states effect...

One thing for private companies to require it. But when the gubmint starts doing it  :crazy:  :angry2:. What is next concentration camps for the unvaccinated. Boy you want to talk about discrimination. Not always about color of skin.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/03/21, 03:13:05 PM
And away we gooooo!! Take away more rights. Wait for the trickle down in selected states effect...

One thing for private companies to require it. But when the gubmint starts doing it  :crazy:  :angry2:. What is next concentration camps for the unvaccinated. Boy you want to talk about discrimination. Not always about color of skin.

Well said! :happy1:  I'm in agreement with ya 100%, JB. I'm all for the COVID shot (especially after my Mom died from it), but where do you draw the line on human rights? What's gonna happen can't always be stopped by trying to force folks into it. Like forcing religion or political ideas on some, it just won't work.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/03/21, 03:24:55 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/03/21, 03:43:55 PM

Or getting Glenn to eat cottage cheese.... :rotflmao: :bonk:

Yup, I knew it....we just went backwards to chapter one. Masks required just about everyhere here starting this week. I think, business wise, if they push anymore, especially business/restaurant wise, it's gonna get REAL ugly real quick. I'm going into recon/deployment mode tomorrow.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/03/21, 06:42:06 PM
Sorry to hear about your Mom Reb. I've been on the fence over the shot since the beginning.  We as a family had rona back in April ( which was a bad head cold basically) , but nonetheless had to stay home for 10 days. My issue is getting forced to get the shot, ya I've been getting the flu shot for years, but was never pressured to get it, it did help tho. As far as masks so be it, around work or out in small towns in greater MN, nobody follows it anyway, from what I see..
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/03/21, 09:10:54 PM
Thanks Bobber. Kinda fudged up our Christmas. I buried her Dec. 22. One of the worst parts was returning her gifts to the store. Lost it at the service desk. :cry:

I'll go back to the mask here, even though I hate it. Lotsa folk in store today with 'em on, at least 50% I'd guess.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on August 08/03/21, 10:40:56 PM
Thanks Bobber. Kinda fudged up our Christmas. I buried her Dec. 22. One of the worst parts was returning her gifts to the store. Lost it at the service desk. :cry:

Dang! Horrible time. :cry:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/04/21, 06:38:22 AM
Thanks Bobber. Kinda fudged up our Christmas. I buried her Dec. 22. One of the worst parts was returning her gifts to the store. Lost it at the service desk. :cry:

Dang! Horrible time. :cry:

2nd that...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/04/21, 07:04:16 AM
Thanks Bobber. Kinda fudged up our Christmas. I buried her Dec. 22. One of the worst parts was returning her gifts to the store. Lost it at the service desk. :cry:

I'll go back to the mask here, even though I hate it. Lotsa folk in store today with 'em on, at least 50% I'd guess.
Dang horrible time for sure. I am about to lose it just thinking about it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/04/21, 07:06:10 AM
Sorry to hear about your Mom Reb. I've been on the fence over the shot since the beginning.  We as a family had rona back in April ( which was a bad head cold basically) , but nonetheless had to stay home for 10 days. My issue is getting forced to get the shot, ya I've been getting the flu shot for years, but was never pressured to get it, it did help tho. As far as masks so be it, around work or out in small towns in greater MN, nobody follows it anyway, from what I see..
As far as having the rona and the vaccine. You already have the antibodies after having the rona. If you are skeptical on the vaccine you don't need it. The Clevend clinic did a study on it showing that the antibodies are still present. Even a year later.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on August 08/04/21, 07:23:32 AM
Sorry Reb, somehow or other my mom survived it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on August 08/04/21, 07:30:21 AM
Ya terrible way for it to end up. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: markn on August 08/04/21, 07:34:38 AM
I don't know what to think. I did both shots in Feb. with no effects I can see or think of, but if you guys remember we all got measles and mumps shots no questions asked when we were kids in the sixties. So with that said I don't have a problem with someone not getting their covid shots, they'll have to wear a mask when in public. Just my thoughts.

Reb, sorry to hear about your mother. Prayer sent your way. M.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/04/21, 09:00:09 AM
Thanks guys. Didn't mean to bring that up again. Trying to move past it.

But I'll sure bring this up....didn't take 'em long! Told ya! Anyone wanna bet when we hit the restaurants again?  :angry:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/04/21, 09:30:07 AM
Yep, the  :bs: is getting deeper again. Get the fear mongering going full speed ahead. Didn't Europe go thru the Delta variant a month or 2 ago and after 3-4 weeks it was pretty gone? But hey, it makes for better TV fear mongering.  :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on August 08/04/21, 11:02:25 AM
So now this in canada...


Lot's of conspiracy's going on,
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/04/21, 11:37:27 AM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on August 08/04/21, 12:06:01 PM
markn,not sure if we had "FDA" ratings back then but I remember forced polio and chicken pocks vaccines,never got polio but chicken pocks twice,spread like wildfire throughout our school as did measels.,never had a shut down either.Old age brought on shingles,now I see they have a vaccine for shingles if one is over 50yo,more shete to pump in to our bodies.might as well invest in a hazmad suit.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/04/21, 12:12:21 PM
Hey!!!!! That's my patented Rebco Virus suit!    :tut:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/04/21, 08:26:09 PM
markn,not sure if we had "FDA" ratings back then but I remember forced polio and chicken pocks vaccines,never got polio but chicken pocks twice,spread like wildfire throughout our school as did measels.,never had a shut down either.Old age brought on shingles,now I see they have a vaccine for shingles if one is over 50yo,more shete to pump in to our bodies.might as well invest in a hazmad suit.
   :scratch:  Danger, danger............................Will Robinson!! :whistling:           ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: KEN W on August 08/05/21, 06:28:10 AM
Shingles can be really bad. My mother and brother had it. They came right out and said get vaccinated. Why take a good chance of getting it when you don't have to?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/05/21, 06:30:36 AM
Gettin' a tad revved-up in certain areas... :rolleyes:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on August 08/05/21, 06:56:26 AM
A friend of mine had shingles and it was painful as heck.  I got the shot as soon as I could get it. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/05/21, 07:03:04 AM
A buddy of mine had shingles on the bottom of his feet a few years back. He was in his late 30s at the time. Never missed a day of work either. Hobbled around on the side of his feet.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/05/21, 07:03:20 AM
Had both of my shingle shots. (Two, 6 months apart) Don't want shingles!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/05/21, 07:43:27 AM
Had both of my shingle shots. (Two, 6 months apart) Don't want shingles!
Got mine too after Sis had it.  :scratch: Mine were only 2 months apart & got the last 1 in February.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/05/21, 07:46:25 AM
Had both of my shingle shots. (Two, 6 months apart) Don't want shingles!
Got mine too after Sis had it.  :scratch: Mine were only 2 months apart & got the last 1 in February.

That's 'cuz I forgot about #2, and just slid in under the wire.  :laugh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/05/21, 08:21:28 AM
Now they're hooting about our local fairs spreading COVID...first it was OK, (even the State Fair), now it's not for the counties......... :banghead:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on August 08/05/21, 08:30:14 AM
 Crow Wing county Fair going on this weekend in Brainerd.  Come on by and spread the fun!  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on August 08/05/21, 08:41:05 AM
Shingles,very painful,I had the blister's running down my left leg,thought I had poisen oak or sumac at 1st,took special care of my neither region with duct tape to my right inner thigh as I thought it would help from spreading like posin ivy etc...note to self,see a doctor,stop self medicating yourself....

finally I became over whelmed in pain,visit to the ER saved the day,doc knew right away"shingles",gave me a shot and a pocket full of pills and was good to go the following day and never looked back,today folks tell me they've had shingles more than once,considering the vaccine,kinda.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/05/21, 08:42:31 AM
Crow Wing county Fair going on this weekend in Brainerd.  Come on by and spread the fun!  :happy1:

I'd like to hit BIR again during the 18-22nd to see the NHRA Nationals....... :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/05/21, 10:17:00 AM
Sorry to hear about your Mom Reb. I've been on the fence over the shot since the beginning.  We as a family had rona back in April ( which was a bad head cold basically) , but nonetheless had to stay home for 10 days. My issue is getting forced to get the shot, ya I've been getting the flu shot for years, but was never pressured to get it, it did help tho. As far as masks so be it, around work or out in small towns in greater MN, nobody follows it anyway, from what I see..
As far as having the rona and the vaccine. You already have the antibodies after having the rona. If you are skeptical on the vaccine you don't need it. The Clevend clinic did a study on it showing that the antibodies are still present. Even a year later.

Not sure why, but the experts recommend one dose even if you had it.   Two for the rest. 

Can't understand the reluctance, personally.   I'm a big vaccine fan, having grown up before everything but smallpox vaccine.    Was glad my kids didn't have to get all that carp I did, Mumps, Measles, etc.   Recently I got Shingrix and Hep A and Hep B shots.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on August 08/05/21, 10:49:53 AM
Crow Wing county Fair going on this weekend in Brainerd.  Come on by and spread the fun!  :happy1:

I'd like to hit BIR again during the 18-22nd to see the NHRA Nationals....... :happy1:

I've done that, In-laws drag race.  And if it's not 90 degrees out it can be fun.  If it is, your like a hot dog at the gas station on those metal bleachers!   :doah: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/05/21, 10:58:00 AM
Plus the 135* track temps, trying to pedal the break frees, and not leaning out that nitro for a blower blow-up to finish that 1/4 mile are always fun, too.  More than one way to broil yer weenie.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/05/21, 11:05:14 AM
Sorry to hear about your Mom Reb. I've been on the fence over the shot since the beginning.  We as a family had rona back in April ( which was a bad head cold basically) , but nonetheless had to stay home for 10 days. My issue is getting forced to get the shot, ya I've been getting the flu shot for years, but was never pressured to get it, it did help tho. As far as masks so be it, around work or out in small towns in greater MN, nobody follows it anyway, from what I see..
As far as having the rona and the vaccine. You already have the antibodies after having the rona. If you are skeptical on the vaccine you don't need it. The Clevend clinic did a study on it showing that the antibodies are still present. Even a year later.

Not sure why, but the experts recommend one dose even if you had it.   Two for the rest. 

Can't understand the reluctance, personally.   I'm a big vaccine fan, having grown up before everything but smallpox vaccine.    Was glad my kids didn't have to get all that carp I did, Mumps, Measles, etc.   Recently I got Shingrix and Hep A and Hep B shots.   
You are a fan of vaccines. I am not. That is my reluctance. Especially an experimental vaccine. My body, my choice.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on August 08/05/21, 11:09:13 AM
Quote;Not sure why, but the experts recommend one dose even if you had it.   Two for the rest.

Can't understand the reluctance, personally.   I'm a big vaccine fan, having grown up before everything but smallpox vaccine.    Was glad my kids didn't have to get all that carp I did, Mumps, Measles, etc.   Recently I got Shingrix and Hep A and Hep B shots.   

Del,my take, things / illnesses are alot different from our old days not to mention our vaccines were proven way back,today our so called experts are so wishy washy about these unapproved vaccines,wearing masks etc,the way our gov't is pushing everyone to get the jab...folks like me are very skeptical,this push on us sheep all while 100's of 1000's are invading our country unchecked/sick not jabbed,we really don't know the long term effects on these current vaccines or if they really work as reported many folks compliant have gotten the virus...in the mean time our current administration is shipping these un vaccinated folks all over our country....the media won't talk about why we have an uptick today with this variant "delta" which originated in brazil or so some say.

Hat's off to governor Santis(florida) for head butting biden last night,pretty much put biden on the bench regarding his state mandates
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/05/21, 11:14:23 AM
From Mother Mayo, (as we always called it) on the masks:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/05/21, 08:31:16 PM
I knew it! Masks now mandated inside ALL buildings, AND outside! Also including restaurants in CAWchester. I guess now I've had enough. I followed all the rules, got my COVID shot, did the quarantine, etc. Time to say kiss my  :moon:.
Try to force me  or toss me out. It's gonna go down real fast. I've had enough of people telling me what to do and when and where to $hit in this town, and who I have to like and cowtow to. Now the tables just turned. Enough of this self-appointed governmental  garbage!
Sorry about the rant, but this totalitarian town has just pushed everything too damned far for me.
That's it on this one for me.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/06/21, 06:54:15 AM
Isn't that the truth Rebs. The Feds are doing the same $hit too. making up laws that are illegal. Now they have the CDC making laws that is completely illegal right are the SCOTUS just told them they couldn't do it.  :crazy: Just a bunch of  :bs:. Where is the incentive to even bother getting the shot if you still have no freedoms. I am with you. Go ahead and try and force me to wear a mask. The only place I concede is at work. Here my paycheck is incentive to wear a mask. All aboard. This crazy train is going off the rails!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on August 08/06/21, 07:10:01 AM
Agreed Reb,total B.S.....news this morning,southern border released 1200 illegals they knew were infected in texas towns yesterday alone,but let's jack "we the people around" force them to obey.

So how does this work (mask enforcement) establishment's forced to make folks comply or face severe cash penalties? does the city send out spotters to check compliance?

Last summer during our shut down,my local sports bar had Karens making a scene because resturant tables were to close together during 50% occupancy,one Karen even reported this to state officals who came in to survey the complaint JHC... some folks should just stay home with they're masks on.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/06/21, 07:20:17 AM
(https://tinypix.top/images/2021/08/06/vF74V.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/vF74V)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on August 08/06/21, 08:31:55 AM
More news,local  news said folks that got the moderna jab will need a booster come september.... good grief.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/06/21, 08:40:59 AM
I thought I heard the opposite of that..  who knows....   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/06/21, 09:10:15 AM
Just seen that yesterday too about the Moderna.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on August 08/06/21, 09:52:08 AM
I thought I heard the opposite of that..  who knows....

Yeah,typical wishy washy,just like the mask yay or nay and if yay how many masks needed to be effective? :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/06/21, 09:53:12 AM
 :scratch: BUT.................but.................. we can't get a booster until ALL the poor 3rd world countries get a chance at their 1st poke, can we? :crazy: :tut: :doah: The next battle on the horizon according to the WHO!!  :doofus:  :mooning:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/06/21, 09:54:29 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on August 08/06/21, 10:43:32 AM
I get a charge out of the mask debate concerning cloth & surgical masks. Their most recent excuse about requiring them is they're better than doing nothing. Wrapping @$$wipe with brown shoe polish on it around your face would better than nothing too! Betting people would be more apt to stay the he'll away from you. Fum ducks!

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/06/21, 10:50:31 AM
I may haveta ask the new neighbor lady for an item........ :censored:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/06/21, 11:23:53 AM

this is interesting..... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/06/21, 11:37:32 AM
Interesting!!! Good find! Thanks Mikey! I already take it..... :smiley:

NOTE: It is a prescription Tier 2 formulary drug; just an FYI.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on August 08/06/21, 04:17:14 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/06/21, 07:07:13 PM
2nd that!!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on August 08/07/21, 10:29:17 AM
What small grocery stores were ever shut down? Just asking because I didn't see any or hardware stores either.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on August 08/07/21, 10:44:21 AM
Try clothing stores, shoe stores, hair salons, barber shops, fitness centers, flower shops, & restaurants that couldn't do take out for starters. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on August 08/07/21, 10:50:27 AM
Sad fact but if ypu shut down Walmart and Costco the infrastructure isn't there to feed America. Kind of like saying I like family farms so let's shut down all corporate farming, it just ain't happening.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on August 08/07/21, 11:00:45 AM
Ah, that may be but my guess is much of small town America would be just fine without them. We were before they showed up. Hey, I know, let's do like the goofy Mich governor tried to do, limit what can be bought to only "essentials" from those places, just as was the case on main street small town USA. Share the misery equally. Fair is fair, no?  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/07/21, 11:03:19 AM
We lost a crapload of restaurants here, for good. And a big bar/restaurant that's been here for over 40 yrs...Dooley's. Tory, the owner, said it was all due to the COVID shut-down and idiocy in this town. (his words) Lost some other bars, too. Lost a couple clothing stores, too. Ace Hardware closed. A tailor shop closed.
Lost a great bakery on Broadway, and one over NW. We actually don't have any real bakery anymore...in a town of 125,000. Lost at least one gas station, too. Yet the big box stores were OK to remain open; a lot of these small ones weren't allowed to. I no longer shop at Walmart anymore, and sure don't miss it. The little guys have what I want, and better.

Some of the losses:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on August 08/07/21, 11:07:01 AM
It is the consumer that collectively demanded cheap prices. This is what led to main street's demise
 Hard to put the toothpaste back in the tube now. Walmart alone has 26 percent of the retail grocery market nationwide. Along with a handful of other biggies they are vital for our food chain whether we like it or not.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on August 08/07/21, 11:23:39 AM
Ya I've heard this argument before, too big to fail and that it's the consumer that demanded it. Fine. If that's the case, all small towns should be boarded up and buffalo be roaming the land by now. Not until they could be registered to vote however... :rotflmao: Ah, but not the case. Wagner's still does a thriving business here. The meat markets are doing well also. Increasingly there's a movement afoot where people want to be able to identify where their food is coming from and how it was raised. That's part of what Neighbor's Meats is all about. Once they get their USDA inspection in place, they'll be able to capitalize on that market and probably sell a lot of things for less than Walmart does and offer more of a variety than they do in what they are offering. Can one get a locally raised lamb produced to specs a few miles out of town processed at Walmart or Costco? Betting not.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on August 08/07/21, 11:43:12 AM
Hey, I ran my own small business full time for 35 years so I'm with ya Dotch. The examples you state, however, are the exceptions that prove the rule.I don't have to like it to realize what the facts are.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on August 08/07/21, 11:53:43 AM
And I am about as anti-corporate as anti-corporate can get. I tried getting along with the likes of Cenex, Monsatan, DuPont & others over the years but morally I couldn't do it. Probably could've been a very rich man if I had. Wouldn't have been able to sleep at night either. Be brainwashed into telling people lies in order to make sales? Not me. While they squash people like bugs daily in the name of corporate greed, that doesn't mean I have to approve of it. Nor does it mean I won't fight them tooth and nail every chance I get when they behave as they do. End of rant.     
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on August 08/07/21, 12:03:50 PM
And I am about as anti-corporate as anti-corporate can get. I tried getting along with the likes of Cenex, Monsatan, DuPont & others over the years but morally I couldn't do it. Probably could've been a very rich man if I had. Wouldn't have been able to sleep at night either. Be brainwashed into telling people lies in order to make sales? Not me. While they squash people like bugs daily in the name of corporate greed, that doesn't mean I have to approve of it. Nor does it mean I won't fight them tooth and nail every chance I get when behave as they do. End of rant.     
I hear ya but I also know of many small businesses that cannot claim the moral high ground. This includes any small business I can think of from farming to cabininetmaking to retail. Greed and unscrupulous behavior are not exclusive to any size endeavor.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/08/21, 05:33:52 PM
Holy carp the paranoia....   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on August 08/09/21, 10:53:52 AM
I'm with ya Reb,never set foot in our local walmart way before the china syndrom,I'm told our local wally world is like being in a 3rd world flea market(white bear lake) from local skuttle butt.

in my small town today we have so much residential building going on,it's scary.our festival grocery store can barely handle the weekly crowds,lines at check out several people deep 7 days a week,same with our kowalskis grocery store in white bear lake.

Talked with our city (Hugo) manager about our current residential building going on,city took 50 acres eminate domain local farm this spring to build 8 40 room apts(low income ,this after 630 houses,last summer just in one location,anther 330 town homes across the lake from my house,again farmers land,eminate domain,city planner said "people need to stop having so many children",sadly it will never happen,but putting a cap on children for each family might work,as austrailia and china both have this in place.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/09/21, 06:05:03 PM
How's the walmart on County road E?    Last time I was there it didn't seem bad. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/09/21, 06:37:35 PM
If I need it I go get it, doesn't matter if it's a big chain or not. Nothing really has taking a hit in this area that I know of, I don't eat out much so could care less of the eateries,  find something else to do if it's slow. Now if Kingsford goes otta business I'll be screwed...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/09/21, 07:06:58 PM
Just read one of the cruise lines (Carnival?) and one airline says you must now present proof of yer vaccine or you don't get on board. I thought that was declared illegal and unconstitutional? So who's making up these laws, and whose gonna enforce 'em?  Interesting that Mayo didn't hand out the vac card when I got mine; said they had run out months ago. If ya want proof, you have to go to yer online record and print a copy of yer vaccines...:confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/09/21, 08:32:44 PM
Seems to me if a company  wants you to show  you are vaccinated that is up to them.     Mayo never handed out the vaccine cards, so far as I know.   Wife didn't get one either and she was pretty soon after they got started.   VA gave me one.   

WTF is the matter with people that they don't want to get vaccinated?   Who is afraid of Bill Gates.  :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/10/21, 07:01:47 AM
Seems to me if a company  wants you to show  you are vaccinated that is up to them.     Mayo never handed out the vaccine cards, so far as I know.   Wife didn't get one either and she was pretty soon after they got started.   VA gave me one.   

WTF is the matter with people that they don't want to get vaccinated?   Who is afraid of Bill Gates.  :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
I could say the same about people that want to take an experimental vaccine that was rushed out. It is called personal choice. You want to be a ginny pig, have at it. Your choice.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on August 08/10/21, 07:20:39 AM
Agreed JB,if getting the jab was/is such a high prioity,why not jabbing the 100's of 1000's of illegals invading our country then disperssed throughout our nation,such great news eh?

Yesterday canada opened it's borders only to folks vaccinated and had a nasal check within the last 72 hours....7 hour wait,yet we can't protect our southern border, from these 3rd world invaders,sad deal.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/10/21, 08:14:47 AM
Seems to me if a company  wants you to show  you are vaccinated that is up to them.     Mayo never handed out the vaccine cards, so far as I know.   Wife didn't get one either and she was pretty soon after they got started.   VA gave me one.   

WTF is the matter with people that they don't want to get vaccinated?   Who is afraid of Bill Gates.  :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
I could say the same about people that want to take an experimental vaccine that was rushed out. It is called personal choice. You want to be a ginny pig, have at it. Your choice.

I got mine as soon as I could.    Drove to VA in Minneapolis twice to do so.    The vaccine is not experimental.   It got an expedited emergency authorization because the FDA full authorization process takes several years normally.   You will get either infected or vaccinated unless you are extremely lucky and careful.   If you are vaccinated and are unlucky and get infected you don't get very sick if you get sick at all.   

There is an incredible amount of BS floating around for some reason.  Not sure why people believe stuff from some random dude on the net.   And illegals have nothing to do with it.   Yeah they ought to stop them but they aren't.    If you are worrying about them spreading covid, even more reason to get vaccinated.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/10/21, 08:57:02 AM
Well, an mRNA-based vaccine is experimental, and everyone who takes the shot is part of the experiment.  Yeah, putting it this way sounds like hyperbole, but it is true.  No one understands the long-term affects of spike protein molecules in our bodies.  I reckon - like all things - we will find out over time that it affects some people more than others. 

I do find it odd that we are 18 months into the pandemic and we don't have a "conventional" flu vaccine to combat Covid-19.  Drug companies used to crank out a new flu formula every year.  Yeah, I know this process has 6 months lead time, but hello...

The Novavax "traditionally produced" flu vaccine is coming, but they are currently having problems with production quality certification from the FDA. 

I really am surprised at how many folks have not gotten vaccinated.  I bet, however, that that number would increase dramatically if drug companies / the gub'ment offered a traditional fly vaccine alternative that HAS been proven to be safe over time as opposed to the mNRA technology - that although promising - is only now being tested.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/10/21, 08:58:10 AM
Lockdown again headed to the wunnerful Med city, I was just told they're looking at... :doah: :censored:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on August 08/10/21, 08:58:25 AM
One would think if this pandemic was/is such a national health issue the CDC  would've demanded this biden administration to seal our southern border 6 months ago,but oh noooo let's allow 100's of 1000's of 3rd world invaders unchecked or jab'd in and shipped all over our country and now another spike,gee really?.mind boggeling,with the dems controlling the hill slim chance we'll see biden impeached...unless we have convention of states then a clean sweep if I understand this correctly,biden,karris,pelosi,schumer,out.hopefully waters as well.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/10/21, 03:08:07 PM
Sad.........what a waste.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/10/21, 06:32:58 PM
Man being away for a week and not listening to this crap. Except for the radio on from cabin to this lake then the next one or to catch the weather on the radio. No TV for a week was awesome. :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/11/21, 05:20:10 PM
Man being away for a week and not listening to this crap. Except for the radio on from cabin to this lake then the next one or to catch the weather on the radio. No TV for a week was awesome. :happy1:

Here; I'll fix that for ya.  ;)

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/11/21, 05:27:44 PM
Man being away for a week and not listening to this crap. Except for the radio on from cabin to this lake then the next one or to catch the weather on the radio. No TV for a week was awesome. :happy1:

Here; I'll fix that for ya.  ;)

ain't gonna look. :mooning: :rotflmao:. Just read in paper, this area, Stearns,Benton and sherburne counties have the highest infection rate with the delta airlines variant.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/11/21, 05:36:47 PM
Local 5:00 PM news said we're at 45 cases per 100,000. That's purty high.....
But, watcha gonna do?  :confused:

Look at 2nd purple map....

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/11/21, 09:13:23 PM
Astra Zeneca from UK is a more conventional vaccine, as is J and J. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on August 08/12/21, 09:36:51 AM
this morning,news had"Reba McEntire" on front-n-center both her and boy toy were jabbed both have the virus now...makes one wonder,does our gov't have a clue at all? the cdc is silent about closing our southern border all while the feds are drop shipping these infected folks all over our country...hell we citizens can't even go vacation in canada these days w/o a vac certificate and a fresh nose swab,think mike said a 7 hour wait to enter canada check points but just walk in to the ole U.S.of A. is this the remake of mail in ballots again?for 2022 mid term?,lot's of question's
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/12/21, 09:45:50 AM
Heck the dumbs want to give them all citizenship in the next bill. They basically want 10 million new voters. They could care less how much covid the bring in. All they see in a new voter role for the dumbs.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/12/21, 09:54:57 AM
Heck the dumbs want to give them all citizenship in the next bill. They basically want 10 million new voters. They could care less how much covid the bring in. All they see in a new voter role for the dumbs.
And if they succeed in this plan and maintain their majority in the house and senate in the midterm elections, then they will feel empowered to pack the Supreme court with 3 or 5 new justices.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/12/21, 11:11:39 AM
First off, I'm 10000% in agreement regarding the south border, BUT I don't know how you guys think the mail in/ absentee ballot is something new??? :confused:

That's been around for a long time.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on August 08/12/21, 11:17:31 AM
First off, I'm 10000% in agreement regarding the south border, BUT I don't know how you guys think the mail in/ absentee ballot is something new??? :confused:

That's been around for a long time.

glenn big difference between absentee and mail in votes,thought you knew this as a old demo,absentee like our military folks etc have citizenship proof.mail in ballots is a crap shoot,no voter I.D...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/12/21, 11:36:17 AM
Exactly. That is the problem with the mass mail out of ballots.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/12/21, 12:17:38 PM
I dunno, I haven't missed voting in ANY election since I was old enough to vote and never got one???

I have never voted absentee, but don't you mail them to?? Don't they need to be a registered voter to receive a mailed ballot??
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/12/21, 01:34:08 PM
With absentee your have to go and request the ballot yourself. Then you get the ballot and mail it in. When they do the mass mail out like the did last year anybody can get the ballot. People move, people die and someone else gets the ballot. Just makes it easier for people to cheat. Up here in LOTW county they mail out the ballots to us and we mail them back. In a smaller community it is easier to police. But I wish they would actually stop myself. No reason people can't go into the court house to vote. I really wish they would require voter ID. They want to have a vaccine passport, but not voter ID.  :crazy: Makes no sense to me other than voter ID would make it harder for them to cheat.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/12/21, 02:23:39 PM
Never went to the courthouse for mine, brother did though & got 1 sent up here for me.  :scratch: We could've mailed them in too but we were headed back home anyway so we took them to the courthouse ourselves. We're both registered voters in our precinct & have been for close to 50 years.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on August 08/12/21, 02:32:42 PM
First off, I'm 10000% in agreement regarding the south border, BUT I don't know how you guys think the mail in/ absentee ballot is something new??? :confused:

That's been around for a long time.

Dear senor. 
Please cast my mail in ballot for Mr. Joe Biden 2024, gracias.   :bonk: :bonk:  :rotflmao:

 Sra. Otilia Ramos Perez               
   Urión 30                               
   Col. Atlatilco                         
   02860 MEXICO, D.F.                   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/12/21, 09:24:40 PM
"No, they cannot do that".....The courts.    Ya, right.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on August 08/13/21, 07:10:34 AM
"No, they cannot do that".....The courts.    Ya, right.


JHC....  keep this B.S. in cali....good grief,tyrant Timmy might get idea's.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/13/21, 07:36:02 AM
And I thought NY was the first city to do this  :bs:.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/14/21, 07:18:10 AM
A schmuck!  :rotflmao:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/17/21, 08:29:58 AM
 :confused: :crazy: seen on the news last night now they are recommending a 3rd vaccine 8 months after you got your last one. JB, your still good!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

that for the pfizer and moderna shots, nothing yet on the J & J shot.

there was some garbly goop about at first a 3rd shot for people with immune issues which represented only 2.7% of the population, then they said.....breaking news.............there recommending the 3rd shot 8 months after.   :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:

yesterday i think it was i read Eupoe is to the point where they realize its there to stay and are gearing up to deal with it!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/17/21, 08:46:15 AM
Everyone mask up everywhere for the rest of yer life. Get yer 3 & 4 sooper dooper booster shots and get paid in pull-tabs, beer, or food baskets.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/17/21, 08:50:07 AM
Thanks Glenn. Yep, I am still good.  :happy1:  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: More mask mandates are  :crazy:!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/17/21, 12:26:49 PM
Why do we (society/government) continue to over complicate this.   :confused:

If you want to protect yourself with a vaccine, take the shot.

If you want to protect yourself with a mask, where the mask.

At this point, I can't figure out why there is any talk of mandates anywhere for any reason.

From this point forward, everything SHOULD be a personal decision.  :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/17/21, 12:44:06 PM
Why do we (society/government) continue to over complicate this.   :confused:

If you want to protect yourself with a vaccine, take the shot.

If you want to protect yourself with a mask, where the mask.

At this point, I can't figure out why there is any talk of mandates anywhere for any reason.

From this point forward, everything SHOULD be a personal decision.  :angry2:
Unfortunately I can only like this once. Agreed a million %!!!!!! That is what I have been saying.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/17/21, 01:44:46 PM
Why do we (society/government) continue to over complicate this.   :confused:

If you want to protect yourself with a vaccine, take the shot.

If you want to protect yourself with a mask, where the mask.

At this point, I can't figure out why there is any talk of mandates anywhere for any reason.

From this point forward, everything SHOULD be a personal decision.  :angry2:
Unfortunately I can only like this once. Agreed a million %!!!!!! That is what I have been saying.
X 2
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/17/21, 03:30:32 PM
Why do we (society/government) continue to over complicate this.   :confused:

If you want to protect yourself with a vaccine, take the shot.

If you want to protect yourself with a mask, where the mask.

At this point, I can't figure out why there is any talk of mandates anywhere for any reason.

From this point forward, everything SHOULD be a personal decision.  :angry2:
:confused: :pouty: :tut: i dont get it Steve-o...........you coming around here and making sense of this!!!!!!!!! :doah: :scratch: what the hello is the matter with you!!!!! :evil: :evil: :sleazy: :nerd: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/18/21, 07:05:40 AM
 :scratch: What about the kids who will be going to school & can't get the vaccine yet? Even after they can will they be allowed to chose for themselves? I doubt most will make that decision for themselves & they probably shouldn't either IMO.  :crazy: :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/18/21, 08:13:46 AM
:scratch: What about the kids who will be going to school & can't get the vaccine yet? Even after they can will they be allowed to chose for themselves? I doubt most will make that decision for themselves & they probably shouldn't either IMO.  :crazy: :confused:

It's been taken out of their hands (heads?) here. School board just passed decision that ALL kids have to wear masks for the upcoming school year. Mayor just passed another "emergency order" that everyone in the city must be masked up everywhere, except outside. We're back to square #1.
Hope mayor doesn't do an other "emergency order", but I bet it'll be the restaurants again.
Some big time lawyer in the city said last nite on the news he's not sure what the Mayor did is legal... it has to be a state guideline....  :doah:  :censored:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/18/21, 08:22:39 AM
well i sure hope someone goes after these clowns that like to push these orders.........even the states........ like Steve-o said at this point it should be a personnal choice.........
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/18/21, 08:24:23 AM
Sure seems that not much is in this town.  They tend to do whatever they want. I thought an "Emergency Order" was for in time of dire emergencies. Maybe they don't understand that, 'cuz they sure are tossing EO's around a lot. :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/18/21, 11:32:23 AM
Let's all go to the fair....go to the fair..... :cheerleader: :happybounce:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/18/21, 02:43:01 PM
I think they should just start charging admission to this dog and pony show of a town...  :banghead:


It's an order, yet a bit ago at the store, about 1/3 of people weren't wearing a mask, even though signs were in place mask required. At this point, I gotta agree with everyone else...leave it up TO THE INDIVIDUAL.  I'm sayin to heck with the entire  :censored: thing. This is insane. We'll see what happens when I don't wear one.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/18/21, 08:05:13 PM
Let's all go to the fair....go to the fair..... :cheerleader: :happybounce:


I probably wouldn't have gone to the state fair this year - covid or not. 

And can you predict what the mainstream media stories and government response will be if covid cases go up afterwards?

And what will they say if they don't?   :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/18/21, 08:34:58 PM
I seriously thought of going till they interviewed some gal on the news. She isn't going either, figuring since no fair last year everyone and there brother will be going this year. We usually go to maple Grove then take the bus in but die to driver shortages they dumped a whole crap load of those runs

Next year. :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/18/21, 08:39:32 PM
Let's all go to the fair....go to the fair..... :cheerleader: :happybounce:


I probably wouldn't have gone to the state fair this year - covid or not. 

And can you predict what the mainstream media stories and government response will be if covid cases go up afterwards?

And what will they say if they don't?   :scratch:

There will be an in-depth transmission number scenario directly compared to Sturgis , with adjustments for the tremendously larger crowd this year, since there wasn't one last year, and a projection of how long and where it will be before that percentage of us die from attending the fair and creating a huge Delta variant increase opportunity vs what would have happend if we all had worn masks and played patty-cake after washing our hands.  Followed by a Breaking News special that the Taliban accidentally blew up Afghanistan.

And if there isn't? An in-depth special on the mating habits of The Housewives of Beverly Hills.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/18/21, 08:42:08 PM
 :rotflmao: now that's a mouthful. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/18/21, 08:43:50 PM
That's what sh.......er, never mind.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/18/21, 08:55:47 PM
That's what sh.......er, never mind.  :rotflmao:
:angry2: :confused: :cheerleader: :banghead: :taz: there's that seks thing again. :pouty: :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/19/21, 07:30:43 AM
Say what??! Not me! No! Where is yer mind at?  :confused:

Anywho...the mask thing. On local news, businesses here in Dorktown not following Mayor's emergency mask order, and they all stood togeteher on it and refused to be interviewed. Guess everyones isn't starry-eyed in the "#1 city".  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/19/21, 07:33:21 AM
Say what??! Not me! No! Where is yer mind at?  :confused:

Anywho...the mask thing. On local news, businesses here in Dorktown not following Mayor's emergency mask order, and they all stood togeteher on it and refused to be interviewed. Guess everyones isn't starry-eyed in the "#1 city".  :happy1:
That's what needs to happen. Groups need to stand up to these idiots taken away our civil liberties. At this point it is about nothing but control.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on August 08/19/21, 07:36:56 AM
Don't you think some are truly trying to slow down the virus's? 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/19/21, 07:37:48 AM
 :happy1:  I am now totally on board with you, Barry. Wasn't before, totally believed in mask thing since Mom died, but I haveta stand up for what I feel is right.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/19/21, 07:46:15 AM
Don't you think some are truly trying to slow down the virus's?

Yup, I do Barry. And nothing wrong with that. The reasons I've flipped and what I don't understand:

1. The vaccine is supposed to keep you safe. (pretty much, anyway)
2. Everyone should have been vaccinated, yet some won't.
    Has to be the same for mask wearing.Personal choice. How far can you legally push this?
3. Here in Olmsted county, home of Mayo, strictest guidelines around, and just about EVERYONE
has gotten a shot. Now, they say we are at the highest danger level of cases we've ever been at 125 per day and rising. So, to me, the masking isn't working. Nothing is. I never really thought it would....best explained by this...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/19/21, 08:28:07 AM
WELL......for the love of...............that fence wont stop skeeters................ :confused: :shocked: :shocked: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

i agree..........they basiclly shut the world down for a good year.....and its still around. its like any other virus..........your never going to eradicate it.......just going to deal with it as best as possible...........
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/19/21, 08:29:25 AM
Don't you think some are truly trying to slow down the virus's?
Rebs really said it good. At the beginning I believed they were really trying to slow down the virus. But as science began to show what they were doing wasn't\isn't working it just became political and all about control of us peasants. When the mask mandates were everywhere the cases were the highest last winter and now they are trying to do it again. The proof is in the pudding. This $hit is here to stay just like the flu is. Going to constantly keep changing. Are we going to wear masks forever. Sure if you choose to, that is personal choice. And that is what it should be. Not gubmint mandated.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/19/21, 08:41:51 AM
And we can't ignore BIG PHARMA and the fact that the CDC and Federal Government went "all in" with them with BIG MONEY.

And because politicians CANNOT admit they are wrong, they are doubling-down.

They won't be happy until they can coerce or mandate everyone to get $$$ vaccines (we each don't pay for our shots, but they ain't free) and boosters till... till... till...  God knows when.  When "we are all safe?!?"   :confused:

YES, YES, YES!  Vaccines do protect people who are vulnerable to covid.

But we keep forgetting the plain fact that 99.99% percent of people under the age of 50 - with no other compromising health conditions -  are NOT vulnerable to covid any more than they would be to the "regular" seasonal flu.   :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/19/21, 11:28:33 AM
Noticed this AM at ALDI, everyone had a mask on. Then when picking up my prescrip at Wally world (only thing I go there for now) hardly anyone had a mask on, except the employees.....and half of those did NOT have it up over their nose......duh..... :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/19/21, 11:36:58 AM
when i was in st cloud yesterday, i noticed the same thing. i stopped at northern tool and menards. northern tool is right next to Aldi's, most everyone that went in there wore a mask. not so much in northern tool. dont think anyone wore one there.

menards, a few had them on, so did most the employees, BUT.........the way they where wearing them wouldnt of stopped  anything!!!!!! :doofus: :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/19/21, 12:10:50 PM
at Aldi's this morning, very few masks, same as yesterday at Costco very few... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/19/21, 04:42:19 PM
City council voted down Mayor's emergency mask mandate for the city....welcome to the dog and pony show!
Free admission! Popnuts and peacorn! Come one, come all!   :party1:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/20/21, 07:08:53 AM
 :happy1: :popcorn:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/20/21, 08:54:37 AM
well i see where things just might start turning around...........the past couple days i've seen articles on MSN, not saying the are true, BUT.....there is hope.

one said Biden is not going to pursue additional $300.00 extra unemployment benefits and the other he isnt looking to extend other benefits.....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on August 08/20/21, 09:34:48 AM
Came across this regarding vaccine cards....I must say I approve....

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/20/21, 09:36:35 AM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/20/21, 09:40:38 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: good one!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/20/21, 09:49:40 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/20/21, 09:53:41 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on August 08/20/21, 11:22:47 AM
Okay,here we go,possible side effects from moderna vaccine...."cases of "Myocaditis" showing up nation wide....you ppl that were jabbed with this vaccine take notice of symptoms....worth googling.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/20/21, 11:38:35 AM
Saw that early this Summer. Pretty soon they'll discover people are growing three ears....although three boobies would be better.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/21/21, 07:15:27 AM
Okay,here we go,possible side effects from moderna vaccine...."cases of "Myocaditis" showing up nation wide....you ppl that were jabbed with this vaccine take notice of symptoms....worth googling.
:scratch: This? https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/myocarditis.html
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/21/21, 08:01:54 AM
yea i've seen, read and heard about these side effects of the vacine. the fact of the matter is there isnt a medication, vaccine or whatever that doesnt have some possible side effect. even across the counter stuff. pay attention to the advertizments on TV, read the labels on the bottles or the 2-3 page document they give you when you get your meds...............

hell even the creams like vaseline, vicks, cortozine stuff, baby powders could have side affects...........
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/21/21, 08:25:11 AM
Maybe they need a vaccine for all side effects!!  :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/21/21, 10:45:09 AM
Holy crap...you gotta be kiddin' me!!!!  Where does this stuff come from?!  :doah:
  Heartworm pills?!!  I gave my pooch these once a month...

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/21/21, 10:48:08 AM
 :scratch: Gotta consider the source :rolleyes: on that 1. :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/21/21, 11:19:25 AM
:scratch: Gotta consider the source :rolleyes: on that 1. :crazy:

Ya, probably.  :reporter;
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on August 08/21/21, 04:41:09 PM
Ya, I give myself the injectable ivermectin. I can control the doseage more easily plus it burns, so I hop around and stamp my foot afterwards! Combined with my anti-malaria quinine water regimen doubling as an anti-'rona agent, guessing I should live to be about 110, 115 tops.  :happy1:

Just got off the phone a bit ago with the COVID situation down the road. Debbie Downer. Didn't get his shot. Neither did his brother now they regret it. They've got a lot of stuff staring them in the face for fall coming up fast now the weather has pushed the crop along as fast as it has. Had pneumonia so he's on oxygen and can't do much of anything without getting gassed. Has no hobbies like most farmers. I'll help as much as I can but I've got a business to run in addition to picking up the slack from a wife who works 6 - 7 days a week. Next week she's off to the State Fair until Labor Day. More on my plate. What's this retirement chit everyone keeps talking about?  :scratch:

There are several more facets to the situation down the road however. Numerous people in direct contact with them who were vaccinated are also sick. Not to the same degree perhaps, but sick nonetheless and unable to function normally. Many people were convinced as was the guy in the clip below that it would give us immunity. It was being promoted as such.


Down the road, 4 out of the 11 infected were vaccinated. 4 of those infected were kids so 4 of the 7 adults were vaccinated. It appears there are far more cases where the vaccines are not providing overall protection than what is being reported. Not hearing that message coming through anywhere.  It also appears it's doing little to stop the spread. Surgical masks? Face diapers at best. Get outside & get some exercise in the fresh air. Sunshine kills the virus on surfaces and in the air. Don't hear that message from any of these clowns. Where are the states getting clobbered? Primarily down south where it's hot and everyone stays inside, sorta like what we do in the winter. Well, duh!  :doah: 

Am I feeling good about myself being vaccinated? Absolutely not. I was exposed to literally hundreds of people this past week while travelling in 5 different states. We did a bunch of our program in virtual mode but we did a lot of it person to person as well. Good luck trying to contact trace any of those people. The best I can hope for is I wasn't exposed. If I do get sick, hopefully it shortens the duration.   

