Minnesota Outdoorsman

General Category => The BBQ Shack, Wildlife recipes and Cooking => Topic started by: Dotch on April 04/29/16, 08:20:23 PM

Title: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/29/16, 08:20:23 PM
Alright, me first. Lookss like lamb chops thiss weekend, likelty Sunday . Get them thawed mañana, maybe marinate them and have 'em ready for Sunfay evening. Have social obligations prior to tht so can't do them before then. (written in boar)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/29/16, 08:36:19 PM
I can;t rite in booar reel wel(.  Just kiddin', Boar! Looks like yardbird parts smoked over apple wood for me, if the weather will tend to cooperate a bit. Not sure of the sauce or seasoning yet...might be sweet and sour, or some plum sauce basted on, over Reb's Rib Rub. (Great on chicken)  Maybe even some BBQ sauce. Haven't yet smoked up anything good so far, been too cold and windy. Got the green tops, radishes, and  beefsteak 'tato salad to round out the meal.....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on April 04/29/16, 08:44:43 PM
see im not hard to understand, even tho I gots my own language.  screw limit, he dont like my spelling anyway. whatch out for this glenn character, hes rather well you know kinda blue and hasnt learned how to smoke meat yet, or cant . im trying to smoke my summer stuf this sunday sounds like we ha eht day off. man its cool you guys are here, dotch ive known yuve been here but far in between.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on April 04/29/16, 08:53:59 PM
Welcome Rebel nice to have you.  Looks like you're going to fit right in.   :happy1:

My weekend is going to be spent looking at Rv edition fish houses, first communion, and my daughter 10 is getting her black belt certificate.  Nagatha 2 won't be doing any smoking this weekend. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on April 04/29/16, 09:22:15 PM
ccongrats to your daugjtr G, thats quite the acccompmiment specialy at 10. And first communion. Awsome.  sounds like great weekend.!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/29/16, 09:59:32 PM
Absolutely General, that'sounds awesome.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/30/16, 09:11:17 AM
Thanks, General. Hope I do. Congrats on yer daughter's accomplishment...wow, that's really something.  Took me a while to get my black belt. Finally found it in the fat man's section at Fleet Farm.  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on April 04/30/16, 09:46:43 AM
Dotch your lamb burgers look great always!.  Congatulations on the black belt and the communion!!  Boar, I fully understand you all the time.  I'm having some T-bones today after some much needed yard work.  Got to take out some pork butts and burger for some Swiss Brats I'm going to make fresh also.  May have a brew or two pacing around the grill.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dakids on April 04/30/16, 11:43:13 AM
Burgers and dogs today and I'm prepping a 5 pound buttroast for a slow 8 hour smoke for Sundays family get together.  Apple wood and a touch of hickory. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on April 04/30/16, 09:47:04 PM
Well boys the communion and fish house are done.  Purchase a new Rv edition today, but the kicker was they were also having a pellet grill demonstration.  They had wings and Mac and cheese.  My daughter said it was the best she had ever eaten.   :happy1:

Now the black belt is tomorrow evening.  Rebel, I bet you still ended up having to make an extra notch.....lord I apologize for that one ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on April 04/30/16, 09:48:46 PM
RH, for some reason I always understand Boar too.  I think it's our superior intelligence that allows us to do that. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on May 05/01/16, 08:46:40 AM
 ;D :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/01/16, 08:56:36 AM
Still raining and cold. $#!%$  So much for the grillin' yard birds today.  :cry:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/01/16, 01:37:37 PM
Ah, it's breaking up over here. Lamb chops thawing after a grueling confirmation and lunch afterwards. A lot of work thawing them chops so may have to check out the recliner after a token effort of lawnmowing. Gotta keep my strength up so I'll be ready to grill this evening. Film at 11!  ;) Boar, you are da man! I spit iced tea all over my screen you clown... lol
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on May 05/01/16, 03:21:03 PM
what???? :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/01/16, 03:32:01 PM
I'm having weenies. :-(
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/01/16, 09:53:03 PM
OK, got 'er done! Lamb chops with some tater salad and chips. Made with McCormick steak rub. I liked them; the wife not so much. She'd rather have burger; I need to have something more like miniature steaks sometimes. Anyway, the rub may have overpowered the Cheviot, a very mild flavored lamb. That's OK, I'll eat 'em! Cooked direct with hickory charcoal. And for dessert, an easy peasy rhubarb sauce over ice cream. 25 minutes from patch to done in the pan. 1/2 cup water + 3/4 cup sugar boiled, 4 cups rhubarb added and simmered for maybe 10 minutes. So simple yet so yummy!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on May 05/01/16, 10:29:39 PM
Very nice Dotch :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/02/16, 07:31:32 AM
Very tasty Dotch!!  I made a couple of racks of baby backs with my Butcher Sauce.  Also very simple to make.  Just mix equal parts of Ketchup and Western dressing.  I doubled it up this time.  Two cups ketchup and two cups Western dressing.  I usually add some apple juice to it to thin in out a bit for I like to mop it on but I didn't have any so I put some Korean beef broth in there instead.  Very good.  Brown jasmin rice on the side.  Put some sesame oil, soy sauce and crushed red pepper on the rice.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on May 05/02/16, 08:17:09 AM
RH, do you put the sauce on when you first put the ribs on or after they have been cooking for a while?  Do you put sauce on more than once during the process?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/02/16, 01:06:23 PM
I don't put the sauce on there until about an hour to go.  I foil them till they get almost done and then start the mopping.  I like a good carmalized sauce so to speak so I mop them a few times.  I try to time it so the ribs are not the fall off the bone kind.  I like them tender to the bite so I time the foiling and check on them.  When the meat starts to pull back a bit then I take the foil off and do the mopping.  All of this is done on in-direct heat.  I do the same thing in the smoker but less foil time because i want to get some of the love from the smoke on there before smoking [and after].  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/02/16, 03:16:47 PM
Sorry about that. Off attending to business for several hours. Looks absolutely delish Reinhard! Had some decent ribs in Shieldsville over the weekend but I'd wager money on yours being even better. Besides, they're made with katchup! Some folks really like that condiment so I'm told...  ;D
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on May 05/02/16, 03:18:52 PM
only a smurff would lol!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/02/16, 03:35:03 PM
Sorry about that. Off attending to business for several hours. Looks absolutely delish Reinhard! Had some decent ribs in Shieldsville over the weekend but I'd wager money on yours being even better. Besides, they're made with katchup! Some folks really like that condiment so I'm told...  ;D
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: ;) ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/02/16, 03:35:58 PM
only a smurff would lol!!
aren't you suppose to be working??????? :censored: :bs: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/02/16, 03:46:56 PM
Rain stopped and sun FINALLY came out...those yardbirds parts are going on the grill TONITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/02/16, 06:33:01 PM
The yardbird got grilled over applewood!!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/02/16, 06:37:30 PM
I can't find the "LIKE" button......... :scratch: ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/02/16, 06:41:40 PM
Having pic posting probs for some reason...here's the yardbird. Sure was tasty....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on May 05/02/16, 06:45:51 PM
I can't find the "LIKE" button......... :scratch: ;)

Yea, buddy....I'm working on it..... :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/02/16, 06:47:14 PM
NOOO!!! DON'T!!! I was just kidding!!!! Boar made me say that!!!!     :bonk: I'm still trying to figger things put on this site, bear with me, please! I figger if Boar and Smur...er, Glenn can get around on it, I sure can!!!!    :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on May 05/02/16, 06:58:41 PM
NOOO!!! DON'T!!! I was just kidding!!!! Boar made me say that!!!!     :bonk: I'm still trying to figger things put on this site, bear with me, please! I figger if Boar and Smur...er, Glenn can get around on it, I sure can!!!!    :rotflmao:

Hahaha....Glenn still has training wheels.....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/02/16, 07:07:48 PM
NOOO!!! DON'T!!! I was just kidding!!!! Boar made me say that!!!!     :bonk: I'm still trying to figger things put on this site, bear with me, please! I figger if Boar and Smur...er, Glenn can get around on it, I sure can!!!!    :rotflmao:

Hahaha....Glenn still has training wheels.....

Front AND back.   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/02/16, 07:39:55 PM
Look for the onion label... ;) Where's that yardbird? Oh here's one...

Ya figgered it out Reb! I had faith in you! Looks phenomenous!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on May 05/02/16, 08:43:05 PM
Hopefully the like button is a guy with the finger up.  You know saying you're number 1 ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on May 05/03/16, 12:57:08 PM
After seeing you ribs i think that is what I am going to do RH.  I also would like to make some good homemade potato salad.  I like it nice and juicy with lots of eggs and mustard.  May have to get to work on that in the next few days so it is ready for Sat.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Coffee118 on May 05/03/16, 01:17:22 PM
I'm still dealing with these darn temp dentures for about another month so it's still a pain to chew. Getting really tired of regular mashed potatoes and missing meat from the smoker so I might do smoke potatoes then mash them along with one of the three racks of ribs I'm saving for the perminate teeth. I usually like some chew to my ribs but I guess I'll have to make them fall of the bone soft this time because I'm really going through withdrawal of smoked/bbq'd meat, with a side of everyone's favorite green beans.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/03/16, 07:35:03 PM
I tried smoking lamb one time but it made the papers all soggy and hard to light.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on May 05/03/16, 08:25:37 PM
I tried smoking lamb one time but it made the papers all soggy and hard to light.

That's funny :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on May 05/04/16, 02:38:51 PM
I'm still dealing with these darn temp dentures for about another month so it's still a pain to chew. Getting really tired of regular mashed potatoes and missing meat from the smoker so I might do smoke potatoes then mash them along with one of the three racks of ribs I'm saving for the perminate teeth. I usually like some chew to my ribs but I guess I'll have to make them fall of the bone soft this time because I'm really going through withdrawal of smoked/bbq'd meat, with a side of everyone's favorite green beans.

That sounds great, green beans are my favorite.   ;)  Really.   I also like ribs a lot. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Coffee118 on May 05/04/16, 03:06:14 PM
I put the green beans on the menu because I know how much y'all just love them. Atleast I won't put ketchup on my ribs like somebody else who we all know would do  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/04/16, 05:06:32 PM
Where's that darn like button again?  :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/04/16, 05:26:03 PM
Well we know Reb just loves green beans for sure  :rotflmao:good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/04/16, 05:28:26 PM
Well we know Reb just loves green beans for sure  :rotflmao:good luck.

RH, I'm sufferin' enough right now!!!   Throw those danged things out the window!!!   ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/04/16, 06:04:58 PM
Your a good man regardless of your WAY WRONG opinion of green beans.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/04/16, 06:30:20 PM
Well, I know you sure as heck are, RH.  Never been a doubt in what's left of my mind.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Moon Lake Refuge on May 05/05/16, 03:16:30 PM
Bacon weave around a rolled up slab of sausage stuffed with cream cheese, crab meat, jalepenos, onions, chives and possibly some baby shrimp.  probably whip up some twice baked tators with it too.  Been wanting to try them with a mix of red and bakers.  Think someone on the last site said they come out creamier that way.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on May 05/05/16, 04:15:30 PM
Bacon weave around a rolled up slab of sausage stuffed with cream cheese, crab meat, jalepenos, onions, chives and possibly some baby shrimp.  probably whip up some twice baked tators with it too.  Been wanting to try them with a mix of red and bakers.  Think someone on the last site said they come out creamier that way.

That sounds great Moon.  I will have that on my mind until I make it sometime.  Let me know how it turns out.  Let us know how long you cook it and at what temp.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on May 05/05/16, 04:24:09 PM
Bacon weave around a rolled up slab of sausage stuffed with cream cheese, crab meat, jalepenos, onions, chives and possibly some baby shrimp.  probably whip up some twice baked tators with it too.  Been wanting to try them with a mix of red and bakers.  Think someone on the last site said they come out creamier that way.

That sounds great Moon.  I will have that on my mind until I make it sometime.  Let me know how it turns out.  Let us know how long you cook it and at what temp.

I think my wife would really enjoy this meal.  If you can or want to write out the recipe that would be great but don't feel you have to.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/05/16, 05:41:33 PM
That's an awesome combo moon lake, a good old fashion fatty. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Moon Lake Refuge on May 05/06/16, 10:20:05 AM
Recipe is all kinds of 'Ball parked' measurments for whatever sounds good ha!  Start with about 7 pieces of bacon and start weaving pieces in and out the other way.  Take a one gallon ziplock bag and cut the bottom corners off(to release air).  Put 1 lb of jimmy dean in and roll it flat.  Cut it out of the bag(Keep it nice and cold so its easier to work with).  I like to season both sides of the sausage with whatever rub you like, and lay it on the weave.  Put your cream cheese, peppers, onions, jalepenos, crab meat, shrimp and whatever else you like down.  Dont put any on the last 1/3 to 1/4 of the meat so the end sticks nice.  Roll it up nice and tight and tuck the ends in and pinch it up.  Think I had it at about 240 for 2-3 hours.  Hit it with some Apple last time for the first hour or so.  Depending on preference and cut of bacon I usually have to throw it in the oven the last 20 minutes or so at high heat to crisp up(The Mrs. hates rubbery bacon).  Give it a try, super easy and doesnt take to long!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on May 05/06/16, 01:17:22 PM
I just got back from the store. Since this weekend is mother's day, I picked up a few items for tomorrow's dinner.  Time to fire up the redneck grill!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/06/16, 01:55:40 PM
Looks like some nice NY strip steaks there in them family packs and some nice crab legs to boot.  I still got a bunch of those T-bones that Cubs had on for 4.99 a few weeks ago.  Grills will be smokin.  Those fatties Moon Lake is talking about is another gem.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/08/16, 09:59:23 AM
Mmmmm...NY strips. More proof that God does indeed exist!  :happy1:

Did Mother's Day supper last night. Call it Boodles and Brats if you like. Mrs. Cheviot has been putting in some long hours lately so time for me to step up to the plate and be a hero.  ;) Needed something quick so grabbed a fresh bottle of Crown to replenish the supply, a 6 pack of Coke bottles for her and tracked down one of my faves, Boodles. Odd, I have this sudden urge to smoke a cigar, buy a bulldog, wear a derby and bitch slap Neville Chamberlain! Also picked up some fresh brats and buns. When I got the call that she was coming home about 5:30 last night I knew I'd done good. Tossed some stuff together after chores and she was happy. Nothing fancy and it was quick. Knocked her right out so she didn't paw me all night. Although I may take pity on her later today when she gets home. If she's real nice, I might let her lay the seat flat on the Studebaker and ravage me! Sometimes ya just gotta take one for the team...  :whistling:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: lovebigbluegills on May 05/08/16, 10:12:15 AM
Looks good Dotch!!! What do you have between the brat and beans??
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: ThunderLund78 on May 05/08/16, 10:14:45 AM
All looks great but the Gin, Dotch! ;)

Can't even say the word "Gin" without getting a little queasy.
It way my first real jag WAY back in the day when I was a teenager trying to be cool when I realized the bartender at my sister's wedding wasn't carding. The golfers at the Waconia Country Club had a new hazard to avoid near the 18th green the next day! :puke:

Haven't touched it since.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/08/16, 10:16:01 AM
A little dab of barbecue sauce lbbg. The bottle was about empty so it came out in a blob rather than a dollop. No Martha Stewart style points for that one.  :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: corny13 on May 05/08/16, 10:50:34 AM
Just warmed up the grill, Bacon wrapped Asparagus I just picked going on as soon as the Motherinlaw shows up.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: lovebigbluegills on May 05/08/16, 11:45:03 AM
A little dab of barbecue sauce lbbg. The bottle was about empty so it came out in a blob rather than a dollop. No Martha Stewart style points for that one.  :doah:

It looks like cabbage or some type of salad... I like bbq sauce with my brats too, no katchup!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on May 05/08/16, 12:21:45 PM
 Tamarind glazed pork loin 1 inch chops, an like corny we're havin asapargus wrapped in bacon. twice baked tatters with some rutabaga mashed in the tatter no cheese just butter.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on May 05/08/16, 01:12:49 PM
Ok got the potato salad done and it looks great.  Lots of Miracle whip and mustard.   I rubbed the St. Louis ribs last night.  I am going to put the ribs on in an hour or two.  I think I will do them the Fast Eddy way with no foil.  I did that the last time and they turned out great.  I will sprinkle them with apple juice after an hour or so a few times.  Maybe slather some sauce on the last 1/2 hour.   I am planning on 275 for about 3 hours.  It is a big rack of Smithfields.  Just started carrying them at the local store.  I will post soe pics when I am done.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/08/16, 01:33:41 PM
A little dab of barbecue sauce lbbg. The bottle was about empty so it came out in a blob rather than a dollop. No Martha Stewart style points for that one.  :doah:

It looks like cabbage or some type of salad... I like bbq sauce with my brats too, no katchup!!!!

Oh ya that. Just some bagged mixed lettuce salad with a balsamic vinaigrette dressing on it. Trying to maintain my girlish figure...lol

Oops! Got my drink so gotta go. Got two of the gardens tilled up now on to the main event. No rest for the wicked. :banghead:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on May 05/08/16, 05:02:42 PM
Just burgers tonight....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/08/16, 05:39:14 PM
Mrs bobber wanted chicken,  a few taters and onions with some corn on the cob stove top. Who am I to argue.  :surrender:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on May 05/08/16, 06:14:29 PM
We are doing pork chops and bacon wrapped asparagus

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/08/16, 07:04:55 PM
Man I wish I was at your houses.  I went to the casino buffet today and all of it was crappy except for the prime rib which I went up to 3 times for a slice.  They had duck there in the Asian section which was dry for example.  Not supposed to be.  Chinese bbq ribs which were low on taste and low on meat ect.  The deserts were good and that is something that I rarely eat .  We had a good time however even though I dropped $50 bucks.  But it took me awhile to loose it LOL.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/08/16, 07:50:57 PM
Gee, I feel like not even starting the grill tonight and just figuring out where some of you live instead...lol. However, I reckon I'd best get started on it. I did grab a bag of Kingsford at HyVee yesterday for $5 so may have to visit there again when they have a sale. Blows FF out of the water that way.  ;) Alas they did not have Boodles. Gotta go to Cash Wise for that...lol
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on May 05/08/16, 08:38:00 PM
Gee, I feel like not even starting the grill tonight and just figuring out where some of you live instead...lol. However, I reckon I'd best get started on it. I did grab a bag of Kingsford at HyVee yesterday for $5 so may have to visit there again when they have a sale. Blows FF out of the water that way.  ;) Alas they did not have Boodles. Gotta go to Cash Wise for that...lol

Boodles? Ain't that gin?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/08/16, 09:04:49 PM
Si!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/08/16, 11:13:36 PM
Geez, these things always take longer than you think they should. Normally for a 12 lb. turkey cooked indirect I figure I can do it in about 2 hours give or take a few minutes. Therefore a 4 lb max 1/2 chicken should be about a half hour, right? Wrong! Anyway, 1/2 yardbird cooked indirect with apple wood for additional smome. Took about an hour and numerous adult beverages as I was fretting. Luckily Mrs. Cheviot was happy to have leftover brats so at least she wasn't riding my tail. The BBQ sauce was a typical Dotch garbage can method. That is: Hey, looks like this is about gone, let's toss it in! Ingredients: 57, Kraft BBQ sauce, Coke, Bold and Spicy mustard, Soy sauce and last but not least for Glenn's benefit, katchup! Indirect as I said and with the windows open on the house, man did it smell good in here. Still does! :happy1:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on May 05/08/16, 11:24:19 PM
Looks like a tasty meal.  I hear RH prefers the buffet though  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/09/16, 08:15:39 AM
Geez, these things always take longer than you think they should. Normally for a 12 lb. turkey cooked indirect I figure I can do it in about 2 hours give or take a few minutes. Therefore a 4 lb max 1/2 chicken should be about a half hour, right? Wrong! Anyway, 1/2 yardbird cooked indirect with apple wood for additional smome. Took about an hour and numerous adult beverages as I was fretting. Luckily Mrs. Cheviot was happy to have leftover brats so at least she wasn't riding my tail. The BBQ sauce was a typical Dotch garbage can method. That is: Hey, looks like this is about gone, let's toss it in! Ingredients: 57, Kraft BBQ sauce, Coke, Bold and Spicy mustard, Soy sauce and last but not least for Glenn's benefit, katchup! Indirect as I said and with the windows open on the house, man did it smell good in here. Still does! :happy1:
you da man dotch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/09/16, 10:38:12 AM
Looks danged good to me. Can't beat smomed up chicky with fixin's.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/09/16, 11:04:38 AM
Thanks guys! Was very juicy and hit the spot after running on a bowl of Cheerios all day. Sure got Ruby's attention. Looking forward to leftovers for supper.  ;D
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: McGurk on May 05/09/16, 02:47:24 PM
Picked up a couple of 1"+ Porterhouses as that's what the wife wanted for Mothers Day. Tried a new technique to get the fire closer to the grate in my Weber.  Layed a couple of bricks wrapped in tinfoil over the coal grate and put another coal grate on top.  Now there is less than 3" between the coal grate and the cooking grate, and the heat is both screaming hot and immediate.  Didn't take long to get a great sear without cooking it through.  Had to do some steak shuffling to keep them from burning to a crisp, but were they ever good!  Might have to try that again sometime. No after pix, but here's a before pic:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on May 05/11/16, 12:55:39 PM
Ok got the potato salad done and it looks great.  Lots of Miracle whip and mustard.   I rubbed the St. Louis ribs last night.  I am going to put the ribs on in an hour or two.  I think I will do them the Fast Eddy way with no foil.  I did that the last time and they turned out great.  I will sprinkle them with apple juice after an hour or so a few times.  Maybe slather some sauce on the last 1/2 hour.   I am planning on 275 for about 3 hours.  It is a big rack of Smithfields.  Just started carrying them at the local store.  I will post soe pics when I am done.

The ribs turned out great.  Took a little over 3 hours.  I have foiled them for a few years and was usually happy with them.  Sometimes though they turned out overdone and a little mushy.  This no foil method for the second time on spares is what will be my go to method from now on.  And it doesn't take as long. 

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/11/16, 01:24:43 PM
Mmmmm...looks mighty good LPS. Quicker and better. Gotta love it when a plan comes together.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/11/16, 04:42:23 PM
Oh Yea LPS, That will work and sure looks tasty.  Nice job!!!  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/11/16, 05:42:33 PM
Nicely done LPS,  experimenting makes it all worth while...looking good!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Livin the dream on May 05/11/16, 08:51:27 PM
LPS-those look fantastic. My ribs never please the whole family. Some like fall off the bone tender, and some like to chew away. Good job!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on May 05/11/16, 09:33:57 PM
Vet nice LPS, good job.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/13/16, 12:22:44 PM
A little pre fishing fish. Dry brine for 15 hrs, cold smoking with the tube for about 4 hrs then I'll had some heat. I'm leaning on rubbing some jigs on the salmon oils for a little help tomorrow....good luck on the water all, and be safe!!!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on May 05/13/16, 01:37:31 PM
Had the big semi-annual meat sale here yesterday.  I bought a rib eye loin for $8.78 lb.  Not too bad of a deal up here.  I had them cut at 1 1/8" and then will vac pack them tonight.  Also got some baby backs for $2.99 and some cheap burger for $2.38 lb.  May make some sausage out of that.  I am thinking some rib-eyes will be grilled this weekend at our house.  Wind from the N and NW so won't be too bad on the east side of my house on the deck. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/13/16, 04:17:37 PM
Sounds like a good time LPS. Can grill on the south side of the house here and watch from the table by the sliding glass door with my tincture if I'm feeling wimpy. Just picked up some fresh brats from Morgan's, the local meat market. They had regular, bacon and gummy bear. Wasn't real jazzed about the sound of the gummy bear thing so went with bacon and regular. The brats are frozen and as cold as it is I'm not too worried about them thawing out in the pickup before I go home.  ;) Haven't done any lamburgers for a few weeks either so may have to get out the burger smasher for another test run. Got some olive oil non-stick spray so we'll see if that makes any difference in how they come out of the thingy. Restocking the fridge with leftovers is never a bad idea.  :happy1:   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/13/16, 05:09:15 PM
Don't know what I'll do on the grill tomorrow but I do know I'll be smoking two 5 pound pieces of boneless pork loin for Canadian bacon.  Won't be fishing till the middle of the week as well.  One way we had a great chance to get away from all the crowds at the landings was to fish from shore in the Duluth area.  Just loved it.  We would get walleyes right from shore under a bobber.  Should do it for old time sake, but my brother tells me to just jump in his boat and get up there.  That's good also.  Have a good one.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on May 05/15/16, 08:22:27 PM
Looking good fellas.  Sorry I was up nort on an ATV ride this weekend and ate out a bunch.  I didn't have anything that was great but it was all good. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: McGurk on May 05/27/16, 10:04:54 AM

What's you plans for the first of the grilling weekend trifecta?  I've got some spares waiting for a cleaning and rubdown.  Picked up goddis for "garbage burgers." Just good burgers with all the topping options we don't usually do like mushrooms, bacon, different cheeses, raw and grilled onions, etc...  Always a good time.  Also going to the inlaws and he likes his grilled porkchops so I'm sure that will be the case. 

Also, I grilled up some chicken leg quarters this past week and they were excellent!  Cleaned them up the night before, put some Mccormicks chipotle garlic grilling seasoning on them, and let them dry out overnight and the next day uncovered in the fridge.  I truly think that step helps get a crispy, bite-through skin.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on May 05/27/16, 01:37:42 PM
a side projec t ffor graduation i adition to 4 pork buts to be pulled
 venny backstraps. brined, the a dominator sweet rub, and wrapped in baccon thrown in to ffunky cclaud.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on May 05/27/16, 01:43:15 PM

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/27/16, 03:09:49 PM
Looks like you got the window on the smoker worked in already.  SHould be good Boar!!!  Let us know how the venny backstrap worked out.  I got a couple of butts to pull today myself.  Great work!!!!!  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on May 05/27/16, 03:35:49 PM
thanks reiny but i must cconffess the butts im not doing. due to time, im having a trusted smoker do them ffor me, back straps im doing tho. just need help with the quantity
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on May 05/27/16, 06:06:26 PM
That's a great idea Boar.  Looks awesome.  Hide that just for you....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/28/16, 09:34:59 AM
Sweet-tea soaked chicken breasts over the charcoal weber with a handful of apple wood, and whatever sides I can figure out to whip up.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/28/16, 10:51:12 AM
Looking like a brats and burgers kind of weekend. Got the brats and all I have to do is thaw a couple packages of burger to be set. Would like to do something more creative but getting no help on cooking, creating and clean up tends to dull my sense of adventure anymore.  :banghead:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/28/16, 12:39:33 PM
Looks like baby backs and salad today for us.  Just got done mowing the grass before a rain system moves in [or not].  Have to get some beer.  that has many food groups in it.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/28/16, 04:11:10 PM
Best keep yer brats on the grill.  :police:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/28/16, 05:03:49 PM
Must of been store bought brats  :laughroll:good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: McGurk on May 05/28/16, 07:11:33 PM
"I never sausage a thing in my life!" - local neighbor.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/29/16, 07:07:53 AM
Here is my part of a baby back rib with Reinhards Caught A Buzz sauce.  Had salad on the side.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on June 06/09/16, 11:00:54 AM
On Sunday I am going to do some baby backs.  Not sure what I will have with them.  I may be able to pick another batch of asparagus to go with them.  Might have to make a tuna salad.  The wife loves that.  Will also get that pork belly soaking in the Pop's brine since I got the #1 cure now.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on June 06/09/16, 11:22:27 AM
Gona be a hot weekend so looks like you have some good stuff coming up.  I'm doing ribs also.  That bacon sounds good too.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on June 06/09/16, 11:23:03 AM
ill.swap.u some cc baccon. ffor a sameple off ur baccon. when its done, lps. ive just over a week and a day or 2 yet till i smoke. hope iturns out i acctuall used tender quicck, its what i had on hand at the time. not sure the difffferencce.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on June 06/09/16, 12:26:24 PM
With Tenderquick you need to use  1 tablespoon for every pound of meat.  With Prague #1 which is the same as Cure #1 you use 1 tablespoon for the entire gallon of Pop's Brine.  Not good to interchange one for the other.  Dew posted a great article on the different types of salts and cures the other day.  Very good info.  I got the Prague #1 on Amazon in a nice 1lb jar for $9.99 with free shipping.  Came in two days. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on June 06/09/16, 12:55:13 PM
 We pulled a full rack of ribs outta da freezer today,Looks like Sunday will be our day to do a indirect heat over some oak and apple wood on the weber. Its gonna be so warm an humid we decided to wait till then and a bit lower dewpoint an heat.Till then its inside wit the air condition running.
 I got a great tatter salad recipe and the absolute best coleslaw recipe I'll post soon..These racks are so big for two of us Auld pharts the brisket end will be re frozen for ribs an kraut come cool weather!
 We normally invite friends for ribs too hot for entertaining!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/09/16, 08:25:05 PM
Yea sounds like this weekend all ya gotta so is set the meat outside!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dakids on June 06/09/16, 08:27:37 PM
Just got home and put 2 burgers on the grill. So fast and doesn't heat up the house.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/12/16, 10:35:19 PM
You got that right. After a day out in the sun gardening and lawn mowing it cooled down nicely. A GT and grilling were definitely in order. The Gt's definitely helped deaden the pain from the nasty little stable flies that wouldn't leave me alone while manning the grill.  :happy1:

Lamburgers with McCormick Hamburger seasoning and chicken breasts with curry powder and Lawry's seasoned salt. Very simple but very quick. Also very delicious.  ;) Had some of the last of the garden radishes, some sweet pickles and mixed vegetables to round out the plate. Hadn't eaten anything all day so I was starved. Should sleep well tonight.  ;D


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on June 06/13/16, 06:35:42 AM
Very nice meal Dotch!!!  Picked up some strip steaks that were on sale along with some asparagus.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on June 06/13/16, 08:39:10 AM
Dang fellas both of those meals look fantastic.  We did some chicken wings on Nagatha2 last night.  One with a soy sauce marinade and one in teriyaki.  Along with some cheesy potatoes, radishes from the garden, and corn.  Nagatha1 did all of the cooking.  I did laugh a little watching Nagatha1 using Nagatha2.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/14/16, 01:37:34 PM
Dotch, are stable flies the fast ones that bite your ankles?   I was never sure what to call them, at least in polite company.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/14/16, 01:52:45 PM
Dotch, are stable flies the fast ones that bite your ankles?   I was never sure what to call them, at least in polite company.
got that right them ankle biting @#$^*&$@# things!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/19/16, 11:23:01 PM
Dotch, are stable flies the fast ones that bite your ankles?   I was never sure what to call them, at least in polite company.

Yeah that be them. They're having a banner year for whatever reason. I'm sure the warm winter didn't hurt their mortality.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/19/16, 11:43:47 PM
Whew! Long weekend and finally able to exhale. Did the Back to the Fifties car show on Saturday. What a zoo! Drove the Silver Hawk up and back. It was a blast! Also a hit with the attendees. Had to wipe a bunch of marks off it down about knee level. Determined they were boobie prints.  ;) Father's Day today. Wife took off for a sheep show. Gone for a week so am left to my own devices. Spread fertilizer on the pasture and two hayfields. Mowed the road cut (nasty) then mowed the windbreak. Did chores, composted a dead and after checking the ewes at the other pasture, decided it was time to eat something. Lamburgers with mesquite seasoning, some sweetcorn, a few veggies and aronia berry crisp and ice cream for dessert. Was listening to Beatles while cooking, hoping to get back in the mood to reprise my role in our little rock  'n roll band for our 40th class reunion. Haven't been feeling it but it ain't like Zeppelin getting back together or anything I guess.  :rocker;

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on June 06/20/16, 09:06:31 AM
Nice looking care and meal Dotch!!  Beatles are my all time favorite.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/22/16, 10:28:31 AM
Thanks guys. That strip steak looks extremely edible not to mention the asparagus RH.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on June 06/22/16, 12:04:40 PM
Now I'm getting hungry :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: snow1 on June 06/22/16, 02:02:14 PM
Been years since I did lamb,but broke down and did a 8 bone rack after two days in a marinade and garlic/rosemary rub,cut each bone separate.looked like little meaty lolly pops,no pics this time but have a 2nd rack going down this weekend,pics will come later.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: deadeye on June 06/22/16, 09:23:33 PM
Had burgers out at the hunting cabin the other day.  I had to move the bird nest out of the grill so the eggs wouldn't get cooked.  I put it back after the grill cooled.  Momma didn't care.  I had tried keep her out but she was a persistent one.  At one point I threw out her nest with eggs but she rebuilt and laid eggs again so I decided to let her be.  Steaks with the kids and grand kids on fathers day and just brats today.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on June 06/23/16, 01:18:29 PM
Last evening it was thick cut pork steaks,Marinated in Terragon white vinegar an olive oil to tenderize,slow 250 cook for 30 minutes each side then the heat went full bore to brown the pineapple slices and sweet red pepper with some onion including the green tops and to char the pork.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on June 06/23/16, 01:29:58 PM
beutifull!! great job!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on June 06/23/16, 01:55:34 PM
Yes very nice :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on June 06/23/16, 06:12:14 PM
Thanks EH! Had ANOTHER tooth extracted today bone infection that been around for 3 years!! Just cause I was drugged so much and they said over indulgence of antibodies!! and it cant be controlled with antibodies now! Friggin soup for a couple days now and tonight it's got to be cold.Boy I love that :doah:
 Maybe I'll change from dew2 to the toothless wonder??Tonight its cold sopa de pollo con fideos .Maybe I'll lose some weight??
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/23/16, 08:27:36 PM
I know two guys who have had jawbone infections.   Both had 6? weeks of Intervenous antibiotics via a central line, administered daily (at Mayo Clinic, St Mary's campus)   If your guy has been fooling around for 3 years you need to get a new doctor right away.   Seem to me the doctor you have is incompetent, sorry to say.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/23/16, 09:42:54 PM
All those meals look marvelous guys. I think if it were me dew2 I wouldn't change a thing.  That meal on the grill in a blender with a little beer for a base would suit me just fine... ;)   Here's to a fast recovery  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Cherrywood on June 06/26/16, 07:30:20 PM
Teriyaki pork steaks :) not a great presentation but meh.

(http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f232/blitzwing79/Cooking%202016/20160626_174403_zpstx2s9qsm.jpg) (http://s48.photobucket.com/user/blitzwing79/media/Cooking%202016/20160626_174403_zpstx2s9qsm.jpg.html)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/26/16, 07:36:54 PM
Good enough for me!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/26/16, 10:34:58 PM
Oh yeah,  nothing wrong with a blade steak ch.  Looks dynamite.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on July 07/02/16, 06:11:31 PM
Country style ribs, fried taters with garlic & onion, and fresh greens from the garden.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: corny13 on July 07/03/16, 03:41:35 PM
Low country boil with Leech Lake Rusty Crawdads was for dinner last night with a side of fresh walleye grilled with Greek seasoning..No one went hungry !!  Every 4Th its a tradition..  Hope all have a happy and safe 4th.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: corny13 on July 07/03/16, 03:43:02 PM
Opps forgot the pic.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/04/16, 10:13:02 AM
Leg of lamb x 2 about ready to come off the grill. Steak rub and a couple hunks of fresh crabapple wood for additional smoke. As good as it looked. Brought only a few measly pieces home from the bash I cooked it for.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Cherrywood on July 07/04/16, 11:43:27 AM
bout to start prepin my tri tip. was gonna do a brisket but, i couldn't find one i liked.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on July 07/04/16, 01:26:37 PM
Leg of lamb x 2 about ready to come off the grill. Steak rub and a couple hunks of fresh crabapple wood for additional smoke. As good as it looked. Brought only a few measly pieces home from the bash I cooked it for.
MMMM Mouth watering!!The other redmeat an we love it.I learned from Lebanense/Syrian friends to cook it with garlic mayo,on flat bread with grilled veggies.OH so good and then kibbie a raw lamb mixed with bulgar wheat,mint leaves an garlic. I keep a jar of the garlic in the fridge all the time. Its tough to make but if you like garlic google Lebanese garlic sauce you'll find many recipes to get it to get to the consistency of mayo is trickie! but for garlic lovers its top o the line!

 When is supper?? we're on our way for leftovers!! save a bite or two AH Haha I think you live hours away from us!!?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/04/16, 01:44:51 PM
Mmmmm...that does sound good. I know I've been looking for a recipe a friend and I made that used plain yogurt, raw chopped ginger root and garlic. It was of middle eastern origin so maybe I can locate it or something like it looking at the Lebanese garlic sauce info. My little fat buddy from Bemidji's son works on Andrew Zimmern's TV show. I talked to him after he returned from Israel about a year ago. He said too that the lamb dishes from that neck of the woods were out of this planet, probably because they've been at it longer than anybody else.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on July 07/04/16, 02:07:51 PM
Mmmmm...that does sound good. I know I've been looking for a recipe a friend and I made that used plain yogurt, raw chopped ginger root and garlic. It was of middle eastern origin so maybe I can locate it or something like it looking at the Lebanese garlic sauce info. My little fat buddy from Bemidji's son works on Andrew Zimmern's TV show. I talked to him after he returned from Israel about a year ago. He said too that the lamb dishes from that neck of the woods were out of this planet, probably because they've been at it longer than anybody else.  :happy1:
I have the recipe and will share the thing is to get the oil, lemon juice an garlic to to uh?I forgot the word for the chemical process??
 I used to male it in a blender then I got a submersion blender and that seems to work better.
 One head a garlic peeled and cleaned cloves put into a blender,add abit of oil of yer choice (Mideastern is olive oil our tastes dont fit that flavor well) 1 TBSP fresh squeezed lemon juice.Run blender to pulverize garlic cloves VERY WELL. Then drizzle in the oil slowly till a mayo consistency is achieved. Keep a rubber spatula scraping the blender sides scraped to incorporate all the mix down in the paste. Thats it. Now if the mix aint mayo consistancy add a egg white or tow to save it and keep blending!! The egg white aint origional but it will thicken to mayo like. and save the sauce
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/04/16, 05:00:30 PM
my grill got a good cleaning this weekend. pressure washer and all. broke it back in with some venny steaks!!!!!!! yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/10/16, 10:16:28 PM
What's on Dotch's grill this weekend? Cheeburger! Cheeburger! Cheeburger! No fries! Cheeps! No Coke! Pepsi!
Lamburgers seasoned with Smokehouse Maple and grilled with hickory charcoal. Swiss cheese, a little slaw, a few baked beans and we're good to go. Seasoning melded well with the lamb. Allowed the subtle nuances of the mild flavored lamb to express themselves without the seasoning being overbearing. Nummy!  ;D

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/11/16, 08:14:15 AM
Looks great Dotch!!!!!  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on July 07/12/16, 08:59:02 AM
Definitely looks like a winner :happy1:

I love baked beans and every time I see them it reminds me, "How 'bout some more beans Mr. Taggart?"
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/15/16, 07:26:17 AM
Grilled boneless chicken breasts kabobs with pineapple chucks, sweet onion, and red and orange bell peppers on the stick.  Used my Korean Kalbi as as a marinade and as for brushing it on the kabobs during grilling.  I marinaded the chicken prior to putting them on the sticks.  Nothing for a side just the sticks this time.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/15/16, 08:15:13 AM
man that looks good reiny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on July 07/15/16, 08:22:20 AM
I would say that looks good.  I'd love to eat that for breakfast right now.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/15/16, 09:13:11 AM
Looks beautimous RH! My favorite kind of skewers; the kind you don't have to clean up!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/16/16, 11:41:36 AM
We haven't had kabobs for a long time.  Good idea RH.  They look great.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on July 07/17/16, 05:31:07 PM
Tonight, we are do'in pork chops on da grill.
BUT.....We are gonna deep fry some zucchini, onion rings, califower.....and pickles.....yes, I  said pickles....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on July 07/17/16, 05:34:04 PM
Oops...forgot...deep fried jalapeños too....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on July 07/17/16, 06:24:59 PM
Mama threw in some baby yellow taters to deep fry....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/18/16, 10:48:29 AM
Mmmmm...looks awesome HD.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/19/16, 06:30:29 AM
That sure looks good HD!!!!  We brought the grandkids back home and had some great ribs prepared by my son-in-law.  Had some sides to choose from and fruit also.  When meal time came it was down to corn and the ribs.  Both of my son-in-laws are getting the smoking thing down pretty good now.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on July 07/19/16, 08:52:38 AM
Looks great guys.  I hoping to have time this weekend to get Nagatha 2 up and smokin.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/19/16, 12:31:04 PM
Yer son-in-law done good RH. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/20/16, 06:48:39 AM
My favorite steak, the chuck eye.  typically when chuck roasts are on sale the chuck eye's are marked down as well.  Picked some up for  4.99 lb.  Normally around 6.99 lb.  Chuck eye's are a extension of the rib eye as it enters the chuck.  Very flavorful and tender as well.  I do marinade chuck eye's.  Not needed but it's just my personal deal.  Still have the great flavor of the chuck and with the marinade, I don't need any seasonings.  Grilled these, and had mushrooms, onions, and a sweet potato as a side.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/20/16, 09:25:54 AM
I would gladly pay you in zucchini tomorrow for some of that steak today. Looks delish!  :Clap:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: leechlake on July 07/20/16, 09:34:16 AM
I had a chuck eye last weekend at the lake.  They are a great secret for sure but I told a buddy about them since we're tight enough to share the secret with him.  I almost feel guilty liking them so much for how affordable they are.  Great tip RH>
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on July 07/23/16, 09:12:35 AM
Well ribs are on the agenda today.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on July 07/23/16, 12:18:50 PM
Nagatha 2 is lit and running in the rain.   Nagatha 1 is in the camper hiding out

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on July 07/23/16, 01:25:06 PM
Where ya campin G?Looks like 1 more boomer commin through here,small area south a Spicer. Then clouds for a time then clearing! I hope the clearing dont warm the atmosphere an we get the storms predicted!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/23/16, 07:16:03 PM
Steaks, ribs , looks awesome gents.  Your right dew2,  things cleared up this way to make for great grilling.  Pork steaks over the fire with spuds, pasta salad and steamed green beans from the garden done inside.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/24/16, 07:54:34 AM
Pork steak is one of my favorite on the grill!!!  Yesterday and hopefully the last day without air conditioning, I grilled some porterhouse that I got on sale and had a salad on the side.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/24/16, 06:53:15 PM
Looks Awesome Rh,  we took the easy way out and did blts and Abts. The only thing the toast turned blackened pretty fast ...

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/24/16, 10:17:56 PM
Garden is starting to motor. Need to get to my neighbor's sweet corn patch soon. Will need bigger plates though.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/25/16, 08:12:35 AM
Nice stuff guy's!!!  Great pictures of the tasty meals.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/31/16, 10:51:03 PM
Cooking by the Braille method under the lights. Nothing fancy, just some brats, cold cukes and salad with 4 different kinds of snacking tomatoes. The GT pictured actually took on some of the smome flavor from the grill. Tasted a little odd but I'm always open to experimentation. Might take several or so before deciding if I actually like them that way or not.  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/01/16, 06:56:20 AM
Simple meals, tasty meals!!!  Nice plate.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/02/16, 09:19:58 AM
Spatchcocked [Butterflied with back removed] whole fryer yesterday on the grill.  Had some sweet potatoes on the side.  simple yet good.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/02/16, 11:51:03 AM
Yummy!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Coffee118 on August 08/07/16, 01:48:23 PM
Haven't made this in awhile, Heart Attack on a plate. Cheddar stuffed, bacon wrapped, deep fried chili dogs with toppings.


Cut dogs stuff with high temp cheese and wrap wit two slices of bacon

Deep fry til bacon is crispy and cheese is melting

Put in buns and top with chili and whatever topping of you likening, I used chili, sour cream, green onion, hot sauce and more cheese.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on August 08/07/16, 04:42:56 PM
wow, hot dog outside the box..er bunn. looks awesome.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/07/16, 04:50:38 PM
Love it coffee!  :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on August 08/07/16, 05:10:46 PM
That looks awesome :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Coffee118 on August 08/07/16, 05:27:56 PM
Thanks guys, it is the only dog That I use a fork and knife to eat. See Glenn you can have a hot dog without ketchup
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on August 08/07/16, 05:31:40 PM
Stopped at morries.  Grilling these tonight for the wife

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on August 08/07/16, 06:23:20 PM
Chicken and rice stir fry, egg roles and parmesan fried zucchini.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on August 08/07/16, 08:23:44 PM
a page.from reiny, and the best burger ive ever made. took 2 lbs burger, 3 cups high temp cheddar, fried onions and a slice of american. loved it!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on August 08/07/16, 08:26:39 PM

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on August 08/07/16, 08:30:20 PM

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on August 08/07/16, 08:41:52 PM
Best shrimp I've ever had

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/07/16, 08:46:57 PM
Thanks guys, it is the only dog That I use a fork and knife to eat. See Glenn you can have a hot dog without ketchup
no such thing as a Weiner without katchup!!;/!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on August 08/07/16, 08:57:55 PM
yur a weiner with to much ketchup. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :Turkey:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/07/16, 09:20:27 PM
Had pig chops on the grill wit new taters smothered in butter. And a lettuce salad covered in garden goodies!!;

Boar......,. :banghead: :banghead: training-087 :moon: :moon: :moon: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/07/16, 10:57:09 PM
General, HD and Boar: All nicely done. Wish I could've been there rather than cooking our stuff. Got a lot done though today after a disjointed week and weekend. Needed to unwind. Sweet Italian sausage and brats tonight under the lights. Grabbed them quick at HyVee in Albert's Leaf. When you're half in the bag after The Nuge concert it's what you do. Tossed a couple other things out of the garden (corn was from a friend at work) on the plate tonight and voila! Supper.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on August 08/08/16, 07:27:05 AM
Uncle Ted concert any day.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/08/16, 07:56:55 AM
Holy Molly some great stuff there from Coffee, General, HD, and Boar!!!  I got to get back on the grill.  Went to a church picnic today and had some great Russian food from their Russian Ministry food stand.  Should have taken a picture.  Grandkids had a great time with the petting area with animals, riding horses, and lots of inflated things to slide and play on.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/08/16, 06:59:56 PM
You betcha rh, all those meals are  spot on. Russian food, here I thought that was microwavable... ;) monday/weekend what's the difference. Pig steaks, fried taters and shrimp. I had a happy plate in the end.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/08/16, 07:15:46 PM
Oh Ya,  I would love that!!!!  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on August 08/13/16, 06:54:33 PM
Deep fried Canadian pike, zucchini fries and left over stir fried rice.  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/14/16, 05:11:23 PM
Looking good HD!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/14/16, 06:41:43 PM
Apple wood smoked some CSR's, then tossed in some BBQ'd beans, spring salad, some onyums and radishes... ;D

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/14/16, 06:50:28 PM
That's enough to feed you AND the neighbor gal!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:looks mighty fine though reb!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/14/16, 06:58:20 PM
Thanky. Two ribs left, if yer hungry. That neighbor lady can just go nose in her hay bale if she's hungry.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Cherrywood on August 08/14/16, 07:10:37 PM
i've done lamb burgers, not a huge fan of lamb, i can have it maybe once a year and it's really good. I think i just need to learn how to properly grill it.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/14/16, 07:17:36 PM
i've done lamb burgers, not a huge fan of lamb, i can have it maybe once a year and it's really good. I think i just need to learn how to properly grill it.
man now you did it!!! :doah: your on dotches hit list now!;;

Never had lamb myself!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on August 08/14/16, 07:42:28 PM
Looks good Reb  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/14/16, 10:34:55 PM
Always good to know boober got a happy ending, HD nailed the pike and Reb's got ribs that makes the neighbor lady pine for him!  ;) Me, I was in improvisational mode tonight. Lamburgers with provolone, grilled yellow zucchini with pepperjack and red onions that I got past the carmelized stage, more like the charcoal stage...lol. What I get for drink...I mean grilling in the dark. One has to remember I was trying to get the ratio right on the Jack Rudy's when mixed with the bloody Boodles, by jove! Lamburgers almost didn't happen at all as when mowing I spied woodchuck and thought to meself, "Fresh meat! Get out the rotisey!"  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/15/16, 07:25:53 AM
Looks pretty tasty there, Dotch.  Ya might have a new thing going there with the blackened onyums.  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/16/16, 04:37:38 PM
Great stuff guys.  I made some boneless NY strip steaks yesterday with a baked potato.  Great meal it was.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/16/16, 04:59:11 PM
Great stuff fore sure fellas, all you guys !!! Think I'll just lick my monitor  for dinner tonight..
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/16/16, 06:09:45 PM
Not gonna be grilled but with the cook temps u will be cooking a venison neck roast and a couple Chinese chickens in the oven this weekend
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on August 08/16/16, 06:31:24 PM
RH, that looks awesome!

Wife made tator tot hotdish while I mowed da lawn.....sorry no pictures.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/16/16, 07:06:05 PM
HD, your wife is getting ready for some great fall and winter meals.  Not bad at all.  I'm getting in the mood myself.  Making a pot roast tomorrow.  I've got deer season on my mind already.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on August 08/16/16, 09:42:51 PM
Not gonna be grilled but with the cook temps u will be cooking a venison neck roast and a couple Chinese chickens in the oven this weekend
Here ya go big guy have at it>>>>>https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=Chinese+chicken
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/17/16, 07:06:28 AM
Just another phrase for pheasants dew! :bonk: :bonk:sheez!!! :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on August 08/19/16, 05:19:43 PM
Pork chops, fresh green beans & steakhouse tator salad.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/20/16, 09:52:51 AM
I got me a nice big Porterhouse and got the wife a nice little T'bone.  Gonna spice them up for tonight.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/20/16, 04:43:19 PM
Looks great HD!!!  Nice combo.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/20/16, 05:39:46 PM
Oh yeah HD,  that's a fav of ours...looks awesome.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on August 08/20/16, 06:34:58 PM
Man I'm really trying hard to figure out how to marry into reiny fam...LOL awesome stuff!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/23/16, 05:29:07 PM
Just practiced some serious "portion control" with a 1.2 lb chuck eye, med rare. Some slaw, sliced early girls, and a few other veggies completed the meal. Followed up with a small bowl of butter pecan ice cream....*urp*  ;)

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/23/16, 06:08:09 PM
That's a big chuck eye Reb but I would chomp on that as well.  Love a big steak, my favorite steak as well the chuck eye.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/23/16, 06:38:22 PM
My butcher buddy talked me into that, RH...had a bunch on sale at $5.99 down from $10.99 lb. Poor mans ribeye, he said. It was great, but I think a ribeye might have a tad more "flavor". I'm not complaining though. Not very often I can afford a big steak. I just can't believe I ate the whole thing. *oink*  :chef:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on August 08/23/16, 06:47:02 PM
Looks dang good Reb!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on August 08/23/16, 07:59:29 PM
dang skippie reb, dat some goot dada chew chew der!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on August 08/23/16, 10:28:09 PM
I'll 3rd that Reb.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/26/16, 08:16:01 AM
Celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary with my lovely wife and her mom.  Two bone in rib steaks for us and a T-bone for her mom who is 90.  Baked potato's and some butter and cottage cheese on top.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/26/16, 08:34:04 AM
wow That looks awesome!!!!!!!!!! diet must be over rated!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy anniversary to you 2 love birds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/26/16, 09:35:55 AM
Looks dynamite rh!!!! And congratulations!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/26/16, 10:12:03 AM
Wow.....a belly-buster!!!  *DROOL*
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on August 08/26/16, 11:09:34 AM
happy anivery to yku reiny!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/26/16, 02:11:43 PM
A lot of great meals up and down this thread. We're going with some sockeye fueled  by  apple in the  tube tonight.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/26/16, 02:31:35 PM
Oooooooh.... that looks GOOD, bobber!    Leftover tacos and such for me tonite. Greek festival's here this weekend... ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/26/16, 05:59:34 PM
Oh man Bobber, that salmon will go quickly!!!!  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on August 08/26/16, 06:25:04 PM
Smoked salmon is always good!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on August 08/26/16, 06:38:42 PM
Finally got time to cook the chrizzo sausage egg bake on the grill. Couple things I  changed, added some hash browns to soak up the chrizzo grease, Anaheim peppers instead of palblanios.....it's  cook'in!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on August 08/26/16, 07:02:59 PM

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on August 08/26/16, 07:08:15 PM
Oops, picture was taken without adding the pepper jack cheese. ...sorry....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/26/16, 07:36:24 PM
Looks like a great deer camp meal to me!!! Or at any time.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on August 08/26/16, 08:32:50 PM
ok looks awesome but a few details of what exactly it is and whats in it would be nice. lol.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/26/16, 09:56:00 PM
He gave details...chorizo sausage, anaheim's (instead of poblano's,) eggs, hash browns, pepper jack cheese.........the pics show it all...that kinda sums it up, right HD? Looks danged good to me!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on August 08/27/16, 08:06:32 AM
Boar, Cherrywood posted it about a week or so ago. I cooked it with my own twist. Turned out awesome!
Also, topped with a little sour cream....

Here's a link to the one he did: http://mnoutdoorsman.com/forums/index.php?topic=33480.0
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on August 08/31/16, 08:13:18 PM
sweet! this is what i made this past weekend,rybeye baked tater and c cob

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/31/16, 08:14:44 PM
That'll work anytime! Lookin' good, Boar!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/04/16, 02:00:25 PM
 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on September 09/04/16, 02:30:36 PM
OOFTA!! My fav meat wit rooms YUM wheres the sourcream?? you on a diet??
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on September 09/04/16, 05:25:05 PM
Had a porterhouse, smaller T-bone for my wife's mom, and a 10 oz. fillet of beef tenderloin for my wife.  She came back home from t he hospital and that's what she wanted.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/04/16, 05:44:10 PM
Yow! Top shelf there, RH!  ;D
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/04/16, 05:48:57 PM
Yepper I can see why she requested that!!!  Give your wife our best from all of us..
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on September 09/04/16, 06:14:16 PM
Thanks guy's.  She is coming along real fine.  i'm her "coach" but so far I only had to help her the first couple of days.  She could not finish all of the beef tenderloin so I made some eggs with the rest of the tenderloin for breakfast for her.  i could not finish the porterhouse as well.  eggs also the next day with the porterhouse.  My 90 year old mother in law finished her T-bone.  She sure eats well, and I'm glad she does.  She loves steak.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/04/16, 10:51:30 PM
Awesome stuff RH! Hope your wife is doing great.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/04/16, 11:24:44 PM
Nowhere near as fancy as what RH dished up but needed to celebrate getting hay baled. Had been a while since I last grilled. Was windy and was under the lights. Smomed my GT again. Kinda like the flavor it gets from the grill. Getting down to the last of the sweet corn. Pretty soon it will even be too hard for the raccoons to eat. :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/05/16, 06:56:22 AM
Dang!! Corn!! I knew I forgot somethin'!!! Lookin' good, Dotch, but ya know ol' Glenn's gonna whine about "Where's the katchup?!"   ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on September 09/05/16, 08:07:35 AM
Simple meals are often the best meals.  Looks great Dotch.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on September 09/05/16, 08:19:42 AM
We are going to do a rack of St. Louis ribs on the Daniel Boone.  That corn does look good I may have to run into town and get some.  That is a great idea.  Along with that we are going to do some cole slaw. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/06/16, 06:55:17 PM
Looking marvelous dotch!!! It was a riff raff kinda night since we're jumping on jet heading west. Brats and dogs with several rounds of greasy green tomatoes...dang those are good...

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on September 09/06/16, 07:31:35 PM
That looks real fine Bobber!!! good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/06/16, 08:24:42 PM
Made us some chicken on da Weber kettle!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/07/16, 11:32:05 AM
Made us some chicken on da Weber kettle!!!

Hmmm....can't find the pics..... :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on September 09/07/16, 02:05:47 PM
Made us some chicken on da Weber kettle!!!

Hmmm....can't find the pics..... :scratch:
Glenn dont do pics he sends many to me to post!!!! Here's his schicken below
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/07/16, 02:14:16 PM
HAHAHAHAHA!!!   "Blackened and flattened chicken tortillas"  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/07/16, 03:08:54 PM
Looking excellent boober!

Glenn's chicken sure looks tender.  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on September 09/07/16, 03:23:22 PM
Thanks for keeping thing moving around here fellas.  :happy1: 

No wonder no one likes Glenn's cooking.

Well I purchased a pig loin this last weekend for Nagatha 2 to smoke.   I'm still eating on it today and it was great.   I did a brown sugar, balsamic vinegar, apple juice, garlic salt, pork rub brine for 24 hours.   

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on September 09/07/16, 05:50:03 PM
Looks tender as a butchers heart General and tasty.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/07/16, 07:42:41 PM
Made us some chicken on da Weber kettle!!!

Hmmm....can't find the pics..... :scratch:
Glenn dont do pics he sends many to me to post!!!! Here's his schicken below
man with friends like you!!! :bonk: training-087 :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Cherrywood on September 09/07/16, 08:23:36 PM
did up a flank steak with creamy poblano peppers and mushrooms. didn't get any pictures though. two evenings later i made nachos topped with my pickled jalapenos that i had pickling for almost 2 years not sure if that did anything to the jalapenos but they seem tastier than i remember. I also added some habanero hot sauce into the melted cheese and chili  :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on September 09/07/16, 08:25:27 PM
yup looks like glenns chicken salad if ya ask me. and yes glenn some actualy asked me. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on September 09/10/16, 06:26:17 PM
Brats, tator salad and beans....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/10/16, 07:30:33 PM
yup looks like glenns chicken salad if ya ask me. and yes glenn some actualy asked me. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Be thankful there wasn't a pic of him chokin' the chicken.   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/11/16, 10:45:36 AM
yup looks like glenns chicken salad if ya ask me. and yes glenn some actualy asked me. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Be thankful there wasn't a pic of him chokin' the chicken.   :rotflmao:
why you #$@&*(^%#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on September 09/11/16, 06:32:09 PM
Marinated cucumbers in Chipotle ranch, chedder cheese burgers, grilled onion buns and tator tots....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/11/16, 08:11:54 PM
Looking dynamite hd!!! I've been eating out but super good on the west coast, but now it's time for some home cooked grub.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/11/16, 09:33:34 PM
That looks like a perfect Minnysoda evening-on-the-deck meal!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/11/16, 09:56:21 PM
Mmmmm...what's yer address again HD?  :happy1:

Been slacking here after the wedding last night. Had several Nordeast taps and have been feeling it today. That and what I suspect is hopefully the last hurrah from the ragweed pollen. Supposed to rain tomorrow night. If so that should help knock a bunch of it out of the atmosphere. Mrs. Cheviot leaves again for the east coast on Wednesday. She'll be gone for about a week so I can let my guard down and get some rest...lol
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/12/16, 08:56:52 AM
Mmmmm...what's yer address again HD?  :happy1:

Been slacking here after the wedding last night. Had several Nordeast taps and have been feeling it today. That and what I suspect is hopefully the last hurrah from the ragweed pollen. Supposed to rain tomorrow night. If so that should help knock a bunch of it out of the atmosphere. Mrs. Cheviot leaves again for the east coast on Wednesday. She'll be gone for about a week so I can let my guard down and get some rest...lol

Backyard Bingo at Dotch's!!!!!!!!  :dancinred:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on September 09/12/16, 12:31:37 PM
HD I thought you said it was a simple meal.  That is my kind of a meal.  Love the salad also.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on September 09/15/16, 07:15:30 PM
Pot roast the other night.  Nice chuck roast with potatoes, gravy, and my German kraut.  We used to eat this every week end when I still lived at home.  Still carry on the tradition.  Sometimes my mom made real dumplings with this.  Tha'ts something special and need a lot of prep so it was potatoe's.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/15/16, 10:09:44 PM
Nummy! One of my favorites. Beef roast mashed taters and gravy!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on September 09/16/16, 04:16:29 AM
Whoops, I put it on the wrong thread.  The pot roast was done in a crock pot.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/16/16, 08:26:36 AM
Whoops, I put it on the wrong thread.  The pot roast was done in a crock pot.  good luck.
gotta be boars fault!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/18/16, 03:28:02 PM
Lunch over with and not a minute too soon. As I promised myself, pork chops on the grill. Got out the Smokey Joe as I really didn't need to fire up the Performer just for a couple chops. Had plenty of leftover charcoal from previous grillings, some dog supervision and to my pleasant surprise some plum wood to smoke 'er up a little more. Like using the small grill sometimes. Brings back old memories like leaving a whole chicken on one when in college for a couple hours after forgetting about it due to various intoxicants. It was about perfect as were these chops. On to mowing now I have my strength back.  :happy1:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on September 09/18/16, 07:03:48 PM
boar blue cheese jalo bombs.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on September 09/18/16, 07:06:29 PM

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/18/16, 11:09:07 PM
Attaboy boar!  :happy1:

Tonight's encore performance:

Lamb chops with tomatoes and buttercup squash from the garden. Super Star muskmelon for dessert also from the garden. Much better flavor than some of the earlier efforts. Roasted Garlic Herb seasoning on the chops with an overlay of cumin. Damn! I forgot to make the green beans!  :bonk:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on September 09/19/16, 08:25:38 AM
Another great looking meal. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on September 09/19/16, 08:42:57 AM
OHWEE boar those burgers gook excellent!!

 An of course any lamb makes my mouth water!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on September 09/19/16, 09:56:45 AM
Boar you know I love those burgers!!!  I'm the only one here in the house that likes lamb.  Nice balanced meal Dotch!!  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/20/16, 07:25:52 PM
Man o man dotch do those chops look good!! Just mama and I tonight, thighs with taters wrapped in bacon. Sauced up with Tennessee whiskey  and some fried zucchini...mama will be in submission in not time.. :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/20/16, 07:29:02 PM
Pics got reversed

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/20/16, 08:06:02 PM
Looks positively scrumptious boober. Makes me wish I had some breasts marinating. Chicken breasts you perverts!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/22/16, 06:38:38 PM
Lol, you gotta get em while you can dotch!!! A little pork action tonight , blade steaks with pork butt rub, fried taters and bacon with mesquite and pepper seasoning ( dang i like that mesquite) and Abts with cream cheese and mozzarella wrapped in more pig.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on September 09/23/16, 01:46:12 PM
The wife has venny/beef burger out for tonight.  Not sure what shape it will take tonight.  Will see what she has in mind. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on September 09/24/16, 05:46:34 PM
Tonight we had sirloin tip steak,  fried taters with jalapeño and onions and a side salad.....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on September 09/25/16, 07:37:13 AM
Nice combo HD!!!  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/25/16, 07:49:31 AM
Very nice!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/25/16, 05:47:58 PM
Wow! I've got a long ways to go to catch up with all the goodies youse guys done put out!!!  ;D After a day of putting varnish on all the interior oak lower window trim, I was starved. Weather suddenly turned really windy, cool and started to mist....screw that. I'm gonna smoke some yard bird quarters come hell or high water. Rubbed 'em up good with my rub (shaddup Glenn!) and threw a couple of handfuls of cherry and apple chips into some foil and got 'em pouring off a good head. Slow cooked'em until they were just fulla juice. Combined with some taco mac salad, and a pile of veggies from out back, the belly quit rumbling and grumbling.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on September 09/25/16, 05:53:49 PM
Looks great Reb!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/25/16, 06:54:14 PM
Dang right reb, that's awesome!  Me, I don't feel so proud.  I ended up finding 3 lbs of Polish mix buried in the deep freeze since February.  BUT I totally redeemed myself and made brat patties.  :bonk:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on September 09/25/16, 07:05:31 PM
Brat burgers are awesome too!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/25/16, 07:10:29 PM
Those look danged good, boober! I've never had a brat pattie!!!  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on September 09/25/16, 07:28:48 PM
Looks good boys  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/01/16, 06:22:07 PM
Thanks fellas. Awesome night for a fire, burgers anyone?

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/01/16, 06:39:59 PM
Looks like a winner to me! Better give Remi a burger of his own, Boober!  Went to Wild Bill's Saloon for lunch with an ice-fishing buddy and had the BBQ bacon cheeseburger with all the trimmings...I'm still full! Looks like a snacky-type food nite out on the deck for me!  ;D
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on October 10/01/16, 06:50:32 PM
Looks great boober! When I get out of the stand, I have brats to cook...would be better if it was fresh backstraps...but, you aways have to have a plan "B"  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/01/16, 06:53:59 PM
Thanks reb! Remi gets spoiled enough, all the cheese he wants, and egg yokes. Skeeters are out thick around here...WAP..got another.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/01/16, 06:59:14 PM
Thanks HD, brats are always a hit. I'll crack a cold one for ya in the meantime!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on October 10/01/16, 07:55:37 PM
Thanks for cracking one for me boober! I guess I took to long to get back to the house. Mama decided it will be frozen pizza night.... Lotza Motza pizzas ain't to bad for frozen. Guess I'll do the brats tomorrow.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on October 10/01/16, 08:13:20 PM
Ya I like Lottsa Mottsas.  Just had a sale here.  $25 for 5 of them.  The big ones too.  I took 5.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on October 10/02/16, 07:44:09 AM
Smoked some boneless pork loins [3- 5 pound pieces].  Smoked them for my brother.  Will smoke more before deer camp.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on October 10/02/16, 08:35:23 AM
Looks great RH!
I saw those at cub on sale, tried to talk mama into buying some to smoke....but got shot down. Oh well....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/02/16, 05:32:49 PM
Just some ol' shish-kabobs and wild rice mix..... ;)

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on October 10/02/16, 05:58:18 PM
Got St Louis on the Daniel Boone as we write.   The wife is making me a cocktail.  Life is goooood....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/02/16, 09:42:27 PM
Just some ol' shish-kabobs and wild rice mix..... ;)
where is the neighbor lady plate??? :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/03/16, 06:02:43 AM
Just some ol' shish-kabobs and wild rice mix..... ;)
where is the neighbor lady plate??? :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Why you...%$#@!$ And I posted yer fishie pics!!!!!  training-087
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/03/16, 06:43:27 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: morning buddy! :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Cherrywood on October 10/04/16, 07:41:50 PM
This was Sunday, stuffed bell peppers

(http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f232/blitzwing79/Cooking%202016/20161002_155823_zpspzyvukb1.jpg) (http://s48.photobucket.com/user/blitzwing79/media/Cooking%202016/20161002_155823_zpspzyvukb1.jpg.html)

(http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f232/blitzwing79/Cooking%202016/20161002_173130_zpsf89hebn7.jpg) (http://s48.photobucket.com/user/blitzwing79/media/Cooking%202016/20161002_173130_zpsf89hebn7.jpg.html)

(http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f232/blitzwing79/Cooking%202016/20161002_174626_zpsmx6pwlwc.jpg) (http://s48.photobucket.com/user/blitzwing79/media/Cooking%202016/20161002_174626_zpsmx6pwlwc.jpg.html)

Today was burgers and, bacon wrapped jalapeno poppers

(http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f232/blitzwing79/Cooking%202016/20161004_170515_zpspps6ng4g.jpg) (http://s48.photobucket.com/user/blitzwing79/media/Cooking%202016/20161004_170515_zpspps6ng4g.jpg.html)

(http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f232/blitzwing79/Cooking%202016/20161004_173026_zpsmcqeeyfb.jpg) (http://s48.photobucket.com/user/blitzwing79/media/Cooking%202016/20161004_173026_zpsmcqeeyfb.jpg.html)

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on October 10/04/16, 08:30:53 PM
Awsome!!! CW
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on October 10/04/16, 08:31:32 PM
certainly cant give glenn credit for that!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/04/16, 08:50:33 PM
Looks really good CW!! Tried stuffed peppers once and did not care for them. Could of been the receipe too?? :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on October 10/04/16, 09:00:42 PM
oooooooh no response from the glennster. may i have finaaly sealed the lid.... i doubt it!!! lol
tonights.table fare
 chicmen tenderloins, blue cheese jalo brauts, and burgs. hqppiness all around

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Cherrywood on October 10/04/16, 10:17:00 PM
looks good.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/05/16, 08:54:33 AM
Shish kaboobs, stuffed peppers, burglars, poppers and some fine looking brats...man you guys eat good. Looks awsome!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/05/16, 02:36:24 PM
No chit. I gotta find out where some of these guys live.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on October 10/05/16, 03:10:42 PM
Great food guy's.  Who say's men can't cook!!!  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/05/16, 06:32:23 PM
That's why men are the best cooks!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on October 10/05/16, 08:24:14 PM
andthats why glenn cant cook.lol you know,  Man. lmao.oh glenn ur so.easy..
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/05/16, 08:30:33 PM
andthats why glenn cant cook.lol you know,  Man. lmao.oh glenn ur so.easy..
making jerky outta backstrap isn't cooking! :bonk: :rotflmao: oh I can cook! It's the mess afterwards! :doah: :banghead: :banghead:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/05/16, 09:58:46 PM
Green beans don't count as food, pookie.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on October 10/08/16, 07:23:32 PM
Started out with thick cut, boneless pork chops, dry rubbed with grill mates Montreal steak seasoning. The last of the season, zucchini marinated in Chipotle pepper  & olive oil. Potatoes with butter and onions placed in tinfoil.

All on the grill....when done, the zucchini was topped with 3 cheese Mexican blend, and the potatoes topped with top the tator with chives.

Dang good!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on October 10/08/16, 07:30:39 PM
ribs ala boar

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Coffee118 on October 10/09/16, 05:43:12 AM
Four racks of pork ribs ready to get smomed. Just a little chipotle BBQ sprinkled on top. I'm going to use cherry wood this time, I have a bag of chips unopened so I'll try it, usually do ribs with oak. I cut about 4 to 5 inches off the thin end of the rack to save for burnt ends either as sandwiches or in baked beans. Will be making roasted hassle back potatoes to go as a side. Hopefully will be done by kickoff... go steelers
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on October 10/09/16, 07:17:43 AM
Man you guy's are some great cooks !!!.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Coffee118 on October 10/09/16, 07:26:29 AM
Man you guy's are some great cooks !!!.  good luck.
I'll have to give you the credit for the tip of trimming the ends and the brisket end of the whole rack to make the burnt ends. To be perfectly honest just about every time I put something in the smoker I usually check out your web page to get that little extra something to make it taste better.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on October 10/09/16, 08:04:55 AM
Thanks Coffee, I appreciate that.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on October 10/09/16, 08:31:30 AM
Yhats something i didnt do, was trim the brisket, coffee, nice lookin stuff bud, if you like smomn with oak, try Jack daniels chip their chips from their oak wishy barrels and still have wiskey in them, you can smell it in the bag, smells awsome when smomin.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Coffee118 on October 10/09/16, 08:51:06 AM
Thanks boar I'll have to look for them in the store. The only reason I mainly use oak is that the neighborhood is full of red oaks so when a large branch comes down or someone cuts down a tree I grab some and cut it up for the smoker. Like my father always said free is the best word there is
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/09/16, 09:01:48 AM
Wow! Wonderful presentation HD and much yummyness. Coffee and  boar got it goin' on with the ribs so no vegans allowed!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/09/16, 01:24:24 PM
Holy smokes do those meals look awesome!! I've been eating jerky and sandwiches in the field for a few days, time for some Sunday grub.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on October 10/09/16, 05:31:09 PM
Getting ready for supper.   A couple sirloins, potatoes direct from the garden and some sweet corn.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Coffee118 on October 10/09/16, 05:47:17 PM
No pics of the ribs, I had to cook them in the oven because my smoker crapped out on me :censored: :censored: :censored:. I put them in and did the first two handfuls of chips in during the first hour, I got busy doing paperwork and getting tomorrow's coffee order ready and didn't check on them for another 2 hours until I was going to cover them for 2 and it was ice cold. I tried restarting it and every time I pushed the power button it made a sizzling sound and wouldn't turn on  :surrender:. So in the oven they went and I just put the smoker in the garage because I was too upset to even look at the problem without getting pissed and beating it with a sledge. This is the First problem I've had with it for the three years I've had it.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on October 10/09/16, 07:00:16 PM
bummer. look at it this way, Ya get to shop for a new toy!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Cherrywood on October 10/09/16, 07:46:10 PM
Ny Strips, steak fries, garlic french bread toast. I have lunch tomorrow! half a ny strip and some streak fries. woo woo

(http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f232/blitzwing79/Cooking%202016/20161009_171808_zpsukboft13.jpg) (http://s48.photobucket.com/user/blitzwing79/media/Cooking%202016/20161009_171808_zpsukboft13.jpg.html)

(http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f232/blitzwing79/Cooking%202016/20161009_173421_zpsikpzovpn.jpg) (http://s48.photobucket.com/user/blitzwing79/media/Cooking%202016/20161009_173421_zpsikpzovpn.jpg.html)

(http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f232/blitzwing79/Cooking%202016/20161009_174347_zpsxslya2ww.jpg) (http://s48.photobucket.com/user/blitzwing79/media/Cooking%202016/20161009_174347_zpsxslya2ww.jpg.html)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on October 10/09/16, 08:23:05 PM
nice job!! my ribs turned out good, i dont likenthe rub i put on them and wore out sweet baby rays. next batch of ribs im going with reinys sauce.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Cherrywood on October 10/09/16, 09:31:28 PM
i haven't done any ribs in a while maybe i should do some up but, i do want to grill up a good goulash as well. yes i said grill a goulash.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/09/16, 11:11:54 PM
Bummer coffee. NY strips & co. looked excellent CW. Think I was fed goulash one too many times in grade school but I bet doing it on the grill would be more to my liking.

Just tossed a few things together tonight as it was a longer day than I would've liked. Decided against cruising this afternoon and instead focused on some yardwork, etc. Wound up grilling under the lights again. Lamburgers with Grillmates Hamburger seasoning, part hickory charcoal and part regular Kingsford, some leftover lettuce from the BLT days, mixed veggies and some of the grape tomatoes harvested before the frost. Oh yeah and a Budweiser...lol


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on October 10/10/16, 08:25:04 AM
You make a great plate Dotch!!!. good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on October 10/10/16, 12:54:28 PM
I love goulash and haven't had it for a long time.  So Dotch do lamburgers shrink much and do you eat them med rare or do you get it more done than that?  All of your lamb talk makes me want to get some. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/10/16, 05:11:58 PM
Lamb?  That's Baaaahd. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/10/16, 08:01:24 PM
Thanks RH. I enjoy color on a plate. It makes me want to eat it!  ;) Most of the lamburger we produce LPS is pretty lean so it doesn't shrink a lot. The last burgers pictured were 1/3 lb'ers and those 2 packages were very lean, most cooked medium although mine was medium rare. The more they're cooked of course the more they shrink. As far as how done I cook the lamb, I like it medium to medium rare. However, when it's medium rare, Mrs. Cheviot will squawk. I got her off the well done kick she was on though. Even she admits it's better with a little pink in it given the choice. The best thing about raising lamb is eating it (and having a few libations when I'm grilling it)  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on October 10/11/16, 11:25:04 AM
Don't buy beef tenderloin much.  Mainly because of the price and while it's a very tender piece of meat, it's not my favorite.  I'll take a good chuck eye every time.  But It was on sale at $12.98 lb. and I wanted to make something special for my wife because she has done well in her therapy from the knee operation and she is excited to be going back to work Tuesday.  Plus I made my twice baked potatoes also [recipe on my site in the Recipe page].  Could not finish mine [12 oz].  Made the left overs with eggs for breakfast today.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on October 10/11/16, 11:28:10 AM
Another awesome meal RH....  Now I am hungry again.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/11/16, 11:28:23 AM
There's that color thing I was talkin' about!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/11/16, 11:38:52 AM
That's just pure, unadulterated XXX food porn!!!!!!!!!!!!!  *slobber*drool*  :Photography:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/11/16, 03:04:55 PM
My gosh you guys, that's eating at its finest!! I haven't ate since this morning but after looking at all those meals I might to go walk them off. :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/11/16, 03:17:04 PM
I bought a chuck eye a few weeks ago.   It was good, and on sale.  But the regular price was basically the same as a ribeye or strip.   So, not sure what the deal is.

Fareway foods, reb.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/11/16, 03:26:47 PM
Next time ask Joe or Brett.....they'll tell ya what to do.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on October 10/11/16, 04:51:00 PM
Dell, chuck eye's are getting more popular.  But they should never be the same price as a rib eye.  No way.  They are normally under $6 a pound.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/11/16, 06:41:22 PM
I bought a chuck eye a few weeks ago.   It was good, and on sale.  But the regular price was basically the same as a ribeye or strip.   So, not sure what the deal is.

Fareway foods, reb.

I paid $5.99 a lb for mine there....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/11/16, 06:58:53 PM
Then you got a deal.   When I bought it it was on sale, and like a buck cheaper than rib eye.  But I'll take another look, maybe tomorrow. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/11/16, 07:05:25 PM
I've been hankering a double smoked ham. With the cold coming can't wait for bean and ham soup from the bone. This stuff is like sliced candy, served with green bean casserol in the skillet , cheesy taters and Hawaiian rolls.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/15/16, 05:57:55 PM
aaaah gawd...it was heaven. Just barely hit med rare and it was on the plate.  *GULP*   ;)

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on October 10/15/16, 06:01:54 PM
Looks great Reb!
 Mama said she'll have burgers on the grill waiting when I get home.....you just made me more hungry than I already was.... :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/15/16, 06:03:33 PM
Pretty rare to have steak around here, so it was a real treat!  nothing like a burger off the grill, either, HD!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on October 10/15/16, 07:57:32 PM
Mama's got burgers on the grill!
Dang I'm hungry!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Cherrywood on October 10/15/16, 10:14:21 PM
chicken quarters tomorrow can't decide what to do with them, gotta go up to the family land to put a cover on my deer stand and trade out the card. Then i leave the land alone till opener.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/16/16, 10:09:33 PM
Mmmm Reb that steak looks delish and I bet HD got a little somethin' somethin' for dessert as well! And after seeing Boober's creation along with that "come hither" look Mrs. Boober was giving him, that's a slam dunk.  :happy1:

Back on the grill this evening after evading Mrs. Cheviot's desperate afternoon failed attempts to grope me while driving. I was working under the lights without a net again. Chicken breasts and pork sirloin chops. Weber Steak and Chop seasoning on the chops and the Maple Roasted Herb stuff from Grill Mates on the breasts. On the plate grape tomatoes, radishes pulled this a.m. and some green beans made just special for Reb. Mrs. Cheviot also kicked it into high gear and made a couple pans of apple crisp, one for her boss and one for us. I can hear the neighbor's bin dryer running so with all that food in my rumen, it'll be lights out shortly.


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: lovebigbluegills on October 10/16/16, 10:53:52 PM
Oh man, that looks great Dotch!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on October 10/17/16, 06:55:52 AM
Oh boy that looks great!! nice job!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on October 10/17/16, 07:47:05 AM
Everyone is eating great food!!!!  Double smoked ham brings a great aroma in the air for sure.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/17/16, 08:19:00 AM
Now THERE's a meal!!! Wow! looks great Dotch, except for those GB thingies. Toss 'em to Fudgie. No wait, that would be animal cruelty. Save 'em for Glenn. That would be an act of compassion.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/17/16, 08:51:27 AM
Now THERE's a meal!!! Wow! looks great Dotch, except for those GB thingies. Toss 'em to Fudgie. No wait, that would be animal cruelty. Save 'em for Glenn. That would be an act of compassion.  :rotflmao:
just fer that i be having green beans for supper tonight!!!!!!! :moon:

had venny steak on da grill sat up nort!!!!!!!!

leftovers tonight! momma gonna be gone...........going to some doofy country western thingy?????? carrie underwood me thinks!!!!!! :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/17/16, 09:07:46 AM
"just fer that i be having green beans for supper tonight!!!!!!!" :moon:

That emoticon says it correctly...that's exactly where those GB's should go!!! Will you put them up there one at a time?!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/17/16, 10:14:08 AM
no way there big shooter........from the top down as so i can enjoy the Great flavor and nutritional value dem green beans have!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bow: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/17/16, 10:18:37 AM
That may be the biggest load of poo I've heard outta you yet!!!  :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/17/16, 04:22:06 PM
Gotta have the lights on dotch , oh wait ya grilling for sure. Some fine looking meals up and down this thread!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/17/16, 04:41:11 PM
I'm grilling chicky thighs as we speak!!!!!!!!!!    :taz:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/17/16, 05:37:54 PM
No grilling but tomorrow will be pot roast.  And maybe sous vide some chicken breast for chicken salad.  Tonite it is burgers but since it is raining, the skillet will be used. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/17/16, 05:46:43 PM
Sunny over here!!!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: lovebigbluegills on October 10/17/16, 09:57:19 PM

[/quote] just fer that i be having green beans for supper tonight!!!!!!! :moon:

had venny steak on da grill sat up nort!!!!!!!!

You probably put katchup on both huh?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/18/16, 08:19:21 AM
naw just the venny steak!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: lovebigbluegills on October 10/18/16, 03:58:53 PM
No you didn't....did you???
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on October 10/18/16, 04:41:59 PM
yez he did, hes a sick and twisted man. u should seethe gardening thread.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on October 10/18/16, 04:59:23 PM
Smoked brisket sandwiches, curly fries from the garden with mixed vegetables....also from the garden. On grilled ciabatta bread.

And a John Daily to wash it down....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/18/16, 05:43:33 PM
Ooooo...purty! Bet it was tasty too.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/18/16, 05:44:37 PM
Oh man does that look tasty HD. If we don't do brisket the wife now and then picks up sliced smoked brisket from Sams which is really good as well.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on October 10/18/16, 06:32:03 PM
Been skinning deer in my "free" time....and we have our own smoke shop.
Since I'm just learning how to smoke meat (been smoking fish for years) This was the first trial we did through his smokers to learn the process. Once I learn the different brines & times (as he called it) I will give it a try in my new smoker "EAR"
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/18/16, 06:33:47 PM
If you guys are out there tonite, catch the ISS. 8:00 for here; type in yer location to get yer times. I've seen it six times this Summer; always a thrill.  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/18/16, 07:07:30 PM
Had a great view on Saturday night, sitting at the dock cafe in Stillwater.  First a big rainbow.... Then the super moon came out from behind some clouds to the east, and then unexpectedly there was the ISS high in the sky.   

Along with a nice pepper burger, and a surly furious....  And the son in law picked up the check. 

Must be living right.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/18/16, 08:17:49 PM
No you didn't....did you???
yepper!!! :happy1: my grandson smothered his with horseradish!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on October 10/18/16, 09:05:04 PM
Been skinning deer in my "free" time....and we have our own smoke shop.
Since I'm just learning how to smoke meat (been smoking fish for years) This was the first trial we did through his smokers to learn the process. Once I learn the different brines & times (as he called it) I will give it a try in my new smoker "EAR"
vota.do.cbacon Hd
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/23/16, 10:46:52 PM
Had to try out the new portable unit tonight. Had been meaning to get around to it but circumstances weren't allowing it.  Mrs. Cheviot got me a Coleman Road Trip Sportster grill on sale a few weeks back. Did some onion and honey barbecue smoked brats from the local meat market to see how it operated. Gotta say, the burner was a lot hotter than I would've given it credit for so the brats were a little more done than I wanted. Oh well, toss together a few things and voila! We have supper. Had dessert earlier. Was driving around in the Stude by Blooming Prairie and like several of my other vehicles, it's programmed to stop at all DQ's. Mrs. Cheviot had a Peanut Buster Parfait and I opted for a Heath Bar Blizzard.  :happy1:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/24/16, 06:04:58 AM
Oooh, nice unit!  The grill, that is! Blackened  swiss weenies...you may be onto something! Looks A-OK to me... :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/24/16, 08:40:07 AM
looks like he overcooked the katchup too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on October 10/24/16, 12:44:08 PM
Dotch, it looks good to me.  One of my favorite sides is good baked beans.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Cherrywood on October 10/24/16, 03:51:42 PM
bison burgers on the grill yesterday with a little bit of apple wood.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/24/16, 05:16:34 PM
Nice work dotch!! I'm not touching the blackened weenie thing  :bonk:. Things get chared from time to time, I always tell dinner guests you think the toilet can tell the difference?  :happy1: it's a quick sear to seal in the juices ..
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/24/16, 07:34:37 PM
We had thick pork steaks tonight with bacon wrapped taters. A new garlic weber rub which was really good. I'm under the lights like dotch has been doing it, the only downfall is the 6 o'clock news is almost over and it's dark...noboyno.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/25/16, 05:40:13 PM
Figgered I'd throw some charcoal in the Weber and go stand in the rain and cold to see if I can make this crud go away....
Threw some mesquite maple CSR's on, and mashed some sweet taters with butter and nutmeg, and some skinned Minnysoda sweet corn.

WHOOPS...this is the WEEKEND grill thread.... :doah:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/25/16, 07:15:10 PM
Great meal reb!! We ain't mad at ya, when one is retired everyday is a weekend.  :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on October 10/25/16, 07:58:31 PM
nice reber baby buggy bumper.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/07/16, 12:18:13 PM
Finally got back to the grill after a layoff. Beautiful night to grill while watching the neighbors farm all around me. Lamburgers with Grill Mates Hamburger seasoning, some baby bakers and some locally grown peas. House smelled absolutely wonderful as Mrs. Cheviot was finishing up her 8th pan of apple crisp for the day about the time I took the burgers off the grill. She's heading out for another 12 days on the road so may have to fire the grill up a few more times. Luckily she's leaving one pan of apple crisp for me. Only have 4 packages of burger left though so may have to resort to legs or chops. Darn!  ;)


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/08/16, 10:23:58 AM
8th pan of apple crisp???! Good gawd man, have her swing down here with a pan! I'l trade her for some of reb's 'tater soup!!  ;D
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on November 11/08/16, 10:40:38 AM
That's what I thought too.  That is a lot of apple crisp.  I love that stuff and am thrilled when the wife makes 1 batch...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/08/16, 10:49:34 AM
He's living large, Barry.... :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/08/16, 10:54:39 AM
He's living large, Barry.... :happy1:
you like large neighbor ladies!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/08/16, 12:20:47 PM
It's easy to make .  You guys make all this fancy complicated meat and sausage and charcuterie, but don't do stuff like this. 

I'll post a recipe.   Maybe smoked apple crisp would be a thing?   How hot do those things get?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/08/16, 12:33:53 PM
I don't know any cutie named Char.  Besides, all these big words just confuse Glenn and Boar, and then things get  vissé vers le haut, er, more screwed up.  :whistling:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/08/16, 01:10:26 PM
8th pan of apple crisp???! Good gawd man, have her swing down here with a pan! I'l trade her for some of reb's 'tater soup!!  ;D

Ya she uses the stuff as bribes to get people to do stuff for her. Hey wait a minute, you don't think she's trying to...!?!?!?! I hate myself when that happens!  :chef:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/08/16, 01:44:50 PM
Send her down with a pan, Dotch, and I'll have a talk with her.  Better yet, have that female paddler bring it.  ;D
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/08/16, 03:29:57 PM
I guess I better not bring you dessert.   You would probably want to "talk". ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/09/16, 07:15:43 AM
You can chat while I eat the dessert. I'll let ya back in when I'm done.  ;D
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/10/16, 09:20:22 AM
Decided to head to the meat market and pick up something so I could grill something other than lamb for a change. Got a flat iron steak, pre-marinated so it was easy-peasy on my end. Mrs. Cheviot was gone so I could cook it how I wanted rather than compromising or worse having her put me in one of them compromising positions!  ;) Used up the last of my hickory charcoal, grilling direct. Had a few GT's along the way and all of it was yummy including the apple crisp.  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/10/16, 09:44:32 AM
Lookin' good! But, what happened to the butter on the bread? Chunky style?!  ;D
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/10/16, 10:05:58 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: I wondered if someone would notice that. It's some of that fake stuff they keep telling me to use to manage my cholesterol. If you don't let it get room temperature or nuke it to soften it up, well, it spreads like that. Was no butter I could locate either. Think Mrs. Cheviot used it all up on her apple crisp baking marathon.  :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/10/16, 10:19:21 AM
Did you think you'd really sneak that by me? I can see an owlish look on yer face, trying to spread that, after all those GT's.... :rotflmao:
"Can't believe it's not butter" works for me. Best I've found, and nice and soft.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/10/16, 10:26:16 AM
They were out of Canola Harvest which I like and Promise which is my 2nd choice usually so I had to compromise (there's that word again;translates to I get screwed one way or the other) so subbed Smart Balance. Tastes OK but doesn't spread for crap when it's cold. Yer right, between being hungry as a bear and feeling the effects of the juniper berry extract I was in the deep weeds.  :cry:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/10/16, 10:30:22 AM
I see I'm getting a Fed-ex delivery today....would it be a large pan of apple crisp????   :scratch: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/10/16, 11:03:35 AM
Ya I sent you my last piece. ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/11/16, 10:40:00 PM
Wowsirs! Another culinary cluster in the books...lol A couple butterfly chops that said "eat me" when I was at the meat market so naturally I couldn't resist. Mesquite seasoning with a dusting of curry powder on the chops. If you look real close you can see a little dollop of Mrs. Gerrys tater salad partially obscured by the squash. And Reb, I found a use for that Smart Balance stuff: Put it on the squash instead of the bread. That way no one can tell if you're bombed or not...lol

 1st pic: Off to a good start...

Pic #2: Almost orgasmed after eating the homegrown Moregold squash. It was soooooo effin' gooood! Did I mention that I like color on my plate?  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/12/16, 10:45:03 AM
Wow, looks great Dotch!! What kinda pears are those sitting in the background? They looked sunburned! And ya used the fake butter on yer halloween punkie! Recycle; reuse.  Good job!  ;D I also think you've used the Word of the Day for us; a Dollop of tater salad. I shall now use that word in a sentence.
Looking at all his GI Joe's and Barbies, Smurfy decided he was going to have a "dress the dollop" day.    :rotflmao: :queen:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/12/16, 03:13:47 PM
Wow, looks great Dotch!! What kinda pears are those sitting in the background? They looked sunburned! And ya used the fake butter on yer halloween punkie! Recycle; reuse.  Good job!  ;D I also think you've used the Word of the Day for us; a Dollop of tater salad. I shall now use that word in a sentence.
Looking at all his GI Joe's and Barbies, Smurfy decided he was going to have a "dress the dollop" day.    :rotflmao: :queen:

If I'm not mistaken, I think they're red pears!  ;) Actually they're red Bartletts. They looked kinda good and I've bought them at Wagner's before. They had the yellow Bartletts too. Either way they need to ripen a few days yet but when they do, yum! Speaking of smurfy, do they make blue pears?  :woot:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/12/16, 03:25:44 PM
If he sits in a snowbank naked, bet he'd have a blue pair. Oh wait, wrong pear.  ;D
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on November 11/12/16, 05:25:19 PM
Check out or google Red Anjou pears
 Bartlett are our favs for eaters,Bosch for pies
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on November 11/12/16, 05:53:45 PM
That is a great plate Dotch!!!  I'd like to try that myself.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/12/16, 06:10:36 PM
Had one of "those" pork loin roasts that were on sale at Menard's this Spring. Had been in the freezer. I rubbed it with maple syrup, then covered it with smoked maple seasoning this morning. Wrapped it up tight in saran wrap and stuck in 'fridge until a bit ago. Popped it into the toaster oven at 350* for one hour; it just hit 160* and I pulled it. While it was resting in foil, whipped up some smashed taters and butter beans. I was able to cut it with my fork; it was like a soft marshmallow.  Second one I've had like this, I think cooking it in a little toaster oven, where there isn't so much dry heat and air as a big oven, is what makes the difference. Anyway, it was one of the best I've had. Dotch, note the smoothly buttered mini-ciabatta.   :whistling:   ;D

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on November 11/12/16, 06:12:57 PM
Looks great Reb!!!  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/12/16, 06:25:36 PM
Thanks RH!  That's the second "Menards" pork roast I've had like that...I'm gonna keep making them in that little toaster oven. I notice chicken comes out really fulla juice from there...I must be on to something. RH, ya think maybe  it's the smaller "area", thus keeping more moisture in, unlike a big oven?  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/12/16, 06:55:18 PM
Thanks RH. Plenty of leftovers if yer in the area.  :happy1:

Reb I admit, I was partially, OK mostly impaired so guilty as charged for crimes against butter substitutes! :banghead: Man them are some tasty lookin' vittles. :happy1: Like seeing the butter beans too, consumed with real butter I hope...lol. I agree about the toaster oven thing. Breaded chicken breasts here work much better in the toaster oven. Tender and juicy vs. tough and dried out. The pre-heat is lots quicker than our gas oven too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/12/16, 07:02:37 PM
When yer down this way again, Dotch, stop in. We'll whip up something or go to an eatery and grab some platefuls. And we won't have to watch any bugs humping, either.  ;D  By the way, I'm still eating the just-turned-ripe 'maters yet.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/13/16, 07:36:42 PM
Man dotch and reb, those meals smell wonderful. The Mrs and the whipper snapper have been otta town so the boy and I ate pretty much ate take out...I'm ready for a home cooked meal.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/13/16, 08:34:45 PM
Best part are the thick day-after pork sammies.  ;D
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/14/16, 09:37:26 AM
If he sits in a snowbank naked, bet he'd have a blue pair. Oh wait, wrong pear.  ;D
training-087 :banghead: training-087 :banghead: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/14/16, 09:38:43 AM
Thanks RH!  That's the second "Menards" pork roast I've had like that...I'm gonna keep making them in that little toaster oven. I notice chicken comes out really fulla juice from there...I must be on to something. RH, ya think maybe  it's the smaller "area", thus keeping more moisture in, unlike a big oven?  :scratch:
really???????????? :scratch: :doah: a toaster oven????????? :doah: :doah: might as well get Dels suse de boil thingy!!!!!!!!!!!! :surrender: :surrender: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/14/16, 10:17:31 AM
When yer down this way again, Dotch, stop in. We'll whip up something or go to an eatery and grab some platefuls. And we won't have to watch any bugs humping, either.  ;D  By the way, I'm still eating the just-turned-ripe 'maters yet.

Thanks boober. Anytime yer in the area I'm always looking for an excuse to grill. Will have to do that Reb. I forgot all about those Japanese beetles doing the nasty while they eyed your 'maters as a post-coital snack. I got a few grape 'maters left but that's about it. Found a few snap peas the bunnies didn't eat and some red meat radishes to go with my leftovers last night. I would think that little blue guys who live in mushrooms would be all over toaster ovens. Not only would they conserve space they wouldn't have to go outside to cook!  ;)


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/14/16, 10:33:59 AM
 :doah: :doah: :doah: :doah: :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: every day i wake up and ask why me???????????????
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/14/16, 11:52:24 AM
really???????????? :scratch: :doah: a toaster oven????????? :doah: :doah: might as well get Dels suse de boil thingy!!!!!!!!!!!! :surrender: :surrender: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Says the voice of inexperience....   Do you actually cook anything? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/14/16, 11:54:34 AM
yea i do.....ALOT of things...........i just dont boil all my food!!!!!!!!!!!! :moon: :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/14/16, 03:33:32 PM
Mmmmmm...boiled frozen pizza or grilled cheese anyone?  :chef:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/14/16, 04:05:58 PM
Howz that work on crispy crust pizza?  ;D
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/14/16, 04:08:06 PM
Howz that work on crispy crust pizza?  ;D

Don't know.  I use the appropriate tool for the job.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/14/16, 04:13:48 PM
DON'T Go there, smurf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/14/16, 04:19:37 PM
Howz that work on crispy crust pizza?  ;D

Don't know.  I use the appropriate tool for the job.
so you use the boiling pot?????????????  :doah: :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/14/16, 07:04:12 PM
Howz that work on crispy crust pizza?  ;D

Don't know.  I use the appropriate tool for the job.
so you use the boiling pot?????????????  :doah: :scratch:

Only for pasta.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/14/16, 07:05:08 PM
and potatoes...  Green beans in the microwave. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/14/16, 07:21:12 PM
You just had to throw those GB things in there, didn't ya, Delmonico?    ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/14/16, 07:23:23 PM
Which begs the Rice A Roni question... ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/14/16, 07:28:10 PM
Which begs the Rice A Roni question... ;)


Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/14/16, 09:28:24 PM
Rice a roni needs more artificial color and flavor to be like the real thing.   Saffron?  surely you jest.  Box stuff ain't got no saffron. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/15/16, 06:01:56 AM
I hate saffron. Ate REAL saffron rice with and from those high-falutin mid-east allah visitors while on a kingly detail. Rank it right up there with green beans. Did you know their favorite food over here is pizza?? They'd order 20-30 at a time.  Crispy. Non-soused.   ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/15/16, 08:31:33 AM
me thinks you 2 need an intervention!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/15/16, 09:39:32 AM
Saffron? I used to smoke that stuff I think!  :police:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/15/16, 09:41:51 AM
DOn't look at me.  Reb is the one posted the "rice a roni" recipe that used saffron and tumeric instead of the "delicious" ingredients of the real thing....which contains, in addition to rice and roni,

Gotta love that autolyzed yeast extract and disodium guanylate.... Mmm

Dotch, mellow yellow, gonna be the very next craze... e
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on November 11/15/16, 09:48:53 AM
There must be some kind of mistake there Del.  I don't see rice.....?????
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/15/16, 10:13:36 AM
Delbert Q Farkle says rice is really grass, which makes me wonder just what it is he useta smoke..... :scratch:

And you, smurfhead, whaddya mean "you 2"???!! Think yer Bono or somethin'????  :rocker;
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/15/16, 04:16:00 PM
I said "in addition to rice and roni", but I guess the print was too small.  LPS

And it's WILD rice that is not rice but grass.  Smoking type stuff isn't grass .either, botanically speaking.

You must have been celebrating the election too much. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on November 11/15/16, 04:18:04 PM
Ok got ya Del.   I don't celebrate elections like I used to.... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/15/16, 04:32:53 PM
Ok got ya Del.   I don't celebrate elections like I used to....

No grass? :rotflmao:  :blues brothers:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on November 11/15/16, 05:12:33 PM
alright so whos got the good stuff?????
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/15/16, 07:24:08 PM
 :scratch:you grill the rice?? :scratch: :coffee: where's Lee with that off topic button???
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on November 11/20/16, 04:30:15 PM
Thin cut pork chops, mixed vegetables & steakhouse tator salad.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on November 11/20/16, 04:42:07 PM
Looks great HD!!!  Love your plate.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/20/16, 05:02:18 PM
That sure looks goldanged good!  Say....is THAT where all my plates are going?!  :scratch:   ;D

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on November 11/20/16, 05:07:16 PM
We got ours as a wedding gift 29 years ago Reb....

Thanks RH!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/20/16, 05:13:00 PM
My wife bought ours right after we were married! Ya don't 'spose RH has the same ones??!? (Twilight zone music)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/25/16, 04:57:19 PM
Back to normal round here. Soon to be flame mignons with baked  taters and some leftover lefse.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/25/16, 05:37:51 PM
HOLY CRIPES you guys eat good!!!  Hey Easy, ya see how these guys eat around here??!!    :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Easy on November 11/25/16, 05:41:05 PM
Living like kings.  Check the news for missing cows.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Easy on November 11/25/16, 05:47:22 PM
I thought so.  Check those steaks for the letter "E" on top of a "Z".  That didn't come from being on the grill:

"...Bohannon said one 5 year-old Charolais bull, 10 head of 3-8 year-old Corriente cattle, nine head of 3-8 year-old black cows and five 500 lbs. black yearling heifers or steers are missing or stolen in this case.

Each head of livestock are branded with an “E” on top of a “Z,” behind their right shoulder.

Bohannon and authorities have searched extensively in the area for the cattle, however have been unable to retrieve any of them thus far. Bohannon said he assumes the cattle have been stolen since they have been unable to find any of the missing livestock.

Anyone with further information regarding this case should contact TSCRA’s Operation Cow Thief hotline at 888-830-2333 or call Bohannon at 806-789-9476 or Dempsey at 806-356-6101. A cash reward of $3,000 may be paid to individuals who can provide useful information leading to the arrest and indictment of suspect(s). Individuals reporting information may choose to remain anonymous..."
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/25/16, 09:31:23 PM
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Dilbert and Delbert breathe a huge sigh of relief... :chef:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Easy on November 11/26/16, 05:58:12 AM
Perish the thought.

Morning Dilbert and Delbert.  You are two fine looking sheep.  He'll be out with breakfast soon.   

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/26/16, 08:32:13 AM
Dil and Del, hello.  Maybe he'll name two others Dagmar and Dagwood, being he's into cars and food.  Dagmars were those big pointy things on the front of 50's cars that were to resemble boobs like Jane or Marilyn had, and Dagwood is that stacked sandwich he's always walking around with in his hand.  Just beware if he starts talking about his "soused up verde thing". Run like hell.  :chef:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/26/16, 08:52:56 AM
Funny you should mention that food bidet. One of the reasons we named the one Delbert is it likes to float turds (or is it terds?) in the water bucket!  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/26/16, 09:00:03 AM
Huh! Playing Battleship game?  :scratch:   Fire salvo one!!! *splish splash*   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Easy on November 11/26/16, 09:32:52 AM
Oh, bad form Delbert.  Don't pooh where you drink.  And don't be like Kevin the Goat in this video.

http://i.imgur.com/VHbmLuo.gifv (http://i.imgur.com/VHbmLuo.gifv)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/26/16, 02:17:31 PM
Gee, it's a good thing I don't take stuff personally.... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/26/16, 02:18:29 PM
Bad boy kevin! Forgot all about them dagmars... ;)

A little music to grill by for later.  :happy1:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nj9ROFv_6WQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nj9ROFv_6WQ)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Easy on November 11/26/16, 02:40:25 PM
Gramma?  That's my Nana!  What the hell?

Seriously though, I'm a big fan of big band and babes.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/26/16, 04:14:30 PM
Well thought I would do up a a belly a couple weeks ago. The problem was I thought I could find up some tender quick the day I was doing the dry brine and couldn't.  So I found up a recipe online that contained #1 cure instead. Got the belly all rubbed up with brown sugar, pepper, some honey garlic rub and cure. After 2 hrs of cold smoke I then got the grill to around 150 and smoked for another 3 hrs. It tasted pretty good although it had no salt taste. So now I had a little sea salt when frying. Live and learn I guess.  :banghead:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/26/16, 04:16:48 PM
Trying again

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/26/16, 04:17:05 PM
 :doah:  Ah god...ahhh ahhhhh....................... :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on November 11/26/16, 04:39:41 PM
Perish the thought.

Morning Dilbert and Delbert.  You are two fine looking sheep.  He'll be out with breakfast soon.   

lmao! easy is hittin on the sheep, I thought that was rebs territoryLMAO!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/26/16, 04:46:59 PM
Perish the thought.

Morning Dilbert and Delbert.  You are two fine looking sheep.  He'll be out with breakfast soon.   

lmao! easy is hittin on the sheep, I thought that was rebs territoryLMAO!

Why you.....%$#%#!cc :taz:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/26/16, 04:48:58 PM
Her name is Dolly. Easy told me.  ;D

HEY! Back to boobers luscious bacon!   :chef:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/26/16, 05:00:41 PM
Boober's makin' bacon? Does Mrs. Boober know? Geez that looks good! 😎
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dakids on November 11/27/16, 03:14:47 PM
Smoking up a beaver leg.  Soaked in a salt and brown sugar brine over night.  A mesquite rub, and hickory smoke.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/27/16, 03:41:26 PM
Nice!!  Can't say I've had that on the "grill".
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/27/16, 04:08:57 PM
Seriously?! That's a beaver leg??!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dakids on November 11/27/16, 04:23:44 PM
Seriously?! That's a beaver leg??!

Yes it is.  It was a 48 pounder.  The legs I took off of the 68 pounder looked like a small ham.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/27/16, 04:30:45 PM
68 lb'er??!?!??!?! Whaddya catch them with, a backhoe???!! ;D
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dakids on November 11/27/16, 04:37:47 PM
I used a snare under the ice on a poplar branch.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dakids on November 11/27/16, 04:41:00 PM
While fishing on a lake that ive trapped in the past I saw a beaver that will easily go over 80 pounds.  I swam right next to the canoe and she was the biggest beaver i have ever seen.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/27/16, 04:42:54 PM
Good gawd!! What are they eating, Hi-pro Aspens?!  ;) I'd like to see a pic of that when it's done, please....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on November 11/27/16, 04:46:06 PM
While fishing on a lake that ive trapped in the past I saw a beaver that will easily go over 80 pounds.  I swam right next to the canoe and she was the biggest beaver i have ever seen.

I'm confused. ...were you looking up as you swam by? And she was standing on the seats of the canoe? Need some clarification here....  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/27/16, 04:56:42 PM
Posted by: HD
I'm confused. ...were you looking up as you swam by? And she was standing on the seats of the canoe? Need some clarification here....  :rotflmao:

:laughroll: :laughroll: Glenn's old girlfriend!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dakids on November 11/27/16, 05:01:40 PM
Oh crap, I'm starting to type like Boar.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/27/16, 05:04:23 PM
Uh, how do I ask what it tastes like without eight gazillion replies from Glenn??  :doah:  And I just bet the answer is not "chicken"....I've eaten squirrel, wabbit, turtle, bear, elk, deer, possum...and bbq'd racoon. THAT was mistake...but not as big as the dare of eating a coot. (I had hit one while winging a duck with the scattergun)  Mouthful of mud!! They double dog dared me!!!!!  :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dakids on November 11/27/16, 05:08:09 PM
It has the same consistancy as an expensive beef roast.  Its also a little sweeter.  Kind of a mix between pork and beef and bear.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/27/16, 05:16:18 PM
Huh...sounds good! Thanks!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/27/16, 05:48:11 PM
Good job dk, we used to serve it at our big feeds for the sportsman's club, I had a lot of fun with the female clientele serving that... :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dakids on November 11/27/16, 05:50:19 PM
Good job dk, we used to serve it at our big feeds for the sportsman's club, I had a lot of fun with the female clientele serving that... :happy1:
The younger beaver are more tender and juicier than the old girls. ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on November 11/28/16, 06:49:04 AM
All the beaver I ever ate went over 100 pounds to around 180.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/28/16, 07:36:16 AM
All the beaver I ever ate went over 100 pounds to around 180.  good luck.

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :applause:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: lovebigbluegills on November 11/28/16, 08:18:44 AM
Trying again

How did the bacon turn out boober??
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: lovebigbluegills on November 11/28/16, 08:22:08 AM
Smoking up a beaver leg.  Soaked in a salt and brown sugar brine over night.  A mesquite rub, and hickory smoke.

Did you baste it??? :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/28/16, 08:25:05 AM
not a knock on the dakids at all but i had beaver once and was the most disgusting taste i ever encountered!!!!!!!! :doah: maybe just the way it was cooked.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/28/16, 08:26:13 AM
Did you put yer special all-purpose seasoning on it?!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/28/16, 08:27:23 AM
nope.........but maybe should of!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/28/16, 01:16:05 PM
I recall my dad cooking a whole beaver at their deer camp.  Fortunately I wasn't there but it was reported to be very greasy.   I think he just roasted it like a turkey.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on November 11/28/16, 01:35:34 PM
not a knock on the dakids at all but i had beaver once and was the most disgusting taste i ever encountered!!!!!!!! :doah: maybe just the way it was cooked.
Beaver tastes great!! If the person cleaning it knows to remove the caster glands & lymph knowds?SP?? without puncturing them!! I bet dakids knows!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/28/16, 08:01:36 PM
Trying again

How did the bacon turn out boober??
     that pic was from the batch minus the tenderquick, I was having a tough time posting the pic that's why I said trying  again, but I definitely will try it again with the right ingredients.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dakids on November 11/28/16, 08:55:36 PM
Smoking up a beaver leg.  Soaked in a salt and brown sugar brine over night.  A mesquite rub, and hickory smoke.

Did you baste it??? :happy1:
With my special sauce.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dakids on November 11/28/16, 08:57:40 PM
not a knock on the dakids at all but i had beaver once and was the most disgusting taste i ever encountered!!!!!!!! :doah: maybe just the way it was cooked.
Beaver tastes great!! If the person cleaning it knows to remove the caster glands & lymph knowds?SP?? without puncturing them!! I bet dakids knows!!

Yes I do now.  You only make that mistake once.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/28/16, 09:01:35 PM
Kinda like being dared to eat a coot.   :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/28/16, 09:16:25 PM
Kinda like being dared to eat a coot.   :puke:

We ate a coot/mudhen now and then when I was a kid, if that was what was flying when my dad went hunting.   Cheaper than chicken...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/29/16, 09:35:54 AM
Well, that explains it, ya old coot!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/01/16, 07:19:44 PM
Store bought swedes with fried taters, bacon, covered with cheese in the skillet.  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/01/16, 07:58:59 PM
Yummo!!! And lookit that tail!!!!      ;D
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/02/16, 08:42:30 AM
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/02/16, 09:25:24 AM
I bet Mrs. Boober loves yer sausage!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/02/16, 10:32:11 AM
I ain't quite ready to run the otter way yet. :surrender: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: lovebigbluegills on December 12/02/16, 11:07:42 AM
Dang boober, that looks awesome!!! You da man!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/02/16, 11:18:05 AM
Might try these on the Weber later. In the flurries. Maybe. Was one of the "bargain" ones this summer.  $1.99  Been in freezer.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/02/16, 11:43:07 AM
Rebarooni...............its never to cold to bring out da weber!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: lovebigbluegills on December 12/02/16, 11:48:58 AM
Darn right, never too cold for da Weber!!!  That'll be some fine vittles Reb!!! 

I'm guessing Glenn will have this for supper tonight.....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/02/16, 11:49:30 AM
I know..just takes a big whack of charcoal, and drumsticks cook really fast with the bone on them. Grill is so old, the vents are falling off, and it's hard to regulate the temp. I need a new one. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/02/16, 11:56:57 AM
Darn right, never too cold for da Weber!!!  That'll be some fine vittles Reb!!! 

I'm guessing Glenn will have this for supper tonight.....
training-087 training-087 training-087 :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: you need to quit hangin around reb and dotch i tell ya!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/02/16, 11:58:59 AM
Darn right, never too cold for da Weber!!!  That'll be some fine vittles Reb!!! 

I'm guessing Glenn will have this for supper tonight.....

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/03/16, 05:39:59 PM
Finally did the drumsticks. 32* , getting dark, and flurries. Tasted just like Summer.... ;D Dropped top of grill (grabbed wrong part in the dark, YOW! ) landed upside down and broke weld on handle. Vent broke, too. I think its 25 yr run is done.   :cry:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/03/16, 06:03:08 PM
Oh yummy reb!! 21 gun salute is what that weber needs.  :chef:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: lovebigbluegills on December 12/03/16, 06:09:33 PM
Looks tasty Reject!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/03/16, 06:12:06 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/03/16, 06:14:30 PM
Looks tasty Reject!!!

Hey! What brought that on?! Who you talking to, loves big blue smurfs??!  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: lovebigbluegills on December 12/03/16, 06:38:13 PM
Lol must have been auto correct
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/03/16, 07:46:00 PM
Well, don't make me sic smurfolater on ya.  :taz: He must be busy with his smurfghetti, he ain't all over the place here.  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: lovebigbluegills on December 12/03/16, 09:15:02 PM
How was that good lookin chicken Reb???
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: lovebigbluegills on December 12/03/16, 09:18:25 PM
Well, don't make me sic smurfolater on ya.  :taz: He must be busy with his smurfghetti, he ain't all over the place here.  :scratch:

Lol, don't you mean smurfzilla??? Maybe he's working on his smurfy tyrkey vegetable soup?? :scratch: :scratch: :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/04/16, 10:58:10 AM
me was partyin like a rock star last nite!!!!!!!!!! :toast: :toast: :drinking: :drinking:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/04/16, 11:25:44 AM
me was partyin like a rock star last nite!!!!!!!!!! :toast: :toast: :drinking: :drinking:

Ya...Tiny Tim. How were the tulips?   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/04/16, 11:28:44 AM
How was that good lookin chicken Reb???

Perfecto. Nuttin' like grilled chicky. Sprinkled with copious amounts of that Rotisserie Chicken stuff.  Love it!  ;)

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/04/16, 11:32:41 AM
anyone ever try the garlic and herb spice on chicky????????? oh yummy!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: lovebigbluegills on December 12/04/16, 11:35:13 AM
Who's this Herb fella you speak of?? :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/04/16, 11:37:08 AM
Same guy Jimmy was talking about?     "Come and smoke my herb".......   ;D
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/10/16, 01:16:33 PM
The tube is gettin a workout today. Up early stuffing away, between the sausage and the cheddar sticks there wasn't any room for the cheddar brats. So I had to go with plan b. The smoker went 4 hrs with cold smoke, the brats will probably only get 2. :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/10/16, 01:18:15 PM
I can't post 2 pics in one for some reason

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/10/16, 01:20:03 PM
Wow.... :censored:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/10/16, 01:51:32 PM
WHOA!!! Boober's Brats and Bunwiches!!!  Lookin' totally rad, dude!!!Smoke on, baby!!  :dancinred: :rocker;
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on December 12/11/16, 11:58:13 AM
Man that looks great.  I need to get in the groove and make some.  Just been too busy.   I am going to make some country style ribs today as I said in Good Morning.  I think I will try to maintain 225 and do them 2 1 1.  Put sauce on them for the wrap and the last hour of unwrapped.  Appreciate any ideas.  And I will do either Dels or Rebs sauce ideas.   I think Del had one that looked fairly easy.  That is the word for the day here...    EASY!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on December 12/11/16, 02:45:35 PM
Don't remember if I posted this one....  Warning, has ketchup.... 
 Basic Pantry BBQ Sauce
From Cook's Country | August/September 2008


Why this recipe works:

When it came to the liquid smoke in our no-cook Basic Pantry BBQ Sauce recipe, we found it best to avoid brands with additives such as salt, vinegar, and molasses. The test kitchen’s top-rated brand contains nothing but smoke and water. A teaspoon of hot sauce balanced the sweetness with a bit of heat.
Makes about 1 1/4 cups

This great-tasting, no-cook barbecue sauce can be used to baste barbecued chicken, as a condiment for grilled hamburgers, or as a finishing sauce for our Smoked Pork Loin (see related recipe).

    1 cup ketchup
    3 tablespoons molasses
    1 tablespoon cider vinegar
    1 teaspoon hot sauce
    1/8 teaspoon liquid smoke (optional)


    Whisk together all ingredients in a small bowl. The sauce can be refrigerated for up to 4 days.

Missed extra point.  queenies dumb. 

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on December 12/11/16, 05:18:33 PM
Yup you posted that one Del and that is the one I am using.  Smells great.  I bought a bottle of that Shirachha sauce.  Pretty good.  I like some hot but not deathly hot and that stuff does the trick.  The bottle lets you put a drop or a big squirt on.  Hope I didn't overdo it for the wife.  She gave me a funny look when I didn't measure it...  And we have some Mothers Molasses.  It is just a little thinner so it pours easily.  Great stuff.  I have been using it on ice cream and it is my new topping of choice.  I only have a coffee cup of ice cream at a sitting.  How's that for control...  lol  I will let you know how the ribs turn out.  Thanks
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/11/16, 05:54:40 PM
Aah it's not that warm LPS, easy peasey sounding sauce del, I'll havta give that a shot!! ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on December 12/12/16, 10:07:17 AM
Nice job Bobber :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on January 01/17/17, 08:39:51 PM
Bad news.  Nagatha 2 went down tonight.  I went out to start her up and noticed she was still running  :doah:.  The wife made burgers 3 days ago on her and never turned her off.  So she burned through all the pellets.  I turned her off and filled up the hopper.  I turned her back on and the auger wouldn't turn.   :scratch:  Guess I'm going to have to take her apart in the heated garage and see what parts I need to order.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/17/17, 09:02:03 PM
Man that sucks to hear G. Ya gonna cut the wife off for a while for punishment? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: The General on January 01/17/17, 09:06:49 PM
Punish her for cooking me supper.  Not on your life  ;D.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on January 01/29/17, 05:15:01 PM
Just put my baby backs in foil.  I did put some sauce on them this time.  AND I am watching Food Paradise and it is on BBQ.  What a great day.  I even had to have a cool one while this is all going on...  Haven't tried Boars fave Fireball yet...   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/29/17, 06:25:18 PM
That sounds super LPS, I foil mine too after some heat and smoke, put sauce on and cover. The Mrs wants me to start sculpting this week, good thing though beef is still part of it. So that being said I fired up the grill and did ribeyes and chased it down with a salad. I can live with that.  Hopefully ribs are still part of it Cuz they're going on this weekend . :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/29/17, 06:28:18 PM
sculpting???????????? is that what females call starving there husbands now???????? :scratch: :doah: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/29/17, 06:54:55 PM
sculpting???????????? is that what females call starving there husbands now???????? :scratch: :doah: :rotflmao:
  pretty much.  :scratch: We're heading to an island get away sort of soon and apparently wants me to out swim the sharks if I have to. I said I'll grow out my toe nails as flippers, no big deal. head_banger-3532.gif
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/29/17, 07:18:28 PM
sculpting???????????? is that what females call starving there husbands now???????? :scratch: :doah: :rotflmao:
  pretty much.  :scratch: We're heading to an island get away sort of soon and apparently wants me to out swim the sharks if I have to. I said I'll grow out my toe nails as flippers, no big deal. head_banger-3532.gif

hope they grow fast!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/31/17, 07:42:57 AM
Smurfy tried sculpting once, but he was mistaken for a Weeble, so he had to give it up.  At least he couldn't fall down.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/01/17, 05:47:33 PM
Burglars and fries tonight on the weber   sleazy-422.gif kind of a quick patty form but I'm sure the John doesn't care. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/01/17, 06:01:08 PM
Looks good to me, boober! Went past a burger joint a bit ago, and the smell drove me wild.....I was starved. JUst finished my weenies and mac 'n cheese. O wait, not on the grill, though.... :doah:    :smiley:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: lovebigbluegills on February 02/03/17, 12:24:23 PM
I'll have old-fashioned weenies on the grill tonight. Curley's seasoning recommended by RH. And the cody's snack sticks are fantastic ta boot!!! This will be my first meal of the old-fashioned wieners, other than a little sampling when they first came out of the smoker.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/05/17, 12:23:09 PM
Dug through the glacier to get at the Weber then shoveled off the patio. Brats and weenies from the local meat market tonight . Chores, docking tails, giving shots and feeding bottle lambs has made me thirsty though so may have to work on that before then. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/06/17, 12:18:21 PM
About the time I figured the Falcons had the game won I fired up the grill. A couple brewski's, some sweet corn, brats, weenies and chips later then it was time to go outside again. At least we have some quick leftovers for the week.  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/06/17, 05:54:20 PM
Ya you do, great everyday grub there dotch! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/08/17, 05:31:10 PM
Slab pig steaks, smoked with a roarin' head of  applewood smoke for a half hour, then slathered in that bbq sauce from Glenn. Fresh green tops, cole slaw I made this am, french bread, pickled  beets....was a tad chilly at 14* out.   :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/08/17, 05:44:10 PM
Aw man those are my favorite reb. Is that a foil box of wood chips?  I'm usually opening the lid on the weber and plop more down on the coals, but if something like that last longer I might havta try. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/08/17, 05:46:39 PM
Just Reynolds Wrap Heavy Duty foil, boober. Two handfuls of chips; bring sides up, fold over top, crimp ends. Poke holes with meat fork. When done, pick up and toss in trash. No muss, no fuss.  HEY!!!! How was the RIB RUB?!?!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/08/17, 06:49:09 PM
Awesome!!! Send me your mix, them ribs were perfect! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on February 02/09/17, 09:34:50 AM
Ya Reb, pork steaks nice and thick are great on the grill for sure.  We used to have those camping.  Put some coals in the pit and grilled them that way.  Seems like everything tastes better outside, including coffee.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/09/17, 10:23:26 AM
Awesome!!! Send me your mix, them ribs were perfect! :happy1:

Raed yer PM's, booberowski!   :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/09/17, 10:48:11 AM
Purty as picture there Reb!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/09/17, 11:05:33 AM
Why thanky, Mr. Dotch! Speaking of....it appears the "Hot" neighbor fluff (NL 2) traded in her little hot rod toyota for.....and a Hemi!!  May have to go over and see if she bought it or what, been driving it all week...she backed that thing in the driveway around her garbage cans better than most guys! Made me feel tingly all over..... kinda woozy....sleazy-422.gif
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/09/17, 11:50:52 AM
so now your a peepin tom??????????? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/09/17, 11:58:23 AM
I KNEW yer filthy mind was gonna come up wid dat!!!  Peep this!!  :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/09/17, 12:00:05 PM
I KNEW yer filthy mind was gonna come up wid dat!!!  Peep this!!  :moon:

And stay on track!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/09/17, 07:28:11 PM
Warm weather means hand washing.. hubba_hubba-404.gif
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/09/17, 07:49:30 PM
"oh my Lucille".... hubba_hubba-404.gif

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/09/17, 07:56:33 PM
you are no better than Glenn and even me for that matter!!!!! :rotflmao: :Clap: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/09/17, 08:05:15 PM
Boober started it!!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/09/17, 08:14:24 PM
oh what ever!!! tut_tut-3315.gif
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/12/17, 06:09:37 PM
Swiss and smoky cheddar burglars, med rare, and the side fixin's. *urp*  burp-402.gif
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/12/17, 07:15:06 PM
maybe you need to hire out!!  that looks great!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/12/17, 07:18:52 PM
maybe you need to hire out!!  that looks great!!!!
well.... Na won't go there!!! :rotflmao: tut_tut-3315.gif sleazy-422.gif
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/12/17, 07:20:16 PM
Thanky!  Wish Boober's bacon had been thawed out.....a two cheese bacon BBQ burger!!    :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/12/17, 07:21:01 PM
maybe you need to hire out!!  that looks great!!!!
well.... Na won't go there!!! :rotflmao: tut_tut-3315.gif sleazy-422.gif

NL #1 can't afford it.    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/12/17, 07:25:16 PM
no bacon tut_tut-3315.gif  that's just wrong on so many levels!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/12/17, 07:43:11 PM
Holy smoley s, how the heck you gonna eat all a that!! Looks awsome reb, burglars galore...must have company..I like it!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/12/17, 07:45:57 PM
But it's only two, boob!  :smiley:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/12/17, 07:55:30 PM
not bad for 1/5 pound burgers!!! :laughroll: :laughroll: :super smiley: :super smiley:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/12/17, 11:01:23 PM
Great looking chow there Reb. Beef is definitely what's for dinner! :azn:

We were hungry for some pig so Mrs. Cheviot got some center cut pork chops and a tenderloin. Toss some applewood on the coals, grilled indirect, a couple beers and a half hour later supper is served. Wind was out of the southwest so it blew a lot of the aroma from the grilling in the house when going in and out the patio door. Still smells good in here when you come in from outdoors.  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/13/17, 06:02:51 AM
not bad for 1/5 pound burgers!!! :laughroll: :laughroll: :super smiley: :super smiley:

For yer info, katchup breath, those are 1/3 lb fresh ground chuck burglars. And yes, the cow's name was Chuck.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/13/17, 06:05:11 AM
 Good lookin' meal, there, Dotcharoonie! Can't beat a meal of piggers! Always tasty.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/13/17, 09:02:10 AM
Tasty lookin stuff dotcharoo, smelling up the house is right up my alley  :happy1: fart-421.gif. that bacons probably cut to tick for burglars anyhow reb. Although I did get the green light to make moe, might havta slice em tinner.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/13/17, 09:06:18 AM
Boobski, I never attempt to correct a fellow grillmaster, but bacon is NEVER too thick to accentuate my reknowned burglars.   ;D
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/13/17, 10:51:12 AM
 :happy1:  :blues brothers:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/15/17, 09:37:14 AM
It's not the weekend but it doesn't have to be for grilling. A couple NY strippers from Morgan's Meat Market, salad, mixed veggies and a spud for Valentine's Day. Weber Chicago Steak seasoning, a mix of apple & pear wood for extra smomeage, w/direct heat on the Weber. Worked to perfection as one of the strips was more petite for the wife so it was a little more done to satisfy her tastes.

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/15/17, 10:09:22 AM
And two lips, yet!! Er, tulips....what a spread! One of these days I'll have to sell my body and get a couple of big, juicy steaks!   :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/15/17, 10:50:45 AM
I hear ya Reb. I cringed a little at the $7.99 a lb. price tag but they were some nice hunks of meat and there was little waste. Even Ruby got to snack on a couple small hunks of fat. Besides I needed to get a couple of our lambs on their schedule to butcher next month so I try to patronize the meat counter whenever I can. They treat me right. Our lamb supply is running on fumes in the freezer. Talk about spendy meat to buy. A couple months ago at Fareway I watched a lady buy 6 lamb chops they sliced off a whole loin for her. $13.89 a lb.!!! I about crapped. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/15/17, 04:42:14 PM
Splendid looking dinner dotch, hitting some strippers with heat and smoke always turns out good in the end sleazy-422.gif. Probably a good thing you didn't tell the lady buying the chops  the name of the sheep , " ya that's so and so " , the look on her face woulda been priceless..
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/15/17, 05:29:01 PM
Splendid looking dinner dotch, hitting some strippers with heat and smoke always turns out good in the end sleazy-422.gif. Probably a good thing you didn't tell the lady buying the chops  the name of the sheep , " ya that's so and so " , the look on her face woulda been priceless..

NOOOO! That's Fluffy!!!!

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/15/17, 06:45:14 PM
I hear ya Reb. I cringed a little at the $7.99 a lb. price tag but they were some nice hunks of meat and there was little waste. Even Ruby got to snack on a couple small hunks of fat. Besides I needed to get a couple of our lambs on their schedule to butcher next month so I try to patronize the meat counter whenever I can. They treat me right. Our lamb supply is running on fumes in the freezer. Talk about spendy meat to buy. A couple months ago at Fareway I watched a lady buy 6 lamb chops they sliced off a whole loin for her. $13.89 a lb.!!! I about crapped.

Yup, once in a while ya gotta live it up. As Barney said to Thelma Lou, after a "spat", where she said he was cheap, "No more Thursday nite specials for us at the Diner, Thel!! From now on, it's the steak sandwich!! For both! No more sharing halfsies!!!  :shocked:  ;D
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/17/17, 10:29:20 AM
A big mess o' CSR's over apple wood. Rubbed, wrapped, and waiting right now. Sweet taters, maple beans, mac salad, and my ever present green tops. *NOM*NOM*   :tongue: Won't have to cook after the classes this weekend, just heat 'n eat the saved ones. If someone does eat all of 'em..... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/17/17, 05:17:53 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/17/17, 05:32:29 PM
Awe gawd rotten carrots??? :rotflmao: looks darn tootin good otherwise!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/17/17, 05:47:29 PM
And a great day for grilling, looks mint reb!! I gotta get me some csr's, been way too long. Awsome spread!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/17/17, 05:59:25 PM
Awe gawd rotten carrots??? :rotflmao: looks darn tootin good otherwise!!! :happy1: :happy1:

Carrots??!?! You numbnuts, those are candied sweet potatos!!!!  :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/17/17, 06:13:13 PM
Same thing!!! :puke: :puke: :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/17/17, 06:24:24 PM
Oh for gods sake!!!! Candied sweet taters taste NOTHING like carrots!  :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/17/17, 06:41:26 PM

Vegetables.  It's all good.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/17/17, 06:47:36 PM
Oh for gods sake!!!! Candied sweet taters taste NOTHING like carrots!  :doah:
its a sweet tater....nuff said. yucky!!!!!!!!!

now maybe iffin ya added some KATCHUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/17/17, 06:52:22 PM
the veg all sound good!!!  nice dinner Reb!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/18/17, 05:34:38 AM
Oh for gods sake!!!! Candied sweet taters taste NOTHING like carrots!  :doah:
its a sweet tater....nuff said. yucky!!!!!!!!!

now maybe iffin ya added some KATCHUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Jeez, what a picky petulant pup!!! "Mummy, I doan' want none o dat stuff"... :angry:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/18/17, 11:02:39 AM
me likes a lot of veggies.......them aint one of them. some I don't mind cooked......others need to be raw!!!!!!! my daily lunches always have a qt zip lock bag full or raw veggies and varies depending on the time of year!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/18/17, 10:53:52 PM
Gawd Reb. Wish you lived closer. We could cook each other supper once in a while!  :happy1:

Was too nice not to grill tonight. Even though she wanted me several times, Mrs. Cheviot relented long enough to allow me to sling some hash! Lamb burgers with Swiss and grilled onions to garnish the top. A little tossed salad, some pea salad and the Modelo Negra melded well with the finished product. Needed a couple GT's to get warmed up. There could be some mosquitoes about and malaria season is just around the corner.  Lamb burgers were cooked direct, seasoned with McCormick Hamburger seasoning w/apple-pear wood combo for extra smomeage. Time to do some pruning so I can replenish me supply.  :azn:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/19/17, 07:56:56 AM
UMM NUMM!! We GOTS to get togedder, Dotcheroo!!! A grill-o-rama beyond compare would follow..... hubba_hubba-404.gif
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on February 02/19/17, 09:26:28 AM
Love that meal Dotch!!  Nice beer also.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/19/17, 10:00:35 AM
Very nice dotch!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on February 02/19/17, 04:37:17 PM
Looks awful tasty....!!!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/05/17, 02:33:32 PM
All three going today, Cody snack sticks on the smoker while on the weber is a whole brined chicken for the wife to add in her salads and casseroles during the week. The big dog has a beef roast swimming in beer and broth..it's almost like having a plan b. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/05/17, 02:38:04 PM
GOOD GAWD!!! BOOBER'S HIT REDLINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/05/17, 02:42:09 PM
what a plan!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on March 03/05/17, 04:48:53 PM
All awesome plans.  Like I said in the stove oven area it is St. Louis ribs for me.  Doing the 3-2-1 with less heat than I have in the past.  Found out my pellet grill was cooking hotter than where it was set at.  My ribs have been much better since I found that out.  Now grate temp is seen with my meat probe sitting on the grate.  Maintaining 225-230 now. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/05/17, 05:08:39 PM
Mabe with our grills, our dogs...we could do a Bush's bean commercial!!!!   :rotflmao:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/05/17, 05:09:50 PM
Maybe with our grills, and our dogs...and the MNO guys...we could do a Bush's bean commercial!!!!    :dancinred: :rotflmao:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/05/17, 06:26:12 PM
No action shots after the wolves hit the kitchen. All that's left is some awesome cheesy taters and a few chunks of beef. burp-402.gif
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on March 03/05/17, 06:39:37 PM
hitemp bluecheese bacon cheese burgers!! oh my!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/05/17, 06:41:51 PM
WHERE??! WHERE!?!?! GIMME ONE!!  burp-402.gif
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/05/17, 06:43:56 PM
hitemp bluecheese bacon cheese burgers!! oh my!!!!

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on March 03/05/17, 06:44:44 PM
LMAO.sorry here ya go!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/11/17, 07:26:33 PM
Sunnies last swim, besides the oval office. Went with a little extra oil for some curds after the fish...oh my!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/11/17, 07:34:13 PM
 :happy1: :happy1: yep........sculpting iss out da window!!!!!!!!!! tut_tut-3315.gif :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on March 03/12/17, 05:43:14 PM
We're just cooking burgers on the grill while it snows.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/12/17, 05:47:43 PM
:happy1: :happy1: yep........sculpting iss out da window!!!!!!!!!! tut_tut-3315.gif :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Ya. yer sure the spokesperson for THAT!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/12/17, 06:38:07 PM
Wow! Boober, Boar & HD have been so productive making great looking edibles in spite of the weather. Got me grilling done today just ahead of the snow. Barely had time for the grill to cool down before putting the cover back on. Over 5" of s***so far and still snowing. HyVee had bogo marinated Hormel pork tenderloins yesterday so I bit. One was barbecue mesquite and the other was honey mustard.  Pruned a bit on the pear trees so I had some additional smomeage. Also baked the spuds along with them, all indirect. Fortunately I had lots of dog supervision when slicing the tenderloins up so none landed on the floor. Mrs. Cheviot pitched in with a salad. Lots of leftovers for sammiches. Best of all Ruby and I got a great little nap in watching BB!  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/12/17, 06:41:17 PM
Wow! That looks great!!  Ruby is so cute!!!  I bet you can balance a carrot on her nose.....:azn:   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/12/17, 06:55:05 PM
excellent Dotch!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/12/17, 06:59:41 PM
:happy1: :happy1: yep........sculpting iss out da window!!!!!!!!!! tut_tut-3315.gif :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Ya. yer sure the spokesperson for THAT!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
yea well bucko you aint no lean mean machine either!!!!!! or should I say you aint not Richard simmons!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/12/17, 07:17:17 PM
:happy1: :happy1: yep........sculpting iss out da window!!!!!!!!!! tut_tut-3315.gif :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Ya. yer sure the spokesperson for THAT!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
yea well bucko you aint no lean mean machine either!!!!!! or should I say you aint not Richard simmons!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

we already know he's not Richard Simmons he a recluse now!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on March 03/12/17, 07:22:24 PM
I can't keep up with all of this...  So who is like Richard Simmons, Boar, Rebs, or Glenn???
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/12/17, 07:29:41 PM
I can't keep up with all of this...  So who is like Richard Simmons, Boar, Rebs, or Glenn???

oooooppppssss!! younger audience!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/12/17, 07:29:55 PM
Man, I hope none of us are like that nutball.  Great looking spread dotch, gotta love grilled pig tenderloins.  No way to say no to ruby's begging eyes.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/19/17, 07:51:00 AM
It was burgers last night, chunks of bacon, onions and brown sugar mixed with beans. Might have to light some candles in the house.. fart-421.gif
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/19/17, 07:51:56 AM
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/17, 07:55:10 AM
Ooooh...num nums!!! Hey Boob, have ya tried the Bush's bourbon beans or southern pit grillin' beans? They're great, and they have a bunch of new ones out, too.  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on March 03/19/17, 08:05:37 AM
Yeah I agree, bushes have really opened their variety an they are great. Ya dimpled them, true burger man! looks great!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/19/17, 08:15:36 AM
Thanks fellas, ya we had the bourbon beans last week with steak pretty good although Cap'n Ken's beans are my fav even though they rip me up the next day. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/17, 08:21:39 AM
I'm gonna have to try those. My Dad always had them and said they were the best, but I never had any.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on March 03/19/17, 08:22:34 AM
I mentioned this in the morning thread.  I didn't plan on doing ribs today but just seems the Sunday thing to do.  I may run into town and get a rack.  I may also do a fatty so I can make it into sandwichs this week.  I saw some beef ribs the other day but the whole bone was exposed and the only meat was between them.  Didn't look like much meat to me.  Have never done them but would like to try them.  I will look again today.  I have Diners Dives and Drive Ins on and that gets me in the cooking mode. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/17, 08:25:18 AM
I've switched up my menu too. Got a pkg of chicky wings that are gonna get apple wood grilled and tossed in the sriracha sauce.    :tongue:
Best watch out for those fatties, Barry....  smoking_a_joint-408.gif   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/17, 04:58:58 PM
Digging around in 'fridge while wings were goin'.....no sour cream to mix with blue cheese for the dippin' sauce...damn!
Lookin' for the sriracha...out!! Double damn!  :banghead: Found some Baby Ray's sweet 'n sassy...added some tabasco to it, and a big hit of smoked chipotle powder. Yow! That was good! No dippin' sauce, but I may be onto something.... :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/19/17, 05:41:20 PM
where did you find the smoked powder?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/19/17, 06:15:55 PM
That's a great looking meal reb!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/17, 06:38:44 PM
where did you find the smoked powder?

I always have it on hand...any good grocery store. McCormick gourmet spice collection...Wally world has it.

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/19/17, 06:43:19 PM
thanks Reb and your supper looked great!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/17, 06:45:00 PM
Thanks, Mikey..it was! I saved two for a snack later... :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/19/17, 06:45:49 PM
that sounds like something I'd do!!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/17, 06:50:44 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on March 03/24/17, 06:15:49 PM
Well I got the jerky done.  Used the Dr. Pepper recipe my daughter wanted me to try.  Smoked it for about 5 hours.  I'll use the recipe again.  Good Luck.

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/24/17, 06:34:19 PM
dang wish I was there to try it!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/24/17, 07:41:53 PM
Me too! Say, howz that new grill workin', Mikey?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/24/17, 07:55:10 PM
seems to good to go,  next few days I'm going to try more.  just little things like burgers so far.  but I think it will be fun to play with!! smoked meatloaf one of these days!!!
awesome eats and smoked taters, and maybe even smoke a few hard boiled eggs!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on March 03/26/17, 11:35:13 AM
got my jerkey in the dehydrator boar backstrapinglennsface jerky. 3 tiers of dr pepperpinaaple marinade. and 2 teirs of some grocery store seasoning. smells delicious!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/26/17, 12:10:23 PM
Lookin' good there Boar!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/26/17, 12:18:01 PM
got my jerkey in the dehydrator boar backstrapinglennsface jerky. 3 tiers of dr pepperpinaaple marinade. and 2 teirs of some grocery store seasoning. smells delicious!
NOOOOO! face_plant-2139.gif face_plant-2139.gif :bonk: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/26/17, 12:37:16 PM
the pineapple sounds really good!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on March 03/26/17, 02:07:10 PM
yeah I added a bunch of really pinnapple to the mix,see if it gives it a sweet taste.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/26/17, 02:17:48 PM
Atta boy boar!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/01/17, 07:39:33 PM
Had Turkey and steak kaboobs tonight. With some sorta tossed salad and beans.  Sorry no pics was way too hungry!! :afro:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on April 04/01/17, 07:41:26 PM
i had a burger!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on April 04/01/17, 07:51:06 PM
That's what we had boar... Burgers
I was out in the swamp, and Mama cooked...No pictures
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/01/17, 07:52:08 PM
ended up at a 75th b-day party for friends wifes dad. excellent food!!  did not not have to do it it myself!!  sweet!!

but you can not beat a good burger!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on April 04/01/17, 07:56:09 PM
yup! lova da burger. specialy farm cow meat.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on April 04/02/17, 08:10:31 AM
I finally found some Texas Style Beef Back Ribs.  They look real meaty.  Most of the beef ribs I see are all bones and little meat.  I have never done beef ribs before so can't wait to try them on the pellet smomer.  I see on RH's site that he does them pretty much like pork ribs.  About a 5 hour smome.  I think I will do 3-1-1????  May be subject to change as things progress.  I just dusted them with some garlic, pepper, etc. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/02/17, 09:05:42 AM
Just plain old pig steaks on the grill today. along wit some taters fried in onions and butter. And a veggie to be determined later.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/02/17, 10:45:43 AM
I finally found some Texas Style Beef Back Ribs.  They look real meaty.  Most of the beef ribs I see are all bones and little meat.  I have never done beef ribs before so can't wait to try them on the pellet smomer.  I see on RH's site that he does them pretty much like pork ribs.  About a 5 hour smome.  I think I will do 3-1-1????  May be subject to change as things progress.  I just dusted them with some garlic, pepper, etc.

I think with beef you want something more like what are spare ribs on a pig.   I posted something about it in the good morning thread, probably the wrong place.   my bad. 

Anyway I hope it is interesting information.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on April 04/02/17, 12:50:07 PM
WE're doin a rack a babybacks that were for last evening but we had fresh fish in their place last night.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on April 04/02/17, 08:04:31 PM
Our first try at beef ribs was great!!!  Just did a 3-2-1 and used some Bullseye BBQ sauce that I got for $1 a bottle and added a little JAG of red wine to it for the juice when I foiled it.  I really don't think the brand of BBQ sauce matters that much.  It is just some flavor to add to the juices that are already there.  Worked great!!!  They were tender and had the flavor of chuck roast which is one of my favorite pieces of beef. I will definitely do them again.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on April 04/04/17, 04:00:21 PM
You did great on those beef ribs [my favorite ribs].  The ribs you got look like they were cut fresh off the standing rib at the shop there.  That's the one's I look for myself.  Those cryo packaged ones don't have much meat at all.  If you can get a beef plate [that's where the short ribs are cut from] then you hit the gold mine.  I'm getting a couple for easter.  Just having them cut three times through so I have 3 strips to smoke.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on April 04/05/17, 10:53:58 AM
Ya RH, they were in the styrofoam plate with cellophane on top with the store label on them.  I will look for them more often now that I know what to look for. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/05/17, 02:46:05 PM
Ribs look awesome LPS!

Did the annual meeting thing here yesterday so had the grill cranked up the afternoon before grilling the weenies for that. Put them on a bed of kraut in the roaster and that works slick. Was supposed to go out to supper the night before with my brother who spoke at the meeting. He was running late so had lamb chops as Plan B ready to grill in case. He opted for Plan B!  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on April 04/05/17, 03:12:50 PM
looking dotch
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/05/17, 04:07:52 PM
I admit it boar, I do look like a weenie...lol

Did you notice the Bombay is reaching a critical level? Best make a run for the border to replenish me supply! :cheerleader:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on April 04/05/17, 04:16:10 PM
Holy Barbecue Batman....those ribs and lamb chops look great!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/05/17, 04:21:13 PM
Great work gents!! Beef ribs, chops and weenies in kraut...awesone. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on April 04/05/17, 05:55:10 PM
Tonight we had pig chops, baby tators with broccoli & cheese.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on April 04/05/17, 06:03:46 PM
Looks great Dotch.  Especially those lamb chops.  I did find a guy here that is starting to raise sheep.  I told him to keep me in the loop for a lamb big enough to butcher when he has them.  He just got some ewes and a buck so is in the beginning stage.  SO to you Dotch.  How old should they be butchered and how much should they weigh at that stage?  Also what is the cost per lb. live weight for them?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/05/17, 09:39:12 PM
Looks great Dotch.  Especially those lamb chops.  I did find a guy here that is starting to raise sheep.  I told him to keep me in the loop for a lamb big enough to butcher when he has them.  He just got some ewes and a buck so is in the beginning stage.  SO to you Dotch.  How old should they be butchered and how much should they weigh at that stage?  Also what is the cost per lb. live weight for them?

When to butcher depends a little on the breed and how they're being fed. Also personal preference. A lot of the lambs if they're being fed grain right along can be ready in 6 - 7 months. I like the weight at 100 - 120 lb.s while some will push for up to 140 lber's. Some breeds like our Cheviots can easily go a year and maintain the flavor of the meat while increasing the size of the cuts without getting ridiculously fat. They also convert fairly well on grass for those wanting "grass fed". Not the way I like it but we sell breeding stock to people who raise grass fed. As far as price on the hoof, looked at the Zumbrota market tonight in Agri-News and it was $1.25 - $1.60 per lb. There were a few as high as $1.80. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/05/17, 09:51:02 PM
Sure looked good to me! I had a couple of Stouffers in the freezer for emergencies....thank god. I can't stand on this leg long enough to make a real dinner or do anything. Think I'll head in to get seen tomorrow....that purple and yellow bloated leg just ain't very pretty.  :shocked:  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on April 04/06/17, 07:35:25 AM
Smoked a bone in NY strip roast the other day.  Had it in the freezer from a sale.  Decided to make hoagies from the roast.  Turned out nice.  Pulled it from the smoker at 130 internal.  Let it rest and sliced it as thin as I could and put the slices in au jus.    Did some with melted cheese and some without.  good luck
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/06/17, 07:48:50 AM
OMIGOD..... :tongue:   hubba_hubba-404.gif   I haveta move. Now.  What's yer downstairs look like?   ;D
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on April 04/06/17, 07:57:19 AM
May have to put in bunk beds for me and Rebs RH.  Great looking meal.  And Dotch thanks for the info.  I will let you know what breed they have as I learn more from them.  I do know the Ram is a mix. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/06/17, 08:01:45 AM
great looking meal RH!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/06/17, 08:06:51 AM
May have to put in bunk beds for me and Rebs RH.  Great looking meal.  And Dotch thanks for the info.  I will let you know what breed they have as I learn more from them.  I do know the Ram is a mix.
there's no room fer the 2 of you..............the adoption papers are just about complete!!!!!!!!!!!!! :moon: :moon: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/06/17, 08:15:42 AM
May have to put in bunk beds for me and Rebs RH.  Great looking meal.  And Dotch thanks for the info.  I will let you know what breed they have as I learn more from them.  I do know the Ram is a mix.
there's no room fer the 2 of you..............the adoption papers are just about complete!!!!!!!!!!!!! :moon: :moon: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

someone should tell RH what he's gettin into!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/06/17, 05:08:54 PM
Saw some decent looking lamb pieces parts at Costco today, not to interfere with all the nonsense.  They were from Australia, mate.   Throw another lamb on the barbie....

(not that I am much of a lamb connoisseur)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/06/17, 05:16:06 PM
I had boneless seasoned center cut piggy fillets. Melt in yer mouth soft, with some cauliflower in cheese sauce.  They just weren't on the grill....:tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/06/17, 05:26:37 PM
Looks mint Rh,  and that's wonnerful as well Reb.  Nothing to write home about here, just some Barry Manilo specials.. :rotflmao: Homemade hot  Italians,  some were boiled in beer and some not.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/06/17, 06:16:35 PM
Looks mint Rh,  and that's wonnerful as well Reb.  Nothing to write home about here, just some Barry Manilo specials.. :rotflmao: Homemade hot  Italians,  some were boiled in beer and some not.  :happy1:

I was just dipping a 'nanner into a chocolate pudding cup.....when I was reading this...looked at the nanner... face_plant-2139.gif

Don 't forget to slather them custom weenies with horseradish mustard, boobalo.  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/06/17, 07:16:44 PM
Looks mint Rh,  and that's wonnerful as well Reb.  Nothing to write home about here, just some Barry Manilo specials.. :rotflmao: Homemade hot  Italians,  some were boiled in beer and some not.  :happy1:

I was just dipping a 'nanner into a chocolate pudding cup.....when I was reading this...looked at the nanner... face_plant-2139.gif

Don 't forget to slather them custom weenies with horseradish mustard, boobalo.  ;)

you will never see a banana in the same way again!!!   tut_tut-3315.gif
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/06/17, 07:49:08 PM
I know. Especially dipped in chocolate pudding. I really like 'em that way. The banana, I mean...  :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/06/17, 08:04:37 PM
I know. Especially dipped in chocolate pudding. I really like 'em that way. The banana, I mean...  :doah:

 face_plant-2139.gif :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: ThunderLund78 on April 04/07/17, 11:26:29 AM
Looks great, RH!  Smoking beef roasts is a regular thing at my house now eve since I tried your method.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/08/17, 06:40:05 PM
Grilled chicky thighs, tater salad, pickled beets and some green tops.  Raspberry yogurt for dessert. First real grill out, with feet up and reclined in deck chair, sipping an iced tea in the 70* temps...... :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/08/17, 07:05:20 PM
looks great!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/08/17, 07:18:13 PM
Thanks! Howz yer new grill doin'?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/08/17, 07:40:42 PM
getting a little more used to it, just lust little things so far.  but thinking about some ribs before long.  I do like the way it works!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/09/17, 09:29:03 AM
Looks super Reb!! I'm not much on skinless boneless chicken but the Mrs found some marinated.  Instead of drying them out on the grate they went in the pans with bacon wrapped spuds...not too bad.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/09/17, 09:42:08 AM
Lookin' good there, boob! Can't beat grilled chicky in any way, shape. or form.  Burghamblers for me tonite...topped wit sharp cheddar and swiss and all the fixin's.  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/09/17, 11:15:12 AM
looks good guys!!  Bobber how long did you cook the bacon wrapped spuds??
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/09/17, 11:22:53 AM
looks good guys!!  Bobber how long did you cook the bacon wrapped spuds??

'Til they were done.   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/09/17, 11:30:57 AM
looks good guys!!  Bobber how long did you cook the bacon wrapped spuds??

'Til they were done.   :rotflmao:

should have seen that one coming at me!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/09/17, 11:38:28 AM
Yer supposed to be out riding that new scootie around!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/09/17, 11:49:42 AM
have been, it's a nice ride too, was out on it yesterday.  church this morning but it's been raining real light here all morning.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/09/17, 11:56:05 AM
Perfect here. 69* already, partly sunny, slight breeze. getting warmer... :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/09/17, 11:58:03 AM
still 52 here, started at 51.  enjoy your day with the sun out there!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/09/17, 12:56:39 PM
looks good guys!!  Bobber how long did you cook the bacon wrapped spuds??
  I cheated this time and nuked em. I suppose they were on for 30 minutes.  Tonight's feast is on and getting colored already!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/09/17, 01:02:33 PM
I've done that too, I smoking the taters too.  makes great tasting tater salad!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/09/17, 01:43:12 PM
Say...now there's an idea...smomed tater salad! Dang!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/09/17, 01:46:28 PM
you have it once you don't forget the taste!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/09/17, 02:41:42 PM
Just like green beans!  :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/09/17, 02:49:49 PM
no no, smoked taters are great anyway you eat them!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/09/17, 02:51:20 PM
Smoked eggs will really wake up a blah tater salad.   :rocker;
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/09/17, 02:52:55 PM
have not done the eggs yet, have to try that sometime.  I'm sure that would good in the tater salad too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/09/17, 03:14:49 PM
Lookee what I found, guys!! Ok Boober, get the missus going on this one!!  ;)

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/09/17, 03:20:20 PM
looks good Rebs, all we did to the taters clean, poke them, rub butter flavored crisco all over them, seemed to work fine too.  is that one of the site u use Reb?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/09/17, 03:22:46 PM
Me? I use NO sites. ALL my recipes, things I make, and cookin' come straight from my noggin'.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/09/17, 03:32:30 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/09/17, 04:12:31 PM
Smoked deviled eggs are awesome,  in tater salad too. I've smoked taters but it seems to take some time, but then again I did  the big fat russets,  not the little guys.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/09/17, 05:26:03 PM
STOP IT!!! I just had double cheese bunglars off the grill...and yer makin' me hungry again!!!  tut_tut-3315.gif
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/09/17, 05:39:57 PM
So, do you bake the taters before smoking them?   Or after?   Low and Slow really doesn't make a good baked potato in my opinion.   

But I can totally see taking one that's been in the oven at 425 for an hour and giving it another hour or two in the smoke. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on April 04/09/17, 05:44:39 PM
Me? I use NO sites. ALL my recipes, things I make, and cookin' come straight from my noggin'.

Betcha that's a short list.....  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/09/17, 05:48:30 PM
HEY!!! Don't you have some GREEN BEANS to go plant or something??!! :angry:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/09/17, 05:54:33 PM
So, do you bake the taters before smoking them?   Or after?   Low and Slow really doesn't make a good baked potato in my opinion.   

But I can totally see taking one that's been in the oven at 425 for an hour and giving it another hour or two in the smoke.

put them in the smoker raw,as I said in a post above use that method and it works nice.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/09/17, 07:14:02 PM
Me? I use NO sites. ALL my recipes, things I make, and cookin' come straight from my noggin'.

Betcha that's a short list.....  :rotflmao:
:laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: or all his food is rock hard!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/09/17, 07:52:20 PM
Me? I use NO sites. ALL my recipes, things I make, and cookin' come straight from my noggin'.

Betcha that's a short list.....  :rotflmao:
:laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: or all his food is rock hard!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Why you cross-eyed little....%$$@#@ training-087 training-087 training-087 :fudd: :fudd: :fudd: :fudd: :archery: :swords: :army: mooning-448.gif :moon: :moon: :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/09/17, 07:57:52 PM
 :woot: :woot: :woot: :snow3: I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/23/17, 09:34:29 AM
Too danged quiet over here...someone HAS to be grillin' sumpn' good today!!    Boober? RH? Gunner? Coffee? Boar? Ya all eatin' TV dinners, or what?  It's the old stand-by for me today...apple wood smoked chicky thighs, spring salad, tato salad, green tops, pickled beets, iced tea... :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Coffee118 on April 04/23/17, 09:45:59 AM
Too danged quiet over here...someone HAS to be grillin' sumpn' good today!!    Boober? RH? Gunner? Coffee? Boar? Ya all eatin' TV dinners, or what?  It's the old stand-by for me today...apple wood smoked chicky thighs, spring salad, tato salad, green tops, pickled beets, iced tea... :tongue:
Sorry reb nothing on the grill today I have a 12:30 tee time so if anything it'll be  a hot dog off of One of those club house hot dog rolling thingy machines burp-402.gif  :puke: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on April 04/23/17, 10:26:54 AM
Ya real quiet Rebs. Even though I made that ham and bean soup yesterday I may just throw some spare ribs on for something to do.  The sun is out but the temp just dropped a couple more degrees and it is only 33 out right now.  That is why I checked to see what is happening here...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/23/17, 10:41:47 AM
who got the infra red grill here?  LPS I thinking maybe you, wondering if that is the way to go for a grill vs a regular grill.  pro cons etc please
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/23/17, 11:08:12 AM
who got the infra red grill here?  LPS I thinking maybe you, wondering if that is the way to go for a grill vs a regular grill.  pro cons etc please
no infra red here. just a gas and charcoal!!!!!!!! personally I think ya cant beat the old weber charcoal grill!!!!!!!!!!

no grillin today.........gonna be a ginny pig.....momma's gonna experiment with a new dish she seen on her phone!!!!!! :bonk: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/23/17, 11:16:34 AM
who got the infra red grill here?  LPS I thinking maybe you, wondering if that is the way to go for a grill vs a regular grill.  pro cons etc please
no infra red here. just a gas and charcoal!!!!!!!! personally I think ya cant beat the old weber charcoal grill!!!!!!!!!!

no grillin today.........gonna be a ginny pig.....momma's gonna experiment with a new dish she seen on her phone!!!!!! :bonk: :rotflmao:

got that too, weber kettle.  just would like to replace the gas one I have.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/23/17, 11:21:06 AM
We're STILL waiting for pics from the new smokey thingit!!   ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/23/17, 11:55:03 AM
Had to work yesterday,  but I put a bunch of patio furniture and a free standing hammock in the truck and came our to the cabin. Man it's soggy out here but tonight it's brats and hot digity dogs on the weber.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/23/17, 12:22:14 PM
Cabin?! Man, youse guys all live the life of luxury!!!  :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on April 04/23/17, 12:45:55 PM
 extra thick pork steaks here with a pineapple we bought before Easter it was green an now barley ripe.Pork shoulder roasts are to big for 2 of us so I take steaks off em an can cut thickness we want.I'm doin em on the gas grill. Lazin on a sunday afternoon here at the lake Reb
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/23/17, 01:06:19 PM
Cripes!!! Just me and boring deck land here!!!!  :angry:  I need one of dem hot babe-ettes that HD is always postin' to liven things up!!  hubba_hubba-404.gif
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on April 04/23/17, 01:09:27 PM
Cripes!!! Just me and deck land here!!!!  :angry:  I need one of dem hot babe-ettes that HD is always postin' to liven things up!!  hubba_hubba-404.gif
Thats all you need not knowin what to do or say just adroolin an starin she'd be outta there before you could say well hello there
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/23/17, 01:33:09 PM
Ahh, go and play pitty-pat with Glenn boy!  :moon:   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/23/17, 02:15:38 PM
who got the infra red grill here?  LPS I thinking maybe you, wondering if that is the way to go for a grill vs a regular grill.  pro cons etc please
no infra red here. just a gas and charcoal!!!!!!!! personally I think ya cant beat the old weber charcoal grill!!!!!!!!!!

no grillin today.........gonna be a ginny pig.....momma's gonna experiment with a new dish she seen on her phone!!!!!! :bonk: :rotflmao:

got that too, weber kettle.  just would like to replace the gas one I have.  :happy1:
spend the money on a weber gas grill...............you wont regret it!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/23/17, 02:27:34 PM
yes weber is is good, ducane was too, had one of them too. they all get old and go bad for what ever reason so with that not sure what brand I'll go with yet.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on April 04/23/17, 02:33:20 PM
yes weber is is good, ducane was too, had one of them too. they all get old and go bad for what ever reason so with that not sure what brand I'll go with yet.
UN fortunately I have to ag ag agree wit 57! I got a used webber from a doc I did a deck for 6-8 years ago it was 3 years old then I bought all new?? V drip flavor slats and its better than any gas I ever used an as you may see long lasting,Just looked for the modle # its faded away!!
 Kinda like 57 just fadin away into oblivion!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/23/17, 02:36:54 PM
yes weber is is good, ducane was too, had one of them too. they all get old and go bad for what ever reason so with that not sure what brand I'll go with yet.
I've had mine for 20 years......only thing I replaced has been them V thingys that protect the burner!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on April 04/23/17, 02:41:53 PM
yes weber is is good, ducane was too, had one of them too. they all get old and go bad for what ever reason so with that not sure what brand I'll go with yet.
I've had mine for 20 years......only thing I replaced has been them V thingys that protect the burner!!!!!!!!!
Yah EH!! but the gas mine is powered with is Propane,Nottin like da gas dat powers yers.Those V slats are called flavor enhancers wit yer gas only you can eat anything burnt on it! Then smile an say dats good chit
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/23/17, 03:15:51 PM
If they came out with a grill powered by BULL, you two would NEVER have to buy fuel!!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/23/17, 03:21:53 PM
yes weber is is good, ducane was too, had one of them too. they all get old and go bad for what ever reason so with that not sure what brand I'll go with yet.
I've had mine for 20 years......only thing I replaced has been them V thingys that protect the burner!!!!!!!!!

well if you would have been using it the last 19 years you might have replaced more!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/23/17, 03:32:54 PM
yes weber is is good, ducane was too, had one of them too. they all get old and go bad for what ever reason so with that not sure what brand I'll go with yet.
I've had mine for 20 years......only thing I replaced has been them V thingys that protect the burner!!!!!!!!!

well if you would have been using it the last 19 years you might have replaced more!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Pfffttt!!!!!!!!!! I use it rain snow sleet and rain........don't matter!!!!!! at least 2-3 times a week year round bucko!!!!!! :moon: :moon: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/23/17, 03:38:21 PM
yes weber is is good, ducane was too, had one of them too. they all get old and go bad for what ever reason so with that not sure what brand I'll go with yet.
I've had mine for 20 years......only thing I replaced has been them V thingys that protect the burner!!!!!!!!!

well if you would have been using it the last 19 years you might have replaced more!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Pfffttt!!!!!!!!!! I use it rain snow sleet and rain........don't matter!!!!!! at least 2-3 times a week year round bucko!!!!!! :moon: :moon: :rotflmao:

That is the way I use them too!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/23/17, 05:03:12 PM
yes weber is is good, ducane was too, had one of them too. they all get old and go bad for what ever reason so with that not sure what brand I'll go with yet.
I've had mine for 20 years......only thing I replaced has been them V thingys that protect the burner!!!!!!!!!

well if you would have been using it the last 19 years you might have replaced more!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Pfffttt!!!!!!!!!! I use it rain snow sleet and rain........don't matter!!!!!! at least 2-3 times a week year round bucko!!!!!! :moon: :moon: :rotflmao:

And you STILL can't grill right??!  :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  :happybounce:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/23/17, 05:05:39 PM
yes weber is is good, ducane was too, had one of them too. they all get old and go bad for what ever reason so with that not sure what brand I'll go with yet.
I've had mine for 20 years......only thing I replaced has been them V thingys that protect the burner!!!!!!!!!

well if you would have been using it the last 19 years you might have replaced more!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Pfffttt!!!!!!!!!! I use it rain snow sleet and rain........don't matter!!!!!! at least 2-3 times a week year round bucko!!!!!! :moon: :moon: :rotflmao:

And you STILL can't grill right??!  :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  :happybounce:
why you dirty rotten slug eatin...............$%^&*(*&^%$#$%^&* face_plant-2139.gif training-087 :banghead: :fudd: :fudd: :taz: :taz: :taz: :taz: crazy-2239.gif doofus-2124.gif :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on April 04/23/17, 05:07:43 PM
yes weber is is good, ducane was too, had one of them too. they all get old and go bad for what ever reason so with that not sure what brand I'll go with yet.
I've had mine for 20 years......only thing I replaced has been them V thingys that protect the burner!!!!!!!!!

well if you would have been using it the last 19 years you might have replaced more!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Pfffttt!!!!!!!!!! I use it rain snow sleet and rain........don't matter!!!!!! at least 2-3 times a week year round bucko!!!!!! :moon: :moon: :rotflmao:
Fess up now Thats the only shelter you got when the ole girl boots yer butt outta da house!! Thats where the this statement came in>>>"I use it rain snow sleet and rain."
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/23/17, 05:19:12 PM
NAW..........momma loves me!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/23/17, 05:40:01 PM
HA! Where Glenn goes out back when Momma boots him...... :doah:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on April 04/23/17, 07:31:25 PM
No pics but just cooked burgers on the new Char Broil Infrared Grill.  Did steaks the other night.  I may never use the kettle grill again.  I had to get used to how fast it cooks them too.  Can sprinkle wood chips on it and they smoke immediately.  Makes great grill marks on the meat too.  Get the Professional or Signature model.   The Performance model is the cheaper quality one...  Still need the Daniel Boone for smoming though...   The IR is not for low and slow I don't think...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/03/17, 10:17:31 AM
Finally, time for some action photos. Had an opportunity to head to the local meat market so procured some nice looking pork chops to grill last night. Was very still and best of all it wasn't dark like it frequently is when I grill.  Great night to be outside because in addition to the grackles, robins, red-winged blackbirds, cardinals and song sparrows singing was treated to Canada geese flying overhead, sandhill cranes calling from the wetland and rooster pheasants crowing LOUDLY nearby. Others would follow suit across the landscape. Some plum wood added to the coals for extra smomeage. Plus I was closely supervised along with having rhubarb pie for dessert. Put Mrs. Cheviot down for the count so she didn't try to ravage me.   :cheesy:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on May 05/03/17, 10:36:09 AM
That looks awesome, the chops and the ice cream..
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/03/17, 10:58:23 AM
darn nice looking meal!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/03/17, 11:19:13 AM
Rhubarb pie and ice cweam!!! HOLY CRAP! You guys are livin' large, I tell ya.....and thick pigger chops to boot.... :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/03/17, 05:41:57 PM
That sure looks tasty Dotch!!!  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/03/17, 05:44:12 PM
I done apple wood smoked myself a pile 'o chicky thighs, and had some tater salad, taco mac salad, some radishes, and some yogurt for dessert, but no pics. *urp*    burp-402.gif
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/04/17, 12:03:40 PM
I done apple wood smoked myself a pile 'o chicky thighs, and had some tater salad, taco mac salad, some radishes, and some yogurt for dessert, but no pics. *urp*    burp-402.gif

I bet it was tasty.  :happy1: Sometimes a guy eats all the evidence then others are left to guess what it might've been the next day.  confused-3316.gif burp-402.gif fart-421.gif
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/04/17, 03:33:02 PM
As a side note:

http://www.kare11.com/mb/news/gin-recalled-for-having-almost-double-the-alcohol-content/436767219  (http://www.kare11.com/mb/news/gin-recalled-for-having-almost-double-the-alcohol-content/436767219)

Too late. I'm just wondering how I'd go about getting more of it?  :drinking:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on May 05/04/17, 05:29:15 PM
As a side note:

http://www.kare11.com/mb/news/gin-recalled-for-having-almost-double-the-alcohol-content/436767219  (http://www.kare11.com/mb/news/gin-recalled-for-having-almost-double-the-alcohol-content/436767219)

Too late. I'm just wondering how I'd go about getting more of it?  :drinking:  :rotflmao:
I'd go for dat stuff.They forgot to temper it?? Wow Ethanol at its best
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/04/17, 08:58:55 PM
Could prolly run an E 85 vehicle on it. Just think of the fresh evergreen scent from the exhaust.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/05/17, 08:08:30 AM
Could prolly run an E 85 vehicle on it. Just think of the fresh evergreen scent from the exhaust.  :happy1:

Probably have a herd of skwirrels following ya....or nuthatches.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/05/17, 05:31:17 PM
Two cheese, (swiss and sharp cheddar) quarter lb, double-bacon cheeburglars! Tater salad, taco mac salad (Cinco De Mayo....) and assorted fixins...I only ate two of the burgers, portion control ya know! *urp*  :tongue:   burp-402.gif
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/06/17, 07:19:53 AM
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/06/17, 07:59:50 AM
Great looking spread reb! I gots to do some charcoaling today myself :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on May 05/06/17, 12:06:24 PM
No pics but just cooked burgers on the new Char Broil Infrared Grill.  Did steaks the other night.  I may never use the kettle grill again.  I had to get used to how fast it cooks

no its not. i use the high setti g on all bur ers. i put burgers amd chicken on the top rack and steaks o  the bottom. steaks half inch thick 7 mn. aside for me.

them too.  Can sprinkle wood chips on it and they smoke immediately.  Makes great grill marks on the meat too.  Get the Professional or Signature model.   The Performance model is the cheaper quality one...  Still need the Daniel Boone for smoming though...   The IR is not for low and slow I don't think...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on May 05/06/17, 12:08:18 PM
wierd my replay came in the middle of lps es post.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/06/17, 12:29:44 PM

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/06/17, 04:23:19 PM
Half rack o' thick ribs...rubbed with Reb's Rib Rub last nite, applewood smoked, mopped with apple and orange juice, and slathered in hickory BBQ sauce..... :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/06/17, 05:31:18 PM
Looking wonnerful reb.  Nuttin special here pork choppers , taters wrapped in bacon and some beans. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/07/17, 01:43:34 PM
Oh baby!! Great idea reb! An hr or so with the tube then I'll add a little charcoal and more smoke. After they get some color they'll get foiled with sauce with higher heat until the fork slides in easily.. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/07/17, 03:30:08 PM
Go get 'em, Boober!!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/08/17, 09:25:47 AM
Sure, I take the weekend off from grilling and nobody invites me over to eat!  :angry:  ;) Good lookin' stuff Reb and Boober! I did gobble down some mean rhubarb crisp that Mrs. Cheviot manufactured yesterday. Then she decided she wanted to take a ride in the Stude for Chinese last night. If I didn't know better I'd say she was trying to butter me up for a little sumpin' sumpin'  :cheesy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/08/17, 09:32:08 AM
Sure, I take the weekend off from grilling and nobody invites me over to eat!  :angry:  ;) Good lookin' stuff Reb and Boober! I did gobble down some mean rhubarb crisp that Mrs. Cheviot manufactured yesterday. Then she decided she wanted to take a ride in the Stude for Chinese last night. If I didn't know better I'd say she was trying to butter me up for a little sumpin' sumpin'  :cheesy:
MAJE her beg for it dotch............make her beg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/08/17, 09:47:57 AM
Sure, I take the weekend off from grilling and nobody invites me over to eat!  :angry:  ;) Good lookin' stuff Reb and Boober! I did gobble down some mean rhubarb crisp that Mrs. Cheviot manufactured yesterday. Then she decided she wanted to take a ride in the Stude for Chinese last night. If I didn't know better I'd say she was trying to butter me up for a little sumpin' sumpin'  :cheesy:
MAJE her beg for it dotch............make her beg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Yer just a warped liddle smurf, aintcha?!   ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/08/17, 09:57:05 AM
YES I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: :happybounce:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/09/17, 10:11:30 AM
Man all that stuff looks great!!! Was going to make some ribs as well but my wife wants some cheddar bacon egg salad tonight.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/09/17, 10:38:32 AM
Man all that stuff looks great!!! Was going to make some ribs as well but my wife wants some cheddar bacon egg salad tonight.  good luck.

that sounds interesting!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on May 05/09/17, 11:09:28 AM
Man all that stuff looks great!!! Was going to make some ribs as well but my wife wants some cheddar bacon egg salad tonight.  good luck.

Ok so what's the story with cheddar bacon egg salad???  That sounds great.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/11/17, 09:43:10 AM
Back to lamburgeys w/Swiss. Had a little plum wood leftover from the pork chops so used that up. Absolutely gorgeous evening after getting missed by the rain. A little slaw, some cottage cheese, a little BBQ sauce or dipping and we were golden. Wife whined that they weren't done enough so they were just right!  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/11/17, 10:30:58 AM
good looking meal!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/11/17, 12:10:22 PM
Looks wunnerful, Dotcheroony!  :happy1: Wimmen always gotta grill meat beyond oblivion....next time she says the burgers are too rare, put a briquet on a bun and cover it with some pickles and mustard.  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on May 05/11/17, 12:34:32 PM
A nice big ribeye is on my list.  Just ordered a ribeye loin from the meat market at the local grocery store.  They have good meat there and I know the butcher.  Good guy.  Ribeyes and NY Strips are going for $7.99 lb which is a good deal here.  They cut them for me and then we vac pack them individually at home.  I just called and said to cut me the biggest one they have...    sleazy-422.gif
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/11/17, 01:00:56 PM
that's the way to go LPS!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/11/17, 01:10:39 PM
Sounds awesome LPS. Prices sound in line too.

I like yer thinking Reb. I mean seriously, does this look too rare to you? And this was probably the least done which is why I grabbed it. 1st they gripe that it takes too long then they gripe that it didn't take long enough! Never satisfied I tell ya!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/11/17, 01:21:55 PM
but your man pants on boys!!!!!!!!! my wife snivels about my cooking i tell her to do it herself!!!!!!!!!!!! and walk away! :bonk: i show her who's boss!!!!!!!!! :kingscourt: :ustroops: :army: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/11/17, 01:26:46 PM
but your man pants on boys!!!!!!!!! my wife snivels about my cooking i tell her to do it herself!!!!!!!!!!!! and walk away! :bonk: i show her who's boss!!!!!!!!! :kingscourt: :ustroops: :army: :happy1: :happy1:

 yea what ever, in your dreams!!!!!    :rotflmao: :bs:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/11/17, 01:29:17 PM
but your man pants on boys!!!!!!!!! my wife snivels about my cooking i tell her to do it herself!!!!!!!!!!!! and walk away! :bonk: i show her who's boss!!!!!!!!! :kingscourt: :ustroops: :army: :happy1: :happy1:

Ya, you did...once.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/11/17, 01:31:17 PM
Sounds awesome LPS. Prices sound in line too.

I like yer thinking Reb. I mean seriously, does this look too rare to you? And this was probably the least done which is why I grabbed it. 1st they gripe that it takes too long then they gripe that it didn't take long enough! Never satisfied I tell ya!

Actually, I like it a bit darker (rarer) than that, Dotch. Yer wife wouldn't eat my burglars..... :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/11/17, 01:36:59 PM
aw bot of ya go play in traffic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :moon: :moon: :censored: :moon: :moon: :moon: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/11/17, 02:03:48 PM
 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uy5gRxjxHtg (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uy5gRxjxHtg)

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/11/17, 06:54:00 PM
but your man pants on boys!!!!!!!!! my wife snivels about my cooking i tell her to do it herself!!!!!!!!!!!! and walk away! :bonk: i show her who's boss!!!!!!!!! :kingscourt: :ustroops: :army: :happy1: :happy1:

Ya sure, you betcha...

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/12/17, 06:41:29 AM
Looks perfect to me Dotch. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/12/17, 08:05:19 AM
Those lamb burgers look just fine to me.  I've been doing the cooking most of my life.  Not too many complains except that my wife say's that I don't know how to cook for 3 people just crowds.  Ya I do make too much that's for sure.  My wife is getting a little more fussier now I've noticed.  I would say that I'm going to make this or that and she would find some ingredient in the meal that she doesn't care for.  I told her that for years she has never said a word about that.  So now she is on that fancy phone and saving recipes for me to try.  Which is ok with me.  Always like to try new stuff.  So maybe as we get older our taste buds get wiser.  The reason I make my own BBQ sauce is because my wife doesn't like the commercial stuff.  She doesn't like cucumbers and I love them, and so it goes.  Just eat them by myself, no big deal.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/12/17, 08:40:05 AM
You have my sympathy.   My wife doesn't like food with perceptible pink in the center.   I even have to sous vide steak in two stages.... medium well for her, like 145 or 150 degrees and then like 130 for me.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/12/17, 08:44:11 AM
Haveta agree with ya, RH.I think most good cooks always cook more than "needed"...kinda like drinkin' beer.  ;)
Glad ya mentioned coocumbers....had to dig thru my summertime folder for my 'cukes in sauce recipe, perfect thing to go along with those ribs or whatever...came up with this way back in Summer '95.  ( I date all  my recipes)  :tongue:

Reb's 'Cukes in sauce (Makes enough for two)

1 very large cucumber
1 medium purple onion
1/2 cup miracle whip  (NOT lite!)
1 cup good sour cream
1 1/2 Tbsp sugar
1/4 tsp dill weed
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/8 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/3 cup WHITE vinegar

Peel and slice the cuke's very thin 
Slice the onion very thin , horizontally into "rounds"...cut those in half , so you end up thin "strips'

Combine all ingredients except 'cukes and onion, slowly mixing well. Do not stir the heck out of it; it'll thin out. Fold in 'cukes and onions, cover tightly and refrigerate for at least 6-8 hours, stirring it a couple times. Enjoy!  :azn:

Del, you can just have a celery stalk with ricotta... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/12/17, 08:48:59 AM
Thanks for the recipe Reb!!  I'll give a try.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/12/17, 08:51:28 AM
I betcha you'll love it!! Let us know!  :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/12/17, 08:53:22 AM
that sounds good Rebs,  yes RH it is hard to cook small portions only.  so it's a good thing I like left overs!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on May 05/12/17, 12:56:55 PM
I love cukes too.  Cool them off in the frig and peel them and eat like an apple or slice and put salad dressing on them.  Rebs your recipe looks great.  I will try it. Thanks
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/12/17, 12:59:44 PM
No prob. I love sharing my recipes.  :azn:

Sweet 'n sour plum glazed chicken on the grill for tonite... :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/12/17, 01:14:13 PM
cukes from the fridge with salt on them!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/12/17, 02:40:56 PM
 :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/12/17, 03:26:21 PM
Like your recipe too Reb and I notice that it contains Miracle Whip and not that gawd awful worthless mayonnaise! :happy1: Wheel bearing grease has more flavor than mayonnaise!  :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/12/17, 03:46:28 PM
I detest anything with the word MAYO in it.  ;)  I think white lithium is a direct substituted for that sh** . 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/12/17, 05:33:06 PM
Started with a salad with all the fixin's and some blue cheese dressing...then the sweet 'n sour plum chicken with some fresh spring salad, and some nice big green tops and fresh radishes....the juice just ran outta that chicken.  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/12/17, 07:29:14 PM
blue cheese too!!!!  nice!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/13/17, 02:20:13 PM
Shish kaboobs tonite!  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/13/17, 02:39:03 PM
Nummy! Are you having all the neighbor ladies over?  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/13/17, 02:58:21 PM
theys there all ready!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/13/17, 03:06:17 PM
NO! I want a nice, quiet weekend! Just some "me" time! I been working too hard around here!  face_plant-2139.gif
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/13/17, 03:16:36 PM
NO! I want a nice, quiet weekend! Just some "me" time! I been working too hard around here!  face_plant-2139.gif

I like those times  :happy1:too!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/13/17, 03:24:26 PM
Darn tootin', Mikey!! They all start to sound like chihuahua's after awhile...*yap*yap*yap*
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/13/17, 03:41:42 PM
very true!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/13/17, 10:38:05 PM
Yes they do! That's why I like my Fortress of Solitude. The backyard works for me especially after I've just mowed it and the Baltimore and orchard orioles are scolding me for invading their space.  :happy1: A little impromptu Mother's Day supper. She came home crabby (normal) so gave her the option of me grilling or going out. She whined about how late it would get if I grilled, blah, blah, blah then didn't tell me what she wanted. Ran to town, grabbed a couple strips, a couple center cut pig chops, Romaine lettuce and macaroni salad then whipped up stuff a lot more quickly and IMO way better than anything we would've had at Applebee's where she was leaning. By the time I got cleaned up, it would've been later than 8:30 and someone (moi) would've had to drive. Screw that! Royally overcooked her strip (i begged forgiveness from the grilling gods but she said it was just right)while mine was thicker so it was medium. Chops were done but juicy as all get out. She should be happy! She was able to yap on the cell phone the whole time, ignore me then was asleep by the time I was cleaning everything up, just like normal...lol!

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/14/17, 07:45:08 AM
That looks great Dotch!!!  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on May 05/14/17, 03:43:19 PM
Yup, a little different..... egg rolls & onion rings
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/14/17, 06:54:23 PM
sweet!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/15/17, 04:17:46 PM
We did it simple on Mothers Day.  My son=in law did the grilling.  He did a great job.  Brats and burgers.  We had fruit salad, my cole slaw, and a great ice cream cake on the side.  good luck.

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/15/17, 05:44:49 PM
Looks good to me, RH!        Cheeseburglars, BBQ beans, and spring salad for me tonite.... :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on May 05/15/17, 08:24:14 PM
glenns roadkill back strap!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/15/17, 08:25:20 PM
oooh!! Badger bites!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/15/17, 08:29:28 PM
glenns roadkill back strap!
thanks smartarse! :rotflmao: tried posting this with my other side's. Smashed taters and corn slathered in smomed butter. And this is how venny backstrap is supposed to be cooked. Not made into shoe leather! Right boar! :rotflmao:

And No it wasn't roadkill!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on May 05/15/17, 08:39:33 PM
looks good buddy!!!
likenfresh outa the ditch!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/16/17, 07:16:34 PM
All that grub is making me hungry again, good job guys. Same ol same ol on the grill round here, tomorrow a bird will be can dancing over charcoal and hickory chunks.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/17/17, 08:17:23 AM
Good to se yer still alive, boober! Miss those delectable grilling pics of yers! It's about time for a Remi pic, too.... ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/18/17, 09:29:18 AM
Made some baby back ribs and some cole slaw couple days ago.  Baby backs were on sale .  good luck.

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/18/17, 09:33:39 AM
Just the ticket, RH! BB on sale here, too.  :happy1:  Personally, I'll take a slab pig steak over 'em all anyday.  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/18/17, 09:39:11 AM
Ya a nice thick pork steak is awesome on the grill.  Can't pass up the spare's they got on sale at Cubs now for 1.69 lb. also.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/18/17, 10:08:04 AM
just scored some rib eyes at Aldi's for $6.99 a pound, choise too!!!  oh yes!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/18/17, 10:16:23 AM
just scored some rib eyes at Aldi's for $6.99 a pound, choise too!!!  oh yes!!
OK.............so what time do i need to be there by?????????????? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/18/17, 10:36:00 AM
just scored some rib eyes at Aldi's for $6.99 a pound, choise too!!!  oh yes!!
OK.............so what time do i need to be there by?????????????? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I see nowhere that he said he scored a box of Smurfberry Crunch.... :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/18/17, 10:49:01 AM
All these grilling masterpieces look and sound so good! Is it lunchtime yet? I'm starved!  :surrender:

Wish the Mrs. was a barbecued rib fan (Mrs. Cheviot: "Oh, they're so messy!" Moi:"Ya, they're ribs. So what's your point?") confused-3316.gif

I will have some alone time coming up in the not too distant future so maybe I can make myself some grilled chicky like Uncle Reb and/or ribs like RH. Sure, they won't match theirs but in order to get good at anything, you actually have to do it. And after I've had enough GT's, pretty sure I can do most anything ... :rotflmao: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/18/17, 10:53:48 AM
just scored some rib eyes at Aldi's for $6.99 a pound, choise too!!!  oh yes!!
OK.............so what time do i need to be there by?????????????? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I see nowhere that he said he scored a box of Smurfberry Crunch.... :scratch:

you be right Reb, I forgot the smurf food!!!    my bad!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/18/17, 11:04:40 AM
ah bot of ya bite it!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/18/17, 11:05:25 AM
All these grilling masterpieces look and sound so good! Is it lunchtime yet? I'm starved!  :surrender:

Wish the Mrs. was a barbecued rib fan (Mrs. Cheviot: "Oh, they're so messy!" Moi:"Ya, they're ribs. So what's your point?") confused-3316.gif

I will have some alone time coming up in the not too distant future so maybe I can make myself some grilled chicky like Uncle Reb and/or ribs like RH. Sure, they won't match theirs but in order to get good at anything, you actually have to do it. And after I've had enough GT's, pretty sure I can do most anything ... :rotflmao:
yep dotch.........enough of da juice ya can do anything!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/18/17, 06:07:15 PM
Lol dotch,  next time doing some face messy grilling promise her a sponge bath afterwards,  while she's in soaking grab the phone and Say i gotta take this one..
 A little dancing queen on the can tonight, yummy ..
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/18/17, 06:30:45 PM
Looks awesome boober. Hide it before Reb gets there! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/18/17, 06:49:10 PM
O boy! Cornhole chicken!!  :evil: What a nice size portion! I'll grab some tater salad and head up...>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/18/17, 07:18:21 PM
Thanks gents, fergot to mention the Mrs made a batch of beer bread, good Lord is that some good stuff, reminds me of the fall when homemade bread is brewing in the oven. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/18/17, 07:22:08 PM
You one lucky guy, Boober.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/18/17, 07:22:43 PM
Thanks gents, fergot to mention the Mrs made a batch of beer bread, good Lord is that some good stuff, reminds me of the fall when homemade bread is brewing in the oven. :happy1:

the home made bread sounds great!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/19/17, 07:03:29 AM
Nice looking drunk bird there Bobber!!!!!  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/19/17, 09:44:51 AM
Oh, you said there was a "Bud" not a "bug" up yer... confused-3316.gif

Looks great boober! :happy1: :happy1:

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQmmM_qwG4k  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQmmM_qwG4k)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/19/17, 09:58:11 AM
Got a good buy on some beef short ribs cut flanken style.  Close dated but half price.  Don't mind that at all.  I marinaded the ribs in my Kalbi marinade.  Put them in the smoker at 250.  Sampled one when I thought they were done and they were.  Served rice on the side.  Put some sesame oil and soy sauce plus some hot pepper flakes on the rice.  Yummy.  good luck.