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/21/21, 05:56:07 PM
While I was at the food-o-mart and getting my score of bacon and Glenn pizzas this morning, watched a women with 2 kids in front of me. She used about 4 of those wipes they have by the door to sanitize her cart, and wipe her kiddies hands too. No masks on the three....she's grabbing things, reading labels, putting them back on shelves, pawing thru the fruit......I thought, WTH good does any of it do? All ya have to do is touch those same items, then her kids, then the kids run down the aisle tagging everything...doesn't make sense to me.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/22/21, 07:51:00 AM
here ya are Reb!!

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/22/21, 08:47:23 AM
That's about it!  Or like this.... :doah:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/22/21, 08:49:44 AM
 :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/22/21, 08:50:38 AM
That's about it!  Or like this.... :doah:

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: that one was in the funny section of the paper the other day, man i giggled. reminded me of this group here!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

my favorite comic strip is red and rover. the exploits of a red headed kid and his pooch!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/22/21, 08:55:02 AM
That's a good old strip! Miss the real newspapers with the sunday funnies...
You ever read Calvin and Hobbs, the kid and his stuffed tiger that he pretends is real?


Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/22/21, 08:57:31 AM
i used to read that one when i was working at the union hall..........on my lunch break! :tut: :tut: was in the trib, they dont do that strip in the st cloud times!!!!!!1 :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/22/21, 08:58:03 AM
"Reminds you of this group here"....must be why I thought if they changed this to Gin it reminded me of someone else on here... :whistling: :evil:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/22/21, 08:59:36 AM
"Reminds you of this group here"....must be why I thought if they changed this to Gin it reminded me of someone else on here... :whistling: :evil:

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on August 08/23/21, 07:55:36 AM
Whilst fishing saturday this conversation came up...."jab" or no "jab"...

Got me thinking as our gov't is intensifying folks taking the job,with threats of job loss,travel etc.

my thoughts;

Here are some red flags and the reasons I’m not getting it. Bill Gates predicts there will be a pandemic in the next ten years. Really?!! How on Gods green earth could you possibly predict something like this? Bill Gates says we can reduce the earths population by %15 with vaccinations(I thought vaccines were supposed to save our lives? Strange). Pandemic happens(Strange). Bill Gates is pushing vaccinations. That alone should give you a little hesitation. The Flu has virtually disappeared off the planet. They are paying people to take this vaccination(very strange). Forcing people to take it or lose your job. CIA video pops up of a scientist giving a presentation on how they will give people vaccines to desensitize them to become less radical in other words “go with the flow” mindless sheep. How will they pull this off was asked, through a respiratory virus was the answer. Mask mandates across the globe. Desensitizing people and taking away there individualism. People demonizing other people for not getting the vaccines.

How is it a virus so deadly that is killing off all these old people by the thousands hasn’t killed a single one of these old bastard politicians that are ruining this country. They don’t even wear masks off camera and frequently hold huge parties. Did I mention the Flu has been cured some how? Kinda crazy again how this virus is targeting older people killing off mostly members of society that are not contributing. Sounds like an ole Joseph Gerbals idea from Nazi Germany.

Global warming. Who causes it? Man. Let’s kill off some people. Enter corona virus and the vaccines will do away with many of the other weak(sheep). I’m personally convinced that the side effects of this vaccine won’t show up for another five years down the road in the form of an extremely compromised immune system or sterilization of some sort. Old people are gonna die soon anyway they may as well take there chances. Time is gonna tell whether I’m a nut or not. So be it. I don’t trust a thing the PTB tells me. I’ll take my chances without taking whatever it is they are pushing on us and be just fine.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/23/21, 08:08:29 AM
Whilst fishing saturday this conversation came up...."jab" or no "jab"...

Got me thinking as our gov't is intensifying folks taking the job,with threats of job loss,travel etc.

my thoughts;

Here are some red flags and the reasons I’m not getting it. Bill Gates predicts there will be a pandemic in the next ten years. Really?!! How on Gods green earth could you possibly predict something like this? Bill Gates says we can reduce the earths population by %15 with vaccinations(I thought vaccines were supposed to save our lives? Strange). Pandemic happens(Strange). Bill Gates is pushing vaccinations. That alone should give you a little hesitation. The Flu has virtually disappeared off the planet. They are paying people to take this vaccination(very strange). Forcing people to take it or lose your job. CIA video pops up of a scientist giving a presentation on how they will give people vaccines to desensitize them to become less radical in other words “go with the flow” mindless sheep. How will they pull this off was asked, through a respiratory virus was the answer. Mask mandates across the globe. Desensitizing people and taking away there individualism. People demonizing other people for not getting the vaccines.

How is it a virus so deadly that is killing off all these old people by the thousands hasn’t killed a single one of these old bastard politicians that are ruining this country. They don’t even wear masks off camera and frequently hold huge parties. Did I mention the Flu has been cured some how? Kinda crazy again how this virus is targeting older people killing off mostly members of society that are not contributing. Sounds like an ole Joseph Gerbals idea from Nazi Germany.

Global warming. Who causes it? Man. Let’s kill off some people. Enter corona virus and the vaccines will do away with many of the other weak(sheep). I’m personally convinced that the side effects of this vaccine won’t show up for another five years down the road in the form of an extremely compromised immune system or sterilization of some sort. Old people are gonna die soon anyway they may as well take there chances. Time is gonna tell whether I’m a nut or not. So be it. I don’t trust a thing the PTB tells me. I’ll take my chances without taking whatever it is they are pushing on us and be just fine.
That pretty much sums up where I am at too. What will be the side effects 5 to 10 years down the road. Why do I want to take the chance for something that has a 99.5% survival rate for people from ages 15 to 64 per the CDC. They just need to let people do what they think is right for themselves and leave it alone. Thw harder the push the more skeptical I get.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/23/21, 09:01:26 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/23/21, 09:26:23 AM
I can't speak for anyone else, but I have ZERO confidence that this vaccine has successfully completed the rigorous testing every other drug must go through to receive FDA approval.

The powers that be have gained momentum in pushing a vaccine mandate and this is merely a political decision to keep that momentum going.

These drug companies want us to take their drugs and they want to get paid.  And sadly, our government increasingly see fit to mandate we take them.  And this FDA approval is just another step in that direction.

Can you imagine yourself 17 years from now, watching TV at 1:00 in the morning from your hospital bed...

If you received the Pfizer Covid-19 mNRA vaccine, you may be eligible for financial compensation.  Call the law firm of...   :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/23/21, 09:39:38 AM
Exactly right SteveO. They can mandate all they want. Never ever will I take it.  :fudd:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/23/21, 09:40:42 AM
COVID  is good for all pharmaceutical companies that make drugs, needles, masks, gloves....
War is good for Dow Chemical, Raytheon, Boeing.....
Deaths from both are good for funeral homes, embalming suplies co's, flower co's cemeteries....
See? It builds the economy!  :bonk:

I just pretended I was a politician....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/23/21, 09:49:43 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/23/21, 10:21:04 AM
I find it interesting that the new variant is called Delta....DELTA is the US military's SMU's. (Special Missions Units)  Hmmmm...:scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/23/21, 02:21:03 PM
Sadly there will be some, maybe even many, that now have to choose between the vaccine & their school or place of employment. Quite a few more colleges, school districts, & even some of the biggest employers in the nation that will be feeling better about mandating that their students & employees be vaccinated now IMO.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/23/21, 02:25:53 PM
Yep. Pretty sad.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/23/21, 02:57:13 PM
Sadly there will be some, maybe even many, that now have to chose between the vaccine & their school or place of employment. Quite a few more colleges, school districts, & even some of the biggest employers in the nation that will be feeling better about mandating that their students & employees be vaccinated now IMO.

Interesting, at U of M, students are required to be vaccinated, but not faculty.  Hmmm.  What do PhDs know that a bunch of sniveling-nosed undergrads don't.   :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: deadeye on August 08/23/21, 03:18:26 PM
I seem to be in the minority here. I think everyone who is able should get the shot.  Current hospitalization stats make a very convincing point.  Last reports indicate that 98% of hospitalized Covid cases are people who were NOT vaccinated. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/23/21, 03:30:48 PM
Everything in life, including life is a gamble. Get yer shot. Having a family member die from it will get ya motivated.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: fishwidow on August 08/23/21, 05:18:42 PM
Completely agree, DE.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on August 08/23/21, 05:49:21 PM
Sadly there will be some, maybe even many, that now have to chose between the vaccine & their school or place of employment. Quite a few more colleges, school districts, & even some of the biggest employers in the nation that will be feeling better about mandating that their students & employees be vaccinated now IMO.

Interesting, at U of M, students are required to be vaccinated, but not faculty.  Hmmm.  What do PhDs know that a bunch of sniveling-nosed undergrads don't.   :scratch:

When you listen to politicians instead of every top doctor in the world you have very skewed info.  It is obvious after reading you guys posts.  Really???   You guys are my friends and whatever you do you do.  BUT I sure hope politicians drivel does not have 1% to do with your decisions.  AND the U info says you are right about the students.  It also says Staff must report their status.  It does not say Staff does not need vacs.  Just so you know.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/23/21, 06:20:02 PM
 Just too much info and opinions hittin' from everywhere out there. I read just a few top good sources like Mayo, and the CDC,  then used my own judgement as to whether or not I wanted one. I'd had so many reactions to the flu shot, and others, I was just gonna skip it. I stopped listening to all of the opinions and told myself if the time was right, I'd do what I felt was right FOR ME. Then Mom got it. That made up my mind. Haveta do what's right for YOU, and turn off all the incoming flak.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on August 08/23/21, 06:35:56 PM
There is no way I would allow a brain dead politician from either party have anything to do with my choice.  Would you trust them with your checkbook?  ?????   Politics had absolutely nothing to do with us getting shots and sure as hell better not have anything to do with youse guys decisions neither.  They could care less about you as long as they keep getting fed well.  Don't forget that neither!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/23/21, 06:56:59 PM
Now that Pfizer is FDA approved, where it the laundry list of side effects that you see for every other drug ad on TV?   :confused:

Where is the legal accountability and financial liability?   :scratch:

No, wait, is there a loophole?  If the government enforces mandates, the drug companies don't have to run ads, and so they don't have to publish legal disclaimers?

So far everyone has been signing legal waivers before receiving the emergency use authorized vaccines.  Will this still be the norm now that the drugs are becoming FDA approved? 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/23/21, 06:57:23 PM
Lowest life form that I'm aware of is a politician, 'cuz IMO they're all lyin' bastids.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on August 08/23/21, 07:08:36 PM
Now that Pfizer is FDA approved, where it the laundry list of side effects that you see for every other drug ad on TV?   :confused:

Where is the legal accountability and financial liability?   :scratch:

No, wait, is there a loophole?  If the government enforces mandates, the drug companies don't have to run ads, and so they don't have to publish legal disclaimers?

So far everyone has been signing legal waivers before receiving the emergency use authorized vaccines.  Will this still be the norm now that the drugs are becoming FDA approved?

It's too late for you SteveO my friend.  I wish you well.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/24/21, 07:07:08 AM
There is no way I would allow a brain dead politician from either party have anything to do with my choice.  Would you trust them with your checkbook?  ?????   Politics had absolutely nothing to do with us getting shots and sure as hell better not have anything to do with youse guys decisions neither.  They could care less about you as long as they keep getting fed well.  Don't forget that neither!
This is exactly right Barry. Unfortunately the politicians are trying to make the choice for everyone. There is no science behind it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/24/21, 09:09:13 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/24/21, 09:22:48 AM
 :happy1: :happy1: Boy isn't that the truth!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/24/21, 09:30:49 AM
It's too late for you SteveO my friend.  I wish you well.

Just hoping for transparency, but in the interest of fairness, here is the CDC site which reports on "selected" adverse events associated with the vaccine.  And if you have an adverse event after receiving the vaccine, there is a website you can go to and report your experience.

Selected Adverse Events Reported after COVID-19 Vaccination (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html)

vaers.hhs.gov:  Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (https://vaers.hhs.gov/)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/24/21, 10:14:41 AM
What's the answer? Hmmm...

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on August 08/24/21, 10:17:29 AM
LOL  I give up trying to help save you guys.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/24/21, 10:22:22 AM
But mine is off topic....!! Job stuff!  :rotflmao:

I applied for a few jobs online, thought I'd at least try to work a few hours part-time, even though it'll have to be a sitting position. Need some extra cash.
Not one single call back...so how bad is it really? Maybe they don't want people with college degrees and other assorted degrees..... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on August 08/24/21, 10:23:43 AM
So explain the difference between "approved" and "endorsed",I smell a dead fish here...FDA has not endorsed  this vaccine.From some sniffing around I've read it takes years to get FDA to endorse a medical vaccine. Sure seems these politicans are holding the FDA's feet to the fire on this one.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/24/21, 10:30:29 AM
Barry right now:    :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on August 08/24/21, 10:51:38 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on August 08/24/21, 10:58:39 AM
But mine is off topic....!! Job stuff!  :rotflmao:

I applied for a few jobs online, thought I'd at least try to work a few hours part-time, even though it'll have to be a sitting position. Need some extra cash.
Not one single call back...so how bad is it really? Maybe they don't want people with college degrees and other assorted degrees..... :rolleyes:

Did you tell them your age? 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/24/21, 11:02:07 AM
But mine is off topic....!! Job stuff!  :rotflmao:

I applied for a few jobs online, thought I'd at least try to work a few hours part-time, even though it'll have to be a sitting position. Need some extra cash.
Not one single call back...so how bad is it really? Maybe they don't want people with college degrees and other assorted degrees..... :rolleyes:

Did you tell them your age?

Ya, 23. :rotflmao: More or less, where it asks "where do you work now", put retired...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/24/21, 11:28:04 AM
I'd better contact the "Crusher", that retired Union guy...I been discrimanted against!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/24/21, 12:25:00 PM
I'd better contact the "Crusher", that retired Union guy...I been discrimanted against!!
dat guy is retired.....out of service!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/24/21, 12:31:46 PM
so, i got a question for the people that wont get the vacine and/or are against it.

i'm not judging anyone, dont want the shot, your choice, got that shot, again your choice........but WHAT IF.......... your place of employment requires you to get it as a requirement of employment?????  :doah: any thoughts on what you may do????

with doofus as prez and the idiot we have for a the so called leader of this state its gonna happen depending on the employer i'm afraid!!!!

they said on the news last night that minnesota has no law on the books that allows the state to make mandates like this illegal!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/24/21, 12:33:33 PM
yup there goes our freedom of choice
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/24/21, 12:36:04 PM
yup there goes our freedom of choice
i agree, but an employer also is required to to provide a safe work place...........unfortunelty that vacine/requiremnt  falls in line with that.

i dont not agree with it!!!!!!!

hell, i've been getting things from the international, there pushing the vacine.  :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/24/21, 12:40:24 PM
Haveta have the shot if ya work at Mayo. Just like they made ya get the flu shot when I worked there if ya had any patient contact, which we did. I was able to opt out after reactions to it, but they really made it rough on others that didn't get it. Don't believe that "other options/choice" crap they spew out to the news.
Ask my buddy who is section head of Logitics, and does all the COVID stuff...supplies, vaccine, vaccine sites, emergency mgmnt, etc. You don't get one, you'll be outta there somehowor wish you were. Saw it time and again internally.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/24/21, 01:12:58 PM
so, i got a question for the people that wont get the vacine and/or are against it.

i'm not judging anyone, dont want the shot, your choice, got that shot, again your choice........but WHAT IF.......... your place of employment requires you to get it as a requirement of employment?????  :doah: any thoughts on what you may do????

with doofus as prez and the idiot we have for a the so called leader of this state its gonna happen depending on the employer i'm afraid!!!!

they said on the news last night that minnesota has no law on the books that allows the state to make mandates like this illegal!!!
First off I will cross that bridge when it comes. But more than likely I will be joining those on the unemployment line. I feel that strongly about it. May have to move to a state that stands up for it's citizens rights. It is already happening to to my sister in law and my brother in law's wife. ! works for the DNR and the other is a PA for Sanford.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/24/21, 02:07:43 PM
so, i got a question for the people that wont get the vacine and/or are against it.

i'm not judging anyone, dont want the shot, your choice, got that shot, again your choice........but WHAT IF.......... your place of employment requires you to get it as a requirement of employment?????  :doah: any thoughts on what you may do????

with doofus as prez and the idiot we have for a the so called leader of this state its gonna happen depending on the employer i'm afraid!!!!

they said on the news last night that minnesota has no law on the books that allows the state to make mandates like this illegal!!!
First off I will cross that bridge when it comes. But more than likely I will be joining those on the unemployment line. I feel that strongly about it. May have to move to a state that stands up for it's citizens rights. It is already happening to to my sister in law and my brother in law's wife. ! works for the DNR and the other is a PA for Sanford.
:happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on August 08/25/21, 08:00:16 AM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/25/21, 08:41:29 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/25/21, 10:31:51 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/25/21, 11:54:37 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/25/21, 01:22:12 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/25/21, 01:25:54 PM
just read that too.. how can they do that??? 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/25/21, 01:34:02 PM
IMO, they can't.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/25/21, 01:52:01 PM
I'm guessing that there will be a rider on their health insurance benefit - just like a smoker.

If you are a smoker, they make you pay a surcharge on your healthcare premium contribution.

I reckon they'll do the same with vaccination status.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/25/21, 01:57:34 PM
Make the rules up as they go along. What a crock of sh**.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/25/21, 01:58:23 PM
I'm guessing that there will be a rider on their health insurance benefit - just like a smoker.

If you are a smoker, they make you pay a surcharge on your healthcare premium contribution.

I reckon they'll do the same with vaccination status.
life insurance maybe, but in all the years of negotiations I've been involved in not on health insurance. That I have seen.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/25/21, 02:21:04 PM
I know if you were a smoking employee at Mayo, you paid more for their health Insurance....but that sure is different than this.  "Delta won't make you get vaccinated, but will charge you $200 more per month"....ie; "we won't make you walk the plank , but we will jab you in the azz with a saber as you stand on it"... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/25/21, 02:46:43 PM
CAWchester now recommending masks for all OUTSIDE downtown events, in addition to all INSIDE events....yes...no...maybe....wait... :doofus:


Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/25/21, 02:57:00 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on August 08/25/21, 02:58:45 PM
If you are deliberately putting yourself and others at a higher risk it may be appropriate to pay a higher premium. Just my opinion.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/25/21, 03:01:42 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/26/21, 07:02:37 AM
If you are deliberately putting yourself and others at a higher risk it may be appropriate to pay a higher premium. Just my opinion.
Life is a risk every day that you get out of bed. Should we charge extra for that too. This is flat out ridiculous! The media has made this way more political then it needs to be. My body, my choice.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on August 08/26/21, 08:02:19 AM
Quote from: Jerkbiat
Life is a risk every day that you get out of bed. Should we charge extra for that too. This is flat out ridiculous! The media has made this way more political then it needs to be. My body, my choice.
They already do charge for that... If you are dead the premiums are zero. No one is taking away your freedom of choice. Employers and Insurance companies have freedoms of choice also.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/26/21, 08:46:49 AM
i'm kinda stuck in the middle of this.  :doah: yea i got vacinated, i have an 84 year old mom and stepdad i'd like to see hang around for a while yet. along with the fact that i am taking meds for diabetes, very controlled and low A1c numbers and the fact i had a 4-by heart bypass in 2011. not to mention my wife has some health issues. after alot of soul searching i decided to get the shots. AND that was after i first said no effing way.

but damn anyway, this fear mongering  :bs: needs to stop.  :confused: :confused: this virus isnt going away and like the flu its going to change with the times. at this point we need to accept it and move forward. enough time has passed that there is enough information out there to let every individual decide for themselves. these mask mandates and shot requirements are  :bs:

if the past year to 18 months have proved one thing........no mask, no so called social distancing, closing non essential businesses DIDNOT stop this virus kind of like the cold and flu.

if there is one thing i've learned reading about this since this started, these friggin politicans have skewed the numbers so bad you cant believe anything....... namely how these deaths are reported. its a freakin effin joke.........

i have donated blood 4 times since started, 3 times since the red cross started testing for antibodies, not once have i been informed that i have any. and i didnt hibernate, went about my business and the only time i wore one of those masks is when a business demanded it.

ok end of sermon!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/26/21, 09:06:04 AM
Quote from: Jerkbiat
Life is a risk every day that you get out of bed. Should we charge extra for that too. This is flat out ridiculous! The media has made this way more political then it needs to be. My body, my choice.
They already do charge for that... If you are dead the premiums are zero. No one is taking away your freedom of choice. Employers and Insurance companies have freedoms of choice also.
:scratch: When we left Pfizer, Zoetis now, in 2011 they were already charging people who smoked an extra $100/ month premium then. :confused: I'm sure that the only way that has changed is that it costs more now.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/26/21, 09:20:43 AM
Quote from: Jerkbiat
Life is a risk every day that you get out of bed. Should we charge extra for that too. This is flat out ridiculous! The media has made this way more political then it needs to be. My body, my choice.
They already do charge for that... If you are dead the premiums are zero. No one is taking away your freedom of choice. Employers and Insurance companies have freedoms of choice also.
:scratch: When we left Pfizer, Zoetis now, in 2011 they were already charging people who smoked an extra $100/ month premium then & I'm sure that hasn't changed.  :confused:

So if a young, healthy, married couple doesn't feel they need shots - or perhaps they already "survived" covid and have "natural" immunity (which we've all been conditioned to believe is not as good as "vaccine-induced" immunity) - why shouldn't they have to pay an extra $200/month each ($4,800 annually) for their health insurance.   It's only "fair", right?   :confused: :bs:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/26/21, 09:21:58 AM
but damn anyway, this fear mongering  :bs: needs to stop.  :confused: :confused: this virus isnt going away and like the flu its going to change with the times. at this point we need to accept it and move forward.

if the past year to 18 months have proved one thing........no mask, no so called social distancing, closing non essential businesses DIDNOT stop this virus kind of like the cold and flu.

if there is one thing i've learned reading about this since this started, these friggin politicans have skewed the numbers so bad you cant believe anything....... namely how these deaths are reported. its a freakin effin joke.........

Yep, but instead of facing these realities - they are doubling down.  If two doses of vaccine isn't enough to wipe covid off the face of the earth, maybe three.

And if you thought covid deaths were over-exaggerated, it isn't a far stretch to believe vaccine side-effects are going way underreported.

Yes, yes, yes!  Vaccines are effective - especially for those at risk, but the way in which we've surrendered our personal liberty in this pandemic is frightening.  Division and persecution of those who do not agree is our new normal - all rationalized in the name of public health and the common good.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/26/21, 09:28:10 AM
i'm kinda stuck in the middle of this.  :doah: yea i got vacinated, i have an 84 year old mom and stepdad i'd like to see hang around for a while yet. along with the fact that i am taking meds for diabetes, very controlled and low A1c numbers and the fact i had a 4-by heart bypass in 2011. not to mention my wife has some health issues. after alot of soul searching i decided to get the shots. AND that was after i first said no effing way.

but damn anyway, this fear mongering  :bs: needs to stop.  :confused: :confused: this virus isnt going away and like the flu its going to change with the times. at this point we need to accept it and move forward. enough time has passed that there is enough information out there to let every individual decide for themselves. these mask mandates and shot requirements are  :bs:

if the past year to 18 months have proved one thing........no mask, no so called social distancing, closing non essential businesses DIDNOT stop this virus kind of like the cold and flu.

if there is one thing i've learned reading about this since this started, these friggin politicans have skewed the numbers so bad you cant believe anything....... namely how these deaths are reported. its a freakin effin joke.........

i have donated blood 4 times since started, 3 times since the red cross started testing for antibodies, not once have i been informed that i have any. and i didnt hibernate, went about my business and the only time i wore one of those masks is when a business demanded it.

ok end of sermon!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Well put Glenn!! The only think I would say different is the MS media is driving the narrative more then the politicians.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/26/21, 09:28:43 AM
but damn anyway, this fear mongering  :bs: needs to stop.  :confused: :confused: this virus isnt going away and like the flu its going to change with the times. at this point we need to accept it and move forward.

if the past year to 18 months have proved one thing........no mask, no so called social distancing, closing non essential businesses DIDNOT stop this virus kind of like the cold and flu.

if there is one thing i've learned reading about this since this started, these friggin politicans have skewed the numbers so bad you cant believe anything....... namely how these deaths are reported. its a freakin effin joke.........

Yep, but instead of facing these realities - they are doubling down.  If two doses of vaccine isn't enough to wipe covid off the face of the earth, maybe three.

And if you thought covid deaths were over-exaggerated, it isn't a far stretch to believe vaccine side-effects are going way underreported.

Yes, yes, yes!  Vaccines are effective - especially for those at risk, but the way in which we've surrendered our personal liberty in this pandemic is frightening.  Division and persecution of those who do not agree is our new normal - all rationalized in the name of public health and the common good.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/26/21, 09:31:11 AM
Quote from: Jerkbiat
Life is a risk every day that you get out of bed. Should we charge extra for that too. This is flat out ridiculous! The media has made this way more political then it needs to be. My body, my choice.
They already do charge for that... If you are dead the premiums are zero. No one is taking away your freedom of choice. Employers and Insurance companies have freedoms of choice also.
:scratch: When we left Pfizer, Zoetis now, in 2011 they were already charging people who smoked an extra $100/ month premium then & I'm sure that hasn't changed.  :confused:

So if a young, healthy, married couple doesn't feel they need shots - or perhaps they already "survived" covid and have "natural" immunity (which we've all been conditioned to believe is not as good as "vaccine-induced" immunity) - why shouldn't they have to pay an extra $200/month each ($4,800 annually) for their health insurance.   It's only "fair", right?   :confused: :bs:
They can always get their own insurance, can't they? :scratch: :whistling:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/26/21, 09:34:00 AM
IMO, nothings gonna work. Here in the big med city, where we set the bar with masking, shots, etc, a kid in grade school here (schools already started at some)
just tested positive for COVID. Now letters going out to everyone he had conact with, etc. (according to local news)  It's gonna run it's course, and we sure aren't gonna stop it, maybe just roadblock it a bit. Just my opinion.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/26/21, 09:40:28 AM
They can always get their own insurance, can't they? :scratch: :whistling:
Obama Kare, maybe  :confused: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on August 08/26/21, 09:58:38 AM
The main misinformation I am seeing are coming from right wingnuts telling people to drink bleach or take horse worming medicine as a cure for Covid.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/26/21, 10:20:20 AM
Here's something for ya'll to read....I get these updates on my email from my attorney. Guess I get something free from them!  :rolleyes:


Employer Vaccine Mandates


            In light of the FDA’s final approval of the Pfizer vaccine, President Biden recently asked employers to mandate vaccines.  President Biden said, “Do what I did last month.  Require your employees to get vaccinated or face strict requirements.”


As the President’s comment suggests, vaccine mandates were allowed even before the Pfizer vaccine received full FDA approval.  According to the Department of Justice, emergency-approval status simply required that potential recipients be informed that it was their “choice to receive or not receive [the vaccine].”   Employer policies that preserved an employee’s ultimate choice to refuse an emergency-approved vaccine were acceptable, even if vaccine refusal came with severe adverse consequences.


The consensus view is that Minnesota employers may lawfully follow the President’s advice and condition employment on vaccination status.  Minnesota is not among the states that have banned vaccine mandates.  In addition, Minnesota recognizes “at-will” employment.  An employee can quit for any reason; an employer can fire an employee for any reason as long as that reason is not illegal.


            There are circumstances where vaccination-status discrimination may be illegal.   EEOC guidance expresses concern that vaccine mandates may disproportionately exclude employees based on their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin: “Employers should keep in mind that because some individuals or demographic groups may face greater barriers to receiving a COVID-19 vaccination than others, some employees may be more likely to be negatively impacted by a vaccination requirement.”


The EEOC also states Title VII and the ADA may require reasonable accommodations for employees who choose against getting vaccinated because of a disability or a sincerely held religious belief.  Possible reasonable accommodations for these employees include wearing a face mask, working at a social distance from coworkers, working a modified shift, getting periodic tests for COVID-19, being given the opportunity to telework, or accepting a reassignment.   


Dunlap & Seeger, P.A., 30 3rd Street SE, Suite 400, Rochester, MN  55904

www.dunlaplaw.com 507-28
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/26/21, 10:37:06 AM
now I hear the J & J needs a 2nd dose!!??!!??   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/26/21, 10:47:51 AM
The main misinformation I am seeing are coming from right wingnuts telling people to drink bleach or take horse worming medicine as a cure for Covid.
Not sure where you have seen that, but I sure have not myself.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/26/21, 11:32:39 AM
The main misinformation I am seeing are coming from right wingnuts telling people to drink bleach or take horse worming medicine as a cure for Covid.
Not sure where you have seen that, but I sure have not myself.
its been out there for a bit but this ivermycin??????? not sure if its the horse worming stuff.......but hats been in the news alot lately.

and didnt trump recommend bleach?????? someone did???? :crazy:

hey if these sanitary wipes that have alcohol in it and supposedly kills the virus.........i think dotch has been right all along!!!!!!! :happybounce: :tequila; :drinking: :tequila; :drinking: :whistling: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/26/21, 11:35:30 AM
Read reply 3457....

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on August 08/26/21, 11:49:54 AM
Yep, quinine and ivermectin. Breakfast of champions!  :drinking:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/26/21, 01:01:59 PM
The main misinformation I am seeing are coming from right wingnuts telling people to drink bleach or take horse worming medicine as a cure for Covid.
Not sure where you have seen that, but I sure have not myself.
its been out there for a bit but this ivermycin??????? not sure if its the horse worming stuff.......but hats been in the news alot lately.

and didnt trump recommend bleach?????? someone did???? :crazy:

hey if these sanitary wipes that have alcohol in it and supposedly kills the virus.........i think dotch has been right all along!!!!!!! :happybounce: :tequila; :drinking: :tequila; :drinking: :whistling: :rotflmao:
I guess now I have seen it.  :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/26/21, 01:12:12 PM
The main misinformation I am seeing are coming from right wingnuts telling people to drink bleach or take horse worming medicine as a cure for Covid.
Not sure where you have seen that, but I sure have not myself.
its been out there for a bit but this ivermycin??????? not sure if its the horse worming stuff.......but hats been in the news alot lately.

and didnt trump recommend bleach?????? someone did???? :crazy:

hey if these sanitary wipes that have alcohol in it and supposedly kills the virus.........i think dotch has been right all along!!!!!!! :happybounce: :tequila; :drinking: :tequila; :drinking: :whistling: :rotflmao:
I guess now I have seen it.  :crazy:

Aren't ya just twitterpated now, JB?   :rotflmao:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/26/21, 01:17:04 PM
The main misinformation I am seeing are coming from right wingnuts telling people to drink bleach or take horse worming medicine as a cure for Covid.

In regards to Ivermectin, think what you might about the World Health Organization, but they are not the "Right Wingnuts" you associate with Republicans who endorse taking horse worming medicine for Covid.

WHO advises that ivermectin only be used to treat COVID-19 within clinical trials (https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/who-advises-that-ivermectin-only-be-used-to-treat-covid-19-within-clinical-trials)

Problem is the elements that benefit most from all the polarization in this country, politicians and mainstream media, they would love us to believe that Democrat=Vax and Republican=AntiVax, but the truth is much more complicated.

How come universities (U of M in particular) mandate vaccines for students, but faculty pushes back on mandatory vaccine for themselves?  Or is it only Republican professors who hope to retain freedom of choice for themselves?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on August 08/26/21, 01:28:18 PM
Don't think the WHO is advising people to take horse pills. BTW there have been quite a few emergency calls  associated with people ingesting them, much different than a controlled clinical trial, but I'm pretty sure you already knew that.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/26/21, 01:32:07 PM
Ya, but it kills hookworms too! delivered to yer door! How convienent!  :shocked:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/26/21, 01:48:10 PM
Don't think the WHO is advising people to take horse pills. BTW there have been quite a few emergency calls  associated with people ingesting them, much different than a controlled clinical trial, but I'm pretty sure you already knew that.

But the point is, the World Health Organization IS studying the effectiveness of these so-called horse pills.  And other countries are interested as well.  Some entities (thankfully) are still interested in the whole truth, not just the one that will make Big Pharma the most money.

So in our polarized country...

50% of us believe vaccines are the only solution to covid.
50% of us hope there will be safe, already FDA-approved drug treatments that will be demonstrated to be effective so that taking experimental vaccines is not the only option.

I hope they keep looking, but as always, follow the money.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on August 08/26/21, 01:53:39 PM
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/26/21, 02:10:22 PM
Eat more 'maters.  ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/26/21, 05:41:29 PM
Can't get help.....so why this? There's something very, very, wrong here....

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on August 08/27/21, 11:46:36 AM
thought you guyz would like this....made me smile.

Bud: ‘You can’t come in here!’
Lou: ‘Why not?’
Bud: ‘Well because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But I’m not sick.’
Bud: ‘It doesn’t matter.’
Lou: ‘Well, why does that guy get to go in?’
Bud: ‘Because he’s vaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But he’s sick!’
Bud: ‘It’s alright. Everyone in here is vaccinated.’
Lou: ‘Wait a minute. Are you saying everyone in there is vaccinated?’
Bud: ‘Yes.’
Lou: ‘So then why can’t I go in there if everyone is vaccinated?’
Bud: ‘Because you’ll make them sick.’
Lou: ‘How will I make them sick if I’m NOT sick and they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘But they can still get sick.’
Lou: ‘So what the heck does the vaccine do?’
Bud: ‘It vaccinates.’
Lou: ‘So vaccinated people can’t spread covid?’
Bud: ‘Oh no. They can spread covid just as easily as an unvaccinated person.’
Lou: ‘I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore. Look. I’m not sick.
Bud: ‘Ok.’
Lou: ‘And the guy you let in IS sick.’
Bud: ‘That’s right.’
Lou: ‘And everybody in there can still get sick even though they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Certainly.’
Lou: ‘So why can’t I go in again?’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘I’m not asking who’s vaccinated or not!’
Bud: ‘I’m just telling you how it is.’
Lou: ‘Nevermind. I’ll just put on my mask.’
Bud: ‘That’s fine.’
Lou: ‘Now I can go in?’
Bud: ‘Absolutely not?’
Lou: ‘But I have a mask!’
Bud: ‘Doesn’t matter.’
Lou: ‘I was able to come in here yesterday with a mask.’
Bud: ‘I know.’
Lou: So why can’t I come in here today with a mask? ….If you say ‘because I’m unvaccinated’ again, I’ll break your arm.’
Bud: ‘Take it easy buddy.’
Lou: ‘So the mask is no good anymore.’
Bud: ‘No, it’s still good.’
Lou: ‘But I can’t come in?’
Bud: ‘Correct.’
Lou: ‘Why not?’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But the mask prevents the germs from getting out.’
Bud: ‘Yes, but people can still catch your germs.’
Lou: ‘But they’re all vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Yes, but they can still get sick.’
Lou: ‘But I’m not sick!!’
Bud: ‘You can still get them sick.’
Lou: ‘So then masks don’t work!’
Bud: ‘Masks work quite well.’
Lou: ‘So how in the heck can I get vaccinated people sick if I’m not sick and masks work?’
Bud: ‘Third base.’
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/27/21, 12:09:17 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/28/21, 08:10:10 AM
Oh how true that is.  :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/04/21, 04:29:09 PM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on September 09/07/21, 03:30:48 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/07/21, 03:34:53 PM
Seriously??! That's just plain sick!  :mad1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on September 09/07/21, 03:38:02 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on September 09/07/21, 03:48:32 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

it might be sick but it is funny...  just sayin....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/08/21, 06:46:52 AM
just like the saying. Covid is the only thing China made that lasts.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/08/21, 09:40:01 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i gotta get me one of them!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on September 09/08/21, 11:14:48 AM
just like the saying. Covid is the only thing China made that lasts.

Sounds about right... :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/08/21, 05:25:26 PM
Nah, China can do whatever.   You want cheap crap that breaks?   No problem, they will do that.   If you want an iPhone that lasts, they can do that too.   You pays your money and you makes your choice.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on September 09/08/21, 05:36:23 PM
Hate to say it but Del is right.  They make things to specs.  May cut corners so they can make more money though.  Gotta keep your eye on them.  Any of them.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/09/21, 06:57:04 AM
It is the copy cat stuff that they make cheap that don't last. But their quality has definitely improved dramatically from 10-15 years ago.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/09/21, 07:19:26 AM
It is the copy cat stuff that they make cheap that don't last. But their quality has definitely improved dramatically from 10-15 years ago.

Except for their movies.  :rolleyes:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/09/21, 08:33:17 AM
yesterday on MSN i had a good chuckle. with the 300.00 unemployment check from the feds ending over labor day weekend. apparently there are a bunch of people whining about it.

Ted Cruz made me chuckle. he posted something that said.......UM, go get a job!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:

now i think he's kinda doofus........but yesterday i gave him 4 stars!!!!!!!!! :bow: :bow: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on September 09/09/21, 08:37:04 AM
I agree Glenn.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/09/21, 08:46:32 AM
And the whiners and whimperers whacke him for that one.....

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/09/21, 08:50:44 AM
Socialism...  Here we come.   :angry:

Americans Are Addicted To U.S. Federal Government Handouts (https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboot/americans-are-addicted-us-federal-government-handouts-166035)

"Individuals and organizations that get hooked on subsidies essentially become tools of the state. They lose their independence and may shy away from criticizing the government and its many failures."
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on September 09/09/21, 09:40:57 AM
Socialism...  Here we come.   :angry:

Americans Are Addicted To U.S. Federal Government Handouts (https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboot/americans-are-addicted-us-federal-government-handouts-166035)

"Individuals and organizations that get hooked on subsidies essentially become tools of the state. They lose their independence and may shy away from criticizing the government and its many failures."

aren't we already there...   just sayin....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on September 09/09/21, 10:45:09 AM
Hate to say it but Del is right.  They make things to specs.  May cut corners so they can make more money though.  Gotta keep your eye on them.  Any of them.

They CAN make things to specs if they feel like it but sometimes choose not to or dump things in that they want to get rid of including waste products. Some of the pet treats manufactured there a few years back are an example of this. The Chinese have been some real beauties when it comes to ag trade too. They're well known for rejecting boatloads of grain for imagined problems then trying to buy it at discount prices. Reminds me of Angel on Rockford carrying around a vial of insects to dump in his salad at restaurants so he could get a free meal.  :rotflmao:   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/09/21, 11:00:12 AM
Angel....now there was a class act. :rotflmao: "Hey rockfish!''
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/10/21, 08:14:17 AM
Well, Got to love it. To POS Marxist tyrant in the oval office has decided that Americans no longer have freedom to make their own choices. I am so f%%^&ing   :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: right now. People that work for a living will be forced to get an experimental shot that they don't want, but illegal immigrants will not be required to get it. What kind of sick joke is that. Guess he must not want to harm the future voters of the dumbs. Like I said before the harder they push for this the more suspicious I get. It is all about control. That is all the dumbs want. They could give a $hit less about the people. Guess the next move may be Montana or SD. Makes me sad and mad. I liked it up here where we are.  :pouty: :pouty: What a depressing country this has become.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/10/21, 08:17:41 AM
so now i hear that that dipsheet we got for a prez wants to mandate vacines. as i understand it employers with more then 100 employees need to require the vacine, or regular testing. if the employer doesnt comply they would be considered in OSHA violation and hit with a hefty fine.  :doofus: :doofus: :doofus: pretty sure biden said earlier that he wouldnt mandate vacines but hoped employers would!!!!!!

BUT yet it doesnt supposedly include illegal immagrants!!!!!!!!! :scratch: :censored: :censored: WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

from my experiences with OSHA, there so short staffed i dont see how this can even be plausable???????

i new when these mask mandates lightened up it wouldnt be the end of this sh!t.  :censored: :confused:

regardless of ones opinion on the vacine, at this point it should all be a persons individual choice.......IMO!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/10/21, 08:19:54 AM
Well, Got to love it. To POS Marxist tyrant in the oval office has decided that Americans no longer have freedom to make their own choices. I am so f%%^&ing   :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: right now. People that work for a living will be forced to get an experimental shot that they don't want, but illegal immigrants will not be required to get it. What kind of sick joke is that. Guess he must not want to harm the future voters of the dumbs. Like I said before the harder they push for this the more suspicious I get. It is all about control. That is all the dumbs want. They could give a $hit less about the people. Guess the next move may be Montana or SD. Makes me sad and mad. I liked it up here where we are.  :pouty: :pouty: What a depressing country this has become.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: YOU hit the post button before i did!!!!!!!

to be honest JB, i think after the smoke clears i personally dont think its going to fly. think i heard there is a group already filed a lawsuit over this!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on September 09/10/21, 08:23:17 AM
Hey JB,AGREED.... just added another 80 acres to my farm near chamberlain,come on out,fishing is suberb,fantastic upland hunting,great friendly folks,no masks or vaccine mandates,our govenor is a hottie and listens to we the people and gives a shete.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/10/21, 08:30:08 AM
Gottlieb just said it will be at least the fall or winter of 2022 before it can be implemented, if  :scratch: :confused: it even clears the legal challenges. :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/10/21, 08:49:16 AM
Well, Got to love it. To POS Marxist tyrant in the oval office has decided that Americans no longer have freedom to make their own choices. I am so f%%^&ing   :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: right now. People that work for a living will be forced to get an experimental shot that they don't want, but illegal immigrants will not be required to get it. What kind of sick joke is that. Guess he must not want to harm the future voters of the dumbs. Like I said before the harder they push for this the more suspicious I get. It is all about control. That is all the dumbs want. They could give a $hit less about the people. Guess the next move may be Montana or SD. Makes me sad and mad. I liked it up here where we are.  :pouty: :pouty: What a depressing country this has become.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: YOU hit the post button before i did!!!!!!!

to be honest JB, i think after the smoke clears i personally dont think its going to fly. think i heard there is a group already filed a lawsuit over this!!!!!!!
I sure hope it doesn't fly.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/10/21, 08:53:43 AM
 :scratch: Although he didn't actually come out & say it Gottlieb made it sound like he didn't think it would ever be put into effect.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/10/21, 09:53:24 AM
:scratch: Although he didn't actually come out & say it Gottlieb made it sound like he didn't think it would ever be put into effect.
They may not have to put it into effect. The private companies may chicken out and just do it because of the threat of it coming.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on September 09/10/21, 10:02:53 AM
Well, Got to love it. To POS Marxist tyrant in the oval office has decided that Americans no longer have freedom to make their own choices. I am so f%%^&ing   :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: right now. People that work for a living will be forced to get an experimental shot that they don't want, but illegal immigrants will not be required to get it. What kind of sick joke is that. Guess he must not want to harm the future voters of the dumbs. Like I said before the harder they push for this the more suspicious I get. It is all about control. That is all the dumbs want. They could give a $hit less about the people. Guess the next move may be Montana or SD. Makes me sad and mad. I liked it up here where we are.  :pouty: :pouty: What a depressing country this has become.