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: snow1 on May 05/19/17, 11:23:54 AM
Well done Rein,itchin to fire up my smoker,this wet weather sucks,have salmon and a nice fillet of steelhead ready to smoke,just need a few hours of clear skies.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on May 05/19/17, 04:25:59 PM
Nice look'in grub boy's!  hubba_hubba-404.gif

Been so busy with the new grandchild an all....haven't had any time on the grill lately.... ` :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on May 05/19/17, 04:45:58 PM
baby backs for 2.99, not bad here anyway. picked up 3, gona save em for special.ocasion.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/19/17, 04:56:38 PM
I just picked up six lbs of fresh ground 85/15 for $2.79 lb.....and three pks of sirloin boneless pig chops for $1.89 lb.
Just put a Sams club rising crust pizza in that everyone says is pretty good...we'll see. Looking at it out of the box, not impressed. Had to add some smoked ham, onions, gr peppers and a handful or two of shredded cheese.... :tongue:  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/19/17, 05:56:01 PM
That was awesome  dotch,  great touch. Now those beef ribs I hafta try Rh,  think I can taste em from here!!! Batching it tonight so the pooch N I just put a heggies in the oven that needed additional help as well reb, more of everything but veggies for me. I forgot my cast iron skillet was outside most of  the week after a fish fry so it'll be re seasoned tonight.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/19/17, 06:18:39 PM
I just picked up six lbs of fresh ground 85/15 for $2.79 lb.....and three pks of sirloin boneless pig chops for $1.89 lb.
Just put a Sams club rising crust pizza in that everyone says is pretty good...we'll see. Looking at it out of the box, not impressed. Had to add some smoked ham, onions, gr peppers and a handful or two of shredded cheese.... :tongue:  ;)

told ya Papa Murphy's!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/19/17, 07:49:32 PM
I just picked up six lbs of fresh ground 85/15 for $2.79 lb.....and three pks of sirloin boneless pig chops for $1.89 lb.
Just put a Sams club rising crust pizza in that everyone says is pretty good...we'll see. Looking at it out of the box, not impressed. Had to add some smoked ham, onions, gr peppers and a handful or two of shredded cheese.... :tongue:  ;)

told ya Papa Murphy's!! :happy1:

I know....my favorite, hands down!  But a plumbing bill this week, among meds and some other things put a real crunch into the budget. $5 was easier on the pocketbook...and I was there in the frozen foods section... :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/19/17, 08:18:23 PM
I just picked up six lbs of fresh ground 85/15 for $2.79 lb.....and three pks of sirloin boneless pig chops for $1.89 lb.
Just put a Sams club rising crust pizza in that everyone says is pretty good...we'll see. Looking at it out of the box, not impressed. Had to add some smoked ham, onions, gr peppers and a handful or two of shredded cheese.... :tongue:  ;)

told ya Papa Murphy's!! :happy1:
AND I  told him lotza motza!!!!!!!!! :mad1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/19/17, 08:19:32 PM
I just picked up six lbs of fresh ground 85/15 for $2.79 lb.....and three pks of sirloin boneless pig chops for $1.89 lb.
Just put a Sams club rising crust pizza in that everyone says is pretty good...we'll see. Looking at it out of the box, not impressed. Had to add some smoked ham, onions, gr peppers and a handful or two of shredded cheese.... :tongue:  ;)

told ya Papa Murphy's!! :happy1:

I know....my favorite, hands down!  But a plumbing bill this week, among meds and some other things put a real crunch into the budget. $5 was easier on the pocketbook...and I was there in the frozen foods section... :scratch:
quit spendin it on the NL's!!!!!!!!! :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/19/17, 09:22:25 PM
They ain't gettin' any of my food!  Both are outta town....it's peaceful around here!  Finally!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/21/17, 06:36:20 PM
Man, I gotta buy the person a beer that came up with grilling. Tonight it was blade steaks, fried taters with onion, Canadian bacon ends and butterfly cut shrimp. Too full to do anything..
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/21/17, 06:50:32 PM
Hole crapola!! Ya always put a 6 person buffet togedder??!??!   :shocked:  I'll just finish this weenie... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/21/17, 06:55:48 PM
wish I lived closer to ya!!  awesome!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on May 05/21/17, 07:06:08 PM
yup m3 to, made so.e rib eye!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/21/17, 07:17:27 PM
Hole crapola!! Ya always put a 6 person buffet togedder??!??!   :shocked:  I'll just finish this weenie... :rotflmao:
  I sure like leftovers, besides, the daughters boyfriend is a cook so I hafta show him how us old folk fill a table.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/21/17, 08:42:16 PM
Just some chicken Hooters on the grill, BBQ sauce noodles a noodles and stewed mater's for us tonight.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/21/17, 10:48:14 PM
Boober, RH, Boar and glenn all cookin' up a storm!  :happy1: We got the ewes and lambs weaned today so I celebrated being a carnivore. Actually I'd planned on grilling last night but the weather was so crappy I punted. Flat iron steaks from Morgan's, one a little thinner so I could ruin it for Mrs. Cheviot. Sirloin chops, baked beans and mixed vegetables. I stuffed myself and knocked Mrs. Cheviot out cold so I could get my beauty sleep. Hate it when she paws me all night. :angry:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/22/17, 08:59:38 AM
Great stuff guy's!!  Cubs has that pork chop ad for 1.69 lb. so I had them cut a 5 pound center cut bone-in pork loin roast for me.  Told them to chime that bone well so I can cut through the roast between each chop.  Put some rub on the roast and some apple juice in the bottom of the pan.  Put it in the smoker at 250 and let her go till the internal was 155 and then took it out.  Small tatters and corn on the side with some beef gravy [like to mix flavors].  good luck

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/22/17, 09:49:28 AM
great looking food!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/26/17, 04:57:23 PM
Applewood smoked slab pigger steak over charcoal (for once), coleslaw, spring salad, onyums, iced tea...*urp*  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on May 05/26/17, 05:05:31 PM
Reb...next time you borrow my plates...send them back with the food...  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/26/17, 05:08:55 PM
Hokay! Will do!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/27/17, 10:11:42 AM
Gotta have deviled eggs for the weekend...made with lotsa horseradish and vinegar, mustard, miracle whip, onion powder, and smoked paprika and dill weed. Um num.  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/27/17, 10:23:42 AM
love those things, gonna have ta learn how to make them!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/27/17, 11:34:50 AM
Easy peasy! Here's' my recipe: Hard boil 6 large eggs; peel, cut in half with sharp knife, dump cooked egg yolks in bowl. Take a fork and break up and "mash" until you have a fine almost powdered texture. About like sand...then add 3 Tbsp miracle whip, 1 Tbsp plus 2 tsp white vinegar, 1/8 tsp onion powder, 1/8 tsp salt, 1 1/8 tsp mustard, 1 tsp horseradish sauce (or regular horseradish to suit). Slowly fold in all ingredients until smooth. Do not overmix. (will thin it out too much) Put mixture in a small plastic sandwich bag, and snip a small corner. Squeeze into egg halves. I like to sprinkle dill weed and paprika on mine. Chill in 'fridge. Enjoy!  :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/27/17, 01:15:22 PM
thank you Rebster!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/27/17, 01:45:28 PM
No prob!!  No you go make some! That's an order!!!  :police:   :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/27/17, 01:53:56 PM
No prob!!  No you go make some! That's an order!!!  :police:   :azn:

No you go make some!  I think you mean now!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

my turn to pick!!

time to go for a bike ride!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/27/17, 02:25:27 PM
Can't! I'm eatin' mine...! *chomp* Be careful out there! Lotsa nutballs driving around this weekend!  :huh:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/27/17, 03:13:03 PM
yes there are, today wasn't bad.  yesterday was nuts!!  even had a deer dancing on the road in front of me!!  she was trying to figure which way she wanted to go!!

and today it was trying to rain too!!    so today was short ride day, but still a good ride!!

enjoy your cackle berry's!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/27/17, 03:54:50 PM
Thanks! Italian basted chicky quarters and italian pasta salad with feta for dinner!   :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on May 05/27/17, 04:03:47 PM
Had to stop at Maynerds today.... bought a bunch of brats....so, that's what on the grill tonight.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/27/17, 07:23:22 PM
Had to stop at Maynerds today.... bought a bunch of brats....so, that's what on the grill tonight.

better than the J one's I think!  might have to take the bike over there tomorrow and score a couple~!~!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on May 05/27/17, 08:18:09 PM
I love deviled eggs but have never made them neither.  May have to try that.  AND I really like the Klements sausages too.  Just as good if not better than the other ones and usually more affordable.  Glad I am not the only one that thinks that.  I like Elliots sausages and bacon too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/28/17, 07:36:47 AM
After eating an assortment of RH's wonderful brats, I can no longer eat any store bought ones. Even tried the ones made at my local butcher shop. Not!  They all seems too "soft", not coarse ground and firm like RH's perfect brats. But, I DID find some that are passable at Wallace world the other day...pretty firm and coarse ground, with a hint of smoke.  All they say on them are "Sam's Club Smoked Brats"...pre-cooked, and come in a 4 pk. They are pretty good size, you will need  brat buns, and they still hang out over the ends. Give 'em a try...I'll buy them again.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on May 05/28/17, 08:11:22 AM
The wife really likes the Italian ones, she usually cuts the casings off and cooks the meat to add to spaghetti sauce or in lasagna!  :chef:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/28/17, 05:57:59 PM
As long as it's an un-cooked fresh brat I'll devour it, pre-cooked not so much. Spose to do burglars tonight but the burger was forgotten so it was bowtie salad and French dips, a great recovery!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/28/17, 06:21:21 PM
French dips?! Glenns cousins comin' over???   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/28/17, 07:49:27 PM
went over to the neighbors for supper, smoked chicky legs, german tater salad, calico beans and a whole bunch more!!  rhubarb  cake and cookies!!  first time for those!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/28/17, 10:00:22 PM
"The neighbors"....oh?   :scratch:   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/29/17, 06:32:25 AM
"The neighbors"....oh?   :scratch:

unlike you my neighbors are married so you get all extras!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/01/17, 07:34:52 PM
The Mrs found up some smoked sea salt, coated them Chuck eyes down with olive oil and seasoned. Seared with bacon wrapped taters and a a salad...yummy.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/01/17, 07:40:03 PM
ahhh god...I gotta find some property close to you.... :tongue:    ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/01/17, 07:55:39 PM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/02/17, 10:49:48 AM
Looks like 2 cheese hamburglars offa the grill, coleslaw, green tops, and bacon cheddar salad tonite.... :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/02/17, 11:50:18 AM
so did you get your hambugerlers at wally world???????????? :puke: :puke: looks like your fav store has got a battle on there hands!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: based on the article i read there messin/vilating there employees rights under the  FMLA and ADA and PREGNENCY ACT.

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/02/17, 11:55:41 AM
no not the upstanding Wally world??!!!   no surprise there I think...  :police:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/02/17, 12:06:04 PM
so did you get your hambugerlers at wally world???????????? :puke: :puke: looks like your fav store has got a battle on there hands!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: based on the article i read there messin/vilating there employees rights under the  FMLA and ADA and PREGNENCY ACT.

You know I get all my meat at Fareway, as the the butchers are buddies of mine. Or, Silver lake foods...where Rob the butcher is also a buddy. I haveta buy at Walfart cuz I'm a poor person without union wages money...  ;D
I buy NO meat at Walmart, except the packaged Tyson chicken, which they now have dropped and carry Perdue, for some reason.  :scratch: Anyone that buys that pink slime in a tube anywhere is taking their life in their own hands, IMO!!  :tongue:

The FMLA and and ADA abuse is widespread, little feller...Mayo Clinic has been sued so many times over some of those things, it ain't funny. Ask my attorney...who won MY suit against them. They hosed me over good  on it...but ended up paying big time for it. Don't mess wid da Rebster.  :police: :happy1:   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/02/17, 12:23:26 PM
dont say everywhere tinkerbell..............i have no issues with my employers dealing with them  laws!!!!!!!!!!!!

anyways hope ya enjoy dem burglars!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/02/17, 12:35:02 PM
I will!   ;D      I will re-word and say the abuse is "widespread"...and NOT with YOUR employers...howz that?  :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/02/17, 01:16:04 PM
I will!   ;D      I will re-word and say the abuse is "widespread"...and NOT with YOUR employers...howz that?  :bow:
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/02/17, 01:24:16 PM

    :azn:     I better have an ice cream bar...it's hot out!!! 86* here!  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/02/17, 02:10:50 PM
86  face_plant-2139.gif face_plant-2139.gif ish.............where's the snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :snow5: :snow5: :nerd: :cold: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on June 06/04/17, 04:48:48 PM
Fresh Romaine and Radishes, 🐖 chops and 🥔 salad.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/04/17, 04:51:27 PM
Looks awesome HD!! :happy1: little early for me yet!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/04/17, 05:18:50 PM
Mouth watering Hd.  Looks real similar to ours tonight, ham steaks, tater salad with leaf and romaine from the garden.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/04/17, 07:32:26 PM
full meal deal!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/04/17, 08:12:34 PM
 :bonk: :bonk: I screwed up....to much in a hurry!! :doah: :doah: :scratch: T-bone steak, Brussel sprouts, fried taters, and a salad of garden lettuce and spinach with radish onions and smomed valariti cheese on it. forgot da damn nabit picture!!!!!!! :banghead: :banghead:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/04/17, 11:43:53 PM
Glenn was so busy playing with his new toys he forgot about posting pics!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Awesome medley HD!  :happy1:

Graduations have been messing with my grilling schedule so I made sure the fresh meat I'd purchased Friday made it on the coals tonight. Cooking under the lights is soothing and as long as there's a GT to be had, I'm down with it. A couple more NY strips and sirloin chops from the meat market and Birdseye veggies,in which  the peas and sweet corn are grown locally. Watching carbs a little more closely and so far down about 7 lbs. since starting it. When I receive my small batch tonic order, that will cut carbs even more. :cool:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/05/17, 06:24:41 AM
Way da go Glenn,  :moon: That's a fine chunk o cow ya got there dotch  :happy1: .I hear ya on the grad parties.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/14/17, 03:06:28 PM
Graduations over (I think) and busted my hump to get through the last soybeans of the weed scouting season yesterday. What to do, what to do? I know, get a jag on and grill some brats! Actually made a taste test out of it. Had some Johnsonville (fresh) beer brats that were on sale as well as some fresh brats from Morgan's, the local meat market where we have our lambs processed. Boar should be able to appreciate the pictured smoming action on the GT.  :happy1: Anyway, the local brats were the unanimous winners.  :cool:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/14/17, 03:14:22 PM
Hey Dotch, that looks great.  I too find the local lockers have better brats and flavors too!!!  one up in Browerville has a great grocery store that makes great fresh brats...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/14/17, 03:23:53 PM
Well I gotz me 3 smurfs on a stick I'm gonna grill!! face_plant-2139.gif :doah: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/14/17, 03:34:59 PM
good gawd!!  smurfs eat their youngins!!!!  I'll never get that pic out of my head now!!!!   you sick sucker!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/14/17, 04:11:20 PM
Glenn, glenn, glenn,... :laugh:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1IayQ9MAl4  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1IayQ9MAl4)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/14/17, 07:08:58 PM
Aaaw man dotch do those brats look good, I spose that really put the wife in the mood for clawing away! :happy1:  Nuttin special here, kaboobs and taters wrapped in bacon with some slaw..
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/14/17, 07:11:20 PM
Aaaw man dotch do those brats look good, I spose that really put the wife in the mood for clawing away! :happy1:  Nuttin special here, kaboobs and taters wrapped in bacon with some slaw..

what the heck is wrong with that??????? :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/16/17, 07:37:16 AM
Speaking of brats, ever since having an asst of RH's home-made brats, I can't eat any store bought ones. I've tried everything from J-ville to Hillshire to all the others to the various butcher shops specialty in-house ones....NOT. Nothing comes close to RH's.....until these! (No offense, RH...I said close..) Ran across 'em the other day, and they were about the only ones I haven't tried yet. The Chipotle and Monterey Jack ones taste close to RH's....really coarse ground, firm, can see the round mustard seeds, with a real good bite to 'em. Lotsa flavor! YA GOTS TO  TRY 'EM! Found 'em at Wally World!  Four in a pk for $3.69, and they're large ones. Definitely need a big brat bun.  Go round some up! I can finally eat brats again! These are the best store bought hands down next to RH's. ...but nothing can beat RH's.  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: snow1 on June 06/16/17, 10:39:07 AM
ThanxReb,good find,always looking for something bigger and better,I give these babies a whirl.My local butcher does a fine job with over 100 different brat flavor's but I like the the coarse ground as well.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/16/17, 11:36:55 AM
The regular smoked ones are really good, but it's the chipotle/jack ones that really kick'er down! Let us know what ya think...I'm bettin' ya the price of a pkg that you'll really like 'em!  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/18/17, 07:27:11 AM
Hmmm....no one grilling the last week?!  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/18/17, 05:42:25 PM
No shortage of charcoal being lit round here..Bacon cheese burglars with union rings ( i  had to glenn) with pickles and green olives. :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/18/17, 05:58:34 PM
no green olives for me, but they are good on a burger.  black olives I like too...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/18/17, 06:11:21 PM
No shortage of charcoal being lit round here..Bacon cheese burglars with union rings ( i  had to glenn) with pickles and green olives. :happy1:
:rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: I grilled venny steak last nite.....iffin that counts!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/18/17, 06:13:45 PM
well done I suppose too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/18/17, 06:15:19 PM
well done I suppose too.
nope!!!!!!!!! nice and pink!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/18/17, 06:16:10 PM
sweet!!  ketchup on it??? :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/18/17, 06:48:38 PM
sweet!!  ketchup on it??? :puke:
damn straight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/18/17, 06:50:26 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on June 06/18/17, 07:02:28 PM
🐖 chops on grill, with fresh lettuce garden 🥗.... sorry, no pictures.
Working on the yard and the site, didn't have time.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/18/17, 07:02:56 PM
  I couldn't have said it any better mike!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/18/17, 07:11:24 PM
 :blablabla: :blablabla: :blablabla: :blablabla: :popcorn: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/18/17, 08:04:19 PM
well done I suppose too.
nope!!!!!!!!! nice and pink!!!!!!!!!!

Ya, 'cuz mama hadn't put it in the oven yet!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/19/17, 12:00:01 AM
I hope you had KATCHUP there Boober! Them onion guys like that I'm told. Great looking vittles!  :happy1:

Mrs,. Cheviot left for the week this a.m. so I'm left to my own devices. Amazing how much I can accomplish when I'm not constantly evading her advances!  :bonk: I sprayed a couple patches of thistles I couldn't get at with the 4 wheeler, weed whipped for 4 hours then mowed the backyard. Did chores  and decided that as fast as the string beans were coming up, it was time to erect a bunny fence. Got it almost in place and a thundershower came up out of nowhere. I got soaked and so did Ruby. Ran to the neighbors and the fence there was grounded out. A 15 minute nature hike later I had it functioning. After that, nothing better to do than nosh on the last of the radishes, grill hamburger and lamburger while having a few libations.  :happy1:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/19/17, 07:49:34 AM
Ha! Love Ruby's look! Kinda like me when the NL steps out in her bikini. Good lookin' meal there, Dotcheroo...uh...what are those two white lumps next to the radish? I'm afraid to ask.... :huh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/19/17, 07:56:01 AM
Ha! Love Ruby's look! Kinda like me when the NL steps out in her bikini. Good lookin' meal there, Dotcheroo...uh...what are those two white lumps next to the radish? I'm afraid to ask.... :huh:
white lumps.............doah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/19/17, 09:16:52 AM
White radishes maybe.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/19/17, 09:40:31 AM
Tanks fellers! Ruby was finally drying off. I had been avoiding her because she stunk so bad. Those are indeed white globe radishes. Locally they are the only kind the Norwegians will eat. The red ones are way too spicy for them.  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/19/17, 09:42:38 AM
Do you haveta peel them or something? They look kinda chunked up.... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/19/17, 10:02:18 AM
Can blame Mrs. Cheviot for their appearance Reb. She's half Norwegian. Vegetable matter seldom passes her lips so she is unfamiliar with processing them. I pulled all the radishes before working the small garden up. After tilling I went to take the tops off and she'd already done part of them. She cuts way more off than I usually do. And they were the last of the crop, rather large not to mention a little misshapen. With our black soil, they rarely look snowball white like the ones on the seed packets. They're off-white no matter how hard you scrub them. Very tasty though and work great in a late summer seeded scenario for fall harvest. That worked especially well behind the early potatoes we used to grow. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on June 06/19/17, 10:05:01 AM
Dotch, kind of remindes me of Daikon radish.  I love those.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/19/17, 10:15:28 AM
Might haveta look for some of those. I like radishes.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/19/17, 10:25:02 AM
Be careful out there.   This would be a tragedy....


Rare tick-triggered meat allergy spreads in northern Minnesota
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on June 06/19/17, 10:27:46 AM
Looks good Dotch! Someday I'm have to try a lamb burger!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/21/17, 04:56:05 PM
Grilled chicky thighs, caesar salad wid everything, and 'tater salad. Chocolate ice cream bar for dessert. :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/21/17, 05:15:29 PM
Man that looks wonnerful dotch, I hear ya on the wet dog smell. Atta boy reb, that'll be mighty fine, I gots no charcoal after last weekend so I'll be watching and wishing here!! Looking like bacon grilled cheese on the grittle here.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/21/17, 05:49:39 PM
Still love the pic of Ruby staring..... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on June 06/22/17, 05:54:50 PM
Burgers with bacon, side salad from the garden with radishes, lettuce and new cukes....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/22/17, 11:27:02 PM
Mmmmmm...Ruby gives it her four paw seal of approval HD!  :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:

I have to dedicate tonight's creations here to Reb. He keeps talking about chicky. Mrs. Cheviot is not a chicken fan. I hear the "we ate chicken too much when I was a kid" tape played when I bring it up. We ate a lot of chicken too but I never tired of it. She's gone until Saturday and as they say, while the cat is away, the mice will play! Ruby and I decided to get some drumsticks the other day and let our creative juices flow. In other words, use whatever ya got.  :cool: Coated the drumsticks with mesquite then dusted them with curry powder. Sorta Babu Bhatt meets Sam Elliott as Virgil Earp...lol. Coated with Sweet Baby Ray's combined with balsamic dressing and soy sauce to thin it down some, applied the last few minutes on both sides minutes before coming off the grill. The last of my hickory charcoal was thrown into the fray as well. The scientific results: SOB! I'd almost forgotten how good chicky can taste coming off a grill! My deepest gratitude to Reb for giving me the inspiration to go ahead with this project. Went to Eagan and got my registration material today for Back to the 50's so I was stoked! Thanks brother Reb!  :bow: :bow: :bow:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on June 06/23/17, 06:53:14 AM
Chicken is always on sale somewhere.  I like the GoldnPlump brand myself.  Nice looking plate Dotch.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/23/17, 07:28:08 AM
You ate that all by yourself????

Way to go now rebs gonna get a big head!! :doah: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/23/17, 07:32:39 AM
You ate that all by yourself????

Way to go now rebs gonna get a big head!! :doah: :rotflmao:

Thanks Dotcheroo! Way to go there!!!  Good job!!  :happy1: 
Naa, not me! See that he said "bother" instead of "brother reb?" Subliminal thinking!   :rotflmao: Everyone like da chicky! No matter whatcha do to it, it tastes like chicky!!  Nuttin' better off da grill than some smomed up chicky, IMO.  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/23/17, 07:37:52 AM
Me too. Loves me grilled chicky, especially off charcoal. Monma has a tendency to curl her nose at smomed things though! :scratch: :doah: :censored:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/23/17, 07:44:42 AM
 Chicky's a good way to experiment with new sauces ya come up with. I like taking Teriyaki sauce, and adding soy and a bit of western dressing to it to sweeten it. Also use chinese sweet 'n sour glaze, and add soy and mix in some BBQ rub....
then there's orange juice (use the pulpy kind) honey, and apricot jam.... :tongue:

I also go thru lotsa this...love it!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/23/17, 07:58:47 AM
chicken is always a good meal!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/23/17, 08:00:53 AM
Chicken is always on sale somewhere.  I like the GoldnPlump brand myself.  Nice looking plate Dotch.  good luck.

I do too, RH. Can't find it around here anymore, except at Hy-Vee, and they're too spendy. I see Wally world no longer carries it, they dropped Tyson, and now carry only Perdue...and the price has shot up.   :angry:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/23/17, 09:58:45 AM
Cub used to carry golden plump.   Did they stop?   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/23/17, 11:07:02 AM
Got a gold n plump right in town!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/23/17, 11:34:33 AM
Del, take a memory pill!!! I don't shop Cub! 9 miles away, on YER end of town... :bonk:

I just stopped at Sly-Vee, home of the over-priced ripoff, and they don't have GP either.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/23/17, 11:39:29 AM
There then! Fixed the spelling error. Odd, I didn't think I'd had that much to drink although the gin bottle might argue otherwise...lol
Not sure whose chicky that was last nite. All I  know is the label said hatched, fed and processed in the USA. Good enough for me. I need to locate some whole chicky's to put on the rotisserie sometime. Might have to check the meat market for that. I like being able to shop in town. If I watch the sales and promotions, looking at the circulars from some of the big towns, doesn't look like there's usually much advantage to making special trips. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/23/17, 11:56:11 AM
Yer wife don't like chicky??!!! Well, then, next time she starts pawin' atcha, put on a rooster head... :rotflmao: :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on June 06/23/17, 01:11:08 PM
Cub still has GoldnPlump.  They also carry Perdue brand, but I only get that if they have a hot sale.  To me GoldnPlump is the best as far as store bought.  Smart chicken is a good brand as well but on the spendy side.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/23/17, 01:26:06 PM
Got a gold n plump right in town!

yea I want to see you go there and get some birds!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/23/17, 02:01:54 PM
Oh, they'll give him the bird, all right... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/23/17, 02:12:17 PM
if he can even get that far!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/23/17, 05:30:37 PM
 :Turkey: :Turkey: there's your two's birds fric and frac!!! :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/23/17, 05:35:30 PM
:Turkey: :Turkey: there's your two's birds fric and frac!!! :moon:

HAHAHAA! Used to call two guys on my shift that!! Haven't heard that for years!!! No matter what they say, yer OK in my book, glenn-boy!  :happy1:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/23/17, 07:15:32 PM
he still can't get in there!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/23/17, 07:48:00 PM
he still can't get in there!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I'll get there!!! I'll just call the boys from Chicago!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/23/17, 07:50:23 PM
he still can't get in there!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I'll get there!!! I'll just call the boys from Chicago!


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/23/17, 07:52:58 PM
Del, take a memory pill!!! I don't shop Cub! 9 miles away, on YER end of town... :bonk:

I just stopped at Sly-Vee, home of the over-priced ripoff, and they don't have GP either.

Well, if they have them you might have to make a special trip to diversityville.    9 miles, not as if you have to walk. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/23/17, 07:53:59 PM
Not after that manager incident!! Promised myself because of that I'll never go back there.

And I'm hearing enough diversity whining at the council meetings.  No 'mo, no 'mo.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/23/17, 07:54:45 PM
Wear cheap sunglasses and go incognito....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/23/17, 07:55:57 PM
Can you go in, get the chicky, then meet me in the lot?  I'll let ya wear the sunglasses.... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/23/17, 07:58:50 PM
I'll recon for you.  Check your privilege.   Always fun to check the Mexican stuff in there. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/23/17, 08:01:31 PM
I love Mexi. Could eat it every day.  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/23/17, 08:21:14 PM
Then you have to get over the snit with Cub.   I think the mexican grocery on 3rd went arab on us.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/23/17, 09:00:46 PM
El Gallo #1 is three blocks from me...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on June 06/24/17, 09:09:18 AM
I am going to rub some spices on a ribeye and then go pick some of HD's lambsquarters to sautee with some mushrooms and garlic and olive oil.  Maybe put some onion in it too.....  I will take a pic of it. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/24/17, 09:32:52 AM
 :happy1:  Lookin' forward to the report and pics...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on June 06/24/17, 10:03:40 AM
I was asking if anyone ever tried them. I, myself have not yet.

So if ya tip over....it's Rebs fault....  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/24/17, 10:12:07 AM
Hope there's no residual 2-4D spray on them.... :shocked: I wonder why they call them lambs quarters?

Ala Del:    ;)


Safety tip:

Richardson notes that the upright, branched, mature plants (growing to 3 or more feet tall) have alternate leaves; and that the top leaves may be smooth-margined, but lower leaves are somewhat triangular and toothed. She warns that people should forage only in uncontaminated soils and that if crushed leaves smell like turpentine, you’ve found “an inedible relative. Leave it alone.”

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/24/17, 12:54:00 PM
If it smells like turpentine leave it alone. 

Duh, even Reb could have figured that out on his own.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/24/17, 12:56:43 PM
Ahh, don't you haveta go to Cub for some Ethiopian goat milk or something?  :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/24/17, 02:37:29 PM
Nope, going to a dinner to meet the new rector at our church.   Taking Green Beans with brown butter and proscuitto, topped with crispy shallots.

Soon be time to start sauteeing the haricot verts from Trader Joes.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/24/17, 02:43:19 PM
Have him bless all those GB's, as I could tell ya where they all should be.  Even covered with Beurre noisette. :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/24/17, 04:19:58 PM
That be she, mother Beth.
Lord bless this dish.

Server won't upload . Been doing that for several days.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/24/17, 04:48:12 PM
A couple o' thick marinated pigger chops, rubbed with carne asada seasoning and lime (love the stuff), applewood slow smoked. Molasses bacon beans, slaw of cole, and the red and green crunchies. Fudgie pop to slurp down on top of it.  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/24/17, 04:49:17 PM
Yep, tells me too big or took too long.   Bologna.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on June 06/24/17, 05:12:11 PM
try it again....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/24/17, 05:39:55 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/24/17, 06:18:00 PM
Doesn't happen very often round here, dinner for two....see ya tomorrow!!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/24/17, 07:12:42 PM
good lookin meal Bobber!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/26/17, 04:33:15 PM
Bacon cheese burglars, and mac salad with green tops and radishes. Ate the beans for a midnight snack last nite.  :angry:  Sorry, no pics.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/26/17, 06:30:27 PM
Pics or not that's a great meal rebs!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/26/17, 06:59:04 PM
Bacon cheese burglars, and mac salad with green tops and radishes. Ate the beans for a midnight snack last nite.  :angry:  Sorry, no pics.

 green tops beans??  for you I don't think so!!   sounds great!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/26/17, 09:22:09 PM
Green top ONIONS, ya widget!!!   :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/27/17, 06:38:59 AM
Thawing out 2 lbs chicky wings for sriracha hot wings tonite. Gotta make my blue cheese dippin' sauce up in a bit. I mix Baby Ray's new Sriracha wing sauce (it's HOT!) with his hickory BBQ sauce, and some western dressing, about three equal parts for the glaze. Picked up some bacon cheddar mac salad yday (ya, I love all mac salads) that should go along well with the wings.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/30/17, 05:23:20 PM
Swiss/cheddar 1/4 lb cheeseburglars on kaiser buns, 'cukes in sauce, bacon cheddar pasta salad, and the ever present green tops.  :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/30/17, 07:29:14 PM
dang you like chicky!!  are the other white meat specialist!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/30/17, 08:10:32 PM
Looks to me yoir gonna need help devouring those burglars reb, awesome  and glad to see the pics are working for ya!!! Keep em coming.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/30/17, 08:15:32 PM
Is that KATCHUP I see???
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/30/17, 11:54:58 PM
Mmmm...another Rebtacular meal!   :bow:

And another Reb inspired meal on this end. The chicky I had planned on having last night got postponed due to rain so the makeup game was this evening. Did drumsticks the other nite so it was knockin' me out with those American thighs tonite, complete with chief plate licker Ruby. Roasted garlic & herb with curry powder overlay, basted with Sweet Baby Ray's combined with balsamic salad dressing, soy and horseradish sauce. Toss in some locally grown Birdseye veggies, Mrs. Gerry's coleslaw, picante and a few tostado chips courtesy of Old Dutch. Mosquitoes were out so malaria protection measures were in order.


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/01/17, 06:46:08 AM
Mighty fine grub dotch!! We can always count on the plate lickers, no need to put in the dishwasher.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/01/17, 08:38:03 AM
That does look good Dotch.  Due to that chicken just got put on my list of things I am going to grill/smome this weekend.  That will be added to ribs, steak, and burgers.....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/01/17, 08:51:14 AM
Thanks guys! See what you started Reb?  Check should be in the mail from Tyson and Golden Plump soon!   :Mail:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/01/17, 09:57:23 AM
It better be!  BAGAAAWK!!  :rotflmao: Lookin' great there, Dotchster! Nothin' like some hot thighs! I always wondered why there never was a grilled chicky restaurant...maybe it's time?  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/01/17, 10:08:38 AM
Is that KATCHUP I see???

Of course!! Gots to have that on a burger, munchkin!

dang you like chicky!!  are the other white meat specialist!! :happy1: :happy1:

Cheap eatin', Mikey!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/01/17, 10:33:07 AM
that is true Rebs!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on July 07/01/17, 02:50:57 PM
Been eating a lot of venison and yard bird these last couple weeks......time to take Mama out for my birthday and fathers day (ya, I know it's late, been busy, gotta catch up)

Dotch, yur chicky looks great! And Reb's, yur burgers are awesome!

Will post on.....whatever I choose at the local pub.....  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on July 07/01/17, 04:11:50 PM
So far..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/01/17, 04:13:39 PM
Looks good...what's that on the bun?  Saaaaay....is that Del in the flowered shirt and Gilligan hat?  :scratch: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on July 07/01/17, 04:31:10 PM
Parmesan cheese...

Ordered the Black & Blue ribeye.....ta drool for!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/01/17, 04:52:49 PM
It better be!  BAGAAAWK!!  :rotflmao: Lookin' great there, Dotchster! Nothin' like some hot thighs! I always wondered why there never was a grilled chicky restaurant...maybe it's time?  :scratch:

Love those big thighs
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/01/17, 06:16:00 PM
Oh, dem looks like some good eats, dare HD! Like da brewski too.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/01/17, 06:29:06 PM
Grain belt??  :doah: that's  cold spring sewer water! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/01/17, 07:03:21 PM
that's cause Cold Spring never learned good water base!!!! :rotflmao:

HD that looks great!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/01/17, 07:04:51 PM
Oh, dem looks like some good eats, dare HD! Like da brewski too.  :happy1:

x2    GB  is REAL beer..   Ever try GB Nordeast?  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/01/17, 07:13:59 PM
Oh, dem looks like some good eats, dare HD! Like da brewski too.  :happy1:

x2    GB  is REAL beer..   Ever try GB Nordeast?  :happy1:
yep!! :puke: :puke: :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/01/17, 07:19:46 PM

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/01/17, 09:31:24 PM
Oh, dem looks like some good eats, dare HD! Like da brewski too.  :happy1:

x2    GB  is REAL beer..   Ever try GB Nordeast?  :happy1:

Lock and dam, too
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/02/17, 08:25:55 AM
Lock and dam two? That's up near Hastings....  :crazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/02/17, 11:30:28 AM
Was gonna have this on the 4th, but.....couldn't wait. Had my buddy cut me a 1" thick pigger steak...just rubbed it wid Reb's Rib Rub, melding in 'fridge right now. Made some coleslaw and beans this am and garlic toast. Applewood smoked pig steak slathered in Baby rays with all the fixin's  tonite....umm num.  :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/02/17, 12:30:41 PM
that should be good!!!  getting ready ta ride the bike again, to nice not too!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/02/17, 01:52:37 PM
Was gonna have this on the 4th, but.....couldn't wait. Had my buddy cut me a 1" thick pigger steak...just rubbed it wid Reb's Rib Rub, melding in 'fridge right now. Made some coleslaw and beans this am and garlic toast. Applewood smoked pig steak slathered in Baby rays with all the fixin's  tonite....umm num.  :tongue:
:scratch: :scratch: :scratch: don't look like no ribs for rib rub to me????????? :scratch: :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/02/17, 01:55:36 PM
That's because Reb's Rib Rub is delicious on everything! Except maybe muffins... :mooning:

Ribs were too spendy!!! Us po' folk gotta cut corners here and there!  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/02/17, 03:42:13 PM
he just be jealous!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

another 100 plus mile ride, another great day got it!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/02/17, 03:43:36 PM
That's because Reb's Rib Rub is delicious on everything! Except maybe muffins... :mooning:

Ribs were too spendy!!! Us po' folk gotta cut corners here and there!  ;)
yea...yea that's why that pig steak looks like a 1/2 a hog!!!!!!!!! :crazy: :doofus: :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/02/17, 03:52:59 PM
It's two meals for me, just like yer one little fly I'd backhand into oblivion.  *SMACK*  ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on July 07/02/17, 04:51:30 PM
pork shoulders for pulled.pork ala.boar.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/02/17, 05:15:19 PM
Whoa! Lookin' good dere, Boarski!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/02/17, 05:21:25 PM
It's two meals for me, just like yer one little fly I'd backhand into oblivion.  *SMACK*  ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
suppose you stay in shape wrastlin wit da neighbor lady to be able to do such things!! :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/02/17, 05:22:25 PM
No comment!!  :sleazy:    :rotflmao: Speaking of, I sure could use a back massage...*ow*  :undecided:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/02/17, 05:23:30 PM
pork shoulders for pulled.pork ala.boar.
yo bubba dat looks good!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/02/17, 06:16:37 PM

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/02/17, 06:22:10 PM
Ahh... I spy a smoke tube down in dere...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/02/17, 06:54:01 PM
I have St Louis spares on but am waiting for the pic to arrive at my email so I can show them.  Just did the wrap.  Included Sweet Baby Rays Vidalia Onion sauce.....   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on July 07/02/17, 07:02:51 PM
yumm ive been busy..c bacon

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on July 07/02/17, 07:05:51 PM
freash brauts!! pj wisconson style

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/02/17, 07:08:40 PM
Christ. Boars butcher shop!! :happy1: :rotflmao:  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/02/17, 07:35:49 PM
yumm ive been busy..c bacon

that looks great!!!!  good job!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/02/17, 07:37:40 PM
Christ. Boats butcher shop!! :happy1: :rotflmao:  :happy1:

holy crying out lot!!!!!   :happy1: :happy1:

you have had a good day!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/02/17, 08:24:31 PM
Christ. Boats butcher shop!! :happy1: :rotflmao:  :happy1:

holy crying out lot!!!!!   :happy1: :happy1:

you have had a good day!!!!!
it's boaranze for when :crazy: da hell am he's sending me some!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/02/17, 08:26:59 PM
Brauts...Boats butcher...crying out lot.........I can't make head nor tail of any of it!!!  :doofus:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on July 07/02/17, 09:24:46 PM
l have some at campaplooza ., provide. some peoe dont show early sat morn.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/02/17, 09:53:05 PM
l have some at campaplooza ., provide. some peoe dont show early sat morn.
I hope like 7 isn't to early!!! :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/03/17, 04:14:20 PM
Pigger steak is finally smokin'......  :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/03/17, 04:22:45 PM
Rebs that is the nicest looking pork steak I have ever seen and I have seem quite a few.  7AM  you think with Boar being there we will be in any shape to by up and at em by then????  Come on Glenn....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/03/17, 04:24:09 PM
Thanks Barry! I like 'em 1" thick......Pays dividends to have a butcher buddy!  :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/03/17, 04:25:43 PM
Well LPS, IF boar keeps smartin off I'll show up at 6. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/03/17, 04:30:08 PM
We had better keep our coolers of goodness inside then so you don't raid them and be gone before we arise...    You better be there too.  You too Mike...   This was last nights ribs.  Leftovers in awhile with some cole slaw.  Not sure what to grill tomorrow. 

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/03/17, 04:31:32 PM
This is early in the smome so not juicy yet. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/03/17, 04:44:23 PM
Ya Reb you got that right.  Pay's to get to know a butcher.  They will take care of you.  A one inch pork steak is a winner all the time.  Boar,  you are doing great in the sausage dept. for sure and the rest of the smokehead stuff.  Wish I could be at the gathering but I'll be stuck down here for awhile.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/03/17, 05:12:48 PM
After 1 1/2 hrs on low on da grill, pigger steak was cut-with-fork tender. Pulled it at 160* and let rest in foil.  Half the steak (left-overs for supper tomorrow), maple beans, cole slaw, garlic toast, and all the fixin's. Even a little wedge of strawberry cheesecake for dessert! *NOM*NOM*   :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/03/17, 05:20:49 PM
Well you could invited the nieghbor lady over!!! :doah: :scratch: :scratch:

Looks awesome!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/03/17, 05:26:00 PM
Looks awesome reb, the neighbor lady might give him a run in da farten contest after dat meal... :campfire:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/03/17, 05:27:34 PM
Well you could invited the nieghbor lady over!!! :doah: :scratch: :scratch:

Looks awesome!

I thought YOU were headed down!  :scratch:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/03/17, 06:55:40 PM
Well, I'm done buying wammermelons...ANOTHER no taste one.  :angry2:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/03/17, 07:27:06 PM
 Even a little wedge of strawberry cheesecake for dessert! *NOM*NOM*

that sounds super good to boot!!  the whole sounds great but the cheese cake!!!!

Yup LPS I plan on being there for a little while!!!  so looking for ward to it!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/03/17, 07:50:03 PM
I love cheesecake!  I wanted a little key lime one (to die for...) but all they had was a "sampler" with 4 little slices. Got a chocolate chip one left for tomorrow!!  :smiley:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/03/17, 07:57:04 PM
key lime!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/04/17, 01:19:07 PM
This is hitting the grill about 5. Slab o sirlion and hobo taters. I left the green beans out

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/04/17, 01:38:53 PM
Cripes!! Dinner for three! Half a cow!  ya talk about me!! Glad yer finally learnin' about those GB's!! :tongue:   :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/04/17, 02:08:41 PM
Dang it, I went through cold spring too early it looks.  That's gonna be dynamite 57!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/04/17, 02:32:25 PM
Dang it, I went through cold spring too early it looks.  That's gonna be dynamite 57!!
what I wanna know is why you went thru cold spring and didn't stop??? :angry2: :pouty: :pouty: :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/04/17, 02:39:19 PM
Cripes!! Dinner for three! Half a cow!  ya talk about me!! Glad yer finally learnin' about those GB's!! :tongue:   :azn:
there's usually a pretty good size bone in these sirlions. No leftovers, maybe the spuds, Glenn likes his rare beef steak. :hubba: no green beans cause I ain't got nun!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/04/17, 02:47:03 PM
Dang it, I went through cold spring too early it looks.  That's gonna be dynamite 57!!
what I wanna know is why you went thru cold spring and didn't stop??? :angry2: :pouty: :pouty: :scratch:

He probably has another 17 racks of ribs and 5 butts on the grill..... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/04/17, 02:48:46 PM
all these meals and fish look great!!!  80 mile bike ride and it was hot on it too!!!!   good ride though!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/04/17, 03:01:25 PM
Glen I haven't seen a sirloin with a bone in it since I was cutting beef some years ago.  Must of got a side of beef.  Now they are all boneless.   Nice!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/04/17, 03:18:11 PM
we used to get bone from the butcher years ago, always enjoyed them!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/04/17, 03:28:19 PM
I love cheese cake too...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/04/17, 03:36:03 PM
Dang it, I went through cold spring too early it looks.  That's gonna be dynamite 57!!
what I wanna know is why you went thru cold spring and didn't stop??? :angry2: :pouty: :pouty: :scratch:

He probably has another 17 racks of ribs and 5 butts on the grill..... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
  I will probably next month,(the kid had to get home to her boyfriend  :puke:)  hopefully dem nortens are ready to chow on!! That was a good one reb, no grilling here, just sweating and cutting grass. Think it's a taco night. :cool:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/04/17, 03:44:55 PM
Reminded me of the crew on here... :azn:

(click on pic to enlarge)

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/04/17, 03:45:22 PM
Glen I haven't seen a sirloin with a bone in it since I was cutting beef some years ago.  Must of got a side of beef.  Now they are all boneless.   Nice!!
yep............bought a half a beef. all those posts about good meat prices.........I don't have them stores close. besides I grew up with this butcher shop!!!!!!! we do take advantage of meat sales when we see them though1!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on July 07/04/17, 04:41:56 PM
Venison chops, tator rounds with carrots, broccoli & cauliflower in cheese sauce.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/04/17, 04:43:21 PM
 *CHOMP*   I done et the whole thing.   *urp*   :azn:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/04/17, 11:09:28 PM
Nice presentation HD as always. Reb likes his meat on the rare side. I understand the photographic aspect. The Mrs. usually gives me the hairy eyeball if she catches me photographing my food. Ya, I get that it isn't normal but what about me has been normal since she married me? I rest my case. Had this stuff thawed a while so decide by rook or crook we were going to grill it tonight. Lamb steaks (from the leg) and lamburger. Absolutely wrecked the burger in my book. Well done although that's how Mrs. Cheviot likes it. Fine because she can have it. Warmed up with all the fat broiled out of it, it's a train wreck. I simply dislike eating it that way. I much prefer being able to cook it to my personally preferred level of doneness. Probably doesn't help when I've had have several cocktails accompanying it. (hic) Famoud Dave's burger and chop seasoning I believe on the steaks which were edible BTW and Weber burger seasoning on the burgers, may they R.I.P.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on July 07/05/17, 04:27:35 PM
15 lbs of ribs for sat

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/05/17, 06:28:24 PM
Dr. Pepper again?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/05/17, 06:53:32 PM
Thats,awesome boar.  Do tell  what's the brine. Nuttin special here,  since I've been in the heat all day what's another hour gonna do. With the  A.C. running might as well do a cheap ham and extra cheesy tators outside. Man, you guys sure can make me hungry with those pics of yours!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on July 07/05/17, 07:08:41 PM
Barqes rootbeer!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/05/17, 07:50:32 PM
Barqes rootbeer!!

that's what i want to do too!!!  thanks!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/05/17, 08:03:16 PM
Ya can thank me!! I told him to use root beer!!!  :rotflmao: And A&W even makes a root beer BBQ sauce!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/05/17, 08:06:56 PM
Ya can thank me!! I told him to use root beer!!!  :rotflmao: And A&W even makes a root beer BBQ sauce!!!

yuppers I remember that when you first stated that!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on July 07/05/17, 09:12:19 PM
yeah reb u said a&w so i chose barques. now it my idwa. hahahaha.. naw i choe.barques cause it tastes a little bolder than the vanilla a an w. but an awsome idea.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/05/17, 09:16:18 PM
Can't go wrong either way! Just keep Glenn away from'em, he'd have 'em smeared with KATSUP in no time.  :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on July 07/05/17, 09:23:27 PM
i know, cat soup. i just dont get it.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/05/17, 09:34:32 PM
Katchup....mmmmm .... Good! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/06/17, 01:16:29 PM
Being on this diet isn't great for picture taking but it was last night.  Rib steaks and one bnls rib eye on the grill.  Asperagus on the side.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/06/17, 02:58:49 PM
cooked perfectly!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/06/17, 03:03:39 PM
RH does it up right!  :happy1:  With no ketchup or slobber sauce!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on July 07/06/17, 03:29:58 PM
That looks awesome!.... I just picked up some asparagus from Cub cause I have a craving for it.... you beat me to it!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/07/17, 08:07:25 AM
Mouth watering Rh,  nicely done!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/07/17, 05:22:35 PM
Gotta share dis one wid ya, guys! Came up wid it today....had to try something new.  :tongue:

Apricot- honey glazed orange chicken

1 1/2 lbs boneless, skinless filleted chicken breasts

Soak the chicken in real orange juice for 4-6 hours  ( I like country style, with some pulp)

Glaze: mix 2 Tbsp of apricot jam, 2 Tbsp honey, 2 Tbsp of soy sauce, and a tsp of McCormick's rotisserie chicken seasoning in glass dish in microwave for 30 seconds to melt it down for easy mixing.

Sprinkle chicken lightly with favorite seasoning. Grill at 350-375* for ten minutes, flip pieces over, and brush liberally with glaze. Cook for another 20 mns or to desired doneness.  Enjoy!  :azn:

(Pics via FORKCAM...*CHOMP*)

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/07/17, 07:05:34 PM
dang good looking meal!!!! :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on July 07/08/17, 08:34:23 AM
got. company ridin up.from wisconson. ribs for supp!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on July 07/08/17, 05:27:31 PM
Nice Boar!

Tonight we are having pig chops on the grill with fries and fresh GREAN BEANS & pea pods out of the garden....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/09/17, 08:51:12 AM
Man I got lucky and found some of the store cut beef ribs yesterday at County Market in I Falls.  Lot meatier than the cryovac big company ones.  The first time we had them they were fantastic.  I have spuds boiling on the grill side burner right now for potato salad.  Gonna be a great day!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/09/17, 04:07:21 PM
BRATS with all the toppings, home-made mac salad with smoked ham chunks, pickled beets, and fresh snap peas...:tongue:

TIP: make SURE the top is tightly on the chunky blue cheese dressing beofe you shake the hell outta it. It does NOT wipe up well off the 'fridge, walls, counter tops, window screen, or window blinds.  *SPLATTO*   :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/09/17, 06:21:07 PM
BRATS with all the toppings, home-made mac salad with smoked ham chunks, pickled beets, and fresh snap peas...:tongue:

TIP: make SURE the top is tightly on the chunky blue cheese dressing beofe you shake the hell outta it. It does NOT wipe up well off the 'fridge, walls, counter tops, window screen, or window blinds.  *SPLATTO*   :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

we have all made boner moves, but that is awesome!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/09/17, 06:48:50 PM
Ahh shut yer piehole!!! Or as Glenn would say,  :moon:        ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/09/17, 06:59:10 PM
what??????  now what did I do!!!!?????  we all have done those things!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

just that some of us have done more of them!!!! :doofus:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on July 07/09/17, 06:59:10 PM
Loyd's ribs, tator tot and a huge side salad..... I can't move....urp!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/09/17, 07:02:42 PM
Huge?! Isn't that the family salad dish?!?! Looks great! I even see what COULD be snap peas in it.....but if those aren't, I don't wanna know WHAT they are!!   :rolleyes:    :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/09/17, 07:48:42 PM
Huge?! Isn't that the family salad dish?!?! Looks great! I even see what COULD be snap peas in it.....but if those aren't, I don't wanna know WHAT they are!!   :rolleyes:    :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/09/17, 07:50:51 PM
KNOCK IT OFF, ya liddle weezle!! Aren't you supposed to be making smores by the campfire or something???! :taz:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on July 07/09/17, 09:22:12 PM
ribs an twice baked tata

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/09/17, 09:57:50 PM
I tell ya I can't keep up. RH's diet plate (looks damn good to me!) Reb's chicky followed by brats, HD with pig chops and Lloyd's ribs and green beans, LPS with beef ribs and boar along with the ribs has finally figured out how to bake ta ta's. Wait, I think that was tata's! Oh well, both are fun to lick stuff off of. Never tried licking sour cream off a spud though! :hubba: Anyway, ahead of tonight's weather event, made some simple brats, cheddar are the more done ones and regular on the lower part of the grill. Also said goodbye to an old friend.  ;) A few grillin' beans, slaw and we're good to go.  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/10/17, 06:30:23 AM
The final pic of the beef ribs and potato salad.  And man I ate way too much.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/10/17, 05:20:42 PM
Boy, all of that looks great...and looks to me like Boar's  got whipped cream on those tata's!  :rotflmao:  Found a 2 lb pig roast in the freezer this morning. Did it up mesquite style on the grill. Musta picked a good one, cuz it was melt in my mouth tender. Rounded it all out with the end of my ham 'n pea mac salad and some cold pickled beets with the other goodies. Boy, I'm full!! *urp*  :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on July 07/10/17, 05:20:55 PM
Yup Rebs ...they are snap peas....I planted 30 seeds, and they are producing like gang busters...

Dotch, those brats an beans look great! Along with LPS's & Boars ribs!

We had burgers on the grill tonight....sorry no pic....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/10/17, 05:22:22 PM
I'm sure poking a pile o' those pea seeds in da ground next year, HD!!! I love those!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/10/17, 10:16:48 PM
I'm sure poking a pile o' those pea seeds in da ground next year, HD!!! I love those!

I'll send the bunnies in the yard your way.  They love them too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/11/17, 06:34:56 AM
Those peas are a good idea.  The wife loves em.  I am thinking we will have to plant some too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/11/17, 03:52:13 PM
Those snap peas will sometimes work planted for fall if you have space. I got a couple varieties of seed the other day from Jung's along with some winter radishes, regular radishes and some seed for greens. I'll plant that stuff towards the end of the month or first part of August when conditions are fit. That was part of the problem last year. It was wetter than crap from the time I planted them until it got cold in early November. From July - October we had 29.55" of rain! :tut: Have had better luck other years. It takes a pretty major freeze to affect them much. They seem extra sweet planted in late summer. One of my favorites in the fall lunchbox.  :happy1:   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/11/17, 04:08:53 PM
I thought yer Fall lunchbox came in a glass bottle?  :scratch:   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/11/17, 04:21:52 PM
...only on the weekends and evenings. :angel: I see Cashwise has Sapphire on sale for 34.95 for a 1.75 ltr. Pick up one of those, some Boodles for special occasions (anytime I feel like it) and we're crappin' in tall cotton!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/11/17, 04:42:52 PM
CRIPES! It's THAT much??! Thought I splurged today when I bought a carton of Kemp's Maple Nut! It's the cowz, ya know.. :rotflmao:

Dinner tonite:  Leftovers!  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/11/17, 07:07:51 PM
Remember 1976 prices?   :doah:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/11/17, 07:15:41 PM
sorry but I remember when burgers were even cheaper that!!!!!!!and I'm not that much older than you!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/11/17, 07:21:33 PM
Me too! Had a King Leo's here....burgers, 15 cents. Fries, 10 cents.  Top that! :tongue:   :rotflmao:

 King Leo's is believed to be Fargo's first drive-in restaurant. It was founded by Leon Latz of Rochester, Minn., for whom it was named, and his brother, Bruce Latz, who moved from Grand Rapids, Minn., to Fargo to start the business here. It opened on Dec. 1, 1960, at 1833 S. University Drive. Burgers were 15 cents, cheeseburgers 19 cents and fries, malts and sodas completed the menu.

I guess I took the grillin' thread down a side road!  WHOOPSIES!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/11/17, 07:26:33 PM
I do recall the 15 to 19 cent burger so no you win!! :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/11/17, 07:27:18 PM
I see a tie!!  :azn:

Where's all tonites grillers? SAY MIKEY....didn't YOU get a new grill a while back..... :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/11/17, 07:35:52 PM
I see a tie!!  :azn:

Where's all tonites grillers? SAY MIKEY....didn't YOU get a new grill a while back..... :scratch:

yes sir I did!!!!  and I like it!! smoked meatloaf tomorrow!!  a little of this and that and some seasonings should be good!!!   but i did not get a camera or smart phone yet!!!!  I wil and then its time to learn how to post pic's!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/11/17, 07:50:26 PM
Smomed meatloaf?!! Tell me more....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/11/17, 07:51:58 PM
I see a tie!!  :azn:

Where's all tonites grillers? SAY MIKEY....didn't YOU get a new grill a while back..... :scratch:

yes sir I did!!!!  and I like it!! smoked meatloaf tomorrow!!  a little of this and that and some seasonings should be good!!!   but i did not get a camera or smart phone yet!!!!  I wil and then its time to learn how to post pic's!!!
yea so what's your point?? :angry2: :doofus: :tut: :pouty: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/11/17, 07:55:37 PM
Pipe down, pipsqueak!! I'm waiting to hear how to make smomed meatloaf!!!  :huh:

Now ya scared Mikey away!!!! I wanna hear about SMOMED MEATLOAF!!!   :taz: :taz: :taz:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/11/17, 08:07:00 PM
Sheez roll it in some zig zags and lite it. :smoking: :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/11/17, 08:28:27 PM
Fresh smallies, ricearoni, fruit cocktail.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/12/17, 06:24:00 AM
I remember the first McDonalds in Sioux Fall.  I think burgers were 17 or 18 cents and a cheeseburger was a penny more.  Man that was a real treat to us.  AND the subs at Kmart.  They made them by the front door so you smelled them as you walked in.  They were great too.   Well I think we will be having a big T-bone or Rib-eye this weekend.  Already looking forward to it too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/12/17, 07:34:58 AM
Smomed meatloaf?!! Tell me more....

well Reb it's really nothing special, gr. beef. gr. pork. 2 to 1 mixture.  bread or cracker, some rotel tomatoes sage onion & onion soup mix, etc.   I'll have 5 pounds of meat so I will make 4 loafs and place them in tin foil boats on the smoker at 175 to 200 for a few hours then bring the temp up to 250 or so to finish them off at 158 or so.   good eats, better left overs!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/12/17, 07:35:49 AM
Fresh smallies, ricearoni, fruit cocktail.

NO!!!  FAKE GRASS ??!?!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/12/17, 07:38:01 AM
Smomed meatloaf?!! Tell me more....

well Reb it's really nothing special, gr. beef. gr. pork. 2 to 1 mixture.  bread or cracker, some rotel tomatoes sage onion & onion soup mix, etc.   I'll have 5 pounds of meat so I will make 4 loafs and place them in tin foil boats on the smoker at 175 to 200 for a few hours then bring the temp up to 250 or so to finish them off at 158 or so.   good eats, better left overs!!!

O wow, that sounds great!! Dang! Leftovers WOULD be great! Thanks, buddy!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/12/17, 07:43:04 AM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/12/17, 08:01:59 AM
Fresh smallies, ricearoni, fruit cocktail.

NO!!!  FAKE GRASS ??!?!

Yep, cabin food w/extra chemicals
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/12/17, 08:08:31 AM
See, I knew you'd like it, Delmar!  ;)   Do the asian fried rice and add some chives, chopped hard-boiled egg, and smoked ham chunks. Better than the chinee places flied lice. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/12/17, 10:44:50 AM
oh I will say I hope you noticed there Rebs that there was no katsup in the meat loaf recipe!!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/12/17, 10:50:41 AM
I was just waiting for the munchkin to start babbling about his KATSUP....kinda like Boar's BRAUTs  ... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/12/17, 10:52:18 AM
I figure just saying "kassup"  would bring him in!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/12/17, 10:54:52 AM
So what's the sense of making meatloaf iffin your not using katchup! :scratch:

Well I'm off to the bluffs for a burger and fries with lots of katchup.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/12/17, 11:05:03 AM
it has rotels in it so doesn't need it!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/12/17, 11:06:32 AM
Try Reb's meatloaf topping: equal parts of ketchup, Heinz 57, and Heinz chili sauce. (or seafood cocktail sauce)   :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/12/17, 11:07:18 AM
it has rotels in it so doesn't need it!!!

Oh, meatloaf MUST have a topping, sir!   :smiley:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/12/17, 11:26:30 AM
you can add it the katsup on your plate!!!  when it is smoked it's awesome!!!  and yes I do also cover it at times!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/12/17, 02:23:47 PM
I've made meatloaf in the smoker many times.  Great way to do it.  Can even do it on indirect heat on your grill.  I tried to make it look like a football by marking it with my homemade BBQ sauce.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: snow1 on July 07/12/17, 02:36:09 PM
Haha rein,until I read your note I thought it looked like "glop" which is good on meat loaf,agreed loaf on the grill or smoked is great,I usually use cherry wood on the grill to get the best of both worlds.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/12/17, 02:36:58 PM
Ha!! That looks good.....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/12/17, 02:46:40 PM
that looks great RH,  a very good pic!!  mine came out very good, next time I'm going to do a larger roll like you.....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/12/17, 03:02:08 PM
I started out with 3 lb.s of ground beef and then all the rest of the stuff.  I got the recipe on my site in the Smokin Hot page.  Like you guy's say, it's great for leftovers for sandwhiches and some good mustard.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/12/17, 03:07:12 PM
i like the rack idea too...  I make tin foil boat, never again....

another question RH, you used all beef I used beef and pork..  would you or not use pork???

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/12/17, 03:47:33 PM
Mike pork is good to add for meat loaf.  I guess I don't buy pork that much just grind it for sausage.  I've got plenty of butts so I should grind a couple and grind them and put them in one pound packs and freeze them.  When we put out meat loaf in the shop we used one third pork and two thirds beef.  I used 80% lean ground beef for that one.  Ya, use the rack.  Form it and put it on there, it will hold it's shape.  Plus the drippings will go right into the drip pan.  I also give it some smoke from cherry wood chips.  Just one tray of it was enough.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/12/17, 03:56:14 PM
thanks RH, that is what I use 2 to 1 mixture.. this time I added a CAN OF ro-tel tomatoes with green chilies.  some thing different!!!  oh and i for got the dice onions!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on July 07/12/17, 08:11:24 PM
yes rotel is awsome! plus i like to add a can o manwhich. ill have to do a loaf in the smomer!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/12/17, 08:46:48 PM
I'll hafta give it another shot, the first one was so so, thanks for the ideas. Man plenty of super foods been posted lately,  good job gents!!  :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/13/17, 08:06:31 AM
I think it's high time for some more boober and Remi grill pics...and everyone else.....get grillin'!  :whistling:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/13/17, 05:34:51 PM
 :tongue: Same ol', same ol'....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/13/17, 07:43:21 PM
know I just heard another, use stove top stuffing for the breading, kinda sounds good.  just a little more seasoning likely....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/13/17, 08:35:20 PM
know I just heard another, use stove top stuffing for the breading, kinda sounds good.  just a little more seasoning likely....

Say what??  Now whatchoo on?!  :scratch:   :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/13/17, 09:17:54 PM
know I just heard another, use stove top stuffing for the breading, kinda sounds good.  just a little more seasoning likely....

Say what??  Now whatchoo on?!  :scratch:   :confused:
so what's wrong with a little stove top????
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on July 07/13/17, 09:32:19 PM
I think it's high time for some more boober and Remi grill pics...and everyone else.....get grillin'!  :whistling:
reberonie! im put on the ritz this saturday and pics to follow, those that co.e will never.forget,  those that dont will be left wonderi g why they didnt come.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/13/17, 09:34:34 PM
Yea but it's like 4 hour..... Ah never mind!!; :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on July 07/14/17, 06:01:13 AM
the bbq of boar is worth it.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/14/17, 06:31:04 AM
We will be having hobo dinners on the fire whilst camping.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/14/17, 07:25:47 AM
know I just heard another, use stove top stuffing for the breading, kinda sounds good.  just a little more seasoning likely....

Say what??  Now whatchoo on?!  :scratch:   :confused:

google it big fella!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/14/17, 08:37:18 AM
WTH are you guys babbling about??! I can't follow any of ya!! Breading WHAT??! Where did stuffing come from???!!  :crazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/14/17, 08:39:46 AM
use the stove top dressing for the bread crumbs in your meat loaf!!!!! :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/14/17, 08:42:02 AM
 oh....thought you were breading fish or something with it. You DO know good breading can also be made by crushing seasoned croutons, right? Just ask Reb's Kitchen..... ;)  About now, Del will pop in and give a dissertation on Panko breading.... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/14/17, 08:44:41 AM
Panko..................... :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/14/17, 08:45:39 AM
Oh look....puking little blue guys!!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/14/17, 08:55:35 AM
agree reb!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/14/17, 08:56:40 AM
 :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/14/17, 09:20:08 AM
:mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning:

Go sit that in some Panko!!!  :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/14/17, 11:29:02 AM
I could even roll my chicky in it, I guess. Love eatin' chciky...just like Morrison sang.  :evil:  :sleazy:

But the little girls understand, all right, yeah
You men eat your dinner, eat your pork and beans
I eat more chicken, than any man ever seen, yeah, yeah
I'm a back door man, what the men don't know .....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/14/17, 12:57:20 PM
oh....thought you were breading fish or something with it. You DO know good breading can also be made by crushing seasoned croutons, right? Just ask Reb's Kitchen..... ;)  About now, Del will pop in and give a dissertation on Panko breading.... :rolleyes:

MMMmmmm Panko good.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/14/17, 01:39:23 PM
Yea but del, you think boiled meat is good!! :mooning: :sleazy: :tut: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on July 07/14/17, 05:13:21 PM
Brats on da grill, topped with sour crout, baked beans, catsup, siratch mustard & onions....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/14/17, 05:24:44 PM
Wow! Now that's a loaded brat! And on a new plate yet!!   :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/14/17, 07:11:29 PM
don't get lock jaw with that rascal!!!!!!  wow is is that good looking!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/16/17, 07:25:48 PM
tried bacon on the grill, wow!!!!  it sure beat in the pan!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/16/17, 07:45:29 PM
Didn't it fall thru the grates?!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/16/17, 07:51:28 PM
no, only bits here and there....   I it 2 ways, one in the whole package, the other I spread out..   they do it it in the oven, not done that..   this was a good way to go!!!!

and it does not curl much!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/17/17, 03:10:03 PM
Ya, them brats look great for sure and some nice toppings also.  I've done bacon on the grill in indirect heat.  I put the slices on a jerky rack and nothing slips off one of those.  had foil underneath for the drippings.  Everything tastes better outdoors!!  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/17/17, 04:17:22 PM
Chicky again! Was on sale!  BAGAAWK*  Honey-orange chicky! Caesar salad! Mustard tato salad! Radishes! green tops! Iced tea!  Urp! Burp!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/18/17, 10:30:29 PM
Tough to compete with RH's smomed meatloaf, Reb's chicky and HD's loaded brats but hey, it was too warm to cook inside tonight so we just gave it our best shot. Besides, I had to make sure that bottle of Boodles I just purchased wasn't out of code! Still not sure. Further testing wil be needed.  ;) Grabbed some butterfly chops at Morgan's on my way home, seasoned them up with smokehouse maple, put some plum wood in the smoker box and let 'er buck. Toss some grillin' beans and Mrs. Gerry's potato salad made with spuds from Hollandale on the plate and we were golden.  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/19/17, 03:23:46 PM
Very nice Dotch.  This low carb diet is working but I do like to look at that good food.  Having Korean Gochujang wings tonight with salad.  Salad Salad Salad  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on July 07/19/17, 04:54:17 PM
Looks great Dotch!

Think'in Chicken fried deer steak tonight  :scratch: .....we'll see.......
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on July 07/19/17, 05:40:13 PM
Nope.... Just deer chops on da grill, baked tators on the grill....with a garden salad (fresh from the garden) as a side, topped with ranch dressing....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/20/17, 08:38:31 AM
You are blessed with a good supply of venison from last years hunt HD.  Great meal.  Hopefully we harvest some this coming season.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/20/17, 08:39:25 AM
looks good HD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/20/17, 11:18:44 AM
Those Bambi chops look great HD!  :hubba: Don't get venison all that often but doing it on the grill is a great way to go. Some of the marinades that work for lamb also worked well on venison. :happy1:

I hear ya on the carb's RH. I was told to start watching them after my doc's appt. a few months ago so the potato salad meal was a "cheater". I've been pretty good and am down about 13 lbs. from my hibernating weight. Cutting the commercial tonic water helped immensely. Cutting stuff like bread and spuds out entirely is tough so just limiting portion size is about the only way to keep my sanity.

In the meantime, just keep on grilling whatever happens to fit. Brats last night, leftover beans and some mixed oriental salad of some kind. It was good but potato salad is tough to beat this time of year. The plate licker doesn't seem to mind.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/20/17, 03:21:11 PM
Looks tasty to me!   When that swizzle stick looks straight, is it time to quit?   ;)
What have you done to that poor dogs ears?! They're missing again!!  :shocked:

Did you get some of those brats I told ya about yet?   :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/20/17, 05:16:37 PM
Said aww chuck it today, didn't feel like doin' much cookin' in this heat and hume, so I picked out a nice 14 oz chuck -eye from Fareway and some spring salad. The things are so thick, it takes a bit more than my normal 3-4 minutes a side. Took 5 mns per side, and she just barely hit 130* when I flipped it on the plate. Perfect dark pink medium rare.....  Almost didn't need that knife.   :tongue:  *urp*

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/21/17, 11:29:09 AM
Man that looks good Rebs.  I may have to grill a steak this weekend.  OR maybe will look back at the meat loaf recipes that were on here a week ago.  That sounds great too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/21/17, 12:35:44 PM
either way would be good LPS!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/21/17, 05:28:30 PM
Does look mighty tasty Reb. And my guess is you didn't need to put it in the bathtub for a few hours in a plastic bag first!  :rotflmao:

So many questions and so little time! Swizzle sticks only look crooked to the naked eye. Or if you're naked and looking at it with your crooked eye! The dog catches on fast. Following my example, she folds her ears down and pretends she doesn't hear. I'm envious. Can wiggle my ears but can't fold them down like that. Can only let my ear hair grow so nothing gets through if/when I don't want to hear it. Makes it tougher for Mrs. Cheviot to determine if I'm really listening or not. Haven't been within a stone's throw of a WW but soon. Out of brats again.  :sad: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/21/17, 06:11:21 PM
That's a typical female, Dotch. They always lay their ears back, flare their nostrils, and get twitchy, not unlike a horse, before they light into ya. May even lift that upper lip and stamp their feet like a horse, too. :shocked:  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: roony on July 07/21/17, 06:58:28 PM
Ring bologna on the grill with a couple Anaheim peppers. On the stove, fried potatoes and our first green beans of the season. Cocktail hour while things are cookin'. The doc told me to lose weight too Dotch, I'll wait and see how it works out for you. After I quit the heaters 17 years ago the pounds started staying with me. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/21/17, 07:11:28 PM
I go in Monday for me physical, I'll get it too...    get those pounds gone!!!!  But the food I like, that will kill me with out and kill me to me!!!!!!  egads!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on July 07/22/17, 03:56:15 PM
Plans change often here.... burgers, we thought, changed to Salmon and Tilapia on the grill with seasoned fries from last year's crop & fresh grilled zucchini from the garden.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/22/17, 05:36:51 PM
Hmmm...different, that looks good! That's what I need to do... I'm about tired of everything on the grill.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/22/17, 08:00:03 PM
that would be good on the grill too!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/23/17, 12:52:26 PM
Salmon?? Talapia??? :scratch: HD, ya want me to give ya some fish????  :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :doofus:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on July 07/23/17, 01:27:19 PM
Salmon?? Talapia??? :scratch: HD, ya want me to give ya some fish????  :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :doofus:

Hey.....I told ya I was going to be real busy this summer and wouldn't have time to fish much.... :banghead:
I asked you if you would, catch me some pike for pickling, and all I got was lip service....  :crazy:

Figured that's what union guy's do.....talk alot....and get nuth'in done.....  :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/23/17, 01:38:28 PM
You want pike for pickling I'll bring it up campalooza!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on July 07/23/17, 03:32:07 PM
Yup.....yup, I do.....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on July 07/23/17, 04:47:46 PM
yeah ya just have to be up at 6 am to catch him ther is all.....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/23/17, 05:09:10 PM
yeah ya just have to be up at 6 am to catch him ther is all.....
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/24/17, 05:19:59 PM
Swiss 'n cheddar burglars, cucumber summer salad, chips and stuff.... :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/24/17, 05:49:21 PM
Way too many meals to comment on this thread.  Reb , that burglar looks phenomenal!!  Too much going on this way, lotz o motzas for us.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/24/17, 05:53:02 PM
That does look great Rebs.  So what is that cucumber summer salad?  I love cukes.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/24/17, 06:46:05 PM
That does look great Rebs.  So what is that cucumber summer salad?  I love cukes.

Then ya HAVE to make Reb's 'cukes in sauce! That other stuff was one from the deli. It was pretty bland. Won't try it again. Can't hold a candle to my 'cukes in sauce.  :azn:

                             Reb’s ‘cukes in sauce

1 very large cucumber (or 2 smaller ones)
1/3 to 1/2 purple onion
⅓ cup of Miracle Whip
1 good cup of thick sour cream
1 Tbsp sugar
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp. Dill weed
¼ tsp. Onion powder
¼ tsp. Garlic powder
⅓ cup white vinegar

Make sauce:

Combine all ingredients except for onion and cucumber, slowly folding in. Don’t stir fast!
Peel and slice cucumber thin, add to sauce. Cut half of onion into very thin whole slices off of onion; then quarter them.  Add to sauce. 
Refrigerate overnight, occasionally stirring.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/29/17, 12:34:04 PM
Anyone had these before? Picked up a pkg of the bacon/ cheddar brat patties yday... :tongue:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/29/17, 12:37:53 PM
No haven't seen them but they sound great.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/29/17, 12:38:30 PM
Shish kabobs are still on the docket for us with some of Rebs Cukes. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/29/17, 12:42:45 PM
I'd never seen them, either! Found 'em at my Mom 'n Pop while waiting for my butcher buddy Rob to slice me out a couple slab pig steaks. Glad ya got the 'cukes made Barry! Waitin' to see whatcha think....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/29/17, 07:15:52 PM
they come from Packerland???  not heard of them...  but I would try them!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/29/17, 08:25:55 PM
The shish kabobs and Rebs Cuke will savor overnight and be on the menu tomorrow.  I worked today and don't want to rush a good thing.  Will post pics tomorrow.  Will be awesome.  The sirloin chunks are marinating also.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/29/17, 09:11:57 PM
they come from Packerland???  not heard of them...  but I would try them!!!

Yup, the cheeseheads make 'em. On the grill tomorrow...had some small seasoned pig chops and a small pig steak tonite, along with my mac'n pea salad with ham chunks. Ya, I like mac salad...and it's cheap to make, not the $6 a lb stuff from a grocery deli.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on July 07/30/17, 01:09:17 PM
smoke pepperjack meatloaf

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/30/17, 01:23:33 PM
Dang!! That looks down right Reb-o-riffic, Boarski!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on July 07/30/17, 01:27:01 PM
Looks awesome boarski!  :smoking:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/30/17, 01:27:39 PM
MEH!! looks OK.  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on July 07/30/17, 01:38:36 PM
fhanks guys. its really simple, make a meatloaf,  smoke it at 250 till internal temp is 150 pull it and let it rest for about 20 min. i added sauce only the last hour or so.....glenn ur a turd. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/30/17, 01:41:33 PM
Why thank you! Let your wife know I said she's a good cook!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/30/17, 01:47:52 PM
Mmmmm...that looks stupendous boar. glenn would want blue Katchup on it. Then he'd think it was good!  :scratch: Reb's burglars look wunnerful as well. Did some centercut pork chops last night after an exhausting day for an old fart. Also had plenty of Sapphire to guide me through the grilling process...lol

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/30/17, 01:59:01 PM
Looks great...but I see there's a prob with those green tube things getting mixed in wid yer veggies.... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/30/17, 02:12:34 PM
Love that smoked meat loaf Boar!!!  Reb I'm going to try your recipe for them cukes.  I'll have to sub stevia for the sugar though.  It should work just fine.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/30/17, 02:18:44 PM
Good deal! Won't make any difference, RH. I just made a batch today...like I told LPS, might wanna add a bit more vinegar to my recipe, I like 'em tart. A bit more salt helps, too. Do recipe and go from there...That's my "base" recipe, you can add more of whatever you like from there, although it's pretty much spot on. I also like to lay out the 'cuke slices on a paper towel before putting in the sauce, takes some of the moisture out and doesn't "water down" the sauce as much after a day in the 'fridge.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/30/17, 02:21:01 PM
With all that extra crap...  Hehehehe.... Surprised ya can taste any of the cukes. ! :crazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/30/17, 02:22:28 PM
Why don't you just go stick yer fat head in a vat of KATSUP?!?!  :angry2:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/30/17, 02:41:09 PM
Guess I told him.   :azn: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/30/17, 03:19:03 PM
You sure did.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/30/17, 03:21:44 PM
Guess I told him.   :azn: :rotflmao:
pfffft!! :mooning: :mooning: :tut: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/30/17, 06:37:59 PM
Guess I told him.   :azn: :rotflmao:
pfffft!! :mooning: :mooning: :tut: :rotflmao:

I don't see ANY grilling pics from "Mr. Pickles".... :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/31/17, 05:18:29 PM
Had those brat patties I had posted and asked about....hmmm. Kinda like eating my breakfast sausage pork patties....not juicy like a tube brat. They're thinner than burgler patties, so they cook quick, and IMO, a tad on the dry side. Kinda chewy, too...I pulled them pretty quick, but they clocked in at almost 170*. A tad too done. They had good flavor, but...I'll stick to the regular brat kind, I guess. One minute before they hit the grill, it started to pour out.  Said screw it, some rain ain't stopping me...as I continued to stand in the rain and grill away. Thought about getting an umbrella, but the overhang gave me some cover. Figgered I'd towel off later. Boy, things really smoke in the pouring rain! Ah well, they got done, my 'cukes were great, the beans just right, the milk was cold, and I found an ice cream bar.  Life is good.  :azn:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/31/17, 07:42:53 PM
too thin don't like!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/03/17, 10:26:55 AM
The NY Strip I had last night.  Perfect med rare and juicy.  Also had Reb's Cukes.  They too were great. 

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/03/17, 10:40:32 AM
Holy CRAP LPS that looks good. Even the cukes! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/03/17, 10:43:44 AM
That new infrared grill is wonderful.  I put some hickory chips on the grate next to the meat.  When the hickory starts smoking I start grilling.  Flip every 2 minutes.  Total of 7 or 8. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/03/17, 10:45:05 AM
Holy CRAP LPS that looks good. Even the cukes! :happy1:

Of course it does. LPS obviously knows good food when he sees it.  :happy1:  Did yer wife like them, Barry?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/05/17, 05:50:55 PM
No spendy Kobe meat here....just a run of the mill, cooked- to -perfection, medium rare 14 oz chuckeye. Some steakhouse tater salad, a sliced first one Early Girl 'mater, and the other usual stuff rounds it out.  :tongue:  *URP*

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/05/17, 06:48:27 PM
 :happy1: :happy1:

good looking meal!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/05/17, 07:03:09 PM
It was superb!!!  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/06/17, 07:40:07 AM
Darn nice looking chuckeye there Rebs.  Oh ya the wife liked the cukes too.  We made it twice now.  Now I want to make that thinner kind with the vinegar.  You know with cukes and onion slices?  Haven't had that in a long time.  My Mom used to make it.  Not sure what to call it.  It was white so must have had sour cream in it too.  You know that one Rebs?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/06/17, 08:41:24 AM
Sure does reb, looks awsome!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/06/17, 08:59:06 AM
Darn nice looking chuckeye there Rebs.  Oh ya the wife liked the cukes too.  We made it twice now.  Now I want to make that thinner kind with the vinegar.  You know with cukes and onion slices?  Haven't had that in a long time.  My Mom used to make it.  Not sure what to call it.  It was white so must have had sour cream in it too.  You know that one Rebs?

Yup. Trying chunking up some well drained 'mater  pieces and toss those in, too.

Coocumber salad

2 medium cucumbers, thinly sliced
1 medium Vidalaia onion, cut in thin quartered strips
1/3 cup cider or white vinegar  ( like white)
1/4 cup water
1/4 vegetable oil
2 tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon coarse cracked black pepper
Chopped fresh dill weed or parsley, if desired

Place cucumbers in small glass or plastic bowl.
In tightly covered container, shake remaining ingredients except dill weed. Pour over cucumbers. Cover and refrigerate at least 3 hours to MELD flavors.
Drain cucumbers. Sprinkle with dill weed. Store covered in 'frigerator.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/06/17, 09:02:16 AM
Oh ya thats right Tomaters are in it. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/06/17, 09:04:44 AM
There ya go. Reb's endless recipe box.  It's a big one...a whole cupboard full. :rotflmao: I forgot...and I'm looking right at it...for a twist, use red wine vinegar, and slice up some black olives to toss in, and a bit of basil. I love 'em that way. Just do this one outta my head. Ya can crumble some Feta cheese on it to go real Italian....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/06/17, 09:39:24 AM
I printed it out and will have it tonight.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/06/17, 09:40:32 AM
Thank you sir.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/06/17, 09:43:36 AM
Anytime Barry. And if ya have any Mr. Potato Head parts laying around.... :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/07/17, 07:22:39 PM
Chicken thighs injected with lemon juice, butter and beer. Jalapenos wrapped in bacon were over due..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/07/17, 07:23:49 PM

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/07/17, 07:25:54 PM
looks good!!!!  have not used lemon juice that way....   I will now!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/07/17, 07:29:52 PM
Lookin' good! I like soaking my chicky thighs in lime juice, then sprinkle with mexican seasoing. I haveta make some of those stuffed 'penos this Summer, I always forget about it.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/07/17, 07:32:27 PM
lime juice would be good too!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/07/17, 07:38:23 PM
Thought bout lime , but reb is to  thank about lemon.. :happy1: turned out awsome!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/07/17, 07:55:16 PM
used lemon juice many ways, just not that way, yet!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/07/17, 09:10:55 PM
Fresh off the smomer!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on August 08/07/17, 09:19:24 PM
looks good buddy!!!
i did braut burgers. oh yum!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/08/17, 07:09:48 AM
both look good fellas!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on August 08/08/17, 05:48:02 PM
We stopped by the local butcher and picked up some seasoned pig chops... Ruthie put some seasoned fries and mixed veggies on the grill.....
Life is beautiful....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/08/17, 07:19:47 PM
good looking meal!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/08/17, 07:25:29 PM
Great looking spreads gents,tough to beat smoked fish, brat patties and Hd 's plate!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on August 08/08/17, 07:30:06 PM
wait til campapalooza!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/08/17, 07:34:40 PM
wait til campapalooza!
why you bringing dried out venny backstrap! :sleazy: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on August 08/08/17, 07:35:57 PM
man i salute u on that one. lmao!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/08/17, 07:39:09 PM
Well that was pretty easy Pickens! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/10/17, 05:50:37 PM
Nothin'. Once again, it's pouring out. That's all it does down here, is pour almost every F***n day. Without fail.  :angry2:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/10/17, 07:15:12 PM
I hear ya reb had to swerve lots o drops myself
Porker chops and fried taters with garden sliced cukes in some sorta sauce. Perry good!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/10/17, 07:54:44 PM
Pigger choplets!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/11/17, 05:48:08 PM
Dats what I had! Seasoned pigger choplets, fresh mater's , beans, slaw, and some great CORN ON DA COB. *urp*
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/11/17, 08:26:54 PM
I be having these. Pig chops in every can!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/12/17, 04:41:29 PM
Chipotle and Monterey Jack brats, corn on da cob, beans, spring salad, slaw, and iced tea.  *urp*   :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/12/17, 05:48:50 PM
I be having these. Pig chops in every can!

I admire the heck out of you Glenn.  I think that pic should garner you a little more respect around here.   :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/12/17, 05:53:06 PM
I be having these. Pig chops in every can!

I admire the heck out of you Glenn.  I think that pic should garner you a little more respect around here.   :bow:

 :shocked:   Barry's drinkin' again....     :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/12/17, 06:53:37 PM
we don't even know it's his can!!!!   it could be like the fish he gave to HD, that his wife caught and cleaned!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/12/17, 07:32:30 PM
Great point mike!!! Took it from some little kid.. :rotflmao: Great day at the game fair, still found time for some kaboobs and abt's...

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/12/17, 07:35:53 PM
those are great eats!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/12/17, 07:42:59 PM
Great point mike!!! Took it from some little kid.. :rotflmao: Great day at the game fair, still found time for some kaboobs and abt's...

Boober, no offense, but this has gotta stop.....the other nite, ya had burglars, and I had them ready to grill. Then ya had pigger chops, and mine were on the grill...now, kabobs (Kaboobs?) and I have two ball tips marinating for kabobs tomorrow...... :shocked:   :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/13/17, 09:22:45 AM
we don't even know it's his can!!!!   it could be like the fish he gave to HD, that his wife caught and cleaned!!!!!!!
training-087 training-087 :banghead: :banghead: :taz: :taz: :taz: :taz: :crazy: :pouty: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/13/17, 10:51:43 AM
Great point mike!!! Took it from some little kid.. :rotflmao: Great day at the game fair, still found time for some kaboobs and abt's...

Boober, no offense, but this has gotta stop.....the other nite, ya had burglars, and I had them ready to grill. Then ya had pigger chops, and mine were on the grill...now, kabobs (Kaboobs?) and I have two ball tips marinating for kabobs tomorrow...... :shocked:   :doah:
   Great minds tink alike reb!!!  On deck this week are bats and hot digity dogs,  steaks, salmon (probably on the salt block) and some baby backs this weekend!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/13/17, 11:42:18 AM
Great point mike!!! Took it from some little kid.. :rotflmao: Great day at the game fair, still found time for some kaboobs and abt's...

Boober, no offense, but this has gotta stop.....the other nite, ya had burglars, and I had them ready to grill. Then ya had pigger chops, and mine were on the grill...now, kabobs (Kaboobs?) and I have two ball tips marinating for kabobs tomorrow...... :shocked:   :doah:
   Great minds tink alike reb!!!  On deck this week are bats and hot digity dogs,  steaks, salmon (probably on the salt block) and some baby backs this weekend!!  :happy1:

Cripes, yer eatin' BATS now?! On the salt block, right?  :rotflmao:  The salmon should be good on it. How about laying a dill sprig on the block, and then the salmon on top... :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/13/17, 12:05:32 PM
Lol, boarnese fingers!!! Bats, brauts, brats, broughts.... :doofus: Good idea on the sprig and I just happen to have some. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/13/17, 01:06:01 PM
Use brat in a sentence. "I brought home some brauts to the brats."   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/13/17, 02:17:08 PM
Shish-kaboobers. Forgot the mushrooms, though....$#@! Assembly line and finished product. I marinate the meat for four hours in one part Worcestershire, one part good soy sauce, and one part Italian dressing, and I baste with the Italian dressing while cooking.  :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: roony on August 08/13/17, 02:24:24 PM
Now that looks GREAT! Who's coming over to dinner?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/13/17, 02:29:10 PM
Me and my tummy.  :rotflmao:  Two dinners for me. Gotta stretch da budget. Used up two ball tips that were in freezer from last September for the meat. :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/13/17, 03:23:51 PM
You must add the KATCHUP later!! :scratch: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/13/17, 03:25:14 PM
You would, wouldn't you?! You'd dunk my exquisite kaboobers in KATCHUP, wouldn't ya??!! :angry2:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/13/17, 05:06:15 PM
Paired up with some Uncle Ben's rice... :hubba:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/13/17, 05:42:36 PM
Well OK looks pretty good!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/13/17, 05:47:11 PM
Awesome looking kabobs Rebs.  I overdid mine the last time.  Still bugs me so I need to do them again to redeem my kabob skills.  I like your marinade combo. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/13/17, 05:51:35 PM
I grill 'em for about 4-5  mns a side, at about 400*, then turn 'em, Barry. Brush 'em wid the italian dressing. Try the marinade with the meat in ziploc bag. It's great! Really flavors the meat.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/16/17, 09:27:15 AM
Just thought I'd put this here, since it's about grilling. Was looking thru a bunch of 1963 Reader's Digest's I picked up, and they had an article about the latest "fad" that was really getting popular...."backyard grilling". They were talking about all the gadgets that have now come out to help with this latest "fad", rotisseries, charcoal lighters, and even special BBQ spices, including "sneezeless pepper". Article stated this coarse ground pepper was formally only used by sausage makers....RH, ya ever heard of that before? "Sneezless pepper?"  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/16/17, 11:32:53 AM
Just thought I'd put this here, since it's about grilling. Was looking thru a bunch of 1963 Reader's Digest's I picked up, and they had an article about the latest "fad" that was really getting popular...."backyard grilling". They were talking about all the gadgets that have now come out to help with this latest "fad", rotisseries, charcoal lighters, and even special BBQ spices, including "sneezeless pepper". Article stated this coarse ground pepper was formally only used by sausage makers....RH, ya ever heard of that before? "Sneezless pepper?"  :scratch:
AH.............CHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :coffee: :moon: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/17/17, 05:32:11 PM
Brats, brauts, broughts, big tossed salad, fresh tomato's.  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/17/17, 06:26:08 PM
Can't go wrong with a juicy bat reb!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/17/17, 07:21:10 PM

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/19/17, 02:43:24 PM
Ribs the ole campfire method, they'll get foiled after a while and sauced.....like me!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/19/17, 02:43:57 PM

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/19/17, 03:02:33 PM
that's interesting I'll bet it will taste good too!!!!

yesterday I smoked some hard boiled eggs for the first time, I'll do it again!!  but then I made deviled eggs for the first with them too.  GREAT!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/19/17, 03:17:48 PM
Knew you'd like 'em!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/19/17, 03:21:23 PM
Givin' a pork loin a heavy applewood smoke..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/19/17, 03:27:39 PM
I have bacon on the smoker right now.  I will be grilling a ribeye later on my infrared grill with some hickory chips.  Tomorrow I am doing some spare ribs that I just put rub on along with a nice shot of molasses on them.  That is a new twist.  Will see how it works.  Lately I have been having a shot of molasses on my ice cream.  Wonderful...   Ok off topic sorry, And I am going to do some sweet corn on the grill too.  Haven't done that in years. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/19/17, 03:45:20 PM
Gotta love action shots and techniques,  that's what it's about if you ask me. Pork loin n bacon and smoked eggs oh my!!!! I can't stand the thought of cooler weather but it will be nice to start up the cold smoking. The ribs just hit the foil and are super juicy!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/19/17, 04:36:39 PM
Here is some pics of this weekends projects.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/19/17, 04:38:34 PM
So here they are......   Duh..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/19/17, 04:40:56 PM

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/19/17, 04:42:14 PM
Takes me a few tries.   Thanks for the push to post the pics.  I do like everyones pics too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/19/17, 04:46:32 PM
That looks great! Cut me a  slab for bfast!  :tongue: :rotflmao: I love the chimney on the smoker....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/19/17, 04:52:55 PM
That is a Green Mountain Grill  Rebs.  Daniel Boone model.  It is the medium sized one.  I have had it for about 4 years.  Works pretty good.  Great rib machine.  BUT I needed to get the Charbroil Infrared as I have mentioned before to get a perfect steak machine.   I keep looking at the Smokin-It smokers.  They look like a sweet and easy to use smoker.  BUT I do not need another one yet.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/19/17, 04:57:14 PM
I wanna try one of those infra-red ones out sometime. No one I know around here has one; guess I'll haveta motor on up some day.   :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/19/17, 05:02:04 PM
Early dinner...was up early this morning at 5:30 am. Made a batch of pea/ham mac salad while having cawfee.
A typical midwest meal....*NOM*NOM*  Had two ears of cawn. Two saved for tomorrow. It was great. Guy was just pulling his farm truck into the parking lot this am piled high with it when I got there. Cawn was still cool and damp...field fresh. Gotta love that about Minnysoda. WTH would ya buy it in a store?!  :doah:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/19/17, 05:17:03 PM
Thanks Lps,  great pics, its awsome to see others equipment and how everyone is grilling.  And as always reb a prefect looking spread. :happy1: The wife and i couldn't quite finish the rack, scalloped taters and broccoli salad....BURP..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/19/17, 05:20:52 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  Love the pile o' bones there.  :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/19/17, 07:14:14 PM
I wanna try one of those infra-red ones out sometime. No one I know around here has one; guess I'll haveta motor on up some day.   :azn:

Char broil grills are every where, I'm looking at $200. one, not sure yet about how good it is...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/19/17, 07:44:29 PM
I don't mean BUY one, TRY one. Got two grills here already! Too much money into that Weber Spirit as it is.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/19/17, 08:05:57 PM
I have two big charcoal units at home,one gas here at the cabin but there is no way to cook food better than over an open fire as far as grilling goes. Ya just cant beat nature's fuel!! That's why I'll never spend a bunch on grills..
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/19/17, 08:13:50 PM
I don't mean BUY one, TRY one. Got two grills here already! Too much money into that Weber Spirit as it is.

OK OK now that you talk clearly I understand!!!   I'm still thing about one, just not about the grates????

porcupine  covered?????
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/19/17, 08:38:20 PM
ME talk clearly??!  Porcupines? grates??  Huh????   :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/20/17, 07:40:14 AM
When I got mine the porcelain grates were less but I decided to go with the Signature series that was stainless and I think it was about $350.  Love it. Got mine at Menards.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/20/17, 08:24:07 AM
Ooohhh....PORCELAIN!! Thanks Barry! I missed catching that! I was wondering about a prickly porkypine on there...   :scratch: :rotflmao:  I had the porcelain grates on my other Charbroil, and I loved 'em. Far better than I do these cast iron ones on my Weber. They were a wide, true porcelain grate. Far easier to clean . These are a cow to scrape down.  :angry:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/20/17, 08:33:50 AM
sorry Rebs!!!   thanks LPS, the grates are a big issue I think....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/20/17, 08:37:33 AM
LOL  Gave me a laugh, Mikey. Envisioned a porkypine tippy-toeing on a hot grill.... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/20/17, 08:49:30 AM
sometimes spell check is not my friend!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on August 08/20/17, 02:16:21 PM
to the horror of some people, im smomen walleye!! best smomed fish ever.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/20/17, 02:33:25 PM
I love smomed walleye. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/20/17, 02:35:45 PM
Great job boar!!! Look fantastic  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/21/17, 10:15:16 AM
to the horror of some people, im smomen walleye!! best smomed fish ever.
Morey's have a sale on walleyes?? :scratch: :scratch: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on August 08/21/17, 10:22:12 AM
nope thats from Boarey's
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/22/17, 08:32:45 AM
Never smoked walleye's before.  I'll have to try that also Boar.  Just mainly trout and salmon.  Also have smoked larger smelt, tullibees, and white bass.  But those walleye's look great Boar.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/22/17, 08:46:32 AM
my brother smoked walleyes..its pretty good. my favorite is salmon, then pike then trout!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/22/17, 08:49:50 AM
Am I the only one that's smoked carp and big suckers?   :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/22/17, 08:57:34 AM
I'm told my grandpa used to smoke carp from the St. Croix, but that was a long time ago.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/22/17, 09:01:11 AM
Am I the only one that's smoked carp and big suckers?   :scratch:

nope and we have done bullheads and dog fish too.. panfish are good too..  the dog fish are really good..
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/22/17, 09:05:28 AM
I've eaten both that were smoked by friends of mine.  The fish came out of clean waters which is a must.  I'd love to smoke some suckers and carp in the mouths of some of the streams on the north shore.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/22/17, 09:12:17 AM
smoked bullheads are really good to!!! fergot about them. to many bones in suckers. had a couple good smoked carp, the smaller ones are the ones you need to smoke. had i to make smoked carp that made me gag....................NEVER AGAIN there garden fertilizer!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/22/17, 05:37:54 PM
I've eaten both that were smoked by friends of mine.  The fish came out of clean waters which is a must.  I'd love to smoke some suckers and carp in the mouths of some of the streams on the north shore.  good luck.

Come on up and buy some suckers from lake vermilion in the spring. 


Ten bucks for 100 pounds of suckers....  Can't beat that with a stick.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/22/17, 05:41:32 PM
Hmmm...ya'd think some bar would snap those up, and have a draft beer and smoked sucker nite.... ;)
Maybe you should try that, Delmar. Could have broasted chicken the same nite. "Del's sucker and clucker nite".   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/22/17, 06:09:57 PM
We catch sheepshead here and there through out the year. I just can't get myself to gut, smoke and consume one...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/22/17, 06:23:03 PM
Me neither Bobber.  I have heard that people fillet the sheepies and soak them in salt water overnight and then fry them like anything else.  I heard that 30 or 40 years ago but still haven't brought myself to try it.  Cutting out the red lateral line is recommended too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/22/17, 06:51:47 PM
Gotta save those earbones too, ya know!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/22/17, 07:52:18 PM
earbones for sure, bigger the fish the better...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on August 08/22/17, 08:14:57 PM
nachos and cheese curds wer on the menu tonight!! met up with mike for supper, had few bumps and some good food and great company and conversation. i had him all set up with a date but he moved to agressive and scared her off. that ok cause mime was outa her legue anyway. good seeing ya brother!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/22/17, 08:19:24 PM
Mike! How could you!!   :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/23/17, 07:46:58 AM
that was just the way it was!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/23/17, 08:04:31 AM
No rides on the orange monster for her!!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/23/17, 08:09:42 AM
she's the one who gets nothing!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/23/17, 08:11:15 AM
Stoopid wimmen.   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/23/17, 10:23:29 AM
well LPS I looked every where in our area for the grill I would like with SS grate, no go at all for infrared....   So I went to the welding shop down the road and talked to them..  well for about $65.00 I'm getting a new SS grate.  that's only a few dollars more than buying a new porcelain grate that will rust!!!!!!   again!!!!! because of the cracking....  they ordered the metal this week and build next week, oh yes!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/23/17, 10:28:15 AM
That sounds like a great plan Mike. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/23/17, 10:37:52 AM
well LPS I looked every where in our area for the grill I would like with SS grate, no go at all for infrared....   So I went to the welding shop down the road and talked to them..  well for about $65.00 I'm getting a new SS grate.  that's only a few dollars more than buying a new porcelain grate that will rust!!!!!!   again!!!!! because of the cracking....  they ordered the metal this week and build next week, oh yes!!!!
better be union made!!!!!!!!! :confused: :taz: :taz: training-087 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

whats the name of that shop!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/23/17, 11:10:49 AM
well LPS I looked every where in our area for the grill I would like with SS grate, no go at all for infrared....   So I went to the welding shop down the road and talked to them..  well for about $65.00 I'm getting a new SS grate.  that's only a few dollars more than buying a new porcelain grate that will rust!!!!!!   again!!!!! because of the cracking....  they ordered the metal this week and build next week, oh yes!!!!
better be union made!!!!!!!!! :confused: :taz: :taz: training-087 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

whats the name of that shop!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy:

Wang chungs welding..."berry nice relding"... :rotflmao:

Good job, Mikey.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/23/17, 11:20:14 AM
well LPS I looked every where in our area for the grill I would like with SS grate, no go at all for infrared....   So I went to the welding shop down the road and talked to them..  well for about $65.00 I'm getting a new SS grate.  that's only a few dollars more than buying a new porcelain grate that will rust!!!!!!   again!!!!! because of the cracking....  they ordered the metal this week and build next week, oh yes!!!!
better be union made!!!!!!!!! :confused: :taz: :taz: training-087 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

whats the name of that shop!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy:

Wang chungs welding..."berry nice relding"... :rotflmao:

Good job, Mikey.  :happy1:
i gotz your wang chung bubba............its EL KABONG!!!!!!! upside da ole noodle!!!!!!!!!!! :bonk: :bonk: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/23/17, 01:07:22 PM
well LPS I looked every where in our area for the grill I would like with SS grate, no go at all for infrared....   So I went to the welding shop down the road and talked to them..  well for about $65.00 I'm getting a new SS grate.  that's only a few dollars more than buying a new porcelain grate that will rust!!!!!!   again!!!!! because of the cracking....  they ordered the metal this week and build next week, oh yes!!!!
better be union made!!!!!!!!! :confused: :taz: :taz: training-087 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

whats the name of that shop!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy:

Mark's welding, not union just a private owned shop.  decent people to woke with....  just north on Osakis on Ct. 3
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/23/17, 02:17:27 PM
Well, of course, if they're named Mark!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/23/17, 02:43:15 PM
Well, of course, if they're named Mark!!   :happy1:

Why do we know someone else named Mark, Rebs?????
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/23/17, 02:45:48 PM
Well, of course, if they're named Mark!!   :happy1:

Why do we know someone else named Mark, Rebs?????
not anyone decent anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/23/17, 02:57:07 PM
Well, of course, if they're named Mark!!   :happy1:

Why do we know someone else named Mark, Rebs?????

 :whistling:   :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/23/17, 03:14:58 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

only thing is mark does nor own it any longer it's another fellow!!!  so no Mark there!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on August 08/24/17, 04:44:37 PM
Brats, tater tots & grill'in beans.....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/24/17, 05:01:26 PM
You eatin already Hd...looks splendid!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on August 08/24/17, 05:49:04 PM
You eatin already Hd...looks splendid!!! :happy1:

Yup, we eat early round here....early to bed, early to rise....I get up at 3 a.m. everyday.....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/24/17, 06:43:23 PM
You eatin already Hd...looks splendid!!! :happy1:

Yup, we eat early round here....early to bed, early to rise....I get up at 3 a.m. everyday.....
Another early riser, I like it. I leave the house at 2:30 every morning,  I could write a book on the stuff I  see on the roads on the way to work!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on August 08/24/17, 06:49:29 PM
You eatin already Hd...looks splendid!!! :happy1:

Yup, we eat early round here....early to bed, early to rise....I get up at 3 a.m. everyday.....
Another early riser, I like it. I leave the house at 2:30 every morning,  I could write a book on the stuff I  see on the roads on the way to work!!

Yup, me...the drunks and the cops... funny thing is, you see the cars swerving back and forth and the cops sitting at the holiday gas stations..... Lol!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/24/17, 07:18:22 PM
I have grilled sweet corn but never put it on the smoker, has any of you tried that?????   I can't see why it won't work...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/24/17, 09:24:24 PM
You eatin already Hd...looks splendid!!! :happy1:

Yup, we eat early round here....early to bed, early to rise....I get up at 3 a.m. everyday.....
Another early riser, I like it. I leave the house at 2:30 every morning,  I could write a book on the stuff I  see on the roads on the way to work!!
start a thread there bubba, and start typing!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/25/17, 06:45:04 AM
You eatin already Hd...looks splendid!!! :happy1:

Yup, we eat early round here....early to bed, early to rise....I get up at 3 a.m. everyday.....

3AM!!!  I may get up to take a leak then but back to bed for a few hours after that. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/25/17, 07:59:29 AM
Got up at 4:15 AM for 27 years....including weekends and holidays...do NOT miss it!  :angry:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/25/17, 11:07:23 AM
Ya I still get up early also.  Had to get up at 3:30 every morning.  In bed by 8pm.  Hopefully after this weight loss I don't have to take blood pressure meds anymore.  They have this stuff that makes you pee more than normal in the pill.  Get up 2 or 3 times a night to pee.  Once your body is adjusted to a certain time frame it's hard to break the habit.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/25/17, 11:13:09 AM
Ya I still get up early also.  Had to get up at 3:30 every morning.  In bed by 8pm.  Hopefully after this weight loss I don't have to take blood pressure meds anymore.  They have this stuff that makes you pee more than normal in the pill.  Get up 2 or 3 times a night to pee.  Once your body is adjusted to a certain time frame it's hard to break the habit.  good luck.
Reiny, after my bypass surgery they gave me those pee alot pills too!!!!!!!! :bonk: :bonk: i take mine in the morning, when do you??? usually by noon i'm back to normal. i dont wont take them when i'm driving or i have to be in meetings in the morning. i also take a blood pressure pill, this pee alot pill is somewhat a blood pressure pill to they tell me!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/25/17, 11:17:26 AM
have the same thing with my BP pills, always take in the am!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/25/17, 11:28:55 AM
What the hey, me too!!   :mad1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/25/17, 05:12:12 PM
The Hydrochlorothiazide contributes, but being old and male does too. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/25/17, 05:24:26 PM
Thank you, Dr. Delmar. And now, a word from our sponsor....... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/25/17, 06:18:18 PM
I was gonna grill tonight, but now I feel like peeing.. :crazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/25/17, 06:29:01 PM
put some sweet corn on the smoker grill for 1 hour on smoke and then 1 hour about at 200*.. I did shuck it first.. not bad at all. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/25/17, 06:52:27 PM
Glenn I take mine in the morning after breakfast.  They seem to last the full day.  I drink liquids during the day because you have to because of the pills.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/25/17, 07:43:43 PM
put some sweet corn on the smoker grill for 1 hour on smoke and then 1 hour about at 200*.. I did shuck it first.. not bad at all.

How many times did you pee whilst the corn was cooking Mike...     :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/25/17, 07:49:05 PM
Thank you, Dr. Delmar. And now, a word from our sponsor....... :rotflmao:
speaking from experience...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/25/17, 07:50:25 PM
put some sweet corn on the smoker grill for 1 hour on smoke and then 1 hour about at 200*.. I did shuck it first.. not bad at all.

How many times did you pee whilst the corn was cooking Mike...     :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I think once!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/26/17, 09:59:47 AM
Amazing what we discuss on these threads, isn't it?   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/26/17, 12:30:18 PM
better than being bored!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :crazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/27/17, 10:39:37 AM
5 lb Chuck roast is on, smoking with pecan for a while then I'll put it in a drip pan with some beef broth. Shooting for shredding tgis evening!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/27/17, 10:41:55 AM
O boy!!! I'll grab the split rolls and be up in a bit!!!  :tongue:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/27/17, 12:41:43 PM
Yepper!! :rocker;
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/27/17, 03:20:43 PM
Man that looks good.  I almost bought a chuck roast yesterday.  I love them.  Instead went with chicken thighs for the grill today.  Daniel Boone.  400 degrees for 40 minutes.  Got some Cant believe its not butter in a squirt bottle.  Gonna try that.  Will put a good rub on them first.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/28/17, 11:45:42 AM
After a whirlwind tour and State Fair appearance I finally made it back. Wifey is still gone so that can mean only one thing: Dotch will be grilling chicken! (and maybe having a few libations while he's at it  :happy1:)  Did the mesquite seasoning and finished it with some Sweet Baby Ray's. The garden is coming online nicely so there's more all the time to choose from in that department. Was a little disappointed that the sweet corn wasn't ready when I returned home. Obviously the weather hadn't produced an overabundance of GDU's while I was gone. It's supposed to be August. What's up with that?  :confused:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/28/17, 11:49:45 AM
WOW a stranger...............welcome back. thought maybe Reb kidnapped ya and held ya to cook for him and the neighbor lady?????????????? :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/28/17, 01:56:46 PM
WOW a stranger...............welcome back. thought maybe Reb kidnapped ya and held ya to cook for him and the neighbor lady?????????????? :rotflmao:

heh, heh, heh, I've been slipping green beans into his smoothies and he doesn't know it... :whistling:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on August 08/28/17, 04:20:09 PM
Wow! Nice plate Dotch!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/28/17, 04:37:50 PM
Thats an awsome meal dotch,  welcome back and keep feeding reb the good stuff!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/29/17, 07:56:28 AM
Real men don't drink smoothies.   :drillsergeant:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/29/17, 08:07:20 AM
Real men don't drink smoothies.   :drillsergeant:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/29/17, 08:07:57 AM

     :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on August 08/29/17, 05:00:08 PM
We did some burgers that we had made last fall...they consist of ground pork, ground venison and ground beef mixed all together with some cheddar cheese chunks (almost taste like a brat burgers). Topped with some Sriracha ranch dressing, Roma's, lettuce, onions, 🍞 and butter pickles (from the garden) and extra Bongards cheese.
Sided with tator wedges and squish from the garden.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/29/17, 05:39:35 PM
Oh good Lord does look and smell good through the phone!!! Set a plate and I'll lick it clean from here Hd!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/29/17, 06:24:41 PM
O MAN!!! I NEED THAT!!!!  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/29/17, 07:35:42 PM
I love the squash too!!!!!!

that is great!!!! 

left overs tonight... 

but they are good too...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/29/17, 07:43:09 PM
I still don't feel so hot, so an emergency dinner was prepared.  Marie Callenders creamy mushroom chicken pot pie... :tongue:   Just don't tell anybody.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/29/17, 07:48:30 PM
Man does that look good HD.  I enjoy learning different peoples family meals.  Years ago a friend of mine from the Mobridge area said they ate pumpkins like squash.  So he showed me.  Take a little pumpkin and cut it in half.  Each half is a individuals meal.   Put each half in a bowl so it sits upright.  Take some burger whether it be pork beef venny etc. and mix it with onions mushrooms whatever you can think of.  Stuff the meat mixture of your choice in the little pumpkin half and then drizzle some maple syrup, butter, honey etc over it.   Put it in the oven for an hour.  Best squash thing I ever had. I even have put some spaghetti sauce in the meat mixture.  Pumpkins are as good as any squash I ever ate.  I will do one soon.

I hope you get to feeling better Rebs.  That pot pie should go down well.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/29/17, 09:08:19 PM
I still don't feel so hot, so an emergency dinner was prepared.  Marie Callenders creamy mushroom chicken pot pie... :tongue:   Just don't tell anybody.
it's not a good idea to stray from the neighbor lady! :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/30/17, 07:07:22 AM
that pumpkin sounds good...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/04/17, 02:37:24 PM

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/04/17, 03:23:37 PM

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on September 09/04/17, 03:25:55 PM
That looks like ribs for two Rebs.  Are you keeping secrets from us???  And Del it looks like some big critter took a big bite out of your bird.....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/04/17, 03:36:10 PM
I knew the NL was still there!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/04/17, 03:44:47 PM
Looks awesome guys. Musta been a great wing shot I'm  thinkin Lps!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/04/17, 03:53:55 PM
That looks like ribs for two Rebs.  Are you keeping secrets from us???  And Del it looks like some big critter took a big bite out of your bird.....

My buddy said he'd be over in a bit...at 10:30 am this morning. Figgered that meant around noon, so I started the ribs shortly thereafter. At 3:00, I called him, and heard the usual "I had to stop up to work for a bit and run some errands...be over in a bit..." Told him that was fine, although he didn't specify a time, I was now going to eat and lay down for a bit.  (still hurtin' good from last couple days) Told him to continue on with his errands.  :angry:
I've now got dinner for the next couple nites.  Fine by me. Saves on cookin'.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/04/17, 06:56:56 PM
Don't waste that carkas Reb. Boil that bad boy up, throw a little extra meat in there. Make for some mighty fine tasting soup.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/04/17, 07:00:11 PM
I've chomped one rack down already...*burp*   :tongue:  He's on my sh** list. Pile of food made, and most went in the 'fridge. Stop down for lunch tomorrow. I'll feed ya well.    :azn:       
I still like dogs better than people. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/05/17, 10:02:28 PM
That looks like ribs for two Rebs.  Are you keeping secrets from us???  And Del it looks like some big critter took a big bite out of your bird.....

Some critter bit off the wings and the behind and both legs and the back and then snuck it into the freezer at Tarjay last winter.   Needed to get it out of my freezer...  It does look sort of weird from that angle though, I have to admit. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on September 09/06/17, 04:20:51 PM
I seem to eat a lot of brats.....

So, tonight.....brats, tater tots & grill'in beans....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/06/17, 04:51:25 PM
We about havin' the same thing, HD! Weenies , beans, and cole slaw, sliced fresh maters. Don't feel like cookin' much... :undecided:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/06/17, 06:10:32 PM
Can't go wrong with them Hd!! Tonight it's a 2 grate night , if the house is full it's three. Blade steaks with our fav sauce and tators. Served with a side salad and beans that didn't get touched..na night!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/06/17, 07:05:22 PM
Them pigger steaks just beggin' for some Reb's Rib Rub.... :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/06/17, 07:40:07 PM
We about havin' the same thing, HD! Weenies , beans, and cole slaw, sliced fresh maters. Don't feel like cookin' much... :undecided:

"we"???   the NL is over there yet!!!!!     :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/06/17, 08:05:11 PM
Ahh, go wax yer orange blossom special!!!  :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/06/17, 08:08:20 PM
Ahh, go wax yer orange blossom special!!!  :moon:

I'm sorry, I did not mean to do that!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/06/17, 08:25:03 PM
We about havin' the same thing, HD! Weenies , beans, and cole slaw, sliced fresh maters. Don't feel like cookin' much... :undecided:

"we"???   the NL is over there yet!!!!!     :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :super smiley: I would of!!!!!!!! :happy1: :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/06/17, 08:44:10 PM
We about havin' the same thing, HD! Weenies , beans, and cole slaw, sliced fresh maters. Don't feel like cookin' much... :undecided:

"we"???   the NL is over there yet!!!!!     :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :super smiley: I would of!!!!!!!! :happy1: :mooning:

did I say I really mean it?????????????


 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/06/17, 08:54:00 PM
Dear Mikey and Glenn:  :moon:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/07/17, 04:54:59 PM
Chicky drumsticks, sweet cawn niblets, cole slaw.....dang...I done et the garlic toast.  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/09/17, 06:23:04 PM
Seasoned pigger steaks with leftover cawn and cole slaw.  Fresh 'maters and snap peas.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on September 09/09/17, 06:32:24 PM
wisconsin braut mix from owens bbq, added pepperjack cheese, made patties, added canned pickled peppers and sauces while grilling.......no words...just uphoria.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/09/17, 07:31:43 PM
that looks great Boar!!!!   yup!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/09/17, 09:46:05 PM
Boars BRAUT bergers.   ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: ThunderLund78 on September 09/10/17, 07:55:17 PM
Bacon-wrapped boneless chicken thighs, stuffed with ham, cheese and jalepenos.  Cold smoked them for about an hour with apple and then tuned on the heat.  Have to admit, had one minor incident - first time I ever set the smoke detectors off inside when using the grill outside :rotflmao:

Even on the top rack, chicken fat and bacon grease are like gasoline.  turned a burner off and moved everything to indirect and we were back in business, no harm done - except maybe to my pride. ;)  Quickly forgotten because the meal turned out AWESOME!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on September 09/10/17, 09:37:06 PM
wow loks totaly awsome!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on September 09/13/17, 07:26:53 PM
ribeye with sauted pickled peplers and C cob!!  hahahaha!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/13/17, 07:27:31 PM
And a cutesy widdle dish for da cawn!!!! Awwww!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/13/17, 07:30:49 PM
that steak looks great!!!!  leave off the peppers for me!!!  steak only!!!!

nothing wrong with the peppers, just not on my steak is all............... :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/13/17, 07:40:34 PM
Awesome boar!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on September 09/13/17, 08:10:54 PM
i prefer sauted mushrooms and onions. but i love the pickled pepps, so i tried em, turned out reallybgood, but mush an onions are better.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/14/17, 07:12:33 AM
that's good, mushrooms and onions!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/14/17, 06:29:14 PM
When you are retired every day is a weekend.
Meatloaf on the weber with apple wood, and corn

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on September 09/14/17, 06:40:29 PM
Looks awesome Del!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/14/17, 07:02:20 PM
Looks awesome Del!

Thanks.  I usually forget to take pics until after dinner.  This time there was plenty left to take pictures of.   :wowza:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/14/17, 07:08:22 PM
Nicely done del!! The weber is a man's best friend.  On the patio anyhow!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/14/17, 07:40:22 PM
Good job, Delmonaco!! Never let yer meat loaf without cawn!  :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/14/17, 07:43:25 PM
Da usual...apple wood smoked chicky, bacon cheddar salad, veggies....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dakids on September 09/14/17, 09:36:33 PM
No pictures, but I just finished a bear steak that was smoked with apple wood.  It was very good.  It's nice to have good friends that share.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/15/17, 07:47:38 PM
Picked up a two pack of pork butts at Costco today.   Made up some rub and tied and rubbed them. some kind of fun, tied and rubbed.  Reb and NL go for that too....   but getting back to the subject... Got them in the refrigerator.   

Gonna put them on the Weber Smoky Mountain tomorrow... Then package up and freeze for the winter....   

I'll try to remember to take some pictures.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/15/17, 09:57:03 PM
You'd better. But the NL and I ain't in yer refriggerator.   :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/15/17, 10:00:17 PM
Cheeburglars and tater salad. And sliced tomatos...*urp*  Want any beautiful Early Girls, Delmont? Picked anudder ten today. I'll trade ya for sumpn'.....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/15/17, 10:01:32 PM
You'd better. But the NL and I ain't in yer refriggerator.   :shocked:

I just figured you would enjoy her tying and rubbing.  Or maybe you are a top  :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/15/17, 10:06:47 PM
I use my handcuffs.   :evil:  No trade for the 'maters?  :confused: Even got my first softball sized Better boys...perfect shape...

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/15/17, 10:22:22 PM
Guess Delbert's too stingy to trade.... :angry:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/16/17, 08:47:31 AM
Cheeburglars and tater salad. And sliced tomatos...*urp*  Want any beautiful Early Girls, Delmont? Picked anudder ten today. I'll trade ya for sumpn'.....

I got nothing to trade, but I always like tomatoes..     Maybe if it stops raining I can get the pork on the WSM.  I could trade some of that.

Holy cow, I don't respond to your posts in the middle of the night and you get all huffy....

 Off to your fave Sly Vee to solicit donations for RM House this morning.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/16/17, 09:07:09 AM
No ones huffy. I'll give ya a course on "pretend sarcastic humor for the masses". IF I was huffy, there'd be NO doubt about it.

I won't ask what RM house is.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/16/17, 09:25:55 AM
RM House is Ronald McDonald house, a place for families of sick children to stay while kids are being treated at Mayo.   The are asking for folks to donate supplies for the families to use while they are there.   

I'll be at HyVee south from 10 to 12.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/16/17, 09:28:30 AM
Maybe I'll drop by when it's not soggy out and donate some delicious 'maters to the Delbert homestead, since I'm such a saint.  :angel:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/16/17, 10:31:49 AM
Maybe I'll drop by when it's not soggy out and donate some delicious 'maters to the Delbert homestead, since I'm such a saint.  :angel:

you are sounding like Glenn!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/16/17, 10:46:18 AM
O puhlease!!!!  :doah: Can't hold a candle to Delbert, who even loves hugging trees!  :shocked: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/16/17, 01:25:31 PM
Maybe I'll drop by when it's not soggy out and donate some delicious 'maters to the Delbert homestead, since I'm such a saint.  :angel:

That would be great... Just got home, after lunch at pannera.   Firing up the WSM and the pellet maze thingy to do the pork butts.   We will see how the pellets burn in the WSM.  Sometimes they don't stay lit in the weber kettle, if the airflow is cranked down.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/16/17, 01:47:25 PM
sun is out.  Fire going, minion method. No not those minions, fool.

Mid section ready. Water pan is full, pellets lit

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/16/17, 01:58:19 PM
We've got the meat!

Back after while

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/16/17, 02:11:13 PM
O puhlease!!!!  :doah: Can't hold a candle to Delbert, who even loves hugging trees!  :shocked: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I am sure it would have hugged me back, but I am too short...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/16/17, 03:51:21 PM
After an hour or so.  Pellets died.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on September 09/16/17, 04:30:00 PM
Great tie job Del!!!  Pork butts look great.  Wonderful thing you are doing for that charity.  Pellets need air flow but you probably know that.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/16/17, 05:33:37 PM
I'm charity.   :azn: I knew I shoulda been there to supervise......but they sure look good!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/16/17, 05:53:24 PM
yeah, I was fairly certain that the choked off airflow to maintain low and slow would snuff the pellets, but figured to give it a try.  Threw a couple of apple logs on the coals to make up for it. 

Holding a temp of about 250 to 275...  Gonna check the internal temp soon.   Been about 3 or 4 hours.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/16/17, 06:05:49 PM
And the beat goes on

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/16/17, 06:53:14 PM
PULL! PULL! PULL! WRAP IN FOIL!!!  :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/16/17, 07:05:50 PM
depends what he wants to do with them, I think..

pulled pork or pork steaks, don't know..???
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/16/17, 07:08:39 PM
HE WANTS TO EAT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/16/17, 07:21:21 PM
HE WANTS TO EAT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Duh!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/16/17, 08:11:03 PM
To the oven we go...

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/16/17, 08:19:28 PM
In foil of course, at 275
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/16/17, 08:32:30 PM
If I bring the 'maters over tomorrow, can we have pigger sammiches?  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/16/17, 09:21:19 PM
Sure.  Afternoon after church?
Did want to see you in the flesh...   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/16/17, 09:23:10 PM
Sure. I'l pop over wid some 'maters for ya. Got too many. 65 off the Early Girl alone! Ya don't need to feed me.  Watch fer Mr. Sparkles (Mr. dusty right now) around 1:00 ish or so......:azn:  Don't mind the sirens.  :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/16/17, 10:29:46 PM
And this is the end, my friend.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/16/17, 10:55:51 PM
Sure. I'l pop over wid some 'maters for ya. Got too many. 65 off the Early Girl alone! Ya don't need to feed me.  Watch fer Mr. Sparkles (Mr. dusty right now) around 1:00 ish or so......:azn:  Don't mind the sirens.  :evil:

Ok, and I can make a go box or eat in, if you like.  Got plenty. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/17/17, 07:05:30 AM
Looks great del!! Ya my tube goes out as well competing for air with the charcoal,  that's the only downfall with them.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/17/17, 07:19:34 AM
Whoa, looks great, Del!!  Hope I don't interrupt yer ViQueens game today.... but it'll be worth it. :rotflmao:  My wood chips in tin foil work pretty good....once ya get 'em goin' good. Two big handfuls will only give ya a roarin' head of smoke for about 30 mns tops, though.  That's the bad part. :sad:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on September 09/17/17, 01:54:38 PM
It's what's for dinner.....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/17/17, 02:38:05 PM
that looks good!!!  the pineapple is a nice extra taste!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on September 09/17/17, 04:09:20 PM
We was at a bar off of Snelling called "Grumpy's bar & grill"....
Pretty darn good food.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/18/17, 12:08:25 PM
HEY BOAR.... THIS IS WHAT VENNY backstrap is supposed to look like. Not like some piece of dried up shoe leather

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/18/17, 12:10:00 PM
Saturday evenings chow!!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/18/17, 12:12:46 PM
Wow! A real meal, with katsup!!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/18/17, 01:01:46 PM
Wow! A rel meal, with katsup!!!  :happy1:

hope he didn't put the red stuff on the vennie chops!!!!!!

but we know the answer to that!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/18/17, 01:07:41 PM
Wow! A rel meal, with katsup!!!  :happy1:

hope he didn't put the red stuff on the vennie chops!!!!!!

but we know the answer to that!!!!!

   :puke:  !
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/18/17, 05:24:03 PM
Well, I had Del's smoked poss.....uh, pigger he made the other nite for my dinner as pulled pork on a bun tonite. Allow me to offer some advice: throw that Soused-up thingie away, and stick to smokin' pig butts. It was great. In fact, I have to say it was Reb-o-licous.  *burp*   Delbert, ya did it up great... :happy1:   :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/18/17, 07:29:53 PM
Wow! A rel meal, with katsup!!!  :happy1:

hope he didn't put the red stuff on the vennie chops!!!!!!

but we know the answer to that!!!!!
damn straight I did!! :sleazy: num num!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/18/17, 07:33:54 PM
 :pouty: :thumbs:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/18/17, 07:41:30 PM
Thanks Reb, glad you liked it.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/21/17, 06:51:45 PM
Great combo to get the coals flaring, any guesses??

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/21/17, 07:02:38 PM
Chicky and pigger steaks?   Burglars and steaks? :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/21/17, 07:20:12 PM
WELL?!?!?!?!!!  :crazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/21/17, 07:23:50 PM
on his salt block!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/21/17, 07:24:49 PM
Fish don't flare up, you ding ding!!!  You been hangin' wid Glenn too much!!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/21/17, 07:25:58 PM
wood chips, ding dong!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/21/17, 07:26:25 PM
Ok ok,  that's a great guess though with chicky, flares big time. Fairly fatty burglars with bacon wrapped jalapenos!! Thanks for playing!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/21/17, 07:29:50 PM
excellent looking meal!!!!!!

Rebs win!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/21/17, 07:30:57 PM
HA!! I was right! You just forgot the chicky!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

PS...spray those weeds by the foundation, please.   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/21/17, 07:42:52 PM
HA!! I was right! You just forgot the chicky!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

PS...spray those weeds by the foundation, please.   :rotflmao:
  lol, a great eat.. I spray the front but the back i don't take any chances with the remi. The weeds will die off soon!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on September 09/23/17, 05:21:23 PM
Burgers, Coleslaw and fries deep fried......

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on September 09/24/17, 06:05:31 PM
ribeye with sautead mushrooms and onions. and fresh garxen sweet taters.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on September 09/24/17, 06:30:13 PM

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/24/17, 06:39:00 PM
that is a good lookin meal!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/30/17, 03:17:27 PM
That is a great lookin meal boar, not too shabby either hd!! A little more smoke never hurts a fat ol ham!! :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/30/17, 03:28:49 PM
how long are leaving the ham on the smoker???  does it get dry???   I'm intrigued....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/30/17, 03:43:35 PM
Not dry at all, bout 15 min a # at 325 so this one will go around 2 1/2 hrs. But since it's already injected with smoke I only add additional smoke for bout an hour. And the rest will be turned into soup.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/30/17, 03:48:52 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/30/17, 03:55:14 PM
So long as you don't get it too hot, it will be fine.   Same as reheating a ham in the oven.   Maybe 140 internal temp?   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/30/17, 04:05:15 PM
Lookin' good dere, Boober!   :happy1:  Chicky drumsticks and a left-over hamburger for me.  :undecided:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/30/17, 04:20:38 PM
So long as you don't get it too hot, it will be fine.   Same as reheating a ham in the oven.   Maybe 140 internal temp?   
    yep, that's what I try to shoot for.. :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/30/17, 04:24:09 PM
No atomic buffalo turds or bacon wrapped whatevers?!  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/30/17, 06:50:44 PM
So long as you don't get it too hot, it will be fine.   Same as reheating a ham in the oven.   Maybe 140 internal temp?

that part I know, smoked hams are cooked, period......   I was just wondering his thoughts and why and he gave me the answer...   I was just curious....

I have always said reheat hams not recook them...................
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/30/17, 07:10:18 PM
Yep, gotta be sure to not heat them too much.  I have made that mistake before...   :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/30/17, 07:14:25 PM
not me......  the ex did...........  there was a reason I divorced her............
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/30/17, 07:36:40 PM
not me......  the ex did...........  there was a reason I divorced her............
Couldn't get your hambone boiled?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/30/17, 07:57:45 PM
Delbert, where's yer ground corn tamales???
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/30/17, 08:05:56 PM
not me......  the ex did...........  there was a reason I divorced her............
Couldn't get your hambone boiled?

what the heck has to do with over cooked ham????????????

and oh yes all ham bones were always perfect!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/30/17, 08:32:09 PM
Tell Delmar that a "Hambone" is a male striptease.....bet he didn't know that!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/01/17, 06:31:58 AM
I presumed that getting one''s hambone boiled was a euphemism for sex. :smoking: :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/01/17, 10:01:07 AM
I notice yer skirting the tamale issue...... :whistling:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on October 10/02/17, 10:35:20 AM
Rib eye steaks and corn for us last night that were fore 50% off.  Turned out well.  Could have put this in the diet thread but the corn is a cheat item.  Nice to cheat a little sometimes.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on October 10/04/17, 06:32:58 AM
Here us that 2" thick Porterhouse that I couldn't resist. 

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Jerkbiat on October 10/04/17, 06:37:02 AM
look yummy there fellers. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/04/17, 07:18:45 AM
Cripes! Why don't youse guys just have the cow back up and sit on the plate??!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/05/17, 02:05:54 PM
Cripes! Why don't youse guys just have the cow back up and sit on the plate??!  :rotflmao:

They saved that part for you...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/05/17, 02:07:58 PM
Say, where's yer corn tamale ding-dongs anyway??!  :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/05/17, 02:08:44 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :laughroll:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/05/17, 03:09:34 PM
Guess the burro musta eaten all of 'em.   :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/05/17, 03:22:52 PM
who that picture of???
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/05/17, 03:26:38 PM
The burro that ate all of Delmar's corn ding-dongs!!  :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/05/17, 03:33:46 PM
who that picture of???
I thought it was boars graduation picture. :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/05/17, 03:36:16 PM
who that picture of???
I thought it was boats graduation picture. :sleazy: :rotflmao:

Who's "boats"?  One of yer lake buddies??  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/05/17, 03:37:48 PM
What??? :smoking: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/05/17, 07:23:49 PM
What??? :smoking: :rotflmao:
  I couldn't have said it better myself Glenn!!  Burn em if ya gottem!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/07/17, 08:22:21 PM
I always bring the little tailgate grill on huntin trips, man one can devour chow after a long day!! Cheese burglars and tator salad... na night!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/08/17, 02:33:15 PM
Fired up the offset... looks like I'm the only one grilling.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/08/17, 03:41:03 PM
Pigger steak going on da grill in a couple hours.... slathered in BBQ sauce...:hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/08/17, 05:23:01 PM
Slab pigger steak. Cauliflower with cheese sauce. Bourbon beans. Fresh veggies. Yes, I ate everything in the picture. I lost control.  *urp* burp*   :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/08/17, 05:51:21 PM
.  :bow: :bow: :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/08/17, 06:16:56 PM
dang that is huge amount....   the Doc's must like how much you weigh!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/08/17, 07:19:10 PM
Winter's comin'! Gotta bulk up!! Doctor's say anything, I'll just sit on 'em. Other than the meat, it's all veggies, though..... :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/08/17, 07:33:55 PM
Winter's comin'! Gotta bulk up!! Doctor's say anything, I'll just sit on 'em. Other than the meat, it's all veggies, though..... :azn:

I don't think the nutritionists classify baked beans as a veggie.... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/08/17, 07:59:24 PM
Delmar, you ain't no "nutritionist"! It's a legume. Legume is a veggie in my book. Here; read this. It's from yer favorite MAYO NUTRITIONIST book. I'm not gonna start discussing what a friggin' bean is classified as, for cripes sake.   :banghead:

Many people consider beans and peas as vegetarian alternatives for meat. However, they are also considered part of the Vegetable Group because they are excellent sources of dietary fiber and nutrients such as folate and potassium.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/09/17, 07:24:12 AM
I agree Rebs on that one!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/09/17, 05:28:35 PM
So when they ask on the questionnaire how many servings of vegetables I eat per day, baked beans count?      Far out, man.   Next you will be telling me that french fries and catsup are two servings of vegetables....  :confused: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/09/17, 06:21:40 PM
Nope. I don't do questionnaires. I very rarely eat french fries, either. Fried food.  Please re-read above statement on beans from nutrition book.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/09/17, 07:06:44 PM
So when they ask on the questionnaire how many servings of vegetables I eat per day, baked beans count?      Far out, man.   Next you will be telling me that french fries and catsup are two servings of vegetables....  :confused:
damn straight they are potatoes and tomatoes.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Reinhard on October 10/10/17, 09:57:18 AM
Nice ribs Bobber and pork steaks are my favorite pork item!!  Used to grill those while on camping trips.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/10/17, 07:20:31 PM
Winter's comin'! Gotta bulk up!! Doctor's say anything, I'll just sit on 'em. Other than the meat, it's all veggies, though..... :azn:

I don't think the nutritionists classify baked beans as a veggie....

this is from WebMD,  so del help me understand this subject better.....

thanks....  type in are beans a vegetable, cause they are baked they change????????????????

Are beans a protein food or a vegetable?
Follow Question
Answers From Experts & Organizations (1)
10 Answers
243 Helpful Votes
Both! Beans and peas are excellent sources of plant protein, and also provide other nutrients such as iron and zinc which is why they are considered part of the Protein Foods Group. Many people consider beans and peas as vegetarian alternatives for meat. However, they are also considered part of the Vegetable Group because they are excellent sources of dietary fiber and nutrients such as folate and potassium.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on October 10/20/17, 07:48:40 PM
It's what's for dinner....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/20/17, 08:18:51 PM
Winter's comin'! Gotta bulk up!! Doctor's say anything, I'll just sit on 'em. Other than the meat, it's all veggies, though..... :azn:

I don't think the nutritionists classify baked beans as a veggie....

this is from WebMD,  so del help me understand this subject better.....

thanks....  type in are beans a vegetable, cause they are baked they change????????????????

Are beans a protein food or a vegetable?
Follow Question
Answers From Experts & Organizations (1)
10 Answers
243 Helpful Votes
Both! Beans and peas are excellent sources of plant protein, and also provide other nutrients such as iron and zinc which is why they are considered part of the Protein Foods Group. Many people consider beans and peas as vegetarian alternatives for meat. However, they are also considered part of the Vegetable Group because they are excellent sources of dietary fiber and nutrients such as folate and potassium.

??!?!?!!  You think Del's a Doctor now??!! Or an RD???   :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/20/17, 08:19:46 PM
It's what's for dinner....

And I get guff about MY "portion" control!!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:   Looks danged good there, HD.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/21/17, 07:24:48 PM
Leftover hamburglars, seasoned fries, and beans. Nuttin' special.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on October 10/21/17, 07:32:32 PM
It's what's for dinner....

And I get guff about MY "portion" control!!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:   Looks danged good there, HD.
Portion control?....urp.... I had that same thing tonight (I made enough for 2, but, I'm bach'in it this weekend)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on October 10/22/17, 05:16:03 PM
Pulled a pork tenderloin out of the freezer, smothered it with garlic & BBQ sauce. Got some taters out of the freezer that were blanched with peppers, and the last of the beets from the garden..   (cooked all on the grill)


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/22/17, 05:26:10 PM
Good job gents!! Been otta the loop so it looks like I gots some catching up to do!! Been chasing birds and tail gate grilling...gotta love it!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/22/17, 06:57:52 PM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/22/17, 07:54:52 PM
Good job gents!! Been otta the loop so it looks like I gots some catching up to do!! Been chasing birds and tail gate grilling...gotta love it!

Howz a grilled tailgate taste??!!  :shocked:  :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/23/17, 05:25:06 PM
Oh boy,  " I'm back in the saddle again " I can't stand aerosmith but I'll eat this all night!!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/23/17, 05:27:03 PM
Early aerosmith not to bad but later to much screaming for my ears!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on October 10/23/17, 05:56:34 PM
Them's some big shrimp!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/23/17, 06:14:00 PM
awesome meal!!!!   wish I was there!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/23/17, 08:47:20 PM
Them's some big shrimp!  :happy1:
think he got them outta Norway lake. :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/26/17, 10:17:23 PM
Just saw this.  If it doesn't get you guys to sous vide ...


Squirrel Confit-Stuffed Bánh Mì, With Wild Game Expert David Draper

Estimated time: 45 min active; 18–20 hr total
Squirrels have long been traditional hunters’ fare, but this might be the first time these small game animals have received the sous vide-and-confit combo treatment. With this recipe, ChefSteps guest contributor and wild game expert David Draper turns a classic, widely available game meat into a true modern delicacy. After a long cook in duck fat (or olive oil), lean squirrel meat becomes tender and juicy, perfect for stuffing in a Vietnamese-style sandwich with spicy mayo and crisp pickled vegetables.

1 Squirrel, dressed
Kosher salt, as needed
45 ml Duck fat or olive oil
60 ml Fresh lime juice
30 ml Soy sauce
15 ml Fish sauce
15 ml Rice wine vinegar
12 g Sugar
3 Garlic cloves, minced
1 Jalapeño, finely diced
15 ml Sesame oil
2 Baguettes
60 ml Mayonnaise
Sriracha, to taste, as needed
Pickled carrots and daikon radishes, for garnish, as needed
Fresh cilantro, for garnish, as needed

1 Squirrel , dressed

Begin with a squirrel that is skinned, gutted, and well rinsed. Make sure there is no stray fur on the meat. (Yikes!)

NOTE: We’ve got two squirrels here, but you only need one to make this recipe. Double, triple, or quadruple the ingredients if you’ve got more squirrels to cook up—the cooking time and temperature will remain the same.

Make the marinade
60 ml Fresh lime juice
30 ml Soy sauce
15 ml Fish sauce
15 ml Rice wine vinegar
12 g Sugar
3 Garlic cloves, minced
1 Jalapeño, finely diced
15 ml Sesame oil

Whisk together the lime juice, soy sauce, fish sauce, vinegar, sugar, minced garlic, and diced jalapeños. Continue whisking, slowly drizzling in the sesame oil until incorporated.
Marinate your squirrel

Place the squirrel meat in a ziplock-style bag and pour the marinade over it. Press out as much air as you can, and seal the bag. Refrigerate, and let the squirrel soak for 2–4 hours.
Preheat Joule to 167 °F / 75 °C

For tender and juicy—just as squirrel should be—we recommend cooking at 167 °F / 75 °C for about 16 hours
Drain, dry, and bag
Kosher salt, as needed

Remove the squirrel from the bag, discard the marinade, and lightly rinse the meat. Pat the squirrel dry, then season it well with kosher salt. Place the squirrel in a sous vide bag, and add the duck fat or olive oil. Remove all air from the bag, and seal tightly.
Cook (and by that, we mean walk away)

Place the bagged squirrel in the pot of heated water with Joule. Then take the rest of the day off. Go to the park and feed the squirrels. This is called “banking karma.”

NOTE: Covering your pot with plastic wrap will help reduce evaporation during long cooks like this.
Debone and shred meat

Shred the meat with your hands or a fork, and discard the bones. You’ll have a pile of delicious, tender meat that’s ready to eat now. But we’re taking things a step further—let’s make a squirrel sandwich!
Build your bánh mì and chow down
2 Baguettes
60 ml Mayonnaise
Sriracha, to taste, as needed
Pickled carrots and daikon radishes, for garnish, as needed
Fresh cilantro, for garnish, as needed

Split your baguettes in half lengthwise. Mix the mayo with a healthy dose of sriracha, and whisk to combine. Slather this spicy spread along the bottom half of the bread. Pile on the shredded squirrel, then top with a handful of pickled carrots and daikon. Garnish with lots of fresh cilantro and, if you’re feeling brave, spread another liberal dose of spicy mayo on the top half of the baguette. We recommend a cold lager—maybe a Bud if you really want to channel your inner Missourian—to calm the burn as you enjoy the best spicy squirrel sandwich you’ve ever eaten.

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/27/17, 09:16:03 AM
Ok, I've got the first ingredient.....   
1 Squirrel, dressed

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Steve-o on October 10/27/17, 09:41:37 AM
Here is the second ingredient...

Kosher salt, as needed

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on October 10/29/17, 01:53:51 PM
Here is my first batch of Canadian Bacon.  Did the Pops Brine and added a little extra molasses and garlic.  Smells great.  Brought it to 150 and is now in the frig.  Haven't tried it yet but I am going to have sandwichs with it for work tomorrow.  Have the winter jacket on the pellet grill. 

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on October 10/29/17, 01:54:58 PM
The bacon.... 

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/29/17, 03:05:36 PM
are you using that jacket while smoking???  if so where did ya get it???   thanks!!

looks great too!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/29/17, 03:54:14 PM
Looks mint Lps.. While you guys are letting bambi chase you next weekend I'll be doing 20# of belly and 15# of canadian...  Smoke em if ya got em I say!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on October 10/29/17, 05:58:30 PM
are you using that jacket while smoking???  if so where did ya get it???   thanks!!

looks great too!!!!

I have a Green Mountain Grill pellet grill/smoker.  I also use the smoke tube that I bought cuz I like a lot of smoke.  I do hickory.  The insulated cover was made for the grill.  I have a Daniel Boone which is perfect for us.  The Jim Bowie is the bigger one and the Davie Crockett is the smaller portable one.  They threw the cover in on the deal when I bought it along with 2 bags of pellets.  I did have a couple of issues and they took care of me fantastic.  Even threw in more free things.  Would buy another one.  I buy my pellets at Menards.  Pit BoysI think is what they are.  1/2 the price per pound of all the others and I like them.  I bought that infrared gas grill to do quick burgers and steaks.  The pellet grill just does not do them fast enough and that makes the steaks tough I think.  Man needs more than one outdoor cooking device or you aren't doing it right...........
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on October 10/29/17, 06:00:50 PM
I have thought about getting one of those Smoke In it smokers too.  They look like an easy to operate machine.  Good you tubes on them.  Still need a grill besides one of them..
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/29/17, 07:04:22 PM
are you using that jacket while smoking???  if so where did ya get it???   thanks!!

looks great too!!!!

I have a Green Mountain Grill pellet grill/smoker.  I also use the smoke tube that I bought cuz I like a lot of smoke.  I do hickory.  The insulated cover was made for the grill.  I have a Daniel Boone which is perfect for us.  The Jim Bowie is the bigger one and the Davie Crockett is the smaller portable one.  They threw the cover in on the deal when I bought it along with 2 bags of pellets.  I did have a couple of issues and they took care of me fantastic.  Even threw in more free things.  Would buy another one.  I buy my pellets at Menards.  Pit BoysI think is what they are.  1/2 the price per pound of all the others and I like them.  I bought that infrared gas grill to do quick burgers and steaks.  The pellet grill just does not do them fast enough and that makes the steaks tough I think.  Man needs more than one outdoor cooking device or you aren't doing it right...........

I thank you, Ican look into one now...   

should have thought of Green Mout....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on October 10/30/17, 06:33:09 AM
Made a sandwich out of my pork loin / bacon and it turned out great.  So easy too.  Glad I tried it.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/30/17, 08:10:09 AM
O num. Hopefully ya didn't smother it in katchup.  :rolleyes:    :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on October 10/31/17, 05:10:39 PM
Brats, curly fries and mixed veggies in cheese sauce

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/31/17, 07:00:57 PM
it almost looks like mayo on there too, but I'm sure I'm wrong... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on October 10/31/17, 07:05:19 PM
Yup.... Mayo and siracha sauce....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/31/17, 07:10:35 PM
I like that!!!  just thought I was seeing things!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/31/17, 07:32:30 PM

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/31/17, 07:48:38 PM
For those who find opening two bottles daunting.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/31/17, 08:05:41 PM
I figgered YOU'D be the one to post the sriracha mayo....with yer knowledge of the local wang chung market.  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/31/17, 09:39:54 PM
I did pick up a container of kewpie mayo last trip to the Asian store.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/01/17, 06:37:01 AM
I did pick up a container of cowpie mayo last trip to the Asian store.
there I fixed it for ya del!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/01/17, 06:38:28 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:   

Kewpie mayo?! Ain't kewpie a doll?!   Dell?   :scratch:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/01/17, 08:19:31 AM
It's a doll and a brand of mayonnaise, Japanese I think.  Comes in a squeeze pouch type bottle.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/01/17, 08:21:16 AM
What the hey do Japanese eat mayo on?! Egg foo yung sammiches?!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/01/17, 05:36:25 PM
you would have to ask them.  But egg foo yung is a chinese-american thing.   So, you really need to get your ethnic groups correct.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/01/17, 05:54:34 PM
Well, sayonara to you too, you ain't no ichi-bon, wang chung !  :moon:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/01/17, 06:12:01 PM
Fried rice...

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobby Bass on November 11/01/17, 06:15:29 PM
Shrimp and home cut fries. Apple pie will be there to, might be my last good meal here for the next three weeks or so.. :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/01/17, 06:16:51 PM
Fried rice...

Hmmm...you made that on the grill?!  Looks kinda clumpy, Delmar...say..is that...are those  GREEN BEANS IN THERE!?!??!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/01/17, 08:19:25 PM
Why yes they are.  Not on the grill on the stove.  Mixed veg. was what there was in the freezer so that is what went in.   
Chicken, mixed veggies, onion, soy sauce, fish sauce (out of oyster sauce), rice, egg.   

Pretty good, for improv. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/01/17, 08:59:41 PM
Why yes they are.  Not on the grill on the stove.  Mixed veg. was what there was in the freezer so that is what went in.   
Chicken, mixed veggies, onion, soy sauce, fish sauce (out of oyster sauce), rice, egg.   

Pretty good, for improv. 

Throw it out the window. GB's have no place in fried rice. 
Ya need to concentrate less on yer ethnic groups and double-check the forums. Yer in the "What's on the grill this weekend" forum.....not "what's on the stove or crockpot today" forum... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/02/17, 08:13:38 AM
Why yes they are.  Not on the grill on the stove.  Mixed veg. was what there was in the freezer so that is what went in.   
Chicken, mixed veggies, onion, soy sauce, fish sauce (out of oyster sauce), rice, egg.   

Pretty good, for improv. 

Throw it out the window. GB's have no place in fried rice. 
Ya need to concentrate less on yer ethnic groups and double-check the forums. Yer in the "What's on the grill this weekend" forum.....not "what's on the stove or crockpot today" forum... :rolleyes:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/02/17, 04:36:02 PM
Why yes they are.  Not on the grill on the stove.  Mixed veg. was what there was in the freezer so that is what went in.   
Chicken, mixed veggies, onion, soy sauce, fish sauce (out of oyster sauce), rice, egg.   

Pretty good, for improv. 

Throw it out the window. GB's have no place in fried rice. 
Ya need to concentrate less on yer ethnic groups and double-check the forums. Yer in the "What's on the grill this weekend" forum.....not "what's on the stove or crockpot today" forum... :rolleyes:

Whatever forum nazi.  I was going to grill it but figured the rice would all fall through the grate.  Besides it was snowing and cold.   And I really like green beans.   Mmmm
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on November 11/02/17, 04:44:07 PM
I like green & yellow beans too del... I think it's  :rotflmao: to twist the knife once in awhile as well....  :nerd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/02/17, 05:24:19 PM
Forum Nazi....thats funny!!  At my place the crapper  doesnt care what it swallows!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/02/17, 05:44:25 PM

Delbert just thought it was ok poking me on the "ethnic group" thing...but didn't figger it would boomerang right back when he made a "forum fudge-up". Gotta stay sharp, ya ethnic Emu! Ain't no stickin' yer head in the sand wid me!   ;)  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on November 11/02/17, 06:20:17 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/02/17, 06:28:51 PM
?? Excuse me for livin'.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on November 11/02/17, 06:35:11 PM
Just mess'in with your mind Rebs...... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/02/17, 06:55:02 PM
Forum Nazi....thats funny!!  At my place the crapper  doesnt care what it swallows!!

 :Clap: :Clap: ;D ;D
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/02/17, 07:01:29 PM
Ahh, go add a gallon of oil to yer scooter.    :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/02/17, 07:03:00 PM
Ahh, go add a gallon of oil to yer scooter.    :moon:

can't do that, she's sleeping!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/02/17, 07:03:30 PM
Giver her an enema!!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/02/17, 07:35:28 PM
you are just so wrong!!!!  hope the NL helps you too!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/02/17, 07:37:25 PM
You'd LOVE to see the NL!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/02/17, 07:38:59 PM
You'd LOVE to see the NL!!!

seen the Pic, remember????  OH YES!!!! :wowza: :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/02/17, 07:43:25 PM
This one? Mowing my yard? :whistling:   :hubba:      Glenn's gonna miss her again...!!!!

Geez, I love those blond pony-tails thru the baseball hat..... :wowza:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/02/17, 07:54:02 PM
        :popcorn: :popcorn:

I've seen her! Why do you think she throws rocks Reb! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/02/17, 07:55:09 PM
I fergot! I had sumpn' else on my mind....Rock shmocks! She's got a set of ....er, never mind!   :whistling:

Hmm, think I need to go next door and borrow a cup of sugar....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/02/17, 08:00:54 PM
go for it!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/02/17, 08:02:52 PM
I would, but I'm still under the wedder. Feel like crap. Must be that smurf flu yet. Takin' forever to get rid of.  :angry:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on November 11/02/17, 08:18:52 PM
shes vot a 2 day shadow of a beard and looks like she packin mr. winkie!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/02/17, 08:19:15 PM
I would, but I'm still under the wedder. Feel like crap. Must be that smurf flu yet. Takin' forever to get rid of.  :angry:

That must be why you thought egg foo yung was Japanese....   Too much medication inflaming your membrane
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on November 11/02/17, 08:20:19 PM
reb like Cream of somyunguy!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/02/17, 08:25:50 PM
I would, but I'm still under the wedder. Feel like crap. Must be that smurf flu yet. Takin' forever to get rid of.  :angry:

That must be why you thought egg foo yung was Japanese....   Too much medication inflaming your membrane

I need some kinda medication.....I'd kill for about 4 big shots of VO on the rocks right now.  :undecided:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on November 11/02/17, 08:36:16 PM
i hear ya reb, ive been sick for 3 weeks straight. never had this, comi g out of it, but its been a glenn of a time.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/02/17, 08:59:17 PM
Three weeks?! O crap......hope we both whack this stuff soon. My azz is draggin' big time. Just feel like sleeping half the time.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/09/17, 04:42:57 PM
Burglars are prepped and waiting for me to light up some coal. Mixed wit A1 and coated wit steak seasoning.  Just not  sure how the whipper snapper and I are gonna wolf all this down!! Don't laugh at my formage!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on November 11/09/17, 07:03:37 PM
Awsome Bob! lova da burgs on da grill. I'm sure yur whipper snapper will lead the charge!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/09/17, 07:16:40 PM
looks like good eats to me!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/12/17, 09:06:57 PM
This was second weekend deer camp supper Saturday evening along some vodkas and OJ!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/13/17, 07:07:44 AM
where's the kachup????
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/13/17, 08:14:53 AM
See ya had some of Reb's favorite. ;) :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/13/17, 08:33:26 AM
See ya had some of Reb's favorite. ;) :laugh:

I saw them too!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/13/17, 08:43:26 AM
where's the kachup????
next to da pan of taters!!!!!!!!!!!! :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/13/17, 08:44:33 AM
See ya had some of Reb's favorite. ;) :laugh:

I saw them too!!!
yepper..................... and i said he's to my good pal Reb, when i threw to butter on there!!!!!!! :bow: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/13/17, 08:45:21 AM
where's the kachup????

Kitty-corner from the pan of CRAP!  The BUTTER makes em' slide out easier when they COME BACK UP!!! :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/14/17, 06:55:23 PM
Speakin of butter, cast seared steaks  coated a smidge wit sea salt and pepper.seared wit butter, garlic , rosemary and thyme.. normally the spuds are on here but not tonight, oven did tgem up!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/26/17, 05:50:51 PM
Couldn't help myself. Open fire chops with bacon wrapped taters!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/26/17, 05:55:55 PM
hows the bacon come our wrapped in the bacon??  it sure sounds good!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/26/17, 05:56:49 PM
Looks good boober, but gawd you guys gotta ruin everything with bacon;;! :pouty: :pouty: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/26/17, 05:58:08 PM
hows the bacon come our wrapped in the bacon??  it sure sounds good!!
happy hour again Mike?? Starting to sound like boar;; :crazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/26/17, 06:06:09 PM
Lol Glenn, it's always a weekend for mike. Ya know though we could probably do a slab of bacon with a catsup or ketchup brine??? Whatchya think?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/26/17, 06:07:19 PM
Lol Glenn, it's always a weekend for mike. Ya know though we could probably do a slab of bacon with a catsup or ketchup brine??? Whatchya think?
:happy1: that could work  :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/26/17, 06:23:53 PM
Whew!! not liking bacon Glenn almost had me thinking You wear a turbine!!! Catsup it is!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/26/17, 06:53:45 PM
No turbine, Glenn likes pork chops pork steaks and wurst.  Even pork roast. But no bacon, unless it's on a BLT!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/26/17, 06:59:49 PM
hows the bacon come our wrapped in the bacon??  it sure sounds good!!
happy hour again Mike?? Starting to sound like boar;; :crazy:

never was good in typing either!!!  the one finger and get ahead in the thinking!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/26/17, 07:03:43 PM
hows the bacon come our wrapped in the bacon??  it sure sounds good!!

i'm thinking bacon wrapped on the smoker now......   dat sounds gooood...    right Glenn...

and Glenn just cause you made the wife happy gettin chores done for one day...  just keep her happy!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/26/17, 07:10:36 PM
Fill a Jalepeno full of ketchup, wrap it in bacon, and call it good.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/30/17, 01:57:42 PM
Cold shmold,  the wif said she wanted a "spicy afternoon" . Say no more , I can read between the lines!!  :happy1:

Wingies and hot sauce!!! :sleazy:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/30/17, 02:13:27 PM
Cold shmold,  the wif said she wanted a "spicy afternoon" . Say no more , I can read between the lines!!  :happy1:

Wingies and hot sauce!!! :sleazy:

Ya, I can too!! Remi, cover yer eyes!!!!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Way to go, boobski!  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/30/17, 02:30:25 PM
Cold shmold,  the wif said she wanted a "spicy afternoon" . Say no more , I can read between the lines!!  :happy1:

Wingies and hot sauce!!! :sleazy:
:tut: :tut: TMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :rotflmao: you go reb........working on makin up for that early valentines present are ya!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/30/17, 02:33:15 PM
I'm trying to maintain my sense of humor after all the stuff that's been going on here! I'm just gettin' warmed up, scooter!  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/30/17, 04:17:01 PM
Cold shmold,  the wif said she wanted a "spicy afternoon" . Say no more , I can read between the lines!!  :happy1:

Wingies and hot sauce!!! :sleazy:
:tut: :tut: TMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :rotflmao: you go reb........working on makin up for that early valentines present are ya!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
  youze guys minds are in the....gutter.  The wingies were a hit. The heart shaped burgers tonight might seal the deal!! :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/30/17, 04:44:52 PM
Don't say it Reb, no, no, no......... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/30/17, 06:08:41 PM
you go Bobber!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/08/18, 07:00:39 PM
Pork chops and a tin of taters, with onion and bacon. washed down with a piece of chocolate cake and ice cream..nummy.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/08/18, 07:03:14 PM
oh my that is a meal!!!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on January 01/08/18, 07:36:19 PM
Yes Bobber that sounds great, right down to the ice cream.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/08/18, 07:42:07 PM
Dat does look good boober. Ice cream later for bed time snack. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/08/18, 07:44:30 PM
Looks more like a snack for boober.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on January 01/09/18, 06:34:53 PM
We grilled some venison/bacon burgers tonight.... topped with pepper jack cheese, our pickled pickles, Mayo, mustard and ketchup. Shredded beets from the garden and steak fries with "top the tater" sour cream.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/09/18, 06:37:30 PM
Magnificent Hd,  I don't remember the last time I had shredded beats.. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/09/18, 06:38:58 PM
Magnificent Hd,  I don't remember the last time I had shredded beats.. :happy1:
:puke: :puke: icky beets! :doah: :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on January 01/09/18, 06:41:37 PM
They're easier to portion and freeze that way. Plus, Mama likes them better this way.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on January 01/09/18, 06:44:58 PM
Magnificent Hd,  I don't remember the last time I had shredded beats.. :happy1:
:puke: :puke: icky beets! :doah: :moon:

You and Rebs have things in common....good vegetables are bad!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/09/18, 06:50:00 PM
Magnificent Hd,  I don't remember the last time I had shredded beats.. :happy1:
:puke: :puke: icky beets! :doah: :moon:

You and Rebs have things in common....good vegetables are bad!  :rotflmao:
They both musta sat at the table as kids until they had happy plates!!!  :bonk: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/09/18, 06:55:06 PM
Hey knockwurst!!!! What was in the dish on my plate the other nite?! PICKLED BEETS!!! I LOVE 'EM!!! It's that neo maxi zoomed out smurf that don't like anything good! I mean, who doesn't like bacon and honey???!?!! :crazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on January 01/09/18, 06:58:40 PM
Hey knockwurst!!!! What was in the dish on my plate the other nite?! PICKLED BEETS!!! I LOVE 'EM!!! It's that neo maxi zoomed out smurf that don't like anything good! I mean, who doesn't like bacon and honey???!?!! :crazy:

But...... you don't like GREEN BEANS
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/09/18, 07:02:19 PM
THOSE AREN'T VEGGIES!!! They're some kinda ...kinda hose THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :angry:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on January 01/09/18, 07:04:26 PM
Man I love pickled beets and green beans.  My Grandma made them.  I could eat a whole jar of them.  Maybe I will have to try to make them sometime.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/09/18, 07:11:13 PM
I hope yer talking about beets..... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/09/18, 07:11:19 PM
never had shredded beets before, going to have to try that some time.....   yup Glenn I eat bacon too!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/09/18, 07:30:17 PM
Magnificent Hd,  I don't remember the last time I had shredded beats.. :happy1:
:puke: :puke: icky beets! :doah: :moon:

You and Rebs have things in common....good vegetables are bad!  :rotflmao:
me likes all kinds of veggies!!! Not beets
Imake a pretty good pickled GREEN BEAN and pickled asparagus.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/09/18, 07:52:06 PM
Good! Just keep it up THERE~!   :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/09/18, 07:56:20 PM
pickled asparagus

never had that either, going to have to try it too!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/09/18, 07:58:32 PM
I've never had pickled possum peckers, but that don't mean I'm gonna try 'em!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on January 01/09/18, 08:01:16 PM
A buddy of mine made pickled green beans that had some heat to them and they were great.  Could only eat 2 or 3 of them at a time cuz they were so "flavorful".  They called them Dilly beans.  They were great big beans too.  Would like to make some of them.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/09/18, 08:01:35 PM
pickled asparagus

never had that either, going to have to try it too!!
there spendy in the stores.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/09/18, 08:10:08 PM
yup that true, but no where to get it...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/09/18, 08:12:45 PM
yup that true, but no where to get it...
Glenn gotz me a patch!!! :sleazy: :happy1: :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: :blues brothers:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/09/18, 08:14:18 PM
den maybe I could someday try som of dat!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/09/18, 08:18:36 PM
My herring in sour cream is all gone!!  :angry: Fortunately, have a small tub of herring in wine sauce...  :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/09/18, 08:22:04 PM
got mine yet...  sour cream nope....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/09/18, 08:26:20 PM
den maybe I could someday try som of dat!!! :happy1: :happy1:
sure thing.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/21/18, 09:26:45 PM
Alright, let's get back to eating! First burgers of the New Year and not a minute too soon after the @asskicking the Vikings got. I'll take lamburgers grilled with crabapple wood over crummy Philly cheesesteaks anyday!


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/27/18, 07:06:28 PM
Managed to get some outside time in, even though it only hit 31* instead of the upper 30's as predicted. Managed to smoke and slather in BBQ sauce a full rack o' ribs...(Cut in half).... :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/27/18, 07:16:43 PM
Dang that looks good reb. That katchup on there looks good too!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/27/18, 07:18:49 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/27/18, 07:19:21 PM
oh way to go Glenn!!!  wreck some good ribs!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/27/18, 08:14:57 PM

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/28/18, 09:05:52 AM
Looking good dotch and reb!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/28/18, 09:47:11 AM
Leftovers for tonite!  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/29/18, 07:43:23 PM
Working on cleaning out the freezers of open packages. Grilled old dried up Wisconsin dairy cows cow burger via no name, melted Velveeta cheese, num num, raw onions, of course katchup along wit buttered noodles and stewed mater's!! :hubba:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/29/18, 07:47:09 PM
plain noodles or with the stewed on top???  stewed good!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/29/18, 07:53:35 PM
Butter fried noodles with onions, put stewed over the top.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/29/18, 08:00:27 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/29/18, 08:28:29 PM
Butter fried noodles with onions, put stewed over the top.

 :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/03/18, 06:24:45 PM
Think I'll treat these thighs as if the were steak
Marinated and injected with Italian dressing. Sear then off to da side!!  Sweet taters are in da oven!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/03/18, 06:32:59 PM
dat sounds great!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/03/18, 06:47:15 PM
lookin' good dere, boob!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/03/18, 07:13:17 PM
One of those SPRM pizza's. I ate the entire thing. *urp*  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/03/18, 07:27:04 PM
not even going there....................    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/04/18, 07:46:53 AM
 ;) :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/04/18, 11:31:05 AM
Always figured you for a leg man, Boober!  :sleazy:

Grilled some brats from Morgan's last night. Getting to be a wimp in my old age. Too cold tonight and I'm too lazy to shovel off the patio, again. No sense of adventure I guess. Was out of limes so had to rely on Crown to keep me focused :whistling:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/04/18, 11:38:48 AM
hey Dotch what is the pink stuff on your plate?? fruit??
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/04/18, 11:57:08 AM
You might not wanna know. He eats weird stuff.....  :tongue: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/04/18, 11:59:53 AM
That's what everyone thinks around here Reb!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Those are winter radishes, sliced up kinda like a kohlrabi. The variety is red meat or watermelon radish. Been growing them for several years now. They're crisp and taste like a kohlrabi only perhaps sweeter until a few seconds after it's in your mouth. Then the radish flavor grabs your taste buds. They vary in temperament (some are just plain nasty) and size. This one had about the right bite to it and was about the size of a baseball. They keep really well and I should have enough to make it until spring. :happy1: :cool: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/04/18, 12:01:52 PM
Told ya, Mikey!!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/04/18, 12:24:42 PM
dang that sounds good Dotch!!  never heard of them before..  if I ever see them I'll try one...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/04/18, 12:31:31 PM
dang that sounds good Dotch!!  never heard of them before..  if I ever see them I'll try one...

The belches are kinda wicked and you may emit toxic gas the next day when consumed with copious amounts of beer! :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/04/18, 12:45:29 PM
dang that sounds good Dotch!!  never heard of them before..  if I ever see them I'll try one...

The belches are kinda wicked and you may emit toxic gas the next day when consumed with copious amounts of beer! :evil:

sounds like a good radish to me!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/04/18, 01:20:57 PM
Always figured you for a leg man, Boober!  :sleazy:

Grilled some brats from Morgan's last night. Getting to be a wimp in my old age. Too cold tonight and I'm too lazy to shovel off the patio, again. No sense of adventure I guess. Was out of limes so had to rely on Crown to keep me focused :whistling:
eewe............... your foods touching!!!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :bonk: :undecided: :bonk: :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/04/18, 01:27:34 PM
AHH! His weenie's in the beans!!!   :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/04/18, 03:48:12 PM
Always figured you for a leg man, Boober!  :sleazy:

Grilled some brats from Morgan's last night. Getting to be a wimp in my old age. Too cold tonight and I'm too lazy to shovel off the patio, again. No sense of adventure I guess. Was out of limes so had to rely on Crown to keep me focused :whistling:

  Aaah,  you know it dotch!! Nuttin wrong with a juicy thigh!! That's a great looking plate plate sir, I hear ya on the shoveling since it's about an every other day task it seems..
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/05/18, 07:48:00 AM
Seems like there's something about radishes & extra gas. ;) :laugh: Even without a lot of beer
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/05/18, 07:50:03 AM
dat's the truth!!!!  then throw in a few deviled eggs!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

might have to make some!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/05/18, 07:52:03 AM
And a pile o' brussel sprouts! That fart would clear out a Walmart!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/05/18, 09:03:24 AM
 :happy1: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/12/18, 06:28:49 PM
Not sure if this qualifies fer grilling, just couldn't justify using up quality charcoal on these guys. Tried buffalo top the tator with ripples and beans..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/12/18, 06:33:35 PM
add KATCHUP and some horseradish to them and you be golden..........me i'm headed to buffalo wild wings! where the wome.......er never mind!!!!!!!!!! :smoking: :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Carp on February 02/12/18, 06:35:00 PM
Looks good to me!  :happy1:
(I had corn dogs out of the microwave)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/12/18, 06:43:01 PM
Hey Bobber,  looks good even the dog is paying attention very well!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

got to love the labs!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/12/18, 06:50:18 PM
Hey Bobber,  looks good even the dog is paying attention very well!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

got to love the labs!!!!
   he knows I'm a fumbler kinda a griller!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/12/18, 06:52:23 PM
my dogs were the same way and all labs, except one golden the wife got!!!!!!   too funny!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/12/18, 06:55:47 PM
where the wome.......
Don't have much fer teeth? :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/12/18, 07:07:19 PM
where the wome.......
Don't have much fer teeth? :mooning:
so far they all do!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/12/18, 08:40:10 PM
None of Glenn's "wimmen" ever had teeth. They'd gum der jello and fishsticks.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/12/18, 09:35:37 PM
Dat definitely counts Boober!  :happy1: Too cold lately to even think about grilling although your Lab may not agree.  :cheesy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/25/18, 06:48:54 PM
Thought I would try old school of posting pics. Couldn't wait fellas fer summer, abt's, Swedes, and cheese stuffed kielbasa.  ( not homemade) with onion rings.. mmmm.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/25/18, 06:50:42 PM
dat looks great!!!!  and sounds good too!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/03/18, 05:06:02 PM
Pigger steaks! Came out great, while fighting 35 mph winds and 40* trying to smoke 'em.... :angry: Did 'em over applewood, then slathered in a 50/50 mix of Sweet Baby Rays hickory and Bullseye Texas style sauce. Splurged and bought myself some egg'n chive tater salad from the deli at Hy-Vee, home of the rip off.  Made a pot of real thick bacon and onion beans.... The pigger steaks  were in the freezer from last July, so I marinated them in apple juice this am until noon, then rubbed them with some Fatboy's Cowgirl rub.. Back in fridge for 3 hours to meld the flavor. Then onto the grill....ate early, because I had no lunch. Gotta stop that  skippin' lunch stuff. Today is the first day in weeks I've really been hungry and felt halfway normal, whatever that is. Have the weekend to JUST ME, with NOTHING to do for others for the first time in......9 weeks. Feels like a year.  :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/03/18, 05:20:16 PM
Perfect reb, you put my grilling to shame!!  :bow: :bow: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/03/18, 05:24:53 PM
Oh beans! Even Remi knows better than that!  ...... They were Reb-o-licous though... :rotflmao:

I swear that soaking in concentrated apple juice is the key! They were so danged soft and tender...! Was worried about that since they'd been laying in bottom of freezer since last July 3...so said the tag.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/03/18, 07:23:35 PM
good freezer bags help a ton!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/03/18, 07:53:32 PM
Looks like katchup to me? :scratch: :rotflmao: looking good bud!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/03/18, 08:15:46 PM
good freezer bags help a ton!!!

I wrap all my stuff in plastic wrap, then wrap that in freezer paper....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/04/18, 07:10:51 AM
good freezer bags help a ton!!!

I wrap all my stuff in plastic wrap, then wrap that in freezer paper....

 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/07/18, 06:55:38 PM
Porker chops slathered in some sorta Tennessee bourbon whisky bbq sauce,  with yours truly bacon wrapped taters!!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/07/18, 07:01:47 PM
PIGGERS!!!  :hubba:   And it ain't even a weekend!!! :rotflmao:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/07/18, 07:08:12 PM
PIGGERS!!!  :hubba:   And it ain't even a weekend!!! :rotflmao:  :rotflmao:
shhhh,  don't tell del!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/07/18, 07:21:31 PM
Just for future reference, you might note that Tennessee whiskey and bourbon are two different things.... Jack is technically not bourbon.

But whatever, I will drink either or both.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/07/18, 07:29:12 PM
Just for future reference, you might note that Tennessee whiskey and bourbon are two different things.... Jack is technically not bourbon.

But whatever, I will drink either or both.
dat sounds like an oxymoron.....  not sure, but what ever.....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/07/18, 07:31:26 PM
But whatever, I will drink either or both.

*HIC*  *BELCH*      :doofus:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/11/18, 09:01:47 PM
Ever have one of them days when yer just fed up with everybody's BS so ya gotta have a libation & grill something? Did that tonite. Tried out some burger from the lambs we hauled in just after Christmas. Awesome stuff. First bite made my mouth absolutely water. Plum wood in the smoker boxes w/Weber gourmet burger seasoning. Some beans, salad, vintage Busch Light and we're good to go.  :happy1:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/11/18, 09:31:14 PM
Hey dotch, you know what a cow looks like!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Looks good.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/11/18, 09:42:21 PM
Hey dotch, you know what a cow looks like!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Looks good.

Is this cow meat?  :scratch: :scratch:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/11/18, 09:46:03 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1: :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/13/18, 06:49:39 PM
Looking great dotch!! Must be an echo on my part cuz it was more porker choppers, taters and a salad loaded wit garbanzo beans.   :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/13/18, 07:00:21 PM
looks great!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/13/18, 07:43:05 PM
 training-087 :banghead: :taz: :taz: darn it. Forgot da picture. Venny backstrap on the grill, GREEN BEANS, and boiled up taters fried in butter and onions!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/14/18, 05:58:06 AM
Don't the BEANS fall thru the grates?  :scratch:  Actually, that's the best place for em!!  :evil:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/14/18, 10:30:14 AM
Mmmmm...piggy chops, taters and garbanzo bean surprise salad! Hopefully washed down with copious amounts of fermented malt beverage so Mrs. Boober could enjoy it the next day too!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on March 03/14/18, 10:55:44 AM
Jeeesuz, glenns burning perfectly good jerky meat again
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/14/18, 11:17:33 AM
Jeeesuz, glenns burning perfectly good jerky meat again
:bonk: :bonk: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :taz: :taz: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :sleazy: :sleazy: :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/14/18, 11:19:01 AM
Ya know, if ya put that meat in the clothes dryer on high, might speed things along.... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/14/18, 01:03:10 PM
Ya know, if ya put that meat in the clothes dryer on high, might speed things along.... :rotflmao:

and tenderize the crap out of it too!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/14/18, 02:37:26 PM
And those Bounce dryer sheets make it smell better & add extra flavor...  :bambi: :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/14/18, 02:58:21 PM
And those Bounce dryer sheets make it smell better & add extra flavor...  :bambi: :hubba:

dats a funny one!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/14/18, 05:16:20 PM
BBQ'd chicky quarters, loaded tossed salad, tater salad....and MILK, Cooper.  :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/14/18, 08:15:49 PM
Leftover tacos!;
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/14/18, 08:20:59 PM
Weenies!  :campfire:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Cooperman on March 03/15/18, 09:56:51 AM
BBQ'd chicky quarters, loaded tossed salad, tater salad....and MILK, Cooper.  :azn:
Good job Reb, whole or %?
You gotta love BQ quarters on the grill, my dogs name is Cooper.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/17/18, 11:32:59 AM
 Said screw it and went all out.  Tonite's menu:  a ONE POUND chuckeye, spring salad, loaded tossed salad, green tops, radishes, pickled beets, ice cream bar for dessert.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/17/18, 02:06:15 PM
Screw what?   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/17/18, 02:50:07 PM
Screw what?

All the crap going on lately. Now it's all about me today.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/18, 03:01:51 PM
Said screw it and went all out.  Tonite's menu:  a ONE POUND chuckeye, spring salad, loaded tossed salad, green tops, radishes, pickled beets, ice cream bar for dessert.
:scratch: don't sound to Irish to me?? :scratch: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/17/18, 03:11:59 PM
It ain't. I'm Scottish and Czech.  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/17/18, 05:31:36 PM
Change of plans. Steak will be tomorrow, tonite it's big 1 1/2" thick apple soaked pigger chops, with lotsa smoky peach salsa glaze, Amish tater salad, beets, and croissants with dill butter.  :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/17/18, 06:10:37 PM
That's a great change o plans, tomorrow's steak will be fantastic.  We settled wit chicken, sweet taters and slaw..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/17/18, 06:19:27 PM
Wow! An electric chicken doin' the kaepernoscopy 12 oz boogaloo!!! :shocked: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/17/18, 06:32:40 PM
Looks delish guys! Just finished night chores so losing my mojo. Even the 6 mile drive to Casey's for a pizza sounds like a lot of work.  :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/17/18, 06:37:06 PM
Might haveta do the "breakfast for dinner" thing, Dotch.....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/17/18, 06:52:06 PM
all sounds good guys!!!!  enjoy!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/18, 07:45:52 PM
Tomorrow nites supper now melding in da frig. :happy1: tonight venison weenies.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/18/18, 08:41:13 AM
Geez, that almost looks......kinda.....sorta.....like..... :lipsrsealed:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on March 03/18/18, 08:46:25 AM
What the heck is that Glenn?  Looks like an innertube.  lol
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/18/18, 08:47:56 AM
 :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/18/18, 09:48:06 AM
We gotta see some action shots on that guy Glenn.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/18/18, 10:34:07 AM
What the heck is that Glenn?  Looks like an innertube.  lol
:tut: :pouty: :pouty: its a pork loin filleted open. GAWD....you been reading to many of rebs posts!!!!!!!!! :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/18/18, 10:53:50 AM
Oh, sure,  here we go..."it's Reb's fault"....."Reb did it"...."you sound like Reb"....aww, go melt yer fire ring out!!  :moon: :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/18/18, 10:56:15 AM
Oh, sure,  here we go..."it's Reb's fault"....."Reb did it"...."you sound like Reb"....aww, go melt yer fire ring out!!  :moon: :moon:
:happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: awe go play in your pile of green beans!!!!!!!!!! :moon: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/18/18, 10:57:22 AM
If I had some. I'd throw 'em in yer fire ring on yer SNOW FIRE!!!  ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/18/18, 11:06:24 AM
Who says you can't go back again?   Reb and Smurfy seem to have gone back to third grade. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/18/18, 11:12:02 AM
Who says you can't go back again?   Reb and Smurfy seem to have gone back to third grade.
awe go play with your souse boily thing!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/18/18, 11:13:40 AM
Go back to what? Who said? Who's "Who"? What Glenn said, ya soused up know-it-all!  :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/18/18, 12:21:43 PM
Venny polish sausage my brudder made homemade kraut. With katchup and homemade horseradish.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/18/18, 12:30:02 PM
Looks good to me!! You'll be happy to know I had to buy a big bottle of KATCHUP the other day!  :cheesy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/18/18, 12:33:16 PM
Looks good to me!! You'll be happy to know I had to buy a big bottle of KATCHUP the other day!  :cheesy:
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :Clap: :Clap: :Clap: :rocker; :rocker; :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: :blues brothers: :kingscourt: :kingscourt:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/18/18, 05:11:22 PM
The Chuckeye.  Perfect med-rare and all the trimmings. *urp*  :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/18/18, 05:15:31 PM
you hid the katchup bottle didn't ya!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/18/18, 05:19:44 PM
Yes. It's hiding under the steak.    ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/18/18, 05:54:22 PM
Catch up needs to hide in the fridge when a chunk o meat like dat is served!! Great looknig meal reb  :hubba: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/18/18, 06:14:10 PM
Here ya go boober!! :hubba:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/18/18, 06:21:13 PM
 :Clap: :Clap: :Clap: Looks good. What is it ? :confused:  : How'd it turn out?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/18/18, 06:25:29 PM
Butterflied venison loin?  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/18/18, 06:45:05 PM
looks good cooked to what????
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/18/18, 07:09:40 PM
Here's the rest of the story. Sqished spuds, kraut, and asparagus on da grill. Cooked to 165. It's that pork loin I doctured up. No I didn't tie it.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/18, 08:04:15 AM
Looks pretty tasty! But, that ain't yer picture. No tub of katchup anywhere.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/19/18, 08:21:19 AM
Looks pretty tasty! But, that ain't yer picture. No tub of katchup anywhere.  :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea no katchup wit pork! der was some BBQ sauce though!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/27/18, 04:19:47 PM
Burglars and fries wit that spicy dippin sauce. Not much for ketchem up but maybe i should pan fry some so my buns dont get soggy... right Glenn? :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on March 03/27/18, 08:48:04 PM
Had a ribeye at a good steak place in Brainerd last night.  Was really looking forward to it.  Was going to take a pic of it but thought they would wonder what I was doing.  Well it was a disappointment.  Used to get the best steaks when eating out.  About 30 years ago my Dad said, "now with grills at home we can make a better steak at home than you can get at a steak house".  He is right. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/28/18, 04:26:31 PM
your dads a smart man Lps, the last steak we ordered was at one of them high binder joints downtown, was good but spendy. Tonight is chuckeye , just not sure if i"ll use the cast iron or slap em on the grates.  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/28/18, 04:48:09 PM
Grates!  :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/28/18, 06:11:47 PM
got to agree with LPS too!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/28/18, 07:28:22 PM
i rarely order steak in a restaurant. way better at home on the grill. only thing i order is prime rib out!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/28/18, 08:09:16 PM
Can't beat the old "supper clubs" that would have the steaks hanging over the edges of the plate...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on March 03/29/18, 06:26:44 AM
Can't beat the old "supper clubs" that would have the steaks hanging over the edges of the plate...

Yup they were a real treat to go to. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/29/18, 06:52:29 AM
i rarely order steak in a restaurant. way better at home on the grill. only thing i order is prime rib out!!!!

Same here. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/29/18, 08:34:31 AM
Can't beat the old "supper clubs" that would have the steaks hanging over the edges of the plate...

Yup they were a real treat to go to.

Back when it WAS a treat for the family to go out for a dinner. A special time that I loved.

My favorite place to go south of here...right back in time to the 60's...superb food and service.  :happy1:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/29/18, 09:53:40 AM
Ain't that the truth Reb? We rarely went out as Dad's philosophy was "we have food at home". He was right. We had plenty of pork, lamb, chicken, eggs and beef along with all the fruits and vegetables he and Mom froze or canned. When we did and I was young it was a treat, going places like The Airport, The Lobster House, The Fish House or The Hot Fish Shop in Winona. It also included The Flame, The 7th Rib and The Branding Iron. Now I tend to order stuff I don't get often at home like ribs, seafood, or sometimes chicken. With Fareway and the local meat market handy, steaks are better coming off our grill than what's available in local restaurants. Charcoal & some extra wood smoke makes them tough to beat.  :happy1:   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/29/18, 10:00:26 AM
Exactly! We did all the same places....Fish house was my favorite, followed by Walters's Flame. I still have postcards from the Fish House and Walters Flame from the 60's...that they used to have by the cash register. Just for you...a trip back in time... :smiley:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/29/18, 10:31:07 AM
Wow. That place closed some time back in the 70's didn't it? Was always kinda dark in there at night as I recall. Now that del has given me the OK to eat lots of saturated fat, I need to dust off my rumaki recipe. The Lobster House used to have that appetizer. Amazing what can be done with a water chestnut, a strip of bacon and a hunk of chicken liver!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/29/18, 11:26:23 AM
We used to do the 7th Rib in Racine at least once a year too. Most of the time it was closer to home at Lansing Corners & where we could BYOB
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/29/18, 11:34:23 AM
Lansing Corners reopened a year or so back now. Have eaten there a couple times with the car club. Decent but the service the last time wasn't great. Took forever to get our bill straight. Have my eyes on the Little Dandy east of Le Center for a Stude cruise this summer. Talked to a local when he was in the other day. Said the food is great but they give you way too much of it. Good to know.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/29/18, 11:40:06 AM
Haven't been back since they reopened
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/29/18, 02:32:52 PM
I think it is still there...
You could take the NL.   