Montana & South Dakota are part of the United States which is what your Maxist Tyrant presides over. You might want to consider Canada.   :smiley:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on September 09/10/21, 10:07:29 AM
Which is led by another Marxist Tyrant. I expect midterm elections here to be very interesting.  :whistling:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on September 09/10/21, 10:09:33 AM

If Biden wants to make a difference.  Start by popping a needle in the arm of everyone crossing the border!   :coffee:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/10/21, 11:24:18 AM
:scratch: Although he didn't actually come out & say it Gottlieb made it sound like he didn't think it would ever be put into effect.
They may not have to put it into effect. The private companies may chicken out and just do it because of the threat of it coming.
Weekly testing is an option too but that will have it's own issues.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on September 09/10/21, 01:22:04 PM
I remember well all the vaccinations and tests we got when I was in school. They mostly eradicated some horrible diseases. Somehow I don't remember it being such a political thing nor do I remember people protesting against it. Seems people cared more about others those days.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on September 09/10/21, 01:35:10 PM
Maybe it's because they used kids as test dummies back then eh?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on September 09/10/21, 01:42:05 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Like cats, they're a renewable resource.  :cool:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/10/21, 02:16:31 PM
I remember well all the vaccinations and tests we got when I was in school. They mostly eradicated some horrible diseases. Somehow I don't remember it being such a political thing nor do I remember people protesting against it. Seems people cared more about others those days.
he concern with this vaccine is nobody knows what the long term effects of it will or won't be. I am not a lab rat. I have no issue if people want to get it, but don't tell me too if I don't want it. If you got the jab, you should be protected. Unless you are trying to tell me that it doesn't work.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on September 09/10/21, 02:53:36 PM
Never mind those children under 12 that the unvaccinated spread it to.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on September 09/10/21, 03:11:23 PM
Did you know...............

Some people smoke.
Some people drink.
Some people do drugs.
Some people beat their spouse.
Some people don't pay taxes.
Some people drive without a license.
Some people troll the internet.

They have all been told it's not good for them yet they do it. People can preach the jab until they turn purple, but it's still each persons choice in the end. Herr Biden nor anybody else will ever change that.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/10/21, 03:23:34 PM
Right on Dutchy. Just think of all the smoker that never think twice about smoking around the kids. And kids sure don't have trouble with the rona like older folks do.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on September 09/10/21, 03:52:06 PM
Good thing there weren't as many crybabies in elementary school as their is among adults nowadays.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on September 09/10/21, 04:05:29 PM
So if crybaby equals freedom to make ones own choice. Whats the definition for those who try and ram something down peoples throats?

rooney isn't it good enough for you to know that being jabbed you will live forever?  Do you really want the rest of us to accompany you to immortality?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on September 09/10/21, 04:16:17 PM
Not everyone thinks only about themselves. I know that's big news to some.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on September 09/10/21, 04:16:36 PM

DB, have you been sitting in the Border Bar today?  :happy1: Say  "hi" to Carrie for me & let her know Billy & I will be thru there before freeze up.  :azn:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/10/21, 09:09:28 PM
Hell no we won't go! :USA:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on September 09/10/21, 10:57:56 PM
Good thing there weren't as many crybabies in elementary school as their is among adults nowadays.
That's because they weren't brainwashed until they got to college by their liberal professors! 🤭
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/11/21, 07:24:24 AM
Not everyone thinks only about themselves. I know that's big news to some.
Well forcing other people to do something they don't want to do is only thinking of yourself.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on September 09/12/21, 08:49:25 AM
Maybe if the "dumbing down" of America wasn't such a real thing people would & could make up their own minds. It seems to me that if a person says or does something others don't like they are branded as being ignorant, careless, uncaring boobs. Maybe, just maybe they don't see following the crowd as the way to go when they don't trust the leader of the crowd? That leader could be Fausi, Biden, Harris, Trump, Walz, or even the little fat guy in North Korea. Or maybe it's they don't trust the science or the results of fast-tracking a vaccine that puts billions of dollars into the coffers of big Pharma. Or maybe they think "figures don't lie, if liars don't figure." Maybe they don't trust the numbers associated with this.

Anyway, for every reason people can come up with to take the shot, others can come up with reasons not to take it.

For me.....I'll respect whatever your decision is. Can you respect mine?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/12/21, 09:07:57 AM
Perfectly said Dutch!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on September 09/12/21, 10:11:27 AM
My only point is that, in my opinion, those who choose not to get vaccinated are perpetuating the pandemic and causing possible harm and death to others. Otherwise who cares.
Here is an example. A true one that I am familiar with. A staff member at a health care facility chooses not to be vaccinated. Through testing it is found that this person has Covid but it is too late. Soon three residents of the facility have Covid, one of the three dies of it. Do you think the staff member who brought it in bears responsibility? I do.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on September 09/12/21, 10:25:00 AM
My only point is that, in my opinion, those who choose not to get vaccinated are perpetuating the pandemic and causing possible harm and death to others. Otherwise who cares.
Here is an example. A true one that I am familiar with. A staff member at a health care facility chooses not to be vaccinated. Through testing it is found that this person has Covid but it is too late. Soon three residents of the facility have Covid, one of the three dies of it. Do you think the staff member who brought it in bears responsibility? I do.

I am not going to pass judgement. My questions (which I don't really care about the answers in this case) would be,

A) Why didn't the health care person believe in the vaccine, why pass if it works in his opinion?

B) Can you have Covid to a degree? In other words are there minor degrees of Covid or are all infections the same strength?

C) Who is to say the person that died...caught it from the healthcare official, died of Covid? If he was already in the hospital what was he in for? Maybe he died of a heart attack complications and the Covid had nothing to do with his death?

I think we have all heard stories that damn near everybody who has died since 2019 has died because of Covid. I have heard of traffic fatalities having Covid listed as a cause of death. Now, the person may have had Covid but it didn't kill him.

As I said earlier......figures don't lie if liars don't figure.  You can make numbers say anything you want them to say.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on September 09/12/21, 11:04:38 AM
you can carry covid and not have any symptoms too, just sayin.... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/12/21, 11:21:26 AM
My question to Roony is was the person in the nursing home that died vaccinated? If so why did the vaccine not protect the person? That is what my point is all along. The older more vulnerable people should be vaccinated. And if the vaccine works like they say and you are vaccinated you should be protected from the virus. The media has turned this into such a chitshow that you can't believe anything that is said anymore. To mandate a vaccine the has a 99.5% survival rate for ages up to 64 is all just about government control. And to not include those people with natural antibodies from having covid is also wrong.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/12/21, 02:55:02 PM
And now "they" say one-third of COVID survivors have brain damage.... :bonk:

Maybe it IS the end of days. Anyone see a strange guy on a white horse lately?

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on September 09/12/21, 04:59:55 PM
My question to Roony is was the person in the nursing home that died vaccinated? If so why did the vaccine not protect the person? That is what my point is all along. The older more vulnerable people should be vaccinated. And if the vaccine works like they say and you are vaccinated you should be protected from the virus. The media has turned this into such a chitshow that you can't believe anything that is said anymore. To mandate a vaccine the has a 99.5% survival rate for ages up to 64 is all just about government control. And to not include those people with natural antibodies from having covid is also wrong.
I wondered that too but due to hippa laws that was not revealed.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on September 09/12/21, 05:03:29 PM
People can spin things any way they want to. Personally I think anyone working in health care should be vaccinated. You are all entitled to your own opinion, this is just mine.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/12/21, 08:08:16 PM
It's funny how stubborn some can be, not directed at anyone here but a fella at work who was so against the flu shot would get sick, the more crap we gave him his heels would dig in. Well he got covid and knocked him on his a$$ for 6 days, never been that sick in his time he says.  He comes back to work and says no way am I getting the shot. Me, I've been a believer of the flu shot it has worked for me, I'll give this shot a one time shot and see..
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on September 09/13/21, 07:34:19 AM
So this vaccine saga continues to spin outof control,with so many new cases of covid variants most likely coming from all these illegals being placed all over our country unvetted and now afgan refugee's the CDC claimed yesterday we need a "New" updated vaccine to counter these new mutating variants.

I question will china ever be held accountable? what about fauci? :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on September 09/13/21, 08:38:18 AM
How can you hold China accountable? What you going to do, make them sit in the corner? No, there will be papers written, movies made and thousands of hours condemning them. But there isn't anything anybody can do that would make a difference.

Fauci? He could be fired or promoted depending on your view of the job he has done. He did what he was asked to do, scare the populous into wearing masks, distancing ect. He just couldn't cross the goal line with the vaccine.

Just as the world has lived with the threat of nukes hanging over our heads we will learn to live & adjust to this virus. Some will be lost but most will go on.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/13/21, 08:54:27 AM
Unfortunately, you'll never be able to hold anyone accountable for spreading COVID in any fashion, IMO. If ya could, I'd be first in line to do it to the facility that didn't keep their known active COVID residents sequestered, and killed my Mom by finding an active one sitting in her room, talking to her. She was fine until four days later. When they were called out on it, their actual reply was "We can't tie people down"...honest to God truth.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/13/21, 09:19:55 AM
... is all just about government control.  And to not include those people with natural antibodies from having covid is also wrong.

The Democrats have ALWAYS been about more government control; more government (regulations and taxes) will solve all of YOUR problems, so vote for us!

This notion hasn't gone away because of the pandemic, but now the liberally leaning government administrations are so vested in their solutions - lockdowns and forced vaccinations - that they won't let go.  They can't admit their solutions WON'T solve all of our problems.

Covid is a flu virus.  It mutates.  The new vaccines provide protection for many - but they will NEVER eradicate Covid.

Vaccinated people still get covid.  They generally don't get as stick, but sometimes they require hospitalization, and sometimes - if they are particularly vulnerable - they still die.

Vaccinated people still get covid.  They can spread it, and as they pass the virus onto others, it is very likely that the virus they transmit will be resistant to the antibodies produced as a result of the current vaccines OR NATURAL IMMUNITY from a previous infection.

Me getting vaccinated does nothing to protect you.  You getting vaccinated protects you.

My nurse being vaccinated does nothing to protect me.  Me getting vaccinated protects me.

Me getting vaccinated does nothing to stop covid.

So stop supporting governments and companies that mandate people take experimental vaccines!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/13/21, 09:32:44 AM
Unfortunately, you'll never be able to hold anyone accountable for spreading COVID in any fashion, IMO. If ya could, I'd be first in line to do it to the facility that didn't keep their known active COVID residents sequestered, and killed my Mom by finding an active one sitting in her room, talking to her. She was fine until four days later. When they were called out on it, their actual reply was "We can't tie people down"...honest to God truth.

Very sorry, Reb, to hear the circumstances of your mom's passing.

My wife's aunt (in her 90's) is in a facility.  She had her own apartment and survived over a year of lockdown in solidary confinement.  Who is to say what toll this took on her dementia, but now she is in memory care with a group of people in a shared space with private rooms.  Thank God the vaccines were available before she was forced to move into those conditions.  There are no easy answers for anyone in these circumstances in these times.  In a certain sense, we continue to pray that she has a Happy Death - where she can depart with dignity and in contact with those who love her.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on September 09/13/21, 09:46:39 AM
Unfortunately, you'll never be able to hold anyone accountable for spreading COVID in any fashion, IMO. If ya could, I'd be first in line to do it to the facility that didn't keep their known active COVID residents sequestered, and killed my Mom by finding an active one sitting in her room, talking to her. She was fine until four days later. When they were called out on it, their actual reply was "We can't tie people down"...honest to God truth.

 Agreed Reb,sad for your loss...it's never easy losing a loved one,it seems the CCP fired the first shot of WW3 by releasing this virus,remember this all started back in early 2019 when Hong Kong was uprising  against the CCP,and since 1000's have died in hong kong not to mention over  million's world wide,china is just itching for a fight,lot's of lip service these days from xi man,it's gonna get real very soon.

This is from an older article but some interesting information.

The count is based on vaccination numbers, not vaccinated people. They count only vials. I've said for some time now that the estimation may be true but only because they don't even count who is double/triple/quad vaxxed into the pool. It's very likely the number of those individuals is in the millions.

The important part to this scenario is that multivaxxers do not consult with doctors or the technicians before taking the jab. The idea is that if the jab were taken too soon after a previous one, it would result in increased viral load. It is my belief there are hundreds of thousands of people who get their self prescribed jab days or hours after another one, this is how breakthrough infections are occurring, the viral load from multiple vials of the virus introduced to the body are both detectable by testing and transmissible because of viral load. This also explains why reports are indicating that the vaccinated have fewer symptoms when they do get sick, because they've been overloaded, not infected. I honestly don't understand how people even on this site are having trouble understanding this. To make it clearer I'll explain it this way, there are certain people who are overvaxxing, it is very possible there are crazies out there who are omnivaxxers, meaning they've taken every jab available, they've been jabbed 6 times. (2Pfizer, 1 of each of the others)


Got to read this article of the extremely paranoid
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/13/21, 11:14:43 AM
Unfortunately, you'll never be able to hold anyone accountable for spreading COVID in any fashion, IMO. If ya could, I'd be first in line to do it to the facility that didn't keep their known active COVID residents sequestered, and killed my Mom by finding an active one sitting in her room, talking to her. She was fine until four days later. When they were called out on it, their actual reply was "We can't tie people down"...honest to God truth.

What pi**es me off is she missed the shot by about 2 months. Wa
Very sorry, Reb, to hear the circumstances of your mom's passing.

My wife's aunt (in her 90's) is in a facility.  She had her own apartment and survived over a year of lockdown in solidary confinement.  Who is to say what toll this took on her dementia, but now she is in memory care with a group of people in a shared space with private rooms.  Thank God the vaccines were available before she was forced to move into those conditions.  There are no easy answers for anyone in these circumstances in these times.  In a certain sense, we continue to pray that she has a Happy Death - where she can depart with dignity and in contact with those who love her.

Hope it goes well for her Steve-o.  What pi**es me off is...The shot came out 2 months after Mom died. If she could have made it to then.....but  the "If onlys" are a bad slope to get on. Life sure is never fair, is it?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on September 09/13/21, 11:23:27 AM
Well will we ever know the truth's?

85% are vaccinated in Israel.
Sure looks like things go to hell after the booster.
Sweden promoting natural immunity not so much.
I lost an cousin in june to the vaccine. 65 and ready to go on vacation so they got it, the next morning while having coffee he died from a massive blood clot. couple had been together since the 7th grade.
Just this week my fishing partners son inlaw got the shot last Friday due to pressure at work to get vaccinated. Healthy in his 30s, wife and two little kids.
He is now fighting for his life with blood issues they have no answers for. Had he gotten covid there was an almost 100% chance he'd have gotten through it just fine at his age. Terrible.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/13/21, 11:27:49 AM
Unfortunately, you'll never be able to hold anyone accountable for spreading COVID in any fashion, IMO. If ya could, I'd be first in line to do it to the facility that didn't keep their known active COVID residents sequestered, and killed my Mom by finding an active one sitting in her room, talking to her. She was fine until four days later. When they were called out on it, their actual reply was "We can't tie people down"...honest to God truth.

What pi**es me off is she missed the shot by about 2 months. Wa
Very sorry, Reb, to hear the circumstances of your mom's passing.

My wife's aunt (in her 90's) is in a facility.  She had her own apartment and survived over a year of lockdown in solidary confinement.  Who is to say what toll this took on her dementia, but now she is in memory care with a group of people in a shared space with private rooms.  Thank God the vaccines were available before she was forced to move into those conditions.  There are no easy answers for anyone in these circumstances in these times.  In a certain sense, we continue to pray that she has a Happy Death - where she can depart with dignity and in contact with those who love her.

Hope it goes well for her Steve-o.  What pi**es me off is...The shot came out 2 months after Mom died. If she could have made it to then.....but  the "If onlys" are a bad slope to get on. Life sure is never fair, is it?

Thanks, Reb, and thanks be to God, it is going as well as it can.  She has good days and bad.  As time goes by the bad ones outnumber the good.  That's just the way things go.  She has frequent enough visitors to see what is going on and keep the staff honest.  We understand their challenges and we work with them to continue compassionate caregiving.  On her good days we help her to live her best live, but the day is not so far off that passing will be a mercy.  We are so thankful for our faith.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/13/21, 11:38:50 AM
Well will we ever know the truth's?

85% are vaccinated in Israel.
Sure looks like things go to hell after the booster.
Sweden promoting natural immunity not so much.
I lost an cousin in june to the vaccine. 65 and ready to go on vacation so they got it, the next morning while having coffee he died from a massive blood clot. couple had been together since the 7th grade.
Just this week my fishing partners son inlaw got the shot last Friday due to pressure at work to get vaccinated. Healthy in his 30s, wife and two little kids.
He is now fighting for his life with blood issues they have no answers for. Had he gotten covid there was an almost 100% chance he'd have gotten through it just fine at his age. Terrible.

I do not personally know anyone who died from covid.
I do not personally know anyone who died from a vaccine.

I do have friends and acquaintances who know both, so my anecdotal evidence is completely second hand.

Of those people, I have heard of more people who died immediately after receiving the shot than people who have died from the virus itself.

I can't claim that those people died from the shot, but dammit, where there's smoke, there's fire - and the medical community at large, in league with government and mainstream media seems to be ignoring this.  They are afraid to start pulling on the thread because of what they might discover.

And before you light me up for this opinion, consider this.  If they had genuine concern, there would be open and frank discussions everyday about what the real complications are for the vaccines.  But they refuse to conduct these discussions because the conversation might dissuade people from vaccinations.

They don't want to understand the whole truth, they only want to be correct.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/13/21, 11:40:55 AM
Unfortunately, you'll never be able to hold anyone accountable for spreading COVID in any fashion, IMO. If ya could, I'd be first in line to do it to the facility that didn't keep their known active COVID residents sequestered, and killed my Mom by finding an active one sitting in her room, talking to her. She was fine until four days later. When they were called out on it, their actual reply was "We can't tie people down"...honest to God truth.

What pi**es me off is she missed the shot by about 2 months. Wa
Very sorry, Reb, to hear the circumstances of your mom's passing.

My wife's aunt (in her 90's) is in a facility.  She had her own apartment and survived over a year of lockdown in solidary confinement.  Who is to say what toll this took on her dementia, but now she is in memory care with a group of people in a shared space with private rooms.  Thank God the vaccines were available before she was forced to move into those conditions.  There are no easy answers for anyone in these circumstances in these times.  In a certain sense, we continue to pray that she has a Happy Death - where she can depart with dignity and in contact with those who love her.

Hope it goes well for her Steve-o.  What pi**es me off is...The shot came out 2 months after Mom died. If she could have made it to then.....but  the "If onlys" are a bad slope to get on. Life sure is never fair, is it?

Thanks, Reb, and thanks be to God, it is going as well as it can.  She has good days and bad.  As time goes by the bad ones outnumber the good.  That's just the way things go.  She has frequent enough visitors to see what is going on and keep the staff honest.  We understand their challenges and we work with them to continue compassionate caregiving.  On her good days we help her to live her best live, but the day is not so far off that passing will be a mercy.  We are so thankful for our faith.

That sounds exactly like my Mom's circumstances. Every time I went to see her, thought to myself "this may be the last time", and treated it as such. I enjoyed all I could with her, our "happy hour" with Pepsi's in the early afternoon..or the goodies I always picked up every time on my way to see her, just being there with her was enough to make her crack a big smile when I walked in. That made it bearable right there.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/13/21, 11:52:05 AM
All I can say is, I thought I WAS gonna die after I had my flu shot reaction.....ye gods. Ask me if I was worried getting the COVID  J & J after had allergist test me BEFORE for a possible reaction to it. (Got smart for once, but like pulling hen's teeth to get appt for it) Did react instantly to the base solution used in the Moderna and Pfizer vacc.  :censored:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/13/21, 12:19:22 PM
WOW!!!  There's yer problem!  (One of them anyway.)

This is the first I've heard of anyone in the medical community testing to see if someone is allergic to the vaccine BEFORE giving it.

And what was the good medical advice we were getting from Doctor Walz earlier this summer to the question of which vaccine we should take?

Take whatever vaccine is available, he said.  Here's $100 buck of taxpayer's money; go get the shot.

Again, who would take the vaccine if they knew their body was alergic to it?   :confused:  We can't have people knowing the truth up front.

What do they say in all those disclaimers for drug ads you see on TV?

"Do not take ELIQUIS if you currently have certain types of abnormal bleeding or have had a
serious allergic reaction to ELIQUIS."

Don't see any disclaimers for Moderna, Pfizer, or J&J.  How come?  :angry:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/13/21, 12:21:05 PM
All I can say is, I thought I WAS gonna die after I had my flu shot reaction.....ye gods. Ask me if I was worried getting the COVID  J & J after had allergist test me BEFORE for a possible reaction to it. (Got smart for once, but like pulling hen's teeth to get appt for it) Did react instantly to the base solution used in the Moderna and Pfizer vacc.  :censored:

And for the record, the base solutions for Moderna and Pfizer are different from each other too.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/13/21, 12:27:39 PM
Mayhap I've set a new medical precedent.... maybe they'll now give the "Reb allergy test"...? :scratch: I figgered that since you can test for allergies to just about anything (and I've had most of them...have a lot of $#@! allergies) why not test for reaction to a vaccine? The Allergist said Moderna and Pfizer use the same base solution in their "cocktail", J & J uses a different one. Common base solution, he said. I tested negative to that. Still was worried when they sunk that needle in.....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/13/21, 12:28:45 PM
All I can say is, I thought I WAS gonna die after I had my flu shot reaction.....ye gods. Ask me if I was worried getting the COVID  J & J after had allergist test me BEFORE for a possible reaction to it. (Got smart for once, but like pulling hen's teeth to get appt for it) Did react instantly to the base solution used in the Moderna and Pfizer vacc.  :censored:

And for the record, the base solutions for Moderna and Pfizer are different from each other too.

Doc said they were the same base....that's why I had to get the J & J.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/13/21, 12:36:39 PM
All I can say is, I thought I WAS gonna die after I had my flu shot reaction.....ye gods. Ask me if I was worried getting the COVID  J & J after had allergist test me BEFORE for a possible reaction to it. (Got smart for once, but like pulling hen's teeth to get appt for it) Did react instantly to the base solution used in the Moderna and Pfizer vacc.  :censored:

And for the record, the base solutions for Moderna and Pfizer are different from each other too.

Doc said they were the same base....that's why I had to get the J & J.

I can accept that.  I know people who tried to research what is in each vaccine.  The ingredients for all were different:  vehicles, stabilizers, active ingredients, etc.  But perhaps there are enough similarities between Moderna and Pfizer that the fit into a common class of vaccine, i.e. they need to be transported and stored at -80 degrees, etc., but there are also some differences in their formulations.

What are the implications of different formulations?  Who knows?  No one wants to talk about that.  All people want to know is how effective it is.  What is the the highest percentage in all the short term studies you've conducted so far?  Gimme that one.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/13/21, 12:44:52 PM
Only thing I noticed is I now have a penchant for Chinese food.  :rotflmao:

 (I actually JUST finished making a batch of pork fried rice!)  :tongue:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on September 09/13/21, 12:55:43 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on September 09/13/21, 01:04:13 PM
Only thing I noticed is I now have a penchant for Chinese food.  :rotflmao:

 (I actually JUST finished making a batch of pork fried rice!)  :tongue:

cat drop soup will be next!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/13/21, 01:05:10 PM
No cat's gonna be spalshin' in MY soop!  :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/13/21, 03:28:11 PM
Only thing I noticed is I now have a penchant for Chinese food.  :rotflmao:

 (I actually JUST finished making a batch of pork fried rice!)  :tongue:

cat drop soup will be next!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/13/21, 07:19:00 PM
Just saw it on Family Guy...it's all explained!!!  :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/14/21, 07:57:48 AM
 :scratch: :confused: Been kind of keeping an eye on this: https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/20-percent-of-unvaccinated-delta-workers-receive-shot-within-2-weeks-of-surcharge-prompt/ar-AAOp5TF?ocid
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on September 09/14/21, 08:05:56 AM
Wow,I smell a massive law suit in the making,never knew this was going on,thanx for posting the link.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/14/21, 08:15:42 AM
I'm betting :scratch: that with all the other airlines following suit so quickly that all of their lawyers are telling them that they should be able to get away with it. :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/14/21, 08:36:29 AM
This may be worker's only option to end this mandate garbage in its tracks.

Study Shows That 44% Of Employees Would Quit If Ordered To Get Vaccinated (https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackkelly/2021/08/12/study-shows-that-44-of-employees-would-quit-if-ordered-to-get-vaccinated/?sh=3ef26b951b78)

Hospital to stop delivering babies after 30 staffers quit over vaccine mandate (https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/571895-hospital-says-it-will-stop-delivering-babies-after-maternity-ward)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/14/21, 08:39:56 AM
i've pretty much come to the conclusion 95% of this  :bs: is political. do i think the rona is real......YES. but back when trump was president the Dems rallied against any vacine as though trump was making it himself, now they wanna make everyone drink the juice???/ :doah: :rolleyes:

at this point if you want the shot get the shot, if ya done then dont get it. wanna wear a mask, have at it. wanna hibernate go ahead, wanna live your live have at it!!!!!!  the idea of having this vacine as a required vacine down the road is a crock of sheet!!!!!!

i'm a pretty handsome dude :sleazy: but i may not be the most healthy specimen but feel if i would get the rona i would be OK!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/14/21, 08:42:54 AM
This may be worker's only option to end this mandate garbage in its tracks.

Study Shows That 44% Of Employees Would Quit If Ordered To Get Vaccinated (https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackkelly/2021/08/12/study-shows-that-44-of-employees-would-quit-if-ordered-to-get-vaccinated/?sh=3ef26b951b78)

Hospital to stop delivering babies after 30 staffers quit over vaccine mandate (https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/571895-hospital-says-it-will-stop-delivering-babies-after-maternity-ward)
there's a huge discussion about the jobs related to the vacine requirement over on IDO. i dont need to be concerned about choosing the vacine or my job, but man if you like your job, pays well.......thats one tough call to make.

again i think this has a long way to go before it will get truly implemented!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/14/21, 08:47:13 AM
Yep, Glenn, making that call to quit is goona be tough for a lot of people.  But if you aren't in a union, you can't strike.  Walking is your only option.

New York teachers protest vaccine mandates, march across Brooklyn Bridge: 'I call the shots' (https://www.foxnews.com/us/anti-vaccine-mandate-protesters-new-york-city-joe-biden)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/14/21, 08:55:32 AM
and i forgot to mention.....he wants EVERY American to be vacinated.........but not required to be vacinated are illegal immigrants!!!!!! :confused: :angry2: just how totally effin F!@#$ up is that!!!!!!!!!!!! :doofus: :doofus: :angry2: :angry2: :confused:

or the fact that a vast majority of the executive branch doesnt fall under the mandate............ that really urinates me off!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/14/21, 09:02:11 AM
and i forgot to mention.....he wants EVERY American to be vacinated.........but not required to be vacinated are illegal immigrants!!!!!! :confused: :angry2: just how totally effin F!@#$ up is that!!!!!!!!!!!! :doofus: :doofus: :angry2: :angry2: :confused:

or the fact that a vast majority of the executive branch doesnt fall under the mandate............ that really urinates me off!!!!!!!!!

As is congress.  You can't make up hypocrisy at this level of ineptitude. 

Members of Congress and Their Staff Are Exempt From Biden's Vaccine Mandate (https://www.newsweek.com/members-congress-staff-exempt-biden-covid-vaccine-mandate-1627859)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/14/21, 09:18:41 AM
Employer: Get a vaccine or don't come back.

Employee: Screw you, I quit.

Employer: Fine, I'll hire someone else.

Repeat 20 times.

Employer: Jeez, I'll be outta business if I don't get some help....

Applicant: Joo mebbe hire me, senor? and my family?

Employer: Are you vaccinated?

Applicant: No, senor, I am exempt...

Employer: When can you start?  I pay $6 an hour...

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/14/21, 03:20:34 PM
And in the Med city...81 active COVID cases in first two weeks at Rochester Public schools. We're going baclwards fast....... :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on September 09/14/21, 04:09:00 PM
Wow, and Olmsted County has less than half the positivity rate that we have here
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/14/21, 04:23:31 PM
And the kiddies haveta wear masks, too. Somethin's fishy here... :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on September 09/14/21, 07:10:56 PM

maybe one of Reb's places to go?? 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on September 09/14/21, 07:36:19 PM
Use taxpayer money to encourage people from working and the jobs go away.  SHOCKING!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/14/21, 08:41:37 PM

maybe one of Reb's places to go??

Yup, even though I was only at one of those places. My buddy Jerry Zubay and his family (that's his daughter Lindsay that owns Porch's Fried chicken in the historic train depot) owns those and other restaurants in Roch....Mr Pizza and both Newts. I've been going to those for many, many years. It really sucks.
Another great Rochester restaurant goes bust....and it isn't all the COVID. It's this town.
Jerry and I started out as reserve cops together many years ago before he left and I continued on in that field.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on September 09/14/21, 08:50:49 PM
Rochester & St. Cloud are on the same path and it's not a good path. Gonna be major problems in both cities before long.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/14/21, 09:27:02 PM
I went back to my mask wearing a couple weeks ago. I hate it, but I'd hate to die fighting for breath like my Mom did too. Lost 3 school buddies and one good friend this past two MONTHS alone. Seems like all I see is death this last year.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/14/21, 10:04:20 PM
:scratch: :confused: Been kind of keeping an eye on this: https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/20-percent-of-unvaccinated-delta-workers-receive-shot-within-2-weeks-of-surcharge-prompt/ar-AAOp5TF?ocid
Wow,I smell a massive law suit in the making,never knew this was going on,thanx for posting the link.
My last employer started charging people who were :smoking: an extra $100/month for their coverage a year or 2 before I left & that was 2011.  :scratch: How is this any different? :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/14/21, 10:14:21 PM
I just read that the Arizona Attorney General filed a law suit over this. Well the mandate.

Personally I think insurance companies or companies charging more for either or is a crock of crap. Just another money grab. Crooks!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/15/21, 08:43:22 AM
 :scratch: :confused: Nobody's forcing them to participate in the employer's group plan & they can always buy their own healthcare coverage.   :whistling:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/15/21, 08:50:59 AM
:scratch: :confused: Nobody's forcing them to participate in the employer's group plan & they can always buy their own healthcare coverage.   :whistling:
oh i agree, but honestly who the hell can actually afford to make those monthly premiums????????? :scratch:

and i dont think for one minute that they will not getr by with it. like you said they've done this with smokers for a long time.

having done contract negotiations for a long time, i've seen how they have evolved.  my former employer went a little differnet route about 3-4 years ago. i sat through all the meetings. instead of negotiation benifts and rates they brought in a group that offers many, many different types a plans...each employee got to "shop' For the plan they felt comfortable with as far as coverage and cost.  it put the burden on the employee to pick and choose.  AND the company still via contract still paid there portion of the negotiated premiums.

at first this was a HUGE pissing match, but with that group everything was, especially change. they liked others to make the decision then bitch about it. after the dust settled......no much!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/15/21, 09:03:52 AM
Exactly my point :doah:, that extra $200/month for the coverage they can get through the employer's group plan may seem like a GREAT DEAL after they look into paying for an individual policy for themselves. :crazy: Just for the record, I think :scratch: the insurance business is really just a legal scam too but you gotta have it ..............................or :oops1: :help:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/15/21, 09:05:25 AM
ya mean WE actually agree on something??????? :rolleyes: :shocked: :shocked: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/15/21, 09:09:56 AM
 :scratch: :rolleyes: :bonk: :banghead: :doah:                             
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/15/21, 09:30:11 AM
There is a big difference between an excise premium for smokers and one for covid.

The long term health care cost increases for smokers has been demonstrated over time.  I think my company charges $50 per month.

There is no parallel with covid.  Give me a break.  There is no evidence to justify charging a non-vaccinated person an extra $100 or $200 a month for insurance.

It really is all about control (one group of people imposing their will upon another group of people) based on emotional fears and employing every tactic of coercion at their disposal.

This could be so much different if the powers that be didn't insist on mandating experimental drugs to be the best and only path forward.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/15/21, 09:40:05 AM
One think I think you fellers missed.....smoking is an ELECTIVE choice, you CAN quit; getting COVID is not. No proof the vaccine is gonna stop you from getting it. That's my cawfee time wisom this morning.  :coffee:   :azn:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/15/21, 09:57:08 AM
One think I think you fellers missed.....smoking is an ELECTIVE choice, you CAN quit; getting COVID is not. No proof the vaccine is gonna stop you from getting it. That's my cawfee time wisom this morning.  :coffee:   :azn:

Yes, and in fact, there is mounting evidence that vaccination does NOT stop you from getting covid.  It only lessens the severity and maybe makes it less likely for you to spread the virus.  So-called 'break-through cases" should not be considered rare events.

That is what really PI$$ES me off about this latest trend of show your vaccine card or 72 hour proof of negative test to get in someplace.

If you were REALLY, GENUINELY concerned about all of this, you would make EVERYONE submit a 72 hour proof if negative test to get into major group events.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on September 09/15/21, 11:23:25 AM
recent note from a friend,agree with you steve-o....

Just learned personally of another person who was fully vaccinated yet died of Covid. Something is very wrong here!!!

Listening to Rand Paul the other night,his claim about these new to us variants we need a new vaccine even tho Paul is all about natural immunity after contracting covid himself.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/16/21, 06:06:32 AM
Wow, and Olmsted County has less than half the positivity rate that we have here

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/16/21, 08:12:10 AM
Just seen on the news that St Louis County/Duluth has had a recent spike in #'s too. https://weather.com/coronavirus/l/Duluth+MN?canonicalCityId=6bd0040a9789b57c8fe47f73a5a5c720a2b226fdf5925bf7519305ae38f6c8d3
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/16/21, 08:55:48 AM
One think I think you fellers missed.....smoking is an ELECTIVE choice, you CAN quit; getting COVID is not. No proof the vaccine is gonna stop you from getting it. That's my cawfee time wisom this morning.  :coffee:   :azn:

Yes, and in fact, there is mounting evidence that vaccination does NOT stop you from getting covid.  It only lessens the severity and maybe makes it less likely for you to spread the virus.  So-called 'break-through cases" should not be considered rare events.

That is what really PI$$ES me off about this latest trend of show your vaccine card or 72 hour proof of negative test to get in someplace.

If you were REALLY, GENUINELY concerned about all of this, you would make EVERYONE submit a 72 hour proof if negative test to get into major group events.
Steve-O, there isnt a vacine out there known to mankind that will stop you from getting sick, shingles, poison ivy, whatever. ther intent is to leesen the severity should you get it.

i,ve said this before, even in over the counter meds, read the fine print, they list possible side affects........the have to list them. because in real life not every body reacts the same to a mediication.

hell i got hurt at work a long time ago, doc gave me a muscle relaxer, took that for over a week..........i was on my last couple and all of a sudden broke out with these big friggin welts, and itch!!!!! :confused: i used to eat shrimp, cant anymore because when i do it feels like my throat swells up!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/16/21, 09:11:31 AM
Fact: Allergies can hit you ANYTIME from almost ANYTHING. Foods, substance contact, chemicals, dyes, drinks, you name it. *POW*   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on September 09/16/21, 09:48:03 AM
And if you have an allergy to anything it can all of a sudden go away too.  Just like poison ivy, you can get it every year and then your body gets used to it.  OR you can never get it and all of a sudden your body reacts to it from then on. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/16/21, 04:46:21 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on September 09/16/21, 05:15:28 PM

Great, that number on the forehead thing seems to be coming closer.  :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/16/21, 05:26:32 PM

Great, that number on the forehead thing seems to be coming closer.  :doah:

It was already in a tracking molecule that was injected with yer COVID shot.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on September 09/16/21, 07:43:11 PM

Great, that number on the forehead thing seems to be coming closer.  :doah:

It was already in a tracking molecule that was injected with yer COVID shot.
Yeah, the only problem with that theory is, unless they have a little Pfizer lab setup at a million locations. How do they get all your personal info in the bottle when you just walked into the joint and they slam a needle in yea 5 mins later?   :scratch: Wallgreens ant even that fast!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/16/21, 07:50:18 PM
Not sure..... Wi-fi scan download? You'll haveta haveta ask I dunno Joe, I'm sure he could explain it.  He's pretty smart.  :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: markn on September 09/17/21, 07:29:43 AM
Another take on this.  :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on September 09/17/21, 07:35:35 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/17/21, 08:48:22 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/17/21, 09:14:32 AM
Another take on this.  :sleazy:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/17/21, 09:26:41 AM
Just stand tall! Get yer COVID vaccine today....Glenn did!    :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/17/21, 11:58:06 AM
Holy poo...............

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/17/21, 12:24:28 PM
Just stand tall! Get yer COVID vaccine today....Glenn did!    :happy1:
Yea like I did back in February. And I be way more handsome den day guy!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on September 09/17/21, 12:27:24 PM
Holy poo...............


Time to move up to Cook county where people stay apart and mind their own damn business!   :happy1:   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/17/21, 02:11:20 PM
Holy poo...............


Time to move up to Cook county where people stay apart and mind their own damn business!   :happy1:   :rotflmao:

Boy, ya got THAT right, Leech! This diverse PC town can just ...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/17/21, 03:38:00 PM
Yes...no...maybe....I think it's time to just hang it all up on this crap. I'm so sick of hearing 27 different reports and opinions every day, whether I want to or not.
Two different "Breaking news" reports, stating the OPPOSITE of each other.
Feel like doin' a Chris Cross song...."Run like the wind".  :censored:



Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/18/21, 09:59:08 AM
Yes, they have turned this into a mega mess. I try to just go about my business if I can.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/20/21, 08:41:09 AM
That's what happens when people take medical advice from the Executive Branch of government. 

That did Good King Walz tell his subjects when they asked which vaccine they should take?

Take the one that is available, he said.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/20/21, 06:28:54 PM
Local news (I was watching weather when they broke in..) stated COVID cases have spiked even higher this week in Rochester Public Schools.....something not quite right in this town. We just keep goin' higher and higher.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/21/21, 07:58:12 AM
Wow, and Olmsted County has less than half the positivity rate that we have here


"Right now, 80 to 90 percent of hospitalizations for Covid in the county are unvaccinated people.  On any given day, Olmsted County is averaging 15 to 20 people in the hospital for Covid-19."
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/21/21, 08:47:21 AM
How do vaccinated people spread Delta? What the science says (https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02187-1)

Data from COVID-19 tests in the United States, the United Kingdom and Singapore are showing that vaccinated people who become infected with Delta SARS-CoV-2 can carry as much virus in their nose as do unvaccinated people. This means that despite the protection offered by vaccines, a proportion of vaccinated people can pass on Delta, possibly aiding its rise.

“People who have a Delta virus and happen to have ‘breakthrough’ infections can carry these really high levels of virus, and can unwittingly spread the virus to others,” says David O’Connor, a virologist at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/21/21, 03:49:46 PM
Yep. Vaccinated people spread it just the same as the unvaccinated. They just don't have as tuff a time with it. So they try and make it sound like it is only unvaccinated people.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: fishwidow on September 09/21/21, 10:09:55 PM
Yep. Vaccinated people spread it just the same as the unvaccinated. They just don't have as tuff a time with it. So they try and make it sound like it is only unvaccinated people.
I don’t get you point here:
Vaccinated spread it and unvaccinated people spread it.
Vaccinated people don’t have as tough a time with it meaning unvaccinated people have a tougher time with it.
Logic tells me I’m better off being vaccinated. I can spread it either way, but I will not have as tough a time with it if I’m vaccinated.  :confused:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/22/21, 06:50:33 AM
My point was that the MS media and Obiden say it is all just the unvaccinated. Which is not the reality.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/22/21, 07:08:23 AM
My point was that the MS media and Obiden say it is all just the unvaccinated. Which is not the reality.

In the COVID ZONE, there is no more reality.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/22/21, 07:09:24 AM
Boy is that the truth Rebs!

(https://tinypix.top/images/2021/09/22/vWCpJ.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/vWCpJ)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on September 09/22/21, 12:12:09 PM
fishwidow,this will help clear up question's you may have....honest

Bud: ‘You can’t come in here!’
Lou: ‘Why not?’
Bud: ‘Well because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But I’m not sick.’
Bud: ‘It doesn’t matter.’
Lou: ‘Well, why does that guy get to go in?’
Bud: ‘Because he’s vaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But he’s sick!’
Bud: ‘It’s alright. Everyone in here is vaccinated.’
Lou: ‘Wait a minute. Are you saying everyone in there is vaccinated?’
Bud: ‘Yes.’
Lou: ‘So then why can’t I go in there if everyone is vaccinated?’
Bud: ‘Because you’ll make them sick.’
Lou: ‘How will I make them sick if I’m NOT sick and they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘But they can still get sick.’
Lou: ‘So what the heck does the vaccine do?’
Bud: ‘It vaccinates.’
Lou: ‘So vaccinated people can’t spread covid?’
Bud: ‘Oh no. They can spread covid just as easily as an unvaccinated person.’
Lou: ‘I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore. Look. I’m not sick.
Bud: ‘Ok.’
Lou: ‘And the guy you let in IS sick.’
Bud: ‘That’s right.’
Lou: ‘And everybody in there can still get sick even though they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Certainly.’
Lou: ‘So why can’t I go in again?’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘I’m not asking who’s vaccinated or not!’
Bud: ‘I’m just telling you how it is.’
Lou: ‘Nevermind. I’ll just put on my mask.’
Bud: ‘That’s fine.’
Lou: ‘Now I can go in?’
Bud: ‘Absolutely not?’
Lou: ‘But I have a mask!’
Bud: ‘Doesn’t matter.’
Lou: ‘I was able to come in here yesterday with a mask.’
Bud: ‘I know.’
Lou: So why can’t I come in here today with a mask? ….If you say ‘because I’m unvaccinated’ again, I’ll break your arm.’
Bud: ‘Take it easy buddy.’
Lou: ‘So the mask is no good anymore.’
Bud: ‘No, it’s still good.’
Lou: ‘But I can’t come in?’
Bud: ‘Correct.’
Lou: ‘Why not?’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But the mask prevents the germs from getting out.’
Bud: ‘Yes, but people can still catch your germs.’
Lou: ‘But they’re all vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Yes, but they can still get sick.’
Lou: ‘But I’m not sick!!’
Bud: ‘You can still get them sick.’
Lou: ‘So then masks don’t work!’
Bud: ‘Masks work quite well.’
Lou: ‘So how in the heck can I get vaccinated people sick if I’m not sick and masks work?’
Bud: ‘Third base.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/22/21, 12:43:06 PM
My point was that the MS media and Obiden say it is all just the unvaccinated. Which is not the reality.
  :scratch: The news is supposed to be about reality? :doah: It hasn't been for 10 years .................or more  :rolleyes:, it's more about their view of the situation & that's the main reason I don't watch much news anymore.  :sad: :mad1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/22/21, 12:57:51 PM
Oh c'mon Gunner...you always watch the weekend news, don'tcha?