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on March 03/29/18, 02:49:04 PM
Well Green Mountain Grill sent me the parts to get my grill/smoker running again.  Great customer service.  SO I was going to get a ham and do a smoke on it but the wife said "lets do ribs"   :happy1: :bow: :scratch:  I couldnt believe it.  She is becoming a true believer in them.....   lol
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/29/18, 03:03:35 PM
Can we wife swap sometime LPS?  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Love ribs but the wifey grumbles when I have them, probably cuz I spill so much crap on my shirt.  :sad: Yer a lucky guy! :happy1:

You got a neighbor lady too Gunner?  ;) Last visit to Lansing Corners was in early January. Looks exactly the same. Lotsa old people like me. Didn't see too many neighbor ladies.  :undecided: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/29/18, 03:06:34 PM
Well Green Mountain Grill sent me the parts to get my grill/smoker running again.  Great customer service.  SO I was going to get a ham and do a smoke on it but the wife said "lets do ribs"   :happy1: :bow: :scratch:  I couldnt believe it.  She is becoming a true believer in them.....   lol

that is great for ya!!!!  both the grill parts and the ribs!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/29/18, 03:12:02 PM
Throw the ham in too! Smoked ham to go with those breakfast eggs!  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/29/18, 03:15:17 PM
throw the eggs in too!!!!  smoked eggs are good!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/29/18, 03:20:37 PM
I like mine smomed... ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/29/18, 03:41:03 PM
We'll have a whole list for Barry to do in a bit!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/30/18, 07:00:05 AM
Yeah. Then we can stop by for dinner on our way home Sunday coming back from the cities. :happy1: ;) :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/30/18, 07:08:06 AM
Excellent idea, JB!  I can bring the smashed taters.... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/30/18, 07:48:39 AM
Nope no NL around here! :laugh: They only hang out about 90 miles north of us in Reb's neighborhood. ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/30/18, 05:09:00 PM
Da Lobster House, the first one before it burned I think.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/30/18, 05:19:44 PM
Dat's it! Didn't the Hot Fish Shop then go in there? And who can forget the shrimp at the Anchor Inn?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/30/18, 05:21:09 PM
Well since the snow up north screwed up my fishing plans.  :pouty:  I will be throwing a Turkey on the smoker bright and early Sat.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/30/18, 05:23:11 PM
High wind warnings for us all day tomorrow....along with the snow.   :angry2:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/30/18, 06:15:10 PM
High wind warnings for us all day tomorrow....along with the snow.   :angry2:

you getting snow?????  I thought you were to far south!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/30/18, 06:24:03 PM
Ahh, go polish yer pistol!!   :moon:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/30/18, 07:25:07 PM
Ahh, go polish yer pistol!!   :moon:  :rotflmao:

dat means leach will get snow too????  oh my!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/30/18, 07:32:12 PM
No, it means Leech and I are gonna put THE SQUEEZE on YOU, and yer gonna get smucked with a foot of it!!!  :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/31/18, 08:23:09 AM
Dat's it! Didn't the Hot Fish Shop then go in there? And who can forget the shrimp at the Anchor Inn?

The Lobster House pictured on the postcard burned down then they rebuilt it. As far as I remember it was always The Lobster House, located on 16 & 63 west of Spring Valley. One of the Pappas family owned it at one time. It's closed for good now and someone lives there. 4 Daughters Winery is across the road to the south and east of it.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

Wifey was working late on Easter flowers last nite, mostly lilies so I was left to my own devices. Finished pruning the pear trees so naturally I had to grill with some of the wood. Could be crappy, windy and cold tonite. Besides, Mrs. Cheviot will likely try to take advantage of me so need to keep my stamina up!  :surrender: :bonk:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Coffee118 on March 03/31/18, 07:43:26 PM
Half of Easter diner is done. A pork shoulder with my rub and smoked with cherry and hickory. It's wrapped in a towel for the night waiting to be pulled in the morning. I have another shoulder that will be done in the oven for the nonsmoke people.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/31/18, 08:32:11 PM
Fine looking spread dotch...she caught ya didn't she! You ended up tripping over Ruby  (like Glenn and sheds) running fer cover!!   :surrender: Coffee i think i can smell that from here!! Perfect guys!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/01/18, 05:39:40 PM
Geez coffee, that looks just awesome!

Just got done grilling 7 dozen weenies for my meeting on Tuedsday. Let 'em cool off before putting them in plastic bags in da fridge so house smells fabulous. Wifey's gonna start chasin' me again Boober, I just knows it!  :huh:

For da meeting we layer da bottom of a roaster with kraut, dump da weenies on top den let it cook on low a couple hours. Beans in a crockpot, some cheeps, beverages & cookies.  :happy1: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on April 04/01/18, 05:54:51 PM
That sounds great Dotch.  What kind of weiners do you cook?  When I was with the Rod and Gun Club we did Ambassador weiners with onions and beer. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/01/18, 07:18:53 PM
Geez coffee, that looks just awesome!

Just got done grilling 7 dozen weenies for my meeting on Tuedsday. Let 'em cool off before putting them in plastic bags in da fridge so house smells fabulous. Wifey's gonna start chasin' me again Boober, I just knows it!  :huh:

For da meeting we layer da bottom of a roaster with kraut, dump da weenies on top den let it cook on low a couple hours. Beans in a crockpot, some cheeps, beverages & cookies.  :happy1:
so Dotch.................anything actually get accomplished at these said meetings??????? :scratch: :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/01/18, 07:31:36 PM
Prolly about as much as at a union hall thug meeting.  :shocked: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/01/18, 07:34:28 PM
Prolly about as much as at a union hall thug meeting.  :shocked: :rotflmao:
:angry2: :tut: :tut: don't you gotta go chase some skuirrels!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/01/18, 07:38:57 PM
That sounds great Dotch.  What kind of weiners do you cook?  When I was with the Rod and Gun Club we did Ambassador weiners with onions and beer.

Yup, dare Ambassador weenies. I had pear wood leftover in the smoker boxes from the lambborgers the other nite so they got a good dose of dat.

You just hesh up, you little blue fart. We talks about all kindsa stuff, just none of it important enough to remember!  :bonk: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/10/18, 10:44:30 PM
After a game delay, (dispatched Pepe LePew in the backyard and had to wait for the stench to dissipate) got the grill cranked up under the lights. Can't wait until the solar lights are back in place and it's warm enough to be out there without a jacket on. Used some Steakhouse onion burger seasoning, added a little pear wood to the smoker boxes and let 'er buck. Some tossed salad & peas as sides washed down with some 1%. OK, I had a Busch Light while I was grilling! Lamburger is still tough to beat medium rare.  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/12/18, 05:14:52 PM
On the grill: Mesquite chicky, tatapo salad, bourbon beans.   

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/13/18, 07:06:10 PM
Hard to beat burglars and drummies, looking smashing guys! Storm, what storm? Kaboobs this,away with taters and beans..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/13/18, 07:10:40 PM
Hard to beat burglars and drummies, looking smashing guys! Storm, what storm? Kaboobs this,away with taters and beans..

good eats!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on April 04/14/18, 10:52:44 AM
Ya looks great.  I am in the mood to grill some chicken.  Maybe tomorrow.  I have a nice ribeye all seasoned up for grilling tonight.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on April 04/14/18, 12:04:03 PM
Looks great Bobber!  :happy1: .....We got so much wind here, I won't be able to keep the grill lit......

I got some pigger chops I was gonna cook fer dinner....might just hav'ta fry um....  :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on April 04/15/18, 01:50:53 PM
I have chicken thighs marinating in 1/2 cup olive oil, good shot of vinegar, shot of soy sauce, shot of Worcestershire sauce, little sugar, kosher salt.  In a gallon zip loc till later then will grill.  May do a light dose of bbq sauce on them while on the grill.  I usually do them at 350 for an hour.  With hickory pellets.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/16/18, 10:16:11 AM
Nice lookin' chicky Reb and kebobs are my faves Boober. Hope HD & LPS were able to get 'er done. Sounded delish and I'm getting anxious to grill again once the glacier gets off the grill. I don't ever recall shoveling being part of the deal every time. What's up with that?  :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/20/18, 11:07:40 PM
Cheese and rice! Doesn't anyone grill anymore?  :rotflmao:

Warming up on some bone in pork cops before the main event on Sunday w/several NY strips. When Mrs.Cheviot came home I ran from the house and hid in the CRP until I was certain she was asleep.  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on April 04/21/18, 06:01:00 AM
The chops look great Dotch.  May have to do some soon.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/21/18, 07:23:25 AM
Chops look tasty, but doesn't that silly swizzle stick get stuck up yer nose after the ninth chin und tawnic?? :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on April 04/21/18, 08:13:27 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/22/18, 05:14:56 PM
Took Boober's advice and got all da deck stuff out. Notice snow in the background...60* though.
Hickory smoked (ran out of apple wood) pigger steaks, slathered in BBQ sauce, spring salad, bourbon beans, green tops, fresh radishes.....Hoo boy, that first real grill out. Da smoke was just rolling across the neighborhood.  :happy1: :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/22/18, 05:34:41 PM
Yep them chops look awsome dotch !! Looking good Reb,  patio and dinner. With that meal a bunch of smoke I'd have a side arm at da table as Well!!  :happy1: :cool:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/22/18, 05:39:22 PM
I kinda overdid it on da smoke.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/22/18, 06:34:27 PM
I kinda overdid it on da smoke.  :rotflmao:

that's hard to do!!!  the over smoke!!!  snow every where when I went for the bike ride too, but the water is sure running!!!  creeks and rivers are getting full for sure!!

dang good good looking eats all!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/22/18, 06:58:52 PM
The sap is really coming outta my birch...watched it drip*drip*drip while relaxing.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/23/18, 09:00:25 AM
Mmmm...looks mighty tasty Reb. Mighty relaxing too. Now you can watch those Japanese beetles copulate in comfort!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

After I got the swizzle stick removed from my nose, I went on a tear. Lots of apple wood to use up after my pruning exploits. Lamborgers & provolone  Saturday night and then NY strips yesterday when we had company. Strips were good but they weren't as tender as some I've had. Next time I do strips I'll give Fareway a whirl again. Still haven't had a better one than the ones I got there a couple years ago.   

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/23/18, 12:31:37 PM
 :happy1: Looks great, Dotch
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/24/18, 05:28:52 PM
Ooh! Woolie burgers with provolone!! And strips! Doin' it up right, Dotcheroo! :happy1:

I had swiss and cheddar burglars stuffed with onyums, on corn-dusted sourdough rolls. Bourbon beans, and bacon cheddar pasta... :tongue:

Cooked to the perfect medium-rare....*NOM*NOM*

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/24/18, 07:15:01 PM
dang looks and sounds great!!!!  hope ya enjoyed it too!!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/24/18, 07:23:28 PM
I had a mouthgasm.   :shocked:    :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/24/18, 07:51:08 PM
I had a mouthgasm.   :shocked:    :rotflmao:

 :scratch:  so now you are drooling all over everything in the house????  go to the NL house!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/24/18, 08:34:26 PM
She's out on the West coast right now!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/24/18, 08:43:11 PM
I had a mouthgasm.   :shocked:    :rotflmao:
there's that seks thing again. :confused: :tut: :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/24/18, 09:08:42 PM
Ahh, go lick a ketchup bottle!  :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/24/18, 09:32:57 PM
Ahh, go lick a ketchup bottle!  :moon:
:rotflmao: I did notice da katchup on your burgers!! :happy1: :happy1: I knew you'd come around!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/25/18, 07:17:52 AM

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/25/18, 09:35:26 AM
And da perfect level of doneness. Didn't even have to boil it first!  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/25/18, 06:51:04 PM
Oh man guys, burglarinos galore, good job reb and dotch  :happy1: With strip steaks to boot!! Mouthgasm,  I ain't touchin tgat one.. Meat loaf outside tonight.  Gotta love that mini i grill probe. Dang, it turned out nice and crispy on da bottom.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/25/18, 06:56:29 PM
the only thing I can say about that meal Bobber is, it's not mine!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/25/18, 09:07:21 PM
Looks good boober!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/25/18, 10:00:19 PM
You betcha Boober! Never thought of trying meatloaf on da grill. Dat idear intrigues me... :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/26/18, 09:11:27 AM
Looks great to me! I've always looked at meatloaf as a Reb-sized burger!!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: snow1 on April 04/26/18, 10:47:30 AM
Aside from meatloaf which looks darn good and on the menu this weekend has anyone herd of a ribeye roast called "no roll ribeye" local butcher had these slabs laying out,I grabed one and cut it into 5 thick steaks about 2-3"s thick...roasted one the 1st night,had beef jerky more tender,shoe leather...Last night hi temp grill over coals and lump cherry wood,came out like charred shoe leather...

Moral of this story don't buy one of these roasts even tho they are on sale $3.99/lb.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/26/18, 11:07:26 AM
You betcha Boober! Never thought of trying meatloaf on da grill. Dat idear intrigues me... :scratch:

Dotch, try them smoked!!!!  always great!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/26/18, 11:09:19 AM
Aside from meatloaf which looks darn good and on the menu this weekend has anyone herd of a ribeye roast called "no roll ribeye" local butcher had these slabs laying out,I grabed one and cut it into 5 thick steaks about 2-3"s thick...roasted one the 1st night,had beef jerky more tender,shoe leather...Last night hi temp grill over coals and lump cherry wood,came out like charred shoe leather...

Moral of this story don't buy one of these roasts even tho they are on sale $3.99/lb.

I think if I have it figured out right, it's most likely a select ribeye from a cow or some other low grade beef...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/26/18, 11:14:22 AM
Da Mrs. is prolly not a meatloaf fan so I'd hafta put it on the list of food I make when she's not around. Be fun to try on the charcoal Weber w/some applewood or some other species from the yard. And I bet I could get lit while doing it... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Ya snow, maybe it's some leftovers from those Best Steakhouses that dotted the Twin Cities landscape once upon a time!  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/26/18, 11:15:20 AM
Or some of dose pesky skwirrels..... :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/27/18, 06:19:49 PM
Aside from meatloaf which looks darn good and on the menu this weekend has anyone herd of a ribeye roast called "no roll ribeye" local butcher had these slabs laying out,I grabed one and cut it into 5 thick steaks about 2-3"s thick...roasted one the 1st night,had beef jerky more tender,shoe leather...Last night hi temp grill over coals and lump cherry wood,came out like charred shoe leather...

Moral of this story don't buy one of these roasts even tho they are on sale $3.99/lb.

Moral of this story is sous vide it at 130 for 24 or so hours.... Then give a sear....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/27/18, 08:25:04 PM
Aside from meatloaf which looks darn good and on the menu this weekend has anyone herd of a ribeye roast called "no roll ribeye" local butcher had these slabs laying out,I grabed one and cut it into 5 thick steaks about 2-3"s thick...roasted one the 1st night,had beef jerky more tender,shoe leather...Last night hi temp grill over coals and lump cherry wood,came out like charred shoe leather...

Moral of this story don't buy one of these roasts even tho they are on sale $3.99/lb.

Moral of this story is sous vide it at 130 for 24 or so hours.... Then give a sear....
Good to know snow. I believe id try cold smoking a " roll" then put in a slow cooker with a bullion or some au Jus. ( a cheaper way of tenderizing del)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/27/18, 10:04:05 PM
You can get a circulator for not a great deal more than a slow cooker, actually.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/28/18, 10:50:21 AM
And even cheaper, a percolator!  :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/28/18, 10:57:41 AM
just don't buy junk cuts of meat!!!!  that's all!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/29/18, 05:37:47 PM
Grilled chicky quarters, cheddar bacon salad, cole slaw...... :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/29/18, 06:29:19 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/29/18, 06:34:22 PM

What?! Where??! What did you make???? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/29/18, 07:00:56 PM
Grilled chicky quarters, cheddar bacon salad, cole slaw...... :tongue:

got the 1/4 up here on sale this 49 cents a pound!!  going to get some!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/29/18, 07:13:45 PM
.49 a lb????! Get me a truckload, too!  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on April 04/29/18, 07:43:07 PM
Grilled chicky quarters, cheddar bacon salad, cole slaw...... :tongue:

got the 1/4 up here on sale this 49 cents a pound!!  going to get some!!
Who has them onsale? I been waiting to see that sale.That one and the Bacon sales
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/29/18, 07:47:03 PM
Eldens in Alex.. 10 pounds of 1/4 for $4.99..  bacon 10 pounds for $16.99...  May 3rd to the 5th... only... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/30/18, 04:12:46 PM
Grilled chicky quarters, cheddar bacon salad, cole slaw...... :tongue:

Ya sly dog! Ya wait till the wind is outta the other direction and grill chicky so's I don't hafta suffer. Looks mouthwatering... :hubba: Gotta get the Mrs. schedule figured out so's I can grill chicky again. Need a fix soon... :cool:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/02/18, 05:37:26 PM
On da grill tonite...two-cheese hickory burglars, red skin tater salad, cole slaw.  :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/02/18, 06:01:16 PM
It's getting there

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/02/18, 06:04:36 PM

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/02/18, 06:43:08 PM
looks good fellers!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/02/18, 09:54:28 PM
It's getting there
what??? :scratch: ya didn't boil it. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/02/18, 10:40:07 PM
I got versatility.   Bake cake, pie, bread.   Grill, smoke, braise, roast, sous vide. 

Haven't done any charcuterie though.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/03/18, 08:08:17 AM
When ya gonna have a clay pot oven shipped from Rangoon for Tandoori?  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/03/18, 10:01:36 AM
Lookin' good fellers!  :happy1:

Had to suffer thru more chops w/apple wood here last nite. Lots of live entertainment while grilling. Canada geese and sandhill cranes whooping it up against a backdrop of chorus frogs. Caught the supervisor/plate licker in an awkward pose. Ruby's very smart but definitely the goofiest Border Collie we've ever had. Never a dull moment with her.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on May 05/03/18, 10:05:32 AM
It's getting there

What the hell is that Dell?  Smashed road kill jackrabbit?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/03/18, 11:31:50 AM
Lookin' good fellers!  :happy1:

Had to suffer thru more chops w/apple wood here last nite. Lots of live entertainment while grilling. Canada geese and sandhill cranes whooping it up against a backdrop of chorus frogs. Caught the supervisor/plate licker in an awkward pose. Ruby's very smart but definitely the goofiest Border Collie we've ever had. Never a dull moment with her.

the look on Ruby's face is priceless!!! and why is her tail between her legs???  so is she getting ready to get into trouble??!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/03/18, 12:00:48 PM
Lookin' good fellers!  :happy1:

Had to suffer thru more chops w/apple wood here last nite. Lots of live entertainment while grilling. Canada geese and sandhill cranes whooping it up against a backdrop of chorus frogs. Caught the supervisor/plate licker in an awkward pose. Ruby's very smart but definitely the goofiest Border Collie we've ever had. Never a dull moment with her.

the look on Ruby's face is priceless!!! and why is her tail between her legs???  so is she getting ready to get into trouble??!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

She just took a couple laps of his G&T...... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/03/18, 12:37:20 PM
Lookin' good fellers!  :happy1:

Had to suffer thru more chops w/apple wood here last nite. Lots of live entertainment while grilling. Canada geese and sandhill cranes whooping it up against a backdrop of chorus frogs. Caught the supervisor/plate licker in an awkward pose. Ruby's very smart but definitely the goofiest Border Collie we've ever had. Never a dull moment with her.

the look on Ruby's face is priceless!!! and why is her tail between her legs???  so is she getting ready to get into trouble??!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

She just took a couple laps of his G&T...... :rotflmao:

that would do it for sure!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/03/18, 03:29:35 PM
I was cooing to her but not sure why Ruby was sitting like that. But then, I'm never quite sure why she does most of the stuff she does.  :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/03/18, 04:54:31 PM
It's getting there

What the hell is that Dell?  Smashed road kill jackrabbit?

Pork butt aka shoulder roast.    No jackrabbits in Rochester.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/03/18, 06:44:46 PM
BS on the rabbits!!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/03/18, 07:07:02 PM
BS on the rabbits!!!! :rotflmao:

Watcha trying to say.   Lots of cottontails in the yard.  Just no Jackrabbits (which I think are actually Hares).
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/03/18, 07:15:08 PM
they might not be in town, but I sure hope they are still in the country.....

and rabbit is good eats...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/04/18, 08:28:41 AM
It's getting there

What the hell is that Dell?  Smashed road kill jackrabbit?

Pork butt aka shoulder roast.    No jackrabbits in Rochester.

There sure is. Go out in the country in winter....you'll see 'em run. Would see 'em all the time when on patrol out by the airport.  And yer right; it is a hare. Hare today, gone tomorrow. :laugh:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/04/18, 10:35:33 PM
No bunny here tonite.  :tut: A last minute entry as I couldn't make the meat market before closing due to talking another farmer out of jumping off a cliff. Why do these guys always call at 5:27 p.m. when they know the market closes at 5:30???  :confused: Anaway, as Sid Hartman used to say back when you could still understand him, top sirloin purchased in the small local grocery store & grilled to medim rare with plum wood in the smoker boxes. OMFG was it good! Would've guessed tough when I bought it. Anything but. Best of all, on sale... :happy1:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/05/18, 06:38:45 AM
Boy, that looks great!!!  :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/05/18, 05:22:08 PM
Smoked some slab piggers, then soused 'em up with bbq sauce. Sweet/sour slaw, redskin tater salad, deviled eggs, green tops, iced tea.    *urp*  :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/05/18, 07:32:18 PM
looks darn good!!!  3XL coming on!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/05/18, 08:43:49 PM
Looks great guys!!  :hubba: Had blt's, pasta salad n chips this away!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/06/18, 08:41:05 AM

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/06/18, 08:47:51 AM
Found this good bit of info on pigger steaks.....good read!  :smiley:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on May 05/06/18, 03:50:21 PM
Those pork steaks are pretty darn good.  We have a nice ribeye rubbed and will grill it tonight.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on May 05/06/18, 05:30:57 PM
We had grilled pork steaks Thurs.Fri. evening dark an crispy fat UMM
 Tonight its grilled Johnsonville griller paddies with bacon wrapped asparagus,First asparagus of the season.Of 24 plants 3 are sproutin , I like it that way cause when they all come at once its time consuming puttin it all up
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/06/18, 05:40:33 PM
I like those pigger steaks better than ribs.  :smiley:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/06/18, 10:17:51 PM
Looks Rebelicious!  :happy1:

Had a long day of evading Mrs. Cheviot. Once she was convinced she could not ensnare me, she made a rhubarb pie! I grilled chicken which she doesn't eat so more for me! A little salad & cottage cheese then pie for dessert. What doncha like about that?

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/07/18, 06:12:58 AM
O MY~ A PIE!!     :hubba:  Looks great all the way around, there Dotch!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/07/18, 08:11:27 AM
what wrong wit dat woman Dotch??????? dont eat grilled chicky????? :scratch: :doah: :doofus: :doofus: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/07/18, 10:14:42 AM
I know. I don't get it. What's not to like about grilled chicky?  :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/07/18, 12:37:42 PM
That dark meat?   My wife doesn't eat dark meat chicken.    Or turkey.   
(seems like a dangerous post)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/07/18, 01:18:07 PM
if its poultry............i'm not prejudice.....i eat it.....specially iffin its cooked on a charcoal grill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! num num  :hubba: :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/07/18, 01:33:02 PM

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/07/18, 05:30:56 PM
Atta boy Glenn!! No drying em out there.  Looking friggen spectacular dotch, I'm guessing the Mrs needed you to devour it all to do some catching!!   :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on May 05/07/18, 06:46:56 PM
I am glad we talked about this, I am going to get me some pork steaks and grill them.  I also love them in a 9 x 13 baking dish with sliced spuds, mushrooms, onions, doused in 2 cans of Cream of anything and baked in the oven.  I usually throw in a can of green beans for color since we all love them.  20 minutes before I take it out I also douse it with shredded cheese.  SO the word here is DOUSE!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/07/18, 07:05:20 PM
If you and Delbert did that together, you could DOUSE and SOUSE all nite long!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/07/18, 07:43:28 PM
If you and Delbert did that together, you could DOUSE and SOUSE all nite long!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/09/18, 11:07:18 AM
That dark meat?   My wife doesn't eat dark meat chicken.    Or turkey.   
(seems like a dangerous post)

Has nothing to do with the color of my meat del...maybe if I ran it thru the whirlpool first... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: She claims they had chicken in general too many times as a kid. I dunno. We raised and ate lots of it also but Mom was always good about changing it up so it wasn't the same thing every time. God I miss that lady and her cooking... :sad:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/09/18, 11:49:28 AM
Dark, shmark! Ya either like chicky and turkey, or ya don't! I ain't into eating dainty watercress sandwiches and day long soused & boiled meats... grill up and smoke the yardbirds!!!  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/12/18, 09:33:13 AM
After Mayo ticked me off by making me fast for a fake blood draw, I decided to retaliate!  :azn: Had center cut vs. sirloin chop challenge night. Plum wood in the smoker boxes. Liked 'em both but hit the center cuts just about perfect whereas the sirloin chops might've been a hair more done. And for dessert out of sheer spite, I made meself some strawberries and ice cream! Take that!  :moon:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/13/18, 09:01:44 AM
Bits and pieces brat night after averting a minor crisis: I ran a little short of enough Boodles to make one last G&T so had to improvise. Made a tank mix with Beefeater. Was OK but I don't recommend it. Brats got a combo of wood smoke too. Was plum, pear and apple in the smoker boxes. Brats were decent, a little pea salad and beans. After a couple brats, I was stuffed and nodded off. :happy1:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on May 05/13/18, 09:17:56 AM
I have a small beef chuck roast thawed and may get a rack of ribs to smome today as I mentioned in Morning thread.  I just like doing ribs...  Good excuse to sit around and have a few and enjoy the day.  May use the chuckie for sandwichs this week.  Not sure how long to do the chuckie so am winging it. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on May 05/13/18, 09:29:22 AM
Looks great boys!
We did some beef kabobs last night, but it was late and didn't take any pictures.....oh well...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/13/18, 06:50:42 PM
Oh boy you guys gotter goin on!! I gotta stop licking my screen and start cooking again!  :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/13/18, 09:39:10 PM
Last but not least Mama's Day salmon. Had enough wood left over in the smoker boxes to give it a subtle hint. A baked tater and homemade key lime ice cream for dessert. Best of all, I should have enough leftovers to go deep into the week.  :happy1:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/18, 09:42:47 PM
Man dotch,vthat looks good, wish I could afford that!! :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/14/18, 06:29:39 AM
Man dotch,vthat looks good, wish I could afford that!! :pouty:

Union thugs can easily afford salmon at 7.99 a pound or so.  That's what it is at Costco anyway.  Was 8.99 for a while.  You don't need the $25 buck copper river stuff to enjoy it. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/14/18, 07:07:59 AM

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on May 05/14/18, 08:00:29 AM
KeyLime Icecream?Never thought of that.Them limes must be inseason we got a small bag last week and I made a KeyLime pie. I like em a bit sour so the ole girl whipped up some sweet sweet as in sugar cream for topping
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/14/18, 08:12:30 AM
Can't beat a Key lime pie, IMO. Except maybe, a raspberry cheescake.... :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/18, 08:19:43 AM
 :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: key lime pie on the grill???? :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :doah: :smoking:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/14/18, 09:06:57 AM
:scratch: :scratch: :scratch: key lime pie on the grill???? :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :doah: :smoking:

ya never heard of smoked lemon or limes????   where have ya been!!!!  perfect for a drink!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :doofus: :crazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/18, 09:09:21 AM
nope....never heard of it, besides dont you and gunner gotz some issues to work out!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/14/18, 09:11:01 AM
nope we are good, we just try to keep you up to date!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/14/18, 09:13:31 AM
nope we are good, we just try to keep you up to date!!!

Boy, that's gonna be a tough job..... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/14/18, 09:17:53 AM
it will take the whole gang to do it!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/14/18, 11:15:23 AM
KeyLime Icecream?Never thought of that.Them limes must be inseason we got a small bag last week and I made a KeyLime pie. I like em a bit sour so the ole girl whipped up some sweet sweet as in sugar cream for topping

Had never had it before either. One of the folks who was delivering flowers or something gave it to her I think. Even had the crumbly sugar crust on top. Was mighty tasty.  :happy1:

I splurged on the salmon because Mrs. Cheviot really likes it. Was $9.99/lb. and was a 1.6 lbs. slab. I've seen lamb chops at the same meat counter go for north of $13/lb. so have to keep it in perspective. I hadn't grilled fish for a while either so it was a nice change. Tend to get in a grilling rut making the same stuff all the time. Salmon turned out very moist not dried out like it is sometimes in restaurants. I feel bad for poor glenn tho. Anybody think I should mail him some of dem leftovers?  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/18, 11:19:14 AM
Yea your good. Although it he a bunch better than the last thing you mailed me. :confused: :confused: :taz: :taz: :taz: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/14/18, 12:02:27 PM
Yea your good. Although it he a bunch better than the last thing you mailed me. :confused: :confused: :taz: :taz: :taz: :rotflmao:

That was a highly functional gardening item, for a master gardener like you!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on May 05/14/18, 12:45:54 PM
KeyLime Icecream?Never thought of that.Them limes must be inseason we got a small bag last week and I made a KeyLime pie. I like em a bit sour so the ole girl whipped up some sweet sweet as in sugar cream for topping

Had never had it before either. One of the folks who was delivering flowers or something gave it to her I think. Even had the crumbly sugar crust on top. Was mighty tasty.  :happy1:

I splurged on the salmon because Mrs. Cheviot really likes it. Was $9.99/lb. and was a 1.6 lbs. slab. I've seen lamb chops at the same meat counter go for north of $13/lb. so have to keep it in perspective. I hadn't grilled fish for a while either so it was a nice change. Tend to get in a grilling rut making the same stuff all the time. Salmon turned out very moist not dried out like it is sometimes in restaurants. I feel bad for poor glenn tho. Anybody think I should mail him some of dem leftovers?  :rotflmao:
I do think you should mail 57 some left overs!!!! Let em sit out forr a few days first
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/14/18, 12:48:19 PM
On a side note, Fareway foods has big chicken quarters on sale for .77 a lb!   :shocked: Got me a passel of 'em. Glenn should be happy, I will no longer shop at Walmart, home of the empty shelves. THREE weeks in a row....no Ice Mountain water....diet Pepsi.....Diet tea....bugles...smoked ham deli lunch meat....three weeks! To he** with 'em!   :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/18, 02:13:52 PM
On a side note, Fareway foods has big chicken quarters on sale for .77 a lb!   :shocked: Got me a passel of 'em. Glenn should be happy, I will no longer shop at Walmart, home of the empty shelves. THREE weeks in a row....no Ice Mountain water....diet Pepsi.....Diet tea....bugles...smoked ham deli lunch meat....three weeks! To he** with 'em!   :moon:
:happy1: :happy1: :bow: :bow: :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: :blues brothers: :blues brothers: :blues brothers: :rocker; :rocker; :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :kingscourt: :kingscourt: :kingscourt: :snow3: :party3: :party3: :party3: :party3:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/14/18, 02:16:04 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/14/18, 07:06:57 PM
Burglars while raining style. Bacon and onion,  it's the best I can do workout a gas grill..  :rolleyes:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/14/18, 07:11:58 PM
looks good!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/14/18, 07:20:30 PM
Looks great! I see Remi is overseeing the cooking... :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on May 05/15/18, 08:17:38 AM
Man does that look good Bobber....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/15/18, 08:53:24 AM
Burglars while raining style. Bacon and onion,  it's the best I can do workout a gas grill..  :rolleyes:
Hmmm.......... no fish>???????? :sleazy: :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

looks  :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/15/18, 01:03:27 PM
Looks great Boober! :happy1: Guy's gotta do whatcha gotta do!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/15/18, 07:35:28 PM
Chicky, red skin tater salad, spring salad, green tops, and iced tea on break from the deck staining.....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/15/18, 10:12:49 PM
Num, num, num, me like grilled chicky  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/16/18, 05:45:55 PM
Rubbed a slab pigger with Reb's Rib Rub, then mesquite smoked it this time.  Lotsa BBQ sauce glaze, and the usual side salad left-overs. Four tall ones of iced tea. Plus milk.  Did yard work all day.... and finished staining the deck stairs. *phew*   :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/16/18, 08:37:12 PM
Looks like katchup to me!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/17/18, 09:55:44 AM
Lotsa tasty animal for an animal, you animal Reb!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Cooperman on May 05/17/18, 07:35:51 PM
Rubbed a slab pigger with Reb's Rib Rub, then mesquite smoked it this time.  Lotsa BBQ sauce glaze, and the usual side salad left-overs. Four tall ones of iced tea. Plus milk.  Did yard work all day.... and finished staining the deck stairs. *phew*   :tongue:

Is that a pork steak? Where do you buy those? I never see them in the store or meat market. Are they cut from a pork shoulder with the bone?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/17/18, 08:11:41 PM
Yup! Also known as blade steaks. Look for them alongside the CSR's and pigger chops. Usually packed two together. They should be available everywhere. Usually on sale about now for around $1.49 lb. I have my butcher buddy cut me 1" thick "slab" steaks. They are nicely marbled, allowing for a tender, juicy steak, when slow-cooked on the grill. I like 'em better than ribs......been my favorite for probably 20 years.

Here's a nice primer on them, Coop...

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on May 05/17/18, 08:41:56 PM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Cooperman on May 05/18/18, 07:22:20 AM
Thanks Reb, I'll be looking for those. They look delicious.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/18/18, 07:28:08 AM
No prob, Coop. If you shop at SlyVee, they call them "pork shoulder"....leave it to them. :rolleyes:
Usually packaged like this... let us know when ya try some!  :smiley:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/18/18, 09:33:22 AM
I'll have to see if Morgan's can slice me off some of those. They look excellent. You grillin' 'em direct or indirect on the Weber Reb?

Suffered a near career ending knee injury when I got taken out by a couple yearling ewes. In retribution, am thinking it's about time to grill some lamb again! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/18/18, 09:39:25 AM
Sorta direct, off to one side of the coals, or one side of the burners,  as low as the grill goes...which is 225-250*. A foil pkt of wood chips on the other side over direct heat/burner. Flip 'em a couple times to get all the juice off, (or bbq sauce will "slide off") then slather in BBQ sauce last 10-15 mns or so. I pull 'em at about 155-160*, and they're always tender and juicy.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/18/18, 05:21:00 PM
So, directly indirect perhaps sorta kinda... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/18/18, 06:14:01 PM
Yup, that's pretty much sorta right.  :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on May 05/18/18, 06:49:55 PM
Got it.  Thanks
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/18/18, 10:51:37 PM
Tonite's action was subject to a game delay. A sudden shower came up out of nowhere. Checked a couple radar sources before I believed it. Lamborgers are still among my favorites. Easy peasy yet so versatile when it comes to seasoning and tweaking. Pear wood tonite and it melded well with the subtle flavor of Cheviot lamb.  :happy1: OK, a few G&T's were consumed but I always enjoy myself.  :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/19/18, 07:22:32 AM
Those look great! But....oh no...is that...is that.....on the plate...... :doah:   ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on May 05/19/18, 07:28:59 AM
Americas most loved vegetable....    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/19/18, 07:33:22 AM
french cut too!!!  looks great great Dotch!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/19/18, 08:04:01 AM
I like french cut....in other things.  :evil:  :whistling:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on May 05/19/18, 02:07:39 PM
Chicky, red skin tater salad, spring salad, green tops, and iced tea on break from the deck staining.....

Rebs...what's in the spring salad?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/20/18, 06:36:45 PM
Great combo dotch,  gotta love burglars and a rain delay to be able to mix up an extra  :happy1: A little marinated chops , lightly sauced ( unlike me) with fried taters , onion and butter. No bacon this round, sculpting ya know.. :scratch:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/20/18, 06:41:23 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on May 05/20/18, 08:26:25 PM
I like french cut....in other things.  :evil:  :whistling:


Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/20/18, 10:11:49 PM
I concur LPS!  :rotflmao: Great lookin' pork chops there Boober! I bet Mrs. Boober couldn't keep her hands off you after consuming that delectable meal. Sometimes ya just gotta take one for the team... :surrender:

I took some of Reb's advice (bad idea usually). He once told me that women really like it when you put a potato in yer pants but neglected to tell me it was supposed to go in the front! Old joke but so am I. Anywho, I got my hands on some pork steaks along with some IA cut pork chops and proceeded to grill them indirect. Thought for a minute maybe I'd out thrown my coverage. Was a lot of meat. Not so fast...turned out absolutely fantastic. Tender, juicy and caught the pear wood smoke wonderfully. I love it when a plan comes together.  :happy1:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/24/18, 07:55:33 AM
Chicky, red skin tater salad, spring salad, green tops, and iced tea on break from the deck staining.....

Rebs...what's in the spring salad?

It's this.....but I cheated, and bought some at Fareway. Same thing...delicious.  :tongue:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/26/18, 09:58:27 AM
With Mrs. Cheviot away, it means I can shoot cats out the window and grill chicky! Or try anyway. Nice tray of thighs caught my eye and I was hungry for chicken again. Indirect this time, apple wood in the smoker boxes smokes 'em up nicely. Added a little vinegar to a couple nearly empty bottles of BBQ sauce so utilized them. Blueberries, ice cream and some kind of pastry thingy from a Dutch bakery in Boone IA. Had help cleaning up too!  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/26/18, 01:40:17 PM
we're doing chicky hind quarters on the weber tonight, going to do indirect cooking too.. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on May 05/26/18, 02:18:44 PM
My award winning world famous , pulled pork. And have of the pork will be made into enchiladas!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/26/18, 02:22:27 PM
Cheeseburglars and mac salad!!!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/26/18, 03:40:24 PM
My award winning world famous , pulled pork. And have of the pork will be made into enchiladas!
yea well we all know it ain't gonna be your world famous fish. Ya gotta catch them first!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :moon:

Does look good though. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on May 05/26/18, 04:44:33 PM
Just sliced a bunch a tatters paper thin for potato chips to go with this we saw on a cookin show
along with fresh morel mushrooms Sandy just found in the yard!! First time in our yard normally their in a neighbors
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/26/18, 05:16:31 PM
Med-rare two cheese cheeseburglars, my ham/pea/cheddar mac salad, some bourbon beans...and a couple o' scoops of butter brickle ice cream. :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/26/18, 05:43:19 PM
Dang Reb you eat good! KATCHUP and Velveeta cheese!!! :hubba: :rotflmao: :smoking:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/26/18, 05:50:59 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on May 05/26/18, 07:22:52 PM
I could eat burgers a few times a week and I love butter brickle ice cream. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/26/18, 07:44:42 PM
Butt... Butt,.... How can ya eat a burger with out an onion. :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: raw er fried??! :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/26/18, 08:59:57 PM
Butt... Butt,.... How can ya eat a burger with out an onion. :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: raw er fried??! :doah:

Because you've never had one of mine, doofus.   :azn:  I make every burger the same way. Toss one lb of fresh ground in a bowl, chop 1/4  small onion up fine, toss in, along with a 1/4 capful of liquid hickory smoke, bit of seasoned salt, and lotsa course ground black pepper. I hand patty three 1/3 lb'ers outta that. Grill to medium rare, flipping three or four times. Keeps the juice "evenly" inside. And NEVER press down on a patty on the grill!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Boar on May 05/26/18, 10:17:57 PM
My award  winning world famous pulled pork, and enchilada pork!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/27/18, 09:34:09 AM
Did Glenn give you the award?  :party1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/27/18, 10:47:14 AM
Encore performance of the pork steaks. Saw them on Friday at the meat market counter when I was buying brats. Soaked them in apple juice a la Reb and seasoned with curry powder. Used up the last of my pear wood & finished them off with a little sweet bourbon glaze. Nummy!


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/27/18, 10:58:17 AM
Now THERE'S  a perfect meal!!!   Another pigger steak convert!!!! :happy1:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/27/18, 02:48:33 PM
Figgered I'd post my recipe here again so Glenn can yap that it has nuthin' to do with grillin'..... :rotflmao:

Just made a batch of creamy goodness to beat the heat..... :tongue:

                               Reb’s ‘cukes in sauce

1 very large cucumber (or 2 smaller ones)
1 purple onion
⅓ cup of Miracle Whip
1 cup of good thick sour cream
1 Tbsp sugar
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp. Dill weed
¼ tsp. Onion powder
¼ tsp. Garlic powder
⅓ cup white vinegar

Make sauce:

Combine all ingredients except for onion and cucumber, slowly folding in. Don’t stir fast!
Peel and slice cucumber thin, add to sauce. Cut very thin whole slices off of onion; then quarter them.  I use half the onion. Add to sauce.
Refrigerate overnight, occasionally stirring. Sauce will thin out by next day.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on May 05/27/18, 03:02:08 PM
Wow reb I make almost exactly the same. I omit the sourcream thats it, and some times I use hellmans mayo rather that Mwhip
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/27/18, 03:04:54 PM
Try it with the sour cream! Good stuff for hot wedder either way!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/28/18, 05:18:12 PM
Had that slab marinated pigger steak, soused wid BBQ sauce. That marinating hasta be the trick. It was like eating a soft, juicy marshmallow. Started off wid a nice loaded salad with Roquefort, as we used to call it, (ask Buffy the waitress for that nowadays and get a blank stare) then into the good stuff....the pigger slab, candied yams, my 'cuke salad, lotsa iced tea, and a nice cream bar for dessert. I may have a bowl of butter brickle later just to cover all bases.....*urp*   :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on May 05/28/18, 06:20:50 PM
Brats on the grill tonight on Boleo bread along with cold rizitto and ASPARAGUS!!! I told the ole girl STOP PICKIN IT she did anyway. Pistachio Gelato fer dessert.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on May 05/28/18, 06:35:07 PM
Dew, if ya lived closer...I would get some from ya!
I haven't got crap out'a my patch  :banghead:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/28/18, 06:41:33 PM
I agree with HD, maybe next year....   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/28/18, 07:50:00 PM
Dew, if ya lived closer...I would get some from ya!
I haven't got crap out'a my patch  :banghead:
mine did just fine!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/29/18, 07:14:05 AM
Dew, if ya lived closer...I would get some from ya!
I haven't got crap out'a my patch  :banghead:
mine did just fine!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

You get crap outta yer patch??! Do ya use KATCHUP on it?  :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on June 06/07/18, 11:59:17 AM
Well It's not the weekend!! Us retirees dont care what day it is :confused:
 This morn I made a pasta salad creamy Italian dressing on pasta with pepperoni,Salami,green peas, cheese,carrot,broccoli and I just started a charcoal fire to grill/smoke a Pork butt roas over apple woodt, That was stuffed wit Garlic 1/3 cloves heavily last night then rubbed with some cajun seasoning.News just said maybe rain around 5 PM here!!! Hope it holds off I'm soooooo sweet I could melt in da rain!! :sleazy: :smoking:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/07/18, 12:26:34 PM
Way to go, Dew!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/07/18, 12:52:08 PM
sounds good Dew!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/07/18, 04:33:03 PM
Good luck dew2, man some great looking meals up and down the thread,  I gotta stop slacking and start joining in on the fun..
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on June 06/07/18, 05:55:47 PM
5 hours later a 5 lb. butt that I had cut Pork steaks off a whole butt.Just right fer 2 of us!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/07/18, 07:12:43 PM
sweet!!!!!  way to go Dew!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: deadeye on June 06/08/18, 08:01:10 AM
Very nice.  Yesterday I we had brats on the grill for supper at the land.  Plan on going up again tomorrow and staying overnight.  Got a number of chores to do.   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/09/18, 07:57:30 AM
Lookin' good there dew! Keep eatin' that pork. We gotta lot of corn to burn up.  :happy1:

Hadn't made time to grill recently. However after a rain day that allowed me to clean up a massive paper avalanche & my trusty companion Ruby supervising I was ready. Besides I had to get in the right frame of mind for the upcoming holiday. Today is World Gin Day!  Think I'll celebrate by heading to Cashwise. A 750 ml of Hendricks is on sale for $23.98!  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/09/18, 10:06:36 AM
Looking good guys!! We're doing brats as well tonight. I don't have any gin dotch but I'll do my best on a box of Busch light though.. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on June 06/09/18, 10:27:28 AM
Lookin' good there dew! Keep eatin' that pork. We gotta lot of corn to burn up.  :happy1:

Ya dotch I;d rather it be lamb!! the trade war startin aint lookin good for farmers but I
ll do my best with  pigs!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/09/18, 03:05:21 PM
Thawing out some lamb burger for tonight. It's difficult for me to pass on pork right now tho. At $2.19/lb. for Hormel center cut chops how can you go wrong? For a little over $5, you get 4 beautiful chops so there are several meals worth of leftovers. Same with the pork loins. Still a bargain & easy to grill.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/09/18, 06:53:09 PM
Brats otta town style... When it's not raining anyhow.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/09/18, 07:42:14 PM
Brats otta town style... When it's not raining anyhow.

nice set up!!!!!  man you can do some serious cooking on that!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/09/18, 08:25:15 PM
Dat is nice Boober! Dem brats look mighty tasty.  :happy1: Am envious. Postponed due to rainout here.  :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on June 06/09/18, 08:51:19 PM
And sorry for now pics but ground pork is $2 something a pound.  Was going to buy beef for burgers and thought no way.  Bought the ground pork and makes great burgers.  I may even like it better than beef.  The wife liked it too. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/10/18, 10:12:07 PM
Lamburger on the grill especially Cheviot burger is still one of my faves. Had a long day, didn't get lunch so I was due. Swiss cheese is a weakness of mine. And rhubarb pie with ice cream to finish ain't too far behind.  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/11/18, 09:42:31 AM
Wow! looks great! But...what is that stuff ya put on the lettuce?  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/11/18, 09:44:29 AM
Dat be Tousand Island. Usually put it on Ruebens!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/11/18, 09:47:12 AM
Ohh...thought it was mebbe melted smurf cheese. Velveeta.  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/11/18, 10:15:48 AM
Ohh...thought it was mebbe melted smurf cheese. Velveeta.  ;)
:happy1: :smoking: :sleazy: :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: :rocker; :rocker; :rocker; :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/11/18, 11:25:16 AM
Ohh...thought it was mebbe melted smurf cheese. Velveeta.  ;)

Nope, no fake cheese or rubber pasta here... :rotflmao:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DimcvAg-FJs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DimcvAg-FJs)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/11/18, 06:42:19 PM
Nice spread dotch!! I bet you were running for cover after that!! Me as well, steaks, bacon wrapped taters and hand picked greens from the garden. Ufda, here she comes,I might as well wave it now!! :surrender:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/11/18, 10:08:21 PM
Likewise Boober! Awesome looking meal.  :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:

I concur. Doncha just hate it when they give you that come hither look? I mean, do they think we can just turn it on and off like a switch? I tell ya... :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/12/18, 07:04:51 PM
Speakin of switch dotch, I'm gonna hafta switch gears while she's doing dishes and run!! Homemade Swedes, taters n bacon with a side salad..im doomed.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: corny13 on June 06/13/18, 05:08:17 PM
Leech lake rusty crawfish boil on its way..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: corny13 on June 06/13/18, 05:11:49 PM
Guess I should have posted in other thread.  Venison sausage and new taters first 10 min.  Then sweet corn...then lobster tails then crawdads and shrimp.. bud orange also in boil!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on June 06/13/18, 05:29:25 PM
WOW You Dog Corny!! Lobster MMMM Shrimp MMM Mudbugs MMM new taters MMM<<<See how I spelled dat Reb>>>  Vennie sasuage  :sleazy:Gets 1 M
 That is the best I have seen here yet!!
 My taters are just startin to flower but they are some of my fav spring early summer garden food!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/13/18, 05:45:03 PM
Wow!!! Youse guys are really doin' it up good!!! Loster, c'dads, shrimp......:happy1:
 I'll just gnaw on these measly chicky drumsticks and tater salad... :undecided:   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: corny13 on June 06/13/18, 05:46:39 PM
Caught some giant mud bugs almost lobster size..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: corny13 on June 06/13/18, 05:48:49 PM
Corn is about done time to throw in the other stuff..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/13/18, 06:15:40 PM
A Maine pot boil!!  :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/13/18, 07:01:29 PM
corny, that is awesome!!!!!  love to be there too!!!!   hope ya all enjoy!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on June 06/13/18, 07:02:45 PM
Caught some giant mud bugs almost lobster size..
Well then ya gotta suck some heads fer me :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/13/18, 07:15:48 PM
O no...... :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/14/18, 10:08:06 AM
Sweet, Boober! Gotta keep yer stamina up.  :happy1:

Ah, those crawdads look delightful Corny. Was wondering when people were going to figure out they're really good to eat.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on June 06/14/18, 12:15:37 PM
I made a couple of traps a few years ago.  I need to put them out. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/14/18, 02:46:22 PM
Just waiting for them to get to our end of Vermilion.    Got a trap waiting, got my outdoor stove, and a big pot ready.   In quetico we do something similar only with lake trout.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: corny13 on June 06/15/18, 06:15:40 PM
Rock bass cut up make good bait BTW!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/15/18, 06:49:34 PM
Isn't that illegal?  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/15/18, 10:02:28 PM
Isn't that illegal?  :scratch:

I believe it is.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: corny13 on June 06/15/18, 10:18:07 PM
Oops it was just the heads and tails after cleaning...rockbass are all eaten... non wasted,,😊
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on June 06/15/18, 10:27:35 PM
Isn't that illegal?  :scratch:

I believe it is.
In Minnesota it is,I think Corny is from nort da ko ta.  Corny what say? I use sheepies as cut bait here in Mn.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/16/18, 07:30:47 AM
Isn't that illegal?  :scratch:

I believe it is.
In Minnesota it is,I think Corny is from nort da ko ta.  Corny what say? I use sheepies as cut bait here in Mn.

Don't think ya can do dat either.... :undecided:


• Unwanted minnows and leeches cannot be disposed of in Minnesota waters.
• Up to 12 dozen minnows can be transported without a commercial minnow license.
Using whole or parts of game fish, goldfish, or carp for bait is unlawful.

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/16/18, 07:47:40 AM
Nuttin'! Did all the cookin' yday when I got back from Mom's Bday. Made a batch of 'cukes in sauce, macaroni ham 'n pea salad, beans,  cooked up some hamburglars to reheat, have some cheddar brats...I'm all set. No goin' out in dat heat and hume for me!  Even have a piece of Bday cake! :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/17/18, 06:55:31 PM
same here tonite Reb, just a venny summer sausage with miracle whip sammich with Velveeta cheese on whole wheat bread. :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/18/18, 08:46:13 AM
Hey Reb, hope yer Mom had a Happy Birthday. Sounds like you busted yer @ss to make sure she did.

Made a pit stop at Morgan's meat market Friday before leaving town & picked up a couple strippers, er, strips! Friday was a rotten day so we wound up getting a shine on before I tossed some food together. Saturday nite we had supper at some friends place. Worked hard in the heat yesterday so was time to unwind last nite. Macaroni salad, Reb's faves & a strip with a hint of applewood smoke. Ice cream & chocolate syrup for dessert. All this while protecting myself from malaria & scurvy as well as thwarting Mrs. Cheviot's advances. Don't know how I get it all done some days... :scratch:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on June 06/18/18, 10:21:26 AM
Tonights grill is store bought real cajun andouille sausage and my home made Boudin sausages with grilled corn husk on and a 8 fruit salad wit a dab a whipped cream. gotta get movin to get a bit done today!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/18/18, 10:39:40 AM
Tonights grill is store bought real cajun andouille sausage and my home made Boudin sausages with grilled corn husk on and a 8 fruit salad wit a dab a whipped cream. gotta get movin to get a bit done today!

Ya grill the corn husk, and not the corn?!  And eight fruits salad? Is that a Glenn family thing? :scratch:   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/18/18, 10:40:52 AM
Tonights grill is store bought real cajun andouille sausage and my home made Boudin sausages with grilled corn husk on and a 8 fruit salad wit a dab a whipped cream. gotta get movin to get a bit done today!

Ya grill the corn husk, and not the corn?!  And eight fruits salad? Is that a Glenn family thing? :scratch:   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :tut: :tut: :tut:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/18/18, 10:57:05 AM

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on June 06/18/18, 10:57:45 AM
 I got outta bed this morn,was dark and I grabbed my shorts umm brown in back yellow in front it was dark!! I thought umm what would Reb do?? NO WAY I was gonna sniff em but all turned out OK :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/18/18, 11:58:19 AM
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/19/18, 05:28:09 PM
T-storm chicky. Fired up the grill, just closed the lid on da chicky, and *CRACK*BOOM* poured like a cow. Said screw it, the chicky's stayin' on da grill. Stayed out in da pouring rain while I stood under the eaves. Paired it up with yellow and white supersweet cawn, herb stuffing, and fresh onyums.   :tongue: *urp*

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on June 06/19/18, 06:20:06 PM
I just started chickie thighs 6 of em at 10 to 6,got a bag a asparagus out 1 Margrets sweet pepper from the garden on the grill,Coleslaw from a great recipe made yesterday and abit a fruit salad left.Sandy is makin some kind a tater so I'm gonna get fat tonight!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/19/18, 07:26:44 PM
Does that mean you'll be wearing yer mumu later?  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/19/18, 08:06:59 PM
Sirloin steak on da grill, cawn, boiled taters fried in butter and onions!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/19/18, 09:47:52 PM
Cripes, how many ya havin' over, ya piglet??! And where's yer KATCHUP for the taters?! What's all the sauces for? Cover up the taste of yer cookin'?  :doah: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/20/18, 08:04:13 AM
Cripes, how many ya havin' over, ya piglet??! And where's yer KATCHUP for the taters?! What's all the sauces for? Cover up the taste of yer cookin'?  :doah: :rotflmao:
well good morning to you yoo!!!!!!!! :bonk: :rotflmao: dem sauces entice theflavor of dem steaks......no katchup with that meal. that fed me and da misses AND enough for 2 lunch pails!!!!!!!! yes i still carry my lunches to work!!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/20/18, 08:27:55 AM
Well, aren't you just a special liddle fella!!!!!  :azn: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on June 06/20/18, 09:57:35 AM
 So now that glenn has a camera and finally learned to use it and post pics we all need pics
 Think yer right reb all them sauces store bought cover up the taste!! :smoking:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on June 06/20/18, 10:20:39 AM
Cripes, how many ya havin' over, ya piglet??! And where's yer KATCHUP for the taters?! What's all the sauces for? Cover up the taste of yer cookin'?  :doah: :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/20/18, 10:32:57 AM
 :bonk: :bonk: :mooning: :mooning: :moon: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i sen dat in da paper today!!!! i chuckled!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/20/18, 01:44:31 PM
Wow! Reb's got chicky, as does dew and glenn's grilling steaks. I gotta get my spy satellite tuned in better so I know when to accidentally drop in.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/20/18, 02:14:53 PM
I see Aldi has lamb leg on sale for $5.99 lb............................
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/20/18, 03:04:31 PM
I saw a recipe for lamb neck roast....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/20/18, 04:41:16 PM
I saw a recipe for lamb neck roast....

So, ya gonna zip over there and grab some? Has salmon on sale too....with the plank.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/20/18, 05:53:02 PM
Everyone must be havin' TV dinners tonite...... :puke:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on June 06/20/18, 06:01:37 PM
I saw a recipe for lamb neck roast....

So, ya gonna zip over there and grab some? Has salmon on sale too....with the plank.
I'm goin in to aldi REb morrow only got 1- 1/3 leg o lamb left an this says boneless.Then the salmon I'll try maybe just for the plank,Course I got cedar trees cut an dried I can make my own plank cause I am smarter than a board :sleazy: :smoking:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/20/18, 06:04:41 PM
Ya, but ya can get out yer wood-burning set and burn yer name into the board, and hang it on yer outhouse door.  :azn:

Here's the ad..................https://www.aldi.us/en/weekly-specials/our-weekly-ads/?store_code=1092
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on June 06/20/18, 06:11:55 PM
Ya, but ya can get out yer wood-burning set and burn yer name into the board, and hang it on yer outhouse door.  :azn:

Here's the ad..................https://www.aldi.us/en/weekly-specials/our-weekly-ads/?store_code=1092
Wood burin set???? Must be somethin you southerners do. I do burn wood an I was forced to remove the double holer! I burned it.Bet that would draw some southerners BBQ!!! :mooning: :sleazy: :smoking:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/20/18, 06:43:20 PM
Two hole pulled pork?  :scratch:  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/23/18, 05:14:36 PM
Mixed things up a bit...put my rib rub on the chicky thighs, and the sweet 'n sour plum sauce on the pigger medallions. Red skin 'tato salad, slaw, and the veggies.. :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/23/18, 05:54:43 PM
Lookin' good dare Rebster!  :happy1: Think you should try some of your thigh rub on the neighbor lady!  :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/23/18, 06:04:02 PM
My back hurts too much.  :undecided: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/23/18, 07:01:34 PM
I'm thinking a darn nice looking meal!!!!  love the fresh veggies!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/23/18, 07:51:56 PM
My back hurts too much.  :undecided: :rotflmao:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on June 06/24/18, 03:57:46 PM
NY strip steaks tonight wit a wisp of mesquite smoke,cauliflower wit hollandaise sauce,mashed taters chive & sour cream.Pecan pie an  NY Vanilla ice cream.
 Got lucky an went out for sunfish last late afternoon took 8- 9 inchers BUT the steaks were thawed for tonight>>>Really rather have the sunnies scaled filleted wit skin on my fav!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/24/18, 05:42:28 PM
You old pharts,  actually thats how gramps wanted his pan fish, cut off the head, gutted and scaled... Your options dew is a good decision no matter what you choose.. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/24/18, 06:33:03 PM
Scaled with skin on sunfish is the only way!! :happy1: I actually still clean a few whole ones for myself too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/24/18, 06:38:17 PM
Old pharts... :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/24/18, 07:17:49 PM
Old pharts... :mooning:

I'm in that group too!!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/24/18, 08:01:21 PM
Old pharts... :mooning:
so your saying your still wet behind the ears!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Spaced the picture, it's what happens when your old I guess  :pouty: :doofus: had grilled chicken breasts with some noodles outta da bag.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/24/18, 09:14:04 PM
After a busy weekend. Dessert and ni-nite snack. Kemp's chocolate ice cream

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/25/18, 08:01:25 AM
Old pharts... :mooning:
so your saying your still wet behind the ears!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Spaced the picture, it's what happens when your old I guess  :pouty: :doofus: had grilled chicken breasts with some noodles in da bag.

Who's this noodles guy? Is that yer neighbor buddy? And "in the bag"...he was drunk? :scratch:  :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/25/18, 08:24:12 AM
Old pharts... :mooning:
so your saying your still wet behind the ears!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Spaced the picture, it's what happens when your old I guess  :pouty: :doofus: had grilled chicken breasts with some noodles in da bag.

Who's this noodles guy? Is that yer neighbor buddy? And "in the bag"...he was drunk? :scratch:  :confused:
:scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: huh!!!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :doofus: :doofus:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/26/18, 10:31:06 PM
With Mrs. Cheviot gone I am left to my devices, mainly my Weber, plum wood and G&T's!  :happy1:

Had a range war tonite...ribeye with six lamb chops. I ate about half the ribeye & a couple chops. Was stuffed.  :azn:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b68DbDzqBa4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b68DbDzqBa4)

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/27/18, 07:42:19 AM
Perfect portions!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/27/18, 06:12:08 PM
Anyone ever have real bitter cucumbers? Washed and peeled a couple Regular cukes) and made my 'cukes in sour cream. So damned bitter, I had to throw it all away... :angry2:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/27/18, 06:46:56 PM
bad sour cream.........  but never did like it that well....   :rotflmao: ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/27/18, 07:15:06 PM
Sour cream was fine, dingleberry! Cukes were bitter!! Figgered Glenn the garden expert would know!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/27/18, 08:22:52 PM
Did ya cut the ends off?? If ya did not sure never had bitter cukes. But I don't purchase them either. :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/28/18, 07:44:39 AM
Yes! Peeled and washed, then sliced!  :angry:  I haven't either, but I've heard sometimes you'll get real bitter ones. My food buddy said if ya do, peel, slice, and soak in salt water for a while, then rinse, drain and lay on paper towels. Too much work for a couple 'cukes for me.

Found this....

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/28/18, 05:35:23 PM
Brat burgers from the butcher on toasted sesame seed buns. (thanks for the idea, Mikey!) Spring salad, slaw, and the usual accompaniments.  :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on June 06/28/18, 06:56:39 PM
Brat burgers from the butcher on toasted sesame seed buns. (thanks for the idea, Mikey!) Spring salad, slaw, and the usual accompaniments.  :tongue:
Hows that go??  2 beef patties???????????????On a toasted sesame seed bun an special sauce??Mikey likes it EH!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/28/18, 07:00:33 PM
Yup! Didn't really care for 'em. Kinda salty, and they swelled way up....weird. Kinda like eating a breakfast sausage, but it was something different.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/28/18, 07:22:22 PM
depends some times where ya get them too...  to bad Rebs!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/28/18, 07:24:43 PM
Got 'em yday, fresh outta the butcher case at Fareway......I'm not big on brats, anyway.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/29/18, 03:15:43 PM
Great looking steaks n chops Dotch, nuttin wrong with a little range clashing. Ya it varies Reb when it comes to those brat parties, but I don't mind em. Speaking of that I'm gonna fry up some brats on the hood of my truck in a bit, probably could at these temps!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/29/18, 05:49:36 PM
Ah, I can just see the neighbors wondering what Boober's up to. Of course they might be used to it by now.  :bonk:

Yer meal sure looked good Reb. I find too that I'm less enamored with brats than I used to be. Last batch of Johnsonvilles I bought on sale were awful, even worse than usual. Tasted like they'd left the boar pig meat switch on a little too long. Ish. At least the dog thought they were OK. Left some piles in the yard that looked just like them and probably would've tasted better!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/29/18, 06:17:47 PM
Good lord, I ment brat patties... friggen auto correct.  :crazy: Tonight we're trying Cubs smokehouse, but still ya never know what some kraut will cover up.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/29/18, 07:05:11 PM
I only buy brats from small plants that make them tons better than some on the open market...  brat patties too generally, but once in awhile from Coburns here..   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on June 06/29/18, 07:21:00 PM
I'm with ya Dotch.. Johnsonville has gone downhill on their quality.
We've been buying Klements, we like them better.

Great dinner Rebs!
I would like to find a good brat patty up here... I remember having them when I was younger. They just don't have them up here.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/29/18, 08:42:42 PM
Brat patties... can't you just mix some seasoning mix with ground pork? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/29/18, 08:47:30 PM
I'm with ya Dotch.. Johnsonville has gone downhill on their quantity.
We've been buying Klements, we like them better.

Great dinner Rebs!
I would like to find a good brat patty up here... I remember having them when I was younger. They just don't have them up here.

Johnsonville is garbage!!!  Ambassador brand is better....but still a far cry from "good".
I think it was these I tried last year, HD...they have cheddar and jalepeno, and a few other flavors besides the beer ones. Can find them fresh and frozen in the freezer..they weren't too bad, just pull off grill early or they get kinda dry.

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/29/18, 08:51:54 PM
Brat patties... can't you just mix some seasoning mix with ground pork?

I 'spose....but then it's the trial and error thing. And what seasonings....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/29/18, 08:59:18 PM
Brat seasoning, silly!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/29/18, 09:00:46 PM
3 lbs. ground pork
1/2 Cup minced onion (1 small onion) optional
3/4 Cups water


Place the pork, BRATWURST SAUSAGE SEASONING, and onion in a bowl. Add 3/4 cup water. Mash with a hand potato masher or stir vigorously with a large fork for at least a minute. This will help hold the patties together during cooking. To make a consistent 4-5 oz. patty, place about 18" of plastic wrap on the counter and use a 1/2-cup ice cream scoop or measuring cup to scoop up some sausage. Pat gently into shape. To help prevent sticking on the grill, place the patties in a single layer on a cookie sheet and put them in the freezer for 20 or 30 minutes. You can also store them in the freezer individually wrapped. Pan-fry or grill the patties over medium heat until browned and cooked through, about ten minutes, 15 if they are more than a little frozen.

Prep. time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Yield: 9 brat patties

Bratwurst Sausage Seasoning

The sausage that made Milwaukee famous.

Hand-mixed from: salt, white pepper, mustard, nutmeg and onion.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/29/18, 09:03:31 PM
Might be worth a try there, Delmar. I should dig around for my Penzey's catalog/brochure...
I really think I'm gonna try the egg and cheese on one on toast for a bfast McReb... :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: deadeye on June 06/30/18, 07:42:04 AM
Today burgers, Sunday steak, Monday Ribs, Tuesday chicken, Wednesday Brats, Thursday Fish, Friday whatever is left in the fridge after a week at the lake.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/30/18, 12:37:32 PM
Glenn better run out and get a few hundred cases of katchup fast...... :shocked:  :rotflmao:

Trade war looms as Canada announces billions in retaliatory tariffs against U.S.

TORONTO — Canada announced billions of dollars in retaliatory tariffs against the U.S. on Friday in a tit-for-tat response to the Trump administration's duties on Canadian steel and aluminum.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government released the final list of items that will be targeted beginning July 1. Some items will be subject to taxes of 10 or 25 percent.

Trudeau and President Donald Trump spoke late Friday, in what may have been their first direct conversation since Trump tweeted that Trudeau was "weak" and "dishonest" after leaving the G-7 meetings in Quebec earlier this month.

"As he has said in past conversations and in public, the Prime Minister conveyed that Canada has had no choice but to announce reciprocal countermeasures to the steel and aluminum tariffs that the United States imposed on June 1, 2018," Trudeau's office said in a statement.

The taxes on items including ketchup, lawn mowers and motor boats amount to $12.6 billion.

"We will not escalate and we will not back down," Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland said.

Freeland said they had no other choice and called the tariffs regrettable.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/30/18, 02:08:35 PM
 :angry2: :angry2: :tut: :banghead: training-087 :taz: :taz: :taz: OK NOW there messin with serious stuff here. :confused: :pouty: :pouty: :doofus:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/30/18, 02:17:50 PM
Better plant a 1000 'mater plants, quick!  :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/30/18, 06:08:32 PM
Glenn uses imported catsup?   Or he buys it in Canuckistan?   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/30/18, 07:28:30 PM
I wouldn't imagine, and I don't either. Put down that wine-cooled hookah, Delmar, and reread "Tariffs 101" ...:rolleyes:

Which goods are included on that list?

Yogurt, coffee, prepared meals like frozen pizza and dinners, detergent, whiskies, beer, lawnmowers, heaters, sleeping bags, mattresses, and a range of office supplies including felt-tip pens.

Also on the list of 10 per cent or more tariffs are non-household dishwashing machines, combined fridge-freezers, household laundry machines, sailboats, motorboats, chocolate, maple syrup, licorice, toffee, nut butters, jams, orange juice, cucumbers and gherkins, soy sauce, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, flavoured water, shaving products, hair lacquers, manicure and pedicure products, and soups.

WATCH FOR: Peanut butter tariff: EU threatens one in response to proposed U.S. steel, aluminum duties

All those tariffs will work by imposing a levy on manufacturers when they ship their goods north of the border and in turn, those companies will pass on those costs to consumers.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/30/18, 07:41:22 PM
MAGA!!! :pouty: :crazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/30/18, 07:45:15 PM
Trumpty-Dumpty should read it, too. Dumb azz. We tax them. They tax us back. Makes lotsa sense to me. :angry:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/30/18, 08:00:18 PM
Trumpty-Dumpty should read it, too. Dumb azz. We tax them. They tax us back. Makes lotsa sense to me. :angry:
I agree. Now if you only knew about catching sunfish.  :rotflmao: :oops1: :offtopic: :rotflmao: live ya man. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/30/18, 08:21:03 PM
Hey Del, I try and buy as much American made union stuff I can. Maybe you should try it sometime.

Maybe you should try it sometime. I care about American products and jobs.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/30/18, 10:39:37 PM
The Canadians putting a tariff on Catsup/Ketchup increases the price of it in Canada.    The tariffs on whatever they are on like maybe paper or softwood lumber or maple syrup that we import from Canada increases the price in USA.  Therefore, Glenn's American made Union products become more competitive or perhaps just more profitable.

At least that is the way I learned it back in the day.   
Trumpty-Dumpty should read it, too. Dumb azz. We tax them. They tax us back. Makes lotsa sense to me. :angry:

Or, they subsidize exports to the US.  We let them.   The American companies and their union workers can't compete and go broke or stop producing that product in the US.  Sounds like a plan that is good for some and bad for those American Union factory workers that used to make furniture or washing machines or steel.   

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/01/18, 06:53:38 AM
The Canadians putting a tariff on Catsup/Ketchup increases the price of it in Canada.    The tariffs on whatever they are on like maybe paper or softwood lumber or maple syrup that we import from Canada increases the price in USA.  Therefore, Glenn's American made Union products become more competitive or perhaps just more profitable.

At least that is the way I learned it back in the day.   
Trumpty-Dumpty should read it, too. Dumb azz. We tax them. They tax us back. Makes lotsa sense to me. :angry:

Or, they subsidize exports to the US.  We let them.   The American companies and their union workers can't compete and go broke or stop producing that product in the US.  Sounds like a plan that is good for some and bad for those American Union factory workers that used to make furniture or washing machines or steel.

Readjust yer googles and read AGAIN from US News and Report:

All those tariffs will work by imposing a levy on manufacturers when they ship their goods north of the border and in turn, those companies will pass on those costs to consumers.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/01/18, 07:02:33 AM
North of the border is Canada for rhe tariffs we were talking aboot.  The price to costumers goes up in Canada, just like the price of steel and aluminum will go up in the USA due to our tariffs.

Yeah, we are putting tariffs on some stuff from Mexico, but not Glenn sauce.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/01/18, 07:06:06 AM

  OK. Whatever. It's just fake news.   :banghead:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/01/18, 09:06:37 AM
Just so long as I can still get my liter of gin at the duty free!  :cheesy:

Had purchased a flatiron steak from the local meat market earlier in the week so last nite in between rain showers I managed to get the charcoal fired up and get 'er grilled. Was some leftover plum wood involved as well. Did it indirect as I wanted no complaining it wasn't done yet not totally wrecked. Came out nice and juicy and done to Mrs. Cheviot's satisfaction. I instantly hid as I knew she would take that as an invitation to attempt to grope me. I'm joining the Me Too movement!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/01/18, 09:06:58 AM

                               :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/01/18, 09:08:35 AM
Just so long as I can still get my liter of gin at the duty free!  :cheesy:

Had purchased a flatiron steak from the local meat market earlier in the week and in between rain showers managed to get the charcoal fired up and get 'er grilled. Was some leftover plum wood involved as well. Did it indirect as I wanted no complaining it wasn't done. Came out nice and juicy and done to Mrs. Cheviot's satisfaction. I instantly hid as I knew she would take that as an invitation to attempt to grope me. I'm joining the Me Too movement!
looks good dotch!! :happy1: :happy1: i'm in on the me too movement, cept I wanna get groped!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/01/18, 04:16:58 PM
Store brand brats with canned Franks kraut..... :tongue: Ya, I know, but it's what's here. Do have some fresh red skin 'tato salad and fresh sugar snap peas, though..... :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/01/18, 05:41:15 PM
Same here Reb only w/o the kraut or other goodies. Eat these up and we can get back to the good ones from the meat market, in between a bunch of other stuff of course. I see some pork & chicky in my future as Mrs. Cheviot is gone again starting Tuesday. And of course I am Reb's surrogate gin drinker!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/01/18, 07:25:30 PM
just made taco brats from the market I go to!!  turned out great on the grill!!  they were fresh brats too!!  no flair up to speak up!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/01/18, 08:08:34 PM
just made taco brats from the market I go to!!  turned out great on the grill!!  they were fresh brats too!!  no flair up to speak up!!!   :happy1:
till tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :doofus: :doofus: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/02/18, 07:45:04 AM
 :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/02/18, 08:04:21 AM
Just in time for Glenn's 4th of July grill out.... :shocked:


Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/02/18, 09:26:31 AM
Just in time for Glenn's 4th of July grill out.... :shocked:


dont blame me............i didnt vote for dat putz!!!!!!!!!! :tut: :censored: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/02/18, 10:51:35 AM
Ya, Hillary would've banned katchup because it contains too much salt and contributes to global climate change!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/02/18, 11:50:11 AM
 :mooning: :mooning:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/02/18, 12:00:40 PM
 :mooning: :mooning: :mooning:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on July 07/02/18, 02:46:43 PM
:mooning: :mooning:
How dare you UNION>>>first pic HALE POTUS!!!!!!! 2nd pic

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/02/18, 08:31:01 PM
 :tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: ELECT A CLOWN,........ EXPECT A CIRCUS. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/03/18, 06:43:17 AM
Yah, but Hillary didn't get elected. ;) No circus that i see.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/03/18, 08:02:46 AM
Yah, but Hillary didn't get elected. ;) No circus that i see.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: when you see a circus and clown act everyday................it becomes a norm!!!!!!!!! :evil: :shocked: :azn:

oh and dont get the wrong impression...........i didnt vote for her either!!!!!!!!! :tut: :tut: :tut: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/03/18, 08:10:16 AM
And here we were talking about katchup..... :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/03/18, 08:16:34 AM
must be that weird stuff again!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/03/18, 09:18:48 AM
Strange things in that katchup. :crazy: :doofus:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/03/18, 09:34:04 AM
Strange things in that katchup. :crazy: :doofus:

yup it even hijacked this one!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/03/18, 09:38:34 AM
Yup. That stuff finds it's way into the strangest things..... :doah:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/03/18, 09:42:54 AM
Yup. That stuff finds it's way into the strangest things..... :doah:

made with British potatoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/03/18, 09:43:11 AM
OMG! The country really is going down the toilet... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/03/18, 09:45:04 AM
Bloody wankers!!!!  :angry: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/03/18, 11:39:43 AM
Same here Reb only w/o the kraut or other goodies. Eat these up and we can get back to the good ones from the meat market, in between a bunch of other stuff of course. I see some pork & chicky in my future as Mrs. Cheviot is gone again starting Tuesday. And of course I am Reb's surrogate gin drinker!  :rotflmao:
dang nabit Dotch..................you got it made. :happy1: :happy1: the wife leaves town, you eat like a king, drink like a fish and when she gets back flounders all over you till you give in!!!!!! :scratch: :pouty: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/03/18, 12:19:13 PM
Same here Reb only w/o the kraut or other goodies. Eat these up and we can get back to the good ones from the meat market, in between a bunch of other stuff of course. I see some pork & chicky in my future as Mrs. Cheviot is gone again starting Tuesday. And of course I am Reb's surrogate gin drinker!  :rotflmao:
dang nabit Dotch..................you got it made. :happy1: :happy1: the wife leaves town, you eat like a king, drink like a fish and when she gets back flounders all over you till you give in!!!!!! :scratch: :pouty: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Got 'er packed up and headed out the door this a.m.! Bought chicky yesterday tentatively for tonite, grilling LOL (leg of lamb) mañana for an outing tomorrow nite. I'm feeling some pork steak coming on for the weekend alla sudden, maybe a bottle Tanqueray on sale while I'm at it. Oh & better replenish the lime supply. They're dwindling last inventory check.  Gotta prevent scurvy and malaria in order to maintain my stamina... :rotflmao: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/04/18, 12:44:37 AM
Did chicky thighs on the grill tonite.. Smokehouse maple seasoning with sweet bourbon glaze on the tail end. Plum wood in the smoker boxes. All in all pretty good eats.  :happy1:

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo2qQmj0_h4  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo2qQmj0_h4)

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/04/18, 05:12:20 AM
Lookin' good there, Dotcheroo! Can't beat chicky offa da grill!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/04/18, 05:55:41 AM
Sayin' T-storms and heavy rains ( :doah:) here today......so much for the smoked 4th of July rack o' ribs. May have to bake some chicken inside instead..................... :censored:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/04/18, 09:01:54 AM
Not supposed to get here until after lunch so I'd best shake a leg, er, a couple legs actually. Put 'em in apple juice overnite so gotta get the rotisserie fired up. Wanted to plant some string beans (you like them, you know ya do! :rotflmao:) but but between the mosquitoes and the heat, that project is on the back burner for now. Much easier to sit inside in the AC and watch the grill.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/04/18, 09:05:07 AM
Ribs are on da grill smokin' away right now...before the poo hits. I'll just reheat and eat.  :azn:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/04/18, 09:06:30 AM
Ribs are on da grill smokin' away right now...before the poo hits. I'll just reheat and eat.   :azn:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/04/18, 09:07:50 AM
WTH....it doubled up my post again... :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/04/18, 09:21:01 AM
Lookin' good Rebster! Spoke too soon about the weather. Sounded like one of the neighbors was shooting off some big fireworks. Looked at the radar and it ain't fireworks. Little line of stuff just getting organized. Looks like my procrastination paid off once again. :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/04/18, 09:25:57 AM
Ya, you got a good line formin' up....KEEP IT THERE!!!!!    :smiley:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/04/18, 09:33:41 AM
Looking good guys!! Nuttin wrong with hitting hit a little early reb!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/04/18, 09:44:21 AM
Danged right! Ummm nummmm..................*NOM *NOM*  :laugh:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/04/18, 10:13:30 AM
Mmmmm...that makes a guy want to sit in a corner to gnaw on it and snarl if anybody comes close!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/04/18, 10:33:26 AM
Mmmmm...that makes a guy want to sit in a corner to gnaw on it and snarl if anybody comes close!  :happy1:

I'm gonna.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/04/18, 12:08:00 PM
Your the man reb, not one set but 2 sets o ribs!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/04/18, 12:09:09 PM
WTH....it doubled up my post again... :doah:
operator error!!!!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/04/18, 12:18:09 PM
Ahh, pipe down, pupster! Don't you have some pickles to pack?  :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/04/18, 12:34:46 PM
Ahh, pipe down, pupster! Don't you have some pickles to pack?  :bonk:
:nerd: :nerd: afternoon bud!!!!!!!!!! ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/04/18, 12:48:28 PM
How do!  :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/04/18, 06:50:02 PM
Dang it, fergot pics but cheese burglars, toasted buns and fried onions on da grill with onion rings in da oven...  :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/04/18, 07:09:27 PM
Ooh!  :shocked: Dat sounds good! Love dem onyum rings! Burglars always right!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/05/18, 10:16:06 AM
Yum! Burgers, onion rings & fried onions on da grill. What doncha like about that Boober? Bet you were thwarting Mrs. Boober's advances afterwards!  :surrender:

Did a couple LOL's on the grill with da rotisserie, cubed da lamb up & put it in a crock pot for friend's gathering at Beaver Lake.  Tender & tasty. No time for pics. Was nip and tuck whether it would happen at all. At least I didn't have to worry about Mrs. Cheviot pursuing me so saved a little time there.  :sleazy:   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/05/18, 04:21:46 PM
At least I didn't have to worry about Mrs. Cheviot pursuing me so saved a little time there.  :sleazy:

you could have spared a couple minutes....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/05/18, 04:58:31 PM
NY strip, garlic toast, green tops, spring salad, red skin tater salad.....*urp*  :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/05/18, 06:46:30 PM
Saved by a gathering Dotch,  almost hafta lock em in the trunk for the ride home though.. I hear ya on the pics, gots new neighbors grill side here, so might hafta break em slow, pic by pic on how crazy I might be with a grill and tongs. Looking fabulistic reb, I'd be na night in no time after that plate!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/05/18, 08:33:45 PM
Dat's one of da reasons I got da Stude Boober! Much easier to stuff her in dat trunk dan in da Fusion.  :sleazy: Ya Rebster it'd be Snorasaurus Rex here after all dat. Looks scrumptious!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/05/18, 08:44:02 PM
NY strip, garlic toast, green tops, spring salad, red skin tater salad.....*urp*  :tongue:
I like those betty crocker box salads too!!! :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/06/18, 07:07:46 AM
Ya, only you would buy a "salad in a box"!  Is that where yer fish comes from, too?  I know yer "home made" muffins do, ya muffin head!  :mooning:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/10/18, 07:02:53 PM
Chicken kaboobs, double bacon wrapped taters with a broccoli salad. Needless to say I have leftovers..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/10/18, 07:17:42 PM
dang good sounding meal!!!!  enjoy the left overs!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/10/18, 08:06:24 PM
Chicken kaboobs, double bacon wrapped taters with a broccoli salad. Needless to say I have leftovers..

On my way...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/11/18, 10:21:25 AM
Better knock first Reb. I'm sure Mrs. Boober still has Boober tied up and is doing unspeakable things to him after that feast!  :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/11/18, 01:12:01 PM
Good point. I'll sit on the step and play ball with Remi.  :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/11/18, 04:50:19 PM
Left-over cheese burglars, tater salad, and assorted things outta the friggentater. I ain't goin' outside in this steambath!!!!!!!!!!!!    :angry:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/11/18, 05:09:39 PM
Nice and cool here if you can handle some lightning and toonder and rain.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/11/18, 05:18:20 PM
Can always handle that....what's for dinner? I can eat again!  :smiley:

He musta ate it all. Prolly boiled beef and jasmine rice with mufungo sauce.  :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/11/18, 08:19:28 PM
Left-over cheese burglars, tater salad, and assorted things outta the friggentater. I ain't goin' outside in this steambath!!!!!!!!!!!!    :angry:
:pouty: ya sissy boy! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/11/18, 08:34:27 PM
What? Someone hear a little mouse squeak?   :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/11/18, 08:58:15 PM
What? Someone hear a little mouse squeak?   :scratch:
nope, must be the marbles Rollin around in your noggin!! :scratch: :doah: :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/11/18, 09:12:56 PM
Can always handle that....what's for dinner? I can eat again!  :smiley:

He musta ate it all. Prolly boiled beef and jasmine rice with mufungo sauce.  :puke:

leftovers, after dealing with almost 3 inches of liquid sunshine, electrically charged.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/11/18, 10:39:39 PM
Send it down to that whiney blue midget, he's yappin' about his dry garden.  :moon: ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/12/18, 06:33:50 AM
Gladly would I send it.  Got another inch or two overnight.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/12/18, 09:38:50 AM
Last nite's table fare: Burgers and center cuts off the grill. On sale and with the weather looking like possible rain for tonite, decided to generate some leftovers. Beefeater, quinine water and lime supply listing badly afterwards but no sign of malaria or scurvy this a.m. Mrs. Cheviot got some pea salad from Fareway. Pretty sure it must be a female aphrodisiac. Pawed me all nite.  :huh:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/12/18, 11:26:28 AM
darn peas!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/12/18, 11:27:26 AM
I better stop buying that!  :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/12/18, 11:55:33 AM
Gonna try some new brat patties. Wanted a quick cook in this 93* steambath. Will be some bourbon beans and coleslaw to keep 'em company.... and a bowl of butter pecan ice cream. :tongue:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/12/18, 12:05:13 PM
 :pouty: :pouty: thought you said you were done with wallywierd???????? :doofus: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/12/18, 12:13:56 PM
I am, but I have to take my Mom grocery shopping there every week. The south store is just down the hill from where she lives. She won't go anywhere else. I saw 'em there yday..... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/12/18, 05:10:06 PM
Well, the verdict on the bacon/cheddar brat patties is in.....DELISH!  :happy1:  Nice bacon flavor; juicy, with lotsa melty cheddar. Beat Fareway's own home-made all to heck, IMO. I'm now a brat patty guy! Looks like my 'tater salad I grabbed was really that mac/pea salad Dotch warned about. I'll have to watch myself tonite; can't be pawin' at the NL. Don't wanna smudge my reputation, ya know.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/12/18, 06:47:08 PM
Dotch said it worked on the wemen only I thought???  Good Luck!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/12/18, 06:48:35 PM
Dotch said it worked on the wemen only I thought???  Good Luck!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Well, she ain't gettin' any of my pea salad!!!!!!!!!!!!! :tut:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/12/18, 07:08:17 PM
come on share your peas with her!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/12/18, 07:09:36 PM
Don't you haveta go polish something? Wait; that doesn't sound right.... :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/12/18, 07:15:32 PM
too funny!!!  stay out of the rain storms tonight!!!  even if ya go next door!!!!  share the love!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/13/18, 12:35:29 PM
getting ready to put 2 racks of St. Louis style ribs on the pellet smoker, going to use the 3-2-1 method again..    son is coming up today and he most likely will one rack!!!

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/13/18, 12:41:33 PM
And who'll have bbq sauce all over their face from the other rack? Hmmm?  :scratch:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/13/18, 02:07:49 PM
Just took a corned beef out of the freezer.  I buy a couple when they are on sale at St. Pats time.  May cook it tomorrow.  Too darn hot to cook indoors.  I was thinking of just double foiling it and adding butter for a few hours.  What I want is a nice moist one to make ruebens.  OR maybe I will put a cabbage in another foil with butter and give that an hour or two.  OR would putting it in a foil roaster with water get a more juicy beef? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/13/18, 02:15:21 PM
Maybe add a can of some beef broth or beef stock to it?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/13/18, 03:27:01 PM
And who'll have bbq sauce all over their face from the other rack? Hmmm?  :scratch:  :rotflmao:

we know it won't be Glenn!!!!  I think I'll be enjoying them myself!!!

did these with a smokey mesquite rub!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on July 07/13/18, 05:40:03 PM
Just took a corned beef out of the freezer.  I buy a couple when they are on sale at St. Pats time.  May cook it tomorrow.  Too darn hot to cook indoors.  I was thinking of just double foiling it and adding butter for a few hours.  What I want is a nice moist one to make ruebens.  OR maybe I will put a cabbage in another foil with butter and give that an hour or two.  OR would putting it in a foil roaster with water get a more juicy beef?
Good choice LPS,We get 5 around st Pats day and space em out through the year for something different.When brisket was cheaper at WalMart I,d corn our own and have a little control over salt. I suggest you rinse the heck outta it and then let it soak in water for a few hours to drop salt content.Boiling does that But if on the grill or baking one has to rid it of salt!!
 Years back first store bought on we smoked was so salty it went to the dog,cat an critters that frequent the yard.
Rinse in the sing 5-10 minutes then let soak in clear water at least 2 hours rinse pat dry an grill.
 Yesterday we spoke of doin one just to hot so we are waitin till Mon.? Tues.When a cooloff is said to be here wit low humidity
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/14/18, 10:27:09 AM
I had the wife buy me a 9 x 13 pan just to use when I am using it on the grills.  I am going to cover the beef tight with foil.  It will be sitting on top of carrots and celery stalks.  May do Rebs beef broth idea with water and spices.  This for a couple of hours at about 350 then put in the cabbage and maybe spuds for another hour.  May not even put in spuds.  Doing this on the gas grill since it is so hot out don't want to cook inside.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/14/18, 10:47:23 AM
low and slow Barry!!!!  sounds good too!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/14/18, 11:26:40 AM
Sounds great! I'd bump it down to 325*. Just me, though.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/14/18, 12:55:09 PM
lower yet!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/14/18, 01:30:31 PM
lower yet!!

Bet you say that to all the girls.  :shocked: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/14/18, 03:11:57 PM
there ya go with that sec thing again!!!!! :tut: :tut:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/14/18, 03:13:26 PM
Who?! Moi?   Never!  :angel:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/14/18, 03:15:30 PM
yes you!!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/14/18, 03:47:48 PM
I hope Barry has lotsa pics of his goodies when they're done...

I'm hickory smokin' up a couple big chicky quarters for din-din....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on July 07/14/18, 06:55:17 PM
Pigger chops, asparagus & deep fried crinkle fries.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/14/18, 07:31:31 PM
Wowser,  that looks mint guys. I been smokin and swillin on beef all day for the  wife big feed on Monday, I got to have egg salad fer dinner... :scratch: :drinking:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/15/18, 06:54:02 AM
something wrong with that picture Bobber!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/15/18, 08:09:39 AM
I think he got a tad disomBOOBerated.   :tequila;   ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/15/18, 10:56:42 AM
Here is the before.  Turned out good but a little tough.  Didn't cook it long enough.  Will have to steam it or something to make it more tender for ruebens.  Cooked it for 2 hours meat only.  Then put in the cabbage etc and cooked for another hour or so.  Tasty though. 

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/15/18, 11:13:56 AM
Lookin' good there! A low, slow moist covered cook should loosen that right up. How about on low in the crack pot for a couple hours?   :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/15/18, 01:23:43 PM
That's looks dynamite lps, I like what you did there.  Yep probably a bit more heat should loosen that guy up. Crack pot, lol reb that brings back some memories next door.. :happy1:. Responding to rebs inquiry on the roast on the other page, turned out great. Here's a shot of round one, smoked this 6 lbs for 3 hrs then off to the oven covered until 195ish was hit. 2 rounds of this yesterday,  it was around 8 last night when the last roast after resting got shredded. Now its the belly's turn, just got going..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/15/18, 03:06:42 PM
lookin  good Bobber!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/15/18, 03:45:28 PM
lookin  good Bobber!!!

That's an understatement!!!           :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/15/18, 05:31:30 PM
Thanks gents!! It might look hillbillyish but smoking over charcoal or wood turns out great.
Gotta gas smoker that all it sees is jerky.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/15/18, 06:27:12 PM
Charcoal and wood is THE only way to fly! I only use gas 'cuz it ain't worth otherwise doing a small portion for just me. If a couple buddies come over, the charcoal comes out.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/16/18, 10:18:44 AM
Charcoal for me. I usually am trying to generate leftovers. Some prime looking vittles fellers. Barry shouldn't be bound up after all that cabbage and Boober will be hiding from Mrs. Boober for weeks following that performance.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/16/18, 10:30:51 AM
Hey Boober?  Is that pork belly chunks in the bottom picture?  I will do that with the corned beef this afternoon Rebs.  Ruebens for us tonight.  Love them.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/16/18, 10:44:21 AM
Hey Boober?  Is that pork belly chunks in the bottom picture?  I will do that with the corned beef this afternoon Rebs.  Ruebens for us tonight.  Love them.

And don't forget the RUSSIAN dressing, NOT 1000 Island, as Del would say.  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/16/18, 04:09:16 PM
Hey Boober?  Is that pork belly chunks in the bottom picture?  I will do that with the corned beef this afternoon Rebs.  Ruebens for us tonight.  Love them.

And don't forget the RUSSIAN dressing, NOT 1000 Island, as Del would say.  ;)

Oh really, I've always just used 1000 on em Rebs.  Just cuz I like it and it is usually here.  So Russian is the real deal?  I will try it.  The corned beef is in the oven in its own juice at 325.  The wife can decide if she wants ruebens or more cabbage and carrots tonight.  Then I will proceed from there.  Both are great.  SEE I am starting to get the retirement thing. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on July 07/16/18, 05:04:49 PM
Hey Boober?  Is that pork belly chunks in the bottom picture?  I will do that with the corned beef this afternoon Rebs.  Ruebens for us tonight.  Love them.

And don't forget the RUSSIAN dressing, NOT 1000 Island, as Del would say.  ;)
Thats right Rebski!! The originals from NYcity are russian,One of my favs always in the fridge.Somewhere along the line 1000 island was introduced which is russian dressin wit additives sweeter!! Look up the original recipw
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/16/18, 05:26:57 PM
Trumps favorite dressing. :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/17/18, 11:15:37 AM
Hey Boober?  Is that pork belly chunks in the bottom picture?  I will do that with the corned beef this afternoon Rebs.  Ruebens for us tonight.  Love them.
Sure is, good stuff. Although I ain't gonna lie my go to at a pub is Ruebens if nothing else catches my eye..
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/17/18, 11:32:15 AM
me likes a good ol rueben!!!!!!!  :happy1: :happy1: and i dont care what kind of dressing is on dere!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/17/18, 12:20:22 PM
Hey Boober?  Is that pork belly chunks in the bottom picture?  I will do that with the corned beef this afternoon Rebs.  Ruebens for us tonight.  Love them.
Sure is, good stuff. Although I ain't gonna lie my go to at a pub is Ruebens if nothing else catches my eye..

And ya notice what I had to eat that nite you and the missus and I went out to eat....a Rueben!   :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/17/18, 04:00:12 PM
Hey Boober?  Is that pork belly chunks in the bottom picture?  I will do that with the corned beef this afternoon Rebs.  Ruebens for us tonight.  Love them.
Sure is, good stuff. Although I ain't gonna lie my go to at a pub is Ruebens if nothing else catches my eye..

And ya notice what I had to eat that nite you and the missus and I went out to eat....a Rueben!   :tongue:
I thought I had one, you had one too?? Doesn't matter good stuff , I'm really intrigued though by  the homemade meat lps has going on though..
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/17/18, 04:36:55 PM
I believe it might be highly beneficial for a couple of meat experts to drop in and thoroughly taste test it... :rotflmao:  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on July 07/17/18, 05:44:05 PM
I believe it might be highly beneficial for a couple of meat experts to drop in and thoroughly taste test it... :rotflmao:  :tongue:
Find one where?The food channel? OR pickme pickme pickme pickme pickme
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/17/18, 06:02:58 PM
Right here. But, can't right now, I'm enjoying a one lb chuck-eye done to med-rare perfection again, with a loaded tossed salad and pickled beets....*urp*

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/18/18, 06:35:16 AM
Looks num numtacular Rebs. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/18/18, 06:41:52 AM
Hi octane there Reb!  :happy1:

Just basic lamborgers last nite here.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/18/18, 08:31:21 AM
Great looking steak n salad reb!! And I can see why dotch waited til this morning to post that pic, momma had him "busy" all night after serving lamburgers!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/18/18, 08:33:39 AM
Looks num numtacular Rebs. :happy1:

 I love it! "Numtacular"....my new bling word!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/18/18, 08:35:43 AM
Lookin' great there, Dotcheroo!  That ain't that Hy-vee mac salad, is it??  :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/19/18, 10:50:14 AM
So THAT explains the Boaranese language!  :shocked: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/19/18, 11:10:18 AM
So THAT explains the Boaranese language!  :shocked: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: personally,..............i think the list is to long to post in boar's case!!!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/19/18, 11:20:51 AM
So THAT explains the Boaranese language!  :shocked: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: personally,..............i think the list is to long to post in boar's case!!!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch:

yya, buttti mjgt bee fnu too ese.    ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/20/18, 05:57:00 PM
Lime-cilantro pigger medallions, candied yams, sweet cawn (farm trucks are out) and some maple-nut ice cream....... :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/21/18, 11:17:26 AM
smoked some eggs last night and made smoked deviled eggs today, good stuff..  going to smoke some pork tender loins tomorrow I'm thinking!!!

and on a side note I got two kohlrabies from my friends garden a few minutes ago.  they are bigger than soft balls!!!!  more good eats!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/22/18, 08:05:37 PM
Meat raffle steaks on da grill, fries by ore ida, fresh garden green beans, cukes and mater's!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/22/18, 08:12:54 PM
Wheres the ketchup for the fries??  Sissiy....sissy.... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/22/18, 08:19:29 PM
Wheres the ketchup for the fries??  Sissiy....sissy.... :rotflmao:
next to the mater's. :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/22/18, 09:19:23 PM
OR could smother the perfectly done med. rare ribeye with nice grill lines all nice and juicy with catsup.....    Gee Glenn...    :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/22/18, 10:11:48 PM
 :tut: A-1 goes on the steak. :happy1: katchup for the fries.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/23/18, 06:35:31 AM
OR could smother the perfectly done med. rare ribeye with nice grill lines all nice and juicy with catsup.....    Gee Glenn...    :confused:

Must be a reason he has to cover up his food with stuff.... :whistling: ;D
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/24/18, 01:28:50 PM
Now I am wanting that ribeye....  Sounds pretty darn good but tonight I am going to grill some of my Curleys Old Fashioned Weiners.  I put them in pork casings so they look like brats but more flavor.  I have been reading up on fried green tomatoes again this year.  Still haven't done them.  May have them as a side tonight.  Oh I guess I have to go to the grocery store don't I?  I like going to the grocery store.  I need cornmeal.  See ya later
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/24/18, 02:27:12 PM
I tried green fried mater's and don't like them.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/24/18, 04:29:49 PM
You can dip them in catsup you know....
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/24/18, 07:22:06 PM
Oh man, I'd hit those green fried maters for sure lps. Good stuff!!  Thought I would do some dredging myself,  salmon filets turned crispy.  Pretty good , shrimp, with sweet taters.man I'm stuffed!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/24/18, 09:32:45 PM
You can dip them in catsup you know....
maters dipped in katchup...…………..hmmmmmm :doah: :doah: :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/25/18, 10:20:46 AM
Tonight is tomato time.  Got corn bread mix instead of corn meal.  I hope it works. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/25/18, 02:14:35 PM
Tonight is tomato time.  Got corn bread mix instead of corn meal.  I hope it works.

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/25/18, 03:22:02 PM
I bet Mrs. Boober wore him down to a nub after that performance.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on July 07/25/18, 04:57:39 PM
Dang I lost my post of how to!!!! But LPS made me want to make fried green maters an I did

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/25/18, 05:06:09 PM
Man those look tasty dew, I gots to do some too!! I'm thinking next time topping with parmesan.  Glenn don't know what he's missing.. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/25/18, 05:16:17 PM
Yea I do. :nerd: :nerd: mater's are designed to eat ripe or made into katchup.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/25/18, 07:13:47 PM
I have a real aversion to eating green nightshade family plants. And if someone is serving barbecued ribs with them, I run!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/25/18, 07:20:26 PM
I have a real aversion to eating green nightshade family plants. And if someone is serving barbecued ribs with them, I run!  :rotflmao:
Yeah, like you run from momma.   "honey am I running too fast?"
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/25/18, 07:56:44 PM
Well we had the fried green tomatoes.  They were pretty darn good.  First in flour, then egg and milk, then in panko flour spices combo.  Could have done lots more spices.  They were nice and firm and when I dipped them in Thousand Island they were much better.  We will do it again in a few days when we get some more big maters. 

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/25/18, 09:23:36 PM
Ya dat Thousand Island isn't just for Rueben's anymore... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/25/18, 10:06:04 PM
Ya dat Thousand Island isn't just for Rueben's anymore... :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/26/18, 07:13:26 AM
I am staying with the ripe maters too!!  when ya have add dressing to make it better than just even more wrong!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on July 07/26/18, 01:54:14 PM
I am staying with the ripe maters too!!  when ya have add dressing to make it better than just even more wrong!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
OH How wrong you are Mike!! Try em.Early greenies are a bit acidic in fall when I normally make ours they arent acidic and sooo good.I dip in nothin just enjoy the taste.
 We'll be commin up yer was soon and maybe meet for lunch??If I cant shake the ladies it would be me The other 1/2 Sandy,her sis an Mom whos 93yrs old.Their in an near Verndale a new lunch spot would be nice!! Is there a 4 corners close to you wit a resturant??They used to go there but quit cause of driving distance
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/26/18, 02:44:48 PM
can't think of a 4 corners off hand, just have to think about that...  let me know when and we should be able to have lunch some where..  Been to Ted and Jens???
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: JohnWester on July 07/26/18, 02:56:34 PM
smoking ribs right now... has anyone smoked corn on the cob? if so, how long and temp?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/26/18, 03:17:01 PM
can't think of a 4 corners off hand, just have to think about that...  let me know when and we should be able to have lunch some where..  Been to Ted and Jens???
after everything I told you about Dew, ya still wanna meet him huh  :scratch: :scratch: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/26/18, 03:33:23 PM
smoking ribs right now... has anyone smoked corn on the cob? if so, how long and temp?

I only did once, I liked it too!!  I shucked it and did what ever to it and laid it on the smoker..  I rolled a few times too..  you will know when it's done..  hope ya like it too!!!  good luck!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/26/18, 03:33:48 PM
can't think of a 4 corners off hand, just have to think about that...  let me know when and we should be able to have lunch some where..  Been to Ted and Jens???
after everything I told you about Dew, ya still wanna meet him huh  :scratch: :scratch: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

 :tut: :tut:   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on July 07/26/18, 03:49:39 PM
smoking ribs right now... has anyone smoked corn on the cob? if so, how long and temp?
Done it for salsas and salads.It gets tough kernels wit the slow smoke but tasty.I wouldnt do it for on the cob corn BUT letting the husk burn while over fire gives a smokie taste when not soaking the whole ear.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: dew2 on July 07/26/18, 04:58:19 PM
can't think of a 4 corners off hand, just have to think about that...  let me know when and we should be able to have lunch some where..  Been to Ted and Jens???
after everything I told you about Dew, ya still wanna meet him huh  :scratch: :scratch: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Why You @^%$#$^*(*&^% I beat you to it years ago when I warned him of you The classic PUTZ!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/26/18, 05:21:15 PM
can't think of a 4 corners off hand, just have to think about that...  let me know when and we should be able to have lunch some where..  Been to Ted and Jens???
after everything I told you about Dew, ya still wanna meet him huh  :scratch: :scratch: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Why You @^%$#$^*(*&^% I beat you to it years ago when I warned him of you The classic PUTZ!
:dancinred: :dancinred: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/27/18, 07:06:29 AM
Spaghetti last night.  Used venison mixed with beef.  Turned out pretty darn good.  The noodles were perfect.  When they stick to the wall they are perfect every time. 

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/27/18, 09:52:42 AM
United Natural Foods to buy grocery store chain

Posted: Jul 27, 2018 8:06 AM CDT

United Natural Foods is buying the grocery store chain, Supervalu, which will include Cub Foods and Hombacher's.

United Natural Foods is purchasing the company for $1.2 billion.

They will pay $32.50 per share in cash or a premium of 67 percent for each share of Supervalu Inc.

Minneapolis based Supervalu reported a rise in sales this quarter of 35 percent, but still had an overall loss of $21 million.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/27/18, 10:04:51 AM
Heading to the meat market late afternoon w/a gift card from a customer. Not sure what to get but will think of something... :cool:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/28/18, 10:23:12 AM
Thought of something! Unfortunately I was counting bugs until after the meat market closed!  :angry: Plan B: Hormel center cuts from Wagner's. Cheap, quick and easy. I knew some girls like that! Add fresh picked sweet corn from the neighborhood sheep shearer, some mac salad and we're good.  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/28/18, 10:38:54 AM
Can ya mebbe spare a plate? Ain't had much time to eat lately....... :huh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/28/18, 10:45:58 AM
Sure. C'mon over. You looked a little gaunt in them fishing pics... :fish2:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: deadeye on July 07/28/18, 12:50:03 PM
Pig roast at my god sons house warming. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on July 07/28/18, 03:40:01 PM
Just finished with 39 qts and 3 pints of dill pickles with lots of dill.  Usually we have a hard time finding enough dill.  My neighbor for some reason planted a 12' x 12' patch of dill.  It is thick and healthy as can be.  I went and got some and I have more than I can use.  I sure wish I knew someone that needed it.  I put garlic in all and jalapeno in some.  Just sat down with a cocktail after the cleanup.  So back to the what on the grill.  It is a nice big porterhouse.  Gonna spice it up soon and cook in a few hours.  Will have onions and mushrooms on top of it. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/28/18, 05:54:58 PM
Ya aren't gonna souse it up in a bag?!  :shocked: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/28/18, 06:07:58 PM
Ya aren't gonna souse it up in a bag?!  :shocked: :rotflmao:

Nah he'll just gamble on cooking it right
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/28/18, 06:27:19 PM
Delmar! Where you be now?!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/28/18, 07:13:55 PM
up north.  Daughter and grandkids just left after a week.  Now some thunderstorms thwarting my plan to get out fishing this evening.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/28/18, 07:57:08 PM
Looking good fellas!!  :happy1: Settled on brats,  sweet cawn and abt's tonight..had to pull some off to make room fer my buns.. :cheesy:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/28/18, 08:13:40 PM
LPS, freeze it for next year!! :happy1: I do all the time.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/28/18, 08:45:58 PM
Way to go Barry! Dats a lot of pickles. And I see Mrs. Boober will be in chase mode once again tonight.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/28/18, 08:52:13 PM
 :hubba: :hubba: :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/28/18, 10:50:48 PM
Under da lites again at the ranch. Bugs are a shadow of their former selves. A friend/customer asked me to look at a field & that he'd pay me for it. Not one I normally looked at. It was an easy call, took about 5 minutes. Told him no charge. One day he shows up and plops a red card on my desk, from Morgan's Meat Market. 40 bucks worth for minimal effort on my part. Gotta like ribeyes medium to medium rare.  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/29/18, 03:55:04 PM
That meal there Dotch can be classified along as foreplay,  I hope you came away in one piece!!  :happy1: :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/29/18, 06:51:58 PM
That meal there Dotch can be classified along as foreplay,  I hope you came away in one piece!!  :happy1: :bow:

That's not foreplay. That's a full on humpalooza.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: deadeye on August 08/01/18, 09:38:57 AM
Not too bad for a guy batching it in the woods.

Prepping supper
(https://tinypix.top/images/2018/08/01/O3z63.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/O3z63)

Cooking supper
(https://tinypix.top/images/2018/08/01/O3lv4.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/O3lv4)

Ready to eat
(https://tinypix.top/images/2018/08/01/O38Uh.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/O38Uh)

All that's left is the view and memories
(https://tinypix.top/images/2018/08/01/O3nBi.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/O3nBi)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/01/18, 10:09:48 AM
looks darn good deadeye!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/01/18, 10:20:56 AM
yea it does..............hmmm.........dont look like venny steaks though  :tut: :rotflmao: look like no names to me!!!!! :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/01/18, 10:24:32 AM
Looks mighty tasty no matter whose they are!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/01/18, 07:06:37 PM
Wowser deadeye,  great meal and layout! I'd be na night in no time..
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/01/18, 08:02:39 PM
What a great time.  The ultimate getaway reward...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/07/18, 02:07:35 PM
Here's one SOMEBODY'S gotta try!    Hint....Boober.... HD....;)

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/07/18, 03:08:12 PM
that's a pan full!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/07/18, 04:03:25 PM
Perks up that 'sparagus!

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/07/18, 04:06:59 PM
Count me in, that's a man style quiche. All that bacon would have Glenn licking his rear for a different taste.. :rotflmao: :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/07/18, 04:15:07 PM
I love watermelon pickles......

:doah: :doah: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: whats that got to do with grillin??? :tut: :tut: :pouty: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/07/18, 04:18:18 PM
What are you talking about?   How did you mess THAT up?!   :scratch:   :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/07/18, 04:23:27 PM
Count me in, that's a man style quiche. All that bacon would have Glenn licking his rear for a different taste.. :rotflmao: :mooning:

Bet you, me, and Mikey could wipe that pan right out!  :happy1:

 And Glenn's a little touchy about his rear, being that's where he seems to get it all the time.. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/07/18, 06:43:52 PM
Thought I'd try something different,  well I cant lie but 2nd time around.  Breaded salmon with some zucchini and grilled zucchini,  dang is that good. No ketchup needed to mask a swell meal!! :tut: :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/07/18, 06:54:59 PM
Cripes!!! Ya sure there aren't any houses for sale on yer block?!   :hubba: :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/07/18, 08:50:09 PM
What are you talking about?   How did you mess THAT up?!   :scratch:   :confused:
:tut: :pouty: this is the grillin thread not pickling thread you dipstick!!!!!!! :doofus: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/07/18, 09:14:34 PM
Once again Boober produces an outstanding gourmet meal. And once again Mrs. Boober paws him all night long... :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/08/18, 07:57:15 AM
Once again Boober produces an outstanding gourmet meal. And once again Mrs. Boober paws him all night long... :happy1: :rotflmao:

Would those meals then be considered "forepaws?"   :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/08/18, 05:32:17 PM
Seasoned pigger chops, redskin 'tato salad, fresh 'maters, green tops, and black olives....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/08/18, 05:37:29 PM
 :pouty: what your to uppity up to post this in the other thread everyone else has!!! :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on August 08/08/18, 06:18:48 PM
He's just giving me stuff to do.......
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/08/18, 07:03:09 PM
Say what?! Who's talking to who about what?! Ihave NO idea what yer talking about!!

OH NO!!! NOT AGAIN!!!  WTH?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/08/18, 07:12:02 PM
 :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :surrender: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/08/18, 07:30:08 PM
Except for those olives it does look good bud!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/08/18, 07:35:25 PM
Except for those olives it does look good bud!!! :happy1:

b lack olives are good!!!  salads pizza  hot dish!!!  come on bacon hater!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/08/18, 07:46:43 PM
Ya! They're delish!!!  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/08/18, 08:18:14 PM
Speaking of grilling has anyone heard from Rinehart lately?  I want to make some breakfast sausage so was thinking of him.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/08/18, 08:20:31 PM
Except for those olives it does look good bud!!! :happy1:

b lack olives are good!!!  salads pizza  hot dish!!!  come on bacon hater!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: there inly good as long as I don't have to eat them! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/08/18, 08:24:18 PM
Green olives are great too.  Love them on pizza.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/08/18, 08:26:27 PM
Dat Reb he knows how to do it! When I grows up I wants to grills jess likes him!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/08/18, 08:46:23 PM
Dat Reb he knows how to do it! When I grows up I wants to grills jess likes him!  :happy1:

Follow my grilled chicky secrets and you will!!!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/08/18, 10:13:48 PM
How do you keep getting this thing to Re: Reb?  :rotflmao:

Finally got to grill me chicky. Celebrating mowing hay, Twitter anniversary and Mrs. Cheviot down for the count tonite! Dat Cavenders is versatile. Like it on lamb, pork and chicky too!  :happy1: Plum wood in the smoker boxes, a little glaze with apple juice and BBQ sauce to finish and there we have it. Sweet corn and baked beans to round out the plate and it's lights out baby!  :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/09/18, 07:41:37 AM
Now DAT'S some chicky!  :happy1: Tell me,  do those decorative lit garden doo-dads attract little blue woodland munchkins at nite?  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/09/18, 08:26:04 AM
Great lookin porky chops reb, ya olives don't last long at my place either  :happy1:. The mrs mighta been down at the time dotch but I'm guessing yur runnin fer cover as we speak  :surrender:. , I believe I'm  grilling a thigh or two myself tonight.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/09/18, 08:39:30 AM
I think I have just the aprons for Boober and Dotch... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/09/18, 10:06:36 AM
Better get one fer yerself you prevert!  :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: roony on August 08/09/18, 10:22:42 AM
Better get one fer yerself you prevert!  :sleazy:
A Cow???
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/09/18, 10:33:58 AM
Better get one fer yerself you prevert!  :sleazy:

Well! No more naked chicken pics for YOU!   :moon:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/11/18, 06:21:41 PM
Phase one: Two ears of Candy corn fresh from the farm truck early this am. Still cool and damp.
Phase two: CSR's fresh from the butcher this am, smoked over apple and hickory chips.
Fresh from the deli slaw and spring salad. Green tops & radishes from that same farm truck. Garlic toast and black olives. Finished off with a bowl of ice cream.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/11/18, 07:04:52 PM
spring salad again???  I thought that was bad!!!!    :puke: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/11/18, 07:12:01 PM
Ya, it's the same batch from a month ago.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/11/18, 07:13:17 PM
Looking fabulistic reb!!  :happy1:  :bow: And here I thought I had it goin on, kaboobs , taters n beans.  Thought I should put the Weber grate down on top or it would be a dinner fer one.. :surrender:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/12/18, 05:21:49 AM
Looks great to me!  :happy1: I gotta whip up a batch o' kabooberbobs soon ....haven't had any yet this year.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/12/18, 12:36:40 PM
Hey Delwood! Here's where I get my cawn....................and ya, that's my buddy Carlos! Was Supervisor of Construction companies at St.Marys......

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/12/18, 04:13:52 PM
I usually go to the stand on south broadway by oreilly auto parts/the former quarter car wash.   About 22nd st. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/12/18, 04:33:33 PM
Isn't that Sleeper's produce? Went to school with him.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/12/18, 07:24:48 PM
Isn't that Sleeper's produce? Went to school with him.

Don't know.  As I recall it says "candy corn" on the truck or canopy or sign.  Still up in North country fair where the wind blows heavy on the borderline, so can't check.   Back pretty soon.  Looking forward to corn and tomatoes.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/12/18, 07:30:50 PM
did some sweet corn on the smoker, ribeyes on the grill and tater salad!!  darn good eats!!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/12/18, 07:48:46 PM
It wasn't that bad "deli salad", was it?!  We'll know tomorrow!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:   :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/12/18, 09:21:05 PM
Great lookin' plate there Reb! I'm kinda hungry after stuffing hay in the shed. How late are you up?  :scratch:

Kabobs are among my faves, Boober! Betting Mrs. Boober will have her track shoes on so hope you ate your Wheaties this a.m.! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on August 08/13/18, 08:16:28 AM
I over did the pork chops on the grill but I nailed the sweet corn.  May be the best corn I ever had.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/13/18, 02:05:43 PM
Sous vide pork loin, finished on grill for dinner with neighbors today.   Intersting to see how it turns out.  Froze it after sous vide, since they had something come up on the original date.   But little smoke, little sear.   ready to go.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/13/18, 05:09:38 PM
Cheeseburglars, and whatever else I can scrape up around here.  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/15/18, 04:41:22 PM
BBQ'd chicky legs! Spring salad, (new kind from Fareway, Mikey!) fresh 'mater's, (never made it to the table...*urp*) fresh green-tops, radishes, and garlic toast.  Bowl of sliced peaches with cream and sugar for dessert.  :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/15/18, 06:41:23 PM
Dang reb, I'd be snoring in no time in da recliner after that.. looking fabulistic!! :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/15/18, 07:15:43 PM
lookin good Rebs!!!  happy meal for sure!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/15/18, 07:29:13 PM
Dang reb, I'd be snoring in no time in da recliner after that.. looking fabulistic!! :bow:

Shhh....I did...right thru the news....*SCHNORZZZZZZZ*SNORK*   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/15/18, 10:24:50 PM
Never figured you for a leg man Reb. But I like it! Boober must still be recovering from his last encounter with Mrs. Boober. :surrender:

Moi? Grilling to let off some steam prior to the Pro Farmer Crop Tour and the MN State Fair. Center cuts again with smokehouse maple seasoning, plum wood in the smoker boxes, cooked indirect. First two ripe tomatoes as well. And I had plenty of dog help when it came time to clean up.  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/18/18, 06:34:14 PM
Ha ha, that's awesome Dotch,  just like you I've been running for cover, a lot lately.  That's a great idea bringing the hounds into it for a diversion,  and ruby looks up for the task. I'm always up fer a challenge so I'll make sure the flip flops are tight tonight. Steaks, bacon wrapped taters, shrooms,  zucchini and a few serranos.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/22/18, 04:31:53 PM
Dang reb, I'd be snoring in no time in da recliner after that.. looking fabulistic!! :bow:

Shhh....I did...right thru the news....*SCHNORZZZZZZZ*SNORK*   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Rochester News is an oxymoron....  Nod off for 30 seconds and you missed it.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/22/18, 05:20:47 PM
Dang reb, I'd be snoring in no time in da recliner after that.. looking fabulistic!! :bow:

Shhh....I did...right thru the news....*SCHNORZZZZZZZ*SNORK*   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Rochester News is an oxymoron....  Nod off for 30 seconds and you missed it.

Ya got that right, especially the moron part. That's why I haven't watched Dorkchester news in over a year.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/22/18, 07:10:04 PM
Cities news or even network news isn't much better
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/22/18, 07:15:12 PM
I watch naked Spanish weather chicks.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/22/18, 07:16:51 PM
I watch naked Spanish weather chicks.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  :shocked:
And fall asleep?  You ARE old.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/22/18, 07:20:21 PM
*GAZAAWK*SNORT*   Whazzat??!     ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/24/18, 05:30:16 PM
Chicky quarters 'n stuff!   :smiley:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/24/18, 07:53:31 PM
no spring salad???  enjoy your meal!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/24/18, 08:03:32 PM
Ahh, go play with yer Tide pods!!!  :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/24/18, 09:07:11 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

         :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/27/18, 05:59:34 PM
Woulda been porker steaks, chopped taters in the cast with wit bacon , onions and a few hot peppers but its black as Toby's azz here so its homemade zas tonight.. Gotta take what da course gives ya I guess.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/27/18, 06:23:39 PM
Don't let the missus grab yer pepperoni.  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/27/18, 06:42:24 PM
Don't let the missus grab yer pepperoni.  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Too late!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/28/18, 09:45:29 AM
Don't let the missus grab yer pepperoni.  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Too late!!
:pouty: :pouty: there's that seks stuff again!!!!!!! :doofus: :pouty: in da grillin thread no less!!!!! :confused: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/28/18, 09:51:17 AM
Well, lookee who's on the grillin' thread, Glenn the iGator!  Don't you have something in yer garden to go pull on?  :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/28/18, 09:58:12 AM
Well, lookee who's on the grillin' thread, Glenn the iGator!  Don't you have something in yer garden to go pull on?  :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
nope....in grand rapids looking to stir the hornets nest!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/28/18, 10:01:23 PM
Reb proves he's not just a leg man once and for all! Way to go Bud!  :sleazy:

Was off feed so decided it was time to see if I could stimulate the appetite. With Mrs. Cheviot away at State Fair, I was able to grill uninhibited without having to thwart her unwanted advances.  :happy1: Pig steaks, grilled indirect, plum wood in the smoker boxes, brown sugar bourbon seasoning with a mango, barbecue sauce & apple juice glaze with a touch of curry powder. Back at the feed trough after that... :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/29/18, 06:14:00 AM
Cripes! You opening a restaurant or something?  "steaks, grilled indirect, plum wood in the smoker boxes, brown sugar bourbon seasoning with a mango, barbecue sauce & apple juice glaze with a touch of curry powder." Sounds pretty danged fancy/tasty! I know Glenn didn't write that..."chops and lotsa katchup''.. :rotflmao:
I might haveta sharpen up my tongs and really get to it.... ya got the jump on me. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/29/18, 07:37:01 AM
You forgot the thousand island dressing only used on Ruebens in fine restaurants... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/30/18, 06:13:00 PM
1/3 lb. double -cheese burglars, tatapo salad, mac salad, green tops, radishes, and black olives. Followed by another 1/3 lb. burglar, and an eskimo pie bar. *urp*  :tongue:
I went from 8:00 am to 4:30 non-stop with basically no lunch. Worked up an appetite. 
Us old pharts get hungry.  :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/30/18, 07:00:17 PM
Wowser does that plate o grub look good Dotch,  better watch your back cuz that plum smoke looks to be going nort, right fer the mrs!  :happy1:. Reb, you gotta be snorin ,ain't no way your still upright after that feast.. Looks fantastic!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/30/18, 07:10:43 PM
Yup, I is, Boob! Fartin' around on the deck and sippin' iced tea! A yawn did escape me, though.... :rolleyes: :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/30/18, 07:45:16 PM
I was in the cub in Vadnais heights and they were selling hatch chilis, hot or mild, for 50cent per pound so I bought a bunch,  today I am starting to roast them so I can freeze them.

It was a great deal, sopposedly they were regular 2.99.

Mmmm green chili cheeseburgers.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/30/18, 07:52:28 PM
1/3 lb. double -cheese burglars, tatapo salad, mac salad, green tops, radishes, and black olives. Followed by another 1/3 lb. burglar, and an eskimo pie bar. *urp*  :tongue:
I went from 8:00 am to 4:30 non-stop with basically no lunch. Worked up an appetite. 
Us old pharts get hungry.  :rotflmao:

WOW!!! one pound of burger!!!  I bow to you!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/30/18, 07:55:06 PM
Only 2/3 lb really, but thanky anyway!  :bow:  (I saved one for later)  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/30/18, 07:58:39 PM
I was in the cub in Vadnais heights and they were selling hatch chilis, hot or mild, for 50cent per pound so I bought a bunch,  today I am starting to roast them so I can freeze them.

It was a great deal, sopposedly they were regular 2.99.

Mmmm green chili cheeseburgers.

And just what were you doing up there? Hmmmm? Fareway has their 85/15 ground chuck for $2.49 lb...bought a ten lb. tube today. Silver Lake Foods has whole pork loins at $1.59 lb. Bought a three lb'er there...better get over to them, Del.  Stock that winter freezer.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/30/18, 08:36:54 PM
I was in the cub in Vadnais heights and they were selling hatch chilis, hot or mild, for 50cent per pound so I bought a bunch,  today I am starting to roast them so I can freeze them.

It was a great deal, sopposedly they were regular 2.99.

Mmmm green chili cheeseburgers.

And just what were you doing up there? Hmmmm? Fareway has their 85/15 ground chuck for $2.49 lb...bought a ten lb. tube today. Silver Lake Foods has whole pork loins at $1.59 lb. Bought a three lb'er there...better get over to them, Del.  Stock that winter freezer.

I was in Vadnais Heights helping our daughter and her husband with their two kids for the two weeks in between the end of summer programs and the start of school.    Went to pick up some stuff for dinner, and there were these Hatch Chilis.   

Didn't even make it to the fair, one girl had a virus and a temp so the day at fair got cancelled.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/31/18, 05:11:21 PM
Rain and wind stopped long enough to get some coals ashed over, so I boiled some raw brats while they were doing their thing. Found in the bottom of the freezer when cleaning it out the other day; Abbyland old-fashioned from god-knows-when or where. Pretty tasty. Paired up with some ranch pasta and the usual other stuff did the trick.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/31/18, 07:13:07 PM
good dinner!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/01/18, 09:40:33 PM
Burglars? Brats? It's amazing the neighbor lady consortium hasn't put out a full scale attack on Reb!   :tut: Good stuff Maynard!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/01/18, 11:27:19 PM
Meanwhile, back at the ranch,,,

Chicky on the grill tonite. $.88/lb. so easy peasy leftovers. 1st of our green beans from the early July planting, yellow pear tomatoes from the garden, tossed salad and Mrs. Gerry's macaroni salad. And of course some refreshments from the juniper berry bush.  :happy1: Mrs. Cheviot still absent so making up for lost time. Soon she will be home and demand my full attentions. I suddenly have a headache.  :confused:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/02/18, 06:18:29 AM
Meanwhile, back at the ranch,,,

Chicky on the grill tonite. $.88/lb. so easy peasy leftovers. 1st of our green beans from the early July planting, yellow pear tomatoes from the garden, tossed salad and Mrs. Gerry's macaroni salad. And of course some refreshments from the juniper berry bush.  :happy1: Mrs. Cheviot still absent so making up for lost time. Soon she will be home and demand my full attentions. I suddenly have a headache.  :confused:


Now there's a Reb-0-licous meal! With the exception of those stringy green tubes, of course.   :rotflmao:  Nuttin' like cold chicky leftovers for a midnite snack!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/02/18, 02:37:28 PM
Man o man them brats n chicken platters look Devine!! I can see why you guys need your shoes tied tightly,  don't need em coming undone running from da ladies.. :happy1: Not much going on up here, babysitting some ribs gonna slice up zucchini for the grill later to pair with, and I'm sure a salad of some sort.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/02/18, 05:10:39 PM
One of many projects tomorrow,  a buddy dropped off some Alaskan salmon and halibut,  the Halibut will be grilled but the the salmon is getting brined and smoked..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/02/18, 05:20:14 PM
Holy cowz!  :shocked:  You sure know how to do it up right, Mr. Boober!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/02/18, 10:12:55 PM
You got that right! I hope Boober's been doing his fartleks. Just about the time Mrs. Boober thinks she has him cornered he can turn on the burners!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/03/18, 09:06:14 AM
It's the BBQ smoke on Boober and Dotch that do it, not the aftershave... :rotflmao:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on September 09/03/18, 09:15:05 AM
Ha Ha That is great Rebs. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/07/18, 06:03:22 PM
A nice, juicy, 1 lb chuckeye, done to med-rare perfection. Chive tater salad, fresh green-tops, black olives, and a toffee ice cream bar for dessert. *urp*  :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/07/18, 06:46:29 PM
 :scratch: :scratch: no green beans!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/07/18, 06:51:52 PM
Glenn boy! What did YOU eat today? Everything?   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/07/18, 06:54:53 PM
Glenn boy! What did YOU eat today? Everything?   :rotflmao:
:evil: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: working on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/07/18, 07:16:47 PM
Oh baby  :hubba:, I'm up fer round 2!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/07/18, 08:34:01 PM
Funny, that's what she said................. :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/09/18, 07:55:05 PM
Enough bafoonery, back to da grillin! Charcoal grilled chicky, sweet corn, rice a Roni, and mater's. And look NO katchup. :nerd:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/09/18, 07:57:36 PM
You are a buffoon. RICE-A-RONI?!  RUH ROH!!!!  :doah:   Looks danged good to me!!! Da chicky looks perfect!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/09/18, 08:07:13 PM
Tanks Reb. I consider myself an expert charcoal grilled chicky guy. Pretty steller at turkeys on da charcoal to.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/09/18, 08:11:10 PM
darn good looking meal I'd say!!!   way to Glenn!!!  no katchup toooo!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/10/18, 07:11:25 AM
Wanted to tell ya Glenn...had to go to yer big favorite store the other day to get a prescrip, so as long as I was there, bought some groceries. Wanted to make my fried rice, so decided to buy some Rice-a-roni. Couldn't find it, store has been all rearranged (all screwed up) so I asked one of the grocery workers where it was. She was a "diverse" person. Her answer: "What is that"? Me: You don't know what Rice-a-roni is, and you work in the grocery dept"?
"I do not know".... :doah:  Sure glad I've switched to shopping at Fareway.
By the way, I make the fried rice, add a chopped hard boiled egg, and some cubed smoked pork (ham steak) to it, along with some chopped chives.....better than a chinee restaurant!

Um numm...

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on September 09/10/18, 07:48:51 AM
Man that sounds good Rebs.  I may have to do that some day.  So I did the 2 fatties yesterday as the game was on.  They turned out great.  I used parchment paper once I got the sausage flattened in the gallon Ziploc.  Parchment worked great.  The meat doesn't stick to it as much.. I did both in Jimmy Dean, one regular, one italian.  Stuffed one with jalapeno halves with lots of sharp cheddar and chopped onions.  The other I chopped up a green pepper, onions, and smothered in mozarella and sharp cheddar.  The only bacon I had was thick cut from Stittsworths so I didn't do a weave just a wrap.  SO we didn't grill the steak that I have spiced.  Maybe do that tonight. 

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/10/18, 08:10:38 AM
good eats!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/10/18, 10:56:26 AM
Oooo! Some stellar performances here. Reb has the neighbor lady eating out of his hand, glenn has Smurfette after his chicky and Barry had the Mrs. after his fattie!  :sleazy:

Grilling brats under the lights while watching the scabby Packers prove once again that they are a less than ordinary team without Rodgers.  :moon:

Fresh brats from Morgan's, direct for a couple minutes then indirect with plum wood in the smoker boxes ( I got a whole tree to use up). Some Swiss, relish and BBQ sauce along with fresh 'maters & spud salad.  :cool:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/10/18, 12:01:03 PM
WOW!!!! Lookit dem fatties!!!!!!!!! Holy cripers!!!!!!!     :hubba: :tongue: And smomed-up weenies! Boy, we sure eat good around here!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/12/18, 05:16:47 PM
Charcoaled chicky, fresh 'maters, green tops, black olives, ham'n pea mac salad..... :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/12/18, 05:27:07 PM
Dayim! Dat looks good! I bet the neighbor lady will be on her way over to ravish you any second... :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/12/18, 05:31:45 PM
She'll have to wait...sneezing, hackin', chest is on fire....got it good, whatever it is. Gangbangarrhea of the upper blowhole, mayhap.... :censored:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/12/18, 07:57:46 PM
Charcoaled chicky, fresh 'maters, green tops, black olives, ham'n pea mac salad..... :tongue:
got plenty of TP on hand!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/12/18, 08:19:46 PM
Charcoaled chicky, fresh 'maters, green tops, black olives, ham'n pea mac salad..... :tongue:
got plenty of TP on hand!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :puke:

Excuse me? You have plenty of Tiny People on hand? We already know that... :rolleyes:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/12/18, 08:33:01 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/12/18, 08:56:03 PM
If you dropped off some sheep in reb's yard he wouldn't have to spend time mowing and could chase nl instead. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/12/18, 09:51:35 PM
Sounds good in theory del except women have this strange affinity for all things cute and woolly. Suddenly yer doin' chores, tossin' feed bags, shovelin' screenings, balin' hay, beddin' pens, haulin' chit and they're nowhere to be found!   :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/13/18, 04:01:58 PM
Sounds good in theory del except women have this strange affinity for all things cute and woolly. Suddenly yer doin' chores, tossin' feed bags, shovelin' screenings, balin' hay, beddin' pens, haulin' chit and they're nowhere to be found!   :bonk:
And here I thought you were the one running and hiding......
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/13/18, 04:09:26 PM
I don't need any baaaaing, pooping sheep trampling my yard! Got enough other issues goin' on!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/15/18, 11:47:58 AM
Sounds good in theory del except women have this strange affinity for all things cute and woolly. Suddenly yer doin' chores, tossin' feed bags, shovelin' screenings, balin' hay, beddin' pens, haulin' chit and they're nowhere to be found!   :bonk:
And here I thought you were the one running and hiding......

I'm in no danger in the barn or around the livestock. That's work and Mrs. Cheviot wants no part of that, just the fun stuff. It's only when I grill I have to be on my guard which is quite often... :cool:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/15/18, 11:23:27 PM
Alright dammit, let's grill you mofo's!  :rotflmao:

T bone to celebrate getting hay cut, raked, baled and stacked while narrowly averting a crisis loading up a potentially nasty ram. Dumb chit ran right into the trailer so we quick slammed the endgate on his sorry @ss!  :rotflmao: He should be thanking his lucky stars with his newly found harem of 32 ladies to service by Thanksgiving. While it's a lot of neighbor ladies, I think even Reb could handle that.  :sleazy:

T bone grilled 5 minutes on a side direct, medium, applewood in the smoker boxes. Salad w/cukes traded for green beans along with yellow pear 'maters from our meager gardening effort. And for dessert, 'nanners, ice cream and chocolate syrup. Listening to Dylan & Neil Young while channeling my inner Elvis, craving a peanut butter and 'nanner sammich... :happy1:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on September 09/16/18, 08:25:55 AM
Man does that look good.  I may have to grill a T-bone tonight.  Thanks for the idea.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/18/18, 03:33:18 PM
Had a Hormal mesquite flavored pork loin that was bothering me so grilled it last nite. Add a few homegrown 'maters & some fresh cukes from some friends and I'm happy.  :happy1: Oh yeah, was out of tonic water so had to drink beer... :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/18/18, 04:32:58 PM
Lookin' good! Those are a tad too salty for me, but pretty tasty little devils, and easy to whip up! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/18/18, 07:22:32 PM
beer that's funny!!!  good lookin meal!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/18/18, 07:31:29 PM
Yer kinda funny after beer, too!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/18/18, 07:45:44 PM
Yer kinda funny after beer, too!  :rotflmao:

you settle down ya ol rascal!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/18/18, 08:50:41 PM
You two behave or I'll hafta take ya both out to the woodshed... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/18/18, 09:35:36 PM
You two behave or I'll hafta take ya both out to the woodshed... :rotflmao:
Dotch, would you please send me to bed with one or three of those gals in the I think I should go fishing thread!! :rotflmao: :sleazy: :smoking:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/18/18, 09:53:37 PM
You two behave or I'll hafta take ya both out to the woodshed... :rotflmao:
Dotch, would you please send me to bed with one or three of those gals in the I think I should go fishing thread!! :rotflmao: :sleazy: :smoking:

Sure, why not? Blue does seems to be their color... :rotflmao:

Found some tonic water!  :happy1: Unfortunately the mosquitoes were so nasty I pounded them into submission with some maple smoke, much as Mrs. Cheviot tries to force me into submission. She is still gone however and as they say, while the cat is away, the mice will play!  :angel: Morgans raw brats, maple in the smoker boxes, direct a couple minutes on each side, then indirect 10 minutes on each side. Also found some kraut so any man don't wanna get killed better clear on out the back!  :rotflmao:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on September 09/19/18, 09:16:18 AM
So what is on the tomatoes?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/19/18, 09:18:07 AM
So what is on the tomatoes?
i was gonna ask that to but, wit dotch, i was afraid of the answer!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/19/18, 09:19:36 AM
Me too.......... :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/19/18, 10:09:15 AM
mayo?? :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/19/18, 10:34:13 AM
Not mayo. That stuff has no flavor, it's just white sandwich grease!  :puke:

It's Miracle Whip. Didn't remember to buy any cottage cheese or cole slaw so had to go with that.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/19/18, 10:36:22 AM
The tangy zip of Miracle Whip! Not for 'maters, though! Salt only!!! Next thing you'll be drizzling 1000 island on 'em..............  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/19/18, 10:51:21 AM
The tangy zip of Miracle Whip! Not for 'maters, though! Salt only!!! Next thing you'll be drizzling 1000 island on 'em..............  ;)

 :rotflmao: Or Rusky dressing... :rotflmao: They used to put sugar on them when we'd have them for the school lunch program.
Mayonnaise on a BLT? Could just as well get a tube of grease out. It would taste the same! A BLT w/o Miracle Whip doesn't cut it here. Spin Blend ain't bad either but don't know if that's even still available or not. Haven't seen it at the local grocery store for a while. Maybe the next time I stop at Sly Vee I'll have to look for it.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/19/18, 10:54:08 AM
Ya, on a BLT, but not a naked 'mater! Dat's like puttin' katchup on steak!  :puke: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/19/18, 10:57:24 AM
Just think of it as a BLT w/o the lettuce, bacon and bread... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/19/18, 11:23:28 AM
Not mayo. That stuff has no flavor, it's just white sandwich grease!  :puke:

It's Miracle Whip. Didn't remember to buy any cottage cheese or cole slaw so had to go with that.  :happy1:

miracle whip for me too!!!!!   better taste all the way!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on September 09/19/18, 11:32:30 AM
I saw Spin Blend in a grocery store a couple of weeks ago.  I didn't even know they still made it.  Almost bought some, I should have.  We use Hellmans mayo and Miracle Whip at our house.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/19/18, 11:33:57 AM
only salt and occasionally a dash of pepper on maters for me...my wife puts sugar on them!!!!! :puke: :puke:

 :scratch: spin blend????................er never mind!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/19/18, 11:54:21 AM
Mikey has ta use spin blend with the pods.... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: HD on September 09/19/18, 05:59:02 PM
Piggy Chops, tator tots.....and Rebs favorite......green beans!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/19/18, 06:36:01 PM
 looks good HD. no pictures but pretty simple here...…...wife cooked. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: ravilo's over jar sqetti sauce. I spiced er up with parmesan cheese and crushed red peppers!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on September 09/19/18, 08:22:28 PM
Nice looking beans HD.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/19/18, 08:26:38 PM
hey HD, i'd assume those beans are from your garden, so do you plant different color beans. do they taste the same, same texture????

or should I ask the green bean expert...…………..REB!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/20/18, 07:29:21 AM
yellow beans are great too!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on September 09/22/18, 01:15:03 PM
Well I am going with a rack of extra meaty baby backs today.  Decided on ham and bean soup project tomorrow.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/22/18, 01:20:34 PM
yellow beans are great too!!!

Ya, for road fill!   :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/22/18, 02:00:48 PM
We'll have the kids n significant others over later fer steaks in the cast, bacon wrapped taters and seasoned zucchini, and I'm guessing the mrs will do some sorta salad. Been awhile since I had da grill lit.. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on September 09/22/18, 02:05:55 PM
That sounds great Bobb.  So cooking your steaks in cast iron?  I did that once.  Tasted good but our exhaust fan can't keep up.  Had to take the batteries out of the smoke detectors when they went off. :confused: :rotflmao:  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/22/18, 05:13:48 PM
That sounds great Bobb.  So cooking your steaks in cast iron?  I did that once.  Tasted good but our exhaust fan can't keep up.  Had to take the batteries out of the smoke detectors when they went off. :confused: :rotflmao:  :happy1:

There's lotsa wimmen out there that think the alarm going off means it's done.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/22/18, 08:10:05 PM
We'll have the kids n significant others over later fer steaks in the cast, bacon wrapped taters and seasoned zucchini, and I'm guessing the mrs will do some sorta salad. Been awhile since I had da grill lit.. :happy1:
hey DAD what time should I be there!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/23/18, 08:56:23 AM
We'll have the kids n significant others over later fer steaks in the cast, bacon wrapped taters and seasoned zucchini, and I'm guessing the mrs will do some sorta salad. Been awhile since I had da grill lit.. :happy1:
hey DAD what time should I be there!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Happy hour starts at 5 yesterday,  be on time!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on September 09/23/18, 09:02:59 AM
That sounds great Bobb.  So cooking your steaks in cast iron?  I did that once.  Tasted good but our exhaust fan can't keep up.  Had to take the batteries out of the smoke detectors when they went off. :confused: :rotflmao:  :happy1:

There's lotsa wimmen out there that think the alarm going off means it's done.  :rotflmao:

As in Time's Up!  Now you have to leave....    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/23/18, 09:07:21 AM
That sounds great Bobb.  So cooking your steaks in cast iron?  I did that once.  Tasted good but our exhaust fan can't keep up.  Had to take the batteries out of the smoke detectors when they went off. :confused: :rotflmao:  :happy1:

There's lotsa wimmen out there that think the alarm going off means it's done.  :rotflmao:

As in Time's Up!  Now you have to leave....    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

SEKS again!  I will say now that yer retired, you DID get dialed in real fast. Adapted.  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/23/18, 11:05:21 AM
well getting ready to go cook burgers and hotdogs for my friend church..  he's always helping others including me so I will enjoy this day compared to yesterday!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:

took my pellet smoker over there earlier and do it to it for them folks!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on September 09/23/18, 11:18:23 AM
You are a good man Mike.  Mayhaps there will be some church ladies there?????
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/23/18, 12:01:06 PM
You are a good man Mike.  Mayhaps there will be some church ladies there?????

yer gettin' as bad as that little blue guy! Or as he would say,   :tut:           :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on September 09/23/18, 12:45:16 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  Ya I know...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/23/18, 02:16:05 PM
nice for doing the grilling!!  Barry no wemem there for me today..  oh well, the nicest looking one was married and he was there!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/23/18, 02:31:25 PM
nice for doing the grilling!!  Barry no wemem there for me today..  oh well, the nicest looking one was married and he was there!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Lucky for you her name wasn't Linda lou.....😜

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/23/18, 03:03:10 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/24/18, 06:11:50 PM
Thighs n rebs most favorite " green bean casserole " almost there,  Carolina tangy waiting 5o smother da chicken..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/24/18, 06:33:54 PM
Chicky!!  *NOM*NOM*
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on September 09/24/18, 08:45:46 PM
I love green bean casserole...  Who doesn't???
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/24/18, 09:20:03 PM

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/25/18, 07:31:57 AM
I love green bean casserole...  Who doesn't???

darn good stuff!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/30/18, 11:51:59 AM
Ah, more in the green/yellow bean camp! After those performances HD & Boober had to be fighting off da PDA's from their spousal units.  :rotflmao: You might want to try the Tide pod approach on them church ladies mikey. They're into that clean living thing and that would be right up their alley.  :happy1:

Finally got the kitchen cleaned up after the Mrs. left a disaster in it. To vent my frustrations, I fired up the Weber. In the meantime since I felt a touch of malaria and scurvy coming on, I took some medicine to combat it.

Center cuts grilled direct (Hey, it was cold and I was in a hurry) with a couple kinds of our garden 'maters, cottage cheese, macaroni salad, and some fall radishes. Too warm, wet & cloudy in September so not the prettiest radishes we've raised but edible with some kick to them. 


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/30/18, 10:11:41 PM
Had these strips bought on sale and after a laborious day, needed some nourishment in order to stay ahead of Mrs. Cheviot's advances.

Relaxing to grill on the patio with a Dos Equis Ambar. Kinda the same thing as last nite only with the strips and some of the last of the go fund me cucumbers from some friends.  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/14/18, 09:41:25 AM
Grabbed some hamburger patties at the local meat market yesterday as I hadn't done that for a while. One package of plain burger & one of 5 pepper burger. They're OK but still prefer our lamb burger that's suddenly in tight supply. Was a nice nite for grilling with my trusty assistant Ruby. Who knew I'd need my snowshoes to evade Mrs. Cheviot this a.m.!  :confused:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/14/18, 09:48:05 AM
Lookin' like a real belly buster! What did you do to Ruby now.....her ears are back again..does she always tilt her head like that when she looks at you? No, I won't say it.... ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/14/18, 09:51:39 AM
Well, I'm usually a little off plumb so it only stands to reason... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/14/18, 10:12:23 AM
yup the dog does give some excellent looks!!!!!  just too funny!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/14/18, 11:46:35 AM
yup the dog does give some excellent looks!!!!!  just too funny!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

The entertainment factor is definitely one of the reasons we keep her around. This is what happens when you ask her if she wants to go do chores:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/14/18, 12:22:26 PM
now dats funny!!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:

what a neat dog!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/14/18, 12:23:28 PM
Bet that's how Mikey looks at the bar when a nice babe walks in..... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/14/18, 12:24:46 PM
Bet that's how Mikey looks at the bar when a nice babe walks in..... :rotflmao:

most likely just like you!!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/14/18, 12:38:12 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/18/18, 05:42:46 PM
Charcoaled chicky, red skin 'tato salad, mashed sweet taters with nutmeg and butter, mess o' kayro's and dill dip for 'em.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/18/18, 06:02:20 PM
For all you nostalgic fans, "The Great Pumpkin" is on at 7:00 on ABC tonite... :laugh:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/21/18, 07:25:54 PM
Nice chicky Reb! :happy1: The Mrs. didn't believe me when I pointed out The Great Pumpkin was on the other nite. Who says you can't learn anything on MNO?  :rotflmao: Anaway as Sid Hartman used to say when you could still understand him, was time to grill again after the snow and another week was over. Some of the last of the fresh tomatoes I fear. These were some nice thick center cuts. Mrs. Cheviot even commented on how juicy they were. Thinking that was just a ploy to get into my pants!  :shocked:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/21/18, 07:37:26 PM
Well?? :scratch: are you gonna let her?? :rotflmao: :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/21/18, 07:46:13 PM
Nice chicky Reb! :happy1: The Mrs. didn't believe me when I pointed out The Great Pumpkin was on the other nite. Who says you can't learn anything on MNO?  :rotflmao: Anaway as Sid Hartman used to say when you could still understand him, was time to grill again after the snow and another week was over. Some of the last of the fresh tomatoes I fear. These were some nice thick center cuts. Mrs. Cheviot even commented on how juicy they were. Thinking that was just a ploy to get into my pants!  :shocked:

sounds like a good women to me!!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/21/18, 07:56:52 PM
Well?? :scratch: are you gonna let her?? :rotflmao: :coffee:

I'm saving myself... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/22/18, 08:12:21 AM
" Some of the last of the fresh tomatoes I fear. These were some nice thick center cuts. "

You have center cut 'maters?! Wow! Or is it justthe G&T's talkin'...... ;)  :rotflmao:

Didja watch the Great Punkie?" Here's the scene they had to delete.....  I know you always had evil thoughts about what really happened out in that patch... didn't you? :evil:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/28/18, 08:56:05 AM
Stopped by the meat market when in town yesterday and after procuring a few breasts (chicken breasts, glenn  :rotflmao:) the owner made me deal on a couple T bones as they were starting to lose their pink color. Nothing wrong with them, they weren't selling and there was only a few hours until closing. Add some red skinned tater salad, baked beans & voila! Supper is served before it rained. Ruby helped again but she seemed distant, wanting to do chores again most likely... :rotflmao:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/28/18, 09:16:19 AM
looks to me like she's looking in wondering how she's going to get that steak!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/28/18, 09:17:56 AM
She's probably thinking "There's that goon stuffing his mug again"...... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/03/18, 02:54:53 PM
Ribs with rub imported from pucketts of Nashville.   Hour down , several more to go.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/03/18, 03:04:29 PM
Lookin' good there, Delmont!  :happy1: Gonna toss a few wood chips on those coals?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/03/18, 04:39:07 PM
Grillin' some chicky legs.Havin' yellow and white sweetcorn, yams to round it out.   Readin' this article while waiting for the chicky to get done...kinda interesting. Bet our blue buddy would think so, too.  :laugh:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/03/18, 04:49:52 PM
Lookin' good there, Delmont!  :happy1: Gonna toss a few wood chips on those coals?

I put a nice chunk of apple wood on the fire when I started.... Got all those trees, and parts need to get cut off sometimes. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/03/18, 05:09:08 PM
Getting there.  Three hours in.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/03/18, 08:50:04 PM
Looking good del!! Think I can smell em from here. A little late on postin but it was cheese and shroom burglars earlier wit curly fries in da hoven..  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/04/18, 07:45:28 AM
O nummers!!! That's makin' me starved, and It's not even breakfast time yet!!!  :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/04/18, 09:49:41 AM
I ate breakfast and all that stuff still makes me hungry!  :hubba:

Good show del! Izzat a Weber smoker thingy yer usin' there? My neck won't crank around that way anymore after looking at some of them pictures Reb sends me... :rotflmao:

And Boober has to be feeling fortunate there was an extra hour of sleep involved once Mrs. Boober was done thoroughly ravishing him!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/04/18, 09:56:26 AM
Grillin' some chicky legs.Havin' yellow and white sweetcorn, yams to round it out.   Readin' this article while waiting for the chicky to get done...kinda interesting. Bet our blue buddy would think so, too.  :laugh:


I noticed our nannyberry and aronia berry crops recently took a major hit so am attributing it to smurf damage. Wonder if our insurance will cover it?  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/04/18, 10:09:51 AM
I ate breakfast and all that stuff still makes me hungry!  :hubba:

Good show del! Izzat a Weber smoker thingy yer usin' there? My neck won't crank around that way anymore after looking at some of them pictures Reb sends me... :rotflmao:

And Boober has to be feeling fortunate there was an extra hour of sleep involved once Mrs. Boober was done thoroughly ravishing him!  :happy1:
Weber Smoky Mountain, bought a good while back before they got so expensive.  Part of my outdoor collection along with classic Weber and 3 burner Camp Chef propane stove.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/04/18, 10:16:40 AM
Thought so. See a used one every now and again in the shopper ads, etc. Been tempted to bite but about that time I break something on the lawn or farm equipment. That old need:want thing kicks in... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/04/18, 09:09:37 PM
One more Ambassador weenie on the grill nite. I swear Mrs. Cheviot likes the damn things better than a NY strip.  :confused: A few cheaps, & tater salad. Plus I had to check out my latest bottle of Beefeater to make sure it was fresh. I know, throwing caution to the wind should the Mrs. get me too inebriated but sometimes ya gotta live on the edge... :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/05/18, 06:20:55 AM
Sounds like she's already found a weenie to her liking.... :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/05/18, 06:48:36 AM
there's that seks thing again!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/05/18, 06:49:23 AM
Dotch started it!!!! :angry:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/05/18, 06:54:31 AM
Glenn said to say that!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/05/18, 08:49:39 AM
Nuttin wrong with a good ol hot diggity dog Dotch,  just not sure of that beverage being slammable fer a quick escape before the mrs goes after da otter ambassador.. :sleazy: :surrender: :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/05/18, 11:31:31 PM
Glenn said to say that!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/08/18, 09:19:22 AM
Left to my own devices with Mrs. Cheviot in Louisville, I was able to grill without fear of being groped or molested. She did leave some apple crisp however so I had to give her a promise when she comes back. This Me Too thing is tough! Actually I had some burger & the sell by date had been reached so had to make a management decision. Burgers, mac salad and mixed Birds Eye veggies topped off with warmed up apple crisp & ice cream.  :cool: 

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/09/18, 04:16:08 PM
Looking fabulistic Dotch,  every man has a breaking point , so  if you need to full fill that promise  ya gotta do what ya gotta do , or just serve up another spread like that and da both of ya will be drooling in your recliners in no time.. :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/09/18, 07:36:22 PM
I sure as he** hopes he starts pouring 'em down for me tonite. I finally hit my breaking point about 2 hrs ago. I'd kill for a 12 pack and a bottle of VO........ :tequila;
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on November 11/11/18, 11:46:53 AM
 :tut: :tut: :tut:  You be careful Rebs....   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/17/18, 05:02:19 PM
Smomex cheese is done.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/17/18, 06:12:38 PM
Smomex cheese is done.

Smomex?! You got yer own brand name now?! Or cuz it's a combo......smomed cheddar and Rid-x?  :scratch:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/17/18, 06:56:03 PM
heck no color!!  done in what!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/17/18, 06:58:45 PM
Actually, they look pretty darn tasty....wonder if one is my Christmas present?  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/17/18, 07:12:02 PM
No need fer ridex he wont poo fer a month!! Looks good Glenn, even though I wouldn't smoke em over da sink!! :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/17/18, 07:20:46 PM
I was using da boaranze dictionary. :mooning: boober, I smomed them in the Weber. Set them there when I took them in. Mikey ,i'm not boar I don't burn my stuff!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/17/18, 07:26:58 PM
Oh, that's fine, just ignore me!  :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/17/18, 07:33:20 PM
I was using da boaranze dictionary. :mooning: boober, I smomed them in the Weber. Set them there when I took them in. Mikey ,i'm not boar I don't burn my stuff!

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/17/18, 07:39:43 PM
Oh, that's fine, just ignore me!  :moon:
what's ridx?? And usually if you ignore someone they go away!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/17/18, 08:36:47 PM

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/17/18, 10:25:20 PM
It's 9 above. Let's grill!  :happy1:

Center cuts (again). Hadn't had peas tho in a while so since they were on sale, go for it! Had one helluva time keeping them from going thru the grates... :rotflmao: No juniper berries were harmed in the making of this meal.  :shocked:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/18/18, 08:59:19 AM
Attaboy! Pigger chops, peas, and a baked 'tatamo!!  :happy1:  I was gonna suggest ya replace that vertically challenged swizzle stick, but while looking for some that would be appropriate for you, I found something even better..... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/18/18, 09:05:28 AM
Most excellent! Those would make lovely parting gifts... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/18/18, 11:39:54 AM
Looks fantastic Dotch,  I picked up and grilled some blade steaks and got  n earful fer not buying chops, was no eluding fer me tge otter night... :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/18/18, 11:52:10 AM
Looks fantastic Dotch,  I picked up and grilled some blade steaks and got  n earful fer not buying chops, was no eluding fer me tge otter night... :confused:

gotta learn how to read her mind Boober!!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/18/18, 12:09:18 PM
Gotta learn to go with pigger steaks every time.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/18/18, 01:20:23 PM
Aah she claims they're too fatty is all.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/18/18, 01:26:03 PM
Well, you could tell her that...................no, better not.  :bonk: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/18/18, 01:40:36 PM
Smoked nords are done!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/18/18, 01:41:35 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/18/18, 01:51:32 PM
Nice!! I'll bring your fav tarter sauce... :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/18/18, 02:04:18 PM
Nice!! I'll bring your fav tarter sauce... :laugh:
:tut: :tut: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/18/18, 07:09:29 PM
10 lbs of venny jerky. Well cept the lb I ate. BELCH!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on November 11/18/18, 07:44:23 PM
Is that really deer meat?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/18/18, 07:51:37 PM
Is that really deer meat?
:banghead: :banghead: :pouty: ok boar!! :rotflmao: yes it is. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/18/18, 07:52:20 PM
Is that really deer meat?

dat funny!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/18/18, 07:54:14 PM
Is that really deer meat?

dat funny!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :pouty: oh the abuse!! :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/18/18, 08:14:24 PM
Is that really deer meat?

dat funny!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :pouty: oh the abuse!! :bonk:

and you so love it!!!  ya always come back for more!!!    :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:

but it does look darn good!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/18/18, 09:29:59 PM
I think grilled Vikings..... :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/19/18, 09:20:37 PM
It's coolin' off at the ranch before Thanksgiving. Time to clean out the fridge & get ready for the onslaught. Cheeseburglars w/Swiss, peas, baked spuds  & mac salad to round out the plate. Knocked Mrs. Cheviot out once again so have free rein over the premises without fear of being put in a compromising position.  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/20/18, 08:55:51 AM
Aahhh...perfect, delicious portion sizes!!!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/23/18, 09:14:22 AM
Had to play the wind yesterday or move the grill to the other side of the house. That was more effort than I wanted to put forth. 11 lb. bird, right about about 2 hours. Indirect with applewood for additional smoke. Was good off the grill and the leftovers are even better!  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/23/18, 09:18:50 AM
Looks burnt to me!!! :rotflmao: the misses sidetrack ya!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: seriously looks great there Dotch! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/23/18, 09:21:56 AM
Dat's from the sugar in the plum jam used to baste it!  :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/23/18, 09:26:23 AM
Dat's from the sugar in the plum jam used to baste it!  :doah:

Ya ya, right....Confucius say, "man who have SEKS in kitchen get azz in jam".... :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/23/18, 09:30:49 AM
Dat's from the sugar in the plum jam used to baste it!  :doah:

Ya ya, right....Confucius say, "man who have SEKS in kitchen get azz in jam".... :evil: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/23/18, 09:44:29 AM
"Basting "it"....uh huh..... :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on November 11/23/18, 12:53:32 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/18/18, 10:05:15 PM
Finally made 'er back outside. Shoveled the patio off Sunday in anticipation and was not disappointed. Wife had a terrible steak at one of the chain restaurants the other nite so was determined to make amends for it. She was pleased with my efforts and attempted to put me in a compromising position. However she fell asleep according to plan so I could stay up and watch Gunsmoke as is my wont. Gotta get up purty early in the mornin' to put one past ol' Dotch... :sleazy:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/19/18, 06:37:53 PM
At first glance, that looked like a grilled brown bat!  Look again! :shocked:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/20/18, 10:22:18 AM
Ya, both the sirloins I grilled nite before last were odd shaped for some reason. For bat it was sure flavorful & tender, unlike the ones I grill out of the attic here.  :scratch:

Last nite I grilled the burger I'd bought when I got the sirloins. Needed to schedule some lambs for the locker anyway so a plus to have something to grill when the weather's nice. Got grumbles from Mrs. Cheviot about the level of doneness tho so that's why the burger is sliced open. She stuck hers into the microwave and ruined it. Hey, mine was right at medium, just perfect for me. It knocked me out and surprisingly I was unmolested when I woke up.   :confused:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/22/18, 02:20:05 PM
Christmas supper with the kids and grandkids tonight. This will be hitting the charcoal grill soon. Season rolled pork loin. Wild rice in the background. Coleslaw, corn and rwice baked taters will accompany this.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/22/18, 02:27:15 PM
looks great and hope ya all enjoy it!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/22/18, 03:45:02 PM
Hoo boy! That looks great!  :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/22/18, 05:25:55 PM
That looks really good Glenn,  I forget bout doing them.. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on December 12/22/18, 05:29:00 PM
Take your portion before everyone else grabs it all.... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/23/18, 05:00:16 PM
Done. And was it tasty.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/23/18, 05:03:40 PM
Here's the whole spread!! :hubba:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on December 12/23/18, 05:04:21 PM
Looks great Glenn.  I hope you got some. I will leave it like that.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/23/18, 05:19:00 PM
Oooh!  :happy1: What dat in the pot?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/23/18, 05:23:22 PM
Twice baked potatoes.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/23/18, 05:25:35 PM
Oh! Never seen 'em in a pot before!  :smiley:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/23/18, 05:32:43 PM
 :tut: ok Del! :rotflmao: I had to do dishes. :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/23/18, 05:56:08 PM
Why.......you...!!!! :mad1:   I'm gonna go over to his house tomorrow nite and ask:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on December 12/23/18, 06:11:49 PM
Me? I'm not part of this.  Gonna do a reverse sear rib roast tomorrow, but nothing today.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/23/18, 06:18:59 PM
Me? I'm not part of this.  Gonna do a reverse sear rib roast tomorrow, but nothing today.

Reverse sear? Ya mean ya flamethrow it, then uncook it?  :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/23/18, 06:37:30 PM
Oh! Never seen 'em in a pot before!  :smiley:

2nd that and how????  only had them back in the potato skin..
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/25/18, 03:05:40 PM
Grilled lamb chops for Christmas dinner as promised. Marinated ~24 hrs. in apple juice, soy sauce, a dab of pineapple/mango sauce, curry powder with a touch of garlic salt. Seared 3 - 4 minutes a side direct then 20 - 25 minutes indirect with apple wood in the smoker boxes. Also put some of the marinade in the drip pan to help keep the meat as moist as possible. Since someone other than me wants things well done all the time, needed to keep it from drying out. Result was great, done but still very moist, catching just enough smoke so it added to the flavor but not so much it tasted like it was fished out of a trash fire. No ketchup needed!  :happy1:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/25/18, 07:29:34 PM
dang nabit…..ma and myself had sirloin steak on da grill, baked taters coleslaw and beans for Christmas nite supper. had 1/2 it woofed down before I thunk of a picture.
 youz guyz just gotta take my word on it!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/25/18, 07:45:04 PM
I had clam chowder! Oysters are too spendy for the traditional oyster stew.... :angry:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/25/18, 07:52:48 PM
I had clam chowder! Oysters are too spendy for the traditional oyster stew.... :angry:
Campbell's??? :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/25/18, 08:01:27 PM
As a matter of fact, it was! First canned soup I've ever  bought that wasn't a cream of mushroom or for cooking! Not too bad...with a lot of crackers in it! Told ya I was having gruel!  :bonk:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/26/18, 07:07:10 AM
well my smoked prime rib and taters were darn good!!  wild rice on the side, hand harvested too!!  only the best!!  also had some chile lime flavored shrimp kabobs which were very good, a touch spicy but darn good for a snack!!  along with cheese crackers and some good venison sausage.. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/26/18, 07:53:49 AM
And i had gruel.... :rolleyes:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/26/18, 08:20:12 AM
And i had gruel.... :rolleyes:  :rotflmao:

that is one canned soup I like!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/26/18, 08:24:39 AM
Well, I have a tub of my bean and ham soup thawing out for tomorrow.....freezer is overflowing with my frozen soups. Gotta start eatin' 'em!  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/26/18, 08:49:55 AM
watch the gas blow back!!!

or blow out!!!  will be more likely!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/26/18, 08:51:52 AM
Ya, and no green light to check!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/26/18, 03:58:44 PM
Them chops are looking dynamite Dotch!!  Great job on the on the taters n prime ribola Mike and that can o soup on da grill reb would sure to please. Good thing you guys are in good shape cuz after serving up that stuff you need to run fer cover  for sure from da ladies. Me on the other hand , I'm whipping up cheese burglars n fries tonight to get ready for da storm. Since I ain't in shape I'll try the play dead card..
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/26/18, 06:22:36 PM
Had a couple chipotle/Monterey jack brats....really good, but wow! What a bite to 'em! Also had a cole slaw salad....I like my salads crunchy, and not runny,  so I buy the classic cole slaw mix, add some purple onion strips, and just pour Jimmy's Coleslaw dressing on it like regular dressing and eat. Anyone else do that?

These brats are good..... :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/26/18, 06:43:57 PM
I was way off, bacon cheese burglars and waffle fries in the oven. Trying really hard to put on the winter coat!!  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/26/18, 06:49:08 PM
Lookin' good dere! Was thinking about pulling the grill out tonite...but not for 2 brats.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/26/18, 06:54:25 PM
Them chops are looking dynamite Dotch!!  Great job on the on the taters n prime ribola Mike and that can o soup on da grill reb would sure to please. Good thing you guys are in good shape cuz after serving up that stuff you need to run fer cover  for sure from da ladies. Me on the other hand , I'm whipping up cheese burglars n fries tonight to get ready for da storm. Since I ain't in shape I'll try the play dead card..

you be right she was a thinking about the chase till I said desert time!!!   :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/26/18, 06:58:16 PM
Them chops are looking dynamite Dotch!!  Great job on the on the taters n prime ribola Mike and that can o soup on da grill reb would sure to please. Good thing you guys are in good shape cuz after serving up that stuff you need to run fer cover  for sure from da ladies. Me on the other hand , I'm whipping up cheese burglars n fries tonight to get ready for da storm. Since I ain't in shape I'll try the play dead card..

you be right she was a thinking about the chase till I said desert time!!!   :rotflmao: :happy1:
awe geez...………………….. :bonk: :bonk: :doah: :banghead: :banghead: :doofus: :tut: :tut:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/26/18, 07:01:50 PM
TMI    :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on December 12/26/18, 07:07:24 PM
Ya OK Lover boy!!   :sleazy: :sleazy:  I hope she brought her shovel and knows how to use it whilst you are having coffee in the morning.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on December 12/26/18, 07:39:25 PM
Sure a lot of fantasizing on this thread..... :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on December 12/26/18, 07:43:02 PM
So Mike as you are having coffee and starting breakfast and she is out shoveling you can tell how much she likes you.  She may smile and wave to you as she gets started with the sidewalk.  BUT you know she really likes you if she is still smiling and waving as she is about done with the driveway.   :sleazy: :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/26/18, 07:53:17 PM
oh boys all I can say that was last night!!  tonight she be home!!!!  so coffee alone for me, oh wait I don't drink it any more!!!   :rotflmao:

just hope she has a good safe drive to work in the morning!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/26/18, 08:05:10 PM
What's is this? Poopsie's Love Advice Corner?!  :scratch: :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/26/18, 08:06:12 PM
What's is this? Poopsie's Love Advice Corner?!  :scratch: :doah:

and from you!!??!!  nice!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/26/18, 08:09:11 PM
 Remember to twiddle yer fingers and blow kisses!! :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :rotflmao:  What happened to the grilled burgers??!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/26/18, 08:15:47 PM
Yep and pretty soon Mikey won't have time for us anymore. We'll be has beens! :pouty: :thumbs: :rotflmao: or she'll say no more internet! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/26/18, 08:36:52 PM
What's is this? Poopsie's Love Advice Corner?!  :scratch: :doah:

and from you!!??!!  nice!!!

It's all good, Mikey! We're behind ya, and ya know it! I just be funnin' ya!!!  :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/27/18, 10:06:03 AM
And ya know ya can always count on us here for "solid" advice... :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/27/18, 10:09:59 AM
And ya know ya can always count on us here for "solid" advice... :happy1: :rotflmao:

that's for sure!!  nothing but the best here for sure!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/27/18, 10:13:52 AM
And we even have a "church adviser"...! :whistling:    :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/02/19, 10:10:33 PM
Was a little chilly last nite so postponed grilling until tonite. That's OK. Had lots of snacks including Norwegian sushi.  :happy1:

Bought a couple butterfly chops and grilled them direct. Nothing fancy and I was hungry. Mrs. Cheviot wasn't feeling good. Had the chills and hands that wouldn't warm up. Very wary when she says that as it usually means she's going to try to stick them down my pants!  :doah:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/03/19, 06:53:35 AM
sounds to me like you need the cup cakes more than anyone else!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

I'm not the one getting chased here and there!!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on January 01/03/19, 07:53:46 AM
OK so what's Norwegian sushi?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/03/19, 07:57:49 AM
Herring!  :crazy:    :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on January 01/03/19, 07:58:53 AM
Oh I eat lots of that too.  Didn't realize I was that classy.    :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/03/19, 08:02:52 AM
I just had to throw out a pint from the Fareway Deli....been in there since Thanksgiving week, hid in back of 'fridge. My butcher buddy said couple wks tops for deli herring; the stuff in a jar lasts way longer. He said don't eat it....toss it.  :doah:  :angry:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/03/19, 10:26:42 AM
I agree. When it gets pushed to the back of the fridge & I find it several weeks later that's a no go. Finished one container she got me for Christmas then opened the one I bought New Year's Eve from the meat market. That one was really good, nice white herring without a lot of dark stuff in it. Might be why Mrs. Cheviot isn't feeling so good: She didn't eat any of it!  :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/07/19, 06:23:29 PM
Some bacon and eggs................... :hubba:

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on January 01/07/19, 07:08:30 PM
That looks friggin awesome.  Wow Wow Wow!!!  That is some darn nice looking bacon too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/07/19, 07:13:47 PM
That looks friggin awesome.
yea I does...…….a heapin full pan of clogged arties!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/07/19, 07:22:57 PM
One slice ain't gonna hurt!  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on January 01/07/19, 07:32:35 PM
That's for sure.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/07/19, 07:36:16 PM
That looks friggin awesome.
yea I does...…….a heapin full pan of clogged arties!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :doah:

I wanna know who these clogged Artie's are... are they like minions?  :rotflmao:  :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/13/19, 04:54:35 PM
Was having some serious Weber withdrawal symptoms, and it was a balmy 34* out, so I grabbed a big fresh-cut pigger steak and slammed it on the racks. Along with a loaded salad, and some candied yams, boy, did that hit the spot!  :tongue:   *urp*

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/13/19, 05:30:55 PM
Oh yeah, looking splendid Reb!!  :hubba: The Mrs. Has me on a strict diet so I might as well sell off my charcoal.. :angry2:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/13/19, 05:56:37 PM
Oh yeah, looking splendid Reb!!  :hubba: The Mrs. Has me on a strict diet so I might as well sell off my charcoal.. :angry2:
sounds like she may need to be sent on a few weekend outings!; :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/13/19, 06:22:02 PM
Oh yeah, looking splendid Reb!!  :hubba: The Mrs. Has me on a strict diet so I might as well sell off my charcoal.. :angry2:

Nooooooooo!!!!   :thumbs:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/13/19, 06:36:33 PM
We'll have to learn Boob how to prepare a nice, big salad.....with a bacon cheeseburglar hidden underneath.  We gotta keep him chillin' and grillin'. :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/13/19, 07:46:39 PM
Nice pigger steak you grilled for Boober vicariously there Reb! Sorta like me being yer surrogate gin drinker. I hope you shared with the neighbor lady so she could chase you around the backyard... :rotflmao: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/13/19, 08:13:53 PM
Say! Never thought of that....wonder what she'd think if I tell her she has to be the surrogate Mrs. Boober??  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/13/19, 08:20:16 PM
Say! Never thought of that....wonder what she'd think if I tell her she has to be the surrogate Mrs. Boober??  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
she'd run the opposite direction faster than the speed of sound!!; :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/13/19, 08:21:07 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/13/19, 08:58:45 PM
Don't you two bozos haveta go read Spring seed catalogs or something???! :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/13/19, 09:15:05 PM
Don't you two bozos haveta go read Spring seed catalogs or something???! :moon:
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: nope! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/16/19, 05:45:21 PM
To my surprise the wif picked up some grilling stuff fer the week. Baby steps I say , to getting back to normal.  Spatched chicken and roasted veggies tonight. Nice call on the cold hands Dotch,  us fellas need to see all the curve balls coming!!  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/16/19, 05:56:11 PM
Whata beautiful pic! Spatch-cocky chicky, and veggies...love those glowing purple coals! You'll be a lean, mean, grillin' machine in no time! Hang in there!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/16/19, 06:11:51 PM
looks good boober!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/16/19, 06:57:07 PM
To my surprise the wif picked up some grilling stuff fer the week. Baby steps I say , to getting back to normal.  Spatched chicken and roasted veggies tonight. Nice call on the cold hands Dotch,  us fellas need to see all the curve balls coming!!  :happy1:

Geez that looks great Boober!  :happy1: Did you experience...

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gymMVDeKJ_o  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gymMVDeKJ_o)
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on January 01/16/19, 07:03:47 PM
Looks great.  I have to spatch a chicken. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/22/19, 06:40:25 PM
Didn't feel like firing up the big rig for these little boneless pork chop guys,  so thought
I would try the tailgater. Paired with brussel sprouts,  onion  and  prosciutto with a side salad... not bad!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/22/19, 07:03:59 PM
looks great except for the green bombs!!!  just me.. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/22/19, 07:09:16 PM
Italian piggers and cannonballs!!! :hubba: *NOM*NOM*   Lookin' great!!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/22/19, 08:09:24 PM
Mmmm...gotta love them pygmy cabbages!  :happy1:

Mrs. Boober: "Are those Brussels sprouts in yer pocket or are ya just glad to see me?"  :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: ThunderLund78 on January 01/23/19, 09:20:50 AM
A delicious meal washed down with an easy-drinking Busch Light.  Bobber, You are man with the most sophisticated of palates!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/03/19, 05:58:56 PM
Asian zing wings n philly cheese steak stuffed peppers.  Sliced chuck eye steak with all the fixings.. not sure why she chose sliced cheese, but who am I to argue.  :confused:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/03/19, 06:04:56 PM
looks darn good Bobber!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/03/19, 06:20:01 PM
Thanks Mike! Them wingies had a bite.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/03/19, 06:46:47 PM
I'll bet they did!!!!   :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/03/19, 07:50:02 PM
Wow! What a friggin' cook 'em up!!!!! You two sure know how to do it!!!     :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/04/19, 09:43:03 AM
Geez Boober, you must be exhausted from grilling all that great looking chow and the ensuing evasive maneuvers! Don't know how you do it...  :bow:

Nothing that extravagant here. After a day of working outside I shoveled enough of the patio to get the grill out. Got to try the first of the new lamburger with some Weber gourmet burger seasoning. Add some Mrs. Gerry's slaw & potato salad plus a few chips and it was supper. And since the Super Bowl was super boring, the food knocked Mrs. Cheviot out right on schedule. I could read my collector car porn to my little heart's content!  :happy1:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/04/19, 10:10:35 AM
just outta curiosity dotch  :scratch: who you tryin to impress with that water bottle in the picture??????????? :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/04/19, 10:11:22 AM
Whats in dat bowl? Finger bowl?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/04/19, 10:13:30 AM
just outta curiosity dotch  :scratch: who you tryin to impress with that water bottle in the picture??????????? :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Sssshhhhhhh!!!!!!! That's water disguised as gin to freshen my drink up... :rotflmao:

That's one of them mood candles Reb so when I'm in the mood to fart, I light it!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/04/19, 10:18:18 AM
Mood candles...what's next, Mr Bubble in the bath?   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/18/19, 07:29:50 PM
Nuttin real special, just a ham steak on the grill, taters and corn. No KATCHUP was harmed in this meal. Just some of Glenn's world famous horseradish. :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/18/19, 07:31:40 PM
Looks good! Even yer own smurf cup!!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/18/19, 07:40:25 PM
 :tut: :tut: :doofus: :taz: :taz: :banghead: :banghead:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/19/19, 02:14:34 PM
Looks good! Even yer own smurf cup!!  :rotflmao:

By golly, that looks like gin in that cup. There may be hope fer glenn yet... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/23/19, 06:11:44 PM
Von Hansons had a deal on patties,  soooo its burglars,  fungus n fries with mammas home made cheesy garlic burger buns...  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/23/19, 06:20:32 PM
Von Hansons had a deal on patties,  soooo its burglars,  fungus n fries with mammas home made cheesy garlic burger buns...  :happy1:
looks good bud!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: whats your thoughts on von hansons meat overall boober. I think there spendy and the word is they are located in yuppie, rich neighborhoods. haven't bought a lot of stuff from them. I did have there venny bacon which was pretty dang good, but the guy that usually has his deer processed there realized they where spendy. :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/23/19, 06:53:03 PM
darn good looking meal Boober!!!!

heard about the same about them, now they own Thielens in Little Falls too!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/23/19, 06:56:01 PM
darn good looking meal Boober!!!!

heard about the same about them, now they own Thielens in Little Falls too!!!
really?????????? :pouty: :doah: suppose pretty soon they'll have there grubby mitts on the Pierz one too!!!!!! :doah: :mad1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/23/19, 07:00:06 PM
darn good looking meal Boober!!!!

heard about the same about them, now they own Thielens in Little Falls too!!!
really?????????? :pouty: :doah: suppose pretty soon they'll have there grubby mitts on the Pierz one too!!!!!! :doah: :mad1:

from what I heard no way!!!  I sure hope not!!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/23/19, 07:01:21 PM
Von Hansons had a deal on patties,  soooo its burglars,  fungus n fries with mammas home made cheesy garlic burger buns...  :happy1:
looks good bud!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: whats your thoughts on von hansons meat overall boober. I think there spendy and the word is they are located in yuppie, rich neighborhoods. haven't bought a lot of stuff from them. I did have there venny bacon which was pretty dang good, but the guy that usually has his deer processed there realized they where spendy. :scratch: :scratch:
Thanks. It's funny you aks,  I walked in just to get hog casings but da wif came in with and just like dat we came out with more than I wanted. I'm not big on spendy meat but I cant tell the Mrs no... :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/23/19, 07:32:25 PM
and that's why you a good man!!!  :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  look out later!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/23/19, 07:52:34 PM
Von Hansons had a deal on patties,  soooo its burglars,  fungus n fries with mammas home made cheesy garlic burger buns...  :happy1:
looks good bud!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: whats your thoughts on von hansons meat overall boober. I think there spendy and the word is they are located in yuppie, rich neighborhoods. haven't bought a lot of stuff from them. I did have there venny bacon which was pretty dang good, but the guy that usually has his deer processed there realized they where spendy. :scratch: :scratch:
Thanks. It's funny you aks,  I walked in just to get hog casings but da wif came in with and just like dat we came out with more than I wanted. I'm not big on spendy meat but I cant tell the Mrs no... :bonk:
:scratch: :scratch: I kinda thought that day we met up at rebs she wore the. p..………. er never mind!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/23/19, 10:19:31 PM
Wonderful looking vittles Boober! Hope you had the cross country skis or snowshoes warmed up cuz Mrs. Boober had to be right on yer tail... :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/08/19, 05:37:21 PM
Ready...set ....GO. Shroom burglars waiting by with chips n dips. Not sure why Remi stopped and dropped his kong, I'm guessing he seen it was pic time. Lol.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/08/19, 05:53:19 PM
He was just helpin'!!! :rotflmao: Burglars! On the charring device! :happy1:  Spring MUST be here, either that or it's gonna bring 12" more snow..... :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/08/19, 06:51:20 PM
looks darn good Boober!!!  Remi is just making room!!!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/08/19, 10:19:55 PM
Awesome Boober!  :happy1: If yer gonna make a quick getaway ya better check the bindings on them snowshoes... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/09/19, 08:22:20 PM
Good thing the rain changed to snow fer the coals. Brats n poppers,  fries are in  the oven ..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/09/19, 08:33:08 PM
Looks good. Any special brat?
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/09/19, 08:35:01 PM
Dang...I need to do that.... :undecided:    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/09/19, 08:35:37 PM
and seeing the snow/rain in the pic!!!  good looking meal Boober...... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/09/19, 08:52:45 PM
Looks good. Any special brat?
Not really,  Johnsonville's,  that Gillespie doesn't know chit...
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/09/19, 09:18:35 PM
Boob, give these a try. Natural casing, loaded with jack, and LOTSA bite. Ya won't ever eat a Johnsonswill again...Walfart and Sams has them.... seriously, really pretty danged good. :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/12/19, 07:35:39 PM
It's Tuesday and a slab o sirlion steak on the grill with hash browns.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/12/19, 07:48:38 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on March 03/12/19, 08:09:03 PM
Looks darn good Glenn. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/12/19, 09:40:14 PM
Let me guess what grill you used... :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/12/19, 09:41:49 PM
 :tut: :tut: :tut: :pouty: nope!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/13/19, 07:35:44 AM
Let me guess what grill you used... :rotflmao:

That looks too new to be glenns. :happy1: ;) :smiley:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/13/19, 07:58:29 AM
Let me guess what grill you used... :rotflmao:

That looks too new to be glenns. :happy1: ;) :smiley:

yea no rust like his canning rings!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/13/19, 08:00:31 AM

Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/13/19, 08:18:28 AM
Let me guess what grill you used... :rotflmao:

That looks too new to be glenns. :happy1: ;) :smiley:
:confused: :confused: :confused: :tut: :tut: :tut: :mooning: :mooning: OK leech!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/13/19, 04:22:47 PM
That looks fabulistic Glenn!! And I bet you could shovel them spuds right otta that hat.  :happy1: :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/13/19, 06:38:43 PM
That looks fabulistic Glenn!! And I bet you could shovel them spuds right otta that hat.  :happy1: :bow:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea.....no!!!!! they weren't from the freezer section either. I like boiling spuds then making the hash browns!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/18/19, 09:08:24 PM
There then! Back on track again after shoveling the patio off. Lamborgers with some veggies, gherkins, cheeps, and wait, why it's cottage cheese. That's paprika on it, the only way cottage cheese was meant to be eaten, fool!  :rotflmao:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/18/19, 09:38:25 PM
But, is it Hungarian paprika, Sherman?  That's the national spice of Hungary, and added to their famous dish, goulash, invented by the Magyar. But lets jump into the way back machine to find out for sure... :party1:

Oh ya, that looks danged tasty there, Dotcheroo! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/18/19, 09:47:48 PM
Only thing that would make that cottage cheese better would be a garbage can!; :happy1: :rotflmao: not even katchup could make that edible. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/18/19, 09:55:34 PM
Only thing that would make that cottage cheese better would be a garbage can!; :happy1: :rotflmao: not even katchup could make that edible. :rotflmao:

If ya threw in some macaroni, ya could then name yer own dish...Glenn-a-roni..... :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/18/19, 10:11:33 PM
 :pouty: :pouty: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/19, 04:39:27 PM
On the grill this Tuesday nite are chicky thighs, slaw salad with cherry 'maters, and herb stuffing......who is Herb, anyway?  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/19/19, 06:19:29 PM
On the grill this Tuesday nite are chicky thighs, slaw salad with cherry 'maters, and herb stuffing......who is Herb, anyway?  :scratch:
Herby da love bug ya doofus!!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/19, 06:44:35 PM
Boy, you just dated yerself!  *urp* Sure was good... :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/19/19, 07:27:36 PM
But that was a hilarious movie!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/19, 07:38:17 PM
Ya, right! You prolly still have the poster on yer wall!   :cool:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/21/19, 11:48:50 AM
On the  charcoal grill for Thursday.....hot wings with blue cheese dippin' sauce. Ran out of Franks Hot sauce, (Not a big fan of) so I bought a bottle of Cookie's Wing sauce to try. Disappointed...kinda thin, and vinegary tasting.
Can't have that, soooooo.......hmmmm....1/2 Cookies sauce, 1/4 Sweet Baby Rays' hickory, and 1/4 Western dressing to sweeten it up a bit. BINGO! We have a winner! :happy1:
Experimentin'. That's what it's all about.

Wings and a couple pigger center chops, cheddar bacon mac salad, and the dippin' sauce....... :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/21/19, 05:34:33 PM
looks good Reb!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/21/19, 05:37:46 PM
Thanks! It was Reb-o-licous! Tasted like Spring!  :party1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/21/19, 05:41:56 PM
curious? you make them mac salads or buy them?????????
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/21/19, 05:45:51 PM
Usually I make them during the summer, but this one is a WALMART one, Bacon cheddar, and not bad. They're the prepackaged ones someone makes for them....I can't stand those Reser mac salads, although I do like their redskin tater salad. It's different.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/21/19, 09:40:51 PM
Lookin' good there Rebster!  :happy1: Did the neighbor lady chase you around the block?  :rotflmao: I agree. Reser's ain't my favorite mac salad either. Much prefer Mrs. Gerry's that's made right down the road in Albert's Leaf.  :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/22/19, 07:57:04 AM
We are fans of most of Mrs. Gerry's salads too, Dotch. :happy1: A lot of the potato salad & coleslaw done in here
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/22/19, 08:27:05 AM
can't beat home made, but agree with Mrs. Gerry's
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/22/19, 09:29:46 AM
Yup, my Mom's homemade salads were always excellent. She wouldn't have considered buying it in the store when we were growing up. A lot of the raw material for the salads was right there on the farm to be used. Plus, she had a whole drawer full of bread wrappers saved so we had something to put our egg salad sandwiches in for lunch!  :happy1:

My wife knows Mrs. Gerry and has decorated her house for Christmas for many years. Super lady, very kind and generous. She started out making salads out of her garage i believe. After the Farmstead packing plant went down, her company became one of the largest employers in Albert's Leaf. Very successful and they've done some great things in the community. Their product line keeps expanding too so it's always fun to try some of their new offerings.       
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/22/19, 09:46:05 AM
Problem with a lot of the bought mac salads, is there's a lot of oils instead of the "miracle whip" type mayonnaise base, which you can taste, at least I can. My favorite is my ham 'n pea mac salad, which is really easy to make. This is roughly the amounts I use off the top of my head; (elbow mac is correct) vary according to how much of each item you like.

1 1/2 cups cooked elbow macaroni, WELL  drained
3/4 cup frozen green peas, thawed and drained (don't cook!)
1/2 cup cubed ham
1/3 cup sharp cheddar cheese, cubed small (just chunk up 3-4 thick cheese slices)
1/4 cup celery, diced
2 Tbsp diced onions
dash of salt
About a 1 1/2- 2 cups of Miracle whip, until salad is consistency you like. Remember mac will absorb some of it; so always add a bit more than you think you need.
DO NOT use the "lite" miracle whip; it will separate and become "watery" in a day.

Mix all ingredients together well, cover and let sit in 'fridge at least half a day.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/22/19, 10:28:56 AM
sounds good Reb!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Cooperman on March 03/22/19, 01:47:10 PM
Problem with a lot of the bought mac salads, is there's a lot of oils instead of the "miracle whip" type mayonnaise base, which you can taste, at least I can. My favorite is my ham 'n pea mac salad, which is really easy to make. This is roughly the amounts I use off the top of my head; (elbow mac is correct) vary according to how much of each item you like.

1 1/2 cups cooked elbow macaroni, WELL  drained
3/4 cup frozen green peas, thawed and drained (don't cook!)
1/2 cup cubed ham
1/3 cup sharp cheddar cheese, cubed small (just chunk up 3-4 thick cheese slices)
1/4 cup celery, diced
2 Tbsp diced onions
dash of salt
About a 1 1/2- 2 cups of Miracle whip, until salad is consistency you like. Remember mac will absorb some of it; so always add a bit more than you think you need.
DO NOT use the "lite" miracle whip; it will separate and become "watery" in a day.

Mix all ingredients together well, cover and let sit in 'fridge at least half a day.

Your recipe for the ham and pea salad looks very good, I copied it to my recipes to try folder.
As for the store bought salads I usually don’t care for salads that are floating in mayo or whatever, but this recipe is more on the dry side, but very good.

Macaroni salad
1 cup Mayo
2 tbl Vinegar
1 tbl Mustard
1 tsp Sugar
1 tsp Salt
1⁄4 tsp Pepper
1⁄2 lb Macaroni cooked and drained
1 cup Celery
1⁄2 cup Chopped green pepper
1⁄2 cup Chopped red pepper
1⁄2 cup Chopped green onion
mix all ingredients and refrigerate to blend flavors
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/22/19, 02:55:57 PM
they both sound good, copied both too for later use!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on March 03/22/19, 03:01:58 PM
I will try them too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/22/19, 03:17:13 PM
i'm not cooking anything Reb cooks!!!!!!! :tut: :doah: i mean look how he turned out!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :angel: :angel:

sorry bud..............it was dotches fault!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/22/19, 03:36:30 PM
Hey Rebs! Don't open any packages addressed to glenn!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/22/19, 03:43:22 PM
 :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :confused: :taz: :taz: :taz: :taz:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/22/19, 08:02:38 PM
Solid noodles for spaghetti good, hollow noodles bad.. :puke: Forget to take pics but walleye in one cast and a small fillet of salmon in the other. Served with beans, side sa lad and dipping bread in some sorta oil..
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on March 03/22/19, 08:58:48 PM
Problem with a lot of the bought mac salads, is there's a lot of oils instead of the "miracle whip" type mayonnaise base, which you can taste, at least I can. My favorite is my ham 'n pea mac salad, which is really easy to make. This is roughly the amounts I use off the top of my head; (elbow mac is correct) vary according to how much of each item you like.

1 1/2 cups cooked elbow macaroni, WELL  drained
3/4 cup frozen green peas, thawed and drained (don't cook!)
1/2 cup cubed ham
1/3 cup sharp cheddar cheese, cubed small (just chunk up 3-4 thick cheese slices)
1/4 cup celery, diced
2 Tbsp diced onions
dash of salt
About a 1 1/2- 2 cups of Miracle whip, until salad is consistency you like. Remember mac will absorb some of it; so always add a bit more than you think you need.
DO NOT use the "lite" miracle whip; it will separate and become "watery" in a day.

Mix all ingredients together well, cover and let sit in 'fridge at least half a day.

Gonna make it tomorrow.   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/23/19, 05:27:32 AM
Wondermous! Let us know how ya like it!  Remember, that was off top of the head. You can add more or less of everything ya want. For the onions, I usually use purple ones in it for some added color. I sometimes add a touch of dill weed, too.
If you make it again, for a different spin on it, back off on the Miracle whip a bit and mix in some ranch or blue cheese dressing, and a big handful of halved cherry tomato's.... :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on March 03/23/19, 11:15:53 AM
I'm gonna double the batch for this first try. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/23/19, 11:17:45 AM
Don't run outta Miracle Whip!!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/23/19, 07:25:57 PM
Just a one grate dinner tonight. Chuckeye's,  bacon wrapped taters and a summer salad (pasta).. :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/23/19, 08:08:40 PM
Looking great as usual Boober!  :happy1: I bet Mrs. Boober has that gleam in her eye... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/24/19, 07:20:10 AM
Looking great as usual Boober!  :happy1: I bet Mrs. Boober has that gleam in her eye... :rotflmao:

oh no poor girl if she does!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/24/19, 06:51:49 PM
Nuttin fancy. Doctored up some burgers, fried onions and ore Ida seasoned fries. And just for boober and leech.... The HAT!  :happy1: :rotflmao:

By doctoring I mean I add diced onion, salt and pepper, an egg, and oatmeal. I do this alot! I decided to try a few other things. A bit of garlic, lemon pepper, Alpine touch and a few other seasoning. I let it meld a few hours.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: LPS on March 03/25/19, 10:37:07 AM
Looks good Glenn.  What's the ashtray for?   :sleazy:   :laughroll:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/25/19, 10:45:21 AM
Looks good Glenn.  What's the ashtray for?   :sleazy:   :laughroll:
toothpicks!!!!!!!!!! :moon: :moon: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/19, 11:06:32 AM
I thought maybe yer burnt ends go in there... :smoking:  :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/25/19, 02:02:11 PM
He doesn't eat the roaches..
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/25/19, 05:12:07 PM
Looking good Glenn!! Da ash tray is where da katchup goes :happy1:  :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/25/19, 06:43:22 PM
Looking good Glenn!! Da ash tray is where da katchup goes :happy1:  :mooning:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :doah: :tut: :tut:
Title: Re: What's on the grill this weekend?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/19, 06:44:24 PM
Wiggle waggle wiggle waggle.....
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/28/19, 10:44:27 PM
Wouldja look at that? It ain't just for the weekend anymore so glenn can quit whining... :rotflmao:

Pork chops on the grill, indirect after searing and smomed with fresh apple wood pruned off the trees in the yard. In the background while grilling were the calls of killdeers and sandhill cranes. Very still so one could hear everything, even the slightest croaking of a few chorus frogs coming from the wetland below the hill. Add an adult beverage or two and it was heaven.  :angel:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/29/19, 06:32:12 AM
 :tut: :tut: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :laughroll:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/29/19, 08:09:06 AM
Looks great Dotch.  I can't believe you are hearing frogs and killdeer already.  Was that before or after the Gin tonics?   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/29/19, 08:40:51 AM
Not taking away Dotch's fire, but out on the deck the other nite grilling, heard a couple tree frogs. Remember thinking "this early?!"
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/29/19, 05:06:14 PM
I get a kick out of it when we go thru a rainy spell and see them attach themselves to the windows.  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/29/19, 05:32:08 PM
Scrape 'em off and grill up some frog legs.  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/31/19, 09:49:20 AM
Thinking I need more practice so I may pick up a rack of ribs and throw on the smoker.  Hard to not cook something cool on a Sunday. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/31/19, 07:06:28 PM
Chicky over charcoal, stove top, spuds fried in butter and onions. No KATCHUP was harmed in this meal.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/31/19, 07:33:18 PM
If you had put katchup on that chicken, Reb would've throttled ya!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/31/19, 07:50:56 PM
If you had put katchup on that chicken, Reb would've throttled ya!  :rotflmao:
:popcorn: :shocked: MEH, he's harmless!!! :surrender: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/01/19, 08:51:38 AM
Looks good to me! And I WOULD thrash ya if ya wrecked the chicky with katchup!!! :oscar:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/02/19, 06:33:36 PM
My fav beef kaboobs,  with some chicken for the ladies.  Bacon wrapped taters n beans!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/02/19, 06:34:47 PM
Lookin' good there!  :happy1: Are those zucchini slices next to the peppers?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/02/19, 06:43:27 PM
dang good eats for sure!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/02/19, 06:45:13 PM
Man that looks good.  Don't have kabobs enough.  We had spaghetti tonight and am thinking of what to grill next.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/02/19, 06:48:00 PM
No zucchini,  but I wish. Must be a piece o chicken looking a little thin..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/02/19, 07:08:36 PM
No zucchini,  but I wish. Must be a piece o chicken looking a little thin..

I need to try them some time, have not made them either... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/02/19, 08:05:18 PM
Well, get on the stick! Pile o' Kabobs just waitin' for the grill........ :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/03/19, 08:02:26 AM
That looks great Rebs.  You having the NL over later?  Good way to do them by sitting on that glass pan.  They are getting closer now after seeing that.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/03/19, 08:07:08 AM
That looks great Rebs.  You having the NL over later?  Good way to do them by sitting on that glass pan.  They are getting closer now after seeing that.
looks like he marinaded them in his geritol!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/03/19, 08:07:38 AM
That was from last year, Barry, as a visual aid for Mikey. :rotflmao: I put them in that dish, then drizzle Zesty Italian dressing over them, then pop a plastic bag over 'em and in the fridge to meld for about 4 hrs. Then they go directly on the grill............. then onto a bed of wild rice. :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/03/19, 08:09:10 AM
That looks great Rebs.  You having the NL over later?  Good way to do them by sitting on that glass pan.  They are getting closer now after seeing that.
looks like he marinaded them in his geritol!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Are you gonna start another day of posting 2 seconds before I do all day?! There may be repercussions... training-087
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/03/19, 08:12:24 AM
That looks great Rebs.  You having the NL over later?  Good way to do them by sitting on that glass pan.  They are getting closer now after seeing that.
looks like he marinaded them in his geritol!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Are you gonna start another day of posting 2 seconds before I do all day?! There may be repercussions... training-087
maybe!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/03/19, 08:52:23 AM
OK, someone said there aren't enough recipes anymore...sooo...this isn't really a recipe, just how I make my kabobs:

One 1 lb or larger round steak, or a couple of 8 oz ball tips (Any steak will work, I just like these)

Cut into 1 1/2" wide strips, then into 1 1/2" squares

Pop in a plastic zip-loc with a marinade made of Worcestershire, garlic powder, onion powder, and soy sauce.

Let sit at least 4 hours in 'fridge

I then alternate 1" size squares of red peppers, green peppers, purple onions, and large button mushrooms with the steak chunks. I do 5 steak chunks per skewer.

Lay all skewered kabobs in a dish or whatever, and drizzle zesty Italian dressing over all.
Cover and refrigerate for a couple hours.

Grill and brush with the zesty dressing that dripped off in dish.

Serve on bed of wild rice.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/03/19, 09:05:18 AM
there's a whole seperate thread for reciepes.  just gotta open your eyes and read!!!!!!!!! quite simple actually............fo to FORUMS, scroll down to BBQ schack and walla..........right on top in whats called the child board..........it says RECIEPIES!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/03/19, 09:08:23 AM
Chicken for the ladies? Looks like Boober got a cardio workout in after the kaboobs!   :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/03/19, 09:10:28 AM
there's a whole seperate thread for reciepes.  just gotta open your eyes and read!!!!!!!!! quite simple actually............fo to FORUMS, scroll down to BBQ schack and walla..........right on top in whats called the child board..........it says RECIEPIES!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:

Ahh, go play wit yer talking Elmo smurf doll...  *PULL*  "Hi, I'm dopey smurf"...... :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/03/19, 09:13:52 AM
there's a whole seperate thread for reciepes.  just gotta open your eyes and read!!!!!!!!! quite simple actually............fo to FORUMS, scroll down to BBQ schack and walla..........right on top in whats called the child board..........it says RECIEPIES!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
  :doah: RECIEPES or Recipes?  :scratch:  :tut: :bonk: :rolleyes: :doofus: Least you could do if'n your dishin it out :bs: is get it right. :pouty: :thumbs: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/03/19, 09:14:49 AM
 :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/03/19, 09:18:55 AM
there's a whole seperate thread for reciepes.  just gotta open your eyes and read!!!!!!!!! quite simple actually............fo to FORUMS, scroll down to BBQ schack and walla..........right on top in whats called the child board..........it says RECIEPIES!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
  :doah: RECIEPES or Recipes?  :scratch:  :tut: :bonk: :rolleyes: :doofus: Least you could do if'n your dishin it out :bs: is get it right. :pouty: :thumbs: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
whatever!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/03/19, 09:25:50 AM
And we're off!!!  🏃‍♂️<<<<<<<<<<<<<      :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/03/19, 04:52:51 PM
Bacon/cheddar brat patties, pickled beets, redskin tater salad...... :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/03/19, 05:27:44 PM
Yummy, I likes brat patties, and especially tater salad!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/03/19, 06:35:31 PM
Beer brats fer da gals and homemade smoked hot diggity dogs for me. Ya ya I burnt em..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/03/19, 06:47:06 PM
darn good eats fellers!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/03/19, 06:57:39 PM
Don't look burnt ta me. Well seasoned. Flavorful.  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/03/19, 07:03:49 PM
Them disgusting beets are gonna create a chemical reaction that's gonna need a hazmat suit!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/03/19, 07:05:49 PM
Rocket fuel for Mr. Atlas Missile!!! 🚀
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/03/19, 08:43:06 PM
Where's glenn's list? Beets were on that long ago weren't they? It might be shorter just to list the things he will eat!  :rotflmao:

Num! Num! Neighbor lady and Mrs. Boober alert! Hope you guys ate your Wheaties this morning!  :happy1:

Here we got leftover lamb cheeseborgers grilled the other nite along with a replenished supply of Boodles, a recent birthday gift. On Pro Farmer Crop Tour last year I had the good fortune to ride with a Brit who asked about my alcohol preferences. Told him I like gin, in particular Boodles as it's smooth and also one that Winston Churchill was reputedly fond of. He laughed and said, "My good fellow, you have to remember that Winston Churchill drank EVERYTHING!"  :rotflmao:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/03/19, 10:53:43 PM
That's alot of gas, er I meant beans right there  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/04/19, 07:12:08 AM
and an empty glass too!!!   :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/04/19, 07:17:36 AM
The Dove dark chocolates are the problem with the Missus Cheviot. They're good for ya, but rev up yer seks drive. I always have a bag of 'em here in case the NL pops in for a quickie coffee.  :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/04/19, 08:20:29 AM
Oh ya beets are on his list.  And ya that is a lot of beans.  Good bait Rebs?   :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/04/19, 08:21:03 AM
No, I eat 'em!!  :rotflmao:  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/04/19, 08:25:48 AM
My brother called me a few weeks ago and said he had just vac packed a steak and was going to do the 28 day wet age in the frig thing.  SO of course I did it too.  This weekend ends the 28 days.  We were going to do them the same night even though we won't be together.  He will let me know what night it is.  I have a 26 oz ribeye in the frig for my experiment.  Anyone ever done that?  Hope it works and is still good. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/04/19, 08:28:18 AM
26 oz ribeye?!  My favorite portion size!!  :rotflmao:  Haveta let us know how it goes...with pics, of course. Hope it works out; I'm curious to hear.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/04/19, 08:28:46 AM
Will do pics for sure. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/04/19, 08:30:29 AM
does it cook better when its green!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :smoking: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/04/19, 08:36:23 AM
I have left a whole ribeye roll in the fridge for a month....  no issues....  yes Glenn it was sealed...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/04/19, 09:08:13 AM
 :happy1: :happy1:  Should be nice and tender. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/04/19, 10:26:03 AM
it was great!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/04/19, 10:28:46 AM
 :confused: there is no way on god's green earth i could let a chunk of meat like that sit in the frig for 20 days without  devouring it. :hubba: :hubba:

you guys can really open up that frig each and every day and truely control yourself to not slap that on a grill!!!!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/04/19, 10:31:35 AM
I had some baloney in the fridge for 3 weeks once, it turned green and slippery.  Fed it to the neighbors yappy dog. That turned him into a bunghole rocket for about 2 days.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/04/19, 10:34:26 AM
:confused: there is no way on god's green earth i could let a chunk of meat like that sit in the frig for 20 days without  devouring it. :hubba: :hubba:

you guys can really open up that frig each and every day and truely control yourself to not slap that on a grill!!!!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :confused:

it was in the beer fridge too!!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/04/19, 10:39:15 AM
what you guys marinate it in?????????? katchup???????? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/04/19, 11:00:36 AM
what you guys marinate it in?????????? katchup???????? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

 :puke: :thumbs: :tut: :tut:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/05/19, 09:50:03 AM
Funny Glenn.  I will put some Lawry's, garlic powder, pepper and a drizzle of olive oil on each side.  Then grill for 6 minutes a side for a nice med - med rare.  It's pretty thick. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/05/19, 09:55:34 AM
Funny Glenn.  I will put some Lawry's, garlic powder, pepper and a drizzle of olive oil on each side.  Then grill for 6 minutes a side for a nice med - med rare.  It's pretty thick.

Apparently, so is Glenn.  :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/05/19, 02:57:52 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/05/19, 05:24:54 PM
Sweet and sour glazed pigger chops, pork stuffing, mixed slaw salad with dressing and grape 'maters...and an ice cream bar.   *urp*    :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/05/19, 05:33:07 PM
You chow down already reb? That sounds fantastic!! Were just getting going here..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/05/19, 05:41:41 PM
Yup, dinner bell rang loud at 5:00.... skipped lunch today. Too busy buying fertilizer and looking for brown-treated landscape timbers...  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/05/19, 06:33:28 PM
Beer brats fer da gals and homemade smoked hot diggity dogs for me. Ya ya I burnt em..

My wife likes her weenies black!  :scratch:  Um well done!  :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/05/19, 07:42:29 PM
Beer brats fer da gals and homemade smoked hot diggity dogs for me. Ya ya I burnt em..

My wife likes her weenies black!  :scratch:  Um well done!  :doah:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/07/19, 11:14:54 AM
Gonna grill my 28 day wet aged Ribeye tonight.  Can't wait.  The wife will make her mushrooms and onions sauteed in butter.  That is as good as the steak.  Will have something else too.  Maybe just a salad. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/07/19, 11:48:14 AM
I'm having weenies.     :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/07/19, 11:49:13 AM
I'm having weenies.     :pouty:
boar has kitties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/07/19, 11:50:38 AM
And no power washer.... Actually, da weenies are really polish brats. Wit tater salad.    Or, as boar would say, "iM' habng brauts  fro spupEr"............... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/08/19, 09:03:27 AM
Here is the ribeye on the grill.  It was so tender.  I could have pulled it apart when spicing it up it was so tender.  Tasted great too.  That is a chunk of hickory smoking off to the side.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/08/19, 05:16:57 PM
That looks great!  :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/08/19, 05:18:33 PM
Swiss-cheddar cheese burglars, cheddar-bacon pasta, tater salad (the last of it) and fresh green tops. Even a mustard smiley face just for Glenn.  ;)

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/08/19, 06:28:07 PM
Lps posted that masterpiece this morning and I bet the Mrs. Is still chasing him around!! Man o man am I sucker fer a big fat burglar reb.. :bow:  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/08/19, 07:25:09 PM
1/3 lbs burglars! More meat to eat! That's what I told.....er, never mind.   ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/08/19, 07:28:41 PM
1/3 lbs burglars! More meat to eat! That's what I told.....er, never mind.   ;)

ders dat seks thing!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/08/19, 08:40:27 PM
After having those pre-made Omaha Steak burgers on hand we got to really like having 2 burgers per package to just drop in some warm water and ready to cook in 10 minutes. SO I just ordered the Weston burger press with some sheets of wax paper so they come out easier.  I will flash freeze them and then put 2 per pkg and freeze in vac pack bags. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/09/19, 09:11:42 AM
Since the weather is supposed to get crummy figured it was time to generate some leftovers. Beautiful, relatively still nite with the chorus frogs running full throttle after the 70 degree day. Had pear wood in the smoker boxes and had picked up some plain & bacon fresh brats at Morgan's. A little slaw, more beans and I can remove the paint off the wall in the office this a.m. Keeps Mrs. Cheviot's advances at bay as well!  :happy1:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/09/19, 09:13:23 AM
Wondermous! Tell me, do those light sticks attract things like gnomes and smurfs?  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/09/19, 09:28:03 AM
Wondermous! Tell me, do those light sticks attract things like gnomes and smurfs?  :scratch:

Just in case, I keep things on glenn's food list handy so they leave me alone!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/09/19, 09:29:01 AM
 :confused: :confused: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/09/19, 09:31:44 AM
Maybe ya need an olive in that G&T.... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/09/19, 06:28:42 PM
https://youtu.be/1G-a3OCfcdw                                                                              :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/13/19, 01:35:59 PM
Ok I have read a lot that slathering mustard on ribs and then the spices you like is the way to go.  They say you can't taste any mustard.  That is good cuz the wife isn't crazy about it.  She's a little worried about this batch of ribs.  LOL   Here is my first crack at it. 

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/13/19, 03:45:23 PM
good for you LPS!!  always was going to try that but never did...  and Reb I just watched that one!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/14/19, 07:52:32 AM
How'd them ribs turn out lps?  I've done lots of other cuts of meat with mustard but not ribs, and it turns out we're doing a rack today..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/14/19, 08:28:29 AM
I should have taken them off half an hour earlier.  BUT they were good tasting and no hint of mustard on them.  Will try it again and not do them so long. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on April 04/14/19, 10:28:39 AM
You can also use honey to keep the rub on the ribs, plus it add a nice flavor.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/14/19, 10:31:00 AM
I usually put the rub on heavy a day ahead of time, wrap tightly in plastic wrap, and leave in 'fridge overnite. Works it's way right in...

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/14/19, 10:36:45 AM
Makes me want to do another rack tomorrow.  L.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/14/19, 11:16:45 AM
Was going to try some mustard but the rack was plenty juicy for the rub. High mountain has all tge other ingredients in it but added more. This time around onion powder got the nod over garlic.. see what ya started lps.. :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/14/19, 11:39:51 AM
Was going to try some mustard but the rack was plenty juicy for the rub. High mountain has all tge other ingredients in it but added more. This time around onion powder got the nod over garlic.. see what ya started lps.. :happy1:
who...…...you and da missis cant eat all that...…..on my way!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/14/19, 11:52:39 AM
Those are the nicest meatiest ribs I have ever seen.  Best rack I have seen on here since Friday. Well I just put the ring bologna in the smoker.  They sat in beer frig overnight.  Have hickory in smoke box.  1 hr at 150, 1 hr at 175, 1 hr at 200, then I turn the fan on to get moisture out of the smoker and let go till sausage is 150-155. 

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/14/19, 12:16:20 PM
Where do you guys get yer High Mountain stuff? Fareway won't order anymore Fat Boy Cowgirl Rub, or any of their other rubs.....new meat manager. He's a real prize.
Anyway, looking to try some others besides using mine all the time. There isn't much to choose from around here....might haveta break down and order some.  :rolleyes:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/14/19, 01:02:54 PM
I believe it was fleet farm reb, not 100% sure though, we've had it a while. Dang lps the rings look excellent!! Tgats my down fall, I suck at stuffing..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/14/19, 01:14:53 PM
Thanks boob. I'll haveta look there again. Maybe they'll have more with Spring (!) coming.
Had very little last week.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/14/19, 05:05:05 PM
 Have you looked at scheels?   they had some stuff..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/15/19, 02:16:42 PM
Our grocery store has High Mountain stuff by the meat case.  Maybe yours does too. ??  Well I had a ribeye out to grill yesterday but we ended up having a fire so things got late and had a pizza instead.  So now the steak will be really good tonight.  Yesterday I drizzled it on both sides with olive oil, then Lawry's, onion powder, garlic powder, and pepper.  Gonna be great.  The wife is going to pick up lettuce and a yam. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/15/19, 07:06:40 PM
Found a shaker of Pit Boss Pork Rub...that'll do me for now, along with my own wunnerful rub.  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/16/19, 09:38:55 AM
Welp, it's a go. The pigger steaks have a good load of a new rub on 'em (Back Forty Texas Style pork rub) and they're tightly wrapped and melding in the 'fridge. Gonna make a pot of beans in a bit, have some slaw ready to make, a batch of new green tops, and a foil packet I just filled with apple wood for the grill...first smoked piggers of the year are always the best. Just like that first kiss.... :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/16/19, 09:40:51 AM
Sounds fun Rebs..   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/16/19, 09:43:44 AM
I'm gonna enjoy the heck out of it!!!! Sunny and 63*, on the deck!.....YES!  :dancinred:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/16/19, 10:00:24 AM
Welp, it's a go. The pigger steaks have a good load of a new rub on 'em (Back Forty Texas Style pork rub) and they're tightly wrapped and melding in the 'fridge. Gonna make a pot of beans in a bit, have some slaw ready to make, a batch of new green tops, and a foil packet I just filled with apple wood for the grill...first smoked piggers of the year are always the best. Just like that first kiss.... :tongue:
damn you eat like a king reb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/16/19, 10:06:25 AM
Ya, every once in a while I don't haveta have my bowl of gruel!   :undecided:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/16/19, 03:53:18 PM
Pigger slabs are smokin' away right now................. :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/16/19, 04:56:15 PM
Nice!! Dunk in a little mix of horseradish n bbq sauce and your golden!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/16/19, 05:47:09 PM
Um numm... *URP*BURP* was almost too much to eat...and there's still one left!  Smoky beans, mac salad, and the fresh green tops did the trick.... :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/16/19, 07:08:44 PM
Good job Rebs.  Nice looking plate.  The Mac Salad looks good too. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/16/19, 07:14:19 PM
Good job Rebs.  Nice looking plate.  The Mac Salad looks good too.

I woulda put a sprig of parsley on it for more eye appeal, but I was fresh out.  :rotflmao:
Or, I coulda done like in the 60's supper-club days...a spiced apple ring, I loved those.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/17/19, 04:26:18 PM
Looks good enough for me to hit with no parsley reb!! Got kind of a jam here, steaks and burglars are thawed,  but da friggen rain ain't lettin up. Soooooooo thinking maybe tailgate burglars in da garage on the little gasser and steaks tomorrow on da patio... ya, what the heck..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/17/19, 07:13:40 PM
I've been in that predicament too BB.  Too much meat thawed out and not enough weekend to smoke or cook it.  What a fun situation.  Sounds like you thought your way out of it.  :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/17/19, 07:20:08 PM
Yup, always too much meat........ :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/18/19, 06:50:25 PM
Gots to take what the course gives ya I always say lps.  Chuckeye's drizzled in oil then seasoned,  nekkid spuds n fungus with a side salad..I'm to pooped to play..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/18/19, 06:51:58 PM
AAAAAAAAAHHHH!  :hubba: :wowza:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/18/19, 07:09:04 PM
Gots to take what the course gives ya I always say lps.  Chuckeye's drizzled in oil then seasoned,  nekkid spuds n fungus with a side salad..I'm to pooped to play..

Really though. Who needs drugs when there is grilled meat, spuds and shroom smoke to inhale?   :party1: :dancinred:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/18/19, 09:14:36 PM
Gots to take what the course gives ya I always say lps.  Chuckeye's drizzled in oil then seasoned,  nekkid spuds n fungus with a side salad..I'm to pooped to play..

Really though. Who needs drugs when there is grilled meat, spuds and shroom smoke to inhale?   :party1: :dancinred:
especially on an expensive.... Awe never mind!! :sleazy: :rolleyes: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: GrandpaTom on April 04/18/19, 09:24:37 PM
I found a new combo.  Any offers?

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/18/19, 10:26:36 PM
Egads Boober! That looks fabulous! I hope you didn't hafta mace her... :rotflmao:

NO such danger here tonite. She was working so after a day of work, seeing a friend at the care center, doing the chores then getting the Stude out I decided it was Hormel center cut time. Pear wood in the smoker boxes seasoned with smokehouse maple, seared ~3 minutes a side then finished indirect 10 minutes a side. Tater salad, Birdseye frozen peas, a little Boodles and Jack Rudy's tonic. There you have it!


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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/19/19, 06:11:10 AM
What?? Ya didn't boil the meat??! :doofus: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/19/19, 07:43:07 AM
I think he's usin' the same pic over and over.... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/19/19, 07:50:14 AM
Man you put a nice browning on them Dotch.   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/19/19, 09:54:08 AM
Thanks Barry altho Reb is sorta right. Nice to have a bunch of plastic and rubber food to put on the plate to make people think I actually made it. The gin however is real... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/19/19, 09:55:49 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/19/19, 10:05:16 AM
I thought sheep ate grass? :scratch: Can't ya tie 'em on tethers to a clothes pole, and have 'em walk around and around on that hill until it's grazed down?  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/19/19, 10:12:25 AM
Oops! I tink ya got da wrong thread dare Rebs!  :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/19/19, 10:42:58 AM
Oops! I tink ya got da wrong thread dare Rebs!  :confused:
he musta tried the tide pods!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/19/19, 10:54:55 AM
WHOOPSIES!!! Not enough cawfee......... :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/19/19, 11:17:08 AM
Dang dotch, mighty fine meal! I definitely see why the car is parked and running!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/19/19, 05:38:50 PM
Da smoked chicky quarters, loaded salad with chunky blue dressing, and fresh tater salad and green tops. Ice cream bar for dessert. :smiley:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/19/19, 07:12:49 PM
OH YEAH!!!  :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/19/19, 07:22:39 PM
I agree. Waiting for a dumb conference call that'll be a PITA while Reb feasts and entertains the neighbor lady. Humph!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/19/19, 09:11:13 PM
Da smoked chicky quarters, loaded salad with chunky blue dressing, and fresh tater salad and green tops. Ice cream bar for dessert. :smiley:

If you could just add a hat, work gloves and some mail on the table it would look a lot more appetizing!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/20/19, 06:50:08 AM
Da smoked chicky quarters, loaded salad with chunky blue dressing, and fresh tater salad and green tops. Ice cream bar for dessert. :smiley:

If you could just add a hat, work gloves and some mail on the table it would look a lot more appetizing!   :happy1:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/20/19, 07:37:39 AM
I'll haveta work on that..... ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/20/19, 08:32:15 AM
Da smoked chicky quarters, loaded salad with chunky blue dressing, and fresh tater salad and green tops. Ice cream bar for dessert. :smiley:

If you could just add a hat, work gloves and some mail on the table it would look a lot more appetizing!   :happy1:
:pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/20/19, 05:16:19 PM
Two-cheese cheese burglars, with a smiley face just for for Glenn, spring salad, and tater salad. Forgot about the green tops in the 'fridge.  :angry:
Hope it looks more appetizing with the Leech-requested table decos..... ;)

Da smoked chicky quarters, loaded salad with chunky blue dressing, and fresh tater salad and green tops. Ice cream bar for dessert. :smiley:

If you could just add a hat, work gloves and some mail on the table it would look a lot more appetizing!   :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/20/19, 06:25:03 PM
I like it Reb!! Hard to beat a good ol fashioned cheese burglar!! Call em what you will but thin sliced chicken with all the ingredients rolled up for buffalo chicken in the cast,  really good. Sliced up sweet taters and left over pasta salad.  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/20/19, 06:27:46 PM
HAHAHAHAHA!  Jeez, you've done it again, Ollie~! What a feast!     :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/20/19, 07:01:04 PM
 :sleazy: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:

I always new you guys wanted to be just like me. :happy1: :happy1:

Boober... That table and floor looks pretty near what area looks like. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/20/19, 07:03:30 PM
Oh yeah, the food looks good to!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/20/19, 07:04:01 PM
:sleazy: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:

I always new you guys wanted to be just like me. :happy1: :happy1:

Boober... That table and floor looks pretty near what area looks like. :rotflmao:

Ya, and I wanna look just like Delmart, too.  :censored:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/20/19, 10:15:45 PM
There is a saying from back in the days of my youth...but I am too polite to use it these days.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/21/19, 09:39:23 AM
Spotted the high mountain stuff at fleet farm reb..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/21/19, 09:53:01 AM
Alright!!! Thanks, Boober!  :happy1:  Looks like a trip to Flat Farm this week......... :smiley:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/21/19, 09:55:12 AM
the back forty stuff is good too fellers!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/21/19, 09:57:40 AM
Bought one of the Back Forty Rib Rub when I couldn't find the other...and I picked up that Pit Boss...plus made a bottle of mine...and have  one of Cowgirl Rub.....I'm almost set!  :doofus:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/21/19, 10:03:00 AM
Wafda need all that rub for?? :scratch: rib up your blow up doll!! :sleazy: :smoking: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/21/19, 10:08:07 AM
Because I don't have one single rub I put on everything, like katchup.  :evil:
Different meats and methods = different rubs. Good cooks know that.   :moon:

Say, are you using the boaranese dialect dictionary today?  And SEKS on Easter... :tut:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/21/19, 01:17:39 PM
I just put ribs slathered with mustard and spices in the smomer.  Now I am going to take a nap...   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/21/19, 02:53:45 PM
easy menu today, smoked taters and burgers.....  going today more beef on the smoker this summer.....  steaks and such I mean... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/21/19, 05:02:27 PM
easy menu today, smoked taters and burgers.....  going today more beef on the smoker this summer.....  steaks and such I mean...
yea yeah... No pictures I claim  :bs: :bs: :rotflmao:

Ribeyes later. Right now it's happy hour.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/21/19, 07:51:10 PM
you go right ahead and say that, but dang they sure did taste darn good!!!!!   taters too!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/21/19, 07:56:14 PM
you go right ahead and say that, but dang they sure did taste darn good!!!!!   taters too!!!
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/21/19, 08:00:28 PM

                                                :popcorn: :popcorn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/21/19, 08:09:21 PM
 :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/21/19, 08:10:20 PM
you go right ahead and say that, but dang they sure did taste darn good!!!!!   taters too!!!
I seen that fancy Gizmo you got,  :smoking: pretty sure you can take and post pictures. Hell iffin boar can show me, any one can. :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/21/19, 08:29:47 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/21/19, 08:35:59 PM
is that popcorn buttered a d lightly salted?? :confused: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I may have some tonight instead of ice cream! :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/27/19, 10:57:14 AM
Since the forecast for this evening was crummy I decided to fire up the grill after chores last nite. Found some nice pork steaks at the local grocery on my way through for milk, bread and eggs ahead of the snownami. Seasoned the pigsteaks with Weber steak & chop seasoning, seared them a couple minutes on both sides then finished them off indirect with pear wood in the smoker boxes. Enjoy the ambiance, slather the pigsteaks with BBQ sauce, manufacture an Oriental salad, toss some chips on a plate all the while tossing back a few G&T's. Purty simple.  :cool:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/27/19, 11:00:44 AM
looks good Dotch!  even the G&T sounding better and I have never had one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  or even wanted one......    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/27/19, 11:09:58 AM
Alright! Can't beat a BBQ slathered pigger steak! Better than ribs. IMO. A bit of fat for flavor.
Looks like no pesky smurfs attracted by the woodland lights, either!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/27/19, 12:32:01 PM
Rebs, I opened a can of black olives on the picnic table to keep the smurfs away. Old Injun trick!  :happy1:

Ya Mikey, G&T's are something I enjoy year round even tho some cocktail snobs may try to convince you they are only a summer drink. Does that mean you can only have a caipirinha or margarita when it's hot out too? Didn't think so. One thing about G&T's: I seldom order one in a bar or restaurant if I know they're dispensing the tonic from a soda gun. Typically whatever comes out of them tastes like flat, oversweet 7 Up. That and/or the bartender will try to impress me with how much Ed Phillips or other such rail gin and ice they can dump in a glass and not leave enough room for the roughly 5 oz. of tonic water that should be in there. Few drinks suck worse than a burnt G&T especially made with rail gin and crummy tonic water from a soda gun.  :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/27/19, 01:11:37 PM
Oh so you're one of them uppity yups finicky high class snobby one's? :scratch: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Olives worked good too!! :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/27/19, 02:26:05 PM
Looking fabulistic Dotch!! Been a while since I had me a pigger steak.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/27/19, 03:44:34 PM
thanks for the info Dotch!!!  yea if ya like something drink it!!!!  so I guess if I want a good G&T I'd better roll on down there!!!!!  and sit by your grill!!!!  and enjoy Ruby's company!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/27/19, 05:29:09 PM
Rebs, I opened a can of black olives on the picnic table to keep the smurfs away. Old Injun trick!  :happy1:

Ya Mikey, G&T's are something I enjoy year round even tho some cocktail snobs may try to convince you they are only a summer drink. Does that mean you can only have a caipirinha or margarita when it's hot out too? Didn't think so. One thing about G&T's: I seldom order one in a bar or restaurant if I know they're dispensing the tonic from a soda gun. Typically whatever comes out of them tastes like flat, oversweet 7 Up. That and/or the bartender will try to impress me with how much Ed Phillips or other such rail gin and ice they can dump in a glass and not leave enough room for the roughly 5 oz. of tonic water that should be in there. Few drinks suck worse than a burnt G&T especially made with rail gin and crummy tonic water from a soda gun.  :puke:
Yeah, thanks for the idea Dotch! ;)  I may haveta try that smurf repellent sometime & see if'n it works this far north too.  :rolleyes: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on April 04/27/19, 07:24:59 PM
Stopped at Thielens meat market in Little Falls on the way up to the cabin. T-bone steaks on sale $7.99.
I hope the plated presentation is up to Reb’s and Dotch’s standards?

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/27/19, 07:28:15 PM
I know the last one will be Rebs favorite!! :happy1: :rotflmao:

Looks mighty fine. You did forget the hat however! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/27/19, 08:36:43 PM
No question. Definitely up to my standards, right down to the Grain Belt Premium beer. Pattern on the Corelle is the same harvest gold color as my Mom had too.  :happy1: Hey look Reb! Green beans!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/27/19, 09:20:55 PM
Excellent, Coop! Certainly meets my standards for a colorful & tasteful presentation! The symmetry is perfect!  :rotflmao: An excellent meal...those steaks...wow! I'll second what Dotch said about the GB*, too! Always liked a cold Grain Belt....just like at the Met stadium!  :smiley:

PS...don't worry about the hat and stuff....this ain't no greasy spoon diner thread.  :rotflmao:

*Grain Belt
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/28/19, 07:26:52 AM
good place to get meats that place is!!!  you did great Coop!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/28/19, 08:08:59 AM
And ya can't beat their thick-sliced smoked bacon! I love that place!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on April 04/28/19, 09:57:02 AM
I know the last one will be Rebs favorite!! :happy1: :rotflmao:

Looks mighty fine. You did forget the hat however! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Sorry Glenn, I won’t forget the hat next time.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/28/19, 10:01:14 AM
I know the last one will be Rebs favorite!! :happy1: :rotflmao:

Looks mighty fine. You did forget the hat however! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Sorry Glenn, I won’t forget the hat next time.

No hats on the table.  :laugh:  On the pooch only.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: HD on April 04/28/19, 10:06:00 AM
Looks awesome Coop!  :happy1:

Where did you get Grainbelt in a blue label?
All we got around here is premium in the red label or Nordeast  :toast:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/28/19, 10:06:36 AM
I know the last one will be Rebs favorite!! :happy1: :rotflmao:

Looks mighty fine. You did forget the hat however! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Sorry Glenn, I won’t forget the hat next time.
:happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/28/19, 10:20:07 AM
Looks awesome Coop!  :happy1:

Where did you get Grainbelt in a blue label?
All we got around here is premium in the red label or Nordeast  :toast:

That's GB Lite, isn't it? :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on April 04/28/19, 10:41:50 AM
Looks awesome Coop!  :happy1:

Where did you get Grainbelt in a blue label?
All we got around here is premium in the red label or Nordeast  :toast:

not a lot off places carry it, I bought it at 71 Bottles of beer on the wall, in Park Rapids.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on April 04/28/19, 10:43:30 AM
Looks awesome Coop!  :happy1:

Where did you get Grainbelt in a blue label?
All we got around here is premium in the red label or Nordeast  :toast:

That's GB Lite, isn't it? :scratch:
Yes Reb, it’s lite
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/28/19, 12:29:51 PM
I bought some Kimchi yesterday.  RH used to talk about making it.  I just haven't gotten around to it so I just bought some.  Pretty good too.  It's got some heat to it.  Will have it with the beef ribs and the two asparagus I will be cutting today.  One for the wife and one for me.  LOL 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/28/19, 12:30:50 PM
Where'd ya get the kimchi, Barry?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/28/19, 12:49:05 PM
Looks awesome Coop!  :happy1:

Where did you get Grainbelt in a blue label?
All we got around here is premium in the red label or Nordeast  :toast:

That's GB Lite, isn't it? :scratch:
Yes Reb, it’s lite

Had some on the Schells brewery tour our car club took a while back. Was decent. Always liked the high test when it was popular back in the 70's. Was a treat on my budget. Right up there with Schmidt Extra Special & Special Export!  :happy1: I used to hoard cases of Premium and stockpile them in my basement for my brother in IA where it was not available. Sadly, he developed severe diabetes so my beer days of smuggling Premium into IA came to a screeching halt. Appears the carbs on the Premium Light are pretty close to Busch Light too if a person needs to watch those. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/28/19, 12:52:34 PM
What? You didn't like the $4.49 cases of warm Western on a Sunday afternoon, or Carling Black Label? Or a can of Red, white & blue? :scratch:      :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: HD on April 04/28/19, 01:05:17 PM
I used to buy red white & blue when I was poor and on a budget.
It wasn't bad, but, it wasn't great either.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/28/19, 01:09:52 PM
Old Swillaukee had to do it for me.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/28/19, 01:23:10 PM
Where'd ya get the kimchi, Barry?

I got it at County Market in I. Falls.  Yon's Foods is the brand.  $8.99 for a 32 oz jar.  I just had to have a bite since we are talking about it.  Pretty darn good with heat but not overbearing.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/28/19, 01:27:48 PM
The only one they had was the bottle on the right. So that's what I got.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/28/19, 01:36:53 PM
 :happy1:  Kinda spendy, or is it normally that much?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/28/19, 01:45:11 PM
In that article I posted it says 16 ozs is $5.39.  The one on the left is twice as expensive.  May have to try to make it.  They talk about how beneficial it is in the article too.  Sorry I see the article isn't included with the picture. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/28/19, 01:48:16 PM
That's not so bad then. Lookit how much a bottle of Heinz 57 is...!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/28/19, 01:55:44 PM
I used to buy red white & blue when I was poor and on a budget.
It wasn't bad, but, it wasn't great either.
it was pfeiffers for me. 9.99 fer 3 cases!!!!!!! my uncle worked at the Schmidt brewery during the summer months when he wasn't teaching...……….said halfthe Pfeiffer bottles were Schmidt anyway...……...and it was the same the next day!!!!! :bonk: :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/28/19, 02:01:32 PM
I remember my Dad used to buy that Glenn.  Cheap as heck. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/28/19, 02:05:32 PM
back in my younger days, like right after high school 3 or 4 of us would go up to the cabin for 7-9 days spearing/fishing. we'd buy 20 cases of bottled pfeiffers!!! I don't think my body could do it no more!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!! :confused: :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/28/19, 02:08:49 PM
Ya had to remind me of the fartin' Pfeiffer's, didn't ya?! And who didn't slam the "Bull"....Schlitz malt liquor. First thing I ever got REALLY piggerfied drunk on.
Mighta been a couple of Colt .45's in there too...............
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/28/19, 02:12:12 PM
Ya had to remind me of the fartin' Pfeiffer's, didn't ya?! And who didn't slam the "Bull"....Schlitz malt liquor. First thing I ever got REALLY piggerfied drunk on.
Mighta been a couple of Colt .45's in there too...............
ewe......dem messed yea up good...……... :puke: :puke: :puke: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

alright enough of dis...…….I gotta go out tend to my fire, crack a mick skinny and finish getting da boat ready.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on April 04/28/19, 02:19:07 PM
I used to buy red white & blue when I was poor and on a budget.
It wasn't bad, but, it wasn't great either.
it was pfeiffers for me. 9.99 fer 3 cases!!!!!!! my uncle worked at the Schmidt brewery during the summer months when he wasn't teaching...……….said halfthe Pfeiffer bottles were Schmidt anyway...……...and it was the same the next day!!!!! :bonk: :pouty:
I use to get that same deal Glenn. You had your choice of either Pfeiffer or Hauenstein for $9.99. But the worst beer I ever drank was Rinelander.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/28/19, 02:32:15 PM
Wisconsin Premium was 3 for $9.99 back in the day and always had that on hand!!!  then pabst, oh my!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/28/19, 02:48:42 PM
Whatta buncha drunks.  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/28/19, 02:55:41 PM
Whatta buncha drunks.  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
and gawd darn proud of it too! :mooning: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/28/19, 03:00:47 PM
Darned tootin'. Wish I could still guzzle.   :tequila;
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/28/19, 03:03:01 PM
missed HH the last couple days going to have to go!!!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/28/19, 03:06:36 PM
I'll call ahead and warn 'em..............  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/28/19, 03:18:45 PM
I'll call ahead and warn 'em..............  ;)

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/28/19, 03:27:56 PM
Looks awesome Coop!  :happy1:

Where did you get Grainbelt in a blue label?
All we got around here is premium in the red label or Nordeast  :toast:

That's GB Lite, isn't it? :scratch:
Yes Reb, it’s lite

 Appears the carbs on the Premium Light are pretty close to Busch Light too if a person needs to watch those. 
Ufda, maybe that's a sign if I gotta put on the readers to read the side of da can..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/28/19, 03:30:21 PM
Guess where the term "beer belly" came from?  Ooh, that left things wide open..... ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/28/19, 03:35:23 PM
Guess where the term "beer belly" came from?  Ooh, that left things wide open..... ;)
I don't have a beer belly, it's a gas tank for the seks machine that I am!; :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/29/19, 07:48:52 AM
Guess where the term "beer belly" came from?  Ooh, that left things wide open..... ;)
I don't have a beer belly, it's a gas tank for the seks machine that I am!; :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
:happy1: :scratch: :doah: :rolleyes: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: WAKE UP GLENN!! :bonk: ;)  :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/29/19, 08:35:58 AM
I don't have a beer belly...


Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/29/19, 08:39:25 AM
hwy......its bought and paid for!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :drinking: :drinking:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/01/19, 09:55:57 PM
Alright, enough of this bawdy talk. Let's get down to brass tacks & grill, dammit!  :happy1:

Lambcheeseborgers tonite, direct, straight atcha with a little leftover pear wood in the smoker boxes. Cavenders seasoning, Swiss & colbyjack. In keeping with my "favorite" president when it come to the burger on the plate, I didn't build that. I had help. Who helped? Why Ruby & Boodles of course!  :rotflmao:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/02/19, 08:40:08 AM
Dynamite as usual Dotch!! Ruby has that guilty look going again,  I'd check her teeth fer cheese if I were you!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/02/19, 08:42:32 AM
you didnt ruin that pepper with cottage cheese did ya!!!!!!!!!! :puke: :puke: :tut: :pouty: :pouty: :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/02/19, 08:55:18 AM
another for the list???? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/02/19, 09:07:47 AM
I think we got it. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/02/19, 09:09:36 AM
another for the list????
:scratch: :scratch: huh????what list????? :scratch: :scratch: :pouty: :doofus: :rotflmao: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/02/19, 09:56:23 AM
I think we got it.

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/02/19, 10:10:08 AM
Dynamite as usual Dotch!! Ruby has that guilty look going again,  I'd check her teeth fer cheese if I were you!!  :happy1:

At least she wasn't trying to hump my leg and tear my clothes off when I was grilling like Mrs. Cheviot has been known to do. She has no shame!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/06/19, 09:47:16 AM
Another beeuuuutiful nite to grill. It cooled down and there were no bugs, yet. Cardinal at our place was having a singing contest with the one at neighbor David's. Mrs. Cheviot procured the necessary ingredients for a rhubarb pie as well as a pork loin. Think she was trying to weigh me down, making me more prone to her surprise ravaging. No juniper berries were harmed in the making of this meal.  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/06/19, 10:35:51 AM
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!  great lookin meal!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/07/19, 09:48:07 AM
Judas parist Dotch,  does that look fabulistic!! I sure hope you ate in moderation and had yur running shoes on after that! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/11/19, 09:19:56 AM
I'm still recovering boober!  :rotflmao: Luckily she was working late last nite and as they say while the cat is away, the mice grill center cuts!  :happy1: Probably better enjoy them while we can. If this African Swine Fever keeps hitting China as hard as it has & god forbid it gets into the US, the two chops for $2.20 deal will be a memory. Seasoned with Weber steak & chop, seared direct then finished indirect with apple wood in the smoker boxes.


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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/11/19, 09:49:04 AM
great lookin meal!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/11/19, 06:09:16 PM
Good thing for you she was working Dotch!! You woulda been toast. Me on the other hand had lots of company to hide behind. 3 birds a swaying..and no Glenn, I am not.. :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/11/19, 06:12:10 PM
Looks as it's no fish fry. :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/11/19, 06:28:50 PM
Good thing for you she was working Dotch!! You woulda been toast. Me on the other hand had lots of company to hide behind. 3 birds a swaying..and no Glenn, I am not.. :rotflmao:
I'll admit that looks likes some pretty dang good vittles though!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/11/19, 10:08:04 PM
Looks as it's no fish fry. :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:

From what I understand, glenn should be used to that!  :rotflmao:

Fabulous lookin' grill full boober! All that tryptophan in it should've put Mrs. Boober down for the count!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/12/19, 09:41:34 AM
Looks as it's no fish fry. :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:

From what I understand, glenn should be used to that!  :rotflmao:

:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/12/19, 07:34:22 PM
Momma's mother's day supper. Grilled chicky, had browns, and creamed peas.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/13/19, 06:15:03 PM
Made some chuck roast burnt ends for Mothers day.  Turned out tasty. good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on May 05/13/19, 06:20:38 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/13/19, 07:03:35 PM
dang I have ti figure that one out!!!!!!!!!   WOW!!!!!!!!!!!     :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/13/19, 07:10:57 PM
Looks as it's no fish fry. :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
One round of two rounds mouthpiece,  and ya it's not your fav rock bass.  :rotflmao: Baby reds n beans on the side.. :happy1: Good lord rh, that's a meal I'd eat daily.. :bow:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/13/19, 07:23:18 PM
That looks pretty darn good too Bob.  RH that chuck looks great.  I love chuck roast. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/19, 07:42:25 PM
they both look awesome. yep gained another 3 lbs!!!!!!!! :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/19, 07:43:31 PM
Looks as it's no fish fry. :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
One round of two rounds mouthpiece,  and ya it's not your fav rock bass.  :rotflmao: Baby reds n beans on the side.. :happy1: Good lord rh, that's a meal I'd eat daily.. :bow:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: looks awesome boob!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: you do pay attention!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/19/19, 10:13:43 PM
Had lamborger thawed out for last nite but the rain caused a postponement. Tonite in spite of the cold and sprinkles it was game on! Cavenders on the burgers, grilled direct with the leftover applewood used on top of the coals for whatever I could get out of it. Crown tonite as a change of pace, some grillin' beans, Mrs. Gerry's macaroni salad and best of all, cottage cheese!  :happy1: Mrs. Cheviot was preoccupied with a phone call so I was flying under the radar. And she doesn't like pink burgers allowing me to escape unmolested. I may have discovered kryptonite!  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/19/19, 10:17:00 PM
Where's the katchup.  :confused: :scratch: can't have a burger with out katchup! :crazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/20/19, 08:07:14 AM
My two fatties. 

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/20/19, 08:22:01 AM
that looks super good LPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    and katchup!!!!!!     :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/20/19, 08:24:22 AM
No ketchup but I couldn't eat a burger without ketchup.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/20/19, 08:38:11 AM
No ketchup but I couldn't eat a burger without ketchup.
[/quote :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :bow: see some people are normal!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/20/19, 10:47:39 AM
AND I got me some cottage cheese since we keep talking about it I kind of craved it GLENN.  I was about done eating when I remembered it.  But I wasn't going to deny myself this delicacy.  No Way... 

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/20/19, 11:03:10 AM
AND I got me some cottage cheese since we keep talking about it I kind of craved it GLENN.  I was about done eating when I remembered it.  But I wasn't going to deny myself this delicacy.  No Way...

 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/20/19, 11:12:56 AM
 :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/20/19, 11:22:13 AM
Where's the katchup.  :confused: :scratch: can't have a burger with out katchup! :crazy: :rotflmao:

I bet you put katchup on your corn flakes! Good grief... :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/20/19, 11:41:45 AM
Where's the katchup.  :confused: :scratch: can't have a burger with out katchup! :crazy: :rotflmao:

I bet you put katchup on your corn flakes! Good grief... :doah:
yea  :rolleyes: maybe!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/20/19, 12:27:43 PM
eggs and pancakes too I'm thinking!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/20/19, 12:35:20 PM
eggs and pancakes too I'm thinking!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
scrambled eggs most certainly, and I don't do pancakes! :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/20/19, 07:07:25 PM
Lamburglars,  fatties with cottage cheese!! I don't know where to start, dynomite fellas!! Not much going on here but cheese burglar tater tot hotdish..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/20/19, 08:13:47 PM
Lamburglars,  fatties with cottage cheese!! I don't know where to start, dynomite fellas!! Not much going on here but cheese burglar tater tot hotdish..

and where is that wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   sounds great!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/20/19, 09:00:54 PM
I agree! I don't see the downside to that, especially if I didn't have to make it!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/20/19, 09:37:02 PM
Tator tot hotdish! :tut: :tut: :tut: :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/25/19, 11:05:24 PM
First installment for Memorial Day weekend. A couple strips, Weber steak and chop, apple wood, peas, potato salad  not to mention several G&T's later... :tequila;


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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/26/19, 07:12:56 AM
friends brought up crab stuffed mushrooms, so we used the weber to grill them and then grilled the burgers, with cheese!!  so the tater salad, cole salw and the rest we all made went over well!!!  to day a new menu!!!!!  more later!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/26/19, 10:25:04 AM
friends brought up crab stuffed mushrooms, so we used the weber to grill them and then grilled the burgers, with cheese!!  so the tater salad, cole salw and the rest we all made went over well!!!  to day a new menu!!!!!  more later!!!
:tut: :pouty: no pictures...………….didn't happen!!!!!!!!!! :confused: :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/26/19, 10:33:10 AM
Gonna be cheese burgers on the grill for us later on.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/26/19, 10:40:41 AM
friends brought up crab stuffed mushrooms, so we used the weber to grill them and then grilled the burgers, with cheese!!  so the tater salad, cole salw and the rest we all made went over well!!!  to day a new menu!!!!!  more later!!!
:tut: :pouty: no pictures...………….didn't happen!!!!!!!!!! :confused: :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

that's OK with me!!  we know they were darn good!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/26/19, 01:05:11 PM
you know its not really all that hard. hell if boar can teach me...…..over the phone...…….anyone can do it!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/26/19, 01:33:01 PM
Ya I would love to see a crab filled mushroom.  Must have been those big portabellas.  Man they look good.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/26/19, 08:17:36 PM
Ya I would love to see a crab filled mushroom.  Must have been those big portabellas.  Man they look good.

yes and baby bells,,,,,  someday Glenn........  today was bacon wrapped chicken tenders, flattened, with cream cheese mixture and on the smoker!!!!  along with the rest of the mushrooms and some shrimp cocktails !!!!   oh and the rest of the tater salad!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/26/19, 09:51:46 PM
Sounds delish Mikey! Don't OD on "tater salad"... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/27/19, 06:59:00 AM
Sounds delish Mikey! Don't OD on "tater salad"... :rotflmao:

a good way to go!!!!  :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/27/19, 07:34:14 PM
Ya I would love to see a crab filled mushroom.  Must have been those big portabellas.  Man they look good.

yes and baby bells,,,,,  someday Glenn........  today was bacon wrapped chicken tenders, flattened, with cream cheese mixture and on the smoker!!!!  along with the rest of the mushrooms and some shrimp cocktails !!!!   oh and the rest of the tater salad!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man does that sound great!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/27/19, 10:03:36 PM
Was hoping to slip some lamb chops into the rotation this weekend but it didn't happen. Had to settle for brats from Morgan's instead. Grilled direct to brown then indirect to smoke 'em up & finish. Pear wood in the smoker boxes. These came out just right. Put some Swiss & sweet relish on 'em along with cottage cheese & baked beans as sides. That's livin'. I picked some rhubarb for Mrs. Cheviot and got a pie out of the deal. Suspect she was thinking I'd be a pushover after a big meal. I showed her. Rolled over and played dead.   :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/27/19, 10:28:04 PM
Looks good Dotch. Those brauts homemade butcher shop type??  Them Johnsonville type suck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/28/19, 07:32:51 AM
 :scratch: Sounds like another 1 for the list LPS. :rolleyes: :bonk: :smiley:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/28/19, 08:14:47 AM
:scratch: Sounds like another 1 for the list LPS. :rolleyes: :bonk: :smiley:

sound right to me!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on May 05/28/19, 09:02:21 AM
Ya, stuffed mushrooms.  If you don't want to do it yourself they sell them in most stores already stuffed and ready to go.  Some with Italian sausage or seafood stuffing ect.  Dotch, tha's a nice meal right there.  Wife did a great job with that pie also.  Been a long time since I had rubarb pie.  Homemade brats are always the best.  Some meat shops still make some decent one's.  Kamarchecks [sp] in downtown Mpls off Hennipen does the best job as far as sausage.  Johnsonville and others have lost the flavor part of sausage over the years.  Swigert has the worst.  Seems like all of their sausage varieties have the same formula with no taste.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/28/19, 11:59:39 AM
Ya glenn, those are brats from our local meat market. It's the same place where we have our lambs processed. I like their brats although they're a little thinner than say a Johnsonville so it takes a little more diligence on a charcoal grill to make sure they don't get over done. That or a few less G&T's!  :rotflmao: I hear ya RH on the Johnsonville's. I used to like them but the last few I bought had the distinct boar pig (sorry boar) flavor to them and that was enough to turn me off.

A little unsolicited plug for Morgan's:  http://morgansmeatmarket.net/  (http://morgansmeatmarket.net/)

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/28/19, 12:10:00 PM
I enjoy trying different meat markets home style snausages and brauts! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/28/19, 03:27:16 PM
I really like their wild rice and cranberry summer sausage. Haven't seen any smurfberry sausage however... :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/28/19, 08:04:28 PM
I really like their wild rice and cranberry summer sausage. Haven't seen any smurfberry sausage however... :scratch:
I got a smurfberry knunckle sammich fer yea!!!!!!!!!! :angry2: :confused: :taz: training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 training-087 :banghead: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/30/19, 06:36:42 PM
I'll check under the dogs tails but pretty sure no smurfberries here.. :mooning: :rotflmao:. Nuttin special here, chops n bacon wrapped taters and a side salad.. being thirsty Thursday think I'll have another.. :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/30/19, 06:48:09 PM
I'll check under the dogs tails but pretty sure no smurfberries here.. :mooning: :rotflmao:. Nuttin special here, chops n bacon wrapped taters and a side salad.. being thirsty Thursday think I'll have another.. :happy1:

yup watch out for them there dogs and their tails!!!!!  smurfberries can be any where!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/30/19, 08:15:56 PM
Warm out and it's Thirsty Thursday; I like yer thinkin', Boober!  :happy1: As long as yer able to keep yer guard up as them look like some purty hi powered vittles. Gotta watch yer back as them women just can't seem to keep their hands to themselves when you sling hash like that!  :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/01/19, 06:52:16 PM
You know it Dotch!! At the first sign of the claws I throw down the outhouse run, that'll buy me some time.. Tonight was a dynamite Costco tri tip, nekkid spuds and 2 whole crabs, it was like the olden days, I needed a bib.  Dogs did well table side!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/02/19, 07:43:34 PM
grilled up asparagus and pig wings tonight!!!  darn good stuff!!!  and before ya ask look up "pig wings"!!  they are so dang good!!!!!  most people have never heard of them....  yup Glenn, no pic's................ 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/03/19, 09:16:37 AM
Those look great Mike.  Did you buy them already trimmed up that way?  I've never seen them before.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/03/19, 09:28:05 AM
picked them up from the local pub, I know the owner and orders them when I want them...  10# box if I remember right...   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on June 06/03/19, 10:22:33 AM
You could make "pig wings" out of a few pork cuts.  I consider the real deal would be small pork shanks if you can get them.  Otherwise you could use single ribs from spare ribs, pork cheeks on a stick, or even boneless pork cut in a chunk or strip on a stick.  Shanks are noted for being a tough cut but if you do them just like ribs by seasoning them and on indirect heat for a hour or so, then wrap them in foil with some sauce for another hour or so, and then out of foil basting with sauce until tender as a butchers heart.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/03/19, 10:45:24 AM
you are correct RH, it is the shank and they are pre-cooked, but not completely cooked..  and super tender when done!!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/05/19, 06:58:34 PM
That does sound good mike!! :happy1:Me, I'm full... :surrender:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/05/19, 07:13:32 PM
 :happy1: looks good boob, but we need to talk about that Busch lite! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/05/19, 07:20:46 PM
:happy1: looks good boob, but we need to talk about that Busch lite! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Your right, best  get over here and we'll talk over one, or two.. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/05/19, 07:57:50 PM
that's awesome Boob!!!!   and enjoy that beer too!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/05/19, 09:14:16 PM
:happy1: looks good boob, but we need to talk about that Busch lite! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Your right, best  get over here and we'll talk over one, or two.. :rotflmao:
hey  :tut: :tut: don't threaten me with a possible good time!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/06/19, 07:54:58 AM
Great looking meal Bob.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/06/19, 09:06:33 AM
Fabulous looking fare Boober! Bet it tasted as good as it looked. Nothing wrong with Busch Light and it's got fewer carbs than a lot of the light beers and actually still tastes like a beer. Guessing yer tired and sore tho after Mrs. Boober threw you down fer a romp!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/06/19, 09:38:04 AM
Long day yesterday and after going 15 hours without food then having a salad for lunch I was ready for something substantial. I was also shot after running fields all afternoon so wanted something quick. 4 center cuts for under $4. Light dusting of curry powder with Cavenders over the top of it. Direct over the coals to sear then indirect with pear wood in the smoker boxes. I even plied Mrs. Cheviot with enough gin to keep her hands off of me afterwards. Allowed me to catch up on my old car porn!  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/09/19, 06:57:15 PM
Yup salads are great but they only go so far.  Here is tonight's meal on the grill.  The veggies are as good as the meat.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/09/19, 08:08:13 PM
you forgot to get the katchup in the picture!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/10/19, 08:49:10 PM
Grilled venny steaks marinaded in a Korean marinade, grilled asparagus, along with taters fried in butter and onions.

And no KATCHUP was harmed with this meal. :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/11/19, 11:41:03 AM
I still think that katchup and cottage cheese idea is a winner!  :rotflmao:

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9F-lqpaMgk  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9F-lqpaMgk)

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/11/19, 12:04:22 PM
i'd even be more impressed if there was milk in that glass!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: HD on June 06/16/19, 06:33:07 PM
For father's day, I cooked some shrimp on da grill marinated in olive oil and garlic. 🌽 on the cob, and macaroni salad...

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/16/19, 06:56:43 PM
looks good HD...…..wish I could eat shrimp!!!!!!! :confused: :confused: :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/16/19, 07:34:37 PM
Oops. Now I know why you smoke cheese when it's 20 degrees and not 70. :doofus: :crazy:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on June 06/16/19, 07:41:24 PM
Oops. Now I know why you smoke cheese when it's 20 degrees and not 70. :doofus: :crazy:

 :doofus: :thumbs: :crazy: :bonk: :bonk:

Try some indirect heat next time. Coals on one side cheese waaaay on the other.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/16/19, 07:49:21 PM
I didn't use heat. Just that smoking tube. I use the Weber grill because it's a tighter fit then my gas grill. :happy1:

I had already removed the tube before I took the picture. Supposed to be cold smoked. :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/16/19, 07:57:00 PM
Dude...   :bonk: :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/16/19, 08:02:43 PM
man that's sad Glenn.... 

made some chicken tenders today..  1/2 Italian seasoning and the other BBQ sauce..  pasta hot dish and asparagus with course salt and pepper and oil, and mushrooms.  most on the grill... dang I'm full!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/16/19, 08:10:06 PM
man that's sad Glenn.... 

made some chicken tenders today..  1/2 Italian seasoning and the other BBQ sauce..  pasta hot dish and asparagus with course salt and pepper and oil, and mushrooms.  most on the grill... dang I'm full!!
no pictures....... :sleazy: :rotflmao:

It's still edible.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/16/19, 08:14:53 PM
man that's sad Glenn.... 

made some chicken tenders today..  1/2 Italian seasoning and the other BBQ sauce..  pasta hot dish and asparagus with course salt and pepper and oil, and mushrooms.  most on the grill... dang I'm full!!
no pictures....... :sleazy: :rotflmao:

It's still edible.

and I thank you kind sir!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/16/19, 10:37:57 PM
I'll take yer word for it mikey. Sounds good to me. As long as you promise to stay off them Tide pods... :rotflmao:

Got the house cleaned up and kicked the snot out of the thistle infestation in the pasture. Curled them up within a half hour. Milestone is some wonderful stuff.

Lamb chops seasoned with Cavenders grilled direct, salad with craisins & flaxseed, baked beans and last but not least, COTTAGE CHEESE! Added bonus: Rhubarb pie & ice cream for dessert. After getting a clean bill of health at the clinic, Mrs. Cheviot ain't got a prayer of catching me!  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/16/19, 10:59:36 PM
Looks good Dotch, cept for that curdled milk on your plate. :puke:

By the way that beefeater looks like it's on life support!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/17/19, 06:29:56 AM
Nicely done Dotch!! Clean bill o health or not, you were a boat anchor after wolfing down that spread, best defense might be playing dead.. . :surrender:  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/17/19, 07:56:23 AM
That's a lot of beans.  LOL  I like the extra large shot glass too Dotch.  No wonder the bottle is a little low.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on June 06/17/19, 09:06:46 AM
Love  baked beans!!!  Made some steaks on the grill yesterday.  Two rib eyes and one small ny strip for my mother in law.  Cut them myself.  baked potato with butter and cottage cheese on the side.  good luck.

(https://tinypix.top/images/2019/06/17/q9GbA.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/q9GbA)
(https://tinypix.top/images/2019/06/17/q9Fjz.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/q9Fjz)
(https://tinypix.top/images/2019/06/17/q9ODq.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/q9ODq)
(https://tinypix.top/images/2019/06/17/q9aRL.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/q9aRL)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/17/19, 09:15:08 AM
Mouth is watering and makes me hungry just lookin' at it RH.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/17/19, 09:22:13 AM
BUT............BUT.............BUT.............. why must you grown men ruin a perfectly good plate of food with that stuff they call cottage cheese!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/17/19, 09:41:33 AM
May be my favorite meal RH.  Is that cottage cheese on the spuds?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/17/19, 09:48:10 AM
Mouth is watering and makes me hungry just lookin' at it RH.  :happy1:

I feel the same way Dotch!!!!!!!!!!!   my oh my does that look great!!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on June 06/17/19, 10:18:17 AM
May be my favorite meal RH.  Is that cottage cheese on the spuds?

Yes, that is cottage cheese.  Some butter also.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on June 06/17/19, 12:52:29 PM
great time of year for the neighborhood "pit masters"

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on June 06/17/19, 01:56:06 PM
May be my favorite meal RH.  Is that cottage cheese on the spuds?

Cottage cheese on spuds? What planet it are you guys from, I have never heard that?  :scratch:

I might have to try that!  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/17/19, 02:49:58 PM
May be my favorite meal RH.  Is that cottage cheese on the spuds?

Cottage cheese on spuds? What planet it are you guys from, I have never heard that?  :scratch:

I might have to try that!  ;)
Apparently not Glenn's planet.. :rotflmao: Rh raised tge cottage cheese bar, and yes I need to try that as well.. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/17/19, 02:59:41 PM
May be my favorite meal RH.  Is that cottage cheese on the spuds?

Cottage cheese on spuds? What planet it are you guys from, I have never heard that?  :scratch:

I might have to try that!  ;)
Apparently not Glenn's planet.. :rotflmao: Rh raised tge cottage cheese bar, and yes I need to try that as well.. :happy1:
cottage cheese and a list of alot of other things need to GO TO another planet!!!!!!!! :mooning: :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/17/19, 03:19:27 PM
to me it would be the same as sour cream but in a different way or taste I think....   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/17/19, 03:25:36 PM
I had cottage cheese with my quesadilla at lunch. What a versatile treat!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/17/19, 03:28:26 PM
 :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on June 06/17/19, 04:39:23 PM
I used to use just butter and sour cream but my wife liked cottage cheese on hers.  So I tried it and liked it more.  I put a little black pepper on the cottage cheese as well.  Ya some just use butter but to me cottage cheese is the way to go with butter.  Split it open and put on the butter and then the cottage cheese.  I would have done my twice baked potato for fathers day but I was lazy.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/17/19, 04:46:45 PM
Good call to me Rh, gonna try it tonight on spuds but I'm gonna add some chives to it out of the garden...Ya never know..  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on June 06/17/19, 05:40:36 PM
That is something I have to try.  Great idea.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/17/19, 06:42:24 PM
 Little chuckeye's nekkid taters and shrooms,  Topped off with beans and the now Rh's famous tater topper!!  :bow:  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on June 06/17/19, 06:48:29 PM
Ya, chuck eye steaks my favorite!! To me it's like rib eyes without the price.  And those baked beans!!  My wife and her mom [93] don't like them I am relucktant to make my own recipe because of that.  So I'm stuck with the caned type for a single serving and that's tha whole can.  Nice!!!  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/17/19, 07:41:57 PM
We like Bush's beans.  And I am going to do the cottage cheese on my next potato too.  Had some cottage cheese with a sandwich for lunch yesterday.  Glenn are you feeling left out?  LOL 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/17/19, 08:06:13 PM
We like Bush's beans.  And I am going to do the cottage cheese on my next potato too.  Had some cottage cheese with a sandwich for lunch yesterday.  Glenn are you feeling left out?  LOL
nope not one bit.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on June 06/17/19, 08:07:22 PM
Ya, chuck eye steaks my favorite!! To me it's like rib eyes without the price.  And those baked beans!!  My wife and her mom [93] don't like them I am relucktant to make my own recipe because of that.  So I'm stuck with the caned type for a single serving and that's tha whole can.  Nice!!!  good luck.

Dang, every time I read this thread I'm hearing a new chunk of meat I never heard of?  :confused: Only two per cow no wonder. So we an't finding these at Cub?

"What is a chuck eye steak? It is often referred to as the poor man’s rib eye and that is for good reason. Rib eyes are cut from the 6th to the 12th rib of the cow. The chuck eye is cut off the 5th rib. Don’t confuse them with chuck steaks. These are chuck EYE steaks. There are only two chuck eye steaks per cow so they aren’t always available. But when they are, they are quite the treat at a much discounted rate from the lauded rib eye:"

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/17/19, 08:09:34 PM
I always told ya leech...…...get away from sillytown you'd learn sunfin!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/17/19, 08:17:25 PM
Cub is where we get em, doesn't matter if we have steaks on hand if tge Mrs. spots em she grabs em. Sometimes they run on the small size but sure are tasty..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/17/19, 08:20:35 PM
Ya, chuck eye steaks my favorite!! To me it's like rib eyes without the price.  And those baked beans!!  My wife and her mom [93] don't like them I am relucktant to make my own recipe because of that.  So I'm stuck with the caned type for a single serving and that's tha whole can.  Nice!!!  good luck.

2nd the BUSH beans!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/17/19, 08:32:44 PM
 I would dispute the idea that a chuck eye is a lot cheaper than a strip or ribeye
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on June 06/17/19, 08:56:50 PM
I always told ya leech...…...get away from sillytown you'd learn sunfin!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Hey, I've learned that Trump is Satan or Satan is Trump over there. So, that is sunfin!  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on June 06/18/19, 04:04:32 PM
I would dispute the idea that a chuck eye is a lot cheaper than a strip or ribeye

Del, where I live they are usually half the price [chuck eye] that strips or rib eye's if all three are not on sale.  By the way I think Cubs are going with 6.99 lb. for T-bone's next week.  But regular price for chuck eye's [choice] are usually 7.49 lb.  When chuck roasts are on sale they get marked down to 5.49 lb. because they have more of them then.  Normally you can get only 2 to 3 chuck eye's per chuck that we cut.  I buy them all the time unless rib eye and others are on sale.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/18/19, 07:19:27 PM
Yeah, chuck eye for 6.99 or 7.49 and rib eye for 7.99 or 8.49 is what I see.  Not that I pay a lot of attention since a pound feeds the two of  us...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/18/19, 08:19:47 PM
Seasoned up burgers. Who says my smoked cheese looked like a disaster. :sleazy:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/18/19, 08:33:50 PM
I like it Glenn, and   totally redeemed yourself!!  :happy1: And no ketchup to boot.  :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/18/19, 08:34:56 PM
I like it Glenn, and   totally redeemed yourself!!  :happy1:And no ketchup to boot.  :confused:
that was on the table!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on June 06/18/19, 09:22:05 PM
what are yu trying to make ther glenny? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/23/19, 10:21:03 PM
To celebrate Reb's return to MNO and my safe return from the BTT50's today pigger steaks were only natural. With Mrs. Cheviot absent I could grill uninhibited without fear of being groped! I hate when that happens... :mad1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/23/19, 10:27:18 PM
 :happy1: that looks superb! Just once though we'd like to see a glass of milk with those meals!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/24/19, 06:49:30 AM
looks great Dotch!!  good left overs!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/24/19, 10:38:22 AM
Hard to beat a BBQ'd pigger steak! That'll make yer taste buds dance.  :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/24/19, 11:29:07 AM
that almost looks like a smurf dance!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on June 06/24/19, 12:00:21 PM
Yes, pork steaks!!!Best cut in pork on the grill.  Great looking meal!!  I'm having trouble loading photo's on my phone to my email so I can send pics.  Have to see what the problem is.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/24/19, 12:08:26 PM
I have my butcher buddy cut 'em 1" thick for me....no pre-pkgd for me!  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/24/19, 12:40:59 PM
Had to laugh when I bought these pork steaks. I went in the meat market and asked if they had any. Yup, the guy said, how many would you like? I told him four then about crapped my pants when I saw how big these were. Good thing I didn't ask for six because four just barely fit when grilling them indirect.  :doah:

Thanks Reb for letting me in on some of your secret pigger steak techniques over the years. Has fast become one of my favorites. Like tender BBQ ribs without the ribs. Glad to see yer back!  :happy1: :happy1: Next up since Mrs. Cheviot is gone: Grilled chicky!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/24/19, 12:54:05 PM
No prob. Once in a while I DO know what I'm talking about.  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/24/19, 01:00:34 PM
No prob. Once in a while I DO know what I'm talking about.  ;)
hey.......let us know when that is!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rocker; :dancinred: :nerd: :laughroll: :laughroll: :super smiley: :super smiley:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/24/19, 01:58:15 PM
You wouldn't listen anyway! And who's "We"?  Got a turd in yer union drawers again?  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/24/19, 02:11:54 PM
You wouldn't listen anyway! And who's "We"?  Got a turd in yer union drawers again?  :rotflmao:
i ALWAYS listen............just cause i dont always do doesnt mean jack!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/24/19, 02:18:57 PM
Who's Jack?  :scratch:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on June 06/24/19, 06:17:53 PM
My phone has really been giving me a hard time as far as loading pics.  Got it to work this time.  I was at my daughters late fathers day on Sunday.  She made Korean Kalbi beef ribs and cucumber Kimchi and more.  Just got the pics of the ribs because I got distracted by adult beverages.  {wife drove home} just to be safe.  good luck.

(https://tinypix.top/images/2019/06/25/qBTJJ.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/qBTJJ)
(https://tinypix.top/images/2019/06/25/qBM0F.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/qBM0F)
(https://tinypix.top/images/2019/06/25/qBlC4.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/qBlC4)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/24/19, 07:14:52 PM
...because I got distracted by adult beverages.

I hate when that happens... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/24/19, 07:39:53 PM
...because I got distracted by adult beverages.

I hate when that happens... :rotflmao:

I so agree!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/24/19, 08:20:29 PM
Dang you guys eat good!! :happy1: Dotch I can see why your heading to Canada soon, you can run but the Mrs WILL find you.. :surrender:.  I gotta try those some day Rh,  looks real tasty!! We had pork chops on the Weber, but yours truly fergot the spuds at home, so a side salad and asparagus got the nod.. :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/25/19, 11:12:57 AM
You taught her well RH!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/25/19, 11:26:53 AM
Wow! That's just enough for me and RH!  :tongue: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/25/19, 02:44:28 PM
They just get a quick sear on the grill if I recall...That correct? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on June 06/25/19, 05:11:08 PM
Yep.  Less than five minutes.  Flipping them over direct heat.  They were marinated overnight plus, since they were grilled around 2pm.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/26/19, 08:45:36 AM
Well, about the only thing marinated here was me!  :rotflmao: Chicky on the grill time, roasted herb & garlic seasoning and basted on both sides with a bottle of sweet bourbon glaze I had in the fridge. Grilled indirect with apple wood in the smoker boxes. The good news was I was once again able to avoid Mrs. Cheviot's advances. The bad news is now I'm out of cottage cheese!  :mad1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/26/19, 09:09:42 AM
Ahh...grilled chicky!  Another taste tingling treat!  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/26/19, 09:18:27 AM
It had been a long time since I'd made any. I scarfed one piece down before I put any on my plate. Almost burned my mouth but I was starving.  :happy1: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/26/19, 10:38:12 AM
Well, about the only thing marinated here was me!  :rotflmao: Chicky on the grill time, roasted herb & garlic seasoning and basted on both sides with a bottle of sweet bourbon glaze I had in the fridge. Grilled indirect with apple wood in the smoker boxes. The good news was I was once again able to avoid Mrs. Cheviot's advances. The bad news is now I'm out of cottage cheese!  :mad1:
outta cottage cheese!!! Finally!!! :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: :rocker; :rocker; :rocker; :clap: :clap: :laughroll:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/26/19, 10:57:51 AM
*SQUEEK*SQUEEK*SQUEEK*................. :scratch: :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/26/19, 11:05:21 AM
*SQUEEK*SQUEEK*SQUEEK*................. :scratch: :confused:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on June 06/26/19, 02:57:41 PM
Yes I love chicken done like that!!!  I'm the only one that like's to glaze while on the grill.  My wife and her mom likes sauce on the side.  Thinking of doing this tomorrow now that I seen that pic.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/26/19, 08:20:56 PM
I make a glaze of apricot jam and honey....num num!  Ya can toss in some OJ and a touch of soy sauce, too.  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/26/19, 09:14:01 PM
I make a glaze of apricot jam and honey....num num!  Ya can toss in some OJ and a touch of soy sauce, too.  :tongue:
:puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/27/19, 07:36:26 AM
Barry!!!! The list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/28/19, 02:57:17 PM
Just finished smoking a batch of CSR's over a pile of applewood, then slathered them in Baby Ray's Hickory for the final cook down. Got a tub of mac ham'n pea salad, bacon-cheddar mac salad, some coleslaw, pile o' green tops, and some butter pecan ice cream. I'm all ready for when the tummy says EAT!  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/28/19, 03:12:55 PM
Man that sounds good right down to the ice cream.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on June 06/28/19, 03:21:55 PM
Yep Reb you got it down on that meal.  Full Variety.  Not so much with me yesterday.  But I did use Rebs apricot, honey, orange juice and a splash of soy sauce glaze.  it was very good.  My wife wants me to put a little bit of hot pepper flakes in the mix next time and I agree.  That nice sweetness would go well with just a little heat.  So Wings and some corn was the meal.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/28/19, 03:32:16 PM
Maybe we could call that mix R & R's  glaze.  :rotflmao:  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on June 06/28/19, 03:42:31 PM
I agree :happy1: Then when I add the red pepper it can be R&R Spicy. :hubba:good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Coffee118 on June 06/28/19, 04:58:24 PM
A little bit of everything tonight on the grill. Baked potato, grilled veggies, asparagus, chicken breast, bourbon salmon and Mac and cheese. Wow I can’t move now.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on June 06/28/19, 05:39:05 PM
Wow that is a big meal!!!  Nicely done.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/28/19, 06:25:20 PM
Wowsers,  you guys eat good!  Dotch had a great idea with pig steaks ( your guys chicken is next) although the weather was perfect for some old fashion grilling,  oak, ash and maple fueled.  After 2 beers  the meat was ready and momma had the sliced taters, shrooms, zucchini and side salad ready. Thought I'd build her confidence up this time and let her catch me... :sleazy:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/28/19, 06:28:05 PM
More piggers!   We need to design a T-shirt with something on it..., :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/28/19, 10:21:29 PM
Looks muy bien Boober!  :happy1: Ya every once in a while it's OK to let them to satisfy their thirst. Next thing ya know tho they want it all the time so you hafta rock 'em back on their heels... :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/29/19, 09:05:35 AM
More piggers!   We need to design a T-shirt with something on it..., :rotflmao:

Aha!!! We can start a Piggers club!  Grilled Pigger steaks are our mainstay!!!!! :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/29/19, 09:48:55 AM
Looks good reb!! I bet a certain someone would have ketchup stains on that in no time..  :rotflmao: :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/29/19, 10:05:35 AM
Looks good reb!! I bet a certain someone would have ketchup stains on that in no time..  :rotflmao: :mooning:

HEEE HEEEE...... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/29/19, 12:56:33 PM
Looks good reb!! I bet a certain someone would have ketchup stains on that in no time..  :rotflmao: :mooning:
who dat?? :scratch: :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/29/19, 12:57:14 PM
Looks good reb!! I bet a certain someone would have ketchup stains on that in no time..  :rotflmao: :mooning:

HEEE HEEEE...... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:happy1: damn straight!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/29/19, 03:33:29 PM
Nuttin' today! Too hot and steamy out! Leftover CSR's with some mac salad and a loaded tossed salad, that should hit the spot. And some ice cream!   :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/29/19, 09:35:34 PM
Same here. Ate the last of my chicky and have lamborger thawed out in the fridge for mañana. Was just too warm after chores & mowing lawn. Tossed my used lime & excess cubes out in the yard a minute ago. OMG is it steamy out there yet! Stayin' indoors close to the Beefeaters and quinine water. With the number of mosquitoes on the loose there just hasta be malaria running rampant... :rotflmao:

Be careful Boober! Give them women an inch and purty soon they'll want all 10!  :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/30/19, 09:48:40 AM
Since Rebs is gonna grill today in the heat I think I will too.  I have been doing my brother's chicken method on my pellet grill and it is great.  I will pat the thighs dry and then wipe on some olive oil and spices.  Get grill up to 400 and then put the thighs on for 45 minutes.  Turns out great everytime. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/30/19, 09:51:42 AM
Best not talk about patting thighs with Dotch and Boober on here...although a juicy thigh is my favorite, too.... :bonk:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/30/19, 10:02:44 AM
Sounds great lps, oh ya, gots to give a good pat down on good thigh and breast now and then.. :happy1: Just dont pat down your brats later reb!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/30/19, 10:03:00 AM
yup that's the best part of the chicky!!  have try the oil on it next time!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/30/19, 10:13:33 AM
Hint: I always spray chicky with PAM after I put the seasonings on....try it! I always take the skin off the chicky, and the oil keeps it juicy and from drying out on the outside.
Barry's got 'er down.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/30/19, 10:14:21 AM
Sounds great lps, oh ya, gots to give a good pat down on good thigh and breast now and then.. :happy1: Just dont pat down your brats later reb!!

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/30/19, 02:23:48 PM
I read to do that recently or saw it on a cooking show.  Must get the moisture off the skin if you want a nice crunchy skin.  Then put on the butter or olive oil.  Makes quite a difference too. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on June 06/30/19, 03:07:25 PM
I usually rub the chicken or chicken parts with olive oil and then put on the rub.  This way the rub sticks on there better.  And like Reb said that this way the skin does get crispier.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/30/19, 03:10:48 PM
I don't eat the skin on anything becuz of the cholesterol. However, with all these storms and tornados and floods here, I think I'm gonna start...........might as well.   :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/30/19, 05:01:16 PM
And of course, just as I fired up the grill, it started raining again. Said screw it and grilled my cheddar-bacon brat patties and two burgers. Some mac ham/pea salad, cheddar salad, green tops, and we were all set.  *urp*  Even a properly placed hat ala Glenn.  ;)

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/30/19, 05:22:50 PM
 :happy1: :happy1: where's the katchup? :scratch: :pouty: :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/30/19, 05:24:07 PM
I KNEW you were gonna ask that as I put them on the bun, so.....the ketchup is UNDER the pickle on the burger...click on pic, zoom in,  and look close... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/30/19, 05:27:43 PM
are those onions the ones I sent...……..awe never mind!!!!!!!!!! :crazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/30/19, 07:24:24 PM
Nuttin wrong with a brat burglar!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/30/19, 07:27:09 PM
Nuttin wrong with a brat burglar!!  :happy1:

Reb where do you get them. I  could easily see trying them if I can find them as long as it doesn't say Johnsonville.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/30/19, 07:33:46 PM
Nuttin wrong with a brat burglar!!  :happy1:

Reb where do you get them. I  could easily see trying them if I can find them as long as it doesn't say Johnsonville.

hard to find but I have some and they will get grilled this week!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/30/19, 07:42:25 PM
Nuttin wrong with a brat burglar!!  :happy1:

Reb where do you get them. I  could easily see trying them if I can find them as long as it doesn't say Johnsonville.

You won't buy them....they'e Walmart brand. Best I've had. Cheddar and bacon, and they also have cheddar/jalepeno. Way better than Johnsonville (those were crap) and I've had some fromm the butcher shop, Fareways...and from a  butcher shop place in Wisconsin, Smoken' Joe's, also makes them. Had all of those, Walmarts are the best. Thick and juicy. I don't know who makes them for Walmart, but they sure are good. Great for breakfast, too, in place of snausage. Slap 'em on toast with a fried egg and a slice of swiss on top.....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/30/19, 08:13:41 PM
Your right. Appears I'll have to search around.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/30/19, 10:01:28 PM
Finally got a chance to get the lamborgers grilled between rains and 4-H kids working with their lambs. Cavenders again grilled direct with leftover apple wood in the coals. On the plate with the burglar: garlic & parmesan baby red potatoes, Mrs. Gerry's macaroni salad, and the craisin flaxseed salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressing. Think I'm gonna give Mrs. Cheviot some strawberry cheesecake ice cream for dessert then wait for it to knock her out. That way I can sleep in peace without being pawed all nite long!  :mad1: 


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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/01/19, 07:10:48 AM
Lookin' purty good there, Dotch! I think the small addition of Ruby staring up, and a hat on the table, would complement the entire meal..... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/01/19, 08:06:54 AM
Lookin' purty good there, Dotch! I think the small addition of Ruby staring up, and a hat on the table, would complement the entire meal..... :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: that hat on the table is trademarked and i have it patented!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/01/19, 08:09:53 AM
Ya right. Here's yer hat.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/01/19, 08:11:09 AM
 :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/01/19, 08:13:05 AM
Nuttin wrong with a brat burglar!!  :happy1:

Reb where do you get them. I  could easily see trying them if I can find them as long as it doesn't say Johnsonville.
We like Fareway's down home, not bad. Never tried Wally's
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/01/19, 08:44:04 AM
Sure gonna miss Fareway here.  Pullin' out Aug 1st because taxes too high in this wunnerful town, so I was told.  :angry2: Don't know where I'm gonna get my goodies now. Hope they have assorted piggers on sale, I'll try to fill the freezer before they leave. But, they're only moving ten miles away to Byron, so I can make a mini- road trip if I have to. They had 85/15 on sale in 10 lb chubs for $2.79 last week. Bought one, weighed out ten chubs, freezer wrapped 'em, and popped 'em in the freezer.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/01/19, 11:13:28 AM
Lookin' purty good there, Dotch! I think the small addition of Ruby staring up, and a hat on the table, would complement the entire meal..... :rotflmao:

Well I did get a candid photo of Ruby the other when the thunder & lightning had her worked up. She licks a lot when that happens not unlike Mrs. Cheviot when I'm grilling!  :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/01/19, 11:16:05 AM
Isn't that the same expression you have when you realize you only have a half bottle of gin left?? :scratch: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/01/19, 11:22:37 AM
Isn't that the same expression you have when you realize you only have a half bottle of gin left?? :scratch: :rotflmao:

Closer to this I think...

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/01/19, 11:43:28 AM
 strawberry cheesecake ice cream,  what brand is that ice cream Dotch??  sounds real good!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/01/19, 11:52:05 AM
strawberry cheesecake ice cream,  what brand is that ice cream Dotch??  sounds real good!!!

It's a Schwan's creation. Wicked stuff, as good as it sounds. I'm hoarding the rest of it until after she leaves tomorrow a.m. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/01/19, 12:51:47 PM
strawberry cheesecake ice cream,  what brand is that ice cream Dotch??  sounds real good!!!

It's a Schwan's creation. Wicked stuff, as good as it sounds. I'm hoarding the rest of it until after she leaves tomorrow a.m. :happy1:

Hey Mikey!!!!    :shocked:


Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/01/19, 12:57:26 PM
no schwan's here.... :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/01/19, 01:01:05 PM
they drive by my house weekly.............. and they can just keep driving by. i dont raise sheep to afford schwants!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/01/19, 01:06:22 PM
Well, Mikey'll haveta go to Target...the store that doesn't allow concealed carry, and supports legislation against it. I see them as you see Walmart. Take this, Target!   :moon:

Got a good story about that one.... ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/01/19, 01:13:50 PM
Well, Mikey'll haveta go to Target...the store that doesn't allow concealed carry, and supports legislation against it. I see them as you see Walmart. Take this, Target!   :moon:

Got a good story about that one.... ;)
whatever floats your boat dude!!!!!!!!!!!!! :moon: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/01/19, 01:36:17 PM
Now I want Wally World cheese brats and Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/01/19, 01:38:10 PM

Go look at the new cereal I tried to set ya up with on the good morning thread....you'll havta go back a page.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/01/19, 01:39:54 PM
OK I'm on it.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/01/19, 01:42:04 PM
Those look great Rebs.  Yes I will try them if I see them.  I'm heading into town for some groceries.  I will see if they have them here.  I am bringing potato salad to the Family Reunion so I guess I have to buy a bucket of ice cream so I can fill the empty bucket with the salad.  Classy container for a reunion. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/01/19, 01:43:55 PM
On top of the strawberry ice cream? Better than sprinkles!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/01/19, 02:13:14 PM
Those look great Rebs.  Yes I will try them if I see them.  I'm heading into town for some groceries.  I will see if they have them here.  I am bringing potato salad to the Family Reunion so I guess I have to buy a bucket of ice cream so I can fill the empty bucket with the salad.  Classy container for a reunion.

At Glenn's reunions, they wear them for hats when empty......... :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/01/19, 02:28:04 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/01/19, 02:30:43 PM
they drive by my house weekly.............. and they can just keep driving by. i dont raise sheep to afford schwants!!!!!!!

If you didn't spend so much on brass knuckles and tire slashing knives you could afford Schwan's strawberry cheesecake ice cream too!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/01/19, 02:34:24 PM
they drive by my house weekly.............. and they can just keep driving by. i dont raise sheep to afford schwants!!!!!!!

If you didn't spend so much on brass knuckles and tire slashing knives you could afford Schwan's strawberry cheesecake ice cream too!  :rotflmao:
there required tools of the job!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/01/19, 02:37:52 PM

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/01/19, 02:49:54 PM
Rebs, you got glenn's address? When the punks broke in here they swiped my address book and his address was in it. Have a spare cat and another fried squirrel that need to go to a good home!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/01/19, 03:14:46 PM
Rebs, you got glenn's address? When the punks broke in here they swiped my address book and his address was in it. Have a spare cat and another fried squirrel that need to go to a good home!  :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/01/19, 03:25:19 PM
Rebs, you got glenn's address? When the punks broke in here they swiped my address book and his address was in it. Have a spare cat and another fried squirrel that need to go to a good home!  :rotflmao:
i'm buying a special set of knives and knuckles to head your way!!!!!!!!! :evil: :dancinred: :rocker; :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/01/19, 03:30:27 PM
Rebs, you got glenn's address? When the punks broke in here they swiped my address book and his address was in it. Have a spare cat and another fried squirrel that need to go to a good home!  :rotflmao:

Yup. Check yer Email.  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/01/19, 03:34:16 PM
Grilled some porterhouse yesterday.  Made some sausage stuffed jalapeno peppers also.  I got a thick one for myself but didn't finish it.  Can't eat what I used to I guess.  They were tasty and tender and the peppers did the trick.  Homemade Italian sausage, onions, bellpepper, and melted some cheese in the mix, then stuffed the peppers, and wrapped the bacon around them.  good luck.

(https://tinypix.top/images/2019/07/01/qZTJV.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/qZTJV)
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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/01/19, 03:36:05 PM
SWEET!!!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/01/19, 03:36:34 PM
Ahhh my gawd, ya gotta stop this, RH!!!!!!!!!!  There's no words to describe that!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/01/19, 03:39:24 PM
I agree! That's going over the top! And then you involve bacon...  :happy1: :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/01/19, 03:42:16 PM
I'll just go and nibble on my cracker..... :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/01/19, 08:31:08 PM
Tonites supper. Chicky quarters over Kingsford. Momma don't know it but a handful of apple pellets hit the charcoal for a tad of smoke flavor. :sleazy:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/02/19, 07:02:01 AM
Man that looks good you guys.  Those may be the nicest looking poppers I have ever seen RH!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/03/19, 10:54:24 PM
When someone says take, grill and eat who am I to argue?  :confused: These rib steaks cried out "eat me". Fortunately in the absence of Mrs. Cheviot I could focus on my grilling and gin consumption rather than planning my next escape route. Getting mentally prepared, a plate complete with steak, sunflower salad and Mrs. Gerry's mac salad. And of course Schwan's strawberry cheesecake ice cream for dessert. Good stuff Maynard!  :happy1:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/04/19, 07:33:39 AM
wHere's the hat??? And katchup?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/04/19, 07:37:43 AM
Here's the hat??? And katchup?

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/04/19, 07:49:14 AM
What a meal! He even needs a side handle to hold the ice cream bowl down!!!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/04/19, 07:59:34 AM
Well looks like I may have to grill a steak today after seeing Dotch and RH's latest eats. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/04/19, 04:23:54 PM
I made wings the other day again using Reb's glaze but added hot pepper flakes to the glaze.  Damn good!!  Using my German brain I put the wings on a wooden skewer this time.  Flip some over instead of each one at a time.  Next time I'm using a metal skewer though.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/04/19, 05:00:40 PM
I made wings the other day again using Reb's glaze but added hot pepper flakes to the glaze.  Damn good!!  Using my German brain I put the wings on a wooden skewer this time.  Flip some over instead of each one at a time.  Next time I'm using a metal skewer though.  good luck.

(https://tinypix.top/images/2019/07/04/qieFg.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/qieFg)
(https://tinypix.top/images/2019/07/04/qivgy.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/qivgy)
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(https://tinypix.top/images/2019/07/04/qiKrF.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/qiKrF)

Alright!!!! R & R hot glaze on chicky sticks!!! A new taste treat for the State Fair!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/04/19, 05:05:49 PM
BBQ chicky legs with Reb's Rub, my 'cukes in sauce, egg/chive tater salad, green tops, fresh grape 'maters. And for dessert....didn't have a bowl with hold-down handles like Dotch, so I had to go for a Heath Bar on a stick....*urp*    :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/04/19, 05:36:55 PM
Looks really good Reb.  You do real good for a single guy.  Lot of single guy's eat out as far as I know [the guy's I know].  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/04/19, 05:42:40 PM
Thanks, RH. Not me. Never eat out.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/04/19, 07:13:42 PM
Unless I'm in town!!  :tongue: Nuttin special this away,  couple different brats and hot diggity dogs, paired with watermelon,  cantaloupe and some sorta salad.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/04/19, 07:29:30 PM
Unless I'm in town!!  :tongue: Nuttin special this away,  couple different brats and hot diggity dogs, paired with watermelon,  cantaloupe and some sorta salad.

That's right, Boober!    .... "some sorta salad." LOL  Either the brewski's were going down good, or ya didn't see Mama make it!! :rotflmao:  Brats and doggies and wammermelons is what yer supposed to have on the 4th.... :USA:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/04/19, 07:47:21 PM
Well there's no doubt, between RH, Reb & Boober they can sling hash with the best of them.  :happy1: And Reb them handles on the ice cream dish are there for when you've lost count on the G&T's so you can get a grip!  :bonk:

Got the lamb done & it was a hit. Marinated about 18 hours in pineapple juice, soy sauce, garlic salt & curry powder. Amazing how much of the juice the legs sucked up in the process. Grilled indirect, apple wood in the smoker boxes & some of the marinade put in the drip pan to keep things extra moist. Went about 1 1/2 hours and came out a beautiful medium. Sorta cubed it up and placed in the crock pot, used a light dose of Cookies BBQ sauce so as not to overpower the flavor from the grilling. I came home to do chores now I need to clean up and head back to the lake before it's all gone.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/04/19, 08:31:57 PM
Man, that sounds good!   :happy1:  I expect to see pics of Ruby with a star-spangled hat on later..... ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/04/19, 09:20:56 PM
Very nice work Dotch!! I need to aks for a rotisserie thing a ma jing fer x-mas!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/05/19, 07:30:16 AM
did pepper cheese brats and taters on the grill, good stuff!!!  I miss my rotisserie!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/05/19, 07:35:11 AM
did pepper cheese brats and taters on the grill, good stuff!!!  I miss my rotisserie!!!

Maybe you can get Glenn's....his weenies and WF 'sketti kept falling off of it.....  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/05/19, 08:27:17 AM
did pepper cheese brats and taters on the grill, good stuff!!!  I miss my rotisserie!!!

Maybe you can get Glenn's....his weenies and WF 'sketti kept falling off of it.....  :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:

we had pork steaks on da grill grillin beans and the san fransico treet............rice-a-aroni!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/05/19, 08:45:29 AM

      Alright then!!!!!!!!              :applause:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/05/19, 09:32:26 AM
Very nice work Dotch!! I need to aks for a rotisserie thing a ma jing fer x-mas!! :happy1:

Thanky Boober! I only use the thing when Mrs. Cheviot isn't around. No telling what kind perverse abuse might be in store for me otherwise!  :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/05/19, 01:53:25 PM
I have never had a grill with a rotisserie but think they look like a lot of fun.  Chicken or a roast would be fun to cook on one. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/05/19, 02:13:29 PM
I have never had a grill with a rotisserie but think they look like a lot of fun.  Chicken or a roast would be fun to cook on one.

they work darn good!!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/05/19, 02:37:41 PM
When folks started doing grillin' in the 60's, they were all the rage! Remember the "hooded" grills with the rotisserie? We had one....you'd raise or lower the grate bove the coals by the handle that fit into 3 or4 different notches for height above charcoal.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/05/19, 03:25:52 PM
I do!!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/05/19, 03:40:30 PM
Yup those were cool as heck I thought.  Dad didn't think we needed one.  That was early in the grill in the back yard era. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/05/19, 04:48:02 PM
Sure tipped over easy, though. Don't ask me how I know.  Didn't know my Dad could catch me so fast.   🏃‍♂️      :sad:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/05/19, 08:36:02 PM
LOL  Ya they were pretty flimsy.  When I was in Cub Scouts the Den Mother was a widow with two young boys my age.  She had a Weber.  We thought that was the ugliest grill we had ever seen.  That must have been 63 or 64???   Now look at the them.  Should have invested in them.  The grill idea was a by product to what they were originally doing with the sphere they were making.  Can't remember what the real deal was. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/05/19, 08:59:49 PM
We had one without any enclosure on it. Prone to wind issues and as they say, you could fart and it'd blow over. Dad had one he won as a door prize one time. Grill was kinda rectangular shaped and had cover that opened and closed. Also had a rotisserie that came with it. Was the cat's @ss in its day. Still at the farm yet. I may have to salvage it and grill with it for memories sake.

Barry I knew they were an offshoot of something they were manufacturing but couldn't recall what. Got my 1st Weber in '81. Guy got it as a wedding present. Didn't want it, never used it. Gave him $20 for it.

 https://www.weber.com/IN/en/the-history-of-weber/nav60.html  (https://www.weber.com/IN/en/the-history-of-weber/nav60.html)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/05/19, 09:01:38 PM
Outdoor cooking and entertaining was big in the early 60's...I have quite a few cookbooks on that, since I collect cookbooks. Backyard BBQ's were the rage. Here's one of 'em...
Structo Corp., the same one that made all the metal toy cars and trucks, also made a lot of different grills in the 60's...

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/06/19, 07:22:25 AM
Dotch is right, the idea came from a guy who was making buoys for navigation..  and as Paul would say that's the rest of the story!!!  yup our Dad's should have invested in them!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/06/19, 07:58:29 AM
When we do chicken it's usually on the rotisserie & on the Weber.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/06/19, 08:05:16 AM
That green one is beautiful.  Yes Dotch I remember how flimsy they were too.  If you bumped it you may tip the whole thing over.  They didn't last long neither.  The cheap round ones that is.  I think we got a new one every year or two at the most.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/06/19, 08:37:47 AM
Ya, my new gas grill is adapted for a rotissary.  Just have to take the top warming rack off and put it on.  I think you can get a good one for around 50 bucks.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/06/19, 09:40:39 AM
Or, hang yer cordless drill on the side with a spit stuck in it... :rotflmao:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/06/19, 09:53:39 AM
that bird is going to be dissy!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/06/19, 11:09:10 AM
That's Red Green's grandson.  I took a rod building class and we used rotisserie motors that the guy bought up at garage sales.  You can then dab on the epoxy and let it spin for an hour until the epoxy dries.  Then it stays nice and smooth. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/06/19, 12:30:06 PM
grilled T-bones and the GF made eggs and such so we had steak and eggs for a brunch!!!!  num!!!!!  and as Reb would say, urp!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/06/19, 12:38:12 PM
Boy, livin' high off the hawg! And my *urp* is trademarked, as Glenn would say.   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/06/19, 12:44:11 PM
Boy, livin' high off the hawg! And my *urp* is trademarked, as Glenn would say.   :rotflmao:

dat better!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/06/19, 05:11:23 PM
Chicken apple smoked brats, bacon/cheddar mac salad, egg/chive tater salad, green Glenn stuffed olives, and a glass of iced tea.       *urp*™   :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/06/19, 06:19:10 PM
Sure, I slave away all afternoon cutting hay (most of it cussing when the stuff wrapped around the pto shaft) and I get no invite for supper! Humpf!  :rotflmao: Looks damn good there Reb!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/06/19, 06:22:17 PM
HEY! Where was mine for the rhubarb crisp???!!!   ;)
 It was! Ya got's to get some of those apple chicken brats, they sure are good! DO I haveta drag ya to the store myself? I guess if they sold meat in the liquor store, you'd be all set... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Nothing wrong with having something wrapped around yer shaft, either!  :shocked: :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/06/19, 08:08:29 PM
HEY! Where was mine for the rhubarb crisp???!!!   ;)
 It was! Ya got's to get some of those apple chicken brats, they sure are good! DO I haveta drag ya to the store myself? I guess if they sold meat in the liquor store, you'd be all set... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Nothing wrong with having something wrapped around yer shaft, either!  :shocked: :evil:

I don't have any takillya so gin will have to do...

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/06/19, 08:14:10 PM
Yup, when that homely chick that's been sittin' by ya all nite suddenly looks OK, ya know it's last call...... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/06/19, 08:30:06 PM
Been there, done that, er, her... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/06/19, 08:40:50 PM
Like Thorogood said, "last call for alcohol".... :tequila;
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/06/19, 09:01:26 PM
Great tune.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/07/19, 09:13:14 AM
Homely chicks need loving too...   Or that's what I heard...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/07/19, 10:22:56 AM
Haveta have Glenn think back to his younger years.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/07/19, 10:25:02 AM
Haveta have Glenn think back to his younger years.  :rotflmao:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/07/19, 11:08:16 AM
Haveta have Glenn think back to his younger years.  :rotflmao:
:confused: :doah: :taz: :taz: :taz: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/07/19, 11:33:28 AM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/07/19, 11:53:45 AM
I just picked up 2 racks of baby backs.  Gonna smoke them today and have for supper plus will be good leftovers for when my buddies are here. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/07/19, 12:17:05 PM
Boy, I don't know anyone that's eats better than all of us on here!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/07/19, 12:34:28 PM
there is truth in that!!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/07/19, 12:47:55 PM
One thing about it, if we ever had a get together no one would go away hungry.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/07/19, 01:00:54 PM
The wild rice and mushroom venny brauts homemade saurkraut and Glenn's very own version of Mac and cheese. Grated up some smokes Gouda and pepper jack cheese.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/07/19, 01:15:36 PM
Chubby fellers! just like....ah, they look great!  Is yer WF horsey radish in that jar? :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/07/19, 01:41:45 PM
Chubby fellers! just like....ah, they look great!  Is yer WF horsey radish in that jar? :happy1:
darn tootin!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/07/19, 03:35:11 PM
I do know that when I see youse guys making things it definitely entices me to do it too.  AND that is a good thing. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/07/19, 03:39:47 PM
Ya know, Mikey's been sayin' for over a year he's gonna get a camera so he can post pics....how long are we going to allow him to weasel around this? :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/07/19, 03:51:43 PM
I don't think he even really has a grill.  I think he eats microwaved Fun Dogs every meal and just like pulling our chains...   Who knows he may even live in a van down by the river for all I know.   LOLOL
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/07/19, 04:14:59 PM
Ya, he's prolly one of those gypsy scooter people that park in Wally world lots. :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/07/19, 04:46:25 PM
Ok I'm gonna defend Mikey. He had a nice place on a lake!!

Now I'm gonna slam him!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: I know he has the ability to take and post pictures. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/07/19, 05:01:26 PM
Rainbow Family over there in Scony.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/07/19, 05:18:51 PM
The wild rice and mushroom venny brauts homemade saurkraut and Glenn's very own version of Mac and cheese. Grated up some smokes Gouda and pepper jack cheese.
looks splendid Glenn...even if it has maggots inside!! ...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/07/19, 05:22:17 PM
That reminds me of... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/07/19, 05:24:24 PM
Ahhh jeez........................!! I just et my bacon cheese burglars, mac ham'n pea salad, 'cukes in sauce, olives,  and a bowl of pecan ice cream. It ain't gonna stay down if I read anymore of this!!!  :tongue:

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/07/19, 05:39:51 PM
Ok I'm gonna defend Mikey. He had a nice place on a lake!!

Now I'm gonna slam him!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: I know he has the ability to take and post pictures. :rotflmao:

Aha! I knew it!!  And yer an accomplice!!  :tut:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/07/19, 05:43:48 PM
That reminds me of... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
what... Cottage cheese!! :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/07/19, 06:03:03 PM
Glenn realizes he needs to go on a diet... :rotflmao:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/07/19, 06:45:31 PM
Ahhh jeez........................!! I just et my bacon cheese burglars, mac ham'n pea salad, 'cukes in sauce, olives,  and a bowl of pecan ice cream. It ain't gonna stay down if I read anymore of this!!!  :tongue:

I guess you don't want to hear my pop's stories about WW2 then?   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/07/19, 06:57:52 PM
No, I heard my Dad's. He was a corpsman, USN.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/07/19, 07:18:22 PM
My last home cooked meal before I have to eat over priced and over rated food the next week in Vegas. Ribeyes over Kingsford, some outta da box angel hair pasta with frozen peas went with it.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/07/19, 08:23:31 PM
Doesn't count. No hat!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/07/19, 09:09:07 PM
Doesn't count. No hat!  :rotflmao:

Maybe not, but I'll bet he has prolific chives growing everywhere.................
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/07/19, 09:46:23 PM
Somehow I don't doubt that...

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/07/19, 10:49:59 PM
Debated whether I should play the too tired card but looked in the fridge to see the leftover supply waning. Also found out Mrs. Cheviot is returning tonite late rather than Monday so needed to grill quick before she got home to molest me. Bought some fresh brats yesterday so decided to let 'er buck. Regular & bacon brats from Morgan's. No boar pig taint here! Seared direct & finished indirect with apple wood in the smoker boxes. Swiss cheese, sweet relish, horseradish and Bavarian mustard to top them off. Add Mrs. Gerry's coleslaw & cottage cheese as sides & supper is served.  :happy1:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/08/19, 08:12:49 AM
Lookin' good! And a beautiful and correct presentation, too!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/08/19, 08:44:47 AM
Lokkin' good! And a beautiful and correct presentation, too!  :happy1:
betting that presentation don't do squat today!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/08/19, 08:46:37 AM
Not unless Ruby starts wearing the hat!   In fact, I hear she often does when she helps him with the chores.....;)

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/08/19, 04:02:53 PM
Took the 2 lb marinated and rubbed pigger roast outta the 'fridge this am, and it fell in half. Dang! Anywho, 1 1/2 hrs over lots of apple wood on low, sprayed with apple juice to keep it moist, along with a pan of it on the grill, grilled indirect. I pulled it at 150* and let it rest for awhile in foil. UMM NUMMMMMM...  :tongue:  Will have it tonite with all the goodies I made the other day.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/10/19, 05:11:57 PM
Actually had a steak tonite! NY strip, loaded salad, red skin tater salad, and a small bowl of ice cream.    *urp*™

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/10/19, 05:52:20 PM
You do a good job Reb!!!  Lot's of variety.  I love those green onions also.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/10/19, 09:19:24 PM
Lookin' fantastic Reb! Loaded salad? I gotta try that... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/11/19, 06:44:41 AM
the hat and can cooler really set the picture up too!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/11/19, 07:31:22 AM
Lookin' fantastic Reb! Loaded salad? I gotta try that... :rotflmao:

I think you already do....  :rolleyes:  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/11/19, 07:33:13 AM
the hat and can cooler really set the picture up too!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

I 'spose Glenn's got a special trademark on that, too.  :rolleyes:  My *urp*™ does, you notice.... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/13/19, 05:08:15 PM
Bacon-cheddar brat patties, 'cukes in sauce, red skin tater salad, watermelon pickles, and green tops. *urp*™ 

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/13/19, 05:44:14 PM
Nice combo Reb!!!  Guess you do not need a wife [neighbor lady].  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/13/19, 05:45:08 PM
NO, I do not!!!! :rotflmao:   (shutup Glenn)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/13/19, 06:19:52 PM
NO, I do not!!!! :rotflmao:   (shutup Glenn)
:confused: :scratch: what??? :nerd: :nerd: :laughroll:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/14/19, 07:05:34 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/14/19, 08:08:12 AM
Don't you have some lettuce to harvest?   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/14/19, 10:21:23 AM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/14/19, 12:25:44 PM
I just put a rack of Extra Meaty Baby Backs on the Smokin-It.  Put a little extra wood in too.  I want more smoke this time.  AND yes I will have to go out and cut some lettuce.  Ever just eat a green tomato raw? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/14/19, 12:28:53 PM
I just put a rack of Extra Meaty Baby Backs on the Smokin-It.  Put a little extra wood in too.  I want more smoke this time.  AND yes I will have to go out and cut some lettuce.  Ever just eat a green tomato raw? 

No, but my skwirrels used to.  Mikey might.   :rotflmao:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/14/19, 01:00:16 PM
I just put a rack of Extra Meaty Baby Backs on the Smokin-It.  Put a little extra wood in too.  I want more smoke this time.  AND yes I will have to go out and cut some lettuce.  Ever just eat a green tomato raw? 

No, but my skwirrels used to.  Mikey might.   :rotflmao:  :rotflmao:

never had any kind of green tomato ever!!!!!     :thumbs:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/14/19, 01:19:53 PM
I remember we talked about this last year.  We ended up coating the slices of green tomato with something and then frying them in a little oil.  Kind of tasty.  Firm and kind of a tarty taste.  Like an unripe tomato.  LOLOL 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/14/19, 01:28:47 PM
I tried it once...…...no more. :puke: :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/14/19, 01:42:05 PM
I used to dip mine in milk, then in a bag of shake 'n bake (not to be confused with the 'nam slang for a napalm drop) then in oil in a fry pan, and cook slow, turning over a few times.
I think Delmar was espousing using some kind of chinee panko crumbs, as usual.  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/15/19, 10:04:14 AM
I tried it once...…...no more. :puke: :puke:

Barry!!! The list!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/15/19, 10:05:07 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/15/19, 11:00:41 AM
I'll try to find it. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/15/19, 04:10:59 PM
They are good,  I'd have to find out exactly what I did but the slices got dunked in milk or egg wash then into something as easy as flower. Tossed in a little oil in the cast on the grill!! Good stuff..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/16/19, 11:09:09 PM
They are good,  I'd have to find out exactly what I did but the slices got dunked in milk or egg wash then into something as easy as flower. Tossed in a little oil in the cast on the grill!! Good stuff..

Until the wife throws you down and says "I must have you!" It's always fun until someone gets their eye poked out!  :angry:

Grilling brats tonite before the Canada excursion. That way Mrs. Cheviot has some leftovers to dine upon. I even managed to scrape up some sweet pickle relish & cottage cheese for glenn!  :cheesy:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/17/19, 09:49:16 AM
That is a lot of mustard Dotchy. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/17/19, 10:36:15 AM
Maybe he had trouble controlling the squeeze, for some reason....*HIC*  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/17/19, 10:50:27 AM
Maybe he had trouble controlling the squeeze, for some reason....*HIC*  :rotflmao:
:happy1: :laugh: :laugh: ;) :rolleyes: :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/17/19, 01:07:30 PM
burned the brat because he was chased away from the grill!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/17/19, 05:54:01 PM
NY strip, seasoned fries, loaded salad, green tops, and pecan swirl ice cream.  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/17/19, 08:27:59 PM
NY strip, seasoned fries, loaded salad, green tops, and pecan swirl ice cream.  :tongue:

no pic as and as Glenn would tell me didn't happen!!!  sorry Reb, Glenn made me say it!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/17/19, 08:36:11 PM
I made great spaghetti with lots of meat and mushrooms.  Then a salad from our lettuce but bought a cuke to slice up and tomatoes sliced up also.  Got a Tuscan Italian dressing that is really good.  No pics. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/17/19, 09:12:30 PM
I made great spaghetti with lots of meat and mushrooms.  Then a salad from our lettuce but bought a cuke to slice up and tomatoes sliced up also.  Got a Tuscan Italian dressing that is really good.  No pics.
:pouty: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/18/19, 05:48:36 AM
I made great spaghetti with lots of meat and mushrooms.  Then a salad from our lettuce but bought a cuke to slice up and tomatoes sliced up also.  Got a Tuscan Italian dressing that is really good.  No pics.

Sounds great Barry! That's how I like it, too! What kinda dressing was that?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/18/19, 07:58:42 AM
Kraft Tuscan House Italian.  Great stuff.  I have seen Tuscan in other brands too but you take what you can get in our little store. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/18/19, 08:21:45 AM
I made great spaghetti with lots of meat and mushrooms.  Then a salad from our lettuce but bought a cuke to slice up and tomatoes sliced up also.  Got a Tuscan Italian dressing that is really good.  No pics.

Sounds great Barry! That's how I like it, too! What kinda dressing was that?
I'm sure Wally world won't have it!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/18/19, 08:31:19 AM


Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/18/19, 12:12:01 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/18/19, 05:46:43 PM
Too hot to eat much...a 1/3 lb cheese burglar, some chippers and BBQ pit beans.  :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/18/19, 08:57:40 PM
Darn nice looking meal there Rebs.  One of my favorite combinations.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/18/19, 09:21:16 PM
hey Reb, what brand are those beans...…….they look pretty good!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/19/19, 07:01:55 AM
hey Reb, what brand are those beans...…….they look pretty good!!!!!!!!!

Bush's Southern Pit BBQ......the bourbon beans are even better.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/19/19, 07:30:09 AM
hey Reb, what brand are those beans...…….they look pretty good!!!!!!!!!

Bush's Southern Pit BBQ......the bourbon beans are even better.
:happy1: thanks gonna have to get them.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/19/19, 07:32:53 AM
I like all their Grillin' beans.... :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: deadeye on July 07/19/19, 01:46:31 PM
Second round of wild rice and wild turkey soup in the crockpot.  It was great a few months ago when my wife made it the first time.  This is a great way to cook wild turkey.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/19/19, 02:13:41 PM
Oooh...wild turkey soup, that sounds good!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/19/19, 09:31:49 PM
perfect thing, a bowl of steaming hot soup......
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/20/19, 07:59:31 AM
Sounds good to me; just not to be eaten down here in this sauna. Everyone else is up north!  :undecided:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/20/19, 08:06:32 AM
'Bout every eatin place around these parts has some version of a creamy chicken & wild rice soup most of the time, I usually havta check that out as it's always good. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/20/19, 01:47:38 PM
Gonna charcoal those chicky wings... and chicky thighs...gonna be a tasty surprise... lotsa tater salad and green tops too...gonna make me dance and go woo hoo... :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/20/19, 03:06:11 PM
Gonna charcoal those chicky wings... and chicky thighs...gonna be a tasty surprise... lotsa tater salad and green tops too...gonna make me dance and go woo hoo... :tongue:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/20/19, 05:46:07 PM
Had the thighs, the hot-wings in my spicy sauce, egg-chive tater salad, BBQ beans, green tops, and watermelon pickles.   :tongue:  *urp*™

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/20/19, 05:48:47 PM
Wow, that looks great Reb!!!  Got some pork riblets in the oven right now.  Post pics later.  Grand kids want Mc Donalds stuff so that's ok.  Worked today, so the oven it is.   good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/20/19, 07:41:55 PM
And a bowl of that new Blue Bunny double-strawberry swirl....yum! :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/20/19, 08:40:40 PM
heck that plate is two meals almost!!!!  way to go Reb!!!    :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/21/19, 04:24:09 PM
Pork riblets was on the menu yesterday.  One of my grandaughters had her birthday and she could have what she wanted.  Not riblets.  McDonalds for everyone except me.  Riblets and rice.  Because of time since I worked,  In the oven they went.  Put some sweet and sassy sauce on it.  Tender as a butchers heart.  good luck.

(https://tinypix.top/images/2019/07/21/qKMlL.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/qKMlL)
(https://tinypix.top/images/2019/07/21/qKLEq.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/qKLEq)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/21/19, 05:56:35 PM
Lookin' good, RH! And I'd have a cold longneck in my paw if I could! I too had the BBQ...pigger steaks smoked over applewood! Made some smackaroni salad, tater salad, green tops, and a bowl of double-strawberry swirl... and some stuffed olives, just for Glenn.   :tongue: *urp* ™

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/21/19, 08:50:26 PM
both you fellers done good!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on July 07/21/19, 09:40:46 PM
Lookin' good, RH! And I'd have a cold longneck in my paw if I could! I too had the BBQ...pigger steaks smoked over applewood! Made some smackaroni salad, tater salad, green tops, and a bowl of double-strawberry swirl... and some stuffed olives, just for Glenn.   :tongue: *urp* ™

Dam, dude. What kind of neighborhood do you live in that you have to guard your food with a firearm?  :confused: :scratch: :police: :police:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/22/19, 07:57:27 AM
Gotta watch those nudists... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/22/19, 08:26:31 AM
Lookin' good, RH! And I'd have a cold longneck in my paw if I could! I too had the BBQ...pigger steaks smoked over applewood! Made some smackaroni salad, tater salad, green tops, and a bowl of double-strawberry swirl... and some stuffed olives, just for Glenn.   :tongue: *urp* ™

Dam, dude. What kind of neighborhood do you live in that you have to guard your food with a firearm?  :confused: :scratch: :police: :police:

A bad one. Take the food right outta yer mouth. Nobody takes my piggers.  :rotflmao: 
 My hat wasn't handy to put on the table, (ala Glenn) but my shooter was. Always with me.  :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/22/19, 09:35:56 AM
I think I have the same holster for my SW 45 M2 Reb.  Like it a lot.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/22/19, 09:42:14 AM
It's a Tagua High-ride OWB. Conceals really well.

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/22/19, 04:38:31 PM
Leftovers tonite! Bit of everything! Smorgasbord!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/22/19, 06:39:48 PM
Huh! I must be the only one eating tonite!  :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: HD on July 07/22/19, 06:43:59 PM
Huh! I must be the only one eating tonite!  :confused:

Naw Rebs....we only had some frozen chicken patties, brocolly and tator tots....nuthin to write home about...quick and easy...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/22/19, 06:49:48 PM
Leftovers here as well,  a cheese burglar and some sorta different pasta salad. My side arm was a pooch on each side drooling.. :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/22/19, 06:59:21 PM
I'm busy work work work. Eat later, leftovers as well.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/22/19, 07:44:43 PM
I'm gonna watch the Twinkos beat the Yankees.   :cool:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/22/19, 08:37:09 PM
Thanks Rebs just tuned it in.  Would love to see us beat the Yankees
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/22/19, 08:38:01 PM
left overs are good!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/22/19, 09:54:45 PM
Huh! I must be the only one eating tonite!  :confused:

Steak, jasmine rice, can of fruit, some left over chicken for the four of us.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/24/19, 05:01:20 PM
Bacon/cheddar brat patties, sunflower bowtie pasta, mac salad.......  :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: HD on July 07/24/19, 06:48:54 PM
We just had pigger chops on da grill, and some zookeeeny....  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/25/19, 11:05:29 AM
Something simple yesterday.  Burgers on a toasted bun.  Carmalized some mushrooms and onions.  good luck. 

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/25/19, 11:11:27 AM
Man that looks good.  I just realized that we are grilling burgers tonight.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:  Thanks RH. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/25/19, 11:37:52 AM
Is there some way we can stop RH from posting pics? I'm gaining my weight back just looking at 'em... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/25/19, 01:25:56 PM
Mom 'n Pop had half chickens on sale for .79 lb. Bought a half and cut it up. Mixed some sweet and sour sauce with some good soy sauce, an threw in some red pepper flakes. (This is RH's fault...) Basted the chicky with it. Slow cooking  right now for later... :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/25/19, 01:35:48 PM
That will be good!!!  Don't see half chickens on sale around here.  Cub has whole fryers [perdue] on their 3 day sale.  Fri  --Sun.  They are big though.  anywhere from 5 to 7 pounds usually.  Nice to have a little spice in the sauce.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/25/19, 02:37:31 PM
Delish!!!  Nice and moist! :happy1:  I had to sample a piece before din-din..... :laugh:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/25/19, 04:14:38 PM
Did a great job Reb!!  Nice color on that half bird.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/25/19, 04:59:05 PM
Thanks, RH! Sure was tasty with that glaze! I also like using that for a dipping sauce right out of the bottle on seasoned pigger chops. It's nice and thick, and not too sweet or sour.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/27/19, 06:26:35 PM
That chicken does look good!! Nuttin special here, a few burglars and poppers is all. I left a few seeds in and enjoyed watching my oldest sweat a bit..lol

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/27/19, 07:00:20 PM
 :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/29/19, 08:38:30 AM
That looks great
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/29/19, 11:05:44 AM
Everything on the grill is special!!  had to chuckles about watching the oldest sweat a little.  I made some baby backs with jalapenos on top under the sweet and sassy sauce.  Had some rice on the side.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/29/19, 02:26:54 PM
grilled a top sirloin, lighly seasoned with cracked pepper ans course sea salt.........  burp!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/29/19, 03:15:40 PM
No pics, didn't happen.    Nope, nope, nope.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/29/19, 03:24:09 PM
No pics, didn't happen.    Nope, nope, nope.  :rotflmao:

dats OK..  my belly is full!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/29/19, 03:24:56 PM
No pics, didn't happen.    Nope, nope, nope.  :rotflmao:
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

but i cant say much right now, i gotz me a new fangled phone i havent figured out yet!!!!!!!! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: its a motorola MOTOZ3 and i cant fer the life of me figure that friggin thing out. :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/29/19, 03:25:29 PM
No pics, didn't happen.    Nope, nope, nope.  :rotflmao:

dats OK..  my belly is full!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
datz alot to fill!!!!!!!!! :moon: :moon: :moon: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/29/19, 03:30:30 PM
No pics, didn't happen.    Nope, nope, nope.  :rotflmao:

dats OK..  my belly is full!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
datz alot to fill!!!!!!!!! :moon: :moon: :moon: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

smaller than yours!!!!!!!!!   :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/29/19, 03:33:09 PM
No pics, didn't happen.    Nope, nope, nope.  :rotflmao:

dats OK..  my belly is full!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
datz alot to fill!!!!!!!!! :moon: :moon: :moon: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

smaller than yours!!!!!!!!!   :rotflmao: :happy1:
hey............. :tut: :tut: training-087 :banghead: dont be making fun to my gas tank for dis seks machine!!!!!!! :doah: :moon: :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/29/19, 03:43:20 PM
And there it goes.....now the SEKS talk begins.... :tut:

Must be just about HH...

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/29/19, 04:09:58 PM
No pics, didn't happen.    Nope, nope, nope.  :rotflmao:

dats OK..  my belly is full!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
datz alot to fill!!!!!!!!! :moon: :moon: :moon: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

smaller than yours!!!!!!!!!   :rotflmao: :happy1:
hey............. :tut: :tut: training-087 :banghead: dont be making fun to my gas tank for dis seks machine!!!!!!! :doah: :moon: :moon:

dat funny as heck!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/30/19, 05:10:23 PM
Threw some chicken-apple smoked snausages on the grill for a quick supper. BBQ beans and some chippers rounded it out...on a paper plate, yet. Still under the wedder a bit. :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/30/19, 05:12:45 PM
Sounds like a great sausage Rebs. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/30/19, 05:16:53 PM
Must be sickened a smidge yet, only one brat!! Looking fabulistic reb,  were having the same dinner here.. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/30/19, 05:19:17 PM
There was another one waiting in the wings. Just in case.  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/30/19, 06:37:46 PM
I'm not much on gas grills, but this little tailgate gasser sure works nice for smaller meals. Actually reminds me of hunting trips  and our west coast run last year using this guy.. :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/30/19, 06:41:36 PM
How long does that 1 lb'er last on there, Boob? I guess not much differnt than on a Buddy heater on high, right? Since i used to live and breathe ice fishing, used up a LOT of 1 lb'ers!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/30/19, 06:54:17 PM
Not sure.. I've been using the same pounder for several cooks, but usually just run on medium with these flame thrower brats..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/30/19, 06:58:23 PM
I should get one of those liddle fellers for Winter......any recommendations?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/30/19, 07:13:16 PM
I should get one of those liddle fellers for Winter......any recommendations?

char broil or weber???
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/30/19, 07:14:40 PM
I dunno.....one like Boob's. Whatever is cheapest. Budget crunch here. We'll haveta  see...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/30/19, 07:15:07 PM
Yep, this one is a Weber, 50 bucks I believe at the bovine store and home dump..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/30/19, 07:16:49 PM
Yep, this one is a Weber, 50 bucks I believe at the bovine store and home dump..

both are good I think used one for many years!!!  time for another!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/30/19, 07:20:23 PM
''Bovine store"....HAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!  :rotflmao: :bonk: 🐄
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/30/19, 07:24:02 PM
70 at the bovine,  I dont remember it being that much.. :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/30/19, 07:29:14 PM
I have a charcoal one you can have if ya come and get it. I currently have a 3 dollar tag on it for my get rid of stuff I don't use no more sale!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/30/19, 07:48:21 PM
Thanks, got two charcoal and a gas grill already...all Weber. Thinking a liddle one for quick grill outs...for one person, sometimes doing a pile of charcoal is more than it's worth. Likewise on heating up the big gas one.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/30/19, 08:02:25 PM
This one is a small one same size as boobers only uses charcoal.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/30/19, 08:20:42 PM
Maybe I'll just start eating microwave meals.....*sigh*  :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/30/19, 08:27:10 PM
Thanks, got two charcoal and a gas grill already...all Weber. Thinking a liddle one for quick grill outs...for one person, sometimes doing a pile of charcoal is more than it's worth. Likewise on heating up the big gas one.
someone should come down there and slap you silly. :angry2: :censored: there's no such thing as to much for grilled food!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/30/19, 08:28:39 PM

    I'll just eat this cracker...... :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/30/19, 08:43:34 PM

    I'll just eat this cracker...... :pouty:
did ya grill it. :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/30/19, 11:05:52 PM
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Dotch and Ruby are celebrating getting another chunk of the lawn mowed! Note the green footed red and white smooth coat border collie's socks.  :cheesy:
Center cuts, quick and easy altho we make it last for at least 3 G&T's. New gin working with my gizzard so far. :happy1: Seasoned with smokehouse maple and as part of the recent glaze craze, coated with the last of the sweet bourbon glaze. Indirect after browning direct. No smoker boxes tonite, got lazy wanted to eat as fast as possible. Some Mrs. Gerry's mac salad, Bush's baked beans and voila! Supper is served!  :smiley: Did all this while Mrs. Cheviot was gone, cleaned up the mess and am playing dead. Sleeping with one eye open tho.. :undecided:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/31/19, 05:52:38 AM
Attaboy! Lookin' good there!  Ruby sure has that streamlined look, with the laid-back ears!  Kinda like those variable-sweep wings on an F-14 Tomcat!  :rotflmao:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on July 07/31/19, 10:57:01 AM
Nice plate Dotch!!  I have a chocolate Lab supervising me also during cooking times.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/31/19, 10:58:41 AM
Nice plate Dotch!!  I have a chocolate Lab supervising me also during cooking times.  good luck.
that is good good looking plate. no cottage cheese or olives!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

i too have onlookers........ a sheltie and chocolate lab.........that drools!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/31/19, 05:37:22 PM
Couple o' ears of cawn (It was great!) couple of apple-wood smoked chicky thighs, Amish tater salad, green tops and wammermelon pickles. I topped it off with a bowl of strawberry swirl ice cream.  It was Reb-o-licous.    *urp*™ :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/31/19, 06:46:26 PM
Amish potato salad???   Boiled over an open fire?   Mayo was whisked by hand?   Mustard was ground by a horse powered mill?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/31/19, 06:50:35 PM
Potatos dug and hand sliced by Joseph Schwarzentruber.  Haveta ask Walmart.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/31/19, 06:58:30 PM
I think some folks just use the name!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/31/19, 07:30:26 PM
Gee wiz Dotch,  you can run but cant hide with those glow in the dark feet from ruby!! Playing dead just might be your only move.. :bow: Reb, fer some reason we keep making the same grub...sorta. I do wish we had sweet corn, but with the zookini growing like grass , sliced em up and did fries with thighs..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/31/19, 08:03:43 PM
Well ya, we is master chefs!!!   Fries 'n thighs'll light up yer eyes!  :rotflmao:  :tongue:

I think Dotch needs to get Ruby a pair of airplane googles, and she can swivel her ears around to look like a fighter plane...... *ZOOOM*   :bonk:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/01/19, 05:06:36 PM
One of those 8 oz $3.99 ribeyes from the Mom 'n Pop....wow, melt in yer mouth!..It was great!  Sunflower seed pasta, with the usual other stuff. Saving the 2 ears of corn for the pork roast tomorrow.... :tongue: I worked on the deck all day like a maniac, in the sun, staining everything, and I was wiped out. Think I drank 5 bottles of water and two bottles of tea. Anyway, the dinner was basically inhaled... *Gulp*. 
To me, that's a perfect day, work hard, accomplish something, have a great dinner. Either a dish of ice cream, or a romp with the NL could top it off.... Guess I'll haveta settle for the ice cream.  :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/01/19, 06:59:18 PM
And don't forget, whine tomorrow cause your sore. :rotflmao: sorry Mike dated me. :tut: :pouty: :rotflmao: looks mighty dandy!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/01/19, 07:21:59 PM
And don't forget, whine tomorrow cause your sore. :rotflmao: sorry Mike dated me. :tut: :pouty: :rotflmao: looks mighty dandy!!! :happy1: :happy1:

I'm always hurtin', ya pusscake. Grade 4 RA and 3 spinal surgeries tend to do that. What's YER excuse?  Get yer wee-wee caught in yer zipper?   :moon:
Glad to hear you and Mikey are dating.  :queen:   :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/01/19, 08:09:25 PM
good eats Reb!!  bite off smurf!!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:  and I never had that said before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :puke: :puke:   Mike dated me
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/01/19, 08:16:38 PM
Hey fat figures on a phone. :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/01/19, 08:18:09 PM
And don't forget, whine tomorrow cause your sore. :rotflmao: sorry Mike dated me. :tut: :pouty: :rotflmao: looks mighty dandy!!! :happy1: :happy1:

I'm always hurtin', ya pusscake. Grade 4 RA and 3 spinal surgeries tend to do that. What's YER excuse?  Get yer wee-wee caught in yer zipper?   :moon:
Glad to hear you and Mikey are dating.  :queen:   :doah:
Yea yes we've heard all about them. Me?? I was told I got dropped on my head!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/01/19, 08:37:04 PM
good eats Reb!!  bite off smurf!!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:  and I never had that said before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :puke: :puke:   Mike dated me

Ya, he's got an excuse for everything, don't he?  Oughtta start calling him Captain "E" and get him a cape... :super smiley:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/02/19, 07:55:50 AM
And don't forget, whine tomorrow cause your sore. :rotflmao: sorry Mike dated me. :tut: :pouty: :rotflmao: looks mighty dandy!!! :happy1: :happy1:

I'm always hurtin', ya pusscake. Grade 4 RA and 3 spinal surgeries tend to do that. What's YER excuse?  Get yer wee-wee caught in yer zipper?   :moon:
Glad to hear you and Mikey are dating.  :queen:   :doah:
Yea yes we've heard all about them. Me?? I was told I got dropped on my head!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: More than once....................................maybe? ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/02/19, 08:27:42 AM
good eats Reb!!  bite off smurf!!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:  and I never had that said before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :puke: :puke:   Mike dated me

Ya, he's got an excuse for everything, don't he?  Oughtta start calling him Captain "E" and get him a cape... :super smiley:
then you must be captAIn W.....................................
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/02/19, 10:21:45 AM
2 lb pigger roast, that I rubbed last nite with smokey mesquite, and brushed with maple syrup this morning. Going on over a smoking pile of apple wood.... :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/02/19, 10:30:25 AM
that looks really good. do you still mix up that concotion you call rebs world famous rib rub???????? i love that stuff you gave me. even put it on chicky........iffin i can ever remember i have it!!!!! :confused: :banghead: :banghead:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/02/19, 10:40:14 AM
Yup. Only it ain't world famous.  :azn:  Couldn't live without it! I did print the recipe on here many moons ago...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/02/19, 10:49:55 AM
OK, here it be, if ya want it.  :tongue:

Reb’s Rib Rub

3 Tbsp fine salt
2 Tbsp mexican style chili powder
2 Tbsp smoked  paprika
2 Tbsp onion powder
1 Tbsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp coarse black pepper
1/2 Tbsp cayenne pepper (may omit)
1/2 Tbsp smoked chipotle pepper
1 Tbsp finely chopped cilantro
1/2 Tbsp ground cumin
 2   Tbsp brown sugar

Mix well and lightly grind. Store in a GLASS container.

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/02/19, 10:56:39 AM
 :happy1: :happy1: wrote it down!!!!!!!!!!!! your ok, dont care what dotch said about you!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/02/19, 11:03:33 AM
Ah, he prolly had a snootful!  :drinking:   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/02/19, 11:05:44 AM
Ah, he prolly had a snootful!  :drinking:   :rotflmao:
:laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :super smiley:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/02/19, 11:59:33 AM
 :taz: :taz: :taz: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:  :moon: :moon: :moon: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Turn my back, go to the post office & and bank then stuff like this happens!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/02/19, 12:05:48 PM
Glenn started it.  :whistling:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/02/19, 03:53:58 PM
Up in smoke in Rochester it looks, lookin good reb!!  :happy1: I also need to make some of dat rub, good stuff!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/02/19, 04:06:36 PM
Glenn started it.  :whistling:
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/02/19, 04:07:12 PM
Up in smoke in Rochester it looks, lookin good reb!!  :happy1: I also need to make some of dat rub, good stuff!!
now no rubbin it on da misses!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/02/19, 04:33:47 PM
Thanks for the rub recipe Reb!!!  I think that pork loin roast will be very tasty!!  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/02/19, 05:04:51 PM
Tonites menu: Savory, juicy smoked mesquite-maple pork medallions....crisp, buttery fresh candy corn, drenched in butter....cool and creamy egg 'n chive potato salad... fresh and crunchy green tops.....
or,  pigger,  cawn, and fixin's!!!!!!!    :rotflmao:    *urp* ™

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/02/19, 05:36:50 PM
Very nice!! You'll be like me soon, out fer the count!! :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/02/19, 05:53:29 PM
Up in smoke in Rochester it looks, lookin good reb!!  :happy1: I also need to make some of dat rub, good stuff!!
now no rubbin it on da misses!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Naw, shes salty enough towards me now and then.. :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/02/19, 06:14:06 PM
Very nice!! You'll be like me soon, out fer the count!! :bow:

I lasted after dinner watching the races for about 10 minutes...*snork*     :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/02/19, 07:52:01 PM
That looks great Rebs.  I need to get me some sweet corn.   :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/03/19, 05:05:25 PM
Here we go again reb, bout the same main course.  Apple wood smoked bacon wrapped pork loin n taters. I didnt see anything wrong with more smoke, the mrs picked it up at sams..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/03/19, 05:13:28 PM
You guy's are making some great meals there.  Love pork loins!!  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/03/19, 05:47:24 PM
Here we go again reb, bout the same main course.  Apple wood smoked bacon wrapped pork loin n taters. I didnt see anything wrong with more smoke, the mrs picked it up at sams..

Cripes! We runnin' neck and neck! Great minds and cooks, ya know.... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/03/19, 07:36:06 PM
Here we go again reb, bout the same main course.  Apple wood smoked bacon wrapped pork loin n taters. I didnt see anything wrong with more smoke, the mrs picked it up at sams..

Cripes! We runnin' neck and neck! Great minds and cooks, ya know.... :rotflmao:
piffle. Your taking pictures of the nieghbors grill, both of y'all. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Looking good!!! :happy1: I'm having pork chops in a can! :toast: :toast:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/03/19, 07:49:39 PM
Here we go again reb, bout the same main course.  Apple wood smoked bacon wrapped pork loin n taters. I didnt see anything wrong with more smoke, the mrs picked it up at sams..

Cripes! We runnin' neck and neck! Great minds and cooks, ya know.... :rotflmao:
piffle. Your taking pictures of the nieghbors grill, both of y'all. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Looking good!!! :happy1: I'm having pork chops in a can! :toast: :toast:

The neighbors don't have grills. Too dumb to know how to use 'em. They just order out.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/03/19, 10:30:30 PM
Ya gotta get up purty early in the mornin' to keep ol' Dotch from grillin' on a Saturday nite!  :rotflmao: Morgan's had strips on sale so couldn't resist. Sweet corn locally is in its prime so what's a poor boy to do?  :confused: Dry edible beans possibly raised in MN in the baked beans so aside from the gin that came from across the pond, a very MN meal all purchased locally.  :happy1: Think I'm getting this figured out Boober. Cook for myself when she ain't around then clean up the mess. Crank up the AC so it's like a meat locker in here and wear PJ's with a union suit under them to bed. Too much work for her to get at the goods!  :bonk:

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/04/19, 08:30:58 AM
Lookin' good dere, Dotcheroo! But, ya gots yer cawn floating in da beans!!!  :doah:
May I suggest borrowing one of Glenn's plates, then that won't happen.... ;)

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/04/19, 10:54:52 AM
Lookin' good dere, Dotcheroo! But, ya gots yer cawn floating in da beans!!!  :doah:
May I suggest borrowing one of Glenn's plates, then that won't happen.... ;)
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: I thought I hid them!!!!!!!!! :pouty: yea me grilling a pork loin myself tonight. been sitting in rebs rib rub since yesterday afternoon. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/04/19, 10:56:41 AM
Lookin' good dere, Dotcheroo! But, ya gots yer cawn floating in da beans!!!  :doah:
May I suggest borrowing one of Glenn's plates, then that won't happen.... ;)
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: I thought I hid them!!!!!!!!! :pouty: yea me grilling a pork loin myself tonight. been sitting in rebs rib rub since yesterday afternoon. :happy1:

Well, then it's guaranteed to be fabulous! Butter up some of that #$$$ cawn, and ya should be walking in tall cotton!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/04/19, 11:03:56 AM
gotta run an get some of that corn. soak them bad boys in a bucket of water and throw then on the grill with husks on!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/04/19, 11:08:14 AM
I'll alert CSFD.  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/04/19, 11:23:51 AM
I'll alert CSFD.  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: hey i'm not like crankshaft in the funnies!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/04/19, 12:15:57 PM
I'll alert CSFD.  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: hey i'm not like crankshaft in the funnies!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  :doah:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/04/19, 12:28:40 PM
that sirloin steak I grilled and had with eggs a while back was so good I did that again today!!!  perfect steak and eggs with english muffin bread toast!!!   and again only oiled and with some cracked pepper and course sea salt!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/04/19, 12:32:13 PM
I'm trying to decide on burgers or a ribeye on the grill tonight.  You may have just swayed my opinion Mike..   :sleazy:  Thank you sir. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/04/19, 12:42:00 PM
that sirloin steak I grilled and had with eggs a while back was so good I did that again today!!!  perfect steak and eggs with english muffin bread toast!!!   and again only oiled and with some cracked pepper and course sea salt!!!

The only way to make a med-rare steak! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/04/19, 12:42:13 PM
a good steak is hard to beat!!!  I have been getting my steaks at Aldi's too!!! darn good selection of quality cut meats!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/04/19, 12:43:42 PM
I might haveta wander into ours again sometime...the one I was in had very little of anything. Very small store. We've lost sooo many good places here..... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/04/19, 12:46:07 PM
I'm trying to decide on burgers or a ribeye on the grill tonight.  You may have just swayed my opinion Mike..   :sleazy:  Thank you sir. :happy1:

I is havin' bacon-cheddar brat patties!  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/04/19, 12:49:29 PM
I might haveta wander into ours again sometime...the one I was in had very little of anything. Very small store. We've lost sooo many good places here..... :rolleyes:

they are a good store!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/04/19, 01:21:42 PM
I just went to their local website...you haveta bring yer own bags, and pay rent for the cart, that is returned when ya make a purchase?! WTH??!?!?!? I use it to help walk......NOT!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: HD on August 08/04/19, 01:42:53 PM
The wife likes going to Aldi's....not for me!
Ours is so narrow, you can hardly get a cart though it.
And it opens up way to late.... I'm done shopping by then.

I'll pay more at Cub, but at least I can shop 24/7
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/04/19, 01:51:52 PM
Aldi's has it's purpose for certain folks in my opinion.  My mom who is 92 shops there.  Small store [for a grocery store], good prices and just right for single folks and couples in my opinion.  Good quality produce that I have seen and low prices.  Cereal is another item which has great prices.  The meat is choice and the prices are reasonable.  The steaks are vacume packed and trimed well.  I have a friend also who goes there, but she goes there for produce and cereal only.  Meat from Cubs and the rest from Costco.  So Aldi is for some folks while other stores with larger supplies to choose from is for the rest.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/04/19, 02:12:19 PM
Well, I had to see for myself. Went to the new one by me (I'd only been to the one on the other end of town) Place was packed with Sunday shoppers! Soooo....I wandered around for awhile and really checked things out. Did  Prices. How the meat looked.  Variety. Deli area. Veggies.  Didn't check frozen foods, that was a crowd in that area. My impression? Heck ya!!!  :happy1: Wow, great prices! Great lookin' chicky...thighs, legs, cut up. Cheap! Steaks? Wow! Great prices, and all the stuff RH said. They had all the deli salads I eat, too, way cheap! Tater salad, mac salad, etc. They had these HUGE 16" pizza's for $4.99! And cheese...the 8 oz blocks I pay $2.59 for at Walfart is  $1.89 there..mild cheddar, sharp, colby, muenster...  :shocked: Wide aisles, no Bovine stoppages there! Clean, neat, well stocked...And as mentioned, it does look like a perfect spot for single or older folk, 'cuz it's where I'm going for groceries next week! Thanks, guys!  And Mikey...... :bow:

PS....the carts are only a quarter... :laugh:

That wraps up Reb's Sunday shopping report.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/04/19, 02:32:32 PM
and the pizza is darn good!!!!  way to go Reb!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/04/19, 02:44:47 PM
We it looks like there will be one isle bovine in Aldies next week. :mooning: :smoking: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Oh Lord I couldn't help myself. :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :super smiley:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: HD on August 08/04/19, 02:52:07 PM
Aldi's is ok....but, ours has stuff randomly, you find something you like....and then they don't have it no more....2 months later....they have it again....

I'm not sure if they are all that way, but even the wife has complained about that.

I'm a guy, I don't have the time or need the hassle.....
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/04/19, 02:54:04 PM
Sounds like Walfart! But, I gotta shop if I wanna eat.........and I wanna eat!   :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/04/19, 02:55:07 PM
We it looks like there will be one isle bovine in Aldies next week. :mooning: :smoking: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Oh Lord I couldn't help myself. :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :super smiley:

Don't you haveta go scorch the hell outta some corn or something?!      :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/04/19, 02:58:16 PM
Ya Reb, I'm going to shop there more also.  I like good produce especially.  Saving some money is a good thing.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/04/19, 03:10:05 PM
Problem is for a #1 city of 126,000 people, we need more big grocer stores besides Sly-Vee and Walfart. This town has never liked any competition in any form. We simply need more variety for a town this size. O, I guess we do have a new Fresh Thyme store, but that's not really a go-to grocery. Everything here has to be glitzy and a specialty place. I miss Econo and Rainbow Foods....and Fareway. :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/04/19, 03:20:22 PM
you are right on some of of the things about Aldi's HD, but I guess I have learned what to expect and get there..  but there again I'm in no hurry to shop anymore like I used to rush...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/04/19, 03:22:27 PM
Aldi's is ok....but, ours has stuff randomly, you find something you like....and then they don't have it no more....2 months later....they have it again....

I'm not sure if they are all that way, but even the wife has complained about that.

I'm a guy, I don't have the time or need the hassle.....

Haven't had the pleasure of shopping at an Aldi's but may check out the one in Owatonna. A little leery as it's a small store but I could use a better selection of produce than what we get locally. I don't want my local grocery store to go down though. It's a 17 mile drive one way to Aldi's in Owatonna. I'm in Bugtussle every weekday. If you watch the sales and buy store brands it's competitive. And we also have the local meat market that while not cheap, needs to be patronized. I keep my freezer stocked with our lamb thanks to them and don't want to change locker plants again either. People keep wanting to sell me a 1/4 - 1/2 a beef thru there too so might have to break down and buy another freezer.  :scratch:   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/04/19, 03:29:37 PM
entertain more company and you won't need another freezer!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/04/19, 04:20:02 PM
entertain more company and you won't need another freezer!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: Yea what he said ya right azz!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/04/19, 04:33:57 PM
Door's always open and gin is always plentiful, ya clowns!  :tut: :tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/04/19, 04:37:27 PM
Do we all get swizzle sticks and plates with compartments?  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/04/19, 05:27:06 PM
Aldi's is ok....but, ours has stuff randomly, you find something you like....and then they don't have it no more....2 months later....they have it again....

I'm not sure if they are all that way, but even the wife has complained about that.

I'm a guy, I don't have the time or need the hassle.....

Haven't had the pleasure of shopping at an Aldi's but may check out the one in Owatonna. A little leery as it's a small store but I could use a better selection of produce than what we get locally. I don't want my local grocery store to go down though. It's a 17 mile drive one way to Aldi's in Owatonna. I'm in Bugtussle every weekday. If you watch the sales and buy store brands it's competitive. And we also have the local meat market that while not cheap, needs to be patronized. I keep my freezer stocked with our lamb thanks to them and don't want to change locker plants again either. People keep wanting to sell me a 1/4 - 1/2 a beef thru there too so might have to break down and buy another freezer.  :scratch:   
Been in a few Aldi's from Cedar Falls, Ia to Mason City, Austin, & GR from what I 've seen the newer stores are a lot roomier than the older 1's. We're a lot like Mikey in we're not in a hurry & lookin to save some $ on the things we like. We get our coffee(~$5) for big can, produce, hard to beat their pizza( we doctor it up some usually), cheese, cereal, some steaks, ribs occasionally, chicken thighs, & all our milk there( just a bit >$2/gallon last week) :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/08/19, 07:02:02 PM
Sorry gents, but a lite meal tonight. Marinated pork chops, more sliced zookini and dels fav bacon wrapped asparagus..Barely enough for leftovers tomorrow.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/08/19, 07:21:54 PM
where did ya get that good looking asparagus??? :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/08/19, 07:47:46 PM
That looks great Bob
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/08/19, 10:26:24 PM
He's too winded to answer after Mrs. Boober put the moves on him following that feast!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/09/19, 08:09:22 AM
I bet a few other things got bacon wrapped.... :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/09/19, 08:41:08 AM
where did ya get that good looking asparagus??? :happy1:
I believe cub...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/09/19, 08:55:08 AM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/09/19, 12:23:30 PM
That's one thing I haven't tried yet with the asperagus and bacon.  Cubs has bnls NY strips on this week for 699 lb. so I'm taking atvantage of some.  Did some marinaded Squash on the grill with a balsalmic vinegarette salad dressing marinade.  Marinated for 3 hours and put them on a little earlier than the steaks for they take longer.  Little salt and pepper on them also.  Vodka cocktail to supervise the grill at work.  good luck.

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(https://tinypix.top/images/2019/08/09/qcC2y.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/qcC2y)
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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/09/19, 02:18:42 PM
It's a great day RH! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/09/19, 02:21:02 PM
Boy, what a life!  :happy1:    :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/09/19, 02:31:36 PM
looks darn good!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/09/19, 04:20:14 PM
Going to the Cook VFW for burger night.   Burgers and cheap beer.... :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/09/19, 05:11:00 PM
Don't forget the salt in the beer.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/09/19, 06:24:49 PM
Don't forget the salt in the beer.

Blue Moon,  you saw me standing alone....   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/09/19, 06:36:26 PM
Toss the orange. They have no place in a beer.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/09/19, 07:14:25 PM
Toss the orange. They have no place in a beer.

Ate it.  Vitamin C good.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/10/19, 12:02:43 PM
One of the guys that drilled my well hangs at the VFW there he said.  Great guy but forgot his name.  Stocky guy. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: markn on August 08/10/19, 02:59:41 PM
Tonight’s eats at deercamp, should be done in about three more hours......

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: markn on August 08/10/19, 03:21:46 PM
Maybe need to look into buying one these.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on August 08/10/19, 04:04:03 PM
Jeffie like wingies!

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/10/19, 04:19:11 PM
Jeffie like wingies!
those are probably the hind quarters to the deer you shoot. :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/10/19, 04:26:59 PM
Looks great, boar! Ever thought of rubbing down the grill with a smurf when yer done?  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/10/19, 07:17:51 PM
Looks great, boar! Ever thought of rubbing down the grill with a smurf when yer done?  ;)

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: markn on August 08/10/19, 08:26:47 PM
Good looking wings boat. Ribs are done. Have great Sunday everyone.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: markn on August 08/10/19, 08:30:09 PM
Sorry boar. Didn’t mean to write “boat”.  I fat fingered my message. And there might be some brandy in the red solo cup.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/10/19, 08:33:10 PM
I have some extra meaty baby backs thawing for tomorrow. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/10/19, 09:42:24 PM
One of those pellet machines or a smoker might be something to look at when I retire or get closer to it. Right now I'd likely as not go off and do something, forget about it and wonder what it was I forgot after I went to bed. The end result would probably be something resembling a cinder by morning. Someday I'll have to tell the classic two whole lambs story involving my brother but I digress.

In the meantime I can handle being a short order cook. Rib steaks tonite which are basically bone-in ribeyes, more like what I remember as ribeyes when we'd get half a beef growing up. We had a young lad here tonite trimming a 4-H lamb for one of our adopted 4-H kids so wanted to make sure he didn't go away hungry. He wanted his steak medium rare and that's how he got it. I had to do one about medium or Mrs. Cheviot wouldn't eat it. Was able to lop off a small part of it (the curled part) for her and I got the balance. Neighbor Bob's fresh picked sweet corn, baked beans, Mrs' Gerry's mac salad and we were good to go. No juniper berries were harmed in the making of this meal. Mrs. Cheviot tried to make an advance but I played possum. I am typing this hanging from a tree limb by my tail.  :happy1:   

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/11/19, 06:55:40 AM
looking good markn and Dotch!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: HD on August 08/11/19, 03:14:39 PM
Been marinating all night long.... now on da grill, low & slow

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/11/19, 03:48:46 PM
Great looking grub fellas and not a bad plan Dotch,  if the possum move doesn't work you can always find a corn field to seek refuge in!! Looks like it's a rib kinda weekend , marinating overnight we gots to know HD  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: HD on August 08/11/19, 04:18:12 PM
Adding a little smoke of scotch oak barrel....
The potatoes are marinating in olive oil, garlic, onions and grilling spices.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: HD on August 08/11/19, 04:34:24 PM
Gonna steam some asparagus too.....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/11/19, 04:42:21 PM
Lookin' darned good there, HD!   :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/11/19, 04:44:23 PM
Juicy ribeye, green-tops, green Glenn berries, fresh 'maters, and a loaded salad.  :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/11/19, 05:43:00 PM
Dang, keep it up and I'll be chewing on the table waiting for the French dips to get done.. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: HD on August 08/11/19, 05:57:47 PM
Sorry Boob.... I'm done....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/11/19, 06:20:02 PM
 :bow: :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/11/19, 06:32:52 PM
all I can say is, WOW!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/11/19, 06:34:21 PM
All I can say is *URP*      :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/12/19, 12:32:00 PM
That's a big feast there HD!!!  Tried a new marinade [for me anyway] and used it on thicker cut beef short ribs Korean Kalbi style.  Not as thick as you normally buy at the store but a little thicker than the flanken style I normally use.  Marinated overnight till grilling time.  Served with rice.  good luck.

(https://tinypix.top/images/2019/08/12/q7SNy.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/q7SNy)
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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on August 08/12/19, 01:49:07 PM
That's a big feast there HD!!!  Tried a new marinade [for me anyway] and used it on thicker cut beef short ribs Korean Kalbi style.  Not as thick as you normally buy at the store but a little thicker than the flanken style I normally use.  Marinated overnight till grilling time.  Served with rice.  good luck.

(https://tinypix.top/images/2019/08/12/q7SNy.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/q7SNy)
(https://tinypix.top/images/2019/08/12/q7inp.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/q7inp)
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(https://tinypix.top/images/2019/08/12/q74M0.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/q74M0)

So what the heck is your cholesterol level Rein after all these years of meat stuff?   :scratch:  :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/12/19, 03:19:43 PM
Leech, Everyone in my family is on some kind of colesteral meds except me, until the last check up.  I went on this Keto diet and it tells you fat's are ok, so my bacon consomtion went up ect.  That did it.  Put me just over the level that I started meds for it.  So we will see in the near future what my level will be.  Before the Keto thing I ate stuff like you see me post and never had a problem.  I did loose 45 pounds though.  Slowly getting some of that back LOL. good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: HD on August 08/12/19, 04:37:59 PM
Yup RH, it was a large meal for me and Mama....but, it was so dang good! Just have a few meals for leftovers!

Yours looks pretty darn good too!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/12/19, 06:27:07 PM
Hey you guys, AOC would NOT approve!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/12/19, 06:41:43 PM
I absolutely love leftovers. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/12/19, 06:43:10 PM
Hey you guys, AOC would NOT approve!  :happy1:

Asians,Oysters, and Cats?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/13/19, 06:30:37 AM
Hey you guys, AOC would NOT approve!  :happy1:

She is going to save us all with the leafy green diet. No more cows to produce methane.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/13/19, 08:58:41 AM
That's right!   :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/13/19, 05:47:52 PM
Had to throw some seasoned piggers on da grill fast, 'cuz Dotch was hootin' at me about a line of tornaders headed my way. Don't want my piggers swirlin' around in no tornader! Got 'em done in time, with a salad, onyums, and some cawn... :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/13/19, 06:08:14 PM
Looks good Reb!!  I see in most of your pics that you love green onions.  I'm the same way.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/13/19, 06:10:51 PM
They give ya stamina and strength. I eat 'em like candy.   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/13/19, 06:44:34 PM
Looking good reb, and radar is looking good down yonder too. After a good down pour here I might hafta sit patio side for a spell before na night..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/13/19, 07:39:14 PM
They give ya stamina and strength. I eat 'em like candy.   :rotflmao:
yep, he can eat them, sure can't grow em!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/13/19, 08:25:29 PM
How would you know? Gotta start with live ones, not raggedy soggy limp ones!  :crazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/13/19, 08:42:58 PM
Well noone else had issues. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/14/19, 06:39:31 AM
Ya, so? What's a noone?   (A Glenn rebuttal)  :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/14/19, 06:56:21 PM
I coulda used some of them onions you guys cant grow tonight.. :bonk:  Bacon cheese burglars with more sun pickles and hot bread n butter pickles and chips n dips.  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/14/19, 06:59:52 PM
The union could only afford cold leftover little Cesar's pizza the hotel served. :pouty: :pouty: :surrender: :confused: :cry:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/14/19, 07:11:15 PM
The union could only afford cold leftover little Cesar's pizza the hotel served. :pouty: :pouty: :surrender: :confused: :cry:
ouch!!! Times are tough huh..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/14/19, 07:20:06 PM
The union could only afford cold leftover little Cesar's pizza the hotel served. :pouty: :pouty: :surrender: :confused: :cry:
ouch!!! Times are tough huh..
yep! :sad:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/14/19, 08:51:59 PM
Rebs and Boober done good!  :happy1: Reb's neighbor lady likely had her way with him after that feast cuz he's easy to catch right now. Not sure if Boober is off the IR yet but if he wasn't, he was in the deep weeds too!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/15/19, 08:02:22 AM
The union could only afford cold leftover little Cesar's pizza the hotel served. :pouty: :pouty: :surrender: :confused: :cry:
What?  :shocked:  No $20 sandwiches tonight?  :rolleyes: ;) :laugh: :evil: :nerd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/15/19, 08:11:16 AM
The union could only afford cold leftover little Cesar's pizza the hotel served. :pouty: :pouty: :surrender: :confused: :cry:
What?  :shocked:  No $20 sandwiches tonight?  :rolleyes: ;) :laugh: :evil: :nerd:

They ran outta olives to put on those fancy frilly toothpicks. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/15/19, 09:07:45 AM
The union could only afford cold leftover little Cesar's pizza the hotel served. :pouty: :pouty: :surrender: :confused: :cry:
What?  :shocked:  No $20 sandwiches tonight?  :rolleyes: ;) :laugh: :evil: :nerd:

They ran outta olives to put on those fancy frilly toothpicks. :rotflmao:
:crazy: :pouty: :tut: your a putz!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/15/19, 05:33:22 PM
Gunner, can ya get out that spray again? Still havin' that squeekin' noise..... :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/15/19, 05:35:32 PM
Couple o' 1/3 lb swiss & cheddar cheese burglars, fresh mac salad, 'maters, radishes, green tops, and a toffee ice cream bar. *urp*   Can't run now; looks like the NL might haveta kamikaze me in my recliner.... :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/15/19, 06:27:00 PM
Now that really looks good.  Healthy too..   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/15/19, 06:57:11 PM
Gots to have my veggies every meal!  :smiley:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/15/19, 07:03:26 PM
Gots to have my veggies every meal!  :smiley:
KATCHUP!!! :rocker; :rocker; :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred: :happybounce: :party1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/17/19, 02:05:18 PM
Nice looking burgers Reb.  I like everything else also.  Radishes and the green tops are on my favorite's list.  good luck
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/17/19, 06:01:22 PM
Felt in the Weber charcoal cookin' mode today, so went out and got everything (Danged farm trucks weren't out until after 9:00 am.... ! :angry:)  /prepped/made the salads this am. Gots to be fresh! Tossed some apple wood and hickory on the coals until the neighborhood was fogged out, then the goodies went on. Couple ears of sweet cawn doused in butter, big platter of  smoked chicken and bbq slathered CSR's, Reb's 'cukes in dill sauce,  mac salad, (sitting on counter) fresh green tops and crisp radishes....finished off with strawberry swirl ice cream. *URP* ™ Burp*
Now I have lotsa leftovers for tomorrow, since it's supposed to T-storm... :smiley:!

Afraid if I hit the recliner, over I'll go....*CRASH*

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/17/19, 06:24:58 PM
Reb that's a far cry from what I'm making today and I would eat yours any day.  We got the grand kids so it's spaghetti tonight.  Is that real butter or I can't believe it's butter?  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/17/19, 06:30:30 PM
I did two corned beefs in the crock pot.  One was only 2 lbs and the other 3.5 lbs.  Turned out great.  I made the mistake of scooping the juice on my potato.  Man it was all of the salt out of the meat.  The first two bites were great.  LOL  BUT the meat was great.  Ruebens tomorrow.  And maybe the next day too. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/17/19, 06:47:11 PM
Reb that's a far cry from what I'm making today and I would eat yours any day.  We got the grand kids so it's spaghetti tonight.  Is that real butter or I can't believe it's butter?  good luck.

It's "I can't believe it's not Butter". Good stuff. Been using it for about 15 years or more.

I told my cousin to get her corn off the farm truck that I do....she said they got a dozen ears the other day, and while husking it, every ear was moldy! Anyone ever hear of that?
She's PO'd at me.... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/17/19, 06:52:58 PM
That's too bad.  I always wonder about how the corn is doing when it is over 80 and they have a pile of corn in the truck in the sun.  I hope it turns out good for them and the customer. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/17/19, 07:07:49 PM
I just wonder why it was moldy?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/17/19, 07:22:51 PM
Must be a temp thing.  It is full of moisture.  That is a huge thing harvesting potatoes.  Storing them at correct temp and humidity with huge fans running to help control it.  Easy to lose a whole barn if one thing goes wrong. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/17/19, 07:37:21 PM
I did some reading up.....good thing I'm not a farmer. Some of that just is beyond me... :scratch:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/17/19, 08:16:47 PM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/19/19, 06:24:18 PM
Gonna drop a nice T-bone on the grill shortly.  Thick cut too. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/19/19, 06:33:17 PM
Bacon-cheddar brat patties here...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/19/19, 08:47:29 PM
Gonna drop a nice T-bone on the grill shortly.  Thick cut too.

sure the wife is gone!!!!z    :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/21/19, 11:18:24 AM
Ran into some nice marbled NY strips yesterday while cutting for the counter.  The strip loin was choice but could easily pass as prime.  Bought 3 of these.  Nice when you can pick out steaks as you cut them,  or get to know your butcher and they will save you some when you order them.  good luck.

(https://tinypix.top/images/2019/08/21/qExrJ.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/qExrJ)
(https://tinypix.top/images/2019/08/21/qEwXF.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/qEwXF)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/21/19, 11:37:23 AM
Those are nice...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/21/19, 11:46:07 AM
they will be darn good eats!!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on August 08/21/19, 12:33:24 PM
i bought  a whole prime rib for 8 bucks a lb. 3 brisket for 5 buck alb. and lean burger for 3.25 lb. the.prime i cut into ribeye. absolutely suckulant! the pale one was aged for 8 weeks.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on August 08/21/19, 12:34:25 PM
aintnansteak without some special sh it!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/21/19, 12:58:29 PM
looks darn good Boar!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/21/19, 01:02:08 PM
Needs some Reb Rub.    :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/21/19, 01:10:23 PM
 :scratch: :confused: Reb wants to rub boars meat!!!!!!!!!!!! :doah: :doah: :scratch: EWEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :doofus:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/21/19, 01:53:27 PM
So how was the one that was in the frig for 8 weeks?  I forgot about that. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on August 08/21/19, 04:25:47 PM
very delcious! but ya know blind taste test woulda have me take the fresh red cut.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/21/19, 05:05:15 PM
Rib steaks are very tasty!!!  Good job Boar on the steaks and the buy's you got.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/21/19, 05:24:09 PM
Weenies!  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/21/19, 06:58:21 PM
Gee wiz you guys,  looking marvelous!! I feel your pain reb, those guys are chowin down on dead cow , you have some little weenies and I'm doing store bought swedes and homemade ring bolagna,  bout the same. Big o pan of taters n bacon..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/21/19, 07:26:33 PM
that looks darn good too Bobber!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/21/19, 08:34:53 PM
 :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: i'm to busy doing union thuggery, feeding yogi, getting caught up in the evenings at home to grill. :doah: :doah: :cry: :cry: have to eat the wifes cooking!!!!!! :shocked: :doah: :rotflmao:

besides, I aint figured out this gawl darn friggin @#$%^&*(&%$#$%^&*( new phone yet!!!!!! :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on August 08/21/19, 08:56:35 PM
let see some mentioned sonethin on a nother thread... what was it again????? oh i remeber now. POOR BABY!! you want some criez with your whaa whaa burger????
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/21/19, 09:07:37 PM
let see some mentioned sonethin on a nother thread... what was it again????? oh i remeber now. POOR BABY!! you want some criez with your whaa whaa burger????
:pouty: :pouty: :confused: isnt it about time you need to go look for some road kill!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on August 08/21/19, 09:44:01 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/22/19, 07:21:45 AM
:pouty: :pouty: :pouty: i'm to busy doing union thuggery, feeding yogi, getting caught up in the evenings at home to grill. :doah: :doah: :cry: :cry: have to eat the wifes cooking!!!!!! :shocked: :doah: :rotflmao:

besides, I aint figured out this gawl darn friggin @#$%^&*(&%$#$%^&*( new phone yet!!!!!! :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:

Enough though to bug the poo outta everyone on here!!!!!!!!!!    :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/22/19, 09:11:16 AM
:pouty: :pouty: :pouty: i'm to busy doing union thuggery, feeding yogi, getting caught up in the evenings at home to grill. :doah: :doah: :cry: :cry: have to eat the wifes cooking!!!!!! :shocked: :doah: :rotflmao:

besides, I aint figured out this gawl darn friggin @#$%^&*(&%$#$%^&*( new phone yet!!!!!! :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:
:violin: :violin: :violin: :cry: :cry: :cry:         :doofus: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/22/19, 05:10:11 PM
Thinking either burgers or hot dogs.  With chili on them. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/22/19, 05:11:55 PM
Made a batch of my burger BBQ's, with some tater salad and some chippers.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/22/19, 05:19:05 PM
Tater salad sounds good too. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/23/19, 07:04:29 PM
8 oz ribeye, coleslaw, rolls, green tops and radishes....
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/23/19, 07:35:19 PM
Did walleyes on the grill in the cast so while at it did fries n breaded shrooms too..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/23/19, 08:49:23 PM
Ooh, that sounds good!  Tried to get my buddy to gout out for all you can eat batter fried fish tonite, but he couldn't. :angry:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/23/19, 11:01:55 PM
Back in the saddle again! Survived another Crop Tour and was named a Master Scout so am basking in the afterglow. Ribeye baby, 'bout an inch thick, medyum rare. Fortunately Mrs. Cheviot is at the State Fair so I can conserve my energy without the constant pawing and suggestive whispering in my ear... ;)

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/24/19, 06:57:56 AM
Welcome back Dotch,  and not to mention a fine job as usual on the weber!! I bet your still na night after gobbling  down that spread!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/24/19, 07:30:25 AM
congrats Dotch!!  and yup welcome back!!  good lookin eats too!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/24/19, 11:26:23 AM
Love the knife.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/24/19, 11:39:48 AM
Welcome back, and congrats on being made the head scout, keem-o-sabe!  :bow: Nice lookin' portions on that plate....! Here's some background music to eat that dinner by!

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/24/19, 07:14:30 PM
I took a pic but it's the same ol rockin marinated kaboobs with bacon wrapped taters and a side salad. Dotch likes cooking in the moonlight to be more elusive, me I take my chances in the light , I've hit too many barbwire fences while running in the past.. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/24/19, 07:56:34 PM
Well, I'm safe.....made a frozen pizza with added goodies!  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/25/19, 07:43:58 AM
easy supper last night..  hobo dinner...  burger, taters, carrots and mushrooms in tin foil..  with seasonings...  tasted good...   oh and a shrimp pasta salad we made!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/25/19, 08:44:41 AM
Gonna make scrambled eggs with chunks of sausage links, onions, and lot of cheddar cheese for breakfast.  Then when I'm gonna put a nice meaty rack of baby backs in the smoker for supper. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/25/19, 09:57:10 AM
Made up some NY strip steaks yesterday with corn on the side.  Easy and a nice cocktail while grilling.  Enjoying the cooler fall like air.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/25/19, 09:59:03 AM
Oh man, just perfect................... :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/25/19, 10:15:31 AM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/25/19, 04:46:20 PM
That looks friggin dynamite RH!!   :bow:  I wont becoming even close to that,  raining here so I'm giving the little tailgate gasser the nod tonight with marinated chicken tighs,  beans and mamma is doing popovers in da oven.. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/25/19, 05:46:25 PM
Sounds good to me!!  Tonight it's pork riblets with rice.  Post pics later.  Tomorrow I'm doing a recipe with homemade vodka sauce, pasta with shrimp thing.  Seen it on a Rachel Rae video and it looked good.  But that will be on another page.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on August 08/25/19, 05:48:12 PM
bear chops and steak!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/25/19, 05:59:48 PM
Boar, not too many of us can have that kind of good stuff!!  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/25/19, 06:06:08 PM
Boy, that's fer sure! I had weenies and tater salad!  :undecided:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/25/19, 07:03:07 PM
Welcome back Dotch,  and not to mention a fine job as usual on the weber!! I bet your still na night after gobbling  down that spread!!  :happy1:
he was gone???????? :scratch: :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/25/19, 08:54:53 PM
Huh. That squeaking sound is still here... :scratch:  :rotflmao:

As Boober pointed out, with Mrs. Cheviot absent, I continue to train under the cover of darkness. No barbed wire here but the electric fence will sure light you up if yer not careful!  :shocked: Lamb chops, mixed veggies, a hunk of Auntie Mar Mar's pumpkin bread with Hope creamery butter and some of the first tomatoes out of the garden. Reb will be happy to know I ate all the string beans last night, raw!  :tongue:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/26/19, 08:17:17 AM
If you continue to taunt me with Auntie Mar Mar's wholesome goodies, I shall no longer respond to yer posts with "likes".  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/26/19, 05:59:37 PM
Boar, not too many of us can have that kind of good stuff!!  good luck.

While driving down the road, wife asked what one does with a bear after shooting it.  I said eat it.  She was not entusiastic....
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/26/19, 06:27:38 PM
Tell her to grin and bear it.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/26/19, 06:57:33 PM
Boar, not too many of us can have that kind of good stuff!!  good luck.

While driving down the road, wife asked what one does with a bear after shooting it.  I said eat it.  She was not entusiastic....

AND you can rub the bear fat on your favorite shoes to make them more something or other..??? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/26/19, 06:58:09 PM
Tell her to grin and bear it.  :rotflmao:
Spoken like a single guy
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/26/19, 07:00:48 PM
Boar, not too many of us can have that kind of good stuff!!  good luck.

While driving down the road, wife asked what one does with a bear after shooting it.  I said eat it.  She was not entusiastic....

AND you can rub the bear fat on your favorite shoes to make them more something or other..???

Bear grease as hair oil, like back in the day.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/26/19, 08:11:41 PM
Mon rendered the bear fat down. Stink like boar and his sweaty socks. :rotflmao: but damn that was done good leather conditioner.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on August 08/28/19, 09:26:07 PM
love this grill!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/28/19, 10:46:10 PM
Still grilling by the Braille method in case I'm molested on the patio in the dark by Mrs. Cheviot and need an escape route. These new night vision goggles are the bomb!  :happy1: Center cuts seared direct finished indirect, fresh mater from some friends topped with cottage cheese & green beans picked minutes before cooking. Ice cream with homemade strawberry/rhubarb jam. What doncha like about that?  :azn:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/29/19, 04:37:18 AM
 :crazy:what a waste of a perfectly good tomato. :confused: :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/29/19, 06:47:38 AM
:crazy:what a waste of a perfectly good tomato. :confused: :pouty:
:tut: :thumbs: That's how I like mine too, this time of year, HG tomato & onions chopped up some, yummmmmm! :happy1:  :scratch: Wonder how it works as Smurf repellent? ;) :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/29/19, 07:21:39 AM
sounds and looks good fellers!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/29/19, 07:48:08 AM
Cottage cheese on ma.....wait a minute...WTH are those green things???!?!?! AAAAUGHHH...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on August 08/29/19, 09:25:10 AM
I had tomato with cottage cheese and black pepper sprinkled on top a lot when I was a kid.  Maybe it's a German thing.  Got to do  that again.  Thanks to Dotch for that memory.  Maybe some lettuce also for some crunch.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/29/19, 09:47:08 AM
I remember having cottage  cheese on peach halves for lunch.....a 60's thing?  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/29/19, 09:55:00 AM
Mom did the same on pear halves and as an added touch, she put a maraschino cherry on top, if we hadn't eaten them all first!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/29/19, 09:57:45 AM
I remember all of those things.  Looks like I need to go get some more cottage cheese.  We have tomatoes and lettuce.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/29/19, 10:30:59 AM
I remember all of those things.  Looks like I need to go get some more cottage cheese.  We have tomatoes and lettuce.
:tut: :tut: :tut: no no no don't!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/29/19, 10:41:14 AM
It is good stuff Glenn. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/29/19, 10:50:25 AM
It is good stuff Glenn.
I wouldn't feed that to my ex wife!!! Or the bears?? I want them to come back!!; :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/29/19, 11:22:08 AM
You want your ex wife to come back?? :scratch: :confused: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/29/19, 11:24:24 AM
You want your ex wife to come back?? :scratch: :confused: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:crazy: :tut: da bear!! :smoking: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/29/19, 11:58:36 AM
I'm having a salami sandwich with a big mound of cottage cheese with chives for lunch. Um num. keeps ya regular.  Then out to run the Red Rocket around.................
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/29/19, 12:00:51 PM
Do you really have an ex wife Glenn?  AND if yes, did she like cottage cheese?  I just went to town and got me some cottage cheese.  Man the town is crazy with all of the traffic for the Ploughing event. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/29/19, 12:02:25 PM
Dotch said he's getting plowed tonite.... :tequila;   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/29/19, 12:04:26 PM
Do you really have an ex wife Glenn?  AND if yes, did she like cottage cheese?  I just went to town and got me some cottage cheese.  Man the town is crazy with all of the traffic for the Ploughing event.

Yes, and yes, she did. All she could gum with those two teeth.  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/29/19, 12:05:25 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  Oh well at least she had two of them. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/29/19, 12:08:55 PM
Do you really have an ex wife Glenn?  AND if yes, did she like cottage cheese?  I just went to town and got me some cottage cheese.  Man the town is crazy with all of the traffic for the Ploughing event.
why yes I do. And the lady I seen her 2 teeth might be double what she has. :rotflmao: she wasn't that way back then. Total waste if oxygen I tell ya.

I wouldn't know if she like cottage cheese, I usually did the cooking and shopping. I think she burnt water.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/29/19, 12:48:35 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:  Oh well at least she had two of them. 
:scratch: glenn has 2 ex-wives........................................ & they both only have 2 teeth? :confused: :crazy:         ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/29/19, 01:21:42 PM
Say whaaaaat??!

https://youtu.be/yqyixwqiCag :shocked:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/29/19, 02:18:15 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:  Oh well at least she had two of them. 
:scratch: glenn has 2 ex-wives........................................ & they both only have 2 teeth? :confused: :crazy:         ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

That, and I heard he had an affair with Ilhan Omar!  :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/30/19, 07:49:15 AM
Do you really have an ex wife Glenn?  AND if yes, did she like cottage cheese?  I just went to town and got me some cottage cheese.  Man the town is crazy with all of the traffic for the Ploughing event.
why yes I do. And the lady I seen her 2 teeth might be double what she has. :rotflmao: she wasn't that way back then. Total waste if oxygen I tell ya.

I wouldn't know if she like cottage cheese, I usually did the cooking and shopping. I think she burnt water.

So why did you dump her?  Sounds perfect.  LOLOL
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/30/19, 07:58:53 AM

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/31/19, 11:05:52 PM
Strip nite. One for tomorrow, one just for today. And vanilla ice cream with strawberry rhubarb sauce for dessert.   :happy1:

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z66MVPbAkCo  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z66MVPbAkCo)

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on September 09/02/19, 10:59:52 AM
Made some burgers the other day.  My friend made me a patty maker out of a cutting board.  Works slick  this way they are uniform.  Easy to clean also.  rinse and in the dishwasher it goes.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/03/19, 08:08:17 AM
Yday's feast...Pile 'o hickory wood smoked ribs....and ears of  sweet corn, green tops, radishes, mac salad, 'cukes in sauce, garlic toast, tossed salad, iced tea, ice cream.....*urp*  :tongue: Had to use two plates for all the stuff, so no pics. Table was covered with food.  :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/03/19, 08:25:11 AM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on September 09/03/19, 10:08:17 AM
Holy maccaroni Reb, with all of that goodness you must of invited the neighbor lady!!  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/03/19, 10:15:43 AM
Well, my buddy didn't make, he was on call and had plenty to do....NL was gone....so I have lotsa leftovers for tonite, tomorrow.. :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/03/19, 10:48:00 AM
Well, my buddy didn't make, he was on call and had plenty to do....NL was gone....so I have lotsa leftovers for tonite, tomorrow.. :rolleyes:

maybe she likes left overs!!!!!   :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/03/19, 10:52:57 AM
maybe ya can get this gal to come over for dinner!!!   

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/03/19, 11:22:11 AM
maybe ya can get this gal to come over for dinner!!!   


When were you down in CAWchester?   ;)

Two days of leftovers = food savings.  :smiley:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on September 09/03/19, 12:29:41 PM
That woman wears her halloween costume all year long I see.  :crazy: good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/03/19, 12:36:40 PM
sure looks like it RH!!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/03/19, 12:54:16 PM
You should see all the LGBQT tranny-pan-whatever walking around down here.... :puke: 

Glenn wouldn't DARE do his  :moon: down here!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Back to the GRILLING THREAD! MAN stuff!   :drillsergeant:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/03/19, 03:18:22 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/04/19, 06:52:56 PM
Had to stop da wife on all this fall grub shes doing. Some ties dripping with some beam maple bourbon , naked taters with a side salad and reb doing cartwheels over green beans!! :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/04/19, 06:57:35 PM
Man you do some nice looking grilling...    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Lee Borgersen on September 09/04/19, 08:12:00 PM
:popcorn: Woman-sued-her-neighbors :doofus:

Vegan Woman Sued Her Neighbors for Barbecuing Meat in Their Backyard: 'It's Been Devastating' :puke:

An Australian vegan has been locked in a legal battle with her neighbors for years after claiming they purposely used their barbecue to cook meat, sending the smells wafting into her backyard. :doah:

 :coffee: .....
Cilla Carden, a massage therapist, has taken her neighbors to court multiple times, beginning in August 2017, over various claims, including the meat, the sound of scraping chairs, noisy pet birds, and reflective light, the Guardian reports.