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/22/21, 04:22:58 PM
Now things ARE gettin' outta hand. Rochester Public Schools has announced anyone refusing to wear a mask during meetings is in violation and will be issued a trespass warrant and banned from school property for a year....so if ya don't wear a mask, you'll have a legal hit on yer record. Had some folks last nite at school board meeting that wouldn't comply, so they stopped meeting and sent everyone home. F***n incredible. I gotta get outta here. Would they like it when they go stumping door-to-door for school issues, if they're on my steps, I hit 'em with a trespass ticket?! No difference, IMO.
Any of those spots still open up there, Leech?!   :mad1:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on September 09/22/21, 06:09:32 PM
Now things ARE gettin' outta hand. Rochester Public Schools has announced anyone refusing to wear a mask during meetings is in violation and will be issued a trespass warrant and banned from school property for a year....so if ya don't wear a mask, you'll have a legal hit on yer record. Had some folks last nite at school board meeting that wouldn't comply, so they stopped meeting and sent everyone home. F***n incredible. I gotta get outta here. Would they like it when they go stumping door-to-door for school issues, if they're on my steps, I hit 'em with a trespass ticket?! No difference, IMO.
Any of those spots still open up there, Leech?!   :mad1:

Where Mpls?  Their just as bad.   :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/22/21, 06:22:20 PM
Now things ARE gettin' outta hand. Rochester Public Schools has announced anyone refusing to wear a mask during meetings is in violation and will be issued a trespass warrant and banned from school property for a year....so if ya don't wear a mask, you'll have a legal hit on yer record. Had some folks last nite at school board meeting that wouldn't comply, so they stopped meeting and sent everyone home. F***n incredible. I gotta get outta here. Would they like it when they go stumping door-to-door for school issues, if they're on my steps, I hit 'em with a trespass ticket?! No difference, IMO.
Any of those spots still open up there, Leech?!   :mad1:

Where Mpls?  Their just as bad.   :crazy:

No, that county you said was safe and quiet!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on September 09/22/21, 07:53:27 PM
Now things ARE gettin' outta hand. Rochester Public Schools has announced anyone refusing to wear a mask during meetings is in violation and will be issued a trespass warrant and banned from school property for a year....so if ya don't wear a mask, you'll have a legal hit on yer record. Had some folks last nite at school board meeting that wouldn't comply, so they stopped meeting and sent everyone home. F***n incredible. I gotta get outta here. Would they like it when they go stumping door-to-door for school issues, if they're on my steps, I hit 'em with a trespass ticket?! No difference, IMO.
Any of those spots still open up there, Leech?!   :mad1:

Where Mpls?  Their just as bad.   :crazy:

No, that county you said was safe and quiet!!!!!!
  I don't know I ant got there yet?  :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/22/21, 09:18:58 PM
Never mind! I found it! You can return to yer bag of mushrooms... :doofus:  ;)

Holy poo...............


Time to move up to Cook county where people stay apart and mind their own damn business!   :happy1:   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on September 09/22/21, 09:33:28 PM
"Never mind! I found it! You can return to yer bag of mushrooms... :doofus:  ;) "

...and staring at large breasted women... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/23/21, 06:44:01 AM
Lake of the Woods county doesn't seem to be to bad. The land of rocks and cows.  ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on September 09/23/21, 06:48:10 AM
Reb,so these wanna be dictator's in rawchester have legal grounds to impose such an order with teeth? what a bunch of B.S.Maybe these board meeting's they have ain't are soooo important.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/23/21, 07:34:29 AM
This town always has seemed to do whatever it wants...and makes "laws" as it goes along. Maybe that's why the city has gotten sued so many times. Place is a breeding ground for 1st class Richards.

Lake of the Woods county doesn't seem to be to bad. The land of rocks and cows.  ;)

Man, I could handle that  JB. Rocks don't play rap music, and cows lowing softly puts me to sleep. At least, it always did in the Walmart aisle. 🐄 :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/23/21, 07:41:01 AM
People who are vaccinated, like me, are much less likely to get bad sick from Covid.   That, to me, is the important part, because when a lot of people are getting bad sick it wrecks things for everyone including me (and my family).     :angry2:

Being vaccinated probably also reduces transmission, but I haven't seen much actual data on that.    Most people seem to have basically no idea where or how they caught it.     
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/23/21, 07:45:55 AM
I think COVID is pretty much carried by vaccinated just as much as un-vaccinated folk, from what I've read. Kinda like cockleburrs, they just stick to everything going by.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/23/21, 08:53:00 AM
Lake of the Woods county doesn't seem to be to bad. The land of rocks and cows.  ;)
:scratch: Kind of quiet & peaceful here in Itasca County too! :happy1: :cool: Especially when you know who :rolleyes: :evil: isn't around.  ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/23/21, 09:13:00 AM
Lake of the Woods county doesn't seem to be to bad. The land of rocks and cows.  ;)
:scratch: Kind of quiet & peaceful here in Itasca County too! :happy1: :cool: Especially when you know who :rolleyes: :evil: isn't around.  ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Did you mean -DELETED-?    ;)  I bet it is!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on September 09/23/21, 09:44:57 AM
I think COVID is pretty much carried by vaccinated just as much as un-vaccinated folk, from what I've read. Kinda like cockleburrs, they just stick to everything going by.

Pretty much somes it up Reb ,last summer,the vid was said to be on our clothes,even re-useable grocery bags were prohited for use in our grocery stores,most folks grocery shopping wore exam gloves,me included,until I ran out and counldn't find replacement's,gloves grocery shopping might be a good idea still as so many folk's handle packages as they shop.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/23/21, 10:11:53 AM
I think COVID is pretty much carried by vaccinated just as much as un-vaccinated folk, from what I've read. Kinda like cockleburrs, they just stick to everything going by.

Pretty much somes it up Reb ,last summer,the vid was said to be on our clothes,even re-useable grocery bags were prohited for use in our grocery stores,most folks grocery shopping wore exam gloves,me included,until I ran out and counldn't find replacement's,gloves grocery shopping might be a good idea still as so many folk's handle packages as they shop.

nature.com:  COVID-19 rarely spreads through surfaces. So why are we still deep cleaning? (https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-00251-4)

...a microbiologist at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School in Newark, decided to take a closer look at the evidence around fomites. What he found was that there was little to support the idea that SARS-CoV-2 passes from one person to another through contaminated surfaces. He wrote a pointed commentary for The Lancet Infectious Diseases in July, arguing that surfaces presented relatively little risk of transmitting the virus2. His conviction has only strengthened since then, and Goldman has long since abandoned the gloves.

Many others reached similar conclusions. In fact, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) clarified its guidance about surface transmission in May, stating that this route is “not thought to be the main way the virus spreads”. It now states that transmission through surfaces is “not thought to be a common way that COVID-19 spreads”.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/23/21, 10:24:43 AM
Mayo Clinic no longer has any type of magazine, pamphlet, reading material, etc in any of the patient rooms or lobby areas, for that reason. Ya get to sit in a windowless room for 30 mins waiting for doc. Been doing it the last two days. I've seen cheerier holding cells. I was so bored, I took a pic yday! :rolleyes:
(it'll go upright if ya click on it)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on September 09/23/21, 10:36:41 AM
I'm seeing more folk's in my area wearing  (central mn) masks and going back to face shields,in south dakota everyone is mask less enjoying life,usually someone seen wearing a mask is a tourist and folks avoid these ppl at all costs short of throwing stones at them.

Haven't herd one word about the super spreader event last month in sturgis. :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/23/21, 10:43:33 AM
Oh, you have now...............

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/23/21, 11:03:32 AM
What a Joke. And last night on the news the said how the MN state fair they could only trace 232 cases of the rona back to the fair out of 1.3 million visitors. It all depends on if it is a blue or red approved event how they make their headline.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on September 09/23/21, 11:28:11 AM
I didn't hear any numbers like that for Sturgis...  the way they play with them...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on September 09/23/21, 11:40:17 AM
'zactly. The reports I've seen on the State Fair include words like "linked", "suspected" & "possible", not "proven" or "caused by". My wife was up there from Aug. 24th thru Sept. 5th. She came back from there healthier than she ever has. Usually she gets the "State Fair Crud", brought on by the crappy air quality in some of the livestock buildings and the dust coming off the shavings in the showring. Livestock numbers were down as was attendance but you don't see that as "linked" to the possibility of any positive outcome such as hers, only presented as a negative by the MSM.  :angry:   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/23/21, 11:55:39 AM
Mayo Clinic no longer has any type of magazine, pamphlet, reading material, etc in any of the patient rooms or lobby areas, for that reason. Ya get to sit in a windowless room for 30 mins waiting for doc. Been doing it the last two days. I've seen cheerier holding cells. I was so bored, I took a pic yday! :rolleyes:
(it'll go upright if ya click on it)

Phew!  Glad to see they didn't have the stirrups set up for you before the exam.   ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on September 09/23/21, 11:58:20 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/23/21, 12:04:29 PM
Mayo Clinic no longer has any type of magazine, pamphlet, reading material, etc in any of the patient rooms or lobby areas, for that reason. Ya get to sit in a windowless room for 30 mins waiting for doc. Been doing it the last two days. I've seen cheerier holding cells. I was so bored, I took a pic yday! :rolleyes:
(it'll go upright if ya click on it)

Phew!  Glad to see they didn't have the stirrups set up for you before the exam.   ;)

No, those come when ya get the bill.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on September 09/23/21, 12:51:43 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on September 09/23/21, 12:57:50 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on September 09/24/21, 07:46:04 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/24/21, 08:39:06 AM
        🏃‍♂️ 🚑

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on September 09/24/21, 08:58:07 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/24/21, 09:08:47 AM
I think it' all the geese here that are spreading it.  *HONK*
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on September 09/24/21, 10:08:57 AM
Another take....With more and more folks getting ill after the second dose....this is something to think about...

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/24/21, 10:57:18 AM
        🏃‍♂️ 🚑

Yep, I believe that about as much as I believe Obiden is running the show.  :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/24/21, 11:00:20 AM
        🏃‍♂️ 🚑

Yep, I believe that about as much as I believe Obiden is running the show.  :crazy:

That was my point on that one.....a gazillion differnt opinions everywhere ya look.
And probably none of 'em right.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/24/21, 11:06:21 AM
I knew what you were getting at Rebs.  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/24/21, 12:23:15 PM
Rollin' rollin' rollin'...TP is gonna be goin'....so get some when yer strollin', or  you'll get Rawhide!!!  :rotflmao: :bonk:


Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on September 09/24/21, 12:49:49 PM
Rollin' rollin' rollin'...TP is gonna be goin'....so get some when yer strollin', or  you'll get Rawhide!!!  :rotflmao: :bonk:


folks must be dumpin a lot more these days...  I was thinking it was more diarrhea of the mouth, but I must be wrong...   just sayin..... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/24/21, 12:55:41 PM
Rollin' rollin' rollin'...TP is gonna be goin'....so get some when yer strollin', or  you'll get Rawhide!!!  :rotflmao: :bonk:


  I was thinking it was more diarrhea of the mouth, but I must be wrong...   

Ooh...that don't sound good!  :puke:   :rotflmao:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on September 09/24/21, 03:23:06 PM
Meanwhile, North of the border...

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/25/21, 07:26:52 AM
 :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on September 09/25/21, 08:47:57 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on September 09/27/21, 07:20:07 AM
        🏃‍♂️ 🚑

Yep, I believe that about as much as I believe Obiden is running the show.  :crazy:

Agreed JB,I call B.S. :bs:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/27/21, 07:28:48 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on September 09/27/21, 07:47:54 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/27/21, 09:21:39 AM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/27/21, 11:13:34 AM
Man, these drug companies are just raking it in...and I still haveta pay an insane price for generic Insulin... :angry:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on September 09/27/21, 12:35:03 PM
Rollin' rollin' rollin'...TP is gonna be goin'....so get some when yer strollin', or  you'll get Rawhide!!!  :rotflmao: :bonk:


hey,lol Reb your on a roll....no pun intended,reminds me of the "walleye tune"....I like it,better put dib's on your one hit wonder before someone copy writes ya.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on September 09/27/21, 12:36:55 PM
Man, these drug companies are just raking it in...and I still haveta pay an insane price for generic Insulin... :angry:


Just think,we'll have endless covid booster's from now on,never ending covid booster shots....no thanx.

Finally words of wisdom from this front line doctor....interesting

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/28/21, 03:32:05 PM
I've seen a few doctors post videos against vaccines, mandates, and boosters.  They are all very similar.

I KNOW there are more doctors out there that feel the same way, but coming out against "The Establishment" could end their careers.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on September 09/28/21, 03:33:37 PM
There aren't many of them.  I am getting my third shot tomorrow.  I got my regular flu shot yesterday.  Glad I did!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/28/21, 03:49:49 PM
I've seen a few doctors post videos against vaccines, mandates, and boosters.  They are all very similar.

I KNOW there are more doctors out there that feel the same way, but coming out against "The Establishment" could end their careers.

Ya, go Anti-establishment! Makes me think of the Ford color by that name. Lotsa Mavericks painted that color. And Grabber Green. Far out, man. Like, boss.  :afro:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/28/21, 04:06:39 PM
There aren't many of them...

I don't think we'll ever know what doctors in opposition think because we have tolerated Cancel Culture in America, and now it is part of the fabric of our society.

You never know when Pitchfork Nation will turn on someone in the news or focus on some viral video or tweet and ruin that person's career or life forever. 

Look at what happened to poor Walter Palmer, the dentist who shot Cecil the Lion.  (Even Cecil has his own Wikipedia page now:   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Cecil_the_lion (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Cecil_the_lion)).

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/28/21, 04:09:18 PM
Poor Walter???!!!  ahh jeez................ :doah: I'm hoping that was a sarcastic jab at that fool of a tooth-yanker.  News, cancel culture, right-wing, left-wing, no wing...the fabric of society totally unraveled like a rent sweater thread years ago when the self-proclaimed and self- appointed misogynistic whacko neophytes began preaching and prophesying their self-proclaimed righteous doctrines and the non-thinking sheep followed down into the abyss......
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/28/21, 06:03:39 PM
Whoopsies. Wrong thread.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/28/21, 06:51:34 PM
Whoopsies. Wrong thread.
:doofus: :doofus: :crazy: :crazy: :confused: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/28/21, 06:56:17 PM
Ahh, go wax yer cucumbers!  :mooning:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/28/21, 08:28:39 PM
Ok, try again.... :rolleyes:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on September 09/29/21, 06:51:17 AM
Good to see folks making a stand.... waiting for the religous groups to chime in with law suits,muzzies are silent on this issue. Didn't the orthodox jews make a big stink a few years ago in new york against having they're children vaccinated against mumps during a out break?,somalis as well couple years ago as they had measel out breaks in they're communities,spreading like wildfire.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/29/21, 08:38:43 AM
Good to see folks making a stand.... waiting for the religous groups to chime in with law suits,muzzies are silent on this issue. Didn't the orthodox jews make a big stink a few years ago in new york against having they're children vaccinated against mumps during a out break?,somalis as well couple years ago as they had measel out breaks in they're communities,spreading like wildfire.
maybe iffin they dont like the rules here, they could always go back to the homeland!!! just sayin.........

i'm actually quite surprised there arent alot more of these lawsuit out there........should be!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/29/21, 08:42:44 AM
Ya, not ike there aren't enough lawyers cruisng the waters for bait....

Stand up for yer rights!  :happy1:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/29/21, 12:22:41 PM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/29/21, 02:09:43 PM
Pretty sad!  :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on September 09/29/21, 03:07:09 PM
Get the friggin shot.  Takes 5 minutes.  They will bitch about anything.  Geez. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/29/21, 03:22:33 PM
Kinda like kissin' a homely girl...it won't hurt ya, and it'll make her happy.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on September 09/29/21, 03:29:23 PM
yup no more freedom of choice in this country anymore.... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/29/21, 06:51:14 PM
Get the friggin shot.  Takes 5 minutes.  They will bitch about anything.  Geez.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/29/21, 06:52:47 PM
yup no more freedom of choice in this country anymore....
Yup, that is the saddest part of the whole thing.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/29/21, 07:25:52 PM
Saw this one comin' from Mayo.....buddy who's a section head told me they're gonna....*BOOT*

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/30/21, 06:44:19 AM
What also really makes all of this  :bs: is that they don't count the people that have had the rona and have the natural antibodies. They should be counted in with the vaccinated population numbers towards herd immunity. The natural antibodies are by far stronger than the antibodies from the vaccine. And that comes right from the doctor the developed the MRNA stuff. Listened to him last week. Was an interesting listen.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on September 09/30/21, 06:51:32 AM
Get the friggin shot.  Takes 5 minutes.  They will bitch about anything.  Geez.

Not a chance,gov't is pushing it to hard,experimental still,long term effect?....not to mention if these vaccines are so wonderful why do folks still wear masks after the poke? why are so many folks getting the virus after both pokes? Oh from the unvax  :doah:...so why put this crap in your body? but thats my take
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/30/21, 06:57:44 AM
Get the friggin shot.  Takes 5 minutes.  They will bitch about anything.  Geez.

Not a chance,gov't is pushing it to hard,experimental still,long term effect?....not to mention if these vaccines are so wonderful why do folks still wear masks after the poke? why are so many folks getting the virus after both pokes? Oh from the unvax  :doah:...so why put this crap in your body? but thats my take
Pretty much same here. Nobady knows what the long term effects are from it yet. Also  know of 3 people that cacked within 3 days of getting the poke.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on September 09/30/21, 09:06:55 AM
yup no more freedom of choice in this country anymore....

The choice is to work there or not work there. Not much of a choice but it's still a choice. Where is their union in this?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/30/21, 09:15:19 AM
Get the friggin shot.  Takes 5 minutes.  They will bitch about anything.  Geez.

Not a chance,gov't is pushing it to hard,experimental still,long term effect?....not to mention if these vaccines are so wonderful why do folks still wear masks after the poke? why are so many folks getting the virus after both pokes? Oh from the unvax  :doah:...so why put this crap in your body? but thats my take
Pretty much same here. Nobady knows what the long term effects are from it yet. Also  know of 3 people that cacked within 3 days of getting the poke.

Mayo is once again shutting down certain areas. After my physical last week, Doc made an appt to get my injured toes fixed/looked at in Podiatry...but, they are not making ANY appts right now or taking anyone. So, I'm stuck with this injury unless I wanna go elsewhere and pay outta pocket. NOT.
Wait 'til staff start quitting...which they've already done in my buddy's dept., he can't get help to save his soul. :censored:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on September 09/30/21, 09:24:36 AM
Geez Reb,sounds like the sky is falling down they're and you're a mess....maybe nursing a bottle of "fireball" is in order?  j/k. Maybe a day run to slippery saloon in wabasha?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/30/21, 09:34:55 AM
I can't drink alcohol...... :mad1: or I'd be piggerfied round the clock. I deal with the crap as it comes. I get by OK. Really do need those toes fixed, though, they got smashed a year ago. Nail grew back in a high "V" and thick, and is pushing into toe. Hurts like hell to wear shoes. Gonna haveta figger out somethin' soon. Been going barefoot all Summer.  Mayo creates a lot of it's own probs.....they've been way short of staff since this COVID crap began. That's why I haven't been out once with my fishing buddy all year (him either) becuz he's doing 14 hour days and weekends to boot. If yer a section head, they use you as they wish, since yer a salaried employee. Sure blew the hell outta the tourneys we had planned to do this year.  :angry:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/30/21, 09:37:04 AM
Ya, they do seem to create their own problems. Some day you think they would get a clue.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/30/21, 12:08:01 PM
yup no more freedom of choice in this country anymore....

The choice is to work there or not work there. Not much of a choice but it's still a choice. Where is their union in this?
i"ve been out of the union thug business for over a year now, so i really dont know what unions are deciding. i'd venture to guess each union has there own ideas.

when this first started......we were kinda wait and see....but at that time there was no vacine so............ but i can say this, we always had the belief the employer is required to provide a safe work environment, so when the mask mandate came out, we not only followed the rules the employer had regarding them as well as backed them with the mask mandate.

got no idea with the vacines.......and nor to i care at this point!!!!!!!! :sleazy: i RETIRED!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/30/21, 12:13:04 PM
Unions?! And MAYO??!  :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/30/21, 02:45:06 PM
A thank you to all the staff....

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on September 09/30/21, 02:47:01 PM
Unions?! And MAYO??!  :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:

I was referring to Delta.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/30/21, 04:41:17 PM
Neener Neener, got my booster today. Wife did too.  Daughter got hers last week.   I'll let you know when bill gates takes control of my DNA..   

Big fan of vaccines.   Shoot the juice to me, Bruce.   Put a gallon in me, Allen
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on September 09/30/21, 05:25:44 PM
Me too Del.  Proactive works for me.  Wish my friends would protect themselves too. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/30/21, 08:13:24 PM
Neener Neener, got my booster today. Wife did too.  Daughter got hers last week.   I'll let you know when bill gates takes control of my DNA..   

Big fan of vaccines.   Shoot the juice to me, Bruce.   Put a gallon in me, Allen
TMI......dont care!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/30/21, 08:15:51 PM
Did you guys get yer choice of kiddie-pop suckers? ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/01/21, 07:07:18 AM
Word is Delmar requested a snoopy band-aid and grape tootsie-pop.. ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on October 10/01/21, 07:35:46 AM

just sayin....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/01/21, 07:52:35 AM

just sayin....
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: yep.......DOTCH!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/01/21, 08:51:05 AM
Word is Delmar requested a snoopy band-aid and grape tootsie-pop.. ;)

Nope, just a boring brown fabric band aid.    And we stopped at Chic-fil-a for lunch.   Even went in and sat in the dining room.     Was feeling pretty good, then about midnight some reaction kicked in, chills, fever, etc.   Finally got up and took a couple advils and in like 30 min was much better.     
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on October 10/01/21, 08:56:57 AM

just sayin....
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: yep.......DOTCH!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Damn straight, with lots of quinine & ivermectin!  :tequila;
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/01/21, 09:10:57 AM

just sayin....
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: yep.......DOTCH!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

Damn straight, with lots of quinine & ivermectin!  :tequila;
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/01/21, 11:29:04 AM
Word is Delmar requested a snoopy band-aid and grape tootsie-pop.. ;)

Nope, just a boring brown fabric band aid.    And we stopped at Chic-fil-a for lunch.   Even went in and sat in the dining room.     Was feeling pretty good, then about midnight some reaction kicked in, chills, fever, etc.   Finally got up and took a couple advils and in like 30 min was much better.   

It wasn't the chicken rot-gut fugue, was it???
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/01/21, 11:33:27 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/01/21, 11:44:55 AM
I did the first round of vaccines, but they can go pack sand from here on out. The political propaganda is clearly all  :bs: :bs:.

No businesses are demanding masks and with the amount of festivities with crowds now I think people are plain fed up with it

Just my take.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on October 10/01/21, 12:01:27 PM
I was on another forum and a guy wondered why people wouldn't get a vaccine that was proven to be 100% effective with no known side effects. I asked if he was referring to the Mumps vaccine. Needless to say that set everyone off.

I've said before I believe it's personal if you believe what you hear. Now if you deal daily with large numbers of people in a cramped space then I can see employers putting on restrictions. But, it's still your choice whether to comply or walk.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on October 10/01/21, 12:26:46 PM
I did the first round of vaccines, but they can go pack sand from here on out. The political propaganda is clearly all  :bs: :bs:.

No businesses are demanding masks and with the amount of festivities with crowds now I think people are plain fed up with it

Just my take.
they were just saying on the news this morning that some places have closed again to indoor dining and many more are requiring proof of your vaccination or neg test..  I add as a disclamer that this is only in the cities!!!  I can't say for us cows and rocks what's going on in outstate Minn. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/01/21, 12:43:41 PM
The whole COVID thing.......
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on October 10/01/21, 01:01:32 PM

You might not want to watch this if you are forced vaccine.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/01/21, 01:33:53 PM
I was on another forum and a guy wondered why people wouldn't get a vaccine that was proven to be 100% effective with no known side effects. I asked if he was referring to the Mumps vaccine. Needless to say that set everyone off.

I've said before I believe it's personal if you believe what you hear. Now if you deal daily with large numbers of people in a cramped space then I can see employers putting on restrictions. But, it's still your choice whether to comply or walk.

I am pretty sure I never got the MMR vaccines.... Got the diseases before they were available.      :thumbs:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/01/21, 01:38:55 PM
That didn't come out until 1971, when most of us were chasing girls in High school. We'd already done the chipmunk cheek thing in the 60's.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on October 10/02/21, 08:06:09 AM

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/02/21, 08:09:04 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/03/21, 10:21:08 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/05/21, 02:40:38 PM
I don't get it...we just keep getting higher and higher here... :confused:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/05/21, 05:53:12 PM
So I
 had a little discussion with my doctor about the Rona. Basically wanted to know if the blood work I have done shows any Rona antibodies. He said not that he knows and didn't think it would show the vaccine. That's just in the blood work he wants done on me. He did say he was going to look into it though

He is a big vaccine supporter and said he is always first in line for shots. His choice I guess. He said to me he thinks it's a bio weapon released in China. :confused: :doah:

I'm getting emails again to donate blood, so I must be up again. I'll have a discussion with the nurses at the red cross when I go
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on October 10/05/21, 07:16:18 PM
Apparently a Doc or nurse can just look at you and know you don't have Covid. Recently heard of a guy (late 30's) who wasn't feeling good, breathing issue, went in and they never tested him at all for Covid. Turns out to be Broncidus (sp) gave him antibiotics and sent him home.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/05/21, 07:23:29 PM
He was also saying when they do x-rays, scans whatever to check patients with COVID there seeing something, he named whatever it was, sorry can't think of the names, but these things are known to cause blocking of artaries that cause heart attacks.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/06/21, 07:09:17 AM
Ayup. Things gettin' a bit dicey here over the mask/no mask trespassing rule.... :coffee:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on October 10/06/21, 07:38:02 AM
Yeah Reb,cawchester made national news with all the mandates imposed throughout the city.

gettin close tp mid terms...I sense another lock down to allow mail in votes  :confused:

Glenn,your  doc is spot on,infact back in december 2019 when hong kong was in a major anti ccp protest...enter covid,not one word since regarding the anti ccp protest 1000's died from the virus but china lied at the time,then this virus started moving west,Israel declared this virus a ccp bio weapon,Trump shut down travel from china to the shergrin of the lefties in january 2020, our country/Trump allowed American citizens in china for the chinese new years celibration to come back to the states but only to a couple secluded airports where folks departing could be screened if I remember right,fruitless effort,I/we all watched as this virus started spreading from the west coast,double digit cases going up on a daily basis moving east.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/06/21, 08:22:24 AM
my post wasnt intented to get or ne politicial, i was merely trying to explain what my doctor said or how he answered my questions regarding my bloodwork. and he added his thoughts coming from a medical proffesional!!!!!!! i have no opinions, well OK i do, but the jury is still out to me on some of  this crap!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on October 10/06/21, 09:12:47 AM
We all know what my opinion is worth...  yep, zippo.

And we commentators have no way of knowing if the Chinese intentionally released Covid as a bio-weapon or not, but I do know this...

It happened and they learned a lot.  And just like having the capability to make nuclear bombs, now the blue prints exist for making highly communicable, deadly viruses and mRNA vaccines to protect the people who would release them.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on October 10/06/21, 01:23:18 PM
Gotta wear a mask!  :rolleyes:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on October 10/06/21, 02:38:42 PM
my post wasnt intented to get or ne politicial, i was merely trying to explain what my doctor said or how he answered my questions regarding my bloodwork. and he added his thoughts coming from a medical proffesional!!!!!!! i have no opinions, well OK i do, but the jury is still out to me on some of  this crap!!!!!

Yeah well, we all ant got no blue blood.............................so!   :doah: :doah:   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on October 10/07/21, 09:42:19 AM
You can't make this stuff up...

"Squad" member Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., was caught on camera saying she was only wearing a mask because she was being tailed by a "Republican tracker."

The Michigan congresswoman made the admission while speaking to a maskless attendee at an event in Detroit featuring Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Marcia Fudge.

Tlaib told the attendee that she only had the mask on because of the tracker, who was filming the exchange, after the person mistakenly thought Tlaib was scolding him for going maskless.

"Oh, no, oh, not you!" Tlaib said in the video. "No, no, no – I'm just wearing it because I've got a Republican tracker here."

"I'm just wearing it because I've got a Republican tracker here" (https://twitter.com/FreeBeacon/status/1445779596733935619)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on October 10/07/21, 12:36:38 PM
H & F is all they are!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on October 10/08/21, 08:58:37 AM
You can't make this stuff up...

"Squad" member Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., was caught on camera saying she was only wearing a mask because she was being tailed by a "Republican tracker."

The Michigan congresswoman made the admission while speaking to a maskless attendee at an event in Detroit featuring Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Marcia Fudge.

This tliab yanker...this entire squat squad is an embarrassment to our country,so anti American,yet some how voted in to hold a seat in our government. :crazy:

Tlaib told the attendee that she only had the mask on because of the tracker, who was filming the exchange, after the person mistakenly thought Tlaib was scolding him for going maskless.

"Oh, no, oh, not you!" Tlaib said in the video. "No, no, no – I'm just wearing it because I've got a Republican tracker here."

"I'm just wearing it because I've got a Republican tracker here" (https://twitter.com/FreeBeacon/status/1445779596733935619)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/23/21, 03:30:40 PM
here's a hum-dinger for ya.

so i just read the CDC might change the defintion of "fully vacinated". :doah: :mad1: :bs: when's this going to end!!!!!!!!!!!!  :pouty: :crazy: :confused: :thumbs: :doofus:

right now if you have both doses from pfizer or moderna or the single J&J Vaccine you are concidered fully vaccinated. BUT soon you may not be unless you have the 3rd shot!!!!!!!!! :bs: :doah: :doah: :surrender: :surrender:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on October 10/23/21, 04:21:30 PM
Just wait until they tie your social security check to being fully vaccinated.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/23/21, 04:38:54 PM
Just wait until they tie your social security check to being fully vaccinated.
:shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :doah:

with the bunch of dinks in charge wouldnt surprise me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :doah: :mad1: :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on October 10/23/21, 06:26:30 PM
2nd that.........
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/23/21, 06:37:42 PM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/23/21, 10:33:31 PM
here's a hum-dinger for ya.

so i just read the CDC might change the defintion of "fully vacinated". :doah: :mad1: :bs: when's this going to end!!!!!!!!!!!!  :pouty: :crazy: :confused: :thumbs: :doofus:

right now if you have both doses from pfizer or moderna or the single J&J Vaccine you are concidered fully vaccinated. BUT soon you may not be unless you have the 3rd shot!!!!!!!!! :bs: :doah: :doah: :surrender: :surrender:

Got my booster.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on October 10/24/21, 06:20:53 AM
Just made an appt a bit ago to get our booster on Wednesday, got my flu shot on 10/7 too.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/25/21, 01:42:26 PM
So don't you guys find it interesting, or puzzling with all this  :bs:,or crying wolf about this virus that the MLB season is almost over with, the pro and college seasons are in their 7th and maybe 8th weeks of the season, hardly ever see a mask in the stands AND usually full capacity and they have not had a massive outbreak of the Rona.

Something just don't smell right. :confused: :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on October 10/25/21, 02:51:25 PM
Everyone in the stadium is vaccinated, right?
And the vaccine is effective, right?
And when the government forces everyone everyone who works* to get booster shots, it will keep the sky from falling, right?

I'm not anti-vax.  Vaccines seems to provide a decent amount of protection, but it ain't perfect.  Vaxed folks still get Covid and they spread it too.  Like I said all along...  If you want protection, get the shot.  Forcing me - or anyone else - to get the shot does nothing to protect you.  Why is it more complicated than this.   :confused:

At the beginning of this pandemic we were all wondering what our "new normal" was going to look like.  Well, folks...  I think this is it.  Covid ain't going away.  There will continue to be new variants crop up and the seasonal death rate will rise and fall - like it always has done with the regular flu - hitting the elderly especially hard (but this was never newsworthy before).  And most everyone else who gets covid - vaccinate or NOT - will recover.

Its about time we settled into these realities and started figuring out how to get trade goods unloaded from ships and reign in inflationary spending.  And if the current presidential administration can't figure out what to do next, there is no better time to get his attention than mid-term elections. 

*Which seems to conveniently exclude illegal immigrants, welfare recipients, and LAWMAKERS.  :angry:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/25/21, 02:52:07 PM

Staffer calls Mayo Clinic 'communist' for vaccine rule and resigns her job

Jeff Kiger, Post-Bulletin, Rochester, Minn.
Mon, October 25, 2021, 12:17 PM·5 min read

Oct. 25—Mayo Clinic administrative assistant Kalley Newkirk opposes the mandate for all non-exempt employees to receive COVID-19 vaccinations to the point that she resigned from her position and described the clinic's policy as "communist" in an interview on an online conservative talk show.

Newkirk, a 25-year-old pregnant woman who has worked at Mayo Clinic for four years, believes one shot of the Pfzier vaccine in January caused her to not be able to sleep or eat for days and led her to be hospitalized in a locked mood disorder ward in the Generose Building for 10 days. One month after her discharge from the hospital, she had a miscarriage, followed by a second miscarriage a month later.

Her doctors and medical team said there was no medical connection between the vaccine and her disorders or miscarriages, and at least three medical studies seeking a correlation between the vaccines and miscarriages have not established any connection. Newkirk's care team strongly urged her to get the second Pfizer shot, but she fervently believes the vaccine was the source of her problems as she is very sensitive to medicine.

Acknowledging that she has no medical education, Newkirk said her opinion was "based on how I had been in the period from when I left the hospital to when those events (miscarriages) happened... it just all correlated so much. I think you'd have to be there in person to further understand."

She also cites the "research" of Dr. Robert Malone, a virologist who speaks out against the COVID-19 vaccines.

Her unsubstantiated belief that the vaccine caused her health problems caused her distress, especially when Mayo Clinic sent out a message earlier this month that non-exempt employees would be terminated in January if they were not vaccinated.

"I was devastated. I sobbed pretty much the rest of the day," Newkirk said of getting the email on Oct. 13 about the vaccine requirement. "I knew that I needed to think about what I was doing with my career choices and what the next steps of my life were going to be, because of the baby on the way."

She had an interview for a promotion at Mayo Clinic scheduled, but she canceled it because of the vaccination rule.

A few days after she sent her resignation letter, Newkirk sent a longer letter to Mayo Clinic CEO Dr. Gianrico Farrugia and other Mayo Clinic leaders to tell them of her decision.

"I am NOT an anti-vaxxer. I have every other vaccine under the sun! I believe in science, I believe in research, but what I don't believe in: politics getting involved in personal health choices," she wrote. "This institution is falling victim to communism. The Mayo brothers believed that politics was to STAY OUT of Mayo Clinic; we were always told to remain neutral. Now, we are folding to communist executive orders and not standing up with our own voice and research."

She cited the Mayo Clinic's references to a federal vaccine mandate from the Biden administration as evidence that the clinic's decision to have employees get the shot is political versus medical.

In addition to supporting the "communist" political agenda, Newkirk also said that Mayo Clinic's true reason to back this is financial.

"They do get money from the government for Medicare and Medicaid. And that I'm sure that is the reason that they did this mandate, honestly. That's what I think... I do believe this whole thing is about money," she said.

In a statement Monday, Mayo said "making COVID-19 vaccination a requirement to work at Mayo Clinic will help ensure we have a healthy workforce and that Mayo Clinic is a safe place to receive care — just as our patients expect. In consideration of the safety of our patients, staff, visitors and communities, Mayo Clinic is transitioning to the next phase of its COVID-19 vaccination program, with vaccination required to continue to work at Mayo Clinic. A review process will be available for staff to seek medical or religious exemptions to vaccination. Staff may participate in social media and advocacy on their own behalf, in accordance with applicable Mayo Clinic policies."

Newkirk posted her letter on her Facebook page and to a private online Mayo Clinic employee group of about 1,100 people who oppose the vaccine rule. The group, which is where Monday's employee protest was organized, enthusiastically supported her statements. (Protestors will be outside the Mayo Building from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday.)

Some of them passed her letter on to online talk show host Stew Peters. Peters, who calls himself "The Bullhorn of the People," asked Newkirk to be on his program.

Peters, who claims that the FDA has not approved any COVID-19 vaccines in the U.S., introduced the interview by commenting on statements Mayo Clinic doctors have made on social media criticising people who oppose vaccinations. He said Mayo Clinic has "annihilated their credibility in their response to this pandemic."

"Not everyone at Mayo Clinic is bad, " he said introducing Newkirk as a brave woman opposing the clinic's mandate.

Newkirk, wearing her Mayo Clinic employee badge, told Peters her story. The interview was posted on Oct. 22. The next day, Newkirk said she was placed on administrative leave by Mayo Clinic.

On Monday, Mayo said she was still employed there.

After writing the letter, appearing in the Peters' show and supporting Monday's protest, what does Newkirk hope Mayo Clinic will do?

She believes Mayo Clinic has the power to stand up to the federal government and defy any vaccine orders, if the leadership would "speak up" and support its employees who don't want to be vaccinated.

And....the big protest going on downtown right now......


Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on October 10/25/21, 03:12:31 PM
Yes, this is not the first I've heard of miscarriages being tied to the vaccine.  And surprise, surprise, surprise...  "Our studies haven't found any correlation between the vaccine and miscarriages."   :angry2:

And now - more than ever - everything I hear about government covid response policy can best be explained by the phrase "Follow the money."

They no longer care about the science except so they can pick and choose studies to harvest statistics that bolster their arguments and line their pockets.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on October 10/25/21, 03:17:22 PM
There have been several stories about the vaccine effecting the reproductive system. Of course they try to tell us there is correlation.  :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/25/21, 03:21:01 PM
Crowds and protest getting pretty big downtown.....lookout Mayo.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on October 10/25/21, 03:34:14 PM
There have been several stories about the vaccine effecting the reproductive system. Of course they try to tell us there is correlation.  :doofus:

And how long did was Roundup on the market before they/we "proved" that Roundup can cause non-Hodgkin's lymphoma?   :confused:  ...that a chemical that kills plants on contact won't have any adverse affects on the human body?!?   :mad1:

So how many unborn babies are going to have to die before "The Establishment" errors on the side of caution with their vaccine recommendations and mandates?  :angry:

Again... They follow the science that best benefits them.  If they concede that the vax "might not be good" for pregnant women, other people might ask if it isn't best for them either.

No, wait...  People are asking those questions, but the Government of "We the People" don't care and aren't listening.   :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/25/21, 03:41:54 PM
Green light! Jump! Jump! Jump! Don't worry about that Agent Orange cloud, it won't hurt you! GO! GO!   

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on October 10/25/21, 03:51:24 PM
NOBODY can say money doesn't play a factor. Big pharma isn't producing and distributing the vaccine for free. We only need to find out what a gallon of vaccine costs and then divide the amount of a shot times the cost per shot of that gallon.

The dollar value of this is astronomical.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/25/21, 04:01:04 PM
Cost of vaccine itself is moot. It's the hours and hours of research, equipment, testing, development, payroll, and staff involved that determines what intial cost is.

Just heard thru my sources a couple of fights with pushing and shoving just broke out downtown....wait 'til it gets dark downtown!  :party1:

Click for pics.


Protesters marched from Peace Plaza in Rochester to Mayo St. Mary's mid-day Monday. Those marching are not happy with Mayo Clinic's vaccine mandate.

"Anthony Fauci is a criminal. Stop the mandate," one protester said.

"Just kick the frontline workers to the curb," another protester said.

"Kick the *** out of the dictators" one protestor screamed.

"Shame on Mayo. We will not comply," said another.

Employees who remain unvaccinated without medical or religious exemption by December 3 will be put on unpaid leave. If staff members still are not in compliance with the vaccination requirement on January 3, 2022, they will be terminated.

"We're trying to protest medical coercion. They are threatening to fire us if we do not get the shot. The shot that does not protect against getting the virus. They are firing nurses and doctors who don't comply and remote workers like myself, we're standing up against that," Mayo Clinic employee Adan Vanmuyden said.

The rally started in the morning and went into the afternoon. Someone KTTC spoke with, who was marching, claimed anywhere from 50 to 70 percent of the protesters were Mayo Clinic employees.

"I'm here today to stand up for medical freedom for everybody who would like a choice for vaccine freedom or for people who want the vaccine. They should get a choice," Kalley Newkirk said.

Newkirk says she just resigned from her position at Mayo Clinic.

"I was lucky enough after I signed my resignation to my supervisors, I had six job offers within a day. I did accept a new job in Zumbrota near my home, and I know other people will be able to find jobs as well. They just need to look," Newkirk said.

Leonard Carlson is against those protesting.

"We had measles, we has mumps, we had everything. The only way to get rid of a virus, you take a shot for it. It's just like anything else they can protest. It makes them an idiot, an absolute protesting idiot. They need to get the shot, that's the only way to get rid of a virus," Leonard said.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/25/21, 07:54:29 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/26/21, 07:05:02 PM
There have been several stories about the vaccine effecting the reproductive system. Of course they try to tell us there is correlation.  :doofus:

And how long did was Roundup on the market before they/we "proved" that Roundup can cause non-Hodgkin's lymphoma?   :confused:  ...that a chemical that kills plants on contact won't have any adverse affects on the human body?!?   :mad1:

So how many unborn babies are going to have to die before "The Establishment" errors on the side of caution with their vaccine recommendations and mandates?  :angry:

Again... They follow the science that best benefits them.  If they concede that the vax "might not be good" for pregnant women, other people might ask if it isn't best for them either.

No, wait...  People are asking those questions, but the Government of "We the People" don't care and aren't listening.   :angry2:
Actually Glyphosaste the active ingredient was found innocent.   They hung it on one of the "inert" ingredients. so it is only " roundup" not big and tuff or any of the generics.    Kill the lawyers.  Then maybe I will be able to buy a useable gas can again. :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on October 10/27/21, 07:00:48 AM
What Del said. Wish I could like that one a 1000x. Good old fashion gas can would be great to buy again.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/27/21, 07:17:31 AM
Hmmm....and to think I have 2 more of these just sitting empty on a shelf.. :azn:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/27/21, 07:22:03 AM
 :scratch: :scratch: i was wondering what all the fuss was about with gas cans, so i googled them, wowzer....been a while since i looked at one in a store. wont be getting rid of mine anytime soon. have to 5 or 6 gallon ones and like 4-5 gallon ones!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on October 10/27/21, 07:25:40 AM
 :scratch: We must have 4 or 5 around here too, only a couple that size however. Those new safety nozzles are nothin but a PITA.  :crazy: :pouty: Got a couple appts for our boosters today.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/27/21, 07:29:49 AM
I've got two 5 gal jerry cans think I'm gonna get rid of. They're sitting empty too. Heck, maybe I should have a garage sale!  :shocked:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/27/21, 07:31:31 AM
:scratch: We must have 4 or 5 around here too, only a couple that size however. Those new safety nozzles are nothin but a PITA.  :crazy: :pouty: Got a couple appts for our boosters today.
see if that booster will get you to be more minnesotan!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :super smiley: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:

yea.......Mikey made me!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/27/21, 08:55:18 AM
Just got my J & J booster. So far, so good......
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/27/21, 08:57:02 AM
Just got my J & J booster. So far, so good......
Jameson and jagemeister. :scratch: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/27/21, 09:01:37 AM
I wish.  :rolleyes:

#4 comin' up!!!!!  :doah:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on October 10/27/21, 12:49:53 PM
Just got my J & J booster. So far, so good......
Jameson and jagemeister. :scratch: :rotflmao:
Now those are shots I would take!  :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/27/21, 01:19:39 PM
Seagrams' VO should be mandatory with each booster.  :azn: Boy, the lines were long at Mayo this am to get thhe shot...I called 'em this time and got real lucky and they actually KNEW for once if they had the J&J booster, and where. She asked if I was a current active Mayo employee, "No, I'm retired'..."Oh! Where did you  work?" "Saint Marys Hospital, Security, ER and psych team, 30 years " "Well, then we can just sneak you in in a half hour, hows that?"  Works for me!   :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on October 10/27/21, 05:18:22 PM
The pharmacy didn't open 'til 9 & I had the 1st appt of the day at 9:20, brother's was 9:40. We both were done by 9:28. :happy1: :cool: Might of went even smoother if I'd caught it :doofus: when "auto-fill" put the wrong bday date in for my brother's appt. Pharmacist thanked us for making the appt online too as they're having a lot of walk-ins. A Moderna 1/2 dose or .25 ml here.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/27/21, 05:53:38 PM
How come they don't give us suckers anymore? Like Tootsie-pops, not those dopey safe-t-pops with the string handle.... :angry: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on October 10/27/21, 06:34:21 PM
Cuz it occurred to them we are the suckers.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on October 10/28/21, 06:09:43 AM
:scratch: We must have 4 or 5 around here too, only a couple that size however. Those new safety nozzles are nothin but a PITA.  :crazy: :pouty: Got a couple appts for our boosters today.
see if that booster will get you to be more minnesotan!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :super smiley: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:

yea.......Mikey made me!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil:
  :pouty: :tut: Then I'd more like you.  :scratch: :doah: NO THANKS!! :thumbs: I'd rather keep on being an Iowegian.  :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/28/21, 02:22:18 PM
Well, day #2 after my booster, and no issues. Can't even tell I had anything.
Was worried after all the previous reactions. Looks like we'll be OK. *PHEW*
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on October 10/28/21, 02:36:20 PM
good to hear Reb!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/28/21, 02:49:13 PM
Well, day #2 after my booster, and no issues. Can't even tell I had anything.
Was worried after all the previous reactions. Looks like we'll be OK. *PHEW*
but I heard that the second nose don't start growing until 2 weeks after. :sleazy: :doah: :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/28/21, 02:55:08 PM
Well, day #2 after my booster, and no issues. Can't even tell I had anything.
Was worried after all the previous reactions. Looks like we'll be OK. *PHEW*
but I heard that the second nose don't start growing until 2 weeks after. :sleazy: :doah: :evil: :rotflmao:

Second nose? You must be thinking of Delmar.... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

And don't you have go measure yer ground moisture or something?  :mooning:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/28/21, 03:07:37 PM

This dude was on "The Voice".......

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on October 10/28/21, 05:56:29 PM
Well, day #2 after my booster, and no issues. Can't even tell I had anything.
Was worried after all the previous reactions. Looks like we'll be OK. *PHEW*
Just a little soreness where I got poked that started late yday for me. It's steadily gotten better today but still can feel it a little bit. Should be back to normal :crazy: :doofus: tomorrow. No reactions earlier here though.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/31/21, 05:38:16 PM
just read on MSN that some of the major trucking companies might give up there government contracts  if dippy Joe keeps insisting on the shot mandate. that could cause issues keeping the military supplied including fuel. and eventually trickle down to goods to the consumer!!!!!!!!!!   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on October 10/31/21, 06:22:45 PM
no surprise there...  sad too....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on November 11/01/21, 07:12:07 AM
It is sad what that Bozo is doing to the country. LETS GO BRANDON!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on November 11/01/21, 07:28:15 AM
Agreed JB,our country is in crisis mode because of him,and he heads to the G20! making more of a fool of himself..

This paying reparation to illegals if true is over the top! $450k to each family!,We have homeless vets,senior citizens that could surely use some financial help.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on November 11/01/21, 08:46:58 AM
Agreed JB,our country is in crisis mode because of him,and he heads to the G20! making more of a fool of himself..

This paying reparation to illegals if true is over the top! $450k to each family!,We have homeless vets,senior citizens that could surely use some financial help.
Ya, that is a bunch of garbage what they are trying to do there. That should really get BLM going if they pay it to illegals. How can they do that with taxpayer money??  :crazy: :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on November 11/01/21, 09:20:06 AM
just read on MSN that some of the major trucking companies might give up there government contracts  if dippy Joe keeps insisting on the shot mandate. that could cause issues keeping the military supplied including fuel. and eventually trickle down to goods to the consumer!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe he'll get the message if there's a shortage of Depends at the White House all the sudden... :doah:

I see that Pisshockey has COVID now. I won't miss her snotty, condescending little press conferences for a while.  :bs: 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/01/21, 09:24:14 AM
just read on MSN that some of the major trucking companies might give up there government contracts  if dippy Joe keeps insisting on the shot mandate. that could cause issues keeping the military supplied including fuel. and eventually trickle down to goods to the consumer!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe he'll get the message if there's a shortage of Depends at the White House all the sudden... :doah:

I see that Pisshockey has COVID now. I won't miss her snotty, condescending little press conferences for a while.  :bs:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on November 11/04/21, 07:01:43 PM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on November 11/04/21, 07:26:04 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on November 11/08/21, 04:17:51 PM
Hey I'm safe then.  Man those were the days. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/09/21, 09:02:59 PM
Hey I'm safe then.  Man those were the days.

I wasn't any teenager...  I was in the  US Army.    Strawberry hill, boones farm...   writing code on third shift...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on November 11/09/21, 09:55:06 PM
Tickle Pink and Schmidt Big Mouth. Taken between 9 am and 10 am kills the hair of the dog from the night before.   :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on November 11/10/21, 09:51:57 AM
Even the hair of the Mad Dog... :coffee:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on November 11/12/21, 01:48:13 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/12/21, 05:37:15 PM
Just heard on the Duluth news that there are no ICU beds available in Itasca County.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/12/21, 06:15:46 PM
Just heard on the Duluth news that there are no ICU beds available in Itasca County.
they were just saying something about that down here to.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on November 11/12/21, 06:24:10 PM
Nobody has reported how many beds that is.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/13/21, 05:45:41 AM
You got me thinkin, DB. :scratch: I couldn't nail down any exact #'s but Google says the national avg is 2.7 ICU beds for every 10K of population. MN is actually more like 2.3/10K, so with the 41K residents of this county that would be 9, maybe 10 ICU beds total. https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2020/05/18/icu-bed-capacity-in-all-50-us-states-compared-infographic/?sh=229a4bd424dc
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/13/21, 07:36:21 AM
 :scratch: :scratch: correct me if i'm wrong, but i thought i read where some court put a big dent in this mandate thing??????? basiclly saying  it dont make no friggin sense........and sleepy joe and his cronies are beginning to realize doing this will have a huge impact on getting goods to stores..................

i paid more attention to the news last nite at 10 and they said the st cloud hospital is have big issues with finding beds for people coming into the ER. saying sometimes they have to wait 4 hours. HELL...........i thought that was standard wait time in the ER there......... :doofus: :doofus: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/13/21, 08:35:17 AM
I didn't see the pc but my brother said there was just a story on the news up here about some young girl that needed some special care & they had to go all the way to Iowa to find a hospital willing to take her. :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/16/21, 03:52:37 PM
about 2cweeks ago i was notified i was eligible for the rona booster. since i have been getting somewhat suspicious of all the  :bs: around this i spent over a half hour on the phone today.

i went through mychart to ask if i was going to get billed for getting the booster IF i decided to..........they told me call my Ins company. they said the vacine i would not get charged for but didnt know about the "administrative fee".

so i called the clinic......after getting transfered 3 times  :doofus: they said yea biden is paying for the vaccine, but there would be and administrative fee.....that being in effect someone giving me the shot.

so guess what............. :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :tut: :tut: :tut: ef that!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on November 11/16/21, 03:54:08 PM
I never got charged a dime.  Neither did the people I know that got them.
Although we are on Medicare.  My wife is getting her third shot soon cuz she is an important employee.....   Don't know if it will cost her or not.  Regardless she will gladly get the shot and was hoping she would get the call.  She is not on Medicare yet.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on November 11/16/21, 04:03:29 PM
What ever happened to Good King Walz paying US each $100 to get the shot?   :confused:

Where is my piece of the Biden Build Back Bigger money grab pie?   :angry:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on November 11/16/21, 04:15:54 PM
Forgot all about that. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/16/21, 04:17:29 PM
What ever happened to Good King Walz paying US each $100 to get the shot?   :confused:

Where is my piece of the Biden Build Back Bigger money grab pie?   :angry:
that's a good question Steveo, who would I contact to inquire about getting that hundy if I get the booster.

I can be bought  :sleazy: :smoking: extra beer and decoy minnow money!!🤭 :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on November 11/16/21, 04:57:02 PM
What ever happened to Good King Walz paying US each $100 to get the shot?   :confused:

Where is my piece of the Biden Build Back Bigger money grab pie?   :angry:
I'm sure that went away with Bidens mandate. Why pay them if they have to! I saw something a few weeks back about paying every kid in the Mpls school district $300 to get the shot. Haven't heard anymore about that either?  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/16/21, 06:51:58 PM
No cost for us either. Right at the top of the homepage of my UHC Medicare Advantage plan it said O cost share for any Covid 19 vaccinations in or out of network. Brother has UHC too. We did ask when we got the booster, they said it's covered, didn't matter to us either.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on November 11/16/21, 08:17:11 PM
No cost for us either. Right at the top of the homepage of my UHC Medicare Advantage plan it said O cost share for any Covid 19 vaccinations in or out of network. Brother has UHC too. We did ask when we got the booster, they said it's covered, didn't matter to us either.
it wasn't a cost I was talking about. They were going to pay families to get their kids Vaxed.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on November 11/16/21, 08:35:37 PM
They'd pay you to get your dog a shot.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/16/21, 08:53:48 PM
Mayo hospitals getting pretty full too.   Wife just had back surgery and it was touch and go getting a bed.    Reportedly from nurse scuttlebutt they are flying in covid cases from all over to mayo.     
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/16/21, 09:08:27 PM
 :oops1: :sorry: :bonk: :doah:                          :scratch: Well, I was talking about what it cost us to get the booster.............................................with glenn & LPS. :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: markn on November 11/17/21, 07:41:44 AM
Didn't pay for my booster on Monday, didn't get a 100 bucks either. :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on November 11/17/21, 08:05:51 AM
Got my booster 3 weeks ago and a $10,000 gift card at Walmart. Gonna buy a couple laptops, new phones, big screen TV, and a bunch if vittles.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on November 11/17/21, 08:16:59 AM
Got my booster 3 weeks ago and a $10,000 gift card at Walmart. Gonna buy a couple laptops, new phones, big screen TV, and a bunch if vittles.

you get all the good stuff.....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/17/21, 08:29:34 AM
Got my booster 3 weeks ago and a $10,000 gift card at Walmart. Gonna buy a couple laptops, new phones, big screen TV, and a bunch if vittles.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea right............and dotch dont drink gin and you like wrens too!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

i might just suck it up and do it. with my mom i best be a bit safe.................
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/17/21, 10:54:14 AM
so i was more confused after my looking into it and some of you guys saying you werent charged for the booster. i found oiut from the clinic the so called admin fee was around $54.50.

so i acalled the Ins company again..........Cigna.............. appears to me it all depends on how the clinic bills it.  :pouty: :doofus: if they bill it as an office visit then i'd be responsible for the $30.00 office visit fee, if they bill it as the coved booster the ins company would pay for some. ?????? think i may look at some pharmacy doling out shots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on November 11/17/21, 11:05:16 AM
I just went to a pharmacy, that's how I got the gift card!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on November 11/18/21, 07:04:18 AM
Glenn, my wife is getting her Covid booster today at the Clinic here and there is no charge for it.  She is not on Medicare yet.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/18/21, 07:16:47 AM
I stopped at the thrifty white here in town, no charge for the booster, just gotta go to there website and set up an appointment.

Now, do I want to?????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: KEN W on November 11/18/21, 07:35:09 AM
Got my booster 3 weeks ago and a $10,000 gift card at Walmart. Gonna buy a couple laptops, new phones, big screen TV, and a bunch if vittles.

Got my booster at Walmart 3 weeks ago also. No $100. Also got my annual flu shot there at the same time. One in each arm. Haven't had the flu since vaccinations were available.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/18/21, 08:21:57 AM
Got ours at WM in GR & I bet it didn't take me much more than a 1/2 hour total to schedule both appts online, register at the pharmacy, fill out their little form, & get the shot. We were the 1st 2 appts of the day so we waited a few minutes for the pharmicist, who was the vaccinator, to get ready too. She let us both in the little room where they do it at the time my appt was for(9:20) & we both walked out at 9:28. My brothers appt wasn't 'sposed to be until 9:40. We both got our flu shots there too, in between out 2nd & 3rd CV-19 shots. Our boosters, Moderna, had only been available for about a week when we got ours, 3rd week of Oct. The last 2 years were the 1st time for me with the flu vax. No gift cards here either. :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/18/21, 08:41:32 AM
well, iwent through the online  :bs: with thrifty white.......of all the dates listed.......nuttin in cold spring!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :surrender: :surrender:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on November 11/18/21, 08:45:14 AM
well, iwent through the online  :bs: with thrifty white.......of all the dates listed.......nuttin in cold spring!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :surrender: :surrender:

don't ya just hate when ya can't have it your way!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/18/21, 09:00:16 AM
  :happy1: Sometimes I think :scratch: he even gets :mad1: when he doesn't have anything to  :violin: :violin: :violin: :cry: :cry: :cry: about!! :doah:                              ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Cooperman on November 11/18/21, 09:05:26 AM
well, iwent through the online  :bs: with thrifty white.......of all the dates listed.......nuttin in cold spring!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :surrender: :surrender:

Glenn, don’t worry, you can get you booster at Walmart.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/18/21, 09:05:35 AM
  :happy1: Sometimes I think :scratch: he even gets :mad1: when he doesn't have anything to  :violin: :violin: :violin: :cry: :cry: :cry: about!! :doah:                              ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: it keeps me motivated.........and to keep you guys on your toes!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/18/21, 09:07:40 AM
well, iwent through the online  :bs: with thrifty white.......of all the dates listed.......nuttin in cold spring!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :surrender: :surrender:

Glenn, don’t worry, you can get you booster at Walmart.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :banghead: :banghead: awe that would be a flippin NO!!!!!!!!!!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

they seems to have alot of appointments at target though. on a reaaly fixed income nowadays......gotta watch my gas consumption!!!!!  :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/18/21, 09:31:12 AM
well, iwent through the online  :bs: with thrifty white.......of all the dates listed.......nuttin in cold spring!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :surrender: :surrender:
I went through the same thing with WM on the 1st round of CV-19 shots until I realized they added a new day to their online appt calender at midnight everyday. Had to wait a few days but whatever time we wanted was available then. So don't wait until your done with your pot of coffee :rolleyes:, you'll probably have better luck. :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/18/21, 10:18:05 AM
well, iwent through the online  :bs: with thrifty white.......of all the dates listed.......nuttin in cold spring!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :surrender: :surrender:
I went through the same thing with WM on the 1st round of CV-19 shots until I realized they added a new day to their online appt calender at midnight everyday. Had to wait a few days but whatever time we wanted was available then. So don't wait until your done with your pot of coffee :rolleyes:, you'll probably have better luck. :doah:
yea well............i aint getting out of bed for that???????????????// :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/18/21, 10:38:08 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i love beeing a PITA!!!!!!!! i just sent a message via mychart to the clinicwhy they are charging for the booster shot.  :sleazy: :sleazy: i might need a new clinic!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/18/21, 10:48:44 AM
  :huh: Tell us something we don't already know! :doah: IF YOU CAN!! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/18/21, 10:53:41 AM

well, iwent through the online  :bs: with thrifty white.......of all the dates listed.......nuttin in cold spring!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :surrender: :surrender:
I went through the same thing with WM on the 1st round of CV-19 shots until I realized they added a new day to their online appt calender at midnight everyday. Had to wait a few days but whatever time we wanted was available then. So don't wait until your done with your pot of coffee :rolleyes:, you'll probably have better luck. :doah:
yea well............i aint getting out of bed for that???????????????// :rotflmao:
I didn't I was already on a nature call.  :rolleyes: :bonk: Your wife might like it though, if you did. :evil:          ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/18/21, 06:00:59 PM
 :scratch: :scratch: me no understand?? :scratch: I haven't received a reply to my MyChart inquiry yet??🥴 :confused: :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/19/21, 08:16:02 AM
 :scratch: Former patients :rolleyes: probably don't get as fast of a reply!! ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/19/21, 08:19:04 AM
:scratch: Former patients :rolleyes: probably don't get as fast of a reply!! ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: maybe........still havent heard from them!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :scratch: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/19/21, 08:51:19 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i went back to the mychart and looked at the messages.............the staff viewed it 9 minutes after i posted it.

i'm a bit confused by all the' well,  :bs: lately. rona is running rampant supposedly lately. they dont want you to gather for thanksgiving ,and if you do wear a mask  :scratch: :rolleyes: but yet nothing about shutting down venues, eating places, hell even places like menards arent requiring masks????? well yet anyway!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on November 11/19/21, 09:01:52 AM
I dunno Glenn, I'm not a expert and really try to not pay any attention to it but it seems to me it's morphing into a industry of it's own. I foresee getting a booster every 6 months maybe forever. I personally think it was rushed to market and it never was intended to be a 2 shot deal. If they ever get to say 90% vaxxed on 360 million people (United States only) thats a pile of money every 6 months.

I view this just like when the Twin Towers went down and they enacted the Patriot Act. In some form or another it's here forever.

Just my skeptical thoughts.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/19/21, 09:08:44 AM
yea, that wouldnt surprise me in the least!!!!!!!!!!! :doah:

kinda like the flu shot!!!!!!!!! :scratch: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/19/21, 11:26:36 AM
They said CV-19 cases were up 47% & hospitalizations were up 24% in Mn this week compared to last on our early news today. Austria's got it so bad that they're locking down the entire country. :scratch: :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on November 11/19/21, 12:06:59 PM
I just read that the Buccaneers are at 100% vaccinated now.  BUT an ex chef and another woman have said that Antonio Brown was willing to pay $500 for a fake vaccine card while back.  They are checking him out. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/19/21, 03:39:57 PM
Heard later that Austria will make the vaccine mandatory to go anywhere out in the public starting next year too. Italy has had a green card that's required to go anywhere public for several months & the only way to get that is to have been vaccinated or have recently had CV-19. :scratch:  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on November 11/20/21, 07:53:35 AM
All I know is that the big pharma makes a $1000 a minute off the shot. Follow da money.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on November 11/20/21, 09:08:04 AM
I would be surprised if the number is that LOW. It would be a fun number to know, also how much money Big Pharma donates in a election cycle. Now that they are allowed to advertise on TV I would bet Covid has some stiff competition on what generates the most money for them.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/21/21, 09:38:24 AM
yesterday i was talking to my friend thats coming up with me spearing first trip in dec. we recently went to a wake of the dad of friends of ours.

 find out that the guy that owns the campground we used to be at got the rona and was in bed sick. also heard the dad that passed away, his wife got it also........and they think it was at the wake.  :confused: the wife wasnt in real good condition anyway, i heard dimentia or alzheimers...and they dont think she's gonna pull through either.......

thats the closest i've been to the potential of someone maybe having it.........although i was there early and left after a half hour.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/22/21, 09:17:59 AM
this adimistrative fee thing irks the hell outta me, so i called the state this morning.  i explained what i researched, and other then finding it hard to understand the lady, she said she doesnt know if they can charge..........they got there own rules!!!!!!!!! :confused: :doofus: :doofus: :doofus:

centra care in the st cloud area is one of the biggest organizations whining about getting vaxed to help out the medical community, but the y do this!!!!!!!! :confused: how dumb!!!!!!!!!!

oh and i still havent heard back from them!!!! :surrender: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: ok rant over.

its a total PITA trying to find someplace to get it too!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on November 11/22/21, 09:27:03 AM
Just go get the damn shot. The chances are the Covid could kill ya quicker then spending a couple of bucks.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/22/21, 09:57:19 AM
Just go get the damn shot. The chances are the Covid could kill ya quicker then spending a couple of bucks.
:pouty: :pouty: yea i might have to suck it up and just go!!!!!!!! :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on November 11/22/21, 10:24:40 AM
Just go get the damn shot. The chances are the Covid could kill ya quicker then spending a couple of bucks.
Highly unlikely. He is already vaxxed.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/22/21, 12:12:50 PM
 :scratch: & what about Mom?  :crazy: :pouty: :thumbs:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/22/21, 12:15:51 PM
:scratch: & what about Mom?  :crazy: :pouty: :thumbs:
i'm scheduled for 9;20 tomorrow morning...........yea thats 110% why i'm doing it.

she goes in tomorrow for a rona test before her procedure on the 29th......and is self imposing a quarentine on herself. she wants NOONE around after tomorrow until after the procedure.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/24/21, 11:14:28 AM
So last night my arm they jabbed me in got really effin sore and a headache to no end. :confused:

The arm is better, just a bit sore but the damn headache is still there, and I don't usually get headaches. :confused:

Anyone else have side effects??? These are worse than the first shot I got.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on November 11/24/21, 11:16:45 AM
Which flavor did you get glenn?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/24/21, 11:18:16 AM
All 3 we're Pfizer.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on November 11/24/21, 11:27:17 AM
Those symptoms indicate you are pregnant Glenn.  LOL  I had sore arm and felt a little out of sorts for a day or two.  Not bad though. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/24/21, 11:35:06 AM
Those symptoms indicate you are pregnant Glenn.  LOL  I had sore arm and felt a little out of sorts for a day or two.  Not bad though.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: and hear i thought having a headache prevents pregnancies!!!!!!! :confused: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/24/21, 11:36:14 AM
 :scratch: Maybe your wife gave you hers. :rolleyes: I hear she has 1 A LOT!! ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/24/21, 11:37:38 AM
:scratch: Maybe your wife gave you hers. :rolleyes: I hear she has 1 A LOT!! ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: she got rid of that issue before i met her!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/24/21, 11:44:00 AM
 :scratch: I thought that was why she was usually asking when your were goin back to the cabin within a few days of when you come home. :confused: :evil:                 :sleazy: :nerd:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on November 11/24/21, 11:51:11 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on November 11/24/21, 01:07:35 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/24/21, 01:10:23 PM
 :mooning: well on 2 weeks from today she'll get her wish again. :happy1:

 :scratch: I'm not quite sure why she keeps threatening me with a good time! :pouty: :sleazy: :nerd: :cold: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on November 11/24/21, 01:28:02 PM
Those symptoms indicate you are pregnant Glenn.  LOL  I had sore arm and felt a little out of sorts for a day or two.  Not bad though.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: and hear i thought having a headache prevents pregnancies!!!!!!! :confused: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

no that's an aspirin, tell the her to hold between her knees and never drop it!!!!    :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/24/21, 01:37:51 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: her mom and dad said that alot
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/24/21, 04:00:51 PM
:mooning: well on 2 weeks from today she'll get her wish again. :happy1:

 :scratch: I'm not quite sure why she keeps threatening me with a good time! :pouty: :sleazy: :nerd: :cold: :nerd: :nerd:
:scratch: Cause she likes it too?  :shocked: :doah: Maybe even more than you!!  ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on November 11/24/21, 04:52:20 PM
I've tried to warn you about that swill you drink. You're lucky you don't go blind.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on November 11/25/21, 08:41:53 AM
So last night my arm they jabbed me in got really effin sore and a headache to no end. :confused:

The arm is better, just a bit sore but the damn headache is still there, and I don't usually get headaches. :confused:

Anyone else have side effects??? These are worse than the first shot I got.

I got the moderna for all 3, I got zilch for side effects.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/25/21, 08:49:20 AM
So last night my arm they jabbed me in got really effin sore and a headache to no end. :confused:

The arm is better, just a bit sore but the damn headache is still there, and I don't usually get headaches. :confused:

Anyone else have side effects??? These are worse than the first shot I got.

I got the moderna for all 3, I got zilch for side effects.
i'm good today!!!!!!!

dutchy...think thats why i had the side effects......i didnt have any of that swill!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Boar on November 11/25/21, 10:14:08 AM
Glenn yu yurself are a side effect..
No after shot symtoms here.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/26/21, 08:11:06 AM
After we ate yday I asked the youngest niece about the vaccine mandate over at Mayo in Rochester where she works in the Gastro & Intestinal Unit. She said she knows 2 coworkers in her unit who have decided they're going to change jobs. One was going to go back to helping her husband farm & the other was going back to her old job. Just a FYI. :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on November 11/26/21, 08:54:28 AM
So, two health care people who would rather give up the job than get the shot?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/26/21, 09:11:14 AM
Yeah DB, but I have no idea how many work in her deparment. :scratch: My niece downplayed it big time & made it sound like most all the people she knew had been vaccinated. Seen her workplace a couple times & it's ~ 1/2 of 1 floor in 1 wing of the Gonda building which could easily be 25-30 people that work in her unit.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/26/21, 03:37:14 PM
 What pizzes me off every time they dream up a new variant the stock market takes a chit!  :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on November 11/26/21, 06:58:21 PM
and boy did it take a dump!!!    :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/27/21, 08:19:19 AM
All the pros on TV(CNBC) early yday were still all very bullish & were looking at it as a buying opportunity. As they start buying & we learn more about the new strain it will come back pretty quick IMO. Looked like I was ~ 2% down yday. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/27/21, 08:08:57 PM
Hi guys.   I got my booster first day available...   Busted me down for a couple days.    But I figure Covid would kill me, so there is that..

Don't know what to think about latest variant.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/28/21, 08:30:56 AM
 :scratch: Bet a lot of the experts don't know what to think of it yet either Del.  :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on November 11/28/21, 08:42:03 AM
Well I guess I won't be heading to Africa anytime soon.  LOL
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/28/21, 08:51:35 AM
A lot of Europe is having issues too. https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2021/11/27/1059501446/covid-coronavirus-omicron-variant
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on November 11/28/21, 09:18:04 AM
From what I read this morning is it is pretty mild. Tired with some body aches. No loss of taste it smell. Sounds like seasonal flu the way the doctor talked.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/28/21, 09:35:06 AM
Read part of a pc on it yday too & a really bad fatigue was about the worst sympton they mentioned as well.No loss of sense of taste or smell either according to them.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/28/21, 09:44:40 AM
JB, Gunner.......thats interesting. the news makes it sound like the world is gonna end with this new variant. i'm so friggin tired of hearing about this i could  :puke:

guess i havent really paid attention to the affects of this new variant???????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/28/21, 10:04:58 AM
 :scratch: So don't listen to it! :doah: You can turn off the radio & TV, right?  :rolleyes: Or at least change the channel.:pouty: :doofus: I'd bet the Hallmark & Lifetime channels don't cover it very much.  :sleazy:  :nerd: :nerd: :evil:           ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/28/21, 10:07:48 AM
 :pouty: :pouty: training-087 :Clap: training-087 :banghead:  :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on November 11/28/21, 11:07:13 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on November 11/28/21, 11:18:21 AM
JB, Gunner.......thats interesting. the news makes it sound like the world is gonna end with this new variant. i'm so friggin tired of hearing about this i could  :puke:

guess i havent really paid attention to the affects of this new variant???????
It is hard to get away from it. But I agree.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/28/21, 07:08:51 PM
:scratch: So don't listen to it! :doah: You can turn off the radio & TV, right?  :rolleyes: Or at least change the channel.:pouty: :doofus: I'd bet the Hallmark & Lifetime channels don't cover it very much.  :sleazy:  :nerd: :nerd: :evil:           ;) :laugh: :laugh:
You could watch the Vikings instead  :thumbs: :thumbs: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/28/21, 07:31:38 PM
:scratch: So don't listen to it! :doah: You can turn off the radio & TV, right?  :rolleyes: Or at least change the channel.:pouty: :doofus: I'd bet the Hallmark & Lifetime channels don't cover it very much.  :sleazy:  :nerd: :nerd: :evil:           ;) :laugh: :laugh:
You could watch the Vikings instead  :thumbs: :thumbs: :pouty:
I did del, I won a big ol venny backstrap from boar and $12.00 from a little family football pool. Livin the high life now!!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on November 11/29/21, 07:31:02 AM
BOT.... new variant another "scare tatic"...

I seen stats someone posted on the IT so it's gotta be true,"Moderna stock" in jan 2020 was $19/share, today it's $329/share....to lazy to fact check but it doesn't surprise me.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/01/21, 11:43:35 AM
i see where several judges around  the country are starting to put the binders on Bidens vax mandates!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

to me just makes no sense, force someone to get the vax or lose there job!!!!! :confused: :crazy: :crazy: especially in the health care industry or law enforcement........where there needed more now then ever before......not to mention businesses not being able to hire!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on December 12/01/21, 12:08:33 PM
I saw on the news where President Biden was in Minnesota yesterday. No doubt spreading his words of wisdom. I know personally I would feel smarter today if I only thought for a second he knew where he was.

We will be done with him soon enough I guess.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on December 12/01/21, 03:43:27 PM
We hope!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/02/21, 08:55:46 AM
We hope!
i see no way..no how this guy gets reelected!!!!!!!!!! :scratch: there has been "gossip" in the white house about this Butteig name being thrown around???

read this morning that the St Paul firefighters handed the city a lawsuit reqarding the vax mandate. i gotta beleive with some of the other lawsuits that has ruled against mandates that wont carry some weight into future lawsuits!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/02/21, 09:36:40 AM
 :scratch: I can see 1 way he get's reelected & that would mean the GOP's nominee is worse. :tut: :thumbs: As a longtime supporter, I hope that's not the case. :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on December 12/02/21, 09:45:34 AM
We hope!
i see no way..no how this guy gets reelected!!!!!!!!!! :scratch: there has been "gossip" in the white house about this Butteig name being thrown around???

read this morning that the St Paul firefighters handed the city a lawsuit reqarding the vax mandate. i gotta beleive with some of the other lawsuits that has ruled against mandates that wont carry some weight into future lawsuits!!!!!!

Trump got elected because the best the Dems could muster up was Hilary. Biden got elected because, well we aren't sure I guess. Maybe because the country didn't like being run by a businessman. I dunno. Anyway it will be next up the next go around. The Dems are sharpening the pitchforks already in anticipation of another Trump run.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on December 12/02/21, 09:53:30 AM
:scratch: I can see 1 way he get's reelected & that would mean the GOP's man is worse. :tut: :thumbs: As a longtime supporter, I hope that's not the case. :crazy:

Why does it have to be a man? What am I getting at? Been following one person in particular and she's been getting some pressure on social media to run. Whether she'll do it or not remains to be seen. Who? Condi Rice. Yep, some baggage with the Iraq war but as far as anything else, one sharp cookie and experienced, not to mention black & female. We need someone like this to step up to the plate. We're running out of semi-intelligent options IMHO.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/02/21, 10:10:57 AM
 :oops1: slip of the tongue. :doah: :bonk: Is that better?  :scratch: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley: I think she would be a good candidate. :happy1: I, myself, would be interested to hear her stance on a lot of the issues facing this country.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on December 12/02/21, 11:05:35 AM
Well hell, we all know or at least should know the quality of the candidate has nothing to do with running for President. Both parties would dig up Stalin and run him if he could generate enough money.

Being President is being a puppet, being a fundraiser.

Show me the money and where it comes from & i'll show you the next President.

It's a sad situation but it's becoming clearer to me each day I live.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/02/21, 12:06:25 PM
Well Dotch, ya best double your Rona quinine. :happy1: the new strain is in Minnesota.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on December 12/02/21, 01:12:11 PM
Why does it have to be a man?

Heck yeah, I agree!  Nothing wrong with a girl in tight jeans, and a gun on her hip as Pres!!   :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on December 12/02/21, 01:16:20 PM
Well Dotch, ya best double your Rona quinine. :happy1: the new strain is in Minnesota.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/02/21, 01:25:22 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/03/21, 08:41:43 AM
Iowa had a record for # of cases reported yday, no mention of Omicron that I heard either. :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/22/21, 11:43:38 AM
Just heard where Pfizer has gotten approval for their antiviral pill for everybody 12 y/o & up. Not much production for a while but it's seen as being very good for those who are immuno compromised & get the virus.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on December 12/22/21, 11:57:28 AM
I was going to make a smart aleck comment about Biden making it free to everyone who needs it - and then guessing at the price to Uncle Sam.  I would have guessed low.    :embarrassed:

Here it is...

Pfizer oral COVID-19 pill gets U.S. authorization for at-home use (https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/pfizer-oral-covid-19-pill-gets-us-authorization-at-home-use-2021-12-22/)

The U.S. government's contract for 10 million courses of the Pfizer drug is priced at $530 per course.

That is a $5.3 BILLION order you and I just signed up for.  :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on December 12/22/21, 12:04:53 PM
Imagine that... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/22/21, 12:14:03 PM
 :rotflmao: Yea snows buddy, ole sleepy Joe's gonna save the world. :sleazy: :surrender: :bs:

Sorry snow, Mikey made me say it  :confused: :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Pulleye16 on December 12/22/21, 08:55:28 PM
Not a huge fan of posting on political and COVID posts but the best thing about this new variant is that it’s weaker and this is huge!  A virus that kills its host will eventually kill itself. This is both good and bad. Good in the fact it will eradicate itself…bad that it will kill lots of people.

This virus is showing that it’s smart and is weakening. This will keep it around longer, not good, but won’t kill as many people…which is good! 

I think we’ll see the light soon with this virus this year as it’ll weakens again but be more relevant. Hopefully more like the common flu. Crazy thing is there are some many “ one-offs” with this virus that it’ll still be scary for some but I look at the new variant as a good sign.

Fingers crossed.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on December 12/23/21, 06:56:53 AM
Right on. This is the more mild one that should give the majority of the people the needed antibodies to like you said make the virus go away. I am just so tired of all the fear mongering from the media and dumbs!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/23/21, 07:58:58 AM
 :scratch: I guess Merck has their own pill that is nearing approval & AbbVie has 1 in the pipeline as well.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/23/21, 08:49:07 AM
It came out that Merck's was just approved in the last hour.  :scratch: From what I understand the Pfizer course/treatment consists of 3 pills 2 times a day for 5 days. So thats roughly $17-$18/pill.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on December 12/23/21, 08:52:00 AM
We hope!
i see no way..no how this guy gets reelected!!!!!!!!!! :scratch: there has been "gossip" in the white house about this Butteig name being thrown around???

read this morning that the St Paul firefighters handed the city a lawsuit reqarding the vax mandate. i gotta beleive with some of the other lawsuits that has ruled against mandates that wont carry some weight into future lawsuits!!!!!!

LOL glenn...ole "buttplug" worthless poofter takes 2 months off for maternity leave,idiot thinks he's a b---ch.feel sorry for the babies he adopted,mean while buttplug head of our national transportation has how many container ships stacked up off our cali coast?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on December 12/23/21, 08:52:51 AM
It came out that Merck's was just approved in the last hour.  :scratch: From what I understand the Pfizer course/treatment consists of 3 pills 2 times a day for 5 days. So thats roughly $17-$18/pill.

That sounds like our Federal Government!  The Reuter's article I reference below says the gub'ment is paying $530 per course to buy them from Pfizer.   :confused: 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on December 12/23/21, 03:28:16 PM
I thought all of that covid microchip blather was simply the tin-foil-hat types spoutin' off their conspiracy theories.

Maybe not...  :scratch:

Swedish COVID vaccine pass microchip maker addresses privacy concerns (https://www.foxbusiness.com/technology/swedish-covid-vaccine-pass-microchip-privacy-concerns)

Over 4,000 Swedes have similar chip implants for a wide range of uses
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on December 12/24/21, 06:30:55 AM
No chip for me. Ever.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/28/21, 09:15:35 AM
cant believe nobody mentioned the good news yet.  :evil: :rotflmao:

on the news last night the CDC said if your not vaxxed and get the rona now you only got hide for 5 days. i may have this a bit wrong, but i thought i also heard if you are vaxed and get it you dont need to hide???
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/28/21, 09:18:27 AM
I thought it was 5 days no matter what...    :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/28/21, 09:25:15 AM
I thought it was 5 days no matter what...    :scratch:
yea, like i said.....i didnt catch all of it........i mighta bee in the frig!!!!!  :rolleyes: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on December 12/28/21, 09:28:46 AM
I believe it is what Nike said.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on December 12/28/21, 09:33:54 AM
But now they're saying...

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/28/21, 09:43:18 AM
yuppers!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on December 12/28/21, 11:29:08 AM
Exactly!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on December 12/28/21, 11:30:07 AM
This about sums it up.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on December 12/28/21, 11:49:29 AM
Never ending....neighbor called yesterday,snowed in has the rona virus,old redneck against the vaccine...wife guilted him to get the jab,double vax/booster now on his back in bed sick as a dog,needed help moving snow...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on December 12/28/21, 11:51:10 AM
Priceless JB!  :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on December 12/28/21, 11:52:33 AM
I've been in hiding since 2020.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on December 12/28/21, 12:34:24 PM
darn good, seen something like this just not so long ago too..   :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on December 12/29/21, 08:15:05 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/29/21, 08:17:38 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: you go Dotch. It's cold outside. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on December 12/29/21, 08:22:48 PM
As gov. Killjoy says, follow the science!  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on December 12/30/21, 07:37:07 AM
I told the wife this and she said she wouldn't advise me to do that with these temps.   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on December 12/30/21, 08:07:33 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on December 12/31/21, 09:02:42 PM
Don't forget to tie a string to it first.... That shrinkage will get you
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/01/22, 11:20:06 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/01/22, 11:24:07 AM
Dotch, you forgot a picture of Biden.   :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/04/22, 08:03:08 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/05/22, 08:53:27 AM
Seen where a bunch of schools are closing on their own because they don't have enough staff to run 'em. It was 3,200+ yday & most were located in the east coast megalopolis between Virginia & Boston. There were a few in the upper midwest though & I wouldn't be at all surprised to see that # continue to grow.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/05/22, 09:00:09 AM
They have basically bullied and scared everybody in the country to run and test the second you cough or sniffle. This is during the cold & flu season. Now they are surprised so many test positive?

I don't wish Covid upon anybody, however I don't feel this hysteria they are creating is good either. Last stat I saw was the death rate from Covid was still highest among those over 80.

FYI, the government just bought another bunch of pills from Phizer again. My mistake in this whole thing was not buying Big Pharma stock a couple of years ago.    :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/05/22, 09:28:02 AM
They have basically bullied and scared everybody in the country to run and test the second you cough or sniffle. This is during the cold & flu season. Now they are surprised so many test positive?

I don't wish Covid upon anybody, however I don't feel this hysteria they are creating is good either. Last stat I saw was the death rate from Covid was still highest among those over 80.

FYI, the government just bought another bunch of pills from Phizer again. My mistake in this whole thing was not buying Big Pharma stock a couple of years ago.    :pouty:

I'll bet Fauchi did.   ;)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/06/22, 08:25:25 AM
He's been with the NIH & the NIAID since he completed his residency in 1968 as well having been a medical advisor to every president since Reagan so owning those stocks would clearly be a conflict of interest as well as unethical. Not to mention more than likely illegal.  :doah: https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamandrzejewski/2021/12/28/dr-anthony-faucis-retirement-pay-will-exceed-350000-per-year--the-largest-in-us-federal-government-history/?sh=67bbd521609c :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/06/22, 12:29:57 PM
I offered my "Fauchi stock investment" jab tongue in cheek. 

But the longer this pandemic lasts, the more it seems to me that government policy decisions can be best rationalized by the phrase, "Follow the money."

Omicron is spreading like wildfire amongst both the righteous vaccinated and the unholy, maligned unvaccinated.  There is no evidence yet (because this variant is so new) that vaccines provide protection against it.  They are simply hopeful that vaccines so something positive and keep recommending more and more booster shots for a vaccine that STILL has not been fully approved by the FDA except via emergency use authorization.

When all you have is a hammer, all your problems look like nails.

Well, the Federal Government is "all in" on Big Pharma's nail-like solution.

There may be other, cheaper, safer, effective remedies against Omicron, but good luck getting universities and institutes to fund and study them.  They won't work on anything they can't patent and make money off of.

And heaven knows the mainstream media won't publish any discoveries that don't fit their biased narrative. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/06/22, 01:16:11 PM
I have found standing on my right foot and using my left hand to drink 4.8 oz. or Orange juice every morning to keep me safe from Covid. For Omni I substitute Grain Belt Premium.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/06/22, 02:39:48 PM
I have found standing on my right foot and using my left hand to drink 4.8 oz. or Orange juice every morning to keep me safe from Covid. For Omni I substitute Grain Belt Premium.

Just sayin...