Carden, who lives in the suburbs of the western city of Perth, told Nine News Perth that she also has issues with her neighbors smoking cigarettes and allowing their children to bounce basketballs.

“They’ve put [the barbecue] there so I smell fish, all I can smell is fish,” :puke: she told the outlet. “I can’t enjoy my backyard, I can’t go out there.” :moon:

She continued, “It’s been devastating, it’s been turmoil. It’s been unrest, I haven’t been able to sleep.” :cry:

Carden, who insists that the behaviors are “deliberate,” recently took her complaints to Australia’s Supreme Court and the State Administrative Tribunal — where they were dismissed, Nine News Perth reports.

A neighbor told the outlet that he has gotten rid of the offending barbecue, and has also told his children to stop playing basketball. :tut:

Ms. Carden’s demands were proven to be not reasonable and indeed were to the detriment of the other owners’ ability to enjoy their lots in a reasonable and acceptable manner,” another neighbor told Nine News in a statement.

Though she reportedly is considering further legal action, Supreme court justice Peter Quinlan said he was not satisfied “that there is an arguable case that the tribunal denied Ms. Carden procedural fairness or acted to her disadvantage so as to cause a miscarriage of justice,” according to the Guardian. :doofus:

Still, Carden will stand her ground: “I’m a good person. :queen: I just want peace and quiet,” she told The West Australian. :violin:

Video report .....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/04/19, 08:19:11 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: I heard that on the radio this morning driving home. That's friggin hilarious. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/04/19, 09:35:35 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: I heard that on the radio this morning driving home. That's friggin hilarious. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Even more hilarious is the fact that a big group of folks has gotten together and are going to have a big cookout in front of her house....
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/05/19, 09:13:33 AM
One word describes her.  WACKO!!   :crazy:  I wouldn't want to live near her.  Who knows what she will do someday when she snaps...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/05/19, 09:15:25 AM
Good thing she don't live next to me. She WOULD flip.  :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/05/19, 10:09:04 AM
Gotta have some brats! Did some bacon uncooked brats & plain cooked brats from Morgans last nite. Both were decent but still prefer the bacon brats. Tater salad from Mrs. Gerry's and a few maters followed by ice cream with strawberry rhubarb sauce on it.  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/06/19, 06:00:10 PM
Seasoned chicky thighs, tossed salad, deviled egg tater salad, garlic toast, and the crunchy red and green veggie things. Chocolate covered ice cream bar for dessert.  No pics. Too lazy.   *urp*
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/06/19, 06:58:21 PM
I suspect we'll hear that squeaking noise any minute now... :whistling:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/06/19, 08:46:30 PM
I suspect we'll hear that squeaking noise any minute now... :whistling:
:mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/10/19, 11:51:53 AM
Burgers and leftovers here tonite, or whatever I can scrounge up. How do you guys make yer burgers? I take a lb of good 85/15, mix in a Tbsp diced fresh onions, shake of seasoned salt and a shake of cracked black pepper, with a shot of Worcestershire and a couple drops of liquid hickory smoke . Make 3 equal 1/3 lb patties. Top with a slice of sharp cheddar and swiss. I serve on corn dusted kaiser buns. Everyone comes back for seconds on these....
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on September 09/10/19, 12:40:44 PM
I like putting onions in my burger mix also.  My mom used to do that way back when so I carry it on.  Made some wings and rice.  Sauced the wings also toward the end of the grilling process.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/10/19, 01:23:00 PM
Burgers and leftovers here tonite, or whatever I can scrounge up. How do you guys make yer burgers? I take a lb of good 85/15, mix in a Tbsp diced fresh onions, shake of seasoned salt and a shake of cracked black pepper, with a shot of Worcestershire and a couple drops of liquid hickory smoke . Make 3 equal 1/3 lb patties. Top with a slice of sharp cheddar and swiss. I serve on corn dusted kaiser buns. Everyone comes back for seconds on these....
oh my there are so many ways. i dont know what my wife does, but when i'm top chef i like to throw onions in there and montreal steak seasoning and a few others, cajon comes to mind. but i like doing that in the morning so the seasons have time to meld with the meat.

as kids we grew up with burgers this way, and i still like doing this. burger, and seasonings, an egg and about a handfull of oatmeal. mix up,, make patties. of course back then it was fried............99.99999% of the time there grilled now!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/10/19, 02:15:43 PM
of course back then it was fried............99.99999% of the time there grilled now!!!!!!!!!!

I ain't arguing against the grill, but there is a time and a place for pan/griddle seared burgers.  However it can be tough to sear the brown, crispy edges on both sides because the burgers often release their moisture on the flip.

One strategy to eliminating the moisture is to add baking soda to the hamburger.  They link below is for chili meat, but the chemistry is the same if you fry a burger in a pan.

"Indeed, incorporating baking soda —¾ teaspoon plus 2 tablespoons of water to help it dissolve [and let sit for 15-20 minutes]—not only kept the meat juicy and made it even more tender, but it also produced an unforeseen benefit: Since the beef now barely shed any moisture during cooking (not even the small amount of water that I added to dissolve the baking soda) and a higher pH significantly speeds up the Maillard reaction, the meat browned much more quickly."

Best Ground Beef Chili Recipe (https://www.cooksillustrated.com/articles/32-best-ground-beef-chili-recipe)

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/10/19, 03:05:23 PM
Then there's the dimple pressed into the burger and sit an ice cube in it, or stick one on the middle of the burger.........
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/10/19, 07:11:03 PM
Yep our burglars are always dimpled,  the 80/20 is usually mixed with either A1 or Heinz 57. Just a light seasoning of what I  grab since a cast iron skillet is full of bacon going on top. Man do the burgers turn out juicy on a charcoal grill that seals tight...to bad my kid has my weber..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/10/19, 10:46:59 PM
Generally don't add a lot to burgers other than the seasoning which I change up routinely. Bear in mind I'm generally grilling lamburger. I have a hard time remembering the last time I grilled a beef burger. When I grill the lamburgers it's 1/3 lb. burgers, two one pound packages thawed about 6 hours ahead of time. I toss a little different wood smoke at them sometimes and usually I'm trying for at least two different doneness levels on a standard sized charcoal Weber. Not always easy to do as our lamb is very lean. A couple minutes too long and you've made a medium burger into something that really sucks if it's reheated. :sad: 

Tonite's episode: more brats & sausage, sauerkraut brats and smoked maple rope sausage from Morgan's. Hadn't done this variety of sausage on the grill before and it turned out great. Direct to sear and indirect to finish. Add some Swiss, HONEY mustard, a Superfantastic tomato, COTTAGE CHEESE, tater salad with a light dusting of paprika. With Mrs. Cheviot gone I could grill uninhibited from any threat of any unwanted advances.  :happy1:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/11/19, 06:42:26 AM
Wowser!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/11/19, 07:20:28 AM
Cripes!! That meal would have the liddle blue guy screaming while he ran!  🏃‍♂️
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/11/19, 08:05:38 AM
Cripes!! That meal would have the liddle blue guy screaming while he ran!  🏃‍♂️
you aint kidding either. he should be arrested for tomato mutilation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :taz:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/11/19, 08:08:16 AM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/11/19, 09:29:37 AM
Hey, what I choose to do with my tomatoes is my business, you little blue perve!  :tongue:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/11/19, 09:32:28 AM
Hey, what I choose to do with my tomatoes is my business, you little blue perve!  :tongue:  :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: this is true..........BUT posting pictures of it on the world wide web takes it to the illegal level!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :moon: :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/11/19, 09:33:49 AM
Hey, what I choose to do with my tomatoes is my business, you little blue perve!  :tongue:  :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: this is true..........BUT posting pictures of it on the world wide web takes it to the illegal level!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :moon: :moon:

And then THAT from a Union jacker....... :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/14/19, 10:17:21 PM
Lots on this plate that will solicit comments from the peanut gallery!  :tut: Didn't have pork steaks cut today so settled for some large model loin chops and did to them what I would've done to the pigger steaks. Garlic & roated herb seasoning, seared direct, finished indirect while slathered with some BBQ sauce of unknown origin. Very juicy and tender with plenty of leftovers. Celebrity mater, COTTAGE CHEESE, Mrs. Gerry's mac salad & some of the last of the fall STRING BEAN crop.  :happy1:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/15/19, 06:40:49 AM
Lookin' good there, Dotcheroo.  'Tis better to have some kind of pigger than no pigger at all". :rotflmao: 
You musta run outta chives for the cottage cheese, right?
Good thing that's the last of those STRING BEAN invasive species ......the singin' kind is OK.  ;)

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/15/19, 06:55:05 PM
You sure lucked out that the Mrs is otta town dotch, or you'd be hiding amongst the sheep after that spread!   :bow:   Me I lucked out as well since the Mrs. Was jumping and yelling at the tube today tiring herself out, I did up more beef and shrimp kaboobs with sweet taters  :happy1: she'll be out in no time!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/15/19, 07:38:35 PM
I dunno  :scratch: but I woulda ran the udder way when I seen the cottage cheese anywhere near them wunnerfull mater's!! :doofus: :doah: :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/15/19, 08:10:02 PM
Attaboy Boober! Quite a menu you got there. Sometimes ya just gotta rock them womens back on their heels! (or as you say put 'em to sleep so they can't bother you!  :happy1:)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/15/19, 08:17:52 PM
Meh! :doofus: you guys talk a good show but ......... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/15/19, 10:30:43 PM
I need to stay in practice in Mrs. Cheviot's absence so when she comes back I can still get away while she's dozing off. Grilled chicky tonite with a little BBQ sauce. Another small Celebrity mater & Mrs. Gerry's mac salad. I know it's gonna knock me out. Nigh nigh! Zzzzzzzzz...

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/16/19, 08:39:43 AM
musta ran outta gin iffin he's got milk?????????????????????????
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on September 09/16/19, 10:52:43 AM
Good stuff guy's.  Chuck roasts on sale so chuck eyes are cheaper.  Picked up some and grilled them up just using Montreal steak seasoning.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/16/19, 10:56:23 AM
awe man that looks nummy. nuttin better then a red in the inside chunk of cow!!!!!!!!!!!! :hubba: :hubba: :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/16/19, 11:27:32 AM
dat looks awesome!!  wish I could find the chuck eye's more often!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/16/19, 12:47:12 PM
STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT! I can't take any more of RH's pics!!!!!! I'm eating my screen!!   :taz:                :wowza: :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/16/19, 01:17:02 PM
STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT! I can't take any more of RH's pics!!!!!! I'm eating my screen!!   :taz:                :wowza: :hubba:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: way to torture Reb Reiny!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :evil: :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/16/19, 02:34:29 PM
Ah, go suck on yer spaghetti noodles!!!  :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/16/19, 02:45:50 PM
Ah, go suck on yer spaghetti noodles!!!  :moon:
:confused: :pouty: :pouty: WELL............................. :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :doah: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :confused: :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/20/19, 05:42:35 PM
Couple o' pigger chops, just-off-the-farm-truck 'maters, loaded salad, last of the green tops, and iced tea.   *urp*  :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/20/19, 06:54:49 PM
Looks fantastic reb!!  Washing down pig steaks with a great big salad.. nice! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on September 09/20/19, 07:11:22 PM
Man that looks tasty.  Pig chops and the rest.  You and me love the green onions.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/21/19, 05:35:32 PM
All a guy needs for dinner. 12 oz med rare meat and a salad.   *urp*     :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on September 09/21/19, 06:27:48 PM
Looks like a bone in NY strip steak Reb.  I worked today and cut a bunch of them at Cubs.  5.99 lb. this week.  Getting some more tomorrow.  working tomorrow so I will miss half of the Vikings game.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/21/19, 06:57:26 PM
Looks like a bone in NY strip steak Reb.  I worked today and cut a bunch of them at Cubs.  5.99 lb. this week.  Getting some more tomorrow.  working tomorrow so I will miss half of the Vikings game.  good luck.

That's what they are, and that's where I got 'em!!!   :happy1:  Pack of 3 of those was $15 and some spare change! You nailed it, RH!!!    :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on September 09/23/19, 11:24:30 AM
Got me more NY strip steaks.  I made some beans for my side [right out of can of Bush's Steakhouse beans], but my wife and her mom opted for corn on the cob.  Turned out good.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/23/19, 11:30:04 AM
looks good too!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/23/19, 11:44:29 AM
Say! Those look familiar...... :scratch:    :rotflmao:  A man meal!   

Hey, where's the green tops, RH?  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on September 09/23/19, 04:51:20 PM
You are right Reb.  Didn't have any on hand and that's on me.  I have to put everything on the list for me to remember what to get.  I do have some in my Korean Hot Chicken tonight.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/23/19, 06:54:46 PM
Dang do those  look tasty Rh!! I haven't done a New York stripper in years ( not what your thinking glenn).. :doah:  Its dinner fer two here, chuck eyes lightly oiled seasoned and seared, bacon wrapped taters with some fungus and red lobster biscuits..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/23/19, 06:58:59 PM
Gawd, youse guys gotta stop this!!! I can't take it!!!  :hubba:  :banghead:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/24/19, 06:24:19 PM
Getting the fall fast food maker ready, gotta love tailgating in the middle of nowhere.
 Tonight it was chops , mamma had squished taters, rebs all time fav green beans and a big fat salad!!  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/24/19, 07:12:07 PM
Very cool!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/24/19, 07:19:17 PM
Piggers and gre......gree.......green beans........EEEEEK!  :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/24/19, 07:21:24 PM
Snack stuff for me, 'cuz I had a big salad, huge plate of beer battered onyum rings, and a Philly beefsteak smothered in onyums, peppers, and melted provolone for lunch with my  fishing buddy!  *urp*
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/24/19, 08:06:38 PM
Man that sounds good Rebs.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/24/19, 08:25:08 PM
Snack stuff for me, 'cuz I had a big salad, huge plate of beer battered onyum rings, and a Philly beefsteak smothered in onyums, peppers, and melted provolone for lunch with my  fishing buddy!  *urp*
dipped in that fine tomato sauce right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/25/19, 07:18:32 AM
NOT!   :tut:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on September 09/27/19, 04:44:30 PM
Steaks again yesterday.  I had beans with mine and my wife and her mom had corn on the cob.  Cut the steaks myself.  good luck.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/27/19, 04:49:56 PM
Wow.....this has to stop, RH!!!  You'll get worms!    :hubba:  :rotflmao:

I had a half slab of hickory smoked ribs and some fresh cole slaw I made with 'mater's that I had.  :tongue:    *urp*

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/27/19, 04:54:40 PM
lookin good boys!!! cookin brats and burgers tonight... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/27/19, 05:03:29 PM
Good lord you guys,  if ya dont mind I'll take a sample of all!! Shouldn't be hard cuz Rh, reb and mikey should be na night shortly after them feasts!  :happy1: :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/27/19, 05:16:03 PM
Huh?   *SNORK*      :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on September 09/27/19, 05:49:26 PM
Reb that's a great meal!!!  And the green onions are always there which is a good thing. good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/29/19, 02:51:54 PM
GF said we shoulf try these and do they sound great!!!  will have to try them!!  I would use fresh pine apple I think byt canned would be good too!!  Ok Glenn what part don't you like???

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/29/19, 02:54:35 PM

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/29/19, 03:41:32 PM
The canned pineapple. Actually you should only eat fresh pineapple all by itself. :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/29/19, 03:46:21 PM
I prefer fresh pine apple but canned will work...  so you going to try that burger??
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/29/19, 03:48:09 PM
No. There's honey in it. :puke: :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/29/19, 05:52:49 PM
Thought I would grill up the vikes offense tonight..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/29/19, 06:04:20 PM
Thought I would grill up the vikes offense tonight..

*BAGAAWK*      :rotflmao:  Looking good!  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/29/19, 06:32:10 PM
lookin good Boober!!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/05/19, 08:58:39 AM
Decided to grab a nice lookin' ribeye at Morgan's yesterday before mowing lawn & doing chores. It sorta looked like Indiana & was about the same size. Cut up one of our maters, tossed a little Mrs. Gerry's mac salad on it, microwaved some peas, put a hunk of Hope Creamery butter on 'em. Add some pie for dessert and supper was served. Best of all, Mrs. Cheviot was still working so I had the mess all cleaned up before she got home. I took no prisoners: no leftovers. My grilling maneuvers under the cover of darkness have paid huge dividends. I was able to watch Gunsmoke without the constant fear of being groped!  :happy1:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/05/19, 09:00:21 AM
Keeripes! What a spread! All that pie and ice cream, too! Yer gonna look like Glenn soon!  "Weebles wobble but they don't fall down"...:rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/05/19, 09:20:33 AM
Holy smoleys Dotch,  yep dang good thing you was flying solo, or the claws woulda come out for sure. If this rain would ever go away I've been instructed to smoke a beef roast for French dips with a couple chuck eyes and chicken breasts for smoked fajitas on monday. I haven't tried smoked fajitas but it's worth a shot..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/05/19, 09:22:56 AM
Ah jesus.....hold the forks, Boob, I'm headin' up....🏃‍♂️      :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/05/19, 09:37:21 AM
Man does that look great Dotch and BB it sounds like you are going to be busy too.  I am craving a nice ribeye.  When steaks are on sale here I usually get a whole loin and have them cut the steaks at 1 1/8" thick.  Then we bring them home and vac pack them.  Yesterday I asked the butcher when they are going to have ribeyes on sale.  He wasn't sure when. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/05/19, 10:23:02 AM
Here is a fun video I like to watch every couple of years.  Curious to see what RH thinks of this guy.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MRuCLXxqjs&t=4s   This guy bones out a cow in 12 minutes.  I don't see much meat on the bones neither.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/05/19, 11:03:52 AM
interesting, and it sales whole cow..  I saw only 1/2..  he is fast... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/05/19, 12:47:06 PM
I was thinking half too Mike.  Still the guy you want along when it is time to butcher some critter.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/05/19, 01:55:43 PM
I do agree to that!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/05/19, 04:22:52 PM
Yep, leave the bones and guts behind in the field, and the farmer will think it was some sort of alien invasion thing....   No human could have gotten it done that fast :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/05/19, 04:39:46 PM
Yep, leave the bones and guts behind in the field, and the farmer will think it was some sort of alien invasion thing....   No human could have gotten it done that fast :evil:

Or, wrapped in a dress, and they'll think it's another homicide, only to find out it was a dog. Just like this week in CAWchester.  :doofus:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on October 10/05/19, 05:00:12 PM
I have seen this before.  The guy knows what he is doing.  I have done this many times in the way past while the front quarter and the hind quarter were hanging.  Most of the time though we also broke the front and hind with a hand saw and power saw.  Cow front quarters [no choice or select a lower grade just used for grinding] were done not too fancy since all the meat was to lean up ground beef since cow meat is very lean.  He broke it down but the cuts he left need more breaking down but that wasn't the point of this clip.  Would be nice to get a slow version for those who can use this for deer for example.  I bone out deer all the way and then make the cuts needed.  The guy is good.  One should never try that at home doing it this fast.  he knows his stuff.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/05/19, 05:23:39 PM
Oh heck, I could do it that fast if I wanted.    On a fish.    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/05/19, 05:28:25 PM
Oh heck, I could do it that fast if I wanted.    On a fish.    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
First you'd have to catch one!!! :smoking: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/05/19, 05:44:19 PM
Well!   :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on October 10/06/19, 07:13:10 AM
Oh heck, I could do it that fast if I wanted.    On a fish.    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
First you'd have to catch one!!! :smoking: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :moon:
:happy1: Is that the pot callin the kettle black............................AGAIN? :tut:  ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/06/19, 07:14:29 AM
I believe it most certainly is, Gunner.............. :fish2:   ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/06/19, 09:08:17 PM
Started this project a couple days ago. Takes a while to get a couple legs thawed then cube the meat to marinate it. Then cut up all the veggies. Lamb was marinated in Dotch's secret marinade which includes but is not limited to pineapple juice, soy sauce, garlic salt & curry powder. Knocked Mrs. Cheviot out with one skewer so I gorged myself. Made a dozen skewers worth at any rate. Now we have leftovers for part of the week anyway.  :happy1:


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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/07/19, 07:32:24 AM
Wow! That pile 'o great lookin' kaboobers could feed the entire Smurf army!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/07/19, 07:35:23 AM
he wouldn't eat half of them, cause he won't like this or that!!!!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/07/19, 07:36:15 AM
 :rotflmao:  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/07/19, 08:33:58 AM
he wouldn't eat half of them, cause he won't like this or that!!!!   :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: i took a good look.........all is edible!!!!!!! cept never had little bo peep!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/07/19, 08:38:22 AM
he wouldn't eat half of them, cause he won't like this or that!!!!   :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: i took a good look.........all is edible!!!!!!! cept never had little bo peep!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Gotta watch out for the little wool chunks.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/07/19, 08:58:43 AM
he wouldn't eat half of them, cause he won't like this or that!!!!   :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: i took a good look.........all is edible!!!!!!! cept never had little bo peep!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

you lost your flock???   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/07/19, 11:09:49 AM
Another fine feast Dotch!! And to top it off no need putting on the running shoes with the mrs full of kaboobs and to pooped to play.. :happy1:  :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/07/19, 12:35:42 PM
medium rare top sirloin on the grill for lunch.. along with a baked tater and lettuce salad...  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/07/19, 12:38:56 PM
I'll just have another bite of this pnut butter sandwich... :pouty:           :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/07/19, 12:44:32 PM
medium rare top sirloin on the grill for lunch.. along with a baked tater and lettuce salad...  :happy1:

With sour cream and chives on the tater?  :tongue:  Hey, I bet Glenn hates that, too....... ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/07/19, 03:37:10 PM
medium rare top sirloin on the grill for lunch.. along with a baked tater and lettuce salad...  :happy1:

With sour cream and chives on the tater?  :tongue:  Hey, I bet Glenn hates that, too....... ;)

naw, just butter with salt and pepper!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/07/19, 03:57:51 PM
Those danged unions...messin' with piggers now!!!  :tut:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/07/19, 04:02:32 PM
speeding up lines to only try to increase production is a damn saftey issue.............. good for them !!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/07/19, 04:04:01 PM
Goes way back to "The Jungle" days.....ask Mr. Sinclair.  They did that at Rochester Meats, too.  :sad:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/07/19, 04:17:24 PM
he wouldn't eat half of them, cause he won't like this or that!!!!   :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: i took a good look.........all is edible!!!!!!! cept never had little bo peep!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

You don't have to eat little bo peep, although I didn't know that p***y was on your list.   Would the keeper of the list please add it?   :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/07/19, 04:31:34 PM
Ding dong bell pussy's in the well.   Wait, now look what you've done, Delmar.    :rotflmao:

We best get back to chillin' and grillin'.  ;)

I just had some chicken apple brats and mac salad..... :tongue:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/07/19, 05:59:56 PM
Wonder if he puts "kat-chup" on that too?  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/07/19, 07:01:30 PM
Those danged unions...messin' with piggers now!!!  :tut:

speeding up lines to only try to increase production is a damn saftey issue.............. good for them !!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:

the plants have been trying this for years I hope that it never happens!!!  it is a safety issue 100%  they are running the hogs by ya at over 1000 an hour already....  it's nuts..,.. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/08/19, 08:53:22 PM
One every 3 seconds?   Far out.
What are you supposed to do in 3 seconds? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/08/19, 09:09:13 PM
One every 3 seconds?   Far out.
What are you supposed to do in 3 seconds?

if ya think I'm not saying the truth look up the line speeds in the various critter plants............  under the USDA PLANTS...    porcine, bovine, etc!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/08/19, 09:35:27 PM
Not saying it's not true, just expressing my astonishment....  So what are they supposed to do in 3 seconds?  Make 1 cut? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/09/19, 06:49:05 AM
depends on their work station...   could be several cuts or no cuts at all...   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/09/19, 07:07:45 AM
Each person does one small task, just like in an auto plant.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on October 10/09/19, 07:52:58 AM
depends on their work station...   could be several cuts or no cuts at all...   
Dad NEVER liked the kill line at Hormel either & he retired in '84. Nasty work conditions & he didn't trust that many of his co-workers with knives  :tut: when things were movin that fast.  :crazy: Boning hams, Cure 81's, was better money, cleaner & easier for him.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/09/19, 07:54:39 AM
I hear ya Gunner!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/09/19, 08:09:43 AM
Always dangerous! I saw one of our guys slip on the boning line and stab himself right in the gut. A very experienced meat-cutter, too.  :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/09/19, 08:14:39 AM
i've hear several times in the past the gold-n-pump chicken place here in town has turned up the speed a few times..........but no union to fight it!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/09/19, 08:17:27 AM
there's a union but it got kicked by management so badly that folks just don't try and besides that come out of Washington and the folks wee vote into office..............
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/10/19, 02:51:20 PM
Had to squeeze in one more grilling event last nite before the wheels came off in the cart in the weather dept. When I went into the meat market the other day Dean told me I had to try these new egg roll brats so he gave me a free pack. Didn't have any oriental mustard so had to improvise. A little horseradish, Swiss, soy sauce, honey mustard & I was set.  I still have a Wagyu ribeye Dean gave me to grill one of these days. Lately it seems I'm strung out on eastern intrigue...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oF4xFgNgwBo  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oF4xFgNgwBo)

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/10/19, 03:14:22 PM
so how was the brat??  sounds good actually!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on October 10/10/19, 03:18:49 PM
That's interesting.  Never heard of that flavor of a brat.  I like egg rolls so could be a winner.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/10/19, 03:26:23 PM
Very tasty! Kinda like having an egg roll without the outer shell inside of a sausage casing. Was a little skeptical at first but after I heard Mrs. Cheviot say she liked hers I had to check it out. As I said the only thing I wish I had was some Oriental mustard with some firepower. Had the opportunity to work with guys who grew it in ND when I lived there. Locals used to make some homemade stuff. Nasty! Not exactly in demand with Bugtussle's Norwegian and Swedish palates tho so I'll likely have to look in a little more populous areas for that.  :confused:   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/10/19, 03:44:26 PM
might have to have have ya ship me some this winter... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/10/19, 04:44:13 PM
I had some Oriental Mustard today at the Chinese Joint.  I do every time.  But I never eat it all.  Man that stuff has some kick to it.  But I always have to try it again....
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/10/19, 04:48:08 PM
Clears the sinus. Might be another item for "The LIST".  :whistling:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/10/19, 04:54:27 PM
The wife won't even try the stuff.  I did tell her today I can't put too much on or it makes me want to cough.  LOL   Yes and clear the sinus's.  I remember when we were kids my Mom got a bottle of Nancy's Hot Mustard I think is what it was called.  About the same yellow stuff.  Lasted for years even though we kept trying little dabs of it on hot dogs and hamburgers.  Whenever anyone came over to eat we always said "hey try some of this"  LOL 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/10/19, 05:38:56 PM
I love the stuff slathered on egg rolls....Hey! If ya want some good at- home egg rolls, try these, just pop in yer toaster oven for 20 mns or so, then slather in Chinee mustard. They have shrimp, pork, (My favorite) chicken....
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/11/19, 10:00:31 AM
might have to have have ya ship me some this winter...

That could be arranged. Hopefully I don't get it mixed up with one of glenn's mailings... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/11/19, 10:10:19 AM
might have to have have ya ship me some this winter...

That could be arranged. Hopefully I don't get it mixed up with one of glenn's mailings... :rotflmao:

dat would be nasty!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/11/19, 11:10:43 AM
might have to have have ya ship me some this winter...

Add my name to the list.  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/11/19, 02:09:38 PM
For what?  Glenn's Horseradish?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/11/19, 02:20:17 PM
Well it certainly wouldn't be fish! Boy, he's gonna have a lot of posts to sort thru when he gets back... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/11/19, 02:26:05 PM
For what?  Glenn's Horseradish?

Well that too! Plus Dotch's chinee snausages.....
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/11/19, 02:31:14 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  Good one on the fish.  That's right he isn't even in commission here.  I hope he send me some horseradish too!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/11/19, 03:48:59 PM
You better start a list for him. Who wants horseradish. He said he had 47 jars.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/11/19, 05:04:45 PM
I'm sure after all the nice things I've sent him he owes me at least one jar... :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on October 10/11/19, 05:13:42 PM
Well it certainly wouldn't be fish! Boy, he's gonna have a lot of posts to sort thru when he gets back... :rotflmao:
  :happy1: That's good!! :cool:  ;) As I think he might be ready for a couple good :laughroll: by that time. Unless he gets lucky :sleazy::................................bear hunting. :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/14/19, 09:58:35 AM
Started this project a couple days ago. Takes a while to get a couple legs thawed then cube the meat to marinate it. Then cut up all the veggies. Lamb was marinated in Dotch's secret marinade which includes but is not limited to pineapple juice, soy sauce, garlic salt & curry powder. Knocked Mrs. Cheviot out with one skewer so I gorged myself. Made a dozen skewers worth at any rate. Now we have leftovers for part of the week anyway.  :happy1:



Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/14/19, 10:25:58 AM
I'm sure after all the nice things I've sent him he owes me at least one jar... :evil:
maybe an empty one??????? :scratch: :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/14/19, 10:30:44 AM
Don't forget mine! The full one!  :cheesy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/14/19, 03:17:05 PM
That Glenn is one heck of a great guy. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/14/19, 03:23:53 PM
Flattery ain't gonna getcha a jar.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/14/19, 03:26:35 PM
Well I had to try something.  I don't even care if the ring is rusty.   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/14/19, 03:27:22 PM
Flattery ain't gonna getcha a jar.  :rotflmao:
yea well you jabs and pokes aint helping either!!!!!!!!!!!! :shocked: :moon: :moon: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

i'd start being a little nicer!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :evil: :cool: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/14/19, 03:30:29 PM
Alright. No prob. Won't poke ya anymore.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/14/19, 03:48:17 PM
Alright. No prob. Won't poke ya anymore.
I was just giving ya crap. Joking around. No harm No foul. I gotz thick skin and don't take any ribbing here personally.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/17/19, 05:14:34 PM
8 oz NY strip and a loaded salad. No more 'tatos, macaroni, carbs. On a diet, and I'm dropping lbs. Gonna keep it that way....wanna drop a few more by next week.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/17/19, 05:22:41 PM
8 oz NY strip and a loaded salad. No more 'tatos, macaroni, carbs. On a diet, and I'm dropping lbs. Gonna keep it that way....wanna drop a few more by next week.

I figgered you would just do some pushups and the fat would melt away....
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/17/19, 05:26:40 PM
Kinda hard with RA and a bum shoulder. Don't knock it Delwood. You should get out and start amping it up a bit. Too much of that souse-o- rama stuff. Gotta eat lean. I can come over and give ya the push factor for some burn. Just let me know when.   :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/17/19, 05:27:08 PM
Looking good reb!!  Gotta leave the keyboard and throw in some exercise to boot..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/17/19, 05:51:27 PM
Still got that bike for sale, Delmar....getcha lean and mean.....🚴‍♂️
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/17/19, 07:05:16 PM
Still got that bike for sale, Delmar....getcha lean and mean.....🚴‍♂️

Got a good bike.  And it fits me.     
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/17/19, 07:31:46 PM
Still got that bike for sale, Delmar....getcha lean and mean.....🚴‍♂️

Got a good bike.  And it fits me.     

*Ring-a-ling*      :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/18/19, 09:05:46 AM
About 10 years ago the wife and I went and bought new bicycles.  Nothing expensive but pretty nice to us.  We rode them a couple of times and put them in the basement for winter.  A couple of years later we see this couple on TV riding their bikes.  I said to the wife, "hey we should get....." and stopped what is was saying and looked at her and we both broke out laughing.  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  It was Hilarious.  She said "or we could just take our new ones out of the basement and try riding them again"   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/18/19, 09:10:17 AM
what all this exercise talk?????????? :doah: :doah: :scratch: :pouty: ya'all only got so many heartbeats.......... and your wasting it on exercise!!!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :doah: :doah: :shocked:

                                  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/18/19, 09:14:38 AM
Gotta get shaped up....an old girlfriend is coming up next week from Florida....just bought a beautiful place down there....if I play my cards right.... hehe...:sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/18/19, 09:16:43 AM
Gotta get shaped up....an old girlfriend is coming over next week from Florida....just bought a beautiful place down there....if I play my cards right.... hehe...:sleazy:
no wonder on the news last nite they said there was all of a sudden a shortage of viagra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now we know!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/18/19, 09:16:43 AM
Gotta get shaped up....an old girlfriend is coming up next week from Florida....just bought a beautiful place down there....if I play my cards right.... hehe...:sleazy:

don't tell the NL!!!!  big storm then!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/18/19, 09:20:01 AM
Gotta get shaped up....an old girlfriend is coming over next week from Florida....just bought a beautiful place down there....if I play my cards right.... hehe...:sleazy:
no wonder on the news last nite they said there was all of a sudden a shortage of viagra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now we know!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:

Why you rotten liddle.............. :taz: training-087 :fudd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/18/19, 09:21:34 AM
Gotta get shaped up....an old girlfriend is coming up next week from Florida....just bought a beautiful place down there....if I play my cards right.... hehe...:sleazy:

don't tell the NL!!!!  big storm then!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I'd rather be down in that beautiful house on the water then in the water here in Dorkchester!!!!!!!!! :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on October 10/19/19, 05:08:39 PM
Made some steaks last night.  The grand kids came and they had spaghetti as usual.  Worked yesterday also.  Had a baked tater with the steaks.  good luck.

(https://tinypix.top/images/2019/10/19/st0u4.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/st0u4)
(https://tinypix.top/images/2019/10/19/st1k3.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/st1k3)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/20/19, 09:06:12 AM
Back to the egg roll brats again. Mrs. Cheviot liked them so thought we'd try another batch. Not disappointed. Got some Sriracha sauce and sweet & sour to try in addition to the usual horseradish, relish, soy sauce, Swiss I tossed on them last time. Yum! Knocked Mrs. Cheviot out quickly so I could continue my double blind gin taste test. And look glenn, union made cottage cheese!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/20/19, 09:28:01 AM
Now there's a titillating taste buds meal! Although Glenn may not agree..... ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/20/19, 10:16:13 AM
Now there's a titillating taste buds meal! Although Glenn may not agree..... ;)
what normal, sane person would put cottage cheese...………….oh wait...……. :doofus: :pouty: I just answered my own question!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/20/19, 10:26:45 AM
I'll be picking up a tub of CC today....want I should send ya some pics?  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/20/19, 10:29:34 AM
I'll be picking up a tub of CC today....want I should send ya some pics?  ;)
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/20/19, 10:30:39 AM
I'll be getting some CC this week too!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/20/19, 10:32:48 AM

I'll be picking up a tub of CC today....want I should send ya some pics?  ;)
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:

I'm gonna blow up that stoopid emoticon......................🎇
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/20/19, 10:35:10 AM
I'll be getting some CC this week too!!!

I've ordered us all some!!!!!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/20/19, 10:37:30 AM
Darn the wife went to the store but didn't think of CC.  Darn.  I am putting a rack of ribs in the smomer today.  Should be done about 6. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/20/19, 10:39:09 AM
I'll drone ya in a carton of CC, Barry....just catch it!    :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/20/19, 10:49:45 AM
I will send it back with some ribs for ya...    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/20/19, 10:50:39 AM
Deal!!!!!!!!!!    :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on October 10/20/19, 11:55:29 AM
I'll be getting some CC this week too!!!

I've ordered us all some!!!!!!!    :happy1:
I need some too, Reb.  ;) :smiley: Just finished the last we had yday.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/20/19, 01:53:11 PM
here ya Glenn!!

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/20/19, 01:54:48 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/20/19, 02:04:45 PM
here ya Glenn!!

:pouty: :pouty: :tut: :tut: don't you gotta go get a scooter ride! :confused: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/20/19, 03:12:58 PM
Ya, and in a Glenn salad too!!! Um numm!!   :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/20/19, 03:32:46 PM
here ya Glenn!!


That is a lot of info.  Great!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/20/19, 03:42:50 PM
This is an info-chocked site! Ya can always learn stuff here, even things ya don't want to!!! Just ask Glenn!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/20/19, 04:33:26 PM
I will send it back with some ribs for ya...    :happy1:

You do know that CC is Cottage Cheese, not Canadian Club, right?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/20/19, 04:39:52 PM
Ahh shuckens............. :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/20/19, 04:59:20 PM
Brats, taco chips, and COTTAGE CHEESE.....with chives.  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/20/19, 05:59:53 PM
We gorged on diablo wings on the grill at game time with a spicy chip dip. Had plans for re firing up the grill for chops and all but way too full so it was fend for yourself night. Soft boiled eggs on English muffins with crunchy peanut butter will have to do.. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/20/19, 06:14:56 PM
Do you have a pnut butter jar mounted to the wall like the bear bait one?   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/20/19, 06:17:15 PM
Dogs would be doing cartwheels if I did... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/20/19, 06:21:10 PM
HAHAHAHA!!!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/20/19, 06:40:19 PM
We do fend for yourself nights too.  Mostly when we have a variety of left overs.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/20/19, 07:21:51 PM
here ya Glenn!!

:pouty: :pouty: :tut: :tut: don't you gotta go get a scooter ride! :confused: :rotflmao:

in fact I did go for a ride today!!!  and still going to buy some CC!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/20/19, 07:56:18 PM
I did...at Hy-Vee, home of the HUGE ripoff... :angry2: Walfart was OUT of CC (again...that's why I've only been there once in the last 2 weeks) so I go  past HyVee on the way home, as I know they have the Kemps with Chives. Picked up the regular size carton of it...$4.69...SAY WHAT??!??!!! I bought the damned thing, but never again! $2.99 everywhere else! That store just SUCKS!!!  :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/21/19, 07:56:18 AM
$1.77 on sale here this week..  store brand thou...  I'll try it.. Aldi's has it too and it's good there...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/21/19, 08:19:58 AM
that stuff should come with a toxic waste symbol!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on October 10/21/19, 10:01:22 AM
I did...at Hy-Vee, home of the HUGE ripoff... :angry2: Walfart was OUT of CC (again...that's why I've only been there once in the last 2 weeks) so I go  past HyVee on the way home, as I know they have the Kemps with Chives. Picked up the regular size carton of it...$4.69...SAY WHAT??!??!!! I bought the damned thing, but never again! $2.99 everywhere else! That store just SUCKS!!!  :moon:
Their big new Market Grille Store they built in Austin hasn't went over very good either, Reb. One big food court type set up with a big steakhouse like they've opened up in the TC's, very spendy. When they opened the seafood department had more employees the meat counter were my sister works.  :crazy: Think they had to cut back on some of those specialty food workers within the 1st 6 months of opening. :doofus:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/21/19, 10:41:40 AM
Glitz & glamour is what they want you to see. Not good prices and good food.  :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/21/19, 06:50:05 PM
Been a while since I ate..lol. "gut" was the theme tonight( sorry gunner). Pork wrapped taters, poppers and more pork...chops.  Ever fake an  injury Dotch while being pursued???  The pulled hami trick didn't work.. :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/21/19, 06:59:20 PM
sweet Boober!!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/21/19, 07:15:22 PM
Been a while since I ate..lol. "gut" was the theme tonight( sorry gunner). Pork wrapped taters, poppers and more pork...chops.  Ever fake an  injury Dotch while being pursued???  The pulled hami trick didn't work.. :surrender:
Ye well you ain't Adam Thelen eider!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Sorry, it's Rebs, gunners, Mikey's, boars andLee's fault.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/21/19, 07:27:27 PM
Ah Boober, what a great looking spread!  :happy1: Sad to hear of yer debacle. These wimmen are so assertive sometimes you just gotta take one for the team. :embarrassed: You might consider excessive flatulence next time. Safe and effective, yet so entertaining. Takes a little forward planning but I have some sure fire recipes that'll make yer britches whistle... :chef:  :whistling:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/21/19, 07:34:05 PM
I prefer Bush's beans.  Maybe the ones with onions. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/21/19, 08:20:47 PM
O, so many varieties...try some, Barry!  :tongue:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/21/19, 08:27:17 PM
Haven't tried any of them yet but I have looked at them and thought about it.  Will buy some the next time I see them now. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on October 10/27/19, 09:47:48 AM
Took advantage of the last nice day for a while and grilled a couple of Thielens ribeye steaks.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/27/19, 09:50:04 AM
looks darn good!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/27/19, 10:00:55 AM
nuttin wrong with a grilled bloody chunk of cow!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: over charcoal none the less!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/27/19, 10:46:36 AM
You make it sound so pleasant Glenn.  You should be a food marketer when you retire...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/27/19, 11:05:10 AM
nuttin wrong with a grilled bloody chunk of cow!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: over charcoal none the less!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:

O pipe down, ya smurfberry eater!

Lookin' great, Coop!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/27/19, 11:33:33 AM
You make it sound so pleasant Glenn.  You should be a food marketer when you retire...

I prefer to think of it as a section of muscle tissue from the corpse of a dead cow... :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/27/19, 11:36:56 AM
Even more pleasant.  You and Glenn should write Menu's for steak houses. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/27/19, 11:39:29 AM
That would be sure to put 'em outta business.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/27/19, 12:33:50 PM
That would be sure to put 'em outta business.  :rolleyes:
well, I know one thing...……..there sure wouldn't be vegatarians or vegans showing up!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/27/19, 02:37:41 PM
They eat their's cold anyway...right outta the ground! Just like a 🐄!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/27/19, 03:50:23 PM
Even more pleasant.  You and Glenn should write Menu's for steak houses.

Sounds like a plan.  More for me.   ;) ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/27/19, 04:02:10 PM
LOL  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: deadeye on October 10/27/19, 04:15:41 PM
After the morning hunt we had grilled venison wild rice sausages at "camp near and deer".   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/29/19, 06:42:15 PM
Momma wanted pizza burglars,  so I did some my way and she broiled hers. The grilled ones turned out really good, an extra crunch with that grilled taste.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/29/19, 06:48:25 PM
dat sounds real good!!!  haven't them in a long time!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on October 10/29/19, 07:05:12 PM
Nothing like a good burger and those would be awesome.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/29/19, 07:17:45 PM
Momma wanted pizza burglars,  so I did some my way and she broiled hers. The grilled ones turned out really good, an extra crunch with that grilled taste.
Them look good. How do you do yours boobers?? I'm still looking for a good homemade pizza burglar.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/29/19, 07:23:05 PM
Grilling is the best, especially over the charcoal. Even though she broiled hers, I bet she still chased you around the house to wear you down.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/02/19, 09:27:33 AM
Last two packages of lamburger from last year's butcher lambs. Luckily I just hauled a couple more in yesterday so the supply won't be disrupted for long. Nothing fancy, straight up direct over the last of some store brand charcoal from County Market in IFalls. Got the job done. Must've been OK because Mrs. Cheviot ate two of them and zonked out. After that I had room for some Schwans strawberry ice cream for dessert.  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/02/19, 10:11:03 AM
And the ubiquitous side of cottage cheese to boot.... :tongue:  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/02/19, 10:32:37 AM
Just fer glenn...  :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/02/19, 11:41:49 AM
Just fer glenn...  :moon:
:mooning: :mooning: :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/02/19, 12:08:41 PM
But Glenn! Look what ya could do with the empty carton.................... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/02/19, 01:38:33 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/02/19, 01:57:55 PM
What a cute little kid you were Rebs....   :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/02/19, 02:23:43 PM
What a cute little kid you were Rebs....   :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/02/19, 02:36:11 PM
AAAAAARGGHHH................ :taz: :banghead: :banghead:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/03/19, 08:03:15 AM
I got me a rack of extra meaty baby backs yesterday.  I am going to put them in the smoker today.  Great day for ribs.. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/03/19, 08:15:05 AM
But Glenn! Look what ya could do with the empty carton.................... :rotflmao:
:scratch: Don't think that paricular model would work on glenn's mellon though. :confused:  ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/03/19, 08:18:54 AM
But Glenn! Look what ya could do with the empty carton.................... :rotflmao:
:scratch: Don't think that paricular model would work on glenn's mellon though. :confused:  ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:tut: :tut: :pouty: :pouty: don't you got leaves to tend too!!!!!! :moon: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/03/19, 08:22:39 AM
[quote  don't you got leaves to tend too!!!!!! :moon: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

That was me.....but he's still right. Gotta find a BIG carton for you.    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/03/19, 08:40:59 AM
Look Glenn! Just in time for the holidays...... :tongue:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/03/19, 09:05:16 AM
darn I remember my Grandma made some thing to that order!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/03/19, 09:22:12 AM
The 60's were the years of whacko food recipes..... :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/03/19, 09:29:42 AM
they were LSD maybe!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/03/19, 02:58:24 PM
Looks like a ribeye and loaded salad with some butter rolls for me.... :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/03/19, 09:29:16 PM
Decided I'd grill the wagyu ribeye I had in the freezer that Dean Morgan gave me as well as a NY strip for Mrs. Cheviot. Finished grilling just as it started to rain. A couple of glenn favorites as well including cottage cheese and heart of gold squash. In addition she made a pumpkin pie so I'm about ready to cash in my chips for the night. Knocked her out too but I've learned to sleep with one eye open just in case she tries any funny stuff.. :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/04/19, 08:19:34 AM
Ahhh! Properly grilled Perfection!    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/04/19, 08:43:26 AM
and no water was harmed in the making of it!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/04/19, 09:41:42 AM
Well, I don't drink all the time. Only when I'm awake!  :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/04/19, 09:44:48 AM
Well, I don't drink all the time. Only when I'm awake!  :coffee:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/04/19, 09:46:37 AM
Well, I don't drink all the time. Only when I'm awake!  :coffee:

I don't think he meant drinking....  :whistling:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/04/19, 11:49:55 AM
A guy can't drink all day if they don't start in the morning... :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/04/19, 11:58:59 AM
there is that...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/10/19, 11:32:07 AM
grilled porter house steak, 1 1/2 pounds or better, eggs, english muffin toast...........   I'm full!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/10/19, 11:48:31 AM
Good gawd! Ya should be, ya.....piglet!! 🐽     :doah:

I'll just eat this p-nut butter sandwich.....   :pouty:          :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/10/19, 12:36:24 PM
forget to say, the GF was full too!!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/10/19, 01:04:43 PM
forget to say, the GF was full too!!!!   :happy1:

Yeah, that's what u say.... :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/16/19, 10:08:55 PM
Had a buddy over and grilled a couple ribeyes tonite. Had chips and salsa, mixed veggies, tossed salad, Texas toast, colby jack, pepperjack & Swiss cheese, horseradish cheese curds, along with Schwan's maple nut ice cream for dessert. Oh ya, maybe a couple or several G&T's and Pendleton's. He's the guy who found his wife dead on the floor about a year ago at harvest time. He was very grateful, said it was the first time since then that he'd been out. I was flattered but also apologetic that I hadn't been able to make it work before tonite. Just glad he made it over. We've been through a lot together over the years. I owed him at least that much.     
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/17/19, 07:17:16 AM
Yer a good man, Dotch. That's the way it should be.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/17/19, 07:32:01 AM
sounds like a home run Dotch!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/17/19, 08:19:58 AM
 :applause: :cool:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/17/19, 11:16:06 PM
Back to photographing food again... :rotflmao: Pig steaks tonite with a baked tater, peas & of course a side of glenn's fave cottage cheese. Glenn can take solace in the fact the sauce on the chops contained (you guessed it) katchup! Was under Ruby's constant supervision. She wound up with the fat & got a small chunk of Texas toast. Why do I sometimes relate to Son of Sam... :scratch:

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CK7xB2AVrlk  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CK7xB2AVrlk)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/20/19, 06:57:09 PM
That's awesome Dotch,  its amazing how we can count on the pooches to sit table side and clean up what falls, tough to beat pigger steaks!! Me I'm hoping momma grabs a book cuz im spent. Was hankering homemade swedes but Cubs brand will hafta do, paired with  fried taters n beans .. na night..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/20/19, 07:00:44 PM
Piggers!!!!! Better 'n ribs!!!!  Now there's a complete grade A meal!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/20/19, 07:12:33 PM
I don't care where it came from Boober, that looks amazing! Good luck on yer evasive maneuvers after that spread... :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/21/19, 04:42:00 PM
It didn't work Dotch,  I was done for at first glimpse of the swedes.. :sleazy:  :surrender:. I must be in for more punishment cuz its brats and hot diggity dogs tonight.. :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/22/19, 07:02:35 PM
Mamma is crabby at the world tonight,  so  I should be just fine tonight fellas!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/22/19, 07:05:26 PM
An offering like that with shrimp on the barbie? Looks nummy! She'll have yer clothes torn off before the 2nd course!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/22/19, 07:29:47 PM
oh my what good lookin eats!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/22/19, 09:50:41 PM
Mamma is crabby at the world tonight,  so  I should be just fine tonight fellas!!

How many of you guys are there?   That's a lot of food.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/24/19, 06:41:37 AM
Mamma is crabby at the world tonight,  so  I should be just fine tonight fellas!!

How many of you guys are there?   That's a lot of food.
3 , not really.  I put an extra spud on in case one exploded since I didnt poke any holes in em..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/24/19, 07:33:09 AM
Mamma is crabby at the world tonight,  so  I should be just fine tonight fellas!!

How many of you guys are there?   That's a lot of food.
3 , not really.  I put an extra spud on in case one exploded since I didnt poke any holes in em..

did one explode?? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/24/19, 07:50:04 AM
Nope, grill even ran at 400 for bout an hour. Rubbed em with olive oil and salt, turned and rotated em and pulled em when they soft and crispy..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/24/19, 12:31:58 PM
Mamma is crabby at the world tonight,  so  I should be just fine tonight fellas!!

How many of you guys are there?   That's a lot of food.
3 , not really.  I put an extra spud on in case one exploded since I didnt poke any holes in em..

3 big ribeyes, 20 shrimp, and 3 potatoes (plus a spare).    You guys can eat...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/24/19, 12:53:46 PM
Can't speak for boober but here leftovers are always welcome. Do morning chores, work daylight hours during the week, then have chores after dark once you get home & grilling a big meal isn't always in the cards. Quicker to warm something up and keep on sluggin'.  :happy1: Speaking of that, looks like the showers have moved out. Back at it... training-087
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/24/19, 12:56:06 PM
left overs are great in my book!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/24/19, 01:02:49 PM
Gotta have leftovers!!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/24/19, 02:41:56 PM
Been cooking big meals for years for the leftover fir next days lunch program.  Watch way too many young lads eat out every day for lunch.. not me, not much of a sandwich every day guy at work.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/24/19, 07:02:39 PM
I always cook extra so we have leftovers for days.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/24/19, 07:35:10 PM
27 years of taking cold lunches....I always had leftovers, and little containers of side dishes and such. Needed varity to keep it from getting boring.Remember Bills lunchbox on Dragnet? Little containers of this and that? Quail eggs? That's how mine looked!  :rotflmao:  No way was I gonna buy my lunch every day like the kiddies nowadays do. I think it's just plain lazy. And a good way to waste a lot of money.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/24/19, 07:42:14 PM
Same here Rebs.  I always brought my own lunch.  Had to make my own too. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/24/19, 07:50:58 PM
Yup, up at 4:30 am making my lunch while the cawfee perked....I don't miss that!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/24/19, 07:51:11 PM
Been cooking big meals for years for the leftover fir next days lunch program.  Watch way too many young lads eat out every day for lunch.. not me, not much of a sandwich every day guy at work.
same here.  :happy1: like my leftovers.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/24/19, 07:54:10 PM
Same here Rebs.  I always brought my own lunch.  Had to make my own too.
I make my own too. I want to know what I'm eating. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/24/19, 07:54:40 PM
Been cooking big meals for years for the leftover fir next days lunch program.  Watch way too many young lads eat out every day for lunch.. not me, not much of a sandwich every day guy at work.
same here.  :happy1: like my leftovers.

Smurfberries and donuts?  Or yer WF 'sketti and backstrap sammiches?  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/24/19, 07:57:26 PM
Ya wouldn't have liked my lunches....always had a cup of cottage cheeses and a container of green or black olives every day in 'em... :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/24/19, 08:05:22 PM
Same here Rebs.  I always brought my own lunch.  Had to make my own too.

yea but you was single too for how long!!  Ya forgot that part!! to funny!!!!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/24/19, 08:13:29 PM
He was, or I was?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: deadeye on November 11/24/19, 08:26:20 PM
Leftovers for lunch today.  Venison chops in gravy over bread.  We had potatoes yesterday but only enough left for one so my wife had the potatoes.  Didn't even need a knife for the venison. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/24/19, 10:28:23 PM
Sounds yummy deadeye!  :happy1:

Tried out the new batch of lamburger tonite. Consistently fantastic as usual. Mixed it with diced onion and seasoned it with Weber's gourmet burger seasoning. Was some apple wood left in the smoker boxes so used that up. A little tossed salad & some Birdseye peas washed down with a Busch Light. Best of all there were 4 leftover burgers so if the weather gets snotty and we can't grill the turkey Thusday we can have those bad boys.  :coffee:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/25/19, 06:57:23 AM
he was!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/28/19, 12:05:05 PM
I'm worried about Boober. Guessing his wife has him tethered to some furniture somewhere... :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/28/19, 12:07:26 PM
he's a  big boy...…….i'm sure he can handle it!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/28/19, 06:13:33 PM
THAT would have been the case Dotch if we didnt have company, 4 1/2 hour smoked bird  with all the fixings. Company left a bit ago and momma is out.... Time to help break down all this grub with some Busch linghts!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/28/19, 06:58:15 PM
THAT would have been the case Dotch if we didnt have company, 4 1/2 hour smoked bird  with all the fixings. Company left a bit ago and momma is out.... Time to help break down all this grub with some Busch linghts!!  :happy1:

Why not have beer instead?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/28/19, 07:31:49 PM
THAT would have been the case Dotch if we didnt have company, 4 1/2 hour smoked bird  with all the fixings. Company left a bit ago and momma is out.... Time to help break down all this grub with some Busch linghts!!  :happy1:

Why not have beer instead?
  I are, top shelf...or is it taste great, less filling???  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/28/19, 09:48:09 PM
Drinking Busch Light Boober is prolly trying to maintain his stealth & cat like reflexes by watching his carbs. My brother is diabetic & it's one he actually likes. I drink it because a bunch of it comes home after the State Fair and it's free!  :rotflmao:

Already on leftovers tonite. Grilled the 11.5 lb. turkey in a little under 2 hours. Very moist and whatever that wood was in the smoker boxes, it was a hit. Mrs. Cheviot even commented on it as she was eyeing me up. It was about that time the trytophan kicked in and she conked out. Close call. Thought I was goner for a minute. Managed to squeeze in a pretty good nap meself after that.  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/29/19, 07:12:15 AM
well my boneless pork loin with pine apple was great!!!  stayed tender and juicy!!  it was a hit!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/29/19, 07:24:52 AM

Fresh Pineapple Juice contains an enzyme bromelain, which is a natural meat tenderizer. It is used in many commercial meat tenderizers. This enzyme is destroyed in the canning process, so canned Pineapple Juice won't work. Frozen will work; powdered or bottled won't
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/29/19, 07:28:46 AM
that is true Reb, I forgot that!!  thanks for the reminder!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/29/19, 05:25:52 PM
that is true Reb, I forgot that!!  thanks for the reminder!!!

And that enzyme will turn meat into mush if you aren't careful.    Used to be a cheap steak place here in Rochester... Bonanza or Ponderosa or somthing like that.  Reb probably was buddies with the guy.   Anyway they used that tenderizer on their cheap steaks so they were sort of edible.  Got one one time that they didn't get it on evenly and half was mush and the other half was leather....

(It was at Miracle Mile for the locals)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/29/19, 05:58:29 PM
And how do you purport to  know all this? Did they come out and tell  you?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/29/19, 06:09:39 PM
 :popcorn: :popcorn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/29/19, 06:49:15 PM
moderation is the key!!!!!!!!!!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/29/19, 09:35:34 PM
:popcorn: :popcorn:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/29/19, 09:41:15 PM
And how do you purport to  know all this? Did they come out and tell  you?

I recall that the information that the steaks were treated was in the fine print on the menu.    What was that stuff they used to sell, Adolph's meat tenderizer?   Did you ever use it?   Or was that before your  time?   

Do you recall the joint I am talking about?   Would have been in the early 80's.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/29/19, 09:43:02 PM
I found it.... Pineapple extract!!!

Great for tenderizing meat! Perfect on beef, pork or poultry. Draw out the flavor in your family's favorite home-cooked meals with Adolph's Original, all natural tenderizer. Pineapple fruit extract, natural sugars and sea salt gently tenderizes meat while infusing it with premium flavor.

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/30/19, 08:35:47 AM
And how do you purport to  know all this? Did they come out and tell  you?

I recall that the information that the steaks were treated was in the fine print on the menu.    What was that stuff they used to sell, Adolph's meat tenderizer?   Did you ever use it?   Or was that before your  time?   

Do you recall the joint I am talking about?   Would have been in the early 80's.

Yes. My roomates brother Dennis was the manager there.

Almost every home in the 60's had Adolph's.   :coffee:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/30/19, 08:43:30 AM
I remember in the early 80's that there was a thing going around that you could cut something out of the garden and then just pour pineapple juice on it to preserve it.  Lot's of people were doing it too.  Then they sent out warnings that there wasn't enough acid or whatever it was in the juice to do a good safe job of it.  Can't remember what it was though.  Squash???
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/30/19, 08:44:34 AM
I don't recall that?? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/30/19, 08:49:25 AM
I remember in the early 80's that there was a thing going around that you could cut something out of the garden and then just pour pineapple juice on it to preserve it.  Lot's of people were doing it too.  Then they sent out warnings that there wasn't enough acid or whatever it was in the juice to do a good safe job of it.  Can't remember what it was though.  Squash???

Yup. It was how to preserve and make canned "zucchini pineapple". Just about killed some people.  :bonk:

Mikey inspects and uses only the best natural pineapples, though....... ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/30/19, 09:03:08 AM
I don't recall that??

Yes you do. '60's jar, then they changed image in the 70's and actually added garlic powder to  some of it. That, and also Accent sold a lot, I know, until they said MSG is really bad for ya. Tell the Chinee restaurants that.................
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/30/19, 09:29:29 AM
Ya that's what it was.  Cut up zucchini and put it in canning jars and pour pineapple juice on it. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/30/19, 09:29:33 AM
yup Reb I remember that, it was the veggie LPS was asking about that I don't recall... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/30/19, 09:48:44 AM
I remember it cuz me and 2 buddies rented a nice old farm house on the edge of town.  We planted a huge garden and had a whole lot of zucchini.  Had no idea what to do with all of it so this was one of the things to do with it.  The rest ended up getting plowed under. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/30/19, 10:22:18 AM
I don't recall that??

Yes you do. '60's jar, then they changed image in the 70's and actually added garlic powder to  some of it. That, and Accent sold a lot, I know, until they said MSG is really bad for ya. Tell the Chinee restaurants that.................

And if you used too much or left it too long you didn't need to chew the steak.. :thumbs: :tut:
I don't recall it having MSG, but maybe back then.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/30/19, 10:24:47 AM
It didn't have MSG. Accent did and was.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/30/19, 01:32:27 PM
I remember that used to be the stuff to use when grilling. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/30/19, 01:45:38 PM
yup buy cheap cuts and there ya go!!!  perfect tender steak every time!! yea right!!!!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/30/19, 01:51:06 PM
I can't remember it making much of a difference but we poured it on.  Have they actually confirmed that MSG is bad for us? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/30/19, 01:55:03 PM
I dunno. Gave a lot of folks severe headaches, flared up their asthma, did other nasty stuff I heard.

So let's ask MAYO.... :rolleyes:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/30/19, 02:06:27 PM
Here's the place Delmar was quackin' about.....home of wunnerful steaks. (Did you know it was started by "Hoss" on the TV show Ponderosa? True!)

And tell her to get her butt off the silverware counter!! :tut: :rotflmao:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/30/19, 03:33:01 PM
The ponderosa here back in the day always had a waiting line. It was located in the mall , as kids the bro and I made sure we had steak juice on our hands when we left to hit the pet store across the hallway.. :happy1: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/30/19, 03:37:12 PM
there is one in St. Cloud yet, but I not eaten at one of them in many years...   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/30/19, 03:45:07 PM
Mr. Steak was OK....we never had much here for steak houses. That and Ponderosa.
Had to head up to the twin cities area for the good ones.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/30/19, 03:58:51 PM
99% of the time if I want a steak I'll cook it at home.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/30/19, 04:06:58 PM
99% of the time if I want a steak I'll cook it at home.

that is about it for me too...   I can get what I want!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/30/19, 04:07:40 PM
And who can afford a good one at a restaurant?! 

Off the menu at one of the "mainstream" places here...... :doah:

6 Oz. Grilled Filet Mignon*   $29.00
Lean and tender, our loyal guests' favorite

6 Oz. Filet Wellington   $30.00
Red wine mushroom sauce, wrapped in French puff pastry and baked to a golden brown

14 Oz. Black Angus Rib Eye   $36.00
Well-marbled, tender, and juicy

8 Oz. Grilled Bavette*   $29.00
Rivals the tenderness of a filet, the most underrated cut of beef on the market. (medium rare recommendation)

10 Oz. Grilled New York*   $29.00
Hand cut in-house with a fine texture and buttery flavor
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/30/19, 04:39:17 PM
99% of the time if I want a steak I'll cook it at home.
Yepper, I do have an outback giftcard from last x-mas laying around here somewhere though.. Should really go spend it on a blooming onion and all I can swill to burn it up.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/30/19, 04:43:50 PM
last time I had a steak out was texas roadhouse...……..maybe 3 years ago.

i'd prefer an olive garden......or buffalo wild wings. I've had some really good food at most sports bar and grills. if anyone ever is in fargo head up 45th , there's a wild bills which is really good...……..and they have peanuts!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/30/19, 05:00:09 PM
Last nights grub was curly's homemade cheese hot diggity dogs and some ballparks. You guys remember toastie dogs from the school days?? Maybe middle school for me.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on November 11/30/19, 05:10:27 PM
I can get into that big time.  Good work Bobber!!!  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/30/19, 07:20:17 PM
I dunno. Gave a lot of folks severe headaches, flared up their asthma, did other nasty stuff I heard.

So let's ask MAYO.... :rolleyes:


MSG is different from tenderizer enzymes from papaya or pineapple.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/30/19, 07:25:39 PM
Last nights grub was curly's homemade cheese hot diggity dogs and some ballparks. You guys remember toastie dogs from the school days?? Maybe middle school for me.

Guaranteed Mrs. Boober will like yer wiener!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/30/19, 07:34:48 PM
I dunno. Gave a lot of folks severe headaches, flared up their asthma, did other nasty stuff I heard.

So let's ask MAYO.... :rolleyes:


MSG is different from tenderizer enzymes from papaya or pineapple.

MSG is not a tenderizer. It's a flavor enhancer.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/30/19, 08:00:59 PM
Apparently.  We were talking about pineapple and meat tenderizer.  Who got confused and added msg ?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on November 11/30/19, 08:05:37 PM
No one. I stated that MSG (Accent)* was a big seller back then too. Got it? Guess I missed yer subject change protocol somewhere.

I don't recall that??

Yes you do. '60's jar, then they changed image in the 70's and actually added garlic powder to  some of it. That, and also Accent sold a lot, I know, until they said MSG is really bad for ya.

Accent Seasoning – A flavor enhancer also called MSG (Monosodium Glutamate). It is commonly used in Oriental cooking. It is not a favored seasoning or enhancer in the United States as many people are allergic to it. It is an optional seasoning and can very easily be left out of recipes.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/30/19, 08:29:46 PM
See whatcha started mikey ?? A pile of nonsense.. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/30/19, 09:13:28 PM
See whatcha started mikey ?? A pile of nonsense.. :rotflmao:
Yea nuttin but a dang instigator. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/01/19, 07:16:20 AM
oh well what can I say??   ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/01/19, 08:33:11 AM
Apparently.  We were talking about pineapple and meat tenderizer.  Who got confused and added msg ?

We were talking about Adolph's and that of course brought up Accent that was also popular at the time when people really started grilling in the back yard.  I still remember my Dad saying that "we used to go to the steak house for a good steak.  Now we can make better ones at home."
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/01/19, 09:23:35 AM
See whatcha started mikey ?? A pile of nonsense.. :rotflmao:
Yea nuttin but a dang instigator. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
  :shocked:  He has had a lot of lessons ;) & a real pro :evil: for a teacher. :rolleyes:  :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/01/19, 09:44:22 AM
See whatcha started mikey ?? A pile of nonsense.. :rotflmao:
Yea nuttin but a dang instigator. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
  :shocked:  He has had a lot of lessons ;) & a real pro :evil: for a teacher. :rolleyes:  :laugh: :laugh:
reb  :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/01/19, 10:27:56 AM
See whatcha started mikey ?? A pile of nonsense.. :rotflmao:
Yea nuttin but a dang instigator. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
  :shocked:  He has had a lot of lessons ;) & a real pro :evil: for a teacher. :rolleyes:  :laugh: :laugh:
reb  :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:

  :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/01/19, 10:51:47 AM
Apparently.  We were talking about pineapple and meat tenderizer.  Who got confused and added msg ?

We were talking about Adolph's and that of course brought up Accent that was also popular at the time when people really started grilling in the back yard.  I still remember my Dad saying that "we used to go to the steak house for a good steak.  Now we can make better ones at home."

I'm glad you keep track of this stuff Barry as well as glenn's list. I was amazed tho that he didn't howl about the yams and olives on the plate the other day... :rotflmao: Yer right, most of the time anyway one can grill a better steak at home than one you pay a whole lot more money for at a restaurant. Helps to be out here where some of the best beef in the country is produced.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/01/19, 10:56:52 AM
Apparently.  We were talking about pineapple and meat tenderizer.  Who got confused and added msg ?

We were talking about Adolph's and that of course brought up Accent that was also popular at the time when people really started grilling in the back yard.  I still remember my Dad saying that "we used to go to the steak house for a good steak.  Now we can make better ones at home."

I'm glad you keep track of this stuff Barry as well as glenn's list. I was amazed tho that he didn't howl about the yams and olives on the plate the other day... :rotflmao: Yer right, most of the time anyway one can grill a better steak at home than one you pay a whole lot more money for at a restaurant. Helps to be out here where some of the best beef in the country is produced.
that crap is just a given its not suitable for human consumption!!!!!!! :moon: :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/01/19, 11:02:38 AM
There, that's better... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/02/19, 06:40:24 PM
The grill wasn't covered over the weekend so might as well fire it up and melt it off. Bacon wrapped taters and sauce covered pork choppers, momma has a salad brewing to boot so I'm hoping that'll put her na night early... oh wait I'm sure it'll be ne snorin..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/02/19, 06:45:43 PM
lookin darn good bobber!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/02/19, 06:51:15 PM
loks boober...…..and its your fault too!!!!!!! had chili tonight!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/16/19, 12:49:33 PM
decided I wanted some taters for lunch...  got the heavy duty tin foil out, some bacon, cut some potatoes up, oiled that some and grilled it...  forgot the onions darn it..  did taste good too.. oh and course salt and course pepper on it..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/16/19, 07:40:24 PM
No chive cottage cheese? :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/16/19, 07:49:07 PM
could not find it the other day!!  next week!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/16/19, 08:34:31 PM
We are going to look for CC with Chives on Sat.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/16/19, 09:03:58 PM
We are going to look for CC with Chives on Sat.

Barry, I know Sly-Vee, home of the ripoff, always carries it. It's Kemps.

I just bought a pint of herring in wine....might as well grab some of that, too!   :rotflmao:

And some lime jello, so ya can make lime-cottage cheese salad for when Glenn pops in!

My mom used to make this..... :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/17/19, 07:37:46 AM
Oh ya I like herring.  I will get some of that, thanks for the idea.  That jello always was good for a bite or two.  And we don't have Sly Vees up here.  I will look for some in the Falls. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/17/19, 08:13:44 AM
unless your grilling that Jello and herring.................. :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :super smiley: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/17/19, 08:17:06 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/17/19, 08:26:31 AM
unless your grilling that Jello and herring.................. :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :super smiley: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:

Ya, so?    :mooning:    :swords:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/17/19, 08:42:40 AM
unless your grilling that Jello and herring.................. :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :super smiley: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:

Ya, so?    :mooning:    :swords:
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/17/19, 09:21:58 AM
...grinned the "off topic" king... :rotflmao:

Good gawd, Reb, I remember eating some lime Jello concoction like that with canned tuna glop in the middle. Could just as well have been canned cat food... :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/17/19, 09:44:50 AM
...grinned the "off topic" king... :rotflmao:

Good gawd, Reb, I remember eating some lime Jello concoction like that with canned tuna glop in the middle. Could just as well have been canned cat food... :puke:

maybe it was!!!!!!!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/17/19, 09:46:51 AM
*cough* *cough* (yacks up a hairball)  :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/17/19, 09:50:22 AM
All those holiday 1960's recipes...WTH thought up all those whacked-out things?! No wonder we had to indulge in mind expanding music...thanks Nugie!   :rocker;

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/17/19, 11:58:39 AM
...grinned the "off topic" king... :rotflmao:

Good gawd, Reb, I remember eating some lime Jello concoction like that with canned tuna glop in the middle. Could just as well have been canned cat food... :puke:
:scratch: :scratch: what you talkin about Willis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :doah: :angel: :angel: :angel:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/18/19, 12:50:28 PM
just made fresh brats on the grill..  mushroom and swiss flavored!!  some raw onions and mustard...  tasted darn good!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/18/19, 12:53:40 PM
Dang, you haveta eat the best lunches of anyone I know!! I just had a P-nut butter sandwich and some chips.... :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/18/19, 12:53:58 PM
just made fresh brauts on the grill..  mushroom and swiss flavored!!  some raw onions and mustard...  tasted darn good!!!
there...........i fixed it fer ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/18/19, 12:56:48 PM
What's a braut?  :scratch:   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/18/19, 01:04:18 PM
thanks Glenn!!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/18/19, 01:05:12 PM
He is quite a weener.  :woot:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on December 12/18/19, 01:09:34 PM
My Lunch.  Kinda like its cooked on a grill.

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/18/19, 01:20:29 PM
Roller dawgs! Anyone ever have potato snausage? The butcher shop here advertises it....doesn't sound too good to me! How do ya make it?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/18/19, 01:50:25 PM
gas station brats!!!  some times they are darn good!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/18/19, 02:01:12 PM
gas station brats!!!  some times they are darn good!!!
:puke: your not serious are you............. :doah: :scratch: i wouldnt feed them to my ex wife!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/18/19, 02:02:00 PM
What are potato brats?  ;)

So, the snauasge experts don't know??!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/18/19, 02:37:17 PM
gas station brats!!!  some times they are darn good!!!
:puke: your not serious are you............. :doah: :scratch: i wouldnt feed them to my ex wife!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!!!

There sure is an awful lot of blubbering going on down here... :police: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/18/19, 02:38:29 PM
Ya, and the experts don't know what a potato brat is, either!  :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/18/19, 02:53:23 PM
potato sausage but not a brat... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/18/19, 02:57:34 PM
Ya, and the experts don't know what a potato brat is, either!  :bonk:
dont friggin care either...................................... :mooning: :mooning: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/18/19, 03:15:03 PM
I'll reply that next time you ask what air compressor or T-stat to get..... :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/18/19, 03:19:05 PM
Maybe a Swedish sausage type of brat.  I love them.  RH makes them too.  They have meat and onions and spuds in them.  Kind of mild.  The meat market here makes them.  Usually with cheese in them too. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/18/19, 03:28:14 PM
I'll reply that next time you ask what air compressor or T-stat to get..... :moon:
ya promise!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/18/19, 03:30:11 PM
Thanks Barry. The butcher Shop is always talking about them on the radio. I never heard of 'em before.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on December 12/18/19, 03:34:28 PM
Swede potato sausage with brat seasoning?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/18/19, 03:42:11 PM
it's not a brat seasoning per say...  different seasonings ...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/18/19, 03:47:25 PM
It's a BRAT sold at the BUTCHER SHOP.  :banghead:  %$#@! CRIPES!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/18/19, 04:05:50 PM
gas station brats!!!  some times they are darn good!!!
:puke: your not serious are you............. :doah: :scratch: i wouldnt feed them to my ex wife!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!!!

There sure is an awful lot of blubbering going on down here... :police: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/18/19, 04:40:56 PM
Maybe a Swedish sausage type of brat.  I love them.  RH makes them too.  They have meat and onions and spuds in them.  Kind of mild.  The meat market here makes them.  Usually with cheese in them too. 
Cheese too? What kind, and dont say swedish cheese Glenn  :tut: :tut: We make or buy lots o swedes but cheeseless,  I'd probably give those store bought brots a shot.. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on December 12/18/19, 05:25:40 PM
Ya, I have never heard of swedish sausage with cheese in them but who knows.  Potato sausage is called swedish sausage and some other names as well.  But I make them once a year and would never put cheese in it.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: HD on December 12/18/19, 05:40:26 PM
What if I put some cheese & bacon in the potatoe sausage? Ruthie don't like "potato sausage"..... would it be better?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/18/19, 06:23:41 PM
What if I put some cheese & bacon in the potatoe sausage? Ruthie don't like "potato sausage"..... would it be better?

try it, it sounds good... 

maybe cook the bacon some first even...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/18/19, 06:31:54 PM
How could you go wrong with cheese and bacon?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on December 12/18/19, 07:05:04 PM
Cheese and bacon?  Why not but to me it just doesn't do it for Swedish Sausage.  But go for it.  Could be something good.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/18/19, 07:12:59 PM
Cheese and bacon?  Why not but to me it just doesn't do it for Swedish Sausage.  But go for it.  Could be something good.  good luck.

Rh that is why I like the Swedish Sausage as is too...  it might be good but I don't know big a batch to make and try... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/18/19, 07:32:53 PM
Maybe a Swedish sausage type of brat.  I love them.  RH makes them too.  They have meat and onions and spuds in them.  Kind of mild.  The meat market here makes them.  Usually with cheese in them too. 
Cheese too? What kind, and dont say swedish cheese Glenn  :tut: :tut: We make or buy lots o swedes but cheeseless,  I'd probably give those store bought brots a shot.. :happy1:
huh?? who me?? :scratch: :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :sleazy: :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on December 12/18/19, 07:56:28 PM
Cheese and bacon?  Why not but to me it just doesn't do it for Swedish Sausage.  But go for it.  Could be something good.  good luck.

Rh that is why I like the Swedish Sausage as is too...  it might be good but I don't know big a batch to make and try...
Ten pounds sounds about right.  If you don't like it, you can always send it to Reb.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/18/19, 07:57:21 PM
Dang right. I'd eat it. Waste not, want not. Right, Mikey?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/19/19, 06:49:25 AM
it would get eaten that's for sure!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/20/19, 10:18:13 AM
After watching glenn's relative use a pig call to get the Bumble out of the cave I got a hankerin' fer some pork. Needed Norwegian sushi too. Was in luck. Dean said they'd unloaded it off the truck minutes before I got there. Had him pluck a couple of dandy butterfly chops out of the case and we were in business. Smokehouse maple seasoning "Reb-erized", seared direct a couple minutes per side then indirect about 7 minutes per side. Had some apple wood leftover from Thanksgiving to give it some extra smoke flavor. Consumed some holiday cheer while noshing on herring, crackers & cheese to prep. Chops came off juicy & tender. Some Schwan's strawberry ice cream for dessert. Mrs. Cheviot was late getting home. I was zonked out she left me for dead.     
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/20/19, 11:06:24 AM
 :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: now your stalking me and my relatives????? :bonk: :bonk: :pouty: :pouty: :tut: :tut:

ya learn much!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/20/19, 04:46:53 PM
Pipe down! He's talking Reb-erized piggers, which demand yer full attention!  :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/22/19, 06:06:18 PM
charcoal grilled chicky, leftover creamed peas, leftover twiced baked taters and leftover coleslaw.

ole glenny boy's gonna pig out. leftover chicky's gonna be chicky chow mein soon!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/22/19, 07:17:16 PM
awe gawd am I full. still think me's got room for some leftover grasshopper!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :smoking:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/22/19, 07:32:35 PM
just figured out what I'm having for Christmas dinner!!  grilled porter house T-bone steak!!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/23/19, 08:00:37 AM
just figured out what I'm having for Christmas dinner!!  grilled porter house T-bone steak!!!!   :happy1:
livn high off da hog i see!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/23/19, 08:15:51 AM
just figured out what I'm having for Christmas dinner!!  grilled porter house T-bone steak!!!!   :happy1:
livn high off da hog i see!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:

why not??  it's going to taste darn good too!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/23/19, 08:19:54 AM
just figured out what I'm having for Christmas dinner!!  grilled porter house T-bone steak!!!!   :happy1:
livn high off da hog i see!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:

why not??  it's going to taste darn good too!!!
:happy1: :happy1: i think i gotta eat leftovers!!!!!!!!! :confused: :pouty: :pouty:

actually i think chow mein will work. i love our home made chow mein!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/23/19, 08:20:37 AM
hey that sounds good too Glenn!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on December 12/23/19, 11:05:07 AM
My mother used to make chow mein.   As she got older she put more and more celery in it.   In her later years it was basically celery and  little bit of meat.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/23/19, 12:55:17 PM
The chow mein in school was mostly celery too.  Not bad though.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/23/19, 01:03:51 PM
we do add some, but to our standards. and its the stuff from my garden!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/23/19, 02:03:56 PM
You grow chow mein in yer garden!?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/23/19, 02:20:04 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/23/19, 07:15:19 PM
Yep, I  tried to post a pic but no go. Chuck eyes,  carmalized onions, taters and a big o salad. Washed down with several of course.. :happy1: Just hope I can make it to halftime and ice cream n peanuts..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/24/19, 10:22:29 AM
Yep, I  tried to post a pic but no go. Chuck eyes,  carmalized onions, taters and a big o salad. Washed down with several of course.. :happy1: Just hope I can make it to halftime and ice cream n peanuts..

If Mrs. Boober had her way, one can only imagine how much lewd and lascivious behavior was to follow... :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/26/19, 06:15:36 PM
Good thing I can kinda run still Dotch!! In the future the cane will come in handy.. :happy1: Just testing the pic feature for the upcoming fish pics I'll be taking  :sleazy: so burglars n sauteed onions were the Guinea pigs. Now think I'll hide in remi's kennel..  :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: birdswacker on December 12/26/19, 06:48:13 PM
Man those look good! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/26/19, 06:57:04 PM
Man those look good! :happy1:

2nd that!!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/26/19, 07:12:19 PM
 :scratch: :scratch: :surrender: man I do not know what the hell is wrong with boobers and Dotch?? :tut: :confused: :scratch: hell if I got attacked by my wife Everytime I grill I'd be the happiest man walking the face of the Earth. :bow: :bow: :evil: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I'd grill noodles. :sleazy: :smoking:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/26/19, 07:29:35 PM
So bobber is grilling guinea pigs?   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/26/19, 09:06:56 PM
:scratch: :scratch: :surrender: man I do not know what the hell is wrong with boobers and Dotch?? :tut: :confused: :scratch: hell if I got attacked by my wife Everytime I grill I'd be the happiest man walking the face of the Earth. :bow: :bow: :evil: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I'd grill noodles. :sleazy: :smoking:

Cottage cheese?  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on December 12/31/19, 03:38:35 PM
Two thick cut Ribeyes from the butcher shop ready for the grill. Shoveled off the deck and got the coals going. If I make it to 10:00 I’ll be lucky.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/31/19, 03:43:57 PM
Deck shoveled off. Just lit grill. Ribeye and tater ready. Sour cream with chives standing by....... Contact!  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/31/19, 03:47:10 PM
 :scratch: :scratch: already?? I ain't had my first cocktail yet!!! :confused: :doah: :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/31/19, 03:56:38 PM
I is hungry! Was up at 5:00 am...lunch was 11:00...grills gonna take about 25 mns to get up to temp anyway.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/31/19, 04:44:30 PM
:scratch: :scratch: already?? I ain't had my first cocktail yet!!! :confused: :doah: :pouty:
Slow poke.. :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:  :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/31/19, 04:46:12 PM
*urp*       I'll be hitting the goodies by 7:00 PM...... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/31/19, 04:52:53 PM
You ain't got room fer fondue after that.. :bow: looks good!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on December 12/31/19, 04:56:45 PM
Oh yes I do!!!!  I'm a food-a-saurus! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/01/20, 10:00:09 PM
Noshed on snacks most of the afternoon then got down to business tonite with a ribeye, mashed taters, sesame Oriental salad & mac salad courtesy of Mrs. Gerry's. Knocked Mrs' Cheviot down for the count. Mission accomplished!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/14/20, 06:34:32 PM
I like it Dotch!! Over here momma has recovered from the crud so this will be a good  test of endurance for her, or should I say me :happy1:   :sleazy: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/14/20, 06:36:40 PM
Ahh wow! That's too much for 4 people! I better head up quick and help............ :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/14/20, 06:37:01 PM
I love it!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/14/20, 09:26:32 PM
Lucky I didn't see that boober after I finished barn cleaning earlier. I was starving. I'm sure Mrs. Boober put you thru yer paces.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/27/20, 06:38:22 PM
Rhs famous swiss brats slowly warmed in a beer boil, thru on a few hot diggity dogs fer the ladies but that backfired cuz all that was left was the dogs..  :bonk:
The action shot of the shooting  goodness is perty cool. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/27/20, 06:57:34 PM
don't you ever learn...…...hide the good stuff!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: bring it in last, there weren't quite done yet......remember!!!!!! :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/27/20, 07:01:23 PM
looks great Bobber!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/27/20, 08:16:01 PM
Spurting weenies?!  :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/28/20, 02:18:47 AM
Nah must be sparks.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/28/20, 07:31:34 AM
going to grill some brat patties for lunch today!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/01/20, 10:31:42 PM
Dug the grill out of the snow; let the games begin! Stuffed pork chops from Morgan's, Birdseye sweet corn and tossed salad w/Russian dressing special just for del. Least I could do after Reb & I blew all that snow up on his roof!  :rotflmao: Seared direct on both sides then indirect for about 10 minutes/side. Apple wood in the smoker boxes. Knocked Mrs. Cheviot down for the count so I could nosh in peace.  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/01/20, 11:02:28 PM
Russian dressing?  Back in the day we used to make Russian chicken .  Pour some Russian dressing over chicken in a Pyrex pan, cover with foil and put in oven.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/02/20, 07:26:17 AM
I'd prefer a Russian undressing.  :evil: I knew you'd be out there standing around the grill...see any small blue woodland creatures?  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/02/20, 07:45:46 AM
Well played Dotch,  well played.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/02/20, 09:48:04 AM
Gonna be two bacon wrapped fatties on the smomer when I get the sink done.  Man I am working way too hard.  Will post pics later.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/02/20, 02:39:35 PM
Manufacturing leftovers. Morgan's egg roll brats w/kraut, Swiss, sweet relish for.glenn, siriachi & a dash of soy, dab of sweet & sour on the side.

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/02/20, 04:08:43 PM
Dang, Dotch is hitten er hard. Looking splendid with some serious octane on that plate to keep the ladies at bay!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/02/20, 10:17:39 PM
It's the gift that keeps on giving Boober. Best stay upwind from me tomorrow!  :embarrassed:

Finished off the weekend off with a flurry. Had another ewe come in just before lunch so after the brats I questioned whether I really wanted to do one more grill's worth. Oh what the hell, why not? Lamborgers w/onions mixed in seasoned w/Cavenders. Went direct for sake of time. Nice variety of leftovers to choose from. Just happy that I could still pull it off using the Braille method. Of course the wife attempted to use the Braille method on me. She got so full it shut 'er right down. I missed the halftime show tho. Shakira and JLo must've been hot because the wife hated it... :rotflmao:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/03/20, 07:09:21 AM
That hits the spot! Yup, you missed Shakira doing her tongue thing that's all over the internet......I bet Glenn will be doing that now for the next week or two. :rotflmao:


I guess they DO do that in middle eastern culture.....   :shocked:


Internet even has one for you, Dotch!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/03/20, 07:31:29 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/03/20, 08:45:42 AM
Now that's talent.   :sleazy:  My fatties didn't turn out like they were supposed to be were still good.  I put way too  much stuff in them and they almost fell apart but the bacon held them together.  I have to put them in an aluminum pan to cook then.  So the bacon didn't get browned like it should.  Will cook them in the oven under the broiler today to get them looking browned.  About 4 this morning I was awoken with the realization I put too many chopped jalapenos in.  Had to take some Tums.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/03/20, 09:02:58 AM
Well, that stinks! Ya, those 'peno's can come back at ya.  :doah:  Hope they turn out OK.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/03/20, 09:19:36 AM
Now that's talent.   :sleazy:  My fatties didn't turn out like they were supposed to be were still good.  I put way too  much stuff in them and they almost fell apart but the bacon held them together.  I have to put them in an aluminum pan to cook then.  So the bacon didn't get browned like it should.  Will cook them in the oven under the broiler today to get them looking browned.  About 4 this morning I was awoken with the realization I put too many chopped jalapenos in.  Had to take some Tums.

that will do it every time!!!!!!!!!!!!!    :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/03/20, 09:23:53 AM
I like jalapenos in a lot of things but same here. Sometimes I regret it. So does my hind end!  :rotflmao:

Ah, the tongue thing. Sheep & goats, primarily rams & billies do that when it's mating season. So do Latin women.   :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/03/20, 09:59:55 AM
I see those habaneros and other peppers and they are beautiful bright colors.  BUT jalapenos are the top of the chart for us.  I have about a 100 of them in the freezer.  @ 1 qt bags full.  They will last us forever.  I like growing them but just can't eat them fast enough. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/03/20, 10:20:27 AM
Maybe ya could slip some into those dead skwirrels Dotch sent Glenn.............. :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/03/20, 06:36:32 PM
Grilled up some of those Morgans Egg roll brats, smothered in hot chinee mustard, courtesy of the sheep wrangler from Bugtussle. No Maserati rice on hand, so had to make do with some Mrs. Gerry's deviled egg tater salad, and fresh radishes. Brats were great! Whoo, that chinee hot mustard had my tongue feeling livelier than Shakira's last nite.... :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/03/20, 06:57:37 PM
Oooo, like yer style with that Chinese mustard! Much more zing than siriachi. Of course if you'd sous bidet'd them first they would've been perfect, grasshopper. That variety of Mrs. Gerry's tater salad is some good stuff too. Typically don't stock it in Bugtussle. It's not white so the Swedes and Norwegians consider it too spicy. We have to go black market for that one... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/03/20, 08:19:01 PM
I add chopped chives and a touch of mustard to it, for an authentic 1960's picnic taste.  :rotflmao:
Dat dere chinee mustard I love slathered on pork eggrolls, with a thin line of sweet and sour sauce on top of it. Melding flavors works for me. Now I think I should pick up a pack of Van's pork and shrimp egg rolls tomorrow. Laid up right now after the shoulder procedure. Should be feelin' real good tomorrow.  :rolleyes: Was a bit invasive....in three areas.  :doah: Guess nothing some good chinee or Vietnamese couldn't heal. Might haveta stop in at my friend Chau's restaurant tomorrow. Heavenly eggs rolls.......and Vietnamese chicken wings. She always gives me a huge plate of her pork fried rice for nothing. Knows how I love it. Non-maserati. *NOM*NOM*
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/04/20, 07:50:30 AM
Man I haven't even had breakfast yet and youse guys are making me want more than Cheerios.  Well I broiled the fatties and they turned out great.  I do have to pick a few jalapenos out of it though as I said I overdid it.  Whenever we go to the Chinese place in Bemidji I have to have some of that spicy yellow mustard.  I just can't pass it up.  I only eat part of the pkg too.  Man that has some kick to it. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/04/20, 07:54:44 AM
Wow, those look great!  :hubba:  Never made a fattie before, (shutup Glenn) but might haveta do that someday...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/04/20, 08:08:07 AM
Wow, those look great!  :hubba:  Never made a fattie before, (shutup Glenn) but might haveta do that someday...
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/04/20, 11:40:50 AM
glenns mind is pure as a cesspool, Reb... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/04/20, 11:42:07 AM
Ya, think he needs a box of Rid-X.     :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/04/20, 11:45:27 AM
 :tut: :tut: :tut: :doah: :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: i have no idea what youz guyz speak of!!!!!!!! :doah: :scratch: :scratch: :angel: :angel: :angel:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/04/20, 11:49:09 AM
don't forget the lime!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/04/20, 01:53:02 PM
Good idea! And not the green ones offa trees, either!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/04/20, 02:02:34 PM
Reb after all this talk of Oriental cuisine...oh, and a cortisone shot   training-087

 https://t.co/btsnyYcPUz  (https://t.co/btsnyYcPUz)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/04/20, 02:05:18 PM
I obtained massive air yday when he pushed the 3rd needle in......EEYOOOOW!!!!! :censored:

Speaking of, I picked up a bottle of Korean BBQ sauce today to massage my chicky with.
No maserati yet, though. Rice-a-roni gonna haveta do.  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/04/20, 04:23:39 PM
I prefer the brown Minute Rice or better yet wild rice... :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/04/20, 05:12:31 PM
just had my Korean BBQ pork and rice. Pretty tasty stuff. Needs a bit of bite to it, though. Might haveta add some hot pepper flakes. Give myself that Shakira tongue. That might become a new bling phrase; sorta like uptick or BITE ME.     :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/04/20, 08:26:36 PM
I prefer the brown Minute Rice or better yet wild rice... :coffee:

Real wild rice, or fake, like that new Burger King fake burger that's full of sodium and crap and textured protein and stuff that'll make yer hair stand on end and doesn't taste anything like meat?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/04/20, 08:31:34 PM
Never heard of fake wild rice?? :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/04/20, 08:36:12 PM
Cultivated domesticated stuff.......

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/04/20, 09:52:07 PM
No doubt Reb, the stuff from the Ojibwe in northern MN's White Earth Reservation or The First Nations where we frequent in Canada is better than the paddy raised stuff, especially the crud from CA. The lamb and wild rice soup my Canadian friend made w/the lamb shank roast we grilled there is still etched upon on my mind. The leftovers warmed up sure thawed my frozen @ss out after working on the well a few Decembers back. Unfortunately many will never know the difference. Even Minute Rice and Uncle Ben's have a long grained and wild rice combo that has some brown stuff in it that's reputedly wild rice. It probably has more fiber than traditional rice tho so that should make Barry happy! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/05/20, 07:38:47 AM
That's one of 'em. I like Uncle Ben's, but their "wild rice" has about 13 grains of it in the box....and it looks funny. Wonder if he's related to Aunt Jemima? The pics of them on the product should get a rally going here to pull 'em off the shelves... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/05/20, 07:53:13 AM
I was thinking of you on Monday Dotch.  On Food Paradise they served a lamb shank to a guy.  It was cooked so tender it was juicy and almost falling off the bone like a nice chuck roast.  Each person got their own shank.  I was drooling for sure!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/05/20, 09:55:04 AM
just had my Korean BBQ pork and rice. Pretty tasty stuff. Needs a bit of bite to it, though. Might haveta add some hot pepper flakes. Give myself that Shakira tongue. That might become a new bling phrase; sorta like uptick or BITE ME.     :rotflmao:

Try some of the Gochujang.   I like it a lot, a little bit like hoisin.   It is a thick paste made of chili and a bunch of stuff.

"Gochujang or red chili paste is a savory, sweet, and spicy fermented condiment made from chili powder, glutinous rice, meju powder, yeotgireum, and salt. The sweetness comes from the starch of cooked glutinous rice, cultured with saccharifying enzymes during the fermentation process.Wikipedia"
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on February 02/05/20, 10:18:31 AM
Yes Del, I buy gochujang in 3 pound tubs at a Korean store here.  Use it in Asian dishes like hot chicken.  good luck.

(https://tinypix.top/images/2020/02/05/B9GJA.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/B9GJA)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/09/20, 12:25:17 PM
grilled top sirloin, cooked to a perfect medium rare, and my side dishes were great for lunch!!  and yes cottage cheese with chives too!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/09/20, 05:43:11 PM
Tonitez menu is grilled meat raffle steak, some kinda package potatoes. Cleaning out the cupboard. :pouty: and a veggie, that's still under advisement. :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/09/20, 06:14:11 PM
Tonitez menu is grilled meat raffle steak, some kinda package potatoes. Cleaning out the cupboard. :pouty: and a veggie, that's still under advisement. :scratch:
and topped with cottage cheese!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/09/20, 06:57:57 PM
Tonitez menu is grilled meat raffle steak, some kinda package potatoes. Cleaning out the cupboard. :pouty: and a veggie, that's still under advisement. :scratch:
and topped with cottage cheese!!  :happy1:
:tut: :tut: :mooning: not in this house, specially when I be da cook. :happy1:

UFFDA dat was good. Only thing better then a chunk of cow on the grill is a chunk of cow over charcoal on a grill!! :happy1:

I see a bowl of chocolate ice cream later fer dessert. :nerd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/15/20, 08:01:07 PM
Fish are cut up and put away now it's time fer some dead cow , taters shrooms and a salad that was missing cottage cheese..dang it!!  :angry2:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on February 02/17/20, 09:37:17 AM
I got the grill going also.  This could be for the 30 day challenge as well.  Bnls strip steaks with copy cat recipe from Chipotle resturant.  Fried green peppers with purple onions for a side.  good luck.

(https://tinypix.top/images/2020/02/17/BZDgX.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/BZDgX)
(https://tinypix.top/images/2020/02/17/BZoco.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/BZoco)
(https://tinypix.top/images/2020/02/17/BZtFH.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/BZtFH)
(https://tinypix.top/images/2020/02/17/BZLKr.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/BZLKr)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: ThunderLund78 on February 02/17/20, 10:57:22 AM
Please share the copy cat chipotle recipe if you have it!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on February 02/17/20, 11:14:59 AM
2 T olive oil
2 large green peppers sliced up
2 purple onions sliced [I left them in rings]
1 tsp ground oregano [or to taste]
salt and pepper to taste [ they say 1/2 tsp ea.]

Put everything in the large frying pan and fry until the tenderness you desire.

Pretty simple, I was surprised how simple.  I think you can add stuff like garlic powder or more if you want.  But I had it like it was.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/17/20, 02:48:48 PM
It looks like a green leafy thing in there RH. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/17/20, 03:00:25 PM
I slow cook that combo sans the oregano, in worcestshire sauce with added mushroom slices and some onion powder....
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/17/20, 03:16:04 PM
I slow cook that combo sans the oregano, in worcestshire sauce with added mushroom slices and some onion powder....
and stewed tomatoes!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on February 02/17/20, 04:58:58 PM
LPS, ya I forgot that I put in some cilantro toward the end.  Thanks for reminding me.  My wife wanted that in there.  good luck. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/17/20, 07:04:53 PM
The reason I asked RH is cuz I am curious to use more of that green leafy stuff. Let me clarify that.  I mean as in cilantro, parsley, arugula, etc.  Have always wondered how much to use and how long it lasts if you only use part of it?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/17/20, 07:17:47 PM
Cilantro and parsley will last maybe a week in the fridge.    Arugula, probably longer.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/17/20, 07:27:17 PM
I suppose one could put some in a salad to use it up?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/17/20, 07:30:20 PM
Yep, if you like Cilantro.   Some folks don't, like my wife.   Tastes like soap to them.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/17/20, 08:12:58 PM
Cilantro and parsley will last maybe a week in the fridge.    Arugula, probably longer.

It's delicous. Wonderful aroma. Not spendy, either. Cilantro stems and leaves is chinee parsley in the US. Elsewhere it's Coriander.
Dried cilantro in a jar lasts a long time. Like 6 months. I use quite a bit in mexican stuff I cook, and chili and dips. And taco meat. And salsa. Most mexican food has a lot of it in it.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/17/20, 09:17:36 PM
You can buy a big bunch of fresh cilantro (or parsley) at wally world for like a buck or two.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Scenic on February 02/17/20, 10:21:10 PM
Reinhard that looks great ! 

We make salads using cilantro in a salad with cucumber tomato and bacon.  Normally a blend of seasoning of some kind or just a small amount of dressing
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/18/20, 07:37:53 AM
I will have to try it.  Or the stuff in a bottle is a good idea too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/18/20, 08:12:34 AM
Yep, if you like Cilantro.   Some folks don't, like my wife.   Tastes like soap to them.

Do they normally (phrase used loosely) eat soap? Ralphie in the Christmas Story bathroom scene said Palmolive seemed the best; had a slight piquant flavor. LIfebuoy was NOT tasty. Few slices of Palmolive might go well with a soused-up squab.  ;)

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/18/20, 09:51:39 AM
Yep, if you like Cilantro.   Some folks don't, like my wife.   Tastes like soap to them.

Do they normally (phrase used loosely) eat soap? Ralphie in the Christmas Story bathroom scene said Palmolive seemed the best; had a slight piquant flavor. LIfebuoy was NOT tasty. Few slices of Palmolive might go well with a soused-up squab.  ;)


Since things seem a little slow for you guys, especially Reb, you might as well learn something...

Cilantro (aka the leaves of the coriander plant) is a tasty herb to most people. A pleasing combination of flavors reminiscent of parsley and citrus, the herb is a common ingredient in many cuisines around the world. However, some people find cilantro revolting, including, famously, the chef Julia Child. Of course some of this dislike may come down to simple preference, but for those cilantro-haters for whom the plant tastes like soap, the issue is genetic. These people have a variation in a group of olfactory-receptor genes that allows them to strongly perceive the soapy-flavored aldehydes in cilantro leaves. This genetic quirk is usually only found in a small percent of the population, though it varies geographically. Interestingly, places where cilantro is especially popular, such as Central America and India, have fewer people with these genes, which might explain how the herb was able to become such a mainstay in those regions. East Asians have the highest incidence of this variation, with some studies showing that nearly 20% of the population experiences soapy-tasting cilantro. There is some evidence that cilantrophobes can overcome their aversion with repeated exposure to the herb, especially if it is crushed rather than served whole, but many people simply choose to go with their genetic inclinations and avoid its soapiness altogether.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/18/20, 11:07:58 AM
Very interesting Del.  I didn't know it was coriander until today. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/18/20, 11:15:44 AM
Yep, if you like Cilantro.   Some folks don't, like my wife.   Tastes like soap to them.

Do they normally (phrase used loosely) eat soap? Ralphie in the Christmas Story bathroom scene said Palmolive seemed the best; had a slight piquant flavor. LIfebuoy was NOT tasty. Few slices of Palmolive might go well with a soused-up squab.  ;)


The absolute worst: Lava! The old gray colored stuff tasted bad enough to keep you from swearing for a lifetime. And the grit left in your teeth from the pumice was not something soon forgotten. :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/18/20, 11:22:58 AM
Cilantro and parsley will last maybe a week in the fridge.    Arugula, probably longer.

It's delicous. Wonderful aroma. Not spendy, either. Cilantro stems and leaves is chinee parsley in the US. Elsewhere it's Coriander.
Dried cilantro in a jar lasts a long time. Like 6 months. I use quite a bit in mexican stuff I cook, and chili and dips. And taco meat. And salsa. Most mexican food has a lot of it in it.
Very interesting Del.  I didn't know it was coriander until today.

Guess ya didn't read my post.  :rolleyes: Thanks for repeating Del. Things must be slow.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/18/20, 12:28:36 PM
Early here.   And I was posting mostly about the soap taste thing.   The coriander leaves was just a side benefit.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on February 02/18/20, 02:45:50 PM
We use cilantro quite a bit.  My wife like's it a lot and it took me time to get used to it.  But now in certain foods it's a must.  I always add it toward the end of the cooking cycle especially in Mexican meals.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/18/20, 06:58:15 PM
Reb Rebs Rebs.  LOL  If you noticed I said I just learned that today about Cilantro.  Meaning from your post and then Dels.  I will get some and put it on a salad to try it out. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/18/20, 08:42:39 PM
Reb Rebs Rebs.  LOL  If you noticed I said I just learned that today about Cilantro.  Meaning from your post and then Dels.  I will get some and put it on a salad to try it out.

Maybe eat a few leaves straight up to see if it tastes good, or if it tastes like soap....  I like it.  Wife hates it.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Coffee118 on February 02/20/20, 10:25:08 AM
New product by timber grills and heaters coming out in a few months. I might have to look into one of these. Patio heater grill combo.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/20/20, 10:43:59 AM
very interesting coffee!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/20/20, 10:55:31 AM
Saw this at Walmart last week, seemed pretty decent for the price. Wood or coal. Racks raise up and down with a crank, smoke box adjustable with feed. Might haveta think about this one...... :scratch:

https://www.walmart.com/ip/Royal-Gourmet-CC1830S-Charcoal-Grill-with-Offset-Smoker-800-Square-Inches-Black-Outdoor-Camping/456281606 :smoking:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/20/20, 11:27:29 AM
looks a decent one Reb!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/20/20, 01:25:17 PM
looks a decent one Reb!!!

No high end item, but I think it would be OK for occassional use for us budget-plan people.   :smiley:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/20/20, 05:08:18 PM
I've looked at them too and they look like they would be fun to cook/smoke with.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/20/20, 06:38:36 PM
Nothin'. Was gonna be pig chops.
Now Mom isn't going home...found other issues with her. That's the 8th call from Mayo today...had her all ready to go. Twice. Now, scratch it.
Grabbed a sandwich for supper.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/20/20, 07:49:25 PM
Easy for me to say but hang in there Rebs.  Will be thinking good thoughts for you. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/22/20, 10:24:36 PM
Got the patio cleaned off w/the skidsteer (it was tits!), the wife was gone and I threw some stuff together. NY stripper med rare w/sweetcorn, pickles & a Norkotah baled tater. Cleaned up the kitchen & got a jag on while I was at it. Listened to Neil Young's 1st solo album & Zeppelin's 4th album. Classic rock at its finest. Best of all, didn't have to eat & drink alone.  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/23/20, 06:16:15 AM
Nicely done Dotch,  and not to mention no hammy was harmed while evading   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Coffee118 on February 02/23/20, 08:48:44 AM
  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/23/20, 09:16:13 AM
  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

excellent coffee!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/23/20, 09:45:51 AM
dotch on the patio?????????? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/23/20, 11:16:20 AM
Hey! Don't you have some turtle shells to molest or something?

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/23/20, 11:36:15 AM
Hey! Don't you have some turtle shells to molest or something?


I can see it now, Glenn running around chasing his "shell"!!!!!!!!!!!  look out for the hermit crab!!!!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/23/20, 11:45:45 AM
Hey! Don't you have some turtle shells to molest or something?

nope...….. :moon: :tut: not till  next winter!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/23/20, 12:46:24 PM
Apple-wood smoked chicky....... :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/23/20, 01:39:01 PM
lookin good reb!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/23/20, 09:34:01 PM
Encore performance tonite. Actually there was a 2 lb. package of lamborger that kept falling out of the freezer so that was an omen Picked up some hickory charcoal yesterday; that sealed the deal. Toss on some sweetcorn, cheesebread and a few pickles. Voila! Supper is served. Luckily Mrs. Cheviot's plantar fasciitis has slowed her immensely so I can breathe easier. Still have to be careful to stay out of corners or narrow, dead end hallways.  :shocked:     
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/24/20, 08:38:16 AM
looks good dotch!!!! :happy1: :happy1: but there is definetly something not right with that glass of milk!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

that plantars fasciitis sucks!!!!!!!!!! been dealing with that for years. they claim gifted athletes are suceptable to it!!!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on February 02/24/20, 08:55:28 AM
I had that plantars fasciitis stuff and it was a pain.  Got some good shoes and when I walked out of that store it was gone.  Made some spareribs yesterday on indirect heat.  Sauce on mine and just rub for my wife and her mom.  They like to dip the ribs in sauce.  good luck.

(https://tinypix.top/images/2020/02/24/BSst5.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/BSst5)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/24/20, 09:01:40 AM
I had that plantars fasciitis stuff and it was a pain.  Got some good shoes and when I walked out of that store it was gone.  Made some spareribs yesterday on indirect heat.  Sauce on mine and just rub for my wife and her mom.  They like to dip the ribs in sauce.  good luck.

(https://tinypix.top/images/2020/02/24/BSst5.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/BSst5)
that looks nummy!!!!!!!!! :happy1:

i ended up getting shoe inserts from a foot doctor. they aint cheap either. 400 bucks last time i had to pay for them. when they decided i had blood sugar issues............then Ins pays for them!!!!!!! :doofus: :doofus:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/25/20, 04:01:42 PM

here's another one from the BBQ pit boys...  looks darn good too...  check out that little red grill in the back ground!!  never seen one that small before.... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/25/20, 04:13:20 PM
Tonite it was burgers over charcoal, beans, french fries, deviled eggs. Was hungry and looked at the clock quick.....4:45. Hmmm, guess I can eat a bit early. Got all done, happened to glance at clock....4:30...WT...?! It was THREE thirty when I started... Musta been one o' dem "senior moments". :banghead:   My stomach lied!!!   :bonk: O well, should be hungry again by six... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/25/20, 04:50:33 PM
Been there done that Rebs.  LOL  That was a good video Mike.  I was hoping they would show us that mini Weber closer.  Cool as heck.  A friend of mine did a loin like that and stuffed it with onions, mushrooms, green and black olives, garlic, cheese, etc etc.  Was great.  I have always wanted to do that.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/25/20, 04:55:08 PM
Those guys always do a good job, but I'm a clean freak I touch any kind of meat its wash hands time, these guys use a hanging towel. That is a different idea on using stuffing for stuffing..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/25/20, 04:56:20 PM
I want to try that too!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/25/20, 05:00:15 PM
Me too Bobb.  I wash my hands 10 times when I am cooking a meal.  I laugh at their hygiene.  On a camping trip I always have a pot of water heating up on a fire for washing. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/25/20, 05:05:07 PM
Those guys always do a good job, but I'm a clean freak I touch any kind of meat its wash hands time, these guys use a hanging towel. That is a different idea on using stuffing for stuffing..

like a stuffed pork chop with dressing...  I like the garden hose to wash off the meat and table...  not even food grade hose.  and they most likely set it on the ground!!!  and yes the towel too..  oh well....
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/25/20, 05:31:33 PM
I really wash a lot when I am dealing with chicken.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/25/20, 05:44:37 PM
 :pouty: :crazy: you guys germaphobias>>>>>>>>> :scratch: maybe once I wash my hands, that what the pants and shirts for!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/25/20, 05:51:42 PM
If I've just finished an oil change, maybe, but some grease and dust add to the flavor.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/25/20, 07:46:34 PM
Those guys always do a good job, but I'm a clean freak I touch any kind of meat its wash hands time, these guys use a hanging towel. That is a different idea on using stuffing for stuffing..

like a stuffed pork chop with dressing...  I like the garden hose to wash off the meat and table...  not even food grade hose.  and they most likely set it on the ground!!!  and yes the towel too..  oh well....

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/26/20, 06:07:13 PM
The tongs were washed between turning but it was grilled thighs added to a marsala sauce,  Paired with little taters and asparagus.  Different but real good..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/26/20, 06:16:54 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/26/20, 06:58:31 PM
Looks darn good Bob..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/26/20, 07:25:22 PM
Man that looks good! I hope Mrs. Boober gives you a head start cuz yer gonna need it, pal! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/02/20, 09:53:41 PM
Bought these on Saturday so the clock was ticking. Rib steak grilled medium using hickory charcoal, seasoned w/Cavenders. Sides were a blue cheese salad and maserati rice. Knocked Mrs. Cheviot down for the count. And yes, that is 94 proof juniper berry & quinine water flavored Kool Aid in case anyone is wondering... :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/07/20, 05:10:10 PM
Charcoaled seasoned pigger chops, chive 'tato salad, pickled beets, green top onyums, small dish of butter pecan ice cream.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/07/20, 06:26:10 PM
No pics it didn't happen. Burglars n bacon otta get mommas chasing shoes back on.. :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/07/20, 07:45:43 PM
I thought she'd be tryin' to get you to pull in at every rest stop along the way to KC this weekend in an attempt to have her way with you!   :confused:  Great looking vittles!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/07/20, 07:56:37 PM
HA!! Rest areas are for rest, the open road is another story.. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/07/20, 07:58:22 PM
I thought she'd be tryin' to get you to pull in at every rest stop along the way to KC this weekend in an attempt to have her way with you!   :confused:  Great looking vittles!  :happy1:
ok choir boy!!! :pouty: :tut: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/07/20, 07:59:23 PM
HA!! Rest areas are for rest, the open road is another story.. :happy1:
:confused: :tut: :pouty: so much for texting and driving being dangerous. :pouty: :tut: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/08/20, 08:37:09 AM
I don't see any scenic road pics.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/08/20, 09:45:32 AM
Still kinda planning the mission,  places to go and stay away from..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/08/20, 05:23:28 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/08/20, 06:24:05 PM
Better hurry,  going fast!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/08/20, 06:54:10 PM
Better hurry,  going fast!!
hey boober....you always sautee them shrooms and onions in the same pan????? I used to, then did them separate and found the shrooms tend to not take on the onion flavor.!!!! :happy1: :happy1:

either way..i'd eat it!!!!!!! :hubba: :hubba: :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/08/20, 08:02:16 PM
So Bob you haven't done the KC thing yet right?  Was telling the wife about your venture. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/08/20, 09:37:18 PM
It reached 59 here on the thermometer, the Gopher men's BB & hockey teams both won so had to celebrate. Lamb cheese borgers, some Swiss & some pepperjack. Really iked the latter & I'm a Swiss guy! Seasoned w/ McCormick hamburger seasoning. Some Fareway veggies, very good and their cottage cheese. A little runny but more like what Mom made from the milk out of the Jersey (Bessie) I milked twice a day by hand in high school. & you guessed it: More juniper berry & quinine Kool Aid!  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/15/20, 04:33:48 PM
So Bob you haven't done the KC thing yet right?  Was telling the wife about your venture. 
Not yet, watching to see what the next level of panic brings, maybe in April.  Leftover chili is getting smothered over some hot diggity dogs paired with lots of cheese and onions,  good thing I didn't watch the hot dog vid that was posted..  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/15/20, 05:18:57 PM
wee's having fajita's!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/15/20, 05:33:35 PM
soup and sandwich...  creamy chicken wild rice with reuben sandwich....
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/15/20, 06:36:28 PM
That sounds good! Burrito casserole/whatever here in a tortilla.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/15/20, 09:22:18 PM
Grilled some weenies first to placate the Mrs. then tossed a couple ribeyes on the grill. Baked tater, tater salad, peas & carrots. Was hungry after eating a freezer burned frozen pizza for lunch.  :puke: Screw the coronavirus!  :thumbs:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/15/20, 09:24:14 PM
That sure is a perrrdy plate of Food!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/15/20, 09:30:22 PM

That sure is a perrrdy plate!   :happy1:
that's also one fancy spendy steak knife! :rotflmao: that glass I assume is a corona virus antibiotic :confused: :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/16/20, 10:20:06 AM
I gots a whole set of 'em!  :happy1: They're collectors items and for cheap@$$ steak knives, they actually work pretty well. And yes, the glass contains the magic quinine & juniper berry elixir.  :drinking: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/25/20, 04:54:28 PM
Digging out da freezer already,  found up some philly cheese brats n some swiss brats.  Currently doing a little soak in some high end Busch light!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/25/20, 05:06:41 PM
May as well throw in some cottage cheese to. :shocked: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/25/20, 05:25:34 PM
Better hope Mrs. Boober doesn't get any ideas... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/25/20, 06:26:38 PM
Better hope Mrs. Goober doesn't get any ideas... :rotflmao:
After all the excitement of too much brat fer bun I'm gonna hafta play dead for sure!! :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/25/20, 07:11:53 PM
Better hope Mrs. Goober doesn't get any ideas... :rotflmao:
After all the excitement of too much brat fer bun I'm gonna hafta play dead for sure!! :sleazy:

Reb could probably cover for you, if you give him a brat..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/26/20, 09:39:50 PM
Had these weenies in the fridge yet from last week's grocery run. Dinner franks from Morgan's done with hickory charcoal along with Bush's baked beans, glenn's favorite and some radishes. Supposed to rain tomorrow nite & Saturday so nice to have some leftovers to bridge the gap until Sunday. Mrs. Cheviot couldn't answer the bell after the 1st round.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/28/20, 02:35:08 PM
I took out a pkg too.  Mine is a family pack of pork chops. 7 of them.  I just spiced them up with my new favorite seasoning.  I usually just do my own combo of spices but got this stuff at Stittsworth Meats in Bemidji.  Love it.  I've been putting it on lots of stuff.  Will look for a bigger bottle next time. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/28/20, 02:48:00 PM
what are the ingredients???
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/28/20, 02:55:37 PM
what are the ingredients???
smokehouse BBQ ingredients!!!!!!!!! :doofus: :doofus: :crazy: :crazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning: :sleazy: :evil:

sorry.......being copped up is getting to me!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/02/20, 04:40:48 PM
Best hurry!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/02/20, 04:47:07 PM
I was surprised the main ingredient was sugar.  Didn't see that till I got home.  But it doesn't come across as too sweet. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/02/20, 04:47:33 PM
Best hurry!!

NICE CUTS OF MEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  and good lookin beer too!!!  that is going to taste great on the grill I'm thinkin!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/02/20, 04:48:24 PM
Wish I was there!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/02/20, 05:09:46 PM
Run, Boober run!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/02/20, 05:25:48 PM
Best hurry!!
damn it boober...……….why didn't you post this earlier...…….I was already half way there!!!!! :pouty: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/02/20, 06:17:31 PM
I was surprised the main ingredient was sugar.  Didn't see that till I got home.  But it doesn't come across as too sweet. 
I dont mind sugar in seasoning,  especially for pork. Gives it a good bark..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/02/20, 06:41:10 PM
I did put it generously on ribeyes the other night and they did get a good bark from the sugar.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/02/20, 06:42:55 PM
Sugar one of my enemies. :confused: :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/03/20, 09:27:57 AM
Sugar one of my enemies. :confused: :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/04/20, 11:08:22 AM
Sugar one of my enemies. :confused: :pouty:

As I call it "white death"
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/04/20, 12:55:35 PM
These aren't on the grill yet but hoping to put one on the Daniel Boone pellet grill tomorrow.  4 lb chunks of those beef ribs I bought.  Repacked them today. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/04/20, 02:06:18 PM
hey I see ya got me 2!!!  thanks!!!  lookin good!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/04/20, 09:32:32 PM
Ruby's 10th Birthday today. Time has flown since I picked up the little fur ball back in 2010. Since she loves steak fat so I picked out a couple strips at Morgan's the other day. Tossed some taters in the oven and had some Mrs. Gerry's coleslaw to go with it. She was extremely focused for the entire meal. Ya never know when I might drop something! Had to tell Mrs. Cheviot to go lay by her dish... :huh:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/05/20, 08:34:09 AM
I boiled spuds yesterday so am making potato salad today and gonna put one of those beef ribs on the pellet stove.  Will do them at 275 per a video I saw on youtube on it.  Should take 5-7 hours.  Just gonna do the Texas spices on it.  Kosher salt, pepper, and garlic powder.  Mayhaps a little olive oil first to hold the spices on better.  Will do a spritz of red wine vinegar mixed with something sweet on them a few times too.  Really looking forward to it so hope they turn out great!  Will keep you posted. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/05/20, 10:10:25 AM
I boiled spuds yesterday so am making potato salad today and gonna put one of those beef ribs on the pellet stove.  Will do them at 275 per a video I saw on youtube on it.  Should take 5-7 hours.  Just gonna do the Texas spices on it.  Kosher salt, pepper, and garlic powder.  Mayhaps a little olive oil first to hold the spices on better.  Will do a spritz of red wine vinegar mixed with something sweet on them a few times too.  Really looking forward to it so hope they turn out great!  Will keep you posted.
5-7 hours...…….I could be there by then!!!!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/05/20, 10:13:05 AM
You are very welcome Glenn.  We have a spare bedroom too.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/05/20, 10:19:13 AM
You are very welcome Glenn.  We have a spare bedroom too.   :happy1:

he can be a bad boy so send him to his bedroom with no supper!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  sorry Glenn I had to say it!!!  mornin buddy!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/05/20, 10:25:52 AM
You are very welcome Glenn.  We have a spare bedroom too.   :happy1:

he can be a bad boy so send him to his bedroom with no supper!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  sorry Glenn I had to say it!!!  mornin buddy!!!
:pouty: :pouty: :pouty:  :rotflmao: morning bud!!!!!!!

tthanks for the invite, but i'll do my best to practice the social distancing. :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/05/20, 10:46:52 AM
Oh ya forgot about that.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/05/20, 10:48:07 PM
Tonite's episode: Pig steaks w/pear wood, seasoned with smokehouse maple, slathered with sweet chili sauce & a little leftover BBQ sauce. Mrs. Gerry's mac salad & Birdseye mixed veggies. Mrs. Cheviot not hungry so more for me! Also meant less time spent evading pursuit... :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/05/20, 10:52:22 PM
 :happy1: and there's that priceless steak knife. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Looking good bud!!!👍👍
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/06/20, 07:58:09 AM
The beef ribs turned out pretty darn good.  The pellet grill was cooking about 20 degrees too hot so had to adjust and they got just a little over done but still darn good.  Will know better next time. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/06/20, 08:13:19 AM
sure looks darn good LPS!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: dakids on April 04/06/20, 08:24:33 AM
I grilled some king salmon and lake trout yesterday.  I forgot to take a picture but you can trust me when I say it looked great and tasted even better.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/06/20, 11:39:54 AM
I think I'm gonna do Turkey Two Ways today.   It's a turkey breast I bought last fall/winter.   I'll bone it out and put half in the sous vide with "turkey to go" recipe, and other half on the weber indirect.   

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/06/20, 11:50:40 AM
:happy1: and there's that priceless steak knife. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Looking good bud!!!👍👍

Yer just buttering me up because you want a set of those little mini-ginsu marvels! Little known fact: they are balanced for throwing. Who knew?  :confused:  Not sure what the PO would think of me sending deadly weapons thru the mail.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/06/20, 11:54:19 AM
:happy1: and there's that priceless steak knife. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Looking good bud!!!👍👍

Yer just buttering me up because you want a set of those little mini-ginsu marvels! Little known fact: they are balanced for throwing. Who knew?  :confused:  Not sure what the PO would think of me sending deadly weapons thru the mail.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea save the postage...….and jail time...….I got enough knives from what my wife says!!!!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on April 04/06/20, 12:09:33 PM
Yep, best ribs there are LPS.  Glad they turned out good for you.  Going to buy a couple of whole short rib plates and cut them in half, vac pac them for the freezer before I quit the job soon.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/06/20, 12:12:46 PM
That's what I have don't I RH?  Whole plates. Or 4 bone rib plates.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/06/20, 06:34:32 PM
Looks great lps, I haven't tried them in years.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/12/20, 09:04:47 PM
Lamb chops in a photo smuggled from the ranch. Mrs. Cheviot was watching me like a hawk & wouldn't let me take any pics of my food! I knew she'd never go outside and freeze her tush off so was able to snap this one off quick. Pear wood in the smoker boxes and seasoned with Cavenders. Had baked fries, sunflower salad and fresh fruit to go along with the lamb. Still waiting for Mrs. Cheviot to get done putting together puzzles so I can have some strawberry pie. Place is getting like a care center...  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/13/20, 07:49:38 AM
That pie looks great.  My brother had that too.  Now I want some.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Coffee118 on April 04/17/20, 05:11:14 AM
If you can find the cowboy brand onion and garlic infused hardwood charcoal grab a bag. The flavor from the onion and garlic plus the smoke from the briquettes was pretty intense. My GF and mother really don’t care for smoked food and they even said the burgers and brats were The best they ever had using the new charcoal.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/17/20, 08:27:17 AM
I bought a pork loin and cut it into thirds and froze them.  I took one out so now have to decide how to cook it.  That charcoal sounds good Coffee.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/18/20, 09:31:59 PM
Fresh brats from Morgan's tonite, seared then smoked up indirect with pear wood. Add some sunflower seed salad, tater salad from Mrs. Gerry's and those radishes I planted a week ago.  :shocked: Rocked Mrs. Cheviot back on her heels so I didn't need to plan an escape route. Could drink my multi-faceted therapeutic cocktail in peace.  :cool:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/19/20, 08:39:28 AM
That pork loin I took out is on hold until tomorrow or Tuesday and then I will cook it probably with RH gravy.  Today I have the urge to do some ribs in the smomer.  I am looking forward to that.  Don't have any spuds so will have some type of frozen veggies with the ribs.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/19/20, 08:48:35 AM
hey LPS if you ever see a raspberry chipotle sauce try that on the pork loin!!  I let blend together for a few hours and then wrap in tin foil with more sauce and grill till done...  very flavorful!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/19/20, 12:05:59 PM
Just a quick question for any smomers or grillers out there, has anybody ever used hackberry to smoke with or add additional smoke to yer meats? Have some that's in the 1" - 1 1/2" diameter range that I was thinking of trying just to see what it does.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/19/20, 12:16:35 PM
Just a quick question for any smomers or grillers out there, has anybody ever used hackberry to smoke with or add additional smoke to yer meats? Have some that's in the 1" - 1 1/2" diameter range that I was thinking of trying just to see what it does.

no and have not heard of it used either, sorry... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/19/20, 12:40:01 PM
Checked into it & looks like it's decent. Will be experimenting with it to see how it works. Sounds like best used fresh like this stuff is.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/19/20, 12:54:09 PM
I got some old deck boards you can try.... ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Coffee118 on April 04/19/20, 06:39:08 PM
Brisket, grilled shrimp, tater and Gorgonzola gnocchi Mac and cheese
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/20/20, 08:47:11 AM
num, num!! :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on April 04/20/20, 09:28:43 AM
Coffee a meal fit for a King.  I made something simple yesterday.  BBQ chicken drumsticks.  Made the rice in my rice cooker with Korean beef broth.  Gave that rice some good flavor.  good luck.

(https://tinypix.top/images/2020/04/20/NjL8i.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/NjL8i)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/20/20, 09:37:34 AM
 :happy1: I love chicky drumsticks! Can't wait to get some on the grill, got a pile in the freezer somewhere....oh, and because of YOU, RH, I even picked up a bottle of Korean BBQ sauce and gonna try that! You forced me into it!  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on April 04/20/20, 09:46:49 AM
Reb if you are anyone on here likes Asian cooking but specially Korean check out Manchi Korean Cooking.  She is the best as far as I"m concerned.  Bought her cookbook.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/20/20, 09:49:33 AM
Think I'm slowly gonna try working into the Korean thing this summer, RH. The meat end of it, anyway. My aunt was Korean, and I never really appreciated her food when I was a kid....
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/22/20, 08:39:30 AM
nuttin earth shattering, but had pork steaks on the grill. package said it was from Smithfied. :shocked:

tonight its chicken boobies marinated in italian dressing!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/22/20, 06:01:13 PM
nuttin to write home about here either,  but the brats and hot dogs tasted great on the patio tonight!! No bugs too boot.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on April 04/22/20, 06:12:13 PM
Making something called Texas Hash.  Pics later.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/24/20, 10:37:38 AM
Almost had a rain delay with this batch. Started the charcoal last nite and within 10 minutes it was raining. Was able to tuck the grill in under the soffit until it quit. Wanted to play around with the hackberry in the smoker boxes but decided against it. Garlic & herb seasoning, Mrs. Gerry's slaw and deviled egg potato salad along with Birdseye peas. And as always my COVID-19 medicine. :happy1: Mrs. Cheviot was stuffed so no danger of being GWE (groped while eating).  :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on April 04/24/20, 10:54:38 AM
Yummy!!!!  I think that mediaction will do the trick.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/24/20, 04:12:29 PM
Looking dynamite as always Dotch! And nice maneuver evading the rain drips, I hafta use paper plates or its AWDD (Attacked while doing dishes) , if the fancy plates are set, I might as well  :surrender:..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Scenic on April 04/25/20, 10:43:24 PM
And you think you are having a bad day?    (not my picture but thought it was funny)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/26/20, 07:06:10 AM
Fresh meat! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on April 04/27/20, 12:21:31 PM
I bought a whole beef tenderloin from Thielen’s $7.99 lb. 1st time breaking one of these down, but I got 6- 2.5” filet mignon, a couple other steaks, I kept the nose, and tail intact, and cleaned up the chain for stir fry. Hopefully it will be great on the grill.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Scenic on April 04/27/20, 01:56:25 PM
You will enjoy that
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on April 04/27/20, 03:44:35 PM
Cooperman was that tenderloin choice??  Or was it Select.  That would be one hell of a price for choice.  I know Cubs sells the select one's for $8.99 whole.  They do sell.  The select one's are just as tender but need more seasonings because they lack the marbling of the choice.  I have bought them my self and have used them in Korean dishes like bulgogi and also as fillets wrapped in bacon with seasonings.  Still a good buy and can be very versatile.  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/27/20, 04:01:48 PM
coborns has them for that price now... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on April 04/27/20, 04:44:58 PM
Cooperman was that tenderloin choice??  Or was it Select.  That would be one hell of a price for choice.  I know Cubs sells the select one's for $8.99 whole.  They do sell.  The select one's are just as tender but need more seasonings because they lack the marbling of the choice.  I have bought them my self and have used them in Korean dishes like bulgogi and also as fillets wrapped in bacon with seasonings.  Still a good buy and can be very versatile.  good luck.

Yes, it was choice. Very good price, even better then Costco. I also picked up a couple of prime Tbones for $7.99 lb. I check their specials every week.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Reinhard on April 04/27/20, 05:41:03 PM
You hit the gold mine there.  Great find!!!!!!  good luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/27/20, 06:06:42 PM
Had grilled brats, buttered noodles and stewed tomatoes. Never thought I'd ever say those brats were really good. But damn they where good. Found the brats I've been looking for.  There the 4 brothers brand at coborns. Called a cooked brat and is a lighter color. 5 in a sealed package.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/27/20, 09:14:05 PM
Been waiting for a chance to try the hackberry in the smoker boxes & tonite was it. Had some butterfly chops from Morgan's purchased Saturday so clock was ticking. Seasoned w/smokehouse maple & curry powder. Seared direct 2 minutes/side then indirect ~ 10 minutes/side. Very still tonite so hot fire. Had to be careful to watch G&T consumption & not overcook. Result: Unflipping real. Moist, juicy, tender, one of the top five pork chops I've ever eaten. Can't wait to try hackberry again. And Mrs. Cheviot? She took my suggestion & got stuffed on leftover Mexican takeout while I was grilling. Once again my cunning pays off & I thwarted her advances.  :happy1:   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/03/20, 08:58:23 AM
More butterflies under Ruby's watchful eye. Decent but not as good as the prior batch. Mrs. Gerry's slaw and Fareway spring salad along with radishes. Mrs. Cheviot's rhubarb pie was a hit. Tough to beat that first pie of the season even when yer trying yer best to avoid being molested.  :happy1: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/03/20, 11:20:41 AM
well today I have a large package of boneless skinless chicken thighs soaking in lemon juice..  tomorrow I'm going to make hobo dinners with them, potatoe, onion, and what ever I can think of to put in there...  maybe bacon!!! the grill will be busy...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/03/20, 12:03:08 PM
Man that sounds great Mike.  You are sure getting to be a good cook.  I have a big ribeye spiced up since last night.  Will grill that tonight.  Will also have some kind of frozen vegetables.  I also broke down and got some ice cream and some of that Canada Blueberry and a Strawberry jam to put on it.   :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/03/20, 12:32:13 PM
that sounds real good too LPS!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/03/20, 04:18:16 PM
you guys are making me hungry!!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/03/20, 04:58:34 PM
Tonight it's sirloin steak over charcoal, fresh picked asparagus also on the grill and new taters smothered with butter and tater topping.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/03/20, 05:45:07 PM
Uh huh, sure. No pics it didn't happen... :rotflmao:  Whats a new tater??
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/03/20, 06:12:25 PM
I was wondering that too!!!  did he plant them 3 months ago??????????????    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/03/20, 06:16:37 PM
Uh huh, sure. No pics it didn't happen... :rotflmao:  Whats a new tater??
baby red potato.

Mike... :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/03/20, 06:38:05 PM
baby red and new???  ok ?????????    sounds store bought...  just sayin!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/03/20, 07:08:27 PM
That's what I'm goin' with mikey. Wouldn't surprise me the way glenn drives around aimlessly, he probably made it to Georgia where they have some brand spankin' new baby reds already... :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/03/20, 07:29:37 PM
baby red and new???  ok ?????????    sounds store bought...  just sayin!!!
hot them, 3-5lb bags from my granddaughter and get boyfriend. Said they got them free from some truck in Albany. Stuff eating places aren't using.

Believe what ya want they were good. :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/03/20, 07:39:07 PM
baby red and new???  ok ?????????    sounds store bought...  just sayin!!!
hot them, 3-5lb bags from my granddaughter and get boyfriend. Said they got them free from some truck in Albany. Stuff eating places aren't using.

Believe what ya want they were good. :mooning: :rotflmao:

good to hear about the sharing and glad they are being used too!!!  don't need the waste....    just like that bag of onions I scored and shared!!!  and suck up your moon shot!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/03/20, 07:44:20 PM
Keep it up and I'll take my ball and go home too. :confused: :cry: :rotflmao: :laughroll: :laughroll:

On second thought..... NAW... AINT HAPPENING!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/04/20, 07:11:24 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/04/20, 04:26:45 PM
Keep it up and I'll take my ball and go home too. :confused: :cry: :rotflmao: :laughroll: :laughroll:

On second thought..... NAW... AINT HAPPENING!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Why? cuz you got no balls?   (couldnt' resist a big fat slow pitch right over the plate)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/04/20, 05:55:17 PM
well he did say ball, not balls. No shortage of running home to momma mad it seems lately.. :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/20, 06:05:49 PM
Keep it up and I'll take my ball and go home too. :confused: :cry: :rotflmao: :laughroll: :laughroll:

On second thought..... NAW... AINT HAPPENING!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Why? cuz you got no balls?   (couldnt' resist a big fat slow pitch right over the plate)
:rotflmao: bring it del. Most the employers I deal with say the exact opposite. :sleazy: :tut:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/05/20, 06:58:27 AM
well I did my chicken thighs, that I soaked in lemon juice, in a hobo dinner type cooking manner...  taters, onions and such in foil on the grill and they turned out very good!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/11/20, 11:30:45 AM
Lamborgers with mixed veggies & cottage cheese. Toasted the buns for some variety. Actually I forgot to buy any buns so thought I'd use up what was laying around. Actually worked great. I was able to hold Mrs. Cheviot at bay for the duraton once again. My stamina's not what it once was tho. Someday I'll probably have to submit...  :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/11/20, 03:32:28 PM
That's Baaaad.    :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: HD on May 05/11/20, 05:27:18 PM
We had venison burgers, mixed vegetables and a baked potato on da grill.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/11/20, 08:29:48 PM
Grilled Philly style brats from my favorite hometown butcher shop. Damn nabit they where good. Also picked up a watermelon, hope it makes it till tomorrow. :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/17/20, 08:04:02 PM
Was in rain delay mode, now the game has just been called. Just nasty outside.  :sad: Flat iron steaks so they should be fine in the vacuum sealed bags until tomorrow nite.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/17/20, 08:15:55 PM
Was in rain delay mode, now the game has just been called. Just nasty outside.  :sad: Flat iron steaks so they should be fine in the vacuum sealed bags until tomorrow nite.   :happy1:
so it's just gin tonight?? :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/17/20, 08:28:51 PM
Ahem!!!! Some of us actually have to work tomorrow... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/18/20, 07:55:08 AM
I never did grill a steak this weekend.  Had brats instead.  Still have ribeye on my mind.  Have to squeeze one in soon.  Still have pork steaks in the frig too.  That will probably be supper.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/19/20, 09:24:43 AM
just grilled some spam, I cut it into 4 slices, grilled them and then placed a fried egg on top of one to eat..  the grilling just makes it taste better I think... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/19/20, 09:46:01 AM
Great idea.  I have never grilled SPAM. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/19/20, 12:14:46 PM
I bet that would be great grilled on a lamburger with some Swiss! Was writing mode nite last nite so I gots to grill flat iron steaks tonite.  :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/19/20, 01:12:38 PM
Jeez am I hungry now.  Burgers on the grill may be on the menu for here tonight.  With marble jack cheese and pickles, onions, mayo, mustard and ketchup on it.  Probably a nice salad on the side.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/19/20, 01:14:00 PM
pepper jack cheese
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/20/20, 09:49:10 AM
Finally got a chance to get the flatiron steaks grilled. Tender as always and pre-marinated so it was easy peasy. Gave me more time to work on my COVID-19 therapy!  :happy1: Mrs. Cheviot had already eaten so I was able to stay one step ahead of her all night. The rhubarb pie with Schwan's vanilla ice cream really did her in tho! :cool:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/20/20, 12:20:26 PM
That looks good.  I may have to try a flat iron steak sometime.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/20/20, 01:28:02 PM
Had no asparagus the other day and today they are tall as heck already.  I better check every day or two from now on.  I am going to have to grill something with them tonight.  Got a big hand full of them.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/21/20, 07:18:25 AM
So this was on the grill and is long gone now.  The wife did her magic with the asparagus.  She cut them up and added onions and mushrooms and sauteed them in butter as I grilled the steak.  It was all great! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/21/20, 07:32:26 AM
lookin good!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/22/20, 06:52:59 AM
Yum, Yum!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/22/20, 09:08:39 AM
Looks like you knocked it outta the park Barry! Can almost taste it.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: roony on May 05/22/20, 07:17:34 PM
We had pork sausage burgers with morels and asparagus tonight. Made me feel like a millionaire
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/22/20, 07:39:47 PM
I love pork burgers.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/24/20, 01:13:08 PM
Thawed out chicken breasts from Morgan's yesterday, one was sweet and spicy mango & the other mandarin teriyaki. Had some hackberry ready to go so put it in the smoker boxes & grilled the breasts indirect. Just like a lot of womens, one was significantly bigger than the other so it took some diligence with the thermometer to avoid overcooking. Also numerous preventative COVID-19 beverages. Turned out very juicy. The spicy mango was just that. Habañero was in the list of ingredients so it got your attention. Sides were Mrs. Gerry's slaw sprinkled w/paprika, a few sour cream & onion cheeps, and glenn's favorite. Mind you this wasn't done until ~10 p.m. last nite following chores, a trip to check on the sheep at the neighbors, lawn mowing & Mrs. Cheviot returning from delivering a planter to the cemetery. Once again my timing was good and I could watch Gunsmoke without being pawed. :cool:   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/24/20, 01:20:58 PM
I am not going to say the brand but we got some potato salad last week and neither of us liked it as much as Mrs. Jerry's.  I wanted to tell you that.  We like eggs in ours.  This kind didn't have them in it.  Tell her that when you see her next that we like hers best.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/24/20, 01:33:42 PM
I like Mrs. Gerry's several varieties of potato salad too. The deviled egg kind is my favorite. My wife sees her in Albert's Leaf once in a while so I'll tell her to mention yer a fan. I stocked up & got a big container of Mrs. Gerry's macaroni salad to go along with the cole slaw. Doesn't last long here & it's gone. Planning on doing weenies from Morgan's tonite if it doesn't rain us out, again. Another .27" this morning after I dumped the gauge. Wind is SE & it's really humid so feels like it's gonna do it again. I would gladly send it your way. I'll need a haybine to cut this lawn pretty quick.  :embarrassed: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/24/20, 01:45:28 PM
we did old fashioned weiners on the grill last night and had some the store bought deviled egg tater salad too!!  and a mac salad too!!!  but Mrs. Gerrys is darn good too...  and like LPS I only buy the deviled egg one for the most part.... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/24/20, 06:23:13 PM
I do like her macaroni salad too! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/31/20, 04:50:47 PM
Chicken and beef kaboobs marinated in dales seasoning, paired with bacon wrapped asparagus n bushes beans.. best hurry!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/31/20, 04:54:58 PM
Looks like I know where I'm going for my cruise in the Stude. Fantastic looking and bet it smells even better. I promise I won't tell Mrs. Boober the front bench seat folds flat or she'll molest you for sure!  :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/31/20, 06:12:49 PM
Chicken and beef kaboobs marinated in dales seasoning, paired with bacon wrapped asparagus n bushes beans.. best hurry!!
damn I know who's cooking at the next GTG!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/31/20, 06:53:58 PM
Chicken and beef kaboobs marinated in dales seasoning, paired with bacon wrapped asparagus n bushes beans.. best hurry!!

looks flippen awesome!!!  but where is the rest of the bacon!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/31/20, 06:57:08 PM
Chicken and beef kaboobs marinated in dales seasoning, paired with bacon wrapped asparagus n bushes beans.. best hurry!!
damn I know who's cooking at the next GTG!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rolleyes:
Not me, I'll let boar cook and deal with the women.. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/31/20, 07:17:43 PM
Chicken and beef kaboobs marinated in dales seasoning, paired with bacon wrapped asparagus n bushes beans.. best hurry!!
damn I know who's cooking at the next GTG!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rolleyes:
Not me, I'll let boar cook and deal with the women.. :rotflmao:
well he should have enough meat since he aint paid out his football playoff winnings yet!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/31/20, 07:39:13 PM
Very true, he probably needs to drive a smidge faster on the roads...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/01/20, 09:57:18 AM
Last of our own lamborger for this year altho we have additional supply I am told. A few Birdseye peas, a little Mrs. Gerry's mac salad, some Lays BBQ cheeps & burgers with Weber garlic & herb. Pretty basic almost like Mrs. Cheviot's carnal urges. I was having no part of that. I hopped in the sack, tuned in Gunsmoke and within minutes was playing dead. I even snore kinda like Festus!  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/01/20, 10:42:08 AM
She is so lucky to have you!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/08/20, 11:53:23 AM
Been busy lately so haven't made it to the meat market. Luckily Mrs. Cheviot made a run to Cashwise in Owatonna yesterday. She picked up some coleslaw & a pork loin so that was easy peasy, cooked indirect on the Weber. I suspected an ulterior motive however so I buried myself in the article I was writing and had a few brewski's. Once again when she finished eating it was lights out. Had my strawberries & ice cream in peace.  :happy1:

BTW glenn, those are white radishes from our garden. It can be done, trust me on this one... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/08/20, 01:39:24 PM
looks good!!  almost thought it was a pork tender loin when I first looked!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/08/20, 04:57:05 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/08/20, 05:14:37 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:  I have two chunks of pork loin in the freezer yet.  I need to grill one of them and just bring it to 150 to be tender and juicy.  Did you do that Dotch?  I remember RH telling us that. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/08/20, 06:06:11 PM
I too am old school running our pork higher in temps but working on bringing them down,  1 less beer should do it here!!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/08/20, 06:11:09 PM
I too am old school running our pork higher in temps but working on bringing them down,  1 less beer should do it here!!  :rotflmao:
is Busch lite really considered a beer!! :mooning: :mooning:

I'm throwing a couple filet mignon on the grill tonight one of her kids gave us. :doofus: you the ef gives away a chunk of cow like that?? :confused: :scratch: and potatoes in a bag, another  :doofus: :pouty: but not my idea.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/08/20, 06:57:31 PM
fellers ya can cook pork to 145 and be very happy!!!  I'm 68 and was a federal meat inspector so I'm not leading along the wrong path.....  enjoy how ever ya cook it!!!!  just throwing in my 2 cents worth...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/08/20, 09:05:51 PM
Actually I messed up & it got closer to 170 due to all the evasive maneuvers I was performing.  :shocked: That's the beauty of grilling indirect tho. It was still juicy & tender.  :happy1: Forget about them going direct and you're apt to have a cinder to eat.  :doah: I've done pork less and less done as the years have gone by tho. Those thick center cuts grilled indirect usually have plenty of pink in them. When we were growing up everyone was scared to death of trichinosis so they cooked the ever living snot out of pork. With confinement buildings these days the problem is nearly nonexistent. That said, you really don't want to overcook today's modern chops. They are typically so lean if you overdo them, it really dries them out. Takes a lot of G&T's to wash them down!  :huh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/08/20, 09:35:52 PM
Hasn't been a case of trichinosis from domestic pork in decades.   I just had some thick chops that I sous vide to 140 and they were great.   Seared quickly on very hot cast iron pan.  yum.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/09/20, 05:47:28 AM
That sounds great!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/13/20, 06:49:04 PM
Otta town style brats tonight fueled by ash n maple.  Good thing for me the kids are here Dotch, a sizzling brat will bring out the claws in most of the gals.. :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/13/20, 07:09:46 PM
Take the boat out on the lake and.... :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/13/20, 09:48:44 PM
Otta town style brats tonight fueled by ash n maple.  Good thing for me the kids are here Dotch, a sizzling brat will bring out the claws in most of the gals.. :surrender:

Phallic symbols...women are such sick individuals... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/14/20, 12:32:55 PM
I dodged a bullet last nite. Dipped into the COVID reserves & put Mrs. Cheviot down for the count. Lamburgers seasoned w/Cavenders, Birdseye sweet corn, store brand beans & garden radishes. Simple yet effective.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/14/20, 04:12:51 PM
Dynamite Dotch!! I too should do more beans for more knockout power, good call. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/22/20, 07:54:57 AM
when I was at Aldi's I picked up some mexicale chicken patties..  grilled them up for lunch yesterday and we were very happy with them!!  they had good flavor and were moist too.. 

they have other flavors too, looking forward to trying them maybe!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/22/20, 05:05:28 PM
What's on the grill?  This is gonna be real soon!  Just ran into it.  Gonna get some breasts thawing.  https://youtu.be/C37tCtyvnhM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/22/20, 05:25:44 PM
I should have quit watching whilst I had the chance.  This looks fantastic too:  Burger Bacon bombs    https://youtu.be/bkiVSqY_pjI     
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/22/20, 06:19:00 PM
I'm thinking on the smoker would be great!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: HD on June 06/22/20, 06:59:36 PM
when I was at Aldi's I picked up some mexicale chicken patties..  grilled them up for lunch yesterday and we were very happy with them!!  they had good flavor and were moist too.. 

they have other flavors too, looking forward to trying them maybe!!

Our Aldi's is still closed up, they started a remodel before the pandemic, and have not reopened since  :banghead:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/22/20, 07:04:10 PM
when I was at Aldi's I picked up some mexicale chicken patties..  grilled them up for lunch yesterday and we were very happy with them!!  they had good flavor and were moist too.. 

they have other flavors too, looking forward to trying them maybe!!

Our Aldi's is still closed up, they started a remodel before the pandemic, and have not reopened since  :banghead:

for me that would suck for sure!!!!  I'm liking that store more and more!!!!   :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/23/20, 10:42:21 AM
Marinated teriyaki chicken breasts indirect w/hackberry smomeage, tossed salad, cottage cheese & Fareway tater salad. Rained for the last 10-15 minutes of grilling time so fortunately I could watch from the porch while sipping a cocktail. Mrs. Cheviot tried to get me in a compromising position but I was having none of it. The tryptophan in the chicken kicked in and worked it's magic once again! Wore her down and she was out like a light.  :happy1:   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/23/20, 10:48:47 AM
and there is that fancy knife again!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/23/20, 10:58:00 AM
looks good Dotch!!!  I'm having some cottage cheese with chives with lunch today too... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on June 06/23/20, 11:07:44 AM
 :scratch: Thought you might've gave up eatin that stuff, mike, now that you were starting to think like glenn more often.  :rolleyes: :doah:                                            ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/23/20, 11:18:44 AM
:scratch: Thought you might've gave up eatin that stuff, mike, now that you were starting to think like glenn more often.  :rolleyes: :doah:                                            ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

where the heck did that come from????   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/23/20, 11:25:22 AM
and there is that fancy knife again!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Careful what you wish for... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/23/20, 11:26:02 AM
looks good Dotch!!!  I'm having some cottage cheese with chives with lunch today too...
well there goes a good lunch!!!!!!! :puke: :puke: :surrender: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

gunner if he;d think more like me..........he be an outstanding pillar of the community!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/23/20, 11:31:07 AM
looks good Dotch!!!  I'm having some cottage cheese with chives with lunch today too...
well there goes a good lunch!!!!!!! :puke: :puke: :surrender: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

gunner if he;d think more like me..........he be an outstanding pillar of the community!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rolleyes:

I'm surprised you're not on most wanted for the FBI!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on June 06/23/20, 11:32:28 AM
:scratch: Thought you might've gave up eatin that stuff, mike, now that you were starting to think like glenn more often.  :rolleyes: :doah:                                            ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

where the heck did that come from????   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :bonk: C'mon mike, it wasn't that long ago you should be able to remember. :huh:                                ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on June 06/23/20, 11:40:48 AM
looks good Dotch!!!  I'm having some cottage cheese with chives with lunch today too...
well there goes a good lunch!!!!!!! :puke: :puke: :surrender: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

gunner if he;d think more like me..........he be an outstanding pillar of the community!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rolleyes:

I'm surprised you're not on most wanted for the FBI!!!!!
Wait 'til October, he might be! ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/23/20, 12:23:20 PM
:scratch: Thought you might've gave up eatin that stuff, mike, now that you were starting to think like glenn more often.  :rolleyes: :doah:                                            ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

where the heck did that come from????   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :bonk: C'mon mike, it wasn't that long ago you should be able to remember. :huh:                                ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

 :scratch: :scratch:  not sure
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/23/20, 12:51:12 PM
looks good Dotch!!!  I'm having some cottage cheese with chives with lunch today too...
well there goes a good lunch!!!!!!! :puke: :puke: :surrender: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

gunner if he;d think more like me..........he be an outstanding pillar of the community!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rolleyes:

I'm surprised you're not on most wanted for the FBI!!!!!
Wait 'til October, he might be! ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:tut: :tut: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on June 06/23/20, 01:12:32 PM
:scratch: Thought you might've gave up eatin that stuff, mike, now that you were starting to think like glenn more often.  :rolleyes: :doah:                                            ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao

where the heck did that come from????   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :bonk: C'mon mike, it wasn't that long ago you should be able to remember. :huh:                                ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

 :scratch: :scratch:  not sure
:rolleyes: :doah: "What's on the stove" thread, top of current page!! :confused:                                                                        :tut: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/23/20, 01:15:38 PM
:scratch: Thought you might've gave up eatin that stuff, mike, now that you were starting to think like glenn more often.  :rolleyes: :doah:                                            ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao

where the heck did that come from????   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :bonk: C'mon mike, it wasn't that long ago you should be able to remember. :huh:                                ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

 :scratch: :scratch:  not sure
:rolleyes: :doah: "What's on the stove" thread, top of current page!! :confused:                                                                        :tut: :laugh: :laugh:
:laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: busted!!!!!!!!! :dancinred: :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/23/20, 01:21:38 PM
dat is one time I had to agree with Glenn!!!!  but ok!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on June 06/23/20, 03:18:39 PM
 :tut: That's enough too! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/23/20, 03:34:12 PM
:tut: That's enough too! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:

sure boss!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/25/20, 07:09:23 PM
We done had burglars on da grill with buttered noodles. :happy1: with fried onions.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/25/20, 07:23:40 PM
We done had burglars on da grill with buttered noodles. :happy1: with fried onions.

never got into just buttered noodles...  to each their own... :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/25/20, 08:01:19 PM
We done had burglars on da grill with buttered noodles. :happy1: with fried onions.

never got into just buttered noodles...  to each their own... :happy1:
it wax a staple growing up. Like spuds. German thing I guess. If course garnished with KATCHUP!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/26/20, 06:54:00 AM
We done had burglars on da grill with buttered noodles. :happy1: with fried onions.

never got into just buttered noodles...  to each their own... :happy1:
it wax a staple growing up. Like spuds. German thing I guess. If course garnished with KATCHUP!! :happy1: :happy1:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/26/20, 09:56:22 AM
OMG! Buttered noodles WITH KATCHUP!?!? WTH???  :scratch: :confused:  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/26/20, 05:35:19 PM
OMG! Buttered noodles WITH KATCHUP!?!? WTH???  :scratch: :confused:  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
That's his world famous skeggittie recipe.   Catsup is Glenn's marinara.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/26/20, 08:36:44 PM
OMG! Buttered noodles WITH KATCHUP!?!? WTH???  :scratch: :confused:  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
That's his world famous skeggittie recipe.   Catsup is Glenn's marinara.
:happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/27/20, 10:30:09 PM
No noodles, no KATCHUP, just straight atcha lamborgers w/Cavenders, Birdseye mixed vegetables, union made cottage cheese & cheeps. Ate outside as part of social distancing. Worked like a charm. Mrs. Cheviot was a goner long before she woulda had the chance to make a move on me. Can't let my guard down.  :embarrassed:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/28/20, 07:06:03 AM
looks good Dotch!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/28/20, 07:25:24 AM
well played Dotch and looks fabulistic!!  :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/04/20, 10:31:27 PM
What would the 4th be w/o weenies? A couple different makes here, regular homemade weenies & MSG free weenies from Morgans. Also their regular uncooked brats. Add some Mrs. Gerry's mac salad, some fruit and dinner was served. Actually supper. I eat my dinner at noon. Got back from the lake a little late & after chores I mowed the road cut known as El Capitan. I knew Mrs. Cheviot wanted me but I feigned heat exhaustion after I grilled the weenies. Close call.  :whistling:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/05/20, 07:44:58 AM
Very nice Dotch!  And weenies do seem to be the 4th of July thing.  May have to think about that for today.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on July 07/05/20, 08:19:18 AM
Boars Freedom Burger!
Bear an pork mox seasonedbwith Wi style braut mix with with 2 layers grill onions an shrooms and matzzo cheese on a toasted  french roll. it was better than it looks!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/05/20, 08:32:35 AM
That looks luscious Jeff!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/05/20, 08:49:25 AM
looks and sounds great Boar!!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/05/20, 08:56:21 AM
Never had bear but it sounds good Boar.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/05/20, 11:59:54 AM
Got a rack of BB's rubbed up and am going to smome them now!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/06/20, 07:37:30 AM
Our ribs turned out great.  They were BB's so we did 2,2,1 method as usual on them.  Usually we put some sauce on them when we wrap them but didn't yesterday.  Had Lawrys, garlic powder, fresh ground pepper, paprika, and sprinkled regular sugar on them.  Used Hickory chunks.  Man they were good.  We didn't even dip in sauce when we ate them they were so good.  Plenty of juice just from the meat. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/07/20, 03:57:30 PM
That sounds wonderful lps. The big o charcoal grill we have here is showing signs of over worked,  so the wife told me " why don't you get a pellet grill" HA, sounds like a green light to me!! Soooo, probably do some heavy petting in the next few days at the big  box stores, just to get an idea of what's out there.  A fella at work picked up one online for 1500 smackaroos,  he swears by it but I ain't dumping that kinda cash on one. Gonna miss tgat big o grill but it will be nice not to have charcoal anymore..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/07/20, 04:10:52 PM
That sounds wonderful lps. The big o charcoal grill we have here is showing signs of over worked,  so the wife told me " why don't you get a pellet grill" HA, sounds like a green light to me!! Soooo, probably do some heavy petting in the next few days at the big  box stores, just to get an idea of what's out there.  A fella at work picked up one online for 1500 smackaroos,  he swears by it but I ain't dumping that kinda cash on one. Gonna miss tgat big o grill but it will be nice not to have charcoal anymore..
:tut: :tut: :tut: heathen..........how dare you say no more charcoal.........might as well get one of them deloboil thingys!!!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/07/20, 04:26:43 PM
That sounds wonderful lps. The big o charcoal grill we have here is showing signs of over worked,  so the wife told me " why don't you get a pellet grill" HA, sounds like a green light to me!! Soooo, probably do some heavy petting in the next few days at the big  box stores, just to get an idea of what's out there.  A fella at work picked up one online for 1500 smackaroos,  he swears by it but I ain't dumping that kinda cash on one. Gonna miss tgat big o grill but it will be nice not to have charcoal anymore..
:tut: :tut: :tut: heathen..........how dare you say no more charcoal.........might as well get one of them deloboil thingys!!!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Be curious to see what you come up with Boober. Hickeys, bite marks, back scratches, etc.  :evil:

Have thought about a pellet grill but then I think to myself I already have 3 Webers. I usually use only one at a time unless I'm doing a leg of lamb and turkey for a party or something. 2 gas grills I rarely use, one of which is presently occupied by a nest of wrens. On the other hand, I like the slow & go concept of the pellet grill. Just think how much gin & quinine water I could consume to further my COVID-19 research... :scratch: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/07/20, 04:52:27 PM
That sounds wonderful lps. The big o charcoal grill we have here is showing signs of over worked,  so the wife told me " why don't you get a pellet grill" HA, sounds like a green light to me!! Soooo, probably do some heavy petting in the next few days at the big  box stores, just to get an idea of what's out there.  A fella at work picked up one online for 1500 smackaroos,  he swears by it but I ain't dumping that kinda cash on one. Gonna miss tgat big o grill but it will be nice not to have charcoal anymore..
:tut: :tut: :tut: heathen..........how dare you say no more charcoal.........might as well get one of them deloboil thingys!!!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Two step process thing amagings to cook food?? No way. Already have the pit boss 5 smoker, might as well have the grill. Pellets are cheap and easy, but I hear ya the charcoal has been getting the babes all fired up  fir years..  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/07/20, 05:04:17 PM
Tonight's grub..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on July 07/07/20, 05:24:40 PM
Tonight's grub..

Dang your good, now your grilling at an angle.  Wow!   :rotflmao:

Click-it and it shows upright.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/07/20, 07:10:51 PM
I have had a Green Mountain Grill for many years.  They have been great PR people.  I had a small issue and they helped with a real person on the phone.  Eric I think.  Even sent me some free spices to help me out.  Great company but I am sure others are too.  One thing about pellet grills is that you do have to take the grates out and clean them every few smokes.  I love mine!!!!!  Chicken thighs at 400 for 40 minutes is pretty darn good.  Dry them with paper towels first and then put butter on them.  Getting them dry first is the main issue. 

I have an old 1 gallon shop vac that I just use for the grill.  I just point it  into the wind and vac it out.  No filters needed.  Let it all blow into nature.  Works great. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on July 07/08/20, 03:57:09 PM
That sounds wonderful lps. The big o charcoal grill we have here is showing signs of over worked,  so the wife told me " why don't you get a pellet grill" HA, sounds like a green light to me!! Soooo, probably do some heavy petting in the next few days at the big  box stores, just to get an idea of what's out there.  A fella at work picked up one online for 1500 smackaroos,  he swears by it but I ain't dumping that kinda cash on one. Gonna miss tgat big o grill but it will be nice not to have charcoal anymore..
Bobber, as much as you grill you’ll love a pellet grill. This is the one I’m looking at. It’ll be the last grill I purchase.
Good luck with your search.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/08/20, 05:22:04 PM
Thanks coop, yep that's the unit my co worker picked up. He made big strides over the years  tho,  boasted on his big dollar gas grills then finally dumped them for weber kettle grills now onto that unit. I'm a big fan of the warming rack for spuds n stuff so that'll come into play making a purchase. Thanks!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/08/20, 06:41:18 PM
Thanks coop, yep that's the unit my co worker picked up. He made big strides over the years  tho,  boasted on his big dollar gas grills then finally dumped them for weber kettle grills now onto that unit. I'm a big fan of the warming rack for spuds n stuff so that'll come into play making a purchase. Thanks!!

I have a green mountain and I do enjoy that one for sure and I have the double rack...  I have the Daniel Boone but the way you cook you might want the bigger one..   no matter what you will like it!!

and Coop that is one heck of a grill!!  never heard of it till you popped it in there...  no matter what just enjoy what ya get!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/08/20, 07:08:57 PM
I have the Daniel Boone too.  I think the bigger one is the Jim Bowie. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/09/20, 04:42:53 PM
I looked those green mountain units up, very nice. So maybe a dumb question,  if you wanna sear anything is it only directly over the burn pot? Or does the heat fan out more than just a small area for searing?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/09/20, 06:56:41 PM
don't think I can sear on mine or least I have not tried..  I'm very happy with the results as is!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/10/20, 09:23:58 PM
Seared this baby. Hadn't  made a steak in ages. Mrs. Cheviot was after me but I put the afterburner on.  :happy1: New York stripper, Birdseye peas & Mrs. Gerry's Mac salad.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/10/20, 09:39:14 PM
 :happy1: looks awesome. Sure wish I had steak knives.... No wait. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:

I still think you guys are goofy not letting the misses catch ya!!! :confused: :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/11/20, 06:24:03 AM
:happy1: looks awesome. Sure wish I had steak knives.... No wait. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:

I still think you guys are goofy not letting the misses catch ya!!! :confused: :evil: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Do you? :sleazy: Oh wait, that means she'd have to be :doah:.................................................nevermind!! ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/11/20, 06:45:31 AM
I looked those green mountain units up, very nice. So maybe a dumb question,  if you wanna sear anything is it only directly over the burn pot? Or does the heat fan out more than just a small area for searing?

They are great for cooking anything except a nicely seared steak.  They only get up to 500 degrees and the heat is way below the grates so not good for searing.  I even spent $100 on a set of Grill Grates.  They are an aluminum rack that may absorb heat to help sear.  Didn't do the trick for me.  SO that is where the charcoal or gas grill excel.  I will sell the Grill Grates for 1/2 price if anyone is interested!  Or make an offer.  LOL  SO I have a gas grill, my Daniel Boone and my Smokin' It smoker.  I use them all too.  I also have a cheaper kettle grill but don't use it much anymore. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/11/20, 09:14:48 AM
Dotch's  last post got me wonderin if any of youse guys ;) have ever tried a flat iron steak? :scratch: We've had it 5 or 6 times in the last few months & every time it's been some of the best we've had in a long time. Very tender, lots of flavor when done the way we like it(MR), & cheaper than all the other cuts of steak at our local Fareway.  :happy1: :cool: Brother said the last we got was close to it's expiration date & was marked down to $5/lb.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/11/20, 09:59:09 AM
nope they don't seem to sell them here, want to try them!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/11/20, 11:41:08 AM
just grilled burgers for lunch, just got done as the rain started..... :rotflmao:

and it's really raining now!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/11/20, 11:59:48 AM
Dotch's  last post got me wonderin if any of youse guys ;) have ever tried a flat iron steak? :scratch: We've had it 5 or 6 times in the last few months & every time it's been some of the best we've had in a long time. Very tender, lots of flavor when done the way we like it(MR), & cheaper all the other cuts of steak at our local Fareway.  :happy1: :cool: Brother said the last we got was close to it's expiration date & was marked down to $5/lb.

Morgan's have them. They come vacuum packed & they're pre-marinated so it's easy peasy. I haven't seen them in their case w/o the marinade though. I like them for price & variety. Would like to get some w/o the marinade so I could do my own thing with them. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/11/20, 12:07:09 PM
Dotch's  last post got me wonderin if any of youse guys ;) have ever tried a flat iron steak? :scratch: We've had it 5 or 6 times in the last few months & every time it's been some of the best we've had in a long time. Very tender, lots of flavor when done the way we like it(MR), & cheaper all the other cuts of steak at our local Fareway.  :happy1: :cool: Brother said the last we got was close to it's expiration date & was marked down to $5/lb.

Morgan's have them. They come vacuum packed & they're pre-marinated so it's easy peasy. I haven't seen them in their case w/o the marinade though. I like them for price & variety. Would like to get some w/o the marinade so I could do my own thing with them.

order them that way I'd say...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/11/20, 12:19:58 PM
just grilled burgers for lunch, just got done as the rain started..... :rotflmao:

and it's really raining now!!!!
just thunder here at the moment but based on the radar won't be long. :happy1: just in time for the garden to get a drink anyhow. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/11/20, 12:39:54 PM
just grilled burgers for lunch, just got done as the rain started..... :rotflmao:

and it's really raining now!!!!
just thunder here at the moment but based on the radar won't be long. :happy1: just in time for the garden to get a drink anyhow. :happy1:

that would be good for ya!!   :happy1: :happy1:

it's done here for now...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/11/20, 01:01:25 PM
I will try a flat iron steak now that you said that.  Have always wondered if they were really good.  At the store today T-bones are still $16.99 lb.  Ribeyes also.  SO we are having pork chops.  They were completely out of chicken thighs.  Pork and chicken is all people are buying. At least up here.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/11/20, 01:11:16 PM
That's kinda what's going on down here too. I felt $12.99/lb for those NY strips was purty steep but that's the way it is so I bit the bullet. I enjoyed the one I ate. Need to get another freezer so we have more room for things other than lamb & the smaller stuff. Preferably an upright so I don't have to be digging around in it all the time.  :embarrassed:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/12/20, 08:07:31 AM
We have a chest freezer in the garage and an upright in the basement.  I am tempted to give the chest one away and get another upright.  Well I am going to do some thick cut chops on the smomer today like Leech did them.  Gonna be 205 for 3 hours.  Will have to get them spiced up and let them sit for awhile first.  I also got some Vidalia onion salad dressing yesterday.  Man that stuff is great!  Glad I got it. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/12/20, 08:32:00 AM
After the storm had to fire up the grill. Got more egg roll fresh brats so needed to eat them. Some beans, salad, a couple cherry maters from the patio & glenn's favorite, sweet pickles! Mrs. Cheviot gave chase once again but it's like Wiley Coyote vs. the Roadrunner. She needs to call Acme & get some better weapons...  :coffee:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/12/20, 08:42:22 AM
looks like an empty bun on the plate!!    :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/12/20, 08:51:21 AM
Ya, "where's the meat"?   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/12/20, 08:53:57 AM
looks like an empty bun on the plate!!    :scratch:
Yea but that alcohol glass Isa plenty full!🤔 :rotflmao: :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/12/20, 08:56:45 AM
Nicely done Dotch!! Its amazing what a grill full of brats do to these women !!  :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/12/20, 09:52:41 AM
looks like an empty bun on the plate!!    :scratch:

I was trying to avoid arousing Mrs. Cheviot by her getting a glimpse of my wiener!  :tongue: Don't you hafta go back to bed & play with Linda? Glenn told me to say that!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/12/20, 10:14:10 AM
looks like an empty bun on the plate!!    :scratch:

I was trying to avoid arousing Mrs. Cheviot by her getting a glimpse of my wiener!  :tongue: Don't you hafta go back to bed & play with Linda? Glenn told me to say that!  :rotflmao:
:tut: who me??? :scratch: :angel: :angel: not sweet little innocent me. :angel: :doah: :evil: :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/12/20, 10:31:29 AM
looks like an empty bun on the plate!!    :scratch:

I was trying to avoid arousing Mrs. Cheviot by her getting a glimpse of my wiener!  :tongue: Don't you hafta go back to bed & play with Linda? Glenn told me to say that!  :rotflmao:

sorry she's working today!!!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/12/20, 10:32:24 AM
looks like an empty bun on the plate!!    :scratch:

I was trying to avoid arousing Mrs. Cheviot by her getting a glimpse of my wiener!  :tongue: Don't you hafta go back to bed & play with Linda? Glenn told me to say that!  :rotflmao:
:tut: who me??? :scratch: :angel: :angel: not sweet little innocent me. :angel: :doah: :evil: :evil: :rotflmao:

aw come on!!  the sweetest thing about you is when you leave!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/12/20, 10:39:58 AM
 :happy1: Even then he comes home waaaaaaaay too early, every time.  ;) :rolleyes: ;D ;D
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/12/20, 11:12:27 AM
yup there is that for sure...  he miss's his wife!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/12/20, 03:51:18 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:  I got me some real thick pork chops to do the Leech 205 for 3 hours thing.  Got them all spiced up and rubbed with some olive oil and they are in action in the smomer.  I thought they were bone in and didn't even look that close.  My fault.  They are boneless so may I will take em off a little early.  Definitely prefer bone-in. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/12/20, 05:17:38 PM
yup there is that for sure...  he miss's his wife!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
  :confused: & here I thought :scratch: it was because he missed us. ;) :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/12/20, 05:20:52 PM
yup there is that for sure...  he miss's his wife!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
  :confused: & here I thought :scratch: it was because he missed us. ;) :laugh:
:laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/12/20, 06:05:12 PM
Maybe he was TOLD to come home  :rotflmao:  Dang Dotch I blew out out a flip flop earlier, beef kaboobs n poppers with a side salad so I might just be screwed tonight.. Might hafta take one for the team!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/12/20, 06:33:13 PM
SO obviously beef kabobs n poppers with a side salad is the winning combo!!!!!  May need to do some more research on that program!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/12/20, 06:52:52 PM
Hey you go dude!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:

Do you marinade the meat boober?? And what kind of beef??
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/12/20, 06:55:03 PM
Darn boneless chops were over done.  Still tasty so I will cut them up tomorrow and use them in something.  Great flavor!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/12/20, 07:15:06 PM
Darn boneless chops were over done.  Still tasty so I will cut them up tomorrow and use them in something.  Great flavor!

no matter what I always use my temp probe when I'm doing meats...   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/12/20, 07:18:43 PM
Darn boneless chops were over done.  Still tasty so I will cut them up tomorrow and use them in something.  Great flavor!

no matter what I always use my temp probe when I'm doing meats...
I like to probe too. :sleazy: :smoking: :mooning: :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/12/20, 07:20:43 PM
Darn boneless chops were over done.  Still tasty so I will cut them up tomorrow and use them in something.  Great flavor!

no matter what I always use my temp probe when I'm doing meats...
I like to probe too. :sleazy: :smoking: :mooning: :evil: :rotflmao:

no wonder you come home early!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/12/20, 07:21:10 PM
Yup my fault too.  I should have. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/12/20, 07:23:39 PM
Darn boneless chops were over done.  Still tasty so I will cut them up tomorrow and use them in something.  Great flavor!

no matter what I always use my temp probe when I'm doing meats...
I like to probe too. :sleazy: :smoking: :mooning: :evil: :rotflmao:

no wonder you come home early!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/13/20, 07:16:52 AM
Darn boneless chops were over done.  Still tasty so I will cut them up tomorrow and use them in something.  Great flavor!

no matter what I always use my temp probe when I'm doing meats...

Or an instant read thermometer.   Classic is Thermopen, made in USA, but there are some decent Chinese knock offs
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/13/20, 07:41:24 AM
US made only.............
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/14/20, 10:31:18 AM
US made only.............

Then check out the thermopen stuff.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/14/20, 10:40:46 AM
good stuff..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/14/20, 04:35:45 PM
I looked those green mountain units up, very nice. So maybe a dumb question,  if you wanna sear anything is it only directly over the burn pot? Or does the heat fan out more than just a small area for searing?

They are great for cooking anything except a nicely seared steak.  They only get up to 500 degrees and the heat is way below the grates so not good for searing.  I even spent $100 on a set of Grill Grates.  They are an aluminum rack that may absorb heat to help sear.  Didn't do the trick for me.  SO that is where the charcoal or gas grill excel.  I will sell the Grill Grates for 1/2 price if anyone is interested!  Or make an offer.  LOL  SO I have a gas grill, my Daniel Boone and my Smokin' It smoker.  I use them all too.  I also have a cheaper kettle grill but don't use it much anymore.
Not sure which way I'll go, looked at a nice unit the other day but only goes to 500 also. I did find replacement grates for the big  charcoal unit I already have and that's pretty much all that needs replacing... well see .
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/14/20, 07:01:10 PM
You have to have more than one type of meat cooking devices on your deck!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/14/20, 07:02:21 PM
You have to have more than one type of meat cooking devices on your deck!!!

I don't have any on my deck.  Don't want to start any fires.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/14/20, 07:08:29 PM
Really Del?  No grill?  So you do sous vide everything? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/14/20, 08:53:21 PM
I looked those green mountain units up, very nice. So maybe a dumb question,  if you wanna sear anything is it only directly over the burn pot? Or does the heat fan out more than just a small area for searing?

They are great for cooking anything except a nicely seared steak.  They only get up to 500 degrees and the heat is way below the grates so not good for searing.  I even spent $100 on a set of Grill Grates.  They are an aluminum rack that may absorb heat to help sear.  Didn't do the trick for me.  SO that is where the charcoal or gas grill excel.  I will sell the Grill Grates for 1/2 price if anyone is interested!  Or make an offer.  LOL  SO I have a gas grill, my Daniel Boone and my Smokin' It smoker.  I use them all too.  I also have a cheaper kettle grill but don't use it much anymore.
Not sure which way I'll go, looked at a nice unit the other day but only goes to 500 also. I did find replacement grates for the big  charcoal unit I already have and that's pretty much all that needs replacing... well see .
awe come on boober. Put that big boy pants on and spend some of that cash. :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/15/20, 09:13:39 AM
Really Del?  No grill?  So you do sous vide everything?

I have a crude patio behind the garage with a weber kettle, a weber smoky mountain, and a 3 burner  camp chef propane stove. 
I just don't want to have them on the deck.   Wood burns. Guy a couple blocks over burnt his deck and part of house because of weber kettle on deck.

Besides this way mama doesn't have to look at them..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/15/20, 09:16:48 AM
my weber gas grill sits on my maintenience free deck!!! :happy1: :happy1: my weber charcoal sits in my garage on a cement floor!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/18/20, 09:19:01 PM
My Weber Performer sits on the pavers on my patio! So there!!!  :tongue: Lamborgers tonite ahead of the stormageddon the weather terrorists hyped all day. Yes it was warm & I worked outside most of the day in it. So what? Made a good excuse to unwind and manufacture some of the finest burgers on the planet in spite of all the methane gas produced. Weber gourmet burger seasoning, Mrs. Gerry's mac salad, some Lays sc&o cheeps, Swiss cheese on the side w/Birdseye mixed veggies. Where's Reb to howl about the green beans when you need him?  :bonk: Mrs. Cheviot wanted me but I told her I think I may have COVID. She may start to catch on soon as this is about the 4th time I've used that one.  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/21/20, 07:09:51 PM
Great spread and yes how can you not like green beans???
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/21/20, 07:25:05 PM
Great spread and yes how can you not like green beans???

Reb didn't like them...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/21/20, 07:38:49 PM
rib eye steaks pork and beans and fried taters for us tonight!!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/21/20, 07:53:51 PM
who bought the steaks???  for some one who likes road kill I mean!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:

sounds great!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/21/20, 07:58:33 PM
who bought the steaks???  for some one who likes road kill I mean!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:

sounds great!!!
:mooning: :mooning: :tut: :tut: :tut:boar is the road kill king!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning:

I took them outta da freezer!!!! PUTZ!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/21/20, 07:59:59 PM
who bought the steaks???  for some one who likes road kill I mean!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:

sounds great!!!
:mooning: :mooning: :tut: :tut: :tut:boar is the road kill king!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning:

I took them outta da freezer!!!! PUTZ!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

so who bought them then!!!!???????????????  or were they a gift???  enjoy !!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/21/20, 08:07:12 PM
 :pouty: :pouty:  paid for them...…..when I bought a 1/4 beef!!!!!!!! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/21/20, 10:22:45 PM
No photos, didn't happen. Sorta like when Mrs. Cheviot has her way with me!  :rotflmao:

Ruby was guarding the porch to protect her plants from toads as I grilled. A Smithfield pork loin filet & Morgan's mandarin teriyaki chicken breasts tonite. Birsdeye peas, cheeps, Mrs, Gerry's mac salad and it's supper. Mrs. Cheviot was out like a light. Negated another threat successfully.  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/23/20, 06:37:29 PM
No evading this away,  momma was crabby so I did my best of distancing in the garage.  The thick ham steaks just needed a quick warm up while the mrs made squished taters and broccoli salad. She rebounded after dinner but good thing it was mow lawnin night!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/23/20, 07:54:29 PM
I love ham.  That looks great.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/24/20, 07:05:57 AM
Me too. Ham!! Num Num.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/24/20, 07:21:05 AM
yup ham is good stuff!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/24/20, 09:56:46 AM
poor little miss piggy!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on July 07/26/20, 03:58:23 PM
Nothing special, just my favorite chicken quarters. But I did find a great way to make corn on the cob.... Glenn. Seal the corn in a vacuum bag along with butter and sea salt 180 degrees for 35 minutes in the sous vide, and Wow! Cut the bag open and eat. The corn has been bathing in the butter and salt.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/26/20, 04:18:38 PM
 :bonk: :bonk: :confused: why was I singled out. :banghead: :banghead: :cheerleader: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on July 07/26/20, 04:24:41 PM
:bonk: :bonk: :confused: why was I singled out. :banghead: :banghead: :cheerleader: :rotflmao:
Because I know how much you like sous vide.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/26/20, 04:32:02 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i gotta go see iffin my mower can make it for one more trip  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/26/20, 06:47:07 PM
:bonk: :bonk: :confused: why was I singled out. :banghead: :banghead: :cheerleader: :rotflmao:
Because I know how much you like sous vide.

so you have one or just having to mush fun with Glenn!!???    :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on July 07/27/20, 02:34:45 PM
:bonk: :bonk: :confused: why was I singled out. :banghead: :banghead: :cheerleader: :rotflmao:
Because I know how much you like sous vide.

so you have one or just having to mush fun with Glenn!!???    :rotflmao: :happy1:

Mike, actually I have two sous vide units. Use them a lot. Great for tougher cut of meat, or meat that don’t have a lot of fat like chicken breast, pork. You can make excellent sliced roast beef with cheap roasts like eye of round. Also you can make chuck roasts that are like prime rib.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/27/20, 03:03:47 PM
ok but why do you have 2 of them???  big groups of people...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/27/20, 03:17:27 PM
ok but why do you have 2 of them???  big groups of people...
naw.....he wants to be like DEL!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :evil: :super smiley: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :nerd: :oops1: :sorry: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/27/20, 03:20:34 PM
ok but why do you have 2 of them???  big groups of people...
naw.....he wants to be like DEL!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :evil: :super smiley: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :nerd: :oops1: :sorry: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I think we are safe there!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/27/20, 04:25:01 PM
ok but why do you have 2 of them???  big groups of people...

Sometimes you need to cook stuff at two different temps.   Or you are doing a 48 hour cook of an eye of round and want some chicken in the mean time.  Or some glazed carrots...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/27/20, 08:16:23 PM
Man I need to use mine more often.  I like to hear your cooking ideas with them.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/28/20, 08:41:59 AM
Ever do the glazed carrots?   They are really good.   I bet they would be even better if you happened to have carrots from the garden.     

1 pound baby carrots or big carrots cut into 1 inch pieces
2 T butter
1 T sugar (or honey is good too)
1/2 t kosher salt (a little less table salt)
some pepper. 

Vacuum seal.   Sous Vide at 183 for an hour or until the carrots get tender.  Depends on how big they are.   

Pour contents into skillet and cook until the liquid thickens and glazes the carrots.   

The unopened bag can go in the refrig for up to a week, or maybe more.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/28/20, 06:54:06 PM
Once again a two step process even with veggies. You souix vide guys need to start sharing action shots if you wanna sell your ways..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/28/20, 06:56:21 PM
Once again a two step process even with veggies. You souix vide guys need to start sharing action shots if you wanna sell your ways..

It's all about the final outcome.   You do you and I'll do me.  Not selling anything.   Just sharing a recipe. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/28/20, 06:58:16 PM
Once again a two step process even with veggies. You souix vide guys need to start sharing action shots if you wanna sell your ways..

It's all about the final outcome.   You do you and I'll do me.  Not selling anything.   Just sharing a recipe.

oh my on the rag today!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/28/20, 07:07:15 PM
I have to try the corn thing and the eye of round beef thing in my sous vide. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/28/20, 07:14:11 PM
Once again a two step process even with veggies. You souix vide guys need to start sharing action shots if you wanna sell your ways..

It's all about the final outcome.   You do you and I'll do me.  Not selling anything.   Just sharing a recipe. 
we like to see pics, got any?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/29/20, 09:53:08 AM
No pics, didn't bring it north.  Forgot it.  Thought I had left one here and was wrong.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/30/20, 06:57:36 AM
here's one for Glenn!!! 

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on July 07/30/20, 01:56:11 PM
Once again a two step process even with veggies. You souix vide guys need to start sharing action shots if you wanna sell your ways..

It's all about the final outcome.   You do you and I'll do me.  Not selling anything.   Just sharing a recipe. 
we like to see pics, got any?
It’s like any other cooking gadget you have, it’s got its place. I have an instant pot, Blackstone grill, smoker, Pit Barrel cooker, grills. Hell, I’ve still got my Ronco Showtime Rotisserie.
This is my favorite so far using the Sous vide. Chuck roast, and the other photo is the round  roast, I can’t remember, I usually do eye, or bottom round. Thick cut for dinner, or thin for sandwiches. But you can see you can cook the whole roast to your taste. I also do chicken breasts for my wife and they come out tender, and juicy. It’s so versatile, you can even make sausage in it.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/30/20, 01:58:41 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: ok NOW YOUR FIBBING!!!!!!!!!

does your wife even cook coopy?????? :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/30/20, 01:59:58 PM
We have the Ronco rotisserie too and it works great!  I got some silicone gloves with it and I use them all of the time.  I need to get the Ronco out once it cools down this fall and do a chicken on it. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on July 07/30/20, 02:44:55 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: ok NOW YOUR FIBBING!!!!!!!!!

does your wife even cook coopy?????? :rotflmao:
No she can’t cook. However she’s can bake cakes and cookies.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/30/20, 03:34:36 PM
ok ya got me thinking on that water cooker....  might have to research it, tell me more about what you have...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/30/20, 06:40:16 PM
Thanks coop,  we could use more cooking strategies and pics definitely help , looks awesome! Nuttin fancy this away,  but I'm guessing something in this pic is on Glenn's I don't wanna eat list  :mooning: .  Marinated beef kaboobs with sliced zookini topped with parmesan paired with a chicken salad..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/30/20, 06:47:00 PM
Very nice Bobber.  I am so interested in the cooking an eye of round or anything and having it turn out nice and tender thing.  The wife gave me a sous vide for Christmas.  I need to use it more. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/30/20, 06:51:39 PM
awesome Bobber!!!  I'd be in for sure!!!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/30/20, 07:00:08 PM
Is It Safe to Cook Food at Low Temperatures? According to the USDA, any food held in the so-called temperature “danger zone” (between 40°F and 140°F) for more than two hours presents a risk of food-borne illness from the growth of pathogenic bacteria — whether it's cooked sous vide or by conventional means.Mar 31, 2016

this is what scare me on that thing...  as  a retire federal food inspector this was what I went by..............   so I'd like more info I guess..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/30/20, 07:13:08 PM
Ditto!  Del eats it all of the time and he is still with us.  Rebs always gave him a hard time about it.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/30/20, 07:27:50 PM
Ditto!  Del eats it all of the time and he is still with us.  Rebs always gave him a hard time about it.

and I'm not going there at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/30/20, 07:41:54 PM
Thanks coop,  we could use more cooking strategies and pics definitely help , looks awesome! Nuttin fancy this away,  but I'm guessing something in this pic is on Glenn's I don't wanna eat list  :mooning: .  Marinated beef kaboobs with sliced zookini topped with parmesan paired with a chicken salad..
I eat zookini... In cake. Never had it cooked that way. :scratch:

Boobers, do you marinade your meat?? And what kind of nests you use??? I've had them there good, but from what I remember a pain in the azz to put together.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/30/20, 07:44:35 PM
Also looks to me like no fish. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/30/20, 08:06:57 PM
Thanks coop,  we could use more cooking strategies and pics definitely help , looks awesome! Nuttin fancy this away,  but I'm guessing something in this pic is on Glenn's I don't wanna eat list  :mooning: .  Marinated beef kaboobs with sliced zookini topped with parmesan paired with a chicken salad..
I eat zookini... In cake. Never had it cooked that way. :scratch:

Boobers, do you marinade your meat?? And what kind of nests you use??? I've had them there good, but from what I remember a pain in the azz to put together.

nests??? now where are you going????
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/30/20, 08:27:26 PM
Ya I'm not getting it??
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/30/20, 08:33:46 PM
Thanks coop,  we could use more cooking strategies and pics definitely help , looks awesome! Nuttin fancy this away,  but I'm guessing something in this pic is on Glenn's I don't wanna eat list  :mooning: .  Marinated beef kaboobs with sliced zookini topped with parmesan paired with a chicken salad..
I eat zookini... In cake. Never had it cooked that way. :scratch:

Boobers, do you marinade your meat?? And what kind of nests you use??? I've had them there good, but from what I remember a pain in the azz to put together.
These were pre marinated,  but when I do my own I  use dale seasonings. Once the smoke clears the Tallons come out and I usually get dragged to "a" nest.. :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/30/20, 09:34:37 PM
Is It Safe to Cook Food at Low Temperatures? According to the USDA, any food held in the so-called temperature “danger zone” (between 40°F and 140°F) for more than two hours presents a risk of food-borne illness from the growth of pathogenic bacteria — whether it's cooked sous vide or by conventional means.Mar 31, 2016

this is what scare me on that thing...  as  a retire federal food inspector this was what I went by..............   so I'd like more info I guess..