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/06/22, 02:59:10 PM
Lysol or one of the cleaners has had on there can for years & years that it protects against Covid.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/06/22, 09:05:57 PM
Lysol or one of the cleaners has had on there can for years & years that it protects against Covid.
:scratch: Just like drinking bleach? :doofus: :doah:                  :smoking:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/07/22, 06:47:47 AM
and lysol
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/08/22, 07:10:51 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/08/22, 07:35:36 AM
will they have pioneer on them??    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/08/22, 07:52:27 AM
 :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/08/22, 08:14:54 AM
will they have pioneer on them??    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

good one Mikey!!!!!!! :doah: i'm  so friginn sick of this rona crap i could scream!!!!!!!! :confused: i for one am done with these shots..... mask mandates or whatever.  i've talked to enough people now that have had it and its not much more then a cold. hell i've had worse head colds before this virus was invented!!!!

i'm resigned to the fact at some point i'm going to get it sooner or later............i dont do the flu shot.......only reason i did the rona shot was because
 of my moms issues at the time. it aint going away and what its done to businesses by these politicians its beyond pathetic!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/08/22, 08:16:41 AM
Agreed Glenn!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/08/22, 09:36:54 AM
Glenn if you don't mask up at Teals it will be a short grocery career for ya. Right now the mask thing is Minneapolis & St. Paul only, but Herr Walz will get it statewide before long.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/08/22, 09:44:44 AM
Glenn if you don't mask up at Teals it will be a short grocery career for ya. Right now the mask thing is Minneapolis & St. Paul only, but Herr Walz will get it statewide before long.
well I guess it will be a short career then. They already said I need to be vaxed, but based on what the supreme court says.... Employers still can mandate it is what I get out of it. :scratch:

And I believe good king Walz no longer has that authority??? Think he made some deal with the rebubkicans as long as they agreed not to can Malcolm.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/08/22, 09:52:25 AM
Well somebody instituted the mask thing in Minneapolis & St. Paul. Maybe the mayors? My bet is Herr Walz. trying to flex again.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/08/22, 09:58:05 AM
The idiot mayor's did that.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/08/22, 10:21:19 AM
It'll be hard enough for them two to get re-elected, wonder who the mental giant is that came up with that idea.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/08/22, 10:29:38 AM
It'll be hard enough for them two to get re-elected, wonder who the mental giant is that came up with that idea.
both those nimwit mayors just got reelected. :confused:  :doah::censored:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/08/22, 10:50:46 AM
The idiot mayor's did that.

yuppers, all about them...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/11/22, 08:08:23 AM
Maybe think of the vax in the same context as wearing a seatbelt. Wearing one doesn't prevent you from having an accident nor does it prevent someone from crashing into you however, it certainly can have a big impact on the result of the accident.
Well, because a seat belt is not experimental and I know what the long term effects of wearing a seat belt are.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/11/22, 08:54:20 AM
DE:  Point taken on covid vaccines generally making reactions to infections less severe.  I'm glad we have vaccines for our most vulnerable populations.

However, since they (Big Pharma, Big Government, Big Medicine) greatly oversold the vaccine effectivity, and were caught off-guard by how many "breakthrough" cases there were, and that vaccinated people could still spread the virus, and again by how short the duration of "immunity" seems to last...

And when Omicron broke they all said, "Get your boosters, cause that is our best defense," without having any time to study if the current vaccines had any effectivity against Omicron...  (It sure didn't seem to make any difference my family against Omicron.)

And now there will be a new Omicron vaccine in March, so that advice they gave us a month ago means what?   :confused:

And so all those folks who got two shots to start with, and got the booster when they were told, and will be first in line to get the new Omicron vaccine... 

That's 4 shots and they don't have a clue if there are any long term, adverse effects.  They just keep spreading fear and pushing the drugs.   :huh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on January 01/11/22, 09:02:50 AM
Seems the naysayers are the ones spreading fear. The earth is flat.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/11/22, 09:11:57 AM
Voicing concern about untested drugs is not spreading fear.

Or lets turn it the other way around...

You should be afraid of the drugs you are taking if you are unaware of the long term effects.  :shocked:

When all you have is a hammer, all your problems look like nails.  :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/11/22, 09:37:46 AM
Well said Steve!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/11/22, 10:02:39 AM
Well said Steve!!!
seen on the news last night Centracare, out medical provider in this area is really pushing for mask mandates again.......like that worked the last time!!! :crazy:

i was very cautious when all this started, but as the more it goes on the less i believe anything anyone says about the vacine and masks!!! kinda sad!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on January 01/11/22, 10:27:47 AM
Maybe think of the vax in the same context as wearing a seatbelt. Wearing one doesn't prevent you from having an accident nor does it prevent someone from crashing into you however, it certainly can have a big impact on the result of the accident.
Well, because a seat belt is not experimental and I know what the long term effects of wearing a seat belt are.

apples n oranges,I ain't injecting seatbelts into my body...I haven't fact checked the last mandatory vaccine that was forced on us (polio) pretty sure it took 15 years for the FDA to approve it,zero long term side effects.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on January 01/11/22, 10:35:53 AM
It's called an analogy. You don't have to inject seat belts into your body for the analogy to be valid.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on January 01/11/22, 11:05:19 AM
LOL roony ,I was speaking in jest...thanx tho...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/11/22, 11:31:00 AM
Some of 'yall, won't watch this because it is an opinion piece from Fox News, but if you get past some of the inflammatory rhetoric about "government control" and watch and listen with an open mind, you will see how misinformation and lies spread and perpetuate fear and hysteria regarding Covid.

The lies that bind:  The Left's COVID lies already being overtaken by the truth (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/the-lies-that-bind-the-left-s-covid-lies-already-being-overtaken-by-the-truth/vi-AASE4ra?ocid=entnewsntp)

If you watch the whole thing, I'd love to hear which of the presented points you disagree with.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/11/22, 11:41:16 AM
Well said Steve!!!
seen on the news last night Centracare, out medical provider in this area is really pushing for mask mandates again.......like that worked the last time!!! :crazy:

i was very cautious when all this started, but as the more it goes on the less i believe anything anyone says about the vacine and masks!!! kinda sad!!
:rotflmao: I rest my case. Went out to get the paper. Front page headlines said Centracare was denied by the area city mayor's for a mask mandate, for various reasons.

Same front page, headlines read Rona intensive care rate declines in Minnesota.

So who and what should someone actually believe.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/11/22, 11:50:08 AM
Here is the latest regarding monoclonal antibody treatment distribution in the State of Minnesota as I have come to understand it thru personal experience.

Please let me know if I have any of this wrong.

It used to be that if you wanted monoclonal antibody treatment, you would log onto the MN Department of Health Website to see if you qualified for the rationed treatments.  If you did, you entered your zip code and they would pass your information along to the nearest clinic for scheduling.

Now Omicron is by far the predominant strain of Covid infections and two of the three available antibody treatments are ineffective against Omicron, so The State has stopped distributing them.

The one remaining treatment against Omicron is in short supply, and now when you log onto the MN MN Department of Health Website to see if you qualify for the rationed treatments, you find out that availability is NOW prioritized, in part, by RACE and ETHNIC BACKGROUND!

Further, because of short supplies of medicine, they no longer assist you with scheduling.  They will tell you that your are qualified, but you hit a dead end.  You get no assistance from The State on where to go.

So given that you qualify for the treatment, it is up to you to find your own clinic to receive the treatment.  However, if you call a clinic to schedule your own appointment, they will tell you that they cannot separately schedule you for a treatment because they have a contract with The State.

This is what Socialized Medicine will look like, folks.  Keep pushing for it.  :doah:  :angry:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/11/22, 11:53:38 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on January 01/11/22, 12:07:46 PM
I guess one alternative is to do nothing but I strongly feel the results would not be preferable.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on January 01/11/22, 12:10:00 PM
Good information steve-o,this omicron that started in africa has run it's course in africa according to health officals,further this new strain was said to be much weaker than previous strains (delta),much like a cold,runny nose,watery eyes,no fever etc,couple days it's over...but here in the states the sky is falling,good grief.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on January 01/11/22, 12:35:49 PM
Like my dear old dad use to say when he greased the equipment regularly "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".
No snow, I'm not suggesting we put grease zerks in our arms.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on January 01/11/22, 02:48:34 PM
Just found out that two friends of mine, husband and wife just tested positive.  Another friend is in quarantine.  I feel like I am coming down with a cold and hope that is all it is. I guess it is making its rounds up here.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/11/22, 02:53:24 PM
It is making its rounds everywhere. Just a matter of when.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/11/22, 03:13:13 PM
If your lucky enough to live in Wisconsin, all you need to do to get a monoclonal antibody treatment is get an order from your doctor and schedule your infusion at a hospital or clinic.   :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/11/22, 03:17:55 PM
Making the rounds locally as well. Vaxxed, boosted, unvaxxed, masked, unmasked, it doesn't seem to care. Pretty mild for the most part according to those who have had it. Most describing it like a mildly annoying cold. Must be or they wouldn't be ice fishing, splitting wood, hauling grain or otherwise carrying on like normal. I must be about due for some immunotherapy tonite meself... :drinking: :whistling:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/11/22, 03:21:38 PM
The one remaining treatment against Omicron is in short supply, and now when you log onto the MN MN Department of Health Website to see if you qualify for the rationed treatments, you find out that availability is NOW prioritized, in part, by RACE and ETHNIC BACKGROUND!
This is what Socialized Medicine will look like, folks.  Keep pushing for it.  :doah:  :angry:

Well, I guess we can flush a 100 years of human suffrage and that whole "I have a Dream" for equality thing down the toilet!   :coffee:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/11/22, 03:57:53 PM
Just found out that two friends of mine, husband and wife just tested positive.  Another friend is in quarantine.  I feel like I am coming down with a cold and hope that is all it is. I guess it is making its rounds up here.
I've felt the same way LPS, the last 2-3 days.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/11/22, 04:55:58 PM
The one remaining treatment against Omicron is in short supply, and now when you log onto the MN MN Department of Health Website to see if you qualify for the rationed treatments, you find out that availability is NOW prioritized, in part, by RACE and ETHNIC BACKGROUND!
This is what Socialized Medicine will look like, folks.  Keep pushing for it.  :doah:  :angry:

Well, I guess we can flush a 100 years of human suffrage and that whole "I have a Dream" for equality thing down the toilet!   :coffee:

States rationing COVID treatments based on race:  New York, Utah, and Minnesota (https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/states-rationing-covid-treatments-based-on-race/vi-AASE9L1)

Sadly, you won't see any of this reported on NBC or CBS.  It just boggles the mind that Americans - I don't care what color you are - support this :bs:

(Again, you anit-Foxers out there.  Please listen to this and tell me where they are wrong.)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on January 01/11/22, 05:05:12 PM
Just found out that two friends of mine, husband and wife just tested positive.  Another friend is in quarantine.  I feel like I am coming down with a cold and hope that is all it is. I guess it is making its rounds up here.
I've felt the same way LPS, the last 2-3 days.

Yup not real bad but scratchy throat, itchy nose, more in the morning.  Slightly tired but the after lunch nap feels good.  I think I can think it away.   :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on January 01/11/22, 06:37:31 PM
Here's a good one. My oldest son's  family was quite sick the week before Christmas. Since we had elderly and immune compromised people coming here for Christmas, they drove up to the cities and got tested on the 22nd. They did both a quick test and the more reliable deep nasel swab. They were negative on the quick test and were suppose to get results of the other one in 24 to 48 hours. Well, he got the results today...they were positive. Thank God no one that was here got sick. What good do tests do if you don't get results for three weeks? Makes my jaw tight.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/11/22, 06:50:25 PM
Here's a good one. My oldest son's  family was quite sick the week before Christmas. Since we had elderly and immune compromised people coming here for Christmas, they drove up to the cities and got tested on the 22nd. They did both a quick test and the more reliable deep nasel swab. They were negative on the quick test and were suppose to get results of the other one in 24 to 48 hours. Well, he got the results today...they were positive. Thank God no one that was here got sick. What good do tests do if you don't get results for three weeks? Makes my jaw tight.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/12/22, 06:47:42 AM
Making the rounds locally as well. Vaxxed, boosted, unvaxxed, masked, unmasked, it doesn't seem to care. Pretty mild for the most part according to those who have had it. Most describing it like a mildly annoying cold. Must be or they wouldn't be ice fishing, splitting wood, hauling grain or otherwise carrying on like normal. I must be about due for some immunotherapy tonite meself... :drinking: :whistling:
I think that most people that think they have a cold and got the shot really have the Rona.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/12/22, 07:09:31 AM
 :scratch: Talked to a realtor yday who said he knows quite a few people with it down here too, but most of those said they had pretty bad sore throat with theirs. :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/12/22, 07:59:36 AM
Da Flurona.  :scratch: :confused: :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/12/22, 08:06:22 AM
Da Flurona.  :scratch: :confused: :doofus:
Getting two viruses at the same time?  That has been around since the beginning of the pandemic.

The flu-flu didn't go away just because of Covid, but there were Zero cases of flu-flu in 2020?  :confused:

That's because they were only checking Covid and no one was going to the doctor unless it was absolutely necessary.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/12/22, 08:11:16 AM
Now that CNN says what I and many have said for the last 1-1/2 years. Now it is no longer a conspiracy.  :angry2:

I know, I know you antiFoxers won't read it even though there many quotes from CNN. Goes right along with the other article that Steve posted yesterday.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/12/22, 08:44:48 AM
We have a friend whose otherwise healthy, thirty-six year-old nephew died of a heart attack 2 days after receiving a vaccination shot.  :scratch: :cry:

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) documents reports of over 10,000 deaths from covid vaccines.  (I don't know the date of the article I saw.  It could be many more by now.  I don't know.)

Spin Doctors say that compared to the overall doses of vaccine administered, that death rate is a ridiculously small percentage, something like 0.002%.  But that is not the correct way to look at it.

If this was an acne treatment for teenagers and there were just 50 deaths, do you think the FDA would allow its continued usage?  :confused:

I don't deny that the vaccines have saved countless lives of those at high risk of dying from covid when they were first introduced.  Statistics - even the skewed statistics from the government, CDC, and hospitals that received federal payments for every covid patient they treated - bear out that fact.

But not everyone is at high risk of dying from covid.  This mandate stuff, and conditions of employment, and all the school closings have got to stop.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/12/22, 08:56:42 AM
Now that CNN says what I and many have said for the last 1-1/2 years. Now it is no longer a conspiracy.  :angry2:

I know, I know you antiFoxers won't read it even though there many quotes from CNN. Goes right along with the other article that Steve posted yesterday.

From the article...

Conservative pundit Bethany Mandel, a contributing writer to Deseret News and editor of the book publisher Heroes of Liberty, feels the sudden pivot is the result of high-profile liberals, such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and CNN's Pamela Brown and Ana Navarro testing positive for the virus. Mandel feels that once CNN staffers and their friends caught the virus, the liberal network wouldn’t paint a positive test as a sign of moral failing any longer.

"It was one thing when Florida Republicans were getting it, and they were irresponsible or whatever. But now AOC is getting it in Florida, and she’s going to be fine. She’s young, she’s healthy, and she’s vaccinated. That’s what matters," Mandel added.

(https://img.ifunny.co/images/5d2a44f2b12e3d4c8d7bc9765fdcfbcf6002def4a22db14fd04ed0ff3b287a85_1.jpg) OR (https://i.imgflip.com/60nmsp.jpg)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/12/22, 09:31:13 AM
Now that CNN says what I and many have said for the last 1-1/2 years. Now it is no longer a conspiracy.  :angry2:

I know, I know you antiFoxers won't read it even though there many quotes from CNN. Goes right along with the other article that Steve posted yesterday.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: someone posted an article over on that other site something similar..........

if or when someone went to the hospital for a broken leg, or anything requiring medical attention, tested they had the rona it was  considered a rona hospitilazation!!!!!! :pouty: :doah: :doofus:

yea this needs to stop!!!!!!!!!!! :confused: :confused: if ya got a severe case. i get it......... but when you go in for medical care and an alternative test comes up they have a virus........
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on January 01/12/22, 10:01:51 AM
Good news! biden is rolling out 500 million home covid test kits....

since biden dropped the ball on his promise to end covid,some see this new test kit as a positive.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/12/22, 11:03:18 AM
(https://tinypix.top/images/2022/01/12/ek5Yq.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/ek5Yq)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Pulleye16 on January 01/12/22, 11:16:41 AM

if or when someone went to the hospital for a broken leg, or anything requiring medical attention, tested they had the rona it was  considered a rona hospitilazation!!!!!! :pouty: :doah: :doofus:

I don't like getting too involved in these threads but I don't see this as true working in the hospitals (though I'm sure it's happened here and there). I've also been on the receiving end and can say its not true as well. 

If a hospital or clinic tests you (which is required for in-patients and surgeries) and you test positive, sure, they are going to mark you down as a COVID pt as it requires follow-up testing, extra precautions, isolation and so on...so yes, they will seek that payment from the federal government...and label you as a COVID pt.  But (if you came in for knee surgery and are COVID+), you're still admitted and charged for that diagnosis regardless of COVID status...the hospital or clinic is just going to seek additional funds to help cover cost with government mandates that hospitals are required to do for all pt's, but more so with COVID+ ones. You aren't considered a COVID pt hospitalization, you are hospitalized due to (whatever-knee surgery) WITH covid.


Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/12/22, 12:35:53 PM
if or when someone went to the hospital for a broken leg, or anything requiring medical attention, tested they had the rona it was  considered a rona hospitilazation!!!!!!

I don't like getting too involved in these threads but I don't see this as true working in the hospitals (though I'm sure it's happened here and there). I've also been on the receiving end and can say its not true as well. 

If a hospital or clinic tests you (which is required for in-patients and surgeries) and you test positive, sure, they are going to mark you down as a COVID pt as it requires follow-up testing, extra precautions, isolation and so on...so yes, they will seek that payment from the federal government...and label you as a COVID pt.  But (if you came in for knee surgery and are COVID+), you're still admitted and charged for that diagnosis regardless of COVID status...the hospital or clinic is just going to seek additional funds to help cover cost with government mandates that hospitals are required to do for all pt's, but more so with COVID+ ones. You aren't considered a COVID pt hospitalization, you are hospitalized due to (whatever-knee surgery) WITH covid.

Yes, Pulleye, that is a good, rational take.  Certainly hospital administrators want to qualify for all the federal funding they have coming from them, especially when they need to pay for all the federally mandated measures.

The problem comes in where government agencies and news outlets with their own agendas misrepresent legitimate data to better suit their goals.

And given that we are finding out how increasingly hard it is to trust anyone or any agency these days, and given that mainstream media is no longer interested in keeping organizations and people accountable when it goes against the narrative they are trying to push, I wouldn't put it past some hospitals - maybe not the ones you know about here, maybe hospitals in New York or other places - to intentionally fudge their data to make broken leg cases look like Covid hospitalizations.

And all this time the liberal-biased media, and those that take everything they spew as Gospel, have been characterizing critical-thinking, truth-seeking individuals as Tinfoil Hat-Wearing, Right Wing, Nut Jobs who spend their days reading and making up Conspiracy theories in their mom's basement.

Hey, I know the Wing Nut Covid deniers out there, but it is just exasperating that - two years into a world pandemic - it is still so difficult to gather objective data to determine objective facts to make informed policy decisions.

Follow the money.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/12/22, 04:59:35 PM
Looks like if your going to visit venues, bars or restaurants in st Paul and Minneapolis now you'll need proof of vaccination or a negative test??🥴 :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/12/22, 07:18:20 PM
We were discussing this today. One guy had just taken his folks to the Capital Grill for their Christmas present. These downtown eating establishments were just starting to get back on their feet. However, I dislike the area because Walz, Frey, & Co. policies allowed it go to Hades. As my friend said tho, when it's cold out the gang bangers stay away. As I told him, perception is reality and that's a lesson clowns like the Twin $hitties mayors have yet to learn. I'd thought about returning sometime because I feel bad for those establishments. I really miss some of those little bar and grills in particular. Had some fun times there. Now with all the additional COVID requirements, there's yet another reason for me to stay away. The Canadian border crossing experience left such a bad taste in my mouth I'm not doing all that crap again just for a steak in a nice restaurant. As I've been following discussions on Twitter, it sounds like it'll be a boon for the restaurants in the 'burbs. When the dust settles on this thing, those in charge got some 'splainin' to do. Some of them should be locked up. They keep it up and it might happen.     
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/12/22, 07:35:32 PM
Up Dotch, I agree. On the news they interviewed a restaurant owners... To say he is unhappy is a total understatement.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/13/22, 07:52:03 AM
 :bs: Is all that it is. They are not following the science at all like they keep claiming to do. The VACCINATED people get it and spread it just the same as the unvaccinated. So to make policies like that just show that they are power hungry and care nothing about the science.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/13/22, 08:08:07 AM
:bs: Is all that it is. They are not following the science at all like they keep claiming to do. The VACCINATED people get it and spread it just the same as the unvaccinated. So to make policies like that just show that they are power hungry and care nothing about the science.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on January 01/13/22, 08:23:22 AM
:bs: Is all that it is. They are not following the science at all like they keep claiming to do. The VACCINATED people get it and spread it just the same as the unvaccinated. So to make policies like that just show that they are power hungry and care nothing about the science.

Couldn't agree more JB,yet these clowns/biden included brow beat the hell outof the unvaxxed every stinking day,called us everything from "inhuman" and despicable.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/13/22, 08:37:28 AM
 :scratch: https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/quebec-wants-to-tax-the-unvaccinated-but-experts-say-it-could-backfire-1.5737101 Heard something about them trying to stop the unvaccinated from buying alcohol & weed too.  :crazy: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/13/22, 08:58:50 AM
Saw some stuff attributed to Trudeau on Twitter earlier in the week that sounded eerily reminiscent of loading people into boxcars who didn't conform because their society didn't need them. Let's see, you destroy their businesses, put them in the poorhouse and you expect them to be giddy about it? Wow. Just wow. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on January 01/13/22, 09:26:01 AM
Saw some stuff attributed to Trudeau on Twitter earlier in the week that sounded eerily reminiscent of loading people into boxcars who didn't conform because their society didn't need them. Let's see, you destroy their businesses, put them in the poorhouse and you expect them to be giddy about it? Wow. Just wow.

In the begging 2020 "oh canada" talked about this very thing Dotch,segragate the unvaxxed,herd them up kinda like our country with the japs,concentration camps,far fetched at the time but maybe not now?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on January 01/13/22, 09:37:02 AM
Saw some stuff attributed to Trudeau on Twitter earlier in the week that sounded eerily reminiscent of loading people into boxcars who didn't conform because their society didn't need them. Let's see, you destroy their businesses, put them in the poorhouse and you expect them to be giddy about it? Wow. Just wow.
Yes, exactly like the Holocaust down to the smallest detail. :doofus: :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/13/22, 09:48:22 AM
Unvaccinated West Australians will be banned from the GYM, restaurants and bars - after Mark McGowan warned life is 'set to get very difficult' for them and plans a LONG list of rules (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10388213/Covid-Australia-WA-warns-new-rules-unvaccinated-McGowan-tells-life-difficult.html)

Mark McGowan has warned unvaccinated Western Australians they will be banned from pubs, restaurants, cafes and gyms when the state opens up to the rest of the country on February 5.

The WA premier is this week set to announce tough new restrictions for the state's residents who are yet to get vaccinated against Covid.

Mr MrGowan warned anti-vaxxers life would 'get very difficult' for them when the vaccine passport system launches.

'They won't be able to go to concerts, restaurants, bars, cafes, pubs, fitness centres, gyms — all those things will be restricted.' 

WA recorded three new Covid cases on Monday, but all were already in isolation and  not infectious in the community.

The western state's rules for the unvaccinated are likely to mirror those introduced in Queensland, where anti-vaxxers are barred from pubs, clubs, stadiums and festivals.

'Life is about to get very difficult for you... it's a big encouragement to go and get yourself vaccinated,' Mr McGowan said.

'[The unvaccinated] will be able to work in some limited industries, they'll be able to go to supermarkets and get essential supplies and alike, but a lot of the things we take for granted and the things we enjoy, they won't be able to do and that's because we want to protect them and save their lives, and we want to protect other people from their transmissibility.'
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/13/22, 11:37:08 AM
So much fuss over something that does not even do the job that it was intended to do. This is getting so F____d up.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/13/22, 01:45:07 PM
well this is a start.........just read the supreme court shut down bidens vaccine mandate and weekly testing for employers with 100 or more!!!!

but, and this i dont understand, maybe, but left intact the vaccine mandate for "most" healthcare workers in the US,  it did not elaborate in what i read what they refer to as "most". but in the field that is one of the very hardest hit because of the forced mandate.......why???????????????????????????????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/13/22, 01:50:25 PM
That is what some were predicting. Was a split decision. Not sure why either.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/13/22, 02:02:32 PM
Saw some stuff attributed to Trudeau on Twitter earlier in the week that sounded eerily reminiscent of loading people into boxcars who didn't conform because their society didn't need them. Let's see, you destroy their businesses, put them in the poorhouse and you expect them to be giddy about it? Wow. Just wow.

I don't mean to be a thumper and some call it all Fairytales, but if they can do it now why not then?  :undecided: 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on January 01/13/22, 03:26:14 PM
Saw some stuff attributed to Trudeau on Twitter earlier in the week that sounded eerily reminiscent of loading people into boxcars who didn't conform because their society didn't need them. Let's see, you destroy their businesses, put them in the poorhouse and you expect them to be giddy about it? Wow. Just wow.

I don't mean to be a thumper and some call it all Fairytales, but if they can do it now why not then?  :undecided:
Repent! The end is near!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/13/22, 03:40:51 PM
This...  :scratch:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/13/22, 03:59:40 PM
That is what some were predicting. Was a split decision. Not sure why either.

Here is a quote from CNN:  "The decision is a huge hit to Biden's attempts to use the power of the federal government to fight the Covid-19 pandemic."  :scratch:

I'm not an English major or anything, but I did pay attention in Civics class.

Shouldn't it read:  "The Supreme Court decision means that Biden ABUSED the power of the federal government to fight the Covid-19 pandemic."   :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/13/22, 05:51:28 PM
Saw some stuff attributed to Trudeau on Twitter earlier in the week that sounded eerily reminiscent of loading people into boxcars who didn't conform because their society didn't need them. Let's see, you destroy their businesses, put them in the poorhouse and you expect them to be giddy about it? Wow. Just wow.

I don't mean to be a thumper and some call it all Fairytales, but if they can do it now why not then?  :undecided:
Repent! The end is near!
The number that we all cannot buy, sell or hold a job with is already here.  You don't think with open borders and millions of unidentified people pouring over the borders, massive identity thief world wide, world Leaders using their powers to stop pandemic's now and in the future by knowing who has been vaccinated, which is already happening.  That's it's plausible some world leader will want to identify and know who everyone is?   :scratch:  You can take out any 
religious connection.  It's already happening.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/13/22, 07:07:07 PM
Figured I could find it...

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/13/22, 07:16:07 PM
Figured I could find it...

Yea I bet that'll help his reelection. :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/14/22, 06:46:16 AM
Biden's rhetoric isn't quite as inflammatory Trudeau's, but it is every bit as divisive.

'Course, the lefties don't view the president or themselves as being divisive.  Naw, they could never be guilty of that.   :rolleyes:


Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/14/22, 07:08:28 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/14/22, 07:18:52 AM
I was hopeful that someone would start to understand why some people skate past Covid and for others it becomes a life and death struggle.

Gene more than doubles the risk of becoming severely ill with Covid (https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/gene-more-than-doubles-the-risk-of-becoming-severely-ill-with-covid/ar-AASKAux?ocid=entnewsntp)

Scientists have discovered a gene that more than doubles the risk of becoming severely ill with Covid.   Researchers from the Medical University of Bialystok in Poland found that the gene is the fourth most important factor determining how seriously a person suffers from Covid, after age, weight and gender.  The gene is located on chromosome 3, one of the 23 pairs of chromosomes in humans, and is present in around 14 per cent of the Polish population, compared to 8-9 per cent in Europe as a whole and 27 per cent in India, they say.

Why does this research have to come from other parts of the world.   :confused:

Might it be because if we found out that only 10% of the population was at serious risk for Covid complications, that it would undermine Big Pharma/Government's attempts to repeatedly vaccinate everyone?  :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on January 01/14/22, 07:43:49 AM
I :confused: saw a news report and they are pretty sure cannibas prevents Covid. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/14/22, 08:16:47 AM
Every place we stopped yday in Mason City had a sign on the glass at the entrance suggesting customers wear a mask while shopping in their store. Walmart & Aldi's looked to be the only 2 IMO where there were 1/2 or more doing it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/14/22, 08:16:54 AM
I :confused: saw a news report and they are pretty sure cannibas prevents Covid.
:scratch: :scratch: never heard that yet.

we have a friend with MS, long story short she smokes weed for the MS. she says she does better with that then all the meds she was given. now she hasnt been vaxxed, her hubby is, but she told my wife she thinks she had the rona but didnt get tested, so.........not sure if weed does or not!!

on another note, her hubby tells me once in a while she does some off the wall things........he tells her thats why they call it DOPE, not the smarts!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/14/22, 08:20:32 AM
Every place we stopped yday in Mason City had a sign on the glass at the entrance suggesting customers wear a mask while shopping in their store. Walmart & Aldi's looked to be the only 2 IMO where there were 1/2 or more doing it.
when i started at the grocery store yesterday i noticed 4 employees wearing masks, i didnt see any signs asking to however.  most were not wearing masks. i asked where i should park when i came in, he told me where, i was really surprised the amount of people that actually worked there..........

yea i have seen those signs too, but then i dont get out much or go into alot of different stores either.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/14/22, 08:51:45 AM
Had a friend who was a barber whose wife had MS too & he said the same thing. Much better than any of the prescriptions. I don't go in many stores here much either but have been in a few since we've been home & didn't notice any signs for wearing masks then.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/14/22, 08:58:25 AM
Had a friend
he dont like you no more??  :scratch: :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :nerd: :nerd: :super smiley: :super smiley:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/14/22, 09:04:25 AM
I don't see Covid taking the country down. But I do think there could be a deep recession maybe even a depression like in the 1920's.

Everything, absolutely everything is being blamed on Covid related to supply chain shortages. Could it be as simple as price gouging and intentional corporate product shortages?    :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/14/22, 09:13:51 AM
I don't see Covid taking the country down. But I do think there could be a deep recession maybe even a depression like in the 1920's.

Everything, absolutely everything is being blamed on Covid related to supply chain shortages. Could it be as simple as price gouging and intentional corporate product shortages?    :confused:
nothing would surprise me nowadays!!!!!!! :confused: pretty sad state of affairs actually!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/14/22, 09:14:16 AM
so.........not sure if weed does or not!!

Yep Our Savoir!   :smoking:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on January 01/14/22, 09:21:47 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :smoking:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/14/22, 10:00:21 AM
Had a friend
he dont like you no more??  :scratch: :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :nerd: :nerd: :super smiley: :super smiley:
  :tut: :bonk: :banghead: :doah: She passed away & he moved back to where his family is, which is up by Decorah. :pouty: :mooning:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/16/22, 09:37:08 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/17/22, 06:50:39 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/17/22, 07:58:06 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: I took a lot of test this past weekend. All good.  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on January 01/17/22, 08:38:59 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  I guess I am ok then.   :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/17/22, 09:12:22 AM
Minnesota removes race as a factor for COVID treatment eligibility after pressure (https://www.foxnews.com/us/minnesota-removes-race-as-a-factor-for-covid-treatment-eligibility-after-pressure)

Minnesota removed race as a preferential factor regarding which COVID-19 patients will receive monoclonal antibody treatment last week.

Following controversy, rationing guidance that was updated last Wednesday offers priority for such infusions to people who are immunocompromised or pregnant but did away with a scoring system that took race into account, according to the Star Tribune.

The new move came the same day that health departments in Utah and Minnesota faced potential lawsuits after issuing guidance using race and ethnicity as factors in prioritizing distribution of coronavirus treatments, as first reported by Fox News.

Letters sent last Wednesday by America First Legal (AFL) alleged that both states violated federal law through "blatant discrimination."   :angry2:

The Minnesota Department of Health did not readily explain its change in policy, according to the Tribune, but noted that its policies are constantly reviewed to ensure "that communities that have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 have the support and resources they need."  :bs:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/17/22, 01:04:46 PM
So, now China is saying Omicon arrived in the mail from Canada.   :rotflmao:

There is no end to the insanity revolving around this. I hope I can be reincarnated in 150 years and read what history has to say about this fiasco.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/17/22, 01:35:17 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/17/22, 01:39:23 PM
 :happy1: :happy1: aint that the friggin truth!!!!!!!!! :confused: :doah: :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/17/22, 02:11:16 PM
So, now China is saying Omicon arrived in the mail from Canada.   :rotflmao:

There is no end to the insanity revolving around this. I hope I can be reincarnated in 150 years and read what history has to say about this fiasco.

You had to know this was coming, right?   :confused:

China has been striving for "Zero Covid" for quite some time.  You can only imagine the Draconian measures they are taking to do so.

But still, with press from around the world arriving to cover the games, and we're about to find out how much covid China really has.  So this back story gives them plausible deniability that it was the Canadians who sabotaged the games ahead of time and thwarted the People's Government's attempt to keep China safe and Covid free.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/17/22, 03:49:02 PM
Seen a story last week where they'd just locked down their 2nd town in an attempt to keep the Olympics going. It was another of their bigger port cities too, I believe. The video even showed 'em welding some metal doors shut on a place where they wouldn't comply with the new rules.  :crazy: :pouty: :thumbs:   https://news.yahoo.com/beijing-just-2-weeks-winter-050148742.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/17/22, 04:11:32 PM
Also heard today they aren't allowing spectators to attend. The US should just stay away. There isn't anything to to gained going over there. The whole Olympic thing is just another money grab, there don't give 2 craps about the athletes.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on January 01/18/22, 09:43:55 AM
I agree boycott the whole fiasco.  I wouldn't go even if I was given free everything to go. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/19/22, 08:15:11 AM
Over 7% MIA at the schools down here the last 3 days as of yday so they're starting a mask mandate today. I expect no walk out, however. :rolleyes: https://www.fox9.com/news/st-paul-students-stage-walkout-over-covid-19-issues-call-for-return-to-distance-learning
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/19/22, 08:33:48 AM
gunner, seen that one the news last night, i told my wife if we ever did a walkout back in my school days, not only would we in deep trouble with the school, when we got home we'd get our butts kicked good and proper from mom and dad!!!!!! :rolleyes: :tut: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/19/22, 08:35:57 AM
100% right there Glenn!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/19/22, 08:40:27 AM
100% right there Glenn!!   :happy1:
one has to wonder how many of those kids that walked out smokes, drinks, smokes dope, or worse but walks out for something like this. and think nothing about there decisions???????

of course we will never hear about how many kids actually refused to participate in this walkout?????? :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/19/22, 08:46:08 AM
Over 7% MIA at the schools down here the last 3 days as of yday so they're starting a mask mandate today. I expect no walk out, however. :rolleyes: https://www.fox9.com/news/st-paul-students-stage-walkout-over-covid-19-issues-call-for-return-to-distance-learning

"We do not want to die to receive our education...," said Treadwell.

I think their student leader is being a bit melodramatic.   :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/19/22, 08:58:26 AM
No kidding. Amazing how these little mush brains have all the sudden become COVID experts. Once can just about imagine where they're getting their info from.  :rolleyes: Sounding like this thing is starting to peak. As fast as cases went up with this omicron variant, they are coming back down just as quickly in places like South Africa where it was first detected. Now just  watch the cases go down and they can claim these mask mandates made all the difference... :bonk: 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/19/22, 09:00:55 AM
 :scratch: Your right glenn, I didn't see any #'s on how many walked out or what % of the school actually participated. :confused: The added testing they want would cost $1.6 mil/week :crazy: & SPSD said they have no plans of doing that, especially with plenty of commiunity testing sites already available.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/19/22, 09:15:18 AM
Back in my high school days we had walk-outs concerning Viet Nam. We likely got our information the same place the kids these days are. It was kind of nice walking out back then before the responsibility of jobs, families, politics become part of your life.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/19/22, 09:19:51 AM
It's probably because MPLS district went on a 2 week distance learning and Jerome be sayen this Bull Shat!  We want to skip school at home too!  Love it when the kids start using the "This is an equity issue" against their brain washers!!
They taught them well!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

"This is an equity issue. This is life and death," said walkout organizer Jerome Treadwell of Mn Teen Activists.
The students want the district to return to distance learning for two weeks
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/19/22, 09:25:12 AM
It's probably because MPLS district went on a 2 week distance learning and Jerome be sayen this Bull Shat!  We want to skip school at home too!  Love it when the kids start using the "This is an equity issue" against their brain washers!!
They taught them well!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

"This is an equity issue. This is life and death," said walkout organizer Jerome Treadwell of Mn Teen Activists.
The students want the district to return to distance learning for two weeks
well maybe his momma and poppa should just transfer his butt to the Minneapolis district????????????  :scratch: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/19/22, 11:39:49 AM
It's probably because MPLS district went on a 2 week distance learning and Jerome be sayen this Bull Shat!  We want to skip school at home too!  Love it when the kids start using the "This is an equity issue" against their brain washers!!
They taught them well!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

"This is an equity issue. This is life and death," said walkout organizer Jerome Treadwell of Mn Teen Activists.
The students want the district to return to distance learning for two weeks
well maybe his momma and poppa should just transfer his butt to the Minneapolis district????????????  :scratch: :doah:
Probably like most, he's living with his grandma or auntie and doesn't even know his poppa.   :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/19/22, 11:43:47 AM
It's probably because MPLS district went on a 2 week distance learning and Jerome be sayen this Bull Shat!  We want to skip school at home too!  Love it when the kids start using the "This is an equity issue" against their brain washers!!
They taught them well!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

"This is an equity issue. This is life and death," said walkout organizer Jerome Treadwell of Mn Teen Activists.
The students want the district to return to distance learning for two weeks
well maybe his momma and poppa should just transfer his butt to the Minneapolis district????????????  :scratch: :doah:
Probably like most, he's living with his grandma or auntie and doesn't even know his poppa.   :doah:
These kids are just watching the news and learning that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. 

I'll bet 50% of the kids in the walk-out actually prefer to be in school, but walk out because peer pressure or they don't want to miss out on being part of the "It" thing to do.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/19/22, 11:46:10 AM
Meanwhile, in Stillwater...

School Expels First Grader for Not Wearing a Mask (https://heartlanddailynews.com/2021/12/school-expels-first-grader-for-not-wearing-a-mask/)

The school board of St. Croix Prep voted UNANIMOUSLY to expel the student, who has an individualized education program (IEP) for delayed speech and other learning problems

The academy serves 1,200 students from kindergarten through 12th grade, but only K-8th grade students were required to wear a mask during school hours, says Jake Lee.

“The kids walk through the same doors, they eat in the same cafeteria, they’re standing in the same hallways and waiting in the same spaces for the buses,” said Lee.

Having a different mask policy by age appears to be related to the demand for slots, says Lee.  “They have waiting lists for the lower grades, but there is no waiting list for the upper grades,” said Lee.

Didn't that l'il 1st grade shaver with a speech problem realize he was putting lives at risk?   :confused:

"We do not want to die to receive our education...," said Treadwell.   :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/19/22, 01:25:35 PM
sad indeed...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/19/22, 01:32:06 PM
sad indeed...
  More than just a little crazy IMO too!!! :pouty: :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/19/22, 02:28:18 PM
Meanwhile, in Stillwater...

School Expels First Grader for Not Wearing a Mask (https://heartlanddailynews.com/2021/12/school-expels-first-grader-for-not-wearing-a-mask/)

The school board of St. Croix Prep voted UNANIMOUSLY to expel the student, who has an individualized education program (IEP) for delayed speech and other learning problems

The academy serves 1,200 students from kindergarten through 12th grade, but only K-8th grade students were required to wear a mask during school hours, says Jake Lee.

“The kids walk through the same doors, they eat in the same cafeteria, they’re standing in the same hallways and waiting in the same spaces for the buses,” said Lee.

Having a different mask policy by age appears to be related to the demand for slots, says Lee.  “They have waiting lists for the lower grades, but there is no waiting list for the upper grades,” said Lee.

Didn't that l'il 1st grade shaver with a speech problem realize he was putting lives at risk?   :confused:

"We do not want to die to receive our education...," said Treadwell.   :angry2:
Well Good the little Bast-ard!!   :angry:

Mean while in MPS school district where I work for 3 more months before retiring!  3 teachers got concussions from throw chairs in a grade school!  The kids are still in the classroom!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
You an't going to ever hear that on the News, But I work there!   All 3 taken to the hospital, one lost teeth, one quit her job!  :bonk: :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on January 01/19/22, 02:38:35 PM
First thing you do is hit each of the parents over the head with a 2x4. Then you hit the kid with one if he doesn't toe the line.  Oh ya, you can't do that.  It may be bad for the kid.   :confused:  WTF is wrong with this world.  No respect from anyone. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/19/22, 03:01:15 PM
Meanwhile, in Stillwater...
Didn't that l'il 1st grade shaver with a speech problem realize he was putting lives at risk?   :confused:

"We do not want to die to receive our education...," said Treadwell.   :angry2:

I should have been more clear about my post.

The first grader didn't say the part about not wanting to die in school.  That quote was from the student agitator who organized the St. Paul high school walk out - my post from earlier in the day.

I just thought it was weird that a 1st grader with learning disabilities gets expelled because he has trouble wearing a mask compared to these "enlightened" high schoolers demanding on-line learning because they want to see how much they can get away with.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/19/22, 03:14:55 PM
 :pouty: :pouty: :confused: I suppose we could let you slide a little bit this time SteveO.  :pouty: :rolleyes: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/20/22, 08:10:27 AM
Over 7% MIA at the schools down here the last 3 days as of yday so they're starting a mask mandate today. I expect no walk out, however. :rolleyes: https://www.fox9.com/news/st-paul-students-stage-walkout-over-covid-19-issues-call-for-return-to-distance-learning
:scratch: :bonk: Forgot to mention that the school's mask mandate here only lasts through Sunday.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/20/22, 08:18:44 AM
Over 7% MIA at the schools down here the last 3 days as of yday so they're starting a mask mandate today. I expect no walk out, however. :rolleyes: https://www.fox9.com/news/st-paul-students-stage-walkout-over-covid-19-issues-call-for-return-to-distance-learning
:scratch: :bonk: Forgot to mention that the school's mask mandate here only lasts through Sunday.
... Because the pandemic will be over by then?   :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/20/22, 08:40:10 AM
 :doah: :tut: Because the plan they have in effect needs a 7% absentee threshold for 3 straight days in order to be implemented. They must believe they'll be below that level by then. They did require masks for most of the last school year though until the courts ruled they couldn't.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/20/22, 12:14:18 PM
:doah: :tut: Because the plan they have in effect needs a 7% absentee threshold for 3 straight days in order to be implemented. They must believe they'll be below that level by then. They did require masks for most of the last school year though until the courts ruled they couldn't.

All of Mpls school district is still masks for all employees and students. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/20/22, 02:34:18 PM
Did a little more checkin & it's only the highschool here. The new mask mandate is in effect for 10 days when it's put in effect & it was officially put in effect on Friday, 1/14. So it's over on Sunday, 1/23. So with the weekend & MLK day Tuesday was really the 1st day of masks here.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/20/22, 08:30:26 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/20/22, 08:37:21 PM
 :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/21/22, 06:40:28 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/21/22, 06:45:25 AM
(https://tinypix.top/images/2022/01/21/ezT0Z.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/ezT0Z)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/21/22, 06:52:03 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/21/22, 08:01:35 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/21/22, 08:48:15 AM
i seen on the news last night that Minnesota's top infectious disease doctor is retiring  Fe2 2. Kris Ehresman. i figured Malcolm would go first  :scratch: :scratch: it sounded as though she was about to retire when this first started.

this is jusy my opinion but Malcolm staying on is more political then anything, since the repulbicans have threated to fire her???????????????????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/21/22, 08:59:38 AM
I can't read this article on-line because the Pioneer Press wants me to subscribe, but the headline says a lot...

Minnesota to pay $275 per hour, or more, for nurses to battle omicron surge (https://www.twincities.com/2022/01/19/minnesota-to-pay-275-per-hour-or-more-for-nurses-to-battle-omicron-surge/)

Maybe someone who gets the paper paper can fill in the details.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Cooperman on January 01/21/22, 10:56:05 AM
Wow! It’s a 40 million contract to Texas-based SLS Health Services  staffing company for 199 nurses. In addition to the $275.00 hourly wage, there is an additional $345.00 per day for food and lodging. It said in the article that they don’t know how much of the $275.00 wage goes to the staffing company?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/21/22, 11:19:15 AM
Just seen on the news down here that the nurses at Mayo have a pettion going around that says they want Mayo to do something about the staffing shortages they have. They mentioned something about getting some triple time too. https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/hr/mayo-clinic-health-system-nurses-petition-for-action-on-staffing-challenges.htm
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/21/22, 11:26:51 AM
mom was down at the Mayo for appts on monday and wednesday, neither her nor my brother said anything about any issues????/

she goes back next wed for an MRI!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/21/22, 11:33:47 AM
 :scratch: The article only mentions the Albert Lea, Austin, Fairmont, Lake City, Mankato, & Red Wing clinics, glenn. So I'm not sure Rochester's even included. :confused: https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/hr/mayo-clinic-health-system-nurses-petition-for-action-on-staffing-challenges.html
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/21/22, 11:37:57 AM
 :scratch: The link in the 1st post didn't work for me when I tried it but the second 1 does. :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/21/22, 12:31:18 PM
As I recall, nurses were claiming that hospitals were under-staffed BEFORE the pandemic.

I wonder if anyone knows how many nurses lost their jobs because of their vaccination status?   :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/21/22, 12:48:57 PM
As I recall, nurses were claiming that hospitals were under-staffed BEFORE the pandemic.

I wonder if anyone knows how many nurses lost their jobs because of their vaccination status?   :confused:
:confused: :pouty: yea thats a real rocket science problem!!!!! :doah: :doah: take a professional field like nursing thats already short staffed and impose more ridiculous restrictions on it.  :scratch: :doah:

one would think they'd bend over backwards to keep these nurses front and center..............................
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/21/22, 01:31:25 PM
As I recall, nurses were claiming that hospitals were under-staffed BEFORE the pandemic.

I wonder if anyone knows how many nurses lost their jobs because of their vaccination status?   :confused:
:confused: :pouty: yea thats a real rocket science problem!!!!! :doah: :doah: take a professional field like nursing thats already short staffed and impose more ridiculous restrictions on it.  :scratch: :doah:

one would think they'd bend over backwards to keep these nurses front and center..............................

Indeed.com says the average hourly wage for registered nurses is about $40.  The bean counters must be in agreement that it is cheaper pay $275 per hour for contract nurses to staff crisis shifts than it is to keep sufficient staff employed year round.

Trouble is...  nurses see this, quit their over-stressed, under-staffed day jobs and wait for contract nursing jobs to open up.  They work fewer hours for more pay AND it looks like they get peridium too!!!  No wonder hospitals have have staffing shortages.

If employers would just do the right thing in the first place - pay a fair market wage in a positive working environment and everything works out fine.

Start mucking with things, like when the gub'mint decided to give everyone an extra $600 to be unemployed - suddenly no one wants to work anymore.   :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/21/22, 02:04:02 PM
Yea SteveO, I didn't choose to be unemployed nor did the union hall want it either.  :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/21/22, 02:11:38 PM
I know.  I remember you talking about what a rough decision it was - to the extent you had much of a say in the matter.

Still, it just amazes me at how many jobs are going unfilled and how many companies and business struggle because suddenly there are no workers.

What happened?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/21/22, 04:16:55 PM
I see where some restaurants in Minneapolis are suing the city and the boy mayor over the new mandate. :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on January 01/21/22, 05:06:20 PM
Ya everyone lost their morals and got lazy I think Steve.  I do believe the powers thought they were doing good to limit people to people interaction and of course that meant some real bad things were going to happen.  Now I say keep all store open.  We and I mean business owners can't suffer any longer.  If it turned to be as bad as ebola not many of us would still be here. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/21/22, 07:45:21 PM
As I recall, nurses were claiming that hospitals were under-staffed BEFORE the pandemic.

I wonder if anyone knows how many nurses lost their jobs because of their vaccination status?   :confused:
:confused: :pouty: yea thats a real rocket science problem!!!!! :doah: :doah: take a professional field like nursing thats already short staffed and impose more ridiculous restrictions on it :doofus: :doah:

one would think they'd bend over backwards to keep these nurses front and center..............................
:scratch: The pc I linked said the traveling nurses that went where the staffing shortages were the worst were making 4-7K/week, so why shouldn't the ones that have been there all along make a comparable wage.  :confused: :bonk:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/21/22, 08:18:06 PM
As I recall, nurses were claiming that hospitals were under-staffed BEFORE the pandemic.

I wonder if anyone knows how many nurses lost their jobs because of their vaccination status?   :confused:
:scratch: Did they lose their job or did they chose to quit instead of doing what their employer asked. :confused: Supply & demand............. simple economics, they should easily be able to find work in that field if they wanted where the conditions of employment are more to their liking. :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/25/22, 09:03:52 AM
so.i just read a judge in New York just ruled that there mask mandate was unconstitutional....illegal. but yet local mandates can still exist?????

of course there already looking for another judge to overturn it. wonder how this plays out in the rest of the country???? :scratch: :scratch:

now i am by no means an expert in government and laws, maybe just enough knowledge to be dangerous!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

what i dont understand is, its my impression that is a state, or even federal government passes a law, no lower jurisdication can pass a mandate ,law that would  supercede the higher government branch??????
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/25/22, 10:31:59 AM
 :scratch: Heard yday that Conneticut was/is doing away with masks & they're talking of it over in the UK too. :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/29/22, 06:24:57 PM
Been seeing videos from up in Canada. Them Canucks got quite the anti vaccine mandate truckers caravan going on. :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/29/22, 07:53:03 PM
Following it on Twitter. I see dat & I agree.  :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/29/22, 08:11:26 PM
Following it on Twitter. I see dat & I agree.  :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
sounds like several outlets are trying to downplay the size of this caravan. :confused: :tut: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on January 01/29/22, 08:56:10 PM
Been seeing videos from up in Canada. Them Canucks got quite the anti vaccine mandate truckers caravan going on. :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
I don't know, I was told by one Moron on another site it was only dozens, dozens!  :surrender:   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/29/22, 09:00:52 PM
Been seeing videos from up in Canada. Them Canucks got quite the anti vaccine mandate truckers caravan going on. :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
I don't know, I was told by one Moron on another site it was only dozens, dozens!  :surrender:   :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: only one??? :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/30/22, 07:54:29 AM
I hope they stand together for the long haul and put Trudue in his place.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/30/22, 08:00:43 AM
I hope they stand together for the long haul and put Trudue in his place.
i hope they head south of the border next!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/30/22, 08:02:07 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/30/22, 08:17:19 AM
The MSM has done its level best to minimize the protest as it doesn't fit their narrative. However, it's grown to the point where they can't ignore it anymore. Places like Brazil are also seeing similar protests starting in support. And Turdeau is in hiding. He is despised in most of the western provinces.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/30/22, 08:20:33 AM
The MSM has done its level best to minimize the protest as it doesn't fit their narrative. However, it's grown to the point where they can't ignore it anymore. Places like Brazil are also seeing similar protests starting in support. And Turdeau is in hiding. He is despised in most of the western provinces.
i havent seen anything on there????

and i'm hearing fartbook is relly limiting it too. most i heard was tweeter coverage.  but dont go there.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/30/22, 08:34:42 AM
Granted, even Twitter is more concerned about Neil Young & Joni Mitchell pulling their tunes off Spotify in protest of Joe Rogan, whoever he is. There are plenty of vids tho of thousands of not only trucks but pickups and farm tractors being driven in protest of vaccine mandates. People are tiring of governmental overreach all over the globe.

Fox 9 just aired a short segment.

From Twitter:


Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/31/22, 08:46:45 AM
And the vaccine mandate problem isn't just in Canada. Think those bare shelves are from a lack of product? More likely due to a lack of truck drivers to get it there. Same mandates stateside thanks to Brandon!  :angry:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on February 02/02/22, 08:41:53 AM
Lockdowns only reduced COVID-19 mortality by .2%, study finds: 'Lockdowns should be rejected out of hand' (https://www.foxnews.com/us/lockdowns-reduced-covid-19-mortality-by-2-study-finds-lockdowns-should-be-rejected-out-of-hand)

"While this meta-analysis concludes that lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted," the researchers wrote. "In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument."

These aren't "Fake Researchers" working for Fox News...

The researchers – Johns Hopkins University economics professor Steve Hanke, Lund University economics professor Lars Jonung, and special advisor at Copenhagen's Center for Political Studies Jonas Herby – analyzed the effects of lockdown measures such as school shutdowns, business closures, and mask mandates on COVID-19 deaths.

"We find little to no evidence that mandated lockdowns in Europe and the United States had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality rates," the researchers wrote.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on February 02/02/22, 08:59:56 AM
I saw a KSTP report on Twitter this a.m. It was one of the worst reports I'd seen on the situation in Canada, apparently taken off an AP newsfeed. It was basically 4-5 days behind and only took all the negative tweets I'd seen in that timeframe, combining them into a "story". And that's what it was, a story, someone's interpretation of what was happening, telling you what you should think based on that. Should be nominated for the "One-Sided Journalism" Pulitzer... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on February 02/02/22, 11:35:12 AM
It is all about the dumbs control of the Sheeple. Need to get us inline for the great reset.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: deadeye on February 02/02/22, 04:11:29 PM
Funeral for a fellow fisherman is tomorrow. I fished with him once a week in our little league for the past 5 years. Cause of death - Covid at age 38. Scary stuff for sure. :cry:   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on February 02/02/22, 04:19:26 PM
I too have lost people i know to Covid. I try not to get angry when people call those who take precautions as "sheeple"  because I really don't think they mean it the way it comes out.
Myself. I don't take as many precautions as I probably should. I hope I don't end up regretting it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on February 02/02/22, 09:04:28 PM
I agree Roony. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/02/22, 09:16:23 PM
I'm at the point to each there own. Is it real .....yes.... My problem is who or what can you believe. People including politicians are making piles of money off this. I've been reading stories of masks, tests and other things being wasted.

Quite frankly this type of sh!t is getting real old. Just read something today that all these mandates have done little to nothing to stop this, except hurt small business.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on February 02/03/22, 06:41:18 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on February 02/03/22, 06:52:49 AM
I am not saying that you are sheeple for choosing to take the shot or precautions. That is your choice. The government forcing sheeple to do it is another story. Glenn said it perfectly!! And I too know people that have died from the Rona and I know people that died from getting the shot too. That is why we are supposed to live in a free society. So we can make our own choices and live with our choices.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on February 02/03/22, 06:59:08 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on February 02/03/22, 09:14:19 AM
I have a little different take on whether the measures this country has taken have been successful. They have slowed the spread of the virus to the point that our health care providers haven't become totally overwhelmed to the point they couldn't care for all the virus patients and all  people who need care for other reasons. At the present time over 90 percent of hospitalizations due to Corona are unvaccinated people. Simple math shows that they simply wouldn't be able to care for everyone if it weren't for the vaccine. The slowing of the spread has also given the medical field time to develop ways to help people recover, things that weren't known at the onset.
My feeling about the masks is that they slow the spread not so much by keeping the wearer safe but more so by making the wearer less likely to spread it to others if he or she has the virus.
The value of shutting down certain businesses is very questionable.. I really feel, and have always felt, that any business that was asked to make sacrifices for the public good should be compensated to the extent of their losses.
I am as sick of this virus and the measures taken to control it as anybody but I do see light at the end of the tunnel.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on February 02/03/22, 09:29:20 AM
Couldn't have said it better.  At least they tried to keep it under control.  The closing businesses was devastating.  Maybe it didn't need to happen.  We were traveling into an unknown pandemic and hundreds of thousands of people died.  So sad.  I hope the worst is behind us and I applaud all that helped. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on February 02/03/22, 09:35:56 AM
At the beginning I did agree, but a few months into it there was enough known to show the lock downs were doing nothing. All that should have been ended a long time ago.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on February 02/04/22, 06:58:50 AM
Gee, I wonder if this will be labeled as misinformation like all the others that have been saying this for over the past year.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on February 02/04/22, 07:09:04 AM
From that article: "Vaccination is superior to natural infection because the .risks of death or long-term symptoms are astronomically lower."
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on February 02/04/22, 07:49:37 AM
Yes. But once you have had the rona is says naturally immunity is superior to the shot alone. That is the point that people have been trying to make. The best protection was the shot and natural immunity together. Then natural immunity. Then the shot according to the study.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on February 02/04/22, 07:50:59 AM
And the other point is this is the same stuff that the left has been labeling as misinformation for the last 8-10 months.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on February 02/04/22, 08:03:03 AM
Yes, after the delta variant natural immunity, was stronger in this study. Before the variant the jab gVe people more immunity. I just don't see some vast conspiracy like you do.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on February 02/04/22, 08:22:12 AM
From the Wall Street Journal...

The High Cost of Disparaging Natural Immunity to Covid (https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-high-cost-of-disparaging-natural-immunity-to-covid-vaccine-mandates-protests-fire-rehire-employment-11643214336)

Vaccines were wasted on those who didn’t need them, and people who posed no risk lost jobs.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/04/22, 08:28:03 AM
i'm not picking sides here, but its been a bit interesting the last 3-4 weeks around this area. CentraCare pretty much has this market cornered as far as health care goes with the St Cloud hospital in the center of it all.

when this first came out a 3-4 weeks ago the big wigs at the hospital pushed for a mask mandate and limiting gatherings. they said this omicron was going to raise havoc at the hospital. they had this big presentation to the st cloud city council and the nearby city councils along with some of the local politicians, predicting  rona was going to absolutely run rampant in the communities in the area and really and really strain the healthcare system.

well, the councils rejected there request/ demand for the mandate etc. and man did the hospital squawk. in yesterdays paper a local guy that writes a weekly column for the paper had an interesting article, bascilly slamming the hospital big wigs with all the outrages number the hospital first put out. according to statistics, and i dont recall exactly what they were but the actual numbers for rona cases during the time frame and slightly before and after  werent even remotely close to the hospitals numbers.

the point this guy made was with all the info the hospital generated that wasnt anywhere near what actually happened, what can you or who can you believe and one begs to wonder if you can believe any of it. his biggest point was can you ever trust what they say to you in the future.

all i know, and strictly me.......is i'm not living in fear of this, i'm going to live my normal life. sooner or later we are all going to get this one way or another, no matter how hard one tries not to, just like the common head cold.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on February 02/04/22, 08:48:10 AM
And the next shoe to drop will be understanding (exposing) the total side effects (short term and long term) of the vaccines.

I personally know two people who had brothers who died recently of heart/stroke issues (one in 40s, one in 60s) within one week of being vax'ed/boosted.  They were otherwise healthy before the shots.

I personally know of three women who are dealing with blood clots now (legs/lungs) after being boosted.

None of these realities were common in my life before the pandemic.

Coincidence?  Correlation?  :confused:

The truths of vaccine side effects was going to be hard to expose anyway - because there was so much money to be made.  But now it will be even harder to find the truth because of the government mandates forcing people to get shots.  Now politicians and Big Pharma and research universities have a vested interest in ensuring this information remains suppressed.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on February 02/04/22, 09:30:54 AM
Exactly right Steve!  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on February 02/04/22, 09:32:44 AM
Yes, after the delta variant natural immunity, was stronger in this study. Before the variant the jab gVe people more immunity. I just don't see some vast conspiracy like you do.
My point is how so many that were saying this were labeled as misinformation. Pulled off of big tech. And so on. That is my main point.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/16/22, 09:18:23 AM
i should just let this one die and go off in the sunset, but anyone notice other then the stupid commercial on TV that this ordeal is not big deal anymore????/

last week when i went to menards i noticed most of the employees where no longer wearing masks. also at the grocery store i work at, we have meetings on monday mornings, they announced there done with any rona stuff, like social distancing.

the only place i see this being still instituted was and medical clinics, like the hospital when i was there with my mom a week ago or so. and even then the employees where pretty lax wearing masks....there where alot of them that had them down more often then not!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/16/22, 09:31:49 AM
I don't want to diminish the great loss of life at the beginning of the pandemic or assess the value and effectiveness of the vaccines in the middle of the pandemic, but I think delta and omicron taught many folks that vaccinated or not, masked or not, you can't avoid this crap.
 And most of us made it through.

Some science studies finally got around to admitting that yeah, natural immunity built up as a side effect of having had Covid is legit.  And folks just wanted their lives to go back to normal.

I reckon that any time a new variant pops up or flu season comes around next year that 50% of our divided nation will get all whipped up again, but hopefully it will die down quicker next time.

It really is a shame that so many people lost their jobs over Biden's phoney-baloney vaccine mandate and that Draconian countries like Canada, Australia, and China persist in their approach.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on March 03/16/22, 09:35:50 AM
One of the companies, I think it was J&J announced yesterday they had jab #4 ready to go. I don't care how people handle things concerning Covid. If you are concerned get the shot. If you are concerned wear a mask. If you are concerned stay home. If not don't. Just don't complain if you end up in the hospital, take responsibility for yourself.

Personally I'm more concerned about getting done in by a Russian nuke, but I've been wrong before.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/16/22, 09:41:19 AM
Pretty much the way I feel about it too.  Too bad all of the jobs were lost and the economy took such a hit that we are still healing from and so many died.  I do believe all was done in good faith to protect our country.  They errored on the side of caution big time.  BUT what if it had been 100 times deadlier than what it was like the plague.  I hope we can all get it back together now. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/16/22, 09:43:17 AM
One of the companies, I think it was J&J announced yesterday they had jab #4 ready to go. I don't care how people handle things concerning Covid. If you are concerned get the shot. If you are concerned wear a mask. If you are concerned stay home. If not don't. Just don't complain if you end up in the hospital, take responsibility for yourself.

Personally I'm more concerned about getting done in by a Russian nuke, but I've been wrong before.
hell dutchy...your safe...the Rusky's have no clue where I-falls is!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:

and i concur what you stated about the rona!!!!! but enough of big brother mandating this crap!!!!!! like Steveo said the people that lost there lively hood because of the  :bs: needto be hired back!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on March 03/16/22, 10:05:16 AM
Hold your horses,new variant in china,1000's infected daily are said to be in lock down,just think of all the olympic atheletes bring this /another strain back to home countries,maybe fauci will resurface to lie some more.

not to mention mid terms around the corner,dems already positioning for mail drop boxes and fighting against voter I.D.....so here we go again.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/16/22, 10:47:07 AM
Personally I'm more concerned about getting done in by a Russian nuke, but I've been wrong before.
hell dutchy...your safe...the Rusky's have no clue where I-falls is!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
I remember going to school in the 70s, learning about the Cuban Missile Crisis and the proliferation of nuclear ICBMs...

They reminded us that Minnesota was still a priority target for the hated Soviet Commie nukes because of all the high-tech computer companies that were headquartered here:  Honeywell, Control Data, Univac, etc.  The F16 Fighter Wing in Duluth was a target.  And of course, the ICBM silos in North Dakota were high on the list as well.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/16/22, 11:15:22 AM
Yupper, soil sampling around some missile silos west of Langdon (Marney Gellner's birthplace) back in the day gave me kind of an eerie feeling. Around that time, there was communication between the Soviets & the US concerning a satellite detected smoke plume from a possible launch from up there. Turned out to be snow geese.  :huh:

Minot & Grand Forks airbases also had to be on the list. That brings back another memory that creeped me out. When I'd be out soil sampling in the CJ-7, I usually had the crappy AM radio tuned in to KFYR out of Bismarck. About the only station it would pick up consistently. All the sudden, the radio would start to screech so loud you couldn't hear any of the programming so I'd shut it off. Within a few minutes, one would see several B-52's (not the one's with the beehives either) flying low-level nearby. Talked to someone who knew about it and he had a term for it. They were jamming the radio signal as they passed through was what it boiled down to.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/16/22, 01:49:06 PM
Personally I'm more concerned about getting done in by a Russian nuke, but I've been wrong before.
hell dutchy...your safe...the Rusky's have no clue where I-falls is!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
I remember going to school in the 70s, learning about the Cuban Missile Crisis and the proliferation of nuclear ICBMs...

They reminded us that Minnesota was still a priority target for the hated Soviet Commie nukes because of all the high-tech computer companies that were headquartered here:  Honeywell, Control Data, Univac, etc.  The F16 Fighter Wing in Duluth was a target.  And of course, the ICBM silos in North Dakota were high on the list as well.

Heck, I remember in Jr, high in the 70's going to a missile silo in MN on a field trip for school!  We couldn't go past the fence or anything but it was still pretty cool!   :happy1: 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on March 03/16/22, 01:56:01 PM
Never knew there were silos in Minnesota other than silage silos.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/16/22, 04:49:51 PM
Never knew there were silos in Minnesota other than silage silos.

Google is your friend!

"NIKE missile site was built in 1959. It was one of four bases constructed during the “Cold War” era to defend the Twin Cities from possible enemy aircraft attacks. A communications facility associated with the missile site is located about one mile northwest of the site."
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on March 03/16/22, 05:16:11 PM
Well then, I'm even happier to be away from the Twin Cities.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/16/22, 05:18:58 PM
Where is it at Leech?  North of the cities?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: fishwidow on March 03/16/22, 05:19:49 PM
Spent a lot of time in the Bethel area as a kid. I remember people talking about the possibility that the Nike base which was northeast of there being at risk of attack during the Cuban missile crisis. Used to see the service men from the base in town sometimes when we would be there. I also remember feeling pretty uneasy hearing news reports on the radio about Russian ships carrying missiles to  Cuba approaching the blockade that President Kennedy had in place. There was a palpable feeling of relief around when the Russians turned back. Scary time.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/16/22, 05:23:57 PM
Well then, I'm even happier to be away from the Twin Cities.
Their dismantled and not needed anymore, because a more effective system. Relax your safe!  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: fishwidow on March 03/16/22, 05:25:41 PM
Where is it at Leech?  North of the cities?
There were four of them, i think. The one I mentioned was sort of between Bethel and Isanti as I remember it. I know there was one somewhere south of the cities and I think one was in Western Wisconsin. I think the other one was somewhere west. The idea was to keep the cities protected, as the Nikes were an anti missile deal.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/16/22, 05:30:27 PM
Where is it at Leech?  North of the cities?
There were four of them, i think. The one I mentioned was sort of between Bethel and Isanti as I remember it. I know there was one somewhere south of the cities and I think one was in Western Wisconsin. I think the other one was somewhere west. The idea was to keep the cities protected, as the Nikes were an anti missile deal.

Here. Blue dots click-it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Cooperman on March 03/16/22, 06:12:20 PM
I worked with a guy that was stationed at the one in St Francis? I thought it was were that boys camp was just south of town, but not according to the map Leech provided.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on March 03/16/22, 06:14:05 PM
interesting for sure that knew that either...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: fishwidow on March 03/16/22, 06:42:56 PM
I worked with a guy that was stationed at the one in St Francis? I thought it was were that boys camp was just south of town, but not according to the map Leech provided.
It was northeast of St Francis.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/19/22, 10:25:03 PM
I've got a good buddy that grew up in Minot...   And I remember the drills in grade school... If you see a bright flash, drop and get under your desk...   About second grade.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/20/22, 07:49:44 AM
Hi Delman.  SO kind of a hold your head and kiss your ass goodbye thing. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/29/22, 04:49:24 PM
Hi Delman.  SO kind of a hold your head and kiss your ass goodbye thing.
Yeah, looking back pretty much.  They didnt' put it that way.  Lets see, second grade so I was about 8 years old.  1954 maybe.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/30/22, 07:51:28 AM
 :scratch: So much for their Zero Covid policy! :crazy: :pouty: :tut: https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/shanghai-lockdown-tests-covid-limits-shakes-markets-83734433
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/30/22, 09:21:24 AM
:scratch: So much for their Zero Covid policy! :crazy: :pouty: :tut: https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/shanghai-lockdown-tests-covid-limits-shakes-markets-83734433

And this from the country that invented Covid...

Mainland China:  ONLY 4,638 total deaths since the start of the pandemic.  Yeah, right.   :scratch:

Meanwhile, offshore on Hong Kong, a new wave of 7,000 deaths.   :confused:

The new omicron BA.2 subvariant is widely blamed for a surge of cases in China this month. By far, the hardest hit area has been Jilin province in the northeast.

Only two deaths have been reported, bringing the total since the start of the pandemic to 4,638, The relatively low death toll and case count has been touted by the ruling Communist Party as evidence of the wisdom of its zero-COVID approach.

Outside of mainland China, new cases have declined in Hong Kong following a recent wave that has led to more than 7,000 deaths. The semi-autonomous city of 7.4 million people recorded 7,596 new cases in the latest 24-hour period.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/30/22, 09:32:15 AM
funny this gets brought up. yesterday when i was at the hospital with mom, well i noticed it 3 weeks ago to when we where there, it seems like most areas of the hospital are locked down to only being able to enter the dept you need to go to. i've been reading about this and they are slowly loosening some of the restrictions.

when it came time for them to schedule ahead the next time she needs this procedure done, date was set, then the scheduler said COVID test....well i got testy.....but realizing he's only following rules...i said whens this crap gonna be done......its almost all but over with!!! again realizing he is just following rules but said they are slowly removing criterias ..said the family lounges are going to open back up april 1. progress!! :happy1:

he then brought up masks......how long is that going to last.....and when and if patience and visitors wont need to wear them. he also brought up how long the medical workers are going to be required to wear them????? this guy was just completing his first year of nursing school!!!!1

lot of unknown answers yet!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: KEN W on March 03/30/22, 02:09:07 PM
Being over 70 and Diabetic.....getting in line next week for the next Physer Booster.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/30/22, 02:43:30 PM
A buddy of mine just got his second booster.  He said you can walk right into Thrifty White here and they will give them free. Just called them and they said if you are over 50 come on in.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on March 03/31/22, 09:50:51 AM
Not paying close attention to these boosters but isn't this latest booster #4? further how long inbetween these boosters is the waiting period as to not over medicate?curious.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/31/22, 10:25:18 AM
Ya, I think it'll be the 4th dose that they just approved snow. Not a doctor so don't know what kind of a gap there needs to be since the last dose before getting this next booster. Just go on social media. You'll find all kinds of experts on there!  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: KEN W on March 03/31/22, 10:52:59 AM
I saw it is at least 4 months ago. I had mine last October. So I'm due. Will probably need another this fall just like the Flu booster.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on March 03/31/22, 11:29:31 AM
I see fauci is back in the news with this new db-2 vatiant on the way here...more talk of possible lock down again,wouldn't ya no...just before november.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/31/22, 11:43:01 AM
I'm not a doctor, but I play one on MNO...  :bonk:

My anecdotal evidence told me the previous shots and boosters didn't do much against Omicron.  It didn't matter if you were vax-ed or not, a lot of people got it and it wasn't as bad as Delta or the original recipe Covid.  Which isn't to diminish the fact that there were some high risk folks that did have a hard time with and even died from Omicron.

But what makes them think that yet another Pfizer booster will gain any effectiveness against future to-be-determined variants?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/31/22, 11:48:19 AM
Researchers in Minnesota Are Testing Deer, Moose, Bears, and Wolves for COVID (https://www.outdoorlife.com/conservation/testing-wildlife-for-covid/)

On the Grand Portage Reservation in northern Minnesota, researchers are administering COVID tests to bears, moose, deer, and wolves in an effort to understand how prevalent the virus is in local wildlife. SARS-CoV-2—the virus that causes COVID-19 in humans—has already been widely documented in whitetail deer in Iowa, and the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources confirmed its first case of COVID in a mule deer doe just this week. The virus has been found in domestic cats and dogs, zoo animals like gorillas and snow leopards, and farmed mink. With 25 states reporting cases of SARS in wildlife, understanding how widespread the virus is, tracking potential viral mutations, and avoiding potential transmissions of new strains seem like logical next steps.

This is just crazy the way this virus is everwhere.  Lets hope this virus is rapidly morphing into one that is not dangerous.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on March 03/31/22, 11:54:00 AM
Once again doctor Steve-o,good show.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/31/22, 12:07:00 PM
Perhaps this is where the recommendation is coming from...

CDC recommends fourth Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccine doses for people age 50 and olderl (https://www.cnbc.com/2022/03/29/fda-authorizes-fourth-pfizer-covid-vaccine-dose-for-people-age-50-and-older-.html)

Israeli scientists, in a study published last week, found the death rate from omicron was 78% lower in senior citizens 60- to 100-years-old who received a fourth Pfizer dose compared with those who received just three shots.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on March 03/31/22, 12:12:40 PM
Maybe one of you savvy internet whiz's can look this up. Last weekend sometime I caught the end of a story about all the fraud they are catching on employers getting reimbursed for wages when this crap first started. It's running into the millions & millions of dollars. According to what they were talking about they are just ramping up and expect to nail a bunch of these guys.

In other news Biden wants more money for Covid. I don't know how many billions we have blown through but he says he needs more. Thats in addition to the hundreds of millions he is promising Ukraine every week. Good thing Minnesota has the "alleged" 9 billion dollar surplus.   :rotflmao:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/31/22, 12:55:33 PM
Good thing Minnesota has the "alleged" 9 billion dollar surplus.
I thought it was especially nice of Good King Walz to see to it that they raised my property tax assessment by 29% before the recession hits, interest rates climb and the real-estate market tanks.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/31/22, 01:09:37 PM
Good thing Minnesota has the "alleged" 9 billion dollar surplus.
and the real-estate market tanks.

Doesn't sound like this part will happen anytime soon.  There is a housing shortage and we have to put all our new citizens flooding the board everyday somewhere?   :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on March 03/31/22, 01:19:49 PM
Agreed leech....nothing like taking care of us tax payers who are taxed to death then piss our glut of tax proceeds away. :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: fishwidow on March 03/31/22, 01:48:33 PM
Dutchboy,  I’m no internet whiz, but maybe this?

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on March 03/31/22, 01:51:08 PM
Originally you ge the two shots a month or so apart.  Then you can get a booster 4 months after the first two original shots.  Now you can get a second booster 4 months after that one.  I walked in and got the shot.  No biggy.  So that is my 4th shot total.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on March 03/31/22, 01:58:22 PM
Dutchboy,  I’m no internet whiz, but maybe this?


Thank you, thats the one.

I urge everybody not to read it if you have a weak stomach. Very discouraging but not surprising I guess. I truly think anybody convicted of these crimes should serve their time in Afghanistan polishing rocks. The claw back by the government will be pennies compared to what they got. It's sad that these types of people exist.    :pouty:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/31/22, 02:12:01 PM
Think I'm going to have them give me an overeating disease (for clostridia perfringens) shot sub-Q along with some Ivermectin & the COVID booster to see what that does. Works on the sheep. Afterwards have a few gin and quinine waters with a lime. I should be damn near bulletproof!  :happy1:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/31/22, 02:15:58 PM
Good thing Minnesota has the "alleged" 9 billion dollar surplus.   :rotflmao:  :rotflmao:

We have some homegrown MN fraud to help alleviate that... :whistling:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/31/22, 02:28:16 PM
Good thing Minnesota has the "alleged" 9 billion dollar surplus.   :rotflmao:  :rotflmao:

We have some homegrown MN fraud to help alleviate that... :whistling:


We'll have to see if K*A*R*E and The Good Neighbor 'CCO pick this one up.  (Or maybe they did and I missed it.)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on March 03/31/22, 02:34:43 PM
I've seen brief mentions on their Twitter feeds but no wholesale "OMG! How can this be? Something must be done!" Once again, outfits like Alpha News have been the primary sources blowing the whistle until the MSM finally picks up on it. The link I posted is just the tip of the iceberg. Same thing in a lot of cities across MN. This was money, some of which was intended to feed kids during COVID for those thinking it had nothing to do with it.  :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/01/22, 06:32:26 AM
Originally you ge the two shots a month or so apart.  Then you can get a booster 4 months after the first two original shots.  Now you can get a second booster 4 months after that one.  I walked in and got the shot.  No biggy.  So that is my 4th shot total.
As long as we were over 50 & it had been 5 months since we had the 1st booster, we could've got the Pfizer dose yday @ WM in GR. It was only available to walk-ins as I tried to schedule an appt online & it wouldn't be available today. The lady I talked to said they should have the Moderna by next Tuesday & recommended scheduling an appt online for that. We had little to no reactions to the earlier Moderna, so we decided to wait. Just a FYI.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/01/22, 07:37:48 AM
I had a sore arm last night but other than that I feel great today.  I got the Pfizer but could have had either one.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/07/22, 10:08:37 AM
Talked to the PCP yesterday.   I could have been boosted, but am currently planning to stall for awhile, given the limited duration of protection.   Probably get it in a few weeks so protected for the summer.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: KEN W on April 04/07/22, 10:37:47 AM
Talked to the PCP yesterday.   I could have been boosted, but am currently planning to stall for awhile, given the limited duration of protection.   Probably get it in a few weeks so protected for the summer.

 :toast: :toast: :toast:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/07/22, 10:41:40 AM
Talked to the PCP yesterday.   I could have been boosted, but am currently planning to stall for awhile, given the limited duration of protection.   Probably get it in a few weeks so protected for the summer.
Thinking I may wait a bit too.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/07/22, 11:32:33 AM
I see glenn's girlfriend tested positive  :sleazy:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/07/22, 11:36:42 AM
Sorry Glenn.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/07/22, 11:39:11 AM
oh man what a hit for Glenn!!!   make her some soup buddy!!!!  that world famous stuff!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/07/22, 01:04:31 PM
I see glenn's girlfriend tested positive  :sleazy:

:puke: :puke: :puke: :banghead: :banghead: training-087 training-087 :rotflmao: not enough blue pills for that!!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/07/22, 06:52:27 PM
Hmmm,  Glenn had a head cold lately and now she came down with symptoms.. you devil you!!  :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/07/22, 06:54:43 PM
And he has been telling us he is stocking shelves.  He has been stocking Nancy..... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  He got the crud from her.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Pulleye16 on April 04/07/22, 06:55:32 PM
Your dogs life depended on it…Night with Hillary or Nancy…or do you grab the shovel???
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/07/22, 07:59:04 PM
And he has been telling us he is stocking shelves.  He has been stocking Nancy..... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  He got the crud from her.
He gave her the beef.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/08/22, 06:47:09 AM
Your dogs life depended on it…Night with Hillary or Nancy…or do you grab the shovel???
Guess Lucky wouldn't be so lucky.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/08/22, 07:12:56 AM
Oh boy what a scenario.   Would take a lot of alcohol to deal with that situation. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on April 04/08/22, 07:51:51 AM
Lucky for me my poor dog passed last summer.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/08/22, 08:07:37 AM
Your dogs life depended on it…Night with Hillary or Nancy…or do you grab the shovel???

Lucky for me my poor dog passed last summer.

Yep... ya dodged a bullet 'der, Roony.   :rotflmao:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/08/22, 08:12:21 AM
Ya remember the old saying. "Never put your unit in crazy".  That holds true.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on April 04/08/22, 08:57:39 AM
So is this how the left rids our country of biden?

"Pelosi tests positive with covid,hours after sitting with brandon,I mean biden,hopefully good ridence to both....and harris."

We have all seen these ppl masked and claims of taking the jab...yet.

came across this tibit of information I thought worth sharing regarding the jab...

. www.openvaers.com
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/08/22, 09:59:08 AM
i dont know snow........i may not like some people but never enough to hope they die????  :doah: :scratch: not even my EX-wife and she's a waste of totally good oxygen!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on April 04/08/22, 10:18:39 AM
Your assuming glenn,but not a bad thought we'll have to wait n see what karma has instore for these corrupt...

just thinking out loud what a clever way to nix biden,save face for the dems pulling him out because of his health,not the 25th amen.,after all look at all the impeachable offenses brandon has done and lies/china/burisma etc...pelosi the same,so corrupt,now I see schifty has the crud as well

Karma has a busy work load this month.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/08/22, 11:43:41 AM
So is this how the left rids our country of biden?

"Pelosi tests positive with covid,hours after sitting with brandon,I mean biden,hopefully good ridence to both....and harris."

We have all seen these ppl masked and claims of taking the jab...yet.

came across this tibit of information I thought worth sharing regarding the jab...

. www.openvaers.com
guess i'm reading this wrong then????? to me this isnt me assuming...but whatever!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/14/22, 07:03:03 PM
 :scratch: anyone else getting any calls about a survey regarding the Rona???
I've got 2 calls in the last 5 minutes, I didn't answer but they left a voicemail asking to call back about a Rona survey.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/14/22, 07:09:25 PM
:scratch: anyone else getting any calls about a survey regarding the Rona???
I've got 2 calls in the last 5 minutes, I didn't answer but they left a voicemail asking to call back about a Rona survey.

nope and don't jinx us!! 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on April 04/14/22, 07:15:16 PM
I don't think I'm on any government call list. My opinion won't be the bunnies and rainbows they are looking for.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/14/22, 07:47:27 PM
:scratch: anyone else getting any calls about a survey regarding the Rona???
I've got 2 calls in the last 5 minutes, I didn't answer but they left a voicemail asking to call back about a Rona survey.
Nothing like that here, sounds like something I would pay NO attention too.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/14/22, 08:23:56 PM
I don't think I'm on any government call list. My opinion won't be the bunnies and rainbows they are looking for.
IF I decided to take that call I don't think they'd like my responses either.  :sleazy: :evil:

I'm thinking if I remember right when you got the vaccine you might have given them a phone number, but I don't really remember. :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/14/22, 08:24:29 PM
I hope they call me again. I'll give them glenn's number, again.  :coffee:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/14/22, 08:30:01 PM
I hope they call me again. I'll give them glenn's number, again.  :coffee:
:confused: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :taz: :taz: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: KEN W on April 04/15/22, 06:26:13 AM
Nope......no call. News says a couple of new Omicron variants are starting to spread. Have to get the booster again.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/15/22, 07:44:38 AM
No call here either. They certainly won't like my thoughts.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/15/22, 07:50:57 AM
Only phone #s given here was when I was scheduling our appts online. :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/15/22, 09:27:28 AM
Only phone #s given here was when I was scheduling our appts online. :scratch:
i would think thats all it take!!!!!! :scratch: :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on April 04/15/22, 10:42:45 AM
Why bother? all the data about vaccines,booster's etc,none work add in side effects,ugh.It's a dice roll,then the masks...I still see ppl driving alone with a mask on,why?just masks in general is like trying not to smell a fart thru a window screen,ain't gonna work,I feel for the children in certain states under 12yrs old,schools,gotta be tough,JMO folks do what they gotta do...doesn't help when fauci rear's his ugly head again creating more issues,I remember back in 2020 when this chinese plague hit,fauci said masks for two weeks,today it's over two years,now this new variant and talk about mail in ballots/voter I.D.s as we approach mid terms,never ends.

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/15/22, 10:50:09 AM
Maybe not snow but if enough people tell them there 2 cents, maybe they'll get the point

About 2 weeks ago I received an opinion poll from the republican party regarding Biden, I can assure you when they read it they would of wished they never wasted the money sending it to me.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/15/22, 11:09:37 AM
Only phone #s given here was when I was scheduling our appts online. :scratch:
i would think thats all it take!!!!!! :scratch: :doah:
:scratch: WM pharmacy has had that # for 7-8 years, that's where I get my prescriptions refilled up there. They don't even call to let me know when they have filled it, they email. :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: KEN W on April 04/15/22, 04:18:54 PM
Had to see the surgeon on my knee follow up. Got the next Covid booster while at the hospital.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/15/22, 07:52:59 PM
SO how is the knee doing?  Feel ok? 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: KEN W on April 04/15/22, 09:35:23 PM
knee is OK.....But my thigh is not liking the therapy. Been this way for the 4 years since I had the surgery. Now I'm asking it to do what it isn't used to. Lots of pain. Oxycodone and Tylenol. The stretching is  painful. Can't ride in a vehicle more then 30 min. stretched in the back seat. Saw the surgeon today. Could take awhile to get the thigh muscles to cooperate.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/16/22, 06:45:04 AM
knee is OK.....But my thigh is not liking the therapy. Been this way for the 4 years since I had the surgery. Now I'm asking it to do what it isn't used to. Lots of pain. Oxycodone and Tylenol. The stretching is  painful. Can't ride in a vehicle more then 30 min. stretched in the back seat. Saw the surgeon today. Could take awhile to get the thigh muscles to cooperate.
i watched my wife go through therapy for both hips and knees replacement. looked like it hurt. you'll get there!!!!! :happy1:

Ken, how does that oxy affect you???? man when i had my back fixed they gave me some. the first couple days after surgery it really helped with the pain, but man after that i DID NOT like what it did to me.  i told my wife i think i know what women go through with menopause  :doah: with hot flashed and stuff. i quit taking it. :tut:

and to think when i had my bypass surgery they sent me home with tylenol 3!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/16/22, 07:17:22 AM
Not to mention the constipation that some people get from taking it.  Remember your stool softeners Ken. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on April 04/16/22, 08:33:00 AM
I recall saying months ago that these boosters would never end. The money grab is just to easy for these guys to resist. It will be just like a flu shot, recommended every year. Wait a minute..........just like the flu?   :mad1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/16/22, 08:36:38 AM
Lol Dutch. Yup just like the flu shot. I say to each his own if they want the shot or not.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/16/22, 08:44:50 AM
Lol Dutch. Yup just like the flu shot. I say to each his own if they want the shot or not.
yep same here!! :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/16/22, 08:57:59 AM
Lol Dutch. Yup just like the flu shot. I say to each his own if they want the shot or not.

like many things in life!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: KEN W on April 04/16/22, 10:39:27 AM
I have Diabetes. So I am taking NO chances with this Covid or the Flu. It would mess up my meds and eating. And maybe put me in the hospital. I also still wear a mask every where inside except at home. I have not had the Flu in many years.