You might find this article of interest.   https://www.cooksillustrated.com/articles/1131-is-sous-vide-safe
With enough time, most food pathogens are killed at 130°F/54.5°C, according to the FDA and Baldwin.

I think I might have electronic version of baldwin's book around for the geeks wanting the details.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/31/20, 10:57:10 PM
With Mrs. Cheviot gone it begs the question, where's the beef? Free from molestation it was T bones from Morgan's along with freebie sweet corn, Mrs. Gerry's mac salad, cherry maters from the patio & death by chocolate for dessert. Actually the zucchini infused chocolate cake was from a friend of ours. Had no idea the z-word was even in there until after she told me today.  :happy1:

And glenn, those collector's steak knives are going for big coin on e-bay right now... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/01/20, 07:47:19 AM
Looks good there buster!! Yea them knives might be to rich for my blood. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/01/20, 08:27:13 AM
Man Dotch that is a championship meal if I ever saw one!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/01/20, 08:52:16 AM
Sure does!! I'd be doing my best impression of Al Bundy on the couch for sure..  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/01/20, 06:24:41 PM
Burglars,  homemade salsa, beans and tequila berry salad. Gonna hafta keep washing it down to make room for ice cream and peanuts later.  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/01/20, 07:26:31 PM
Keep up those evasive maneuvers and don't let Mrs. Boober get you cornered. You're doomed otherwise!  :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/01/20, 10:41:54 PM
Since Mrs. Cheviot was still on the loose I decided I'd take advantage before I was taken advantage of!  :shocked: Lamb chops w/Cavenders, Waldorf MN sweet corn, Mrs. Gerry's slaw, some Bush's beans & Hope Creamery butter. And more death by chocolate for dessert.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/02/20, 07:55:20 AM
Man that looks good Dotch.  I was already in bed by then.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/02/20, 08:16:31 PM
With momma outta my hair, it was grilled venison back straps, sweet corn and taters and onions fried in butter and bacon grease.

I don't have them fancy upscale steak knives like Dotch, so wasn't worthy of a picture. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/02/20, 08:42:58 PM
 :scratch: Dotch checks address book... :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/04/20, 09:01:37 AM
Supper last night and man was it good. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/04/20, 09:05:10 AM
Are those cukes with Italian dressing.?? I gotta try that. Me loves Italian dressing.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/04/20, 09:05:31 AM
looks darn good too!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/04/20, 09:50:25 AM
Tuscan Italian.  Great stuff!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/05/20, 06:49:08 AM
Me just love cukes. Sure miss having a garden this time of year.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/05/20, 07:48:22 AM
We only have 4 cuke plants, 4 tomato plants, about 20 onions, and lettuce.  Small garden but plenty for 2 of us.  As the cukes outgrow what we can eat I am going to continue making the refrigerator pickles.  We are scarfing them right down. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/05/20, 12:08:34 PM
Basically three hills of cukes, ~ a dozen maters, green beans & zucchini here. Like yer thinking with refrigerator pickles Barry. Probably wind up in the same boat. Wish we had some jalapenos this year. Liked tossing a few of them in with the batch then listening to Mrs. Cheviot howl because they were hot.  :happy1: Still need to get a tiller bought yet so no fall garden at this point.  :sad:

The apple trees are just loaded. Birds are picking at some of them. There are so many that there's no way they'll get 'em all. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on August 08/05/20, 12:10:50 PM
Looks great guyz,cant afford steak these dayz so chicken is whats for dinner or in this case game hen's on the spit....as much as I love  GOOD char grilled ribeye at $26.99/lb it ain't happening(prime)

even select ribeyes were $19.99/LB

last week I wanted grilled beef so bad I pulled the trigger on a hefty "chuck-eye",darn good but still a little spendy,far cry on price from last summer when chuck eyes were $5.99/lb.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/05/20, 12:36:04 PM
Was in the grocery store in town the other day and always stop at the meat market there.  T-Bones on sale for $7.99lb!!!   I want to buy a loin and have them cut at 1 1/4" but the wife said I have spent too much lately.   :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/05/20, 12:37:47 PM
go get it LPS!!!   :rotflmao: :happy1:   I just grilled some sweetcorn for lunch..  darn good!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on August 08/05/20, 01:16:58 PM
LPS, what grade of meat? prime,select or choice? makes a big difference in cost ....curious,most choice cut ribeyes (lower quality) end up falling apart so you end up with two pieces of meat,strip and loin.

 Wives! gotta be a debbie downer when the old man is on a roll eh?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/05/20, 01:19:22 PM
Not really sure!  I will look the next time.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/05/20, 01:24:17 PM
snow1 come on down to Alex, choice top sirloin $4.99 a pound....  at Eldens...   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/05/20, 05:42:28 PM
The toilet doesn't care on cost!! Go cheap.. Nuttin fancy this away , nekkid spuds and loin chops on there sides. Think momma has a salad and 12 hour corn a brewing...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/05/20, 06:47:02 PM
12 hour corn a brewing...

so what is that???  sounds like a Dotch  thing!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/06/20, 07:43:36 AM
Ya I'm curious too. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/06/20, 08:51:03 AM
 :rotflmao: I'm rather curious myself. It might be code for some kinky move that Mrs. Boober pulls on Boober after 12 hours.  :shocked: It's also a little known fact that corn-based alcohol can be used in the manufacture of gin... :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/06/20, 09:20:11 AM
 :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/06/20, 09:34:08 AM
I like yur thinking Dotch  :happy1: but hate to say I just seen the corn again....12 hours later. Lol. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/06/20, 10:28:35 AM
I like yur thinking Dotch  :happy1: but hate to say I just seen the corn again....12 hours later. Lol. :rotflmao:

oh my!!!!!!!!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/06/20, 10:54:23 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Ah boober. At first I thought you were sousy bidet-ing it!  :scratch:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/07/20, 11:18:03 AM
scored 2 boneless pork loins for 99 cents a pound this morning!!!  some grilling and smoking coming up!!!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/07/20, 03:51:47 PM
The T-bones are choice.  They are still $7.99 lb.  I told the wife I was going to pick a couple of them up when I went to town shopping today.  They were about $11.39 ea.   :rotflmao:  Nice big Porterhouses!    :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/07/20, 06:56:31 PM
The T-bones are choice.  They are still $7.99 lb.  I told the wife I was going to pick a couple of them up when I went to town shopping today.  They were about $11.39 ea.   :rotflmao:  Nice big Porterhouses!    :sleazy:

should have gotten the whole loin!!!     :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/07/20, 08:40:34 PM
I know.  I am easing into that program.    :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on August 08/08/20, 11:23:16 AM
ATA boy LPS, put your foot down,our grilling season is short,Im feeling a little froggy today,might swing by the neighbors farm for some lamb,but a good steak sounds good as well.

thanx for the update
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/08/20, 12:38:35 PM
So tonight it is either steak on the gas grill or chicken on the Daniel Boone!  So much stress making a decision like that!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/08/20, 12:50:19 PM
burgers on the smoker here!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/09/20, 12:26:32 PM
'twas one of those magical evenings when everything clicked. Lamborgers & egg roll brats from Morgan's, fresh picked sweet corn slathered w/Hope Creamery butter, tossed salad, some Swiss with plenty of Boodles & Hendricks to wash away your worries and your cares. My only concern was if Mrs. Cheviot had her way with me after I zonked out. Should know better than to let my guard down like that... :huh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/09/20, 12:57:32 PM
For three people.   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/09/20, 03:15:41 PM
Swell looking spread Dotch,  I'm guessing you woke up with more than drool on your pillow this morning !!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/09/20, 03:39:13 PM
dang ditch........looks good!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/09/20, 05:28:38 PM
momma had a left over uncooked kabob they purchased at cashwise. purdy tasty.  :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/10/20, 09:49:19 AM
Encore performance last nite. Were a couple strippers at the meat market Saturday begging to come home with me. Who am I to argue? Free sweet corn, Mrs. Gerry's summer salad & Rieser's coleslaw (ain't as good as Mrs. Gerry's but it was on sale). Dessert was Schwan's vanilla ice cream, blueberries & Auntie Mar Mar's sugar cookies. Luckily Mrs. Cheviot had already dined on leftovers from the nite before & was too wobbly to force herself on me. Method to my madness. Out of club soda so no G&T's. Had to drink beer instead. Hate when that happens... :sad:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/13/20, 06:34:24 PM
A couple of pork choppers over ash and maple with 2 spuds in the fire. Momma has a broccoli salad ready but to rest in ease I'll serve up some  ice cream later!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/13/20, 08:34:05 PM
 :scratch: :scratch: shouldn't that be fish?? :doah: :scratch: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/15/20, 03:09:20 PM
grilled up a small beef tenderloin last night and pulled it 140...   oh my was that ever good!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/15/20, 03:41:55 PM
Those beef tenderloins are really good, great call Mike!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/15/20, 03:45:31 PM
Those beef tenderloins are really good, great call Mike!!

thanks and it was a darn good call!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/15/20, 03:49:25 PM
 :pouty: :pouty: I gotta go see what the food shelf is offering. :pouty: :pouty: :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/15/20, 06:58:16 PM
:pouty: :pouty: I gotta go see what the food shelf is offering. :pouty: :pouty: :rolleyes:

what ever!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/16/20, 08:35:52 AM
:pouty: :pouty: I gotta go see what the food shelf is offering. :pouty: :pouty: :rolleyes:
If they don't have anything for, you can get a lot of meals out of 20 bucks worth of rice and pinto beans.    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/16/20, 09:39:45 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  Wouldn't take long to get tired of that would it? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on August 08/16/20, 12:49:36 PM
Thick cut pork loin chops marinated overnight, on the Performer until 140*. So tender and juicy!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/16/20, 01:04:14 PM
Coopy what did you marinade them in?? :scratch: I've tried to cut a pork loin for steaks and wasn't impressed.

I have  a local butcher shop make me a seasoned rolled pork loin and grill that. There is no comparison. Not even close.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on August 08/16/20, 01:29:45 PM
Coopy what did you marinade them in?? :scratch: I've tried to cut a pork loin for steaks and wasn't impressed.

I have  a local butcher shop make me a seasoned rolled pork loin and grill that. There is no comparison. Not even close.

1/2 cup Worcestershire Sauce
1/4 cup Minced Fresh Parsley or Tbs dry
1/4 cup Balsamic Vinegar
1/4 cup Soy Sauce
2 tbsp Olive Oil
1 tsp Minced Garlic
1/2 tsp Black Pepper
1/4 tsp Cayenne Pepper
4 Boneless thick cut Pork Loin Chops
Mix the ingredients in a bowl, pour into a resealable bag, add chops.
Put the bag in the refrigerator for about 8 hrs or overnight flipping the bag often.
Cook on medium high grill 15 minutes a side or until the IT reaches 140*
Do not over cook!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/16/20, 01:54:26 PM
Thanks bud👍👍2 :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/16/20, 05:13:29 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:  Wouldn't take long to get tired of that would it?

Getting tired of food is a first world rich person luxury....    :rotflmao: ;) :evil:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/16/20, 07:19:12 PM
Glad I am here Del.  AND that I got an education.  And I got a job and took care of myself even though times were tough at times.  BUT rice every day is something I would do if I had to but not a lot of fun I don't imagine.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/17/20, 09:26:04 AM
Glad I am here Del.  AND that I got an education.  And I got a job and took care of myself even though times were tough at times.  BUT rice every day is something I would do if I had to but not a lot of fun I don't imagine.

Yep, but my point was we can survive, like you said, on a lot less than we would think and a lot of people around the world do.    Corn and beans in the Southwest and Mexico.   Rice in Asia.   
Variety in diet is a luxury that we often don't realize.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/17/20, 09:56:09 AM
Coopy what did you marinade them in?? :scratch: I've tried to cut a pork loin for steaks and wasn't impressed.

I have  a local butcher shop make me a seasoned rolled pork loin and grill that. There is no comparison. Not even close.

1/2 cup Worcestershire Sauce
1/4 cup Minced Fresh Parsley or Tbs dry
1/4 cup Balsamic Vinegar
1/4 cup Soy Sauce
2 tbsp Olive Oil
1 tsp Minced Garlic
1/2 tsp Black Pepper
1/4 tsp Cayenne Pepper
4 Boneless thick cut Pork Loin Chops
Mix the ingredients in a bowl, pour into a resealable bag, add chops.
Put the bag in the refrigerator for about 8 hrs or overnight flipping the bag often.
Cook on medium high grill 15 minutes a side or until the IT reaches 140*
Do not over cook!
thanks again coopy........ i just got this written down.

1 question, what is the difference between the Balsamic viniger in the reciepe vs regular vinegar????????/
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/17/20, 10:30:17 AM
changed my mind, went with porter house steaks for the grill tonight..  $8.99 a pound...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/17/20, 10:50:32 AM
Coopy what did you marinade them in?? :scratch: I've tried to cut a pork loin for steaks and wasn't impressed.

I have  a local butcher shop make me a seasoned rolled pork loin and grill that. There is no comparison. Not even close.

1/2 cup Worcestershire Sauce
1/4 cup Minced Fresh Parsley or Tbs dry
1/4 cup Balsamic Vinegar
1/4 cup Soy Sauce
2 tbsp Olive Oil
1 tsp Minced Garlic
1/2 tsp Black Pepper
1/4 tsp Cayenne Pepper
4 Boneless thick cut Pork Loin Chops
Mix the ingredients in a bowl, pour into a resealable bag, add chops.
Put the bag in the refrigerator for about 8 hrs or overnight flipping the bag often.
Cook on medium high grill 15 minutes a side or until the IT reaches 140*
Do not over cook!
thanks again coopy........ i just got this written down.

1 question, what is the difference between the Balsamic viniger in the reciepe vs regular vinegar????????/

You could use regular vinegar, but I'd reduce the amount down to 1 tablespoon.  It might get too sour otherwise.

Balsamic has a much richer flavor and is not as sour.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/17/20, 11:02:57 AM
Coopy what did you marinade them in?? :scratch: I've tried to cut a pork loin for steaks and wasn't impressed.

I have  a local butcher shop make me a seasoned rolled pork loin and grill that. There is no comparison. Not even close.

1/2 cup Worcestershire Sauce
1/4 cup Minced Fresh Parsley or Tbs dry
1/4 cup Balsamic Vinegar
1/4 cup Soy Sauce
2 tbsp Olive Oil
1 tsp Minced Garlic
1/2 tsp Black Pepper
1/4 tsp Cayenne Pepper
4 Boneless thick cut Pork Loin Chops
Mix the ingredients in a bowl, pour into a resealable bag, add chops.
Put the bag in the refrigerator for about 8 hrs or overnight flipping the bag often.
Cook on medium high grill 15 minutes a side or until the IT reaches 140*
Do not over cook!
thanks again coopy........ i just got this written down.

1 question, what is the difference between the Balsamic viniger in the reciepe vs regular vinegar????????/

You could use regular vinegar, but I'd reduce the amount down to 1 tablespoon.  It might get too sour otherwise.

Balsamic has a much richer flavor and is not as sour.
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1: glenn learneded something today!!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/17/20, 11:07:35 AM
me too, I didn't know that...  thanks!! Coop!!  and Steve!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/17/20, 11:20:51 AM
I once used too much vinegar in a marinade for venison tenderloin.

My mother-in-law said it tasted like pickled tongue. 

Now I've never had pickled tongue to know if she was right, but the tenderloin was NOT good. :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on August 08/17/20, 11:23:44 AM
Coopy what did you marinade them in?? :scratch: I've tried to cut a pork loin for steaks and wasn't impressed.

I have  a local butcher shop make me a seasoned rolled pork loin and grill that. There is no comparison. Not even close.

1/2 cup Worcestershire Sauce
1/4 cup Minced Fresh Parsley or Tbs dry
1/4 cup Balsamic Vinegar
1/4 cup Soy Sauce
2 tbsp Olive Oil
1 tsp Minced Garlic
1/2 tsp Black Pepper
1/4 tsp Cayenne Pepper
4 Boneless thick cut Pork Loin Chops
Mix the ingredients in a bowl, pour into a resealable bag, add chops.
Put the bag in the refrigerator for about 8 hrs or overnight flipping the bag often.
Cook on medium high grill 15 minutes a side or until the IT reaches 140*
Do not over cook!
thanks again coopy........ i just got this written down.

1 question, what is the difference between the Balsamic viniger in the reciepe vs regular vinegar????????/

It has a different flavor, it’s a grape based vinegar as opposed to white vinegar which is grain based. It also has a deep brown color. With this recipe it’s what gives the chops the nice color, the glase and caramelized finish. It has a lot of uses, you’ll like it.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/17/20, 12:01:09 PM
 :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/18/20, 06:58:16 AM
well I did the 2 porterhouse steaks on the grill and they came out a perfect medium to med raw.  darn good steaks, juicy and tender..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/20/20, 06:24:37 PM
Well, forgot charcoal today on the way home, but remembered BEER.  :happy1:  So the tailgater got the nod. Say, what happened to tgat Dotch feller, he try to sneak across the Northern border and get caught?? Hopefully they didn't strap on the long gloves and give em the same treatment he gave them cows a while back.. :bonk:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/20/20, 06:43:00 PM
Think Dotch is hob knobbing with Gov Walz at some farm convention.
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/20/20, 07:13:06 PM
I wondered where he is at too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/20/20, 07:23:11 PM
looks good Bobber!!  Dotch said something about that annual field for crops I think...  unless he's in Cawchester!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/22/20, 07:10:37 PM
I took a pic but big deal right. Momma picked up some of the thinnest ribeyes I've seen about a 1/2 ". But dang a quick sear on each side and they were done. I did do wrapped spuds and poppers to boot.  :happy1:  Not sure i have room fer ice cream.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/22/20, 08:02:48 PM
I be back. Me & the guv are big buds glenn. He stays up there in his mansion. I stay down here in the land of rocks and cows. We get along great that way. Did Mrs. Boober take those brats  the other nite to be phallic symbols? Were lucky tonite those were thin ribeyes & you avoided the ice cream. Speed & stealth are crucial to avoid being taken advantage of.  :happy1: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/22/20, 08:24:10 PM
the t-bones I won the other night were thin cut too, so they were done quick and did they taste great too!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/22/20, 08:24:55 PM
Glad to hear you and da gov are pals. :rotflmao: I be cooking up a storm. Tombstone pizza. 4 meat with added onions and mushrooms. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/22/20, 08:26:56 PM
the t-bones I won the other night were thin cut too, so they were done quick and did they taste great too!!!
:happy1: :happy1: I have found when you win meat raffle meat, you might be better to but a 1)4  beef  :confused: but they sure are fun  :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/23/20, 08:26:08 AM
the t-bones I won the other night were thin cut too, so they were done quick and did they taste great too!!!
:happy1: :happy1: I have found when you win meat raffle meat, you might be better to but a 1)4  beef  :confused: but they sure are fun  :happy1: :rotflmao:
I won @ Riley's 3 times 1 winter :happy1: :cool: & it never cost me more than $5. A nice roast in it 1 time & some nice ribeyes another time.  :scratch: Must be some of your good karma comin back to you :evil: if you can buy a 1/4 beef for what it costs you to win a meat raffle. :crazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/23/20, 08:31:08 AM
Well, there nights been some beer fees involved. :rotflmao: :scratch:

I'm amazed at how different meat raffles are done in different towns.  Around here, cold spring and Richmond, when you win, you get a value pack with 3 to 4 items. Most other places it's only 1 item.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/23/20, 08:34:16 AM
usually 2 or 3 things to the package here...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/23/20, 08:54:50 AM
usually 2 or 3 things to the package here...
not mentioning any pub names but these places give out a drink ticket to the number on each side of the winning number.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/23/20, 08:56:28 AM
usually 2 or 3 things to the package here...
not mentioning any pub names but these places give out a drink ticket to the number on each side of the winning number.

that's a new one!!!  might have to mention that to the folks here...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/23/20, 08:57:55 AM
Yea I wouldn't, from what I hear it's not exactly legit???? :scratch: :scratch: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/23/20, 09:32:18 AM
Yea I wouldn't, from what I hear it's not exactly legit???? :scratch: :scratch: :rotflmao:

yea so what's yer point???   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/23/20, 09:50:37 AM
usually 2 or 3 things to the package here...
not mentioning any pub names but these places give out a drink ticket to the number on each side of the winning number.

Izzat the place del gets in bar fights?  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/23/20, 10:22:02 AM
usually 2 or 3 things to the package here...
At least that at Riley's more like 4 or maybe even 5 cuts up there, I'd say $20-$25  worth, might even be $30/pkg. They'd usually have 5 of 'em, with the GR youth hockey assoc. gettin a share of the proceeds too, I believe. :happy1: :cool:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/23/20, 10:22:56 AM
they have these at $25.00 now... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/23/20, 10:31:31 AM
Well, there nights been some beer fees involved. :rotflmao: :scratch:

I'm amazed at how different meat raffles are done in different towns.  Around here, cold spring and Richmond, when you win, you get a value pack with 3 to 4 items. Most other places it's only 1 item.
:scratch: So you can get a 1/4 beef for < $90. :confused: .................24 X probably $3.50 at those high class places glenn goes to :rolleyes: = $86.  ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/23/20, 10:31:42 PM
No bar fights tonite. Just straight atcha beef a la NY strips. Was a little tough on my favorite juniper berry extract while I was at it. Had one of Auntie Mar Mar's bars to go with my ice cream for dessert. Mrs. Cheviot? I'd grilled weenies last nite so I placated her with those, leading to extreme drowsiness on her part. Don't need her pawing me all nite long. I gotta work tomorrow, ya know!  :tongue:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/24/20, 12:30:37 PM
grilled boneless pork chops on the grill for lunch... oiled them up, course salt and pepper cooked to perfect medium..  nummy!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/27/20, 08:13:13 PM
Hey charcoal grillers. Lowe's has charcoal on sale for 16.99 and home Depot had it for 19.99.

Another public service announcement by Glenn. :sleazy: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/27/20, 08:17:06 PM
Hey charcoal grillers. Lowe's has charcoal on sale for 16.99 and home Depot had it for 19.99.

Another public service announcement by Glenn. :sleazy: :rotflmao: :happy1:

Izzat the Kingsford 2 x 20 lbers?  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/27/20, 08:41:38 PM
Hey charcoal grillers. Lowe's has charcoal on sale for 16.99 and home Depot had it for 19.99.

Another public service announcement by Glenn. :sleazy: :rotflmao: :happy1:

Izzat the Kingsford 2 x 20 lbers?  :scratch:
yessir it is!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/30/20, 04:56:09 PM
Grilled rib eye steak, taters fried in butter an onions and creamed peas is on the menu tonight. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/30/20, 07:52:23 PM
That sounds great Glenn!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/30/20, 10:03:00 PM
Sounds great glenn! I hope someone teaches you how to post pictures someday!  :bonk:

Lamborgers tonite with cukes & maters fresh from the garden along with Mrs. Gerry's slaw and mac salad. Homemade rolls courtesy of a gourmet cook friend in IA. The rolls taste like those at TX Roadhouse w/o the use of honey butter. The dessert also courtesy of the gourmet is some kind of cream cake, tres leche I was told. It's like a sponge cake with sweet cream dripping out of it. Topped with some fruit & Schwan's ice cream it was to die for. That's my strategy tonite: play dead so Mrs. Cheviot will sniff me then grunt and move along.  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/31/20, 07:43:35 AM
WOW that looks great!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/31/20, 04:41:40 PM
Sure does!! But Glenn is un teachable   :tongue:  I'll give that maneuver a try tonight, taco's and refried beans should do the trick.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/31/20, 06:16:51 PM
Sure does!! But Glenn is un teachable   :tongue:  I'll give that maneuver a try tonight, taco's and refried beans should do the trick.  :happy1:
:tut: :tut: hey I'm teachable, just lacking memory is all. :surrender:

I need someone with my phone in hand to walk me thru it. Hell boar did it once.

We,s having a tombstone pizza. No hanky panky tonight. Gotta get stuff done and head to da north country tomorrow. :happy1:. But if she insists. :sleazy: :pouty: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/31/20, 06:32:44 PM
AND Brother Boar is the one that walked me and some others through the take photo with cell phone, edit it, as in move the border a tich so it doesn't show upside down when posting, email to your PC, find when it asks for attatchments just add it. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/31/20, 06:36:55 PM
Sure does!! But Glenn is un teachable   :tongue:  I'll give that maneuver a try tonight, taco's and refried beans should do the trick.  :happy1:
:tut: :tut: hey I'm teachable, just lacking memory is all. :surrender:

I need someone with my phone in hand to walk me thru it. Hell boar did it once.

:scratch:  Bettin even that won't help unless they have time to show him :confused: how to do it 10-12 times. :bonk: :banghead: :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/31/20, 06:40:20 PM
I am sure you are right.  For $20 a neighbor kid would come and show him.  That ain't gonna happen.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/31/20, 06:46:54 PM
I am sure you are right.  For $20 a neighbor kid would come and show him.  That ain't gonna happen.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

$20.00  now that's funny!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/31/20, 07:14:10 PM
I am sure you are right.  For $20 a neighbor kid would come and show him.  That ain't gonna happen.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
hell no. I'm gonna be on a fixed income soon. :pouty: gotta save my pennies. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/31/20, 07:30:47 PM
I am sure you are right.  For $20 a neighbor kid would come and show him.  That ain't gonna happen.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
hell no. I'm gonna be on a fixed income soon. :pouty: gotta save my pennies. :rotflmao:

see I told ya!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/31/20, 07:45:05 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/02/20, 04:38:14 PM
I am sure you are right.  For $20 a neighbor kid would come and show him.  That ain't gonna happen.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
hell no. I'm gonna be on a fixed income soon. :pouty: gotta save my pennies. :rotflmao:

Whine it up!!  Been retired on fixed income since 2007.   :thumbs: :angry2:
I'd do it for a 6 pack.   Don't Cold Spring make beer? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/02/20, 04:41:24 PM
Dotch... Tres Leches is "three milks".   Pretty easy cake to make if you cheat and use a mix for the cake part..   The even sell the caramel dulce la leche in cans at wally world so  you don't have to boil condensed milk for an hour to make it.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/02/20, 07:48:26 PM
Ya I know what it stands for & the Mrs. told me what was in it including lots of cream. I leave cake baking/making to church ladies for funerals and gourmets such as our friend.  :Clap:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/03/20, 07:41:55 AM
Dotch... Tres Leches is "three milks".   

And I thought "Tres Leches" was Boaranese for Tree Leeches.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/03/20, 06:13:22 PM
I don't mind throwing on the apron either,  just not church lady style.  :rotflmao:  Blt's for about the 25th time this summer,  tortellini salad and homemade sweet n spicey pickles.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/06/20, 10:01:05 PM
Had to be careful with this one. Caught up to me once I was done and Mrs. Cheviot thought she had me cornered. Luckily she ate one too many ice cream treats & I was off the hook. Close call. NY strip with bean surprise, Better Boy mater, some sunburst or some such cherry mater & cukes, along with a little Mrs. Gerry's mac salad of course.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on September 09/11/20, 11:13:39 AM
Prime rib and horseradish cheese bratwurst, and two halves of a NY.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/17/20, 11:40:12 AM
A conglomeration of this week's efforts. So busy hiding from Mrs. Cheviot that I haven't had time to post them. A couple ribeyes made the other nite. The med. rare one I ate was delish. Have one leftover I'll probably eat tonite. Had breasts last nite so you can about imagine what that did to Mrs. Cheviot. She even made rice to try to entice me. From Morgan's, chicken breasts maple-apple infused with chunks of apple on them. Juicy w/a nice balance of seasoning. Done indirect. Nummy! Need to go to the store and get some cottage cheese for the maters tho. Keep forgetting... :doah: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/17/20, 11:51:51 AM
grilled bacon wrapped pork tenderloin for lunch today!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/17/20, 12:05:02 PM
A conglomeration of this week's efforts. So busy hiding from Mrs. Cheviot that I haven't had time to post them. A couple ribeyes made the other nite. The med. rare one I ate was delish. Have one leftover I'll probably eat tonite. Had breasts last nite so you can about imagine what that did to Mrs. Cheviot. She even made rice to try to entice me. From Morgan's, chicken breasts maple-apple infused with chunks of apple on them. Juicy w/a nice balance of seasoning. Done indirect. Nummy! Need to go to the store and get some cottage cheese for the maters tho. Keep forgetting... :doah:
:tut: :tut: :confused: yea you outta be slapped good and proper for ruining good tomatoes!!!!!!!! :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/17/20, 12:05:21 PM
Mikey:  :happy1:

Hope you have cottage cheese with chives to go with it... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/17/20, 12:06:11 PM
I do!!!   :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/17/20, 12:12:25 PM
 :pouty: :pouty: :crazy: :angry2: :confused: :taz: :taz: :taz: :taz: :taz: training-087 training-087 training-087 :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

                                                                :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/22/20, 06:19:48 PM
Not sure what momma was thinking but she wanted burglars with sautéed onions and a big o thing of kapn kens beans. Pretty sure I won't need to stretch after this meal!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/22/20, 08:22:38 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/23/20, 05:02:30 PM
This was the other night.  The wife already took her cut off the steak.  LOL  She doesn't take much and that works out good for both of us.  With green beans and sauteed onions and mushrooms.  My fave. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/23/20, 05:26:14 PM
The other night huh? I can see why you been hiding from the mrs.!!  :happy1: That looks fabulous lps!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/25/20, 09:51:51 AM
Was just too nice not to grill last nite. Those days keep getting fewer so best take advantage of it when I can. Sorta like Mrs. Cheviot does if she thinks I'm in a compromising position. Center cuts with smokehouse maple seasoning and curry powder. Add some maters, cukes, Mrs. Gerry's mac salad & we're golden.  And of course I religiously follow my anti-malaria, scurvy and COVID protocol. Can't argue with success.  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/02/20, 06:11:19 PM
That's a great looking spread Dotch. I could only get one action pic tonight of dinner fir two, she had shrooms and a side salad going on inside but I still kept guard with the tongs and tightly tied sneakers incase I had to quickly defend myself!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on October 10/03/20, 08:30:44 PM
the best meal eva!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/04/20, 12:04:46 AM
the best meal eva!!
:pouty: on a freaking paper plate.  :confused: :pouty: :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on October 10/04/20, 09:38:45 AM
flenn is whinning again...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/04/20, 09:40:05 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/04/20, 10:01:16 AM
flenn is whinning again...
:mooning: :mooning: :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on October 10/04/20, 06:18:25 PM
pellet grill turkey!! amazine!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/04/20, 06:26:45 PM
Damn bud that looks good !!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/04/20, 07:21:49 PM
yup that looks darn good!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/04/20, 07:31:23 PM
Did someone run over that too? Glenn told me to ask... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/04/20, 07:40:58 PM
pellet grill turkey!! amazine!!

what did ya use for injection???  got one I'm going to do with some butter creole..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/04/20, 08:24:15 PM
Did someone run over that too? Glenn told me to ask... :rotflmao:
probably. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on October 10/04/20, 08:30:07 PM
funny bastarss!! lmao! mikey creole butter is the best! its what do my pork shoulder with. i didnt inject anything. just sprinkled some special crap on it and let her buck!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/05/20, 07:06:19 AM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on October 10/06/20, 08:16:34 AM
Was just too nice not to grill last nite. Those days keep getting fewer so best take advantage of it when I can. Sorta like Mrs. Cheviot does if she thinks I'm in a compromising position. Center cuts with smokehouse maple seasoning and curry powder. Add some maters, cukes, Mrs. Gerry's mac salad & we're golden.  And of course I religiously follow my anti-malaria, scurvy and COVID protocol. Can't argue with success.  :happy1:

So dotch,what is the camp chef swillin? gin /tonic? looks darn tasty as well as you're viddels.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on October 10/06/20, 08:55:02 AM
pellet grill turkey!! amazine!!

what did ya use for injection???  got one I'm going to do with some butter creole..

that's good choice mike can't go wrong with creole butter or garlic butter is good as well,I did a turkey injected with apple juice that turn out fantastic,nice mild sweet flavor,best to inject from the inside of the carcuss otherwise your injector sauce ozzes out injector holes on the skin as turkey cooks,hickory smoke on the weber kettle grill,I have a pellet grill which I seldom use,get more flavor outof the weber,MPO on pellet grills is they're over rated,I  gave my bradley smoker away when I bought the pellet grill,big mistake,kicking myself ,bradley was the best for jerly and smoked fish,my pellet gets to hot,very little smoke flavor even with the hood cracked open,so last week I bought the "amaze" smoke tube for added smoke,got a couple lake trout fillets to smoke this weekend,hope it works out.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/06/20, 11:28:41 AM
Was just too nice not to grill last nite. Those days keep getting fewer so best take advantage of it when I can. Sorta like Mrs. Cheviot does if she thinks I'm in a compromising position. Center cuts with smokehouse maple seasoning and curry powder. Add some maters, cukes, Mrs. Gerry's mac salad & we're golden.  And of course I religiously follow my anti-malaria, scurvy and COVID protocol. Can't argue with success.  :happy1:

So dotch,what is the camp chef swillin? gin /tonic? looks darn tasty as well as you're viddels.

Thanks! Yup, think that nite was Beefeater with Jack Rudy's tonic syrup.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/06/20, 12:10:03 PM
Snow, unlike most farmers down that way that gets there fuel delivered by truck and put in big barrels, Dotch had his gin delivered by the semi truck load. :sad: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: deadeye on October 10/08/20, 03:13:22 PM
Yesterday's lunch in the porch.  Probably wouldn't matter what was served, the view speaks for its self.

(https://tinypix.top/images/2020/10/08/PDr4Z.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/PDr4Z)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/09/20, 10:02:49 AM
Too nice not to grill last nite, again. Probably won't be the case in a few months. I'd stopped at the meat market to get a handle on what one of my customers was up to combining around the owner's place. Luckily Mrs. Cheviot decided to eat some leftovers and was conked out by the time I was getting the fire rolling. Timing is everything when it comes to evasive maneuvers. Still lots of maters yet altho the cukes are waning. They only keep about so long in the fridge before they become sheep food.

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/09/20, 10:37:58 AM
Awe gawd, that, that stuff is touching the tomatoes. :surrender: :surrender: :doah: :rotflmao:

And there's that precious knife!!! :rotflmao:

And wadda mean in a couple months ya can't grill?? :confused: I cut off grilling on individual days when the temp gets to about 10 below. :mooning:

Nice looking spread though bud  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/09/20, 10:46:30 AM
If'n ya knew what was good fer ya, you'd eat that stuff, ya putz!  :tongue:

I still grill when it gets cold, especially if I don't hafta dig through a lot of snow to get the job done. It just takes more motivation when ya come back into a warm house after chores.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/09/20, 04:12:26 PM
Yup the snow can make grilling/smoking harder to do.  I am hoping the EGO blower I bought will help to keep the deck clear of snow and hoping making grilling easier this winter. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/09/20, 07:00:27 PM
If'n ya knew what was good fer ya, you'd eat that stuff, ya putz!  :tongue:

I still grill when it gets cold, especially if I don't hafta dig through a lot of snow to get the job done. It just takes more motivation when ya come back into a warm house after chores.  :happy1:
wimp!!🤗 :evil: :rotflmao: my grill is on the deck. Gets cleaned off after each snow which is right out the patio door.  Charcoal grill is in the garage I ain't afraid of no cold weather.
 :evil:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/09/20, 07:38:10 PM
gas charcoal or smoker, all winter until below zero...  then maybe :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on October 10/11/20, 08:14:20 AM
Me too. I will grill all winter long. Ours is just outside the door.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/11/20, 10:23:31 AM
Me too. I will grill all winter long. Ours is just outside the door.
same her.....out the patio door on the deck!!!!!!!!!!

putting a 13 lb turkey on the charcoal grill for chow tonight. plenty of leftovers and enough the make soup and chow mein. :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/12/20, 02:19:26 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/12/20, 02:36:58 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: well that's not Dotch cooking. There's no boodles in the picture and that pioneer knife probably wasn't invented yet. :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/12/20, 03:31:05 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/28/20, 06:06:17 PM
 Woulda been bacon cheese burglars but the pooches and I took care of the cheese. Think I'll text the the SIL to give momma a call so I can relax, that'll burn up some time.. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/28/20, 06:54:06 PM
That looks great! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/29/20, 09:13:41 AM
Looked at that pic again this a.m. and my mouth was watering! I bet boober had all he could do to thwart Mrs. Boober's advances. Prolly still handcuffed to the bed.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/29/20, 09:28:18 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:  Again???
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/31/20, 10:47:38 AM
I marinated a boneless pork loin in some raspberry chipolte sauce for 2 days, now it's on the grill...  have a foil pouch of taters, onions and bacon going on the grill too..  seasoned those with just course salt and pepper..  should have maybe added mushrooms to them too...  next time...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/31/20, 11:26:02 AM
Mike what is going on?  You have become a culinary genius.  I should get something lined up to smoke/grill.  OK you inspired me.  I am going the easy route though.  I am going to thaw out a ribeye for tonight.  I have them in individual vac packs.  I throw them into warm water in the sink to thaw them.  Takes 15 minutes.  I like it much better than microwaving them.  I will rub it with spices then olive oil and let it sit at room temp for an hour or two before I grill it.  The side will be something the wife thinks up. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/31/20, 11:40:26 AM
dat sounds very good too Barry!!!    :happy1: :happy1:  most likely steak in my near future too!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/31/20, 11:53:32 AM
 :confused: :pouty: man you guys eat like kings. Leftovers again this way. :confused: :pouty: :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/02/20, 09:07:08 AM
pork steaks on the grill tonight!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on November 11/02/20, 09:25:45 AM
pork steaks on the grill tonight!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:

mmmm pork steak with a side of apple sauce for dipping,love it.  I have a enclosed 3 season porch on my old farm house,the pellet grill gets rolled out on the back stair stoop in all temps,I run a ceramic heater when she gets cold when we want bbq/smoked somthin's,didn't make it to the north shore this fall for the salmon runs but I see my grocery store has salmon on sale ,so we'll give store bought a whirl,smoked steelhead is the best.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/02/20, 09:29:52 AM
pork steaks on the grill tonight!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:

mmmm pork steak with a side of apple sauce for dipping,love it.  I have a enclosed 3 season porch on my old farm house,the pellet grill gets rolled out on the back stair stoop in all temps,I run a ceramic heater when she gets cold and we want bbq/smoked somthin's,didn't make it to the north shore this fall for the salmon runs but I see my grocery store has salmon on sale ,so we'll give store bought a whirl,smoked steelhead is the best.
:tut: :tut: no apple sauce  :tut: my world famous homemade horseradish!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on November 11/02/20, 09:37:08 AM
pork steaks on the grill tonight!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:

mmmm pork steak with a side of apple sauce for dipping,love it.  I have a enclosed 3 season porch on my old farm house,the pellet grill gets rolled out on the back stair stoop in all temps,I run a ceramic heater when she gets cold and we want bbq/smoked somthin's,didn't make it to the north shore this fall for the salmon runs but I see my grocery store has salmon on sale ,so we'll give store bought a whirl,smoked steelhead is the best.
:tut: :tut: no apple sauce  :tut: my world famous homemade horseradish!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:

yeah but I have a mustach,word is your sauce will make the hair on your face fall off,good for paint removel as well...ya know how word travels here...lol
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/02/20, 09:40:03 AM
 :sleazy: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :whistling: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: its good stuff maynard.  :happy1: i to have a mustache!!!!! i keep telling my grandkids itputs hair on there chest.....oh the looks i get!!!!!! :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/02/20, 09:42:49 AM
mustache is a flavor saver!!!  or some kind of broom!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/02/20, 09:46:47 AM
mustache is a flavor saver!!!  or some kind of broom!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
oh and the girls.........awe never mind ..................... :pouty: :pouty: :tut: :tut:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/02/20, 10:35:36 AM
mustache is a flavor saver!!!  or some kind of broom!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
oh and the girls.........awe never mind ..................... :pouty: :pouty: :tut: :tut:

never mind what???    :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on November 11/02/20, 11:13:57 AM
Hey but cold weather I can do w/o the drainage,but to stubborn to shave it off,I tell the young guyz when they ask how long have I had a stach,tell em "I came in to this world with it and a big teet in my mouth,hopefully going out the same way"...they just laugh.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/02/20, 12:41:40 PM
had my mustache since I got out of the service in 1975, watched change colors to over the years!!!!   and it wasn't getting darker either.. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on November 11/02/20, 01:35:20 PM
LOL mike,I'm blonde so when my white stach changed to gray no one noticed.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/02/20, 01:41:03 PM
mine went from brown to gray/white...   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: HD on November 11/02/20, 04:38:41 PM
We did pork chops on the grill with a side of hash browns and asparagus..... easy peasy...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/03/20, 09:43:15 PM
Grabbed some fresh burger from the meat market & fired up the Weber tonite at Ruby's behest. She hasn't licked many plates lately. She also advised me to dump Crown in Mrs. Cheviot's Coke to slow her reflexes.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/04/20, 06:23:49 AM
yup Ruby looks content!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/04/20, 08:18:03 PM
Better use the Weber before the Green Raw Deal is implemented. 🦋 chops w/Cavenders. No fake meat here. Mrs. Cheviot can attest to that! :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/04/20, 08:38:32 PM
Is that potato salad on tomatoes?  Great idea!  Ruby looks great too!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/04/20, 08:46:09 PM
Absotively. Slice of raw onion too. Running on fumes in the mater dept. They are still dayim good tho!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on November 11/06/20, 10:44:20 AM
Good grief you guyz,this thread has my mouth watering,guess its bbq friday night,chops are on the menu.ngrilled rosemary red potatoes....
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/06/20, 04:27:20 PM
Dang, both those plates look Devine Dotch!! Gonna go light the charcoal soon, more bacon burglars n fries. I bet if I grab the recliner the snoring technique should work wonders after dinner!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/06/20, 06:16:38 PM
Sleep with one eye open my friend... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/06/20, 07:31:44 PM
Sleep with one eye open my friend... :rotflmao:

have 2nd that!!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/07/20, 05:30:26 PM
Its movie night this away so there might be a chance of escaping.  Pork medalians,  bacon wrapped spuds with Cap'n kens beans and asparagus.  I'll dish up some ice cream and peanuts for good measure later.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/07/20, 09:56:51 PM
That looks mighty good boober! I hope you got there soon enough with the ice cream & peanuts or it was one more notch in the lipstick case... :doah:

Went the economy route here tonite. Beef & cheddar weenies from Morgans along with Mrs. Gerry's potato salad & coleslaw. And yes, that's curry powder on the slaw. Actually when eaten with the maters was a rather tasty plus. Maters are still hangin' in there but they won't make Thanksgiving.  :sad: Not sure I will either the way Mrs. Cheviot keeps trying to grope me.  :scratch:


Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/08/20, 06:55:47 AM
both meals looks and sound great!!  grilled wieners here last night too!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/08/20, 10:15:21 PM
Luckily my creating leftovers paid off once again. Knocked Mrs. Cheviot out so I could enjoy my medium rare strip in peace.  :happy1: A little breezy but we guessed the wind, amount of coals, time, etc., about right. A little Zeppelin & it's bedtime for Bonzo.  ;) Zzzzzzzz... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/09/20, 07:32:11 AM
looks great Dotch!!!  your maters will be real soon the way yer eating them up!!!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/18/20, 08:21:21 PM
Looks like the maters are done unless I can scare a couple up yet out of the bottom of the pail. Wrapped some Hormel bacon around a filet from Morgan's (he made me a deal on some that were getting oxidized), Birdseye peas w/Hope Creamery butter, Mrs. Gerry's potato salad & of course the magic elixir. Mrs. Cheviot was especially amorous tonite upon word that I am moving back to North Dakota! I deftly avoided her advances with my fancy footwork. Learned it on The Lawrence Welk Show, the native son of Strasburg.  :happy1:

Better enjoy it while we can. The rate glenn's buddy gov. Killjoy is going + the Green Raw Deal, it'll be vegan wiener water soup & ramen noodles before ya know it for Thanksgiving!  :tongue: 

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/18/20, 08:37:17 PM
Did you share that with gov killjoy!!!!;! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/18/20, 08:43:28 PM
Oh it's on Twitter. He can see it but likely chooses not to.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/18/20, 08:47:07 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: I mean in person like he sat across the table from you. :rotflmao:

I bet you even have an extra pioneer knife for him. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/18/20, 08:52:45 PM
Those are balanced for throwing ya know... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/19/20, 04:56:24 PM
Good lord Dotch,  thats some fine looking grub! Good for you its warm out yet so a quick escape without hunting for footwear will help.. :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/20/20, 11:52:50 AM
Another nite when it was still too nice out not to grill. Burger from Morgan's, a little rice pilaf I found in the freezer & what'll likely be the next to last meal w/garden maters. Bummed that I had no cottage cheese however!  :doah: As you said boober, with no snow or ice it was a fast track. I returned from my escape route w/my chastity intact.  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/20/20, 04:36:10 PM
Another nite when it was still too nice out not to grill. Burger from Morgan's, a little rice pilaf I found in the freezer & what'll likely be the next to last meal w/garden maters. Bummed that I had no cottage cheese however!  :doah: As you said boober, with no snow or ice it was a fast track. I returned from my escape route w/my chastity intact.  :happy1:
:rotflmao: apparently your wife doesnt see you post in the man i gotta go fishing thread!!!!! :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/21/20, 06:08:24 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/25/20, 06:07:02 PM
Thought I'd try some smoked cheesy meatballs. Was going to be finger food but had everything for subs.. if you don't hear from me tomorrow send the dogs!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/25/20, 06:21:31 PM
holy moly that is so good lookin!!  are you using high temp cheese or just regular cheese?? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: birdswacker on November 11/25/20, 09:25:19 PM
Man those look delicious!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/27/20, 10:35:58 AM
I see boober survived but after a spread like that, bet Mrs. Boober wore him down to a nub!  :doah:

Very traditional Thanksgiving fare at the ranch, including turkey on the Weber, dinner rolls from Auntie Mar Mar and pumpkin pie. The plate pictured is actually leftovers for the evening meal.  :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/28/20, 06:10:32 PM
Great work Dotch and well played on an additional plate the next day for extra measures to slow the little lady down!!  :happy1: My mrs. Sure opened a can of work in the cave, paint slinging and the works. I put a 6 lb brisket flat this morning on the smoker and didn't much look at it til it was at 183°, foiled then yanked it at 203°. Wanted to shred it but the whipper snapper said slice it, man I should listen to her more often,  really tender at that temp.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/28/20, 06:13:23 PM
looks great!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/28/20, 06:14:29 PM
That looks awesome Bob.  So what temp did you do that at?  I have yet to do a fresh brisket.  I need to just jump in and do one.  Do you sauce or rub them?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/28/20, 06:51:37 PM
They've come down in price also. Usually rub the night before but this one got seasoned early this morning. Knowing I had time I started it at 200 for the first 3 hrs then bumped it to 225 and that's the highest I went. 6lb was a good size for us, we cut it with forks it was so tender.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/28/20, 07:03:01 PM
don't forget to ship mine to me!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on November 11/29/20, 04:38:03 PM
don't forget to ship mine to me!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

I'll let dotch take care of it... :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/29/20, 07:04:09 PM
don't forget to ship mine to me!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

I'll let dotch take care of it... :sleazy:

so when did you and Dotch get so chumy???   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/30/20, 06:45:10 PM
Fried taters n pork choppers tonight. Had to break out the head lamp to see but its safe to say I need to re season the cast iron. Everything stuck to it,  which was fine by me but the ladies did some snickering.  Oh well win some lose some, no running needed tonight!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/30/20, 06:53:54 PM
That's OK boober. I'm in the middle of an article and I'm hungry. Still looks pretty damn good to me. And machines that they are, them wimmens gotta take a night off & give a guy a break once in a while... :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/10/20, 08:45:25 AM
In yet another episode of "too nice not to grill", grabbed some burger at Morgan's on the way home. Ruby had me closely supervised and after a day pf Christmas decorating, was pretty sure Mrs. Cheviot would be ready to sink her talons in and have her way with me. Once again, with Gopher hockey serving as a diversion and food overload, she went down for the count quickly. Thus I could reflect on the day in peace while pulling on a Rangpur & tonic.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/10/20, 10:06:35 PM
Might be the last chance for me to grill before Christmas. Or not. Had some T bones tonite so with the Mrs. working late I was able to slip them in under the wire. Along with a cocktail or two of course!  :happy1: I then played possum for the rest of the evening, climbing high into an ash tree. :huh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/10/20, 10:09:18 PM
 :happy1: hey we got those same plates  :confused: but unfortunately we aren't special enough to have them pioneer knives. :confused: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/11/20, 06:51:34 AM
good looking steaks Dotch!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/11/20, 10:30:29 AM
:happy1: hey we got those same plates  :confused: but unfortunately we aren't special enough to have them pioneer knives. :confused: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

heh, heh, heh...Smurfette: "Honey, what's in the package that came in the mail today?"

                             Glenn: "Oh wow! It's those classy steak knives Dotch sent me!"  :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/11/20, 10:45:44 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea, the last few weeks there have been all kinds of UPS, Fedex, speedy  delivery, even the USPS, driving past he house and stopping at the 2 neighbors, and its everyday...........and i tremble everytime, wondering what kind of surprise i might be in store for now!!!! :doah: :scratch: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/11/20, 04:25:47 PM
well tonights fine dining menu will consist of grilled burglers, and ore ida seasoned fries.

biggest question, fried or raw onion. oh and i put an egg, oatmeal, diced onion cajon and montreal steak seasoning in the burger and is melding in the frig!!!!

and of course topped off with natures honey...............KATHCUP!!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/11/20, 06:31:35 PM
interesting sounding burger..... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/11/20, 06:35:28 PM
interesting sounding burger.....
I grew up with that mixed in the burger. Guess it was the old way if making the burger stretch.

I have my burger wrapped in 1 1/2 lb package. Maybe use a handful of of oatmeal. I like the flavor. The seasonings is a glenn special. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/11/20, 06:38:28 PM
2 different seasonings??  why??  those 2 are way different...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/11/20, 06:41:08 PM
 :scratch: :scratch: because??  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/11/20, 06:50:10 PM
ok, just an interesting combo I was thinking...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/11/20, 07:13:07 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea, the last few weeks there have been all kinds of UPS, Fedex, speedy  delivery, even the USPS, driving past he house and stopping at the 2 neighbors, and its everyday...........and i tremble everytime, wondering what kind of surprise i might be in store for now!!!! :doah: :scratch: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Is it kind of sad to not have them stop and deliver stuff at your house?  They always stop here.  Love it.  We do still shop local too.  Only buy online what we can't get here.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/17/20, 06:48:26 AM
well for supper I took some baby yellow potato's cut in 1/2, mushrooms, onions and a pork tenderloin on the grill..  foil wrapped, oiled up with course salt and pepper..  very tasty... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/17/20, 06:49:20 PM
That sounds tasty Mike,  might have to try it soon. Took a page otta Dotch's book and grilled under the lights, even tho it was only 5 o'clock.  Always took myself as a thigh guy but one can't turn down a little leg now and then  :surrender: . Pretty simple meal with cheesy broccoli and a side salad.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/17/20, 06:52:01 PM
I do agree with ya on all counts Bobber!!!!   :happy1: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/18/20, 09:48:39 PM
Friday nite under the lights! Mrs. Cheviot laid low by burger before she could get me in her clutches. Gotta love it! Ruby riding shotgun & keeping those G&T's coming.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/19/20, 06:19:06 PM
If all the shopping momma and I did don't slow her down a brat  with fries and kapn kens beans will... Should be able to watch a flick in peace tonight.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on December 12/21/20, 08:32:47 AM
Friday nite under the lights! Mrs. Cheviot laid low by burger before she could get me in her clutches. Gotta love it! Ruby riding shotgun & keeping those G&T's coming.

Dotch,you forgot the cottage cheese,most important is the cocktail in arms reach,good job.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/21/20, 11:32:02 AM
If all the shopping momma and I did don't slow her down a brat  with fries and kapn kens beans will... Should be able to watch a flick in peace tonight.   :happy1:

Hope she didn't bother ya boober! Ya picked a good nite to watch flicks. We got back to the motel room that nite and The Outlaw Josey Wales was on, followed by Unforgiven and High Plains Drifter. Too bad I zonked out during the first one.  :sad:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/28/20, 09:33:33 AM
just grilled up some Italian sausage and were they good!  gor some chicken thighs on the grill now...   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/28/20, 06:50:17 PM
I've been thinking about cooking some chicken tomorrow night.  I'm thinking Shake and Bake in the oven.  Haven't done that in a long time and it is pretty good. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/28/20, 06:59:37 PM
I've been thinking about cooking some chicken tomorrow night.  I'm thinking Shake and Bake in the oven.  Haven't done that in a long time and it is pretty good.
I was going to go that route, but changed my mind!!   :rotflmao: :happy1:  that darn good too!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/29/20, 07:55:57 AM
I've been thinking about cooking some chicken tomorrow night.  I'm thinking Shake and Bake in the oven.  Haven't done that in a long time and it is pretty good. 
We do that with our Ia chops quite often, keeps 'em a lot moister. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/29/20, 08:32:15 AM
what's the difference in chops??  Ia, Mn??   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/29/20, 08:38:49 AM
what's the difference in chops??  Ia, Mn??   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: ther probably like the iowa cheerleaders......a little more fat to them!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/29/20, 08:42:31 AM
Our Ia chops are like a good T bone & ~ 2" thick. :scratch: Don't think I've ever even heard of a Mn chop.  :confused: :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/29/20, 08:43:34 AM
what's the difference in chops??  Ia, Mn??   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: ther probably like the iowa cheerleaders......a little more fat to them!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :mooning: :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/29/20, 08:49:11 AM
what's the difference in chops??  Ia, Mn??   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: ther probably like the iowa cheerleaders......a little more fat to them!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/29/20, 08:50:42 AM
ya just go up to the meat counter at the locker plant or store and order what ya what...  1/4 to 3 inch thick..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/29/20, 08:51:00 AM
what's the difference in chops??  Ia, Mn??   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: ther probably like the iowa cheerleaders......a little more fat to them!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :mooning: :pouty:
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: markn on January 01/01/21, 06:54:07 AM
Tossed this six pound brisket on at 7:15 yesterday, took it off at 7:00 last night. Turned out awesome. Thanks again Mike. If I were to change anything I'd like to try hickory pellets instead of comp. blend and cut back a touch on the kosher salt.  :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/01/21, 07:45:16 AM
dang I should have been there for supper!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:   looks darn good Mark!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/01/21, 11:37:07 AM
bacon cheddar burgers off the grill for lunch today!!!!  thinking a big juicy sirloin steak when I get back from the son's tomorrow!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/05/21, 04:48:42 PM
Tonight's chow on the grill. Nord fillets before the grill. This will be paired with fine PB&J sammiches.

After pictures forth coming.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/05/21, 05:08:03 PM
no onions!!!  looks good!!  I do that a lot when I do fish...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/05/21, 05:09:44 PM
Nords n pb&j sammiches,  thats a new one. When I think of a fine fish dinner pb&j  usually doesn't come to mind.. but then again the toilet doesn't care.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/05/21, 05:11:20 PM
no onions!!!  looks good!!  I do that a lot when I do fish...
I put the fake flake onions on. Don't think momma would appreciate the real thing on.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/05/21, 05:12:09 PM
Nords n pb&j sammiches,  thats a new one. When I think of a fine fish dinner pb&j  usually doesn't come to mind.. but then again the toilet doesn't care.  :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/05/21, 05:12:24 PM
Nords n pb&j sammiches,  thats a new one. When I think of a fine fish dinner pb&j  usually doesn't come to mind.. but then again the toilet doesn't care.  :happy1:
we do that occasionally with other fish to. Kinda grew up with that now and then.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/05/21, 06:40:30 PM
Cooked to perfection.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/11/21, 12:22:53 PM
well I finally got my grilled top sirloin for lunch today.. perfect med!!!  have to get another one of those!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/11/21, 12:36:25 PM
well I finally got my grilled top sirloin for lunch today.. perfect med!!!  have to get another one of those!!   :happy1:
:smoking: Yea pictures or it  didn't happen. :sleazy: :doah: :evil: :rotflmao: Dotch dared me Mike. :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/11/21, 12:47:10 PM
dats ok!!  it tasted darn good!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on January 01/11/21, 01:07:52 PM
well I finally got my grilled top sirloin for lunch today.. perfect med!!!  have to get another one of those!!   :happy1:

Mike, you eat better at lunch than most people eat at supper.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/11/21, 01:29:37 PM
well I finally got my grilled top sirloin for lunch today.. perfect med!!!  have to get another one of those!!   :happy1:

Mike, you eat better at lunch than most people eat at supper.

yea but for supper I usally eat left overs!!!  and I do have some lunch meats too!!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/11/21, 04:23:08 PM
That sounds great Mike!! I don't know how you do it, I mean I go thru enough cold beverages grilling supper let alone lunch..  :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/12/21, 03:52:01 PM
Momma picked up 5 whole bird chickens. 1.39 a lb. So averaged 5.50 a bird!!

Guess what's hitting the charcoal grill tomorrow. :sleazy: :happy1: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: roony on January 01/12/21, 04:00:48 PM
Juicy Burgers for us tonight. Still one of my favorites.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/12/21, 04:11:17 PM
You gonna shove a Mgl up the birds a$$ Glenn? Good stuff! A juicey burglar on a toasted bun is my kryptonite Roony!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/12/21, 04:15:10 PM
You gonna shove a Mgl up the birds a$$ Glenn? Good stuff! A juicey burglar on a toasted bun is my kryptonite Roony!!   :happy1:
nope, not wasting beer that way. I'll cut it up and season it yet tonight or first thing in the morning.  Gotta have them seasonings meld ya know.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/13/21, 06:13:09 PM
We had a Mike lunch tonight, ribeyes, taters wrapped in bacon with shrooms and a side salad.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/13/21, 06:27:05 PM
hey now!! I had top sirloin!!  haven't had a ribeye in a very long time!!!   looks and sounds great Bobber!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/13/21, 06:36:03 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: we are having a Mike lunch ourselves. :rotflmao: grilled chicky, hash browns, stove top and brussel sprouts. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/13/21, 07:12:32 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: we are having a Mike lunch ourselves. :rotflmao: grilled chicky, hash browns, stove top and brussel sprouts. :happy1:

sounds more like supper to me!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on January 01/13/21, 07:16:06 PM
That is one heck of a lunch Glenn.  What's for supper?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/13/21, 07:38:12 PM
Here's the Mikey size lunch for the smurfy household for supper. :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/13/21, 07:39:44 PM
green bombs!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/13/21, 07:49:29 PM
green bombs!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:happy1: yeppers smothered in butter. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/13/21, 07:53:49 PM
green bombs!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:happy1: yeppers smothered in butter. :happy1:
maybe add some bacon!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/13/21, 07:54:12 PM
They look like horse terds but glenn claims they don't taste like it mikey!  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/13/21, 07:55:07 PM
They look like horse terds but glenn claims they don't taste like it mikey!  :scratch:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/14/21, 12:02:11 PM
grilled chili cheese brats for lunch, onions and good mustard ana side of cottage cheese!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/14/21, 12:11:23 PM
grilled chili cheese brats for lunch, onions and good mustard.
there I fixed it for you!!! :evil: :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I ruined my lunch. :doah: momma needed to run to the eye clinic to get her glasses fixed thanks to the little terrorist. She brought home cold spring bakery donuts. :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/20/21, 06:27:49 PM
Pork steaks n nekkid taters. Momma has every kind of veggie roasting in the oven so hoping that settles her down for the night... time will tell.  :huh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/03/21, 07:26:46 PM
Decided to fire up the grill prior to the big chill.  Glenn wanted a chunk of cow, so sirloin it was, momma wanted baked taters and corn. Tomorrow thinking about pigger steak.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on February 02/04/21, 06:51:08 AM
 :hubba: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/04/21, 07:35:01 PM
Threw on a couple pork steaks on the grill tonight. Along with taters fried in butter and onions and mixed vegetables.

The grill will get a break  for a while now.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/16/21, 12:28:49 PM
just had a grilled 4 cheese mega brat, darn good flavored brat!!  temp was 2 when I did them...  heat wave!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/16/21, 02:37:49 PM
That sounds great Mike,  got some thighs n bacon wrapped asparagus going on this away.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/16/21, 02:48:24 PM
that sounds great too!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/16/21, 04:04:36 PM
That sounds great Mike,  got some thighs n bacon wrapped asparagus going on this away.
them thighs wear bikini's!!!!!! :sleazy: :smoking: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/17/21, 04:50:09 PM
Got some brats swimming in beer as we speak,  found up some ballpark hot diggity dogs and thru them in also, why not I said to myself.  Looking like crispy crowns n green olives on the side.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/26/21, 12:00:00 PM
was going to grill a t-bone for lunch but with the wind cranking nixed that til tomorrow...  won 2 t-bones and some bacon at the meat raffle last night!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: GrandpaTom on February 02/26/21, 03:52:22 PM
How about a chili cheese dog?? :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/26/21, 04:34:22 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/26/21, 04:59:01 PM
Daughter and the girls coming tomorrow.  Got pot roast in the oven, and for kicks some eye of round doing 24 hours in the sous vide at 131 too.    I think I will dig out the slicer for the round.   

Dinner tonight will be some of the pot roast as a quality check, some of the wine used for the pot roast so it doesn't go to waste, and assorted sides.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/26/21, 05:16:37 PM
Pot roast is my favorite thing I think..   I have an eye of round that we have ready to dump in the sous,  just not sure if today or tomorrow.  Are you going to make sandwiches with yours Del?   I was thinking about doing it as a pot roast type of thing or making French Dips with it.  Cook some carrots and celery and onions and spuds to go with it if I do the pot roast thing. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/26/21, 09:27:10 PM
Doing the eye of round 131 for 24 hrs and then going to slice on my slicer.   Sandwiches or hot roast beef or whatever.   The chuck roast is classic pot roast, with red wine, braised in oven.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/27/21, 08:23:56 AM
Gonna start ours at 5 this evening shooting for tomorrow at that time.  Hot roast beefs it is! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/27/21, 08:46:36 AM
Just had roast beef, baby carrots, along with potatoes & gravy for lunch yday.  :happy1: :cool:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/27/21, 09:11:23 AM
Just had roast beef, baby carrots, along with potatoes & gravy for lunch yday.  :happy1: :cool:
thats a great meal any time!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/27/21, 12:32:08 PM
well with the wind lightly blowing I was able to grill my t-bone steak for lunch!!!  darn good too!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/27/21, 12:48:31 PM
Then I suppose you watched some of glenn's filthy  :censored: flicks for dessert... :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/27/21, 01:45:23 PM
naw I didn't want to hurt my eye's!!!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/27/21, 03:50:42 PM
Then I suppose you watched some of glenn's filthy  :censored: flicks for dessert... :doah:
:banghead: :banghead: training-087 MY filth.............. :tut: :tut: :tut:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/27/21, 08:54:08 PM
Gonna start ours at 5 this evening shooting for tomorrow at that time.  Hot roast beefs it is!

Daughter, wife, granddaughters gobbled up "beef two ways"   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/27/21, 09:34:14 PM
After a major bomb session today,'twas time to fire up the Weber and grill some lamburger. Enough of the -26 degree BS. Cavenders on the burgers, some onion rings from the air fryer, Birdseye mixed veggies, some Vlassic gherkins, & Bongards crushed red pepper cheese curds. They burn going in and coming out!  :happy1: Mrs. Cheviot had a long day and loading her up with a big meal kept her at bay once again.  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/27/21, 09:37:36 PM
 :happy1: :happy1: there's that one of a kind knife!!👍👍🤣🤣
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/27/21, 09:43:10 PM
Just for you buddy... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/28/21, 08:26:57 AM
Have never had a lamb burger. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/28/21, 09:12:41 AM
same here
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/28/21, 09:24:38 AM
Can you tell it is not beef Dotch?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/28/21, 03:30:07 PM
Can you tell it is not beef Dotch?

The breed I'm raising right now and the way we feed them, it's pretty hard to tell the burger from beef. This is a mild flavored lamb however and some other breeds, not so much. That's part of the problem the sheep industry has: a consistent product. Some of that is OK. Some of the ethnic market and older folks prefer a stronger, more tallowy flavored lamb which is fine but to me it's a turn-off, as it is many times for people who've never eaten lamb before. We're raising breeding stock so we're not as concerned with how fast we can get them to market weight as we are with growing them out to be structurally correct with good hair coats. While they still have a nice fat cover, it isn't as excessive as many who feed straight corn and soybean meal with very little hay. Other lamb I shy away from is that from club lambs. Many times they've been fed hormones and liquid diets. Ick and the lamb tastes like it. They're sheep not athletes. The burger from our lambs is exceptional and I can say that because I've been eating lamb all my life. Others have said the same thing in fact, we had one customer grind an entire lamb into burger. Down to our last 2 packages of burger so will have to get by on chops and legs until we can get one into the locker again. Oh darn... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/28/21, 04:06:41 PM
Can you tell it is not beef Dotch?

The breed I'm raising right now and the way we feed them, it's pretty hard to tell the burger from beef. This is a mild flavored lamb however and some other breeds, not so much. That's part of the problem the sheep industry has: a consistent product. Some of that is OK. Some of the ethnic market and older folks prefer a stronger, more tallowy flavored lamb which is fine but to me it's a turn-off, as it is many times for people who've never eaten lamb before. We're raising breeding stock so we're not as concerned with how fast we can get them to market weight as we are with growing them out to be structurally correct with good hair coats. While they still have a nice fat cover, it isn't as excessive as many who feed straight corn and soybean meal with very little hay. Other lamb I shy away from is that from club lambs. Many times they've been fed hormones and liquid diets. Ick and the lamb tastes like it. They're sheep not athletes. The burger from our lambs is exceptional and I can say that because I've been eating lamb all my life. Others have said the same thing in fact, we had one customer grind an entire lamb into burger. Down to our last 2 packages of burger so will have to get by on chops and legs until we can get one into the locker again. Oh darn... :rolleyes:
yep.just as i said before a sheep pimp!!!!!!!! seks....breed...... secs....... oh  :confused: :pouty: the wonder of it all!!!!!! :doah: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/28/21, 04:31:34 PM
Don't you have some Shadow poop to carry around?  :tongue:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/28/21, 05:16:33 PM
 :rotflmao: nope, this mornings snow took care of that. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/28/21, 05:20:35 PM
:rotflmao: nope, this mornings snow took care of that. :happy1:
oh no it didn't it just covered it up like you do!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/28/21, 05:29:34 PM
:rotflmao: nope, this mornings snow took care of that. :happy1:
oh no it didn't it just covered it up like you do!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
meh in 3-4 days it'll still be there. :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/28/21, 08:06:48 PM
If I start now, I should be there in about 10 hours with the tractor and blower. Fling them Shadow terds right up on yer roof!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/05/21, 04:35:39 PM
Dang is it nice out, this close to pulling out the patio furniture.  Chuck eyes n taters tonight,  think I'm gonna cut the taters open a little add butter and re wrapped with bacon, first I gotta grab a beer!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/05/21, 06:43:36 PM
Hope you ate yer Wheaties this a.m. Betting after a long winter's grilling layoff Mrs. boober will have her hooks out!  :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/06/21, 09:31:58 PM
Made a trip yesterday to Morgan's to pick up egg roll brats & dinner franks. Was wily enough to figure if I made a large batch of food I'd get a free pass after Mrs. Cheviot checked out. Was right. She never laid a finger on me! Also trying to work the air fryer into the mix along with some Mrs. Gerry's slaw. And of course my COVID/malaria preventative treatment. As Bob Dole used to say, "America wins!"  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/07/21, 07:01:07 AM
looks darn good Dotch!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/07/21, 07:49:47 AM
Made a trip yesterday to Morgan's to pick up egg roll brats & dinner franks. Was wily enough to figure if I made a large batch of food I'd get a free pass after Mrs. Cheviot checked out. Was right. She never laid a finger on me! Also trying to work the air fryer into the mix along with some Mrs. Gerry's slaw. And of course my COVID/malaria preventative treatment. As Bob Dole used to say, "America wins!"  :happy1:
:happy1: :happy1: no need for the pioneer knife there!!!!!!!! :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

just took out some ribeyes to hit the grill tonight!!!!!!! :happy1: loves me some slab of cow!!!!!!!!!!1
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/09/21, 03:28:39 PM
I just happened to see this recipe and thought you may all drool over it. I am looking for some nice big sweet onions now.    https://youtu.be/P6nQKj7Kh4A   There it is.  LOL 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/09/21, 03:43:41 PM
 :scratch: :scratch:

what recipe??
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/09/21, 03:57:24 PM
Ya, what Mike said!  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/09/21, 04:03:45 PM
Ok I put it on. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/09/21, 06:37:54 PM
ok interesting for sure...  I like onions so...............  thanks!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/09/21, 06:41:49 PM
I just happened to see this recipe and thought you may all drool over it. I am looking for some nice big sweet onions now.    https://youtu.be/P6nQKj7Kh4A   There it is.  LOL
Yea you shouldn't need stool softener for a month after that!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/09/21, 06:43:07 PM
dats just you!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/14/21, 09:32:49 PM
Big storm comin'! Gotta make leftovers! Lamb chops & chicken breasts. A little tricky to get them both done at the same time but it can be done. Smoked up with hackberry wood although there was probably a stick or two of apple wood in there too. Turned out more smoked than broiled & that's OK. Now we'll survive nature's onslaught the next couple days as we shovel out. Speaking of that Mrs. Cheviot didn't muster enough energy to chase me around the house more than a couple times before she called it quits. Too full she said.  :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/16/21, 06:27:54 PM
I have 5 chicken thighs on the pellet grill.  I call it Chuck's Chicken.  Chuck is my brother and he is a great cook.  I read recently that to get crispy chicken skin it must be dry.  Pat it dry with paper towels.  Then coat it with butter or olive oil after it has sat for awhile.  I put butter on it and some Dave's Rib Rub.  Lightly so the wife will still like it.  ????   We shall see.  SO it is wait till the grill is at 400 and then 40 - 50 minutes and it is great!  I will try to get pics.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/16/21, 06:46:11 PM
We'll send glenn up to help on the pictures! :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/16/21, 06:53:40 PM
I hope he hauled ass and is almost here.   :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/16/21, 07:06:11 PM
We'll send glenn up to help on the pictures! :evil:
:azn: :shocked: :confused: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/17/21, 12:17:09 PM
just had a rueben for lunch, darn good!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/21/21, 09:05:24 AM
I got some Famous Daves Rib Rub cuz I saw it in the store the other day.  I rubbed a rack of baby backs last night and will smoke them today.  Looking forward to them.  Been awhile. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/21/21, 09:41:10 AM
Having grilled chicky tonight over charcoal. :hubba: :hubba: sides are yet to be determined  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/21/21, 09:42:03 AM
smoked pork tenderloin today!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/21/21, 10:36:25 AM
I got some Famous Daves Rib Rub cuz I saw it in the store the other day.  I rubbed a rack of baby backs last night and will smoke them today.  Looking forward to them.  Been awhile. 
Had some ribs this week ourselves. Just some Menards has on sale that'd been in the freezer for a while though.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/24/21, 06:19:58 PM
 Minor rain delay but we gotter done. Beef and chicken kaboobs with taters wrapped in bacon. Told momma if she doesn't wanna be  chased she best get some bread sticks going, sure is nice when a good plan comes together.. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/24/21, 06:21:51 PM
sweet!!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/24/21, 06:31:02 PM
Boober, you make them up yourself??  We did it once, what a pain in the butt.

Lady summer my wife got some from cashwise already made up pretty darn good.  Thinking they were maybe just 1 type of meat though. :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/24/21, 06:36:42 PM
I'm betting they made them, we used and darn they are good!!!  might have to make some again!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/24/21, 06:46:45 PM
Boober, you make them up yourself??  We did it once, what a pain in the butt.

Lady summer my wife got some from cashwise already made up pretty darn good.  Thinking they were maybe just 1 type of meat though. :scratch:
store bought, the chicken ones I tore apart and marinated but tge beef were pre seasoned . Usually do our own but ya gotta take what the course gives ya... :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/24/21, 07:04:08 PM
don't see any thing like that in the store here..............
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/25/21, 07:38:11 AM
We like them too but don't do them enough.  I read this so now we put all of the meat chunks on separate skewers and the veggies on their own too.  That way we can cook them each until they are done.  Sometimes the meat needs more time.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/25/21, 08:59:01 AM
so for those that do up there own....marinading the meat is pretty much always done, what do you guys use to marinade it??

the cashwise ones where all beef, chicken or whatever. not different types of meat. i kinda like differnet meats on them, but there a pain to make!!!!! :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/25/21, 09:01:03 AM
I have used Italian dressing or even a combo of dressings on them. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/25/21, 03:36:01 PM
Every spring ma and pa bring back a few bottles from the south, its a soy base so it's pretty strong. Sounds like you can get it out that way also. I did the chicken in it, but have used it with steak or mix some in burger for burglars. The chicken was in it for maybe a half hour.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/25/21, 04:36:22 PM
Kirkland brats are going for a slight swim, definitely not using my good beer, stole a couple from the whipper snapper! :happy1: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/25/21, 04:52:30 PM
Your drinking that mickey and used Busch for the brats?? :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/25/21, 04:54:27 PM
Your drinking that mickey and used Busch for the brats?? :scratch:
  :tut: :tut: :tut:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/25/21, 09:31:06 PM
Borgers from Morgan's & it may be one of the last times. Morgan's has tentatively been sold. I know the new owners tho and am confident they'll do a good job. It's in their genes. Morgan's has had some of the best fresh burger in the country & didn't disappoint. Tried out a different onion ring, cheaper and actually better than any we've tried so far in the air fryer. Mrs. Gerry's slaw, Birdseye peas and there you have it. Luckily Mrs. Cheviot gorged herself on onion rings or she might've taken a whirl at me. Was busy doing gin & ice cube number (seriously) research anyway. Wouldn't have mattered.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/26/21, 06:47:31 AM
 :hubba: :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/29/21, 10:14:55 AM
Got these chops late last week but has to put a hold on them until yesterday. Marinated in Four Daughters Marquette wine that'd been taking up space in the fridge for many moons + garlic salt & curry powder. Seasoned w/smokehouse maple along w/some olive oil spray. Seared a couple minutes per side then cooked indirect & smoked w/pear wood. Poured the marinade in the drip pan while I was at it. Awesome flavored super moist pork chops, baked taters & sweet corn. Mrs. Cheviot made a pass at me but was able to thwart her advances before she drifted off to sleep. I'm saving myself for when I know the moment is right.  :angel:   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/03/21, 04:16:50 PM
Momma wanted to try some steaks from a market instead of Costco or cub tonight. I knew I should have looked around while I was in St. Paul today but figured the local VH  will have to do. Good lord, 20 $ a # for ribeyes , I figured I'll get chased one way or another,  if I turn em to cardboard it'll be with a bat.... :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/18/21, 12:32:59 PM
wild rice brats for lunch fresh off the grill!!!  tasty!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/18/21, 03:37:41 PM
Good lord Mike,  your always makin me hungry!!  :happy1: do I dare look at the fryer thread??
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/18/21, 03:58:49 PM
Good lord Mike,  your always makin me hungry!!  :happy1: do I dare look at the fryer thread??
sure, it's just Dotch screwing up his food in there anyway. :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/18/21, 04:49:16 PM
Good lord Mike,  your always makin me hungry!!  :happy1: do I dare look at the fryer thread??
sure, it's just Dotch screwing up his food in there anyway. :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
oh boy...            :popcorn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/18/21, 04:58:28 PM
Good lord Mike,  your always makin me hungry!!  :happy1: do I dare look at the fryer thread??
sure, it's just Dotch screwing up his food in there anyway. :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

 :tut: :tut: :tut: Careful what you wish for...my buddy and I once mailed our other roommate a couple slices of burned toast. He'd ruin it then dump it in the sink into a frying pan full of water. It'd expand to the size of a rubber raft then he'd expect us to clean it up! I am a seasoned pro at mailing tortured cuisine... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/18/21, 05:17:35 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/18/21, 10:27:37 PM
Pork loin fillets, one mesquite & the other lemon pepper,  done indirect on the Weber w/cherry wood charcoal. Baked taters & mixed veggies (think these were Fareway). Mrs. Cheviot was lusting after me during the entire cooking process. I was able to resist her advances once again, especially once the food was ready & hit bottom. One more reason not to overcook... :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/24/21, 09:50:12 PM
Grilled the last couple lbs. of lamburger we had and they didn't disappoint. Neither did the first rhubarb pie of the season. Of course I had to disappoint Mrs. Cheviot but like I told her, I'm saving myself for when the time is right.  :happy1: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/25/21, 07:07:04 AM
Looks good Dotch.  Trying to decide it I should grill steaks later on or do a rack of baby backs on the smoker.  Tough decision. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/25/21, 07:24:34 AM
Grilled the last couple lbs. of lamburger we had and they didn't disappoint. Neither did the first rhubarb pie of the season. Of course I had to disappoint Mrs. Cheviot but like I told her, I'm saving myself for when the time is right.  :happy1:
looks good there bud, BUT........what ya do?? bump your dadburn head!!!!!! :pouty: :rolleyes: saving yourself!!!!!!!!!!! :doah: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/25/21, 12:19:20 PM
I have a nice thick NY Strip all rubbed with spices and drizzled with olive oil and sitting to meld until after the Twins game.  The wife is going to make a nice salad and I got a new bottle of Tuscan Italian dressing for it.  Man I like that stuff.  :sleazy: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/25/21, 03:38:45 PM
Grilled the last couple lbs. of lamburger we had and they didn't disappoint. Neither did the first rhubarb pie of the season. Of course I had to disappoint Mrs. Cheviot but like I told her, I'm saving myself for when the time is right.  :happy1:
looks good there bud, BUT........what ya do?? bump your dadburn head!!!!!! :pouty: :rolleyes: saving yourself!!!!!!!!!!! :doah: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

 I just don't want her to think I'm easy like you!  :rotflmao:

And BTW, those were SWEET PICKLES on my plate. If only I'd had some COTTAGE CHEESE to go with them!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/25/21, 04:21:18 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/25/21, 05:15:56 PM
Grilled the last couple lbs. of lamburger we had and they didn't disappoint. Neither did the first rhubarb pie of the season. Of course I had to disappoint Mrs. Cheviot but like I told her, I'm saving myself for when the time is right.  :happy1:
looks good there bud, BUT........what ya do?? bump your dadburn head!!!!!! :pouty: :rolleyes: saving yourself!!!!!!!!!!! :doah: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:doofus: :tut: :crazy: :crazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

 I just don't want her to think I'm easy like you!  :rotflmao:

And BTW, those were SWEET PICKLES on my plate. If only I'd had some COTTAGE CHEESE to go with them!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/26/21, 06:49:21 PM
Grilled pork steaks, hash browns and corn. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/26/21, 07:01:29 PM
no katchup?????? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/26/21, 07:07:16 PM
 :pouty: not on pork steaks silly. :tut: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/26/21, 07:26:25 PM
hash browns............... :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/01/21, 09:12:23 AM
Went Morgan's for what might be the last time, at least as it's named right now. One of the new owners was there so things are transitioning. Dean gave me a deal on T bones & who am I to pass up a deal?  :confused: Mrs. Cheviot was absent so Ruby & I had the place to ourselves last nite. Ruby loves steak fat; she's all over it when we grill.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/01/21, 09:45:56 AM
I sure enjoy a good grilled t-bone!!!!  top sirloin too!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/01/21, 05:48:32 PM
Me too Mike.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/01/21, 07:49:18 PM
Me too Mike.

or a  great tasting venison loin!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/02/21, 06:51:46 AM
Oh yeah, those to for sure! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/02/21, 11:01:28 AM
Ok you convinced me, we are having a NY strip tonight on the grill.  That is one nice looking T Bone.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/02/21, 02:29:44 PM
Went Morgan's for what might be the last time, at least as it's named right now. One of the new owners was there so things are transitioning. Dean gave me a deal on T bones & who am I to pass up a deal?  :confused: Mrs. Cheviot was absent so Ruby & I had the place to ourselves last nite. Ruby loves steak fat; she's all over it when we grill.  :happy1:
you and the dog sure eat good when the wife is gone. :confused: :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/02/21, 03:59:07 PM
That's a fine looking plate Dotch, and to boot no need to run and do your best impression of Al Bundy on the couch afterwards!  :happy1: Were also having steaks tonight,  baked tater and a side salad, might hafta take the pooches fer a walk as a distraction..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: deadeye on May 05/03/21, 04:20:40 PM
My first try at using the smoker my son gave me for my birthday. I put it in the brine my wife whipped up for about 8 hours then let it dry in the cool breeze. Set the electric smoker to 160 threw in some wood chips and poured in the brine solution.  Not sure how long it takes to reach 160 degrees so I will just take a chance. Not sure if I have all the time you need to cook with one of these things but we will see.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/03/21, 04:59:35 PM
What did you put in the smoker DE, and the brine went in also.. :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/03/21, 05:21:15 PM
Oh Geez DE...  You don't smoke the brine.  You soak the meat in it.  LOL You are going to have to slow down about 3 notches to enjoy the demanding art of smoking!!!  You can do it.  Got a lawn chair?    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:  Have fun.  Feels good to have something come out and taste great, or even ok.  It is a learning experience, forever.  Better get some beer too if you want to excel in the artform. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/03/21, 06:40:54 PM
plus to get it to 160 you will have to turn up the temp some time... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/03/21, 06:51:39 PM
I smoke almost everything at about 225 - 250.  That takes ribs 4 - 5 hours to get tender and done. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: birdswacker on May 05/03/21, 08:07:54 PM
I smoke almost everything at about 225 - 250.  That takes ribs 4 - 5 hours to get tender and done.

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/04/21, 07:43:03 AM
X3.  225 and my dry rub, baby back ribs take about 6 hours.

DE, please do check out this guy.  Great recipes and techniques.  He tells you what to do and why. 

https://amazingribs.com/ (https://amazingribs.com/)

How To Make The Best BBQ Ribs You Have Ever Tasted: Last Meal Ribs (https://amazingribs.com/best-barbecue-ribs-recipe/)

Meathead’s World Famous Memphis Dust Rub Recipe (https://amazingribs.com/tested-recipes/spice-rubs-and-pastes/meatheads-memphis-dust-rub-recipe/)

What You Need to Know About Wood, Smoke, And Combustion (https://amazingribs.com/more-technique-and-science/grill-and-smoker-setup-and-firing/what-you-need-know-about-wood-smoke-and/)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/04/21, 11:03:59 AM
I smoke almost everything at about 225 - 250.  That takes ribs 4 - 5 hours to get tender and done.

Ya but think how many more G&T's a guy could consume set at 160!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/04/21, 12:24:40 PM
just grilled up a package of venison back strap that was given to me..  perfect medium!!!  and oh so good!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/21, 12:27:16 PM
I smoke almost everything at about 225 - 250.  That takes ribs 4 - 5 hours to get tender and done.

Ya but think how many more G&T's a guy could consume set at 160!  :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: there is always a method to your madness!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/21, 12:28:36 PM
just grilled up a package of venison back strap that was given to me..  perfect medium!!!  and oh so good!!!
and complmented it with generous portions of KATCHUP, right,!!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/04/21, 12:30:36 PM
just grilled up a package of venison back strap that was given to me..  perfect medium!!!  and oh so good!!!
and complmented it with generous portions of KATCHUP, right,!!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao:

only salt and pepper!!!   could have put butter on it but didn't need too!!!   nice try buddy!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on May 05/04/21, 09:58:26 PM
You’re right about amazing ribs.com, Steve-o. Another good one for a rib recipe is Carwash Mike. He’s passed away, but has a good basic set of instructions for ribs.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/07/21, 01:01:12 PM
going to place 4 chicken hind quarters, 4 burgers and a  couple brats on the pellet smoker here in a bit!!... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/07/21, 02:46:31 PM
We are going to cook some country style boneless ribs tomorrow.  Sear them over the fire first and then simmer for hours in the Dutch oven over the fire. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on May 05/07/21, 04:55:46 PM
LPS, did something similar with pork steaks. Marinated over night, seared on the grill on each side, into a covered pan with a cup of sauce, and a cup of beer, brazed for 90 minutes on the grill at 275*. So tender and flavorful.
Tomorrow I have 10 lbs of pork bellies going into the smoker for bacon.

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/07/21, 10:05:30 PM
Great minds think alike Coop!  :happy1: Checked out the new ownership at Morgan's, now known as Neighbor's. Pretty much the same altho the bakery goods such as brat & burger buns are gone. Selling off the Morgan's inventory so I picked up some of their weenies & pork steaks. Mrs. Cheviot is doing the Mother's Day onslaught at the flower shop so I wanted something substantial since she wasn't home. Also wanted to play more with the air fryer. Pork steaks were seared a couple minutes per side then cooked indirect ~10 minutes/side w/apple wood in the smoker boxes. Hash browns were better but think we'll try going the fresh route rather than frozen. Even after tweaking with it, can't seem to make this air fryer behave without drying them out. Mrs. Gerry's slaw was excellent as usual.   :huh:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on May 05/09/21, 11:40:25 AM
Last nights supper, chuck steaks!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/10/21, 04:43:21 PM
Both meals look fabulous fellas!! I forgot pics but we did pork medalians from Costco in the cast iron with spuds last night. Taking an easier approach with beer brats on the tailgater tonight.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: markn on May 05/12/21, 09:33:51 AM
My Mother’s Day dinner for the Mrs. Had a house full on Sunday so we celebrated last night.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/12/21, 12:03:08 PM
good lookin meal Mark!!  I'll bet she was happy!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/12/21, 02:08:00 PM
If I could do a double like you would get one with that grill full Mark
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/16/21, 06:27:55 PM
Well it was a combo cook oven, stove and grill.

Ribs hash browns and asparagus. Ribs in the oven, hash browns stovetop. Asparagus on the grill, momma don't like asparagus so they where all mine. :sleazy: we cheated on the ribs. :nerd: the local grocery store does a rib special 3-4 times a year. 2 full racks fer 20 bucks. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/16/21, 09:07:30 PM
That looks purty fantastic there little buddy!  :happy1: It'd look even better with some cottage cheese & sweet pickles... :evil:

Went to Neighbor's meat market yesterday to break bread with the new owners. Checked on their slaughter schedule & made some purchases. Got some weenies, jackrabbit brats & a couple t-bones. Grilled the t-bones last nite so have one leftover to nosh on. The one last nite was awesome & Ruby enjoyed the fat. Mrs. Cheviot had already eaten & crashed while I was grilling. More for me & I didn't have to protect my chastity!  :happy1: (note the coveted steak knife)  :hubba:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/16/21, 09:37:33 PM
  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: looks good Dotch. And I was getting a bit concerned about that special knife!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/18/21, 12:02:04 PM
I have a pioneer knife similar to that one..  mine says sweet corn on the handle and I would call it a pairing knife.. still has the paper blade guard on it... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/20/21, 06:34:59 PM
Burglars and asparagus grilled. A few with swiss cheese. This was complemented with orida seasoned fries and fried onions. :happy1: and YES plenty of KATCHUP was harmed!! :happy1:

I took the ground beef, added onion, an egg, oatmeal and seasoning I added was salt, pepper, cajon seasoning and montereal steak seasoning

Now before you think I'm off my rocker with the oatmeal and egg, I grew up with that way back to my grandparents, it was meant to stretch the meat, and I really like it besides. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/20/21, 07:03:39 PM
our family did that too and some times I do it too..  looks good !!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/20/21, 07:18:35 PM
Forgot to mention, I mixed the burger up about 3 hours earlier so all the seasoning melded!! :happy1: I think it makes a big difference.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/23/21, 01:29:45 PM
Worked pretty hard the last two days so smoking baby backs and watching the Twins.  Great day so far!  So I am doing something.  Actually multi-tasking technically!   

(https://tinypix.top/images/2021/05/23/iybPL.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/iybPL)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/23/21, 02:46:15 PM
nice set up!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/23/21, 03:56:33 PM
Bout ready to eat, some cute little chuck eyes n naked taters paired with Cap'n kens beans. Shouldn't be any eluding tonight with ol Cap'n Ken in the house!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/23/21, 09:49:20 PM
And with Capt. Ken's, there's no need to call an exterminator! America wins!  :happy1:

Lamb chops grilled w/cherry wood charcoal tonite while tormenting the orioles and catbird. Hadn't done any lamb chops for a while so after this afternoon's downpour (2.24") it was time. Cavenders works so well on lamb, some Birdseye sweet corn, Dole sunflower salad, cottage cheese & sweet gherkins. Mrs. Cheviot is off feed so more for me!  Getting tougher for me to keep my girlish figure when she keeps pulling this stuff however. One of these times she'll have her way with me... :huh:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/27/21, 12:40:23 PM
grilled a nice little t-bone for lunch, very good indeed!!!   ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/27/21, 12:44:56 PM
grilled a nice little t-bone for lunch, very good indeed!!!   ;)
:pouty: no pictures just a fantasy. :doofus:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/27/21, 12:49:05 PM
  Glenns din din. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/27/21, 01:32:05 PM
grilled a nice little t-bone for lunch, very good indeed!!!   ;)
:pouty: no pictures just a fantasy. :doofus:  :rotflmao:
sure did taste good!!! 

yours looks good too!!  that is a good sized sheep head too!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/27/21, 03:01:29 PM
grilled a nice little t-bone for lunch, very good indeed!!!   ;)
:pouty: no pictures just a fantasy. :doofus:  :rotflmao:
sure did taste good!!! 

yours looks good too!!  that is a good sized sheep head too!!!
:mooning: :mooning: :pouty: :tut: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/27/21, 07:15:32 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  That does look good Glenn. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/27/21, 07:25:39 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:  That does look good Glenn.

and he didn't say it wasn't a sheep head either!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/27/21, 07:33:33 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:  That does look good Glenn.

and he didn't say it wasn't a sheep head either!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
training-087 :banghead: training-087 :angry2: :confused: no iowegian walleye up here. :pouty: was a legal pike. :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/30/21, 08:21:29 AM
Had a sirloin, some asparagus, Mrs. Gerry's mac salad & bread & butter pickles. Sirloin was a partial. The gal started to pick a Fred Flintstone-sized one out of the case & I said, no the smaller one! Kinda came in two while grilling but it was tasty. A customer & friend gave me a bunch of asparagus. His patch went nuts and now his wife is on warfarin, she can't eat it anymore. Super nice asparagus, picked, washed and delivered. Very kind of him. Customers like that get extra service.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/30/21, 08:32:53 AM
Had a sirloin, some asparagus, Mrs. Gerry's mac salad & bread & butter pickles. Sirloin was a partial. The gal started to pick a Fred Flintstone-sized one out of the case & I said, no the smaller one! Kinda came in two while grilling but it was tasty. A customer & friend gave me a bunch of asparagus. His patch went nuts and now his wife is on warfarin, she can't eat it anymore. Super nice asparagus, picked, washed and delivered. Very kind of him. Customers like that get extra service.  :happy1:
:pouty: :pouty: :doah: where's  the knife!!!!!! :pouty: :rotflmao:

so dotch how did you prepare/cook the asparagus????? i dont care for it boiled but eat the crap out of it grilled in tin foil or raw!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/30/21, 08:47:22 AM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/30/21, 08:58:45 AM
Knife was hidden for safe keeping. Roving bands of knife thieves have been reported in the area.  :shocked:

Actually made the asparagus in the microwave in a covered glass dish. Partially cook it, stir then finish it. Sizing the pieces makes a difference too. Thinner pieces longer, thicker pieces shorter. It comes out evenly done, not overcooked, very similar to what my Mom made lightly boiled on top of the stove. Slather with butter & a little pepper. Best of all, it's quick, freeing up time to make another cocktail between turning whatever's on the grill.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/30/21, 09:16:02 AM
Knife was hidden for safe keeping. Roving bands of knife thieves have been reported in the area.  :shocked:

Actually made the asparagus in the microwave in a covered glass dish. Partially cook it, stir then finish it. Sizing the pieces makes a difference too. Thinner pieces longer, thicker pieces shorter. It comes out evenly done, not overcooked, very similar to what my Mom made lightly boiled on top of the stove. Slather with butter & a little pepper. Best of all, it's quick, freeing up time to make another cocktail between turning whatever's on the grill.  :happy1:
i might have to try that!!!!!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/30/21, 12:24:22 PM
just grilled some 4 cheese brats for lunch along with the tater salad I made!!!   good eats!!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/30/21, 12:28:44 PM
Gonna do hot dogs in a few minutes for us. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/30/21, 02:55:00 PM
just grilled some 4 cheese brats for lunch along with the tater salad I made!!!   good eats!!!!
based on the Generals advice, momma picked up some Kirkland brats. Along with a rotisserie chicken and 75 bucks worth of other stuff. Brats better be good or I'll haunt G for life. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/30/21, 04:49:17 PM
So now us other Costco shoppers are chopped liver??  :rotflmao: been showing picks of them for a long time,  you gonna do em in beer first? Good stuff..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/30/21, 04:54:55 PM
So now us other Costco shoppers are chopped liver??  :rotflmao: been showing picks of them for a long time,  you gonna do em in beer first? Good stuff..
well iffin I don't like them I'll haunt you too  :sleazy: :mooning: :rotflmao: I'm a pretty fussy brat eater. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/30/21, 05:52:39 PM
Ya we've all seen your do not eat list..lol  :moon:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/30/21, 06:39:25 PM
 :happy1:                :scratch: :doah:                         ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/30/21, 06:55:10 PM
We await your response to them Glenn.   :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/30/21, 07:58:19 PM
We await your response to them Glenn.   :sleazy:
:rotflmao:it should be in the next few days. :happy1:

Boober  how long in the beer bath???
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/31/21, 08:06:26 AM
We await your response to them Glenn.   :sleazy:
:rotflmao:it should be in the next few days. :happy1:

Boober  how long in the beer bath???
I just do a soak on low, don't want to cook em to much but when they turn gray I pull em out.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/31/21, 08:10:39 AM
We await your response to them Glenn.   :sleazy:
:rotflmao:it should be in the next few days. :happy1:

Boober  how long in the beer bath???
I just do a soak on low, don't want to cook em to much but when they turn gray I pull em out.
:happy1: thats right you cook them in a pan........mine it the grill grates direct!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/31/21, 08:41:39 AM
We await your response to them Glenn.   :sleazy:
:rotflmao:it should be in the next few days. :happy1:

Boober  how long in the beer bath???
I just do a soak on low, don't want to cook em to much but when they turn gray I pull em out.
:happy1: thats right you cook them in a pan........mine it the grill grates direct!!!!!!!
   :scratch: Beer bath then on da grill..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/31/21, 07:55:43 PM
Well I grilled the Kirkland brats. They won't make the list. Not to bad!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: The General on May 05/31/21, 09:39:35 PM
Well I grilled the Kirkland brats. They won't make the list. Not to bad!! :happy1:

Glad you enjoyed them.  I wasn’t aware you were the Gordon Ramsey of brats.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/31/21, 10:16:53 PM
Well I grilled the Kirkland brats. They won't make the list. Not to bad!! :happy1:

Glad you enjoyed them.  I wasn’t aware you were the Gordon Ramsey of brats.
:scratch: :scratch: who's Gordon Ramsey??? :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on June 06/01/21, 08:05:06 AM
 :pouty: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_Ramsay  :rolleyes: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/01/21, 08:08:44 AM
Well I grilled the Kirkland brats. They won't make the list. Not to bad!! :happy1:

Glad you enjoyed them.  I wasn’t aware you were the Gordon Ramsey of brats.
:scratch: :scratch: who's Gordon Ramsey??? :scratch:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/01/21, 08:12:28 AM
:pouty: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_Ramsay  :rolleyes: :laugh:
OK , ive seen blurbs of him on TV, just the tiny fraction i've seen i think he's an ass!!!!!! :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/01/21, 08:12:38 AM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/03/21, 09:59:22 AM
I just took out a family pack of chops.  I am going to smoke them this afternoon.  Looking forward to it.  Been awhile since we had chops.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/06/21, 08:04:46 AM
so, the other day when my FW was shopping she called and said cashwise has chicken patties. gold n plump quit producing them years ago!!!!! :doah: :embarrassed: :bs: why is beyond me, they were great. this is some brandi never heard of??? Amish something or another....

there hitting the grill later tonight to check them out.a little bbq sauce and raw onion.......how could it be bad!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/06/21, 08:23:53 AM
so, the other day when my FW was shopping she called and said cashwise has chicken patties. gold n plump quit producing them years ago!!!!! :doah: :embarrassed: :bs: why is beyond me, they were great. this is some brandi never heard of??? Amish something or another....

there hitting the grill later tonight to check them out.a little bbq sauce and raw onion.......how could it be bad!!!!!!!

first wife????   just askin!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/06/21, 08:27:58 AM
so, the other day when my FW was shopping she called and said cashwise has chicken patties. gold n plump quit producing them years ago!!!!! :doah: :embarrassed: :bs: why is beyond me, they were great. this is some brandi never heard of??? Amish something or another....

there hitting the grill later tonight to check them out.a little bbq sauce and raw onion.......how could it be bad!!!!!!!

first wife????   just askin!!!
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :confused: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: nope...first wife could eff up a pot of boiling water!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/06/21, 08:51:31 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/06/21, 06:02:52 PM
Chicken burglars. There called Gerber's Amish farms. Comes  6 in a box.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/06/21, 06:06:26 PM
They the ones you could chuck in the nuker for the kids???
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/06/21, 06:45:59 PM
They the ones you could chuck in the nuker for the kids???
nope, these are raw meat. The cooking directions gave no microwave instructions.

And they are pretty darn good. Of course I added bbq sauce and a slice of onion.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/06/21, 07:02:10 PM
get something like that at Aldi's too.. they are good too..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/07/21, 09:31:53 PM
Ribeyes are now 20 bucks a pound due to the issues with packing plants.  I see they have beef tenderloins for 10 bucks a lb.  I just youtubed a few videos on how to trim them up to make filet mignons.  Sounds pretty good.  I may go get one.  Anyone ever do that? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/08/21, 07:26:45 AM
Ribeyes are now 20 bucks a pound due to the issues with packing plants.  I see they have beef tenderloins for 10 bucks a lb.  I just youtubed a few videos on how to trim them up to make filet mignons.  Sounds pretty good.  I may go get one.  Anyone ever do that?
yup and it's easy!!  go for it!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/09/21, 06:34:45 AM
Well I got one of those tenderloins.  They are about 5 lbs.  Some of the trim was already trimmed away on them so an easy job to clean them up and cut them.  Had bacon wrapped filets on the grill and they turned out great.  The next time I will boil the bacon in water first and see if it cooks more on the grill.   :happy1:  The extra pieces I cut up and will use in stroganoff tonight. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: markn on June 06/09/21, 06:41:43 AM
lps, I like to buy pork tenderloins when on sale and cut them into chops. Then vacuum wrap them two to a pack. You can make them as thick as you like, same for the beef. Good luck and enjoy.  :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/09/21, 06:58:15 AM
The next time I will boil the bacon in water first and see if it cooks more on the grill.

Either that or microwave it to half way cooked.  But I am anxious to try the cooking bacon in water trick.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2guC4Badq2s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2guC4Badq2s)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/09/21, 11:48:58 AM
Ribeyes are now 20 bucks a pound due to the issues with packing plants.  I see they have beef tenderloins for 10 bucks a lb.  I just youtubed a few videos on how to trim them up to make filet mignons.  Sounds pretty good.  I may go get one.  Anyone ever do that?

Aldi's had ribeye's for $11.99 today...  seen lots of boneless pork loins for $1.99 today too... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/09/21, 04:04:49 PM
I would buy a whole loin if I found it for that price.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on June 06/09/21, 04:37:00 PM
Ribeyes are now 20 bucks a pound due to the issues with packing plants.  I see they have beef tenderloins for 10 bucks a lb.  I just youtubed a few videos on how to trim them up to make filet mignons.  Sounds pretty good.  I may go get one.  Anyone ever do that?

Aldi's had ribeye's for $11.99 today...  seen lots of boneless pork loins for $1.99 today too... 
Been gettin a lot of our steaks there too, shelf was full of the pork loins in GR as well.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: HD on June 06/09/21, 04:44:18 PM
Boiling Bacon 🥓?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on June 06/09/21, 05:25:25 PM
Boiling Bacon 🥓?

I may try it some time, but I asked the same question?  :confused: I can only think It would take a long time to boil it down then brown it?  :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/09/21, 05:32:48 PM
Sure is an interesting thought,  I haven't graduated from doing them in a pan to microwave or the oven yet..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/09/21, 06:18:35 PM
I would buy a whole loin if I found it for that price.

come on down and I'll get some for you!!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/09/21, 06:25:42 PM
Ribeyes are now 20 bucks a pound due to the issues with packing plants.  I see they have beef tenderloins for 10 bucks a lb.  I just youtubed a few videos on how to trim them up to make filet mignons.  Sounds pretty good.  I may go get one.  Anyone ever do that?

Aldi's had ribeye's for $11.99 today...  seen lots of boneless pork loins for $1.99 today too... 
Been gettin a lot of our steaks there too, shelf was full of the pork loins in GR as well.

and they are good steaks!!!!  got many from there!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/09/21, 09:14:25 PM
Boiling Bacon 🥓?

I may try it some time, but I asked the same question?  :confused: I can only think It would take a long time to boil it down then brown it?  :bonk:

Just put enough water in to cover the bacon.  Heat on high till the water is gone.  Only takes a few minutes.  The bacon is now hot so once the water is gone it browns fast without the meat getting hard and over done. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/10/21, 06:28:54 PM
Finger food tonight,  almost felt like football food. One pan had Buffalo wild wings honey bbq, the other was habenero.  Probably should have used two different brushes basting cuz we were sweating like we were outside chowing on either.  Good thing momma had some slaw to cool things off.. :happy1: oh ya, she also had some bbq meatballs to boot.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/10/21, 07:46:21 PM
Sounds great, maybe a too hot.  lol  I need to do wings more often. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on June 06/10/21, 09:16:27 PM
Finger food tonight,  almost felt like football food. One pan had Buffalo wild wings honey bbq, the other was habenero.  Probably should have used two different brushes basting cuz we were sweating like we were outside chowing on either.  Good thing momma had some slaw to cool things off.. :happy1: oh ya, she also had some bbq meatballs to boot.

Looks Great I need sum!  :Clap:  Beats boiled bacon!  :bonk:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/10/21, 09:22:36 PM
I'm guessing Mrs. boober is still chasing boober around the house after that display of culinary excellence... :happy1: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on June 06/11/21, 07:00:30 AM
Ribeyes are now 20 bucks a pound due to the issues with packing plants.  I see they have beef tenderloins for 10 bucks a lb.  I just youtubed a few videos on how to trim them up to make filet mignons.  Sounds pretty good.  I may go get one.  Anyone ever do that?

Aldi's had ribeye's for $11.99 today...  seen lots of boneless pork loins for $1.99 today too...

out here in the sticks no aldi's not sure if I would shop at one iffin we did,
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/11/21, 07:22:49 AM
Got two in Rochester.    Haven't been in one in several years.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/11/21, 07:36:13 AM
Finger food tonight,  almost felt like football food. One pan had Buffalo wild wings honey bbq, the other was habenero.  Probably should have used two different brushes basting cuz we were sweating like we were outside chowing on either.  Good thing momma had some slaw to cool things off.. :happy1: oh ya, she also had some bbq meatballs to boot.

Looks Great I need sum!  :Clap:  Beats boiled bacon!  :bonk:  :rotflmao:

So maybe I will boil me up a batch of wings!   :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/11/21, 07:57:58 AM
in the deep fryer??   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/13/21, 04:38:33 PM
Thought I would save my good beer this time and use the whipper snappers!! Shhhhh.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on June 06/13/21, 06:15:00 PM
Thought I would save my good beer this time and use the whipper snappers!! Shhhhh.  :happy1:
I need to do this but I think I'm going to throw in some krout with it! 👍
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/13/21, 11:34:45 PM
Mrs. Cheviot is away and the mice will play! Sirloin tonite and chicky upcoming soon. Long day today. Got a lot done. Needed some sustenance to keep all the mosquitoes away I let in the house!  :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/14/21, 08:33:18 AM
Mrs. Cheviot is away and the mice will play! Sirloin tonite and chicky upcoming soon. Long day today. Got a lot done. Needed some sustenance to keep all the mosquitoes away I let in the house!  :shocked:
:scratch: :scratch: :scratch: WOW..........you use a shot glass??????? :surrender: :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

must be rationing!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

looking good!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/14/21, 10:02:04 AM
Yes I use a jigger. I'm a very precise drunk... :rotflmao:

For several reasons: The tonic syrup goes in at half ounce per drink. Keeps the carbs down along with providing a higher quinine level. If I've had a rotten day and am trying to get lit faster I use a full 2 oz. of 94 proof gin rather than a shot. The New Amsterdam 94 proof gin pictured is my new rail gin. Packs a wallop for a reasonable price. Beefeater suddenly dropped their alcohol content to 88 proof. Thanks for playin'. If someone thinks they're doing me a huge favor and gives me a bottle of some weak tit 80 proof Seagrams or some such stuff, that goes in at about 1.8 oz. anyway. Combine the tonic syrup & gin, add 6 ice cubes, a wedge of lime, squeeze it if desired (I desire) dump in 5 oz. of club soda, stir and voila! The magic elixir. The same every time. Few drinks suck worse than a burnt gin and tonic. :bonk: Ordering one in a bar or restaurant is like playing Russian roulette. The gals at The Willows always make a good TNT.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/14/21, 10:07:39 AM
Yes I use a jigger. I'm a very precise drunk... :rotflmao:

For several reasons: The tonic syrup goes in at half ounce per drink. Keeps the carbs down along with providing a higher quinine level. If I've had a rotten day and am trying to get lit faster I use a full 2 oz. of 94 proof gin rather than a shot. The New Amsterdam 94 proof gin pictured is my new rail gin. Packs a wallop for a reasonable price. Beefeater suddenly dropped their alcohol content to 88 proof. Thanks for playin'. If someone thinks they're doing me a huge favor and gives me a bottle of some weak tit 80 proof Seagrams or some such stuff, that goes in at about 1.8 oz. anyway. Combine the tonic syrup & gin, add 6 ice cubes, a wedge of lime, squeeze it if desired (I desire) dump in 5 oz. of club soda, stir and voila! The magic elixir. The same every time. Few drinks suck worse than a burnt gin and tonic. :bonk: Ordering one in a bar or restaurant is like playing Russian roulette. The gals at The Willows always make a good TNT.  :happy1:

I never thought to use tonic syrup.  What kind do you use?

And what do you mean by nothing worse than a burnt G&T?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/14/21, 11:10:15 AM
I use Jack Rudy's Classic tonic syrup. A friend gave me a bottle several years back when it was still called Small Batch Tonic. I was hooked. Buy it by the case now. Let's the flavor of the gin express itself and it's not so sweet. 5 carbs. Wife likes the boxes for hauling around vases for decorating weddings. They also make an extra bitter tonic syrup that reputedly is more like what the Brit's use in their G&T's. I'd like to try a bottle just to see how it tastes. Might have to splurge & buy a bottle of Plymouth Navy Strength gin to go with it if I do. 

A few ways to burn them: Too much ice leaving not enough room for tonic. Too much gin period. Someone was trying to be nice to me & ordered me a double one time. They dumped in twice the gin but not twice the amount of tonic. Ick. If I want to taste nearly straight gin, I'll order a martini.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/17/21, 11:00:52 PM
Ya knew I had to do it: Mrs. Cheviot gone so there needed to be some BBQ'd chicky thighs on the Weber indirect. Not that I have anything against breasts mind you, thighs were on sale... :sleazy: Note who is keeping a close eye on events in case I should clumsily drop something on the floor. Not possible with my cat-like reflexes... :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/18/21, 08:57:12 AM
 :happy1: :happy1: looks great there bubba.......me likes charcoal grilled chicky........ :hubba: :hubba: i see no pioneer knife required!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

what's your choice for BBQ sauce????????
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on June 06/18/21, 09:59:33 AM
Ya knew I had to do it: Mrs. Cheviot gone so there needed to be some BBQ'd chicky thighs on the Weber indirect. Not that I have anything against breasts mind you, thighs were on sale... :sleazy: Note who is keeping a close eye on events in case I should clumsily drop something on the floor. Not possible with my cat-like reflexes... :shocked:

Dude, every post you make now says Mrs. Cheviot is gone or away.
Starting to think she's buried in the basement, just so you can cook what you want?  :scratch:   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/18/21, 11:30:27 AM
doing pork chop hobo dinner on the grill later, sounds like a good supper!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/18/21, 12:01:37 PM
Ya knew I had to do it: Mrs. Cheviot gone so there needed to be some BBQ'd chicky thighs on the Weber indirect. Not that I have anything against breasts mind you, thighs were on sale... :sleazy: Note who is keeping a close eye on events in case I should clumsily drop something on the floor. Not possible with my cat-like reflexes... :shocked:

Dude, every post you make now says Mrs. Cheviot is gone or away.
Starting to think she's buried in the basement, just so you can cook what you want?  :scratch:   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Geez, now you mention it, maybe I oughta check!  :scratch:

Think the BBQ sauce was some Kraft original that was in the fridge. Had some Sweet Baby Ray's in the cupboard but needed to use this up. Worked fine. Had to scarf down one more piece before I decided it was safe to eat.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/18/21, 03:02:29 PM
Looking dynamite Dotch!! Something tells me you best do laundry before she gets home or the chase will be on with a hint of grilled ties in the air.. ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/18/21, 06:35:07 PM
Good thing the kids are here, or momma would be getting chased after the bow tie salad and taters she did inside!! The ribeyes got a little smoke before they hit the heat.. :happy1:  grate is cleaned!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/18/21, 06:47:17 PM
Well you could take a boat ride!! :sleazy: :smoking: :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/18/21, 07:51:04 PM
now that is a clean up crew!!!  very nice!!!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/25/21, 10:11:20 AM
Perfect boober! Ruby must belong to the same union as your crew.  :happy1: Only a pervert like glenn would think like that. He has no scruples. Maybe I should mail him some...  :shocked:

Center cuts seared then grilled indirect with smokehouse maple seasoning. Mrs. Gerry's tater salad, sunflower salad, Birdseye mixed veggies & Bongards red pepper cheese curds. Gotta make a feed run on Saturday and get some more of those babies. Flew under the radar last nite. Mrs. Cheviot had already eaten so more for me!  :cool:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/25/21, 10:13:16 AM
another clean plate!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/25/21, 10:16:39 AM
Yup, stick it back in the cupboard again... :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/25/21, 01:39:29 PM
Looks mighty tasty Dotch.  :happy1: we have the exact same plates, iffin we only had them fancy knives  :pouty: :pouty: :confused: :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/27/21, 06:57:53 PM
Pork shoulder steaks over charcoal. Complemented with boiled taters fried in butter and onions along with frozen mixed veggies. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/27/21, 07:20:41 PM
darn good stuff!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/27/21, 09:38:14 PM
Looks mighty tasty Dotch.  :happy1: we have the exact same plates, iffin we only had them fancy knives  :pouty: :pouty: :confused: :rolleyes:

The harvest gold pattern Corelle Ware is from my Mom. She had the entire set which we kids bought her over a number of years from the local hardware store. When cleaning out her place last fall, rather than see it pieced out, I decided to take it all. Still in really good shape. Doesn't look any different now than when we gave it to her back in the 70's.

Swiss borgers tonite along with a hunk of red onion & onion rings, mixed veggies & cottage. No Pioneer knife but for the onion rings, lotsa KATCHUP! Wth the change in ownership at the meat market, the burger isn't as lean as it was. I notices that making the patties. That's OK but it'll take some getting used to. The burgers shrink more and are more prone to flare ups. It'll be easier for them to be overdone. Doesn't matter. I could burn them to a cinder, have them fall thru the grates, fish them out, put them on a plate and Mrs. Cheviot would still chase me around.  :rolleyes:


Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on June 06/28/21, 08:07:00 AM
Gotta admitt glenn I love charcoal grilled pork steak with a side of apple sauce.

Stopped by the kowalski butcher shop on saturday thinking a nice ribeye would make a great saturday night dinner....I was shocked at the price $35/lb :thumbs: so we settled on chicken legs, guess we're helping to make less of a carbon foot print if we like it or not.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/28/21, 08:12:09 AM
yea i've been thinking about ordering some beef, we are getting pretty low, but i'm afraid of what they want per lb for a 1/4 or 1/2. :undecided: :doah: :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on June 06/28/21, 08:23:23 AM
Sunday after checking on my dad at the senior home as he's been a handful for the staff as he found a girl friend,she can't talk and he doesn't know her name but they shuffel around holding hands....hope that's all they do)

I stopped by cub foods for a few things,bought a couple pre made ground jalapeno chedder patties...darn good just the right amount of heat,well we added hot pickle slices to our tator salad that helped the hot bite.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/04/21, 11:20:49 PM
To celebrate my last night of freedom from Mrs. Cheviot for a while I grilled the rib steaks I got yesterday. Not cheap but I was ready for some beef. That and aside from a couple small pieces I sampled while grilling, I didn't get to eat any of the lamb I grilled yesterday... :doah: Used the same marinade though and it worked as well as it did on the lamb. As an added bonus, I found some wild black raspberries by the lilacs when mowing a couple days ago. Forgot about them until this afternoon. The birds found them but hadn't eaten them all yet.  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/05/21, 12:23:10 PM
when I was at one of the local meat markets the other day I seen some nacho flavored brats, just grilled them for lunch, I will be buying them again!!!   very good!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/05/21, 05:03:10 PM
Sounds nummy! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/05/21, 05:28:00 PM
Dang Dotch I'd be  snorin before desert, looking great! Nuttin fancy here got home to see some jalapenos were ready so they got sliced and filled. In a pinch we have some frozen patties ready to go on short notice so it was easy peasy tonight. Did have some leftover bacon from blt's so it turned out to be a good burglar..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/05/21, 05:55:29 PM
Hope you got yer track shoes on. If Mrs. Boober gives you that come hither look, yer gonna need 'em!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/11/21, 06:59:00 PM
If momma wants steak, she gets steak  :sleazy: :happy1:y kid brought those taters up to the cabin. Pretty good, where on the tater section at the local grocery store. 6.99. different flavors to. Also had bush smokehouse beans
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/11/21, 07:04:35 PM
darn 3 steaks and no invite!!!   thanks bud!!!!  looks good!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/11/21, 07:09:04 PM
darn 3 steaks and no invite!!!   thanks bud!!!!  looks good!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
text must of not went through. :scratch: :rotflmao:

Leftovers for next week. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/11/21, 07:21:48 PM
darn 3 steaks and no invite!!!   thanks bud!!!!  looks good!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
text must of not went through. :scratch: :rotflmao:

Leftovers for next week. :happy1:

I like doing left overs too!!  the only way to go!!!!    :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/14/21, 03:44:35 PM
Almost forgot the grilling from last nite ahead of the rain. Got some borger in Wagner's as someone had spread a rumor that Neighbor's was closing for repairs. Turned out to be false; it was the former Lau's in Waseca. :scratch: Anyway, I just grabbed it. Noticed it was 93% lean. Had a little more fire than I wanted but it was getting late and I was hungry. Did 'em a short 5 minutes/side. While they were still juicy, a little too done for my taste. Mrs. Cheviot had eaten already but betting the leftovers will be right up her alley. I've been eating my Wheaties so am betting I can outrun her. Those are Mrs. Gerry's Steakhouse beans BTW. Decent but more expensive than Bush's Grillin' beans/unit.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/14/21, 03:49:33 PM
Very nice Dotch,  I'm guessing the Wheaties were no match fir a plate of beans like that,  she caught you without breaking a sweat!!  :surrender:  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/14/21, 06:54:28 PM
and the purple onion is a great touch!!!   just bought some today!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/14/21, 07:48:10 PM
grilled venny steaks with hash browns topped with beef roast gravy and corn. no pictures today!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/18/21, 08:04:14 AM
All of glenn's faves last nite! Sweet pickles & cottage cheese with a side of a butterfly chop. Altho he'll have to stand on his head to read the knife!  ;) Was closely supervised. Mrs. Cheviot ate enough rice to slow her down. Was still on a an adrenaline high after getting the yard & garden tended to. No way she was catchin' me yesterday.  :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/18/21, 08:07:13 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

now iffin ya had a jar of my world famous horseradish to go with that pig meat!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

looks like you and i have the same color of siding on our dwellings!!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/18/21, 06:47:34 PM
I'll see your chops Dotch and raise ya some Jack Daniel's sauce! Good thing fer me momma started a new ebook on the way home today, I should be good for a few days!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/18/21, 07:11:35 PM
Dat yellow stuff zookini???
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/18/21, 07:13:21 PM
 we had kaboobers. Not to be confused with da boobers kabobs, we cheated and got these at cashwise. :happy1: side dish was good old fashioned ramen noodles. :sleazy: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/19/21, 03:51:15 PM
Dat yellow stuff zookini???
Yep gots plenty with some big green ones to boot. Just so ya know we cheat on kaboobs here and there also. The toilet won't care!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/19/21, 07:01:21 PM
Dat yellow stuff zookini???
Yep gots plenty with some big green ones to boot. Just so ya know we cheat on kaboobs here and there also. The toilet won't care!!  :happy1:

 :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: markn on July 07/20/21, 10:54:32 AM
Our 41st anniversary yesterday had beef tenders and sweet corn last night.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/20/21, 11:16:49 AM
looks good Mark and congrats to ya both!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/21/21, 06:57:51 AM
Congrats to you and da misses Mark!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on July 07/21/21, 07:12:47 AM
Our 41st anniversary yesterday had beef tenders and sweet corn last night.

Congrats on the 41st.  :happy1:  Never, omit the word "Bacon" when used around meat!   :bonk:   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/21/21, 07:44:01 AM
Our 41st anniversary yesterday had beef tenders and sweet corn last night.
congrats Mark!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/21/21, 07:53:49 AM
Darn right, congrats to you and the wife Mark.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: markn on July 07/21/21, 08:06:10 AM
Thanks guys, I still don't know why she still puts up with me most days.  :sleazy: Might be my "dashing good looks and rapier like wit". Who knows. :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/21/21, 08:12:08 AM
Thanks guys, I still don't know why she still puts up with me most days.  :sleazy: Might be my "dashing good looks and rapier like wit". Who knows. :happy1: :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: yep Mark, i know exactly what your talking about!!!!!!!!!  :happy1: :rotflmao: :rolleyes: :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/22/21, 06:55:54 PM
 :hubba: red lake walleyes. And I let boar watch me catch them. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/22/21, 07:18:43 PM
:hubba: red lake walleyes. And I let boar watch me catch them. :rotflmao:

looks darn good buddy!!!     :Clap:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/25/21, 11:05:08 AM
going to do a foil pack of taters on the grill for lunch along with a pork tenderloin...  oil up the taters and season with alpine seasoning, add onion and some cheese!!!  season the pork with smoky mesquite!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/25/21, 11:16:29 AM
going to do a foil pack of taters on the grill for lunch along with a pork tenderloin...  oil up the taters and season with alpine seasoning, add onion and some cheese!!!  season the pork with smoky mesquite!!
some peppers and celery would be a good addition. Hobo taters!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/25/21, 11:22:59 AM
Topped with chives & cottage cheese!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/25/21, 11:43:46 AM
gotta get some of that this week!!  it's on sale!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/25/21, 11:49:11 AM
gotta get some of that this week!!  it's on sale!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
it's always on sale cause only a few oddballs would eat that crap! :sleazy: :rotflmao: need to dispose of it somehow. :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/25/21, 12:10:19 PM
youse is a sad feller....    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/25/21, 12:17:21 PM
youse is a sad feller....    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao: been called worse. :confused: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/25/21, 12:38:58 PM
well that was a darn good lunch!!!   :happy1: :happy1: ;)   urp!!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/25/21, 12:39:11 PM
I've heard people talk about that Alpine seasoning.  I will have to find some of that. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/25/21, 12:39:58 PM
Glenn turned me on to it.. we get it at runnings... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/25/21, 12:55:07 PM
Glenn turned me on to it.. we get it runnings...
just another useful of the many posts I make. :sleazy: :rotflmao:

Even Reb likes lottza mottza pizzas I told him about. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on July 07/25/21, 01:16:14 PM
Glenn turned me on to it.. we get it runnings...
just another useful of the many posts I make. :sleazy: :rotflmao:

Even Reb likes lottza mottza pizzas I told him about. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

And since tomato's are really a fruit, that makes KATCHUP a fruit smoothie, right?  :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/25/21, 01:22:18 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:   Maybe Glenn should put ketchup on Tater Tot Hot dish so he likes it????
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/25/21, 01:37:15 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:   Maybe Glenn should put ketchup on Tater Tot Hot dish so he likes it????

me thinks you're on to something!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/25/21, 02:12:55 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:   Maybe Glenn should put ketchup on Tater Tot Hot dish so he likes it????

me thinks you're on to something!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:tut: not even a truckload of KATCHUP would make that taste good

And ain't gonna ruin the KATCHUP. :tut: :tut:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/25/21, 02:18:17 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on July 07/25/21, 02:23:33 PM
Gona precook some pulled pork for Sturgis!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/25/21, 02:46:05 PM
Gona precook some pulled pork for Sturgis!!
looks pretty good there bud............tell Lori she did a nice job!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/25/21, 03:04:32 PM
looks darn good Boar!   :happy1:

when ya heading out??? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on July 07/25/21, 03:06:03 PM
The 7th staying at full throttle saloon
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/25/21, 03:11:38 PM
The 7th staying at full throttle saloon

nice!!!  have a great time!!!  oh what am i sayin!!!   I know you will have a great time!!!!   ride safe brother!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/25/21, 03:35:40 PM
The 7th staying at full throttle saloon
ride safe my friend and have fun. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/25/21, 04:23:50 PM
Awesome boar!! More brats going for a slow swim here, the wif  said no way I'm using her beer, so I guess it's gotta be the good stuff!! She's slicing up zookini fer fries in the air fryer, I spose I best help her..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/28/21, 10:25:47 AM
Munched on some thighs a while back so decided to nibble on some breasts. Mandarin teriyaki I think these were, from Neighbor's Meat Market, seared then done indirect. Crushed red pepper curds from Bonagard's and Birdseye peas. Several of glenn's favorites as well including cottage cheese and sweet pickles. Mrs. Cheviot has been off feed the past week or so. More for me as I maintain my blazing speed in case she attempts to corner me.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on July 07/28/21, 10:35:17 AM
Awesome boar!! More brats going for a slow swim here, the wif  said no way I'm using her beer, so I guess it's gotta be the good stuff!! She's slicing up zookini fer fries in the air fryer, I spose I best help her..

I got to do this with some krut!  When my wifes not home!   :mad1:   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/31/21, 06:39:00 PM
Great idea on the blt's mike!! Just added some jalapenos to boot!! Looking like I'll be fence hopping trying to elude momma later...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/31/21, 07:10:19 PM
Hope you ate yer Wheaties boober... :whistling:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/07/21, 12:28:30 PM
won a couple porter house steaks Thursday night at the meat raffle so one of them went on the grill for lunch...  could only eat 1/2 of it!!  the cottage cheese with chives that I ate with it was good too!!!  along with some mixed veggies!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/07/21, 03:33:22 PM
Gonna have a NY Strip later on.  With some cukes, maters, green onions.  Mayhaps some Tuscan Italian dressing.  I could just about go take a slug of it right out of the bottle.  Just about.....  Pretty hard to beat a nice big Porterhouse though. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/09/21, 10:17:05 AM
Sunday nite. Time to create leftovers for the upcoming week. Center cuts seared & cooked indirect, Mrs. Gerry's summer pasta salad, cukes & some ranch for dipping. Snagged some sweet corn from my sheep shearer yesterday. With Hope creamery butter it was fantastic! Mrs. Cheviot was gassed after her week long stint at the Freeborn Co. Fair so she wasn't a factor. This allowed me work on building my reserves for winter uninhibited. Plus I had Schwan's vanilla ice cream and smurfberries for dessert.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: markn on August 08/10/21, 03:23:42 PM
Bought a couple of lions the other day. Here’s one of them with a pound of bacon wrapped on them. About $20.00 and an hour of my time. Good eats for awhile, first two hitting the grill tomorrow can’t wait. :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/10/21, 03:25:42 PM
that will be some darn good eats!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/10/21, 03:27:04 PM
That looks great.  Talked to the butcher here today and he said meat is going up again which he said doesn't make sense.  Like he said the market should be flooded with people selling due to lack of feed.  Maybe in 6 months the supply will be less and then the prices would spike of course.  I got pork chops today.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: markn on August 08/10/21, 03:37:01 PM
We always pick at less two pork lions when they go on sale. I don’t mind cutting and wrapping them. I cut the one into four two plus pound each pieces to smoke/cook on the grill. Going to be some experimenting done on them.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/10/21, 03:43:50 PM
raspberry chipotle sauce is a good one on them!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/10/21, 06:43:52 PM
Sounds fun Mark.  I like stocking up too. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/11/21, 04:29:10 PM
Lions?   Is that better than coyote?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/11/21, 05:02:04 PM
Lions?   Is that better than coyote?
I wouldn't know but I'd try a cougar  :sleazy: :evil: anytime.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/11/21, 05:12:08 PM
I've been waiting for that.  SEKS AGAIN!!!!  :tut:  :rotflmao:

No grill. Just had a chicken salsa verde burrito and a beefsteak burrito, on a bed of lettuce with fresh chopped maters and diced onions, covered in green chile sauce.  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/11/21, 06:32:39 PM
That sounds great! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/11/21, 07:33:27 PM
boneless chicken thighs on the grill tonight!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/11/21, 08:22:02 PM
Hands down, ya just can't beat grilled chicky! Thighs are my favorite. Just bought a big family pk of 12 today...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/11/21, 08:29:20 PM
Hands down, ya just can't beat grilled chicky! Thighs are my favorite. Just bought a big family pk of 12 today...
over charcoal Yea.

Boneless chicken??? :scratch: :scratch: must be a funny looking chicken.  :doah: :scratch: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/11/21, 08:46:40 PM
Hands down, ya just can't beat grilled chicky! Thighs are my favorite. Just bought a big family pk of 12 today...
over charcoal Yea.

Boneless chicken??? :scratch: :scratch: must be a funny looking chicken.  :doah: :scratch: :rotflmao:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/11/21, 08:51:35 PM
 :doofus: :pouty: :banghead: :banghead: Yea leave it to you, ya putz!! :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/11/21, 08:56:40 PM
Well! I never....  :pouty: The bones keep 'em from sliding thru the grill grates!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/12/21, 11:25:50 AM
Scored some thick-cut pigger steaks for $1.99 lb at my butcher buddies Mom'n Pop. ALDIS already has them over $3 a lb, really going up in price everywhere. Trimmed and freezer wrapped the pile of ten of 'em in two's. Should be good for a while... :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/12/21, 11:38:40 AM
Nice score! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/12/21, 11:40:00 AM
nice score...   Coborns has pork sirloin chops on sale this week, $1.18 this week.  got get some of those too!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/12/21, 11:47:03 AM
I looked for chops yday, assorted reg chops at ALDI's was $2.99 yday....too much.
Maybe center cuts, boneless and trimmed, but not bone-in reg chops.
You got saddle bags on the scootie? Fill 'em with ice and a pile of those chops, and head down! We'll smome up a passel of 'em, and I even bought a sack of sweet corn and fresh maters off a farm truck early this am! Still had dew on the corn!  Radishes and green tops too...and made a mac salad. Gonna be eating good tonite!  :tongue:

You get a jar of that Sweet'n Smoky yet, Mike?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/12/21, 12:01:58 PM
not yet, haven't been to where I can get it
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/12/21, 12:30:58 PM
Hope ya can find a jar. I love the stuff!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/12/21, 12:47:38 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/12/21, 03:26:46 PM
This sweet and Smoky, is this bbq sauce??? I used to buy that from ameat shop in deer river, but he could only get it in gallon jugs and wouldn't sell very fast.

That was great bbq Sauce. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/12/21, 03:29:45 PM
nope it's a seasoning he told me...  very good on pork...  like the alpine stuff!!   just did those chicken thighs with the alpine!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/12/21, 04:07:55 PM
Best I've had out of all the 8 or so in my cupboard. Can find it all over at stores.

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/12/21, 04:17:46 PM
 :scratch: Looks to me like Walmart, Target, & Scheels all have it.https://www.bing.com/search?q=Sweet+%26+Smokey&cvid=d3e7ed48137942eea679a14c73ee8174&aqs=edge..69i57j0l6.18157j0j1&pglt=43&FORM= A little rich at Scheels compared to the others though. :crazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/12/21, 05:34:08 PM
One thing about pork,  it's dynamite cooked over hardwoods,  open pit..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/12/21, 05:46:13 PM
Pigger steak slathered in Sweet Baby Ray's, hit with a bit of apple wood smoke. Fresh candy corn, mater's, green tops, and radishes. Corn and 'maters were off an early am farm truck, and the corn was great! 'Maters were pretty good, too.
Everything else fresh from my Mom'n Pop this am. *urp*   :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/12/21, 06:38:37 PM
yum!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/12/21, 06:44:27 PM
Man that looks great!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/12/21, 07:15:49 PM
hope he's wearing his bib!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/12/21, 07:24:17 PM
As a matter of fact, the dish towel was pressed into service for that! I'm kinda messy with BBQ and cawn on the cawb.  :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: The General on August 08/13/21, 10:01:40 AM
Smoked up the turkey I got from HD last weekend.   Brined it the day before.  Very outside layer was tough but the inside was great and super moist.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/13/21, 05:45:42 PM
Bacon cheddar/swiss onion burger and two ears o' cawn with the usual radishes and green tops.... :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/14/21, 07:08:37 PM
Beef Satay they say...Never heard of it!! Not too bad, full of saucy savory goodness out of the package. Paired with a spud and a side salad, good thing momma was was lake side all day so I should be sparred.. :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/14/21, 08:13:09 PM
I bet she's recuperated & sayin', "I gots to gets me some of dat!"  :smoking:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/15/21, 08:18:04 PM
dang it, was so hungry i for got to take a picture..............just chicky over charcoal, corn on the cob, some maters and cukes along with some hash brown patties.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/16/21, 09:13:29 AM
I got some 50/50 pork/beef burger.  Makes a great burger.  Having them tonight with bakery buns. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Smokey Hills Bandit on August 08/16/21, 10:41:22 AM
A little time spent by the smoker and grill this weekend.

5:15 on the smoker and 45 minutes on the grill to finish them off
(https://tinypix.top/images/2021/08/16/vs1UA.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/vs1UA)
Smoked for 4 hours
(https://tinypix.top/images/2021/08/16/vscBq.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/vscBq)
2 hours on the smoker - last 15 minutes on the grill
(https://tinypix.top/images/2021/08/16/vsp7L.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/vsp7L)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Smokey Hills Bandit on August 08/19/21, 10:43:49 AM
Chicken wings on the grill

Covered in a corn starch, salt and pepper.

(https://tinypix.top/images/2021/08/19/v9o5A.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/v9o5A)

(https://tinypix.top/images/2021/08/19/v9Dlq.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/v9Dlq)

(https://tinypix.top/images/2021/08/19/v9tjL.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/v9tjL)

Sauces are BWW parmesan garlic and a home made spicy garlic. 1/3 cup franks red hot, 1/2 cup ranch, 2 tablespoons garlic powder, 1 tablespoon onion powder and some Salt and Pepper.
(https://tinypix.top/images/2021/08/19/v9Lbb.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/v9Lbb)

(https://tinypix.top/images/2021/08/19/v9MDO.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/v9MDO)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/19/21, 11:10:08 AM
lookin good!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/19/21, 11:11:51 AM
Move over, Mikey, I was here first!  :rotflmao:    :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/19/21, 11:18:21 AM
Man that looks great!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/22/21, 12:54:31 PM
Sure does!  :happy1:

Grilled some of the new lamb last nite. Different because this was the first time we've ground an entire lamb into burger. Had a customer do it a few years back & they loved it. I can see why. The burgers are meatier (no surprise) but still carry enough fat to make a nice patty. Rounded out with a few cukes, Mrs. Gerry's summer pasta salad & sweet corn from a customer's field. He told me to help myself as I trade him winter radishes & prune his apple trees. I complained that the ears were almost too big for the pan! Canning company sweet corn has come a long way since the days of Jubilee & Iochief. It was delicious! Mrs. Cheviot was preoccupied by the State Fair so I got a free pass again last nite. Need to keep my guard up tho so she doesn't have her way with me in a weak moment... :whistling:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/22/21, 01:36:26 PM
Dang, it all looks great!!  :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/24/21, 12:14:16 PM
grilled up a couple brats for later, but then grilled some bacon, had 2 BLT's for lunch!!!   think I'll do it again tomorrow!!  love the garden fresh maters!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/24/21, 12:43:17 PM
grilled up a couple brats for later, but then grilled some bacon, had 2 BLT's for lunch!!!   think I'll do it again tomorrow!!  love the garden fresh maters!!!   :happy1: :happy1:

Say, that sounds great! Why haven't I had one yet??! Got plenty of bacon! :rotflmao: :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/24/21, 02:20:09 PM
grilled up a couple brats for later, but then grilled some bacon, had 2 BLT's for lunch!!!   think I'll do it again tomorrow!!  love the garden fresh maters!!!   :happy1: :happy1:

Say, that sounds great! Why haven't I had one yet??! Got plenty of bacon! :rotflmao: :bonk:

and I used some of my avacado mayo too!!!  lathered on good!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/24/21, 03:12:38 PM
Atta boy.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/25/21, 05:48:24 PM
Charcoaled no boner chicky thighs, cawn, 'slaw, 'maters, and the usual crunchies.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Coffee118 on August 08/25/21, 07:16:34 PM
Chicky breasts, shrooms and twice baked taters.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/25/21, 07:22:56 PM
dang I have to make the taters!!  Coffee, just plop the mushrooms on the grill????  need to try that too!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/25/21, 07:24:20 PM
dang I have to make the taters!!  Coffee, just plop the mushrooms on the grill????  need to try that too!!!
i dont think boar ever cooked his???????? :shocked: :rolleyes: :evil: :doah: but then look how he turned out!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/25/21, 07:40:59 PM
oh my!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/25/21, 08:09:20 PM
dang I have to make the taters!!  Coffee, just plop the mushrooms on the grill????  need to try that too!!!
i dont think boar ever cooked his???????? :shocked: :rolleyes: :evil: :doah: but then look how he turned out!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I thought boar smomed his mushrooms?  :smoking:   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/26/21, 07:21:12 AM
for anyone that still grills over charcoal, home depot had an ad in todays paper.........2-20 lb bags.........twin pack for $19.88.

i need to check my stash.........................
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/26/21, 09:26:27 AM
 :happy1: They must've run that sale up here 2-3 weeks ago as the brother went to town by himself 1 day & came home with 2/20# ers.  :scratch: Thought you didn't like HD, glenn? ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/26/21, 09:36:04 AM
:happy1: They must've run that sale up here 2-3 weeks ago as the brother went to town by himself 1 day & came home with 2/20# ers.  :scratch: Thought you didn't like HD, glenn? ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:

That's just cuz they wouldn't hire him as garden dept manager.  :rotflmao:  :bonk:

Half price at Flat Farm right now....

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/26/21, 09:58:39 AM
Bemidji or Duluth for FF up here. :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/26/21, 10:06:50 AM
Bemidji or Duluth for FF up here. :pouty:

Send Glenn on a road trip! He said he has lotsa free time now! Even more than before! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/26/21, 10:12:02 AM
Hey, I know, glenn could drive up there and get me some charcoal and back haul some cucumbers!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/26/21, 11:17:07 AM
Bemidji or Duluth for FF up here. :pouty:

Send Glenn on a road trip! He said he has lotsa free time now! Even more than before! :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: dont have that kinda time!!!!!!!! :confused: :doah: :pouty: yet!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/26/21, 11:17:14 AM
Hey, I know, glenn could drive up there and get me some charcoal and back haul some cucumbers!  :rotflmao:

I need some 'maters, too. Better make a list for him.  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/26/21, 11:19:31 AM
:happy1: They must've run that sale up here 2-3 weeks ago as the brother went to town by himself 1 day & came home with 2/20# ers.  :scratch: Thought you didn't like HD, glenn? ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:

That's just cuz they wouldn't hire him as garden dept manager.  :rotflmao:  :bonk:

Half price at Flat Farm right now....

yea knowing that place, they wouldnt have it on hand anyway!!!!!!!!! :pouty:

and i aint applied for no job.......yet.  and wont be there..........
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/26/21, 11:20:50 AM
stopped at one of the local meat markets this morning and he has started making chorizo!!!  and it's all beef!!!  none of the other crap ya get in the grocery store stuff!!!  cat's wait to thaw it and try it!!!  taco's maybe?? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/26/21, 11:22:04 AM
:happy1: They must've run that sale up here 2-3 weeks ago as the brother went to town by himself 1 day & came home with 2/20# ers.  :scratch: Thought you didn't like HD, glenn? ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:

That's just cuz they wouldn't hire him as garden dept manager.  :rotflmao:  :bonk:

Half price at Flat Farm right now....

yea knowing that place, they wouldnt have it on hand anyway!!!!!!!!! :pouty:

and i aint applied for no job.......yet.  and wont be there..........

They never have nuttin' on hand.  :angry:  That's why I go to Menardo's house of bargains.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/26/21, 11:23:51 AM
stopped at one of the local meat markets this morning and he has started making chorizo!!!  and it's all beef!!!  none of the other crap ya get in the grocery store stuff!!! cat's wait to thaw it and try it!!!  taco's maybe??

They have cat's on hand?!  :scratch:  :rotflmao:

Glenn suggested I point that out.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/26/21, 11:34:51 AM
stopped at one of the local meat markets this morning and he has started making chorizo!!!  and it's all beef!!!  none of the other crap ya get in the grocery store stuff!!!  cat's wait to thaw it and try it!!!  taco's maybe??
that an oriental butcher shop.......they have cats meat  :scratch: :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/26/21, 11:37:05 AM
Ya!!  :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/26/21, 12:17:15 PM
:happy1: They must've run that sale up here 2-3 weeks ago as the brother went to town by himself 1 day & came home with 2/20# ers.  :scratch: Thought you didn't like HD, glenn? ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
i dont, but i can lower my standards for charcoal price like that!!!!!! :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/26/21, 12:18:36 PM

                                 :tut: :tut: :tut:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/26/21, 01:00:27 PM
:happy1: They must've run that sale up here 2-3 weeks ago as the brother went to town by himself 1 day & came home with 2/20# ers.  :scratch: Thought you didn't like HD, glenn? ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
i dont, but i can lower my standards for charcoal price like that!!!!!! :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
  :scratch: You can be had pretty cheap can't you!! :shocked: :bs:             ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/26/21, 01:05:38 PM
dats da truth!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/26/21, 01:09:17 PM
dats da truth!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

 :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/26/21, 04:55:03 PM
Did pork chops on the gas grill.  I also used some apple wood and got it smoking then put the chops on.   Forgot pics.  With garlic mashed potatoes and fresh frozen peas. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/26/21, 05:01:27 PM
:happy1: They must've run that sale up here 2-3 weeks ago as the brother went to town by himself 1 day & came home with 2/20# ers.  :scratch: Thought you didn't like HD, glenn? ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
i dont, but i can lower my standards for charcoal price like that!!!!!! :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
  :scratch: You can be had pretty cheap can't you!! :shocked: :bs:             ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: yep depends on what there selling. :sleazy: :smoking: :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/26/21, 08:48:46 PM
 :happy1: :scratch: How much does the wife think your worth? :confused:              :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil:                   ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/26/21, 08:56:31 PM
:happy1: :scratch: How much does the wife think your worth? :confused:              :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil:                   ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
priceless!!! :sleazy: :smoking: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Coffee118 on August 08/26/21, 09:17:57 PM
dang I have to make the taters!!  Coffee, just plop the mushrooms on the grill????  need to try that too!!!
Yes, I just put some oil on them grill away. Leave them whole or they’ll fall through the grates when they start to cook and shrink. I’m Speaking from experience  :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Coffee118 on August 08/26/21, 09:23:35 PM
Got a few dogs, burgers with mozzarella, chicky wings, 1 steak, taters, shrooms and onions grilled up today. Had bro and SIL over.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/29/21, 05:33:45 PM
Dang, now that's a dinner! Don't know what I'd grab first!  ;)

Mine was a 5oz bacon-wrapped tenderloin for me; 2 ears of fresh from the truck this am cawn , (It was GREAT) and the assorted veggie crunchies. Wanted more, but have those danged blood tests in the morning....supposed to eat light.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/30/21, 09:52:55 AM
Had the last 2 packages of chops marinating since late Friday so decided I'd better pull the trigger last nite. Was a breeze when I started the grill but by the time the coals were ready it was dead calm & the smoke was going straight up. Used what I had on hand for marinade and it worked better than I could've imagined. Was composed of some Loon Juice (Honeycrisp apple hard cider), a dab of leftover wine, soy sauce, garlic powder, curry powder, a little smokehouse maple seasoning & some dried onion flakes. It flavored the lamb perfectly & I was able to grill them medium rare with Mrs. Cheviot being absent. Sharing the plate with home raised maters, cukes and  fresh picked string beans, sumbitch they were good!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/30/21, 10:02:40 AM
 :happy1: looks dandy there bud. But been a while since I seen "the knife". :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/30/21, 10:28:35 AM
Well, if our place is broken into and that knife is missing I'll know where to look!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/30/21, 10:32:27 AM
Well, if our place is broken into and that knife is missing I'll know where to look!   :rotflmao:
:confused: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: rest assured your gin will be safe!!!👍 :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/30/21, 01:22:41 PM
Gin + smurfberries = Glenn's kickapoo joy juice.  :doofus:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/31/21, 07:22:15 AM
This was last nights main course.  We of course had some veggies with it.  Leftover piece will go good with eggs this morning. 

(https://tinypix.top/images/2021/08/31/v4pGz.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/v4pGz)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/31/21, 07:24:37 AM
grilling a t-bone steak today myself!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/31/21, 07:25:35 AM
Leftover??! I'da eaten the plate with that!  :rotflmao:   :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/31/21, 05:55:05 PM
Soy-marinated chicky thighs brushed with Korean BBQ sauce with soy, ginger & chives. Deviled egg tater salad, with the usual veggies crunchies and a slicing tomato. Chicky was great!  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/05/21, 05:52:41 PM
No room on da plate....! Applewood smomed pigger steak slathered in sweet baby ray's, and that new corn. As for the corn.....OK; but nuttin' to write home about.  :undecided: Like my candy corn better, it's sweeter and crispier. This was actaully kinda blah with kernels that weren't real crispy. I like 'em to crunch when bitin' into it. Haveta try my farmers truck again, and maybe that clown that was workin' it this weekend was doubling the price to line his pockets.
I know I paid .50 an ear for it earlier this year.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/05/21, 07:24:56 PM
That looks pretty darn good Rebs..   AND we have not been buying much sweet corn and it sounds great!  I will get me some.  LOL
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/06/21, 08:44:02 AM
Have so much stuff coming out of the garden right now we haven't been doing much sweet corn either. Should tho cuz the days are running out on it. 😢 Lamborgers last nite with some of the aforementioned veggies. Cukes, maters and the first of the fall radishes. Some Mrs. Gerry's slaw & mac salad to round it out. Mrs. Cheviot arrived home yesterday but is coming off the State Fair. Knowing that ahead of time, made this batch of burgers more to my liking, seared nicely on the outside yet good & pink all the way thru. 🍔  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/06/21, 06:17:49 PM
That is a great looking spread Dotch!!  :happy1: Momma and I are going out to let someone feed us tomorrow for #25 so I took the easy way out tonight.  Pre frozen patties,  chips, homemade pickles and beans, I sure hope the high binder restaurant can beat that..  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/06/21, 07:24:38 PM
that's good eats too!!  and congrats on #25!!!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/06/21, 07:29:11 PM
Oh ya.  Number 25 finally sunk in thanks to Mike  Congrats to you both!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/07/21, 03:55:52 PM
That is a great looking spread Dotch!!  :happy1: Momma and I are going out to let someone feed us tomorrow for #25 so I took the easy way out tonight.  Pre frozen patties,  chips, homemade pickles and beans, I sure hope the high binder restaurant can beat that..  :rotflmao:
happy belated anniversary boober and Mrs boober........................

hopin she took it easy on ya!!!!!!! :smoking: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/07/21, 04:23:51 PM
That is a great looking spread Dotch!!  :happy1: Momma and I are going out to let someone feed us tomorrow for #25 so I took the easy way out tonight.  Pre frozen patties,  chips, homemade pickles and beans, I sure hope the high binder restaurant can beat that..  :rotflmao:
happy belated anniversary boober and Mrs boober........................

hopin she took it easy on ya!!!!!!! :smoking: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Thanks gents,  your not belated this time Glenn its today and I see she's trying on dresses so I think I'm doomed. See ya tomorrow... :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/07/21, 04:52:53 PM
Ya taking her to Arby's boober??? :scratch: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/08/21, 06:51:30 AM
Congrats on 25 boober!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/08/21, 03:00:13 PM
Ya taking her to Arby's boober??? :scratch: :rotflmao:
Thanks fellas, no Arby's this round went to a steak joint in Edina, had a monster prime rib and the fixings that I had to finish this morning. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/08/21, 05:37:44 PM
Oh man a perfectly done prime rib with all of the fixings is about as good as it gets. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/11/21, 12:34:32 PM
 :hubba: this bad boy is going to hit the charcoal grill tomorrow. All seasoned up, injected and ready to meld!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/11/21, 12:39:32 PM
good eats!!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/11/21, 01:02:06 PM
Ya missed a buncha spots with the rub!   ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/11/21, 01:05:51 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: I touched er up after I took the picture  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/11/21, 01:13:09 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/12/21, 07:31:12 PM
Nummy stuff.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/12/21, 07:36:53 PM
Carcass will be boiled up to make soup. After we've had our fill of turkey the rest of the meat will be used for chow mein.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/12/21, 07:47:40 PM
Turkey over charcoal is hands down way better than the oven, looks good Glenn.  I usually pass on the white meat to the guests and eat the dark meat like finger food!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/13/21, 08:52:46 AM
That is one good looking turkey Glenn.  Good job.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on September 09/13/21, 08:58:51 AM
looks great,I concur,weber charcoal/hickory or Pecan wood for added flavor,I see you like louisiana cajun rub as well,has a nice mild bite and add's great flavor,"slap your mama" cajun spice is another dandy.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/16/21, 09:52:02 AM
Back at it last nite after freezing string beans. Tuckered Mrs. Cheviot out so had another free pass. More center cuts, seasoned with somkehouse maple, seared, grilled indirect. Garden veggies with some salad Mrs. Cheviot manufactured. Wish I had fresh garden stuff like that all year round. That's livin'!  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/16/21, 09:53:42 AM
 :happy1: :happy1: awe there's my knife!!!!!!!! :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/16/21, 09:58:48 AM
good lookin spread Dotch!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/16/21, 09:59:56 AM
:happy1: :happy1: awe there's my knife!!!!!!!! :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: ...you just wait... :shocked: :evil:🙄  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/18/21, 11:59:56 AM
with respect it being national cheese burger day; I had a grilled cheese burger with home made american fries and squash for lunch!!!  good stuff!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/18/21, 12:01:42 PM
Two-cheese bacon burgers tonite!    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/18/21, 12:59:06 PM
Hmmm, may be an idea for me too.  We shall see.  Can't watch the Gophers so may as well listen whilst fishing. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/18/21, 01:15:49 PM
I just mixed and hand-formed myself three of my smoky onion thick burgers outta a little over a lb of beef...and got some huge kaiser rolls. Made the burgers to fit.... ;) Could be interesting...*urp*
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/18/21, 02:44:21 PM
That sounds great Rebs.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: HD on September 09/18/21, 06:17:19 PM
I grilled up some venison jalapeno cheddar brauts,
& venison garlic cheddar brauts with some summer squash.... it was great 👍
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/18/21, 06:34:29 PM
Smoky two cheese onion burgers and the fixin's. After two almost half pound each of these, I hadda do the whale belly flop towards the recline-o-matic.... :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/18/21, 06:53:31 PM
HD looks and sounds great and so does Reb's!!!  I could never two of those burgers at on setting!!!    :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/18/21, 06:55:11 PM
No way did you eat both of those.  They look great.  I love food as much as I ever did, maybe more but I can't eat as much.  I love leftovers though.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/18/21, 07:00:06 PM
Why do you think he drives around in Mr Sparkles.  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/18/21, 07:05:48 PM
No way did you eat both of those.  They look great.  I love food as much as I ever did, maybe more but I can't eat as much.  I love leftovers though.

LIke heck I didn't!!!!!! Went light on the second one, only had cheddar cheese on it, instead of swiss and cheddar. Left off the bacon too.  :rotflmao: I wolfed those down without battin' an eyelash. *urp*
That oughtta give the cholesterol a nice bump.  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/18/21, 07:06:56 PM
Why do you think he drives around in Mr Sparkles.  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Wouldn't be able to get up into him without a crane tonite. My belly's pretty distended.... :undecided:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/19/21, 07:35:45 AM
He has cracks where there aren't supposed to be cracks. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/19/21, 09:45:03 AM
Neighbor brought me over a 1 1/4 lb Angus Top sirloin steak last night for helping her do some research....tag on pkg says $18.50. :shocked:  Cripes! That's crazy! I'll have it today...but I'll eat sensibly, only gonna eat half.  :rotflmao:
For some reason I'm bloated today...  :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/19/21, 09:48:57 AM
So.... What exactly are you saying???? :scratch: your half the man today as the picture you posted yesterday in the back of your truck???? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Gunner wanted to ask??? :sleazy: :evil:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/19/21, 09:55:38 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:   :popcorn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/19/21, 09:56:13 AM
O really? Well tell him ya, I took a big Gunner this am after cawfee..... :rotflmao:

I was forced into saying that.  :surrender: :bonk:

And Mikey, don't you have some skwirrels to go smome or something? :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/19/21, 10:47:05 AM
O really? Well tell him ya, I took a big Gunner this am after cawfee..... :rotflmao:

I was forced into saying that.  :surrender: :bonk:

And Mikey, don't you have some skwirrels to go smome or something? :evil:

or something somewhere!!!  I don't know!!!  yet!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/19/21, 11:12:47 AM
O really? Well tell him ya, I took a big Gunner this am after cawfee..... :rotflmao:

I was forced into saying that.  :surrender: :bonk:

And Mikey, don't you have some skwirrels to go smome or something? :evil:

or something somewhere!!!  I don't know!!!  yet!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

Maybe Glenn has some shelless turtles running around for soop.... :whistling:   :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/20/21, 03:42:17 PM
The bacon wrapped fatty is in the smoker.  I used 2 lbs of pork sausage.  One italian and one garlic.  I mixed them together.  Then I took a block of cream cheese and let it warm to room temp.  Mixed in onion powder, garlic powder, chili powder, chopped onions, chopped green peppers, swiss cheese and mixed it all up.  Put that inside the pork log and then did the bacon weave and put over it.  I used to do two fatties.  Used 1 lb of pork in each.  Was so thin that it was hard to wrap it.  I think I like the 2 lber better.  Easier to roll up with all of that stuff inside.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/20/21, 04:00:55 PM
Man, will you stop! I can't take it!!!!!!  :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/21/21, 05:25:07 AM
So.... What exactly are you saying???? :scratch: your half the man today as the picture you posted yesterday in the back of your truck???? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Gunner wanted to ask??? :sleazy: :evil:  :rotflmao:
:pouty: :tut:.................................... & :scratch: :doah: Reb :shocked: :confused: you better watch out he's startin to rub off on you!! :crazy: :thumbs:                  :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/21/21, 06:32:21 AM
God forbid.... :doah: I had a slip there Gunner, one of those old feller brain pharts. :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/21/21, 07:41:00 AM
(https://tinypix.top/images/2021/09/21/vWuD3.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/vWuD3)


The cream cheese made it kind of runny but tasted great!  Will feed us for a few days.   (https://tinypix.top/i/vW1Fh)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/21/21, 08:05:42 AM
 :happy1:  looks good!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/21/21, 03:52:25 PM
Dang that looks yummy!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/21/21, 04:23:26 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/21/21, 04:49:07 PM
Looks great lps!! So what it was a little juicey I bet it was still tasty!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/21/21, 04:57:34 PM
Looks great lps!! So what it was a little juicey I bet it was still tasty!

Very tasty! Thinking green olives cut up and mushrooms with cheddar cheese next time. Onions too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/23/21, 07:42:28 AM
Gonna grill that big steak tonite that the neighbor brought over. Made some broccoli salad, got some fresh green tops and radishes ...I'm all set!
Made my first "Fall meal"last nite, beef stroganoff with beef tips. Added extra sour cream and used wide egg noodles. As I was taking it off the stove, norticed the mushrooms still sitting there......someone forgot to add them. %$#@!
Was great any...along with some corn and crescent rolls.  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/23/21, 07:49:56 AM
both sound great!!!   good day to grill!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/23/21, 07:51:11 AM
Especially when ya have a 1 1/2 lb free steak! better than free beer!  :party1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/23/21, 07:52:47 AM
Especially when ya have a 1 1/2 lb free steak! better than free beer!  :party1:

there ya go!!   enjoy!!!!  season with salt and pepper only??  that's all it needs besides maybe butter!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/23/21, 08:01:28 AM
You got it, bubbie!  :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/23/21, 11:14:56 AM
 :hubba: :hubba: Now I am hungry for steak.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/23/21, 12:12:54 PM
It's a vicious cycle. Maybe we shouldn't be posting pics of our food....  But I bet we keep the grocery stores goin.... :rotflmao:

You'll just have to imagine my baloney and cheese sandwich for lunch.... :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/23/21, 12:34:04 PM
just had what could be my last BLT and onion for this season....  got to look for some fresh maters!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/23/21, 01:58:33 PM
and onion....  Interesting.  Had one with egg once.  BLTE
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on September 09/23/21, 03:23:01 PM
Love my roco rotisiery, wif found at rumage sale had one years ago
Love it!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/23/21, 03:51:33 PM
That'll likely be a collectors item someday. In the meantime you and Robert will have to take it along ice fishing this winter.  :happy1:

Sadly, Ron Popeil passed away this past July. May he rest in peace...but wait, there's more!

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/23/21, 03:56:43 PM
I just looked and they still sell those!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/23/21, 04:03:28 PM
How about the pocket fisherman?  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/23/21, 04:20:22 PM
How about the pocket pool game?  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on September 09/23/21, 04:50:22 PM
Reb yu cue is to small for that..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/23/21, 05:41:03 PM
Had my ALDI gift steak....and I cut it in half. 12 oz of medium-rare juicy YUM!
It was a great steak! (you were right, Mikey) Didn't have room for the broccoli salad, barely made it thru all this. Other half went in the freezer for another time.  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/24/21, 08:24:45 AM
Love my roco rotisiery, wif found at rumage sale had one years ago
Love it!
Weber rotisserie here for 90-95% of our whole chickens, hard to beat it done that way IMO.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/24/21, 08:31:08 AM

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on September 09/24/21, 08:42:46 AM
LOL... only thing missing is a roll of "duct tape" :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/24/21, 09:23:34 AM
Love my roco rotisiery, wif found at rumage sale had one years ago
Love it!
Weber rotisserie here for 90-95% of our whole chickens, hard to beat it done that way IMO.

Izzat gas or charcoal? Either way it'd be delish! Something I haven't tried on the charcoal rotisserie is a whole chicky. Might be time to locate one.  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/24/21, 09:38:57 AM
Have always wanted a rotisserie on a grill.  We did get a Ronco thing that actually works great for chicky or prime rib.  Maybe I could take it apart and make it fit the pellet grill?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/24/21, 10:00:13 AM
Go for it!  And we want pics!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/24/21, 03:01:54 PM
We haven't used it in years and surprisingly it works great.  If the wife saw me try to modify it she would probably modify me and that might not be a good thing.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/24/21, 10:56:02 PM
It's with a good old Weber kettle with charcoal & direct heat, had 1 for a long time. We do have a Weber gas grill up here as well. Actually wore out the rotisserie motor on 1 of the last birds, had a new 1 within ~ a week. ;) :rolleyes: :laugh:  Found an extra counterweight at a garage sale up here this year too, they weren't even sure what it was.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/25/21, 08:54:07 AM
Those counterweights aren't something you run across every day altho like you said, if you go direct to Weber, you can get about anything you want and it shows up quickly. I opted for a couple more of the rotisserie forks so I could do 2 half legs. Talked to an actual human being to do it. Odd.

Unable to locate a whole chicken locally yesterday & the chicky thighs weren't on sale in the grocery store. At ~ $7.50 for 8 thighs I punted & got marinated chicken breasts at the meat market. Also got some of Rebs pigger steaks. Been a while. Prolly grill the latter tonite & let the breasts thaw for tomorrow nite. Been working my way thru the last of the lamb burgers I left for Mrs. Cheviot. She likely thought she was doing me a big favor leaving them for me. Not so. I made those well done for her so they're devoid of any fat. Like well done hamburgers warmed up after grilling, they make good Ruby food and that's about it. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/25/21, 07:20:56 PM
I've always wanted a rotisserie for the big charcoal unit at home, but it's on its last leg now. The oldest and I are lake side which we worked up an appetite,  one burglar left after doing our best emptying the fridge for the season..lol.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/25/21, 07:27:57 PM
toasting the buns is the best!!!  looks great bud!!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/26/21, 11:15:48 AM
Izzat one of those 26" behemoths boober? I bet Mrs. Boober had a hard time leaving your buns alone after that!  :evil:

Still enjoying my fortress of solitude here. Only one here to bug is me Ruby. She snores a lot but she's a purty good fat eater and plate licker. Pigger steaks a la Reb only with my secret Dotch BBQ sauce. Each batch is unique, sorta like Pfeiffer's beer, where no two tasted the same!  :shocked: Plenty of homegrown garden sides to go with as well as COVID meds.  :happy1: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/26/21, 12:20:32 PM
looks good Dotch but them pears didn't grow in Minn!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/26/21, 05:27:34 PM
Sweet'n sour pineapple/soy marinated chicky thighs, turkey/swiss almond pasta salad, broccoli cheddar salad, 7 grain bakery Autumn bread, and the usual supplemental veggies.  I already et the 'mater before I took the pic.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/29/21, 04:11:49 PM
Nope Dotch that's just a reg size weber.  Its a great evening for a swim, going with some game day cub brats, and no good beer was harmed.....yet!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/04/21, 01:32:29 PM
Well, guess we can talk about pig chops here without Glenn going  :tut: :tut: :tut:        :rotflmao:.  :surrender:

Out grocery shopping this AM, picked up my 'scrip at Walfart, haven't shopped there in about two months. Thought I'd see if anything had changed and grab a 12 pack of Diet-pepsi before I left. Nope. Outta Pepsi. Outta A&W root beer. Lunch meat aisle was decimated. Outta spring water. And...not ONE single carton of cottage cheese. That dairy cooler was empty. I had to just laugh, how the he** do they even stay in business?!? Anyway, walked past the meat aisle, guy was putting out pkgs of pig chops...not center cuts, not boneless, just some raggedy lookin' kinda thin regular chops....$5.99 a lb!  :shocked: You gotta be sh***n me!!! I couldn't believe it! Glad I was headed to ALDI's for groceries...got some nice, thick, pigger chops there for $2.99 lb, reg price. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/04/21, 04:43:01 PM
 No pussy footin around here with thin pig chops!! Beef it's what's for dinner, not bad price 8.99 # for porter house. The decision is going with illegal on some lakes large  nekkid spuds  :rotflmao: or wrap em up with some bacon... probably wrapped!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/04/21, 06:16:13 PM
Neighbors weren't looking so went nekkid with the spuds ! And got burnt,  wonder if our local nudists have issues with that?? Anyway the grub was fantastic and have lots leftover for lunch..  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/04/21, 07:20:03 PM
hey Bobber that is a good lookin meal!!   and I'm grilling a porter house for lunch tomorrow for me!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on October 10/05/21, 09:58:03 AM
This thread has me hungry and it's not even 10am.

Agreed about rotisserie cooking,as a kids my mother had a big ole electric cooker with a built in rotissrie she used for all the game I brought home,rabbits,pheants ducks etc she did a good job cooking wild game,,then fast forward early 2000 bought a Ron Popel rotisserie,used it at least once/week,did the best prime rib on that thing.

to day it's the webber charcoal grill rotisserie,most often just for birds over indirect and a pool of herbs steaming below the birds on the spit,fantastic.

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/05/21, 10:09:00 AM

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/05/21, 09:35:52 PM
I know I do c-cuts a lot because they're relatively cheap, available & easy, sorta like glenn!  :rotflmao: The real stars of the show tho have been the fall veggies. Might've sliced up the last of the cukes.  :sad: Mrs. Cheviot has been busy yapping on the phone so I slipped this batch in under the radar.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/05/21, 09:53:29 PM
 :pouty: :scratch: what's up with the foreign knife!!🥴 :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/10/21, 10:49:08 AM
Gonna do a nice rack of extra meaty baby backs.  I usually wrap in foil after a couple of hours but I am going to do the no peek method today.  Put in smoker at 225.  Will put some sauce on them at the 4.5 hr mark then take out at 5 hours. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/12/21, 06:37:02 PM
That sounds interesting lps, so foil to start? No rain here so might as well grill. Some blade steaks and more poppers chasing some nekkid spuds.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/12/21, 06:45:38 PM
no foil that way Bobber..  I tried it and liked the results too!!!   good looking spread you have too there!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/12/21, 09:14:17 PM
Shhhhhh! Stop sayin' "nekkid" or you'll get glenn all aroused...😨
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/13/21, 07:36:08 AM
The ribs turned out great!  So no foil, just rubbed and threw them on at 225 and at the 4.5 hour mark I slathered on some Sweet Baby Rays.  They were real thick and meaty so I left it for another hour then took them off.  I will try it again too.  I usually foil for a couple of hours but may like this better.  It is easier.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/13/21, 07:58:52 AM
Documenation pics are a strongly suggested necessity, Barry.  :rotflmao:  :tongue:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/13/21, 08:04:49 AM
Ya I know and I try to but they looked so good I had to eat right away. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/13/21, 08:22:46 AM
Ya, I run into that occassionally.  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/16/21, 10:00:28 PM
Nekkid lamborgers here tonite (steady glenn) with vegetables fresh from the garden. The only thing on the plate not raised at the ranch here aside from the spices & raspberry vinaigrette dressing was the Mrs. Gerry's mac salad adorning the maters. Lamb was almost overdone for me but salvaged it in the nick of time with a hint of pink throughout. Mrs. Cheviot ate one of the large taters I baked last nite beforehand and promptly zonked out. I slipped myself an extra burger as a result. Need to keep my muscle mass intact when she decides to chase me again... :shocked: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/06/21, 10:17:44 PM
Been a while! Had some pork loin filets on sale that were getting towards the expiration date so thought we'd better get them grilled. Seared & grilled indirect, took about 45 minutes. Honey mustard & mesquite. Filled in with buttercup squash, radishes and garden tomatoes with cottage cheese. Mrs. Cheviot gave chase briefly but was overcome by the pork loins, quickly putting her down for the evening. My plan worked to perfection!  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/07/21, 06:44:28 AM
looks darn good!!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/08/21, 04:29:48 PM
Honey mustard and mesquite.  Sounds great.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on November 11/09/21, 10:10:43 AM
Strolling thru my local grocery store/meat counter ,the display of steaks caught my attention,then the price tag... $27/lb ribeye...yikes jumped out of my mouth,butcher schrugged his shoulders...not thinking correctly a package of "chuck steak" caught my eye,$7.49/lb,goofy me wasn't thinking,"chuck - eye steaks are one thing but chuck steak?

Hoped for the best and fired up my grill,chuck steak was 1/2" thick,seared both sides quick,like my beef rare most often.

this chuck steak was so knawly I almost bent my fork sticking it to carve,been many years since I've attempted to eat a chuck steak now I remember why.

Even chicken and pork prices are double in just the last two months,tough times.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/09/21, 10:22:30 AM
I love chuck roasts but need to cook a few hours.  I see they were $7.99 a lb the other day.  Just couldn't pay it.  Yet.   They used to be 3.99-4.99 lb. I also have been buying the 50/50 ground pork/beef for burgers, meat loafs etc.  Love it and it is cheaper. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on November 11/09/21, 11:14:14 AM
Agreed LP,did a chuck roast and veggies couple weeks ago in the slow cooker.

years back my goto roast was a 7 blade roast,bone in beef seems to have more flavor and the meat more tender off the bone.

These days our roast are boneless for some reason?,get lucky once in awhile with a bone in ribeye,or jump on a "standing rib roast/prime rib" iffin the price is right, but days of a good ole cheap cut pot roast are all boneless in my area.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/09/21, 11:39:10 AM
I like bone in pork chops the best too.  I just got back from the store.  Got a family pack of pork steaks for 2.29 and some country style pork ribs for 2.99.  I felt good about those deals.  Ribeyes were 19.99..   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/09/21, 11:44:39 AM
going to be doing some skinless and boneless chicken thighs later, scored them last week for $1.79. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on November 11/09/21, 11:49:28 AM
I like bone in pork chops the best too.  I just got back from the store.  Got a family pack of pork steaks for 2.29 and some country style pork ribs for 2.99.  I felt good about those deals.  Ribeyes were 19.99..

Boy,pork steaks...nummer's,once a week at my house,grilled or pan seared then simmered in pork gravey,longer simmered the better.

Good price on the ribeyes but still not a great price,last year I paid $6.99/lb of choice cut ribeyes,(last fall)but the gas at the pump was under $2/gal as well.

Tell ya what if biden shuts down the north central pipeline like they're talking (michigan)we're really up a shete creek for all of our goods,what a mess..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/09/21, 05:00:30 PM
I bought the biggest ribeye loin they had a month ago for 13.79.  Got about 15 steaks over an inch out of it.  Happy I did it then. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/09/21, 06:50:54 PM
that's a decent price!!! good for you!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/09/21, 07:12:37 PM
We get most of our chicken & burger up here at Aldi's & on sale usually. Steaks there occasionally too but most of our steaks & roasts come from Super 1 on Hwy 2 in GR. They have a spot in 1 of their big dairy cases where they have a lot of items that are getting close to their expiration date & are marked down quite a bit, 25-35% at least usually. Not many walk by that spot without checking it out.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/09/21, 07:22:39 PM
yup I get my chicken there too and many sirloin steaks...  sometimes ribeyes too..  Coborns does that too on close dated stuff but the prices there now no good as far as I'm concerned..  but Long Prairie has no competition...   one grocery store is all..  also get most of my chuck roasts at Aldi's too...  when the price is good any way..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on November 11/09/21, 07:39:07 PM
We get most of our chicken & burger up here at Aldi's & on sale usually. Steaks there occasionally too but most of our steaks & roasts come from Super 1 on Hwy 2 in GR. They have a spot in 1 of their big dairy cases where they have a lot of items that are getting close to their expiration date & are marked down quite a bit, 25-35% at least usually. Not many walk by that spot without checking it out.
Yep, we hit the just about to expire date case every time we are in town—probably 2-3 times per week. Load up on anything good they might have, usually get some good deals on cottage cheese or yogurt. My dogs get some pretty good additions to their diet from that case, too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/13/21, 01:27:35 PM
Just took out a nice thick ribeye.  Shoveled the grill out so will be using it later on.  Probably right after the Gophers game.  Will have a baked potato with butter and sour cream on it.  Not sure what veggie.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/13/21, 02:05:37 PM
So youz guyz got me curious, where exactly is this almost expired meat section. :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/13/21, 02:12:43 PM
right across from the meat counter here...  a little open freezer in the isle.. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on November 11/13/21, 02:14:00 PM
So youz guyz got me curious, where exactly is this almost expired meat section. :scratch:

Out back in the dumpster.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/13/21, 02:40:16 PM
So youz guyz got me curious, where exactly is this almost expired meat section. :scratch:

Out back in the dumpster.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :doah: :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/13/21, 02:58:18 PM
some stuff should be too!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/13/21, 03:04:51 PM
We have a almost expired open freezer at our store too.  They freeze the stuff that is expiring.  I get ground pork for spaghetti if it is already frozen. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/13/21, 03:32:12 PM
That's funny coop! The cub up the street has an area for close expired but the only thing I've grabbed is a roast to grind up for sticks..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/13/21, 03:53:46 PM
well here's the issue.........is expired the same as sell by date?????? big difference  :scratch: :doah: i personally dont take a whole lot of stock in throwing something out if its the sell by date........doesnt mean its no longer good to eat.  now if its a dozen eggs thats  a year old...... thats different!!!!!!!!

IF its in a freezer i fail to see what would be wrong with using or buying it???????????
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/13/21, 04:14:26 PM
sell and use by are different and the same, it depends on the product to me..  meats vs veggies..  and yes freezing is the best way to keep things...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/13/21, 04:22:17 PM
sell and use by are different and the same, it depends on the product to me..  meats vs veggies..  and yes freezing is the best way to keep things...
yea i agree, we were talking mostly meat so i assumed just that. yea veggies dont last long enough around my house to worry about expiring.  :rotflmao: my wife bought a 4 lb container of grapes from costco on wed, they wont make the night!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/13/21, 04:25:20 PM
and you are right about the eggs!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/13/21, 05:40:23 PM
sell and use by are different and the same, it depends on the product to me..  meats vs veggies..  and yes freezing is the best way to keep things...
yea i agree, we were talking mostly meat so i assumed just that. yea veggies dont last long enough around my house to worry about expiring.  :rotflmao: my wife bought a 4 lb container of grapes from costco on wed, they wont make the night!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :doah:

another thing about buying vac sealed meats, you can keep them in the fridge for weeks if you want..  no spoilage because no air getting to the meat...  but you will tenderizing it more that way...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/13/21, 08:07:00 PM
Didn't feel like firing up the big grill tonight so the tailgater got the nod. The brats went for a light swim in the whipper snappers blue moon.. shhhhh don't tell her. Oh yeah, the tailgate gasket is still doing a great job lps!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/13/21, 11:05:57 PM
Amazing what a guy can accomplish when he isn't constantly being pursued by the spousal unit, boober... :happy1:

Piggy steaks tonite w/baked taters, peas, garden radishes, along with with my anti-COVID regimen  :cool:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/14/21, 06:40:14 AM
both look tasty for sure!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/15/21, 10:19:58 PM
One more day until I'm hooked back up to the ball & chain so had to make the best of it. Had planned to have a buddy over for steaks but couldn't pull it off so had to fly solo. A stripper w/winter radishes, squash & one of the last remaining maters. Will miss fresh stuff out of the garden but should have enough put away to help soften the blow.  :sad:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/16/21, 07:38:06 AM
So what are the purple and the white things Dotch?  The radishes?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/16/21, 07:51:59 AM
 :scratch: Looks like 2 types of 'em there to me. :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/16/21, 07:54:53 AM
I agree with ya Gunner, go back to picture in 2021 gardens.  3 pails and each different..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/16/21, 08:14:06 AM
Big ones.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/16/21, 08:20:36 AM
we grew German giants way back..  and they got good sized too!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/16/21, 08:23:41 AM
One more day until I'm hooked back up to the ball & chain so had to make the best of it. Had planned to have a buddy over for steaks but couldn't pull it off so had to fly solo. A stripper w/winter radishes, squash & one of the last remaining maters. Will miss fresh stuff out of the garden but should have enough put away to help soften the blow.  :sad:
i'm just happy my knife is still around!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

nice looking grub dotch.......building up stamina i see!!!!!!!! :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/16/21, 11:15:46 AM
Yup, them purple and white things are radishes. The white ones with reddish centers are red meats and the purple ones are sweet babies. I wasn't impressed with the purple radishes earlier but as the season wore on, they got better. Like the color, crisp texture and their flavor has become sweeter with a nice hint of the radish bite to them. Ruby as usual was tickled to get the steak fat and clean the plates before I put them back in the cupboard.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/16/21, 11:20:02 AM
best unpaid dish washer around!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/16/21, 10:10:08 PM
Clock was running out on the chicky thighs I'd bought Saturday. Fortunately the wind went down & I didn't start the neighborhood on fire. Best of all was able to pull it off before Mrs. Cheviot came home. She's not a big chicky fan so her loss. More for me! Cavenders with a dusting of curry powder then basted with Sweet Baby Ray's Hickory & Brown Sugar ~ the last 7 minutes. Browned then cooked indirect. OMFG! Now I remember why I love chicky so much. Spiced right, juicy and tender. Had to have another one just to make sure they were as good as I remembered. Pretty sure they were but will still need to analyze the leftovers to make sure my initial conclusions were correct.  :hubba:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/23/21, 06:41:22 PM
Grilled nords,minus spear marks. :sleazy: spuds and beans.  :tongue: man I'm full. Took the lemon slices off before the picture.

Sorry I don't have one of those top of the line knives like Dotch  :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/23/21, 06:48:34 PM
lookin good!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/23/21, 07:18:08 PM

Sorry I don't have one of those top of the line knives like Dotch  :pouty:

Don't worry little feller. Christmas is just around the corner. It fits, it ships, one low flat rate... :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/23/21, 07:22:35 PM

Sorry I don't have one of those top of the line knives like Dotch  :pouty:

Don't worry little feller. Christmas is just around the corner. It fits, it ships, one low flat rate... :happy1:

it fits with the fertilizer???    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/23/21, 07:33:03 PM
You'd be amazed how much crap I can jam in those boxes I mail to glenn...  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/23/21, 07:41:09 PM
 :pouty: :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: deadeye on November 11/23/21, 08:59:20 PM
We had a winter picnic today.  Burgers on the grill on the deck at the land. Can't be much better than that.
23 degrees in the cabin and 45 outside.  It was very nice in the sun.

(https://tinypix.top/images/2021/11/24/vC1aN.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/vC1aN)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/24/21, 08:37:12 AM
deadeye, do you have a heat source in that cabin??????
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: deadeye on November 11/24/21, 12:28:25 PM
Yes, there is a 30,000 BTW ventless propane wall heater.  No reason to light it yesterday as we planned to be outside all day and it would take a while to warm it up inside. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/29/21, 06:05:42 PM
Burglars on the grill, not the premade ones either  :tut: sauteed onions, and orida seasoned fries.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/19/21, 06:58:54 PM
Well looky here, a perfectly moist grilled not burnt ( seared)  :evil: :sleazy: pork steaks. Along with boiled taters fried in butter, onions and some garlic.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/20/21, 08:33:39 AM
 :scratch: Looks awfully dry :rolleyes: to me!! :sleazy: :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/20/21, 08:44:18 AM
:scratch: Looks awfully dry :rolleyes: to me!! :sleazy: :evil:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/20/21, 09:14:02 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/20/21, 09:22:44 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  No that looks great Glenn.  Nice sear lines on those burgers too.  You are a natural..... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on December 12/20/21, 09:26:20 AM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  No that looks great Glenn.  Nice sear lines on those burgers too.  You are a natural.....
No, those are called dirty grill marks.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/20/21, 09:29:16 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/20/21, 09:32:39 AM
:scratch: Looks awfully dry :rolleyes: to me!! :sleazy: :evil:
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :confused: :thumbs: :pouty:

but then i wouldnt expect anything less from you!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/20/21, 09:33:45 AM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  No that looks great Glenn.  Nice sear lines on those burgers too.  You are a natural.....
No, those are called dirty grill marks.
who cleans the grill racks????  :pouty: :tut: thats a no-no!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/20/21, 11:15:19 AM
 :scratch: Just like a cast iron skillet, it doesn't hurt every once in a while. Just season them well again before using. We do the Weber gas grille up at the lake ~ 1 a year, too many flare ups otherwise.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/20/21, 11:16:56 AM
Once mine warms up I always hit it with a wire grill brush. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/20/21, 11:18:59 AM
Same here, but it builds up down below after a while.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on December 12/20/21, 11:46:30 AM
I stopped using a regular wire brush and went to a cheap tool from Menards that looks like a spiraling spring twisted on the end of a handle.  Saw too many news articles about wire bristles breaking off and getting attached to food. Another thing that works pretty well on a warm grill is a chunk of onion on the end of a fork.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/20/21, 12:01:35 PM
Same here, but it builds up down below after a while.
I clean the bottom of the grill now and then to prevent flare ups. On rare occasions I will lightly rub down the grates
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on December 12/20/21, 12:27:19 PM
Once mine warms up I always hit it with a wire grill brush.

Or right after the food is removed,grates still really hot,just as easy to wire brush off and spray some olive oil on the grates.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/20/21, 12:29:58 PM
Once mine warms up I always hit it with a wire grill brush.

Or right after the food is removed,grates still really hot,just as easy to wire brush off and spray some olive oil on the grates.
but there are time it needs to burn off first...  just sayin.....
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on December 12/20/21, 12:36:49 PM
Sorry mike I assumed everyone uses a charcoal grill these days....takes awhile for the coals to burn out,I can understand using a gas grill this doesn't apply,never used a gas grill.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/20/21, 12:38:34 PM
Sorry mike I assumed everyone uses a charcoal grill these days....takes awhile for the coals to burn out,I can understand using a gas grill this doesn't apply,never used a gas grill.
all good I use both gas and charcoal!!  besides the pellet smoker...   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/21/21, 08:41:14 AM
Our smoker is a Weber Kettle, we have 3. One here & 2 at the lake, brother got 1 at an auction for $20. Figured the parts were worth that much.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/21/21, 08:48:01 AM
Sorry mike I assumed everyone uses a charcoal grill these days....takes awhile for the coals to burn out,I can understand using a gas grill this doesn't apply,never used a gas grill.
i have a smoker, charcoal and gas grill. and each one has its specific tasks depending on what i cook!!!!!!!!!! and i maintain them all the same!!!!!!

turkey, chicken and pork loins ALWAYS get cooked over charcoal and even a steak now and then. i've even used the gas grill occasional like an oven when we are cooking for a bunch and the oven is full!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/21/21, 08:56:37 AM
A lot of brats, burgers, & even steaks on the Weber gas at the lake for us.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/21/21, 09:10:58 AM
A lot of brats, burgers, & even steaks on the Weber gas at the lake for us.
pretty much the same here too gunner...but every now and then i get a hankering for a steak of a fay ole pork chop over charcoal and i gotta do it!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on December 12/21/21, 09:19:08 AM
Weber kettle, especially the Performer. There is nothing you can’t do, grill, searing, smoking, vortex.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/21/21, 09:23:29 AM
Weber kettle, especially the Performer. There is nothing you can’t do, grill, searing, smoking, vortex.
weber grills are the only way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/22/21, 11:57:17 AM
Ours are all the original model with just the tray between the legs below.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/22/21, 04:31:46 PM
Ours are all the original model with just the tray between the legs below.
ours also, 1 at the cabin and now the kid has my old one. I enjoyed hitting the pan with the leaf blower, cleaned it off nicely!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/25/21, 10:29:24 AM
Good news, I just brought the ham in from the beer fridge in the garage and it is 12 lbs not 9 like I thought.   :happy1:  Bobb you influenced me to put it in the smoker instead of the oven.  I will put it in at 225 with flat side down in a cast iron pan.  I will just used a small amount of apple chips so it doesn't get too smoky.  Gonna be a fun time.  SO I have it warming up now and then the process begins. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/01/22, 04:46:06 PM
The ladies wanted beer brats n fries tonight,  soooo looks like I'll be outside looking in. I told the whipper snapper it'll cost her a couple of not my beers for starters,  the onions swimming will end up on toasted buns.. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/01/22, 04:47:54 PM
does she drink as many of those as you waste on food!!!!!!!! :scratch: :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/01/22, 04:50:41 PM
looks and sounds good Bobber!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/01/22, 05:04:08 PM
does she drink as many of those as you waste on food!!!!!!!! :scratch: :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Not these,  I keep catching her with my top shelf stuff!!  :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/01/22, 05:13:20 PM
kids!!!   got ta lov dem!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/01/22, 05:14:55 PM
does she drink as many of those as you waste on food!!!!!!!! :scratch: :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Not these,  I keep catching her with my top shelf stuff!!  :doah:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: thought you drank busch lites??????

and why wouldnt she..your buyin!!!!!!!! :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/17/22, 06:26:13 PM
Hamburglurs on the grill with fried onions and beans.  Yes that's Velveeta cheese on the burgers. Only cheese in the house. Momma's coming home tonight, I should be primed by then.  :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/17/22, 06:44:06 PM
Let's see, one for Shadow, one for the Sheltie, one for glenn, & who's the other one for?  :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/17/22, 06:49:32 PM
Let's see, one for Shadow, one for the Sheltie, one for glenn, & who's the other one for?  :confused:
:rotflmao: ders 2 1/2 left.... For me!! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/17/22, 06:53:22 PM
simple good eats!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/29/22, 08:59:44 PM
After a long layoff, I dug the Weber Performer out of the snow & let 'er rip. Pork loins seared & grilled indirect, one mesquite & the other honey mustard. Tossed salad, Mrs. Gerry's smashed taters w/Hope Creamery butter & winter radishes from the garden. They're keeping great! Exhausted after escaping Mrs. Cheviot's unrelenting pursuit but I still got 'er.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/29/22, 09:04:07 PM
 :sleazy: oh yea baby.... The pioneer!!!! :bow: :bow: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on January 01/30/22, 08:21:49 AM
They say to eat colorful meals for good health.  You certainly did that Dotch.   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/09/22, 09:06:05 PM
Home grown lamborgers, squarsh, green beans, winter radishes and Bongaard's crushed red pepper curds. In shape from chore workouts so Mrs. Cheviot couldn't corner me & Ruby licked off the plates. A win:win!  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/14/22, 08:33:59 PM
Impromptu meal tonite. Mrs. Cheviot was tired but she was cranky so speed was the order of the day. Had picked up some pulled pork at the meat market for sammiches after shearing so also grabbed a package of dinner franks. Fired up the Weber quick, heated up some beans, tossed on some cheeps along with some red pepper cheese curds & voila! Supper was served. Put her out of commission. Mission accomplished!  :happy1: Ruby's tail still works purty good for a plate cleaner going on 12.  :azn:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on February 02/15/22, 08:16:32 AM
Aw crap.  I've uploaded pictures before, but it didn't work for me this time.  Rats.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on February 02/15/22, 08:19:11 AM
Try again...  Sweetheart Ribeye for Valentine's Day.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/15/22, 09:11:11 AM
For the Super Bowl we were going to have pizza delivered but they couldn't find enough help to deliver.  So I had just gotten my Power XL indoor grill that Snow was talking about.  I love it.  We did a nice ribeye on it.  It is easy to clean up too.  Just put the parts in the dishwasher.  Thanks Snow.  Today I am going to make meatloaf.  Haven't had that in a while. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/15/22, 03:44:15 PM
I fergot pics but it was pork steaks taters n coconut shrimp last night. Although my sneakers are close by for a quick getaway  I've mastered the snoring during the news!! Works like a charm... :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/15/22, 04:16:43 PM
Was wondering Barry if you can sear the meat with that indoor grill? Asking for a friend...*cough* glenn *cough*
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/15/22, 04:24:33 PM
Is that the burnt look on top???   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:   And yes it did a great job!  Gonna be a nice kitchen tool. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/15/22, 04:39:05 PM
Was wondering Barry if you can sear the meat with that indoor grill? Asking for a friend...*cough* glenn *cough*
:mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/15/22, 04:40:43 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/21/22, 08:32:43 AM
Thinking Presidents Day is good of an excuse as any to have a nice thick ribeye on the new Power XL indoor grill!   :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/21/22, 09:00:16 AM
Thoroughly seared of course... :happy1:

I gots to find me some small LP cylinders. FF had none on my last excursion there. Not sure how many more lights there are left in the cylinder on the grill. Otherwise I'll have to resort to the electric charcoal lighter.  :sad:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/21/22, 09:08:00 AM
Ya I like those burn marks.  LOL  I needed a small 1 lb propane bottle awhile back and at our Hardware store they were $7.99 ea with a limit of 2!   I couldn't believe how expensive they were.  I don't waste them now. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/21/22, 09:15:06 AM
I'd like to find either a small refillable cylinder or a conversion kit for a 20 lb cylinder so I'm not constantly dicking around with the disposables. There are a few guys around here who refill them themselves out of their bulk tank. Don't think I want to risk that however.  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/21/22, 01:05:37 PM
get one of them little 5 lb'ers!!!!! its the midget version of a 20 or 30 lber!!!!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/21/22, 01:27:25 PM
get one of them little 5 lb'ers!!!!! its the midget version of a 20 or 30 lber!!!!!  :happy1:

I have a 10 pounder that is nice...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: KEN W on February 02/21/22, 03:32:07 PM
I'd like to find either a small refillable cylinder or a conversion kit for a 20 lb cylinder so I'm not constantly dicking around with the disposables. There are a few guys around here who refill them themselves out of their bulk tank. Don't think I want to risk that however.  :scratch:

I have one of those refillable kits. Works just fine. Easy to use.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on February 02/21/22, 05:54:05 PM
I'd like to find either a small refillable cylinder or a conversion kit for a 20 lb cylinder so I'm not constantly dicking around with the disposables. There are a few guys around here who refill them themselves out of their bulk tank. Don't think I want to risk that however.  :scratch:
Menards has more of the safer refillable kit systems but it's a bit expensive, the payoff comes later with use I guess? Also, its kind of odd if you haven't checked yet but the mini 5lbs tanks are like twice the cost of a 20lber like $69.99!  :doah: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/21/22, 06:25:42 PM
I'd like to find either a small refillable cylinder or a conversion kit for a 20 lb cylinder so I'm not constantly dicking around with the disposables. There are a few guys around here who refill them themselves out of their bulk tank. Don't think I want to risk that however.  :scratch:
Menards has more of the safer refillable kit systems but it's a bit expensive, the payoff comes later with use I guess? Also, its kind of odd if you haven't checked yet but the mini 5lbs tanks are like twice the cost of a 20lber like $69.99!  :doah:
I used to refill those little tanks. Had 3 different gizmos to do an it with. Tipped 20 lber upside down, froze the 1 lbers. Over half of them would leak. Always smelled like propane, that alone is dangerous.  I threw them all away. I go through one of those tanks maybe every 2 years.

I'll stick with my 20 lbers! More power to you guys that refill  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/22/22, 07:48:45 AM
The neighbor 'bout burnt down his house & garage in the SW metro because as an old 20 lber that started leaking. He had another he was suspicious of up here that went straight down to the free corner & disappeared after. :tut:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/22/22, 08:18:05 AM
I only refill those 1 lbers if I will have a torch or something on them with a shutoff valve.  I have had them leak too cuz they aren't really made to refill.  The O rings eventually leaks.  And here is a pic of last nights ribeye with those burn marks on it. 

(https://tinypix.top/images/2022/02/22/4jlvp.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/4jlvp)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/22/22, 08:53:55 AM
does it taste grilled???   looks darn good!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/22/22, 08:58:52 AM
The neighbor 'bout burnt down his house & garage in the SW metro because as an old 20 lber that started leaking. He had another he was suspicious of up here that went straight down to the free corner & disappeared after. :tut:
yea iffin there a free sign on a propane tank at the edge of a driveway........i wont be the one taking it.

not sure how many years ago it was but i remember having to exchange or get different tanks due to some new rule if the tank was 20 years or older. something to do with the valve. if i suspect one of my tanks where getting bad i'd do a tank exchange!!!! i'm not gonna blow up my garage or me inside a fishhouse  is i suspect a bad propane tank.

mom just told me my stepdad just had one of his big propane tanks for his shop filled. the propanr guy told him good thing he did it now........and she showed me some article in the paper.......if your big, say 500 or 1000 gallon tanks gets to be about 20-30% full, some guy has to come out and do some sort of saftey check on said tank to verify its still safe to fill!!!!!! so of course i got the lecture of making sure the cabin tank doesnt get to low!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/22/22, 09:00:04 AM
does it taste grilled???   looks darn good!!!
must be X rated!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i cant see no picture!!!!!! LPS...you grillin in the buff???????? :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/22/22, 09:08:05 AM
let them check it Glenn, then ya know all is good..  I had to do it a few years ago and it was well worth it... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/22/22, 09:21:45 AM
let them check it Glenn, then ya know all is good..  I had to do it a few years ago and it was well worth it...
was there a fee??????? think she said there was.  :scratch: yea i know better spend a few bucks to be safe........but we arent exactly just down the street either.

hell i remember not long after my dad died mom showed me a letter from cenex that said something about the price of tanks..... :blablabla: :blablabla: :blablabla:

price of steel going up   :bs: we already had the tank for years and they pulled this crap. i did send them a letter telling them i worked in the steel industry and there bolgna of having to charge us because of it was total  :bs: because the tank was built before that. against my wished to argue with them more  :sleazy: :sleazy: she just ended up paying for the tank........

i never get any fun arguing with people anymore!!!! :pouty: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/22/22, 09:26:52 AM
every outfit has there own way of doing things, some charge and some don't.. I use Rahn's out of Melrose.. no unless ya need equipment replaced..   I also own my tank too..  Ferrell, Cenex no thanks around here for me any way..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/22/22, 09:29:27 AM
yea we dont have a whole lot of options up there............. i do think i've seen a lkaes gas truck driving around. when i did check, they werent as customer service orientated as cenex!!!!!

And although its peanuts we have the card that does give us some money back based on what we spend at the store.........
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/22/22, 09:41:06 AM
My lease is free since I use over a certain amount.  Maybe 500 gallons a year.  It it goes empty then they want to pressure check it when you fill it to make sure it didn't leak out.  They send a flyer to have you do it annually but I don't do that.  He did pressure check it when he put the new regulator on it.  Usually costs $50 for a pressure test but was part of the upgrade so no cost for the test.  And yes Mike the steak was pretty darn good.  I use an instant thermometer to keep an eye on the doneness of it. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/22/22, 09:44:31 AM
We own our tank too & it's a 500 gallon 1. Even with the propane generator we rarely go through much more than 200 gallons a year. Once it warms up enough for the heat pump to run(~20*) we use very little LP.  We normally contract enough every year when they have 1 of their Spring or Fall fill specials to get through as well.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/22/22, 09:59:40 AM
which and where did you get your instant thermometer??  been thinking of getting one...   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/22/22, 10:04:47 AM
 :scratch: Amazon?? Just a guess but knowin who we're talkin about :rolleyes:.......................... ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/22/22, 10:20:58 AM
:scratch: Amazon?? Just a guess but knowin who we're talkin about :rolleyes:.......................... ;) :laugh: :laugh:

should have thought of that too!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/22/22, 10:27:56 AM
:scratch: Amazon?? Just a guess but knowin who we're talkin about :rolleyes:.......................... ;) :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: yep..much to the shagrin of his FW!!!!! :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/22/22, 10:29:42 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/22/22, 11:14:32 AM
Yup Amazon to the rescue out here in the sticks.  I couldn't be without one.  Instant digital read.  Was under $20 I think.  It's a ThermoPro. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/22/22, 11:19:37 AM
I bought one for smoking fish. Bought it at the local hardware store made by Weber. Didn't buy the cheapest and I think the world of Weber products.

Think it was just under 20 bucks after the gubment got there cut.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/22/22, 11:20:50 AM
Brother has had several & they're all from the same place, I'm sure. Might even be the same unit as it's pretty basic. :cool:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/22/22, 11:37:41 AM
Yup Amazon to the rescue out here in the sticks.  I couldn't be without one.  Instant digital read.  Was under $20 I think.  It's a ThermoPro.

that reads surface temp and internal temp with the probe right?? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/22/22, 11:47:23 AM
Yup just lay the probe on the surface or stick it in the meat or whatever you are cooking to see the temp.  I use it for hot dishes too.  Even when reheating in the oven it helps to see if your food is done.  I will do a pic of it.

(https://tinypix.top/images/2022/02/22/4jzIy.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/4jzIy)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/22/22, 11:50:08 AM
And here is my kit that I use when smoking things.

(https://tinypix.top/images/2022/02/22/4j8Ug.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/4j8Ug)

(https://tinypix.top/images/2022/02/22/4jnB0.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/4jnB0)

I can be doing a 5 hour smoke and be watching the Vikes and I know what temp it is at.  Fun to use.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/22/22, 11:52:49 AM
how high will it read???   and thanks!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/22/22, 11:54:44 AM
I think it says to not use the probes in an oven over 500 degrees????  I don't use it for ribs since they are so thin.  I do use it when smoking sausages etc to get to 150 and be safe.  Great for turkey and prime ribs etc.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/22/22, 11:59:17 AM
I was thinking of reading the surface temp of the Blackstone griddle... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/22/22, 12:01:43 PM
I was thinking of reading the surface temp of the Blackstone griddle...
use your finger.......when you say OUCH.its hot!!!!!! no need to thank me for the free advice!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rolleyes: :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/22/22, 12:09:50 PM
I was thinking of reading the surface temp of the Blackstone griddle...
use your finger.......when you say OUCH.its hot!!!!!! no need to thank me for the free advice!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rolleyes: :evil:
get back to cleaning!!!   :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/22/22, 12:16:04 PM
I was thinking of reading the surface temp of the Blackstone griddle...
use your finger.......when you say OUCH.its hot!!!!!! no need to thank me for the free advice!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rolleyes: :evil:
get back to cleaning!!!   :rotflmao: :happy1:
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/22/22, 02:41:53 PM
They do have those kind that you point at something and it tells the temp too.  Never used one though.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/22/22, 03:23:09 PM
They do have those kind that you point at something and it tells the temp too.  Never used one though.
the one they use to see if you the rona?? :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

might be all kinds of them for sale cheap!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/22/22, 05:15:44 PM
You may be right on the Glenn.  We are having fresh brats on the XL tonight.  Mayhaps some Bush's beans with them.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: KEN W on February 02/22/22, 06:22:39 PM
You may be right on the Glenn.  We are having fresh brats on the XL tonight.  Mayhaps some Bush's beans with them.

You want to have the best Bush's Beans ever?

Add a can of Apple Pie Mix
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/22/22, 06:37:10 PM
Tonights supper.  Fresh brats and beans like I mentioned.  Fairly nice grill marks. 

(https://tinypix.top/images/2022/02/23/4jda4.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/4jda4)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/22/22, 06:46:43 PM
You may be right on the Glenn.  We are having fresh brats on the XL tonight.  Mayhaps some Bush's beans with them.

You want to have the best Bush's Beans ever?

Add a can of Apple Pie Mix

ok now that sounds interesting, never heard of it before... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/22/22, 07:00:46 PM
Tonights supper.  Fresh brats and beans like I mentioned.  Fairly nice grill marks. 

(https://tinypix.top/images/2022/02/23/4jda4.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/4jda4)
Seared perfectly!! ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/23/22, 08:28:08 AM
looks burnt to me!!!!!!!! :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

at least they aint johnsonville brats!!!!!!!!!! :tut: :happy1: :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/23/22, 09:26:10 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  They are the store brand of brats.  Our Family I think.  Not bad neither.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/23/22, 10:55:52 AM
I think you could run 'em thru delbert's sous vide machine & glenn would still think they're burnt.  :doah: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/23/22, 11:26:16 AM
Well I got the brisket.  Man it is 5.99 lbs and was $50.  Ouch.  Now I don't know if I will brine it or just cook it.  I see some of the restaurants on the food shows just cook them in the oven with onions, carrots, and celery kind of like doing a pot roast.  It is a flat so not real thick.  Maybe 2 - 2 1/2".  Mayhaps smoke it but sure don't want to ruin it by overdoing it.  Could be a fun Sat. or Sun. thing to do. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/23/22, 12:38:09 PM
got a corned beef point roast today.  $2.99    flats next week when they come will be $4.99

and got some pork chops for $1.29   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/23/22, 12:39:07 PM
I need to stock up if I see them for that around St. Pats Day.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/23/22, 01:46:19 PM
got a corned beef point roast today.  $2.99    flats next week when they come will be $4.99

and got some pork chops for $1.29   :happy1: :happy1:

You get all the deals all the time on roasts & chops... :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: KEN W on February 02/23/22, 01:54:25 PM
You may be right on the Glenn.  We are having fresh brats on the XL tonight.  Mayhaps some Bush's beans with them.

You want to have the best Bush's Beans ever?

Add a can of Apple Pie Mix

ok now that sounds interesting, never heard of it before...

How much depends on the size of the can of beans. Small can.....half can of pie filling.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/23/22, 02:54:57 PM
I all ways get the big can...  so one can pie filling them?? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: KEN W on February 02/23/22, 03:03:02 PM
Yes.....I would add some and taste. Then add some more until it tastes what you like. My family really likes beans this way.

Oh..... I do take a knife and cut up the apple slices.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/23/22, 03:40:50 PM
got a corned beef point roast today.  $2.99    flats next week when they come will be $4.99

and got some pork chops for $1.29   :happy1: :happy1:
We got some CB @ Aldi's today too, mike. :happy1: Brother said the same, that in a week or 2 it will be twice that price.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/23/22, 04:11:50 PM
got a corned beef point roast today.  $2.99    flats next week when they come will be $4.99

and got some pork chops for $1.29   :happy1: :happy1:
We got some CB @ Aldi's today too, mike. :happy1: Brother said the same, that in a week or 2 it will be twice that price.
you cookin up sumfin special for the Inger girls!!!!!!! :evil: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: KEN W on February 02/23/22, 04:33:08 PM
got a corned beef point roast today.  $2.99    flats next week when they come will be $4.99

and got some pork chops for $1.29   :happy1: :happy1:
We got some CB @ Aldi's today too, mike. :happy1: Brother said the same, that in a week or 2 it will be twice that price.

I always wait until the week of St. Patrick's Day. Corned beef and cabbage at the lowest prices of the year.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/23/22, 07:16:00 PM
We have corned beef 3-4 times a year, at least.  :happy1: :cool: We can eat Ruebens almost anytime, but we have it other ways. Oh, & glenn :tut: :mooning:..........................how DIRTY are those mounts?:sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil:                        ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/23/22, 07:18:05 PM
We have corned beef 3-4 times a year, at least.  :happy1: :cool: We can eat Ruebens almost anytime, but we have it other ways. Oh, & glenn :tut: :mooning:..........................how DIRTY are those mounts?:sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil:                        ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:

same here!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/23/22, 07:20:31 PM
We have corned beef 3-4 times a year, at least.  :happy1: :cool: We can eat Ruebens almost anytime, but we have it other ways. Oh, & glenn :tut: :mooning:..........................how DIRTY are those mounts?:sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil:                        ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
not very dirty!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: KEN W on February 02/23/22, 09:57:43 PM
My wife's favorite sandwich are Reubens. I usually buy a half a dozen corned beef's the week of St. Patrick's Day. I still have 2 in the freezer from last year. I prefer to smoke one and make it into pastrami.....Pastrami and Swiss on rye.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/24/22, 07:38:01 AM
We have corned beef 3-4 times a year, at least.  :happy1: :cool: We can eat Ruebens almost anytime, but we have it other ways. Oh, & glenn :tut: :mooning:..........................how DIRTY are those mounts?:sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil:                        ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
not very dirty!! :happy1:
:scratch: 'Bout as dirty as that Hallmark porn :kiss: mama tries to get you to watch?  :rolleyes:         ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/24/22, 07:47:06 AM
Sat will be up to 24 so mayhaps I will smoke this brisket then. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/24/22, 07:56:50 AM
Sat will be up to 24 so mayhaps I will smoke this brisket then.

good idea!!  think I might do that corned beef point I got yesterday too!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/27/22, 07:01:50 PM
Spaced out taking a picture. :confused: finally fired up the grill. Chicken patties and a san Fransisco treat.....rice-a-roni!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/27/22, 08:50:59 PM
Didn't delbert like cooking Rice-a-roni in his sous vide machine?  :scratch: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/28/22, 06:42:48 AM
Didn't delbert like cooking Rice-a-roni in his sous vide machine?  :scratch:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/28/22, 01:01:13 PM
Didn't delbert like cooking Rice-a-roni in his sous vide machine?  :scratch:
:scratch:i dunno know????/ :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/01/22, 09:59:38 PM
No Rice-a-Roni, no suzie doucher, just straight atcha thick cut bone-in pork chops done the old fashioned way on the Weber Performer. SEARED a couple minutes per side then grilled indirect. Mrs. Cheviot made a play for me but I was way ahead of her. Gave her Schwan's rocky road ice cream for dessert & she was out like a light.  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/02/22, 08:36:25 AM
 :scratch: :scratch: is that pioneer knife there for cosmetic looks and you needed to get the chainsaw out to cut that BURNT meat!!??? :scratch: :doah: :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

just kidding ya dotch.........that looks awesome!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/05/22, 11:26:22 AM
bacon cheddar burgers on the grill for lunch today!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/05/22, 12:01:48 PM
bacon cheddar burgers on the grill for lunch today!!!
I assume they are the boughten premade frozen ones??

If you get a respectable brand they can be good in a pinch at times. Not sure if I have had to many of them but I'd rather take a package of plain burger and do my own thing with them.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/05/22, 12:03:52 PM
I have wanted to try those but keep forgetting to buy some.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/05/22, 12:11:13 PM
I have wanted to try those but keep forgetting to buy some.
don't go cheap generic brands. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/05/22, 12:42:34 PM
Coborn's and got them on discount!!!  decent burger too!!!   but home ya can't beat!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/05/22, 12:56:24 PM
Coborn's and got them on discount!!!  decent burger too!!!   but home ya can't beat!!!
from my experience with coborns meats they got good stuff.
4 brothers branded meat. They have a really good cooked brat!!👍
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/05/22, 02:03:14 PM
Coborn's and got them on discount!!!  decent burger too!!!   but home ya can't beat!!!
from my experience with coborns meats they got good stuff.
4 brothers branded meat. They have a really good cooked brat!!👍

they are on sale next week!!!   brats and brat burgers!!!   I really like the brat patties too!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/05/22, 02:07:42 PM
Are they as good as Johnsonville glenn?  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/05/22, 02:54:43 PM
Are they as good as Johnsonville glenn?  :rotflmao:

I don't buy Johnsonville's, so yup they are in my book my a huge amount!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/05/22, 03:25:44 PM
We've dabbled with frozen patties lately,  costcos aren't to bad and cub has some that'll do. But we picked up a Sheboygan brand of frozen patties that were horrible. Cub does have some house brand not frozen burgers mixed with cheese n bacon and whatever else that's pretty good. Screw it, were having burgers tonight...thanks mike!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/05/22, 03:55:12 PM
We've dabbled with frozen patties lately,  costcos aren't to bad and cub has some that'll do. But we picked up a Sheboygan brand of frozen patties that were horrible. Cub does have some house brand not frozen burgers mixed with cheese n bacon and whatever else that's pretty good. Screw it, were having burgers tonight...thanks mike!!

any time Bobber!!!!    :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/06/22, 07:47:21 AM
Like I have been saying, I am finally gonna smoke that brisket today.  My smoker only goes up to 250 so think I will put it on around 10.  I will put my probe in it and at 170 I may wrap it to keep it moist.  Some do some don't.  Then cook till just around 200.   Any advice is welcome.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/06/22, 08:09:49 AM
Are they as good as Johnsonville glenn?  :rotflmao:
  :pouty: :rotflmao: yea.like a 1000 times better!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/06/22, 08:11:14 AM
sounds like a good plan!!   I see I can buy a whole short loin this week for $7.99 a pound cut and wrapped..   I think I see some t-bones and porter house steaks in my future!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/06/22, 08:36:51 AM
Love a porterhouse!  The problem we have is that the wife cuts off the filet side for her so I get the strip side.  May as well get ribeyes then. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/06/22, 08:43:40 AM
we used to split them in 1/2 so we each got some..   ribeye $12.99, porter house $7.99???   porter house wins!!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/06/22, 01:02:25 PM
The brisket has been in since about 10:30.  It has stalled at 150 right now.  So nice to have that thermometer reader in the house so I can keep an eye on it.  At 170 I may wrap it.  Some do some don't.  Sure don't want it to dry out. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/06/22, 02:25:13 PM
Corned beef brisket or regular lps?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/06/22, 02:50:05 PM
It is a regular brisket Bobb, a flat.  5.5 lbs  I just put Lawry's, cracked some pepper on it and some garlic powder.  It is still at 152 so still in the stall. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/06/22, 03:00:00 PM
Fun stuff,  I went looking last weekend but they were all too big for my liking.  Your call on wrapping,  we like em a little chard so usually leave em be and pull it off at 203°. But have wrapped em before if crunched for time. I gotta ask...fat side up or down?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/06/22, 04:43:25 PM
Fat side down but I was surprised that is what they all said to do.  I thought fat side up would keep it moist.  There wasn't a big difference though after I trimmed it up.  So now here it is 4:45 and it is only up to 158.  Finally going up.  It is in at 250 degrees.  So the stall has been for appx 3 hours.  Glad I knew that or I would have thought my smoker quit.  That's a long time.  This 5.5 lb brisket is maybe 2.5" thick in the center where I have the probe so it is not a big fat chunk of meat.  Seems like a long stall for a thinnish piece of meat.  Well I will keep you posted and some pics.  The wife made cole slaw too. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/06/22, 05:48:43 PM
Crazy the stall lasted so long. I've always done fat up but your right lots say down.I read One fella did 2 one up one down and couldn't tell a difference.  They do preach tho on covering with butcher paper , think I'll try it. Dang it, I gotta do one soon!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/06/22, 06:19:44 PM
I have no butcher paper and have read that you can wrap with foil like doing ribs.  They just hit 170 and they look great.  Letting them go for now.  Will take off at 195.  When I stuck my in house probe in they were still tough so need more time. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/06/22, 07:06:56 PM
brown paper works, white freezer paper and foil all will work from what I have read
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/08/22, 11:04:25 AM
Ok about that brisket.  We got tired of waiting for it to get done so took it out and ate right away.  I know you are supposed to let it sit but we were starving.  Well I wrapped it up tight after we cut off a chunk and put in frig.  I just microwaved a piece and it is better than I thought it would be. Will be good for supper after I warm it up some in the oven.  It is more tender now than the other night too.  Of course Sweet Baby Rays is good on anything. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/08/22, 05:23:02 PM
And here is my kit that I use when smoking things.

(https://tinypix.top/images/2022/02/22/4j8Ug.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/4j8Ug)

(https://tinypix.top/images/2022/02/22/4jnB0.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/4jnB0)

I can be doing a 5 hour smoke and be watching the Vikes and I know what temp it is at.  Fun to use.
Any kind of model # on that kit lps? Turns out my igrill mini thru weber took a chit..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/08/22, 05:53:01 PM
It was the thermometer kit as one deal and the case was a separate deal and so glad I got it.  Of course Amazon.  lol  So look at Thermo Pro.  Someone else gave me the idea a couple of years ago.  I take the batteries out of the responder that sits on the grill or the batteries go dead.  At least once they did.  Love it.  If I was to buy one now I would check the wireless probes ones out.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/08/22, 06:34:33 PM
Threw a couple pork chops on the grill. Along with taters fried in butter and onions and Mikey's favorite. :happy1: momma is winking at me  :sleazy: and I'm letting her catch me! :smoking: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/08/22, 07:32:41 PM
 :scratch: :doah:                        :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/08/22, 08:50:51 PM
By the looks of that empty plate, I thought Shadow had already helped himself!  :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/08/22, 09:08:31 PM
By the looks of that empty plate, I thought Shadow had already helped himself!  :doah:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: not that he wouldn't try if we turned out back!! :confused: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on March 03/10/22, 11:20:47 AM
My golden boi loves chinese take out....little shete head... didn't even get a taste.

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/10/22, 11:59:24 AM
Oh no.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:  When I got my first Weber in the 70's I was so excited and wanted to do a half ham in it.  Turned out great.  Had a buddy over and we ate like pigs till we were full.  Had it on a plate on the picnic table when another friend pulled up.  As we were talking he said Hey Barry what is Max eating on the picnic table.  He was scarfing down on that ham like nobodies business.  Ate all around on it.  I was so pissed but it was actually kind of funny.  Thank goodness we had already ate.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on March 03/13/22, 10:31:18 AM
During recovery my wife lori has been the greatest! Not so much pampering, but keeping my meds straight, things i normally around the house due to 10lb weight restriction. And ect ect. I suprised her with a supper of smokie grilled ribeye, cedar planked salmon with a butter brown sugar seasoned glaze and a side of baby taters. She deserver so much more
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/13/22, 10:36:47 AM
 :happy1: :happy1: looks good buddy!!!!!!!! i figured the fish was gonna be from a store though!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :sleazy: :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on March 03/13/22, 11:09:56 AM
Actually it was fresh caught last summer on the kenai river.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: KEN W on March 03/13/22, 12:53:06 PM
I think I could eat that. I have never made fish on a cedar plank
 :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/13/22, 04:25:35 PM
That looks incredible Boar!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/13/22, 07:23:59 PM
Some simple homemade burgers with Glenn's touch, Swiss cheese, fried onions and ore Ida fries
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/13/22, 08:17:44 PM
Sorry for no pic but had a nice ribeye on my new Power XL grill.  Works pretty darn good.  My gas grill is kind of snowed in.  I am waiting for mother nature to help with that issue.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/14/22, 09:37:29 AM
I hope those aren't sear marks I see on those burgers glenn.  :rotflmao:

More pork loin filets last nite while listening to goose music. SEARED & grilled indirect. Mrs. Cheviot told me she likes her meat juicy. Subliminal messages like that put me on high alert so I had to rely on my cat-like reflexes to avoid her advances. A little Mrs. Gerry's slaw & some o-rings with katchup. Winter radishes continue to maintain their integrity. Still mighty tasty with some ranch for dipping. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/15/22, 02:36:36 PM
Gonna be some of the nicest porterhouse pork chops I have seen in a long time on our indoor grill tonight.  It is 47 here so mayhaps some of the snow pack that someone got lazy and didn't shovel will melt so I can use the gas grill in a few days. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/15/22, 06:12:56 PM
A little warm up for the steaks tomorrow night so thought I'd see how the wife would respond to brats soaked in some good beer before hand. Turns out no need to try out my winter legs, the dishes musta worn her out.. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/15/22, 06:20:11 PM
7 brats and 3 buns??  sweet left overs!!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/15/22, 06:27:54 PM
7 brats and 3 buns??  sweet left overs!!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
The ladies don't like my toasted buns, so der all mine.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: HD on March 03/15/22, 06:36:39 PM
We caught for the grill, 3 trout & 2 mackerel....
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/15/22, 06:46:55 PM
7 brats and 3 buns??  sweet left overs!!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
The ladies don't like my toasted buns, so der all mine.  :happy1:

dats just wrong but better for you!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/15/22, 06:47:32 PM
very nice HD!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/15/22, 07:01:05 PM
Sweet HD!!! But don't your wife sound like mine.  :confused: :scratch: :doah:

Can't you go anywhere that doesn't include a gun or fishing rod???🙄 :confused: :happy1:

Not many!!; :sleazy: :nerd: :laughroll: :laughroll: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/16/22, 06:14:29 PM
Someone say searage?? Not sure why momma picked fine China but I believe ate part of the table!  :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/16/22, 06:20:05 PM
well done on the cooking Bobber!!!   looks darn good!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/16/22, 06:45:16 PM
Dang nabit, forgot I was supposed to be there for that 3rd steak  :pouty: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on March 03/16/22, 07:21:32 PM
Yes, it look so good Bobber. I haven’t had a grilled steak since last fall.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/16/22, 08:00:55 PM
At least he didn't ruin it by putting cottage cheese on that plate!! :sleazy: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/16/22, 09:00:44 PM
At least he didn't ruin it by putting cottage cheese on that plate!! :sleazy: :happy1:

I bet he was so tuckered from evading Mrs. Boober he just plum fergot... :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/17/22, 07:54:38 AM
That looks absolutely luscious Bob.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/17/22, 03:00:35 PM
Thanks gents, the old grill is getting tired tho, the steel that holds the coals is falling apart.  Sure wouldn't mind finding something similar again, that's sturdy.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/22, 03:07:46 PM
Thanks gents, the old grill is getting tired tho, the steel that holds the coals is falling apart.  Sure wouldn't mind finding something similar again, that's sturdy.
bet iffin ya looked around at maybe some recycling places you could make something work!!!!!!

it be a bummer to throw that out with all the memories, beer spilt, momma.....er never mind!!!!! :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/17/22, 03:11:52 PM
Thanks gents, the old grill is getting tired tho, the steel that holds the coals is falling apart.  Sure wouldn't mind finding something similar again, that's sturdy.
find a welding shop and have one built... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/17/22, 03:48:51 PM
Thought about going back to a weber but I sure can pile the grub on this one. Although we might be empty nesters soon , might not need the big grills.  :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/17/22, 03:59:01 PM
Thought about going back to a weber but I sure can pile the grub on this one. Although we might be empty nesters soon , might not need the big grills.  :sleazy:

Same, at home I went from a 4 burner down to a two burner with side burner for fish.  Still have a 4 burner up at the camper when the kids and their families come up.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/17/22, 05:01:01 PM
Bobb can you just get a piece of steel that will fit on the bottom inside to buy you some more years.  Looks like a nice unit. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/22, 05:15:06 PM
Find yourself a piece or 2 of expanded metal.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/17/22, 05:30:02 PM
I just bought a piece of 26 gauge tin about 3'x3' for $13 to do my duct work.  Was on the shelf at Menards. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/18/22, 06:26:45 PM
hey boober. i think i can fix ya up!!!!!! :happy1: i'm somewhat confused with that wider, heavier round piece of metal in the front of the grill.  :scratch: :scratch: i got piles of 1/2 inch rebar in my garage.......and a welder!!!!!!

of course it'll cost ya union scale beer!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/18/22, 08:36:12 PM
Sounds good to me Glenn! Good thing I gots lots of union grade beer on hand  :happy1: , I'll get ya some closer pics on what the old girl needs!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/18/22, 08:55:20 PM
hey boober. i think i can fix ya up!!!!!! :happy1: i'm somewhat confused with that wider, heavier round piece of metal in the front of the grill.  :scratch: :scratch: i got piles of 1/2 inch rebar in my garage.......and a welder!!!!!!

of course it'll cost ya union scale beer!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

They still brew Blatz?  :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/18/22, 08:57:49 PM
hey boober. i think i can fix ya up!!!!!! :happy1: i'm somewhat confused with that wider, heavier round piece of metal in the front of the grill.  :scratch: :scratch: i got piles of 1/2 inch rebar in my garage.......and a welder!!!!!!

of course it'll cost ya union scale beer!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

They still brew Blatz?  :confused:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/19/22, 05:46:54 PM
I was going to text you some pics Glenn but decided to do it here. The tines took a hit from the heat over the years as you can see, it has a crank system to raise and lower the basket of coals for your fav "searing" which is a great feature. One of the  things I'm concerned is weight on the basket, it really flexes with a full chimney of coals, adding re bar will add to it. Another thing how is re bar going to be cooking over? This grill only costed me 150 bucks back in the day but has treated us pretty good. I don't know maybe I'll look around for a rectangle stainless grate tgat would come close to laying on the original grate??? Or if you want to tack something up that'll work also..  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/19/22, 06:15:39 PM
well if the extra weight would be to prevent you from burning meat..........wouldnt that  be a good thing??? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i 'll try to answer all your questions, with maybe a few of my own questions!!!!!!! :happy1:

as i understand it the tines you  talk about are what holds the coals in place, right? if it flexes, is it because of the current condition of said tines??? my thought was your getting rid of that grate that holds the coals and replacing that. i would make a whole new piece.

rebar is or should be plain olg carbon or mild steel, and i dont see where that would be an issue cooking over, or having the charcoal on.

if your able to lift that crate, that rebar thing is going to be heavy. i cant see the gizmo that lifts it so the rebar maybe to heavy.

let me know, dont matter to me, i would suggest looking for a piece or 2 of expanded metal.......and stainless will be heavier then mild steel. and you can get different thicknesses of expanded metal. we have places in st cloud that sells that stuff, you should have places like that around the big city too!!!!!! 

keep in mind if you do find something see if you can get scrap.its cheaper and if it dont fit right i still can cut it to the size you need with the metal working tools i have!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/20/22, 02:53:39 PM
Sorry Glenn! Gonna try this cheap grate I found today, it's a little small but it covers the problem area. The arms on each side is what raises the grate, 2 bolts on each side hold the basket. Not sure if I can even crack em loose to replace it. Thanks anyway chum!!   :happy1: sure wish I was doing a long cook today tho..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/20/22, 03:03:07 PM
 :happy1: no worries here, just thought I'd try to help. Hope it works, looks like it should!!

Back to burnt meat huh!! :pouty: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/20/22, 07:14:13 PM
Grilled ribeye, southern style taters and veggies!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/20/22, 07:16:12 PM
cajun taters??
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/20/22, 07:23:44 PM
cajun taters??
naw there where square little cubes, it's what the package said.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/20/22, 08:03:21 PM
 Nice sear!!  ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/20/22, 09:08:00 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on March 03/21/22, 07:33:32 AM
first of the season charcoal bbq,nice big ole pork chop grilled and semi smoked with applewood.

decided to rid my 3 season porch of my pellet grill,seldom use it maybe 10 times in 3 years,I perfer my weber charcoal grill 95% of the time,don't mind the extra work either from start to finish.

another nice day to bbq later,blackend chicken breast over hickory wood chunks,homemaid tator salad from kawalskis (country style) with a little extra ingredients,like hard boil eggs and raddishes,chopped hot dill pickels etc...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/26/22, 11:46:42 AM
fresh sauerkraut brats on the grill as I write this, it's what's for lunch!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/26/22, 02:36:48 PM
Sounds great!  Hamburgers for us tonight and looking forward to them.  With our homemade dill pickles on them. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/01/22, 07:33:45 AM
Pork chops on the grill last night.  Tasted great and I didn't overcook them.  Made two extras so left overs tonight too. 

(https://tinypix.top/images/2022/04/01/45gEw.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/45gEw)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/01/22, 08:14:20 AM
 :happy1: :cool: Nice SEAR marks, lps!! ;) :rolleyes: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/01/22, 08:56:21 AM
Couple pork chops and eggs for breakfast would be good too.  :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/01/22, 09:03:19 AM
:happy1: :cool: Nice SEAR marks, lps!! ;) :rolleyes: :laugh:
:pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/01/22, 09:12:11 AM
Pork chops on the grill last night.  Tasted great and I didn't overcook them.  Made two extras so left overs tonight too. 

(https://tinypix.top/images/2022/04/01/45gEw.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/45gEw)

which grill??   :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/01/22, 09:37:57 AM
The gas grill.  It does a nice sear. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/01/22, 09:51:23 AM
 :confused: :doah: those are simply grill grate marks!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/01/22, 10:18:37 AM
That is correct.  HOT grill grate marks.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/02/22, 09:19:07 PM
Sides were Mrs. Gerry's mac salad, our squash & sunflower salad. The good news: May have solved the disagreement about steak doneness here. Took a T-bone, sliced the filet off & cooked the snot out of it then put the strip on & cooked like I wanted. The bad news: I was running for my life. She thinks I can just flip a switch!  :angry:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/03/22, 07:46:16 AM
Same here.  The wife cuts a chunk off the steak for her and nukes it for a minute. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/09/22, 08:49:49 PM
Chicky breasts tonite, seared & smoked up with pear wood. Haven't seen breasts that large since Dolly Parton. Mrs. Gerry's slaw & mac salad along with our garden beans. I dazzled Mrs. Cheviot with my footwork, wearing her down before she could launch an offensive... :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/10/22, 07:45:55 AM
That's quite a pair Dotch.   :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/10/22, 07:57:18 AM
looks nummy dotch!!!! :happy1: of course that knife is there!!!! :rolleyes:

momma bought an 8 pack of chicken boobies at costco the other day!!!! when it quits raining....some of them are hitting the grill also!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/19/22, 06:41:15 PM
Grilled butterflied pork chops, Betty crocker au gratin potatoes and corn. Found the chops in the reduced section and costed me 4 bucks.

I however don't have one of dem fancy knives!!! :pouty: :confused: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/19/22, 06:49:44 PM
oh dat one from the red seed place!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/19/22, 06:51:36 PM
Grilled butterflied pork chops, Betty crocker au gratin potatoes and corn. Found the chops in the reduced section and costed me 4 bucks.

I however don't have one of dem fancy knives!!! :pouty: :confused: :rotflmao:

Have faith!!!! Through the power of Jesus, your life is about to change, my friend!!!!  :rotflmao:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/19/22, 06:57:48 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/19/22, 07:04:02 PM
oh my lighting is going to strike!!!!     :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/22/22, 07:10:45 PM
So my wife came home from Costco with a 6 pac of what we thought were big AZZ chicken breasts. Turns out that where chicken tenders I think. Anyway grilled over charcoal with beans and rice a Roni!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/22/22, 07:17:40 PM
those are always good to eat!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/22/22, 07:24:27 PM
those are always good to eat!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
they remind me of buffalo wild wings nekked chicken tenders.......love them things.........wish i woulda had there parmesan and garlic dippin sauce!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/22/22, 08:51:44 PM
That's looks awesome! Nummy!  :happy1:

Rice-a-Roni = delbert's fave side!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/23/22, 06:43:48 AM
Looks good Glenn.  We need to fire up the grill. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/25/22, 08:42:42 PM
Wind finally went down below 40 mph so was time to grill again. Pork chops indirect smoked with some applewood, after being seared of course!  :happy1: Sunflower salad, mac salad & a baked tater w/Hope Creamery butter. Knocked Mrs. Cheviot out before she had a chance to paw me. I love it when a plan comes together... :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/25/22, 09:25:44 PM
Awe there's the ..k.  :sleazy: :rotflmao:

Oh yea... Looks yummy!!👍
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/25/22, 10:00:48 PM
Grilled butterflied pork chops, Betty crocker au gratin potatoes and corn. Found the chops in the reduced section and costed me 4 bucks.

I however don't have one of dem fancy knives!!! :pouty: :confused: :rotflmao:

Have faith!!!! Through the power of Jesus, your life is about to change, my friend!!!!  :rotflmao:

Well dang, you guys are easy to please.  Jesus is probably rethinking the whole dying on the cross thing now?  :scratch: :scratch:   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/25/22, 10:11:13 PM
 :rotflmao: we might be easy Leech, but we don't come cheap!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/27/22, 09:22:41 AM
After cleaning up under the yard last nite decided I'd better grill the lamborger I'd partially thawed Saturday nite. Time to get it done before it went out of code. Was fine altho it was dead still last nite, making the coals lite slower than anticipated. No problem, just make extra G&T's! :happy1: Nuke a few string beans, add Mrs. Gerry's steakhouse tater salad, mac salad & a dab of squash needing to be used up. Ruined a couple burgers to appease the wife which kept her from pulling any funny stuff. Was able eat my medium burger in peace.  :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/29/22, 06:22:04 PM
Grilled chicken burglars!! Momma had the BBQ sauce, I put the buffalo wild wings parmesan sauce on mine. Still waiting  :sleazy: :smoking: to get rewarded!! :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/29/22, 07:22:32 PM
So did you grind up some chicken?  Answer tomorrow.  You are probably already moving furniture.   :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/29/22, 07:28:31 PM
So did you grind up some chicken?  Answer tomorrow.  You are probably already moving furniture.   :sleazy:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: i wish........no she gets them at cashwise. pretty good too!!!! there 6 in a box with 3 shrink wrapped together.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/29/22, 07:57:33 PM
Sounds good! I'm betting glenn's reward is to sleep inside in Shadow's kennel... :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/22, 06:24:50 PM
Grilled burgers and not the premade ones either!! :tut: ore Ida fries and fried onions!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/04/22, 06:27:32 PM
Mmmm...can almost taste it. Oh wait, I can't.  :sad:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/22, 06:31:01 PM
Mmmm...can almost taste it. Oh wait, I can't.  :sad:
be a good time to whip up a batch of tater tot hot dish and add some cottage cheese to it!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/04/22, 06:33:34 PM
Mmmm...can almost taste it. Oh wait, I can't.  :sad:
be a good time to whip up a batch of tater tot hot dish and add some cottage cheese to it!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
say now that might be good!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/22, 06:38:18 PM
Mmmm...can almost taste it. Oh wait, I can't.  :sad:
be a good time to whip up a batch of tater tot hot dish and add some cottage cheese to it!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
say now that might be good!!   :happy1: :happy1:
:confused: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: Yea only you!! :crazy: :doofus: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/04/22, 06:39:28 PM
Mmmm...can almost taste it. Oh wait, I can't.  :sad:
be a good time to whip up a batch of tater tot hot dish and add some cottage cheese to it!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
say now that might be good!!   :happy1: :happy1:
:confused: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: Yea only you!! :crazy: :doofus: :rotflmao:
they use it in lasagna!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/04/22, 06:43:28 PM
Along with sweet pickles on the side. I can see it now... :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/04/22, 07:03:28 PM
Lasagna, now you have me thinking about that.  LOL   That looks great Glenn.  We had what I call Chuck's Chicken.  That is my brother.  We both bought Green Mountain, Daniel Boone pellet grills about 8 years ago.  Love them but they have their limitations.  They are not good for steaks but like a nice smoker/ grill/oven.   SO I put Lawry's, black pepper, I used some poultry seasoning that has been on the shelf for a long time, and garlic powder on both side of some thighs.  Put them on when the grill gets to 400 and leave them for 40 - 45 minutes.  They are great everytime. 

(https://tinypix.top/images/2022/05/05/4t0pZ.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/4t0pZ)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/04/22, 07:05:44 PM
I must have put more spices on that one.  LOL
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/22, 07:59:24 PM
Mmmm...can almost taste it. Oh wait, I can't.  :sad:
be a good time to whip up a batch of tater tot hot dish and add some cottage cheese to it!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
say now that might be good!!   :happy1: :happy1:
:confused: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: Yea only you!! :crazy: :doofus: :rotflmao:
they use it in lasagna!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
not the lasagna made in this house and I'd never order lasagna in a restaurant!! :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/05/22, 05:48:40 AM
Chicken turns out dynamite on them pellet grills. It was a great evening to smell charcoal here, been awhile since we had taters n kaboobs!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/10/22, 08:24:03 PM
A couple different kinds of brats tonite. Still feeling out the new ownership at the meat market. Cooked brats & fresh brats. Much prefer the fresh brats as I added my own apple wood smoke in the Weber. Some Mrs. Gerry's summer pasta salad & tater salad along with some cheeps. Ate outside & the birds stole the show. Cardinals,  orioles, wrens, brown thrashers, chickadees, goldfinches, song sparrows, chipping sparrows, hummingbirds, robins, red-winged blackbirds, Canada geese & pheasants. Frogs & toads are just starting to get it cranked up. Best of all Mrs. Cheviot left me alone. :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/10/22, 08:47:58 PM
So Dotch, why wouldn't the new owners have the previous  owners recipes for the meats from the same facility!! :scratch: :doah:

By the way, you frame that "special" knife?? :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/11/22, 10:43:14 AM
So Dotch, why wouldn't the new owners have the previous  owners recipes for the meats from the same facility!! :scratch: :doah:

By the way, you frame that "special" knife?? :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao:

They did keep the recipes and rights to make most of the stuff. Trouble is, they either don't keep the product stocked or they venture back further to several owners ago when the one guy's grandpa owned the market. That's what I suspect happened with the cooked brats. Never saw them when the previous owner still had it. Bugtussle can be a fickle town that way too. Lots of old farts with memories of something that was made there 40-50 years ago that they thought was great. It sucked then too, they just didn't know any better! We ran into that with a Lion's Club pancake feed a few years ago. Some old codgers pushed us to go back to a sausage recipe from a bygone era made at the locker plant. The maple flavored sausages Dean was supplying us were awesome. At the behest of the old guard however, he went ahead and made a special batch of sausages using the sacred "old recipe". Guess what? The sausages were awful. More wound up in the trash than were eaten. Everyone hated them except a few old farts and Ruby of course! :doah:

Your knife is in the mail!  :rotflmao:       
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/11/22, 11:26:21 AM
Yeah, the good ol' days weren't always so good.  And neither was the food apparently.   :bonk: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/19/22, 09:18:45 AM
Great nite to grill last nite. Still & warm out with birds providing live entertainment. Mandarin teriyaki chicken boobs, seared then grilled indirect with pear & apple wood, along with a side of peas and carrots w/cheeps. Stayed outside until after dusk and avoided Mrs. Cheviot's advances by locking the patio door. Good thing too as it sounded like an absolute toad orgy coming from the wetland once it started getting dark. Makes one wonder just how many of them there are down there. No tellin' what might've happened if she'd heard that.  :rolleyes:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/19/22, 06:17:24 PM
Thanks for the heads up Dotch,  not sure what will bring out the claws, the grub or the lightning to the north and south. I also been hearing the chatter of frogs I thought,  could be toads. Nonetheless they be yelling at me to RUN!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/19/22, 07:01:58 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/19/22, 07:04:39 PM
 :rotflmao: WTH........ you bombed already, crawling around on your hands and knees!!!!!!!!1  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:

asking for Mikey!!!!!!!! :smoking: :sleazy: :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/19/22, 07:18:40 PM
Hey, I was just showing boober a pic of what those toads look like when they yell "RUN!!!"  :shocked:

Took that one many moons ago when I was trying to figure what all the racket was in our land down under. Might've even been taken with my Blackberry!  :doah:

Dayim, them steaks look downright edible! 👨‍🍳  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/19/22, 07:29:59 PM
 :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on May 05/24/22, 07:06:29 AM
One wood think their 9 year old golden retriever could be trusted with groceries in the back seat of your vehicle,after all they beg to tag along.

So outof the kindness of my heart after a long weekend w/o my boi I had him "kennel-up" and off we went to our grocery store as I was thinking steak night,well that was until I got sticker shock,$30/lb boneless -prime ribeye,with beef on my radar another chicken grill night wasn't going to cut it.

found a nice thick cut "chuck-eye" every bit as good as ribeye just a little more fat to sear off,but still 8.99/lb,last summer ribeye choice cuts were $6.99/lb.

So on the way home ole sneaky Duce got into my grocery bag w/o making a sound snarfed down the twofer pack of my soon to be chuck steaks,wrapper n all w/o me having a clue until in the kitchen prepping,charcoal on the grill was rolling,mushrooms simmering in garlic butter,time to prep the steaks,ole big eyes eyeballing me the entire time not saying a word.Whilst on packing my groceries....no steak!,thought I was cracking up, in my old age bagging my own groceries it's not uncommon to miss an item once in awhile as one bags,went to my vehicle to double check the back seat,bingo chewed up evidence .

just finished my left over mac-n-cheese for breakfast now.

I swear my boi has thumbs,the shete he get's in to.ugh.

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/24/22, 07:28:54 AM
snow; dog, fresh meat equals no match!!   did he say thanks?!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/24/22, 07:57:06 AM
 :scratch: Payback? :confused:                ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on May 05/24/22, 08:08:47 AM
snow; dog, fresh meat equals no match!!   did he say thanks?!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

LOL,Never had these issues with him until friends puppy sit him when I'm outof town,his entire life "no table scrap's,somewhere along the way someone caved,suckered in to those big brown eyes.

The thanx I got was all night farting,he was banished to the 3 season porch.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/24/22, 09:22:06 AM
With just Buddy I could leave a loaf of fresh bread on the dash and didn't even worry about it.  When Cooper appeared I knew that was not going to work so started putting groceries in the back of the truck since I have a topper.  Gotta love em.  lol
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/24/22, 10:00:35 AM
My first Border, Lucy, was an exception. She lived in the garage and never messed with groceries in the pickup, pulled things off the counter or took food unless she was told it was OK. Several times she was left in the truck with ample opportunity. She was all business. Every dog before and since that one, not so much. When we got Fudgie back from my Mom once she was in the care center, I was prepping some food on the counter. Next thing I know there are two paws on the counter beside me. Reflex action, I backhanded the dog and after she hit the floor she looked at me like "WTH was that?". Gee, I wonder why?  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/25/22, 02:23:48 PM
Sounds to me like owner like dog...

 Oh friggin wait.... :confused:  :cheerleader: training-087 :party1:  I got Cooper's brother. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/26/22, 06:33:47 AM
If we eat in the front room in front of the TV we use TV trays.  Sometimes I need to go get something else and Cooper is right at the level where he could eat right off my plate.  If the wife isn't right there watching him I make him come in the kitchen with me to get what I forgot.  I don't trust him alone with my food on the TV tray.  LOL 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: snow1 on May 05/26/22, 06:52:56 AM
LP, Agreed,little rascals just ly in wait for the opprotunity,never had issues with my boy until I had  a friend dog sit when I was laid up a couple years ago,he's been a mooch ever since.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/29/22, 05:43:51 PM
Good to be home, nuttin like a brat over charcoal.  Good thing fer me the mrs knows I have fish to divy up so I can eat and get things organized without putting the track shoes on!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/29/22, 06:05:10 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: hey boober, the fish can stay in the frig till tomorrow ya know!! :confused: :evil: :rotflmao:

Just put fresh water on them👍 :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/29/22, 07:38:29 PM
Ohh man momma's got her ears pinned back and giving me that look!! :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/29/22, 07:52:21 PM
I hope both of youse guys have been doing some serious roadwork. Them wimmens always try to have their way with unsuspecting prey... :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/01/22, 10:56:54 AM
Range war on a plate last nite. A sirloin & three lamb chops from our new batch of lamb. Was chops for the win! Seasoned with Cavenders, seared to perfection, grilled a few minute per side and man were they tender. Rice pilaf & green beans from last years crop. Only a couple more packages left.  :sad: I must've blinded Mrs. Cheviot with my footwork as she tired of the chase upon eating.  :cool:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/01/22, 11:08:15 AM
Yea baby, front and center!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/01/22, 06:15:52 PM
That looks great Dotch!! The key is NOT helping with dishes after a grilling performance like that I found..  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/01/22, 06:34:37 PM
That looks great Dotch!! The key is NOT helping with dishes after a grilling performance like that I found..  :happy1:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/01/22, 08:46:27 PM
Yea baby, front and center!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao:

 :tut: :tut: :tut: You hesh up! The post office window was closed the other day... :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/02/22, 12:34:25 PM
this morning when I went to Coborn's for a couple things I checked the discounted meat freezer.  they had a couple bacon wrapped sirloins marked way down and they looked very fresh...  grilled one up for lunch to a perfect medium!!   went great with my salad!!    :happy1: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/02/22, 06:19:12 PM
Dang Mike you sure set the bar high for lunches!!  :happy1: Well, the old grill is falling apart, the ash tray underneath is supported right now by a threaded rod. Sooo it's been a good run and good eats but I might hafta go back to my roots and grab a Weber. I have some flat stock here I can try to help out the tray, but it might be time..  :bow:  Chicken and beef kaboobs with spuds, sure did like the warming rack.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/02/22, 06:56:19 PM
Mikey makes a big lunch cause he drinks his supper!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

A friend said that!! :rotflmao:

Pork steaks, asparagus and fresh from the garden spinach and lettuce salad. :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/02/22, 07:05:21 PM
dat steak and salad wasn't that big!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  darn Glenn!!!    :rotflmao:

boneless pork chop tonight and a pasta salad!!   and a couple beers!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/05/22, 06:31:47 PM
Our most 2 favorite things on the pellet grill, chicken ties and oiled covered n salted spuds. Dang does the chicken turn out moist!!  :happy1: Think I'm doing some wings next time.

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/05/22, 08:21:34 PM
This has us all curious, did Mrs. Boober try to cover you in oil?  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/05/22, 08:49:25 PM
This has us all curious, did Mrs. Boober try to cover you in oil?  :scratch:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

 :tut: :tut: TMI!!!🤭
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/06/22, 06:48:24 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/06/22, 10:53:00 AM
Finally got to Waseca to check out Morgan's new meat market. Grabbed some wild rice brats & some pineapple smoked brats. Was hoping for egg roll brats but they were already out. Squeezed the grilling in between showers last nite. Wife liked the pineapple brats. Knew she would. Kinda sweet like me so it satisfied her sweet tooth while I read old car porn. Many vehicles that were in our family in this issue including an A 120 International, a '57 Buick & Studebaker Hawks. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/06/22, 04:40:11 PM
This has us all curious, did Mrs. Boober try to cover you in oil?  :scratch:
I'll never tell!!  :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/08/22, 06:51:02 PM
Was so hungry I forgot a pic.  I made a batch of potato salad this morning and cooked some thighs on the Daniel Boone with pecan pellets.  400 for 40 minutes and it is perfect.  Nice crust too.  Put it in and don't look till I take it out.  My brother has the same grill and he told me that combo so I call it Chuck's Chicken.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on June 06/09/22, 10:25:28 PM
Might have to crank up the Meat sales thread.  Went to find a few pork roasts today to smoke for pulled sandwiches. I swear I saw a "I did that Biden sticker" on the packs!  :sad: :sad:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Pulleye16 on June 06/13/22, 09:30:36 AM
Have any of you tried a chuck eye steak? I've been eating these for a few years now, but especially since high meat prices.  Its an absolute "sleeper steak" that's becoming a household favorite.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/13/22, 09:40:05 AM
I have but it's been awhile, but they can be darn good!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/13/22, 03:19:18 PM
Bout 90% of our steaks are chuck eye's.  They seem to be hit or miss tho at cub, sometimes there so thin, next time spot on.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on June 06/13/22, 05:01:17 PM
I’ve noticed that the cuts of steaks vary from one Cub to the next. Same with pork chops. We like the thicker cuts, but if you’re at the wrong store, you can be out of luck.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/14/22, 10:00:37 PM
Gettin' down to where it's at tonite, babe... :rotflmao:

Had the lamborger thawed out Sunday nite but an unrelenting work schedule wouldn't allow me to grill. Until tonite. Celebrating getting a major hunk of the soybeans off the "to do" list. Only a handful left. From the Weber Performer, lamborger seasoned with smokehouse maple, topped with horseradish cheese and a hunk of raw onion. No BBQ sauce or gawd forbid katchup needed, just straight atcha. No worries about Mrs. Cheviot trying to molest me either. She's in MO fer crissake! She would've frowned upon the medium rare presentation anyway... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/14/22, 10:29:38 PM
Oh that look really good wit katchup!!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/14/22, 10:33:33 PM
Yer just mad because there was no Pioneer steak knife... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/15/22, 06:51:18 AM
That burger looks great!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/15/22, 08:03:14 AM
Yer just mad because there was no Pioneer steak knife... :rotflmao:
:sleazy: :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/15/22, 10:25:26 AM
That burger looks great!

Thanks Barry! This burger is from a lamb where we had them grind the whole thing into burger. It's a little different but I like it. It's real lean and can be overcooked in a hurry if you're not watching the time & reading the charcoal right. Our typical lamburger when we butcher has a higher percentage of trim & fat in it. Took a few attempts to figure it out. For a smaller lamb, especially a buck lamb like this one was, I won't hesitate to have them grind one up again.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/15/22, 05:24:22 PM
Man that sounds great.  I told you long ago that I raised and lamb and had it butchered. Maybe 30 years ago.  We grilled most of it.  Was great!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/16/22, 12:44:05 PM
went Coborn's this morning and while at the meat counter I seen a package of discounted rope sausage...  grilled that for lunch it sure tasted good!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/19/22, 05:15:07 PM
Well, since I've been gimping the big rig charcoal unit along i got surprised with  a new weber today! Back to my old roots and to thank them all might as well do fish!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/19/22, 06:02:27 PM
that's the weber charcoal grill I have and I like it!!!   nice gift!!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/19/22, 06:25:34 PM
 :happy1: :happy1: nice!!!👍
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/19/22, 07:03:35 PM
 :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/20/22, 08:34:37 PM
I found about a 3lb chunk of pork loin in the freezer.  I think I will butterfly it and rub cream cheese on it.  Then add mozzarella, garlic, onions, chopped green olives maybe.  Tie it up and rub with some spices.  Supposed to be in the 70's this weekend so may cook it over fire at the camper.  Some great you tube videos on techniques.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on June 06/21/22, 06:51:33 AM
That sounds good! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/21/22, 06:56:51 AM
it does sound good..  might have to try to find that.. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on June 06/21/22, 07:08:56 AM
Another fathersday gift. Hellofa deal at 2 bones!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/21/22, 07:20:42 AM
Those look like a lot of fun to cook on.  Good for you.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/21/22, 07:36:45 AM
that's the one I got and I like it very much!!!   enjoy it Boar!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/21/22, 07:40:21 AM
nice gift!!!!!! enjoy it bud!!!!!!!!

i noticed you hook up those 2 lb tanks??? ever think about getting a bigger propane tank and longer hose?????????
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on June 06/21/22, 06:48:30 PM
Well duh....
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/21/22, 07:07:51 PM
Well duh....
so, you haven't thought of it. :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on June 06/22/22, 09:18:52 AM
Thougt of it long befor your walnut had signals to respond
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/22/22, 10:08:54 AM
Thougt of it long befor your walnut had signals to respond
:pouty: :pouty: sheez... :confused: :doah: just tryingto help the poor feller out and all i get is grief!!!!!!!! :tut:

                                           :moon: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on June 06/22/22, 11:35:19 AM
Uh huh..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/24/22, 06:45:41 PM
Thought I'd add  garlic bread to go with the Asian zing thighs, very tasty!  Momma made a side salad to boot.. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/24/22, 06:54:34 PM
I threw some 4 brothers bratwurst on the grill. They were good but the casing was really tough!🙄 :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/24/22, 06:57:59 PM
Must notta been fresh brats..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/24/22, 06:58:32 PM
I don't like that neither.  I will even skin them if I need to.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/24/22, 07:48:06 PM
Must notta been fresh brats..
not sure but that breagelmans meat shop in Richmond has some brats the same way, and other brats are fine
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on June 06/26/22, 09:19:04 AM
Sometimes the hog casings are just a tuffer batch.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/26/22, 05:47:11 PM
Notta big fan of pre cooked brats but sure do work nice on the tailgater during hunting season :happy1: . Open flame tonight on the weber with some Costco ribeyes,  good lord did they sear up nice ...right Glenn?  ;) to boot momma did up a watermelon salad that had I believe fetta cheese, mint, cukes and red onion that was friggin dynamite!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/26/22, 06:18:14 PM
If she gives you that come hither look boober, RUN!!!!!  :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/26/22, 06:48:49 PM
 :rotflmao: yep burnt to perfection!! :rotflmao:

Chicky tenderloins and FF. CHICKY was absorbing roasted red pepper Italian dressing for about 5 hours
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/26/22, 06:55:51 PM
Coborns brands,4 brothers makes a really good cooked brat, it's I little lighter in color than other brats!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/26/22, 06:57:17 PM
Coborns brands,4 brothers makes a really good cooked brat, it's I little lighter in color than other brats!!

I like the fresh brats better from them   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/26/22, 07:27:37 PM
Coborns brands,4 brothers makes a really good cooked brat, it's I little lighter in color than other brats!!

I like the fresh brats better from them   
I'll have to sample some.  But I need to go get them. I get picky with brats!!🙄
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/26/22, 07:31:10 PM
The next batch we make will be fresh brats or ring sausage too.  Will be all pork also.  With added spices cheese etc.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/27/22, 06:31:01 PM
Purrfectly grilled pork steaks, green bombs and taters fried in onions and butter. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/27/22, 06:33:44 PM
That looks great!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/27/22, 06:45:03 PM
a farewell meal??    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/27/22, 06:47:12 PM
That looks great!
Sure does, and I think I see a hint of sear...good job Glenn!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/27/22, 07:18:40 PM
a farewell meal??    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:mooning: nope, not leaving till after work Thursday. :tut:

And wouldn't a farewell meal mean SHE cooks it!! :confused: :pouty:

Thanks guys it was good, and boober  :mooning: just grill marks!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/27/22, 07:29:16 PM
I was just askin for a friend!!!    :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/27/22, 07:39:51 PM
I was just askin for a friend!!!    :rotflmao: :happy1:
tell Linda to quit it!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/29/22, 10:32:47 AM
C cuts (again) but they're still quick & a decent price. Seared then grilled indirect w/smokehouse maple seasoning. Mrs. Gerry's tater salad & slaw along with some crushed red pepper cheese curds. glenn's favorite knife worked great! :coffee: Gorgeous evening. Smoke was going almost straight up while I was relaxing & waiting for the chops to get done. Mrs. Cheviot was absent so avoided being molested in peace.  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/30/22, 10:37:14 PM
In tonite's episode we cover chicky thighs and why they're important. Base layer of Cavenders & lord only knows what BBQ sauce went on them the last ~7 minutes. Was dead still & the fire was hot. No time for a corporate meeting to plot strategy; time to act! :doah: The 3 nasty G&T's probably didn't help. Still noshing on last year's buttercup squash crop, Mrs. Gerry's tater salad & lettuce salad with French dressing. Was looking for more color tonite. Last meal I posted looked colorless, like something a Norwegian or Swede would deem safe to eat. If it's white, it shouldn't be too spicy. Did I mention Mrs. Cheviot is half Norwegian?  :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/01/22, 06:53:03 AM
Man that chicken looks great!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/01/22, 07:17:10 AM
Man that chicken looks great!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/01/22, 07:22:22 AM
that chicken must really be calling ya LPS!!!    :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/01/22, 07:34:10 AM
LOL  Looks great doesn't it?   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/01/22, 06:23:42 PM
It sure does gents! Good looking grub Dotch! Even if momma might be otta town one needs to keep an eye out with the wafting of aromas... she'll attack with no warning. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/03/22, 12:24:49 PM
I'm on high alert boober. I'm going to delete this pic afore'n she sees it. No tellin' what might happen... :shocked:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/03/22, 01:00:36 PM
looks real tasty!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/03/22, 01:31:28 PM
Now that looks splendid!! I'd be doing my stretches just in case Dotch,  never know what these ladies are capable of!! As crabby as mine is now I could grill nekkid and not worry... perfect!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/03/22, 01:38:33 PM
dats funny!!!  sorry Bobber Glenn made say it!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/03/22, 01:57:25 PM
Wafting, now that is a good word.  Makes me want to cook something over a fire.  As a matter of fact I will.  More brats with beans. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/03/22, 02:47:03 PM
dats funny!!!  sorry Bobber Glenn made say it!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
I hear ya Mike, I just don't need the neighbor ladies jumping the fence, soooo I'll hafta reconsider that thought.. :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/04/22, 08:00:25 AM
It's not on yet but I am thinking a big ol ribeye on the grill tonight.  I will slather it with spices and let it sit getting ready for me.  And a nice salad from the garden too.  Will need to go buy some maters though.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/05/22, 06:18:56 PM
I'm hankering a big fat ribeye also lps. But tonight we had to try slyvees fresh brats simmered in good beer ( Busch lite) , picked and sliced the years first yellow zucchini,  dang was it tasty! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/05/22, 06:24:18 PM
Master grillers thinkin alike boober!! :happy1: tubes on the right are Sheboygan Italian sausage, ones on the left are weiners we got from my granddaughter and her squeeze. The weiners are really good the Sheboygan was so so. I'll be looking at other brands on the future.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/05/22, 06:35:21 PM
 No brats were harmed in beer?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/05/22, 06:38:18 PM
Nope, beer is meant to drink.

I've actually had it in beer and it's good, but I never remember to do it. :confused:

Also had them plain grilled and simmered in a roaster that they put beer in. Good that way too! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/05/22, 06:43:01 PM
No comment...lol.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/05/22, 06:50:01 PM
No comment...lol.

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/05/22, 07:34:16 PM
I buy the Sheboygan fresh Italian Sausage, Cheddar Brats and Beef Brats and I think they are the best thing going.  I try them all that are available up here and those are my favorites when they are available.   That is not all of the time.  The hot dog selection is terrible.  I read that Hebrew Nationals were the thing so bought a big pkg of them and they are a no go.  I think Nathans are the thing to buy here if the Sheboygan hot dogs aren't available.  Shouldn't be that hard of a deal to just buy a good hot dog but the have all gone cheap meats and it is obvious. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/05/22, 07:53:59 PM
Only reason I bought them was the stuff Teal's makes where our. Not sure but the Sheboygan tasted like they were old??? :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: birdswacker on July 07/05/22, 08:46:28 PM
All I have to say is “Ambassadors” you can’t beat them!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/06/22, 05:30:16 AM
I rarely see Ambassadors around here neither.  Darn.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/07/22, 07:06:22 PM
Didn't have boobers issues with rain. Spent all day making this up!! :evil: :rolleyes:

Ok wife picked it up at cashwise!! :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/07/22, 08:39:49 PM
What do you think gunner? Looks seared to me... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/07/22, 08:49:33 PM
What do you think gunner? Looks seared to me... :rotflmao:
:pouty: :pouty: :rotflmao: mayhaps a little!! :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/15/22, 10:22:22 AM
mango habanero brats for lunch today!!!

hobo dinner on the grill tonight!!!  burger, taters, onion, carrots, mushrooms and bacon!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/17/22, 10:12:54 AM
hey boober...........i see you grilling zookini now and then. since its soon the season, how do you make them on the grill??? seasonings. i might try it this year??? i'm sure we canget somesince it seems everyone has it and grows like a weed!!!!!!!

well anyone for that matter........i'd be interested  to find out and try. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/17/22, 10:40:39 AM
Good job on the kaboobs Glenn!! As far as zookini goes I like the little yellow ones instead of the big green ones, they are tasty right away but not so good the next day for leftovers cuz mushy, I just cut up enough for the night. Brush em with oil then use whatever seasoning you want, I used pink salt last batch but it seemed like too much. After ya flip em shake on some parmesan cheese, I spose there on the grill for 10 minutes maybe. The wife just mentioned she read something on soaking the slices in salt water for a couple hours to help pull some moisture out, I may try that next time just to see...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/17/22, 10:43:56 AM
Switched gears a little last nite. Had asked the wife if I should thaw out some burger or if she wanted to pick up something while she was in Albert's Leaf. She opted for the latter. Thought maybe she'd stop at Conger meats but went to HyVee instead. The wild rice brats from Nick's in Hayward were probably the best wild rice brats I've had from the local area shops. They've always had quality stuff. We used to haul lambs there when my wife had her shop in Hayward. Of particular note is the TNT with Spotted Cow chaser. Nummy on a hot humid nite!  :hubba:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/17/22, 11:02:43 AM
I can see why you couldn't post that pic til today, your just finally able to catch your breath now!!!  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/17/22, 11:14:18 AM
Thanks boober, gonna try it.  :happy1:

Dotch, gloves  :confused: :scratch: that TNT and chaser hazardous materials!!!🤭 :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/17/22, 02:56:21 PM
 :tut: :tut: Those gloves are for slapping up small woodland creatures if they attempt to mess with me or my food while grilling.  :evil:

Actually those are for grabbing the grate after burning and scraping the crap off of it. Also handy when dumping the coals out of the basket & spreading them. Rubberized so they're non-slip but won't catch fire. A valuable aid in the searing process... :cool:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/17/22, 07:56:37 PM
Oh yeah. Spotted cow. Good stuff Maynard!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: markn on July 07/17/22, 07:57:36 PM
Just grabbed this guy off the grill and will be served with a cold tuna-macaroni salad. Surf and turf, kinda. Was real tasty too. :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on July 07/17/22, 08:46:11 PM
Hey, Dotch. Where’d you get those gloves?  Been looking at some grilling gloves that are way too stiff. These look like you could actually pick something up with them.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/17/22, 10:38:21 PM
My wife gave them to me as a gift once upon a time. I looked to see if there's a name brand on them but didn't find one. It does say that they're made of aramid fiber and I believe the grips on them are silicone. Also says they are washable. I've probably had them 10 years. They are nice for grabbing onto hot stuff without worrying about catching them on fire or getting a nasty burn. I like the fact they cover a fair amount of my forearm because that's where I was always getting burned when I used the Weber mitts. Those weren't fireproof either. One time after I was done grilling I'd put them away in their usual spot. Next thing I know there's smoke coming out of the drawer!  :doah:

Of the one's I checked out on Amazon, these are probably the closest match. Hope this helps.

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/18/22, 06:43:22 AM
FF does carry gloves like that too... any good grilling store will have them... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/18/22, 07:40:56 AM
I got some silicone ones with my Ronco rotisserie years ago that are pretty nice too. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: HD on July 07/20/22, 05:38:46 PM
Pigger chops, zucchini and Anaheim peppers on da grill......
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/20/22, 05:41:52 PM
Love them.  Looks great.  I am doing chicken thighs spiced up pretty good and in the pellet smoker at 400 for 45 minutes.  Don't even flip them and they are great!  My brother told me this so it is Chuck's Chicken.  lol 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/01/22, 06:48:45 PM
Grilled burgers and fries. Tried the grilled zookini MEH!!!  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/01/22, 06:59:30 PM
where's the Mayo!!!   MW!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

looks good!!  have not tried the grilled zucchinis yet...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/01/22, 07:13:21 PM
Got to have mayo on burgers.  AND mustard and ketchup. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/01/22, 07:18:34 PM
 :tut: :tut:. Nope no MW and damn sure no mayo. :tut: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/01/22, 07:23:33 PM
We need to bring gunner in for a searing assessment on those burgers... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/01/22, 08:17:13 PM
We need to bring gunner in for a searing assessment on those burgers... :rotflmao:
:tut: the mail goes both ways bub!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/01/22, 10:36:18 PM
We need to bring gunner in for a searing assessment on those burgers... :rotflmao:
:scratch: Looks like they might have been done in the toaster to me!!!!! :sleazy: :nerd: :evil:                  ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/02/22, 08:17:51 AM
We need to bring gunner in for a searing assessment on those burgers... :rotflmao:
:scratch: Looks like they might have been done in the toaster to me!!!!! :sleazy: :nerd: :evil:                  ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :pouty: :pouty:                     training-087 training-087 training-087
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/07/22, 09:59:40 PM
Got the chicky in under the radar. Seasoned with Kickin' Chicken and slathered with Famous Dave's Rich & Sassy for the last 7 minutes or so. Grilled indirect so I had time for a few libations while I was at it. Mrs. Cheviot came home crabby but after she had an ear of sweet corn she mellowed out. Doesn't like chicky so more for me!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/08/22, 06:42:13 AM
Very nice looking meal!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/08/22, 10:33:39 AM
I really like those 8 packs of thighs. Gnaw through a couple when they come off the grill then eat the rest for leftovers. Pretty tough to go wrong.  :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/08/22, 10:43:36 AM
yup I like them too!!!  darn good eating!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/08/22, 12:00:50 PM
habanero cheddar brats off the grill for lunch today...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/13/22, 09:37:44 AM
so I grilled some Johnsonville sausage strips for breakfast..  not that bad!!  I really expected it to be more fatty than it was..  maybe in a fry pan might be different...  went good with my omelet!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/13/22, 09:53:06 AM
Been wondering how they were. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/13/22, 10:39:34 PM
Finally got a chance to grill later this evening. Was helping the neighbors find their dog that ran off. We've had some dogs run of over the years so hafta pay it ahead. Good news was they found it. Anywho, got some of Morgan's world famous egg roll brats finally after they were out the past couple times we've stopped. Add a little Swiss or gouda, SWEET pickle relish, honey mustard, sweet & sour sauce, siracha sauce & some horseradish. Sides include cukes from the garden and our 1st homegrown sweet corn of the season. Mrs. Cheviot tried to coerce me into letting her have her way with me but I was having none of it. Just wanted to enjoy my brats so I played possum until she desisted.  :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/14/22, 07:51:08 AM
looks excessively "seared"  :doah: :rotflmao: to me!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/14/22, 09:53:27 AM
 :tut: :tut: :tut: Keep it up & I'll sear you!  :rotflmao:

I didn't get started grilling until ~9:30 so was using the braille method. These were different than the egg roll brats they were making when Morgan's was in Bugtussle. These tasted sweeter than I recall & they seemed to get browner faster. My phone camera also makes things look darker than they really are under artificial light a lot of times. Must be some setting to adjust it but that's down there on the priority list.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/14/22, 10:21:57 AM
:tut: :tut: :tut: Keep it up & I'll sear you!  :rotflmao:

I didn't get started grilling until ~9:30 so was using the braille method. These were different than the egg roll brats they were making when Morgan's was in Bugtussle. These tasted sweeter than I recall & they seemed to get browner faster. My phone camera also makes things look darker than they really are under artificial light a lot of times. Must be some setting to adjust it but that's down there on the priority list.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/14/22, 09:22:58 PM
Mailing useful stuff to glenn is way ahead of changing cell phone camera settings on my priority list... :Mail:

More lamborgers with homegrown veggies after we froze string beans. Long day for the wife so she couldn't get her 2nd wind as I dazzled her with my footwork.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/15/22, 06:17:18 PM
Burglars this away also Dotch! Cub pub burgers, thick mixed with cheese and jalapeno on 2 and cheese n bacon in the others.  Even the buns got seared the way a cold springer would devour,  paired with fries, olives and homemade dill pickles.  I gotta add ever since hidden valley came out with there secret sauce we haven't touched katsup or mustard... think about that Glenn..lol.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/15/22, 06:34:09 PM
thems are darn good burgers!!!   Coborns a similar too!!   

and that secret sauce is darn good too!!!   I enjoy for some thing really different!!     Koops mustard is good too.. I like the Arizona heat one!!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/15/22, 08:13:31 PM
NEVER....  Ever will I alienate katchup!!!  :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/19/22, 06:57:32 PM
 :pouty: no fire, no beer,  :pouty: just brats had some cukes and garden mater's too
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/19/22, 08:49:04 PM
:pouty: no fire, no beer,  :pouty: just brats had some cukes and garden mater's too
:pouty: :tut:              :violin: :violin: :violin:  :cry: :cry: :cry:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on August 08/19/22, 09:27:15 PM
:pouty: no fire, no beer,  :pouty: just brats had some cukes and garden mater's too
Looks like they need to be seared.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/19/22, 09:28:56 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/19/22, 09:34:34 PM
:pouty: no fire, no beer,  :pouty: just brats had some cukes and garden mater's too
Looks like they need to be seared.
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: training-087
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/19/22, 09:35:11 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: don't you need to pack to go somewhere!! :confused: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/20/22, 06:56:50 PM
Those brats look great Glenn!, the skin has some crispness,  that's key. Bout the usual here, more kaboobs taters n zookini chips paired with a side salad momma did up.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/20/22, 07:01:18 PM
looks tasty Bobber!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/21/22, 08:12:40 AM

for all of us grilling!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/23/22, 12:57:41 PM
grilled up a couple pineapple teriyaki brats for lunch...  ok but I'll pass on them from now on...  had to try then though!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/23/22, 04:47:38 PM
That does sound like an interesting combo.. So when you gonna take the next step and post pics of your delicious sounding meals Mike?? Pretty easy, several different ways. If you can send us emails,  you can post pics just as easy.  :happy1: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/23/22, 06:08:26 PM
Yes Mike it is easy to figure out.  About the pineapple deal.  I love pineapple but just don't love it on a pizza.  I will eat it if that is what is there but I wouldn't order it for myself.  Fun to try new things though.  Good for you. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/23/22, 06:30:27 PM
That does sound like an interesting combo.. So when you gonna take the next step and post pics of your delicious sounding meals Mike?? Pretty easy, several different ways. If you can send us emails,  you can post pics just as easy.  :happy1:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/29/22, 06:17:54 PM
Had to battle the wind today but after the pooch cleaned off the grate we were good to go. Bacon and onion fried taters with Rh's fav Swedish potato sausage and a cheese filled smoked bologna to boot. Think I'll hang downstairs with the pooch with the door cracked to see if I need to run or not.. pretty good searing Glenn.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/29/22, 07:35:28 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: yep not burnt andgood enough to eat.......add a bunch of katchup and your golden!!!!!!!!! :moon: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: mayhaps a little horseradish too!!!!!! :smoking:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/31/22, 08:20:04 AM
hey ............you guys see that cajon fried catfish on the homepage...............plenty of sear to them bad boys!!!!!!!! :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

almost as good as that steak i made for boar!!!!!!!!! :moon: :happy1: :rotflmao: :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/31/22, 11:06:08 AM
yes I did and good eats!!!   neighbor was vacationing some where by Richmond a couple weeks ago..  got a mess of catfish...  hated them!!!  crusty ol farmer!!!   78 and knows it all!!!  and can't figure out why folks don't visit him and his wife...  sad
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/31/22, 11:50:42 AM
One winter I caught a nice one on the chain. Cleaned it and brought it to the wild game feed..They fried it. Wasn't bad .

You missed my point Mike  :rotflmao: that fish looked like it could be used as a hockey puck. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/31/22, 12:41:59 PM
oh well, cat is good.. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/31/22, 01:08:05 PM
I used to catch a lot of them.  Some in the 35-40 lb range on the St. Croix.  I let anything over 10 lbs go.  They are great to smoke due to their oily flesh.  I called the St. Croix salmon.  Everyone loved them smoked. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/31/22, 03:14:21 PM
Yep, spent many hours on the Minnesota catching channels and big flat heads, that was fun. So what's wrong with a little crunch to your fish Glenn? When you do toast you must have the toaster set pretty light... :scratch:  :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/31/22, 03:23:29 PM
 :rotflmao: naw boober I got the toaster turned up. If I want dried out bread I'd leave it on the counter. :sleazy: :rolleyes: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/31/22, 03:30:05 PM
Yep, spent many hours on the Minnesota catching channels and big flat heads, that was fun. So what's wrong with a little crunch to your fish Glenn? When you do toast you must have the toaster set pretty light... :scratch:  :laugh:

the Minnesota bt Mankato is where I caught most of mine and the Blue Earth River too
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on August 08/31/22, 03:45:08 PM
Got a new grill
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/31/22, 04:50:35 PM
Gee wiz coop, you didn't mess around.  A fella at work liked the house model so much he bought one for the lake place. Good luck and good eats!!  :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/31/22, 05:03:37 PM
Gee wiz coop, you didn't mess around.  A fella at work liked the house model so much he bought one for the lake place. Good luck and good eats!!  :bow:
when ya got it flaunt it!! :rotflmao:

Nice looking cooking utensil!! :happy1: hopefully it's got burnt meat control.  :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/31/22, 06:20:41 PM
yup darn nice lookin unit!!  what model did ya get!!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/31/22, 06:27:40 PM
That's gotta be added to Glenn's list..NO SEARED FOOD..lol. A Pellet grill would be perfect for ya..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on August 08/31/22, 06:41:42 PM
No high paying union job here Glenn. Burn in was chicken thighs, then  smash burgers
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on August 08/31/22, 06:43:07 PM
yup darn nice lookin unit!!  what model did ya get!!!!
Mike, it’s the RT590 the Stampede.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/31/22, 06:55:46 PM
yup darn nice lookin unit!!  what model did ya get!!!!
Mike, it’s the RT590 the Stampede.

been hearing good things about that one!!!   if I was to upgrade I'd be on that one!!   :happy1: :happy1:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/31/22, 08:36:17 PM
I have a set of those Grill Grates that I paid over $100 for.  I will sell for $50. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/04/22, 12:03:21 PM
Hadn't grilled lamb chops for a while & with Mrs. Cheviot gone, no danger of being groped. Cavenders works so well on lamb especially once it's seared. Add some maters, cottage cheese, Mrs. Gerry's mac salad & sweet corn. Late supper is served!  :cool:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/04/22, 07:12:49 PM
Looking good Dotch,  gotta take advantage of no women's around at the time but we all know the claws will be out it no time!! Me , not sure what the outdoor air and cooking do but I'm sure I'll be grabbed by the scruff after dishes... whish me well.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/04/22, 07:53:56 PM
Ya I'd say yer doomed boober. Whatcha got goin' on north of the sweet corn on the grill if I might ask? Looks like kaboobs of some kind...  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/04/22, 08:06:19 PM
It are, funny that's all I've been posting lately,  you guys must think that's all we eat..lol.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/05/22, 07:24:10 AM
Nothing wrong with that Bobb
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/06/22, 07:21:25 PM
Rubbed up a nice ribeye yesterday.  Lawry's, garlic powder, fresh cracked pepper, a light coat of olive oil.   I have been doing my steaks medium lately.  Seems like med. rare is too rare for me.  When it is too rare to cut with a dull steak knife it is too rare.  I had a  prime rib like that recently.  Usually I love prime rib but too rare not as much.  Medium is the new me.  LOLOL
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/06/22, 07:24:01 PM
med for me me too mostly...  GF is slowly getting away from well done!!!   thank fully!!!!   :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/06/22, 07:41:02 PM
 I hit the medium side of med. rare more often than not depending on the G&T count. The wife has come around some too especially on lamburger. Grill a couple well done, put the leftover well done burger in the fridge, nuke it to warm it up & then feed it to the dog. Same with beef burgers. Sux. Speaking of dogs... :whistling:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/06/22, 09:17:54 PM
Yup burgers overdone are boring as heck.  Hard to choke down without a lot of ketchup.  Medium ones are heaven.  The wife used to like well done everything too but has also changed her tune. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/07/22, 06:35:50 AM
I hit the medium side of med. rare more often than not depending on the G&T count. The wife has come around some too especially on lamburger. Grill a couple well done, put the leftover well done burger in the fridge, nuke it to warm it up & then feed it to the dog. Same with beef burgers. Sux. Speaking of dogs... :whistling:

yes what about a dog??  one getting close to being with you?? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/07/22, 06:57:01 AM
I like the medium rare on steaks and prime rib.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/07/22, 07:57:00 AM
I like the medium rare on steaks and prime rib.
  :happy1: Same here!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on September 09/14/22, 04:28:39 PM
No wrap ribs, and riblets
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/14/22, 04:35:39 PM
 :hubba: :hubba: :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/14/22, 05:14:32 PM
:hubba: :hubba: :hubba:
:rotflmao: :happy1:. Yea what he said.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/14/22, 06:03:33 PM
No wrap ribs, and riblets

I would like to hear the play by play with those ribs. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/14/22, 06:10:40 PM
Truck is full of fuel, I'll bring the napkins!! Looks dynamite coop!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/14/22, 06:29:15 PM
looks great Coop!!!   got another rack of BB ribs today!!!!   $2.99 for smoker too!!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/14/22, 07:44:39 PM
Truck is full of fuel, I'll bring the napkins!! Looks dynamite coop!!
you sound like a guy that used to frequent this site from Rochester.  :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

 :confused: :shocked: sorry, Mikey made me. :smoking: :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/15/22, 06:49:20 AM
Truck is full of fuel, I'll bring the napkins!! Looks dynamite coop!!
you sound like a guy that used to frequent this site from Rochester.  :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

 :confused: :shocked: sorry, Mikey made me. :smoking: :evil:
Sure wish he would poke his nose back in here.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/15/22, 07:18:11 AM
Me too.  We could use some of his wit. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/15/22, 01:01:48 PM
just got done cutting up my boneless pork loin..  got a dozen inch plus chops and a nice sized roast..  between the grill and the smoker!!!   good eats!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/15/22, 05:21:58 PM
just got done cutting up my boneless pork loin..  got a dozen inch plus chops and a nice sized roast..  between the grill and the smoker!!!   good eats!!!
I'd ask when it's gonna be done but then I'd sound like you know who. :confused: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/15/22, 06:43:11 PM
who, you??    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/17/22, 11:12:57 PM
Finally got back on track tonite. With Mrs. Cheviot gone again, I can focus my full attention on grilling rather than being in escape mode. T bone from Neighbor's Meats, a mater and radishes from the garden along with Mrs. Gerry's summer pasta salad. Steak was tender & I saved part of it for future reference. The 1st pic shows the steak undergoing the searing process... :coffee:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/18/22, 07:05:54 AM
A thing of beauty. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/18/22, 08:12:09 AM
hey...i'd even eat that!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1:

were's the katcup.................. :sleazy: :smoking: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/18/22, 06:11:29 PM
Katchup on steak??  :scratch:  i sure hope you got your rest Dotch cuz that'll get you running into barb wire in a flash!! Looks great!  Me on the other hand was looking for coops recipe on zookini patties.  We were doing blt's and thought frying in bacon grease would really flavor them . I looked all over so had to wing it, pretty tasty tho.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on September 09/19/22, 02:02:13 PM
Zucchini Patties

These are pretty good!

"These cheesy zucchini patties are an excellent way to use up that abundance of zucchini from the garden. Serve with a bit of tomato sauce or sour cream dabbed on top."
* 2 cups grated zucchini
* 2 eggs, beaten
* 1/4 cup chopped onion
* 1/2 cup AP flour, or
* 1/2 cup instant potato flakes, or
* 1/2 cup bread crumbs
* 1/2 cup fresh grated Parmesan cheese (the real stuff)
* 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
* salt to taste
* 2 tablespoons olive oil
* In a medium bowl, combine the zucchini, eggs, onion, flour, or potato flakes, or bread crumbs, Parmesan cheese, mozzarella cheese, and salt. Stir well enough to distribute ingredients evenly.
* Heat a small amount of oil in a skillet over medium-high heat.  Form into patties, and fry until golden brown on both sides
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/19/22, 03:01:54 PM
I did a Keto diet a while back and made something similar with zucchini, but instead of patties, I made tortillas.

The Keto tortilla recipe calls for less flower and I don't think any potato flakes or bread crumbs - low carb, you know.   :sleazy:

Get all the moisture out of the shredded zucchini you can, press the mix flat like a tortilla, and fry them both sides.

They were a pain-in-the- :moon: to make, but the street tacos we used them for were out-of-this-world good!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/19/22, 04:14:54 PM
Thanks coop!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/19/22, 04:24:32 PM
That's an AWEFUL lot of stuff to add to that zookini to make it have any flavor !! :scratch: :doah: :rotflmao:

May as well throw some katchup in there!!🤣
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/19/22, 05:26:04 PM
That's an AWEFUL lot of stuff to add to that zookini to make it have any flavor !! :scratch: :doah: :rotflmao:

May as well throw some katchup in there!!🤣
Not sure I'd throw bla katchup at em next time,  but Marinara sauce now your talkin!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/19/22, 06:28:19 PM
secret sauce!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/03/22, 06:16:53 PM
Well trying to burn up some jalapenos with the cold temps coming,  pretty sure this will be the norm most of the week even with chicken and soup n sammiches on the menu.   Toilet really doesn't care what I throw at it in any order, even if I grill at 5... lol. J k Dotch!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/03/22, 06:19:46 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Gotta catch the Early Bird  :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/03/22, 06:25:38 PM
Bobber I have chopped and froze them and it works nice!!!   all that looks darn good too!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/03/22, 06:55:41 PM
Sure as hell hope you didn't put cottage cheese in them peppers. :pouty: :crazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/03/22, 06:57:02 PM
why not????   :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/03/22, 07:00:16 PM
why not????   :scratch:
:tut:check "THE LIST".  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/05/22, 06:09:19 PM
Thought I'd give the Traeger a shot tonight.  Glenn sure would be all over this,  no searage! A little chewy but great flavor , the poppers turned out mint!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/05/22, 06:11:44 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: atta boy!!👍 :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/05/22, 06:32:07 PM
That looks awesome. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/05/22, 06:45:47 PM
yes it does look darn good!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/06/22, 09:45:54 AM
I hope you did some extra roadwork ahead of that one. Mrs. Boober had to be in hot pursuit... :wowza:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/06/22, 04:48:32 PM
Close Dotch,  I'm figuring this out. If I grab some couch , let her pack my lunch and do dishes she's usually to tuckered or pissed I didn't help to give chase..lol. I ain't that mean all the time , just when she has the look!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/06/22, 07:02:55 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

(taking notes furiously)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/16/22, 06:29:05 PM
Grilled walleye fillets,,. Fried taters and beans.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on October 10/17/22, 07:47:21 AM
 :scratch: Where'd you find them..........................Motley? :confused:              :sleazy: :nerd: :evil:               ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/17/22, 07:48:55 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/17/22, 08:00:25 AM
and he's eating what he calls rough fish!!!     :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/17/22, 11:18:26 AM
:scratch: Where'd you find them..........................Motley? :confused:              :sleazy: :nerd: :evil:               ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:mooning: meh youz guyz are just jealous. :tut: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/17/22, 04:29:08 PM
Ah huh, momma is away nursing and he's eating the good stuff!! We see how you operate!   :tut:  ;)  :nerd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/17/22, 04:34:50 PM
Ah huh, momma is away nursing and he's eating the good stuff!! We see how you operate!   :tut:  ;)  :nerd:
:sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: wait till you see tonight's menu!! :smoking: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/17/22, 04:39:50 PM
Ah huh, momma is away nursing and he's eating the good stuff!! We see how you operate!   :tut:  ;)  :nerd:
:sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: wait till you see tonight's menu!! :smoking: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
I'm guessing pb&j with ....ravioli! In a can of course.  :bonk:  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/17/22, 06:48:24 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: yeppers.

Grilled pork steak taters fried in butter onions and garlic. Leftover beans cold!👍
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on October 10/17/22, 06:51:14 PM
 :scratch: What no buttered noodles & a big ring of baloney?  :huh:               ;) :smiley: :smiley:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/17/22, 06:53:57 PM
where's the red stuff???   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/17/22, 06:57:21 PM
:scratch: What no buttered noodles & a big ring of baloney?  :huh:               ;) :smiley: :smiley:
:tut: :rotflmao: :mooning: nope not today.

No gods necter on pork, horseradish buddy!!👍👍
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/17/22, 07:14:55 PM
I just ate and that and the suggestions are making me hungry. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/17/22, 08:55:37 PM
They appear well seared... :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/19/22, 08:22:09 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: KEN W on October 10/20/22, 08:27:12 AM
Wouldn't work for me......my wife isn't a smoke smell or taste fan.

 :tut: :tut: :tut:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/20/22, 12:26:00 PM
 :sleazy:. My kind a woman!!👍 :smoking:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/20/22, 03:34:57 PM
With fingernails like that he's doomed everytime he grills!!  :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/20/22, 06:18:46 PM
Wouldn't work for me......my wife isn't a smoke smell or taste fan.

 :tut: :tut: :tut:

So Roons you are assuming that is his wife....   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/21/22, 06:47:10 PM
Good question lps!! I didn't have any mediocre beer laying around so tge good stuff had to do! Well good thing momma is all comfy on the couch watching the tube, I should be able to sneak off downstairs without her noticing...shhhhhh.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/21/22, 06:52:10 PM
that secret sauce is good stuff!!!!!     
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/24/22, 04:04:48 PM
Company last night so made lamb kaboobs for the 1st time in a while. Takes some effort to get it all cut up & put together but worth it. The wind was a PITA, blowing through the coals faster than I would've liked. Not to mention the constant groping attempts by Mrs. Cheviot. She must think I can just flip a switch or something. :angry:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/24/22, 06:30:55 PM
that secret sauce is good stuff!!!!!   

I will look for it.  Never had it.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/24/22, 06:42:40 PM
that secret sauce is good stuff!!!!!   

I will look for it.  Never had it.

made by hidden valley !!!  regular or spicy!!   spicy is next for me!!!   had it on my reuben wrap  for lunch today!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/24/22, 06:56:01 PM
Target has it around here, ever since momma brought it home the katchup,  mustard and mayo has gotten an extra layer of dust on it.. Good for all!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/24/22, 07:12:23 PM
Grilled chicken leg quarters, korr noodles and mixed veggies. Added some smoking chips!! These where the George's I got at the meat sale. Pretty good!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/24/22, 07:37:53 PM
that secret sauce is good stuff!!!!!   
well I'll give that a try, on the grocery list.

But better than katchup??🙄 :scratch: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/25/22, 06:36:34 AM
a whole different flavor!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/25/22, 09:23:52 AM
Sure looks like a lot of searing on those thighs... :whistling:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/25/22, 11:23:38 AM
Sure looks like a lot of searing on those thighs... :whistling:
ok.....ok they get seared.......sheesh!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/25/22, 12:26:46 PM
I keep forgetting I have this stuff. Got it from a north Dakota union guy. It's got really good flavor but is a bit salty tasting. I have so much then I have had enough.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/26/22, 03:36:17 PM
that secret sauce is good stuff!!!!!   

I will look for it.  Never had it.

made by hidden valley !!!  regular or spicy!!   spicy is next for me!!!   had it on my reuben wrap  for lunch today!!!
was in cash wise today and couldn't find this secret sauce?? We're or what other stuff would it be hanging around by??! :scratch:

Damn there were a lot of old fogies in the store!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/26/22, 03:46:13 PM
by salad dressings and such
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/26/22, 03:55:26 PM
by salad dressings and such
then cash wise doesn't carry it. I'll check Teals tomorrow.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/26/22, 06:27:39 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/26/22, 06:54:26 PM
That stuff you showed looked pretty interesting Glenn..  What was that?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/26/22, 07:03:25 PM
by salad dressings and such
then cash wise doesn't carry it. I'll check Teals tomorrow.

cubs has it here
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/26/22, 07:09:52 PM
by salad dressings and such
then cash wise doesn't carry it. I'll check Teals tomorrow.

cubs has it here
no cub in the area..... :pouty: coborns has the monopoly !!!!!! coborns actually bought out the cub in st cloud and promptly shut it down!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/26/22, 07:12:02 PM
I'll look at LP..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/26/22, 07:12:07 PM
That stuff you showed looked pretty interesting Glenn..  What was that?
:scratch: :scratch: some kind of sauce. never seen it before. my former union boss brought it back from north dakota and gave us each a jar.

like i said tastes pretty good but a tad salty. i liked it on my chicken. gonna try it on pork next.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on October 10/27/22, 06:04:14 AM
That stuff you showed looked pretty interesting Glenn..  What was that?
Amazon has it LPS. :sleazy: :nerd: :evil:            ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: According to them it's mainly soy sauce, vinegar, & tomato paste. https://www.amazon.com/Essies-South-American-Sauce-Original/dp/B075MPZJ51
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/27/22, 08:53:41 AM
That stuff you showed looked pretty interesting Glenn..  What was that?
Amazon has it LPS. :sleazy: :nerd: :evil:            ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh: According to them it's mainly soy sauce, vinegar, & tomato paste. https://www.amazon.com/Essies-South-American-Sauce-Original/dp/B075MPZJ51
well he ain't getting any if his bride has anything to say about it then!!🤣🤣
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/27/22, 09:58:44 AM
It's got great reviews.  But you have to buy 3 bottles for $34.00.  Would like to buy 1 first to try it. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on October 10/27/22, 11:07:23 AM
There's a couple lists of places that handle it on their website's homepage, LPS. The 1 on the left looks to be mainly wholesale to me though. :scratch: http://www.essiessauce.com/
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/27/22, 11:16:02 AM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/28/22, 12:24:58 PM
Coborns brats. I tried the Essie's sauce on 1 pretty good but damn that stuff tastes salty to me. Don't think I'd get more??
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/28/22, 12:27:03 PM
Those look good. I could be wrong. lol  But it almost looked like that stuff was more of a marinade instead of a drizzle on top stuff. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/28/22, 12:34:41 PM
Those look good. I could be wrong. lol  But it almost looked like that stuff was more of a marinade instead of a drizzle on top stuff.
I thought about using it as a marinade, but I'm afraid whatever gets marinaded would turn out to salty. I'm debating whether I should just get rid of it?? :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/30/22, 07:38:12 PM
Ribeyes, fried taters and corn!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/31/22, 06:39:21 AM
cooking for 3 and eating alone???   dog must eat darn good!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: markn on October 10/31/22, 07:22:07 AM
Ribeyes? Must be a pretty good retirement plan for a union guy. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/31/22, 08:51:52 AM
cooking for 3 and eating alone???   dog must eat darn good!!!

Ya good point Mike.  He only makes two when the wife is there and has three when he is alone.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:   Sometimes batching it ain't that bad. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/31/22, 09:30:55 AM
or is there a neighbor lady involved???   questions!!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on October 10/31/22, 10:06:00 AM
or is there a neighbor lady involved???   questions!!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Or maybe his two friend from yesterday came over for supper?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/31/22, 10:13:14 AM
I think he does have a hot one close by he has mentioned.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/31/22, 10:18:02 AM
or is there a neighbor lady involved???   questions!!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Or maybe his two friend from yesterday came over for supper?

oh yea dats it!!!!     :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/31/22, 10:55:26 AM
Didn't you tell me glenn recently purchased a hot tub, mikey?  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on October 10/31/22, 11:21:46 AM
or is there a neighbor lady involved???   questions!!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Or maybe his two friend from yesterday came over for supper?
:sleazy:   :party3:                ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/31/22, 11:34:42 AM
 :tut: :tut: :banghead: :banghead: :bonk: sheez!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
NO........THE nudist didnt come over...........NO no neighbor lady!!!!!!!!!! NO.....no hot tub  :crazy: :doofus: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: my retirenemt plan is good...YES!!!!!

 we order beef by the 1/4 or 1/2.......contrary to reiny's beliefs.  :doah: that will serve as a 2nd meal............. probably tonight!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/31/22, 11:53:11 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/02/22, 05:02:20 PM
That's funny stuff fellas!!  Chicken ties on the pellet grill tonight,  taters and thought I'd put on some cheesy garlic bread. Kinda trying to score some points with momma so her only chore for dinner is heating up 2 cans of spinach.. nuker of course.  I should be golden!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/02/22, 05:09:57 PM
 :happy1: looks good bud, working on a puppy I see!!  :rotflmao: best do the dishes too  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/02/22, 09:50:18 PM
I've been watching 2 Guys and a Cooler sausage making on Youtube.  Great videos.  Man I am getting the urge.  Spiced Hungarian looks pretty darn good. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/03/22, 08:46:32 AM
Let her have her way with you boober and after that meal, a new puppy should be a slam dunk!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/03/22, 10:24:39 PM
I had to post this.  I have some short ribs and wondered how to cook them this time.  This is it.  Great video.  https://youtu.be/LETnZOPZXjk
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/11/22, 03:51:06 PM
Just drove all of the way to town cuz I needed some big olives for a very dirty martini.  I also got some nice jalapenos and some cream cheese and bacon.  Gonna make me some jalapeno poppers wrapped in bacon and also some chicken bites wrapped in bacon tomorrow.  Will be a couple of meals of it for us.  Can't wait. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/11/22, 03:57:27 PM
That sounds pretty tasty lps, funny how bacon does wonders...right Glenn.  I haven't grocery shopped in years, mommas gig. But with her otta town I said I'd go, man it stinks trying to plan everything for a week.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/11/22, 06:03:26 PM
The verdict is in, that frozen za turned out perfect on the pellet grill.  The crust didn't burn and was a greasy mess like a bar pizza. Will do again.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/11/22, 06:48:01 PM
You didn't eat all that by yourself did ya!;🤣
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/11/22, 06:52:59 PM
The verdict is in, that frozen za turned out perfect on the pellet grill.  The crust didn't burn and was a greasy mess like a bar pizza. Will do again.

so where did ya set the temp on the grill???  ya did use the pellet grill right??    looks awesome!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: KEN W on November 11/11/22, 07:10:53 PM
Did you put it in Frozen?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/12/22, 06:24:08 AM
Yep frozen,  the package said to cook it at 425 in the oven but I didn't want to burn the crust so started it at 375. Kept an eye on it and bumped it up after I seen it wasn't going to burn.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/12/22, 08:35:23 AM
Yep frozen,  the package said to cook it at 425 in the oven but I didn't want to burn the crust so started it at 375. Kept an eye on it and bumped it up after I seen it wasn't going to burn.
:happy1: :happy1: chef boober!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/12/22, 07:31:53 PM
Still cooking for 1 around here. Thought I'd break out the indoor grill which hasn't been used in years. Pretty sure the Jon won't know the difference!   ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/12/22, 07:34:37 PM
When ya gonna need dotchs skid steer!!🤣🤣
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/12/22, 07:35:59 PM
and the spicy sauce too!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/13/22, 03:00:22 PM
Had my old friend over last nite, 'Nam vet, guy who lost his wife 3 years ago. Got a couple bone in ribeyes & made an apple pie with my world famous crumble crust. No Mrs. Cheviot to pursue me... :sleazy:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/13/22, 03:04:04 PM
looks darn good and nice color too!!!!     :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/13/22, 04:04:18 PM
Sure does, as long as poppy doesn't rat you out you should be golden!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/13/22, 06:07:12 PM
Sure does, as long as poppy doesn't rat you out you should be golden!!  :happy1:

oh heck he knows he can out run her now!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  sorry Dotch Glenn made say that!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/24/22, 02:33:38 PM
Well I did muster up enough ambition to get this done.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/26/22, 07:03:50 PM
Back to normal here, the rest of the Turkey can go to soup if ya aks me. Gotta get used to grilling in the dark like Dotch, even tho it's only 6... Momma just put in a movie so I should be good...I think.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/26/22, 07:10:02 PM
Best keep one eye open if ya snooze off!🤣
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/26/22, 07:23:12 PM
Back to normal here, the rest of the Turkey can go to soup if ya aks me. Gotta get used to grilling in the dark like Dotch, even tho it's only 6... Momma just put in a movie so I should be good...I think.

you sure eat good!!   I like it!!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/06/22, 06:46:19 PM
Burgers fries and fried onions. And not just any old burgers but Glenn's special mixture!!👍 :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: deadeye on December 12/07/22, 09:42:41 AM
Grilled venison steak and a tinfoil of potatoes, onions and carrots for us. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/14/22, 04:26:32 PM
Momma went fishin at the store and brought home a Salmon filet. Didn't have much time yesterday to brine it, so I cut the skin off seasoned it with brown sugar,  garlic salt and some turf n surf seasoning.   Lit the weber and fought off the rain,  a good handful of briquettes off to the side with some apple chunks and chips, it hit 145 in bout an hour, that sombich was tasty,  juicey to boot. Wanted to put it on the pellet grill but to wet out for that. Not bad! Taking the skin off helped the quick smoke.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/14/22, 04:42:02 PM
Good info!  Sounds great! I haven't smoked fish for a long time.  Sounding good.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/14/22, 04:44:46 PM
Good info!  Sounds great! I haven't smoked fish for a long time.  Sounding good.
wonder if that salmon fit in his more then 1 one hitter!!🙄 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/14/22, 04:49:12 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: deadeye on December 12/15/22, 09:43:11 AM
Venison "no peek" stew for us today. I just went in the oven. Should be great as usual.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/31/22, 10:37:07 PM
Got back in the groove with some chicky hind quarters. Thought I'd bought thighs but not so. Tossed together some odds and ends plus Mrs. Gerry's Mac salad while keeping tabs on the bowl games. Wore Poppy out with all the trips outside. Chicky on the grill is still hard to beat.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/01/23, 07:43:13 AM
Yep just lightly seared! :rolleyes: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/01/23, 12:34:29 PM
Loves a crispy skin!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/04/23, 06:32:27 PM
Doctored up some ground beef and made a couple hamburger steaks.  Yes I battled the elements and grilled it!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/04/23, 06:50:29 PM
Doctored up some ground beef and made a couple hamburger steaks.  Yes I battled the elements and grilled it!! :happy1:

grilling is great all the time!!!!  looks good!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/10/23, 07:06:48 PM
Pork steak taters and beans!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/10/23, 07:52:45 PM
Looks dynamite Glenn! How'd you cut them spuds so thin?? That's a fav meal for us for sure!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/10/23, 08:04:14 PM
There boiled up taters. And I used this gizmo. You can make hash browns with it as well as the sliced ones like you see there!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/10/23, 08:08:59 PM
Looks kinda like your jar rings... :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/10/23, 08:17:23 PM
Looks kinda like your jar rings... :coffee:
:rotflmao: it has character!👍
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/10/23, 08:18:05 PM
We had one, 35 yrs ago. Was just for cheese tho.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/10/23, 08:20:50 PM
We had one, 35 yrs ago. Was just for cheese tho.
I bought a different one not to long ago, they still make them.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/10/23, 08:25:00 PM
Just checked with momma,  we have one also..lol.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/10/23, 08:26:06 PM
I had one like that too. Like a lot of the cookware from my bachelor days, it disappeared once I got married. Was a lot better than the flat one the wife had. It wasn't even rusty!  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/11/23, 06:32:32 AM
I have one like that but it's a brighter color!!!    :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on January 01/11/23, 07:15:44 AM
Mine too.  Kind of chrome. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/11/23, 07:20:09 AM
yup same color!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/11/23, 07:36:38 AM
 :pouty: :pouty: :tut: well maybe mine has been used more!!!!! and has more character!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/11/23, 11:52:42 AM
Can't say I've ever boiled taters before being sautéed I mean frying... ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/11/23, 11:58:32 AM
I'll use boiled taters to make american fries....
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/11/23, 12:07:50 PM
Can't say I've ever boiled taters before being sautéed I mean frying... ;)
I do it all the time. Boil the spuds with the skin still on!

Used to buy taters by the 50 lb bag and make my own hash browns!!👍
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on January 01/11/23, 12:52:51 PM
I'll use boiled taters to make american fries....

They are the best.  Just like Grandma did it.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/11/23, 01:13:39 PM
my Mom made them is how I learned..   

Glenn the taters freeze good then??
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on January 01/11/23, 02:48:15 PM
Baked ones is what my Grandma did.  Then slice for American fries.  I do it sometimes too. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/11/23, 03:02:40 PM
that would work too...  I would like to make some twice bakers too sometime...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on January 01/11/23, 03:24:18 PM
Haven't had those in a long time.  They were great stuffed with cheese and other stuff.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/11/23, 03:29:32 PM
There boiled up taters. And I used this gizmo. You can make hash browns with it as well as the sliced ones like you see there!

by the way that gizmo is a grater  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/11/23, 03:51:12 PM
my Mom made them is how I learned..   

Glenn the taters freeze good then??
:happy1: yep freeze up just fine. i take a cake pan, spray it with cooking oil, then make them into the hash browns with my "grater"  :sleazy: pad them down a bit. run a knife threw them to make them into squares. put in freezer.

take them out and nuke for about 45 seconds.......they pop right out, break apart and put in a bag and throw back in the freezer till ya need some!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/11/23, 05:22:47 PM
Sorry fellas, you guys lost me at boiling taters, must be an old person thing. We've boiled for squished taters but when we do "fried" they are fried, not soft but a nice crunch.. an old pic. Is all I was saying.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/11/23, 05:45:41 PM
Done it both ways. Cut up and fried, it takes less time if they're already boiled first but I probably like frying them raw with onions better. The house smells awesome for a day or so. The onions sometimes don't get cooked as well when using the boiled potatoes. When making hashbrowns, boiled and refrigerated overnite works better for me. They get done more evenly and it's easier to get them crispy more quickly. Speaking of that I have some Kennebecs I got from Auntie Mar Mar I should boil up for hashbrowns this weekend. Could press the easy button and do patties in the air fryer but still tough to beat fried in a pan, especially if I want to get creative with onions and cheese. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on January 01/11/23, 06:19:36 PM
Ok I will try boiled and then cut up for American fries then.  Man that sounds good.  Picked up a dozen eggs large for $5.89 appx today.  That and some sausage with the eggs and spuds is an awesome breakfast. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/11/23, 06:44:40 PM
I never boil them and then fry them right away. They've been in the fridge for a while.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/11/23, 06:54:04 PM
I never boil them and then fry them right away. They've been in the fridge for a while.

same here...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/17/23, 08:28:19 PM
Big snow comin' so time to manufacture leftovers. Two pork loin filets, one plain, seasoned with "Martin Co. Magic" & the other a dry rub topped with applewood bacon. Added applewood smoke courtesy of our Honeycrisp tree at the ranch. Mrs. Cheviot attempted to pursue me with her knee scooter but I ditched her in the 1st snowbank I saw. Yep glenn, still have those knives you covet.  :wowza:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/17/23, 08:49:41 PM
Dang that looks great Dotch!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on January 01/17/23, 08:53:16 PM
Still eating those big radishes I see.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/17/23, 08:55:15 PM
Dang that does look good Dotch!! Ain't even seared  :rolleyes: to bad!! :rotflmao:

Was wondering about those knives, kinda thought they got lost in the mail!! :shocked: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/26/23, 06:47:43 PM
Might be 4 hrs early for Dotch but its great to grill while it's light out! Burglars n bacon with tater tots done inside.. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/26/23, 06:52:45 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: looks good!!👍
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on January 01/26/23, 06:53:49 PM
That looks great!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/26/23, 06:59:14 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Dadgum right it's too early! I'm still suffering from eating supper at 4:30 a few weeks ago. I find it did have the added benefit of creating a lot of gas, which kept Mrs. Cheviot from mounting even a meager attempt at jumping my bones.

Beware of Mrs.Boober in your vulnerable state... :whistling:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/26/23, 06:59:52 PM
yes it looks great!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/26/23, 08:01:00 PM
Two Double Bacon Cheeseburgers!   :happy1:

Or did you make yours a triple?   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/27/23, 06:49:25 PM
Ribeyes over charcoal. They were complemented by taters fried in onions and butter and Mike's favorite veggie. Brussel sprouts!👍 :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/27/23, 07:02:20 PM
actually I have eaten them but it's been awhile!!!  might just have get some!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/27/23, 08:43:16 PM
Dang Glenn,  that looks smashing!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/07/23, 09:15:55 AM
I spiced up a nice big ribeye last Friday and then didn't get it grilled so it is still aging in the frig.  Tonight I think is the night and it should be awesome.  My brother and I have done the 30 day in the frig with a steak before and text each other as to how they are.  Will have a nice yam with it.  Man I need more salads.  Can't wait for the garden.  Lettuce and celery is $5 in the store as other salad fixins so haven't been getting much of it lately. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/27/23, 12:03:38 PM
bacon wrapped 7oz top sirloin cooked perfect med off the grill!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/27/23, 05:06:28 PM
I don't see any pics!!! ;)   Sounds good Mike!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/27/23, 05:11:45 PM
I haven't been so good about sending food pics lately and I will put more energy into it.  We are trying to get Mike adapted to sending pics cuz he sure cooks a lot of great food and I would like to see it.  It is so easy once you do it a couple of times.  Like most things.   :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/27/23, 05:26:19 PM
I haven't been so good about sending food pics lately and I will put more energy into it.  We are trying to get Mike adapted to sending pics cuz he sure cooks a lot of great food and I would like to see it.  It is so easy once you do it a couple of times.  Like most things.   :sleazy:
:rotflmao: yea he has no problem sending porn pictures to my email!!!!!!!!!!  :bonk: :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/27/23, 05:38:21 PM
Good lord Glenn,  pushing 40,000 posts , you gots any skin left on dat typing finger????  :rotflmao:  :nerd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/27/23, 05:40:42 PM
Good lord Glenn,  pushing 40,000 posts , you gots any skin left on dat typing finger????  :rotflmao:  :nerd:
oh heck yea.........best part are that 39900 are good informational posts!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:

I've been here since like Nov of 2009.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/27/23, 06:48:08 PM
Good lord Glenn,  pushing 40,000 posts , you gots any skin left on dat typing finger????  :rotflmao:  :nerd:
oh heck yea.........best part are that 39900 are good informational posts!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:

I've been here since like Nov of 2009.

admit it!! you just like ti yap a lot!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/27/23, 06:49:38 PM
Ya, ok.  :rotflmao:  ;) Here I thought I posted this on the milestone tread.. :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/27/23, 06:56:39 PM
Ya, ok.  :rotflmao:  ;) Here I thought I posted this on the milestone tread.. :scratch:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: see I had that issue yesterday!!🤣 Site is still bonkers!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/27/23, 07:00:12 PM
Good lord Glenn,  pushing 40,000 posts , you gots any skin left on dat typing finger????  :rotflmao:  :nerd:
oh heck yea.........best part are that 39900 are good informational posts!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:

I've been here since like Nov of 2009.

admit it!! you just like ti yap a lot!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
I have to to protect my honor!😣 As much as I get slapped around!! :pouty: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/03/23, 06:40:41 PM
Gotta love action shots, a plate of grub doesn't really tell the story, fir me anyhow.  Sure do miss the big charcoal grill but the weber will do.
 Good thing momma has other plans tonight or I'd be .... well you know. :doah:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/03/23, 06:44:39 PM
Dotch wanted me to tell you it's way... Way to early!! :tut: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/03/23, 06:46:02 PM
Gotta love action shots, a plate of grub doesn't really tell the story, fir me anyhow.  Sure do miss the big charcoal grill but the weber will do.
 Good thing momma has other plans tonight or I'd be .... well you know. :doah:

dat looks great Bobber!!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/03/23, 07:01:10 PM
And well seared I might add! Mrs. Boober would be in hot pursuit...🏃‍♀️
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/06/23, 12:16:22 PM
fresh dill pickle brats off the grill for lunch today!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/07/23, 07:03:20 PM
Brats from Teals, guess there seared? :scratch: :rotflmao: oops forgot the picture. :scratch:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/07/23, 09:02:28 PM
Now yer gettin' the hang of it!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: birdswacker on March 03/08/23, 04:23:43 PM
Them things look like they got vitiligo?
Maybe the picture?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/08/23, 04:35:40 PM
Them things look like they got vitiligo?
Maybe the picture?
:scratch: whatever that is??
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/08/23, 06:04:43 PM
Vertigo? Virility? Hafta consult boar... :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/08/23, 06:49:39 PM
Vertigo? Virility? Hafta consult boar... :coffee:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: god help us!!!!!!!!! :doah: :confused: :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/10/23, 08:42:34 PM
No consulting boar necessary tonite. No evasive maneuvers from Mrs. Cheviot required either. Mostly peaceful searing on the center cuts with a little apple wood in the smoker boxes. Weather's been chit but I persevered after shoveling enough snow to maneuver. The Martin Co. Pork Producers Martin Co.Magic they hand out at the MN State Fair is the bomb! Cottage cheese, sweet corn & baked tater with Hope Creamery butter. Is there anything they can't do?  :scratch:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/10/23, 09:19:48 PM
Nice to see my knives is still operational!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/11/23, 07:04:23 PM
No weather terrorist stopping me from grilling. Served with hash browns and corn!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/11/23, 07:06:11 PM
Glenn you have sear marks.  Right on man.  AND you are the MAN!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/11/23, 07:53:09 PM
Looks great! He's coming around lps.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/13/23, 06:41:52 PM
Brats simmered in good beer tonight,  even da wife's apple brat. Call me crazy but i just might sit back and see what happens.... :surrender:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/13/23, 06:46:37 PM
Ooooo, dat's livin' on the edge, boober.  :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/13/23, 06:57:38 PM
i'd split them brat buns wide open!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: they'd burn........er sear better!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/13/23, 07:04:47 PM
i'd split them brat buns wide open!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: they'd burn........er sear better!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
  :tut: Rookie mistake  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/13/23, 07:17:53 PM
i'd split them brat buns wide open!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: they'd burn........er sear better!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
  :tut: Rookie mistake  :rotflmao:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/19/23, 08:59:37 PM
My best steak knives were dirty tonite so lamborgers worked out best. I brushed aside the wife's advances after she decided the food made me a worth an attempted conquest. She's still a gimp. Full fat cottage cheese, peas & hash brown patties from the air fryer. I did use some katchup on those.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/21/23, 05:15:53 PM
Looks perfect Dotch! She might still be a gimp but don't let her fool ya, the claws can come out undetected.. :sad:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/28/23, 07:46:51 PM
Grilled venison steak, taters fried in onions and butter and green beans  :happy1:

Yea I was a special order cook, momma don't like grilled venison. :doofus:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/28/23, 08:07:32 PM
Hope that ketchup was for the fried taters and not that venison.   :huh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/28/23, 08:29:21 PM
Never used it, I tried the hidden valley secret sauce. Damn good stuff on that venny. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/29/23, 06:16:54 PM
No katchup harmed??? Your coming around chum! None here neither, was in the cold wind all day so the quietness out front with the tailgater was a must. Momma had fries and green olives waiting when I came in..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/29/23, 07:00:36 PM
those green olives were just table decorations, correct!!!!! :happy1: there most certainly not to be consumed!!!!!!! :evil: :surrender: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/29/23, 07:10:05 PM
They are also a little known female aphrodisiac. Lookout boober!  :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/01/23, 07:26:40 PM
 :happy1: eat your heart out burger king!! :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/01/23, 07:28:19 PM
looks like the real deal meal!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/01/23, 07:57:34 PM
This is the first time I noticed the "DOWN" button.  I learn every day on here.  Well what I wanted to say is that thanks a lot Glenn.  We were having those bacon wrapped pork fillets tonight with asparagus.  Well as we are watching the Twins manhandle the other guys we noticed Cooper isn't with us as usual.  ????  Well I knew the wife would get up first if I stalled a second or two.   LOL  Well here Glenn's dogs brother took the bunched up asparagus off the counter right next to the pork bacon things and was in the office chewing on them.  HUH???  Thankfully he left the expensive pork/bacon things alone.   LOL   Well no problem.  The wife had another bunch of  asparagus so we survived.  She sauteed them with mushrooms and we had them with the pork/bacon things.  Complete success. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/01/23, 08:00:14 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i think shadow learned from cooper!!!!!! :rotflmao:

yea there aint nuttin i dont think he wont eat!!!!!!! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

down button??????? Hmm :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/01/23, 08:03:52 PM
Ya so if you are at the top but want to reply you have to be at the bottom of the page I guess.  So instead of scrolling down just hit the down button.   WALA!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/01/23, 08:08:54 PM
I'm thinking there will be some asparagus farts going on in bed tonight.  Like the joke said I will ring the doorbell and jump in bed before the dogs get there so I can get a good spot. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/01/23, 08:09:17 PM
Ya so if you are at the top but want to reply you have to be at the bottom of the page I guess.  So instead of scrolling down just hit the down button.   WALA!!!
:happy1: :happy1: i see it now!!!!!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/01/23, 08:45:41 PM
What no grilling pics?? Looks good but for all we know you cooked them in the microwave..lol.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/01/23, 08:48:28 PM
What no grilling pics?? Looks good but for all we know you cooked them in the microwave..lol.  :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on April 04/01/23, 09:52:09 PM
Probably grown in a lab!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/02/23, 08:19:17 AM
Gonna be some baby backs in the smomer today.  Not sure on the sides yet.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/02/23, 06:54:26 PM
T-bones, betty crocker taters and leftover beans.

Think I got room for ice cream later!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on April 04/02/23, 06:59:53 PM
And tough as shoeleather...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/02/23, 07:05:19 PM
T-bones, betty crocker taters and leftover beans.

Think I got room for ice cream later!

steak sauce??    :tut: :tut:

but it looks great!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/02/23, 07:08:25 PM
T-bones, betty crocker taters and leftover beans.

Think I got room for ice cream later!

steak sauce??    :tut: :tut:

but it looks great!!!   :happy1:
darn tootin

Boar go suck an egg!! :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Pulleye16 on April 04/02/23, 07:53:49 PM
T-bone? Damn. I just looked at beef prices…that’s like gold!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/02/23, 07:56:54 PM
Looks great.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Scenic on April 04/02/23, 10:43:49 PM
Late dinner here tonight but grilled pork steak was on sale so that is what it turned out to be.  From what  I am hearing beef is about to go even higher... 

A1 sauce??  On a beef steak?   :tut:

Pork steak, green beans and white cheddar shellls

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2023/04/03/IMG_20230402_185925314.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/IMG-20230402-185925314.0y43)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/03/23, 05:19:12 AM
 :pouty: :confused: damn don't be knocking my A-1. That enhances the flavor!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Scenic on April 04/03/23, 08:34:10 AM
:pouty: :confused: damn don't be knocking my A-1. That enhances the flavor!! :happy1:

I like A1…on pot roast, but not on a good steak.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/08/23, 07:44:01 PM
Open lid searing,  ribeyes n shrooms.  Momma has twice baked taters upstairs waiting. Gotta love action shots and no sauce needed.  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/08/23, 08:30:12 PM
Open lid searing,  ribeyes n shrooms.  Momma has twice baked taters upstairs waiting. Gotta love action shots and no sauce needed.  :happy1:
:scratch: :scratch: you talkin to me boober???? :shocked: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/09/23, 11:54:43 AM
grilled bacon cheddar cheese burger for lunch...   dag good!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/09/23, 08:19:04 PM
Demonstrating proper searing technique for lamborgers at 4 minutes per side, then ruin 2 of them for the wife! A little rice pilaf & string beans to round out the plate. Kept an eye on the Mrs. Her therapy sessions have her getting closer to cornering me. My cat-like reflexes have kept me safe thus far but need to keep eating my Wheaties.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/10/23, 05:04:15 AM
Careful with the wheaties Dotch. You see what wheaties did to Bruce Jenner.  ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/10/23, 05:07:46 AM
Careful with the wheaties Dotch. You see what wheaties did to Bruce Jenner.  ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Sheep might be less nervous then!🤣
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/10/23, 07:32:10 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  Good one JB.  Will be making some scalloped potatoes with ham for supper tonight. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/13/23, 06:31:01 PM
Thought I'd try it again,  the one on the left is homemade loaded with pepperoni,  sausage and Glenn's fav green olives.  The right is a frozen job the wife bought,  they turned out fantastic on the over priced outdoor oven....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/14/23, 12:26:50 PM
made patties from bulk italian sausage and grilled that for lunch!!   tasty!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/22/23, 12:42:07 PM
grilled burger for lunch today!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/29/23, 12:37:27 PM
grilled some more burgers for lunch, got and in the house and it started raining!!!   good timing!!!    :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/29/23, 12:41:53 PM
not raining here.........yet.............
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Pulleye16 on April 04/30/23, 03:30:51 PM
Burnt end and Blanton’s!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/30/23, 03:34:32 PM
Burnt end and Blanton’s!
you use that brown liquid for marinade!!!!!!!! :doah: :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/03/23, 06:40:20 PM
That looks great pulleye!! I'm batching it tonight,  thought what the heck do a slathered pork steak , and sweet taters.  Hoping to have leftovers but ya never know. I did tho throw a side salad together before I sat patio side!!! Gotta love action shots!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/05/23, 09:49:00 AM
Last nite was a great nite to grill. Light breeze & 65 above. Wife was tied up with a zoom meeting so I was left to my own devices. Otherwise she would've tried to tie me up!  :shocked: Once again demonstrating proper searing technique on butterfly chops w/smokehouse maple seasoning, watching the smoker boxes full of applewood do their thing, taking a breath to enjoy the ambiance, & the finished product. Poppy has taken a liking to grilling. She can chase birds around the backyard & look for stuff to roll in like in the 3rd picture. Only one bummer: Out of gin. Transport drivers on strike. Damn unions!  :mad1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/05/23, 10:02:39 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: pay'em better bub!! :confused: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/06/23, 01:24:46 PM
Gonna do some fresh brats on the grill tonight or a fire if not too windy.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/07/23, 09:02:36 AM
Was going to grill a steak for supper but just changed to ribs in the smoker.  Think I will leave unwrapped for 1 1/2  to 2 hours and then wrap in foil for 3 hours.  Would like to hear how you do them again Ken. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/07/23, 06:47:35 PM
Pork chops, served with beans and noodles fried in butter and onions.

Dat spicy secret sauce is tasty on da noodles!! :happy1:

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/08/23, 10:42:38 AM
Nice searing glenn!  :happy1:

Thought about having ribs the other night at the Thunder Bar but remembered I had these bad boys in the fridge. Pork steaks, base seasoning Martin Co. Magic, seared, then basted with some mango chutney type stuff, infused with curry powder. Indirect with a light smoking from pear wood. Juicy & tender with an attitude. Poppy has become my little grilling buddy. She got a little hunk of fat as a reward. Wore layered tear away clothing to thwart the wife's attempts to ravage me.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/08/23, 10:47:30 AM
and a bush lite!!!   hunting edition!!!    :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/08/23, 10:52:02 AM
I know. Striking union thugs still haven't delivered my transport of Boodles.  :mad1: Prolly OK. Otherwise beer tends to start having birthdays in the fridge. 🎂 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/08/23, 04:41:48 PM
 I really hate to admit this but been thinking of getting those bush lattes  :scratch: :shocked: it's 3 bucks a case cheaper as I'm on a slim budget! :confused: :rotflmao:

But I gotta try some first before I get a whole case and end up using it as engine cleaner!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/08/23, 04:43:21 PM
You shouldn't tell people that Glenn.   :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/08/23, 07:23:42 PM
You shouldn't tell people that Glenn.   :confused:
listen to him Glenn,  we don't need another buying the good stuff bringing up the price more!  :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/09/23, 08:48:10 AM
You shouldn't tell people that Glenn.   :confused:
listen to him Glenn,  we don't need another buying the good stuff bringing up the price more!  :pouty:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/09/23, 08:49:46 AM
You shouldn't tell people that Glenn.   :confused:
:happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: like i said.........i'm only thinkin about it!!!!!!!!!! i dont know many that actually drink the stuff, so it might be a while before i get a chance  to try it!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on May 05/09/23, 04:48:33 PM
Afternoon fella's, finally saved up enough to buy a couple Ribeyes from Main street meats in Park Rapids. Grilled up on the Reqtec for the first time this year.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/09/23, 05:36:06 PM
glad to see ya stop in coopy!!!!!!!1 :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/09/23, 06:26:00 PM
2nd that!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/09/23, 07:10:12 PM
Chicky over charcoal, spuds and Rebbys favorite!! :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/09/23, 07:33:27 PM
That chicken looks great Glenn.  I need to do that soon.  The spuds look good too. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/09/23, 09:03:27 PM
I really hate to admit this but been thinking of getting those bush lattes  :scratch: :shocked: it's 3 bucks a case cheaper as I'm on a slim budget! :confused: :rotflmao:

But I gotta try some first before I get a whole case and end up using it as engine cleaner!! :rotflmao:
Besides you shouldn't be buying that AB stuff. Miller or Coors until AB learns a lesson. ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/09/23, 09:41:06 PM
That's what we are doing starting with our shopping trip tomorrow. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/09/23, 09:46:27 PM
Ya, chicken looks great Glenn. I need to do that again too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/23, 06:50:30 PM
Grilled walleye with Korr noodles.

And I never wet a line!! :rotflmao: :happy1:

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/13/23, 08:00:03 PM
Morey's again?  :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/23, 08:08:29 PM
Morey's again?  :coffee:
:tut: :tut: freezer... Came from up by JB!👍
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/13/23, 09:09:15 PM
Jussst checking. Boar wanted me to ask... :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on May 05/14/23, 05:17:11 PM
Mothers day flat grillin'

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/23, 05:31:40 PM
What kind of friggin road kill is the top picture??? :scratch: :rotflmao:

Otherwise looks good bud! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on May 05/14/23, 06:14:20 PM
Hamberger, ya toad
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/14/23, 08:11:26 PM
I do like those stoves/grills. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/15/23, 06:45:00 AM
I like my griddle too, just don't use it enough...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/17/23, 10:17:24 AM
Did a nice big T-Bone last night with the first batch of asparagus we found around the pasture. 

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2023/05/17/IMG_1877-1.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/IMG-1877-%281%29.PcDV)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/17/23, 10:19:12 AM
Notice the "tail" that wraps around the small part of the steak?  Never seen that before but that is how they all are.  Strange butchering.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/17/23, 10:47:56 AM
that looks like a porter house steak to me!!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/17/23, 11:33:47 AM
That looks mighty yummy to me.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/17/23, 11:40:34 AM
Looks tasty to me. Remember, a little tail is a good thing.  :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/17/23, 12:34:57 PM
Yes I guess it is a porterhouse.  So big we will be having leftovers tonight. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Scenic on May 05/17/23, 03:04:21 PM
Looks really good !!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/17/23, 07:39:23 PM
Num num. Asparagus and smoked plantenbergs sausage!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/20/23, 10:17:01 PM
Quicky chicky tonite, complete with Mrs. G's spud salad & glenn's fave. While Mrs. Cheviot's away the mice will play... :whistling:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Scenic on May 05/20/23, 11:05:07 PM
That looks great!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/21/23, 07:03:56 AM
 :happy1: :happy1: looks good bud!!!!!!!!!!!

so if that curdled milk is so good............why all the extra seasonings!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: may as well add katchup too!!!!!!!! :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/21/23, 07:21:30 AM
Looks smashing Dotch, and no track shoes needed! You just save your catsup for floating turtles Glenn.. :mooning: ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/21/23, 07:26:27 AM
Looks smashing Dotch, and no track shoes needed! You just save your catsup for floating turtles Glenn.. :mooning: ;)
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/21/23, 12:18:56 PM
:happy1: :happy1: looks good bud!!!!!!!!!!!

so if that curdled milk is so good............why all the extra seasonings!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: may as well add katchup too!!!!!!!! :sleazy:

You put seasoning on yer steaks, doncha? Some people's kids I tell ya... :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/21/23, 12:23:22 PM
and on fish and chicken too!!!    :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/21/23, 12:41:42 PM
I do put seasoning on my steaks. Makes the yummier.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/21/23, 01:15:02 PM
Heck ya.  I will put Lawrys, garlic granules, pepper and a shot of olive oil on each side of mine and then let it sit on the counter for awhile before it hits the grill.  Have a ribeye thawing now.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/21/23, 01:20:15 PM
For mine I make a mix of Lawry's, black pepper and cayenne pepper. For the wife's I put Lawry's and black pepper.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/21/23, 01:26:38 PM
That sounds good too.  I'm getting hungry now.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/21/23, 03:07:00 PM
I mostly use course sea salt and course black pepper for red meat...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/21/23, 03:18:28 PM
I mostly use course sea salt and course black pepper for red meat...
Yep us too, a little garlic and rubbed down with oil like lps said,  sear em up good! Right Glenn?  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/21/23, 04:39:58 PM
That coarser salt and pepper sounds great too.  Will try that too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/21/23, 05:29:28 PM
Been oiling and lotioning the spuds with salt. Beef and chicken kaboobs, extra bacon thrown in the beans,  if I hide on the pot I should be good to go...lol. :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/21/23, 05:31:32 PM
I mostly use course sea salt and course black pepper for red meat...
Yep us too, a little garlic and rubbed down with oil like lps said,  sear em up good! Right Glenn?  ;)
:happy1: :rotflmao: yep right!! :crazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/21/23, 05:36:24 PM
I do put seasoning on my steaks. Makes the yummier.
#metoo!!! Montreal steak seasoning. The. Onion and garlic salt off the grill topped with A1. Mouth watering.

Seasoning is but on way earlier to "meld". :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/21/23, 05:38:02 PM
I've also been adding that Montreal steak seasoning to burger, mix it in really good and let it meld for a while. That's the cats meow!👍👍
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on May 05/21/23, 06:42:04 PM
Ribeyes on the ReqTec

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/21/23, 06:49:14 PM
(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2023/05/22/IMG_1885.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/IMG-1885.mRTR)

I did the coarse salt and pepper on the asparagus.  Then rubbed the steak on that plate too. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/21/23, 06:53:12 PM
they both look great!!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/21/23, 07:11:09 PM
they both look great!!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
:happy1: got that right......eatin good tonight.........
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/21/23, 07:17:42 PM
they both look great!!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
:happy1: got hat right......eatin good tonight.........

got a hat???   ok.....    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/21/23, 07:29:44 PM
All looks yummy.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/21/23, 07:31:48 PM
they both look great!!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
:happy1: got hat right......eatin good tonight.........

got a hat???   ok.....    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
I did that just for you!! :happy1: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/21/23, 07:33:59 PM
they both look great!!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
:happy1: got hat right......eatin good tonight.........

got a hat???   ok.....    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
I did that just for you!! :happy1: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:

yea right!!   nice recover!!!  oh how are the fat fingers doing???    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/27/23, 09:20:56 PM
Put the track spikes back on! Lamborgers, Texas toast, string beans,  & O- rings. After evasive maneuvers, my vows of chastity remained intact. And it also helps that I have a new little grilling buddy running interference.  :cool:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/27/23, 09:35:48 PM
Definitely a winner. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/28/23, 02:16:36 PM
I have our Hobo Dinners ready.  Put a big slab of real lean burger in each with a half of a small red onion sliced, about 6 asparagus, a couple of peeled carrots, about 4 chunks of celery.  2 big chunks of butter in each and in mine I drizzled some Ranch dressing over all. So after this Twins game we will head to the fire ring.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/28/23, 02:57:21 PM
I have our Hobo Dinners ready.  Put a big slab of real lean burger in each with a half of a small red onion sliced, about 6 asparagus, a couple of peeled carrots, about 4 chunks of celery.  2 big chunks of butter in each and in mine I drizzled some Ranch dressing over all. So after this Twins game we will head to the fire ring.
no dog slobber on your aspargus this time!!!!!!!!! :shocked: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/28/23, 07:22:54 PM
Sure like open fire cooking, can't beat it! Was hankering t-bones so the weber had to do, momma had coconut shrimp ready when the rest was ready... see ya tomorrow  ;)

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/28/23, 08:06:32 PM
Sure like open fire cooking, can't beat it! Was hankering t-bones so the weber had to do, momma had coconut shrimp ready when the rest was ready... see ya tomorrow  ;)

t-bone my arse!!  those are huge great looking porter houses!!!!!   I want in!!!!   enjoy!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/28/23, 08:10:05 PM
 :scratch: see ya tomorrow???? :confused:

Figure the wifey be tired of chasing you by then? :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: deadeye on May 05/28/23, 08:36:11 PM
I currently have 4 lake trout in the fridge in a dry brine. I plan to wash off the brine and put them back in the fridge on racks to dry overnight. They go in the smoker tomorrow morning. Only bad thing is I cannot eat them tomorrow because I scheduled a colonoscopy scheduled for Tuesday. Poor timing for sure.  :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/28/23, 08:40:34 PM
I currently have 4 lake trout in the fridge in a dry brine. I plan to wash off the brine and put them back in the fridge on racks to dry overnight. They go in the smoker tomorrow morning. Only bad thing is I cannot eat them tomorrow because I scheduled a colonoscopy scheduled for Tuesday. Poor timing for sure.  :bonk:
Yea you sure wouldn't want them to find something a little fishy up there! :rotflmao: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/30/23, 08:06:55 AM
Kind of the right thread but not exact.  I see you can buy those Serano type of hams on Amazon.  The ones where you don't have to refrigerate.  Comes with a stand and a knife so you can cut thin slices.  My slices would be much thicker.  They range from $180 - $1,700.  Looks like a lot of work but I would like to taste some.

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/30/23, 08:18:21 AM
wait till the wife is back to work!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

then blame the dog!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/30/23, 09:13:02 AM
 :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Scenic on May 05/31/23, 10:28:25 PM
  This one is for you Glen.  In case someone gives you some walleye that you think has no taste, here is a way for you to get some taste out of it.  

These are Canada Camp Hot Fins.   Bread with a light breading (such as Fry Magic) and over fry just a bit longer than you normally would.  In a glass or metal dish melt about a quarter stick of butter and mix with however much Franks Buffalo Wing sauce you think you will need.   Once your fish is done, place in the metal or glass baking dish and  gently mix in the sauce.  Bake in the oven or grill for 15-20 minutes @300  to cook in the sauce.   Instead of fillets you can also make this using smaller chunks of walleye. 

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2023/06/01/63118.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/63118.zI13)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/01/23, 07:01:48 AM
That looks fantastic! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on June 06/01/23, 07:38:21 AM
Yes it does!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/01/23, 07:55:25 AM
wow that looks great.......... :happy1: :happy1:

guess i'll have to try a little harder for a walleye!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/01/23, 08:12:51 AM
I bet that recipe would be good with early-season bullhead fingers too.   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on June 06/01/23, 03:21:15 PM
wow that looks great.......... :happy1: :happy1:

guess i'll have to try a little harder for a walleye!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
I bet it would taste good with pike too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/03/23, 10:13:15 PM
Pushed the easy button tonite and it almost cost me. Luckily I was wearing my chastity belt and had eaten my Wheaties! Pre-made kaboobs from Neighbor's Meats, asparagus Mrs. Cheviot had brought home earlier in the week, Mrs. G's mac salad, Lays BBQ cheeps & cottage cheese. A day without cottage cheese is like a day without sunshine as Anita Bryant used to say... :whistling:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/04/23, 06:32:07 AM
That looks great!  We had a porterhouse last night.  Sorry no pics.  I gave Tanner and the wife the fillet part.  Still have a little chunk for breakfast tomorrow.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/04/23, 07:30:38 AM
Oh boy Dotch,  kaboobs usually brings out the claws, I'm guessing your still tied up!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/04/23, 08:20:11 AM
Pushed the easy button tonite and it almost cost me. Luckily I was wearing my chastity belt and had eaten my Wheaties! Pre-made kaboobs from Neighbor's Meats, asparagus Mrs. Cheviot had brought home earlier in the week, Mrs. G's mac salad, Lays BBQ cheeps & cottage cheese. A day without cottage cheese is like a day without sunshine as Anita Bryant used to say... :whistling:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:yea will Anita didnt know jack squat!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on June 06/04/23, 08:23:36 AM
Birgers chicken and salmon tonight
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on June 06/04/23, 03:50:03 PM

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on June 06/04/23, 03:50:45 PM

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/04/23, 03:54:40 PM
looks darn good Boar!!!!  looks like good thick bacon too!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: HD on June 06/04/23, 04:10:19 PM
We got lobster tails & shrimp kabobs, corn and taters...

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on June 06/04/23, 04:41:35 PM
Dang all the food looks great!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/04/23, 05:28:35 PM
We got lobster tails & shrimp kabobs, corn and taters...
boar might be right you can't catch fish if you're resorting to shrimp and lobster!!! :mooning: :rotflmao:

J/K looks awesome, even boars food!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/04/23, 06:38:51 PM
We got lobster tails & shrimp kabobs, corn and taters...

that's a whole bunch of great eats!!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/05/23, 06:41:21 AM
Man we have some pretty darn good cooks here.  That all looks great!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: HD on June 06/05/23, 04:35:37 PM
We got lobster tails & shrimp kabobs, corn and taters...
boar might be right you can't catch fish if you're resorting to shrimp and lobster!!! :mooning: :rotflmao:

J/K looks awesome, even boars food!! :happy1:

Yeah, but don't tell the wife where I got the lobsters from....  :evil:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/05/23, 05:11:56 PM
 :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on June 06/05/23, 06:02:16 PM
Secret is safe!  ;) :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/05/23, 06:07:36 PM
At least you didn't  get crabs from them... :whistling:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/06/23, 06:44:48 PM
Pretty simple pretty tasty. Chicken patties, one with BBG sauce and mine has parmesan garlic sauce fro m buffalo wild wings. Salad and korr noodles.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/07/23, 02:35:57 PM
Looks good Glenn,  just did a buncha wings in the same parmesan sauce ourselves!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on June 06/07/23, 03:18:50 PM
Smoked Porketta roast fresh off the Reqtec.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/07/23, 03:22:04 PM
looks great Copperman!!!   where did you score your porketta??   if I may ask....   never smoked one before, I might have to now!!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on June 06/07/23, 03:42:30 PM
looks great Copperman!!!   where did you score your porketta??   if I may ask....   never smoked one before, I might have to now!!!!
Got it a Super One. A couple hours at 225 then up to 350 to crisp the outside. Pulled  at 145 degree.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/07/23, 04:50:53 PM
Man that looks splendid coopy. :happy1: I just seen one of those in the reduced price bin at the store Monday.

Just cut up the third watermelon of the summer, it might make it till noon Friday. :sleazy: but that will require some self control. :smoking:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/07/23, 04:58:40 PM
All I can say Coop is WOW!  That looks great! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/07/23, 05:31:55 PM
looks great Copperman!!!   where did you score your porketta??   if I may ask....   never smoked one before, I might have to now!!!!
Got it a Super One. A couple hours at 225 then up to 350 to crisp the outside. Pulled  at 145 degree.
so coopy if you did that on a pellet grill.........how would a smoker or charcoal grill work?????? i gotta try one of them.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/07/23, 06:19:18 PM
looks great Copperman!!!   where did you score your porketta??   if I may ask....   never smoked one before, I might have to now!!!!
Got it a Super One. A couple hours at 225 then up to 350 to crisp the outside. Pulled  at 145 degree.

Brainerd???   and thanks!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on June 06/08/23, 10:52:41 AM
looks great Copperman!!!   where did you score your porketta??   if I may ask....   never smoked one before, I might have to now!!!!
Got it a Super One. A couple hours at 225 then up to 350 to crisp the outside. Pulled  at 145 degree.
so coopy if you did that on a pellet grill.........how would a smoker or charcoal grill
work?????? i gotta try one of them.

Yes, Brainerd.
Should work pretty much the same on the grill, the smoker too if it can that hot, otherwise finish in the oven.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/08/23, 11:27:29 AM
thank you kind sir!!!     :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/08/23, 03:43:50 PM
Yes that looks dynamite coop!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/08/23, 06:44:47 PM
Yes that looks dynamite coop!

Hey Cooperman, are they using pork butts or pork loins???   I really want to try one from there!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on June 06/09/23, 08:20:46 AM
Yes that looks dynamite coop!

Hey Cooperman, are they using pork butts or pork loins???   I really want to try one from there!!!
Mike, I guess I don’t know for sure, I think there usually made with pork shoulder?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/09/23, 08:30:56 AM
Yes that looks dynamite coop!

Hey Cooperman, are they using pork butts or pork loins???   I really want to try one from there!!!
Mike, I guess I don’t know for sure, I think there usually made with pork shoulder?

yes they are but I seen Super one's ad and the picture looked like a loin!!!     so I had to ask!!!   next time they have them on sale I might drive up to Brainerd and do some shoping.... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on June 06/09/23, 11:52:56 AM
We’ve had porketta loins from Super One in Grand Rapids snd in Hibbing.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/10/23, 07:43:29 AM
We’ve had porketta loins from Super One in Grand Rapids snd in Hibbing.

I find that interesting, only because I have only seen pork butts used to make them...  I'll have to find and try one made that way..... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: deadeye on June 06/10/23, 08:03:13 AM
Last Thursday a friend of dakids and I, took us fishing on Lake Superior. We did great boating many lake trout and a coho salmon. I cooked the salmon on the grill last night. It was great. Gotta do this again.

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2023/06/10/IMG_2936-R.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/IMG-2936-R.zcsZ)

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Scenic on June 06/10/23, 08:18:27 AM
Salmon looks great.  I am getting that urge to head back to Superior. 

Porkette pictured appears to be made from the loin.  Looks great.   I prefer to make them from Loins as they are a lot less fatty.  Normally I pick up a whole loin and season them myself.

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/10/23, 08:23:09 AM
That is cool as heck. Beautiful fish!  Nice pics of all of you too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/10/23, 09:47:31 AM
those do look good........deadeye..........appears to be alot of seasonings........can i ask what you all put on it??????/ is the skin still on or is it filleted off????

i'll grill pike fillets with skin off similar to your salmon. always put sliced lemons on it. i do walleye fillets with skin on and no foil, also with lemon sliced on top!!!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: deadeye on June 06/11/23, 07:40:11 AM
glenn57, yes, there is a lot of seasoning on the salmon. I guess it's because last week I smoked some lake trout using a dry rub brine which you cover the fish with a good layer of "brine" and maybe that spilled over a bit when I did the salmon.  :rotflmao:. I used the rub in the picture but also melted a little butter with some brown sugar and dripped that on top before it set for a half hour prior to cooking on the grill. The filets had the skin on. I was pretty simple to do. Put in tinfoil, and cooked about half an hour at 375 degrees.

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2023/06/11/IMG_2958.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/IMG-2958.zCN7)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/13/23, 04:45:12 PM
Check this out.  https://youtu.be/knhueWc7SFc
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/13/23, 06:22:27 PM
very interesting!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on June 06/13/23, 06:36:27 PM
Very interesting for sure.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Scenic on June 06/14/23, 01:18:53 AM
Well that’s different but makes sense. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/14/23, 07:11:14 AM
I could see brushing some on a nice steak on the grill. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/14/23, 07:50:49 AM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on June 06/14/23, 01:48:45 PM
Anchor Inn in NE Minneapolis deep fried their fish in it. Good stuff.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/15/23, 07:03:44 PM
Tough to beat old school,  thick cut ribeyes over ash and maple. Besides the dogs go crazy licking the grate clean afterwards.  Beware tho Glenn,  they have some searage.. :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on June 06/15/23, 07:25:24 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/15/23, 07:37:36 PM
hot dang that looks mighty fine Bobber!!!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/15/23, 09:39:11 PM
Oooo...gotta love it. Mrs. Boober must've gone primal on ya upon seeing that. :smoking:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/17/23, 10:57:14 AM
Was on the run thru town after scouting fields yesterday afternoon.  Grabbed some burger & some thinner cut chops so they'd get done on the grill about the same time. Wife was distracted by some online sheep auction so I was able to fly under the radar undetected.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/18/23, 01:21:31 PM
Took out a ribeye and a bag of our frozen green beans for later on.  Looking forward to it too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/19/23, 07:19:32 PM
Was supposed to be Saturday night chow at the cabin. Hickory chips thrown on the coals!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/19/23, 08:58:37 PM
Nice searing... :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/19/23, 09:07:12 PM
Nice searing... :coffee:
:rotflmao: :mooning: that's the hickory chips!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on June 06/20/23, 07:36:51 AM
Nice searing... :coffee:
:shocked:          ;) :rolleyes: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/20/23, 05:15:40 PM
Just saw this gal make some great and easy meals on her pellet grill.  girlgonegrilling  Katherine Salom. Could do them in the oven too.  Hit the Youtube one for the best recipes. Then go to the shorts.  Short videos. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/20/23, 05:20:33 PM
Just saw this gal make some great and easy meals on her pellet grill.  girlgonegrilling  Katherine Salom. Could do them in the oven too.  Hit the Youtube one for the best recipes.
Is she nekkid lps?  :rotflmao: :happy1: Hey that chicken looks wonerful Glenn,  I gotta do some.. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/20/23, 05:21:48 PM
No but she is fun to look at.  Along with the food. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/20/23, 06:45:47 PM
Glenn will be checking her out!!!!!!!     :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/22/23, 06:51:37 PM
Momma and her misfit friends headed out a while ago for the Alabama concert,  would be a good time but glad I won't hear the cladder coming otta these women.  Sooo Remi and I whipped up some homemade Zas that hit the pellet grill! Not too bad but the crust got kinda crunchy..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/22/23, 06:54:07 PM
Ok, WTH  is going on, that's like my 5th pic that went sideways,  never did that before the server change... I even downsized it to small???
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/22/23, 06:57:20 PM
1 for you.....2 for Remi??????? gawd i hope them black things aint what i think they are!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

did you use katchup for the sauce??? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

seriously looks mighty fine there bud!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/22/23, 07:08:25 PM
1 for you.....2 for Remi??????? gawd i hope them black things aint what i think they are!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

did you use katchup for the sauce??? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

seriously looks mighty fine there bud!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:

here ya are Glenn!!!!   

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/22/23, 08:02:22 PM
We can click on it and it will be upright.  I hit the pic and then edit and they just correct one side in a little and it will be upright every time.  HD said if his phone is sideways it is upright I think. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/22/23, 08:08:52 PM
I can't believe they didn't slide off the grates!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/23/23, 07:32:30 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/23/23, 05:13:08 PM
Ok trying this pic thing again,  burnt brats just the way Glenn likes em!!  :happy1: we had a small rain shower come thru so the gas tailgater got the nod... Ps,  had to lean forward but I can still see my feet... ;)

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/23/23, 05:15:40 PM
 Uhg... :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/23/23, 06:30:42 PM
had a weber like that and loved it!!!   great little grill!!!     and the brats look great too!!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/23/23, 06:38:09 PM
 :rotflmao: hey ya need to build a good shed over the tools! :happy1:

Brats looks perfect! :rotflmao: where the katchup  :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/23/23, 06:48:18 PM
secret sauce!!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/23/23, 06:50:59 PM
Nice looking brats. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/23/23, 09:33:04 PM
Hope you've been doing windsprints as part of yer therapy boober. Wear 'em down so they'll leave ya alone and you can get yer rest... :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on June 06/24/23, 08:09:21 PM
Bbq ginger chicken and twice baked tater. Oh uum

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/24/23, 08:15:24 PM
Plantenbergs smoke bratwurst. I decided to whip up a batch of tater salad to go with it  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on June 06/26/23, 05:42:06 PM
Going back a couple weeks to the porketta talk— picked up one from Super One Grand Rapids. They had shoulders already made up, but we picked out good looking loin and asked them to doctor it up. Going on the grill tonight.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/26/23, 06:01:48 PM
Plantenbergs smoke bratwurst. I decided to whip up a batch of tater salad to go with it  :happy1:
Looks good Glenn,  even tho the katchup bottle tipped over trying to escape!  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/26/23, 06:56:50 PM
Going back a couple weeks to the porketta talk— picked up one from Super One Grand Rapids. They had shoulders already made up, but we picked out good looking loin and asked them to doctor it up. Going on the grill tonight.

next sale I'm going there to get some!!!   bet it turns out great!!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/26/23, 07:17:29 PM
Plantenbergs smoke bratwurst. I decided to whip up a batch of tater salad to go with it  :happy1:
Looks good Glenn,  even tho the katchup bottle tipped over trying to escape!  ;)
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea was pretty much a dead soldier . but i had another ready to rock!!!!1 :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on June 06/26/23, 08:06:53 PM
Going back a couple weeks to the porketta talk— picked up one from Super One Grand Rapids. They had shoulders already made up, but we picked out good looking loin and asked them to doctor it up. Going on the grill tonight.

next sale I'm going there to get some!!!   bet it turns out great!!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
The porketta was excellent. Probably could have come off the grill two minutes sooner, but it was still delicious. Served with green beans, baked potatoes, and corn on the cob. I usually try to avoid corn on the cob until late July but my wife is impatient. Still, it wasn’t bad. Lots of good porketta sandwiches with lettuce and mayonnaise in the next few days. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/26/23, 08:22:00 PM
Yea pictures or it didn't happen, right boober!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/27/23, 07:38:36 PM
Pike fillets on the grill!! :hubba:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/01/23, 10:14:02 PM
Finally! Got the elf burgers made after picking up all the sticks under the bitch tree!  :embarrassed: Roasted garlic & herb seasoning, some peas & Mrs. G's Mac salad. Also upping my dosage of anti-malaria medication after reading it was found in the US. Can never be too careful. Mighty lean elf so wish I'd taken it off a few minutes sooner. Mrs. Cheviot still gone so no evasive maneuvers necessary.  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/02/23, 07:00:00 AM
Nice looking burgers. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/02/23, 07:01:05 AM
well the elf do look great!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/02/23, 08:17:55 AM
Look yummy!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: roony on July 07/02/23, 09:12:35 AM
Brats and Asparagus for lunch, grilling a few Anaheim peppers with them. Burgers tonight. No garden tomatoes for a while.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/02/23, 09:21:36 AM
Brats and Asparagus for lunch, grilling a few Anaheim peppers with them. Burgers tonight. No garden tomatoes for a while.

same here!!  Brats for lunch, burgers for supper too!!!

change in plans, grill the burgers tomorrow!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/02/23, 01:52:19 PM
When at the County we used to have a cook out for occasions.  One of the guys had me slitting and cleaning out the Anaheims.  Then filled them with shredded cheese and wrapped each with cheap thin bacon.  Put them on the grill and I will never forget how good they were. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/02/23, 04:32:52 PM
Just shredded cheese lps? Dang Dotch you like living on the edge! She'll have sniffer going and poppy will throw you under the bus when she arrives... :surrender: . Me, we're having burglars also tonight but thankfully ma and pa are with us lakeside so I'll have extra eyes watching closely... :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/03/23, 06:21:34 PM
Gonna try this pic stuff again.  Yeah I lost the battle of grilling so momma has homemade scalloped taters going paired with the ham steak and fresh Zookini.  Was pretty stinking tasty!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/03/23, 06:31:19 PM
looks tasty too!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/04/23, 08:15:47 AM
Getting hungry just looking at it!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/04/23, 08:18:13 AM
I am guessing boober is still tied to the bed with Mrs. Boober doing unspeakable things to him... :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/04/23, 08:19:34 AM
Hot dang that looks awesome!! :happy1: I gotta do one of them ham steaks. Been way too long. :confused:

I'll omit the zookini, that's made for a cake!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/04/23, 09:46:58 PM
Lamborgers seasoned with Cavenders tonite. Still had some of them fancy buns left from the elf burgers so couldn't resist. Mrs. G's slaw and mac salad, along with cool ranch Doritos & Mrs. G's SW dip. The wife wanted my buns but luckily adding those fartleks to my training regimen paid huge dividends. Just as she was about to make her move I turned on the afterburners.  :happy1: 

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/11/23, 09:45:53 PM
Snuck this past the Mrs. who was more concerned about heading to Waseca on a 4-H mission than anything else. More for me!  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/12/23, 08:34:28 AM
Looks like you nailed it Dotch.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/12/23, 09:34:22 AM
Amazing how chicken prices have come down. Think I paid $4.10 for that package of chicken thighs. I'll be able to nosh on that for most of the week. Reminds me, I need to pick up a couple farm raised whole chickens I ordered from a guy. Should be some good eats!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/12/23, 04:28:42 PM
He sure did nail it lps, don't let him fool ya, the Mrs. probably did also!!!  :happy1: ;) looks dynamite as always Dotch!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: KEN W on July 07/13/23, 07:42:37 AM
Those look pretty good. I would love those. Wife not so much. She is a white meat eater.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: markn on July 07/13/23, 08:42:16 AM
Just cut this lion up yesterday. Not on the grill yet, but soon. Got 19 steaks out of it. :happy1: :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/13/23, 08:45:08 AM
nice looking steaks!!!  where did ya score that at???   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: markn on July 07/13/23, 08:48:45 AM
Eldons last fall. $100.10 for that one. Bought three of them. Those 19 steaks were all 1” thick too. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/13/23, 08:50:03 AM
Very nice.  I love doing that. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/13/23, 09:37:50 AM
We need to update our freezer capacity. A 10 cu. ft. chest type freezer is OK but doesn't hold nearly enough. Would like to add an upright type so we could take advantage of some of the high quality beef our friends and neighbors are raising locally. The guy I bought the whole chickens from yesterday has 4 left for sale. The one's I got were just beautiful so thinking I might score those too. Even if we didn't eat all of them they'd make nice gifts for friends.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/13/23, 09:59:39 AM
just remember an upright freezer is harder to keep if the power goes out for any length of time...  but they are easier to keep track of your foods!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/13/23, 10:25:57 AM
We need to update our freezer capacity. A 10 cu. ft. chest type freezer is OK but doesn't hold nearly enough. Would like to add an upright type so we could take advantage of some of the high quality beef our friends and neighbors are raising locally. The guy I bought the whole chickens from yesterday has 4 left for sale. The one's I got were just beautiful so thinking I might score those too. Even if we didn't eat all of them they'd make nice gifts for friends.
well HELLO..........you could finally mail me something worthwhile!!!!!!!! :confused: :confused: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/13/23, 11:03:57 AM
just remember an upright freezer is harder to keep if the power goes out for any length of time...  but they are easier to keep track of your foods!!!   

Good information. Hopefully we're home, the tractor starts & the 25 KW generator works.  :happy1:

Mailman to glenn: "You might wanna tell yer buddy to double wrap this stuff so it doesn't get all over my vehicle next time. Kinda smells like chicken or used to. Oh yeah, you owe me $15 in postage due."  :whistling:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/13/23, 12:24:27 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/13/23, 01:13:04 PM
grilled a burger for lunch, perfect medium!!!!   urp!!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: KEN W on July 07/13/23, 03:32:36 PM
Ah......what does lion taste like???? :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/13/23, 03:44:01 PM
tiger meat is raw, this a lite pink in the center...  and yes I have had tiger years ago...  great with a slab of onion....
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: markn on July 07/13/23, 05:48:01 PM
Ah......what does lion taste like???? :confused:

Sorry, loin. My  version of boarsoness.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/13/23, 05:54:31 PM
Ah......what does lion taste like???? :confused:

 ;)Sorry, loin. My  version of boarsoness.
:rotflmao:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: KEN W on July 07/13/23, 06:20:45 PM
Ah......what does lion taste like???? :confused:

Sorry, loin. My  version of boarsoness.

I know......just couldn't pass up asking.  :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/14/23, 05:02:31 AM
Ah......what does lion taste like???? :confused:

Sorry, loin. My  version of boarsoness.

I know......just couldn't pass up asking.  :happy1: :happy1:
Yup. Because we are all so darn helpful around here.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/14/23, 06:39:42 AM
^^^^ got that right JB!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/16/23, 03:30:16 PM
When I was a kid our neighbor lady would eat a blob of raw burger when she was making burger patties for the family.  I think she just salted it and ate it.  No way for me.  She called it tiger meat then. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/16/23, 04:45:03 PM
Our old neighbors used to do that lps, turned us on to raw meat n crackers, not bad but store bought meat wouldn't cut it. Almost done!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/18/23, 06:54:01 PM
I didn't have much time in my busy afternoon schedule but Momma wanted steaks, your on I said! Remi and I  had to stop watching the clouds go by but we gotter done. Fresh picked beans n spuds to boot, thinking if I grab the recliner afterwards and swat her with my running shoes she should get the hint.... :surrender:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/18/23, 06:57:11 PM
Hoping I didn't ruin this NY Strip.   :sleazy:

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2023/07/19/IMG_1949.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/IMG-1949.pUuF)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/18/23, 07:12:32 PM
looks darn good guys!!!   LPS is that for the Grandson???   ya might need more than!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/18/23, 07:26:21 PM
Hard to beat tacos or burritos made at home but I do have the urge to hit Taco Bell.  Haven't been to one in many years.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/18/23, 08:52:07 PM
Boy I'll say. They both look excellent. Nice job of searing as well. The Mrs. will have you worn to a nub boober. I find that Taco Bell & Taco John's eliminate any  need for stool softener Barry.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/19/23, 06:52:06 AM
I see today is National hotdog day!!!   fire up the grills!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: HD on July 07/22/23, 04:48:11 PM
Piggy steaks with a side of pasta salad..... It's what's for supper.....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/22/23, 05:12:43 PM
Looks good bud  :happy1: nicely placed burn marks;! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/22/23, 06:02:13 PM
Very nice.  I like meat and I like salads too.  Very much. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/22/23, 07:11:10 PM
prepping baby back ribs for the smoker tomorrow...   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/29/23, 09:41:58 PM
Brought the load of hay home, did chores & decided it was time to sling hash. Had thawed some center cuts in anticipation of a busy upcoming week. The Mrs. brought home HyVee tater salad & Mrs. G's slaw. Toss in some sweet corn & supper was served. Was able to outlast the Mrs. Wore her down then left her in the dust with my kick to finish.  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/29/23, 09:46:35 PM
 :happy1: awe my favorite knife!! :rotflmao: the one thing Ive anxiously ben looking in the mail for. :confused: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Ok I'll go to bed now. :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/29/23, 09:59:02 PM
Yes officer. Can't figure it out. All they took in the break in was my Pioneer steak knife collection. Who would do such a thing?... :scratch: :confused: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/30/23, 08:57:47 AM
 :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :scratch: :angel: :angel: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/05/23, 04:18:25 PM
Saw a family pkg of porketta type of chicken thighs so I grabbed them.  Gonna put them on the Daniel Boone in awhile.  Really looking forward to it.  Haven't used Dan for quite awhile.  Preheat to 400 and put the thighs on for 45-50 minutes.  Don't even turn them.  Turn out awesome every time.  Well done but juicy. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/05/23, 07:00:13 PM
dats a new one and I'll was good!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/06/23, 08:32:06 AM
Turned out great.  Real good too!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/06/23, 07:03:11 PM
Full now!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/06/23, 07:08:26 PM
 :scratch: :doah: Your ALWAYS full................................of somethin!!  :sleazy: :evil: :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/06/23, 07:14:16 PM
 :confused: :pouty: :tut: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/06/23, 07:15:29 PM
Are those pork chops?  They look great!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/06/23, 07:19:20 PM
Are those pork chops?  They look great!

maybe lamb chops!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/06/23, 07:39:18 PM
Yes pork chops.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on August 08/07/23, 09:13:34 AM
Nice sear on the chops.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/07/23, 10:47:55 AM
Nice sear on the chops.
burned katchup!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/07/23, 10:51:45 AM
Nice sear on the chops.
burned katchup!!!
:bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :rotflmao: :tut: :tut: :tut: Paparika adds i nice tint to pork and chicken!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/07/23, 11:23:42 AM
store had 4 5oz burgers for #3.99 today, going  to grill one for lunch today!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/07/23, 11:47:41 AM
store had 4 5oz burgers for #3.99 today, going  to grill one for lunch today!!!
dont forget to put some "burnt ketchup" on it!!!  :mooning: :doofus: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/07/23, 11:50:33 AM
they were ground chuck burgers too!!!    with BBQ sauce!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on August 08/08/23, 03:34:11 PM
Smoked stuffex meatloaf ala' patty melt and baby backs

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/08/23, 03:50:30 PM
 :happy1: :happy1: i've said it before........that Lori is a hellofa cook!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/08/23, 04:28:16 PM
Looks awesome!!  Good job. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/08/23, 06:32:45 PM
yes it does look very good!!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: KEN W on August 08/09/23, 07:09:39 AM
Those look edible. Nice job. :smiley: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/10/23, 10:09:10 AM
Squeezed in enough time to grill some brats last nite. Were the store brand so wasn't sure what to expect. Grilled indirect & reverse seared to see what all the fuss over that was all about. Pleasantly surprised, decent brats that were nice & juicy. After evasive maneuvers, the Mrs. stopped pawing me long enough so I could eat.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/10/23, 06:42:52 PM
Who you trying to fool Dotch,  after a performance like that your all scratched up, especially the back!! :sleazy:  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/10/23, 06:49:30 PM
Who you trying to fool Dotch,  after a performance like that your all scratched up, especially the back!! :sleazy:  :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: let's just hope it was fingernails not toenails!! :doah: :shocked: :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on August 08/13/23, 12:23:32 PM
Smoked stuffed meatloaf! Spead jalopeno cream cheese. Sautead mushrooms green pepps onions, high temp cheedar, thick sliced bacon chunked up. tootise rolled up.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/13/23, 01:18:49 PM
Wowser Boar, that's like a meatloaf fatty, I like it!!! I gotta write that one down!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/13/23, 02:03:03 PM
Looks awesome boar but cross that off the list of things to make here. I'd be tied to the bed for a week after a performance like that!  :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/13/23, 02:18:34 PM
Looks awesome boar but cross that off the list of things to make here. I'd be tied to the bed for a week after a performance like that!  :hubba:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: mayhaps i should make then then!!!!!!!!!  :happy1: i'd have no issue being tied the the bed!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :smoking: :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on August 08/13/23, 03:36:17 PM
Wth yu talking bout. Cooking with  mushrooms again?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/13/23, 04:37:14 PM
Wth yu talking bout. Cooking with  mushrooms again?
:surrender: :coffee: :scratch: :doah: what you been smoking>>>>>>
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on August 08/13/23, 05:10:27 PM
Nope, dont smoke

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/13/23, 05:28:11 PM
 :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/13/23, 05:54:10 PM
Nope, dont smoke
maybe you should!! :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on August 08/13/23, 06:24:51 PM
Nope. Not gona.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/13/23, 06:34:21 PM
great looking meal Boar!!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/13/23, 06:52:50 PM
Nope. Not gona.
:scratch: well a while back you kept yapping about hippie weed! :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/13/23, 06:59:54 PM
hey Boar how much burger did ya have there??? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on August 08/14/23, 04:01:44 AM
About 3 lbs mike.!!
Hippie weed???? What?....oh that..i dont smoke it.....just a gummie now and then
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on August 08/14/23, 12:13:22 PM
This is next day set up.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: KEN W on August 08/16/23, 05:58:43 PM
My daughter's birthday today. Grandkids all wanted ribs for mom.
 :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/16/23, 06:16:44 PM
Some darn fine looking meals. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/16/23, 06:44:13 PM
good job Ken!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/22/23, 01:22:48 PM
wanted a burger for lunch, it was really getting humid...   but got my burger!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/28/23, 07:53:34 PM
Burgers on the grill, made Glenn's special way!! With maters.and cukes.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/28/23, 07:56:27 PM
Izzat searing I see?  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/28/23, 07:59:02 PM
Izzat searing I see?  :scratch:
:rotflmao: maybe! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/01/23, 01:56:27 PM
Got done working on the binder last nite and did chores. Since I'd been marinating them a few days, grilled some center cut chops. No Mrs. to chase me around so got a reprieve in that dept. Mrs. G's mac salad, stuff out of the garden with vintage car and tractor porn to read. Now that's livin'... :coffee:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/02/23, 10:43:59 PM
A couple strippers calling my name yesterday so had to bring them home with me. Celebrated the last nite of freedom until the 12th when the Mrs. takes off again. Hopefully the exercise regimen that boober used to outrun grizzlies and bison will keep me ahead of her in the interim. Lotsa garden goodies & Mrs. G's slaw. Hit the steaks a perfect medium. Not bad for the Braille method. :cool:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/03/23, 08:30:05 AM
and there it is!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: NO  not the booze bottles!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:

looks good bud!!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/03/23, 08:18:28 PM
Did a couple cashwise kaboobers!! :happy1:

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/04/23, 02:23:07 PM
Great looking spreads fellas!! Yepper Dotch when it comes to Grizzlies,  Bison or Claws it pays to stay limber,  never no what way you'll be diving,  cutting or leaping from danger....Good job!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/14/23, 12:40:16 PM
grilled up a bacon wrapped jalapeno cheddar brat for lunch,  new one to me and darn good!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: markn on September 09/15/23, 08:09:02 PM
Ribs and baked tators. Happy birthday to me. :happy1: :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/15/23, 09:14:07 PM
Do you go till yours get to a certain temp Markn? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: markn on September 09/16/23, 07:17:29 AM
I did check them after an hour in tin foil. Temp was 167. I tried three hours of smoke at 180 to 200 degrees and then wrapped them and set temp at 250 for an hour. Unwrapped and cooked them open for 20 minutes to dry them off a bit. Rub was mustard then brown sugar topped off with Jack Daniels pork rub. No BBQ sauce was applied. :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/16/23, 07:56:02 AM
Happy belated birthday Mark!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/16/23, 08:03:55 AM
Same here Mark.  Hope you had a good one.  I did the smoke and wrap till my ribs hit 195 ish.  Still not real tender like they should be.  Kind of overcooked.  Now I saw a video and this guy does them till 185.   I will try that the next time. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/20/23, 10:39:36 PM
Hadta get some chicky squeezed in before the Mrs. got back from MA. Fished a few veggies out of the garden including the sweet corn I arm-wrestled the raccoons for. Coated the chicken w/some Sweet & Smokey rub & grilled indirect or about 3 G&T's worth.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/21/23, 07:25:05 AM
Great looking plate of vittles there Dotch.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/21/23, 11:28:07 AM
 :scratch: :scratch: so Mrs Cheviot dont like grilled chicky?????  :doah: :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/21/23, 06:12:31 PM
Looks great Dotch!! You lucked out with no claws in town,  me not so much and mommas looks unpainted and long... I'll see your chicken and raise ya a couple of quarters!! Chit here she comes, Seeeeeeee yaaaa!!

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/21/23, 06:18:28 PM
Looks great Dotch!! You lucked out with no claws in town,  me not so much and mommas looks unpainted and long... I'll see your chicken and raise ya a couple of quarters!! Chit here she comes, Seeeeeeee yaaaa!!
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/22/23, 09:52:47 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRYFKcMa_Ek   (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRYFKcMa_Ek)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/22/23, 09:55:08 AM
went to get the .99 chicken thighs and they were out..   good thing for rain checks!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/22/23, 10:03:01 AM
I think they have some at Cash Wise in Owatonna. I could mail them to you... :rotflmao:

Had leftover chicky thighs last nite. Good leftovers.  :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/01/23, 07:50:48 PM
Pork loin chops, taters fried in butter and onions. Beans! :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/01/23, 08:22:15 PM
Yes those are "burn" marks! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/01/23, 08:48:03 PM
Looks darn good Glenn.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/02/23, 07:24:20 PM
Rib eyes hash browns and to hoping Mikes procedure goes well we had his favorite veggie!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on October 10/02/23, 07:33:47 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/02/23, 07:35:19 PM
:doah: :puke: :puke: :puke: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

brussel sprouts!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/05/23, 05:59:13 PM
Ring around the Rosie!! Ha some of you will be singing the rest  :rotflmao: :happy1: . Gotta do something with the jalapenos,  many more to go. Usually leave a few seeds in a few for Jalopeno roulette if you will, the wife isn't amused Usually.  Anywho they got paired with Gyros tonight, looking forward to leftovers tomorrow!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/05/23, 06:10:30 PM
Boober, do you fill the inside with anything?? DONT say olives or cottage cheese  :confused: :tut:

Even with the bacon I'd try them.  :rolleyes: wouldn't fly with my bride.  :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/05/23, 06:27:00 PM
Cottage cheese huh?? Maybe next time!  ;) Nuttin special for filling,  cream cheese, finely shredded cheese and garlic powder.  The next day they get gobbled down cold, good stuff.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/06/23, 07:24:23 AM
My wife isn't into very hot stuff but she loves the jalapeno poppers. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on October 10/15/23, 09:55:35 AM
Cooked a beef sirloin tri-tip with a venison sirloin and bottom round toast caveman style yesterday - meat direct on wood fire hot coals.  The ven sirloin got a bit overdone, but over all it worked. 

I forgot to get pics when the meat was in the fire - too much going on, but here are the results.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/15/23, 10:01:29 AM
looks great Steve!!   good eating left overs!!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on October 10/15/23, 10:19:47 AM
Had a bunch of guys get together.  What are these left over things you speak of?  :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on October 10/15/23, 10:26:28 AM
Cottage cheese huh?? Maybe next time!  ;) Nuttin special for filling,  cream cheese, finely shredded cheese and garlic powder.  The next day they get gobbled down cold, good stuff.
Here's a new version I tried with some that I grew using egg roll wraps.  Air fried one bunch and deep fried another. Deep fried was a bit better.  Filled with cream cheese, shredded cheese and bacon.  Next batch I'm goes to try using whole stuffed jalapenos instead of just half.  I liked the way the wrap kept all the cheese in!  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/15/23, 10:42:35 AM
Good job Leech.  Reminds me I need to make some poppers too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/15/23, 10:45:14 AM
Had a bunch of guys get together.  What are these left over things you speak of?  :confused:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/15/23, 02:11:24 PM
Caveman style, I like it Steve-o! How many times did you roll them over? Leech that's a great idea for poppers,  I ran it by the mrs. to try next.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on October 10/15/23, 05:01:55 PM
Every 7 munutes to start.  Every 4 as they got close.  Instant read thermometer is a must.  I learned a lot.  I really didn't have good enough coal base and i kept having to move the meat looking for hot sports.  That is when the venison sirloin went over.  Definately worth trying.  Any ash brushes right off.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/19/23, 07:52:08 PM
Just chicken patties and fries!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/20/23, 07:35:49 AM
We used to always have them on hand but forgot about them.  Will have to get stocked up on them again.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/20/23, 06:00:03 PM
I'll see your microwave patties and raise you some ties, paired with  Somalian melting bacon wrapped taters!!  :nerd:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/20/23, 06:21:45 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/20/23, 07:02:58 PM
Hope boober ate his Wheaties... :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/20/23, 07:08:33 PM
I'll see your microwave patties and raise you some ties, paired with  Somalian melting bacon wrapped taters!!  :nerd:

dang near sounds like Boaranse!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

looks real good Bobber!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Scenic on October 10/20/23, 09:15:28 PM
Not exactly grilled but tried something new to me.  Tried creamed garlic and smoked salmon with pasta tonight.  Was actually pretty good.   

Sorry for the bad pic.  I did not see the light reflection until I was done eating it. 