Glenn.....I have had no side effects from the Oxcy or Hydrocodone I have taken in the past. Don't even know it is inside of me. I also take 6 Tylenol and 4 Ibuprofen during the day. The thigh pain is intense when bending my knee as far as I can. Seems to be getting better and was able to bend it more at therapy yesterday.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on April 04/16/22, 10:43:40 AM
You all are correct. It is a personal choice. Right for some, but not for all. Personally I don't care if a person walks around in a plastic bubble, that would be their choice. However, my choice would be no bubble. But again, thats MY choice.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/16/22, 10:55:54 AM
I have Diabetes. So I am taking NO chances with this Covid or the Flu. It would mess up my meds and eating. And maybe put me in the hospital. I also still wear a mask every where inside except at home. I have not had the Flu in many years.

Glenn.....I have had no side effects from the Oxcy or Hydrocodone I have taken in the past. Don't even know it is inside of me. I also take 6 Tylenol and 4 Ibuprofen during the day. The thigh pain is intense when bending my knee as far as I can. Seems to be getting better and was able to bend it more at therapy yesterday.
that kinda crazy how it affects people differently!!!!!!  :doah: :scratch: that stuff threw me for a loop!!!!!!

both them drugs and about 10 more are on many employers lists that if you DO NOT tell the employer your on them is a terminating offense. back in my union thug days i seen a guy with 30 years of service lose his job over it.....and he was on the safety committee!!!!  :crazy: :crazy: :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on April 04/16/22, 06:00:11 PM
Good information. I didn't know a vested union guy could get fired.   :coffee:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/16/22, 06:51:34 PM
Good information. I didn't know a vested union guy could get fired.   :coffee:

oh heck yea seen it too!!!  seen the military do it too!!  couple months away from 20 year retirement and out the door!!!   ya want to play ya have to pay...
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/16/22, 07:03:26 PM
Good information. I didn't know a vested union guy could get fired.   :coffee:
vested usually means enough time in to get pension.

Typically once you get through your probationary period, and it varies. When I started it was 30 days 40 plus years ago now it's anywhere from 60 to 120 days, and depends some are calendar some are working days.

But yea you need to really screw up to get fired. Also there are progressive disciplinary rules and grounds for immediate termination.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/16/22, 08:14:16 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/16/22, 08:27:41 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: putz!! :tut: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/17/22, 09:55:26 AM
 ;) Lockdowns don't work
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/17/22, 09:56:37 AM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/18/22, 07:02:48 AM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/18/22, 07:25:45 AM
now I see they are seeing a thing covid brain fog...  and here I thought it was old age...   more excuses?? 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on April 04/18/22, 07:40:45 AM
Easter sunday visiting....connected with a old friend, female 53,very atheltic ....no health issues until she got her second jab last fall,following day in the ER,irregular heart beat,breathing issues but she needed the jab to fly,maybe a coincidence?

then last week another  2 days in ICU anemic,irregular heart beat,blood transfusion,ugh.

Doctor's won't say there is a connection to the jab but sure makes me think.

Last fall another friend needed the jab in order to fly on vaca,healthy 50 yr old,no health issues ,none,after his second jab the following day he went for a bike ride,keeled over,heart attack/blood clot,I'm sure many other similar stories around the country,every once in awhile certain news station will tell us about the 20-30 year olds in the icu or worse from blood clots younger years we never talked about blood clots in us young bucks,no one will pin point the cause we can only suspect.personel choice for all.

Unlike polio vaccine which was mandatory back in the 50's it took 15 years to be deemed safe,this operation "warp speed"  vaccine was out in less than 5 years,we still don't know the long term effects? but one thing is for sure,the jab sure doesn't work for most but sets the mind at ease for folks with underlying issues.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on April 04/18/22, 08:29:02 AM
It is not for everyone & won't be safe for everyone. But for those with underlying issues it might be worth the risk. For me personally the only reason I would consider it is because I need it to cross into Canada. Being Canada is 4 miles from my house it is kinda of a pisser   :pouty: that I need them. However, after close examination i've determined that i'm not that mad at the fish and will stay on my side of the line until a 100% safe vaccine is created without boosters being required. One question though.......with all the money being made with the boosters is big pharm really trying to make a safe 100% vaccine?   :confused:  Follow the money to big pharma and legislators who own massive piles of stock and I would say no.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/18/22, 08:53:08 AM
Its tough to find the truth when the media only reports the facts that support their agenda.

Hunter Biden's laptop exposing business connections between candidate Joe Biden, Hunter, and China was a fact that the media chose to ignore right before the election.  (WH insists Biden didn’t lie about Hunter’s business deals in China at 2020 debate (https://nypost.com/2022/03/31/wh-claims-biden-didnt-lie-about-hunter-at-debate-despite-reporting/))

There are facts associated with people getting sick and dying from the vaccines and boosters, but media isn't calling attention to or investigating those either.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on April 04/18/22, 09:07:59 AM
Its tough to find the truth when the media only reports the facts that support their agenda.

Hunter Biden's laptop exposing business connections between candidate Joe Biden, Hunter, and China was a fact that the media chose to ignore right before the election.  (WH insists Biden didn’t lie about Hunter’s business deals in China at 2020 debate (https://nypost.com/2022/03/31/wh-claims-biden-didnt-lie-about-hunter-at-debate-despite-reporting/))

There are facts associated with people getting sick and dying from the vaccines and boosters, but media isn't calling attention to or investigating those either.

Spot on steve-o,this hunter,biden crime family fiasco is the biggest government con-job in our history,throw in the shady clinton's ...walla,nothing will happen.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/18/22, 02:05:58 PM
i'm not going to promote or rip on the covid vaccine, BUT..........every medicine made out there has a list of possible side affects....EVERY ONE OF THEM........ and how many say dont take this medication if you have this, or that??????

hell, there are certain meds you cant  take if your taking some other one because they may not like each other and cause reactions!!!!!!! some meds a body is simply not going to agree with!!

i'll agree this covid meds came out pretty fast........ but the fact remains........its not the only med that has possible side affects.......people need to look at the full picture!!!!!!!

and i agree with Dutchy..personally i think htis one is a huge money grab!!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on April 04/18/22, 02:48:08 PM
Glenn you are correct that not all drugs don't have side effects. But those drugs you aren't made to feel like a criminal or crazy if you don't take them.

Like a $100 steak dinner, it's all in the presentation and with the vaccine the presentation sucked and in some cases they were lying their asses off.   :coffee:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/18/22, 03:33:13 PM
i'm not going to promote or rip on the covid vaccine, BUT..........every medicine made out there has a list of possible side affects....EVERY ONE OF THEM........ and how many say dont take this medication if you have this, or that??????

hell, there are certain meds you cant  take if your taking some other one because they may not like each other and cause reactions!!!!!!! some meds a body is simply not going to agree with!!

i'll agree this covid meds came out pretty fast........ but the fact remains........its not the only med that has possible side affects.......people need to look at the full picture!!!!!!!

and i agree with Dutchy..personally i think htis one is a huge money grab!!!!!!

The difference here is none of the covid vaccines makers publish legal disclaimers about possible side effects like they do for every other FDA-approved drug they advertise.

I think they like the idea that they continue to operator under emergency use authorization 2.5 years into the pandemic.  And the current Presidential Administration seems to be complicit in this situation - not holding them to a higher standard.   :angry:

If they were legally obliged to say "Some takers of this vaccine have reported blood clots, strokes and heart attacks - some severe, leading to death," how many people would be lining up for booster shots?   :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/19/22, 06:48:06 AM
Exactly fellers. Shouldn't be made to feel like a criminal just for exercising free will to make a choice.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on April 04/19/22, 07:08:59 AM
Made me smil;e last night when the news broke about a federal judge shot down biden's mask mandate for public transportation,after 2.5 years of this B.S.  enough! As we approach the mid terms,curious what the lefties have up they're sleeve,looking at all the old baggage in the dem line-up,is there anyone under 75 years old? or all double seniors? curious.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/19/22, 07:13:29 AM
Ya the Dems need someone younger that won't fall asleep at the podium and they both need someone with some integrity.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/19/22, 08:06:58 AM
Ya the Dems need someone younger that won't fall asleep at the podium and they both need someone with some integrity.
Trouble is, so do 'da Repubs.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/19/22, 08:34:36 AM
Ya the Dems need someone younger that won't fall asleep at the podium and they both need someone with some integrity.
thats an oxy-moron............integrity.......politicians!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/19/22, 08:54:26 AM
Ya the Dems need someone younger that won't fall asleep at the podium and they both need someone with some integrity.
thats an oxy-moron............integrity.......politicians!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
2nd that now days for sure!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/19/22, 09:00:42 AM
 :scratch: Willin to say or do whatever it takes to get what they want just like a lot of them union contract negotiators? :sleazy: :nerd: :evil:             ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/19/22, 09:02:48 AM
:scratch: Willin to say or do whatever it takes to get what they want just like a lot of them union contract negotiators? :sleazy: :nerd: :evil:             ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :tut: :tut: nowhere's close!!!!!!!!!! :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

i never sold my soul!!!!!!! :happy1: :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/20/22, 07:47:22 PM
 :scratch:  Soul, he :evil: must be related & NEVER is a long time.  :sleazy: :nerd: :evil:                           ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on April 04/21/22, 12:49:09 PM
Here we go again,co-worker's wife second time covid yesterday,all the bad effects,101.8 fever,weak,loss of taste...fully vac,4 boosters etc...I'm surprised co worker is allowed to mingle even tho he tests negative ,think I'll avoid this guy as much as possible.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/21/22, 01:32:07 PM
That is what we seen here to. Shot or no shot pretty much got it the same.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on April 04/21/22, 01:54:13 PM
I'm no longer fully employed,but on call if I'm in town,hard to scrape by on SS  but surely don't want to catch whatever these ppl are serving.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/21/22, 03:47:58 PM
It certainly hits everyone differently. That being said, I have had the flu worse then the rona. Same with the wifey.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/21/22, 05:17:24 PM
Definitely jb, when I had to stay home cuz a rona it was like a vacation ( in a way) compared to influenza that kicked my butt years ago. Pop's though is in his 80's has copd and vulnerable to pneumonia, so far has been positive twice with mild symptoms of the vid. With his background he plays by the rules as much as can, wearing a mask, staying in the car when ma shops just trying to not get anything that's floating around.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on April 04/21/22, 06:19:18 PM
Has anybody tallied up how much the Government has spent buying vaccines, handing out billions for people not to work, lost tax dollars from closing the businesses down.

I'm not looking to start a fight I'm just curious if anybody has attempted to figure out what Covid has cost since it started.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/21/22, 07:11:50 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/22/22, 06:34:27 AM
And some how the Administration seems to think there is money to spare for student loan forgiveness.. :angry:

Student loan forgiveness is ‘still on the table’—here’s when you can expect a decision from the White House (https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/21/jen-psaki-student-loan-forgiveness-is-still-on-the-table.html)

They must be lookin' to buy some college kid votes in the midterms.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/22/22, 06:51:41 AM
Ya, taxpayers paying off student really pees me off  :angry2: :angry2:. You want a secondary education pay for it yourself like the rest of us did. Otherwise I want back pay.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: KEN W on April 04/22/22, 07:28:49 AM
Total BS.....what about the kids next year or the year after?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on April 04/22/22, 07:52:28 AM
I couldn't agree more.  A large percentage of them were talked into going in the first place and will not see any advantage to doing it anyhow.  Time to change the whole philosophy of it.  No wonder we don't have anyone with common sense and the ability to do any trades.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/22/22, 08:06:23 AM
totally agree with you guys.......pizzes me off to..........hell i want my mortgage paid off!!!!!!!!! :angry2: :angry2:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on April 04/22/22, 08:16:16 AM
I'll be submitting my bill to Biden for payment. I attended the school of hard knocks and graduated with honors. I majored in common sense, problem solving & ethics. I minored in learning how to read and understand a clock and what it meant in relation to a working environment.

My invoice will be for $987,458.17 and be tax free.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/22/22, 08:27:34 AM
I'll be submitting my bill to Biden for payment. I attended the school of hard knocks and graduated with honors. I majored in common sense, problem solving & ethics. I minored in learning how to read and understand a clock and what it meant in relation to a working environment.

My invoice will be for $987,458.17 and be tax free.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: good luck bud!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/22/22, 09:37:28 AM
NO doubt where I stand on this one. Pay it back & learn to live within your means! I worked thru college and borrowed some. I paid the whole $2500 off long ago, which back in the day even at 2% interest, seemed like a lot of money. It was when you consider most were only making 12 - 15 grand before taxes after college! A lot of pandering and vote buying going on right now. Makes me puke.  :puke:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/22/22, 09:50:00 AM
yuppers!!   my kids paid theirs off them selves   :happy1:  I think it made them better people too..    :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on April 04/22/22, 10:23:47 AM
Never ending with this admistration,we all see what these ppl are doing to us middle class folks,it's in our face each and everyday,this and the money given to illegals invading our country with bennies...no solution to stop the madness,well convention of states would clean house both sides then we get a mulligan to start over but will it ever happen,last I read only 17 states are onboard.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on April 04/22/22, 11:32:19 AM
I laugh every morning listening to the news and those clowns led by Walz fighting over spending the alleged $9 billion surplus.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/22/22, 11:35:36 AM
I laugh every morning listening to the news and those clowns led by Walz fighting over spending the alleged $9 billion surplus.
:rotflmao: so do I Dutch!!! They sound like kids arguing about there ball on the playground! :confused: even this morning in the paper was an article about there bickering over several things.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on April 04/22/22, 11:58:39 AM
They want 1 billion dollars of our tax money to replenish the unemployment fund they emptied (our tax dollars) during the alleged Covid crisis, thats in addition to the billions of tax payer dollars Biden was throwing everywhere.

We should mail a brick to St. Paul & Washington for every taxpayer dollar these fools have thrown away. They have no concept of reality.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on April 04/22/22, 12:45:17 PM
I laugh every morning listening to the news and those clowns led by Walz fighting over spending the alleged $9 billion surplus.

Agreed only I can't laugh,these clowns over taxing us now they won't give us our money back,wonder what pet project walz will come up with to pease our money away.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on April 04/22/22, 01:22:23 PM
I use to make fun of Governor Goofy (Dayton) but he at least pretended to care about Minnesota. The currant tyrant only cares about education and funding his re-election. He cares nothing about the state on Minnesota. He and his henceman will loot the tax surplus (if there really is one) and then add taxes and fee's in the name of "going green".
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on April 04/22/22, 01:47:52 PM
There was a reason we were glad to get rid of that terd representing us in the 1st district. The rest of MN can't say they weren't warned!  :rotflmao:

Here's another butt jab our hero has been working on under the table so to speak:

  https://www.startribune.com./minnesotas-climate-action-plan-calls-for-sweeping-changes-in-energy-farming-transport/600166850/   (https://www.startribune.com./minnesotas-climate-action-plan-calls-for-sweeping-changes-in-energy-farming-transport/600166850/)

What do ya bet he doesn't try to find a way to funnel some of that surplus into some garbage like this "green raw deal"?
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: HD on April 04/26/22, 05:34:30 PM
Kameltoe Harris tested positive....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on April 04/26/22, 06:32:57 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on April 04/26/22, 06:57:00 PM
She should have tried a bag over her head instead of a mask.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/27/22, 06:59:20 AM
It is just a matter of time for everyone.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/27/22, 08:01:33 AM
Just ask China, as they continue to lockdown city after city. Beijing this time, only 21 million people. :doah:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/10/22, 04:02:08 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/10/22, 05:01:32 PM
 :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/10/22, 06:28:55 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/10/22, 06:32:25 PM
That is funny as heck. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on May 05/11/22, 02:02:16 PM
So last night on national news bill gates comes out as our new cdc expert,he claims with our new vatiant covid 19 spiking across our country,the only way to defeat this new spike is a complete and total national lock down....when did this baffoon get his M.D license?

I smell a rat as we close in on mid terms.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/11/22, 02:13:15 PM
I read an article in today's paper that's saying Rona testing is down drastically around the globe!!👍 And that bothers some, claims with the new strains coming they won't be able to tell where there's an outbreak or possibly new strains developing. :confused: :pouty: :scratch:

I say it's time to move on. Screw bill gates, he's in it for the $$$$
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on May 05/11/22, 02:34:15 PM
Boys, boys, boys. When will you learn that there are campaign donations worth millions out there just begging for another shut-down.

A shut-down in Minnesota is all but guaranteed. Walz will point to his phony surplus as a reason not to fear a shut-down. He will issue millions in relief straight from Washington to garner votes and ease hardships for his poor under educated citizens. After the shut-down he will proclaim a huge victory as Minnesota created 400,000 new jobs. (Please ignore the fact that Minnesota lost 500,000 jobs when he shut the economy down.) It's the new math that higher education touts where 400,000 is greater than 500,000
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/11/22, 03:00:46 PM
 :rotflmao: dutchy... Dutchy. I ain't buying there will be another shutdown unless he wants a mutiny!!!  And I'd probably start it  :sleazy:

And he ain't getting my vote either, the dipstick won't even go to the governor fishing opener... Jerkoffs!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/11/22, 03:08:19 PM
:rotflmao: dutchy... Dutchy. I ain't buying there will be another shutdown unless he wants a mutiny!!!  And I'd probably start it  :sleazy:

And he ain't getting my vote either, the dipstick won't even go to the governor fishing opener... Jerkoffs!!
And I will join ya!  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/11/22, 03:28:35 PM
And he ain't getting my vote either, the dipstick won't even go to the governor fishing opener... Jerkoffs!!

He's too busy and serious for something frivolous like the Governor's Fishing Opener.   :bonk:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/11/22, 03:32:01 PM
 :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: snow1 on May 05/12/22, 10:09:27 AM
Here we go again,how long before....

North Korea confirms 1st COVID outbreak, Kim orders lockdown nationwide.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/12/22, 11:33:39 AM
Here we go again,how long before....

North Korea confirms 1st COVID outbreak, Kim orders lockdown nationwide.
Kinda makes you wonder what they did with covid patients for the past two years before they finally admitted to the outbreak.  :huh:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/13/22, 01:56:09 PM
Forbes:  Pfizer’s Covid Vaccine Protection Against Omicron Fades Just Weeks After Second And Third Doses, Study Finds (https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/pfizer-s-covid-vaccine-protection-against-omicron-fades-just-weeks-after-second-and-third-doses-study-finds/ar-AAXeI59?ocid=entnewsntp&cvid=3da6b9ea43dc41d8bf04d982f29fc47c)

Immunity against the omicron coronavirus variant fades rapidly after a second and third dose of Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine, according to peer reviewed research published in JAMA Network Open on Friday, a finding that could support rolling out additional booster shots to vulnerable people as the variant drives an uptick in new cases across the country.

If Omicron immunity only lasts a couple of weeks...  Are we sure more vaccine boosters are the answer?  :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/13/22, 03:07:26 PM
And if that previous article wasn't clear enough...  I guess FOUR DOSES is the charm!!!  ;)

Covid-19 news: Fourth vaccine may offer ‘substantial’ antibody boost (https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/covid-19-news-fourth-vaccine-may-offer-substantial-antibody-boost/ar-AAX7bkI?ocid=entnewsntp&cvid=5ea9eac03f534a359f3340b0bb3b0df3)

A fourth dose of an mRNA covid-19 vaccine could provide a “substantial boost in antibody levels and cellular immunity”, according to a study conducted as part of the University of Southampton’s Cov-Boost vaccine trial and published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/13/22, 03:32:47 PM
I am confused but that happens easily. Not too long ago, just before I broke with COVID, there was info circulating that if you'd been been getting the Pfizer shots & were triple vaxxed, you should switch & go to a Moderna for your 4th shot. And vice-versa. I should probably get back on the patient portal & see what Mother Mayo has to say. Seemed like before I read I may need to wait a while before getting any more doses after having it. I have a friend who was never vaxxed & had COVID way back. He also gives blood & was recently tested for COVID antibodies. His antibody test was off the chart. After having COVID and being triple vaxxed, kinda makes me wonder what is and what should never be... :scratch:   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/22, 03:35:34 PM
Dotch, how long ago was that when he gave blood and was tested for the antibody??? I gave blood at the red cross facility in st cloud, they told me they no longer test for the antibody???

That was in April!!

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/13/22, 03:56:41 PM
Dotch, how long ago was that when he gave blood and was tested for the antibody??? I gave blood at the red cross facility in st cloud, they told me they no longer test for the antibody???

That was in April!!
Who needs data if we are all following the science?   :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/13/22, 04:05:32 PM
Dotch, how long ago was that when he gave blood and was tested for the antibody??? I gave blood at the red cross facility in st cloud, they told me they no longer test for the antibody???

That was in April!!

Pretty sure he gave blood the latter half of April. It was the local blood drive in Bugtussle. Not sure where the mother ship is for the blood drives here. I doubt it would be St. Cloud.

Did some checking on vaccination scheduling and given my circumstances, holding off at least 3 months before any more boosters might be wise. It may give the vaccine manufacturers time to add protection from additional variants to their vaccine. Could need to be expedited depending on what Canada requires should a trip north be deemed necessary.  :happy1: 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/13/22, 04:13:53 PM
I got my 4th shot at Thrifty White where I had gotten my previous shots of Pfizer.  She asked me which one I wanted.  I said Pfizer I guess.  She said I could have either one.  Mayhaps I should have switched and gotten the Moderna.  ????  I feel great so I must have done the right thing...  Knock on wood!!!   A few months ago I felt a little down for a few days and didn't think I was tasting food up to par.  I would like to know if I had the crud back then.  Would be nice to know I have the anti bodies. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/13/22, 04:21:23 PM
Dotch, how long ago was that when he gave blood and was tested for the antibody??? I gave blood at the red cross facility in st cloud, they told me they no longer test for the antibody???

That was in April!!
Who needs data if we are all following the science?   :scratch:

I had to laugh Steve-O. After getting the positive COVID test result back, all the sudden I start getting these text messages from MDH wanting me to text them my email address, so I can fill out a survey for them. This while reassuring me that "your email will only be used for public health purposes". Ya right. I suddenly wondered, did my gullibility test come back positive too? :doah: After watching the Walzo and Jan Malcolm Show the past couple years, I took a hard pass on that one. They wanna track me down and force me at gunpoint to fill it out, good luck with that. I don't trust either one of them and I don't have time for their political games, especially in an election year. They both need to go away.   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on May 05/13/22, 06:14:55 PM
Dotch, how long ago was that when he gave blood and was tested for the antibody??? I gave blood at the red cross facility in st cloud, they told me they no longer test for the antibody???

That was in April!!
Who needs data if we are all following the science?   :scratch:

I had to laugh Steve-O. After getting the positive COVID test result back, all the sudden I start getting these text messages from MDH wanting me to text them my email address, so I can fill out a survey for them. This while reassuring me that "your email will only be used for public health purposes". Ya right. I suddenly wondered, did my gullibility test come back positive too? :doah: After watching the Walzo and Jan Malcolm Show the past couple years, I took a hard pass on that one. They wanna track me down and force me at gunpoint to fill it out, good luck with that. I don't trust either one of them and I don't have time for their political games, especially in an election year. They both need to go away.

You don't have a e-mail address or phone number, either cell or landline. Heck everybody here knows that. All they gotta do Is track us down and ask.    :smoking:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/22, 06:52:30 PM
Well ole Glenny boy ain't getting no more shots unless it's fireball!!!😂
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/14/22, 07:42:58 AM
You are correct Dotch that you can't get the shot for 90 days after having the Rona. They did a study in New York and California that showed that the natural antibodies were superior to the shots and that was acknowledged by the CDC. The best protection was natural antibodies and the shot. But I think once you have the natural antibodies I would not get any more shots. Just feeding more dollars to big pharma at that point.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on May 05/14/22, 08:52:39 AM
That does make a lot of sense.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/14/22, 11:00:38 AM
Here is the article again
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on July 07/19/22, 02:25:24 PM
Still no consensus agreement on "following the science."

San Diego school board president says students must wear mask or don't bother returning to school (https://www.foxnews.com/us/san-diego-school-board-president-students-must-wear-mask-dont-bother-returning-school)

Research has shown severe loss in achievement for students in remote learning

CDC no longer reporting COVID-19 cases on cruise ships to the public: What to know (https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/cdc-no-longer-reporting-covid-19-cases-cruise-ships-public)

"[The] CDC has worked closely with the cruise industry, state, territorial, and local health authorities, and federal and seaport partners to provide a safer and healthier environment for cruise passengers and crew," the health agency wrote about its program’s end.  ...cruise travelers have access to recommendations that allow them to make informed decisions about cruise ship travel."
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on July 07/19/22, 02:40:11 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on July 07/19/22, 03:54:03 PM
Tell me about it.  I found two cases of legit, old standard 100 watt incandescent light bulbs that my dad had stashed away.

Manufacturers stopped making them back in 2011.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on July 07/19/22, 05:37:09 PM
I have a few of those old bulbs stashed away here too.  LOL 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/12/22, 11:24:46 AM
ok beat me up if you want for bringing this back up!!!!!!1 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

i see where the CDC has lightened up on a few things. no longer do you need to isolate if you suspect you've been exposed to someone with the rona. nor do you need to test for it. AND you no longer have to maintain 6 ft apart!!!!1  :doah: i havent worried about that in 2 years!!!!1 :rotflmao:

baby steps.

what i find odd is the different rules being applied. mom went in to get new stents in for her liver issues. was required to get tested. since last friday my wife, Sue has been dealing with her hip deal where they went in for surgery and the friggin MRSA!!!!! she thought it was coming back. at this point it hasnt according to the tests. BUT, shes been seen by 3 differnet medical personnel at 3 different faculities, not of which required nor gave her a rona test.  :scratch: :doah: and all this in the same centra care system/

for stupid!!!!!!!!!!!! :crazy: :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on August 08/12/22, 11:54:03 AM
Does this mean they won't hand out free smurf masks anymore at Menards?  :scratch:

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/12/22, 12:02:43 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: you putz!!!!!!!! :tut: :rotflmao: that didnt come from the house of bargains........there where 2 conspirators on this website  that mailed that to me!!!!!!!!!

i kept it for a keep sake!!!!!!! :sleazy: :mooning: i might just put it on my deer shoulder mount!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/12/22, 12:23:53 PM
Does this mean they won't hand out free smurf masks anymore at Menards?  :scratch:

And does this mean that pilots and teachers and doctors and nurses and countless others who were fired because they refused to get vaccinated can sue to get their jobs back?   :confused:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/12/22, 12:28:22 PM
yea right, they were trouble makers according to the powers that be...   

and it could mean we did the lock downs and such for nothing???   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/12/22, 12:46:52 PM
Yes and no.

Fortunately the virus variants circulating now seem to be less dangerous that the first ones that swept the planet.  Decide for yourself is that is because the virus mutated to a less deadly form, natural immunity has built over time, vaccines helped, or some or all of the above.

We were learning as we went along - doing our best to sift facts as we could attain them.

We are just now learning the damage to our economy due to the mandated shut downs and the government response to spend our way thru Covid.

We are just now learning the damage done to our children by keeping them out of schools and elderly by isolating them from their families.

And we are just now learning the damage we've done to our bodies by taking vaccines - although approved for emergency use - that we had no idea of what long term side-effects would be.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/12/22, 12:59:42 PM
yea I know but still.................
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on August 08/12/22, 01:19:16 PM

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on August 08/12/22, 04:08:14 PM
Yes and no.

Fortunately the virus variants circulating now seem to be less dangerous that the first ones that swept the planet.  Decide for yourself is that is because the virus mutated to a less deadly form, natural immunity has built over time, vaccines helped, or some or all of the above.

We were learning as we went along - doing our best to sift facts as we could attain them.

We are just now learning the damage to our economy due to the mandated shut downs and the government response to spend our way thru Covid.

We are just now learning the damage done to our children by keeping them out of schools and elderly by isolating them from their families.

And we are just now learning the damage we've done to our bodies by taking vaccines - although approved for emergency use - that we had no idea of what long term side-effects would be.

AND thank gawd we did something.  Some things may have been right and some may have been wrong, but I am convinced that things were done in the right spirit to save the country as painless as possible and to help people.  A lot of businesses were killed by it and that is sad.  BUT what if the covid was 10 times more deadly that it was?   We didn't know that at the time.  The same people that are whining now would be whining then.  Am I happy with how it was handled?  Not so much.  Am I mad at what was done?  Not at all. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on August 08/12/22, 09:43:18 PM
Yes and no.

Fortunately the virus variants circulating now seem to be less dangerous that the first ones that swept the planet.  Decide for yourself is that is because the virus mutated to a less deadly form, natural immunity has built over time, vaccines helped, or some or all of the above.

We were learning as we went along - doing our best to sift facts as we could attain them.

We are just now learning the damage to our economy due to the mandated shut downs and the government response to spend our way thru Covid.

We are just now learning the damage done to our children by keeping them out of schools and elderly by isolating them from their families.

And we are just now learning the damage we've done to our bodies by taking vaccines - although approved for emergency use - that we had no idea of what long term side-effects would be.

The problem is they missed so many cues and opportunities while trying to keep people subjugated. The message was seldom positive and usually negative. It was do your part, stay home or you'll kill grandma, not get your @$$ outside, sunshine kills the virus (which data showed), get some exercise, eat healthy, live life, etc., etc. I will never forgive them for that and the damage they caused not only to the economy but the mental health of many including our schoolchildren, the same kids they like to stick in our faces when it's prudent for them to garner votes. I will register that disgust at the polls this fall (already did in the special election) and I encourage like-minded individuals to join me.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on August 08/13/22, 06:48:54 AM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/13/22, 07:27:07 AM
Yes and no.

Fortunately the virus variants circulating now seem to be less dangerous that the first ones that swept the planet.  Decide for yourself is that is because the virus mutated to a less deadly form, natural immunity has built over time, vaccines helped, or some or all of the above.

We were learning as we went along - doing our best to sift facts as we could attain them.

We are just now learning the damage to our economy due to the mandated shut downs and the government response to spend our way thru Covid.

We are just now learning the damage done to our children by keeping them out of schools and elderly by isolating them from their families.

And we are just now learning the damage we've done to our bodies by taking vaccines - although approved for emergency use - that we had no idea of what long term side-effects would be.

AND thank gawd we did something.  Some things may have been right and some may have been wrong, but I am convinced that things were done in the right spirit to save the country as painless as possible and to help people.  A lot of businesses were killed by it and that is sad.  BUT what if the covid was 10 times more deadly that it was?   We didn't know that at the time.  The same people that are whining now would be whining then.  Am I happy with how it was handled?  Not so much.  Am I mad at what was done?  Not at all.
I do agree at the beginning they had to do something and was glad they did. But by a month or two into it things didn't need to stay locked down like they were. It became more about controlling the masses. We knew we needed to protect the elderly and the rest of the people could continue on with their everyday lives.  Like Dotch, for that I am angry. Wondering for the longest time if I was going to have a job or not. All because of government control. In the end that is what it all boiled down to.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/30/22, 11:36:50 AM
White House says unvaccinated migrants allowed in US and tennis player who isn’t are 'two different things’ (https://www.foxnews.com/us/white-house-says-unvaccinated-migrants-allowed-tennis-player-who-isnt-are-two-different-things?dicbo=v2-6062abd410e8f857771d0e11188cba4f)

"How come migrants are allowed to come into this country unvaccinated, but world-class tennis players are not?" he asked White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. :confused:

"The U.S. government cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases. Due to privacy reasons, the U.S. also does not comment on medical information of individual travelers as it relates to this tennis player," she replied.

Jean-Pierre deferred the question to the CDC, which she said has its own protocols, saying, "It's two different things."  :angry:

"Somebody unvaccinated comes over on a plane, you say that's not OK. Somebody walks into Texas or Arizona unvaccinated, they're allowed to stay?" :scratch:

"That's not how it works. ... It's not like someone walks over," she replied.  :doah:

"That's exactly what is happening," Doocy responded. "Thousands of people are walking in a day. Some of them turn themselves over. Some of them are caught. Tens of thousands a week are not. That is what is happening."
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/30/22, 11:56:13 AM
migrants can vote, tennis players can't...   just sayin....
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/30/22, 06:51:35 PM
Yep Mike,  Democrats at it's finest.  It's crazy how they don't care which direction this country is going in.. :crazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on August 08/30/22, 07:35:39 PM
With a straight face Walz tells us what all he has done for the state in his re-election commercial. If he wants to get re-elected he better come up with another way to buy the metro cuz there aren't many outstate votes laying around.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/30/22, 07:47:09 PM
Good King Walz has got it in the bag as long as he doesnt have to do more debates.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on August 08/30/22, 09:21:41 PM
Our only hope is that the metro voters become complacent and the PO'ed outstate voters show up in force. Tyrant Timmy is not a popular person in the land of rocks and cows. 🐄🐄
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/31/22, 08:15:22 AM
i agree Dotch, i know its a bit early but on my way to and back from the cabin there where ALOT more Jensen/Birk signs then walz. i'm a bit confused though  :scratch: :scratch: why does Birk have is own signs???????

i've been doing a little research on this Jensen, not a fan.......think i'll be going the mary jane candidate!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/31/22, 08:19:08 AM
I think the Repubs might have had a better chance it Birk was headlining the ticket.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Pulleye16 on August 08/31/22, 11:07:06 AM
i agree Dotch, i know its a bit early but on my way to and back from the cabin there where ALOT more Jensen/Birk signs then walz. i'm a bit confused though  :scratch: :scratch: why does Birk have is own signs???????

i've been doing a little research on this Jensen, not a fan.......think i'll be going the mary jane candidate!!!!! :happy1:

I'm with you glenn. I'm 100% in for change but this guy seems like a tool. The only reason we are seeing Birk signs is because of who he is...they thought it would help.

This Mary Jane fella...might just smok'em all
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on August 08/31/22, 11:14:08 AM
2nd that   :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: dutchboy on August 08/31/22, 04:19:17 PM
I think the Repubs might have had a better chance it Birk was headlining the ticket.

Jensen will have a better chance if he quits attacking Walz. Everything Walz stands for is basically free money so every time Jensen criticizes him people are reminded Walz gave them money. Bring your own platform and ignore Walz altogether. Birk started and funded his own school so I'm neutral on him right now but Flanagan proves the Lt. Gov is just window dressing and for getting party votes..
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on August 08/31/22, 05:46:12 PM
If your platform or lack of platform means you just attack the other party you don't stand a chance.  I would like to hear what he wants to do. 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/01/22, 12:05:12 PM
Yeah, I don't think he has any money compared to King Walz and his Political Action Committees.

Walz "approves" of his positive ads and the PACs take all of Jensen's out-of-context sound bites and plays them over and over and over again in negative ads.

Haven't seen one rebuttal ad from Jensen yet nor any other positive plans.  Not much GOP PAC ads either.  Must be waiting for football season to run them.   :scratch:

Billboards that feature Birk's face with slogans that say "Cheaper Gas" and "Heal Minnesota" aren't going to get the job done.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on September 09/01/22, 02:11:26 PM
Jensen is way behind on funding $'s vs. Tyrant Timmy. As you say Steve O, a lot of outside money in his coffers. One education plan I did see on Twitter & elsewhere from Jensen:


Guessing there are more, I just haven't looked. Of course the link I posted is being spun by the Red Star as "Jensen proposes to cut education". :rolleyes: I get very little of my news anymore from TV so there are usually things that don't fit the time allotted for the evening news. I don't need their sanitized version. One of my pet peeves is liars. I can make my own decisions about who is being truthful and who isn't. I've been doing it with my employees for years. I can see thru their BS like a cheap blouse  :rotflmao:   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on October 10/29/22, 05:32:31 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on October 10/29/22, 06:34:36 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on October 10/30/22, 07:11:06 AM
 :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on October 10/30/22, 08:25:05 AM
That makes me want to start hoarding again.  LOL
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/10/23, 09:51:29 PM
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/11/23, 05:00:03 AM
 :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/11/23, 06:36:50 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on January 01/11/23, 07:14:25 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/11/23, 07:34:26 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on January 01/14/23, 03:05:10 PM

Fun never stops

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/20/23, 09:00:19 PM
Here ya go Glenn. This should add to your concern.
Also been in the news that the phizer version is causing strokes in people over 65.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/31/23, 03:06:13 PM
Good, I'm glad this is finally over.   :happy1:

Miracle: Biden Ends Same COVID Pandemic For The Third Time

WASHINGTON, D.C. — First, there were the loaves and the fishes. Then came the Trump Presidency. Now, the United States has been blessed to witness another miracle, as President Biden has ended the same COVID-19 pandemic three times in a row.

"No other President has ended the COVID-19 pandemic even once, let alone three times," said gay black Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre at a press conference that still bars entry to anyone who has not recently tested negative, and also mandates the unvaccinated to wear masks and social distance.

"However, we must make this clear," stated Jean-Pierre. "The ongoing pandemic, which President Biden has ended multiple times, is not over."

Critics have voiced concerns about President Biden taking credit for ending the ongoing pandemic, and wonder if President Trump should also receive credit for Operation Warp Speed, which helped rush Pfizer's perfect, 100% effective COVID-19 vaccine into our veins, then hearts.

At publishing time, Biden's team had confirmed there will be a fourth, pandemic-ending miracle in our future, right before the 2024 election.

BabylonBee (https://babylonbee.com/news/miracle-biden-ends-the-same-covid-19-pandemic-three-times)
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on January 01/31/23, 06:46:38 PM
me too.... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/05/23, 12:14:51 PM
read this on the internet so its gotta be true, right!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:

the CDC says the rona is no longer a big threat...........yea about a year and a half ago.......... :confused: :doofus: :doofus: :pouty: :thumbs:

let me rephrase that....no longer a global emergency! :doofus: :doofus:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/05/23, 12:20:39 PM
oh did they have an election that I missed???   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/05/23, 12:23:43 PM
oh did they have an election that I missed???
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/05/23, 01:55:10 PM

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on May 05/05/23, 02:52:48 PM
heard that the gal running the CDC is going to step down...   
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/05/23, 02:57:29 PM
heard that the gal running the CDC is going to step down...
yep read that too!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on May 05/05/23, 03:11:57 PM
I heard she's a cougar... :coffee:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/05/23, 03:13:28 PM
I heard she's a cougar... :coffee:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: i think i seen or remember a picture of her in the article......kinda a mainjy one!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: KEN W on May 05/05/23, 05:21:11 PM
Actually the World Health Organization declared Covid pandemic over. CDC just went along with it.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Dotch on June 06/11/23, 09:34:46 AM

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on June 06/11/23, 09:44:10 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/11/23, 10:37:07 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

 seen yesterday where the white house is requiring unvaxed visitors to mask and social distance.  :doah: :doofus: :doofus: :confused: apparently they have invited all the college athletes that won national championships to visit!!!!!
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on June 06/11/23, 11:10:50 AM
the VA clinic finally dropped the mask mandate I found out last week.... 
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/11/23, 12:43:07 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:

 seen yesterday where the white house is requiring unvaxed visitors to mask and social distance.  :doah: :doofus: :doofus: :confused: apparently they have invited all the college athletes that won national championships to visit!!!!!
I saw that.  Unbelievable.  No medical threat, but they are still compelled to drive division.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/17/24, 12:00:45 PM
This ought to be interesting...  :coffee:

Kansas sues Pfizer over 'misrepresentations' and 'adverse events' of COVID-19 vaccine (https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/kansas-sues-pfizer-over-misrepresentations-adverse-affects-covid-19-vaccine)

Kansas AG Kris Kobach alleges Pfizer violated the state's Consumer Protection Act

The data is out there.  :doah: Now it looks like the issue will have a day in court.  :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: LPS on June 06/17/24, 12:19:03 PM
I thought this was a Corona beer issue.   :sleazy:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: mike89 on June 06/17/24, 12:38:52 PM
I thought this was a Corona beer issue.   :sleazy:

2nd that!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/17/24, 06:50:50 PM
This ought to be interesting...  :coffee:

Kansas sues Pfizer over 'misrepresentations' and 'adverse events' of COVID-19 vaccine (https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/kansas-sues-pfizer-over-misrepresentations-adverse-affects-covid-19-vaccine)

Kansas AG Kris Kobach alleges Pfizer violated the state's Consumer Protection Act

The data is out there.  :doah: Now it looks like the issue will have a day in court.  :happy1:
:happy1: yea thta'll be interesting......it was my understanding the Feds gave the Pharma companies immunity??????? :scratch:
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Jerkbiat on June 06/18/24, 05:38:13 AM
That was my understanding to Glenn.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/18/24, 07:05:05 AM
I guess we'll see.  If Pfizer lied to the government to get those immunities, there might be some liability.  Either way, the evidence against them will be brought to a public trial.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Gunner55 on June 06/18/24, 07:26:45 AM
 :scratch: It looks like it could go back to before Covid to me. According to 42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22, "No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings."

In other words, companies that manufacture vaccines are not liable if someone has an allergic reaction or injury after being vaccinated.

However, individuals can file a petition with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to receive compensation if they are found to have been injured by one of the vaccines covered by VICP. According to the Health Resources and Services Administration under HHS, "even in cases in which such a finding is not made, petitioners may receive compensation through a settlement."

Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: roony on June 06/18/24, 07:43:15 AM
A couple things to consider
1. There has never been a vaccine or medicine that hasn't had negative effects on some percentage of people.
2.  Millions of lives may have been saved by the vaccine.
Title: Re: corona pandemic~
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/18/24, 08:26:20 AM
Kansas may very well lose the suit, but the bigger issue remains...

In so many instances, the government and private industry mandated the vaccines, which Kansas will argue were NOT "safe" in accordance with the standards by which all other vaccines/drugs are tested nor "effective" in terms of what the Pfizer advertised.  Pfizer may or may not be held liable for any damages, but evidence will be brought to light upon which the public can make future decisions. 

Question...  If you saw evidence that actually convinced you that Pfizer covered up test findings and/or violated protocols to bring their vaccine to market (where they made millions and millions and millions of dollars), would you trust them (AND the government that turned a blind eye and allowed this to happen) again next time?