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2023/10/21/IMG_20231020_203320959.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/IMG-20231020-203320959.bTNM)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/23/23, 12:58:28 PM
Got down to the last chop & forgot I hadn't clicked a pic. Lamb chops on the Weber w/Smokehouse Maple seasoning. 5 minutes/side using the Braille method. Buttercup squash nuked & 'maters. All raised at our little farm & brought to Canada 🇨🇦

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/23/23, 01:24:57 PM
got to get me some squash!!   farm just down the road sells them..   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/23/23, 02:06:53 PM
Quality so far has been excellent. This year's buttercups are so sweet and nice textured. Almost don't need butter on them but it is sacrilege w/o that and pepper. Seemed like it was their kind of growing season, dry and warm.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on October 10/23/23, 02:08:04 PM
I only recently started learning how to grill and it's going great so far! I've made a couple steaks and grilled some pork chops last weekend and it's all been delicious! My next attempt should be chicken but I'm a little more nervous at cooking that on the grill. I did buy a meat thermometer so I can make sure stuff is done before eating.  :surrender: :smiley:

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2023/10/23/steak-on-the-grill-ala-Sharon.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/steak-on-the-grill-ala-Sharon.sKPP)
(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2023/10/23/porkchops-on-the-grill-ala-Sharon.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/porkchops-on-the-grill-ala-Sharon.sLKX)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/23/23, 02:10:54 PM
Looks great.  Yes an instant thermometer is mandatory now that I have used them.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/23/23, 02:18:52 PM
 :happy1: looks good, but I won't mention it.... yet! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/23/23, 02:35:14 PM
looks darn good Sharon!!  yes meat thermometers are a great asset!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on October 10/23/23, 03:36:52 PM
Hope boober ate his Wheaties... :doah:
I don't know if I would trust Wheaties. You see what they did to Jenner.  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/23/23, 04:35:14 PM
Hope boober ate his Wheaties... :doah:
I don't know if I would trust Wheaties. You see what they did to Jenner.  ;)
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

yea them Wheaties made him a Jennifer!!!!!! :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/23/23, 06:15:07 PM
Hope boober ate his Wheaties... :doah:
I don't know if I would trust Wheaties. You see what they did to Jenner.  ;)
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

yea them Wheaties made him a Jennifer!!!!!! :bonk:
Ha you funny guy!! I take that back on da other thread Glenn,  I zigged when I shoulda zagged.. looks great Sharon and welcome aboard.  Momma picked me up a Taylor made meat thermometer  and it's instant on temp, fast I was impressed.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: tumhoefer on October 10/25/23, 04:05:54 PM
Only my second brisket ever that I smoked.  Was pretty tasty.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on October 10/25/23, 04:31:10 PM
Hope boober ate his Wheaties... :doah:
I don't know if I would trust Wheaties. You see what they did to Jenner.  ;)
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

yea them Wheaties made him a Jennifer!!!!!! :bonk:
um, I think that was weenies!   :bonk:   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jrasmussen on October 10/26/23, 03:26:30 PM
:happy1: looks good, but I won't mention it.... yet! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Glenn your letting her off the hook to easy. I suppose it's a new crowd to us, so we could use a little forgiveness.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/26/23, 04:10:55 PM
Only my second brisket ever that I smoked.  Was pretty tasty.

I still have a brisket on my bucket list.  Was it juicy?  I worry about drying them out.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: tumhoefer on October 10/26/23, 07:04:42 PM
I am a ROOKIE at this - left it smoking at 225 til it hit 209 ( 4-5 degrees higher than I should have let it go) The "flat"  ( pros correct me...) is leaner and therefore cooked a little drier than I would  like - cut it into 1/4" strips and could still pull those apart with a fork
( the bigger squarer piece) the other end, the "point"  was pull apart with a fork from the get go.  I left about a 1/4" of fat on and put them in fat side up.
wrapped in two layers of foil and put in the oven ( which was off - you could use a cooler too) and it continues to cook and will soak some of the moisture back up
Refilled the water pan every 3 hours.
Sea salt and pepper rub ( not too heavy) and mustard on top of that and a little more sea salt and pepper.
Apple chips with the charcoal.
Cant wait to do a pork roast.
We do beef shoulders, semi freeze them and cut 1/8" slices off and have a teriyaki marinade we use and smoke it. They are about 4" in diameter.  225 for 3 hours NO MORE - friggin great!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/26/23, 07:15:49 PM
sounds good to me!!   I would share it with ya!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/27/23, 06:56:15 AM
Thanks for all of that info Tums.  I like to see  how everyone does their smoking.  Good education. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/27/23, 06:59:48 AM
This is my steak whilst the wife isn't home project.  Perfectly done, with green beans with mozarella cheese and butter on them. 

 (https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2023/10/27/IMG_2104.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/IMG-2104.za36)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: roony on October 10/27/23, 08:03:42 AM
(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2023/10/27/FB_IMG_1698411448092.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/FB-IMG-1698411448092.zfhb)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/27/23, 08:15:48 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:  Well done Roony. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/27/23, 08:39:03 AM
 :rotflmao: good one Roony.not sure which way I should take it. :scratch: :doah:

LPS, your livin on the edge being unsupervised. :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/27/23, 09:09:07 AM
As you can see I had started eating when I remembered to take a pic of the steak. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: tumhoefer on October 10/27/23, 12:16:35 PM
This is my steak whilst the wife isn't home project.  Perfectly done, with green beans with mozarella cheese and butter on them. 

 (https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2023/10/27/IMG_2104.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/IMG-2104.za36)

YUUUUMMMM  - on tonites menu.  Hope mine looks that good!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/27/23, 02:55:34 PM
I covered it with Montreal Steak seasonings.  Haven't done that in a long time.  Sure was good.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/27/23, 04:58:51 PM
That sucker looks dynamite lps!! I can't come close with grilled cheese n soup!  :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/28/23, 09:23:40 PM
During the Full Moon yet under the cover of darkness with the Mrs. being gone, Poppy & I manufactured pig steaks. Sweet & Smoky rub seared & slathered w/some hickory BBQ sauce, then grilled indirect. Used up some of the last of the fresh garden cukes & maters topped with glenn's fave, complimented w/rice pilaf. Hid all of the evidence & played dead when the wife got home...😴

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/29/23, 09:44:49 AM
Nice looking spread Dotch.  We are watching fishing shows and wondering what to have for supper.  Lot's of inspiration here.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/29/23, 01:24:55 PM
Nicely done Dotch! You best keep an eye out, one wif and the claws will come out!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/31/23, 06:26:38 PM
Great minds think a like Dotch,  and good fer me momma should be busy handing out candy to even think about pouncing.  Blade steaks, taters wrapped in bacon paired with a house salad. Might hafta fake stomach cramps until the kids arrive.. :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/31/23, 07:42:35 PM
That looks so good.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/01/23, 10:45:54 AM
Nummy! Them wimmens always bear watching when it comes to prime vittles. Can never be too wary.  :embarrassed:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/09/23, 05:56:15 PM
Good fer me the only claws in the house are the pooches til Sunday,  I did spoil him some and gave him a couple fries. Not quite Dotch dark fer grilling at 5 but it's coming!! I should be able to sit in peace tonight, that's unless the neighbor lady got a wif... :sad:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/09/23, 06:01:42 PM
Good fer me the only claws in the house are the pooches til Sunday,  I did spoil him some and gave him a couple fries. Not quite Dotch dark fer grilling at 5 but it's coming!! I should be able to sit in peace tonight, that's unless the neighbor lady got a wif... :sad:
your up in Inger feeding Gunners harrum. :scratch: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/09/23, 06:11:12 PM
I ordered some night vision goggles so you can grill undetected under the cover of darkness boober. Want me to order you a set ? I gotta head into town tomorrow anyway so I can mail some stuff glenn! 😄
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/09/23, 06:28:02 PM
Good fer me the only claws in the house are the pooches til Sunday,  I did spoil him some and gave him a couple fries. Not quite Dotch dark fer grilling at 5 but it's coming!! I should be able to sit in peace tonight, that's unless the neighbor lady got a wif... :sad:
your up in Inger feeding Gunners harrum. :scratch: :happy1:
Nope, kinda hard when your hoarding the herd sitting around da fire roasting marshmallows.. ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/11/23, 09:36:57 PM
Sometimes ya just gotta have one even if it's  dark out. Plus, it gave me a chance to try out these new night vision goggles with the Mrs. being gone until Thursday. I think they're  the same thing as those x-ray specs we used to send for out of the comic books. Sweet & Smokey rub on the T-bones, Fareway's mac & pea salad, corn, & buttercup squarsh. About knocked me out. Betting it'll easily put the Mrs. down for the count.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/12/23, 08:12:09 AM
Me and my buddies always wanted to get some of those specs so we could see through girls clothes like the ad said.  Never did get them.  Nice looking spread there.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/12/23, 04:24:54 PM
Looks fabulous Dotch!! You'll need those night vision goggles all right, to keep an eye out for barbwire fences as you fleeing...perfect sear!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/13/23, 06:26:46 PM
Pork steak, hash browns and beans!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/13/23, 06:44:10 PM
This past Saturday chow with my son. Venny tenderloins, back strap and all the fixins!! Fresh off the hoof!

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/13/23, 07:53:05 PM
i just wish i had a "special " knife to use!!!!!!!! :pouty: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/13/23, 09:33:52 PM

   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jZyAnp6O8Y   (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jZyAnp6O8Y)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/14/23, 09:32:31 AM

   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jZyAnp6O8Y   (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jZyAnp6O8Y)
:laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :nerd:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/14/23, 06:34:26 PM
Thought we try a new seasoning,  well new to us. Pretty good, buttery with some garlic. We tried it on pork steaks and now chicken ties,  pretty good chance the turkey day bird will be smothered with it. Looking forward to trying it on fish also. :happy1:

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/14/23, 06:45:23 PM
Thought we try a new seasoning,  well new to us. Pretty good, buttery with some garlic. We tried it on pork steaks and now chicken ties,  pretty good chance the turkey day bird will be smothered with it. Looking forward to trying it on fish also. :happy1:
:pouty: :bonk: :bonk: well..ya gonna tell us the seasoning........or what da hello!!!!!! :scratch: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/14/23, 06:49:16 PM
He doesn't want Mrs. boober to figure out what it is to avoid her coating him with it & licking him to death... :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/14/23, 06:51:01 PM
He doesn't want Mrs. boober to figure out what it is to avoid her coating him with it & licking him to death... :evil:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: valid point!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/14/23, 06:51:39 PM
Thought we try a new seasoning,  well new to us. Pretty good, buttery with some garlic. We tried it on pork steaks and now chicken ties,  pretty good chance the turkey day bird will be smothered with it. Looking forward to trying it on fish also. :happy1:
:pouty: :bonk: :bonk: well..ya gonna tell us the seasoning........or what da hello!!!!!! :scratch: :rotflmao:
Don't you see so well, it's in the first pic...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/14/23, 06:53:37 PM
Thought we try a new seasoning,  well new to us. Pretty good, buttery with some garlic. We tried it on pork steaks and now chicken ties,  pretty good chance the turkey day bird will be smothered with it. Looking forward to trying it on fish also. :happy1:
:pouty: :bonk: :bonk: well..ya gonna tell us the seasoning........or what da hello!!!!!! :scratch: :rotflmao:
Don't you see so well, it's in the first pic...
:rotflmao: guess not....... :rolleyes: i was looking at the main entree!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/14/23, 07:04:30 PM
where did ya find that Bobber???   sounds darn good!!     :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on November 11/14/23, 07:10:58 PM
Thought we try a new seasoning,  well new to us. Pretty good, buttery with some garlic. We tried it on pork steaks and now chicken ties,  pretty good chance the turkey day bird will be smothered with it. Looking forward to trying it on fish also. :happy1:
:pouty: :bonk: :bonk: well..ya gonna tell us the seasoning........or what da hello!!!!!! :scratch: :rotflmao:
Right, it's like one of them dang tikitoky videos where they get to the end and never show you it!!!   :mad1:   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/15/23, 04:12:26 AM
where did ya find that Bobber???   sounds darn good!!     :happy1: :happy1:
Wally world, they have 3 or 4 different flavors.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/15/23, 07:29:50 AM
where did ya find that Bobber???   sounds darn good!!     :happy1: :happy1:
Wally world, they have 3 or 4 different flavors.  :happy1:
:pouty: well, guess i wont be tryin it!!!!!!! :doah:

boober.....that wallyworld.....is it all self checkout to..........been hearing wallyworlds dont have any human checkout people no more. :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Scenic on November 11/15/23, 07:56:39 AM
where did ya find that Bobber???   sounds darn good!!     :happy1: :happy1:
Wally world, they have 3 or 4 different flavors.  :happy1:
:pouty: well, guess i wont be tryin it!!!!!!! :doah:

..........been hearing wallyworlds dont have any human checkout people no more. :confused:

You been hearing wrong there Glen.  All depends on where you go.  Was in the one in Grand Rapids last week and they had plenty of checkouts open.  The one in Park Rapids does as well.  Now the one in Bemidji ??? Different story  I will drive to Park Rapids if I really want to shop Wallfart.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/15/23, 08:07:55 AM
i get the checkouts are open.........but are they manned by real people?????? thats what i've been hearing????its mostly all self checkout????
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Scenic on November 11/15/23, 08:26:24 AM
Bemidji is about all self check outs but the one in Grand Rapids had probably 8-10 live checkers working.  Park Rapids also always has plenty of them too.    I don't do self checkouts and I am really not a Wallfart fan.  But up here there are just things that it is only place to buy or only place you can afford to buy some things. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/15/23, 08:31:04 AM
Bemidji is about all self check outs but the one in Grand Rapids had probably 8-10 live checkers working.  Park Rapids also always has plenty of them too.    I don't do self checkouts and I am really not a Wallfart fan.  But up here there are just things that it is only place to buy or only place you can afford to buy some things.
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/15/23, 06:12:20 PM
You guys must be small town fellas, or still writing checks for purchases.  I'd much rather go thru self checkout,  unless I have a full cart load. I'm getting better at looking stuff up, but it's usually hassle free. Now if the dang beer stores would just go self checkout I'd quit getting carded... ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/15/23, 06:50:49 PM
You guys must be small town fellas, or still writing checks for purchases.  I'd much rather go thru self checkout,  unless I have a full cart load. I'm getting better at looking stuff up, but it's usually hassle free. Now if the dang beer stores would just go self checkout I'd quit getting carded... ;)
getting carded......... :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:

yeppers......small town.........i prefer human labor, prices aint cheaper with self checkout  :confused: :doah: i'd rather do the check writing....we've been burnt with debit cards......i friggin hate using plastic!!!!!! :angry2: :confused: yep call me old fashioned!!!!1 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Scenic on November 11/15/23, 08:30:28 PM
You guys must be small town fellas, or still writing checks for purchases.  I'd much rather go thru self checkout,  unless I have a full cart load. I'm getting better at looking stuff up, but it's usually hassle free. Now if the dang beer stores would just go self checkout I'd quit getting carded... ;)

I'm not near as "old fashioned as that Glenn guy" as I always use plastic (points on that Cabelas card.  Just keep it paid off)  BUT..I don't work at those stores, not a trained check out and they sure do not give me any discounts for working.   They want my money, pay someone a wage to keep them there to take it.  And then don't ask to see my receipt on the way out. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/15/23, 08:54:59 PM
I agree Scenic and I could care less if they want to see my receipt to make sure I am not just stealing a cart full of stuff. I could never understand why that some people are against it. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/15/23, 09:03:13 PM
I hate standing in line & waiting for Granny to tell the person checking her out about how her family is doing.  :rolleyes: Typically, about 1 out of every 3 people look like they only shop 1 time a month when their SS or Snap $ comes in so the carts are full too. So, I rarely have more than 5-6 things & it's way faster to use the "Scan & Go".  Another thing I like is that I rarely get the " I rather be somewhere else, doing something else" feeling from the person  "helping" me checkout.  :sad:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Scenic on November 11/16/23, 07:08:30 AM
I could care less if they want to see my receipt to make sure I am not just stealing a cart full of stuff. I could never understand why that some people are against it.

Because if they can pay someone to stand there and watch me do it under camera, then pay someone who watches me come from that checkout,  that someone just stood over me watching me, then they can pay that same person to run a checkout lane.  Did you know if you scan an item and it does not scan and you thought it did you could be charged with theft?   Let their "trained" checkers miss that item.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/16/23, 10:03:28 AM
Yupper, and try some of these gymnastics at FF then see what happens. Got a gift card? Rebate? Farm use? Non-taxable item? No effin' way I'm going to attempt that stuff with a self checkout. It wouldn't be so bad if they standardized the systems but every place is different and some are more user friendly than others. Cash Wise is the absolute worst. I got so frustrated I put the crap back on the shelf and walked out. Good thing their booze is cheap because I refuse to grocery shop there anymore. And damn straight I still write checks for stuff sometimes. Some places locally like the Red Leaf Cafe won't take plastic while others will charge 2% - 4% to cover their costs for using the card.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/16/23, 10:19:02 AM
Meanwhile back at the ranch, Dotch was grilling Braille method rotisserie yard bird. Not sure what I seasoned it with because I couldn't see it. Pear wood in the smoker boxes. Best of all I was able to clean up the mess before the Mrs. got home. House still smells pretty good so best keep my spidey senses on high alert.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Scenic on November 11/16/23, 10:23:28 AM
Looks really good!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/16/23, 10:41:12 AM
Looks really good!!!!

2nd that!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jrasmussen on November 11/16/23, 10:43:09 AM
Dang that does look tasty    :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/16/23, 10:45:19 AM
It was very tasty & I'm really looking forward to the leftovers. Since the wife isn't fond of chicken, this was the first whole bird I've attempted on this setup. I've done numerous lamb legs with it but that's about it. Now I gotta see if I've got balls enough to do a smaller turkey with the rotisserie. Guessing this chicken was ~ a 4 - 5 lb. model. Looking at a 9 - 12 lb. turkey perhaps. Reminds me I better get it bought today so it'll be thawed in time.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/16/23, 06:27:06 PM
Looks to me you nailed it Dotch! A little bigger bird you just need to make sure you have enough heat. Speaking of heat, I've grilled 4 days straight and my running shoes are....crap, she found me!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/16/23, 06:33:22 PM
dang that looks great Bobber!!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/16/23, 07:37:00 PM
It sure does look good. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jrasmussen on November 11/17/23, 09:08:09 AM
Dang! I would eat the heck out of that. Looks great.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/17/23, 10:32:25 AM
No wonder the Mrs. is always after yer sausage boober!  :shocked:

Yep, I hear ya on the fire for doing a turkey. Forecasting sunny with a high of only 24 and WNW winds 15 -20 mph, gusting to 30. Luckily I can get the grill tucked in out of the wind, plus it's on the south side of the house. Figure I've done ~40 turkeys on the Weber altho this will be the 1st time doing one with the rotisserie. It adds a few more variables as the extension means additional space to heat. Will definitely want to make sure I have plenty of coals. Normally I err on the side of overkill. Generally a 12 lb. bird like this one takes about an hour and a half using the roasting rack & indirect heat, even when it's cold.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/17/23, 04:09:41 PM
Good luck Dotch,  I've always wanted a rotisserie attachment.  Hour and a half, that's perty quick, you gotter down!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/17/23, 06:19:58 PM
seems fast to me but I like a 14 or 15 pound bird...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/17/23, 08:16:21 PM
I know, it seemed pretty fast to me at first too. I used to automatically let them go at least 2 hours regardless, check the temp & they'd be 170 or better. A lot of those tended to be 15 - 17 lbs. with the pop-up timers. Sometimes the pop-up timers would go off, sometimes not depending on how much goo the turkey was basted with so I never relied on them. When we went with smaller birds, seemed like they got more dried out than I liked. I decided to start checking at an hour and a half & found them at 165. Time to come off.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/18/23, 06:41:39 AM
sounds like a perfect set up then!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/18/23, 07:13:17 AM
We do almost all of our chicken up at the lake on the Weber rotisserie too. We have a corner by the backdoor of the garage that is well protected where it gets done. Really like that the meat stays so moist & the drippins give it a nice little smokey flavor too. Never done a turkey that way though.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/23/23, 02:35:06 PM
Better day for grilling on Thanksgiving than some. Rotisserie worked altho we had to pin the wings to the body so they didn't flop. Just enough fire when it came off in ~ an hour & 45 minutes. Indirect, hackberry in the smoker boxes, seasoned with Sweet & Smoky rub, poultry seasoning & some seasoning salt. Basted every half hour w/a combo of grape jam, cranberry-grape juice, canola oil & special seasoning. Very moist & juicy. 🍗

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on November 11/23/23, 07:06:15 PM
Sounds and looks awesome!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/23/23, 07:36:08 PM
Sounds and looks awesome!
I bet he's been tied to the bed since!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: DennyO on November 11/23/23, 10:37:37 PM
I did 2 of these for the family, kept 1/2 for another dinner here at home and took 1 - 1/2. After a couple of care packages we brought home a few pieces of pie, all else was gone!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: DennyO on November 11/23/23, 10:42:18 PM
Rubbed with Simon and Garfunkel, smoked in black cherry and a single basting with Kerrygold.
Smoked @ 225 to 240f smoker temp then pulled with a temp in the center of the breast of 155f.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Iowaboy1 on November 11/23/23, 11:10:02 PM
Dotch and Denny O, those look amazing!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/24/23, 07:08:08 AM
Your probably not far off Glenn! Looks great gents, I forgot to snap pics...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on November 11/29/23, 02:43:27 PM
I didn’t get to have a Thanksgiving last week, and since the weather is nice today’s I picked up a fresh Butterball, 14lbs. injected with garlic butter, rubbed it with Carrabba’s rub, and into the fryer.
Turned out great!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/29/23, 02:46:12 PM
nice fryer!!   and a darn good looking bird!!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/29/23, 02:55:28 PM
 :happy1: that looks frickin awesome. :hubba: :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jrasmussen on November 11/29/23, 03:21:15 PM
I am not a big turkey fan but all three of those looks great guys!!  :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/30/23, 06:25:21 PM
That looks dynamite coop!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/30/23, 06:36:16 PM
Not sure of this grilling under the lights at 5, but it's dinner fer 2. Chuckeyes,  spuds,  shrooms n and a side salad.  I see she is side tracked by wheel of fortune after dinner but I'm not buying it,.... :surrender:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/04/23, 02:55:52 PM
Hope your chastity remained untarnished boober. On the bright side, Mrs. Cheviot shares a similar affliction with Wheel of Boredom. Burgers under the lights last nite with a big ol' hunk of raw onion, smashed taters, cottage cheese, celery sticks & sunflower salad. Oh & the hammer of the gods...🍸

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/04/23, 04:58:10 PM
Man, what a combo.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/07/23, 09:12:32 PM
Knew this a.m. the wife was gonna be late so asked her what time she guesstimated her ETA would be. 8 p.m. she said so told her I'd get something to put on the grill. Got mushroom & Swiss, dill pickle & pineapple teriyaki brats then fired up the grill about 7:30. Coals were ready about the time she got home. Guess what? She brings home a Papa Murphys! Not a problem. Had a brat hot off the grill while I was waiting for the pizza to get done!  :doah:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/08/23, 07:22:11 AM
Did you get enough of them on there Dotch?  LOL  They look great!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/08/23, 07:42:44 AM
Did you get enough of them on there Dotch?  LOL  They look great!
got to have left overs!!!   and then there is breakfast too!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/08/23, 07:56:37 AM
Right Mike. Great leftovers.  Won't have to cook for a few days. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: deadeye on December 12/08/23, 08:04:01 AM
I'm thinking venison tenderloins.  :azn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jrasmussen on December 12/08/23, 08:42:34 AM
I'm thinking venison tenderloins.  :azn:

Already grilled mine up the Tuesday after MN gun opener. There is nothing better!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on December 12/08/23, 08:46:14 AM
Do y'all run into folks that confuse venison tenderloins from backstrap? 

I think its because the venison backstrap is about the same size as a beef tenderloin.

Personally, I prefer the venison backstrap to the tenderloins.  Eating is good with a deer in the freezer.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/08/23, 08:53:44 AM
Do y'all run into folks that confuse venison tenderloins from backstrap? 

I think its because the venison backstrap is about the same size as a beef tenderloin.

Personally, I prefer the venison backstrap to the tenderloins.  Eating is good with a deer in the freezer.

yes I have!!!   and I enjoy both!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/08/23, 08:56:29 AM
Do y'all run into folks that confuse venison tenderloins from backstrap? 

I think its because the venison backstrap is about the same size as a beef tenderloin.

Personally, I prefer the venison backstrap to the tenderloins.  Eating is good with a deer in the freezer.
i havent but i remember back in the day when we first started cutting up our own deer......we never new about the tenderloins!!!! :confused: :bonk: :bonk:

i plain like any venision!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on December 12/08/23, 09:14:44 AM
My daughter showed the probable-future-son-in-law where the tenderloins were last year and I had him peel them out this year so he knew how to do it.  Before that, his crew was always throwing them away too.   :embarrassed:

Yep, I don't particularly go for recipes that try to cover up the flavor of game.  If you need to cover up the flavor, cook cow instead. :chef:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jrasmussen on December 12/08/23, 09:18:44 AM
I have run into some people that did not know about the tenderloins.  :bonk:
The backstraps or chops is the 2nd best cut from the animal my opinion.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/08/23, 05:58:47 PM
Did you get enough of them on there Dotch?  LOL  They look great!
They sure do lps, thinking papa Murphys was a disguise momma employed,  he might still be running his fence lines after that brat performance!  :bow:  The tailgater got the nod here ( I need charcoal) mushroom and high temp cheese burglars. Momma whipped me up a Colorado bulldog,  dang was that tasty!  Pretty sure she's just trying to slow me down,  might hafta fake stomach cramps cuz playing dead isn't working...

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on December 12/08/23, 06:13:56 PM
My daughter showed the probable-future-son-in-law where the tenderloins were last year and I had him peel them out this year so he knew how to do it.  Before that, his crew was always throwing them away too.   :embarrassed:

:doah: :doah:  Tell her there's other guys out there honey!   :tut:   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/14/23, 06:42:07 PM
Ribeye and sirlion tip steak from the new place.  I'm impressed.  :happy1: :hubba:glad I don't gotta worry about my wife attacking me! :pouty:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/14/23, 06:52:22 PM
You so sure of that Glenn? Her fingernails look perty long... :bow:  Looks dynamite and I wish you well!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/14/23, 06:55:40 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

2nd that!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on December 12/14/23, 06:59:58 PM
Ribeye and sirlion tip steak from the new place.  I'm impressed.  :happy1: :hubba:glad I don't gotta worry about my wife attacking me! :pouty:
Does she ever ask "yeah the he11 do we have to take a picture of everything we eat?" 🤔  😅
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/14/23, 07:10:27 PM
Ribeye and sirlion tip steak from the new place.  I'm impressed.  :happy1: :hubba:glad I don't gotta worry about my wife attacking me! :pouty:
Does she ever ask "yeah the he11 do we have to take a picture of everything we eat?" 🤔  😅
other then her infamous  eye roll now and then ... NOPE
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on December 12/15/23, 09:06:01 AM
You can see Shadow eying them up too.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/15/23, 09:20:58 AM
You can see Shadow eying them up too.  :rotflmao:
:happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea if there's food anywhere within a 3 block vicinity........he's on it!!!! :doah: :scratch: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/15/23, 12:00:58 PM
Hopefully Mrs. boober didn't put any of those Bill Cosby drugs in yer drink boober. Wow! Yer right. Smurfette really has some claws! Hope you were able to swing wide & avoid them glenn. Nice to see you actually put food on the plates rather than just eating out of the pan too. Of course it could just be a photographic ruse to throw us off too... :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/15/23, 04:09:50 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/24/23, 06:42:09 PM
Christmas eve supper just me and wife. Well it's both stove and grill. Yea I grilled in the rain! :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/24/23, 06:44:33 PM
(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2023/12/25/1000000936.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/1000000936.rerH)test with tinypix
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/24/23, 06:45:43 PM
Well I'll be right side up  :happy1:

I should  teach classes   :crazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/24/23, 06:51:11 PM
catchup on back strap???????????  oh noooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/24/23, 06:51:53 PM
looks good Glenn!!!  :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/24/23, 07:13:37 PM
catchup on back strap???????????  oh noooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
for da noodles.  :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/24/23, 07:29:14 PM
catchup on back strap???????????  oh noooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
for da noodles.  :confused:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/24/23, 07:35:38 PM
Ketchup on noodles???
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/24/23, 08:05:36 PM
yeppers..iffin there fried with butter and onions......add some parmesan cheese!!!! :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/24/23, 08:10:30 PM
We should probably have a list of goofy stuff a smurf puts katchup on... :scratch:  :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/24/23, 08:41:54 PM
Ain't that the truth!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/24/23, 09:13:10 PM
 :pouty: Katchup....nature's nector! :happy1: :happy1: :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/25/23, 06:49:15 AM
:pouty: Katchup....nature's nector! :happy1: :happy1: :mooning:

thought that was beer!!!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/25/23, 07:24:01 AM
:pouty: Katchup....nature's nector! :happy1: :happy1: :mooning:

thought that was beer!!!   :rotflmao:
:happy1: well that too!!!!!! nature has many forms of nector!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/25/23, 07:48:27 AM
Dat glenn is a reglur hummingbird! Well, at least he probably likes hummers... :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/01/24, 09:39:30 PM
Teriyaki pork chops, grilled indirect, reverse seared, with a little applewood rub. Some baked spuds, sweet corn & glenn's fave to round out the plate. Wind sprints have really helped to wear the Mrs. down when she's in pursuit.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/01/24, 10:00:53 PM
And of course the fine silverware! :rotflmao: :happy1:

You putting gin in milk now?? :scratch: :doah: :confused: :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on January 01/02/24, 09:13:20 AM
New Year’s Day supper. Grilled ribeye with garlic herb butter, shrimp, asparagus, mushrooms.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/02/24, 09:34:45 AM
And of course the fine silverware! :rotflmao: :happy1:

You putting gin in milk now?? :scratch: :doah: :confused: :sleazy:

I usually forego use of spirits on Sunday, plus the wife bought a gallon of milk so we'll need to drink it before the stuff goes sour. Wait a minute...yesterday was Monday! Now I gotta drink more cocktails tonite to catch up! 🍸 :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/02/24, 10:02:16 AM
dats funny!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/02/24, 04:53:14 PM
And of course the fine silverware! :rotflmao: :happy1:

You putting gin in milk now?? :scratch: :doah: :confused: :sleazy:
That's a fine looking spread Dotch and Coop!! I'm not buying it Glenn,  I'm thinking he knew his maneuvers wouldn't be as sharp with milk so he just sat back let momma do dishes and still  got clawed to no end!!!  :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on January 01/02/24, 05:11:06 PM
How can you watch Vikings football without drinking Dotch???    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/02/24, 05:51:01 PM
Dat was the day before, I think. Ya, I drank heavily during that game. Yesterday I actually grilled da chops in the daylight for once. I would've preferred Cooperman's steak & shrimp any day but sometimes beggars can't be choosers. Tri-tip tonite under the lites. Limited drinking as I have a meeting to attend in the a.m. Want to have my best snappy one liners and snarky remarks at the ready.  :coffee: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on January 01/02/24, 06:25:11 PM
I found that I have more pork chops in the freezer than I thought.  They are at the top of the list now.  Burgers tomorrow night and then the chops on Thursday. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/02/24, 08:28:27 PM
Sittin' down wiss some tri-tip to watcha me some bassaball... :coffee:
Da Mrs. was gassed after a couple laps around da house... :whistling:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on January 01/07/24, 09:44:39 PM
Did a nice small brisket flat today. About an 11 hour project, and turned out really well.  Added baked beans, cole slaw, bacon and broccoli salad, and creamed corn with red and green peppers. Grill held steady at 220-225 all day.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/17/24, 06:19:41 PM
The weber has been doing nuttin but getting a leg lifted on it ( dang pooch) since new yrs eve. Told momma best make me a side salad too boot! Not sure what's worse, leaving the dishes for her or helping and leaving ones guard down.... On a positive note no need for exterior lighting!!  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/17/24, 07:38:08 PM
Hopefully you were not violated... :shocked: :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: tangle tooth on January 01/19/24, 08:13:34 PM
Makes me want to fire up my old kettle grill. Right now even Hy-Vee burgers would smell good on the grill. A few potatoes and some onions, too. Talk my bride in to making some of her deviled eggs with horseradish.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/22/24, 06:15:59 PM
Fired up the grill for the first time in a  while. Burglars,  fried onions and San Francisco treat... rice a roony :rotflmao: no fear of being viciously attacked  :confused:

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/01/23/1000001009.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/1000001009.LdRx)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/22/24, 06:27:37 PM
Looks great Glenn!  but with your odd combinations getting chased could still be in the cards!!  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on January 01/23/24, 08:41:24 AM
I see the nose right by the burgers.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/23/24, 08:53:19 AM
Luckily they were seared  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/27/24, 07:41:05 PM
Kind of bad pic, been awhile since ribeyes were seared in cast iron with butter n rosemary. Super soft n juicey , although the taters got burnt I'll still hafta keep my eye out for the claws....

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on January 01/27/24, 07:54:04 PM
That sounds and looks really good, Bobb.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/27/24, 08:04:09 PM
Man that sounds & looks good boober! Hopefully you had your night vision goggles on to avoid getting pawed in the dark... :whistling:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/28/24, 06:51:52 AM
sure does sound good!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/31/24, 07:10:23 PM
Pork steaks!! :happy1:

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/02/01/1000001027.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/1000001027.H74P)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/31/24, 07:22:09 PM
I see the food inspector is right there ready to check it out!!!!!  good pup!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on January 01/31/24, 07:32:01 PM
I like a good pork steak too.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/31/24, 07:35:10 PM
I see the food inspector is right there ready to check it out!!!!!  good pup!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
ain't he always.  :confused: :doofus: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/31/24, 07:43:12 PM
I see the food inspector is right there ready to check it out!!!!!  good pup!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
ain't he always.  :confused: :doofus: :rotflmao:

yuppers!!!   got to love it!!!   :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/31/24, 09:22:36 PM
I think he wanted a closer look at those lines on the pork steak!  :rotflmao: Borgers tonite under the lights with o-rings as well as Mrs. G's slaw & mac salad. Dazzled the Mrs. with my footwork. No word from boober. Hope he made it. :sad:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/04/24, 07:51:07 PM
Chicken patties and orida seasoned fries! :happy1:

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/02/05/1000001039.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/1000001039.Wo3M)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/05/24, 05:52:21 PM
No action shots, you sure you didn't microwave them glenn??  :rotflmao: Change a plans this away,  the Traeger got the nod with the steelhead ( farm raised I'm sure) and the coconut shrimp. Momma has Brussel spouts coated with something in da oven!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/05/24, 05:56:42 PM
Looks good boober!! I prefer to do my action shots without  cameras  :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/05/24, 06:46:17 PM
sure does look good Bobber!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/05/24, 07:12:58 PM
Oh ya!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/07/24, 07:29:21 PM
Charcoal grilled chicky with some hickory chips thrown in for good measure   :hubba:

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/02/08/1000001054.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/1000001054.W4W5)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/07/24, 07:46:59 PM
looks darn good buddy!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/07/24, 08:10:07 PM
That does really look good.  Been awhile since I have grilled some chicken. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/08/24, 06:19:24 PM
Gotta love chicken over charcoal!! Looks good Glenn!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/10/24, 08:35:45 PM
OK who's gonna try this first

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on February 02/10/24, 08:43:17 PM
 :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/11/24, 06:49:14 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/11/24, 07:37:49 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:  That is a lot of writing. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: tangle tooth on February 02/14/24, 06:29:02 PM
      OK folks. I don't mean to hijack here but I have a question.
      I have always used a propane torch to light my charcoal. It works but I recently bought one of those charcoal chimneys. First time using it tonight. It holds 3 pounds, it says. I loaded it up and it took about 30 minutes for the coals to be ready. That's not the problem.
      Once I pour out the hot briquettes, will it cool the heat if I throw more charcoal on the fire?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/14/24, 06:36:25 PM
Personally I never liked them. I don't use one but seen people how do. I think there limited to what you are grilling. I prefer charcoal lier fluidjust my opinion 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/14/24, 06:46:33 PM
      OK folks. I don't mean to hijack here but I have a question.
      I have always used a propane torch to light my charcoal. It works but I recently bought one of those charcoal chimneys. First time using it tonight. It holds 3 pounds, it says. I loaded it up and it took about 30 minutes for the coals to be ready. That's not the problem.
      Once I pour out the hot briquettes, will it cool the heat if I throw more charcoal on the fire?

maybe some but it will depend on how much you add I'm thinking.. for the most part I have never added more till later in the cooking..   or are doing a whole hog???   :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/14/24, 07:02:42 PM
Personally I never liked them. I don't use one but seen people how do. I think there limited to what you are grilling. I prefer charcoal lier fluidjust my opinion 

Lighter fluid is the worst thing to use.  I use an electric thing or a torch.  You can taste that lighter fluid in everything cooked using it.  I used to use it till I realized that.  Although I used to use it too.  Heck I even used gas if I ran out of fluid.  Yes you can add coals on top of hot ones.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: tangle tooth on February 02/14/24, 07:15:33 PM
      I did 4 reasonably thick pork chops (1-1/2", about), some burgers and a few brats. I use a Weber kettle grill. Bottom vent open 100%, top vent open 100%.
      Chops took about 25 minutes but I never got hotter than about 350°.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/14/24, 07:19:42 PM
close the vents to slow down the burn...   low and slow..  Dotch, your thoughts?????
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/14/24, 07:24:01 PM
Personally I never liked them. I don't use one but seen people how do. I think there limited to what you are grilling. I prefer charcoal lier fluidjust my opinion 

Lighter fluid is the worst thing to use.  I use an electric thing or a torch.  You can taste that lighter fluid in everything cooked using it.  I used to use it till I realized that.  Although I used to use it too.  Heck I even used gas if I ran out of fluid.  Yes you can add coals on top of hot ones.
depends on the brand of lighter fluid. And hot hot you get the coals before you throw the meat on

From my experience those electric ones don't last long for the money you pay for them

Just my opinion 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/14/24, 07:25:50 PM
that's why I like my torch too!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on February 02/14/24, 07:59:22 PM
I used one of those chimneys for a while. No real problems with it until the handle caught fire and the whole thing warped from the heat. When I was younger I used to use lighter fluid and  a couple times even used gasoline. I felt like I could notice the taste, too.
Now it’s a fire starting square which is wood fiber with some wax to get it going. I also will not use regular briquettes, only hardwood lump charcoal. Burns hot and holds the fire well. I use a ceramic kamado grill and control the fire with the upper and lower vents. Like Mike said, generally low and slow except to sear. I don’t have a smoker, but can smoke with the grill low on indirect heat.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/14/24, 08:34:03 PM
True and you find out it doesn't work anymore when you want to grill. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on February 02/14/24, 08:55:07 PM
I have a gas and charcoal grill on the deck. I use and love the charcoal when I have time to lighter her up!  There's nothing better then some good old Kingsford soaked flavored steaks!   :happy1: :happy1:  :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/15/24, 04:06:59 AM
I havnt used lighter fluid in close to 30 yrs, nasty. Used several of the electric gizmos they worked good. Have gone thru lots of chimneys,  seems the key to those is dump early and keep the coals stacked until you spread em just a little.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/15/24, 06:37:38 AM
We are on at least our 2nd or 3rd chimney here & at the lake but we've been using them for at least 15, maybe 20 years too. We have a nice Weber gas grill at the lake but other than burgers & brats the good old Weber kettle sees most of the action. About the only time we ever have to add charcoal is when we rotissirie a chicken or smoking a pork butt.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on February 02/15/24, 09:29:20 AM
I have a trigger light propane torch I’ve been using to start the coals.
Works great. But the best is the Weber performer with the propane start.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/15/24, 09:56:07 AM
Have a brand new chimney someone gave me but have never used it. Used electric starters for many years before I bought the Weber Performer. Used some lighter fluid over the years too. Always tried to get good coverage on the charcoal but was conservative with the amount I used. Really didn't notice an issue as long as I let the coals gray off good before I put stuff on. Performer is nice. Make a cocktail, lite the burner, let 'er run on the baskets for 10 - 15 minutes, do some food prep, shut 'er down, let 'er go ~ another 15 minutes, make another cocktail, spread the coals, & let 'er beller.  :coffee:

tt: As far as adding charcoal, I've rarely needed to do it unless I'm grilling a monster turkey or something. I've done enough stuff on the Weber that I've become pretty good at guessing the amount of charcoal needed. When I have added charcoal, it's when I've been grilling indirect. Seems like if I was proactive enough and the coal piles were still good and hot it didn't matter much. That was with my original Weber without the thermometer in the lid so I had no way to measure any dip in temperature. The main thing was to get it to the finish line by the time guests arrived. And I did.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/20/24, 05:51:50 PM
I had to take a page otta Barry's book and do some searching but found the grilling page :happy1: Sw. Potato sausage on the tailgater,  Glenn you should see these sliced fried taters  with onions and bacon, almost too much fried!!   ;)

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/20/24, 06:15:21 PM
That looks absolutely great.  I love potato sausage.  Especially on the grill.   LOL Ya this site makes me smarter, I think.  LOLOL
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/20/24, 06:21:56 PM
Lookout boober!  :shocked:😨

   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWwOJlOI1nU   (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWwOJlOI1nU)

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/20/24, 06:26:18 PM
I had to take a page otta Barry's book and do some searching but found the grilling page :happy1: Sw. Potato sausage on the tailgater,  Glenn you should see these sliced fried taters  with onions and bacon, almost too much fried!!   ;)
you gonna add katchup to the sausage and taters.....be pretty good i'd bet!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/20/24, 06:35:07 PM
I had to take a page otta Barry's book and do some searching but found the grilling page :happy1: Sw. Potato sausage on the tailgater,  Glenn you should see these sliced fried taters  with onions and bacon, almost too much fried!!   ;)
you gonna add katchup to the sausage and taters.....be pretty good i'd bet!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Come to think of it, pretty sure we don't stock katchup  in da house, the spicy secret sauce got the nod!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/20/24, 06:36:30 PM
looks darn good Bobber!!!   need to get me some of that sausage as I'm out of it!!!  secret sauce is great!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: tangle tooth on February 02/22/24, 08:40:56 AM
      Fired up the kettle grill for some burgers, pork medallions and some prime cuts of hot dog. Still not sold on the chimney lighter but I think I'll get used to it. Threw some hickory on the coals.
      Totally unrelated, I discovered my el cheapo phone ( the cheapest smart phone Mattel makes) no longer takes pictures. The flashlight quit on my the third day I had it.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/25/24, 09:05:01 PM
Center cuts marinated all day, grilled indirect w/applewood in the smoker boxes, Mrs. G's  slaw, full fat cottage cheese, & garden beans we froze back in August. Evasive maneuvers served me well once again...:coffee:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: markn on February 02/26/24, 06:37:56 AM
Looks great dotch. Was just informed that's what's on the menu tonight.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/26/24, 11:35:40 AM
 :evil: :sleazy: not only that awesome knife but the same plates we got!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:

lookin good buddy!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/26/24, 06:44:02 PM
Dang Dotch,  I'm surprised you were untied so early!!  :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on March 03/03/24, 06:48:05 PM
Made the wife a birthday ribeye, and while I was at it a few big pork chops.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/03/24, 06:50:38 PM
great looking meal and Happy birthday to her!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/03/24, 06:56:04 PM
Looks awesome  Cooperman.  Yea  :happybday: to da misses.  :happy1:

Spankings later!! :sleazy: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/03/24, 07:12:22 PM
Happy Birthday to Mrs. Coop! 🎂 That steak looks like the state of IN & is almost that big!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/03/24, 07:22:09 PM
I grilled a thick NY Strip on the Power XL cuz it was so windy and rainy.  Turned out great!  Unknowingly it was in honor of Coops wife.  No wonder it was so good.   :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  Congrats to her.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on March 03/04/24, 07:38:25 AM
She says thanks guys.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/09/24, 07:20:23 PM
Good thing the fireplace has slowed momma down.. ;)

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on March 03/09/24, 08:06:46 PM
My flat grill fave! Smash burger, thin slice of real pineapple cried egg, toasted pretzle bun. Forgot a slice of ham. Next time.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: KEN W on March 03/09/24, 08:47:19 PM
Looks good Boar. But can't you break eggs w/o breaking the yolk? :confused:

Or did you do that on purpose? :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on March 03/09/24, 09:15:12 PM
I can lol but to mu h muscle on that one
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/10/24, 08:13:45 AM
My flat grill fave! Smash burger, thin slice of real pineapple cried egg, toasted pretzle bun. Forgot a slice of ham. Next time.
did the egg "crie" when you broke the yolk? :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/10/24, 08:16:32 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on March 03/10/24, 08:32:30 AM
Wt..huh? Glenn yu reache a new level of confusion.

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/10/24, 08:46:30 AM
Wt..huh? Glenn yu reache a new level of confusion.
:rotflmao: i expected nothing less!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/10/24, 06:50:32 PM
Couple hunks of beef! :hubba:

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/03/10/1000001164.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/1000001164.mQ7H)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/11/24, 07:23:35 AM
We grilled a NY Strip yesterday too.  Turned out great.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on March 03/11/24, 10:46:57 AM
Dumpster diving again huh glenn
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on March 03/11/24, 10:48:29 AM
Smoked hallapeno pineapple meatloaf

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/11/24, 11:28:52 AM
Dumpster diving again huh glenn
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: looks like you did some roadkill huntin yourself bubba!!!!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jrasmussen on March 03/11/24, 11:35:27 AM
Did I miss something about Boar? He's cooking a lot with pineapple lately.   :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/11/24, 11:39:07 AM
Did I miss something about Boar? He's cooking a lot with pineapple lately.   :confused:
not really........other hen he uses the pineapple to cover the roadkill flavor!!!!!1 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

you didnt know John......its how he gets all his wild game and fish!!!!!  :happy1: :rotflmao: :evil:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on March 03/11/24, 11:41:08 AM
Theres tha squeeeky sound again...
I find pineapple gives a great tangly flavor to most meast as long as yu dont over do it. Gose grwat with hallapenos mostly
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on March 03/11/24, 11:45:24 AM
Going to be mid 60s for a high today in my neck of the woods... time I oughta fire up the grill and make some steaks for dinner tonight!  :azn: :happy1: :cheesy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/11/24, 12:00:32 PM
I took one of those pork loins that are marinated.  Will grill that for supper.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jrasmussen on March 03/11/24, 12:00:55 PM
Going to be mid 60s for a high today in my neck of the woods... time I oughta fire up the grill and make some steaks for dinner tonight!  :azn: :happy1: :cheesy:

What time should I be there sweetie?  :hubba: :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/11/24, 12:55:27 PM
Going to be mid 60s for a high today in my neck of the woods... time I oughta fire up the grill and make some steaks for dinner tonight!  :azn: :happy1: :cheesy:
:scratch: :scratch: "steak" (S)!!! Hmmmm!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jrasmussen on March 03/11/24, 01:48:17 PM
I took one of those pork loins that are marinated.  Will grill that for supper.

Curious do you grill it whole or cut it up into chops?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/11/24, 02:19:28 PM
I took one of those pork loins that are marinated.  Will grill that for supper.

Curious do you grill it whole or cut it up into chops?
We do those a lot too and depending on time just put it on whole or cut it in down the middle for faster cooking if short on time.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/11/24, 02:59:37 PM
Whole.  They are so tender when done in the oven.  Never done on the grill before.  I may do it in the oven so I don't make it tough.  They are fork tender then.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/11/24, 03:12:51 PM
I do them on the smoker too... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/11/24, 03:41:17 PM
I like doing them whole on the Weber indirect and throw a couple chunks of cherry on the charcoal.  :hubba: I am hungry now just thinking about it.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/11/24, 04:01:19 PM
my steaks for the grill 2night have been in the marinating bag all day...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on March 03/11/24, 08:22:16 PM
Steaks on the grill turned out great! What a gorgeous evening! 😋🥩♨️👍🏻

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/11/24, 08:53:46 PM
Mine were... meh.  Poor cuts of meat.  Marinade was off.  I didn't have a lot of time, so I used a portable gas grill that didn't get hot enough and I had a poor sear.  I could go on, but I won't. 

I'll bring my "A Game" next time and maybe post up worthy pics.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Scenic on March 03/11/24, 10:35:06 PM
Steaks on the grill turned out great! What a gorgeous evening! 😋🥩♨️👍🏻

Those look good.  I also did steak just a bit ago.  Was so late that I did not even think about a picture.  Just wanted to eat them.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/12/24, 07:34:22 AM
The pork loin I got was garlic pepper.  I rinsed it off cuz it had so much pepper on it.  I couldn't believe how much pepper was in the sink.  I then did a dusting with Lawrys and threw it in the oven with some carrot chunks.  Turned out just great!  Still had a great pepper flavor. I got four of them on sale for about $5 each. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on March 03/12/24, 07:56:04 AM
This is what I used to season our steaks last night and it's delicious! It goes great on beef, pork, venison, potatoes... anything really! 😁😋

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/12/24, 08:02:19 AM
have not seen that one before...  where did you find it??? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/12/24, 08:06:12 AM
ditto interesting looking stuff. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on March 03/12/24, 08:07:25 AM
have not seen that one before...  where did you find it???

It's from Amazon, I'm not sure if I've seen it locally. I got it as a funny gift one year and it turn out, it's really good! They have other flavors too from Big Cock Ranch. Here's the link: https://www.amazon.com/Big-Cock-Ranch-Gourmet-Seasoning/dp/B0884T76L7/ref=sims_dp_d_dex_ai_speed_loc_mtl_v4_d_sccl_2_2/147-3935484-6793702?pd_rd_w=eaNXY&content-id=amzn1.sym.f8b81522-706a-46d3-a585-5fc6e1682ebe&pf_rd_p=f8b81522-706a-46d3-a585-5fc6e1682ebe&pf_rd_r=G7EH4MM9MVZGE7FVSSFW&pd_rd_wg=E45Fi&pd_rd_r=b1eedf4d-0546-4e42-a6ec-e81665e5b0e5&pd_rd_i=B0884T76L7&psc=1
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/12/24, 08:12:48 AM
interesting and thanks!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/12/24, 08:38:59 AM
i wont even mention Sharons food isnt touching on her plate!!! :whistling: :whistling: :whistling: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/12/24, 08:39:31 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on March 03/12/24, 08:49:52 AM
i wont even mention Sharons food isnt touching on her plate!!! :whistling: :whistling: :whistling: :rotflmao:

Food touching?? That would be insanity!!!  :bonk: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/12/24, 08:50:44 AM
okkkkkk    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/12/24, 09:03:05 AM
i wont even mention Sharons food isnt touching on her plate!!! :whistling: :whistling: :whistling: :rotflmao:

Food touching?? That would be insanity!!!  :bonk: :rotflmao:

This...  (Is from Amazon ;) )


https://www.amazon.com/Unbreakable-Divided-Plates-5PCS-Compartment/dp/B0CDGB8HPS/ref=sr_1_10?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Os1n0AkyPcnKRR0IORogd3rqrUMR2GmExp-JmlfjIrt1RNYNBF9UL0BGYawbg-iRUZ_sDFYhov1V3fuKDwEmUpDvJ2lrGx_R0X1p97ivPqshRVzFRGfQu8tpibTGzM5DZyM1fjbjbF8_b7O7VLMvoSH5PiP0LiyErC4O8x65n03CvtocF2tNruSCs1GsO2HfpfdxMxSr1c5Zxr60XRupuXVUMTkFRGXZ2upqG6CQU7EssCP_O0tmOip-MjgGt4c3PpU2Ui7J-WlAU3Pls_I9r-mjFxsE2BFstQ-ZBL7j_Gg.GcxOHUpwdJ1oK8C_5bIQ6vaZ_V8WwyL3jVZiekRN15I&dib_tag=se&keywords=divided%2Bplastic%2Bplates&qid=1710252018&sr=8-10&th=1 (https://www.amazon.com/Unbreakable-Divided-Plates-5PCS-Compartment/dp/B0CDGB8HPS/ref=sr_1_10?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Os1n0AkyPcnKRR0IORogd3rqrUMR2GmExp-JmlfjIrt1RNYNBF9UL0BGYawbg-iRUZ_sDFYhov1V3fuKDwEmUpDvJ2lrGx_R0X1p97ivPqshRVzFRGfQu8tpibTGzM5DZyM1fjbjbF8_b7O7VLMvoSH5PiP0LiyErC4O8x65n03CvtocF2tNruSCs1GsO2HfpfdxMxSr1c5Zxr60XRupuXVUMTkFRGXZ2upqG6CQU7EssCP_O0tmOip-MjgGt4c3PpU2Ui7J-WlAU3Pls_I9r-mjFxsE2BFstQ-ZBL7j_Gg.GcxOHUpwdJ1oK8C_5bIQ6vaZ_V8WwyL3jVZiekRN15I&dib_tag=se&keywords=divided%2Bplastic%2Bplates&qid=1710252018&sr=8-10&th=1)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/12/24, 09:13:16 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jrasmussen on March 03/12/24, 09:13:45 AM
Oh I'm pretty sure she has a set of those!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on March 03/12/24, 09:14:20 AM
Oooooohh all joking aside, I kinda want to get those!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:

Like my Dad always says - it all ends up in the same place anyway!  :coffee: Yeah I know, I know... but I like keeping it all kinda separate, what can I say? 😜😜
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/12/24, 09:18:09 AM
Oh I'm pretty sure she has a set of those!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: she must really like living on the edge if she doesnt use them though!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on March 03/13/24, 08:11:45 AM
Why is it seemingly impossible to find plastic plates made in the US?? They're all made in China...  :angry:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/13/24, 08:13:59 AM
what isn't made over there...    :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/13/24, 09:06:06 AM
Pretty scary, yes!  Lord knows how many bad chemicals are leaching into our bodies from using cheap Chinese products.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on March 03/15/24, 05:00:48 PM
I am grilling up some chicken breasts on my grill tonight! 😁🍗😋 First time making chicken on the grill and I hope they turn out okay! 🤞🏻

Why are all my pictures posting sideways?? 🤣🤷‍♀️

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/15/24, 05:38:24 PM
Looks good Sharon! Mine are sideways also if I don't resize them.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/15/24, 05:40:28 PM
looks real good!!   enough for left overs!!!   or company!!!    :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/15/24, 05:53:01 PM
Quote from: mike89  or company!!!    :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Pretty sure that's the intent   :sleazy: :smoking: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/15/24, 05:56:51 PM
A while ago  HD posted that if you use the tiny pics thingy, it looks like someone giving the finger with an arrow in the middle  :confused: :surrender: :rotflmao: ot posts correctly.

I finally got it in my head to use and works every time. The memes I post from the book of faces  I don't need to.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/15/24, 06:06:55 PM
Boober hit the nail on the head if you don't use the tiny pics feature. The photo you posted Sharon was a little over 3.6 mb. On this phone, if I can keep them to 2 mb or less, it seems like they're posted right side up.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on March 03/15/24, 06:11:49 PM
No company tonight 🤷‍♀️ so it'll be some delicious leftovers.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: markn on March 03/15/24, 06:27:03 PM
And we’re off. Had a craving for a thick chop. :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/15/24, 09:04:27 PM
Had this bad boy lying in the weeds for a few days so figured I'd better get it grilled. Marinated tri-tip seared, then grilled indirect with applewood in the smoker boxes. Some baby reds & little gold spuds in the air fryer along with our own nuked frozen green beans. Exhausted. Good thing I was wearing my chastity belt.  :coffee:

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/16/24, 09:03:33 AM
Dang, looks fabulous you guys! Am I the only one that didn't grill?? But then again no running from claws fer me .. ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on March 03/21/24, 08:26:11 PM
Celebrating two months with my special guy tonight so I made porkchops on the grill with garlic mashed potatoes and green beans! 😋

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/22/24, 07:04:25 AM
Looks yummy!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/22/24, 07:31:49 AM
2 month anniversary.  No paper plates neither.   :wowza:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/22/24, 07:37:16 AM
2 month anniversary.  No paper plates neither.   :wowza:
:happy1: I see each food group clearly still has its own neighborhood. :whistling:      ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/22/24, 08:01:56 AM
Oh ya forgot about that.  Big separation between them.  LOL
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on March 03/22/24, 08:08:32 AM
LOL yep, my food rarely touches!  :rotflmao: I suppose when I'm having Chinese food - that can all touch, but that's pretty much the only exception.

It's been fun learning how to use the grill and cook more, and my boyfriend is enjoying being fed, so it's a win win!  😍:azn: :laugh:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/22/24, 08:22:47 AM
LOL yep, my food rarely touches!  :rotflmao: I suppose when I'm having Chinese food - that can all touch, but that's pretty much the only exception.

It's been fun learning how to use the grill and cook more, and my boyfriend is enjoying being fed, so it's a win win!  😍:azn: :laugh:
:happy1:no better food then stuff off the grill  :happy1: before ya know it you'll be smoking food !!!!!!

and adfter everything you've been through you desreve to be happy cagain!!!!!!! :happy1: :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/22/24, 09:12:22 AM
LOL yep, my food rarely touches!  :rotflmao: I suppose when I'm having Chinese food - that can all touch, but that's pretty much the only exception.

It's been fun learning how to use the grill and cook more, and my boyfriend is enjoying being fed, so it's a win win!  😍:azn: :laugh:
Well at some point you will need to test their pronouns out and see if he/they/can grill! 😜
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/22/24, 09:17:45 AM
LOL yep, my food rarely touches!  :rotflmao: I suppose when I'm having Chinese food - that can all touch, but that's pretty much the only exception.

It's been fun learning how to use the grill and cook more, and my boyfriend is enjoying being fed, so it's a win win!  😍:azn: :laugh:
:happy1:no better food then stuff off the grill  :happy1: before ya know it you'll be smoking food !!!!!!

and adfter everything you've been through you desreve to be happy cagain!!!!!!! :happy1: :bow:
:bonk: :bonk: good gawd......looks like boar wrote this for me!!!!!! :doofus: :doofus: :pouty: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/22/24, 10:07:23 AM
 :scratch: Not enough coffee?  :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/22/24, 10:32:07 AM
:scratch: Not enough coffee?  :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on March 03/22/24, 11:42:19 AM
LOL yep, my food rarely touches!  :rotflmao: I suppose when I'm having Chinese food - that can all touch, but that's pretty much the only exception.

It's been fun learning how to use the grill and cook more, and my boyfriend is enjoying being fed, so it's a win win!  😍:azn: :laugh:
:happy1:no better food then stuff off the grill  :happy1: before ya know it you'll be smoking food !!!!!!

and adfter everything you've been through you desreve to be happy cagain!!!!!!! :happy1: :bow:
:bonk: :bonk: good gawd......looks like boar wrote this for me!!!!!! :doofus: :doofus: :pouty: :rotflmao:
Are you trying to say that Sharon’s a happy Cajun?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/22/24, 12:36:43 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/23/24, 06:43:12 PM
Dinner fer 2 tonight as well.  Momma has shrooms n asparagus going topside while the pooches and I take of business outside.  I should probably leave room for desert tho... :sleazy:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/23/24, 06:48:41 PM
datz one heckof a steak knife!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  maybe dotch could mail yea one!!!!!! :happy1: :rolleyes:

looks damn tasty though!!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/23/24, 07:02:40 PM
Dinner fer 2 tonight as well.  Momma has shrooms n asparagus going topside while the pooches and I take of business outside.  I should probably leave room for desert tho... :sleazy:
What's with no eating your spargas??   :undecided:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/23/24, 07:06:20 PM
Dinner fer 2 tonight as well.  Momma has shrooms n asparagus going topside while the pooches and I take of business outside.  I should probably leave room for desert tho... :sleazy:
What's with no eating your spargas??   :undecided:

looks great!! 

and yea why not!!??!!    :rotflmao: :happy1: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/23/24, 08:15:26 PM
Great looking food you guys.  I have a pkg of beef ribs from a quarter we got and they look great.  3 big 10" ribs with a lot of meat on them too.  Will smoke them tomorrow.  I love beef ribs so I hope I can do them justice.  They are already rubbed and in the frig.  Also an EVOO mist on them too. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/24/24, 12:03:59 PM
Here is a shot of them.  They are full of meat too.  They weigh about 1 1/2 lbs ea. 

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/03/24/IMG_2220.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/IMG-2220.YhUJ)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/24/24, 01:08:45 PM
(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/03/24/IMG_2221.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/IMG-2221.YiHB)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/24/24, 01:53:43 PM
I've never had ribs like this.  Was always 4 bone plate.  These are the thin bone surrounded by meat.  I will show another pic when done. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/30/24, 09:43:48 AM
Venny backstrap, asparagus on da grill. :hubba:

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/03/30/1000001241.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/1000001241.ePbH)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/30/24, 09:48:02 AM
your wife is going to be mad at you for not sharing that with her!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

don't say the katchup is for the venison!!!   :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on March 03/30/24, 09:51:02 AM
Prolly that and the aspargus... :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/30/24, 10:00:43 AM
your wife is going to be mad at you for not sharing that with her!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

don't say the katchup is for the venison!!!   :puke:
well it sure as hello ain't Fer the taters! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/30/24, 10:35:46 AM
your wife is going to be mad at you for not sharing that with her!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

don't say the katchup is for the venison!!!   :puke:
Sue wont eat vension off the grill......its why i make it when she's gone or i'm at the cabin!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/30/24, 10:42:01 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/30/24, 10:49:58 AM
your wife is going to be mad at you for not sharing that with her!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

don't say the katchup is for the venison!!!   :puke:
Sue wont eat vension off the grill......its why i make it when she's gone or i'm at the cabin!!! :happy1:

dats the best way!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on April 04/06/24, 01:38:06 PM
For lunch… vortex chicken legs with a chuck of pecan.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/06/24, 01:45:56 PM
looks great Coop!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/06/24, 03:39:33 PM
 :happy1: :happy1: nummy!!!!!!! :hubba: :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on April 04/07/24, 05:24:14 PM
Smoked pepper, creamcheese, bacon wrapped chicken

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/07/24, 07:17:57 PM
That looks so good.  I can even smell it.   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/08/24, 09:28:03 AM
Here is a shot of them.  They are full of meat too.  They weigh about 1 1/2 lbs ea. 

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/03/24/IMG_2220.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/IMG-2220.YhUJ)
I've always wanted to try smoking some beef ribs, but everytime I go to look at them, I realize I could buy two full pork racks for around the same price!  :doah:   So I just stick with them!  :tongue: 
Click-the pic.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on April 04/08/24, 12:05:52 PM
Cub has these flavored pork loin filets on sale BOGO right now so I picked one up to make for dinner tomorrow night. My late husband used to cook these for us all the time, but I don't recall how he made them! Should I grill it since it will be nice outside tomorrow or are they better to cook in the oven? Any tips will be appreciated! Thanks fellas!  :happy1:

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/08/24, 12:34:33 PM
they are very grilled or baked!!!   just don't over cook them...  cook them to an internal temp of 142 to 145 and then let it rest a few minutes...  then slice and serve!!! 

some times they have cooking ideas on the package too...   good luck!!   I really like those too!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/08/24, 12:59:08 PM
Agreed! Have done lots of them on the charcoal Weber. Seared then cooked indirect. Sometimes add apple or other wood to the smoker boxes when doing that. Depending on the fire, wind, etc., to get it temp-wise where chef mike recommends takes about 10-12 minutes per side. And he's 100% right. Don't overcook. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/08/24, 01:11:32 PM
My vote is for the grill. Over charcoal and I throw a chunk of 2 of wood right in the charcoal. I do it indirect and like Mike said don't over cook.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/08/24, 01:48:31 PM
The grill sounds great but all we have done it bake them.  Like all said it doesn't take long and watch that temp.  They are as tender as anything I have ever had.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/08/24, 02:05:44 PM
Cub has these flavored pork loin filets on sale BOGO right now so I picked one up to make for dinner tomorrow night. My late husband used to cook these for us all the time, but I don't recall how he made them! Should I grill it since it will be nice outside tomorrow or are they better to cook in the oven? Any tips will be appreciated! Thanks fellas!  :happy1:
Sorry to hear about your husband. My wife also likes these a lot and I too cook them mainly on the grill for us.  I also like cutting up the left overs thin and making some tasty sandwich out of it.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/08/24, 02:12:52 PM
Oh ya, best sandwich meat ever!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/08/24, 04:51:18 PM
Here is a shot of them.  They are full of meat too.  They weigh about 1 1/2 lbs ea. 

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/03/24/IMG_2220.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/IMG-2220.YhUJ)
I've always wanted to try smoking some beef ribs, but everytime I go to look at them, I realize I could buy two full pork racks for around the same price!  :doah:   So I just stick with them!  :tongue: 
Click-the pic.

These ribs are what we got when we bought the quarter of beef.  They turned out real good too. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/08/24, 06:30:45 PM
Not trying to change the subject,  but it's a good thing it's a school night. Momma has her tv schedule so I should be able to tip toe na night... :surrender:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/08/24, 06:50:01 PM
Not trying to change the subject,  but it's a good thing it's a school night. Momma has her tv schedule so I should be able to tip toe na night... :surrender:
hallmark all lined up boober!!!!!11 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: or is it lifetime?????

looks dynomite bud!!!!!!! :hubba: well cept maybe the cooked pineapple!!!! :pouty: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/08/24, 07:06:09 PM
Ya but, the right way of fried taters makes up fer it.. ;) :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/08/24, 07:08:46 PM
it all looks great Bobber!!!   grilled pineapple is great!!! 

is that On Glenn's list???   :scratch:

just checked the list, does not say grilled pineapple, just just canned and fresh....
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/08/24, 08:12:38 PM
The sausage and spuds looks epic.  We like pineapple so maybe grilled would be fun to try. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on April 04/09/24, 08:41:07 AM
So for indirect grilling, do I just move the meat to the side of the pile of charcoal? I'm new to grilling and so far I guess I've only been doing direct heat - placing the meat over the pile and letting it cook. Thanks for the tips guys!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/09/24, 08:43:42 AM
that's right for indirect cooking, you will do just fine!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/09/24, 09:31:20 AM
That'll work. There are no rights and wrongs.

A lot of what I do was learned by trial and error. What I usually do now since I've got a Weber Performer is light the charcoal in the baskets, quick sear whatever needs searing once the coals are gray, remove the grate & pull the baskets apart to the outer edge of the fire pit. Then I can put a drip pan between them then put the meat back on. Have also pulled the baskets apart first once the coals gray off, put the drip pan in, then put the meat on and sear it just before it comes off, what's known as a reverse sear process.

Before I had the Performer, for many moons I'd light the charcoal pile, then separate it into two piles when it grayed off & put the drip pan in following the same process as above. Doing that also allows me to place the smoker boxes over the two piles of coals if I want more smoke flavor. It's a process but it's worth it. Also worth at least couple G&T's!🍸     
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/09/24, 10:12:20 AM
So for indirect grilling, do I just move the meat to the side of the pile of charcoal? I'm new to grilling and so far I guess I've only been doing direct heat - placing the meat over the pile and letting it cook. Thanks for the tips guys!
My rule of thumb is thinner meat, pork chops, steak, brats direct heat, thicker longer cooking meat, pork loin, chicken indirect heat, coals on one side meat on the other. Smoking is a different animal and I never do ribs or pork butt on a grill.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/09/24, 10:44:09 AM
That's a good way to look at it Leech.  I have a 3 lb bag of chicken breasts thawing out now.  Not sure how I will cook them.  I usually bake them with spices and olive oil on them.  I am afraid being boneless the grill may dry them out.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/09/24, 10:49:21 AM
That's a good way to look at it Leech.  I have a 3 lb bag of chicken breasts thawing out now.  Not sure how I will cook them.  I usually bake them with spices and olive oil on them.  I am afraid being boneless the grill may dry them out.
Bacon wrapped?   :confused: :scratch: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/09/24, 11:15:09 AM
OOOH!!  Now you are onto something there.  I will check the freezer.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/09/24, 11:22:16 AM
That's a good way to look at it Leech.  I have a 3 lb bag of chicken breasts thawing out now.  Not sure how I will cook them.  I usually bake them with spices and olive oil on them.  I am afraid being boneless the grill may dry them out.

also inject them!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on April 04/09/24, 06:16:40 PM
Happy to report in that my first time grilling a pork loin filet is a success! 😁👍🏻😋 Tastes just like my husband used to make! 🥰
Thanks for the suggestions guys! I'm really starting to enjoy doing my own grilling!

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/09/24, 06:43:27 PM
I knew I shoulda tied her legs together,  how embarrassing..

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/09/24, 06:50:38 PM
great looking meals Sharon and Bobber!!!!  those darn legs right Bobber!!!     :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/09/24, 07:54:47 PM
Looks great Sharon!!!! Glad to hear it was a success. Chicken looks tasty Boober.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/09/24, 08:00:49 PM
I knew I shoulda tied her legs together,  how embarrassing..
Could have shoved the beer can up there and had tender beer can bird!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/09/24, 10:50:14 PM
Happy to report in that my first time grilling a pork loin filet is a success! 😁👍🏻😋 Tastes just like my husband used to make! 🥰
Thanks for the suggestions guys! I'm really starting to enjoy doing my own grilling!
Very nice. So what did you do with the taters and veg.  Gravy, little garlic butter, melts cheeze??
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on April 04/10/24, 07:46:13 AM
I enjoyed mine plain, but John added seasonings and a glob of butter of course. 😁😋
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/10/24, 12:19:38 PM
I knew I shoulda tied her legs together,  how embarrassing..
Not sure I woulda ate those taters thinkin where they might have been.  Just sayin'
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/10/24, 01:01:39 PM
Knowing Mrs. Boober's propensity for hot pursuit following his grilling exploits, I wasn't sure he was talking about the chicken!  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on April 04/10/24, 05:47:39 PM
Grilled Picanha

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/10/24, 06:47:36 PM
Looks great, what is picanha?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/10/24, 06:52:52 PM
Looks great, what is picanha?
I'd guess something from Morey's fish shack. :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/10/24, 06:54:55 PM
Picanha (pronounced pee-kawn-yuh) is a cut of beef from the upper rear of the cow. It's also known as a sirloin cap, and sold in North American grocery stores as a top sirloin cap roast, rump cap, or coulotte steak. Whenever you hear the word “cap” after a cut of beef, that means that the fat layer is still attached.

looks great Cooperman!!!  bet it was good too!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/10/24, 06:55:35 PM
Looks great, what is picanha?
I'd guess something from Morey's fish shack. :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/10/24, 07:23:54 PM
Great info Mike.   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/14/24, 07:57:08 PM
Grilled pork chops,  baked taters, and cooked Califlower.

Califlower had alit to be desired! :confused: was a green gaint product 

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on April 04/14/24, 09:26:52 PM
Shingeling your roof again huh?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/15/24, 04:22:02 AM
Shingeling your roof again huh?
:rotflmao: putz! :tut:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on April 04/16/24, 07:48:03 AM
I feel like I'm on a roll here! Last night was my first time grilling chicken drummies and they were fantastic! John said they were juicy and delicious and he went back for seconds, so that's gotta be a good sign! 😁👍🏻🍗😋

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/16/24, 08:01:34 AM
yes they do look good!!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/16/24, 08:13:37 AM
chicky over charcoal!!!!!!!! :hubba: :hubba: :hubba:

are you trying to fatten that guy up a bit Sharon?  :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/16/24, 08:16:01 AM
chicky over charcoal!!!!!!!! :hubba: :hubba: :hubba:

are you trying to fatten that guy up a bit Sharon?  :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

and what's wrong with that!!!   good for her!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/16/24, 08:17:58 AM
They look real good.  Nice brown to them.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/16/24, 08:46:02 AM
John said they were juicy and delicious and he went back for seconds, so that's gotta be a good sign! 😁👍🏻🍗😋
Its a sign he is a leg man.  :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jrasmussen on April 04/16/24, 10:37:17 AM
Well we already know Sharon is a breast kind of girl  :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/16/24, 01:47:30 PM
Some yummy drummies!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/17/24, 09:16:06 PM
While the cat's away, the mice will play. Unfettered by the threat of unwanted groping or being violated, could let my creative juices flow. Pig steaks seasoned w/sweet smoky rub, seared, & grilled indirect to allow the apple wood from the smomer boxes to do its thing. Baby reds from the air fryer, Mrs. G's slaw & of course glenn's fave. :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/18/24, 08:47:12 AM
Dotch...  (in his own mind)

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/18/24, 09:39:14 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Yes, I slather myself with KC Masterpiece before every bout with the Mrs. I find if she catches me, she winds up licking her fingers a lot, allowing me to escape unscathed... :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/18/24, 12:09:30 PM
[q glenn's fave. :happy1:
[/quote] my knife!!!!!!!!  :scratch: :scratch: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/18/24, 02:43:41 PM
 :scratch: I don't see any buttered noodles, either!! :confused:  :puke:        ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/18/24, 02:50:09 PM
:scratch: I don't see any buttered noodles, either!! :confused:  :puke:        ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:

or chives in the cottage cheese!!!   :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/18/24, 02:51:57 PM
:scratch: I don't see any buttered noodles, either!! :confused:  :puke:        ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:rotflmao: his loss! :mooning: :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/18/24, 02:53:07 PM
:scratch: I don't see any buttered noodles, either!! :confused:  :puke:        ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:

or chives in the cottage cheese!!!   :rotflmao: :happy1:
why spoil chives! :confused: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/18/24, 02:58:20 PM
  Could be he only has chili noodles on hand!!  :bonk:  Looks great Dotch!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/18/24, 03:26:06 PM
:scratch: I don't see any buttered noodles, either!! :confused:  :puke:        ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:

or chives in the cottage cheese!!!   :rotflmao: :happy1:
why spoil chives! :confused: :mooning: :rotflmao:

enhaces it!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/18/24, 09:05:12 PM
For an encore, these chicky thighs were callin' my name. Slipped them in under the radar before the Mrs. returned from WI. Applewood rub, seared, grilled indirect w/pear wood in the smomer boxes tonite. Basted with my T 105 R 21 Sec. 7 famous BBQ sauce. Homegrown buttercup squash, sweet corn,  & cottage cheese. Gots me some prime leftovers 😋

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/19/24, 06:35:17 AM
That really looks good.  Chicky thighs on the grill are about as good as it gets.  I may have to do that once the chili is gone. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/22/24, 06:52:47 PM
Ribeyes and the fixins 

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/22/24, 06:55:54 PM
We had what I call Chucks Chicken.  My brother and I both have Green Mountain pellet grills.  Haven't used mine for awhile.  Had chicken thighs at 400 degrees for 45 minutes.  Best ever.  His idea.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/22/24, 07:05:38 PM
Ribeyes and the fixins

3 of them with 2 of you...   dog sure eats good too!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

do you cut it up in bite size portions for him too????   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/22/24, 07:07:07 PM
 :tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: dog gets the fat........i get leftovers in the near future!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/22/24, 07:20:09 PM
:tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: dog gets the fat........i get leftovers in the near future!!!!!!!

while the wife eats peanut butter!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/22/24, 07:24:38 PM
Homemade kaboobs,  I'm done like dinner!!!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/22/24, 07:24:43 PM
:tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: dog gets the fat........i get leftovers in the near future!!!!!!!

while the wife eats peanut butter!!!
well......anniversary is over........... :sleazy: :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

J/K.she ate steak too!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/22/24, 07:27:01 PM
Homemade kaboobs,  I'm done like dinner!!!
hey..do you cheat and buy them or go all out and do them up yourself?????
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/23/24, 04:19:09 AM
Homemade kaboobs,  I'm done like dinner!!!
hey..do you cheat and buy them or go all out and do them up yourself?????
Momma cut everything up around lunchtime and thru em in a marinade.  Sometimes we do cheat and still take em off and marinate also.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/23/24, 08:16:28 AM
Homemade kaboobs,  I'm done like dinner!!!
hey..do you cheat and buy them or go all out and do them up yourself?????
Momma cut everything up around lunchtime and thru em in a marinade.  Sometimes we do cheat and still take em off and marinate also.
:happy1: :happy1:i like me a good kabob.........just never made them myself......seems like alot of screwing around!!! :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on April 04/23/24, 09:04:50 AM
It's a laborious process but well worth it. For a smaller batch, sometimes I'll use a couple packages of lamb chops. For a big feed, I like taking a couple half legs, cubing them up & marinating them for a day or two. The leftovers are awesome! I just hope she didn't wear ya down to a nub boober... :smoking:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/23/24, 10:01:31 AM
have made them and also bought them...  always good eats...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/23/24, 10:29:34 AM
We have made them a few times but been awhile.  We have put all meat on skewers and veggies on the others to control time better but kind of like mixing them up on the skewers.  Now I am getting interested too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/27/24, 07:10:39 PM
We went all out tonight,  grilled pizza burgers and Ramen noodles! :happy1: :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/27/24, 07:14:33 PM
no ketchup???    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

burgers are always good eats!!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on April 04/27/24, 07:47:04 PM

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/27/24, 07:49:55 PM
Love pizza burgers.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/28/24, 07:39:23 AM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea but i really like those stupid things and there quick and easy to make!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/28/24, 07:43:59 AM
and really good for the A1C numbers too!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/28/24, 07:44:51 AM
and really good for the A1C numbers too!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:rotflmao: :happy1: its why they make medications!!!!!! :happy1: :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/28/24, 08:05:13 AM
I hear ya!!  so far no drugs yet for me...   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/28/24, 08:10:59 AM
i have my yearly coming up on May 6th. last year after all the results where in.......the docs report said.........retirement is working well for Glenn!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:

i' way more active now that i'm retired then when i was working.....sitting behind a desk really wasnt my kind of thing. and up and down and the store 40 times a day dont hurt either.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on April 04/28/24, 08:20:25 AM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea but i really like those stupid things and there quick and easy to make!!!!! :happy1:

To preserve ramen in its storage condition, it is preserved with tertiary-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ). It is a petroleum-based product that is hard to digest and is also found in pesticides and lacquers. It makes the noodles hard to digest, therefore allowing the body to be exposed to this chemical for a longer period of time than normal. It will also impede your body from taking in other nutrients.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/28/24, 08:28:54 AM
 :happy1: i know there not the best for ya......but we might make them once a month..........
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/28/24, 08:33:54 AM
I like them too. And everything thing is bad for us. So might as well eat what we like.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/28/24, 08:34:24 AM
Wow that doesn't sound good.  I don't think I have ever had Ramen. Maybe once years ago
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on April 04/28/24, 08:36:51 AM
yea I can't recall eating them either?   :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/28/24, 08:38:36 AM
I like them too. And everything thing is bad for us. So might as well eat what we like.
yea like bacon...........ALL that animal fat!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :moon: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/28/24, 08:55:23 AM
I like them too. And everything thing is bad for us. So might as well eat what we like.
yea like bacon...........ALL that animal fat!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :moon: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
But natural animal fats our bodies know what to do with that.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/28/24, 08:57:33 AM
I like them too. And everything thing is bad for us. So might as well eat what we like.
yea like bacon...........ALL that animal fat!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :moon: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
But natural animal fats our bodies know what to do with that.
yea throw that stuff around the belt line!!!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/28/24, 09:03:06 AM
That and the beer too.  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/28/24, 10:26:45 AM
So noodles n burgers, fish, chili am I missing anything else, cereal???  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/28/24, 10:31:00 AM
So noodles n burgers, fish, chili am I missing anything else, cereal???  :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: nope pretty much nailed it! :happy1: :rotflmao: well sketti ya forgot!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/28/24, 12:28:10 PM
Rubbed these last night and again this morning.  Just putting them on the smoker.  Hopefully I can post the pic.  They smell great.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/28/24, 12:36:23 PM
Wow those look smashing lps!! Your gonna need some help putting them away!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/28/24, 02:12:25 PM
I usually wrap my pork ribs after 2 or 3 hours.  Might wait till a solid 3 hours before I wrap these.  I am spritzing with apple juice too.  I think that should become standard procedure from now o
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on April 04/28/24, 04:07:22 PM
Warmed these up today frombthe flat grillnyesterday. Phhillicheese burgers

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on April 04/30/24, 06:44:53 AM
Not much to show but here is the leftover beef ribs.  Was a lot of meat on them. 

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on May 05/01/24, 08:32:27 PM
Tonight I made some chicken breasts on the grill and I did a quick last minute marinade and they turned out pretty good! 😋😋

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/01/24, 10:06:25 PM
Not much to show but here is the leftover beef ribs.  Was a lot of meat on them.
Wish I could afford to make beef ribs!   :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/02/24, 06:18:40 AM
That one bean is getting pretty close Sharon.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  Really that looks great!  Love grilled chicken.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/02/24, 11:41:35 AM
That one bean is getting pretty close Sharon.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  Really that looks great!  Love grilled chicken.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

does look good........but notices she's a breast gal!!!! get your guys minds outta da gutter......i mean poultry white meat.  :confused: :tut: :tut:

i used to not care what type of chicken or turkey i ate......but starting to get away from white meat. especially after the  first meal. now it heads to the chow mein recipe or soup!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on May 05/02/24, 12:17:53 PM
Sure glenn...chase her away like yu did reiny and reb and raul...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/02/24, 12:26:40 PM
Sure glenn...chase her away like yu did reiny and reb and raul...
:rotflmao: but your still here! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :mooning: :rotflmao:

think you might have forgot a few too!!!!!!!! :nerd: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jrasmussen on May 05/02/24, 02:43:32 PM
That one bean is getting pretty close Sharon.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  Really that looks great!  Love grilled chicken.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

does look good........but notices she's a breast gal!!!! get your guys minds outta da gutter......i mean poultry white meat.  :confused: :tut: :tut:

i used to not care what type of chicken or turkey i ate......but starting to get away from white meat. especially after the  first meal. now it heads to the chow mein recipe or soup!!! :happy1:

I made the same comment in the other place. I agree the chicken white meat is for hot dishes and what not.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on May 05/02/24, 03:26:36 PM
Sure glenn...chase her away like yu did reiny and reb and raul...

Nah, I don't scare too easily!   :rotflmao: :bonk: :moon:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/04/24, 02:37:35 PM
With the Mrs. doing girls nite out, Poppy & I were left to our own devices. Poppy chasing cats & squirrels while I chased away malaria with the quinine syrup measuring apparatus & stirring spoon. Also trying to get the lamb from last year used up before tearing into the new stuff, especially the burger. Didn't disappoint. A little on the done side of medium but still juicy. Last year's string beans, Mrs. G's tater salad & slaw. Had everything eaten & put away by the time she got home. Amazing what I can accomplish when allowed to work unmolested!  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/24, 03:04:50 PM
 :rotflmao: and your foods not touching  just like Sharon  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/04/24, 03:14:44 PM
Man everything is touching.  Those beans are touching everything.       :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:   AND it looks darn good too!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on May 05/04/24, 03:53:45 PM
Seasoned chicken legs on the wood fire, and 10 lbs of ground brisket burger.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/04/24, 04:36:46 PM
darn good lookin chicky!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/04/24, 05:23:53 PM
Sure is Mike! You'll hafta tell us more on them brisket burgers coop!! Looks dynamite! And Dotch you ain't fooling anyone, with a belly full of boodles and lamburger,  you were done like dinner! Speaking of grilling,  if the mrs doesn't get back from walfart any time soon I'll be grilling under the lights as Dotch does.. no wonder why were easy prey.. :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/24, 06:17:01 PM
Sure is Mike! You'll hafta tell us more on them brisket burgers coop!! Looks dynamite! And Dotch you ain't fooling anyone, with a belly full of boodles and lamburger,  you were done like dinner! Speaking of grilling,  if the mrs doesn't get back from walfart any time soon I'll be grilling under the lights as Dotch does.. no wonder why were easy prey.. :surrender:
hey boober is she in any of them Walmart pictures you see on book of faces?? :scratch: :doah:

Mikey wanted to know.  :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/04/24, 06:23:28 PM
don't blame me for your perverted thoughts!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/04/24, 06:34:53 PM
That chicken looks darn good.  Curious about the brisket burger too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/04/24, 08:04:32 PM
Sure is Mike! You'll hafta tell us more on them brisket burgers coop!! Looks dynamite! And Dotch you ain't fooling anyone, with a belly full of boodles and lamburger,  you were done like dinner! Speaking of grilling,  if the mrs doesn't get back from walfart any time soon I'll be grilling under the lights as Dotch does.. no wonder why were easy prey.. :surrender:
hey boober is she in any of them Walmart pictures you see on book of faces?? :scratch: :doah:

Mikey wanted to know.  :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
You think left handed like your cooking.. ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/24, 08:26:23 PM
Sure is Mike! You'll hafta tell us more on them brisket burgers coop!! Looks dynamite! And Dotch you ain't fooling anyone, with a belly full of boodles and lamburger,  you were done like dinner! Speaking of grilling,  if the mrs doesn't get back from walfart any time soon I'll be grilling under the lights as Dotch does.. no wonder why were easy prey.. :surrender:
hey boober is she in any of them Walmart pictures you see on book of faces?? :scratch: :doah:

Mikey wanted to know.  :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
You think left handed like your cooking.. ;)
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Scenic on May 05/04/24, 09:44:53 PM
https://photos.google.com/search/_tra_/photo/AF1QipNME8JOAwDNgd1yJiok8n8sghihhbbvvk6uHXyU (https://photos.google.com/search/_tra_/photo/AF1QipNME8JOAwDNgd1yJiok8n8sghihhbbvvk6uHXyU)

Was a turkey smoking day!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Scenic on May 05/04/24, 09:45:46 PM

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/05/24, 06:59:43 AM
Man those are beautiful!  :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/10/24, 10:41:16 AM

 :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jrasmussen on May 05/10/24, 10:51:08 AM
Mike are you stealing material from another outdoor forum?  :tut:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/10/24, 10:58:09 AM
Mike are you stealing material from another outdoor forum?  :tut:

too funny not to!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/10/24, 11:53:10 AM
Man it would be a lot of work hanging with those guys.  LOL
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on May 05/10/24, 06:55:53 PM
Tonight I made brats on the grill for the first time! I decided to start simple and grill up some Johnsonville Stadium Brats with some sauerkraut and baked beans! They're delicious!! 😋😋

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/10/24, 06:59:56 PM
excellent way to start!!!  now you can get the fresh brats!!!  good eats!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/10/24, 09:50:23 PM
excellent way to start!!!  now you can get the fresh brats!!!  good eats!!!
Right Mike.
Up at the camper for opener.  We had Andouille hot sausage brats from St. Joe's meats on the grill tonight! 😋
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on May 05/10/24, 09:51:18 PM
Just prepared a brisket for the grill tomorrow. Figured it would be a good day to have a long slow cook while I put the decking on the dock frame, thin the raspberries, move some firewood, and other seasonal chores. Don’t have the boat ready yet, so no fishing this weekend, which is fine with me.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/12/24, 06:36:14 PM
Gotta love brisket FW!!  1 round of 2 not so amateur hour opening weekend eyes, and a crappie, paired with tater tots n slaw.. ;) no catsup or noodles were harmed..lol.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/12/24, 07:31:13 PM
 :happy1: :happy1: looks like ya had to really pile on that breading to make them look bigger!!!! :evil: :sleazy: :shocked: :rotflmao: :rolleyes:

seriously looks good!!!!!!!! :happy1: what batter is that by the way????//
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/12/24, 07:33:07 PM
my guess is breading and yes it looks awesome!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: markn on May 05/12/24, 07:53:35 PM
Happy Mothers Day dinner for wife daughter and myself. Still in smoke stage now. Me happy. :happy1: :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on May 05/13/24, 07:51:50 PM
Steaks! It's what's for dinner! 😋😋

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/13/24, 09:08:27 PM
Yum. You are becoming a grill master!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/14/24, 06:55:54 AM
the butter is a great touch!!!!  :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/24, 08:38:58 AM
the butter is a great touch!!!!  :happy1: :happy1:
:scratch: :scratch: never tried thta.....what does it do?????
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/14/24, 08:48:45 AM
just gives it better taste...   a chef taught me many years that when he cooked/grilled steaks just before he plated them he dipped them in melted butter.. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/14/24, 03:41:21 PM
A buddy did that dip in melted butter on a camping trip.  Man was that a good steak.  I spray olive oil on them mid afternoon to hold the spices on.  Butter would be better.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/15/24, 06:29:22 AM
I read an article ask restaurant chefs about their secret ingredients.  I remember 2.

The first was butter.  Butter, butter, and more butter.  Cooking with more butter than you would ever imagine using.

The other was MSG.  I remember him saying, "It makes food taste good."
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/15/24, 07:22:06 AM
I just saw a Bourdain clip on youtube and he said you would not even believe how much butter is used by cooks.  Then he said I mean a lot of butter.  LOL
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/18/24, 10:04:40 AM
The wife is at the store but here is my idea for something to grill later on.  I bought 3 3lb bags of frozen chicken breasts so need to eat them.  I am thinking about doing them on the pellet grill.  Spice up the breasts and wrap with the bacon.  Cook at 400 on the pellet grill for about 25 minutes.  Pull them when at about 160 and let them sit for 10 minutes.  Sounds good in theory.  Read the idea online.  Mayhaps even baste with some bbq sauce or something else.  I will take pics if I get to do it.  LOL
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/18/24, 10:08:10 AM
porter house steak on the grill later...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/18/24, 10:20:53 AM
Oh man that is the top shelf piece of meat there.   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on May 05/19/24, 08:05:19 PM
Rounded up enough morels to make an easy decision to switch tonight’s menu from tacos to steak.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/19/24, 08:24:06 PM
Rounded up enough morels to make an easy decision to switch tonight’s menu from tacos to steak.
Dang, moved up to the Sartell area and just can't find any spots around here with all these Oaks!  :undecided:

Not asking for spots but what part of the state are you in? Just trying to gauge how far up they are now? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/19/24, 08:37:35 PM
Rounded up enough morels to make an easy decision to switch tonight’s menu from tacos to steak.
:pouty: sure wish I could afford steak. :confused: :doah: I'm  grilling pine cone up here  :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on May 05/19/24, 09:44:13 PM
Leech 30 miles north of Grand Rapids.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on May 05/19/24, 09:47:08 PM
Rounded up enough morels to make an easy decision to switch tonight’s menu from tacos to steak.
:pouty: sure wish I could afford steak. :confused: :doah: I'm  grilling pine cone up here  :shocked:

Don’t you get a discount from Teal’s?  Besides, I heard you catch so many fish that you are too busy with them to eat anything else.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/19/24, 09:59:14 PM
Leech 30 miles north of Grand Rapids.
Dang, so your picking blacks?  I have yet to find one of those.  Thanks. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on May 05/19/24, 10:28:34 PM
No, they were yellows.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/19/24, 10:30:26 PM
No, they were yellows.
Wow, I thought I heard only black morels grow that far north?   :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/20/24, 08:36:17 AM
Rounded up enough morels to make an easy decision to switch tonight’s menu from tacos to steak.
:pouty: sure wish I could afford steak. :confused: :doah: I'm  grilling pine cone up here  :shocked:

Don’t you get a discount from Teal’s?  Besides, I heard you catch so many fish that you are too busy with them to eat anything else.
I get 4 discount coupons per month. 1 is 10% off and 3 5% off. But they ain't no cub or cashwish. :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on May 05/20/24, 07:12:59 PM
First time making thick cut bone-in pork chops on the grill and they're turned out pretty good! 😋😁🥩♨️

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/20/24, 07:48:13 PM
First time making thick cut bone-in pork chops on the grill and they're turned out pretty good! 😋😁🥩♨️

t-bones next!!!  awesome!!!  :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/20/24, 09:15:59 PM
Thick bone in pork chops. One of my favorites. Yum!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jrasmussen on May 05/21/24, 04:39:40 PM
I love thick cut chops too. If anyone is in the Rogers area stop in to Center Cut Meats old downtown area. They sell them seasoned and will sell there seasoning in bulk. I buy it in a tub when I'm there, they will sell it in the shakers too. Really good stuff, people will swear the chops are smoked.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/25/24, 07:49:54 PM
Movie night so I shouldn't have to run...too much. Ribeyes,  shrooms n bacon wrapped taters. I did tho take a page otta Sharon's book and plop some butter on the last leg of the ribeyes journey!!!  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on May 05/25/24, 08:18:32 PM
You can’t put too much butter on anything.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/26/24, 06:38:06 AM
I'll bet you liked that butter flavor too!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/26/24, 08:00:09 AM
That looks great!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/26/24, 09:07:40 PM
Look out boober if the Mrs. comes after ya with a stick of butter & that look in her eye! :shocked:

   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=houWTeGvDDw   (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=houWTeGvDDw)

No butter, just lamborgers, beans & sunflower crunch salad. Been working on my footwork. Think it's paying off... :coffee:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on May 05/27/24, 08:54:43 PM
First time making burgers on the grill and they turned out great! 😋😋🍔🍔

EDIT - I'll see if I can re-upload the photos!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/28/24, 06:38:03 AM
awesome!!!   pic's not loading but burgers are hard to beat!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/28/24, 08:09:06 AM
fresh strawberries!!!  yum!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/28/24, 08:11:12 AM
It's about time you have your own grilling show on TV Sharon. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/28/24, 09:07:09 AM
First time making burgers on the grill and they turned out great! 😋😋🍔🍔

EDIT - I'll see if I can re-upload the photos!
Perfect memorial weekend meal!  :happy1:
By the way where did you get them grill tools?  Want um.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on May 05/28/24, 09:10:27 AM
First time making burgers on the grill and they turned out great! 😋😋🍔🍔

EDIT - I'll see if I can re-upload the photos!
Perfect memorial weekend meal!  :happy1:
By the way where did you get them grill tools?  Want um.

I'm not sure where we got them, they are my late husband's. He liked Craftsman tools and they made this grill kit with the Craftsman handles probably 20 years ago now. Maybe from Sears back then if memory serves me.  :smiley:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/28/24, 10:24:42 AM
I see those beans are strategically positioned in a bowl so as not to touch the rest of the food... :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/28/24, 11:32:54 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  Good point Dotch.  I forgot that program.  LOL   I usually just do ribs on the weekend.  Now being retired I keep saying I should do them during the week but just haven't.  Today I will be finally doing some ribs during the week.  I better go rub them right now.  Things are a little different when the Grandson is here.  AND that is a great thing!  LOL
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/28/24, 05:00:55 PM
First time making burgers on the grill and they turned out great! 😋😋🍔🍔

EDIT - I'll see if I can re-upload the photos!
Perfect memorial weekend meal!  :happy1:
By the way where did you get them grill tools?  Want um.

I'm not sure where we got them, they are my late husband's. He liked Craftsman tools and they made this grill kit with the Craftsman handles probably 20 years ago now. Maybe from Sears back then if memory serves me.  :smiley:
20 years sounds about right, the last time I was in a open Sears?  Might have to break out the Google to find them now?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/28/24, 07:23:00 PM
Found some on ebay. One set (used) was $20 for spatula, tongs, brush and fork. Another used set same as the first & includes a grill scraper for $35. Some new in the packaging yet for $75 - $80. Look decent, better than some of the stuff I use sometimes, especially the tongs. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/28/24, 07:28:55 PM
Found some on ebay. One set (used) was $20 for spatula, tongs, brush and fork. Another used set same as the first & includes a grill scraper for $35. Some new in the packaging yet for $75 - $80. Look decent, better than some of the stuff I use sometimes, especially the tongs.

careful Glenn will want a set!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/28/24, 07:36:46 PM
Found some on ebay. One set (used) was $20 for spatula, tongs, brush and fork. Another used set same as the first & includes a grill scraper for $35. Some new in the packaging yet for $75 - $80. Look decent, better than some of the stuff I use sometimes, especially the tongs.

careful Glenn will want a set!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Maybe he'll finally mail me something useful!  :pouty: :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on May 05/28/24, 07:38:27 PM

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/28/24, 07:47:39 PM
Those are pretty cool.  Never seen them before.  I like Craftsman stuff too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/28/24, 08:25:16 PM
Found some on ebay. One set (used) was $20 for spatula, tongs, brush and fork. Another used set same as the first & includes a grill scraper for $35. Some new in the packaging yet for $75 - $80. Look decent, better than some of the stuff I use sometimes, especially the tongs.
Dang it, now don't everyone go buying them all up now!   :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/28/24, 08:28:08 PM
Found some on ebay. One set (used) was $20 for spatula, tongs, brush and fork. Another used set same as the first & includes a grill scraper for $35. Some new in the packaging yet for $75 - $80. Look decent, better than some of the stuff I use sometimes, especially the tongs.
Shouldn't have said Google!  :tut:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on May 05/28/24, 08:49:23 PM
I made some real brats on the grill tonight rather than those pre-cooked ones and they’re fantastic!😋😁👍🏻

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/29/24, 12:00:07 AM
I made some real brats on the grill tonight rather than those pre-cooked ones and they’re fantastic!😋😁👍🏻
What's nice with brats. The left overs can be thin sliced and put into a cold pasta salad!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: markn on May 05/29/24, 06:27:32 AM
Or in scrambled eggs for breakfast. With Tabasco. :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/29/24, 07:34:40 AM
I used to love the precooked ones but they sure have changed over the years. I got 2 pkgs on sale and cooked one pkg and may throw them away.  But we do like the fresh ones like Sharon grilled.  Good job on those Sharon. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on May 05/30/24, 02:45:27 PM
Been wanting to try these for a while now, single Vortex BB ribs.
Cut and coated with Memphis dust. One hour on the grill.
Finished with SBR sweet & spicy. Very good! Will be doing these again.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/30/24, 02:49:51 PM
Been wanting to try these for a while now, single Vortex BB ribs.
Cut and coated with Memphis dust. One hour on the grill.
Finished with SBR sweet & spicy. Very good! Will be doing these again.
Where can i read more about Vortex BB ribs?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on May 05/30/24, 03:15:44 PM

found this Steve and Cooperman they look great!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jrasmussen on May 05/30/24, 03:58:37 PM
Interesting. I have been doing mine in the oven lately. Found a method online. 350 for two hours, sauce em and back in at 450 for 10 minutes. Turns out pretty good.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/30/24, 05:02:40 PM
That looks dynamite Coop!! The bowl resembles an old gas smoker water bowl.. which I have. I watched the video Mike,  fast and chewy ribs I'll hafta try!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on May 05/30/24, 05:10:42 PM
I used to do the 2-2-1 with baby backs and now they say how over cooked they are.  I changed to check them till a toothpick slips in easy and they are done.  Your method looks great and much quicker. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/30/24, 08:13:09 PM
Aldi ribeye n asparagas.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/30/24, 10:12:18 PM
Been wanting to try these for a while now, single Vortex BB ribs.
Cut and coated with Memphis dust. One hour on the grill.
Finished with SBR sweet & spicy. Very good! Will be doing these again.
Kind of reminds me of burnt-ends!   :happy1:   Where did you find that vortex deally?   :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on May 05/31/24, 08:18:22 AM
You can buy them online, but I had a stainless steel bowl I just cut the bottom out. Great for chicken wings. As for the single rib cook, you don’t need the vortex, you can cook/smoke on anything, just get the temp up to around 350
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/01/24, 09:14:24 PM
What's Dotch up to tonite? Marinated pork loins, dusted w/a little curry powder & smoked up with some apple wood. Glenn's fave cottage cheese & mikey's fave, horse terds! Good thing I've been doing my roadwork. Thought she had me cornered but managed to narrowly escape... :shocked:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on June 06/02/24, 07:13:26 AM
Looks delicious!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/02/24, 07:17:09 AM
Not everyone can slice butter like you can Dotch.   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/02/24, 07:37:54 AM
Not everyone can slice butter like you can Dotch.   :happy1: :happy1:
:happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: been a long time since i seen a 1lb whole block of butter.

i was beginning to think you hocked that knife for boodles!!!!! :surrender: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/02/24, 09:32:16 AM
Hope Creamery butter only comes in 1 lb. blocks. When I was a kid, we always had partial blocks on the table. Mom measured her butter for baking in measuring cups during the warmer months.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/02/24, 09:39:01 AM
Hope Creamery butter only comes in 1 lb. blocks. When I was a kid, we always had partial blocks on the table. Mom measured her butter for baking in measuring cups during the warmer months.

must be good stuff!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/02/24, 09:57:17 AM
It is. The process used to make the butter is European in origin. Very smooth & perhaps a tad more salt than most brands. The guy who owns it is a bit of an eccentric but a really nice guy. People come from all over & buy it by the case from Krause's, the little local feed store in Hope. We routinely make butter deliveries requested by friends & relatives when we visit them.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/02/24, 10:08:32 AM
All we use is real butter too.  I  quarters. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/02/24, 10:14:46 AM
who doesn't???    :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/02/24, 10:23:10 AM
Here's a link to Hope Creamery's website:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/02/24, 10:32:30 AM
I'll be there is a place less than 30 miles from here that sells it...  but a whole pound for just me??  I'd have to break it down...   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/02/24, 03:58:01 PM
If I ever see it around here I'd buy some.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/03/24, 07:39:12 PM
Good old fashioned burgers, and fresh spinach and  lettuce salad right from the garden.  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/03/24, 07:55:36 PM
good eats!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: tangle tooth on June 06/03/24, 09:30:39 PM
      Glenn, it all looks good except for that bottle of red stuff.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/04/24, 07:08:45 AM
      Glenn, it all looks good except for that bottle of red stuff.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning  natures nector!!!!!!!!!!!  :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/04/24, 03:26:06 PM
Looks good chum, but yeah that red stuff is for rookies! Lol. Hey what's up with Shadow, he join black labs lives matter group???  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/04/24, 03:27:11 PM
Looks good chum, but yeah that red stuff is for rookies! Lol. Hey what's up with Shadow, he join black labs lives matter group???  ;)

yea!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/04/24, 03:38:28 PM
Looks good chum, but yeah that red stuff is for rookies! Lol. Hey what's up with Shadow, he join black labs lives matter group???  ;)
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: naw thats my kids dog........i'm watching him while he has inside sewer work done at his house.  :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Pulleye16 on June 06/04/24, 03:56:10 PM
Did you call Guinness and register that French fry?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/04/24, 04:45:19 PM
Did you call Guinness and register that French fry?
nope  :rotflmao: but should have. ore ida fries are by far the best........wont buy any other kind!!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on June 06/05/24, 09:03:05 AM
Did you call Guinness and register that French fry?
nope  :rotflmao: but should have. ore ida fries are by far the best........wont buy any other kind!!!!!!! :happy1:
The local store has Our Family crinkle fries and they are better than the Oridas I think.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on June 06/05/24, 08:32:06 PM
My first time grilling kabobs tonight (before the brief thunderstorm!) and they turned out great! 😁😋🍖🫑♨️

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/06/24, 07:23:14 AM
that's good eats!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on June 06/06/24, 08:49:19 AM
They are on our short list too.  Those look great!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/06/24, 09:20:06 AM
Can't go wrong with kabobs!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/06/24, 03:05:03 PM
Looks great Sharon,  we do kaboobs quite often!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/09/24, 06:01:21 PM
I'll see your kaboobers Sharon (-1) and raise ya a few bacon wrapped taters! 2 beef and 1 chicken.. :happy1:  Gotta have leftovers this away.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/09/24, 06:39:21 PM
I'll see your kaboobers Sharon (-1) and raise ya a few bacon wrapped taters! 2 beef and 1 chicken.. :happy1:  Gotta have leftovers this away.
:hubba: :hubba: damn those look good! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/09/24, 06:40:22 PM
yes dey do!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/10/24, 07:58:15 AM
Aldi New York Strip...

Welp, we tried this New York Strip, Aldi Flat Iron steak (no pics), and Aldi Ribeye (posted earlier), and here is the verdict...
Meat is expensive these days and way too many steaks you get at the grocery store have no flavor.  I use this marinade:  1/4 c. oil, 1/4 c. soy sauce, a Tbsp. or 2 of catchup, a couple of cloves of garlic, a Tsp. or 2 of black pepper, and a splash of vinegar.

All of Aldi steaks were better than the local (unnamed) grocery store.   :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on June 06/10/24, 08:49:17 AM
Aldi New York Strip...

Welp, we tried this New York Strip, Aldi Flat Iron steak (no pics), and Aldi Ribeye (posted earlier), and here is the verdict...
  • The Flat Iron edged out the New York Strip for first place.  Every bite was tender and juicy and there was no waste.  It was just the right portion size.
  • This New York Strip was second.  It was a full 1 1/2 inches thick, which allowed me to put a good sear on and still cook it to medium rare.  I was stuffed after eating this one.
  • The Ribeye was good, but too much fat to trim.
Meat is expensive these days and way too many steaks you get at the grocery store have no flavor.  I use this marinade:  1/4 c. oil, 1/4 c. soy sauce, a Tbsp. or 2 of catchup, a couple of cloves of garlic, a Tsp. or 2 of black pepper, and a splash of vinegar.

All of Aldi steaks were better than the local (unnamed) grocery store.   :happy1:
But you didn't add a cost to Oz comparison in your review.  Which one cost the most?   :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/10/24, 08:51:52 AM
I like the top sirloin from Aldi's too... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/10/24, 09:06:37 AM
But you didn't add a cost to Oz comparison in your review.  Which one cost the most?   :scratch:
Not sure...  My wife buys 'em, I cook 'em.

I like the top sirloin from Aldi's too... 
We'll defiantly give these a try too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jrasmussen on June 06/10/24, 10:26:22 AM
Honestly wasn't aware Aldi had steak, never been in one. Am I missing something? I heard about the weird cart/quarter thing. Someone told me the produce is good.  :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/10/24, 10:35:16 AM
Honestly wasn't aware Aldi had steak, never been in one. Am I missing something? I heard about the weird cart/quarter thing. Someone told me the produce is good.  :confused:

John just like any store some will like it some will not...   at first I was very hesitant to go there...   but I did and have no regrets...   the fresh pizza is great too..  once you get used to having a quarter in your pocket all is good..  some girl scout type cookies are there too, at over 1/2 the price less... 

also you have bring your own bags and bag the stuff too...   no big deal...   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jrasmussen on June 06/10/24, 10:58:43 AM
Honestly wasn't aware Aldi had steak, never been in one. Am I missing something? I heard about the weird cart/quarter thing. Someone told me the produce is good.  :confused:

John just like any store some will like it some will not...   at first I was very hesitant to go there...   but I did and have no regrets...   the fresh pizza is great too..  once you get used to having a quarter in your pocket all is good..  some girl scout type cookies are there too, at over 1/2 the price less...

Hmm, maybe I will have to stop in one and check it out, I have one close to my house in Blaine.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/10/24, 12:02:51 PM
Aldi items can be miss and hit.  Try 'em and decide for yourself.  When we have the time we go to Aldi first and then the other store for what Aldi didn't have.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on June 06/11/24, 06:54:52 AM
We get just about all our produce from the Aldi in GR, it's much better than what Super 1 & WM has. Bread, milk, breakfast cereal, & sometimes some steaks there as well. Like mike said their Momma Cozzi's pizza is good too. I don't think we've really found anything we buy there that we don't like.  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/11/24, 07:20:40 AM
It's been a long time since I've been in an Aldis and ot was in st cloud. Unless they cleaned that place up I ain't buying food there.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on June 06/11/24, 09:11:15 AM
Made cheeseburgers on the grill last night and they were excellent with the cheese melted a little before pulling them off the grill! 😋😋🍔🍔

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on June 06/11/24, 09:57:18 AM
It's been a long time since I've been in an Aldis and ot was in st cloud. Unless they cleaned that place up I ain't buying food there.
There's a clean brand new one off 15 across from the Walmart in Sartell.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/11/24, 10:01:39 AM
It's been a long time since I've been in an Aldis and ot was in st cloud. Unless they cleaned that place up I ain't buying food there.

The one in Owatonna looks a little suspect. Doesn't seem to be a lot of cars parked in the lot... :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/11/24, 10:11:11 AM
It's been a long time since I've been in an Aldis and ot was in st cloud. Unless they cleaned that place up I ain't buying food there.
There's a clean brand new one off 15 across from the Walmart in Sartell.
I got 10 different food stores  well before I get to that one, I'll pass, not worth the gas. Not a fan of off brand products besides   :pouty:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/11/24, 10:11:54 AM
It's been a long time since I've been in an Aldis and ot was in st cloud. Unless they cleaned that place up I ain't buying food there.

from what I hear the St. Cloud location is over run by certain folks and not the cleanest...  seen the one in Sartell too..  in a nice area...   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on June 06/11/24, 10:29:22 AM
It's been a long time since I've been in an Aldis and ot was in st cloud. Unless they cleaned that place up I ain't buying food there.
There's a clean brand new one off 15 across from the Walmart in Sartell.
I got 10 different food stores  well before I get to that one, I'll pass, not worth the gas. Not a fan of off brand products besides   :pouty:
Well and plus the 5 finger discount you get at work!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/11/24, 10:35:37 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

plus the 10 percent discount!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: KEN W on June 06/11/24, 10:37:35 AM
I get quite a few things at Aldi. They have the lowest price for ribs when on sale. BUT.....I won't buy chips there. Got a bag home and they were all crushed. Also last week bought a box of Raisin Bran there. Got home and opened it and not 1 raisin in the whole box. Not buying that there anymore.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jrasmussen on June 06/11/24, 11:06:02 AM
I'll see your kaboobers Sharon (-1) and raise ya a few bacon wrapped taters! 2 beef and 1 chicken.. :happy1:  Gotta have leftovers this away.

Ok so somehow I missed this. Bobber does wrapping bacon around whole potatoes do anything for the potato or just to have with them? Never heard of anyone doing that before.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/11/24, 12:03:07 PM
 :confused: :pouty: yea the guy ruins all kinds of food with bacon  :confused: :bonk: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/11/24, 12:13:17 PM
This!  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/11/24, 12:16:35 PM

just had a grilled bacon cheddar burger for lunch!!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jrasmussen on June 06/11/24, 01:35:57 PM
:confused: :pouty: yea the guy ruins all kinds of food with bacon  :confused: :bonk: :rotflmao:

Glenn with your palate I don't you get to be a food critic.  :rotflmao:

I am fully aware bacon makes everything better, just didn't think it would do anything through the tatter skin.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/11/24, 03:14:05 PM
:confused: :pouty: yea the guy ruins all kinds of food with bacon  :confused: :bonk: :rotflmao:
I sometimes wonder if your part Somalian..lol!!
I'll see your kaboobers Sharon (-1) and raise ya a few bacon wrapped taters! 2 beef and 1 chicken.. :happy1:  Gotta have leftovers this away.

Ok so somehow I missed this. Bobber does wrapping bacon around whole potatoes do anything for the potato or just to have with them? Never heard of anyone doing that before.
Not really sure John,  been doing it for years. Used to always wrap in bacon then foil it to let the tater cook in the grease,  now I've just skipped the foil. I always slice the spud, add everything and eat the skin and all. That way you get fresh bacon in every bite.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/11/24, 03:16:43 PM
do you pre-cook the taters at all??   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/11/24, 03:24:29 PM
I found this.   :happy1:

Grilled Bacon Potatoes (https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/146282/grilled-bacon-potatoes/)

This recipe has you slice the potato part way thru in several spots (presumably to reduce cooking time) and adds brown sugar. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/11/24, 03:30:53 PM
Usually just a little Mike before going on the weber, but on the pellet grill I'll prep em with oil, salt and chuck em on as is ( after poking them of course) . Havnt tried bacon wrapped on the pellet grill, just over high heat..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/11/24, 06:28:37 PM
I found this.   :happy1:

Grilled Bacon Potatoes (https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/146282/grilled-bacon-potatoes/)

This recipe has you slice the potato part way thru in several spots (presumably to reduce cooking time) and adds brown sugar.

nice but leave out the brown sugar I think...  thanks to both of of you guys!!!    need to do more of them on the smoker!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on June 06/11/24, 09:34:47 PM
:confused: :pouty: yea the guy ruins all kinds of food with bacon  :confused: :bonk: :rotflmao:
:scratch: It might be good on your buttered noodles? :sick: :mooning::puke:     ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on June 06/11/24, 09:48:08 PM
I get quite a few things at Aldi. They have the lowest price for ribs when on sale. BUT.....I won't buy chips there. Got a bag home and they were all crushed. Also last week bought a box of Raisin Bran there. Got home and opened it and not 1 raisin in the whole box. Not buying that there anymore.
:scratch: We buy that there once in a while & ours is always loaded with raisins. :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/16/24, 04:22:57 PM
Note to self (and y'all)... next time i see Aldi steaks in the green plastic wrap 2-packs, stock up the freezer 'cause they musta been limited time only.

We cooked up Costco sirloins instead.  Mui bueno.  :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on June 06/16/24, 04:36:29 PM
Yes Steve-o, Costco sirloins are very good. We’ve been buying them for years.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/16/24, 06:11:53 PM
That looks dynamite Steve-o!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/16/24, 06:28:00 PM
That looks dynamite Steve-o!!!

sure does!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/16/24, 08:37:53 PM
We all know your the pickiest person when it comes to brats, but you should try these Glenn. Good flavor, ya they did swim in more beer before hitting the heat.. :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/16/24, 08:54:16 PM
 :rotflmao: if I remember them, I'd be willing to  try. I can always give it to the dawg! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/22/24, 04:29:03 PM
Costco calls these ribeye cap steaks, the one in the back is 2 1/2 inches thick, they all have some twine wrapped around them.  Thinking these should go on before the bacon wrapped spuds.. :confused:.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on June 06/22/24, 05:55:51 PM
Bobber, you’ve gotta let me know how you like them. I’ve been eyeballing them every time I go in Costco. Love the marbling.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/22/24, 06:35:18 PM
They are awesome coop, well worth it!  Paired them with a big pan of shrooms.  The big one I never touched ( breakfast I'm thinking) the other 2 was enough for us 2. Was looking like a rain out so the pooches and I had to improvise a smidge..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/22/24, 06:45:45 PM
they are cap on rib eye rolls, they just cut into steaks vs cap off...   good eats!!!   should be great eats!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/22/24, 06:58:47 PM
 :sleazy: where's da katchup!!!!!!!! :mooning: :evil: :mooning: :mooning: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/22/24, 07:07:24 PM
oh boy!!!   mushrooms maybe!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on June 06/22/24, 07:45:29 PM
We all know your the pickiest person when it comes to brats, but you should try these Glenn. Good flavor, ya they did swim in more beer before hitting the heat.. :happy1:
My wife and I really like the spicy Andouille brats from Coborn's and a few meat markets!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on June 06/22/24, 07:48:24 PM
spicy Andouille brats from Coborn's

have not seen them...   I would try them for sure!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on June 06/23/24, 08:52:17 PM
Will have to check out Cash Wise in Owatonna & see if they have them.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/30/24, 09:22:40 PM
 :sleazy: well looks Here.  Perfectly lightly "burnt" ham steak. :happy1: :rotflmao: paired with beans and hash brown patties my wife insisted upon.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on June 06/30/24, 09:45:02 PM
:sleazy: well looks Here.  Perfectly lightly "burnt" ham steak. :happy1: :rotflmao: paired with beans and hash brown patties my wife insisted upon.
Looks like you forgot to batter, your doughnut!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/01/24, 06:48:28 AM
:sleazy: well looks Here.  Perfectly lightly "burnt" ham steak. :happy1: :rotflmao: paired with beans and hash brown patties my wife insisted upon.
Looks like you forgot to batter, your doughnut!   :rotflmao:

the dog got it!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Flip8787 on July 07/01/24, 12:26:46 PM
Rack of ribs from this past weekend!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/01/24, 12:55:22 PM
very nice Flip!!  dry rub only??  I like them that way...   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/02/24, 06:57:00 AM
Had a couple of Aldi's petite sirloins yday for lunch that were really good. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on July 07/02/24, 08:56:15 AM
Had a couple of Aldi's petite sirloins yday for lunch that were really good. :happy1:
Where they wrapped in green packaging or just plain cellophane with a foam tray?

The local grocery store started selling the product below - I think it was the same as Aldi was selling.  Except Aldi was selling them in two-packs and charging a little less than what these guys were selling for one.  I wish I would have filled my freezer when Aldi had them.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/02/24, 09:43:50 PM
We got 3 of 'em, Steve-o, & the packaging looked a lot like these, but I think it was green on the other side.........https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=FdgmI4Bw&id=98137755330C9475A2F0A09F20792817142C99FB&th. They appeared to be without much marbling but were really tender at medium rare & there was no foam tray with ours.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/03/24, 06:37:06 AM
those are the ones I get too Gunner!!!   good eats!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on July 07/03/24, 07:46:15 AM
I'll go see if there r any left.  the one ls i got were grass fed (green wrapper) but I'll try those if i can find em.  thanks.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/03/24, 07:50:03 AM
never bought the grass feed one's just the one's that are usually there
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/03/24, 07:59:17 AM
i generally dont buy alot of meat like that over the counter wrapped in plastic/vacum packed. BUT , when my brother got the 1/2 from this home grown meats last fall it was all vacum packed. guess i'm old fashioned but i like mine in good old meat wrapping paper.

i noticed some of the prepattied burgers herent sealed tight. never had that issue with the over the countertype meats i have got, even after i froze it.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/03/24, 07:20:03 PM
Momma chopped up a chuck roast this afternoon with all the veggies and then marinated.  The little potato guys coulda used a little bit more time but the meat said I'm done... I are full!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/03/24, 07:29:23 PM
chuck roast, interesting and sounds great!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/03/24, 07:32:51 PM
That's how they do it. Fill you up, then back you into a corner and have their way with you...:embarrassed:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on July 07/03/24, 07:54:05 PM
Momma chopped up a chuck roast this afternoon with all the veggies and then marinated.  The little potato guys coulda used a little bit more time but the meat said I'm done... I are full!
That looks great! On the 4th weekend, our daughter in law always makes kabobs but with chicken. There really good but it would be nice to try beef sometime.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/03/24, 08:51:29 PM
That's how they do it. Fill you up, then back you into a corner and have their way with you...:embarrassed:
but.......one hellofa nightcap!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/04/24, 05:40:57 AM
Bobb that looks great!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/04/24, 12:00:36 PM
2 half-legs, marinated in apple juice, soy sauce, garlic, & a little curry powder. Applewood dry rub before putting it on the grill. Apple wood in the smoker boxes. About 50 minutes in. Should come off in a half hour or less. Cut it up in bite-sized pieces & put it in the crock pot for the gathering mid-afternoon. Save the bones in the freezer for soup this winter. Amazing what one can accomplish when left unmolested... :coffee:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/04/24, 01:08:42 PM
 :scratch: :scratch: does 2 - 1/2 legs make 1 full leg????

Mike was curious!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on July 07/04/24, 01:45:01 PM
My brisket burger, homemade bacon, smoked Cheddar cheese, brioche bun. Side of beans and chips

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/04/24, 02:07:06 PM
:scratch: :scratch: does 2 - 1/2 legs make 1 full leg????

Mike was curious!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

no leg to stand on!!!      :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/04/24, 02:34:11 PM
:scratch: :scratch: does 2 - 1/2 legs make 1 full leg????

Mike was curious!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

no leg to stand on!!!      :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/04/24, 02:34:49 PM
My brisket burger, homemade bacon, smoked Cheddar cheese, brioche bun. Side of beans and chips
:happy1: now that's a whopper!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/04/24, 02:42:40 PM
My brisket burger, homemade bacon, smoked Cheddar cheese, brioche bun. Side of beans and chips
:happy1: now that's a whopper!!!!!!
Sure is, looks great Coop and Dotch! I better get to Costco to find a reason to have a smoke..lol.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/04/24, 02:47:26 PM
My brisket burger, homemade bacon, smoked Cheddar cheese, brioche bun. Side of beans and chips
:happy1: now that's a whopper!!!!!!
Sure is, looks great Coop and Dotch! I better get to Costco to find a reason to have a smoke..lol.
so boober.........can you go into that place without costing ya a hundy or 2????? :crazy: :scratch:

there's a reason i dont go with my wfe there!!!!! :pouty: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/04/24, 02:52:40 PM
My brisket burger, homemade bacon, smoked Cheddar cheese, brioche bun. Side of beans and chips
:happy1: now that's a whopper!!!!!!
Sure is, looks great Coop and Dotch! I better get to Costco to find a reason to have a smoke..lol.
so boober.........can you go into that place without costing ya a hundy or 2????? :crazy: :scratch:

there's a reason i dont go with my wfe there!!!!! :pouty: :rotflmao:
I've done it before,  if I just go in the liquor store  ;) , but the store side it's easily 300 every time.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/05/24, 07:41:47 AM
My wife and I would have a great time there.  We shop well together.  LOL  Big bucks.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/05/24, 06:12:42 PM
First time this year with poppers, my timing will hopefully improve, they gotta little done before the rest but ya know, the toilet doesn't care... :happy1: :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on July 07/05/24, 07:10:55 PM
Action shot and results...

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/05/24, 07:19:12 PM
First time this year with poppers, my timing will hopefully improve, they gotta little done before the rest but ya know, the toilet doesn't care... :happy1: :rotflmao:

pepper jack!!  awesome eats!!!   Yum!!!!   :happy1: :happy1:

Steve that looks great too!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/05/24, 07:21:38 PM
We have some jalapenos to have poppers either tomorrow or the Sunday.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Flip8787 on July 07/06/24, 01:57:47 PM
very nice Flip!!  dry rub only??  I like them that way...

mike89   yes it is dry rub only! My wife prefers dry rub over sauced!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/08/24, 01:07:24 PM
Just put a rack of spare ribs on the smoker.  Will spritz after an hour and every half hour after or keep them wet anyways.  I was letting mine dry out on the smoker before wrapping.  Pretty big rack so cut it in half.  I hear so much about how the 2-2-1 for babies and 3-2-1 for spares was too long.  Our last baby backs I didn't do as long and they were juicier.  Till a toothpick goes in without feeling it is perfect I think.  I am kind of looking at 4 1/2 to 5 hours as a target.  I will wrap them after a couple of hours.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/08/24, 06:47:20 PM
Depending on the temp, that's along time. I'm in trouble this away, fried taters and Swedish potato sausage. I could play dead but I'll take my chances climbing chain link instead tonight.. :surrender:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/08/24, 06:59:01 PM
 Swedish potato sausage

darn good eats that is!!!!    :happy1: :happy1:

got one I just got from Maneas to try!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on July 07/08/24, 07:19:13 PM
Scored at Aldi.  :happy1:  Got the last/only one.  I'm startimg to wonder if they only put out a few at a time so jerks like me don't hoard 'em all.   :scratch:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/08/24, 07:22:28 PM
I shop early and that seems to help...  good score... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/09/24, 07:18:50 AM
We ate half of the rack last night and was so fatty that it wasn't much fun.  The thicker chunk we will try tonight.  One bite will tell me.  I put a lot of TLC into them too.  Must have been a bad rack. ??
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/09/24, 07:31:05 AM
We ate half of the rack last night and was so fatty that it wasn't much fun.  The thicker chunk we will try tonight.  One bite will tell me.  I put a lot of TLC into them too.  Must have been a bad rack. ??

if you bought St. Louis style ribs they will have more fat on them..   BB have the least
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/09/24, 07:37:08 AM
I shop early and that seems to help...  good score... 
We usually go to town on Wednesday & that's when everybody's sales for the week start too. We normally do L&M then WM before we get back to Aldi's around 11:00. It's not all that unusual that their best sale item in the meat department to already be all gone & they don't open 'til 9. It not just the meat department either, as a lot of their better sale items are a 1-time short run because of a limited quantity. So, if it's something we really want we go there just as they're opening as that's about when we get to GR anyway.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Scenic on July 07/09/24, 08:07:00 AM
Same way in Bemidji.  Great meat sales but just not a lot of it to begin with. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/09/24, 09:01:10 AM
It's just a way to get you in the store hoping you buy other stuff. :pouty:

A week ago Teals had a sale on chicken legs and thighs,  they went through 17 cases and got more in.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/10/24, 06:55:11 AM
 :pouty: Yeah, glenn, I was working at my uncle's grocery store which was 1 block from the main entrance to Hormel in Austin when I was 11 & by the time I was 13 I was running the cash register. My brother worked at the meat counter & helped our uncle write the weekly add for the Shopper. He was always talking about this week's "lost leader" even back then.................late 60's. A loss leader (also leader) is a pricing strategy where a product is sold at a price below its market cost to stimulate other sales of more profitable goods or services.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/10/24, 07:15:22 AM
I worked in my Grandma's grocery store at the same age that you were doing it Gunner.  I thought it was fun.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on July 07/10/24, 09:05:31 AM
Ugh.  I was boasting on my New York Strip Steak score from Aldi...   One was OK, but the other one was literally the worst steak I ever trimmed up.  It musta come of the end of the cow where you start cutting New York Strips because there was a big, thick, shoe-leathery tendon that ran right down the middle.  After I cut everything away, half of it was gone and I had to roll it and hold it together with a toothpick.  After that it was OK.

The moral of the story...  There is always a miss-and-hit aspect to shopping at Aldi.  I don't fault 'em.  And every once in a while you end up with a bad cut of meat - regardless of where you buy it.  I'll keep buying 'em at Aldi when I see 'em, but I might look a little closer at the packages before I dump them in my cart.

P.S.  I gave my wife the good 'un.  ;)  :chef:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/10/24, 09:45:13 AM
Good to know Steve-O. Haven't ventured forth to Aldi's but one of these days it might have to happen. Reputedly the produce section is decent at the one in Owatonna. With a local meat market where we have our lambs processed, along with access to home raised pork, whole chickens, beef, and a freezer with plenty of lamb in it, the meat counter probably won't be the 1st place there I visit.

I got a pair of gloves from one of the REC linemen boober. I find them indispensable for climbing the chain link fence after the Mrs. electrified it... ⚡⚡⚡ :coffee: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/13/24, 05:47:59 PM
Just about ready, momma has a broccoli  salad waiting.  Thing is with chicken, I always have room fer ice cream later on.. :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on July 07/13/24, 05:53:15 PM
Just about ready, momma has a broccoli  salad waiting.  Thing is with chicken, I always have room fer ice cream later on.. :happy1:
STOP posting these at dinner time!  :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/13/24, 06:06:21 PM
hot damn!!!!!! :hubba: :hubba: :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: tangle tooth on July 07/13/24, 06:45:19 PM
      Looks good. Dry rub?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/14/24, 07:08:33 AM
You sure know how to do it right Bobb.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/14/24, 08:41:41 AM
I hope boober made it over the chain link fence in time... :huh:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/16/24, 06:42:00 PM
Nuttin too serious tonight,  brats n zookini chips. The second round of the zookini done in the air fryer,  they are friggin delicious!! No need fer fries with these guys..

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/16/24, 07:16:55 PM
I always enjoy the toasted buns, but dang most of the time I forget to do it!!!!  good eats Bobber!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on July 07/17/24, 03:04:22 PM
Wow bobber that looks awesome. How do you make the chips?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/17/24, 06:46:00 PM
Wow bobber that looks awesome. How do you make the chips?
She's been picking the zookini little,  slicing and tossing them in oil with seasonings. Not sure if she flips them in the air fryer, but the parmesan cheese really adds some flavor.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/17/24, 06:49:15 PM
the cheese is a great added touch!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/17/24, 06:56:36 PM
about da only good place fer that zookini is in a cake!!! :surrender: :pouty:

may as well throw some cottage cheese on it!!!! :rotflmao: ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/17/24, 07:17:52 PM
about da only good place fer that zookini is in a cake!!! :surrender: :pouty:

may as well throw some cottage cheese on it!!!! :rotflmao: ;)
Don't you have some noodles to butter??  :rotflmao: :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/17/24, 07:39:06 PM
 :shocked: :shocked: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/21/24, 09:55:12 AM
After discovering the cupboards were bare, made an emergency  trip to Wagner's just before they closed. Hormel boneless center cuts, Mrs. Gerry's slaw & original recipe tater salad with some corn to round out the plate. Grilled this batch direct as I was going for speed. The wife had eaten already so wanted to let sleeping dogs lie. That & I was starving.  :coffee:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/21/24, 09:59:23 AM
dang thsat looks fantastic!!!!!!! my fav knife too!!!!  :sleazy:

kinda lookin like your takin a page outta Sharons book though??? :scratch: foods not touching!!!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/21/24, 10:22:34 AM
Man that is some good looking food Bobb and Dotch.  I wanted to plant a zucchini but never did.  Wonder if it is too late?  I have a pack of Nathans dogs that I am going to grill for lunch and them nuke the left overs for lunch tomorrow.  Will add Hormel chili and freshly chopped vidalia on them.  Sirloin from Aldi's later on.  It is thawing.   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/21/24, 02:56:32 PM
Barry, I dunno if there are any zucchini transplants left at any of the stores up there but they were tossed a few weeks back if you could even find them around here. I planted some from seed June 28th after buying a couple different varieties. Figured they were similar in maturity. Nope. The Dark Green was 50 days and the Black Beauty was 63 days. I stashed the Black Beauty and planted the Dark Green. They're coming along pretty well in this drier, warmer pattern we're in. Finners crossed that we go deep into the fall before it freezes. 🤞

Ya glenn, I thought about 'The Sharon Factor" as I was schlepping the vittles onto the plate, avoiding them touching as best I could, hence the little dish of corn. Can never be too careful.  :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/21/24, 03:10:25 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/21/24, 03:20:33 PM
Thanks Dotch I thought it was late.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/21/24, 06:55:37 PM
Pork steaks and the fixins.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/21/24, 07:14:17 PM
looks good!!  but where's the katchup???    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/21/24, 07:17:05 PM
*gasp* They're touching!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/21/24, 07:26:19 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Mike... I dont use katchup for everything.  :pouty: :pouty:  almost  :rotflmao: but not everything 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on July 07/24/24, 09:16:09 AM
Made some BBQ boneless porkchops on the grill last night! My first time slathering BBQ on chops while they're still on the grill and they're turned out great! 😋😋

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/24/24, 09:31:28 AM
Nice spacing... :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on July 07/24/24, 09:51:59 AM
Perhaps it is OK for two pork chops to touch each other, but don't let a pork chop touch a potato.   :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on July 07/28/24, 11:34:48 AM
Didn't have a chance to photograph the meal but we had fresh sweet corn, Mrs. G's coleslaw & mac salad plus a platter of these bad boys to nosh on. Grilled with Cavenders about medium. Getting down there on lamb chops. Have to look at the inventory for some new ones! 

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/28/24, 04:55:40 PM
Those look awesome!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/28/24, 05:15:47 PM
Yea he purposely didn't show the full meal picture  cause we .ight see the 3 dead gin bottles! :pouty: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/28/24, 05:24:43 PM
Yea he purposely didn't show the full meal picture  cause we .ight see the 3 dead gin bottles! :pouty: :rotflmao:
omg!!!  :rotflmao:  :rotflmao: :popcorn: :popcorn:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on July 07/28/24, 06:27:31 PM
And no side dishes.  Just meat! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on July 07/28/24, 06:47:27 PM
Nice picture, but they’re touching.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/28/24, 06:55:54 PM
mine would be too!!     :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on July 07/30/24, 07:48:23 AM
Last night I made bacon-wrapped stuffed chicken breasts on the grill for supper! John won these at a local charity's fundraiser meat raffle over the weekend and they were delicious! 😁👍😋 I need to remember to buy more charcoal soon since I've been grilling much more often!

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on July 07/30/24, 07:49:34 AM
looks and sounds tasty!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/01/24, 07:22:00 AM
I am still trying to improve my smoking baby backs and spare ribs.  I watched a video where a guy did 3 racks of spares.  One unwrapped, one wrapped in butcher paper and one wrapped in foil.  He did them for 2 hours and then wrapped the two of them.  He kept spritzing the unwrapped one.  He did them on his pellet grill at 275 for a total of 3 1/2 hours.  They all turned out great but the foiled ones were juicier, followed by the butcher paper ones and the unwrapped ones were the least juicy but still good.  I do them much longer than that.  I have been hearing that the 2-2-1 and 3-2-1 are way over cooked and I am starting to believe that.  His target was to get them to about 200 degrees.  ???
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/01/24, 07:34:35 AM
good thoughts LPS, 225 to 250 is where set the temp when I do them.. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/01/24, 06:46:19 PM
Chicken patties!! And  :tut: :tut: No it's not katchup. :confused: it's BBQ sauce

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/01/24, 06:54:09 PM
Glad you cleared that up... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/01/24, 07:06:36 PM
Glad you cleared that up... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:happy1: :happy1: well........i know you clowns all to well!!!!!  :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/01/24, 07:15:50 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/04/24, 07:17:58 PM
I grilled up the kabobs and as they were cooking the smell was great!!   good eats!!

on a side note those that have Coborns near them they have chicken kabobs on sale for $4.99 and beef ones for $6.99  this week..

home made ones are the best I'm sure... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/04/24, 07:57:21 PM
I grilled up the kabobs and as they were cooking the smell was great!!   good eats!!

on a side note those that have Coborns near them they have chicken kabobs on sale for $4.99 and beef ones for $6.99  this week..

home made ones are the best I'm sure...
PB&J's with them!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/04/24, 10:11:17 PM
Lamburgers not in the planet with mark's kaboobs but it's what I managed to toss together. Luckily the garden is starting to contribute. The Mrs. was too pooped to give chase after getting home from Freeborn Co. Fair so I could eat in peace.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/08/24, 07:44:59 PM
 :happy1: nummy.

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/08/24, 07:51:01 PM
I do like a pork steak cooked many ways.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jrasmussen on August 08/09/24, 07:20:19 AM
Yep I used to fry them most of the time, lately been grilling them a lot. I would take a pork steak over most cuts of beef steak.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/09/24, 07:22:51 AM
I like them instead of pork chops with onions, spuds and gravy baked till they fall off the bone. I may buy some today now.  LOL
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/09/24, 07:40:45 AM
i'll take a pork steak over a pork chop any day of the week.  :happy1: now, iffin my wifw browns a pork chop then bakes it in cream of mushroom soup fer gravy!!!!!! :hubba: :hubba:

i wouldnt go so far as to say i'd do pork over a hunk of cow though!!!!! :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jrasmussen on August 08/09/24, 08:22:01 AM
i'll take a pork steak over a pork chop any day of the week.  :happy1: now, iffin my wifw browns a pork chop then bakes it in cream of mushroom soup fer gravy!!!!!! :hubba: :hubba:

i wouldnt go so far as to say i'd do pork over a hunk of cow though!!!!! :doah:

I would take one over anything except a ribeye or a fillet. You probably eat your steak with ketchup!  :tut:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/09/24, 08:25:19 AM
i'll take a pork steak over a pork chop any day of the week.  :happy1: now, iffin my wifw browns a pork chop then bakes it in cream of mushroom soup fer gravy!!!!!! :hubba: :hubba:

i wouldnt go so far as to say i'd do pork over a hunk of cow though!!!!! :doah:

I would take one over anything except a ribeye or a fillet. You probably eat your steak with ketchup!  :tut:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: naw A-1!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: markn on August 08/10/24, 06:45:46 AM
Last night’s eats from the wedding shower. Went well. :happy1: :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Boar on August 08/10/24, 10:57:40 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/13/24, 06:11:26 PM
More brats n poppers,  momma paired it with sliced celery with cream cheese n dusted with bagel seasoning, chips, pickles n olives. Perty sure she's trying to get me to pack on the winter coat early... :confused:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/13/24, 06:22:24 PM
A masterpiece!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/16/24, 07:00:34 PM
Round 1 of 2. Yeah Yeah,  I crispened 1....or 2. Did up 2 walleyes and 2 crappies, momma did up some potatoe wedges in the air fryer along with some Cap'n Ken's beans. Not to mention the homemade tarter sauce was magnificent,  no pb&j was harmed.. :happy1:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/16/24, 07:34:08 PM
Round 1 of 2. Yeah Yeah,  I crispened 1....or 2. Did up 2 walleyes and 2 crappies, momma did up some potatoe wedges in the air fryer along with some Cap'n Ken's beans. Not to mention the homemade tarter sauce was magnificent,  no pb&j was harmed.. :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: some day youz guyz will come around!!!!!!! :bonk: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/17/24, 05:49:12 PM
Didn't have lunch today so we made Dotch proud and ate by 5..lol. Buttered the steaks after the flip, momma had shrooms and a side salad waiting when I came up. I should have room for ice cream around 8.... :surrender:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/17/24, 07:03:13 PM
great lookin meal!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/18/24, 09:05:35 AM
I did some chicky kabobs on the grill yesterday and packaged them "to go."

(Thanks, HD!  :happy1:)

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/18/24, 06:28:55 PM
some!!  holy moly those look great!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/18/24, 06:50:08 PM
Dang Steve-o,  that's a pile of kaboobs!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/18/24, 07:15:04 PM
 :scratch: :scratch: well..thye aint made it here yet!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/18/24, 07:31:00 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/19/24, 09:05:06 AM
:scratch: :scratch: well..thye aint made it here yet!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :rotflmao:
One pan went with us to have dinner with my mom.  The other to a friends after a surgery. 

I think they turn out better if you cut 'em up, skewer, and marinate them yourself.  When you get 'em pre-sticked at the grocery store, the meat chunks are bigger and there are fewer peppers and onions.  I just eat the leftovers cold.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/19/24, 08:17:33 PM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on August 08/21/24, 08:58:37 AM
It's that time of year again! My apple tree is producing and last night I made the first loaf of the season of my delicious cinnamon apple bread! I love the way it makes the house smell! My tree is a McIntosh and the apples are great for baking. I can't wait to make some homemade applesauce soon! 😁😋🥰

EDIT - Oops! I meant to share this in the oven thread, on the grill thread!  :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/21/24, 09:10:42 AM
That looks so awesome!!!!  :hubba:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/21/24, 09:59:26 AM
That looks so awesome!!!!  :hubba:

2nd that!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/21/24, 01:26:56 PM
Well... that should raise the blood sugar!! :rotflmao: looks great.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/21/24, 01:39:43 PM
Good job Sharon.  It does look great. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/21/24, 04:19:31 PM
That looks smashing Sharon,  your right about smelling up the house nicely.  Kinda reminds me of watching football and raking leaves season..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/23/24, 10:10:36 PM
Left to my own devices so grilled some lamburgers after chores & had a few libations to decompose after Crop Tour. Had plenty of help being the klutz I am... :coffee:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/24/24, 07:04:23 AM
 :confused: good friggin grief... there outta be prison time for what you did to them maters  :bonk: :rotflmao:

That poppy sure is a cutie!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/24/24, 08:04:22 AM
I just told the wife how good that looks with the cottage cheese on the maters.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/24/24, 08:11:12 AM
Last night

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/24/24, 08:40:01 AM
I just told the wife how good that looks with the cottage cheese on the maters.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Yeah, I usually cut 'em up along with a little onion too. :scratch: Might just have to try it that way...............WTH.  :sleazy:    ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/24/24, 11:14:36 AM
I just told the wife how good that looks with the cottage cheese on the maters.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
  I bet Glenn gives that a whirl tonight!!  :happy1: Looks good guys!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/24/24, 06:59:51 PM
I just told the wife how good that looks with the cottage cheese on the maters.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
  I bet Glenn gives that a whirl tonight!!  :happy1: Looks good guys!
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea...bet ole Glenn doesnt!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/24/24, 07:04:17 PM
What the heck, live a little Glenn.  You can get some on sale. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/24/24, 07:20:35 PM
What the heck, live a little Glenn.  You can get some on sale.
:tut: :tut: :tut: that CC stuff aint allowed past the front door!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/24/24, 07:30:35 PM
What the heck, live a little Glenn.  You can get some on sale.
:tut: :tut: :tut: that CC stuff aint allowed past the front door!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

put katchup on it!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/24/24, 08:43:22 PM
What the heck, live a little Glenn.  You can get some on sale.
:tut: :tut: :tut: that CC stuff aint allowed past the front door!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

put katchup on it!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Buttered noodle pb&J chili Mac might help also... :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/25/24, 08:02:05 AM
A buddy of mine used to put Western dressing on his CC.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on August 08/25/24, 08:09:16 AM
or french dressing too
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/26/24, 09:14:48 AM
A buddy of mine used to put Western dressing on his CC.
I use western dressing on my salad and I put cc on top of my salad. Good stuff.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on August 08/26/24, 09:42:57 AM
Still trying to wrap my head around this Butternoodle deal.  So it's a pile of carbs, soaked in cholesterol?   :scratch:  Sounds like a perfect side for a heart attack!    :doah: :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/26/24, 12:12:16 PM
 :scratch: Well, they are talking to him about a 2nd heart surgery. :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on August 08/26/24, 12:41:57 PM
Been watching some Alaska guys smoking salmon in their cool wooden smoke houses.  Would love to make one but I don't do enough volume to need it.  I think I will smoke some walleyes/saugers in my smoker.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/26/24, 01:04:23 PM
:scratch: Well, they are talking to him about a 2nd heart surgery. :rolleyes:
:tut: :tut: just a valve replacement down the road!!!!!

Leech...........its why they make medications!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on August 08/26/24, 01:08:40 PM
Been watching some Alaska guys smoking salmon in their cool wooden smoke houses.  Would love to make one but I don't do enough volume to need it.  I think I will smoke some walleyes/saugers in my smoker.
They also wrap a tarp around 3 trees for a smoker. That one's fast and cheap!   :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on August 08/26/24, 03:59:26 PM
:scratch: Well, they are talking to him about a 2nd heart surgery. :rolleyes:
:tut: :tut: just a valve replacement down the road!!!!!

Leech...........its why they make medications!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Yeah the old 350tid can only take some much Seafoam and valve jobs, before she blows!   :undecided:   :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/26/24, 04:13:05 PM
yea well i dont eat it every day!!!!!! :surrender: :pouty: :pouty:

i'd also venture to bet i eat more fruits  and veggies in a week then anyone of you guys eat in a month.....or 2!!!!!!! and my bloodwork comes out fine every 6 months!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on August 08/31/24, 09:59:10 PM
glenn: I ate all the vegetables in the bottom photo + 2 more ears of sweet corn. Hey, I worked right on thru HH! Tomorrow I'm having the septic tank pumped... :coffee:

Axully, hadn't grilled a steak in a long time. Brother dropped a couple T-bones here on his last visit. Wife was gone so no danger of being groped while I was eating.  :happy1: Altho Sharon won't love me anymore. I think Mrs. Gerry's slaw was touching my steak... :pouty:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/01/24, 09:33:41 AM
That looks wonerful Dotch!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/01/24, 09:40:15 AM
That looks wonerful Dotch!!!
:happy1: sure does!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/02/24, 07:21:16 PM
 :hubba: :sleazy:

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/02/24, 07:23:37 PM
Is that a turkey?   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/02/24, 07:28:51 PM
Is that a turkey?   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
yeppers  13lber I added some of the not so used up smoking chips to it. Man was it good. After a couple more meals rest will go in soup and chow mein.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on September 09/04/24, 12:21:56 PM
I made chicken breasts on the grill for supper last night. I sliced both of them down the middle so they cook quicker, dusted them with garlic powder and seasonings, and then brushed them with butter about halfway through grilling. They turned out delicious and juicy!! 😋🤤

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/04/24, 12:28:12 PM
they look mighty tasty!!!   you are the grilling queen!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/04/24, 01:16:07 PM
they look mighty tasty!!!   you are the grilling queen!!!
:happy1: :happy1: added bonus......its usually over charcoal!!!!!! :USA: :woot:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/04/24, 04:14:39 PM
They do look really good.  Good job Sharon.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/04/24, 07:08:21 PM
 :pouty: no pictures i was hungry.......just pizza burgers, cukes and maters and some korr type rice. i added a twist.....put pizza sauce on top of da burgers!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/04/24, 10:09:12 PM

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Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/05/24, 05:23:52 AM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/05/24, 09:27:12 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/07/24, 02:37:56 PM
 :confused: :pouty:HD won't let me post the picture,  says it's to big. :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: but that turkey I grilled last week was turned into a big Ole pot of soup goodness!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/08/24, 07:22:54 PM
Pork steaks.  Tried 2 new ways for sweet corn dang tasty.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/09/24, 08:11:03 AM
That looks great Glenn.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/10/24, 11:20:03 AM
  That does look good, but you can keep them noodles!! :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/10/24, 11:36:33 AM
I should probably mail glenn some Hope Creamery butter... :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on September 09/10/24, 01:58:02 PM
I don’t see one thing on that table you would put ketchup on?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/10/24, 02:53:43 PM
I don’t see one thing on that table you would put ketchup on?
Maybe he dunks them there a noodle looking things one atta time in the in red stuff  :confused: ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/10/24, 03:11:18 PM
I don’t see one thing on that table you would put ketchup on?

maybe on the maters!!!!    or cukes!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jrasmussen on September 09/10/24, 03:12:41 PM
At this point I think he just takes a shot of it through out the day.  :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/10/24, 08:02:36 PM
I don’t see one thing on that table you would put ketchup on?
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: just da noodles  Bubba, my world famous horseradish goes on the pork steaks.

Any you doofy yahoo can't tell me ya don't eat noodles.  :confused: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/11/24, 06:34:13 AM
not plain   :puke:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: markn on September 09/11/24, 07:34:06 AM
Sunny fish, corn, cukes and mators. Good eats. :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on September 09/12/24, 08:20:34 PM
Finally got a chance to grill w/o constantly looking over my shoulder for an escape route. Swiss cheesborgers & hamborgers, the beef kind. Had some my bro left in the freezer back in July. Add a few maters, cukes, cottage cheese & what's likely the last of the sweet corn.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/14/24, 06:30:03 PM
That looks great Dotch a plan well executed. Me, I went shoe less incase I had to hit the water.... :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/14/24, 06:47:05 PM
looks great!!  nice spread!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/15/24, 08:48:31 AM
Good job.  That does look great.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on September 09/15/24, 12:54:01 PM
Another week, another Vikings game!    Nice TD JJ  :dancinred:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/15/24, 12:55:26 PM
Looks awesome Leech.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: tangle tooth on September 09/15/24, 01:44:56 PM
      You don't need a Vikings game to enjoy a feast like that. Nice.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on September 09/24/24, 08:40:46 PM
I made brats on the grill for supper tonight. They turned out good and I think I'm getting better and better at this whole grilling thing! 😁😋
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/24/24, 08:51:28 PM
 :happy1: good darn thing there all brats... some are touching!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

They look good. And there not Johnsonville! :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: tangle tooth on September 09/24/24, 08:52:33 PM
      Why do you people do this? I see a great looking meal or food on the grill or something in the slow cooker right after I grab whatever is quick. I had a chunk of cheddar cheese and a can of Vienna sausages and then I see this.
      It's just not right.
      It looks very good, Sharon. Along with lots of mustard, onions and a couple of habaneros from the garden and a cold beer.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/25/24, 06:36:46 AM
single serve kraut, that's a new one to me!! 

great looking brats too!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/25/24, 08:34:42 AM
Speaking of brats...  I don't know how many of y'all ever heard of or went to Grundhoffer's Meats in Hugo and now satellite locations.

Their thing is over 100 flavors of brats, but their signature brat is their "World Famous" Gummy Bear Brat.  Long story short, I had occasion to try something different, so I bought a pack - hoping against hope that if it they promoted it so highly - it might actually be better than it sounded.   :puke:  It wasn't.   :bs:

God bless 'em, but the less you put in a brat, the better I like it.  That said, I also tried the wild rice brat, and that was just fine.  I'm sure there are brat flavors that work better than others - and different strokes for different folks. 

Still, I love Grundhoffer Meats and if you like flavored brats, check 'em out, but pass of the Gummy Bear unless you are cooking for kids.

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/25/24, 08:45:09 AM
single serve kraut, that's a new one to me!! 

great looking brats too!!
yea Mike.........until i started working at the store i never new about those either  :scratch: but then again i didnt realize how many wierd things a store could possible put on a shelf to sell!!!!!! :surrender: :crazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: tangle tooth on September 09/25/24, 09:09:19 AM
      Looking at the Grundhofers selection. There are some interesting flavors on that list.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/25/24, 10:18:22 AM
      Looking at the Grundhofers selection. There are some interesting flavors on that list.
give me just a plain ole brat. None of this crap in it  :happy1:

Do they make any for the oddball here?? With cottage cheese   :confused: :rotflmao: :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/25/24, 10:24:33 AM
I just couldn't do a gummy bear brat. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/25/24, 10:24:47 AM
No, but they do make one with horseradish!  Surely you would approve of that.   :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/25/24, 10:26:09 AM
Yes that sounds tasty for sure.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/25/24, 10:53:10 AM
no gummy here!!!   but there are a few flavors I would try if I was closer...  oh well....   thanks for the list Steve!!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on September 09/25/24, 02:30:11 PM
single serve kraut, that's a new one to me!! 

great looking brats too!!

I found those at Cub on top of the deli counter! Kinda nice if you don't eat it all that often and don't need to worry about an opened jar creating an aroma in the fridge!  👍😁
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/25/24, 03:08:18 PM
Those are some crispy wings Leech,  I like it!  Those brats look perfect Sharon and great idea on the kraut,  even tho I'm a diced onion kinda fella on brats. That is a huge selection of brats Steve-o,  wonder if they have a sample day?? Some I've made from scratch on that list but wouldn't mind trying some others. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on September 09/25/24, 04:16:31 PM
We always have a jar in the frig but those little pkgs are nice when traveling in the camper. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on September 09/25/24, 08:59:59 PM
Those are some crispy wings Leech,  I like it!
Thanks, I like crispier chicken.   :happy1:   We could never have chicken of any kind with my father-in-law.  He hated it after eating so much raw chicken on ship in the Navy.   :puke: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: tangle tooth on September 09/26/24, 07:34:34 AM
      On that brat list, what's the difference between bacon blue cheese and bacon & blue cheese? I think I would try both.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on September 09/26/24, 05:59:29 PM
Grape Koolid!   :puke:
I think they got the gummies, mixed up!  :doofus:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/30/24, 06:46:03 PM
Meat raffle steaks!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on September 09/30/24, 07:15:30 PM
looks like great eats!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/01/24, 07:27:50 AM
With a little Heinz 57.  That is good stuff.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/01/24, 07:31:49 AM
With a little Heinz 57.  That is good stuff.   :happy1:
thats the wife's.....i prefer A.1!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/01/24, 07:51:43 AM
I like a shot of each at different times.  57 is great on turkey or chicken.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on October 10/01/24, 08:14:15 AM
 :scratch: We like 57 on chops or pork steak.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/01/24, 11:39:21 AM
I like a little 57 once in a while. Usually if the steak is decent, seasoned well, & not grilled to the point you can lace it up, I don't need it.  :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/01/24, 12:31:25 PM
butter salt and pepper here
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on October 10/01/24, 12:47:31 PM
The difference between Heinz 57 and A1 remind me of the difference between Pepsi and Coke.  Some folks will only drink one and despise the other.  Me...  I'll drink either soda and not care.  Same with H57 and A1.  They're taste different, but their the same thing.  At that point I'm tasting the steak sauce and not the steak anyway.  Might just as well put ketchup on the dang....  NO!  I can't go that far.   :rotflmao:

But if the steak don't need anything, I ain't goona adulterate it with dipping sauce.  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on October 10/01/24, 01:03:10 PM
I’m almost exclusively salt and pepper, heavy on the pepper.  I used to use some Crosse & Blackwell steak sauce once in a while, but it’s no longer available.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/01/24, 02:13:35 PM
i only use the 57 sauce when i make my world famous sketti!!!!!!  :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/01/24, 06:15:31 PM
You guys are dipping your steaks n stuff in what???  :doah:   :bonk:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/01/24, 06:18:28 PM
On my steak I like Lawry's, pepper, garlic powder, paprika.  I usually do a drizzle of olive oil too.  Has to be pretty overdone to use 57 or A1 on it.  LOL
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/09/24, 07:54:25 PM
Big Ole ham steak  hash browns and mixed veggies! Enough leftovers for lunch tomorrow.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/10/24, 07:39:41 AM
Looks great!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on October 10/10/24, 09:18:39 AM
You guys are dipping your steaks n stuff in what???  :doah:   :bonk:
Exactly, If you have to hide your steak, you may as well be Vegan! 🫤
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/21/24, 06:37:05 PM
T-boners, taters wrapped in bacon and shrooms.  Momma had a side salad that I just didn't have room for. But i did save room fer a slice of strawberry cheese cake!! The salad will go to work tomorrow.. I are done...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on October 10/21/24, 06:38:32 PM
I hope you hid a spare key to the handcuffs... :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/21/24, 07:49:19 PM
Man Bobb you did good with that grill full.   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/25/24, 07:33:23 PM
Grilled a couple hunks of cow.  Vegans should thank me! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/25/24, 07:45:59 PM
good eats!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/26/24, 08:04:50 AM
Looks great!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/29/24, 06:45:44 PM
4 thick chops, 2 got brushed with Jack Daniel's sauce, paired with nekkid spuds n green beans. I did wash it all down with some homemade peanut butter cookies!!  :happy1: 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/29/24, 06:53:35 PM
looks awesome bud!!!!!!! they were diet cookies though ..............right!!!!!!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

we had swimmin sunfish.....skin on, and 3 of my personal favorites......whole cleaned, with PB&J's!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on October 10/29/24, 07:02:52 PM
looks awesome bud!!!!!!! they were diet cookies though ..............right!!!!!!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

we had swimmin sunfish.....skin on, and 3 of my personal favorites......whole cleaned, with PB&J's!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :happy1:
  to funny!!!   
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on October 10/29/24, 07:37:42 PM
Man does that look good, and peanut butter cookies?????   Now you're talking. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/01/24, 08:05:19 AM
this looks and sounds great!!  it has bacon on it so it has to be good!! 

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/01/24, 08:07:45 AM
Man that looks luscious Mike.  All of the tasty things I like. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/01/24, 10:31:15 AM
Nummy! I see Mrs. boober has let him come up for air occasionally since his last gourmet extravaganza but that's about it... :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/02/24, 07:36:05 PM
this looks and sounds great!!  it has bacon on it so it has to be good!! 


ya know the more I think about this I think a thin sliced ham would be great to for this!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/03/24, 06:36:02 PM
Last round of poppers, grilling under the lights at 5 sucks. Swedish potato sausage too boot, good thing momma started a new book..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/03/24, 06:59:36 PM
looks awesome!!  need to get some potato sausage, I'm out!!!   
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/10/24, 09:30:27 PM
Guessing boober was down for the count after that potato sausage extravaganza. Tri-tip under the lights at the ranch tonite, seared and grilled indirect. Sweet corn, sunflower seed salad & Mrs. G's mac salad. Used my nite vision goggles while performing evasive maneuvers... :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/11/24, 03:07:29 PM
Ooooo, yummy tri-tip!!!  I'm not buying it, after that performance Dotch you either slept with the Sheep or had no choice and rolled over!!  :bow: :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/18/24, 09:55:16 AM
Unmolested last nite, tossed together some center cuts, peas, winter radishes & of course glenn's fave.  😜 Those winter radishes work almost as good as prunes, Barry! 😉
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/18/24, 10:03:36 AM
Nice looking plateful Dotch.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/18/24, 12:55:55 PM
Nice looking plateful Dotch.   :happy1:
:happy1: got that right.....same plates we gotz......but that knife............. :hubba: :hubba: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/18/24, 01:01:52 PM
Pioneer knife envy... :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/18/24, 03:36:10 PM
Perfect Dotch! I bet dipping them chops in cottage cheese was a hit! Grilling while nobody is looking is usually the best.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: HD on November 11/25/24, 12:54:46 PM
Processing has slowed down some...so I tossed some poppers on the grill 😋
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/25/24, 06:21:21 PM
They are always good.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on November 11/25/24, 08:05:25 PM
Unmolested last nite, tossed together some center cuts, peas, winter radishes & of course glenn's fave.  😜 Those winter radishes work almost as good as prunes, Barry! 😉
Nice, are those the little 8 pack of pork loins in the freezer at Menards for $11.99?  :scratch:  And why is your shot cup, upside down?   :scratch:  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/25/24, 08:58:16 PM
Nope, those are Hormel center cuts for ~$3 per two pack at Wagner's grocery store in Bugtussle. Likely hogs from barns nearby. The shot cup is a Jack Rudy's jigger with levels marked on the inside of the small end for 1/2 oz. & 3/4 oz. When full the small end measures 1 oz. The Jack Rudy's tonic syrup goes in the glass at 1/2 oz. or 3/4 oz. I use the 1/2 oz. rate. Runs about 5g of carbs per drink. Dump that in the glass 1st, then 2 of the 1 oz. measures of higher end 90 - 94 proof gin. Add 6 cubes, a wedge of lime, & ~ 4 - 5 oz. of club soda. Stir & enjoy. I use the small end of the jigger so it doesn't drip tonic syrup all over the counter. It all winds up in the drink.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/26/24, 02:38:56 PM
Been reading about how 3-2-1- and 2-2-1 is to long for good ribs.  Have been changing my technique.  Now I do them rubbed and on the grill/smoker at 250 for 2 hours.  Should be about 165-175 by then.  Then wrap for another hour and they should be about 195-205.  They are now done.  Can unwrap and let sit on grill to dry out some.  I will be using my torch to brown them some at that point from now on.  SO done in 3+ hours instead of 5 for baby backs.  These were the best ribs I have ever made.  Meat pulled off the bones easily and were juicy as heck. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/26/24, 03:03:37 PM
how was the smoke flavor doing them that way?? 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/26/24, 03:15:14 PM
Atta boy lps, pretty similar to ours. If I do em on the charcoal grill they don't get unwrapped until we are ready to feast, they seem to dry out to much if I try to char em a smidge after wrapping.  The pellet grill doesn't so our method is similar to your new found version.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/29/24, 11:00:39 AM
Turkey turned out decent. I opted to just use the roasting rack & not the rotisserie due to the colder weather. Had a bag of Royal Oak charcoal leftover from our Canadian excursion so knew I wouldn't get as much heat out of it as the Kingsford stuff I usually buy. Grilled indirect, basted with a mix of apple butter, canola oil, apple cider, applewood rub & poultry seasoning, with applewood in the smoker boxes. Very moist but this bird was not brined. Breast meat was moist but not as tender as I was hoping. If I'm gonna continue to support the local grocery store, that's something I'm gonna hafta do myself. Seems like these smaller birds aren't as fat as they used to be and the way they're being bred, not the same birds I remember purchasing 20 - 30 years ago.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: roony on November 11/29/24, 01:51:04 PM
How did ya use to breed em?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/29/24, 02:30:36 PM
How did ya use to breed em?
:sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: carefully.....i hope!!!!!!! :shocked:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on November 11/29/24, 02:42:54 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on November 11/29/24, 10:31:03 PM
I don't understand.... :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on November 11/30/24, 10:00:30 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/07/24, 08:21:25 AM
Got a lb of italian sausage and one of garlic sausage.  Gonna make a couple of bacon wrapped fatties either today or tomorrow.  Will fill with onions a jalapeno chopped up and mozzarella in one and cheddar and onions in the other one.  Will take pics too.  Can't say enough about how much I like the new PB1250CS pellet grill.  Had the ol Green Mountain for 12 years and was time for an upgrade.  They have come a long way in 12 years.  Got it at Menards for about $700.  Another early Christmas present for the wife.   :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/07/24, 08:24:27 AM
Got a lb of italian sausage and one of garlic sausage.  Gonna make a couple of bacon wrapped fatties either today or tomorrow.  Will fill with onions a jalapeno chopped up and mozzarella in one and cheddar and onions in the other one.  Will take pics too.  Can't say enough about how much I like the new PB1250CS pellet grill.  Had the ol Green Mountain for 12 years and was time for an upgrade.  They have come a long way in 12 years.  Got it at Menards for about $700.  Another early Christmas present for the wife.   :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: damn you treat your bride well!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on December 12/07/24, 08:40:44 AM
 :scratch: Yeah, maybe that's why his stays home on the weekend too!! ;)  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/07/24, 08:44:42 AM
:scratch: Yeah, maybe that's why his stays home on the weekend too!! ;)  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :pouty: :pouty: i cant help it his fishing spot is out his front door and i gotta drive 3 1/2 hours to mine!!!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/07/24, 11:18:24 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/09/24, 06:17:18 PM
Got a lb of italian sausage and one of garlic sausage.  Gonna make a couple of bacon wrapped fatties either today or tomorrow.  Will fill with onions a jalapeno chopped up and mozzarella in one and cheddar and onions in the other one.  Will take pics too.  Can't say enough about how much I like the new PB1250CS pellet grill.  Had the ol Green Mountain for 12 years and was time for an upgrade.  They have come a long way in 12 years.  Got it at Menards for about $700.  Another early Christmas present for the wife.   :happy1:
Well, how them fatties lps? Been hankering to do some ourselves!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/10/24, 08:55:57 AM
I never did get around to doing the fatties so the italian ground pork and garlic ground pork turned into a veggie burger soup.  So good.  Here is a pic of the bacon wrapped poppers though.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/11/24, 04:58:27 PM
Had to share this.  Pretty darn good on a few levels.  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/CQvn_11ntwA?feature=share
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/11/24, 06:36:42 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Jerkbiat on December 12/11/24, 09:06:40 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: This is America honey. That was great.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Scenic on December 12/12/24, 08:26:08 AM
Had to share this.  Pretty darn good on a few levels.  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/CQvn_11ntwA?feature=share

Thats a good one!!      :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/12/24, 08:43:51 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/12/24, 09:12:43 AM
She sure put everyone in their place didn't she?    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/21/24, 06:30:59 PM
Grilled pike.  Kinda like poor man's lobster... only more gooder!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/21/24, 06:55:48 PM
sounds like Runnings doesn't carry Alpine touch any more... 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/21/24, 06:57:59 PM
sounds like Runnings doesn't carry Alpine touch any more...
:confused: bummer........i know i went in there a while back......and they switched seasoning vendors........ i really like there lemon pepper!!!! :doah:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/21/24, 07:05:55 PM
by the way fish with out the wife home!!!   bad boy!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

not sure but Scheels might carry and maybe McDonalds meats
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/21/24, 07:08:23 PM
by the way fish with out the wife home!!!   bad boy!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

not sure but Scheels might carry and maybe McDonalds meats
:happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:

she'll be home tomorrow night when i have the other fillet...........and she dont get none!!!!!! :mooning:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/21/24, 07:16:57 PM
by the way fish with out the wife home!!!   bad boy!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

not sure but Scheels might carry and maybe McDonalds meats
:happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:

she'll be home tomorrow night when i have the other fillet...........and she dont get none!!!!!! :mooning:

tomorrow too??   WOW!!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/21/24, 07:23:56 PM
She is supposed to be home tonight... i think! :rotflmao: :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on December 12/21/24, 07:34:57 PM
She is supposed to be home tonight... i think! :rotflmao: :surrender:

 :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/24/24, 03:30:19 PM
 :happy1: Christmas eve main course just put on the grill  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/24/24, 08:37:38 PM
damn.........forgot to take an after picture.............but everyone said it was good!!!!!! :sleazy: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on December 12/25/24, 08:23:47 AM
I forgot the after shot too.  But here it is. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on December 12/28/24, 09:49:43 PM
At long last, the Christmas feast. Lamb chops in Dotch's own secret marinade. So secret even he can't remember what's in it. Mrs. G's smashed taters, Dole sunflower salad & one of glenn's all time faves, cottage cheese. With the Mrs. in hot pursuit,  I looked at my WWBD (what would boober do) bracelet & ran to beat hell, making it to safety by the skin of my teeth.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/29/24, 08:14:20 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: knee must be gettin better................... :shocked: :coffee:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/29/24, 11:15:00 AM
 :rotflmao: :happy1: Looks great Dotch! And yes sometimes one needs to do your best OJ Simpson impression and hurdle fences!!  ;)
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/10/25, 06:23:50 PM
Pork steaks,  Mike's fav  :rotflmao: and spuds!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/10/25, 07:00:24 PM
Looks awesome! What? mikey doesn't like boiled horse terds?  :scratch:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/10/25, 07:06:08 PM
oh I like them dang little things but they have to be cooked right...   not boiled for sure...    :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/10/25, 07:10:48 PM
oh I like them dang little things but they have to be cooked right...   not boiled for sure...    :rotflmao:
:scratch: :scratch: never gave it athought about grillin them!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/10/25, 07:17:15 PM
I wonder about smoked to.. 

I did a t-bone on the grill for lunch today...  dang it was tough!!    that's what happens when it ya get one from a meat raffle!!   but they are usually always good..  oh well.. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on January 01/11/25, 08:10:32 AM
oh I like them dang little things but they have to be cooked right...   not boiled for sure...    :rotflmao:
I like to roast them with olive oil, salt and pepper. Boiled, no way.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on January 01/11/25, 08:13:47 AM
That's a bummer when a steak looks great on the grill but ends up tough.  I went all of the way to town yesterday and got me a nice rack of baby backs.  Will do them on the pellet smoker today or tomorrow.  Not sure yet but sure looking forward to it.  Couldn't find any beef ribs. 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/11/25, 08:27:20 AM
oh I like them dang little things but they have to be cooked right...   not boiled for sure...    :rotflmao:
I like to roast them with olive oil, salt and pepper. Boiled, no way.
Coopy.......what do you mean by roast........under the broiler???? always looking for better ways to cook stuff!!!!!

i used to boil aspargus..........until i had some on the grill........now its grilled or raw aspargus!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on January 01/11/25, 08:46:26 AM
Winds are going to be gusting to 29 out of the NW tomorrow.  Will be doing the ribs today.   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on January 01/11/25, 09:01:25 AM
oh I like them dang little things but they have to be cooked right...   not boiled for sure...    :rotflmao:
I like to roast them with olive oil, salt and pepper. Boiled, no way.
Coopy.......what do you mean by roast........under the broiler???? always looking for better ways to cook stuff!!!!!

i used to boil aspargus..........until i had some on the grill........now its grilled or raw aspargus!!!!!

Put them in a ziplock bag with EVOO, salt and pepper, toss.
Spread out on sheet pan in oven set to 400*
Shake pan several times during for even cooking.
Sprinkle with a little more salt when you remove from oven
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/11/25, 09:12:00 AM
 :happy1: :happy1: how long to cook???????
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Cooperman on January 01/11/25, 09:24:05 AM
:happy1: :happy1: how long to cook???????
30 min. But keep an eye on them
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/11/25, 09:26:50 AM
:happy1: :happy1: how long to cook???????
30 min. But keep an eye on them
:happy1: :happy1: thanks bud!!!!!! :bow:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/11/25, 03:20:41 PM
You eat those Glenn? I'm proud a ya! I picked up some pre seasoned " fire cracker" sprouts from Slyvee last weekend,  good stuff!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on January 01/11/25, 03:45:04 PM
We love those and we will be doing your method.  They look great!  We steam them usually.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/11/25, 04:01:18 PM
You eat those Glenn? I'm proud a ya! I picked up some pre seasoned " fire cracker" sprouts from Slyvee last weekend,  good stuff!
never heard of those. Be interesting  not even sure were the closest slyvee is to me!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/11/25, 04:33:40 PM
You eat those Glenn? I'm proud a ya! I picked up some pre seasoned " fire cracker" sprouts from Slyvee last weekend,  good stuff!
never heard of those. Be interesting  not even sure were the closest slyvee is to me!

cities or south of you
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/11/25, 04:36:02 PM
You eat those Glenn? I'm proud a ya! I picked up some pre seasoned " fire cracker" sprouts from Slyvee last weekend,  good stuff!
never heard of those. Be interesting  not even sure were the closest slyvee is to me!

cities or south of you
st cloud could use a little more competition.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on January 01/11/25, 09:35:19 PM
We do the same thing with roasting the Brussels sprouts. I like to use the really coarse salt, kosher or from a grinder. I also like to add a small dash of balsamic.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/12/25, 07:33:13 AM
We do our asparagus like that too, but throw some cut up bacon in with it after coating it with a little EVOO. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on January 01/12/25, 07:58:58 AM
A little Parmesan cheese is good sometimes, too.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/12/25, 08:19:17 AM
 :happy1: May have to try that!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/17/25, 07:01:12 PM
Chicken boobies! These were melded in a zip lock bag with Mccormick poultry seasoning for 24 hours.  Tasty. More then likey won't be using the grill for a while now.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/17/25, 07:09:09 PM
great eats!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/28/25, 06:03:04 PM
Gotta have action shots! But it's dinner fer 1 tonight, paired with store bought tater salad, the toilet won't know the difference..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on January 01/28/25, 06:16:01 PM
That is a nice shot Bobb!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on January 01/28/25, 06:40:27 PM
Grilling in solitude without fear of an ambush. Gotta love it. :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on January 01/28/25, 06:44:29 PM
where's the beer!!!   looks great Bobber!!!    :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/02/25, 08:25:33 PM
Flew under the radar tonite as the Mrs. met some friends in Albert's Leaf for supper. Tri-tip under the lights with no evasive maneuvers necessary. Some corn & baked beans to round out the plate, washed down with a Leinie's I found in the fridge.  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/02/25, 09:21:41 PM
 :scratch: that laptop in the background? Is that were you send all that porn from?? :confused: :rotflmao: :surrender:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on February 02/15/25, 09:03:39 AM
Valentines dinner... :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/15/25, 09:14:33 AM
Looks great Steve-o! Can't say I've done a steak on my indoor grill.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/15/25, 09:32:12 AM
BUT... did it get him anywhere! :sleazy: :scratch: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: tangle tooth on February 02/15/25, 09:49:14 AM
BUT... did it get him anywhere! :sleazy: :scratch: :rotflmao:
You mean like a full belly and gas?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/15/25, 10:38:34 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/15/25, 11:05:59 AM
BUT... did it get him anywhere! :sleazy: :scratch: :rotflmao:
You mean like a full belly and gas?
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea that to i guess!!!!!!! :rolleyes:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Steve-o on February 02/15/25, 01:13:20 PM
BUT... did it get him anywhere! :sleazy: :scratch: :rotflmao:
Wore my ankle weights so I couldn't run so fast.   :smoking:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/15/25, 05:57:13 PM
I can't get over that steak, it's huge! Gotta love your action shots Steve-o,  tonight it was easy peasy for us, bacon cheddar patties with more cheese.  Momma had fries n onions topside...
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/15/25, 06:09:37 PM
good eats!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: fishwidow on February 02/22/25, 12:13:32 PM
Nice enough to fire up the kamado today. Was in a smaller market in Virginia yesterday and came across some good looking porkettas. The rub looks a lot different than the typical grocery store type. Includes some fresh fennel. It’s usually a summer thing for us, but we’re ready to do one now.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/22/25, 12:23:09 PM
Nice enough to fire up the kamado today. Was in a smaller market in Virginia yesterday and came across some good looking porkettas. The rub looks a lot different than the typical grocery store type. Includes some fresh fennel. It’s usually a summer thing for us, but we’re ready to do one now.
yep grill's getting fired up tonight too!!!!!! :happy1: got us a hunk of cow and some chicken boobies to grill.

cookin up the chicken boobies for chow mien i've having a hankerin for!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/22/25, 04:53:00 PM
so got a question for all you food junkies............how long if ya do, take your food out to "warm up" to room temp before you throw it on the stove or grill???? i may set mine out maybe 1/2 hour 40 minutes max. and not always. iffin it was froze that's one thing, but.......

my mom and dad were notoriously bad at doing this. well dad because mom did it.  they would take certain things out in the morning, especially premade dishes, that were intended for supper.

until my brother put a stop to it when he was with mom at the cabin. think she still did it at home.   

just curious!!!!!!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: roony on February 02/22/25, 04:57:13 PM
I think with steak it's good to let it get close to room Temperature.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/22/25, 05:08:25 PM
I have set them out while preheating the grill or smoker.. 15 minutes or so…
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/22/25, 07:52:31 PM
 :happy1: :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/23/25, 07:55:55 AM
Looks good Glenn!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: tangle tooth on February 02/23/25, 08:44:49 AM
      Do you put frozen burgers on a charcoal grill?
      My wife will find a deal sometimes on pre-made, frozen burger patties. I don't mind that but when I put them on it REALLY drops the temperature inside my Weber kettle. Might not be too bad but if I'm grilling other meats or taters, I have heat issues.
      How do you handle this?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: roony on February 02/23/25, 08:48:02 AM
Let them thaw out first
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on February 02/23/25, 09:20:38 AM
My Dad and his buddies years ago said to get the perfect steak or burger put them on frozen.  Then the middle is pink when the rest is done.  ?????    I just put my pork belly on the smoker.  Should be bacon in a few hours.   :sleazy:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/23/25, 09:37:04 AM
Most everything sits in the fridge to thaw & then sets out for ~ 20-30 minutes, before it sees the grill here.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/23/25, 10:55:53 AM
      Do you put frozen burgers on a charcoal grill?
      My wife will find a deal sometimes on pre-made, frozen burger patties. I don't mind that but when I put them on it REALLY drops the temperature inside my Weber kettle. Might not be too bad but if I'm grilling other meats or taters, I have heat issues.
      How do you handle this?
i have never found a premade frozen burger i liked!!! now chicken patties or a select few pizza burgers are ok....i generally put them on frozen but they have been out for a bit as a season them!!!

for beef burgers i always go the ground route. not premade.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/23/25, 11:43:20 AM
Same here glenn. I've bought the pre-made frozen burger patties at the meat market thinking it would save me time. Taste nowhere near as good as buying a lb. or two of their fresh ground burger there and making the patties myself. And it really doesn't save me any time when using charcoal. The pre-made burgers still need to be thawed beforehand & seasoned while the coals are getting ready. I can vary the patty size too since that's a point of contention, especially when part of it comes to doneness.

We have a decent burger supply presently so between hamburger and lamburger, not buying much. I'll thaw it on the counter top in the sleeves for ~6 hrs., checking and turning it occasionally so it thaws evenly. I'm much more concerned about contamination from handling than any airborne pathogens. I wash my hands every last time they come in contact with whatever I'm thawing and wipe my hands with a clean towel or if one is not available, I use paper towels. I know where my hands have been and I'm obsessive about that. Before I even start, the kitchen counter surfaces & sink must be spotlessly cleaned with the plates having been run through the dishwasher, not to be reused at any point once the meat is thawed on them. The grill table must be clean as well before I set anything on it. The very last thing I want to do is make someone sick. When I buy fresh stuff, it's only out on the counter for the amount of time it takes for the coals to get ready & to season it. Probably warms it to near room temperature that way. Gives me time to have a cocktail as well. In the immortal words of Bob Dole, America wins!  :USA:         
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/23/25, 11:52:41 AM
I still really like the way my parents and grandparents made there burgers. They added oatmeal,  an egg and salt and pepper.  Guess back then it was a way to stretch the meat. Still really like it that way.

Now though I add a good dose on the Montreal steak seasoning.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: roony on February 02/23/25, 01:28:22 PM
When I made that 7 1/2 lb prime rib the directions I followed  said to leave it sit at room temp before applying the rub. I think refrigeration is over-rated. My Grandma said she would cut off the green part when she cut a piece off the hanging beef to prepare.
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on February 02/23/25, 01:47:05 PM
dry aging
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/23/25, 03:12:42 PM
I like glenn's advice: If it smells bad, don't eat it... :whistling:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/23/25, 03:18:43 PM
I like glenn's advice: If it smells bad, don't eat it... :whistling:
:rotflmao: :happy1: the world would be a much better place if more people took Glenn's advice!!!!!!1 :happy1: :rolleyes: :happybounce: :toast: :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: roony on February 02/23/25, 03:21:08 PM
Once you get past the smell you got er licked!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: tangle tooth on February 02/23/25, 10:18:19 PM
I like glenn's advice: If it smells bad, don't eat it... :whistling:
:rotflmao: :happy1: the world would be a much better place if more people took Glenn's advice!!!!!!1 :happy1: :rolleyes: :happybounce: :toast: :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao:
. You mean there are people who DON'T take Glenn's advice?
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/25/25, 09:06:27 PM
Snuck this one in under the radar. Wife took off for Albert's Leaf Hobby Lobby so I sprang into action. Lamborgers on the Weber a perfect medium, homegrown string beans, onion rings & cottage cheese. No Pioneer knives were harmed in the making of this meal... :whistling:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/26/25, 08:25:26 AM
 :happy1: looks good bud........but good gawd that CC is touching other edible food....... :confused: :confused:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/26/25, 08:45:29 AM
Dynamite as always Dotch!!
:happy1: looks good bud........but good gawd that CC is touching other edible food....... :confused: :confused:
I'd even slide some under the bun Glenn  :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Scenic on February 02/26/25, 12:07:10 PM
Looks good Dotch.  Nothing wrong with CC
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Dotch on February 02/26/25, 01:00:14 PM
CC is a "glenn" thing. You've seen "the list", haven't you Scenic?  :cool:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/27/25, 07:38:29 AM
 :scratch: Just in case he hasn't ;) :smiley:..................here is "Things a Smurf won't eat!! https://mnoutdoorsman.com/forums/index.php?topic=39754.0
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Scenic on February 02/27/25, 08:11:48 AM
CC is a "glenn" thing. You've seen "the list", haven't you Scenic?  :cool:

Yes I have.... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/10/25, 06:02:44 PM
Gotta late jump, so the time change is gonna work in my favor.  Mamma said so I jumped,  thinking a faster cook spatchcock got the nod. Almost there, the grand biscuits are in the oven , side salad and broccoli are ready..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/10/25, 06:19:08 PM
Just some smoked polish sausage 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/10/25, 06:40:28 PM
Gotta late jump, so the time change is gonna work in my favor.  Mamma said so I jumped,  thinking a faster cook spatchcock got the nod. Almost there, the grand biscuits are in the oven , side salad and broccoli are ready..
boober....roughly how long of a cook time???????

i gotta try me that once!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/10/25, 06:57:00 PM
Gotta late jump, so the time change is gonna work in my favor.  Mamma said so I jumped,  thinking a faster cook spatchcock got the nod. Almost there, the grand biscuits are in the oven , side salad and broccoli are ready..
boober....roughly how long of a cook time???????

i gotta try me that once!!!!!! :happy1:
didn't look at the weight of the bird but went close to 2hrs. Started it at 250 and bumped it up a few times to finish at 325. Probably woulda cooked faster over coals but they turn out super juicy this way..
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/10/25, 07:00:30 PM
Gotta late jump, so the time change is gonna work in my favor.  Mamma said so I jumped,  thinking a faster cook spatchcock got the nod. Almost there, the grand biscuits are in the oven , side salad and broccoli are ready..
boober....roughly how long of a cook time???????

i gotta try me that once!!!!!! :happy1:

cuts the cooking time way down!!   a good way to cook chicken!!!     :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Sharon on March 03/10/25, 07:42:21 PM
My folks like to make spatchcock chicken! Except my mom forgot the name of it and long story short we now call it Sasquatch chicken… 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: LPS on March 03/10/25, 07:51:59 PM
I did it once and it was great.  Need to do it again. On the grill.  Think I did it in the oven in the middle of the winter.  That looks great by the way.  :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/10/25, 08:06:16 PM
My folks like to make spatchcock chicken! Except my mom forgot the name of it and long story short we now call it Sasquatch chicken… 🤣🤣🤣🤣
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: leech is a big believer any all things sasquatch! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/11/25, 07:03:18 PM
Venny backstraps and da goodies!
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/11/25, 07:10:24 PM
Venny backstraps and da goodies!

please tell us no venison was harmed by any katchup!!!!!   :thumbs:

good looing meal!! 
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/11/25, 07:13:42 PM
 :rotflmao: OK i won't tell ya! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/12/25, 07:59:55 AM
My folks like to make spatchcock chicken! Except my mom forgot the name of it and long story short we now call it Sasquatch chicken… 🤣🤣🤣🤣
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: leech is a big believer any all things sasquatch! :happy1:
Well mainly Sasquatch turkey but OK.  😏
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: mike89 on March 03/12/25, 08:00:56 AM
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/12/25, 08:29:41 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

thought maybe you took your ball and went home  :scratch: noticed you havent been around much lately.  :doah: figured a sasquatch post would bring ya back!!!!!  :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/12/25, 08:39:12 AM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

thought maybe you took your ball and went home  :scratch: noticed you havent been around much lately.  :doah: figured a sasquatch post would bring ya back!!!!!  :happy1: :rotflmao:
Just got back from 10 days at the Golf of America!   :cool:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/12/25, 09:01:53 AM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

thought maybe you took your ball and went home  :scratch: noticed you havent been around much lately.  :doah: figured a sasquatch post would bring ya back!!!!!  :happy1: :rotflmao:
Just got back from 10 days at the Golf of America!   :cool:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :bonk: :bonk: welcome back bud!!!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: What's on the grill, folks?
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/12/25, 09:44:40 AM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

thought maybe you took your ball and went home  :scratch: noticed you havent been around much lately.  :doah: figured a sasquatch post would bring ya back!!!!!  :happy1: :rotflmao:
Just got back from 10 days at the Golf of America!   :cool:
leech...since you've been gone that long......maybe you need to catch up on current news........ pretty sure they now call that the Gulf of SpaceX debris!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: